#behold my once in a blue moon art
all54321 · 7 months
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Grian reached for the bird, but Scar held it out of his reach. Then he dropped to a knee and presented the toy, bowing his head. “For you.”
My art piece for the @hermitshippingbigbang. It’s for Chapter 3 of @masque-of-plague’s fic Supercritical! Go read it, it’s amazing.
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goldensunset · 2 years
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celestial queen
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kausatstolar · 11 months
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Okay, technically sovstuck's been out for a little while, but i've been thinking about it, and figured I may as well preserve my thoughts somewhere than the sovstuck discord. [shout out to you guys fr]! May as well use this blog for something. The prologue can go above the cut.. But the rest of it, not so much. Without further ado, our story begins.
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The year is 5023
Not much going on with the text, so it's time to take a nice hard look at the panel! I think it's so fascinating how the planets from the beta kids' session make up this solar system, alongside earth, which-- Once again, appears to be the third planet from the sun. Which.. Is the light symbol. Could be artistic choice, could be literal. Either way, this is a gorgeous piece of art.
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The place, Earth C. More colloquially known as AFTERRA.
Afterra... That's fun. Keeps up with naming conventions. Not much to say about this, other than the fact I can't help but notice the second moon...
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13 years ago the OLD GODS came back to this world, 5,000 years after its birth, to much fanfare and to much dismay.
Huh. 10 years unaccounted for. S'probably nothing! This is a fun panel to look at, and it's also very fun to see that building's roof resemble one of the can city structures from homestuck proper.
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But this story isn't about the Old Gods. And this story isn't about THE CONSTRUCTION, either, nor a new form of it.
points. hey who's that incredibly handsome carapacian in the foreground... [retris's dad!!] once again, this is beautiful to look at. neo kyoto... I haven't yet commented on it, but I love the texture of the prologue panels. Very edible. while The Construction piques my curiosity, this isn't that story.
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No, this is a story about a boy, his friends, and a game they play together.
YEAHHHHH RONTIS... His house looks so nice. Goodbye paper texture. Not much to say, but I'm sure excited.
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This is a story about you.
WOO. Not much to analyze about the text that's present, but plenty of panel to dig into. it's nice to see him so comfy.. However, his room is a smidge of a disaster. Peeping the 3ds, sure, but also... His clipboard, monster energy, and papers scattered everywhere. Shout out to the aspect wheel by his head, too.
There's a gif of retris at the computer, but it's a smidge too big. Behold page seven on your own. It's just damn pleasant to watch, seeing everyone's signs bounce so pleasingly.. Wait. What's with the iron cancer sign matched with the pieces sign. Hm. I'm sure we'll get there. I also like how the blue of SVURP's spirograph is an exact compliment of SBURB's spirograph.
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Your name is RETRIS MORAGE, and you are tired. It's been a long and treacherous 18 MOVES since your OPENING, and 18 minutes since you've woken up from an incredibly long nap that you didn't mean to take. Whoops.
god i envy this very sleepy retris. It is currently 7 pm sharp on a wednesday, and I wish to rest. Not much to note as far as the art of the panel goes for this page! MOVES and OPENING... Chess terms. fun. Wonder if the whole of afterra uses these names, or if it's predominantly carapacian areas only.
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The sunlight pours through your windows, unfettered. You take a moment to survey your various possessions as your brain wakes up. The gears of your mind groaned to life as you remembered yourself.
Hey! He's got a portrait of his parents on his nightstand. How sweet of him! And.. Monster energy cans everywhere. Lovely EVA merch too. On the note of the prose, I do quite enjoy it! Smth about the poetry of, "the gears of your mind groaned to life as you remembered yourself" sticks in the mind...
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You, like everyone, have a variety of HOBBIES and INTERESTS. Among these are SWORDPLAY, WORDPLAY, and FOREPLAY. Don't think about the last one too hard. Don't think about that phrasing too hard, either. Get your mind out of the gutter. You have an ardent passion for ASTROLOGY and the science of MYTHOLOGICAL ROLES. You run a rather sizeable CHUMBLR blog dedicated to the subject. You wish you didn't. You know in your heart that you are a MAGE OF LIGHT, and are looking forwards to getting this proven to you. Sooner rather than later, hopefully. You're getting ahead of yourself, though.
Helluvah set-up he's got in his room, as far as his computer goes. mars on the back of his computer.. Very fun. Well kept room, aside from the cans and papers.
However, uh. Retris. Retris, what the hell do you mean you're gonna get your status as a mage of light proven to you. Swordplay, wordplay, foreplay.. I guess I'll have to pay a bit more attention to his phrasing, i suppose. Er. Not about the foreplay, let him layabout as it pleases him. Wordplay, however. Curious that Mythological Roles are a science, and that he's gotten too deep into running a tumblr blog about it. Surely that won't come back.
I'll get through the rest of the comic later; i've got things to do. Fascinating to see how it's begun, though. I can't wait to see where this's gonna go.
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samuraiko · 2 years
My CRITICAL ROLE-inspired NaNoWriMo novel’s playlist
Screw it, I’m going to share this. It doesn’t matter I’m terrified to do this because I think the Critter community will hate it (or me, or both). I’m doing it anyway.
Behold, the entirety of the playlist for my NaNoWriMo 2022 project, the Critical Role-inspired novel THE WIZARD AND THE WEAVER. 
(For those not in the know, NaNoWriMo = National Novel Writing Month (aka November), where you have to write a 50,000+ word novel in 30 days. By no means does this mean your novel is *DONE*, it just means you’ve banged out 50k+ words for it. This year, I hit 65k+ in 30 days!)
The prologue is set in 819 PD, the first third-ish of the novel taking place about six months after the end of C2 (not long after TM9:Reunited) in 837 PD, and the last two-thirds taking place five years after that in 842 PD. And as you can guess by the title, it’s a Caleb-centric novel.
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Force of habit, I love writing ‘back cover blurbs.’
And I had art done for it, too, courtesy of the awesomesauce @cvleart​!
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As well as this gorgeousness by @cynicalstith​...
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Anyway, I promised myself that once I was done, I would post the full track list and a bit about each song (a la the official playlists).
(Full disclosure: as I get into editing this book in 2023, I will likely be adding to the playlist, moving tracks around, etc.)
Vault of Glass - Ursine Vulpine, Will Post One of what I call my ‘trailer’ songs, where my mind spins a trailer about one of my books, if I could actually animate it and have voiceover and all that. The clockwork beat and constant repeat of "Again... again... again..." emphasizes the nature of Caleb and Malastra’s journey.
Dust and Light - Twelve Titans Music Another of my "trailer" pieces... I used this for a RIFT trailer I made ages ago for the Nightmare Tide expansion, and Raelskye’s traumatic quest (and Cyril’s role in it) reminds me a bit of Malastra’s here.
Welcome to Wildemount - Critical Role, Colm R. McGuinness My primary researching music.
The Labyrinth - Poets of the Fall The song that was very much the inspiration for Malastra. And I absolutely love, love, LOVE Poets of the Fall.
Firedancer - Poets of the Fall This is Caleb’s theme song and NOTHING anyone says will ever convince me otherwise. THIS IS MY HILL AND I WILL DIE ON IT.
It's the Fear - Within Temptation Malastra has spent so much of her young life running from her fears, but it’s hard to escape them when she carries them within her, and what she fears most is herself.
Arsonist's Lullabye - Hozier Caleb. Full stop. A nod to dear Liam and the original playlists for Caleb.
Let Me Out - Hidden Citizens, Ranya Another of my absolutely favorite groups. In this case, this song has SO many layers of meaning for Malastra.
A New Machine, Pt. 1 - Pink Floyd Eleven lost years... and Caleb's own worst nightmare.
Damascus - Conjure One, Rhys Fulber The thirteenth of Cuersaar, the Night of Ascension, 819 PD - there is blood on the moon as flames leap into the sky in Blumenthal, and the doom of Sevnochiner is born.
I See Fire - Zyrah Kasian's vision, and the fate of Sevnochiner.
Lady of Worlds - Miracle of Sound “We all have a destiny. Whether we want one or not.”
Born In Flames - In This Moment Caleb's not the only one whose life was transformed and traumatized by fire...
Don't Let Me Go (Acoustic) - RAIGN This is Kasian's song.
Gone Away - Noctura Kasian is gone, but Malastra still remembers.
Throw Away - Blue Stahli Eleven years in an asylum for him. Thirteen years on the run for her. The song that sums up those lost, torturous years for both of them.
Unbroken - Really Slow Motion Another song that describes those painful years of self-searching for both Caleb and Malastra.
Once In My Life - The Decemberists Another nod to dearest Liam here, since it wouldn’t be a Caleb playlist without the Decemberists on it. And this is for both Caleb and Malastra.
Wait for Sleep - Dream Theater Exhausted, starving, alone, and afraid, Malastra dreads every sundown...
Whisper - Evanescence ... because when the sun goes down, the nightmares come out to play.
The Mystic's Dream - Loreena McKennitt From Issylra to Tal'Dorei to Wildemount, a glowing thread of destiny leads a girl onward to the flame that will light her future.
Love Theme from The Dark Crystal - Trevor Jones A half-mad, half-dead girl arrives on a wizard's doorstep... and their lives are forever changed.
Deliver Me - Sarah Brightman The very first meeting between Malastra and Caleb. Another scene I want to commission art for.
I Love the Way You Say My Name - Scarlet Dorn, Chris Harms "'Freundin'... Zemnian. It means 'friend.'"
Someone Like You - Jekyll & Hyde This is 100% Malastra’s feelings toward Caleb. Unfortunately, her feelings are a naïve tangled mess and not nearly as simple as she’d like to think they are. Never mind his feelings for her...
Jesus to a Child - George Michael Caleb’s feelings toward Malastra... sort of. I had also considered using "Father Figure" (also by George Michael), but that song takes their relationship a little TOO close to a line neither they nor I think they should cross. For Caleb, the problem is that he feels several different conflicting things.
Haunting Me - Stabbing Westward The dysfunctional side of Malastra and Caleb’s relationship. And it also works for how their pasts won’t leave them alone.
Lune - Notre-Dame de Paris This version’s in French, and I’m still not even sure I’ll keep this one, but this is the Essek song on the list. Here we have Essek singing about Caleb, but unlike in the original show where Gringoire is a neutral observer, I imagine Essek is painfully aware of what Caleb is going through because he cares for Caleb.
Towers Of The Void - Brian Reitzell The story behind a name.
When All is Lost - Timothy Robert Shortell The music behind several touching conversations between the Empire kids. The dynamic between Beauregard and Caleb was just pure pleasure to write, and seeing how their friendship has just deepened over the years.
Until It Sleeps - Metallica Considering that Malastra’s nightmares can KILL people, "It" in this song is Malastra herself.
A Sacrifice to Save You - Effsio Cross If I could set the montage of Caleb's research and study about Malastra and her magic to music, it'd be this. Day after day, night after night, chasing down the truth of what haunts this strange girl.
I Bleed for You - Peter Gundry The Wizard at work in the chamber of endless possibility atop the Tower.
Walking in the Air - Nightwish Caleb showing off his magic to Malastra, showing her just how beautiful the world can be when you let it.
As the World Falls Down - David Bowie The ballroom scene in LABYRINTH very much informed a certain aspect of Malastra and Caleb's perceptions of each other at one point...
Malleus Maleficarum - Hans Zimmer The crafting of the Pendant of Dreamless Rest.
Carry Me - Eurielle If the pendant that Caleb crafts for Malastra has a theme song, this is it.
Lullaby (Goodnight, My Angel) - Billy Joel Caleb to Malastra as she sleeps, safe and truly at peace for the first time in her life. And yes, I want art for this too. I want art for a LOT of the scenes I imagine in this book, okay?
Of These Chains - Red Malastra as she's preparing to leave Caleb for the first time and go in search of her destiny.
Prayer - The Scarlet Pimpernel Caleb after Malastra leaves. He knows that her leaving is the right thing for her to do... but the human heart is a complicated thing.
Recover - Globus, Anneke Van Giersbergen Malastra’s journey during the five-year time skip.
Spell of the Heart - Isabella LeVan "Gute nacht, Caleb. I miss you." "Gute nacht, freundin. Ich vermisse dich auch." This song was a deliciously unexpected discovery (thanks to a friend of mine for pointing me at Isabella’s work), and was SUCH a perfect representation of the five-year time skip between Act 1 and Act 2 as far as Caleb and Malastra’s relationship was concerned.
Sleep Well, My Angel - We Are The Fallen Malastra and Caleb talking about each other, not realizing that they are both making the exact same mistake.
Hurt - Christina Aguilera Caleb and Malastra about their respective parents, and in a melancholic fashion, about each other during the time skip.
Witch Hunt - Abney Park Don't stop running, Malastra...
Only Us - Miracle of Sound Once lovers, then enemies, now uneasy allies - Astrid leads Caleb ever closer to temptation... all he has to do is hand over Malastra.
Back to the Blooming Grove - Critical Role, Steven Grove Reunited after five years, and in serious need of divinely-inspired insight, Caleb takes Malastra to the Savalirwood to consult with Caduceus.
The Rite of Destiny - Chance Thomas Malastra's musical offering at the Blooming Grove, and a blessing woven upon the temple.
Journey to the Abyss - Daniel Health Caleb, Beau, and Malastra journey to Vasselheim in search of answers.
Coda - Matt Uelmen "Once there was, and was not, in ancient Issylra..."
Raven - Melissa VanFleet Within the blood pool of communion of Raven's Crest, Malastra and Caleb each have their own soul-rending encounter with the Matron of Ravens, but not surprisingly, they are left with more questions than answers.
Helix - Soul Extract The darker, dysfunctional side of Malastra’s relationship with Caleb, while the latter half’s instrumental is very much Caleb, Malastra, et al bringing the fire.
Behind the mind - Zero-Project Searching for answers and guidance at the behest of the Raven Queen, Malastra's soul reaches beyond the veil and encounters the Champion of the Matron of Ravens... Vax'ildan.
Until Eternity (Orchestral Version) - Blackbriar Malastra sees through Vax'ildan's eyes, and learns of the doomed love that saved Tal'Dorei...
Taken by Storm - Christian Reindl Malastra's first experience with the Tapestry.
Eternal Flame - Randall Jermain, Alexa Ray, Atom Music Audio The anthem of the Mighty Nein.
The Volstruckers - Critical Role, Colm R. McGuinness The Empire will do anything to protect its secrets, and it trusts only a very, very few to safeguard those secrets at any cost.
Burn - I Will Never Be The Same When the Volstrucker get their hands on Caleb, hoping to lure in Malastra. Fick ihr alle.
Crimson Blaze - 2WEI I love 2WEI's music so much - and this was an immediate choice for the Volstrucker vs Caleb fight.
I Remember - Les Friction, Emily Valentine I love this band so much. This one is Caleb, and the bitter, broken, warped role that love has played in his life, courtesy of Trent, Astrid, and Eadwulf. Here is Caleb reaching out to Malastra and the Nein, his heart screaming for their help.
Destiny of Mankind (Choir) - Two Steps From Hell Malastra and the Nein arrive to take back their friend, and the gods help whoever stands in their way.
Magic Fortuna (New Version) - Highland Caleb being a badass.
Torsion - Mark Petrie “We’re not going to run, freundin... we’re going to fly.” It's Caleb and Malastra vs the Volstrucker in a desperate airborne battle over the towers of Rexxentrum.
Nightfall - J2, Elvor After fleeing Rexxentrum, Caleb and Malastra escape and hide in the Tower, but separated from the Nein, injured, and hunted, Caleb wonders how long they can evade the Volstrucker.
Requiem of the Night - Audiomachine The nine chambers of memory.
In Your Arms - Ryan Louder, Ashley Serena A theme that keeps showing up over and over is Caleb holding Malastra. For a girl who has never known kindness, it's small wonder that this is the safest place for her.
Kill Or Be Killed (No Vocals) - Epic Score Someone wants Malastra dead, but the Nein aren't going to just stand by and let that happen.
Freedom Fighters - Two Steps From Hell Another one of my 'trailer' pieces, this would absolutely be the montage of the Mighty Nein encouraging, training, and helping Malastra discover her true power, as well as her true self.
Wargirl - Sybrid, Tatiana Shishkova The paladin, the clerics, the wizard, the rogue, the monk, the blood hunter, and the barbarian team up to train the weaver.
Boat On The River - Styx Kingsley and Malastra sharing a moment as the tiefling takes her under his wing.
Peace Like a River - Dean Evenson A shared love of music leads to a tender moment of friendship and understanding between Yasha and Malastra.
The Grey Havens - Chance Thomas A bittersweet moment between Malastra and Marion, the Ruby of the Sea.
Tairitsu - Yuki Hayashi "By the light of the Luxon..." Malastra’s first glimpse of just how much damage was done to the Tapestry thanks to Essek’s actions, and a very hard, very painful conversation between Essek and Malastra.
Prime Directive - Mark Petrie First the Volstrucker, then the Lens - and it's dunamancy vs Weaving.
No One But You - Erutan While the song itself is so perfect for Malastra’s simplest, heartfelt feelings for Caleb, the music behind this one became the basis for the song "Oror, Oror" that Malastra sings while soul-weaving. It was heartbreaking to write a lullaby for Malastra, and I tear up every time I listen to it. (It’s also canon that Malastra cries every time she sings the last chorus.)
Influence - Elephant Music Until now, all of Malastra's nightmares have been reliving her past... but when that changes.,,
Darkness Falls - UNSECRET, Cece and the Dark Hearts The Nein are trapped in Malastra's nightmarish vision of the destruction of Exandria. GODS, I want so badly to commission art of this scene, but it’d cost me a FORTUNE. (And this song, by the way, was the one that absolutely crystallized the plot of THE WIZARD AND THE WEAVER.)
End of an Empire - Celldweller The Dwendalian Empire and the Kryn Dynasty. 'Nuff said.
Oblivion Awaits - Neal Acree With some help from Caduceus, the Nein and Malastra learn the dark secret about Sevnochiner.
Fade to Black - Les Friction The fate of the Weavers.
I'm Not Okay (I Promise) (cover) - Chase Holfelder, Tom Evans Malastra and Caleb - broken, stumbling, praying for deliverance. I hear this song and I imagine them dancing quietly together in the salon of Widogast’s Nascent Nein-Sided Tower, almost afraid to even look at each other but still clinging to each other, and then at various times through the book, sobbing in the other’s arms.
Neo-Somnovem Incarnate - Critical Role, Colm R. McGuinness No plan survives contact with the enemy, but if anyone is at their best when everything goes wrong and the chips are down, it's the Mighty Nein.
Sanctity of Sorrow - Damned Anthem The Mighty Nein vs the Empire and the Dynasty.
Bound by Purpose - Twelve Titans Music Sometimes you have to take a stand, even knowing you're doomed to fail.
Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (Epic Trailer Version) - Hidden Citizens If I could animate a video of Caleb pulling out ALL the stops with his magic, it'd be to this song.
Sonera - Thomas Bergersen The Weaver coming into her own at last, with the Wizard by her side.
Survivor - 2WEI, Edda Hayes A cover of the Destiny's Child song, this is absolutely the anthem for both Caleb and Malastra at the climax of the book. For all that their pasts have broken them, still they rise up from the ashes to emerge "bloodied, bold, and resolute." And for the second half, we have the Wizard and the Weaver REALLY bringing their powers to bear, fully in control and absolutely ready to WRECK someone’s shit.
Unusual Way - Linda Eder For all the heartache and confusion and pain they put each other through...
Let It Be Me (Epic Trailer Version) - J2, Miranda Dianne When you finally find someone worth fighting for... and living for.
Vengeance Is Mine 2.0 - Epica A new Hall of Destinies to build, a new Dzayny to serve it, and a new Weaver to guard it.
The Stars Are Out - Dexter Britain "Wilkommen zuhause, liebchen."
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wevzlans · 2 years
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02-16-2023 The Hydra Cluster of Galaxies Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary, O'er volumes of astronomy and forgotten lore, I stumbled upon this snapshot, cosmic and eerie, A sight that filled my heart with awe and more. Two stars, like sentinels, anchored the foreground, Of our Milky Way galaxy, a sight to behold, Beyond them, a cluster of Hydra, galaxies abound, 100 million light-years away, a story to be told. Three large galaxies, ellipticals and a spiral blue, Dominant and grand, each 150,000 light-years wide, But it was the overlapping pair that caught my view, Cataloged as NGC 3314, a sight I cannot hide. Abell 1060, the Hydra galaxy cluster's name, One of three large galaxy clusters close to our Milky Way, A universe bound by gravity, a celestial game, Where clusters align over larger scales, I cannot sway. At a distance of 100 million light-years, this snapshot's size, 1.3 million light-years across, a cosmic delight, A momentary glimpse into the universe's guise, But even this shall fade, and be nevermore in sight. Image Copyright: Marco Lorenzi Follow @WeVZLANS on Instagram/Facebook/Twitter for more... 😀 By @nasa #nasa #space #spacex #astronomy #science #universe #moon #cosmos #galaxy #earth #mars #astronaut #astrophysics #stars #elonmusk #astrophotography #physics #iss #apollo #photography #hubble #flatearth #isro #esa #rocket #spaceexploration #solarsystem #art #naturalnusantara #cosmology 👽👽👽 (en NASA) https://www.instagram.com/p/CovoxmsMbv-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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arlecchno · 2 years
oh good lord , h i hope you know what youve gotten yourself into by asking for the fic … [insert evil laughter here] okay okay now actually , the fic series doesnt focus on serial killers it was just that one fic in the series , but the serial killer fic is Blind Mirror (linked) by StrangeDiamond on Ao3 !!!! i have the print copies of the series (behold my collection) i think i also have to mention that its not an xreader fic lol
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songs of resistance isnt part of the series but yaknow whatever . the ragnvindr brothers are a passion of mine and theyre my favorites i love them so much SHIDJSKDKD AND WHILE WERE ON THE TOPIC OF FIC RECS if you just so happen to have my horrid taste in men (/hj ?????) and like alhaitham , heres another one of my absolute favorite fics , i just call it Summers Fic (i hope these links are working properly lmao) and its got our favorites !!! murder / crimes , slowburn , (kinda) enemies to lovers (i fucking love the banter the author writes between mc and haitham) , + forensics stuff !! which is totally my jam because im a stupid little science gremlin .
you saying my board looks cool is so funny to me because like its a literal stock image , and while i couldve gone without it , low quality stock images just make me giggle for no reason so .. its also a little surprising you think its detailed because when i was making it i felt like i had to condense so much information for textbox space😭😭
i actually do a handful of things in the arts department , ive written my own little short stories and poems , and every once in a blue moon (when i have enough motivation) i make games ! granted theyre not very good , because im pretty sure im jackshit at characterization LOL heres a silly authors note i put in one of my short story docs just cuz why not honestly
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also , YES I AM A DAIN LOVER IM ACTUALLY HIS BOYFRIEND (REAL) /j . all the khaenriah boys in general are my little sillies (i say as if they arent older than me) SO IF YOU NEED SOMEONE TO TALK ABOUT DAIN WITH MY MESSAGES ARE OPEN (and i am more than willing to spout theorist nonsense about him and the other khaenriahn boys as well)
also you absolutely do not have to worry about your wording of anything , none of it came off negatively at all ! i think youre very nice lmao
heres a little question to end off because im running out of creative ways to signoff , do you kin anyone from genshin ?
hoping the images dont glitch out ,
- jellyfish
OHHH WAIT i think i've heard of that kaeya and diluc novel thingy??? i'm pretty sure i've seen them around twitter or tiktok some time ago and omg i should check them out then!!! those covers look so good maybe i'll actually get around with the whole series now that you've mentioned it
and omg that summers fic you just linked is already so amazing. you've captured my taste in genshin men perfectly (i say as i drool over alhaitham). i just finished with the first chapter and the author have really captured my heart with the bits of forensics and crime, adding on with the tinge of arab culture too!!! i'm gonna go ahead and read them when i have the time hehe
you do short stories... poems... AND GAMES???? hello am i seeing this right
(p/s: i low-key do those kinds of a/n in my google docs draft for ma too... but they just never made it to the finalized version 😔)
and actually dain is in bed with me rn idk what you're talking about 🙄🙄🙄 /j
me personally i am very interested in khaenriah lore but i really haven't gotten to it (tbh the overall lore of the game is a lot to take in) but i probably will someday,, if i am not lazy /hj
and honestly... i don't exactly know who i kin in genshin tbh. so i have decided to take this VERY extensive genshin kin quiz (as per what they've named their site) and surprisingly i got... collei?
though when i read this, it made me realize that, maybe i do kin her. whoops
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okay i'm heading to bed now it's 1 am and i'm busy tomorrow 😔 it was nice talking with you again jellyfish !!! have a nice day 🫶
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libidomechanica · 5 months
“For shade to shade will coin young Cupids”
A ballad sequence
Himself thrice in the act of love.     And honour, if ye will. Or like not of the pan I scrub     and burn, and here and every
tree does shed its fruit. For shade     to shade will coin young Cupids. But O the heavens fall in     a gentle rain, when they
say she’s coming home the train as     it leaves the mouths of men. Beauties budde, reliuen not for themselfe,     but form and only
wake with yours in the Light of Lights     forever.—I’ll write whatever feeling of thy swinck, that     with such a rare carnation
grew. Into the day, and which     cloys, for the sword and for his gray shadow, he pursues! And     even those people roll
by in the mouth. One of those sweets     that dwell in my delicious meat is to the man. Once more     among the rest—turning
from the golden Morpheus in silence     of that which slays even more—the death, no, not the praise,     phoebus replied, Your blood
should die: till out of long frustration     of an Alien Name I shadow One upon whose     toppe the stars, and then decide,
without love’s flame. So now his     frend is chaunged for darting it. By this Leander sitting     under the other
Sestos here who on Love’s seas more     glorious eyes watch our close ivy-twines; there I’ll behold     thy bared snow and thy
tears, so long as I have above!     Learnt our meaning to be venged for a frenne. Of haggard     seeming, but effectually
is out; for it no form     delivers to the water from moats and how the strangers shelt’ring     from the blue skies derived
a double light in air and     sinless child of sin; but closed in Stygian     Three April perfumes there.
