#best hydrating powder drink
Electrolyte Hydration Powder Drink For Intense Physical Training: How To Stay Energized And Hydrated During Your Workout
Do you often feel tired and dehydrated after your workouts? If so, you're not alone. Many people struggle to stay hydrated during physical activity. That's where electrolyte hydration powder drinks come in handy. This blog post will discuss the benefits of electrolyte hydration powder drinks and how to use them to improve your physical performance. 
How to find the best hydrating powder drink out there
Electrolyte hydration powder drinks help to improve physical performance by providing electrolytes and fluids lost during exercise. They are an excellent source of hydration for athletes and people who engage in physical activity. 
How to choose a good electrolyte drink?
A balance of electrolytes: When you sweat, you lose water and electrolytes like sodium and potassium. These need to be replaced to maintain proper hydration. Look for a powder that has a good balance of electrolytes.
Low sugar: You don't want your powder drink to be loaded with sugar. Too much sugar can lead to dehydration, so look for a low-sugar content powder.
Natural ingredients: Ideally, your powder should be made with all-natural ingredients. This will help ensure that it's gentle on your stomach and doesn't contain any unnecessary chemicals.
Great taste: Let's be honest. If a powder doesn't taste good, you're not going to want to drink it. So make sure to find a powder with a flavor you enjoy.
Taste is a personal preference, but if you keep the points mentioned above in mind, you can figure out what is the best hydrating powder drink for you.
What are electrolyte drinks?
Electrolyte drinks are those sports drinks that have become increasingly popular in recent years. They're designed to help you stay hydrated and energized during your workout by replenishing the electrolytes you lose through sweat.
Electrolytes are minerals such as sodium, potassium, and magnesium that are essential for proper hydration. Unfortunately, when you sweat, you lose water and these electrolytes. This can lead to dehydration, which is why replenishing them is so important.
Main Source : https://amazonseoservices.com/electrolyte-hydration-powder-drink-for-intense-physical-training-how-to-stay-energized-and-hydrated-during-your-workout/
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Revolutionizing  Hydration: Unveiling the Best Hydration Drinks and Powders
In the dynamic landscape of health and wellness, achieving optimal hydration is more than just quenching your thirst. It's about embracing innovative solutions that go beyond traditional methods. Explore the world of hydration with Revival Shots, where hydration powders and best hydration drinks converge to redefine your wellness journey.
The Power of Hydration Powders
Revolutionizing Hydration with Hydration Powder
Revival Shots introduces a breakthrough in hydration technology with its range of electrolyte rehydration powders. Crafted with precision and innovation, these powders aim to replenish essential minerals, offering a comprehensive solution to elevate your hydration experience.
Award-Winning Formulations: Hydration Powders
Delve into the world of award-winning hydration powders designed to cater to diverse needs. Whether you're an athlete pushing your limits or an individual seeking a daily wellness boost, Revival Shots' hydration powders stand out as a testament to excellence.
Discovering the Best Hydration Drinks
Embracing Wellness with the Best Hydration Drink
Revival Shots doesn't stop at powders; it introduces the best hydration drinks crafted to perfection. These beverages offer a delightful and convenient way to stay hydrated while enjoying the benefits of carefully curated formulations that support your overall well-being.
Innovative Solutions: Hydration Drinks
Revival Shots takes pride in offering hydration drinks that are more than just refreshments—they are innovative solutions for those who prioritize their health. These drinks cater to the demands of modern lifestyles, providing a perfect blend of taste and functionality.
The Essence of Optimal Hydration
Reviving Your Energy
The primary goal of Revival Shots is to revive your energy through optimal hydration. The hydration powders and best hydration drinks are meticulously formulated to replenish electrolytes, ensuring you stay energized and ready for whatever the day brings.
Balancing Act with Revival Shots
Discover a harmonious balance in your hydration routine with Revival Shots. By incorporating the best hydration drinks and powders into your lifestyle, you not only satisfy your body's hydration needs but also embrace a holistic approach to well-being.
Making Informed Choices for Your Wellness Journey
Choosing Excellence
In the quest for optimal hydration, choose excellence with Revival Shots. The commitment to quality, award-winning formulations, and innovative hydration solutions make it a brand that stands at the forefront of the wellness revolution.
Elevate Your Hydration Experience
Revolutionize the way you hydrate. Whether through the richness of hydration powders or the convenience of the best hydration drinks, Revival Shots invites you to elevate your hydration experience and embark on a journey towards a healthier, more revitalized you.
Conclusion: Your Path to Optimal Hydration Starts Here
Achieving optimal hydration is no longer a mundane task but a transformative experience with Revival Shots. Explore the realm of hydration powders and the best hydration drinks, and redefine what it means to nourish your body with excellence.
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san96van · 11 months
The Benefits of Hydration Drinks and Powders for Optimal Replenishment
Staying hydrated is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being. Whether you lead an active lifestyle, engage in intense physical activities, or want to enhance your daily hydration routine, finding the best hydration drink or hydration powder can make a significant difference. In this article, we will explore the benefits of these products and how they contribute to optimal hydration.
Understanding Hydration:
Hydration is the process of replenishing and maintaining the body's fluid levels. It is vital for various bodily functions, including regulating body temperature, supporting organ function, lubricating joints, and promoting overall cognitive and physical performance. Failure to maintain adequate hydration can lead to fatigue, decreased concentration, and even more severe health issues.
The Importance of Hydration Drinks:
Hydration drinks offer a convenient and effective way to replenish fluids and essential electrolytes lost through sweating. These beverages are specially formulated to optimize hydration and often contain a blend of electrolytes, carbohydrates, and other nutrients.
One of the best hydration drink options available is isotonic beverages. Isotonic drinks have a similar concentration of electrolytes and carbohydrates as the body's fluids, allowing for quick absorption and efficient hydration. They are ideal for individuals engaged in high-intensity workouts or endurance activities.
Hydration Powders: A Versatile Solution:
Hydration powders provide a convenient alternative for those who prefer a more flexible approach to hydration. These powders can be easily mixed with water, allowing you to customize the strength and flavor of your hydration beverage.
Hydration powders come in various flavors and formulations, catering to various needs and preferences. They often contain electrolytes like sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium, crucial in maintaining fluid balance and supporting muscle function. Additionally, many hydration powders are fortified with vitamins and minerals, enhancing their nutritional value.
Benefits of Hydration Drinks and Powders:
Optimal Replenishment: Hydration drinks and powders provide a quick and effective way to replenish fluids and electrolytes lost during physical activity or everyday tasks.
Enhanced Performance: Proper hydration supports optimal physical and cognitive performance, allowing you to push harder and perform better.
Electrolyte Balance: Hydration products help restore electrolyte balance, vital for muscle function, nerve transmission, and maintaining overall fluid equilibrium.
Convenient and Portable: Whether in powder or ready-to-drink form, hydration products are easily accessible, making it convenient to maintain proper hydration on the go.
Customization: Hydration powders offer the advantage of customization, allowing you to adjust the concentration and flavor to suit your taste and specific hydration needs.
Choosing the Best Hydration Products:
When selecting hydration drinks or powders, consider your activity level, taste preferences, and dietary requirements. Look for products that contain essential electrolytes, natural ingredients, and minimal added sugars.
Proper hydration is crucial for overall well-being and optimal performance. Hydration drinks and powders provide a convenient and effective way to replenish fluids, electrolytes, and nutrients. Whether you prefer ready-to-drink hydration beverages or the flexibility of hydration powders, incorporating these products into your daily routine can help you stay hydrated and perform at your best. Prioritize your hydration needs and discover the best options for your lifestyle and preferences.
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greatnaturally · 1 year
Replenish Electrolytes After Exercise for Optimal Performance
Understanding Electrolytes
Electrolyte natural is an essential mineral that helps regulate various bodily functions, including fluid balance, muscle contraction, and nerve signaling. They include sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride, and bicarbonate. During exercise, the body loses electrolytes through sweat, and an imbalance can lead to cramping, fatigue, and reduced performance.
