#black on Black Indigenous love
realjaysumlin · 8 months
Race and genetics versus ‘race’ in genetics - PMC
I'm a Black Indigenous man and me personally don't accept anything that isn't a benefit for me and my family regardless of popular culture. You couldn't for anything in the world make me accept your viewpoint that is going to have negative effects on me and my family.
I taught my wife science and then I taught my step kids about science and how Christianity and scientific racism became into being. Our kids didn't attend religious private or public schools.
Our kids were educated by my wife and I and had them tested on the state levels at the schools or centers where our kids could take the state exams. Our kids scored higher than most kids who took the tests.
All three went on to college and graduated with honors because my wife and myself took our kids education seriously but above all else for their mental safety and well being. Putting your kids in public schools or teaching them to believe in some religion is mental trauma.
Your kids deserve better than that, if you don't want to take on the responsibility of raising your children, simply don't have any, get yourself fixed so that you don't have to worry about passing your irresponsibles on someone else because you made the choice to have sex.
If you were raped and got pregnant in the process there's a lot of social services that can help you and your unwanted child. Stop being an incubator for the pro-life sexual predators to harm unwanted children so they don't have any fear of being exposed for their lewd sexual behavior and murders of children whom are not accounted for.
They prey on prostitutes, runaways, drug and alcohol abusers, sex workers and indigenous people who are not accounted for. Most of you have no knowledge of what you are doing to give these shit people a free hand to continue their evils on innocent victims.
They use deflections, the blame game to redirect the fear of the world to fear everyone who isn't considered white. They try to influence the world that the white man should be seen as good and safe and everyone else as violent and atrocious.
History and natural behavior indicates another story. The world should see the so call white man as a threat to all humankind. Remember these are the people who invented Christianity to commit genocides worldwide, to enslave innocent people everywhere because of greed and Europeans being impoverished, lynchings, eugenics, denying of human rights and equality, the subjugation of women, terrorizing innocent Black Indigenous Neighborhoods because they were self-sufficient and independent, white supremacists to exercise fear against others to keep none white people in their so call place.
This is the history of the so call white man and racism is still alive today because they benefits from it and the rest of the world suffers. These weak as shit people uses their kids as a shield saying that white children shouldn't feel guilty about the past history of white people.
No one even turned the table on them to even ask the question of, what about our none white kids? Why should they be psychologically traumatized by your actions that continues to this very day? This is another form of their deflecting their guilt on you.
Wise up and pay attention of how you are being played.
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jodielandons · 8 months
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ECHO (2024) | 1.05 'Maya'
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indigenous-gender · 2 months
Nah cuz I been clockin the hatred of men as anti-Black anti-Indigenous and transphobic from day one. I’m HORRIFIED by the beliefs/attitudes and mistreatment of (trans, queer, third and cultural gender) men of color that I witness from radfems and TERFs, AND everyday (predominantly yt) queer ppl. Queer men of color and third gender men have been subjected to this abusive treatment for so long that we have become ashamed to be queer ashamed to be proud as men who are attracted to men. I shouldn’t have to hide the fact that I’m attracted to men. I shouldn’t have to feel shame for the fact that I’m attracted to men, have relationships with men, and love being with and identifying as a man. being a man of color is beautiful. Being a man does not make you evil, an abuser, or a bad person. Being a man does not have to be restricted to colonial gender binaries and constructs. We can build our own cultural, traditional masculinities and manhoods that are liberating, not oppressive. claiming that manhood and masculinity are inherently violent is race and gender essentialism.
