#blue haber
jumbocracky · 3 months
Fourth Grade
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ebrubektasoglu · 2 months
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roskito9999 · 16 days
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Camino Armenia- Jardín. El viaje tardó 8 horas, 4 en bus y 3 en chiva, había un derrumbe por lo que tuve que ir colgado de un Willys hasta el pueblo.
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armatofu · 1 year
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sinerjiportfoy · 2 years
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bilgikripto · 2 years
Vitalik Buterin, Twitter’daki Yenilikleri Eleştirdi!
Vitalik Buterin, Twitter’daki Yenilikleri Eleştirdi!
#ethereum #eth #twitter #elon #dogecoin
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chemblrish · 2 months
Chemistry video recs!!
Okay so here's a new ~project~ of mine (we'll see how long I can stick to it whoops): every once in a while I want to make a compilation of cool chemistry videos. I also want to keep it strictly chemistry-related (as much as that's possible... and I don't promise to be totally objective lol*). I watch a lot of science videos in general, but the way I see it, chemistry just doesn't get enough hype. Physics and biology can fend for themselves, they're very popular. Chemistry is notoriously underappreciated and overlooked, and it makes me sad.
So! Here are some great chemistry videos I've watched recently.
Under 15 minutes:
How does evaporation REALLY work?
Making Singlet Oxygen
Technetium chemistry - synthesis of Lanthanide Pertechnetates - nuclear chemistry
Making table salt using sodium metal and chlorine gas
Making Chloroform
White Phosphorus - Explosions&Fire
Making fuming nitric acid
The End of Haber Bosch
NCl3: a terrifying yellow abomination
Making Prussian Blue
The experiment that revealed the atomic world: Brownian Motion
Chirality is Just Turtles All the Way Down
Over 15 minutes:
Chemist Breaks Down 22 Chemistry Scenes From Movies & TV
Hydrogen Peroxide: going all the way
Does cyanide actually smell like almonds?
Cosmic Chemistry with Kate the Chemist & Neil deGrasse Tyson
The Hidden Chemistry of Everything with Neil deGrasse Tyson and Kate the Chemist
How DO Molecules Store Energy?
applied quantum mechanics
A Chemist Explains the ENTIRE History of Atomic Theory (in 48 Minutes)
*for example, I consider some of thermodynamics to be chemistry-related, as well as some aspects of quantum mechanics. When I say I don't promise to objective, I mean I'll make rather liberal decisions on the intersection of sciences. And you can't stop me.
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aceofturtles · 20 days
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Desplázate para traducción español:
Something Blue
“The cap that Simon used to snatch off his head. Worn threadbare with age, moth eaten; he’d found it in a small box of his belongings in the attic of St. Hilarion’s, that his parents had never bothered sending for.
He remembers Simon. The Simon he knew in life, and the one he’d met in Hell. Both miserable. Both sorry. Both in pain.
He hadn’t known what to do with himself when he’d met the other boy for the first time. Hadn’t know what to do in death either.
The boy who stole his cap, because he fancied him. The boy who sent him to Hell, because he was afraid. It was all so... innocent, until the very end. Born a hundred years later, and maybe they’d have been sweethearts. Teased each other, and held hands in the Sun. 
Maybe he’d have run after him, instead of just freezing in place. Gotten his cap back. Then Simon would have said he looked smart, and Edwin would have flushed, and the two would dance around each other awkwardly until they kissed.
Edwin folds the cap, and sticks it into his jacket pocket.
Simon was his first chance for love. But it’s not a chance that he was ready to take.
And it’s not Simon he’s marrying.”
An excerpt from my Payneland wedding fic -Sixpence- on AO3
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56493166
Just thought it fit, here. Simon Appreciation Week 2024 Day 6; Blue Cap
Algo Azul
-La gorra que Simon siempre quitaba de la cabeza. Gastada y harapienta de edad, devorada de la polilla; la encontró en una cajita de las pertenencias del ático de la escuela San Hilarión, la que nunca habían molestados recuperar los padres.
