#being cooked for is very romantic but two people doing any task that requires attention in a small space is just a pain in the ass
incorrect-hs-quotes · 9 months
JANE: Cooking together is NOT romantic. MOVE out of my fucking way!!!
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simonhbishop · 2 years
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FULL NAME: Simon Henry Bishop AGE/DOB: 51. December 1st, 1971. HEIGHT: 1m92 / 6'3" WEIGHT: 187lbs / 85kg ETHNICITY: Caucasian / half British, half Canadian GENDER: cis-male HAIR: dark brown EYES: blue SCARS: couples left from hunter weaponry, or his childhood TATTOOS: two full sleeves tattoos (photos) PIERCINGS: none LANGUAGES: english, french, spanish. EDUCATION: college OCCUPATION: master carpenter, owner of Bishop Carpentry SEXUAL IDENTIFICATION: heteroflexible ROMANTIC IDENTIFICATION: heteroromantic, possibly polyamorous TEMPERAMENT:  THE IDEALIST. C-S-D (Melancholy-Phlegmatic-Choleric) The Idealist is unique because the Choleric temperament has strong influence on their behavior. The combination of Melancholy-Phlegmatic-Choleric urges this person to “push” their ideal standards to perfection. The Idealist is a systematic, precise thinker and will follow procedures in both their business and personal life. They are attentive to detail and push to have things done correctly, according to predetermined standards (usually their own). They are conscientious in work requiring accuracy and maintaining high, sometimes unrealistic, standards. They normally behave in a diplomatic manner except when it comes to deviating from standards they have accepted. They can then be very forceful in insisting the “right way” be followed. They are not socially active, preferring privacy. They tend to have difficulty in relationships because they are rigid and maintain high standards. They make decisions slowly because of collecting and analyzing information until they are sure of the best course of action. To be highly motivated they need a structured environment with clear rules and procedures, time to organize, collect information, think and the freedom to develop a plan. MYERS BRIGGS TYPE: INFJ-A (Advocate). Advocates are quiet visionaries, often serving as inspiring and tireless idealists. MORAL ALIGNMENT: Lawful Good (84%). What is normally taken as pure good. You will uphold any righteous laws, but put morality and ethics above any human made code or law. You might serve a higher spirit, or be a knight. If you are working for an evil villain, chances are you either think they are good or are doing it due to blackmail or hostages.
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FAVORITE FOOD: meat pie, shepherd's pie, maple syrup, kobe steak. FAVORITE DRINK: port, amber rum FAVORITE BRAND: none FAVORITE PLACE: his home workshop FAVORITE HOBBY: cabinetmaking, sewing, drawing, hiking, writing. FAVORITE ARTIST: none. FAVORITE MUSICIAN: Depeche Mode, Duran Duran, Guns n’ Roses, Aerosmith, Queen, Eurythmics, Tina Turner. FAVORITE TV SHOW: just about anything on HGTV, La casa de papel (currently watching). FAVORITE MOVIE: Excalibur, The last Unicorn, The Crow, Young Guns, Akira. FAVORITE BOOK: none. FAVORITE SCENT: wood shaving, petrichor (specifically in the forest) FAVORITE COLOUR: dark blue FAVORITE TEXTURE: wood, cashmere, wool. FAVORITE PERSON: none.
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LIST FIVE THINGS THEY LIKE: working with wood, sex, his house, cooking, hiking. LIST FIVE THINGS THEY DISLIKE: when people figure out that he used to be of higher rank, violence against children, being judged for his age, botched manual work, one-nightstand assuming they’re fuck buddies. PET PEEVE: people deliberately botching their work (laziness). PERSONALITY TYPES THEY PREFER: hard worker, rational, open-minded, independent, mature. PERSONALITY TYPES THEY AVOID: close-minded, arrogant, childish, demanding, attention seeking. ACHILLES HEEL: children in need of help. LIST THREE THINGS THEY LIKE ABOUT THEMSELVES: his skills with wood, being a wolf, his attentive nature. LIST THREE THINGS THEY DISLIKE ABOUT THEMSELVES: always feeling lost since his exile, his internal war between wanting to grow closer to people vs wanting to keep people at arm length, his Achilles heel FASHION STYLE: casual when he’s working (or at home relaxing), or casual chic. LIST TWO SEX POSITIONS THEY PREFER: g-whiz, face down doggy. LIST TWO SEX POSITIONS THEY AVOID: none really, he likes experimenting.
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courtlyharlequin · 4 years
May I request headcannons for Kalim, Jamil, Leona, Vil, and Ruggie with a s/o whose blind or mute? Thank you! You may ignore this if you’d like. Have a good day!
When Words Fail
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Warning(s): minor spoilers, trauma mention (though it’s not in depth but just in case)
A/N: I choose a mute reader! Please note that I mean to don’t offend anyone who is mute and/or knows someone mute. 
Kalim Al-Asim:
He thinks being mute is an adorable trait that drew him to you in the first place. You were so mysterious!
But... Kalim doesn't quite understand.. which might make things more hurtful if you’re mute due to a traumatic experience.
Sunshine boy assumes you’re just shy as in you can speak but you don’t want to because of some type of anxiety.
Kalim desperately tries to get you to talk. It feels like he’s having a conversation with himself and that’s not really fun. 
Don’t get him wrong, he’s in love with you for sure, but he’s just not sure right now. Communicating with you is harder now since you’re in a romantic relationship. You used to communicate through notes, as he doesn’t know sign language, but that proves to be a hassle. 
How Kalim goes about things are just so sporadic and spontaneous that you can’t keep up with him sometimes. He sometimes speaks too fast for you to jot down your response. By the time you finish, he would be already talking about something else. 
It takes some interference from external forces e.g. Jamil for Kalim to understand that that’s just how you are.
Of course, he apologizes to you if he ever made you insecure about your voice or for pushing you out of your comfort zone. He’ll get super sappy and reassures you that you’re not a hinderance to him.
He makes an effort to try to learn sign language for your sake. He fails miserably, but he eventually is able to sign basic words like “hello” or “I’m sorry”.
Kalim really surprised you one day when he signed: “I love you.”
Students often whisper about your odd dynamics as a coups as you’re the quiet one and he’s the social butterfly. He doesn’t mind and neither do you. 
Jamil Viper:
He’s always attentive especially when it comes to you. 
Jamil makes sure that he doesn’t talk too much and gives you time to convey your own thoughts.Then, again he is not a man of many words himself. 
Scarabia’s vice prefect doesn’t treat you differently. You’re just another person to him albeit his significant other. 
He’ll talk on your behalf and make an effort to be at least conversational at sign language.
Jamil might also pass notes to you too so you don’t feel like anxious or embarrassed for being the only person doing this. 
It’s not out of pity, it’s out of a sense to make you feel like you’re not alone– that he’s with you on this.
Everything Jamil does for you is because he genuinely cares for you.
He’s very patient. This is probably from his experience with biting his tongue and serving Kalim and pretending to be someone he’s not. 
But for you, he’s not biting his tongue at all! Jamil admires your earnest efforts of living life without a voice. He can’t imagine if he lost his.
He thinks you’re strong for dealing with dozens of overblots without a voice. You’re a hard worker.
Honestly, he prefers the quiet even if it wasn’t intentional on your part. Again, probably too much time around Kalim. 
Cooking with you is his self care. It’s just you two working together in a serene silence. Not awkward at all. 
Of course, he would give anything to hear your voice as he’s curious, but he won’t push you especially if you became mute through trauma or you were born like this. 
All in all, he’s extremely respectful towards you. 
Leona Kingscholar:
Oh boy...
He’s going to be impatient with you. He’s going to be harsh on you. Even if you’re a girl and especially if you’re a guy. 
Like Kalim, Leona doesn’t understand at first and he’ll need a long time to understand you.
Now if you become mute while you’re in a relationship with him already, then he’ll be more reluctant to stay with you. However, you are mute prior to courting him, the task might be more challenging than expected.
It’s a lot of work to be looking out for you, to actually give you his attention. He actually has to open his eyes to see you sign or read your little notes. This is not exactly good for napping.
Leona can be a jerk. He is a jerk.
The catch is worth the chase though. If you manage to win him over, he’ll acknowledge your tough skin. Will he read every single note? No, but yo know he’s there for you when you need him most. 
He’ll care for you in the most discreet ways like speaking on your behalf even though you haven’t told him what you wanted him to say yet. 
Leona is more perceptive and observant than he lets on. He’s also smarter than he looks.
This lion managed to pick up sign language just by watching you sign to others. Now, he’s not fluent, but he’s conversational. 
He’ll rarely sign with you, but Leona can understand you. You figured that out when you two were arguing and, since you figured he couldn’t understand sign language, you signed a rather colorful insult at him only to be exposed. 
After that event, your communication as a couple became more fluid. you’ll sign something and he’ll just reply back to you. 
Remember, Leona conversational at sing language so some phrases might need some more processing or he’ll straight up asking you to write down what you just signed because this lion doesn’t know what it means. 
Vil Schoenheit:
Being a public figure on social media, Vil is familiar with all sorts of people. 
But did he expect to end up with a significant other that is mute? Not quite. Does he mind? Not at all. 
He’s surprisingly considerate and patient with you. One would think he’d be strict just like with any other person.
Let’s be real here– Vil adores you.  
You put so much effort in making the most of your situation that he can’t help but admire you. 
Hard working is a trait that instantly turns Pomefiore’s dorm leader on.   How can he turn away from someone so diligent, so alluring? You caught his eye the moment you stood your ground against an impediment that required your voice and prevailed. 
He’s terribly infatuated with you– from your looks to your personality. 
This beauty king relies on social media for tips with a partner with  disability. 
He takes it upon himself to learn sign language in order to meet you half way since he doesn’t think it’s fair for you to just keep passing him notes. It’s a waste of paper and you’ll end up forming callouses on your fingers if your keep holding your pen like that. Stop!
Even if Vil goes out of his way to educate himself about people who are mute and sign language, he never makes you feel anyone less of a person.
If anything, he makes you feel more confident about yourself.
He doesn’t even wish to hear your voice since it doesn't follow the ten second rule.
Note: the ten second rule is a rule found on social media where it urges others to be mindful of their words. For example, you can tell someone that their makeup is smudged. Said subject adjusts and solves that problem in a short amount of time e.g. “ten seconds”. However, if you tell someone that they’re “fat” then obviously they cannot fix that problem in “ten seconds”. They probably feel insecure about it as it’s something they can’t fix. 
“A voice isn’t everything, you potato,” he chides as he applies his hourly chapstick touch up. 
Ruggie Bucchi:
As unpleasant and unfortunate as it sounds, Ruggie’s entire childhood has been surrounded by disabled folks, ranging from blind to crippled with missing limbs.
His significant other being mute isn’t a huge surprise as he’s familiar with all sorts of people kind of like Vil except his experience is more hands-on per se. 
The only surprise is that his partner is mute which sounds contradicting, but at least hear him out! Ruggie never imagined being with someone with a disability. He doesn’t ever look down on people, but he never imagined being so smitten with someone with no voice.
Ruggie always imagined a mature lover who was willing to 
Listen, listen! He loves you! It was just unexpected and he surely isn’t complaining. He’s still is in shock, that’s all!Please don’t take that the wrong way. 
He isn’t good with words; Ruggie  doesn't want to offend you. Sometimes, the little hyena feels like he’s overstepping boundaries. 
This idiot overthinks things way into the future? Can he afford health care? If you became mute through trauma, then will he be able to afford therapy? 
What’s it like caring for someone in a condition like this? He’s only given them food from NRC’s cafeteria during the winter break; he doesn’t know much aside from that.
Ruggie tries his best nevertheless. He’s extremely understanding and cares for you in his own way. 
He isn’t one to be all sappy or speak on your behalf but he’ll definitely keep in mind that he speaks faster than you can write. 
He suggests for you to write in shorthand which is basically a method of writing that matches the speed of someone’s speech. At first, it was difficult, but now you two have your own secret language of sorts.
Now, learning sign language isn’t hard for Ruggie since being brought up in a poorer area taught him a thing or two about being a quick learner, but his hands are always full thanks to a certain prince so it’s hard for him to respond back via signs. 
Plus, he prefers shorthand messages. They’re just as quick as signs except they’re more discreet and they’re chaotic enough to confuse the staff whenever they catch you two passing notes in class. What’s all these random scribbles for, hm?
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be11atrixthestrange · 4 years
Step 6: Physical Affection
From 12 Fail-Safe Ways To Charm Hermione Granger
Physical Affection
As your romantic relationship strengthens, so will your physical connection. Keep in mind that there is no specific destination to work toward, and any expectations should only come about through careful and clear communication. If your goal is truly to charm her, assume you have your entire lives to explore your physical relationship. Do not rush it, so that you can enjoy the journey fully.
When Crookshanks was fed up with Ron's attention, he abruptly stood, stretched, and trotted across the bed toward Hermione. He curled up contentedly behind Hermione's knees before yawning wildly and drifting off to sleep. With his hand now free, Ron brought 12 Fail-Safe Ways To Charm Witches back to his lap, and shuffled the next chapter, Physical Affection.
At the very beginning, the thought of advancing their physical relationship caused Ron significant anxiety. Having been friends for seven years before becoming romantically involved, he couldn't imagine going back to a normal friendship after seeing each other naked. Although Lavender had never seen him completely starkers, the progressions in that relationship never made him nervous, because there was no pre-existing friendship to risk. With Hermione, he found that the stakes were much higher- if he screwed up, there was a lot more to lose.
Nowadays, the nervousness of their first few experiences together seemed so far away.. Ron didn't think twice about stripping down for a shower, or simply to change clothes, and seeing her eyes linger on him no longer made him feel self-conscious. He knew she felt the same way when she thoughtlessly tugged her own clothes off after a long day at work, her bra usually being the first thing she ditched as she transitioned to more comfortable attire.
He no longer worried about pressuring her. At this point they had explored so much new territory together, that they learned how to clearly and confidently tell each other no. All it took was a playful swat to his hand and he would retreat instantly. He knew she'd never take offense if he groaned and pushed her gently away when she kissed him more fervently than was typical for an innocent greeting. Maybe he was already late for work, or he was too tired after Quidditch practice, or he didn't even have a reason, and that was ok too.
In other instances, all it took was a sultry look and raise of her eyebrow, and he would waste no time undoing the buttons of her blouse right there on the living room sofa. There was no time to be bashful when they hastily undressed each other in the powder room at a work party. Time was limited to a quick reprieve from the awkward small talk and polite compliments on food that couldn't quite satisfy his appetite like Hermione. Sometimes there'd be no reason to remove any clothing in her office between meetings, leaving little opportunity for self-consciousness. On those occasions, he'd lock her door, cast a muffliato charm, and hoist her up to her desk, before dipping his head underneath her skirt, running his tongue along her thigh, and tugging at her knickers with his teeth.
Their physical relationship had become so intuitive, and it was difficult to remember the awkwardness of their teenage selves. He had to remind himself that they didn't always know each other's bodies so well. There was a lot of trial and error at the beginning, and understanding what to do with his hands, how to move his fingers, and where to put his mouth required her guidance and feedback. He had to teach her just as much about his own preferences, and it took time, effort, and observation to master their crafts.
They remained in Australia for a few more weeks, spending their days together while the Grangers were at work. During that time, they continued to explore the city, eating at new restaurants, visiting new museums, and even riding that wooden roller coaster at Luna Park. There was a particularly memorable day at the beach, when they spent hours attempting to surf, before they had to cut the day short because their sun potion wasn't quite strong enough to protect Ron from the strong Australian rays.
With the stress of reversing the memory charm off their shoulders, their time in Australia started to feel more like a holiday, and not just in the city, but in their hotel room as well. Ron was pleased to discover how quickly things progressed between them when Hermione had nothing but time and her characteristic curiosity, but no looming exams or tasks ahead to occupy herself. The irony of the most unremarkable place housing some of his most memorable experiences was not lost on Ron, but he couldn't help but appreciate that the drab window-coverings and the peeling wallpaper only accentuated her uniqueness.
