#before they hurt themselves being adorkable
ebonysplendor · 7 months
I'm a Copycat Review 👯‍♀️
TL;DR: Declan is fucking nuts, and if you thinks that's fucking nuts, wait until you figure out the MC's back story because it's also, you guessed it, fucking nuts ... fuck.
Game Link: https://drcllemlon.itch.io/im-a-copycat
Notable Features: Side-image sprites, named MC, she/her MC, Yandere LI Spiciness: 1/5 -- Pretty wholesome, for the most part. A sex scene was implied and there's a suggestive-ish cg, but...meh, super tame LI Red Flags: 3.5/5 -- Gaslighter, animal abuse, stuck in the past, physically abusive
Want to know more? Well, let's get into it!
Yeah, I don't know why I dropped the "f" bomb so many times...? Well, anyways...
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Okay, so, excitingly enough, this was actually a requested game! Not only was it requested, but it was requested by the dev themselves. Allow me to flex for a singular second or two.
No, like, deadass, can everyone just forget about the game for two seconds and focus on me? Like, I'm actually hype about this! I didn't have to go game hunting! The game hunted for me. THE DEV hunted for ME. I'm just mad excited about that. That being said, if you didn't know you could send me requests, now you know lol.
Anywho, so, the game!
Admittedly, this game was a lot better than initially expected? If you've read my reviews before, you know I'm conceited and want to be absolutely immersed and live out my sick, twisted fantasy by self-inserting. Unfortunately, this game isn't a self-insert, and the start was a lil' slow, not gonna lie, but like once shit started rolling? I no longer cared about the lack of self-insert because lmaooooo it got kinda wild.
There really is something so lit about a game that you're like "...Yeah, I don't think I'm feeling this" or "I don't think I'm going to vibe with this" but then you're suddenly super invested, and you're just sitting there like "What the hell is going on?!". I can honestly say that that was exactly what happened, and gods damn it, am I glad that I stuck around for the madness.
That all being said, I think the intro is long enough. Let's get into the game, because lowkey excited to tell you guys about it. As always, I will give you as much information as possible without actually spoiling it because you just may have to gotta, really, totally play this for yourself
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So, boom.
We do the generic wake up in the morning feelin' like PDiddy thing and welcome the day with positivity. After admiring the sky for a little, we notice that there is that good breakfast smell in the air and rush into the kitchen, but not before putting on the glasses that our loving boyfriend always reminds us to wear -- don't wanna trip over any steps or anything like that haha ha... ANYWAYS!
Before we see the breakfast, though, we see the absolute snack that's in front of us. The snack is bae, and the bae's name is Declan. Look at this little cinnamon roll.
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To go off topic for a bit, I've seen cuter/more hot LI's but this one got the "adorkably cute" aesthetic pretty good, because he is lol. He's a dorky cute, and frankly, it's fitting.
Anywho, so we exchange our good mornings, eat our breakfast, and help Declan clean, even though he's adamant that we don't have to. I mean, sure, we could've not helped, but what kind of partner doesn't help with household chores?! Nah, we're gonna help the bae! So, we do, and...we get hurt in the process. It hurts, and Declan's freaking out a bit, but we get patched up -- even though we're not bleeding or anything -- and life is all good again.
We get dressed, making sure to wear our super cozy jacket to make sure we don't get cold -- even though, we're never cold but Declan always insists that we are -- and get our day with Declan officially started, but not before this weird little quip happens.
See, Declan gets a call from work, right, and he's trying to explain to them that we still aren't well after our car accident. Apparently, it was pretty bad, and we got some kind of amnesia from it, so Declan took some time off work to get us reacclimated to...well, life, but corporate ain't trying to hear that and told him to bring his ass back into work, like, yesterday. So, Declan somewhat finesses it and is able to get an extra day, but he's super sad that he has to leave us, and the feeling is definitely mutual. No worries though! Why? Because we've still got two days, so why not just make the most of it while he's here with us! Until...he falls ill, that is.
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So, us being the amazing girlfriend that we is, we take care of Declan like he's been taking care of us. After a little while, Declan just opts for sleep, and we let him do so. Sleep does help a lot when you're sick, after all!
Tending to ourselves, we try to make ourselves a fat bowl of totally not Lucky Charms, but Luck Jewels -- totally different, and not at all the same, so don't argue with or "@" me. Whether we're eating knock off Lucky Charms or a totally different cereal doesn't matter though because there's not really any of it left except the dust, not to mention we totally wrecked the shelf while trying to find something else to eat.
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This is a bit of a problem because we don't have a screwdriver to fix the shelf, and we're still damned hungry! We don't really have any choice but to go to the store, but for some reason, Declan's really weird about us leaving the house since we're still struggling with amnesia and remembering how certain things work, let alone how to actually do it properly or so he tells us. So, we put on a brave face, get dressed, take some money from his wallet, and head on out!
While scoping out the supermarket, we make note of these really bomb cupcakes in the window of a bakery and make a note to visit another day, but right now, we're on a mission, and we must stay focused, my bois! As planned, we get in there, get our cereal and a screwdriver. Okay! So far so good! Well, our plan kind've diverged when we run into this girl, and...huh...
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She damn sure looks...
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...a lot like us. More than a lot, actually. She's pretty much an exact copy. Well, that's...slightly uncomfortable and extremely confusing.
Clearly, she's thinking the same thing about us because she kind've rushes out before we can think any more about it or even say anything to her about it. We decide to follow suit and rush home ourselves to fix the shelf and finally eat something! We messed up a little though because we had gotten hurt -- again -- and Declan isn't exactly wearing glasses for no reason; he immediately noticed. We handle it pretty well though through some innocence and tears, and Declan drops the topic as soon as it comes up. Everything is gucci, again, and we're able to move on with our day and go to bed like normal.
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The next day rolls around, Declan goes to work, and we officially have the house to ourself and our trusted stuffed companion, Bruce. After some debate, we decide that today is the day we could go to that Bakery that we saw and get some of those cupcakes that we saw in the window. When we get there, something really odd happens.
The guy who works in the bakery is talking to us like he knows us, even going as far as to mention our dad. He starts trying to follow up with us and mentioned stuff about a break up, and this evil man, and someone named Mittens and...what the hell is this guy talking about?
So, of course, we're just standing there, because we came in for cupcakes, and this man just comes out of the woodwork with all this...information, and we don't know how to respond to any of it, but here's the even wilder part. Remember that doppelgänger we had saw yesterday? She's ends up coming into the bakery during all of this, and immediately, the man takes note of his mistake and allows us to go on our way. Like...what the hell was that?
Whatever though, we eat some of our cupcakes, hide the rest when Declan comes home, skip dinner (for obvious reasons), and get to bed. Fast forwarding a bit, we end up leaving out again, and we're feeling a bit adventurous and decide to buy some hair dye to color our hair like the girl that we saw because...well, we thought it was super pretty, and we wanted to be pretty, too, so it felt like the right thing to do lol. It...didn't come out well.
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Like, at all. Aside from the absolute disaster that our hair came out to be, we have an even bigger worry: How is Declan going to react when he sees us?
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Yeah, that's...what I thought.
Well, now...this is damned embarrassing, but still, Declan is our sweet and loving boyfriend! He loves us! Surely he wouldn't think it silly of us to want to dye our hair. Surely he wouldn't make fun of us for failing so miserably. Surely he wouldn't get angry that we snuck out to buy the hair dye. Surely he wouldn't get angry when he figures out that this wasn't our first time sneaking out. Surely he wouldn't lash out and turn into someone he isn't...
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Surely not.
And that's all I'm going to tell you! Aht, aht! Don't make that face! You know that I (usually) never tell you about how a visual novel ends! You gots to play it for yourself if you want to know how it ends, and trust me, you're going to want to know. Just a tip, this isn't even the "true" ending, and believe me when I say...
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It gets pretty wild.
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Okay, so this game is actually pretty good!
Y'all know I wouldn't lie to you, even if a dev specifically asks me to review their game, and let me tell you, I was not feeling it at first. I honestly truly wasn't. The start was kinda slow, there was a side-sprite of the MC, and there wasn't an option to put your own name in. I was pretty bummed because one of the main things for me is the option to self-insert, so for me, the game was kinda doomed from the start, and I probably wouldn't have downloaded it if I was just scrolling along and saw this game on my own, but listeeeeeen.
The plot itself, while it's nothing super innovative or anything, it was pretty damn solid. I really want to tell you the specifics but it would literally ruin the game as a whole. Honestly, from the title and just what I told you, you can probably gather what's going on, but how everything goes down and the information that we find out and ultimately how it all ends is a bit wild.
It's not a super choice heavy game, but the choices that are available -- and pay attention because this is about to be a "pro not really pro but something I think would be helpful to point out" tip! -- are essentially options that dictate how the second half of the story goes and what points you to the "bad" ending, the "good" ending, and the "true" ending, so keep that in mind.
The only gripe I have about the game is that the title is kind've a dead giveaway as to what's going on, especially when you play through like the first couple "scenes" or so of the game. Other than that, it's a pretty good read! It definitely kept me interested despite it being more "novely" (if you read my other review, that's a word I use to describe visual novels that have a more linear story line). Not to mention, the art style was pretty damn adorbs, and I liked that there was a lot of different CGs. I haven't run across a visual novel yet that's had as many CGs as this one has, so that was definitely a welcomed change because...well, I like art/drawings lol. Like, look at some of these images!
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Ugh, the amount of CGs just scratched my brain so correctly. I am a visual novel CG slut, I tell ya. Anytime there's a CG in a visual novel? I'm all over that shit. I love CGs. CGs for life. CGs forever.
Okay, that's enough gushing about the CGs...
ANYWAYS! That is my review of the game! Again, I thought it was a pretty solid read, and I recommend! It's free, so, what have you got to waste other than time? As per usual, I provide a link at the top, bottom, and within the review, and it is right here. Don't be shy! Go ahead click it, download it, play it, and share your thoughts on the dev's game page! Send them those lovely words of reassurance to let them know "Hey you! I liked your game, and I think you should make more!". As always, donations are super helpful as well, and if you want to be extra fancy, here is a link to the dev's tumblr page!
All righty! That's all from me this time around! Drink water, don't be dumb, and hope to see you around~!
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I'm a Copycat
8 notes · View notes
When Your Pendulum Pulls A Prank About The King Of Lust Being Your Ex...(Note To Self, Throw Salt On It Later)
[Note: Mature Reader Audience Only, also reading this post is optional meaning you don't have to read it if you don't want to. also this will talk a bit about the Toxic-Religious Groups as well as Toxic-Satanist being a part of that list of groups....also will be talking about the Adorkable Sweet Potatoes That are some Fans OTP, that are Fizz x Ozzie from Helluva Boss. and also talk a bit about Hazbin Hotel at some point as well, but also talk about the possibility of the Ozzie from our universe being my past life self's former lover...but for all I know my pendulum could be pranking me again, which once again, sometime this month I will use the salt on it. also there is a reason why this will have a tag that says "not for kids" just like most posts, even if the post might not be super mature or super graphic, it can still make some form of hints. so yeah, even if this post might not be super mature, I still rather have this be read by mature reader audiences only, but reading this post is still optional, so only read this post if you want to. ]
when I can, I will make a part 2 of the whole "Hazformers Ships: Blitzdust/Blitzhusk/Huskdust Plus More"
but before that I will do this post first, then post a drawing that is a Crossover drawing that also reflects on my new beliefs which still not gonna force convert, but at least some people know better than to force convert people and don't use the whole "if you leave you will go to h-e-double hockey sticks." but they will kick you out if you seem a bit "crazy" or if you are caught "selling their goods, which happens to be vegetables or fruits."
even though I wasn't a part of the religion that did that, but one of my family was, well I think two actually, one of them had to fake being crazy to be kicked out, and the other was falsely accused.
hopefully those who are part of the same religion as those jerks, don't keep someone from leaving by throwing that whole "You'll go to Heck" and making them too scared to leave so they have to fake crazy so they can be kicked out, or the whole false charges and selling someone that belongs to them and their group.
maybe for all we know, the two family that were a part of that group, ended up in the wrong ones that were a disgrace to the other groups that were part of that religion...
yeah, anyway you know how there is the whole past lives thing and sometimes we pretty much get messed up in some of them, even if you can recall bits and pieces of past life memories, but at the same time there isn't a full picture....and sometimes you may learn.
and yeah hopefully some Guardian Angels are improving better in protecting the ones they are suppose to protect, even if it can be normal to get hurt at times, like scrapping the knee and you have to get the right alcohol to put on it, and you know it will sting and depending on how bad it is, it could either sting a little or a whole lot.
not doing anything when the one your suppose to be protecting, has their life in form of extreme danger and them not being able to protect themselves and being helpless, it will be seen as pretty fragging messed up.
I do have some trust issues with some percent of Male/Masculine Angels now, and I don't think I can get some people to fully understand or accept that.
I mean if some info is true, it would mean that some percent of them have a very messed up sense of "punishing" and the so called "justice", I mean if you puppet humans into messing with stuff and doing something really REALLY bad, just to prove that humans are themselves are "bad" you aren't really helping the case, because by influencing the really REALLY bad and extremely bad stuff, it will only show me that I can't fully trust some half of the Masculine energy ones who make me see that it ain't just some percent of really super bad people that are human in this world that can be the problem.
there is still good people in this world, but they don't have to be perfect and sometimes people do make mistakes but can try to do better.
I do have a idea on how Mars can get a type of fresh and breathable atmosphere which can allow colonization of the planet.
like taking a type of bubble, a type that can't be ripped easy, like take a type of large pot and put some form of artificial soil then plant some tree seeds in it, it could be best to get type of metal domes to be closed around the bubbles that the trees will be in, to protect it from any harmful weather on Mars.
even if such a idea could take months or a few years or so, it could be possible with some form of tests, and even if some run into a few hiccups on the way, and even when regrowing some trees here on Earth, we could save some percent of the seeds we don't use to form more safe and breathable air on Mars.
and anyway to get to the topic which shows in the title of this, I know that some of you know that the whole thing I figured out after the whole thinking about technically being a Earth Angel, but ya know a Defective Type who doesn't work at 100% like the other ones.
and there is that whole having half my ancestors being Royalty, which ends up having the whole "Earth Angel Princess" pop into my head.
but yeah, even though I'm still making sure not to use my pendulum too much, but of course curiosity got to me, and there is that whole pendulum moving clockwise fast for "Yes" about confirming that the king of lust, was well...that we were in a relationship once, it possibly happen before the past life I had before this one.
and yeah even if someone had finally retrieved me, which is still good but at the same time, if the reason why it had partly happen because of what happen in attic, then yeah still going to have that trust issues.
the positive and good masculine energy needs to be a bit higher in levels than the toxic-masculine energy, and yeah the toxic-feminine energy isn't as dangerous or as a high as a worry as it's toxic-masculine counterpart but it can still be a problem if not fixed properly through some form of healing.
and yeah, I know the chances of some reading this is well possibly not likely but I guess some might end up reading it anyway.
but yeah, even if I do end up using the whole salt which is the food salt, to use on my pendulum to get it to be 100% truthful and not pull such a prank, that is if it is a prank...
there could be a chance it isn't lying and it is being truthful.
and for all I know, when I was retrieved which I don't know how many years it took during that life, but time in the afterlife could work slightly different than it is in the mortal realm where we are.
but yeah, it could be possible they have ways to rejuvenate a soul back to how it was made, meaning it could be possible that my soul had went back to how it first appeared as before it grew-up and matured, and it had to do so all over again.
and yes, even when I did try to have the pendulum go circle slowly for "No" for meaning that we were NOT ya know, lovers once...
but no matter how many times I tried to get it to say "No", it kept going clockwise fast for "Yes"...and yeah it will do that, even if you want the opposite answer that you believe to be true.
so yeah, when I can, I will use the salt on it, and if it keeps doing that whole "Yes" reply when it involves well the Asmodeus of this universe...I might have to accept it but maybe try not to think about it.
and for all I know, for most of my life before this one, I might of felt alone and yeah being hurt in a certain way because of some humans who shouldn't even be considered humans anymore when they cross that line, can possibly leave it's mark on your soul, even if it might be a good thing that you don't have a full memory about it, but you might recall bits and pieces.
and when I say that my soul may have went through a rejuvenate, that would also mean I would of became a Maiden again as well.
like it could be possible that while a soul doesn't have a organic form, once they die a bit too young, they could still end up growing up both physically and mentally.
also, even if I might have some complex issues with the Asmodeus of this universe, one of which involves possibly being former lovers, even if it wasn't really plan that way, but it wouldn't of happen if it weren't for some toxic-religious jerks who I shouldn't be forced forgive, and even if there was a real life hotel that does redeem sinners, they shouldn't be allowed in, same goes for the corrupted camps that are run by disgusting inhuman filth that would dare harm a child....
and yeah, you do not want to know what kind of punishment I have in mind for certain men that cross a very disgusting line, it would be possibly like a type of Horror Movie, like the punishment being more for them when they go to Hell, which I still believe that before that place became Hell it was once fully part of the Earthly Queendom until it had to be placed under quarantine because of the imbalance that was going on.
and for centuries some of percent of the masculine energy, which being the toxic-masculine part, influences and corrupts as well as do whatever the heck it wants, regardless that it may possible do domestic harm to the feminine energy.
anyway, I know that my pendulum has been known to pull pranks on me at times, and yeah when I can maybe later today or tonight or whenever, I can use the salt on it.
and maybe part of the reason why the masculine energy has some parts of it having toxic energy in it, that puts males first and females last, and well even those who are nonbinary last, and there are different types of nonbinary...
and anyway what I'm getting at, is that one of the reasons why toxic-masculine is well, the way it is, might have to do with Annunaki.
and yeah, as weird as it might seem, I think both the Adam from this universe and even some counterpart versions of him, like from the Lucifer Tv Series and even Hazbin Hotel, are the way they are because of the Annunaki heritage.
which I will talk more about in another post.
and I can't help but like Ozzie and Fizz from Helluva Boss, they are like Adorkable Sweet Potatoes that must be protected.
Charlie's Dad is more like a Adorkable Apple Goober, which I'm still going to call him that and I have notice that he is a bit like Blitz from Helluva Boss, of course one is horse crazy and the other is duck crazy.
if it were possible, I would say we trade Lucifers, I say we get the Adorkable Apple Goober. XD
but I know that isn't really possible, but I still want to give the one from our universe the cold hands to face punishment for not thinking about the whole doing that rebellion during when the balance between the Masculine and Feminine were already in a very super fragile state.
I don't care if it turns out I'm way shorter than him, I will find a way to reach up and use my cold hands on that Morningstar Goober of this universe.
I don't think my hands are cold enough at the moment, but he is still gonna be on the list of the cold hands to face punishment.
I'm still going to call myself the "Eveningstar Princess" because well not just because of the whole being a Earth Angel, and there is that whole being a descendant of both Cain and Seth, which still make them Grunkle-Grandpas...
but it has to do with that weird thing that went on before my Mom finally had me, which had to do with her having Evening Sickness and never getting Morning Sickness.
that is why I like that weird nickname I gave myself, because of that weird info that is also interesting.
plus I still don't know if there were any other Moms that got Evening Sickness or any other Sickness that never happen during the Morning.
and ya know, it could be possible the Masculine sides of both the Seven Sins and the Seven Virtues can both have a positive and negative sides, like it is good to have diligence but not to overdo it and at least relax and make sure to take it easy.
I mean if diligence has anything to do with working as hard as you can, then there should be some kind of balance to it where you do work with as much diligence as you can, but not to go without taking a break and to relax before going back to work on what you are doing.
and yeah, I already know about the Twin Flame Halves of some of the Archangels that are their Feminine Counterparts, but this makes me wonder whatever happen to the Feminine Counterparts of the ones who became the embodiment of the seven sins, like were they put into some kind of cryogenic ethereal sleep or they weren't able to be born yet all those centuries ago because of the imbalance or what...?
well it could be possible the Feminine Counterparts of the Archangels, could still be trying to help fix and heal the Feminine energy, and even if it does show signs of getting better, there is still some problems that can have to do with the small bit of Toxic-Masculine.
I also want to say, that even if the Asmodeus from this universe and the one from the fictional universe that is Helluva Boss are different from each other and may have different personalities.
but they could for all we know, share the same dislike for artificial love where it isn't real or of consent.
plus if someone did have to use a love spell, it shouldn't be forcing someone into a artificial romantic relationship.
a true love spell, that let's you find your zing, should be more like helping ya find each other but never to force the love between you, only give the push and let it come naturally as well as the consent.
but the problem with some love spells, is that they do end up forcing a type of artificial fake love, which isn't okay.
and with how some humans are, they put the whole s*x as something that is more important than the emotional romantic type....
and even if what my pendulum had gave a answer to, wasn't a prank, but that is just....I can't be someone I don't have a full memory of, and yeah I know I had bad luck with some ex-boyfriends before, which were online boyfriends, but that was like before I had ended up well ya know Aroaceflux, and it could be possible the reason I fell for the wrong guys, might of had to do with the toxic-lust energy flying around the air around me, which I'm glad I started to wearing gem bracelets all the time and only take them off when I have to, well I had to get some dream-catcher to protect me as well, from not just incubus but also humans as well.
at least some Aces never had to deal with that, and yeah it could be possible I may of use to be Demiromantic and never really realized it.
and there is that whole realizing that most of my seizures I would have when we lived at the other places we lived before living in the town we live at now (even if we had to move from one place to a new place that is still in this town...), they would end up being caused by not just a place with some bad energy, but also by people.
like if your in a very large room with a whole bunch of people, and you might not know your letting your guard down and you will end up having a seizure because of the type of photosynthesis that has to do with a lot of people's energy end up being absorbed into your body.
not all epilepsy will be the same, and there can be some that actually do need the medicine.
also even if I and Fizzarolli are 100% different, but besides a character from a awesome fan fic I have been reading, reminding me a bit of my own childhood but still being different, like yeah our Dads not really being there are still different, but my Dad wasn't there for when I was being born, and well I can't help but think maybe both my parents in this life, are a bit Gray-Parents...
maybe if my family hadn't left me and my big brother alone to play alone in a room, I wouldn't of end up in that little accident.
