#before thinking he'd go back to see her granddaughter
Rewatching the Human Nature/Family of Blood episodes made me think:
To a confused John Smith with impossible dreams he likely felt that Joan Redfern should be the woman of his dreams but I feel like he was desperately trying to substitute for the woman in his dreams...
Ten yearning for a blonde (a specific one, he didn’t just wake up with a craving) could have translated to John setting his sights on the Matron
She seemed to be the only woman around his age and social standing that he could chat with at that school so maybe in his mind his time with her was the closest he could get to the flirty and witty banter plus camaraderie the Doctor and Rose had with each other-- it probably never felt right, he doesn’t flirt with her back when she makes certain comments, and it comes across like he only asks her to the dance to distract from the conversation about saving the baby
John drew Rose in his journal, later drawing Joan and kissing her, perhaps he was trying to see if he could recreate the feeling he'd had when sketching Rose, just imagine the incredibly intense emotions he must have associated with her when he wrote in his journal “she’s my s----”
Joan had some unsavory/racist/horrible moments as a character but she was also a nurse and John probably saw her patching up injured students reminding him of Rose’s acts of kindness....she was always reaching out to help people (Gwyneth, the Ood, Elton, Flora etc)
It doesn’t really come as a surprise that he visualizes himself with a family since  Ten was a very human Doctor and it’s obvious from the Tentoo situation that he immediately jumped at the chance to have that life with Rose
I'm wondering if John didn't fall in love with Joan but if instead he sort of imprinted on her b/c she was the closest he could get to replicating the Doctor's love for Rose?
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buggybambi · 8 months
mama’s boy | carmen berzatto
content warnings: angst. donna insulting reader, mom!reader, carm and reader are married, carmen defending reader??, she/her pronouns for reader| content level: all ages, just be mindful of the angst.
summary: family dinner with the berzattos was never peaceful. until donna brings up your maternity leave.
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“I don’t know. Maybe we should just.. not go.” Carmen offered as he held Winifred, or Winnie as you two called her, in his arms. A bottle pressed close to her mouth as she drank, with him lightly bouncing with her.
“Carmen, your mother has been calling and texting me all week asking what we plan on putting Winnie in. She barely got a chance to meet Winnie when she was born and I want her to at least get the chance to bond with her granddaughter.” You say as you cut up the vegetables for dinner.
Carmy lets out a sigh as he sits in one of the dining room chairs. “I just don’t want her to say something.” He mumbles. “She always says something, I just— I don’t want her to make you upset or say something insulting to Winnie.”
You turn the heat down on the stove, walking over to Carmen, placing your hands on his shoulders. “We can always leave. I just think it’d be nice for you and Winnie to see your family. That’s her family now, too.” You say softly as you stand behind him, gently scratching his scalp.
He leans his head back, looking at you upside down. “How’d I ever get so lucky to have you?” He asks. You press a kiss to his lips, smiling. “You have spit up on you.” You say softly, walking back over to the stove.
So far, nothing major had happened.
You'd been at Donna's house for nearly an hour and no comments, remarks or anything had been made. In front of Carmen, anyway - who was now in the living room with Pete, Richie, Fak. While you, Sugar and Donna stood in the kitchen, with you shaking up a bottle for Willow.
"So, when do you go back to work?" Sugar asks. "Two weeks. These past two months have been going past so fast." You answer with a smile. Thankfully, your job was flexible and let you work from home so you could handle Willow while Carmen went back to work.
"You still aren't back? Hm. When I had my kids, I was back to work after a week." Donna comments. Sugar quietly whispers a "mom" to try to get Donna to stop before she looks at her. "What? All I'm saying is, women now-a-days are just so.. lazy. They don't want to work. Your baby doesn't need you for three months, put her in a daycare." She scolds.
You stand there for a moment, processing before you quietly excuse yourself and exit the room. You went over to Carmen. "I'm gonna go feed Willow." You say, gently taking your daughter into your arms, lightly bouncing her.
Carmen knew that look. He'd worn that look before. His mom had said something. He waited until you were down the hallway and he heard the faint click of the guest bedroom to go into the kitchen. "What the fuck did you say to my wife?" He asks, his tone angry.
"Carmen-" Sugar begins. "No, Nat. What the hell did she say?" He demands. "All I said was I was shocked she isn't back at work yet. I went back when you guys were less then two weeks." Donna answers as Nat takes a step back, standing by to de-escalate.
"Ma, it's none of your business. She isn't you! She knows what's best for her body, it's not for you to try to debate." He says. "Carmen, do not raise your voice at me."
"Do not comment on my wife's decisions." He responds. "You're being very overdramatic, Carmen." Donna rolls her eyes. "She's my wife, and I'll be as dramatic as fuck for her." He says, before he turns and walks out.
He slowly opened the bedroom door, finding you on the edge of the bed. The half empty bottle beside you, a small towel thrown over your shoulder, with you gently rocking Willow. "Yeah, I know. You and I are both kinda new at this, huh? But we're learning." You spoke softly.
He steps in, smiling. "Hey. You okay?" He asks in a hushed voice, sitting gently down beside you. You nod, smiling at him. "Are you alright?" You ask in return.
He nods, placing a kiss on your head, wrapping an arm around you and stroking Willow's cheek with his pinky. "We're all good." He says, eyeing the bottle. "She's eating more." He points out.
You nod. "She's doing better at it." You reply. "Of course she is. She has you as a mom and you're the best mom out there." He says. You peck him on the cheek, laying your head on him.
"I love you."
"I love you, more."
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i-cant-sing · 4 months
Thinking about my own grandpa and how he'd comfort me with sweets/icecream whenever i had the slightest inconvenience and i just dream of whether he'd still do it to me as a 23 year old, ruffling my hair, letting me cut his birthday cake, scolding my parents when they got mad at me (yes i snitched on my parents), wiping my fat tears with his handkerchief, showing me his drawings of airplane engines as cold air blasted through the ac, letting me eat food from his plate that my mom made me bring him lol.
and like it grandparents are sooo sweet man. they couldve been okay-ish parents to their own kids, but then they get grandkids and they're like a whole different species *sniffle* theyre so precious.
and now my mind goes to that yandere todoroki clan au (i think it was the bullied series) where at the end, reader dies because of rei, and the whole fam loses their sanity. then one day, reader is reincarnated (its her quirk) as dabi's baby and dabi shares the news with his siblings because he needs to restore their sanity too (cause he feels responsible for them too, the "eldest kid" syndrome).
anyways, after you, his daughter had died, enji lost it and killed rei and then just vanished into the mountains to mourn his loss. years later, for whatever reason, he finds out about you. he's standing there, watching toddler you looking at him with curiosity. you stumble towards him, and Enji's on his knees at this point, he's in shock. your scars, your marks from your previous life dont even register to him until later on, all he can focus is you- its you, his baby. his daugher. his child that he swore to protect and failed.
your legs give out when you reach him but your hands reach for him and enji's already lifting you up, bringing you to his chest. his eyes are filled with tears as u look at him and babble, your hands grabbing onto his shirt, touching his face, big doe eyes staring at him.
he hugs you, silent sobs wrecking his body as he gets a whiff of your head. you- you smell just like her- like his daughter.
It really is you.
he doesn't let go of you, even when you eventually fall asleep in his arms, rocking you gently as he stares down at you in awe and disbelief. he doesn't let you go even when dabi tries to take you back, even when dabi insists that he won't keep you two apart, that you need to rest in your bed as he explains everything.
he finally let's you go when you wake up and reach for your dad (dabi), crying when enji doesn't let you leave his arms. but he relents, enji relents when you cry- it hurts him so bad, he's reminded of all the times how you used to cry before, how you used to beg him for help, beg him to save you. his heart breaks to see you like this, in tears.
enji's only partially conscious of what dabi is saying to him, explaining to him that you're now "his" daughter and enji's "granddaughter" and that's how things will be if they need to work. But enji doesn't care whether you're his daughter or not, all he cares about is that he's in your life because he needs to- he will keep you safe. He won't make the same mistakes again. Never.
i can just imagine the siblings and enji all sitting down together to make decisions about your life in extreme detail so that they ensure that no harm befalls you ever again, and if by some extreme badluck you die, they need to make sure that you reincarnate back to them.
they plan your every day, they make sure that at least one of them is with you at all times, and most importantly, they make sure youre safe and happy. when you start going to school, you're taken to school by Shotou because Dabi (who went back to working as a chef) has to go to work early. then at school, your teacher is more than likely Fuyumi (and if she's not your teacher, then she still works at your school). then after school, you're picked up by Enji who takes you out for ice cream (always, he doesnt care if its before u have had lunch. he needs to make up for all the times he couldnt give u ice cream because of rei) and also buy you any toys u want. enji is just enjoying you padding away and pointing at things that catch your eye. at home, natsuo has returned from his shift at the hospital and then starts heating up the food dabi had already made for you, before letting enji put you down for nap time. when you wake up, natsuo takes your vitals and a basic medical check. by dinner, dabi is home and you welcome him by launching yourself at his legs with a thud. he laughs, picks you up and pecks your cheek before taking you into the kitchen with him to make dinner while you tell him all about your day.
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intuitive-revelations · 3 months
Legend of Ruby Sunday live notes
Obviously spoilers below, recorded as I watched. Definitely gonna watch again though. I think I might do a seperate write up about 'what to take away' because oh my god does this episode throw a lot at you!
We're definitiely getting a UNIT spin-off aren't we? I recognised the soldier guy straight away (tbh, when I first saw the 60th trailers he looked so odd in the shots used I thought he was cgi/deepfaked). If we do get it, I do hope they go for the military vs science conflict like I imagine - he'd be a good 'antagonist' for Kate in that regard.
Ooh... just pointing out the anagram in-universe....huh.
"TARDIS technology." Oh she's doomed this episode, I can feel it coming.
Oh! And we're doing the Susan mention?! Ok?!
Must be a redirect, though, surely? 'Susan' is not much to go off. It's silly they're jumping to this straight away in-universe, even with the TARDIS anagram.
"Well, except the obvious." "We'll get him." Is that a Musk slam?
"Call me Sue" that's a bit of evidence against. Though if it is somehow Susan, her actually being 'really nice' would be cute.
Ruby Rose besties! Ruby Rose besties!
Hm. If this is somehow Susan, we are so going to dissect that thing about Sue Triad's parents.
Donna mention. :)
Oh my god, I've just realised. The TARDIS is a central part of this mystery, and that's exactly what Mrs Flood claimed to recognise...
Uhh.... what's up with Flood?
We're really settling on the Susan thing, huh.
"He never mentioned a granddaughter." Five Doctors fans keep losing.
"If you've got a granddaughter, that means you've got kids." "Well, not quite. Not yet." OMG WE'RE DOING THIS?
(Also...he definitely HAS had kids before - and not just Jenny and Miranda. But wild that we're implying Susan isn't the child of one of them.)
"I bring disaster. What if I go back and ruin her?" Hmm... so far kinda compatible with To the Death?
"Especially the Prime Minister." lol.
"N-dimenionsal time", thanks, I'll absorb that into my interpretation of time, time tracks etc. in the whoniverse.
