#best solar material
maeamian · 2 months
Been trying to read Jules Verne's Journey to the Moon because it was one of my grandfather's favorite books, but it's also just fuckin chalk full of technical details about the orbit of the moon that I have already memorized for class ages ago and I am wondering if it is maybe the compilation of technical details that he loved more than the story.
#The story is good tbf it's just also told to some degree around the technical stuff#Which is definitely given a pretty central role in the story#IDK maybe it's less like that after chapter 6#I am just having trouble maintaining steam through the third chapter of stuff I memorized for one of the two astronomy classes I took#One in high school and one at a college level#Anyhow I will get to and through this book it's just tough mentally#Cause of how much some of it feels like school#lol tbf some of these details I memorized by playing a bunch of Kerbal Space Program#I've been playing a real solar system mod pack and that not class is where I learned the delta v budget you need to get to the moon#Which they spend all at once but also which matches my understanding of the number pretty well#Barring an extra km/s that Verne probably is using to account for the extra drag of the cannon approach vs the rocketry approach#And also tbf I do not know the technical details about cannon manufacture at all beyond some of the basic materials physics stuff#They compel me less than the space details I do know tho#I also do very much love that the premise of the whole thing is 'Americans sure do fuckin love their guns'#Like the character stuff is genuinely fun and well done#It's just against every other chapter being a technical manual on some aspect of the thing#And a technical manual whose details I either know or know are outdated by better newer understandings#Like the creation of the planet section is kinda right but mostly wrong by modern understandings#But also does reflect the best understanding of the time but also I know the history of these ideas anyhow
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jupitersolar · 2 years
Best solar water heater in Bangalore 2022 price
Best solar water heater in Bangalore 2022 price
Best solar water heater in Bangalore 2022 price , Jupiter Solar is one of the best solar water heater in Bangalore .Solar water heaters are becoming more popular among home and in industries in recent times. Solar water heaters are efficient and cost-effective ways to provide hot water. If you have a swimming pool, garden pond, or even a smaller amount of water in your home to be heated, then you would want to consider installing a solar water heater. Jupiter Solar , best solar water heater in Bangalore 2022 price
https://g.page/r/CSzkFnGTvvH5EBA , Buy Jupiter solar, solar water heater price Bangalore . 
Many users know what they should look out for in buying a solar water heater system. There are many factors in choosing a solar water heater ,these factors need to be considered. These factors include how much electricity does the system consume? Does the system have enough storage capacity? What kind of maintenance for solar heaters is required? How much money do you have to spend for getting a solar water heater installed? Are there any guarantee for solar water heating systems? In this blog we share some information about these factors so that you can make an informed decision. We also explain how solar water heaters work . After understanding the concept of solar water heating, you will be able to decide whether this system would be suitable for you .
Best solar water heater in Bangalore 2022
The affordable solar water heater available right now ,contact Jupiter Solar, www.jupitersolars.in. You can get one for around ,to order a best solar water heater in Bangalore ,contact Jupiter Solar, www.jupitersolars.in. Jupiter Solar is a great choice for those who are looking for good quality solar water heaters in Bangalore at a best rate.Solar water heater offers lower running costs and with the best installation costs.  Jupiter Solar , best solar water heater in Bangalore 2022. 
Solar Water Heater Buying Guide
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https://goo.gl/maps/8afgNS1KANtXVLZe8 , Solar water heater price Bangalore - Jupiter Solar . 
Solar Water Heater Price In Bangalore
Solar water heater price In Bangalore, solar water heaters are the best way to save money on your electric bill. Not only do they help reduce pollution, but they also keep your home heated in winter while making sure that you have hot water at any time. However, choosing the right solar water heater for your home can be quite a task. If you want to make the right choice, then here are some factors that you need to consider .
Solar Water Heater Price In Bangalore
Your Budget
The first thing that you need to decide is how much money you want to spend on your solar water heater. A good budget should take your needs into consideration; if you don’t know what to buy a small capacity solar heater, then you might want to buy a big capacity solar water heater unit. On the other hand, if you plan on having to use for more people then you may want to go for bigger units just so that you won't have to worry about them.
Solar water heater price Bangalore 
Installation Cost
Installation cost is something else that you need to decide before buying your solar water heater. You can get the installation costs for the solar water heater purchase, ask Jupiter Solar to know about the installation costs.
Size of solar heaters
Size of solar heaters is another consideration that you need to think about. While they say that the best model solar water heater units do produce sufficient heat , the larger solar heaters are also bulkier and thus to install solar water heater contact Jupiter Solar ,www.jupitersolars.in. So, you need to find a balance between these two and select the correct solar heater model you can afford.
Guarantee is another factor that you need to look out for. Most companies offer guarantee on their products. Jupiter Solar provides 10 years guarantee. You should always go for the best guarantee since it gives you peace of mind.
Materials Used
Lastly, you need to check whether the materials used in producing the solar panels are eco-friendly. . Always try to search for companies ,choose Jupiter Solar one of the best solar water heater manufacturers in India. If you follow these tips, then you will surely be able to make the right decision regarding your solar water heater.
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no-passaran · 8 months
Genocide experts warn that India is about to genocide the Shompen people
Who are the Shompen?
The Shompen are an indigenous culture that lives in the Great Nicobar Island, which is nowadays owned by India. The Shompen and their ancestors are believed to have been living in this island for around 10,000 years. Like other tribes in the nearby islands, the Shompen are isolated from the rest of the world, as they chose to be left alone, with the exception of a few members who occasionally take part in exchanges with foreigners and go on quarantine before returning to their tribe. There are between 100 and 400 Shompen people, who are hunter-gatherers and nomadic agricultors and rely on their island's rainforest for survival.
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Why is there risk of genocide?
India has announced a huge construction mega-project that will completely change the Great Nicobar Island to turn it into "the Hong Kong of India".
Nowadays, the island has 8,500 inhabitants, and over 95% of its surface is made up of national parks, protected forests and tribal reserve areas. Much of the island is covered by the Great Nicobar Biosphere Reserve, described by UNESCO as covering “unique and threatened tropical evergreen forest ecosystems. It is home to very rich ecosystems, including 650 species of angiosperms, ferns, gymnosperms, and bryophytes, among others. In terms of fauna, there are over 1800 species, some of which are endemic to this area. It has one of the best-preserved tropical rain forests in the world.”
The Indian project aims to destroy this natural environment to create an international shipping terminal with the capacity to handle 14.2 million TEUs (unit of cargo capacity), an international airport that will handle a peak hour traffic of 4,000 passengers and that will be used as a joint civilian-military airport under the control of the Indian Navy, a gas and solar power plant, a military base, an industrial park, and townships aimed at bringing in tourism, including commercial, industrial and residential zones as well as other tourism-related activities.
This project means the destruction of the island's pristine rainforests, as it involves cutting down over 852,000 trees and endangers the local fauna such as leatherback turtles, saltwater crocodiles, Nicobar crab-eating macaque and migratory birds. The erosion resulting from deforestation will be huge in this highly-seismic area. Experts also warn about the effects that this project will have on local flora and fauna as a result of pollution from the terminal project, coastal surface runoff, ballasts from ships, physical collisions with ships, coastal construction, oil spills, etc.
The indigenous people are not only affected because their environment and food source will be destroyed. On top of this, the demographic change will be a catastrophe for them. After the creation of this project, the Great Nicobar Island -which now has 8,500 inhabitants- will receive a population of 650,000 settlers. Remember that the Shompen and Nicobarese people who live on this island are isolated, which means they do not have an immune system that can resist outsider illnesses. Academics believe they could die of disease if they come in contact with outsiders (think of the arrival of Europeans to the Americas after Christopher Columbus and the way that common European illnesses were lethal for indigenous Americans with no immunization against them).
And on top of all of this, the project might destroy the environment and the indigenous people just to turn out to be useless and sooner or later be abandoned. The naturalist Uday Mondal explains that “after all the destruction, the financial viability of the project remains questionable as all the construction material will have to be shipped to this remote island and it will have to compete with already well-established ports.” However, this project is important to India because they want to use the island as a military and commercial post to stop China's expansion in the region, since the Nicobar islands are located on one of the world's busiest sea routes.
Last year, 70 former government officials and ambassadors wrote to the Indian president saying the project would “virtually destroy the unique ecology of this island and the habitat of vulnerable tribal groups”. India's response has been to say that the indigenous tribes will be relocated "if needed", but that doesn't solve the problem. As a spokesperson for human rights group Survival International said: “The Shompen are nomadic and have clearly defined territories. Four of their semi-permanent settlements are set to be directly devastated by the project, along with their southern hunting and foraging territories. The Shompen will undoubtedly try to move away from the area destroyed, but there will be little space for them to go. To avoid a genocide, this deadly mega-project must be scrapped.”
On 7 February 2024, 39 scholars from 13 countries published an open letter to the Indian president warning that “If the project goes ahead, even in a limited form, we believe it will be a death sentence for the Shompen, tantamount to the international crime of genocide.”
How to help
The NGO Survival International has launched this campaign:
From this site, you just need to add your name and email and you will send an email to India's Tribal Affairs Minister and to the companies currently vying to build the first stage of the project.
Share it with your friends and acquittances and on social media.
India’s plan for untouched Nicobar isles will be ‘death sentence’ for isolated tribe, 7 Feb 2024. The Guardian.
‘It will destroy them’: Indian mega-development could cause ‘genocide’ and ‘ecocide’, says charity, 8 Feb 2024. Geographical.
Genocide experts call on India's government to scrap the Great Nicobar mega-project, Feb 2024. Survival International.
The container terminal that could sink the Great Nicobar Island, 20 July 2022. Mongabay.
[Maps] Environmental path cleared for Great Nicobar mega project, 10 Oct 2022. Mongabay.
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ezsolarroofing · 3 months
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What’s The Best Roofing Material For Home - EZ Solar & Roofing
Asphalt shingle or concrete tile—which is best for your home? With so many roofing materials available, it can be tough to choose. The best approach is to get advice from a roofing contractor in San Diego like EZ Solar & Roofing. By consulting a professional and learning from your neighbors, you can find the ideal roofing material for your home. For more details view this infographic or visit the link.
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yourlocalxbox · 6 months
Totality - Undertronic
Seth and Sine spend time admiring the eclipse. Written in one hour, 832 words.
“Do you know how beautiful your art is?”
Seth stared at the sky with clasped hands. A gentle breeze blew past - Zephyros’ sigh, he supposed. He couldn’t help but wonder who held that God Soul now. Seth had always wanted to meet the wind god; perhaps the two could make a good pair.
What a silly thought.
Golden hair fell into his eyes, yet he never moved. Never took his gaze off of his work. Not a second could be missed. He heard laughter behind him.
“What are you doing?” Sine reached from behind and brushed Seth’s hair out of his face. He couldn’t help but notice how his touch lingered longer than it had to. He couldn’t help but notice how he didn’t mind. “You can hardly see through all of that.”
“Like you would know,” Seth quipped. The skeleton behind him snorted.
“Hey, I can make some guesses.”
Sine crept into the corner of Seth’s vision. He pulled off his hood and craned his neck to match Seth. One hand rested in the pocket of his cloak; the other nearly startled Seth out of his trance when it grazed his fingers.
“I could get us something. Tea. Whiskey. Coffee, extra-strong. On the house. Off the rocks. I could go on.”
Seth grinned. “No, thank you. This is enough.”
“But you don’t have anything?”
Seth held his tongue. This was more than enough.
“Won’t it be too dark?”
Seth paused. The thought did cross his mind, but he was not one to be afraid of the dark. A bit of daytime nightfall wouldn’t bother him - he didn’t know what it would take to make him fear the dark, but this was not it. “Not with you around.” He made a vague gesture to the skeleton’s ears. Their calming light was sufficient to keep the growing shadows at bay. Sine gently scratched at one of Seth’s clasped hands, and he let it fall open. The two looked upwards to Seth’s work of art.
The eclipse neared its totality.
“Do you think,” Sine started, “Do you think…”
Seth cocked his head to the side.
The remaining sunlight faded around them.
“No no, what were you saying? Please.”
The shadows cut deeper.
“It’s silly. It’s just a silly thought.”
Sine’s light danced across his face.
“You know those are my favourite.”
“Do you think we could stay like this forever?”
And the world fell yet darker.
“I don’t want this to end. It’s beautiful. Look at it,” Sine mused.
“There’s nothing to look at.”
“Exactly. You did this. You did this, Seth. Look at what you can do.”
Sine’s grip tightened around his hand. He felt dizzy from how his heart beat so unusually. They both knew it was a silly thought. The planets would pass, life would go on. Every couple decades or so, Seth would sit down and repeat the process, as this soul had done for hundreds of thousands of years. This was nothing special. This was just as the last ten thousand had been. It was the same one, the same sun that had people worshipped long before these souls reached their hosts. This couldn’t last forever. Their tails curled around each other. Maybe not forever.
“...I can make you a compromise.”
