#biadore fanfiction
artificialgrinder · 1 year
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Drag or Die: Part Four
After getting Alyssa and co out of their safe space and to the prison, Katya is back in the game. She's got a mission to tend to - avenge Trixie. But Adore just has to cause trouble, doesn't she?
[1] // [2] // [3] // [4] // [5] // [6] // [7] // [8]
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artificialqueens · 1 year
🏳️‍🌈 Rock Hudson’s Parties, Chapter 3 (Jadore/Biadore) - Imafuckinglibra
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Summary: A fresh faced young man gets off a bus in New York to move in with an estranged college friend, now a broadway star. Old flames flare up again but are potentially derailed when an older man’s temptations threaten to come between them.
Fair Warning : Nothing! This chapter is just a good time and we’re all happy and enjoying some uh…bonding time…hehe
“Who knew a C-list celebrity would have to go out THIS much,” Danny fussed into his cocktail the following Wednesday night. “Why, I’m missing I’ve Got a Secret.”
He put his glass down, examined the area around him and realized that yet again, nobody at the table had been paying attention to him. 
He felt the corners of his mouth twisting into a pout, but he knew if he let it show he’d just be giving in to those same feelings of inadequacy he did in Azusa. 
‘You’re better now,’ he reminded himself.
“I say, doll…” He tried running his fingers along Jinx's knuckles, earning a dismissive wave of her manicured hand with the cigarette between her fingers. His tone rose in frustration as he tried her again, “I SAID, Jinkx, I’m missing this week’s I’ve Got a Secret! And I heard a rumor Lana Turner is gonna be on this week to talk about her daught-“
His whining got halted by an eruption of raucous laughter from the table of cronies who’d just been ignoring him. Making snide remarks under their drunken giggles about the sort of people who follow those fanatic magazines full of false stories.
“Stop being such a girl about it,” she said, poking a sore spot. “Go fetch me another drink and I’ll make up for whatever little show you’re missing later. Deal?” she purred into his ear, giving him a peck on the cheek.
He groaned under his breath, unamused by the gaggle of girls swooning over Jinkx yet again, but he decided to swallow his pride. 
He stood up with a heavy sigh and put-upon smile, giving her hand a small kiss to feign forgiveness. “Why of course, dear. Right away.”
“Tsk, tsk, tsk,” Roy and Raja clucked in unison as he approached them by the bar, the pair like a flock of hungry vultures watching the group by the table. The only hungry vultures, it seemed, who bothered entertaining him these days, as Jinkx’s debut as Essie Whimple drew closer.
The same vultures he’d avoided like the plague before, but he’d finally settled in, finally stopped staring into the mirror trying to find what was wrong with him - mostly. He still felt a certain sense of unease around Roy specifically but he seemingly couldn’t care less anymore about, well, you know. Their little misunderstanding. 
“I say, well handled, son,”  Roy mocked. Placing a proud hand on his shoulder, his other hand clutching his dark maroon tie as if he was Jim Anderson himself. “A happy wife is a happy life, right, my boy?”
“Get bent.” Danny tried acting serious, paying no mind to Roy cackling loudly at his own joke.
“Forget Bozo here, I’ll get that drink for you while I’m back here.” Raja, who was most definitely breaking at least 3 work place rules, took Jinkx’s empty wine glass and refilled it.
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“You staying a while? I heard some serious scoop on tonight’s episode of I've Got a Secret.” Roy leaned over the bar where the three of them could gossip.
“No!” Danny gasped, following suit, taking the already poured red wine originally intended for Jinkx as his own. “Is it Lana Turner?”
“What? No. It’s Walter Slezak, and I heard…Lana T-“ he interrupted himself to sneer at Danny in bewilderment. “Lana Turner? Who gave you that idea?”
Danny flashed a scowl at Raja, who was casually whistling in the opposite direction to avoid eye contact before Roy’s words sank in.
“Walter Slezak!” Raja and Danny’s eyes went wide in unison.
Raja enthusiastically slapped Danny’s hand like a giddy secretary with some juicy story about the boss. “Boy, he’s amazing. Did you catch him in Born to Kill?”
“Wasn’t he great?”
“To die for,” she swooned. “Did you see him in Lifeboat? Gave me chills for weeks - oof.” She shuddered, an imaginary shiver running down her spine.
“Like this?” Roy teased, sliding an ice cube down the exposed back of her signature gold fitted dress. 
“Fucking - piece of shit!” she hissed at him, trying to keep her voice down. Luckily the rest of the bar was too lively with music, Danny the only one close enough to actually hear her shrieks. She turned to him, growling, “If you laugh, so help me!”
“I didn’t -“ Danny tried defending himself with his hands raised, but his loud belly laughing got the better of him. Raja playfully threw the ice cube in his direction, not helping curb his amusement, making her break face too.
“Raja! There’s people waiting by the door, go take their coats!” Kameron, one of the busgirls, whistled in their direction when she passed with a tray of empty plates from the dining hall.
“Ugh.” Raja dropped her cheery disposition, slugging the last of her Chardonnay. “Coming!”
She waved another finger in their direction as a threat, muttering some more, presumably obscenities, in a language Danny couldn’t recognize, and sauntered off to go greet the newest clientele for the evening. Leaving our little protagonist and his friend at the bar alone.
This wasn’t a rare occurrence though. In fact, it had become his favorite part of the day, ever since Roy agreed to keep his little secret. Some days, he’d satisfy himself just being there to watch Roy mingle with folks. Even when he was doing his own mingling with the Broadway elites (and elite followers) by Jinkx’s side. Playing her little show poodle when she required a domestic air for an interview or meeting. 
They’d always at least manage to catch each other's eye and give a sympathetic smile.
“Gosh,” he sighed, content, noticing a hint of Roy’s dimples as he greeted a regular customer waving from another table. 
He really was so devastatingly beautiful. It was hard not to see him as the picture-perfect man, with his devil-may-care attitude and utterly fashionable taste in clothes. The catalyst for their friendly banter was that Roy would always fill him in on that night’s episodes he missed, or behind the scenes tidbits he’d heard from industry friends.
It started that very night last week, at the table while they waited for everyone to return. Roy made a joke about Danny’s hands being smaller than Katherine Hepburn’s in an attempt to lighten the mood. Clearly, he wasn’t prepared for the onslaught of questions regarding the movie star, nor the ungodly amount of fan trivia he seemed to know about her and her fellow celebrities. 
Their conversation and gossiping lasted well into the night once Jinkx’s new director left, even after they made their way over to a group of club singers so Jinkx could catch up with her former coworkers.
“Beg pardon?” Roy turned around, hearing the little escaped whisper.
“Nothing,” he smiled, innocence dripping from every pore.
“Yeah riiiiight…” Roy dragged out, eyeing him suspiciously. “You’re not playing with a full deck, are you?”
“Oh yeah?” Danny huffed, “well uh…” 
‘Dammit!’ He tried to remember any, literally any single reasonable response to his but his impulse for childish comebacks got the better of him. 
“I think somebody blew your pilot light out, Haylock.” He crossed his arms and dropped himself against the bar. Unknowingly sticking his bottom lip out in a pout.
“They did what?” Roy slapped the table. He burst out into a loud laughing fit with his hand on his chest. “My -“ 
“You’ve got splinters in the windmill of your mind!” Danny reiterated, his confidence growing every time Roy’s laugh would pick up again.
“I’m too drunk for this shit,” Roy exhaled, trying to wipe a tear from the corner of his eye.
“Well then,” Danny reached over for a new glass under the counter. “Fill her up, let’s even it out.”
“Ooooh,” Roy pursed his lips, tutting and shaking his head. “That’s not such a good idea there, partner.”
“Oh yeah? Why not? Scared I can out-drink you?”
Danny felt brave, irresponsibly brave. Like just maybe he might be able to actually turn his night around, maybe even finally see the always-put-together Roy properly hammered. No pun intended, of course.
Sure, he’d probably be late for work again in the morning, but he could always find a special way to make up for that.
Or better yet, maybe he’d have to spend the whole day ‘recovering’ with Roy. Just the two of them…
‘What am I thinking?’ he panicked when he realized what he was fantasizing about.
“Hello?” Roy tapped his index finger on Danny’s forehead. “Knock knock, your drink’s ready.”
“Right.” Danny practically inhaled the scotch Roy had given him. It burned all the way down to his stomach.
“Fucking hell -“ Roy started but another small chuckle interrupted his words. “Now who’s the one playing hockey with a warped puck?”
“What does that one even mean?” Danny giggled, already feeling his bravery being replaced by downright giddiness.
“It means, clean your own damn house before you come clean mine.” Roy stood serious. His hands against the bar as if he was waiting for Danny to come back with another retort. 
Roy leaned in closer whispering, “it means you’re lucky you’re cute because you definitely ain’t smart.”
Danny’s heart shot straight up to his throat. Unsure how to process or what to say when all he could feel was his head going dizzy and his cheeks growing warm. 
He even debated another snippy comeback when suddenly, a lightbulb went off above Roy’s head. 
“Say! Lady Bunny just got a television set in her office, I could sneak you in to go watch the episode-”
Without missing a beat, Danny sprang up, ready to bolt towards the back room, only stopped by his mother’s voice in his head.
‘You need to stop getting so worked up about everything, people will think you’re some mental deficit!’
He covered his open mouth with a cough and pretended to straighten his pants.
“Well?” Roy slammed his drink down and slapped him on the flat of his back, asking, “Do you need a pistol shot or something? Go! Hurry!”
‘To hell with her,’ he stood up for himself.
And just like that, they were off, scurrying to the back office without a second thought about Jinkx, her drink, or the laughing lackeys still keeping her attention.
“Wait…No...” Roy tilted his head in confusion when a loud moan echoed from behind the big red door, just as he was about to turn the handle. “Is that…?”
“It can’t be…” Danny failed to hide a giggle. “It actually worked.”
Roy scrunched his forehead, concentrating with his ear to the door. Confirming it with a placid, “Courtney.” 
“Well yeah, and Dan.”
“Who the -'' Roy realized how loud they were speaking, changing his tone to an aggressive whisper, “Who the fuck is Dan?”
“Dan P. Donigan! My boss!” he declared, lowering his own voice too. 
“Why’s your boss banging my Courtney?” Roy asked, clearly somewhat amused by this revelation
“I needed to make up for the days I missed!”
“What?” Roy tilted his head.