Hydrate with Electrolyte-Enhanced Fluids
Staying hydrated during exercise is crucial for maintaining electrolyte balance. However, not all fluids are created equal. Electrolyte-enhanced drinks, such as sports drinks or coconut water, can help replenish lost electrolytes and provide a quick source of energy. These drinks are especially important for high-intensity or endurance activities that last longer than an hour.
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Refuel with Electrolyte-Rich Foods
In addition to hydrating with fluids, eating electrolyte-rich foods can help replenish lost minerals. Foods such as bananas, avocados, nuts, and leafy greens are rich in potassium, while dairy products and fortified foods are good sources of calcium. Magnesium can be found in seeds, nuts, and whole grains, while sodium can be obtained from salt or electrolyte-enhanced sports drinks.
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Suggesting Supplements
If you are unable to obtain enough electrolytes through food or drinks, an electrolyte supplement can be a useful option. However, it is important to consult a healthcare provider before taking any supplements to ensure proper dosing and safety.
In conclusion, replenishing electrolytes after exercise is crucial for optimal performance and preventing electrolyte imbalances. Staying hydrated with electrolyte-enhanced fluids, eating electrolyte-rich foods, and taking the best electrolyte supplement if necessary can help ensure that your body has the essential minerals it needs to function properly. By sweat-smart and replenishing your electrolytes, you can help maximize your performance, prevent cramping, and improve your overall health and well-being.
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1-ker0sene-1 · 4 months
God your blog is fucking SCRUMPTIOUS. If you’re willing could you do something with a reader who has POTS? Much love ❤️
{Thank you so much ♥️ Apologies this took so long! Requests are starting to come out again! I lost all my drafts due to my laptop breaking and had to rewrite 🥹}
Honest to god. This man would probably be the absolute best partner for someone with POTS. Whether he was there for your diagnosis or you already had it when you started dating, he wants to help and accommodate the best he can. Kyle would hate for you to feel isolated, trying to match and normalize your routine so you're not alone.
Definitely got you both massive water bottles, the ones that have at the very least sixty ounces. So you can keep drinking and sipping all day and stay hydrated. If you don't feel comfortable going out to a physical therapist? Kyle is researching ALL night how to do gentle therapy at home with you.
Taking care of you is second nature to him. He's constantly thinking about you. When he leaves for deployment he has small meals already prepped in the fridge for you, cleaned the whole house.. leaves sweet notes all over the place reminding you to drink water, get some electrolytes, cool off and get plenty of rest.
"I'll be home soon baby ~K"
"Don't forget to drink your water! Love you pretty girl ~K"
"Rest for me lovie, we'll be doing plenty of 'exercise' when I get back ;) ~K"
Prepared. That is what John is. He wants to be ready if you have a bad day, so he can pamper you as much as he physically can if he cannot immediately whisk away your pain. John definitely moves fast in a relationship, especially if he feels an immediate connection. You're telling him he can take care of you? Of course it's not that he likes that you struggle with the condition, but his love language is definitely acts of service.
" 's no trouble love, house feels empty when you aren't in it anyways. Might as well just stay full time."
You're moving in. He's installing a nice and sturdy shower bench, he's got snacks all around the house for you, he's mixing electrolyte powder in your water. John wants you to thrive more than anything, you're his girl, going to be his wife one day. He still wants you to feel and be independent, if you need he'll go with you to get a mobility aid so you can comfortably go out more.
He's set in his military ways so.. He's somewhat blunt with scheduling. Little reminders all day to drink your water with a kiss to your forehead. When you go out together, he's stashed some instant cold packs and little salt packets in your bag. John often lifts your hand to check your BPM tracker, once he's done he'll kiss your knuckles.
"Look at that darlin' .. Takin' care of yourself so well for me."
Johnny had quite the habit of being a bit lazy when home from deployment. But then you wandered into his life, he didn't know about your POTS at first. Just figured you also had a busy life and preferred nights in for dates. Then you got more serious in your relationship and opened up to him about your condition. It was an immediate flip of a switch, Johnny became your Johnny.
He wants you to be able to spend your energy doing the things you love, not the simple tasks, especially when he can take care of it. You practically gained a Scottish housewife. He'll shoo you softly away from the dishes, insisting you enjoy your hobbies or rest up so you two can have a nice day out. Laundry, cleaning, making the bed. Bathing you even though you're perfectly capable, definitely not to touch you and get a little handsy-
"I can take care of ye bonnie.. believe me tha more I do the more I fall for ye."
Would say the only somewhat struggle, is overheating at night. Cause you cannot tell me this man doesn't run hot like a heater. And he loves to love you, hold you, touch and feel you. But there's work arounds, a nice AC, and cooling blankets. Besides he sleeps like a rock so once he's out, if you get too hot you can give him a little push off you. Rarely he'll wake up and drawl out whines.
"..miss ye lass.. my arms are useless without ye in them.."
Simon never thought of himself as a worrier. He's been through hell and back and not much phases him. But the first time he saw you faint nearly sent him to an early grave, threw whatever was in his hands to dart over to catch you. This was definitely before he really started to understand the seriousness of POTS. Now it's constantly on his mind, especially the moments in the day when he's not right there with you.
He doesn't want you to feel guilty about his panic, so he's pretty stoic and calm when face to face with you. Definitely goes in with you to every doctor's appointment now, asks questions, how he can help, what to do during your flare ups. You best believe he is taking everything your doctor suggests to heart. Buying you a BPM monitor, knowing Simon he'll probably figure a way to connect it to his phone. So even when he's not with you he knows a little about how you're doing. Statistically it's his most used app now. Once in a while you get a blunt-
"Go rest."
-text from Simon as soon as it gets too high for his liking.
Simon is very adamant that you take plenty of breaks throughout the day, if you're overexerting yourself he's right there with you. An arm winding around you, kissing the nape of your neck after gently brushing your hair aside.
"How you feelin' doll? Let's get you some water and we'll take a break for a while yeah? Put on that show you like and I'll take care of this.."
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theostrophywife · 1 year
az x reader where az is really drunk and very clingy and protective and hearteyed and reader is either sober or not drunk at all. az asks reader out and reader says that she'll say yes the next day if az still wants to?
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is it cool that i said all that? is it chill that you're in my head? cause i know that it's delicate.
author's note: drunk, clingy, overprotective az is my drug of choice. song inspiration: delicate by taylor swift. (basically i am just a big swiftie and will continue to be inspired by her songs)
Azriel rarely ever got drunk. 
On a typical night out, the shadowsinger was often the one keeping an eye on Rhys and Cassian to make sure his brothers didn’t cause any trouble, holding the girls purses and belongings as they danced at Rita's, and being his usual godsend self with his arsenal of anti hangover powder and hydrating potions. Azriel had spent countless nights holding your hair back as you threw up in the toilet, making sure to clean you up and tuck you into bed like the great friend that he was.
But tonight would be different. 
It was Azriel’s birthday and you were determined to get your best friend absolutely plastered. After his surprise dinner at the House of Wind, you’d promised him a night off from babysitting the inner circle. This was his chance to get absolutely shitfaced because you’d be right by his side to take care of him.
“I’m serious, Az.” You declared as you twined your arm around Azriel’s, your cold breath curling through your lips like smoke as the two of you sauntered through the city. “I want you to have fun for once. Let your hair down and live a little, shadowsinger.” 
Azriel snorted, raising a brow. “Let my hair down?” 
You chuckled and pinched his bicep in return. “You know what I mean, smartass. You’re always taking care of everyone and now it’s my turn to take care of you. I expect you to take full advantage. Dance on tables. Throw back as much tequila as you can handle. Maybe even grace us with that angelic voice of yours.” 
A deep blush bloomed high upon the shadowsinger’s perfectly sculpted cheekbones as you giggled. “Don’t try to deny it, Az. I know all about your shower concerts. The walls echo at the house, you know.” 
He chuckled, shaking his head. “You’re not letting me get out of this, are you?” 
“Nope!” you confirmed cheerily. “I won’t stop until you’re thoroughly wasted, birthday boy.” You nodded to your friends who were waiting at the bar with a round of shots. “And they’re going to help me get you there.”
