#behavioral targeting
gezginajans · 17 hours
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Google Ads Davranışsal Hedefleme (Behavioral Targeting) Nedir?
Reklamlarınızın doğru kişilere ulaşması her zamankinden daha önemli hale geldi. Google Ads’te davranışsal hedefleme (behavioral targeting), tam olarak bu amaca hizmet eden güçlü bir strateji. Peki, tam olarak ne anlama geliyor ve nasıl çalışıyor?
Davranışsal hedefleme, kullanıcıların çevrimiçi davranışlarına dayalı olarak onlara özel reklamlar sunma yöntemidir. Bu davranışlar, web sitelerindeki gezinme alışkanlıkları, tıklanan bağlantılar, izlenen videolar ve daha fazlası olabilir. Özetle, kullanıcıların ilgi alanlarını ve tercihlerini anlamak için toplanan veriler, onlara daha uygun reklamlar göstermek amacıyla kullanılır.
Neden Davranışsal Hedefleme Önemlidir?
Modern dijital pazarlamada, kullanıcılara genel reklamlar yerine kişiselleştirilmiş deneyimler sunmak büyük bir fark yaratır. Kullanıcıların dikkatini çekmek için onlara ilgilerini çeken ve alakalı olan reklamlar göstermek her zamankinden daha önemlidir.
Kullanıcı Davranışlarının Analizi
Davranışsal hedefleme, kullanıcıların çevrimiçi alışkanlıklarını analiz ederek hangi ürün veya hizmetlere daha fazla ilgi duyduklarını anlamaya çalışır. Bu analiz, sadece kullanıcının neyle ilgilendiğini değil, aynı zamanda satın alma eğilimlerini de ortaya koyar.
Reklamlarda Kişiselleştirme
Kullanıcıların ilgi alanlarına yönelik hazırlanan kişiselleştirilmiş reklamlar, daha fazla etkileşim sağlar. İnsanlar, kendilerine hitap eden reklamlarla karşılaştığında, bu reklamlarla etkileşime girme olasılıkları artar.
İlgili Yazı: Yapay Zeka ve Makine Öğrenimi ile Kişiselleştirilmiş Pazarlama
Google Ads Davranışsal Hedefleme Nasıl Çalışır?
Google Ads'te davranışsal hedefleme kullanarak, doğru kişiye, doğru zamanda, doğru mesajı iletebilirsiniz. Bu da ne demek? Daha yüksek tıklama oranları, daha fazla dönüşüm ve tabii ki daha mutlu müşteriler! Google Ads’in davranışsal hedefleme özelliği, kullanıcıların internette nasıl davrandıklarına dayalı olarak reklamları hedefler. 
Veri Toplama Süreci
İşin sırrı veride! Google, kullanıcıların çevrimiçi hareketlerini titizlikle takip eder. Hangi siteleri ziyaret ettiklerinden, hangi ürünlere baktıklarına, hatta hangi videoları izlediklerine kadar her şeyi not eder. Tabii ki bunu yaparken gizlilik kurallarına sıkı sıkıya bağlı kalır.
Kullanıcı Profillerinin Oluşturulması
Bu veriler ışığında, Google her kullanıcı için benzersiz bir profil oluşturur. Bu profil, kullanıcının ilgi alanlarını, alışveriş alışkanlıklarını ve hatta gelecekteki muhtemel davranışlarını tahmin etmek için kullanılır. Adeta dijital bir crystal ball gibi!
Kullanıcı Segmentleri ve Veriler
Google, kullanıcılara ilişkin verileri toplayarak onları farklı segmentlere ayırır. Örneğin, teknoloji ile ilgilenen bir kullanıcıya teknoloji ürünleri ile ilgili reklamlar göstermek mümkündür. Bu segmentasyon, hedef kitlenin doğru bir şekilde belirlenmesini sağlar.
Tarayıcı Çerezleri ve İlgi Alanları
Çerezler, kullanıcının web sitelerindeki geçmişine dayalı bilgileri toplar. Bu bilgiler, kullanıcıların hangi tür içeriklere ilgi gösterdiğini anlamak için kullanılır. Örneğin, sık sık seyahat sitelerini ziyaret eden bir kullanıcıya tatil reklamları gösterilebilir.