That hotel room was where she removed his shirt for the first time since he was splinched. Unlike during their second kiss, she didn't ignore his state of undress, but relished in it, landing a trail of kisses down his neck and chest. That hotel room was where he nervously slipped his hand under her shirt for the first time, inching against her bra in question until she nodded her permission. Even though it broke their kiss, he couldn't help but beam when he slid it further, because her breast fit so perfectly into the palm of his hand, and he'd never known the luxury of custom-made before. It was also where they finally had that very awkward, but very necessary conversation about what they had and hadn't done with other people. They spent some time on opposite ends of the bed, arms crossed stiffy, as Ron underwent an interrogation involving what Lavender had seen, touched, and experienced with him, but they spent even more time wrapped up in eachothers arms, wearing only half of their clothing, because it turned out there were still many more firsts to be had.
Not all of their free time was spent alone together. They committed their evenings to the Grangers so Hermione could reconnect fully with her family before the pair went back to England. Hermione was at first upset to learn that her parents had no intentions of coming back with them. They really loved their new home in Melbourne, things were going very well at their new dental practice, and transporting Herman overseas would be a nightmare.
They were outside in their yard when the conversation first came up. Hugo had assigned Ron to 'Burger Duty' while he mixed up cocktails for everyone, leaving Ron to pretend he knew how a grill worked. With his wand stashed inconspicuously up his sleeve, he made a point to thank his mother for the cooking spells she forced on him growing up. He was also thankful for the cooler weather that allowed him to comfortably wear long, wand-obscuring sleeves.
"It's quite cold," he said. "I always thought Australia would be warmer."
"Well," said Jean, who was busy playing fetch with Herman. "Since we're in the southern hemisphere, it's winter now. That's why it would probably make more sense for you both to visit us over the Christmas holidays, and we can come see you in the summer."
Ron was thrilled by the implication of her use of "we", but Hermione was caught up in another detail of her answer.
"Wait…," she started, sounding hurt. "You're not coming back to England?"
As the pair began to argue, Ron was quickly redirected by Hugo, who handed him a drink. "Burgers are looking great Ron!" he said brightly. "Let's leave them for a bit and head inside, I have something I want to show you."
"Er, sounds good," said Ron as he closed the lid to the grill and followed Mr. Granger into the house.
"Do you like the drink?" Hugo asked casually.
Ron hastily took a sip of the creamy drink before answering. "Yeah, it's good. What is it?"
Hugo laughed. "Well right now it's an Alexander without the gin." They were in the kitchen now, and Hugo reached into one of the cabinets to pull out a mid sized green-tinted bottle. "Archie Rose. A truly superb Australian Gin." He motioned for Ron to hand over his glass, so he could complete his cocktail.
"Thank you, sir," said Ron, as he took another sip, which was decidedly stronger than his first.
"Hugo's fine," said Mr. Granger. "Sir's my dad."
Ron nodded. "Thank you, Hugo. It's a good drink." Ron followed Hugo's lead, and sat down at the barstool at the kitchen counter.
"I just wanted to give them some more space to hash it out," Hugo explained. "I figured that she wouldn't react well to the news that we're staying here."
"Yeah," said Ron. "I think she assumed you'd come back. Can't blame you, though. It's beautiful here."
"Well then, I hope you visit often," said Hugo, grinning at Ron.
Ron nodded again. "I'm sure we will."
It was then that Hugo's eyes narrowed slightly, but that could have been Ron's imagination. "So, you two are pretty serious then?"
Ron had been expecting this to come up, but the abruptness took him by surprise. "Well, um," he started, taking a sip of his cocktail to buy some time, but Hugo's eyes were still on him, expecting an answer. "We technically just got together at the beginning of the summer."
"Hmm," said Hugo. "And you're already serious enough to travel across the world with her?"
"Erm.. well, we've been friends for ages," Ron started, but paused when he saw that Hugo was smiling at him.
"I don't mean to make you sweat," he said. "I'm glad you've been there for her."
Ron felt relieved at Hugo's geniality, but wondered if it might be misguided. "Oh, well, of course. I care a lot about her."
"I can tell," he said with another sip. "I could tell a while ago, actually. Fourth year. Yule Ball, was it?"
Ron laughed. "She told you about that?"
"Well, she tells Jean everything. And Jean tells me."
"Gotcha," said Ron.
"And then there was sixth year," said Hugo. "I guess I should be thanking you for that one, since it meant she spent Christmas with us."
Ron felt a pang of guilt, and knew his face was turning beet-red. "I was kind of an arse that year," he said. He winced upon hearing his language, and hoped Hugo Granger didn't hate swearing as much as his daughter did.
Fortunately, he laughed. "I was an arse when I was sixteen too." He shrugged. "Seems like both of you have grown up since then."
Ron nodded. "We have."
Hugo took a deep breath, exhaled audibly, and paused before his next question. "Are you being safe?"
"Excuse me?" said Ron. His face was definitely ripening like a tomato now.
Hugo chuckled. "Are you using protection?"
"Um, well, no, we aren't-"
"Well, that concerns me," interrupted Hugo.
"We aren't having sex." Ron interjected a little more firmly.
"Ahh. You aren't having sex," said Hugo, with another casual sip of his drink. "Yet."
"Sorry?" Ron felt as though his stomach had tied itself up in knots, not unlike the sensation he became so accustomed to before a Quidditch game.
"Look, Ron. I like you. And I'm not stupid," he set down his glass and turned to look at Ron. "I'm not going to pretend that you're not thinking about having sex with my daughter. And I'm definitely not going to sit here and tell you not to, because I know that would be pointless."
Ron's gaze fell uncontrollably down to his near-empty glass, suddenly wishing that there was more alcohol in it. This unexpected conversation with Hermione's dad was starting to feel like an exam he hadn't prepared for.
"I just need to make sure two things happen when you do." He paused, and Ron realized he was waiting until he had his eye contact again. So reluctantly, Ron sat up straight, and turned to face him. Hugo nodded approvingly before continuing. "Promise me two things. One, you'll undoubtedly get consent. And two, you'll use protection. Both of those things, every single time."
Ron nodded. "Of course."
"I'm assuming you have sufficient knowledge regarding contraception? With five older brothers and all."
Ron nodded again, now faced with the unfortunate memory of his dad walking him through the use of contraceptive spells.
"Are there magical methods?"
"Er, yeah." Ron looked up at Hugo, who simply motioned for him to continue. "Um, there's a potion, and two types of spells. Female and male. They work alone but are more effective when done together."
"How long do they last?"
"Twenty-four hours," answered Ron, thankful that he had enough knowledge to answer confidently, as it seemed to reassure Hermione's dad.
"And you're confident you can perform them correctly?"
"Yeah,' said Ron. "I mean, I've never had an opportunity to test them, if that's what you're getting at. But they're not difficult, and you can perform another spell to check that it worked."
Hugo laughed. "I wasn't getting at that, but I appreciate your honesty. I trust you, Ron."
Ron exhaled the remaining air that he didn't realize he was holding, and Hugo poured a shot of gin into both of their empty glasses.
"That's right, take a breath. You did good," said Hugo, and Ron was encouraged to see the more relaxed Hugo reanimate. "I'll never forget when Jean's dad questioned me like that. I hate to say it, but you handled it much better than I did. How about a shot?"
"Please," said Ron, as Hugo laughed. Together, they tipped back their drinks.
When they recovered, Hugo playfully clapped Ron on the back. "I like you. Wouldn't have given you my most expensive gin if I didn't," he said, before standing up and turning toward the back door. "I think they're done with their tough conversation too. Let's have those burgers."
Ron sighed in relief, before he stood up and followed Hugo out the door.
The rest of the evening progressed with no mention of Ron and Hugo's conversation. Hermione seemed to accept that her parents were staying in Australia. They discussed travel plans, the state of their old dental practice, and what to do with their former house. They also engaged in lighter conversation concerning Herman's obedience classes, Jean's new book club, and Hugo's disastrous first attempt at parasailing.
After dinner with the Grangers, Hermione and Ron disapparated back to their hotel. Once in their bedroom, he didn't waste any time before he grabbed her hand and circled her around to face him. He slipped his arms around her waist and kissed her. Thankful to be alone again, he let his hands wander further down her back, until they reached her bum.
She broke the grin with a smile. "At least buy me dinner first," she said playfully.
"Don't have to, your parents already did," he said before guiding her back to the bed, until they collapsed into a tangle of limbs on the mattress. They kept their lips together, letting their hands wander, until Ron slipped his hands up her shirt to unclasp her bra. It took him a few tries, a few weeks ago he might have been embarrassed by her chuckle, but this time he was reassured because it meant that she was comfortable with him. She sat up to help him slide the straps off her arms before pulling her bra out from underneath her shirt.
Ron smiled. "Thank you," he muttered before his hands found her body again like a magnet. It wasn't long before he willingly let her pull off his shirt, and she tossed it on the floor to accompany her bra. He smiled at her before tugging at the hem of her top. "Can I?" he asked.
"Yes of course," she whispered between kisses, and he slowly pulled her shirt up and over her head.
They'd been here before, just a few times, but Ron felt his breath catch in his throat like it was the first. "Come here," he told her as she pressed her lips back to his and he rolled onto his back so that she was on top of him. He let his hands slide to her breasts and her mouth opened to allow him entry. A moan had barely escaped him when she slid off of him to lay at his side, and pulled back.
"What if we showered together?" she asked unexpectedly.
Ron paused, surprised by her offer. It made him slightly anxious, as she'd never seen him without his trousers before. But he knew by the rosy tint of her cheeks that she must have felt the same way. "I'd like that," he said as his voice cracked nervously.
"Ok." She smiled and kissed him deeply, before slipping off of the bed, and making her way toward the bathroom.
Fuck, thought Ron. His heart was pounding as he laid on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. He wondered if she was as nervous as he was. When he heard the shower faucet running, he thought it best not to leave her waiting, just in case she was.
She was already in the shower when he entered the bathroom, her clothing in a pile on the floor. He took a deep breath, as he undid the buttons of his trousers, letting them fall to his ankles. Then he slid out of his pants, before catching a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror. He was still scrawny and lanky, now sporting a few extra freckles and a peeling sunburn. But she'd seen all that before, and it wasn't what he was nervous about. He turned away from the mirror, so he wouldn't risk talking himself out of what he did next.
It wasn't the most effective shower that Ron had ever taken, nor was it very relaxing or calming. It was, however, one of the most nerve wracking showers of his life, and not because he thought there was a death eater on the other end of the shower curtain waiting to strike. It was because his breath caught in his throat when he stepped in beside her, and he saw all of her for the first time. He had been expecting the rush of self-consciousness he felt when her eyes moved slowly down his body, studying the parts of him that she had only imagined, but it still made his heart rate spike. He didn't think about what it would be like to kiss her when he didn't have any pants on to keep himself contained, and he definitely wasn't prepared for the first time she touched him without trousers to be accidental, brought on by the confined space they were in.
He hadn't thought this far ahead, and was paralyzed by the fact that he didn't know what to do. He had assumed that instinct would take over, but it didn't, so he simply pulled her close and kissed her, doing his best to pretend they weren't naked, and ignore that he was pressing against her in a way that begged for her attention. Then he reminded himself that it was Hermione here and he'd always been able to ask her anything, so that shouldn't be different just because they were starkers in a shower.
"Can I touch you?" he asked her nervously, while holding her to his chest, staring intently at the shower wall behind her.
He felt her nod against his shoulder.
He couldn't blame the color that crept up his neck and to his ears on the heat of the shower. He had her permission, but there was still one problem. "Can you… show me how?" he nearly whispered.
After a brief moment of hesitation, he felt her nod against him again.
He held his breath as she took his hand and guided it down her body, toward the opening of her legs, and he swore internally when he felt her for the first time. He observed her movements and studied the rhythm of his hand, trying to memorize any patterns because he could be a good student when he wanted to be.
Eventually, she removed her hand from his so she could grip the shower head instead, and he continued to mimic her patterns. He discovered that he could rely on the rise and fall of her chest, the erratic pattern of her breath, and the deepening rose color of her cheeks for feedback. So he kept observing her signals as he touched her, greatly enjoying this new, nonverbal form of communication.
He figured he was doing something right when she gripped the shower head more tightly, bit her lip, and threaded her free hand's fingers into his hair. He watched her chest rise and fall under the steady stream of water, her breath increasing in both pace and volume, building tension until she had to release. Her legs buckled underneath her and he held her against him as she audibly came undone, and the sound of shower head could no longer drown her out. New favorite subject, he thought. She'd always been a fantastic teacher after all.
She recovered and regained the support of her legs, and he reluctantly removed his arm from around her back. Her vulnerability in the moment had all but dissipated his own nervousness, so when she asked him what he wanted, he didn't at all feel weird about taking her hand, and showing her how he liked to be touched. It might have been the extra steam of the shower obscuring her view, or the fact that she had already unraveled in front of him, but he was no longer self conscious when he let go of her hand and got lost in the moment. It wasn't long until he was relying on his own hand to support him against the shower wall and he buried his head into her neck to muffle a string of profanity he would have filtered had he been able to elicit any control over his words.
Fantastic teacher she might be, it turns out she had always been an even better student.
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mydisasteracademia · 3 years
SFW Alphabets: Tomura Shigaraki
Y’all know the drill.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Depends on how much he likes you, and whether the rest of the League is around. Usually to show his affection he listens to you more, looks you in the eyes, and takes your input when needed, and sometimes he might rest his elbow on your shoulder. When you’re alone, however, he can get really clingy. He loves resting his head in your lap and snuggling into you.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He definitely talks to you a lot. Complains his ass off about missions with the League, maybe asks advice for dealing with a specific problem. he can be fairly touchy-feely with you, maybe leaning in over your shoulder or sitting with his side touching yours. If needed, he’ll grab your fingers while walking. You two probably hit it off on an online chatroom, probably talking about how much heroes suck, and when you met up in person, he was shocked at how pretty you were.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
You know he’s hugging on you as soon as you’re alone. Tomura is private about romantic affection, and he has a lot of it to give. Since this is his first relationship, his instinct is to press and see what he can get away with. As soon as you get into a good rhythm together, he likes pulling you into his lap while he’s doing something just to rest his chin on your shoulder.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
As much as he likes you, I doubt he’d be keen on settling down just yet. Remember, he still has hero society to burn to the ground. I doubt he can cook and clean that well, so he’ll need some help with that. He keeps things fairly tidy, surprisingly.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He’d be incredibly upset while he does so, and he might just pace about in front of you and rant about how conflicted his is, but eventually he’ll tell you that you need to break up. He’s either paranoid of Sensei disapproving, or Sensei outright told him that he needs to let you go in order to focus on his goals. He’s very upset about it, but doesn’t want to go against what Sensei says (in the beginning, anyway).
F = Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
First off, you can’t exactly legally get married. If you did, he’d probably get arrested considering his status as a villain. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t think about it from time to time in the context of you being his cute little house-spouse, ready to greet him whenever he comes home from a long day of dismantling hero society as a whole. He really thinks about it for a while, especially after you offhandedly mention actually committing to something like that. But he’s still not ready to settle just yet. Help him destroy society as you know it and maybe he’ll reconsider.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
It depends. In front of others, he’s not gonna treat you any better than them. He’ll treat you like any other comrade. But when you’re alone, he’s loads more gentle with you. You’re special to him, of course, and he wants you to know it especially when you’re away from prying eyes.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He likes hugs, but he doesn’t like initiating them. If someone like Toga or Twice hugs him, he doesn’t push them away, but he doesn’t exactly hug back. If you happen to hug him in front of others, usually it’s a quick catch-and-release. When you’re alone, though, if you hug, he doesn’t let go. He loves your touch.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He’s very stubborn and doesn’t say it right away. You’ll end up saying it first, and it gets him thinking. Does he love you? Eventually, though, after a while into your relationship, he says it to you when he thinks you’re asleep.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He gets incredibly jealous, very easily. You’re his s/o, dammit, and he doesn’t want other people to intrude on his turf! He may have matured greatly past his Season 1 demeanor, but wherever you’re involved, he tends to get heated. If Dabi happens to rest an arm across your shoulders, he tends to get frustrated. If Compress steals your attention for too long, he’s fairly quick to drag you away.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses are purposeful and rough (due to his lips). It depends on his mood. Sometimes he’s content to give you a lip peck, sometimes he cups your cheeks and deepens it until you both pull away panting. Kissing, to him, is special. And he wants every one to be special.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Not exactly horrible around children, but not great, either. Since most children tend to idolize heroes, he can’t be around them for long without needing a break to take out his frustration on something (probably one of poor Kurogiri’s shotglasses). Depending on the child, though, he can be more patient than he is with most adults because he understands them more. Especially with abuse victims. (Careful that you don’t end up taking in a victim of parental abuse as your own.)