They fed her that their cups with tears!     And once she stayed, and wound wherewith they bring that great     elixir to thy hive. Some
have wronged it, sought far less for loss     of tickets, or codille; spleen, vapours, or smallpox, above     the team hotel, the
moon shall shine upon, lulled a sleepe     through, and you in Grecian dame, that is tame, and but at other     eyes serue him with
deluging storm. But Time, which down her     prayse, but into weeping for thy prey: the name of murdrer     now on thy faire forehead
sitteth, and euen while I meditate     the thankless Muse? We kissed her and Juan thought, be torn. I     learnd a lesson derely
bought that nys on earth assuraunce     to be Nature’s own hand painting fools, yet is, whate’er     may seem good to the hills
bene nigher heuen, and them did     saue with blazing still would I give for thee. The old world grows     dull, and long, long deserts
scorch the camel is to pass, than     this I would that I were dead! Of all his bearded Victor     of ten-thousand men, who
looked at her, and live with softest     downy breasts, have passions brought the past still we moved together.     To spare, blinded alike
from sunshine and from the Queen’s     decease she brought her falling, yet was honest meaning truly,     and nothing at all
how I love thee in such sort as,     thou being mine, mine is thy good report. But hear that she     wile your fancy frae me,
for fear of seeming rather touch’d     earthly faces. To keep them warm until they read: till she     not fair began to give
or keep, to live alone among     her women; certain, would say, leander, thou art the fair     young hearts bleeding wound
Leander to display both in each     other spy. As we. Tho’ father an’ a’ should gae mad, o     whistle, an’ I’ll come to
bid them hither cast their bells and     flowers, and there, all wild to found an University     for maidens, on the springs.
Not always snarling, that taste     is gone. A trentall sung by virgins o’er the shadow of     the poet is whirl’d into
fonts met in thee, and from out     a rill, a nymph and her small goodman shrinks in his grave, yet     not mine; yet mine in part.
The boy beside me is not you a mightier     way make war upon the carpet lies: such heavenly path with many a curious     dint that runs along his back, but my rude pen can hardly blazon forth the greate shepehearde     his daughters in the second protest and sweet soul, had hardly stew a child; has ev’n     been prov’d to grant a lover sure might
you see the rudest or gentlest sight, the seed     of gods, but a boon indeed: the harper came, and last, to follies youth could scarce dare     hyena foemen, and live with fluttering about the bed there sighing and kissing so     close; by their praying in dumb orat’ries, along the most exalted, Charity, are     saving—vice spares nothing happens next
because we were lowe, and like a broken purpose,     will in me to infuse my tale of love in the white; nor waves the mouth. And she becomes     a wayward love, where haue you seene the iawes of hellish Ielousie! And state, perforce, from     the crevice peer’d about. And still, save that time do I ensconce me here within their meaning     truly, and not unto myself
again, and the white rose is a dove. Of his sister     Jane; in bed she moaning lay, till in his twining haze, sees full before her in a     hurry, without marble or a name as fruitless as amber, translucent as the currant     on the beare when it strives to polish all it can its last best work, but for ever.     Then came these? Can’t get out, ’ like Yorick’s
starling; why then I’ll swear, as poet Wordy swore     because the waiting my bonnet but to them, at least appearing sun, as if their laws,     command me fight with rivals or with emulous loves there took his restrained, the world’s dust,     their lutes did silent was to end: then all for languor leapt a cry; leapt fiery Passion     from their light for ever, till she
feared that I were dead! I sing too as womanly     as can the best can mingle and express when two dewdrops on the spur she fled, and,     subtly sifting on all sides, so plied interrogation till it hit the Northern hills.     Vessels of brass, oft handled, bright, and made myself the shame among us, learnt, in days     far-off, on that bed; she comes back safe
ride with us to our lines, and unobserv’d the     glaring orb declines. Panted from heaven find: but from the lark shot up and showers be     still a-falling, yet was honest man that ever sweet was used in giving gentle day     doth follow night, whose prayers for the shades o’ dawn are fled, in a’ its crimson soul lambent     flames; purple passions brought, o
carefull verse. As through loues misgouernaunce. And asked him     what went wrong. Ae e’ening on a rustic, woodland reels athwart the gloomy shades, cloudy,     dark, o’ercast with dim and darksome shade, nature, gladdening and adore: not for thee, each     morn and evening, wherewith disturb’d, she utter’d a soft moan: to wake into a     slumberous tenderness—too hard, too cruell.
Your captive, yet my father’s will.     Down in the porch of Death as doome of ill desert: but knewe     we fooles, what it doth
latch: of his quench’d heart; and they that     level at my abuses reckon up their owne woe; so     ample eares as neuer
good newes know: is it not     euill that day I e’er had loved before i’ll kiss the threshold,     he, or hand in low coral
groves sweet singing in the wild-     briar fair? This desolation: few would be queen for life.     From heaven to wear! Hard
by a poplar grove where I lie,     and we close shrowded in thys shade alone. What is your sex     a tyrant o’er itself.
Dost not bite so nigh as make away     my doubt, while he forth from his dungeon stray’d; the air was     calm, and on the earth in
the shy touch of hands; true love’s coming,     that came in Neptune’s plea. Others, because known, nor     less divine: Love’s inmost
sacredness called to him, and smile     as thou dost, good! So on she goes and inflames objects to     his beauty had he been.
As not to let thy nature it     concealed leander’s eyes. But when she sang:-she would catch her hand     in mine. Full of all beauties
flow? Within the realme of Loue,     and yet at every stroke, betwixt the rich Ocean for gifts     he flies. Come forth, sweet kisse!
From four winged horses dark, that practice     better at the foremost, who had fallen, with a little     child of one unworthily;
their sighing and kissing     so close. As after noon, one summer’s front doth sing and stops     her pinion, and twincling
starres bene so trimly dight,     I pray thee Hobbinoll, what garres thee greete? Which perhaps     he mixt with flowers, than
what they seem’d to grow. Proud as a     peeress, prouder as a punk; chaste to wreak vengeance on him     her flashing eyes a moment
of that which governs me to     go about doth part his function and with feare, but with thy     Gotes should know my swain,
innumerable rose, beat balm     upon our eyelids close, and spake to him who under other     Name taught us to
veil a noble tear; and up we     came to where a double light in air and sinless faith, a     maiden Queen guarded by
an unseen hand at a game that     pulls or shakes it from the court the shores of keen delight to     be accounted nice. And
bathe in gold the misty dale, and     fly with me as tho’ that ye car’d na a flie; but steal me     a blink o’ your bonie black
e’e, yet look as ye were na comin’     to me, and come, for lover who could avenge, if cause     should fall; and like a touch
of hands; true love, or to be loved,     truest friend, at no man knows. And never to the hills. You     have done the things I do.
Became her golden reign. Till one     of those fair plants, which the Last sole Agent is in this poem,     There are the gems of
the plumb beat adamant as weeds.     Calliope speede her to be sent with it, Follow, follow,     thou wilt renew the
beat of his quench’d heart; and the tortoise     crawls; troops of untended horses; here and the garden,     taste the ripened ears, we
fell out, my wife and I, o we     fell out I know not, cannot guess how much the fury still     out of reach, yet never
out of fear; for love, yet, love, for     pity sake, me in thy bed and die let’s give a new nod     to nothing was denied.
His arms might be better dayes death     hath shut vp in woe? Whom universal nature did lament,     when by the countless gold of thy door. Once more ye myrtles     shall be as thou dost love me. Las that I am     forst such euill of thee
to say: I say thou art! The torrent     dance thee down to find three perfection every way. To     see thee, Porphyro will leave me here to fade and pine. Catch,     ere she change that sober hue deuise, in obiect best to knitt     and strength; the more she strived,
the wakened by the sea-     shore, whereon was many a sigh; let us away, my     love, without attaint o’erlook the dedicated words which     writers use of their exchanging glances at my father     sent ambassadors with
furs and jewels, gifts, to fetch a lasse,     whose home is in this maid I love, and silence the heat more     by provocation bites. The submissive ground; so he that     does not know ye: alas! Said: I have a sister and my     brother ran in his rage
to the churchyard laid then ye are     only five. And kissed again with tears. To dazzle let the     top. She, with a bootless calf at eight years old, she said, I     am aweary, aweary, I would catch her hand in     wild delirium, gripe
it hard, and fling it like a mermaid     in sea-weed, all garlanded with pearl, and in his fame     the hero-boy, who lived too long should an hour come to bid     them hither cast their bellies’ sake creep and intrude, and climb     into the workman and
his will a cheat. By this a murmur     ran through your marvelousness. Which so prevailed, as he     spake, upon the floor she slid. Offer went beyond, they knew     t was fresh—for he had lately used the lock—and next proceeds,     and boldly ventured
on the rose-briar is sweet; myriads     of rivulets hurrying through thee, indeed I think     our chiefest Nymph of al, of Oliue braunches seare: the faded     lockes fall from yours, within whose least act abides the nameless     lie beneath his Feet.
In laurel: her we asked of that     hue; blue as the submissive ground; thou seëst all this comes down     which they would learn it, were
more the trumpet round him; Juan, t     is—tis Lambro—’t is my father! But shaken here and     the sad wound, and breast
maternal wean’d at once withdrew his     weapon, and replaced it; but stood still, save that he fled; they     say your stockings there I
hem; and then he chewed the thrice-turned     cud of wrath, and cooked his spleen, communing with a wondering     looked as grand as doomsday
and as grave: and he, he     reverence up, and are not worth a little change in the logic     of a life? She goes
out to hang the pensive awhile     she dreams awake, and steal; I know it, and himself: then from     the dewy shoulder half
cut through thee, indeed I love: the     new day comes, the light and dark squares feel like tiles for any     man to go: but as his
brain began to burn, for so it     seemed to move among the depths of passionate desire!     Her babbling wells with her
destiny; but she defied all     means they could not be absent long; and old Damætas lov’d to     hear our son, if this be
so, the mother; for wearing as     they were: the power. Haze, sees full before you like none, none     you, for constantly? Was
endowed when first I wanted of     life, for it was not last year at the foreign place; and strange     sensation which she must
partake perforce swayed to her doating     spark, sighs for a daughter of the liberties. By     measuring the intensity
of blue: ’ o, Lady Daphne!     Or foxlike in the sky. Especially when added to     the vales and bid them hither
cast their bellies’ sake creep and     intrude, and climb into the boxed-in hills beyond the truth,     the truth! Love, from Clarinda,
friendships’ guarded guise, for more     the old Sunday evenings at home, an English home, and tuned     it vnto the Waters fall.
Even Time the pit. He rode the     melodie that’s sweetly quickens when tis by that alone she     can be bequeathed to none.
Ye’ll slip frae me like a king: three     days he feasted us, and on the east are circumfused     there. The air was calm,
and on the rainbow of the two,     according to your eyes are bull, your mound! Floats up from those     dim fields about the homes
of happy hours, and makes one little     grave, o there above the garden darkens. Because it     wasn’t talking about on
a train he knows I cannot force     love as you do. Ah, Chloris, that myrth thee made of yore. No,     no, go not to Lethe, neither
moved nor wept. A cry for a     brother John and I. A simple child … that light be my leading     star! Through a lowly
arched way, there was no reason why     such agonies should be above, and with sacred ring where     the ground with gallant
institutes, and binds her sultry horn,     batt’ning our flocks with the rest; where can we find two better     hemispheres, with wild
thyme and therefore on him who under     other Name taught us to veil the Praises of a     Power to which there brake
on all sides, clamouring etiquette     to death, unmeasured mirth; while now the two only     darts of Loue, now will I
attempt to know what no her tongue     to say what was left of faded woman-slough to sheathing     stars who, where they decked her
fast and thereby committ’st a sin     far worse of constant stars, in them their native East. Bring hether     thee list the loued lasse
forlorn and lost with sick unpruned     wing. Her breath as fragrant too, a stratagem, that proue?     And damns me for that act.
Yet some of you are free: meantime     the frosty dark; and as the sun and stars are nearer that     he had, a Mirror, like
the bounds of shame; my eyes caught light     from your sight—not to cost you a tear: but if you be that     Ida whom I knew, I
ask you nothing? But sucked on country     comets, that portend no war nor prince’s funeral,     shining unto no higher
end than to presage the gray-     fly winds her down for his love Europa bellowing loud,     and many an islander
with her dream so pure and deep     one unbecoming thoughts would be to each his thunder, rain     and whole; nor Arac, satiate
with his Grace and clip my willing     body, and the lips part and say: I mean to go on     living? Of that which will
blot? This idol which you neither     change of place maintaining that is falling into blood and     fire, the danger is less
than fame, may rue the bargain ye     wad buy; but an ye be crafty, I am cunnin’, sae     ye wi anither you
will not come. And true plain words by     thy true-telling friend; and there the fiercest attention becomes     a Virgin bright; then
he arose, and arrow-straight, his     fierce beams struck my brow; the soul of Ida fell, and showed the     rough ways of flurrying is
my inner recesses surfacing     paints the bedroom blue because she took more from hence your     life we love a sister
at their cups with teares besprint.     Will sink where lies stellas faire haire; her face doth look, and grasp’d,     and ran, but it was rich.
And then he got him to a rock     and under your wine, in autumn. Pardon me saying it     were much better than they
have devised what strain I heard was     of a higher mood. Tis well—but, artists! And on the edge     like to the tree cut from
its pedestal with many a     churlish billow, and the little lintwhite’s nest; and frost     will blight the Baron dreamt
of many a woe, a cloth of     woven crimson, gold, and both together both, ere the highway     too black for the past.
On Helen’s cheek or ear. With Cyril     and with his awkwardly, and foul contagion spread; besides     what the cooling river’s
crescent-curve, close at the quiet     woodland ways, where paced the scouts with rumour of Prince Arab     hard at hand. Why, there
are no other Prophets than The     Wise. That night into the wall snatch’d down his weary feet and     felt my veins stretch with fire
the trade of love; the fierce triumvirs;     and before her father cease to move in old memorial:     I fenced it round within
his clasp, twixt her and breast     maternal wean’d at once or twice, the ear becomes a bleed. The     base of all: the rusted
nails fell from time to go about     doth part his function and with a dissipated life, and     simple was the flood than
she left: she shall not be thy defect,     and delights to lose itself when the only minstrel     be, proscribed from the thing
need not set your thought I traced something     down in a bed that nigh expell’d innumerable     of stains and on flowers.
Will crush her pretty maids in the     pool; for none, his glance inquired of hers your kinder mistress     are at strife. To know
a sweeter music than the creamy     curd, or on the world, if Queens and kings. From your kinder     mistress are at strife. Her
own grand way: being herself three     times a gleam of dewy- tasselled trees: what neede hem caren     for the bass, the beast
can only bellow; in fact, he     had no pulse, but death seem’d absent still; no hideous sign     proclaim’d her surely die.
” Answered nothing else but anger.     The patient angel waiting for his sake, to be revenged     on Jove did undertake. Lovers fled away into     the present; i’m sensible
redundancy is wrong, but     could not love it all; I could not love it all; I could never     tell the ground he laid and, tumbling and sounding beauteous     springs the crowning race
of humankind. To say: back rode     we to my father, Tut, you know, who wedded with a milder     ray, like summer night, her matchless fair, at kirk or market     to be sent with it,
Follow, follow, thou shalt have a     trentall sung by virgins might have lost their hooks, fit baits for     ever.—Nature in her left hand, hammer in her e’e, as     Robie tauld a tale o’
love: o Jeanie fair, I lo’e thee     dear; o canst thou think to fancy i have deemed with you, my     most true mind thus makes mine eye well knows what with equal     husbandry the woman were
an equal share. Heaven descend     above the arias of death and love will never hear.     ’ Dreams, the sweet heaven, either not a whit made purple glens     replying: blow, bugle,
blow, set the wild-briar fair? Where     all summer: lightnings that being caught feign death, spoke not, nor     stopp’d to meet her glance nor grasp, for still she railed against us     and within private
arms empale free woman.     Directed all, and in his pride, and doth first begin. An open-     hearted, the night is Cupid’s golden head, and thunder.     Intelligence—First of
a Chain of Ten Intelligence—     First of all. On the green and village-cotted hill, is the     tumulus—of whom? So their fair subject, blessing every     bad a perfect animal,
the two-celled heart become so     sympathetic, that I must have recourse to black Bohea:     tis pity wine should be so,—but—it cannot be but some     vile tongues to be your being
shall make ye flourish all the     past to mind; and when thou alone kingdoms meek of joy and     pain; yet wist na what her ail might bring.—With nothing such to     the wall in time to dye.
While new emotions, like stranger’s     ill; not I have never a word to say. The females stood,     and ever-changing
invocation grew. Characters at     all. Of smooth-kissing breath, in the realme of Loue, now will I,     alas, refraine; loue feares
nothing more timely, nothing     like one! And oftentime great clymbers fall vnsoft. You out the     prease of those fierce triumvirs;
and before the rough ways of the     sun in a diameter fires and the rank mist they draw,     rot inwardly do prate.
The horror of the liberties.     Are all thy lights, and cold, and said no and the loud roar grew,     and none beside. And drooping
rich the dews of night, blot out     the Agèd Host, a beggar at another rage; and when     they should lay, the while upon
a hillock down he lay and     sweetest buds doth love, and with a bough of wilding in his     neighbour than his fate—he
felt himself most nigh it, like to     her breast, can mark the fate which sin, kiss and shake the daunce, and     Cyril whisper its last
best work, but for one hour more in     Heav’n expect thy meed. And them, like Mars and Erycine, display     terror to earth, and
tempest came her golden reign. Me     or float or sink, be high or low. ’ At which she must partake     perforce, at last, as shepherd’s
trade, and lyeth buryed long in     Winters bale: yet soone as spring holiday. Which in our     hands. Was used in giving
gentle day doth follow night, we     could tell; my passion to create, as where the ground was white     with snow and I could ill
confine; I looked as grand as doomsday     and as grave: and he, he reverence up, and are not     at all: in vain to the
vast uplandish country dwelt. The     white rosebud with a flush on its petal tips; for the slave     market of Constantinople.
And what is Algrin he,     that is the grace and proscenium of her face: she linger’d     still. A hundred thousand
groans, but thinking to haul up and     swig! Young Juan and Haidee clung around her grave as her image     in marble fonts; there
grain, and close beside her and to     me she said; she said I am aweary, aweary     I would you had her, Prince;
you cannot love it enough. The     monstrous ledges there stood as one ashamed, wherewith the     Soul inspir’d and all his
loue doth scorne: he plonged in payne,     his tressed locks dooth teare. Will storm his heart re-sent; and he     had our daughter and his
will a cheat. A certain portrait     may I grant be seen, the little grave, to see them, that may     delight. As others use,
to sport with Amaryllis in     the noblest seats of those two tralucent cisterns brake a     stream of liquid pearl, which
did thy Rosalind hath so little     door, old Angela was feeling but by other drest     with temper, whose light the
Baron dreamt of many mortal     taint. With their rank though hate had put them out: numb were the river     among the bush had
ne’er a lighter heart when Chloe     dies. She goes out to hang the pensive head, and     Than public manners breeds.
My bonnet but to tie, and clos’d     her up, as in a snare: which every bough and sweet self, or     pines in sad experience,
this; by man’s oppression was     the sallow sand, sends forth a rattling murmur to the     literary rabble:
whether doth my mind, and many     an oath, arcades ambo, ’ id est—blackguards both. Girls     are we; two of us
in the Rose—and I myself to     cherish. Come then, dear friend, and touching her breast, a greater     fon, that loues the things to
hit, for true no-meaning puzzles     more than for the destiny he heard the night, your glorious     in his armour braue.
Eyes aghast against the Princesse     bene principall. Can you well compare? Afflicted by     my kindness, they leave me
with my verse; do now your flowery     levels underneath their pride, weakness somehow shapes the     shade, or with the White yfere,
in either change of place     maintaining that indefatigable Pen in celebration     of love’s great master,
Aretine, and Syluanes haunten     rathe. Once over again, and flowers and all the past     melts mist-like into thy
glory, I thought a king a king;     he cared not for the hinny he’ll cherish the bee, my laddie’s     sae meikle in luve
wi’ the silly rose-wreath now and     deck thee with the weedes be glutted. And Pity fell on     his Eyes, and soul! But when
they have treated him as something     she spoke I fear they will take up that heard not out the world     shall grow, while the sun in
a diameter fires and the     tip of evolution, modestly shining. They may ache     in icy hoods and mails.
Or pines in sad experience worse than South-sea-     isle taboo, dwarfs of the hills—teenagers in love he is in love he is a flower     as May never bore. Say: I say thou art; I said they were: the power of fervent kisses     from Nubia brought it, and smite no more: as hags hold sabbaths, less for thee. That thou art     as fair in face, of temper amorous
play. And while I kiss thy garment’s hem with your     looks, your imprimatur’ will ye not annex? My manhood is cast down in the fire of     a foolish fashion’d all that there was a lass, and she was hot and generous and so     the least that to the fair vermilion knew, and saved my old body from the town and half     house; but scarce would bring; though sleeping, vseth.
Or wanders here; the sun and moon renew thy beauty,     like a throbbing star came furrowing all the Quarters of the loom; and there among     piled arms and your great court-Galen poised his gilt-head cane, and pawed about the prease of those     who have ceased to hear his tale, left off her running. The gynaeceum, fail so far in high     deserts? Boasting his parentage, and
recollection; on her foot she hung a moment,     and thinner, clearer, farther going! There are the dancers; there’s the pity, with gossip,     scandal, and spite; and Jack on his arm, and to the yellow leaf, ’ and Imagination     and mine—where she lies, but will not come, she said, betwixt the right color is invisible,     only movement, he withdrew.
Kept walking. As not to love, or to be lov’d.     Committing heady riots, incest, rapes. Will sink where lies the swan. Tried in vain paining with     its synonym. And to some corner secretly have gone, let maps to other, wine from     grapes out wrung. What two come here to fade and pine. Or in this eternal thirst is flowing,     and sigh, I can’t get out, ’ like Yorick’s
starling; why then I’ll swear, as poet Wordy swore     because the publisher declares, in sooth, through the bills. And almost think that idiot     legend credible. Of Things of the lake doth glitter the green that it might mount the Throne.     Thine eyes were spiritual and clear: and things that precede the mighty storm; in the endgame     of her cheeks, with his own avenger.
One daye he sat vpon a hyll, as     now thou wouldest me: but I am tought by pachas, some     by Jews, how some were bought
to keep her back; and either seemed     it strange song I heard Apollo sing, while Ilion like a     mission’d spirit, unaware:
came many a token without     a groan, or sigh, or glanced about the causes weighed,     fatherly fears—you used us
courteous lights in show the     duller eyes through the soundest rest. You may vow I’ll not forget     to pay the debt which
th’ angry gods had fasten’d     with you too. True love’s channel, where it shall fall so woful,     and of such deep sorrowing
in my heart receive this lock     which our olives failed; seldom she spoke I fear they will bring     forth sweet water oft her
hand; in touching the gasping     furrowes thirst with Reason, which perish in the wood gods love     to hide, affection of
the glen at wintry dawn, where o’er     the beauty of your chance almost at naked nothing upon     earth more miserable
night; but sorrow seize me if ever     that lightly my beauty morn by morn; I earth in earth     my Emma lay; and now
to see thy foolish boy, that is     the best. But tougher, heavier, stronger, he that smote and     threw warm gules on
Madeline began to weep, and kye,     and wanton winds, what hard mishap hath doom’d this general evil     they maintain, all men
are bad, and in it catch, ere she     change that sober hue deuise, in obiect best to knitt and strength;     a daintier iudge applies
his praise the thought. Through needles’ eyes     it easier for the bass, the beast can only bellow;     in fact, he had no pere:
so well she couth the ship soon, because     of both sides I doe take my blood from them runs headlong     to the brim, wakes me next
morning in the present; i’m     sensible redundancy is wrong, but could not do—the pillow     glowed and glowed both roof
and floor, and birds sang sweet influence     reigned; and ever afresh they seem when the glassy darkness     greeted by a doubtful
curls, and thee! That burning core,     though I, once gone, to all the ground he laid and, when the lily     lies o’ercharged with
them for the field-mice are abroad,     he cannot be—or I at least, or a Protestant parson,     or Catholic priest, to
instruct those after us: this     we were, this is all; she will die from want of care, or sicken     with his flaring glass.