Davranışsal Hedeflemenin Avantajları
Davranışsal hedefleme, reklam performansını artırmanın ve reklam bütçesini daha verimli kullanmanın en etkili yollarından biridir.
Daha Yüksek Dönüşüm Oranı
Doğru kitleye hitap etmek, dönüşüm oranlarını artırır. Kullanıcılar, ilgilendikleri ürün ve hizmetlerle ilgili reklamları gördüklerinde, satın alma eğilimleri yükselir.
Doğru Kitleye Ulaşma
Davranışsal hedefleme, reklamların doğru kişilere ulaşmasını sağlar. Örneğin, moda ile ilgilenen bir kullanıcıya, spor malzemeleri ile ilgili bir reklam göstermek yerine moda ile ilgili reklamlar gösterildiğinde, etkileşim oranları artar.
Maliyet Etkinliği
Reklamlarınızı sadece potansiyel müşterilerinize göstererek bütçenizi daha akıllıca kullanırsınız. Boşa harcanan her kuruşa veda edin!
Kullanıcı Deneyiminin İyileştirilmesi
Düşünsenize, sadece ilgilendiğiniz ürünlerin reklamlarını görüyorsunuz. Rahatsız edici değil, tam tersine faydalı! İşte davranışsal hedefleme bunu sağlıyor.
Davranışsal Hedeflemenin Dezavantajları
Davranışsal hedeflemenin de bazı dezavantajları yok değil. Bu dezavantajlar, özellikle kullanıcı gizliliği ve veri güvenliği konularında yoğunlaşır.
Gizlilik Kaygıları
Çerezler ve diğer veri toplama araçları, kullanıcıların gizlilik haklarını ihlal etme potansiyeline sahiptir. Bu yüzden, reklamverenlerin ve pazarlama uzmanlarının bu konuda şeffaf olmaları ve kullanıcıların onayını almaları önemlidir.
Çerezler ve Veri Güvenliği
Tarayıcı çerezleri, kullanıcıların çevrimiçi aktivitelerini izlemek için kullanılan yaygın bir araçtır. Ancak, bu çerezlerin nasıl kullanıldığı ve kullanıcıların bu duruma nasıl tepki verdiği, gizlilik politikalarının belirlenmesinde kritik bir rol oynar.
Davranışsal Hedefleme Teknikleri
İlgi Alanlarına Göre Hedefleme
Bu teknik, kullanıcıların ilgi alanlarına göre reklam göstermeyi içerir. Örneğin, fotoğrafçılıkla ilgilenen birine kamera reklamları göstermek gibi. Basit ama etkili!
Yeniden Pazarlama (Remarketing)
Sitenizi ziyaret edip ürün inceleyenleri unutmayın! Yeniden pazarlama ile bu kullanıcılara özel reklamlar göstererek onları geri kazanabilirsiniz. İkinci şans her zaman vardır!
Benzer Kitleler (Lookalike Audiences)
Mevcut müşterilerinize benzeyen yeni kitlelere ulaşmak ister misiniz? Benzer kitleler özelliği tam da bunu yapmanızı sağlar. Müşteri tabanınızı genişletmenin akıllı yolu!
Google Ads’in davranışsal hedefleme özelliği, reklamların doğru kişilere ulaşmasını sağlayarak dönüşüm oranlarını artırır. Ancak, bu süreçte kullanıcı gizliliği ve veri güvenliği konularına dikkat etmek önemlidir. Sonuç olarak, davranışsal hedefleme, doğru kullanıldığında, reklam kampanyalarının başarısını artırabilir ve markaların dijital dünyadaki varlıklarını güçlendirebilir.
Sıkça Sorulan Sorular (SSS)
Google Ads’te davranışsal hedefleme nasıl çalışır?
