#besides his relationship with his mentor and Hunter
agrebel18 · 1 year
Reblog if Darius Deamonne. 
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I feel like for the first few years of guardianship Darius and Hunter really struggle to figure out how to refer to each other.
Like it's easier for Hunter, he pretty quickly settles on "guardian" for explaining their relationship to other people and just referring to Darius by name when talking to the man himself. Overtime the phrasing gradually warms, becoming "foster parent" and eventually, once Hunter's already an adult old enough to move out, "Dad".
(Sidenote: he doesn't move out til he's in his mid to late twenties, bc he's under no obligation too, Darius low-key doesn't want him too, and the two of them want to make up for lost time in a sense, since Hunter only had 2 years of legal dependency on Darius before aging out of the system. Darius adopts Hunter retroactively as an adult)
Darius on the other hand has a real conundrum on his hands for those first few years. He has a lot of options! But "ward" is too formal and makes it sound like Darius picked him up off the street like after his parents were murdered, "apprentice/student" isn't really accurate considering the focus of Darius and Hunter's relationship has less to do with Hunter learning magic and more to do with Hunter being housed and fed. "Kid" and "foster son" are there...but...
Look, Darius isn't going to refer to Hunter more familiarly than Hunter refers to him! He's not gonna make it WEIRD. He's not a dad, because Hunter doesn't want/need him to be (and also parenthood is scary <3). Darius doesn't know the first thing about being a dad, despite how his friend group teases him.
Eda and Eberwolf are the two who are worst about it. They torture him with how 'fatherly' he's allegedly being (allegations Darius will DENY til his GRAVE!!!) And Eda specifically compares his journey to hers, saying it always starts off with you referring to them as your apprentice (again, Darius doesn't plan on doing that), as your roommate (...kinda weird in Darius' opinion? But okay Eda), or even your pet (????HELLO???). But eventually, they always become your dumb kid when you least expect it.
She's had a couple cups of appleblood by this point, but Darius knows on some level she's right and he's steadfastly ignoring that fact, even as Eber continues to refer to Hunter as his "cub" (kinda cute but Darius doesn't know how Hunter would feel being compared to an animal). The only people who are even remotely reasonable about all this (besides Lilith who's a bit disinterested in kid talk) is Raine and Alador, who both sort of neutrally, a bit awkwardly refer to Hunter as Darius' Boy.
Darius referring to Hunter as "my boy" is funnily enough what sticks the longest before it evolves to son boy. Hunter's crushing it at a derby match? Darius is whooping and cheering, yelling "THAT'S MY BOY!!!" At the other parents in the stands. Hunter is doing something dangerous or inadvisable where others can see him? "Darius, your boy-" "AHH! MY BOY". Hunter, a year into his stay with Darius finally comes clean about everything to do with him being a grimwalker, and is afraid that he's going to go back to seeing him as just an inferior replacement for Darius' beloved mentor? Darius (who has just had to process some of the most bonkers, emotionally heavy information in his life) gently, hesitantly puts a hand on his shoulder (the 'good' one Hunter doesn't mind people touching), and says that Hunter's much more than that. He's Darius' Boy and he's not going to kick him out or get angry or love him any less for things out of his control. It's good. They're good.
Like I said, it evolves over time and 'boy' becomes somewhat obsolete as the two get caught up in the joy of finally feeling able to explicitly refer to each other as family. But unlike "guardian" or "ward" the word never gets fully retired. Even when Hunter is 30 and is arguing that he's more of a man than a boy now, he is still getting referred to by Darius as "his boy", the way some parents never really stop calling their adult kids baby or kiddo (Camila and Eda respectively btw).
Hunter makes one of those corny matching shirt sets at some point for a father's Day gift when he's 17/18, where the two shirts say "if lost, return Boy to me" (Darius) and "I'm Boy" (Hunter). Hunter mostly did it so he could own a funny shirt that says "I'm boy". Darius openly weeps upon seeing them. Like Oh my Titan he's boy. He's my boy. Oh wow
#ramblings of a lunatic#the owl house#toh#hunter toh#darius deamonne#dadrius#made this instead of finishing my dadrius week day 1 comic. it's okay i have time#i think this post dips it's toes into being one of those 'part writing drabble/part textpost analysis' posts#which I'm okay w/ tbh i love those#i just hope it reads well#the important thing about dadrius + eberwolf to me is that it's just as unlikely a trio as King Eda and Luz are#just as weird and has just as gradual and retrospectively funny a journey as them#i also specified foster parent instead of adoptive parent just bc i read it in a fic once where Hunter was placed in isles foster care-#-post canon and he had a social worker who was a gargoyle named Chantelle. it was delightful#this is my homage to that. the fic was 'the titan laughs in flowers' i think (thank you user yardsards for the rec)#alador still gets the instinct to refer to Hunter as the golden guard and amity gets on his case about it#so referring to Hunter as darius' boy grew out of that and spread to raine who finds it kind of adorable#darius refers to hunter as his foster son for the first time when his (darius' i mean) family comes to visit#not as like a statement of anything they don't deny Hunter as a deamonne. they love him like they love a scraggly cat#but just like. it felt right for Darius in the moment and Hunter got emotional about it#anyway happy early dadrius week I'm rotating them in my mind I'm biting down on them like a chew toy etc etc
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nectarclan · 7 months
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Hazelshade's Deepdive-ish
Hazelshade was one of the founders of NectarClan, who fled her home clan of AspenClan due to the wars.
Hazelshade was born within the rocky plains of AspenClan, to her mother Mintpool and her father Bristlegorse. She was the final attempt for the older cats to continue their lineage of grand warriors.
Bristlegorse and Mintpetal were well known within AspenClan for being formidable warriors and fighters for their clan. Bristlegorse himself being the deputy of AspenClan. When the two were blessed with Hazelkit, they were thrilled their lineage would live on through her and they were certain that she too would be a grand warrior just as they were. Already there was so much weight and expectation on Hazelkit's shoulders.
Hazelkit was barely able to leave the nursery when Bristlegorse wanted to get her started on her training. Little things here and there. How to do the hunter's crouch, Leaping and pouncing. He was determined that she would follow in his footsteps.
When it was her time to become an apprentice, it was to Bristlegorse and Mintpetal's dismay that Hazelpaw was assigned to none other than Leaptail. A cat that the two parents believed would serve no good to Hazelpaw. If anything he'd be a bad influence on her, that was if he would be planning to actually stick around to train her. Hazelpaw herself saw her parents' dismay and too mimicked it, if her parents weren't happy with Sagestar's choice then perhaps she shouldn't be either. Although she wasn't going to sit around and mope about it. No. This just meant she had to train all that more harder.
Despite it all, Hazelpaw would pursue in her training and would eventually earn her warrior name, Hazelshade. While Leaptail wasn't the best mentor, he certainly stepped up to the challenge of getting her battle ready as soon as possible. Although Hazel's parent's opinion of the tom, certainly caused a wedge between the relationship the mentor and apprentice could of had. From what she had seen from many mentor and apprentice pairings, the apprentices often saw their mentors as another figure they could find solace within, trust, wisdom and even friendship. But Hazelshade put her barriers up so Leaptail couldn't even attempt to get close.
During the fateful battle were Leaptail's brother, Fleetfoot lost his life, Hazelshade noticed how Leaptail grieved for his brother. She also noticed the lack of emotion that flowed through the clan and herself. Much of the clan kept their emotions to themselves, Hazelshade included. But she couldn't help but feel for Leaptail.
Hazelshade was a little surprised when Leaptail approached her with his outlandish plan to leave the clan and make a new clan. Frankly if she wasn't so curious about what was beyond the borders and the fruitless fighting, she would of laughed at him. But when he left saying she was welcome to come with, she couldn't help but feel the pull to leave on this new adventure. After all, if it was as ridiculous as it sounded, she could always come back,,,right?
That night she lay in her nest thinking about what it would be like beyond the territories. She couldn't get the thoughts of the adventure out of her head. All the while she also couldn't stop thinking about, what were these battles all about? Nothing ever seemed to come out from them. All besides bloodshed and loss. What WERE they fighting for? Territory? Honour? Pride? Was it something she could even stand for?
She mulled on it for days. It was only within the last few moments when she truly decided that she would leave everything she knew for the greater world. It was there where she decided that if she didn't know what she was fighting for...she wasn't going to fight!
Once the ragtag group of cats had settled she was once again surprised when Leaptail, now Leapstar approached her asking her to be his deputy. She was about to argue that she hadn't got the experience or anything, before she was cut off by the leader as he explained his reasoning for choosing her. Unsure, yet she still hesitantly accepted.
Throughout the moons, she kept trying to decide if leaving was the right thing to do. She often wondered if it was worth heading back. But as each day passed the harder it was to reason with herself to go back. She found herself coming to enjoy this new life. The new friends she was making and all the while she had actually made her father's dream a reality, she did in a way follow in his footsteps and here she was deputy of her clan, her home.
The moons continued to pass and as NectarClan continued to feel like home. She found comfort and solace within Dreamfreckle. A cat who had also joined from the previous territories. The more time she spent with the dark furred molly, the more she found she couldn't live in a world where they would be separated. Dreamfreckle was the only cat that she could truly trust and rely on. The only one would saw her true emotions. If she had stayed in AspenClan she would of never felt this overwhelming comfort and happiness. No, if anything, Dreamfreckle would of been her enemy.
With that final thought put to rest. It was clear that yes, NectarClan was Hazelshade's home and it always would be.
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calimera62 · 1 year
One thing I love about the musical, yet is quite underrated, is Alfred and Professor Abronsius’s relationship. I think they have a lot of potential, beside the comedic aspect of them being amateur vampire hunters who failed at their job.
When you think about it, Alfred and Abronsius have a lot in common. They’re both alone, both friendless, both bookish, both seen as a bit weird.
Alfred is most probably an orphan (during “He, Ho, He” he basically says no one would miss him if he were to disappear), so it’s likely he has no friend and no family. I think he lives alone with just books for companions and Abronsius as his only friend and authority figure. He’s shy and insecure, yet longs to be noticed and understood and loved (he quickly fell in love with Sarah and was ready to follow her anywhere, also how he latched on when Krolock gave him attention during “Vor dem Schloss”).
As for Abronsius, he’s mocked by his pairs who think of him as a fool (in the movie, he’s called “The Nut”) so it’s likely he’s alone as well as he’s mocked, seen as an outcast, an odd bird.
In short, everyone think of Abronsius as a fool.
Alfred? Alfred thinks he’s brilliant.
He probably stayed after his classes to talk to Abronsius or even offers his help to gather his stuff, and they ended up bonding over their shared interests, one of them being vampires.
