#big 5 egypt location
Congratulations FIXDEX & GOODFIX Successful Conclusion Of Big 5 Constru...
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Hi M, how are you? Coming after the high of Shogun's yesterday's win at the Emmy's made me wonder if you have a favourite historical movie or tv show that is underrated or in the category more-people-should-watch-this? Hopefully you indulge in this type of movie. 😊
For example, for me, one such movie is "Master and Commander: The Far side of the World" :brilliant ensemble cast all across the board, good chemistry between the main leads, engaging story, very good soundtrack, fx that still hold, 99% hystorically accurate 😂 but despite this not many have heard or watched this movie.
Have a nice day!
P.S. can't believe that tomorrow the last episode of AYS will air 😭.
Hi @shimako! Sorry for answering your question late, but I postponed it because I kept trying to think of a list. And honestly, I saw the words historical drama and forgot the underrated part so this is a bit of a disaster, but I'll make it work. Let's just say this is an incomplete list of tv shows that had an impact on me at the time and ages that I had when I watched them. And you'll see that I barely remember the plot, but I sort of know how I felt.
1. Rome
Is this underrated? Hell no! But perhaps in today's age of tv, a lot of people have forgotten about that show. Only two seasons, but it was among the first batch of prestige tv in the middle of the 2000s. I liked it so much that it made go to the bookstore and buy a book about Caesar. If I went through my Egypt phase in middle school, then my Ancient Rome period came in high school.
2. The Borgias
At the time of its runtime, I think it was pretty big. Although I don't think it won many awards. I also remember it being used as an example on scholarly papers about Hollywood using Eastern and Central European studios because of cheap labor and good locations. Budapest and Prague can replace Florence, lol.
The Borgias was naughty. And it had Jeremy Irons who is a fantastic actor in my opinion. Eventually they actually leaned heavily into the siblings relationship which I thought was daring. They went there 👀. And the costumes were so beautiful!.
3. The Tudors
I remember this show through the eyes of a 13-14 year old that developed a massive crush on the actor portraying Henry the VIII. This was like the rock'n'roll version of the story. And it was sexy. A bit over the top. A stepping stone for some actors that would become a lot more famous in the years to come. I think it was on HBO so probably not underrated at the time, but mostly forgotten nowadays.
4. Versailles
I can't remember if it's French or they talk in English. But it was lots of fun. And really gay. They didn't stay away from that. That's all I remember, but give it a try.
5. Taboo
This is that show with a really brooding Tom Hardy who remains like that throughout the story. But if you're interested in 1800s London and England's imperialist plan and its effects on colonized territories, this might be it.
6. Babylon Berlin
I don't know if this fits into the list, but it is a great portrayal of 1920s Berlin. A period in which artistic freedom and experimentation was at its height, but also juxtaposed with political unrest, creating this environment that would lay the ground for the rise of the fascist party. It's a german show, an HBO production and I like that it's not glamourized. You can see it in their clothes, their hygiene habits, their visible sweat and run down outfits they wear in clubs. It feels real.
7. Black Sails
I first heard of this when I wanted to watch more Toby Stephens movies/series but I almost stayed away because it was a Michael Bay production. Black Sails is so smart. At first, it might lure in the wrong audience, even based on the first trailer. It looks like a pirate show full of action sequences and machismo. And then you actually watch it and it flips that exact narrative. It is a direct critique of imperialism. It is also such a good case for any film and gender & queer studies analysis. But more than that, what really sealed the deal for me in what is considered a grade B series with grade B actors, is the meta-textual discourse on storytelling. It's about creating those pirate legends, of creating narratives to protect themselves against the empire. And all that is unfolded through brilliant lines of dialogue. It still remains a 10/10 tv show for me and the actual underrated one.
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historicalhues · 8 months
What got you into history?
I know I'm going to regret being this honest but:
It's probably because my first childhood crush was on Rami Malek as Ahkmenrah in 'Night at the Museum' (2006)
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LET ME EXPLAIN: 1. I WAS EIGHT. 2. I grew up in NYC and so it was super cool to "see" the museum I went to all the time on school trips on the big screen. 3. Interestingly enough: before this I was actually TERRIFIED of mummies-I would literally bolt out any room if I saw any type of sarcophagus or body of any type. 4. While eight year old me did find Rami quite beautiful what I found even more fascinating was his costume and the set design of his exhibit!
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5. I remember shortly after seeing the film going to the Metropolitan Museum of Art also in NYC and seeing the Temple of Dendur a Hellenistic temple located there!
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Going inside the temple for the first time I felt like I had traveled back in time and was instantly in love and needed to know everything about Egypt! This turned me on to other histories such as Greece, Rome, Japan And here I am over two decades later I'm going to school for archeology and history! Thank you for your question!!! I love answering all of your questions!
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 2 years
Round One: Australotitan vs Mansourasaurus
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Australotitan cooperensis
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Artwork by Vlad Konstantinov, written by @i-draws-dinosaurs
Name meaning: Southern titan from Cooper Creek
Time: ~95 million years ago (Cenomanian to Turonian stages of the Late Cretaceous)
Location: Winton Formation, Australia
Nicknamed “Cooper” by its discoverers in 2005, Australotitan was big news on the Australian dinosaur scene for years before its discovery because it was clear this dinosaur was Huge. It took 5 years of preparation and 10 years of study and reconstruction before Cooper was finally published in 2021, and secured its official title as the largest Australian dinosaur known to science! While exact weight measurements for titanosaurs are extremely difficult, it fits into the same size class as other newly-famous giants like Dreadnoughtus and Patagotitan. The bones themselves show signs of being trampled over by a convoy of smaller sauropods that left a 100 metre fossil trackway over the site. Honestly, the disrespect to an icon like Cooper!
Mansourasaurus shahinae
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Artwork by Andrew McAfee, written by @i-draws-dinosaurs
Name meaning: Shahin’s Mansoura reptile (after Mansoura University and honouring Mansoura University Vertebrate Paleontology Center founder Mona Shahin)
Time: 74-72 million years ago (Campanian stage of the Late Cretaceous)
Location: Quseir Formation, Egypt
Mansourasaurus was described in 2018 from bones found as the Dakhla Oasis in Egypt, and known from the most complete fossil skeleton of any vertebrate found so far from the latest Cretaceous of Africa! It was modest-sized by titanosaur standards, at roughly 10 metres long and weighing about 5 tonnes, but some bones of the skeleton being unfused means this was still a juvenile, and potentially had a lot more growing to do. Unlike other African titanosaurs, Mansourasaurus seems not to have been from a local family, and instead fills sort of an “exchange student from a European family” kinda role. All of its closest relatives form a clade of titanosaurs known only from Eurasia, but Mansourasaurus decided to be a bit adventurous and take a trip abroad for some reason. What makes this weirder is trying to figure out how it got there, since at the time Africa was fully not attached to Europe at the time. It’s possible that its ancestors swam to Africa via island-hopping since Europe was an archipelago at the time, which is absolutely wild!
DMM Round One Masterpost
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max--phillips · 2 months
hi :) i am a training historian focusing heavily on art, and i saw your post about ancient rome on my timeline, and i just wanted to say a few things about your “why we don’t have black art.” of course, you did not ask for this, it just sparked some thoughts and i figured i would drop by and say hello! <3
but if you want to learn some more, here are my two cents xx
1. we’ve only excavated roughly 10ish percent of “ancient rome”. there is a LOT left to discover. the issue with archaeology is that it is very expensive and very laborious, and it takes a long while to reap any sort of reward.
2. back in the 19th and 20th centuries, safe excavation practices were pretty nonexistent, we didn’t have the ‘rule book’ that we do now, so to speak. there are stories of archaeologists using dynamite to dig- so, a lot of stuff has been lost to negligence and ignorance to proper ways of excavating. (it still happens today!) for example, a lot of egypt was excavated by random people, too! not trained archaeologists and historians. for a while, richer folks wanted to have hands on experience with history, so in the early 20th century that’s what they did. (i don’t blame them, i probably would too if i had a shit ton of money!)
3. rome was also notorious for flooding- it’s not on a very nice location geographically. even today, many parts of italy have flooded, destroying hundreds of art pieces and artifacts. (such as the great flood in florence, which happened in 1966) a lot of artifacts are lost to natural disasters.
4. a lot of stuff just doesn’t survive. the fall of rome happened in 476 AD, and that’s over 1500 years ago. an issue i have also discovered is that a lot of surviving tablets and letters from the ancient world are just…. receipts and lists. nothing juicy. they were just normal people, you know?
5. a lot of art from rome could also have been lost to religious wars during the middle ages. that is an academic speculation, but culture is typically the first to go during a religious war or crusade.
