#blowing a gasket
Dick: Are. you. serious?!
Damian: It was the only option!
Dick: THE ONLY- I need a second
Damian: I-
Dick: NO! I. need. a second!
Roy: Great, cause I'm raring to go!
Roy, turning to Emiko: What in the fresh hell were you thinking?!
Emiko: I don't have to explain myself to you
Roy: Acting tough for a girl who knows I have Dinah on speed dial
Emiko: Pull your phone out and you'll have some broken fingers to match your broken phone
Roy: Oh yeah? Well-
Dick: Okay! I'm calm! Let's just apologize to each other and have a calm discussion about-
Damian: I'm not sorry
Dick: I am no longer calm. Wally! Sub in!
Wally: What? Oh. Um sure
Wally: Ace! How dare you! I... am very mad. At you.
Ace: Uh, yeah! Yeah! I'm also mad, very mad, and now I'm going to argue! Because you... You don't listen to me!
Wally: And you don't listen to me!! So now I'm goING TO YELL ABOUT IT!
Wally and Ace: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Roy: ... what the fuck
Dick: Oh my g- You two know that you don't have to pretend to argue to make us feel better, right?
Wally: We just didn't want to rub it in
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kingkatsuki · 10 months
I’m still thinking about the OVA but imagine everyone’s collecting the trading cards and trying to get their fave heroes, but no matter how many packs Bakugou opens he can’t seem to get your card.
And he’s trying to trade with Sero, Denki and even Mineta but none of them will trade your card with him. So he’s literally joining all these forums and things online to try and find someone that’ll trade your card to him🥺
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romatito · 13 days
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welcome to my twisted mind, where the blorbos are in a theatre/musical troupe au and theyre putting on hadestown. i needed an excuse to put vino in a leading role, bc. unfortunately. feli would probably be considered more talented than him (even tho hes definitely good himself!!!)
tonio and lovino arent together yet but they are both crushing. emma knows and thoroughly enjoys seeing them both be dumb -- and watching the chaos of them being the leads in a romantic tragedy while they dance around each other...... literally AND figuratively. lmao
i have more of their embarrassing escapades in the think tank so this au will definitely reappear. and hopefully ill have settled on the rest of the cast soon 🫠🫠
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qqueenofhades · 4 months
Hi Hilary! I could use some help with something. Do you know some topics for historical tangents a history professor (Hob) could go on while talking to some students? Like some interesting discussion ideas? I was not a history major and I’m now drawing a blank 😅 I’d appreciate it greatly!
"Right, morning everyone... MORNING... yes, we all do know it is morning and I would like to remind everyone that it's not my fault we were scheduled at eight bloody AM. Consider it building character. Great. Let's get started. Can we put the phones down, please. In my day we didn't even have phones. No really. We didn't. Really didn't.
Anyway, so where were we? Ah, yes. End of the Western Roman Empire circa 476 CE, which stands for the secular Common Era, which historians now generally use instead of the Christian A.D. Anno Domini, which trust me, they used when I was born, because I am very old. Ah, you're laughing again, because you think I'm joking. Which, er, I definitely am. Anyway, the so-called collapse of the Roman Empire is one of the most mythologized events in the Western historical canon, and there are accordingly a lot of misperceptions about what happened and how. As we covered in the last class -- well, can anyone tell me what we covered last class?
Come on, one of you, just raise your hands. I don't bite.
Fine, all right, I'll do it myself. Again. Last class, we covered the eventful fourth century in Roman history, where the empire split into western and eastern halves, eastern Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity, and established his capital in Constantinople, which would later get the works from the Turks and become Istanbul. The western capital moved to Ravenna in 402, and it had been in Milan before that, not Rome. No longer the center of power as it had been for many centuries beforehand under both the empire and the republic, Rome was infamously sacked in 410 by the Visigoths under King Alaric I. The Supergoths. The Ubergoths. The Verygoths. The Turbogoths. All right, I'll stop. The Visigoths had formerly been a Roman client kingdom in the south of Gaul, which is the modern country of -- anyone?