Granted, I don’t think the nature of their interest toward vampires is the same. I headcanon Alfred as secretly fascinated by them and having a bit of a dark side, a thirst, a longing that’s less noticeable than with Sarah, but he is as fascinated by vampires as he is scared by them, something Abronsius probably doesn’t know about and wouldn’t understand.
Because that’s the thing about Alfred and Abronsius. While I do believe they are genuinely fond of each other, they’re not always on the same page, they don’t understand each other very well.
Abronsius can sometimes be seen as coldly academic. He dislike showing emotions, he’s all for logic but no emotions. He often ignores Alfred or dismiss his feelings, which cause Alfred to feel misunderstood and neglected. Abronsius often gets too distracted or preoccupied with his studies he can ignore Alfred or lacks patience with him (something Krolock definitely noticed in “Vor dem Schloss” and uses to his advantage, to try to lure Alfred to his side. During the song, he mentioned Abronsius and how Alfred should leave him, how his mentor doesn’t understand him and his feelings, his wants. He focuses his attention on Alfred and Alfred… can’t help but be fascinated, at least curious).
It doesn’t mean Abronsius doesn’t care. Of course, it depends of the actor portraying the Professor, but I do believe he cares for Alfred, despite not always showing it and in spite of the way he can treat him sometimes. In some versions of “Sie Irren Professor”, he pushes Alfred behind him as if to protect him from Krolock’s taunt/temptation. In another version of the musical (Kentaur?), Abronsius is looking for Alfred at the end, which mirrors the opening scene and humanises the Professor.
In short, Alfred and Abronsius are two lonely and odd birds who found each other, who enjoy each other’s company, yet they can’t always understand each other. That’s the tragedy of their relationship.
Alfred and Abronsius deserved better, yet… it’s all of this which make their relationship so interesting, with a lot of potential!
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rosetheocto · 26 days
Hi! Hope this ask finds ya at a good time.
I was wondering what characters from Failtopia you think have a lot of angst potential (besides Erica—I do really like her, but I admit I feel like the majority of the community ignores most of the others). Personally, I'd say both Shrimp and Friend have backstories that allow for a rollercoaster of emotions.
Friend and Shrimp are definitely good characters to explore with the trauma they’ve gotten before/during the series. As much as people talk about Friend and Lee together, we need more people talking about Friend’s emotions in the aftermath of Lee’s betrayal. Lee was very much abusive to Friend and their relationship (no matter if you see it as romantic or platonic) was undeniably very toxic!! And Shrimp literally had her father leave her to go exploring or whatever he did in that D&D stream (idk I didn’t watch it fully) AND she got bullied at a young age for her dream of being a singer, plus being on a world saving team at the age of 14 isn’t exactly the best thing to happen to a child like her!
I’d also like to mention Mar has amazing angst potential! dude had to witness first hand the effects The Consequences Of His Actions had on Miitopia from the hero’s side, and it is NOT PRETTY. Plus a good chunk of his now teammates were had to deal with this twice, the first time being directly his fault! like. Mar hurt members of his family! Yea it was in the past before The Incident’s formation, but you can’t tell me he doesn’t feel SUPER guilty about it!! Imagine how he felt with Hank’s reveal!! He was just as much to blame for Lee’s villain arc as C!Fail was. I think more people should seriously explore Mar as a character cuz he is so interesting to me
This may seem like a strange one too but.. Simple Bob!! If there’s any angst in this series that’s overlooked, it’s his. He’s a demon hunter, not only that but just like Erica, he’s had people die on him before, with absolutely nothing he could do to save them since he’s not a healer! Punnyatta, Bob’s mentor, was killed by Hank not long before the events of S1. I just wish Bob got better treatment since all his demon hunter stuff is so interesting to me and has a lot of potential!
Rose is also good for angst too since she had to fake so much stuff just to keep up her Rosalina thing! Like, where does Rosalina end and Rose start?? She’s got a whole identity crisis more, and her becoming a worse person as the season goes on is also really cool to me!! Deko obviously has a lot of interesting stuff too that (just like Bob) gets kinda looked over. DUDE WAS EXPERIMENTED ON!! He was ridiculed for something he couldn’t control and permanently changed himself because of it. and that isn’t even mentioning meeting an alternate version of himself who’s better off than him in every way. Dude’s self esteem was low before, but now it’s in the GUTTER. Dude’s struggling
There’s so much more I wanna say but I don’t want this to get too long lol, but I swear you can make some good angst with any character (even Joker’s ‘canon’ story, with him being in an unfamiliar world and all)
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burningflamescurse · 4 months
"Whispers of the Past"
Dean Winchester x Fem!OC (Evelyn) (Lyn) (Thompson)
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Series Summary: A Case gone wrong years ago for Evelyn and her old hunting team has Haunted her for years, the horrors of that fateful day still engrained into her mind; Meeting the Winchesters was just some slither of hope for Evelyn, distracting her from her own bloody Past. That is, Until one day her old mentor's Partner calls her up and mentions that someone is killing off the rest of the members from Evelyn's old Hunting Team, she feels the memories pooling back into her mind and she is forced to recount everything that she just tried so hard to forget to the two people she trusts the most.
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, OC's.
Chapter Summary: Evelyn gets a call from her Old Mentor's Partner, Madi, though it's not the happy reunion call that Evelyn expected to get from her.
CW//TW: mentions of Murder, mentions of Insanity, mentions of mental disorders, mentions of Child abuse, Past Child abuse, Past Mentions of Grooming, Kidnapping, torture, Murder, mentions of Ghosts and a Vampire Nest, panic attacks, Nightmares, flashbacks, Hallucinations, Obvious relationship between Dean and my OC, concussion, head wound, visions, Convulsions, Evelyn murders someone, mentor OC goes insane, drugging, the Police think Evelyn murdered some of her teammates, Dean Defends Evelyn, Evelyn and Sam are best friends.
A/N: Credit for the Header goes to @valeska-25
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7 Years ago, Lebanon Kansas; 3:25 AM
Evelyn was so confused, so lost, no one had known that one of their own was compromised, it was supposed to be a Simple hunt. Sightings of a Wendigo, or what was thought to be one based on the descriptions that civilians had given to them, of course it wasn’t that, it was an illusion caused by a demon so it could Infiltrate their Most Vulnerable place, their leader.
Evelyn’s mentor, Chris Thompson, the one who took her in; Driven into Pure Insanity by a Demon, Cursing Chris with Hallucinations of every Tragedy he experienced in his short Hunter life, and now he was hunting all of them down, Chris started with Evelyn’s younger brother, Shooting him directly in the head before anyone of them could calm him down, at first evelyn was frozen, but then Madi shook her out of it.
“Lyn! Come on, we gotta go kid.” Madi Ushered Evelyn with her hand, trying to get the young hunter to run, because Whether Chris was her mentor or not he was going to kill them all out of Insanity if they stayed there. So, Evelyn started running as fast as she could, trying to keep up With Madi; though eventually she couldn’t, because Chris started Firing off his Shot gun blindly Shooting bullets at them, hitting a couple of trees.
Madi was forced to let go of Evelyn and go their separate ways and Split from each other; Fortunately Evelyn had enough Experience to be okay on her own; Right before they Split up Madi had Called out towards Evelyn, “Lyn, try and get far away from here, I Promise I’ll try and find you!” Madi’s Voice was Strained, twinged with fear, Evelyn focused on running, Pacing herself.
And that’s what led to now, she could hear Gunshots firing off in the distance, the Demon had really done a Number on Chris’ mind. Evelyn was panting, Struggling to pace herself to keep from running out of breath; finally she Reached a Cliff, Seeing Madi Stand there with a few others of their Remaining Hunting Team. Madi was Trying to calm her lover down, Placating him as his Shaky fingers held onto the Shotgun.
“None of us are here to harm you Chris! You need to calm down, this is all just in your mind!” Madi’s Voice was bordering on calm and Panicking for her Husband who was currently still Hallucinating, beside Madi was Evelyn’s Best friend, Hailey who was shaking Clinging onto the only other male team member alive, Lucas. Lucas, Pushed Hailey Further behind him as he spoke firmly, Trying to knock some sense into Chris. “Dude, your fucking Scaring the only two Kids here!” he shouted.
Evelyn’s Shaky steps were heard on the Snowy Ground, Crunching as she showed herself with her hands Raised, she was trying to keep herself calm as to not spook Chris into Killing anyone or just firing off Shots Randomly. Suddenly Everyone’s voices were speaking, one over each other, almost shouting until Chris Shakily stepped away Shooting off the gun, the bullet Pierced through Evelyn’s leg but then Flew straight into Hailey’s head, Killing her Instantly as she collapsed into Lucas’ arms as he shouted out of anger and Shock.
Chris Stepped back too far and ended up Toppling Over the edge of the cliff, Reaching out one more time for Evelyn to save him but She was frozen in shock; Watching as her mentor fell over the edge, not a single one of them Knowing whether or not he was dead or not, no one saw him hit the ground or any rocks.
Suddenly the memory was changing, the sky Had turned into a blood Red in Evelyn’s eyes, Chris’s Dead hand Reaching up holding onto Her face, Sinking his Sharp Nails that were Now Claws sinking into her cheeks and Jaw as his Voice now Distorted and Gravely speaking into her ear, engraving it into her head. “It’s all your fault.” his voice said before his mouth opened wide and he was about to—
In a Flash She Rolled out of bed with a Half Scream, onto the cold floor of the Bunker, Landing Harshly on her stomach; Evelyn’s eyes were wide with Fear, Tears Threatening to Spring from her eyes at the Harsh memory that had changed into a Horrific nightmare due to her screwed up mind. Evelyn Sat up on her hands and knees, Breathing Slowly as she Realized she was safe and sound in the Bunker, safe with the Winchesters.
Meeting the Winchester Brothers was Pure Luck for Evelyn; after Spending so many months and years running from her past, Seeing Two People Offering you something so safe and so Stable was like a breath of Fresh air. Especially being with Dean Winchester, It was like He was the closest thing to safe for Evelyn, yes she knew it was an Irrational way of thinking, but it was the feeling she felt when hunting with Dean, like nothing could Hurt her Ever Again.
Sam had become her best friend in the years she spent with them, especially since she was a Great help in Researching all the lore they needed for a Case; Evelyn also felt Safe with Sam, it was easy for her to forget all about that Horrible day when she was hunting with the Winchesters; but now just seeing how easily her mind could change up her memories, she couldn’t help but Have flashes of that day once more in her mind.
Evelyn stood up from the floor, her legs Shaking a bit as she maneuvered herself to the Mirror In her room, Seeing herself; Evelyn almost gasped at what she saw staring back at her, Evelyn’s Face was so pale and Sweaty, this nightmare wasn’t like any normal one she had on a good day; Usually when she had these type of Horrific nightmares it meant something bad was about to happen in the next few days; and Evelyn was now having a gut Feeling some bad shit was about to go down right here in Lebanon.