Mel lost her family. Is that a reference? Doesn't immediately bring something to mind.
I like the way the lights are fading up and down, very TARDIS-y.
Ooh, the VHS-y environment.
"The greatest power of all: memory. Time is remembered. Memory is time." MEMORY TARDIS MEMORY TARDIS.
"What is the memory of a time machine?" No way.
Ok, getting ready for a twist. RTD said where people were is important.
...or not?
The one who waits?!
Well there goes the colonel. No surprise.
Hmm... the description "it's everything" sounds a lot like the Void ship from Doomsday.
"It's the Beast." Not that 'Beast' surely?
"It's so old. It's been waiting. It's been waiting for so long." So those "one"s are the same, confirmed?
"It's the TARDIS" AHHHH.
It's groaning again! "It's made that noise before."
"What if it exists around the TARDIS now and we just can't see it?"
I don't think this is our Susan, but if she somehow is I'm really enjoying her dorkiness.
...that's two "no more" drops so far. Hmm...
It's woven into the TARDIS? Some sort of parasite maybe? Didn't RTD say something about the splitting in The Giggle being important?
"He has hidden in the Howling Void. He has hidden within the tempest." WAIT I WAS RIGHT?! It's Void related. The Eternals called it the Howling didn't they?!
"All this time, he whispered and delighted and seduced, and the vessel did obey. For none should be more mighty and none should be more wise than the King himself." UHHHHH.
HARRIET F*CKING ARBINGER (and she said she was born for this... of course)
"I dream of worlds with orange skies." HUH? I guess that could be from Boom, but you know what I'm thinking
"There is the Toymaker: the God of Games. There is Trickster: the God of traps." I f*cking knew it. The 'Pantheon' is the Pantheon of Discord!
"There is Maestro: the God of Music. There is Reprobate: of Spite. There is the Mara, the God of Beasts, and the three-fold deity of malice and mischeif and misery." Ok Mara mention... BUT also, "three-fold" that's deliberate right?! Like the Six-Fold God?
"The mother and father and other of them all."
"Did you think I was family, Doctor?" Phew...
And it's Gabriel Woolf voicing him! That's good.
Wait... he also voiced the Beast... huh. What does that mean with the reference this episode?
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imaginespazzi · 3 months
Bestie, now you got me invested in the exes to lovers fic haha, saw some of your responses to another anon so I thought I'd tack on a few more thoughts:
Wow 9 years since they broke up, damn - the angst is really gonna ANGST huh, but also the TENSION after so many years apart oof.
Oh man, I wonder how P felt when she first heard about Azzi having a kid. Like I'm sure she would have been happy for her but also them having a family by that point in their lives is something she must have always dreamed about and aw, my heart already hurts a lil bit for P.
Also, imagine Azzi's daughter knowing who P is immediately when she first sees her and P is completely stumped by it. I feel like either Azzi or more likely Azzi's fam would still have so many pics around where P's in it so I feel like Azzi's kid would already have an inherent familiarity with her. Would be even cuter if P was kinda her favourite player (outside of her mum obvs) - I could also totally see Tim being the instigator of that, like he'd definitely be keeping track of all of P's basketball achievements and watching her games and his granddaughter's just his lil sidekick 😌
Agree with other anon that having them on the Valks would be nice haha, yk life imitating art and whatnot 😉. But also, Mystics would make a lot of sense if Azzi's a single parent, so she's close to her support system BUT Tim and Katie would also definitely be the type to move to wherever Azzi is if that's what she needed so I think GSV still works!
Also, them ending back up on the same team in the W - I'm guessing it's cause one of them gets traded or is a free agent, but then the question is did they choose the team knowing the other is there or was it out of their hands? Hmmm.
Anyway, just some food for thought, hope it helps somewhat (and apologies if it doesn't!)
In other news, what's your assessment of the W season so far? I still haven't fully immersed myself but am trying to keep up! I fear this is just how I am with basketball, even with the NBA, I don't usually pay as much attention until after the All-Star break or the playoffs 😅 I'm glad Indy's staying out of the lottery picks though (and hopefully it stays that way) 🙏
And you work with kids?? Naw love that lil piece of Nivi lore!
YAYYY I'm glad you're invested 😌
Then tension's gonna be interesting because even though they've been broken up for nearly a decade, they've still had to see each other a fair amount because of the W and there's just a lot of pent up tension that's going to blow up when they're on the same team
Paige definitely did not take the news the best. I haven't quite decided how this child came to be but there are definitely ways to really torture Paige with it if I choose to be sadistic about it...
Azzi's daughter definitely knows Paige, not just of her but she's met her at games before I think and she's basically awe-struck by Paige. I have so many ideas about this relationship like I think I'mma enjoy it the most to write.
I do kinda want them of the Valks cause it would just be so fun and I lowkey want to name Azzi's daughter Stephanie (after Steph) so it would just work out really lovely and then Paige would be the one who moves teams and I think that'll probably have to be a trade because Paige isn't willingly going to torture herself ya know? Which tbf I guess is kinda unrealistic because who the fuck would trade Paige but ya lose some ya win some with logistics 😭
I love my kids on most days but the bad days....oh the less said the better but it's definitely a good curveball for my baby fever lol.
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
could i request a fluffy blurb of rockstar eddie taking sephy on her first holiday when shes a baby 🥹
ofc love <3 anything for you!!
"She's a tiny little thing, ain't she?" Wayne hummed, cradling his granddaughter in his arms, propped up on his thighs so he could look at her.
Persephone was two months now, still tiny and growing into her features, but old enough she didn't do the little newborn scrunch. When she'd stopped, it had made Eddie unexplainably emotional. He'd pouted all day with her in his arms, moping about how she "was growing up too quick already".
The vacation had been Eddie's idea. To go out to the Laguna Beach house, not too far but away enough for privacy. Out of the city and out of your house, where you'd cooped yourself up for the first few weeks of being new parents. Both of you were too scared to take her out, the paparazzi alone made Eddie want to keep her inside, and the car was a whole other thing. Yet somehow you'd agreed to go a few hours up the road, the first car ride with baby Seph, and with Wayne of course. He'd agreed far too easily to come stay with you for a while, help the two of you out while you adjusted.
"She's gained a pound." Eddie said proudly, beaming from his place by the open windows, the soft crashing of the waves was lulling Persephone to sleep after her feeding. It must've sounded like her sound machine at home because she'd gone down so easily.
"Lookie there." Wayne beamed at you, eyes crinkling and shining when they met yours. "Told ya she'd be alright."
You had a brief panic a few weeks ago, worried that Persephone was too small, that she wasn't growing the way she should. Wayne assured you babies went through it, and why you trusted him, your nerves never settled. Until the doctor proudly announced that she's started to gain some weight. Just a pound but still, it was a victory to you.
"She eats enough I'm surprised it wasn't more." You giggled, looking down at your baby girl with pure adoration. The tiny faces she'd make even while sleeping- God, she was such Eddie's child. She was getting more expressive every day, wide eyes that would look around, just watching and taking in everything.
"Think she likes the sound of the water." Wayne nodded, thumb caressing her little fat cheek, grinning when she curled into his touch.
"Yeah," Eddie agreed, walking behind you, hugging you to his chest sweetly. You leaned back into him, your own hand finding his arm, stroking it gently.
"I'll go put her in her crib," Wayne stood slowly, shushing Sephy when her face crumbled, clearly upset about the movement.
"I got her." Eddie said quickly, stepping to take her from Wayne. "We're about to go unpack anyways, so I can put her in there."
Wayne nodded, a final look at his granddaughter before he passed her to Eddie gently, moving his hands so he supported her head. "If the two of you are gonna be a while, I'm gonna lay down." Wayne stretched slightly. "That drive was brutal."
You smiled, padding behind Eddie. "I think that's a good idea. The chef should be here later to make dinner. We'll see you later, Wayne." You went one way following Eddie and Wayne went the other.
Only, the two of you didn't sleep. Even two weeks ago, you would have been passed out on top of each other the second she was asleep, far too exhausted to do anything else. Now, maybe it was routine or comfortability, but you had grown used to not napping all the time. More well rested.
Persephone laid between the two of you, both of you watching her sleep. Every tiny baby yawn or stretch or squeak in her sleep had the two of you looking at each other, melting in adoration.
"Sometimes I just look at her, and it's like I can't even comprehend she's real." Eddie muttered, his finger tracing down the tufts of hair on her head, so soft and downy. "Like we made this. You carried her inside of you and now she's like a real thing that's here. Moves and breathes and eats and all."
You giggled lightly, reaching your own hand out to touch him, scratching at his scalp. "And poops and cries and bites my nipples off." You added playfully.
Eddie snorted in amusement, looking up at you. Your heart skipped, his eyes so sweet, so full of love that you thought you might melt under them. "You're fucking amazing, you know that?" Eddie muttered. "The best. Better than I deserve."
"Don't say that." You blushed.
"It's true. I never deserved you but now... You're so out of my fucking league it's not even funny. On a different level." Eddie admitted, his own hand reaching out to cradle your face.
You nuzzled into his touch, the ocean behind him making the most gorgeous scenery. Serene and peaceful and exactly what you needed to relax.
"You know you had a part in making her too." You gave him a pointed look. "Takes two."
"Yeah, but I had the easy part. You did all the heavy lifting." Eddie scoffed gently. "And I can't thank you enough. I really can't. You're just... you're the best person I've ever known." Eddie's eyes shined when they met yours, his jaw clenching with emotion. "And I've known a lot of people."
"And I'm the best?" You choked out, your own eyes watering. You'd blame it on your hormones still raging, though you knew better. Eddie always made your sappy and sweet like this, for no one else but him.
"The absolute fucking best. No competition." Eddie grinned. "I love you."
"I love you." You whispered back, leaning in over Persephone's head. He kissed you sweet, tender, much slower than he would have in his earlier years. It was all gnashing teeth and mean kisses to prove who was more in control. Not now, now he took his time, kissed you like you were his lifeline. To him, you were.
Eddie ended up opening the windows, sitting with Persephone on the balcony later when she was awake. Her in his arms, pushed against his chest so she could watch the water. You didn't have the heart to tell Eddie it all looked like blobs to her, so you sat next to him, head on his shoulder while he babbled away to her. The breeze from the water wrapped around you, comforting and thick, it made you relax finally.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
more apprentice!reader and Jason pls!!!
"Gimme!" Cass demanded cheerfully when you walk in with Jason, Jillian asleep in your arms.
You surrender her cautiously and even without being able to see your face, Jason can see the flash of worry in your eyes. Anxiety about not having her near you- not that you thought anyone in the house would hurt her.
"So very plump," Cass cooed, cuddling the sleeping baby.
Jason set the baby bag on a chair and smiled, "We definitely don't have trouble getting her to eat," he said.
"You're sure you don't mind babysitting?" you ask, biting your lip.
"Mind?" Steph gasped walking in with Bruce, "Are you crazy? We've been begging." She kissed your cheek and peered down at the baby in Cass' arms, "Such a little cutie. How did that-" she pointed at Jason teasing, nose crinkling, "help make such a sweet baby?"