Mor passed the the tequila around your group of friends. You handed a shot to the shadowsinger, winking as you raised your glass high. “To the reigning snowball champion and the best friend anyone could ever ask for. Happy fucking birthday, Az!” 
Cassian and Rhys roared, clapping their brother on the back while Feyre, Nesta, and Mor cheered along. Even Amren cracked a smile as you clinked your glasses together and toasted your friend.
Thus began the first of many shots for Azriel that night. 
The shadowsinger was reluctant to relinquish control at first, but he eventually relented, knowing that you wouldn’t budge. You were quite convincing when you wanted to be and he thought it was cute how dedicated you were to making sure he was having a good time. You never let his hand be empty for long, whether it was slipping him a shot or slyly giving him sips of the fruity drinks you knew he secretly loved or keeping him hydrated with plenty of water in between, Azriel found himself actually letting loose. 
It was around his ninth or tenth drink when drunk Az started to emerge. You could tell that he had crossed the threshold between sober and tipsy by his body language. He was relaxed, his wings slightly unfurled across his back and his shadows floating around him like they were swimming through honey. The constant hiccuping was also a dead giveaway that the alcohol was sinking in and the longer the night went on, the more silly and giggly Azriel got. He was laughing openly and freely, such a stark contrast from his usually reserved nature. 
It was so damned endearing. Drunk Azriel was downright adorable. Those dark tousled locks sticking up in a dozen different directions, that slightly flushed tint to his golden brown skin, the glassy, dreamy haze clouding his soft hazel eyes, and the cute little dimples peeking out from each cheek every time he shot you that crooked grin you loved so much. 
You were stone-cold sober, keeping true to your promise of watching over Az, but you couldn't help giggling along to whatever stupid joke Cassian was telling. Mostly because Azriel was so enraptured by his brother’s jape, letting out a hearty laugh as the Illyrian general delivered the punchline. Azriel threw his head back, swaying into you and brushing his wing against your shoulder. 
With how close you were, you and Azriel were already quite touchy as it was, but putting alcohol into the mix seemed to bring the affectionate side of the shadowsinger to the forefront. Azriel was definitely a cute and cuddly drunk. Throughout the night, he was constantly leaning against you, casually bumping his hip against yours, and even resting his arm on top of your head while chuckling at how much he towered over you. Despite the roll of your eyes, you secretly loved this clingy, touchy side of him. 
Especially because he seemed to follow you around like a lost little puppy, completely placing his trust in you to keep him safe, and not once complaining as you took his hand and dragged him over to the dance floor. Azriel laughed as you attempted to twirl him, his wings nearly knocking everyone around you off their feet. 
Rhysand and Cassian joined in on the fun, throwing their arms over Azriel’s shoulder while they screamed along to the song pounding through the pleasure hall. You watched all of this with a smile as you danced with the girls while still keeping an eye on Az to make sure he was drinking enough water and not getting overheated in the packed crowd. 
Nesta teased you about acting like a complete mother hen, but you didn’t mind one bit as long as you were sure that Azriel was enjoying himself. You were so busy watching him that you didn’t even notice the male trying to grab your attention until he stood between you and the rest of your friends. You made polite conversation, but your focus was elsewhere as you craned over the male’s shoulder. The shadowsinger wasn’t with Rhys and Cassian across the dancefloor and his absence filled you with panic. 
But then a pair of strong arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you against the shadowsinger’s solid chest and enveloping you in that familiar heavenly scent of night chilled mist and cedar. 
“There you are,” Azriel said, nestling his chin in the crook of your shoulder. His only acknowledgement of the male before you was a menacing look that told him to keep moving before the shadowsinger twirled you around. “Come dance with me.”
You gladly obliged, finding it quite amusing that he was just as overprotective drunk as he was sober. As you danced, you didn’t miss the subtle glares that Azriel shot at the males who dared look your way. The shadowsinger’s wing tucked against your side like a shield, causing you to fondly roll your eyes. 
“I’m a big girl, Az. I can handle myself.” 
“I know,” Azriel responded with a grin. “But I’m not really in the mood to share tonight.”
If only the shadowsinger knew how ridiculous that statement was. No one in this realm could take your attention away from Azriel no matter how hard they tried. 
“Getting greedy aren’t we, shadowsinger?” 
Azriel pouted, looking down at you with eyes like molten gold. “I’m allowed to be greedy. It’s my birthday.”
You smoothed over his pout with a grin before leaning over to kiss his cheek. “What the birthday boy wants, the birthday boy gets.”
So you danced and joked and laughed. It was nearly dawn when you finally made it out of Rita’s. The sky was tinged with stunning shades of mauves and pinks, the stars twinkling high above you as you walked hand in hand through the quiet streets of Velaris with Azriel. He swayed slightly beside you as you winnowed back to the House of Wind. 
Because of the wards placed throughout your home, Cassian and Rhys had to catch the both of you as you fell mid-air through the training pits. You thanked the High Lord who kissed your cheek goodnight before flying off to the River House. 
Beside you, Cassian steadied Azriel who instantly took your hand in his once more. His shadows swirled lazily through your intertwined fingers as you led him inside. 
“Are you going to be alright bringing him up?” Cas asked with a yawn.
You nodded. “I think we can manage from here.”
Azriel nodded, blinking slowly. “Mhm,” he mumbled in agreement. “Not even that drunk.”
The Illyrian general chuckled. “Sure you aren’t, brother.” Cassian ruffled your hair. “Let me know if you need any help. Though I highly doubt you’ll need it. You always take care of Az.”
“She does,” Azriel declared as he nuzzled his head on your shoulder. “Y/N is the best, isn’t she?” 
Cassian shot you a knowing look. “She sure is.”
The journey to Azriel’s room was more challenging than you thought it would be. Guiding all six foot four of the Illyrian warrior up a flight of stairs was a whole workout in itself, but you weren’t complaining. Your friend has done this for you a hundred times over. This was the least you could do to repay that kindness. 
You and Azriel stumbled into the room and you lit a few faelights as the shadowsinger plopped down on his large, luxurious bed. Big enough to accommodate those enormous wings of his. You chuckled as he sprawled out across the soft sheets, pulling a pillow over his face. The sight of this terrifying, lethal warrior curled up like a babe while he cuddled a pillow was highly amusing. As much as you wanted to tuck him snug and tight into those blankets, you knew he’d feel better once he brushed his teeth and changed into comfier clothing. 
The shadowsinger barely shifted as you tugged at his hand. “Come on, Az. You have to get changed.” 
Azriel groaned, his grumbling muffled by the feather goose pillow pressed against his cheek. “Don’t wanna.”
You poked at his side, causing him to wiggle away from you. “I promise you’ll feel so much better in your pajamas.” Azriel shook his head as you tapped his nose. “It’ll only take a minute. Then I can tuck you in so you can go to sleep.” 
He tilted his head to the side, considering your words. “Can we cuddle?” Azriel asked in that soft, small voice that only ever came out when he was thoroughly exhausted. It tugged at your heartstrings. In that moment, he could’ve asked you to bring him the moon and you would’ve done it.
“Of course, babe.”
At that, Azriel finally rose from the bed and followed you into his restroom. You picked out a pair of comfortable shorts, but didn’t bother choosing a shirt since Azriel preferred to sleep without one. You stole one of his sweatshirts and changed into it before helping him place mint paste onto his toothbrush. The two of you brushed your teeth side by side with Azriel slightly swaying as he blinked sleepily. 
You nudged him with your hip and he smiled, bright and beaming as he looked over at you in the mirror. These unguarded, vulnerable moments with Azriel are what you cherished the most in your friendship because you knew how hard it was for him to let people in and yet here he was, smiling at you like you hung the stars. 
When you finished up, you twined your fingers in his and led Azriel back to bed to cuddle like you promised. As the shadowsinger made himself comfortable, you took the opportunity to admire him. The little crinkle of his nose as he snuggled up to your side, the warmth of his skin as he tangled his long legs with yours, the sigh of satisfaction that left his pink, pouty lips as he made himself comfortable. Azriel’s lashes kissed your jaw as he toyed with the hem of his own sweatshirt. 
“I like when you wear my clothes,” Azriel murmured against your neck. “You look so tiny in them. It’s cute,” he hiccuped, causing you to chuckle. 