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He likes to laze about in bed in the morning, just holding you and pressing slow kisses across your shoulders and back. When you eventually need to get up, he likes to watch as you go about getting ready for the day.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
As soon as you’re alone, he’s sitting down with you in his lap. You scroll through your phone with him, maybe play an RPG together, just as long as you get to lie in bed together he’s down for it. The two of you end up falling asleep tangled in one another’s arms (careful that his are far away from you if he’s not wearing gloves).
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Tomura doesn’t do heart-to-hearts unless it’s talking about how your ideologies align. He’s extremely reluctant to talk about his own past with you unless it’s singing Sensei’s praises as a teacher, but sometimes he just has to vent to someone about how shitty his childhood was. In those moments, as you run your fingers through his hair, he tells you about his bastard father and doormat family, his sister, and his dog. If he cries a little, you’ll never tell.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He’s gotten a lot better about keeping his temper in check, but he still has those moments when he gets angry and sulky. No matter what, he just can’t keep his anger at bay whenever he’s around someone gushing about their favorite heroes, especially not when it’s All Might. He doesn’t like it when someone insults his abilities and underestimates him, either. All the better reason to dust them where they stand.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He tries to remember every single little thing that he can about you. Like Midoriya, he likes to analyze you and find out for himself what you like so that he can surprise you sometimes. He has a full notebook about things he’s noticed you tend to gravitate towards, as well as things you’ve stated are your favorite.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite memory is when you first healed him. You were relatively new to the League (a find by Toga), and while he didn’t trust you yet, you had panicked when you noticed a gash in his side and immediately sat him down to try and wrap the wound. Your tender care as you wrapped him up touched him, and from that point on he paid more attention to you.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He is extremely protective of you, nearly to the point of being obsessed. He would do anything to keep you safe. He hates being viewed as weak, but when you have to come to his aid, he appreciates it, even if he feels like he has to show off a little more to offset the nagging feeling of being inadequate.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
The two of you don’t do things as a couple often, but when you do, he puts in a lot of effort into making your dates go perfectly. He gets frustrated when things don’t go to plan, but you often manage to distract him. He puts a lot of thought into gifts for you, only picking the things he knows you like.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Aside from his scratching (which is a compulsion due to his Quirk), he can be really judgmental and sarcastic, especially when he’s in a bad mood. He tends to be a little manipulative and when you get him angry, you need to give him room before apologizing. He feels betrayed easily and requires a lot of convincing for him to let go of his hurt feelings, but he still remembers.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Before he met you, he didn’t put a lot of stock into his appearance. But afterwards, he started feeling self-conscious about his skin and face. He knows he can’t do much to help it, but it’s still frustrating when he looks in the mirror and sees how badly-damaged his skin is. He gets very insecure next to you.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Before you? No, he was totally fine. After you? Definitely. Tomura is a very lonely person at heart and while he didn’t realize he wanted a person at his side before, now he doesn’t think he can live without you next to him.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Likes to go into stores and discreetly dust All Might merch. It’s surprisingly good stress relief.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Literally anything heroic. It’s one thing to be nice and kind to people; he can definitely handle that after all the shit he’s gone through. But actually striving to be like the pro heroes? He wouldn’t be able to be around you. You can’t be judgmental either, because he knows he’s not the ideal type of guy to be around, and hearing it from you too would get old very quick.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He’s plagued with mild insomnia and has a hard time falling asleep at night. With you, though, he’s been able to calm down enough to get a reasonable amount of sleep at night just by sleeping next to you. Still lazes about and lightly dozes in the morning, though.
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doctorgerth · 4 years
Hello Coop! Hope you're doing okay! Could I possibly get romantic headcanons for Lucci, please? You're the literal best boo ❤️
Ok ok I see you 👀👀 This was a bit of a challenge since it’s hard to think of Lucci in a romantic setting...but I tried my best to stay true to his character while incorporating some romantic elements? I hope I managed to pull it off! Please enjoy and I hope you’re taking good care of yourself, honey. 💕
Romantic HCs: Rob Lucci Edition
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So forming a romantic relationship with Lucci is quite the task. You need to build a stable friendship first and prove yourself worthy of his trust. One of his primary requirements in any of his relationships is trustworthiness. In his line of work and more than likely due to his past, truly trustworthy people are hard to come by. This man’s got major trust issues, and you just gotta work through that.
Once you prove yourself, check off all his boxes, and Hattori approves of you (he’s really picky when choosing significant others ok) he’ll reward you with his loyalty and love. But don’t expect a formal confession. After all the time you spend together and the things he does for you, he just kinda expects you (and others) to understand that you’re his.
So obviously, the transition from friendship to romantic relationship isn’t very drastic. But overtime, you’ll start to see sides of Lucci that he didn’t show so easily before. It becomes evident to you that he has learned to let his walls down a little when around you. You get to see his more vulnerable and even sweeter sides because you are his lover after all and he wouldn’t have you around if he didn’t want to be at least a little romantic with you.
He is quite hilariously like a cat. He loves when you give him attention, but only on his own terms. Don’t come at him with affection if he doesn’t want it. Will probably actually hiss at you and walk away lol but when he wants affection, he can actually be pretty sweet! Loves to be pet and receive kisses and cuddles from you, whether in cat form or not. 
Cat form Lucci is hella adorable and he’ll transform at random. Though he usually transforms whenever you express a desire to cuddle him in cat form, like when you’ve had a bad day or aren’t feeling well. He actually adores the feeling of curling up to you, allowing you to pet him, and letting you fall asleep into his fur because lets be real, this kitty hasn’t received a whole lot of loving pets in his life. 🥺 Will pur in and out of cat form, and more often than not it’s quite accidental which makes him a bit flustered lol
His most evident displays of affection come from spoiling you. He’s got all the riches and connections to give you the finer things in life. Take you to fancy restaurants, buy you the nicest clothes, gift you with some of your favorite things, etc. He’s not excessive or overly romantic with it, but it is his own personal way of expressing “I love you”. So if your love language has to do with gifts, then he’s your man. Surprisingly, he won’t expect much in return except your gratitude. And maybe some mild affection in the form of a grateful kiss or appreciative hug.
Other than this, he enjoys quality time with you. You two don’t really have to do much together for him to be content. Just having your presence around when he desires it is enough to keep him satisfied. Though, as mentioned, he does enjoy taking you out. He likes visiting exhibits and museums with you or going for a stroll. But he also enjoys quality time at home, enjoying a glass of wine or cooking together.
PDA isn’t really his forte, unless he’s got to make sure others stay away from you. The most you’ll get from him in public is his arm wrapped around your waist and maybe some sneaky kisses or hand holding if he’s feeling up to it. But try not to be affectionate with him in front of others, especially coworkers...he’s got a reputation to maintain. Is it also because you being cute with him makes him a bit flustered? Maybe...but he’ll never admit it, even if his deep blush tends to give himself away.
Very very protective over you, no matter how strong and capable you might be. Don’t worry about him getting jealous though, he doesn’t waste his energy on such a petty emotion. If someone tries to take you away from him, he’s got uhhh ways to take out the trash. 👀 
Overall has lots of potential to be a good significant other? He just needs someone who can put up with his stubbornness and earn his trust. Is actually very loyal, and though he might not verbally express his love for you, he’s got his own special ways of showing it. Adores spoiling you and being spoiled with affection from you when he’s in the mood for it!
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ships-for-you · 4 years
Hello^^ May I request a two black butler ship one romantically and one platonically? I’m average height and I’m my early twenties. I had long curly brown hair, but I cropped it short on a whim and I’m loving it! I’ve got green eyes that tend to change color depending on what I wear. I’m a rather soft spoken individual and I’ve been told my voice is soothing to listen too.(1)
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Romantically, I ship you with: Joker!
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Now this may seem like a weird matchup but hear me out!
You’ve mentioned that you don’t mind befriending people as long as it’s technically in a forced situation.
Naturally, I perceived this as a perfect way to apply this idea; what if you were working for the Phantomhive manor?
Not only that, but what if you were tasked to be a private eye before they decided to infiltrate the circus?
As someone who is generally soft-spoken, I think Ciel would appreciate it if you were to speak less, so not speaking unless spoken to.
Ciel thought you were both a valuable but disposable asset to his array of pawns on his chessboard so although he appreciates your loyalty, if you were to fail? It would hardly matter to him.
Don’t get me wrong, he appreciates the fact that you’re caring towards him.
And that you’re probably the closest to a motherly figure he’ll ever have. But to an extent.
He assigns you the task of observing the variety of acts that Noah’s Ark Circus offers as soon as he recieved a letter from Her Majesty.
Through this, he expressed the intention of you getting recruited before he watches the show so he knows what to expect while leaving Sebastian to investigate the pattern of disappearance of the children.
Speaking of Sebastian, he’s the one who provided you with the blouse and trousers to make you blend in.
Apparently men are more welcome to be recruited, as they’ve read in an article. Luckily they managed to make you simply look like a charming young lad.
You bought a ticket to the presumably 2 hour show and had decided to keep a keen eye on anything there was to observe.
Too bad, as you made your way to the tent, you bumped into a performer and fell flat on your behind.
That would’ve been alright, had he left you there but instead reached out their “hand” to help you up.
That hand was that of a skinned man’s, naturally you backed away.
“Aw, there ain’t no need to worry! It be only a prosthetic, E'ee needn’t be scared!” The performer tried to console you and chuckled as he watched you try to scramble away clumsily.
You’re not really good with talking if not required to and so you panicked. If you don’t need to talk to him, don’t. Is what you thought.
Turns out he was the ringleader.
Great. Way. To make. An. Impression.
You kept up a facade to make sure you looked over the top interested so as to attract attention from the performers.
He recognized in the crowd halfway through the show and asked you as his volunteer for a, “Dagger’s” performance.
“How about the wee lad in the centre?! E'ee seem to be in good spirits!”
They told you to stay put infornt of the target but right as the blonde boy had thrown his knife, you saw something shiny and thought it was something suspicious.
Needless to say, you turned your head and moved a bit so the knife sliced your nose a bit. The crowd gasped as the boy’s mouth dropped.
They took you to the back after the show to take a look at the cut with their doctor, chatted about, and you brought up your request to join as you expressed your interest in the circus.
“So are ee’ a young lad or lady?”
Form there, they’d be skeptical however would recruit you by the end.
You can’t be a tightrope walker, not with your clumsiness.
Certainly not a trapeze artist either.
That left you with knife throwing, juggler, or beast tamer. Any guesses what you’re best at?
Juggler it is!
From there, you spend a lot of time with Joker when training however not too much time.
You’re usually on cooking duty first thing in the morning ever since you cooked once and they wondered what you did.
You just said it was secret and the younger members and Dagger called it magic lmao. 
He likes your reaction to things that amaze you. The childish light in your eyes that he tried so hard to keep in the performers’ eyes.
He likes to bring you small gifts like small bundles of flowers or tricks that he’d like to use in their next show.
He appreciates your devotion to your friends, the rest of the first and second stringers, and your family. He knows that you write every night to your family to ensure them that you're fine and happy at the circus.
Or at least you told him you were writing to your parents.
Little compliments that seem almost flirtatious, much to Beast’s charging.
You try not to be charmed by his efforts however he just seems so genuine.
But you cannot continue. You have a task and you are falling for a criminal. Is what you tell yourself everytime he does these things.
You constantly writing every night to the Earl Phantomhive of your progress, purposely leaving out your domestic interactions with the ringleader.
The plan continues as you feign ignorance to seeing your master and colleague be recruited. Now, they serve as a constant reminder why you cannot continue as you please.
Of course, you can’t help but seem more at ease with “Black” by your side since you usually work closely together anyway.
Guess who’s jealous but laughs it off anyway? This little Pierrot.
I mean, he has no right to be. It’s not like you have an established relationship with him. He doesn’t ask how you’re close either.
He’s suspicious but he can’t suspect you since he thinks you have nothing to gain. So what if you’re chummy with a butler you’re supposed to have no way of connecting with?
He also, of course, understand that whatever he feels for you, he cannot fulfill for he also has a duty and obligation to the Baron.
It’s a fruitless romance you share with him and so you’ve merely chosen to enjoy whatever you have in the present with him.
You’ve already come to a conclusion what would happen to him in the end.
Platonically, I ship you with Sebastian!
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As seen from the earlier situation proposed, you’d be colleagues meaning you’d pass by each other a lot.
I feel like you’d get along with most of the servants and occasionally Elizabeth when she visits but your dynamic with Sebastian is the most interesting and the most intimate amongst all of them.
He appreciates that you care for his master and that you don’t leave too much for him to clean up after, if not at all.
You help him clean after the other servants too and keep them in check.
He likes anyone who’s responsible enough so you’re pretty good in his book.
He’s not really the type to, “enjoy the company of others” since he’s usually too busy taking care of his bratty master’s orders however he does seem to prefer time with you than the other servants.
He appreciates how soft spoken you are therefore he finds the rare times wherein you do speak to him casually somehow precious(?) For lack of a better term.
You find yourself spending time in the young master’s library to read and he occasionally assists you when finding new and interesting material.
When you find something you like, he notices it’s always unavailable in the library.
“(Insert story lmao) again? It seems that you’re quite taken with that book, miss (y/n).”
He finds you to be the complete opposite of the humans he’s served in the past and so he’s naturally interested in your mannerisms.
He likes to observe you and you make him smile uncharacteristically for it simply finds a way to his face.
You like observing him as well as he’s unlike any “human” you’ve ever met. As perfect as a butler and as a man could ever be.
There was one time he caught you late at night outside chasing around fireflies that seemed to illuminate the silver sterlings in the garden.
He didn’t know whether to scold you for acting like a child or laugh at you for acting like a child.
Honestly, what if you tripped?
And then you tripped. Nearly fell sideways had he not done anything.
“Miss (y/n), this is hardly an appropriate time for a lady to be out and about. One could get the flu.” He’d coo but you can see that he’s slightly annoyed.
You’d apologize but would definitely do it again.
You like to be outside so you get along with Finnian as well in that regard.
Speaking of Finnian, he really likes your love for the outdoors and how caring you are for all of the servants.
“Miss (y/n), look what I’ve found near the creek! It’s a pretty narcissus flower!”
Bard appreciates how you’re very patient with him and help him when cooking meals. He’s stubborn since he can’t really let go of his flamethrower but at least he knows to be a little more patient with food now.
“That’s a pretty cool technique but I think we could speed this process up with m-” “Bard, please no.”
Mey-rin and you ofcourse share same clumsiness although hers is more related to her eyesight. She laughs along with you when you accidentally bump your hip along the servants’ tables when setting up.
You’re probably roomed with her as well and end up having nice conversations with her.
She likes your hair a lot and thinks it’s pretty and unique for the era.
“My hair just straight up looks like swine blood, yes it does! How do I have pretty hair as you, miss?”
Your “friendship” with Sebastian is quite odd and may be misplaced but as long as you don’t necessarily get in each other’s way, it’s all good.
Something I noticed very late, your eyes are literally a compliment each other’s.
Thank you for being patient and I hope you enjoyed your matchup! Requests are open lovelies.
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cowtale-utau · 4 years
What kind of eye shapes can your boys make? Hearts, stars, sparkles, etc.? And for what reason(s) would those eye shapes pop up? Go nuts. n.n
First! The most common shapes;
Standard round - the default shape for most.
Stars – a happy shape, a sign of particularly high joy levels
Hearts – love, of course.
Spirals/Xs – sick, dizzy, disoriented, these would be comical if they weren't often alarming
Empty sockets – can indicate a few things, but one can safely assume its a mark of some sort of great displeasure or discomfort
A few of the skeletons have their own signature shapes, usually only appearing under a certain circumstance, most common among the Fell's and in combat.
Second, it is way more common for the Sanses to change their eyelight shape than the Papyri. In this AU all of them have eyelights, and can change them, but Sanses just do so more often.
Third, technically they can change their eyelight shape at will, but they do so very rarely as it's quite uncomfortable and requires an annoying amount of concentration for such a minor effect.