"If she gets her mommy's attitude problem we're in trouble," Jason agreed.
"Her attitude problem?" Bruce snorted, taking Jilly from his daughters and settling her against his chest. "Go," he said, "You're going to miss your reservation-"
"If you need anything-"
"We have extra formula, and diapers, and outfits," Stephanie said.
"We're even gonna give her back," Cass added, kissing your cheek opposite the one Steph kissed.
"We'll call," Bruce assured you, "But I think the ladies and I can handle it. Alfred is here someplace-"
"It's going to be fine," Jason agreed, kissing the side of your head and letting go of you just long enough for Bruce to give you your baby back and give her another cuddle, reassuring yourself that she was probably not even going to know you were gone.
Jason leans down and kisses his daughter's head and gives Bruce a look, partly an apology and partly telling him to just give you a second. Jason could take the baby out and be gone for a while, you could leave her with Jason to go to the store and get a cup of coffee- take a little break but the thought of leaving her with someone else was terrifying. Even if they were enthusiastic and perfectly capable.
Bruce nodded, wondering to himself where you got your maternal instincts from- especially now that he'd met both your parents. But, he was pleased to see you so... invested.
"We're going to be late, Beautiful," Jason said, tilting your chin up gently and kissing your forehead. "And you look too pretty to not be taken out for a while."
"Jilly will be fine," he soothed, "She's going to eat, sleep, and be cuddled to her heart's content." He took Jilly carefully, giving her a last-minute snuggle of his own before handing her to Bruce, just praying she didn't fuss. If she started to fuss or cry, he'd never get you out the door. And he wanted a night out. He wanted to take you out to a nice dinner and pamper you just a little. Make you feel adored. Reminding you gently that you weren't just Jilly's mom. "It'll be fine," he said.
"It really will," Stephanie said, grinning when Bruce rocked his Granddaughter. It was very funny watching the big bad Batman turn into a puddle holding a baby. Hands that could snap a neck and disarm bombs cradling her against his heart.
"They're gonna take a nap," Cass said, stage whispering. "He'll sit down with her and pass out-"
"Don't judge," Jason said, adjusting your coat when your shoulders relax, "She's like one of those weighted plushies."
"Have a good time," Bruce said, resting his cheek on top of her head for a moment, chuckling to himself when Stephanie and Cass cheerfully walk both of you back to the door. "We'll be fine, won't we?" he hummed. "Gonna take a nap with me?"
"Called it," Cass said, coming to rifle through the baby bag for bottles and formula, grinning at him.
"We'll bring you a bottle when she cries," Stephanie said, not able to be too irritated. If Bruce would slow down and hold Jilly for a while she wasn't going to complain.
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beewritesstuff · 9 months
Hydrapples Live in Packs
He wanted to retreat from her, needed a chance to think...but it seemed like she needed to retreat too.
Needed some time to think too.
A love story.
(M-rated Kieran/Juliana. Follows cannon events roughly.)
Author's Notes/Cannon:
Blueberry is a university. DLC Kieran is a softmore. He's 19, Juliana is 18. Terapagos disappeared and went back to doing magic crystal things after the Crystal Lake scene.
These two are very cute to me. Yay, college relationships!
Ao3 Link
Chapter 1- Bad Weather
The return trip from Paldea to Blueberry Academy was awkward, Briar's constant chatter filling the uncomfortable space between the others. Lacey latched onto Carmine upon arrival, leading her away to what sounded like an *intense* overnight gossip session.
Kieran yearned with every cell in his body to get away from this place, even though they'd just arrived. It was too loud, too...childish, somehow. He made it three days hiding in his dorm before showing up at Cyrano's office, somehow at the exact same time Juliana did looking just as haggard and sick as he felt. She was the last person he wanted to see, but their united front was an undeniable success. Juliana's final and tearful exclamation that they "-needed a BREAK for God's sake!" at his side overrode any other discussion by students or staff alike.
Finally, they met on the bridge. After a few moments of awkward silence he'd suggested Kitakami, and she'd nodded...and that was that.
The trip home was a frustrated daze of emotions- happiness to be beside her, annoyance that he couldn't hide from her like he wanted, frustration that she was so easy to be near. They'd both immediately passed out on the flight back, the young woman beside him waving some special Paldean league card that got them passage without any further payment at all. The bus trip to Kitakami was equally quiet, both of them watching the pouring sleet at midnight as the driver informed the last two passengers that this was his last trip here until after the storm passed. It was winter in his home town, the temperature dropping quickly, and Kieran's spirits were dropping with them by the second as he realized the predicament he was in.
Juliana was here. With him. When all he'd wanted to do was run from her, get some space after the bizarre week they'd had in Paldea. And judging by the weather forecast on his phone, she'd be there for the foreseeable future....and it was his fault. HE'D suggested Kitakami, after all.
As if knowing his sour thoughts, she was almost silent at his side, speaking only to release her Miraidon. They rode it tandem back to his grandparents, squinting against the weather, where his grandmother greeted her like a long lost granddaughter.
Woefully, Juliana stared at her bag. The contents were soaked from the freezing rain, but his grandmother hushed her and took it from the younger woman's hands. They'd both gone to bed with little more conversation than that, Juliana being hustled into his sister's room.
He woke the next morning feeling sour and irritable, creaky from a night of broken sleep. He went downstairs dodging his grandparents suitcases- suitcases? -to find his grandmother and Juliana seated at the kitchen table.
Three things locked into place in his mind all at once.
First, that his grandparents had previously mentioned plans to go away this week, visiting friends in Unova.
Second, that Juliana was still here, that he'd basically invited her back, had allowed her to come with him even as he retreated from her to lick his wounds...and there was no one to blame but himself.
And third, that she was sitting at their kitchen table, her hair tied back with his grandmother's kerchief, making...kimchi. He leaned against the stairs, baffled with growing irritation as his grandmother blended the seasonings and rattled off household instructions. How to relight the pilot light, which faucets to leave dripping to prevent the pipes from freezing. 'Like she was moving in, for God's sake!'
Juliana was smudged, nodding in rapt attention with a streak of chili down her cheek and a puff of flour dusted across her t-shirt...his t-shirt, clinging to her chest as she giggled politely. His t-shirt??
He must have made a noise then, some sound of indignation (or satisfaction) leaving his chest, because both women turned to look at him. Juliana's eyes got wide and she gave him a nervous smile before turning back to scrub a new head of cabbage with salt. His grandmother, not noticing the girl's sudden anxiety, beckoned him over.
Kieran shook his head. His feet felt awkward and clumsy, unmovable. Finally she flapped a hand and turned back to Juliana. "These men do anything to get out of kitchen work, don't they? I hope you don't mind Kieran, but your sister is too skinny for any of her clothes to fit your lovely friend here. The bus is canceled until after the snow stops, so Juliana can stay here for a few days! We'll be in Castelia by then anyway." Of course. Of course she'd stay. It was unavoidable.
Still, something in the back of his mind glowed with amusement as the lovely friend in question choked, frowning and wringing the cabbage with sudden fervor as a blush crept over her cheeks. "I-I'm sorry Kieran, your grandma really doesn't take no for an answer..."
Her voice was tiny, almost...sad?
Well he didn't like that either. He didn't like any of this damn situation. After his overly dramatic apology at Blueberry, caught up in a moment of victory and fantastical experiences, he'd hoped to have a friendly goodbye and retreat to comfortably sulk for a while. Avoid her for a while. Not have her live in the damn place for three days, sleeping in his sister's bedroom with the door scant inches away from his.
But he didn't like seeing her sad, eyes downcast and lips pressed tight together. It rubbed him in a raw spot. "It's...it's fine. Don't worry about it. You can't help the weather."
"I can stay at the community center-" She was immediately cut off by his grandmother flicking her arm with the towel. "Hmmph, I think not! It's closed for the weather, you'd be the only person in an empty building. It's too dangerous! You'll stay here."
She turned with a grumble, holding her back, and handed him a plate of waffles. "Here, eat something already! She made them for you." She began heading slowly toward the rear of the house. "We'll start loading the truck. Put the cabbage in the fridge to pickle until tomorrow, dear."
Juliana waited until the hall door closed behind the other woman before she looked up at him. "I get it, I do. I...I'll stay at the center once they leave, or I'll make it to the next town and find a place there. I shouldn't have come here with you, I'm sorry...and I'm really sorry about the shirt. Everything I brought is in the dryer.
Suddenly, he could walk again. Five steps brought him beside her, shading her face from the meager morning light. "No. S-stay here. It'll be nicer, you can use my sister's shit. I'm not...I'm not mad at you Julie." Inwardly he smiled to see her brighten slightly at the private nickname, one he'd first used accidentally on that scavenger hunt the year before. His heart was still raw, his fingers still aching where he'd clenched them for the past week and half straight, but none of that was her fault, not really.
"I...okay. I'm glad." She gave him a little smile then. "Kieran, I-"
"Kieran! Come help your grandfather carry these bags, we need to leave before the roads snow shut! We can make it to Shikai Village before 11 if we leave now!"
Whatever she'd been about to say, it died in her chest. She turned back to the kimchi with a sad smile, and Kieran left the room feeling even shittier than he'd felt going in, the plate of waffles still in one hand.
Juliana was polite and friendly, but distant. She disappeared into Carmine's room the moment his grandparents left, and the house felt emptier than if it had just been him there.
He made himself a sandwich and fucked off in his room, playing a game for a while, then scrolling mindlessly through his phone and playing with his pokemon. Carmine and the others had blown up his phone; he ignored most of them, only answering Lacey in a few short messages. Yes, he was fine. Yes, Juliana was with him. No, neither of them got hurt in Paldea. Everything was just...too much back at school.
Arceus bless her, all she said after that was, 'Try to rest, Kieran. You need it."
His Hydrapple was anxious, butting its heads up under his palm and churring in its throat with discontentment. Again and again it turned to the door, whistling soft questions. He could almost hear it asking where Juliana was, why she wasn't here to admire it more? Why wasn't she here with him, safe in his den?
He couldn't even answer the imaginary questions, sad and dark in his heart. After some time it fell asleep, two heads on his leg and the others curled into its beloved apple as he pet it, fighting guilt. He'd pushed this partner so hard, trained with it competitively, harder than any of his other 'mon. And still all it had in its heart for him was affection.
Why did that hurt?
Finally, he dozed for a few restless hours before waking late at night uncomfortable, sweaty, and desperately thirsty. He ripped his shirt and league jacket off all at once, then jerked his bedroom door open. Hydrapple snuffled in the corner, grumbling at the disruption. He whispered an apology as he crept past.
Of course she was up, visible in the dim kitchen light pouring hot water into a mug. He padded down the stairs, shirtless and silent...and the words burst from him before his brain even realized he was speaking.
"I don't get you." His voice sounded flat in the dark kitchen. She stared at him over her cup, startled out of contemplation. Somehow suddenly embarassed, he stalked forward out of the shadow of the staircase, cutting past her to yank the fridge open and grab a Fresh Water. The coolness and acrid minerality helped clear his mind, making him pause and question this strange, fey mood that the late hour and her (wanted, needed) intrusion into his home had brought on. He set it down, took a deep breath, and turned toward her. "I don't get why you can do everything, and I can't."