Seth couldn’t make it last forever. Not even a minute. The others would notice; planets were not something to be trifled with. The Death Well flashed in his mind. Yes, that was a fate he would prefer to avoid.
But a moment wouldn’t hurt.
He squeezed Sine’s hand back, flesh caressing bone. “I think…”
Sine smiled. “You sure about that one?”
“You- Come on, I lost my train of thought.”
“It’s alright,” said Sine. Seth tore his eyes away from his art to meet his. “I think that I think so too.”
The light began to fade back in around them. Seth quickly turned to hide the flush of his face. If anything, it only made Sine look at him more. “You’re kinda cute when you think you’re being slick, y’know.”
Seth exhaled sharply and turned away. “Come on. These always tire me out,” he lied. As much as he hoped Sine wouldn’t catch on, he knew it was a losing battle.
“Aah, so Mister Destruction needs a nap?”
“Shut-” His words were cut short by his own stammering. Sine cackled behind him. He sighed and made his way back inside.
“C’mon, you know you love me.” 
They both stopped mid-step. The daytime betrayed both of their expressions. They simply stared at each other in silence.
“I…” The words caught in Seth’s throat. He knew what he wanted to say. He knew what he needed to say.
I think…
I know…
He put his hand back into Sine’s. His gaze softened. Perhaps not everything had to be said.
It didn’t matter how dark it had gotten; Seth could still see one thing clearly. His work could never compare to the art that had stood beside him.
#undertronic#undertronic fic#fanfiction#Disclaimer: Do NOT stare at solar eclipses lol. One is the god of eclipses so I figure he'd have some sort of immunity#(I didn't want to completely logic this entire fic because if I did it simply would not have been written)#And I don't think the other has retinas. So. Unless you are a god or a skeleton. Use proper eclipse glasses or otherwise safe methods.#solar eclipse#Edit: More disclaimers because I feel like it!#I. I don't know how to write these characters very well. Most of the sources I can find for manner of speech and behaviour are quite old#And extrapolating from newer comments or implications is a touch difficult#Or in other words. This could be wildly out of character and I would have no idea.#AND while I'm already yapping here. I genuinely just picked up this ship from sifting through old archives and found there was an interest#I have no idea what their dynamic would be. I think the only source I have is a comment in a Discord about them both being ancient beings#And therefore could make good crackship material. Take that with a grain of salt.#This was also spurred on by one (1) comment in the Discord that threw me into a writing frenzy in which I stood up and suffered every-#Minecraft status effect all at once. It was worth it#I also almost posted this to my dragon blog lol. Yes this is PEAK dragon content right here.#Okay I'm done rambling. Thank you. Obligatory Reblogs > Likes because this hellsite is a hellsite#Not my best fic but not my worst fic. I am relatively content with this existing
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merchantservices444 · 9 months
Advantages of Merchant Processing over Direct Carrier Billing in Mobile Commerce
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afeelgoodblog · 9 months
The Best News of Last Year - 2023 Edition
Welcome to our special edition newsletter recapping the best news from the past year. I've picked one highlight from each month to give you a snapshot of 2023. No frills, just straightforward news that mattered. Let's relive the good stuff that made our year shine.
January - London: Girl with incurable cancer recovers after pioneering treatment
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A girl’s incurable cancer has been cleared from her body after what scientists have described as the most sophisticated cell engineering to date.
2. February - Utah legislature unanimously passes ban on LGBTQ conversion therapy
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The Utah State Legislature has unanimously approved a bill that enshrines into law a ban on LGBTQ conversion therapy.
3. March - First vaccine for honeybees could save billions
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The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has approved the world’s first-ever vaccine intended to address the global decline of honeybees. It will help protect honeybees from American foulbrood, a contagious bacterial disease which can destroy entire colonies.
4. April - Fungi discovered that can eat plastic in just 140 days
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Australian scientists have successfully used backyard mould to break down one of the world's most stubborn plastics — a discovery they hope could ease the burden of the global recycling crisis within years. 
5. May - Ocean Cleanup removes 200,000th kilogram of plastic from the Pacific Ocean
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The Dutch offshore restoration project, Ocean Cleanup, says it has reached a milestone. The organization's plastic catching efforts have now fished more than 200,000 kilograms of plastic out of the Pacific Ocean, Ocean Cleanup said on Twitter.
6. June - U.S. judge blocks Florida ban on care for trans minors in narrow ruling, says ‘gender identity is real’
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A federal judge temporarily blocked portions of a new Florida law that bans transgender minors from receiving puberty blockers, ruling Tuesday that the state has no rational basis for denying patients treatment.
7. July - World’s largest Phosphate deposit discovered in Norway
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A massive underground deposit of high-grade phosphate rock in Norway, pitched as the world’s largest, is big enough to satisfy world demand for fertilisers, solar panels and electric car batteries over the next 50 years, according to the company exploiting the resource.
8. August - Successful room temperature ambient-pressure magnetic levitation of LK-99
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If the claim by Sukbae Lee and Ji-Hoon Kim of South Korea’s Quantum Energy Research Centre holds up, the material could usher in all sorts of technological marvels, such as levitating vehicles and perfectly efficient electrical grids.
9. September - World’s 1st drug to regrow teeth enters clinical trials
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The ability to regrow your own teeth could be just around the corner. A team of scientists, led by a Japanese pharmaceutical startup, are getting set to start human trials on a new drug that has successfully grown new teeth in animal test subjects.
10. October - Nobel Prize goes to scientists behind mRNA Covid vaccines
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The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine has been awarded to a pair of scientists who developed the technology that led to the mRNA Covid vaccines. Professors Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman will share the prize.
11. November - No cases of cancer caused by HPV in Norwegian 25-year olds, the first cohort to be mass vaccinated for HPV.
Last year there were zero cases of cervical cancer in the group that was vaccinated in 2009 against the HPV virus, which can cause the cancer in women.
12. December - President Biden announces he’s pardoning all convictions of federal marijuana possession
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President Joe Biden announced Friday he's issuing a federal pardon to every American who has used marijuana in the past, including those who were never arrested or prosecuted.
And there you have it – a year's worth of uplifting news! I hope these positive stories brought a bit of joy to your inbox. As I wrap up this special edition, I want to thank all my supporters!
Buy me a coffee ❤️
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
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It all started with a mouse
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For the public domain, time stopped in 1998, when the Sonny Bono Copyright Act froze copyright expirations for 20 years. In 2019, time started again, with a massive crop of works from 1923 returning to the public domain, free for all to use and adapt:
No one is better at conveying the power of the public domain than Jennifer Jenkins and James Boyle, who run the Duke Center for the Study of the Public Domain. For years leading up to 2019, the pair published an annual roundup of what we would have gotten from the public domain in a universe where the 1998 Act never passed. Since 2019, they've switched to celebrating what we're actually getting each year. Last year's was a banger:
But while there's been moderate excitement at the publicdomainification of "Yes, We Have No Bananas," AA Milne's "Now We Are Six," and Sherlock Holmes, the main event that everyone's anticipated arrives on January 1, 2024, when Mickey Mouse enters the public domain.
The first appearance of Mickey Mouse was in 1928's Steamboat Willie. Disney was critical to the lobbying efforts that extended copyright in 1976 and again in 1998, so much so that the 1998 Act is sometimes called the Mickey Mouse Protection Act. Disney and its allies were so effective at securing these regulatory gifts that many people doubted that this day would ever come. Surely Disney would secure another retrospective copyright term extension before Jan 1, 2024. I had long arguments with comrades about this – people like Project Gutenberg founder Michael S Hart (RIP) were fatalistically certain the public domain would never come back.
But they were wrong. The public outrage over copyright term extensions came too late to stave off the slow-motion arson of the 1976 and 1998 Acts, but it was sufficient to keep a third extension away from the USA. Canada wasn't so lucky: Justin Trudeau let Trump bully him into taking 20 years' worth of works out of Canada's public domain in the revised NAFTA agreement, making swathes of works by living Canadian authors illegal at the stroke of a pen, in a gift to the distant descendants of long-dead foreign authors.
Now, with Mickey's liberation bare days away, there's a mounting sense of excitement and unease. Will Mickey actually be free? The answer is a resounding YES! (albeit with a few caveats). In a prelude to this year's public domain roundup, Jennifer Jenkins has published a full and delightful guide to The Mouse and IP from Jan 1 on:
Disney loves the public domain. Its best-loved works, from The Sorcerer's Apprentice to Sleeping Beauty, Pinnocchio to The Little Mermaid, are gorgeous, thoughtful, and lively reworkings of material from the public domain. Disney loves the public domain – we just wish it would share.
Disney loves copyright's other flexibilities, too, like fair use. Walt told the papers that he took his inspiration for Steamboat Willie from Charlie Chaplin and Douglas Fairbanks, making fair use of their performances to imbue Mickey with his mischief and derring do. Disney loves fair use – we just wish it would share.
Disney loves copyright's limitations. Steamboat Willie was inspired by Buster Keaton's silent film Steamboat Bill (titles aren't copyrightable). Disney loves copyright's limitations – we just wish it would share.
As Jenkins writes, Disney's relationship to copyright is wildly contradictory. It's the poster child for the public domain's power as a source of inspiration for worthy (and profitable) new works. It's also the chief villain in the impoverishment and near-extinction of the public domain. Truly, every pirate wants to be an admiral.
Disney's reliance on – and sabotage of – the public domain is ironic. Jenkins compares it to "an oil company relying on solar power to run its rigs." Come January 1, Disney will have to share.
Now, if you've heard anything about this, you've probably been told that Mickey isn't really entering the public domain. Between trademark claims and later copyrightable elements of Mickey's design, Mickey's status will be too complex to understand. That's totally wrong.
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Jenkins illustrates the relationship between these three elements in (what else) a Mickey-shaped Venn diagram. Topline: you can use all the elements of Mickey that are present in Steamboat Willie, along with some elements that were added later, provided that you make it clear that your work isn't affiliated with Disney.
Let's unpack that. The copyrightable status of a character used to be vague and complex, but several high-profile cases have brought clarity to the question. The big one is Les Klinger's case against the Arthur Conan Doyle estate over Sherlock Holmes. That case established that when a character appears in both public domain and copyrighted works, the character is in the public domain, and you are "free to copy story elements from the public domain works":
This case was appealed all the way to the Supreme Court, who declined to hear it. It's settled law.
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So, which parts of Mickey aren't going into the public domain? Elements that came later: white gloves, color. But that doesn't mean you can't add different gloves, or different colorways. The idea of a eyes with pupils is not copyrightable – only the specific eyes that Disney added.
Other later elements that don't qualify for copyright: a squeaky mouse voice, being adorable, doing jaunty dances, etc. These are all generic characteristics of cartoon mice, and they're free for you to use. Jenkins is more cautious on whether you can give your Mickey red shorts. She judges that "a single, bright, primary color for an article of clothing does not meet the copyrightability threshold" but without settled law, you might wanna change the colors.
But what about trademark? For years, Disney has included a clip from Steamboat Willie at the start of each of its films. Many observers characterized this as a bid to create a de facto perpetual copyright, by making Steamboat Willie inescapably associated with products from Disney, weaving an impassable web of trademark tripwires around it.
But trademark doesn't prevent you from using Steamboat Willie. It only prevents you from misleading consumers "into thinking your work is produced or sponsored by Disney." Trademarks don't expire so long as they're in use, but uses that don't create confusion are fair game under trademark.
Copyrights and trademarks can overlap. Mickey Mouse is a copyrighted character, but he's also an indicator that a product or service is associated with Disney. While Mickey's copyright expires in a couple weeks, his trademark doesn't. What happens to an out-of-copyright work that is still a trademark?
Luckily for us, this is also a thoroughly settled case. As in, this question was resolved in a unanimous 2000 Supreme Court ruling, Dastar v. Twentieth Century Fox. A live trademark does not extend an expired copyright. As the Supremes said:
[This would] create a species of mutant copyright law that limits the public’s federal right to copy and to use expired copyrights.
This elaborates on the Ninth Circuit's 1996 Maljack Prods v Goodtimes Home Video Corp:
[Trademark][ cannot be used to circumvent copyright law. If material covered by copyright law has passed into the public domain, it cannot then be protected by the Lanham Act without rendering the Copyright Act a nullity.
Despite what you might have heard, there is no ambiguity here. Copyrights can't be extended through trademark. Period. Unanimous Supreme Court Decision. Boom. End of story. Done.
But even so, there are trademark considerations in how you use Steamboat Willie after Jan 1, but these considerations are about protecting the public, not Disney shareholders. Your uses can't be misleading. People who buy or view your Steamboat Willie media or products have to be totally clear that your work comes from you, not Disney.
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Avoiding confusion will be very hard for some uses, like plush toys, or short idents at the beginning of feature films. For most uses, though, a prominent disclaimer will suffice. The copyright page for my 2003 debut novel Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom contains this disclaimer:
This novel is a work of fiction, set in an imagined future. All the characters and events portrayed in this book, including the imagined future of the Magic Kingdom, are either fictitious or are used fictitiously. The Walt Disney Company has not authorized or endorsed this novel.
