#bellamy should be with the others in the ending
theninthdoor · 3 days
⭒˚。⋆ 🍓 pac || inside your crush's mind ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆ 🐞
𖦹 think of your crush, take 3 deep breaths and pick one of the piles below! lets see what is/was going through your person’s mind & if you have or ever had a chance with them. 𖦹 take only what resonates. if you feel like the pile you’ve initially picked doesn’t really apply to the person/situation you’re thinking of, it’s OK to pick another one. I'm also leaving some extra messages and keywords at the end of each reading. those may work as confirmation for some people, but if they don't mean anything to you, that doesn't mean that that's not your pile. what you should really take into account is the description I make of the person (your crush) in each pile, and that's how you will know if you have chosen the right or wrong one. please use your discernment. 𖦹 remember that this is all for entertainment purposes and that free will still exists. don’t feel pressured to do anything you don’t want to, just because your person thinks this or that, ok? 𖦹 enjoy, my lovelies!
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Pile 1 || ☎️ cards: four of pentacles rx, death rx, knight of pentacles rx, judgement rx, the chariot
not you guys landing on the player's pile… omg So, yeah- Did you ever had a chance? For sure. Anyone would have a chance with this person, I feel like. This is someone who's either constantly in love or just can't stand being alone for too long. Maybe it's just their personality - being extroverted, a connection-seeker, always open to new relationships and whatever experiences come with it -, or perhaps they are simply that charming and the options never end for them. This does feel like someone who's very much a feeler, but maybe not the wisest or yet the most mature in general (or even the most emotionally available!!). For the most part, their relationships feel quite short lived, and mostly based on physical attraction. They may have had one or two longer ones, still (for some people in specific, it feels like your crush may have been in longer-term relationship that was very talked about and known about, and they may still be heavily associated with this ex of theirs). Now, when it comes to their thoughts and feelings towards you: I'm sorry to say it, but I just don't see them having cared or caring too much... They see you quite plainly (if they know you at all); you're just a friend, coworker or acquaintance. Yet, as I said, I feel like you'd definitely still be able to have a chance with them - all you would have to do is take that step towards them and get yourself noticed. Be confident about it! I think that's what attracts them the most to someone, actually: boldness. Flirt a little with them, and see where it leads you… It might not result in the most serious, stable or long lasting relationship of all time, but maybe you'll still get to have a good time together.
⋆ extra messages:
This totally feels straight out of a 2000s coming of age movie, or some rom-com set in high school, with your crush being the popular guy/girl everyone knows and is attracted to lol. Just thought I should add that in.
Milena. Mimi. Mario. Jet-black hair. Affluent neighbourhoods. Family business. Taking acting classes. Ankles/ankle bracelets. Big family event or gathering coming up soon (like a birthday, a wedding, some special holiday…). Talking about or someone's been worrying about frown lines recently. Jennifer. Janet. J surnames. Wearing a lot of orange lately, or having just bought a new orange clothing item. Ash. Ashley.
⋆ channeled song: The Bellamy Brothers - Let Your Love Flow
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Pile 2 || 💄 cards: page of wands rx, ten of pentacles rx, knight of pentacles rx, the hermit, seven of wands
So, my sweet pile 2, here we have someone who has, for sure, noticed you before! Seven of Wands + The Hermit at the bottom of the deck = this person would do anything to get to know you a little better and/or to spend more time with you. There's something about the way you are or carry yourself that makes you stand out from other people - or perhaps you're just your crush's type and that's why their eyes are on you... I don't get a whole lot of communication or movement coming from them, so even if they talk to you, it doesn't feel direct; they're not letting you know how they feel; they're not openly flirting with you. This person actually feels very much like a Virgo or Capricorn Moon; logical, careful, slow moving. Once you get them to come of their shell and finally they feel ready to say something, though, you can definitely expect them to be very direct about it. At first they study you, consider the potential of this connection, and then they decide if they should go for it or not. If they do come towards you then, they won't waste any time, again. They're saying, you know… "Hey, let's go out one of these days. I'd like to spend some time with you." or "I really like your vibe. Would you care to go on a date with me, sometime?". It's quite dry and lame actually lol. They're still not flirting, exactly. They're just putting it out there that they're interested and want to explore this connection - again, very direct and logical about the whole thing. (And their flirting skills may actually suck, btw…) In the meantime, they may get closer to you by asking you about your interests, by sitting nearby in class or at lunch, watching your ig stories or something like that. It's the small things, and they're gonna take their sweet time with this. It's not something they are losing their sleep over; it's a case they are studying.
⋆ extra messages:
Is anyone here working or studying in a scientific field? Science feels very relevant. Ron, Rob, R names. Lab coats. Law; rules and regulations. College towns. Planning (or planning on attending) a big Halloween party - and putting a lot of thought into this as of late. Wisconsin. Big 3 Libra placements. Glasgow. Glass working/art. Gallows. Gallows humour. G surnames.
⋆ channeled song: John Legend - All of Me
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Pile 3 || 🎧 cards: the chariot, four of swords rx, the magician, ten of swords, queen of wands, two of wands
Listen!!- Pile 3, please go for it!! Even if this doesn't last too long, I think there's great potential here for an absolutely amazing relationship/fling! The chemistry here is just insane… I don't know if it's this person themselves, or if it's actually the result of you two coming together, but I'm feeling HOT. I'm blushing. I'm excited. There's just so much passion here! I think this person is a smooth talker; not necessarily the most extroverted or talkative, but when they do talk to you, you can't help it but feel absolutely charmed. They are good-looking, smart, polite. I get a very venusian vibe coming them. They may put a lot of effort into how they look, not by vanity but because they genuinely like to take care of themselves + find it unmannerly to go out looking like a mess.
As for what's on their mind, my dear pile 3, I have good news for you! They have noticed you and thought about you before, and everything's very positive. They find you attractive, interesting, and a great catch, really. It also seems like they may have heard quite a bit about you (coming from others), and whatever was said gave them a very good impression on you, so even if you're not that well acquainted, they hold you in high regard already. However, with this 2oW, I feel like they may have other options, and if you don't make it clear that you want to explore a relationship with them, the opportunity might just pass you by. I actually don't see them making that move themselves, I'm sorry… There are other things/people holding their attention at the moment and for the foreseeable future. Still, The Strength rx + Queen of Cups at the bottom of the deck = the potential is here, and so is the chemistry I was talking about. Once you get this started, there's no stopping it! You'll be pulled in and taken on the most amazing ride.
⋆ extra messages:
E names. Emily. Emmett. Emerson. Soccer/football. Lia/Leah. India. Indya. I + IY/YI names. 2016 being a significant year - moving, meeting, Instagram following. June. Born on the 6th of the month. History. Brown hair and green eyes. Hazel eyes. Hazelnut. German family or travelling to Germany. Studying architecture or building architectural models. Learning french.
⋆ channeled song: Rihanna - Love On The Brain
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Pile 4 || ♣️ cards: justice rx, page of cups rx, five of cups, page of pentacles rx, eight of pentacles
There's something very sad about this person and this pile. Your crush may have been or may be going through a difficult period, yet I feel like they've been doing their best to hide it. They laugh a lot, smile all day, joke around, but on the inside they are going through something that has been bringing them down. I think they feel lost, confused, alone. Maybe it's a family matter (like a divorce or some kind of separation), or perhaps it's just that, for some reason, they are now being forced to leave their home, friends and/or family, and it just hasn't been easy to them to accept and deal with that. There's a loss of stability here, and a loss of community. It could've happened already, too, by the way - they may already be in separation from their loved ones or away from the place they were used to calling home. On a positive note, I feel like this is temporary and they'll recover soon. It's just a low point for them. Also, they may be dealing with some concerns regarding their future and where to go next (professionally, academically, etc.), and that only adds to it all. As for the two of you, my dear pile 3, it seems like right now just isn't the right moment for anything to happen here. You can offer them friendship, some comfort, advice, support, but that's about it, I believe. This person has a lot to figure out at the moment, on their own, and whatever they have to offer you doesn't seem to be exactly what you need or want, deep down. It would lead to heartbreak, most likely. Still, this feels so sweet and so warm. So, maybe, you should give it some time and then give it a try… Because, honestly, I do think this person has some good feelings for you (or could grow some good feelings for you, if you aren't yet acquainted). They may not know what those are exactly, but I still think something really good could bloom from this.
⋆ extra messages:
A names. Adam. Adrienne. Greenland. Finland. Art class. Discussing or studying politics. Georgia. G names. Galicia. Meeting or seeing their father/father figure for the 1st time, or their father being mentioned in conversation a lot. Surgery. Torn ankle or some other leg/foot injury. Mockingbird. Buzzcut. Red nail polish.
⋆ channeled song: Billie Eilish - Bored
deck used || Tarot of the New Vision
(Disclaimer: Based on current energies. All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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anjellaufeyson · 7 months
I could treat you better - Bellamy Blake
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Time stamp: 1:38
My boyfriend was lovely–his friend wasn’t. Bellamy Blake was the rudest man I’ve ever come across; I only tolerated him for my boyfriend. 
Murphy kissed me before he got pulled away for work, he was doing guard watch. I sighed, why couldn’t Bellamy do this? He always had Murphy doing everything for him, and I’m sick of it. Whenever Muphy comes back to our tent he’s exhausted or too tired to even spend time with me. I left my tent and walked inside Bellamy’s, he was shirtless and a girl was lying on his bed. I immediately left with a disgusted look on my face. 
Soon he came out searching for me, “What do you want, princess?” 
I palmed my face while we strolled together through Arkadia, “I’d prefer if you wouldn’t call me that, Blake. Especially since some people say that when they’re together.” 
He tilted his head, his eyes gazing into mine, he glanced down with a bit of a smile, “Right, whatever you say, princess.” 
The need to correct and argue with him was there but I ignored it for the sake of Murphy. “okay–can you please stop keeping my boyfriend working late? I’m aware of how things are, like it or not I’m one of the smart ones and I think he’s being overworked and–”
Bellamy’s face showed confusion in itself, “Murphy gets off at the same time as everyone else. I work the late nights, I’m who stays up all night, every night.” 
I stopped moving, trying to process my indecision and incoming sense of betrayal. “Wait, you haven’t been keeping Murphy late or hanging out with him late?” 
He shook his head and crossed his arms, his muscles clenching to his tight shirt. His veins popping out. My eyes tore away, my emotions were my only focus. “No, I don’t think anyone has. We’ve been on a lockdown since Clarke went missing.” 
My brain racked everything Murphy’s ever told me since he began ‘working’ late. I thought of the girl I assumed he had a relationship with but when I questioned him, he brushed me off. Out of anger, I took off leaving Bellamy, who ended up following behind me calling for my name. I moved the tent side and immediately saw Murphy and the girl kissing. They stopped once they noticed me and how distraught I looked. 
I backed up and accidentally bumped into Bellamy’s chest, I didn’t cry. I felt like I should cry, my body begged to cry, but when you did here–it made you seem weak. And I’d never want Murphy to see me cry even though my heart did in return. I turned and tried to shield myself with Bellamy’s chest, but hesitantly he put his arms around me. Trying to comfort me but I knew we both detested each other. He never liked me with Murphy for a reason I am unaware of, and I just never liked him. He brushed his hand up and down my back, almost in circular motions. 
Murphy’s voice appeared from behind me but I didn’t dare to look back because I felt so vulnerable, I knew I would cry. “I need to talk with her, I can explain!”
Bellamy stepped in, holding me closer. His voice was demanding, his tone was deep, “Murphy, you should go. Now. If she wants to talk to you, she’ll do it later.” 
I could hear Murphy protesting before easily giving up, he didn’t care to try. I pushed away from Bellamy who almost looked shocked at how quickly I switched up. 
We had to go on a mission, and I found myself in a difficult position. A hand covered my mouth and once I realized I didn’t know the person whose hand it was I began to get a bit scared. I tried to fight them off but couldn’t–it had to be a grounder. 
The grounder pulled a sword on me and dug into my back, but not enough to hurt me but it pierced the skin. He pushed me onto my knees where my friends were–including Bellamy. The whole hunting group was in. Murphy seemed nervous. I guess I should be too, especially since it’s my life on the line. 
“Who’s valuable to her?”
What an odd fucking question–is this supposed to be leverage? Might as well let me die. 
Bellamy not even a second later stepped forward, “She’s with me, that’s my girlfriend.” He spoke so truthfully that even everyone we knew was aware he was lying through his teeth. 
“What are you willing to give me in turn for her life?” 
His eyes almost turned vulnerable, his words coming off as pathetic as his tone came off as pleads. “What do you want?” 
The grounder moved the sword which caused me to wince, “I want Wanheda.” Everyone shared a confused glance, who is that? “Give her to me and I won’t kill her.” 
“Take me instead, she has a better chance of getting through to Wanheda than me.” What is he doing? He’s going to get himself killed–I’m aware he can handle himself but this is almost suicidal. The grounder pushed me into Bellamy’s arms. He squeezed my hand for the quickest second and moved to the grounder who hit him immediately. 
I wanted to help him but I didn’t know how to, Bellamy could’ve attacked but stayed down, taking another punch with ease. I stepped forward but he put his hand up, “Don’t,” he demanded while blood ran down his cheek. 
Why was he willing to do this for me? We’ll never find her, I mouthed. He did a tiny nod. They need you, I mouthed once more. He got kicked in his ribs and I knew I lost his attention but while the grounder was distracted I quickly stole Murphy’s gun and shot the grounder. My aim was good, but I hated shooting, killing wasn’t something I wanted to do. But I had to–for him. 
Without processing what I did I went to Bellamy’s side. I hated his stupidity and I hated how he saved my life. “I hate you,” I said as I helped him up. He spit out blood, “I know,” he said while wincing from getting up too quickly. 
While Bellamy was getting medical from Abby, I was talking with Octavia and Jasper. Murphy approached grabbing my arm, “Were you and Bellamy seeing each other behind my back?”
His breath reeks of Monty’s moonshine, “Are you serious? You’ve been cheating on me, Murphy?”
“Were you yes or no?” 
Before I could say anything Bellamy put his arm around my waist. His hands slipped around my stomach. Holding me tight but just to keep himself steady from behind. “Yes,” he said in a raspy voice, still clearly in pain. I couldn’t turn my head, I’d be too close to his face. He groaned a bit in pain but still managed to keep his posture strong and himself looking composed. Bellamy pulled me in closer to him and that got a bit of a reaction from Murphy. 
“Fuck you both,” he said as he stormed off. Everyone else decided to leave us alone, I was going to Bellamy back to medic. There was a zero percent chance he was let out yet. 
He stopped me from walking, his tight and bloody shirt doing him every bit of justice. His hands took control so easily, “Why’d you do it,” I asked. 
His fingers traced along my neck, “Save you? Or help you?”
“Both,” I spoke breathlessly. His eyes were fixated on my lips and I wondered if Abby gave him painkillers or something for this type of behavior. 
Bellamy stared down at me, tension felt like it was rising, and the heat was radiating off our bodies. He kept one hand on my waist, holding me. His right hand pulled my hair to the side he leaned in, “because we both know I could treat you better,” he whispered into my ear.