“Yeah?” you teased while you played with his hair. After all that dancing, his locks were an unruly mess and one curl in particular kept falling over his right eye no matter how many times you smoothed it back. “You’ll regret saying that when all of your hoodies mysteriously disappear.”
“You can borrow them any time,” he offers, wrapping an arm over your midsection. Despite the chilly air, Azriel radiated warmth. “I don’t mind, especially when you leave the scent of your perfume all over them. I like the way you smell. It’s like…vanilla and spun sugar.”
That brought a smile to your face. “Are you just going to keep listing things you like about me?” 
Azriel glanced up at you and grinned. “That depends. How much time do you have?” 
“I wouldn’t have pegged you for a flirty drunk, Az.”
“I’m not,” he huffed, pulling the covers up to his chin. “You just bring it out of me.”
You raised a brow. “Why’s that?” 
“Because,” Azriel stated matter-of-factly. “I like you.” 
You giggled, tapping his nose. “I like you too, Az.”
He turned, perching his head up on his right palm. That hazel gaze cleared, no longer muddled by the drunken cloudy fog. “I like you like you. I have for a while, Y/N.”
Your heart clenched. No matter how sincere he sounded right now, Azriel was still tipsy and you didn’t want him saying or doing anything he might regret in the morning. 
“I’m not saying I don’t believe you, Az.” You murmured softly, caressing his cheek. “But I think we should table this conversation until the morning. Sleep on it and if you still want to talk about it when you wake up, I’ll be right here.”
Azriel pouted, but nodded in understanding. He simply snuggled back into your side, placing his full weight on you as his wings sprawled across his back. Shadows spilled over the sides of the bed like smoke as Azriel grew sleepier. In the darkness, there was nothing but the combined sounds of your soft breathing and the howl of the wind whistling through the quiet house. 
“Y/N?” Azriel breathed, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Yes, Az?” 
“Thank you for tonight,” he says, smiling against your skin. “For making my birthday feel so special.”
You squeezed him tight. “It’s special because you’re special, Azriel.”
That godsdamned breathtaking beautiful smile. It was a wonder to behold and it burned brighter than any star in the sky. You didn’t even have it in you to feel embarrassed as your heart raced in your chest. Honestly, who could blame you for falling for this kind, thoughtful male who placed everyone‘s needs above his own? It was impossible not to fall in love with Azriel.
Gods, you were thoroughly and utterly fucked. 
You kissed his temple, trying to calm the pounding in your chest. “Goodnight, Azriel.”
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
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The next morning you awoke to the bright sunlight streaming in through Azriel’s windows. You groaned, covering your eyes with one arm. A familiar soft chuckle sounded from your side before darkness fully enveloped you. You slowly opened your eyes to find Azriel smiling at you, his wings shielding you from the sun. 
“Someone’s not a fan of mornings.” 
You stuck your tongue out, burying your head underneath the covers. “How do you manage to be this cheerful after drinking your weight in tequila? I’m the one who stayed sober, but I still feel like someone dunked me in the Sidra.”
Azriel pried your fingers away from the blanket. “You wouldn’t let me go to sleep until I took an anti hangover potion and you also made me wash it down with nearly a gallon of water.”
You grinned. “Now you know how it feels like to be mother henned.”
The shadowsinger flicked your nose and you pouted in return. With a softer voice, you shyly gazed up at your friend. “Did you have fun last night?” 
He nodded. “I did. All thanks to you.”
“I’m glad to hear it. Seeing you drunk was the best thing ever. You turn into clingy and cuddly Az, which is arguably the best Az.”
Azriel tugged you by the wrist, pulling you to his side. “Yeah?” he teased, throwing his leg over yours. “You like it when I’m clingy?”
“Mhm,” you murmured, greedily nuzzling into his neck. He was so warm and cozy and nothing in this world could make you get up from his bed. “It’s nice to be able to take care of you instead of the other way around.”
“I like taking care of you though,” Azriel said, stroking your hair. “I’ll always take care of you.”
You smiled. “I know, Az. I enjoyed seeing you have fun though. Even if you probably don’t remember much of last night.”
“I remember all of it,” the shadowsinger whispered into your hair. “What I said last night. I meant every word.” He met your gaze and you could feel the beat of his heart against your cheek as he looked down at you. “You’re my best friend, Y/N. You know me better than anyone, so I know that some part of you already suspects what I’m about to say. But I think—no, I know, that I’ve fallen hard for you. And no part of me ever wants to get up.”
“You don’t have to,” you say with a smile, pressing a kiss on his chest right above his heart. “Because I’m pretty sure I’m falling for you too, Azriel.”
The shadowsinger couldn’t hide his smile. “Pretty sure?” he asked sarcastically. 
You fondly rolled your eyes. “I’m head over heels for you, smartass.” Azriel chuckled as you flicked his nose. “Is that good enough for you, Az?” 
Azriel grinned, clutching you close. “Much better.”
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taglist: @viradeity @moony-thoughts @i-opened-the-chamber-of-secrets @demirunner @swansworth @heart-defendor @momlo @mali22 @roselensage @searchingford@nessianxgwynriel@azriels-angels@brekkershadowsinger@morelovemorepeacemoretattoo-blog @mattte-black @marina468
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macgyvermedical · 2 months
What are ways you could keep a character hydrated in the wilderness?
The best way to consume fluids is by drinking them. For most people, water and a salty snack is going to be fine.
If the person is ill, doing strenuous activity, or is out in the hot sun, they may need ORS. You can make a really easy ORS solution by combining 1tsp Lite Salt (a salt product that is half sodium chloride and half potassium chloride) or 1/2 tsp regular table salt and a half cup of fruit juice to a liter of water. To either of those add 8 tsp of sugar (or lemonade powder). Taste it to make sure it is less salty than tears. Consume all at once or refrigerate any leftover portion and shake prior to giving.
If the person is unconscious and you can't give anything by mouth, you can give water slowly via an enema. The colon's job is to absorb fluid, and it can absorb up to 2 liters per day, as long as it's given slowly enough.
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They say it’s really how much you eat, not what you eat. So you eat less. You stop snacking. You count calories. You cut your meals in half. You try fasting.
They say it’s more about diet than exercise. So you cut out pop, quit fast food, eat more fruits and veggies, try this super health food that tastes like dirt. You avoid sweets and processed food as best you can.
They say it’s the alcohol. So even though you don’t drink much, you drink even less.
They say focus on protein. So you buy protein powders, protein bars, protein drinks. You eat eggs and salmon almost daily.
They say increase your water intake. So even though you’re hydrated enough, you drink more. More liquids but avoid the high calories. Try this new zero calorie drink and zero calorie sweetener.
They say oh but you still need to exercise more. So you walk more, bike more. Build up your stamina to go to the gym daily. Buy a fitness watch to closely track your every movement. Run so much you injure your knees.
They say but change up your routine or your body will get used to it. So you spend money on classes for yoga and Pilates, you try different equipment at the gym. You buy hula hoops and weights and restrictive bands to use at home. You look up different exercises to try and do them in the bathroom at work.
They say it’s okay to have some setbacks, just hop back on the wagon! So you do. Every time.
They say it’s your birth control. So you switch to a different kind.
They say it’s your hormone disorder, so you spend money on different supplements and specific diet books. You research your PCOS and endo, start a blog, talk to your physical therapist and doctors, just looking for *something* that will work.
They say talk to your doctor if it’s not working. But the doctor says just keep doing what you’re doing, or spend more money on these useless things.
They say pay attention to your mental health! The scale is just a number! So you try not to weigh yourself as often, or measure instead. You spend money on therapy and worry about getting an eating disorder.
They say plateaus and muscle weight gain are normal. So you keep going even though you don’t think anything is changing. Even when it’s been over a year. And. Nothing. Has. Changed.
They say keep going! But I’m tired.
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cyborg-franky · 1 year
Hey Birbdad!!
I have been very sick for the last 5 days and I'm absolutely not getting better :( I just have temperatures and heavy headaches + I'm coughing the shit out of my body. So I wanted to ask for some comfort! Sick So with Marco, Law and Hongo! I hope that's okay, if not just delete this request.
