#big time rush crossover au
I have a new idea for a BTR/descendants au. I have a previous one, but I don't like it as much as my new idea.
Kendall is a step prince, his mom married a prince and became a queen and his half sister Katie is the heir to the throne. No one knows who his birth dad is (there's a rumour that it's a villain) and because of that, he is heavily bullied but he hides it well but feels like an outcast.
Anyways, when his best friend Logan decides to invite 4 villain kids to live with them he isn't sure what to think but all that changes when he lays eyes on James diamond, son of Evil Queen.
Together along with Camille, daughter of maleficent, Carlos, son of Cruella de ville and Lucy, daughter of Jaffar, will prove to everyone that villains deserve a second chance.
Even if people like Jett, son of Cinderella and Jo, daughter of Sleeping Beauty stand in their way.
Kames and Cargan
Who wants to help me write this?
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kenobivirgin69 · 5 days
Katie: you're smiling, did something good happen?
Jayden: can't I just smile because I feel like it?
Lauren: Kendall tripped and fell in the parking lot
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tumbling-darkling · 2 years
I’ve been seeing many Danny Phantom and Justice League Crossover AU’s, and specially ones where different members of the League adopt Danny. And so I present to you:
Battle for Parental Rights to Danny.
The thing we all love about Danny is that he fits so easily in so many stories, there are endless potential interactions regarding all the Leaguers and being guardians of the undead boy (the fan favs of course being Batman or John Constantine.) So why not all of them at once.
Consider Danny just accidentally meeting each League member separately. And after each interaction they all have the same thought of: I am going to parent the hell out of that kid.
They don’t wanna rush anything and wait until the next big meeting to mention this possible mentorship.
Cue the Leaguers all sitting around a table, one of them mentions mentoring an undead teen, and then there’s confusion.
‘Wait… I was just going to say that…’
‘Is this the same teen?’
‘Did we all meet him?’
There’s suspicious glares, and all hell breaks loose when one of them screams: ‘I saw him first!’ And fucking ditches. It’s a race, hero tripping up other heroes, sabotage, all to get to Amity first and claim the child. There are only a few left behind (like Shazam. Who is confused like: wait is the person they were talking about my mentor?? Which is entirely different can of worms)
Wonder Woman is slamming Superman into a mountain, Batman is activating his secret evil hero contingency plans, Flash is just running like hell, Martian Manhunter is betting on his alien ship, absolute chaos.
They all reach Amity Park around the same time and?
Danny is in the ghost zone.
The chase continues.
More shenanigans.
Name calling is screamed across the zone.
The find Danny with… three more parental figures?? What??
There’s demand for battle.
Eventually Danny figured out what is happening and is like: dude I can have like 20 parents. Y’all can share.
But sharing just activated more insane competitions.
“I taught him how to break a man’s back with his pinkie.”
“I taught him diplomacy!”
“I gave him a tour of mars.”
“Well I let him touch a dead body!”
There’s no end to it all.
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Heyya! It's me again! 🌙! Been a while since I asked a question:3 btw hru? Love your new fics! And also concerned on how many requests you have. Pls do take your time on making them you could (or have gone) burnt out if you rush. Do take a break from time to time <3. Here are my questions!
Questions for both Sagau x bsd and self aware bsd
1. Did you mention Verlaine in SAGAU X BSD?
2. Where are all the other good genshin characters stay in GL world (like nahida, scaramouche, citizens, etc.) ?
3. Does Nahida and Furina move their people in the real world too?
4. Is Fitzgerald basically the richest person in the world?
5. In the real world, is the government suspicious of Fitzgerald like- suspicious if he is the richest person in the world.
Hello, 🌙 Anon! Long time no see.
I am doing great. Glad that you liked my last fics.
And thank you for your concern. I am doing requests in my own pace, taking enough breaks.
And to your questions.
1. Verlaine was mentioned in this post and in this post. He also has one SAGAU themed meme, and he was requested in Event.
He didn't appear in the fics, for now. I am planning to write about him saving Furina and Melusines from Fortress of Meropide, but, it still in planning.
Can share some plans for future SAGAU x BSD AU Crossover fics
(Right now I am talking about original fics, not including requests and event!)
Fukuzawa and Fukuchi fic. - "A step back". Set right after Reader returned from Teyvat, but before Capitano got into the Real World to capture Reader. About Fukuzawa and Fukuchi taking care of a still almost broken Reader.
Mori, Elise and Zhongli fic. - Mori vs Zhongli
Verlaine and Furina fic I mentioned above
Maybe? An Arlecchino focused fic. A scene, where Arlecchino came to Reader to negotiate about benefits she will get from helping Reader. Will I tie it to BSD Character? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ We will see.
Mitchell and Venti fic. Venti, after confronting Fake Creator, is forced to be loyal to them, otherwise they will execute everyone in Mondstadt. He gets an earful from Mitchell.
Another Fukuzawa fic, possibly? Something with Fukuzawa act as an assassin again. Perhaps with Rosaria and Eula, or Lawrence Clan.
Saving Nahida and Aranaras fic. Chuuya? Perhaps Adam and Lucy.
Fake Creator focused fic. About their past, and why they decided to pretend to be a Creator. Possibly with Ayatsuji.
Atsushi fic. Something soft, Atsushi bringing tiger cubs to Reader for petting them.
BEAST Spin Off. Semi-canon for the main crossover. BEAST Characters get into the Real World after Reader returned from Teyvat and BEAST! Mori accidentally scared Reader with his voice.
What if. What if Reader get into Teyvat before BSD Cast got into the Real World and during execution Reader, instead of returning to the Real World, got teleported into BSD World.
2. In BSD Manor. It's big enough to house few more people. If needed, Fitzgerald might order to build one more house (he was planning to do it anyway, in case more BSD Characters appeared in Real World).
Kids helped Aranaras and Melusines build new villages for them.
3. Does Nahida and Furina move their people in the real world too?
It will depend, if most of their citizens will be in danger (example: If Fake Creator ordered Apep to "unleash" jungles on Sumeru, or Neuvillette decided to drown Fontaine), Furina and Nahida will demand for their people to be moved.
Otherwise, if their people aren't in danger, they will see and wait.
BSD Cast, while angry, aren't unreasonable. They understand, why common people chased after Reader (fear, religious beliefs). Their revenge are mostly focused on "playable characters". People in power, who ordered to hunt Reader.
They will try to keep permanent damage to the normal citizens as low as they can.
4. He is quite rich. I won't call him the richest, but he is wealthy.
5. Even if they are, they won't find anything. Fitzgerald is financially clear. For real world, he was just a cosplayer, who decided to play on the stock exchange (Fitzgerald and Alcott) and get a jackpot from online casino (Sigma, Fyodor, Dazai). There is no tax evasion, Fitzgerald is just a very lucky person.
BSD Cast prepared, before going to the real world.
Tag list: @withered-blossoms , @myluckymoon @cocodrilofeliz @c4xcocoa @vvyeislazzy @whisperingwinters @nervousinfluencertidalwave @ayameshu
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prettyboybuckley · 1 month
20 Questions for Fic Writers
tagged by @saybiwithme @bi-buckrights @zainclaw
How many works do you have on ao3?
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
I've mostly written for 9-1-1, though I started off with Shameless (6 fics) and I have written some for Teen Wolf (5 fics). There's one 9-1-1 crossover with Schitt's Creek.