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strawberryforks · 8 months
whatever the hell we want // bellamy blake x reader
summary: reader didn’t care much for living, the eldest blake sibling made it worthwhile, even enjoyable
warnings: angst, suicidal thoughts/ideation, swearing
word count: 1908
a/n: this one is a bit heavy. i was having a bad day so i will apologize for turning the cutesy “how did bellamy and reader meet” request into this emotional abomination (sorry)
you probably should have been excited to be on the ground. it was that or being floated–tossed into a lock sealed door, trapped, and taunted with the faces of whatever loved ones chose to say goodbye (you didn’t have to worry about that, the only family you had, you met in lock up–your bio dad, marcus kane, was awful and on days that ended in ‘y’, you opted to pretend he didn’t exist) before another door would open and you’d be sucked out into space. the little oxygen in your lungs would tear them apart. what had sustained you for so long would then be your downfall. what you needed to breath would kill you.
you’d be so hot, so hot as your blood boiled and so hot as you died, staring out at the stars you loved so much. you were nineteen, the oldest prisoner to be alive and on the arc, but even kane’s powers had their limits. in three days you would be floated. three days until that would be your fate and still.
when you woke up on that dropship you were pissed. it was the first thing you were mad about.
with a forever fuck-it attitude, you unbuckled your seat. floating around with a few others you ignored your best friend when she told you “sit back down, dumbass!” you cracked a grin and then the lights flickered.
while entering the new atmosphere something went wrong—something malfunctioned. maybe the shutes didn’t deploy or maybe you were just lucky but when the screaming started, you didn’t hear it for more than a few seconds because you were flung into one of the metal walls, just above the seats, and your vision spotted before going disappearing completely. sounds dulled, everything dulled. you were probably dying, you smiled because of that
when you landed, you woke up. that was the second thing you were mad about.
you were suspended in the air in some kind of fabric. It wasn’t uncomfortable or anything, not until you attempted to stretch your stiff limbs and found the material twisting. it spat you out on the ground and you made a noise. it bubbled from the back of your throat, expressing your obvious upset, you lifted your hand to touch your cheekbone–it was throbbing and you had the vague memory of your face slamming into the dropship wall. at fucking nineteen, you weren’t supposed to have to deal with any of this. you should’ve been floated a long damn time ago, would’ve like to have been too. you were the oldest prisoner on the ark, only alive because of who your daddy was. the daughter of marcus kane (you hate him as much as the next person) you’d been spared. he tended to get what he wanted.
where you lie, a boy does across from you on another makeshift bed. you lean over him, study him. He has some features you recognize. freckles and long eyelashes. you’re peering over him, observing, when those eyelashes lift and he’s blinking up at you. you scoot backwards not wanting to bang heads (yours was quite tender).
the hand that you have been absentmindedly feeling around your face with, came away with no blood coating, “i’m ocatavia’s brother, bellamy.” bellamy blake, okay. you’d heard of him and despite never meeting him before, the stories octavia had told you, mostly about how he protected her and made life under the floor less horrendous, you decided he was safe.
you glance at him, not all that hesitant. your best friend was a force and if she left you alone, in here, with him, he was trustworthy. your lips are pressed into a tight line. you don’t need to introduce yourself, he already knows. of course he does. you assure yourself he knows because you’re his little sister’s best friend and not because you’re kane’s daughter, the one who killed a man and got away scot free. you had a damn good reason but the ark’s justice system was lacking.
you tell yourself he isn’t judging you, he doesn’t look like he is, but you know you deserve to be judged so it’s a losing battle.
you glance down at your wrist and see it’s bare. the band that transmits your vitals to the ark is missing, and when you look at his wrist, you realise he isn’t wearing one either. “lost in the rough landing?” you ask, with a lilt to your voice.
his shoulders shake as he laughs a little. “something like that.”
you sit back up and climb back into your hammock. this time your hands are both out beside you to stabilise yourself. it’s quiet for a moment, the tent dark enough you know it’s night time. “why’d you take it?” you asked, unable to stop your curiosity.
“the ark hasn’t done anything for us. they sent us down here to die, because we’re expendable. in their eyes we’re just repaying them.”
oh. so your dad probably thinks you’re dead right now. that doesn’t unsettle you as much as it would the average person–actually you don’t mind it at all. let him learn what it means to fail, to lose, in some permanent way. let him face the brunt of the consequences his actions wrought for once. maybe this sentence would be the one to ruin him.
you stare at the pitch of the tent. are we on earth right now? is it safe? did the others survive? what happens now? your mind is flooded with questions.
“you think loudly.” bellamy informs.
“i’ve been out for awhile, huh?” in response, he nodded. “is it okay? is everyone okay?”
“they are. you almost weren’t though. that stunt you pulled? it was a whole different level of dumb.”
it’s peaceful until sunrise when the screaming starts. Guttural moans and groans echo from within the camp. “That’s jasper,” bellamy supplies while you’re rubbing your head, all but pleading with the ache to subside.
then octavia’s bursting through the tent flaps, “i knew i heard voices!” she pulls you outside with her and just… woah. everything is brighter. unlike the monotones on the ark there’s all kinds of colours. blue sky, green tress. they’re so green and so many different shades. light, dark, sage, evergreen. you’ve never seen anything so beautiful, other than your stars. you miss them, and looking up at the sky you can’t see them only clouds–white floating cotton that moves with the wind. you’re on earth and you don’t know if you belong here but in all fairness you didn’t belong on that spaceship either. the only place you thought might be a good fit for you was now miles upon miles away. a good thing, if you asked octavia.
the “whatever the hell we want” movement was one you supported quickly and joined even quicker. bellamy and his buddies at its forefront you figured, why not. you liked to fight, so thats what you did. you threw punches and received them and slaps to the face. It satiated you need to self destruct and would until bellamy or octavia intervened. you didn’t quite care for danger and took as many guard and patrol shifts as you could. you liked carrying a weapon, liked exploring, and hated being cooped up and confined.
you were walking away from the wall, alone this time, with no particular destination in mind. sometimes you brought octavia with you but she was busy talking and flirting (not in that particular order) her brother never liked when she joined in on your adventures so it was probably better that she wasn’t with you.
“not dragging my sister along with you this time?” a familiar voice chided. bellamy blake. speak of the devil and he shall appear.
you shrug your shoulders and continue walking. “not this time, no.”
“hey! come back. where the hell do you think you’re going.”
“i haven’t decided yet. maybe the river. maybe the caves. maybe, it’s none of your business,” you respond dryly, still walking ahead. his hand clamps down on your arm and he stops you from moving further, “what, bellamy? what?” his eyes, alight with fire, something you’ve seen in your best friend once or twice, full of curiosity, and understanding, meet your own. he gazes into your dead ones, takes a look at your blank expression and bends down. a hand grips the backs of your thighs and then he’s picking you up. you’re slung over his shoulder like you weigh nothing and had you not been so emotionally empty you would've been incredibly impressed. “what the hell bellamy? what are you doing?”
“whatever the hell i want, though, that? it doesn’t apply to you anymore, not when you don’t know what you want,”
“i do,” you argue.
“not when what you want isn’t anything good.” he fires back.
and that’s how you met bellamy blake. at first you hated him, hated how he drug you along wherever he went–patrol was nice but he would insist on bringing you everywhere, even on the most pointless errands. to do the most boring things. he made you drag logs to help reinforce the wall and sometimes he didn’t even help. prison warden or friend, who fucking knew?
but bellamy kept you busy. kept you distracted from the brewing storm in your head.
you got used to him. bellamy blake became your new normal and even made you smile a few times, usually when firelight was reflecting off of both of your cheeks as you roasted your dinner. the first time, you sat on a log beside him, your supper sitting inside of the flames, blackening. he went to grab the stick from you–probably guessing you were attempting to light yourself on fire, or that you’d begun to dissociate. you snatch the stick back. “it’s burning,” he warns, voice having a sharp edge.
“sorry if i would rather taste charcoal than two headed, six tailed, mutated squirrel.”
that night he held you. you let him.
close to his chest and away from any and all danger, you slept soundly and dreamlessly for the first time in years. the sleep–it helped with your mood, too.
bellamy held you again. he always liked to hold you—to have a hand in yours or resting on your shoulder. this time, the touch wasn’t comforting, to assure himself that you were real and not going anywhere. this time that physical touch was the only reason you weren’t going anywhere. his grip was tighter, thank god.
the grounders were coming an the only way to stop them or at least to slow them down was to blow up the bridge. you needed to place the bomb but everyone was terrified to let you go, bellamy especially. you did what you had to, sneaking away and setting it. you were scared–you didn’t know when it happened, when you started wanting to live, but it was a soul-deep change that you knew had something to do with the blake siblings. specifically bellamy, who’s companionship you hadn’t wanted but needed more than anything.
you placed the bomb on the bridge and detonated it, running as fast as you could as the moss covered stone crumbled behind you. the structural integrity was giving away and you were so close tot he edge but… you started to fall. you closed your eyes, pressed them shut as tightly as you could and then that hand was there.
bellamy’s. closed around your wrist and holding on for all he was worth. your heart beat so hard in your chest you had to look down to make sure you hadn’t been speared by a grounder, and that it wasn’t leaking out.
you loved him and you were so thankful he never listened to you. when you said you didn’t need him, when earlier, you shouted at him and told him not to follow you–it was a weak distraction but now, he pulled you back onto solid ground and wrapped you in his arms and you had no regrets. none at all. well… you had one, but it was easily rectified.
it was a struggle, pushing him away at the shoulders, holding him at arms length and seeing the worry on his face all over again. it was a struggle but when you stopped regretting things and dove back in, moulding your lips together in a passionate kiss, everything was better. bell’s hand palmed your cheek and pulled you impossibly closer as yours moved through his hair.
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l-in-the-light · 19 days
The most embarrassing series of posts about Lawlu you will ever read: edition Dressrosa (part 8)
Oh boy, here we go! Lots of love suffering for Law up ahead! And deep self-blaming for Luffy, ouch. By the end of this post there will be some Important Decisions to be made, which will leave unerasable trace on the story from now on.
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Perfect beginning, Luffy is already not listening. Law is pissed, but he's pissed because he's worried heh.
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Luffy broke a promise apparently, lol. I'm surprised he even promised to behave, because Luffy knows he can't behave very well. Geez, I guess he feels here really disappointed about himself. I love his panic, he looks just like Shanks from chapter 1. Law is yapping though, it's how he deals with his own worry and stress I guess, it seems he didn't truly expect Luffy to listen and be calm anyway. He's got Law to constantly blabble about it to him, like a walking reminder device.
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It's interesting to me that Law presents it to Luffy in this way, because this is not the reason why Law himself fell for the provocation trap. It's because of his own worry that he lost his calm. Mingo didn't even do much back on that bridge. All it took was one call to strenghten security of the smiles factory. Not that he would ever admit that ofc.
Law is right though, Mingo will try different ways of provoking them, but he will focus mostly on Law. Luffy will also get one moment tho.
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Scolding Luffy again. Get used to it, it will happen a lot lol.
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I like this co-op of theirs here. Since Law's now got an opponent for himself, Luffy is choosing his enemy to fight with as well (and ofc he's going straight for Mingo). Or maybe is that his competitiveness from before? Honestly could be both!
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Law, despite being in the middle of his own fight, still keeps his attenton on Luffy. What dedication! Luffy of course listens immediately. He might be misbehaving and breaking promises despite his efforts, but you can't blame Luffy for not *listening* to whatever Law is saying.
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Bellamy's situation. Law's like "I don't know who he is to you, but knock him unconscious", but upon hearing Luffy declaring Bellamy as his friend, Law shuts up. He's not gonna tell Luffy to fight his friend, especially not after Doflamingo declares "one good punch might finish him", even if he's aware it might be a bluff. Law actually doesn't complain about it even for a second afterwards, not even after Luffy's struggling leads to Law's arm being severed. No, what Law does instead in the end, is to make sure to bring that unconscious guy to their hideout so they can fix him up, because he heard Luffy call him a friend.
Law didn't need to be told to do that, hearing Luffy's declaration was enough for him to know what should be done. How can anyone still doubt that Law is actually a good person after that? If Luffy's trust in Law isn't enough for people, logical argument like that should do. Law had no personal business rescuing Bellamy, he actually would be completely justified if he ended up having a grudge against that guy, he almost lost his own life because of him. But no, Law is a better person than that.
That's exactly one of the reasons why I think Luffy and Law complement each other, they don't have to communicate stuff like that, they just work it out because they feel the same way about important stuff!
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Luffy falls for Mingo's provocation and undermines Law's ultimate strategy for the fight at the same time. This is The Second Moment in which he completely ignores Law. First one was when punching Caesar. This time it's for Bellamy. This won't fix the situation, but both times all Luffy cares about is punching bad guys for the people he loves. Of course Law's not happy about that.
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Law is petty here and he did keep his word later on, lol.
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Despite the sudden turn of action, Law is composed enough to control the situation on the spot in the midst of the chaos. Truly a surgeon, even in a fight, always keeps himself on steady legs and with composed mind, ready for quick and unexpected decisions. Funny and curious, because privately he is anything but that, stalling whenever he doesn't feel mentally ready for things.
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Luffy kinda deserved to hear that. And took it as a compliment, that cheeky bastard :D he even remembers to give it back!
This is probably one of the snarkiest remarks Luffy has ever said in the series. And it's no surprise he serves it to Law, seeing as Law is The Person he wants to impress so badly. But don't think Luffy came up with it all on his own! Because...
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...Luffy kinda stole it from Cavendish lol.
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Also Luffy heard about worst gen twice before, but ofc he didn't remember. The first time he actually showed any interest was when he learned it's something he has in common with who? Oh right, his new favourite person, Law, back on Punk Hazard.
He retained that info in his brain just so he can impress Law later on that he knows the term. Yep. It's adorable.
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But don't worry, Law is trying to impress him back as well. Just look at this showy pose he's presenting lol.
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Funny thing here: I think Law actually said it on purpose to mislead Doflamingo. Law is already plotting in his head how to use that trick again and a bluff like that is already setting the ground for it. Law's a strategist through and through. I like how natural he is at it, it just looks like any other time he's scolding Luffy, heh.
Meanwhile Luffy is kinda satisfied, probably overplays it because he must be aware he made Law mad.
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Downed at nearly the same time heh. Luffy's worrying over Law on the battlefield. Not the first or last time it will happen haha. You don't see Luffy screaming like that for Zoro, for example. And it's not because Luffy doesn't believe Law is strong. He literally just can't help himself, the worry is killing him inside. Dressrosa is indeed a country of love and (unstoppable) passion.
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This is interesting, because in each of those panels Luffy and Law react exactly the same way. Law already knew that Doflamingo was a celestial dragon, but it still hits him hard. Then both of them react to the "witnessed both heaven and hell by the age of ten" line. For Law, it's self-explanatory, Flevance fell when he was 10 years old, before that it was probably close to heaven in comparison to what happened next. For Luffy though, I guess it's about losing Sabo.
And then there's the most puzzling line. "You can't escape the nature you were born with", Luffy and Law clearly snap at that, they disagree. For Luffy it's easy to understand, his grandpa wanted him to be a marine, perhaps because their family were all marines, but Luffy became a pirate instead. For Law, it's not as clear. Perhaps he was meant to be a doctor and became a pirate by circumenstances. After all, by now, Law is more than just a doctor.
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Luffy's getting beat up and thrown one level below, but Law is for once too distracted to even react to this in time. Why? Because Doflamingo is talking about something very disturbing. What would humans do to a fallen celestial dragon, indeed? Law isn't feeling pity for Doflamingo, for sure not at this point, but Mingo had a brother once and that brother must have been also a celestial dragon. Law is thinking of all the hell Cora-san must have endured, because he never heard about it before. That and accepting the fact Cora-san was a celestial dragon in the first place, must be a lot for Law to process.
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Freaking doting on each other in the middle of the life or death battle, ffs. Go get a room you two, you're completely embarrassing to me!
Even Doffy thinks it's disgusting at this point. Also he saw right through Law's words: he was totally bragging about Luffy and adding on top of that "I'm just like him!" proudly. I swear Law gets like that only if no one important is actually listening. Yes, Mingo, you're no one important in this scenario.
Luffy also worries a lot about Torao through the whole battle. It comes up so often I lost count.
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"Don't make me die in vain here, Mugiwara-ya!" he might be thinking, but Luffy did save him in this moment actually.
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This carries a lot of weight, because earlier Luffy was humiliated by receiving help from Mingo. Now he asks him to stop Bellamy. This really matters a lot to Luffy. Mingo does the favour because he knows it won't matter anyway.
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"He won't be able to save you", that's how the master manipulator Mingo chose to make fun of Law. It's almost too true. Meanwhile Law just flips him a finger, he's not having any of it. Is it the faith in Luffy or just his affection speaking here? We might never know. Either way, it's one of the two most dedicated to Luffy moments Law shows.
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Not even Mingo truly understands Law's symbol on the back, *just saying*, it's getting a bit hilarious :D
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The heartbreak is real. "What happened to your arm?!" you would think that's nothing, but remember Shanks also lost an arm for Luffy, Luffy really didn't like that. He doesn't want another important person to him losing their limbs for Luffy. He probably also blames himself here "if I just didn't take so much time with Bellamy!".
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That's the first time Luffy heard that Law considers him "a miracle worker", probably thinking himself he doesn't deserve to be called that. That's a phrase that proves that Law is ultimately impressed with Luffy and his feats, but Luffy isn't happy to hear that at this cost! Not to mention Luffy doesn't consider himself impressive if he just lost another dear person to him (or is about to lose one).
Luffy refuses to believe Torao is dead. He hates Mingo using "Mugiwara-ya" (are they both super possessive about each other's nicknames? oh ffs!).
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And this is Law's payback. He could have shambled himself so both him and Luffy do a combined attack, imagine! But nah, since Luffy freaking wasted their plan at the very beginning of the fight, Law's not collaborating. Petty bastard! Luffy doesn't mind, he just tells him to "Go!" and that's kinda wholesome actually. Also doesn't happen often with Luffy, does it?
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Communicating through whispers or are those whispers? Hm :) I love how Torao already expects Luffy to turn around and tells him not to before it happens haha. He knows him well.
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Protecting and supporting Torao. Believe it or not, this is The First Time it happens in the whole fight. Before that they just fought side by side, now though? Luffy is alright being Law's backup. And people still push the agenda of "Law would never become Luffy's subordinate!", well, Luffy had no problem acting like a subordinate for Law here. Take that, powerscalers! And it's not the only time Luffy will do it in this fight. Law can take the spotlight and Luffy just won't mind. But he would do it only for Law. It never happened before or for anyone else.
