#bekah's at it again
w0efulboopsoul · 1 year
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Multi-muse Account, mun is 29 and must be 21+ to interact with. - Super friendly and multi-ship.
Welcome to all characters, ocs.... That means you too. <3 GET OVER HERE AND LETS WRITE! <3 - Seriously, don't be shy! I'm literally like a baby seal when it comes to intimidation. XD I swear, I'm not scary.
Major ship whore. - You have been warned, be prepared for loads of bugging and plot ideas among many other things from me if we write together and ship.
Now, you've learned some about me, here's a few questions for you: - Who is your favorite oc to play, and why? - What would you say is the lore connected to your oc? - Could you name three negative traits about this oc? - What is your favorite fandom to write in? Canon to write as?
w0e's Meme Tag!
STRATUS SILVATON: @thatbluebxtch
Stratus Silvaton
REBECCA BYRD: @beatenxnotxbroken
Rebecca Byrd
CARA ZIMMERMEN: @outcastbybirth
Cara Zimmermen
EMMA KAY HILL: @whitewolfdown
Emma Hill
MEG MASTERS: @clarencenamer
Meg Masters
GAMORA: @bloodstainedyetredeemed
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235uranium · 4 months
it's bp complaining hours. how the fuck does yg continously fumble genuinely talented idols. it's so obvious they put zero effort into giving bp anything to work with and just coast on name recognition. "they don't even try!" lisa is known to be one of the hardest working idols and yet yg can't give her a fucking comeback. don't get me started on their choreography. what the fuck is going on there. it's worse than how all their songs are now just "teddy and bekah boom"
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fandoms--fluff · 8 months
Heloop can you do one of baby Mikaelson, that she is always with nik and Elijah but when Hayley comes to leave with them yn what to be with her
New Favorite
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Baby Mikaelson sister reader x Hayley marshall (+ Klaus & Elijah)
Warnings: pregnancy?
A/n: I've been wanting to write something like this for a while and I got so happy when this request came in!
You peek out from behind your big brother, Elijah's, leg. Across the room, where she's sitting on the couch with her legs crossed, is Hayley. The lady who all of your brothers and sister have been fighting about what should happen.
Apparently something happened with Niky and her, but no one will tell you and you've been too nervous to go up to Hayley and actually say something to her.
The closest you ever gotten to her is right now, holding on for dear life to Elijah's leg. You don't like being around people you aren't familiar with. Which I weird that you're feeling like that with Hayley, Elijah has been noticing, since you technically have met her before in Mystic Falls. But you guys did just move back to New Orleans and it's a bigger change for you considering you like being in Mystic Falls, that's sometimes hard to believe truthfully for him. Then again you don't have some horrendous memories of the place like the others do.
You look at what she's wearing and your eyes land on her hands. On her fingers, there are a couple rings in various shapes and some have a colorful stone on them.
Elijah is talking with Niky. It sounds like he's mad with him. Though that's not really concerning to you considering he and Elijah get into fights all the time, so you're used to it. The same with when Niky and Bekah also get into fights.
As they continue to squabble, you carefully start letting go of your big brother's leg and start to make your way over to Hayley. You move slowly, not wanting to accidently trip like you do sometimes when you're nervous or excited.
Hayley looks down and sees you standing a couple feet away the end of the couch supporting your small basically toddler frame. She smiles softly, she took a liking to you during her time in Mystic Falls. Even though she despised, and still kinda does, Klaus, she likes how he acts all soft and protective of you.
She's noticed you're basically always with either Elijah or Klaus. Whether that be them carrying you, holding your hand, you attached to their legs or just being in the same room.
"Hi there" She speaks to you first, her tone soft.
You look up at her with big eyes and take a small step towards her, still holding onto the couch cushions on the way. You lift your other tiny hand up to give her a small wave.
It takes you a moment to climb up on the couch and sit down on your knees, facing her.
She has to admit, You're pretty cute.
You look up at her face and then down at her hands, repeating that a couple more times. Your sight finally lands on her hands. The rings shine under the light.
She realizes it's her rings you're looking at, so she moves her hand and places it in front of you, right above your knees. "You like my rings?" She asks you quietly.
You wrap your tiny hands around her hand and start tracing the ring with a butterfly on it. It takes you a moment to reply, but quietly you finally say something, "Pretty." You mumbled before looking back up at her, your hands still clutched to hers.
"It is, isn't it?" She smiles.
Rebekah walks into the house from being out all day. She rolls her eyes at the two arguing. Instead, she made her way to the both of you.
"Well, I think it's time for a certain someone to get ready for bed," She tells you after reading the clock that's sitting on the mantel.
You frown before complying and climb off the couch. You reach up and grab your big sister's outstretched hand. As you guys start walking toward the stairs, you look back and wave a 'bye' to Hayley.
Over the next few months, you start spending more time with Hayley. You got attached to her quickly. She revealed to you about being pregnant with Klaus' child, earning an excited reaction from you, and getting a smile out of herself as well.
It seems as if you're spending more time with Hayley than your brothers. As Rebekah has teased your guys' brothers about.
Klaus sits with you on your bed, trying to get you to sleep. Which isn't working in his favor. When you want to be, you can be more stubborn than Rebekah, and that's saying something.
"It's past your bedtime" He whispers. He's not exactly trying that hard anyway, but you usually listen to him.
"Bad sleep" You frown up at him. "No, not bad sleep, you need sleep, or else you'll be grumpy in the morning," He says, leaving out the point on how Elijah will have his head if he lets you stay up way too late again.
"So let's lay back down, curl up, and go to sleep," He tells you softly, handing you your stuffed yellow teddy bear.
You slowly follow his wording and snuggle your teddy bear as he tucks you in. Your brother places a kiss on your head before turning the lamp off and slowly leaves the room.
After laying in your bed for ten minutes, unable to fall asleep, you sit back up and shuffle out of your bed.
You quietly walk out into the hallway until you find yourself in what used to be Kol's room and now is Hayley's. You patter in and Hayley looks up from her book to see you standing a couple feet away with your teddy bear clutched in your hand.
"Hey sweetie, aren't you supposed to be in bed" She asked you, already knowing the answer. "uh-uh" You shake your head and walk over to the bed and climb up with Hayley helping you.
"Whatever you say, hun" She chuckles.
You crawl closer to her. She lifts her right arm up, having you cuddle into her side. You move down a bit to rest your head on her pregnancy bump. You giggle from the feeling of magic coming from the baby. You're the only one who seems to be able to feel any of it.
You hug your teddy with one arm while your other hand is tracing shapes on Hayley's bump, tiredly. Not even ten minutes later, you're out like a light.
Klaus searches around the house, trying to find you. He hasn't seen you all morning. While he searches, Elijah stands up from where he's sat. "What's wrong?"
"I can't seem to find our baby sister anywhere" Klaus answers before leaving the room, obvious that you're not in here. Elijah follows after him.
"Have you checked Hayley's room?" Elijah asks him. That makes him pause before going up the stairs to where the bedrooms are.
He opens the door to the pregnant werewolf's room and walks in. What he sees makes him breathe a sigh of relief. Showing in front of them, Hayley and you are sound asleep, you cuddled into her arms with your bear still in your grasp.
"What are you two doing? There are more than enough reasons as to why not to wake up one of them, let alone both of them" Rebekah whisper at them, pulling the two men out of the bedroom and closing the door.
"But I think, you guys have been replaced with a new favorite" Rebekah smirks, nodding to Hayley's door before walking away.
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wholoveseggs · 7 months
HIYA GORGEOUS!! I absolutely adore all that you write and here I am once again to request something (tbh I’ll always be here to request things 🤭). So I’d like to request…
y/n (aka me) is Elijah's best friend but she's never met Klaus, only heard about him. one day she surprises Eli for his birthday so she walks in the compound, not knowing that Klaus is there too. she and Elijah exchange hellos then talk for a bit and before they can leave (Elijah is subtly trying to rush her out), Klaus hears her voice and comes downstairs. I'll leave the details to you but she and Klaus instantly hit it off so much so that it makes Elijah jealous (he's always had a thing for y/n but never said anything be he's afraid of losing their friendship). again, leaving the details to you. can we make it a 2-parter? 1 is jealousy/angst w/ implied smut between y/n and Klaus & 2 is Elijah confessing to y/n his feelings which lead to their first time sex and possible future relationship.
Sorry love if this is too much, it's okay if you're not up for it though! Thanks for even indulging me! 🤍
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18+ ---- {Masterlist} {Tag-List}
Part One
A drunken hookup with Klaus complicates your friendship with Elijah, leading to an awkward morning after.
♡♡ Thanks for the request sweet Aurora!! This one was a blast to write. But implied smut with Klaus??? Nahhh. No half-measures here. This is for all my Klaus girlies. You can't fix him, but you sure can fuck him. ♡♡
5k words - Warnings: smutttt {with Klaus}, rough sex, mild choking, Klaus being the drama, Elijah hiding his feelings & Rebekah judging you.
{Part Two}
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You came rushing through the gates of the compound, carrying so many shopping bags that you could barely see. Your arms felt on fire, but a little strain was worth it all when you remembered who you were doing this for.
Tonight was Elijah's big birthday bash, put together by you and Rebekah, and you wanted everything to be perfect. Elijah had become one of your closest friends, and this celebration was your chance to show him how much he meant to you.
"Eli, I have so much stuff for the party. Where should I put it all?" you ask once you got far enough into the house.
Elijah emerged from the grand living room and came into the foyer to help you. He had an odd look on his face, but you couldn't really pinpoint it exactly. He took the bags from your arms and carried them himself.
"Don't look in them! I want it to be a surprise!" You said, putting your hands over his eyes and guiding him towards the table.
Elijah chuckled, "Fine, Fine. Are you sure all of this is necessary?"
"Absolutely." you said, uncovering his eyes. "You only turn 1040 once," you joked, causing the pair of you to laugh.
It was over-the-top as shit, but a girl had to take any opportunity to give a Mikaelson a birthday they would remember, and then some.
Elijah's smile faltered a bit as he looked around the courtyard nervously. "Will you be returning home to get ready for tonight?" He asked, trying not to sound hopeful.
"I'm actually getting ready here with Bekah, why? Have a hot date you are hiding from me?" You teased, unaware of the way Elijah's body stilled at your words.
"Oh no darling, no date, just a brother he wants to hide," said an accented voice from the second level balcony.
Elijah let out a rough sigh as you turned to see Klaus stepping down the stairs towards you both.
You had heard of the legendary hybrid of course, but since you met Elijah you had yet to run into him. In fact, this was the first time you had seen Klaus in person and were unaware of the true look of him. Which made you almost go weak in the knees.
He was hot, like 'fuck me right now hot' and it took everything in you not to drool. It didn't surprise you, all the other Mikaelsons were extremely attractive, so it only stood to reason their infamous hybrid brother would be also.
You could tell by the look on his face he found you just as attractive, and with a devilish smirk, he seemed to say ‘I will fuck you right now if that's what you wish’
"Hello love, it's a pleasure to finally meet you," he drawled before bringing your hand up and kissing it softly.
You wanted to hate him. Klaus had been notorious for so long for his tantrums and viciousness. But one look and just a touch from his lips and you knew you were doomed.
"T-Thanks," you said, pulling your hand back.
Klaus tucked a piece of hair behind your ear and ran a thumb across your cheek.
"Are you blushing for me? Can't say I blame you, love," he said cockily.
Elijah rolled his eyes at his younger brother's antics, but as Klaus lingered on your skin he felt a stir of possessiveness settle in his bones. He cleared his throat, shooting his brother a glare,
"I would love some help setting up the party for your brother," you asked Klaus, hoping to spend more time with him, his charm quite intriguing.
"It's alright, I can help you," Elijah insisted, not wanting Klaus to interact with you for a multitude of reasons.
"It's supposed to be a surprise for you Eli,” you pouted, which caused Elijah to soften at your cuteness.
"I've got it handled, Eli," Klaus teased, emphasizing the nickname you used for him.
Elijah looked between the two of you, clearly wanting to decline your request and keep you both apart. But alas, for some reason, he couldn't come up with a legitimate reason.
Klaus grabbed your bags and walked off, you began to follow, turning back to give Elijah a wide smile. "See you tonight, birthday boy," you exclaimed happily before hurrying off after the younger Mikaelson.
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You spent all afternoon decorating with Klaus, who insisted you call him Nik. He was somewhat sweet but full of himself. Yet, you enjoyed his company, he had a good eye for décor and matched your vision effortlessly.
"Have I accomplished my mission?" he asked. He brought a champagne bottle up, pouring two glasses and giving you one.
You leaned against the pillar with him and clinked your drinks together. "I'd say so, yes. Thank you so much for helping me."
"It was no trouble at all," Klaus said, then smirked at you over his glass. "You are quite stunning, love."
You grinned at his comment, "you should see me after I get all dressed up for tonight," you flirted, even though it sounded more like a challenge to him.
Klaus downed his drink then placed it on the table. Without warning, he pinned you to the pillar and trapped you against him. "Oh I plan on doing more than looking tonight," he said as his hungry eyes traveled over your body.
"I see you two have finally met, how wonderful," Rebekah commented, disrupting the moment.
You laughed nervously, glad for the interruption, gently pushing Klaus off of you. As much as you wanted to jump Klaus then and there, something held you back. And you knew what, or rather, who was keeping you from acting on your desires...
"We were just having some champagne," you tell her, taking another drink.
"I see that, the decorations look amazing by the way," she complimented as she poured herself a glass as well. "Catering has arrived, they are setting everything up downstairs," she informed you, letting you know you should probably get ready.
"I'll go get dressed then. Thank you again, Nik." You smiled at him again, and he grinned in response.
"I think I'm owed a dance for my hard work," he told you as you walked away with Rebekah.
You looked over your shoulder at him and gave him a wink, excited for the party to begin.
Once you were upstairs and away from Klaus, Rebekah spoke quietly to you. "Be careful with him, he's not like Elijah," she warned you.
"No one is like Elijah," you chuckled a bit, ignoring the pang of sadness you felt at the realization you would probably never be with the older Mikaelson.
The two of you spent your time getting ready, sipping on champagne and discussing the numerous guests who would be arriving. You got a little too buzzed, but you were excited and also needed some courage to face an unknown quantity of vampires.
Rebekah always had impeccable taste, helping you pick out a skin tight dress that came a few inches above your knees and accentuated every curve on your body. Adding even more with the tall black heels you slipped on, showing off your legs.
"I'm afraid I might have gone too far," Rebekah chuckled as she applied your makeup, making you look smolderingly hot.
"You think?" You asked sarcastically.
"You look like vampire bait and I'm sure it's going to drive him mad," she snorted, taking another drink.
"Who?" You looked at yourself in the mirror and fixed a smudge of lipstick.
Rebekah gave you a knowing look, but stayed quiet and you just smiled back at her innocently.
When everything was ready and all the guests started arriving, you and Rebekah made a grand entrance into the main parlor. Elijah was talking with someone when his eyes caught you across the room, you wandered over to him and gave him a big hug.
"Happy birthday," you whispered in his ear, as his arms pulled you tighter to him.
"Thank you so much," he said, pulling back just enough to smile at you, his face growing even brighter when he really looked at you.
You noticed the way his eyes traced your figure, taking you all in. The way they darkened a bit with pure desire, making you instantly become hot all over. But it was probably just your imagination, brought on by all the champagne you've been drinking.
You almost made a move right then, but the person he was conversing with interrupted and you found yourself drawn away by Bekah and her friends. Leaving Elijah to watch you from afar as you conversed with them, laughing and drinking.
Hours later, you were still in the middle of the large group of people, even dancing to the music that was blaring through the place. You saw Elijah dancing with a beautiful woman and you wanted to be happy for him, but then the woman whispered in his ear and touched his chest, and your mood immediately soured.
You went to the bar to get a drink, deciding more alcohol might be what you needed to wash away all your confused feelings.
"Thirsty, love?" Asked a familiar voice in your ear as your body was pulled back to collide with a strong chest. You could smell the scent of Klaus's cologne and instantly felt turned on.
"Very," you said, downing your entire shot.
He spun you around to look into your eyes, both of his hands on your waist, drinking in your appearance.
"You didn't have to do all this for me," Klaus teased, his eyes on your chest as he licked his lips. "I'm a sure thing, darling, you know that,"
You couldn't help but laugh. He may have been a lot of things, but he was definitely entertaining. You shook your head, but smiled all the same.
"I only ever dress up for myself, Nik," you sassed back to him, looking up through your lashes.
A slow smirk came to Klaus's face as he leaned in and captured your lips in his. He hummed into the kiss and his grip tightened on you. He pulled away, your lipstick was still on his lips.
You giggled and wiped it off, as he ordered you another drink. Not that you really wanted one but damn, he was good at persuading people.
"I recall that you owe me a dance," he reminded you, taking a sip of his own beverage.
"Oh?" You said innocently, fiddling with the many necklaces he was wearing. "I don't remember agreeing to anything," you flirted.
"Well, perhaps a private dance then," he teased, giving you a mischievous smile.
"Maybe I'll surprise you later," you whispered, leaning in and sucking his bottom lip into your mouth and playfully biting it, loving the look of surprise and arousal on his face.
Then you turned and sauntered away, leaving him standing there at the bar to watch you. You were definitely going to end up in his bed tonight, but you wanted to make him squirm a little. Or rather, a lot.
You moved through the crowd to see Elijah and the woman dancing close, whispering things to each other. Well, actually, only she was talking. He seemed like he wasn't paying too much attention to the conversation she was having with him.
You gave him a wave and a smile, pointing at the woman and giving him an encouraging thumbs up. You don't know why you did it. Your chest did funny things seeing him with someone else though.
He returned your smile but didn't do much else before she spoke in his ear again and he allowed her to lead him out of the crowd.
You guessed Elijah was tired of his own party and went off to have some fun, and you were determined to have the same.
Klaus found you sitting on the couch, a cocktail and a plate of various snacks in front of you. You were thoroughly bored as you couldn't find him again.
He came from behind and crashed beside you, taking the glass out of your hand and finishing it, then set it aside.
"Hey! That was mine," you scolded playfully.
Klaus put his arm around you and kissed your neck. "How about you stop pretending you're enjoying yourself and come upstairs with me?" He suggested.
You laughed, and then he abruptly pulled you up and practically carried you through the door leading upstairs, pinning you to the wall at the top of the steps.
"Nik," you tried to say while laughing. "You can't just haul me off and have your way with me," you protested as his lips got closer to yours.
"Tell me to stop and I will," he taunted, bringing his lips to yours in a rough kiss.
You felt like you couldn't breathe, everything moving so fast. Klaus didn't even give you a chance to respond, lifting you so your legs wrapped around him.
He walked into a room and shut the door, setting you down on his desk. You realized that you were in his infamous art studio, looking around as Klaus hovered over you. You felt his lips on your neck, kissing every inch until you moaned.
Then he found the tiny zipper of your dress and slid it down, exposing your breasts. He smirked, reaching to tweak your nipple as he took you in. "Well then, love. Now I truly see why my brother has hidden you from me," he said huskily.
You giggled at his compliment but then you couldn't form words as he yanked the rest of your dress off you. You sat on the desk naked, save for your heels and nothing else.
"Dear lord, you are gorgeous," Klaus muttered, touching you everywhere.
You pulled him close by his shirt collar and locked lips. You bit his bottom lip harshly and he growled, his eyes flashing gold. The way his eyes changed on you was the hottest thing you've seen.
You pulled his shirt off him, tossing it to the floor before unbuckling his belt, wanting him as naked as you were. Once you had him bare, you raked your nails down his chest and he chuckled.
"You want to play rough, don’t you love?" He whispered as he nipped at your neck.
"Maybe," you teased, "what are you going to do about it?" You questioned, leaning back on the desk a little and spreading your legs for him, getting wet at the promise of a wild night.
Klaus's breath hitched when you touched yourself for him, his eyes completely transfixed on you. He was definitely intrigued by how confident you were.
"Well then," he growled before he roughly pinned your legs open, his hands squeezing your thighs harshly. He brought your body to the edge of the desk, kneeling in front of you as he ran a thumb over your dripping wet center.
He hummed at your scent as he pulled you forward a bit more to devour you, making you yelp in surprise, your hands tugging on his curls.
He was good, really good, and your toes curled at the pleasure you were receiving. It only got better when you saw his golden eyes as he gazed at you with a possessive glint, the vibrations from his own groans of enjoyment hitting you just right.
But before you could climax he pulled back and stood up, making you whimper and sit up on the desk, wanting him to continue.
Klaus chuckled at your impatience, pulling you into another searing kiss as you moaned. He broke it and gave you a smug smile, before wrapping his hand around your throat.
You were panting with need, your hand moving down to his cock and he hissed at your touch. He moved forward so he was resting between your thighs again as you stroked him slowly.
You both stayed this way for a moment, staring at each other. Until finally Klaus couldn't stand it any longer and roughly turned you around to face the desk. He pushed on your back until you were bent over on the wood, making you giggle with anticipation.
He smacked your ass hard, turning your giggle into a gasp as you looked back at him. He did it again and again until it was stinging. You wanted him so badly, it was unbearable.
You reached back for him and he lined up his cock to your entrance, sliding it up and down a few times until you were nearly shaking. He finally gave in and pushed into you, his hand tugging your hair until you arched into him, and he sank into the hilt.
He hissed at the sensation and you were about to tell him to move but he started fucking you without you needing to, hard and rough and perfect. He had you moaning with each thrust as you grabbed onto the desk, holding on tight as his body collided with yours, skin slapping as you got closer to climaxing.
It was hot and a little dirty, just what you had needed. Your moans only spurred him on as his hands explored your body while he took you from behind. The force of his thrusts causing items on his desk to clatter to the floor, but you both were far too gone to care.
He wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you back into him, making you stand so his other hand could roam your front. He moved up to massage your breast while pinching and tugging on your nipple until you moaned. He was clearly determined to make you come first and was going to enjoy doing it.
"Nik!" you whined his name when he pinched you a bit too harshly. You felt his lips on your neck, his fangs grazing the skin as he left hickeys.
You tilted your head for him and he smirked, licking your pulse point and gently nibbling. His thrusting becoming erratic as his hand slipped to your clit to rub fast circles until your legs started trembling and you let out a scream as your orgasm crashed into you.
He hummed in approval and thrust into you a few more times before you felt him filling you up with his cum, and you giggled from the sensation. He released you from his grasp and you leaned back down on the desk, turning around to face him.
You both were sweaty and exhausted but extremely satisfied. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close, placing soft kisses all over your face as you giggled again, trying to move away from him.
He grabbed your dress and handed it to you before slipping on his pants, leaving his shirt off. He gave you a soft kiss on the lips and then turned away, starting to pick up the fallen objects from his desk and placing them in their correct places.
You watched him in a daze, your body tingling as you pulled your dress back on.
"So, love, my room is right next door, if you care to continue our celebration?" He said with a smug smirk, giving you a wink.
You giggled again and nodded, knowing it was probably the alcohol giving you your confidence, but you were going to ride the wave (and him) until the end. 