Top five fics by kudos:
parents always yelling (telling us to get our acts together)
i just want something to hold on to (and a little of that human touch)
I will come to you (even in my sleep)
open up again (i believe in second chances)
exes and the oh's
Do you respond to comments?
Always, even if it takes me months. I actually just caught up again (there's still a bunch to go, but right now the oldest is 17 days ago instead of 250 days...). It's just a rule I have for myself, and even with the backlog I've kept it up so far, so I'm not going to stop doing it now.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'm not a big fan of angsty endings, I generally try to at least make it a hopeful ending or, in the case of the college au, use an epilogue to fix things.
But I guess sunny skies & summer highs qualifies as an angsty ending simply because of the cliffhanger (and yes, there is still going to be a continuation, I'm working on it 🙈).
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Choosing one out of 160 is really hard, but I think tell me, will you stay or will you run away is definitely one that deserves a mention here, because it already has a happy ending and then the epilogue just makes it even better 🥰
Do you get hate on fics?
Not commented on the fic itself, no. I've had some people talk shit about my fics on twitter, though, and not even vaguely but calling me by (user)name.
Do you write smut?
Is grass green? Yeah, I write smut 🤭 Thanks to two times kinktober, I have 95 explicit fics, by far the most used rating for my fics.
Craziest crossover:
let's have some fun tonight is my 9-1-1/Schitt's Creek crossover fic for 9-1-1 Rarepair Week, and my only crossover fic
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
My head over feet Buddie valentine's two-parter got posted as one chapter in Wattpad work with over 30 fics once. Filed a DMCA and Wattpad took it down within two hours.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Two of my fics have been translated into Russian afaik, one on ao3 and one on Ficbook
Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Nope. It may be a nice challenge for the future? Not sure who I'd do it with.
All time favourite ship?
Gotta go for Buddie on that one, lol. Especially if you look at my writing history. But I often tend to hyperfixate on one ship at a time (current reading obsession is McDanno)
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Buck's POV of if love is art then you might be my masterpiece. I really want to, but at this point it's been two years since the original so I don't know if it'd be worth it either. (I know not everyone was happy about how I ended it, but I doubt any of them are still waiting for more). Writing a different POV of the same fic takes an amount of planning that my brain just really struggles with. And I could pick up where the last chapter (before the epilogue) picks up, but I think that way there would be some crucial information about Buck missing.
What are your writing strengths?
I've been told quite a lot of times that I am good at keeping characters, well, in character, even when putting them in partial or complete AU's. Of course, what is in character or not is subjective, but I do always challenge myself to work as much of the canon backstory and personality into who they are in the AU as possible.
And I like to think I'm pretty good at writing smut.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm terrible at pacing, which multiple of my long fics prove. It'll be drawn out first and then suddenly rushing. And being ESL I do struggle with things like sentence structure and grammar pretty regularly still.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
As long as there is some kind of translation provided somewhere I like it, but I'm not so quick to use it myself. Not beyond a few Spanish words here and there (generally pet names between Eddie and his family we've seen on the show or the occasional curse word when I feel it fits better than an English one, but I usually need to employ help from Spanish-speaking friends for those).
First fandom you wrote in?
Shameless! I binged that right before I started 9-1-1 and combined with the creative writing minor I was doing, it was actually what got me back into writing in general and what made me write my first ever fic.
Favorite fic you've written?
My in your arms i feel safe-series (which I always lovingly refer to as the ace kink fic) is definitely one of my favorites simply because of how personal it is to me and for the reason behind me writing it in the first place.
Other strong contenders are i would've loved you forever (it's never enough but i wanted it to be) and i'm begging you, come home to me (Teen Wolf, Thiam)
tagging @monsterrae1 @rogerzsteven @loserdiaz @watchyourbuck
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aintgonnatakethis · 22 days
twenty questions for fic writers
Tagged by @bagheerita ❤️️
How many works do you have on AO3? 29
What's your total AO3 word count? 208,847
What fandoms do you write for? Stargate Universe mainly, though I've also tried out Stargate Atlantis and James Bond.
Top five fics by kudos: what do pretty monsters dream of? (SGA, Sheppard/Todd) down here they call us animals (SGU, Rush/Young, vamp AU) Valentine's Day (James Bond, asexual Bond) Consultancy Opportunity (SGU, Rush/Telford, PWP) Good Things Come In Threes (SGU, Rush/Young/Telford, P-with-P)
Do you respond to comments? Yes, every one. I know how anxiety-inducing it can be to leave a comment, so I really want to put the effort in to respond. It might take me a few days, as per the anxiety, but there's nothing I love more than discussing my fics!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? so i bite my tongue and hope for blood (warning for non-con) Rush is drugged and does things to Telford. Telford understandably reacts poorly. No working through the trauma here - just trauma.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Hmm, looking through my fics I guess I'm not a happy endings kind of guy. 😂 Think the best I can do is Valentine's Day, with Q worrying for a lot of it that Bond is sexually pursuing him only for things to end up firmly in the asexual category with cuddling and talking and petting cats.
Do you get hate on fics? Nah, everyone's pretty chill. Though of course I'm not involved in any large fandoms and that's where the more aggressive people tend to end up.
Do you write smut? Hell yeah I do! When I started posting to A03 near the end of 2022 it was the majority of what I wrote. Recently I've not really been feeling it - ever since I really had to force things so I'd be able to finish the 10k final chapter of the threesome fic - so I've been writing other stuff. I'm sure the smut will reactivate at some point.
Craziest crossover: I've never written any, and I'm afraid I'm not a fan of crossovers at all. 😂
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Nah, not to my knowledge. Though I guess with AI scrapers you never know these days.
Have you ever had a fic translated? No, though of course I'd give my permission for it.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Nothing posted to AO3. Back in the day I RPed Doctor Who smut and stuck it on FFnet, and got a warning slapped on my account for it. 👎
All time favourite ship? Young/Telford/Rush, either all together in a threesome, or paired off in any possible permutation. These three guys are the revolving door of my brain.
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I haven't worked on Your Own Worst Enemy for a long while, a fic where Rush, Young, Telford, and Destiny are all recovering from different forms of sexual assault. Though I'm really pleased with what I've got so far, I'm not sure where the plot goes next and I want to handle the subject matter with care. I think it's the kind of fic I have to complete before I start posting.
What are your writing strengths? I really enjoy taking a character and changing their sexuality to all the possible options to explore the possibilities. I've been told I do this while still remaining in character because I do the work to get there instead of just slapping a label on. For example, I've written fics where Telford is straight, bi, gay, aromantic, and am currently working on one where he's asexual. I love seeing what shapes I can bend characters into while still remaining true to canon.
What are your writing weaknesses? I see writeblrs talking about doing big cuts in their editing process, trimming off thousands of words at a time! While I understand why, cutting a scene I've worked hard on is something I can rarely bring myself to do.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? I think my knee jerk response would be to say yes, but don't overdo it. Even if the translations are readily available (found this skin which works for both desktop and mobile users and uses HTML instead of making the author fiddle around with editing the workskin for each individual translation) having to move to hover/click can take the reader out of the story if it's done to an extreme degree.
First fandom you wrote in? Doctor Who, in... 2007 I want to say.