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Luffy's all ready to beat up Mingo into a pulp for Torao, but Torao isn't done yet. Luffy is taken so much aback. If Luffy wonders how he can still move, while he's the zombie himself usually after being defeated multiple times and always standing back, then that speaks volumes about Law's outstanding resilience and unbreakable will and stamina. Also Luffy is just impressed and super worried at the same time.
Anime in Wano played with this beautifully, in the "playing chicken" challenge. Luffy calls Law "weak-willed" to provoke him to accept the challenge. He knew Law is anything but that. He also knew Law wouldnt let it slide. It's all thanks to this moment in Dressrosa.
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Stay out of this! - Luffy scream and just watches over Torao. He's not gonna interfere anymore, he's just a backup, he gives away the spotlight, and that despite the fact he wanted so badly to beat Mingo himself! Remember how many times he screamed that when they were racing to the palace's plateau? He even quarreled with Torao who will be the one to defeat Mingo. What about Luffy's crewmates? Rebecca? Right now nothing else matters, only that Law can get things even with Mingo.
Everything changed after this fight for Luffy and things will never go back to how they were before. There will be no more Luffy wanting to take the credit all for himself anymore or be the only one to beat up the bad guy. In Wano Luffy promised he will defeat Kaido, but even before the fight started he asked Momo and Kin'emon to announce to people that the whole alliance achieved that, not just Luffy in particular. Dressrosa changed everything.
Next part will be probably the last one of the Dressrosa arc!
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s1ater · 1 year
i do what i have to do.
pairings. bellamy blake x fem!reader
part two of two.
about. in which you point your gun at someone you never thought you’d point it at.
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warnings. swearing
ricky rocks. look who finally finished a year old one shot/fic/whatever you call it 🤗🤗
bellamy coudn’t hurt you even if he wanted to. so, when mumbling the words, ‘move or i’ll kill you’, you could see right through his bluff by the way his eyes so willingly betrayed him, filled with... hurt.
in all truth, bellamy believed you would have shot him if it would have come down to that, and maybe that’s what pained him most. he wouldn't hurt a hair on your head, and you would have, but only for the best interest and safety of arkadia and your friends. 
you never wanted to hurt bellamy, but recently you really, really wanted to slap him upside the head for all the stupid shit he had been doing. and maybe a gun scare would knock some sense into him, or maybe it would only put him deeper into the hole pike was digging for him. 
bellamy yanked you to your feet quickly after the two of you had seemed to have recovered from all the commotion that had just taken place. you weren't sure whether or not he wanted to get you away from the increase in rowdy crowd or to have his way with you first. 
you were beginning to think it was the last option as he marched down the hall with you in front of him, gripping your left arm while the other pressed against your back. one, two, three, four more steps before he shoved you into one of the guards rooms, his room. 
“what the hell do you think you’re doing?” he let go of your arm with a slight shove causing you to stumble forward a bit. he looked angry, more than you had ever seen him and more than you would have ever wished to see.
“bellamy, don’t start with me,” you mumbled, raising a finger to harshly accuse him... for something. “if you’re going to kill me, just get it over with.”
he scoffed, looking beyond dumbfounded with his mouth slight agape, not believing the words that had just came from your mouth.
“stop fucking talking,” he needed to think. he begun to pace back and forth, and you had no idea what to do with yourself as you watched him. “i need to get you out of here.”
he gives you a dumbfounded look that was filled with a sense of urgency, "y/n, you just shot someone that can have you dead within seconds. you don't leave, someone’s going to do exactly what you did, and take justice into their own hands."
"you should have let me finish the job."
"we're not starting this," he grips your shoulder before pushing you by your upper back. "people are leaving. o, kane, miller—you go with them. you stay, they'll kill you."
"how do you know this?" you mumbled, glancing back at the mention of your friends and the planned escape you all had developed. bellamy was considered a traitor to you all, so he would be the last person on your list to concern with the escape plan. 
"eyes everywhere."
you narrow your brows at him, "you're coming with."
he narrows his brows in shock, not expecting you to say this, you share the same expression, also shocked by yourself. the past month would explain this--not only had you watched your world at arkadia fastly crumble after the slow rebuild of humanity, you also witnessed your relationship with bellamy slowly tank moment after moment while his with pike was created.
so, offering passage was an absurd idea. after all the betrayal.
he seems to wince after his surprisal settles but is quick to keep a straight face as best as he can, "you're getting the wrong idea."
"am i?"
"we're not friends anymore, y/n. this isn't old times," his words are intentionally stinging, but you don't miss the look on his face that betrays him. "you can't save me if that’s what you’re thinking. I don't need to be saved, i know what i’m doing."
you frown, "bellamy, you need to stop acting like there's never going to be a happy ending for you before it comes true. leave with us."
"you know i can't do that."
"why not?"
"I dug myself in too deep this time," his face was still stone cold, but it didn't prevent remorse from blossoming in your chest. "maybe if you weren't such a terrible shot, this would be all over."
in well under an hour bellamy had you out of arkadia, alone. your friends had left a lot sooner than thought and no matter how much begging you did—expectedly—bellamy left his mind unchanged. 
you knew exactly where your friends were going—where they’d be. it was a long and lonely hike but it was enough time for reflection.
you miss the time where you felt like a kid still. where you were young and reckless and full of hope that you’d finally get to be free upon that first step off the drop ship. that you had purpose and will and fighting was something you hadn’t really minded aside from the possible side affect of death.
now you were tired. you just wanted to lay your head down for once and not think about the pointless rivalry purging your everyday life.
“y/n, you’re okay,” octavia pulls you into a tight hug, a certain relief setting over. “god, after we hadn’t seen you, we assumed the worst.”
“i’m okay,” you gave her a thin-lipped smile, “thanks to your brother.”
“bellamy?” she seems shocked, like that’s the first courteous thing he’s done for someone in years.
“yes,” you nod, understanding the hostile tone she almost takes with his name. “i think he might’ve saved me.”
“where is bellamy?” miller speaks causing you to realize they had all emerged from the cave.
"he's gone."
"no,” you shake your head, “he stayed behind. he said he had to fix some thing’s before he showed his face again.”
octavia mentally rolled her eyes, but kept her composure as she watched you, “you’re here. that’s all that matters.”
“is he dead?”
“indra has him.”
“y/n,” he gives you a pointed look at your protest. “you know that’s as good as dead.”
he was right. pike killed her people, that was far from unforgivable. he’d be lucky to receive death.
“she didn’t kill you.”
he shook his head, keeping his eyes low to the ground, “thanks to o.”
it took a day for bellamy to find you all. his face was beaten and bloodied, but you knew better than to ask what the cause was. he had a lot of enemies at the moment and it wasn’t like this was something out of the blue for him. you would've been surprised to see a clean face.
“she doesn’t hate you as much as you think.”
“i’d like to think she doesn’t hate me at all,” he presses his lips into a thin line. “you’re right though.”
you nod, trying to look sympathetic.
“about everything. i’m sorry.”
your mouth slightly opens in shock from not anticipating his words; apology and admitting.
“i’m sorry too,” you nod, swallowing harshly as you think about having that gun pointed inches from his face. “i would’ve never shot you.”
“you sure?” his voice is lighthearted, but you can tell he’s genuine when asking. “could’ve guessed otherwise.”
“guessing will only hurt you,” you tease, but quickly drop the blitheness. “i shouldn’t have done it, but i was scared… and angry.”
“i know,” he whispers, “we do what we have to do, right?”
“then if that means shooting me to knock some sense into me, do it.”
a laugh gets stuck in the back of your throat at the preposterous thought of it. the funny thing was you knew he wasn’t joking. classic bellamy, putting himself in harm’s way.
“me a couple months ago would be more than happy to oblige,” you shake your head, making it his turn to laugh.
“us a couple months ago was a different story. i’m sure we already had guns to each other’s throats.”
you laugh with him, “yeah.”
“never again.”
nodding, “never again.”
you stare at one another now, quiet and calm. you don’t think you’ve ever had a moment like this with bellamy before.
you’re not sure what to do, but bellamy does.
your months of angsty butting heads leading to civilness, then ultimately leading to radio silence on both of your ends due to pike, had killed him. and now, here you were, back in his grasp of more than just civilness, he couldn’t let that go.
“i lied,” he mumbles, suddenly shifting from the rock he sat on. “instead of shooting me…” he’s leaning now, hovering, and just barely resisting the urge to complete his intentions. you feel his breath fan your face; feel, because your eyes are shut. “please, just kiss me.”
his nose is slotted against yours, still hovering as he watches you beneath his eye lashes. his lips are so close… so close to yours, it’s killing him that he waits.
“i’m sorry, but i have to do this,” he smiles before finally pressing his lips against yours.
@thecraziestcrayon @mynewnamedoesnotmatter @myalupinblack @cc13723things @Uselesssapphickitten @black-rose-29 @reality-runaway @let-love-bleeds-red @rudypankowisdaddy @the-anxious-youth @kitkat-mini @itzstacie @deadbeatbarb @phantompogues @rowena-ravenclaws-diadem @dayanaralight @nyx3028 @hizziestial @ritz-hell-hotel @fruitiseavey @kayalect @deathtobarbie @areil4 @strnqer @mystic-writings @gbrownn @moonlighy @straightzoinked @thelaststraw3 @navyabhatnagar @alexxavicry @esposadomd @lupinsluvbot
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general-cyno · 10 months
y'know, one zolu moment I don't talk about nearly as much as I should but that I love and find super interesting is the bar fight on jaya. and though I know there's mixed opinions on the latter, I also like the contrast between jaya AND whiskey peak.
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when it comes to whiskey peak... I'm somewhere in the middle. as a concept I find it interesting too, since it involves zoro doing things on his own for the sake of the crew for the first time (iirc) and luffy being faced with the possibility of zoro not acting as honorably as he believes or trusts zoro to be at that point. thing is, luffy is someone who places great value in the kindness he receives and returns it tenfold. it's something we see throughout the story and in jaya as well actually, with cricket and his crew! this is also what's attracted him to most of the straw hats (if not every) and his allies also. so in theory, I don't think luffy reacting negatively to zoro attacking the ppl who'd been kind to him and the crew for seemingly no reason is entirely out of character, especially after waking up so disorientedly, and at least not that early on in the manga. he emphasizes it too, when he shows up to fight zoro,
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the problem for me lies more on the actual execution of it rather than the idea as a whole. kinda goofy for luffy and zoro to drop lines like "now we'll find out who's superior" during it as if they'd had some sort of fighting style rivalry beforehand and it's kinda removed from the og point of the fight but they're dumb kids and the story can take some goofy turns at times so. shrugs.
I can't tell if whiskey peak was originally meant to have an impact or effect on their relationship afterwards (some opinions I've read insist oda was forced to include it) but if anything, it ended up demonstrating zoro and luffy are better off fighting together than against each other, even as they're going on about killing and beating the other up over a misunderstanding. it reminds me of one comment I read on a r/ddit post a while ago (about another topic though) that pointed out how in terms of fighting styles, zoro and luffy kind of complement and make up for each other's weaknesses, which is such a nice detail and layer to their relationship imo.
and assuming there was a genuine point to it all (it's more fun that way heh), I'd say that it really highlights the importance of moments like those in jaya and luffy choosing to trust zoro not to fight back against bellamy's crew.
as luffy has learned this far, zoro would never hurt anyone for no reason and if there's a "reason" it's usually, if not always, rooted in his wish and duty to keep everyone safe (in whiskey peak, the townsfolk were actually baroque works agents, bounty hunters, who had a tendency to trick pirates like them at the start of the grand line). plus, zoro may enjoy battle but he doesn't fight for revenge or feelings/motives of the sort, as he admits later in skypiea. he does, however, react when the people he cares about are in danger (*waves hand and points at anything involving luffy*), hurt (chopper in skypiea as an example, but there's plenty more) or he witnesses great injustice (like yasuie's execution in wano). he's also not the type to enjoy beating up someone weaker, much less for shits and giggles. he will even save enemies if luffy asks him to, as long as it doesn't pose a bigger or immediate (real) threat to the crew.
compare zoro saving smoker in alabasta vs him refusing to accept x drake as an ally at first due to his known status as a traitor in the wano arc, for example.
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and of course jaya isn't an exception. when bellamy attacks luffy, zoro responds as usual:
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luffy himself stands up ready to fight too, at first. but as nami brings up the sky island and everyone mocks them for it, then bellamy specifically takes it upon himself to ridicule them - insisting on how foolish it is for ppl to "waste time" chasing their dreams, especially pirates, luffy decides not to fight back and tells zoro to do the same.
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this is one of those instances in which the "lu" of zolu really shines through, if you ask me. zoro's got a handful of grand gestures toward luffy on his belt, but this is one in which luffy does the heavy lifting for me. this is acknowledgedment and an insane amount of trust, a moment in which luffy's relying on zoro to understand his motives and to push back his usual protectiveness when faced with an enemy displaying a lot of hostility. and zoro gets it, stays true to the trust luffy's placing on him. he doesn't fight back, not even as nami watches and wonders why.
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I sound like a broken record at this point, but OP's brought up in several and different circumstances the fact that luffy and zoro are actually pretty similar. they tend to behave the same way or echo each other's words even when they're apart, share similar views on death, on growing stronger for the sake of the ppl they care about, and more so when it comes to chasing and fighting for their dreams.
in the aftermath of the bar encounter, blackbeard tells nami that luffy and zoro actually won that fight. this includes a curious panel in which luffy reminisces both shanks and ace.
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it makes sense why luffy shared this particular moment with zoro, when you think about it. those two are dreamers through and through, and if there's characters who can understand the importance of not only chasing those dreams but also keeping a promise, it's them - whose dreams they initially shared with ppl they cherished as kids and made promises to. for luffy there's ace and sabo, and shanks. for zoro it was kuina, then as an adult there was luffy himself. in a lot of ways, the straw hat is to luffy what wado ichimonji is to zoro. during that fight, bellamy represented everything luffy and zoro stand against both as characters and thematically speaking. and that, along with everything luffy's learned/come to know so far about zoro, is what he relied on. it's so good.
later, there's this scene with zoro and the rest, where nami wonders why zoro didn't go with luffy to face bellamy again:
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(fun bit here is that zoro actually asked luffy before if he needed his help. it's a small panel but cute! he trusts that luffy can handle himself, as luffy told him he could, and knows there's no stopping him when he's made up his mind lol.)
whether zoro was referring to bellamy's strength or his lack of belief in/mockery of dreams, or both, it's clear he understood why luffy chose to do what he did and asked him to stay put back in the bar, and he could relate to luffy's motives as well. as I mentioned above, it makes sense why zoro in specific would, without luffy voicing them out loud.
the nicest part is how all of these moments are a product of the writing that's gone into luffy and zoro's relationship/dynamic. when luffy chooses to trust zoro with stuff like this, there's a chunk of context that precedes it (like whiskey peak). and when zoro decides to follow him, too, it's because his loyalty for and understanding of luffy has been continually built as the story progresses which is super compelling, and also wonderful to see.
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heartpiratedrabbles · 8 months
Who He Is
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Prompt: You walk in on Doflamingo with another woman, and when you try to leave you realize you didn't really know him.
Requested by Anonymous
~ Part 2
Doflamingo X Fem Reader
Warning: Noncon
You were pacing the floor, angry. You couldn’t believe what you just witnessed. You walked into the bedroom you shared with Doflamingo to see him already there with another women. His stupid face just stared at you as if you had ruined the moment while the women hid her face. You slammed the door shut and stormed off to the living room where a couple other of his family was.
         “What got your panties in a twist,” Bellamy bellowed, amused at your anger. You shot him a glare, though it did nothing to stop his snickering. You went over to an empty seat, flopping into it while crossing your arms.
         “Who does he think he is?!” You yelled, “Bringing someone else to our bed like its nothing.” Bellamy continued his laughter much to your annoyance but everyone else remained quiet. You noticed a few glances being shared but no words said, “What is it?” You snap at all of them.
         It’s Baby 5 who finally breaks the silence, “Maybe he’s bored?” You suck in your breath, “-not useful to him anymore.” You didn’t catch the first half of her sentence but she didn’t seem all to surprised at how this was all playing out.
         You look around and everyone else refused to meet your eyes, everyone except the flamboyant boy who refused to quiet down. “Well then I’ll just leave. If he doesn’t like me anymore it doesn’t matter.” You say defiantly, you’d never expect this relationship to last long anyway, you just never expected it to end like this.
         “He won’t like that,” Bellamy laughed while watching you storm out of the room.
         You’d barely made it downtown when you noticed someone following you. You weren’t in the mood to deal with creeps at the moment. You rounded the corner onto a busier street, to try and shake the person off. The sun was starting to set so it’d be better to be somewhere before it gets dark.
         Before you could make it to any building you felt a stingy tug on your wrists. There was no one around you but you knew who was pulling you towards the alley. Despite your tugs for freedom, there was nothing that you could do. The familiar laugh making your blood boil as you got closer, “Darling where do you think you’re going?”
         “What do you want Doffy? What happened to your new plaything?” You spit out as your arms are raised into the air, feet dangling until you’re eye level with Doflamingo.  