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Shout out to sleepy femmes, femmes that are libra suns or taurus suns, cozy femmes, femmes that sew, black and brown femmes, femmes who love autumn and winter, autistic femmes, strawberry and cinnamon femmes, softhearted femmes, sweetheart femmes, sensitive femmes, bunny and mouse femmes, femmes who love pink and brown, femmes that drink tea and hot cocoa, baker femmes, femmes with gardens, femmes who love animals, crybaby femmes, femmes who love romcoms, femmes that do yoga, femmes who love romance, gold jewelry femmes, femmes with brown eyes, grandmacore femmes, teddy bear femmes, femmes who read fantasy and poetry, femmes who love pearls, femmes who love thunderstorms, femmes who love candles, mom/parent friend femmes, outdoorsy femmes, fuzzy sock femmes, midwestern femmes, pastel femmes, cuddly femmes, deer femmes, vintage femmes, brown mascara femmes, femmes that sleep with stuffies, femmes with pets, femmes who’s feelings are too big, ditsy femmes, big sweater femmes, princess femmes, femmes with speech impediments, femmes with ocd, southern femmes, femmes with sensory issues, strawberry femmes, lactose intolerant femmes, shy femmes, sweater paws femmes, femmes who like cleaning, femme wives, pink autumn femmes, and pinterest femmes
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crybabyboyscout · 1 year
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siancore · 1 year
My solo show ‘Katyiluku’ closed today. Here are some shots.
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justanisabelakinnie · 10 months
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You. I’d like to shake your hand. You understand. You GET it. You are my new favorite person!
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biophonies · 10 months
I come from a long line of people who raised hogs, smoked them in the earth as technique inherited from indigenous kin (who - more broadly - introduced the west to the method: more on that here!) and seasoned them beautifully.
so pork specifically meant a lot to my family... but it is also undeniably tied to hereditary health problems...
so here's a story on how we departed from that, what tradition even is, and what it means to me now ft the humble black eyed pea, for EATER!
some of my favorite panels:
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find the recipe for Yoruba àkàrà in my new book, COOK LIKE YOUR ANCESTORS <3
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ldragoon · 6 days
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Dear Fellow Exhausted Embattled Disobedient American Jewitches(tm): Hashem says keep on keeping on. You got white/adjacent people angry at you? GOOD. FUCK ‘EM.
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transexualpirate · 5 months
Hi! Saw your post on redberryterf and racism.
I'm not PoC(nebulous USA spicy white but I come from immigrants) but I've been eyeing that user specifically for a fucking minute tbh. Her posts always seemed too edgy and evocative of the alt-right to me, in a way I couldn't quite describe much less prove something wrong with. Lo and behold LOL.
The truth is racism is everywhere there's white people and especially there's racism where there's Not Supposed To Be, like radical leftist organizing.
Queer AND radical feminist spaces host plenty of racism cloaked in whatever politically correct language, because both Queer and Radical Feminist discourse spaces on the English-speaking internet are predominantly white, western, upper middle class and college-educated.
I've seen some women on here try to claim Radical Feminism is *thee* feminism of the rest of the world, but I find that disingenuous. Most American and British radical feminists are nothing like Korean or Chinese radical feminists, and who knows what would happen if we were all in the same conference as those in Mexico, Romania, Greece. A responsible feminist would not try to separate herself from racism in her own movement by claiming The PoC Agree and would instead acknowledge and address it.
Climbed in your inbox because I think it will do us all a service to discuss how racism is enabled in leftist spaces regardless of the rest of our political alignments x have a good day.
hello!! i really appreciate this, so thank you. i agree with what you said wholeheartedly (ill have to look up the poc agree, though, not very familiar with that). i think people assume that just because a space is far left it is automatically exempt from racism, which is just. factually incorrect.
i mean, to begin with, there is no community in the whole world that is fully exempt from any sort of bigotry. that just doesn't happen. there is no community like that. not the trans community, not the queer community, not the radfem community, that's just not real. the thing is that bigots are everywhere. sometimes they do it out of malice, "infiltrating" those spaces aware that what they're parroting is harmful but uncaring, but more likely it's just ignorance, completely unaware that what they're saying is Actually Bad because they've been trained to not question their own thoughts ever.
so whether it's malice or ignorance, it is a lie to say that (x) community is completely free of all bigotry, which is a feeling that i have seen, whether implicitly or explicitly, in a lot of rad-whatever spaces. i mean, have you fucking browsed the "radqueer" tag over here on tumblr? that shit has more intolerance than fucking fox news and it's all completely masked under "radical acceptance", "positivity" and "equality". that is not what you'll find in their communities, though. and though not as extreme or as obvious, the radfem community is like that in many ways.