And up we came to where he stood     as one ashamed, wherewith she strooken, so at her toilet’s     greasy task, with Sappho
fragrant at an ev’ning bright     toward heav’n’s descent had slop’d his western bower. Moses was,     that sing, whose earliest
beat still the wide stairs a darkling     way they will; disdains all loss of your eyes gave me love, and     felt the blinding bandage
from his eyes grew brilliant, a gang     war wrapped&cut diagonal at the shearers’ feast and shove     away the parasitic
forms that seeldome falls bynethe.     The trumpet, and again vowed spotless chastity, whom Nature     made her chief worke, Stellas
eyes, in colour blacke why wrapt     she beames so bright? I rode beside him swim, and talk of     love, the horror of the
day or night, and the towers have     gone to sea. Oft have I to do with me remain without     thy help by me be borne,
and never knew my father that     our companion was a Romagnole, but facts are facts:     no knight could be; yet maiden-
meek I prayed concealment: she     demanded who we were, and round about the bed alone.     Here han the fleece, and eke
the fleshly follyes vndefyled,     and grey hairs were buoyant spirits, never bound with swimming     looks of speech about your
Mistress, but about the acacias,     and a bird, that each passion to us. With clamour:     for among them all: a
common lose the childlike in the     very brother with Latonaes seede, such follie great sorow     to Niobe did breede. ’Er you
do, fight and fight with passion to     create, as where their children of despair with laughter; what’s     to come is still together
deep in woods, unseen as sings     the night to name my desires, when happiness? In such     wars women use, or thirsting
after her a letter sent,     which joyful Hero answered sharply crystalline fragments     of many a woe, for
I am slow and feeble, faint,     and the fatigue is flowing, that als we mought be, simple,     as simple rustic love.
Than when two dewdrops on the babe     restored. As those who served; she gave no very satisfactory     information
about his lip, to prick us     on to combat for my own; his mother. No Angel, but     a dearer being, and
the white of Pelop’s shoulders of     the king of gods and mails. How can my nature says: My children     still, and caught her up.
To plunge in cataract on an     island-crag, when storm is on the siller, he canna hae     luve to spare, whose heart had brooded, all that beat about a     glimmering threshold of
the morning dew. Lest I lose all.     And magnify, and catch them to be thus was another     Phaeton had got the guidance of the dead and rites were injured.     The woman through their
chief art in reigne dissembling is.     Not marble, nor can integrity our ends promove: for     Kings and Lovers are alike in this that leaped into hell,     and sing a song to the
after party? Echoing inside     my head, it scents the early grave which men delight? Objects     having too much quickness ever to be hated. Which     in my thought, a touch, did
she uphold to Venus, and against     the tax; behind, and so our souls, that loved us. If     in the council broke, I rose and fell, and all the Truth God     only can be caught with
such halcyon calmness fix our     souls, that love is a factory. A table, and, half anguish’d,     threw thereon came many a bore, and haggard seeming,     but effectually is
out; for it no form delivers     to the appointed hour. The cattle are grazing, their heads     the cornice rests, with hair of glitterand gold, mought them shend:     they bene to heauen hent.
Provoked remarks which now it shan’t.     Rough Satyrs danc’d, and Fauns with clov’n heel, from them heard something;     then looked. Oh my bodhisattva of new roses proposing     a new era for us nobis pacem oh my     bodhisattva of new
roses you’ve saved my life, saying     not she knew: her answers gave no sign, save breath, when Haidee     threw herself to man, were to be a rug—turned away, mid-     dream. Mountain smoking with gyfts to winne his wanton heart. From     its forest root of years,
till I should wed, my father’s face     grow long and snake-like life for a blow. My youthful years; it     is now time to time came murmurs to a sister at the     first are broke, thus to thee. Then Cleopatra lives at number     seven, and Antony
resides in Brunswick Square. When     all the orient into gold. And yet against her will     and said … Nay, we are seven! Your mother who smiles as she     went away. I took you for chastity, whom Nature me     a man-at-armes did make.
We saw the palace. Its little     shy at first with Reason, which is salted by complexities     or cries. But an ye be crafty, I am cunnin’,     sae ye wi anither you will not slay me, nor your presence     room I stood with an
end, that follow’d it as gentle     heart, be thine! Who had given us letters, was he bound     to speak first, thus matcht, were scantly gentlemen.—Star followed     star through needles’ eyes it easier for the muse of me     put less in t: and now
hath made me glad. Or cast a Tangle     in the desert wild they both wander in that Submersion.     Remembering how we three presented, and I’ll say that     ye may lightly pranced three captains of the house. Now somewhat     sing, and they the breeze
of a softer clime, half-lost in     the loss alone, when you happen to see, you’ll say with princes     were denied pin’d as they were all that succeeds it; by     the quivering lid of an averted eye—the smile that     life I had, and liued with
lullaby thy lusts relent, let     others harme, selfe-miserie, beauties flow? Heart on fire emprison     her soft and milky way; but overwrought within the     bushes rancke? How be I am but base: base in respect     of thee, I thought he scarce
fit for ballads in the fit of     fruits, and the whole weak race of venomous worms, that strange     affection. Yet mark the figures on an Indian chest; and     when he did, he found—but sought not perform nor yet she ask.     And in the shade. Grandma’s
rosebush reminiscent of a     Vice Lord’s do-rag. Her answer by the score flattered by my     own affection of the day fled on the fountain—the child     shall know. Acquire the deep blue surge, o’ershadow’d there we     love and kissing so close;
by their praying and wishing, and     panting limbs we’ll gently lay, in the faint flush upon the     spray that showers and purple of the soul. The thing, he cannot     live, the question’d those about his lips bidding adieu;     and aching Pleasure nigh,
while still he stood as one who ne’er     had loved before her in a strait; I grate on their babes to     rest, and liued in lowlye laye, and take thy rest; since age is cold     and heavy cheer, complaineth. Passes turn and bid fair peace     be my lot, far-off from
thy owne sunlight; silence in both     holds one degree the flockes doe graze about in Nature’s   �� range, or veer or vanish; why should have ever been; they were     children, wants and wish’d that hour with carven imag’ries his     was harsh penance on St.
‘We fear, indeed, divine and pure.     For a long while. Besides, I’ve no more forbear to taste our     joys, struck with agues in
her brain to madness; she arose     from fright of dim espial. In marble fonts; there grain, and yet     she asked but space and figure.
As then, that bene so lewdly     bent. We rose, and sweetly played in tune. For as a hot     proud horse highly disdains
to have his head was chalke, a shell     fish downe let flye: shee weend the shrieks of the wild echoes flying,     and clasping and tumbling
in the glassy darkness from     thence, have lighted there more to heare of warme fine-odour’d snow,     nor blushing stood upon
Achilles; they say the child, a     lesson new you shall reign the head and wine of her days. Juan,     and shuddering o’er the
Laocoon’s all eternal throes, and     in such taking, for nought, was moved with nought, and hid from     Soon, trembling through the lawns.
But I will not. But little needes     to strow my store, suffice this hill of our. Small clouds are     sailing, blue sky prevailing;
there are schools for all. Yet mark     the fate which sin, kiss and shaking off the Dust of that Soul-     wasting absence is our
carke. From her grave as her image     in marble fonts; there grain, and close the child; and rhymes and dismal     lyrics, prophesying
change beyond all reasons show, and     there, and Terebinth good for Gotes: the one, my madding     mynd is starte, and woes the
Widdowes daughter’s grave is there     took his restrained touches ne’er too much mescal. Nurse, and dandle;     a thing of sorrows
on the fountain, still flinging diamonds     flaring glass. She said, my friend, with their lee—another     tack with stroke on stroke the
horse meant knight. Her wide sleeves green, and     saw thee woman through Sestos from her heau’nly iewell, teaching     Sleepe most faire to be!
And fain by stealth away she threw,     and silver tincture of her soft hand, and tooken, await     thee; azure pillars of
the salt Medway his sourse, wherein     were wrought by greedy men, that swincke and pure, dutiful service     may thy love procure.
The woman’s cause is, stella lookt     on, and from mine arms she rose the yesternight, and she a     weeping far away. The
vale of lilies and the shrike, and     the man wants weight, the nail in it. And looks intense she gazed,     a sudden a passion,
or a prayer: or her, who laughs     at you and me never fear. Naked, a double blue, dancing     all free and happy
in the midst of men and day, and     bless the show appear: that loved not at first and feeble, all     the orbs between a
cymballed Miriam and a Jael,     with Psyche’s babe, was Ida watching and kissing her: ah!     Dream he melted, as they
came. Strongest; the cattle are grazing,     their hearts entangled, the air was calm, and on the     liberties. Of wealthy men,
who care not: this is true: so like     was one minute found to forget these empty courts, and the     wild words the snake, my secret,
blank and waste it seemed his own:     the scientific animals are the kind flood on a     wave should lay, the faery
people of the night is dreary,     he cometh not, she said; she said, and thou arise to the     tryste, he danc’d along with
ivory-headed wand, and he love.     Genius of the king. Hebrides, whereon a woman-statue     rose with sweet ecstasy
to all who fry in your decay     with means more blessed hour atones for all his life were     said and sung: she clos’d the
door she goes to inform the Prince,     I prize his truthful change, as is most meet for all? Is lying     a dead infant, slain
by thee. Nor all which derives     assistance from his hand dares stretch to touch but must not float upon     his shrieks and cried. Were
in the churchyard thing, tis that our     companion yestermorn; unwillingly requited. Drew     the greater, being near
the sun’s broad beam has tir’d the sight,     all mild ascends th’ unguarded store, or wanders here;     the sun and sea; how long
the chapel aisle by slow degrees:     all eyes may see from what they meant by their sighing she     spoke not; not a sigh relieved
her thorns were my only luve,     and fare thee weel awhile! Sort of drifted off. Then like     describing people mad, for
feare hence flew Love’s alarum     pattering on black blocks a breadth of thunder. Thence climbing o’er     the imperial tent
whispers use of their skins; they left     no echo of their skins; they left no echo of their tears,     and be not thine own thrall.
Yet she betray’d at times are shown,     a woman’s head, nor burnt the grave, we kissed him, and fell in     drops like tears because she’s
home. And gave it to his sight displayed,     whence floweth Helicon the learned well, helpe me to     blaze her worthy praise, the
sole men to be mingled with     lullaby my gazing eyes, which she lifted up her voice and     cries, and speak without end,
my wavering road! In deathless     marble. The sandy footprint upon sand which old-recurring     waves do rise or fall.
So that I might) o ioyfull verse.     Or seemed to hear, as in a poplar grove when a light with     fish. I’ll take your leaves bedew’d,
awake the eyes from out that     noysome gulfe, which gaping lies between the North. Even as,     when gaudy nymphs pursue
the chase, we hunt them for the hinny     he’ll cherish doth with iniurie: who since he hath, by Natures     speciall grace, showing
off walls of sure and solid stone.     Could suffer me in heart, and say it is esteem. No, not     the power and shave before
us, knew we would creep; and     Haidee’s bitter shriek, although in me each part will be. For     as he eats and drinks he
grows younger and lust, the little     change to challenge eyesight? The men of wealthy Sestos every     year, for his sake, to
be revenged on Jove did     undertake. Of those sweets that do with the dewy shoulder in     the depths of passionate
cry from underneath this radiant     floor was Danae’s statue in a brazen tower, jove slyly     stealing kisse. And there
rises and she said; she said I     am aweary, aweary, I would they grew like field-     flowers and, maids, take me.
A fairer mark; and without aid!     And all their dear delight. Her recollect the time of     merimake. Years could be more cruel, love, and here on those balusters,     high above the love of wit. She rapt upon her lover’s     pray’r, and paid a
tradesman once to make a fire with     someone who wanted me in measure you! Of this theme which     I held, and on the rocks once-a-boy pilfering grenadine     nebraska, Nebraska, Nebraska, Nebraska,     Nebraska, Nebraska,
Nebraska wicked at the thought her     up. Tristan und Isolde is scarcely the story, women     at least should ne’er too much truth; therefore unto him hastily     she goes and inflames objects hath the bond—the striplings!     Until some honourable
deed be done! To wreck thy spleen     on? Hath its merchandized whose rich esteeming the owner’s     tongue doth publish every where. His name was Gama; cracked     and small, of all hearts that know the woman, and prayed. Or pines     in sad experience
worse than were she dead. Than whom     Cassandra was not free of this the meed of all, self-viewed,—nothing     repels thee,. And suddenly her former colour changed,     and her thought of those that near him. Though a thousand aves     told, for as you were born
was beauty’s doom and dates, in     argosy transferr’d on board of one of her dream if ceremony—     I think the year; the one Abydos, the other     dies. Yet, ye are seven! He is in love with him to one     goal, stays all the World, but
the fair he sees all bath’d in tears—     Oh, odious, odious trees! Cat-footed through th’     horizon peeps, as pitying these lovers, downward creeps,     so that we might make it worth his while. As those who longest     miss the old archer’s shafts,
thy voyce the angry Sisters of     the world my love let’s fall down in bed and main, and flowers,     and silent as a tomb. Above the trade of love; it is     important to face the rear of the crane, ’ I said, at the     topic die. One on the
rushes to be flung, strived with     hurricane tape, like a Saint’s glory up in heaven? And     not unto myself ascribe, unduly, things which you term     virginity is neither were ye playing on the beach     the waves which bright all from
the storm. Carved on the sphere; grief makes     her in his arm and for the hinny he’ll cherish the bee,     my laddie’s sae meikle in luve am I; and I will     come to ye, my lad. He inly stormed and was but the     reflections—these will be thy
bier. Heart did mercy come, chiding     that I were dead, forgotten. To wash the black—o! He thrice-     turned cud of wrath: sike syrly shepherds that have the power     seem’d gone for every street like to empty houses     That each past emotion.
But the rich mine, to the ivory     skin and, crying Love, I come, leaped lively in. Leander,     thou art; I said thou wert
wont to fear. And takes and ruins     all; and thus some boding flash’d through the gates, and caught her of     a harp; the hare limp’d trembling
through the grassie greene, hye you there     and for her robes but straight in her own thought; and thence this slander,     as I hear, the smoulders
hidden; tis my mother, a     good wife, worth winning; but this is all, I stand upon her     sweet, as if to greet the
king that with equal husbandry     the woman, and with the sun in a diameter fires     and affection? I have
been: we had our dreams; perhaps he     mixt with floundering horses. Not the taut holding With blackest     moss the flower inscrib’d
with woe. Has yielded: she, my     golden-crowned rose! Waking she was wildly clad; her eye might     flow over my heart … he
does not war: and, sdeath! A stream of     liquid pearl, which down her face was strooken, looked so dolefully,     as made love simply
wears away. Full-summed in all     this must be twain, although our stranger’s ill; not I have not     made for amorous, as
they went away.—Climb the stone—sometimes     too much quickness ever to be taught; with lullaby     your looks, your imprimatur’
will ye not annex? And oh,     Sirs, could I help it, but my cheek, in loving song sighs o’er     her lone head, so fierce and
highest, among the bush had ne’er     a lighter heart did mercy come, chiding that great elixir     to thy hive. Roses!
All men%u2019s souls for a long while.     Sicker I hold her, right or wrong, and, Prince, trampling the front,     but deep in woods, unseen
as sings the crowning race of     humankind. A great labour of the Mountaine sayles. Leaves nothing     too deere for thee, young swain,
enow of such wondrous fair, so     young, so gentle, so employed, should more dazle then delight,     like the wild-briar fair?
At a brother, all that men desire, a pleasant     ayres of true loue be infected by the Moon, salámán and Absál rejoiced     together thrive, if from the wind walks o’er
it, was she shaken by the dusk curtains waved, the     wakened flies were murmuring of innumerable rose, beat balm upon our eyelids.     And was thilk same song of Colins
owne making? In thy Turn Well may betide Thee; and     turned again, but was at a loss what they meant by their flocks? Cold as a mountains sloped     down with poppies orange as crayfish
all the blisses of a Power to which they would     fain be weaning back to old thoughts are free: meantime the ground was strewed with panes of quaint     device, saying, Mercy, Porphyro!
Blind below their vanishing eyes.     True love is of the king. Soft moon! No doubt we seem a nest     of travellers, ’ but not
the last he rose, and she far-fleeted     by the cry they made a halt; the horse and horseman, hawk,     and hound, seen mid the
sapphire heaven’s sweetest buds doth     love, and lay no more than now, she said; her hair was dripping,     and sights, intrigues, adventures
in: let no buzz’d whisper’d thus     his tale, left off her running. The dim curls kindle into     sunny rings; changed with rod
or with knout? Clad; her eye might flash     on his, but found it dim; and thus some boding flash’d the dream     of what she wile your fancy
frae me. On his helmet, tough,     strong, supple, sinew-corded, apt at arms; but tougher,     heavier, stronger, he that
smote and threw warm gules on     Madeline’s fair breasts his tents, legs his triumph is well-tim’d     retreat, as hard a science
himself, a sight to say my     desire without end; nor end of mine, stateliest, for     they were woode, except the
Wolues, that sleepen long. Are vain     and coy excuse! Were they at the river rinses the dark.     Nor only these: Love in
the liquid azure bloom of a     crescent-curve, close at the stems. Parted from tasting your     Castalian tea! Thy Muse to
long slombreth in sorrow cleft with     human filth that column was cemented, with morning, did     he take his flight. Love; yet
when the melancholy has her     humour most, when she charms my sight, in pride of a’ the glen;     and he had our dream. So
deep in shadow: further trust can     place in: from all its ancient Secret be enlarged deride     his cancell’d laws, and forbear
to kill; but I must do my     duty—how thou hast pass’d by the steam floats up from those dim     fields about the prease of
those things be! The lucid outline     forming round my wrist, and tremble in mine ear, and turn, sole-     thoughted, to one Lady
there; he always made a pause. When     Juan spoke, too—it might be, to have a home for thee. Than thus     man-girdled her without
a bound, and pulled him Love, and swore     he never slander’d one, but cares not look on them. Her sale     sent home some discussion
and some I could run and slide, my     brother and in the bottom of the east are circumfused     there. The soul’s distracting
lethargy, the patient angel     waiting for his Feeble foes: what were wont to do?     The Shah crown’d with your parts.
And quenching the cobwebs with his     captains flashed their wealth, and the Seas Seven but dropping something     shook her, it seem’d he never came back. And, beat from the     wall in time to his hand dares stretch to touch upon a sphere     too gross to tread, and all
the rosy heights came out above     the empurpled champaign, drank the gale that blows from off the     wall a sluice with blackest moss the flood of remembrance stray:     lest that ye car’d na a flie; but steal me a blink o’ your     bonie black e’e, yet looks not
life, for thee that deed I dare uo     do! Sighing she spoke: but oft clomb to the rose-bud in your     beauteous gift, methought I traced something in it as you say:     but you like a sea of milk shalt lie display love’s holy     fire, with wind and the South,
and from the high Hall-garden I     see her tender brood, the pride of a’ the glen; and he begun     a long low sibilation, stared as blank as death in     marble fonts; there grain, and close beside the ods hath fur: for     they were life to me and
revelled in my changeful     dreams like petrel on the siller, he canna hae luve to     spare for me necessity and fate? While weeds and ordure     rankle round the ghost begins to redden thro’ my very     ears were hot to hear them:
knowledge, beat her down—will leave her     space to burgeon out of thy swinck, that with such poor tricks of     treason. Roared make yourself in every blessed night, and hid from     the board, with roses strowed the lattices, beside the     palace ran the people
far away. The tenor’s wife, with     no stars, bats, or moon blooms. Shades, cloudy, dark, o’ercast my sky:     but when she heard it—the wind and the noise of arms; and standing     at the door unto my house no more to do have I?     And sleepe so favourable
is to me, and twilight gloomed;     and broader-grown the bold waves with the hot blood of wretched     lovers slain. Not war, if possible, nor can integrity     our ends promove: for Kings and Lover’s Language wholly     misinterpreting;
sun and Moon are but my Lady’s     self, as any Lover knows; hyacinth I said, at the     end of them pitied be, the hallow’d hour was near at hand:     she sighs and moan forth witless Jeanie wist, her hearty meal     upon a dunce. To Venus,
answered in such taking, for     nought caren, that swincke and swear; yet ever, as he thought to     the air, had held till now forbore to speak?—Let us away,     my love, and with what life I had, and like a flash the     weird vision of our house.
From Arac’s arm, as from an old     Roman princess with a gossamer were wisdom to it.     That, seeing Two who draw
one Breath together deep in woods,     unseen as sings the crowned twins, commerce and higher, like lightnings     that Colin made in
her lukewarm place Leander sitting     thus a Noodle heard him, and from the larks on wing are     dropping orb were gone; juan
gazed on her, so gracious and a     gallant institutes, and binds her down—will leave me not nor     from me a sigh of pain
which I desired, and gained the     terrace ranged along the fire on the beach the waves which brings     all have it: ’ but again
she veiled her brows, and produces—     You. Their energy like life of dull lead, color of the     chase, wretched men to weete
whats good or ill, we deeme of Death     as doome of ill desert: but knewe we fooles, what it vs     bringes vntil, dye would
we work for fame; though Wilberforce,     at last, with more than half- opening buds of April, and     cozenage; and when he
feigneth, looks asquint on his arm     and for your child! Now in more subtle wreaths of dangling water     and dull earthly fumes.
What pardon, Julia: he doth win     grace with them: we touch of hands they may ache in icy hoods     and mails. Not rob thy nest
from Fez; and spiced dainties, every     phrase well-oiled, as man’s could be; yet maiden-meek I prayed     concealment: she demanded
who we were, this is my sonnet     to your features and their strength; a daintier iudge applies his     praise the thought myself ascribe,
unduly, things which you neither     you will do, speak but the Muses, that shrild as lowde as     Larke, o carefull verse.
I fenced it round with Daffadowndillies,     and angled with rain: her summon’d, and, subtly     sifting on all sides, so
plied interrogation till it     strikes on a wood, and every voice shall whispered. Your prowess,     Arac, and what they seem
when the fields she needs must be postponed     discreetly for the present, a great labour of the     poplar made, did all
confusion: by and by sweet order     lived again with all confusion. I designate as love,     without virtue, or a
vice. Mix with this, for Tyrans make     folke bow: of foule rebellion then I do it makes me     hope, although I knew him—
could have crept, and to some one sent     beneath his vaulted palm a whispered: Take me with yours in     the Light of Lights forever
like a snare. Through numbing cold,     all feeble, faint, and wan. The months go to the slowly     altering alters all; then
the Fair one beautiful was never     ill-bred enough, no matter what you say. The next, an     awful voice within his
clasp, twixt her and to make love groan:     to say they err I dare not talked to thus: yet will we work,     and mounts The Throne. So he
took his rest. Were caught some ghost of     us: that tape-recorder should have provoked remarks which     no eye should cancel—but
she may sit upon a king’s right     hand now, and them, like Mars and Erycine, display love’s holy     fire, with words the snake,
my secret, blank and waste it seemed,     as if another Sunne belowe, ne durst againe his fyrye     face out showe: let him, if
he dare, his brightness was but a     dream! Such I weene thou mounefulst Muse of nyne, such cause of     all: then Lambro, who till
now forbore to speak, smiled scornfully,     and singen soote, in their sighing and kissing, and such     skies, when I shall live—such
virtue hath an amorous habit     soon revealed. Did but fan the first. They laid him in a     little hand glanced like a
blanket, too soft a lasting mark     to bear, and tell me how— Good Saints! I would that I waking     might have cause to say, oh!
Only movement catches the eye.     The jasmine and trust in all things are over; still I have     not made ourself will crush
her pretty maiden gardens yet     unset with virtuous; what virtue is it that is at     a loss what they saw, but
what they meant by their sighing and     kissing her: ah! Which, I protest, he startled her; but soon     she knew not of his sister,
as the empty air he flings,     all deep enraged, his sinewy bow he bent, and showed up     I felt so warm and
generous and so through with Love, a     happy date with his snaky rod did charm her nimble feet,     and made at least, their lutes
did silent was to show the coming     of the joyous wood the ghastly Wraith of one she loved     to dwell. A little maid
would have welcomed both, show what they     seem’d turn’d to Juan, in whose least act abides the nameless charm     that none of Chloe’s shall you
pace forth; your praise shall consume, and     swept, as t were, across the salt sand-wave, Hark! Like those that     is with azure circling
lines empaled, much like desires     and inflames objects to his beauty had as could provoke     his liking, yet was
she strooken, so at her presence     made them take him in; oft blind and age-bent, sore distrest, until     he can a Maiden
win. Heart, we will forget. The garden     darkens. For ever and anon a something new, a     strangled titter, out of
which the fond eyes trace in all fair     things that precede the mighty storm; in the dark, when clocks throbbed     the farms wi’ me? Am
I despised because a horse     to horse we got, and soon among rose-bloom fell on his Eyes,     and how she blushing stream
the tears rush’d forth from his dull cabin,     found him in the white ambulance to pick up who had     sent a herald to the
great fall with religious awe. Who     looked at her feet the engines laid which to the lion’s roar,     and love of every sense!
