#begging u to read my writing
bondew · 5 months
I got bored- I love my freckled, fluffy red head! (Oh Cade, u and ur neatly brushed hair are loved too)
Two Bathroom Stalls.
Cadence Lane.
The piercing sound of my alarm rings in my ear the next morning. It’s around 6am and I’ve only slept for 4 hours. I stumble to the mirror and I flip it back to face me. As the sun peeks from under the curtains I brush my hair so it doesn’t reflect my mind. My room is completely clean, well excluding my desk drawers. I shove on a tight black turtle neck and white dress pants. I don’t change my black stud earrings, I don’t really have any other pairs anyway. I swing my bag onto one shoulder and slide on my loafers as I step out.
Tossing a mint into my mouth a sudden hoard of people pile into the hallway. They sound like squawking vultures as they push past me. I run my hand through my hair and make my way downstairs. My first class is at 8, I was meant to finish my project last night but because of the situation I have to do it this morning. I skip breakfast and end up in the library. Without saying a word I sit down and open up my laptop. Skimming through the essay I quickly edit it, I’m confident that I won’t miss any mistakes. There is hardly ever any, I am the top of the class for a reason.
I put my earbuds in and open up my notebook. My peace doesn’t last long, the stampede of boys stride into library. I notice one of them sneak away from the group as they wander around and talk to girls. He heads to the non-fiction section and grabs a thick, hard covered book about bugs. My computer is still open so when he decides to ignore all the other free tables and sit in front of me he is partly blocked out. I can see his freckled forehead and fluffy orange hair over the top of my screen but this decreases as he slumps down and starts to read. Shaking my head back to reality I tap on my page with a pen and start to write. My playlist is open on my screen and every time a song changes I glance up.
I’ve basically fallen asleep but when a book slams closed I suddenly jolt up.
“Sorry I didn’t mean to wake you! U-uh I have to get to class!” The orange-haired boy says as he runs out of the room. Glancing at my watch I gather my stuff and sprint out just behind him. I arrive in the lecture room just before the clock hits 8, I’m panting and all eyes are on me. Fixing my hair I stand up straight and rush to a seat before anyone says anything.
Dazz Shawn.
It was probably a mistake choosing to study literature and theatre. I basically have no free time. I’m only a couple minutes late and luckily the director doesn’t seem to care. Dropping a heavy book about bugs and my tote bag on the floor I head backstage where I’m warmly welcomed.
We do a lot of theory in theatre obviously, I mean it is still a university class but today we have prac, the best part. For some weird reason the teacher randomly decided this year was the year we were going to do a performance! I mean I’m not unhappy, I love plays! But it was kinda out of the blue. I landed the male lead somehow so.. um yeah. I can’t really afford to be late to class anymore. The stage has been prepped with half-painted sets and random boxes since somebody lost the proper ones.
I washed my hair this morning so it’s all kinda fluffy and sticking out weirdly, nobody has really noticed. Not like I expect them to anyway! Like it’s just washing my hair.. haha. Um.. thankfully all my friends are studying things like, physics, sports science and mathematics so I don’t have to embarrass myself in-front of them when I’m horribly acting.
“Oh, by the way Dazz! You obviously know that we are doing Romeo and Juliet but just confirming you’re all good for the kiss?” My teacher interrupts my train of thought while I’m sitting on the edge of the stage. My legs instantly stop swinging and I go bright red.
“Yeahhh.. wait who’s Juliet again..” I struggle out.
“Right!” He flips his clipboard, “Hmm.. oh right of course! It’s Olivia Irwin!” He looks at me and smiles innocently.
“Yep! Ok all good!” I say quickly. Like obviously I knew I was going to have to kiss someone like it’s Romeo and Juliet for gods sake! But Olivia?! She’s like the prettiest, most talented person ever! Well atleast in this school!
Now don’t get the wrong idea I definitely don’t have a crush on her! Like I don’t really have a type but I just can’t date or crush on someone who has seen me trip into like three paint buckets!
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fatuismooches · 10 months
*kicks door open*
Saw that Dottore post talking in a different language in the middle of class. It will NOT stop me for brain rotting.