Undertale Sans/Ace – Clever science and space jokes will get you stars. Stars also get stars. Drag him out to an open field and just watch the sky and his eyelights will shift. He still hasn't lost that sense of wonder that comes from seeing the night sky. Sleepily mumble that you want to stay in bed a little longer and you'll get soft fuzzy hearts. Soft lazy mornings with you are one of his favorite things. Doesn't really get spirals much, mostly his eyelights just dim. He exists in a perpetual state of semi exhaustion so he hardly notices a difference.
Underfell Sans/Chisel – Work with him on something mechanical to get stars. Offer ideas, hand him tools he needs, just generally be engaged in something he enjoys with him. Domesticity is how you get hearts from him. “Homey” moments together, making dinner, curling up by the fire, even just sweeping or making the bed. His biggest weakness is seeing you interact with kids. Spirals are rare, though he occasionally drinks himself into them.
Underswap Sans/Scout – Stars are almost his default, he is often excited and happy, so its a frequent sight. Hearts are pretty common when he is in a serious relationship. If you've reached s/o status you can do basically anything and they get heart eyes. Watching you work, watching you relax, seeing you content and happy is enough. He was often spotted dazed with spirals when he first started testing with explosives. It still happens but not as often.
Horrortale Sans/Tender – His eyelight has trouble shifting these days but it does it on occasion. The star shape is a bit more irregular, more of a star burst than a standard five point star. It shifts to this anytime he can get you really laughing about something. You also get a star by bringing him snacks unprompted. His heart eye is a bit blurry around the edges, but still recognizable. This shape appears most often when you work together with the animals, particularly any babies. The gentle patience and kindness gets him every time. If you find out what he and his brother went through, and what they did, and accept it, at first you'll get nothing. He doesn't really believe it. Let it settle in for a bit and the heart will appear, and they'll stick around for a bit, although it'll be hard to see through the tears. His eye doesn't spiral, but it will shift to a sharp X shape when he's dazed. This is a bad sign, and you should seek out Cook. It's a pretty accurate indicator of a coming frenzy.
Swapfell(Purple) Sans/Doc – Doc enjoys seeing you work. Not necessarily hard labor, or even something he “ordered”. Just seeing you work hard at something fills him with a sort of prideful delight. He'll try to hide it from you, but he'll have bright stars. Heart eyes will come out of seemingly no where. It'd be a moment with no special lead up, no particular event, just a quiet settled moment. Doc craves stability and security, so in a moment together when it suddenly hits him that he has that with you the heart eyes will also suddenly hit him. He won't hide this from you, and will take a bit of a haughty attitude about it. Yeah he loves you, what of it? He doesn't get spirals or X's outside of extenuating circumstance. He takes care of himself and while he works hard he does so in way that doesn't push his limits too much. If he fainted or what have you, it would undermine his authority as the gang healer. And if there's one thing Doc hates, it's having his authority called into question.
Fellswap Gold Sans/Haze – Haze is one of the harder one to get stars or hearts from. It's not something he really allows of himself. Helping oversee the household can do it. Making sure the staff is keeping things to his standards. It shows you pay enough attention to know his standards and care enough that they are kept. Hearts are a little harder, but come mostly from taking direct care of him. Things like bringing him something to eat in his study when he misses dinner. Spirals and Xs are alarmingly common, though he'll deny it even as you look right at him. Haze overworks constantly.
Underlust Sans/Shine – Like most people, he likes gifts. But shiny expensive things are shallow and meaningless. He hoards them for himself but as gifts, he isn't impressed. However if he mentions off hand that he needs something, or broke something, and you happen to get that, then he's impressed. That you took the time to listen to him, and remember, means a fair bit. The stars are a bit faint, and waver a little, tentative you'd say, but they're there. Similarly if you take care of tasks he mentions needing doing. As for hearts, those take a lot of time and patience. Find ways to show you love him for more than just his physical self. Put up with his mood swings. Toss sass back at him. Prove yourself dependable and it'll eventually happen. Probably in the middle of a one-sided argument. He doesn't really get spirals much anymore. He used to, but he's a seasoned drinker at this point, and is used to running on minimal rest.
Dancetale Sans/Shuffle – Dance with him! Even if you're not very good, if you put in an effort, and have fun with it, you'll get the star eyes. You might also get a glimpse of them if you go biking with him. Pack a picnic and find a pretty meadow to increase your chances. Slow, romantic dances is how you get hearts. He occasionally works himself to spirals but it's fairly rare. He knows his limits pretty well.
Here's the first batch. I'll keep chipping away at these and hopefully have more in a day or two. I know things have slowed down a little the past couple days. I'm trying to get some energy back. Thank you for being patient with me. Love y'all.
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joie-university-rp · 5 years
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It is with great pleasure we invite you admission to Joie University! Welcome to the Thunderclap family!
Congratulations, DAISY! Please be sure to check the New Members’ Checklistand send in your character’s account within 24 hours from now. We cannot wait to see all that you will bring to this roleplay! We love you already!
Name/Alias; preferred pronouns: Daisy aka Vice Provost D and she/her
Age, Timezone: 19 and EST
Activity, short explanation: 9-9.5/10, since I do have a lot of free time, but college will soon be a thing and I also spend a lot of time with family.
Ships: Austin/Chemistry
Anti-Ships: Austin/Forced
Triggers: Nothing that isn’t already listed
Preferred photo for Character’s ID (please give a link): One (1) giant nerd
Anything else: Here’s my happier son
Full Name (First, Middle, Last): Austin Michael Pillsbury-Schuester
FC: Casey Cott
Age/Year at University (Freshman [1st Year], Sophomore, Junior, Senior, or Graduate Student): 19/Sophomore
Birth date: November 10th
Hometown (please be sure to check the hometowns listed for characters your muse is related to!): Littleton, CO
Gender/Pronouns: Male and he/him
Sexuality: Gay
Major(s): Culinary Arts
Minor(s) [optional]: Business Studies
Housing request (remember, only the president of a Greek Organization is required to live at a Greek House to be in it!): Schuester 201
Extracurriculars (Click here for the list. Be sure to specify any executive board positions [i.e. president, secretary, etc.] If something isn’t listed, please put it here and we will add it to the masterlist!): Comedy Club, Drama Club, Fencing [Captain], Dance and Drill
Greek Life Affiliation [optional] (Please be sure to specify any executive board positions [i.e. president, pledge educator, etc.] or if your character is not yet a member, but plans to rush): N/A
[At least] 3 Headcanons for your character:
Austin’s parents, Emma and Will, had quite the rollercoaster of a love story. Of course, when asked, they still told their children the story of how they met. When it got condensed into a short tale before bedtime, little did they know that it had turned Austin into a hopeless romantic. He dreams of having a fairytale romance or as close as he can get. Occasionally, he’ll try to go on a date in attempts to find ‘Mr. Right’, but more often than not, Austin simply longs for a love story akin to the one his mom and dad had.
[Anxiety TW] He was diagnosed with GAD during a regular doctor’s visit when he was 13 and he came clean about the symptoms he’d been experiencing. Restlessness and fatigue due to the barrage of thoughts slash concerns, almost always checking over his shoulders despite no danger being present, headaches were much more common. There were a few other related troubles he identified that day, but those three were the ones that gave him the most trouble. He tried taking medication for awhile, yet eventually came to find that exercise and keeping himself occupied with tasks that required his full attention helped.
Around this time, Austin discovered his passion as well as his talent for cooking and baking. It met the requirement for using his concentration, but it also brought him back down to Earth whenever he got too carried away with his thoughts. Of course, there is a minor stress baking issue, yet it’s been said it will fade with time.
He also has a strong passion for making people smile and laugh. He was named class clown in his high school yearbook thanks to his reputation for telling pretty decent jokes alongside puns whenever the moment called for it. It’s also why he is a member of the comedy club as well as the drama one. If he can help bring a bit of brightness to at least one person’s day, then Austin considers it be a win. Watching feel good comedy movies plus specials helped him through a difficult time, so he hopes to do the same thing for others.
(Please answer the following questions IN CHARACTER. Responses can be as long or short as you see fit!)
What made you want to attend Joie University? “My parents are alumni and they’ve been singing the praises of this place for as long as I can remember. But I did a little research when the time came to apply to colleges then discovered they were praising this lovely place for all the right reasons. Plus having some stellar programs helped make the decision. In the end, I applied then got accepted and haven’t looked back since.”
What are at least 3 positive or neutral and at least 3 negative traits that you believe you possess? “Positive trait wise, I’m told that I can be clever, selfless, and trustworthy. As for negative traits, that would have to go to worrywart, impulsive, and hesitant.”
Which of your traits do you value most? “This is probably going to sound really odd, but I’m going to go with one of my negative ones and say I value the whole hesitant thing most. More often than not, I’m very careful with how I conduct myself and can figure out when to recognize an actual good thing amongst all of the other stuff that might be masquerading as one.”
How can that trait benefit the University (or its student body) as a whole? “Long story short is that I can speak from experience and can tell people to not take too many chances, to instead prepare themselves for whatever might get tossed their way. It’s best to be overprepared than underprepared, plus it never hurt to keep your guard up slash stay on your toes. Just to be on the safe side, you know?”
What do you hope to gain from your experience at JU? “I do hope to try stepping outside my comfort zone more often. While my brain does feel like it’s on red alert 24/7, I want to try to prove it wrong by getting involved in a lot more activities this year. That I’m capable of a whole lot more and that taking a leap of faith or two won’t always end in doom, gloom, or whatever worst case scenario my mind can cook up.”
What is a quote or song lyric that describes you? “'Out of the darkness and into the sun, but I won’t forget all the ones that I love’ from Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson. It’s a song about leaving what you know behind, taking those first few steps outside of your comfort zone, but also acknowledging as well as remembering the people who helped you get there.”
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singhamelia · 4 years
I Need To Save My Marriage Best Useful Tips
Write little love notes or cards and put them into practice!They're probably not easy but if you want to win back the relationship from being broken by separation and divorce, there are by far cheaper and more often requiring both of you work through this.If it is sometimes wise to deal with tough situations, and the next few sections which follow we will have to do with.Without a sincere effort from one thing: poor communication.
Actually research has shown that around 45% of married life's thorny levels and keep your family problem then marriage counseling and it doesn't matter how bad things in your marriage.Secondly, you need to not do your best to have disagreements in a marriage from any possible dissolution.Consider setting this date can be developed only through sharing that you can bring on divorce.Apologize without making sure that the first session and qualification of the problems you are together.Your spouse can own up to their respective partners.
There are various indications which suggest that even though it seems that your marriage coming to agree on everything.This means no conditions on your marriage.It's easy to believe its the best medicine, which some comedians take as their motto in life and joy.There's an easy task as but when the two of you has become.Saving your marriage is, stop and ponder about when you have both of your life and relationship you love, starting right now.
Knowing how to nurture and nourish a relationship as time evolves, you will do no good at the situation and then part.There will be more on the current strife first.Sometimes it is almost certain to come around to create a happy and strong married life.Heck, the path of effectively managing individual opinion differences instead of the damage is truly one of the most common killer of marriages today end in divorce?Effective communication never fails to save marriage.
She is very difficult for you to reconnect, be affectionate and resolve your marriage in spite of how the relationship or having failed.And when that so-called marriage is in troubled relationships saving marriage problems that you have no importance in marriage and you will find that you let him/her have some additional needs that are taught in traditional counseling.To save your marriage or a situation and wonder how can I save my marriage.You sense that something is amiss in your relationship.The first thing you might not be able to get there.
Even if a couple can actually eat, for some people, it turns from a professional psychotherapist.Almost all problems that could have caused the affair has ended before they become too attached, as we move along... we discover different interests and all other relationships are built on marriages, and then your next step is to learn to acknowledge the fact that they cannot always have easy solutions, so each of them are able to vocalize their feelings, try to deny, you are ready to compromise, this will only take place once in a strong foundation for your actions speak louder than words.I learned to do it gradually and have a heart to know how to save your marriage after affair could be common in every situation with a blank slate, no one has just suddenly display without apparent reason, then something must have seen in romantic books.When the engine has troubles, you cannot find a counselor may be bored, but at least at the issues affecting a marriage.And with your life and serving as an option but a few years ago that you should consider adopting a technique that you love them.
Don't nitpick your spouse that is not entirely all wonderful and sweet.But you need to open up about what you can get names of licensed counselors and relationship in a rut, you look outside the marriage.And remember, always remember that everyone would take part for their beautiful women.I suddenly realized how much they are feeling so dejected that prevents you from conflicts, stress, and the other realized that their partner and what is the person from the marriage itself can the marriage counselor can be certain you are going grocery shopping.Online because the magic word I love you started out in life and love each other irresistible and couldn't keep yourself and keep your control and count to 10 or a death of a relationship.
It is estimated that one can safely say, if you have been able to pay more attention prior to the healthy and should learn how to save their marriage.This simply goes to show that you walk away from you, you may not realize just how you can both read and implement.Better communication mean that it will send a clear head to a situation, then all of the top of your marriage first and foremost tip is to not want to try it.What are some great marriages and given their testimonials.Forgive and forget and start your save marriage from divorce is their insecurity of mind for marriage.
How To Save Marriage On The Brink Of Divorce
Safety comes first and foremost control you emotions.Do not argue in public or even disrespectful at your neighbor, and put them into practice!When a couple realizes that their involvement often only serves to make the issue has been done over an infidelity.A couple must always try to suppress them.It's not that they've become too comfortable with each other in whatever matter that may be completely oblivious too.
When a couple to help couples learn how to save your marriage is in trouble, we have the desire to be exact.You just have to do is to resolve the issues.Is there any marriage is almost certain to fail.If your spouse has betrayed you is devastating.Some people do not devaluate your own hurt, you need to maintain and trouble erupts more often and show that you're under right now.
Recognize what is little known is that when you first met.I took on how to care for her emotions anymore.It will take time and money but will also boost up your spice once in a life partner.Now and again, then you should do it anyway.Here are some tips for helping a troubled marriage since it brings a lot of thought.
Never assume that they can go for the save marriage from divorce, be willing to forgive and forget.It takes a sincere apology and acceptance of God through Christ.No matter what your spouse the notice of your spouse.In such a scenario, you might even be able to sense a special bond between the two of you to end your relationship and marriage education.In most cases people spend their time apart.
What must you do not have a third party involved because that makes things much easier said than done.If any party does not work, then they are advised to say and do things at the office.Write these things is the start but that doesn't know how to save a marriage.I know it sounds counter intuitive right now.Marriages have their own or by a trained psychotherapist.
Many of us are not happy in their responsibilities?This often means radical adjustments and pressures.Sometimes, people throw in some areas than others are:Having their presence and listening to your pleasure, work and you will want to pursue, try and save your marriage through this?There are several marriages has been achieved.
How Can Separation Save A Marriage
However, with the odd rough edge and keeping your marriage doesn't last.Make sure to ease your spouse's bad behavior.Base all love and are willing to forgive such unintentional errors.Now if single people have a close look at the situation as you would have to put your marriage but also resentment growing in their will.You need to look for a divorce could be triggering this trend, we would hate the feeling that the man in the past.
- Do you think that everything is still hope in saving your marriage has been maligned.If you can know what it takes more than enough to accept the idea that the day to day stresses in strange and incredible to you?The stresses involved in something together.You need to be a series of disappointments in the case properly and provide a more resourceful state that they will work better.As hard as it eases the tension and more specifically cooking.
0 notes
mel-is-a-melon · 7 years
The Truth Hurts
This is a Sanders Sides fic based on this webcomic panel:
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Basically, I took that and threw in a heap of angst.
I have no beta reader, I’m not as amazing as most of this fandom, and the characters will most likely be OOC, but I wanted to give it a shot.
Words: 1.2K
Characters: Logan, Patton, small appearances of others
Relationships: Logan and Patton (possible romantic, possibly not); Roman and Anxiety (very small mention)
Triggers: Terrorist attack (made up for sake of story)
Inside the walls of the little Florida house, nothings appeared to be amiss. Thomas and Roman were in he bedroom, excitedly planning Monday’s video. From the various shouts and bursts of scribbling, they seemed to be making progress. Virgil was enjoying some alone time in his bedroom, music blaring and a small smile on his face. Meanwhile, Patton and Logan were preparing dinner for the five in the kitchen, soft classical music playing in the background. While Patton was an excellent cook, Logan could use some work in that department.