Evelyn picked up her watch from the nightstand right next to her bed checking the time, 9 o’ clock in the morning it was about time she got up and got Ready for whatever the World Had planned for her today; She Grabbed her usual Outfit from the Closet, a Light Jacket, some Jeans, Regular Tennis Shoes and her usual black belt which she used to hold some of her Weapons during Cases. Evelyn Sat them down on the Bathroom counter before Turning on the shower.
A Nice hot Shower was exactly what she needed to Start the day.
Evelyn quickly washed her face in the sink, trying to add a bit of Color to her face; she didn’t Need Dean and Sam to Start Aggressively Questioning her about what was wrong. Evelyn Stripped out of her Pajamas and Stepped into the steaming hot Water that was Pouring into the Shower instantly Soothing her Tense Muscles; it felt nice, at Least to Take a short break from all the Stressful things she Experienced as a Hunter.
Evelyn Spent Thirty minutes in the shower before turning the water off and Stepped out of the shower Wrapping a towel Around herself; looking in the mirror she saw that after a nice hot shower she did have more Color in her face, she wasn’t as Pale as before. Evelyn Quickly slipped on her outfit before Exiting her room, immediately making her way to the Kitchen in the Bunker.
Of course as usual, Dean was already up and in the Kitchen fixing a Fresh cup of Coffee; Evelyn couldn’t help but smile at his Behaviors, Yeah he was a little weird but that was the way she loved and she hoped he would stay that way forever.
Evelyn Immediately slid Past him wanting to Pour herself a bowl of Cereal, “Morning.” Dean’s Voice Greeted her ears, still Albeit Sleepy no doubt due to waking up a bit too early; Everyone knew not to wake up Dean before he usually wanted to wake up, he was an angry sleeper. Evelyn Shot him a Small smile before Replying, “Morning, Dean.” she Greeted, Pouring her bowl of Cereal and Settling down at the Kitchen Counter.
Of course as always Dean Some how Sensed that something was wrong, Settling down Besides Evelyn one one of the counter Stools, Gently Placing his hand On her shoulder. “Everything okay, Sweetheart? You seem tense.” Dean Noted, she couldn’t understand how this man seemed to already sense that something was wrong with her.
Evelyn couldn’t tell him why though, he wouldn’t see her the same way, he’d only see her as some Common Monster who Murdered someone. She would do whatever it took to keep her secret a secret, hidden deep inside her where no one would see or hear it.
“I’m fine Dean, Just didn’t get too much sleep last night.” she replied, giving him a Reassuring Smile to Prove that she was okay.
Dean Obviously Didn’t believe her but Didn’t Push at the Issue, that would only make Evelyn Shut him down Real Quick; he had learned that he couldn’t Push her too hard, so he Just Nodded with A Quick Response, “Okay, if you say so.” his voice was soft with Understanding letting her know that she could talk to him if she needed to.
Evelyn let out a happy sigh at the fact that he wasn’t Pushing the issue, chewing on a bite of her Cereal as Sam finally walked into the Kitchen, Tussling his Bed Head Hair as He Rubbed the sleep from his Eyes.
Dean was about to Say some Snarky Remark about Sam’s hair and how he would be Glad to cut it, but Evelyn cut him off lightly smacking Dean’s hand as she scolded him, “Dean, Shut up.” her voice sounded more like a Mother cat hissing at her kitten. Indeed Dean did shut up after Evelyn’s scolding.
Sam snorted trying to keep his laugh in at how fast Dean Had shut His Mouth, She really did have the Hunter wrapped around her little finger. “Morning, Sam.” Evelyn Greeted before she took another Spoonful of Cereal into her mouth.
Sam Smiled back at her as he Poured himself a Cup of Coffee, “Morning, Lyn.” he Replied; Evelyn almost Flinched at the use of her nickname, Bringing up flashes of her old Memories again. Lyn was the Nickname Chris had given her, he was the only one who saw the Potential in her as a Young Hunter; so he took it upon himself to Train her and Evelyn’s Late Best friend, Hailey.
Evelyn Quickly Composed herself before the Brothers noticed her Unusual Behavior, Finishing up her Bowl Of Cereal and washing it off in the sink right before her Phone Started Ringing in her Pocket.
Both Sam and Dean watched With Raised Brows as she Plucked her phone from her Jacket Pocket, Slightly frowning at the Familiar number that Lit up the Screen; Evelyn looked up for a moment, Smiling Apologetically at the Brothers, “Excuse me boys, I need to take this Real Quick.” She excused herself walking off to her Room, Locking the Door Behind her.
Evelyn Took a deep Breath before Answering the Call, “Madi?” she Answered, keeping her eyes On the door just in case one of the Boys Wanted to Eavesdrop on her Phone Conversation. “Lyn, How are you doing?” Madi’s Soft, motherly Voice chimed over the Phone; sometimes just hearing her voice Healed Evelyn.
“Uh, I’m good. I um.. I’ve been Living with the Winchester Brothers for a while now.” Evelyn Shared, sitting down on her bed. Madi let out a Surprised Gasp on the other end, “John Winchester’s Boys? You must feel so lucky. Girl, I heard through the Grapevine you’re dating one of em’.” Madi’s voice was high Pitched and full of Excitement.
Evelyn Gave a little Chuckle, “Uh yeah, Dean.” was her short Reply, on the Other End Madi gave a Full belly laugh as she Responded. “Girl, I knew it.”
It was silent for a moment on both Ends before Evelyn Started Speaking, “So Madi, Why did you call me; I know it wasn’t for a Social Call.” She stated, Madi never Called Her out of the blue like this; not if it wasn’t anything Serious. Madi sighed on the other end, “You’re Too smart for your own good, Kid.” her soft voice said before she got to the main issue.
“It’s Chris.” She said, her voice becoming Softer for a moment, Like she was struggling to say the words To Evelyn.
“Madi? What is it?” Evelyn asked, as Far as She knew Chris was Presumed Dead, no way someone would survive that High of a Fall off of a Cliff; Especially one that had Jagged Rocks on the way down.
“Lyn.. Chris—He’s alive.” that one Sentence, Shocked Evelyn to her core; Chris was Alive? He wasn’t dead, her Knees shook threatening to give out on her as the news sunk into her brain.
Madi wasn’t Finished though, her Voice began speaking again, Telling Evelyn a Shocking New Discovery.
“And He’s Killing Everyone on that Old Hunting Team, he already Got Lucas; Mutilated him.” her voice was strained.
Oh, Shit.. this is bad.
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crimeronan · 1 year
I’m new here and seeing a lot of your princess Luz AU, but idk what it’s about really or what’s going on. Is there a master post somewhere?
oh hi!!
i don't have a tumblr master post but i do have an ao3 series, four complete fics so far (56k words total). i'm talking about that universe. keep in mind that the fics are horror-based and much more serious than a lot of the shitposts here.
but this is a good time to put all the important bits of AU canon in one place! so consider this a quick exposition masterpost.
the premise:
luz wandered into the isles when she was four or five years old. she was subsequently caught and taken to belos, who decided to raise her as his heir bc, yknow. god must have brought this human to him. eyeroll emoji
a variety of horrific events unfold, which eventually lead to luz killing belos & taking the throne herself when she's nearly 17. with the intention of eventually dismantling the empire. all of this is pretty awful and traumatic for her, it's.... not a fun time. i CAN write a summary of the horrors if you want but it would have to be a whole separate post
other characters' roles:
hunter - hunter has the biggest role storywise besides luz and belos themselves. he's the captain of luz's guard and has been tasked with protecting her by belos. his relationship with belos is dark in ways that luz does not know about for a long time; he's intensely neurotic about keeping her from knowing anything. also he and luz are like Holy Shit codependent and it is Messyyy.
amity - amity is the youngest member of the emperor's coven and being mentored by lilith with the expectation that eventually she'll lead the coven herself. she and hunter have an intense, vicious, and occasionally violent rivalry (based in various jealousy issues & them both being neurotic). amity is very afraid of catching luz's attention bc of the power imbalance between them. but she also knows that luz killed belos.
lilith - largely unchanged from early canon lilith. she's the head of the emperor's -- now empress's -- coven, and intends to ask luz for help with healing eda's curse.
raine - raine is luz's music teacher, the head of the bard coven, and a secret rebel. they care Very Very Very Much about luz. after trespassing in her mind (fic #4 on ao3), they have a much better understanding of why luz has become so much more closed-off and cold and anxious. they've taken on a kind of protective parental role for luz that parallels eda's in canon.
darius - darius is also his secret rebel self, canon backstory intact. he has however gotten along with hunter for much longer in this AU than in the canon, for reasons such as: hunter is less focused on being a cop, hunter so transparently cares about luz that it's hard Not to care about him, n hunter is A Mess. so darius is constantly worried for hunter's wellbeing. similarly he's mentoring amity as a fuck-you to alador, he's pretty much the only adult she trusts besides lilith.
other characters - there are other characters that have yet to show up in any of the ao3 fics. willow as terra snapdragon's apprentice; gus as a wild witch who's still managed to make adrian hate him; vee having escaped to the human world and quickly blown her cover by turning into a toddler-aged luz; camila, after meeting vee and finding out the truth, trying to get to the isles to find the daughter who vanished well over a decade ago. these are all concepts that deserve their own stories, i just haven't written 'em yet.
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lotusthewriter · 1 year
I want something just like this
Fandom: The Owl House
Rating: G
Relationships: Hunter & Darius, Hunter/Luz (romantic)
Characters: Hunter, Darius Deamonne, Luz Noceda; MENTIONED - Emperor Belos | Philip Wittebane
Summary: Hunter wants his first Grom to be perfect. He just doesn't know how Darius is going to react.
Word count: 1.336
A/N: I bet I'm going to get hate for this lmao. The focus though isn't the romance, so if you can still tolerate Lunter then I guess you'll be able to enjoy the Dadrius. This is my first time writing Darius/Dadrius though, so I hope it's good enough, at least.
TRIGGER WARNINGS - past child abuse and trauma
P/roship DNI.
“Your carriage still awaits, little prince.”
“Just a second!” Hunter replies, trying to tie his hair and failing miserably. Multiple times.
There’s an impatient sigh.
“You know it’s rude to keep your girlfriend waiting, young man.”
“I just need a minute!”
“No, Hunter, you’re late.”
“You’re not helping me get done!”
“What are you possibly doing in there?” Darius questions, annoyed. “I’ve taught you how to dress fittingly, it shouldn’t be hard at this point.”
“It’s different this time!”
“What do you mean?” The door handle moves, but it can’t get through the lock. Darius knocks again, firmer this time. “Hunter, let me in.”
“I just need FIVE MINUTES!” Hunter snaps.
“If you don’t open this door on the count of three, I’m tearing it down myself.”
The boy freezes.