I may have told this before, about the scar I have that is well on the right side of my eye, well it's not on the eye, it is like some place that is almost close to the corner. I had to go to the hospital, which I think it was some kind of emergency care.
but yeah, even if it isn't very noticeable, but I think it might only be if you look really close to where it is, like I can see it if I'm looking in a mirror and get my face really close to the mirror...well close enough as I can to the mirror.
I know I had that panic attack in 2015, which ended up having my head hit the ceiling of the car, but that may have to do with a certain fear and my Semi-Androphobia, which the "Andro" part has to do with Men, not a Android, which some know that already.
and yeah, I don't like being alone in a car and away from the safe zone of the house or apartment that I live in.
I think if I remember right, it was around 2023 where I was feeling that not great feeling when waiting in the car, and well even if my family says it could be anxiety but I'm still not sure about that.
I know that I didn't like how long they were taking in the building they went into, and even if it wasn't like the time in 2015, but I think the reason why it wasn't, was because I was able to get myself better controlled, so I didn't end up fully panicking like I did during 2015.
and yeah, because of a third close call dream I had, I had to replace a dream-catcher in my room, I mean I can still use the one on the door for well, protecting me while not being in the room.
but there was still something wrong with the last dream-catcher that we got for me, and I'm not talking about the one that is currently outside the door to my room, to protect me from the toxic-lust energy from someone who sleeps in another room.
but the reason why the protective barrier may have open up and let that bad toxic-lust energy through and end up causing a third close call, which in that dream I had to claw at that eyes of that clone's eyes.
it might of have to do with the dream-catcher that has some really bad energy, I have it as far away from me as possible even if it is still in the house.
and it is safely in a zip-bags with some salt in the bag as well, and if I have to, I could throw some more salt in there and not letting that dream-catcher out anytime soon.
if that dream that had that third close call happen, didn't happen while that dream-catcher was over me, then I wouldn't of had some kind of confirming that there was something bad wrong with it.
even if dream-catchers are suppose to protect you while you sleep, but if it isn't working like it is suppose to, then it might be best to take it down and out of your room and put some kind of barrier on it, which involves salt and prayer, which I'm not sure if that would work for everyone, but I'm still not letting that dream-catcher out of that bag with the salt in it.
I'm also going to make sure not to use my pendulum too much, and only use it once in a while, and I still plan to use the salt on it because of the whole it giving a "Yes" about the whole Asmodeus being a lover...which even if it were fully true, and it wasn't some kind of prank even after trying to use the salt and some prayer on the pendulum, what does that make him like not only a ex-lover, but like some kind of ex-boyfriend...?
Fizz is lucky to have his Ozzie, and even if they were jerks to Moxxie and Millie before, but they have that Adorkable Sweet Potatoes side to them, they are just too freaking adorkable.
Alastor from Hazbin Hotel, is some kind of Adorkable Strawberry Overlord...I'm still glad I don't have 100% the same powers as him though, and the freaky thing that happens with the modern radio, lucky only happens once in a while, like when I put my fingers close to it, the green light will be on and when I move it away the green light will be off, I guess it depends.
like the times it will have a perfect signal when I put my fingers close to it, and when I take it away it will be poor again, and I think it might happen in vice-versa.
I think Ozzie from Helluva Boss, while being the other half of the Adorkable Sweet Potatoes Ship, and being a hopeless Blue Cotton Candy Prince who is in love with Fizz, he might respect his partner/boyfriend's personal space when he needs it, which if it does happen, it could happen once in a while, and Fizz would still want to be with Ozzie, because those two could be seen as zings.
and we might find out in the future on how those two Adorkable Sweet Potatoes fell in love, which might be a bit different from what some fans would except, plus it could of taken those two time to fully fall in love and admit their feelings for each other.
maybe we will get a Flashback on how Moxxie and Millie fell in love as well, which would be great if that happen in the future even if it might not happen until a few seasons later.
maybe I wouldn't be the only Earth Angel that had ended up in a situation before ending up being reborn again later, and well even if it being more than once, and it could be possible dying way too earlier more than once could cause some form of trauma and damage to the soul which could take a lot of time to heal, but the scars could still be there.
some Earth Angels, could experience some form of trauma that was done to them not just in their present life but also from their past life either it just being one or more than just one of the past lives they have.
some could end up getting some form of trauma, either it be physical or emotional that was caused by Toxic-Religious people, and there can be different levels of being Toxic-Religious, some being not as dangerous or as extremely bad, but all the levels of Toxic-Religious People can still be really bad for some who could also be Religious, and some who aren't Religious at all but can be hurt by the Toxic-Religious People involved.
and yeah, some might not get fully over being hurt by some Toxic-Religious people, even the ones that are not as dangerous but are still toxic and who couldn't shut the heck up with their misuse of words and kept throwing them despite you telling them to stop it and how it was making you feel really bad and making ya cry.
I don't think I will ever be okay with what that that Toxic-Religious Jerk did to me, I mean even if they don't have to believe in the Goddess as well, which if some do it should only be of their own free will and of their not because they are being forced.
and yeah besides them misusing those words at me, for believing in a Goddess now, to which I can still believe in both her and God as well.
but I think the other reason that Toxic-Religious Jerk was being insensitive and ignoring my hurt feelings, may also have to do with my being Nonbinary, and well during the time still figuring out the type of Nonbinary I am when I may have talked about believing in both a Goddess now as well as talking about being Nonbinary.
and yeah, at some point during that time, I think I thought I was Gyno-Agender....plus I think my type of Nonbinary was still going through a type of Metamorphosis like a Butterfly, and had entered a Chrysalis stage at some point.
I still go by She/Her, and I can go by They/Them as well.
I don't know other Earth Angels, who are both a "Earth Angel Princess" and Nonbinary, and well there could still be Guy Earth Angels as well, and some of them could end up being Earth Angel Princes.
and yeah, this post was a mix of talking about the Adorkable Sweet Potato Ozzie with his Partner/Boyfriend Fizz, and even talking about the Ozzie from this universe, and how my pendulum could be pulling a prank on me about us having been lovers.
so yeah, not sure if any other Earth Angel end up in that kind of thing, even if it does turn out it is true and not some kind of prank.
but I'm still gonna use the salt on it when I'm able to, either later today or tonight or maybe tomorrow...
I'm weird and of course I'm gonna try to use that food salt on it, just in case the pendulum was pulling one of its pranks or like half-truths again......still gonna make sure not to use the pendulum too much, and only use it every once in a while.
I think I will post the Crossover drawing I did first, before making that part 2 that talks about ships, and anyway by some chance some did actually read this, not everyone has to take it seriously even if I am being truthful about what went on with my pendulum, and how even though I wanted it to give a "No" it end up still giving a "Yes"...
if I'm not able to use the salt on it today or later tonight or even tomorrow, I will try to get around to using the salt on the pendulum when I'm able to, and even if it ends up giving the same reply, I might still need to accept it as the truth but try not to think about it too much.
I also think my Semi-Androphobia isn't as bad as most who have Androphobia as well, and there can be some who have it really REALLY super bad, and there could be some guys in this world that can have different levels of Gynophobia, some possibly having Semi-Gynophobia.
but you can't just not take Androphobia or Gynophobia seriously, and you can't fix it the wrong way, there could be baby-steps on how to help those with a fear of men and fear of women, and for all we know some might try the wrong type of helping when dealing with those types of fears.
and yeah, at times when I'm in the kitchen, which wasn't before but at some point has happen now...I do get the thoughts "don't touch me" whenever a male family member comes into the kitchen.
I know when I was little, I didn't like it when a boy kept touching my leg, even though we were both around the same age and in the same class, and I think at some point I never really thought about or fully realized I had hated being touched at times, like sometimes being okay but other times not being so.
well when I was little, that boy may have touched my leg, but he just rested his hand there, and that isn't okay, and it couldn't be normal either.
I know I really hated it and it made me upset.
plus it might not just be that bad experience, why I don't want to be touched at times, I mean there is such a thing as personal space, and yeah I get we were both little kids at the time and I might not remember everything when I was really little, but I know that whole thing that was happening, wasn't okay like at all.
and don't get me started on the ego of a female cousin who thought every guy wanted her, plus I can't help but question her now for a few reasons but if I feel like it, I can talk about about it some other time, I mean if I choose to talk about it.
anyway, besides the whole thing with my pendulum possibly pulling a prank on me, I hope we do get to know more about how Fizz and Ozzie met and at some point fell in love in Helluva Boss, even if we have to wait until either Season 3 or 4 to find out.
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nuesae · 2 years
Maybe a Growth story or a fanfic for both Giants Dipper and Mabel sometime. Because, I would love to see them growing until they are at the 50ft height outside of the Mystery Shack.
Mainly for Giant!Dipper. He's the more shy and adorkable one to be big. Giant!Mabel works for a The Big Sister Dexter's Lab kinds growth sequence.
I'm just excited for GT Gravity Falls wholesome content. :3
I would like to start by saying I'm not a good writer, I'm just making an attempt at making something.
I also wrote most of this after midnight ruining on no sleep
TW: none!
Turn it off!
words: 1,404
“Mabel, give it back!” Dipper yells chasing his sister, as she runs off with the crystal flashlight. Dipper made it initially after Mabel started making fun of him for being shorter than her. He was now chasing her as she ran outside holding the flashlight.
“Never!” Mabel points the flashlight at him turning it on, Dipper’s body starts to grow in height dramatically, now towering over Mabel, but he doesn’t stop growing.
“Mabel! Turn it off!” he notices Mabel’s panic as she tries to turn it off. He tries to knock it out of her hand, but she jumps out of reach.
“It won’t!” Mabel yells then quickly she throws the flashlight to the ground shattering the crystal attached to it. 
“Ha-ha! Yes, no more creepy growing flashlight!” Dipper scowls, realizing he now has no way of getting back to normal.
“Mabel! How am I gonna get back to normal now?!” he yells seeing his sister cover her ears. Dipper clasps a hand over his mouth, how loud is he at this height? Mabel looks up at him a bit fearful, but she tries to hide it.
“Psh, I’m sure we can just make another one, right?” Mabel questions, Dipper reaches into his vest pulling out the journal which luckily grew with him. he flips to the page with the height-altering crystals on it. He scowls realizing he didn’t mark the location of the crystals in the forest.
“there’s nothing in here about where to find them,”
“Well then, how did you find them?” 
“I don’t know, I just wandered until I stumbled onto them. Mabel if we can’t find another crystal, I’ll be stuck this way!” Dipper yells while trying to stay quiet at the same time.
“It can’t be that bad being that size, besides I’m sure we can find another one!” Mabel says optimism laced in her voice; Dipper slaps a hand over his face before pulling it away to speak.
“Do you really expect us to wander the woods till we find it?”
“Well, if you found it that way, I’m sure we can do it again!” Mabel grabs the flashlight puts it in her sweater pocket and starts running off toward the woods. 
“Come on Dipper let’s try to find it before the sunsets!” As Mabel runs Dipper hesitates before taking a step. Mabel looks at him noticing his nervous behavior.
“Dipper, what’s wrong?” 
“Uh, I-I, don’t want to step on you, what if I hurt you?” 
“Oh, come on Dipper, I’ll be fine!”
“I don’t know, what if—” 
“Dipper, if you’re so worried about it. Why don’t I just ride on your shoulder?” Mabel says cutting him off.
“Uh, I guess that would work?” Mabel reaches her arms up gesturing for him to pick her up, he hesitates but kneels down and puts his hand on the ground palm up. Mabel climbs on and Dipper curls his finger to make sure she doesn’t fall. as Dipper stands, he feels his hands shaking, anxiety coursing through his body. Mabel notices immediately.
“You okay bro bro? you’re shaking a lot, also your hand is really sweaty,”
“I-I’m fine, here” Dipper raises his open palm to his shoulder. Mabel climbs off his palm onto his shoulder grabbing the collar of his vest to balance herself. 
“Onward Dipper! to find a creepy growing crystal!” Mabel pumps a fist in the air. Dipper tries his best to stifle a laugh to keep his shoulders from bouncing. 
 Dipper starts to walk slowly into the woods a bit shorter than the trees themselves, as he walks, he glances at Mabel to make sure she’s okay. She looks a little nervous but is holding on fine. As Dipper walks further and further into the woods he realizes, he has no idea where he’s headed. He looks around starting to realize that he’s lost, which is really bad as the sun is setting. Have they really been out that long?
“Hey Dipper, we’re not lost, are we?” 
“N-no of course not, I’m sure the crystals are just up ahead,” he takes another step when Mable pulls on the collar of his vest
“Dipper, we’re lost, I don’t even recognize this part of the woods,” Mabel says waving her free arm around. Dipper sighs knowing that she’s right.
“Look let’s just try to head back and look again tomorrow, okay?” Mabel suggests, Dipper looks down taking a deep breath.
“If we can’t find it, I’ll have to sleep outside. how will we explain this to Stan? To anyone?” 
“How about we head back, and think of something on the way?” 
“Okay, now to try and remember the direction we came from,” Dipper was lucky enough to have had at the least a compass but being lost in the woods with no map wouldn’t help. He looks at the compass for a moment trying to remember the direction they started in and the location of the Mystery Shack. 
“Alright I think I have it” he turns and starts walking. Mabel getting jostled by the sudden movement but managed to keep her footing. After about an hour they’re outside the Shack, by the tree line. They both hear Stan calling them.
“Kids! Where are you?! I need someone to clean the sink!” Dipper looks at Mabel, and she looks right back at him.
“So, do you want to tell him or…” Dipper inquires
“I don’t think it’d be easy to keep a secret this big.” Dipper glares at her for the awful pun she just giggles.
“How about we just tell him I had a growth spurt,” 
“Sounds good”
Dipper crouches down offering his palm for Mabel, she steps on and he lowers it to the ground Mabel jumps off and starts running over to Stan. Dipper follows slowly behind making sure not to get too close afraid he’ll step on her. Mabel runs up behind Stan.
“Hey Grunkle Stan!” Mabel yells Stan jumps at the sound.
“Yeesh kid, don’t scare me like that. Where’s your brother? I need him to clean the sink” Stan starts looking around not seeing Dipper yet.
“Well, Grunkle stan, we might have a small problem or a big one! Depends on how you look at it,” Mabel gestures to Dipper who is standing a bit away from the Shack. Stan looks at Dipper’s legs first, before his eyes look up until they meet Dipper’s nervous eyes. 
“Hey, uh, I had a growth spurt,” Dipper says stumbling over his words. 
“Yikes, what do you kids eat these days?” Stan grabs a rolled-up newspaper and smacks Mabel on the head. 
“Mabel, go clean the sink, Dipper you find somewhere comfortable to sleep, or something, I don’t know,” Mabel looks at Dipper before walking inside with her head down.
“But Grunkle Stan, don’t you have anything to help me?” 
“Kid I’ve seen growth spurts, but nothing this intense, just sleep, we’ll figure it out tomorrow,” Stan says rubbing his eyes with his fingers.
“No buts, now go find somewhere to sleep away from the entrance preferably, don’t want you scaring away potential customers,” Stan says before going inside and slamming the door closed. Dipper looks down, scowling at nothing. He walks away from the Shack to the back away from the front entrance. He lies down, in the grass staring at the shack. His eyes start to water, and he hugs his knees to his chest, turning away from the Shack, and starting to cry. What if we can’t get me back to normal? what if I’m gonna be stuck this way? What if, what if—
As his mind races with questions, and fears. His thoughts are cut off as he hears Mabel’s voice.
“Dipper? You okay?” He rolls back over, seeing Mabel’s worried face, she’s already in her pajamas holding a pillow and a blanket.
“Didn’t Stan tell you to clean the sink?”
“Oh, I got Soos to do it,”
“ha-ha Nice” there’s a long pause between them.
“Mabel, what happens if I can’t get back to normal? What if we can’t find that crystal?” 
“I’m sure we’ll find it; do you want me to sleep out here with you?” Dipper smiles and wipes his tears away.
“That would be nice” Mabel smiles and lays the pillow and blanket down, and then lays down facing Dipper.
“Night Mabel,”
“Goodnight, Dipper” 
Dipper lays on his back staring at the sky till he falls asleep.
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julyarchives · 3 years
Complicated || (M)
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→ Pairing: Hui x Fem!Reader
→ Genre: Smut; Exes to Lovers.
→ Words:  3.7K
→ Warnings: Mentions of Alcohol; Spit kink; Choking; F and M receiving Oral; Fingering; Squirting; Power Play; Jealousy.
→ A/n: It took us a little longer to finish this story, but we are so happy with the result, so we promise it is worth the wait! Thank you 🐧 anon for this amazing request! We hope you all like it 💕
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"And who's that?" Hui asked Yanan.
He looked at you across the room, looking like a deer caught in headlights. When you looked in his direction, a bright smile lit up on your face and you waved excitedly.
At first, he was confused, but when you got closer and greeted Yanan with a friendly hug, it all made sense.
"Hui," Yanan called him, but his eyes had never left you. "This is Y/N. She's my best friend"
Hui was well aware that Yanan meant 'don't try any funny business because she's my friend', but he was already hypnotized by you.
"Nice to meet you, Hui." you said, the way his name rolled off your tongue had him shivering, and you didn't miss the way he looked up and down at you.
You smiled at him, and he could just tell there was a little bit of mischief hiding in your sweetness. As for the rest of the night, Hui had made it his mission to make you smile at him as much as he could.
He was just mesmerized by you and used every excuse to have Yanan bringing you along on every night out, and inevitably you became friends. You got along, and hanging out together was way more fun than he first expected, and he grew to actually enjoy your company.
Yanan was constantly on Hui's hair, warning that you were not the type of girl he used to date casually, and would not forgive you if you ruined their friendship, and that's why it took him long to make a move on you.
It was actually you who took the first step, kissing him unexpectedly one night when you two sneaked to the kitchen for snacks while your friends played in the living room. It was a point of no return for both of you, the chemistry was undeniable - Hui knew everything you liked and you knew what to do to drive him mad.
You surprised him by showing that you were not the innocent girl he thought you were, and he was not a no-attachment ladies man Yanan had told you he was. The fact that you became friends first was crucial for the relationship, and it was the reason it lasted fairly long, but it was also the reason that it ended. You both recognized that you two wanted different things and were in different places, and it was best to end things before one of you got hurt.
That, however, did not fix the endless tension between you two.
Inevitably you didn't stop seeing each other, now that you had the same friend circle, and it would always end with one of you snapping at the other.
Tonight was one of those occasions, and you had your mind set on not letting Hui ruin your night. It was a perfectly good party, full of people, all your friends gathered in one of their houses, some acquaintances along enough to make the place full, and the loud music making everyone enjoy themselves.
Hui was there, you had already spotted him, but you were good at pretending he wasn't there, even though you could feel his gaze burning holes in the back of your head, but you just danced your worries away.
Making your way through the crowd, you managed to get to the kitchen and fix yourself a cold drink to cool off.
"Fuck, it's hot in here" you mumbled to yourself, using your free hand to hold your hair.
"Right?" A stranger answered, making your head snap in his direction, and you both chuckled at your reaction "sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."
"It's fine," you laughed. He was tall and had just the most adorkable laugh, and somehow you felt comfortable enough to start a conversation "I'm Y/N"
You reached your hand to him, which he immediately took.
"Shinwon" he leaned closer for you to hear him over the loud music
"Do you wanna dance, Shinwon?" You boldly asked
"Lead the way" he smirked
You gently grabbed his hand, guiding you two back to the packed living room. Getting there was the hardest part, only being able to enjoy his company when you reached the make-do dance floor. You could practically feel an intense stare on your figure as you moved closer to Shinwon but chose to ignore it for now. The new tall handsome man was giving as good as he got, dancing behind you sensually, following your movements. The dance was equally fun and sexy, the new company making it all too exciting for you. You could feel Shinwon's lean muscles behind you and you closed your eyes, moving with him completely. As you two turned and moved on the dance floor, you opened your eyes, feeling Shinwon's hand gripping your waist harder. Too bad you were standing directly into Hui's view, almost as if you did it on purpose. Which you did not but since life wanted that way, why not enjoy it.
The burning tension between you, the mix of annoyance and attraction always made you feel ready to burn him back, so that was enough reason for you to wink and bite your lip at him, grinding back on Shinwon's unsuspecting and welcoming body. You only could keep that up for a few minutes before Shinwon managed to turn you, leaning closer to kindly invite you to the rooms upstairs. It was what you needed to get your mind out of the fuming man sitting across from you, so you nodded with a flirty smile before holding his hand once more and leading the way.
Getting up there was fast and soon enough you were trying every door to check for any room available, giggling to no end when at least three doors were locked. The last door was in sight and you were sure it'd be empty, your hand ready to turn the knob when you heard your name being called. You huffed, watching Hui walking closer to you and Shinwon, the man looking at you confused.
"We need to talk", Hui said as he got close enough, his breathing hard and face a bit red.
"We don't, actually. You see, I'm busy".
"Cut the crap, Y/N. Get lost, man, I seriously need to talk to her".
"Oh no. Shinwon, stay. We have nothing to talk about!". Poor Shinwon was completely confused, looking from you to Hui, his hand slowly slipping away from yours.
"Um, Y/N", Shinwon turned to you, one hand carefully tucking a hair strand behind your ear. "It's okay. You know this won't be good if I stay. Yanan told me this could happen if I ever saw you…"
"What?!", you heard Hui shouting at the same moment you did, you not even sparing him a glance.
"I'll get your number from him and I'll call you, yeah?".
"I'm sorry", you didn't even know if you were mad or sad or even frustrated for being cockblocked by Hui no less.