“I had to make up for the day I missed with you, and…some others,” he mumbled, “and when I let it slip to Courtney she said she could soften him up for me before I apologized,” Danny clarified as if this was a reasonable answer.
“Which I’m assuming was tonight?” 
Suddenly Danny felt like he was being interrogated by a school principal. “Yes, sir…”
“Hey!” Roy prodded a finger into his chest, making him wince, his teeth snared. “Stop pimping out MY slut to your coworkers!”
“I’m not! I’m pimping out MY coworkers to your slut!” He watched Roy’s expression intently. Trying to piece together what was happening in his mind as his brows stayed contorted in anger but his lips softened into a stifled grin. 
“You two, heaven help me.” Roy gave in, rubbing his eyes. Gesturing with his head and a pat on Danny’s back towards the bar. “C'mon, I’ll make you a drink.”
Before they could reach the bar, Raja grabbed his attention while Roy rushed to make up for the orders he missed. 
“What? What’d I do?” Danny stumbled a bit thanks to how hard she yanked on his sleeve.  
“Nothin’, Jinkxy just left. She said sorry she missed you but she’s going to an after party with those little devils that follow her,” Raja casually said while gesturing with her fingers towards the bar. 
“Oh...” Danny blinked. His eyes trailed across the lounge part of the bar, examining every spot he usually found Jinkx in, but she really had left without him.
“Thank you, baby.” Raja’s voice interrupted his focused scanning. The familiar clink of the glasses on the serving tray telling him he’d been zoned out at least long enough for Raja to reach Roy, place the drink order and Roy to make it. 
“If anyone complains, tell them it took so long because we wanted to get a fresh bottle for them or some shit.” 
“Guess I’m not invited.” Danny dropped onto one of the barstools, feeling suddenly like he did in middle school when he’d get picked last in gym class.
He gazed longingly at the door like a lost puppy waiting for its owner to return to the shelter, his mood dropping nearly as low as his slumped shoulders.
“You didn’t want to go anyway,” Roy reminded him, rolling his eyes, wiping down the bar. 
He was right. But Danny was much too proud to admit it, obviously. 
“I suppose…” 
Roy, despite his best attempt at a hard exterior, did that thing again where he’d soften his approach whenever Danny grew wistful. 
“Forget it. I’ll make you something on the house. What’s your poison tonight?”
“You hopefully,” slipped from Danny’s mouth before his brain had time to filter it.
“What?” He quickly coughed, trying to save what he could from the situation as if his throat was too dry to finish the sentence. Gesturing feebly to his collar. “What…ever, you can make the fastest.”
He spun around on his barstool slowly, trying to remain casual as he made eye contact with Roy, assuming he’d turn back to the bar.
Instead, he had once again caught him in a staring contest, his eyes narrowed. Clearly not buying whatever bullshit Danny was trying to sell him. 
‘God, his eyes are beautiful…’ he thought absentmindedly. 
Lost in the deep browns of his eyes he tried his best to fight against swooning, wondering if he’d pick up on it. But how could he not see it?
Roy was so focused on watching him, Danny began to feel like the last piece of turkey on Thanksgiving dinner. Surely he knew what he was doing, surely he wanted—
“That your boss?” Roy nodded his head, snapping Danny back to reality. His face was pulled in an odd confusion, as if he was trying to figure out what Courtney saw in him.
“Where?” Danny swung the stool in the direction of Bunny’s office.
“He’s smiling pretty big; if I was a betting man, I’d say you’re off the hook,” Roy started but Danny was still trying to find Dan in the wrong direction. He grabbed his head and turned him towards the entrance. “Over there you idiot!”
“Wait, is he really smiling?” he perked up, finally the right way. Just in time to catch Courtney kiss Dan goodbye before he smugly plopped his hat on his head and swagger out with all the overconfidence of a cat who just ate the canary, the cage and the goldfish for good measure.
“Atta girl, Court!” he cheered, after Dan finally walked out.
“Yep…at-ta girl.” Roy sarcastically clapped in her direction. 
“Details, all the details!” he exclaimed, waving her over.
“Yeah, come here, my little Court-esan.” Roy curled his index finger inwards, beckoning to her as if she was a rotten child walking towards a spanking. “Come tell me what you did this time.”
Although he acted pretty peeved, Danny could tell Roy didn’t mean it. In all his time there, and in all the different ways he’d heard or seen Courtney getting screwed, never once had Roy made a mean remark about it. 
In fact, he’d never seen him make any harsh (untrue) comments towards her like he often did with others. Calling a performer’s voice one night a dead ringer for ‘What can only be described as how syphilis sores feels.’
No, the two of them must’ve been old friends. It was obvious, not just by their banter and affectionate little pets but the way Roy seemed so protective over her. Like an older brother or even a father figure would be. 
He also came to the conclusion that of the three of them, SHE might’ve been the best read. It was almost impressive how she floated about between lovers and managed to carry on the most interesting conversations known to man in one breath. Only stopping to powder her nose between the two.
For all their teasing, he had to give it to her. She wasn’t a slut, she was just built that way. Good for her.
“Bunny’s gonna’ kill you, you know!” Roy put his hands on his hips.
“Why?” Courtney, who had hopped up to sit on the bar, asked. 
“Do you want a list?” Roy scoffed. “Where should we start? You were late for - stop it.” He swatted at one of her legs when she tried to wiggle her foot against his rib cage.
“Can’t we just-“
“No,” Roy shut her down.
“Fine-uh,” Courtney whined. She pulled her leg back from poking him and hooked it over her other one, making her dress lift just enough Danny swore he could see a run in her stockings. Almost as if someone’s fingernails grabbed at them. 
Danny tugged at his tight collar. The temperature in the room must’ve raised a solid 20 degrees as the likelihood of said fingernails belonging to his uptight, no-nonsense boss dawned on him. 
He originally assumed by “buttering him up,” Courtney meant maybe a little extra flirting, maybe even a kiss or some heavy petting if she was feeling extra generous.
And the office rendezvous caught him off guard, sure, but ripped tights and what looked like a hickey below her earlobe? Absolutely above and beyond service.
‘I should get her a thank you present…I wonder if she likes chocolate?’ Danny considered. Inadvertently staring at her as he tried to remember the heart shaped boxes of chocolates he passed in a window not long ago. 
“Take a picture, love.” Courtney smiled sweetly, hiking her skirt up just enough that he could admire her thighs in all their glory.
“Oh! I wasn’t…I didn’t mean…I…” Danny stuttered, looking at Roy first for help before he regained his train of thought. “Sure, if you insist.”
“See what you’ve done? Hasn’t he had a hard enough night?” Roy finally took the attention off of him.
“Oh come off it,” Courtney gave a little titter. “He’s a nice big boy, he can tell me when he’s had enough.” She patted his shoulder. “So, you want a picture, huh?”
“Well…” Danny realized it was finally his turn to speak but no words came out. Courtney’s hand slid down, curving over his collarbone before going back up. 
“Down, beast!” Roy scolded, cracking the dishcloth he had nearby against her forearm. “Stop stalling and tell me about this…” he impatiently snapped his fingers.
“Dan,” they both answered.
“Dan, right. What do we know about this guy?”
“Well, he’s 6’2”, maybe 6’4”. Works at Danny’s bank, obviously, and I think about…” Courtney pursed her lips, holding her palms facing each other out in front of her, “about this-“
“That’ll do,” Roy picked up on what she was doing.
“About uh…” She found a length she liked. “This long I reckon.”
“Ugh, I said that’ll do, Court!” Roy’s voice raised in frustration. Finally getting her attention. “Can we not have one night in this joint without you discussing your excursions?”
Danny decided this wasn’t his battle to fight so he kept his distance, hiding his muffled giggling behind his hand so the bickering pair wouldn’t catch on. 
“It’s impolite to write personal things down about other people.” She put her hands on her hips, “So if I didn’t tell you, I’d forget their pros and cons, and I can’t make that mistake again, can I?”
“This is why I don’t take you to industry parties with me,” Roy facepalmed, rubbing his tired eyes with his thumb and index finger. 
“No, you don’t take me because-“
“That’s 5.5 inches,” Danny declared with a satisfied nod. Sure in his math until he noticed the pair had stopped bickering and were looking at him in complete confusion.
“How - what?” Roy tried hiding his laughter. “Is this what you went to college for?”
“No, let him finish, this could be useful,” Courtney said in all seriousness, raising her brows in Roy’s direction, but he shook his head at her. 
“Those types of acts stopped showing publicly in the carny days, before even vaudeville thank you very much.”
“You’d know, you were there,” Danny mumbled under his breath, upset that Roy didn’t find his accurate measuring impressive.
“Oh I’m sorry, are we feeling a little testy again, Mister ‘I cried when the man stopped drawing the deer in Bambi’?” teased Roy.
“I don’t know, do we think we’re funny, Mister ‘I got rejected to be the 6th Marx brother’?” Danny challenged. Refusing to let Roy win this round. 
“Boys, boys, boys,” Courtney chimed between them, her tone more exasperated this time,  rolling her eyes. “Just whip them out already and get a ruler…or a room.” She tilted her head towards the back of the club with a smirk. “Or an office.”
“Nobody asked you.” Roy shot her a warning look, the same expression he normally gave right before he’d yell at one of the servers for screwing up. “Just get back to work, please.”
“Oh I don’t mind,” she turned to Danny with her hand on her chest. “If you guys want to, you know… “ she clicked her tongue in the back room’s direction. 
“Okay, that’s enough!” Roy shouted, pushing her off the bar top while she wasn’t looking. “Thanks for dropping in, get to steppin’, buh bye.”
Danny didn’t know whether to laugh at her falling or the way Roy was waving his towel as he continued arguing with her about fixing her make up before her next set. 
“Fine! How ‘bout next time I just put a box over my head and you can draw some lipstick on it!” Courtney yelled over her shoulder. She tried to get the last word in as she made her way to the tiny dressing room hidden behind the stage. 
“It would be an improvement!” Roy yelled back. “What the-“ 
Danny flicked one of the peanuts that had fallen out the bowl in front of him, hitting Roy square on the chin.
“Oh you son of a bitch!” Roy exclaimed when a second one hit his cheek. “Just for that, you’re buying me a drink.”
“Worth it,” Danny grinned. He swiveled around on his stool, victorious for once, watching Roy dig around in the bottles beneath them. 