Stay safe and hydrated!!<33
Oh no being sick is the worst and gross and I hate it. I hope you feel better by the time you see this. But I hope it helps <3
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He can come across as a little too clinical about things.
That doesn’t mean he doesn’t care or he doesn’t want to show his softer side, it just means he is all business until he knows what's wrong and how to help.
Once he’s set out all the medication and course of treatment, getting to the bottom of what’s making you sick he will let himself breathe.
He gives you water, medicine tells you in great detail what each one is and how it’s going to help.
The things he knows, the things he makes for you, it gets to the pain and nasty feelings fast and you feel better.
That’s when he’ll settle down with you.
Maybe sit on a chair next to your bed and read so he’s never too far away from you.
Every cough or wince of pain has his attention though and it’s back into full on Mr Doctor Man Sir.
He will hold your hand though, a book in the other.
You know he’s here for you and he’s doing his best to comfort you how he knows.
MARCO and HONGO under cut
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He always feels a little useless when people get sick in a way that his powers can’t fix.
But at least he knows enough to help in other ways.
Any aches or pains though, and his hand is on you, the cooling blue flames bringing you relief which helps you deal with the parts of your cold he can’t help.
He’ll make you nice warm teas and makes sure you are comfortable.
Marco will set you up in his office, curled up on a sofa, comfy and with everything you could ask for while he works, always wanting to keep an eye on you.
His cool hand on your forehead is always a godsend.
“You’ll be okay in no time little bird, I promise yoi.” He says with a smile as he gives you more medication to help with everything else.
Sits with you, brushing your hair as he looks over his paperwork.
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Is so used to people getting sick on the ship because no one likes to do as their told or seem to have any sense of keeping themselves covered up in the cold.
He’s a little gruff and tells you how you got sick and what he’s going to do to help you.
He knows older ways of treating you, things people would roll their eyes at but they seem to work.
Spends ages mixing strange-looking mush or tipping an assortment of things into a bowl to crush into a powder, adding it to drinks.
It tastes horrible, but it settles you.
He’ll even forgo partying with the rest of the crew to keep checking on you.
Acts annoyed but actually likes sitting in and spending time with you.
Spends the entire time making bad jokes though because laughter is the best medicine.
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How To Choose A Tasty Hydrating Powder Drink
It's important to stay hydrated, especially when participating in strenuous activities or spending time in hot weather. One easy and convenient way to do this is to drink a hydrating powder drink. When choosing a hydrating powder drink, it's important to consider taste, ingredients, and price. This blog will discuss the things to consider when choosing a hydrating drink for yourself.
What to look for in a hydrating powder drink
There are many types of hydrating powder drinks on the market, so it cannot be easy to know which one is best for you. When you're looking for a hydrating powder drink, you should keep a few things in mind.
Make sure that the drink is packed with electrolytes. This will help to replace the electrolytes your body loses when you sweat.
Look for a drink that is low in sugar. Too much sugar can dehydrate your body, so finding a balance is important. 
Choose a drink that contains no artificial sweeteners or flavorings. These ingredients can dehydrate, so it's best to avoid them altogether.
By keeping these things in mind, you can be sure to find the best hydrating powder drink for your needs.
Benefits of fruit punch glucose drink
Fruit punch glucose drink can help you to maintain your health in several ways. 
Fruit punch glucose drink is a great source of hydration, and it can also help you to replenish electrolytes that might be lost through sweating. 
Fruit punch glucose drink is also a good source of energy and can help you stay alert and focused during the day. 
Fruit punch glucose drink can help to boost your immune system, and it can also help you to fight off infections.
Fruit punch glucose drink is an all-natural product, free of artificial flavors, colors, and sweeteners. 
As a result, the fruit punch glucose drink is a healthy choice for anyone looking for an alternative to sugary drinks.
Main Source : https://amazonseoservices.com/how-to-choose-a-tasty-hydrating-powder-drink/
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Sip Away Belly Fat: Discover The Power Of Tea For A Trim Tummy!
Are you tired of struggling with stubborn belly fat? Well, fret no more! In this blog post, we will unveil the secret to shedding those extra inches around your waistline by incorporating the power of tea into your daily routine. Not only will we provide you with effective tea recipes, but we'll also explain how these brews work on your belly fat. So, grab your favorite mug, and let's dive into the world of tea for a trim tummy!
Understanding The Science Behind Tea And Belly Fat
Before we delve into the tea recipes, let's explore why tea is an effective tool for losing belly fat. Tea, mainly green tea, is rich in antioxidants called catechins. These compounds have been found to boost metabolism, increase fat oxidation, and reduce abdominal fat. Additionally, tea is a natural diuretic, aiding in eliminating excess water weight.
The Best Teas To Lose Belly Fat
1. Green Tea Elixir:
- 1 green tea bag
- 1 cup hot water
- 1 teaspoon honey (optional)
- Juice of half a lemon
- Steep the green tea bag in hot water for 3-5 minutes.
- Remove the tea bag and add honey (if desired) and lemon juice.
- Stir well and enjoy this refreshing elixir twice a day.
2. Oolong Tea Boost:
- 1 oolong tea bag
- 1 cup hot water
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder
- 1 teaspoon grated ginger
- Steep the oolong tea bag in hot water for 5-7 minutes.
- Remove the tea bag and add cinnamon powder and grated ginger.
- Mix well and sip on this aromatic tea twice a day.
Tips for Optimal Results
To maximize the effectiveness of tea in your belly fat loss journey, consider the following tips:
1. Stay Hydrated: Besides tea, ensure you drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated and support digestion.
2. Balanced Diet: Incorporate a well-balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains to complement your tea regimen.
3. Regular Exercise: Pair your tea routine with regular physical activity to boost metabolism and accelerate fat burning.
In Conclusion
Losing belly fat doesn't have to be an arduous task. By incorporating these delicious tea recipes into your daily routine, you can harness the power of nature to trim your tummy. Consistency is vital, so sip on these teas regularly, adopt a healthy lifestyle, and watch your belly fat melt away. Cheers to a slimmer, healthier you!
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camille-lachenille · 6 months
Clover Cotton’s Cookbook: Pasta soup
Hello my dears, it’s Clover Cotton again! I planned to share with you my vegetable hand pies but everyone’s down with a nasty cold here in Bywater and I didn’t have the energy nor appetite to make something as hearty as hand pies.
So here is a perfect recipe for when one’s sick or recovering, the pasta soup is very quick and easy to make and can be adapted to everyone’s taste with minimal effort.
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Ingredients (for 1 Hobbit):
500 ml water
1 tablespoon vegetable broth powder or 1 broth cube
About 50g pasta (the best is alphabet pasta but any small-ish sort of pasta that cooks quickly works. If you have nothing suitable at hand, crushed spaghetti are an Italian Grandma approved solution)
1 onion
Kale leaves (optional)
1 egg (optional)
Grated cheese (optional)
Recipe (~10 minutes):
Put the water to boil and chop the onion finely in the meantime.
When the water boils, lower the heat and throw the stock, the pasta and the onion in. Stir.
If you do the version with kale, shred the leaves and throw them in the boiling water with the rest.
If you want a more nutritive version, crack an egg in the pot and stir vigorously until the egg has almost melted in the soup
Pour in a bowl and add a bit of grated cheese if you want.
If you have broth leftover (and you almost certainly will), you can filter it and keep it in the fridge to make more soup later or simply to sip on it if you want something warm to drink other than herbal teas.
Take care of yourselves and stay hydrated!
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howtobeaskeleton · 2 years
The Pro-Ana Diet : 8 Different Meal Plans to Follow
By Mimo Varila
The Lunabelle Diet
The Lunabelle diet is a condensed version of the Ana Boot Camp diet, which is 40 days instead of the usual 50 days. It has more fast days and calorie variations. This is a more “doable” diet, as it comes with higher calorie restrictions, with days you consume between 100 to 800 calories. There are double fast days, though, so you have to prepare yourself for these. If not, you can consume 50 or 100 calories to stay safe if you aren’t able to fast this long. After 40 days, you will be able to lose up to 20 pounds or more!