Recuerda él a Simon. El Simon que conocía durante la vida, y también él lo había conocido en el Infierno. Los dos de lamentos. Los dos de dolor.
No sabía qué hacer cuando conoció al otro chico por primera vez. Qué pensar... No sabía qué hacer en el Infierno tampoco.
El chico que robía la gorra de él, porque le quería. El chico que le envió al Infierno, porque tenía miedo. Todo era tan... inocente, hasta el final. Si hubieran nacidos ellos un siglo después, tal vez podrían haber sido novios. Podrían haber coqueteados ellos, y tomados de la mano por el sol. 
Tal vez habría corrido tras él, en vez de inmovilizarse. Reclamaría la gorra. Después, Simon le diría que se veía muy bien, y Edwin se ruborizaría, y los dos con torpeza bailarían en torno entre ellos hasta besarse.
Edwin dobla la gorra, y se la mete en el bolsillo de la chaqueta.
Simon fue su primera oportunidad para la romanza. Pero no era una oportunidad que estaba listo para tomar.
Y no es Simon, lo quién él se casa.-
Un extracto de mi fic de boda Payneland -Sixpence- en AO3
Enlace: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56652328
Solo pensaba que esto encaja aquí. Semana de Agradecimiento de Simon 2024 Dia 6; Gorra Azúl
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longliveblackness · 4 months
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Gertrude "Ma Rainey" Pridgett is known as the Mother of the Blues and is one of the earliest blues singers as well as one of the first generation of artists to record their work in that genre.
Though Ma Rainey sang quite a lot about men, “Prove It on Me,” according to Angela Y. Davis, “is a cultural precursor to the lesbian cultural movement of the 1970s, which began to crystallize around the performance and recording of lesbian-affirming songs."
Went out last night with a crowd of my friends,
They must've been women, 'cause I don't like no men.
Reportedly, the song refers to a 1925 incident in which Rainey was arrested for hosting an orgy at her home involving women from her chorus. Rainey also was rumored to have had a relationship with Bessie Smith, her protege. An ad for “Prove It on Me” winks at these rumors, showing Rainey mingling with women while wearing a menswear-inspired take on a woman’s suit, under the eye of a cop lurking suspiciously in the shadows.
This is remarkable not only for the openness about lesbian relationships, but the blatant nose-thumbing at law enforcement. For all the new sexual openness of the 1920s, queer sexuality was still taboo and heavily policed- even more so for Black and Brown people, and violence from law enforcement was a constant threat.
Rainey’s legacy is one of defiance, independence, larger-than-life glamor, and iconic artistry, even as her power was limited by the white, male- dominated ruthlessness of the recording industry and the confines of a similarly racist and homophobic America. Despite this, she transformed the role of women in music.
Rainey was posthumously inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1990 for her early influences on today's music industry.
Gertrude "Ma Rainey" Pridgett es conocida como la Madre del Blues, fue una de las primeras cantantes de blues y forma parte de la primera generación de artistas en grabar su trabajo en este género.
Aunque Ma Rainey solía cantar mucho sobre hombres, “Prove It on Me”, según Angela Y. Davis, “abrió camino cultural al movimiento cultural lésbico de la década de los 70, el cual comenzó a cristalizarse en torno a la interpretación y grabación de canciones lésbico-afirmativas.”
Salí anoche con una multitud de mis amigos,
Deben haber sido mujeres, porque no me gustan los hombres.
Según se informa, la canción se refiere a un incidente de 1925 en el que Rainey fue arrestada por organizar una orgía en su casa, en la cual estaban participando mujeres de su coro. También se rumoreaba que Rainey había tenido una relación con Bessie Smith, su discípula. Un anuncio comercial de “Prove It on Me” hace un guiño a estos rumores y muestra a Rainey fraternizando con mujeres mientras usa una versión masculina de un traje de mujer, bajo la mirada de un policía que le está acechando sospechosamente desde las sombras.