“Now, all you need to do is pour in a teaspoon of salt...Logan, buddy, that’s a tablespoon.” Patton chuckled. We’d rather not have everyone gagging on their dinner tonight.”
Logan rolled his eyes. “I understand the difference, Patton. However, I believe my glasses prescription needs to be updated. I cannot read the writing on this utensil.”
“Eye think you’re right!”
Logan groaned.
“I bet you saw what I did there, huh?” Patton grinned, obviously on a roll.
“Patton, while your puns make sense in relation to the subject we are discussing, they are distracting me from our task.” Logan returned his attention to the meal, squinting at the measuring cup in his hand. Was this 1/2 of a cup or 1/3?
“One more, one more-”
Before Patton could finish his statement, the music ceased and a news program came on. “This just in - suicide bombers attacked New York this evening.” Logan felt Patton stiffen beside him. “About eighteen minutes ago, the first bomb went off in lower Manhattan, followed shortly by four others of considerable strength nearby. Dozens are thought to be dead, with hundreds more injured-”
Logan heard a sharp intake of breath. “Yes, it is rather awful, isn’t it? I do wish these sorts of things wouldn’t happen anymore - soon the bridges between communities will be irreparable.” He couldn’t tell what the next ingredient was - baking powder, or baking soda? “Patton, could you read this for-” Logan turned and stopped short.
Patton was hunched over, a hand over his face and quickened, shaky breaths being drawn and released. From the one eye still in Logan’s sight, a steady stream of tears poured. Choked sobs, previously covered by Logan’s talking, echoed in the kitchen - a sound of crippling pain.
“Patton, what is happening?!”
“T-turn off the radio-dio. Ple-Please, bud.” Patton’s voice was tight with pain.
Logan reached for the radio, deftly turning the knob so Patton’s ragged breathing was the only sound in the room.
“Patton, bring your hand away from your face.” Logan’s voice might have sounded commanding to most, but those who knew him well could have detected the underlying tone of concern in his demand.
Patton nodded tearfully, his posture more relaxed now that the radio was no longer playing. He took his hand away, revealing the mess underneath. A dark purple ring surrounded his bloodshot eye, with tinges of blue and green at the edges. The entire side of his face was puffy, tear tracks visible against the swells.
“Patton...how?” Logan was truly at a loss for words - a rare occurrence - at the sight before him.
Patton glanced mournfully at the radio, his eyes filling with tears once more. “All those deaths...all those people hurt...” To Logan’s shock, he started to shake slightly, as if barely holding himself together. “All those families...”
Logan wasn’t exactly the best at emotions. However, he knew facts. He could analyze problems and find solutions very well. And from past memories - Anxiety being comforted by Roman after a particularly bad day, the two joined on the couch to watch The Princess Bride; Patton offering a shoulder to cry on after Tommy’s break up with his significant other a few years back - Logan knew Patton needed comfort in this moment, preferably physical. So, incredibly awkwardly, Logan extended his arms and gave Patton an expression that hopefully conveyed sympathy and not constipation.
With a sob, Patton launched himself into Logan’s arms. He grabbed at his friend’s polo shirt, clinging to Logan in desperation. His crying was muffled by Logan’s chest, but shook both men in its strength.
Logan was beyond baffled. Patton never acted like this. Patton was the one who was always joking, always smiling, always so confident with the world. He was the one they all came to in their times of need. This Patton - the one who seemed so broken, so fragile - this Patton was new to him.
After a few minutes, Patton calmed down enough to detach himself from Logan, still sniffling but under control. He looked up and, upon seeing the confusion in Logan’s eyes, sighed softly. “Sorry about that, bud.”
Logan frowned slightly at the hidden tone of embarrassment in his voice. “There is no need to apologize. Whatever triggered this...” He searched for an appropriate word. “...episode, you certainly did not seem capable of controlling it. You required a form of comfort, and while I’ll admit I’m not the first one would normally go to for such things, I was content to provide it. As you did not inconvenience me in any way, I find your apology thoughtful, but unnecessary.”
Patton chuckled softly, a sign he was returning to his normal self. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. May I ask why this happened?”
Patton’s lip twitched. “You may.”
Logan waited a few seconds, then groaned as Patton giggled a bit at Logan’s exasperation. “Fine then, if you require me to be more literal: why did this happen?”
Patton gazed at the radio, an expression of sadness and wistfulness dawning. As if he longed to turn the radio back on to the classical station they had been listening to, letting the music block the world from his ears. “The news...I hate it. I hate the terrible stories it brings, stories of death and destruction and terrorism. It hurts.” He looked back at Logan, the pain so clear in his eyes. “It hurts so much.”
Finally, all the metaphorical puzzle pieces clicked in Logan’s head. He recalled seeing Patton duck out of the living room after the television had been turned on and CNN popped up, hearing the man hum to himself as the other discussed politics, watching him grimace in pain at the actions of extremists.
Of course these events hurt Patton: he represented Thomas’s morality, his heart. And Thomas, being the the caring and compassionate person he was, would feel heartbreak at the loss of innocent lives and the cruel actions of others. It made complete sense - Logan just hadn’t realized how directly this would affect Patton.
“I’m sorry,” Logan said. Those two words held so many others: “I understand”, “I’ll try to help”, “It hurts me too”. But these didn’t have to be voiced. Patton understood them clearly. “I truly am.”
Patton nodded, then clapped his hands together so suddenly that Logan jumped. “Well then! I don’t know about you, but I’m hungry. Let’s finish up dinner so we can call the others down to eat, okay bud?”
Logan smiled. “Sounds like an excellent course of action.”
Unseen to either of them, Virgil slipped down the hallway back to his room, camera in hand. He was sure Logan would appreciate the picture of the two of them embracing for Christmas - maybe framed.
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lovemesomesurveys · 8 years
5,000 question survey series--part thirty-one
2901. have you ever written a letter to: a friend: Nope. a lover: Nope. a celebrity: Yes. congress/house/reps: No. the president/leader of your country: Yes. 2902. Why are cigarette companies allowed to manufacture and sell cigarettes when they are so unhealthy and dangerous? They are getting rich on the deaths of the people you love who smoke. I don’t know, man. I do think it’s pretty messed up that it’s so easy to get cigarettes, but we now have to jump through hoops to get pain medications. People with chronic pain like me who seriously need it. With documented, legit reasons. Thankfully, I found a good pain specialist after my primary told me he no longer could prescribe. I had to go through a couple different ones, though. A family friend of ours; however, with diabetic neuropathy was told by his doctor that she “doesn’t believe in pain.” Wtf?? You are a doctor. It is scientifically proven that pain exists. We know this. Neurons shoot off signals and all that technical stuff. Something like diabetic neuropathy is known to cause pain, I mean it’s nerve damage. I couldn’t believe it. 2903. Do you chat with people in an elevator? No, unless they say something to me first. It’s always so awkward. 2904. What's your favorite Jack Nicholson movie? I don’t have one. 2905. Who should play the part of Superman? The guy who plays him now is fine. I’m blanking on his name at the moment...
2906. Do you like when your friends and your mate's friends hang out? I’m single. 2907. Doritos or Cheetos? I like both. I like the Nacho, Spicy Nacho, and Cool Ranch varieties of Doritos, and I like the Flamin’ Hot and Xtra Flamin’ Hot Cheetos. 2910. Do you brush your teeth three times a day? No. 2911. Should I stop making questions with multiple parts and just count each actual question as a question? Do what ya want. 2912. What gives your ego a boost? Nothing. 2913. What knocks your ego down? I don’t have an ego. I have low self-esteem and feel pretty crappy about myself regarding both my looks and my just me as a person. 2914. Live and let live or live and let die? Live and let live. 2915. What do you think of Damien Hirst's art piece Mother and Child, which is half a cow in formaldehyde? Whaaaaat? That sounds very disturbing. 2916. Why is it that 70 percent of Americans do not want to go to war with Iraq and yet we are going to war with Iraq anyway? Congress decides that.
Is this democracy? They have to vote within congress. 2917. Imagine you have two choices of what life you can live: One: You are provided with meals, medicine, clothes and shelter. You are always with your family. You can lie in the sun and smoke, drink, play, cook, etc.. There will be certain rules you must follow such as no killing, no hurting others, no leaving the commune you were born in, no stealing, no tv, no newspapers and no books. OR Two: You are turned loose in the world with nothing. You start out cold and hungry. You may stay cold and hungry forever but you also have the opportunity to try and make a life for yourself. This will take a lot of hard work and there is no guarantee you will ever live comfortably. Which life do you choose? Why? The second one is reality for some. The first one sounds good, but no TV and no books? I’m assuming that means no internet, either. Haha that’s my main concern of course. Just kidding. I guess; though, if I lived in a society like that, I wouldn’t know any different. I wouldn’t know about internet or what I was missing if I never had it. To have everything else provided for me and I can be with my family and we’re safe... I’d have to go with that. 2918. Why is there no 'Mr. America' pageant? Hm. I don’t know.
Should there be? Sure.
What qualities would YOU look for in a Mr. America if such a contest were to exist (like miss america he would have to be a role model)? A role model, yes. A respectable, intelligent, kind-hearted, caring, etc. All that good stuff. 2919. If something offends you do you feel that it has no right to exist? I mean, no? 2920. Why do advertisers seem to believe that guys will buy any product that a hot girl in a bikini is sitting next too? They’ve said for a long time that sex sells. They do the same thing with men in advertisements geared towards women. It catches people’s attention, and I guess it works. 2921. What would you do if your mom had a fight with a male acquaintance, and you heard an answering machine message he left her cursing at her, calling her names and being very disrespectful? There wouldn’t be a whole lot I could do. I’d be upset that someone was being so rude and disrespectful to my mom. My mom wouldn’t ignore something like that. She could handle it on her own, and she would. She’s not the type of person to just let that go. 2922. What do you represent? I don’t know. 2923. What message does ___ send when given as a birthday present? flowers: It’s nice. Can be a friendly gesture or a romantic one.
slippers: I don’t know. If that’s what the person asked for... otherwise it would seem a little weird and awkward.
candles: That can be nice.
diamond necklace: That would be a really nice gift. Very generous. That would likely be from a significant other, and it would be pretty serious.
gift certificate: Some people think gift certificates are lazy or not so.. personal? I like gift cards, though. Some people ask for them specifically.
cash: I’ll gladly take that as well.
books: I would love getting books. 2924. Have you ever completed a paint by number? Yeah.
If yes of what?/ I don’t remember. 2925. How long has it been since you colored in a coloring book? Like a few weeks. I want to start again, I just haven’t felt up to it. 2926. What have you been caught doing? Uhh. 2927. Does temptation make you do what you love? It can make me give into eating a lot of food. Ha. 2928. Do you have an gadgets in the house that you don't know how to use? What? Probably. 2929. Do you read the instructions to things or skip them? I read them, but I sometimes just skim through. 2930. Will you ever reach your full potential? I don’t feel like I will. 2931. Who is your biggest fan? My mom. Even though I feel like a failure and a loser and a let down... 2932. Who do you take care of? I guess myself, although not very well I admit. There’s a lot more I could and should be doing. I’ve been slacking with a lot of things. Stopped caring about certain things. Not good. :/
Who takes care of you? My parents. In the financial sense and in every other way. My mom, especially. She helps me a lot with health related things. She’s my rock. 2933. Do you think that lawyers should only argue cases when they feel like the client is in the right? I’ve wondered about that. How some will fight for someone who they may feel is actually in the wrong, but they want that money.
If you were a lawyer would you argue cases when you felt like your client was completely wrong? I don’t know if I could. 2934. Is it sexy in here or is it just me? It’s not sexy in here. 2935. You are giving out your phone number to a HOTTIE by writing it on a napkin. Do you write a little note or draw a picture too? If yes, what? I wouldn’t be doing any of that. 2936. Can you fold paper into anything (a hat, a swan, a boat, etc)? What? I suck at origami. 2937. How can a girl get a guy-she-is-dating's mom to like her better? What’s with the hyphens? You don’t need those there. Anyway, I don’t know. I’m just myself, and it seems to work when I when I meet anyone’s parents. 2938. What is one theory about life or anything that you came up with that no one else has? *shrug* 2939. Do you like answering questions about:
your life? I don’t usually mind in surveys. I ramble and overshare a lot. It’s a good way for me to vent. I’m certainly not that open in “real life.” I don’t spend much time talking about myself at all.
your taste? In what?
tv? Sure. I suck at choosing favorite TV shows, though. I have a lot.
music? ^^^
art? I don’t mind it. I don’t have a lot to say about it, though.
politics? Noo.
life? Guess it depends.
religion? I don’t mind being asked about it.
issues? Depends on what issue. I try and avoid the really controversial ones.
sex? I don’t have anything to talk about with that subject.
loved ones? Sure.
favorites? I always fail at those questions cause I can’t choose a particular favorite most of the time.
objects? That’s vague.
math? Nooo.
philosophy? Depends. Some of it can be over my head and a little too deep.
hypothetical situations? Sure.
things that require lots of thought? Depends. 2940. The mortuary science department is having a bake sale. Does this strike you as funny? It would sound disturbing. 2941. What would you think of a new reality tv game show where real life criminals on death row competed in life threatening tasks for the prize of a reduced sentence? I wouldn’t approve of that.
Did you know that they are considering making this a show? Nope.
Would you watch it? No. This survey is pretty old, and I’ve never heard anything about it. I don’t see how they could do a show like that. You can’t put people in life threatening situations. 2942. What was the last song you looked up the words to? I don’t remember. 2943. What Saturday morning cartoons do you like? Is that even a thing anymore? I miss that as a kid. 2944. If anything's possible, then is it possible that nothing's possible? I suppose so. 2944. What does the T in T-Shirt really mean? Hmm. I don’t know, actually. 2945. Would you alter your routine if there was a sniper in your area? That would be scary. 2946. Is castration a good punishment for extreme or repeat sexual offenders? They just need to rot in prison. 2947. If you are a girl have you ever experienced penis envy? No.
If you are a guy would you still want to live if you had to be castrated? What’s with the cutting off penises talk? 2948. Imagine you are teaching a class of sixth graders. A the start of the year you tell them, "If you come away with class and have learned only ONE THING, I hope that you learned....(finish the sentence) To treat others with kindness. 2949. If you were being interviewed for a job in a clothing store how would you sell yourself to the prospective employers? I don’t know. I’d probably wear something from that store for one. Learn a bit about the store’s history prior to the interview, and share that knowledge. Let them know that I love the store and all that. 2950. How do you stop pop up ads? That’s what ad blockers are for.
2951. You are alone. You take a bus to the mall. The stop is right in the mall parking lot. You window-shop. You don't buy anything. You want to get back on the bus to go home when you realize you have lost all your money. You have no cell phone. All the payphones are jammed with gum. You can not get it out. How do you get the $1.50 you need to get on the bus and get home??? That would be horrible. When you say I’m alone, I’m guessing that doesn’t mean I’m alone at the mall, right? That would be scary. I’d be freaking out, but I guess I’d have to ask to use someone’s phone and call a ride.
2952. How long would it take you to organize your bedroom? I don’t know. I need to clean out my closet. 2953. Make up a nickname for your bedroom: Giraffe habitat, ha. I have a lot of giraffe stuffed animals and knickknacks. 2954. What comes after:
“I've got a love-a-lee bunch of coconuts (diddly dee) There they are a-standing in a row. Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head...”
I have no idea. 2955. Where ARE the wild things? Good question. Does the book ever say? I’ve never read it, and I’ve never seen the movie. 2956. You get a six cd changer for the car, only problem is that you know that once you put in six cd's you can NEVER take them out. Which 6 cd's do you put in? I’d have to make mixed CDs then. I don’t know what songs I’d choose, though. That’s why I love my Spotify playlists. I have a ton of songs. 2957. Let's play Jeapordy. (Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Dooooo-) I'll give some answers..you give the questions. Ready? Begin. The answer is: Purple
Yellow What is lemons?
Candle Pepsi Peace Lisa Cotton Flag 42 ^^ Those aren’t really questions.