"It's fine. Keep that room in mind, we may use sometime", Shinwon winked at you and turned to leave, nodding to Hui as he walked by. Hui didn't even look at him, his stare fixated on you.
You held his gaze for a few seconds before turning around on your heels and entering the room.
"Talk" you demanded, afraid that if you said more you would end up cursing at him.
"What the fuck was that little show downstairs?" He was already talking loudly, stepping into your personal space.
"I was just enjoying myself," you walked around him, bumping on his shoulders purposefully, hearing him sigh in anger. "Minding my own business, you know what that means?"
You grabbed the doorknob to open the door, ready to leave Hui behind to deal with his problems himself, but you had barely opened an inch when you heard his rushed stomps getting closer, and he grabbed your waist, turning you around and slamming your back against the door, getting it to close behind you.
"I highly doubt that winking at me while rubbing yourself against a stranger counts as 'minding your business', Y/N." He leaned closer to you, noses almost bumping, his hand palming the door trapped you against him. He "And I don't think that fucking someone else will make you forget me."
His eyes didn't stray from yours, and your chest was rising up and down fast - you just weren't sure if it was of annoyance or anticipation.
He smirked and leaned back, this time to whisper in your ear, his hot breath tickling your skin
"He can not make you feel good like I do." He nibbled your earlobe just the slightest "you would end up thinking of me"
He planted open mouth kisses along your jaw, small gasps escaping your lips against your will. You just couldn't help but melt under his touch.
"He doesn't know you like I do." He stepped forward, hips pressing against yours. "He doesn't know what a pretty little slut you are"
Hui ended the distance between you harshly, all his lust seeping through a rough desperate kiss. His hand immediately went to your hair, tugging it until it sting, but he knew you loved it. Your body responded to him like a magnet, you just couldn't help yourself but be completely gone for him.
He nibbled your bottom lip, sucking and licking it, humming in satisfaction with the feeling of having you altogether his. He trailed down your neck where he bit on the skin, licking the spot afterward to soothe, marking you as he was claiming you to him. His name started rolling off your tongue involuntarily, moaning every time he found a new spot to mark.
"That's right, baby girl" he whispered "keep doing that"
He cupped one breast with his free hand, squeezing it while he hungrily attacked your lips again. He started rolling his body against yours and you could feel the hard-on in his pants pressing against your clothed core.
He let go of you completely, and you whined at the loss of contact, only to have him hold your hand and walk backward until he reached the bed, where he sat on the edge.
"You know what to do, baby girl." He said in a low voice, and his hooded eyes watched you dropping on your knees in between his spread legs.
You looked deep into his eyes while undoing his belt and jeans, he leaned back, both hands on the mattress to support himself while he watched you. He bucked his hips up just enough for you to put his pants and underwear down, setting his cock free from the constricted clothes.
Your mouth salivated at the sight of his erection hitting his stomach, already leaking pre-cum. You wrapped your hand around it, using your thumb to smear his juices around, and he hissed at the contact, a breathy moan falling from his lips as you started moving your hand up and down slowly.
He reached one hand and grabbed the hair behind your head, making you look at him.
"I don't think you have the right to tease me, baby" he almost growled
"But-" you tried to speak, but he cut you short
"Ah-ah" he shushed, "I think we can find a better use for that smart mouth. Open up"
You sat back on your heels, opening your mouth like he commanded as he leaned over you, the grip on your hair still holding you in place, puckering his lips and you watched as the drool fell out of it, directly into your mouth.
Hui watched you swallow it with a proud smirk. This is something that only Hui could do to you, you thought, and it was just another way for him to claim you as his, and you could not imagine anyone else in this situation with you. It just reminded you how much you discovered about yourself in your innumerous adventures with him, and it was one of the reasons you loved that relationship.
Quickly shaking those thoughts away, you returned your focus to the current situation, as Hui ran his hand through his hair before leaning back, waiting for you to make your move.
You gulped in anticipation, taking his member in hand and waiting no time to take the head into your mouth, swirling your tongue around it and hearing Hui moaning lowly. You jerked him off, twisting your hand loosely around his dick, then hollowing your cheeks to swallow more of him. His hand twisted around your hair and guided your movements, making you bob your head just the way he wanted.
He bucked his hips and his member hit the back of your throat, making you gag, to which he responded with a loud moan, throwing his head back in pleasure. Relaxing and breathing through your nose, you let him deeper inside you as he kept bucking up to meet your movements.
When you were finally getting used to it, he pulled you away abruptly, breathing in heavily and watching you through hooded eyes.
"You were doing so good, baby girl, but I still want to fuck you senseless." He smirked. "And right now you're wearing too many clothes for that to happen. Strip for me"
Hui sat back and watched you follow his commands once again. Your eyes didn't stray from him as you unzipped your dress and let it fall off of you, proceeding by stepping out of your high heels. Once you're finished taking off your underwear, Hui stripped out of his remaining clothes as well.
"Now get on the bed" his voice was stern and his eyes followed you. "Ass up"
You got in the position without questioning, resting your head on a pillow
"Look at that, dripping just from giving me pleasure" he ran a finger through your slit, grabbing your butt strongly with the other hand, making you squirm under his touch. "Such a mess for me"
"Just for you" you mindlessly mumbled.
"Good." He slapped your ass, not too strong, just enough for you to yelp in surprise. "Are you still on the pill?" He asked
"Yes" you said shily
"Did you fuck anyone else after me?" He asked, his voice just as commanding as before, and when you choked on your words, embarrassed to admit the truth, he slapped you a little harder, making you hiss.
"N-no, sir" you stuttered and the name just slipped.
Hui chuckled pleasantly at your answer, his dick twitching at hearing you call him "sir", but you two could discuss that later because all he wanted was to feel himself inside you.
"Good girl" he praised, caressing the spot where he hit you.
When both of his hands held onto your waist, you felt him entering you, his thickness welcoming in your pussy, and you realized how much you had missed the feeling of him filling you up.
He didn't give you time to adjust because you didn't need it, choosing instead to pound you mercilessly, his length hitting the perfect spot inside you, leaving you a whimpering mess already.
"That's for you to not forget who you belong to." He dig his fingers in your waist, the sound of skin slapping skin echoing in the room "you're mine." He grunted "this pussy is mine"
You buried your face in the pillow, unable to formulate any sentence to answer him, just moaning and gasping at every thrust.
You reached one hand in between your legs, touching your clit to increase your pleasure.
"Such a needy girl, so impatient." Hui said "do you want me to make you cum? Is that what you need?"
All you could do was hum and nod in agreement. Hui sped up his pace until your walls were clenching and jolts of pleasure took over your body. You felt him leaning over you, pulling your hair and forcing you to get on all fours. You gasped when you felt his hand wrap around your throat, pressuring the right spot to constrict the blood flow. You closed your eyes and rubbed your fingers faster, taking you to the edge while he hit your g spot just perfectly.
He let go of your neck when you finished riding your orgasm, and you gasped for air, catching your breath again.
"You take me so well, baby girl" He praised "take it just a little more for me, ok? I'm so close."
He kept thrusting into you, and you clenched again to help him reach his orgasm. You felt him pulling out just in time to shoot on your back, covering you in his cum as he finished jerking himself off.
He made space for you to lay on your back, and kneeled on the mattress in between your legs, putting his hands on your knees to spread them wider. He gasped pleasantly when he noticed the glistening mess on your core.
His eyes burned with lust as he lowered his hand and inserted two fingers inside you easily, your hole completely wet for him. He didn't go slow, nor mattered the fact that you had come not 10 minutes ago, and his fingers pumped fast in and out of you, and he curled them, knowing exactly how to hit the perfect spot inside you. He watched you squirming, a moaning mess on the sheets, gripping whatever you could find to hold yourself.
Not having enough of you, Hui lowered himself, not wasting any second to get your abused clit in between his lips, and your hands immediately grabbed his hair, a cry of pleasure leaving you.
"That's so good Hui, please don't stop, please, please." Your voice came out desperate and whiny, and Hui hummed in response, sending vibrations down your core. "I'm not gonna last long."
He looked up at you and you could see him smirking in between your legs, then proceeding to thrust his fingers harder and deeper, licking and sucking your clit until your whole body was shaking and your legs were closing around involuntarily as you reached your high, calling his name in screams as he dig his fingers in your thighs to keep you in place as you just couldn't control your orgasm as he didn't stop nor slow down, and you felt another wave of pleasure run through your body, who spasm uncontrollably now, and Hui leaned back up to watch you come undone
"Touch yourself, baby" he demanded, voice hoarse and your juices coating his chin.
You immediately circled your fingers around your pussy, overestimating your sensitive clit as you climaxed again in a row, so intensely that your body couldn't control its spasms and you felt your wetness pouring and gushing out of you, as you just couldn't stop screaming his name.
"Fuck, baby" you heard his breathy voice as you squirted calling for him.
Your body went limp and you closed your eyes, your heartbeat ringing in your ears, and you felt Hui throw himself next to you.
For a few seconds, there was nothing. No sound, no movements, nothing. Hui was breathing hard next to you and you were trying to calm your own breathing but you knew that soon enough one of you wouldn't bear the silence anymore and leave without words. So it was a shock when a few minutes after the high wore off, Hui turned so he was facing you, even if you faced up, looking at the ceiling.
"Y/N", he called surprisingly soft.
"Do you truly hate me?". The question caught you by surprise, you dared say it shocked you but yet you didn't move.
"No, Hui. I don't hate you. I hate how you treat me".
"Um", was all he said.
"Do you hate me?", you asked back.
"No", he sighed. "But, like you, hate how you treat me".
"How did we end up like this?", you couldn't help the chuckle that left your lips at the absurdity of it all.
"I have no idea", Hui joined in. "All I remember was me being a dick and not wanting to settle and then you were shooting daggers at me every time you saw me".
"Oh man, I wonder why I did that". Hui laughed at that and you caught a glimpse of his pretty smile.
"Well, yeah. But it did lead us to amazing sex every time too".
"We had amazing sex when we were together as well", you spoke matter of factly.
"I know", he poked you, making you fully turn your head in his direction. "That's what I wanted to talk to you about".
"About what? Us?".
"Us together". Hui was watching you intently and you turned, mirroring his position.
"Talk then".
"I want to give us a shot. I want us to work this time". You stood in silence for a few seconds, lost.
"...why? Why now?".
"I've been thinking about it for a while now and I miss you. I miss not fighting every time we see each other, your company". He seemed serious and your heart was almost beating out of your chest by now. "And tonight was definitely my breaking point. Seeing you with goodie two shoes Shinwon made me panic out of fear of losing you forever without giving us another try".
You stood there watching him for a while. He didn't pressure you, once again showing how much he knew you. He knew you needed your time and he respected that. Truth is, your feelings for Hui never died, only fuelled the fire of your anger and attraction to him. Giving you another shot was risky but then, everything with Hui was risky and if he was willing to put all his cards on the table for you, maybe you could do the same.
"I want to leave this place", was all you said.
Hui nodded, defeat clear on his face. He got up and got dressed in silence, you doing the same but watching him intently the entire time. When both of you were presentable again, you stood with your hand on the doorknob. Hui was a step away from you, close but not too close, watching you with tired eyes. Your free hand reached out to touch his hair softly and he almost jumped in surprise.
"I hope you drove here. I came by uber", you smiled at him. "Oh, and I hope you still remember my address and my favorite breakfast place to take me tomorrow when we wake up". You laughed at his face as he nodded like a kid who just got his perfect gift. "And don't steal my covers while we sleep!".
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obeyme-kaidii · 4 years
Angelic Demons Event
Honestly? I really didn’t like this event.
Part of me thinks that Simeon and Michael did this as some sort of practical joke (most likely to target Lucifer). But regardless, it did nothing but make all the boys feel bad about themselves. I have so much to say, so I’m just going to break it down by brother -
His was one of the more difficult ones.
He never seemed to fully lose himself like his brothers did, which in some ways made it worse because he was aware of the changes he was experiencing.
What made his arc hurt the most for me is because he willingly fell - gave up his angel form, everything it stood for, lost his sister - and now he’s being forced to not only look like an angel, but act like one again too? I can’t imagine something more traumatic honestly. What sick fuck would think putting him through that would be ok?
His damn near broke my heart too.
Part of his charm is his obsessive personality, and his impulsiveness. And now that’s all just...gone. One of the reasons I love him so much is because his Greed mostly revolves around MC and doing things that make them happy or allows him to spend time with them. He’s Greedy for their attention and affection, in other words.
Seeing him suddenly lose that...ouch. Even though he’s finally able to be forthcoming with his feelings, it doesn’t feel like MC is going to be able to receive nearly as much love and affection from him since he’s trying to be “good.”
His was really hard and painful to read.
Him being all shy and awkward is why I love him, so seeing him be friendly and open and honest was just...unsettling. You no longer had the feeling of being “special” to him, because he could get along with just about anyone. It didn’t feel like MC was needed by him anymore, despite the fact he was honestly confessing his feelings.
His confession also lost a lot of its impact because it was easy for him to say those things now. Before, any time he said “I love you” or gave MC a kiss or a hug was something really special because we knew how hard it was for him to do that.
And again, like Mammon, he lost the obsessive part of his personality that makes him want to spend so much time with MC.
This was probably the most difficult one to read.
Unlike the others who seemed to embrace their changed selves, he just felt lost. Because Satan was born from pure Wrath. No Wrath...no Satan? That’s how he felt at least.
He goes and hides in his bedroom because he can’t handle feeling so calm. I honestly just wanted to go after him and cuddle him because he seriously needed cuddles.
His wasn’t that bad for the most part.
What hurt though was him saying he’s no longer going to try to be sneaky or whatever to make sure he gets enough time with MC. The writers tried to make it sound like he was doing this because he wants to give MC the ability to actually choose for themselves. It didn’t feel that way to me though. Because he never asked MC what they wanted. He just decided “this is what’s best for you, so this is what I’m going to do.” And I really hate that.
But hey! We got to kiss him at least.
His was one of the easier ones to handle. He’s still the same soft, squishy, nice boi he’s always been. He’s just not fueled by constant hunger anymore.
What was a really uncomfortable was how even when MC offered him food to share, he declines. Saying something about others needing to eat more than him. Selfless to the point that he neglects himself isn’t good. And not eating when he should eat is definitely neglecting himself.
This was a very hard one for me too.
Belphie’s whole charm is his bratty personality. And how he manages to act ridiculously cute despite that and get you to want to take care of him. With this spell, that’s all gone and he now wants to take care of you.
And I know taking care of your partner is good and all...but some people really like to spoil their loved ones. And I feel like if you’re a Belphie stan, you’re probably one of those people. Now Belphie doesn’t want your affection, he just wants to give affection to you.
He also did the same thing as Asmo and played the “This is what’s best for you” card and told MC he was going to back off and try to be more fair towards his brothers. Never asking MC what they want. Just assuming he knows best.
I just had a really hard time enjoying this event. 😢 I like my adorkable idiots. And they were nowhere to be found.
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thethreemages · 3 years
RosaPrym and Tulas for the meme?
Ack, sorry for the lateness I saved most of these answers in my drafts but kept forgetting to post 'em after awhile, my bad >>;
Is the most affectionate: Ooh Prym, most definitely~ while Rosie would eventually soften up a bit more after getting comfy in a relationship, she'd still be on the lowkey huffy/uptight side when it comes to showing affection (not that Prym minds, respecting her girls' boundaries and such uwu)
Their most common argument: Early on in their school days they always liked to try to outdo one another in alot of subjects (magic, academics, theater production, etc.), which once they get together would be alot more on the lowkey side given how much they've grown up since then. Regardless they'll still make up pretty fine after awhile though~ 💜
Nicknames for each other: "Rosie", "Rosebud", "Rosie Posie", "Ro", "Princess", "Darling", "Dearest", "Sweet Pea",... yeah there's a whole arsenal of 'em between these gals, lemme tell ya lol
Who initiates kisses: Prym, though if Rosie's feeling especially "bold" enough she'll probably sneak in a quick one before a big mission or something ;p
Who kisses the hardest: Rosabel can't even begin to count the amount of times Prym's lipstick stuck to her mouth right before a big work day xD
Who said I love you first: Surprisingly enough, Rosabel! After years of angsting, lingering on her feelings and just generally missing Prym after she's left for her traveling Mage duties... it wouldn't take much for her to finally blurt out her emotions by the time they'd inevitably reunite
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times: Sneaky lil lady she is, Prym wouldn't miss the opportunity to liven up the mood via-telling all sorts of dirty jokes between the both of them (especially since Rosie herself has such an adorkable lil laugh on top of that)
Who’s the better cook: Rosabel was never really allowed around the kitchen thanks to her parents (whom always deemed it "too unfitting of a lady" for her to not let other servants cook for her), so Prym would most likely take over cooking duties at first. Rosabel always did want to try it though, especially since she still had memories of her dear Nana cooking the most delectable homecooked meals in her childhood~
Who wakes up to calm the baby: Both girls would take turns, given their natural soft spots for kids (especially Rosie :3)
Their favorite non-sexual activity: Performing in theater, bonding over some old literature, having lil picnic tea parties near the gardens outside, and so on~
1 sad headcanon about this couple: Rosabel often had to fight internally about her own feelings of jealousy and guilt seeing Prym with other love interests (Dantae Litayla in their first year, then Jada Ito in their third year). While not outwardly spiteful towards these pairs, with it combined to what she was dealing with at home... it just made Rosabel close herself off from Prym for awhile to not hurt her feelings (much to Prym's own confusion/worry that she might've done something wrong... as even through all their rivalry, she still considered Rosie a dear friend at-heart :c)
1 sugary-sweet headcanon about this couple: One of Prym's first presents to Rosabel as her girlfriend would be a fancy rose gold bracelet with charms of a rose and moon-shape (to represent them both as a couple :3)
Is the most affectionate: Tula's the most fluffy lil bean with practically anybody, including her big huff butt of a boyfriend~ ;p
Their most common argument: Hmmm... they probably wouldn't argue that much on their own tbh (at least not over anything too serious). Moreso its just over matters of Tula wishing Elas would loosen up a bit from having to be so worked-up and responsible over everyone (future king or not)
Nicknames for each other: "Dear", "Darling", "Honey", "Sweetie", "Ellie Bear"
Who initiates kisses: Tula~ 🧡
Who kisses the hardest: Hmmmm, it'd depend but if Elas is feeling confident enough, he's got a good "fiery" side of his own~ ;p
Who said I love you first: Elas, most likely in a heat-of-the-moment thing if he ever sensed Tula in grave danger (despite her insisting she could handle it), so things might just blurt out from there, to both of their own surprise
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times: Prooobably Tula, but moreso in an "accidental" way that she herself doesn't realize (to his utter frustration lol)
Who’s the better cook: Neither of them have exactly the "best" cooking experience on their own (Tula being a clumsy sweetie and Elas's fire magic reacts a bit too strongly to handle kitchen flames). They could probably make a decent-enough meal if they both worked together though! ^^
Who wakes up to calm the baby: Elas would totally be one to be extra-protective of their baby early-on (having the royal medical team on speed-dial if anything were to come amiss), with Tula being right there to try and reassure him while comforting their lil one that its all okay
Their favorite non-sexual activity: Reading and Writing~ its been one of Elas' past times to vent out some of his stresses through this and Tula's always been a creative one since school, so together they'd probably have alot of fun making up their own lil novel to enjoy themselves uwu
1 sad headcanon about this couple: Knowing his father's unlucky history in love, Elas can't help but wonder sometimes if a similar fate would befall him the more he gets closer to Tula (hence some of his "tenseness" in getting too attached in relationships)
1 sugary-sweet headcanon about this couple: Tula always thought Elas had a cute lil laugh (even if he'd usually be too embarrassed/stiff to show it often), hence why she'd always try to encourage some good humor and wholesomeness whenever they go on a date~😊
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Impromptu Cuddles (part two)
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"Imagine having to share a bed with Spencer during a case, only to wake up wrapped in his arms."
Part One // Part Two // Part Three
Description: During a case, Spencer and the reader are forced to share a room with only one bed. Cute fluffy shit happens.
Warning: Mentions of a really bloody case, probably some cuss words. Unless repressed romantic feelings are a problem for you, then nothing else, I don't think.
Genre: fluffy fluff with a tiny bit of angst if you squint your eyes and tilt your head exactly fourteen degrees to the left.
Pairing: Dr. Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds) x non gender specific Reader
A/N: part two, most of its in Spencer's POV. Also, just saying, this was written, like, two years ago, and I was too lazy to edit it as harshly as it should have been, so that's why there's some bits that don't make a lot of sense. This definitely isn't an excuse for my shitty writing, or anything. And that's still not my picture, credit to whoever made it.
Words without A/N: 2300 
Stumbling over to it, I plopped down my go-bag and slumped down onto it. Even if it was a bit uncomfortable, it was still the first actually bed I'd been in in nearly two days, and it felt fantastic.
I heard Spencer close the door and move around towards the couch, he to plopping his things onto the ground before falling back into an extremely creaky love seat-style couch.
Sighing, he muttered a soft, "Good night, (name)."
Now I felt bad, that couch was entirely to small for the lanky doctor, and from the sound of it, incredibly uncomfortable. I couldn't make him stay there.
"Spencer," I sighed, "you can take the bed, I'll sleep there. Its way to small for you."
"No, its, its alright, (name), I'll sleep here, its f-fine," he sounded kind of nervous about something.
"No, seriously, Spence, get over here, I'm not making you sleep on that thing."
I got up and walked towards him, he had managed to curl up into an unbelievably strained ball to get all of him onto the little couch.
"I don't need the bed. Take it."
I pulled his things over to the bed in place of mine, and headed back over to him. I shook him slightly and crouched down in front of his face.
"I'm alright, really, I insist you take the bed, I'm fine where I am," goddammit, Spencer.
I pulled at one of his arms, attempting to get him up.
