#black people love us some paramore too
sukibenders · 1 year
One of the worst insults I've ever heard from one of my friends was when one them, after seeing my music list, said "You listen to Paramore? That's white people's music". I was hurt, deeply.
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shanaraki · 2 years
I love how we're seeing the different emo bands takes on nostalgia.
Brendon Urie is out there ruining himself 'cause he wants to keep the concept of Panic! At the Disco alive like some violently murdered corpse whose limbs and hair are clipped to the body, now more a memory than a solid thing.
MCR is making fun of just of that, of the way the industry is selling a distorted version of the events of their past. They are mocking the way people expects them to stay frozen on a time when they were miserable, just because that's profitable for the music industry, just because their suffering is entertaining. But MCR won't do that, they won't back down after all they've gone through, after all they have won (because they fought hard for it!), after all the improvement. They have the right to live now, create new things.
Paramore reminded everyone of how that past? The one they so badly want back? That past was full of racism and misogyny and homophobia !!!!!Bands like MCR and FOB and Paramore were not enough because they were too queer or too black or too femenine. They are "heroes of the scene" NOW not because the scene has always loved or embraced them, but because they all refused to disappear, to give up, to give in. The real triumph is for them to enjoy, because now the scene is crying and begging for them to be back (but not them just the image of them) and they can say "fuck you, this is for my bandmates and the fans!".
And now FOB is back, with Pete Wentz spitting poetry about how nostalgia can be such a strong feeling, but there's more than just it. You cannot stay for the memories to consume you, not when there is so much to see, so much to do, so many details happening right here and now for you to enjoy. You need to acknowledge your past with all it carries and you need to move forward. You can't stop, because nostalgia can and will try to kill you, but why would you let it? Why are we supposed to live from the past? FOB have been called sellouts their whole time they've been here, so why would they listen now to the noise? It's just them, their fans and the people they love on this journey.
I love MCR I love FOB I love Paramore because they won't be used to manipulate the audience into believing the past was better. It was not. Now is better, the future they've made, the future they fought for. Now is theirs and ours. They win now.
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sherewrytes · 10 days
Half crazy, Toji x reader
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↳ Toji Fushiguro x f! black reader
summary. You were always told by your family to stay out of trouble, get your degree, get a good job, and live a good life. Simple rules to follow. You somehow caught the eye of probably the most problematic person in your university but why did it intrigue you to find out more about him.
Toji Zenin/Fushiguro saw you for the first time strolling past him and his friends in front of the university's library. Something about you drew him in. He never saw someone like you before, focused, poised and dedicated to their degree. Always in the library or hanging out with friends, not really partying much. He wondered when curiosity would get the better of him to approach you, but he knew the life he lived would be too problematic for someone as sweet as you.
genre: heavy angst, modern au, 18+, explicit smut, dark romance,
Mafia Au, street racer au, dark romance au
fic warnings. ooc, profanity, mental health issues, toxic relationships, cheating, explicit smut, drug use, mentions of depression + more to be updated as story progresses.
Please read with proper discretion. this is a work of fiction. all characters are written to portray roles that are necessary to the plot and are in no way a reflection of their canon counterparts.
Chapter 1: Limerence at first sight.
The late afternoon sun filtered through the trees lining the university courtyard as you adjusted your headphones, the smooth beats of SZA blending into the sharp riffs of Paramore. Your playlist mirrored your mood—calm with an edge, always somewhere between soul and rebellion. With a backpack full of architecture textbooks and your sketchpad and iPad tucked under your arm, you walked toward the library, letting the rhythm guide your steps. You were just wrapping up your first year, and architecture school was no joke. Still, you thrived under the pressure.
But as always, trouble had a way of showing up when you least expected it.
Outside the library, lingering by the steps, was a group that you had noticed more than a few times. Sukuna, Geto, Gojo, and of course, Toji. They were infamous on campus, but not because of their academic standing. Sure, they were all enrolled, but their reputation as street racers and rumored connections to something darker made them the subject of hushed whispers in the halls.
Toji Zenin—though no one called him that. He went by Fushiguro, his mother��s maiden name, and most people had learned not to ask why. Tall, broad, and intimidatingly quiet, Toji’s presence demanded attention. Tattoos snaked up his forearms, disappearing beneath the sleeves of his black fitted t-shirt, and the scar running along the left side of his lips only added to the danger in his look. His eyes—dark, sharp, and always calculating—were the kind that made you feel like he could see right through you.
You felt his gaze on you before you even looked up.
As you approached the steps, you noticed the subtle shift in his posture. He was leaned back against the wall, smoking casually, a cigarette dangling between his lips. His dark eyes flicked to you, scanning you from head to toe, but he didn’t say a word. The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, as if in amusement, before he went back to his conversation with Sukuna. His friends—Sukuna with his wicked grin, Geto with his long hair pulled back, and Gojo, as cocky as ever—were all laughing about something, their voices low and careless.
You had heard the rumors about them. Everyone had. They said Toji and his crew weren’t just street racers—they were into some shady business, underground stuff that no one could quite prove but everyone loved to speculate about. Drugs? Guns? Something worse? It didn’t matter. People talked because they didn’t understand.
But you weren’t the type to buy into that. Sure, they were rebels, but they were street racers—thrill seekers. The tattoos, the late-night races, the attitude—it was just a part of their image. The campus made up half the stories, anyway. You doubted Toji was into anything more than his cars, racing, and the occasional brawl when someone crossed him.
Besides, if they were as bad as everyone said, they wouldn’t still be walking around campus, would they?
Your phone buzzed in your pocket, snapping you back to reality. It was a message from Shoko, your best friend and the only person who really understood your love for blending R&B with punk rock.
Shoko: “Where are you? Mei Mei’s being dramatic again, come save me.”
You smirked, typing a quick reply. “On my way.”
One last glance at Toji before you made your way inside. He was still watching you—casually, lazily, like he didn’t care if you caught him staring or not. But you weren’t the kind to give it much thought. You shot him a quick look, raising a brow as if to say, Really? before heading into the library.
Inside, Shoko was already draped across your usual table, her hoodie pulled low over her face, scrolling through her phone with an air of indifference. Shoko had that effortlessly chill vibe that matched your energy.
“You look like hell,” Shoko deadpanned, pushing her hood back as you dropped your stuff onto the table.
“Thanks,” you snorted. “Long day. What’s this drama with Mei Mei?”
Before Shoko could answer, the sharp click of heels against the library floor announced the arrival of Mei Mei herself—rich girl, socialite, and the queen of unnecessary drama. Despite her extra attitude, Mei Mei wasn’t bad company, and she had an eye for design that rivaled yours.
“You’ll never guess who’s throwing a party this weekend,” Mei Mei announced, flipping her sleek hair over her shoulder as she sat down. “Everyone’s going. Even your favorites.”
You rolled your eyes. “Not this again.”
Mei Mei smirked. “Oh, come on. I saw the way he was looking at you outside. Toji Fushiguro. He’s into you.”
“Or maybe he’s just into staring,” you shot back, pulling out your sketchpad. “Either way, I’m not interested.”
Shoko leaned back, folding her arms with a lazy grin. “Yeah, sure. But you didn’t see him outside. That was more than a stare. He was practically sizing you up.”
You shrugged it off. You knew they had a reputation, and maybe Toji wasn’t the kind of guy you got involved with, but something about the way he looked at you was different. It wasn’t the typical arrogant glance guys gave you. There was something deeper, more calculating behind his eyes, and it was hard to shake.
Still, you weren’t about to get distracted. Architecture school was your priority, and you weren’t about to fall for some tattooed bad boy with a reputation for street racing. Even if there was something undeniably magnetic about him.
Mei Mei, completely unbothered by your protests, continued. “Well, he’s racing again this weekend also. Everyone’s talking about it. He’s been working on his car nonstop, and rumor has it he’s got something big planned.”