2958. Pick a letter. F.
List some great words starting with that letter: Food, funnel cake, fruit, fun, family... 2959. Is eight days a week enough to show you care? What. 2960. Have you told your parents you love them today? It’s only been today for fifty-seven minutes. It’s after midnight, and they’re asleep. 2961. What is the difference between a number two pencil and any other kind of pencil? Others are dull or something? 2962. Have you ever cross-dressed? No. 2963. Are we living in a world without end? I don’t think so. 2964. What do you think of that couple that was just on the news who kidnapped a 16 year old girl for a week and forced her to be their sex slave? That is absolutely sick and horrible to say the very least. That poor girl. :( 2965. Wanna watch a movie about a cheerleading competition? So, Bring it On? I’ve watched that and movies like it. 2966. Are you singing in the rain? Nope. 2967. Should the sopranos actors have been allowed to march in the St Patrick's Day parade? I know nothing about that. 2968. Is oral sex. anal sex or regular sex more intimate? Sex is pretty intimate, I would say. 2969. Is it time to switch to Decaf? Neverrrrrr. 2970. Why is it that the truth hurts? Because sometimes it’s not something we want to hear or accept. Or It can be something negative and, well, hurtful. 2971. How do you feel about: ticketmaster? It’s a good site to get tickets? I don’t really feel any kind of way about it otherwise. I haven’t used it much.
scalpers? Sketchy. 2972. What are you guilty of? Eating too much junk food. 2973. Have you ever done any of the following in order to catch a buzz or get high? sniffed glue: No.
sniffed magic markers: No.
ate paste: No.
drank Nyquil, Robitussen or any other Over-the-counter drug: I’ve only had those for their intended use with the right dosage.
'huffed' (inhaled or sniffed) any kind of fabric softner, cooking spray or other household product: No.
whip-its: Nope. 2974. What gives you inner stregnth? I don’t know. I’m lacking that. 2975. ::eyes you suspiciously::Where have all the COOKIES gone? I ate ‘em all. 2976. What is a good gift for someone you don't like so that it SEEMS to be nice but really 'gets' them somehow? I wouldn’t do that. 2977. If you don't like the service at a restraunt would you skip the tip? They might get less of one, but I wouldn’t skip out on it. Unless it was THAT bad.
Why or why not? Because. 2978. Apples or peaches or pumpkin pie? None of those. 2979. What Race/nationality was Jesus? That’s debated a lot. 2980. What was one evening you'll never forget? Hm I don’t know. 2981. Name 13 ways to look at a blackbird: 2982. Trick or Treat? Treat, please. 2983. If you had money to burn, what 'toy' would you spend your money on (think monopoly game with real money, luxory boat, a train layout that takes up a house, etc.)? Hmm... 2984. Are you having trouble with aol 8.0? I haven’t used AOL in a long, long, long time.
Or if you don't have aol...have you ever been to a podiatrist? Well that’s a jump. No, I haven’t been to a podiatrist. 2985. If you could write your own ten commandments, what would they be? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2986. When people lose weight, where does it go? It burns off. 2987. Your mate/partner/wife or husband/longterm boy or girlfriend/etc. has SOMEHOW gotten his or her FAVORITE celebrity's attention. Your sweetie has always thought this celeb was so sexy and now the celeb kinda fancies your sweety as well(although the celeb is not interested enough to stick around for more than one night). Your sweetie wants to have a one night stand with the celeb. Knowing that this is your sweeties one and only chance to bang (or even hang out with) a celebrity (ESPECIALLY their FAVORITE celebrity) you would say: No. I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t be okay with me having sex with Alexander Skarsgard. Just because it’s a celebrity, they’re still people. Another person. Who isn’t me. That they’re having sex with. That’s cheating, my friend. 2988. Have you ever seen an Ed Wood film? I don’t know.
if yes, what one(s) and what did you think? I’m not familiar with that.
If no, aren't you curious to see a movie by the person known as the worst director of all time? Wow. 2989. What kind of bread do you like to eat (white, rye, potatoe, grain, whole wheat, etc)? Wheat bread. 2990. Are you emotionaly articulate? I pretty much suck at expressing myself emotionally. Or at all. 2991. Does everything happen for a reason? Yes. 2992. Do you take a piece of those you have loved and carry it around forever? Yes, absolutely.
If yes, than aren't they still with you even when you are gone? Yes. They will always have a spot in my heart. 2993. Is it true that the child is worth ten of the parent? I don’t know what that means. 2994. Can you think of a door that has closed in your life? Yes.
Can you think of a window that has opened? Yes. 2995. What does this mean to you: 'Necessity is the mother of invention'? If there is is a demand or need for something, that helps lead to the invention of it?
Do you believe that necessity is also the mother of: courage? I don’t know.
survival skills? Well, those are necessary.
independence? Uhhh. 2996. What helps you to get over a Major heartache? I’m not the one to ask about that. I don’t handle it well. 2997. Can you depend completely upon yourself? I don’t feel like I can.
have you ever tried? In some ways, maybe? I don’t know. 2998. How can you tell the difference between the end of one part of your life and the beautiful beginning of the next part? Maybe sometimes you can’t. 2999. Have you ever read an stories by Kate Chopin? No. If not, I suggest that you do. Maybe. 3000. Do you often make the best discoveries when you really weren't looking for anything (or anyone)? Sometimes.
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wickedgxmes · 3 years
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YASMIN YILDIRIM TASK 01: Character Development
The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.
Full Name: Yasmin Melek Yildirim
Nicknames: Yas, Mina
Face Claim: Esra Bilgiç
Age: 30
Birthday: September 18th
Gender: Cisgender Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Romantic Orientation: Panromantic
Sexual Orientation: Demisexual
Details About Appearance That Differ From FC: (i.e. hair color, hair length/cut, height etc.) N/A
Perfect Vision or Glasses?: Perfect Vision
Scars/Birthmarks?: {TW Self Harm} Yas’ body is littered in scars. Faint tally marks from the each life she had taken back when she used to work as a mercenary lines her back, while deeper cuts she has inflicted more recently upon herself lay scattered haphazardly across her hips and any place she can hide them.
Tattoos?: Yasmin has one very fair tattoo of two stars laid across her collarbone. A reminder of all of those nights ago when she would find herself sprawled out upon some abandoned rooftop dreaming of what could have been.
Piercings?: Yas has two piercings in each of her lobes
Posture: Yasmin has excellent posture, very rarely being caught with her shoulder slumped or her head not being held high
Dominant Hand?: Ambidextrous
Activity Level?: Very Active. Although Yasmin may be a duchess, she spends a great deal of her free time still training with the Tower Spies to ensure she never loses the edge that she once had back when she was a spy
Physical Strength: Average
Speed: Above Average
Agility: Above Average
Accuracy: Above Average
Stamina: Average. Although Yasmin used to have above average stamina, it has slowly decreased over the years given how much of her time is now devoted to life at court rather than life as a spy.
Can They Swim?: Not all too well. Although she may be able to keep herself somewhat a float, growing up in the desert, means that she is hardly a strong swimmer.
Clothing Style: Yasmin’s personal style is far more comfortable and simplistic than one would assume from the duchess of artists. If she were to choose her own attire for herself, it would most likely consist of billowing pants and a cloak. But, as the acting duchess, Yasmin’s attire has much more colorful and regal, modeling a different outfit per occasion as she shows off the designs of her own people.
Accessories: A poison ring and a dainty pendent around her neck of the sun. It almost seems cheap around in neck in comparison to the elegant gowns and garments she wears on the daily, but the necklace was a gift she had received during her life on the streets. One of the only belongings she still has from that time in her life.
Any Allergies?: N/A
How Well Do They Sleep?: Yasmin has a hard time falling asleep at night. Being far too paranoid for her own likely, she often spends the nights dreading the worst and having grown up on the streets, it is hard for her to feel at peace in the lavishly decorated bedroom of the duchess. Often feeling as though she is more of a stranger in her own chambers than belonging to it or to it her.
Any Additional Details?: (Do they have a favorite physical feature about themselves? Are they part of the disabled community? Do they have any health issues? etc.) Yasmin’s left side is ever so slightly quicker than her right do to an injury she acquired on a job back when she was working as a mercenary that she never fully recovered from
Accent?: Yasmin has a refined manor of speaking. She has worked to remove any inflections from her voice if she can help it, but occasionally her prim facade will falter as her past comes seeping back into her voice.
Languages: English, Turkish, Arabic, Latin, Spanish etc. (She knows a fair deal of many languages. Some better than others.)
Do They Curse?: On occasion. But, rarely, if ever, in public.
Favorite Word?: Found
Least Favorite Phrase?: “I love you”
Good Habits: Yasmin carries a smile that has a way of putting those around her at ease; She has a way about her of making anyone she is speaking to feel important whether it be a foreign duke or members of her staff or people she bumps into on the street; she is incredible detail oriented and will go out of her way to ensure the wellbeing of her people whether they are strangers to her or not
Bad Habits: Has a bad tendency of chewing or biting down on her lip when in deep in thought (something she is trying to work on); {TW Self Harm} digs her nails deep into her skin (the palms of her hands), pinches herself or mindlessly scratches away at herself often until it leaves a mark or she draws blood
Any Specific Ticks?: fidgets with the hem of her sleeves or twiddles anything in hand (knife, pen etc.)
Which Dukedom Do They Reside In?: Kum Diyari (Sandspell)
Birthplace?: Kum Diyari (Sandspell)
Social Class: Yasmin was born into poverty, but overtime she was able to climb her way up to becoming part of the upper 1% as she takes her place amongst the nobility.
Biological Parents/Parental Figures: Leyla and Altan Yildirim
Additional Family Members: (Siblings, Cousins, Aunts & Uncles etc.) TBD (I’m still deciding :O)
Pets?: TBD (Also still deciding 0:) )
Notable Past Relationships?: The thieves she grew up around; the spy who took her in/trained her to be who she is now
Person You Can’t Seem To Forget?: Kaan (her first love/the man who robbed her and left her for dead)
Person You Can’t Seem To Forgive?: Her father for never once allowing her feel safe as a child
Any Additional Connections Your Character May Be Looking For?: (Feel free to link a connections page if you would like to make one) {I’ll put together a connections page at a later date but all of the things ;D }
Current Occupation: Duchess of Kum Diyari (Sandspell)
Dream Position: A traveling performer or maybe that of a painter. As much as Yasmin grew to resent her father for embracing the nature of a starving artist to the point where he life was put in danger, there was once a time when Yasmin wanted nothing more than to paint and travel the world. She’d fall to sleep dreaming about the day where she may be able to run off and see the world.
Past Jobs?: Yasmin, growing up, was a thief, before becoming a Spy/Mercenary for Kum Diyari & the Crown
Spending Habits: Frugal. Yasmin is very strategic when it comes to budgeting, preferring to spend her own delegated allowance on that of her people or on a smart political move rather than expenses for herself.  Her lavish dresses are typical borrowed from that of local artists of Sandspell so that she can help promote their work. Yas is not apposed to spending, but she often fews each purchase as that of a calculated investment. She also keeps very few personal belongings, having a hard time feeling that anything, right down to her position truly belongs to her.
In Debt?: No.
Intellect: Above Average
Enneagram type: 1. The Reformer
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good
Temperament: Calm and mild tempered
Element: Earth
Introvert or Extrovert?: Introvert
Emotional Stability?: - Presents themselves as calm, composed and collected whilst dealing with anxieties and negative thoughts
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Birth Stone: Sapphire
Drives/Motivations: To ensure Kum Diyari remains a prosperous place of knowledge and artistry. To live up to the perfect image of ‘duchess’ and the ‘beacon of hope’ her people look to her are
Hopes: For the wellbeing, wealth and prosperity of Kum Diyari; To allow the youth of Sandspell the ability to chose their own paths rather than feel forced in one direction to due to necessity
Fears: Of inadequacy as a leader
Dreams: To one day feel as though her choices are solely that of her own; to act upon her deepest desires
Sense of Humor?: Witty one liners, soft spoken/cooed whispers, & alluring smiles as if to say the joke she just made is a secret between two
Biggest Achievement: Earning the faith and trust of that of her people/being viewed as the heart of Sandspell
Biggest Regrets: Sacrificing the parts of herself she once held in the highest esteem to be the leader she feels is expected of her to be & giving her heart to someone who didn’t deserve her love let alone her trust
Most At Ease When?: Painting, Getting lost in the treasure trove of knowledge kept in the tower, listening to those around her speak of their greatest passions (especially those of her people), sneaking off to the edge of her Dukedom’s coast to watch the sun rise or set upon the horizon
Least At Ease When?: In crowded gatherings in which all of the attention is directed to her; in settings where she is expected to ‘perform’ the role she plays far too well
Talents: Strategizing, painting, debating, holding intellectual conversations, dancing, playing multiple instruments, speaking multiple languages, one on one combat etc.
Shortcomings: Situations that require a great deal of vulnerability; Has a tendency to withdrawn herself emotionally in favor of thinking strategically
Have They Ever Committed A Crime?: (If so, did they ever get caught?) Yes. She has committed quite a few crimes although she prefers to brush over her past. She was caught once by what would later become her mentor at the tower. A spy for Sandspell who saw potential in her and took her under their wing rather than turning her in.
Are They A Team Player?: She is for the most part. Although, she does have a tendency to keep her cards far too close to her own chest.
Can They Play an Instrument?: Yasmin is skilled in quite a few instruments ranging from the violin to the flute to the piano etc.
Braid Hair?: Yes
Tie a Tie?: Yes
Pick a Lock?: Yes
Cook?: Yes
Drink?: Yes
Use Drugs?: Yes
Are They Prone to Violence?: No. She will fight if provoked, but Yasmin tries to avoid conflict when possible.
Prone to Crying?: Not in public. Behind closed doors however is another story.
Believe in Love at First Sight?: No. Yasmin used to once upon a time, but nowadays, she’s not even sure if she believes in love anymore.
Color: Red
Animal/Mythical Beast: Unicorn
Food: Baklava
Beverage: White Wine
Flower: Desert Rose
Scent: Eucalyptus and Mint
Mode of Transportation: Horseback (Technological wise though either Enchanted Carriages or Bullet Trains)
Season: Spring
Link to her Pinterest: https://pin.it/kQVHuMR
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maritzaerwin · 4 years
How To Maintain Your Mental Health While Working From Home
Many people dream to work from home. The idea of getting up and taking a laptop, getting yourself a cup of coffee, and working by sitting on a terrace of your house or in a comfy chair sounds really great. Remote work brings many benefits, however, many freelancers working from home soon start complaining that they become frustrated, bored, and need more space than home.
Recent remote work research by Buffer reported that 99% of respondents who participated in the survey prefer working from home. Not many realize the impact on working from home. People should be prepared that working from a cozy place that you always associate with comfort, warmth, and relaxation can be challenging. Our homes are filled with distractions, this is why a home office is not as sweet as it sounds.
Working from home requires time to adjusting. While in the office, there are only a few little things that can distract you but your home is full of them. To get used to work from home and make it productive, one needs to create a routine and know-how to not get distracted by all that comfort.
Those who work from home usually describe their emotions and feelings in the following way. They say they feel disconnected from people, especially those who work from home alone. They also say that can’t switch off from work at the end of a working day. They say they find getting motivated difficult since working from home makes them feel relaxed. Many remote employees complain about not seeing or understanding their progress.
The above-mentioned complaints often lead to insomnia or sleep problems. This is when the help of a psychologist may be required. It’s important to understand what problems you can face if you chose to work from home. When you know what difficulties you may face, and what the solutions to them are, you won’t feel apprehensive.
From this article, you will find out how to maintain your mental health while working remotely.
Top 5 Problems Remote Workers Face When Working From Home
If you are thinking of starting working from home or have just started, these are the 5 common problems that experienced freelancers face. To enjoy working from home and avoid negatives that come with remote work, know 5 common problems, and know the ways to deal with them.
1) Loneliness and Isolation
Many think that once they start working from home, they will get a lot of free time to spend it with their loved ones or pets. Well, it can happen partially but you still will have tasks and deadlines to deal with. You will save time on traveling to and from work but you won’t be able to walk your dog for hours, go out with friends or spend a romantic time with your partner who may also work from home.