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Klaus woke to find you peacefully asleep in his bed. He leaned down to give you a gentle kiss on your forehead as you stirred slightly.
It was quite a night.
He took his time to admire your body and then your beautiful face. The way your eyelashes brushed your cheekbones as you slept, and your lips were parted slightly.
He got out of bed and got dressed, heading downstairs to find some blood and coffee. Elijah was in the kitchen reading his morning paper and looking every bit as dignified as always.
Klaus poured himself some coffee and started drinking it. He glanced around and saw there was no one else there but his brother, and he was smirking before he even opened his mouth.
"How was your night, Elijah?" He asked teasingly.
Elijah took his time to respond. He folded his paper up, placing it beside him as he eyed his younger brother suspiciously, he always had an innate sense to when Klaus was up to something.
"Quite fine. Why do you ask?"
Klaus's smirk grew bigger. He didn't say anything else and went about making himself something to eat. He felt Elijah's eyes boring into him the whole time, knowing that he wanted an answer but Klaus wouldn't give it to him just yet. He just loved torturing his big brother, even after a thousand years it was still highly entertaining.
"Your friend is an excellent host," Klaus started off with, his back turned as he chopped some fruit to put into a smoothie. He could almost hear the wheels turning in Elijah's mind as he tried to figure out where Klaus was going with this. "You really should have introduced me to her sooner."
Elijah sighed heavily. Klaus glanced behind him, and he had an annoyed expression on his face. He wasn't getting anything from Elijah so he turned to face him, his smirk returning.
"I showed her how much I appreciated her hard work last night. Several times actually, in my studio, a few times in my bed and then in the shower," he added as his smirk got wider and his tone became suggestive. "I dare say I've never been ridden so spectacularly before in all my years,"
Elijah abruptly stood, opening his mouth to say something, but that's when Klaus turned on the blender. Looking at Elijah apologetically and holding a finger to his ear and shrugging his shoulders.
"What's the matter brother?" he shouted over the blender. "You look a bit upset. You know it's not very healthy to bottle up all of your feelings,"
He stopped the blender and poured himself a glass, then another for Elijah as he handed it to him. Elijah just glared at him and poured the smoothie down the drain, setting the glass in the sink.
"That's rather rude, Elijah," he scolded teasingly. "I made that just for you,"
"Have you no shame, Niklaus?" He asked harshly, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Noooo, shame is for boring people," he taunted. "Why are you so upset? Aren't you happy for your friend? I can assure you that she enjoyed herself immensely,”
Elijah snapped. He couldn't take anymore. He walked over and grabbed Klaus by the shirt collar, and shoved him against the wall roughly, holding him in place.
"You know how I feel about her and yet you slept with her anyway," Elijah seethed.
Klaus raised his eyebrow. "If you want her, then you should of taken her yourself," he snapped, his eyes flashing gold in challenge. "It's your loss anyway," he added, shoving him back and adjusting his collar, then smoothing out his shirt.
Elijah was livid. He knew it was just Klaus's way of being obnoxious, but that didn't make it any easier to handle.
"I can't get the vision of her tits bouncing in my face out of my mind, Elijah," Klaus taunted him again. "Perhaps if you're lucky, you'll get to experience it for yourself," he said, brushing past his brother and walking away with a laugh.
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You woke in Klaus' bed with a terrible hangover and an empty spot beside you. You sat up, your head spinning a bit as the memories of the night before came flooding back.
Oh God, you slept with Elijah's brother.
You covered your face in embarrassment. You got drunk, got laid and it was with the worst person you possibly could of picked.
Elijah was going to kill you. He's been protecting you from his brother and here you go, having sex with him in his bed. You could imagine how disappointed he was in you right now.
You quickly got dressed and made your way downstairs, needing some coffee and possibly a few pain pills to try and take the edge off your headache.
Klaus was walking away from the kitchen, a devious smirk on his face. When he saw you, his grin got even bigger, but he said nothing, just gave you a wink.
You turned red in embarrassment and dashed into the kitchen, finding Elijah sipping his morning coffee while reading his paper. He looked up when he saw you enter and then he folded the paper and placed it on the island.
"Morning," he started off in a professional tone. You hated how he sounded.
You grabbed a mug and poured the liquid into it. Elijah was silent as he waited for you to face him, and once you had taken a few sips, he was standing in front of you.
He pushed your hair off your neck and a flash of Klaus' mouth sucking and nibbling on you last night, appeared in your mind. You were definitely covered in marks and hickeys.
"I see you had fun," Elijah muttered, and you saw him look over your appearance, the slight smudged make-up, messy hair and rumpled dress from last night.
He wasn't usually one to judge someone else's life choices, but this was his brother and you. It seemed more personal.
You blushed and pushed your hair back over your shoulder, so his eyes would stop staring at your neck. You needed a cold shower or something, the entire night was still feeling extremely vivid.
"Look Elijah, I'm so sorry, he just caught me at the right moment and I got a little drunk and..." you trailed off, taking a drink of coffee to calm your nerves. You really didn't have any good excuse to give him.
"It's alright, you can be with whoever you choose," Elijah stated in a collected tone.
You frowned and saw him adjusting his cuff-links. A sure sign he was upset. He always did that when he was angry or hiding what he was truly feeling.
"It was just a one time thing," you added, but you felt like he wasn't listening to you anymore.
Elijah was acting strange. Sure he could be an enigma sometimes, but this was different. He looked determined but a little annoyed, and you weren't quite sure how to read the situation. You decided to steer the conversation away from Klaus and what had happened between you two.
"How was your night?" You finally thought to ask. "I saw you leave with a woman, you looked like you were having fun," you said it teasingly, hoping it would lighten up the mood.
But now it was his turn to blush.
"Fine, really. It was fine," he muttered, fixing the already perfect knot in his tie. Now that was definitely something. Elijah rarely ever got tongue tied. "We kissed and I walked her home," he added, his lips pressing together in a firm line.
"That's all? You didn't...well, you know?" You questioned hesitantly.
"One night stands aren't my forte," he replied, giving you a soft smile. "When I take a woman to bed, I make her mine," his words were possessive and he hadn't taken his eyes off you.
The two of you weren't the kind of friends who discussed your sex life with each other. So when he said this, your cheeks turned hot and your imagination went wild. The idea of him holding you down and having his wicked way with you was something you were definitely interested in.
You both were staring at each other, the tension growing by the second. Then you looked away, you couldn't possibly fuck another Mikaelson in the same twelve hour period. Besides, Elijah meant far more to you than Klaus ever could. Sex with him would probably lead you somewhere complicated, and you didn't want to ruin what you had right now.
The situation was way too weird.
"Do you want to hang out tomorrow?" You decided to ask, breaking the silence and steering the conversation away from sex. You just wanted to spend some time with him. "Maybe come up to my place? I don't work the next two days," you added, hopeful he would agree to spend time with you, even though he always did, but this time you felt more nervous about it.
It would help things get back to normal, as normal as they could be after what happened with Klaus.
"Sure, Klaus and Rebekah won't be home tomorrow if you would like to come over here instead?" He suggested, your eyes meeting his again.
He had such an intense way of staring into your eyes, that it almost felt like he was looking into your soul.
"Well, it's your birthday so whatever you would like to do," you stated, giving him a sweet smile.
Your phone buzzed, breaking the moment. You grabbed it from your purse and opened the new text from Klaus: 
- I'm available if you ever need something to ride again.
You quickly put down your phone, forgetting you had given him your number. You decided you were going to ignore it. There was no way you were going there again.
Elijah looked curious but didn't press.
"I better go home," you said, finishing your coffee and putting it in the sink.
"See you tomorrow," he replied, stepping closer and giving you gentle kiss on the cheek.
You said bye to him and walked out of the kitchen to the courtyard where Rebekah and Klaus were arguing. They both looked over at you, their argument stopping when they noticed you.
"Hello darling," Klaus greeted, his eyes raking over you. Flashes of your evening together running through your mind, and you quickly looked away from him.
Rebekah looked between the two of you and you could see her trying to figure it out, her eyes widening as she stared at you. You quickly hurried out of the compound before either of them could say another word.
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{Part Two}
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fandomnsfw · 1 year
Bloody Mikaelson’s - Kol Mikaelson x Reader
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Pairing: Kol x Reader
Prompt: Kol is jealous about you being affectionate with everyone but him. He decides to tag along when you go shopping to try and get you to like him more. Fluff and confessions ensue!
Warning: Smut (?)
You sat down next to Niklaus on the sleek leather couch, phone in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. As you lent against him, his arm automatically wrapped around your shoulders. You and Klaus were best friends, the kinda of friends that spoon at night and talk about relationship problems. You sighed contently as you sipped your coffee. Despite his psychotic tendencies Niklaus was the biggest cuddle whore ever.
“What the hell! Why do you cuddle Nik like that and not me?” You heard a childish voice ask, looking up you see Kol stood there his arms opened wide like he was waiting for an explanation.
“Because little brother if she did, you’d try something extremely unrefined.” You heard Elijah’s sophisticated voice chuckle. You smiled when Elijah bent down and place a loving kiss on your forehead. To Elijah and Rebekah you were like a little sister.
“More so than you already do.” Nik added smirking to himself as he took a sip of your coffee that you hadn’t even realised he’d taken. You shot him a glare taking your coffee back before glancing up at Kol who was just glaring at everyone.
“Elijah gets to kiss you! Nik gets to cuddle you! What do I get!?” He growled angrily.
“A punch in the face if you carry on Kol.” You grunted as you went back to reading a post you had seen on Facebook. You heard a deep smooth chuckle from behind you resulting in you throwing you head back, hanging upside down to see Marcel stood directly in behind of you. Meaning your face was about 5 inches away from Marcel’s crotch. You stared at the fabric covering his jeans trying to see the shape.
“Are you finished staring at my crotch Y/N.” Marcel snorted making you tilt you head slightly.
“I’m trying to see if the myths about black guys is true.” You replied bluntly before sitting up and turning to Marcel kneeling up so you were looking into his eyes.
“It’s not always true but in Marcel’s case it is.” You heard a smug voice add, you looked behind Marcel to see Rebekah stood there with a smirk. She threw you a wink and walked over to sit with you.
“Jesus Bekah you got the full package huh? Voice that’s makes your panties wet, ripped as fuck, looks to die for and a big dick.” She laughed at your dreamy voice making you smirk.
“Y/N I adore you however if you could refrain from talking with my sister about her boyfriend’s genitals I would much appreciate it.” Elijah sighed shaking his head lightly as he continued to read.
“Sorry ‘Lijah, Nik.” You added knowing he was probably uncomfortable too. You scrolled through your Instagram liking a few picture along the way before you felt someone trying to shuffle there way between you and Klaus. You knew it was Kol straight away.
“Kol what are you doing?” You huffed making him stop moving as he settled down next to you. Earning himself a glare from Klaus.
“I’m coming to cuddle! I deserve affection too!” He exclaimed pairing his enthusiasm with a cheeky grin.
“Really Kol? I mean really?” You deadpanned making him shrug.
He wrapped his arm around you resulting in an eye roll on your part. You weren’t the closet with Kol, mainly because you never really spoke, not because you didn’t like each other. He irritated you and teased you but you knew it was all in good fun. You didn’t move away from his arm but you didn’t snuggle into him like you did Niklaus and sometimes Elijah. Elijah liked to cuddle on occasions, mainly when he was stressed. You continued scrolling through your Instagram, seeing a racy lingerie photo posted by one of the photographers you follow. You smiled and opened the comment box.
‘This is beautiful Jason.’ You commented on the photo before look at the picture again. It might be a lingerie photo but the way it was taken was art not sexual.
“Ooo I think you should do a photo like that and give it me for my birthday!” You heard Kol say from right next to you. You unwrapped his arm from you and moved to the opposite couch were Elijah was sat.
“Dammit come on Darling I was only joking!” Kol whined like a child who had just had his favorite toy taken from him. You didn’t respond instead picking up a pillow from the couch and throwing it at him. He caught it with ease and grinned very much resembling the Cheshire cat.
“Kol what did you do this time?” You heard a soft voice ask from behind you. You knew by the voice that it was Freya but you decided to drop Kol in it.
“He asked me for lingerie pictures for his birthday.” You pouted angrily as you looked at Freya with slight puppy dog eyes.
“Kol Mikaelson! That is no way to treat a lady!” Elijah and Freya shouted at the same time, I smiled at how much they were a like sometimes and turned to Kol who looked like he was ashamed in what he had just said.
“Sorry Y/N.” He muttered softly making you feel bad for ratting him out.
“It’s okay Kol. Anyway I’m going out today so I’ll see you guys later!” You hopped off the couch before you were stop by Niklaus.
“Where are you going?” Nik asked looking up from what he was doing.
“I’m going shopping. I realised I haven’t got much and I’ve been borrowing Rebekah’s clothes since I got here.” You smiled at him sweetly before leaning down and giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“Can I come with you?” You heard an unexpected voice ask. You looked over at Kol in surprise but nodded anyway because maybe it would do you some good to bond with Kol. After getting ready you met Kol in the courtyard, double checking you had your credit card and phone. Once you were sure you had them you nodded at Kol who offered you his arm. You smiled sweetly and took his arm gently before you both made your way out onto the bustling streets of New Orleans.
You stopped at the first shop and Kol had yet to let go of your arm which you found extremely endearing. As much as he was cheeky he was still a Mikaelson which meant he had to be at least 5% gentleman. You picked up a few different colored pairs of jeans, a few pairs of plain black leggings, some skirts and shorts before handing them to Kol who let go of your arm to help. You next went to get some plain vest tops, some crop tops and a few different types of blouses. You knew you and Bekah would most likely have a shopping spree soon so you only bought things you needs. Next you grabbed things like socks and tights, you tried to pay for them but Kol refused to let me and gave the woman his card. Kol took them bags from you and held them all in one hand before offering you his arm once again which made you grin threading your arm with his once again.
You laid your head on his bicep as you made your way to the nearest shoe shop. You strolled in with Kol and picked up a few different styles of heels and only 2 pairs of flats. One pair was running shoes and the other were a pair of sandals. You usually wore heels so you didn’t usually buy flats. They were only for when it was too hot and you couldn’t be bothered with the strain heels had on your feet. Once again Kol ignored your pleas to stop her paid for your shoes too. The last stop was a lingerie shop which made you snort slightly, remembering Kol’s teasing earlier. When you got inside you made your way to the simple 2 pieces sets. You looked the racks up and down before turning to Kol who unexpectedly looked quite uncomfortable.
You smiled reassuringly and quickly grabbed a few sets that you liked before making your way to the register, arm still linked with Kol’s. You set the stuff down smiling sweetly at the elderly woman behind the counter. Kol took out his card making me whine.
“Kol I can pay for them you don’t have to.” You sighed guiltily. He let out a chuckle grinning at you softly.
“I want to Darling.” He stated his pet name making you blush slightly.
“How long have you two been Married?” The little old lady asked as she accepted Kol’s card. You blushed further and was about to correct her but Kol nudge you and grinned.
“Not long.” Kol replied sweetly making you look at him with slightly widened eyes. After he retrieved the bags you made your way outside before you nudge him angrily.
“Why did you let her believe we were married?” You asked softly yet the hint of anger still evident in your voice.
“Because it’s not like we’re going to see her much and why spoil an old woman’s day by embarrassing her.” Kol stated with a small chuckle.
“So Mrs. Mikaelson how about we go get some food at the pub and then get all this stuff home?” He teased making you grin at his antics.
“Well if you insist Mr. Mikaelson.” You flirted. You grabbed some of the bags so you could intertwine your arms again which made him smile. After ate and laughed together you finally made it home Kol shouted at the top of his.  
“Y/N and I got married while we were out.” He knew his voice would reach everyone in the house and soon Nik and Rebekah came running out with wide eyes which made you laugh so hard you had to lean into Kol for support.
“You did what!?” Rebekah screeched making me laugh even harder.
“Yeah it was great there was sexy lingerie.” He nodded happily you saw the game he was playing and you decided to play along.
“Heels too die for.” I added nodding my head seriously.
“The dress she bought was absolutely beautiful.” Kol sighed dreamily almost making me crack.
“I contemplated getting my hair done but decided there wasn’t much point.” I shrugged.
“Oh and then we had a meal and a glass of wine!” Koll finished.
“Tell me you’re joking!?” Rebekah screamed her voice reaching the higher pitched stage. You looked at Niklaus who looked at you with wide eyes.
“But…But I had everything planned in my head!” Rebekah yelled making me and Kol look at her confusedly.
“Planned? Planned for what?” You asked cautiously.
“Yours and Kol’s wedding! Duhh!” She huffed angrily.
“What!?” You and Kol screamed in unison!
“We were joking Bekah! An old woman thought we were married and we didn’t correct her.” You replied laughing awkwardly.
“Oh okay that’s good because I planned everything.” Rebekah stated more calmly this type.
“Rebekah, Kol and I aren’t even dating…Why would we get married?” You asked looking up at Kol who just shrugged at you with wide eyes.
“I’m a woman that’s been around for 1000 years and I know that Kol is very clea-”
“Okay!!! That’s enough of that! Why don’t we go put your new stuff away?” Kol screamed interrupting Rebekah, his cheeks slightly flushed.
You shrugged it off and decided to follow Kol with the bags you were holding. Once you got to your room you fell forward onto the bed after dropping the bags. Kol fell onto it next to you, his warm brown eyes staring into your Y/E/C ones. You smiled sweetly at him before he reached over and tuck some of your hair behind your ear. You closed your eyes enjoying the feeling of his rough hand against your soft flesh. His hand lingered for a while before he pulled back making you almost whine at the loss of contact. You had been alive for over 200 years but Kol’s touch wasn’t like anything you’d felt before. It was gentle and loving, it undoubtedly made your heart flutter. You opened your eyes to see him staring at you like he had a question on the tip of his tongue but he couldn’t find the courage to voice it. Which you found ironic since he was usually so sure of himself.
You smiled at him shyly knowing full well you had a blush covering your cheeks. His hand reached back out but this time it gently cupped your cheek. You nuzzled into his hands before looking back into his eyes. You had both somehow rolled onto your sides in a loose fetal position, knees touching slightly. His thumb circled you cheek gently before he spoke up.
“I really want to kiss you right now.” He whispered softly, looking into your eyes as he spoke. You didn’t respond just looked at him waiting for him to reach over. He sat up leaning on his elbow as he lent down and brushed his lips over yours. You reached between your bodies your hand gently gripping his t-shirt. You finally felt you lips meets and it was like you heart was beating so fast it would leap out of your chest, your stomach was going wild with the strength of the butterfly’s you were currently experiencing. After a few minutes of tender kisses he pulled away slowly. You sighed happily as his eyes met yours once again. He laid back down on his side.
“Y/N I think I’m in love with you.” His voice was timid and scared you would reject him but his confession only made you heart leap with happiness. When you didn’t say anything he started getting up which made you panic.
“Kol…” He turned round to look at you, sadness in his eyes.
“W-Will you please make love to me?” You asked timidly a blush bracing your face once again.
“I know I’m not in love with you yet but you make my heart beat louder than it ever should, when you kissed me I felt like everything disappeared so if you give me time I think I could fall in love you…If I haven’t already…” You whispered your eyes meeting his as he stared at you with the biggest grin you’ve ever seen him were but this time it was filled with love and hope.
He rushed over to you as you knelt at the end of the bed. His lips crushed against yours his emotions bursting out through the kiss. His hands cupped both your cheeks, your hands were gripping his t-shirt as he gently laid you down. He hovered over you, his body on top of yours but not uncomfortable. You gripped his biceps as you whimpered into the kiss, your heart was going a mile a minute. He broke the kiss only to trail soft kisses down your neck causing you to shiver. His hands slid to the hem of your shirt tugging it slightly he looked up at you as asking for permission, you nodded biting you lip which made him groaned.
You both sat up so he could pulled you top off tenderly. You tugged his top off and dropped it on the floor before taking your bra off and letting it join the pile of clothes by your bed. He gazed at you appreciatively before laying you back down. His lips were soon kissing slowly down your neck to you breast before taking one of your nipples into his mouth gently swirling his tongue while using his left hand to caress your thighs. You let out a soft moan as he moved to your other nipple showing it the same affection.
His hand finally made its way to the button on your jeans. He undid the button before pulling away for my breast, pulling down your jeans and plum coloured lace that was under your jeans. He let them poll on the floor before kissing your stomach softly, his hands sliding up your thighs. You gasped as his thumb found its way to your clit, his kiss slowly getting closer to your appending arousal. You hummed in appreciation as his thumb made small delicate circles on your clit.
His lips moved to your thigh before kissing up until it reached your sex. His breath brushed over your dripping heat before it finally made contact. It started of slow and seductive but soon turned so dominant and fast. You were a writhing mess of moans and panting as you felt you orgasm approach. His tongue dip inside you a few time before it continues its assault on your clit.
“K-Kol gonna cum..” You panted as you felt your end coming nearer with every move of his tongue.
“Let it go baby…I got you.” He whispered sweetly his finger slowly entering you, curling to reach your most treasure spot. He went back to kitten licks as his fingers did the rest of the work.
“F-Fuck Kol feels so good…” You whined. You were so close to the edge you would practically taste it. And finally you fell.
“M’ cumming Kol…Holy shit!” You moaned loudly you hand clutching the bed sheets as your back arched up, your mouth falling open in a silent scream of pleasure. Koll pulled back and stared at your with a small smile.
“Good you look beautiful when you cum.” He leaned over and kissed your forehead gently. You were still panting at he pulled back undoing his jeans. You reached over as soon as his member was free but he stopped you shaking his head making you frown.
“Not that I don’t want your hand or mouth wrapped round…It’s just I feel need to feel you right now.” That sentence should have sounded dirty but when Kol said it, it sounded like pure love. You nodded and opened your legs further, he slid in between them. You slid your arms round his neck embracing him like he was breakable. He kissed your lips tenderly and he lined himself up with your entrance. You were panting slightly, gripping onto him tightly. He slid himself into you at an agonizingly slow pace but you knew this wasn’t him fucking you. This was him showing you how much you mean to him and that was better than a quick fuck.
“F-Fuck!” He swore his head resting against the point where your shoulder and neck meets. His breathing was heavy and he was gripping the sheets tightly. You knew he was trying to control himself so you cupped his cheeks and brought him up so you were face to face. You stared into his eyes as if tell him ‘thank you’ and ‘you’re doing so well’. He gave you a shaky smile and began slowly thrusting into you. You gripped onto his shoulders as your breathing started getting heavier as well. He changed his angles so he could hit your g-spot which made you arch up and whimper at the amount of love and pleasure you were feeling all at once.
Once you collected yourself slightly. You move you both into a different position so you could be closer. Kol sat on the edge of the bed, his legs hanging off the bed. You were sat in his lap, your chest and forehead pressed against his as you continued to move your hips. You were thrusting forward instead of up and down so your clit was gently rubbing as his pubic bone with every thrust. You threw you head back letting out a moan, Kol’s lips going straight to you throat placing soft wet kisses on the hollow of your throat. You started to feel yourself building steadily, moaned husky moans and panting getting loud with each thrust.