“Isn’t he always working on his car?” you muttered, but your curiosity was piqued. You weren’t into racing, but you had a weakness for fast cars. Maybe you’d go check it out. Just to see what the fuss was about.
Later that night, as you lay in bed, your thoughts drifted back to the way Toji had looked at you. He didn’t seem like the type to be bothered by what people said about him. Maybe that’s what intrigued you
his absolute indifference to the rumors. He moved through life on his own terms, tattoos, scars, and all.
And even though you knew better, even though you told yourself you weren’t interested, there was a small part of you that wondered what it would be like to peel back the layers of Toji Fushiguro—the street racer, the rebel, the mystery.
Toji’s POV:
The late afternoon sun did little to warm the creeping cold that always seemed to settle in his bones. He leaned back against the stone wall near the library steps, cigarette lazily hanging from his lips, its smoke curling into the sky in languid, careless trails. The day had been uneventful—Sukuna talking shit as usual, Geto and Gojo cracking jokes, the usual banter. But today, his mind was elsewhere, distracted, until you appeared.
He noticed you long before you saw him. Always did. There was something about the way you moved, headphones on, shoulders squared against the world, that caught his attention more than he'd ever let on. Your steps had a rhythm, a flow that matched the music he imagined pulsing through your veins, always somewhere between chill and fire, like you could flip a switch and become someone entirely different at any moment.
He took a slow drag from his cigarette, eyes narrowing as they trailed over you. You didn’t even flinch when you spotted them—all the rumors, all the warnings about him and his crew didn’t seem to faze you. That’s what set you apart from the rest. You didn’t cower, didn’t whisper behind your hand like some scared little thing. No, you always met his gaze, challenging without a word.
A smirk tugged at his lips as he caught your eye. Just like that, you were in his head, and he hated it. Hated how your presence, with your books and your sketchpad and your headphones, could unnerve him. Sukuna said something to him, but it barely registered. His focus was locked on you.
“Yo, Toji. You even listenin’?” Sukuna’s voice cut through his thoughts, followed by Geto’s low chuckle.
Toji flicked his cigarette to the ground, crushing it beneath his boot. “I heard you.”
“Right.” Sukuna’s grin was sharp, knowing. “You’re lookin’ like you wanna eat her alive.”
Toji’s jaw tightened. “Mind your own.”
“Touchy, touchy,” Geto chimed in, eyes following Toji’s line of sight. “She’s not like the others, huh?”
Toji shot him a glare, but the truth of it gnawed at him. No, you weren’t like the others. You didn’t fall for his reputation or melt under the weight of his gaze. You didn’t belong in his world. Hell, you probably had no idea what went on behind the scenes—just whispers, rumors, shit that wouldn’t even scratch the surface of what his life really was.
Racing? That was just the tip of the iceberg. The adrenaline was addictive, sure, but that wasn’t all he was into. Not by a long shot. And you? You were too…clean. Too good to get involved with someone like him.
But it didn’t stop him from wanting to drag you into his world.
He cracked his neck, trying to shake off the frustration that tightened his chest. You didn’t belong in his thoughts, but there you were, taking up space anyway. He shouldn’t be thinking about how you’d look in his car, watching him race. Shouldn’t wonder how you’d feel against him, under him, around him. Fuck, the thought was enough to make him run a hand through his hair, frustration brewing under the surface.
“She got a boyfriend or something?” Gojo asked, grinning like he knew what was about to happen.
Toji’s jaw tightened, his eyes narrowing.
“Just kidding,” Gojo said, laughing. “You look like you’re about to bite someone’s head off.”
Toji didn’t say anything, just stared at the spot where you had disappeared. It didn’t matter if you were seeing someone. Hell, it didn’t matter what you thought of him. If he wanted you, he’d have you. Simple as that. And from the way you’d glanced at him, quick but telling, you weren’t entirely indifferent, no matter what you told yourself.
He knew your type. You were the kind who thought you could play it safe, keep your head down, focus on school. But he saw the way your eyes flickered with curiosity when you thought no one was looking. The way you lingered on the edge of trouble, intrigued by the things that scared you.
Toji’s phone buzzed in his pocket. His eyes finally left the library door as he checked the message.
Shui K.: Race this weekend. You in? Heard you’ve got a new setup. Big pot, Fushiguro. Don’t fuckin’ miss it.
He smirked, shoving the phone back in his pocket. This weekend was going to be something else, alright.
He had been working on his car for weeks, tweaking things, perfecting the engine. He was ready to make waves, to leave everyone in the dust. Maybe you’d be there, watching from the sidelines, pretending like you didn’t care.
But he’d know the truth.
And when the time came, you’d be more than curious.
You’d be his.
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Saturday arrived before you knew it, bringing with it the familiar tension of anticipation. You and your friends had shown up early, staking your spot near the race line before the crowd thickened. The industrial district was already humming with energy—the low roar of distant engines, bass-heavy music pulsing through the air,
and the unmistakable scent of burning rubber. You were surrounded by groups of spectators, all buzzing with excitement, but your mind was elsewhere.
You hadn’t seen Toji yet, but you knew it was only a matter of time. The memory of his piercing gaze the last time you locked eyes was enough to set your heart racing. He had a way of pulling you in without even trying, and tonight felt no different.
Suddenly, the roar of engines cut through the crowd's chatter. Heads turned as a pack of cars approached, their engines snarling and tires squealing in an almost choreographed display of power and control. Even before they appeared,
you knew exactly who it was. You could feel the shift in the crowd’s energy, a mixture of awe and envy rolling over the spectators.
First came Sukuna’s blood-red Chevy Camaro. The car was unmistakable, with its custom paint job gleaming under the dim streetlights and red neon lights glowing beneath it, casting an eerie glow on the asphalt.
Sukuna, with that devil-may-care smirk, rolled in with one hand on the wheel, his other arm hanging lazily out the window as if the world revolved around him. He revved the engine, causing a collective murmur from the crowd.
Next, Geto arrived in his 1999 yellow and black Nissan Primera GT, green neon lights cutting through the night like a warning. He pulled off a flawless doughnut, causing the crowd to erupt into cheers and groans. Geto, always laid-back, shot a grin through the window, nodding to the crowd as if he knew they couldn’t help but watch.
Gojo’s baby-blue Mazda RX-8 followed, sleek and custom-built with neon lights to match.
The music blaring from his sound system thumped through the crowd, matching the energy of the moment. His grin was wide, playful, and arrogant as always, revving the engine in sync with the others.
Even though the car was smooth, there was a cockiness to the way Gojo maneuvered it, showing off without ever needing to say a word.
Finally, the deep, resonating growl of Toji’s custom black 1979 Dodge Charger filled the air. The car was a beast, its white neon lights glowing against the dark asphalt like something out of a movie. Toji didn’t need to show off with tricks or fancy moves
his presence alone commanded the crowd’s attention. He pulled up slowly, letting the Charger’s low growl speak for itself. With a cigarette hanging loosely from his lips, his eyes surveyed the crowd before landing, inevitably, on you.
For a brief moment, your gazes locked, and that familiar jolt shot through you. Toji, as always, was silent. His stare was intense, full of a tension that had been building between you for weeks, if not months.
His friends must have noticed it too because the way they looked at him told you they were aware of exactly where his attention was.
Sukuna chuckled, taking a long drag from his cigarette before exhaling the smoke into the air. “Man, he’s been staring at her all night. If you’re gonna keep doing this, at least make a move,” he teased, his voice loud enough to carry across to you.
Geto leaned back against his car, lighting a joint, a smirk tugging at his lips. “Seriously, Toji. What’s the plan? You just gonna keep burning holes into her with your eyes or actually talk to her?”