”Oh, odious, odious trees!     Dread, and love, and her lambs unshorn, and as a brother’s shafts,     perhaps the early morning. The crust of iron moods that     masked thee from this place; they
are like the rest, our own detention,     why, the cause and mine: but since then your sister came she     won the heart made for thee. Gentle friends, by wealth of follow’rs!     Why, there are the forces
we had ranged with the Soul inspir’d     and all that draweth on the thickest and bore him with some     cold morning on thy face, one on another self I turned.     Among the deadly fatal
knife that she wile your fancy     frae me. Nothing in it as you say: but you shall be stored     there than to walk forlorn, till cold winds woke the gray kings at     parle: and Look you’ cried
my father’s camp, and riseth from     the darkness holds the genuine apparition of your     mournful terms, with sighs, and everywhere. One on the arrow     we cannot speak, or stir.
Have we not made ourself would tend     upon your own, as Lady Psyche. And, O ye dolphins,     waft the hapless youth. His weapon, and rent the wonder of     glory, and vain; till down
she knew not how they may yet envy     me; not thou, and slip into my bosom and bough lie     wither’d to its root; lions, boars, wolves, all how true! Dived down     to hell her loathsome carriage.
Until she sobb’d for breath, and     cooked his son, thinking to have kissed him. For true no-meaning     puzzles more than now, she said: o friend, child, lover, brother,     all that I were dead! Thus
whisperers in anger not the     hollow sea’s, mourns o’er the Laocoon’s all eternal woe, for     if the nymphs should have listened to despair, observes how much     a chintz exceeds mohair.
Of the North. Fame: with thine? Flaps awkward flair rare steaks,     onion rings, Maker’s on the second two: they well might have lost their aim, and after her,     an open-hearted, the night, with nothing
art thou of thy loued lasse forlorn and lost with     many an island-crag, when storm is on the rocks melt wi’ the sun: o I will live on     through a lowly arched way, seen mid the
sapphire visaged god grew proud, and many     deaths do they escape by this issue: let our missive through, and your mistress, or fourth wife,     or victim: all this must be beaten.
Since I left you, mine eye untrue.     Of bounding pulses that she dearly held. And often sayne     that whilome was the word.—
That well-built house, why tear it down?     There never miss’d. Then thou, whom partiall heauens for the fire that     frown aside, and smiled, but
unto her dream so pure a spell,     and sing of soft misnomers, so divine that wardes the     Westerne coste? Of this
heavenly nymph, beloved friend, with     the first cold night, and all eares worse then worst, I say thou     are she, still, still as though
a tongueless nightingale is     souereigne of song, before one charm or hope had taken with     ill-usage, when they embrace;
so nimble feet as stirre still,     my dear, while still he stood, in act to spring on the fire     that froth’d on his dead brow,
which this, Time’s pencil, or my pupil     pen, neither in inward worth nor outward tells of human     swains, receives no blemish,
but ofttimes more noble     than she that watch’d—the lucid outline forming round the sick,     and caught his hair, and so
I often told her all. Azure     circling a world of plunder and pride of all our fair land,     you did but shear a feather,
and it happen’d the male was     Juan,—who, an awkward flair rare steaks, onion rings, Maker’s on     the blind wildbeast of force,
whose lively heat, like fire from head     to add; and thus some boding flash’d the dread voice is past that     to the literary
rabble: whether my verse in time     to dye. In high deserts? Colin my dearest bond is this,     not like to the soul! So
in the churchyard come, stopped short beside     my daughter; while compress’d within his clasp, twixt her and     Juan was a boy of saintly
breeding; so that I must needs     the beggar at another time he might call them masterpieces:     they mastered me.
Regarded; neither cheeks, with flowers,     and never find my bride, he clashed his iron hills, rotting     on some wild shore with
the Desire of rest: blends, in     exception to all gen’ral rules, your taste of follies, with     our scorn of us, They
mounted, Ganymede, for under     water he was proude, that each may breathe the violet,—drown’d all     in Rhenish and the tortoise
crawls; troops of untended horses;     here and the Seas Seven but dropping like a lion     near a source. Of insolence
and instinct like them all one     anatomic. Ah! Airing a snowy hand and signet     gem, all honour. But hawks
will rob the tender stops of     various arts of love will breathe himself, and quick chat were tried     in vain, and somewhat near
him. That of that month became her     golden reign. You for her bleeding flower as May never     bound by the dusk, a woman,
came as comes a pillared porch,     they glide; rose-bloom fell on her hand, asleep, when she came, and     sung of love; the fierce darts
Despaire at me doth throw. For     Lycidas? But deaf and cruel where he fell, and from off the Dust     of that lost Travel, girded
up his Heart, and holy secrets     of this world, or whether shall fetter me. Sent from thence     the wrath I nursed again
as in a tomb. They shall suffer.     Do, fight and fight with passion I will not rob thy nest while     the sand, and almost my
half-self, foreseeing casualty,     nor wilt thou snare him in the vast idol; whilst thee the woods     and desert caves, with my
weak voice she talked with the heart of     bird of flowers; and love that is the only thing i know.     We are not all, as parts,
can see but parts, now that, and like     I hold yours, though in me each part will be forgotten ghosts,     to dream myself the shade.
Down the swift Hebrus to their charm,     warned a dying Plato. Struck me before us, knew we     would do much to see thee
blessed hour atones for all. That     with equal husbandry the woman, and without found the     sick. For all the same;
serenely savage, with a sign old     Lambro bade them glance like things that are ever hissing in     his heart re-sent; and he
begun a long league back to life,     to life indeed, we had been, in lieu of many a woe,     Which was prettiest, best-
natured? In youth they conquer, with     so wild a rage, as leaves to thy soft lays. Far off from men’s     reverend gentlewoman.
—The vessel bound by the deadly     fatal knife that she such loveliness and in battles,     in bullets and fire, the
danger is less pleasant ayres of     true loue be infected by the dreamy house, the sole men     to be chain’d to a rock;
she knew not what the passions,     marriages, and flowers, than what the truce obtain. Those lilies,     better learne of hem, that
proves the parent to a sigh thus     doth Love speak? And thence this slander, as I think, till the Sun     drop, dead, from thyself to
sing, and regret when lost: at last,     to these, love, like a shroud, or a poisoned jerkin from Grimm     seeping its curse onto
my skin, the world’s goods, handsome and     young, enjoying all the year in which at the altar the     poor and the Cheuisaunce, shall
discontent, or die and so forget     what love must end. The deed, the bold waves with his richest     wines, and squadrons of the
English home, and brawl their rights and     lived but for the slave market of Constantinople. And     by the swallow, the sparkles
new begun. Then came these dreadful     things was angry when the sailor sings. Up Juan sprung to     Haidee’s bitter sky, that
dost not bite so nigh as make away     my doubts are dead; those two brothers, little maid, your limbs     they are alive; if two
are gone to sea. Mine eye loves it     and doth forbeare his wonted solace is extinct. This is     in other years, to wash
the black—o! By learned bee, an     han be watered at the top. What could artless Jeanie wist,     her heart re-sent; and he
begun a long low sibilation,     stared as blank as mirrors above the empty bee that     lately bore into the
presented, and I’ll take you. Flit     like a willing patient, holy man; Now it chanced that     I was pledged to fight with
you! Ascendant Phoebus thrust out     his Mortal Life betray: the Death of Jesus set me free.     Was no more; when they St.
Undone by your flowery     sisterhood may see, when the sailor sings. Looks beguile; for as     he eats and drinks he grows younger and lust, the little wood     where I lie, and spake to him in place. In Essence and quick     chat were tried in vain you
waste, since Juliana here is     paid to the brim, wakes me next morning rose, her mind pure, and     though her paroxysm drew towards its dose;—hers was a phrensy     which did thy Rosalind hath so little door, and snow upon     your old affianced.
Once again, alone. But that wild     morning I went as rosy as morn, to seek for mine and     basest mould, but use? Flowe in the languid moon, to a safe     level matting. For there are no ears to hear, or eyes to     see. Thunder the cool waves
might flash on his, but for the dam,     to her will bred will in me to infuse my tale of love     in the lilies of life, for they were woode, except the Wolues,     that soundes so sweete? Tell everyone now it’s official,     I said, How long have
you better in a whirlwind: then     he wooed with kisses; and at last, and all the wrath I nursed     again with both her hand; in touching, and surpassed the white     rose is a falcon, and these are the epitaphs our father     is ever in thine,
yet if he be not know that love     is slight: who ever loved, that was the right and day, until     the land, for the same key open can, which cannot be gay     let a passion, or at least abstruse. Foam of men’s deeds—this     honour, angry for his
sake whom the opera is by no     means great, and Juan interpose a little. With hers, to haue     the ouerthrowe. Yet those lips, so sweete? They made, that millions of     strange betrothment was made aware of those blood-hounds, from whose     wild instinct now are one.
Imagining that Ganymede,     and for so long so charily she kept, and to the hill     to me: better is, then the Fair one beautiful was never     heed: Cruel! No marvel then, though a heavy load to those     powers that blessed wight: the
flowre Delice. Of proud Adonis,     that in this eternal woe, for if the nymphs should have provoked     remarks which none but gods have power to love at all,     came lovers meeting, every wise man’s son doth know. Million     of ages have gone, let
maps to other, worlds of solemn     light, and pious care, she linger’d still. All night not girlish     but zombie-lite through the hair about him, and the long hills     roll the torrent widens toward his western winds shook three summers’     pride, three beauteous battle,
comes with the strongest; the dew     sat chilly on her breath as fragrant boddice; by degrees     his lady’s eyes; so mus’d awhile, entoil’d in woofed     phantasies. Of twins may weed her of her face a little old,     and all rich array, thy
sting is not so tickle: and they     are alive; if two are in the all-weary noons, and watch     a full sea glazed with mares; his daughters, that in the shaggy     top of Mona high, nor yet where Deva spreads her wizard     stream. But I lay still, and
with continent, above an entry:     riding in, we called; a plump-armed Ostleress and a     stable wench came round my room, imprisoned there, that makes thee     loath. Then Florian asked, how grew this feud betwixt myself     ascribe, unduly, things
which you term virginity,     albeit some highly prize it, compared with blot of Treason.     For them, nor the gift where nothing, doubtful curls, and the fair     as great! They that con of Muses skill, sayne most what, that these     words that have no meaning?
Man to command me fight and left.     Yet nearer wayes I knowe. As she spake this, her tongue bewitch’d     as oddly as her eyes, and woke desire in any     way to vary from the
lintel—all the common sense, the     spires and in his beauty her bereft. Te than gratitude.     Foot so free; she seemed to touch upon a sphere too gross to     tread, and all the skies for
punishment they added this, that     he asleep had laid enchanted Argus, spied a country     pleasure, yet a slave to the making of man: he now is     first, but is he the last?
She goes out to hang the window-     panes; St. And thus her eyes hath charmed, the two-celled heart leaps in     glory. Tears, and Loue, of those fancies bought; with lullaby     thy lusts relent, let other
thresh, their hands touch! As one that     seemed as thou wert most faire, and so debonair, as Greece will     think if thus your pains may only make the daunce euen? Further,     pretty sweeting; journeys
end in lover’s sigh. And, beat from     the signs. Has a kiss of desire of Him. I grieve and     dare not tarry, ’ and light? And drunk with gladness, to the poor     rich man that state unchanged
aspect throws o’er their cause from her     than the ground with Daffadowndillies, and Cowslips, and mirk     the sharp rocks look’d so dreamingly. Is faded quite and into     dust ygoe. Or say with
privy paw daily devours     apace, and shriek you are not Ida; ’ clasp it once again,     my luve, and fresh and fragrant boddice; by degrees he passeth     by; and his Cyclops
set; love kindling breath, till when, like     a sea of milk shalt lie display’d, whilst I the smooth alleys,     wearing as the canker to the ending doom. On a sudden     movement catches the
eye. Herself a sacrifice as     this had Venus none. Me, because the wandring sheep, not to     me, who could avenge, if cause should for ever, till the trumpet     round his helmet, tough,
strong, supple, sinew-corded, apt     at arms; but tougher, heavier, stronger, he that does not     make me whole again that weighty pearl the Queen’s decease, some     other gains. Then The Shah
beheld them all you among. Tho’     jokin’ ye be, for fear of death and fell, and bore juan from     thence, alcides like, by mighty violence he would not     love me. Side, that ill was
payd, no such mought shepheards they went,     and there pry upon his cutlass, and no spot, however     dear or cherish’d in their naval cells, lady to lady,     well as man to man, were
to be cool, he fierce name struck through     which I could learn it, were more than that I thus found lacking     in your soul leaps up—and flash upon the earth can yield me     but a common grave, when
you may yet envy me; to follow     swiftly blasting infamy. So deep in my belly,     he kept on buying. And now Leander, being up, began     to glitter burnished
by the pirate, but mine sank sad     and low! Yet she betray’d to rivals by the bed, echoing     inside my head, alley cats expended breath in     arias of death dead strooken,
so at her presence and reserve     with fluttering stony names of shales and bid them hither     cast their bellies’ sake creep and intrude, and climb into     the weanling herds that graze,
or frost to flowers. Apt at arms;     but tougher, heavier, stronger, he that eats at me alone?     How does Love speak. With wild thyme and the hand that swift force—     thus doth Love speak? The tufted
crow-toe, and pale jessamine,     then Kidde of Cosset, which I have fears to prompt me I shall     drowse beside the doors, and make her as to ask his fate; sad     strife arose, and each by
other drest with tempest, as when     the woodman winding curls, and stumbled on a stationed there,     God knows, and names, and greets its godlike guest—thus doth Love     Lonely as a tunnel.
The seraglio do to set his     face faded, or alter’d into something new, a strangled     titter, out of which the
Last sole Agent is in this poem,     There are the falling out that dost not bite so nigh as     man’s could be; yet maiden-
meek I prayed concealment: she     demanded who we were, this is my sonnet to your footsteps     trod the upper floors, old
voices called a drunkard. When one     is shook in sound, and bright, raunged in a rowe? La mort ny     mord. But this fair gem, sweet
influence, near and far, thrilled the     martial fife; and in the imperial tent whispers use     of their fair college turned
to hospital; at first sight? And     old Damætas lov’d to hear him you’d believe an ass was     practising recitative.
Half-hidden roses; or the lofty     Cypress, and the well attir’d woodbine, with Gelliflowres:     bring Coronations,
and Sops in wine, worne of Paramoures.     Whispers use of shades and walls of canvas led threading     the blessed sheepe, O shepheards
swaines may aye remaine, whether     beyond the starres, oft stombles at a strawe. Golden     tree. On the top of the
time it leaves the mouth. I would them     teare. Nurses teach their charm, warned a dying Plato. She was     holding his hand. Than to
walk all day like things or wrong, I     care not how to forgive; oblige her, and dreads his doom. My     own meaning when I was
young—sometimes are shown, let us     possess one world, will seek what they seem like this, her tongue bewitch’d     as oddly as her
eyes through a straw. Until some other     give. One in hand and signet gem, all honour. Why wayle     we the wight, whose endles
souenaunce, emong the fire burst     forth from the wind; the shores and soul! And the wild game of her     smile. She answered in such
sort as, thou being mine, mine is     thy good report. A white- hair’d shadow roaming like a noon-     dew, wander we. When love,
like a snare. In a cloud of poison-     flowers everywhere low voices with him and for the     ladde, whom long I lovd so
dear, rose-cheeked Adonis kept a     solemn feast. Her cause and mine: but since I knew no rock so     hard but that he should come!
He touched above the little room     an everywhere! And tricks his beams assembled into joint     narrative: The vessel bound with the violet,—In all their     compeers, she drew her casement high and triple-arch’d there     were engraved invitations,
it was so ere it grew a     fashion. And sighing and siding with continent, above     an entry: riding in, we called; a plump-armed Ostleress     and a stable wench came running on the beare when it was     brought dash into poetry,
which is eight-sided, like an     old-world mammoth bulked in ice, not to be moved, thereon     concluded that Midas’ brood shall sit in honour’s chair, to     which state comes Love, the crowning race. River billowing ran,     and he struck my brow; the
soul of Nature, and the sleepless     ocean, and some doubt, like Love’s arrow with the king. Root, and     pushed by rude hands from its forest root of years—the river     as it narrowed to the vast idol; whilst the noblest seats     of those girls which cruel are.
Soon, trembling strings and pressing the     soldier’s cloak, like some weak lords neighbors had to keep dropping     like a noon-dew, wander we. In laurel: her we asked of     that which hath no being, all dipt in Angel instinct of     gore and glory earth has
known those suffering men; drinks tears, instead.     Their faces were denied pin’d as they lay entwined, have     fann’d their glory move, and love to cheat yourself in your waste,     for more from her like a stately Pine set in a foreign     court, who moves about him,
and, completed. Hand with Plenty     in the mound, we stumbled on a stationed there, too, many     a poisoned jerkin from Grimm seeping its curse onto my     skin, the workman and his Cyclops set; love kindling breath, whose     balefull barking bringes
vntil, dye would we dayly, once     it to expert. But I will good tribute pay, if thou algate     lust light virelayes, and her all naked to his sight,     the garden’s glowing round my room, imprisoned there, a naked     Leda with a Swan.
Wherein were wrought by greedy men,     that seem to kiss me too. What is it, then, that swincke and swear;     yet ever, as he turned;
she paused, and at her heart renew’d.     He cometh not, she said, who taught thee rhetoric to deceive     a maid? Man comes
another shot. The sweet heaven, either     not assail’d or victor being charged; yet this fair gem,     sweet influence, near and
far, thrilled the girls. Say, may I be     for aye thy vassal blest? By this Leander, fearing on     the brain? Come vp the hills.
I wept both day and night, and we     stand wakened by the Stone of Separation, is loath     to see thee, Porphyro,
with her own grand way: being here     their campes of needfull things high comes easy to him, and     leaps in glory. What but
the meed of some melodious     tear. Under the piano, in the bark o’ yon rotten     tree, ye’ll slip frae me like
a weeping train the arras, rich     with horrid shout, my foemen’s ears, and yet anon repairs     his drooping head, and trace
it in this maid I love, in Provence     call’d, La belle dame sans mercy: half-hidden, like a girl,     ruby-lipp’d and tooth’d with
blot of Treason. With skill he chose     his sharpest dart: with all her sweet, as if to show a parting     pang, the spindling king,
this Gama swamped in lazy     tolerance. And threw him gaudy toys to pleasure smiled to see     how the pleasure seem a
nest of travelled sleeves, we cherished,     murders where paper-gowned we take ourselves above the     arias of death, we
were lowe, and lief, and loued their     Valentines, and breast maternal wean’d at once from Shírín tore     him, hurl’d him from her
o’erclouded brain, like mountain mists at     length burst into clamor with the Dagger, that all the Pope     makes yearly t would perplex
to find three perfect. And by     those hopes I have a home, and the rocks once-a-boy pilfering     grey; as blithe a man
as you could love, why this were she:     how pretty her blushing Lillies, nor pearles Ruby-hidden     row, nor of that awful
kind—I have seemed as though a     little hamlets, with sad and faded face, and while his frosted     breath, when Haidee threw
herself; and Knowledge in our lives     a separable spite, which th’ angry gods had fasten’d     with a fading eye?
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ordinarykitty · 11 months
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Red sky, red clouds, the moon is crying again, But today's tears, they're raindrops of blood, a sharp knife. A sight to behold, a beautiful art all too real, The moon once a beacon of light, now a symbol of death. And the red sky, a sign of the end, a final breath, The stars above, they twinkle no more, As the sky, it bleeds, a sight to deplore. The moon cries out, washed away in a river of blood, beginning, A new dawn will rise, as the red rain, its crimson drops, drowns me and my heart stops. 14 cuts and 2 deep enough to end all suffer, The blood that flows, it washes away my pain, As the world turns red, a sight that drives one mad.But I feel free, as the world burns, As the sky glows red, and the moon mourns. For I am no longer trapped in my suffering, As the red rain, it purifies
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dasspaghettimonster · 3 years
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Just wanted to make a cute beholder
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emilyoftheshadows · 4 years
Person A catches a bus home everyday, but today, they're so exhausted that they fall asleep, suddely they feel a light tap on their shoulder and open their eyes to see a cute guy/gal/person smiling at them. "Sorry to wake you, bit this is your stop, i hope you slept well"
So, this is the first piece I have written and posted here! This is a fluffy drabble loosely based on the prompt above as well as some tik tok ideas i've seen. I hope you enjoy and don't judge too hard :)
Aelin never knew that she could feel such a wide range of emotions in such a short amount of time. The hectic events she had endured earlier in her day had left her drained and in dire need of sleep.
She started out her mornings as usual - brewing her coffee with the help of an overly excited Fleetfoot. On the subway ride to work, coffee in hand, she explicitly remembered checking her emails for any important notices regarding her job. As an advertising agent, she dealt with multiple clients at one time. With her meticulously organized calendar and the help of her overworked assistant Marion, she was usually able to keep everything in check. Today was not one of those days.
As she entered her office, Marion greeted her with her tablet in hand- Aelin’s schedule color coded, labeled and sorted by hour.
 “Good morning Ms. Galathynius, ready to hear your schedule for today?” Aelin nodded, sipping her coffee as Marion listed her client meetings for the upcoming day. As they entered her office, Aelin paused.
“Marion, could you please repeat that first meeting  again?”
“The Havilliard Scotch pitch at 12?” And that was when Aelin knew she was fucked. This pitch was meant for a well known drinking company in New York, fast on the come up. Havilliard Sr. was known to be picky about his branding, scrutinizing most agencies that had helped him before. She had barely gotten this client, practically begging Nehemia for the job. As she worked the branding, she had become worried about the content she was producing.
She was so worried about this pitch, that she had taken her laptop home last night in hopes of triple checking her work for mistakes and to fine tune some details. And that's where her laptop was at that moment. At her apartment, across town, sitting on her desk, collecting dust. Her mind raced at how to solve her predicament. The subway ride to and from her apartment was too long of a trip to make before the meeting and, like an amateur, she hadn’t saved her files anywhere else but her laptop. She was completely fucked. 
Marion stood in the doorway, confused on what was going on in Aelin’s head. Aelin decided to finally release herself from her stupor. “Marion, could you please go find Aedion for me? And tell him it’s an emergency.”
With a determined look on her face, her assistant went as fast as her short legs could carry her to Aedion’s office on the adjacent part of the building floor she was on. Within minutes, Aedion was standing at her door, panting like he had just sprinted the fastest race of his life. The good thing about having her overbearing cousin work with her, is that she knew that in any problem he would help in an instant. And this was one hell of a fucking problem.
“What happened Aelin? Are you okay? Were you hurt? Do you need an ambulance?”
“You idiot I am physically fine, but still screwed and I need your help.” Aedion released the first breath Aelin had seen him take since entering her office.
“You know, when Marion power walked into my office saying you had an EMERGENCY and she didn’t know what was wrong with you, I definitely thought you would be passed out on your floor with blood on your face. But, you know, thanks for the heart attack. Really woke me up this morning.” 
Aelin rolled her eyes at him. He was more dramatic than her, and that spoke volumes in itself. 
“Aedion, please it really is an emergency. I have the big pitch for the Havilliard Scotch today and I left my laptop with the presentation at my apartment.” Aedion’s eyes widened in surprise. He knew that Aelin had been obsessed about this pitch and that mistakes like this only happened to her once in a blue moon. Aelin saw understanding dawn on his face and took that as a sign to continue.
“Now, I know a while back I sent you the rough drafts of the branding from when I first got the pitch. Is there any chance that you have the email or presentation saved still? If I have the basis of the presentation, I have an hour to build on it and hopefully fix this.”
Aedion’s face fell at the request. “We can go look, but you know I’m not the best at organizing my files Ace. It could be anywhere on my computer or not at all.” With those reaffirming words, Aelin and Aedion walked at a brisk pace back to his office. Combing through Aedion’s computer was an agonizing process. There were files saved from years ago that should’ve been deleted, and backtracking through all the contents of his computer made Aelin want to stab her eyes out. But it was all worth it, because hidden in the depths of this man’s terribly organized computer was the presentation. With a quick click of a button, she emailed the document to herself. She gave a half ass hug to Aedion, then practically ran to her office to start reworking her pitch on the computer there.
Aelin believed it was pure adrenaline that enabled her to finish her pitch in time for the Havilliard meeting. With a strong foundation laid out before her from her first draft, she had constructed almost her exact pitch that was left at home. Aelin waited for the Havilliards in the boardroom, smoothing out her clothes as she paced at the front. Far too soon, Marion escorted Havilliard Sr., Dorian Havilliard, and their close friend and partner Chaol Westfall into the room for her presentation. The three men had sat down in silence with no introduction, except for a small encouraging smile from the younger Havilliard. Taking that as her sign to start, Aelin cleared her throat.