Davranışsal hedefleme, kullanıcıların çevrimiçi davranışlarına dayalı olarak onlara özel reklamlar sunar. Tarayıcı çerezleri ve kullanıcı geçmişi, bu süreçte önemli bir rol oynar.
Davranışsal hedefleme ne kadar etkili?
Kişiselleştirilmiş reklamlar, genel reklamlara göre daha yüksek dönüşüm oranlarına sahiptir. Kullanıcılar, ilgilendikleri ürün ve hizmetlerle karşılaştıklarında, etkileşim olasılıkları artar.
Çerezler olmadan davranışsal hedefleme yapılabilir mi?
Çerezler, davranışsal hedeflemenin temel araçlarından biridir. Ancak, anonim veri toplama yöntemleri de kullanılarak çerezler olmadan da hedefleme yapılabilir.
Google Ads’te davranışsal hedefleme için veriler nasıl toplanır?
Veriler, kullanıcının web sitelerinde gezinme alışkanlıklarından, izlediği videolardan ve tıkladığı bağlantılardan toplanır.
Davranışsal hedefleme ile retargeting arasındaki fark nedir?
Retargeting, daha önce web sitenizi ziyaret eden kullanıcılara yönelik reklamlar sunmayı hedeflerken, davranışsal hedefleme genel olarak kullanıcı davranışlarını baz alır.
Davranışsal hedefleme gizlilik kaygılarına yol açar mı?
Evet, kullanıcıların çevrimiçi davranışlarının izlenmesi, gizlilik kaygılarını artırabilir. Bu yüzden, şeffaf veri toplama politikaları önemlidir.
Google Ads’te davranışsal hedefleme nasıl optimize edilir?
Hedef kitle segmentasyonu, demografik ve ilgi alanı hedefleme ile birlikte optimize edilebilir. Ayrıca, performans verileri düzenli olarak analiz edilmelidir.
Davranışsal hedefleme SEO’yu nasıl etkiler?
Kullanıcı davranışlarına dayalı reklamlar, SEO stratejileriyle birleştiğinde daha etkili sonuçlar verebilir. Kullanıcı deneyimi, SEO’nun önemli bir parçasıdır.
Google Ads’te davranışsal hedefleme için hangi veri kaynakları kullanılır?
Google, tarayıcı çerezleri, arama geçmişi ve kullanıcı davranışlarını izleyerek veriler toplar. Bu veriler, kullanıcıların ilgi alanlarını belirlemek için kullanılır.
Davranışsal hedefleme gelecekte nasıl evrilecek?
Yapay zeka ve makine öğrenimi, davranışsal hedeflemenin gelecekte daha da kişiselleştirilmiş ve hassas bir hale gelmesini sağlayacak. Ayrıca, veri gizliliği düzenlemeleri de bu süreçte önemli bir rol oynayacak.
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digitalaamir · 14 days
Unlocking the Power of Behavioral Targeting in Digital Marketing: Strategies and Insights
Explore how behavioral targeting in digital marketing can elevate your marketing efforts by delivering personalized content based on user behavior. This comprehensive article delves into the mechanics of behavioral targeting, its benefits, and practical tips for leveraging this strategy to enhance engagement and drive conversions. Discover how to effectively implement behavioral targeting to optimize your digital marketing campaigns and create meaningful interactions with your audience.
In the dynamic realm of digital marketing, the ability to connect with consumers in a meaningful way is paramount. Behavioral targeting in digital marketing has emerged as a crucial strategy that enables businesses to tailor their marketing efforts based on the specific behaviors and preferences of their audience. This approach not only enhances the relevance of marketing messages but also drives higher engagement and conversion rates.
What is Behavioral Targeting in Digital Marketing?
Behavioral targeting in digital marketing involves using data collected from users' online interactions to deliver personalized and relevant content. This data can include various forms of user behavior, such as browsing history, search queries, and previous purchase activity. By analyzing this information, businesses can create targeted marketing campaigns that address individual interests and needs.
For instance, if a user frequently searches for fitness equipment and visits related websites, a company specializing in sports gear can use behavioral targeting in digital marketing to show ads for new fitness products or exclusive discounts. This personalized approach ensures that the marketing message is directly aligned with the user's interests, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion.