Gojo, always one to stir the pot, rolled his eyes dramatically. “At this rate, I might make a move for you. She’s been standing there waiting for something—maybe not you, though.” He grinned mischievously, the teasing lilt in his voice making the others laugh.
Toji ignored them, his expression unreadable as he took a slow drag from his cigarette, the smoke curling lazily around him. His eyes never left you, even though he didn’t take a single step in your direction.
You could feel the heat of his stare, the intensity of it, but he stayed where he was. That was Toji—always watching, never approaching. It was as frustrating as it was intoxicating.
On your side, Mei Mei, who had been watching the whole thing unfold, nudged you sharply. “Are you two just going to stare at each other all night? Seriously, Y/n, make a move or something.”
You felt your face flush. “What? No, I’m not—he’s the one who—” You sputtered, but Mei Mei just smirked, clearly enjoying your discomfort.
“Right,” she said, her tone dripping with sarcasm. “And I guess you’re just staring at the floor, huh?”
Another one of your friends, Nobara, chimed in, laughing. “It’s like a bad teen romance or something. How long are you two going to keep doing this? Just go over there and talk to him, Y/n. You know he’s not gonna come to you first.”
Shoko just looked at you from the side of her eye and said "Please be for real."
You bit your lip, torn between the obvious tension and the stubborn refusal to make the first move. There was something maddeningly frustrating about Toji, but that was part of the pull. You both danced around each other, neither willing to close the distance, but neither able to walk away.
Across the lot, Sukuna and the others continued to heckle Toji, their laughter echoing in the space between you. “You know,” Sukuna called out, loud enough for both of your groups to hear, “this is getting a little sad. If neither of you is going to do something, maybe we should!”
Toji shot him a look, but he remained silent, jaw clenched. The tension between you two had reached the point where even the people around you were getting impatient, but still, neither of you moved. It wasn’t stubbornness—it was something deeper, a tension that felt like it would snap the moment one of you made the first move.
And yet, as frustrating as it was, there was something thrilling about the unspoken connection. The way Toji watched you with that quiet intensity, like he was waiting for the right moment to pounce. It kept you on edge, unsure of when the stalemate would end but knowing that when it did, it would be explosive.
For now, though, the night stretched on, with both your friends and his laughing at the spectacle you two were making. But underneath the teasing, the tension simmered, undeniable and unbreakable.
One thing was for sure: tonight, wouldn’t be the night the tension broke. But with every lingering glance, every unspoken word, you knew it was only a matter of time before one of you finally made a move. And when that happened, you had a feeling everything would change.
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autism-sprinkles · 4 months
okay i SUPPOSE i will make an introduction post.
hai ! ! i go by many names (namefluid), but my Main Names are guppy, selen, melinoë (meli for short, not mel unless i'm in a melinoë hades ii shift), polites, and mlem. feel free to ask for what names I prefer currently!! :3 usually I prefer other names over these ones they're just like. backups so you have a name to refer to me with
i'm a minor ! ! (14 Years Of Age)
i am a therian (european pine marten, black footed ferret, death song [httyd], and norwegian forest cat), otherkin (mainly fae but there r others), fictionkin, copinglink, and autolink haver, and i also have Many f/os
i am asexual, aroflux, queerplatonic, androflexible, poly (i have Six Whole Gay People I Love [i don't like the partner label >:(]) and genderflux (currently a girlthing!) who also has tons of xenogenders, and I use she/it pronouns [it/its, she/her] and a shit ton of neopronouns (you'll have to. Ask for those)
i am diagnosed autistic!!! also (self diagnosed) adhd, as well as suspected bpd and some other disorders :>
i am pagan ! ! :) i use the looser term because hellenism is Too specific and not entirely fitting and i would consider myself an aphrodite devotee (although i do plan to worship other deities aside from her)
i pretty frequently use cat puns as a typing quirk of sorts ! ! the most common one is me using /paws instead of /pos but I also sometimes say fur instead of for and such :3
i also am very very fond of music!! i can Not function without it at All. i have So many favorite bands/artists but my Main favorites are set it off, paramore, fall out boy, mitski, pierce the veil, beartooth, babymetal, and will wood.
i have Way too many interests and fixations to list here!! I might make a Seperate Post for that. but currently my main fixations are hades 1 & 2, vtubers (my oshis are all of holostars, dokibird, vantacrow bringer, vezalius bandage, and korone inugami), autism smp, making stimboards, dungeons and dragons, falsettos (2016 revival), epic: the musical, and newsies.
i am Technically a quotev migrant (url was .heartsiabyul), but i joined maybe a week or two before quotev fucked it all up, so I wouldn't say im Fully a quotev migrant.
my alterhuman sideblog is @windwings !!
my (shared, I did not start it) stimboard account is @bitlngs
my tag for teaching my Actual Real Life Mother how to use tumblr is #instructing the woman on how to be the tumblrrrrrrrrrrr
my asks tag ! is #aeolus' asks
my Personal Post tag is #melinoë.txt
and my Art tag that i will never use is #melinoë.png
blinkies dump
friend edit dump
I probably have Forgotten some things but I can always Edit this Later.,
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xxsp3llb0undxx · 2 years
The Cullens as song's // HC
Song's I think the Cullens would be, based off of their personalities and their backstories. I couldn't find a song to fit Emmett, I've been searching for the last hour :/ Sorry to all Emmett lovers, he shall not be in this little HC. I hope you enjoy reading the rest though, please do let me know what you think the Cullen's would be as songs <3
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Rosalie - Black Dahlia // Hollywood Undead
I think this song fits Rose the best because of everything she went through prior to being turned.
Like the apparent love of her life, future husband, using and manipulating her ??
He took everything from her, let others do things to her.
He's a lil bitch :)
The lyrics "and I've been abused, I feel so used because of you."
"The future that we both drew and all the shit we've been through. Obsessed with the thought of you, the pain just grew and grew."
Really sound's like something Edward would hear Rose think to herself whenever he would listen to her thoughts.
Her revenge was worth it though, she finally got to take something from him, like he had done to her.
"You just lay without a sound, seems like all we had is over now, you left to rest."
Major 'Lol I killed my stupid husband' vibes
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Edward - Parasite Eve // Bring Me The Horizon
Okay not to be one of those people, but considering Eddie boy over here was around during the Spanish influenza and almost dying from it; I kinda found this song fitting ??
'Parasite Eve' is about Covid, and both illnesses are similar; too similar in fact.
The lyrics "I've got a fever, don't breathe on me." and "Leave your flowers and grieve." Really scream Edward for me ??
We were all scared of big man Covid but imagine how terrified he must've been when he had the Spanish influenza.
Like he's just vibing one minute and then, boom, he's literally lying on his death bed.
Edward would probably really relate to this song, even if he's into classical; 'Parasite Eve' would be an exception.
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Jasper - Forest // Twenty One Pilots
Okay, I know what you're thinking but hear me out.
Lyrics "I don't know why I feed on emotion, there's a stomach inside my brain."
Signifies Jasper's gift of empathy and control of emotions.
"My brain has given up, white flags are hoisted."
White Flags were used during the Civil War to end it, a way to show they have surrendered.
Not only does those lyrics signify the Civil War, it could also be a metaphor for Jasper; he's given up that part of his life.
He doesn't want to let it corrupt him any further because he's guilty for playing a part in taking so many lives.
So, in turn, he's put up white flags to surrender and hope to start over; become a better person, vampire.
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Alice - Can You Feel My Heart // Bring Me The Horizon
Sweet little fairy.
Didn't deserve to be locked away in an asylum.
I think, in some way, this song is fitting for Alice.
Lyrics "Forgive me father, I love you Mother."
Make me feel like she would've said this a lot, thinking she was a disappointment to her parents for her gift.
"I'm scared to get close, and I hate being alone."
Definitely was something Alice had felt prior and post-vampirism, scared if she got too close to someone she could predict their fate.