"C'mon Spence," I started, being quickly interrupted by an increasingly nervous-looking, shaggy haired, boy-wonder.
"I... I'm not m-making you sleep on here. Maybe..."
He let his words trail off and I just sat down beside him in defeat.
"What? Maybe what?" I pressured.
"W-well.. May-maybe we should just, uh, you know, share...? O-o-of course only if you wanted too, that is. Did, uh, did you know that sleeping in the same bed as another human can boost one's immune system, steady heart beat, help in the reduction of bad dream, and the sharing of body heat will keep approximately three times warmer which aids in deeper and more restful sleep and I'm rambling I'm sorry I'll shut up now..." Oh this boy is adorable.
"Spencer, one, I find your rambling adorkable. Two, if you're comfortable with that then sure?" He had some good points, I knew we both got nightmares, and the less there were of them the better. I had some severe insomnia and sleeping near someone might help with that as well, not to mention I was already almost shivering it was so cold, and I didn't see any heating system on the way in.
At my comment about his adorableness he flushed slightly and mumbled some form of 'no I'm not' before I got back up and made sure that Spencer was following me, and not just trying to get me to let him stay on the couch. I chose the side of the bed closest to the wall, and went into the tiny bathroom to get into my night wear. Some teal shorts and a Black Baths T-shirt that was a good five sizes to big on me. The bottom reached all the way down to just above my knees and the supposed-to-be short sleeves reached past my elbows and halfway down my forearm. When I came back, Spencer had already gotten into some pinstripe sweats and a baggy T with 'I ❤ π' written across the front. I giggled a bit at that. I don't giggle. I really need some sleep.
I crawled across the creaky bed and onto the other side to lay down, curling my body into a ball and turning away from Spencer. Saying a quick goodnight I fell asleep almost immediately. Feeling Spencer lay down beside me and the vibrations of his chest against the bed were the last things my mind registered before I was out like a light.
I felt so incredibly uncomfortable on the ride to the Inn we'd be staying at. I was trying not to squish either of the people on either side of me, Emily was already being crushed by Morgan and (name) just looked so much more small and fragile when they were tired like they were.
When they joined the team—closing on a year ago now—I had naturally thought them beautiful and charismatic, but now that I've gotten to know them better, well, they're one of the best people I've ever known.
They're so kind and never once have they told me to shut up like the others would when I would start my rambling. On several occasions, I actually saw them look hurt when the others would do it, like they actually liked listening to me.
On occasion, just like right now actually, I would catch myself watching them. Watching the way they would move and how they would get kind of flustered every time the car rocked enough to push them into the door, or harder into my side. They were beautiful and so innocent looking and kind and brilliant and oh god I think I've fallen in love with the kid. They were never one for talking much, which could be a bit difficult whenever anyone tried to make small talk with them, but it was just one of their quirks, and it meant that they were a really good listener, which everyone needed every now and again.
As we pulled up to the motel I felt them tense against my side, taking in the view of the parking lot. I didn't bother even looking up at the scene of the lot, I had read up and seen it all already when I had looked up the places information. As Derek stepped out not-so-gracefully and spoke his words, he threw a light, almost undetectable wink my way, and a nod at the person who already looked like they had fallen asleep beside me, leaned into my shoulder. He knew of my infatuation with them, and it irritated me to no end. Actually, everyone seemed to know except (name) themselves.
I wasn't sure if I wanted them to know, actually, I wasn't sure what I would do if they did find out—despite the teems beliefs—I didn't know everything. But, statistically speaking, there was very little chance that they would have feelings for me, not in the ways that I had for them at least. Most people; similarly to animals, were genetically made to seek out a mate who could clearly protect them and their offspring. Someone stronger and obviously more masculine and dominant.
If anything, most would be more attracted to someone along the lines of Derek or Aaron. Not some scrawny kid like me.
As Morgan returned to tell us that there was some issue with the rooms and everyone started filing out to figure out the issue, I gently slid out from under (name)'s head and carefully leaned their head back against the seat. I got out and was in the process of closing the door and following when I noticed them shiver ever so slightly. I quickly pulled off my jacket and playced it over their little body, before turning to follow the team, coming face to face with a smiling agent Morgan.
"You're so into them, pretty-boy, why don't you just marry the kid already?" He said in a loud whisper. Chuckling quietly when I flushed and looked away from him, walking towards the Motel.
"I don't know what you're talking about," I fibbed as I walked past him.
"I see the way you look at them, you aren't fooling anybody," he pushed off the car and followed after me. "Except maybe them."
"Pfft," I scoff, "you don't know what you're talking about," I mumble, still flushed.
I picked up my pace as I head into the run-down lobby area. The curtains and seat cushions all moth eaten and there was a thick layer of dust over everything in vicinity of my sight. There is the distinct smell of cigarettes and moth balls in the air. Not a good combination.
Picking my way over to the group, I start to listen in on there conversation with the kid behind the counter. 
"What do you mean there's been a change in vacancy? We called you like twenty minutes ago!'' Spoke a very dead-looking JJ, Morgan naturally decided to jump into the conversation.
"I'm sorry, sir, but how exactly could the rooms just be fu-," I didn't stick around long enough to hear the rest of his verbal abuse on the poor kid. I’m sure (name) would be getting cold by now, the temperature had dropped substantially in the last few minutes and only the minutest of protection against the cold would be provided by my overcoat.
I stepped into the cold air of the night and made quick steps towards the car, wrapping my arms around myself to fend off the shivers.
The thought of getting to be alone with them —even if it was just for the few minutes that it would take to wake them and walk back—put me in an oddly lighter mood. Like some of the exhaustion that still raked my body had been lifted off of me. I picked up my pace, anticipation of being near them raced through my chest, and to be honest, it scared me. I didn't know why I was so infatuated with the (eye color)-eyed person, and the simplicity of my not knowing terrified me to no extent. Yet it was an oddly titillating sensation too. Like I was an ice cube being dunked into hot coffee.
As I reached the vehicle that we arrived in, I couldn't help but feel a bit giddy. I quietly opened the door, being sure not to awaken them before absolutely necessary. I knew, even if they wouldn't admit it, they would come a close second on the lack of sleep front. Of course, Hotch would clearly take first, but they couldn't have slept more than twenty minutes in the last seventy-two hours. As I slowly opened the door, I couldn't help but admire their peaceful expression. They looked so calm, for once, I almost didn't want to have to wake them. For the first time in several days, they didn't look stressed to hell and back. I sat and let my eyes rake over their beautiful face for a moment, only looking away when I realized how creepy that could come off as.
Staring down at my hands for a moment, I sighed heavily. They would never see me the way I saw them, I shouldn't be feeling this way. I can't love them. Seeing them in my jacket didn't help that aspect, however.
I crawled hastily into the back of the vehicle, softly closing the door as not to wake them.
Leaning over them, I felt that same burning ache to reach down and kiss their sweet lips. To hold them in my arms and never let them go. I reached down, dragging my fingertips over their cheek and forced myself not to grip the back of their neck and pull them closer to me.
Dear god, I'm being creepy.
Whimpering in defeat, I quickly moved my hands down to their shoulders to shake them gently into consciousness. After a solid couple of shakes, they finally groaned and flickered open their eyes, looking up at me with groggy, sleep-filled, eyes.
"Hey, (name), come on, you can sleep once we get into the room," I whispered to them, refraining from running my fingers over their cheek again.
Slowly, they sat up, shooting me a thankful smile before slowly starting to crawl out of the seat behind me. As we stepped out into the cold, I watched them pull the jacket closer around their small frame, clinging to the jacket as the cold wind hit their sleep-sensitive skin. Again I fought the urge to reach out and touch them.
I shivered slightly and re-wrapped my arms around myself, watching (name) as they tried to hand the jacket to me, likely realizing it was mine. I softly declined, taking it from their fingers and gently laying it over their shoulders, I couldn't help but run my fingers down their arms as I pulled away.
I admired them as we walked, their eyes were heavy with sleep, and their head hung low with stress. I watched the way their hair blew into their face from the too-bitter wind, and it took all of my self control not to reach over and brush the lock of (your hair color) back behind their ear. Almost reaching out, I quickly looked for something else to distract me. Glancing around us, an idea popped into my head.
I rambled aimlessly as we walked; everything from the importance of a good nights sleep to the statistical amount of crimes that occurred in hotels of the nature of the one we'd be staying in. Admiring the way they nodded along and hummed every so often – it was almost as though they enjoyed my pointless rambling. That thought made my insides fill with some fluffy, warm, great feeling that made me all warm inside. Ung, wow that sounded like some cliche love story monologue.
I went quiet as we moved through the doors and into the office (which, to be honest, wasn't a whole lot warmer than the outside) and listened in to the conversation raging on a little farther in.
"And you're sure there's no other rooms? Or at least some with double beds?" Came the sound of Morgans deep voice.
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Jake Reviews Stuff: Amphibia: Marcy at the Gates
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Marcy arrives! The Plantars make it to Newtopia but first have to deal with a slight ant problem and a new addition to the family, as we finally meet the adorkable Marcy. Legs in two months under the cut. 
So as you could probably tell by the tone the last few weeks, doing this has weighed on me a bit. While I do love talking about this show week after week, as well as having a recurring series here to bring in readers, the split quality of the Season thus far has been a challenge. Now when I say split I don’t mean like star vs season 3 where it was either really damn good and some of the show’s best writing or “oh god what have they done to marco’s character this time”, it’s more either really good standout episodes ore more forgetable average ones. See a good episode I can gush about, dive into big charcter stuff, motviations, that sort of thing. I defintley will with owl house at some point and have with other shows. A bad episode can be taken apart and taken to the cleaners, which I haven’t done much of but probably should and if you want any taken to task yourself, I do comissions. But self promotion aside, the point is a meh episode just dosen’t leave me with a lot tot alk about and hte recaps became really dry as a result as I just couldn’t find a lot of jokes, and having a busy few weeks on top of that didn’t really help, nor did the antipciation for this week and the intersting setting of newtopia. 
Thankfully a combination of a really good few days, a better sleep schedule, and a really good episode this week, and a pile of scary go round collections for a dollar have reinvgorated me, so hopefully I can get back to doing what I love: Overanalizing children’s cartoons. So with that we can dive right into the episode. The keithdavidpocalypse is upon us! Pitter Patter! We open with Spring and Anne in the cart. Their close to newtopia, but Anne is worried they never found Marcy, while Sprig isn’t because her last friend turned out to be “Evil”... which Anne harshly rebuffs. And both sides are understandable: To Anne, Sasha was her friend.. a manipualtive and bossy friend sure but one who genuinely cared for her, she just may not know how to deal with people. To Sprig, Sasha is some asshole who abused his friend, tried to murder his Pop Pop, and works for a guy who tried to murder his whole town. It’s really understandable he woudln’t have the same warm fuzzy feelings Anne has.. insert your own Sashanne joke here.  We also get our first actual look at Marcy who to my suprise, rather than be another form of manipulative.. is simply an awkward nerd, constnatly playing video games, reading books , cataloging shit, and trying to get her friends to play d and d. So me if I knew what d and d was in high school. 
Anyways, the family finally DOES make it to Newtopia, impressive as you’d expect when the guard won’t let them see the wizard no way no how. Antique references aside, the guard at the gate actually has good reason for not letting them in as they have a tiny barbari-ant problem. A species Hop Pop is, in a nice touch, unfamiliar with due to the Valley not having them. We quickly see them in action as one approaches the plantars, basically a giant ant with ant-lers. Yes I used a pun there sue me. Anyway, our heroes ward off the ant they do find with some really cool team manuvering, and Polly showing she has spiked teeth. It’s a cool sequence. However they quickly find themselves outgunned, outplanned, outnumbered and outmanned. They gotta make an all out stand. Their gonna need a right hand man. Also I finally saw the film version of hamilton, as you can tell. Utterly magic. 
Said Right Hand Man, er woman, er tween comes in the nick of time as a cloaked Marcy sprays some black goo and sets it ablaze, scaring the ants off, snatching a stalemate from the jaws of defeat,  then rappeling down on a rope shot from a crossbow, also making polly want one because of course. She then.. Faceplants. Still a solid 8/10 entrance Marcy.  Marcy is played by Haley Tju who you may remember from such shows as The Loud House. And that’s all I know her from but given Stella’s one of my faviorites and Haley’s performance is part of that, so it’s unsuprising she’s great here. Also fun fact I learned by looking at her trope page: She actually played a younger version of London, brenda song’s character, on the Suite Life I Pray for Death but Death Won’t Come.. or On Deck for those who’ve never watched it. But I like the fact two londons are now on the same show together.. and an actually good noe at that! Horay. But yeah Haley is a great VA and what little i’ve seen her in and a welcome addition.  Marcy and Anne happily reunite once htey both realize who the other is, and hug and etc, before Marcy decends on the plantars, talking on and on and on about geeky stuff and how she likes the found family trope. ... I may really relate to this  mediums sized child, as I too am a huge nerd with no filter and was probably a lot like her at that age. It’s also clear she very transparently sees this as a combinaton of a video game and a d and d session, but said skills have actually benifited her as rping a rogue allowed her to easily bluff her way into the kingdom’s good graces and now she’s a sworn agent of the king as we’ll find out.  She quickly wins over the Plantars, measuring hop pop’s head, gushing over him being a farmer (which he almost instantly adopts her over and asks to point blank later), and then noticing Polly’s legs are about to come in and giving her the note seen in the review image, my faviorite gag. Sprig however is more out and out hostile and has his reasons we’ll get to in a second.  Marcy escorts her new family and sorta girlfriend to the makeshift war room set up by three scholoary newts who quickly resolve their planning disagreements by beating the piss out of each other. Just like real politics.. and that’s not a cheeky jab between the actual caning in the sentate that happened once and the various duels in the revolutionary and early america eras.. yeah the only reason the preisdent hasn’t been shot for challening one of hte many people he hates for a duel without realizing he really can’t see through that squint too good is that it’s now illegal and not the kind of illegal he can hide like usual.  Anyways after the Newts scoff at our heroes, but Marcy vouches for them and reveals that the ants are getting closer because i’ts gotten warmer....
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Marcy has a plan though: Spread scentshrroms around that will release a pheremone which will drive them off, having throughly studied Amphibia’s various flora and fauna and thus knowing how to deal with them. I’ts something I like about the character and how she adds to the other huamns group dynamics. Alll three deal with issues diffrent ways; Anne has plans, but rarely thinks them through, Sasha does think hers through and is a master manipulator while Marcy is a ballance between the two: She does throughly think things out and have well thought out clever plans.. she just also tens to rush into things or go forward with a nose in a book or without a thought to how dangerous soemthing is. She’s prepared, she’s just not very aware of her surrondings, which is amood. 
But Anne is nervous about her coming along as is sprig which sets up both’s conflicts with her for the episode: Anne wants to protect Marcy, since she just got her back and her only other remaning friend now clearly wants to stab her and she has a better option now love interest wise. However Marcy convinces Anne, 2nd capefire this episode nonwithstanding, she can handle herself. She also calsl her annabannna which is fucking adorable.  The other conflict is that Sprig dosen’t trust her.. he has no rational reason not to give she’s a sweetie, but is a bit gunshy about another human girl working for a dictator popping up in their life. And while he’s probably wrong, while I think Marcy isn’t working for the best people probably she’s likely too oblivious to genuinely relaize she’s doing crimes if they have her doing them or was given a fake justification. I could be wrong, and will gladly eat crow. Metphorically i’m not going to bake a real crow. I don’t have the right seasoning. And i’d also be cursed but eh I doubt I can get poorer. But it’s understandable he has reservations, especially since while he dosen’t say it he’s likely worried Anne will get hurt again. He’s a good boy, he’s just being paranoid over probably nothing.  Anyways onoto the plan: The plantars and new girl marcy are gonna:
Okay phermone them whatever, the point is they head into the Ant Hole, witht he conflicts continuing as the plantars progress; Sprig is naturally suspcious and Anne is worried about her precious gurl. The group fight some more ants, and Marcy seemingly wonders off.. only to instead BLOW THEM A FUCKING TUNNEL with some chemicals from some flowers she found, then instant sprout a plant cage.. and accidently trap polly. NOOOOO.> Thankfully she frees her and tosses some plants on the ants, which is fun to say.  We then get to our climax. OUr group find the queen who ihs horrifying.. a good mom as sprig points out but horrfing. Nice design though i’m just.. not an insect guy and sometimes this show leaves me in abject terror. this is one of those times. Our heroes plant the mushrooms, phrasing I know but this review is late as is and i’ve already used up my archer refrence for the day.  Anne dives to Save a seemingly oblovious Marcy.. whose mad at Anne over it.. while Anne is udnerstandable Marcy wants her , NEEDS her to understand...
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No not that erik. That, much like Anne herself, Marcy’s grown and changed over these past three months. She can handle herself now and she needs her ot see that. Also sprig gets attacked by an ant baby, which not only wakes up the queen, who can hear but can’t see but now knows something’s arry, but causes said queen to unleash a hoarde of ants.  Marcy however naturally has a plan: She’ll dive into the queen’s belly and get sprig, the plantars will hold them off and Anne finally trusts her lady enough to fiht off. I don’t have a lot to say I just really like this character arc and Marcy’s character: She’s a bit oblivious, ab it obessed with nerdy things which again relate.. but when push comes to shove she’s also clever, a master planner and has clearly studied her ass off about this world and knows it well. She’s throughly likeable.  And that likeablity finally gets through to sprig when she gets him out and swings him. Trust earned, anne’s faith in her gained and the mushrooms go off and send the ants running. Misson Complete.  With the mission complete our heroes finally enter Newtopia and meet the mysterious Lady Olivia, whose been sending Marcy on her missions, and is likely her spymaster. Not that i think Marcy realizes that but Marcy’s love of midevil fantasy means she blends in well with thier courty apperance and introduces anne and co to her.. Olvia isn’t impressed but is cordial about it at least.. even with Sprig breaking shit. And yeah , Amphibia has a king over all of it, as Hop Pop puts it “We aren’t savages”. It does make sense it woudln’t come up every day though, it’s not as if the king really cares about the valley... but more on speculation about him in a minute. Hop Pop wisely gives the two “Friends’ some alone time, and the two talk things over: Anne explains how she found sasha.. and it didn’t go great, and Marcy vows that the two of them can go their own way now. Maybe iwth tounge. we dunno. The two then look over anne’s phone while anne recounts her anne-tics.. and we get to the king. And it’s KEITH DAVID BITCHES AS WAS PROHPISED A FEW WEEKS AGO. And he has myserious plans and wood carven figures of both our heroines and possible gaybies. “The game can finally begin. “
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Final Thoughts: This was a really damn good episode. Whiel I summarized more than usual , both conflicts were great, all the plantars got to shine, there were gags a plenty, an intriguing new member of the main cast and a mysterious new antagonist. I mean given it was revealed the Newts were behind Toad tower a few episodes back, I figured Andidas wouldn’t be a good guy, even if he’s played by upstanding gentleman and god among men keith david, , but it’s a question of what his end goal is, how the girls got here, and what his plan ofr them is that i’m curious to see play out as the season goes on, as well as see if Marcy is a pawn or not. Newtopia also looks intresting and i’ts nice to have a new solid setting to build on now we’re here, as well as new mysteries to unlock> Ther’es also the honest possibliity marcy, who claims to have found bubkuss, might simply want to stay in a world where she gets to live out her dreams and isn’t picked on or bullied. Again we’ll see all speculation but this episode was damn good. For now this is the clear highlight of the season and i’tll be intresting to see where it goes from here. Until next time courage. 
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maximumninjavoid · 4 years
Mining for unobtanium
C h 19
The books. I had proof he really paid attention, because he really didn't seem the type to have 'people' for that. Ok, someone put them here, in this suite, but Amazon is an amazing thing. Paperback copies of Not For Glory AND Hero. They're hard to find. The author is deceased. I buy them wherever I find them, because paperbacks don't last forever and I'm pretty sure they were never in hard cover. Higgins' Solo. Those were the lay ups. The Oathbound books? That was a delightful surprise. I re-read those books on a regular basis, they're like old friends. All of the Witcher books, and he had gotten them autographed. I actually clapped my hands and squealed in glee! Andrew Vachss' Burke series. Now that was a bunch of books that begged for a movie....but, I make better movies in my head.
I sent another email, figuring he would see it when he had some down time.
You've really gone and outdone yourself. Thank you for the books. The feel of an actual book in my hand is incomparable, and while I like the convenience of an e reader, it isn't the same. You picked the perfect ones! However did you guess? I shall have to come up with a manner of suitably expressing just how grateful you have made me.
Although, surely there was a room under some stairs someplace you could have stashed me? It would have been less extravagant.....Been hiding my time on the dreadmill, and watching your interviews. Now, no cringing.
If I had a superpower, it would be to let people see themselves the way other people see them. We are so hard on ourselves, you know? And living in the public eye can just make it more difficult, but, darling....I'm one you were talking about scrolling through social media, and " there's a bad picture, and another one, and" Baby, who hurt you? I swear I will jump on my broomstick, scream " I'll get you my pretty! " and drop a fucking house on them. I don't think you have ever taken a bad picture. Ever.
I've seen photo shoots, out takes, family photos, you obviously intoxicated, you being silly or adorkable, and no bad shots. Stunning, in every one. Sweaty in the gym? Women go mad. Tom Ford party? Women go crazy AND men begin to question their sexuality. You show off that physique you work so hard for? Gay men faint, or hit the gym, or both. You should see the porn fakes. They're good fakes, by the bye.
And I have lost count of how many people gush about how nice you are. "Wouldn't day shit if he had a mouth full of it, that one". Makes me want to get you ALL riled up so you'll talk dirty to me.... Oooohhh yes. That very proper Mister Cavill saying the filthiest things.....
I seem to have become quite aroused thinking about you, I could go and alleviate some of this .....tension.
I could let it build and save it all for you.