         “Oh doll, I may get another toy, but your still mine.” His voice drips with something else you haven’t heard before and your heart sinks slightly. The anger boiling more than the slight fear that’s rising up. He grabs your wrists himself, pushing you against a wall, caressing your face with his other hand. “Now then, should I punish you here? Or back home?”
         You feel your heart sink when his hand starts to venture down, fingers looping around the collar of your shirt, pulling enough to start a tear. Your eyes flash up at him, his face unrecognizable from who you thought you knew, before twisting your head around to look around the alley way. You feel the tug on your shirt and hear it rip more before you swallow the lump in your throat, “H-home.”
         Doflamingo lets out a small chuckle before leaning down, licking your neck up to your ear, “And why should I do that darling? Just so you can run away again? How will you learn?” The dangerous tone danced in your head as you wracked your brain for any way to get out of this situation. Tears brimming your eyes as one final tug left you exposed.
         “I-I’m sorry.” You whisper, looking up into his sunglasses, “I do-n’t know what I was t-thinking.” The whimpers of a false apology leaving you as you feel his hand trail down your stomach, fingers brushing against your waist band.
         His face close as he still stares down at you, expectingly as you start to shake slightly. His amused chuckles waiting for more while he slips his hand underneath the fabric of your shorts.
         The sound of people walking down the streets just a hundred feet away made you start to sweat as you feel him inching closer to your core. “D-Doffy, baby. Please I’m sorry,” You whimper out before leaning up into him, kissing him gently in hopes that he would change his mind, looking up with puppy eyes before continuing, “Let’s go home. Please baby?” Another kiss, that this time he accepts, deepening it as he puts his hand on your hip, pushing himself against you and loosening the grip on your wrists. “I played this joke too far, I’m sorry” You murmur under your breath, wrapping you arms around his neck when they were finally released from his grasp.
         “Well if you’re truly sorry Darling,” His dark voice still there as he smiled down at you mockingly, “I guess I can go easy this time as it was your first transgression.” He sets you down entirely, letting you stand on your own two feet. His hand goes to your shoulder, the grip a warning tight grasp as you stare back up at him, “You’d better get back home before dark then.”
         You look at him quizzically as he steps back, your hands slowly going to the edges of your ripped shirt, crossing them over in an attempt to cover yourself, “I’ll even forget about the punishment if you get home before the sun sets.” His mocking tone as he starts walking away from you, “Oh and darling? Don’t try to run.” You felt a shiver run down your spine, processing his words. The shreds of a shirt barely covering you as you looked at the horizon, realizing you had at most a couple of minutes of light left before the city would be plunged into darkness. It had taken you at least half an hour to get here. The cool sweat forming as you started to make your way back, it’d be best not to anger him more, you didn’t want to test the waters of his anger.
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the-bitter-ocean · 5 months
(ACT 3 SPOILERS) Hi so I decided to write a little Drabble based on @startagainaprologue really good Bonnie looping Au aka as In Recipes and Repetition (IRAR) !! This is set roughly around the beginning of act 4. Wanted to write something that takes place after the events of the end of act 3 in the context of the Au, Authors notes about the writing itself under the cut:
( You wake up.)
( You’re back.)
( You stare sadly at the field of veggies.)
( You grip the wooden fence so hard it nearly splinters in your hands.)
( You…you…you!)
( You collapse unto the ground and scream. )
(You start crying. )
(You curl up in a ball and hold yourself.)
(You feel sick.)
(Your body is still sore.)
(You close your eyes and all you can see is the king hurting your family over and over an-)
( …!)
(You hear footsteps approaching you.)
“…Bonnie? You okay?”
“.. Quit it dummy not too close!”
“Maybe we should go get help from someone? Like the adults maybe?”
( The really quiet artist who likes to give you a drawing every loop frowns and shakes their head in response. )
“..My papa is still working at the bakery right now..”
“..Maybe a frog might make them feel better..?”
( A group of children huddle around you. They look worried. )
Okay so my thought process is that I think over the course of the loops Bonnie would befriend and talk to the other children in Dormont. In this loop they find Bonnie freaking out and crying for Siffrin so they all work together to cheer Bonnie up. Eventually the kids would take Bonnie to go see Siffrin, to give Bonnie the peace of mind they clearly needed/ Siffrin gives Bonnie a hug.
I think it’s cool when aus actually incorporate the npcs in the game and have them do things/ interact with the other characters and I’m a sucker for focusing on people who have little to no screen time because it allows me to get very creative. Anywho here’s everyone, the first three names are canonical to the game the last three are my HCS of what the npcs names are since it wasn’t given in game:
Charlene Choquette -> Bakers Daughter
Manon -> Wizard Loving Kid
Agathe -> Tutorial Kid
Jacquelyn “Jackie” -> Frog loving kid
Celine -> Sky loving kid
Bellamy -> Drawing kid
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justporo · 3 months
A much better gift
A/N: We have a second giveaway fic! And this time it comes with Gale - and smut! This one is for @85blackcat and includes her wonderful OC Bellamy. I hope you enjoy your fic! Also I cannot help it apparently to make Gale at least somewhat lightly dominant...
Warnings: explicit sexual content, vaginal sex, light dom/sub dynamics, clothing kink, thigh riding, creampie
Summary: Bellamy prepares a gift for her wizard's birthday - which entails a silk robe and lots of delicate lace.
Having to spend days and nights with companions didn’t allow for much privacy. Specifically not for a slowly budding romance and relationship. Gale and Bellamy had barely taken the first few steps together as the party had arrived at Baldur’s Gate. But their adventure was still far from over. And while each of them wished for nothing more than to be able to spend time together and get lost in each other as often as possible, duty kept knocking on their door - that and Shadowheart when she felt she had to remind them of how thin the walls were at the Elfsong.
So, how do you figure out a life together when constantly being watched by at least five other people? Some of which - on top of that - couldn’t keep their godsdamned mouths shut. Astarion especially didn’t let a single opportunity slide to throw in a sassy remark about the wizard and druid growing closer. And while Gale had resorted to answering a snarky remark with another one Bellamy didn’t feel particularly keen about having her relationship to the wizard so on display.
But quiet moments these days were rare. And to be able to share them as just the two of them was even rarer.
But tonight, at least tonight, Bellamy would make good use of a special occasion.
It was Gale’s birthday. Nobody besides her knew since Gale had figured there wasn’t time for such “profane nonsense”, as he had called it.
But Bellamy wouldn’t let the opportunity slip away. For days she had been turning around ideas in her head about what she could possibly do for her wizard.
But what gift could you possibly give to a prodigy wizard who apparently already had everything?
In the end the answer had been easy: time - and herself. A private evening together. Maybe a little sneak-peek into what could be once they got past all of this.
And so Bellamy had used utter caution to prepare for a wonderful night together: she had arranged for a special dinner and wine at the Elfsong to be brought up to their room. She had sneakily asked the favour of all of her friends to not disturb them - at least for this one evening. Surprisingly, even the vampire had quickly agreed. With a raised eyebrow and mocking smirk playing around his lips, but still.
And then finally: Bellamy had sought around the tailor shops in the city to find the perfect wrapping for her gift, so to speak, made of delicate lace and shimmering silk.
Now Bellamy was perched on their joint bed in their room at the tavern. The day had thankfully been pretty boring all in all. For hours the party had walked around the city to investigate - and found out nothing new. So they had called it early for that day and Bellamy had snuck up to Gale’s and her room under the pretence of an oncoming migraine. When Gale had looked immediately worried she had felt a twinge of guilt for misleading him. But she’d make it up for him later.
She was waiting for him to come up and check on her as she knew he would certainly do at some point. The wood elf had draped herself on the bed in the lingerie and silk robe she’d gotten specifically for this. Two glasses of wine were already poured and the light from outside was already dim.
Bellamy’s heart was pounding as she waited for her beloved to discover this special kind of gift. And as she did so, watching how the low orange light of the lanterns threw dramatic shadows on her silken robe, she felt nervousness creep up inside of her.
But as she pondered if she should have just gotten him a tome at Sorcerers and Sundries, her thoughts were interrupted by the door opening.
Gale was in his normal, comfortable camp clothing and had his nose in a book, just like usual. That was probably also why it took Bellamy softly clearing her throat to catch his attention and look up from his reading as he closed the door behind him.
He almost dropped the small book he’d held as he was met with the sight of his lover sprawled out on the end of the bed and precariously clothed: dark hair cascaded over her shoulders like a waterfall of velvet right to where the delicate silk robe was opened just enough to allow a peek of the lacey secret lying beneath.
“Well, that’s certainly a kind of headache you must be having, my beloved,” Gale remarked as he couldn’t rip his eyes away from the surprising sight in front of him. The book in his hand was loosely dangling from his fingers now, the literature momentarily forgotten.
“Happy Birthday, Gale,” the druid whispered softly and moved slowly to get up. She felt the robe slide over her body as she did so, revealing more of what lay beneath. Gale’s eyes sparked at her, lips parting slightly at the sight of it.
“So you tricked me, Bellamy?” he murmured with a slight tease and in a low voice as the druid gracefully slid off the bed and stepped over to the wizard, delicately wrapping her arms around her lover’s neck, fingers combing through soft brown hair.
“It appears so,” she whispered back with a teasing smirk spreading on her lips. “And now you’ve walked right into my trap. You have no choice but to celebrate your birthday with me now.”
Their faces were so close now, the tension created between them already palpable as they shared conspiratory glances at each other.
Bellamy felt Gale’s warm hands slide under the hem of her robe, his fingertips wandering over her hips until they met lace. When he found it, a strained groan slipped from his lips as his warm eyes took on another quality. There was real heat in them now.
“Well, if I am left without a choice,” Gale started softly, his lips not an inch from hers now. His voice was low and promising. Bellamy felt his fingers digging into her hips, making her gasp from how the slight pain sent jolts throughout her body. “I think I’m going to start by slowly unwrapping my gift. If I may-”
Gods, wasn’t she glad she hadn’t just gotten him some dusty books.
The wood elf arched her back a little so her boobs squished against Gale’s chest and bit her lip. The friction made Gale groan again and had her pressing her thighs together.
“I’m all yours,” she answered breathlessly, staring up into the eyes of her beloved wizard, almost desperate already for him to make his words come true.
“Marvellous!” was the last thing he said before he finally pressed his lips to Bellamy’s.
Immediately, there seemed to be no space between them anymore. Gale’s tongue slipped into her mouth, swallowing the moan coming from the druid directly from her open lips. She felt the definite proof of his desire for her as he pressed his groin against her, fueling the heat between her own legs. Hands tangled in hair and delicate fabric as they stumbled backwards until Bellamy’s legs hit the edge of the bed. Almost stumbling onto it, Gale’s arms around her made sure she stayed as close to him as possible. His hands were cupping her behind now as he made his knee slide between her legs.
Almost in shock she tore away from him as Gale used his leverage to make her grind against his thigh now while he held her - trapped between the edge of the bed and his own body. She whimpered at the delicious friction as he made her slide along his leg, knowing that he must feel her heat and that the delicate lace lingerie would do nothing to keep her slick from spreading all over him.
“Is this your equivalent of shaking the gift box to guess what’s inside?” Bellamy burst out as she clawed at his arms for balance as he had her almost on her tiptoes and fully at his mercy.
His eyes sparked and he grinned as he made her grind against him a final time: “Maybe it is, I’m always up for a good game of guessing.”
Bellamy huffed, Gale softly chuckled.
Then he leaned forward until it was inevitable for Bellamy to let herself fall onto the bed. With his hands on her waist Gale quickly lifted her up onto the bed and followed closely behind.
He didn’t give her much of a break, daft fingers from spellcasting quickly unlacing her robe and tossing it off to the side to reveal what was waiting underneath. Only then did he pause shortly, observing how his beloved writhed beneath him in nothing but lacey swirls and flowers that barely left any room for imagination.
“Gods,” it spilled from his lips as his eyes wandered over her body and he used one hand to run it through his hair.
Coquettishly Bellamy let her hands roam her own body for a moment as she gave her lover ample room to admire her: “I hope the gift is to your liking, Gale, I don’t think there is a way to return it.”
The wizard’s gaze snapped back to hers. Bellamy could see how his eyes softened, how love entered the delicious cocktail of emotions in his eyes. There it was again, this warmth and this genuine smile.
Instead of answering he leaned forward, kissing her again, incredibly gently this time.
“I’m so glad you don’t have a return policy,” Gale mumbled against her lips in between kisses, softly lowering himself onto her and tangling his limbs with hers. Bellamy simply laughed as she felt the same warmth Gale was so obviously experiencing spread through her chest.
But the heat quickly rose from a simmer to a boiling point again, the fire rekindled, as they kept kissing. Their hands wandered over each other’s bodies. Bellamy made quick work of the wizard’s clothes, teasing him for how he had to keep up with her. She gasped when she had finally freed his aching hardened length and was rewarded with a rumbling groan as she began stroking him.
She was compensated in turn by Gale’s hand sliding between her legs as they kept kissing. His fingers quickly pushed the soaked lace to the side and began teasing her. Without hesitating Gale’s index entered her while his thumb found her clit.
If she had thought she was a mess before the wizard quickly proved her wrong.
Breaking the kiss she almost unwillingly arched her back until it was painful beneath him as Gale fingers started pleasuring her. She stared up at him, mouth open in a soundless moan and unable to do anything more but clawing her fingers into his arm.
A second finger entered her as he pressed the pad of his thumb to her sensitive bud and had her eyes roll into the back of her skull. There were no coherent thoughts anymore, no clever plans or teasing remarks - only boundless lust and the desire to feel more of it, all of it.
“Gale,” Bellamy pressed out as she bowed her body to the wizard, the need for more primal inside her. “Please,” she pleaded, digging her fingers into his arms a little harder, her back almost lifting off the bed as Gale’s fingers plunged into her again.
Thankfully, he understood. The wizard withdrew from her, making her almost sob at the sudden loss. But Gale was quickly on top of her hands, gliding over her body, squeezing her tits, before journeying over her arms and then pressing her hands down on each side of her head. Meanwhile, his hips ground against her, his dick rubbing against her heated, slick core. He kept going like this for a few more strokes until he finally entered her effortlessly, all while his eyes bored into hers and he filled her to the brim.
“Gods, you’re truly a gift sent by the heavens,” it burst out of Gale once he had adjusted to the sensation of being inside his lover.
Bellamy threw her head back in a laugh. “Can you believe I almost just got you a few boring books?” she asked, ending the sentence in a breathless gasp as she felt Gale withdrew and then slowly and forcefully thrust into her again.
“Oh thank goodness you didn’t,” Gale groaned and began picking up a steady pace, rolling his hips into her, each time a little harder. “As much as I enjoy theory, the practicality of things is often much more enticing. This is a much better gift!”
Bellamy could only helplessly stare at him for almost holding a lecture while fucking her.
But further conversation was futile as they moved together now, staring into each other's eyes. Bellamy’s legs wrapped around Gale’s hips as he kept fucking into her, his pace becoming more ragged quickly.
Then Bellamy fell first.
She felt the tension in her body snap as she arched her back into the oncoming wave of her orgasm. In the back of her mind she noticed Gale forcefully twitch inside of her as he joined her in her fall and spilled inside of her.
They rode out the waves - Gale resting his forehead on Bellamy’s chest and her arms now softly wrapped around him. Both of their chests were heaving as they recovered slowly.
Then Gale softly mumbled something into her chest, still inside of her.
“Hm?” Bellamy simply made, too lazy to bother with actual words at the moment.
Gale lifted his head, looking at her with a smile playing on his lips: “I asked if I could wish for the same gift for next year, my beloved Bellamy.”
The wood elf simply laughed and grabbed his face for a kiss.
“For the next and every year after, my beloved Gale.”
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okmcintyre · 1 year
Masterlist #2 Bellarke Fanfiction Recs
It's been a couple more years & I'm very happy to report there's been ✨lots✨ more amazing fics shared in our corner of fandom. Y'all know the drill: linking older modern!au recs, the dropship/delinquent-only stories list, a few canonverse recs and of course the OG Masterlist from 2020.
Feel free to add your faves! 💛
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Canonverse unless noted otherwise, + fics of of all ratings, so keep your eyes peeled!