Here's the Ninth Circuit again:
When a public domain work is copied, along with its title, there is little likelihood of confusion when even the most minimal steps are taken to distinguish the publisher of the original from that of the copy. The public is receiving just what it believes it is receiving—the work with which the title has become associated. The public is not only unharmed, it is unconfused.
Trademark has many exceptions. The First Amendment protects your right to use trademarks in expressive ways, for example, to recreate famous paintings with Barbie dolls:
And then there's "nominative use": it's not a trademark violation to use a trademark to accurately describe a trademarked thing. "We fix iPhones" is not a trademark violation. Neither is 'Works with HP printers.' This goes double for "expressive" uses of trademarks in new works of art:
What about "dilution"? Trademark protects a small number of superbrands from uses that "impair the distinctiveness or harm the reputation of the famous mark, even when there is no consumer confusion." Jenkins says that the Mickey silhouette and the current Mickey character designs might be entitled to protection from dilution, but Steamboat Willie doesn't make the cut.
Jenkins closes with a celebration of the public domain's ability to inspire new works, like Disney's Three Musketeers, Disney's Christmas Carol, Disney's Beauty and the Beast, Disney's Around the World in 80 Days, Disney's Alice in Wonderland, Disney's Snow White, Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame, Disney's Sleeping Beauty, Disney's Cinderella, Disney's Little Mermaid, Disney's Pinocchio, Disney's Huck Finn, Disney's Robin Hood, and Disney's Aladdin. These are some of the best-loved films of the past century, and made Disney a leading example of what talented, creative people can do with the public domain.
As of January 1, Disney will start to be an example of what talented, creative people give back to the public domain, joining Dickens, Dumas, Carroll, Verne, de Villeneuve, the Brothers Grimm, Twain, Hugo, Perrault and Collodi.
Public domain day is 17 days away. Creators of all kinds: start your engines!
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Doo Lee (modified) https://web.law.duke.edu/sites/default/files/images/centers/cspd/pdd2024/mickey/Steamboat-WIllie-Enters-Public-Domain.jpeg
CC BY 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.en
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dandelionsresilience · 2 months
Good News - July 22-28
Like these weekly compilations? Tip me at $kaybarr1735 or check out my new(ly repurposed) Patreon!
1. Four new cheetah cubs born in Saudi Arabia after 40 years of extinction
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“[T]he discovery of mummified cheetahs in caves […] which ranged in age from 4,000 to as recent as 120 years, proved that the animals […] once called [Saudi Arabia] home. The realisation kick-started the country’s Cheetah Conservation Program to bring back the cats to their historic Arabian range. […] Dr Mohammed Qurban, CEO of the NCW, said: […] “This motivates us to continue our efforts to restore and reintroduce cheetahs, guided by an integrated strategy designed in accordance with best international practices.””
2. In sub-Saharan Africa, ‘forgotten’ foods could boost climate resilience, nutrition
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“[A study published in PNAS] examined “forgotten” crops that may help make sub-Saharan food systems more resilient, and more nutritious, as climate change makes it harder to grow [current staple crops.] [… The study identified 138 indigenous] food crops that were “relatively underresearched, underutilized, or underpromoted in an African context,” but which have the nutrient content and growing stability to support healthy diets and local economies in the region. […] In Eswatini, van Zonneveld and the World Vegetable Center are working with schools to introduce hardy, underutilized vegetables to their gardens, which have typically only grown beans and maize.”
3. Here's how $4 billion in government money is being spent to reduce climate pollution
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“[New Orleans was awarded] nearly $50 million to help pay for installing solar on low to middle income homes [… and] plans to green up underserved areas with trees and build out its lackluster bike lane system to provide an alternative to cars. […] In Utah, $75 million will fund several measures from expanding electric vehicles to reducing methane emissions from oil and gas production. [… A] coalition of states led by North Carolina will look to store carbon in lands used for agriculture as well as natural places like wetlands, with more than $400 million. [… This funding is] “providing investments in communities, new jobs, cost savings for everyday Americans, improved air quality, … better health outcomes.””
4. From doom scrolling to hope scrolling: this week’s big Democratic vibe shift
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“[Democrats] have been on an emotional rollercoaster for the past few weeks: from grim determination as Biden fought to hang on to his push for a second term, to outright exuberance after he stepped aside and Harris launched her campaign. […] In less than a week, the Harris campaign raised record-breaking sums and signed up more than 100,000 new volunteers[….] This honeymoon phase will end, said Democratic strategist Guy Cecil, warning the election will be a close race, despite this newfound exuberance in his party. [… But v]oters are saying they are excited to vote for Harris and not just against Trump. That’s new.”
5. Biodegradable luminescent polymers show promise for reducing electronic waste
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“[A team of scientists discovered that a certain] chemical enables the recycling of [luminescent polymers] while maintaining high light-emitting functions. […] At the end of life, this new polymer can be degraded under either mild acidic conditions (near the pH of stomach acid) or relatively low heat treatment (> 410 F). The resulting materials can be isolated and remade into new materials for future applications. […] The researchers predict this new polymer can be applied to existing technologies, such as displays and medical imaging, and enable new applications […] such as cell phones and computer screens with continued testing.”
6. World’s Biggest Dam Removal Project to Open 420 Miles of Salmon Habitat this Fall
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“Reconnecting the river will help salmon and steelhead populations survive a warming climate and [natural disasters….] In the long term, dam removal will significantly improve water quality in the Klamath. “Algae problems in the reservoirs behind the dams were so bad that the water was dangerous for contact […] and not drinkable,” says Fluvial Geomorphologist Brian Cluer. [… The project] will begin to reverse decades of habitat degradation, allow threatened salmon species to be resilient in the face of climate change, and restore tribal connections to their traditional food source.”
7. Biden-Harris Administration Awards $45.1 Million to Expand Mental Health and Substance Use Services Across the Lifespan
““Be it fostering wellness in young people, caring for the unhoused, facilitating treatment and more, this funding directly supports the needs of our neighbors,” said HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra. [The funding also supports] recovery and reentry services to adults in the criminal justice system who have a substance use disorder[… and clinics which] serve anyone who asks for help for mental health or substance use, regardless of their ability to pay.”
8. The World’s Rarest Crow Will Soon Fly Free on Maui
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“[… In] the latest attempt to establish a wild crow population, biologists will investigate if this species can thrive on Maui, an island where it may have never lived before. Translocations outside of a species’ known historical range are rare in conservation work, but for a bird on the brink of extinction, it’s a necessary experiment: Scientists believe the crows will be safer from predators in a new locale—a main reason that past reintroduction attempts failed. […] As the release date approaches, the crows have already undergone extensive preparation for life in the wild. […] “We try to give them the respect that you would give if you were caring for someone’s elder.””
9. An optimist’s guide to the EV battery mining challenge
““Battery minerals have a tremendous benefit over oil, and that’s that you can reuse them.” [… T]he report’s authors found there’s evidence to suggest that [improvements in technology] and recycling have already helped limit demand for battery minerals in spite of this rapid growth — and that further improvements can reduce it even more. [… They] envision a scenario in which new mining for battery materials can basically stop by 2050, as battery recycling meets demand. In this fully realized circular battery economy, the world must extract a total of 125 million tons of battery minerals — a sum that, while hefty, is actually 17 times smaller than the oil currently harvested every year to fuel road transport.”
10. Peekaboo! A baby tree kangaroo debuts at the Bronx Zoo
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“The tiny Matschie’s tree kangaroo […] was the third of its kind born at the Bronx Zoo since 2008. [… A] Bronx Zoo spokesperson said that the kangaroo's birth was significant for the network of zoos that aims to preserve genetic diversity among endangered animals. "It's a small population and because of that births are not very common," said Jessica Moody, curator of primates and small mammals at the Bronx Zoo[, …] adding that baby tree kangaroos are “possibly one of the cutest animals to have ever lived. They look like stuffed animals, it's amazing.””
July 15-21 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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astrobiscuits · 5 months
Solar return obs 2
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🦦 Jupiter in 3rd house indicates learning a new language that year. It's also possible that you might go on several short-distance trips for educational purposes
🦦 Jupiter in 6th house indicates adopting a pet, especially an exotic one like a parrot, a squirrel, a fox, a snake or a lizard
🦦 Uranus in 10th house is a strong indicator for getting married that year. This is because marriage often implies a change of status (from being in a relationship -> being married), changing your name (taking your spouse name -> changing legal documents, a theme which is specific to the traditional ruler of 10th house, Capricorn). Aqua MC at 4 degrees can also point to getting married
🦦 Another indicator for starting a family would be Jupiter in 4th house (even though this one points out more to having a baby with a spouse)
🦦 You might start learning how to play a musical instrument when Mercury is sitting in your 3rd house in Leo or when Mercury is conjuncting asteroid Euterpe (27), Polyhymnia (33) or Stereoskopia (566)
🦦 With Sun conjuncting Part of Fortune, you might end up having one of your most blessed years. You'll be the right person at the right time (lucky girl syndrome frr). Meanwhile, North Node conjuncting PoF indicates having a bright future. Your upcoming year might prove to be better than the SR year where NN is conjuncting PoF. The period approaching the end of the SR might also be better than the whole year
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🦦 Saturn in 11th house indicates feeling like a social outcast during that year. Your friend group might decide to kick you to the curb and you'll have a harder time making new friends due to the trauma that you carry with you. It can also indicate a sense of not being able to fulfill one's wishes, despite the work & effort you put into materializing them.
🦦 Another meaning for Saturn in 11th house in SR is rejecting current trends in the hopes of pursuing a simpler, yet more "archaic lifestyle" (for ex: that might be the year when you decide to delete all your social media accounts, go on a digital detox or downgrade your phone)
🦦 Your SR can also show you when you'll quit one of your addictions. Look at your chart ruler and if it sits in your 12th house:
Venus as chart ruler in 12th house -> no more compulsive shopping/indulging in too many sweets
Mars as chart ruler in 12th house -> no more excessive caffeine consumption
Saturn as chart ruler in 12th house -> no more smoking
Uranus as chart ruler in 12th house -> no more internet addiction
Neptune as chart ruler in 12th house -> no more excessive drinking/weed consumption
🦦 Pluto conjunct Ascendant is often found in the years when celebrities have plastic surgery. If Pluto is in 1st house, people will know about the surgery. If Pluto is in 12th house, the celebrities will deny getting any plastic surgery or nobody will know. This can be valid if Pluto is in 1st house too (without conjuncting the asc)
🦦 Lilith conjunct Venus can be found in the years when you might date "problematic" people (drug dealers, prisoners, older men/women, etc). Even if you don't date any of them, you might attract them more than usual. This could also happen if SR Lilith conjuncts Venus or vice versa
🦦 Saturn at 29 degrees can be found in the years when you might break generational family trauma. The process might feel like heavy purging, like finally leaving a insurmountable weight behind. You might also deal with generational family trauma if Saturn is aspecting Chiron, but it depends on other aspects if you'll be able to heal yourself or not
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🦦 Ruler of your 11th house in 7th house -> one of your friends might become your best friend and/or your partner. You can also end up working on a humanitarian project together (like, legally)
🦦 Ruler of your 2nd house in 8th house -> you might give someone a large sum of money or a personal asset
🦦 Ruler of your 8th house in 2nd house -> you might get a large sum of money or material possesion from someone (imo, this can also point out to getting an engagement ring from your partner if there are other relationships/wedding indicators in SR)
🦦 Ruler of your 2nd house in 6th house -> you might pay extra money on improving your routine & health (replacing fast food with quality food, affording high quality workout clothes and equipment, splurging on ethical skincare, taking preventive health measures, etc.)
🦦 Ruler of your 9th house in 4th house -> if you live abroad, you might move back to your home country. You might also teach your family about the customs of the country you lived in, the language or implement some foreign daily habits into your household (regardless if you have lived in said country or not)
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whereserpentswalk · 1 year
Your new roommate is an android. You could tell when you saw them, their skin is pretty obviously artificial material, their eyes glow a little, and they have that voice and those mannerisms that a lot of them have. They're warm to the touch, warmer than any human, most androids are warmer than humans despite the serotypes. This isn't surprising, you've met a lot of androids before, and you know a lot go to this school.
What is surprising is that they don't admit it. They call themself a human, act dismissive towards the idea of androids as part of human society, try to avoid anything that's part of android culture. You adapt pretty quickly to referring to them as a human, but you'll always know they aren't. You assume it's because of bigotry, you know androids still face a lot of social issues, but bigots can still tell they're an android as much as you can. And it's not like things are like they were back in the 21st century, especially in a college in a large city, bigots can't just openly say they hate nonhumans, they're subtle in ways that make pretending to be a human hurt even more. But you are human, so you think it's best not to say anything.
You see how much your roommate sacrifices just to look human. They never show any skin other than their face and hands, which makes overheating even worse. They waste hours trying to fake sleep, when everyone knows they can't sleep, they always make excuses as to why they can't eat any given meal. And you can't even mention nonhumans around them without them being dismissive of anyone openly nonhuman. They don't have solidarity with any other androids, can't participate in any of the things on campus specifically designed for people like them. You want them to be happy, and you know they'd just be happier if they admitted being what everyone knew they were.
