#bitter rants
nona-gay-simus · 3 months
Some days I truly feel like TLT has ruined... books for me. Like, I don't even like ACOTAR but I can think of at least four series that are basically ACOTAR with dragons, ACOTAR with gods, ACOTAR with vampires, ACOTAR with witches, and that's just off the top of my head.
But there's truly nothing out there that captures all or even some of the elements that enthralled me about TLT. The characters, the character dynamics, the magic system, the voice, the mix of science fiction and fantasy, the prose that knows exactly when to be funny and when to be serious, the queernorm world-building and variety of lesbian genders... It does not exist. Even if I find something with similar themes it will be bland fantasy voice and (most likely) boring straight ship of fem4fem.
It's even ruined audiobooks narrators because no one can compare to moira quirk and her sexy accent and wonderfully animated narration that makes the characters come to life.
And it makes me really sad to think i might never discover another series I love as much as this one. Not even close.
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laufire · 2 months
jason's lazarus pit was golden jason's lazarus pit was golden jasonslazaruspitwasgolden jason's lazarus pit was golden JASON'S LAZARUS PIT WAS GOLDEN
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intersexfairy · 2 years
i hate you money i hate you landlords i hate you prisons i hate you cops i hate you psych wards i hate you psychiatry i hate you corporations i hate you stores i hate you liberalism i hate you conservatism i hate you capitalism
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ballads-of-a-bluejay · 5 months
i am going to be completely honest right now. i have seen some of the world's most abysmal takes from camp here and there fans so hi. hello everyone!
a few things i want to put out there:
-sydidiah as it stands is not a healthy relationship. if they are just like you and your partner fr, that's not good.
-salem isn't a bitch for wanting to take care of the kids
-sydney's perspective on joshua inherently skews ours. he's not some god-awful evil guy just because sydney thinks he is
-sydney is very validation- and attention-oriented . this is not necessarily bad, but he needs to learn to find satisfaction internally
-he also does need to keep some things to himself for the kids' sake (as salem said)
-jedidiah is neglectful. that's really all there is to it. he cares about sydney's physical health but not his mental or emotional health
-juniper is manipulative (compliment fishing/dumping, avoidance, etc). he is working on this but has a long way to go
-please accept that adam has no redeeming qualities
-jedidiah and elijah are intentionally written as opposite types of abuse (avoidance vs lovebombing). they are both extremely damaging in their own right and listeners will automatically gravitate towards disliking the one they have more personal experience with
-be cognizant of the sa metaphors in elijah's behavior, especially the worms scene
-lucille also has no redeeming qualities as it stands
this is not to say that i am angry with the community! a lot of the nuance can be easy to overlook when you don't think about it in depth, which i encourage everyone to do <3
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wren-kitchens · 6 months
mildly frustrated at how many 'we need to talk about lizzie more' posts ive seen and the distinct lack of actual posts of art or writing about lizzie that ive seen cross my dash
like guys i thought we wanted to talk about lizzie and not the fandom's problems when is that happening
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swordsonnet · 1 month
"i have feelings for you too" "i wasn't talking about you" SAVAGE
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the--firevenus · 1 month
God forbid when aang has emotions and act like his age, like seriously I can't with people. Like I'm sorry, a lot of you assume people that defend aang thought he's perfect that could never do anything wrong, like no bitch I love him DESPITE his flaw, because guess what?? When he act childish, and or do anything wrong in the show, his ACTION HAS CONSEQUENCES. and ya know what else?? DESPITE EVERYTHING HE'S STILL A VERY COMPASSIONATE CHARACTER WITH HEARTS AND LOVE SO BIG FOR THE WORLD THAT DONE NOTHING BUT GAVE HIM SO MUCH PAIN AND SUFFERING.
You people keep nick picking every single thing he had done as if it's the crime against humanity, it's not him who commit genocide and colonialism in the show now isn't!? I'm sick and tired many of y'all act like he's one dimensional as well. HE HAS DEPTH, WE LITERALLY WATCH THE SAME SHOW!?
Come on man, it's almost two decades of this same thing, I'm so tired, leave my boy alone for fuck sake oh my god
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wouldvebeensweet · 12 days
absolutely bonkers to me that an artist will sit there and complain about how other artists decide to create and share their own art!! why are you as a songwriter shading people that want to write a 16+ song album!!!?? why are you as a performer judging artists for long shows!!!??? if you wouldnt personally perform or attend a 3 hour show, thats fine! but saying "nobody wants long shows" when 60,000 capacity stadiums still aren't enough is wild
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lailoken · 3 months
I'm sorry, but I seriously don't understand practitioners who film entire damn rituals and then post them. Unless you're staging the ritual as a way to teach others how it is undertaken, I can't wrap my head around how many seemingly respected practitioners not only photograph an active ritual—but literally film themselves carrying out the ritual/saying words of power/calling on spirits. I want to be able to put it down to "well, we all practice differently," but I have been shown time and time again over decades of practice that serious magic—and serious spirit work, in particular—absolutely will not tolerate being filmed in that way.