But also being scared she would end up alone because people would be so weirded out by her gift.
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Carlisle - Put Your Head On My Shoulder // Paul Anka
Absolute sweetheart !
This song is just Carlisle to Esme, 100%
He's such a gentleman, even though his father was like a BIG priest dude who killed the supernatural and he caused Carlisle to turn ??
He's just full of love, no one can tell me different !!
Secretly, Carlisle is Paul Anka and wrote this song for Esme
So sorry it's short, Dr. Cullen is just an angel and didn't really have much corruption in his life ngl.
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Esme - Brick By Boring Brick // Paramore
For some reason I feel like this song definitely reminds me of Esme because of the meaning behind the song.
"The song Brick by Boring Brick is a story about a girl who escaped reality through pictures and fairy tales and anything that wasn’t the real story. This way, she’d look perfect to everyone else and we’d all think that she’s got it together. But being that it was all for show, it couldn’t last"
"Esme was born in 1895 in Columbus, Ohio, where she was treated at the age of 16 by Carlisle after breaking her leg when climbing a tree. She married Charles Evenson, but he abused her. After finding out she was pregnant, she ran away and gave birth to a son, who subsequently died a few days later."
Brick By Boring Brick resembles Esme's tough life from a young age, she was still only a child when she was to be married to Evenson, she didn't want to continue with the abuse she suffered.
So, she ran, she created a life where she would be happy, even though; if you looked a bit closer, there were cracks in her reality.
All she wanted was to be happy, but she also ended up losing her son in the process of freeing herself from the shackles of her abusive husband.
The lyrics "Well, you built up a world of magic, because your real life is tragic." Truly speaks on so many different levels how Esme presents herself to the world and everyone around, even though how she want's to be perceived is fake and in reality Esme has suffered a lot.
Not only with losing her baby but also she will never be able to have those years of her life back, it'll forever remind her of how badly she was treated. Just like Rose.
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myloveforhergoeson · 2 months
taking icy’s lead and sending you the playlist thing for rames!
hi hi hi!! so excited to do this~ i was obsessed with your jelisa post and your answers hehe. normally i try to keep my playlists centered around the time the story takes place but if i'm allowed to pick, my taste is a bit more modern-ish lol! i do my best to put the chapter titles as little soundtracks to go along with the story, but that doesn't always work out. most of the time they're just reflecting the chapter content with the title, not the lyrics
opening credits: l.a. baby (where dreams are made of) by the jonas brothers!
perhaps i'm cheating by picking a song that's already an opening credits song, but i think if their life was a TV show/movie this would be so perfect for them!
meeting for the first time: tracks of my tears by smokey robinson and the miracles
not because i think it reflects their situation but because i think roxy remembers this as the song she first heard him sing. their meeting isn't really anything miraculous + not love at first sight, but i think if they were a movie it would be cute if this was playing in the background when they first meet :)
hey, i kinda like you: crush by david archuleta
super super rames; playing on the radio when roxy decides to ask james out as like a little peek into what's running through her mind
i’m going to kiss you now: dig what you dug by wallows
:) love this song its sooo so so rames, but especially right after they kiss for the first time and james tells roxy he loves the way she says his name. that scene was inspired by this song in the first place!!
falling in love: jump than fall by taylor swift
self self-explanatory and chapter title stealing again...
your place or mine: last man in the world by the band camino
naked in bed: hands down by dashboard confessional
my one mistake is using this to title a dak centered chapter... but it is also so very rames
first fight: that's what you get by paramore
cheating again and stealing chapter titles... but i mean come on! that's basically what happens lol
maybe we should take a break: my happy ending by avril lavigne
speaks for itself i think... especially because rox is pretty far gone for him at this point...
i want you back: iris by the goo goo dolls
I KNOW I KNOW but just imagine it's raining and james and roxy are in the street and they're apologizing to each other after their break because they realized it was such a bad idea and that they're better together and they love each other too much to see the other hurt and the instrumental part is playing in the background AHHH
will you marry me: songbird by oasis
not only is this their song (to me...) but everything about it is just so loving and tender and i think it fits this section perfectly. while i don't know if james and roxy are marriage people just yet, i think i could see this being something rox walks down the aisle to or perhaps their first dance song :)
first child: cecilia and the satellite by andrew mcmahon in the wilderness
like the last one, i'm not sure if james and roxy are parent material lol and i don't know many songs about children, but this is one of my favorites :) i think if anything james would be a super cute girl dad (as i think all boy band members would be) and i could imagine him writing/singing a similar type of song :)
we’re getting older: 18 by one direction/act my age by one direction
<3 we can forget they're 17 when they start dating okay <3
if you die i’ll go with you: i'll follow you into the dark by death cab for cutie
if you've never heard this one you might want to grab some tissues. my hands are shaking as i write this.
end credits: the flower garden by joe hisaishi
im imagining the screen fading to black after their story ends while this plays and seeing the credits roll and GAH IM SUCH A MESS HELP!!!!!! (and now im imagining a howl's moving castle au so someone needs to take google docs far FAR AWAY FR OM ME but they fit those roles so well HELPPP)
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robertdowneyjjr · 1 year
In recent years, Tony has taken using the Robert Pattinson interview technique ie: lying about answers because he’s bored. Fav movie? Footloose. Fav food? Spaghetti. Fav band? Steely Dan
Again, non of these are true and he changes the answer so often people catch on he’s lying, which wasn’t a problem until he got a new set of friends that want to get him a birthday present and if they google anything about him the get…conflicting info. And asking him about what he wants makes him go all awwww no need i don’t need presents. Which is unhelpful
Unfortunately Steve is still too new to the future to catch the issue and give Tony some very thoughtful gifts based off his recent answers and Tony smiles and says he loves them and oops he’s committed
(Also please picture Steve planning a first date with Tony with them watching Footloose and eating spaghetti while listening to Steely Dan. And Tony did not hate any of them but they weren’t his actual fav but now they might be???)
And Steve does find out the problem on his own but makes Tony continue to pretend he enjoys his fake favs until he confesses lol
LMAO oh my god yes absolutely all of this.
to be fair, tony had never really given the press real answers whenever he was asked things that were too personal, even back in his younger days. he was already in the spotlight enough, he didn’t need the whole world to know every single thing about him. but he always had the same scripted answers just for consistency’s sake, and he always had some bullshit reason to explain it all. favorite food? new york pizza (because new york will always be home). favorite movie? the godfather part ii (because it reminds him of his mother’s stories about immigrating to america, and he doesn’t get to visit his grandparents nearly enough). favorite band? abba (who doesn’t like dancing queen?)
but after he comes back from afghanistan, after the ultimate wake up call, he just can’t be bothered with keeping the press happy anymore. he still doesn’t much care for letting people know too much about him, but he also doesn’t put too much effort into appeasing the press because he has other things to worry about. so the next time he gives an interview and the reporter asks him one of these inane questions, he tells her his favorite band is steely dan. then twitter goes wild. his ultra fans pull up the receipts from his past decade of interviews and calls him out on it. “i thought it was abba??” someone tweets, and it gets thousands of retweets. tony replies simply with, people change ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
from then on he makes it a point to give a different answer every single time he gets asked something personal. in 2008 his favorite band was steely dan. he was paramore’s biggest fan in 2009. in 2010 he became the world’s first and most famous directioner. 2011 rolled around and he told some random reporter on a red carpet that he only ever listened to duran duran. then in 2012 he wore a black sabbath t-shirt and everyone figured out that was his “favorite” of the year.
then he meets steve. sweet, wonderful, thoughtful steve, who has finally built up the courage after four years of friendship and asked tony out. steve, who wants nothing more than to impress tony and show him that he pays attention and wants to make this work. although tony had told steve early on that he should never trust what he reads on the internet, steve is adamant about planning the perfect first date. he wants a second date. and a third. and a fourth. you get the point. he needs tony to know he’s serious about building a relationship together.
so he googles. he bypasses all the opinion pieces and the articles that are clearly from gossip rags or less-than-credible news sources. but he figures official interviews that tony gives should be fair game, right? and man, does steve find out a lot about tony and the things he likes. he figures out quickly what he should cook for dinner: singaporean chilli crab (people magazine circa 2009). he sets the table with the loveliest carnations he could find (reddit ama circa 2014). he queues up footloose to play on the tv while they eat a homemade chocolate soufflé (vanity fair circa 2011 and tonight show circa 2015). steve’s done the research. he knows tony will be happy he’s put so much effort into this night.
and tony, well. he doesn’t hate all of those things but they were never really his favorites. his real favorites? his mama’s carbonara. ac/dc. back to the future. sunflowers. but he doesn’t want to burst steve’s bubble. none of that matters, anyway, when he gets to spend time with his ultimate favorite person.