6. also, roman art was fragile. all art is. we have lost a multitude of great paintings and pottery because it doesn’t last very long. a big example of this is someone a bit more recent than rome- Da Vinci. He experimented a LOT with types of paintings and techniques. his last supper painting began deteriorating just a few years after he painted it, because he tried to do a well fresco using oil paints. (not good lol) art is not forever, unfortunately, so i can imagine a lot of roman pottery not lasting very long with how fragile it is.
also, one last thing. i think we tend to group ancient societies into one large homogenous blog, and i find that very modernist and dangerous. ancient rome was full of different dialects, people, and groups, and to say they were all one thing it very dangerous. same for ancient greece- it was made up of various tribes! sparta was not athens, etc etc.
i believe that that goes for all history, as well. even well up into the 20rh century.
racism, as we know it, is a fairly newer concept in the historical time line. a lot of slavery back in the ancient world was based on status and wealth, or who was better at fighting, and not necessarily skin color. (still absolutely horrible though. obviously!)
for example, ancient egypt was, as new evidence suggests, a thriving society with multiple people from multiple backgrounds. (we’ve discovered tombs with people who all have different types of skin colors, insinuating that the most important people in their society were made up of a rather inclusive bunch.) and the same goes for north africa, today and then- it is a beautiful and diverse part of the map, and not one country is the same, and neither are their people!
the world is not made up of horrible people, and i think it would do us all some good to remember that. there is more love than hate, there always has been, and we can see it in art throughout time <3 ah, but i digress!
anyways, I have put some beautiful ancient art below depicting people of color. the first one is my fave! xxx
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Hell yeah, thank you so much for this input!!!
(I have a lot of feelings about the era of the “I have money and no idea what I’m doing, I’m going to go eat a mummy.” Or “I’m going to go find Troy and inadvertently contribute to the Nazi platform.” (On that note, if you find that article interesting, I highly suggest these episodes of Behind the Bastards on the history of the swastika (part 1, part 2). Because at one point it really was just a symbol that like, every civilization on earth used at one point or another. And then a bunch of racist antisemites had to go and ruin it.) But seriously, Europeans loved eating mummies. Or using them in paint. And generally just destroying priceless artifacts for funsies. It infuriates me much the same way the fact the library at Alexandria was burned infuriates me, y’know?)
But I super agree with you vis a vis the fact we tend to paint “Ancient Rome” and similar societies/empires as a monolith. I mean… here hang on
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It goes without saying that today, Spanish culture is different from French is different from British, Italian, Greek, Turkish, Algerian, Egyptian, Palestinian, etc etc etc. And that still would’ve been the case at this point. Sure there was influence (and later, it’s hard to escape the influence of the Catholic Church) but it’s not like Roman soldiers showed up one day in all these different places and replaced the whole local culture with marble columns and olive oil. (I mean, there was probably a lot of olive oil, but that’s besides the point)
I would still argue that there is probably a reason that we don’t see as much Roman-era art of Black people as we probably could, and whose fault that is I don’t know—it could be modern curators, it could be those 19th/20th century “archaeologists,” it could be neither and just pure chance—but I am here right now begging people that if you’re writing in this era, think for a few seconds before you pull all of your inspiration from rows of Roman statues portraying white people. (Also, if I’m remembering correctly, those statues were painted some pretty wild colors at their height, which is neat)
ANYWAY, thank you for the extra info !! I appreciate your expertise on the matter :0 thank you very much for sharing!!
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m39 · 10 months
Doom WADs’ Roulette (2007): Epic
You know what folks? Change of plans! I must play something else before Community Chest 3 kills me with its marathon-long content. So let’s take a look at another WAD on the list before gathering material for CC3 between reviewing other WADs. And today, we have a perfect WAD that will jump-start my heart back out of the boredom.
G8: Epic
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Main author(s): Alexander S. (Eternal)
Release date: October 10th, 2007 (database upload)
Version played: ???
Required port compatibility: Boom/Limit-removing
Levels: 5
Epic is one of the earlier WADs created by Eternal, who actually started posting WADs in 2007. Not only did this WAD earn one of the Cacowards but the author himself also earned the Mapper of the Year award; all in the same year, making it all look like he was just getting started. But we will have to play this WAD to see if it was all well deserved...
Spoilers: It was well deserved.
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While it might not look as good as some of the other WADs released in 2007, Epic still looks great. And it’s mostly due to taking place in desert-like areas (with some jungle parts sprinkled here and there) that might give you ancient Egypt vibes. And since I’m a sucker for ancient shit, of course it would hook me in. The final map with the titular citadel is something worth seeing yourself.
Now, I’ve seen people calling this WAD an Egyptian one, but I’m not entirely sure about it, since the maps look like they have elements not only from Ancient Egypt but also from Mesoamerican civilizations. Not to mention some of the modern/army base-looking buildings here and there.
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Music-wise... I think it’s all right. Nothing really to complain about, although I feel like the tracks for Sand-Storm and The Citadel are too short for such maps. Not to mention hearing Daedalus’ leitmotif so many times in the past that it gets infuriating.
These maps aren’t that complicated. You just need to remember that there are two moments on Arc of the Pendulum where you have to shoot a switch to progress.
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Each map has something different to offer. A Fool's Paradise has you fighting somewhere that looks like a dock built near an ancient temple. Sand-Storm is a big, sprawling level where you can go to most of the locations in any order; you end up here by the teleporter in the previous map and you end up blowing the one from the other side, killing two poor shmucks in the blast radius. Arc of the Pendulum spends most of its time in some castle complex before ending up back in the jungle, near the train station that leads to the citadel. Helltrain makes you board the train at the end of the previous to get to the next map.
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And of course, the titular Citadel, which on the foundation level is Sand-Storm again but on a bigger scale, but it tends to fresh it up, with six keys to find instead of three, a short visit to the Martian vessel, you even visit the titular building itself after taking care of the outdoor area surrounding it.
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There is also one thing that doesn’t happen in the WAD – supposedly, it would make (at least some) hanging corpses destructible, like the hangmen Keens.
Now, I don’t really think Epic is hard. Sure, there are some tougher moments, but it never really felt like I was about to turn into the walking punching bag for demons. And even though there are cheap moments like with monsters hiding in corners/popping from the ground or hitscanners in the wide areas that don’t really have anything to hide from them, I think I can forgive the author for these for now since this was one of his earlier works (and the hitscanner thing happens rather rarely).
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Some of the enemies get updated sprites. Hitscanners now wear different headgear per type, Imps are darker and have yellow eyes, and Revenants’ eye sockets are now green, reminiscing their Doom 3 variant.
Although I don’t remember encountering many bugs, the author recommends not playing the Citadel with the latest (at the time) version of PRBoom among other problems.
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Epic might be unpolished in some places but I believe it’s one of those WADs that every Doom WAD enjoyer should play. It’s an excellent introduction to the man's work of Eternal (even if that’s not actually the first WAD he created), and it’s the biggest proof of why he was regarded as the best map maker of 2007.
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Now, as for Community Chest 3, as I said at the start, I’ve decided that in the case of the community projects, I will play them the first time and gather the screenshots of where the secrets are/interesting locations between reviewing other WADs; in parts. By now I’m halfway done with CC3 secrets and I’ll try to finish searching for them before tackling The Ultimate Torment & Torture.
Until then, I’ll see you all next time.
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𝐵𝒶𝒸𝓀 𝐹𝓇𝑜𝓂 𝒟𝑒𝒶𝓉𝒽 - 𝒫𝓇𝑜𝓁𝑜𝑔𝓊𝑒
"You idiot!" I exclaimed, "Wake up!"
"What the hell?" Jin screamed waking up from his desk.
"Did you study the file? I swear to god if you didn't, I will make sure to call a butcherer to cut your limbs and sell you on the black market. We have to submit our report today. If we don't you know we're gonna get fir.. mmmmmpphhh." I was stopped by Jin shoving a piece of apple in my mouth.
"I know, I know. And I finished it. Here you go." He waves a blue coloured file in the air.
"Hmph. Give it here." I snatch the file from his hand while chewing the piece of apple.
I take another piece of apple from his container and started to read through his report scanning for mistakes. I graduated from Seoul University of Archaeology two years ago. I was working in an archaeological expedition unit sent from Korea, in Egypt. I've worked in Egypt for about 4 months with Jin, Namjoon, and Hoseok. I recently found a pyramid on satellite scans and asked for permission to excavate it since it looked very interesting from the satellite pictures. But my permission was denied since my team already had a project report pending. Hence, I was in a hurry to wrap it up and start my study on the newly found pyramid.
"Finally we can start the new project," I said sighing, "I can't wait!"
"Why are you so excited about this small pyramid? It doesn't even look that great." Jin asked.
"Well, usually pyramids are huge in size," I said emphasizing huge, "but this one is very small compared to the others. It looks very frail and on the edge of falling apart. Like it wasn't given any effort at all while being built. But usually, all the royal families built pyramids strong and big. But this one... it's a mystery."
"Interesting... hmmm," Jin sighed, "Well! Let's go get Namjoon and Hoseok. Let's submit this report and get working on the new pyramid."
"Yes!" I said in excitement.
"Hmm.. so you want an excavation team for the newly found tomb?" Our senior archaeologist questioned us. 
"Yes, sir," Jin answered.
"I like your reasoning for exploring the pyramid," he smiled, "An excavation team will be arranged in two days. Get ready. Since it's located a little far from here, you will camp near the pyramid. Good luck Miss Yuna."