Seeing practitioners with major followings sharing this sort of content is sad and disturbing to me. It shows how much that works as a tactic to bring in followers, but also goes to show how many people are seeking guidance/getting help from someone who—at best—is putting their internet following above truly honoring their work, and—at worst—doesn't even actually cultivate or maintain real and meaningful relationships with spirits in the first place.
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bigmammallama5 · 2 months
man this covid shit sucks. at least i dont have a fever or bad ache/fatigue but id really like to stop coughing.
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figofswords · 5 months
wow I didn’t think reblogging that tea post and then seeing people’s tags would deal me such strong psychic damage. come over I can fix you I can find a tea you will like. “I don’t like tea” how can you say that as a blanket statement when there are so many vastly different kinds of tea. head in hands
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duncanor · 3 months
Okay, but real talk,
I desperately hope that Stampede Vash is going to have an happy ending this time around because Trimax ending just...
It makes me real' sad man..
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thisvisionofmyspirit · 6 months
You have to be particularly stupid to listen to Sleep Token's music, understand Vessel's lyrics, and think you can spread their real identities all over the internet without endangering their ability to make said music. I mean. Can you really listen to any of their songs, hear Vessel cry on stage almost every night, and think "yeah, unveiling their identities won't prevent them from performing in any way, their masks are clearly not crucial to their art"? Respect their wish to remain anonymous or kiss them goodbye. Dumbass.
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matchakuracat · 1 month
you know how some autistic people say that life feels like everyone got a manual on how to live except them? i also feel like that but being physically disabled on top of everything else makes it even harder. it's like i have to do all of these things that most people don't have to do and i have no idea how to do them. and i can't ask anyone else about it either because they also don't know. like if i have to go to the dentist for a check up and i need to be prepared on what to do(not the best example but i cant think of a better one right now), i can just ask my mom how to do it because that's something almost everyone does and knows how to do. but who can i ask how to advocate for myself on how to get a mobility aid when im meeting a physiotherapist or a doctor, when i also struggle to speak because of being autistic? i know i can ask other disabled people on the internet for advice which im very thankful for but sometimes my situation is a bit more specific since i also live in a small town in sweden and it's not the same everywhere else in the world.
idk im just so frustrated and anxious and it seems like everytime i try to get help from healthcare they dont want to help me and it just makes my anxiety worse. i literally just want to be able to walk more and be in less pain, is that really so difficult to achieve?
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glossolali · 1 year
happy 2nd mighty nein finale anniversary everyone and don't forget molly is alive 😌💜💜💜
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owlyflufff · 4 months
haikyu's dumpster batte is only going to be around 1 hour and 24 minutes, oh it's genuinely bokuakaover
#knowing that we're likely not going to get an ova too is painful <//3#m sorry to go off on a bit of a tangent#but I can't help but feel bitter that an actually good series with coherence and amazing characters just gets treated like this#and series like jjk and demon slayer get to have such good adaptations?#I don't hate both series btw as I watch them myself but even I have more criticisms in their story and charas compared to hq#jjk at this rate is being carried by satosugu shippers and popularity the story honestly is slowly losing substance :'DD#and it's disappointing such a series manages to get to have a consistent adaptation vs a good and inspiring story#which is why I can't help but feel <//3 whenever ppl rant about the jjk animation cause it's better than the hq treatment TvT#don't get me started on demon slayer I have mixed feelings about that series as well but I love it for what it's worth xD#and if people say the hq fandom is being bitter or biased isn't it justifiable?#a consistent and amazing narrative gets butchered me thinks people have a right to feel the way they do#naturally the fandom is not downplaying the efforts of the animators and voice actors but we also have a right to feel the way we do#we feel the way we do out of genuine love for a series that inspired and helped us so much#it's just so unfair TvT#m terribly sorry again for ranting and dropping negativity but I feel really disheartened about this news#and not simply cause ofc we won't get the bokuaka match#but also because my favorite series doesn't deserve this#eli rambles#bokuaka#haikyu#haikyuu#haikyu!!#hq
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