Good Days and Bad Days by tiredwetdog 
where have you wandered, my only child? by carrieevew
Little steps by bellofthetolppl
With you in my arms (everything feels alright) by orphan_account 
so this is how rumors get started by ChronicTonsillitis
Bellamy Blake needs to touch some grass by b00mgh
Weathering the Storm by PenguinofProse
Hold on to me (I'm a little unsteady) by TheWordsInMyHead
take a running start by glowinghorizons
the whole world stops by whatspastisprologue
so this is how rumors get started by ChronicTonsillitis
Show Me What I'm Looking For by bitscrawford
What We Built by elle_stone
Can't Find Paradise On The Ground by icantloseyoutoo
It Doesn't End Here by immortalpramheda
You Make it Real by PnclSktch
i'm on my knees, your faith in shreds by stoneage_woman
the radio is playing your favourite song (open the door) by theinvisibledisaster
Hold me still by bellofthetolppl
a kiss is a secret which takes the lips for the ear by troubledpancakes
one less day to be alone by glowinghorizons 
A Short Story About Love by twosuns
must've been some kind of kiss (grounder!au) by carrieevew
Don't Look Back, You're Not Going That Way (viking!au) by andsowemeetagain
And Now You're Home (praimfaya!au) by asroarke
When the Sky Meets the Ground (grounder!au) by Peggysousfan
No Man is an Island, Entire of Itself (hanahaki!au) by MyHeartOfHearts
Walk the Line (doctor/criminal!au) by TheWordsInMyHead
The Other Half of my Soul (soulmate!au) by ZouWrites 
Lone Wolf (nightblood!au) by Peggysousfan
May the Waves Bring You Home (modern!au) by RogueTwelve
The Best Man (bellmillerbffs!au) by PenguinofProse
Mirror Mirror On the Wall (soulmates!au) by SPNOUAT
If My Wishes Came True (modern!au) by bookwormforalways
so I stayed in the darkness with you (soulmates!au) by burninghoneyatdusk
Pieces of Us (modern!au) by daenoora
i think i should go (you said maybe don't) (modern!au) by blaketrash
Only Fools Rush In (modern!au with a twist) by onlyherefor1
Black Out Days (apocalypsey!au) by TotalBellarkeTrash
(do you remember?) dancing in stilettoes in the snow (modern!au) by carrieevew
Share Your Address (modern!au) by useyourtelescope
Better Than Revenge (B/C/L!au) by Excuseyouclarke 
Your words on my skin (soulmate!au) by not_a_total_basket_case
Better with you. (artclass!au) by Luminouswriter 
I Thought The Worst Was Behind Us (modern!au) by onlyherefor1
proposal interruptus (modern!au) by carrieevew
One Way to Find Out (clurphybffs!au) by Silverloc
bet on it (bet on me) (modern!au) by griffenly
The House Guest (modern!au) by Shippershape
After Me Comes The Flood (modern!au) by theinvisibledisaster
I Found Peace in Your Violence (modern!dystopiaish!au) by eyessharpweaponshot
Take Care of Me (And My Heart) (modern!au) by QueenoftheWallflowers 
And in Other News... (news!au) by Jeanie205
love enough to fill me up (domestic!au) by jackiefreckles
Fading Out (soulmates!au) by PenguinofProse
[fated] happenstance (soulmates!au) by she_who_the_river_could_not_hold
The Dying of the Light (wartime!au) by starsonfire
Bellarke The 100 Instagram AU (socialmedia!au) by OhLenaLena
I Don't Want to Dream About You (modern!au) by Dayo488
Too Aware of Where Your Lips Have Been (modern!au) by MissMR
When Bellamy Met Clarke (whenharrymetsally!au) by onlyherefor1
Submarine Man (modern!au) by twosuns
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midlandslady · 2 months
Writers and audience impact
I hate hate hate when the writers/ producers/ directors wait for the audience's reaction to see if they should push a pairing in or not.
Like wtf? By the time they get our reaction, we have already been fed a story. And some of us will have loved it and others hated it but it was the story they created. Changing the pairing later based on the fandoms is so f* stupid.
I have stopped watching countless of tv shows because of this.
Examples: Vampire diaries. I really liked it at that time of my life. And I liked Stefan and Elena. They were a bit too lovey-dovey and boring? Yes, but I liked them. The story was about them. The books too. But because Damon was more handsome and sexier and had, according to the audience, better chemistry with Elena, they decided to give what the audience preferred, going against the original book.
The 100 is an odd example. Everyone loved Bellamy and Clarke, they are also the romantic pairing in the book. But the tv show created such a deep profound connection between them that was better than the book. It was an enemies-to-lovers trope developed to perfection. But what did they do? They destroyed it in what seems to be a clear defiance of what the public loved and the book. It made no sense at all. I stopped watching when I realized it was going in that direction and decided to wait for the finale. And I'm so glad I did. Horrible thing. I hate even the memory of having loved it.
Another example. Never have I ever. Yes, Paxton was the hot boy that we should begin to hate at some point in a very cliché fashion. And Ben is the rival that will become a friend and then a lover. All good. But then they developed Paxton and Paxton was ten thousand times better than Ben. And by the end of season 1 and particularly season 2, I was sure Team Paxton had won. But I was wrong. There comes the shift. For 2 seasons I loved Devi and Paxton but then all that development and fairytale-like ending is put into the garbage and I am supposed to pretend it never happened because now the main pairing is Ben and Devi. I did not watch season 3 and season 4. To me, it ended in season 2 and what an amazing ending it was.
So yes, I was afraid that House of the Dragon would be the same. They created a story between Daemon and Rhaenyra in season 2 that was special and magical in a very hauntingly gothic fashion. It was perfection, the chemistry, the between-the-lines feelings, the desire, the attraction, the frustration. My god, we could feel it all. And every episode was so exciting because of that. People loved it, not everyone, but most people loved it. People were in love with Daemyra and with Daemon and with Matt Smith. There were hundreds of videos on youtube, pages on the internet talking about it, it was everywhere. It couldn't have been more successful. But the writers somehow, despite creating such a beautiful thing, were surprised that the public loved it so much. So they came out saying: you're seeing it wrong. Daemon is mean, evil, selfish and cruel and you need to see that. So they create a season 2 to make us hate daemon, to make us fall out of love with Daemyra. Yet they were fearful of pushing it too far so they still gave us a happy ending to keep us satisfied. But are they waiting to see if we have given up on Daemyra and would be more open to other pairings that they wish to introduce? I want to believe they won't do it, but do I trust it 100%? Of course not. Similarly, they are giving contrary information about Helaemond to see how we react and if they can push it or move away from it in season 3. I also think they didn't make Rhaena claim sheepstealer to see how fans would react to the potential elimination of Nettles. And I hate that they do it! Just be consistent, for god's sake! Write the damn story as you did before knowing how the public would react but be consistent with what you started.
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anjellaufeyson · 7 months
The truth lays within jealousy- Bellamy Blake
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Warnings: basically just cursing and knife play
Summary: Bellamy's your enemy but things begin to take a turn once you start fighting to push through emotions you feel towards each other.
Bellamy Blake made my blood boil, and I prayed I made him feel the same way. I was best friends with his sister, Octavia. Meaning, I had no choice but to be in the same tent or room as him. The rivalry between Bellamy and I formed when the 100 first came to Earth. We were on dividing sides, he had everyone in his control and made them feel free but that ended dangerously. I was with the group that wanted to help and make sure we survived. 
“Do you always have to disagree with me, Blake?” 
He turned to look my way, his hand resting on the map below our waists laying on a table. “Do you always have to have disagreeable ideas–Kane?” He spit my last name out as if it left a bitter taste. 
I’m just thankful he didn’t call me that other name, the one he knew I so deeply despised. My eyes rolled on instinct, “You’re such a dick, you are aware of that flaw right?” 
He glared my way, “You always keep me aware don’t you, princess?” 
I fucking hated him, “Don’t call me that, Blake.” 
“What will you do if I say it again?” 
My father made me train with guards on the Ark since I was a child, I could easily take Bellamy, and him forgetting that made me always want to remind him. I stabbed my knife into the wood table and as soon as I did Octavia walked in. 
She moved the tent opening away, “What is going on?” 
Bellamy folded his arms making his muscles fight with his shirt. I tried my best to not stare but as much as I loathed this man and wished him nothing but the absolute worst–he was the formation of my desires. And that left lingering resentment. “Your friend is threatening me, O.” 
I unstuck the knife and pointed it at him from the other side of the table as I talked, “He was testing me, Tavia. It’s his favorite pastime,” I said staring harshly at Bellamy. 
“How about you both go train, maybe away from each other? You can work with Murphy and I’m sure you can find someone, Bell.” 
I gave a half smile, “I’m sure every–what’s the number now?” I made it look like I was deep in thought, “Like 50 girls now? Are willing to train with you, you know your way around the 100, Blake.” 
Bellamy gave me dead eyes as his jaw clenched. I struck a nerve. “O, get out.”
Octavia usually hates when Bellamy orders her around just cause he's older than her but she listened without a fight this time. She knew I crossed some form of a line. She mouthed sorry to me and walked out. 
I moved over to him, my knife laying close to his throat. He didn't care, he didn't even bat an eye. He almost smirked at the notion.
“Tell me, princess, was I supposed to pent up everything I was feeling like you do? Tell me, how's that going for you?” 
My eyes widened a bit, “I’m sorry do you want me to just go sleeping around with every dude on this earth because what? I can’t deal with my emotions correctly?” 
He bit his tongue. 
“I guess maybe I should take your advice because I see how greatly it’s been going for you. The known asshole you only go to for a hit and quit it.” 
Bellamy eyed me, “Is this you trying to offer up, princess?” 
My breath was shaky, I scoffed, “Go float yourself.” I stormed out of the tent and went to the only place inside Arkadia where you could blow off steam. The training spot. Bellamy usually overwatches, sometimes with Lincoln so I wouldn’t be surprised if he made his way over here.
Murphy made his way over to me, “Need a partner?” 
I nodded my head and decided to not take my anger out on him–at least not with words. “Yes, but I can’t promise I’ll go easy on you, Murphy.” 
He smiled as he got into his stance, “I didn’t expect you to. I remember seeing you training from time to time with soldiers. I’m going to have to bring my A-game now.” 
I laughed and it made me feel a bit better, say what you want about Murphy–but his sarcasm and wit will always make you laugh. I got into position and Murphy punched towards me and I moved my hand fast enough to push it away and block it. We kept going back and forth, not taking it seriously. 
Soon, as expected Bellamy appeared. He crossed his arms as he analyzed our performances. Suddenly both of us began to take it a bit seriously, but I chose to ignore Bellamy. He knew I was holding back, it showed in Bellamy's face.
“Let me try.”
I ignored him but Murphy stopped fighting, I tried to regain my breath. Murphy was like Bellamy’s sidekick since the beginning, that faded and nobody tried to make an enemy of Bellamy. Like it or not he did run a lot of things we live by. Especially with Clarke gone. 
He got into position and I immediately went to attack. I moved close and elbowed his face causing him to move forward. I went straight for a kick to his bent knee and easily got him down. When getting up his hand stayed on my thigh as he rised up, it was like he was purposefully trying to mess me up. That could be the only reason.
“Damn Bell, maybe she should replace you as a trainer,” Octavia said while spectating. Monty and Jasper laughed. 
Bellamy stood up and hit me immediately in the gut. From the force, I took a couple of steps back, and I cursed under my breath. He shrugged with a grin forming on his lips. When he went to pull another move I grabbed his arm pointed it up, and used my left arm to push down on his arm. I twisted his shoulder and I knew I was causing pain. I had this move done to me and I was in pain for a couple of days. 
For a split second, I heard a groan from him, it almost put a smile on my face. “C’mon Blake, are you even trying? If you lose this–I can only assume where you’re going to go to…or who.” Maybe it was a low blow but he pissed me off before. 
My fist came towards him and he grabbed my arm tightly, almost hard enough to leave a bruise, and flipped me onto the ground. I tried not to give him the satisfaction of knowing I was hanging onto this fight by a thread. I kicked his stomach and he caught my leg and tried to make me fall but I did the one trick that took me years to master–I kicked with enough force off the ground for a second to gain a stance to be able to kick him back. 
Bellamy went to hit me in the face but I got to him first and elbowed him. He spit out blood and turned his head up with a grin as he wiped the blood. He tricked me and by making it seem like he was going for a low attack, I didn’t move up in time to block him and he punched me. My lip began to bleed. 
“Guys, I think you should stop now. You proved you both can fight–now stop,” Octavia warned. 
We ignored her warning and kept going. I was determined to beat him, and I didn’t have a real reason why. Part of me wondered if this was my only source of letting my emotions go, maybe I wasn’t that different from that man that I hated. We are both stubborn, witted, determined, quick-tempered, reckless, and aggressive. 
“One hit and we’re done,” he said. “Better make yours count, princess,” he whispered. The way he made it seem, that nickname was for our ears only. He never said it loud enough for others to hear and I almost preferred it that way. And when he did, he was only focused on me. As if nobody else was on the earth with us. 
My thoughts were distracted and he immediately brought me down. My back hit the ground and I winced in pain, my back arched a bit hoping that would help the pain. Before anyone could help, Bellamy quickly moved to my side. “Are you okay,” he asked almost frantically in a low voice. He sounded genuine.
The gaze I had on him changed, it softened even though I was in pain. I was utterly confused. “What are we doing,” I whispered, his back covering everyone’s view of my lips. At best, they’d hear mumbles. 
“Your solution to letting your emotions out, remember?” He lightly laughed, “Fuck, we’re idiots.” Bellamy brushed his thumb on my bottom lip, “Truce?” 
My brow almost furrowed, “Truce? Does that mean we suddenly don’t hate each other?”
He laughed and began to help me up, “No, definitely not. You’re still the bane of my being.”
I stood up and got my words out fast enough before everyone crowded me to see if I needed Abby, “And you’re still the only person I hate in this world.” 
Bellamy slowly backed away as we kept our eyes on each other, everyone kept asking if I was okay but I didn’t reply. I was too fixated on the man I detested. “I’m fine, I’m fine,” I said while brushing past them. The one person who got horrendously hurt was Bellamy, yet he didn’t complain or stop them from helping me. 
“I’ll help you to, Abby,” I said putting his arm around my shoulder which felt oddly–right. When I looked back to show Octavia I was going to help him, I just saw a group of disbelieving faces. I’d be shocked too, never would I have ever felt pity or thought of helping Bellamy. “I kicked your ass.” 
He laughed as if he didn’t have drops of blood on his shirt, “I’d call it a fair fight.” 
“I’d call it my win.” 
He glanced at my lips then my eyes, we came to a halt. “You want to finish this?” 
I could feel his hand brushing along my neck, “I think we’re probably banned from training together for a bit. Though I think that wasn’t a training session–that was fighting.” 
Bellamy’s gaze dropped, he stared at me, almost desperate as if he was yearning for something he never even got to get ahold of for years. His touch became more apparent, he stared at my lips as he talked. “I’m not talking about in the training spot.” 
My lips parted and suddenly every feeling I had for him disappeared. Only one stayed- the desire I clung to. Instead of going to Abby, Bellamy and I went into his tent.
It was as if both our strengths had been regain, like we were both pushing our limits to be ignoring our pain to mix it with pleasure. Bellamy took his shirt off with such poise and it made me roll my eyes. I started undressing myself also. My eyes lingered on his chest, God, he was so defined. Like a Greek god or a statue made out of generosity.
"My eyes are up here, princess," he said as he pushes me down onto his bed.
I didn't like how much I secretly enjoyed him calling me princess. "You're so full of it, Blake."
He kissed me roughly, as if we didn't have time to spare to be kind to one another. Our hate lingered and I loved it. I winced in pain because of my lip and that caused him to groan into my mouth. He was making it harder and harder for me to not rush this.
I switched spots with Bellamy, God forbid he lets me control one thing. I kissed down his neck being anything but gentle to the parts I knew he was going to have a bruise at tomorrow.
"Fuck," he whispered.
My hands traveled down his chest and before I could do anything he traded spots with me. "Watch yourself princess, if you keep going- I don't think I can stop myself."
"I don't want you to."
Bellamy used his knee to spread apart my legs. He put his hand around my neck and slowly pushed down so I’d be lying flat on my back. I felt my stomach growing butterflies. “I will be anything but gentle with you–” He paused and stared at my lips. “But I think you can take it.”
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pogueswrld · 2 years
Can you please do 68. “ Your back is so tense. Would you like a massage? With John murphy please? Maybe drop ship era?
ask and you shall receive 🫡 although this ask has been sent to me months ago and I only started writing it last night 🫣
*•.¸♡ love confessions ♡¸.•*
pairing: john murphy x fem!reader
summary: after a long day on camp, murphy's tense and only wants to be around his best friend. After spending some time together, he starts questioning if she should tell her about his feelings for her. Maybe he should just act on them. After all, actions speak louder than words, right?
warnings: none really, mostly fluff. forehead kisses, love confessions, he fell first and she fell harder. overall really soft yk
note: reader and murphy have been friends since childhood, okie? okie
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y/n has always been Murphy’s partner in crime. From the moment they locked eyes in the Ark’s cafeteria that fateful day when they were twelve years old. They’ve never parted each other’s side since. You would never see one without the other. If the trouble found one, you’d know the other was sure to follow.
It didn’t come as a surprise to anyone that when John Murphy’s arrest traveled through the spaceship, y/n’s was coming soon after. And by some strange consequences of the universe’s desire, the pair ended up in cells right beside one another.
It could be the dead of night, and you’d hear the pair chatting through the metal walls separating them. You’d find them gossiping or sharing information they gathered on some of the guards. They’d spend every waking moment together. They made it a point to share a lunch table with just the two of them.