"Thank you, sir," I smiled at him.
"I KNOW!" I screamed back to stop him but softened up, "I know... I know I didn't call you. I was busy. I'm sorry... I really am."
Yoongi sighs, "It's okay. But at least text me that you're fine."
"Yes," I breathed out, "I will."
"You better-" Yoongi began but,
"Anyway," I interrupted, "I am going away from the centre to a new location for a few days. We discovered a new pyramid and we need to excavate it. Since it's far from here, we'll be camping there. And... Unfortunately, there's no network available there. I won't be able to call you for a few days."
"Is there no way that you can stay back?" Yoongi asked.
"No! Brother, it's my life's work collecting information about ancient things. I can't stay back!" I exclaimed.
"I know," Yoongi sighed, "I just... I'm worried for my sister who's going to stay in the middle of nowhere to study a dead body."
"Correction," I said, "An ancient Egyptian mummy which holds the answer to several of our questions."
"Okay okay. Just be safe ok? Text me when you're leaving." Yoongi said with affection.
"Yes, brother. I love you," I said, "Mwuah!"
"Haha," Yoongi chuckled, "Love you too."
I cut the call and flopped back into my bed.
"This is going to be a long week."
673 words
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shepherdzcane · 20 days
Hello dear❤️
I'm Eslam from Gaza, a mother of two girls, Hanaa, 5 years old, and Alma, 11 months old.
We are all exposed to a genocide in which we lost our home, our work, our car, and 11 members of my family. My children suffer from malnutrition and intestinal infections from living in the squalid tent😭
I am not a beggar 💔 I had the most beautiful life, a wonderful, big home, and a respectable job.
I hope that you will donate a little, 30$ or 40$ from each person.
It will make a difference with me so that we can start a new life outside of the stricken Gaza.💔
Please donate or reblog the pinned post on my bage to save the lives of my two girls before it is too late🥺
The cost of evacuation to Egypt is 30,000 for 4 people.😭😭😭😭
‼️‼️ I'm verified by ♡90-ghost♡ ♡beesandwaterlemon♡ / dlxxv_donations🚫
❤️‍🩹 https://gofund.me/a2ccf744 ❤️‍🩹
please donate if you can, her and her family of 4 only have $4,435 raised out of their $50,000 goal. eslam and her loved ones have lost just about all they had, their home and their jobs, and their two daughters are suffering from malnutrition and other diseases because of the lack of basic resources. they need $30,000 for evacuation to egypt, nearly $500 will be spent everyday due to the high prices of everything and treating their daughters, the reconstruction of their home will cost $50,000, the cost to rebuild her husbands three job locations will be more than $100,000, and the cost of a new car will be $200,000. i hope you can make it to a safe place away from the conflict. 🇵🇸
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£35,360/£100,000 ‼️‼️
Dear kind hearts from all over the world, hi from Edinburgh, Scotland. My name is Dobromira Hristova and together with my sister Stamena Valeva we have organised this fundraiser for our dearest friends Families Jaber and Younis families from Gaza. Note to our friends from the United States: for your convenience we are giving you an estimated figures of British pounds converted into US dollars.
Please read first the story of Younis Family followed by Jaber’s family. The Younis family Tik Tok page - https://www.tiktok.com/@younis.gofound?_t=8mPB3DCMcqo&_r=1 Yousef’s Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/salam.nono Stamena Valeva- team member Facebook page- https://www.facebook.com/stamena.valeva Hi to all humans in the world- My name is Yousef Younis from Gaza City. I am a 43 years old Bachelor of Accounting and have been working in the field of Woman’s Advocacy in Gaza Society. Meet my family- My wife Safa 37 and our four sons - Falah -17 Salah -16 Muhammad- 14 Ahmed - 6 years old.
After our beautiful home was bombed and destroyed we had to leave Gaza City and found a shelter in Deir al-Balah, which was bombed also, so we had to evacuate to the city of Rafah. A few days ago, after the Rafah invasion we had to return back to Deir al-Balah.
The ruins of our beloved home and our current conditions.
We are exhausted from having to run all the time for our lives. We are scared. We are unwell. Myself I have a heart disease, but my main concern is to get my family out of Gaza to Egypt for a medical treatment and for a break from the war until we can safely return back to our homeland, without being hunted every minute. I’m begging you, please donate and share our fundraiser, every little help will make a huge difference in our situation! Sending prayers and good wishes to everyone, may God bless you all ! Note from the team fundraiser: The funds will be used to support both families for their every day needs as : food, water, living essentials and expenses and also for paying the costs for their evacuation through the Rafah crossing to Egypt. The evacuation is happening through the Egyptian travel agency “Hala”, which will organise the visas and the transport from Rafah to Cairo. The costs for the evacuation are: $5000 per asult $2,500 per child This means 13 adults = $65000 ( children above 16 years old are considered adults by the law there) 3children = $7500 Food, water, essentials, travel between Deir al-Balah and Rafah, living expenses and also paying for accommodation and living costs for the first few months in Egypt $15000per family = total$30000 for both families. The total amount of funds that are needed for achieving our goals and a safe live is $ 102500 We need you, people, we desperately need your help and support to save Jaber and Younis Families lives! Please, please- make a room in your heart for them!
———— Jaber family’s story——————- My name is Iyad Jaber 56 years old, My wife Nehad 55 years old, I have 2 children's Sondos 30 years old, married with Mohammed 7 years and having one very smart child called Adam 5 years old, and my son MuhammadHashim 24 years old and he is newly married with Ruba10 months ago. We were live together in a very big house in the same place called Altwam as a connections of Jaballia area northern part of Gaza. I was one of the dedicated staff nurses in the surgical team at Al-Shifa Hospital, located in the heart of the Gaza Strip, where I served for nearly ten years. After that, I transitioned to Kamal Odwan Hospital in the northern part of Gaza, where I spent almost seven years. I had the privilege of being one of the founders of this hospital, serving as the director of the operations department and a key member of the administrative nursing staff. Later, I continued my work at the Indonesian Hospital in the far north of Gaza.
Before the recent devastating events, out of extreme fear for our safety, my entire family and I were forced to flee our home about eight months ago. We initially sought refuge in Deir al-Balah for a short period, but it was not safe enough for us. After a week, we had to move again, this time to the outskirts of Rafah near the southern border of Gaza, where we stayed for about seven months. Just a week ago, we had to relocate once more, this time to a rural area called Al-Zawayda. This area lacks public facilities, hospitals, and primary care, leaving us in a very precarious situation. My wife Nehad is struggling with several serious health issues: hypertension, cardiac troubles, diabetes mellitus, stomach acidity, and edema of the lower limbs due to prolonged standing while caring for our family. Her psychological state has deteriorated significantly due to the drastic change in our living conditions. Her health is unstable, and she desperately needs immediate medical care, psychological support, and ongoing treatment. Before these traumatic events, she was the principal of an elementary school under the United Nations Relief and Works Agency. The constant displacement to undesirable locations has taken a heavy toll on her, causing bouts of nervous tension and deep feelings of frustration, especially after learning that our house was destroyed and burned amidst the current turmoil. She was already heartbroken from the complete destruction of our previous home during the events of 2014. Our house before and after it has been destroyed
We are now desperately trying to leave Gaza and move to Egypt to rebuild our lives and find some semblance of stability and peace for our family.
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augustinetours · 4 months
130 Best Travel Trivia Questions and Answers
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Travel isn't always about serious or formal content writing. One of the most enjoyable aspects of travel is the fun and spontaneous moments that arise. Travel trivia questions can be a fantastic way to inject some light-heartedness and engagement into travel blog posts and Instagram content.
100 Fun Trivia Questions and Answers For Adults
Travel trivia questions and answers, along with general knowledge quizzes, serve as engaging tools in the travel and tourism industry to enhance visitor experiences by providing entertaining and educational content. They not only stimulate interest in destinations but also foster a deeper connection with the culture, history, and attractions, enriching the overall travel experience.