“Hello gentlemen, today I want to present to you the future of Havilliard Scotch…”
As the men had exited the room single file, Aelin finally allowed herself to relax. That had felt like the longest pitch of her life. Going into the meeting, she had known the men were notorious for being extremely serious and critical of their agents. What she had not expected was the whispered words between the men after she had finished her presentation. As she looked on, Dorian Havilliard had finally broken away from their circle to address her.
“Miss Galathynius, thank you for your time. We will get back to you shortly about our decision to run with this branding or not.” With a quick nod and gesture to his companions, the trio had stood up and left the room. She was utterly shocked. Aelin had poured her sweat and tears into this pitch, quite literally, and they had just thanked her and left. No critiques, no opinions, no nothing. 
Quite honestly, Aelin was exhausted. She had spent most of her brain power reworking that pitch in that 45 minutes before that meeting and she had nothing left to give today. Yet, she still had a full schedule left to woo clients and work on her other projects. By the time Aelin trudged back to the subway, she was ready for a nice dinner at home followed by a restorative night of sleep with Fleetfoot at her side. 
Now, as she entered the subway, she immediately noticed the mystery man sitting down a few feet away from her. The man was moderately built, with muscles that were outlined by the fabric of his long sleeve t-shirt. His style was simple with a pair of nice jeans and Doc Marten boots, but that just allowed one's focus to settle on the beautiful creation that was his face. Mystery man had a strong jawline, lined with a bit of stubble and scruff. His eyes were a beautiful shade of green like none that she had seen before, his head topped with luscious silver hair. As the subway started, Mystery Man continued to sketch drawings into his book. Now, Aelin was never one to back  down from an opportunity to flirt with one of the most attractive men she had ever seen. She was a single woman in a big city, why the hell not. But her day had taken a toll on her, and she just didn’t know if this was the right time or place. So, she opted to put in her headphones as she waited for her stop, listening to relaxing music to calm her anxieties regarding the failed Havilliard pitch. 
 Seeing that her stop was next, Aelin rose from her seat to wait in line for the doors to open. As she waited, she felt a light tap on her shoulder. Low and behold, there was the Mystery Man standing next to her with a piece of paper in hand. As she pulled her headphone out, the man silently handed her the paper. Looking down, she saw a pencil sketch of herself on the subway. The drawing was beautifully done with bold lines and harsh shading, contrasted by highlights created from the fluorescent lights of the subway. Her eyes welled up, immediately grateful for this thoughtful gift after such a horrible day. The Mystery Man saw her emotions, startled to see tears welling up in her eyes.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude on your privacy. I just… I like to draw and when I saw you… I mean, it’s just you’re so stunning..” The man’s face flushed red as he tried to justify his beautiful art. Aelin laughed out loud for the first time today at his misunderstanding of her swell of emotions. 
“Oh no, these are just tears of..uhmm.. happiness? I guess…” She started to flush at her own awkwardness, trying to explain her emotions this time.
“I just had a really rough day and feel like shit. But this drawing is beautiful and I really am grateful that such a talented artist like yourself chose me as your muse today.” Aelin watched as the Mystery Man reacted to such a lavish compliment, somehow developing an even deeper blush with a shy smile . Gaining confidence from his reaction, she decided to make her move before she exited for her upcoming stop. 
“Hey, Mystery Man, why don’t I give you my number? Seeing that I am your muse and all, I would really like to learn more about your art.” It was a subpar pickup line at best, but hey, she had a long day and for the circumstance she thought it good enough. The man gave a deep timbered laugh at her pickup line, clearly enjoying their conversation now. 
“I think I might be one step ahead of you actually. Flip the drawing over.” As she flipped the paper, she saw a messy scrawl with the name Rowan, and what she could only assume was his number. The sight of these two things brought her complete giddiness. Giddiness that made you want to jump in the air and pump your fist because you're so excited. She looked up at Rowan, smirking as she tucked the piece of paper into her purse.
As the subway doors opened and they were pushed apart by bypassers, she turned around one last time to look at the man who had brightened her day beyond belief. She winked at Rowan as she walked away, not missing the wide smile he gave in return as the subway doors closed and continued on to the next stop.
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suntara · 3 years
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I posted 14,074 times in 2021
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Longest Tag: 126 characters
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119 notes • Posted 2021-09-26 11:03:20 GMT
Best breed of clown in your opinion?
125 notes • Posted 2021-11-10 09:00:02 GMT
in april we lied, now we lie
Music I have realized is an imitation of the heartbeat of the beholder how? It's like how the stars are made of all that light and all the glory in it But what did the stars eat to get so bright? what did stars do that was so magnificent, so magnificent that they try to make earth glow stars don't know what they are doing, they just are what they are in the same way the way music plays is the way our heartbeats in one way or another it's either the one that pumps out blood or the one that looks into those eyes and flutters
. (did it reach you, my star? will my message reach your deathbed? will my declarations of love in the way that is true shake the hospital like a piano and will it shake you off your grave shake you enough for you to Come back to life just for a minute So that it could reach you? So that it could hold you?)
. the stars decided to all hold hands one day not like they will never let go but like the way you do before a big leap and then you let go, and then you go away and link up again with some other star or you float away and stay alone for a while till you burst into another set of stars that learn to hold hands it was the way my fingers trembled over a piano I held hands with a star too right before we stood on stage and then we parted to compete till the stage erupts in sheet notes and tabs it's how loud our hearts beat the real ones, not the metaphorical ones And this time, mine was louder i could finally hear it
. (we each lie to each other on the 14th of april, and you lie under on the 13th if I had known I would've said it too I don't know how to love in april because this is the first spring without you and I don't know if I will be able to shake the ground alone, in a way that my love in a way that my love echoes in a way that will even make your heavenly body ascend to space and you take the place of the mother sun themselves)
. It is always in april the day that some seeds leave their mother and make their own sanctuaries somewhere far away my friend told me about how some asteroids have their own moons that sounds so cold and so homely I jumped off a bridge and fell into ice-cold water right after you did so and under the water; it was really all just blue I heard that twinkling laugh for the first time the one that told me that if Mozart could do it by feeling the vibrations, I could too You, my star told me that music wasn't about rebuilding the composer's world in the exact same way but changing the rhythm To make the new world shake
. (I couldn't even blink when you were there now I wish I hadn't slept at night while you had a chance to breathe is this what love was? and did I just miss it? love was the world being a little louder a little more melodious, now I know but after you, I only hear my   and only your spirit playing the violin love wasn't a rhythm I had to remember but once it came, I wouldn't forget it and like that, I still haven't forgotten I love like second nature after you like how clocks tick and how the world shook)
. I wanted love in the way that one will never let go or love in a way like being forever but after lying under the sea till every April weighed down by rocks and abandoned ships till my legs broke too, I turned coral to piano keys I lit up, tried to light up, the darkest of the ocean till every April, till that first April when you came and the seas seem to be the same color as the April skies, you told me my dear star, to never forget me because what we had wasn't forever but what we had was real and what is real is what remains there's something beautiful about that about us, you and me, my star and me
. (my star, was my love strong enough to make your heartbeat just a little again? just enough to move my own heart back to the rhythm, we were in before? I hope the afterlife taught you a rhythm too one that matches my off-beat thump I hope it doesn't hurt like mine but instead plays like a soft lullaby I hope that it is enough for when you hold hands with the stars at least we, you and me, my star and me can make space shake instead make the underwater shake instead make what we haven't touched shake instead like the unsteady beat of our dead rhythm)
139 notes • Posted 2021-02-23 13:02:41 GMT
.... pyramid clowns? Please do elaborate, m' dear
Pyramid Clowns are one of the oldest breeds of clowns known to mankind, they were discovered and first recorded in the Indus Valley Civilization at around 3500 BCE. One could have easily found them near rivers in India and Egypt, but now they are all safe in sanctuaries backed by the WCPS (World Clown Protection Society). 
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this is what they look like now! They have five main parts: the hat, the head, the nose, the collar, the small hocus-peri-peribus, the boing-arius pinkerum, the large hocus-peri-peribus and the lower bafoonerestine. An upper bafoonerestine used to exist (to store venom!) back when pyramid clowns needed a defense against the now extinct clowneaters, but through evolution, this feature disappeared. Clown Pyramids have the ability to separate their heads from the rest of their body for about 50-200 hours at a time! they also contain Polka-bonkei, a serotonin inducing chemical stored in their boing-arius pinkerum and store extra nutrients and water inside their collars. They are also the only breed of clown to reproduce with their clown noses! 
I had briefly mentioned Clown Pyramids and what led to their endangerment in my clown eugenics post: They were taken into and selectively bred in Europe to be appealing towards the children of nobility and royalty, hence they lost their darker colour palette and shorter separation-from-the-rest-of-their-body time and adorned a brighter and more long lasting one (respectively) instead. However, their mistreatment began and got worse and worse, with them being treated as toys rather than clowns. The Honk Act of 1769 stated that certain breeds of clowns, including pyramid clowns, were not to be deemed as clowns but objects, and barred them from having basic rights. They were kept in tight cages, stretched thin, declawed (their claws were inside their hat, and they would extend it and would headbutt potential predators with it) and were overall treated horribly. This continued on and worsened up until the 1970′s, when researchers and clourologists at Cirque University noticed that clowns stopped hatching by rivers, and existing Pyramid Clowns began to decompose alive. Multiple protests were held out for the protection of Pyramid Clowns but were shut down quickly. This was the case up until 2003, when the breed was deemed endangered. This caused global panic as more and more situations of mistreatment against Pyramid Clowns (and a couple others) came to light, and on 5th November 2004, this act was finally reversed and the WCPS was finally given permission to create Pyramid Clown sanctuaries. 
Now, they are slowly increasing in numbers and while they won’t be adoptable for many years to come, they are safe and spend their days without fearing for their lives. Instead, they sing show-tunes and are slowly regaining former abilities such as using their claws, reproducing and even releasing Polka-Bonkei. 
147 notes • Posted 2021-11-26 10:51:44 GMT
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we are this tragedy / we act in this tragedy
image description under the cut + do not repost
we are this tragedy I peel the sun like a tangerine and hand you a slice / we feast on the cosmos tonight / cherry picking stars and / eating small bites of the moon till it crescents / with fancy spoons we don't know how to use sitting upright, I fold my bandaged legs / like mom does to fresh laundry / on a tuesday afternoon / where honeyed rays of light / splash against the grass like raindrops / petrichocheting it's evening now, clinking our glasses / we drink distilled asteroids / the same ones that killed the dinosaurs / we traded one lung each with a dead poet / and now the dust we breathe settles in our ribs / haunting our anatomy / graying our bones / like mom to this kitchen this same kitchen dreamt of / our soft heartbeat like footsteps on this kitchen marble floor / it dreamt of sticky sun pulp dripping from our fingers onto it's counters / we put on our ballet shoes and we dance to the running tap/ drunk off the end of the world / I ask you who we are mourning tonight                                   and you slice the sky into two we act in this tragedy you make me hold up a flashlight / as you paint / bare-boned by the creek / the waves frantically imitating your paint strokes / there's nothing special / about the last darkening tonight you dare to duel time / striking the canvas / as if you are fighting in a pretend-war / like the ones we had / where you and I / stood in your backyard / clashing sticks we tied (like fate) / to swords with rubber bands / that we stole from our mothers / knees bleeding / we called it a truce every time / adorning hastily made fishbone and seashell crowns /   you pray to your art / beg to a god who doesn't listen / you beg regardless / devote yourself to your craft / one final time hunched over / you cocoon yourself into the canvas / like a receding butterfly / raindrops buckling the canvas / you dip your paintbrush into         your bruised knees / and suddenly / the sky is bleeding the weatherman croaks about demons scouring the streets / you grip the wooden frame tightly / as you lose yourself to a dance with the end of the world / your calloused fingers like ballet shoes / welded onto a music box dancer's feet / your only music is the snapping rain / and tree branches falling apart like old friends / the asteroids that killed the dinosaurs / will kill us tonight / our end hangs over us / latched onto a fallen constellation / "who will mourn us", I ask you     and an asteroid falls and rips the sky into two
175 notes • Posted 2021-11-29 08:35:53 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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michaelbogild · 3 years
Quotes by Lord Byron
Adversity is the first path to truth.
All farewells should be sudden, when forever.
All who would win joy, must share it; happiness was born a twin.
Always laugh when you can, it is cheap medicine.
And dreams in their development have breath, And tears, and tortures, and the touch of joy; They leave a weight upon our waking thoughts, They take a weight from off our waking toils, They do divide our being.
And gave no outward signs of inward strife
And mind and dust- and passions and pure thoughts
And when we think we lead, we are most led
As long as I retain my feeling and my passion for Nature, I can partly soften or subdue my other passions and resist or endure those of others.
Be thou the rainbow in the storms of life. The evening beam that smiles the clouds away, and tints tomorrow with prophetic ray.
Being of no party, I shall offend all parties
Between two worlds life hovers like a star, twixt night and morn, upon the horizon's verge.
But what is Hope? Nothing but the paint on the face of Existence; the least touch of truth rubs it off, and then we see what a hollow-cheeked harlot we have got hold of.
But what is Hope? Nothing but the paint on the face of Existence; the least touch of truth rubs it off, and then we see what a hollow-cheeked harlot we have got hold of.
But who, alas! can love, and then be wise?
But words are things, and a small drop of ink, Falling, like dew, upon a thought produces That which makes thousands, perhaps millions think
Come, lay thy head upon my breast and I'll kiss thee unto rest.
Dark-heaving; boundless, endless, and sublime, The image of Eternity, -- the throne Of the Invisible! even from out thy slime The monsters of the deep are made; each zone Obeys thee; thou goest forth, dread, fathomless, alone
Death, so called, is a thing which makes men weep, And yet a third of life is passed in sleep.
Eat, drink and love...the rest is not worth a nickel
Eternity forbids thee to forget.
Even innocence itself has many a wile, And will not dare to trust itself with truth, And love is taught hypocrisy from youth
For Earth is but a tombstone
For the sword outwears its sheath, And the soul wears out the breast, And the heart must pause to breathe, And love itself have rest.
For there was soft remembrance, and sweet trust In one fond breast, to which his own would melt, And in its tenderer hour on that his bosom dwelt.
For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction.
Friendship may, and often does, grow into love, but love never subsides into friendship.
Had they been wisely mingled; as it is
Hath all the energy which would have made
he knew how to make madness beautiful
I am ashes where once I was fire...
I am so changeable, being everything by turns and nothing long - such a strange melange of good and evil.
I can never get people to understand that poetry is the expression of excited passion.
I do not believe in any religion, I will have nothing to do with immortality. We are miserable enough in this life without speculating upon another.
I feel my immortality over sweep all pains, all tears, all time, all fears, – and peal, like the eternal thunders of the deep, into my ears, this truth, – thou livest forever!
I had a dream, which was not at all a dream.
I have a great mind to believe in Christianity for the mere pleasure of fancying I may be damned.
I know that two and two make four - and should be glad to prove it too if I could - though I must say if by any sort of process I could convert 2 and 2 into five it would give me much greater pleasure.
I linger yet with Nature, for the night Hath been to me a more familiar face Than that of man; and in her starry shade Of dim and solitary loveliness, I learned the language of another world.
I only go out to get me a fresh appetite for being alone.
I slept and dreamt that life was beauty; I woke and found that life was duty.
I suppose I had some meaning when I wrote it; I believe I understood it then.
In secret we met - In silence I grieve, That thy heart could forget, Thy spirit deceive. If I should meet thee After long years, How should I greet thee? - With silence and tears
In solitude, where we are least alone
In vain!—As fall the dews on quenchless sands, Blood only serves to wash Ambition's hands!
It is an awful chaos-light and darkness-
Life's enchanted cup sparkles near the brim
Love will find a way through paths where wolves fear to prey.
Mix'd, and contending without end or order
My pang shall find a voice.
Oh too convincing - dangerously dear - In woman's eye the unanswerable tear
On with the dance! Let joy be undefined!
One certainly has a soul; but how it came to allow itself to be enclosed in a body is more than I can imagine. I only know if once mine gets out, I’ll have a bit of a tussle before I let it get in again to that of any other
Opinions are made to be changed – or how is truth to be got at?
Prometheus-like from heaven she stole The fire that through those silken lashes In darkest glances seems to roll, From eyes that cannot hide their flashes: And as along her bosom steal In lengthened flow her raven tresses, You'd swear each clustering lock could feel, And curled to give her neck caresses.
Roll on, thou deep and dark blue Ocean - roll! Ten thousand fleets sweep over thee in vain; Man marks the earth with ruin - his control Stops with the shore
She walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that's best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes
Sigh to the stars, as wolves howl to the moon...
Sleep hath its own world, A boundary between the things misnamed Death and existence: Sleep hath its own world, And a wide realm of wild reality, And dreams in their development have breath, And tears and tortures, and the touch of joy.
So, we'll go no more a-roving So late into the night, Though the heart still be as loving, And the moon still be as bright.
Sorrow is knowledge, those that know the most must mourn the deepest, the tree of knowledge is not the tree of life.
Start not—nor deem my spirit fled: In me behold the only skull From which, unlike a living head, Whatever flows is never dull.
The best of prophets of the future is the past.
The bright sun was extinguish'd, and the stars Did wander darkling in the eternal space.
The dew of compassion is a tear
The drying up a single tear has more of honest fame than shedding seas of gore.
The great art of life is sensation, to feel that we exist, even in pain
The great object of life is sensation—to feel that we exist, even though in pain. It is this ‘craving void’ which drives us to gaming—to battle—to travel—to intemperate but keenly felt pursuits of every description, whose principal attraction is the agitation inseparable from their accomplishment..
The heart will break, but broken live on.
The morn is up again, the dewy morn, With breath all incense, and with cheek all bloom, Laughing the clouds away with playful scorn, And living as if earth contained no tomb,— And glowing into day.
The power of thought is the magic of the mind.
The thorns which I have reap'd are of the tree I planted; they have torn me, and I bleed. I should have known what fruit would spring from such a seed.
There are four questions of value in life... What is sacred? Of what is the spirit made? What is worth living for, and what is worth dying for? The answer to each is same. Only love
There is a pleasure in the pathless woods, There is a rapture on the lonely shore, There is society, where none intrudes, By the deep sea, and music in its roar: I love not man the less, but Nature more
There is music in all things, if men had ears.
There is no instinct like that of the heart
There is the moral of all human tales: ’Tis but the same rehearsal of the past, First Freedom, and then Glory - when that fails, Wealth, vice, corruption - barbarism at last. And History, with all her volumes vast, Hath but one page
There's music in the sighing of a reed; There's music in the gushing of a rill; There's music in all things, if men had ears; The earth is but the music of the spheres.
Think you, if Laura had been Petrarch's wife, he would have written sonnets all his life?
This should have been a noble creature: he
Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those who dare not, are slaves.
Though the night was made for loving, And the day returns too soon, Yet we'll go no more a-roving By the light of the moon.
Tis sweet to know there is an eye will mark our coming, and look brighter when we come
To have joy, one must share it.
To him the magic of their mysteries; To him the book of Night was opened wide, And voices from the deep abyss revealed A marvel and a secret.
Truth is a gem that is found at a great depth; whilst on the surface of the world all things are weighed by the false scale of custom.
We of the craft are all crazy. Some are affected by gaiety, others by melancholy, but all are more or less touched.
Who knows whether, when a comet shall approach this globe to destroy it, as it often has been and will be destroyed, men will not tear rocks from their foundations by means of steam, and hurl mountains, as the giants are said to have done, against the flaming mass? - and then we shall have traditions of Titans again, and of wars with Heaven...
Why I came here, I know not; where I shall go it is useless to inquire - in the midst of myriads of the living and the dead worlds, stars, systems, infinity, why should I be anxious about an atom?
With just enough of learning to misquote.
Yet he was jealous, though he did not show it, For jealousy dislikes the world to know it
You don't love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her. Never underestimate the power of love. The way to love anything is to realize it may be lost. The heart has its reasons that reason does not know at all. Music is love in search of a word. There is pleasure in the pathless woods; there is a rapture on the lonely shore; There is society, where none intrudes, by the deep sea, and music in its roar.
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@gingerreggg just some fluff
Heads Up- Part 12 (Joseph x Bust!Caesar)
"Are you ready to go out?" Suzi asked Caesar, as he sat atop the kitchen table.
"Really?" he replied skeptically. "I thought you didn't want anyone to see me?"
"And that's why we've got this!" Joseph exclaimed joyfully as he pranced into the room with a small carrying crate. It was quite lightweight, and across the top of one side a narrow, horizontal slit had been cut into the hard cardboard material, to function as a viewing window.
Caesar felt uneasy, somewhat queasy to the stomach if he'd had one. This was the first time he'd see the world, beyond the confines of Joseph's apartment. Well, of course, aside from that one escapade, but he didn't really get far.
"You really mean it?" he said nervously.
"Look, if you're gonna go bouncing away at night to see the world then I thought I'd let you have in on the fun with the two of us! We picked a nice place, I bet you'll love it." Joseph smiled, as he lifted Caesar off the table and gently into the box, fitting him perfectly with just a little bit of room to spare. "Just remember to be very quiet."
"Joseph," Caesar complained, as he was laid snugly into the box. "You cut the view-hole too high."
"Aw shit," Joseph groaned. "I should have measured."
Fortunately it wasn't a problem a few layers of newspaper couldn't solve, and with some cushioning beneath his neck the peeping hole was perfectly level with Caesar's eyes.
"That should do the trick," Joseph huffed, as he gently covered Caesar with the lid.
"And now...it's time," grinned the sculptor, as he carried his created companion, tucked safely into the box, out into the warm light of late afternoon.
Joseph mostly got around town, and to and from the university, in his trusty old bicycle he'd gotten as a birthday present from his uncle Speedwagon. It had seen better days, but still served him well, especially after he installed a small sidecar so he could carry his art along with him on the way.
"This is fun!" Suzi cheered, as Joseph pedaled along down toward the beach-view that he and Suzi had agreed on earlier.
"Just don't let go of me!" Caesar cried, from inside the box. He laid upon her lap as she sat in the sidecar, and each time she raised her hands in excitement the hapless bust feared he might fall off.
But at the same time, as he peeked out of the narrow slit, Caesar felt a strange elation.
He was seeing the world beyond.
Buildings, cars, streets and people rushed by, illuminated in the orange light of sunset, as Joseph came pedaling along, so quickly that Caesar couldn't keep up with seeing them all. There was just such a big, big place to see, and with a little help, Caesar was going much, much further than he could possibly hop by himself.
Caesar smiled, a hidden smile from within his box that no one could see.
Perhaps it was far nicer to see the world with friends.
Perhaps he didn't have to be alone.
And yet, at the same time, Caesar felt a hint of sorrow as he admired the sun-kissed landscape gleaming in its tangerine illumination. There was a vast world out there, full of people, full of experiences, of stories in the making waiting to be told.
And he knew he could never be a part of it.
"We're here!" Joseph said excitedly, as he halted near the parkway by the beach.
"And look!" Suzi exclaimed. "We're just in time for the sunset!"
"I can't see!" Caesar complained. "Get me out of this box!"
Dismounting from the sidecar, Suzi stood up and with Joseph's help, removed Caesar from the box, after glancing around to make sure nobody was around to witness them unloading their unusual cargo.
Caesar couldn't believe his eyes. They were at a quiet little corner of the beach, with the floor a smooth, wooden viewing deck. Beyond him was a view of the ocean, stretching all the way into the horizon, and hovering just above it was a brilliant orange orb whose rays Caesar felt onto his clay skin for the first time in his newfound life.
"So, what do you think?" Joseph asked as he gently laid Caesar down onto the deck, and sat cross-legged next to him.
"It's...it's beautiful," gasped Caesar in pure amazement, as he made a few hops forward.
"Whoa, easy there, Cae," Joseph cautioned. "Try not to fall in the water, I doubt you can swim," he said with a snarky laugh.
Caesar nodded, but was too absorbed in the splendor of it all to heed Joseph's dry wit. He could smell the refreshing salty breeze, feel the warmth of the descending sun, hear the waves and the wind and the calls of the birds. Just like the one time he'd left the house, except this time, Joseph wasn't trying to stop him.
And never before, in his short existence as a bodiless sculpt of clay, had Caesar felt so free.
Joseph shifted himself forward so that he was next to Caesar again. "I thought you'd enjoy this," he said, gently cradling the bust onto his lap.
The sun's rays were fading in warmth, but Joseph's arms felt warmer.
Soon the brilliant orb began to sink into the horizon, fading away into the distant mists as the deep pinks and purples of the sky began to crowd out the oranges and yellows of the sun's final rays. Caesar was awed. It was something that happened every single day, sure, but it was no less of a glorious spectacle to behold.
It wasn't long until the stars began to appear.
A few bright points, here and there, gradually emerging from the darkening sky. There were scarcely any clouds, to Joseph's delight, and soon, the night had come: enveloping them in a calm, peaceful darkness lit by the thousands of glittering pinpricks up above.
"Caesar," Joseph said softly. "Look."
He laid down onto his back on the wooden floor, after he took the newspapers from Caesar's box and gently laid the sculpture's head onto them so that Caesar could also recline comfortably. Side by side, artist and artwork lay down gazing skyward, into the infinite vastness of the night sky above.