To his immediate surprise, Juliana scoffed quietly, gripping her mug tight with both hands."You don't know what you're talking about."
He frowned. It was unlike her to push back like this. "Are you serious?"
"Oh sure, I can do everything, yeah. Which one of us has an international league sponsorship?" She huffed out a sad laugh. "Which one of us is attending a specialized university full time, by special invitation? Which one of us is drowning in offer letters, endorsements, apprenticeship requests, god! The things your sister has told me about you! You're on track to be a celebrity!"
He blinked in the face of her sudden frustration. She turned away then, pressing her back to the counter, but not before he saw tears rise in her eyes. She stared at the mug like she was angry with it. "Yeah the stupid ogre pokemon wanted to come with me, I don't know why. Yeah I beat you one time in a battle, barely! But you-you..."
Her breath caught slightly in her chest. "When I got to Blueberry, you told me to do my best...and I hadn't seen you in a year." Her voice cracked. "Maybe I wanted to fucking impress you!"
"Why would you want to impress me?!" It was the most honest question he'd ever asked her, pulled from the deepest, nastiest feelings about himself in the bottom of his heart.
"Because I LIKE you!"
It was such a juvenile way to say it; her jaw was already working, she was already stuttering to try to backtrack, or fix what she'd said. But the meaning was obvious enough.
Something posessed him then, he'd swear it. Kieran moved without thinking, walking over and gently taking the mug from her hands. Sitting it down, he turned and fenced her in against the counter, the dull orange glow of a streetlight outlining the window behind her and the frizzes of hair escaping around her face. They were so close he could hear her breathing, could feel the warmth of her body in front of his. They'd sat close many times during the first adventures in Kitakami, warming up into close friends before the ogre situation had reached its critical point.
This felt different.
A car drove by, a last brave soul as the snow thickened, and he watched her eye fall across his chest and down to his bare arms as its headlights passed over his form. A deep part of his brain chortled as she lingered over the hard-earned muscle; it had been a struggle to add what little bulk was there to his slim form. Getting up even earlier than his earliest classes to work out, drinking whatever disgusting pre-workout Drayton had ordered each week...it was all worth it in this moment, the shadows working to his advantage. He wanted to say something but his tongue was tied, brain shorted out as all the negativity of the last week, the last year, raged against sudden butterflies in his belly.
Juliana was visibly nervous, her gaze finally lifting to track over his face, his hair, and down to his chest. Then quickly enough that he flinched, she reached out to press her hand to his sternum, her fingers splayed out. She chewed her lip, then glanced up at him only a moment before looking away again. "I...don't like how your sister treats you." Her hand stayed, as warm and soft as her voice. "I don't really like how she talks to you either."
The non sequitur threw him for a loop, drawing out honesty. "I don't really like it either." Juliana sighed, her hand shifting up to his shoulder, holding onto him there as if to keep him close. "I think she makes you feel a lot smaller than you are. I think you don't see yourself clearly."
He could only nod. "P-probably true."
She looked up into his eyes, shifting to wrap both arms around the back of his neck as her eyes sparkled. "I really missed you Kieran."
He couldn't help but kiss her. It was gentle, Kieran going in again and again for more and more sips against her lips, a wordless way for him to express the sudden blooming in his chest as every frustrated emotion and bitter memory shifted. The feeling of her mouth opening under his was the missing piece, her soft exhale the culmination of what had drawn him back to her again and again and again. He'd slept with a few other girls and none of them compared to how it enflamed him when her tongue touched softly to his. Breaking away for a second, panting hard with the sensation of her gasps and little noises against his lips, she moaned breathily as he let his kiss fall on her jaw, then down her neck. "I wanted to kiss you at the festival. I was going to..."
"You should have." He didn't recognize his own voice, low as it was in his chest as he leaned back to admire her, stroking his hands down her waist as she thoughtlessly squeezed at his shoulders, his arms. Feeling the hardness there. "I wanted you to. Even then."
"Even then." She repeated it, a wondering smile on her lips as she leaned in to kiss him again. The rollercoaster of emotions made him feel half-mad and he licked into her mouth, sliding his tongue along hers until she mewed. Her breath came hard when he let his grip fall to squeeze her ass, the trust he had for her in battle carrying over now- she'd stop him without anger if he did something she didn't want.
Bold hands fell to trace his chest, dipping lower and lower until they grazed his waistband. She broke away again, gasping, and the sound made him achingly, immediately hard. "Is this... too sudden for you? Are we okay?" Her voice was small, and the questions made him smile. He nodded, pressing his nose to her temple. "We're okay. And I really missed you too. We...-" He hesitated, searching for the words. "We should have seen each other before this."
He'd have stayed by her side, fought to have her at Blueberry with every ounce of influence he could summon, if he'd known. They could have trained together, learned together. This all could have been left behind, the stupid ogre and the stupid turtle and everything dim in the presence of the person he clicked with better than anyone else in the world. It was affection and desire and friendship and more all at once, the emotions finally slotting into place like they'd been waiting for him to realize them.
She turned to kiss his cheek. "I thought about staying over with you." Her eyes were bright, a flush riding high in her cheeks. Her nipples poked out hard from the thin fabric of his t-shirt, brushing his bare chest. "I thought about texting you almost every day, or asking you to come stay with me, I have a dorm apartment..."
"I was so stupid Julie." It felt good to say it, in a way. "We could have been...this...all along." He raised a hand to rest lightly over her breast, giving her room to pull back if she wanted to. To his delight she leaned forward with a coo, pressing impossible softness into his palm. "I'm really glad I came back here with you, Kieran."
What else could he do in the face of her affection but touch her? He plucked at her nipple, drawing an immediate gasp. His mouth was practically watering for it, and for the way her hips ground forward into his. Desire made him bold. "B-baby do...do you want to go to bed?"
Her answering smile at the pet name and the question was as brilliant as it was smoldering. "Yes please."
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fandoms-in-law · 8 months
How I'll Play
Summary: Steve's grandmother sends him an investment and big collection of gifts for his 21st. Small thing is, She thinks he's her Granddaughter.
Authors Notes: Playing with the idea I had yesterday over Steve liking Sylvanian Families and only playing D&D with them, Thanks to @frostfairysteve for the information on when they came out. (also for the fact I know those 2 D&D races XD)
Continued in Come Play With Us
Steve family are all rich and all distant. He remembered once as a child a family reunion being arranged and being scared of all the strangers there. Apparently his father had 3 brothers all older and all with their own families, but also his grandparents had invited second cousins and cousins once removed and for whatever reason everyone had made time for it.
Looking back at the event now, Steve was pretty sure the main reason everyone turned up was that they were hopeful this could be a chance to increase the inheritance they could get from his grandparents. He doubted that would have been effective for anyone and is relatively sure that except for occasional cards on holidays and birthdays still considered most of his relatives as strangers.
It did encourage him not to have too much fun when taking himself to a city for a weekend away, simply because he didn't want to accidentally seduce a relative into a one night stand without knowing it. The joys of things that teach safe sex for the strangest reasons.
He didn't usually think about his family beyond that. They were just people who shared in his gene pool, just like the parents he barely saw any more.
Except his Grandmother seemed to challenge that when his twenty-first birthday came bringing a delivery with a note from her.
'Dear Steven,
I cannot recall why your mother decided on such a name for such a charming girl as you were at the family reunion so many years ago, but for all my grandchildren I've brought investments in a company as well as a large collection of the things they make as they turn 21.
For you, and your fascination with figurines and dolls that I remember, I chose to invest in Sylvanian Families. They're almost as adorable as you were when young.
A very happy birthday to you and remember to manage your investments wisely.
Your Grandmother,
Antoinette Harrington
He had to read the note 3 times before bursting into laughter. He knew his family was distant, but apparently they're distant enough to have changed his gender in their memories, although he does recall for a short time enjoying dolls before his father dictated otherwise and forbid him from them.
It had only been recently, and only around Robin, that he'd began allowing himself to be curious over typically feminine things beyond his hair since that time, but it was flattering to think that somehow he'd acted feminine enough the only time he'd met his grandparents that he was remembered as such.
“Steve? You remember we said we'd go shopping together for birthday looks for tonight, right?” Robin asked, letting herself in since he was laughing enough he hadn't heard her knocks. Steve had tried to insist he could pick her up, but according to her, he shouldn't be driving everyone around on his birthday, so she got Eddie to agree to play chauffeur for the day.
“Read this and tell me I'm not imagining things, Robbie. Please tell me I didn't misread that. Also I need to see just what is in these packages before I go anywhere.” Steve grinned over at her, waving at Eddie as he leant around the door.
Eddie came over too, leaning over Robin's shoulder as she read since Steve hurried into the kitchen for scissors to open the parcels.
There were 4 big parcels but as he got the boxes open only 2 of them had big items in them, what appeared to be dolls houses and furniture. The rest were filled with solid dolls, slightly velveted of every kind of animal he could think of, all in families, or separate babies that matched one of the family groups and dressed in adorable slightly old fashioned looking outfits.
“You're her granddaughter now. I'm sorry Stevie, but for a gift this big and the investment that was also in the envelope behind this is big, you have to be female from now on.” Robin teased, snickering herself and sitting on the floor beside him to see everything he was pulling out.
Steve shrugged a little. “You tell me what dress size I should get and I'll be the belle of the ball for the party Joyce is insisting on throwing.”
“How long ago was this reunion? Any you're happy about that?” Eddie asked, visibly stunned, but not annoyed or any reaction that left Steve concerned.
“Thrilled. Robbie and I have been trying make-up looks and I was already wondering if I should try a skirt tonight. This seems like a sign that I definitely should.” Steve grinned up, answering the second question first. “And I honestly don't know. I think I was maybe five, possibly younger. Definitely wasn't allowed dolls for too long before my father banned them.”
Eddie shook his head, coming to sit beside him too finally, “Cool, I'll kill the boys characters in the next session if anyone says anything about that. If you do get a dress, that is.”
Steve's grin gentled to a smile, before a thought struck him at the allusion to D&D. He'd seen their figurines before, had let them host Hellfire at his home a few times now, enough even Eddie's bandmates were beginning to relax and suddenly thought he wouldn't might playing in a similar way with these cute guys. “Hey, you can get animals walking and talking in D&D, right?”
For a moment Robin and Eddie blinked at him, then Robin started cackling. “I bet even if they don't Eddie is about to figure out how to, Stevie! Hell, I'm joining in too.”
Eddie blinked at her too before slowly nodding, “Normally called other things, like Procyons and Avalis but yes, there are bipedal intelligent animals in D&D.”
“Tell the party to start making characters like that to play and help me and Bobbin to do so if you want me to play a campaign. I'll only play if these are the figurines used for everyone.” Steve decided, “And look, you even have sets for places we can go to make the mapping even more exciting.” He gestured to the buildings, and some shop sets that he'd pulled out of the packages but hadn't opened unlike a few of the families that had caught his eye.