“Actually, you know what I’d kill for right now? I worked on a picture with Guy Madison last year and he gave me this really terrific bottle of bourbon,” he began as he poured them each a glass of scotch. “If you ever actually come see my place, you should have a drink.”
“See your place?” Danny swallowed. 
‘Oh god what does he mean? What’s he implying?’ He started panicking. ‘We agreed it was all a misunderstanding but does he…does he actually want me now? Is this a real invitation?’
His mind was spiraling, and Roy taking his sweet time to pour each glass wasn’t helping matters. Danny wondered if he should shoot down the offer right there, but before he could make up his mind, Roy finally slid the glass his way.
“I mean, if you guys want to come over for dinner or something.”
‘Oh, of course he wasn’t talking about…me,’ Danny realized. He could feel his shoulders slump forward again in an oddly disappointed way. He couldn’t show it however, not there in front of Roy. 
“Dinner?” Danny frowned, hiding his true feelings. “You can cook?”
Roy took a sip from his drink. “Of course I can cook, what do you mean?”
“Oh yeah? And what are you gonna give us? Indigestion?”
“Fine,” Roy conceded, smacking his lips. “Or you can come by for tailoring. We really need to get you out of those shitty little Hooverville suits.” He curled his top lip, looking him over. “I’d say no offense but they really do look hideous.”
“Heeeey,” Danny whined, clutching his lapels as if they could hear the insult. “These are catalog.”
Roy stood taller and pinched a piece of his pants to show Danny the seams. “And this is custom-made by the same guy who tailors costumes for Rosalind Russell, you see my point?”
“Rosalind…Russell?” Danny’s eyes went wide, reaching for the bit he was holding to feel the texture of the higher quality fabric. 
When his hand touched Roy’s thigh he swore he could feel his breath hitch, followed by Roy’s eyes panning down, presumably also aware of how intimate the moment had unwittingly become. 
‘Shit.’ He realized he had gotten a tad too close for comfort and pulled back. 
He sat down innocently as if nothing had happened, like when you get pulled over for driving over the limit and brace yourself to compliment your way out of it. “Boy, you know you’re everything I want to be when I’m 57.”
“Why I oughta-“ Roy gasped. Pulling his best Joan Crawford impression, he leaned down close to him. “Look, so help me, I’m gonna slug you.”
“There's a name for you ladies, but it isn't used in high society...outside of a kennel,” he retorted, proud of himself for not only remembering the line from The Women but also for making Roy’s dimples deepen when he said it. 
“Try me,” Roy challenged, shooting Danny with a peanut right between the eyes.
“Ow! Danny furiously tried to rub the sore spot better on his forehead. “Hey-uh! That was a dirty trick!” he whined.
He must have looked absolutely pathetic, as Roy’s face flashed all the way from pity straight into hysterics. 
“Oh, you poor little simple thing, don’t ever change.” Roy grasped his shoulder, his laughs turning higher pitched than Danny had heard before. He wiped at his eye with the back of his hand. “God, I’d be bored without you here.”
“What?” Danny perked up, unsure if he heard that right.
“I said,” Roy’s laughter started calming down. “Oh nevermind. Forget it. I need a piss.” 
Many hours and many, many drinks later, Danny figured he had enough liquid courage in him to finally go see Roy’s apartment. Platonically, of course.
“I’m heading home soon, I was wondering if you’d like a stroll?” he asked Roy at the end of the night, when the last tipsy crowd began to trickle out.
“Sure, yeah. I’d love to, but I gotta go take inventory and lock up some stuff. Would you mind helping out?” Roy barely even looked up from writing down some numbers of reservations for the next night. As if the revelation of Danny’s intentions hadn’t hit him yet. Not that he had any intentions. Maybe.
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“Counting? Please, it's my job.”
Finally, Roy lifted his head, dropping an elbow on the counter, resting his head in his hand as he looked on in astonishment. “I always forget that, I’m amazed when you bring it up.” 
“What? My job?” Danny blushed. His parents had told him a job at a bank would be respectable, but he didn’t see it, until now maybe. 
“No.” Roy laughed suddenly, dropping the act just as quick and standing up straight. “That you can count.”
‘This piece of work.’ Danny thought. He was caught off guard by his mockery but didn’t want to give Roy the satisfaction of knowing that. 
“Bang zoom, Haylock! You’re going to the moon!” he mimicked Ralph Kramden, hoping the little reference would earn at least a chuckle from the equally fanatical Roy.
“Good one,” he praised, looking up at the fist Danny still held in his face. He gave it a playful tap with his pen, his own little version of a gold star. 
Thanks to that little pick-me-up, the inventory they had to do went by, as Roy noted, faster than usual, both men forgetting about the time as they waved off the last of the wait staff and performers.
“All I’m saying is, knowing her, it was a stunt.” Roy threw his hands up, his pen nearly hitting a passing waitress.
“Knowing her,” Danny blew a raspberry. “I know you think your shit don’t stink, but there’s no way you know Joan Crawford.”
“I didn’t say I know her personally,” Roy defended.
Danny, annoyed at Roy for missing the point, batted his eyelashes at him before trying again. “Fine. You know what the tabloids say about her, that’s my point! I think at the ‘46 Academy Awards, she and everyone there knew there was no way she would lose.”
“But then why wasn’t she there?” Roy slammed his fist on the table, clearly fed up with how long this conversation had gone on.
Danny however, was not prepared to give in just yet, enjoying their little argument and seeing Roy get so flustered far too much. 
“Because she’s a deeply paranoid and emotional person, who doesn’t want to show her weak side because that way people can’t use it against her the way she uses their weaknesses against them!” he finally exhaled. 
“Oh brother,” Roy rolled his eyes. “So she’s just a bitch, is your excuse?”
“Pot meet kettle.” Danny waved his hands in Roy’s direction, making his dimples deepen in that tell-tale ‘you got me’ grin he’d grown so fond of. 
“Fine,“ Roy conceded, taking another sip from his now lukewarm drink. “Ugh, this is worse than your fashion sense,” he pulled a face, scooting the drink away. “But for the record, I do know Joan Crawford, semi-personally, and she would pull a stunt like that.”
“You’re such a fucking liar,” Danny spat like an annoyed teenager. “I bet you’re just making that up again so -“
“Boys!” Courtney tottered into the storage room where they’d been counting bottles. Clearly one too many deep herself. “Have one of you still not pinned the other against the milk crates?”
“Shut up, Courtney!” they both shouted in unison, Danny not even registering what she was saying thanks to his own impeded thinking.
“Danny, my love.” She threw an arm over his shoulder, pulling him in close to not-so-subtly whisper in his ear. “Make him show you how…you know, express what he's got.”
“Shut up, Courtney,” Roy repeated.
“Make me.” She licked her lip, lunging forward to grab both of them in a big bear hug. “Actually don’t, I’m on my way out with Morgan and Kameron.”
“Yuck.” Danny scoffed under his breath, trying to pretend it didn’t turn him on just a little bit…a lotta bit…
“Crushed between all those muscles…Roy,” she turned to him, cooing, “If tonight is the night I finally go, write that I died happy on my tombstone.”
“Write it yourself!” Roy pushed her away with his elbow. “And quit distracting us. I want to go home and this idiot can barely count to 12 without getting lost.”
“Listen, you little shit, you’ve been counting the same stack of tequila for 14 minutes and you still haven’t gotten past the 2nd shelf.”
“Oh?” Danny looked at the shelves. Realizing that Roy had been right, he sheepishly smiled at him with a pathetic, “Oops?”
Courtney tutted, shaking her blonde hair over her shoulders. “I guess you’ll have to teach him a lesson. I recommend a good wallop across the bum.”
“I recommend a cup of coffee and a cold shower.” Roy crossed his arms at her like a disappointed father. 
“And why would I listen to you?” she challenged, mirroring his stance even down to the way his left brow was raised. 
“Because sometimes, SOMETIMES, only once in a blue moon…I’m wrong. I can’t be wrong twice in one night, can I?”
“Is this your way of apologizing for being an ass?” Courtney asked, throwing her hands around his neck for a hug.
“Maybe,” Roy hugged her back, pulling her tightly into his arms till she stood on her tippy toes. “Do you forgive me?”
“Only if you buy me a big box of chocolates.” 
‘Definitely likes chocolates,’ Danny noted to himself.
“Deal. Now go with your little toys,” Roy let her go, “and when you’re done, drink lots of water. Love you, be safe.”
The pair exchanged quick air kisses. Danny couldn’t help himself but smile at how lovingly Roy doted over her, making sure she listened to him before he shoved her away into the waiting arms of Kameron. 
“You know,” Danny sat down in his makeshift seat, lighting them cigarettes. “You two would make a cute couple if you weren’t,” he swallowed, “you know...”
“Gee thanks.” Roy took his cigarette from him, shoving his seat away so he could count the tequila instead.
“Hey, what did Courtney mean-“ Danny tried asking about Courtney’s earlier statement about the office but Roy shushed him. 
“10, 12, 14…” Roy kept counting under his breath. His brows tightly furrowed, concentrating on every label. “16, 18…19?” He curled his top lip at the tequila bottles. 
“20.” Danny held up the bottle Roy had poured himself a drink out of when they started counting bottles. 
“Knew I kept you around for a reason,” Roy let out a relieved sigh. “20. Beautiful, done.”
Roy put the bottle back carefully onto the shelf, wrote down the number on his clipboard and hooked his pen over the sheet of paper. Finally! Their cue to hit the road.
Danny’s stomach was in knots, boozy butterflies floating about at the anticipation of more intimate alone time. The thought made him nauseous with doubt but it was too enticing to pass up, just like those enormous Ferris wheels his parents took him to when he was a little boy.
Every time he’d question his decision, he’d look to his left towards Roy for some new motivation, reminding himself that he wasn’t doing anything wrong. Just walking side by side as they’d done many a night, simply without Jinkx in the middle this time, and if he had to be honest it felt freeing. 
Liberating even. 
“Well then, who do you think should’ve won?” Roy asked, turning the corner to their block.
“Seriously? Such an easy answer,” Danny raised his shoulders in exasperation. It seemed like every time they reached the Best Actress category in their little debates Roy would scoff at his answers just to get a rise out of him, even some of the ones he, sometimes reluctantly, agreed with. “Judy Garland, obviously.”
Roy scrunched up his nose as if he was thinking over Danny’s answer before he sighed, “I don’t know-“
“Oh brother, what do you have against Judy mother-fucking Garland?” Danny interrupted him, using the same phrase Roy had used for Deborah Kerr earlier against himself.