There's a lot of nonhumans in your friend group, a lot of clones and cyborgs, and one or two androids. Most of the time you don't think about how they aren't human. But not your roommate, you always think about how they're an android because you have to in order to pretend you think they're human.
And they become so proud of their humanity. Humanity they don't even have. Like they're loving the fact that they can say that they're human, that they can say they're part of the most privileged group in the solar system. It's almost like they're larping as a character, they've mentioned family on Mars at this point, family that you know they physically can't have. It's best to just pretend.
Your roommate knows a lot about certain places, about how certain practices work, places and practices that are horrifying to think even still exist. Places where android suffer in ways that make you feel guilty just to be a human. Places only someone whose been there could know about. It's a miracle this person is in college at all. They don't want to be an android, don't want to be able to be hurt the way only their kind is hurt.
Eventually they cut their face. Cut it deeply enough so that you can see they don't bleed, so that you can see the metal under their plastic skin. They have to walk around like that for a while, they can barely go to class, barely talk to anyone, knowing they can't pass for human. By the time they get the cut fixed everyone knows, well everyone always knew, some people are confused because they didn't even know your roommate wanted to be a human.
When you talk to them again you realize they expected you to want nothing to do with them. They're still uncomfortable around other nonhumans, they don't want to be one of them, but they can still talk to you. They're not even wearing clothing, they don't need it, their only skin is on their head and hands, everything else is raw steel, but they still look themself despite everything. They expected you to see them differently, if anything you see them as an android less now.
When you hug them, it's warmer than any human hug could be.
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guxciestone · 1 year
(solar return chart)
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❝ what will transform within your year? ❞ ✧ ೃ༄
— i hope you are all doing well, and i hope you enjoy :)
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pluto in the 1st house
This shows that you are more than likely going to have a year full of intensity, transformation, and change. There is a tendency to feel as though your life is taking a complete turn within the year–for the best or for the worse. Hence, there could be tons of reflecting and evaluating on what is going on and how you can utilize your abilities and circumstances to make the best life possible, even if it takes learning some hard lessons. This placement in a solar return chart also shows one having a breaking point within their life in which they are tired of taking nonsense, and are ready to break through to become the person they’ve always wanted to be. This shows why this placement is notorious for indicating a glow up, a drastic change in physical appearance, personality, or even their personal image. I’ve also noticed that one tends to isolate themselves more often during this aspect due to intense self-discovery and trying to figure out themselves. On the other hand, having this placement in the year could indicate hardships, harsh realizations, and perhaps dealing with trauma or attracting bad situations. You are more than likely to be stalked, criticized, bullied, or prejudiced. There is also a tendency towards sulking in negative thought patterns and depression as well.
pluto in the 2nd house
There is a chance that one can experience transformation and changes in their values, skills, and material possessions within the year. One might find themselves in an intense situation that causes them to evaluate their priorities and move on to different things. Perhaps they experienced a home robbery which led to their possessions being stolen or sudden financial downfall which taught them to learn more efficient ways of handling money. In other matters, one may experience sudden financial change–they might see that their materialistic or financial situation completely changes in some way. Perhaps one lands a successful job or loses a huge portion of their multi-million dollar business. In specific cases, one might receive an inheritance. Since the 2nd house indicates how you may get income within the year, in other circumstances, one may make money through secretive, taboo, or illegal occupations.
pluto in the 3rd house
This indicates that there might be intensity, transformation, and change in areas of communication, relationships with your peers, and thought patterns within the year. You might notice that it is harder for you to communicate with others because you are thinking and processing things much deeper than usual. You could pick up on certain cues and energies more than usual, perhaps you are more intuitive. This placement could show one isolating themselves from their peers in the year, or maybe perhaps if they are in school, they might start getting bullied, scrutinized, or criticized more often by those peers. There is also a tendency for one to deal with mental health issues such as depression and anxiety during this period due to the possibility of thinking in a darker and deeper manner. Therefore, it is important for them to be more careful about what information they are processing and allowing into their minds, even if it is not conscious, because it could easily manipulate their mindset. This placement shows the potential for one to change their personal views, opinions, and beliefs. This is a good time to start shadow work and law of attraction using affirmations since you have the opportunity to transform your mind.
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pluto in the 4th house
This indicates that there could be transformation, intensity, or change within the home, family, or sense of security. This placement could show that one might move into a different home or their home environment is going through unexpected or disruptive changes. Perhaps you might have recently bought a home that needs major renovation, your neighborhood might’ve been torn down which caused your family to leave the community, or perhaps renovating your house is taking longer than usual and you have to stay with multiple distant relatives or friends for some time. This also calls for an emotionally or physically unsettling time as well. There might be some inner conflicts happening within your domestic environment or family, which might cause distress and deep reflection on what really makes you feel secure within the year. In other cases, perhaps a vital family member or person is moving in or moving away. All in all, this placement calls for a change in your emotional structure in the year, you’ll have to adapt to the new environment/living style or find a new haven that makes you feel secure.
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pluto in the 5th house
There is a possibility that one might experience a change or transformation in their identity and self-expression. Possibly you might experiment with your fashion, indulge in different hobbies, or engage in casual relationships more often. You could experience an ego death within the year and come out as this entirely different individual with new aspirations. On the other hand, some people might have an internal struggle with their self-expression around this time. Perhaps one might be dealing between two ways of expression and is not sure which route or lifestyle to take. This placement could indicate an identity crisis. With the 5th house ruling children, it is possible that an unexpected child could appear in the year who will completely change the way you express and present yourself. Perhaps you might dive into more taboo and spiritual hobbies during the year such as witchcraft, adult work, or dancing.
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pluto in the 6th house
One could expect a change in their daily life, routines, or health condition. It is possible that you could find out that you have been diagnosed with a significant health issue, and this health issue will bring sudden changes in how you monitor and go about your day-to-day life. In other cases, you might become tired with your average routine and will try to evaluate yourself for new changes. Perhaps one might start an exercise regimen, a diet, or even a new job. This placement is perfect for if someone wants to step out of their comfort zone. However, you might need to be careful of becoming obsessive with your routine and what you do in your daily life. This could cause perfectionism, becoming a workaholic and feeling the need to be productive all the time. This might make you more vulnerable to stress and anxiety. This placement can also mean you’ll get a new pet.
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pluto in the 7th house
This shows that you should expect intensity, changes, and transformations in your interpersonal relationships and everyone around you. You may even notice a change in how you particularly relate to others. Perhaps you might undergo an unexpected and huge breakup with your partner, lose an important friendship, or even get caught in a toxic relationship. It is important to watch out for power struggles–make sure that you are not trying to dictate over anyone and vice versa. This placement also makes someone vulnerable to stalkers as well. People are more than likely to become obsessed with you. It is possible that you may become more exclusive with who you let into your life due to stalkers, obsessions, or toxic relationships. There is also a sense of stubbornness with this placement as well. You will notice sudden changes in your interpersonal relationships and how you relate to them, and you will more than likely try to resist. However, the key is to let things be, learn from them, and transform yourself.
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pluto in the 8th house
This indicates that you could see rebirth or change in your psychological makeup, sense of intimacy, and personal possessions within the year. This placement is truly going to allow you to dig deep into yourself within the year. Perhaps you may figure out that you have been diagnosed with a certain mental illness or disorder, or you may even consider going shadow work. It is important to pay close attention to your mental health this year because there is going to be huge changes in your psyche and it will easily break you down. One might experience sudden financial upheaval–perhaps you might lose significant amounts of money or even receive an inheritance. There might be the lesson of becoming more possessive of your things or stop being so possessive altogether. There might even be a change in your sexuality or your way of receiving true intimacy from others. You might even have to dig into uncomfortable feelings and deal with past traumas or foreseen truths.
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pluto in the 9th house
This shows that there could be particular change and transformation in your beliefs, the way you take and see the adversities of life. Perhaps you may find that your personal views or religious beliefs will change. It is important to not be stubborn and let this sudden realization kick in. You might undergo an intense experience that completely changed how you viewed life, the divine, or faith in general. Maybe you might try to engage in more positive mindset exercises to practice your faith and optimism in life, or you might try to learn more about different topics–maybe even more taboo ones. One might notice that their educational values may change as well. Perhaps you might begin to value school and your academics more or perhaps you may drop out of or move to a different college.
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pluto in the 10th house
This indicates that changes, rebirths, and transformations will happen in your career, public image, and reputation. It is possible that you might change career paths–perhaps you’ve been fired from a job or something abrupt happened that made you realize that the career isn’t for you. Your public image or reputation could also change perhaps due to sudden rumors, leaks, or attention. There is a possibility that due to personal transformation and development, your reputation around your peers could change in some way. Maybe you are more secretive, private, and quiet than usual–people may think you are more mysterious. On the other hand, you might have decided to get out of your shell and build an entirely new reputation for yourself.
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pluto in the 11th house
This shows that there could be changes and transformations in how you view people and society. Your views on society and social situations may change in some way, or you might have different ways of approaching social situations. It is possible that you might undergo changes in your friend group. Perhaps you may lose an important friendship, a toxic friend appears, a friend group breaks up, or there may be drama in your social group. This placement allows you to see people for who they really are, lets you know what groups of people you belong to, and what connections you should take seriously.
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pluto in the 12th house
This indicates that one could experience transformation, changes, and rebirth in your inner self, psychological side, and unknown self. This placement shows that this is a time where you have to dive into the unconscious parts you hide from yourself. It is important to not avoid this and not be afraid of what there is to figure out. This is the opportunity to call back to your personal and past patterns and traumas and analyze them thoroughly to transform from them. Most notably, you get to learn more about yourself within that year.
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copperpipes · 2 months
I spec bio'ed Ultraman from Ultraman:Rising for fun (part 1)
the actual file I've written (and still writing) is now far over 2k words, so I desided to break it down to a series of posts so that it would be easier to digest, but if you don't want to wait for me to get them one by one out you can just go and read that long ass file yourself/lh
I understand that the film wasn't meant to be looked into on this level, at the end of the day this is just fan speculative biology, not an official theory, nor is it law, if you find a scientific inaccuracy i'll gladly hear you out in the comments to this post. but essentially what i'm doing here is having fun in my own silly little way :]
I've done some research into ultra physiology and some things didn't make sense to me, partially because there are more than one iteration all with their own worldbuilding, but I'll do my best to try and piece them all together without losing the source material too much.
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[updated ultra Kenji design]
(The rest under cut) vvv
fact no.1
ultras are aliens and before they were ultras they were humans (or humanoids, or human-like, i'd like to believe so and i will do you one better).
not going to spoil much but something happened, and they were forced to build this thing called the ultra-spark to keep their civilization going, and the ultra-spark turned them all into giants, ultras.
fact no.2
the weapons ultraman uses (those buzzsaws thingies, shields, beams and glowing fists) are made out of something called spacium energy, positive running through the right side of ultraman’s body and negative running through the left, with the spacium beam appearing when he connects those energies by crossing his arms.
fact no.3
Ultraman himself is made of spacium energy and its presence is vital for him to exist. the ultra-spark is what gave and gives the ultra species spacium energy, ultras can also produce it on their own using other types of energy (solar energy on earth for example) but are not as efficient as the source material, hence why on earth ultraman’s energy runs out quicker then it would for example in space where energy is more abundant.
What is spacium wasn't completely clear to me, what I understood was that Ultraman has it (I think it was his skin that was made out of spacium?) and uses it to convert solar energy into spacium energy. 
I think spacium is meant to be an original element. and from what a mutual kindly told me (thank you @bazookaboi!!) its atomic number is 133. very very unstable in natural environments and extremely radioactive, so with all due respect allow me to ignore that entirely and let it remain a mystery for everyone’s sake.
fact no.4
ultras as a culture have a very strong sense of justice and moral code. (and I guess very emotionally intelligent? empathetic? but i'm not sure about this part ;-;)
Now let us finally start with the Ultra spec bio:
i'll start from the less obvious half for my own sake, you may skip this part if you're here just for Kenji’s human part (which i won't blame you for the designers cooked with this one) but just so you know there would be parts you won't be able to understand.
general ultra spec bio: physiology and body structure (my favorite part):
Do ultras breathe? was my first question and my answer would be, i don't think so.
down to the cellular level cells use oxygen in order to generate chemical energy that comes in the form of ATP, out of glucose and oxygen with ATP and CO2 as the outcome. (The difference between animal and plant cells is how they get their glucose.)
Now ultras don't seem to eat, and why would they? and breathing is not necessary since they already get the energy they need from spacium converting outside energy into spacium energy, on the outside there’s the spacium, and on the inside there’s the spacium energy just running around. it can be let out in certain areas of the body, but essentially this energy is all held together by the ultra’s skin (also probably why ultras have no openings on their body, so there wouldn't be a leakage of their life soup).