“Fucking Hell, Yes! I can do that! Can I stay here to plan the campaign too, check what I've got to work with?” Eddie's smile grew slowly but was soon almost wider than they'd seen it before.
Steve nodded, “Definitely. And this just means we're all more excited for getting back from the shopping trip I was promised. I'll go get ready to head out.”
As he walked away Robin started to calm down but one look at the pout Eddie had over being told he couldn't jump straight into planning set her off laughing uncontrollably all over again.
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backjustforberena · 20 days
About corlys, just, like, in general. Like if season 1 corlys were to have a Christmas’ Future type moment with the man that we see at the end of season 2, how do you think he would react?
I'll go with Corlys at the end of Episode One because during that episode, quite a lot changes and his opportunities and ambitions change along the way. So it's a Corlys who has just sworn his oath to Rhaenyra but is fully aware the King is pretty available for a wife (after a comfy six months obvs) and needs more heirs, and the Stepstones are a mess but not as much as a mess as they will be in another six months.
The big thing, obviously, is that he's lost his entire family. Basically. That's the gist, at least. Instead of these grand ambitions he has for a Velaryon dynasty (and I do think the cogs are whirring at the end of Episode 01, for both Rhaenys and Corlys), he's got a dead daughter, a dead son, a dead brother, a dead grandson and a dead wife. The rest of his grandsons aren't his but he's cool about it (sort of, ish, not like he has much choice and actually, he's actively not choosing them by the end) and he's got two granddaughters as well - somehow fathered by his wife's twerp of cousin.
Okay, that last bit is probably more Rhaenys's feelings about her poxy little brat of a relation. Corlys respects and likes Daemon. Let's just not dig into how it came about that Daemon married Rhaenyra. Or Vaemond died. Or his son. Let's actually just not poke that with a stick at all.
But, yes, back to it: losing his kids and his wife. That's just... unreal, to him, at that point. At any point but especially then. None of his family is in danger in any way, shape or form. His daughter is 12, his son is 14. They're happy. His wife - I remember Steve did an interview and he was asked if Corlys had ever thought about Rhaenys dying before him and his answer was that he didn't think Corlys ever thought that would ever happen - that's probably stunning. And then you add the fact that she dies during battle (idk how much this Corlys would be told by future!Corlys)... that doesn't fit with the image of his wife that he has, bless him.
I think the overwhelming emotion would be shock. I can't think of a single thing that Corlys has been through, and is preparing to do, in and by the end of Series 02, that an Episode 01 Corlys could imagine or expect to happen. None of it. Honestly, I think S2 Corlys is still trying to wrap his head around a lot of it himself.
And none of it would be anything he'd want for himself. It just sucks, all around. It's kind of inconceivable. Because what happened was inconceivable at that time. So many dominos had to fall, so many twists of fate.
I think he'd be alarmed at the realm being at war and himself shipping out to go and take King's Landing (like, obviously he wouldn't change that but the guy was really hoping in the 20+ years that he might get a cushy retirement and not have to deal with this sort of nonsense).
He'd be pretty chuffed about being Hand of the Queen - because this Corlys actually gives a damn about that sort of status at the moment. Not sure what he'd think about Alyn and Addam. Some sort of pride. But would he feel ashamed of himself presently or himself in the future? Or not bother with that sort of reaction at all? Denial, probably, especially when it comes to the idea of possibly making Alyn his heir. Very much like future!Corlys.
I think he thinks he's mellowed in his old age, to be honest. And, that's fair. He may be Hand of the Queen but he's yet to storm into a single meeting under that post. But yes, grief and nearly dying takes a toll on a man.
If it was a Christmas Future sort of a deal, could our Series 01 Corlys come out of it a changed man? Meh. I think he'd do what he could to avert the danger but whether he'd learn his lesson in regard to his ambitions... I doubt it. He's a very stubborn man. He likes to achieve, he likes to throw his weight around. His flaws wouldn't disappear. Though, of course, some opportunities look a lot less attractive, knowing what's to come. And he'd do everything he could to save what was most precious to him: his children and his wife.
If he knew that his ambitions would cost him his family... he'd think twice. He'd be more cautious and listen to his wife straight away. I don't think he ever thought that his ambitions would have that kind of a cost, though. I think he always thought they'd be safe.
And I think he thought his wealth and his privilege and the way he can intimidate and his reputation and his Fleet and might etc etc... made him untouchable. Made them untouchable. They meant he could solve any problem. Except he's wrong.
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sp1rit-realm · 2 years
₊˚.༄ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏
He lowered his voice, "You spoke about him like he was a saint," He moved closer, and his pinky wrapped around yours, "And I was jealous."
༻¨*:· summary ·:*¨༺ It's Christmas. You're in Tahiti. Remus thinks you are oblivious to his blatant flirting. You think he's joking.
༻¨*:· notes ·:*¨༺ 𖦹 idiots in love 𖦹 bad pickup lines 𖦹 fem!reader (she/her pronouns) 𖦹 reader is chinese and tahitian 𖦹 Everyone Is Asian except for mary and dorcas 𖦹 still have not proofread this bc i'm lazy⎝(ˊᗜˋ)⎠ 𖦹 say it with me: shitty ending!!
༻¨*:· word count ·:*¨༺ 𖦹 3.3k
₊˚.༄ 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞
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"Off to Tahiti!" You squealed, settling into the train compartment.
Remus smiled.
You and Marlene wanted to take their friends to Tahiti this year to celebrate a Summer Christmas.
"Why is it so hot?" You droned. Christmas time is supposed to be cold—in England, that is. In Tahiti, it's supposed to be warm. 
Actually, in Tahiti, it's supposed to be warm all the time. 
"Because you're here," Remus smirked. Over the holiday break, he was determined to show how much he fancied you. 
For some reason, you weren't catching onto the painfully obvious hints of affection Remus was displaying. 
"Hilarious, Remus," You said, monotone and dry. 
"I'm being genuine. One day you'll see."
You were exhausted. You liked Remus so much but knew the feelings would never be returned. He would never fancy you back. 
Remus was sweet on this girl Angeline; You were sure of it. Whenever she was around, he'd get all quiet and flustered. Only when Angeline wasn't there would he "flirt" with you.
You concluded there were no feelings because, for the first four years of their friendship, Remus acted like he did with Angeline. You would laugh, and Remus would blush. Then your fifth year rolled around, and suddenly, it all stopped.
Then, you told Marlene you liked Remus.
You remember it so clearly—your heart beating too fast for comfort. You were drowsy from your nighttime meds and admitted it to Marlene,
"Mar, do you think Mei Mei will hate me?" 
Mei Mei was your great-grandmother.
"Why would Mei Mei hate you?"
Marlene knew Mei Mei would never judge her favorite great-granddaughter.
You never liked to think you were Mei Mei's favorite—you were always self-deprecating.
Marlene, however, knew Mei Mei had a favorite out of all her great-grandchildren, and she knew it was you. It was so obvious. Marlene grew up watching Mei Mei dote upon you. She would read to you at night—she even taught you how to make bao.
"Mei Mei is going to hate me because I'm in love with someone," You whispered, "And he doesn't like me back."
You fell asleep before being able to properly discuss it. The next day, Marlene pestered you until you finally opened up about it.
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"I don't understand why you think I'm joking," Remus frowned.
"Because. I do. Now, grab the ornaments." 
You smiled, "I need a big strong man to grab them for me."
Remus quickly turned around, trying to hide the blush that settled on his face, "I think you might be looking for James!" He called, walking up the stairs into the attic.
You mumbled, "And the idiot of the year award goes to," Paused, "Drumroll," You sighed, "Me!"
Marlene walked into the room, "Idiot, you are!" She grinned, "But why this time?"
"Mar, you need to shut up." You huffed and sat on the empty store's couch.
"'Member when you stole that pineapple?" Marlene teased.
'Mei Mei!' You giggled, "I want to try an anana!"
You were following your great-grandmother around the store. Normally, Mei Mei wouldn't stand for such nonsense, but she loved you dearly. She took a pineapple from the shelf and handed it to you, laughing as her great-granddaughter almost dropped the fruit. 
"I did not steal it! This is Mei Mei's store. She gave it to me." You argued.
Marlene rolled her eyes and sat next to you, "So ... about Remus—"
"No." You cut her off, "He's sweet on Angeline, I told you."
"No, he's not." 
Like everyone else, Marlene was sick of Remus's blatant flirting and even more sick of your obliviousness. 
"Yes, he is, Marlene. You don't see the way he looks at her."
Marlene groaned for roughly thirty seconds before speaking, "You don't see the way he looks at you."
 "Mar," You started, agitated, "It's not that simple. How am I supposed to know he likes me?"
"By asking him," Marlene said, standing up.
And that was the end of the never-ending conversation.
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"Mei Mei?" You whispered.
"Oui, Chéri?" The old woman answered, sitting up and turning on her bedside lamp.
You smiled with tired eyes, "You know Remus?" You asked.
Mei Mei nodded, "The boy with scars, yes?"
You smiled, "Yeah, him."
Mei Mei patted the space next to her—the side of the bed she no longer slept on. The side belonging to her late husband.
You sat down, "I like him, Mei Mei, but I don't know if he likes me back."
"Chéri, I remember being like you," She poked your arm.
 Giggling, you asked, "What do you mean, Mei Mei?"
"Jeune et amoureux." She smiled fondly, remembering her other half.
"Young and in love? But I'm not in love, Mei Mei. I just like him."
Mei Mei laughed, "Y/n, I saw yesterday, it was you and him in the marché trimming the tree. Je pouvais le voir dans tes yeux, tu l'aimes. Chéri, it is okay to love."
"What if he doesn't love me back?" You whispered.
"Then it not worth your time, Chéri."
You hugged Mei Mei, muttering a "Thank you."
"Toujours, Chéri. Bonne nuit."
"Bonne nuit, Mei Mei."
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Remus was overwhelmed. It seemed as though you and Marlene had hundreds of relatives, and they were all kissing his cheeks and saying: 
Marlene laughed, watching him.
You were over with your Aunties.
"So, are you dating anyone, Y/n?" Your Tatie Antoinette asked.
"Bebe!" Tatie Reymei started, "She is obviously dating that boy. The one that's talking to Imelda!"
"Actually, Taties, I'm not dating anyone." You must have made a face that told the three women everything they needed to know.
"Oh, the poor thing is in love with him," Tatie Remie said, looking sad.
All the women frowned and squeezed your cheeks, coddling you. 
Once they stopped, they all exchanged looks; Tatie Celine spoke, eyeing down Remus, "He single, right? If not, I take care of it." 
Your eyes went wide, "What do you mean you'll take care of it!?" 
"Don't ask questions," Celine warned before laughing.
Lily saw what was happening to you. She knew what she had to do, so she braced herself as she walked over. 
"Ang mo~!" All the women said at once; You mouthed a "Thank you" and slipped away to find Remus.
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"I've never felt more self-aware of my scars," Remus sighed as he awkwardly stood in the kitchen.
