#ben’s is also Clarke????
shuutingstar · 1 month
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Omg why is Aiden’s last name spelled like that??? Which one of you losers (affectionate) changed the spelling 😭🤨
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iamumbra195 · 28 days
Since Ashlyn's birthday is apparently June 3rd and she's just as obsessed with Spider-Man as I am... I present to you the idea of Ashlyn and the gang in 2023 as college seniors going to watch Across the Spiderverse (which was released on June 2nd) together for her birthday and getting a shit ton of Spider-Man merch.
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clownin44 · 2 months
Good news, rarepairers and multishippers
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collidew1thesky · 4 months
i am kinda sure logan’s grandparents are getting the sedatives from their plants, since anesthesia can be naturally occurring too such as cloves, thyme, turmeric, maybe lavender and valerian root too but im not sure how effective they would be so i might be 100% wrong
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batfleckgifs · 11 months
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womp-womp-waa · 7 days
It was over. Ashlyn was out of the phantom dimension. It was all over now. She was free.
"Are you happy now?"
Logan's voice interrupted the tranquility of her room. It was silent no music, no voices, no sound, just her breathing. His haunting voice echoed off of the walls, of course something had to break the peace. Turning away from him she tried to find a book to read. She never liked reading, but it's never too late to pick up a hobby, right?
"Awww, come on Ash don't ignore us."
Aiden and Ben were both standing next to eachother. She could not escape them, could she? They were always around her house, they never give her the peace and quiet she needed. Blindly, she grabbed a book. She didn't care what book just give her something to distract herselt with.
"We came here to check up on you. You've just been so distant recently."
"Go away." Was all she muttered in response to Taylor. She opened the book chapter one. Okay, reading is meant to be good for you, right? And it's meant to be relaxing, so if she read she would be relaxed, right? Then she would be left alone, right?
"Don't be rude, carrot"
"Go away" She said it louder this time. She wanted them gone. She needed them gone.
Ashlyn heard them move closer to her. Stop it. Leave. None of you are welcomed here. She wanted to speak, she wanted to yell, but her voice wasn't working.
Their voices started to overlap one another.
"What're you reading?"
"Please don't ignore us."
"Why won't you let us help?"
"You know being inside this much won't help"
"Maybe if you spent more time with us then we wouldn't be-"
She screamed, seemed like her voice finally seemed to work. "AND LEAVE" She needed them gone. Why couldn't they leave?
Suddenly, their worry was replaced with laughter. Cruel. Malicious. Evil. Laughter.
"Awwww you scared, Ash?
"Why are you so surprised?"
"After all it is all your fault."
"Your the reason why we were in that place anyways."
"And your the reason why we're dead."
When she looked up again, they were silent. Standing over her she saw their white, haunted, dead eyes. It was her fault they were gone. She couldn't protect anyone.
Ashlyn could see all of their ugly scars and injuries. Scratches, claw marks, holes. They all started to poor out the crimson blood that she had become all too familiar with over the past year.
It's all your fault
Every single one of them were unique and special in their own way. None of them were similar, that's what made this unlikely group so special to her.
Aiden could always make her smile or laugh. Although, at times he could be unbearably loud for her sensitive ears, he learnt and made an effort. She she learnt as well.
Ben was the first person who she became friends with in their group. He was peaceful, quiet and she knows that it's not his choice but it still meant everything to her.
Logan, who used to be bullied. They let themselves be pushed around by people who didn't understand their worth. And so the group taught them how to fight back, how to stand up for themselves. And seeing that change and witnessing Logan become more confident and comfortable with themselves was magical.
Taylor, one of the sweetest people Ashlyn's ever had the pleasure of meeting (even though she hasn't met that many). Always thinking of others, always buying stuff for people, always being there. She learnt how to dance just for Ashlyn and so she practiced routines with her.
Tyler was the one who people always saw as angry and aggressive. But he was so much more than that. Sure he may have hid behind the aggression, but the amount he cares about people is endless. Tyler cared about his family the most and eventually they all became a part of his family, not that would ever admit it.