A sensation he hasn’t felt in long.
Maybe it’s Darius’ tone, maybe it’s the reason why he’s taking so much time to come out, maybe it’s the fact he doesn’t know what’s going to happen if the door is indeed torn down.
Regardless, Darius starts counting.
Hunter stares at himself in the mirror. He knows it’s almost done, but it’s not perfect.
Fearing what will come next, the teenager quickly opens the door and turns his back to Darius. He can tell the man is already crossing his arms, disappointed.
Gulping, Hunter holds his homemade cloak, hiding most of it from his mentor. He’s shaking an awful lot and he tries not to make it obvious, but of course, Hunter is a mess and he’s terrible at hiding things.
“I…” he sighs. “I tried…”
Finally, he gives in and turns back to his mentor. Noting the heavy silence in the room, Hunter can’t look at the other’s green eyes, for he wanted to look exactly like him: the cloak covering part of his body, only it’s on his right arm instead of the left. The blond hair tied in a bun with longer sideburns. The difference being that Hunter wears a dark gray suit, besides the cloak being red in honor of Flapjack.
As he gets no response from Darius, Hunter’s brown eyes blur.
“It’s bad, isn’t it,” he assumes.
Darius takes a while to respond.
“I’m sorry, I- I tried, I wanted to be good”– Hunter’s lips quiver and his legs shake so much that he’s on the floor, begging for the other’s mercy –“but I failed, I’m a failure.”
“Titans, Hunter, no.” He senses another presence kneeling down in front of him.
“Forgive me, I’m- I’m a mess, I’m not right!”
“Hunter,” Darius begs, “Hunter, listen to me. Can you listen to me?”
The boy nods.
“Can you look at me?”
Hunter, hesitantly, obeys, face wet with tears.
“None of that is true,” Darius tells him. “You’re not a failure. You don’t need to prove that you’re good.”
Hunter sniffs. “I just… I just wanted to be like you.”
“You don’t need to be. You’re enough just the way you are.”
Waffles has flown to Darius’ shoulder, trying to reinforce his mentor’s words. Hunter’s dread slowly quiets down.
Darius doesn’t act superior to him. He doesn’t control Hunter with the use of fear; he’s here, on the same level as his, gently reassuring him in a way Belos would never. Darius is nothing like Belos.
Hunter knows at this point he should be able to tell the difference, but sometimes it feels like he’s back to square one, and it’s scary and painful, fearing for his life ending at any wrong step. Hence why he’s so surprised that Darius is… actually safe. Has always been safe.
The teen dries his face.
“I… I still want to be like you, Darius,” Hunter concludes. “Not because I want to please you… but because I’m really proud to have your guidance.”
Darius looks… emotional.
Before Hunter can look further into it, he’s being pulled in a hug, strong arms soothing him from the evils of the world, even the ones that aren’t out there, but inside Hunter’s head.
The latter freezes again, but… it’s the good kind.
Darius doesn’t usually show affection other than head pats. Sometimes he goes for the hand on Hunter’s shoulder. But never a hug.
And it’s not a quick hug, for that matter.
It lasts a long time. Saying so many words that will never be spoken.
But Hunter can definitely hear “I’m sorry” and “I would kick Belos’ butt myself if I could.”
And he can’t help smiling, ultimately calming down in the embrace.
Finally, Darius clears his throat nervously and lets go, patting Hunter’s arms.
“Now, we can’t keep your girlfriend waiting,” the former insists. “You could’ve asked for my help, you know.”
“I wanted it to be a surprise.” I wanted it to be perfect.
“Sure you did.” Darius smiles.
He helps Hunter with the hair bun, as well as adjusting the clothes since everything is a mess. But for the most part, he doesn’t have to change anything else about his looks.
“Alright, this should do,” Darius sighs.
Hunter hums at the mirror. “Do I look okay?”
“You look… like you.”
“And is that good?”
He blushes, unsure what to say.
With this, Darius is guiding him to the front door, where Luz awaits, wearing a dark purple and red suit, her brown hair slicked back. She gasps and grins widely, eyes sparkling like light spells, and she runs all the way to Hunter to hug him.
“Oh my gosh! You look so handsome!” Luz exclaims.
Hunter’s cheeks burn as red as his cloak. “Heh, I… had some help.”
He smiles cheekily at Darius, who winks at him.
“Wait, hold on,” Luz lets go, taking her phone. “I gotta take a picture of you guys!”
“Of… us?” Hunter and Darius look at one another, surprised.
“Yeah! You look so much like father and son!”
Hunter is taken aback by the word choice. Darius, his… father? Would he approve of that?
Before he can actually ask, Darius is putting an arm around him and pulling him close, posing rather happily for the photo. Hunter is frozen for a while, not believing this is really happening. But once Darius gives him a trusting look, the boy loosens up and puts his own arm on his mentor’s back.
When Luz shows them the picture, it doesn’t look awkward in the slightest. It looks natural, it looks… right.
“Could you send it to me later?” Darius requests.
“Alright, now it’s my turn to take pictures of the love birds.”
Waffles appears the moment the word “birds” is said. Hunter and Luz pose for the camera. Only he doesn’t look at it – he’s staring at his girlfriend with the dumbest smile of all. The blue jay palisman is lying on Hunter’s head, much to Darius’ enjoyment.
“I’ll be sending these to you two and your mother, Luz,” Darius tells them.
“They look awesome!” Luz slides through the pictures. “Thanks, Darius!”
“Yeah… thanks.” For everything, Hunter wants to add.
He has never seen Darius this happy and proud.
“Now, go have fun, you’re rather late,” he says, making a shooing gesture. “I’ll be picking you two up later tonight.”
“Okay! Bye!” Luz waves excitedly at him.
“Bye, Darius,” Hunter says rather shyly, but with so much feeling.
The man is waving back, looking like he’s going to cry of joy at any moment.
Finally, Luz is offering her hand to Hunter, who takes it gently and confidently. She looks at him like he’s the most beautiful person she’s ever met. He could say the very same about her.
His first Grom night is fun. It’s filled with life and love. It’s when Hunter realizes he’ll always be loved and supported, even when everything seems to turn against him. Today, he gets to be a normal boy, enjoying his night with his girlfriend and all of his friends, and knowing his father figure will be waiting for him later.
Hunter knows now… he has a home to return to.
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pespillo · 11 months
Hello! I hope u don't mind my questions, but regarding the Emperor's Acolyte AU, is it possible for you to elaborate further about Raine's relationship with King and his position in the Kingdom of the Red Sun? And what of Edric and Emira and their position in the moon court (i think?) I absolutely LOVE the concept and the possible exploration in the day-to-day life of the people stuck within the kingdom, INCLUDING that incredibly interesting play! How did King even find Luz's manuscript, anyway?
first of all just posted smth explaining the militia so i think thats a good point on where to start thinking abt everyone´s places in all this vv
second of all , King´s been around Raine for as long as they been turned into head of the bard coven , King always holds a certain curiosity for everyone in the castle ,but his interest turned further when he took notice of Eda´s relationship with them when he was "kidnapped" in the Owl House for a bit (if you check my #emperor acolyte au tag for a sec youll see a small fic of a scene between luz n king transcurring at that time)
Since King starts seeing the Owl Lady as a maternal figure for him (it sorta starts off as wanting to get something Luz has but really, King just needs honest affection and Eda´s doesnt feel like it has any ulterior motive) , King sorta turns Raine into a royal "advisor" bard figure but in reality he sorta rlly just wants to matchmaking them n Eda so they can form his own idea of a family ,King likes to hear their music before sleeping and they unequivocally bond over extremely similar trauma in the hands of the Emperor´s Coven, to the point it makes Raine feel extremely guilty they didnt try getting him outta it much sooner considering they are realizing this is a 9 yr old whos been treated like a dog by the worse person in the Isles not even allowed to talk to other people besides the Emperor n Kikimora, in a way this guilt drives Raine further to not leave the castle to the small rebellion that Darius n Eber been forming.
Speaking of Darius n Eber, Darius n King has a small confrontation/argument that lead to their leave, Eber at first didnt actually mind the way King was running things since it was all sorta thrilling and battle oriented , but since hes inseparable from Darius he aint gnna be ditching his buddy ya know. Darius was just trying to get information of his old mentor, because King KNOWS about the way he died because Belos told him , at least his own version of it, but the more heated Darius got at King´s avoidance of the details, he ended up saying something that made the kid snap at him like "You care more about your mentor more than Hunter, where is he now? what would your mentor think about the way you treated him up until now?" which pretty much shut down that whole conversation, parting ways.
Regarding Luz´s manuscript, it was unfinished, she wanted to join that writer´s competition just as she did in the original episode but some other adventure ended up calling up to her ,so she just sorta forgot abt it or decided it leave it for other day. When the Owl House got raided by the Emperor´s coven n everything was sent to a warehouse, King came up to that warehouse to get Owl Lady´s stuff n move it into his new castle basically , he came upon it while just looking thru Luz stuff n decided to read it through because hes nosy ( he did the same with eda´s diary before), he´s never rlly been allowed to write his own stuff even when he was taught to write and read, so he decided to take it upon himself to make it "his" novel, and subsequently his play , as a way to vent all out his feelings of the world , his feelings towards Luz and everything else, plus to make a big statement culturally for the Isles.
for Edric n Emira, they were dragged into the Moon Court for Collector´s favor , because they were essentially living around them for a good while before turning into King´s Right Hand . Odalia´s been disposed off but not killed (because Emira convinced em to Not Kill their mom as much as the twins n Amity hate her because thats already so much trauma), Alador has run off to join Darius growing group as a way to find a solution to this whole, mess.
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archetypesanalysis · 1 year
Tech's Anima
This is the second part of the character analysis for Tech. You can read the first part here. I will be referring to “Gods in Everyman” and “Goddesses in Everywoman” by Jean Shinoda Bolen for this analysis.
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Tech’s anima is Athena, or Minerva as the Romans called her, and she is the Goddess of Wisdom, War and Crafts. She is the protector of cities and the patron of military forces. She is also the goddess of weavers, goldsmiths, potters and dressmakers. Her values involve rational thinking, strategy, practicality, tangible results, and the domination of will and intellect over instinct and nature. Athena is often depicted with an owl, a bird associated with wisdom and prominent eyes, which are her traits. Tech has these two traits as well for he has the appearance of an owl. Besides that, Jean Shinoda Bolen views Athena women as “preppy�� – their outfits are practical, durable, and not uninfluenced by fads. Many fans depict Tech to have a “preppy” look in the modern alternate universe, which is fitting for him.