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Here are 100 fun travel trivia questions and answers covering various tourism topics: Trivia Quizzes with Answers about Travel Destinations Test your knowledge of travel destinations with these intriguing yet easy trivia questions and answers, covering a range of famous landmarks, cultures, and geographical wonders. Challenge yourself to see how much you know about the world's most fascinating places and popular tourist spots! 1. Which city is known as the "City of Love"? Answer: Paris, France. 2. What is the tallest building in the world and where is it located? Answer: Burj Khalifa, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. 3. Which country is famous for its fjords? Answer: Norway. 4. In which country would you find the ancient city of Machu Picchu? Answer: Peru. 5. What is the largest desert in the world? Answer: The Sahara Desert, Africa. General Knowledge Trivia Questions and Answers about Travel Landmarks General knowledge questions about travel landmarks can test your familiarity with famous historical sites, natural wonders, and cultural monuments around the world. These questions often cover details about location, significance, history, and unique features of landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, the Great Wall of China, and Machu Picchu. 6. What is the name of the famous clock tower in London? Answer: Big Ben. 7. Which iconic structure is found in India and is considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World? Answer: The Taj Mahal. 8. What is the name of the ancient wonder located in Egypt? Answer: The Great Pyramid of Giza. 9. In which city would you find the Christ the Redeemer statue? Answer: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 10. What is the name of the famous ancient monument in Athens? Answer: The Parthenon. Travel trivia questions and answers about Culture and Traditions Explore the fascinating world of cultural diversity with these travel BUT not hard trivia questions and answers, which delve into unique traditions and customs from around the globe. Test your knowledge and discover intriguing facts that highlight the rich tapestry of global heritage. 11. What is the traditional dance of Hawaii called? Answer: Hula. 12. What is the national sport of Japan? Answer: Sumo wrestling. 13. In which country would you find the Day of the Dead celebrated? Answer: Mexico. 14. What is the traditional garment worn by men in Scotland? Answer: Kilt. 15. Which country is famous for the tradition of Oktoberfest? Answer: Germany. Challenging Trivia Questions and Answers for Adults About Transportation Travel Trivia is a fun and engaging way to test your knowledge about transportation around the world, covering everything from iconic trains and planes to fascinating historical journeys. Here are some challenging questions and answers designed for adults to explore the wonders of global travel through different modes of transport. 16. What is the fastest commercial passenger aircraft in the world? Answer: Concorde. 17. In which country would you find the Trans-Siberian Railway? Answer: Russia. 18. What is the famous train route that travels from Chicago to Los Angeles? Answer: The Southwest Chief. 19. What is the name of the famous luxury train in Southeast Asia? Answer: The Eastern & Oriental Express. 20. Which city is known for its extensive canal system and gondola rides? Answer: Venice, Italy. Food and Cuisine: Foodie Random Trivia Questions and Answers Indulge your wanderlust palate with Travel Foodie Trivia, where tantalizing questions whisk you away to culinary destinations worldwide. From the spices of India to the pastas of Italy, test your gastronomic knowledge and savor the journey 21. What is the traditional dish of Spain made with saffron-infused rice and various meats or seafood? Answer: Paella. 22. Which country is famous for its delicious chocolate and waffles? Answer: Belgium. 23. What is the national dish of Thailand? Answer: Pad Thai. 24. Which city is renowned for its deep-dish pizza? Answer: Chicago, USA. 25. What is the traditional Japanese rice wine? Answer: Sake. History and Geography Trivia Questions Did you know that the study of history and geography is like a time-traveling expedition across the globe? It's a thrilling adventure that unveils the secrets of ancient civilizations buried beneath the sands of time and maps out the ever-evolving tapestry of human existence on Earth. 26. What is the smallest country in the world? Answer: Vatican City. 27. Which river is the longest in the world? Answer: The Nile River. 28. What is the capital of Australia? Answer: Canberra. 29. Which mountain range stretches across several countries including Nepal, India, and China? Answer: The Himalayas. 30. What is the largest ocean in the world? Answer: The Pacific Ocean. Travel Trivia Questions Wildlife and Nature Dive into the wild with our Travel Trivia: unlock the secrets of nature's realm with questions that challenge even the savviest adventurers, from identifying elusive creatures to unraveling the mysteries of the natural world. With each answer, journey deeper into the heart of our planet's wilderness, where every discovery sparks the thrill of exploration. 31. What is the national animal of Australia? Answer: Kangaroo. 32. In which country would you find the Amazon Rainforest? Answer: Brazil. 33. What is the largest mammal in the world? Answer: Blue whale. 34. Which African country is famous for its population of wild gorillas? Answer: Rwanda. 35. What is the tallest waterfall in the world? Answer: Angel Falls, Venezuela. Travel Trivia Quizzes and Answers about Language and Communication Embark on a linguistic journey with our Travel Trivia Quizzes, where each question unveils a world of language and communication. From deciphering ancient scripts to decoding modern slang, challenge your knowledge and unravel the fascinating tapestry of human expression. 36. What is the official language of Brazil? Answer: Portuguese. 37. In which country is Swahili widely spoken? Answer: Tanzania. 38. What is the official language of China? Answer: Mandarin Chinese. 39. Which European country speaks Dutch as its official language? Answer: Netherlands. 40. What is the most widely spoken language in the world? Answer: Mandarin Chinese. Famous Explorers and Travelers Trivia with Answers Embark on an adventure through history with our travel trivia game, where you'll unearth tales of daring voyages and intrepid explorers, from Magellan's circumnavigation to Marco Polo's Silk Road odyssey. Challenge your knowledge and traverse the globe with each question, unraveling the mysteries of renowned adventurers who dared to chart the unknown. 41. Who was the first person to reach the South Pole? Answer: Roald Amundsen. 42. Who was the first European explorer to reach India by sea? Answer: Vasco da Gama. 43. Which explorer led the first expedition to circumnavigate the globe? Answer: Ferdinand Magellan. 44. Who discovered the Hawaiian Islands? Answer: James Cook. 45. Who was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean? Answer: Amelia Earhart. Film and Literature Trivia Questions for Adults Step into the world of imagination and intrigue with our Film and Literature trivia quizzes, where every question unravels a new mystery and every answer unlocks a treasure trove of knowledge. From cinematic classics to literary gems, challenge yourself and uncover the secrets of storytelling brilliance! 46. Which fictional character lived in a pineapple under the sea? Answer: SpongeBob SquarePants. 47. What is the name of the island featured in William Golding's novel "Lord of the Flies"? Answer: The island is unnamed. 48. In which movie would you find the character Forrest Gump embarking on a cross-country run? Answer: Forrest Gump. 49. What is the name of the wizarding school in the Harry Potter series? Answer: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 50. Which classic novel features a journey down the Mississippi River by two friends? Answer: "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" by Mark Twain. General Quiz Questions Sports and Adventure Did you know that the longest tennis match in history lasted for 11 hours and 5 minutes? That's enough time to binge-watch an entire season of your favorite TV show! And here's another one: Mount Everest grows about a quarter of an inch taller every year due to geological shifts. So, next time you conquer that mountain, remember, you're scaling something that's still on the rise! Find 5 trivia questions and answers randomnly chosen about sports and adventure yet important. 51. What is the national sport of Canada? Answer: Ice hockey. 52. In which city would you find the annual Tour de France cycling race finish line? Answer: Paris, France. 53. What is the highest mountain in Africa? Answer: Mount Kilimanjaro. 54. What is the term for the underwater sport of swimming with a snorkel and fins? Answer: Snorkeling. 55. What is the name of the highest bungee jump in the world? Answer: Bloukrans Bridge Bungee, South Africa. Architecture Travel Trivia Questions Step into the realm of architectural wonders with our trivia game. Challenge your knowledge with questions like, "Which iconic Parisian landmark boasts a delectable secret; a pastry shop hidden within its walls?" and "What sugary-inspired structure in Barcelona is the brainchild of Antoni Gaudí?" Get ready to indulge your architectural sweet tooth! 56. What style of architecture is characterized by pointed arches, ribbed vaults, and flying buttresses? Answer: Gothic architecture. 57. Which famous architect designed the Sydney Opera House? Answer: Jørn Utzon. 58. What is the name of the ancient Greek temple dedicated to the goddess Athena? Answer: The Parthenon. 59. In which city would you find the leaning tower? Answer: Pisa, Italy. 60. What style of architecture is associated with the Taj Mahal? Answer: Mughal architecture. Music and Entertainment Trivia Quizzes Embark on a melodic journey across continents with our Music Quiz, where each note unlocks a destination's rhythm. Dive into the pulse of global entertainment with our Travel-Tailored Entertainment Quiz, where every question transports you to the heart of cultural festivities around the world. 61. What is the traditional musical instrument of Scotland? Answer: Bagpipes. 62. Which music festival in the United States is held annually in the desert of Nevada? Answer: Burning Man. 63. What is the name of the famous music festival held in Indio, California? Answer: Coachella. 64. What is the traditional dance of Argentina? Answer: Tango. 65. Which city is known as the birthplace of jazz music? Answer: New Orleans, USA. Trivia Questions and Answers about Famous Personalities In the world of travel, where passports are the closest thing we have to superhero capes, you'll find Sir David Attenborough navigating through jungles like a seasoned explorer, all while calmly narrating the chaos of airport security lines. Meanwhile, Anthony Bourdain is probably swapping culinary secrets with street vendors in some far-flung alley, turning a simple taco stand into a Michelin-starred sensation faster than you can say "bon appétit!" 66. Who is the author of "Eat, Pray, Love," a memoir about her travels? Answer: Elizabeth Gilbert. 67. Which famous scientist proposed the theory of relativity? Answer: Albert Einstein. 