#blorbo mcd
mac-audcheese · 6 months
oh my god i need to break from mcd again i just finished season one and,,,, aghhhhh
i grew too attached to garroth now i’m really upset he’s not in every scene and is portrayed as the bad guy i knew this would happen
(except no one treats him like the bad guy he’s just a guy that did a thing im angry im angry-)
i just want to hold him in my little hands and give him flowers and let him twirl in my fingers just let my blorbo be blorbo my little man with every disorder in existence
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mcdlaurance · 10 months
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i’m not a pious man in any way but oh my god religious imagery goes crazy
also haiiii first post on my mcd sideblog :3
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toadsartblog · 1 month
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jurygarroth · 1 year
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made graphics for the way I think of MCD!Aph and the primary guard squad in my headcanon/rewrite world
transcript for the first one is under the cut because it's a lot of text but thank you for letting me cook :3
full of good intentions, despite facing danger she earnestly believes in the good in others, builds a community out of trust and kindness
starts to doubt her decisions more and more, impostor syndrome is made worse after finding out she’s Irene’s reincarnation. learning about Irene’s messy past gives her a sense of hopelessness, struggles with whether or not to compromise her values to be a true savior
Garroth’s betrayal had a large part in shaking her faith in people, though she would never admit it
fixates on ideals of chivalry and virtue as a contrast to the greed of his father and O’Khasis high society
does not know what he wants in life. runs away from expectations at home only to fall headfirst into his own paranoia. has the capability to lead but defaults to others
self-sacrificial because of sense of duty
most emotionally self-aware and always had confidence in his sense of identity, which made becoming a Shadow Knight a special kind of torture for him. acutely aware of his identity falling apart around him
has always been stubborn but now clings even harder to his principles to keep his old self alive
self-sacrificial because he truly believes he is disposable
life built out of regrets: not telling Jeffory her feelings, joining the Jury of Nine, following Zane’s orders and hurting innocents etc.
trying to repent and dedicate her life to good but is terrified of making the wrong choice again, reacts defensively when her character is insulted because she knows part of it holds truth
overarching (and connections)
struggles with identity, rejecting a “past self” or (supposed) “true self”
the weight of decisions in an unforgiving world
Katelyn and Garroth: two sides of the same guilt-ridden coin (subconsciously aware of how similar they are and it drives them crazy)
Garroth and Laurance: unstable sense of self manifests as reliance on an ideal representation of good as an anchor (Aphmau)
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cinnamontoastcroonch · 8 months
Laurance Zvahl/MCD headcannons & ideas
- Laurance should have been the one to absorb Shad’s relic. The angst potential for an arc like that would be SO unreal. saturation 100 angst. Imagine the horror he would feel knowing that he houses the essence of the very thing that ruined both his and so many other lives. catastrophic. give it here🤲
- wears a necklace with a pendant that belonged to Joh. he is VERY attached. NEVER takes it off. do with this what you will. (evil laughter and angst noises)
- man has the sharpest tongue/quickest wit in Ru’aun. he will clap back at anybody and can make a joke out of anything. king of deadpan humor.
- very protective of Malachi. after the time leap, seeing him grown makes Laurance emotional, but he hides it.
- ^on the note of children, he is very good with them. he never really saw himself having children, but would most likely adopt given his own status as an orphan, which is why he kinda saw Malachi as a sort of son.
- has a natural knack for survival skills. point at anything and he will tell you if it’s safe to eat. always builds the fire when setting up camp w/ the crew, even if he hates the memories the flames bring him. besides, the fire won’t burn his hands like it will his friends’.
- keeps watch almost obsessively when traveling or on duty. his SK enhanced senses keep him ultra alert.
- once it was suggested that if they ever needed to visit the nether, he would be a definite candidate due to his ability to navigate it. he nodded along quietly and agreeably at the time, but disappeared for a few hours shortly after. if his hands had a slight tremble for the rest of the week, nobody mentioned it.
(if vylad saw him cradling his head between his knees at the base of a tree, he also kept quiet)
- takes great care of his hair (duh)
- is VERY fast. always has been.
-incredible fashion sense. creds to Cadenza ofc.
i definitely have more of these tucked up in the depths of my brain so lmk if u guys want more :D
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Things that CAN’T kill a Shadow Knight:
(Red= only applies to mortal knights, blue= only applies to immortal knights, purple= applies to both)
Being stabbed or cut by a regular weapon
Being burned
A broken neck
Smoke inhalation
Blood loss
A blessing from a Divine
Things that CAN kill a Shadow Knight:
(Same colour system)
Being stabbed or cut by an enchanted weapon (though it does have to be an extremely strong enchantment)
Entering a holy/blessed building
Snow/Ice magic
Healing potions/spells (its light magic Shadow Knights are entirely dark magic)
Since many other beings cant tell the difference between an immortal and mortal shadow knight, they turn out to be harder to kill than expected
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Hey, are you the one for your rewrite that said Laurmau would be canon in your rewrite ? If so does that Alina is Laurance’s biological daughter ? Is Alina’s name different like something what starts with an L ? How does Cadenza take the news or Laurance ? I mean because he has the whole calling thing going on ? Hope you have fun with your rewrite and sorry if this was the wrong person.