“Y/N I’m c-close..” Kol panted against your throat making you shutter out a breath.
“Me t-too…Cum with me…” You stuttered before letting out another choked sob. Your pace got slightly fast as your orgasm was finally reaching its peak. You pulled back and look into Kol’s eyes, His left hand cupping you cheek and he stared at you with so many unspoken words. His brows were furrowed and his eyes kept trying to shut as he neared his end. One arm wrapped around his neck and the other placed on his chest.
“I’m c-cumming..” You whispered against his lips your panting loud and deep. He nodded letting you know he was too you gasped as you finally came, your walls clenching around Kol triggering his orgasm.
Once you had ridden out your orgasms, Kol picked you up with shaky legs and laid you on the bed carefully. He crawled under the covers with you and pulled you into his chest, kissing you hair lovingly.
“I love you Y/N and I’ll wait forever if it means you’ll love me back.” Kol’s stated his voice was quiet and spent after earlier activities.
“It won’t take as long as you think…” I muttered into his chest before placing a kiss on his chest bone.
“It’s about bloody time!” Rebekah screamed as she slammed to door open.
“For the love of all that is bloody holy! Rebekah get out!” Kol screamed making you jump slightly which made him look down at you.
“I’m sorry baby I didn’t mean to make you jump…” He muttered apologetically.
“It’s okay. Nik! Can you respectfully drag your lovely sister…who I adore…out of my bloody room!” You screamed only making Kol chuckle but also making sure everything was covered before Nik came in. Nik soon came in and pushed Rebekah out the room but turn to look at us.
“I’m happy for you both. Hurt her Kol and I’ll dagger you.” Niklaus threatened before leaving the room and closing the door on his way out.
Bloody Mikaelson’s. 
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heliads · 6 months
Hello! If you don’t mind, I would like to request a Rebekah Mikaelson x reader?
Something like, reader is human but is the key to one of Klaus’s plans, so he takes her to the Mikaelson mansion and keeps her there. She’s kind of a prisoner, but Rebekah has seen this film before, so she’s just expecting one of her brothers - or both of her brothers - to fall in love with yet another stupid human and make everything complicated again
However, reader starts to get affectionate with her. She starts looking for her when she needs something, when she has to make a decision, she looks at her for reassurance, she goes to Bekah’s room late at night to talk and very often just falls asleep there, it’s a whole thing, but Rebekah is always expecting the moment she’ll leave her for her brothers, not really opening her heart, she’s scared because she has been fooled so many times
So, one day she sees reader talking with Elijah and she’s even giving him those pleading eyes she usually reserves for her and they both shut up immediately when she gets close, and she knows the moment came, Y/N will be Elijah’s, Klaus will freak out and hell will break loose. She’s hurt but pretends no to be and just starts keeping reader away
But reader was only talking to Elijah because in one of these late night talks, Rebekah told her that no one has ever baked for her even though she has been doing it forever, so she was just trying to convince him to get everything she needed to bake for her, she’s completely in love with Rebekah
So, that’s it! I hope you like the request, thanks anyway!
'didn't like the ending' - rebekah mikaelson
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God, Rebekah Mikaelson has seen the same scene play out so many times, she’s starting to feel like she’s spent half her immortal life in deja vu. For a family of Original vampires that prides itself on being leagues beyond the rest of their bloodsucking proteges, the Mikaelson brothers can be a little, well, predictable. Especially at times like this.
If there’s one perfect example of the Mikaelson men repeating themselves, it would have to be the hostage problem. Rebekah can’t even begin to count the amount of times she’s witnessed the same damn thing over the centuries. At this point, it’s starting to border on ridiculous, yet the only one who seems attuned to this problem is Rebekah. And it’s not as if her brothers are really that keen to listen to her, anyway. Certainly not about something like this.
Every time, it starts and ends the same:  one of her brothers, maybe even Rebekah herself, will drag in some human or vampire or witch to serve as a hostage during one of their many disputes with the neighbouring supernatural beings. They’ll chain up this poor sap in a cell, or lock them in one of the many rooms of the Mikaelson mansion. At first, all will be perfectly ordinary. The hostage will beg and plead to be rescued, Rebekah’s family will laugh scornfully from atop their ivory towers, and everything will go as planned.
But then the negotiations don’t happen as quickly as they would like, and the Mikaelsons end up spending a lot more time with their hostage than initially envisioned. They have to tolerate the company of this foreign presence more and more, especially since the hostage often ends up being a key part in someone’s plans, and information is required from them. Then, Elijah or Klaus, or heavens, even Kol sometimes, will end up spending far more time with this hostage than ever before, and they’ll do the unthinkable and fall in love.
Rebekah is no stranger to the plight of the lovestruck Mikaelson. Although it seems impossible, one of her brothers will fall in love, and then face the unsightly issue of having to wrestle with their guilt over letting the hostage go, or the more likely option, they’ll keep the hostage forever as a little trophy or token of their affections until they fall out of love again and the hostage is set free.
This has happened many times over the centuries. No matter how much her brothers love to talk about how they’re so above mortal things like feelings, Rebekah has watched them fall victim to their hearts until an affection becomes an affliction. Normally, she wouldn’t have a problem with any of this, it is rather amusing to watch her brothers fall over themselves in an attempt to woo a human of all things, but more often than not she ends up being the reluctant ear to their monologues, so the whole affair has grown rather wearisome over the years.
And so, when Klaus drags yet another human hostage into the Mikaelson mansion as a cog in one of his many elaborate plans, Rebekah just sighs and mentally starts planning when she’ll take an extended vacation out of New Orleans yet again so she won’t have to deal with all of this. It’s a shame, too. She was just starting to put herself back out there again, and now all of her hard work is for nothing.
Rebekah watches from the balcony as Klaus dramatically announces to the hostage that they’ll have nowhere to go unless they help him. This time, he’s allowing the hostage free reign of the place, since he’s had a witch charm the hostage into being unable to leave the mansion unless Klaus directly allows it. That way, he won’t have to deal with pesky things like vervain getting in the way of his commands.
Rebekah sighs, rolling her eyes at the scene. The hostage seems like a perfectly nice young woman, albeit one that has absolutely no idea what’s coming for her. Inwardly, she wonders if she should start issuing ominous warnings about staying away from the Mikaelson brothers, although if this hostage is in any way involved with the vampiric communities of New Orleans, she supposes they would already know more than enough about that.
A sudden whoosh of air by her side; Rebekah looks up to see Elijah suddenly emerging from the shadows of the hall to stand next to her. “Something seems to be troubling you,” he notes. “Should I be afraid to ask?”
Rebekah just groans. “Klaus has gone and conjured himself up yet another hostage. This is not going to end well.”
Elijah arches a brow. “You don’t mean to tell me you think Klaus will harm her already? He should hold off at least a week or two, he needs her alive.”
Rebekah shakes her head. “Worse. I think he’s going to grow to care for her. Either you or him.”
Elijah chuckles. “Well, I hardly think that being under the protection of a Mikaelson is cause for concern. If anything, it should extend her lifetime a few decades or so.”
Rebekah scoffs. “I couldn’t care less about how long she lives. I just don’t want you two to bother me when you fall in love again.”
Elijah gazes down at the hostage. “You don’t even know if she’s our type. We might not like her in the slightest. Rebekah, have you even bothered to learn the poor girl’s name? That’s meager hospitality on your part.”
Rebekah almost laughs. “Dearest brother, I do not give a damn who this girl is or what she’s done wrong to get herself on Klaus’ radar. The more she stays out of my way, the better.”
With that, she spins on her heel and heads back towards her quarters. This plan is one of Klaus’ mad schemes, not hers, so Rebekah is determined to avoid the whole matter as much as she can. Maybe then she could finally manage a moment or two of peace and quiet around here.
Peace and quiet, as it turns out, are not the sorts of things to hang around the Mikaelson estate, certainly not when Klaus has a few tricks up his sleeve. Try as she might to stay out of the way, Rebekah finds herself brought back into the mix not by Klaus, or even Elijah on one of his many attempts to bring the family together, but by the hostage herself:  Y/N L/N.
Rebekah had been honest with Elijah when she said she couldn’t care less about the hostage. Really, she couldn’t. For some reason, however, Y/N seems to have decided that Rebekah is her best bet when attempting to navigate the complex relationships of the Mikaelson extended sphere. She’s not wrong, really, Rebekah can be level-headed when she decides it’s interesting enough for her, but she can’t fathom why Y/N would seek her out intentionally.
Yet this is precisely what happens. Y/N takes it upon herself to introduce herself to Rebekah out of the blue one day, then keeps tracking Rebekah down to ask her questions or seek advice on how to deal with Klaus. Honestly, it’s ridiculous. Rebekah does not need new friends, nor would she try to find them in a human.
That being said, she doesn’t entirely mind Y/N, not really. As far as humans go, Rebekah would be kind enough to say that she’s one of the better ones. She doesn’t annoy Rebekah like some of the Mystic Falls crew did, and she listens intently whenever Rebekah speaks, as if she truly cared about what Rebekah had to say. After many lifetimes over her brothers overruling her every thought, Rebekah can’t deny that it’s nice to have her opinion valued every now and then.
Just as expected, Y/N’s tenure in the Mikaelson mansion drags on for longer than planned, and what was meant to be a stay of just a couple of weeks turns into one month, then two. Y/N remains, and she remains by Rebekah’s side. They actually exchange jokes, and secrets, and before Rebekah knows it, she actually looks forward to when she crosses paths with Y/N. They get along brilliantly, and when Y/N isn’t with Rebekah–
Well, when she’s not with Rebekah, she’s with Elijah. Practically glued to the hip. At first, Rebekah would jealously tell herself that Y/N would never get along with Elijah, but inside, she knows it isn’t true. If Y/N can win over Rebekah when Rebekah was firmly opposed to the whole idea, then good-tempered Elijah would be a walk in the park to Rebekah’s bloody battlefield.
It makes Rebekah sick. She knows how this play turns out, doesn’t she? Rebekah has attended many showings, and no matter the venue, no matter the star actress, it always turns out the same. The hostage falls for a Mikaelson brother, not sister. In the end, there is love to be shared, but not with Rebekah. Never with Rebekah.
She wants to tighten her hold, but afraid of pushing Y/N away for good, she pretends as if nothing is the matter. Y/N doesn’t seem to notice the war brewing between Rebekah’s ribs. She spends more and more time in Rebekah’s room, talking over some issue or other. Sometimes, when the nights get low and Y/N forgets to leave, she’ll even fall asleep on Rebekah’s bed, or when leaning against her shoulder. It feels personal. It feels like maybe, it might even be Rebekah’s turn to fall in love.
She knows better, though. Of course Rebekah knows better. Rebekah has been through enough lifetimes to know that hope is a very rocky fissure upon which to build one’s aspirations. Even if a lot of her life has been spent daggered in a box, she still knows enough to not be naive. This story isn’t going to go her way. It never does.
She’d like it to, though. She really would. Y/N gets along with the whole family, and Rebekah can’t stop herself from imagining how nice it would be to have a significant other that wasn’t in danger of getting murdered by Klaus or Elijah for once. Klaus, with admittedly great reluctance, has come to value Y/N’s input. And Elijah’s conversations with Y/N seem to increase in number, but mainly whenever Rebekah isn’t around.
That happens a lot, actually. They’ll be getting along, thick as thieves, and then the moment Rebekah turns the corner and comes into their direct line of sight, the two of them mysteriously clam up. Keeping secrets, it seems. From her. And Rebekah reckons she can guess the subject matter quite well.
That’s it, then. That’s the mystery sorted, the grand question of which Mikaelson their latest hostage would fall for. It’s not as if this hasn’t happened before, but Rebekah finds herself far more disappointed than she had for any of the others. Vampires are protective and jealous and selfish, and Rebekah is the worst of them, but still, she swears she had never wanted anything quite like this before. Now this thing, this love, this woman, is out of her reach, and Rebekah’s entire existence has suddenly turned tragic.
Although she should take the high road and pretend that nothing is the matter, Rebekah has never been good at brushing off trivialities. Once, when she was younger, Klaus had told her that she had a ‘gift for theatrics.’ At first, she’d been delighted, assuming her brother believed her to be a master actress, and then she’d realized that Klaus’ words, as they always seemed to be, were nothing but a barb meant to wound her. Then she’d stomped around as usual, doing nothing to raise her spirits and only proving him right.
Stomping around can be rather satisfying, though. When Rebekah runs into Y/N and Elijah deep in a heated conversation one day, she just can’t take it anymore. This time, instead of running away and pretending as if she hadn’t seen a thing, Rebekah purposely walks towards them. Just as before, Y/N’s eyes go wide, and she hurriedly shuts up. 
Rebekah isn’t willing to let it slide, though. She stops in front of them and folds her arms across her chest. “What’s all this about? You look as if you’ve been caught red-handed. Which, I suppose, you have.”
Y/N grins weakly. “Nothing. We, uh, aren’t doing anything.”
Rebekah arches a brow. “That’s hardly believable, now, isn’t it? How about you try telling me the truth for once. I’d certainly like to hear it.”
Elijah claps his hands together. “Actually, I think this is a matter just for you and Y/N, my dear sister. I don’t believe this concerns me at all.”
Before either of them can stop him, Elijah disappears down the hall, gone in an instant. Y/N glares after him. “For an immortal vampire, he’s absolutely terrible when you want someone to stand by you.”
“That’s Elijah for you,” Rebekah murmurs. “He never likes it when we fight.”
“Yeah, well, I can hardly blame him,” Y/N muses. “Fighting with your family seems rather painful.”
“It is,” Rebekah instantly agrees, then remembers that she’s supposed to be upset. “Now, you can’t distract me anymore. Tell me what’s going on, I mean it. I know we’re friends, but you don’t have to hide things from me.”
Y/N’s eyes go wide. “You mean– you know? And you’re okay with it?”
Rebekah feels as if she’s been daggered. She almost wants to turn around and see if her murderous brother is standing behind her, ready to put her in a coffin again for another century or two. Y/N does like Elijah, then. How utterly heartbreaking. “Why wouldn’t I be okay with it?” She asks listlessly. “I know my brothers, and as far as Mikaelson men go, you chose the one who tends to be the most stable. Nothing wrong with that.”
Y/N’s brow furrows. “Wait, what are you talking about?”
Rebekah looks away. Thinking it is one thing, but admitting the painful truth aloud suddenly seems far worse. “You know. You’ve fallen in love with my brother.”
She isn’t sure how she expects Y/N to react. With relief, maybe, that she won’t have to hide anymore. What Rebekah certainly isn’t expecting is for Y/N to start laughing. “What? No, Rebekah, I’m not in love with Elijah. I’m in love with you.”
The floor seems to have fallen about beneath Rebekah’s feet. “With– with me?”
Y/N laughs again. It’s a lovely sound. “Yes, Bekah, I love you. It’s very easy to do, you know.”
Rebekah shakes her head, still not entirely sure that she isn’t dreaming or something. This certainly feels like a dream. “But– you’re always with Elijah– and you keep sharing secrets with him that you won’t tell me–”
Y/N grins. “That’s because I’m trying to make sure he won’t tell a soul. Elijah figured me out a few weeks ago. Mainly, though, I’ve been trying to persuade him to get me a few things. I want to bake something for you, and Klaus only ever keeps this house stocked with blood and alcohol. It’s sort of horrific, actually. You don’t even have baking soda.”
Rebekah’s brow furrows. “You wanted to bake me something? Why?”
Y/N’s smile turns quiet. “You mentioned it once. You were sad that no one had ever baked for you even though you were always making things for your brothers. I didn’t want you to feel that way anymore.”
“I can’t believe you remembered that,” Rebekah says softly. “I only mentioned it once.”
“I like listening to you, Rebekah.” Y/N tells her.
And at last, at long last, Rebekah knows why. She’s seen this play before. For once, she gets her happy ending.
vampire diaries tag list: @mayfieldss, @alex-1967s-blog
all tags list: @wordsarelife
293 notes · View notes
Do You Believe in Soulmates, Darling?
poly!mikaelsons x reader
summary: after waiting a thousand years to find their soulmates, the mikaelsons find it in mystic falls. one thing though - they all share the same lover. | request
word count: 7k (I don’t know how this happened)
tags: soulmates, fluff, human!reader
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It is Kol that sees you first. He is standing in the town square, observing how people are in the twenty-first century, and how much has changed since he’d last been undaggered. He hadn’t really planned on being out that day, but Klaus was getting unruly in the mansion, needing quiet time to paint. Kol wasn’t in the mood to be on the receiving end of his anger again, so he scurried out the door and decided to explore the town. 
It’s peaceful and no one bothers him. No siblings, nor vampires, nor townspeople. For once, the inhabitants of Mystic Falls mind their own business. 
By nearly three o’clock, he still occupies the square. Klaus was probably over his anger hours ago, but Kol finds he quite likes the scene. Despite enjoying the time away, though, he knows he should go home soon before a sibling catches up to him. One cannot escape the family for too long; that’s the blessing and curse of family. With a sigh, he stands up to leave, sparing one last glance to the park before him. 
Thank god for that last look. Had he not taken it, he wouldn’t have noticed you. That would be a missed connection never known, but to secretly haunt him forever. 
You, with your gentle smile as you look at the girl to your left. The way your eyes roll at something she says. The way you walk gracefully towards him, though he knows that’s not where you’re headed. Suddenly, something inside him wishes it were. Something fluttering in his chest; something that starts to beg for your attention. He stares at you as if his gaze would somehow attract yours. 
“Are you daft? Kol! Hello?!” None of the words register to him. However, the swift hit to the head does. 
Kol whips around to see his sister. Her hands open to him in frustration. 
“I’ve been calling you for ages, standing right beside you. What are you even looking at?”
“Nothing,” he says, almost stutters. 
“Certainly not nothing to have your attention like that.” Rebekah scoffs, then tries to follow his line of sight.
By then, you had dipped into a store. Kol secretly curses his sister for the distraction. 
“That bird over there, you were seeing?” There’s a bluebird standing where you just were.
“Then whatever in the name of-”
“Just a girl, Bekah. So like I said, nothing.”
“Oh? A girl’s caught your attention?” She snickers, “tell me, is she pretty?”
“Can you bugger off?”
“Why don’t you just answer?”
“Because I-” he stops upon seeing you again. You and Caroline tumble out of the store laughing, clutching onto each other’s shoulders. He listens to the words he sees leave your lips. 
“That was so weird,” you mutter.
“People here are so strange sometimes,” Caroline agrees with your statement. 
“Because you what?” Rebekah’s voice cuts back in. When Kol doesn’t answer, she follows his gaze again. “Caroline Forbes?”
“No, the girl beside her.”
A tease is prepared on the tip of her tongue, but upon seeing you, it’s gone. The two Mikaelsons are quiet for a moment as they watch you and Caroline continue to laugh. 
“My, she is pretty,” the blonde finally admits. “Go talk to her.”
“Do you really think it’s wise for me to go over there with Caroline Forbes right there?”
“Well if you don’t now, you could lose her forever!”
“Or I could lose my life when her blonde friend rips my head from my neck!”
“You never know until you try.”
“I think I have a pretty good idea what will happen if I do that.”
“Caroline won’t kill you because then she’ll lose brownie points with our brother.”
“Fair point, Bekah, but-” He’s interrupted by two ringing phones. Specifically, his and his sister’s. “Bloody hell. Almost went all day without a summoning.”
“Who’s calling you?”
“Elijah’s got me. Guess we have to go back now. Wish your pretty girl farewell.”
Kol rolls his eyes at her words. He steals one last glance at you before following his sister to what he hopes isn’t some new brand of chaos. 
“So is it true?” You turn to your best friend.
“That Klaus has a thing for you?”
She slouches in her next few steps, “really?! Y/N! As if I hadn’t had this conversation so many times.”
“Well, is it?”
“Ugh. I don’t know! I think he does, but trust me, I don’t feel anything for him back!”
“Aw,” you joke, “why not give him a chance? He could be your soulmate for all you know?”
She lets out a sharp laugh, “no way! In fact, Klaus has no soulmate, and do you know why?” She doesn’t give you a chance to answer before saying, “because I don’t think he even has a soul.”
“Am I wrong?”
“I- I don’t know, I’ve never met the guy!”
“Well good. Avoid him. He can be charming, I’ll give him that, but it doesn’t take away the fact that he’s a killer.”
“He can’t be that bad. We’ve all killed once or twice.”
“First of all, yes, he is. Second, no, we haven’t. I have. You have not, and that will stay that way.”
“Maybe I have, you don’t know that.”
She snorts, “You’re too sweet for that. And besides, even if you have, you’d tell me right away with your guilty conscience.”
“I do not have a-”
“Keep telling yourself that.”
“Fine, I might. But don’t mistake that for me not having fire, because I can assure you, I do.”
“Oh I know you do. That’s what makes us such good friends. But you need to remember that you’re human, so you still need to be careful.”
“I know, I know!”
“Which includes talking about Klaus, because he could be listening.”
“Sorry,” you try to hide your smirk, “I won’t ask about the big bad vampire again.”
“Good.” Caroline’s not at all convinced that this’ll be your last question about them, but at least it’ll be the last for today. 
Ever since the Mikaelsons have arrived in Mystic Falls, you’ve been curious about them. It’s hard enough keeping you out of the Salvatore drama, but that difficulty increased tenfold when the original family came into play. With you and Matt being the only two humans left in the friend group, they’re very protective of you. You, even more-so than Matt. Matt’s met most of them by working at the grill, but the girls do their best to hide your existence from the four siblings. They all swear that if they ever find you, nothing good would happen. 
“You two have been out all day, where could you have possibly gone?” Elijah questions as soon as he sees his two youngest siblings enter the mansion. 
Kol already has his answer ready, “well seeing as Klaus was about ready to kill us all this morning, I decided it would be in my best interest to get away from him.”
“He’s been steady since one. It’s past three now.”
“Lost track of time, I guess. Tell me, what is it you wanted?”
“Why? Have something to get back to you?”
Rebekah, who had left to fetch a glass of bourbon, replies, “yes, actually. I was quite occupied before you called.”
“You two? Together? Sounds like a recipe for disaster,” the eldest raises his eyebrows. “Hopefully not planning a kill in the square?”
“On the contrary, dear brother. But unfortunately for you, it’s none of your business. So again, what is it for which you called?”
“Ever so fiesty, Rebekah. Worry not, we just wanted to make sure you weren't starting anything."
"What? That's it?"
"What kind of older brother would I be if I don't check up on my younger, more troublesome siblings?"
"You called us both home for that?"
"What’s got you so bitter, sister? Mystic Falls isn't so interesting that you should be so upset."
"Not to you, but this time, we actually did find something interesting, thank you!"
"Oh, do tell, Rebekah," her other brother asks as he fetches his own drink.
"Doesn't matter now that we'll never see her again," Kol mutters, sharing an annoyed look with the blonde.