God he'd say everything and anything he wants to tell you in the language that attracts you the most and he'd laugh affectionately when you glate at him with a red face. He'd be SO teasing about it, calling you pet names you don't know the meaning of but he says it so sweet and tender that it makes ur heart beat so fast,, you'd see him leaving notes to you with lines of what it seems to be a poem and you dont understand at all, and the segments do it to you as well like!!! CMON 😭😭
They refuse to help you study the language bc it's not a collective thing they do and they all use so many different languages it makes ur head spin
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But imagine making ur own language just to level with dottore???? After learning it and developing it n becoming fluent, you burned all ur notes and documents of your own language and u watch him and the segments fume when you talk to him in a language he has never heard of
(Now imagine talking to a fellow harbinger with the said language, teaching them to further egg on him 🤭🤭🤭)
HCHKCHDOEHFOSIW this is kaiser and it's time for me to EXPLODE 💥💥💥
AHHUDWDWD THIS IS SO SO CUTE. IM BRAINROTTING SOOO HARD BEFORE CLASS UGHHH I LOVE THESE IDEAS😭😭❤️ He would be SO relentless with teasing you, you would literally have to BEG him to return to speaking in your native language because he is a monster ugh 😒😤 You would have no idea what he's saying no matter how much you try and plead for him to tell you... you eventually hear certain words so many times you just associate them with a pet name that you still have no clue as to what it is. You HATE how much he has you wrapped around his finger and blushing but you also love it because who doesn't love when the Doctor is so outwardly affectionate to you 😔❤️ tHE POEMS BRO. THE POEMS. I think he's also very bad at written affection but since it's in another language he has creative freedom 😭 you'll never know the disgusting sappy things he'll write. The clones being in on it is the funniest part lmao you thought they would be on your side 😭😭💔
oh MY GOD THOUGH READER MAKING THEIR OWN LANGUAGE IS MY FAVORITEEE PART!!!! I love when reader tries to one-up Dottore, like, two can play at that game honey, i'm not your lover for no reason 🤭 LMAO i can just imagine reader grinding out their language verbally and written, day and night, just to spite Dottore and make him feel what you feel >:)
The look on their faces would be PRICELESS. Dottore would ask you to repeat what you said and you would, happily, and then walk away as if what you said is everyday language... they would be scrambling to figure out what is going onnnnn 😭 HELP YESSS Pantalone, Bina, and Childe are the best candidates 🤭 He would be so annoyed at seeing you communicate with these three so jollying... ehehe also teaching his child clone the language too, because the baby would never betray you either and would stick his tongue out at the bribing of other clones.
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gwenlena · 4 months
trying to find fic with aro rep is the same as trying to find fic with accurate chronic illness/disability rep (impossible)
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suntails · 1 year
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i drew myself some silvil food bc im dying in ‘lack of content.’ i am Begging someone else to care abt this ship with me. silvil nation has so much potential i Swear i Promise
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hella1975 · 2 months
it’s out…..
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cowboy-robooty · 1 year
Wait do you have itager fic recs pls :( I'm too picky with fanfiction I can't find anything to satisfy me....
im sorry anon... but im ngl i Dont Like Hetalia Fanfiction. ITS ALWAYS--- ALWAYS AAAAAUAHAHJAJkzjwkkzkejs **dies** i love my fellow content creators okay i feel really bad not being able to give any recs but i genuinely have none... ill be real, my tastes are on the pickier side. but for some reason specifically with hetalia ao3 i cant find anything i like. theres stuff that im like eh it was okay for filling in time, but i wouldnt actually recommend that to anybody. AND I LOVE TO READ FANFICTION LIKE I READ IT EVERY SINGLE DAY BECAUSE SOMETHINGS WRONG WITH ME OKAY BUT IDK THEY JUST CANT HIT. im sorry... im sorry................................ i wouldnt even rec my own fanfic i wrote because the smut is mid as hell and its a smut fic (at least in the second half) im sorry i got shy. but yeah... gommene.. everyday i pray for good itager fanfiction please please please please please. you get a 2 min doodle i made once thats a worse version of a traditional doodle i posted before bc its all i have on mein phone rn 💔
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cumulativechaos · 2 years
ok my tags on the ao3 algorithm post were mean but like. maybe this is a skill ive learned just from being on social media pre-algorithmification of everything but you can TELL when the website or the app you're on has an algorithm. like did you choose to see the post (or fic, since we were talking abt ao3) you're seeing? did someone you follow post it? did you specifically search for it? how were search results organized? by popularity? alphabetically? in time order? oldest first? newest first? and if you didn't choose to see it, how did it get there? was it suggested based on your previous activity? did the website recommend it because it's "trending?"