"You can sit here," You patted the counter next to the fridge, "It's the one we're allowed to sit on," You swiftly moved to grab a glass from one of the many cabinets.
You silently filled the cup with tap water and handed it to Remus, "They don't mean any harm—I hope you know that. They're just... observant."
You sat next to Remus. Your thighs touched.
"I swear Ton Ton counts my grey hairs every time I see him," You added.
Remus laughed, feeling at peace.
Soon enough, you were hopping down from the counter and guiding Remus to the apartment complex's roof.
"Don't be a wuss!" You called down to Remus, who was trembling about 3/4 way up the ladder.
About one minute later, he was triumphantly standing on the roof.
"You look like that dude who landed on the moon or whatever," You said with a big smile.
"Neil Armstrong?" Remus asked incredulously.
You sat down, letting your legs dangle. You patted next to yourself, signaling Remus to sit there, "Yeah, whatever. Didn't know you were an expert on moon landings, Space Boy."
Remus smiled and wearily sat down, "I prefer Starman."
"Yeah?" You grinned.
"Yeah, I'd love to meet you, but I think I'd blow your mind with how amazing I am."
You snorted.
"You laugh, but I am amazing, and—"
You interrupted him, "Yes, yes, you are amazing."
Remus playfully scoffed, "You didn't let me finish, Y/n," He sounded like Sirius with his whining, "Dating me would be all worthwhile."
"I brought you up here because I used to sit up here when I was little." You changed the subject.
"Marlene and I would see how far we could throw cereal pieces."
You laughed at the memory.
He chuckled, "How could you tell whose went the furthest?"
You laughed even more, "The roofs of the houses are metal, so it was really easy to hear how far the cereal went."
Remus was laughing harder as he laid down, legs still dangling off the side of the building, "You are a fucking menace to the kind people of Tahiti."
You also laid down. 
"Menace to the kind people of Tahiti?" You parroted.
"Yes. A menace."
You both giggled until you couldn't breathe. 
The was something about Remus Lupin's laugh that made it impossible to stop laughing with him. It was such a warm sound, and it filled you with joy. And his face would crinkle, his Adam's apple would bob, and he always looked so blissful.
You just wanted to kiss him.
You wanted to kiss him all the time, though, so that wasn't saying much.
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"Your taties adore getting into my love life," Lily sighed.
"They also love your ang mo." You smiled and looked at her hair, which was tied back. You assumed it was due to the heat. Still, through heat and humidity, she managed to look beautiful. Instead of "sweaty," she looked "dewy." And instead of "sunburnt," she looked "sunkissed." 
"You know what Your Tatie Remie said to me?" Lily started with a sly smile.
You shook your head.
Lily laughed, "She said, and I quote, 'Mmm~ he's like a salted caramel latte. I know you want to take a sip of that.'" Remie was, of course, talking about James Potter. Lily kept laughing, "Y'know, after last time, I thought you would've told them that we're dating!"
You chuckled, "If I told them, it would unleash a whole new set of questions. Ones like: 'So, has he asked mom and dad for their blessing yet?' That would cause Celine to say something like: 'Oh, Ang mo! I need to see the dress. You can't get married in a lousy dress! Bebe over here would know what that's like!' And then she would—"
Lily cut you off, "Do that laugh. That evil laugh she does?"
You nodded, still sporting a huge smile.
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When Remus was out of the room, Your Ton Ton spoke, "The boy with the scars, Y/n. You are dating, no?"
"Shhh!" Tatie Antoinette scolded her brother, "Sensitive subject, Felix!"
Marlene laughed and leaned towards you. She whispered, "Wow, no nickname. Bebe is serious about this."
Sirius walked in dramatically, "Did someone say 'Sirius'?" 
Pandora looked at him, "Nobody said your name, Black."
Sirius toed off his shoes and joined Alice and Frank at the dining room table, "Whatever, I'm sitting with the cool kids, and we're playing," He looked at the cards and scowled, "Go fish?"
Pandora laughed and held up her knitting needles, displaying the jumper she was making, "It's for you," There were hints of amusement coloring her smile.
Sirius pursed his lips and stared at her, "That is yellow." He stated.
Mary gasped in fake shock, cooing, "Sirius finally knows his colors!" She clapped.
"F-word up, Mary."
Pandora frowned, "You don't like it?"
Sirius crossed his arms, "You better be joking, Pandora."
She laughed; it was soft, breathy, and beautiful, "It's for Aspen!"
"Oh!" Sirius was filled with excitement, "He'll love that!" He paused with a stoic expression, "You're not trying to steal my boyfriend, are you, Pandora?" He quirked a brow cartoonishly.
Everyone laughed at that, even your Mam.
It was common knowledge that Pandora liked this sweet boy, Xenophilius. It was also common knowledge that Sirius's boyfriend was not into women. At all.
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"This feels so wrong, Y/n," Remus whispered at the dinner table.
"Look, I know it's weird to eat the fish eye, but just try it." You smiled.
"No, not that," It sounded like he was scolding you, "It feels so wrong to not be holding your hand under the table," He sighed dramatically.
"Funny," You responded.
Remus ate the fish eye without hesitation; it made you laugh a smidge. He was so willing to learn about and indulge in Tahitian culture.
A gecko skittered by, "Gecko!" You shouted in excitement.
"Always with the geckos," Your grandmother laughed from the porch.
"Geckos are cool as heck," James said, "They're like lizards but different."
"Loverboy," Dorcas started, "Geckos are lizards."
James's jaw dropped. He pushed his glasses into his hair and rubbed his face like he was in agony, "This is so embarrassing."
Everyone, including James, laughed at his reaction.
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"Aren't you going to come in? I have somewhere to show you!"
You grabbed Remus by the arm.
He looked silly in his snorkel mask.
He actually looked like a complete and total dork in his snorkel mask. You adored it.
"Where are we going?" He asked, taking long strides in his brown sandals.
"Wouldn't you like to know?" You teased, looking back at him with the prettiest smile Remus had ever seen.
You were leading him to the doc.
"Are we going to make out by the doc?" He asked with a cheeky smile. 
"Maybe." You teased back.
Remus grinned.
"Maybe not." Your turn to grin.
Remus frowned.
You pretended not to notice.
"There are always coins under the doc. I love collecting them."
Remus laughed, "So you're a thief?"
You gasped, mouth agape, "The money is just there. How can I be a thief!?"
He laughed. 
He went and sat on the doc, letting his feet dangle in the water.
You sat next to him. He didn't see you staring at him, or at least he had the decency to pretend he didn't notice. His scars were beautiful in the sun, and all you wanted was to trace them with your fingers, kiss them, and tell him how lovely you found them.
"So, you wanted to show me what's under the doc, right?" Remus asked.
You nodded your head. A silent response felt appropriate for how soft his words were.
"Sorry," He whispers. And, before you could even comprehend what he said, he was pushing you into the water.
"Lupin!" You yelled as you emerged.
After him hysterically asking for a minute straight, you yelled again, "Remus Lupin!" 
He took one last laugh before making you blush for what felt like the billionth time in the two days you had been there, "I love hearing you scream my name."
It was one of those off-handed comments he would make right before doing something, knowing it would fluster you. In this case, the "something" was jumping into the water.
You submerged yourself and opened your eyes, waiting for Remus to do the same.
"You're stupid," You said, words warped from the water.
"That's why you love me." He quipped. His voice sounded rich and smooth even through the distortion of the water.
You smiled, and he followed suit.
It was one of those moments that you would forever treasure.
Just the two of you, under the water, staring at each other with the goofiest of grins.
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"Y/n," Mei Mei began in a stern, scolding tone, "Remus likes you. Ask him out!"
"I am not asking him out!" You rarely yelled at your great-grandmother, "I'm sorry." You shamefully whispered.
"Adolescents, si dramatique," Mei Mei sighed as she walked to you. "You are going to have to ask out that boy." Her tone was soft and caring.
"Mei Mei," You sighed, "It's not that simple."
"Yes, it is. Just go ask Tatie Celine. She asked out Oncle Jon."
You threw your head back and groaned, "But Oncle Jon liked Tatie back. He doesn't like me back."
Mei Mei shook her head in disapproval of your beliefs.
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"And," James's voice was deep as he hung the last stocking, "So the stockings were hung. Ho ho ho!"
He was dressed as Santa Claus... if Santa was in a strip show line-up.
He wore a red vest with no shirt underneath. His shorts were... precisely that—short, and he wore black sandals. He kept the hat, though. "It's a Santa staple!" He told you.
You crossed your arms, "You look ridiculous." 
James scoffed, "First off, my muscles look smokin' in this outfit. Second, you just wish it was Remus in this outfit."
You glared at James, then at Lily, "Evans, get your doofus in check."
Lily was laughing.
You were unamused.
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"So..." You awkwardly began, "How's Angeline?" 
You both sat on the roof, legs dangling off. Remus was throwing popcorn at you while you tried to catch it in your mouth. 
"The windspeeds are definitely too high for this." He had said earlier. It made you laugh. He just wasn't good at throwing popcorn.
"Angeline?" Remus responded, "I don't know."
You felt stupid, "Oh."
"I don't really talk to Angeline much. Just when we're at school." He shrugged like it was evident.
"Really?" You swore you were thinking so hard that smoke was coming from your ears. You prayed Remus couldn't see it.
He tried—and failed—to throw popcorn into his mouth, "Yeah. That so hard to believe?" His brow quirked while he smirked.
It left you a blushing, stuttering mess.
Eventually, you squeaked a meek: "So you don't like her?"
He barked a laugh, "Like Angeline?" He laughed again, putting the popcorn down and wrapping his arms around his stomach, "I don't like Angeline." 
His shoulders were still shaking with silent laughter, "Don't get me wrong, she's beautiful and intelligent, and, yes, we did go out once, but she just... wasn't right for me." He shrugged.
Your brows creased, "You went out with her?" You looked at him, "How come you didn't tell me?"
His face twisted, "You were busy that week," He reminded, "With that boy—Thomas, I think his name was."
You frowned, "Yeah, I guess we didn't quite talk that week," You looked at him, "That was weird."
He curtly nodded, "Yeah, weird." He was stretching the word out like it was new on his tongue. Then, quietly, he repeated it a few more times. 
"Actually, no, it's not weird." He said. It was sudden and sturdy—he was sure of himself. "I was avoiding you."
There was a weird sensation in your stomach. Butterflies turned into moths, mutating with every passing second. An Old World turned into a Death's Head.
What a weird feeling.
"Avoided me?" It was hard to get the words out as your heart constricted. Avoided.
He nodded once. The action, while simple, was rich with meaning.
Oxymoronic feelings of shame and pride swirled in his eyes as you gazed into them. As he peered back, he saw damage and puzzlement.
Your heart was pumping blood through your adrenaline-filled veins faster than ever. And it hurt—it ached. 
He smiled. It was boyish, and if you didn't know better, you would say it was almost... taunting. But it wasn't. No, Remus Lupin wasn't teasing you; he was flirting with you. Remus Lupin was flirting with you again, but you felt it this time. This time, it all clicked.
"Avoided you, 'cos," His face was inches from yours, "Well," He cocked his head and looked up, feigning deep thought. 