Rebekah glares, "yes, a girl. But Kol's right, doesn't matter." She swallows down the rest of the liquor in one gulp.
The two eldest brothers are too confused to question further. Kol takes this as a chance to retreat to his room, while Rebekah, after one more look at Elijah, leaves to hers. 
"What girl could have stolen the attention of our two siblings so quickly?"
"Doubt there is one at all. They just wanted a reason to get away," Klaus snaps with a tone full of anger. 
Elijah detects a hint of jealousy, but says nothing. Nor does he share about his curiosity for this supposed girl that infatuated them both. 
Two days later, you’re spotted in the square again, this time, by Elijah himself. At first glance, he makes no connection between you and whomever his siblings saw, but rather takes in the sight of you. You are sitting by the fountain, legs crossed on the cement, and a hand reaching into the water. A stack of books are in front of you, the one on top open, and a notebook to your left. You pay no attention to them, though, and keep your eyes trained on the small waterfall. The sight of a human so seemingly relaxed in such a busy and perilous town has him unable to draw away his attention. He watches you carefully from the square’s metal bench, far enough that you could not catch his eye. 
Only a mere five minutes pass before you have company. A girl Elijah recognizes - April Young - touches your shoulder lightly. You turn to her with a smile as she starts to speak. Curiosity kills him, so Elijah tunes in to listen. 
“If someone finds you out here, they’re not going to be happy.”
“I don’t care, April, I’m so bored. I can’t be inside all day just because they’re scared I’m going to encounter vampires.”
“Shh! You know they could overhear you, right?”
“It’s fine! They have no reason to hurt me, I’m just minding my own business.”
“They don’t need a reason to hurt anyone, Y/N, they just do. They drink blood, remember?”
“Okay, sure, point taken. But since I apparently have a team of protectors, I should be fine, right?”
“Yeah, but-”
“And, hey, you’re human. Why are you allowed to talk to them? Who’s the girl again? Rebekah?”
“Y/N, be quiet! Yes, I talk to them, but it’s because they found me first and dragged me into all this. And Matt’s been dragged in almost since day one. You haven’t been discovered by them yet, and we all need to keep it that way.”
“So boring! I want to be in on the fun.”
“It’s not fun, Y/N. I’m serious. None of them will be gentle if they find you; they’re all dangerous.”
You sigh, giving up on arguing with the girl.
“You know what they say, ‘curiosity killed the cat’,” April says.
“Okay, but they also say, ‘satisfaction brought it back’,” you finish, eyebrows raised. 
April rolls her eyes, “stay out of it. In fact, I’m texting Caroline right now that you left your house if you don’t go back right now.”
“I’m not going back, I’m studying here.”
“Study at home.”
Immediately, she starts to dial Caroline. In an instant, you pack your books back into your bag. “See you later, buzzkill.”
The girl hangs up, but doesn’t leave until you do. You know better than to try and win a fight against both of them, so you head home, missing the square already. 
Elijah knows he shouldn’t follow you. Caroline could be on her way; April’s in the distance. Yet, he can’t watch you walk away, either. He must at least know your name, or else it might kill him. At the very least, he could compel the conversation out of your mind as soon as he hears it. 
He waits until you’re alone to approach. Probably not the best way to do it, but he doesn’t know how many there are keeping you hidden in your supposed “team of protectors”. And this way, it would be easier to compel, should it come to that. So, as you travel down the sidewalk, humming to yourself, he suddenly calls out to you,
“Excuse me, miss.”
You turn quickly towards the voice. Your breath catches in your throat at the sight of the handsome stranger. “Um, hi.”
“I mean you no harm, but I saw you in the square just a little bit ago, and I have to know your name.”
You hesitate, unsure if you should give it.
He continues, “I know this is quite random, but I truly do not wish to frighten you. I saw you by the fountain, unbothered by the world around you. The screams of children, the barking of dogs, but nothing disrupted your focus from the gentle flow of water. I could tell it brought you peace, and I could see the secret you harbored to jump in and enjoy it. It was beautiful, not to mention the beauty that you are, yourself. So, apologies if I am crossing a line, but I can’t help but wonder what name to put on this delicate soul that has imprinted on my own.”
You stare at him, speechless from his words. Never has anyone said such beautiful things to you, and in such an alluring accent, no less. 
“My apologies, love. I fear I have said too much.”
“N-no! Forgive me, I’ve just never had a man tell me I’m beautiful before.”
“That is quite a shame. Sure they just have never told you out loud.” He walks closer to you, feeling a bit more confident that you’re not afraid. 
A blush rises to your cheeks, but you’re still unable to form a response. “I-I, um… Y/N. My name.”
He repeats your name, tasting it on his tongue. “Lovely name. Lovely name for a lovely girl.”
“Thank you. And what’s yours, may I ask?”
Elijah hesitates. It hurts his heart knowing he’ll have to compel this conversation from your mind, but at least, he can give you his name before he does. “Elijah Mikaelson.”
“You- you’re a Mikaelson?”
“Afraid I am.” He scans your face for fear, which he wholeheartedly expected. However, nothing. 
“You’re the first I’ve gotten the pleasure to meet. I’ve been curious, I’ll admit, but my friends tell me to stay away,” you pause, “which you probably found out from my conversation with April a few minutes ago. Oops.”
“It’s alright, love. I won’t tell a soul of your secret.”
“Thanks,” you smile, “I hate being cooped up in the house all day. You were right - I did want to jump in that fountain.”
“You should’ve. I bet the joy on your face would have been unmatched.”
You swallow hard. You’ve never been good at taking compliments. Especially not those given to you by a handsome man who has lived long enough to see thousands of beautiful things. Never would you have expected to be one of those things. “I think I should’ve, too.” 
Suddenly, you get a text. In a brief glance, you see it’s Caroline. “Oh crap.”
“Is everything alright?”
You sigh, “it’s Caroline, asking me to send a picture of myself in my kitchen, with an egg in my hand, and a spoon on my head. I guess I have to go.”
“Such an odd request,” he wonders out loud.
“She likes to put me up to things like this to prove I’m at home. It’s something I won’t have in my pictures already, and have to do that instant. If I don’t get it done in five minutes, she comes over.”
“Well I guess I better let you leave, then.”
“Unfortunately, yes. But I liked meeting you, Elijah.”
He smiles, “you too, Miss Y/N.” He steps forward and takes your palm to kiss it. In a deep breath before he starts to compel you, you suddenly interrupt him. 
“Wait! I’m way more than five minutes away. Crap! She’s gonna catch me.”
He shouldn’t offer. He shouldn’t know where you live. Yet, the idea of you getting caught out of your house worries him. He may never see you again if that happens. “I could, perhaps, take you home? Could get you there much quicker than if you were to walk.”
“You would do that?”
“I owe you that little, being the reason you might get caught otherwise.”
You blush at the thought of him picking you up, but try to force it away. “If you don’t mind.”
“Of course.” He picks you up bridal style, and before you know it, you’re on your porch. 
“Thank you.” You smile, then check your phone. “Oh, shoot! Two minutes left.” You’re quick to unlock your door and throw it open. “Come in and help me find an egg!”
Surely you know the rules about those words pertaining to vampires and one’s home, yet you said them without hesitation. You didn’t stick around for him to question you, either, and instead ran to complete the quest. Slowly, he tests the entryway, and enters with no resistance. He then finds you in your kitchen digging through the fridge, then pulling out an egg. As quickly as you can, you take a selfie and send it to Caroline. 
“Whew!” You breathe out, then notice him, “hi.”
“You completed your challenge?”
“Hopefully! But she might still come by because it was April that called her.”
“So I should probably leave.”
You bite your lip, not wanting him to go. 
“Why did you invite me inside?”
“Because I needed you to find an egg. Which I found myself, so thanks,” you joke.
He smiles, but only for a second, “I’m serious.”
“I don’t know, I trust you.”
“Why? I’m a Mikaelson. The very family that your friends told you to avoid.”
“Well maybe I don’t like being told what to do. And maybe you don’t seem so bad to me.”
“I would like to prove your feelings right. I wish I could.” He says truthfully, catching your eyes. 
You start to look back, but then his words hit you. I wish I could. You straighten, then look away from his gaze. “Don’t compel me.”
“Don’t you dare compel me to forget this. I don’t want to forget this. I don’t want to forget you. You, or your smile, or the things you’ve said. Please don’t take it away from me.”
He takes a deep breath. It must be done, but he hates it. He doesn’t want you to forget. In fact, he wants to know you deeper. “I have to.”
“No, you don’t. I won’t tell, I promise. If anything, compel me to never forget.”
“‘Lijah, don’t.” 
The nickname you’ve already given him weakens him. It renders him unable to finish the task; there’s no way he can force himself to compel you now. “Alright.”
“Wait, really?”
“If you’re sure you want to remember, but you’re sure you’ll never tell.”
“I promise. And I won’t say that I invited in a Mikaelson, either.”
He chuckles, “that would be wise.” He kisses your hand again. “I hope to see you again, Y/N.”
“You too. And thanks for taking me home.”
“Of course, love.”
After he leaves, you collapse on your couch, head swirling with thoughts of him. The words he said: how he described your time at the fountain, the beauty he saw in you. His own appearance: kind eyes, small wrinkles under them from a lack of sleep or hundreds of lifetimes lived, or both, a perfectly neat suit, the dark blue ring fitted on his finger. The way he watched you take Caroline’s picture with a smile on the edge of his lips. How he kissed your hand gently as a parting. 
Your cheeks are hot with blush, not to mention the heat you feel throughout your body. Butterflies are alive in your stomach. It all makes you feel so silly, but some part of you whispers that it’s love at first sight. 
The minute Klaus hears the door open, he’s already yelling, “another sibling spending hours out and about in Mystic Falls. Where in the bloody hell have you been all day, Elijah?”
Elijah enters the room to find Klaus standing beside another painting, while the two other siblings sit on the couch. All three have glasses of bourbon and are sipping carefully. “What’s going on?”
“For once? Nothing. We all just happen to be here.”
“Where have you been, Elijah?” Rebekah turns around in her seat to question him. 
Before he can answer, Klaus chuckles, “let me guess! Out with a girl. You only wear that smile when you’ve found a girl to fancy.”
“Niklaus, I have not-”
“Oh don’t try, I’ve known you for a thousand years!”
“Better not be my girl, mate,” Kol mutters, though his tone isn’t rough like Klaus’. 
“Your girl is my girl, too, Kol. Remember that.”
“Heaven’s sake, you all are idiots.” Klaus turns back to his work, ignoring the three. 
Elijah ignores him right back, and instead looks down to the others. “Describe this girl you saw. Everything you remember.”
So, Kol and Rebekah do. Everything from your appearance, to the sound of your voice, and to the way you walked. The more they described, the more it sounded like the ‘you’ Elijah was with all day. When he admits this, their faces pale. 
“There’s no way all three of you idiots have fallen in love with the same girl,” Klaus mutters, still listening despite his annoyance. 
“It’s happened before, brother. Remember Mary?”
“I remember, Bekah, but that doesn't mean it’s plausible to happen again.”
“I think it is entirely plausible,” Kol admits, “in fact, I think this goes deeper than it did with Mary.”
“Whatever are you talking about?”
“Something draws me to her. And it’s like I know her, yet I don’t at the same time. Do you guys feel this too, or is it just me?”
“No, I definitely feel it,” Elijah says, “and spending time with her today felt so natural. Like it was something I could never tire of.”
“You three sound so stupid. Talking like this girl, that two of you have never actually met, is your soulmate or something.”
“Well maybe you need to see her, Klaus. You’ll be in love instantly, I promise.”
Klaus rolls his eyes one more time at his youngest brother before going back to his painting. He refuses to admit the curiosity he feels towards you, and instead plays on animosity. His siblings don’t give up, though, and continue talking about their feelings for you until they all part to go to bed.
The following day, Elijah, Kol, and Rebekah actively seek you out in hopes of inviting you to dinner. They spent the morning planning that they’d find you and convince you to come over, where they could all gain your trust and get to know you better. The difficult part of this was getting you alone to talk. Elijah had warned his siblings about what you had said and told them to keep a close eye on their surroundings. He did also mention how excited you were to meet a Mikaelson, though, and said to use this to their advantage if one of them finds you instead of himself. 
So, in three different parts of the city, the siblings fan out and keep their eyes peeled for your presence. Shouldn’t be that hard to find; they’ll just follow the pull of their hearts. 
For ten minutes, you’re able to sneak away, just long enough to visit your favorite store on the street corner. After meeting Elijah yesterday, the thought of being stuck in your house all day sounds miserable, and you are prepared to risk your friends’ wrath to see him again. Granted, inside the little shop is probably not the place you’d find him, but being out in the open at least makes it seem possible.
You are looking at a row of necklaces when a man comes up beside you. You don’t see his face, yet he doesn’t seem threatening to you, so you’re not too worried. 
“That color would look beautiful on you,” he says aloud. 
“Me?” You glance around to see if he’s talking to someone else.
“Yes, darling. I mean you.”
You blush instantly. “Thank you.”
“Let me get it for you.”
“Oh, no, I couldn’t. It must be expensive!”
“Not a problem for me. I happen to come from a well-off line.”
“Oh do you now?” You turn to face him fully. “And what line would that be?”
He smiles at you, then plucks the necklace from its place and brings it to the counter. Immediately after buying it, he’s fastening it around your neck. “As expected, you look beautiful.”
“You didn’t have to do that.”
“How could I not? It was made for you.”
“You’re too kind.” You reach your hand out for him to shake, “Y/N L/N.”
Instead of shaking it, he presses a kiss to the back, “Kol Mikaelson.”
He watches your eyes light up, just as Elijah said they would. “Mikaelson?”
“So you’ve heard of me?”
“Heard of you? Definitely.”
“And I heard you met my brother yesterday. God, he would not stop talking about how beautiful you are.” 
You blush deeper at the thought of Elijah talking about you to his family. Either that, or it’s because Kol’s still holding your hand gently. You’re not sure. 
“Say, Y/N, would it be possible I could invite you to dinner? I would love to get to know you better, and I know Elijah would love to see you again. Bekah, too, has a curiosity.”
“I, um…” you so desperately want to, but fear your friends finding out. “I want to, but I don’t know if I can.”
“If it’s Caroline Forbes you’re worried about, I bet we could fake an alibi.”
“It’s not just Caroline, it’s all of them. But, if we could think of a good enough alibi, I bet I could escape for a little bit.”
“Perfect, I will let my siblings know. This is our address, but if you need one of us to pick you up, my number’s on there, too.” He slips you a piece of paper. “I look forward to seeing you again, darling.”
“I do, too, Kol,” you smile. 
With one last kiss to your hand, he disappears from sight. 
You show up on the Mikaelsons’ porch at seven in one of your best outfits, playing with your hair nervously after ringing the doorbell. When the door swings open, the girl - Rebekah - is on the other side. 
Before you can greet her, she looks you up and down, “wow… you are gorgeous.”
The redness rises back to your cheeks, “thank you.”
“No wonder my brothers are smitten with you.”
“Don’t lie, Rebekah,” Kol’s voice rings through the house, “you know you are too.”
She rolls her eyes, “come inside, dear. We promise we won’t bite.”
You follow her into the house, smiling as you pass the threshold into the mansion. “It’s beautiful in here.”
“Not as beautiful as you, darling.” 
You’re starting to pick up on the affectionate nicknames that each gives you. Elijah calls you ‘love’; Kol calls you ‘darling’; and Rebekah just used ‘dear’. It’s one thing that they’ve all called you beautiful, but they all have nicknames for you, too. If they get any more romantic, your heart will flutter right out of your chest. 
Just as you think that, they do. Elijah and Kol both kiss your hands as they greet you, making you weak in the knees. 
“Thank you for coming, love. I’m glad you could join us.”
“Thank you for inviting me. About that alibi, Kol, I’m gonna need it tomorrow. No doubt I’ll get some kind of spoon-on-head, one-nail-painted-black kind of challenge that I’ll fail, and have to find an excuse for.”
The boy laughs, having been told by Elijah about Caroline’s antics. “We will certainly come up with something. But for now, are you hungry?”
“Yes, actually. And I’m excited to know what you guys eat when you’re not drinking blood,” you joke. The giggle fades out once you see the kitchen table, though. From end to end, it’s covered in dishes. “Holy crap.”
“Only the best for a woman such as yourself,” Kol sends you a wink. 
Rebekah pulls a chair out for you. “Stick around, and you’ll find we actually have quite the appetite for more than blood.”
“Oh that was just a joke,” you say, afraid you’ve offended her.
“No worries. I know it was.”
Soon, you’re all seated, except for the head of the table. “Um. Don’t you guys have another brother?”
“Niklaus, yes,” Elijah smiles at you, “he’s painting at the moment, but he should be here shortly. I apologize for his absence.”
“It’s okay! I was just curious.”
Speak of the devil, Klaus enters the room not a minute later. Elijah gestures to you immediately, introducing you. Klaus, still skeptical as to why his siblings are so obsessed with you, has a threat prepared that sits on his tongue. The three wait for it to come out, expecting it, and ready to defend. However, as soon as he looks at you, his mind is wiped of all things foul and offensive.
“Hello, love,” he says instead. 
All four of you are caught off guard. The tension in the room was thick; you were expecting an insult, too. Not to mention how Caroline speaks so poorly of the man. 
“Hi,” you respond, voice smaller than you’d like, “nice to meet you.”
“You as well.” He sits down with a newfound attitude towards you. “Tell me, how do you like Mystic Falls?”
After you answer his question, the five of you talk for the next two hours, sharing every bit about yourselves. They learn how you’ve lived in Mystic Falls your whole life, and have barely traveled out of the town. You discover they were born in Norway, but were turned in this very town, some thousand years ago. You find common ground in the parents’ department, none of you having the best relationships with your parents, especially your fathers. Though you get a glimpse into the abuse that they all faced from their father, and feel an indescribable rage towards the man you’ve never met. This part of the conversation helps you understand each of them better, including how that fear and anger has made them into one of the most dangerous families - a term they admit describes them well.  
“Dangerous,” Rebekah says, “but fiercely protective over those we love.” 
“Quite exactly the reason we are so dangerous,” Elijah adds to her statement, “we will do anything to protect whomever we love.”
Hearing the word from their lips makes your body shiver. A thought passes through your head wondering if you’d ever be someone that they’d protect that much. Something deep in your soul tells you that you already are. 
After the childhood topic, conversation moves onto lighter subjects. Everyone’s favorite foods, shows, and pastimes are shared. You learn the birth order of the four siblings in front of you, and discover that there’s three others not present. One of them, alive, but so disgusted that they’re vampires that he refuses to associate with them. This, in turn, gets a truth out of you, 
“Well you don’t have to worry about me, I think vampires are sexy,” you say before covering your mouth. Too much wine, you suppose. “I mean, I just think they’re cool. There’s a reason the gang tries to keep me in the dark about everything that goes on in the town.”
Eyes go wide, but maybe for the sake of your embarrassed gesture, the topic moves onto the so-called perfect group of miscreants. After, it shifts to your alibi that will be used to explain your disappearance. 
“You were bored and went to a restaurant to study. Lost track of time,” Kol tries his best.
“Ran to the store for a much needed grocery trip,” Klaus provides after his brother’s failed idea.
“Or,” Rebekah rolls her eyes, “you just fell asleep.”
“Watching a movie and falling asleep,” Elijah finishes, “so that you have about an hour to be engrossed in the movie, but then you nod off into a deep sleep.”
“I think Caroline would buy that. She always does get after me for not answering immediately.”
“Perfect,” Klaus concedes, “now I would like to know more about what you think makes vampires so sexy,” he says, smirking at you. 
You blush for a second, but then can’t help spilling the truths stacked on your tongue. 
After that night, you stay in contact with the Mikaelsons, and even visit their mansion for several more dinners. In time, you find yourself getting close with each one. Most nights, Rebekah walks you home, and always kisses your cheek before leaving. Sometimes, too, she’s in your kitchen, making coffee or tea when you wake up. Kol visits you everytime Caroline puts you on “house arrest”, and tries to help you study to the best of his ability. That, or he distracts you completely, begging you to watch a movie with him instead. You almost always give into him. Elijah keeps up his charms of kind words and gentle touches. The moment he learns what your favorite flower is, he brings you one every time he sees you. 
Between the siblings, Klaus is the least trusting and the last to give into his desire to know you. Though the more he sees you with the others, the more jealous he becomes, and eventually, he cracks. His first gesture towards you is a painting of you standing in the Mikaelsons’ ballroom. He says he could picture you dancing in it, someday, in a beautiful dress made tailored just for you. After that, he’s now just as smitten as his siblings. 
You love being with all of them, separately and together. One thing though - you find your heart being torn in four different ways, and it scares you. You can’t break one of their hearts, nor do you want to, but there’s no way you could be with all of them. Look how that went for Elena and the Salvatores.
Oh, and speaking of Elena… you still haven’t even told your friends that you’re even hanging out with the Mikaelsons, much less that you’re in love with them. You feel bad keeping secrets from them, but you know how they’ll react if they find out. Even if you can prove the family has been nothing but kind, they’ll be overprotective and most likely try to ban you from seeing them entirely.
“Maybe I can just tell one of them,” you wonder out loud one night. Tonight was easy to get out of your house; everyone went to the grill to drink and you played the ‘too tired’ card. Little did they know what you were actually going back to the family’s mansion.
“Who would you start with?” Rebekah asks from behind as she plays with your hair. 
“Caroline, maybe? I’m closest to her. But with Elena, I could use the excuse that she’s dating a vampire who’s almost just as dangerous.”
Klaus scoffs playfully, “almost as? Love, he doesn’t come close.”
“Well I know that, but some people think he’s pretty dangerous.”
“Oh he certainly is. But when it comes down to it, my family will always come out on top.” 
You remember the conversation from your first night meeting them. How you wondered if you’d ever be one they’d fight to the death to protect. Klaus answers this for you now. “Like we said before, we protect those we love. That includes you, little one.”
Your eyes snap up to him. “Me?”
“Isn’t it obvious? We open our home to you; share our deepest and darkest secrets. We don’t do that with just anyone. There’s something different about you.”
“He’s right,” Kol comes beside you on the couch to sit down, “you’re one of us now.”
Elijah clears his throat, a little worried the two will scare you away, “if you’re comfortable with that, of course. Do not feel pressured in any way. We will not be upset.”
As he’s talking, you reach your hands out for Kol to lean against you. The youngest boy does, putting his head on your shoulder, while you wrap your arms around his neck. “Pressure? No, I don’t feel pressured. I love hanging out with you guys. I love-” you pause, blinking. You’re not sure what to say. 
“Y/N?” Elijah starts. 
“I’m… I don’t know… I’m confused, and I feel awful for it, but I… I don’t even know what to say.”
“What’s wrong, girlie?” Rebekah kisses the top of your head gently. The boys focus their attention on you fully. “I promise, whatever you say, you don’t have to feel awful.”
“Bekah’s right, you can tell us anything.”