Favourite fic you’ve written? down here they call us animals is the first one that springs to mind, as it was such a massive sense of accomplishment to finish a long project, and making my own vampire lore and history was really enjoyable. I have to give a mention to a memory, a distant echo (warning for memories of non-con) as well though. I feel like I crafted that with my bare hands from clay, you know? Telford's trauma... I could wax fucking poetic about it for days.
No pressure tagging: @fortunatetragedy @frostysfrenzy @wolgerrswraith @frostedlemonwriter @galadhir + open to anyone who wants a go!
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desultory-novice · 5 months
Okay, back where we were left off at the Magoland Branch AU Magolor only had his sight partially restored, but in the crossover between the Apologies AU and the Magoland Branch AU his sight was fully restored. So how did that happen anyways?
Also, how long did it take between the conclusion of the Magoland Branch AU and the crossover between the Apologies AU and the Magoland Branch​ AU?
(Double question because I want lore.)
(Also, how long will it be till my other ask is done? I'm not rushing it or anything, (Take your time Dess! (^v^)​) I'm just curious about how long will it take.)
>How long did it take?
It took... X amount of time! XD ...I dunno! Noir SHOULD have been in hell since almost the beginning, since he was the first or second to die also his life has just been hell since the day his parents died....
Like Noir, who acted as "dead" as possible in the hopes of actually dying, the deceased probably stuck to their own personal purgatories and never really did much positive interacting, outside of people who formed odd connections all on their own, like Joronia and Max, who quickly bonded over their love of rich, fancy things. >w<
Max: "01001101 01110101 01110011 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01100011 01101111 01100110 01100110 01100101 01100101 00100000 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 00100000 01100001 01101100 01110111 01100001 01111001 01110011 00100000 01100010 01100101 00100000 01100010 01110101 01110010 01101110 01110100 00111111"
Joronia: "Oooh, do not even get me started on tea in this place!"(1)
("How does Joronia know binary? Why, she's the smartest, strongest, most beautiful queen ever! Of course she knows binary!" - Taranza)
The paradigm changed when Marx found Magolor's tormented soul and convinced the Crown to give Magolor control of his body back. Magolor, trapped in a series of troubled and confusing hallucinations due to how horrific and constant the pain of having a large, wrathful tree feeding off of and growing inside him was, blindly used the crown's limitless power to create an actual theme park.
"Timeline-wise" I'd say once Elfilin and Adeleine started interacting more, Fecty probably said some off-handed remark to "the human girl" (ie: "...your eyes are the exact same color as that boy in hell...") that clued X-over Adeleine into the location/existence of her X-over brother and they had a big, tearful reunion and here we are!
(1) PS: "Hell" here is not full of demons and pitchforks, but it is uncomfortably *bright* (the sun is ever-burning and the sky goes through a cycle of golden hour-orange to fever-dream dark with shades of electric pink at night) and also, there is a larger than average amount of fire. A whole lake made of it, in fact!
>Why does Magolor have both eyes?
That was an accident on my part because I drew him from memory for the first Apologies x-over, forgetting he’s only supposed to have one eye due to still being half rooted to the crown.
I kept up with it after because, eh~ the souls are supposed to be healing slowly after "A Perfect Circle," so maybe his other eye came back on its own to show he’s reclaiming more of himself...?
(Kind wish I hadn’t made that mistake though because I was weirdly attached to one-eyed Mago Soul’s design. But he can’t just go and lose it again now for no reason. ^^)
Speaking of the first crossover and “continuity errors,” Noir wore his scarf more like an actual scarf in that one to dress in the style of the Hell branch (aka, a mix of alive and dead) but he is back to looking like regular Swordsman in “Again.” That was because I purposefully wanted the first image to fool people as to where/when this was happening, and also make it work as a legitimate visual introduction to the script portion of “Again.” Which it does, btw. That first page fairly accurately fits Noir’s experiences in DL3. ^^
I know it's shallow reasoning, but let's just go with it! If I ever return to the x-over plotline, I’ll try to indicate that properly by giving him the wrapped scarf again. ...While I’m being grilled on Hell-Branch Lore, I’m debating whether Max and Joronia are still around. I’m tempted to say “yes” and they are just healed like Magolor. (Mostly because I don’t have that many characters to work with and I think Max would be ALL IN on the “Hell is a Business Hotspot” storyline(?) we’re in.)
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mintyfrostyart · 1 year
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Mario & Luigi: The Realm of Monsters
M&M:TRoM is a Mario/Undertale crossover. This AU takes place after Mario & Luigi: Dream Team, but the events of Undertale have not taken place.
The great war between humans and monsters is much the same with the residents of the underground having to make refuge from below the surface of this planet. What they failed to realise is that most humans got wiped out from that great war, and those monsters who remained loyal to humans (such as Toads) brought the remaining few to royalty.
Some monsters weren't actually banished. King "Bowser" Koopa was only a child when the war broke out, and he like some other monsters were able to go into hiding. From his parents being killed during the war, he made it apparent that he eventually wanted to be rid of any other humans that came their way to avenge his fallen bloodline. Of course, that doesn't go well (hence the plot of the previous Mario & Luigi games).
For Mario and Luigi, because in this timeline, their LV is well into the hundreds. In this AU, LV carries over through each game. So enough is enough. Bowser wanted to open up the barrier to free the sealed monsters away to build his army and finally get the remaining humans alive to perish. He knows that with Mario and Luigi's LVs being so high, he's going to need all the help he can get. Of course, the tale goes that seven human souls would be enough to break the barrier, but there's also the question: would the seven-star children be enough to break the barrier?
It's certainly worth a shot. Somehow, overnight, Bowser was able to gather the 7 children by doing one of his usual kidnapping shades and manages to get the 7 of them together. And through some feat, it works.
The realm is broken, and everything is put on a reset. Perhaps it was the impossibly high powers of the Mario Brothers that allowed them to live, but Princess Peach wasn't so lucky. Almost instantly she got hit with a comatose state and Mario and Luigi rushed off to try and heal her as best they could. But for them, their strength practically diminished, perhaps hitting "reset" on all the LVs they had accumulated and set them back to 1 (more on this later.) With the barrier open, Bowser instantly introduced himself to the people of the underground, explaining his motives in his usual dramatic fashion, saying that he wanted to be the king that brought a new age to monsters like him, and he was widely supported. Asgore, as a fellow king boss monster got on very well terms and the monsters of the underground were very welcome to live in the Dark Lands.
The move from the underground to the surface was slow, but a lot of people rushed to see the wonders of the outside. Papyrus himself was perhaps the most eager of the bunch, for this, of course, would be the perfect time to find a human! Sans of course held a dulled sense of enthusiasm like he always does, but he held a slower start. He went to tell his friend on the other side of the ruined doors about the big news, but surprisingly, she did not wish to engage with going to the surface. She believed that humans themselves should be greeted with kindness, not with violence. It certainly gave Sans some food for thought, and he promised to visit her after he got used to things on the surface.
With the princess in a near-death-like state with the chances for recovery looking slim, the bros are seen as the leading example of guidance. It was the question if Mario himself was already a prince because of his relationship with the princess, but he had consistently rejected the role. The concerning thing for both of them is certainly their extreme decline in strength. Breaking the barrier certainly did a number on them and they're practically starting from stage 1. Both of them are obviously panicking since if their acquired strength is suddenly gone, they would have no chance of going against Bowser. Who knows until a battle would break out? Esepcially with a new army.