Benefits of Behavioral Targeting
Enhanced Relevance: One of the primary advantages of behavioral targeting in digital marketing is its ability to make marketing messages more relevant. By delivering content that matches the user's behavior and preferences, businesses can create a more engaging experience that resonates with their audience.
Increased Engagement: When users encounter content and ads that align with their interests, they are more likely to engage with them. Behavioral targeting in digital marketing leads to higher click-through rates (CTR) and more meaningful interactions with the brand.
Higher Conversion Rates: Personalization driven by behavioral targeting in digital marketing can significantly boost conversion rates. By presenting users with offers and recommendations based on their behavior, businesses can effectively guide them through the sales funnel, leading to higher conversion rates.
Improved Customer Experience: Providing relevant and personalized content enhances the overall customer experience. Users appreciate when brands understand their needs and preferences, which can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.
How Behavioral Targeting Works
Implementing behavioral targeting in digital marketing involves several key steps:
Data Collection: The first step is to collect data on user behavior. This can be achieved through various methods, including cookies, web tracking tools, and analytics platforms. The data gathered includes information on user interactions, such as website visits, search queries, and clicks.
Audience Segmentation: Once data is collected, users are segmented based on their behavior. These segments might include categories like frequent visitors, high-intent buyers, or users who engage with specific types of content.
Personalized Content Delivery: After segmentation, the next step is to deliver personalized content to each segment. For example, users who frequently browse a particular category of products might receive targeted ads or recommendations related to that category.
Real-Time Optimization: Behavioral targeting in digital marketing allows for real-time adjustments. As users interact with the brand, their behavior data is continuously updated, enabling marketers to refine their strategies and optimize content delivery in real time.
Ethical Considerations
While behavioral targeting in digital marketing offers numerous benefits, it also raises important ethical considerations. Collecting and analyzing user data requires careful handling to ensure privacy and compliance with regulations such as GDPR and CCPA. Businesses must be transparent about data collection practices and provide users with options to opt out of data tracking.
Future Trends in Behavioral Targeting
The future of behavioral targeting in digital marketing is poised for further innovation. Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) will enhance the ability to analyze user behavior and deliver even more precise targeting. Additionally, the growth of multi-device and cross-channel marketing will require businesses to integrate their targeting strategies across various platforms for a cohesive user experience.
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cohoai · 4 months
Micro Segmentation Marketing - Coho Ai
What are the four micro-segmentation variables?
The Four Micro-Segmentation Variables
Micro-segmentation is a more advanced form of segmentation that groups small numbers of customers into extremely precise segments based on various factors. The four key micro-segmentation variables are:
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Demographic Segmentation: This involves dividing the market based on demographic factors such as age, gender, income, education, and family size. Demographic segmentation helps in understanding who the customers are, enabling marketers to create messages that resonate with different demographic groups.
Psychographic Segmentation: Psychographic segmentation focuses on dividing the market based on psychological and lifestyle characteristics. It takes into account factors such as personality traits, values, interests, attitudes, and opinions. Psychographic segmentation helps in understanding the motivations and preferences of customers, allowing marketers to tailor their messaging and offerings accordingly.
Behavioral Segmentation: Behavioral segmentation divides the market based on customer behavior, including their purchasing patterns, usage habits, brand loyalty, and response to marketing stimuli. By analyzing customer behavior, marketers can identify different segments and develop targeted marketing strategies to effectively engage and retain customers.
Geographic Segmentation: Geographic segmentation involves dividing the market based on geographic factors such as location, climate, population density, and cultural preferences. This type of segmentation helps in understanding the specific needs and preferences of customers in different regions, allowing marketers to customize their offerings and marketing messages accordingly.
These four micro-segmentation variables provide marketers with a more detailed understanding of their customers, enabling them to create personalized marketing strategies that maximize the effectiveness of their interactions with each customer segment.
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peppyhubblog · 11 months
Download our e-commerce marketing automation ebook and discover the latest strategies, tips, and best practices to supercharge the growth of your online business.