ao3 is just. genuinely one of the LEAST algorithm'd website ive ever seen. you find the fics you want by searching for them. when you go into a fandom, literally EVERY fic in that fandom is shown to you in reverse chronological order, newest stuff first. when you're filtering with tags you choose how the results are sorted (by kudos, date posted, comments, etc). ao3 never suggests fics for you. there's not a fucking "for you" page of selected content trying to suck you into an endless scroll
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love-marimo · 1 year
The Butterfly Effect: Conversations with Lesser Lord Kusanali
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"It is an honor to be graced with your divine presence, great Dendro Archon." You kneel before the smaller figure in front of you. Nahida beams at your gesture and pats your head, her green eyes gleaming with delight.
"I have been expecting you. Do you have something in mind?" She calls your name, asking a question she already knows the answer to.
Nahida creates her holographic swing and sits on it and you heave a sigh and proceed to sit on a log beside her, watching the Sumeru sun rise in the horizons of its meadows.
Nahida senses your exhaustion from the way your eyes droop and your lips crack, not to mention your slouched figure as you form your inquiries in your head, careful of breaking etiquette in the presence of the archon herself.
"You can treat it like a dream. Dreams just happen, but they intuitively display the secrets of our hearts. Breathe, let the words form on its own. Just like a dream, let it happen. Speak." Nahida breaks the silence with her gentle voice, and as she finished her sentence, you feel a breeze course through your body.
Another exasperated sigh.
You want to cry, but you cannot bring yourself to do so. You know that no one can never not be vulnerable around her, even if they choose to display their emotions or not ー the Lesser Lord Kusanali knows.
Oh, how convenient that must be. You wish you could read minds. You want to know what your mentors want. You want to please your fellow Kshahrewar scholars. You want to know what everyone likes.
You want to give them everything ー and you reached the point where you will tear yourself apart just to become someone worthy of being gifted with the title of a scholar.
"Stupid designs! It's… it's all foolish. Everything I make… "insufferable, inadequate, obsolete, senseless…" the list goes on. I… I don't know what to do. I try my best in creating designs and I study the works of renowned engineers and architects all across Teyvat. I analyze how their systems work and I emulate their processes into my own designs to make sense of it all… and yet… and yet…"
You buried your face into your hands, and there was silence. For a while, you thought that the archon has left you to tend to other things.
But you hear the melodic beat of her steps as she jumps down from her makeshift swing to sit next to you.
And when her soft hand began to stroke your back, memories of a recent past began flooding your brain. You hear your mentors scolding you for a repetitive architectural design. You hear fellow scholars gossip about how unkempt you look despite being the 'failure' of the Kshahrewar darshan.
"Do they even try?"
"It does look like it."
"In fact, they try too hard. It's pitiful to even look at them."
"Are they even a true scholar?"
The voices of scholars and academics surround the caverns of your mind. It was overwhelming, and you can only imagine what you looked like in their eyes.
There was one, then two, then four drops of tears that started to finally fall from your eyes. You covered your face even more, ashamed to let the archon even see you like this.
"It's not enough, my lord. How can I make it enough? Will I ever be enough?"
You finally say, in a hushed whisper that you thought she won't hear.
"There are flowers that only grow in the fields and mountains of Mondstadt, where the winds are far more gentler and nourishing. They are called Windwheel Asters. When these flowers bloom, they do not just stay still and wait for the day they wither. They dance and follow the direction of the spirit of the wind itself, until their last days." Nahida removes your hands from your face and holds them, her face forming a small, but comforting smile.