When a couple of guards took John for his daily Earth Skills lesson and never brought him back, y/n started banging on the doors. She was scared of the thought that they’d done something to him, or if he did something stupid that would end him up in solitary lock-up. Or even worse; they’d floated him early.
His 18th birthday wasn’t for a few more months, and she was supposed to go first anyway.
She was near tears and still banging at the doors and screaming for someone to tell her where John was when guards unlocked the door and pushed her back against the wall. Silently shoving her to stay still and placing the metal bracelet around her wrist before forcefully dragging her out of her cell and into a line with all the other kids in the Skybox.
That’s how she ended up on Earth, and with John still.
The oldest on camp, some guy named Bellamy, recruited John and a couple of his friends to run the place. y/n didn’t necessarily agree with John’s methods, but he was still her friend and she was always there for him at the end of the day.
She was already in their shared tent (which they had both agreed to since there were around 100 kids in this camp and not nearly enough resources for all of them) when he strutted in. He paused by the tent’s zip door, watching the way she buried her hands in her hair and softly rubbed at her scalp. Her jacket and top were discarded somewhere and the thin tank top she wore underneath them was barely doing its job of covering her. John’s eyes remained on the muscles of her shoulder blades, the way they moved with each flex of her arms. He was mesmerized.
But this was his best friend, and he wasn’t about to make this weird. So he cleared his throat and continued on his way to his assigned side of the makeshift bed they’d been sleeping in. y/n turned to him, noting the way his storm cloud eyes seemed sunken in, his tense shoulders, and his hollowed cheekbones. Her brows furrowed in worry, huddling together between her eyes.
She turned completely to face him, “What’s up with you?”
John shifts his eyes to her face, he had been dozing off to nothing. He scanned her face. She somehow seemed so much prettier than she was that morning. With glowing skin and more defined lips, she looked ethereal in the muffled light of their tent.
“What?” He mumbled, realizing that she had asked him a question and he dozed off staring at her, his eyes jumping from one feature of hers to the next.
She smiled, an action so soft and gentle it made his heart drum. “What’s up with you John? Are you okay?”
He had no idea what she was saying, but he was watching her lips move. He hummed, no idea to what, and slightly nodded. y/n quickly caught up. She knew her best friend, and he only disconnected from reality when it was too much for him.
She sighed and crawled across the bed, she sat behind him. Her hand gently climbed up his tensed back before coming to rest on his shoulders. She let out a sigh before letting her hands climb lower to his chest, her arms coming to hold him from behind as her chin rested on his right shoulder.
John leaned back his head, resting it on her shoulder, and slightly closed his eyes.
“Your back is so tense. Would you like a massage?” y/n mumbled softly. She didn’t want to interrupt the gentle atmosphere they’d created in their little bubble. He hummed.
She slowly pulled back until her hands came to his shoulders again. She let her thumb work in a circular motion on the pressure points of his shoulder blades as the rest of her fingers worked on squeezing the muscle. John breathed a sigh from his nose, his tense back slowly slouching in her hold. She let her hands climb lower, pushing and rubbing at his back until he was at complete ease.
She only let go when his head lulled back to face her with both of his eyes closed. She smiled and gently pressed a kiss to his forehead that shot both of his eyes open to meet her glowing ones. Her smile forced her eyes to squint in the cutest way, and John pulled himself back together before turning to face her.
He sighed and made a show of cracking his back and neck, which she cringed at. “Ew, stop that.” He chuckled, “I’ll get you to do it one day.” She pulled one side of her lips upward in disgust, “Yeah, as if.”
Silence washed over them as they both adjusted their positions so they were more comfortable facing one another. The noise of the kids in camp was drowned out by the crackling fire, and everything smelled of burnt wood. The teens had their eyes locked on one another without a single word passing between them, and they didn’t need any.
For the longest time, y/n thought about her feelings for John. What they meant for the both of them, and how they’d change their dynamic if she was to ever speak of them. Unbeknownst to her, he was thinking the same.
John remembers the first time he felt his heart race to something y/n did for him. She had punched a kid and broken his nose after trying to bully John, she wasn’t having it. He had kept his eyes glued to her, a small splatter of blood tainted her cheeks from the blow of her hit, and she turned to him with a grin that made his stomach drop. They were fourteen.
y/n knew she cared for John more than just a friend when they broke the law for the first time together. Stealing candy from the main kitchen and chewing at them within the air ventilators to steer clear from the guards. The adrenaline pumping through her had her clutching to him and when they both calmed down, she realized he had his arm wrapped around her waist and his hand holding her tightly to him. It burned her face. They were fifteen.
Then again when she traded some of that candy for weed from Jasper and Monty. In the haze of the high, Murphy looked more handsome than the ridiculously boyish she’s grown to know. It made her realize just how much they had grown and how much closer they had gotten. Both emotionally and physically. He was leaning in to kiss her, and she was going to let him, had she not panicked. They were sixteen.
She wasn’t quite ready for their relationship to change back then. And even though it had been a year and some, she believed she still wasn’t. But the way he looked at her then, with his beautiful storm cloud eyes, dissecting every piece of her and trying to claw at her mind to guess her thoughts, she thought about how ready she was.
They were aching to hold each other, but neither one was ready to make the first move, fear paralyzing their every move. Just when the ache got too much to handle, when his heart tugged painfully in his chest, begging him to reach out and hold her hands, to wrap his own around hers, to pull her close enough to smell the burnt wood on her, to keep her close enough to feel her heat radiate into his own, John turned away from her. And somehow that was worse.
Unlike John, y/n was completely present when she was drowning in her thoughts. She saw the conflict of whatever he was thinking about clearly on his face. She saw the way his content expression fell and his lips pulled themselves into a pout. She noticed the way his hand moved from their place on his thigh to his chest, trying so hard to discreetly rub at where his heart sat within his ribcage.
She wished she had his ability to contain himself. She doesn’t. Which was why she was the one to reach out, to hold his hand and push herself closer to him, to rub at the back of his hands and try so hard to not kiss him. 
She was concerned for him though, which was why she held the hand against his heart with furrowed brows, “What’s wrong?” She whispered, her thumb still caressing the space between his thumb and index. Her worried tone brought tears to his eyes, and for once, tough and bad John Murphy whimpered.
She immediately wrapped her hands around his shoulders, holding him tightly as if he were broken pieces of glass that if she held tight enough would be able to glue themselves back together, and it broke his heart.
He remembers the day he heard that she’d been arrested. He had never felt such fear course through him, and it wasn’t the same kind of fear as when he lost his father, this was far more intense and terrifying. He kept asking for her, asking about her, the need for answers made him scream at the door of his cell until Kane showed up at his cell to tell him of her crime and that she will also be held in the Skybox.
She was older than him, so he knew he was going to lose her before she lost him. And the idea petrified him. He cried about it to her once, and she cradled him like she was doing now, silently and gently. He promised himself that, since they were both set to die in a year’s time, he wasn’t going to contain himself when it came to her. He wanted to stand bare before her, tell her everything he’s ever thought of her, tell her everything he’s ever felt for her. Yet somehow they go to live, and he still wanted to hold up that promise.
So he pulled up his head and stared her square in the eye, and even though there were tears trickling down his cheeks, he still looked as pretty as ever. y/n cupped his cheeks and wiped away his tears, her eyes pooling her own as she held them back.
John inhaled a deep breath and blinked his tears away, “I love you.” He mumbled, his face barely inches away from her own, and a fierce look in his eyes. Immediately, she knew exactly what he meant, but the shock of it made her blink rapidly back at him. “What?” She breathed.
“I love you, y/n. I’ve been in love with you since we were kids. I’ve loved you from the moment you stepped into my life. I’ve loved you every time you punched a kid for me. I’ve loved you every time you irritated the shit out of me. I’ve loved you every time you pulled away when I tried to kiss you. I loved you when I thought I was going to lose you, and I love you still. I love you.”
y/n’s lips had parted, and her eyes darted back and forth between his. “I’m so sick of holding that back, of not loving you the way I want to, and if you don’t feel the same way that’s fine, but please don’t pull away from me now.” And he leaned into her, his hand grabbing hold of one of her hands and pressing it against his chest to feel his drumming heart as his face slowly closed the gap that stood between them for years. Then, his lips softly pressed onto hers.
From the moment he had started talking, fireworks had gone off within her at an erratic pace, her heart raced against her thoughts and blood rushed all throughout her body. When she felt his lips lock onto hers, she was gone. Her mind blanked, her eyes closed, her hand clutched at his shirt, and she kissed him back with the same gentleness, scared to scare him off. When he tried to pull away, to look at her, the hand that had been cupping his face held him tighter. She held his face with both of her hands before pulling him back to her lips, kissing him with a burning passion that reassured him more than any words ever could.
And finally, they were loving each other the way they had wanted. The ache in his heart dimmed to nothing as his arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her close enough to his lap. She straddled him and slowly pulled away from his bruised lips. They remained silent as they caught their breaths, their eyes closed in worry that this might just be another dream. But then he chuckled lightheartedly, and she followed.
John opened his eyes and stared at her, nothing but love and adoration sparkling in his gray orbs, and the happiest smile y/n had ever seen on him tugged at his lips. She grinned back at him, her teeth burying themselves in her bottom lip and he sighed. “I love you too, you know.” She mumbled, giggling slightly. “I can never give a little speech like yours though, but I love you so much.” John barked a laugh at her words then nodded.
“Can I kiss you again?” He asked.
She melted in his hold, “Yes, and please don’t stop this time.”
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ilguna · 4 months
last one!! so sorry for clogging ur inbox i hope its okay 😭 could i please request supply run with the second aisle prompts #4 #7 and #21, for clarke griffin!! preferably her helping injured reader :D (ofc doesnt have to be word for word) and! congratulations!!!!! 3k is so impressive and you totally deserve it!!! your writing is amazing! <3
☼ wanheda (Clarke Griffin) ☼
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warnings; swearing, death mention, torture mention, blood, ehh gore, kinda the beginnings of a panic attack?
wc; 2.5k
prompt; 4. "Can you walk? I'd be happy to carry you." AND 7. "You can hold my hand." AND 21. "Just look at me. Forget everything else."
notes; spoilers for end of season 2 and beginning of season 3.
“Hey, is Kane in there?” You ask Bellamy, motioning to the room at the end of the hall that he’s coming from. “I’ve been looking for him everywhere.”
“Yeah, he’s in there with Abby.” He nods, pace slowing. “Hey, a few of us are going into Sector Seven, do you want to come with?”
Your face twists, “No, I’ve got other plans. Who’re you going with?”
“Octavia, Raven, Monty, Jasper, and Miller.”
“You’ve got a full crew.” You wave your hand. “It’ll be crowded if I go. You guys be safe, though.”
“We’ll try. What are your plans?”
“Sneaking out.” You grin. “I’ll catch you later.”
You turn away, walking down the rest of the hallway. When you glance over your shoulder, you find that Bellamy is gone, moving much faster than you. You stop outside of the room, raising your fist to knock on the door to announce your presence, and then Abby speaks.
“I was dreaming we were on the Ark.” Abby pauses. “Before we sent the kids down.” She must get up, there’s a sound of feet shuffling against the floor. She sighs, “Maybe she’s in Sector Seven.”
You close your eyes, picturing the map that was drawn out to mark the territories of the different Grounders. A large portion of it belongs to Azgeda, with Sector Seven being on the bottom right, where Trikru is. It’s not entirely dangerous, but with how close it rides next to Azgeda, it’s not a place you want to be.
“We could send out another search party.” Kane suggests.
“They wouldn’t find her, not unless she’s ready to be found.” Abby says. “(Y/n)’s been trying for weeks, she’s made no progress.”
A man clearing his voice makes you jump out of your skin, head whipping to see where it’s coming from. Sergeant Miller is coming down the hallway, lips pressed together, head tilted disapprovingly.
“What are you doing?”
“I was going to talk to Kane and Abby but I just answered my own question.” You tell him, which isn’t a complete lie. 
You were seeking them out to talk about Clarke, and they managed to answer your question without ever knowing it existed. You wanted to know if they were ready to send you—or anyone else—out again. The answer seems to be no. That doesn’t matter to you, you were planning on leaving either way. You just needed to figure out if you had to sneak through the fence or walk out the front gate.
With that, you flash Sergeant Miller a smile, walking away before he can respond. You navigate your way out of the building and out into the open. Arkadia is crawling with people, especially guards. They don’t seem to be on edge today, which might help you later when you come in through the front.
You walk to your tent, which is tucked snugly off to the side, right next to the fence for easy departure. You were told by Abby that you should be staying inside of the building, sharing a room with someone, whatever. You’re no stranger to a tent, when you landed on the ground, you opted for one, for the sole reason of the fact that you don’t want to share a room.
Besides, there won’t be anyone to tell on you.
You flip the flaps open, ducking in as you enter. It’s a fairly small space, holding the essentials. There’s a cot that takes up half of the room, with a pillow, a sleeping bag, and a blanket neatly folded on top. The other side has a table that you may or may not have stolen, a chair, and a lamp. That’s where your backpack sits.
It’s already packed with the necessities, all you have to do is throw it over your shoulder and pull out the knife stuck in the table’s wood. You leave the tent, no one bats an eye in your direction, making for a quicker escape. You pass your backpack through the fence, and then carefully move through it, yourself. 
It’s usually electrified, but recently they’ve been knocking it back to preserve the energy.
You take your sweet time escaping Arkadia, not caring whether or not someone sees you, because they know better than to send someone after you. They tried that once before, you managed to lose them in the forest in less than fifteen minutes. By the time you were done and coming back, you retrieved them and brought them home.
It was funny. Well, it was funny to you. Abby and Kane weren’t very happy. You got a lecture and then made a false promise that you wouldn’t do it again. And you haven’t had to, because now people know not to follow you outside of the fence.
The moment you’re hidden in the treeline, you relax some. You set your bag onto a rock, digging through it to pull out your knife. You tuck it into your belt to keep it in range to grab. After you zip your bag up, you start in the direction where you believe you’ve caught Clarke’s tracks the most.
She’s clever, and she’s usually very clean with her area, but sometimes the dirt is squishy enough to be considered mud, and you’ll find a boot print. She’ll leave scraps of food, twine, and broken objects behind. She makes an effort to hide them in the bushes and ferns, yet you’re still able to find it.
It might have something to do with the fact that you’re actively seeking it out, therefore making it easier to find. Of course, it could belong to anybody, but there aren’t really nomads around here. There’s the Grounders, who each have their colony to stay in, and then there’s the people of the sky—your people. And you all stay inside your camp and walls.
You know you’re coming close to Clarke, there’s been a few times where you could’ve sworn you were on top of her. She moves too fast, making it difficult for you to actually nail her down. Clarke doesn’t want to be found. As much as you respect that, it would be safer if she stayed in Arkadia, or with the Commander. Being out by herself is a recipe for disaster, especially since she’s not exactly loved by everybody.
There’s a lot of controversy surrounding Bellamy and Clarke. When they pulled the lever, they killed hundreds of people inside of Mount Weather, but ended up saving just as many by ending it there. However, Jasper’s girlfriend was included in the mix, since she couldn’t bear the radiation.
This would make him crucify Clarke. Bellamy didn’t get the same treatment. If he had, then Jasper wouldn’t be agreeing to go with Bellamy to Sector Seven. Then again, at this point in time, Jasper doesn’t care much about anything. He spends most of his time drunk, with Monty taking care of him. You’d bet your favorite hair tie that he was intoxicated this afternoon.
And also, Clarke and Bellamy have handled their guilt differently. Clarke ran, she couldn’t stand to see the faces of those she loved. She didn’t like being called a hero, when she had to kill so many people. She wanted to solve it in a better way. Bellamy stayed, obviously. He’s straightened out, as far as you can tell, just a little rough when it comes to the topic.
You try not to talk about it to anyone who isn’t willing to. You avoid it, pretending like it didn’t happen, even though you were one of the many teenagers that had been ‘saved’. One of your biggest regrets is not listening to Clarke when she told you that you needed to get out with her. 
If you had, you wouldn’t have been tortured by Cage. 
You’re still having nightmares about being strapped down on the table, being stood over by them, a needle in one hand, a saw in the other. The thought, even now, makes goosebumps rise over your arms. You watched the procedure happen to three people before it was your turn.
After walking for a couple hours, you decide you can break into your water. You swing the bag off one shoulder, halfway pulling it in front of you. You unzip the largest pocket, shaking the water out of the bag to keep any miscellaneous from falling out while you do so. When you’re done, you close the top halfway, before uncapping the lid.
You press the cool metal to your lips, tilting your head back as you take another step.
A loud snap fills the quiet air, followed by a blinding pain hitting just above your ankle, pulling you down to the Earth. A scream leaves your lips as you fall to your knees. The water canister is gone, thrown several feet away from you. You watch through tear-filled eyes as the water gushes out, soaking the soil and dry pine needles.
“Fuck!” You scream through gritted teeth. “Oh, fuck!”