They were all so wonderful to be around. They all knew how to make her laugh. They all became eachothers family.
But it was all gone and she will never feel that love again.
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afrogwhocantdraw · 1 month
Spiderman Au p2
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She has "the killies" as part of her suit and they help her grasp walls better when she's still getting used to her spider sticking-to-wall thing (she also has the equivalent of the killies on her gloves to help with combat).
Part of her suit is also her noise cancelling headphones because it can get overwhelming in fights (like in the fight with Barron) but she can adjust the affect if she's trying to track someone.
Also she like to travel with her hair outside of her suit because it's more comfortable but when she needs to remain as undercover as possible she tries to get her hair like she wears it to ballet (whenever she finds it difficult Tyler gets annoyed on her behalf and does it for her)
Taylor (as spider-woman, so they don't know it's her) while giving the group tips has often said Ashlyn will find movements easier cause of her flexibility (she's right).
Also she's saved Aiden from hitting the floor more times than she can count (often because he was trying to show off and it ended up backfiring)
im not sure who to do next, it'll probably be Ben or Tyler
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best-bro-ben · 8 days
What do you do when you find out some of your friends are actually not very nice
And your brother and cousin are leaving with the rest of their friends so you have to go with them
Even though you still don't know if your parents are going with you
But you..
You still want to know why they did it and why they didn't say sooner
I want to know for a friend
Not one of the people I'm talking about though
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normalties · 6 months
JUST finished watching s5 of bbc ghosts (I was waiting for it to appear on demand on TV + waited to watch it with my sister) and yeah.
anyways have a caphavers mitski edit because I'm absolutely broken
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iamumbra195 · 1 month
Ashlyn Spider-woman AUs are genuinely so funny because this girl would hate it so much.
She already has to deal with sensitive hearing now she has to worry about super strength, spider senses and sticky hands that only relax when she's calm which is like never because how on Earth is she supposed to calm down when she can punch through walls without breaking her arms and can practically sense everything within a mile-radius?!
The sensory overload would be painful as hell too.
If it was set in the canon universe, I think she'd tell her parents and they would all work together to figure out her powers. They'd probably use all the junk in the bus graveyard to gauge how much she could carry and how strong she was overall.
Over time, she'd probably get used to her powers, maybe even find some of them fun. Sticking to the ceiling and just chilling there for hours without all the blood rushing to her head was kinda nice and seeing her dad's reaction to her sticking to the ceiling for the first was entertaining. Plus, the powers made her even more flexible and she's into ballet. This girl would love being able to jump super high.
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But she only really uses her powers at home where she feels like she doesn't need to hide it anymore. I don't think she'd feel the need to ever become a spider-woman. They'd managed just fine without her before and Alto was a pretty boring town. She wasn't a superhero anyway. I don't think her parents would ever want her to put herself in danger like that either. Plus, they don't their daughter to get attention from any unsavoury people or the government. They were both in the military after all. They knew how corrupt and messed up the government could be and they didn't want Ashlyn anywhere near it.
But then the new school year starts and there's a weird new kid that makes her senses prickle with unease. In fact, almost everything about her first day back at school makes her uneasy. The new kid. The shoe that almost took her head off. The new teacher. The field trip. The new kid.
Aiden just won't leave her alone and it was irritating. He was loud and talked too much as well. Still, her dad wanted her to give it a shot and it couldn't be that bad. It was just a field trip, she'd been to plenty of those.
Although the last field trip she went on was the reason she ended up with her superpowers... She really didn't want to go. Especially with Aiden constantly pestering her about it. Agreeing to go felt like losing. Urgh.
She ends up going and at first, it's not bad. All until a woman offers to give them a free tour of a 'haunted' house. Ashlyn doesn't want to go. Something about the whole situation was making her uneasy. But the others all wanted to go so she went with them. The uneasy feeling along with the phantom noises that kept getting louder made it even worse, sweat collecting in her palms and the urge to flee only getting stronger.
So when she sees that creature and the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end, she doesn't catch her reaction fast enough, hastily taking a few steps back.