Anyone? Anyone? Oh come on.
Yes, thank you Sarah, it was in fact France. See everyone? Not that hard. Now that we're up to speed, right, the so-called End of Rome in 476, when the last Western emperor, Romulus Augustulus, was deposed by Odoacer, general of the Ostrogoths. Not the Visigoths. Definitely different thing here. The Alsogoths. The Othergoths. The Ohgodthosegoths. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I swear I will actually stop. But the common narrative from then is that Rome just bloody disappeared altogether, the Dark Ages started, it was grim and miserable and murdery all the time, everyone forgot how to do scholarship or art or religion or anything else, and then miraculously a thousand years later, woo, the Renaissance! Everyone sorted their heads from their arses and could do maths again! I'm sorry about saying arses. Please don't report me to HR, they've had enough of me already. Anyway, this argument, despite its long-time supremacy in the Western historiographical canon and Western popular culture, doesn't make sense on any number of levels. And that is because? Can anyone give me just one reason to start with?
Sarah again, yes, thank you. I appreciate you greatly, Sarah. Yes, for one thing, the Eastern Roman Empire still bloody existed! It was literally that meme where we're announcing that Rome is dead, Constantinople wants us to stop telling everyone that they're dead, and we sigh that sometimes we can still hear their voice. Yes, I know what a meme is, don't look so surprised. The city of Constantinople became the center of Roman culture and power, though we call it the Byzantine empire to distinguish it from the pre-476 Roman empire. It used Greek instead of Latin as its primary culture and language, it was Orthodox Christian instead of Catholic Christian, and while it was no longer the multinational power player that its predecessor had been, it still produced some heavy hitters. Such as Emperor Justinian in the sixth century, who actually, albeit briefly, reconquered the territories of former Rome in the west, and was married to the very fascinating Empress Theodora. We'll have to get back to her, but anyway, in the territories of Former Rome, such as modern-day Spain, France, and Germany, there were still client kingdoms who were directly descended from Rome and who premised their new independence on their Roman inheritance. The Visigoths -- yes, them again -- in Spain, the Merovingians and the Franks in France, the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes in Germany, and other. So tell me, can we really say that Rome collapsed, exactly, and/or disappeared, instead of just dissipated and re-formed? We still had Latin as the language of state administration, the Roman Catholic Church as the supreme religious and cultural arbiter, and other major innovations that would last through the Middle Ages. Where does this whole Dark Ages thing come from?
Anyone aside from Sarah?
Oh, God's wounds. All right then. The idea that Rome disappeared overnight and took everything good with it is a projection, a fiction, popularized by proto-Renaissance and Renaissance writers who wanted to legitimize their look back into the past. We're getting ahead of ourselves, but the idea of the Dark Ages as this backward slovenly time of idiocy and misery -- it just gets me very worked up, all right?! Yes, written texts and certain other traditional markers of historic narrative became much scarcer than before, and we don't know as much about it as we do the more meticulously documented societies on either side, but it's only dark because we've decided that Rome, the brutal excessively slave-owning militaristic expansionist violent empire par excellence, was the marker of all culture and the peak of Western civilization for all time and nobody else could ever come close! This is how we get bloody Game of Thrones insisting that the medieval era was always filthy and dark and full of rape and violence and morally awful people -- so tell me, George, which part of your fantasy novel, the dragons or the ice zombies, were we expected to read as actual literal truth? It's just because we want to protect the idea of ourselves as so much better than people in the past, and the past itself as full of terrible violence that is somehow worse and more primitive than our violence, and that surely we could never do that because we're so much better! Which is total bullshit! Bullshit!
...yes. Thank you. Right. I'm fine. I'm absolutely fine, I apologize for that. Just a bit of a trigger for me. We'll get back to the lesson now, yes. I'm warning you, though. If you use Dark Ages uncritically in your essay, I am knocking you down a full grade. No matter what."