However, fair is fair. Sauce for the goose, as it were.... That would mean you would have to be willing to go without until quarantine was over.....
What say you?
And before I could over think it, I hit send. I went and did the necessary at the Temple of the Dreadmill, but Deadpool made it less horrid, and if I was *training to kill Francis* that was some sort of motivation. If only fat cells would scream as they died. I wanted to go outside, go sightseeing, be a tourist. But quarantine is quarantine, and honor is exactly that. So, other than my rooms, it was the dreadmill and that was it. I read, I wrote, I worked, looked out the windows, put my mask on and went out on the balcony, and dreamt of the days passing faster.
Two days later I hear a tink tink tink on my window. I look at my watch, and it's afternoon. It must be a bird or some. I go back to my book. " tink tink tink" and I get up and walk across the room , open the curtains and look out and internally shriek. He's standing, RIGHT THERE. Tossing pebbles at my window. I side eye the mirror praying I don't look like a gorgon, and go to the balcony and step out. " You there. Young man. Are you in the habit of throwing stones at random windows? " With a big smile on my face, and he looks up, and my heart forgets it's job. Stops dead in my chest he's so much better looking in person.
 "What light from yonder window breaks?"
 Oh we are not doing Shakespeare on a street in midtown London.
 "Have you lost your mind, or are you just lost?"
 " I just..... Dammit, I'm coming up. I'm tired of waiting. "
 "You most certainly are not. You have forty eight more hours. Surely you can last that long"
He looks up at me, with this cheeky grin and waggles his eyebrows. "I don't think I can last twenty minutes at this point, but I'll make damned sure you don't complain."
 " You would tempt a saint. You know that, don't you? And I , am no saint.
Write me a letter of intent. On real paper, with a good pen. I know how you usually prefer to approach a seduction, but, from the other side of the equation, if you please. And if you can manage a seven foot leash, I would be delighted to invite Kal for a visit tomorrow. He doesn't have to social distance. Now, be gone, or I shall be forced to taunt you a second time"
I smiled, blew him a kiss, turned around, walked back inside and closed the balcony doors behind me. My pulse was racing and I cursed, because I always know when I'm doing the right thing. The right thing is hard.
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The gif is NOT mine
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sionnables · 4 years
Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist, you guys.  
Let me explain something first: the Broadway musical First Date is my SHOW.  I mean, it’s NOT-- I had no part in the creation or performance of it, obviously.  But it’s “mine” in the way that people tend to take possession of things they like, you know? 
“That’s my song!” 
“That’s my precious fictional baby!”
Or, I guess, like that weird thing sports fans do when they insert themselves into their favorite team, like, “we need to box out the endzone and get some points on the board” or whatever.
First Date is mine not only because I loved it, but because it felt like the creators reached into my heart, plucked out all my experiences and emotions, and put them up on stage.  I mean, it went to TATTOO LEVELS, so you know it’s both serious and a little ridiculous. 
 Six years later, I still fucking love that show. 
(The intensity has gone down a bit, but that’s probably the best for everyone.)
So when I happened to find out that the book writer of First Date was the creator/writer of Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist AND it was a musical, I obviously wanted to check it out.  It was delayed slightly by a deep-dive into a Schitt’s Creek hyper-fixation (David and Patrick can have my entire heart and, like, overall existence), but I finally started watching a few days ago.
And it is delightfully First-Date-y.
It’s also a really good “I can’t handle anything too sad or heavy right now due to reality” option.  There’s some romantic angst and family tragedy thrown in, but it’s not like This Is Us: The Musical or anything (thank christ-- seriously, how does anyone watch that show? It’s Ugly Cry Central over there).
I’m not going to do the plot summary thing because Google exists.  But here’s the thing: yes, there are multiple tropes here that have been done to death (*cough*lovetriangle*cough*), but you know what? The show is cute, the cast is really talented, and the writing’s pretty effing funny. I don’t need groundbreaking television to be entertained. And I’m a sucker for “nice comedy” nowadays, you know? Like, I could never get into Glee because the characters were HORRIBLE to each other. I can’t do a show full of selfish, mean people, it just doesn’t work for me.  Give me a well-written ensemble comedy where everyone messes up but they’re ultimately trying their best and growing, and I’m pretty much in.
That all being said, here’s what I need to discuss (spoilers ahead, obviously):
1) Zoey’s definitely got that whole Zooey-Deschanel-adorkable thing going on, but you have to appreciate a show that is like, “STEM Women FTW!” because we need that.  Also, maybe it’s Fellow Millennial Empathy, but I appreciate that she has no idea what she’s doing and is still trying so hard to be a functioning and successful adult, WHILE dealing with family tragedy, AND sudden musical powers, AND being a woman in charge of a department full of men (girl, been there done that), AND confusing mushy feelings. It helps that Jane Levy is so talented that I was convinced she was British (she is not).
2) Mo. Is. Everything.  More representation of gender-fluidity is wonderful to see, for one thing. But he’s also the smartest character on the show, as well as the most well-balanced and emotionally mature.  And his VOICE, okay? I love that it seems like Mo is going to sort of be Zoey’s guide through all of this, and I’m looking forward to seeing their friendship grow.
3) Simon is a gorgeous, gorgeous man.  If he was at ALL single, I’d be like, “Zoey, hit that IMMEDIATELY”. But I don’t love the direction that their relationship is going (HE IS ENGAGED, FFS) OR the whole Jessica vs. Zoey thing they’re pulling.  I’m willing to give the first part a pass because both of them are grieving and emotional instability can definitely equal bad decisions (we may not like it, but you can’t say it’s unrealistic). But that second part? Simon is way more to blame than Zoey. No more girls hating on girls, okay? Like, I don’t want Jessica and Zoey to necessarily become besties (that whole “it’s always about your dad” comment was way too awful for me to like her THAT much), but you know what I mean. The longer this goes on, the less I like Simon.  And it’s such a BUMMER, because I feel like Zoey and Simon could really use each other, platonically. 
4) Speaking of not liking people, Zoey’s brother is a dick. Not ONLY because of the shit he pulled with going out to bars instead of being with his PREGNANT WIFE/STRUGGLING MOTHER, but that whole thing about him having to “convince” his wife to have kids when she didn’t want them? YUCK. He’s the one character I do not like at ALL and I hope that Emily leaves him and ends up an awesome single mom with a hot boyfriend. I’m glad Zoey told her what was up. GOOD. WHAT A JERK.
5) Zoey’s mom is amazing and deserves the world. That is all.
6) Full disclosure: I am 100% Team Max. But within that 100%, I’m 50% Zoey Is Clearly Not Ready To Date Him Or Even Process Her Feelings About Him Right Now So He Needs To Just Be Her Friend and 50% Zoey Is Clearly Terrified Of Feelings And Max Might Need To Push Her a Little To Get Her To Get Past That.  This is coming from a place of experience, because I was once terrified of feelings and commitment and basically my husband is only my husband because he chose to ignore the many, many times I tried to break up with him and was very persistent with me. Please note that this DOES NOT MEAN that Max needs to be all pissy about “friendzoning” and/or pushing TOO hard, TOO quickly. Which he’s sort of toe-ing the line with, at the moment.  I don’t think that Zoey ever really gave him the impression that she was interested in him romantically before the whole “flash mob” debacle (I cringed when Mo said that touching his shoulder and having him come over to watch a movie was leading him on, because please don’t do that, writers, Mo is too smart and progressive for that BS), and the flash mob itself was a really weird, out-of-character move (at least thus far) for him.  Look, I get the whole “omg, Max can hear her/no wait, there’s real singing” thing was an unexpected twist, but I’m not a fan of twists over characterization. Max knows Zoey, and I think he’d know that declaring feelings in public while making her the center of attention would not be her thing (but I find public proposals super cringe-y, so maybe that’s just me).  I’m sort of not happy with that. What I DO think is appropriate is him asking for some time/space after she asks to just be his friend-- I count that as being respectful of her decision and needing some breathing room to disconnect his romantic feelings towards her. I also don’t blame him for being upset that she knew his feelings way beforehand and didn’t say anything, or for being upset after seeing her sing to Simon. The singing thing is not Zoey’s fault at ALL, but that is some serious emotional whiplash! Nevertheless, I hope these two are endgame and don’t hurt each other too much in the process. That boy will do ANYTHING for her, and I kind of love him for it. Please don’t turn him into a “Nice Guy”! Also, can we all agree that he outsang EVERY SINGLE ONE of the Jonas Brothers with “Sucker”? Goddamn!
7) Tobin is so stupid, but WOW is that character a brilliant representation of every single, straight, young, insecure, emotion-denying, Reddit-using, product of toxic masculinity gamer boy that you’ve ever met in your life. Holy SHIT. They’re nailing it with him. He is 100% the guy that yells a “make me a sandwich” joke in front of his friends and then goes home and cries about not having a girlfriend. I have met 10,000 versions of Tobin in my life and he CRACKS ME UP. Bless him.
8) Leif is Draco Malfoy and I hope that Joan is using him for sex and then ditches him in a humiliating fashion. IF THEY MAKE HER FALL FOR HIM I SWEAR TO GOD. She’s too smart for that. I want Joan and Mo to take over the world together.
Okay, I think I got all of my thoughts and feelings out. Until next week, at least.
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ngame989 · 5 years
Starco Fic Recs
Disclaimer: This list is largely curated to my own personal preferences (minimal feelings angst, minimal AUs, character development >>> plot) and has a fairly high bar for quality in characterization, etc. There will likely be many popular/beloved fics that I really don’t think highly of at all and therefore don’t make the cut. Feel free to DM me things you think I should consider adding, but I make no promises.
And of course I’d be flattered if you gave my own works a chance - stop by my About Me section for links! Thus far I’m particularly proud of the post-canon series I just started in collaboration with an awesome team, The Greatest Gift.
(Updated 9/26 - I decided to redo the list since people might appreciate seeing it in the tags again. To anyone whose own work is featured here that I haven’t personally responded to - I’m a tough critic with a lot of strong personal preferences so PLEASE do not take my gripes as condemnations of your skills - if they make the list at all, I think they’re worth a read!)
See below for the very thorough list!
Bolded titles indicate must-read.
Italicized titles indicate work is incomplete (in the case of continuous stories).
Asterisks indicate new additions from last update (3 for brand new, 1 for status update).
I’ve VERY loosely organized the categories by personal priority order this time around, but read the descriptions and decide for yourself!
Forevermore - A Starco wedding story (with a bit of Jantom as well). Simply one of the best fics I’ve read in the fandom. I have no meaningful criticism to give it, and that’s the highest praise I can possibly give something.
Monarchs of Mewni (+ Traditionally Lovingly Yours) - A series of chronologically disconnected oneshots set years after the show. The backstory is very dated given how long ago it started (Jarco was kinda serious for a few years, Tomstar v2 never happened, etc) but overall it’s lovely. Has a bit of plot, a bit of Jantom, a lot of other character interactions, and a boatload of Starco - plus a Starco kid who is a decently developed character but also doesn’t just take over and crowd out Star and Marco themselves! That alone deserves merit.
Ruined - Aftermath of a hypothetical return of Monster Arm. Angst with a happy ending (and one of the few angsty fics that gets my seal of approval), so read this extra early if that’s more your schtick than mine.
study buddies - Y’know what, fuck it, I’m putting this here. It’s a short ball of Starco fluff but it’s one of the sweetest and fluffiest fluffballs I’ve seen in a long time and it’s very emotionally immersive and y’all needa read it.
*When Two Worlds Collide - One of my favorite postcanon series thus far. I admit I’m really not big on “magic returns!” plots in postcanon (which this has), and the sections that focus on that are hit or miss for me, but overall it has some of the funnest and cutest characterization and gags I’ve seen in any SVTFOE fic, ever. Absolutely worth following (and it has a fair amount of art to go along with it!)
***Star Chef - Oneshot (two chapters, so twoshot technically?) set in the same universe as Starlight Justiciar (see below) and is just a day in the life of Star and Marco. Goes absolutely above and beyond at emotional immersion and little nuances and details to bring the world and characters to life, which elevates it to something special to me.
Light of the Sun and Stars - (Promoted to Must-Read!) One of the few heavily divergent AU fics I care for. Marco is an orphan raised by monsters, and meets Star after running away. Just finished its “first season” and I've loved the recent chapters, am very excited to see where it goes.
*Don’t You Let Me Go - Wonderfully fluffy post-Cleaved Starco, one of my favorite oneshot “epilogues”.
i want to tell you (but i don’t know how) - Post season 3 fic detailing the growth of Star and Marco’s relationship. It’s spectacular writing and shows off a lot of the true depth of Starco beyond just being cute.
Adult - NSFW warning, non-explicit (aged-up characters). It’s a story about the journey towards Star and Marco’s first step into adulthood together -  it’s not graphic and way more focused on the emotions involved, but it still is definitely more explicit than your average FFnet rated-T fic. If sexual themes ain’t your thing, I totally respect that, but this is a charming and funny piece of writing.
Lawchan’s various oneshots - There isn’t a great compilation for them right now so the best I can do is give you her tag for it and you can comb through it yourself. I like some more than others here, but they’re all very well-written - my only gripes with some of them are my own tastes in subject matter, so have fun perusing this on your own.
I Will Always Be There For You - A really pure and wholesome Starco oneshot. Very well-written.
Post-Canon Series to Follow
I figured with the show being over, and so many people starting their own series, I should include a lot of them here even if I’m personally not the biggest fan just to help gather them up so people can decide for themselves. Little bit looser on judgment here.
*Life on Earthni A to Z - Non-chronological postcanon slice of life oneshots, Starco and some Globclipsa and Jantom. Overall really good so far, one of my favorites in terms of direction.
*When Dimensions Cleave (sequel - Unforgettable Getaway) - Another postcanon series hellbent on bringing back magic queen lore, but it has some solid Starco fluff still. Credit where it’s due, the “Star constantly freaking out over what a horrible person she was” bit that I called preachy in the prior rec post gets somewhat less preachy and does end up actually going somewhere as part of character development, but I’m left scratching my head at how they all act sometimes. The good parts are certainly good, though, and in terms of quantity of lovey dovey Starco, it really can’t be beat (especially the sequel) and that’s worth something by itself. 
We’re a Miracle - Extra adorkable postcanon fluff. Lighter on the “but ACKSHUALLY MAGIC IS BACK” stuff compared to the others, but it’s there, like almost every postcanon fic in existence.
Star vs the Sands of Time - Heavy politic/lore postcanon fic, not my fav but if that’s more your thing then great. Has some casual Starco too.
Goodbye Isn’t Forever - More POV dives into Cleaved.
Fake Proposal - Some decent jokey but cute fluff
The Stars Above - Some exploration of Earthni
New World - A bit over-the-top meta, but fun fluff
The Starlight Justiciar - Four years after canon, some social change plot stuff and some decent Starco. Not the biggest fan of some of the plot stuff but check it out for yourself!
Starco vs the Forces of Evil - Another collab fic/art thing. Fair warning, I really am not personally a huge fan of a lot of the characterization and plot decisions here (see my notes on Sign of the Moon waaaay down below) but decide for yourself, don’t let my pickiness dictate your own preferences!
Ready For The Future - Technically a oneshot (with some Starco) but sets up some Mina plot, if you’re interested in more give it a follow/review.
Worlds Together - Some Starco and exploration of Earthni.
Epilogue -  Some Starco and exploration of Earthni.
***A Dark Horse - Has a few really nice lovey dovey Starco bits but also lots of superdrama with politics stuff. There’s a lot of fics here that I honestly just windowshop the scene I like for a quick fix of dopamine every now and then and skim at most otherwise, and this is one.
Revolution - end of canon AU where Moon is as anti-monster as Mina, dark as fuck. Only putting it here cuz some of y’all angstlords might like it.
Shorter Works/Oneshot Collections
I’ll Carry Your World - Big ole’ ball of wonderful Starco fluff with an important moment between them (written before end of show so a bit divergent).
***LoveIsTheStrongestKindOfMagic - Very short and basic fluff.
Starco Week 5 (Hugs Included) - Some of it is postcanon Earthni oneshots and others are from the Light of the Sun and Stars AU (see above). Great author, fun as hell writing style.
Fragile - Star worries about keeping her boyfriend Marco safe.
Complete - An older Star reflects on her past and present. Short and sweet.
Knighthood - Simple fluff piece on if Star and Marco got together after Storm the Castle.
Too Hot to Move - Star and Marco try to survive a heat wave on Earthni. Also funny fluff.
Marco Make-out Mayhem - Star really likes kissing Marco. Funny fluff.
Cleaved Together - NSFW warning, non-explicit (aged up) - Star and Marco’s first time. Very very overly focused on the whole purity/sacredness of first time thing, but still pretty cute.
Like Us - Really nice, sweet casual reflection on her life with Marco from a future Star’s POV.Toothpaste Kisses - Short fluff about its title.
A Friend’s Memento - Starco fluff with some reflection on the results of destroying magic
Plum Pie - Some goofy antics and hurt/comfort.
Not Losing You - A little dive into Marco’s POV at the end of Cleaved. Also adds a kiss.
We Belong Together - More speculative slightly angsty comfort/fluff.
Enough - A nice study of the emotions and thoughts during the last scenes of Cleaved, adds some depth to it.
Heartless - A bit of angst over magic going away with some sweet Starco comfort.
Together - Post-Cleaved Starco megafluff.
My Prince - Starco fluff set in a world where they were together before Cornonation.
Dancing with a Star - Starco fluff from alt S4.
Love in the Time of Pancakes - Written hours after my last update of the list, another little ditty based on the pancake promo.
Pancakes - Fluffy S4-promo-based little oneshot.
Hers - Hurt/comfort/confession-y fic, has some really nice moments and shows off a lot of how much they care about each other. Nice to see after such a drought.
Someone to Stay - Another hurt/comfort fic, nice and simple.
A Viola, a Violin, and a Butterfly’s Sword - some nonlinear oneshots about Starco. Some kinda weird directions gone in with the “plot” but it’s pretty good overall.
Falling - One of many, many fics from throughout the fandom’s history about Star and Marco getting together. Short and sweet.
forget about white horses & once upon a time - Drabble collection of various moments scattered throughout Star and Marco’s lives. Cute fluff.
The One Where I Thought I Lost You - Post-BFM fic where Marco realizes his feelings for Star earlier. Very wholesome.
christmases when you were mine - Established relationship fluff.
lightning in your veins, thunder in your heart - Post-season 3 established relationship fluff (slightly divergent, written before 3B).
once upon a december - Established relationship fluff.
Flags - Alternate rendition of the episode “Flags” with Starco.
Spells and Hot Chocolate - Wintry fluff.
5 Ways to Say ‘I Love You’ - Post BFM with some events in Star and Marco’s lives.
You’re My Wish Come True - This is just indulgent Starco trash. I won’t even argue for the characterization/writing quality, this is just a straight-up guilty pleasure.
Wands and Nachos - ^
The Princess and the Safe Kid - ^
A Day in the Life of Starco - ^
A very Starco Xmas - ^
Could It Be -^
All the times Star wore Marco’s hoodie - ^
Protect Me, Squire - ^
Crushed - Star and Marco both get turned down by their respective crushes and find comfort in each other.
Stay - Cuddly fluff. There’s another Stay out there which I frankly can’t stand with will-they-won’t-they melodrama out the wazoo, so don’t get confused.
Longer Series
*The Inescapable Us - Really tropey miscommunication will-they-won’t-they type of thing. Not my fav, especially now that the show is over and finished that leg of Star and Marco’s story once and for all (I’m personally WAY less interested in things that redo something canon already did). However, where it’s at now has some really good Starco moments. Fully admitted that I hella skimmed most of it until the parts I enjoyed, but And if you’re more fine with that type of thing then you’ll probably really like it, it’s well-written otherwise.
Together We Fall - Throwback S2 AU fic where Star and Marco go to the dance together instead and Toffee makes moves earlier. Gets kinda dark but has a lot of nice Starco along the way.
Safer, Sorrier - A recent rewrite of an older fic, Better Safe Than Sorry, where Star has to leave early to become queen and Marco is alone for a few months before they reunite. A very dated premise (post season 1 ish) but quite good.
Sugar and Spice - NSFW warning, non-explicit (NOT aged-up characters). In this fic, Star and Marco have gotten together after BFM, and a spell gone wrong leads to Mewberty relapses with obvious consequences. This fic has adorable Starco moments, but what I love this for above all is the other character interactions (especially Glossaryck and Star’s parents). This is probably a controversial add-on to the list, but I stick by my decision - if the subject matter isn’t your thing, then by all means avoid it.
Beyond Dimensions - Plotfic + established Starco where some ancient sorceress has to trap Star to escape and try to take over Mewni. Maybe y'all are more into plot stuff than me but the Starco that’s there is quite good regardless.
Starfall - NSFW warning, explicit (aged-up characters). Probably the most popular one to make the cut. Star and Marco are forced apart and have to find their way back together. Very old fic, lot of dated stuff here, and the narration and plot itself can get kinda questionable sometimes, but it has a lot of good Starco and some interesting plot elements that make it, in my opinion, worth a read despite a lot of flaws. A few epilogue chapters contain rather explicit sexual content, so be wary of that (and the epilogue itself after Ep 6 kinda transitions into a nextgenverse, so maybe just skip that entirely).
The Star Butterfly Effect - The sole fic on the list that is purely plot-based, with very little actual Starco development whatsoever. I can’t even really explain it, just give it a shot and see what you think; I was rather engrossed by the plot, and that’s rare for me.
The Princess and her Knight, Return of the Empire The former fic in this series is way more character-based, while the latter is very heavy plot stuff. Pretty decent character writing with some fluff. There’s a third that I honestly can’t recommend because I completely dropped it because it was just a nonstop war story.
Experimental - REALLY heavy, dark AU where Star and Marco are tortured and corrupted. It’s pretty decent.