"Ash?" Aiden said and there was a hint of concern in his voice. The others were all staring at her with varying looks on their faces, from concern to irritation. It wasn't real. She needed to calm down. It was just a hallucination. It wasn't real. It wasn't real.
But what if it was, the paranoid voice in her mind whispered. She had superpowers, who's to say that demons or ghosts couldn't be real?
She shook the thought away, tearing her eyes away from the creature and taking a deep breath before turning back to her classmates. She was being ridiculous. "Sorry, I thought I saw some-"
She was paralyzed in place when she saw them staring past her with terrified expressions, senses blaring with warning as a cold, slippery hand wrapped around her arm.
It was real.
And it was right behind her.
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clownin44 · 3 months
I think it'd be cool if they got Ben a little whistle or something so he can alert them when he's in danger / lost since he can't call for help like everyone else
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uki-sleepdeprived · 6 months
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It already has writing cause I posted it on Pinterest and don't know how to add text-
ANYWAYS- has anyone else noticed this? Like, who is that outside??? Plus the cranes???
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batfleckgifs · 1 year
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─ Son of sun and Knight of Night. 
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womp-womp-waa · 24 days
@moonbiine, I wonder who's fault this could possibly be
Aiden knew it was bad news when his parents came to him and told him that he's going to be an older brother. He'll be the one to take care of them and he'll be the one who loves them. Not their parents, sure his mother always remembered to tell Aiden how excited they were to have him, atleast until he was born. Then he became a problem and he will do everything in his power to make sure that his new sibling won't be anything like him. He would love them no matter what.
Atleast that's what he thought.
From the moment she was born, she was loved. Immediately, she was given a different life from him. His parents stop going on so many business trips, which caused Aiden to stop going out of his room. This made Aiden feel alone in the world, especially since he didn't have Ben anymore. His family deemed him well enough to go back to the, of course Aiden was happy for him and he felt like he wouldn't be utterly alone since he was going to have someone new to spend time with. But that was all delusion. Just false hope for a better life.
They named her Cara. Cara the light of their life, their only child. Even with his parents home Aiden was continously pushed to the side with Cara being in the spotlight. Everyone would practically melt whenever she laughed or even if she just blinked everyone would act like they just got a kitten. He hated it. He hated Cara.
Constantly, his mother never failed to remind him and others "Aiden was our practice child", "Just a test to see how we can improve". And everyone believed them. How couldn't they? He was a freak, he wouldn't stop smiling or he wouldn't stop smiling. Either no emotion or too emotional. Nothing he did was good.
But, of course perfect Cara didn't have any of these problems. No why would she? Afterall, he was only the practice child, the failure, the mistake. Everything she did was just a ray of sunshine, rainbows and unicorns. She was loved by everyone. Even when his parents had a business trip that they would normally move for, they didn't move. Why, that would hurt Cara's social life, how would she keep her friends, it's not healthy for her to be moving constantly. Consistency is the most important part of a young child's life, those were the excuses his parents gave. He was glad they weren't moving away from his friends. But what about him? They were constantly moving when he was her age. What's so special about her and what's so different about him?
He really wanted to love Cara, he really did. But he couldn't no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't. She was everything he wasn't.
The golden child and the problem child, what a great duo
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team canada explores wjc fan fest
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afrogwhocantdraw · 22 days
SBG Spiderman au p3!!
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The quality is horrific but anyways
Ben!! I love him alot
Fun fact! His spider suit design is (very) loosely based on a bold jumping spider (I think that's the name anyway)
At some point he drops his phone from a building in the middle of a fight and it breaks so Taylor designs a keyboard built into the arm of his suit so he doesn't have to get his phone out to communicate with the rest of the team (the notifications pop up inside the eyes of their suits)
He's also the first person to figure out that their mystery spider mentor is actually Taylor, she makes him swear to secrecy though (he tries so hard not to laugh when the others are all theorising who she could be)
Aiden also buys the suits they wear in canon in this au aswell, but they only really wear them when doing surveillance (and even then they wear them over their suits)
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