A wave of nausea hits you before you look at what has your foot trapped. You twist, turning to sit on your butt, allowing you to see the bear trap. Its teeth have sunken into your skin, stinting the blood flow a little. It pools in the puncture wounds, carefully drawing lines down your skin.
This is when your hands begin to shake. Uncontrollably. You reach for your bag, being careful not to jostle your leg. You rip the zippers open, digging through what’s inside, and quickly come to the realization that you didn’t bring a walkie. A habit that you started because of the Azgeda troops that patrol around this area, and their disregard for the truce.
“Oh.” You breathe. You reach for the trap, but you stop when knives begin to get stabbed in your calf, moving up to your knee. “No, no, no.”
You dip your head, clenching your jaw as you wrap your fingers around the teeth. You count down from three in your head, and on one, you try to pry the teeth open. Except, they don’t budge, all they do is move inside your skin, and send streaks of white across your vision.
The lightheadedness is no joke.
One second you’re upright, the next you’re laying on the ground, grass blades tickling your face. You blink, trying to come back to life, but your eyes roll to the back of your head, taking you out. 
The feeling of needles in your muscles jolts you up, actually awake this time. There’s a girl leaning over your ankle, her long red hair slightly matted on her shoulders. She lets out a sigh, shakes her head, and reaches for your bag.
“Hey.” Your face twists. “Get out of that.”
She stops, fingers pausing over the pocket where you keep the emergency medical supplies. How does she know where to look? She slowly turns her head, familiar blue eyes landing on you, eyebrows raising. There’s a long moment that passes between you two, as you decide whether or not you’re hallucinating.
“Clarke?” You sputter. “What are you doing out here? Why’s your hair red?”
“Hunting.” She tells you gruffly, turning her back to you once more. “This is going to hurt.”
She doesn’t leave you any time to comprehend, much less prepare, for her popping the bear trap open. The pressure relief is immediate, but so is the aching pain that hits you like a truck. You groan, holding your breath, watching your vision coat with stars.
Clarke goes back to your bag, rummaging through to pull out what you have. 
“Where have you been?” You ask. “I’ve been looking everywhere.”
“I know.” She says, voice hard. “You shouldn’t be.”
“Why not?” You shake your head. “I care about you and your wellbeing. I want to make sure that you’re safe.”
“I am.” She tells you.
She pours a small handful of alcohol onto a clean rag. When you suck in a breath to ask her another question, her hand ‘slips’, dumping it into your open wounds. You choke, reaching to grab onto anything to hold yourself steady, but you just pull out a handful of grass, instead.
“You can hold my hand.” Clarke says, a look of remorse on her face. She holds out her palm, and you find it surprisingly clean. 
The same can’t be said for her face. She’s got black coal smeared into symbols on her face, which you can’t identify. From a distance, you’d say that she’s dirty and hasn’t bathed herself. There is no smell to accommodate that assumption.
You take her hand, squeezing her fingers. She takes her time dabbing around the several wounds. You watch as the blood doesn’t stop, the way your skin moves, allowing you to see inside of your body. Every time she presses too hard, the alcohol will find its way inside of one of the bite marks.
Before you know it, you’re breathing heavily, picturing the damage this is going to do to your leg. The way you’ll have to clean it, a task you’re not up to doing. You passed out due to pain, this won’t be any different.
“(Y/n), breathe.” Clarke pauses, face twisted. “Just look at me. Forget everything else.”
“That’s hard.” You say shakily. “Because you’re cleaning out my leg.”
“I know.” She looks off to the side. “How about you ask me a few questions?”
“Are you sure?”
“You came all this way.” She murmurs. “Go ahead.”
“Why’s your hair red?” You ask.
She hesitates, “It’s blood, from my hunts. I did it to hide myself.”
“You don’t wash it?”
“I don’t want to risk being caught.” She shrugs. “You can ask me anything, and you decided to start with my hair?”
You laugh, and then wince, “Fine, when are you coming back?”
Clarke doesn’t say anything for a while, and then it extends beyond a minute. You’re afraid that you’ve ruined the conversation, so you keep quiet. She sighs, “I don’t know.”
“Have you been thinking about it, at least?”
“Yes, but it’d be better if I didn’t right now. It’s not safe.”
“Why?” Your face twists.
“Just…” She shakes her head. “Reasons, I can’t explain them to you right now.”
“Clarke, you know you can trust me.” You tell her.
“It’s not the right time.” She says back. “I’m going to bandage this for you. We shouldn’t stay out here for long, it’s going to get dark.”
She leaves no room for argument, taking her time with the sterile white bandages, breaking it off and tucking it into itself. She pulls you up and onto your feet, where you lean against a tree for support. You can’t put any weight down on your ankle without a blistering pain going through your whole leg.
“I won’t be able to make it back on my own.” You tell her.
She zips up your bag, swinging it onto her free shoulder. “I know, I’ll bring you as close to the gate as I can. Can you walk? I’d be happy to carry you.”
“I’ve got it, I just need you for support.” 
Clarke closes the gap between you two. You put a hand on her shoulder, gripping it tightly as you take each step. “Thank you, Clarke.”
“It’s no problem, (Y/n).”
this was part of my 3k celebration!!!
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bobauthorman · 2 years
The Luffy-Kid Connection
With the recent chapter of One Piece being released, I thought I should talk more about Eustass Kid This isn’t an in-depth analysis of his character and motivations, but instead delves into how he parallels our main protagonist, Monkey D. Luffy.
From the very beginning, Kid is introduced as a dark reflection to Luffy, from having roughly the same bounty (Albeit a little higher) and having a Number 2 with a 9-digit bounty of his own. They even want the same thing, to be Pirate King. Hell, when they are first seen fighting together, they unveil the thematically same technique.
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However, while Luffy and his crew have saved numerous nations from destruction and freed them from tyranny, Kid is infamous in-universe for wreaking havoc on the common folk. It could be easy to write this off as propaganda or exaggeration, but as we see in chapter 594, Kid has no problem with crucifying people he’s beaten. This is a level of viciousness we’ve only seen on the worst of enemies, and a sign that whatever’s said about Kid may not be entirely fabricated. And while Luffy has always been concern about non-coms getting caught in the crossfire, Kid makes it clear he doesn’t care who gets hurt outside of his crew.
Furthermore, there is the matter of humility. Luffy always had people question or mock his dream of being Pirate King, but he just shrugs them off, only throwing down with those who plan on trying to get his way of that. Kid, on the other hand, admits to killing people who laughed at him. Remember the time in Mock Town when neither Luffy or Zoro bothered to fight back against the Bellamy Pirates for mocking the concept of dreams? I sincerely doubt neither Kid or Killer would be so restrained.
When the story brings Kid back into the spotlight, we see he is trying to form an alliance among his fellow pirates…just like Luffy, at the time, went into an alliance with Law to take down one of the Four Emperors. And while Luffy made it clear at the time that he wanted to beat the Emperors except for Shanks (Or, more accurately, that Shanks not be the first), Kid’s prospective alliance was made for the explicit purpose of beating Shanks. And while Luffy’s alliance works out, Kid ends up betrayed and cheated by the pirates he tried to trust.
In Wano, where both men are beaten and captured by Kaido, Luffy and Kid end up in competition over who can do the most labor (And, I am deeply impressed that Kid can carry just as much as Luffy with one arm). But while Luffy helps Old Man Hyo and learns a new Haki technique, Kid walks out as soon as he can, and doesn’t.
And finally, we reach Elbaf, where Kid finds himself in a rematch with Shanks. A very short rematch, to be precise (I was rooting for Shanks, btw), but it’s here that we see two more old friends, Dorry and Broggy from Little Garden. The same technique that once cleared the path for the Straw Hats to sail on their way, it is used to sink Kid’s ship. And speaking of this fight, recollect back to Alabasta, when the Straw Hats saw the Barogue Works fleet but chose not to attack, not wanting to waist their time on small-fry. Kid, on the other hand, made the choice to attack the lesser pirates in Shanks’ fleet…which played a big part in why Shanks waisted no time stomping Kid.
In short, Kid’s role is in part how integral Luffy’s natural kindness and empathy is to his becoming Pirate King…by showing how screwed he’d be without it.
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moonylantsovs · 11 months
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summary: the daughter of marcus kane gets sent down to the ground with ninety-nine other teenage criminals and a fake guard on her eighteenth birthday, deciding to take charge of the camp along with the two people she never thought she'd get along with after her previous experience with authority and the privileged
pairings: john murphy x fem!oc, bellamy blake x fem!oc ( slowburn )
taglist: @lotr-got
warnings: best friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, swearing, choking (not the kinky kind), heartbreak, ANGST, bellamy x gabi development, inappropriate jokes, mentions of self-harm in the beggining
series masterlist
Gabriella Kane was emotionally exhausted, which was a big difference to how she felt when she was stuck in the sky-box. Up there, when she was locked up and getting ready to get executed, she did not need emotions, but she wanted to feel something so badly that she even ended up stealing a guard's knife and carving her initials into the back of her leg, just under her knee. The feeling stung but she was the type of person who thrived off of anger and passion, not pain.
That was not a period in her life she was proud of and looking at the faint scar still made her obnoxiously angry. She felt weak for going to those lengths just to feel something and to feel human. But now, when she was on Earth in the middle of a war, leading a group of teenagers into war against actual warriors, she had to do that without the constant need to scream because two of her best friends were missing and there was nothing she could do about it.
Of course, the first thing Gabriella did when she woke up from the few minutes of sleep she got, was going to grab her gun. Only to realize Bellamy was one step ahead of her and already given orders that only specific delinquents were allowed to carry guns and no one was allowed to go out of camp with them.
"Bellamy, what the fuck?" Gabriella hissed, barging into Bellamy's tent.
He was laying on his back, shirtless, staring at the ceiling of the tent with a thoughtful expression on his face which instantly turned into one of amusement at Gabriella's pissed-off tone.
"Yes, Bambi?"
"Why the fuck did you give out the order that no one is allowed to go out of camp with a gun while I was asleep?" She asked, glaring down at him.
Bellamy shrugged, getting up and purposely flexing his muscles (only irritating Gabriella more) before picking up a shirt and twirling it around, his only intention to provoke her.
Gabriella clenched her jaw before she sighed. "You said we're gonna go looking for them after the sun goes up! It's been up for more than an hour. If we wanna find Clarke and Monty we need to go now."
"You're not going anywhere while I'm here." Bellamy said, suddenly turning serious.
"What are you, my father?" The blonde scoffed.
Noticing the corner of Bellamy's mouth slowly started tugging into a smug smirk, she instantly prepared for his next words by fixing him a warning glare. Which he obviously ignored.
"If you want I could ── "
"Don't you dare finish that sentence." The engineer warned with a scowl.
"No one's going outside." Bellamy said sternly. "You aren't in the right state of mind to be running around the woods with a gun in your hand. We can't risk losing anyone else." Gabriella opened her mouth to say something, only for him to cut her off again, "Wells and Raven agreed."
"Since when do you listen to Wells and Raven?" Gabriella asked, squinting her eyes up at him in confusion.
"I don't." Bellamy shrugged, "But you listen to Raven. So if she's okay with not going looking for her boyfriend if it means keeping everyone safe then so should you."
"I don't care if we find Finn or not. I want to find Clarke and Monty. Monty's an engineer and we need Clarke to get through this. You know that."
"Yeah." The man nodded solemnly. "But I also know I'm not willing to lose another one of our leaders."
"So what? We just sit back and do nothing?" Gabriella asked in disbelief.
"No." Bellamy said and shook his head, "We get ready for war. You can start by helping Jasper and Raven with the gunpowder for the minefield. Go."
"You're dismissing me?" The blonde gaped up at him, not believing he would start treating her like one of her lap dogs around camp.
Bellamy huffed, gripping the shirt in his hands tighter. "If that's what you'd call keeping you alive, then yes. You're dismissed."
Gabriella held her empty blue eyes glued to his dark brown ones before sighing and marching out of his tent. When she was standing outside she ran her fingers through her dirty blonde hair in frustration, feelings unexplainable anger bubbling up in the bottom of her stomach.
She looked around camp and her eyes connected with Murphy's, softening almost instantly. He looked like he was gonna walk up to her but something over her shoulder caught his attention and made him scoff under his breath and then turn around with a permanent scowl on his face. Gabriella furrowed her eyes in confusion and was about to follow him into the supply tent, only for Bellamy's voice to stop her.
"Trouble in paradise?"
The Kane girl turned around to see a shirtless Bellamy giving her a coy smirk, obviously catching her and Murphy's exchange and finding it amusing.
Gabriella quickly caught on to what Murphy probably thinks he saw and shook her head in annoyance. "You're an ass."
Gabriella quickly stopped what she was doing when a loud gunshot was heard through camp. Her eyes widened in alarm and she rushed towards the source of the sound, with Bellamy right next to her and a few other delinquents behind them.
"What the hell is the matter with you?" Bellamy snapped at a panicked Philip, who was supposedly the one who accidentally pulled the trigger of his gun.
"I'm sorry." Philip quickly defended himself, "I fell asleep. I've been on watch all day."
Bellamy clenched his jaw and gripped the top of Philip's jacket, pushing him against a three. "We've all been on watch all day! The bullet was one less dead grounder."
Gabriella stared at her co-leader with wide eyes, surprised by his outburst. Sure, she had seen him angry before but never like this.
"Bell," Octavia quickly chimed in, noticing Gabriella's hesitance to jump in, "you're scaring people."
"They should be scared!" Her older brother was quick to snap. He let Philip go and turned to the crowd surrounding him. "The bomb on the bridge bought us some time to prepare, but that time is up! The grounders are out there right now, waiting for us to leave and picking us off one by one when we do! Clarke, Finn, and Monty are gone, probably dead..."
Gabriella swallowed thickly at his words, gripping her fists tight enough to draw blood as she listened to his speech.
"...and if you want to be next, I can't stop you, but no guns are leaving this camp! This camp is the only thing keeping us alive!" Bellamy's eyes connected with Gabriella's teary ones as he spoke his next words, dismissing the crowd, "Get back to work!"
As she watched Bellamy storm away and back to his tent, Gabriella felt a presence behind her. She looked over her shoulder to see Wells looking down at her expectantly. "You gonna go calm him down or not?"
"Now why would I do that?" Gabriella drawled out, giving Wells an emotionless look.
"Because he trusts you." Wells shrugged as if it was the most obvious thing ever.
"Why do you even care?" Gabriella quickly changed the subject, turning around so she and Wells were standing face-to-face. She gave him a judgmental look. "Aren't you the one that left Monty alone?"
"You really think I wanted that?" Wells scoffs, shaking his head in frustration, "Don't you think I want to go after them too? I love Clarke and Finn and Monty are my friends."
"Really? Because it doesn't really look like you're doing anything that's gonna get the three of them back." Gabriella spat. She brushed past him without sparing him a second look.
"You know what will happen to me if you tell Bellamy."
Gabriella furrowed her eyebrows at the sound of Murphy's taunting voice coming from the walkie that was sitting on the table in the camp she, Raven, Monty, and Jasper reserved for building walking and radios.
She was about to ask what was going on when someone else with the third walkie beat her to it.
"Tell Bellamy what?"
"Murphy has a gun. He killed Myles── "
Gabriella's eyes widened at Jasper's words and she was quick to grab her walkie and rush towards the dropship while speaking into the walkie.
"John, what the hell are you doing?"
Bellamy and Gabriella caught sight of each other at the same moment the dropship door closed. Bellamy instantly threw the cup of water from his hands and rushed towards the door, alongside Gabriella, in hopes of going inside and seeing what was happening before it closed. But they were too slow.
Gabriella banged on the dropship door in anger and frustration, both her and Bellamy calling John's name in the hope of figuring out what he was planning to do.
"Open the damn door!" Bellamy yelled, Murphy's little revenge fantasy only adding to his long list of problems.
"You try to be the hero, Jasper dies."
Gabriella's eyes opened in horror as she tried her hardest to fight back the tears threatening to spill from her eyes. That was not the John Murphy she fell for. That was someone who only cared about revenge. Someone that was willing to kill one of his closest friends to get what he wanted. Someone she did not recognize anymore.
The two remaining leaders of the hundred spent the entire night sitting outside of the dropship. Gabriella tried to make Murphy talk to her multiple times, but he did not budge. Bellamy tried to threaten him, but he still ignored them.
Gabriella has not been this terrified in a very long time. She did not know what Murphy was capable of at that moment. She did not know if he would actually have the guts to kill Jasper who was one of his only friends from The Ark.
Octavia emerged from one of the foxholes and made a B-line towards the two leaders. She panted as she caught her breath before speaking, panic obviously in her voice, "I just heard Murphy has Jasper."
"Yeah." Bellamy nodded, before asking. "South foxhole done?"
(Seriously? Gabriella thought bitterly. John has Jasper locked up and that's what he thinks about?)
"What?" Octavia asked exactly what Gabriella was thinking. "Bellamy, our friend is in there with a killer." She cast the blonde an apologetic glance. "No offense."