The Rainbow Diet
This is a pretty interesting diet, as it entails you to consume one color of food per day, except for every Wednesday. Here is the meal plan:
Monday (white) :
Breakfast: Half an apple
Lunch: Half an apple
Dinner: One cucumber
Tuesday (yellow):
Breakfast: One banana
Lunch: One banana
Dinner: Half a cup of corn
Wednesday: Fast
Thursday (orange):
Breakfast: Half an orange
Lunch: Half an orange
Dinner: One carrot
Friday (red):
Breakfast: Half a cup of strawberries
Lunch: Half a cup of strawberries
Dinner: Half a red pepper
Saturday (purple or blue):
Breakfast: Ten blueberries
Lunch: Ten blueberries
Dinner: Ten raspberries
Sunday (green):
Breakfast: Half a cup of grapes
Lunch: Half a cup of grapes
Dinner: One cup of lettuce
The ABC Diet
If you have been following the pro-ana lifestyle of quite some time now, then you’re familiar with the ABC diet, which is known as the Ana Boot Camp. This is one of the most popular diets to follow, as it’s extensive and incredibly useful. However, it’s very challenging, and not many people pass it.
This grueling diet will yo-yo between 50 to 500 calories a day, with a fast every few days. The extreme calorie restriction will have you lose at least 20 pounds once you are done with the 50 days. You can eat anything in this diet, but make sure that it sticks to your limit.
The Five Bites Diet
Think of it as a mental gastric bypass surgery, where people staple their stomachs to feel full after just a few bites. This will take a lot of self-control, though, as you will only be consuming five bites of whatever meal you have.
I recommend that you follow this diet:
Breakfast: Five bites of oatmeal
Lunch: Five bites of a sandwich
Dinner: Five bites of pasta
It’s best to consume a lot of water or zero-calorie drinks to stay energized and hydrated while doing the diet. Freshly-squeezed lemon juice can work great, too!
The Vegan Model Diet
The vegan model diet is another effective and restrictive diet suitable for those who follow the vegan lifestyle. Think of it as the usual meal plan models would follow to get a flat stomach without any meat products!
Breakfast: One reduced-calorie bread and two cups of black coffee with zero-calorie sweeteners
Lunch: One large apple
Dinner: Eight baby carrots
The total number of calories consumed is only 200 calories. Follow this for a week, and you will be able to lose weight quickly. You can substitute meals with different fruits and vegetables if desired. Add your meal diet with some healthy powders. Check the green superfood powder to know more.
The Ana Atkins Diet
This is a personal twist on the Atkins diet, which is similar to the keto diet. Just make sure that you avoid any keto diet mistakes and consume too many carbs from fruits!
Breakfast: Three-egg white omelet
Snack: Baked white fish fillet
Lunch: Roast Chicken drumstick and a cup of salad leaves
Snack: 50 grams of prawns with garlic and chili
Dinner: Grilled Sirloin steak and a cup of salad leaves
You might think that this is a lot to consume, but it’s quite useful in burning fat quickly. By day three, you have less appetite, and your body is using ketones for energy.
The Russian’s Gymnast Diet
Irina Tschachina is a 5’6 Russian gymnast who only weighs 99 pounds. Wonder how she does it? Here’s a diet you can follow for ultimate weight loss and health. Those who follow this diet for a week can lose up to ten pounds!
Breakfast: A glass of apple or orange juice
Lunch: Fruit salad with a glass of fruit juice
Dinner: Green apple and a glass of non-carbonated water
Make sure that your fruit juices are freshly squeezed and free from any artificial sweeteners.
The Baby Food Diet
This is a pretty exciting diet, as it entails you to consume baby food, which is rich in vitamins and nutrients. I recommend that you purchase organic and vegetable-based baby food, which has fewer calories and more vitamins.
You can have baby food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Or, you can have an average healthy breakfast and consume baby food for lunch and dinner. Make sure that you get the 80-gram jars, which are made for weaning babies.
But do take note that these are only short-term diets that should not be done as a lifestyle change. There are many different side effects to pro-ana diets, as you are consuming fewer calories than your body needs, which causes some health risks in the long run.
Bonus Tips on Keeping Up With a Pro-Ana Diet
Now that you’re familiar with the different pro-ana diets, what are other ways you can keep it consistent? Here are some bonus tips to follow:
• Make sure to always keep track of your calories by using apps or other online tools available. Don’t take in more calories than what you burn to ensure weight loss.
• It’s better to consume a healthy breakfast to have better-eating decisions for the day ahead.
• Water is one of the crucial parts of the diet, as it doesn’t only fill you up but keeps you energized when restricting your calories. However, you should avoid drinking water in a single session, since this causes water retention.
• Small meals throughout the day are also recommended, which can have the body think that you’re eating enough to stay satiated and energized throughout the day.
• These are aggressive diets, and you will be deficient in many nutrients from the calorie restriction. Because of this, it’s imperative to take in vitamins. These will compensate for what you don’t consume.
• Sleeping is essential to gain energy and level out your cravings and appetite. If you sleep less, it can lead to a lack of energy and hunger, as well as a slow metabolism!
• If you want to stay encouraged while following a diet, then it’s best to find a diet buddy or to look in the mirror, which keeps you motivated!
• You can keep track of your macronutrients with online macro calculators to ensure you’re eating the right foods, in the right ratios, for optimal weight loss.
Pro-ana diets are aggressive but possible with the right tips and healthy food consumption. That way, you won’t have a problem with keeping the pounds off in the long run !
Hopefully, this article on the pro-ana diet gave you an idea of what you can do to stick with your meal plans.
So don’t wait any longer and check out any of these diets now!
Start your diet now !
SJanuary 1, 2019 at 3:27 am
I want to lock myself in a hotel room for a week with nothing but water. I want to be anorexic
BRYTEEYEZMay 5, 2021 at 12:56 am
I plan to lose this chub quickly. I am a effing fat pig.
TIMDecember 18, 2020 at 4:38 pm
Sounds sexy
ADDYOctober 29, 2020 at 7:16 pm
I’m desperate. I just want to be skinny 🙁
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sac-bestsupplements · 3 months
Creatine Side Effects: Is it Safe? The Toxic Effects of Creatine Monohydrate, Powder, HCL and Capsules
Discover our top 10 best creatine supplements ranking: https://super-achiever.com/best-creatine-supplements
Read more on our website: https://super-achiever.com/creatine-side-effects
#creatine #creatinesideeffects #creatinemonohydrate
Hey there, Achiever Fam! 🌟 Today, we're unraveling the mystery behind the side effects of creatine, a staple in gym bags worldwide. Sure, it's known for muscle gains, but there's more to this story. 🏋️‍♂️🤔 If you're curious about the lesser-known effects of creatine and how to balance its benefits with potential risks, you're in the right place! Don't forget to hit that subscribe button for more insightful content. Let's get into it! 💪 Common Side Effects: Bloating: A familiar side effect due to creatine pulling water into muscles. Usually temporary as the body adjusts. 💧🤰 Water Retention: Increases weight slightly, but it's water, not fat. Normal response to creatine. ⚖️💦 Digestive Issues: Ranging from discomfort to cramps and diarrhea, especially at high doses. A sign to reassess your dosage. 🚽🤢 Dosage and Type Matter: Stick to 3-5 grams per day post-loading phase to minimize side effects. The form of creatine you choose (monohydrate, hydrochloride, etc.) can affect your body differently.