He looked back at you, "Avoided you 'cos you wouldn't stop talking about how funny he was. You would talk about how smart and helpful Thomas was." 
He lowered his voice, "You spoke about him like he was a saint," He moved closer, and his pinky wrapped around yours, "And I was jealous."
His face was bubblegum pink as it reflected the sunset-filled sky. 
"Y/n!?" You heard Sirius call, "You up here?"
Remus got closer, not caring that the clanking of Sirius's rings against the metal ladder was growing louder.
"'Cos," Remus looked at your lips as you subconsciously licked them; it was now or never, "I like you," He swallowed the lump in his throat, "And I think you like me too."
His lips were so close to yours, and you finished lacing your fingers together—a non-verbal way of saying: "Yes, I like you too."
Then Remus kissed you. It was soft and tender, and he squeezed your hand.
For once in his life, Sirius decided to leave you two alone, smiling as he descended the ladder.
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𖦹 anana = pineapple 𖦹 chéri = my dear 𖦹 jeune et amoureux = young and in love 𖦹 marché = market/store 𖦹 je pouvais le voir dans tes yeux, tu l'aimes = i can see it in your eyes, you're in love 𖦹 toujours = always/of course/forever 𖦹 bonne nuit = good night 𖦹 bonjour = hello 𖦹 cicatrices = scars 𖦹 tatie = auntie 𖦹 ton ton = uncle
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ଘ(੭ ˊᵕˋ)੭*༺ ♡‧₊˚ Thank you for reading, Lovelies.
Mutuals: @evergreenlover @sw34terw34ther @ell0ra-br3kk3r @innerloverpainter @cremexcoffee @hvlyregulus @goodoldfashionedluvergirl @forourmoons @lgwifey
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newtonsheffield · 1 year
As you make a so sweet headcanon for katie and her Poppy Sharma, can we see a little cute moment between baby kaitie and him???
MmmK, lets see Kate with her Poppy
He smiled to himself as his granddaughter's tiny voice called into the hallway the second the front door flew open, her tiny feet stamping down the hall.
"Katieeeee." He called back, nudging his wife out of the way to duck down behind the counter.
His wife shook her head, "Honestly, Nalan."
He heard Kate's boots clattering down the hallway, the same ones she'd run up to show him a month ago, a wide smile on her face.
"Poppy! Mary bought me boots!"
He'd smiled at his son's new girlfriend, who was loitering nervously by the door, "I like them, little one. They're nice."
Kate had grinned, running back to stand next to Mary so their shoes touched, "They're the same as hers, Poppy!
"I can see that." His heart had swelled as he'd watched Kate slide her hand into Mary's and the young woman had crouched in front of her, straightening Kate's jumper.
"We go together now, right?"
"We go together."
Kate hadn't taken them off since.
The boots squeaked into the tiled floor in the kitchen, and he heard her pull up short. "Granny, where's Poppy?"
He bit back a smile, as his wife sighed, "I'm not sure, darling."
He listened as Kate sighed, "Poppy! Where are you?!"
He waited for her to draw closer, not even bothering to fight the happiness bubbling in his chest and just as she was about to round the counter he leapt up with a roar, catching her under the armpits and lifting her into the air.
"There's my peanut!"
"Poppy!" She giggled, her tight curls bouncing as he grinned up at him.
She reminded him so much of Tharman as a little boy, who'd been all giggles, kindness and tears over a squirrel with a hurt leg. He'd thought that the minute he'd found his son in tears in a hospital room all alone, clutching the little girl to his chest.
"I don't know what to do Appa."
He'd nodded, his chest aching as he imagined living without his own wife. "You love your little girl as best you can. That's all you can do now."
They all loved Kate, truly, his heart thumped in his chest every time he saw his tiny granddaughter.
"Sorry, we're a little early." Mary cleared her throat standing awkwardly in the doorway. "Tharman's meeting us here. I wanted to knock but she just-"
"You don't need to knock." He nodded along with his wife. "Come over here and help me."
"Popppyyyyy." Kate hummed as she settled on his hip.
"Yes, katieeeeee." He teased, kissing her cheek.
"Can we play snap?" She grinned at him, cute as a button in a tiny version of a shirt from Mary's last tour, clearly specially made in Kate's size.
He pretended to think about it for a long moment before he whispered, loud enough for everyone to hear. "Maybe, but I think we should sneak out for ice cream first!"
Kate gasped loudly, then looked around, whispering even louder than he had been "Okay, but we'll have to be sneaky."
He grinned at her, "Okay, you hide behind me and we'll sneak out."
He put her down, chuckling as she ducked behind him, clinging to his legs as he cleared his throat, "I've just remembered we don't have any milk."
He walked backwards towards he door as his wife sighed, and Mary bit back a smile pretending not to notice as Kate slipped out behind him.
Kate giggled and he couldn't help but giggle with her as he scooped her up and put her on his shoulders, snatching his wallet off the dresser as he passed. They spilled out onto the street just as Tharman's car pulled to the curb.
"Uh, oh." Kate sighed as her father got out of the car, his brow furrowed as he tried to figure out exactly what he was seeing.
"Where are you two going?"
"Run Poppy!" Kate squeaked and without another thought he took off running towards the ice cream shop, with his son's voice calling out behind him.
"At least only let her have one scoop, Dad! She'll not want dinner!"
"Don't listen, Katie. Poppy'll get you two scoops."
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guessimate · 4 months
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For the purposes of this post I had to play 2 houses - the Tia and the Siew.
I rolled the Out with you, child scenario, but I already wanted to marry off the female teen in this family so I got an additional ROS, and naturally, it was a death roll. Jonah, the patriarch of the Tia family unfortunately wouldn't get to die a peaceful death of old age. He instead passes away because of shock and heartbreak.
Solely for story purposes and some drama, I temporarily added the pregnancy relationship mod. Zet lost his temper when he found out his daughter got pregnant by her acquaintance from Sim Asia instead of marrying into the emperor's family (or another patrician family).
Zet is a serious man and he honors the rules - no weddings shall take place on the grounds of the Sim Empire this season. People are mourning the dead, not celebrating, and his daughter was clearly not mourning enough.
The Tias gave Lovi a dowry of 6000$ and a maid servant. Should anything bad happen to Lovi in the Far East, the servant will come back home to let the Tia family know. The servant maid's name is Peregrina Flori. She's a shy popularity sim.
However, before any pregnancy of Lovi's is carried, one sadly is meant to end. The next 2 babies have blessed perfect rolls though. Unfortunately that's where her fortune ends.
Because Yong Siew was never meant to survive his teenage years, I'm going to say that there was something bigger that happened there, not a childbirth death... Lovi was not well accustomed to the local water and food, so she wasn't having a great time there in faraway lands, but what really got her spirits down was her husband's fate. He was attacked by a wild animal in a forest. I imagine his cat lead him somewhere in the forest and there was a lair of wild animals.
I realized that neither Lovi's mother-in-law nor her sister-in-law liked her very much. So I can see how her servant didn't feel comfortable leaving her kids there... Would that have happened in real life? I don't think so, but I'm taking kids home because I want to play them. It would have probably made more sense to move Lovi's ashes. Her relics staying in the Asian part of town could become a problem later on.
Side note: Sampsa Imago [Lovi's uncle] wants to make another zombie, naturally, this time he'd like to zombify Lovi's husband.
Before Lovi passed away, she had one outing with her friend, Tasuku Tian (who has an unrequited crush on her). He brought her a piano for their awesome outing. I sold it and replaced it with a Chinese instrument. I did roll a ROS for the Siews as well, but they were just supposed to get a kaching, so Lovi's 'dowry' and the instrument gift more than made up for it.
The Siews earned ~1900$. The business ranked up to level 4. I made them pay the tax on the money they earned so they are broke again. They had to pay 1450$. Overall I think the Siews have the best house because they have an instrument, a tea set... They have proper rooms now as well.
Rana Tia, the youngest daughter of Zet Tia, is a Libra. She's 1 Sloppy, max Outgoing, 7 Active (like dad), 5 Playful (like dad), and max Nice (like dad).
Lovi and Yong's firstborn is a baby boy, Tane. He's a brown-eyed brunette, like his aunt Yune, but he inherited his mom's darker skin tone. Tane is a Taurus. He's 6 Neat (like both parents), 6 Outgoing (like both parents), 6 Active (like mom), max Playful (like dad), and 4 Grouchy. He has the same zodiac sign as his grandfather Yutaka Siew. And he's into Games, just like his mom.
Their second child is a baby girl, Sen. She fully takes after her grandmother - she has brown eyes and brown hair, but she has her mom's skin tone as well. She's a Cancer: 7 Neat, 6 Outgoing, 6 Active, 5 Playful, and 8 Nice. For some reason Zet wants to teach her all the toddler skills. I guess he prefers his granddaughter, or he preferred his firstborn daughter, so he loves her offspring like his own. He was not interested at all in his youngest daughter Rana.
Yong's younger sister, Yune, also aged up and she's now a teen. She was rolled to be a Fortune sim. I love it because that's her dad's aspiration. So both siblings took their parents' aspirations. She got the Silver Gardening Badge, so she should be doing great at the Siews' business.
I know moving sims in together out of sync like this doesn't make sense to a lot of simmers, but I'm fine with that. I decided to add some days to Tane's toddlerhood, because Rana should age up before him. Rana is a special baby anyway because she was born only because I had to revive her mom.
I expected all of the toddlers to go into aspiration failure, but it's actually only Rana, Jonah's granddaughter, who cared. I guess great-grandkids really have no relation to their great-grandparents.
Zephaniah wanted to max out Arts&Crafts enthusiasm, so he painted his grandpa before he'd perish. He apparently played an instrument at school and got some pocket money for it. It makes sense with his 9 creativity points. Sadly, he totally neglected his schoolwork and got a D. Only after that did he and his dad want him to get good grades and get him some homework help.
Zet knows Zephaniah needs to do better at school to go into a good career. Zet will look for a job as well. I think this family could become knights [either athletic or military career].
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atopvisenyashill · 5 months
Because I like giving Jaehaerys a headache: Baelon goes to avenge his brother Aemon against the Myrish pirates. He ends up dying as well. Who is now heir?
Well in canon, Baelon runs off to kill the pirates, then comes back and is suddenly named heir. So if he runs off, and just doesn't come back, that puts Jaehaerys is a trickier position because he had never actually named Baelon as heir, plus Viserys isn't yet married while Rhaenys is married with a powerful husband and a dragon (I don't think Viserys nor Daemon had even claimed their dragons just yet).
So...I do think he'd use this opportunity to say "well I have two grandchildren who could be my heirs and given the rapid deaths of both their parents, I think the lords should help me decide between them" as a way of sort of kicking away any responsibility for the aftermath. However...so fucking tricky. Viserys hasn't already become entrenched as heir yet which is a lot of why he has so many votes in the GC 101. He also doesn't have his Targaryen bride yet nor even a lone daughter to point to - his heir would still be Daemon and Daemon isn't all that old yet. Now, Rhaenys doesn't have a son either but she's at least had a single child, is married, and again, has a dragon.