An ultra's internal structure is unknown, or at least I haven't been able to find anything on the matter, but in the movie both Kenji and his dad get injured, which means that there is something to be damaged.
i really like how the film handles injury actually, it shows explicitly the consequences of a serious injury and how it can sometimes be a life changing thing. It has a blatant effect long or short term and I need someone to analyze it more in depth. I know someone will eventually.
part 1
All the people who wanted this, i call thee.
next, part 2
@wtf-a-psychoanalysis @fantasma-espacial @spuuks-s @theviewer @whimsicalloser @m1lf-hunter-69
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astrologydayz · 11 months
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Nobody really knows a person with a 12th House Sun🤔🤔. They hide themselves really well, & project themselves as someone they're truly not. They don't do it on purpose, they're just so fucking private. My brother actually has this placement, and we're practically twins, but I still feel like I don't know him, AT ALL. They hide themselves, because they're afraid that their true selves won't be "enough"/won't be "liked". BUT OFC IT WILL, & IF NOT, THEN FUCK THEM, BABE.
MOON CONJUNCT/SQUARE SATURN people can hate being alone 4 the first two decades of their lives, but later learn 2 be their own best friend, & love it. They "mother themselves 2 life/back2life". They learned the hard way, that everything is better when u don't put your faith in just anybody. They also learned not 2 trust from a young age, because of their mother/father or both parents💀💔.
I've seen people say "that u can choose not to access that specific energy in your chart, if you don't want 2"🤣. Like u can choose 2 get a million dollars tmrw?, IF YOU WANT 2?🤣 come on. Natal charts are a tool 2 c who u are, why you developed that way/what “happens in your life”, and why you're here with the help of astrology. No matter the aspect, it will be present at some point. A chart never lies🔮🤷‍♀️.
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MOON SQUARE/QUINCUNX VENUS IN A MAN'S NATAL CHART tells us that he finds it hard 2 understand women. He has "problems" when it comes 2 feminine energies, &with the women he's surrounding himself with🤔. He can have a hate/love relationship 2/with women💋.
VENUS CONJUNCT/TRINE/QUINTILE MONY ASTEROID - 7782) IN SYNASTRY, will cause the asteroid person 2 provide the Venus person with a lot of material gifts👠🛍💄.
IDK why anybody would say that your MC has NOTHING to do with how u look/how people see u! Lol okay. My mentor must have been on drugs when she was taught everything + in all those 43 years she's been in practice then. gtfo. Let me give u an example. 👇🏼
I’ll just tell you everything I see with this aspect.
Kim K = Venus in Virgo in 9th house at 19 degrees - Libra degree) conjunct her MC in Virgo at 28 degrees - cancer degree). She's famous 4 her beautiful looks/people finding her beautiful. she always does things to look "YOUNGER, cosmetic procedures etc. 2 take years off! Growing a big following worldwide of young people looking up 2 her/her being idolized by them. Famous 4 being beautiful/4modelling/fashion/cosmetics - being in Venusian businesses/4 who she dates. she also takes after her MOM, with her looks!!! I know her mom was/is also her manager, & I would include this here, cuz u can actually see that, but I would have to go into details again. Idk if u would find that boring?? as I already wrote a lot. Thanks for making it this far😂.
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ASTEROID MEMORIA (1247) IN SYNASTRY can tell u why u feel like you’ve met the other person before, or what memories that r the most "memorable" with the other person🧡🪐🔮.
ASTEROID FANATICA - 1589) IN SYNASTRY tells u what really fascinates u about the other person/what u can become obsessed with, when it comes 2 the other person❕
IF U HAVE A SYNASTRY ASPECT/OR ASPECTS with someone, and u also have it in your natal chart = a very important person you're dealing with! They'll teach u whatever the aspect is/aspects are! And they're meant 2 be the one who teaches it 2u/ or meant 2 be the one who makes that aspect exist in your life. (good or bad).
VENUS OPPOSITE VERTEX/CONJUNCT ANTI-VERTEX IN SYNASTRY is co cute🥹, Vertex let Venus in2 their "private world". Venus is usually not the type Vertex person goes 4, but they’re mesmerised anyway!! “There’s just something unreal about Venus”.
KARMA ASTEROID - 3811) can tell you about your karma! Old karma/Karma you're creating etc. U can use it in in any chart u want2, natal charts, synastry charts, composite charts, Davidson Charts, solar return charts, lunar return charts, progressed charts, ANY CHART U WANT2 BABE!!🪐🤛💥🪐⛅☀🌊.
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BLACK MOON LILITH SQUARE/QUINCUNX ASC in a WOMAN'S CHART can show problems with both genders. She can feel left out, not apart of "the group", when it comes to women. And with men = men always trying to run up on her/trying her boundaries, &they're provocative af. People can't handle her here. She will not conform to anyone. She can feel pretty fucking alone in the way she goes about her day to day life. feeling like nobody will ever understand the struggles she has/the pain she's going around with. The key here is acceptance of ones self. She cannot change herself for others sake, she will never be happy. She'll be happy when she chooses herself, & the right people will flock 2 her, right after. They'll See her light, &will not put who she is down, but CELEBRATE. It can also be the complete opposite. She can be a people pleaser, & has internal fights with herself, every day about this. Trying 2 fit in with groups, dating men who's crossing her boundaries, all the time. She either fights people, or she fights herself. SHE HAS 2 STAY TRUE2HERSELF! There will always be people hating on her, no matter how she moves. FUCK THEM. People who are meant 2 be in her life will CELEBRATE HER!! Not put who she is down/make her change. People who can't understand her = she needs2 get them the fuck out.
NEPTUNE CONJUNCT ASC can show a person living in their own "delulu world". They're not really "there" - can be seen as the "dumb blonde". Neptune can cloud their mind, every single day. They're "different"/they change all the time. They can't really be "real" with people. Trying 2 always be friends with everyone, not really having their own opinions, following the pack etc. They can 100% people please.
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VALENTINE/AMOR/ 447) - 1221) CONJUNCT MC - They "look like love", &they also project it out. People think they're beautiful. But remember, even tho people know/c them like that = doesn't mean that they're really like that. That's just what they show off/how they're "known" in the eyes of the public/in their career/their surroundings💜.
SUN MAKING AN "EASY" ASPECT2 MOON does not mean that your parents like each other. I have this, and my parents literally can't stand each other. I've seen this more times than I can count. It's about your conscious ego&how you emotionally feel about the way u express yourself/with the way u "show your ego off" - "yin&Yang duality".
I HATE MOON SQUARE URANUS IN SYNASTRYYYYY. Uranus will pop in&out of the other person's life, as they desire2. The Moon person needs support&a feeling of being safe, &Uranus wants other things/aka not worried about the Moon person - Uranus is erratic. WHO GOT TIME4THAT?
MERCURY OPPOSITE NEPTUNE can show us a person being pretty good at lying/coming up with lies easily/Quickly. Having no problems with finding "excuses" 4 what they say/do, &can get other people in on it, 2 lie for them as well. It happens in periods tho, like on & off periods.
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Asteroids I always look at first: Nemesis - 128) Amor - 1221), Valentine - 447), Alma - 390), Destiny - 6583), Moira - 638), Eros - 433), Karma - 3811), Kama - 1387), Close - 54902), Apollo - 1862), Child - 4580), Compassion - 8990), Angel - 11911), Yes - 7707), Boda - 1487), DNA - 55555), Fast - 27719), Prey - 6157), Not - 2857), Casanova - 7328), Fox - 16248), Savage - 29837), Pholus - 5145), Fanatica - 1589), Priapus - h22), Sado - 118230), Medea - 212), Nessus - 7066), Dejanira - 157), Hazard - 9305), Mentor - 3451), Lysistrata - 897), Bilk - 4425 - using the other person 4 own material gain).
THANKS4READING BEAUTIFUL❤️🍒 Appreciate u, always.
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saturnsbabyboii · 1 year
💚Jupiter Through the Houses💚
(Brought to you by Sailor Jupiter)
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Jupiter is the largest planet in our Solar System and holds a significant place in Roman mythology. The gas giant is named after the king of gods and has been associated with abundance, good fortune, and optimism in astrology. People whose charts have Jupiter in a prominent position are often focused on growth and expansion. This is because the planet has a unique ability to expand everything around it. Jupiter symbolizes generosity, spirituality, and ethics, inspiring us to give whenever we can and focus on the bigger picture. Even when Jupiter is in aspect with challenging planets, it offers opportunities to turn those challenges into blessings. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, and the planet is often associated with the ninth House in the chart wheel, where it operates exceptionally well. Interestingly, Jupiter is exalted in the sign of Pisces, the sign it used to rule before Neptune's discovery.
The position of Jupiter in our natal chart can shed light on where we are most likely to experience good fortune and abundance. In astrology, Jupiter teaches us the values of generosity, open-mindedness, and following the path our soul chose before our birth. Once we have discovered this path, material success is likely to follow. Jupiter symbolizes generosity and adherence to moral principles, embodying universal spiritual laws. By aligning ourselves with our higher selves, as represented in the placement of Jupiter in our natal chart, we can expect to receive greater support and guidance in our journey through life.
💚Jupiter in the 1st House💚
For those who have Jupiter in this House, they embody all the qualities associated with this planet throughout all aspects of their life. Additionally, if Jupiter is close to the ascendant, it can also be reflected in its physical appearance. These individuals have remarkable optimism, even in the most challenging situations. They have an unwavering belief in themselves, which is fundamental to success. It is worth noting that while Jupiter is often associated with luck, this "luck" is often synonymous with self-confidence. These individuals believe in themselves and their ability to achieve their goals. They are also naturally generous, and the more they give, the more they receive. This placement encourages personal growth and self-expression, which can lead to a magnetic personality. However, individuals with Jupiter in the first House should be mindful of overindulgence and excess, as Jupiter can amplify negative behaviors. Jupiter here would have a significant role/impact on some life areas associated with the first House in astrology, such as the circumstances of your birth, new beginnings, physical appearance, your attitude to the world, and, in general, the impression you leave, the way you carry yourself, the role your family expected you to take up in childhood.
People born with an emphasized Jupiter in their birth charts are strongly inclined towards personal growth and development. Jupiter, the largest planet in our Solar System, encourages us to keep learning and growing. With a strong Jupiter influence in your natal chart, you perceive life as an opportunity to become the best version of yourself. However, one of Jupiter's weaknesses is that it can lead to exaggeration. If your chart is afflicted with Jupiter, you may overestimate your abilities or needs.
In some cases, Jupiter's influence, especially if it's close to the ascendant, can indicate a person with a tendency towards self-indulgence and who is chubby. Therefore, it's vital to stay grounded and in touch with reality. Individuals with Jupiter in the first House usually have good overall health, but they should be mindful of being overweight. Remember that it's always better to underpromise and overdeliver than vice versa. Self-confidence is an essential trait, but overconfidence can lead to painful failures. Jupiter is known as the planet of philosophy in astrology, and individuals with Jupiter in the first House are philosophical. They often contemplate life's purpose, humanity's future, and how they can serve the world. If Jupiter is aspected in your birth chart, this planet colors the planets it comes into contact with its positive energy. Even challenging aspects can transform into positive ones with Jupiter's expanding influence.
Individuals who possess Jupiter in the first House exhibit a spontaneous and welcoming disposition, coupled with an unwavering faith and boundless enthusiasm. Owing to their optimistic and magnanimous personality, they tend to attract people towards them like a magnet. This placement empowers them with the ability to adapt rapidly to any social circle while maintaining an open-minded approach toward different cultures and languages. Their effective communication skills and ability to listen attentively enable them to negotiate and secure fair deals that are satisfactory for all parties involved. Such individuals hold strong ethical and moral principles and enjoy exploring new opportunities with others. While their inherent cheerfulness leaves a lasting impression on others, their candid verbal expressions can sometimes cause conflict. Their leadership qualities and inspiring persona make them well-liked members of their communities. Moreover, they often indulge in philanthropy and lend their support to promote noble causes.
Obtaining something easily can often lead to negative consequences rather than positive ones. You may possess a myriad of positive traits, such as self-assurance, magnetism, and hopefulness. These attributes often attract good fortune. Nevertheless, an absence of the earth element or a weak Saturn in your chart may result in a lack of work ethic. In such instances, you may need to learn the value of persistence and hard work through challenging experiences. Saturn teaches us that long-lasting achievements are attained through diligence, while Jupiter symbolizes quick and effortless gains, similar to winning the lottery. However, be mindful of overindulging food, spending, and overestimating your abilities.
💚Jupiter in the 2nd House💚
Having Jupiter in the second House is a highly favorable placement; it's one of the best planets in this position in the natal chart! This planet of abundance signifies financial prosperity for those who possess it in this House. It suggests that the individual has an innate ability to manage their finances skillfully and make wise investments. Additionally, they tend to be generous with their resources and have a strong sense of self-worth. Individuals with Jupiter in the Second House often experience an abundance of wealth throughout their lifetime. They may come from a financially stable background where they learn about managing finances from an early age.