“I just… I love you guys. I love being with you all as a family, but then, I don’t know, I love you all separately, too.” They say nothing, so you continue. “And it’s not just a friendly thing, either. It’s like blushing, butterflies in the stomach, wanting to be with you kind of love. Which would be okay if I fell for only one of you - well, actually, it wouldn’t, because then I’d hurt the rest of you - but it’s not just one. I love all of you like that.”
Elijah’s first to speak. “Why do you think that would be wrong?”
“Why is that a bad thing to you?”
You stare at him, “I can’t have a thing with four different siblings. That’s crazy, right?”
You can’t see her face, but Rebekah’s smiling wide. “Are there any rules when it comes to love?”
And before you can answer her, Klaus follows up, “crazy pretty much defines this family, I don’t know what you’re worried about.”
“Hold on,” you put up a finger, even more confused, but now for a different reason. “You are all okay with this?”
“We may have had a talk,” Elijah says, sitting down, “the night after you first came here. You see, we’ve all shared lovers before, so this is nothing new to us. However, usually they rotate. Start with Klaus, move onto Kol, have a fling with Bekah, start something with me, and then they go. But, as you’ve heard us say plenty a time, you’re much different.”
You nod, “so what was the talk?”
“Well, dear Y/N, none of us can quite keep our feelings about you to ourselves. Nor do we ever think we could tire of loving you.” Elijah’s slow and cryptic talk is making you antsy. Apparently, it’s frustrating Kol, too.
“Do you believe in soulmates, darling?”
“Soulmates? Um, ish? I mean, Caroline and I used to entertain the idea as kids.”
“Would it be absolutely crazy to entertain the possibility that you’ve met yours? And perhaps it to be in the form of four siblings to whom you’ve just admitted your love?”
“I-” slowly, it hits you. His words sink into your head and your heart at the same time. A fire burns, heating your palms, reddening your cheeks. 
“Because polyamory was a thing with the Ancient Greeks, though it’s not too common anymore. But then again, here you have four siblings who love you just as dearly. In that same ‘butterflies and a warm feeling’ that you described.”
“I, um…”
“If you had let me explain it, you wouldn’t have scared her,” Elijah chides his brother. 
“You were taking too long. I’ve been waiting a thousand years to tell this girl I love her.”
Hearing the three words finally broke the dam. Whatever fear you did have melts away instantly. “It’s okay,” you mutter. “It’s clear to me now. I do love you. All of you. As crazy as it sounds, I can’t deny my feelings; I don’t want to. I love you.”
Immediately, Kol spins around so he can kiss you properly. You kiss him back, relaxing into his hands which hold onto your face. As soon as he breaks it off, Rebekah mutters that he needs to move, and then she kisses you, too. 
“I just have one question,” you pant, out of breath from the excitement. 
“And what is that?”
“How do I know this isn’t going to end terribly, like how Stefan and Elena’s relationship did ever since she fell in love with his brother?”
“Because,” Klaus zips across the room to put less distance between you two, “we all love you and are quite capable of sharing. We’ve lived thousands of years together, and have been looking for you for thousands more.”
“Besides, there’s this cool thing called communication that we do that the Salvatores like to ignore. Take it from someone who’s slept with both,” Rebekah adds. 
You crinkle your nose at the information, “no more sleeping with Salvatores.” You pull her back in for another kiss, “you’re mine now.”
When you let go of Bex, Klaus steals his turn, and then Elijah. It’s a little overwhelming, but your worries are overpowered by how much love you feel from them, and by how much you want to give them in return.
After you all settle down, you let out a giggle. “I had nearly given up on the idea of finding my soulmate. Little did I know I’d be so lucky to have four.”
“Not as lucky as us,” Elijah claims the last word, “to have found our girl after thousands of years of searching.”
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klausysworld · 2 years
Sex with Rebekah head canon😋
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Sex with Rebekah head cannons:
Rebekah is defo a switch in my eyes.
One day she’ll be on-top of you trying to see how far your legs can stretch while she grinds down on you and sucks purple marks into your neck
The next she’ll be squirming with your fingers deep inside her, girlish moans echoing through the mansion
Bekah is much more eager for long, time well spent fucking love making over a quick little interaction
She likes to have you all dressed up nicely to her liking, she loves to take you lingerie shopping, having you all pretty and fuckable
Of course she could never not wear something absolutely delicious. Always dressed in the finest lace showing her luscious curves
Her hips always swayed seductively when she walked, it was never clear if she was naturally so elegant or purposefully trying to entice you
When she lured you back to your bedroom she was always ready to pounce on you, pinning you beneath her and claiming your mouth enthusiastically
She loved to have you hump at her leg, she enjoyed the little noises you would make while you ride her beautifully thick thighs. She doesn’t even have to touch you to have you begging for her.
Occasionally she will beg for you too, especially if you’ve been teasing her.
Oh how easily she falls apart when you have you face between her thighs. She can’t help the loud cries and moans that leave her plump lips as your tongue curling inside her. Nails scratch at you scalp as she pulls at your hair.
Sometimes (with your consent) she’ll wake you up by having her talented tongue on your pretty clit, having you flutter your eyes open only to shut them again as you moan loudly and waves of pleasure crash through you
Rebekah is up for basically anything. Role playing? Sure, what do you have in mind?
Toys? Always.
Accessories? She’s always excited.
Bex wants you to be able to indulge in your every fantasy. She’s had 1000years to learn how to do everything, now she gets to show you how good she can be.
On the rare occasion she hasn’t tried something, she’s even more excited, rubbing her thighs together in anticipation as she waits for what’s to come.
She loves to give to you, she likes to know that she can make you feel better than anyone else and always wants to please you
That’s not to say she isn’t over the moon for you to have control over her though. Gosh the dirty things you’ll whisper to her while her hands are stuck above her head, her body struggling to contain itself.
Sometimes when one of you is especially needy in public she’ll have her hand wondering between your legs, urging you to open them so she can feel you.
A few times she would pull you hand to her, she’s been wearing dresses much more since being with you, always ready for your waiting fingers, buzzing in her seat for you.
Even her siblings know that you two are like breeding bunnies. The distaste is clear on Elijah’s face as he glances at the sofa knowing that you two had been there nearly the whole night before finally moving it upstairs as a very embarrassed Klaus accidentally walked in while he was going to get a drink.
Kol was quick to tease his sister and Freya couldn’t help her giggles seeing both your flushed faces.
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the-californicationist · 10 months
Guile & Guilt (Ch. 04)
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Link to AO3
Pidge offered to let you shower and change in her room so that you could be warm again and in clean clothes. You took her up on it, eager to feel the hot water and steam heat your skin.
Roger was already snoring, dead asleep on the sofa in the living room, and Johnny - or Soap, as Bekah had named him - disappeared into his room for a bit, looking for his own shower. He was absent while you and Pidge tried the cake samples from the Stiff Peaks bakery. She gushed about the flavors and the use of spices in the cake and its icing. You even got a few moans of culinary approval from Hamish whose high standards were impossible to reach. All in all, it felt like a success.
So why did you feel so empty? It was more than just the text from Bekah. There was some piece missing, something you got wrong and needed to fix. But, what could it be?
Johnny had confessed his feelings to you, and his kiss had felt… well, it had felt like a kiss should feel. It was the kiss that every young person imagined they might experience one day when the softness of someone else’s mouth finally found their own, their tongue icing the flesh of the other’s like a knife through a creamy, sugary glaze. The heat of their wet lips burning their edges, locked into a primal embrace of ownership and consumption, eating without feeling full. Devouring and yet becoming hungrier, increasing your appetite, gorging on the sweetness, until finally…
Johnny’s door popped open and he came to join you in the kitchen. His eyes went to you before eventually settling on Brigette,
“So? What’s the verdict, then? Dinnae meet the mark?”
“Sure,” Pidge smiled at him, “Right on target, you wee nugget. Good thing I sent you then.”
Johnny nodded to you, sitting in the bar stool next to yours at the kitchen counter. He gestured to you,
“She kept me in line, so she did. Would’ve gone for the chocolate myself.”
Pidge nudged you,
“Aye, what’d I tell you.”
You offered the other half of the cake to him, passing him your fork. He took it, cocking his smile into a mischievous grin,
“You’d have been proud of your wee hen here, Pidge. She made a pretty convincing bride. Might have to recruit her for our next mission. Be needin’ some espionage.”
Pidge laughed without even glancing up at him, her voice full of bitterness,
“So, havin’ you and da’ throw away your life on spyin’ wasnae enough. Should be my best friend, too?”
The whole room went cold. Johnny was mid-chew when he heard his sister’s comment, and he spat out the cake into a napkin in disgust. Pidge cut him off before he could say anything,
“Don’t forget to give little miss James Bond here a ride to her fitting tomorrow. I’m off for my shower,” she squeezed her brother’s forearm, seeming to understand that she had hit a nerve. He did not respond to her words nor her touch.
Johnny turned inward, closing off from conversation. You tried to coax him back out,
“Hey, here’s your phone. I think you missed a call.”
Without saying anything, he took the phone from you. He flipped through the message, and his expression remained unchanged.
“Gonna steal some of tha’ stew Hamish has been hidin’. You want in, thief?” He asked you, reaching for the pots and spoons before cracking open the freezer.
“Aren’t you gonna go to the pub?” You asked, trying to be as unbothered as possible.
He froze in place, holding the pot by its handle, locking eyes with you,
“No, not unless you wanted to do dinner with me, lass. Cravin’ samosas?”
It was a test. You had promised yourself you wouldn’t, but here you were, playing games. Could the party boy resist a party? You were about to find out.
“Yeah,” you nodded, “Maybe a little. We could get take away.”
“Brilliant,” he grabbed his keys and followed you to the door.
Now that night had settled in, it was too cold in the Jeep. You held your arms right to your body and tried to shield yourself from the wind. Johnny dug around in the back and dragged out a camo jacket with his name tacked onto the chest.
You put it on and it swallowed you, warming you up from the inside out. The fold of the collar flapped just under your nose, letting you smell his orange, woody scent. There was something else, too. Gunpowder. You smelled like fireworks and winter citrus.
“Thanks,” you said, wrapping it tighter around you.
“You make it look good,” his smile was bright and full of innocent praise, “Warm enough?”
You nodded, suddenly shy. You regretted your decision to drag him out of the house again. You should’ve kept him all to yourself, covetous and selfish like a hoarder, locking him in like a shorn Repunzel, playing like Circe with her pigs. But, you didn’t want to be Circe. You wanted to be Penelope. Permanent, as impossible though it may have been.
Was he Odysseus? Or Narcissus?
The car park was packed. He dropped you off at the door and you waited for him to find a spot in the back. He pulled the keys out of the Jeep and did a bit of a jog to catch up to you.
He commented on the crowd,
“Match is on. Rangers and Aberdeen. Whole town should be out tonight.”
You made a quiet noise in assent, not knowing enough about football to comment.
He held the gate open for you, and you walked through the smoky, crowded courtyard. Ettrick’s had tons of outdoor space, and the tall heat lamps made it cozy despite the nip in the air.
Inside, the noise hit you like a punch. It was a small space and the din was overwhelming. Warmth and bodies and smells tumbled over you like a wave. Johnny pulled a menu from the host stand, positioning himself as a barrier between you and the chaos.
He had to lean in close to you for you to hear him,
“Samosas, yeah? And we gotta do the chicken khorma. It’s top notch here, lass. Trust me.”
“Sure. Sounds good,” you smiled and watched him look around for the host.
Just as he rounded the corner, you heard a loud shout,
“MacTavish! You made it,” Lachlan’s voice carried through the crowded bar and you watched Johnny’s face light up in recognition.
He shook Lachlan’s hand and Bekah came up behind him, wrapping her arms in a tight hug, which he returned, just as tightly. They chatted together for a moment until you saw Lachlan look over Johnny’s big shoulder right into your eyes. He waved you over, and you tried to control your face. So much regret. But, you made your bed and now you had to lie in it.
“Hey, babes,” Lachlan and Bekah hugged you as well. The tall, handsome man made a point to leave his arm around your shoulder when you pulled away, “You can’t miss the game. We told Johnny you’re eating in, no complaints!”
“Yeah,” Bekah clung to Johnny’s heavy arm, “We’ve got plenty of room. Come have a seat.”
“Well…” Johnny started to make an excuse, giving you an out, but the look on his face was so earnestly disappointed that you interrupted him,
“Okay, thanks.”
You followed her to the table, and Johnny fell in behind. The waitress took your order. You watched the game, and you fell into a quiet lull. The room was bursting with energy, and you watched as Johnny slipped into the excitement. He fed off of the highs and the lows of the match. He barely touched his food, and you ate alone. He was right about the khorma. It was delicious. You wrapped up your leftover samosa and put it near his plate. He’d find it eventually.
You pushed your chair out and stood to leave. He turned to you and caught your hand. You stared at his hand and he stared down at it too, dropping it after a breath, forgetting himself for a moment,
“Where you off to, bonnie?”
“Ladies’ room. See you in a bit,” you ducked out of the crowd and into the bathroom for a moment, trying to get your thoughts together in the silence.
You washed your hands and avoided the mirror until you had to look. Then, there it was, the embroidered “MacTavish” across your chest, a little too ironic.
You took a deep breath and went back out into the fray. The Rangers scored, and Ettrick’s went wild. Bekah and Johnny held each other by the arms and screamed with joy into each other’s faces, nearly leaping over the table in celebration.
Johnny’s focus on her was so intense, the look in his eyes so full of fiery admiration, you could barely look at them. He could have Bekah. There were no rules against her like there were for you. You shouldn’t have had the nerve to even consider that he might choose you. How could he go against the wishes of his own sister? How could you?
You were right next to the back door, so you made your exit. It was a long walk back to his room, and you were nearly frozen by the time you got there. Rodger was still snoring away, and Pidge’s door was closed. So, you stripped down to just your shorts and a tank, and you crawled into bed, defeated.
“There you are, mhèirleach! You had me worried sick,” the deep rumble of Johnny’s voice and his heavy weight shifting onto the mattress pulled you from your sleep.
You groaned, trying to deter his attention. He smelled like the bar, and himself, but mostly the bar. All you felt was guilt and shame and you wanted it to stop.
“Are you alright, lass? Why’d you go? I would’ve taken you back.”
“It’s fine,” you mumbled.
He didn’t reply. You fell back to sleep, starving for something you couldn’t eat.
You awoke to a strong nose and jaw nuzzling your hair and neck, taking long deep inhales of your scent and breathing heavy. Johnny had his arm snaked up through the bottom of your shirt, his huge hand sticking out of the crew collar, holding you firmly against the base of your clavicle. His thumb was feeling the crescent curve where your throat met your body, over and over like he needed to memorize it. Like he wanted to find it again in the dark and know it was one and the same.
Was he awake? You couldn’t tell. You could tell, however, that his cock was pressing hard between your thighs, the fabric of your shorts shoved out of place by the fabric of his boxer briefs, straining against the thin cloth.
“A bheil thu milis, a mhèirleach?” Are you sweet, thief?
You decided that no, he wasn’t awake. He knew you didn’t speak Gaelic, and you had no idea what he was asking. Yet, your body seemed to. It recognized his aching timbre, its dark dulcet layers folding over your senses like silky caramel.
His hand retraced its path, sliding back through the valley of your breasts, exploring southward, finding the gaping waistband of your shorts and your lack of knickers under them. Upon discovery, his big body rocked into you, his thick rod riding into your thigh, begging for relief. A ragged, shuddering sigh left his lips and you felt it race across your skin.
“Feumaidh fios a bhith agam.” I need to know.
His words all slurred together. You were too busy melting under his hand to care for a translation. His wrist finally dipped low enough for him to slip one thick finger into your wet heat, soaking itself there like a wick in wax, coated and milky.
Your breath stalled. You couldn’t breathe in, nor out, and you felt your pussy clench around his knuckles, kissing his fingertip as he slipped it back out. Then, you watched as he slowly brought it to his lips, right next to your face, and you saw him feed himself with your slick, sucking it off of his skin, licking the knuckles of his fingers, eager for any missed drops.
Wild, crazed pleasure mixed with cold guilt in your chest. So, you called for help,
“Johnny?” Your voice was just above a whisper.
He breathed into your neck again, and then his tone changed. His language changed. He changed.
“Mm,” he whispered, “Sorry, thief. You stole my covers.”
With that excuse, he took some of the blanket from you and turned back over, breathing deeply again, leaving you there in a million little pieces.
Chapter 05
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insomniakisses · 2 years
Jealous Sex
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^ I couldnt choose one 🫢😳
Character: Hayley Marshall (Werewolf)
Reader Type: fem, omega
Warnings/Notes: werewolfs, jealousy, NSFW themes, omegaverse, smut, breeding kink, choking
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“I’m not a jealous person!”
You simply laughed at the annoyed expression of Hayley’s face, the two of you have been having the same feud for the last ten minutes. The werewolf being absolutely certain she was never jealous or possessive in any way something u knew to be a lie.
You can vividly remember her almost attacking Rebekah for simply complementing your outfit. Having had to pull her away and sit in her lap and make out with her to calm her down.
“Sureee you’re not,” Kissing ur girlfriend’s cheek you chuckled at her eye roll and then your eyes locked on a certain blonde original and you got an idea.
Smirking you sauntered over to her, grabbing her arm as you spoke to her. Hyper aware of hayley’s eyes on you so you decided to set your plan into action, giving bekah a play along look to which she smirked at.
She started flirting with you, both of u feeling hayley’s gaze and knowing with her wolf hearing she could hear everything, with this knowledge you couldn’t help but push further and giggle at her. Following it by getting impossibly close to her and tracing her face calling her such a beautiful alpha, before a deep growl was heard next to you.
You didn’t need to look to know it was hayley, having been with her long enough to be able to distinguish any noise that she lets out. You smile up at her.
“Thought u didn’t get jealous?”
Theres a smugness to your words that just infuriates her further. She doesn’t respond verbally, and simply grabs your arm and drags you into your room and you don’t get a word in before shes slamming u against the now closed door. Her hand wrapped tightly around your throat.
She stares at you then, eyes yellow and jaw clenched her whole being radiating her jealousy. Its still then, neither of you making any movement and not a sound in the room until you let out a small whine that makes her smirk a small chuff coming from her in amusement.
“So thats what you wanted, eh? For your alpha to dominate you and throw you around?”
She talks deep and low, punctuating her words with open mouth kisses and small nips to your neck humming in appreciation when your head tilts to give her more room.
In a swift movement her lips are on yours and shes tugging your clothing off and walking you towards the bed. backing you up until you fall on to it, before she pulls away. She coos in fake sympathy when you reach out to her at the loss of contact. She makes quick work of undressing before shes climbing onto the bed and hovering over you.
“Who?” She growls out, jaw clenched and eyes hard.
“Daddy~” it comes out as a whine, and it makes it harder for her to resist giving in to you right then. But no this is a punishment and she needs you to know that.
Grabbing your chin she makes you look at her her pulling your lip down with her thumb she stares at you like a wild animal about to devour a feast.
Reaching down she runs her cock against your core, gathering the wetness on her tip with a groan.
“So wet for me baby” she hums in appreciation.
Grabbing your legs she pushes them against your chest, steadying her hands either side of you as she pushes in. Locking you into a mating press as she bottoms out, her cock filling you till her tip kisses your cervix.
She groans deeply, almost a growl, when she pulls out before slamming her hips down again filling you once more. Not caring for your pleas she sets a rough fast pace, abusing your hole with every thrust.
“B-baby- Ple-ease” you stutter between moans as she bites into your neck, creating a fresh mark over her already faded mate mark that lays there.
“Your mine. Mine only” she growls against your neck, her pace quickening. “I’m going to show you that-“ she moans “y-your mine.”
You pull her closer by her neck, crashing your lips to hers as she thrusts her cock deep with a bruising speed. Moaning against her mouth when you feel her first load into you hot ropes filling you deep.
“You like that, hm?” She bites at your jaw “like me filling you deep, breeding you?” She hums against you thrusting extra harshly when you don’t give her a verbal answer. “Words. Use your words baby.”
“Y-yes! I love it, love you filling me up daddy!” Your words spurring her on she growls in delight when you cum.
“So good, taking your punishment so well,” she moans reaching down to choke you slightly, her other hand reaching down to pinch and rub at your clit.
“mm fuck!” You rasp out as you cum again, her hips stuttering and eyes shutting as she unloads again.
Pulling out so only her tip remains inside she moves your legs to wrap around her waist, thrusting deep as your legs lock in place.
“One more baby” she answers your whines of over-sensitivity kissing and sucking at your chest as her hips thrust just as harshly as before her knot swelling to almost full capacity.
“Please! Knot me baby please-“ you whine, a whine she cant help coo at.
“Gonna give it baby” she gasps out rearing back she gives a harsh thrust her knot popping and locking into place as she bottoms out completely her tip pushing almost into your cervix.
“Fucking take it baby! Gonna give you pups” she shouts as her cum fills you again this load so much bigger and seems to fill your womb.
“Baby!” You yelp as another orgasm rips through you.
You feel soft kisses being placed against your neck as you come down from your high. Hayley taking a second to nuzzle at your cheek before speaking up, “You okay baby?”
“Didn’t expect you to go easy on me,” you laugh lightly “thought you were a big bad wolf”
She hums against you sharing your amusement, “I didn’t wanna break my little omega” she coos kissing your cheek softly as you roll your eyes.
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A/n: Damn i suck at endings.
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w0efulboopsoul · 1 year
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rubylize · 2 years
Summary: you being popular and making Stiles flustered.
Pairing: Stiles x reader
Word Count: 1,568
Warnings: none
Not edited
“You look so pretty.” Y/n heard Stiles say, they sat next to each other in Chemistry class, she tried to ignore him so they wouldn’t get in trouble for talking. “Babeee.” He whispered, trying to get her attention. “Shh.” she softly replied, it didn’t necessarily annoy her, well sometimes, but she knows he does it out of love.
The hallway was crowded with a bunch of students, “Babe.” She heard Stiles ask, “Yeah?” She replied. “Can you know, we.. um.” Y/n stopped in her tracks to look at her boyfriend, “Yes?” she asked softly, Stiles looked down to his feet, “Can I hold your hand?” He asked shyly. Y/n grabbed his hand intertwining them, she brought their hands up and kissed the back of his palm. The spot felt tingly for Stiles, he enjoyed it, it was like electricity went through him.
They walked towards Y/n’s locker, their hands broke apart while she put in her locker combo and exchanged books. “Y/nnn.” Bekah dragged her name, Y/n looked at Bekah giving her attention. “There’s a group date going on, you in?” Y/n contemplated it but wanted more information “When is this group date?” She asked while slowly closing her locker.
“Friday. Are you in?” Bekah asked once again. “I’ll think about it.” Y/n announced, Y/n saw Bekah walking away, she then turned her attention to Stiles again. “Why didn’t you say yes?” Stiles asked her confusingly. “It's a group date, meaning everyone is bringing a partner, which I have of course, but I have to let them know too and see if they're free or if they even want to go.” Stiles fiddled with his fingers, “To be clear I’m the partner right?”