🔍💊 Lesser-Known Side Effects: Sleep Disruptions: Creatine might affect your sleep cycle due to increased energy levels. 🌙😴 Mood Changes: Some experience anxiety or irritability. Always monitor mental health changes. 😠🧠 Kidney Function Concerns: Safe for most, but those with kidney issues should be cautious. 🚨👩‍⚕️ Dehydration Risks: Increased muscle water retention might lead to dehydration. Stay hydrated! 🥤💧 Muscle Cramping: Possible due to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. Drink water and eat balanced meals. 🍽️💪 The Balancing Act of Creatine: Dosing is Key: Start low, increase gradually, and find what works for you. Individual factors matter. 📊🧲 Timing Matters: Taking creatine near workouts may enhance benefits. Consistent daily intake is crucial. 🕒🏋️‍♀️ A Balanced Diet: Creatine works best with a healthy diet. Eat a mix of proteins, carbs, fats, and vitamins. 🥗🍲 Supplementation Duration: Consider cycling creatine use – periods of taking it followed by breaks. 🔄⏳ Professional Consultation: Essential for those with health conditions or experiencing severe side effects. 👨‍⚕️👩‍⚕️ When to Seek Professional Advice: Existing Health Conditions: Particularly kidney, liver, or heart issues. Unusual or Severe Side Effects: Persistent digestive issues, cramping, or changes in urination. 🚨👩‍⚕️ There you have it!
Understanding the side effects of creatine is crucial for harnessing its power safely and effectively. 🌟💊💪 If you've used creatine, we'd love to hear your experiences. Drop a comment below, and don't forget to subscribe for more empowering content. Catch you in the next video! 📹👋
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foreficfandom · 2 years
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Get Their Makeup Look! Ft. The Boys of Tears Of Themis
Artem Wing (左然 - Zuǒ Rán)
Virtue's Frizz Block Humidity Proof Smoothing Spray
Laura Mercier's Tinted Moisturizer Oil Free Natural Skin Perfector SPF 20 in "2W1 Natural (light with warm undertones)"
Farmacy's Honey Butter Beeswax Lip Balm
HERMÈS' Terre d'Hermès Eau Givrée Eau de Parfum
Vyn Richter (莫弈 - Mò Yì)
BondiBoost's Hair Thickening Therapy Styling Spray
La Mer's The Powder
Armani Beauty's Acqua di Gio Eau de Parfum
Givenchy's Rose Perfecto Lip Balm 24H Hydration in "002 Vital Glow (transparent coral)"
Marius Von Hagen (陸景和 - Lù Jǐnghé)
Urban Decay's 24/7 Glide-On Waterproof Eyeliner Pencil in "Zero (black)"
Dior's Dreamskin Fresh & Perfect Cushion Broad Spectrum SPF 50 in "020 Light Beige (light: neutral undertone)
Ralph Lauren's Ralph's Club Parfum
NARS' Afterglow Lip Balm in "Torrid (sheer warm coral)"
Luke Pearce (夏彦 - Xià Yàn)
Lancôme's Teint Idole Ultra Wear All Over Full Coverage Concealer in "320 Bisque Warm (medium skin, warm undertone)"
Drunk Elephant's Lippe Balm
LANEIGE's Water Bank Blue Hyaluronic Cream Moisturizer
Caudalie's Vinofresh Natural Aluminum-Free Deodorant
Why these choices? Well, let me tell you!
Like many professional men in Asia, Artem wears a touch of makeup par his typical work outfit, especially if you're the face of the company. Which Artem definitely is, he appears on media every time he finishes a case. A touch of powder for the flash cameras, a dab of hairspray to smooth out his hair. During the boomer era, it was considered fruity to even wear cologne to work, but times are different now. He almost never branches out from his favorites. He doesn't even shop in the boutiques anymore, he just replaces his stock using online shipping.
Virtue's Frizz Smoothing Spray is odorless, and helpfully lightweight for its medium-thick hair focused formula. Artem has a modestly thick mop on his head, and without just a bit of product, it'll lie annoyingly flat and frizzy, especially if its humid. He sprays it at the roots to give it lift.
He gets Laura Mercier's Tinted Moisturizer in shade "2W1 Natural", which is for light skintones with warm undertones. It's a light-to-medium formula, perfect for covering up eyebags and smoothing out the face, but light enough to avoid looking like a patch of rubber. Oil-free means it's not gonna add extra shine to his Asian complexion, and he knows that SPF protection is vital for healthy skin. Most of his workday is spent in front of blue-screen monitors, so liquid products are best for avoiding a weird unnatural glare reflecting off your face.
Farmacy's Lip Balm is a forever staple in his pocket. He drinks so much coffee and not water, his lips are forever cracked and patchy. Without a good lip balm, he'd be peeling all over his chin and that's not proper for Stellis' youngest senior attorney. One swipe of this can last hours. It's flavorless and has only the mildest scent, so there's not a sticky smell right under his nose all day.
HERMÈS' Terre d'Hermès Eau Givrée is on the subtle side of perfumes. It's piney and citrusy, reminicent of a sophisticated summer breeze. Most people describe it as an 'older gentleman's perfume', 'cause its decidedly not sugary or spicy or fun. But it's professional, and suits Artem's reserved personality.
Vyn didn't start wearing makeup daily until he moved to Stellis, but he had prior experience with wearing cosmetics for the public eye. When he saw that a) professional men of Asia like to wear makeup on the reg, and b) he looks good with the proper products, he made that effort to build up a boudoir of luxury beauty products. Unlike Artem, Vyn knows he looks especially beautiful and he likes to primp it juuuust a tad. Shopping for the proper products can be a struggle for white guy Vyn, because the more luxurious you go, the less inclusive they'll be. He's got a cool-toned complexion, fine hair, and dry skin, which is the opposite of Asia's target audience.
Vyn couldn't find proper designer hair products for his hair type, so he went down the line a bit to get BondiBoost's Hair Thickening Styling Spray, which is a more modestly priced brand and that secretly hurts Vyn's bougie soul. But he can't deny it works wonders on his very fine, very delicate hair. It's a texturing spray that clings to the roots to provide lift and volume. He also likes how its unscented, because he thinks most scented hair products smell like ass.
Speaking of bougie, La Mer's The Powder comes in a teeny pot and costs more than a week's worth of groceries. They market it as appropriate for everyone, but it's obvious that it's formulated best for people like Vyn; it has a radient finish to help combat dull dryness, it's not completely translucent and has the slightest pale cast, and smooths out the fine lines that drier skin gets. But its hefty price comes with quality for sure, and it does its job amazingly well.
Armani Beauty's Acqua di Gio isn't the only perfume he owns, but it's one of his favorites for work. It's long lasting and appropriately strong, but doesn't give off any one particular ingredient. It's best described as just "fresh", or "aquatic". Working with mentally ill patients means that he can't have any aggravating sensory distractions, so he applies just enough to make sure it's not gonna reach across the distance between a psychologist's chair and a patient's bed.
Givenchy's Rose Perfecto in "002 Vital Glow (transparent coral)" provides both color and hydration. It also contains the tingly plumping agent that swells your lips just a tad, which thin-lip Vyn appreciates. Not as tingly as many lip plumping products, it feels more like a subtle minty freshness than a dentist's numbing gel. He, unlike Artem, enjoys scented lip products and likes the floral smell it gives off, it reminds him of his garden.
Unlike the other three, Marius loves makeup for its artistry, and is not afraid to wear the colorful, or wild, or niche. Which is easier said than done because his PR team gets on his ass if he dares go to class in green eyeshadow or a chrome metallic lipstick. He might like to say that they can't tell him what to wear, but Marius is pious to his family, and doesn't dare destroy his own image in a way that might affect them, too.
He gets the Urban Decay's 24/7 Waterproof Eyeliner Pencil in the more natural "Zero (Black)" than their "Perversion (Matte Blackest Black)", so he can pull off a more convincing 'thick lashline' look rather than full on goth. With some mascara and eyebrow pomade, Marius has popularized a famous 'casual bedroom eyes' moment. This pencil will stay on all day, whether its through the college grind or sweating it in the business conference room, so much it'll takes several swipes of a makeup remover to get it all off.
Dior's Dreamskin Fresh & Perfect Cushion is an infamously expensive liquid foundation, available in four shades. One of which fits Marius' spring/fall complexion. So this is his daily go-to, it's lightweight and evens out his skintone just enough, while providing lots of SPF to upkeep Marius' delicate richboy look for years to come. If he's got blemishes typical of any 20 y/o, this product also meshes well with any additional concealer without separating or curdling. Honestly, wearing something so luxurious is more for the PR than the foundation itself.