The Athena archetype exists in people who are ruled by their heads instead of their hearts. This archetype can be an ally of other archetypes, like Athena is the patron of Greek heroes such as Achilles, Odysseus, Perseus, Heracles, and Jason and the Argonauts. Athena is the best strategist during the Trojan War, and her tactics and interventions have helped the Greeks to win many battles. People who are like Athena have their intelligence geared towards the practical and pragmatic, and their actions are not done out of emotions. They know what must be done and figure out how to get what they want. They thrive in business, academic, science, military or politics. Diplomacy, which involves strategy, power, and deception, is a skill that Athena excels in. Tech is the strategist in the Bad Batch who regularly gives the team an edge over their enemies. He is sensible, grounded and practical. The team, especially their leader Hunter constantly seeks his advice. Besides that, Tech regularly advises Wrecker to restrain himself, like in “Faster”, he warns Wrecker not to rescue Cid and take on Millegi because Millegi will seek retribution. Furthermore, in “A Distant Echo” and “On the Wings of Keeradaks”, Tech uses his diplomatic skills to establish and maintain good relations between the Bad Batch, Rex, Anakin and the Poletecs.
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As the Goddess of Crafts, Athena makes things that are both useful and aesthetically pleasing. She is well-known as a skilled weaver. Any activity that emphasizes foresight, planning, mastery of a craft and patience are all expressions of the Athena archetype. Tech sometimes builds useful tools like the inhibitor chip scanner, in which his hands and mind work together. There are many headcanons that depict one of Tech’s love languages is creating gifts that are practical and useful. There is also one headcanon where he takes up sewing, which is fitting for his Athena anima.
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As the favourite child of Zeus, Athena is the archetype of “the father’s daughter”. Athena women are attracted to powerful men, especially those who resemble the patriarchal father or the “boss man”. These women usually form a mentor relationship with these men. Like Athena, they become “the right-hand women” of these powerful men once they give their allegiance. Being the father’s daughter may make Athena women defenders of the patriarchy. They usually support the status quo and accept the established norms as guidelines of behaviour. In the myths, Athena casts the decisive vote for Orestes, who has killed his mother Clytemnestra to avenge the murder of his father Agamemnon. She votes to acquit Orestes and uphold the patriarchal principles that the men predominate over the women. In another myth, Athena is furious that Arachne chooses to illustrate the amorous deceptions of Zeus on her tapestry. The goddess tears it into pieces, which drives Arachne to hang herself. Athena then takes pity on her and turns her into a spider.
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In “Aftermath”, Tech briefly takes on Athena the father’s daughter when he initially defends Palpatine’s actions of wiping out the Jedi because the Jedi have attempted to take his life. However, when given the choice to follow the Empire’s orders or Hunter’s orders (both the Empire and Hunter have the Zeus archetype), Tech chooses to follow Hunter as they have been working together throughout their lives. The loyalty shared between them goes two-way – Hunter trusts Tech in carrying out his orders, while Tech trusts Hunter in prioritizing the squad’s interests. I believe that Hunter gives Tech the authority to look after Wrecker and Omega before he and Echo leave to deliver 50 cases of nerf nuggets in “Faster”.
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People who identify strongly as Athena have a natural tendency to do everything in moderation. They live within “the Golden Mean”, which is the Athenian ideal. They usually monitor events, note the effects, and change plans once the initial course of action appears unproductive. Moreover, when Athena emerges from Zeus’s head, she is a full-grown woman, wearing flashing gold armour. People who identify as armoured Athena use their intellectual defences to keep themselves impervious to feeling pain from themselves or others. In the competitive world, Athena people have an advantage over Artemis people. Since Artemis the Goddess of the Moon and the Hunt is unarmoured and only wears a short tunic, people who identify with this goddess archetype are likely to take any unexpected hostility or betrayal personally. They may become outraged and emotional. However, in the same scenario, Athena people stay cool and plan their next action.
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Tech usually lives within the Golden Mean as most of his actions and words are not motivated by intense feelings or needs. In “Faster”, when TAY-0 asks whether Tech wants to challenge him, Tech humbly and calmly declines because he does not have enough information about the race to determine whether he will win against the droid now. When the plan goes awry, Tech can calmly and quickly change his course of action. This is most evident in “The Crossing” when Tech remains calm despite the mission has gone seriously wrong. Furthermore, Tech resembles armoured Athena as he seems to be unaffected by unexpected situations that are detrimental to him. For example, when the Marauder gets stolen, Tech deduces that the ship is unlikely to be recovered and the team can acquire a new ship. When the Bad Batch asks Cid for help and Tech reminds her that they have helped her settle her problems with Roland Durand in “Infested” and Millegi in “Faster”, Cid says that she can come in a few days, unconcerned about their wellbeing as they are stranded on a planet with limited resources to survive. Tech calmly accepts the truth that Cid is an unreliable ally and decides that they should find a way out by themselves. If Crosshair (who has the Artemis anima) was in this situation, he might harbour anger and react emotionally towards Cid once the team got back from the mission.
Work is important for Athena people, especially when the job requires strategy, logical thinking and practicality. Athena people not just excel in math, science, business, law, engineering, education and/or medicine, they also excel in domestic arts and/or craftsmanship. They prefer jobs that give them a challenge and where they can put their skills and talents in good use. This explains why in “Faster”, Tech thinks Cid giving Hunter and Echo the job to deliver 50 cases of nerf nuggets is a waste of their skills and talents. Besides that, Tech efficiently runs the Marauder, which serves as the squad’s household. Despite not having any secure support after they run away from the Empire, Tech takes it up as a challenge and does it well. In “Cornered”, he leads the team to Pantora so they can restock their rations, refuel the ship, sell some items for money, and adjust the ship’s signature key so he can scramble the ship’s signature to avoid Imperial detection. In “Aftermath”, Tech wants the ship to stay organized as he tells Wrecker that there is not enough room aboard for more ammunition and that he does not want a projectile near his rack. Though, the squad’s barracks is a mess and Tech is seemingly unbothered by it. It is possible that Tech sees the Marauder more like their home than their barracks since they do not stay on Kamino long. This is seemingly confirmed when Tech tells Wrecker to go easy with his ship, which kind of offends Wrecker since the Marauder is the squad’s ship. Furthermore, Tech likely focuses more on the things that ensure their survival as seen in “Replacements” when he is not bothered by the ship getting thrown out of hyperspace since it is not affecting life support. This may explain why he is also not bothered by the mess in their barracks because to him, survival and training take priority over comfort and enjoyment.
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Athena people can be great teachers as they can explain things clearly. They are also probably demanding teachers that expect and get the best performance, and do not accept excuses. They do best with students who intellectually challenge them. If Athena people become parents, they are the ones who cannot wait for their children to grow up to the age when they both can have discussions and do projects. They may treat their children as miniature adults. Tech is a great mentor and teacher to Omega as he trains her to become a good soldier like him. Since Omega is intelligent and a quick learner, Tech has high expectations of her. Omega sometimes finds Tech to be highly demanding of her. In “Devil’s Deal”, she tells Hera that she can only start flying the Marauder once she can recite all of the ship’s specifications from memory. At the beginning of “Spoils of War”, Tech disapproves her from taking a study break as she tries to learn every ship in the Imperial fleet. In “The Crossing”, Tech tells Omega that he trusts her to extract the ipsium because he knows that she is fully capable of the task. This indicates that Tech treats her like an adult because her capabilities are almost on par with the rest of the Bad Batch, but he forgets that she is still a child and should be treated as such. Nevertheless, Tech does take on the best Athena trait by valuing Omega for thinking outside the box like in “Retrieval”, she suggests that they try to track Gonky to locate their stolen ship, and he praises her for the ingenious idea.
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However, to identify as only Athena means to live in one’s head and to act purposefully in the world. They only live for work, seeking power and authority. This one-sided development may cause people to be cut off from the full range and intensity of human emotions, sensuality and instincts. They may lack the capacity to empathize with anyone’s deep feelings, to enjoy art or music, and be moved by mystical experiences. They usually look down on people who are imaginative, sensitive, emotional and kind. They are usually out of touch with their body to the point they are unaware of their physical health until they get sick or hurt. It is important for people to grow beyond Athena by developing other aspects of themselves. To do so, they have to be receptive to other people’s perspectives, and this can lead to a gradual growth. Sometimes this growth can come unexpectedly or traumatically through circumstances that flood them with feelings from the unconscious.
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Tech’s Athena anima does not resemble the goddess purely. He does not seek power or awards. He accepts people who are sensitive, emotional and compassionate. It is highly possible that his Hades and Hermes archetypes have helped him to grow beyond Athena as they help him to connect with his sensations and instincts. For example, his connection with Hades allows him to find a weak spot in the wall using the sensations he feels from his fingers, while his connection with Hermes grants him the instinct to protect and rescue people.
Besides that, Tech is expressive like the rest of the Bad Batch. In “Aftermath”, he smiles when Omega chooses to sit with the Bad Batch and that she likes them because they are all misfits. In “Battle Scars”, he is delighted to find Wrecker awake from his operation. Tech is shown to have a temper when he gets annoyed at Wrecker’s whining. He expresses his anger and frustration by rolling his eyes, shaking his head disappointingly, giving the side-eye or squinting his eyes as seen in “On the Wings of Keeradaks”, “Aftermath”, “Cornered” and “Retrieval”. Although Tech is holding back his anger in “Faster”, he clearly becomes increasingly annoyed at TAY-0’s arrogance and the droid’s constant need to put down his intelligence and advice, and he expresses his frustration through exasperated sighs. I feel that Tech will be the scariest when he loses his temper, and this is due to his Hades archetype. In one Greek myth, Theseus and Pirithous go to the Underworld to kidnap Persephone because Pirithous wants to marry a daughter of Zeus despite the goddess is already married to Hades. Hades imprisons them with chains of forgetfulness and/or by causing the rocks they sit on to grow into their bottoms. He then lets the Furies or Erinyes to torment them for eternity (Theseus is later rescued by Heracles, but his bottom is left attached to the rock, while Pirithous is left behind). With his intellect, it is possible for a livid Tech to be merciless as he tortures a person with various methods of punishment.
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Tech sometimes can live in his head for so long that he becomes disconnected from other parts of himself, especially from his body. In “Replacements”, Tech is the only one who is not seen eating as he is focused on building the inhibitor chip scanner. He also views his work to be more important than helping Echo to repair the ship. As a virgin goddess, Athena has “focused consciousness”, which helps a person to concentrate their attention on their goals and exclude everything unrelated to their goals. Sometimes their focus can be so intense that they ignore the needs of people around them, and their need for food or sleep. It is probably a common occurrence that Tech does not sleep much, especially when he is focused on a task.
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In “Ruins of War”, Tech’s left femur is fractured under a falling container. He is helped by Echo and Omega, and the three of them take shelter in Romar’s house. When Omega goes after Dooku’s war chest by herself, Tech and Echo go to find her before the Imperials do. Romar expresses his concerns about Tech’s injury but Tech insists that he can manage. He pushes past his excruciating pain and focuses on taking down the clone troopers. He even gets into a physical struggle with a clone trooper. He pushes all his efforts to the limit until his body and mind become so exhausted that he can no longer ignore the pain. The intense pain from his injury returns, causing him to collapse onto the ground. Thankfully, Romar arrives to help him up, and they both work together to save Omega and Echo.