Y/n smiled at him “Of course you are.” She said while her arms laid on his shoulder, she played with the back of his hair. “Do you wanna go?” She asked, his face cringed. “Good me neither.” Y/n’s hands traced down Stiles’ arm, she then placed his arms on her waist, while her arms went back to his shoulders. “You sure you want my hands there?” Y/n nodded, “I want your hands there.” She clarified.
“Do you want a kiss?” She asked Stiles softly, Stiles didn’t trust his words so he nodded. “Then kiss me Stilinski.” She smiled at him, when he leaned down and kissed her on the lips. When they came apart, she kissed him on the cheek. “Do you need anything from your locker?” She asked. “Yes.” He breathed out, looking at her eyes, being mesmerized by them. “Lead the way.” She said, while her hand gestured down the hall.
Stiles grabbed her hand and they went towards his locker. When they made it to his locker, Y/n patiently waited for him to get his things. “You look cute.” Stiles stopped what he was doing to look at her. “What?” He asked, his brian trying to register her compliment. “You look cute.” She repeated, “T-thanks.” He stuttered out. She smiled at him, “Stiles!” She heard her boyfriend being called.
Scott, Stiles’ best friend came into view. “Yeah?” Scott smiled at Y/n, “Do you guys wanna hangout with us on Friday, at my house?” He asked. “I'll let you know.” Scott gave Y/n another smile before walking away. “Do you wanna go?” Stiles asked her popular girlfriend.
“Sure, but only if you want to.” She told him, “Why didn’t you wanna go with your friends?” He asked.
“I don’t know if you haven’t noticed but my friends are dicks. I actually like your friends.” She admitted. Stiles chuckled, “Sorry.” Y/n frowned, “Don’t be sorry cause you thought something was funny.” She told him, Stiles nodded his head in understanding.
After school they went to his house to study and help each other with homework. Stiles for the most part focused on his homework but sometimes got distracted by Y/n, he couldn’t help but stare at his girlfriend.
Y/n yawned, gaining attention from Stiles, “You can nap if you want.” He suggested. Y/n looked at him, “Only if you nap with me.” She told him. Stiles nervously put his books to the side, slightly dropping his book. Y/n put her books away as well, she was already on the bed, she laid down waiting for Stiles to join her.
Once he got on the bed next to her, Y/n wrapped her hand around his waist and her head on his chest. “Wanna know something I noticed about you?” Stiles hummed in response, she felt the vibration from his chest next to her ear.
“I notice that I make you nervous.” She waited for a while to complete her thought, she heard his heartbeat speed up. “But you know just cause I’m popular doesn’t mean I’m gonna tell you what to do. You’re my boyfriend and I know you have feelings, you have an opinion. Sure my friends may not accept you but I don’t care. You don’t have to be nervous.”
Stiles felt loved, he felt relief run through him, he felt safe, he felt warmth around his heart, he happily kissed her forehead. Y/n lifted herself up to look at him, “Wanna know something?” She asked, looking at him. “About me?” He asked sarcastically, she laughed at him. “No. About me.” She clarified.
“Sure.” He replied. “I like you a lot.” Stiles raised his eyebrows, not in surprise, not in confusion, but in admiration. He had a big goofy smile on his face, “Why are you looking at me like that?” Y/n asked him. “Cause the most beautiful girl in the world is in front of me.” He admitted.
Y/n blushed at the comment, “Thank you.” She looked down for a second but then brought her eyes back up to his when she said “Pretty boy.” Stiles’ ears got hot, he felt his cheeks get warm as well. She was perfect for him, even if she was popular.
He then kissed her, she accepted, once they broke apart they looked at each other. “I’m not sleepy anymore.” She told him. “Can you help me with homework?” She asked with a smile on her face. “Mhm.” He replied.
They broke apart, Stiles sat at his desk, she told him which problem and before he started explaining he placed Y/n on his lap. Once he finished helping her with a problem, she kissed him on the cheek, “Thank you love.”
“Babeee.” He once again whispered in class. “Yeah?” She whispered back, actually talking to him this time. “I’ll tell you later.” He chickened out. Y/n looked at him with a raised brow, “You okay?” He nodded in response.
Once again they were in the hallways hand in hand though. “Are you sure you’re okay?” She asked again. “Yup.” He simply responded, she frowned at him worriedly. “Stiles..” she warned. He let out a breath, “Meet me on the field in 10?” She nodded confusingly.
She waited exactly ten minutes before going to the field, once she walked on the field she saw Stiles had a bouquet of roses. “What’s up with the roses?” She asked. “They’re for you.” He held them out to her, she smiled at him. “But why? It’s not our anniversary.” She told him while smelling the flowers.
“Because I have something really important to tell you.” He confessed. She nodded in understanding before Scott came out of nowhere and gave him a bear and chocolates, Y/n was amused by the best friend. “Hiya Scott.” She acknowledged. He mumbled a quick hi before reaching for his pocket and roses fell above them.
“Stiles, you don’t have to do all this to tell me something important.” She smiled at him. Scott then fled the scene, “I know but I wanted to.” He then gave her the chocolates and the bear. She happily accepted giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.
“I love you.” He finally said, “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. You’re not only my girlfriend but my best friend. I love how we help each other with homework. I love how you clarified that I didn’t have to be nervous just because you were popular. You’re perfect. You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve seen and I love you.” He confessed.
Y/n’s eyes watered, “I love you too.” She replied, Stiles let out a breath. “Oh thank god. That feels good to get off my chest.” He smiled happily at his girlfriend and her back at him. Y/n jumped on him Stiles grabbed her waist while she wrapped her legs around his waist.
“You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me too.” Stiles laughed lightly. “I love you.” He said once again. “That’s never gonna get old. I love you too.” She told him, and she then kissed him. She then heard a “Wohoo!” She looked at the bleachers to see Scott, she laughed at him.
“I love you too Scotty.” She told him looking at him, while Stiles kissed her cheek. He knew that she meant it as a friend. When she said that Scott immediately looked at her, he widely smiled at the couple. He gave them a thumbs up. “Love you too!” He replied, while skipping away like a kid, causing the couple to laugh.
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soobrat · 1 month
mosquito; csb
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part two; maybe tuesday? masterlist
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˗ˏˋ🎧´ˎ˗ pairing; popstar!soobin x rising star!reader
˗ˏˋ🎧´ˎ˗ words; 9.3k
˗ˏˋ🎧´ˎ˗ genre; slight angst, fluff
˗ˏˋ🎧´ˎ˗ warnings; none that I can think of, Soobin kinda hates you
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Last Week
“We baked too much. Again.” Rebekah huffs worriedly. You rest your fists on your hips, copying her. Her eyes bounce around all the baked goods as her mind clouds with gloom. You nudge her with your elbow to snap her out of it. She looks over at you in confusion. 
“No such thing.” You raise your eyebrows cheekily. Bekah scoffs, finally noticing your pose. 
“What’d I tell you about copying me.” Bekah’s voice suddenly peaks as she lurches for you. You yelp and jump out of the way. She chases you out of the kitchen into what you assume to be an empty seating area. You glance out, shocked to see butts in seats. Bekah notices the look on your face.
“What? The bunny girl’s here again isn’t she–” She starts off amused and ends up excited. She claps her hands together as she approaches the patrons gleefully. You don’t fail to notice that the “bunny girl” is here today, her high school uniform on as always. But you’re more focused on the fact that the group seated at the adjacent booth seem oddly familiar. When they glance around Bekah’s frame to look at you, your stomach drops. Not right now.
One of the girls calls out your name and you nearly shield your face. You finally recognize her, as well as everyone else at the table. You loosen up. 
“Hey, it’s been a while.” You step closer cautiously.
“It has, and you seem… exactly the same.” Your old classmate looks you up and down with astonishment. For just a brief moment, you’re transported to middle and high school and how miserable that was. But the moment passes and a smile spreads on your face even as they laugh. 
“Are you guys familiar with this place?” You ask, finally walking up to the table. 
“No… is it usually this dead?” A male peer asks this time, earning a snort by a girl hiding her face in his shoulder. Bekah is turned around by this point, eyes wide and signaling for you to give her permission to enter mom mode. You glance at the high schooler and she jerks her attention away. Not before you could catch her undivided attention on you.
“Yeah, and this is what I do now. You guys coming here isn’t going to change that or how I feel about it once you leave. If you couldn’t pressure me to hate myself during all of middle and high school, I’m not sure why you think it’d work now.” You return their astonishment at you, making eye contact with each of them. 
“What is she talking about…”
“I’m just thinking out loud. Now,” you pull out the notepad you’ve been itching to use since Bekah opened this place, “can I start you guys with anything?” You twirl the pen in your hand, eagerly awaiting an answer. They exchange a confused look before one of the guys holds up the menu. He glances around nervously before turning his attention toward you. You greet him with a welcoming smile.
“Can I get a sweet bun?” 
“You have great taste! It’d be my pleasure.” You reply warmly before jotting it down.
0:00 ───|────── 0:00
“Do you have the butterfly pea tea?” You glance back at Bekah as you slide the tray of sweet buns off the counter. Bekah doesn’t answer, just glancing at the doorway of the kitchen. She sets the tea down as she starts toward that direction.
“Do you hear that?” She gives her hands two hefty brushes against her apron as she exits into the dining area. She doesn’t immediately reappear which has you stabilizing your tray and following after her. She looks out into the suddenly bustling dining room with a hand over her mouth. You gaze at her proudly as a smile stretches across your face. 
“I’ll get the tea, you start taking orders!” You urge her on your way to your classmates’ table. She takes a moment but eventually snatches her notepad from her waist excitedly. Three trays later, Bekah is walking beside you with her own. 
“I texted Julia, you can go. I know for a fact you’re busy.” She throws the offer your way with her focus fully on the table she’s walking toward. 
“No! Hi, enjoy.” You switch to a smile as you distribute the table’s food. “No!” You repeat once she rejoins you from serving her table. 
“I can stay here. What I had planned can wait.” You assure her. 
“Are you sure? You’ve got a lot of great stuff going on, I’d hate to keep you from it.” 
You both set your trays on the counter and look at each other. Bekah with a concerned look and you with a scolding one. You can hear the door opening again and even more customers filtering in. There is an “extravagant” party being thrown to celebrate some actress that your publicist wants you to go to. You glance at your watch. If the rush dies down in a few hours you could go, but… 
You think back to when Bekah was babysitting you and how much fun you had together. How she was often your only source of fun. Now you can have just as much fun and support her dream?
“Bekah, you’re so amazing. I mean, all this? Amazing.” You repeat after finding yourself at a loss for words. Bekah clutches her chest.
“Where is this coming from? Thank you.” She pulls you in for a hug. “By the way, if you would’ve given me permission, I would’ve recorded them and put it on tiktok.” She says next to your ear as she sways you back and forth.
“Why did you lie, anyway?” She pulls away once it hits her. You shrug.
“I’m just as proud of this place as I am of my awards. Plus, I get to make money doing my dream job and help my best friend with hers? I’m so lucky.” You beam.
“Okay, you’re gonna make me throw up.” 
She side-eyes you as she loads the next tray. “And you’re sure you didn’t lie for a different reason?”
“Positive.” You answer clearly. “Honest!”
She still seems suspicious on her way out the entryway. She stops momentarily to look back at you.
“There’s nothing wrong with being recognized! In fact, you could use it to your advantage.”
The rush stops about where you predicted it would, but you had fun hanging out with Julia and Bekah in the dining room after cleaning. After tiring yourselves out from laughter and the sun long since setting, you finally prepare to go.
“Great shift today guys!” Bekah turns to you, giving you a nod. “See you next Wednesday?”
“Of course!” You reply swiftly.
The only thing keeping your aching legs pushing is the fact that you have to be close. At this point you’re barely paying attention to your surroundings, just trucking forward with the hope that you chose the right route. Your eyes remain trained down at the weeds and grass sprouting between segments of sidewalk. You can see a building emerge on your left with a familiar brick pattern but you’re too exhausted to look up. You hunch over and plant your hands on your thighs as you exhale hoarsely. 
“This is that place, the pay-what-you-can one?” A woman points at the building, halting a man you presume is her husband interlocked with her. 
“No way. Either the food sucks or they’re lying.” The man points out incredulously. You can’t help feeling like you’re in a low-budget, poorly scripted advertisement. Somewhat recovering from being winded, you stand up straight with a wide smile plastered on your face.
“It is pay-what-you-can! And the food being vegan might scare you away, but as a non-vegan who loves steak and ice cream too much to give 'em up, their food is delicious.” Deciding to play into the ad vibes, you put on your best pitching voice.
“If you guys ever decide to stop in, try their buns and rolls. It’s what they’re known for. Hence–” You gesture up at the sign you’ve only just looked at, confirming you’re at the right place. Bun Appetit.
The man just stares into the window of the restaurant while the woman squints at you. You deflate, suddenly realizing this is not a set and these are not actors. The woman motions at you with her index finger like something’s on the tip of her tongue. You stiffen up, pre-panicking before she can even get to the conclusion you’re afraid of. 
“Aren’t you–”
“Constance! My name’s Constance, I volunteer here on Wednesdays.” You cut her off, stepping forward to quickly shake her hand in hopes of distracting her further. “Come in,” You urge enthusiastically, “even if you’re just sitting in we appreciate the company.” 
“You just volunteer here and you’re putting this much effort into pitching?” The man asks, judgment oozing from his voice. You open your mouth to rebut, preparing your speech about the importance of contributing to the community and how great volunteering is when you get deja vu. 
page.soobin: what are you, giving an acceptance speech
You shutter as cringe curdles the blood coursing through your veins. You clench your eyes shut, shaking away the thought desperately. The couple stare at you in confusion but enter the restaurant nonetheless. Exhaling, you comb over whatever you can remember of your conversations with Soobin. 
The almost painful sensation in your stomach is only reminiscent of one thing you’re familiar with. Your debilitating middle school crush on Kai Huening. You told his sister two grades under you guys in some sad attempt for validation in a time of confusion and yearning. She laughed in your face, not leaving you with any actual words to cling to. You sat there for the rest of the seven hour long school day terrified of what would happen. You reevaluated, your hair, your smile, the way you spoke, and every article of clothing you wore that he might’ve seen. It was crushing, and your worst nightmare came true when he and his friends looked at you while laughing across the cafeteria.
You joke that he scared you away from crushes for good. There’s a reason your friends call him the guy who made you aromantic. But that’s not entirely true. You just grew out of crushes faster than other people. The next crush after Kai barely even counted, because it was Soobin. You watched his youtube covers with his piano, bad lighting, and bad audio quality and your heart fluttered. But that was a celebrity crush. You didn’t know him back then.
You don’t get crushes. 
You finally walk through the doors, eyes focused on your cardigan as you scrutinize the hue.
“Hey, what’re you doing here! Oh! You’re wearing your cardigan! Wait, did you walk here?” You listen as Rebekah perceives your strange presence, attire, and profuse sweating in that order. You look up from your clothes, huffing as you decide where to start.
“Where did you walk here from? Africa?” She approaches and presses her palm to your forehead. Her mother-like tendencies don’t come from your age gap, she’s only ten years your senior. No, she had already acquired those before the two of you met. The reasons for that bound out of the kitchen toward you, squealing your name. Bekah shooshes the four children who immediately monitor their volume in response. They wrap their arms around you, squeezing their smaller frames in wherever their siblings aren’t. 
“Why are you here?” Noemi’s small voice asks, her speech impediment handling the impossible task of making her cuter very well. 
“Well…” You start with no real intention of finishing. “Oh! I see the new t-shirts were made! Back up so I can see.” You nudge the kids so you could focus on your changed subject and breathe. You react in exaggerated awe as you examine their multi-colored shirts with Bun Appetit printed on the front.
“You guys look great!” You say with a double thumbs up that makes the younger two beam. 
“By the way, you look very pretty today.” Bekah’s oldest child, Mariah chimes in.
“Right?!” The stress that’s been building in you since you left the cafe culminated in an intensity you didn’t plan to show through your voice. The kids flinch slightly from the volume, looking at each other for answers.
“S-sorry.” You chuckle, dragging your palm over your forehead. Bekah, who’s been observing peacefully as her children are finally distracted by something picks up on your mood. 
“Alright, guys. Go either help in the kitchen or sit in the back and get started on your homework. That means you too, Mariah. Don’t just boss your siblings around.” The kids groan as they reluctantly retreat from the dining room. Bekah’s attention flips back to you with concern.
“Are you going to explain why you walked here or are you gonna make me play 20 questions?” Bekah’s motherly tone fails to disengage and it strikes a little fear in you. You both take a seat at one of the many free tables, picking one you both favor right beside the door with a view to boot.
“I was gonna uber but I… I just needed to think.” You breathe through the sentence as if the anxiety is leaking from you. You slouch over, nearly melting onto the table. 
“Okay… but why are you here?” Bekah’s fingers tap onto the table to emphasize how strange it is that you’re here on a Monday. The speed at which you almost went into your “the importance of contributing to your community” speech alarms you. You chew on the inside of your cheek.
“Bekah am I… obnoxious?” You ask perilously. Fear blooms in your chest as if asking the question out loud made you realize it was true. 
“Excuse me? Who said that?! Are you reading comments online?” The way she asks makes you wonder what she’d do if you pointed someone out, because it sounds like she’s ready to fight.
“No, I’ve just been thinking about it.” You say, dropping your head as shame overtakes you. 
“But why? This is all so unlike you.” Worry looms over her words as she leans in, tempted to check your temperature again. You fully drape yourself over the table, omitting a strained noise as you grapple with that feeling. Your phone dings and you fling yourself up so fast it makes Bekah jump. You unlock your phone and check the notification, slouching when it wasn’t what you thought it was. Bekah gasps as she comes to a realization. 
“It’s a boy! Oh my god– it makes so much sense!” Her shock turns to excitement at the look on your face that seemingly confirms it. “Of course you’re finally interested in someone! You’re suitors aren’t stinky scrubs anymore! You probably have the cream of the crop beating down your door. Oh my god… has Taeyang approached you?”
“You mean the married man?” You ask rhetorically, knowing you don’t even need to remind her. 
“I know… what a shame indeed…” She looks wistfully into the distance.
“Ma’am?? You’re married too!” Now you’re questioning if you do have to remind her.
“Anyway, tell me about this man. Is he as famous as you?”
“More famous. When you think of the male pop stars, you think of…” You hope she’ll catch on and finish your sentence. She snaps at you and you know she’s got it.
“Ooh! Daniel Choi?”
You scrunch up your face in disgust. “No.”
“Taemin? Kang Daniel? Mark Lee? Soobin…!” Her face lights up at your silent confirmation. “Of! Course! Ugh, I’ve been wracking my brain on why you’ve been acting so weird recently! You finally met your teenage crush!”
“That doesn’t count! I’ve only had one crush!”
“Man, it took me a second to think of him. Then again, he hasn’t been on the radio in a while. Hey, tell your crush to make more music. I love “Through My Veins”–”
“He’s not my crush. I barely had a crush on him then and I definitely don’t now. I’m just considering him for the duet.” You express sternly, annoyed by the disbelieving look she gives you. 
“Think about it, babe. The person you were obsessed with as a teen to the point where you fantasized about growing up to marry him is right in front of you. It’s only natural for feelings to bloom.” She delivers her take like it’s bad news. But it’s fine. You just don’t have a crush on him, that’s all.
“Look, honestly? I wasn’t a fan like other girls were fans of like… G-dragon when I was growing up. I was moved by his singing, and I was devastated when he joined the Naekkeo Crew. It felt like he loved music the same way I did. I just wanted him to succeed.” You give up toward the end, realizing you sound like a lovestruck teenager either way. 
“This just sounds like more reasons you’d catch feelings for him.”
You interrupt her by grumbling under your breath. Still, the heartfelt way she speaks to you doesn’t go unnoticed. 
“Whatever. It doesn’t matter why I gravitated toward him because I didn’t actually know him. And I don’t know him now, either. I only just met him today.” You mumble begrudgingly.
“You don’t have to know someone to– wait… ARE YOU OUT OF BREATH BECAUSE YOU WALKED STRAIGHT FROM MEETING HIM TO HERE?!” She shouts, standing up from her seat. You glance around in alarm to see if anyone was listening.
“Y-yeah! I told you, I wanted to clear my mind.”
“Take a walk to clear your mind, jot it down in a journal, talk it out with your therapist, do whatever you please; but at the end of the day you have feelings for that man.” She walks away but not before clutching her purse like the stench of how pitiful you are is scaring her off.
“I don’t…” You say feebly, failing to stop her before she disappears into the kitchen. You hear someone call out your name like it was their eureka moment behind you. You turn to see the older woman from earlier with her husband not far behind.
“Excuse me?” You laugh awkwardly. You’re still recovering from what just happened, you don’t have it in you to deal with this at the moment.
“I knew I recognized you!”
“Ah, no ma’am. I get that a lot, but you’ve got the wrong person. Constance, remember?” You try, your heart hurting a little at the way her face falls. She makes the cutest noise of frustration before looking back at her husband.
“I thought it was her!”
“Who?” He croaks loudly, his hearing clearly dwindling.
“Remember? The girl we saw on TV that wrote that song you like?”
“Oh! That… poripeepim–”
“Yeah! Ugh, forget it. Let’s just go.” She tugs her husband who’s trying to get a good look himself. You watch them bicker their way down the street, wishing you could just enjoy having front row seats to their older couple shenanigans. However, it eats at you. Would people find out about you being here?
0:00 ───|────── 0:00
The leather of the couch was starting to stick uncomfortably to his skin. He had already lifted his bare leg so many times he lost count. He should get up, but get up to do what? He lifts his leg again, the sound of the leather peeling away from his skin becoming grating. He can feel every inch of his skin making contact with his couch start to perspire. Desperate, his eyes flutter close as he checks if he still knows the song from his old method of jogging his brain. His fingers pad lightly against his thighs and he can hear the corresponding notes. He gets a few seconds in before the melody dissipates. He grits his teeth, peeling his leg away again. He feels like he’ll explode if it happens one more time, but he can’t focus–
His phone rings and he finally tears his body away from the couch.
“Hello?” He answers the unknown number against his better judgment.
“Hey! Bin-ay! This is Jackson Wang!” Soobin rips the phone away from his ear as Jackson’s voice blares through the speaker. “I got your number from Daniel, is that cool? Look, I want you to come on the next episode of my podcast.”
If he would’ve stopped for an answer, Soobin would’ve expressed that it wasn’t cool. He wouldn’t be surprised if Yeonjun was the reason his phone number got leaked. 
“I heard about your podcast, it’s doing numbers, man.” Soobin can’t help the disinterest in his voice as he rubs his forehead. He prepares his script for letting down offers gently. The last thing he needs is to get on the wrong person’s bad side.
“Exactly, man! Listen, Miyawaki reached out to me to try and get you on this episode.” Jackson says as if he’s admitting to something. Sakura did what?