The two agree they have to split up and get as many supplies as they can. They need to get anything they can-- call anyone they know to bring support to the mushroom kingdom. Bean Bean, Pi'illo Island; whoever can help. Luigi had the idea of going to professor E-Gadd to possibly build a defence around the kingdom whilst the princess remains out of commission. That's a wonderful trip to Boo Woods, but he'll have to bear it.
Although, along the way, he happens to run into one skeleton. Papyrus took it upon himself to do some exploring because he was sure he was going to run into plenty of company. It was quite strange; any Boo who tried to scare him simply couldn't, he remained completely fearless and tried to make acquaintances with anyone he met. But none of them bothered to stick around. The two of them end up bumping into each other by pure chance, and there is a large amount of screaming, Luigi from fear and Papyrus from seeing a human. Luigi immediately thinks he's outnumbered and there is no way he could take on a boss monster *now* but Papyrus turns out to be the least threatening Boss monster he had ever seen. He's immediately fascinated by him, screaming his head off about how this was so amazing, but at the same time remembering his royal guard status. Papyrus takes it upon himself to guide this human to safety instead! There, no troubles!
But Luigi expresses concern about this-- he says he needs to get going to get back home and Papyrus expresses a fantastic "not to worry!" and proceeds to help him along the way. He makes it absolutely certain that he will not leave this human's side until he is brought to safety! Whilst hesitant, Luigi knows he can't get this guy off his tale and continues to E-Gadd's.
Between getting supplies, asking for potential help and going back to Boo Words, Papyrus and Luigi developed a decent acquaintanceship! Papyrus talked about being on the surface and Luigi took the great understanding of his situation, but also deeply dreaded when Papyrus claimed Bowser's plans. They also talked about their brothers quite a bit and their bad habits, but the two of them saw each other on even the ground. Papyrus walked Luigi back to the beginning of the Mushroom Kingdom where the palace was just overhead before Luigi said that they should end it here (their walk that is). Luigi feared that Papyrus being out with him could trigger a domino effect that would make Bowser immediately enact an attack on the weakened mushroom kingdom. Luigi also fears for Papyrus' safety going back to the darklands, since if its found out, Papyrus could be exiled by Bowser's crew and possibly killed. He asks Papyrus not to tell anyone about the princess' condition, nor Luigi and Mario's lack of resources so they can prevent the fighting as long as possible, and Papyrus agrees!
But of course, he spills the secrets to Sans. Papyrus tells Sans of his day and his adventure with Luigi (as short as it was), and the situation of the humans and their resources. From how Bowser had described them, Sans expected Luigi and his brother to be incredible threats, LV beyond comprehension, but they weren't (at least appeared to be). Papyrus even said that Luigi wished to keep their meeting anonymous so that Bowser and his army wouldn't go after him and Sans.
Sans agrees that he won't go telling anyone about it, but he doesn't agree to not doing his own investigation.
Sans never got a description of the brothers, other than that Luigi had "a real grand moustache and a brilliant brightly coloured hat!", which isn't exactly helpful when there are two of them. The next day, he finds Mario out collecting supplies from powerup boxes and assumes that it's Luigi who Papyrus met yesterday. It's a very similar greeting to the beginning of Undertale, but instead Sans says "don't you know its rude to break people's boxes? You're looking like a real *boxer*". And that goes as well as it can. Mario's obviously threatened by Sans' presence being a Boss monster, and Sans isn't threatened because he's LV 1, so how bad could he be?
A couple lines into their interaction and Luigi shows up there after and recognises Sans as the "short, lazy, apathetic, but loveable" brother of Papyrus. He immediately exclaims his recognition of him and how he had met Papyrus yesterday, in which Sans admits Papyrus told him already. Mario gets on the defence since it's a HUGE problem two boss monsters who are living on the Dark Lands know they're weakened atm but Sans is like "nah bruh chill out jeez." During this interaction, Sans does the good ol' (*check) but it heeds underwhelming results. But he knows, he knows something is wrong. Bowser talks about these two like he does the devil, and with both of them being LV 1, it doesn't make any sense. Luigi himself seems to be the more pacifist of the two, but he's certain there's more to this than he could ever think on. But, for now, he agrees there's no bad blood between the two sets of brothers and only wishes to greet his new pals with a handshake (You can guess what happens next).
From then on, Papyrus and Sans spend less and less time in the Dark Lands and more and more time along the mushroom kingdom side, and the more time spent with the Mario Brothers reveals a more sympathetic story about Bowser's kidnappings with the princess. They most certainly agree that Bowser coming to destroy the kingdom isn't cool, and they start helping out the bros as best they can.
This is just the beginning of the plot and there is a lot more to it but OWO !!!
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xmalereader · 2 years
Lord Morpheus X Male Reader
|| Masterlist ||
Arthur’s note: Everyone seemed to enjoy the last sunshine reader and moody Morpheus shot so I made another one but longer! —ish? But anyways, here you guys go! I’ll probably continue making more Dream shots and possibly doing a supernatural AU crossover too 👀
Summary: After Morpheus’ encounter with the God of Happiness he can’t help but grow a soft spot for him. So, what happens when his sisters come looking for him
Warnings: Slight angst, fluff, mentions of goddesses, Greek mythology, Morpheus being nice, mentions of happiness, more fluff, slight pinning.
Word count: 3.7k
Tags: @finnthefuzzymoth
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Lord Morpheus didn’t expect his sister, death, to visit him in his realm. Let alone bring a guest with her. Dream didn’t know much as to why his sister was visiting, she either came when she had nothing else to do or to check up on him.
The two have been rather busy that they never had much time together until now. She had summoned him and let him know that she was coming through with a guest tagging along. Dream would’ve asked first on who the guest was but he wasn’t in the mood to deal with his sisters begging and allowed her and whoever was coming to slip through his realm.
He sat on his throne, book in hand as he read along the lines before hearing the flap of wings above him, causing him to glance up to see Matthew land on a stack of books, ruffling his feathers. “Guests are here, sir.” He lets him know as the raven turns around to see Lucienne enter the throne room with death following behind.
“Sir, your sister has arrived.” Lucienne announces, giving Death a small bow while death smiles softly at her. “Thank you, Lucienne.” She said before approaching her brother who stood from his throne. “What brings you here?”
“What? Can’t I visit my little brother.” She huffs out, walking up the steps to meet him halfway. Dream raises a brow as he looks over her shoulder and then back to his sister. “It looks like your guest didn’t make it.”
“Oh!” Death chuckles. “He’s actually here—sort of, wandered off into your library.” She explains, sensing Morpheus’ displeasure at the fact of someone unknown roaming his realm without permission.
“Sister—“ his voice is stern.
“Dream.” She says back in warning.
Both Endless siblings look over to see the god of happiness rushing inside the throne room, smiling at the two. Death can’t help but laugh a little at the remembrance of his brothers nickname. “Morphy?” She questions, turning to face the god of happiness who shrugged. “It fits.”
“Don’t encourage him.” Morpheus suddenly cuts in, getting his sisters attention again and turning back to the god. “Y/n.” He greets, voice soft and deep. His sudden change of mood catches his sisters attention, making her smile as she eyes her brother and then the god. “I’m guessing you two already met.”