Blood Moon Blitz - Alt BFM fic of Marco going to fight Toffee with Star. unfortunately dropped without completing, but what’s there is pretty solid.
Read at Your Own Risk…
The Sign of the Moon, The Dance of the Stars - Starts post-3A, involves the growth of Star and Marco’s relationship as they take on foes in and out of the castle and learn more about the Blood Moon. This series is rather… melodramatic, and there were some chapters and character interactions I flat out did not enjoy reading. But some people aren’t as strict on character interpretations as I am and would love such a long plot-based Starco fic, so overall I still will at least list it and let you decide for yourself. There might be a third entry in this series now, but I dropped it before then.
Photos - I hesitate to include this one here because the “Tom is a perfect angel who must sacrifice his love for Star” thing pisses me off. But just skip all that (and ignore the random “a part of me will always love Tom” line) and it’s a really nice post-s3 confession fic.
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yfere · 5 years
Shipping Calculus! Live Updates from C2E65
Why no one started singing the K-I-S-S-I-N-G tree song during this episode, I have no idea. Thank you to @alarnia and @softazelma for helping with data entry. Masterpost here.
+500 to Liam O’Brien/The Sympathy Vote If anything, the investigative report humanized the man, what with his agonized expressions, the hard choices he’s making, the deals, trying desperately to hold onto his friendships. Sam Riegel seems like a robot in comparison, with very long bits. #VoteWithYourJohnson #LiamForPresident
-100 to Marisha Ray/Trustworthiness as the person in charge of the investigation into Liam O’Brien’s campaign, we expect a certain amount of clearheadedness and integrity, which does not include getting high before giving testimony. Fire her from the case! #VoteWithYourJohnson #LiamForPresident
+23 to Jester/Yasha for an adorkable conversation about Yasha’s hard rock harping career, using the imagination to handle hard feelings together, as all good Jester ships should. The offer to wipe Yasha’s memory again if there’s anything she doesn’t want to know or remember #ThatsLove, and Yasha channeling Jester’s slightly unhinged love of animals and peacemaking by speculating they could offer the udak some scritches to quell its murderous impulses. Yasha quoting Jester only about 500 times a day, worshipping the ground she walks on, believing she has the power to heal the grass, and then placing that grass into her pressed flower book to remember the moment with #ArtisticSolidarity.
+31 to Beau/Yasha, with a few Battle Aftercare Points for Yasha helping up Beau after the fight, and for an even more emotionally charged watch conversation that resulted in a Ljore Drop from Beau. Talking about past loves and betrayals, the “types” that Beau prefers. Yasha appreciating Beau’s lack of judgment, Beau only slightly ineffectively wielding her I’m-Horrible-Too trump card, Yasha saying she’s “seen” Beau “a lot.” Floating the idea that it is actually possible to move on from Zuala’s death. Beau offering to help Yasha dig up the body, because that’s not weird at all, That’s Love. Darlings. Points taken away because the focus of the conversation was almost entirely on other people they love and have loved, and Jester, which brings us to…
+10 to Beau/Yasha/Jester, as in the launch of the second major intra-party poly ship in the shipping calculus lab, we have two wlw who spend a substantial amount of their Lesbian Bonding Time just talking about how beautiful and perfect and incredible Jester Lavorre is. Fuck Caduceus, this Literal Saint walking amongst them can heal grass with her spit and her “radiant glow”. With the same logic, we can expect that her toenails cure poison, her kiss brings you back from the brink of death…Also, Jester lending Verbal Support to Yasha’s physical support after the gloomstalker battle, as Beau wrestles with embarrassment over not having done anything
+10 to Caleb/Fjord/Jester as our second poly ship gains points with Caleb saving both Fjord and Jester from plummeting to their deaths and Fjord taking the chance to thunderstep them both up the tree again!
+17 to Jester/Fjord but as usual, Fjord’s contribution to the Rescue-the-Jester operation looks a lot flashier, so he gets more of the Romance Credit. Not only that, but many points for a competitive tree-climbing adventure straight out of a romance novel where Fjord’s Need To Impress The Love Interest gives him enough adrenaline to actually beat out Jester on athletics, swinging her up safely into the branches like a magical green Tarzan. Fjord (and Beau) being lovingly sketched in Jester’s book so she can remember the moment forever. Excellent Battle Couple vibes in distracting and shooting down gloomstalkers while on the moorbounders, not once but twice. Fjord also made an admirable attempt to Rescue-the-Jester during the first gloomstalker attack, but Caduceus got +6 to Cockblocking for immediately assassinating the charmed gloomstalker before Fjord’s spell did any good. Fjord yelling at Nott for not listening to Jester. Plenty of point loss, however, because Fjord is never going to learn to love Jester’s animals, losing his cool and yelling about what her “fucking animal is doing” STOP, Fjord.
+5 to Jester/Caduceus, for the aforementioned gloomstalker assassination, and being #Blessed alongside Yasha and Fjord, but point loss for Caduceus rolling his eyes at Jester’s well-meaning attempt to spit the grass to life and saying “that’s not how it works,” saying “that’s not how it works” about the scrying despite having never succeeded in doing it himself, and for Jester insisting that the massive tree is an evil “vampire tree,” much to Caduceus’ dismay.
+15 to Caduceus/Arts-n-Crafts for sweetly weaving a sunhat for Yasha while everyone else does dumb shit like nearly getting themselves killed, damaging a holy tree and antagonizing the largest bird of prey in  several miles’ radius. He’ll probably sit through whatever encounter happens next week continuing to weave that hat.
+20 to Sam Riegel/Heatstroke as he responds to Concerns over his sweating and over-warm getup by putting on more layers. I’d expect a President with some more self-preservation in him, but if he offs himself with poor costuming choices at least he’ll be taken out of the running, am I right? #VoteWithYourJohnson #LiamForPresident
+16 to Beau/Jester They also earn many Battle Points, as Jester sends her nastiest Guiding Bolts (according to Sam Riegel, an expression of love) rocketing towards the gloomstalker attacking Beau. Beau instantly thinking of Jester’s skill with art and asking her to copy the map, and Jester adorably sketching Beau as one of her favorite people up in the tree, besides thinking that Beau’s tree climbing skills are Incredibly Impressive, and sneaking alongside her and Fjord to get a better look at the roc nest. Point loss for Beau saying Jester’s map was “garbage” which, even though Beau meant the map itself and not Jester’s skill in copying it, Jester still took personally.
-10 to Caleb/The Mission as he confesses to “losing faith” during watch with Nott, feeling like they’re failing and they don’t know what they’re doing.
+25 to Caduceus/The Mission as despite the Wildmother telling him Things He Did Not Want To Hear during his Communing session, Caduceus gets a massive, massive sign he’s going in the right direction in the form of Melora’s tree, and a detailed vision of all the places he’s expected to go to when he sleeps that night.
+19 to Caduceus/Nature as Caduceus plays around in the dirt, pokes at some interesting moss for several minutes, and gets to hang out, utterly smitten with a massive tree that is the best thing ever look at it.
+4 to Caleb/Fjord as no one listens to Fjord’s desire for a short rest, and even his puppy eyes directed at Jester is not enough to sway them, until Caleb catches on to Fjord’s plight and uses his #ItPaysToBeADamselInDistress power to say he wants a short rest, and shift the party to his favor. Caleb wanting some light to read his now-apparently-waterproof book for the Tiny Hut, and Fjord eagerly offering to cast a spell to make Caleb and everything around him darker. It’s the thought that counts? Point loss for Fjord ignoring Caleb’s advice against antagonizing the chasing gloomstalkers.
-2 to Caleb/Cat-Shaped Creatures as asking Frumpkin-the-Vulture with his razor claws to knead and drape himself on people is not nearly as comforting as actually having a real-life cat do it. However, +10 to Caleb/Vulture Culture for that and for turning himself into a huge bird of prey to cart Nott around.
-5 to Jester/Cat-Shaped Creatures (also -5 to Jester/Pets) as despite attempting to comfort Yarnball after the first gloomstalker fight, Yarnball remains spooked enough to break formation when they encounter them again, at which point Jester channels Alison Hargreeves vibes by lying and using mind control to get the poor thing back in line.
-4 to Fjord/Caduceus as Fjord gets a special, potentially life-saving visit from the Wildmother in his dreams, delivering him for the moment from Uk’otoa….and repays her by fucking up one of her most sacred places on the planet with repeated wood-shattering Thundersteps. Caduceus can’t watch.
-40 to Fjord/Uk’otoa as Uk’otoa now has a schedule of bothering Fjord every one to two weeks. I shudder to think how Uk’otoa is going to react once the Wildmother can’t protect Fjord anymore, now that he’s escaped from their clutches once.
+1 to Fjord/His Inner Bard for motivational rapping of...questionable quality
+3 to Caleb/Caduceus as Caleb very sweetly refuses Caduceus “wasting” his light spells on him, asks him about his feelings towards the tree. Caduceus looking to Caleb before anyone else to see if investigating the turtle shell is a good idea.
+4 to Nott/Jester as Nott offers some excellent advice on how to get ones’ way—ask the same question over and over again until you get the answer you want, and if that fails, do what you want anyway. Jester being the Most Concerned with Nott’s drinking, and alongside Caleb successfully steering her away from a suicidal (though heroically romantic) standoff against the gloomstalkers. Nott helping Jester and the others float safely down, and instinctively trying to save Jester and Fjord during their first fall. Bonding over an appreciation for big square dicks, which would only, and I mean only count for point gains between these two individuals. Point loss for Nott calling Jester “crazy” and saying she’ll scar Luke for life, which is probably just a deflection but a hurtful one. Jester catching Nott after she fails to climb the tree and just barely managing to stop herself from being negative and saying “Good effort!” instead, because Jester can’t help but feel like it’s her job to Be Encouraging.
+30 to Nott/Keeping It Together Maybe as she’s totally fine, she’s just going to drink a lot and nearly kill herself trying to stand off against the gloomstalkers and go stealthing alone in the middle of the night and rip the heart out of her enemies—she’s fine guys. It’s all under control
+2 to Clerics/Loneliness, as both Jester and Caduceus are abandoned to take a watch alone. Even so, their love for the others shines through, with Jester phoning up Kiri, and Caduceus preparing breakfast for everyone.
+1 to Caleb/Jester as Caleb tries to gently defend Jester to Nott, a few different times—a difficult thing, to dissuade Nott of anything!
+25 to Nott the Best Detective Agency/Detective Work and Beau/Nerdom as Beau is the one to find the map of the area to have Jester copy, alongside Nott’s excellent vision catching Melora’s tree at a distance. Then, Nott’s investigation of the tree alone demonstrating Admirable Detective Curiosity, while Beau is the only person to recall exactly what the tree is and its significance to the Wildmother and the Calamity. Jester finding their target running his hands along some mountain in the Prenumbra Range, looking for the correct place to put the emblem that he bought from the scout courier.
+3 to Essik/The Mighty Nein as he is “proud” that they’re hanging out cheerfully in the middle of the Badlands. At this point Essik seems to have just accepted that they’re a dumpster fire and has resolved to pat them on the head so long as they do the bare minimum and keep themselves alive. A few days from now they’ll give him a call from the bottom of the ocean, yes yes that’s very good children, we’re very proud of you here and that’s what I’ll tell anyone who asks because it’s not like I staked any part of my reputation on backing you to the Bright Queen or anything.
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real-jaune-isms · 5 years
RWBY Volume 7 Chapter 6 Review/Runthrough
I know I’m very late with this, but finals were hell. 
This chapter went from a middle ground of curious tension to the highest hype to the deepest dread and despair over the course of its roughly 16 minutes of run time and I hated that. And I love it. I hope y’all did too, but let’s take it step by step together.
It starts somewhat close to where chapter 5 left off, the riots in Mantle have been quelled and several people are in handcuffs, including three familiar thirsty moms. Guess the Happy Huntresses are popular with housewives, wish fulfillment of making a difference in the world yourself and all that. Robyn herself is being interviewed as we’re shown the riot aftermath and people getting in line to vote at electronic polling machines. And we get our first major surprise of the episode. There were two other candidates we never heard about, Ivy Brown and Pearl Wistier! So can we get some F’s in the comments for these two, who didn’t get any recognition or screen time and with the election ending probably never will? As Robyn talks about hoping voters will make the right choice and that the connection between her supporters and the riots is pure coincidence, we see Team RWBY and JNR training while Oscar watches. Blake and Yang are jumping around atop towers, Weiss is sparring with Winter again, Ruby is practicing her semblance, Ren meditates, and Nora and Jaune are bouncing a dodgeball back and forth to test his new shield. The Bees jumping around reminded me a little of the Chibi episode where they played tag, so I liked that. Weiss bounces Winter’s Beowolf around on black glyphs in a manner that made me think of a move Sans uses in Undertale, a very fun connection, and then she knocks Winter off guard by sending a small version of her knight to attack Winter’s ankle. Her playful smirk says she’s not sorry~ Ruby’s petal form splits into three parts to go around a pillar, and Oscar finally calls her out on that being a little unusual if her Semblance really is speed. The dodgeball keeps getting hit harder and harder as Nora puts her thunderous all into it until it dissolves against Jaune’s shield when he uses the Dust upgrades to better defend. He takes some damage to his Aura but recovers again very quickly, much to Oscar’s enthusiasm. Ren’s meditation seems to suggest he’s trying to unlock some kind of precognition or ability to sense other people like he had in Volume 4 when Tyrian was approaching to ambush them. But he doesn’t quite get it down yet and instead Ironwood and Clover enter.
Ironwood is impressed by how hard the teens are pushing themselves, with Ruby affirming it to be necessary with the current state of affairs, and Ironwood seems to think the info on his Scroll is evidence of that. The poll numbers favor Robyn, which is undeniably better than Jacques winning even if the Happy Huntresses and the military are in a silent stand off, and the young heroes think the general should make more of an effort to be open with her about what they are doing since they’re all on the same side of wanting to help Mantle. Nora argues for the sake of Mantle quite vehemently, furthering my theory and probably many others’ that she was born here. Jaune seems to agree, but Ironwood says that kind of communication will have to be a two way street and by his tone of voice I’m guessing he doubts that will happen any time soon. Before Nora can offer a rebuttal Ren asks why the General is here. Turns out, with the election happening tonight and the teams having done so much work recently, they’ve decided the kids should get the night off before things really start changing once Robyn or Jacques is elected. Ruby doesn’t seem to like thinking about that, probably because everything  in Atlas will get very different once the Amity Project is complete and she still doesn’t know how that will go. 
Regardless, Team RWBY make plans for the evening. While Weiss stands around glumly looking at the news feed on her Scroll, Blake puts on some eye makeup that I’m too uninformed to know the name of and Yang stares longingly at her from her bed. At least, that’s how I saw it. The two of them are going dancing with Team FNKI, in a club where it will be too loud for Yang to be able to hear Neon’s voice. Just the way she likes it~ Meanwhile Ruby is going with Ren and Nora to meet up with Penny at a party in Mantle to celebrate Robyn’s surefire win of the election. Because overconfidence like that has never backfired in media before. Weiss is still mentally torn about her father’s big layoff stunt and how in the world he thought it would actually work out for him with what a cunning man he’s always been. Yang thinks it was just a power play that backfired, but Weiss worries there’s a grander scheme below the surface. Then she’s asked which group activity she would rather be a part of, so after seeing Blake’s adorkable attempt to do a dance move Yang is showing her she chooses the suddenly appearing third option: going to the movies with Jaune and Oscar. Volume 2 Jaune would be so impressed his older self got Weiss to agree to that kind of thing with minimal effort... but also be very upset by all the terrible things that happened to the guy up to that point. So it barely matters to our Jaune anymore. Still, hope it was a good movie cuz that’s the last we see of those three for the rest of the chapter.
Ruby and Renora are next seen walking down the street as celebrating Robyn fans pass by in a truck. Ren admits he sees Weiss’ point about celebrating a bit soon but Nora tries to be an optimist about it, that the people should be allowed to enjoy this supposed surefire thing. Ruby admits nothing will probably be a sure thing anymore once the Tower goes up and Salem’s existence becomes known, with Ren and Nora affirming that they’ve spent so long worrying about the secrets they’ve been keeping they haven’t thought about how they would have no plan to face her even once they get past that. Afterall, Jinn said she can’t be beaten. Ruby reminds them the exact phrasing was that she told Oz he couldn’t destroy her, and Nora picks up on the specifics. If Oz can’t, then maybe someone else can. And with her Silver Eyed powers Ruby seems like their best gamble for that. Personally I’m still of the mind that the point Jinn was trying to make wasn’t that “Oz can’t destroy Salem” and was instead that “Oz can’t destroy Salem”. Redemption and the restoration of her kinder former soul may be the best solution to this. But who knows? Regardless, Ren is restless and thinks they should go back to training, that they don’t have time to waste with social gatherings and fun distractions, but Nora says they’ve done enough for now and they need to unwind otherwise they’ll snap. So they’re at odds now, unfortunately...
The three reach the town hall/auditorium where the rally is taking place and meet up with Penny, who is very happy to see them but wonders why it is only these three. Nora explains what Weiss and the boys are doing and that the bees are off doing their own thing, and Ren comments that he’s relieved the two are back on good terms after everything that happened. But Nora sees this as an opportunity to be passive aggressive. See, the situation with Blake and Yang is very similar to her tumultuous “will they won’t they” with Ren. So she calls into question whether or not Blake and Yang are actually just friends or something more intimate and close after being through such deep bonding experiences, but we can tell she’s actually asking about where she and Ren stand. Ren picks up on what she means immediately and fires back how he feels on the matter while keeping up the pretext of this being about the others. It’s kinda funny to realize they’re being so indirect and also teasing how romantic things seem with Blake and Yang when the fandom has been having similar arguments. But it does offer insight into their actual feelings: Nora wants to take that step and has always worn her heart on her sleeve so she’s ready to show how she feels but she also wants to be sure Ren feels the same so she doesn’t misread the signs. But Ren is worried that with all the deep political stuff happening and the impending threat of chaos Salem’s reveal will bring, now isn’t really the right time for relationship stuff. Nora fires back that they can’t figure anything out unless they talk about it, and I do kind of agree. If there’s tension like this between the pair then it might affect their teamwork and trust.
Ruby wants no part of this awkward conversation and slides over to Penny’s side, who also realizes the argument probably isn’t about the Bees. So the two head backstage instead, where Marrow is waiting and initially seems happy to see Ruby before getting back into a work mindset and says she shouldn’t be here since she’s still an amateur who wasn’t assigned to this job. But Ruby says she’s just here to be with her friend, and offers Penny a fistbump. Penny looks overjoyed to see this invitation, and eagerly gives Ruby a bump. Unfortunately, steel fists really hurt and Ruby’s hand starts throbbing red. Ouch~ Marrow just tells her not to get in the way, since they need to stay vigilant in case of any trouble. He is interrupted by the one and only... May Marigold, one of the Happy Huntresses we saw when they stopped the truck last episode. 
May is... a deep new kind of character, for reasons that have become clear in recent days and were first brought to my mind when I saw the cast list for this episode. May is voiced by Kdin Jenzen, a lovely woman who works for Rooster Teeth and is memorable for such feats as being able to handle super hot chips with ease on the last two RT Extra Life livestreams. She is also a trans woman. This does nothing to diminish my opinion of her and it should not affect yours. This fact also adds a layer of depth to the character, as the likelihood of May being trans as well seemed rather possible. And as of December 17, this is confirmed: May Marigold is RWBY’s first confirmed trans character. An extra layer of diversity to the world of Remnant is most definitely welcome, and it also adds some depth of character to Robyn Hill. Her group is comprised solely of women, and its a very good look for her that she sees May as one every bit as much as Fiona or herself. Because as we all know, TRANS WOMEN ARE WOMEN. Okay, tangent over for now.
May sasses Marrow a bit, saying the Happy Huntresses won’t be the ones causing any trouble and are there to make sure nothing goes wrong. So Marrow can scram, he’s not welcome. The poor pup tries to stand up for his faction, saying Ironwood just wants to help and the Ace Ops are there for good reasons. He’s interrupted by Robyn herself though, who accepts his presence as protective assistance as long as he stays out of the way. Clearly this isn’t what May or Joanna were expecting to hear, but Robyn says they need to learn how to get along if she’s gonna be on the council. Marrow tries to give her attitude by saying getting along will be easy as long as she stays within the law. Clearly her prior roadblocking activities make him think she hasn’t been. She tries to appeal to him and get through the strict military obedience, saying the law isn’t fair to everyone and he shouldn’t always have to obey it to the word. But he’s a Faunus in Atlas, it’s preaching to the choir at this point. She says all she wants to do as a council member is make Mantle and Atlas a better place for everyone, including the Faunus. But Marrow is unmoved, he still wants to guilt her about keeping her activities legal. But she matches his attitude tit for tat, everything so far has been totally legal and he can’t prove otherwise~ Their staredown is interrupted by the absolute angel that is Fiona Thyme causing feedback on the microphone and reminding Robyn she needs to get back to the party activities. Marrow backs off and tells Ruby to leave so he and Penny can do their jobs, so she sticks her tongue out at him behind his back and waves goodbye to Penny before returning to Ren and Nora... where things haven’t gotten any better. So she just turns right around to hang out at the front of the crowd.
Fiona has a very touching speech about how this victory has been a product of Mantle’s united effort to make things better, how this is their moment and they all know Robyn will do right by them. She even gets emotional herself, and then invites Robyn herself to come on stage and talk to the crowd a bit. The two seem to whisper to each other a little, likely encouragement by Fiona that she’ll nail her speech and reassurance from Robyn that the dear girl did a good job just now. Robyn opens with a joke that her difficulty with public speaking is a bad match for this career in politics, and Ruby seems amused. She always has seemed to sympathize with Robyn and think she’s a good person, and for the most part I would agree. 