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displaycia · 1 year
Join us for the Global Webinar on Human Behavioral Science, a prestigious event that brings together leading experts, researchers, and practitioners to explore the intricacies of human behavior through a multidisciplinary lens. With sessions covering topics such as the neurobiology of behavior, cognitive psychology, social and cultural influences, and motivation and goal pursuit, Displaycia Webinar offers a deep dive into the fascinating world of human behavior. Register now to gain insights into the latest discoveries in neuroscience, cognitive biases, social conformity, and effective goal-setting strategies. Don't miss this opportunity to be part of a dynamic platform for cross-sectoral collaboration and drive innovative progress.
Learn more about us or feel free to contact us at [email protected] for additional details.
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news23622 · 2 years
Retargeting with Facebook Ads || How to Reach Your Target Audience? Easy Guide
Retargeting is a powerful marketing strategy that helps businesses reach potential customers who have already interacted with their brand. Retargeting with Facebook becomes even more effective, as the platform allows you to display highly targeted ads to users who have already shown interest in your brand. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of retargeting with Facebook Ads and provide…
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grandwretch · 8 months
i so badly want one of those fic examinations of steve's relationship with joyce and hopper but solely through eddie's pov like hear me out
steve and eddie chat a lot in the upside down (and later in the hospital, when they learn hop is alive). steve has taken charge of filling eddie in on the rest of their of-age crew without the kids butting in. he never mentions his own parents, but he talks about the rest of the party's a lot, especially joyce and hopper. eddie knows what it's like to desperately want someone to be your parent and trying to hide it from his own childhood, when he would try to be cool about wayne dropping him off at his dad's house. steve obviously adores joyce and hopper, thinks the world of them and legitimately looks up to them.
eddie isn't sure what he expects from a cop who came back to life and the world's most determined housewife, but he's excited to meet them as someone steve loves.
cue eddie's horror when he realizes that neither of them really feel much for steve rather than annoyance and vague distrust. that joyce trusts will with eddie, an accused murderer, in a heartbeat and still hesitates to leave him with steve. that hopper brushes off every ounce of steve's hero worship and joy.
he tries to broach the topic with steve, gently, and is heartbroken when steve genuinely has no idea what he's talking about. and not because he's oblivious, but because steve thinks that's what he deserves. he thinks that's the parental love that someone who was an asshole in high school needs, because that's what would make him a good person. he needs people to call him out constantly, obviously, because why else would they keep doing it? why would nancy? at least they're here. at least they're not ignoring him. at least they're not forcing him into a box. they just want him to be better.
like, this is the man who thanked a girl for calling him bullshit and telling him she never loved him. he doesn't Know that's not how you're supposed to handle things. no one ever taught him that.
and now eddie's gotta figure out how he can teach steve how to be loved the right way without outing himself and his huge crush on his love-starved dork of a friend.
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pervydollfemme · 1 month
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knight butch x princess femme is always good. but also, court jester butch x princess femme. this jester is giving the princess the best dick of her life as we speak, all while they are dressed up as a silly little clown and dancing around. maybe i'll make something more comprehensive but all i can think is imagine the kingdom rumor being that the princess is being bed by her loyal knight. they're cool, suave, and loyal. whole time she's being fucked to tears by the silly little guy in the poofy pants who will not stop juggling
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foldingfittedsheets · 9 months
One of my earlier jobs in life was at a little pizza place. I worked there when it was first starting up. It’s the only job I’ve ever been fired from and it was because a new manager came in and cleaned house. Because my state requires a reason to be fired he said I used too much pepperoni. So now on job applications I get to write that I was fired for “excessive use of pepperoni.” Never fails to get a laugh.
Anyway! For this story to make sense I’ve first got to set the stage. This pizza place started out as the Wild West of management but one of the original investors was super committed to work programs through the prison. We hired a ton of ex convicts and they were all, to a one, super hyped on Christianity. Like born again for the sole purpose of lauding Christ with their every breath.