Y/n nods with a hum. “Found him at the park once and he joined me for a little adventure, it’s nice to see you again Morpheus. I hope we are bothering you and sorry for wandering off—I just saw your library and it’s beautiful and big and your realm is also amazing!” He rambles our, his eyes big full of wonder and amazement. The sudden gods praise catches the dream lord off guard, not used to such praise from a small being.
“I—thank you, I’m glad you find the Dreaming to your liking.”
Y/n laughs. “This place is amazing!” He quickly gets distracted by the architect around the throne room, running off to admire the windows and other small trinkets.
Death laughs. “Sunny and I were working together, he helped me with some souls and all of a sudden he started talking about you. Didn’t think you two got along well.” Dream raises a brow at his sisters words. “You spoke about me?”
“All good things.” Death looks over to see Y/n bent down, touching matthews feathers in a gentle manner. The raven held its wings out with his chest puffed out as Y/n praises and compliments the bird for all his hard doing, causing the ravens ego to grow a little.
“He’s good at what he does and I figured he would enjoy visiting the dreaming with me.” Death sighs out. “Hope he isn’t too much?” She knew her brother very well and knew how much he hated dealing with gods or people who held such big energy inside that they grew to annoy him. She didn’t want Sunny to be a bother to him but dream didn’t mind, he actually enjoyed the gods presence.
“It’s fine, he’s enjoying himself and I wouldn’t want to ruin that.” Morpheus grew a liking towards Y/n, he didn’t mind the energy nor did he mind his company. The god had taught him a valuable lesson the last time they met and he appreciated his help.
It doesn’t take long for Y/n to walk up to both siblings, Matthew standing on his shoulder as he smiles at the two. Morpheus can’t help but smile a little, ignoring his sisters mischievous grin as she watched the two.
“How’ve your been, your highness.” Y/n says giving the lord of dreams a small bow, laughing a little. “I’ve been well have you been behaving for my sister?” It’s dreams turn to ask.
“Very! We’ve been spending some good time together but unfortunately we won’t be able to see each other for some time. Not only is she busy but I’ll be busy on my end too.” He gently removes Mathew from his shoulder and sets him down, getting dreams attention.
“What does the god of happiness need to do that keeps him so occupied?”
Y/n gives death a glance before answering. “Every few centuries I am to meet up with the rest of the gods who also have duties to fulfill on their ends. We spend some time together and bond, like family.” He lets the two Endless know about his family. The other gods were different and many had rather important jobs unlike Y/n’s.
Y/n didn’t really like these reunions since he was always reminded of how low his responsibility is compared to the others. He always held himself back from fighting the other gods and growing disrespectful. The only good thing is that he wouldn’t have to deal with them for years until their next reunion.
“Family matters, I believe.” Death mumbled with a sigh. “Don’t worry, it’ll be over quickly.” Death already knew the trouble Y/n went through whenever he had those reunions and how much he loathed them. The god of happiness, loathing over family, something the endless doesn’t see everyday.
“Anyways, I best be going. I don’t want to be late.” Y/n turns to Morpheus. “Thank you for letting us visit, I enjoyed my short time here.”
“Your always welcome into the dreaming.”
“Thank you.” He gives both of the siblings a final goodbye before Matthew escorts him out. The two siblings watch the god disappear before death whips her head to face her brother. A wide smirk on her face. “You really do like him.”
Morpheus frowns, looking away from his sister and focusing back on his books. “I don’t know what your talking about.” His fingers trail over the various books he has stacked as he looks for a certain book in the pile while ignoring his sisters laughter. “You like him! Admit it, Morpheus. The god of happiness makes you feel something.”
“He does not.” Morpheus hissed out, turning to face his sister with a harsh glare which didn’t phase her. “Of course not, you allowed him to call you ‘Morphy’ and he gave you his real name before becoming sunny. That means something.”
“Doesn’t mean anything.” Morpheus pulls out some books and lies them out, still hearing his sister ramble on. “I can see the way you change around him—he does make you feel something whether you admit it or not but Y/n is perfect for someone like you. He has that energy that everyone in the dreaming would enjoy and he makes you happy—“
“He’s the god of happiness.”
Death scoffs. “Morpheus, just one look is enough to make you smile and don’t think I didn’t notice.” She points out, pointing a finger at him as he continued to glare. “I have no interest in someone as loud as him. He’s good company but to be with is something I do not wish to do not after my past relationships.” He exclaimed, having enough of her nonsense.
Death sighs sadly, giving him a sad smile. “Time will change that.” She lets him know before turning around and heading down the steps. “Goodbye, Morphy!” She calls out behind her, earning a groan from Morpheus in response.
The following days are occupied in the dreaming. Morpheus himself has been making adjustments to his realm, making small changes here and there that he didn’t have much time to leave the palace. He spent majority of his time in the library, helping Lucienne and checking on the nightmares and dreams that he’s created.
While checking on the dreams he hears his librarian calling out to him. “My lord!” She is quick to approach him while he stops in his trail, turning around to face her and quickly grows worried. “Is something wrong?” He asks, concerned by what’s to happen due to her rushing so fast to him. “My lord, the goddess of love is here to seek an audience with you. I’m sorry, but I do not know how she got her or was granted passage to the Dreaming.” She explained, getting the man’s attention as he raised a brow.
“What does the goddess of love seek?” He asks but Lucienne can only shake her head, not knowing why. The two are quick to return back to the palace where the goddess waited patiently in the throne room, she was pacing in her steps, worry filled her eyes and determination. When Dream enters the room she’s quick to look up, sighing in relief but still showing her respects.
“Lord Morpheus.” She gives a small bow of respect. “What brings you here, love?” Morpheus asks, putting his hands behind his back as he questions the goddess, not entirely happy about her entering his realm without an invitation. “My lord, apologize for coming unannounced. You see, it’s about my brother.” Her voice is soft laced with worry.
“Your brother?”
“Yes, Sunny. The god of happiness.”
Morpheus’ attention is back to her, raising a brow. “What about him?”
“He’s missing.” Love Fidgets with her necklace, focusing on the texture of the jewelry that was gifted to her by Sunny when they first spent their time together and sharing each others abilities. The two had a strong bond and Love cared for him deeply but recently he’s gone missing and the people of the waking were lacking happiness. Their reassurance and peace all because her brother missing.
“Missing? How is that possible.” Morpheus deep voice startles her. “And what makes you think I know where he is?”
“My lord, the last time he spoke to us was during our family dinner. He spoke highly about you and told us stories about his adventures—when he went missing we figured that you could possibly know something about him or where he’s gone.” She explained. “My brothers absences is causing a big disturbance in the human realm. They lack the happiness they need and without Sunny it’s—“ she bites her lip, blaming herself for her brother missing. “Anything you could possibly know can help.” She pleads and begs.
“I’m sorry, love. But I do not know about your brothers whereabouts.”
Loves shoulder sag, sadness taking over as she nods. “Of course, I understand and I apologize again for disturbing you.” She gives him another bow before walking past him and making her way towards the doors.
“But, I can help you find him.”
Morpheus looks over his shoulder, getting the goddess attention. “I wish to help on finding him.” If Y/n is missing or captured he would want to help find him. He wouldn’t want someone like Y/n to be missing for hundreds of years or to experience the same thing that he went through when he was captured.