“It’s all about the leading men in pop. I was gonna reach out to you anyway, you deserve to be in the conversation!” Something about Jackson’s overwhelming bravado leads Soobin to being skeptical. “Save my number, bro. I’ll send you the address of my studio and what time to be there. I know you haven’t been doing much lately but do yourself a favor! We all wanna hear from you.”
Soobin is glad Jackson says a departing greeting and hangs up because Soobin can’t find any words past his embarrassment. He stands there, stunned with his phone still up to his ear. 
He has been invited to lots of podcasts, but if his media training has taught him anything, you shouldn’t just accept every invite for an appearance. You want to walk that line between elusive and available. With podcasts you want to be especially careful. Podcasts have that reputation of being an outlet for people no one cares to hear from. That rings especially true for has-been celebs. But after Jackson explained the premise, it has to do some good, right?
What else was he going to do?
“Look at you!” Yeonjun claps his hand against Soobin’s back, a gesture Soobin has come to understand screams “douche”. Soobin slides down his wayfarers and looks at himself exaggeratedly. 
“Armani?” He asks, nodding toward his polo. Yeonjun sucks his teeth.
“Look at you making an appearance finally. Not hiding in the shadows anymore?” He pats his back again, seemingly to make a point. Soobin refutes it.
“I don’t need to.” He pushes his sunglasses back up as he challenges Yeonjun. Yeonjun makes a familiar face, plainly disagreeing through the way his brows snap together. His eyes bore into Soobin with an intensity that unkindly asks Soobin to be realistic. Only to follow it up with a nauseating look of pity.
“Whatever you say.” says Yeonjun, sliding his palm off his back, but letting it linger just long enough to piss Soobin off. His eyes burn into the back of Yeonjun’s figure, following him until he takes one of the many seats put out for them. His eyes track to each of the men seated currently. Mark Lee, Taemin, Kang Daniel, and a seat assigned to Jungkook. He can’t help noticing he’s the only one here not from KiJi Entertainment. Yeonjun pats the seat next to him with a smirk. Soobin sighs.
“I’m noticing a pattern here.”
Once everyone is accounted for and mic’d up, Jackson starts the interview. He gives a knowing look to everyone but Soobin, which leads him to catching on.
“KiJi boys!” A smile grows on his face in tandem with his volume. The men hoot and holler around him. For far too long, the interview focuses on KiJi and their legacy and their amazing reputation and blah blah blah. He casts a glance at each singer as they speak, checking if they look as brainwashed as they sound. No one likes their label this much. 
“We have an outlier here, ladies and gentleman!” 
Everyone’s attention shifts to Soobin. As if suddenly remembering this is going to be posted publicly, he sits up straight. Clearing his throat, he vocalizes a strained yes.
“Soobin is not under KiJi but he is… wait, your label is Pacific, right?”
“Is that under Galactic, too?”
Before Soobin could answer, everyone around him did. The resolute nature of each ‘no’ makes Soobin squirm in his seat. “Y-yeah, Pacific doesn’t have a parent company.”
“Yet!” Jackson punctuates. Soobin laughs awkwardly.
“I wanna say Pacific is a great company but man, where have you been?” That question always sounds sinister to Soobin’s ears, regardless of delivery. Soobin straightens out his shirt as he delays his answer with filler words. 
“That’s what we all wanna know. We miss seeing you, man!” Yeonjun wraps his arm around Soobin, laying on the pity in his voice thick. 
“I see you two are still close!”
“Yeeaah,” Yeonjun shakes Soobin firmly, “money can’t buy a bond like the one we have.” 
“We love to see it! We need more representation for healthy male bonds!” 
Soobin wants to complain (inwardly) that he’s barely getting a word in, but this is how it always is when Yeonjun’s involved. 
“Now you can be truthful with us, Soobin. Is your company suppressing you or what? Four years? That’s insane!”
“Pacific isn’t to blame,” Soobin is quick to correct, “they do a good job with assisting me actually. It’s just, some projects take time!” He ends the sentence confidently. It’s the excuse he’s used up until now.
“So can we expect some To Pimp a Butterfly level shit for the next album then?” Jackson asked animatedly, resulting in laughter from the other men. Including Soobin who tries to blend in.
“No, no, no…” Soobin corrects lightly.
“Don’t be humble!” Jungkook calls out, escalating the laughter. Soobin scratches the back of his neck. 
“You know, I take pride in my music. I just want to release something I’m proud of and that will make my fans proud.” Soobin expresses. He sounds confident and he feels it too. Everyone around him nods, quiet acknowledgements are made toward him. He tries to smile at the genuinely pleasant moment, but he gets a weird feeling and ends up with more of a grimace.
0:00 ───|────── 0:00
“Soobin!” His sister wails out, diving for the casket being lowered into the ground. Soobin reaches out, trying to stop her. He watches her disappear into the hole his own body is being inserted into. His hand reaches out but not far enough. His father and his mother walk away, stone faced. The only people left at the service are people he doesn’t recognize. His family is nowhere to be found and he’s gone himself, but something still tugs at him. Something is still pushing him to notice the dread looming over him. 
“Now that Choi Soobin is gone, who in relation will take his fortune?” A man dressed in a black suit with an umbrella obscuring his face asks. Soobin’s eyes widen with fear as he looks around.
“I will.” Someone else with an umbrella blocking Soobin from identifying walks forward. They’re wearing green as opposed to everyone in black. She drops the umbrella, looking down at the hole. She then looks up at him with a smile. It’s Tsuki.
“I’m his wife after all.”
All of the attendees climb into the hole and reemerge with bundles of cash. They each hand her the money as she beams at him.
“No!” Soobin’s eyes snap open as the word breaks free from his subconscious. He huffs, shivering from his sweat chilling under the air conditioning. He takes note of the splayed position he’s in that has his right leg dangling, and the fact that he’s on the couch again. With how drowsy he still is, he just rolls over in an attempt to get up. Him overshooting his landing and a loud knock on the door makes him end up on the floor.
“Who is it?” He lifts his head up from the floor to yell. He hears you say your name and groans inwardly.
“Did you forget you invited me?” Your muffled voice travels through the door, said door doing little to hide to worry in your voice. Soobin slowly lugs himself up from the ground.
“Come in.” He clears his throat as he shoves one of his hands into his boxers. 
There is no light coming from any of the gaps of the front door to his penthouse. You shrug, pushing open the door. Your suspicion was correct. His living room would be shrouded in darkness if not for the setting sun through the floor-to-ceiling windows and hidden strip lights lining the top of the walls. Despite its size, the dark brown leather sofa in the middle of the floor is dwarfed by the large, nearly empty room. The dark decorative paneling that lines the walls on either side of you consumes any liveliness the room could’ve had.
Your eyes finally land on Soobin who’s scratching his head beside the sofa. They track down his other arm right to his crotch. You jolt, looking away as if it didn’t already happen. He looks down at himself, surprised by the heat that prickles his cheeks. Just before you came, Sunmi was over. She barely even noticed his boxers, and if she did, she didn’t acknowledge his lack of pants. That’s what everyone who visits him does. Even Sakura has seen him in his boxers countless times. 
You notice his flushed cheeks and back up toward the door. “I can leave again if you need a moment.”
He lets out an exasperated sigh. Why does it even matter? It’s not like you’re looking at his dick, and this is his house! As soon as he looks at you, he gets this potent feeling that reminds him of the Seoul concert. The look on his parent’s faces as the screams deafen him– His stomach tightens as he pushes the memory away.
“Stay right there.” He blurts out as he scurries from the room.
You listen slightly, choosing to walk a little further into his living room. It has the bones of many pretentious homes you’ve seen through screens. It kind of looks like you producing mentor’s bachelor pad. Your mentor’s pad if he was… 
Your fingers brush over the diamond tufted leather of the couch as you wait for the word to come to you. The couch seems very comfortable judging by how it feels when you press it slightly. Now that you think about it, the room is functional, just to a comical degree. You can come in here and live, walk further in and look out the window at others living. Despite your judgments, the space itself is objectively nice looking. Very luxurious and artistic. You spare a cautionary glance at your attire. You’re not wearing your cardigan, but that doesn’t prevent you from sticking out any less.
“Ho-kay!” Soobin claps from behind you. Once you turn to see him, the word comes to you.
“Now. Welcome to my humble abode!” Soobin re-enters the room with a pair of jeans and hoodie. You smile softly upon realizing he still rolls the sleeves up to his elbows. In fact, this entire ensemble reminds you of when he was 14 on YouTube. Your eyes naturally scan for your favorite detail from back then. You feel let down slightly upon noticing it’s not there. A lot about Soobin has changed. He isn’t scrawny anymore, he has the bravado of someone 14 year old you would hate, his tastes have changed.
“Your necklace…” The words leave your lips as you struggle to reckon with how this is making you feel. He looks great, all it takes is a glance around his million dollar penthouse to see he’s doing great, too. Still, you can’t help mourning your lost youth. “The one you said your mom gave you...”
His hand clasps at his neckline as he laughs awkwardly. “What?”
Mortification strikes you like lightning as you stammer to correct yourself. You are no longer behind a screen observing Soobin while curled up in bed.
“I mean um— do you wear that anymore? I just remember when you wore it all the time.”
Soobin is feeling extremely observed right now in a way only a tier four could cause. 
“I thought you said you’ve been a fan since Naekkeo Crew… sounds like you’ve been a fan longer than that.” You can tell by the way he’s looking at you that you’ve creeped him out. You straighten up, put on a brave face, and pray you’re not still wincing from your fuck up. 
“I feel like we should just start this entire interaction over. I came over so we could talk about your decision.” You make up a justification on the spot. Soobin’s eyes gleam for a moment, you hope that means he’ll forgive and forget you being cringe.
“Sit, please sit.” Soobin puts on his most welcoming voice as he ushers you to the couch. You smooth the back of your skirt, annoyed at how focused you are on his hand resting on your back. His knees are turned toward you and you’re kind of being cornered.
“I’m ready to get started composing, but I’m stuck at the recruiting phase.” You start, scooting away subtly. Soobin nods, taking that as a chance to scoot closer. You stammer, eyes trained on where both your knees meet. “I-It’s my insistence on the chemistry and I know that.” You exhale exasperatedly, unable to stop your bad habit of bouncing your leg.
“If I have to be a little more lenient, that might just be what happens. But I’m thinking of just hurrying up and choosing someone. Or maybe…” You drop your hands into your lap. Unable to suppress your defeated sigh, you finish your sentence. 
“Maybe I should just scrap the duet.”
Soobin feels genuine shock hearing that from you. It’s a little disheartening that the industry can beat down someone as headstrong as you appear to be. The regretful look and weakened voice as you just give in is all too familiar. 
He frees himself from his self pity quickly. His career is on the line.
“How about dates?” Soobin rests a hand on your bouncing leg. 
“Hah,” You wait for him to laugh back, but he just stares at you. “I didn’t mean to give that impression…”
“What, that you’re a fan trying to get lucky?” He states bluntly. You gasp, slightly affronted. “Don’t worry, I don’t think that.”
“Are you sure? You said it really fast.” 
“Have you ever been to Silver Swan?” He tilts his chin inward as he changes the subject. Whatever it is, he’s clearly presenting it as something special. 
“Huh? No, I’m not sure I’ve heard of it.” 
Soobin looks shocked and you’re getting deja vu from every fleeting encounter with celebrities recommending something extravagant. 
“You’re missing out! It’s the new big thing, something you have to experience in real life. Have you ever been to a Japanese cocktail bar?”
“Like… in Japan?”
The bewildered look on your face makes Soobin giddy. If no one has tried exposing you to the proper celebrity lifestyle then he’s in the lead. You clearly are unfamiliar.
“Oh… no.” You laugh, treating the suggestion like it’s silly. He can tell you’re considering it, though. “I can’t just fly to japan. I have so much to do, and I don’t like dropping money spontaneously on stuff like that…”
Soobin wants to jump at the chance but hesitates. If he follows through with this plan, how is this any different from throwing his money away for Tsuki? He tries to think of another plan when Jackson’s podcast comes to mind. 
“Now I have extreme insider information.” Jackson sits forward in his seat, addressing the men with a serious look. He asks if they’re familiar with you. Soobin’s heart stops. 
“That lady has been all everyone is talking about. Rumor has it she’s looking for a lucky singer to do a duet with. A male singer.” 
Soobin starts to sweat, slamming back into his seat. If the people in this room had no idea about this, that would work in his favor. But now his main competitors are aware of what they should be competing for. 
“I don’t want to come off as rude, but what’s the big deal?” Mark is met with a chorus of cautionary and amused noises. 
“Her explosion in popularity is just waiting to happen. People wanna be a part of it.” Kang Daniel adds only for Yeonjun to interject.
“I mean, the popularity is one thing, but you can tell when someone is going to be a one-of-a-kind musician.” Yeonjun seems to be posing as he soaks up the praise from his observation. Mimicking an actually wise person
“Her ear for melodies is unparalleled.” Taemin pipes up to more agreement. Not only is he being faced with how dire the situation has gotten, but he has to sit through more people gushing about you? Someone shoot him already.
“So you guys seem aware, but have any of you approached her? Has she approached you?” 
The men shrug, make faces, make random noises. Remaining vague.
“Maybe.” Yeonjun is the first to speak. The room goes quiet as they all look at him.
“Maybe you asked her? Or… did she ask you?” Jackson asks, hushing his voice as if he isn’t in front of a microphone.
A smile stretches across Yeonjun’s face. The room reacts in disbelief. “Then that settles it! Wait, is this an announcement?” Jackson asks excitedly. Before Yeonjun could answer, Soobin speaks.
“She approached me.” 
To this the room goes silent. Partly from shock, and partly from the tension his admission created. “Nothing is set in stone, we’re meeting again this week.”
Thinking back, he probably should’ve said it was set in stone. But it’s too late now, he can’t help feeling antsy.
“I’ll pay for it all.” Soobin blurts out. You cock your head to the side, puzzled, in disbelief, and touched all at once.
“W-what? Really?!” You sputter. Soobin thinks about the impact this duet just might have. His first song since his hiatus and one of the songs off your first album. With the royalties alone he’ll earn back whatever he’ll spend on you. 
“Of course.” He hopes his gritted teeth aren’t obvious. “Do you have a passport?”
0:00 ───|────── 0:00
Bekah stares at you expectantly despite not prompting for anything. You look back knowingly, pursing your lips. The sound of the wheels gliding against the polished flooring is deafening.
“I’m gonna go, obviously.” You cave into the pressure.
“As you should!” Bekah encourages, though it sounds like a scold. “You need to treat yourself at least a little bit.”
“Everything I do now is already a treat. I’m literally living the life I dreamed of. And I don’t have to be an entitled, money-crazed nightmare while doing it.” You stress that last part as if Bekah doesn’t know exactly where you stand. You double check the registry before setting the soap into the basket. 
“Going on one trip to Japan doesn’t make you a nightmare! What is really bothering you, babe?” Bekah reaches over to rest her hand on one of your shoulders. Her worried gaze softens you, you unclench your jaw. You peak over at the registry again.
“This is just their registry for the holidays. I know for a fact that they’re being modest with this list, too. I could be using that time away to set up something with the organization. But instead I’m dropping everything to vacation?” You worry your lip before huffing out the rest of the air tensing you up. Bekah snorts and drops her head. You pause and push her hand off you insolently. “Hello?”
“Don’t make me laugh. You cram so much into your day and will still stop to climb a whole ass tree if it meant saving a kitten. Gotham will survive a couple weeks without batman. I promise.” She laughs again and sets her hand on you again. You smack it this time, failing to stop her amusement. What does stop it is an opportunity for her to mother you.
“So cancel the fifty charities you have planned during the trip, they’ll be there when you come back. And buy a new goddamn suitcase.” She points her finger with a glare.
You pout attempting to slip your next words past her.
“It gets the job done—”
“No it does not! The zipper is falling off and one of the wheels are gone. Throw it out!”
“Mommy can we go to Papan?” Noemi’s beads clack as she looks up at Bekah.
“Mommy doesn’t have Papan money.” Bekah barely looks at Noemi as she dismisses the request.
“You wouldn’t like Japan. They don’t have pop tarts.” You whisper, hoping it makes the news sound more dire. You copy her wide eyes and matching gasp. Her tiny umber-toned hands grip the doll she refuses to put into the cart in shock. Bekah looks at the both of you in disbelief before elbowing you. You stop your staring contest to glare at her.
“Do you want kids in the future? ‘cause I just know they’d love you.” She says with admiration and a side of disgust.
“Should I adopt, too? Doesn’t sound too bad.” You hum at the pleasant thought. 
“When do you go?” Bekah asks as you all start to walk again.
“He tried to convince me to go the next day.” You raise your eyebrows at her, offering an “I know right” to her shocked reaction. “He said we could take a private jet and be back the next day. I bargained with him for next month.”
“Oh!” Bekah’s eyes shimmer. “I can help you pack.”
Bekah comes over the next time her husband is able to babysit, insisting that helping you pack is the most fun she’ll have this week. You were planning to fold random things up and just toss them in but Bekah has an entire organization system going on. You look around at the many neatly folded piles of clothes.
“Okay, so first order of business! Order that suitcase, don’t think I forgot.” Bekah glares at you before continuing. “Second order of business! Order new clothes as well.”
“Why?” You say in utter confusion.
“These aren’t cute.” She replies simply.
“So you’re going on a trip with your teenage crush so he can show you a place he really likes.” She insists, becoming impatient.
“The keyword there is teenage. Plus!” You shout before she could argue. “I don't want to make him uncomfortable. Things are… weird already.”
“How so?” Pity drips from Bekah’s eyes as she watches your unusually closed off demeanor.
“I think I make him uncomfortable.” You wince once a more apt observation comes to mind. “I actually think I kind of annoy him in general.” Bekah nearly whimpers at the sight of you. She understands your concerns but hates seeing you like this. 
“I mean, I wouldn’t stress about it. No one would shill out money like this for someone they don’t like.”
“That’s true… I wish my gut would stop nagging at me. Every time I’m with him I feel like I’m racing him to find something wrong with me.”
“I wish I could help, but this is a very unique circumstance.” Bekah drops the clothing, clearly coming to a sad epiphany judging by her devastated expression. “Maybe you shouldn’t go?”
You plop down on your bed and clench your eyes shut. Your fingers tap absentmindedly at your legs as you “um” your way to a thought. With each tap of the chords you know by heart your brain fog clears. “I mean, maybe if I learn more about him he could be the one.”
Bekah’s eyes widen and you quickly fix your statement. “For the duet!”
“If you believe that he could be the right fit, then I would go for it. If you’re careful– and lucky– this song could become a classic. Our grandchildren’s grandchildren might be singing this!” Bekah's smile is close to splitting her face the more she speaks and you’re not far behind. You stand from the bed to clasp her hands.
“A classic?” You whisper. Bekah nods emphatically leading to you both squealing. You sigh dreamily. “I really do think he’s a good match. I mean, I love his emotional depth in Through My Veins. Good taste, by the way. That’s my favorite song by him, too.”
“I thought you hated his music.” Confusion bleeds through her smile as she tilts her head. 
“I never said I hated it, it’s just… very okay. Even his first EP, it’s the project that feels the most authentic to him but that was before he refined his skills.” You nod as ideas start coming to you. 
“Despite how I feel about his music,” you start cautiously, “he still has a strong voice and good musicality. I think he could be the right fit!” You feel lighter after coming to that conclusion and Bekah seems satisfied, too.
“About your clothes–”
“No.” You shoot down immediately, wiping the smile off her face.
“Fine. Can you at least take me to the mall or something?” She gives up quickly, dropping your hands.
“Of course. I’ll buy you as much as you want.” You sound offended she would even ask.
“Perfect! Random question… what size do you wear?”
0:00 ───|────── 0:00
Soobin’s study is very modern. Same black paneling as his living room with a desk against one wall and a dusty piano against the other. He has you sitting on the side of the desk that makes it seem like it’s your study. You sit forward on the leather swivel chair, propping your iPad open.
“I’m excited for Tokyo.” You start off on a shaky note, all that hyping yourself up going to waste with how pathetic you sound. You watch intently as Soobin smirks at you. 
“I know.” 
His answer catches you off guard and you furrow your eyebrows. Undeterred, he rolls closer to the desk. He leans over it, narrowing his eyes at you.
“Have you even been outside the country?”
“Hm,” You click your tongue as you try to recall. Your face dulls once you remember. “Once for work.” You reply bitterly.
“But never for leisure.” He double checks, to which you nod. He looks to the picture of him and Doyoung, thinking back to all the places they haven’t visited. How the list gets longer and longer as time goes on. 
“I’ve never been to Bali…” He strokes his chin. “Oh! I heard the Maldives are gorgeous, we should go there.”
“Woah, woah, woah, let’s get to Japan first before we plan anything else.” You throw up your hands as if the gesture will pace him. 
“Planning ahead wouldn’t hurt. When are you free? We could work around your schedule.” He whips out his phone, immediately getting distracted by the icon of his banking app. Your warm laughter breaks him from his trance.
“It seems like you’re excited for Tokyo, too.” You grin. He flushes, wanting to immediately shoot down that notion. Your eyes gleam, the more he stares at them, the more he’s convinced to let the feeling linger. The embarrassment melts away in favor of a pleasant warmth as he reminisces on his vacations with family. His small smile gives you butterflies.
“Do you travel often?” You ask, enjoying the way this conversation makes you feel. Soobin’s smile immediately drops. Yours does as well when he clears his throat.
“Of course! I mean, that’s one of the main things people do when they come into money. I’m surprised you don’t travel often.” With the return of his smugness, you’re back to that uncomfortable feeling he gives you. 
“I don't feel the need to. I have everything I need here and more than enough to do.”
Without context, the look on your face makes your words nostalgic. More of the algic than the nost. He remembers when he first rose to fame, how scared he was. Not wanting to stray too far. As the uncomfortable feeling stirs in your stomach, the wilted look on your face intensifies. Soobin’s mouth moves before he could think it through.
“This industry is going to chew you up and spit you out.” He mumbles with an unemotive face. It makes what he says all the more ominous. You blanch at the insinuation and Soobin realizes what he said. Instead of apologizing or stammering, he picks the option that annoys him the least. 
“So, the song!” He claps to accompany his suddenly upbeat tone. You recover from your whiplash, doing a double-take before finally looking down at your iPad. 
“I was thinking we didn’t have to wait until Tokyo to get started. I have a vision for this song to be more than a love song. I want it to be about growth and fear, and coming together for support.” You explain as you swipe through your brainstorming map. Soobin doesn’t know why he’s becoming irked, he just knows he is and he wants that to change.
“When are we going to start writing or creating melodies?” Soobin complains, sparking urgency in you. He sighs at the way you start to stammer and swipe frantically. He’s already tired of this spiritual mumbo-jumbo.
“I-I definitely have some ideas– we’ll get there– but if this is going to be the classic I know it can be, we need to dig deeper than just “I miss you, please come back”.” You find yourself slowly becoming annoyed yourself as you continue talking. You spent all this time wondering if he’s who you should pick when he seems so uninterested. At least, he did. You see a tinge of intrigue suddenly enter his eyes as he regards you.