I hadn’t been working there long but I’d definitely noticed the Jesus bug had gone around, and as I’ve never been religious at all I tried to steer clear of the topic for my own safety.
The day our story takes place, I was folding boxes. Anyone whose ever worked pizza can attest, there’s so much box folding. It’s something that happens at every lull, the pizza machine demands box folding on a grand and epic scale.
On my right folding his stack of boxes was a guy wider than he was tall, made of pure muscle, Corey. He was newer on staff, and due to a stutter he didn’t talk much. All I knew about him was that he got hired through the rehabilitation program and had done time.
On my left folding was a tall middle-aged woman who loved to yell at me, Cindy. She and I rubbed each other the wrong way and had nothing in common, leading to a tense working relationship.
We folded boxes in silence. This was really my best case scenario as a quiet Cindy was a Cindy not riding my ass, and Corey intimidated me.
But the weight of the silence grew too much for Cindy, who finally said, “I really want to go to bible school.”
I folded a box. I had less than no idea what bible school even was and I didn’t want to get sucked into a religious topic.
On my right Corey said, “W-why, Cindy?”
“Well, cause I believe what’s in the Bible, but I just don’t know it all.”
He nodded sagely to this.
Cindy continued, “And every time I sit down to read the Bible I get real sleepy. And I know it’s the devil.”
It’s so hard to convey her tone in written format. It was delivered with the emphasis and exasperation of an inevitable inconvenience. Like, I just know it’s the squirrels eating the bird seed.
I froze in place at this pronouncement. My only exposure to Lucifer was Neil Gaiman’s Sandman comics and I was trying to mentally twist into a frame of mind where The Morningstar cared enough about this one middle aged lady expanding her knowledge of the Bible that he followed her around cursing her with sleepiness when she picked it up.
I think I expected Corey to say, “Well that’s silly,” or something to acknowledge what a bizarre thing Cindy had just said.
Instead he said, “Yeah!” In a tone of complete agreement.
I didn’t look up. I tried to keep my face neutral at this development.
But something must have shown. Corey said, “You don’t believe in God?”
I shrugged casually and said, “If I did I wouldn’t talk about it at work.”
“C-cause it’s t-true. If y-you t-ry to r-read the B-bible on unsanctif-fied gr-round the d-devil m-makes you s-sleepy!”
I made a noncommittal sound and fled into the back room.
Over the next week it drove me crazy though. The logic of it wouldn’t leave me alone so finally one day when it was just Corey and I in front, and the restaurant was empty, I said, “Hey man, I have a question.”
He shrugged and listened.
“I really don’t mean this with any disrespect, I just genuinely want to know about the logistics-“
“J-ust ask.”
“Okay, so if Cindy gets tired when she reads any book, is it only the devil making her tired when it’s the Bible?”
His face went purple with fury and he yelled, “F-fuck you!” at my retreating back as I fled once more into the back room.
It will forever remain a mystery.
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sergle · 3 months
I'm listening to a lot of Maintenance Phase (bc I love it) and this comes up sometimes, so I'll just be sat here thinking about how common it is for little kids to grow up watching their moms and other women in their life jump from diet to diet. Just as ambient background noise in your childhood, the adults around you obsess over calories aloud, express guilt over eating enjoyable food, frame exercise as a form of punishment for eating, and so on.
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quietwingsinthesky · 10 months
thinking about how dean’s character gets simplified in fandom, or more specifically, the very black and white lens that gets applied to him. because integral to dean, from my point of view, is that he is both a victim of abuse and a perpetrator of it. that these two things do not cancel each other out or outweigh each other to the point that only one matters. he’s both, you cannot separate him from the fact that he’s both.
but very often, people do. dean is either a victim. or he’s an abuser. it’s like it’s hard for people to hold both those facts in their heads at once. dean went through incredible amount of trauma as a child and an adult, is routinely faced with violence, has resorted to alcohol abuse to cope with it. he’s also a violent person, someone who retreats into tactics of emotional abuse and control when he feels threatened, who hurts the people around him constantly and the people who are closest to him (ie Sam, Cas, later Jack) get the brunt of that abuse. these are just facts. they’re things that happened on the screen and cannot be denied.
and it’s. idk it’s weird to me (not unexpected, because he’s hardly the only character to ever get this treatment) that dean of all people is the one portrayed in such an either/or way when one of the defining moments of the show for him is that during his stint in Hell, he was tortured and then became a torturer to escape that, to feel like he had some control again, and he relished in it. it’s baked into who he is.