“Grace - you asshole.” Roy fumbled over his words, hiding a proud chuckle. “Grace Kelly deserved it, I think they voted for the right bitch.“
“Well I think you’re wrong,” Danny huffed. “And I think if Courtney was here she’d agree with me.”
“Is that so?”
“And she’d call you a dickhead!” He tried his best to imitate her Australian accent but just couldn’t quite get it right, causing him to laugh at his own joke. 
“Well, well,” Roy swayed towards him, bumping their shoulders together. “Careful, someone might say the club is rubbing off on you.” 
He was right, obviously. Even Danny could feel the shift in his personality since he moved to New York just a few weeks earlier. Specifically since he started hanging out at the club with Roy and the others. 
“Would that be so bad?” he asked out loud, more to himself than anyone else truth be told.
“It would make you right more often.” 
“I am right. Judy should’ve won.”
“As much as I would like to agree with you, I can't. Why do you think she should’ve won, huh? Because she’s been around so long? Because she…” Roy gestured with over the top quotation marks, “‘overcame’ her struggles to make a good goddamn movie? Because it was an absolutely terrific movie, don't get me wrong, she damn near made me shed a tear.”
“Well…then why don’t you think she should’ve won?” Danny came to a standstill, confused by Roy’s argument. 
“Think about it.” Roy stopped walking as well, stepping back a few steps to be equal with Danny again. “Those are all amazing qualities, but you can’t just up and say ‘I did my best so I deserve the thing I want’, you have to be able to show people you’re in it for the long run, Judy isn’t that girl anymore but Grace Kelly is.”
“But she did show up!” Danny tried reasoning back. “Maybe not the way you wanted her too but she tried.”
“That’s show business for you,” Roy shrugged.
“James Mason didn’t win either, which is complete bullshit,” Danny scoffed, resuming his walking.
“That I can agree with.” 
“So…thanks for letting me hang around all night, you sure I wasn’t a bother?” Danny finally asked when they reached Roy’s apartment door. Just before they began to discuss that year’s winners.
Before he answered, Roy took the time to dig in his thick black coat’s pocket and pull out a couple of cigarettes, lighting one for each of them between his teeth. A little habit Danny had grown quite fond of him doing when he didn’t think people would notice. 
“You know, I actually had a good time. I really appreciated the help, thanks.”
“You’re very welcome, I’d do it again any- any time really.” He stumbled over his words a bit. Roy’s lips were too distracting as he took a big drag of his cigarette.
“With the amount of scotch you had, I probably don’t have to ask if you had a good time?” Roy teased, his lips twisting into a faint smile. 
Danny couldn’t help but blush, especially since Roy covered most of the drinks he ended up having. An act of kindness he appreciated; his wallet was looking a little too thin as it was tonight, with Jinkx skipping out before the tab could be paid. 
“I wish I could repay at least one or two,” he began. Feeling around in his pockets for any change he might have left.
“Yeah, I bet you do.” Roy looked up at him, halting his movements with a firm pat on the shoulder. Another habit Danny liked. At this point he started an imaginary list. 
Danny could still feel his heart racing at the contact, even one so innocent. He wondered what Roy was thinking while they looked at each other, his face illuminated only by the soft glow of the street lamps scattered about .
“You know-“ Roy inhaled, raising his hand to hold Danny’s cheek tenderly, lost in thought. 
“Hm?” Visions of them together began swirling in his mind. Glorious visions. And then - 
“Nothin’. You had some lint. Go back to your doll face, she’ll want you home when she gets in,” Roy slurred slightly. A lazy smile on his face as if the night was growing long, but he didn’t want it to end yet. “It’s getting late.”
“Oh,” he breathed. Saying he felt let down was the understatement of the year. He didn’t want to fight the issue though, hell he didn’t even know how. 
What could he say that wouldn’t ruin any progress they’d made as friends, or come out sounding just plain foolish? So he accepted his refusal and turned around to walk away back to his apartment.
‘C’mon, be a man!’ he scolded himself. Turning on his heels when he’d taken no more than 5 steps to face Roy with new self-assuredness. 
“You don’t want to invite me in for that bourbon?” he asked, raising his shoulders, the ash he’d forgotten about from his cigarette falling onto his shoes.
“I don’t think you need another drink tonight, do you?”
“Um, I….” Danny struggled to decide. So much for that confidence he had built up. 
“Exactly. So it’s probably better if I don’t and we call it a night.” Roy flashed that devilishly delicious smile. 
That smile that made his knees weak and his stomach do somersaults, even if his words made his heart drop nearly out of his body.
“Right…but -” He wanted to protest and demand a reason, feeling his blood boil like when your high school crush rejects you. 
“It’s nothing you - you hear that, right? Her stomping? God she’s loud.” Roy turned around to gesture to the source. 
Danny recognized Courtney almost immediately, her usual little skip run in those tiny dresses she wore nearly as recognizable as her accent.
“I lost my keys!” she laughed, running a little faster towards them. “And Dela’s out with her new boyfriend. Who, by the way, did I tell you his mustache is ah-mazing.”
“Where’s your dates?” Roy shrugged off her rambling. 
“Ugh, don’t get me started. Kameron got cold feet and Morgan, well, let’s just say some Scots don’t hold their liquor as well as advertised.” She blinked as if she was trying to get rid of some unpleasant memories. “I got them a taxi, they're fine.”
“Seriously,” Roy pointed to her heels when she finally reached him, already holding the apartment building’s door open for her. “Walk like a man, why don’t yah?”
“Fuck me like one,” Courtney retorted with a tease in her voice, tousling Danny’s hair, saying, “You can even bring him.”
Danny’s eyes flicked back and forth between the pair, unsure what to think. Or even what to say. Hell, even unsure if she was being serious or not. All he could see was red. 
“He’s not interested.” Roy’s focus switched to Danny. His expression was unreadable, as if he didn't even know what he was thinking. “Right?”
Danny swallowed, muttering, “…right.” 
“Goodnight, Danny,” Courtney sang, walking past Roy into his apartment building. Throwing a last little finger wave his way before taking the edge of Roy’s collar in her hand and tugging. 
“Coming, dollface,” Roy smirked, following her lead.
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He stood dumbfounded. Baffled by this turn of events. The ONE time he’d made the first move and THIS is what he got for it? 
“Why that…that….” he huffed, unable to process rational thoughts he took a puff from his cigarette before throwing it on the ground. Storming off in the direction of his apartment with heavy, angry stomps. “That slut! Jezebel! That absolute…TRAMP!”
Pride Challenge Points: 2489
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puking-dreams · 11 months
Does anyone know what happened to @artificialqueens? Did everyone stop writing? 😭
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archiveofdorothea · 2 years
I Hate To Love You, Chapter 1-Happy Fucking Holidays (Biadore)
A/N: So this started out as a mindless drabble and at some point turned into a whole oneshot. It’s a little different to what I usually write but I love how it turned out. Hope you enjoy!
Summary: College senior Bianca finds a freshman Adore intrinsically annoying, if only she wasn't so damn charming. At a Christmas party, Adore formulates a plan to get Bianca's attention, and it works a little too well.
Click here to read on AO3 or after the ‘Keep Reading’ to read on Tumblr.
It was Christmas Eve and snow was settling on the garden. It was cold, and Bianca would have much rather been cuddled up on the sofa drinking a hot chocolate. House parties weren’t exactly Bianca’s idea of fun at the best of times, much less at Christmas. Normally even the cast parties were a little too much for her, but she’d been dragged there by her friend and surprisingly she was actually having a really good time. Nearly done with rehearsals for her final project and her holiday theory work, she needed an excuse to let her hair down and actually have some fun. She’d been working so hard. She’d earned this.
So there she was, half way to drunk in the frat house of a guy she’d never met or heard of more than hearing his name from Courtney, with a bunch more people she’d never met. It wasn’t terrible though. At least Adore wasn’t there. Adore. Bianca didn’t know what it was about her or why she hated Adore so much. She was just irritating, to say the least. Regardless, she was pretty sure the frat guys wouldn’t let in a freshman anyway.
Adore was ridiculously charismatic and weirdly captivating with her long dark hair and piercing eyes. The only problem was she was just a fucking nightmare. She lacked any sense of professionalism, always turning up late to rehearsals or eating in the studio, and whilst her vocals were probably the strongest of all the first year students, her acting and in particular her dancing needed an insane amount of work. She found the most basic choreo a challenge and with the final project being directing her own show, it had become Bianca’s problem. Bianca, lacking in patience and tact, found herself frustrated at having to teach the same thing over and over again when they should be so much further ahead in the script by this point. The Christmas break came as only a relief, but she wasn’t looking forward to January.
Bianca sat with Courtney in the kitchen, pouring another shot of vodka into a glass. She got even bitchier when she was tipsy and all the shots were really starting to go to her head.
“She’s just so fucking annoying, and what’s with that blonde bitch? Are they dating? She’s not a theatre kid, that’s for sure.” Bianca observed.
“The Russian? Katya?”
“Yeah, is that her name?” She downed the shot and immediately poured another from one of the giant bottles lined up on the side.
“I don’t know, maybe? Why, you jealous?”
Courtney had been Bianca’s best friend since they started college three years ago. They’d been roommates in their first year and they’d surprisingly bonded. Bianca didn’t necessarily expect to get along with someone like her, blonde and perpetually perky, but she’d surprised her. She trusted her more than anyone else, and she was probably the only person who knew everything about her, able to read her better than Bianca could read herself.
Bianca scoffed at the audacity “Of course not.”
She wasn’t quite drunk enough to talk about her undeniable attraction to Adore yet.
Dani. ‘Adore’, she went by. Who did she think she was anyway?
Adore walked into the house, looking divine in a black bodysuit and fishnets, a red oversized tee thrown over the top. She’d pre-drank, so she was already pretty tipsy as she headed into the dining room, which was currently functioning as a makeshift dance floor. Adore knew Bianca would be there, and she was hoping the slutty outfit would entice her. She’d seen how she looked at her during rehearsals. That little glint in her eye that hid behind the annoyance and the glaring. She might be loud-mouthed and at times, a total cunt, but she was still hot. She held herself with a certain amount of confidence and grace, and it made her utterly irresistible. Adore wasn’t above admitting she wanted her.