(steve finally figures it out when rhodey comes to visit one day with a box of tiramisu from the hole-in-the-wall he and tony used to go to in boston and tony lights up in a way that he’s never done when eating steve’s chocolate soufflé. he still keeps making the soufflé though, just to see if tony would ever confess)
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vthetease · 1 year
my favorite things
it's me birthday
so just incase anyone wanted to know some stuff about V
heres some random info about my life as well as some of my favorite things
i am a libra sun, aquarius moon, capricorn rising
i like dark chocolate more than any other; i have since i first got my period. i like gummy candy and starbursts but my favorite are the little cola bottle candies. i like tea and coffee sweet, but flavorful. i like energy drinks and slushees and wanted my first tattoo to be a cola-mtn dew slushee but it wasnt. i like waffles more than pancakes but would prefer a toaster strudel or muffin. i like apples and lemons and cinnamon and garlic and truffle and black cherries but not maraschino. i dont like onions or cilantro or swiss cheese. i dont like chili because something about the consistency of wet, tomato-ee hamburger makes me ill. i also can't drink hard liquor.
i like smells like thick cologne that lingers and juniper and spearmint and old houses and honeysuckle and the smells of the earth when it stops raining in the summer. i like the smell of other peoples laundry soap and coffee more than my own. i like eucalyptus and aloe and teakwood and dragons blood incense.
i like classic rock from my dad and 80s pop ballads from my mom and afi and lincoln park from my older sibling and 4*TOWN for my younger sibling. one of my earliest loves in music was Paramore, and hayley is an inspiration of mine. i like pop punk and the band ive seen the most is sleeping with sirens, 4 times now. i like hip hop and rnb and acapella and piano. i like music that makes me feel alive. anything from violin to screaming, i just like passion. i'm a very passionate person and always have been despite myself.
i sing and like singing in the car, while i shower, and cook. i am very loud but sometimes can do cool things. i like how singing makes me happy and helps me relate to other people and also my predecessors. i like how i feel connected to those before me through my voice. my first time singing in public was my 4th grade talent show. I sang The Only Exception by Paramore because my parents thought Almost Lover was too dramatic and adult for a 12 year old
i like old movies and i used to fall asleep to them at my grandparents and wake up to them at weekends at my dads apartment. i like musicals like ride the cyclone and drama like the fault in our stars and action like john wick and will always be down for a horror movie. i like get out and candyman and hereditary and black swan and blair witch and creep. i like the twilight zone and rod serling has a special place in my heart. i also like alex trebek from jeopardy, matthew grey gubler, penn badgely, andrew scott, evan peters, and my biggest current celeb crush is matt rife.
i like being alone in busy places. i like to talk to people but i also like to disappear to the other room during the party. im the girl you find sitting outside sometimes smoking, or on the balcony. i enjoy walking back into a concert midsong and seeing all the happy little people being happy. i like stepping away from chaos to appreciate it. i like driving on highways at night when its empty and im high. i like watching airplanes land. i like sleep and i sleep in a tank top and underwear but never socks. my dreams always take me back to this very similiar place every single night doing different tasks with different people. i might start calling it the twilight zone. i like to paint my emotions in my makeup and artwork. i have always felt very deeply and openly.
i like the moon and the stars and it is so fascinating to learn about the same beautiful big rock my ancestors saw. i feel drawn to white butterflies and birds and bumblebees and skinks ( they r tiny lizards). i like history and culture, but im really bad at math.
thats all i can come up with for now. if you have any questions let me know
thanks for reading about me, lmk if youre in love yet
valentine, 22 today <3
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weekend-whip · 11 months
Band au!!
The ninja: A VERY popular band with huge turnouts for their concerts. Their music can vary a lot, but they land solidly in the alt-pop/rock area when they aren’t doing any sort of solo acts.
Kai: Basic electric/acoustic guitar, but he’s the lead vocalist and absolutely SHREDS when a song calls for a saxophone. Master of improv and is able to continue on with confidence if something goes wrong at a show. He likes it when he gets the chance to scream and jump.
Music type examples: I/Me/Myself by Will Wood, some of Bleacher’s more popular songs, Grandson, Bruno Mars, and a lot of FoB type-stuff.
Jay: Plays a little of everything, but his one true calling is the main melody on electric guitar. His fingerpicking skills are unparalleled. Girls throw themselves at his feet. It’s so sexy how fast his fingers move. He’ll also record some solo tracks on uke!
Music type examples: Complicated guitar melodies, All Time Low, and for uke think of stuff like ToP’s House of Gold and The Judge. The Orion Experience’s The Cult of Dionysus.
Cole: Bass guitar, and a little slap bass. He CAN NOT improv, he’s too scared to. Out of all of them he practices the most. He can do some solo piano stuff too, but not keyboard. Mostly stays back and lets the others take the spotlight, but when he gets really into it he might go up front and dance around with Kai.
Music type examples: I don’t know a lot of bass-centric songs, but he enjoys a lot of songs like Love Grows Where my Rosemary Grows. Autoheart. IDKHBTFM.
Zane: Keyboardist with experience in violin. When he gets in The Zone you cannot pull him out of it for anything less than the venue being on fire. He enjoys both fast-paced and slower music, and will sometimes join in on vocals.
Music type examples: Jake Wesley Rogers, Golden Hour, Cody Fry
Nya: Drums. She wants to hit things. Smack. Anger management. People are SO into it.
Music type examples: Anything with heavy drums and drum solos.
Jesse: Up and coming artist who does a lot of stuff with his sister. Can’t play any instruments too well so she makes tracks for him to add vocals to! He opens for the ninja a lot at their concerts.
Music type examples: Jake Wesley Rogers, other stuff you have already talked about, Bruno Mars if he’s feeling confident.
Olivia: Popular solo artist with a cult following. Leans heavily into the alt-rock and electronica scene. Sometimes she’ll hire the shark army as background players. Dances a LOT.
Music type examples: Paramore, P!atd, All Time Low, Daisy Grenade, K. Flay, and SPECIFICALLY Black Sheep from Scot Pilgrim vs. the World
Antonia/Bridget: Managers for the ninja/Jesse and Olivia respectively. God help them.
Jamie: Stage hand and photographer for both! He focuses too much on Olivia, though. Is it hot in here or is it just him? Has nothing to do with the drop she did while dancing and how she looked into the camera- no way.
Nya: We're really calling ourselves "The Ninja"? Kai: It's quick, it's catchy, it fits nicely on merch!!
Nya: Jay, I need you to stop being so hot while playing guitar Jay: It's not like I can turn it off???? *plays a riff* Nya: Pls your fans are starting to bruise with how hard they're falling at your feet Sunni: *lying on the floor* One more solo please!! I can handle it!!