Yep that’s me!! :D
So yes, Alina is Laurance’s daughter, and I literally just changed her name to Lina.
So basically Aph got pregnant literally right before his calling really started getting bad and he started isolating himself.
He and the girls find out the same way they do in canon. Cadenza is absolutely thrilled, thrilled to be an auntie and thrilled for her brother.
Laurance however, is scared. He found out via eavesdropping, Aphmau didn’t even get to tell him before he’d run off. The second he heard Aph say his name his mind was made up, he’s too dangerous to be around. He didn’t want to hurt anyone, especially not Aphmau or their child, so he flees. Goes to the Nether.
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skateskunk · 6 months
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Glow up or glow down, be honest
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shad from minecraft diaries is genderfluid (headcanon)
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submitted by anonymous
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princesskiii · 4 months
I think it'd be very funny if i got popular in the mcd fandom btw. Hello people of Aphmau Tumblr. Tell me your mcd takes and i will tell you if you are correct. - Laurance 🛡
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irene-dimension · 7 months
the amount of serotonin that floods my brain when i see another tumblr user with an aphmau minecraft character as their pfp is crazy
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whataqueerpix · 1 year
Pspspsps.. come get some crumbs…
Yes this is based on that scene in pride and prejudice, also yes I had to look up nicknames for the name Laurance..
Garroth stumbles upon Laurance, he’s sitting alone on the docks.
“Lorne, you aren’t leaving us again are you?” Leaving me.
Laurance makes a face before turning to Garroth. “No, I’m not going anywhere, just thinking.”
“Thinking? What about?” He relaxed somewhat, before returning to seriousness. If something was ailing his- ally Garroth would stop at nothing to put it at ease.
“Oh just about Meteli I guess, so much has changed since I last lived there. I guess I got caught up in the changes. It’s just a weird feeling, to have everything continue despite your absence? I guess I should be used to that by now.” Laurance paused, and a small smile formed. “Also, please don’t call me Lorne, it doesn’t feel right on your lips.”
“How come?”
“Because it’s what my sister calls me when she’s disappointed.” Little to nothing was worse than the face Cad would give him when she was upset.
“What do I get to call you then?”
“For normal occasions, Laurance, maybe Laur if you’re being endearing. If you're upset I suppose you could call me Zvhal.”
“What, so you get to call me ‘Princey’, ‘Blondie’, and Irene forbid, ‘GarGar’, but I only get to call you by your name?”
“Well I don’t really have any other nicknames, unless Casanova counts.”
“I suppose it does, but it doesn’t quite seem to fit so much, for occasions other than teasing anyways.”
“Well, I’m all out of ideas, not sure if someone can pick their own nickname anyways. I suppose it’s up to you after all, Blondie.” Laurance leaned back a little, and listened to the gentle waves crash against the wooden dock.
“Ah, well now you’ve given me too much power!” Garroth jokes, Laurance huffs at his minor antics.
“Don’t go with something too outrageous.”
“But where’s the fun in that? I have to pick something especially cheesy now.”
“No.” Despite his words, Laurance had to admit, it was nice having Garroth be so relaxed around him again.
“Oh but yes, let’s see, perhaps something out of Kenmur’s book?” Laurance groans. “How about- honey bear?”
“It’s too late! It’s official!” Garroth clapped his hands together, a quirk he’d gotten from being around Aphmau for so long. His smile was all teeth, not that Laurance could really tell. He faces away from Garroth, hiding his own growing smile.
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lucindasthighs · 1 year
thinking about zarakiki lesbians again.... thinking about zane learning what healthy family dynamics are. No hitting and yelling, no politics, no one crying into the long hours of the night, no death- just two moms and their daughter in a barn.
And maybe, for the first time in Zane's life, family can be all that matters.
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ace-avian · 9 months
is your mcd ein still a werewolf? like he got bit as a kid or maybe hes irenes half sibling and his moms a werewolf? him being a werewolf would probably make his imprisonment even more cruel cause of werewolves connection to the moon being separated from it for so long might have a negative impact on them
My Ein is still a werewolf yes. He’s known as an ancient type of werewolf known as the Direwolves, what wolves evolved from.
This means he’s a lot taller than most werewolves, and a lot more feral looking (longer hair, sharper teeth and claws, it’s a lot harder for him to hide the fact he’s a werewolf)
In my rewrite he is Irene and Irene’s sister’s half-brother yes, who was raised by their mother.
His imprisonment DEFINITELY fucked with him for a while. Not only is he immortal due to his own relic, but he had no food or anything in that place. Immortal and starving, not to mention yes he was cut off from the moon/lunar goddess so Ein was quite feral upon full moons for quite some time, meaning he often had Aphmau and Zoey use magic to keep him imprisoned in the cells so he did not hurt anyone.
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pheonixdrop · 2 years
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Mr scrunkly.
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cinnamontoastcroonch · 9 months
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silly little unfinished sketch of mr zvahl looking particularly worn… my first and only fanart ever. love making sassy mentally scarred men look tired and sad🤍
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