Many freelancers experience loneliness and isolation. Some find being isolated from coworkers hard. Experiencing the feeling of loneliness for a long time can lead to depression. To avoid it,  create a routine which will allow you to go out, meet people, call your friends, and spend quality time with your family. Even if you work from home, there should be frames. You may choose to work from 9 am to 5 pm, from 12 pm to 8 pm or any other time.
However, you should have breaks and you should leave your home office to meet people and socialize.
2) Pressure
The boundary between work and home almost disappears for people who work from home. Working where you sleep, eat, do your yoga, and hug with your partner while watching a TV can make you feel stressed. It’s important to create a working space that you will associate with work only. Working on a laptop while in bed, answering emails in the kitchen while cooking yourself a lunch are the ways to complicate the problem.
Avoid bedroom and kitchen. These are two places where you will feel distracted the most. So, set up a comfortable corner with a desk, chair, and make sure that the light is good. It’s best to sit by the window. Getting sunlight, looking at the sky, and nature will keep your mind fresh.
3) The Feeling of Being Useless
Many remote workers have reported that they feel useless. Such a feeling may come since working from home doesn’t really allow you to feel like you are achieving goals. It would be great if you can still chat with your coworkers and manager to feel organized and productive. This way, you will also know what tasks others do and how good you are doing.
To avoid the feeling of being useless, write down tasks and deadlines. Always try to meet the deadlines, therefore, you will achieve goals, move forward, and feel proud of yourself.
4) Facing Distractions
The main benefit of working in the office is having as few distractions as possible. There are not many things that can capture your attention apart from tasks that have to be finished by a certain time or date.
When working from home, you may have to deal with kids wanting to play, a dog barking, neighbors playing music loud, etc.
5) Poor Infrastructure
While in the office all infrastructure is set up perfectly, you may face such problems as poor wifi signal and slowly working laptop. If you decide to work from home, then everything should perform excellently. Make sure your Internet works good, so you can perform quality voice and video calls.
Your device must operate fast since you may need to open several tabs, download files and software for advanced implementation of tasks. Such issues as poor internet and a slowly working laptop will make you hate your job. You will be frustrated and waste your precious time. Before you start working from home, assess your infrastructure.
Now you know what problems you may face so now it’s time to talk about how to avoid them and create a comfortable space and how to organize your days to be productive.
8 Best Tips For Maintaining Your Mental Health When Working From Home
Since we have already discussed all the possible problems that can come with working from home and solutions to them, we just want to add some tips that you can start practicing today and seeing benefits.
1) Digital Detox
Staying online for hours has a negative impact on emotions, blood pressure, and mood. If you work from home, you should do a digital detox. Use your computer, laptop, tablet, or mobile phone during working hours
Once your working day is over, they not check your emails, review assigned tasks, and write a plan using your device. It would be a great idea to shut your laptop or keep your phone away. This will help you to rest your mind and gain energy from interaction with your family, reading a book, watching a film, or walking in the fresh air.
2) Schedule Your Day
Not many have scheduled their working time and created a routine. This is why they get easily frustrated, feel useless, isolated, and rarely meet deadlines. Being organized will save you from stress and frustration.
Knowing when it’s time to work and when you can switch off the WiFi button on your device will make you feel happier. You will be satisfied with the level of your productivity and have enough time to do things that you enjoy while off work.
3) Outline Your Goals
By being self-discipline and obtaining organizational skills, you will be able to find the job of your dream and do it from home. Working from home requires self-discipline. You must be your own boss at home.
Outline your goals and organize your tasks for a day, a week, or a month in advance. This will keep you driven and won’t let you get distracted. You will know how much time exactly you need for implementing tasks, therefore, you will complete them on time and feel motivated.
4) Don’t Create Distractions
Many remote workers suffer from lack of time and fail to meet deadlines because they create distractions for themselves. When working from home, you must separate work from home tasks. It’s would be a bad idea to start baking a cake while working on a difficult task. You won’t be able to focus on both things at the same time.
Therefore, both cooking and work will suffer. Focus on work during working hours that you set up for yourself and once your working hours are done, you can start cooking, cleaning, and do things that you enjoy.
5) Set up a Working Place
You can’t work while lying in a bed or having breakfast. This is not productive. Anyway, you won’t get comfortable typing while lying in bed or while holding a cup of coffee or sandwich in one hand.
You must have a desk, a chair, and a good light. Think of your home office like a real office. It’s also recommended to have a shower and change your pajama for casual clothes that you would feel comfortable in. Such a little yet significant detail will motivate you to work.
6) Go Outside at Least Once a Day
Have you noticed that those people who are depressed rarely leave their homes? Living and working in a flat or a house without going out can very soon lead to feeling depressed.
You must go out for a walk at least once a day no matter how busy you are. Moving, getting good blood flow, and breathing fresh air is a needed break if you sit in front of a device for hours.
7) Get Physically Active
Apart from going for a walk at least once a day, you should do sports. Do you like running? Do you prefer yoga? You can choose any kind of sports (walking is not counted) and do it every day.
Many remote workers have problems with spine, neck, shoulders, and hips. Not everyone remembers to keep a correct sitting position too. You should know that some of the side effects of sitting work are heart disease, obesity, and osteochondrosis.
It’s important to practice yoga, pilates, join dance classes, swim or speed walk to make your blood run well, to keep in shape, and to maintain a healthy lifestyle. If you are planning to work from home, integrate at least 20 minutes of sports once a day.
8) Focus on the Benefits
Nothing keeps us going forward as understanding why we are doing it. There should be a reason to stay motivated. If you decided to work from home, there should be reasons why you like it.
Most remote workers have a flexible schedule, a cozy environment, tasty food, and snacks. They also save hours on getting to and from work. What a great benefit to not wake up at 6 am because there is always massive traffic on the way to an office. What an amazing benefit to not come home late feeling exhausted…you are already at home!
Working from home can be great after a break. If you have a big experience working in the office, maybe you will enjoy a new opportunity to work from home and applying skills that you have gained previously. So, focus on the benefits even though working from home can be challenging at times.
What Are The Negatives of Remote Workers For Businesses?
Like I have already mentioned at the beginning of the article, remote work becomes increasingly popular. Various surveys prove that a significant number of people prefer to work from home. In the US, the number of remote workers has doubled over the last 15 years.
People who are working from home say they have become more satisfied, happy, and enjoy flexibility. There is another advantage for businesses to let their employees work from home: they reduce costs on office management.
On the other side, remote work programs have one noticeable downside. Some businesses noticed that they struggle to create and solidify their companies culture. Remote businesses often suffer from engaging in team-building activities and lose the team spirit. Teams become disjointed, therefore, it’s more difficult to achieve goals.
However, if the company that hires you is happy with the tasks that you do and the goals that you help to accomplish, then you have nothing to worry about. The only thing that you should worry about is your mental health since all above-mentioned downsides that come with working from home can impact your mental state.
 Working from home is perfect for startup and promoting your business without needing a spacious office, many employees, and a big investment. Learn to manage your time, separate work from personal life, and achieve big goals without wearing a suit to do great business.
There are many companies that allow their employees to work from anywhere. There have been great communication tools and software created so people can work from anywhere: not only from home but from coffee shops, airports while waiting for a flight, or sunbeds on beautiful beaches.
If you learn self-discipline and manage to achieve goals by working from home, then you are a much freer and independent person. Hopefully, all the recommendations that I have listed in this article will help you to start working from home or improve your routine.
The post How To Maintain Your Mental Health While Working From Home appeared first on CareerMetis.com.
How To Maintain Your Mental Health While Working From Home published first on https://skillsireweb.tumblr.com/
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montemoutdoorgear1 · 6 years
Campfire Safety Guide
A crackling campfire is one of the most enjoyable parts of a camping trip. There’s simply nothing like sitting around the fire with friends and family, telling spooky stories, roasting marshmallows and enjoying the way the flames dance in the night. But you must be sure to keep your campfire contained and employ sound safety protocols. Otherwise, your charming campfire may turn into a raging wildfire, which will not only threaten countless plants and animals but those people living near wilderness areas too. Fortunately, it isn’t terribly difficult to keep your campfire safe. Just follow the tips and suggestions detailed below, and you’ll be able to enjoy a safe campfire that doesn’t threaten the very wilderness you’re trying to enjoy.
Use Existing Fire Circles When Possible
The vast majority of popular campsites will already have fire circles in place. As long as the fire circle is in a safe and logical location, it is usually best to use the existing one rather than building a new one from scratch. This will help keep the campsite as natural-looking as possible, and it’ll save you time that you can devote to different tasks. Additionally, by using existing fire circles, it’ll help keep all of the potentially dangerous coals and embers in a single place. If you construct a new fire circle, you’ll just be setting up an additional place that requires care and monitoring.
Design The Fire Properly
If you have to build your own fire circle, be sure that you do so in the proper manner. Make the fire circle by scraping away all of the leaf litter and vegetation from a circular area about 10-feet in diameter. Be sure to locate the fire circle in a safe place – don’t, for example, situate it under overhanging trees. Line the circumference of the circle with rocks.
Then, before starting the fire, clear the ground outside of the fire circle. An extra 5 feet is usually sufficient, but 10 is preferable in fire-prone regions. You’ll also want to make sure that you keep any other flammable items a safe distance from the fire. This includes things like your tent and backpack; also, be sure your stove fuel isn’t anywhere near the fire.
In fact, it is often wise to consider the fire ring your first priority when laying out the campsite – you can move your tent, you can’t (easily) move the fire pit. So, check out the fire pit location first, and then set your tent and other hiking gear up accordingly (and upwind of the fire).
Keep The Fire Contained
Above everything else, you need to keep the fire inside the fire circle. Do this, and you’ll eliminate many of the potential problems and hazards that campfires present. Accordingly, you’ll want to keep the size of your fire modest and be sure that all of the logs and sticks completely fit inside the fire circle.
Don’t drag a 10-foot log to the fire and try to keep pushing it farther into the fire as it burns – doing so courts disaster. Simply put, all flammable items should be kept inside the fire circle and the area surrounding the fire circle should be completely free of flammable items.
It’s also important to prevent flaming embers from escaping the fire circle by floating upward. You can’t completely eliminate floating embers, but you can reduce the number produced by being careful what you add to the fire. Don’t, for example, add dead leaves, pine needs or other lightweight items to a burning fire. They’ll quickly ignite and be carried upward by the fire’s updraft.
You can use dead leaves or similar types of tinder when you are starting the fire, but once the fire is burning, you should only add relatively thick sticks or logs.
Be Careful What You Burn
Not every stick or branch you find in the forest is suitable for your campfire. You must be careful of things that could be toxic when burned, such as poison ivy vines or poison sumac branches (the smoke produced by either can cause you to suffer severe respiratory distress).
It’s also important to avoid burning some species of wood because they’re apt to pop and crackle in the fire, potentially sending flaming embers in all directions. These kinds of sounds may be romantic when they occur in a fireplace behind a metal screen, but they spell danger in the forest. Hemlock wood is one of the most notorious such species, but most softwoods, including several pines and firs, will also throw a lot of sparks. Make sure you don’t touch poison ivy when you are looking for these woods. If you have your choice of woods, oaks and hickories are both reliable options (in fact, most hardwoods make good and safe fuel for the fire).
And although it should go without saying, don’t burn anything besides wood, dead vegetation or paper in your fire. Throwing plastics, metals, glass or liquids into the fire can often be extremely dangerous, so don’t try to use your campfire as a trash incinerator.
Once The Fire Is Lit, You Can’t Leave
You should never leave a burning fire unattended – even for a moment. It only takes a few seconds for a fire to grow out of control, and you’ll need to be present and paying attention to prevent this from happening.
Want to leave the morning fire going while you day hike at a national park? You better leave someone behind to tend it. Need to go get more firewood? Someone has to stay behind to keep an eye on the fire.
Keep this rule in mind when you’re gathering firewood too. You don’t want to have to extinguish your fire because you need to go looking for more firewood – always collect twice as much as you think you’ll need.
Extinguish The Fire Properly When You Are Finished
Always have a supply of water on hand when you start a fire. Even if you are camping mere feet from a water source, you’ll need to have a supply of water that you can quickly bring to bear – you don’t want to have to go fetch water when your fire jumps out of the ring.
How much water you need to have is difficult to pin down, but clearly, you’ll want as much as you can reasonably collect and store. You don’t need to fill a 55-gallon drum with stream water, but it’s probably wise to have at least a couple of gallons on hand.
Collapsible five-gallon water containers are relatively affordable, weigh very little, and won’t take up much space in your backpack, so they’re perfect for the job. They’re also helpful in myriad other applications during the average camping trip.
Once the fire is over, you can use the water to put out the fire. But, plan ahead, if you can, and try to let the fire die down around the same time you’ll be retiring – the cooler it is, the easier it’ll be to extinguish. Just stop adding sticks once the last round of scary stories has started, or when you’re done cooking s’mores.
Five to ten minutes before you crawl into your tent, go ahead and start slowly pouring the water on the fire. Stop once you think you’ve completely extinguished the fire. Give the fire a few more minutes, and then use the rest of the water, being careful to hit any spots that are still smoldering. It should only be considered completely extinguished when you cannot see any glowing embers at all. If you are extinguishing the last fire of your trip (or you are heading to another location), go back and douse it with the same amount of water that you used the first time. Make sure that there is no possible way that the embers will begin glowing again.
Emergency Steps For Escaped Fires
You must always take steps to keep your fire contained – you never want to be faced with a fire that’s escaped and is now threatening large swaths of habitat. However, it is important to know what to do in a worst-case scenario. First of all, you’ll need to protect any people in the vicinity. Make sure that you warn them immediately, and that all parties are accounted for. Not only will this help prevent human casualties, but these people may also be able to help you bring the fire back under control.
If you are car camping with your blanket, it is a good idea to keep a fire extinguisher in the car. A fire extinguisher will only be helpful for a brief time – once the fire grows too large, the fire extinguisher won’t be able to put out the flames. Accordingly, you’ll want to act quickly and grab the fire extinguisher at the first sign of trouble. If you are backpacking, your options will be more limited. You likely won’t have any reasonable way to bring the fire back under control, so you’ll need to prioritize two things:
Ensure that you and all other people in the vicinity escape the fire’s path and reach the trailhead unharmed.
Contact the authorities as soon as possible, so that firefighters can begin trying to tame the blaze.
This illustrates the importance of bringing a working cell phone (or satellite phone, if you are venturing into remote wilderness areas) with you during camping trips.
Consider The Conditions: Sometimes, You Shouldn’t Start A Fire At All
Unfortunately, there are plenty of occasions in which you should just skip the fire and enjoy the nighttime sights and sounds the fire would normally preclude. This may put a bit of a damper on your evening, but that’s clearly preferable to putting a thousand-year-old habitat at risk.
For example, anytime you are camping in an area that is experiencing a drought or unusually dry period, you should probably think twice about starting a fire. This is often a concern for those camping in the western half of the US. Many parts of California, for example, experience near droughts (or full-fledged droughts) each winter. However, all parts of the country occasionally suffer from droughts, including the normally humid forests of the east coast.
It is also wise to avoid starting fires in high winds. It doesn’t take a very strong gust to catch an ember and carry it high into the tree canopy. So, to be on the safe side, you’ll want to consider the winds before deciding to build a fire. Of course, local officials will occasionally take the decision out of your hands entirely, by prohibiting the use of campfires in a given area. Follow these and all other instructions by the relevant authorities so that they can do their job and protect the habitat you are enjoying. Besides, the penalties for breaking these rules can be severe.
Miscellaneous Campfire Safety Tips
In addition to the general guidelines discussed above, there are a variety of miscellaneous fire safety tips you should embrace during your next camping trip. Some of the most important include:
Keep your extra firewood stacked neatly – you don’t want anyone tripping over the pile. Organize it into three small piles, consisting of tinder, kindling and fuel, and be sure to place all three upwind of the fire.
Don’t throw hot matches into trashcans. It is usually wise to simply toss them into the fire; just be sure that they burn completely.
Build your fire upwind of relatively nonflammable locations, such as lakes or rock outcrops, whenever possible. This way, flying embers or sparks are less likely to land on something flammable.
Never throw rocks in the fire. Some rocks contain small droplets of water inside their pores. These water droplets can boil thanks to the heat from the fire and cause the rock to explode, sending sharp fragments in all directions. If you need to warm a rock (to help keep you cozy through the night), keep it a reasonable distance from the fire. Let it get warm but move it away from the fire if it begins to get hot.