“Of course not.” Courtney mimicked her, her little giggle more high pitched than ever. “I’m not convinced that’s true Bea, you seem to hate her a little too much.”
Bianca shoved her playfully. They were both pretty drunk now, Courtney staggering backwards despite barely being pushed. She cackled and extended a hand to her friend.
“I’m gonna go pee.” Bianca said. “You coming?”
“I wanna talk to Brody, find me in a bit?”
Bianca rolled her eyes. There’s no way Brody was good for her. “Sure. But be careful.”
“You worry too much.”
Bianca headed down the hall. “Someone has to.” She shouted back. It was no secret that she was the sensible one of the duo. Sure, she had wild moments, but she knew how to carry herself better than Courtney did. Regardless, at least she had some time to kill, able to pee in peace and grab some water.
She was just about to walk up the stairs when someone crashed into her, nearly falling and taking Bianca down with her. Bianca half caught her, the frame and flash of dark hair strangely familiar even in dim lighting. As she pulled herself back, the realisation set in.
It was Adore. Because, of course it was.
She giggled, the sound alone making Bianca grit her teeth. Her eyes narrowed. What was it about Adore that had so much power over her? Her eyelashes fluttered as she played the game.
“Isn’t that dress a little slutty for a senior?” Her smirk was dangerous. Challenging even.
Before Bianca even knew what she was doing, she had Adore pushed up against the wall. Her body pushed against her, fingers wrapped around her wrists, pinning her down.
Adore squared up against her, pushing her shoulders forward as much as possible to hide how worried she was. Bianca was far stronger than she looked, that petite body packing a surprising amount of strength, and she didn’t know whether Bianca wanted to kiss her or punch her. Bianca wasn’t exactly sure herself.
“Go fuck yourself.” Bianca spat.
“Why don’t you do it for me?” She came back, a knee flying between her thighs instantly. She pressed it up against Bianca’s cunt, grinding it against her.
Adore grinned as Bianca gasped in shock. She couldn’t help but feel a sizzling arousal below the surface. Bianca couldn’t help but want to fuck her senseless until that smile fell right off her face.
Adore only pressed her knee further up, Bianca slapped it away, digging her nails into a soft thigh. She took her hand roughly, dragging her wordlessly into the upstairs bathroom and locking the door. She pushed Adore up against it before sighing heavily, resting her head against the door whilst rubbing the bridge of her nose.
“What about Katya?”
“What about Katya?” Her brow furrowed in confusion. What did Katya have to do with any of this? She was too aroused by the whole situation to think straight.
“You guys aren’t dating?” Her surprise was genuine.
“She’s just a friend.” Adore confirmed. “God Bianca, you’re such a fucking idiot.”
Bianca didn’t seem to like that. She pulled at the other woman’s hair, hard. Adore yelped, trying to keep her head up, trying to maintain dominance, but she was fighting a losing battle.
“I’m smarter than you, darling.” She whispered against her lips before they crashed together.
Adore felt red hot all over as Bianca kissed down from her lips to her neck. She bit down hard, making Adore yelp. The line between pain and pleasure was a blur as Bianca sucked at the teeth marks she’d left. That was definitely going to bruise. She alternated between wet, open mouthed kisses and sucking more hickeys on to her. Adore couldn’t believe how worked up she was before she’d even stripped her of her clothes. She had to do something, refusing to let Bianca win, she pulled hard at her hair, forcing her to look up.
The surprise made Bianca accidentally loosen her grip on Adore, who took advantage of the situation. She pulled herself off the door, spinning around to pin Bianca up against the wall by the shower. Bianca struggled but Adore had height on her side and despite the fact that she was stronger, she couldn’t quite manage to push Adore off of her from this position.
“I- Adore.”
Having the usually loud-mouthed, outspoken Bianca pinned up against a wall was more than enough of a victory for Adore, but her losing her words was a huge triumph. Bianca always had a comeback for everything, but it turns out there was a way to shut her up after all.
There was a lot of tugging as Bianca tried to pull Adore’s shirt off. She threw it aside, sliding the straps of her bodysuit down her shoulders slowly.
“No bra? You’re an even bigger whore than I thought.”
She watched intently as Adore’s breast spilled out from under the bodysuit. They were small but so pretty, tanned skin framed with dusky pink nipples. She took one into her mouth, running her teeth over it roughly.
Adore prayed to a god she didn’t believe in that Bianca couldn’t hear her tiny whimpers. Bianca’s smirk against her skin however told her that she heard her loud and clear. That made her mad, dropping a hand down the front of Bianca’s shirt, annoyed when she had to push lace aside to pinch at her skin.
“Didn’t exactly come dressed for the occasion.” She taunted. Winding her up was just far too much fun.
“Well, I didn’t exactly expect to be fucking anyone in the bathroom when I got ready, did I? Especially not you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” She scoffed.
Bianca raised one eyebrow as she looked up at her. “Bitch, please.”
Those long legs were plaguing her and she hadn’t even gotten to see what laid between them yet. She couldn’t help but imagine how they’d look wrapped around her waist. There was really no point in denying herself, the pride starting to fall away to the purest form of desire.
She roughly carried a half-dressed Adore to the sink, leaning her against the countertop. She was grateful for the spacious counter space in there. She certainly wasn’t about to put her back out for this fucking brat.
The marble counter was cold against Adore’s bare ass, fishnets doing absolutely nothing to protect her skin. She fidgeted slightly as she leaned back instinctively to let Bianca pull the bodysuit down her legs, raising her hips slightly with her feet up against the edge of the sinktop, legs spread enticingly. She hesitated when Bianca reached for her underwear, her bodysuit immediately discarded to the floor.
“Wait!” She said, holding Bianca’s hand in place just as her fingers ran under the waistband of her thong. “Bianca, is this really a good idea?”
Bianca rolled her eyes. Her face deadpanned “No.”
Adore’s eyebrow furrowed as she looked at her in confusion. Bianca shook her head. “No?”
“No, it’s not a good idea. In fact, it’s actively a terrible idea. Now, do you want to get fucked or not?”
The frankness was weirdly attractive, but Adore was so flustered she wondered if she’d find anything attractive right now. I mean, she was in this scenario in the first place. Really? She questioned herself. Bianca Del fucking Rio? You should really know better.
“Make a decision or I’m leaving.” Bianca sighed. That tone was so similar to the one she often heard in rehearsals, and it renewed Adore’s passion.
“Fuck me.” She affirmed, nodding her head as if her words weren’t clear enough already.
As soon as her words left her mouth, Bianca yanked her panties down her toned legs, tossing them on the floor with the rest of her clothes.
“Be quick. I don’t need Courtney to come looking for me.” Bianca said, diving straight in to lick up the length of her folds.
“Fuck.” Adore muttered under her breath.
“Something to say, darling?” Bianca mocked her relentlessly. She couldn’t believe how soaked Adore was, how wound up she’d gotten before Bianca had barely even touched her.
Fingers spread her apart, lips closing around her clit. Bianca was talented with her mouth, knowing exactly how to pull a woman to the brink and back. She sucked at the sensitive bud, pausing every few seconds to lick, flicking her tongue up and down for variety.
It was working well, Adore coming undone underneath her made her feel smug. Adore coming undone because of her. There was no denying the evidence as her hips writhed, desperately trying to hump Bianca’s face. She leant an arm over them, pushing her further into the counter.
She ran her fingers around her hole, pressing two in roughly after a slap. It wasn’t hard, but Adore groaned regardless, half in arousal and half at the audacity. She started pumping the fingers in and out, searching for that spot inside her that would have Adore seeing stars.
The moan she let out was guttural, taunts falling away to gasps and moans. She couldn’t trust herself to talk. Bianca was just so good, and she was certain she knew it too as she radiated in cockiness. It was unlike anything she’d ever experienced, pushing her to the edge embarrassingly quickly.
“Bianca, please!” Adore begged, her head thrown back as she approached her orgasm. Having this beauty beg underneath her was intoxicating, and she wanted more from her, to push her to the absolute limit.
“Stop whining.” Bianca barked, punctuating her words with each thrust of her fingers inside of her. “Are you gonna come for me or what?”
Adore shook her head but they both knew it was a lie. Adore could feel the best building in her stomach and Bianca could feel her cunt twitch around her fingers. Bianca shoved her other hand over her mouth as she came hard. Her body fell limp, but Bianca didn’t stop.
She’d forgotten this was supposed to be quick as she pounded into her with even more force. She just had to hear those pathetic moans again.
“Bianca, what are you doing?”
“What does it look like? You know it really is a good job you picked theatre school, you never would have gotten into a real college.”
The way she managed to keep her fingers moving in time and not miss a beat was honestly a skill. She rubbed relentlessly at her g-spot and her thumb joined the action to rub her clit. Her arm burnt, but she was almost certain Adore was getting close again.  
“Fuck you.” She bit back, but it was hard to maintain an insult whilst she pushed her hips impossibly closer to Bianca’s hand.
“That’s kinda what we’re doing.”
“Then shut up and get on with it.” She rolled her eyes, pulling her leg up over Bianca’s shoulder.
“Judging by your reactions I think I’m doing more than a good enough job. Or were all of those moans just for some other reason?”
Bianca had got her there, and she could feel another orgasm starting to build. How quickly Bianca could push her to the edge was honestly becoming a bit of a problem. She desperately wanted to hold off, prove to Bianca that she wasn’t as good as she thought she was, but as her tongue was added back into the mix she had no chance. Her hips twitched as she came again, her body falling limp against the back of the counter as Bianca helped her ride out the aftershocks.
She withdrew her fingers, immediately wiping Adore’s juices off of her hand and pulling her dress straps back up. She’d smudged her lip gloss beyond repair, so she just blotted it off with a piece of tissue and hoped no-one would notice. It was dark enough.
“Wait, what time is it?” Adore asked as Bianca did one last check over in the mirror. She was still in a post-orgasmic haze, moving from the counter seeming like a chore. She hopped down, finding her clothes from various corners of the bathroom.
“12:30.” Bianca said after a quick glance at her phone.
“Merry Christmas.” Adore said, leaning in to kiss the older girl with that stupid grin plastered on her face.  
Bianca backed away with a smirk, rolling her eyes at the younger girl. “Merry fucking Christmas to me. Wait a second so it’s not suspicious will you?” She closed the door behind her.
Adore pulled her shirt over her head with a sigh. She really was going to have her work cut out for her if she wanted to capture Bianca Del Rio’s heart.