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The surveillance advertising to financial fraud pipeline
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Monday (October 2), I'll be in Boise to host an event with VE Schwab. On October 7–8, I'm in Milan to keynote Wired Nextfest.
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Being watched sucks. Of all the parenting mistakes I've made, none haunt me more than the times my daughter caught me watching her while she was learning to do something, discovered she was being observed in a vulnerable moment, and abandoned her attempt:
It's hard to be your authentic self while you're under surveillance. For that reason alone, the rise and rise of the surveillance industry – an unholy public-private partnership between cops, spooks, and ad-tech scum – is a plague on humanity and a scourge on the Earth:
But beyond the psychic damage surveillance metes out, there are immediate, concrete ways in which surveillance brings us to harm. Ad-tech follows us into abortion clinics and then sells the info to the cops back home in the forced birth states run by Handmaid's Tale LARPers:
And even if you have the good fortune to live in a state whose motto isn't "There's no 'I" in uter-US," ad-tech also lets anti-abortion propagandists trick you into visiting fake "clinics" who defraud you into giving birth by running out the clock on terminating your pregnancy:
The commercial surveillance industry fuels SWATting, where sociopaths who don't like your internet opinions or are steamed because you beat them at Call of Duty trick the cops into thinking that there's an "active shooter" at your house, provoking the kind of American policing autoimmune reaction that can get you killed:
There's just a lot of ways that compiling deep, nonconsensual, population-scale surveillance dossiers can bring safety and financial harm to the unwilling subjects of our experiment in digital spying. The wave of "business email compromises" (the infosec term for impersonating your boss to you and tricking you into cleaning out the company bank accounts)? They start with spear phishing, a phishing attack that uses personal information – bought from commercial sources or ganked from leaks – to craft a virtual Big Store con:
It's not just spear-phishers. There are plenty of financial predators who run petty grifts – stock swindles, identity theft, and other petty cons. These scams depend on commercial surveillance, both to target victims (e.g. buying Facebook ads targeting people struggling with medical debt and worried about losing their homes) and to run the con itself (by getting the information needed to pull of a successful identity theft).
In "Consumer Surveillance and Financial Fraud," a new National Bureau of Academic Research paper, a trio of business-school profs – Bo Bian (UBC), Michaela Pagel (WUSTL) and Huan Tang (Wharton) quantify the commercial surveillance industry's relationship to finance crimes:
The authors take advantage of a time-series of ZIP-code-accurate fraud complaint data from the Consumer Finance Protection Board, supplemented by complaints from the FTC, along with Apple's rollout of App Tracking Transparency, a change to app-based tracking on Apple mobile devices that turned of third-party commercial surveillance unless users explicitly opted into being spied on. More than 96% of Apple users blocked spying:
In other words, they were able to see, neighborhood by neighborhood, what happened to financial fraud when users were able to block commercial surveillance.
What happened is, fraud plunged. Deprived of the raw material for committing fraud, criminals were substantially hampered in their ability to steal from internet users.
While this is something that security professionals have understood for years, this study puts some empirical spine into the large corpus of qualitative accounts of the surveillance-to-fraud pipeline.
As the authors note in their conclusion, this analysis is timely. Google has just rolled out a new surveillance system, the deceptively named "Privacy Sandbox," that every Chrome user is being opted in to unless they find and untick three separate preference tickboxes. You should find and untick these boxes:
Google has spun, lied and bullied Privacy Sandbox into existence; whenever this program draws enough fire, they rename it (it used to be called FLoC). But as the Apple example showed, no one wants to be spied on – that's why Google makes you find and untick three boxes to opt out of this new form of surveillance.