"Pardon me… but what are you trying to say…?" You ask.
Nahida reaches for your face and wipes your tears with her thumbs.
"These flowers grow and bloom for the wind, which is an idle element in itself. They move, but they stay where they are rooted. Now, do you think these flowers are lost or have they found their purpose?" Nahida asks you, soothing the bags under your eyes.
"I… I think it's useless to exist to follow something that is fickle in nature. What about their petals? Do they not get swept away by the wind during a storm?" You reply, unsure of your answer. Nahida's eyes soften at your answer. She looks to the bustling city of Sumeru and she replies,
"That is what you are doing right now. You follow the path of those who are on their own journey when you have one to call your own."
Nahida reaches for your head and rests it on her lap. The distant chirping of birds echo through the rainforest and the sun's rays are continuing to reveal their beautiful glow as you both witness it by the cliff.
You were suddenly hit with the realization of the archon's words, and you began to cry again. And so you ask another question,
"But… I don't know where to go…"
"One's mind, if used too much, tends to cloud the true musings of one's heart."
"Don't lose heart. Sometimes you might feel like the unluckiest person in the world, but for all you know, it could just be an unfortunate situation.* There is always a solution to every dilemma, but there are times where the solution itself is to let go."
"…Are you suggesting I give up on my dream of becoming a Kshahrewar architect?"
"You know what you want deep in your heart, so I will not be able to answer a question that only you know the answer to."
"But what if I get caught up in chasing my dreams?"
Nahida pauses for a moment.
"Human beings are fickle minded. But it is not a bad thing, however, most of them are devoured by their hunger for ambition. They chase it one after the other, until they hit rock bottom. And they build themselves up all over again ー and this perpetuates an inevitable cycle they will live through their very last days." She finally says.
"You can choose to wear your heart on your sleeve. You can choose to be like the wind ー become a free spirit, letting life take you on its course. You can choose to read the stars and look into the map of your soul ー where the answers you are seeking reside. Just remember, life is just not about yourself. Each and every one of your actions shapes you and the world around you.*"
Nahida smiles at you, and you return the gesture to her. You close your exhausted eyes and rested in her presence.
"Thank you, Lesser Lord Kusanali. Your wisdom has eased my heart."
Nahida lets out a small laugh. The sun has risen, marking the early hours of morning.
And you realize it's time to wake up once more.
"The world offers many choices for each and every one of us to take, however, at the end of the day, it is up to us which ones are we going to make."
Nahida's voice fades out slowly from your hearing.
You awoke in your bed, the piles of parchment scrolls scattered on your desk never looked so inspiring until now.
You chanted a prayer dedicated to the dendro archon, thanking her for visiting your dream.
You looked at yourself in the mirror and saw how messy and exhausted you are, then you looked back at your architectural plates.
Shaking your head and smiling to yourself, you decided to make yourself your favorite dish.
You decided that the world can wait.
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*These are lines by Nahida that I used from the game itself.
Also, about the windwheel aster question that Nahida asked, it's kind of like a perspective question where there is no right answer, but how you view it reflects your state of mind and your subconscious. I hope that made sense! Thank you for reading ♡
ー Lolita
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whumpitisthen · 2 years
"I, I do everything you ask! I might mess up sometimes, b-but i didn't this time! I was good, please, I really tried!"
"Please, please, what do you want from me! Wh-, Wait no, please don't, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for yelling — !"
"Being good is what I expect from you. What I want, right now, is for you to stay still for me a little while. Can you do that?"
"Bu-, But...!"
"I do not care. I told you to sit pretty while I work on you. Will you do that, Whumpee?"
"...Y-, yes, Whumper."
"What's that?"
"Y-Yes, Whumper!"
"...Good. Come along now. I'll look at what you have actually accomplished today after I've had my fun with you."