the fact that your community has a common goal of equality does not mean that your methods are sensible or justified, and it definitely doesn't mean the members of your community are somehow magically exempt from being the sort of people that actively goes against equality.
my problem with the radfem community specifically goes a bit further than just the general lack of awareness and accountability about and to the occasional bigot hiding in plain sight. i believe the entire community is built on a narrative that ends up being a type of "slippery slope" that very often leads to bigotry. so more than the occasional bigot, i think a lot of what is in the radfem community actively leads people to be less tolerant and accepting of others, in many ways.
one of them is the fact that a lot of classic and even some modern radfem writers and activists were and are incredibly racist (and sometimes homophobic as well), which is a fact that is rarely acknowledged in radfem spaces, if at all. and it shouldn't be just acknowledged, there should be some sort of active work to push the ideas influenced by that hate out of the community.
i also believe that when put in practice, a lot of radfem beliefs make people assume that women are the most oppressed group there is, automatically putting them as winners in the oppression olympics and completely disregarding how being negatively affected by one axis of oppression doesn't erase the fact that you can still be privileged in other ways. if women are the True Oppressed Class, then they can't oppress anyone else in any other way. maybe they can acknowledge that certain women can oppress other women, but anyone outside of their class? unfathomable. and this perpetuates many harmful rethorics.
another big problem i have is, naturally, the transphobia, leading radfems to more often than not become terfs. the unwillingness to accept that someone that wasn't Born A Woman(tm) can find genuine joy and comfort in womanhood - it must be a lie to hurt women, or a mental illness acquired through degeneracy, or a mockery, because women are the True Oppressed Class, after all, that's the opposite of joy and comfort. or the unwillingness to accept that someone that was Born A Woman(tm) might not find womanhood suit for them for many reasons, not all of them born from misogyny. but i know that we're talking specifically about the racism in that community and that is fine. im just making a link to how hate is often "intertwined", and one will feed the other.
regarding racism specifically, i do think the radfem community needs to do better in acknowledging and fighting it, more than most communities considering the aforementioned points. unfortunately, the only radfems ive seen on tumblr actively work for that were menalez and another one who's url i cant remember right now.
regarding bigotry in general, i think most radfems need to rethink a lot of stuff and see where their priorities lay. i think all communities would benefit from that, truly, specially left leaning and far left ones that believe themselves to be Truly Good And Pure (free from hate) - including the trans community, for the record.
and i think people of color aren't listened enough in society, which results in us being shut down when speaking about how that reflects in our respective communities, which results in people like redberryterf feeling comfortable enough to share her horribly racist opinions freely and without a care. i personally had already gotten into a debate with her before in which i told her she had to rethink some stuff but naturally i was ignored. which is why i referred to her as a well known person in the community: i don't interact that often but i had already stumbled across her posts multiple times and a lot of them have a LOT of likes. she isn't as big as menalez or that pineapple blog, but she was definitely influential in some way. and yet no one called her out on her bigotry until it was as obvious as it can be. i mean, it doesn't get any clearer than "i don't care that im being racist". she was spoonfed so much hatred that her perception of reality was altered to the point where being racist was probably a bad thing, but it was fine as long as it was towards men. then it's warranted. she's a woman, after all, the supreme oppressed class, she could never oppress anyone else.
anyways, this was a long fucking way of saying To Fight Bigotry You Have To Study Your Roots, Acknowledge Nuance And Different Points Of View, Listen To And Spread Awareness About Marginalized People and Never Ever Assume That You Are Exempt From Bigotry. That's A Sign That You Are Parroting Bigotry.
thank you for your ask. i think it's super important to find common ground with people you disagree with, and fighting racism is always important. im sorry for the long fucking reply, i hope it was at least a little bit coherent. sorry for occasional grammar mistakes or poor english in general, it isn't my first language. and have a good day!
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realjaysumlin · 7 months
Yasser Arafat was Right About the West.
No one is hated more than Black Indigenous People and Africa when it's about our Blackness. I don't pay attention to shit people who have a short memory about their genocides against us, you can call us savages and every demeaning word you can think of because we know that it's you who suffers from behavior projection to pass blame on the innocent victims so you can feel good about your lying ass.