On her breastplate, the goddess Athena wears a symbol of her power – the aegis, a goatskin decorated with the Gorgon’s head, the head of Medusa, a monster with serpents that can turn anyone who gazes on her into stone. The Gorgon is an aspect of the Athena people. Through their focus on facts and details, and their need for logic and rationality, Athena people can take away the spontaneity, vitality, and creativity of people who are not like them. They can be insensitive, demeaning, unempathetic, intolerant and critical. This is the Medusa effect. Usually this Medusa effect may bore or infuriate others in a social setting. However, when the Athena people are in the position of authority and judgment, they may go full on Gorgon Medusa to intimidate others.
Often the Athena people who is having this Medusa effect is unconscious of their negative power. They have no intention to terrify anyone – they just see themselves doing their job well – gathering facts, examining facts, challenging facts and using evidence for support. However, their objective mindset means that they damage any efforts to create a friendly, harmonious relationship, unknowingly killing the heart of the matter or the soul of the person. Moreover, Athena people tend to use their intellectual defences, their authority and critical gaze to create emotional distance from others. It is like wearing Athena’s armour with the Medusa aegis on the breastplate, showing no vulnerability. They end up giving a lifeless, numbing effect on other people, like Gorgon Medusa turning them to stone. Fortunately, the armour and aegis can be put on and be taken off. This means the Medusa effect will disappear once the Athena person takes them off.
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Tech at times has the Medusa effect. He can look intimidating even with his helmet on or off, which is evident in “Faster” as he gives Millegi an intimidating look. Sometimes, Tech’s objective viewpoint makes him emotionally distant. For example, in “Reunion”, when Omega asks him what the war was like, he describes it as “a primary mission objective comprised of battles on various fronts”. She wants to know what the war felt like, but Tech’s objective mindset limits him from feeling the impact of the war. Furthermore, Tech’s Medusa effect sometimes scares Omega when he gives out facts and logic. At the end of “Cornered”, Tech tells Omega that she is the target of the bounty hunter they fought earlier, which scares her. In “Metamorphosis”, he deduces that the Zillo Beast is not hungry after it has eaten the ship’s crew, which terrifies her.
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Tech’s most notable Medusa effect is shown in “The Crossing”. In this episode, Omega is unwilling to lose the Marauder like she loses Echo. She is devastated that Echo is not with them and that they are supposed to be a squad. Tech counters that the Bad Batch already existed before Echo and will exist after him, and asks what her issue is. His full-on Medusa effect takes away the emotions surrounding the conversation and damages his relationship with her. Omega feels numb by Tech’s words as if she has been “turned to stone”. She thinks that he is insensitive and unempathetic towards her grief, and walks away to be alone. When Tech defends that he merely told her the truth, Hunter explains that she is upset because she already knows the truth. Of course, Tech never intends to hurt her feelings – he just chooses to stay “above” his emotions when dealing with change. When he realizes how the Medusa effect has hurt his loved ones emotionally, he learns to be more careful of his words, effectively “taking off his armour and aegis”.
While Athena turns people into stone, Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love and Beauty turns a statue into a living woman for Pygmalion, which demonstrates her ability to bring spontaneity, vitality and creativity into a conversation or a relationship. Whenever Tech’s Medusa effect devitalizes the conversation, Wrecker, who has the Aphrodite anima, helps to reverse the Medusa effect and revitalize the conversation. In “Cornered”, when Omega is terrified to learn that she is the target of a bounty hunter, Wrecker tells Hunter, Tech and Echo to stop scaring her. In “The Crossing”, after Tech shuts Omega down with facts and logic, Wrecker tells him to talk to her so they can reconcile. In “Metamorphosis”, when Omega is terrified to learn that the Zillo Beast has eaten the ship’s crew, Wrecker places a hand on her shoulder to comfort her, and asks Tech how this fact is helpful.
When solving a problem objectively, Athena people can be crafty and “do whatever it works” in achieving their goals or defeating their rivals. This craftiness is a characteristic of the goddess Athena. In the climatic confrontation between the Greek hero Achilles and the more noble Trojan hero Hector, Athena uses “dirty tactics” to help Achilles win. When Hector faces Achilles, Athena tricks Hector into believing that his brother is at his side as his spear carrier. After Hector hurls his only spear, he realizes that he is alone and knows that his end is near. Athena does not care about fairness or morality as she only prioritizes on an effective strategy, which serves as the dark side of Athena people. They may also struggle to understand why people become outraged over unethical or immoral behaviour, especially when it does not affect them personally. Other people may perceive them as morally indifferent, when in true Athena’s nature, they are just not moved by the feelings of themselves and others.
Tech is a very crafty person as he likes to come up with effective strategies to help the team or accomplish a goal. His craftiness does put himself and the team in dangerous situations like in “Retrieval”, he proposes infiltrating the mine through the factory stack which puts them in the risk of being burnt alive. Besides that, Tech is capable of putting aside his moral code when carrying out mercenary jobs. This is helpful in “Common Ground” when he states that their client being a Separatist is irrelevant as they are here to do a job. However, his focus on finishing the job for a decent amount of credits can make Tech look like he is morally indifferent. For example, in “Rampage”, the Bad Batch is tasked to rescue Muchi from Zygerrian slave traders. Tech seems to be more motivated by the credits, while Echo is more motivated by his personal values that slavery is wrong and the need to free the slaves. In “War-Mantle”, Tech reminds the team that they are in the middle of a job for Cid, and they will not be compensated if they deviate to help Rex to save Gregor, and that they need money to buy food.
Sometimes, Tech’s fascination on the workings of the Empire can make people mistake him as a supporter of the Empire. For example, in “Cut and Run”, Echo thinks that it is ironic that clones wanted names rather than numbers, but now people are signing up to be given numbers. However, Tech thinks that it is an ingenious idea as the Empire can create a database to identify anyone in the galaxy. Echo looks quite conflicted at Tech’s response, but he knows that Tech is a good person and that he can be impressed by the tactics used by their enemy while still holding onto his morals. We know that Tech does care about morality and ethics because he tells Cid that the Bad Batch leaves the Empire due to a fundamental difference in ideology. Besides, he does not mind changing the plans or going against the rules if that means doing the right thing.
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There are three ways for Athena people to grow beyond the Athena archetype. One way is to turn inward. Athena people who are out in the world can get consumed by work and find their mind never rest. To balance it out, they can take on Athena the Goddess of Crafts to get their mind off work. They can take up weaving, sewing or making pottery as a form of therapy. In “Aftermath”, Tech seems to be tinkering with a machine in his barracks after he and his teammates return from their missions. This may be his method to get his mind off work and seek inner balance. Besides working on machines and devices, he checks on his datapad and plays strategy games (even against himself), which are all methods to help him turn inward. Moreover, his Hades archetype helps him to focus on his interior world and to appreciate the inner riches, which also helps him to relax and recharge.
In the Greek myth, Athena is born as an adult, and this metaphor is experienced by many Athena people as they learn to figure things out or they are smart about everything since young. They often lack subjective experiences that they may later want as adults. They need to recover their child self who can be confused or delighted by something new. To do this, Athena people must stop approaching new experiences like “sensible adults” and become wide-eyed children who are fascinated by everything. They may have to abandon their skepticism, labels and preconceived notion of what it should be. They have to allow themselves to imagine, play, laugh, cry and be comforted by others. Tech’s Hermes archetype balances out his Athena anima as Hermes is the archetype of the eternal adolescent. He is a sensible adult that is used to knowing everything, yet he is also a curious child who is excited and fascinated by new things. In “Faster”, Tech focuses wholly on Riot Racing like a wide-eyed child as he cannot determine who the victor will be due to the unpredictable nature of the race course.
In the Greek myth, Athena is a motherless daughter who takes pride in having only her father Zeus. She is unaware of her mother Metis, whom Zeus had swallowed when she was pregnant with Athena. Zeus swallowing Metis serves as a metaphor of the matriarchal feminine values being swallowed up by the patriarchal culture. Just like the myth, many Athena women usually have depreciated their own mothers, especially if their mothers do not resemble the goddess Athena. They need to discover and value their mothers’ strengths, and allow themselves to be mothered. They must connect with the Demeter archetype, which is the maternal archetype, so they can discover their femininity and the wise mother archetype Metis. Through his close relationship with Hunter, who has both the Zeus and Demeter archetypes, Tech develops paternal and maternal instincts, which makes him a great parent. Furthermore, his Hermes archetype helps him to unite his masculinity and femininity for Hermes is an alchemist, a guide of souls and the rescuer of the child.
Tech’s archetype combination is Hades, Hermes and Athena. His Athena archetype helps him to think objectively, while his Hades archetype helps him to think subjectively. His Hermes archetype helps to unite both his objective and subjective mindsets, allowing him to create something new like the art of alchemy that turns lead into gold. His archetype combination grants him a wide range of intelligence and transformative qualities, which makes him highly resourceful and adaptable.
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mdhwrites · 1 year
Why Are Swap AUs So Easy For The Owl House and IMPOSSIBLE For Amphibia?
So first, I want to make this clear that this isn’t to knock anyone who likes Swap AUs for The Owl House. I’m actually making this blog because today I was kind of reminiscing about The Crow House, my own Swap AU and the best answer I have to the question of “What would my version of The Owl House look like.” They’re a lot of fun to consider because being in a different narrative role and the like would do to the story and world is a really interesting question. I will say that I have seen a lot of Swap AU art that is frustrating for this reason though as they feel a lot more like characters cosplaying each other, including personality, rather than actually exploring what they would be like in the other’s role.
I’ve also seen a lot less Amphibia Swap AU art... And I think there’s a good reason for that. See, with TOH, the narrative role IS also the character’s personality. Luz is the isekai’d protagonist who warms up to a mentor, changing them and the world she arrives in for the better (at least in concept). Eda is the grizzled mentor who will learn to be nicer by her student. King is just comic relief and then lore wise is important and so becomes incredibly wise to fit his expositional spot in the world. Amity is the love interest and brief rival. Hunter is that a second time but done worse and as a love interest to a less important character. The better the character is is usually dependent on how good the trope they’re pulling on, not because they themselves are really going to surprise you or stay consistent even. After all, once Eda becomes Mama Eda, she also loses a lot her snark and her criminal background because that’s no longer the trope she is despite that still having been part of her recent history. Or hell, the fact that once the curse is resolved in S1, it only is ever a plot device, including power up, for Eda’s character because its narrative role as a part of who Eda is and something that hurts her is no longer relevant to the writers.