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woolfhaze · 1 year
How your life changed me - Chapter 28
Waking up on a couch, disoriented and slightly groggy wasn’t the way Katya envisioned the moment she would realize she had found the love of their life. But now she understood, it was a scene that unfolded the chaotic beauty of her fate.
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snowflakeprompts · 5 years
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Trigger warning: GAY SMUT :)
“For fuck’s sake,” Roy glared over at Danny from where he was sitting at the bar. This was supposed to be a night out for the two of them to catch up after not seeing each other for a long time, and of course, Danny had already found himself someone to make out with.
Roy didn’t know why he was surprised. This happened every time. They would go out drinking, and Danny would end up leaving with someone else without even telling Roy first. It wasn’t that he was upset or jealous, Danny was his best friend, but he didn’t want to sleep with him. He just didn’t want Danny to sleep with anyone else when they were supposed to hang out just the two of them.
Downing his drink quickly, Roy didn’t know what he was thinking, but he walked over to where Danny was dancing with another man. He sneaked up behind him, putting a hand on his hip and putting his mouth to his ear.
“I thought we were supposed to catch up,” he asked him, satisfied as Danny turned around with wide eyes to look at him. At first, the younger of the two looked surprised, then he grinned at Roy. He could see Danny wave the other man off as he fully turned around to dance with Roy instead.
They must be really drunk, Roy thought to himself, as they were standing there, dancing with each other and feeling each other’s bodies.
“You know?” Roy said. “I’m so fucking tired of you sleeping around with everyone you see.”
“Oh? You jealous, old man?” Danny asked with a smirk, and Roy glared at him for a second, before shaking his head. The taller laughed, then leaned in to seemingly whisper something to Roy. Then he bit his ear lobe and gently sucked on his neck. “Oh yeah? So you wouldn’t mind if I did this to someone else?”
Okay, so maybe a little jealous, Roy had to admit, as he pulled Danny closer.
“What do you think you’re doing, Noriega?” he asked, trying to ignore the fact that their crotches were now grinding directly on each other, people were looking, and Roy could feel the outline of Danny’s hard dick.
“I’m getting you in my bed tonight,” Danny replied, then turned away from Roy and walked out of the bar. Roy stared after him for a second, before following, realizing that he might as well do that and enjoy his night.
“First of all, your house is messy,” he told Danny as he got them an uber, finally catching up with him. “Let’s go to mine.”
The ride to Roy’s house felt very much like every other ride they ever shared. There was no touching, no kissing, no anything. Just the two of them talking and joking around with each other like normal. For a moment, Roy had entirely forgotten why Danny was coming to his house in the first place.
Once they walked inside, however, he remembered quickly. Danny didn’t even wait for Roy to remove his jacked before pushing him against the door and then bringing their lips together. They had kissed loads of times before, but this felt different. This felt hungrier, needier, it felt like it should have happened a long time ago.
“I want you to fuck me,” Danny moaned as he broke their kiss, biting down on Roy’s neck instead. Roy held back his own moan, trying to keep his cool.
“Then let’s fucking go to my room,” he said with a roll of his eyes, letting out a small sigh of pleasure as Danny licked over where he had just bit down on his neck. Danny nodded and then picked Roy up. At first, Roy was kind of surprised, but then he went along with it and brought their lips back together. It didn’t take long before their kiss became wet and sloppy, tongues intertwining and exploring the other’s mouth.
Roy didn’t even notice that Danny had carried him to his bedroom before he felt his back hitting the mattress, Danny hovering over him as they continued to make out. Roy could feel the younger man’s fingers work on the buttons of his shirt, and he gently moved his hands to the hem of Danny’s crop top, trying to pull it over his head. Breaking the kiss for a second to be able to successfully remove Danny’s top, he lifted his back off the mattress and sitting down in Danny’s lap, making it easier to remove his own shirt.
Once Danny’s top was off, and Danny was working on removing Roy’s, he gently kissed down Danny’s jaw and throat. Leaving small bites and sucking down on particularly sensitive places, he let himself enjoy the small noises of pleasure Danny was making.
“Oh fuck, Roy,” the younger of the two pulled him closer, scratching as he did so. Roy moaned slightly as he pushed Danny down into the mattress, continuing to kiss and lick down his chest and down to his shorts. He stopped to move back up, kissing him on the lips again. Danny looked at him as he moved to find the bottle of lube he usually kept by his bed, just so that he wouldn’t need to find it later.
“I’m out of condoms,” he groaned with a sigh as he looked in the drawer. He grabbed the lube, but the box of condoms was completely empty.
“You clean?” Danny asked, biting his lip. Roy nodded, catching onto what Danny was suggesting. They knew each other well, he trusted Danny, so why not? Only a bit concerned, Roy decided to say fuck it and moved back to where Danny was.
“This is going to change a lot of shit, isn’t it?” Roy asked with a chuckle, he could see the worry in Danny’s eyes for a moment, before he too started chuckling.
“And so what? It’s not as if you haven’t dreamt of fucking me for the past five years,” Danny grinned, and with a slight pull in stomach, Roy realized that he was right. Maybe he’d wanted Danny for a bit longer than he’d imagined.
“We’ll talk about it later,” Roy decided, not wanting to ruin this before it even started. Maybe it would fuck shit up between them, maybe not, but he certainly didn’t want to overthink it now. As Roy looked at Danny he noticed that Danny had already removed his shorts and was now only in his boxers.
Seeing the clear outline of where Danny’s dick was straining against the fabric of his underwear, Roy didn’t hesitate before removing his pants. He climbed on top of Danny, moving one hand to his hair and placing the other on Danny’s hip. Feeling Danny place both of his hands on Roy’s lower back, he got pulled down so that their dicks were touching, only thin layers of underwear between them.
Unable to keep still, Roy moved his hips, trying to get some friction. Danny moaned before joining him, finding a rhythm and a position where their dicks were lining up perfectly. Sneaking the hand that was on Danny’s hip between them, he started tugging on Danny’s underwear to get it off, wanting to be able to pleasure the taller man.
Seconds later, both men were completely naked, and Danny pulled Roy down by the neck, forcing him into a kiss. Roy let out a loud moan as their tongues found each other and Danny’s hand moved to slowly stroke Roy’s dick. Roy opened his eyes to grab the lube next to them, letting Danny work on his dick for a little longer before moving off of him and down to between his legs.
Danny looked a little confused for a second, but Roy only had to look at him before Danny realized what Roy was going to do and he rolled around so that he was laying on his stomach, giving Roy a perfect view of his ass. Deciding not to overthink it, he leaned in to lick a broad stripe over Danny’s hole. Enjoying the loud moan escaping Danny, Roy repeated the motion, using his hands to spread his cheeks further apart.
Taking his time to make sure that Danny was completely relaxed, he pointed his tongue slightly and added some more pressure to break through the tight rim. He could see Danny’s hands clutch his bed sheets and he had to resist smirking in success, moving his tongue in and out and alternating between licking the rim and pushing inside every now and then.
“Fuck,” Danny groaned, lifting his ass off of the mattress to push up to Roy’s mouth, making Roy let out a small moan as well, giving it a final lick before moving so that he was sitting up straight. He poured a generous amount of lube onto his fingers, then carefully pushed one into the younger man.
There was almost no resistance, so Roy was easily able to get it knuckle deep, pushing it in and out a few times before adding another finger. This time there was slightly more resistance, but not enough to make Danny give any indication of being uncomfortable yet. After spreading and moving his fingers around a bit to stretch him open, he bent his fingers slightly, finding his prostate without much difficulty.
“Roy, please,” the younger man begged. “ Just fuck me.”
Roy chuckled slightly before adding another finger, not missing the low hiss Danny let out. Even if he was a bit more gentle, he trusted Danny to tell him if he was in pain, so he kept going, taking his time to do it properly. Ignoring Danny’s moans to hurry up, he did feel like he should add another finger just to be sure. Roy wasn’t exactly known for being modest, and he knew that he had nothing to be ashamed of down there.
When he was satisfied with what he’d done, he leaned back a little to lube himself up. Looking back at Danny, the younger man had positioned himself so that he was standing on all fours, ass facing Roy. Biting his lip, Roy finished up the lubing and moved to position himself behind Danny, pushing in slowly.
They let out simultaneous moans, and Roy continued to push until his hips were pressed up against Danny’s ass. Leaning over to press a kiss to Danny’s shoulder, he started moving carefully and slowly, making sure that Danny wasn’t in any pain before picking up the speed slightly.
“You can fuck me harder,” Danny told him, and Roy did as he said, thrusting just slightly harder and faster into him. As they were doing this, Roy was wondering why they had waited all this time before actually fucking. It was so obviously right, and even if they had never had sex before, Danny seemed to know his body, they seemed to be able to communicate without words.
“So good,” Danny moaned, pushing back on Roy’s thrusts. “Fuck Roy, you’re so big.”
Honestly, Roy wasn’t too much of a fan of talking during sex, but somehow he didn’t mind it when Danny did. Danny’s voice was sexy, and Danny made him feel special. It felt like it was exactly how it was supposed to be. After a while of thrusting in and out of him, keeping a grip on his hip that he was quite sure would leave a bruise later, Danny asked him to stop.
“You okay?” Roy asked, genuinely concerned as he pulled out. Danny laughed at him, and Roy knitted his eyebrows in confusion.
“Yeah, I’m perfect, I just want to give you a break, let me ride you,” Danny said, and Roy let out a small sigh of relief as he laid down on his back, waiting for Danny to take his place on top of him. “You know, we can’t have you break a hip, old man.”
“Fuck you,” Roy chuckled, rolling his eyes. It should have been a turn off, but the banter between them was so natural that it didn’t affect him too much. Danny grinned and kissed him quickly before placing himself and slowly sinking down onto Roy’s dick.
“You already are,” the younger of the two said with a moan, but Roy ignored it. He was honestly having pretty good sex, he didn’t bother with Danny’s small commentaries. Looking up at Danny as he bounced up and down on his dick, Roy let out small moans. Danny looked right back at him, and then he picked up the pace.
“I’m close,” Roy muttered, he leaned back, closing his eyes and letting himself enjoy the feeling of Danny around him. “If you don’t want my come inside you you should probably get off.”
“I don’t care,” Danny gasped, moaning as Roy took a hold of his dick and started stroking him.