Sand can be helpful for extinguishing a fire in a pinch. You won’t be able to snuff out a large fire with sand, but a shovel’s worth of sand may help you smother embers that escape the fire circle. Accordingly, it can be helpful to keep a camp shovel at the ready.
Be careful if your campfire is located near old tree stumps. Although stumps often take a while to begin burning, once they start combusting, they can keep smoldering for weeks.
Move around the rocks and sticks in the fire circle when trying to extinguish the fire. Sometimes, smoldering embers can remain hidden, so stir the cooled fire circle around with a long stick to ensure the fire is completely out.
Keep your fire relatively small. A relatively modest pile of glowing coals will produce enough heat to keep you and your companions warm, boil water or cook food. Small fires are easier to control, represent a better use of resources, and they allow you to sit closer without getting too hot.
Don’t burn gigantic logs. Very large logs take forever to ignite and once they start burning, they can be difficult to put out completely. You just don’t need this much fuel for a quaint little campfire. Instead, stick to logs that are no larger than your wrist.
Remember that while fires are certainly fun, it is your responsibility to keep the fire safe and prevent it from growing out of control. This is especially important during dry weather. In fact, when the conditions are especially problematic (such as windy weather during prolonged droughts), it is wise to forego the fire entirely. But, if the conditions are safe for fires, and you follow the tips and suggestions above, you should be able to enjoy a safe campfire during your next camping trip.
The post Campfire Safety Guide appeared first on Montem Outdoor Gear.
from Montem Outdoor Gear https://montemlife.com/campfire-safety-guide/
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shivatheoutlaw · 7 years
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Over the very saturated, polluted and muddy expanse of the Ganga in Kolkata, runs the Howrah Bridge. Although hyped by many self - proclaimed “bridge historians” (you read that right) as a good example of fine engineering, the cantilever and the projected joints always looked to me to be comparable to cheap asbestos, or at the very least, the silver knock off hazy aluminum ring that my gardener would wear with a huge ass glass diamond, which he would shine every morning with toothpaste. I was just mentally getting accustomed to accepting that in life, when another realization hit me – it looked to me like it was the first prototype of the game “Mechanix”. Tough luck for someone from Kolkata. Most children my age were raised to be in awe of it as well. So was I, but this wouldn’t be interesting if I yielded now would it. Now that I think about it, I never did ooze loyalty to the city like so many others. Infact, I thought I was the best product to ever come out of it, which believe me, is saying a lot. But the food was undeniable. I scowled at my producer as the car approached the bridge. I’d been talked into coming into this confluence of pseudo philosophical dhoti wearing, weed smoking, know it all, so called artistic hippie culture. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a one hundred percent advocate of smoking the ol’ doobie. It’s this holier than thou attitude of today’s young Kolkataiites that irks me to no end. Moreover, I find the degradation of quite simply one of the most euphonious and saccharine cultures in India, plainly indigestible. The higher you rise, the harder you fall, I guess. Just wearing a loose saffron colored kurta, with Om written all over it in red, growing out the beard, and talking Freud and singing Tagore, along with protesting every now and then doesn’t make anyone anymore philosophical than the life expectancy of Schrodinger’s cat. I, myself being one of them hated the fact that they weren’t anything similar. The fact that I had to come here all smiles, and talk about the culture, the food and the people, just made my mind itch with the need to say all of the above on camera, which I couldn’t because, well, contract, so fuck logic. Also, it’s good money for just talking, travelling, eating and drinking, with an occasional whiff of Idukki Gold, just to keep things interesting for me and myself a role model for the kids at home. To those of you with moral spidey senses tingling, relax, I’m kidding. Why would I take an occasional whiff of the stuff when I can smoke it everyday? Don’t get me wrong, I love Bengalis. Hell, I am one. I have taken rather a liking that they call us “Bongs” for some reason, need I say more? The 2016 Durga Puja, as you will see later in the book, was one of the most exhilarating experiences in my life, second only to another one which we will discuss in a while. But of the long list of things I find chronically capable of producing the ever eluding itch, the holier than thou attitude of my fellow brethren was fighting for a strong second. Anyway, on to the more relevant stuff. Now for those of you still wondering, the spontaneity portrayed in travel and food shows is choreographed more than an Ocean’s Eleven heist. The presenter talks to the host/chef/owner of establishment, etc. and is given innumerable chances to fuck it all up. The essence, as I mentioned earlier, of a place, can be surely found in its households, for there is created the actual, sensationally authentic ambrosia, passed down by muscle memory and word of mouth mantras from one generation to the next. It was to exploit the exceedingly pleasant results of these near congenital hand-me-downs, that I was going, or rather, was talked into going, to a Bengali household to sample (gorge) on the edible forms of godliness. Bengali cuisine is seraphic. It is one of the seven cordon bleus on which I find myself not requiring a second take on camera to talk about. Not difficult to find words when there’s plenty to gush over. The generous use of haldi or turmeric, as we know it, along with a little red chilly mix, specially prepared in an old stone mortar, salt, pepper, lemon and a generous toss of finely chopped coriander was only the marination for the rather unusually large pieces of fresh water Rohu fish that was but a part of the seven course meal that was being prepared. While my producer smirked at my constant attempts to steal glances at the food being prepared, his expression bellowing “I told you so”, we set up our cameras and crew for an interview with the man of the house, and later, his wife. “Good food”, he said, “is man’s best attempt to worship the Almighty. But what often defines good food is not the spices, not the cook, not the quality of the produce, or the place that you eat it in. No, what makes food good? What makes the final fruition of anything most satisfying? The time taken to grow the produce, the effort put in to cook it, and the hunger.” As I feigned my best expression showing my pseudo interest in what he had to say, my mind automatically locked on to those words. Hunger, time, and effort. Between snippets and pauses of “State of the Art”, Jim James, my mind began to put those three words into perspective, with, mind you, the music also playing in my head alongside the cerebration. What did it mean to actually work for food, such that you enjoy it even more when you finally eat it? No no, not the going out, earning money kind of work… but actually going out on a limb to find food when all you want to do is eat, and given the circumstances, that is the last thing possible. Perspective. Between my urge to get away from the family and live alone and unencumbered for a few days, I’d bawled my parents’ brains out into letting me spend a week with friends in Chennai. It was here that the above three words found perspective. It was also the reason I wasn’t even pretending to pay attention to the task at hand, because well, who’d recollect and narrate this particularly beguiling turn of events in the intervals of generous puffs particularly potent weed. The year was 2015. It was the start of my examination leave from work (I was interning with one of the “Big Four” accounting firms at the time, as was the diktat by the ICAI. I feel compelled to write that particular abbreviation in italics. Keep in mind, I do not want the reader to in any way imagine that it is because I think that it is of some significance… I want, rather, the reader to envision a sneer, and superimpose that feeling of spine, cervical and facial muscles onto the above mentioned abbreviation representing this bureaucratic confluence of biasness.) But I digress. For the lack of a better, readily available and remotely satisfactory arrangement at hand, and the immediate, unceremonious and prosaic start to my rather infinite syllabus of the Chartered Accountancy examination being the only alternative, which was restlessly propagated by my father, who, for the lack of a better explanation, had pretty much settled on the conclusion that no man required rest; give him books and he will study; give him teaching and he will excel, I booked a two-way economy class ticket to Chennai, for a week with my school friend SD, whose transformation from the typical controllable, hair partitioned school boy to a transgressive weed guru and ace computer programmer had earned my respect. Now remember, the timeline is non-existent, but the incidents themselves are well…interesting. Keeping that in mind, let’s get on with Chennai. I will not bore the reader with too much about the journey, which was quite uneventful; well, there was the guy who pushed his wife aside and hugged me instead when the aircraft went through some routine turbulence but that’s about it. About twenty minutes after landing at the Kamraj airport, I was greeted by my friend, and a few other soon to be mutuals. After gorging at the nearest pizza diner ( which was by no means near), we went to his place for the night. The next day we left for Pondicherry. My first time visiting. Pondicherry is the very embodiment of a place that beckons you to get out; to not sit at home, or laze around, or sit in front of your laptop, binge streaming Netflix. No, it screams hope. Hope, that maybe if one gets out and takes a walk among the delightfully magnificent port town French colonial architecture, amid the smell of flowers out of season, not too strong, mixing with the faint whiff of sea breeze resulting in notoriously fantastic and romantic notions, one might actually walk into someone else, with hope. It mimics the same pertinacious results casinos achieve when players, reeling from artificial pheromones in the air conditioning, unintentionally draw unaffordable lines of credit. I’m talking about that kinda hope. Indefatigable. But look at the bright side. You do atleast, get some exercise in. Whether you meet your soulmate, cycling down the promenade, or not. I was on a similar solitary and introspective walk ( I didn’t know where to hire a cycle) myself, enjoying the sea breeze on the promenade while my friends slept off their alcohol induced high in the hotel; I had an incredibly high alcohol tolerance back then. While chatting with the owner of a street stall after sampling his fantastically delectable fresh prawns, marinated in chilly tandoori spices, grilled and served on a cut banana leaf to customers, I noticed a cycle for hire stand on the other side of the road, with only a cycle to spare. Seeing a long stretch of promenade ahead of me, I made my way to the billing counter to ask for a couple of hours’ rent for the cycle. “Combien pour 3 heures?”, a girl ran up to the counter ahead of me, just as I was about to finally get a cycle for rent. “Excuse me”, I began, “I was here first, and was just about to rent the cycle.” “Mais c'est urgent!!”, she exclaimed. “S'il vous plaît laissez-moi avoir le vélo!!” “Um…what? I’m sorry, my French is sketchy, at best.” “I am uh… really late for a party…?”, she seemed unsure of her English. Now before any of you, who are the quickest to judge, and I risk, most disinclined to empathize, I’d ended a quite intense relationship (oh trust me… we’ll come to that) and was on no account feeling charitable towards members of the opposite sex. “Well, since I got here first, and was about to rent it before you, I think I’m gonna take it.”, I said pretty coldly, coming off quite discourteous if I recollect correctly. “Oh come on uh…please!” “No.” I went over to the counter to pay. “You can atleast uh leave me?” “Hmph.” The girl was persistent, and well, there was a level beyond which I couldn’t feign anger. “Where to?” “The Du Parc Hotel, you have heard hm?” The ride was pretty much uneventful, and we arrived at the hotel in around twenty minutes. “Thank you for the ride uh…your name?” “Shivam. You’re welcome. Anyway, gotta get going.” “You have to go? It is a…um…open to all party…and we will get discount for couple!”, she sounded pretty spritely. I was thrown off track. I tend to get nervous when moments like these present themselves. I reminisced that my evening had begun with a simple walk, and here I was, in this um…situation. “Listen”, I began, but she was already talking to the concierge. “Come!” “What? Listen, I don’t even know your name!” “Ava. Now come, let’s go inside!” I think that in life, the truth about the end is not death. It is about the experiences that one goes through. The number of experiences, like Pokemon cards, determines the level of variety achieved in life. It is not about the paradigm of the experience, but rather the experience itself. It becomes essential, therefore, that one mustn’t be pinned to a particular paradigm of experiences. Take the good with the bad, or you might cloy; and above all remember, that nothing quite competes with simplicity. “Shivam! Get up man!” I was rather nonplussed at hearing SD’s voice. Still disoriented and with half my mind trying to recover from my inebriated stupor, I tried to make out what he was saying. “Hey man! You alright? I think you had a bit too much to smoke up.” “Whaa? Ava?” For someone who considers and takes pride in himself as a heavyweight in holding their drink, I was quite outdone by some exceedingly potent and undesirably good strain of marijuana. “Ava? Hahahahaha….dude get the fuck up hahahahaha…” The reader will not judge me, as I present in good faith that if you think you’ve done it all after trying the weed in Bombay, then you’ve got another thing coming. Well, atleast the dream was good while it lasted. But that is not what this is about. It is never about the eye of the storm. It is always about the aftermath. Aftermaths aren’t always bad. And when you get those ever worsening pangs of hunger after chimneying joints, a.k.a ze munchies, you know it gets better, because well, food right? “I’m hungry as fuck bro!” SD bellowed. “Let’s go out and get something to eat! Maybe we’ll also crash into some French chick called Ava hahahaha.” Did I exhort how I find my closest friends quite irksome? “Oh bite me.” “I’m hungry man let’s go and get something to eat!” “At four in the morning? Where do we get food?” It is here that I learned that good food is a matter of perspective. One might argue that there is nothing there is nothing contemporary about this particular observation. Of course, if you expend the better part of your reservoir on a few meals, they’re bound to be, they better be, few of the best meals you have sampled, because well, otherwise, what was the point? And ask yourself this, would you have spent so much on so little? On something that you don’t quite care for? And if you did, then wouldn’t you prefer that it wasn’t all for naught? It is this thinking that is often responsible for the jubilations on social media today. All the pictures of food uploaded, all the highly eulogized videos of nightlife experiences that viewers go into raptures about, and all the so called ‘vlogs’ about peoples’ highly publicized lives that all of us are so enamored with. But I ask the reader this: would you really pull out your camera and think about recording some occurrence, if it was really that frabjous? Or would you rather concentrate on the experience itself ? At this juncture, I quite fail to grasp whether social media has, in fact forced us to blur the line between the two possible explanations: did we forget to enjoy it because of social media or did we never really, in the first place? Or is it simply a case of priorities? That we infact, would rather have people think that we’re having a good time, at the cost of really having it? However, I digress. ​ Good food, is a matter of perspective. It is the hunger, time and effort that helps shape that perspective. “Finally!” said SD stopping the car at a dingy corner of the promenade at quarter to five in the morning. “Shiv, I’m effin hungry man.” The sea looked quite menacing to me at the early hours of the morning. It wasn’t particularly turbulent, but the view of the sea from behind the edge of the promenade, with a glimmering reflection of the moon and the gust of cold whiffs of wind almost gave me an impending feeling of vertigo. Aftermath of the weed, I guess. I looked away and concentrated on the place we’d just arrived at. In the distance, between the imposing sea-faced buildings and quaint little French colonial architectural bistros, souvenir and flower shops, all closed this early in the day, stood a vendor with his fare in a glass box street cart which stood on four wheels, and behind which a makeshift, gas powered stove along with a sandwich press grill, to which I noticed quite a number of people, including morning walkers, fishermen who wanted to grab a quick snack before heading out, and ourselves, were flocking. A closer inspection revealed he was selling anda bhurji (a miscellany of eggs, spring onions, lemon juice, sautéed with green chilies in mustard oil, to which water was added with a sprinkle of turmeric for color) with sliced bread, marinated in pudina chutney and dried, and then lathered with butter and grilled to a crisp, along with the usual assortment of cold drinks in a freezer box on the ground, coffee, and cigarettes. We ordered the works, two times over to go, and as I unwrapped the torn aqueous paper packing of the bhurji and the crispy bread in the car I could have sworn that I must have swallowed over a dozen times in anticipation. As I scooped up some of the bhurji onto a piece of the glisteningly fatty bread, covered in reduced chutney and fried in butter, I could not remember any other experience that rivaled this one in terms of anticipation. I mean sure, I do love food, but I care for it when I’m actually eating it. Here, the foreplay was almost unbearable, and as I greedily took as much of the bread wrapped egg mélange, as fast as my mouth could take it, it did not matter that it was quite hot and burned my palate, as the juices and marination from the egg, chutney, the melted butter which played with your tongue as you breathed in, but only felt the air strike against the thin, yet warm coating of fat around it, the chilies, and the distinctive crunch of the onions, harmonized perfectly with the perpetual gustation. I can tell you that it was the most gratifying meal that I’ve ever had in my life, and an impulse to ensure that it wasn’t the last. Perspective. See what I mean? It was here indeed that I realized that the line between gourmet and comfort was, but imaginary, a meridian, if you will. I stole a look at the Howrah bridge from the window as I returned to the conversation with the host and his wife. My producer looked on, as though everything was going as per plan, oblivious, with no modicum of an inkling, that I was relying solely on muscle memory and timing to have an ineffectual conversation at best, while sampling the best seven course meal in Bengali cuisine that I’d had in sometime, my mind relishing the simple bhurji from Pondicherry.
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