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xxinkyshadowxx · 4 months
86 dollars and I dont get kieran or carmine😎😎😎
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pocketgalaxies · 3 months
matt: mafauna and her backup dancers all have fans
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hawnks · 6 months
Yandere Josei Rec-List
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yo-yo-yoshiko · 1 year
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Hey, Utchy… did you know the Shinkengers???
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thegoodmorningman · 30 days
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Okay but seriously flushable wipes are not flushable and they destroy water treatment equipment which wastes an incredible amount of municipal funds. Good Morning!!!
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worstloki · 6 months
AU where Loki gets banished for Thor/Warriors 4 going to Jotunheim and he just settles down on Earth. Copes with the blue arm by ignoring it completely since he's been disowned and dumped on Earth anyway. There's probably a way to 'prove himself worthy' and 'get back to Asgard' but he never bothers with it.
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jmdbjk · 4 months
아포방포 Apobangpo
That's a big-ass window sticker...
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Someone photoshopped "ddaeng" above it, hahahahhah!
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Here are some lyric translations for "Ddaeng"
니가 뭔데 날 인정해 Who do you think you are to approve me
이름값 하는 개구리들 Frogs that are living up to their name-
우물 안에 죽기를 to die in the well,
간절히 기도할게 I will sincerely pray (As explained in 항상 (HANGSANG), Frog in a well is a story about a frog that lived in a well, thinking that the small well is the entire world.)
땡 Ddaeng
(lyrics translation credit: doolset lyrics)
Word on the street (and in the news) (but difficult to confirm) is that the other six members have requested time off to reunite for Jin's dischage. WE ARE GETTING AN OT7 GROUP PHOTOOOOOO!!! LESSSSGOOOO!!!!
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andy-clutterbuck · 2 years
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Andrew Lincoln behind the scenes of TWD Series Finale photographed by Britt Dvorak
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thyandrawrites · 6 months
that bilingual feeling when you're like "I'm sure this expression exists. I've read it before. why is google telling me it doesn't. Does it mean something other than what I always assumed it did?? Have I almost made a fool of myself?" but then 3 google searches later you find out that no, it meant exactly what you thought, but you had just memorized it wrong by one (1) letter
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m0tel6mxzzy · 2 years
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little self reminders for my upcoming final exam ♡♡♡
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sporesgalaxy · 7 months
people participating in fandoms they havent seen the source material for is boggling to me. someone once read a fanfic of mine for a show they had not watched and while I was happy they read it because its the best thing ive written yet it feels Off to me because like. I think my story about a repressed gay guy who gets godlike powers is going to give a somewhat inaccurate view of what happens in lego city adventures
YEAH.....I just. I can never get over how much can be lost without knowing a fan-piece's intertext w the source media. Even the most out-there AU's I've made and enjoyed, I always enjoy them BECAUSE of the conversation they're having with the original work, in the ways things are different and the ways they stay the same. Engaging with only half of that conversation means willingly missing out on cool shit that people put thought into.......why do that 🥺
I always regret it when I read a fanfic for something I AM watching/reading but just havent finished yet, either because I missed some juicy commentary on the source material that I couldn't appreciate at the time, or because I missed the way some parts misaligned with my takeaways from the source, sometimes on a fundamental level that I just hadnt been aware of yet. And like, I still can enjoy fan art and writing for stuff I'm not familiar with, but I always enjoy it with the thought in mind that I'm missing out!!
I guess what Im rambling so much trying to say is that YEAH I just do NOT understand how going into fanworks blind is ENOUGH for anyone to let that be their entire relationship to a piece of fiction, because it is NEVER enough for ME........!!!!! WHERES THE MEAT ON THAT....i just dont understand.....
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euphorial-docx · 23 days
time for me to get my roommate’s ass into the bathroom and teach him how to actually clean it like he’s a fucking 8 year old. wish me luck :)
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