68. Who is the famous conservationist known for her work with chimpanzees in Africa? Answer: Jane Goodall. 69. Which American astronaut was the first person to walk on the moon? Answer: Neil Armstrong. 70. Who is the renowned chef and television personality known for his travel and culinary adventures? Answer: Anthony Bourdain. Trivia Questions about World Records Did you know that the world record for the most socks worn on one foot is held by a person who apparently has never heard of sandals? And if you've ever wondered who has the longest beard in the world, just imagine the look on his face when he's caught in a windstorm without a hair tie! 71. What is the highest waterfall in the United States? Answer: Yosemite Falls, California. 72. What is the deepest lake in the world? Answer: Lake Baikal, Russia. 73. What is the longest river in Europe? Answer: The Volga River. 74. What is the highest mountain range in South America? Answer: The Andes. 75. What is the longest wall in the world? Answer: The Great Wall of China. Inventions and Innovations Trivia Quizzes Welcome to the wacky world of Inventions and Innovations Trivia Quizzes, where you'll discover that Thomas Edison wasn't just a brilliant inventor, but also a master of naptime in the lab, and where the "Eureka!" moments often came after a series of "Uh-oh…" experiments involving exploding cheese graters and malfunctioning rubber ducks. Strap in, because this quiz is about to take you on a rollercoaster ride through the history of human ingenuity, with a side of humor! 76. Who is credited with inventing the modern airplane? Answer: The Wright brothers (Wilbur and Orville Wright). 77. What is the name of the first satellite launched into space by the Soviet Union? Answer: Sputnik 1. 78. Which country is known for inventing the sport of rugby? Answer: England. 79. Who invented the World Wide Web? Answer: Tim Berners-Lee. 80. What is the name of the first human-made satellite launched into space by the Soviet Union in 1957? Answer: Sputnik. Unique Natural Phenomena Trivia Quizzes Get ready to delve into the wonders of nature with our Unique Natural Phenomena Trivia Quizzes. From mesmerizing light displays to bizarre geological formations, these quizzes will challenge your knowledge and leave you in awe of the world's extraordinary marvels. So, buckle up and prepare to explore the mysteries of our planet like never before! It doesnt matter which travel niches you are in, general knowledge questions will spark your travel enthusiasm. 81. What is the natural phenomenon caused by the refraction of light in water droplets resulting in a spectrum of light appearing in the sky? Answer: Rainbow. 82. What is the natural light display in the Earth's sky, predominantly seen in high-latitude regions around the Arctic and Antarctic regions? Answer: Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) and Aurora Australis (Southern Lights). 83. What is the phenomenon where two ocean currents meet, resulting in turbulent water? Answer: Confluence. 84. What is the geological formation where a layer of rock overhangs and juts out from the cliff face? Answer: Sea stack. 85. What is the name of the natural disaster caused by the sudden movement of the Earth's crust? Answer: Earthquake. Pop Culture References and Movie Trivia Questions Are you ready to test your knowledge of pop culture with some trivia questions? From which movie does the iconic line "I'll be back" originate? 86. What is the name of the fictional wizarding school in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series? Answer: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 87. In which movie would you find the character Jack Dawson shouting, "I'm the king of the world!"? Answer: Titanic. 88. Read the full article
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digitaltravelexpert · 4 months
130 Best Travel Trivia Questions and Answers
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Travel isn't always about serious or formal content writing. One of the most enjoyable aspects of travel is the fun and spontaneous moments that arise. Travel trivia questions can be a fantastic way to inject some light-heartedness and engagement into travel blog posts and Instagram content.
100 Fun Trivia Questions and Answers For Adults
Travel trivia questions and answers, along with general knowledge quizzes, serve as engaging tools in the travel and tourism industry to enhance visitor experiences by providing entertaining and educational content. They not only stimulate interest in destinations but also foster a deeper connection with the culture, history, and attractions, enriching the overall travel experience.
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Here are 100 fun travel trivia questions and answers covering various tourism topics: Trivia Quizzes with Answers about Travel Destinations Test your knowledge of travel destinations with these intriguing yet easy trivia questions and answers, covering a range of famous landmarks, cultures, and geographical wonders. Challenge yourself to see how much you know about the world's most fascinating places and popular tourist spots! 1. Which city is known as the "City of Love"? Answer: Paris, France. 2. What is the tallest building in the world and where is it located? Answer: Burj Khalifa, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. 3. Which country is famous for its fjords? Answer: Norway. 4. In which country would you find the ancient city of Machu Picchu? Answer: Peru. 5. What is the largest desert in the world? Answer: The Sahara Desert, Africa. General Knowledge Trivia Questions and Answers about Travel Landmarks General knowledge questions about travel landmarks can test your familiarity with famous historical sites, natural wonders, and cultural monuments around the world. These questions often cover details about location, significance, history, and unique features of landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, the Great Wall of China, and Machu Picchu. 6. What is the name of the famous clock tower in London? Answer: Big Ben. 7. Which iconic structure is found in India and is considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World? Answer: The Taj Mahal. 8. What is the name of the ancient wonder located in Egypt? Answer: The Great Pyramid of Giza. 9. In which city would you find the Christ the Redeemer statue? Answer: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 10. What is the name of the famous ancient monument in Athens? Answer: The Parthenon. Travel trivia questions and answers about Culture and Traditions Explore the fascinating world of cultural diversity with these travel BUT not hard trivia questions and answers, which delve into unique traditions and customs from around the globe. Test your knowledge and discover intriguing facts that highlight the rich tapestry of global heritage. 11. What is the traditional dance of Hawaii called? Answer: Hula. 12. What is the national sport of Japan? Answer: Sumo wrestling. 13. In which country would you find the Day of the Dead celebrated? Answer: Mexico. 14. What is the traditional garment worn by men in Scotland? Answer: Kilt. 15. Which country is famous for the tradition of Oktoberfest? Answer: Germany. Challenging Trivia Questions and Answers for Adults About Transportation Travel Trivia is a fun and engaging way to test your knowledge about transportation around the world, covering everything from iconic trains and planes to fascinating historical journeys. Here are some challenging questions and answers designed for adults to explore the wonders of global travel through different modes of transport. 16. What is the fastest commercial passenger aircraft in the world? Answer: Concorde. 17. In which country would you find the Trans-Siberian Railway? Answer: Russia. 18. What is the famous train route that travels from Chicago to Los Angeles? Answer: The Southwest Chief. 19. What is the name of the famous luxury train in Southeast Asia? Answer: The Eastern & Oriental Express. 20. Which city is known for its extensive canal system and gondola rides? Answer: Venice, Italy. Food and Cuisine: Foodie Random Trivia Questions and Answers Indulge your wanderlust palate with Travel Foodie Trivia, where tantalizing questions whisk you away to culinary destinations worldwide. From the spices of India to the pastas of Italy, test your gastronomic knowledge and savor the journey 21. What is the traditional dish of Spain made with saffron-infused rice and various meats or seafood? Answer: Paella. 22. Which country is famous for its delicious chocolate and waffles? Answer: Belgium. 23. What is the national dish of Thailand? Answer: Pad Thai. 24. Which city is renowned for its deep-dish pizza? Answer: Chicago, USA. 25. What is the traditional Japanese rice wine? Answer: Sake. History and Geography Trivia Questions Did you know that the study of history and geography is like a time-traveling expedition across the globe? It's a thrilling adventure that unveils the secrets of ancient civilizations buried beneath the sands of time and maps out the ever-evolving tapestry of human existence on Earth. 26. What is the smallest country in the world? Answer: Vatican City. 27. Which river is the longest in the world? Answer: The Nile River. 28. What is the capital of Australia? Answer: Canberra. 29. Which mountain range stretches across several countries including Nepal, India, and China? Answer: The Himalayas. 30. What is the largest ocean in the world? Answer: The Pacific Ocean. Travel Trivia Questions Wildlife and Nature Dive into the wild with our Travel Trivia: unlock the secrets of nature's realm with questions that challenge even the savviest adventurers, from identifying elusive creatures to unraveling the mysteries of the natural world. With each answer, journey deeper into the heart of our planet's wilderness, where every discovery sparks the thrill of exploration. 31. What is the national animal of Australia? Answer: Kangaroo. 32. In which country would you find the Amazon Rainforest? Answer: Brazil. 33. What is the largest mammal in the world? Answer: Blue whale. 34. Which African country is famous for its population of wild gorillas? Answer: Rwanda. 35. What is the tallest waterfall in the world? Answer: Angel Falls, Venezuela. Travel Trivia Quizzes and Answers about Language and Communication Embark on a linguistic journey with our Travel Trivia Quizzes, where each question unveils a world of language and communication. From deciphering ancient scripts to decoding modern slang, challenge your knowledge and unravel the fascinating tapestry of human expression. 36. What is the official language of Brazil? Answer: Portuguese. 37. In which country is Swahili widely spoken? Answer: Tanzania. 38. What is the official language of China? Answer: Mandarin Chinese. 39. Which European country speaks Dutch as its official language? Answer: Netherlands. 40. What is the most widely spoken language in the world? Answer: Mandarin Chinese. Famous Explorers and Travelers Trivia with Answers Embark on an adventure through history with our travel trivia game, where you'll unearth tales of daring voyages and intrepid explorers, from Magellan's circumnavigation to Marco Polo's Silk Road odyssey. Challenge your knowledge and traverse the globe with each question, unraveling the mysteries of renowned adventurers who dared to chart the unknown. 