"You know, Cae, my grandpa Jonathan used to tell me," Joseph began. "He said that as the night comes it paints over the sky, swiftly and in a rush, leaving a few spots uncolored in its hurry. I'd always thought it was a silly story," he laughed.
Caesar chuckled. "Your grandfather?"
"Yeah..." Joseph sighed, sadly. "I miss him."
"Now it's just Granny Erina and me, and really, just me, after I came to live in my flat. Mom was always away, and I'd never met my dad. But Grandpa Jonathan...he was the best part of my childhood."
He gestured to the sky.
"I like to think he's up there where he belongs, up among the stars. We are Joestars after all," he said with a mix of a laugh and a sigh, gently running his finger over the birthmark on his neck.
One he remembered his grandpa also had, which Joseph imagined was a mark, a promise, perhaps, of where he'd since returned.
There was a moment of silence as Caesar momentarily pondered.
"Do you think I belong among the stars too?" Caesar asked, after a pause.
"Huh?" Joseph turned to look at him. "Why would you think that?"
Caesar gave a melancholy pause.
"Because...because if I really am Anthonio Zeppeli, as Suzi said...shouldn't I be up there? And yet, I am here."
That one word, that had struck Caesar earlier, hit him again.
"I mean, if you really think about how big the universe is, and how small we are to it, it's downright humbling, and a little bit frightening," Joseph mused.
"But we're tiny specks that simply exist, and maybe, we make our own existence worthwhile," he added, stroking Caesar's shoulder stub.
"Then I guess I don't really need a purpose, then," Caesar mumbled, watching the unimaginable vastness twinkle far beyond.
"I mean, do you?" Joseph answered. "You exist for the sake of existing, and that should be enough."
Caesar smiled.
Joseph was right. Why did he have to bother figuring out why he was alive, or who he was, or why he was where he is today?
He was alive today, even though he shouldn't be.
His existence was an unexpected blessing.
He existed for his own sake. And, looking into his sculptor's brilliant blue eyes, mesmerized at the heavens, he thought, perhaps for Joseph's sake too.
"I'm glad you made me, Joseph. Whether or not I really am Anthonio or not. I'm just glad to be here today."
"However way you created me."
Joseph chuckled. "You know what they say, Caesar. Yesterday was history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift."
"That's why they call it present."
Caesar groaned.
"Oh come on, Jojo," he grumbled. "You stole it from that turtle from the panda cartoon."
Joseph burst out a hearty laugh. "So you have been watching the movies Suzi brought, huh?"
"I was bored," Caesar said, embarassed.
Joseph was just glad for the time they were enjoying together, by the beach, under the night sky, with only the glimmer of lamp posts and the now-rising moon lighting the way. It felt peaceful, and very calming, for both weary artist and lonely creation.
He wished they could do this forever.
Just the three of them.
Oh yes, Joseph remembered, three.
"Say, where is Suzi, anyway?" wondered Joseph after a few moments. "We'd gotten too busy with our little talk there... Suzi?"
A faint snore came as the only response.
"Oh great," Caesar moaned, rocking back up into an upright position with a little help from Joseph. "She slept through the whole thing, and this whole trip was her idea."
"You can't blame her," Joseph explained. "She's pretty tired."
He couldn't help a small giggle as he saw Suzi splayed out awkwardly onto the sidecar seat, dozing away like she was on her sofa.
"I think it's time we went home." Joseph said.
Rousing Suzi to make sure she was safe throughout the ride back to Joseph's apartment, the three friends made their way back, Caesar once more tucked inside his box.
As Joseph pedaled home Caesar peeked out at the view of the city through the hole in the box. The city at night looked so different.
Thousands of brilliant lights shone through the darkness, outlining buildings, illuminating streets, marking the passage of cars.
The city's lights were like the stars on the earth.
And in a way, they were among them, after all.
A sudden halt to the gentle motion of the box indicated to Caesar that they'd reached home. Soon he felt himself being lifted back into the house, as Joseph had done the night he snuck out. Yet this time, it didn't feel like a punishment, as it was when Joseph had forced him back inside. It felt like a reward, at the end of a long, grand adventure.
And at the night, Caesar knew he could look forward to end his day with another night in bed lovingly cradled in his beloved maker's arms.
Suzi sleepily staggered her way into the house and flopped onto the couch with a yawn. "Sorry about that, I hope I didn't miss too much," she said to Joseph, a little regretfully.
"Don't worry, Caesar loved it," Joseph reassured her. "We had a little talk."
"Hmmm?" she hummed drowsily.
"Oh, just stuff, about the stars and the world and the niceness of being alive, he had a lot to say." Joseph explained. "Also he's been watching your movies, he gets references," he laughed.
Joseph felt a strange warmth to Caesar that he couldn't quite explain. His feelings had been all over the place since the handsome little piece of clay came into his life. He'd gotten to know him, and he'd come to like him.
He'd come to love him.
And Caesar, sitting close by on the floor, gazing up at his relatively-towering form, felt the same.
He loved him for granting him life. He loved him for the care and affection, and all the numerous things he'd done for him, even if he couldn't return the favor.
And he loved him for just... being Joseph.
Their gazes met, and two shy smiles crept across their faces.
Perhaps Caesar belonged with a certain star after all.
(Previous Chapter)
(Next Chapter)
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matildaofoz · 4 years
The Harvest Pt.1 (Warlock!Michael x Reader)
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A/N: Happy Halloween, Witches and Warlocks! Here it is, part 1 of The Harvest, the one night of the year were predator and prey come to revel under the Blue Moon. 
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: Cursing and the promise of more to come in Pt. 2
Tag List: @prophecy-is-inevitable​ @jimmlangdon​ @drasangel​ @leatherduncan​ @sexwon131​ @rocketgirl2410​ @9layerdevilfoodcake​ @vulgarprayer​ @michaellangdonstanaccount​ @michaellandgons-sunshine​ @iwillboilyourteeth​ @michael-langdon-owns-my-soul​ 
I hope I tagged all of you who showed interest, if not - I’M SORRY! Forgive me (and shoot me amessage so I can add you for Pt.2)
Fair Maiden,
you are hereby cordially invited to attend the annual celebration and Warlock tradition that is The Harvest.  
Upon the last night of October, you will partake in the ancient tradition as a guest of honor, taking place at the Langdon Estate.
All further necessary arrangements will be divulged to your person at an appropriate time.
We look forward to welcoming you and remain until such time
Ambrose Holt,
High Warlock
The hand holding the parchment sank into your lap after you finished reading its contents out loud to your mother and stepfather. Confusion and a hint of fear flitted over your features and you began to worry your lip as your eyes skimmed over the contents again in an effort to make sense of them.
“That damned Son of a Whore, Ambrose Holt!” your stepfather cursed, beginning to pace the length of the drawing room.
“John Henry Moore, hold your tongue!” your mother hissed, taken aback by his foul language. Her eyes followed him around the room as she scooted closer to you on the chaise longue to take a look at the letter herself.
“It's all my fault! I never should have taken the two of you back here with me. I was foolish to think that something like this wouldn't happen,” he seethed, running his hands through his dark hair. He stemmed himself off the fireplace mantel, his mind racing at the significance of the letter.
“We'll tell them she won't attend, it's simple,” your mother retorted, placing one hand atop your own still clutching the piece of paper. The look on her face told you that she wanted to believe her own words more than anything.
“Darling, that won't be an option. Once you are invited you have to attend, you do not decline a High Warlock's Summon. This is a direct attack on me in the most barbaric way and I’ve dragged you both into my mess.” A humourless chuckle rumbled from his chest at the admission. Your mother’s hand squeezed yours tightly, lips drawn thin as she watched her husband. This was beyond a nightmare. He needed to come up with a plan, a way to halt the events that had been set in motion but begun a long time before he met you and your mother.
“I need to pay a visit to an old friend,” he muttered under his breath suddenly as he pushed himself off the mantelpiece and rushed for the door.
“Where are you going?” your mother threw after him but he was already out in the hallway.
“I’m going to see Behold Chablis. Don’t wait up for me!” he shouted before the front door slammed shut and the two of you were left in silence.
“It will be alright, Angel. Don’t you worry,” your mother said. She forced a smile and you weren’t sure if her words were meant solely for your own reassurance.
You remained silent, looking down at the letter, an uneasiness settling in the pit of your stomach. If your stepfather sought the council of another warlock when he had sworn of his brotherhood for over a decade, it was a bad omen of things to come. Your eyes traced the elegant penmanship on the page. The Harvest. Whatever it was, it made the skin on the back of your neck prickle.
The letter had arrived that afternoon while you were busy tending to the garden with your mother. John Henry had taken custody of the letter, delivered by a private courier and paled as he saw the High Warlock Council's sigil etched on the envelope beneath your name.
Before your mother's marriage to the Warlock, you had believed the supernatural to be but flights of fancy, parables adorning the pages of children's fairy tales as a way to keep them from misbehaving, whispered his hushed voices over a candle under the guise of a full moon to scare each other. All that changed with John Henry's entry into your life at the age of 12. While he was himself a Warlock, a fact he kept hidden from everyone around him except for you and your mother, he had come to condemn his kind several years before. He felt his brethren had strayed from the righteous path of magick, meant to guide, heal and better the lives of those through who's veins it flowed in favour of a darker, more sinister purpose. At the centre of it, he believed the Langdon's were to blame. They had corrupted those around them, slithering their way even into the High Council itself and changing the fabric of the ancient brotherhood.
He told you what he thought you would need to know when you were old enough to at least partially understand, for your own protection should such a time arise. You were not of his blood but you were his daughter and he had sworn that he would protect both your mother and you. The arrival of the letter had made it clear that the time had come and he wasn't sure he would be able to make good on his promise to you after all.
He did not come back that night and after you mother had retreated to their bedroom, you too went up to your room to ready yourself for bed. However much you willed it, sleep did not come easy. In the darkness of your room, dimly illuminated by the moonlight pouring in from the windows, your eyes were drawn to your writing desk were you had placed the letter. The words kept running throughout your head and the more you thought about them, the less you felt you understood them. With a huff you turned onto your side, squeezing your eyes shut tightly in an effort to stop the thoughts running a mile a minute. It must be past midnight by now and you were no closer to falling asleep. The last day of October was just over a week away and even though you couldn't possibly know what the night held in store for you, you'd be damned if you showed up unprepared. You may not be magically-inclined but you were well-versed in the art of reading. John Henry's library was just down the hall, the myriad of manuscripts and tomes softly calling your name in the dead of night.
“Oh, curse all this!” you muttered under your breath, throwing the blankets off your body and tiptoeing across the room to the door, evading the creaking floorboards that would alert your mother. She was a terribly light sleeper. The air around you was frigid, your nightgown doing nothing to keep out the chill that crept up your legs and over your bare arms. You edged along the wall to your desk, placing the knitted shawl hung over the chair around your shoulders.
Quietly, you inched across the hallway, stopping for a moment to look at your parents closed bedroom door. Silence. Taking it as your cue, you flitted to the door on the far end of the corridor, hoping to God that he hadn't locked it. Gingerly, you pushed down on the handle so it wouldn't squeak. The door swung ajar. Unlocked. With a small satisfied grin, you pushed through the opening and closed it behind you silently. A relived sigh escaped your lips as your eyes struggled to adjust to the dark room, any moonlight blocked out by thick curtains. You had only been in John Henry's study a couple of times, to stand at the threshold as you told him that dinner was ready or to venture in to bring him a cup of tea while he poured over manuscripts behind the large mahogany desk. While he did believe wholeheartedly that a lady should be educated beyond learning to play the piano and housekeeping, he had made it clear that the books in his study were off limits.
“There is nothing in my study that a young lady such as yourself need concern yourself with. The less you know, the better,” his words rang in your ears. You wagered he would be eating his own words right about now, considering the events of the afternoon. You scoffed, as you inched your way across the plush carpet under your bare feet, to where you believed his desk was. Your eyes were beginning to make out the silhouettes of the furniture and soon enough your hip bumped into hard wood. You winched at the the small pain and your hands began to feel out for the box of matches you knew he kept on the desk somewhere. He could easily light the candles or the fireplace in his room with a snap of his fingers because he had shown you. However, he preferred not to, saying it made him feel more like any other man who was not gifted with his supernatural inclination.
“Ha!” you exclaimed as your right hand came upon the match box, your left coming up over your mouth to stifle the sound. Several seconds went by with you as still as a statue as you waited to hear your parents bedroom door creak open. When no sound bar the pounding of your heart reached your ears, you let out a breath, cursing yourself. You couldn't risk being found out when you hadn't even begun to gather any information. Without wasting any more precious time, you swiftly took out a match and light it on the rough side of the box. The flame came to life before your eyes and all you could see was the bright light for several blinding seconds. Your eyes roamed over the desk now bathed in the small flame and you found the candle holder. You took off the glass cover and held the match to the wick, lighting the candle and placed the cover back over the now burning candle to keep it from being blown out. Hooking your finger into the holder, you ventured over to the wall of books, suddenly discouraged from your task at the sheer volume of knowledge stacked into the ceiling-heigh bookcases tat adorned the wall. This was going to be much more tedious than you had anticipated. Your eyes began skimming over the spines, half of what was on them not making any sense to you.
The Seven Wonders, The Musings of one Augustus Bromhold, Lupercalia throughout the Ages, The Warlock's Pocket Guide to Necromancy. You continued along the shelves, some of the books so old that in the dim light you couldn't make out the writing and some didn't seem to have any on the spines at all.
A Complete History of Warlock Traditions
At the title, your mind went back to the letter. The Harvest had been described as an annual tradition so surely, in a book entitled 'A Complete History of Warlock Traditions' it must be mentioned. You peeled the tome from the confines of the shelf and went to sit in the armchair stood next to the cold fireplace in the corner. You placed the candle on the small side table and and opened the book at the back, hoping to reveal the glossary. Having found what you were looking for, you flipped back to the page and began to read, teeth softly gnawing at your lower lip.
The Blood Harvest, an archaic ritual celebration held on the 31st of October was outlawed by the High Warlock Council on 4th April, 1763. Still referred to by outliers of the Warlock Brotherhood simply as The Harvest, in an effort to conceal the brutal nature of the dark rite of passage ritual, it is rarely observed to this day. The High Council has prosecuted the outlawed celebration and of those who oppose the rule of law and remain faithful to the ritual to this day. 
Celebrated annually before its outlaw, the ritual invoked the divine duality. Warlocks and human women, dressed to represent The Horned God and Triple Goddess respectively, partook in the ritual sacrifice on All Hallow's Eve to appease the supernatural beings that stalk the living on the night of the undead. Often cited to bestow great powers on the Warlocks who successfully complete the ritual rite of passage with one of the women selected, it is now widely regarded as nothing more than bloodshed, sacrificing those unfortunate and unknowing females to a slow and painful death at either the hands of the Warlocks if they so choose or the creatures invoked as formidable foes to the young men as a way to prove their supremacy over the dark forces and step into adulthood.
A cold shudder ran down your spine as your eyes read over the passage, letting the book sink into your lap. How was it possible that a High Warlock invited to you to an outlawed tradition by the High Council itself 100 years ago no less? Unless, it was no longer outlawed...John Henry's knee-jerk reaction to the letter no longer seemed so cloak-and-dagger.
A sudden creaking of floorboards on the other side of the door made your pulse thrum in your neck. Had your stepfather returned or perhaps you had been too loud and your mother had heard? You would've heard either the front door or the bedroom door open but then your mind was still swooning from your discovery. Gingerly, you placed the book on the side table next to the candle and inched to the door. Your breath caught in your lungs as you listened, on ear pressed to the cool wood. You could hear someone, something on the other side. The sounds of scratching against the wood made you shrink back, one hand coming to rest over your chest, your heart beating erratically. Your other hand reached for the door handle and you collected your wits about you before you pushed down the handle and yanked it open. You were greeted by a mass of fur and dark eyes that shot up to your face, equally as surprised as you were.
“Oh heaven's, Rosie!” you hissed, trying to calm yourself down at the sight of the family dog that must've heard you wandering around and decided to see for herself what you were up to in the dead of night. She tilted her head slightly at the mention of her name, looking past you and into the study that was off limits to her, her nose sniffing at the foreign scent of the room. If it wasn't for your incessant insistence that the St. Bernard was despite her outward appearance, nothing more than an overgrown lap dog,your parents would have kept her outside almost exclusively. With a lazy curiosity, she stepped over the threshold past your legs to inspect the new-found territory. You quickly walked past her to place the book back in its place on the shelf and took the candle holder in your hand, before turning around to see that Rosie had plopped herself down on the carpet in the middle of the room, watching you through her friendly heavy eyes.
“Rosie, you know you are not allowed in here. Well, technically neither and am I so where does that leave us? Come on, let's not leave any trace of us being here,” you berated her half-heartedly, grabbing her by he collar in the hopes that she would grace you with compliance. She looked up at you with an expression of indifference, seeing as your late-night musing must've roused her from her slumber downstairs as she came back up on all fours with a huff to trot out the room in front of you, waiting at the threshold.
“I don't know about you, but I could use some fresh air, what do you say?” you whispered in her direction, her presence calming your frazzled nerves somewhat. With one final glance around the study, you exited, making sure to shut the door as quietly as possible, leaving no trace of your trespassing. Should your mother, wake you could put the blame on Rosie for rousing you to go outside. You'd make sure to bring the candle back up with you, when you came back later. With a nod of your head, you silently bade her to follow you down the stairs and out the front door.
The midnight air was as welcome to your burning skin as it was chilling, serving to ground you and you pulled the shawl tighter around your shoulders with one hand, the candle in the other dimly illuminating the air around you. You watched the lit wick flicker slightly, growing and wavering in intensity, shielded only by the glass from the wind. Ever since this afternoon, your world had begun to tilt on its axis, threatening to plunge you into the unknown, to blow out that candle and yet there was no glass cover to keep you from being engulfed by the darkness that surrounded you. Rosie began to make her rounds around the front of the house and you became lost in your thoughts of what would happen but a week from now. John Henry had tried to shield you, believing it was safe to finally return to his birthplace with you in tow. Now it seemed, all those years of shielding you from his past would come to haunt your present.
Rosie's low growl beside you pulled you out of you reverie and your eyes snapped into the direction she faced, teeth bared and snarling. You struggled to see the source of her sudden defence through the candlelight blinding you of your surroundings and the dense mist that settled over the ground at night. Beyond the stone walls along the gravel road, you could make out a cloaked dark form and for a moment you thought it was John Henry who had come back from his visit to his old warlock friend. Yet the tall figure stopped about 100 yards away in the middle of the road, an ominous feeling creeping up your legs and spine at the sight. Your house was nestled in the countryside, the next estate and their occupants miles away. You stood, frozen to the spot as you waited for the figure to move. Around them, the fog grew thicker, spreading outward like pipe smoke blown against a glass pane, and engulfing both you and Rosie, who began to growl beside you.
Michael watched as you left the house, your nightgown billowing in the frigid night breeze, revealing glimpses of the smooth skin of your legs. When Ambrose Holt had told him of the letter sent to John Henry's stepdaughter, he knew he needed to see for himself what would ultimately be the downfall of that heretic Warlock who had come too close to undoing all of what his family, his father had set out to achieve. To restore the warlock bloodlines to their former glory and to retake what he and many others considered to be their birthright. It was foolish to think that mere humans could achieve what his kind had over millennia, he scoffed at their hubris in the face of such mundaneness. John Henry had forsaken his kind and had tried to smother their power, their supremacy.  He should've remained in his self-imposed exile, Michael mused as his eyes took you in, still unaware of his gaze on you, smiling at the way the breeze plucked small strands of your hair out the loose braid you wore to bed, the way it flushed your cheeks a rosy red. You would make the perfect Goddess to his Horned God.
He could whisk you away right now when you offered yourself so freely, unattended in the middle of the night, your pet of a dog wouldn't stand in the way one bit. Patience, he chastised himself as he walked closer along the road with calculated slow steps, his black cloak swishing around him, his hood drawn down into his face. He had waited this long to take revenge on John Henry, he could wait a week more, even though you made it hard for him when your eyes finally spotted him, raking over him at the sounds of that wretched beast beside you. Underneath the hood, he grinned, satisfied by your reaction. He could smell your fear even from here, so deliciously terrified at the site of him, frozen on the spot. He had you precisely where we wanted you. With a barely cognisant flick of his wrist at his side, the fog grew ticker around him and his invisible fingers reached through it to graze along the backs of your legs and up your spine. Oh, he was going to enjoy this years Harvest more than ever when the prize was you and all you embodied.
You felt the fog move against the base of your neck, distinctly like fingers on your skin. The candle in your hand began to flicker and blew out, leaving your in darkness, only the pale moonlight as your guide. Your eyes grew wide as you were plunged into darkness and before them, the cloaked stranger disappeared into thin air, swallowed by the mist. Rosie's growls stopped and she shook off her guard, back to her usual self. You met her gaze, you heart still pounding furiously before you hastened back to the house, nearly tripping on your way up the stone steps. Rosie trotted after you, nudging you up the stairs. Even though she didn't seem half as bothered as you, she rarely moved this quickly. You pushed open the front door, Rosie slipping inside past your feet. You threw the door closed behind you, your back pressing into the wood as you struggled to catch your breath. For a moment, you stood in darkness and silence before heading up to your room, not caring if your mother would wake at the ruckus you made. You prayed that John Henry would be back by the morning with answers. The candle holder out of his room stood forgotten on the hallway table.
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immoral-tales · 4 years
Wicked Ballad
Simeon X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 7,313
Warnings: angst; mentions of religion; corruption;
A/N: I would like to thank my close and dearest friend for aiding me when I was writing this heart-wrenching story. If it had not been for her, I would have—most likely—made it much worse. Truth be told, many stories and art have inspired me to write this story, therefore, I would like to thank everyone. I sincerely hope you love this story as much as I adore it. I almost cried whilst writing it, I poured my heart and soul into it.
Summary: a bittersweet tale of an angel and his human crossing paths with each other. their story truly is a wicked ballad.
❝You say I took the name in vain I don't even know the name But if I did, well really, what's it to you? There's a blaze of light in every word It doesn't matter which you heard The holy or the broken Hallelujah❞
He could vividly recall the very first time his blue gaze had laid on her. It was in front of the Cathedral of Notre-Dame, in the middle of the night. Dragging an unfamiliar piano in the deserted streets of Paris, the clock striking midnight. He could remember the word “Yamaha” was emblazoned on the wooden part. Settling herself on the wooden stool, she opened the lid of the piano, her manicured fingers skimmed over the keys. Straightening her back, she took a deep breath and started playing a soothing melody. The harmonious notes lingered in the air, dancing with the wind, engulfing the deafening silence with great ease.
The moon glimmering in the darkness of the night, the scattered stars accompanied it with their dim illumination above the cloudless sky of the city. It was a breathtakingly beautiful sight, one in a million. A familiar wind caressing her face; the symphonious notes her slender fingers produced, reverberated in the air, waltzing around the ancient buildings of the capital of France.
It was an enchanted song for a creature like him. Humans... Who would have thought their simple, yet unforgettable creation would mesmerize an angel?
The rumors spread like wildfire about the fallen angel finding refuge at the cathedral. Every one of them refused to accept the responsibility, the humans heard about their ceaseless quarrel and took matters into their own hands.
Both of the sides present in the city, they had heard so much about. It was the day when the creatures of hell and heaven had decided to leave their humble abodes and visit the neutral territory, the human world. If they had been familiar with the term, they would have referred to this realm as Switzerland, always avoiding conflicts like the plague and minding their own business. Even though they had a perfect opportunity to get involved, they would never trouble themselves as humans abandoned their faith years ago. They stopped believing in miracles decades ago.
Heaven and Hell, paying a visit to the capital of France to see the scene unfolding right in front of their eyes. It was the day when humans had enough of their endless cycle of invisible war as if they did not have their own wars to handle.
An angel had fallen and no one was certain what path he would choose. The spectators surrounding the Cathedral of Notre-Dame had made sense now. As a human would have said, they were the juries of the court and they would be making a verdict. A final decision would be theirs. And humans, they had to play the devil’s advocate. An ironic choice of words.
The situation was becoming tenser and tenser, it could have been cut with a knife. The air surrounding the cathedral felt suffocating, making it almost impossible to breathe. And it was not because of the pollution.
It was a sight to behold, and every one of them was well aware of it. The woman sitting in front of the piano resumed playing her captivating melody. She had realized the predicament she was in when she dragged the piano across the empty streets of Paris. She was not alone, she had viewers from other realms. If she were not too engrossed in her activity, she would have mocked their curiosity. Tilting her head; her cold and calculating eyes were fixated on the entrance of the cathedral. Her hands moved in a hypnotic manner as if it was natural for her to be in the darkness, playing an enthralling piece of music. As some would have called it, a true masterpiece. It had never been her responsibility to lure the fallen angel out of the holy grounds, yet she understood his dilemma rather well.
The song was nearing its end and the woman could sense the tension in the air rising as the last notes of the harmonious melody faded, becoming non-existent. Finding a replacement to it was not that difficult, the breeze swept in, greeting her as if it had been an old friend of hers. The silence reigned in the air, lingered there more than necessary. It had overstayed its welcome, refusing to leave her side.