"None taken." Gabriella huffed, rubbing her palm over her face, too tired to be delusional about Murphy's murder attempts.
"O, look around." Bellamy started, looking around camp momentarily before looking back at his younger sister. "No one's working. If the grounders attack us right now, we're all dead."
Octavia ignored her brother's words and brushed past the two leaders to stand in front of the door, "Murphy! Murphy, if you even touch Jasper──"
"Octavia." Bellamy tried only for her to ignore him again.
"── I swear to god, you're dead."
"Octavia." Bellamy spoke, louder this time, "We got this."
"Really?" The brunette scoffed, "Because it doesn't look like you're doing anything about it."
Raven cut the argument off by approaching the trio. "Ella, you were right. There's a loose panel on the back. If one of us can pop it, we can get through the floor."
"Good." Gabriela sighed in relief, glad that they finally had a good plan. "You do that. I'm going to stay here, maybe try to keep him from doing anything stupid again."
Realization crossed Octavia's dirt-covered face and she looked down sheepishly, "Sorry."
Gabriella and Bellamy gave them a nod, before the latter picked up the walkie, trying to reach Murphy again. "Murphy, I know you can hear me. All our ammo and food is in the middle level. You know that. You're leaving us vulnerable to an attack. I can't let that happen."
"Yeah, well, in case you haven't noticed, you're not exactly in control right now."
Bellamy looked at Gabriella and let his shoulders slump in defeat. He hesitantly put the walkie to his mouth, "Come on, Murphy. You don't want to hurt Jasper, you want to hurt me."
Gabriella quickly realized what he was going to do and shook her head rapidly."No way ── "
Bellamy kept his gaze locked with the blonde's as he spoke his next words, which could possibly sign his life sentence, "So what do you say? How about you trade him for me?"
"No." Both Octavia and Gabriella said, the moment Bellamy put the walkie in his hand down, but he ignored both of them and spoke again.
"All you have to do is let him go and I'll take his place."
"How?" Murphy asked after a few moments of silence during which he was obviously debating what he was going to do.
"Bellamy." Octavia started, staring up at her brother pleadingly. "If you do this, he'll kill you."
"If I don't he'll kill Jasper."
"Bellamy, you can't seriously be considering this." Gabriella said, looking at her co-leader with a mix of disbelief and fear.
As much as the Kane hated to admit it, she needed him as much as she needed Clarke which meant that losing him was not an option.
"I am." Bellamy said simply, not giving her any room to fight as he spoke into the walkie again. "Simple. You open the door, I walk in, he walks out."
The dropship door started slowly opening as a sign Murphy accepted the offer. Bellamy passed his sister his walkie and started to make his way towards the dropship, only for Gabriella to grip his wrist tightly, almost afraid to let go. And she was, she had no idea what Murphy's plan was and she was scared of what could happen inside.
"You really don't want me to go in with you?" She asked, looking up at him, silently pleading for him to tell her he wanted her to go in. But it was possible it would end up worse if she did and they both knew it.
"We can't have all three leaders gone, Gabi." Bellamy said, his features softening slightly at the fear on the blonde's pale face.
"He won't hurt me."
"I'm not risking that." Bellamy quickly shook his head, surprising both of them with the speed of his response.
"Just..." Gabriella started, sighing softly. "be careful."
Bellamy chuckled, trying to ease the tension. "Don't worry, I won't hurt your little boyfriend too much."
"I'm talking about you." Gabriella corrected, making Bellamy's movements half. "I don't want you to get hurt."
"I appreciate the concern, Bambi." Bellamy said genuinely, smiling slightly, "But I got this."
Just as the last word came out of Bellamy's mouth, the dropship doors opened completely and Murphy's voice echoed through the camp, "Just you, Bellamy, unarmed. Ten seconds, or I'll put one in Jasper's leg."
"Take this." Bellamy said, quickly tugging his gun off his shoulder and passing it to Gabriella.
"We'll find a way to get you out of there. I promise." She told him, gripping his gun in her hand.
"You stay here. If I can't handle him, you're the only one who can. Now, get everyone back to work. The grounders are still coming." Those were Bellamy's last words before he turned around and walked into the dropship.
Not five seconds after Bellamy walked in, Jasper was being pushed out and the door was closing again. It took every cell in Gabriella's body not to run into the dropship. Instead of doing that, she helped Octavia untie Jasper and waited outside, hoping for the best.
"Do what I said." Murphy instructed after the first warning shot rang through the dropship, pointing to the red rope next to Bellamy's feet with the gun in his hands.
"Bellamy?" Came Gabriella's hesitant voice through the walkie, "Bellamy! Talk to me. Are you alright?"
"You want Queenie to know you're alive?" Murphy said, trying his best to keep his burning jealousy at bay. The man in front of him took everything from him. His freedom, his pride and his girl. "Start tying."
"Bellamy, do you copy?" That time it was Octavia's voice and it made Bellamy even more anxious.
"I'm fine." He said after he started tying. "Just a misfire. Now stop worrying about me and get back to work, all of you. And tell Raven to hurry her ass up."
"All right, that's long enough. Tie those two ends together." Murphy instructed, making Bellamy drop the walkie from his jades and do as he was told.
Once he was done, Murphy spoke up again, "All right. Now get up and toss it over."
At that moment it finally dawned on Bellamy what Murphy was planning. He wanted to hang him, just like he did with him. He swallowed thickly before tossing the tied rope up and facing Murphy again, "What do you want me to say? You want me to apologize? I'm─ I'm sorry."
"You got it all wrong, Bellamy. I don't want you to say anything. I want you to feel what I felt, and then...then I want you to die." Murphy said, glaring daggers at Bellamy.
"Is this about, Gabi?" Bellamy asked, noticing how Murphy's jaw tightened at just the mention of the girl he obviously has feelings for. "Nothing happened, okay? She doesn't feel anything for me. But she does for you. Are you really gonna do this to ── "
"Shut up." Murphy barked, tightening his grip on the gun in his hands. "We're not here to talk about girls. Now pull the stool under the rope and stand on it."
Once Bellamy did what he told him to, the red rope was right in front of his face. It was at this moment that he started to lose hope until Gabriella's voice was heard from the walkie on the floor.
Her voice was soft and pleading, making him stiffen instantly.
"I know you can hear me. You don't have to do this, okay? Don't hurt him and everything will be fine. Everything will go back to the way it was. Just don't hurt him."
His stomach was heavy with envy at how quick Gabriella was to defend Bellamy and plead for him not to kill him. But a part of him also melted at her words, sensing the sadness and desperation in her tone. She did not want to be the only one left standing. She did not want to lead the delinquents through the war alone.
He held eye contact with Bellamy, to make sure he didn't move. Then, he picked up the walking and spoke into it with an apologetic tone. "I don't have a choice, Ellie."
"Yes you do." She responded stubbornly. "Just care about me more than you hate him. We'll figure it out, together. As long as you let him go."
"I'm sorry, Ellie." Murphy sighed. "But that's not gonna happen."
And just like that, the walkie was smashed into pieces when Murphy dropped it on the floor as hard as he could. He aimed his gun back at Bellamy, who was looking at him in disgust.
"This is insane." Bellamy started. "The grounders could ── "
Murphy cut off his pleading by shooting a gun at the fall nonchalantly, successfully shutting the older boy up.
"Put it over your head." He instructed, twirling the red rope in his hand.
Bellamy huffed and followed his instructions. "Happy now?"
Murphy tugged the rope, making Bellamy stumble a bit. He chuckled at the sight, "You're so brave aren't you? I mean, you came in here thinking you were just gonna turn this whole thing around, that you were stronger than me, and maybe one of your friends would come and help you. Well, what do you think now, Bellamy? Hm?"
Bellamy desperately gripped the rope around his neck and tried to keep his feet on the stool when the boy in front of him started tugging it faster.
"You know. I gotta hand it to you, Bellamy." Murphy taunted, "You got 'em all fooled. They actually look up to you, almost as much as they look up to Ellie and Clarke. Yeah, well, we know the truth, don't we? You're a coward. I learned that the day you kicked out the crate from beneath me. What did you say, again? That you were just giving the people what they wanted, right?"
"I should have stopped them." Bellamy admitted. I should have listened to her.
"Yeah, it's a little too late for that now."
"You think they're just gonna let you walk out of here?" Bellamy asked, trying to stall and give Raven a chance to get the door opened.
"Well, I think the princess is dead...but I know the king's about to die, so who's really gonna those people, huh?"
"You're forgetting about Gabi." Bellamy was quick to say, knowing that he would hit a nerve but also saying the truth. "You know, the only person that somehow saw through your psychopath facade when everyone else gave up on you. But you know you're gonna lose her as soon as you walk out if you kill me."
Murphy tried to look unfazed by his words but gripped the rope tighter and spoke as if Bellamy did not say anything, "Maybe I'd have to kill your grounder-pounding little sister ── "
Bellamy anger flared at the bare mention of his sister's life being in danger and he tried to kick Murphy with his feet but it only made him lose balance and almost fall. Murphy relaxed his hold on the rope when there was a yelp heard from under the floor. He smirked coyly. "I'm guessing that's her right now."
Much to Bellamy's dismay, Murphy started shooting blindly at the floor until he ran out of bullets. He panicked when he saw he ran out and kicked the stool from under Bellamy.
Noticing Bellamy was trying to breathe by holding his hands between the rope and his throat, Murphy tugged on the rope again. "Using your hands is a cheat. Mine were bound, remember?"
Bellamy was just starting to turn blue when the dropship door let out a loud creak and started to open.
"Raven, you did it!" Jasper's voice was heard outside.
Murphy started panicking and rushed to the upper level of the dropship when Gabriella, Octavia, and Jasper barged into the dropship.
Gabriella's eyes widened at the sight of Bellamy hanging from the dropship ceiling by a red rope and did not hesitate even a second before she took her axe out of the waistband of her jeans and cut him down.
Bellamy grunted in pain as soon as his body hit the floor and Octavia was quick to get on the floor, right above his head, and take the rope off his neck. "Bell, breathe. Breathe."
"Can you breathe?" Jasper asked, looking at his leader in concern.
When Bellamy took a deep breath of air, all three of them sighed in relief.
"Good. You're okay. You're okay." Octavia cooed.
"Wells, Raven, he's fine." Jasper yelled to the duo, who were still under the dropship.
As soon as Bellamy caught his breath, he got to his feet, ignoring Gabriella's attempts to stop him, and rushed to the hatch that led to the second floor.
"Murphy!" He yelled, "Murphy! It's over."
He grunted and started climbing up on the ladder, still yelling Murphy's name in anger. Gabriella watched as he failed to open the hatch and pleaded, "John! Open the door!"
"There's only one way out of this for you now!" Bellamy threatened, banging on the hatch.
All four of them on the first floor are startled when a loud explosion is heard from the second floor. The explosion must have gotten the hatch open since the next time Gabriella looked at Bellamy, he was opening it and climbing up to the second floor.
Gabriella quickly followed him up and almost choked on the amount of smoke that filled her lungs. The smoke makes her vision blurry but she's still able to see that all the gunpowder is gone and there's a huge hole in the wall, with Murphy nowhere in sight.
Jasper came in between Gabriella and Bellamy, who were staring at Murphy's blurry figure running away through the woods.
"The guy knows how to make an exit." Jasper comments, making both present leaders give him a deadpan look. "Should we go after him?" Jasper asked them after a moment of silence.
"No. Grounders will take care of Murphy." Bellamy was quick to shake his head, trying his hardest to ignore Gabriella's crestfallen expression.
"We're going after Clarke, Finn, and Monty." Bellamy started, surprising both Gabriella and Jasper. He held eye contact with Gabriella and added, "You were right. We don't abandon our own." Then he turned to Jasper and said "Two guns...you and me. That's it."
"Like hell." Gabriella scoffed. "I'm going with you."
"Now you're pushing it." Bellamy rolled his eyes. "You'll stay here with Raven to build up defenses. We lost a day because of this, and our gunpowder."
Gabriella's shoulder slumped in defeat, knowing he was right but still not feeling comfortable with him and Jasper going out there alone.
Bellamy turned around to make his way down when Jasper stopped him. "Bellamy, wait." The curly-headed man looked at him expectantly and Jasper let out a nervous breath. "Look, I just..."
Jasper could not find the right words to say 'thank you' so he wrapped his arms around Bellamy's shoulder and pulled him into a hug instead. Bellamy froze while Jasper whispered "thank you" and looked at Gabriella with a mix of panic and confusion.
Despite the situation they were in, Gabriella smiled faintly at the scene and bit back a chuckle, amused by the panic on Bellamy's face. The eldest Blake patted Jasper's back awkwardly.
Jasper pulled away and grinned. "Long way from 'whatever the hell you want'."
Bellamy let out a breathy chuckle but Miller's voice from the walkie broke up the moment. "All gunners! We got movement outside the south wall!"
The trio on the second floor shared a look before they sprinted outside of the dropship.
"Wait!" Miller yelled at the gunners ready to shoot. "Hold your fire! It's Clarke and Finn! Open the gate!"
Gabriella waited for the teenagers to open the door and let out a sigh of relief when Clarke came into camp with Finn behind her. The Kane did not waste a second to pull her best friend into a bone-crushing hug. Clarke stumbled backward a bit but wrapped her arms around the older girl's waist, letting out a sigh of relief herself.
Once they pulled away Clarke looked at the girl in front of her in confusion. "Hey, we heard an explosion. What happened?"
"Murphy happened." Bellamy answered for Gabriella, knowing she definitely did not want to talk about what happened a couple of moments earlier.
Jasper jogged towards Clarke and pulled her into a hug. "Thank god! Where have you been? Where's Monty?"
"Monty's gone?" Clarke asked, gaping in surprise.
Gabriella did not get a chance to panic because Finn spoke up from behind Clarke. "Clarke, we need to leave, now. All of us do. There's an army of grounders, unlike anything we've ever seen, coming for us right now. We need to pack what we can and run."
"You want us to run?" Gabriella scoffed, "We knew this was coming and we're not gonna run like a bunch of cowards to save our own ass."
"Ella," Octavia called out, "we're not prepared."
"And they're not here yet. We still have time to get ready. Besides, where would we go? Where would we be safer than behind these walls?" Bellamy exclaimed, backing Gabriella up.
"There's an ocean to the east. People there will help us." Finn said, making Octavia snap her attention to him.
"You saw Lincoln."
"Yeah." Finn nodded and Bellamy could not help but scoff at his words.
"You expect us to trust a grounder?"
"Especially after our people locked him up and tortured him." Gabriella agreed, "He led us into a trap last time. What makes you think this isn't another one?"
Bellamy nodded at her words before turning to the crowd of teenagers around them. "This is our home now. We built this from nothing with our bare hands! Our dead are buried behind that wall in this ground! Our ground! The grounders think they can take that away. They think that because we came from the sky, we don't belong here. But they're yet to realize one very important fact; We are on the ground now, and that means we are grounders!"
While Gabriella grinned in agreement, the other delinquents let out a bunch of 'yeah's' and Miller added, "Grounders with guns!"
"Damn right!" Bellamy exclaimed, "I say let 'em come!"
"Bellamy's right." Clarke cut in, making all attention turn to her. "If we leave, we may never find a place as safe as this. And god knows, in this world, we could be faced with something even worse tomorrow. But that doesn't change the simple fact that if we stay here, we will die tonight. So pack your things. Just take what you can carry, now."
When she was done with her speech, Clarke turned towards her two co-leaders with an apologetic look.
"You can't be serious." Gabriella said, shaking her head.
"I am." Clarke said, biting her lip. "If we stay here we die."
"But at least we die fighting." Gabriella was quick to shoot back and she was ready to keep arguing when Wells' weak voice caught her attention.
She turned around to see him trying to carry a half-conscious Raven in his hands. She rushed towards the pair, Clarke, Finn, Bellamy, and Jasper following right behind her.
"What happened?" Clarke asked, her eyes wide in horror.
"Murphy shot them." Jasper told her, noticing blood on Wells' shoulder.
Finn swiftly took Raven into his arms and Clarke grabbed Wells' shoulder to stop the bleeding. The Griffin hurriedly ordered Finn, "Get her onto the dropship."
Everyone except the three leaders headed inside and Bellamy looked down at Clarke with a stoic expression. "Clarke, leaving here is a mistake."
"The decision has been made." Clarke stated simply.
"God, you're acting like such a hypocrite right now." Gabriella scoffed and glared at her friend. "If all three of us are leading this camp and the two of us want us to stay then we're supposed to stay. This isn't absolutism. You can't decide everything by yourself."
Clarke looked taken aback by the attitude in Gabriella's voice but quickly recovered and met her with an emotionless expression. "The people made the decision. I'm just making this easier for all of us."
"Crowds make bad decisions." Bellamy chimed in. "Just ask Murphy. Leaders do what they think is right."
"I am."
Gabriella and Bellamy watched Clarke walk into the dropship with defeated looks on their faces. Bellamy let out a sigh, "This is why you're my favorite."
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