“Matthew.” Morpheus calls out to his raven that flies down from his post, landing in front of him. “Your highness.” The raven says, earning a small smile from the king of dreams. “Matthew, I’d like you to join love with locating Sunny. If you find him or hear about anything you report back to me.” He instructs, earning a small nod from the raven. “Of course, sir!” He turns to the goddess of love.
Love looks up to Morpheus and nods. “Thank you, lord Morpheus.” She’s relieved to know that the king of Dreams is willing to help her in searching for her brother. “Lucienne and I will search in my library for anything we can find regarding, Sunny.” He informs the goddess. “Thank you.” She repeats herself, giving him one final bow before leaving the palace to confound her search for her brother.
Lucienne stood on the side, listening into the conversation and turning to Morpheus. “My lord, would you like me to get you any books regarding the god of happiness?” She asks.
“Actually,” Morpheus turns to her and asks. “What’s the one place where most people go looking for joy?” Lucienne sighs, thinking to herself before answering. “At the top of my head, I’d say amusement parks. Many mortals visit with their loved ones when looking for joy.”
Morpheus nods. “Very well, I’ll be in the Waking and searching for Y/n. I trust you to keep the realm safe while I’m gone?”
“Of course, my lord.” Lucienne knows her duty isn’t just a librarian but a trustworthy friend of keeping the Dreaming in check and making sure that everything and everyone is to remain safe.
He collects his sand and uses it to arrive into the waking world, appearing in an amusement park, closes to the last spot both he and y/n met. The day was cloudy and the park was empty, only a few couples and families roamed the area but no signs of happiness amongst the families. He walks around the park, looking left and right as he searched for the God in hopes of finding him here.
He continued to look until he stopped in his tracks, spotting a familiar ice cream stand. The same one that Y/n convinced him to eat from, knowing that he could be close. He circled around to find Y/n sitting on a bench, facing the water fountain. Holding his own ice cream cone in hand and twirling it between his fingers.
Morpheus approaches the god, hands in his pockets as he stands over him, casting a shadow over Y/n who looks up with squinted eyes. “I seemed to have found a little sunshine.” He says, making the other break into a small smile.
“Hello, Morphy.”
“Y/n.” Morpheus sits down next to him, leaning back against the bench as the other focused back on his ice cream, half melting and barley finished. “Your sister paid me a visit.”
This gets Y/n’s attention. “Which one?” He tilts his head to the side, glancing at Morpheus as the lord of dreams sighs softly. “Love.”
“Of course it was her.” Y/n rolls his eyes, leaning back in his own spot as he tossed the ice cream into the garbage. He was frowning and didn’t seem too happy. “She tells me that you went missing and have searching for you.”
“What for? They don’t need me.” Y/n huffs out angrily, surprising Morpheus. “Of course they do.”
“No they don’t! You should’ve seen them the last time we had dinner. They wouldn’t stop bickering with me or ignoring me until—“ he chokes up a little, looking down at his shoes as he curls into himself. “It’s all my brothers fault, he says that the world didn’t need happiness and that they are able to cope just fine without me.” He exclaimed. “So, in order to prove him wrong I’m punishing them.”
“Punishing them?”
Y/n nods. “If they think they don’t need me then I’ll show them what happens when happiness is taken away from everyone! I’ll show them that they need me more than ever in order to make their jobs easier.” He crossed his arms, pouting and staring at the water fountain.
The silence between them is thick, Morpheus frowning on the side as he speaks up. “Your absence affects your siblings duties.”
“Yeah, so? They seem to be doing fine.” Y/n waved his hand to the skies,m. The cloudy weather telling him that his sister, Mother Nature, was doing just fine and possibly watering the earth.
“Your siblings aren’t the only who get affected. So do the endless.”
Y/n raised a brow, turning to face Morpheus. “What do you mean?”
“What I’m meaning is, everyone needs the God of happiness in order to fulfil their duties. Without you the Endless can get affected by your lack of presence. Death, her days of collecting souls wouldn’t be full of reassurance without you. My Dreaming, they’ll lack the peace you bring to others when dreaming. Either it’s a dream or a nightmare your presence brings them that peace. Along with your siblings who need your Joy to continue.”
Morpheus scoffs lightly, looking around as he nods to the clear and lonely park. “Look at this place, isn’t it suppose to be full of joy and happiness? Shouldn’t children be running around with smiles on their faces, making memories and enjoying the fun of being with the ones they love?”
Y/n looks around, taking notice of the empty park and the amount of loneliness he feels just sitting there. He knows that Morpheus is right, this park is suppose to be full of joy and fun. It’s suppose to create new memories or perhaps bring old ones from people who’ve spent majority of their lives living close to an area that brings them happiness. He swallows nervously and gives Morpheus a glance, taking notice of the small smile on his lips.
“Would you bring that happiness back?”
Y/n sighs, giving himself a few seconds to think before coming to a stand. He turns to Morpheus and nods. “I’ll do it, under one condition.”
The lord of dreams raised a brow in questioning. “Give me one smile.” He hears Y/n say, making the Endless slowly frown. “Anything but that.” He responds back earning a laugh. “You know the rules Dream, one smile and I’ll bring the happiness back to everyone or else I continue to flee longer.”
Morpheus sighs to himself, closing his eyes in exhaustion and then opening them again. He comes to a stand to face Y/n. “Very well, I’ll give you a smile if you do the same.”
“Excuse me, Dream of the Endless. This God is always smiling.” Y/n laughs out, causing a small smile to break onto Morpheus lips. “Your smile brings me happiness.” He compliments.
Y/n’s laughter dies down a little, face growing red as he grows flustered at his words. “Oh, I mean I—“
Y/n is attacked by his sisters, throwing themselves on him as they hugged and cried.
“My dear brother, we are sorry.”
“We were so worried for you.”
“Don’t ever do that again, Sunny!”
Y/n chuckled at his siblings apologizes, weakly patting their arms and backs as they pull away to give him to space to breath. His sister Love stands close, her hand on his shoulder. “You had us worried after disappearing for days.”
“You have no idea how much we missed you.” His sister, Mother Nature says the same.
“You gave us a fright.” His sister of Fate pulls him into another hug, wrapping his arms around her and smiling into her shoulder. He pulls away and frowns, looking at his sisters. “Where’s Void?” He questions.
The three Goddesses look at each other, shaking their head and shrugging their shoulders. Y/n laughs to himself. “Of course, he wouldn’t be worried or caring.” He murmurs, feeling disappointed at the fact of his brother not caring. He’s the one that started everything, so of course, he wouldn’t come to apologize for his mistakes.
“You’re mistaken brother.”
Y/n gasps, startled by his brothers voice being so close to his ear as he stumbled back. Morpheus grabs him the shoulders and keeps him steady, glaring at the other god. Finally knowing who was responsible for hurting Y/n’s feelings.
“Void.” Y/n breaths out in surprise as his brother stands close to their sisters. “Sunny.” He murmurs back, sighing to himself as he struggled to speak. “I—I would like to apologize for my behavior during our last dinner. What I said was rude and shouldn’t have said anything like that to you.” He struggled with spitting out the words, he wasn’t one to apologize since he never cared to give apologies.