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season1mac · 7 months
me reading fics that aren’t macden: how do i make this about macden
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opens-up-4-nobody · 8 months
#ever sit like a corpse in your own body?#im doing a job i wasnt designed for. theres this funny thing we do in academia where we beg for money. write in consise phrasing why we#deserve funding. what it is about our project what it is about our personhood that makes us deserving. what we're doing in our present to#give back and ensure a better future. and i can pull together a description of a nervous kid who couldn't read but loved to learn anyway.#who didnt kno how to hold proper a conversation until college and so tried and got better at ppl. who wouldnt let a language problem get in#the way of information gain. who cares about making complicated info visually digestible. and that's a nice story. but it falls apart when#projected into the future. what r u doing for the future? im just trying to continue existing#dont u want to help other ppl like u? sure but i dont have anything nice to say to them. does it ever get easier? no. it probably never will#ur brain was not built for reading. sometimes things r just terrible and u have to accept that. develop a crippling mental disorder or do#something where u dont have to read. see. not helpful. bad attitude. im just too full of blood and broken glass. all my achievements r#stained red and it hurts to look at them. to get myself to function i have to squeeze so tight i can feel the strain in my head. and even#then its not enough. do u kno what its like to spend ur whole life building something only to watch it burn to ashes in front of u? just a#broken machine rotting away underground where no one will see it. but dont let things fester. speak up if somethings wrong. and say what?#lmao i wrote this last night and then today when my advisor was like: hows it going? do u feel like u have enough time to get everything#done? and i had the gall to be like *voice strained high to prevent crying* its alright i think ive got enough time. bc yea technically i#think there r enough hours in yhr day that if i really tried i could get it all done. but that doesn't count the time i spend laying with#thr absolute desolation of my mind. so no. there isnt enough time bc im not doing well. but there's nothing he can do abt it so ya kno#whats the point in talking abt it except to say ya sorry im such a wretched miserable person. i dont kno how to fix it. my enthusiasm is#hidden under layer upon layer of pain. i burnef out before even getting here and im only making it worse#but whatever ill see my therapist Tuesday#unrelated
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febuwhump · 1 year
less than a month to go until febuwhump!
things that will be happening over this month: 
i will be reposting the updated rules and FAQ (both are identical to last year’s, both just need the new themed header)
the discord will open back up for new members! it’s of course available for use if you are already in it, but i will be sharing the link once again after going through and rewriting the room list because it hasn’t been accurate in a super long time
i’m probably going to end up answering a lot of asks whose answers are in the FAQ; please read the FAQ
i will begin a quiet and subtle campaign in the tags of these posts to convince specifically people writing for the fandoms i am in and currently care about to take part in febuwhump so i have content i want to read 
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arthursbubblebutt · 1 year
It would have been really cool if they used Cornelius Sigan as like that final villain over the horizon. Building up to it, always out of reach
So I thought, what if Arthur, having already become king, came across one of Sigan's plans to have a dragon in his army.
Arthur journeying with his most loyal knights is tired and hungry but presses on. He has heard of his father's purge of magic from the man himself, the executions he has seen from when he could first pick up a sword, and the crying families he has felt in his very bones when swallowed by their sorrow.
His father was not a good man, but he did teach Arthur many things, and one of those teachings that he holds close to his heart is to never subjugate a living being of their free will. That is what Cornelius plans to do with this dragon.
They find a clearing as the sun is setting, and the wind is pulling at their cloaks. Lancelot scouting their surroundings and Percival keeping watch till the knight comes back, once he does they start to make a fire and unpack their things from the horses. While Gwaine makes his jokes and Elyan joins in, Arthur feels as if he is being pulled. The compulsion is not as familiar as his gut, but he follows the pull nonetheless.
He is at the treeline when he feels a hand on his shoulder. "Are you alright, my lord?" Arthur turns to Leon's concerned gaze and immediately deflects as is his reflex.
"You know you don't have to call me that out here, Leon. We have been through too many things for you to keep calling me lord in the company of friends."
Leon nods, and they head back to the camp. Arthur sits on the fallen and gets lost in his thoughts. If Sigan manages to bring this dragon under biding, Camelot will be destroyed. It will become a memory, a warning for others to not defy Sigan. They will be made into an example. Arthur wished he still had his father to ask for advice for what Sigan might do next. Arthur knows if he warns the dragon of Sigan, he can not expect the dragon to come to Camelot's side in this war. Why would it?