The speech proper starts with Robyn thanking her gathered followers for their votes and for thus putting their faith and belief in her. And she assures them the feeling is mutual, that she believes in the strength and change a single determined person can bring just as much as she knows there is unlimited potential to what people can do when they work together.
And with that unity, it doesn’t matter if she wins or loses because they will all continue to fight for the sake of the city that brings them together. That earns a lot of applause and she leaves the stage, though she starts to show visible concern as the radio announcer points out how close the votes are as the deadline draws fatally near. The Happy Huntresses are still confident she’s got this in the bag...
But she’s no less tense.
With all this talk of unity in mind, Nora tries again to try and address the tension between her and Ren, but deep talks like this really aren’t his thing. Ren has always been emotionally closed off, it’s just in his nature and with emotion being so important for his Semblance it’s clearly been ingrained in his mindset for a long time. Talking is not his love language, he’s always shown how he feels through acts of physical contact. Hugs, leaning on her, holding her hand at the end of Volume 4. So while she’s seeking verbal validation that it is something deeper between them, he’s not used to that and doesn’t really know how to articulate himself and express all his feelings how he wants to. That’s how I interpret it anyway. Nora gets her own read out of his attempt at an answer, and it seems pretty similar to my takeaway from it. Clearly it was encouraging enough for her to know he does like her back he just has so much on his mind he can’t figure out how to say it. Why? Because she literally says “screw talking” and kisses him!!! A KISS FOR RENORA, 7 YEARS IN THE MAKING!!!!! So the two get blissfully lost in the kiss and each other’s company for a little while, and I’m so happy for them.
Unfortunately, this is where we start to have a bad time. We cut to Watts hiding out somewhere booting up several Scrolls in front of a screen showing drone footage of the party as well as older video of Penny’s hero work in Mantle, and he’s activating tech in his rings as we see that Tyrian is in the party crowd in a cloak ready to strike on his partner’s command. The polls are about to close, Ruby is looking over at Penny happy as can be... and sees Tyrian’s tail. She moves to get a closer look, and eyes meet between former foes. She screams towards the stage to watch out, but it’s too late. The lights go out as the election countdown chant hits one, Ren and Nora are holding each other close unsure what’s happening... and Watts gives the order to begin.
He starts doing vague techno stuff with the Scrolls that‘s mostly theatrical hand waving, while at the party Robyn drops her microphone and Ruby gets knocked to the ground by the panicking crowd. Tyrian has started killing people in the audience, in an attacking style seemingly unlike his usual work. Penny activates her night vision at the prompting of Marrow (who SHOULD be able to see in the dark as a Faunus but maybe he’s in a bad position to see what’s happening or her tech optics can do more than ordinary eyes Faunus or otherwise?) and pulls out her swords before she tells Tyrian to surrender. But either that scorpion boy has some mad jumping skills to get to the rafters or Watts could hack Penny’s eyes, because in the time it takes a panicked person to run in front of her he is gone. Watt’s puppeteer act continues as he seems to lift Penny’s movements from one video and put them into the footage of Tyrian’s massacre over the image of his body. How terribly devious. And with a single tap of a district map on one Scroll he changes which candidate several entire parts of Mantle voted for. He may very well have been doing this little by little over the course of the night so the election fraud would look natural, or maybe a significant portion of people actually were voting for Jacques and Arthur just forced the final push. I think the former is a lot more likely.
Meanwhile, Marrow is calling for backup and Robyn calls her Happy Huntresses to her side so they can all keep each other safe. Fiona wants to get Robyn to safety, and at the last second sees Tyrian running across the stage to attack them. His eyes and right arm both glow purple, and he scratches a hole in Fiona’s Aura before slicing at the exposed spot with the blades on his other arm. Seems his Semblances is being able to tear through Aura and then attack a person’s body directly. Useful skill for a killer like him... Still, we know only his tail is poisonous so she probably won’t die. That was likely on purpose too though... If they found venom in her they would know Penny didn’t do it cuz she doesn’t have anything like that. Speaking of Penny, she flies up to tackle Robyn to the floor when it looks like Tyrian is going to attack her next, but he just jumps up to the rafters and giggles maniacally. This part was planned too, because when the lights come on Penny is the one standing on stage with swords drawn over an injured Fiona and confused Robyn. Much like Pyrrha and to a lesser extend Yang before her, Penny has been set up as a brutal killer. Worse yet...
Jacques has officially won the election and gives a live acceptance speech that seems like a total slap in the face. And if we look more carefully at those lying dead on the floor, a few familiar outfits can be seen. The same thirsty moms last seen getting in trouble for taking part in the riots are now going to be orphaning their children... Whether he meant to or not, Tyrian has proven his ultimate villainous status above all others. Ruby, Marrow, Ren and Nora all rush onto the stage to help Penny and Robyn, but the latter doesn’t trust them at all and the former is in shock that such brutality is blamed on her, that she’s failed her purpose as Mantle’s protector when it mattered most. It’s not helped by the fact that a survivor loudly proclaims Penny did it, and refers to her simply as “Ironwood’s Robot”. Dehumanizing her, saying she’s just another machine that’s been taken over and used as a tool of evil. When the Happy Huntresses and angry members of the crowd charge to attack Penny and those that would try to help her, Marrow uses his Semblance for some literal crowd control, making all of them freeze in place. Ren and Nora are quite unnerved to hear Tyrian was the perpetrator, but they get Penny out the back door to relative safety while Robyn stops pointing her weapon at the girl long enough to shove Ruby out of the way when she was trying to help Fiona. Our dear sheepy says she’s gonna be okay, but Marrow still feels bad and offers assistance. Too bad that means he relaxed enough for his Semblance effect to wear off and Joanna starts shooting at him so he and Ruby leave too, though he does try to assure Robyn that Atlas had nothing to do with this.
Watts uploads his deep faked footage and packs up for the night, telling Tyrian their good work is done. Out in an alley, the good guys catch their breath and quietly panic how bad things just got while Penny just stands in despair and shock. Ruby reaches out a hand to try and reassure her before realizing it’s covered in Fiona’s blood. Marrow tells Penny she has to go back to Atlas, but she’s initially not responsive. She does fly off though,, just as the Grimm attack alarms go off and the others get ready for the long night ahead... with the girls not having their weapons unfortunately. As Manticores are seen flying over Mantle and into the streets, Jacques’ victory speech continues to lay faintly veiled dread into our hearts. 
So yeah. Hell of an episode, and one I took way too long to review. School was hell, just like this chapter.
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neshabeingchildish · 5 years
Poly Wanna? Ch.5
Doing confession in bold to see how this goes. I may not set chapters up in "reality TV format" but I had a couple of things that I wanted to do in that style just to see. I be trying out stuff sometimes. Forgive me for being a whole trash can.
Lemme know if I need to take you off the tag. Idk who’s actually reading because I’ve only heard from a couple of people, so idk if y’all still interested (or if y’all’ll be after this MESSY shiz in this chapter. 
@adorkable-blackgirl  @chenoahchantel @ciara-knightly @cactus-con @up-the-tube @riebellion  @itsyaapollochild@oof–musicals @lesbian-so-what @woahjusttakeiteasy-man @meadowstryingtobepretty @imma-sensitive-btch @okaygal21 @midernacht @divinereign4ever @xoxoemille
Here is the song from the bar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iibMNsSRCE
And, the Drama Begins
Jasper wanted to have one more Girls Day with the Hartbroken Club before filming started, but the production team felt like that was actually a perfect place to begin recording him. Of course, he couldn't see it in progress. The thought of doing things for six months then having to wait another six months before even seeing it and probably being a completely different person in another year… that was a little terrifying.
But, the team had made a filming schedule and decided to start out with Jasper for the beginning of the show for a few reasons: 1. He was the longest friendship that Henry Hart has ever had. 2. He was the most likable person that they currently had on the cast. And 3. They weren't convinced that he and Henry were over each other and felt like establishing that on camera, early on would be a wonderful bang to begin with.
Henry hadn't been in a serious relationship since he and Jasper broke up a few years prior and there must've been a reason that it also took Jasper a long time to move on and when he did, it was with Henry's ex. They were pretty much convinced that either the relationship was a ruse to get to Henry, or one or both of them were lying to themselves about how one another felt.
Also, unknown to Jasper, they had reasons that they wanted to see Charlotte face to face with Bianca and Chloe. If the cast members weren't telling each other certain things, that was fine for the production team. They had a feeling that they knew how to start with a hefty dosage of mess from something that Charlotte had admitted in her interview when asked how she felt about being on screen with Henry's other exes. They had a feeling that Jasper didn't know this little piece of information. It would bring in good ratings at the start of the program...
Jasper's confession/testimony room was in his bedroom, where he interviewed, but with a much better camera set up. They gave Jasper a list of things that they wanted him to share with the confession camera: Why do you go to these outings with Chloe and Bianca? Is all of this because of your connection to Henry? How does Charlotte feel about it?
He sighed and set the paper down. "Those don't have to be recorded right now," Grumpy Cat said. "But, I'd say maybe do a short introduction for your first voiceover."
"Can it not be the stuff from the interview? Because I can guarantee you that whatever I said then is all that I'll come up with if I sit in that chair."
"Sure. I don't care." He rolled his eyes and walked off.
Jasper waited until he was gone to start his confession. "My name is Jasper Dunlop. I'm 28, he/him/his pronouns, cis, but not het. Ummm… Bisexual, not entirely sure of what it means to be pan, so I don't absorb that title. I have a beautiful girlfriend of about 7 months now. We live together and decided to take this weird journey with our ex-best friend and mutual ex boyfriend.." That probably sounds like we dated him at the same time, which technically… I mean, depending on how you look at it… Henry was definitely still in love with Charlotte when he and Jasper… Jasper looked at the paper then at the camera again.
"I go to these outings with Chloe and Bianca, who also dated Henry because when we broke up, it was my chance to vent, but now I just love having spa days. That's good stuff. This time, we're bringing Charlotte along. She wants to go for spa stuff. She couldn't really care about the whole Henry angle. She got over him better than any of us did, I think, especially considering that theirs was a much more serious relationship… Honestly, Char just deserves a good relaxing day. She hasn't had a great year."
Charlotte and Jasper came to the spa and Chloe and Bianca were waiting inside. "Hi!" Both girls cheered. Charlotte smiled, but didn't rush to hug them like Jasper had. They came to hug her, though. She smiled a little. "My God, you look amazing! What do you do for your skin? Your hair is divine! Omg, this dress is so cute! You smell great…" Her smile tensed up with all the overdoing going on here.
But, she had given a confession that would surely be used when this was aired…
"I don't know if Bianca and Chloe know that I know that they're two of the women who Henry was paying attention to behind my back. I don't know if they know that I know that pix were sent and that a threesome was discussed. But I know that I know, and both those girls better watch how they handle me."
In the spa, Charlotte said, "Okay! I'm not a collectible doll and neither of you are at a petting zoo." She bumped past them and asked for a price list, which she took to studying as Jasper confusedly resumed speaking to the girls about their usual plan.
She wondered, to the woman at the counter, "Just wondering about this Henry Hartbreak Plan… I think I want it, but is there a way to take off certain services for a discounted price? For instance… I don't do tanning beds…"
"Are you Charlotte?" The woman asked. Now, the whole group was paying attention. Charlotte raised an eyebrow, reluctant to answer, "I've got whatever your services are covered."
"What? Why?" Charlotte asked suspiciously. She had been broke for a few years and nobody ever gave her anything for free in her life.
"We have card information and instructions to let you whatever you need, if you are."
"What card information?"
"Dr. Henry Hart." Charlotte almost refused, but you know what? Eff it. He owed her at least one spa day, and the looks on both Bianca and Chloe's faces were worth it as the girl behind the counter read, "Charlotte Page. Special instructions. Whatever she orders, charge it to this card." The woman looked worried, like she'd said something wrong.
"Okay then, but can I still skip the tanning bed? I like to tan like nature intended, basking in the sun…"
Jasper spoke to the confession camera about this, "It was troubling to me that Henry was paying for Charlotte's way, but a little more troubling that she accepted. Because, I'd offered her and she declined. But he offered and..." he shrugged his shoulders, but his eyes were stressed.
Charlotte had a wonderful time, but avoided the girls and by association, Jasper most of the time. It wasn't really his fault, but she just preferred to focus on her experience there. "Honestly, I didn't go there to bond with Chloe or Bianca and I didn't go there to confront them about old stuff. I went for a spa day. They had their little girl's day. Charlotte had her spa day, AND it was free." On the way home, she reclined the seat and said, "I'm probably gonna sleep."
"Are you tired from all the energy it must've taken you to ignore everybody all day?" He said, jokingly.
"Nope. It took none. It was as natural as breathing. That's an awesome spa! My skin feels glorious." She said. "I loved those lavender lemonade spritzers."
"Too rich for my blood," he muttered.
"Should've told me. I'd have gotten you some on Henry's dime." Jasper took a deep breath. "You okay, Jasper?" She poked him a little in the side, playfully, trying to get him to look at her.
"I don't feel comfortable with what happened today."
"Why? I got a free spa day and you got your day with your little friends. Everybody won."
"For one, they were trying to be nice and you were kind of rude to them, then you refused to interact with any of us. Why did you come when we did and not some other time if you didn't want to be there with us?"
"Next time I won't. Sorry for how it affected you," she said and rubbed his shoulder.
He sighed. He wanted to say it was no big deal and move on, but that was the kind of stuff that got his heart in trouble with Henry. "Now, I feel like you're dismissing it."
"I am, because you're wrong, but if it's how you feel, who are me to judge?" She laughed to herself about her silly reference. He didn't get it. He looked stressed and she didn't want that at all. She honestly didn't think it would matter to him that she stayed to herself, because they were both pretty independent in this relationship. He seemed like he was upset, so she added, "I wasn't trying to ignore you. I thought that was better than me being bitchy towards those girls. I won't mess up your next date with them, as long as you aren't talking playfully or otherwise about having a threesome with them."
"Why would I be?"
She shrugged her shoulders, "Henry did." Jasper squinted and looked at her sideways.
"This story never got back to you?" He shook his head. "Okay. Wow. Well, whenever Henry and I had our last little blow up, one of the contention sources was his group chat with Bianca and Chloe and very inappropriate things being said and done there, one of which quote unquote just joking about having a threesome with them."
"I… did not know that. Henry didn't really ever want to say much about what happened between you and him. Just that it was his fault and that you left him."
"And in the past year or so you've been hanging with them they never mentioned it?"
"They mentioned that something happened after you two broke up, but nothing about causing it."
"Wait, something happened, like what? Like the threesome?"
"I mean… would it matter at this point? Are you still hurt?"
"To be honest, I didn't really deal with my heartbreaking. I just moved along, focused on school until I was ready to see other people socially, and I guess in the anger and blocking and stuff… maybe I am still hurt…"
"I don't know. But whether or not I am, I didn't like how they approached me either, so I still wouldn't have been interested, even if I didn't have those being my last memories of them."
"Why didn't you tell me this before? Like.. why come to this and then tell me afterwards?"
"I thought it would be petty to bring it up to you, at all. But, just now, you looked upset and I hate seeing you upset. I wanted to explain myself. I didn't think I'd be as dismissive of them when I got there as I was. I'm sorry."
He pulled over and gave her a hug. "I'm sorry. That's really messed up that you went through that. That would never happen with me."
"I'm Charlotte. Part science whiz, part art hoe, part witchy bitch, sarcastic, realistic, and just passionate about the things that I'm into. I came here for no other reason than for people to be able to see sides of me that I don't necessarily talk about. I know that this is about Henry, but that's not why I'm here." Charlotte was doing yoga in the living room, then made some juice and went outside to watch the sunrise.
Whenever Jasper saw her do it for the first time, he waited for her to come back in and asked, "Is that a you and Henry thing?"
"Nothing is a me and Henry thing," she said, laughing. Jasper had stepped out onto the balcony with Henry before and Henry asked him not to interrupt that time. It was his special alone time with the sun. Jasper thought it was weird, but gave him the space. So, seeing Charlotte do the very same thing had been deja vu. But, instead of being hard on him, she'd asked, "You ever wanna join me? I know you're not usually up so early…"
"I'd love to!" He said, then never woke up for it. Sometimes, if he left the bar super late, he'd still be awake when she got up. To be perfectly honest, watching her do yoga was more interesting to him than watching the sunrise, but there was something in how she watched it, something in how Henry had watched it that made Jasper feel like he understood them both better now. He didn't. He couldn't put his finger on it. But, he was just… kinda really fond of them in some of the same ways.
"You know, Henry does this every morning, too. That was why I'd asked if it was a you and him thing."
"It's a me thing that rubbed off on him."
"There was a lot, I think. I didn't realize that was your influence, but living with you after living with him…"
She smiled a little, "Well, he and I have to have both changed enough to where I don't remind you too much of him?"
"Yeah, there's a lot of very clear differences. Like, the bathroom! He keeps all his bathroom stuff in a bag and puts it out when he's in there and puts it away when he leaves."
"Yeah, because if he has to get out and go, he needs those things to go with him. He and Ray went on a… business trip suddenly and we're there for over a week. He came back and kept insisting his skin was in shambles." She laughed. "He was so ashy! I didn't even know that could happen to him, but he's got a kinda dark white complexion, so I guess." Jasper laughed too, recalling that. THAT was why he did that?
"Of course, you don't even care. You just spread your things all over my bathroom before you ever even moved in! I'd go in to find my toothpaste and there's women's stuff, beauty stuff, all those oils and stuff.."
"You're welcome. Don't think I don't notice you using my stuff."
"It's high quality stuff!"
"I have something for you!" She rushed to get a pretty bottle, that looked sort of like a genie bottle and handed it to him. "I blended this juice especially for you."
He tried some and shrugged. "Pretty good."
"It will help with some things…" she smiled and kissed him on the cheek.
"Don't leave me in suspense. What things?"
"Jasper has bruh… I don't know how else to say it… very off-putting semen. It's super bitter - WAY more tart than it should be. I know that his diet is part of the problem, but I can't really, you know… change his diet for him. This is one of the things that I do, though. Juices, herbs, soaks, whatever… we can get him tasting right. I'm not gonna keep trying to figure out what to do with that swamp gunk!"
Charlotte answered, "Your output. This will help with it."
"I have no idea what that means."
"I'll LOVE it, okay?"
"Good enough for me." She gave him a peck on the lips, then went to go get cleaned up for the rest of her day. *Shows off the bottle "Look at how gorgeous this thing is. I don't even know what it's made out of, but it's beautiful and the juice tastes magical."
Jasper showed up while Henry was watering plants. He'd left the door open. "Heyyy!" Henry cheered. "Jasper's here, ladies," he said to a group of flowers.
"Yo. Oh! Is it still watering time?" He backed away, getting ready to leave the place, in peace.
"Yeah, it's all good." Jasper raised an eyebrow. "Things have changed, Jasp. I'm not as mean as before… or as abusive." His eyes fell and he shook his head. He was honestly horrible to Jasper.
"I wouldn't call it abusive. You just were snappy about your boundaries."
"Yeah, but when you have so many boundaries…"
"Speaking of, sometimes I watch the sunrise with Char. She told me that you got that from her."
Henry smiled sadly, "Keep living. She'll put things on you too."
"Yeah! She makes me special juice and puts it in this beautiful bottle for me!" He held out the bottle to Henry.
"What's in it?"
Jasper took a swig, "Like.. bananas, something tropical, citrusy.." he took another, "Different flavors. My palate is getting a lot."
"May I?" Jasper reluctantly handed it over and Henry beautifully took a sip. How was he so damn hot, just drinking from a bottle? He swished it in his mouth, swallowed, smacked his lips and said, "I've got papaya, cinnamon, peppermint… celery…" He snapped his fingers, "This is for your semen." He handed the bottle back. "To help it taste better for her."
"What?" Jasper hugged the bottle close to himself, scandalized.
"I mean, sure those things have other properties, so it could be anything, but my vote is on semen, because yours was always super strong tasting and she doesn't like flavors like that. Knowing her, she'd give you something to help without straight up saying, this is for this problem that I've noticed… Because, she feels like we ignore her when she does that."
"My output!" Jasper said, embarrassed.
Henry laughed, then apologized. "I remember her telling me, I got you something! Then showing me my very first konjac sponge. Apparently, I needed to exfoliate, especially my lips, which got really dry and licking them only wet them, not moisturized them." Henry laughed. "I do a routine flush to keep that down below good to go, though, especially if I'm expecting to engage. You let her down there with...just whatever? DId you not notice her wince or anything?"
"I don't wanna talk sex with Charlotte with you, Henry. You understand."
"Sure. Well, you ready to run?"
"No! But I agreed to it, so…""Charlotte is super healthy. Henry is super healthy. Henry is gonna be around because we're doing this show, so… I want to look better than I've been looking. I look great! Don't think I'm self conscious. I just know that I could stand to try to be in better shape, especially with the weirdness of Charlotte and Henry and me. Henry said that I could come with him on his morning runs. I hate running, but I've gotta start somewhere, I guess." The two of them were lightly jogging. Jasper fell behind a few times and told Henry not to worry, but he'd slow down every time.
"Jasper running is kinda comical, kinda adorable. He seems like he might die and that's sad, but his facial expressions and the stuff he yells out just make it hard not to smile."
"Running is what they get you to do when you wake up in Hell!" Jasper toppled over. Jasper poured a jug of water down his shirt. Jasper nearly collapsed. "Why would people choose to do this any time after like, age 6?" Jasper rested his hands on his knees, then fell forward, then lied down in the grass. "You should go on without me. I've been out here too long." Henry jogged next to him as he caught his breath. Henry checked his watch. "Okay, Buddy. It's been like 8 minutes…"
"PERIOD?" "Jasper is not a runner."
Henry made a mental note to simply work out later. After 20 minutes, Jasper was ready to die. "Come on. I'll get you something to eat and we can sit down for a while." Henry placed Jasper on his shoulder and said, "Maybe a gym. A treadmill? You could better control the volume and speed. We'll look into that."