Cole: All right, guys, let's rehearse one more time— Kai: Oooooor we could just jump onstage and just do whatever!!! The crowd loves spontaneity, that's why Jesse opens for us Jay: YEAH, FREESTYLE! Nya: *loud cacophony of drum slamming* Cole: PLEASE ANYTHING ELSE BUT THAT
Zane: I just think we should be incorporating a lot more violin into our songs— Kai: Zane. We're a pop-rock band. Save it for the solo album. Cole: Well, hold on, maybe it could put some extra spice into our music? Kai: When you can match a violin to my sister's erratic drum playing, then come talk to me Cole: Tch, bet Jay: *popcorn*
Jesse: *coming off from his act* You got a pic of my good side, right?? Jamie: Uhhh— *tries to run, drops several photos of dancing Olivia* W-Wait, I can explain, I— *drops even more photos of closeups of Olivia's smirk* WAIT JUST HOLD ON— Miranda: You had one job, man!!!! Antonia: At least get them autographed so we can sell them Jamie: *dies*
Olivia: —and then I struck a pose and threw him this sneaky little smirk and I thought he was gonna drop the camera, teehee Bridget: Bridget: We're doing a concert, not a runway model show!!! Olivia: I'M MULTITASKING
Nya: ...Do you ever think the band could use more...green? Kai: Not unless I'm wearing it *plays Careless Whisper on sax*
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mangora · 1 month
Sorry for party Jaking. Anyways here are some Jake hcs:
•He mentioned in a greeting that he would’ve majored biology in college? I think? Or that he did major in it? Heard this through the grapevine idk I don’t watch most of the greetings but I like that idea, I think he likes all types of biology, from biochemistry and cellular biology to evolutionary biology and taxonomy. I feel like he’d enjoy being a professor honestly, he seems like a research paper kind of guy. I could also see him being into archaeology and paleontology, he’s a dinosaur enjoyer
•His favorite music genres are indie pop, bedroom pop, and Midwest emo; I could also see him enjoying 80s and 90s electronica, pop, and new wave. He kinda enjoys a little bit of everything emotional and/or pop-adjacent tbh. His favorite artists are Clairo, Blondie, The Front Bottoms, Modern Baseball, Paramore, Hot Freaks, Roar, Devo, Mitski, Marina, Car Seat Headrest, Mom Jeans, Duran Duran, Madonna, Tears for Fears, The Smiths, TV Girl, The Police, and I hate to admit it but he’d also love Taylor Swift and Lana Del Rey
•He has snake bites. Idk why I just feel like he’d look good with them
•He’s Japanese & White, maybe like northern Italian. He also grew up Catholic but doesn’t consider himself religious anymore
•Growing up his parents were pretty neglectful and distant emotionally, which is why he got so close with his grandparents
•Generic one but he has BPD, as well as autism and ADHD
•He fidgets with his hands and hair a lot when he’s nervous. When he and Tom were dating, Tom used to braid his hair
•He collects beanie babies. He and his grandmother used to bond over them. Miriam thinks it’s a little silly but will go beanie baby hunting with him anyways
•I feel like he’s a picky eater, like he’s very particular about texture with fruits and vegetables, and he doesn’t like most sauces/condiments, and he’s not a big fan of when his food touches, and he like very rarely likes meat, and he doesn’t like soda because of the bubbles. But perchance I am just projecting a smidge
•I think he’d enjoy basketball. He wanted to play in high school but no one really liked him so he didn’t try out for the team
•He looooves Pinterest
•He gets such bad road rage. Like he never brake checks or follows people or anything but he yells at people the whole time he’s driving and he will honk if you’re going slow in front of him
•He paints his nails. Mostly black but sometimes he does different colors
•He unfortunately uses Twitter a lot. He doesn’t really get into discourse too much, he’s just constantly updating people on what’s going on in his life, which usually isn’t much. “Just ran out of eggs :/” shut up
•He really liked Twilight as a teenager. He also liked One Direction and 5SOS. He was just like that. While you studied the blade he was busy being y/n
•He’s double-jointed
•He wears contact lenses because he’s slightly farsighted. He has a backup pair of glasses just in case but doesn’t really like how they look on him
•He hugs a pillow when he sleeps
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neomatcha · 4 months
to whoever submitted this to my quotes: LOVE??? nah screw this MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE!!!!!Okay, It all started on September 11th 2001, Gerard Way saw the towers fall and he was like "what am I doing with life?" So he quit being a comic book artist and started a band. Calling up his friend Mark, his brother, Mikey, someone he was with in a previous wannabe band in, his friend Ray he met in college (though he was in a different band at the time so he didn't join immediately), and his friend frank joined. Now making the band My Chemical Romance (which was a name Mikey and Gee made when they were working at a barns and noble and Gerard saw a book called Tales Of Chemical Romance so they were like alr swag)So they were like cool okay now we need a song so they wrote Skylines and Turnstiles (which was gerards way (hehehebehb) to get all his feels out of 9/11) and so then they played at this small party, maybe like 50 people there, and yk! They loved it, jamming out to it. So they traveled around to places, agents now looking at them like damn girl this band fire. So, now that they were being asked to be touring they were like shit we like need a actual album (que I brought you my bullets, you bring me your love,, which it follows a storyline of two starcross lovers running away and getting gunned down) so that was like a first plan so they already had something yk? So yk they played around a bit (became friends with green day too) became more popular and so they then needed another album so (que 3 cheers for sweet revenge!! which is continueing the storyline to bullets, but its the guy needing to kill 1000 people to bring their souls to the devil so him and his lover can reunite) And their erm drummer was fired (Mark set gerards grandma's van on fire.. the grandma that DIED) so they hired Bob. But like he wasn't like in the band officially but he hanged around. So they like were like making a music video for I'm not okay (I promise) and Bob was just yk hanging around. They made friends with Bert from The Used (which they collabed with Bert in Prison) and so yk swag shit. So fast forward by a few months every concert Gerard Way like not sober at ALL so he did a bunch of dumb shit and it was getting really bad (like drunk+high all the time) this was also like a REALLLYY low point for Gerard so when they were in the Japanese tour he was like REEALLYY suicidal like their manager had to talk Gerard out of killing himself for a solid 4 hours until he fell asleep. So yeah, he lived, but it didn't actually help so he moved onto cocaine, overdosed on 2.5 grams of cocaine and this time he was like okay yeah I need help. So he wasn't doing drugs or drinking anymore. So yayy!!! Now, they were making a Helena music video, which was dedicated to Gerard and Mikeys grandma which was also close to the band (bob now in the band i think) so that was veryy emotional for them. Then they made newww album (black parade!!!! Which follows a guy that died to cancer and him looking back on experiences and shit) like IN a haunted house, the Paramore house I think. And like it was spooky, what they were going for so REAL!!! Like actually the first part of Sleep is actually Gerard Way explaining his night terrors when sleeping in the house. And yk, they were uber popular, having some of their most fun tours. They finally got a good van to travel in. They got bunk beds, a small studio attached to the van, yk the dream for bands. So more fun stuff, going on tour, Gerard getting into super hero and drawing shit again so then he made danger days!!!! Oh and Bob was kicked up three years prior because he's a fucking cunt. Soo that's also like the time he and Weezer did a collab but we don't talk about rivers. Sooo sigh then comes around 2013, March 22... the band break up.. weeping for 7 years and only having their solo stuff... okay 2019 and they get back together!!!!! So 2022, FOUNDATIONS OF DECAYYYY!!!!!! AND SO MORE TOURS, CHEERLEADER GERARD WAY, WARAHGSGJHGG, AND NOW. 2024. WWWY FESTIVAL IN LAS VEGAS!!! what
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melodymay-k1tty · 1 year
This is a blog that will have +18 content, and will soon be suitable for people of legal age.
I don't know if people often write about themselves on Tumblr, because I'm new here btw, but I will♡
I have nothing to post, so I'll tell a little about myself.