That actually makes swapping people’s position in the plot less about what their personality does to the plot but how you justify them being in the role that the other was. You have to ENTIRELY change the show in order to make a Swap AU more drastic than that by things like having the swap with Luz be someone who doesn’t like magic and genuinely has no interest in this world so that they never connect with Eda. The person you swap with Amity needs to not be a love interest but a genuine rival who never connects with the other person. You effectively have to go with the edgy options for a lot of things and at that point you’re just kind of missing the whole retelling point of a Swap AU.
And of course there would be changes but more in dialogue and the like. This was something I struggled with with my Lumity stuff in The Crow House because I still wanted some of the highlights but with a spin by how I changed things with Amity (including in Covention actually being a real danger to Luz and that making her opt for a non-magical way to win the fight) but I was still worried about it coming off as too much like the show. Too much like things weren’t different because, well... So few characters acted particular to themselves and more to their tropes.
It’s like in Looking Glass Ruins where Amity goes “I do stupid things around you.” That is a GREAT line for Lumity’s archtype... But it’s not for Lumity specifically. Amity has actually done very few things that would be considered dumb and those that would be, she’s never faced consequences for. Even her parents or Boscha never actually get back at her for her actions against them and besides that? Usually it’s Luz who’s the fuck up but that’s just a part of her archtype. But the line fits the narrative role for where Lumity is at in their relationship, even if it hasn’t been earned, so the writers include it anyways because that’s just how the writing in TOH works.
And again: That makes a Swap AU INCREDIBLY easy. You want to say X character would act like this in this narrative role? You probably can find a moment that excuses it. I mean, we get like six different versions of Hunter in S2 because every appearance is effectively a different character than the last with MAYBE a little transitional moment like in Hunting Palisman. Like the writers did, you can just excuse a character acting a certain because they all meld together to become so similar and so functional eventually so... Why not?
This is the exact OPPOSITE of how Amphibia wrote its story though. The one I actually think is easiest to point out is ANYONE swapping with Sasha. Grime is a very strong person after all who ruled by force and fear. His soldiers were actually fairly loyal, even if they were unhappy. Anne at the start of the show isn’t the Heart yet so connecting the with the toads, who she’d find disgusting like she often found the Plantars early on, wouldn’t be possible for her. This is partially because she’s also lazy. Meanwhile, Marcy is socially awkward and somewhat absorbed in her own interests so she also wouldn’t be able to talk to the guards in a way that turned them to her side. Even if either did, they would have no control there. Grime would still be in charge: Period. They would just be the weird soldier and thus also have no power to do things like the escort Anne got or convince Grime to just raze Wartwood and instead be a bit sneaker and a bit more charismatic.
DRASTIC changes happen if ANYONE other than Sasha is the one in Toad Tower. Her manipulative side, her want for control, her willingness to hurt those around her if she thinks what she’s doing is better for them, or more fun sometimes especially early on, is what makes her such a dangerous villain. However, just as Anne was affected by Sasha, it’s really easy to imagine Marcy and Anne affected Sasha back and that’s why she’s able to connect with guards and their odd interests... At least until they’re wrapped around her finger. Her viewpoint as the girl who will make her friend’s lives better and never questioning that is a large part of her arc. Her personality had to be tested and SMASHED before she could become a better person, which is why she’s actually at her most confident in S2 because S1 was a setback. She needed rock bottom to realize her convictions were wrong.
Which just in general is a masterclass in how to write a manipulative villain, let alone one that thinks they’re in the right for all their decisions. Sasha is one of the best written characters I’ve ever SEEN and I’m still only halfway through S2 of Amphibia.
But even just Reunion shows how Anne’s malleability that made Sasha able to control her is also why she was able to become a better person that Wartwood could respect and trust. How much of that can be said about The Owl House? Amity ALWAYS feels more motivated by a crush, especially in S2, in her changes than any moral position she used to hold or a specific part of her that agreed with Luz’s outlooks besides “I also like Azura.” Eda literally makes no sense because in S2 we find out she adopted King which throws her entire first season personality out the window. Hunter feels like he restarts his arc three times because Luz, Amity and Willow all can connect to him on really basic levels that have more to do with backstory than they do with personality traits.
So in short... Amphibia’s still fucking awesome, I still want to finish it by the end of the month, but TOH does continue to be better for fanfiction in one way or another with the choices it makes.
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zibiscusloon · 1 year
It’s depressed old woman hours
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(Left Design: S1-S3, Right Design: Epilogue)
This is Sam’s grandmother as well as adoptive mother, Natalie Lindwyrm!
A hard hearted witch from a long line of Oracles, Natalie simply wants what’s best for her family, though her “attempts” to protect them are what tend to shove them apart..
-She was a prodigy of Osran in her younger years with a promising career and murmurs that she would become the next head of the Oracle Coven. She however would always deny these rumors and would never take up the position were her former mentor to retire.
-Her and her daughter-in-law Ophia always bud heads as she always believed that the girl was trouble to her and her son.
-She was a rather strict and driven woman, applying that to how she raised her son.
-Her husband Sao passed shortly after Sam’s birth due to natural causes. She and Sam annually visit both his grave and the graves of Sam’s parents (although Sam preferred to take that trip alone..)
-She adopted Sam after Ernest & Ophia’s petrification. Her and her granddaughters relationship was always strained as Natalie always tried to keep Sam from becoming like her parents, considering Sam hung out around the most wanted wild witch on the Isles that clearly wasn’t gonna change anything.
-Her hair is naturally curly in texture, however she straightened it for years due to comments from others of it looking unkept. After the Isles are saved and she’s gotten time to heal, she stopped straightening her hair and let her natural texture return.
-She worked as a instructor for practicing Oracles, as her family is considered one of the best in the field. She’s now retired and lives with her palisman as well as the palismen of her late son and daughter-in-law.
-She tried to have Sam get a sigil early on to prevent her from using wild magic, as she didn’t want her to ever get arrested, this resulted in Sam running away for a brief time.
-She eventually came to the realization that her behavior is exactly why Sam didn’t enjoy being around her. On the Day of Unity she came to the aid of her granddaughter to hold back Coven Scouts so that she and her friends could get to the Titan’s head, Sam and Natalie promising each other they would work to repair their bond when the whole ordeal was over, neither realizing this would be the last time they’d see each other in months.
-Her palisman is a golden mole with a unicorn horn named Orbit. It’s typical for members of the Lindwyrm family to have rodent or mammal palisman. Both he and his witch are a force to be reckoned with.
-Sam introduced her Hunter to her after freeing her grandmother from being a puppet. Natalie stepped back, acknowledging that at that point she hardly had a stand to make any statements on Sam’s love life. Besides, she liked Hunter, he’s a good kid and quickly earned his future in-laws approval.
-Sam and her are still attending family therapy to help rebuild their relationship. They’re making great progress.
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This is Orbit! He’s just a lil guy.
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icedmochasi · 2 years
Drabble for Dadrius Week 2022: In Loving Memory of @sergeantsporks
Darius did his best to hide the fond smile on his face, watching Hunter and Eber playfight with each other. Flapjack was perched on his knee, curled up fast asleep. Gently, he brushed a finger over the bird’s feathers. 
Watching them, he wondered what his mentor would think of him now. The kid who had been so ambitious, so determined to be the best, now a family man to an unconventional family. He wouldn’t trade them for the world. 
He heard footsteps coming up behind him and knew it was Raine by the sound. Plus, they had lunch plans together, the five of them. 
Raine sat down beside him, a slight grin on their face. 
“Thinking about the Golden Guard before Hunter, again, right?” 
Darius just looked at them out of the corner of his eye, slightly taken off guard by how intuitive Raine really was about people. About him. It was sad, really, at one point in their youth it wouldn’t have taken him off guard. But he and Raine were still getting to know each other again, especially now that two almost apocalypses had passed. They had missed years of each others lives, years where they were strangers. It would take time to get back to where they were as kids, but they were on the way. 
Raine smile’s turn soft, “You know, I didn’t know him personally, but it was common knowledge he started changing once he grew close with you.” 
Darius didn’t say anything but he turned towards Raine to listen. 
“People always said he was more serious, more closed off before you. He softened around you, became more warm, more willing to develop relationships from what I heard.” 
Raine thought of a memory and reached out to stroke Flapjack’s feathers, who was now awake and listening to their conversation. 
They continued, “He started dropping you off at Hexside in the mornings, and it caused so many people to be jealous. You had his favor in ways no one else did. Remember when you broke your leg doing that stunt on the fieldtrip to the Castle, word got out, and he showed up not long after in a frenzy over you? How, when he found out you were okay, he scolded and lectured you like a parent would their child for doing something so unnecessarily stupid, so unnecessarily dangerous?” 
Darius’ heart turned to mush at the memory. That had been the first time the man hugged him, thinking he had been gravely hurt at first. Once he had started questioning Bump about what happened, Darius had been put on cleaning duty in the animal keep for a week once the cast was off his leg and the healer deemed him well enough to do so. 
A hand dropped on his shoulder, Raine offering comfort while Flapjack came up to nuzzle his face, offering empathy. That’s right, Caleb, Belos’ brother, the one Belos murdered. Darius often forgot Flapjack lost someone he loved fiercely to Belos, to murder, and could understand Darius very well in that regard. 
Raine leaned against him, offering comfort. Hunter and Eber would tire out soon, and the five of them would go get lunch together. 
“You’ve done his memory proud in my book, Darius, even though there were many stumbles along the way.” 
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void-ink-studios · 2 years
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As mentioned in a previous post I reblogged, Meta Knight is most likely a ronin, or a warrior without a master.  In the Incarnations AU, this is mostly true, as he technically isn’t sworn to King Dedede as a master, but does support and assists the king in most of his endeavors.
Relatedly, the crew of the Halberd, especially the Commanders, are not really his employees or subordinates, but more like followers.  The ones who take care of the ship are paid well, and treated more as employees, but all showed some combat aptitude and are at least invested in Meta Knight’s causes.
However, his Meta-Knights?  The ones in charge?  They’re his found family.  They’ve sworn loyalty to Meta Knight, both willing to kill and die for him, although he’d never ask that of them.  They’ve trained together, fought together, and protect Popstar together as a unit.  Meta has lived a very lonely life until he found love with Dedede and Popstar, but his Knights are his closest friends, aside from the King himself.
Likewise, it’s only fitting that I draw them properly!  And give them a bit of backstory, but that’ll be its own post (spoiler alert, Meta has managed to surround himself with some of the most profoundly traumatized folks on Popstar, and by Void, they’re gonna bond together over it.  Who needs therapy?)
Remember, if you like the art, be sure to reblog so others can see it too!