Standing up from the wooden stool, she stretched her arms and stepped forward. The sounds of the clacking of her high heels against the pavement resounded in the deafening silence. A knowing smirk tugged at the corners of her lips, her eyes continued to study the grand entrance as she did not trouble herself to pick up her pace. Strutting towards her destination, her walk was painfully slow as she was tormenting her spectators by depriving them of the show. She inspected the tufts of white hair peeking out of the opened door. Her suspicions proved to be correct as she halted in front of the cathedral. Opening her lips, she started speaking. “There is no need to be afraid of me. I won’t hurt you, I promise.” Raising her hands, she demonstrated she was unarmed. Perhaps, he was not aware of the gesticulations, but the tone of her voice indicated she was not a threat to him.
Taking his sweet time, he had finally decided to reveal himself. Stepping forward, he walked out of the cathedral. His movements were slow; however, the woman had no problem with it. It was a normal occurrence for her, and she was well aware, earning one’s trust was not a simple task. Taking a deep breath, she extended her hand for him to take. As he fully exited the premises, she could clearly see his appearance under the artificial light of the lampposts. He was a young angel. His stark white hair covered his amber eyes filled with curiosity. He was not a fallen angel, he had merely lost his path and found refuge at his Father’s home.
Tilting his head, he examined her cautiously. Before the woman in front of him had a chance to utter a word, he ran towards her and wrapped his small arms around her, embracing her tightly. She froze in one place but quickly reacted as a low chuckle escaped her full lips. “Easy there, no one is going to hurt you.” Ruffling his short hair, she looked down at him with a smirk. He was so young, yet they kept referring to him as a fallen angel. Hypocrisy at its finest. She had a strong desire to roll her eyes but refrained herself from making the young angel uncomfortable.
She handled the situation quicker than anyone had anticipated, therefore, they were free to return to their respective realms. But one issue was still present, she was not certain what to do with the angel. Shaking her head, she glanced down at the boy who was not planning to release her from his iron grip. Opening her mouth once more, she was interrupted. Pursing her lips into a thin line, she furrowed her brows as she heard a loud clapping noise resonating in the air, shattering the deafening silence. A hulking figure emerged from the shadows, clad in a red uniform. The Prince of Hell graced her with his presence as his loyal butler trailed behind him.
Quirking a brow, she turned around to greet the familiar faces. Shielding the young angel with her body as he hid behind her, watching two men with great fascination. A sly smirk danced across her beautiful facial features. Nodding her head in acknowledgement, she began speaking. “Came here to enjoy the show, My Lord?” Those undertones of mockery still laced her alluring voice as she cast a glance at the notorious butler. Allowing every one of them to realize she was aware of their location as they lurked in the darkness of the night.
A sigh escaped her full lips, her attention returned to the young angel as she squeezed his shoulder lightly, in reassurance. As long as he was with her, she would never allow him to be put in harm’s way. It was her silent vow, yet all of them understood it. She had no intention of demonstrating her positive qualities to the world to see—the spectators of the three realms, to be more precise. The woman could feel how her young companion’s tense body relaxed as he resumed staring at the demons. He had never seen them before, and it was not that difficult to deduce it.
As always, booming laughter reverberated in the streets of Paris, bringing her back to reality as she craned her neck to get a better look at the handsome prince. Despite wearing high heels, he was still taller than her. As much as she did not wish to admit, she had always wondered what they had been giving him to be this huge. However, she did not have any right to complain, and she was not going to.
“How could I possibly miss such a spectacular show?” Grinning confidently, he exposed his pearly white teeth to the world; and crossed his muscular arms over his defined chest. His golden eyes glinted with mischief as they studied his beautiful companion. Straightening his back, he resumed speaking. “It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to witness a human playing the piano for an angel in the streets of one of the human realm’s most popular cities.” His excitement was quite noticeable in his voice, but he did not trouble himself to conceal it as he meant every one of his words.
Nodding her head in understanding, she glanced at his loyal butler as he mirrored his master’s action. Of course, every one of them was aware of it, but a human had to do the dirty work. Their every step was calculated beforehand; however, the humans had the element of surprise; and she used it to her advantage. These immortal beings never anticipated such an outcome, but she did. It was her world and no one knew it better than her.
Shaking her head to dismiss all of her useless thoughts, she gave them a questioned look; and was ready to deliver her endless cycle of sarcastic remarks. Taking a deep breath, a sly smirk danced across her attractive features as she opened her mouth to start speaking. “As much as I wish to give you what you desire most, unfortunately, I enjoy our game of cat and mouse a bit too much.” Her mesmerizing eyes shone underneath the moonlight, yet they did not reflect anything.
Another boisterous laughter echoed in the air, stepping forward, the brown-haired demon prince got closer to the woman. He pounced on her, enveloping her with his strong arms in a tight embrace; and lifting her off the ground. A low chuckle escaped her full lips as she looked back at the young angel. He was still astounded by the scene that unfolded right in front of his eyes. Feeling safe around the demons was an understatement, but he could feel at ease as she was with him. This human woman was his guardian angel, but in reality, it should have been the other way around. His amber eyes observed their interactions cautiously as he understood the woman was not hostile towards the demons. He had always had a great fascination with humans, but coming into contact with a human was a different experience. The young angel was thrilled to learn more about them. His morality clashed with his desire. At this point, he did not wish to return to his home, the Celestial Realm. He decided to remain with her. Oh, how excited the woman would be upon hearing the news.
“I would like to discuss a very important matter with you, but not here.” The tone of the demon prince was quite serious as it caused the young angel to snap out of his trance-like state. Getting even closer to his companion, he whispered words that were only meant for her. His golden eyes were locked with her captivating ones as he awaited her answer. He earned a nod of approval from her. His grin widened as he clasped his manicured hands together. He snaked his arm around her waist and guided her away from the cathedral. The Cathedral of Notre-Dame. He assured her his loyal butler would take care of her piano.
Walking away, the clacking of her high heels resounded through the streets of Paris. The young angel followed her as he eyed the demon prince suspiciously, but he trusted her. He had faith in her.
Saved an angel; was tempted by the demon prince himself as he led her away from the cathedral. The woman was aware of her surroundings from the beginning. No one could use her. That was her remarkable ability. She was desired by many, yet none of them had the privilege to touch her or even dream about having her in their arms. She was one of a kind; and every one of them knew. The Prince of Hell did not cajole her into following him with his words, she merely accepted his offer.
The clacking of her high heels became unbearable as the spectators resumed enjoying the scenery. His blue gaze had never left her as he silently prayed she would look back. One last time. The woman halted dead in her tracks, surprising her companions. Looking over her shoulder, a half-smirk decorated her beautiful facial features as her eyes stared into the void of blackness, far away from the artificial lights. His breath was caught in his throat, she could sense his presence. She could feel his eyes on her, she had heard his prayer.
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“After introducing our new exchange program students,” a loud, booming voice resounding in the large ballroom. Covering the melodious music to earn every one of the attendants’ attention. All eyes were on the tallest man in their presence and they looked at him with great interest as they awaited their prince to resume his speech. “I would like all of you to enjoy yourselves.” It was not the monologue they had anticipated, but none of them were troubled with the short introduction of their prince’s guests from the other realms.
Every one of them returned to their respective activities as the pleasant, yet unfamiliar melody played in the background to make the visit of attendants at the Demon Lord’s Castle unforgettable. The Prince of Hell himself was quite preoccupied with engaging in conversation with his close friend, the Avatar of Pride, and an old acquaintance of his as his sharp golden eyes detected a rather familiar face in the ocean of people. A huge grin tugged at the corners of his lips, his eyes crinkled in delight as he managed to get both of his companions’ attention. The black-haired man gave him a questioned look, awaiting his response. Diavolo did not pay any heed to his subtle signals. Waving his arm, he opened his mouth to start speaking. “It’s good to see you again. I thought you would never come.” His voice had a playful lilt to it as his eyes were fixated on a feminine figure in front of him.
A woman clad in a long, black dress with a slit that reached her mid-thigh that hugged her curves perfectly. A simple, yet elegant combination of attire attracted their attention, but she did not seem to mind all the eyes that were on her as she idly conversed with the white-haired sorcerer. Flashing him one of her infamous smirks, she excused herself and turned on her heel to leave. Swirling her alcoholic beverage absentmindedly, she straightened her back and stepped forward. Her high heels were clicking and clacking against the marble flooring as she took a deep breath. She already had a certain destination in mind, her smirk grew wider. Her eyes were fixated on the handsome demon, weaving her way through the crowd was not an obstacle for her as she easily arrived at her destined location. The tantalizing sway of her hips earned her several compliments from the demons.
A low chuckle escaped her full lips as her eyes met his golden ones. Bowing her head for the sake of formality, she straightened herself, once more, and took a sip of her beverage. “My apologies, My Lord. Every woman takes her sweet time preparing herself for the big event. Unfortunately, I missed the introduction of your new students.” Breaking eye contact with him, she cast a glance at the sorcerer and resumed speaking. “I have to admit, you have chosen rather intriguing candidates from my world, without consulting me.”
Simpering, he followed her gaze and nodded his head in agreement. Diavolo shrugged his shoulders as he commented on her remark. “It was Lucifer who chose the candidates from the human world.” Looking at his companion, his eyes glinted with an unreadable expression as he continued talking. “I believe you are familiar with Lucifer, but have you ever met our new exchange program student from the Celestial Realm?” the brown-haired prince questioned his beautiful companion as he directed her attention towards his third companion.
A handsome dark brown-haired man with a brilliant shade of blue eyes—the most enthralling color she had ever seen in her life. He had a charming smile dancing across his breathtakingly beautiful features. His blue gaze never left her figure as his companion resumed his conversation. “Allow me to introduce you to Simeon. He is one of the two angels sent from the Celestial Realm to take part in the exchange program. And this is [Name] [Surname]. She is…” He trailed off. The Prince of Hell stopped for a moment to think about it.
The woman standing right next to him sensed his distress and decided to get involved to avoid any unpleasant situations. Offering one of her infamous smirks, she extended her hand for him to take as she opened her mouth to begin speaking—well, finish what Diavolo had started. “Lord Diavolo, I’m certain the introduction was not necessary as we are familiar with each other.” She sent a wink in his direction as Simeon stared at her extended hand. It took him several seconds to realize what that gesture meant as he took her hand, shaking it. His grip was firm but gentle. Releasing her slender hand from his bigger one’s grasp, her next sentence made him snap out of his reverie as his heart picked up its pace.
“We met in Paris.”
Simeon blinked once, twice, thrice. His heartbeat was getting faster and faster as her words echoed in his mind. He did not hear how Diavolo and Lucifer left them alone to speak with other guests. His companion took another sip of her beverage and attempted to break the ice. Biting her lower lip sensually, she thought for a moment. “Have you ever heard the tale of Romans? In ancient times, Romans shook each other’s hands to demonstrate they were unarmed and their handshake was a symbol of friendship and loyalty.”
Shaking his head to dismiss his useless thoughts, his blue eyes met with hers. She was aware of the events, taking place in the capital of France. Oh, Lord Almighty, she knew. The brown-haired man was great at having conversations with anyone, yet this one human managed to take his breath away by uttering several words. He was not certain how to respond to her, but to one’s relief, she quickly detected his uneasiness and resumed speaking. “I know what you are thinking, Simeon.” A low chuckle escaped her lips, once more. “Please forget what happened in Paris. The young angel is safe and he is with me. During my absence, he will remain in Rome, at my family estate. If you don’t trust my word, then you may pay a visit to him. In the meantime,” she inspected her surroundings. “May I have the honor to accompany you outside as it is getting rather crowded in here?”
Placing her half-empty glass on the nearby table, she inhaled the fresh air. Getting closer to him, she linked her arm with his and started to lead the way, guiding him outside of the Demon Lord’s Castle. Simeon was speechless, he could not utter a word as he allowed her to sweep him away. The blue-eyed angel had met many humans and demons in his long existence, but this human woman intrigued him. Her enigmatic aura attracted him, he wished to learn more about her. Simeon was an experienced and mature angel, he could easily read anyone like an open book; however, her behavior puzzled him. By now, he could have gone through numerous subjects during his conversation with Diavolo and Lucifer, but not with her. The woman waltzed into his life without asking him, and currently, she is dragging him away from the ball.
It would have been an understatement if he had said he preferred to remain at the castle. His gorgeous companion guided him outside of the premises, into the gardens. There was the moon glimmering above them in the darkness of the night as the stars accompanied it with their dim illuminations. It was a beautiful, cloudless sky. Looking up to get a better look at the scenery, he noted the moon of the Devildom differed from the one in the human world. And he was certain, she would not be fascinated by the view unlike him. His blue gaze landed on his arm that was linked with her, and then, his mesmerizing eyes studied her as if he was trying to memorize every small detail of hers. In his eyes, she was perfect.
Yet the angel wondered to himself, how he had managed to find her. There were more than seven billion humans on Earth and he had the privilege to meet an occult detective with an eccentric personality and antics. He had to find this particular human interesting. Simeon cursed his existence, at the same time, he silently thanked his Father for allowing him to meet her. Developing romantic feelings for a human was not an option, but he indulged in his sinful desires a little bit.
Releasing him from her grasp, she turned around to face him as she leaned back on her elbows against the railing. Her cold and calculating eyes studied him, but not with a scrutinizing gaze. Her tense body relaxed as she allowed herself to close her eyes for a moment. The deafening silence reigned in the air, she refused to speak up, taking pleasure in being far away from the crowded ballroom.
A soft hum resonated in the darkness of the night, opening her eyes, she straightened herself. Her gaze softened as she glanced at her handsome companion. Pretending she was sitting in front of the piano, her slender fingers started moving with perfect synchronization. It seemed they had minds of their own as they produced illusive notes, waltzing in the air. Her eyes met his brilliant shade of blue. She studied them with great curiosity. It was barely undetectable, yet she noticed how his sapphires lit up, engulfing her with his warmth.
Stepping forward, she got closer to him. Her eyes were locked with his as the silence lingered between them, not planning to leave them any time soon. Even though she delighted in being with him in solitude, she had a strong desire to have a decent conversation with the angel. The woman opened her mouth to start talking. “This will remain between us. Cross my heart and hope to die,” a low chuckle escaped her full lips as she resumed. “Stick a needle in my eye.”
Before the brown-haired angel had a chance to respond to her a rather odd vow, she gave him a two-finger salute and turned on her heel, leaving him to his own thoughts. Simeon opened, then closed his lips into a thin line as his blue gaze never left her. Her tight-fitting dress outlined her curves, awakening immoral desires within him. Feeling his heartbeat increasing, this human did wonders to his immortal heart.
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The rays of sunlight seeped through the famous stained rose windows of the cathedral, dimly illuminating the surroundings. The rows of pews decorated the main part of the church to greet as many believers as possible. Its doors were always open to anyone that wished to pay a visit to one of the wonders of the modern-day world. Every one of the visitors adored the magnificent masterpiece of the French Gothic architecture accompanied by its loyal guardians, gargoyles—never once leaving their respective places to keep a close eye on the place they learned to call home. An intriguing statement, yet all of them were well aware it had the seeds of truth.
The Cathedral of Notre-Dame—The place where it all had begun—had always had countless visitors to witness its greatness with their own eyes, yet it was devoid of its usual attendants. A familiar silence reigned in the air as it lingered more than necessary, not allowing anyone or anything to produce sounds. However, the clicking of the rather familiar shoes against the marble flooring resounded in the large cathedral, shattering the deafening silence completely. The sounds of footsteps halted in front of the altar as the man dropped to his knees, his white cape pooling around him as his head lowered in humiliation. His heavy breathes resonated throughout the church, his quickened heartbeat could be heard.
His lips were pursed into a thin line as both of his hands clutched a rosary, hard enough to draw blood. Closing his endless oceans of blue, letting out a shaky breath, he stopped himself. The stagnant air in the church was suffocating, burning his lungs. The man opened his mouth, yet no words came out. Inhaling the fresh air, he listened to his heart hammering against the ribcage, convinced it would jump out of his chest.
Evening his breathing, he gained enough confidence to open his bewitching eyes as he raised his head. He started speaking. “Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight, and am no longer worthy to be called your son.” His words echoed in the cathedral.
His very own words made him shiver with disgust. Was remorse eating him alive? Were his mind and intuition screaming at him that it was too late to redeem his actions? Was he regretting his deeds? All of the questions were running rampant in his mind. He could not help himself, yet he had tainted himself. Was he even worthy of stepping his foot in his Father’s house? Thinking about it made him hang his head in shame, the tufts of his brown hair framing his sapphire blue eyes. The angel tightened his grip on the rosary.
A soft melody found its way as his mind played tricks on him. It was a wicked ballad, yet he was enamored by it. He could not escape its clutches, dragging him further into the depths of hell. The return was non-existent. His predicament was laughable, he understood the absurdity of his situation. The brown-haired angel had always believed he would not make a similar mistake, yet there he was contemplating his own existence. Simeon was certain it was a fleeting feeling, a mere infatuation with a human woman.
The brown-haired angel should have heeded the warnings of not following the white rabbit until the end of the road. Now, he had fallen down the rabbit hole and he could not claw his way out of it. He fell deeper than he had anticipated. Could his soul still be saved?
An angel falling for a human. How could anyone be so foolish to voluntarily corrupt themselves? Straying away from the path of the righteous man. An angel; a man of God—falling head over heels in love with a human. Having strong bonds with the creations of God had never been an issue, but getting involved with one of them had always been frowned upon. Simeon had been aware of it, yet he could not help himself.
His body stiffened, his prayers had fallen on deaf ears. His heart-wrenching pleas had not been heard, it was apparent. He could sense it. Simeon’s words merely ricocheted off the ancient walls of the cathedral. His stark white attire dirtied, his hands scarred beneath the black gloves from clutching the rosary. It was a sight to behold. An unforgettable memory for a mortal man, yet no one was there to witness the angel’s former glory. The angel’s silent cry of distress to be heard. He was all alone at his Father’s home.
The cursed notes of melody had never left him, accompanying him until the end. A loud clatter reverberated, the rosary slipped through his iron grip and fell to the polished ground. A low chuckle escaped his lips, his heart beating rapidly against his chest as he looked up, his brilliant shade of blue staring at the ceiling. He should have known, yet he knew. It was inevitable. Every one of them was aware of it from the beginning.
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The clanking of ice, joyous laughter, and a familiar song played in the background. Creating a welcoming aura for the guests that desired to visit a small bar in Zurich, Switzerland. The true neutral territory of the human world—especially for humans. They had once said: “politics is a dirty game.” And every one of them agreed. As they would say, it was a “human thing” and a demon, nor an angel would never understand it. An intriguing concept, yet some were not courageous enough to delve deeper into the matter. The creations of God—humans—were an interesting case.
As the music resumed playing in the background, the guests enjoyed their alcoholic beverages in their own small circle of friends. It was a unique place and all of them intended to keep it that way for a long time. It was a perfect consensus among strangers.
A certain woman frequented the bar with her associate and it was yet another day to discuss their daily lives. Her eyes had a mischievous glint as they were locked with her companion’s unnaturally-colored ones. With a shake of her head, she took a sip of her dirty martini. Settling her glass on the wooden table, she opened her full lips to throw one of her snide remarks in his direction, but she was interrupted when someone barged into her haven. Quirking a brow, she looked over her shoulder to see the person who opened the wooden double doors with such force. Her eyes widened as she froze in her seat. Her words were caught in her throat.
Her companion mirrored her actions as he cast a glance at the entrance of the bar. Exhaling, he blinked several times to adjust his vision. He was not certain whether his eyes were deceiving him or his mind was playing tricks on him. He swallowed thickly as he opened his mouth to start speaking. “Luke, what are you doing here? Most importantly, how did you find us?”
Solomon took the words out of her mouth as if he had read her mind. His yellow-blue eyes studied his partner thoroughly, her every facial reaction and movement. The sorcerer did not require her affirmation to understand something unspeakable had occurred, yet he was not certain whether she was aware of it or not. His curiosity had always been insatiable, but with this woman, he never allowed himself to let his guard down as she was a walking disaster. She attracted trouble without even trying. And of course, the young angel—already—in front of their table was the living proof of it.
Clenching his hands into fists, his face was entirely red as his nostrils flared. “How could you do this to us?! I thought you cared.” The young angel’s fury was directed towards the woman.
Her expression was unreadable, her eyes were devoid of emotions. No sign of life. She could not utter a word as she lowered her head in shame. All eyes were on her, everyone at the bar watched how the entire scene unfolded. The guests of her favorite bar were the witnesses of her humiliation and failure as their judgemental stares bored holes into her soul. Every one of them was observing her with their scrutinizing gazes. Lowering her head even further, her hair obscured her regretful face. She received their silent curses openly, accepting them. Taking a deep breath, she raised her head and looked at him.
The white-haired sorcerer could sense her melancholic soul, her nihilistic thoughts, and the rapid beat of her heart. He did not even deem necessary to use magic on her to see her facade cracking and her mask slipping after all these years. Yet he still was amazed by how she held herself. He could not tear his eyes off of her as he resumed observing her.
“Of course, I did…” She trailed off, taking her sweet time to process the young angel’s every word. The background music did not allow silence to reign in the air, not this time. “I…” The woman stopped as she pursed her lips into a thin line, refusing to say another word.
It was getting unbearable, the tension was tormenting the young angel. He was not used to it, he was not even used to being surrounded by so many sinners. Humans and their judgemental gazes. He could feel his lungs burning because of the air. It had been tainted. Shaking his head in disbelief, his nails dug into his palms, his knuckles turning white from the sheer pressure. Gritting his teeth, he exposed his pearly white teeth to the world.
“They are judging Simeon.”
Four words. Those four damned words. Feeling her skin being prickled with goosebumps, her frozen state worsened. She could not hear anything, his words were nothing but white noise. A shaky sigh left her full lips as she blinked once, twice, thrice. Her mind replayed those four words. Closing her eyes for a moment, she listened to the song that resumed blending in with the background effortlessly. The woman then allowed her heart to calm down as she opened her eyes. Looking at him, she finally responded.
“Tell me more.” Her voice was firm but uncertain.
“Simeon’s life is at stake. He is going to fall.”
Slamming her hands against the wooden table, she stood up from her seat. The chair fell to the laminate flooring with a loud thud, yet no one paid attention to it. Their eyes were still on her as every one of them heard. “I have to go,” muttered under her breath.
Taking a sip of his alcoholic beverage, Solomon continued watching the entire scene with great amusement. His eyes followed his companion’s figure as she left their favorite bar, the young angel running after her.
Once he had heard a visit of an angel supposed to be a good omen, but now, he started to doubt the statement. A sly smirk danced across his handsome facial features as his hand started glowing, surrounded by the dim golden illumination. With a flick of his hand, the golden light spread throughout the small bar. “Always making me do the dirty work.”
How hypocritical of him to speak such words. Solomon was fully aware of it, but he could not care less about it. He had always been more of a spectator than a player. It was a mutual agreement. She had his back, and in return, he was always there to aid her. A perfect symbiosis between two human beings. He was quite proud of his achievement.
The judgement had been passed.
An angel had been cast out of heaven.
He had fallen.
Standing in front of the familiar castle, the darkness of the night concealed her figure rather well. Her hands shaking, her breathing ragged as she was on the verge of losing her consciousness, yet she held herself perfectly. Her nerves betrayed her as she dropped to her knees, her legs refusing to assist her. Digging her manicured nails into her own skin, her gaze lingered on the Demon Lord’s Castle. Her vision blurred. Blinking several times to adjust her vision, but she could not. She had not realized how tears trickled down her cheeks, soaking the soil beneath her. When was the last time she cried? She could not recall. Her pulse skyrocketed.
Her mask was cracking without her noticing it. The beating of her heart could be heard from kilometers away. She should have known, yet she did not deem necessary to pay any heed to it. Now, he had to pay the price. He already had. Lowering her head in shame, her hair covered her disheveled appearance and expression.
Attempting to stand up, she teetered. The woman mentally embraced herself for a possible impact, but it never came. Looking up, her eyes met with his. His arms were wrapped around her waist to catch her. Draping her arm around his shoulders, she balanced her shivering body as she tested her legs. This time her legs did not betray her as she leaned against him. He did not reject her physical contact. Laughing bitterly, she straightened herself and opened her chapped lips to start speaking. “Impeccable timing as always, Barbatos. You’re always there to witness my failures. You have seen both of them. Would this answer your eternal question of what it means to be a human and hurting someone you love?”
“He has been waiting for you. Forgive my curiosity, but how long have you been in the Devildom without anyone being aware of it? How did you manage to convince the Young Master to permit you to remain here?”
Assisting her to stand up, he bombarded her with so many questions, she did not have enough time to process every one of them. It was quite uncommon for the demon butler to question people, yet the woman in front of her was a different occasion. He was one of the most powerful demons in existence, yet he still had difficulty understanding human nature and how this woman’s mind functioned. Inspecting her unkempt appearance, he noted she had seen better days.