41. Who was the first person to reach the South Pole? Answer: Roald Amundsen. 42. Who was the first European explorer to reach India by sea? Answer: Vasco da Gama. 43. Which explorer led the first expedition to circumnavigate the globe? Answer: Ferdinand Magellan. 44. Who discovered the Hawaiian Islands? Answer: James Cook. 45. Who was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean? Answer: Amelia Earhart. Film and Literature Trivia Questions for Adults Step into the world of imagination and intrigue with our Film and Literature trivia quizzes, where every question unravels a new mystery and every answer unlocks a treasure trove of knowledge. From cinematic classics to literary gems, challenge yourself and uncover the secrets of storytelling brilliance! 46. Which fictional character lived in a pineapple under the sea? Answer: SpongeBob SquarePants. 47. What is the name of the island featured in William Golding's novel "Lord of the Flies"? Answer: The island is unnamed. 48. In which movie would you find the character Forrest Gump embarking on a cross-country run? Answer: Forrest Gump. 49. What is the name of the wizarding school in the Harry Potter series? Answer: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 50. Which classic novel features a journey down the Mississippi River by two friends? Answer: "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" by Mark Twain. General Quiz Questions Sports and Adventure Did you know that the longest tennis match in history lasted for 11 hours and 5 minutes? That's enough time to binge-watch an entire season of your favorite TV show! And here's another one: Mount Everest grows about a quarter of an inch taller every year due to geological shifts. So, next time you conquer that mountain, remember, you're scaling something that's still on the rise! Find 5 trivia questions and answers randomnly chosen about sports and adventure yet important. 51. What is the national sport of Canada? Answer: Ice hockey. 52. In which city would you find the annual Tour de France cycling race finish line? Answer: Paris, France. 53. What is the highest mountain in Africa? Answer: Mount Kilimanjaro. 54. What is the term for the underwater sport of swimming with a snorkel and fins? Answer: Snorkeling. 55. What is the name of the highest bungee jump in the world? Answer: Bloukrans Bridge Bungee, South Africa. Architecture Travel Trivia Questions Step into the realm of architectural wonders with our trivia game. Challenge your knowledge with questions like, "Which iconic Parisian landmark boasts a delectable secret; a pastry shop hidden within its walls?" and "What sugary-inspired structure in Barcelona is the brainchild of Antoni Gaudí?" Get ready to indulge your architectural sweet tooth! 56. What style of architecture is characterized by pointed arches, ribbed vaults, and flying buttresses? Answer: Gothic architecture. 57. Which famous architect designed the Sydney Opera House? Answer: Jørn Utzon. 58. What is the name of the ancient Greek temple dedicated to the goddess Athena? Answer: The Parthenon. 59. In which city would you find the leaning tower? Answer: Pisa, Italy. 60. What style of architecture is associated with the Taj Mahal? Answer: Mughal architecture. Music and Entertainment Trivia Quizzes Embark on a melodic journey across continents with our Music Quiz, where each note unlocks a destination's rhythm. Dive into the pulse of global entertainment with our Travel-Tailored Entertainment Quiz, where every question transports you to the heart of cultural festivities around the world. 61. What is the traditional musical instrument of Scotland? Answer: Bagpipes. 62. Which music festival in the United States is held annually in the desert of Nevada? Answer: Burning Man. 63. What is the name of the famous music festival held in Indio, California? Answer: Coachella. 64. What is the traditional dance of Argentina? Answer: Tango. 65. Which city is known as the birthplace of jazz music? Answer: New Orleans, USA. Trivia Questions and Answers about Famous Personalities In the world of travel, where passports are the closest thing we have to superhero capes, you'll find Sir David Attenborough navigating through jungles like a seasoned explorer, all while calmly narrating the chaos of airport security lines. Meanwhile, Anthony Bourdain is probably swapping culinary secrets with street vendors in some far-flung alley, turning a simple taco stand into a Michelin-starred sensation faster than you can say "bon appétit!" 66. Who is the author of "Eat, Pray, Love," a memoir about her travels? Answer: Elizabeth Gilbert. 67. Which famous scientist proposed the theory of relativity? Answer: Albert Einstein. 68. Who is the famous conservationist known for her work with chimpanzees in Africa? Answer: Jane Goodall. 69. Which American astronaut was the first person to walk on the moon? Answer: Neil Armstrong. 70. Who is the renowned chef and television personality known for his travel and culinary adventures? Answer: Anthony Bourdain. Trivia Questions about World Records Did you know that the world record for the most socks worn on one foot is held by a person who apparently has never heard of sandals? And if you've ever wondered who has the longest beard in the world, just imagine the look on his face when he's caught in a windstorm without a hair tie! 71. What is the highest waterfall in the United States? Answer: Yosemite Falls, California. 72. What is the deepest lake in the world? Answer: Lake Baikal, Russia. 73. What is the longest river in Europe? Answer: The Volga River. 74. What is the highest mountain range in South America? Answer: The Andes. 75. What is the longest wall in the world? Answer: The Great Wall of China. Inventions and Innovations Trivia Quizzes Welcome to the wacky world of Inventions and Innovations Trivia Quizzes, where you'll discover that Thomas Edison wasn't just a brilliant inventor, but also a master of naptime in the lab, and where the "Eureka!" moments often came after a series of "Uh-oh…" experiments involving exploding cheese graters and malfunctioning rubber ducks. Strap in, because this quiz is about to take you on a rollercoaster ride through the history of human ingenuity, with a side of humor! 76. Who is credited with inventing the modern airplane? Answer: The Wright brothers (Wilbur and Orville Wright). 77. What is the name of the first satellite launched into space by the Soviet Union? Answer: Sputnik 1. 78. Which country is known for inventing the sport of rugby? Answer: England. 79. Who invented the World Wide Web? Answer: Tim Berners-Lee. 80. What is the name of the first human-made satellite launched into space by the Soviet Union in 1957? Answer: Sputnik. Unique Natural Phenomena Trivia Quizzes Get ready to delve into the wonders of nature with our Unique Natural Phenomena Trivia Quizzes. From mesmerizing light displays to bizarre geological formations, these quizzes will challenge your knowledge and leave you in awe of the world's extraordinary marvels. So, buckle up and prepare to explore the mysteries of our planet like never before! It doesnt matter which travel niches you are in, general knowledge questions will spark your travel enthusiasm. 81. What is the natural phenomenon caused by the refraction of light in water droplets resulting in a spectrum of light appearing in the sky? Answer: Rainbow. 82. What is the natural light display in the Earth's sky, predominantly seen in high-latitude regions around the Arctic and Antarctic regions? Answer: Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) and Aurora Australis (Southern Lights). 83. What is the phenomenon where two ocean currents meet, resulting in turbulent water? Answer: Confluence. 84. What is the geological formation where a layer of rock overhangs and juts out from the cliff face? Answer: Sea stack. 85. What is the name of the natural disaster caused by the sudden movement of the Earth's crust? Answer: Earthquake. Pop Culture References and Movie Trivia Questions Are you ready to test your knowledge of pop culture with some trivia questions? From which movie does the iconic line "I'll be back" originate? 86. What is the name of the fictional wizarding school in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series? Answer: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 87. In which movie would you find the character Jack Dawson shouting, "I'm the king of the world!"? Answer: Titanic. 88. Read the full article
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the-firebird69 · 5 months
So Ben doesn't want to do anything and Trump doesn't own much of it now and he sold it to the others but he sold a lot of it to bja in a sense is how do you like a brand new Pontiac fiero Brian save the last round okay not like the first one and he says wow that was smart telling me that that'll be pretty good it says okay how about one of those Pontiac nightmares because Seattle wouldn't be bad how about a banshee. So he's got like 20% but they're really just factory's heels he owns and there is areas so we might approach bja with your idea there's other owners bja 20%, Brad 10%, Jason 5%, Mac Daddy 20%, and we have 20% of it there's in our areas, Justin 5%, Daniel 5%, and ben 15%. Now here's a located in Pennsylvania and and what is North Carolina so he started laughing and said so what. You want us to like not buy them cuz you're not selling it in the mack areas and you probably should what are you nuts. And his son it was mad and he said you're a freaking lunatic what are you going to do there nothing and he was laughing and he said they're supposed to be forcing it or whatever and he says I can't get it out I keep thinking I can start it up it goes Pennsylvania is like the place they say stuff so you might be able to but they want us to do it he says why they want to take our vehicles and use them against us and they represent like a ship and he says oh yeah that and he's going to get a little excited and said I might talk to them about it so we're going to talk to each one and the ones with stuff nearest to the PGA group and they're mostly in the middle areas yeah and mac daddy is up in New England and he is also the West Coast and he says I'm not really interested in selling it but everybody's talking to me what are we going to do have nothing and Chevy and Ford are coming back they're pretty big but they won't make the GT and they make trucks mostly these days both of them and just to run the mail car and he's starting to get a little frustrated and said tell me what we make and we don't make that much so special and you can't do anything so they're talking about all the stuff today and we have some ideas we can try and use and we can start up firebird in our areas and then in the areas we are controlling and then with people outside of that who want to sell or at least and we'll build you see that and it takes time to get some machines back up and a lot of effort we don't want to do it for no reason if we go in there and you're going to lease it and we have to fix all the machines and after 2 weeks to say no we'll probably take the areas over as opposed to hand back the equipment won't take the equipment or we will take the equipment is probably the second. We're going to start this company in our areas that's only 5% of it and we're going to build what we want
Thor Freya
These space battles are continuing and same ones we talked about.