“Fuck, Danny,” the older of the two groaned, feeling his orgasm approach quickly. He let out a loud moan and gripped Danny’s hip with the hand that wasn’t occupied with giving Danny a handjob, trying to still his movements as he came.
“I love you.”
The three words were absentmindedly mumbled from Danny as he too came, but Roy knew that those words helt so much more meaning than before. Apparently they both had been suppressing some feelings lately.
“Did you mean it?” Roy asked quietly, as they were cleaning themselves after getting down from their post-sex highs.
“Mean what?” Danny looked over at him in confusion, and Roy just shook his head. He didn’t want to pressure Danny into telling him something he wanted to hear. Not if it wasn’t true.
“No, nothing, just forget it,” Roy brushed him off, handing the younger man his underwear. “Want to sleep over or should I get you an uber?”
“If you don’t want me here, I can always go home,” Danny frowned, and Roy wondered if that was hurt in Danny’s eyes. Had they ruined it? Had they ruined their friendship by doing this?
“Of course I want you here, I just,” Roy let out a sigh, deciding to be honest with him. “You said I love you, as you came. I think I wanted it to mean more than it does. I don’t want you to feel awkward.”
“Why would I feel awkward?”
“I love you, Danny. A lot more than I love Shane, or Greg, or anyone else. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable,” Roy admitted. He was old, and Danny could have literally anyone he wanted. There was no reason for him to feel the same man.
“You’re an idiot,” Danny giggled, walking over to him and capturing his lips in a kiss. “I love you too, old man. I’ve been trying to make you jealous for ages, hoping that I’d finally end up in your bed.”
“Seriously?” Roy gaped. “That’s what you’ve been doing? You fucking cunt!”
Danny only grinned at him, wrapping an arm around his waist and pulling him close. He looked Roy in the eyes, then bent down to kiss him again.
“So, I’ll take that as you’ll be sleeping over,” Roy cleared his throat, making Danny laugh loudly as he nodded.
“As long as it’s next to you and doesn’t involve too much actual sleeping.”
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artificialmykel · 5 years
Adore’s Helping Hand
He’s distracted from his thoughts by the bathroom door opening. “Roy, you okay?” Adore calls out through the steam. 
Roy is suddenly struck with nervousness at being completely naked in front of Adore. “Uh, yeah, I’m fine.” He tells hers, hoping she’ll leave him to it for a little longer. 
“You sure?” She asks but this time her voice is right behind him, startling him. 
Adore reaches forward and places her hands on Roy’s naked waist, a jolt running through both their bodies at the contact. She leans down and places a kiss on his shoulder and one on his neck, making Roy shiver despite still being under the stream of hot water. 
“Adore, what’re you doing?” He murmurs, subconsciously tilting his head to the side so Adore can kiss his neck again. 
“I’m helping you.” She tells him quietly, sliding one of her hands up Roy’s ribs to rest on his chest. 
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artificialcandycane · 2 years
summer prompt list!
send me a ship, character, or pair of besties and a prompt from the following list 👀
🪲firefly/lightning bugs 🔥campfires 🪟windows rolled down 🏖️beach ⛈️summer storms 💧waterfall 🥾hiking 🍓berry picking 💲teenagers with a summer job 🐟going fishing 🍾message in a bottle ☀️famer’s market 🍦ice cream truck/cart 👙swimsuit malfunction ⭐sleeping under the stars 🎆fireworks (feel free to use and reblog!) 
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dearestmaryann · 3 years
What’s your best Crygi and Biadore fanfics ? Im rewatching Rupaul Drag Race season 6 (my fucking fav season, fucking good in allll ways, best Queens of this tv show, Adore and Bianca giving me desire they’re so magnetic for each other and I want slow burn from them for sure) and season 12 (im freaking wet for Gigi Goode and Crystal Methyd interactions I want more)
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ateneawrites · 3 years
Christmas OTP drabble thingie: Biadore days 1-6
Note: another writing exercise (actually the one i originally had in mind when i made this blog in the first place) i had a list of ships i put through a number generator to get a different ship for every day of this challenge i found so i could try to mask my lack of holiday cheer in mindless otp fluff but in the end i've grouped them together, decided to do 6 with the same ship at a time because figuring out a different ship dynamics for every day proved to be just too challenging for me on top of how existentially exhausted i feel all through december already; not all of the 25 drabbles are finished yet because i am horrible at time management and frankly i am not sure they will be so instead of torturing myself trying to keep up a rigid posting schedule that i already know i won't be able to keep up with, i've decided to just post the batches of six as i finish them, with some luck you might enjoy some of them :) here's the first batch
1. Getting out/putting up decorations
Bianca woke up to loud music early on a Saturday morning and instinctively groaned. In a flat shared between herself and her chicana girlfriend that could only mean one thing and it was cleaning. Cleaning Bianca knew she had better luck braving than trying to put off if she ever wanted to get the deposit of the flat once the lease was up with Adore's accident prone nature.
There's something off with the music however, it was not the usual fare Adore would blast as she attempted (and the key word here really was attempted) to swipe the floors.
She realizes, to her horror, it was Mariah Carey which meant—
There's a loud clanking sound from the living room that sounds an awfully lot to breaking crystal and Adore cursing, loudly and emphatically. Bianca gingerly got off the bed to assess the damage.
Time to put up the Christmas decorations then.
2. Making Christmas cards (+ bonus guest appearance of Courtney)
Bianca didn't get the point of Christmas cards most of the time; they were meant to entertain children who liked crafts and sure the sentiment was nice but they looked extremely questionable half of the time and Bianca was never particularly good at faking she liked something but she had got to admit there was something... charming to the crude child like doodle Adore had made that Bianca supposed were meant to be the two of them besides a Christmas tree.
Courtney gave her a look with a shit eating grin and Bianca instantly sobered up, whipped the soft look from her face.
"Not a word"
"I didn't say anything!" Courtney exclaimed, smile still firmly in place.
"You didn't have to, I know what you were thinking"
Courtney giggled.
"Not my fault you are kind of adorable when you're in love"
"I said not a word!"
3. Sitting in front of the fireplace with hot cocoa/tea
"Let's go to the mountains she said it'd be fun she said" Bianca grumbled as she added a new log into the fireplace.
Not for the first time, Bianca questioned the hold Adore's puppy eyes had on her that impeded Bianca to use her better judgement from time to time. She had moved from New York to Palm Springs for a damn good reason and it was so she didn't have to deal with the snow ever again but Adore had never seen snow, suggested they rented a cabin like they did in the movies and Bianca, ever the god-damned fool, couldn't say no.
Of course, there might have been a promise of a lot of sex involved in convincing her. And much as Bianca wanted to she could not blame Adore for them getting snowed in, unable to leave the stupid cabin because of a blizzard.
Bianca heard her come from the kitchen, mugs of steaming cocoa in hand as she carefully sat down next to her, snuggling her in the blanket.
Bianca is cold and grumpier than usual, but the forecast predicted the blizzard to be over soon and until then... Well. She couldn't complain about the company at least.
4. Shopping for/wrapping gifts
"Bianca, look!" Adore said. Bianca could not help her smile as she saw her girlfriend go from one side to the department store to the other. The joy she got out of Christmas shopping was somewhat contagious.
5. Buying the Christmas tree
"How about this one?" the salesman asked. He was losing patience and Bianca could tell, even Adore herself looked tired of circling around the trees but Bianca was determined to find them the best tree left on the lot.
6. Decorating the Christmas tree (continuation of drabble number one, if you squint)
They'd finished. It took them hours, Bianca had threatened murder when Adore would not stop playing Christmas songs for hours on end and it had gotten dark out but they had finally finished decorating.
Bianca admired the final result, the lights circling the tree they had spent hours chosing and the combination of boules and decorations that her and Adore had collected over the years.
The ones Adore brought with her from her mom's, the ones Bianca inherited from her aunt in New Orleans, the ones that they had collected from different Christmas markets in different towns and travels, the ones they had made themselves as a couple, and gotten from friends, small tokens gathered over the years.
The tree was a small summary of every precious memory and relationship to people they held dear and Bianca felt humbled and maybe a bit overwhelmed by how lucky she was to have so many people to care for that cared for her in return.
Adore kisses her cheek.
"Wanna put the star on top?" she asks.
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writethehousedown · 4 years
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From the hazy lazy days of summer to the start of school (whatever that looks like this year), we’re ready for cooler temperatures and a return to routine. In time, of course.
From September 6-12 (and during the week-long makeup period from September 13-19), come celebrate the beginning of a new school year with us.
(Don’t forget about the Artificial Queens Black Girl Magic challenge, which ends July 30!)
We also have a new Discord Server which is semi-public, open to readers and writers/artists, and exists as a space in which new ideas can be discussed. Just click here to join!
Here is the prompt list:
Sunday, September 6: Notebook
Monday, September 7: Desk
Tuesday, September 8: Pens
Wednesday, September 9: Lesson
Thursday, September 10: Student
Friday, September 11: Quiz
Saturday, September 12: Memorize
The Rules, Huntie
Submissions open immediately after the prompt reveal and close at 10:59 p.m. CST the day the prompt posts. If you’re super close to finishing, send me a message and we’ll work something out.
During the makeup period, any prompts are accepted on any day.
Stories/art will be posted in the order in which they are received.
Feel free to share your work on Ao3 or AQ, but please link back to the blog when you do so, and if you don’t plan to submit your work to the blog, at least drop a link to let me know were you’ve posted it so I can provide a link for archival reasons.
How does it work?
Use the submit page to submit your post. Format your post using the AQ Guidelines. (It makes it easy on me and Veronica when we’re reblogging things, and everyone’s pretty familiar with them by now.)
One submission per person per prompt per medium per day.
Feel free to complete all of the prompts, pick a few of your favorites, or just do one that really speaks to you. There is absolutely no pressure. I want this to be a fun, relaxed environment that celebrates the RPDR fan culture and some of the incredible talent we have in the fandom.
Remember that all ships, all genres, and all ratings are accepted (with the exception of Aquaria, who has expressed her discomfort with fanfiction, and Sharon Needles due to the accusations recently brought to light). If you write it, we want to read it!
Please feel free to message me here or at my main blog @janssports​ if you have any other questions.
Like, reblog, and share this post to spread the word. Let me know if you’re planning on participating. And mostly, happy writing!
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artificialgrinder · 11 months
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Drag or Die: Part Six
Trixie is alive but just about holding on. Only the company of Katya can keep her fighting for her life. But far from Trixie's location, Katya is with the prison queens, preparing to take the next step in their mission -- venturing out into the big bad world.