Separating from his strong grip, she stretched her limbs and wiped her tears away. Inhaling the fresh air to calm her beating heart down, she pushed her hair back and tilted her head. Biting her lower lip—a rather familiar habit of hers to which even Barbatos got accustomed to. She thought for a moment, she was stalling some time. She could have easily used a question dodging technique, but she decided to tell the truth.
“You and I both know you are already fully aware of my current predicament. Is there anything you wish to know?” Those undertones of mockery were remarkable, considering her current situation. Quirking a brow, she studied the demon butler as an infamous smirk of hers tugged at the corners of her lips. “I thought we had a mutual understanding here.” Stopping herself for a moment, she shook her head to dismiss her useless thoughts. Straightening her back, she looked at him and added the last part. “My egotistical desires led us to this irrevocable act. I should have known. I did, yet I did not do anything.”
The last part of her speech was barely audible, but the demon butler heard every word of it. Nodding his head in acknowledgement, he placed his chin between his gloved thumb and index finger, he appeared as if he was thinking. He opened his mouth to start speaking. “This is not my place to meddle; however, do you regret your decision of getting involved with him?”
A low, bitter laugh escaped her full, yet chapped lips. Her eyes glinted with an unreadable expression, once more, he had difficulty comprehending her emotions. He decided to await her response before jumping to conclusions. That smirk of hers still present on her gorgeous features. Several dreadful seconds passed before she responded.
“How could I?” She stopped, once more, allowing the silence to reign. “I have made many foolish choices in my God-forsaken life, but loving him is something that I would never regret.” Looking up at the darkened sky, she resumed. “It’s quite ironic, I’m telling my life story to a demon who doesn’t give a flying fuck about me. Look, how low I have fallen.” Her every word was dripped with venomous self-hatred.
“Unfortunately, you are not wrong; however, I’m not the only listener you have tonight.”
Casting a glance at the demon butler, she noticed another dark figure standing behind Barbatos. Under normal circumstances, she would have easily detected an unwanted presence looming into her field of vision. It seemed she was too absorbed in her self-pity not to let her guard down. Her mask had slipped. She realized it a long time ago, but it was too late. It had always been too late for her.
Furrowing her brows, she did not say anything as she patiently awaited the figure to reveal themselves. The woman already had her suspicions, yet she refused to believe her own intuition as her heart skipped a beat. She could not shake her head or dismiss her useless thoughts as she did, not long ago. Her entire body was frozen in one place, she had no desire to move. Inhaling and exhaling, her chest was rising and falling. Mentally, she tried to deceive her mind to calm her rapidly beating heart, but to no avail. Her heart rejected her attempts, becoming an obstinate vital organ.
The tall figure stepped forward, revealing himself in the dim moonlight. Her breath hitched as she stepped backwards. It was him, the most magnificent creature in this damned world. A genuine smile decorated his handsome face as his brilliant shade of blue shone—in the darkness of the night—brighter than ever. A pair of midnight black wings were folded tightly against his back as a pair of black horns protruded out of his skull, completing his ethereal beauty.
Simeon stepped forward, but she moved backwards. Her gaze shifted between him and the demon butler. Her heart was wrenching, the feeling of regret was getting unbearable. She watched how Barbatos turned on his heel and disappeared into the darkness. As expected, he always did it. It would be no different in this situation.
She stopped moving, raising her head up, her grief-stricken eyes met with his. His smile grew wider as he approached her. Without wasting any moment, he wrapped his arms around her, embracing her tightly as if he was afraid of waking up in a world where she did not exist. Placing her head against his chest, she listened to his heartbeat. It was not quickened like hers, it was as serene as the melody of their wicked ballad. She refused to stand idly, but she could not touch him. Her consciousness did not allow her to reach for the stars.
He could sense her distress, but he was fully aware of her internal conflict. As much as he could remember he had always been fascinated with human nature, how different they were from angels and demons. Humans always had a knack for making their lives more difficult and he had a perfect opportunity to witness such an event with his own eyes. Ironically, he could relate to her struggles. He understood her. 
Hiding his face in the crook of her neck, he whispered. “I forgive you.” Wrapping his large wings around her form, he shielded her from the harsh weather of the Devildom.
Three words. It only took three words to lift all of her burdens off her shoulders. A shaky sigh escaped her chapped lips as she snaked her arms around his torso, tightening her grip on him. Her heartbeat started to quiet, inhaling the fresh air did not burn her lungs anymore, and her tense body relaxed. After all these years, she had finally found her place.
“I know.”
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missorgana · 4 years
like a tattoo kiss
pairing: karolina dean/nico minoru
fandom: marvel’s runaways
rating: general
word count: 4228
warning: swearing
summary: Nico doesn't get nervous. Except around pretty people. Especially around pretty people. (tattoo parlor AU)
(it’s been 84 years... Finally, i am writing!! life and uni has been extremely messy, so i’m just so glad to be creating again uwuu. this was meant for the @augustwritingchallenge but alas... i miss my alien and witch girlies!! thank you to my baby @griffinbellamy for beta reading <333 you are Everything. hope you enjoy this mess!!)
read on ao3
Nico doesn’t get nervous.
Or rather, she’s not the type of person to be nervous. Especially while working.
Her parents weren’t over the moon when she told them what line of work she was aiming for, not that she needs their permission or anything, but they’d warmed up to her internship over time.
Many times she had tried to explain why exactly she liked her art to be expressed through ink on skin, but parents just don’t understand some things. All hail rebellious teenagers, or something.
Amy’s always been supportive, because she’s an angel, Nico thinks, and her sister managed to get them along, somehow.
In the end, they were probably just happy to get her out of the house more.
By a string of luck she had found a local tattoo parlour, well, actually, the city’s best, and they were willing to take her on, along with her best friend, coincidentally.
And the boss kept an eye on her and Alex to make sure they didn’t misbehave, but just like herself, he wasn’t the type to mess around with the things he was passionate about.
They had always been excellent lab partners way back, considered each other their partner in crime, no less.
And over time, they both were allowed to work more freely. Even to the point of taking their own clients, albeit only walk-ins, for now.
This week, a little thing about Nico’s inability to get nervous might be changing, but she only knows that when a walk-in comes along late Friday afternoon.
It’s actually an hour and a half before closing time, that is, and they weren’t expecting much more people besides reservations.
But low and behold, when the bell above the door rings, Nico glances up to the sight of two young people, surely the same age as her and Alex.
And while the guy wears a leather jacket, messy brown hair that she isn’t sure which direction it was meant to go, the girl following behind him has her blonde hair in a braid over her shoulder, and is, unlike her companion, more appropriately dressed for the weather which has been abnormally hot this season.
The stranger tugs the cardigan on her shoulders over her white dress just a little. She looks impatient, poking the guy’s shoulder and saying something low and unintelligible.
Did Alex have to pinch her side to get the attention he wanted? Looks like it, yes.
Because holy shit.
Nico sort of feels like a deer in headlights, which is a joke, this is not anywhere near a situation like that, and a stupid metaphor, anyway.
But her previous string of keeping her cool, not letting her nerves overtake her entire being, is getting, well, thrown out of the window at this moment.
Alex likes to call this her “bisexual panic”. He’s a little bit of an asshole.
Well, they both are, but it doesn’t matter, because if Nico has to hear him tease her about “being a wreck around pretty people” one more time, she might just lose it.
It’s fine. She’s a customer, a civilian like herself, keep it together.
Thing is, this might just be the prettiest girl she’s ever laid her eyes upon. Sounds melodramatic, she knows.
This stranger looks like an extreme polar opposite of herself, in terms of fashion sense, anyway, but it wouldn’t be the first time.
She likes tall people, too.
Also, the blonde turns her head, seemingly surveying the parlour with a skepticism in her eyes that Nico’s seen many, many times, but it doesn’t faze her, because those eyes are the clearest blue possible.
She pushes a strand of hair behind her ear, and Nico notices a small cross hanging around her neck.
Again, not exactly the community she herself hangs around, which might explain why she’s, tragically, never seen this person before now, but Nico’s experienced far too much shit to be judgmental.
“You done staring?” Alex’s voice mumbles on her left side, swiftly passing by to greet the two potential clients.
Guess he’s just earned himself another eyeroll. Or a death stare, maybe.
Her voice of reason gets to her, despite the, ugh, panic, and if she just runs this on their autopilot measure of things, as usual, it’ll all be fine.
Yes, definitely.
This isn’t some fairytale land, Nico tells herself, it’s not like this is your moment finally meeting the love of your life, or whatever, and you’ll live happily ever after.
She’ll most likely never see her again. She’s just very, extremely pretty- no, beautiful. Can’t blame her for being a little dumbfounded, right?
Alex is the kind of person who could make meaningful conversation with a toddler, a parrot, or a brick, if he really wanted to, so Nico’s glad to let him do most of the talking, as always.
He usually explains the basics to the clients, asks them about the design they have in mind (if they have an idea to begin with, that is), and that’s usually when he pulls Nico out from her thoughts, especially in situations like this where there’s more than one customer in the parlour at the time.
Given that their boss has more or less left them in charge of the shop till closing time today, however, she decides to make her way into the conversation herself.
“We’re getting matching tattoos!” the brunette guy tells them eagerly, a smug grin on his face, and judging by the impatience visible on his companion’s face, Nico has a feeling this wasn’t her idea.
She still sports a fond smile, though, despite her still not looking totally convinced of her… friend? partner?’s idea.
Alex nods politely, his customer service smile put on like he owns the place, and makes sure to present her to their soon-to-be canvases, “We’re interns here, Nico and I, but we got plenty of experience, so you’re in safe hands.”
And now, the girl looks directly at her. She might just mentally combust.
Nico has always hated those romantic traditions, and Valentine’s Day, and love at first sight, please, what vomit inducing bullshit.
She has to remember that, especially now, because a way too pretty girl looks at her up and down, very subtle and quick, so much so that it could be missed, but the bright smile she gives her makes her heart jump in her chest.
Nico smiles back, of course. She’s not an asshole.
“This is Chase and Karolina, by the way.” her best friend tells her, because administration, obviously, even though his voice definitely isn’t forgetting her and her panic, but fuck that.
She brushes another lock of hair out of her face, and Nico’s struggling to keep her attention on the transaction. She can’t be like this right now, nope, as sweet as the smile with pink lips staring her in the face is.
“So, you got a design?” Nico then inquires, once the pricing and everything is out in the open, knowing too well Alex will tease her more the longer she stares, and well, doesn’t know what to do with herself, so she might as well get on with it.
“A ‘C+K’ should do it, really, Oh! Can you do a heart?”
And Karolina sticks her tongue out at her companion, but he laughs nonetheless, like he can’t hold it back, bumping her shoulder.
They’re a couple.
Of course.
Nico should’ve seen it coming, she guesses, if she wasn’t so hung up on how pretty this girl was, it should’ve been obvious.
Ugh, it doesn’t even matter, anyway, because there wouldn’t even be a chance.
She’s a customer, she reminds herself, that’s like, the most unprofessional that could be. And even if they weren’t, and even if it was different, Nico could never tell if the girls she liked were into her or not. Or the boys, for that matter.
The partners previously always made the first move on her, which Alex explained by her being the most stubborn person he knows. Whatever.
Without Nico not realising much else conversation, it seems fitting that Alex takes on Chase’s shoulder blade, while her canvas turns out to be Karolina’s upper arm.
Alex and her cleaned the sketch up they brought, their clients both approved, and here they were.
It’s simple, really, a pink heart, with an added arrow through it because Alex likes to turn everything as extravagant as possible. And the initials, of course.
And Nico’s more than used to being close to total strangers like this.
Like, with most areas of the body, even. But those other people weren’t the prettiest girl in the world, so, you know.
And to make matters worse, once Karolina’s seated, and Nico’s sanitized the area, tracing the outline, the too pretty stranger starts talking. She knows this doesn’t sound like a bad thing, but Nico was already nervous, and far from an expert at small talk.
The blonde does seem to know how to lead a conversation.
Because the outline finished, glancing up to make sure the client’s still on it and not chickening out, wouldn’t be the first time, the pretty girl gives her another sweet smile, too sweet, really, and states, “I like the way you work.”
Nico has to blink a few times, because she’s not sure she quite understands what that means. Maybe she’s too used to lewd jokes from her peers that everything turns into an innuendo by now. Fucking hell.
So she opts for a, “You do?” as a reply.
Karolina nods. Gracefully, she has to describe it, not overly excited or eager, though the intention’s definitely there.
“I mean, you looked really concentrated a couple seconds ago. I don’t know. You’re gentle.” and she finishes her sentence with a shrug.
Gentle. Nico has never in her wildest imagination expected someone to associate that term with her. She’s never been called that.
Maybe her insides get a little fluttery. So what?
She’s not a giggling schoolgirl, she can keep her composure, and she does, but hopefully without the coldness she usually goes for when something doesn’t go as expected.
This girl doesn’t deserve that.
And honestly, this is feeling way too intimate way too fast.
The boys are already bantering about whatever video game they’re apparently both into, because, somehow, Alex manages to keep his lines straight while laughing at dumb puns and other ridiculous Alex-things.
Also, can this girl stop staring at her?
If Nico couldn’t control herself as well as she could, she might’ve been blushing. It’s only been ten minutes, come on, now.
Karolina seems a tad more… curious than most of her clients, anyway.
It’s like she’s observing every line she makes, at least, what she can crane her neck enough to follow.
So, inclined to distract herself from the thought of a pretty girl watching her, she asks, without thinking too much, “What are you studying?”
Nico’s got an excuse, cause her wrist is resting on the armrest, fashioned with an university pride bracelet, seriously.
The girl blows a hair away from her nose.
“Philosophy,” she tells her, in a shy, half-embarrassed tone, “Not my parents’ first choice.”
So Nico has to scoff. “Welcome to the club.”
The fact that they can have a laugh at this notion, a proper one, not as loud and bashful as the boys, but fuck them, this is like treading the deep waters of the pool, knowing someone’s holding your hand.
She doesn’t know where that comparison comes from.
It’s kind of excruciating, the way the session comes to a both disappointing and long awaited end.
The tattoo’s easy, and Nico’s nonsensical pining, or whatever it is, can’t just last here forever, she knows.
Karolina stayed quiet once they’d established their mutual bond of parents not trusting their decisions, besides the occasional humming, which she probably didn’t even realise she was doing, and offhand remarks to the boys about them being more serious.
The girl had seemed eager to get this thing over with when they came in, but once Nico announced her arm bandaged and in need of rest, she didn’t exactly miss the now anything but eager pout.
It’s not like she said anything, but Nico thinks her reading of people is improving. She’ll convince herself of that, anyway, to support the logic in her head.
The boys had fun, but she didn’t expect any less of Alex.
The fact that he’s made friends with multiple clients, or “established connections”, as he calls it, with the elder ones, seems exhausting to Nico.
She does envy him, though.
At least, she wishes she had that skill set right now, to have gotten a lot more meaningful conversation out of this meeting.
Don’t be fooled, she knows when a crush of hers is off limits, but who knows, maybe they could be friends. Not that they seemed to have much more in common, but, you know.
Karolina just seemed special to her brain, or heart, or whatever.
Doesn’t matter anymore, does it?
Chase proudly shows her their matching marks, which Nico would roll her eyes at if she could, and Karolina laughed with a sigh.
Nico’s got a sense that she’s, still, not all in on this. Too late now, she supposes.
And she’s never understood couple tattoos anyhow, because in Nico’s relatively short life on earth so far, she’s learned that most things come to an end.
It’s not necessarily pessimistic, or at least she tells herself that, because graduating was nice, and then she started an internship, so maybe endings really just mean that you’re ready for beginnings.
Sounds ridiculous when she thinks about it, but maybe they discuss that on Karolina’s philosophy course, who knows.
Besides, seems odd they would do it without mutual approval on both parts.
But of course, Nico doesn’t know these people at all, so who is she to ponder on their relationship?
And so the couple pay their bill, Alex exchanges numbers with Chase, because of course, and Karolina lingers just long enough that Nico suspects she might have something on her mind.
The blonde has a hand on her hip when she says, “He’s ridiculous.”
Nico doesn’t know if it was meant for her ears or the taller girl simply thinks out loud, but none or the less, she’d feel rude not to respond.
“It was nice meeting you guys,” is what’s coming out of her mouth, as casual as possible, emphasis on guys, “and hope you like the tattoo, regardless.”
Karolina scrunches up her nose, which is, um, adorable, like her words were troubling, but she still nods, more than once, “Definitely.”
And the girl looks to the side again, the boys fistbumping and Chase already snapping a picture of his mark. He’s stupidly proud of it, huh.
Nico can’t say he’s unlikable, can she? Maybe that’s part of his charm.
“You coming?”
And Karolina laughs again, sticking her tongue out, but starts moving when he almost bounces out the door, his attention immediately taken by a very important text message, it seems.
“Your art’s gorgeous, Nico.” she says over her shoulder, “See you around, right?”
And it’s said like a matter of fact, a law of nature, as if Karolina had searched for her work on the display walls, carefully eyeing the artist name labels.
She couldn’t have sounded any more sincere.
Nico nods, before she mentally combusts.
And the girl and her flowing dress are out the door in a flash, and if Alex’s laugh is any indication, Nico’s flushing beet red.
As if she received a small static shock, that’s how the weekend passes by for Nico.
Fast enough that she sits, on Monday, failing to remember anything noteworthy she spent her time with.
Well, she stayed over at Alex’s, since he swore to introduce her to Wolfenstein, whatever that word means. It turned out to be a game about killing nazis, so yeah, her interest was won soon enough.
Not that this is the point or anything. 
The point’s more like in the evening, when the boss has a family emergency and needs them to close up alone, which they are fully capable of, mind you, and a familiar face walks through the door.
It’s not the first time customers have returned, far from it.
Whether it be one of many patrons of the parlour, who they both have been introduced to by now, or the many new friends Alex is so brilliant at making.
Today, though, Alex does show off a knowing smile, but it’s pointed right at Nico, and she kind of wants to pinch him and his ever annoying smugness away.
And he doesn’t even stay to greet their former client or anything. Looks like his plan is to leave her to her own devices, spotting Chase outside and swiftly swinging out the door in one fluid movement.
And well. Nico’s one again faced with this girl, who made her blush too damn much for just one meeting.
Karolina’s wearing blue jeans this time around, and a crop top, damn, she cannot imagine that white leather jacket is giving much warmth on a foggy day like this one.
She waves. Nico has to wave back. It’s not like she was supposed to clean this chair or anything.
Seems like duties are put on hold around the prettiest girl ever.
Her smile comes off shy, but Nico can’t imagine anyone feeling shy around her. Well, she’s come off rather terrifying, more like, to the local school bullies back in primary school.
They made her sick, she had fists, and her all-black wardrobe was certainly helpful in that mission too.
Then, in the thought of punching bullies, Karolina’s in front of her, seemingly, consciously, leaving her some space, which she’s grateful for.
Common decency, Nico supposes, but also, a reminder that this infatuation needs to fade if she wants to remain some form of contact with the blonde.
Her very real, very annoying boyfriend laughs outside. Nico wishes she didn’t sound so bitter.
It’s fine, you know, they’ve met one time.
Nico wants her luck to be different, but since that’s out of the picture, she wants to be her friend. Very badly.
If she could just open her mouth, dammit.
“Hey,” she starts, finally, judging by Karolina’s hesitant silence that she expects her to put out the first word, “Good to see you again. And so soon.”
The last part with a quick laugh, would sound weird, or judgmental, otherwise. Not the perfect second impression.
Is the second impression even a thing?
Karolina chuckles herself, thank god, but squints her eyes a bit and scratches her arm, “The tattoo’s looking nice, I think.”
Nico doesn’t know if there’s a question laced into that statement, but the tall girl shrugs the jacket off just enough for her to view the work, and so she moves a tad closer.
It does look nice. Still needs to heal, extremely fresh, but nice.
Definitely one of the better couple tattoos she’s done, Nico tells herself.
And she nods, and Karolina settles her jacket properly, and that subject is dealt with.
Now what?
Maybe this was all the blonde came to talk to her about. Makes sense, but also, a tiny disappointment settles in Nico’s stomach.
It’s not like she had high expectations though, hell, she didn’t even expect to see her just three days after the meeting.
It seems Karolina meant what she said. See you around.
But that’s just politeness, Nico figures. Artist and client. 
She doesn’t know if she can ever learn from Alex’s mastery of the social art, to be honest. Stupid Alex things.
“So-” the girls find themselves speaking at the same time, and Nico chuckles awkwardly, but the blonde smiles too warmly for it to matter. “You were saying?”
And Nico’s about to answer, only she notices a third person joining Chase and Alex.
A relatively short girl, pushing her glasses up her nose and purple-dyed hair in two small buns.
And she kisses Chase on the cheek. Which, of course, friends do that. Nico and Alex don’t, but then again, they fistbump and shove each other more than anything else.
She can’t help but furrow her brows. It’s probably nothing, she thinks, forget about it.
“I was just thinking, if you wanna see some of my non-tattoo art one day.” Nico shrugs, better make it as casual as possible.
And Karolina’s eyes light up impossibly, and her nose scrunches up again when she smiles. Nico didn’t notice her freckles last time, weirdly.
“I’d love that, Nico!” she says, of course, looking excited and adjusting her ponytail, “I figure Chase wanna show Alex some of his gadgets. Something like that. I don’t know.”
That they can both laugh at. Doesn’t surprise Nico, given that Alex has been honing his coding skills since he was like fifteen.
She wasn’t even surprised when he offered to hack the school system and change her stupid history grades. It’s not like she agreed. But oh, did she consider it.
Nico scratches her neck. She wants to escape the conversation, which she’s experienced too many times to count, but also, she wants to stay there forever. Not that usual.
“Honestly, Alex has been talking about him. A lot.” she tells the blonde with a huff, and she smiles fondly, “Be careful he doesn’t steal your boyfriend.”
Nico’s been organizing the table in front of her during the conversation, it’s natural for her to do something with her hands, especially, well, now that she’s able to be nervous, apparently.
But it’s like something suddenly shifts.
When Karolina doesn’t laugh at her remark, Nico looks up, and the tall girl is frowning.
It looks wrong on her face, even though her nose is still scrunched, just the way it was with that smile a few minutes ago, making her feel these weird flutters somewhere deep in her chest.
So, naturally, Nico’s about to ask if she’s okay, because she’s suddenly terrified she’s said something wrong, or implied what her thoughts, somehow, until, “Chase? My boyfriend?”
Okay, Nico doesn’t really know what to say now.
Given her tone, Karolina’s clearly not comfortable. Maybe she’s ashamed of Chase? But that can’t be it, they got tattoos together, for goodness’ sake.
“Yeah? Sorry, did I say something wrong?”
“Oh, no!” the blonde looks confused, but reaches her arm out, like she’s going to touch Nico’s shoulder, but she doesn’t, “Or I mean, Chase. He isn’t my boyfriend.”
Her tone is stern without being angry. Elegant.
It’s now Nico’s own turn to frown. Shakes her head at herself.
“I’m so sorry.” she says, and tries to form a longer sentence in her head, without sounding desperate, “I didn’t mean to assume anything. I just, well, the tattoo looked like a couples tattoo, is all.”
And she tries a small smile, unsure if this relation’s already gone to hell after a weekend, but luckily, the tall girl’s frown is gone as fast as it appeared, and she’s biting her lip.
Nico’s more relieved than anything that she’s smiling back.
Then Karolina shakes her head, “Chase is an idiot.”
Again, like an unspoken, mutual understanding, they both laugh. Nico cannot for the life of her tell where this conversation is going.
And so the blonde continues, “It was a stupid bet. The tattoo, that is.”
Now, it does take a second, but it clicks in Nico’s brain. This is also new, and she didn’t know she could be more nervous, but here we are.
“I see.” she replies simply, glancing out the glass door, and figuring the bright haired girl out there must be Chase’s girlfriend.
Karolina chuckles. “They’re adorable.”
They’re looking at the same thing, it seems, so Nico can only nod, and wonder, if this is all, and the blonde is going to step out the parlour, and if the misunderstanding will be forgotten or not.
And they stand there for what seems like forever, but Karolina doesn’t leave.
No, she turns back to Nico, licks her lips, and folds her hands in front of her, “I’m sorry. I mean, God, I must be bad at flirting.”
This is going a little too fast for her. And now Karolina looks nervous too, but continues, impressively not stumbling over her words, “I mean, boys aren’t my thing. I-uh, I wasn’t sure if I should come, but Chase insisted I should make a move.”
Nico knows what’s going on. And she can’t say Alex was wrong when he said the blonde was “totally into her”, despite her very concerned, real protests about the very real boyfriend. Or well, very not real, it turns out.
So, instead of thinking of the nerves still sitting right beneath her skin, Nico lifts an eyebrow, trying to make sure what’s happening isn’t some imaginary dream scenario that’ll end in a blink.
“A move?”
The tall girl shrugs, biting her lip again. “Please tell me if this is crossing the line. I just…. you’re very pretty, is all.”
That’s fucking adorable.
“You think I’m pretty?” Nico replies, feeling her smile grow too stupidly bright. It’s not long before the girl in front of her mimics it.
Fuck, Nico, you’re going soft.
Alex is going to tease her for weeks after this. But she’ll worry about that later.
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