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xblackreader · 1 year
X Black Reader aka the headquarters of Creating for and by Black Women 😍✨
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Subterfuge - Attoye (M)
Omega! Attuma longs for the Alpha! okoye to pick him as her very own, but he doubts she would ever want him…
Omegas were supposed to be dainty and fragile, but Attuma was large and physically strong, though his personality was meek. He decides to at least take a chance, even if she will send him on his way.
Okoye surprises him.
22 (too hot to handle) - Attoye (M)
Okoye. The youngest General in all of Wakandan history. The prized warrior of her country, a shining beacon of light and most sought after eligible woman…
Has a secret.
And her secret wishes he could tell her he loved her.
Don’t Run From Me - Attoye (M) ch. 9
Don’t wanna spoil too much so here’s dialogue instead…
“You will remain in this home, woman. And stay away from other men.”
“Or what?”
Shadows hang over his perfect face as he stalks to her and stands over her position on her knees. “I will kill them.” The gasp that leaves her lips is completely involuntary.
“When the blood is drained from their bodies and the life has left their eyes, will you believe me then? Will you stop calling my bluff once I have killed men for you?”
“I… No! That’s-“ he frightened her. He was capable of such heinous crimes and far more willing then he should be.
“These meaningless lives gone because you couldn’t wait for your Alpha to return home?”
Her stomach dropped at that and she scowled at this monster of a man. “If you killed them, I would consider it the act of a mad man! I would not hold myself accountable!”
His eyes, devoid of light but full of emotion swept over her barely clothed body and reached out a hand to gently stroke her face. Hands capable of breaking men’s necks touching her so gingerly.
“My pretty flower,” His lip curled and revealed a canine dripping with saliva. “That is a comfort to no one but you.”
He pulled away from her and her lip trembled but she did not speak. She picked a shoe up from the floor and tossed it at him, it hit his thigh and made him laugh while sliding on his shirt.
He spoke before he left her there.
“I’ll bring food for you to prepare when I return. How lucky I am to have you…”
C’mere Lover Boy! - Attoye (M) ch. 6
“This is a pomegranate. It’s one of my favorite fruits. If I’m feeling self-indulgent, I will often cover the seeds with chocolate and eat them for a snack.”
He raises one eyebrow. “Have you brought any chocolate?”
“No,” she said, avoiding his eye contact coyly and shrugging as she attempted to pry open one of the pomegranates. “You do not deserve it.”
Attuma laughed under his breath as she finally managed to pop open the sections of the red fruit. “How cruel…” he watched her nod to herself, and then gesture toward him to do what she had done.
He opens his mouth to say something, but instead, just watches wordlessly and she lowered herself to be closer to him, entirely between his legs. She smells divine… and as he gives her his arm to steady her when she lowers into his lap, sitting on his thigh, all he can think about is her little hand cupping his jaw.
CHECK OUT MY AO3 🗣️🗣️🗣️ but some will only be posted to tumblr
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bleakbluejay · 4 months
you guys gotta learn to be a lot cooler about religions that aren't your own
and yes. that does include christianity.
#eli talks#And I Mean It.#the priority obviously is to get cooler about islam and judaism and all. like the religions that get oppressed?#but that firsthand and secondhand religious trauma is making a lot of people very not cool anymore#it makes a lot of people kind of. assholes. even.#white ppl who grew up baptist or catholic or mormon or whatever else that are now athiests will like#talk about how evil religion is. how toxic. how controlling. only really meaning christianity.#bc that's the only religion that really exists to them. as ex-christians.#they ignore the way various black and indigenous ppl have fused their traditions and customs with christianity to survive#they ignore the positive teachings of christianity like charity and reserving judgement and kindness and patience#they ignore the positive elements of religious organization like community-building. fund-raising. finding meaning.#and it's ok to have religious trauma. sucks that it happened. but there's nothing wrong with you being traumatized.#can you for the love of god stop making that everyone else's problem though?#like . can you be normal about how other people choose to interact with the world?#can you be normal about the culture other people practice? the foods they eat? clothes they wear? rituals they perform?#can you like. not try to trick a jewish person into eating pork? can you not ban hijab?#can you just clench your teeth and not say anything mean to someone praying before a meal?#can you keep your comments to yourself when someone says they are going to pray for your hardships to lessen?#when an indigenous person mentions a ceremony they did or a practice they do. can you not call it mumbo jumbo? maybe?#can you abstain from calling a catholic creepy for the ash on their forehead?#idk. i feel a certain way about this.