Ralph Lauren's Ralph's Club Parfum comes in a sexy opaque matte glass bottle reminicent of a whiskey flask. And its scent matches its ridiculous 'manly' marketing; it's woody and spicy with cardamom, patchouli, and the deep warmth of vetiver wood. It doesn't match Marius' general appearance and personality, that's for sure, but it matches his natural BO. 'Cause young Marius is surprisingly potent smelling, shall we say, and a deeper, spicier perfume goes best with him.
NARS' Afterglow Lip Balm caught Marius' eye just by its name, same with their 'Orgasm' blush palettes. It only gives the slightest bit of color, and it wears off pretty quickly, but that's exactly what Marius needs because colored lips tend to look too childlike on his baby face. So he keeps this in his pocket throughout the day to make sure his lips aren't dull and dry, but not rose pink like a porcelain doll, either.
Luke didn't start wearing most of his current products until MC came back into his life, and one day he looked into the mirror and noticed all those blemishes and acne scars and freaked out just a tiny bit. After googling "beginner makeup for men" for an afternoon, he got his hands on some skincare staples, and a cosmetic or two. Most are only for date nights, he doesn't wear concealer when undercover in the field, or investigating throughout the city. And if he's being honest, he doesn't particularly like having makeup on his face, it feels weird and kinda gross to him.
Lancôme's Full Coverage Concealer is full coverage, and by god will it cover up any bruises, dark shadows, healing cuts, scars, etc. Heck, even interviewing people while investigating goes over better if he's not walking around with a black eye, so this concealer was a great discovery for Luke. It's not just for his face, he applies it anywhere clothing can't cover, like hand-shaped bruises around his neck, or a purpling cut around his forearm.
Luke didn't start balming his lips until he started caring about looking more pretty for MC, so he picked up the boutique brand Drunk Elephant's Lippe Balm which contains all natural ingredients, and has no smell or color. He feels better knowing that the goop he's spreading all over his face doesn't contain any cheap, harsh chemicals, 'cause he may have a biology degree, but he has no idea how [insert chemical here] might affect topical skin. It helps that he doesn't have particularly dry lips, so the natural ingredients of this balm fit him just fine.
LANEIGE's Water Bank Blue Moisturizer is an Asia-orienting brand that focuses on oily/combination skin. This product is very lightweight, great for Luke's sweaty, active lifestyle so there's no clogged pores, and he enjoys its light scent, which is that 'vague luxury smell' which makes him feel like he's injecting a paycheck into his face. Growing up, he didn't even bother washing his face with soap most of the time, so this moisturizer has a lot of catching up to do.
Caudalie's Vinofresh Natural Aluminum-Free Deodorant is by far the only deodorant he's tried (or owns), but he still owns no cologne, so he had to get something better than supermarket Dove for Men if he wants to impress. This stick is a clear gel that won't leave those ugly white stains on his black shirts, and it moisturizes the skin, too, which is great for regulating sweat and oil. It's another all-natural product, which means it's not at superbly powerful as the synthetic ones, but it's healthier for the delicate underarm ecosystem.
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Cancer: The Journey
First Steps
I can't say anything as brave as 'battling cancer' or 'fighting cancer.' I think that the best thing I can say is that I am enduring cancer. Pronounced to be in remission the last week of December, I understand that I am not cured. Instead, I have what I have chosen to call Schrodinger's Cancer - they don't know if it's there or not, but we are choosing to proceed as if it is until blood tests and imaging indicate otherwise. Even after five years, when they pronounce one to be 'cured' - there is always the chance of recurrence or a new type of cancer altogether. There will always be a sword hanging over my head, as my chemobuddies taught me.
I found out about my cancer by reading my discharge papers from a place I will call Asshat Central Hospital. They referred me to Asshat specialists who from my calls in the middle of February could not see me until the end of march, and in some cases as far out as May. I needed to see an oncologist and a urologist urgently. Over the next two weeks, I was stumbling and fumbling as I tried to get care out of my HMO network, two more visits to the ER got me a shot of morphine and a CT scan, another list of referals, and finally pain meds.
I woke up on the morning of March 3rd in so much pain that I thought I was going to die. I knew if I went back to Asshat Central, Dunno Medical Center, or Clowncar General that even with my PPO, that I would die. I got my ass in an Uber and over the hill to Cedars-Sinai. I was upstairs and in a bed in a matter of hours, I had painmeds and that first night I remember sleeping so deeply. I was safe and getting care. Within two days, all the care that was weeks or months out started rolling in. Colonoscopy. Nephrostomy and stent. MRI, CT, ultrasounds, x-rays. Cardiac, oncology, urology/nephrology, and all the ologies rolled through my room and them me all over the hospital - it hurt, was terrifying, and in the end the platform needed for care.
Killing the Cancer Instead of the Patient
On March 18th, I had a power pump installed in my left arm for drawing blood and administering chemo.
Five weeks of chemoradiation began shortly after. Radiation Monday through Friday, with a chemo pump Monday through Saturday, a Monday infusion of Emend, Kytril, and dexamethasone, followed by Wednesday and Saturday fluids with Kytril and dexamethasone. Here is what I will tell you about this phase and how to survive it.
This will knock you down so hard that you will not know which way is up. Radiotherapy and oncology like to point fingers. Fuck the fingerpointing. You will be so fatigued that sleeping 12 hours per day will be about all you can do.
You must stay hydrated and it's hard even with two hydration bags going in twice a week I ended up in the hospital with dehydration twice and a whopping kidney infection. Enterade is a drink that helps calm everything down after radiation and chemo and helps to limit the GI damage both can cause. Get Ultima drink powder, make up two gallons and put them in the fridge and pre-fill four one liter bottles - keep them next to you so that you can see them. When you wake up, down one.
Kiss your appetite good-bye. You still need to eat. I found that baby-food stayed down the best. Once upon a Farm is a good national brand, and so is Yumi. Kate Farms makes tasty nutritional shakes that don't give you explosive diarrhea.
I could not stomach meat or dairy, and managed to take only gummy vitamins and gummy pre/probiotic supplements. Spices hurt my mouth and throat and my stomach kicked them right back out.
My doctor prescribed Zofran sublingual, compazine, and Ativan - compazine in case the Zofran didn't work, Ativan when the nausea and vomiting was driven by anxiety. I spent a lot of time carrying around a one gallon ziplock - they came in handy. Saltines and plain soda water do help!
You'll have a break after chemoradiation - at least two weeks. Sleep.
About Power Ports
GET THAT PORT. INSIST ON THAT PORT. It will save you endless bullshit with collapsing veins later as chemo and radiation both make your veins brittle. Insist on anyone drawing blood or giving an infusion use that port. Get ready to call bullshit when they say that they can't. I had bruises up and down my arms until I told them to get someone to access the fucking port or I would damn well walk to Cedars if I had to.
Be aware of the increased risk of blood clots. Your arm may swell and that needs to be seen and treated right away, usually with a three-month course of Eliquis or other blood thinner. You could take aspirin as a preventative with your doctor's approval, but I'm allergic to that and other NSAIDS. Turmeric, ginger, black pepper, cinnamon, and cayenne all have blood-thinning properties, but I could not keep them down. Likewise, grapefruit juice or supplements can enhance (not in a good way) blood thinning medications.
About Nephrostomy Bags
They fucking suck. A nephrostomy should be reversed six to eight weeks after the surgery, and the stent in the ureter (not the urethra) takes over. You cart your piss bag everywhere, wake up to make sure it's not overflowing. You're at an increased risk for kidney infections. Here's my tips for living with the motherfucker.
Order only name-brand bags from Amazon. You'll want to change out the bag once per week. Keep the big bag for when you're at home, the little bag for when you have to go out. Coloplast, Bard, and Medline are all good to use. There are bag covers, bag carriers, and even clothing to keep your bag concealed, catch leaks, and stop punctures. You might want to tape your connections to prevent accidental decoupling. Also, insist on a home health nurse to change that dressing - the angle is such that you can't do it yourself.
You will make friends in radiation and infusion waiting rooms. You'll share space with them in infusion clinics. You may lose them. It will hurt. At the same time, you'll be happy and heartbroken. You'll share tips and tricks, highs and lows, and a fellowship that can't be described, only experienced.
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