“There I said my apologizes, now you can stop your whining and get this fixed—“
Y/n had thrown himself onto his brother, hugging him tightly as the God of Void and darkness frowns deeply, trying to peel his brother from his arms. “Stop touching me.” He hissed out in disgust but Y/n only tightens his grip. “You know you like it!” He laughs with a wide smile on his face while avoid glared.
“This isn’t funny.” Void continues but his words go ignored.
Morpheus watched their bonding moment, looking away to give them some privacy while Love slowly approached him. She gives him a kind smile. “Thank you for finding him. He means a lot to us.” She whispers in a soft tone while Morpheus nods in return. “He means a lot to the dreaming.” Letting her know that he too, cared for the God of happiness.
Love giggled. “Who would have thought that the Lord of dreams would fall for a god like Sunny who brings happiness and joy to everyone.” Morpheus chuckles, turning back to watch Y/n smother his brother with hugs while the other tried to pull him off.
“I guess you can say that he found a way to get to me.” Morpheus murmurs, smiling at the feeling of being whole again. That empty part inside of him was missing the joy that he never experienced until meeting Y/n. The small god is able to show him that and help him. Perhaps he really did care about him.
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sb-is-a-thing · 1 month
Tiny snippet of my Omori x Subnautica AU/Crossover thing rewrite so far
Don’t read what’s below if you rather wait for me to post it and actually have it revised and what not
I don’t know how to write anyone honestly
Please give feedback I am not good at this
All order on the Aurora had been broken and panic and peril grew as the ship was struck by something. What it was struck by is a mystery, but something hit the ship. Something big. Alarms blared throughout the various rooms and halls as people rushed through the halls. Sunny had been awaken by the unpleasant alarms that echoed through his cabin and the feeling of someone tugging urgently on his arm. 
“Sunny we gotta get out of here!” Kel shouted over the alarms, pulling on him as much as he could. He eventually got Sunny out of bed and began rushing him out of the room and into the hall. Kel dragged Sunny across the ship, gathering the rest of their small friend group. Everything was moving too quickly for Sunny to fathom but he eventually found himself standing outside the last available life pod with Basil, Hero, Kel, Aubrey, and-
“Wait! Where’s Mari?” Aubrey yelled, looking around. Kel forgot Mari. There wasn’t much time to find her, though. The Aurora neared the surface of the planet below. They had to make a choice. Find Mari and risk death or go without her.
Well, there wasn’t much time to think of such a thing. The Aurora picked up speed as it approached and entered the atmosphere. They all entered the life pod.
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kenobivirgin69 · 8 days
*jayden and kendall working on symbols together*
Jayden: try and focus
Kendall: i am focusing
Jayden: well, focus harder!
Kendall: how bout you go stand over there harder!
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thatdesklamp · 5 months
do you plan to write anything else for jujutsu kaisen fandom after finishing IW?
hope i’m not rushing you with this question. i just don’t want to say goodbye to your beautiful writing haha.
For jjk? Maybe, but likely not. I’ve been thinking about it more now that I’m coming to the end of IW (four chapters to go AHHH!!!) so you’re not rushing at all. I do have other firm fic ideas, though, which I’ve talked about before I think.
About a half-year ago I wrote ~30-40k words of an Alice in Borderland fic that’s about 75% complete. (For those familiar, it’s a Chishiya x reader—I know, very different vibes to Gojo!) I’d like to get that out because what I’ve drafted up so far is pretty decent imo, but I’m not sure when I’d release it; after IW, I don’t know if I’ll immediately need something new to put my focus on, or if I’ll want to take some time off, or focus on a different fic, or something. Not sure, I’ll see how I feel further on.
I also have more tentative ideas; namely, two Marauders-centric fics! I know this is a big diversion from the stuff I’ve posted before and so I’ll be interested how much crossover there is between the fandoms, if any. These are still in the thought stage, nothing written at all; one is a 90s/00s journalism au, and the other would be this WW2-centric epistolary (maybe) fic that chronicles maaaany decades.
I don’t really have any ideas for jjk fics; I’m not a big Satosugu girlie and the other ships are cool but none have spoken to me all that much; and I genuinely don’t think I could write another Gojo x reader without it just feeling… wrong. I’ve dug my heels in with the au I’ve created with IW, and disassembling that to make something else would feel like a betrayal of it. Not sure why, but I just can’t see myself doing it. Never say never of course, but for the moment I think IW will be it for me with jjk.
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Hello, and welcome to this Animation vs [?] roleplay blog!  Have a read through all these rules for all the need-to-knows for this blog and me as a potential roleplay partner:
• Please be polite and respectful.  Of me the admin and of other people who interact with this blog ❤️
• Even if you interact with this blog frequently and actively, you are not obligated to follow it.  You are free to follow as you please.
• Roleplays can be done in the reblogs of asks or in pms.
• Roleplays can be started based on prompts from prompt lists or scenarios of your own.
• I favour roleplaying the main colour gang the most, with Purple and King being secondmost. I am not too keen on roleplaying Chosen, Dark or Victim, but if you want me to I will do so. However, do not ask me to roleplay as the mercenaries. If our narrative requires that I write about them I will, but do not expect me to have them as leading characters to follow. As for Gold, it's a similar situation to Purple and King, but less so.
• I am open to roleplaying AUs and/or crossovers.  But if it's for a fandom I'm not in (do take a look at my main blog for reference) then please send me a long-ass explanation in pms for everything I need to know.  Or send/tag me in your character bios or whatever.
• Note:  if you want to handle the narration by revealing your character's/fandom's story as the roleplay progresses, that is what we shall do.
• Aside from that, I welcome OCs, whether they be from Minecraft, Hyun's Dojo, other fandoms, or are fandomless.
• There is no "time limit" for you to reply to roleplays.  You can take as many days/weeks as you want.  I will be waiting patiently and will always welcome you.  I, too, will take a long time sometimes.  I won't rush you, and I expect to be treated the same way.
• If you see me actively replying to someone else but not you, please ping me.  I will never purposefully ignore you.  I'm sorry if the note gets lost, or if I forget.  Whatever it is, know that I am not deliberately ghosting you.
• I'm not finicky about roleplay length.  If a one-worded piece of dialogue is enough to convey everything, then that's fantastic.  Of course, this won't be the case most of the time, so something needs describing, do that.  Don't make the roleplay bland.
• If you're someone who's vehement about your rp partner cutting roleplays, then this blog might not be for you; please understand that I am strictly a Tumblr mobile user and do not have that function.
• I do have anon on; I logged in through my browser and did it.  But otherwise, I am staying on the app.
• If...okay, if anybody does wish to roleplay smut, I am open to it, but it MUST be done in pms, and you MUST be 18 or older.  AND NO RAPE.
• I also cannot roleplay suicide, self-harm or abuse, because they are triggering for me.
• As for ships, I WANT to have all the colour gang plus Purple in a polycule, but, as it turns out, I myself am polyamorous, and am still afraid of big-group relationships, and will probably be less scared as I become more confident, so for now I'm splitting them as Second/Green, Blue/Yellow and Red/Purple. I don't ship Chosen/Dark but am fine with the ship and will roleplay it. I will also roleplay any other pairing or throuple within the colour gang including Purple, but will not roleplay any other ship not listed here.
That's all!  I hope you interact with me.  Please enjoy your stay :)
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thedarkestgreys · 7 months
tagged by both @stannisfactions and @theangrypomeranian 🖤🖤 thank you friends!
