#best cat boy
roxi-chan · 6 months
Yuki: I'll walk on two legs and keep my human posture because I'm too dignified to behave like a rat.
Kyo: I'll hiss like a cat, scratch like a cat, and likely groom like a cat because I don't give a damn about being proper.
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guardianspirits13 · 1 month
dank boy detectives,,,
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bisexualbuckleyy · 5 months
edwin’s little gay panic film reel that plays in his head every time someone mentions the cat king is an entire mood
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mmmairon · 2 years
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when you said no animals in the house but then your roommate gets you a cat for your birthday so you can’t refuse and end up falling in love with it.
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winternaut · 5 months
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idliketobeatree · 13 days
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dead boy detectives + text posts part 2/? (1)
+ bonus
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ghostbsuter · 1 year
"And? What did you decide on?" Duke asks, fork slipping from his mouth and chewing, focused on Danny.
The boy in question hums. "Oh yeah, I'm totally joining in on the nightlife."
The statement has all of them stopping in their tracks, blatantly staring at the still eating boy.
"This will be my emo arc, daylight vigilante turned dark."
Tim snorts, Jason gives a smirk, nudging the eldest sibling next to him from his frozen state.
"Ooooh," Steph leans forward. "Have you decided? Bat or Bird?"
"New name?" Cass jumps in on the questioning with a small smile, eyes crinkling.
"Will you be joining us tonight then, danyal?" His twin speaks up for the first time during dinner, eyes narrowed and calculating.
"Yes." Is the short reply, with the way damian's lips turn down and displeasure makes itself clear, the intention of giving such a short answer has been met.
"Danny," Bruce gains the attention, leaning forward with his fingers interlocked and brows furrowed with what must be worry.
"Are you sure? I don't want you to feel pressured into this just because everyone else is—"
"I'm more than sure, B!"
The man sighs. "And I won't be able to stop you?"
"Mhm." He gives a nod.
"Okay," his shoulders sag in defeat. "Do you have everything then—?"
"B, I'm pretty sure I got everything, you can, if in your opinion I am missing something, give it to me later!"
Danny grins, pushing himself up from the table and rounding around towards the door.
"Besides! My whole get up will be a suprise!! So stay awake folks because I'm gonna blow ya all away."
As he leaves, Steph and Duke make sounds of anticipation, curiosity eating at all of them.
(They dont know whats gonna hit 'em.)
"I'm betting 50 bucks that he's gonna be a bat."
Alfred shakes his head at the newfound excitement.
What an exciting night.
There is still no sight of their newest, despite oracle's teasing, having apparently already been included in the suprise.
"Well well well," a sly, yet teasing voice makes itself into the open. Catwoman, in all her glory, walks up to the group of bats and birds.
"If it isn't the bat, what's with the gloomy face?"
Batman gives her a nod. "Cat."
Her eyes roam the group and she tilts her head. "Everyone seems to be here tonight." She comments.
"We're waiting," the man shares. "Our newest decided to be more secretive about his debut."
Catwoman gives him a smug smirk. "So I have heard," a chuckle. "I've come here to introduce you to someone, truthfully."
"Oh? Who is it?" Nightwing perks up, having finally decided to join in.
Some yelp, whip their head around and away from the lady in black, gasps and cooing (particularly from steph) fill the roof and Danny joins them.
He wears black combat boots, they're heavy just from the look, but make no sound as he jumps around. The front of the boots look like cat paws, they're reaching up to his knees.
Then comes the baggy black pants, knees protected by poleyn and his belt acting as a cats tail. The hoodie he is wearing is also black, with fingerless gloves (only the middle finger is covered) and reaching up to his neck.
Instead of a domino mask, he wears a hood with cat ears and a dark face mask. Cass claps, knowing fully well he took inspiration from her own get up.
The whole outfit is detailed with orange spots, some parts brown and others grayish.
"Meet my new mentee, Calico."
Danny, Calico, waves.
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black-and-yellow · 6 months
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bookholichany · 5 months
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It's actually quite self-explanatory
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chocobytes21 · 2 months
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I drew the boy himself
I did my best
Hope he likes it
@wolfertinger666 Hope ya like it
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six-demon-bag · 1 month
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LUKAS GAGE as The Cat King (01.02) The Case of the Dandelion Shrine DEAD BOY DETECTIVES (2024)
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eliiasjames · 3 months
Alex Winter saying how he was Den Dad on the set of The Lost Boys - when he wasn't causing trouble of course..he was just 21 - for the two Corey's, chasing after them, trying to get them to actually go to bed, has just exploded my entire heart. He's such a cutie..bein' big brother to the Corey's😭😭
I am shook to hell that I actually got to meet this man in person..it's almost been a year and it still blows my mind
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phantomskeep · 4 months
Sometimes I hate my brain cause it likes to tell me I'm not as funny as I think I am. Then I write gems like this and I am reminded that, at the very least, I think I'm funny.
The Red Hood growled, feeling around his headspace for the Pit Rage he knew lurked. Now would honestly be a great time for a tiny bit of an adrenaline boost, thank you very much. Jason got the feeling this criminal wouldn’t say such things if he didn’t mean it. “You wish, Cat Boy.”
“I am not a cat boy!” The boy wearing a cat skull protested.
“Then what are you, a discount Catwoman?” Jason asked as he prowled closer to the pouting thief.
“I don’t even know who that is!” Cat Boy continued to lie. “This,” he gestured to the bone-colored mask covering his face, Lazarus green eyes narrowing in distaste, “Is a fashion statement. Nothing more, nothing less, I just- I don’t even know why it’s a cat!”
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egophiliac · 2 years
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I was really in the mood to do some masquerade fanart, but I didn’t feel like coming up with anything original, so here’s some of my favorite (...slightly paraphrased) bits from the first part. I don’t know where it’s going, but it’s pretty fun so far!
also one that isn’t canon except in my heart:
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(disclaimer that this is a Joke)
(he is a horrible little rat man, but to be fair, so is everyone else)
(if you don’t like horrible little rat men why are you even playing this game)
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coloursflyaway · 4 months
Okay, but imagine Charles calling Edwin his best friend for the first time.
Affection comes so easy for Charles, so I am sure he decides on it quickly, because this is the boy who read him to sleep when he was dying, the boy he has given up eternal bliss for, but for Edwin?
Edwin couldn't stand being around Simon when he only wanted to tell him he looked smart in his cap, and here is this bright-eyed, beautiful boy, grinning at him with sun stitched into his smile, and saying, "Well, we're best mates, him and I."
Love confessions when you know the other inside out are one thing, but I am pretty sure that Charles expressing any kind of love for him for the first time must have been the closest thing Edwin had felt to heaven so far.
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little-cat-cute · 5 months
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