“A classic? Really?”
“Really!” You confirm. “We could just run with the melody I have recorded and sing some generic lyrics with no depth, but I have no doubt that song will be forgotten by the following week. We can work together to make something that resonates with people. Plus, the best songs are reflections of the artist’s thoughts and feelings.” You hurry the words out, calming once you notice he’s receptive. He does that thing again, narrowing his eyes like he’s looking for something. 
“You’re really confident, aren’t you.” You get the feeling he’s deriding you, but this is your wheelhouse you’re talking about. You lean closer, your arms nearly touching as you rest them on the desk. 
“I have the credentials to back it up.” You smirk, mirroring him as you engage in his little staring contest. He raises his eyebrows before slowly sliding away. You conceal the smile begging to peek through as he sports an impressed look on his face. You’re not finished.
You stand from your chair and move toward the piano in the back of the room. You glance back at him, urging him to follow. You settle onto the bench, followed by him settling next to you. Sliding away the cover, you gasp at the state of it. You play the chords you know by heart. Soobin’s ear’s quirk up at the comforting melody. A bright light fills his chest as memories of him playing the piano and his sister singing the lyrics.
“Is that–”
“This is horrible! This thing needs to be tuned badly. All this money– how could you let it get like this!” You scold him amidst your horror. You continue to ramble about how spoiled he is to have such a beautiful instrument and leave it in this condition, but Soobin is still floating amongst his memories.
“Why did you stop playing?” He asks, readying his hand at the left side of the piano. You stop in your tracks, the anger draining from your body as you catch on. Your fingers cascade across the repeating keys as he accompanies you. His part is laughably simple, just hitting one piano key per chord, but your stomach continues to do flips. You play your way through the first song you learned on the piano with the person who inspired you to start playing. You feel like you’re floating, like you’ll wake up any second. 
Once the intro is over you draw your hand away from the piano. You felt compelled to sing, but singing to him alone in his house felt strangely… intimate. Your heart quickens, you look up at him cautiously to see him eyeing the piano still.
“Can you play something?”
“Can I play something?”
You’re so distracted by you both asking the same thing in unison that you don’t notice the despondent way he says it. You nod excitedly. “Yes! Please,” you scoot to the very edge of the stool, giving him enough room. You consider standing, but sitting next to him feels admittedly nice.
He steadies himself, his hands hovering over the keys. When he starts playing, you wonder if he’s setting out to embarrass you. You watch, impressed as his fingers press a much more complicated melody into the piano. Soobin feels frantic as he hits each key, clenching his eyes shut to try and shake the fog setting in. The melody starts to become distant as his mind flips from stressor to stressor. He clenches his teeth, pulling his hands back when he hits an incorrect key. 
As he sits there with his vision still trained on the piano, you jog your brain on where you’ve heard the song before. “Stevie Wonder, right?”
You laugh, ready to follow up your question, your joy practically bubbling over. When he slams the piano shut you flinch. He looks up with frantic eyes. 
“I can help you.” He says suddenly. None of his actions just now are helping with your confusion. 
“You’re new to this celebrity stuff. Let me be your mentor. I can help ease you in to the lifestyle. Trust me, it’s good to have someone you can trust for things like this.” He rambles, suddenly passionate. You laugh, caught off guard.
“I don’t really know if I’m looking to be involved in the celebrity lifestyle.”
“I understand, but sometimes Hollywood can force you into uncomfortable situations. It’s better if you’re prepared. At least.” He tacks on. His desperation spurs you into nodding. 
“Okay.” He breathes with a strained smile. “What’re you doing next week? Are you free?”
“Actually, I’ll be wrapping books for my local library every weekday. Maybe we can try the weekend?” You check your watch, standing from the bench once you realize what time it is. After such a turbulent evening, your obnoxious-ness is actually a little comforting to Soobin.
“Shoot, I know I said I’d pop over but I didn’t expect it to be this short–”
“How about I tag along for that?” Soobin shoots up from the bench, nearly tripping over. You look at him, befuddled.
“I don’t know…” If you’re spotted together, that will lead to people eagerly attempting to identify you. But now that you look at him, you can see it.
“Maybe Tuesday?” You ask, eyes darting away nervously.
“Sure!” He smiles, resembling a puppy for a moment. You smile back. 
You head over to fetch your iPad and toss it in your bag. “Then, see you!” 
“Wait! I’ll walk you to the door.”
“That’s not necessary–”
“Come on!” He pats your back, speeding ahead of you. You follow him after being momentarily stunned. You turn around after exiting, waving. He waves back enthusiastically, shutting the door.
You turn, unable to walk just yet. What the fuck just happened? That look on his face after he played, and why was he so frantic? And his question… when he asked if he could play… it’s becoming clear to you at that very moment.
Was he asking himself?”
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mosquito masterlist
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isitrecording · 8 months
It had taken forever for Misty to break through the walls of the multiverse again. Her Jake was off breaking other versions of her leaving her bored and horny. "Jake?" She called out innocently enough, hoping to find a Jake she could turn into her newest toy. (From Evil!Misty)
This was a different universe than the typical one, where Jake wasn't a hero. Where he never met his Misty, or the other girls. There had to be a few of these in the infinite multiverse, Misty having stumbled into one of them.
He heard a voice calling his name, scratching his neck. The brunette was a young intern, waiting to get a script picked up by one of the producers at his studio. He was the only one there at night most night, the brunette leabing his computer.
'Hello?" He asked, his eyes looking through the dark hallways. He used his phone as a flashlight, his light shining towards the source of the voice.
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daenysthedreamer101 · 3 months
Youngest Original ~ TVDU
Ch 9 - Old wounds never heal
Warnings: Esther being a bad mother/ANGST/self-harm, kinda (scratching)
A/N: When I first started writing this ch, I thought it would be a fun little filler ch...it did not turn out that way lol. I had a lot of feels while writing this one.
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Some old wounds never truly heal, and bleed again at the slightest word. - George R.R. Martin
October 2010, Mystic Falls
The initial plan of leaving Klaus and Mystic Falls behind fell into the water the second their mother walked into the house. Immediately upon reuniting with her children, their mother started making order in the house.
Both Mother and Finn cut their hair, wanting to look more 'time appropriate'. To Bekah and Kassie's great pleasure, a big shopping spree was organized. Klaus wasn't so happy, since he had to pay for everything.
Kassie was overjoyed, now that her entire family was back together. She was more than happy to help Kol and Finn adjust to the 21st century. She spent hours with both of them explaining how certain machines work and how society has changed over time, and she helped them with learning modern English.
Kol was more or less familiar with most of the things she mentioned. Finn, on the other hand, was not. Back when he was daggered, the Byzantine Empire was still a thing and there was no electricity, no modern medicine, and no cars.
Finn was in the house library where Kassandra told him to wait for her. She was insistent on helping him assimilate to the 21st century and who was he to tell her no? Soon, he heard a click-clack sound fast approaching him. He would later learn it was because of her shoes. "I'm here! Sorry for making you wait." Kassandra said as she entered the room with many books in her arms.
She wore a black sleeveless top with a cowl neckline, blue bell-bottom jeans, and brown leather boots. Her long, dark curls fell freely down her back and a big smile was plastered on her face. Finn could see she was very excited about this.
She plopped herself right next to him, and he could see her bright eyes looking at him. Oh, how he missed her beautiful face. He missed how her eyes almost disappeared when she laughed, he missed her giggles, he missed the way she would scrunch her nose like a bunny from time to time. 
"What?" She asked with furrowed brows. He chuckled and shook his head. 
"It's nothing. I just...missed you, a lot." He confessed. 
"Aww...I missed you too, Finn!" She said, giggled, and did the bunny nose scrunch thing. At that moment, an image of a young Kassie weaving herself through his legs and begging to be carried flashed through his mind. He patted her on the head, just like when she was little. 
"Now...We have lots to talk about! Let's start with the Second Crusade!" Kassie then proceeded to tell Finn about 800 years' worth of European and world history. They were interrupted multiple times, mostly by Kol or Klaus. Kassie shooed them away every time, annoyed that they were disturbing her precious time with her eldest brother.
After Elijah, Finn was the brother she was closest to. Finn was 12 years older than her, so he always felt very protective of both her and Bekah. He was by far, the gentlest of her brothers and the quietest one in the family. 
As she was folding the map of Europe she used in her presentation, Finn observed her face - her eyelashes seemed to be covered in a black substance which made them darker and her eyelids appeared to shimmer. How? He didn't know. He gently grabbed her face and turned it toward him. He studied her face with furrowed brows, trying to understand.
She seemed taken aback by this, her eyes looking curiously at him. He lifted her chin and in that moment the sunlight covered her face, making the shimmer on her eyelids more apparent. "Why do your eyelids shimmer?" He asked, eager to know. 
She chuckled and grabbed his hand. "Oh, my dear Finn. It's called 'eye shadow'. It's a powder-like substance you apply to your eyelids. It comes in many different colors. The one I have now has these little crystals that make my eyes shimmer!" 
She explained to him the best she could. Old Norse didn't have words for glitter or makeup. But it seems he understood what she was trying to explain. He then asked about her eyelashes and she explained what mascara did. She enjoyed his childlike curiosity. 
After her study session with Finn, Kassandra went back to her room. There, she found Rebekah, who was rummaging through her closet. Kassie sighed softly before clearing her throat. Bekah spared her a glance but continued looking through her clothes. 
"What are you doing?" Kassie asked as she took a blouse from Bekah's hand and put it back on the hanger. 
"These are cute," Bekah said as she held up a pair of boots. "Can I borrow them sometime?" 
Her sister sighed and jumped on her bed. Kassie followed and sat next to her sister. Bekah was playing with the sheets of the bed and some of the sunlight caught her golden heart-shaped ring, the one that matched Kassie's silver one. Kassie took hold of Bekah's hand. 
"What is it?" Kassie asked softly. 
"Mother is planning a ball, you know that?" Bekah said and Kassie furrowed her brows. Why was she always the last person in this family to find things out?
"Ok, and?"
Bekah gave her a look and rolled her eyes. She dramatically threw her hand in the air. "And? Well, we need some ball gowns, obviously. And you have none in your closet."
"So? We'll just go shopping. Plus, it will be a good bonding experience, seeing as we haven't spoken properly in over 90 years." Kassie remarked as she got up from the bed and started putting all the clothes back into the closet.
"Why is she even making a ball in the first place?" Kassie asked. 
"I don't know. Something about family bonding and healing old wounds, I wasn't really listening." Bekah said, looking at her nails. 
Kassie chuckled at her sister's snarky comment. She missed this; Rebekah was always a breath of fresh air, especially amongst their male-dominant family. She and Kassie were like two peas in a pod, you could not find one without the other. The two girls were only 14 months apart and in many ways, they thought of each other as twins who were supposed to be born together but were separated long before their creation.
"I missed you." Kassie blurted out before she could stop herself. She jumped back on the bed, grabbed Bekah's hand, and looked at her ring as she poured her heart out. 
"I missed your snarky comments. I missed your fashion advice. I missed you helping me with my hair. I had no one to confide in when Klaus got on my nerves...I was alone, for decades. It was horrible, Bex." Kassie confessed tearfully. 
Rebekah said nothing, for her own throat was tight and she herself was on the verge of tears. She pulled Kassie into a tight hug and they just held each other for what felt like hours. After a while, she pulled back and wiped off a tear from Kassie's cheek.
"No more crying. Now, how about that dress shopping?" Bekah suggested, trying to lighten the situation. 
Kassie sniffled and smiled.
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The two sisters spent the entire afternoon shopping for the perfect ball gown. Once they settled on the ones they liked, they drove back home. Then, Finn informed them that Mother wanted to speak with Kassandra. In private.
Kassie was surprised but surmised it wasn't that odd. Her mother hadn't seen her in over 1000 years; it was natural a mother wanted to spend some time alone with her youngest child. She made her way to Mother's room. She knocked and slowly opened the door. She was met with the sight of her mother, now with shorter hair and dressed in modern clothing, standing over a table. 
There was a smell in the air; something herbal, Kassie concluded. She stood there, waiting for her mother to speak. "Mother?" She said after a while. Her mother turned, and Kassie saw she was holding a bundle of dried herbs. 
"It's just sage. For privacy, so that the others can't eavesdrop." Mother said calmly. 
She gestured for Kassie to sit down and she did. On one hand, Kassie was happy that her entire family was back together; it's just, that she never expected her mother to return. In all honesty, she was fine with her mother being dead. Yes, she was aware of how horrible that sounded. But in her defense, her mother conspired with their father to kill Kassie and her siblings, and then Mother turned them into blood-sucking monsters. No one could blame her for having a difficult relationship with her parents. 
"Why did you call me here?" Kassie asked as Mother sat down next to her. 
"I haven't seen my precious little girl in over 10 centuries. I just wanted to talk to you a bit about your life. Is that such a crime?" Mother said and then asked how the dress shopping went. 
"Um...fine. I chose a blue one. Bex chose a green one." Kassie replied awkwardly.
"Good, good. And who will you bring to the dance?" Mother inquired.
Kassie gave her a confused look.
"You know... as your date, as the people now say."
"Oh...Um, no one."
"No one? Kassandra, darling, you're a beautiful girl! It would be such a shame for you to be all alone." Mother commented, gently touching her knee. Kassie squirmed slightly in her seat. 
"Mother, I've been in this place for only a month. I don't know anyone good enough to invite them as my date." Kassie retorted.
"That's because you guard your heart like a fortress and let no one in. Daughter, it's been 900 years. Let him go." Mother told her gently.
Kassandra looked at her mother in disbelief. How could she say such a thing? Kassie felt confused beyond belief. She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. 
"Excuse me? Let him go? The love of my life? My husband? You want me to let him go? Are...Do you hear yourself?"
"Kassandra, dear...You've been pining after him for centuries. You've been holding on to this false sense of hope and nothing good came of it. Get over him and continue living your life." 
"...Get over him? Are you mad!? Hope is the only thing that has kept me going. How could you say such a thing?" 
Her mother gave her a look of pity and Kassie could not bear it. She got up and paced across the room. "So this is why you called me here? To open old wounds and hurt me even more?" She accused, feeling rage coil inside her like an angry viper.
"Of course not! As your mother all I want is for you to be happy! You've wasted centuries searching for him and to no avail. You need to let him go." Mother said as she grabbed Kassie's hand. 
"If you truly were my mother, you would know how much I loved him and how much he meant to me. There is no peace, no happiness without him. I lost him centuries ago, but I still have faith. I know he will come back to me." She rebuked tearfully, pulling away from her mother. 
She glared at her mother but decided it was not worth arguing anymore. She stormed out of the stuffy room and slammed the door behind her.
Elijah was in his study when a loud bang echoed through the house. Suspecting Klaus and Kol or even Rebekah broke something, he walked out into the hallway to inspect what happened. To his surprise, he saw Kassandra storming down the stairs and out of the house. 
"Kassandra!" He called for her but she ignored him. He followed her outside and kept calling her. She got inside her car and he sped over to her before she could take off. He knocked on the window. She sighed but still lowered it. 
"Little dove, what happened? What upset you?" He asked, genuinely concerned for his little girl.
"Get in the car." She commanded. "I said. Get. In. The. Car." She repeated herself after she noticed his silent confusion.
He did as she said, not wanting to upset her further. She wanted to talk, or she wouldn't have invited him. Once he was in the car, she hit the pedal and drove them deep into the forest surrounding Mystic Falls.
Multiple times throughout the drive, he tried asking her what happened but she did not answer. A silent fury was brewing inside her, one that would not be silent for long. Tears kept on spilling down her face, blurring her vision, and all Elijah wanted to do was take her in his arms and hold her, just like when she was a little girl. But she was grown, no matter how hard he tried to ignore that.
Shortly after crossing Wickery Bridge, she made a sudden stop in the middle of the road. Quickly unbuckling her safety belt, she opened the car door, intending to get out, but Elijah stopped her. With a soft hand, he pulled her back into her seat. Refusing to meet his eye, she kept her gaze away from him, staring through the window. Putting her hands on the steering wheel, she gripped it, needing something to ground her.
"Am I a fool?" She whispered, still not meeting his eye.
"What do you mean?" Elijah asked softly.
"Am I a fool for wanting to believe he will come back to me, and that in the end, I was not wrong in upholding my faith in him?" She clarified and Elijah knew immediately whom she was talking about.
"And why would you think such a thing?" He inquired.
She shook her head, too upset to verbalize her thoughts. Taking a deep breath, she told Elijah about her 'talk' with their mother. 
"She said that I need to let him go...that I need to get over him...How-how could she say that?" 
"Ugh, why didn't she just stay dead!?" Kassie yelled, hitting the steering wheel, and stormed out of the car. Elijah followed suit.
She paced alongside the car, her hands in her hair, while she tried steadying her breathing. She was losing control, she could sense it. Soon, she would spiral. All the negative feelings she had been harboring for Klaus and now her Mother, resurfaced. Then, she screamed in frustration and kicked a nearby tree, making the entire trunk shake. Elijah was by her side in a second and grabbed her shoulders.
"Doll, listen to me. Breathe. Calm down." 
"Wh-why are they hurting me?" She asked while grabbing his arms, her throat tightening. Elijah didn't seem to understand. 
"M-Mother and Klaus. Why are they hurting me? Always s-saying m-mean things to me and hurting my f-feelings..." She stammered, her voice breaking. 
She sounded so childlike and innocent. Elijah swallowed hard and gently took hold of her head. Kassie looked at him, her eyes wide and glossy, her face covered in tears. Her lower lips quivered as she asked "Don't they love m-me?" At that moment, she looked and sounded like a scared little girl craving validation and affection.
"Of course they do." He answered quickly. 
"I know he is alive Elijah, I know he is. In my heart and in my bones I know it. If he was d-dead...I would feel it, surely. If he were dead, I would die too." She insisted and Elijah had never heard her speak with so much conviction. 
Before he could respond, she removed herself from his arms. She turned around, looking up at the waning sun. God, she was angry. So, so, so angry. Vampirism only heightened her emotions, and now her rage was feeding into her bloodlust, making her hungrier than usual. Usually, she was able to keep it under control, to subdue the urge to kill and devour. But right now, Kassie could feel the grip she had on her passions slowly fading away.
In a desperate attempt to distract herself from the hunger, she started harshly scratching her bare shoulders and forearms, so hard she started drawing blood; though the wounds immediately healed. Her sharp nails pierced her skin, leaving behind a stinging sensation. Maybe if she focused on the pain, she would forget about the bloodlust.
"Kassandra, stop! Stop hurting yourself!" Elijah reprimanded with a raised voice, something he rarely did with her. 
He grabbed her hands and held them tightly. She squirmed in his arms, trying to free herself but he didn't let her go. Instead, he turned her around and pulled her closer. Her back hit his chest and he wrapped his arms around her middle. She thrashed and screamed and the sounds broke Elijah's heart. 
"Kassandra, please-" Elijah begged but his pleas were not heard. Kassie dug her sharp nails into his hands. He hissed in pain. If she continued like this, he would have to snap her neck. He decided he needed to reason with her, but, it was also obvious to Elijah that she had a lot of pent-up anger and it was crucial she let it all out.
Then, he pinned her up against a tree and pulled her arms behind her back. She screamed in anguish and at this point her true face was fully on display. Her long fangs were bared as she hissed in his face. Her face was twisted in anger, her red eyes stared at him. 
"Kassandra, listen to me. I understand you are angry and hurt. I know, better than anyone, how it feels to lose the love of your life. But you need to calm down. This is not you. You cannot let anger control you. You are better than this."
At these words, she stopped fighting him and seemed to relax in his arms. The fangs and black veins were gone, and her blue irises reappeared. She stared at him confused. 
"Lijah?" She uttered his name and just by her voice he could tell she was back to normal. Once the blindfold of rage was lifted from her eyes and she realized what happened, guilt overwhelmed her. She sank to her knees and wept as she tried apologizing. 
"I'm s-sorry...I'm s-so sorry, Lijah, I-I don't know what h-happened to me." She sobbed. 
"My sweet girl." He whispered as he crouched next to her and got down to her level. She threw herself in his arms. He shed a few tears himself.  
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"Where's Elijah?" Klaus asked as he walked into the living room. He was out for most of the day and when he visited Elijah's study he was not there. Kassandra was also nowhere to be found. 
"He went after Kassie," Rebekah informed him as she filed her nails. 
"Went after her? Well, where is she? What happened?" Klaus asked. 
"Something happened with Kassie. I didn't see anything but I heard Elijah calling for her and then they stormed out of the house. I'm assuming it had something to do with her talk with Mother." Rebekah replied. 
Klaus hummed. What could their Mother say to hurt Kassie so much she stormed out of the house? There was only one thing that came to mind. He needed to make sure their Mother kept quiet.
They were now in the car and this time, Elijah was driving. She was in the passenger seat, looking out the window, her head tilted. The moon was rising and its light illuminated her tear-stricken face.
The car was silent. Neither of them spoke. Guilt and shame washed over her in continuous waves as she replayed her breakdown in her mind. She hurt Elijah, her favorite brother. The one person on this Earth who was always there for her. She sank deeper into her seat, covered her face with her hand, and wept silently. 
Almost like he was reading her mind, Elijah spoke up. "I'm not angry at you, Kassandra. I do not begrudge you."
She shook her head. This had nothing to do with his forgiveness because it did not matter. This was about her consciousness eating at her and her sense of shame for what she had done. His forgiveness did not make it any easier.
"I think death would've been easier than this...Cursed existence."
Elijah said nothing, but she knew he agreed.
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Taglist: @ashaluuler
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volturissideslut · 10 months
𝕽𝖊𝖇𝖊𝖐𝖆𝖍 𝕸𝖎𝖐𝖆𝖊𝖑𝖘𝖔𝖓
Over a year ago now I read a rebekah x reader fic when she called the reader 'petal'. And I still can't stop think about it. If I find the fic again I'll link it <3
"Hello, petal" she says when you answer the phone. Unbeknownst to you, she's outside your house and waiting to take you on a late night surprise date.
There's a pause before you reply, and although she can't hear you over the phone she can hear you with his enhanced hearing, squealing and shuffling.
"Hi, Bekah. Everything okay?"
She can hear your voice waiver as you try to act normal, but a quick glance through the window into the dimly lit living room shows your you frantically waiving your hand to yourself and grinning like a fool.
"It'd be better if I was with you, petal, I miss you" she says, sickeningly sweet just to gage your reaction, and she can actually see your feet swinging and watches as you bury your face in a pillow. It's insanely difficult to fight the urge to laugh at how endearing you are. She loves you, truly, and you clearly reciprocate.
"I miss you too, maybe we could do something together tomorrow..?" you suggest. But that gets shut down when she speaks.
"Actually, I was thinking tonight. Get your coat on, petal, I'm outside."
It takes no more than fifteen seconds for you to rush out with a big grin, shoes half on and coat lopsided - a dopey grin on your face.
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