A few more notes about them as a group:
There is a betting pool between the six of them as to the real nature of Meta Knight and King Dedede’s relationship.  Are the blood brothers?  Friends?  Lovers?  Rivals?  They all have their own theories and are keeping an eye out for definitive proof one way or the other.
They all take turns with the group braincell, although Lance Knight, Trident Knight, and Sailor Dee have it most often.  But each of them has moments of brilliance and clownery.
Now then, let’s get into some specifics, in order of when they joined the Meta-Knights!
Captain Vul: Besides Meta Knight himself, Captain Vul is the oldest of the Meta-Knights, and is the Halberd’s primary piolet and navigations officer.  He was a former fighter piolet, a highly skilled one at that, before he was discharged from his group for reasons he doesn’t wish to discuss.  He’s grumpy most of the time, and a coward on occasion, but he holds a great amount of respect, appreciation, and enthusiasm for the group, often taking a bit of a mentor or fatherly role to the others.  He usually stays out of the fights but is capable of defending himself with whatever weapons are available, although he has a proficiency with firearms.  He has the most experience out of all of the Meta-Knights in actual military style combat and is the best at managing all of the conflicting personalities and talents into one cohesive unit.
Trident Knight: The last member of a clan of monster hunters, Trident Knight is a beaten and wounded warrior.  He is, to this day, the one citizen of Popstar to have ever disarmed Meta Knight in a duel.  Trident Knight is the most serious of the Meta-Knights, his training making him perceptive and outwardly unexpressive.  He is extremely intelligent in terms of environment and survival, as well extremely organized and able to compartmentalize information quickly under pressure.  He doesn’t speak often and is much less bombastic than Mace or Axe Knight.  He still feels phantom pains on his face around his scars, but he doesn’t like talking about it to anyone.  He’s private, reserved, and doesn’t like touch all that much.  He’s quick to call the others foolish, but also quick to rush to the defense of his new clan, especially Lance Knight.  He maintains a quiet, but tender relationship with the robotic knight.
Mace Knight: A former unwilling gladiator, Mace Knight is both the largest and kindest of the Meta-Knights.  He is a gentle giant at heart, with a love of music and flowers, and an openly expressive love for his comrades.  Yet, despite this, he remains the only man on Popstar to have ever knocked Meta Knight down.  His simple language and open nature might have him appear dim or unintelligent, but do not let that fool you.  He is a surprisingly excellent tactician and has a knack for coming up with tricks and winning strategies on his feet.  He’s incredibly strong, able to lift up any of the other knights, including the clunky metal Lance Knight and the hefty and brick wall Axe Knight.  He’s often the one who tries to nurse the other’s injuries after a fight and is most quick to forgive.  He is very openly affectionate to his love, Axe Knight, often following him in whatever shenanigans the smaller knight insists on.
Axe Knight: Once just a petty criminal, Axe Knight is considered to be the heart of the Meta-Knights.  He’s the smallest, besides Sailor Dee, but he’s built like a brick wall, and remains the only person on Popstar Meta Knight can’t knock down.  He’s the most chaotic of the group, with a love of tricks and pranks, all in good fun, of course.  As the most emotionally intelligent of the group, he’s quick to pick up on when one of the group needs loosening up, and exactly how to achieve that.  On the other side of that, he’s the first to notice when one of them is in desperate need of comfort or reassurance.  They all have their demons, with different needs to handle them, and Axe Knight knows all of their routines forwards and backwards.  He’s quite sensitive himself, quick to cry, and doesn’t deal with being yelled at very well.  He loves the family he’s found himself, as that’s all he’s really wanted for his life, to be surrounded by friends he could call his family.  He also managed to get a gentle giant of a boyfriend out of the arrangement, and he often likes to shower Mace Knight in affection and gifts.
Lance Knight: What was once a promising development in the field of robotics, Lance Knight was a prototype of an autonomous defensive droid meant to take down dangerous criminals without risking lives of living beings.  He remains the only one on Popstar who has managed to get the drop on and surprise Meta Knight.  He lived for several years in a junk yard after being harvested for scrap, but managed to repair himself with what he could find.  He can’t walk more than a few feet on his legs, so he’s attached hover jets to himself, giving him a great amount of agility in the air.  He cannot speak, only able to produce small beeps and clicks to communicate, but the other knights have been around him long enough to understand his unique language.  He tries his best to be a moderate voice of reason amongst them all, and very rarely engages in the shenanigans the others might get up to.  He is the ship’s inventor and engineer, as he is extremely tech-savvy and emphasizes precision above all.  While he doesn’t grasp organic emotions very well, he knows his new prime directive is to protect his unit, and he understands that enough to know what love is, the love he feels for his comrades and for Trident Knight.
Sailor Dee: The youngest of the Meta-Knights, Sailor Dee, or just Saddie, is a hopeful young Waddle Dee who greatly admired the knights while growing up.  He managed to impress both the crew and Meta Knight himself with his extensive knowledge of logistics, operations, and ability to spot flaws and gaps in the rest of the group’s knowledge.  He was brought on as an apprentice to Captain Vul, who has taken an almost fatherly role to him.  He’s very kind, if a bit nerdy and naïve.  He’s determined to live up to his mentors, often nervously delivering his reports, but he’s opening up gradually.  He often plays along with Kirby’s games, and is often the one who can get Kirby to do the responsible things while they lived abord the Halberd.
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devil-doll13 · 1 year
favourite person?
ideal partner?
eating habits like?
bed time routine?
For Zach 🥺👉👈
T33thy! You are like his biggest fan 🤣 Thankyouuu for sending in questions for him!
From this
Favourite Person
When he was younger he’d probably say either his father or his mentor Nathaniel, buuut the former he has a complicated relationship with, and Nathaniel is… kinda dead so…
I’d say Jude on the basis Zach really sees her like the little sister he never had at the end of the day. They’ve been through hell together, understand each other very well and their buddy cop routine has become very familiar to him now. She may annoy him at times but he still cares a lot about her.
Ideal Partner
I’ve said this before but Zach definitely has a thing for strong/badass people 👀 both physically and mentally, especially if they are quite fiery.
I can see him potentially developing a crush on a fellow hunter if they are very good at their job and/or save his ass, or even just someone who is very brave in the face of adversity. It really gets his attention when someone can match his hidden passion too, and tbh he needs to be roasted/a good smack over the head sometimes LMAO
Eating Habits
IIII think this guy has a hedonistic side to him 🤣 and he also enjoys some finer tastes in food as well when he can. I can see this guy fine dining as much as I can see him eating a bagel on the side of the road, so he has range I guess.
The salary offered to The Organisation’s hunters is actually pretty good at the end of the day, taking away expenses for travel and equipment and such. So he can actually afford it sometimes. Zach’s a pretty good cook as well so anytime he gets the opportunity to flex those skills he’ll take it.
Bedtime Routine
Zach is very low maintenance in that he can really sleep anywhere w/o much complaint. He can’t expect much from like, the car seat or a motel in the middle of nowwhere. He has his little ritual where he takes off his watch and puts it nicely beside his pack of things/nightstand in the hotel.
This guy stays up late and gets up early so he doesn’t tend to sleep much overall tbh. He sometimes takes naps to charge himself up but that’s about it. Similarly to Jude, he also gets nightmares/fitful sleep at times. He’s been through a lot and seen things no man should have seen…
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lonewolfel · 2 years
Fictober 2022 Day 2
Prompt: 12 - "You're making my head hurt."
Fandom: Owl House
Rating: G (Character Death off screen)
Relationships: hinted at Lumity
Characters: Luz, Eda, King, Gus, Hunter, Willow, Belos, Amity, and other characters mentioned
Time travel story where the Day of Unity is successful. The Collector isn't released. Eda, kids (minus Hunter), and wild witches are the only ones left alive. They are being hunted by the Abomitons which Belos used as a failsafe for destroying magic. Italics are events that are in the future. Also, Time Pools are not used due to the fact they aren't controllable, can't be made, and are difficult to find due to being hunted down.
It had worked. At least it seemed to. Eda, Luz, and King stood in the middle of the Owl House living room and it was filled with the random stuff that Eda had collected over the years.
Luz looked over at her mentor. Both Eda's eyes were bright gold just like how they were when they first met. Her right arm was back with no coven brand.
Luz couldn't hold back a giddy laugh of relief. She rushed forward and hugged both King and Eda. Tears stung her eyes as she tried to stop herself from crying.
"We did it," Luz said. She let out a sob at the end unable to stop it. Eda tightened the hug. Luz couldn't help but remember that horrible day.
Belos's beast form began to advance onto the group of friends. Hunter had collapsed onto the ground holding his right arm as gold veins covered his right side. Both Willow and Gus were beside him. Luz and Amity embraced each other. Belos prepared to strike when a scream echoed through the skull. With a wave, Belos was launched forward.
Those who were still standing ducked and Belos was thrown out of the skull. Luz looked over to where Belos had been. There was King.
"KING!" Luz exclaimed in shock. Gus rushed over to where Belos was thrown. Willow tried to help Hunter up but his right side was almost completely useless.
"I don't think Belos is going to be getting up," Gus said. The young teen looked sick as he peered down.
"King we needed him to undo the spell!" Luz exclaimed.
"Batata," Amity said. "He was never going to undo it." Luz felt tears build up in her eyes.
"No, Eda..." Luz muttered. Hunter let out a groan of pain. This being the first time he let out a sound of pain. The yellow veins are almost taking up the entirety of his face.
Luz couldn't believe she forgot about Hunter. She rushed forward towards the older teen. She grabbed his tight hand and pulled down his glove.
"Hunter is there a way to remove a sigil?" Luz desperately asked.
"I...i...do...n...know..." Hunter gritted out in pain. Luz's heart dropped. Of course, Belos wouldn't tell him how to remove the sigil in case he rebelled and managed to escape.
The hug broke. Tears were streaming down her face but she didn't pay any mind to it.
"Now we need to grab my friends and convince Hunter and Lilith to leave the Emperor's Coven and get into contact with the CATTs." Luz said.
"Simple, tell them that we are from the future and tell them what happens. BAM they'll help us." King added on.
"No that won't work," Eda said. Luz frowned.
"Why not?" Luz asked.
"Time travel was thought to be impossible until you and Lily discovered the Time Pools," Eda explained. The group paused trying to figure out how to get everyone on their side.
"You're making my head hurt," King whined. Eda chuckled.
"Your friends will be able easy. I can get us into contact with the CATTs and I can try to convince Lily to leave the Coven before..." Eda started to reason.
"Hunter will be the hard one," Luz said. It made her heart hurt but it was true.
It took going into the Emperor's mind in order for Hunter to leave. Her kindness hadn't even managed to keep Hunter with her until he was given a mission by Darius.
Eda seemed to figure out what was going on in the teen human's head. She reached out and placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Don't worry we'll figure out how to get the sad blonde on our side. Even if I have to force adopt him.
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