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My name is Maya and I'm almost 18 years old. Of course, I'm still 17, but I'll be 18 in less than 3 months, so don't worry about that.
I like a lot of things! In fact, I love watching anime and doramas, as well as following K-Pop groups♡. I'm a fan of 90+ K-Pop groups, so you can imagine.
I'll highlight some K-Pop groups that I like!
These are BlackPink, BTS, Twice, Girls' Generation, EXO, 2NE1, f(x), Super Junior, 2PM, BigBang, Red Velvet, Mamamoo, GFriend, Momoland, Got7, Stray Kids, Itzy, SHINee, (G)I-dle, After School, Apink, Lovelyz, Miss A, 4Minute, NewJeans, TXT, Wonder Girls, TVXQ!, Everglow, SS501, Fin.K.L, Baby V.O.X./Baby Vox Re.V, Shinhwa, Kara, T-ara, IVE, S.E.S., and 1TYM (i know the latter is a korean hip-hop group).
Note: I also like some solo singers like BoA, Henry, and Park Bom (ex-2NE1).
Of course there are other groups, but at the moment I don't remember them. When I remember, I'll put them here too.
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Now I'm going to talk about my otaku tastes.
I can't say that I've watched that many animes. However, I've watched One Piece, Naruto (Classic and Shippuden), Death Note, Sailor Moon, Futari wa Pretty Cure, Citrus, InuYasha, Tokyo Revengers and Demon Slayer. I didn't finish all of these, but I got to watch a little (or a lot).
I confess that I have a special affection for One Piece, Naruto and Death Note. They are definitely works that saved my life.
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I love doramas! I will contextualize dramas here, like every kind of Asian series/show.
So I'll start with my all-time favorite dorama, Hana Yori Dango, and some of its international versions, which are Boys Over Flowers and Meteor Garden. Also, I also love Alice in Borderland, Girl from Nowhere, All Of Us Are Dead, 1 Litre of Tears (this was the saddest drama I've ever watched in my life, I cried SO MUCH when I saw it...), 14-sai no Haha, and King the Land.
I also like the Thai lesbian movies called Yes or No and Yes or No 2.
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I've also watched some series, like Gossip Girl, Pretty Little Liars, The Vampire Diaries, The Walking Dead, Riverdale, Stranger Things, Orange Is The New Black, Euphoria, Game of Thrones (although I haven't finished most of them because I have ADHD) , and many others...
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Besides K-Pop, I also like some solo singers like Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez, Lana Del Rey, Melanie Martinez, Adele, Mitski, Justin Bieber, The Weeknd, Lady Gaga, Avril Lavigne, Madonna, Akon, Nelly Furtado, and others...
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And rock bands... Like Evanescence, Paramore, Pierce the Veil, Slipknot, Linkin Park, Panic! at the Disco, Tokio Hotel and more more...
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I love Studio Ghibli movies. I love to read and write fanfics, and yes, I consume and will produce NSFW content.
My mother tongue is Portuguese, because I'm Brazilian. However, I'm trying to learn better and improve my English here on Tumblr.
I confess that I am quite a perfectionist, and sometimes a little lazy. I don't care about likes/comments as long as I'm doing what I really enjoy, but anyway, of course a like or a comment on any future fanfics I create would make me really happy!♡
This blog certainly didn't tell half of me, but it may already have given you a certain idea. I think so...
This is a personal and interactive account, so if I start writing here on Tumblr, I will PROBABLY create another account specifically for that.
So I end up here♡
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dreadpiratepaige · 1 year
Odds for 3 asks 😇
1. 3 things you wish for
summed up, money, happiness, and security
3. 3 songs that mean something to you
famous last words by my chemical romance, fake happy by paramore, and exile by taylor swift
5. 3 colors to paint your room
maroon, black (or at least one wall black), and navy. right now we can't paint our walls since we rent so once we buy, oh man all bets are off
7. 3 fruits that you love the most
green apples, red grapes, and watermelon
9. 3 things you like doing on a rainy day
read, watch a show or movie, and just relax or maybe listen to some vinyl
11. 3 books that you would recommend everyone to read
the night circus, the invisible life of addie larue, and the storyteller (dave grohl's memoir)
13. 3 classes you used to hate in middle school
i don't remember hating any class in middle school to be honest. let's say 8th grade science because the teacher was a creep, 6th grade art because i sucked at it, and a random math class because i hate math.
15. 3 quotes that have a special place in your life
"destroy what destroys you," one of my tattoos that translates to "i hope the memory of our friendship is everlasting" which ended up being a little bit too on the nose, and...yikes i'm really bad with quotes!
17. 3 tv couples you adore the most
i'm going to have these be canon or essentially canon: nadja/laszlo, janine/gregory (the kiss and them admitting feelings are close enough), and nick/jess
19. 3 animals you’d love to take care of in your house
if my cat would allow such things! a greyhound, a snake, and a sphynx.
21. 3 things you are the most passionate about
reading, music, and sports, specifically hockey
23. 3 songs you listen to while cleaning
as of late, flowers by miley cyrus, take it away by the used, and electric touch by tswift and fall out boy
25. 3 people you’d never get tired of
my boyfriend, my sister, and my friend mike
27. 3 things you wish you did more often
hang out with people, get involved in my community, and communicate with others better
29. 3 characteristics of the person you aspire to be
calmer/more relaxed, bold, and confident.
31. 3 types of flowers you love the most
already answered, but three more are sunflowers, daisies, and snapdragons.
33. 3 scented candles that you love the most
literally anything by Evil Queen Candles (please go check her out and if you're in Traverse City, she just opened a storefront!!!). but actual scents, anything apple based, EQ's ghosted/bat shit crazy, and this "reading by a fireside" candle my sister got for me for christmas. I'm not kidding on my love for EQ candles, i have literally set alarms for the fall candle release.
35. 3 vegetables that you like the taste of
already answered, but another three are peas, lettuce, and i suppose brussels sprouts (like obviously cooked, i'm not just eating raw brussels sprouts)
37. 3 languages you would love to learn
italian, polish, and i would love to relearn spanish
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josephtrohman · 1 year
your cat dog person analogy is soooo true
sorry to go off rn but those m cr fans are just soooo bitter for no fucking reason. they think their morals have to align with their music tastes and find any sort of way to find any sort of dirt on other bands they don’t enjoy. example i constantly see callout posts for band guys that usually overlap with similar fans and music with m cr. look i know band guys can suck and obviously they shouldn’t be praised like saints, but these out of nowhere callouts for band dudes i see are always from m cr accounts. are you actually wanting to call out shitty behavior or do you just want points for being high and moral because youre the fan of the most unproblematic feminist anti capitalist band who’s never done anything wrong?
they always pick and choose on who’s worthy enough to even be liked on some level of m cr example i remember seeing posts about how the savior m cr were the only ones there for paramore 😫🥹 they are just so cool like that!! no other bands were there for paramore 😞
they act like they are the underdogs and how nobody understands them, but i constantly see several thousand notes about how cool the band is on my dash every so often
they will always call other bands cringe or saying they never understood the assignment with their newer stuff or how they were just never on their level of punk rock in the first place. i seen people say m cr has always made consistently good music unlike those other bands who are pop sell outs but bitch your band hasn’t put anything new out in a decade how tf do u know 💀
sorry to go off, but god damn it’s just music, stop, whatever happened to the emo trinity, you all use to love that, what happened
thank you bestie!!!! NEVER be sorry for going off i am always here for it!!! especially when it’s well thought out like this. cuz a lot of my opinions UNFORTUNATELY boil down to “mcr fans annoying” (OBVIOUSLY not including my moderate mcrtuals!!!). im putting the rest of my response under the cut cuz i also popped off but a tldr is: u are the best and i love u.