The second House in astrology represents physical possessions and one's sense of self-worth. This encompasses all that an individual holds dear, including their own value as a person. When Jupiter is placed in this House, it suggests a significant amount of self-confidence, essential for success in any endeavor. This attribute can make one more appealing to potential business partners and lead to greater financial prosperity. One's self-esteem is a precious asset that should be nurtured and valued. However, Jupiter's influence in the second House may also indicate a desire for luxury and pleasure. Those with this placement tend to splurge on expensive items. Spending is an area where you indulge, which can be costly in the long run. However, Jupiter's planetary influence can be both a blessing and a curse in this regard. If Jupiter is afflicted, it can cause you to overdo things, including spending. As a result, you may overspend and overestimate your means, thinking you can easily make more money if needed. Rest assured that you are not likely to live in poverty. 
While Jupiter's impact in this House can increase one's resourcefulness and earning potential, it may also result in excessive spending if not kept in check. Therefore, balancing material desires and spiritual and emotional needs is crucial. With Jupiter in the second House, you possess a natural talent for making money and will likely become financially successful at a young age. People with this placement are reasonably practical and have a knack for making anything profitable. Money comes to you quite effortlessly. Jupiter is also known as the "Greater Benefic," bringing luck and abundance to the matters of the House where it is placed. Along with Venus, Jupiter is one of the best planets to have in the second House.
💚Jupiter in the 3rd House💚
Individuals with Jupiter positioned in the 3rd House are bestowed with an intriguing placement that endows them with a profound sense of intellectual curiosity and exceptional communication skills. They are innately skilled conversationalists who harbor a deep passion for gaining knowledge and discovering novel ideas and philosophies. This placement is also known to confer prosperity and abundance to any house it inhabits, making it an excellent source of good fortune. Those with Jupiter in the 3rd House possess remarkable mental capabilities, evidenced by their vast vocabulary and rapid learning abilities. They effortlessly connect with others and have a vast network of acquaintances hailing from various walks of life. Additionally, they possess extraordinary proficiency in learning languages. These individuals are naturally inquisitive and gregarious, having typically grown up in large families, which has endowed them with excellent social skills. They also possess exceptional rhetorical abilities, and they often experience good luck through writing, communicating, or through their immediate surroundings, as the third House governs the local community. In general, individuals with this placement tend to be extroverted.
Sagittarius is associated with the ninth House, which is ruled by Jupiter. The third House, on the other hand, is focused on collecting and processing information. The Ninth House is where all the information gathered in the third House comes together to form a bigger picture. When Jupiter is in the third House, it acts as a bridge between these two ways of thinking. People with this placement can see connections between seemingly unrelated pieces of information. Jupiter is all about understanding how the world works and the people in it. Those with Jupiter in the third House strongly desire to learn and expand their knowledge. They love to share their ideas with others and are usually extroverted. There is an insatiable hunger for information; they constantly seek new ways to grow and learn. This thirst for knowledge is even more pronounced if Jupiter is in Gemini. People with this placement not only love to learn, but they also enjoy teaching others.
Jupiter's presence in your House of thinking and communication signals a high potential for success in these areas. Jupiter, known for its association with good fortune, ease, and abundance, has an expanding influence on whatever it touches. With Jupiter in the third House, which represents intellect, reasoning ability, and thinking process, individuals tend to be intelligent and adept at utilizing their knowledge effectively. They possess an open-mindedness that is beneficial for gaining knowledge about the world. This placement is associated with higher education and deep learning, making people with this placement curious and interested in learning about different perspectives. However, overconfidence in one's beliefs and ideas can sometimes lead to disagreements or misunderstandings with others. Individuals with Jupiter in the third House are great conversationalists and genuinely interested in hearing others' opinions. This placement indicates a strong inclination toward gaining knowledge and learning, regardless of the sign on the cusp of one's birth chart. Jupiter's positioning in the third House often leads to a keen interest in discussing and reading about philosophy, religion, and social issues. Individuals with Jupiter in the third House tend to learn substantially from their peers, with siblings playing a major role in their education. This placement indicates a talent for learning foreign languages, owing to Jupiter's association with Sagittarius and foreign countries and cultures. Depending on the sign of Jupiter, some individuals may even speak foreign languages fluently without any accent, owing to early exposure or extensive time spent abroad.
When Jupiter is affected, an individual may tend to exaggerate certain aspects of their life. Jupiter is known for expanding everything, both the good and the bad. However, if misused, this quality can lead to complications, where one magnifies things that are useless. Individuals with Jupiter situated in the third House have a tendency to talk excessively, often to the point where it becomes too much. This placement also tends to focus on the bigger picture, which is not necessarily negative, but it is important to keep track of the details of everyday life as well. The Third House is associated with running errands and taking care of necessary tasks that build a foundation for bigger things in life, represented by Jupiter. If Jupiter is situated in the third House, the individual likely comes from a large family, possibly with siblings. The relationship with relatives is usually positive, and they frequently bring good things into one's life. The Third House represents the people who make up your immediate environments, such as neighbors and acquaintances. It also includes your siblings and relatives. When Jupiter is in this House and is not negatively impacted by other planets, it is believed to indicate that these individuals have positively influenced your life. Having Jupiter in the third House also implies that you possess a natural skill for socializing, making you particularly popular among your family and the local community. Your peers play a significant role in your learning process, and interacting with them allows you to better understand the world. Furthermore, your connections bring good fortune into your life. With Jupiter in the third House, you have a unique ability to see the bigger picture and share your optimistic views with others, making you a charismatic public speaker and an engaging storyteller. You are also highly practical, making others turn to you for advice - a role you are happy to take on.
Based on the placement of Jupiter in your natal chart, you can identify the areas where you are most likely to experience positivity and good fortune. Jupiter is an essential indicator of your life's purpose along with the north node. Astrologically, Jupiter symbolizes talent. If Jupiter is located in your third House, you will likely experience good luck in education, communication, writing, or other related areas. Those possessing Jupiter in the third House tend to excel in working with languages and sharing their knowledge. However, it is crucial to consider Jupiter's sign and aspects in your chart to gain a complete understanding. Generally speaking, people with Jupiter in the third House attract abundance when they work as teachers or with children. They often have an active and restless mind, requiring constant mental stimulation. Achieving success may take some time, particularly financially, but individuals with Jupiter in the third House often experience their most prosperous period later in life.
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💚Jupiter in the 4th House💚
The Fourth House in astrology is significant as it represents an individual's family. If Jupiter, a planet known for bringing good luck and positivity, is positioned in this House, it indicates favorable outcomes. However, the placement of Jupiter closer to the cusp of the fourth House, known as IC, amplifies its influence in an individual's chart. Jupiter's placement in the 4th House can indicate a strong desire for a happy and harmonious home life. Such individuals tend to possess a generous and optimistic attitude towards their family and home environment, contributing to their emotional security when surrounded by their loved ones. Furthermore, this placement can also indicate a desire for spiritual or philosophical exploration within one's home life, signifying their inclination towards deeper and meaningful aspects of life.
Jupiter is the planet that represents expansion and abundance. In case your Jupiter is located in the fourth House, it indicates that you hail from a large family and have a positive family life that is full of love and support. Your family is regarded as a great blessing with this placement. The Fourth House is linked with your roots and ancestral heritage, and having Jupiter in this House suggests that you might have inherited some exceptional skills from your ancestors. People with this placement usually grow up in an intellectual environment, surrounded by books and intelligent individuals. As a child, you were likely very wise and intuitive. If you did not inherit material wealth, you inherited an optimistic attitude and family wisdom. You should adhere to the same spiritual beliefs as your parents and ancestors. In astrology, the fourth-tenth house axis is the parental axis in the natal chart. While there are different opinions regarding which House represents which parent, you can check your chart to see where the signs and planets align with your parents' dominant placements. The parent represented by your fourth House likely supported and encouraged you to reach your full potential. Those with Jupiter in the fourth House tend to have a large family, and some family members may have cultural or foreign ties.
If Jupiter is located in the fourth House of your natal chart, it is considered to be accidentally exalted, meaning it is not in its usual ruling position. Instead, this planet is typically associated with the zodiac sign Sagittarius. Still, when found in the fourth House, it is exalted in the character of Cancer, which is linked to home and family. 
Individuals with Jupiter in the fourth House will likely have a spacious and comfortable home, perhaps even a large estate. Real estate investments can be very lucrative for them, especially in foreign countries. Furthermore, these individuals are more likely to remain in their hometown and experience good fortune there. 
While the fourth House is typically associated with beginnings, it can also signify endings and old age. However, with Jupiter in this House, you can expect a life of prosperity and abundance in your later years, as long as the planet is not afflicted. The sign on the cusp and the sign of Jupiter can provide additional information on what this placement may mean for you.
💚Jupiter in the 5th House💚
Your natal chart is a blueprint of the cosmos that holds hidden insights into your destiny. The positioning of Jupiter in your chart is crucial to your potential for success and fulfilling your life purpose. This planet symbolizes prosperity, and its placement in your chart can reveal the areas where you can find abundance and good fortune. 
If Jupiter is present in your fifth House, then you have a solid potential to excel in endeavors related to children and creativity. In addition, this placement offers an excellent opportunity for self-expression and artistic pursuits that can lead to prosperity. In fact, individuals with Jupiter in the fifth House are known to achieve fame and recognition in their creative fields, provided that other aspects of their chart support this possibility. 
However, it is essential to note that individuals with this placement may be drawn to gambling and speculation. The aspects that Jupiter makes with the other planets in the chart can influence the chances of success in these ventures. While a well-aspected Jupiter in the fifth House can bring luck in speculation, exercising good judgment and avoiding being overly optimistic is important. This placement can sometimes cloud your thinking and lead to impulsive decisions. Therefore, it is best to use caution and rational thinking while pursuing your dreams.
Those who possess Jupiter in the fifth House exude a fervent passion for living life to the fullest. They relish the company of others and have a charming and jovial demeanor. Their laughter is contagious, and they genuinely appreciate the gift of life. This planetary position emphasizes the importance of creative self-expression, which often results in favorable outcomes. For individuals with Jupiter in the 5th House, romance and playfulness are integral aspects of their lives. This astrological placement is highly beneficial, bringing forth both joy and ingenuity. It signifies a natural talent for self-expression, whether it be through music, art, or writing. Additionally, it may indicate a strong inclination towards having children and the possibility of being blessed with many offspring. However, it is important to remain cautious of the potential love for gambling and risk-taking. Balancing the desire for excitement with practicality is key.
These people are blessed with an innate ability to take pleasure in life. They are known for being amicable, welcoming, and receptive to new people and experiences. Jupiter in this position also denotes a high level of self-confidence, contributing to their optimistic and daring outlook towards new endeavors. Passionate about adventure, these individuals are playful, creative, and enthusiastic. Their love life is often characterized by an extensive list of romantic partners before settling down, especially if Jupiter is in a fire sign, as they tend to be attracted to older partners. Their love affairs bring immense joy and are inherently generous, with Jupiter's giving qualities being further amplified in the fifth House of Leo. 
In addition to their romantic pursuits, they excel in sports, thanks to Jupiter's energy and expansion, which enhance their abilities. Hobbies are a significant part of their lives, and they have a wide range of interests. These individuals are deeply connected to spirituality, often expressed through their creativity. Jupiter in the Fifth House brings expansion in all areas of life, and many individuals with this placement have large families or work with children. They have a natural talent for performing and are gifted actors who can easily impersonate others. All in all, people with Jupiter in the fifth House are a lively bunch who enjoy life to the fullest.
💚Jupiter in the 6th House💚
The Sixth House significantly influences two crucial aspects of a person's life - their work and their health - despite being classified as a cadent house. When Jupiter is present in this House, it indicates good fortune in both areas. However, it's important to note that individuals with this placement may experience weight gain, and therefore, it's vital to maintain a healthy relationship with food. Those with Jupiter in the sixth House tend to possess a natural talent for finding jobs with ease, and they are highly passionate about their work. They possess excellent organizational skills and have the ability to get along well with their coworkers or employees if they run their own businesses. This placement is known to bring positivity and growth regarding health and work. Individuals with this placement often possess a strong desire to make a difference in their communities and help others. They may also experience fortunate career opportunities, such as promotions or recognition for their hard work. It's essential to understand that Jupiter in the 6th House can influence jobs, health, service, daily routines, and pets, but it should be distinct from a career in the tenth House.
Your work is where you will likely experience the most success with Jupiter in the Sixth House. You have a strong work ethic and tend to find employment quickly, even when the odds are against you. Your job typically pays well and provides opportunities for growth and development. You often experience financial abundance through employment and find satisfaction in learning new things and expanding your horizons. 
Jupiter in the earth houses, such as the second, sixth, and tenth houses in your natal chart, are significant indicators of your career potential. For example, with Jupiter in the sixth House, you may excel in fields related to foreign countries or languages, teaching, education, publishing, animals, health, or customer service. In addition, you have a positive and enthusiastic attitude toward work and are known for your organizational skills, energy, and faith in your success.