The ground battles are increasing and ferocity and the pseudo empire will be attacking big time in Georgia and Alabama coming in just about an hour
There's a huge fight out in California a massive fight at burning Man it's gigantic it's a very good idea and a massive fight is forming at the Grand canyon and monument valley and that area it's massive people are going out there to investigate and they see tunnels and they're going there right now huge numbers they did find some areas that have radiation about a mile wide and 10 miles deep and our son says that's the way in you can mine out the uranium and purify it and once you get down there it's a nozzle and they're amazed and said oh yeah so they're going down there and yeah in mad Max fury road that's another ship it's the same size almost it's a little bit bigger and he's interested and now it's going to run out there and we're looking at this way those are some money that's the way to do business
Several other battles are taking place Israel and Jordan in Egypt are on fire for what's below and they're going after that pyramid thinking there could be a live laser and it could be fired up if the max got to it and I see them going down there and it could be a massive massive laser in the opening could be gigantic people estimate 30 to 40 miles wide that's the largest laser they've ever heard of it's huge and it seems several of these pyramids below ground and they're all pretty big. There is a massive number of it appears to be Giants they say heading out of the hole in the Pacific and ships and so forth cannot get there they can they just can't escape Australia or New Zealand they're being intercepted and tons of them pseudo empire could not hold them out and is a massive number so far as it was disabled it disappeared
This battle now and it's over the Trump Tower shifts and they have added to it and they're losing a lot of ships so far they lost 100 billion and the fleet's pretty big and more parties are getting involved and that's the news that Tommy f is fighting over it and minority morlock have been seen as the first time. They have 100 billion ships up there and they're trying for his ships is a huge crowd Trump is fighting Tommy f and losing off Titan and he is at about 80 billion Tommy f is 120 it's going to be over for Trump soon the ships there are contended over and he does not have access and yeah Trump has only about 300 billion left and PGA 400 billion and they're expending them right now bja is sending 100 billion more tomorrow's and Trump is sending 80 billion more tomorrow's and 20 billion he's trying for Venus and they will be cut down. And the pseudo empire is being engaged on the ground by more luck at their refueling areas for their ships and it'll be a full-blown war at that point and tonight they're going after this and I've seen New England upper New England and the upper Midwest and Northwest and in the Brazil area and more there's not much more but more Washington State and Oregon are going to be under heavy siege. In moments The fleets of bja and Trump I'm going to be small and Tommy f but Trump will not have a fleet and probably one day or so and he's being attacked anyways but the attacks are fierce and he will have to send a huge Force to defend his and most likely he will lose that force and have to activate his ships and he's sending stuff there now as they're fighting over them and somehow it gets stuff in there and it's beginning to happen once he loses his fleet he'll try to get chips out all over the place eventually he gets chips out he goes to Titan and he puts his robots there and then the battle ensues for his fleet and we believe he wants to arm the laser with his ship lasers and boost them and they're not that bad of a laser big and people want him to do it and his fleet looks like it's small and it didn't say cut it down and that's what they're doing and he goes there and loses to Tommy f it looks like it's going to happen in moments and really he can't afford to lose his fleet but it looks like he does and they want him to arm the lasers and it's probably tiny f Tommy f cuz he doesn't have anything else he can do and it is going on shortly
These things are going to come to pass and these annoying jerks will be dead completely and they'll be gone it is a rude day today the things are doing and staying here are awful and they're dying and shrinking and we're going to take our hatred and anger out on them and were going to get our son things. And the empire is going to do it too but they can see that these are sticks in the mud and they don't do anything even the pseudo empire and they're going to be in the battle over the stone ships but they are the ones who think they can claim Titan you can see them fighting over it in the future and a lot of fighting and they didn't fight it's a disaster and the rebels start fighting them and don't want them to get tighten. Then becomes a real fight in the forgieners can do stuff. And it is starting up right now it's an exciting time it's really finally here
Thor Freya
We're going to go ahead and purchase the companies that they will sell and it'll do it with everything and we will just buy them and start making stuff and we can't afford to do it the other way not now it's too late far too late and we think that bja and company might sell. And others too and you make a deal to make cars and they actually purchase them but they're made for them and we're going to go ahead and start this process
Frank Castle hardcastle
Do you know it's an exciting time for a son and daughter they are going to be doing better and he's got to get up and do things she says so we're helping out
Duke nukem Blockbuster
We have to tell you Chris you need to get out of your fat ass chair and no you're not lazy and I just he was saying I do see what you're saying it's going to be different and we needed to be I'm going to be in a better place I can't wait
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allbdjobscircular · 11 months
World Wide Cat Market Research (Cat Housing, Cat Food, Cat Toys, Cat Grooming and cat treat)
In this video, I have tried to explain a statistic of businesses that have been built around cats. Also in the video, you will notice the different behaviors of the cat. Where a cat is meant to be friendly. Also, the funny activities of cats can always make you happy. About of Cat : 1. Appearance: Cats have a sleek and agile appearance, with sharp retractable claws, keen senses, and a flexible body. They come in various colors, patterns, and fur lengths, which can range from short to long and can be solid or multi-colored. 2. Behavior: Cats are known for their independent and often aloof behavior. They are known to be agile hunters and excellent climbers. They use their sharp senses of sight, hearing, and smell to locate prey and navigate their environment. 3. Domestication: Cats were originally domesticated in ancient Egypt around 4,000 years ago. Since then, they have become popular pets worldwide. Domestic cats are valued for their companionship and their ability to control pests like rodents. 4. Communication: Cats communicate through a combination of vocalizations, body language, and scent marking. They can purr when content, meow to get attention, hiss when threatened, and use their tails and ears to express their emotions. 5. Lifespan: The average lifespan of a domestic cat ranges from 12 to 18 years, although many live longer with proper care. Some breeds are prone to specific health issues, so regular veterinary check-ups are important. 6. Social Structure: Cats are typically solitary animals, but they can be social and form relationships with other cats, as well as with humans. They may establish hierarchies when living together. 7. Grooming: Cats are known for their meticulous grooming habits. They use their rough tongues to clean themselves and keep their fur in good condition. 8. Playfulness: Cats are playful animals and often enjoy interactive toys, hunting games, and physical activities. Play is not only fun for them but also serves as a way to exercise and sharpen their hunting skills. Cats have earned a special place in the hearts of many people due to their charming personalities, diverse appearances, and their ability to form strong bonds with their human companions. They continue to be one of the most popular and beloved pets worldwide. How big is the cat food market? The Cat Food Market size is estimated at USD 34.11 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach USD 44.15 billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 5.30% during the forecast period (2023-2028). How big is the cat toy market? The global cat toys market size is forecasted to be appraised at US$ 1,840 million by 2033, up from US$ 1,015.1 million in 2023, advancing at a CAGR of 6.1% during the forecast period. How many cats are there in 2023? There are more than 58 million pet cats in America and anywhere between 30 million and 100 million self-sufficient feral cats roaming American streets. 25.4% of households in America own cats. How big is the pet industry? The global pet care market size was valued at USD 235.32 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow from USD 246.66 billion in 2023 to USD 368.88 billion by 2030, exhibiting a CAGR of 5.92% during the forecast period. Pets are considered members of the family among a vast majority of pet owners. How popular are cats? Dogs are the most popular pets in the U.S. (65.1 million U.S. households own a dog), followed by cats (46.5 million households). #cat #cats #catlover #catvideos #catvideo #pets #marketresearch #worldwide
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vapehk1 · 1 year
Top 5 Vaping Expos within the World in 2023: A Should-Go to Information
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The vaping business continues to thrive, with new improvements, merchandise, and developments rising yearly. In 2023, the world will witness among the most fun and influential vaping expos that cater to fans, companies, and anybody within the e-cigarette world. Here is a complete information to the highest 5 vaping expos on the planet in 2023, that includes key occasions that you’re going to need to mark in your calendar. In addition to becoming a member of the most famous IECIE, the next occasions are additionally price having a look. 1. Egypt Vape Present 2023 Set to be a landmark occasion within the Center Jap vaping scene, the Egypt Vape Show 2023 will present a platform for business professionals and fans to attach, study, and discover the way forward for vaping within the area. From the newest e-liquid flavors to cutting-edge gadgets, the Egypt vape present 2023 is a must-visit for anybody within the vaping business. 2. NEC Vape Expo 2023 The NEC Vape Expo 2023 in Birmingham, UK, is certainly one of Europe‘s premier vaping occasions. Identified for its intensive exhibitor listing, interactive classes, and networking alternatives, the NEC vape expo 2023 is a hub for innovation and collaboration. Whether or not you are a seasoned vaper or new to the scene, this expo provides one thing for everybody. 3. Vapexpo Spain 2023 & Vape Expo Europe A part of the bigger Vape Expo Europe collection, Vapexpo Spain 2023 is a big occasion specializing in the Spanish market. With a novel mix of native and worldwide exhibitors, this expo showcases the newest merchandise, applied sciences, and developments. Whether or not you are eager about enterprise alternatives or exploring the colourful world of vaping, Vapexpo Spain 2023 is an occasion to not be missed. 4. ECC Vape Expo The ECC Vape Expo is famend for its dedication to high quality and innovation. Internet hosting profitable expos yr after yr, ECC provides a platform for companies, shoppers, and business consultants to come back collectively and discover the newest developments in e-cigarettes. From product launches to professional panels, the ECC vape expo is a spotlight within the international vaping calendar. 5. Dubai Vape Expo 2023 & World Vape Present Asia The Dubai Vape Expo 2023 is a part of the World Vape Present collection, together with the World Vape Present Asia. This international gathering brings collectively business leaders, innovators, and fans from the world over. With a give attention to the Center Jap and Asian markets, the Dubai vape expo 2023 provides a novel alternative to discover new merchandise, community with professionals, and achieve insights into the quickly rising vaping business. Conclusion 2023 guarantees to be an thrilling yr for the vaping business, with prime expos going down throughout completely different continents. From Egypt to the UK, Spain to Dubai, these prime 5 vaping expos supply a glimpse into the way forward for vaping. They supply alternatives to attach, study, and discover, whether or not you are a enterprise trying to develop, an fanatic keen to find new merchandise, or just curious concerning the world of vaping. Do not miss out on these must-visit locations, and prepare to immerse your self within the vibrant and modern world of vaping! Read the full article
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egyptonlinetours1 · 1 year
Amman, Dead Sea and Petra Jordan Tours
Amman, Dead Sea and Petra Jordan Tours
Explore our Holy Land tours to explore Amman, Dead Sea and Petra Jordan Tours in one of the best multi-Centre Holidays, you will be able to get an unforgettable experience about different Cultures in the three countries and more you will discover with Maestro Online Travel .