i absolutely agree with everything you had to say here tho…like why do these people act this way. like babes your guys are embarrassing sometimes too or whatever. we all saw frank having an overpriced garage sale of his trash or whatever recently. not really anti-capitalistic to me sounds like!! that’s crazy about the thing you said about paramore tho cuz it’s like. what does that even mean to be a saviour of paramore????? as if they need saving?????? that doesn’t sit right with me for SURE to imply that 😡
sooooo real about the underdogs comment cuz like. i think that mcr feels like the most popular of the “emo trinity” of times past. it’s not like i know this for a fact but i don’t know anyone else irl that is into fob that i HAVENT specifically got them into them!!! whereas i feel like i have so many friends who are into mcr but had never listened to fob until i sent them my playlists. and also another piece of info that backs it up is i’ve gone to 4 emo nights in the last year, and the reception of when they play the black parade vs like…sugar we’re going down is like a BIG difference. except for maybe the specific fob edition, the crowd i would say is duller during sugar like 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄. also like i think you can tell by the dynamics on tumblr too, i feel like there’s like 20 fob girlies and every other bitch is an mcr fan here. we’re outnumbered like CRAZY. and the amount of times i’ve seen people be like “if mcr ain’t your fave from the emo trinity = 🚩” but people NEVER say that about fob. i think i had another example but lost my train of thought bc people are talking around me LMFAO
ALSO THAT SECOND LAST PARAGRAPH LMFAOOOO GET THEIR ASS!!!!!! literally it’s not that deep, it’s music, i get spicy bc i’m frustrated with fob being treated this way from people fob fans are allegedly supposed to be “making out with” or whatever. like i know i’m insane about my four men but they are like INSAAANE about their four men and it’s not in a cute way. as i always say, mcr and fob as bands respect each other and i GUARANTEE the mcr guys wouldn’t want fob to be treated the way these crusty ass mcr mainies treat them. god.
this was rambly, i have no idea if any of this was smart or good, but my main takeaway is to say THANK YOU FOR THIS!!!!!!! and i always appreciate the support ofc bc i’m worried i’m going to be eaten alive by the mcr fans bc they have a history of eviscerating us.
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hauntedkogal · 11 months
My brand new introduction!!
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Hi, my name is Misa. Misa as in like a god, the french meaning of the name I'm pretty sure.
Im 15 years old, I'm a Pisces, I'm autistic and I have adhd. My religion is paganism, and my favorite colors are pastels but I prefer pink. I'm also biracial, I'm half white and half black.
I'm very much interested in Japanese fashion like fairy kei, visual kei, gyaru, gurokawa, idk if this also counts but pastel goth. And Yamikawaii.
I'd say my favorite videogames are fnaf, I used to like yandere simulator but I don't anymore because of yandere Dev. I hate Yandere Dev. I also like Minecraft but the developer notch is a game dev from absolute hell. I also love any of the shin megami tensei games. I love any vocaloid videogame. I also love the game obey me shall we date, doki doki literature club, genshin impact, and sky. Some videogames I do wanna play is Diabolik lovers, hello kitty island adventure, bendy and the ink machine, style savvy, Stray, iron lung, and class of '09.
My favorite bands are the cure, depache mode, my chemical romance, pierce the veil, black veil brides, falling in reverse, twenty one pilots, fall out boy, Babymetal, bandmaid, Malice Mizer, Paramore, Cannibal corpse, and get scared. I don't really pay attention to band members so don't call me a fake fan. I just listen to the music.
By the way. I also love kpop. My favorite groups are bts, blackpink, new jeans, itzy, gidle, red velvet, nct and twice.
My favorite artists is Melanie Martinez, Tyler the creator, and Hatsune Miku.
I also love a ton of anime and manga as well as video games. I also love food too. It may change a lot depending on my mood.
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I'm gonna keep my dni list short and simple. If you use my tag hauntedkogal without my permission. That's an instant block.
If you give out movie spoilers, anime and manga spoilers or video games spoilers that's also an instant block. No one likes people who spoil stuff for them 💀.
Also besides that, here is my dni list. I don't want people who post irl gore, porn even if it's fictional, fetish accounts specifically. People who use self harm and post about that isn't just cutting but includes an eating disorder if it's not venting or people who trauma dump as well. And last but not least. People who are pedophiles, into incest, shame people for their sexuality and religion but get mad when theirs gets insulted back, people who proship, comship, and darkship come on my page and people who are abelist interacting with my content. I also don't want racists coming on this blog because this is a fashion, and cutesy blog where I post whatever I want. I'm all for free speech but take it somewhere else, not in my messages, and not in my comments section. I have boundaries. Then again it's the Internet. Most people would not gaf about what I said. But the point of my dni list is that I don't want weird people interacting with me.
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If you have any questions please let me know! Also. Don't be sexualizing me, being racist or plain up creepy if you message me thank you very much!
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huntedsmark · 2 years
answering questions from that meme that popped out at me (aka the ones i can answer quickly)
2. what was your original concept for this character? how did playing them change that concept?
roma's original concept was a gentle person who desperately wanted to be loved/liked (VERY VAGUE CONCEPTUALLY) and this photo
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His name used to be Amata to reflect this. Roma's current concept started with that "I was, in fact, raised by wolves" backstory snippet from DM's Guide, and that's still currently one of the cruxes of his character.
4. what one person, place, or thing do they love more than anything else?
van wicky c:
7. there’s a magic item (or technological innovation, or special resource) made just for them—what is it?
a pouch that dispenses little trinkets that he can give away, usually nature-y things or sparkly trinkets... things fey generally like
8. what songs remind you of them? if there are specific lyrics or movements, list ‘em!
this section from phoebe bridgers' graceland too
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and that era of really high energy petty early 00s pop punk, paramore's misery business and olivia rodrigo's good 4 u type vibes
13. what are some motifs you associate with them? did you intentionally bring in those motifs, or did it happen over time?
Deep forest greens (intentional), shadows intentionally and also unintentionally thru campaign events, pinecones and pine trees (unintentional)
20. what attracts them to someone—platonically and/or romantically, anything counts.
i described roma's type to a friend of mine and they said "so someone who looks like they'd survive natural selection?" and that's pretty much it
23. in what moment did they consider themselves to be “grown up”?
When he could keep up with pack hunts without physically struggling. When he got taller.
24. are they close to any family members?
He was actually very close to his (dog) mom and pretty close with the rest of his (dog) family.
29. what feelings do they internalize?
Pain! Mostly physical, but on the occasions he can't dispel it mental as well. He's pretty good at hiding it in that, wild animals hiding their wounds way
35. when did they feel loneliest?
Dying after Strahd killed him, and having to broker a deal with Osybus to live again.
39. are they insecure about their appearance? how about their personality? what aspects specifically worry them?
Not normally (at least not for long) but currently their biggest worry is that Osybus is going to change Roma into someone he currently would hate, but after transformation he simply wouldn't realize.
Generally, he is worried about coming to hate the people he currently likes, because the deal he has with Osybus seems to mean that every time he makes a wish in the future it'll continuously change Roma as he knows himself until unrecognizable
48. do they relate to anyone in their group? conversely, which person do they relate to the least?
In the party, when they were still around Roma connected with Elle the most, and for the most part Roma's felt fundamentally opposed to Vice.
52. how would they dress themselves up for a formal event?
Unfortunately they wouldn't go to a formal event ): But I imagine if they went they'd dress in a simple black linen dress, square shaped neckline, narrow sleeves that go over his knuckles, and a Really bushy flower crown made of pine leaves and smaller pinecones. Pine perfume. Barefoot.
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53. do they keep their plans close to their chest?
No, he infodumps if people care to ask
56. who would they trust with their life, unequivocally?
van wicky
58. how often do they swear? do they mind when others swear?
Doesn't swear, doesn't mind if others do though!
63. what’s a meme or tiktok or vine (or whatever) that you associate with them?
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