You tend to have good relationships with your coworkers and generously share your knowledge with others. You may even hold multiple jobs simultaneously due to your extensive professional connections and good luck in your career. However, it is important to maintain a healthy work-life balance and not neglect other areas of your life. Overall, you are a hard-working and efficient individual who values professionalism and rules as a means of achieving success.
When it comes to the topic of health in astrology, it can be quite intricate and multifaceted. Various astrological components exist to consider, such as the Sun, which represents energy and vitality; Mars, which symbolizes physical strength; and Pluto, which signifies regeneration. However, the Sixth House holds great significance regarding health matters in the chart wheel. It is widely known as the "house of health." Those fortunate enough to have their Jupiter placed in this House are believed to have good health, with Jupiter as a protective force against most illnesses. Moreover, Jupiter's presence in the sixth House indicates that these individuals have good vitality and overall well-being. 
On the other hand, if Jupiter is afflicted in the sixth House, it could lead to self-indulgence and overeating, potentially leading to weight gain and subsequent health problems. Additionally, Jupiter's natural inclination towards expansion can lead to overworking, which can harm one's health. For this reason, it is crucial for those with Jupiter in the sixth House to prioritize relaxation and spending time with loved ones. They should also be mindful of their daily routines and chores, as this is where they tend to excel. Lastly, it is worth noting that people with this placement generally have a fondness for pets and may even own some themselves.
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💚Jupiter in the 7th House💚
When the planet Jupiter is situated in your seventh House, it signifies that you are poised to receive favorable outcomes in your collaborative ventures, whether in business or personal relationships. This placement can be advantageous for you, particularly if you join forces with another individual. Depending on Jupiter's specific aspects and signs, you may experience success in public relations, law, the judicial system, or even as a relationship expert. When Jupiter is positioned in the seventh House, the native House of Libra, it may bring good fortune in legal affairs unless it is heavily influenced by unfavorable factors. Individuals with this placement tend to place a high value on harmonious relationships and possess a strong inclination toward partnerships. They have a tendency to attract individuals who are optimistic, generous, and open-minded. Still, they need to exercise caution and not idealize their partners or set unrealistic expectations.
The Seventh House in astrology is closely linked with Libra, the sign of balance and harmony, and its ruling planet, Venus. This particular House governs all sorts of committed partnerships, including marriage. Depending on your birth chart, the positioning of Jupiter can indicate that you might become luckier once you get married or enter a partnership. It is in having a companion that you can attract good fortune, and for those with Jupiter in the Seventh House, marriage and committed relationships are generally valuable in their lives.
The placement of planets in the seventh House can describe the kind of partner you attract. The sign at the cusp of this House will influence how Jupiter manifests in your life, but typically, your partners will embody the qualities of this planet. For instance, Jupiter in the seventh indicates partners that are often highly educated partners, may have foreign origins, travel frequently, and possess wisdom and philosophical views. Open-minded and tolerant individuals tend to be attractive to those with Jupiter in the Seventh House, and their partners may be older than them.
In addition to personal relationships, the seventh House relates to business partnerships, which may involve international partners or frequent travel. Those with Jupiter in the seventh House tend to be team players and attract partners who help them progress in various aspects of their lives. All in all, the seventh House and its ruling planet Venus represent the importance of partnership and harmony in one's life, and those with Jupiter in this House may experience an extra dose of luck and good fortune in their relationships.
The Seventh House in astrology holds significant insights into an individual's public persona, popularity, and perception by others. If Jupiter finds its placement in the seventh House, it signals a person's ability to conquer adversaries or negative energies that may cross their path. With Jupiter in the Seventh House, individuals enjoy tremendous popularity and boast a vast social circle. They often find themselves sought for advice and considered an authority figure or even a mentor. People with such a placement in their astrological chart are known to possess diverse interests and a profound understanding of the world around them. They tend to thrive in careers that require enthusiasm, like sales or advertising. Moreover, they may also be attracted to legal professions, as Jupiter is closely associated with law, while the seventh House is linked with legal matters.
💚Jupiter in the 8th House💚
The eighth House in astrology is known for its enigmatic and somewhat intimidating nature. It delves into profound themes such as death, trauma, sex, and transformation, among life's most perplexing mysteries. However, despite its seemingly hazardous character, the presence of Jupiter in this House can be profoundly advantageous. Jupiter is widely regarded as the planet of good fortune, abundance, wealth, and luck, essentially the planet of significant financial gains. When Jupiter is situated in the eighth House, it frequently brings luck in matters related to this House. Moreover, this placement can indicate an individual with a deep interest in spiritual and metaphysical subjects and a yearning to explore the mysteries of life and their psyche. Individuals with Jupiter in the Eighth House are often highly intuitive and perceptive, with a fascination for taboo topics such as death and the afterlife.
The Eighth House is renowned for being a secretive place that only reveals its mysteries through trials of pain and suffering. Such experiences, known as Plutonian, can lead to a profound transformation of oneself, either for the better or the worse. Death, near-death experiences, and crises are all associated with this House. However, the positive energy of Jupiter can provide protection during these perilous times. It is worth noting that the planets in the eighth House remain dormant until a crisis emerges, at which point they come to the forefront. Therefore, individuals with Jupiter in the eighth House have a significantly higher chance of survival and full recovery when faced with life-threatening situations. 
Furthermore, the eighth House signifies rebirth and regeneration, and Jupiter's presence enhances these abilities. Those with this placement often exhibit a spiritual inclination and a curiosity toward topics related to death and the occult. Jupiter in the eighth House may also indicate psychic abilities and heightened intuition. 
Notably, the eighth House is also associated with sexual desires, and Jupiter's influence in this House suggests a strong sexual appetite and an attraction to affluent partners. Despite potential heartbreak, individuals with Jupiter in the eighth House possess an extraordinary ability to recover emotionally. In conclusion, the Eighth House represents transformation, and with Jupiter's added influence, it provides a personal philosophy that may be shaped by traumatic events or crises.
There are various ways in which money and financial gain can enter into one's life. It may be earned through personal efforts or received from external sources. The eighth House of astrology relates explicitly to acquiring wealth through other people. An individual with Jupiter positioned in the eighth House and in harmony with the rest of their chart is considered fortunate. Those with this placement often inherit substantial sums of money, marry someone wealthy, or receive financial benefits through other means. They may also accumulate wealth through joint resources. Furthermore, they are likely to excel in tax collecting, banking, and financial advising professions. 
It is noteworthy that Jupiter's influence over the Eighth House also extends to matters relating to surgery, investigations, and death. Therefore, individuals with this placement may also experience financial success in these domains. However, it is crucial not to let greed take over. Jupiter is known to reward generosity and benevolence, and taking advantage of its kindness can lead to unforeseen crises. Therefore, exercising caution and adhering to moral principles is essential, especially if Jupiter is afflicted in one's chart. Ethical values play a significant role in financial affairs and may cause conflicts if they differ from those of one's colleagues.
💚Jupiter in the 9th House💚
In the realm of astrology, the placement of Jupiter in the ninth House is regarded as a particularly auspicious occurrence. This is because Jupiter experiences what is known as accidental dignity, which means that it feels a powerful connection to this particular House. As such, individuals who possess this placement in their natal chart are often gifted with an unshakable faith in life, which is closely aligned with the mission of the ninth House. 
Indeed, those with Jupiter in the Ninth House are often optimistic visionaries with a keen ability to conceptualize and plan for the future. In addition, they possess a bright, inquisitive minds and are naturally drawn to studying philosophy and contemplating life's profound questions. With a well-aspected Jupiter in the Ninth House and other indicators in the birth chart, an individual may even become famous for their knowledge and educational pursuits.
However, not just intellectual pursuits are associated with this placement. Those with Jupiter in the Ninth House are often driven by a sense of adventure and exploration, a deep moral compass, and a desire to positively impact the world. This is why careers in law, politics, religion, or education often appeal to individuals with this placement. 
Regarding the areas of life influenced by Jupiter's placement in the ninth House, we can look to higher education, interactions with foreign cultures and countries, long-distance travel, spirituality, and personal growth. Indeed, individuals with this placement may find themselves drawn to these areas of life as they seek to understand their place in the world and fulfill their desired purpose in life.
If your astrology chart indicates that you have the ninth house placement, it is highly recommended that you take frequent journeys to far-off lands. This House is closely associated with long-distance travel, and if Jupiter is present in this House, it is a sign that you are destined for good fortune abroad or in foreign cultures. Those with this placement will likely settle down in foreign lands, especially if other astrological indicators align with this outcome. 
Traveling is a rewarding experience in many ways, as it broadens your perspectives and helps you gain a deeper appreciation for diverse cultures. Furthermore, Jupiter in the Ninth House is linked to financial gains through foreign cultures, education, or spirituality. People with this placement are language experts and may work in fields that require multilingual abilities. 
Individuals with Jupiter in the Ninth House are renowned for their open-mindedness and tolerance, as they relish the diverse cultures, languages, and religions they encounter. They have a natural curiosity about the world and thrive on adventure. Education is highly valued by those with this placement, and pursuing higher education is often the key to unlocking financial gain. Those with Jupiter in the Ninth House are lifelong learners who enjoy sharing their ideas.
The ninth House in astrology is strongly associated with the higher mind, and if Jupiter is present in this House, it indicates a profound interest in spirituality and philosophy. Those with Jupiter in the ninth House have a natural inclination toward these topics and are inclined to acquire a great deal of knowledge about them. In your birth chart, Jupiter and the Ninth House reveal your personal beliefs, which evolve as you gain more experience. Your views serve as a compass, guiding you in the right direction and helping you make informed decisions. Essentially, they are more important than you give them credit for. If Jupiter is in the ninth House, you may place great importance on living according to your beliefs. While you may not adhere to any particular religion, you are religious in your own way and possess a strong spiritual side. You enjoy learning about how different cultures perceive these topics and have an open mind. Furthermore, you hold yourself to a higher moral standard than most people, and others may look to you for guidance. However, it is crucial to be mindful of becoming too self-righteous or arrogant. In astrology, the ninth House is also associated with in-laws. If Jupiter is in this House, your in-laws are likely well-educated, of good social standing, and possibly religious. Jupiter also represents your husband, who may be well-educated and of foreign origin, but may also come across as preachy and insensitive to others' views.
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💚Jupiter in the 10th House💚
When Jupiter is positioned in the tenth House, it brings luck and abundance to one's career. This House is linked to Capricorn and the planet Saturn; It is regarded as the highest point in an individual's natal chart. It symbolizes their public reputation and career trajectory. The Midheaven, also known as MC, is a critical point in astrology and marks the cusp of the tenth House. Planets placed here tend to have a tremendous influence on the chart, with the tenth House being associated with ambition, employers, authority figures, one's parents, and how the world perceives them. The placement of Jupiter in the tenth House is seen as a sign of tremendous success in one's endeavors. It can lead to outstanding achievements and pave the way for a successful career. People with this placement may opt for careers in international business, travel, foreign languages, education, management, and philosophy. Jupiter is considered the planet of prosperity. Hence, having it in the tenth House can bring significant financial success. If Jupiter is closely placed to the Midheaven, it becomes even more powerful. However, individuals with this placement must maintain balance and focus only a little on their careers at the expense of their personal life and relationships. Those with Jupiter in the 10th House possess natural leadership abilities, strong ethics, and integrity, and they may even become authority figures or leaders in their field. They may also have a desire to make a positive impact on society through their work.
Those with this placement tend to have a relatively smooth career path, but avoiding relying solely on luck is crucial. While Jupiter's generosity can be beneficial, it is not always guaranteed. To maximize the positive influence of this placement, one must merge hard work with Jupiter's auspicious energy.
Having Jupiter in the tenth House endows individuals with exceptional leadership skills, making them a natural fit for fields like business or politics. In addition, their infectious enthusiasm and captivating charisma earn them the trust and respect of those around them. The tenth House's planets typically have a more significant impact later in life, but Jupiter can bring success early on in one's career. However, one must be mindful of Jupiter's negative traits, such as becoming overly arrogant and preoccupied with status, to prevent them from taking over.
Your public image and reputation are greatly influenced. These individuals are endowed with leadership qualities and the ability to become well-known in various fields, such as politics, education, or even managing celebrities. They're ambitious and career-driven. Furthermore, this placement often gives the impression of being a person of high moral values, even if Jupiter is not afflicted or if no other planets are involved. 
You are likely to be bothered by injustices and possess strong moral values. Oftentimes, individuals with this placement are perceived as spiritual or religious. Additionally, Jupiter encourages the exploration of foreign cultures, language learning, and traveling. Therefore, the Tenth House is ideal for individuals with this Jupiter placement to pursue teaching.
The tenth House can also indicate your relationship with one of your parents, usually your father. This parent is typically well-educated, respected, and comes from a good family. They may also have a connection to foreign cultures or countries. With challenging aspects, they could come off as preachy. However, having Jupiter in this placement suggests that this parent positively influenced your life. Furthermore, the Tenth House also represents your approach to authority figures. If Jupiter is present in this placement, it indicates that you learned a lot from your bosses, and they often favored you unless there are afflictions in your natal chart.