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loovetiiedd · 6 months
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Don’t pretend
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constantvariations · 1 year
I remember someone saying "there's no such thing as a good racism allegory" and it's been bouncing around in my head for a while. I'm someone who typically thinks anything can work if given the right circumstances, but then I really started thinking about it and I believe they're right
Because if you want to talk about racism, you should just talk about racism
(This is unpolished and ramble-y, so strap yourselves in)
Racism is deeply ingrained into our society, no matter where you live. Imperialism and colonialism has ensured that no corner of Earth has been left untouched. Choices from hundreds of years ago are still being felt today. There's practically no end to the discussion of its effects on the world and its people
So, why should anyone feel the need to dress it up in cat ears?
I've consumed a lot of media where writers have consciously echoed in part some aspect of racism in their fantasy story: Bright 2017, Dragon Age, RWBY, the MCU, Harry Potter, Detroit: Become Human, etc. The biggest thing they have in common is that the narrative is told to side with the victims, but it somehow always ends up against them
It always sides with the status quo
It's confusing, maddening even, because the narrative oft goes out of its way to show how horrible the system is and how these folk don't deserve their treatment, so why are we going back to normal as if it's a good thing? Why are the people actively working to improve the system decried as annoying at best and monstrous at worst?
Then you look at the people who write these storylines. The beliefs they hold, the people they vote for, which charities and organizations they give to, and it all makes sense. Centrists (at best) trying to look progressive are the ones who need to dress racism up in cat ears and rainbow freckles. They set aside the long, brutal histories and crushing systemic realities to play pretend that racism is Not That Bad and is only done by Those Bad Individuals
That's why Velvet's ears are tugged instead of culled. That's why the Mantle drunkards say mean things to Blake instead of attempting to assault her. That's why everything surrounding the SDC's labor practices is so vague as to be useless while the biggest evidence of their malice is hand-waved away by a writer who says the victim "had it coming" as if someone can deserve being branded by being too much of a brat
These stories aren't meant to make the audience question why our society works off the bloodied backs of the exploited or demands we take good, hard looks at ourselves and how we've been duped into believing so much garbage about entire swathes of people. They're meant to satisfy the people who only feel bad that these things are happening because they (white folk) look like the bad guys. It's a self-congratulatory wank about how "I'm not like THOSE guys, therefore I'm a good person!"
And then there's the characters meant to convey this story in the first place: always inoffensive, mostly aimless, "not like the other girl" types that pander to that delicate palate. Blake - a conventionally attractive, pale skinned girl in fashionable clothes - used to be passionate about equality but only in the right way, and demonizes anyone who does not conform to this mindset despite having no reasoning to back it up while never once demanding better of the privileged people around her even when they do racially insensitive things
The biggest downfall of these racial allegories, be they about cat girls or orcs or elves or robots, is that they do something that marginalized folk have been forced to endure since the dawn of time: literal dehumanization. There are tangible differences between humans and whatever the allegory is, which undermines the very fundamental fact that black/asian/queer/neurodivergent/disabled/whatever folk are unapologetically, undeniably, exceedingly human. By dressing up their plights in cat ears or spottled blue skin, you're creating theater not for the people who actually live through these struggles as a means of connecting with them and providing them a safe outlet for their feelings, but giving the people who benefit from passively allowing the system to enforce said struggles a pat on the head for not being the grand wizard
I don't really know where I'm going or how to end this, so I'll just sign off with if you're going to talk about racism, just talk about racism
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asilosmagdalena · 1 year
Yakuza 9 better take place in Mexico at this rate now that we finally have a canon Mexican character
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