"Henry and I used to work out all the time. I started going to the gym with him when he and Charlotte broke up. He would go more frequently, trying to blow off stress I think and I went along because he was mentally in a bad spot and I didn't want him to be alone. I got a membership back then and we went and talked and worked out and I was in my best shape at that time. I was hot. Ouch!"
Charlotte wasn't home whenever Jasper got back, but he texted her about spending the afternoon with Henry. Once they were out and about again, they just flowed well. And, they'd spent time together before he and Charlotte, so they would likely do so again. He looked at the countertop in the kitchen and Charlotte had left him this cute jumbo organza bag with a drawstring and a note, "Put together a blend of oatmeal, epsom salts, fragrances, flowers, herbs and essential oils for the soreness that you'll surely have when you get home. Love you!" Jasper held his heart over his chest, "She's honestly so thoughtful. Like… She talks to you mean, but literally nobody in my life has ever anticipated that I might be sore and made me a bath soak for it." He was blushing, uncontrollably.
Henry pulled out all the 'Steal Yo Girl' stops for his visit to the lounge that Jasper and Charlotte were working at. Neither of them were expecting him, but he knew where they worked and decided that he would go to socialize and smize at them. He had on a button down shirt, with the buttons open at the top, a floral jacket, silk to be exact, his eyebrows, hairdo, skin and teeth groomed to perfection. Jasper had spent a lot of time with him earlier. They had brunch and found a gym to join together and Henry was able to finish up his run on the treadmill, while Jasper preferred a comfortable walk on the one next to it. They had a good time. Henry felt good about them, but Charlotte was still out of his reach.
He came in and saw a little flier that said that Charlotte was singing tonight. He didn't even know that she sung here. He thought she said she was a waitress. He headed for the bar to order a drink and this music started and a sweet singing voice that made him turn around and stare. She was just in a silhouette, but he knew her form, even holding a guitar. "When we first collided -The timing wasn't right. I showed you the signs. You disappeared into the shadows. Now you're back again, Telling me you do. You do…" She came from the darkness into the dim light of the room, continuing. He was transfixed, but everyone was.
Charlotte wore a figure hugging shimmering gold dress that showcased her gorgeous legs, strap up shoes, and her hair pulled up, adorned with gold accents and some extensions that made her kinda look like that suitoress in Coming to America. She kicked her leg up when she got to the chorus, "I've been to the moon. Don't tempt me. I've been where you are. God help me…" Jasper and Charlotte seemed to both notice Henry at the same time, or maybe Jasper noticed him after she focused in on someone in the audience… "I've been to the moon and stars for you, and now it's your turn to go for me too…" Henry was drawing closer to the stage when he felt a hand squeeze his shoulder and broke his trance. Jasper.
"Hey.. you didn't tell me that Char was singing tonight!"
"I didn't expect to see you here, so I'm not sure why I would've. She has good vocals and can play guitar, so sometimes she does this for extra cash when they can't book anybody." Jasper smiled and folded his arms, trying not to look Henry over and failing. "What are you doing here?"
"Wanted to have a few drinks." They headed for the bar and Jasper was ready to serve. "What's this song she's singing?"
"Ummm.. it's Corinne Bailey Rae, I think. She's doing some of that tonight and some Esperanza Spalding, Marsha Ambrosious… You know…"
"Charshit," they both said at the same time. Henry ordered his drink then stared at her some more before Jasper interrupted, "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you still wanted her." Henry blinked out of it and turned in his seat towards Jasper with a soft smile. "I want her not to hate me. We never got a chance to get to that point. She crossed me off and didn't look back. I spent years trying to get over that."
"Over the fact that someone was strong enough to leave you?" Jasper teased
Henry studied his glass for a while, before admitting, "Over the fact that the one person I always thought would never, had."
"The one person…" Jasper reeled in his sympathy to say, "Well when you're planning threesomes with your exes while you're dating, executing aforementioned threesome when you break up, and then inviting all of them to your shit show, I'm not sure how you expect her to forgive you any time soon."
Henry rubbed the temples of his head, shot the rest of his drink, and gestured for another. Jasper rolled his eyes at the fact that he went silent when called on his BS. Earlier today, he thought he'd changed. When he set down Henry's drink, Henry said, "I want everything out of the way. All the dirt dealt with… everything drudged up and maybe we can put all the shit behind us."
"Says the shit starter," Jasper said. He leaned on the bar, kinda close to Henry's face, "If that's what you want, just say it. Stop playing games."
Henry smiled and said, "I feel like that's going to be used completely out of context when this airs." He booped his nose, laughed, and turned away from Jasper to watch Charlotte finish her set and nurse his drink. "Charlotte said everything that she needed to say to me whenever she left me. She had some valid reasons. She was well within her right and it was the best thing for her to do for her. I always thought that whenever somebody messes up, you work on it, forgive, maybe even forget. My parents have been together for like 30 years and I know that there's been infidelity and other troubles, but they never leave each other and they've never even considered a divorce, and I guess that I thought that when you love someone, there's a lot of room to make mistakes. That… wasn't what I believed after that break up and I felt like I had an epiphany that I was never going to have any great love, because I had one and I messed up."
Charlotte came off of the stage and looked Henry up and down then said, very firmly, cutting off whatever cheery compliments that he was about to give her, "Listen. If you're gonna go after my man, all up in my face, I should tell you that you're not the only one with some fight training."
Henry scoffed and Jasper handed her a drink, "He's not, Babe."
"Don't come up in here trying to look like a meal and getting all up on Jasper, smiling and booping his nose and shit!" She snapped at Henry.
"Wow. You misread all of that," Henry said.
"You misread!" She snapped. "Jasper is a nice person and he has a hard time telling people to shove off. I don't. He doesn't want you anymore, Hen, You messed that up."
"I know that," Henry said, shot the rest of his current drink and threw some money on the counter, "Sorry for the misunderstanding. We still on for the gym?"
"Uhh... " Jasper looked at Charlotte, tapping her foot angrily and clenching her glass in her fingers. "I don't know. I'll call you in the morning." He rubbed Charlotte's shoulder and said, "He wasn't flirting with me."
"I know. You were flirting with him," She said and drank her drink.
"No, I wasn't. I was confronting him about the way that he was looking at you!"
"You had to be nose to nose with him to do so?" She slammed her glass down and said, "Jasper… I'm not going to be any man's fool."
"I would never. I'm tired of you not trusting me."
"Should we take a break? You're certainly not tired of Henry. You were with him all day and now he's here tonight?"
"He just showed up!"
"And you decided to fawn all over him right in my goddamn face, Jasper!"
"I noticed that he looked nice, but I wasn't… I don't want Henry, and hell no I don't want to take a break!"
Henry bit his lip and looked at the camera. "I think that I started a fight between them.." He left the bar, stifling a chuckle. It wasn't funny, but he couldn't help it. He actually had not meant to do that, at all. He didn't know how he was gonna fix it, but probably invite them both over for dinner to clarify what he was doing there.
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I wanna ask if you have writing advise. Mostly for how to write fluff, angsty, and just possible gore or tw stuff (a trigger warning type thing that is just mostly a violent or gore. Something that a teen can do with horror basically. ) your quite amazing at angsty and I kinda need advice for how. especially describing it. Anyways if I'm bugging you I do apologise. - 🍩
Oh, gee, this is a good question! And frankly, I’m not sure how to answer... I just kinda- write what feels natural to me, I admittedly don’t put much thought into them. Maybe it’s because I’ve spent years roleplaying and writing characters that it’s more natural to me? I don’t know, but I’ll try to come up with some tips! Though of course I’ll ALWAYS say practice makes perfect!
For fluff, I’ve got one term for you: Found. Family. Trope. The found family trope is the trope that trope where characters who initially don’t have anything to do with each other and slowly become like a family! ... Or just write a literal family XD For me, fluff is self indulgent. How would I want to be around my siblings? My friends? My s/o? For me, writing twins being adorkable just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy! Okay I totally rambled on so many topics there. I guess fluff is really just- write what makes you feel warmest and fuzziest!
For angst: Tension. Something has to be at stake. There are some people who just write nothing but angst and more angst for their characters every single day and it’s just... it gets to the point where suffering is normal for them and they have nothing left to lose. Sure, you feel bad for them, but you’re not invested whatsoever. Give your character something(even everything) to lose. Michael and Red are extremely happy together, so if something happens to one, that majorly affects the other! Also- have actions have consequences! People have gotten mad at me before for this but I Dont Care- like they get mad when they have their character traumatize mine but then have my character not immediately forgiving theirs. Actions will have consequences, make your characters face their crimes! Like- again, write what you know. Characters who are hurt or traumatized or otherwise blinded by emotions won’t act like a Lawful Good. They’ll get angry, scream and fight, close themselves off emotionally, wish ill on the ones who hurt them, etc! Characters with trauma will have symptoms of that don’t immediately get healed! Michael still refuses to fully forgive himself for 83, still has night terrors, still has intense anxiety over the mere thought of losing Red... yeah, you get the idea.
For gore/tw content[tw for this section obviously, proceed with caution]: Use as many details as possible. Also, put it through the character’s POV if possible. “The scooper hit Michael and it was really bloody and guts went everywhere and he died” doesn’t have nearly the punch as “Before he could react, the scooper moved suddenly, and a loud clang shot through his entire system. It happened so fast. His body felt cold as he suddenly struggled to breathe, looking down at the sight before him. Oh, God, there was blood everywhere... his blood... His ears began to ring. This couldn’t be real. He grew more and more tired with each passing moment, yet his heart was racing. This can’t be real. THIS CAN’T BE REAL!!! He tried to scream, yet his throat burned and gargled with blood. It tasted like metal and nearly made him vomit. Unable to keep his strength any longer, collapsing to the tiled floor. So cold... he finally let sleep take him, praying this was just another nightmare.” Like- it doesn’t always have to be from the character’s point of view, but you can see why using a ton of details, specifically thoughts and feelings, really richen a scene!
... This advice went all over the place. I’m sorrryyyy! Do any of these help, tho?
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roswelldetails · 6 years
Episode 109: Songs About Texas - details
Episode Summary A lot happens. Liz, Maria, Michael, and Max go to Texas for healing and info, but end up disappointed. Alex lets Cameron into the military bunker and he and Kyle tell her stuff that drives her to drink. Noah sees Isobel in her pod. Max and Liz finally kiss and make up. Liz finishes a cure for Isobel. And, Alex gets tired of walking away.
Details - this is not an exhaustive list of every single detail, just just a few that might be important now or later. 
Six weeks have passed since the last episode. (That’s a lot of time.)
Opening montage
Max is in the pod cave reading to Isobel from one of the 977 books he brought in there. Along with his lawn chair, a blanket, thermos, and other random items he’s dragged into the cave he now apparently lives in.
Michael is working in his science basement, probably helping research cures for Isobel.
Liz is working in her lab, but at least she’s wearing gloves now.
Michael is also helping Liz in the lab, donating his blood to the cause while Liz makes attempt #148 at an antidote.
Sheriff station
Noah wants the Sheriff to open a missing persons case because he doesn’t know where Isobel is, and doesn’t believe she’s in rehab. And by the way, he thinks Max is guilty because he won’t tell him where she is.
Meanwhile, Cameron is overhearing everything.
Wild Pony
Maria is telling Alex about how her mom now thinks it’s 1998 and her memory is getting worse.
Michael approaches, causing Alex to decide to leave.
Michael wants to know if this is how it really ends between them - the sex was epic so the break-up should be too. (To “really make it feel over.”)
Alex walks away with a final quote: “Sometimes the world ends with a whimper, Guerin.”
As he leaves, Michael forgets to shout “So I was ‘the world’ to you, Alex?”
Max is waiting at a table to tell Michael that they need to go to Texas to see a healer who may know about the alien symbol.
The healer is just outside McLean, Texas (about a 4.5 hr drive from Roswell.)
Apparently, at some point during the 6 weeks, Michael shared with Max that he thinks the alien symbol might be a beacon.
Liz’s Lab
Liz might have an antidote ready for Isobel, but she wants to wait 36 hours to make sure it’s really stable.
Kyle tells Liz that calling time of death on a patient isn’t becaues he killed them, it’s because he couldn’t save them.
Except he says “most times” - meaning sometimes he’s actually killed them? Uh... hopefully he’s just not good at expressing himself and he’s not an actual murderer. lol
The “healing” tents in Texas
Michael and Maria exchange some banter while Max and Liz give each other heart eyes.
The group watches the healer supposedly heal an old man.
Outside, Michael wants to corner her and make her talk, but Max points out that if she’s legit, she’s stronger than he is so they shouldn’t expose themselves. Instead, he suggest Michael go in to get his hand healed.
A random highway
Cameron pulls Alex over to ask for his help and confesses that she’s been asked by Manes to look into strange things in town.
Apparently, Alex served two tours with the “highest-regarded air expeditionary group” and was recommended for the Air Force Medal, and the Air Force Cross before he was injured. His 3 brothers have medals too.
I can’t find evidence of an “Air Force Medal” in the United States Air Force, though there is an Airman Medal.
The Air Force Cross, however, is the 2nd highest military award in the Air Force. According to Google, “It may be awarded to any individual who, while serving in any capacity with the U.S. Air Force, distinguishes him or herself by extraordinary heroism in combat.”
This was before Alex was hurt, so this has nothing to do with his injury. Before ever being injured, Alex showed extraordinary heroism in a combat situation.
The military bunker - (aka “Alex Mane’s Command Base”)
A teenage prostitute was killed in 2011, and her autopsy shows a handprint. The official autopsy doesn’t mention a handprint.
A medical examiner named Jane Holden has signed off on 14 autopsies in 10 years in Roswell, all of them homeless, addicts, and illegal immigrants. The first of the 14 was Rosa Ortecho.
Cameron confessed to Alex that his dad asked her to surveil him, and says she’d rather team up with him than his dad.
“Healing” area in Texas
Michael and Maria go together to see the healer, but she immediately pegs him for a mechanic and tells him it’ll cost $8000 for a healing.
Outside, Michael informs Max and Liz of the healer’s “magical BS”. But Maria wants to believe her.
While the girls chat, Michael opens the side of the tent with his mind, exposing the healer as a fraud as she pays off the old guy she “healed.”
Maria storms off to hit the local bar.
Max angrily whips out his badge and goes in to confront the fraud, Liz following.
Max accidentally fries her hand-light with his anger, and the lady admits that she’s taking advantage of the people’s fantasies for money, but she denies knowing anything about the symbol.
Max storms off with tears in his eyes (because that’s what he does best, bless him.)
The Tavern in Texas
Liz, Michael, and Maria are having drinks, but Max seems depressed and is only drinking water.
Maria says her mom is going lose all her memories by the time she’s 50, the healer is a thief, she’s been stuck with Guerin all day, and Max is moping, so she’s going to retaliate by getting on stage.
Luckily, despite the fact that no karaoke appears to have been happening earlier, the band is immediately fine with Maria going up and starting to sing.
Max is too sad to dance with Liz, so she grabs “Mikey” and goes to dance.
Guerin is every bit as adorkable dancing as Vlamis is IRL.
Maria pulls Max up to sing, and Nate Parsons has to act like he can’t sing because apparently Max can’t.
Military Bunker, take 2. This time with Kyle joining the party
Kyle mentions Alex bringing a “girl into the clubhouse” because apparently he’s 12 for a split second and wants to know why someone with cooties is in their fun boy’s club?
So Cameron lets him know that she’s a military vet who could basically break him in a second and a half.
Alex asks Kyle about the medical examiner who’s been signing off on all the fake autopises.
They read Kyle in on the 14 mysterious deaths, starting with Rosa’s, prompting Kyle to ask if Cameron is going to head home.
She takes it about as well as you’d expect.
Cameron admits she’s worried about Max’s involvement, Alex asks if that’s why she finally brought it to them after 6 weeks, and Cameron tells them now Max might be a suspect in a missing persons case.
Kyle tells her Isobel isn’t missing and she doesn’t need to involve herself in this. But she threatens to tell their mom and dad if they push her out.
The boys finally tell Cam about aliens.
Cam didn’t think Max was an alien murderer... maybe a wizard murderer.
Kyle says Max -probably- isn’t a murderer. 
Alex says he’s not a murderer, and nothing his dad has said about anyone can be taken as truth.
Kyle: “Is everyone in this town in love with Max Evans?”
Right answer: I mean, probably, yeah.
Alex: “Angsty nerd isn’t really my type. Even if he is tall.”
(HA. Because Kyle has this thing about being shorter than Max. Good one, Alex.)
Kyle: “Is your type angry cowboy? That’s why you shut down Project Shepherd. So your dad would stop digging into your boyfriend.”
No, darn you, Kyle. Alex shut it down for totally legit reasons, okay? Because it was unauthorized and wrong.
Turns out Dr. Holden doesn’t exist.
Alex decides to reopen Project Shepherd for one last operation with him in charge. They’re going to get to the bottom of this alien murder spree.
Texas at night
Maria and Michael wander off into the desert equiped with blankets and banter.
While Max and Liz decide to get a couple rooms at the motel across the street.
He tells her the whole world feels wrong without Isobel, and he’s been having trouble sleeping.
Texas motel
There’s only one room so Liz and Max have to share.
Never mind, Carina isn’t going to use that trope - another room is found and Max and Liz head off to sleep separately.
Only they can’t sleep so they end up chatting outside.
Max is sad because no one can relate to his gift and what a burden it is to be able to heal people.
He wonders if healing wouldn’t make him sick if he practiced more. And he has memorized the names of everyone who’s died since he’s been on the force.
Liz quotes a little Shakespeare at Max, and then Max asks permission to put his jacket over her. Because he’s all about consent. 
This is probably why all of Roswell loves him.
He thanks Liz again for what she’s doing to help Isobel, and admits that they don’t deserve her help, prompting Liz to say, “You were a kid in an impossible circumstance with no one to turn to. I would do anything for my sister, so how can I hate you for a moment of desperation?”
Liz says she’s no longer angry at Max’s deception, and that she’s always thought Max was good, so his lying broke her heart.
But she still believes he’s good.
Military bunker, take 3.
Kyle offers to get a beer sometime with Alex if he ever wants to drop the solider jargon and relax.
Alex seems to be struggling to believe that Guerin and his friends committed 14 murders.
Kyle tells him the trio have done things he can’t forgive, but they grew up with them. (Implying they should know them well enough to know they’re not serial killers.)
Kyle suggests Alex talk to Michael, but Alex doesn’t want to go in blind.
So Kyle reminds him it’s a conversation, not a war.
Texas at night
Maria and Michael are wandering in circles, looking for the motel and bantering.
They can’t find it, so they have sex instead. (As one does, when lost in the desert.)
“Healing” tents again
Max is determined to get info on the alien symbol, offering up all his money and everything of value he has in exchange.
Older lady sends the younger lady away and tells Max about a woman she knew as a girl at the reservation who could heal people with her hands. She didn’t draw the symbol, it drew itself around her.
The woman never left the reservation or spoke until the day she died when she said, “He has arrived so I may leave.”
Turns out that happened right around the time the trio was emerging from their pods.
Texas desert in the morning
Apparently Michael and Maria’s superpower is sleeping outside on a cold night in the desert with one thin blanket on top and very little clothing and somehow not freezing to death.
Also, how is Maria sleeping barely covered and not freezing?
Maria isn’t terribly pleased to realize she slept with Michael and tells him to tell no one that it happened.
Max and Liz have taken Michael’s truck home, so Michael and Maria will have to ride home together.
Pod cave
Max is explaining to Liz that the women’s death on the reservation coincided with them getting out of their pods.
Liz is sorry about that, but wants to know if Max has been sleeping in the cave after she gets a good look at his mini living room there and 977 books.
Max: “No, no. Not since it got too cold at night, anyway.”
Outside the cave
Liz is afraid she’ll accidentally kill Isobel and Max will hate her.
Max has complete faith in her and could never hate her.
So Liz accuses him of being in love with a perfect verion of her that doesn’t exist.
Max proves that he sees her flaws but he still loves her.
Then they kiss.
And kiss more... for a long time.
Long enough for Noah to sneak in and see Isobel in a pod and then sneak away.
Noah calls the police station and tells them to cancel the missing persons report because he saw Isobel and she’s fine. In rehab.
Uh huh.
Liz’s lab
Kyle is looking in on Liz’s antidote samples and waiting for Liz so he can tell her that Isobel possibly murdered 14 people so maybe she shouldn’t come out of her pod just yet.
We don’t see the conversation, but we can assume that Liz told him that Isobel didn’t do it.
Police station
Kyle tells Cam that Holden was the doctor that signed off on his father’s death certificate leading him to believe what the rest of us have known since like episode 3 - that Jim Valenti didn’t die of natural causes.
And Manes covered it up.
The airstream
Alex pulls up to have a conversation with Michael, but changes his mind when Michael finds Maria’s necklace in his boot.
Instead he makes something up about car trouble and says he’ll come back to see Sanders about it later.
But then he changes his mind again and decides he doesn’t want to walk away from the conversation.
Alex tells Michael that he loved him, and he thinks that Michael loved him for a long time. Michael agrees.
Alex: “But we didn’t even know each other that well, did we? I mean we just, we connected like something...”
Michael: “Cosmic.”
Alex: “Yeah, but we didn’t even do that much talking. And I want to talk. I want to start over. I want to - I don’t know. I want to be friends. I...I want to know who you are, Guerin.”
Michael: “Do you want to know who I am? Or do you want to know what I am?”
Alex: “Yes.”
Pod cave
Max is reading to Isobel his novel-in-progress, because we all knew he was writing one.
Liz comes in to tell Max she thinks she may have the antidote for Isobel.
Max interrupts her science-talk with a kiss because now this is something he does.
Liz then tells Max what Kyle told her about the additional alien murders. But she knows it wasn’t Isobel - she suspects there’s a fourth alien out there.
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