How many works do you have on AO3?
67 but something new is popping up for halloween
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
so it says 976,114 but 266,429 of those words are from @baratheonbrotherspresent group written co-op fics
3. What fandoms do you write for?
primarily Fexi/Euphoria right now. but i've also written fics for ASOIAF/GoT, Eternals, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, and Teen Wolf over the last near decade.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
your violent overnight rush (fexi) stages (jonsa) and i'll do anything you say (if you say it with your hands) (drukkari) slow hands (drukkari) and then a fic that i currently have hidden 😅
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
always! even if it's a quick TYSM FOR READING. i always appreciate when readers take the time to leave a comment, and i want to show my love back.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i don't think i've written anything with an angsty ending tbh. yes, lots of angst in various fics, but i'm a happy ending girlie through and through.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
as stated above, im a happy ending girlie. but maybe my heart's gone double time if i had to choose.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i haven't in a long time, but in the past yeah. like drove me away from a ship and shut down my interest in writing for like a solid year. it wasn't even about the writing, it was about the plot (a Sweet Home Alabama AU) and the comments were unnecessary (go read the wiki on the movie yall its not hard) and it just sucked lol. that was a hot minute ago though. we're good now.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
hahahaha do i write smut???? i have an internal checklist of all the smutty things i haven't written yet that i want to give a go, so you could say that. (note: daddy kink is off the list and never to be seen from me again)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
i do not! but i like to write a lot of AU's of different media.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
as far as i know of, no i haven't.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i've had some offers in the past to have things translated back in the GoT days but i never gave the okay on it simply because it was a fic i never completed (ya girl used to get in over her head)
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
technically the BBP fics are cowritten but we all did our own chapters following a basic outline of plot/storylines and worked around what other authors were posting. it was chaos and hilarious and the most fun i've ever had
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
to write for? i'd have to say it's fexi, they unlocked a new level in my brain as an author. shout out to my favorite non-canon little crackship that could podrya though - i'll love you forever. to read? this is like asking someone to pick their favorite child. i've read so many incredible fics across a ton of different fandoms. but god i guess the ones i still seek out frequently is dasey and dramione. wouldn't say i have a favorite though?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
i really want to finish but the wolves came and went and i think i'm sitting on at least two chapters completed for it right now lol someday i'll sit down and finish writing the whole thing and get it posted.
16. What are your writing strengths?
plotting. world building. exposition. keeping characters in character. i've been told i'm good at writing big emotions too?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i've improved greatly but i still struggle with dialogue. 🙃
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
okay so. when i was writing slow hands as i got further into the story i really started describing the actual sign language being used by makkari and druig. hours of watching asl videos to pick out different words or phrases to translate. it was fun and it was hard work and i ended up with a whole new appreciation for asl. but it also felt important to really dig into describing the asl and i'm glad i did it.
19. First fandom you wrote for? ... and i'm still bitter about the cancelled reboot.
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20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
taking yvor out of the equation: my fexi warm bodies zombie au sharing different heartbeats mostly i go back and read it and go "wait i wrote this?" because i don't do zombies at all lol. i'm just very proud of it.
tagging: @sarahcakes613 @muserepeats @calculated2stagger @iwantthemtostay and @idontneedtobeforgiven
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symphonic-scream · 7 months
Another au I've never posted is a P5/P4 crossover kind of thing, after the events of both games
Naoto is working as a detective alongside Dojima, has been for a while. Then, suddenly, there's a case much like the one from all those years ago. It comes at an awful time. Most of the old team has started their lives, and. He and Rise had only just learned she'd, not be in fighting shape for the next few months
Also, they're being sent a rookie detective from Tokyo. Not a cop, but an investigator who's got some odd connections. Naoto isn't happy he's gonna have a newbie trying to get in his way when he's working on the new disappearances, and. He's not expecting much
His rookie shows up and. Introduces herself as Makoto Niijima. Slyly mentions she was moved to his side by way of the Kirijo group, which. Naoto groans. Of course she'd think he would need help from other Personal Users. Ugh
Makoto stays with Joker's parents, who. Don't pay much attention to her. She gets to meet the Investigation Team members still living in Inaba, and gets to join in on trips into the TV to save the town once more
With Rise unwilling to enter the TV because she's unsure of what it'll do to her in her condition, they first send a call to Kirijo to see if Fuuka is free. When she's unable to come, Makoto shyly suggests using her team's Navi, remotely. So, Futaba gets to join in on the fun
The others all come to visit at different times, coinciding with each TV set. Joker and Futaba are there in the summer, Ryuji during Golden Week, Haru for a spell in the early summer, Ann in fall, Yusuke in November, Goro and Sumire stop by in May-
They're all there for the big final in December. Which, is when Rise goes into labor
Oh cause uh. She was pregnant. That's why
So after they save the day again, they all rush to the hospital and Naoto and Rise hold their son, and the Thieves go outside to catch up about their adult lives
(Haru proposes that night. She bought property in the Shopping District for her bakery and cafe. Asks if Makoto would be willing to permanently work with Naoto, and they can begin their future in Inaba, leaving the stress and bad memories of Tokyo behind)
It's just. My way of imagining how the IT would be during something like a P5 Arena while also. Giving the P5 kids some kind of future ideas. It's. I love future stuff guys,
Anyways. What do y'all think of this one?
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wrathofthestag · 7 months
20 questions game!
Thank you for the tag @alphacrone. (You tagged @injustspring but I write under @wrathofthestag. Same-same.)
How many works do you have on AO3?
211 at this point, but I have about 20-something WIPs.
2. What's your total AO3 words count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Check, Please!, Hannibal, Schitt's Creek, OFMD, and anything else that might tickle my fancy.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Mise en Place (Hannibal)
Gauge Your Interest (Hannibal)
Weekender (Check Please!)
Bits of Heaven (Check Please!)
That Boy (Check Please!)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I respond to every single comment. It might take me a while, but eventually, I get to them all.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Might be Dear Jack which had a super sad---yet hopeful---ending.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
95% of my stuff is happy ending-focused, so most of them? Let's see... happiest? (Or I guess the one that makes me the happiest? My Big Fat Southern Wedding.)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've been lucky that I haven't. I did have one person write like two or three paragraphs telling me what she would change to improve my fic. WHO ASKED YOU?! Do you want a refund?
9. Do you write smut. If so what kind?
Once in a great while. I don't think I'm very good at it, so I don't do it very often.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
LOL! Probably a Doctor Who/Hannibal cross-over: The Doctor, the Reporter, and the TARDIS.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, but I'm always open to the option. I should just translate my own stuff in Spanish, but haven't gotten around to it.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Yes! @devereauxsdisease and I wrote co-wrote some Hannibal stuff. We would write under the name The Golden Stag.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Definitely Zimbits, followed by Maddie and David (from Moonlighting), and Hannigram.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
My Rink with a View WIP (a Zimbits Room with a View AU).
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialog. I think I nail dialog down pretty well.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Taking my time. I want to rush through the story, instead of taking a breath and taking my time.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've been toying with writing in Spanish, my first language.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Peanuts, when I was about 7 or 8. :D
Inviting the following to play along: @parvuls @devereauxsdisease
@doggernaut @weneedtotalkaboutfic <3
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