Have an unforgettable holiday with Amman, the Dead Sea, and Petra Jordan Tours, enjoy holy land tours that combine 2 countries, start your tour by exploring Egypt sightseeing, and then you have to explore Jordan attractions, also have an excursion to Amman, which prepare yourself to enjoy the best time while exploring Israel attractions, explore Jaffa and arrive at Tel Aviv, after that move to Caesarea Maritima, watch the excavations, the Roman theatre, and aqueduct.
You have to explore Mount Carmel, watch the panoramic view of Haifa Bay, also you have to explore the sea of Galilee and sailing as the disciples did 2000 years ago, and then you can watch the mount of beatitudes, also have best tour to Jerusalem new city and watch the Israel Parliament (Knesset), then continue to Ein Kareem, also visit Bethlehem to watch the Church of the Nativity, also you can visit the Garden Tomb.
Day 1: Jordan Tours and Travel Package to Amman
Upon your arrival in Jordan, our tour leader will meet you at Aliaa airport, transfer you to your hotel, and overnight in Amman.
Day 2: Jordan Travel Package & Day Tours/ Amman Tours
Enjoy your breakfast, day tour to visit Amman attractions, the Theatre, then the citadel, Amman's traditional markets, enjoy lunch meal in local restaurant, back to hotel, overnight in Amman (B)
Day 3: Mt Nebo, Shobak Castle & the Dead Sea
Enjoy your breakfast in Petra, then start your tour from Petra to visit best of Jordan attractions, start the tour by visiting Shobak was originally called Krak. It was Built in 1115, it was the first of many fortifications built beyond the Jordan by King Baldwin I of Jerusalem to guard the road from Egypt to Damascus.It successfully resisted a number of sieges until it fell to Saladin's troops in 1189. then you will proceed the tour to Madaba, Located just 86km south of Amman, Madaba has been inhabited for at least 4,500 years, and is mentioned in the Bible as the Moabite town of Medeba, visit St. George Greek Orthodox Church, then proceed to Nbo mountain, Mount Nebo is the mountain where Moses was allowed to see the Holy land, is approximately 817 metres (2680 feet) above sea level, in what is now western Jordan, from Nbo mountain you will see the Holy land, the Jordan River 7 the Dead Sea, It is thought that Moses was buried on Nbo mountain & his final resting place is unknown, you will visit the old church dates to the fourth century, Then Proceed travelling to Jordan Dead Sea, enjoy your free time for leisure at the oldest natural spa in all the world ( The Dead Sea ). Dead Sea (B)
Day 4: Jordan Tours and Travel Package to Dead Sea
Enjoy free time in Dead Sea, Natural healthy salted water, Now you are visiting the lowest point of all the earth, Overnight in Dead Sea
Day 5: Petra Day Tour
Enjoy your breakfast, drive to spend the day tour exploring the Rose City ( Perta ), 2000 years ago Petra was the capital of the Nabataean , and for centuries & centuries was forgotten and lost, then it was discovered in 1812 by the Swiss explorer Johann Ludwig Burckhardt. Now it is one of the new 7 wonders of the world, it is very big and you will enjoy not only visiting it but trying to discover it, the main things to see are the Siq, the treasury, the roman theatre, the Roman collonade streets. If you're feeling energetic ascend the hundreds of rock-cut steps leading to Al-Deir, Al-Deir means the Monastery, It has a similar facade to that of the Treasury, but is far bigger and the views from the nearby cliff-tops are incredible views! Drive to Amman and overnight. (B)
Day 6: Jordan Travel Package & Day Tours / Departure
Enjoy your breakfast, check out, and meet our tour rep to transfer you to Aliaa airport for final departure
For more info
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⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD LINK 🔥🔥🔥 Clownfish Voice Changer Crack is a free audio processing application that can change the sound of your voice with just a few clicks. Clownfish Aquarium Crack With Activator. An interesting and user-friendly application that enables you to display a realistic simulation of the ocean floor. Clownfish Voice Changer Crack is a free audio management app that can turn your voice into a few basic snapshots. Clownfish aquarium serial numbers, cracks and keygens are located here. Download it in no time. No registration is needed. Crack With Serial Key How to crack Clownfish Aquarium. Windows 7 64 bit, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2K. Clownfish Aquarium Screensaver Crack Plus Serial Number. NCH VOXAL VOICE CHANGER {} FREE DOWNLOAD NCH Voxal Voice Changer Crack is a lightweight software that lets you. Do they crack up the sharks and the dolphins? Or play practical jokes on the whales? Does the coral all roar in a chorus, After a hearing a clownfishes pun? The pistol shrimp gets his name from the sharp snapping sound he makes with his large claw . The little pistol shrimp is only one or two inches long. Download DigiFish Clownfish + Crack/Serial. Operating System: Windows XP,Vista,7,8,, File Size: MB. Clownfish do change colors as they mature. I also thought the cracked looking whit was not a big deal because they lay on the sand. Hi:wave: I am very new to this,so im sorry if i lack info! I set up my kent bio reef(94l) 5 weeks ago,and so far thiings are going well,(i. View top-quality stock photos of Clown Fishes Swims On Anemone In The Crack Of A Hard Coral Or Threebanded Anemonefish Rsd Sea Egypt. Skunk Clownfish in their host anemone on a tropical coral reef in Thailand Clown fishes swims on anemone in the crack of a hard coral (Porites lutea). Clownfish, Pudding, Desserts, Food, Tailgate Desserts, Deserts, Custard Pudding,. Carl Phillips. 4 followers. Apr 21, - Explore Carl Phillips's board "Clownfish Whisperer" on Pinterest. See more ideas about clown. : Ambesonne Fish Mug, Monochrome Anemone Fishes and Clownfishes Made to last - Coffee mug won't crack or chip with extra hot drinks or ice. CLO Standalone v With License Key Crack Free Download The CLO Standalone Crack 3D helps change the quality and thickness of each material to. Clownfish Voice Changer Crack is a free audio processing application that can change the sound of your voice with just a few clicks. Clownfish Aquarium Crack With Activator. An interesting and user-friendly application that enables you to display a realistic simulation of the ocean floor. Clownfish Voice Changer Crack is a free audio management app that can turn your voice into a few basic snapshots. Clownfish aquarium serial numbers, cracks and keygens are located here. Download it in no time. No registration is needed. Crack With Serial Key How to crack Clownfish Aquarium. Windows 7 64 bit, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2K. Clownfish Aquarium Screensaver Crack Plus Serial Number. NCH VOXAL VOICE CHANGER {} FREE DOWNLOAD NCH Voxal Voice Changer Crack is a lightweight software that lets you. Do they crack up the sharks and the dolphins? Or play practical jokes on the whales? Does the coral all roar in a chorus, After a hearing a clownfishes pun? The pistol shrimp gets his name from the sharp snapping sound he makes with his large claw . The little pistol shrimp is only one or two inches long.
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