[ 1 ] // [ 2 ] // [ 3 ] // [ 4 ] // [ 5 ] // [ 6 ] // [ 7 ] // [ 8 ] // [ 9 ]
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artificialqueens · 1 year
🏳️‍🌈 F*ck You 2020 (Biadore) - Angle
Short Biadore fic based on this exchange:
@Adoredelano: I’m BACK on social media because the world is over. Fuck insecurities, fuck depression, fuck beauty standards, fuck eating disorders. FUCK YOU 2020   @TheBianceDelRio: OK 
A/N: I submitted a prompt a few months ago for a fic based on this tweet exchange and I was thinking about it again recently. I’ve never written a RPDR fic myself, but I figured I may as well give it a try. It’s mostly introspection because I like writing it and I’m a bit self-conscious about it, but hopefully you enjoy! :)
Adore slammed the top of her laptop down the second she submitted her tweet.
@Adoredelano: I’m BACK on social media because the world is over. Fuck insecurities, fuck depression, fuck beauty standards, fuck eating disorders. FUCK YOU 2020
Her palms were sweating a bit as she debated back and forth between rushing to delete the tweet or to let it be, but she knew it would have already been screenshotted and nothing draws more attention than a deleted tweet.
The past few months had been horrible, to say the least. She got herself up and out of bed about 98% of those days, but on many days that was all she had done. Adore had battled with her mental health on and off throughout her life, but it had never been quite this bad.
And then there was the eating. After seeing herself at a weight she had never seen or expected on her, and the internet repeatedly pointing it out, Adore realized she needed to make a change. At first, she bought herself an exercise bike and found herself on it for hours at a time. As the weight started to drop, she became addicted to it. And with the isolation of COVID, long runs became the escape.
The biggest mistake she probably made was buying a scale. Seeing the numbers go down was exhilarating and she wanted to see it go faster. So she did.
Surprisingly, it was the friend as far from her as possible who first called her out. Adore and Courtney used to facetime regularly, but somehow they had fallen out of that. Courtney was never one to shy away from the truth, and when they facetimed two months ago, Courtney immediately called it out.
“Adorm!” Courtney exclaimed as soon as Adore accepted the call. 
“Ms. Courtney Act,” Adore responded in her best Australian accent, a smile immediately found its way to her face hearing her friend’s voice. “How the hell are you?”
Adore immediately felt uncomfortable as Courtney eyed her suspiciously.
“Well I’m fine, but how are you doing?” She asked knowingly.
“Yeah I’m good. Just trying to write some music and stuff,” Adore responded, trying to sound as genuine as possible.
“You’ve lost a lot of weight, Adore,” Courtney said bluntly, never one to beat around the bush.
“Yeah, maybe,” Adore offered lamely. 
“Not maybe,” Courtney challenged. “You’ve lost a lot since we last talked.”
“Just trying to be healthier,” Adore countered unconvincingly. 
“Tell me the truth or I’ll stick Bianca on you,” Courtney threatened, using the ultimate trump card. “I’ll send her to your apartment and you know how annoying she’ll be.”
And then the tears came and it all came tumbling out.
She still struggled, more days than not. But Courtney was right, and Adore was absolutely exhausted. It didn’t feel like much of a blessing when it was so hard, but she could acknowledge that she owed a lot to Courtney for intervening before she had completely lost control.
Adore sighed as she eyed her computer, debating whether she wanted to see the aftermath of an incredibly vulnerable tweet. This year had been horrible for everyone, and she knew people were struggling. Adore also knew how many young fans looked up to her, and she felt like she had gotten to a place where she could be that role model for them again.
Curiosity won over as she opened her laptop and returned to twitter. Her mentions were absolutely flooded, the tweet apparently taking off faster than she thought. She scrolled through the replies and of course one stood out:
@TheBianceDelRio: OK
Adore laughed harder than she had ever laughed at a tweet as she picked up her phone and pulled up the only number she called as much as her mom.
“Pussyface,” Bianca said deadpan as she picked up the phone.
“Okay?” Adore exclaimed without any other greeting.
“I’m proud of you, but don’t tell anyone,” Bianca responded teasingly.
Adore smiled hugely and laughed, not so secretly loving any affection she got from the older queen.
“Bitch I would never,” Adore responded. “But thanks.”
Pride Challenge Points: 1487
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puking-dreams · 9 months
artificialqueens please come back 😭 I think I may die if I don’t get any new fanfiction to read soon
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woolfhaze · 1 year
How your life changed me - Chapter 27
We have amazing news on our favorite 2000s’ idol!
It looks like there’s an exciting turn of events for America’s favorite idol Adore Delano! After taking a break from the spotlight to focus on her college studies, Adore Delano found an opportunity to return to the fashion world through the iconic fashion designer Bianca del Rio, who alongside Raja Gemini owns a third fashion studio in Los Angeles. Bianca has found her new muse in Adore and gave her the chance to model for her fashion studio and this caught the attention of none other than Donatella Versace herself! It seems like we are finally getting the comeback we all have longed for!
Hello there! I know, I know I was away for over two years, I had a really horrible time back at home with realizing I was in a toxic relationship and with breaking up a toxic relationship you end up suffering some effects from the break up, it was really bad but I've been getting better with the help of my therapist and my students, and yes! I graduated college and became an English teacher for fifth and sixth graders! But that's enough about me and my erratic two years absence, I'll make sure to update more often and finally ending this story that I love to pieces, this chapter is like a bridge between the last time I wrote these two hopeless lesbians and what is coming for them. Tell me what you think and I hope to ready you soon <3
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snowflakeprompts · 5 years
Biadore- Danny proposes to Roy
“So, you’re actually going to do it?” Shane’s eyes widened comically, and Danny chuckled nervously, fiddling with the small box in the pocket of his shorts. “You’re going propose to Roy?”
“Yeah, I guess I am,” Danny smiled weakly, feeling his heart beating harder. He loved Roy, and he knew that he wanted to spend his life with him. And what better way to ensure having him in his life forever, than asking him to marry him. “But he’s coming home from tour today. Am I stupid for doing this?”
“No,” Shane shrugged, smiling at him through the phone. “I think it’s sweet. And you’ve been together for a while now, anyway. You have to do it before the old man dies!”
Danny laughed, then stiffened as he heard a car pull up into the driveway. “Oh, fuck. He’s home. Talk to you later, babe. Love you!”
“Love you too, and good luck! But don’t worry, he’ll love it no matter what,” the blonde said, blowing Danny a kiss. Danny smiled and made a kissy-face back to him as Roy and Jamie walked through the door. He quickly hung up, then turned to run over to his boyfriend to hug him.
“I’ve fucking missed you,” he muttered, releasing him just enough to be able to lean his head back to kiss him. “I don’t like it when you’re gone for this long.”
“I know,” Roy muttered in between kisses. “I missed you too.”
“That was the last bag, Roy,” Jamie cleared his throat, making the two men separate to look at him. Danny had already told Jamie that he was going to propose to Roy that night, knowing that his boyfriend’s assistant would probably know whether that was a good idea or not. Oh, and he needed his ring size. “Wednesday, yeah?”
“Yeah, Wednesday, at nine,” Roy nodded, walking over to hug his assistant. “Thank you, you know you’re my lifesaver.”
“Oh, yes, I’m aware,” Jamie chuckled. “Have fun, relax, don’t stress, if there’s anything to do until Wednesday, and I mean anything, you forward it to me first. I’ll handle it. Nice to see you, Danny. Have a good week, guys!”
Then Jamie was out the door, and Danny felt his palms get sweaty.
“I made us dinner,” he said quietly, suddenly very unsure of himself. What if Roy hated it? “Just some pasta, I hope you’re not full.”
“I’m not,” Roy assured him, frowning at what Danny must assume was Danny’s sudden change of presence. “You okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, uh, just, I’m nervous you won’t like it,” he said, deciding to at least tell him part of the truth. Roy knew that Danny wasn’t an excellent chef, but he didn’t know that Danny had been practicing to make a good dish entirely because of this day.
“We could just order take-away if it tastes like shit, don’t worry,” Roy brushed him off, and Danny didn’t blame him for not sugarcoating it and telling him that he would probably love it. That just wasn’t Roy’s style. “But it smells good in here, I’d love to try!”
Danny smiled, then took Roy’s hand to lead him into the kitchen, where he had already lit candles and set the table to make it romantic for them. Roy grinned at him, kissed his cheek, then sat down at the table. Danny got the pot of pasta, sat it down in the middle of the table, then sat down himself.
He served them both some pasta, cautiously watching Roy as he took his first bite.
“Oh, wow,” Roy looked up at him. “You made this? This is really good, love!”
“I did, yeah,” Danny smiled, unable to eat much because of the nerves. “I’m glad you like it.”
“I love it,” Roy smiled, taking his hand and stroking the top of it with his thumb. “And I love you.”
“I love you too,” Danny smiled, biting the inside of his lip slightly. It was time. “Uh, could you do me a favor and get us some wine? I think it’s out in the living room?”
“Yeah, sure,” Roy smiled and got up. As he did, Danny did the same thing, taking the box out of his pocket and getting down on one knee.
“I found a pretty good white, I don’t know if this was what you had in mind-“ Roy rambled, reading on the label of the bottle as he walked back inside to the kitchen. However, he seemed to notice Danny, who was now on the floor, and stopped completely in his tracks. Danny could see that his boyfriend was shaking as he sat the bottle down on the table, staring at Danny in shock. “Are you serious?”
“Roy Haylock,” Danny took a deep breath, his voice shaking as he spoke. “My willow, my Bianca. I love you so much, and I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. At least until you get too old and die. You mean everything to me, and I have no idea where I would be if I didn’t have you. Will you marry me?”
Roy had tears in his eyes, but didn’t say anything, and Danny had a small moment of panic.
“Of course I’ll marry you, Chola,” Roy chuckled, obviously on the verge of crying. He held his hand out for Danny to place the ring on his finger. It was the perfect fit, and Danny grinned as he got up and kissed his now fiancé.
“We’re getting married,” Danny grinned, hugging Roy closer. “God, I love you so much.”
“We are. We’re getting married,” Roy agreed, as he wrapped his arms around the younger man. “I love you too. Though I really wasn’t expecting this.”
“Good. I like surprising you.”
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