I think he'd go for a GC earlier because just straight up bypassing Rhaenys for Viserys is very weird in this situation; you can almost see the sense in passing up a granddaughter for another son because Jaehaerys is still alive (ie it's not inherently in his eyes, a daughter before an uncle thing - he's just passing up one son for the other). But this is just very clearly passing up Aemon's line for Baelon's and I do think there'd be some pushback here. And I also think he'd have to play politic a lot more here as well - yeah, he can definitely still rely on misogyny (that's what the greens did after all lmao) to back his claim up, but without having named Baelon as heir, he looks like a little bit of an asshole here. And unfortunately for him, while he's politcking, Alysanne is not only politicking to get Rhaenys the throne, she's also probably really fucking pissed off that he's doing this after their two oldest sons have just died. This is absolutely going to be a crazy Second Quarrel where the King and Queen are a) not living together b) on completely opposite sides and c) getting ready to duke it out via their Rhaenys/Viserys proxies. So for sure, Jaehaerys is having Viserys claim and probably Daemon claim a dragon immediately, marrying Viserys to Aemma immediately, and um. Probably things go badly for poor Aemma here.
Whatever way it goes, I think it's a really close vote. These men are not just going to vote in a woman without a lot of promises made to them. The main people Corlys and Rhaenys need to win over are the Lannisters, Tyrells, and Tullys. We don't know how the Tyrells voted but we do know the Tyrells and Hightowers clash a bit so it's possible they can sway their votes. I think Grover Tully is a nonstarter but Elmo might be able to sway some votes, along with the Blackwoods who are already voting for them. Who knows what's happening with the Lannisters - they side with Viserys, then the Greens, but that doesn't mean Tymond can't be swayed. Plus, with Alysanne actively campaigning for Rhaenys (she had died before the GC 101 remember), that might sway things in their favor.
It's really tricky to say! I think what way it goes just kinda depends on your read of the characters and Westeros as a whole - I think canon shows us that they'd still rather a man above all else in several instances, especially when the person sitting on that seat would prefer a man. Jeyne, for example, had the backing of the Royces against her male cousins. And Rhaenys has to wait until 94 AC for Laenor, but Aemon/Baelon die in 92, so the GC is probably held in 93 while she's pregnant again, so she's arguing on behalf of a theoretical child, while Viserys and Daemon are here and alive, and a living breathing man is always worth more than a girl's theoretical baby (regardless of whether Viserys has his own heir or not smFh). On the other hand, god wouldn't it just be fun if Jaehaerys' plans were all completely ruined because Baelon runs off and gets himself and maybe Vhagar killed as well because he's upset and Alysanne manages to out politic him and get Rhaenys crowned while she hasn't even had a son yet? That's my dream, their marriage would be completely FINISHED but it would be so fucking funny.
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cosmic-d1ce · 1 year
The nightmare thing but it was real because i only like angst
Way longer than it needed to be but raaaa
Chayanne's hold on Phil's hand loosens and Phil knows what that means. He squeezes the small hand tighter, as tight as he can. Maybe, he thought, if he holds on, Chayanne won't go.
He rolled onto his back, looking up at the stars in a daze. He's bleeding out. Slowly. He's almost sure two of the stars in the sky aren't stars at all, they're the eyes of the monster who did this. Looking down at them mockingly.
It was unfair, he thought. Life was unfair. How could he have prevented this? What could he have done.
His vision blurs and he's not sure if it's tears or because he's on the brink of death. He pulls Tallulah to his side, hugging her as tight as he can manage.
He holds them close in his final moments. Pulls his babies as close as he can as he slips away. He would never see Chayanne again, he had to hold on. One more hug, and if he could move, he'd have leant over and kissed his head, wipe away the blood and tears.
He wished he could have helped.
Done something.
He had never felt like this. Not in this lifetime.
He felt like years of work had been destroyed.
Like he was losing everything he'd worked for.
He tried to hold the kids even as his body gave out.
It all went black.
He woke up in bed, an empty feeling in his gut. He was silent for a while, scanning the room in hopes that maybe it was just a dream.
He felt the pain in his chest where it bad dug in it's claw.
It was real.
Chayanne was gone.
He looked down at his lap and cried, sobs ripping from his throat as it set in.
It wasn't fair. This wasn't fair.
He couldn't see it.
He thought they were safe, he could have sworn it was safe.
A quiet, hesitant knock at the door stopped him. Tallulah. She was still alive. She came back.
Phil rubbed at his eyes as he stood, throwing the covers off of himself. He scanned his hand, opening the door. Tallulah rushed in, hugging Phil as tightly as she could, holding onto his pants hard enough that Phil worried she'd rip them.
She sobbed as Phil picked her up, burying her face in his shirt. Phil held her close, rocking her back and forth as he held back tears of his own. He couldn't let Tallulah see him like this. He had to protect her.
Better this time. No uncertainty.
He sat on the bed, keeping a tight hold of his granddaughter as she sobbed into his shoulder. She coughed and gagged and Phil knew she had never felt this sort of pain before. She was too young to have any idea how much this would hurt. She was too young to understand.
That thought alone made Phil tear up. He kissed her head and tried to hide that he was crying too. He wasn't sure if Tallulah could even notice in this state. She was a mess, Phil didn't think she could notice anything at the moment.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," Phil's grip tightened, "I thought- I was wrong, they don't- they won't let us live here-" He stopped himself before he could say his son's name. "...Tallulah. I'm sorry."
She pulled herself impossibly closer, holding onto him as if her life depended on it.
It did, Phil realised, her life did depend on him being here. It did depend on being close to him.
His heart sank. He had to keep her safe. He had to be the one to protect her.
He would. He wasn't going to let her die too.
Even if Wilbur disapproved, he had to keep her safe. He had to keep her alive he couldn't fail again.
Tallulah pushed Phil away and he scrambled to wipe his tears. She pulled out her whiteboard and scribbled something on it, hesitating before she showed it.
Is Chayanne going to come back?
Phil stared at the board for a long time, unable to answer.
He cried. Broke down into sobs as it hit him again. Chayanne was gone. He wasn't coming home. Never.
He would never be home again.
Tallulah looked at him as she realised what that meant. She threw the board on the bed and hugged Phil as tightly as she could. He hugged back, wrapping his arms around her small frame, holding onto her desperately.
She was as small as Chayanne was the first time Phil held him. A tiny, defenseless egg. Undeveloped, underfed, weak and alone.
Tallulah couldn't talk, but the noises she made almost sounded like she was calling for her papa, a small and weak noise that broke in the middle. Phil's heart broke for the third time today.
Wilbur wasn't here to help Tallulah.
Missa wasn't here to help Phil.
Chayanne was dead.
The whine Tallulah gave was apologetic. As if she had anything to be sorry for. A quiet, high pitched noise, not unlike a dog. Phil shushed her as best he could between broken sobs.
He wished he could speak and comfort her but his words died in his throat when he tried.
He held her close, as he had on that beach. She was just a baby, tiny and defenseless in his arms. Nothing he could do would keep her safe from that thing.
What was he supposed to do?
It isn't fair.
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leggerefiore · 1 year
Oblivious S/O is always good, but consider S/O being secretly aware of Volo's attempts to woo them over, to which S/O makes a point to act particularly starstruck and affection towards Cyrus whenever Volo is around. Not necessarily to ease Cyrus's nerves, because he'd clearly trust S/O to not betray him, but to deter Volo. And absolutely not in any distasteful way, status and appearances were critical in such times, besides, Cyrus would not appreciate it no matter the social context.
Volo's in town? S/O is absolutely wearing something that belongs to Cyrus if he isn't with them, and if he is, they stay within intimate proximity of his personal space. A bright smile, tender glances from the side, maybe a small tug at his sleeves (because I think actual hand holding would've been a taboo at that point, maybe briefly to help you down stairs or off a carriage). Perhaps even slightly leaning your body weight further towards him. Together or not, S/O won't give Volo much time to speak or act, and given the social norms, Volo would be very limited on what he can say or do with a person who's already taken.
Volo approaches them while they're on an expedition? S/O will strategically gush about Cyrus, always mentioning him in conversations that aren't strictly about work, maybe even when it's work-related. Again, S/O wants to hurry and get back home to their Cyrus. He is their sunshine after all.
Volo comes to them after they quell a noble? S/O will patch their own wounds up and let Cyrus take a closer look at them later. If only Cyrus could have been their to observe the noble's frenzy and the odd lights that shattered like glass, he's an intelligent and well-educated man, surely he would've provided some insights or formed a feasible hypothesis. Another plate? S/O has to let Cyrus see this.
Long story short, the sneaky blonde is seething, absolutely livid. Being a skilled manipulator himself, I'm sure Volo would catch on to S/O's behavior, though I think he'd take it as a challenge. Or maybe he can calm himself with the notion that once as he upsurps Arceus, nothing will prevent him for taking S/O for himself, he just needs to wait.
Even better if Cyrus doesn't immediately realize what his S/O is doing and just assumes the change in behavior is because of their previous seperation. Or maybe it's because their is much bigger risk of life and limb in Hisui. I do feel that Cyrus would have a rare sense of bemusement and/or smug-ness once as he found out that his S/O is actively pushing Volo out of the picture.
That said, all this talk of social norms and taboos has me wondering if Cyrus and S/O, as an unmarried couple, would've actually been permitted to share a living quarters and have so much time alone. It's a tiny village, posing as the great captain's cousin and being the star of the survey corps would create a certain dignified status, I wonder how well that would've worked.
Whether or not mini Cyllene was born in Hisui or post-Hisui, wouldn't Cyrus and S/O had to have gotten married to be granted so much privacy as a couple?
High Five Anon
Cyllene probably lied for them both. She might have found it undignified, but she could tell they absolutely needed each other's company within private quarters. It had to be allowed. Her plan originally was to take him in herself, but she changed her mind upon seeing them together after he woke up. She just subtly added them both to her family registry and lied about it being an arranged marriage to those who asked.
(Cyllene has a headache in a timeline where mini-Cyllene came before Hisui. Her however-many-greats granddaughter can't be adopted to her family registry, sadly. Not without a father. Thankfully, it's quickly amended whenever Cyrus falls down.)
Volo is going mad that Arceus's chosen one is foolishly deciding to stay with some completely random man with little to no desirable traits (in his mind). Even if he understands the relationship arose from before you came to Hisui, he simply cannot comprehend why you would choose to stay with him. He knows that you do not know his ultimate goals, but assuredly, his kindness during your time of need in Hisui has been greater than whatever Cyrus could provide.
If he does catch on, you are correct in your thinking he just figures he will amend it with the power of Arceus. This Cyrus doesn't need to exist. He's only here through some unknown entity's will. When he becomes god of his recreated world, you will happily be at his side, and all this jealousy and pain that currently eats at him will fade.
Actually, I was just considering how Cyrus would find himself utterly intrigued by Cogita's obviously grander knowledge about Hisui than she would let on and the plates' purpose. Thankfully, the knowledge of Arceus evades him while he still has his will and vision to create his new world.
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