While his father was fading away, Arthur had time to finally think for himself on the neverending discussion of magic that always ran rampant in his head. The ban was still in effect, but Arthur hadn't the heart to hear his people's cries or stiffled sobs whenever a sorcerer was found and executed. Now, though, as Arthur is king of Camelot, there had been no executions, and he wants to keep it that way. Lift the ban altogether, but his people are still wary and fearful of magic. Arthur won't lie to himself and say magic is not dangerous, it is, but even so, he knows of what good it can do.
Morgana had shown him how, and with that, he felt the blood of sorcerers who were just victims from Uthers wrath soaked in the stones of the castle. He knows whatever he does won't completely wash away the blood, but maybe it will at least lessen the burden. Dragons are magic itself, so if he does this, then maybe it will lead to a future of what he envisions for his people. Maybe he can further understand magic from the dragon.
The fire crackles and spits heating their dinner for the night. His knights talk and laugh, enjoying the atmosphere of being away from Camelot. Sometimes, being in the castle will wear down a person who has been used to not caring about titles, ranks, and responsibilities when they mostly spend their time with people from the lower towns or the forest. He sees his knights have relaxed despite the reason why they're here in the first place. Arthur smiles to himself when Gwaine trips and is caught by Percival, pretending to swoon like a damsel, making everyone laugh at their antics. Percival's eyes roll fondly with a smile that is always aimed at Gwaine Arthur has noticed.
The knights settle for their bedrolls, Gwaine and Arthur keeping watch despite Leon's grumbling. Arthur just can't sleep. The pull he feels in his chest is still there, and his eyes keep being drawn to the place where Leon stopped him last.
"Distracted princess?"
Startled Arthur turns to Gwaine and feels a bit ashamed for his lack of focus. "It's nothing." Arthur huffs shifting to sit more comfortably.
Gwaine nudges Arthur with his foot, catching Arthur's attention again. "I'll keep watch," he lifts his brow with his smile, "Go see what's go you so distracted, but if it's just you wanting to wank-" Arthur shoves his boot away from him making Gwaine fall into the grass and fallen leaves with a breathless laugh. He tries to tamp down the giggles when he remembers the others are sleeping.
Arthur stands and dusts off the dirt Gwaine's boot put on his trousers. He glares at Gwaine when it starts another giggling fit from the man but rolls his eyes and stalks off to the direction where the pull from his chest is leading him too.
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brofightiscancelled · 3 months
what is it that drives people to create the most gorgeous and elaborate art of anime muppets. i want to dissect an osomatsu-san fan's brain but that would involve me actually having to smoke cigarrettes (watch the damn anime) and probably develop lung cancer (enjoy it)
same sauce as my little pony:friendship is magic getting popular
#(it's the good characterization and subversion of expectations)#ik u probably sent this for a joke answer but that's my sincere theory#the medium/genre (gag anime/kids cartoon) makes people let their guards down#and then the genuinely good and effective character writing gets them in the gut while theyre open#i read this great essay about what makes the mane 6 from mlp so appealing and basically it's abt the Gap#rainbkw dash is cool and confident but secretly loves reading#fluttershy is meek but is capable of being fierce and loud#these kinds of wrinkles and depth as simple as they sound is the sauce#karamatsu is the Cool One but he's bullied endlessly and cries easily#ichi is the Dark and Evil one but he's actuakly very sensitive#it's the same sauce... it's the unexpected depth#also the voice actors just do a great job bringing the characters to life#one musnt ever estimate the power of a great VA performance#also the built-in dynamics#theyre all brothers so that setup automatically begs some questions#'how do the older ones interact w the younger ones'#'hiw do the brothers closest in the birth lineup interact'#having these kinds of relationship dynamics baked into ur group is immediately intriguing#also they are easy to draw. that part musnt be underestimated either#simple and effective character design that lets ppl go crazy#like how people go insane w kirby fanart bc he's so simple#but like honestly it's not that much deeper than 'the character writing is genuinely really good'
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omgeto · 9 months
you're on this app way too much
fine ill just go and piss off then
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floweredhalo · 11 months
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