💚Jupiter in the 11th House💚
Individuals with their natal Jupiter in the eleventh House have the potential to attain their goals with relative ease. This is because the planet Jupiter, which represents good fortune, luck, and abundance, is especially advantageous when positioned in this House. The eleventh House is associated with aspirations and desires, and Jupiter's placement here can provide a significant boost to your plans by uncovering resources that were previously unknown to you. 
Those with Jupiter in the eleventh House tend to possess a strong yearning for social groups and organizations and often have a vast network of friends and acquaintances. They may also have a keen interest in traveling, cultural exchange and gaining knowledge from individuals with varying backgrounds and outlooks. In terms of occupation, they prefer team-based professions, as like-minded individuals can introduce novel opportunities into their lives. However, if Jupiter receives challenging aspects, individuals with this placement may struggle with perseverance and follow-through.
If the eleventh House in your chart is prominently emphasized, it signifies a proclivity toward humanitarian ideals. However, it is crucial to bear in mind that the impact of the planets in this House, along with your own personal choices, will determine whether you channel this energy constructively or destructively. The presence of Jupiter in the eleventh House suggests that you possess a generous disposition coupled with a strong moral compass unless it is afflicted or contradicted by other factors in your chart. Individuals with this placement tend to contemplate deeply societal structures and may harbor a keen interest in sociology. Humanitarian causes often become a passion for those with this placement. Nevertheless, if Jupiter is afflicted, you may become self-righteous and utilize others for personal gain, leading to negative consequences. Overall, this placement connotes progressive and open-minded views which embrace novel ideas and concepts. It may also signify having a large family or engaging in adoption.
The Eleventh House in astrology symbolizes the realm of friendship and groups, revealing the associations and organizations you belong to. If Jupiter is positioned in this House, you have a wide-ranging network of acquaintances. Jupiter, the planet of expansion and growth, multiplies everything it touches. Thus, with Jupiter in the eleventh House, your social circle will likely be composed of highly educated, intelligent, and linguistically diverse citizens of the world. Your network may comprise influential individuals who can help advance your career. The eleventh House is a succedent house, reinforcing the preceding angular houses. Therefore, the resources of your eleventh House bolster your tenth House of the profession, contributing to your success. Jupiter in the eleventh House is exceptionally optimistic in the natal chart, emphasizing the importance of social life to you and your charismatic and cheery demeanor. You are open-minded and eager to learn from everyone you encounter. With this placement, you excel at networking, readily establishing new connections, and nurturing relationships. However, if Jupiter has challenging aspects, you may be inclined to exploit your connections and friends, manipulating them to do your bidding without returning the favor.
💚Jupiter in the 12th House💚
The positioning of Jupiter in the Twelfth House brings rare and exceptional energy to the native. It can be likened to having an additional guardian angel, a higher force that operates in secrecy to safeguard you. This subtle energy acts as a beautiful aid when all seems lost, often resulting in individuals with Jupiter in the twelfth House experiencing good fortune in life. The twelfth households a sense of familiarity for Jupiter as it is linked to the Pisces zodiac sign, which was once recognized as Jupiter's ruling planet. Having Jupiter in the Twelfth House typically signifies a strong inclination toward spirituality, with individuals possessing a profound understanding of human emotions and the ability to empathize with others deeply. However, it is vital to maintain a balance between spiritual pursuits and social life to prevent oneself from becoming too secluded. In this placement, Jupiter deals with matters of self-undoing, isolation, medical facilities, correctional institutions, monasteries, distant places, religion, dreams, divine inspiration, spirituality, mental health, and the unconscious mind.
Those with Jupiter in the Twelfth House are naturally drawn to spirituality. Their inclination towards this facet of life is intrinsic and inseparable from their identity. These individuals exhibit a remarkable level of conscientiousness, holding themselves to moral standards that surpass the norm. They are dedicated to doing what is right, even if it brings no personal gain. This indicates an old soul possessing a depth of wisdom and maturity that surpasses their age. Often feeling misunderstood and isolated, they find solace in solitary activities, such as writing and creative endeavors. They hold a deep appreciation for art and philosophy, which profoundly moves them. Despite the Twelfth House being associated with hidden enemies in astrology, Jupiter's positive influence can transform adversaries into allies. Even in the presence of secret foes, Jupiter can diminish hostility and provide a sense of protection.
Water houses in astrology, the fourth, eighth, and twelfth houses, are deemed karmic dwellings, indicating that one may carry unresolved karmic baggage that needs to be addressed in this lifetime. Among these houses, the twelfth House plays a significant role, as it is believed that the planets placed in this House can profoundly impact one's life. In particular, Jupiter's placement in the Twelfth House is regarded as a positive influence, as it implies that the soul was eager to be born in this lifetime, and success may come with less resistance in matters related to the Twelfth House. Individuals who have Jupiter in the Twelfth House may experience a sense of isolation or detachment from their community, but they may find success by exploring opportunities abroad. By comprehending the influence of Jupiter, one can attract good fortune and align with the moral laws of the universe.
Individuals with planets in their twelfth House may exhibit an enhanced sensitivity toward loud and vibrant surroundings, making them feel overwhelmed and overstimulated. Such individuals are likely to be acutely sensitive to loud noises, potent scents, and circumstances requiring quick responses. The celestial bodies occupying this House can heighten their awareness of subtle energies around them, thereby strongly influencing their senses. Individuals with twelfth-house placements must allocate sufficient time to recharge their energies. If Jupiter is located in their twelfth House and the Moon is present in a water sign, they may possess a powerful intuition that must be trusted. This intuition is how their higher self communicates with them. Pursuing solitary activities such as meditation, journaling, or merely spending time alone can significantly benefit such individuals. If Jupiter is retrograde in their birth chart, their need for solitude may be further accentuated. It is imperative to embrace their rich inner life and never suppress it, as doing so may cause long-term damage.
Byeee 💚
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sailorgundam308 · 11 months
Karlach isn't a good girl
Listen, LISTEN. I love her, okay? Now that's out of the way. I see many people reducing her personality to the "big friendly labrador dog" thing. And while it's cute and all that, I disagree. Let me get into why I think Karlach isn't the goodie nice girl she puts a lot of effort to be. She has just returned to Faerun when we meet her in game, and she IS trying her bestest to start anew, to be the best version of herself now that she is free. But it doesn't mean she was always like that, or that her past has not changed her. I think it did - quite a lot, in fact.
Let's start with Gortash. She worked for this fucker. Granted, she might not have known he was such an evil bastard at the time, but she was his bodyguard. And by bodyguard, it is implied that she was his bully, his enforcer and debt collector - you know, the kind that breaks knees and kills people. When she meets an old friend in the city, that friend asks her if she is still in "the business of intimidation", and offers her to come see weapons. Even though Karlach, in her mind, might have been convincing herself that doing such a job was to help someone she respected, she still did it. And that is FINE. She was a young orphan, a tiefling in a place where tieflings are discriminated against harshly, poor and without much perspective. Of course a guy coming over offering her a well paid job that she excelled in would seem like winning a lottery. Still, she was a pretty shady violent person doing it. Now, the Hells. Avernus. She was sold to Zariel quite young still, and went through all sorts of torture and other perks enslavement gets you. For 10 years. She was scared shitless while there, especially in the beginning - she says so herself (to Halsin). All the carnage she inflicted was not (very) voluntary. She HAD to, or she would be the one getting killed. But she enjoyed it - or grew to. She likes violence, the adrenaline of it, the rush of excitement. The thrill of it, she says, is second only to sex.
Continuing on. Avernus, as well as the other layers of the Nine Hells, is not like the Material Plane. The place itself influences you. It means that being in Avernus for any time changes/corrupts/influences who you are. The longer you stay there, the deeper it gets. It did so to Zariel who was a literal angel. Avernus (and it's Archdevil's personality) insidiously get in your body and heart. It is just the way it goes, lore-wise, in DnD. If a fucking SOLAR wasn't immune to it, Karlach - young and lost - certainly wouldn't be either. Even more so because she was near Zariel all the time. I strongly believe Karlach was getting more and more exactly like Zariel - who herself is a fierce berserker warrior who charges head first into battle. Zariel is KNOWN to be this crazy strong, insane, fearless and (in her mind) righteous demon-smiting war machine. Sounds similar to a nice red tiefling we know, doesn't it? Now, did Zariel chose Karlach beause she was already like this, or did Karlach took after Zariel while she fought with her? Hard to tell. In any case, Karlach's 10 years in the Hells did change her. Needless to say, Avernus doesn't change you for the better. It doesn't mean that Karlach became "evil" - she is obviously far from it. But she is chaotic, violent and bloodthirsty. She is also selfish. There are several situations where this personality trait of her comes up.
It may sound kinda wild considering how she offers to help everyone and even sacrifice herself (since she's already dying anyway) - when we meet her. But that's the thing: she is being as selfless as she can now because she has been very selfish for a very long time (proof she has a conscience). Perhaps, she is terrified of what she was becoming and is trying to make amends, to revert whatever evil was growing in her.
She mentions herself that she did not help the tieflings of Elturel when their city was pulled down into Avernus. She did not get out of her way to help them. Instead, she thought that if "she was living that nightmare, they'd have to live it too". She would not put her neck on the line to help another - which, not so coincidentally, is typical behavior in the Hells (again, proof that Avernus was indeed getting to her). The Hag's Vicious Mockery targeted specifically at Karlach mentions how she is willing to "sell everyone's soul's if it means she can save hers". We do not know exactly what it refers to - soul coins, throwing others under the bus, ignoring people in need - but it reinforces the idea that Karlach was not the nicest person for at least 12+ years. Granted, the devils around her were much worse - but they are DEVILS in HELL. So.
Generally, in game we notice that her effort to survive and stay alive has pushed her selfishness to grow. But it still is selfishness. Another example is how she disapproves (together with Astarion), if you say to healer Nettie that you "swear to drink the Wyvern poison". She wouldn't drink it. She'd rather kill Nettie (that gets hostile).
Another hint at her grey-ish personality is when she talks to/about Wyll after he is punished by Mizora for not having killed Karlach. She mentions that she would NOT have done the same in his place. That he was better than her. Again, she would not put her skin on the line like that. She would and has turned a blind eye to situations and persons if it meant it would guarantee her survival or avoid injury. (Mind you, I 100% belive she would do this sacrifice if she was in love with someone, though.)
She will ask to, and will use Soul Coins even though she knows it's morally a sus choice to do so. If you play as her she will repeat to herself "I won't use them, they are people's souls - and I am GOOD." like she is trying to convince herself. Because she would fucking use them to smash some big fuckers in a blink - and feel awesome while doing it. Even as her, she keeps insisting "But... maybe I can use them... JUST when I really need them." Additionally, when she talks to the bugbear merchant in Moonrise Towers and he offers her soul coins, she doesn't really feel guilty for the stories of the souls in them. She even says at some point "they are already doomed, so why not use them anyway", justifying that she will only kill evil bastards with them. In any case, the morality of her choice is debatable. It makes clear that Karlach is not "lawful good" by any stretch.
Let me reiterate that just because I am saying all this about Karlach, doesn't mean I dislike her. I think she is abso-fucking-lutely the best character in the game. But I hate to see her personality "flattened" to nice happy go lucky gal. I think she has a grey-tinged personality - she has good and bad aspects to herself; she has character flaws too.
But I also think that she is trying her damn hardest to be the best she can be right then. The opposite of what she's been. Maybe it is because she has so little time left, that she needs to be the absolute best version of herself while she can. Perhaps she is trying to be what she would have been if her parents did not die - because they seemed like great loving parents. And I think Karlach didn't turn into a broken evil maniac because of them, the way they raised her while they were alive. But she lost her mom at 6, her father around 13-15. After that, it was struggling on the streets, Gortash and Zariel - betrayal, violence, carnage, war and loneliness. It is too naive to think a person would not change after all this, that Karlach would not carry more scars than those she shows on her body. To her credit, she turned much MUCH better than anyone would have. She WILL kill with a grin on her face, seek violence, blood and even revel in it - she learned to relish it and now it's part of who she is. She is selfish, she will look out for herself and has no qualms about killing or throwing people she doesn't care for under the bus (if she sees justification for it). BUT she knows what evil is, and doesn't let shit happen to people who don't deserve it. She will side with those who suffer prejudice and fight against what she sees as injustice - but even she has a limit to how far she'd go.
If you raid the Emerald Grove, she will leave the party. To me, this screams of her trying to right her past wrongs. She left the Elturians to their fate once before, so she MUST save them now that she has another chance - and that it won't cost her her life. I love her being 1/3 brutal killing machine (and fucking LOVING it), 1/3 ptsd, fear and overcompensating trauma under a smile, and 1/3 just trying her best, really, and being lovely for it. Phew. That was a long rant. I guess I just wanted to organize my thoughts about it a bit :V
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