There is no consensual basis for mass commercial surveillance. The story that "people don't mind ads so long as they're relevant" is a lie. But even if it was true, it wouldn't be enough, because beyond the harms to being our authentic selves that come from the knowledge that we're being observed, surveillance data is a crucial ingredient for all kinds of crime, harassment, and deception.
We can't rely on companies to spy on us responsibly. Apple may have blocked third-party app spying, but they effect nonconsensual, continuous surveillance of every Apple mobile device user, and lie about it:
That's why we should ban commercial surveillance. We should outlaw surveillance advertising. Period:
Contrary to the claims of surveillance profiteers, this wouldn't reduce the income to ad-supported news and other media – it would increase their revenues, by letting them place ads without relying on the surveillance troves assembled by the Google/Meta ad-tech duopoly, who take the majority of ad-revenue:
We're 30 years into the commercial surveillance pandemic and Congress still hasn't passed a federal privacy law with a private right of action. But other agencies aren't waiting for Congress. The FTC and DoJ Antitrust Divsision have proposed new merger guidelines that allow regulators to consider privacy harms when companies merge:
Think here of how Google devoured Fitbit and claimed massive troves of extremely personal data, much of which was collected because employers required workers to wear biometric trackers to get the best deal on health care:
Companies can't be trusted to collect, retain or use our personal data wisely. The right "balance" here is to simply ban that collection, without an explicit opt-in. The way this should work is that companies can't collect private data unless users hunt down and untick three "don't spy on me" boxes. After all, that's the standard that Google has set.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
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cohoai · 7 months
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Net Retention Rate - Coho AI
Net Retention Rate (NRR) is a key metric for any B2B software as a service (SaaS) company, but it becomes particularly important in times of economic recession. NRR measures the percentage of a company’s existing customers that continue to use and pay for its services from one period to the next. https://www.coho.ai/blog/maximizing-b2b-saas-revenue-with-nrr-why-it-matters-and-how-to-do-it/
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peppyhubblog · 11 months
Looking for the best shopify apps for coming soon and products with a coming soon tag? Here are the 10 best coming soon apps you should use, free or paid, based on hundreds of recommendations.
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nico-tines · 7 months
“oh max is more redeemable than grace”
“uh no, grace was a product of her upbringing max is an asshole”
hey uhhh maybe they’re both bad people and both can still be redeemed?
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Yknow, I feel like Dick not fighting back against the mistreatment of him during the Spyral arc (perpetrated by the batfamily) isn't super surprising from a trauma lens, at least not to me.
I've seen people tend to argue that Dick should've and would've fought back, and I'm definitely not arguing otherwise- but why DIDN'T he fight back??
Personally, to me, his behavior strikes me as fawning. He's not arguing against the shitty things the batfamily does to him or say about him, if anything he's agreeing with them. I could probably really look back over how he acts in B&R: Eternal, but from what I remember, he feels very people pleasing.
And imo this isn't super surprising? Especially if what happened in Nightwing #30 is still fresh in his mind, not to mention Spyral breaking him down and the others lashing out at him, physically and verbally. These things are very traumatizing, and would've changed him most likely. His trauma response being to fawn here makes sense; he Needs the others to work with him, and fighting them on something they won't budge on will only get him hurt. Not only that, but physical punishment seems to be a very real consequence at this time, and Dick is likely in survival mode.
If fawning means he can get his job done and not be physically punished, then it makes the most sense for him to go that route, as sad as it is. His trauma response moving from fight(?) to fawn would be a really interesting thing to explore. After all, Dick said things wouldn't be the same, but we don't know WHAT would change, or if it would even be for the better (since people seem to interpret that to mean 'I'm leaving after this' or similar, which is fair tbh but that statement can mean a multitude of things).
Overall, regardless of how in character it is, I think Dick turning to fawning makes sense in this situation. Being beaten by your father and then repeatedly physically and verbally assaulted by the rest of your family is deeply traumatizing, not to mention everything that is Spyral. If Dick can minimize the damage to himself as much as possible and finish the mission, then it makes sense for him to fawn.
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