Esto es destacable y no sólo por la franqueza sobre las relaciones lésbicas, sino también por la obvia crítica a las autoridades. A pesar de toda la nueva transparencia sexual de la década de 1920, la homosexualidad todavía era un tabú y estaba fuertemente vigilada (aún más para las personas negras y de color), y la violencia por parte de las fuerzas policiales era una amenaza constante.
El legado de Rainey es uno de desafío, independencia, glamour descomunal y arte icónico, incluso cuando su poder estaba limitado por la crueldad de los hombres blancos de la industria discográfica y los confines de un país (Estados Unidos) igualmente racista y homofóbico. A pesar de ello, transformó el rol de la mujer en la industria musical.
Rainey fue incluida póstumamente en el Salón de la Fama del Rock and Roll en 1990 por sus influencias en la industria musical actual.
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themeatpit37 · 2 months
Descriptors, info, heights, and even photos for each below to help with choices.
Patchwork! Jack - A spirit possessing a plush doll of an obscure children’s show character. He is made entirely of fabric and stuffing, smelling of sweet birthday cake from the scent packet inside of him. Normally he takes on a 16 in form as his vessel (like the tape) but he has grown in size! He claims it’s all the love given to him from the person who recused him from that thrift store he was stuck in for so long. Very big and soft! Has a zipper running down his chest and stomach that can be unzipped to reveal that he’s just stuffed with stuffing! He is sweet and comforting, even serving stuffed French Toast in the morning and asking you to stay in that day for cuddles. He has a very big heart and lots of love to give, but he isn’t only sweet. He can almost be smothering in more way than one.
Flavor: A hot vanilla (Milk with sugar and vanilla)
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The Sunny Day Killer - A cannibalistic sadist and murderer who was executed to bring justice to the women and children he ruthlessly slaughtered. He used to voice the character of Sunny Day Jack, a blue lion who was curious and had a sense of adventure like no other. Now though in his state, the character and the killer have been mangled and twisted into one form…
Flavor: Fruity Cereal for Jack / Toffee Flavored Whiskey for [REDACTED]
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Cybernaut Jack - An Android from the year 8400, made to serve and entertain both children and adults. He ended up in the present to escape being terminated for spreading the Haber Virus and ended up in the care of Y/N. Now, his objective is to take care of them and exterminate any threats! Any. Threats. He has these kind of earmuffs where his ears would be and an antenna sticking out of each and boots that help him hover!
Flavor: Rocket Pop
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CloudyCult Jack - The leader of a cult hidden deep within the lands of the old faith and the one to slaughter the four bishops that previously ruled the land. CloudyCult is the name, a place where followers rescued and converted worship their god and praise his name. He wears a fleece in colors of red, yellow, and blue over him and has a bell around his neck shaped like the sun along with The Red (Now Orange) Crown atop his head!
Flavor: Spiced Apple Cider
Sunny Time Fair Jack - A classic Auguste Clown who used to entertain children at the Sunny Time Fair! He was a funny, silly guy who would make balloon animals, tell jokes, give out candy to fair attendees, and worked at the fair with the other staff there. He’s more of a classic clown than most, as he is always the butt of his own jokes! He did die in a terrible rollercoaster accident… But his spirit lurks around the park still… He wears straight up clown shoes.
Flavor: Frosted Animal Cookies
Party Time Jack (MP) - A retro animatronic from the 80’s with a rubber face, styled like animatronics from Rock-afire Explosion. Now, he has been worn down from age and his rubber face has melted… You can even see the inner workings from how saggy the eye holes of the face are and his clothes are dirtied up. He’s not usually so friendly and neither are his gang when night comes, but a new employee in charge of fixing this rundown pizza joint has caught his eye!
Flavor: Cherry Coke Cream Soda
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margot-studio · 4 months
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Dia 5 Lucha - Paz + Día 6 Día Libre / Day 5 Fight - Peace + Day 6 Free Day
Lo sé, lo sé, ya se acabo la maravillosa Semana de Apreciación de Hoyuelo, peeeeeeero mi vida es un asco de vez en cuando.
Pero no quiero, ni puedo dejar de dibujar a este hermoso ser espectral. Es de quienes tienen el mejor desarrollo de personaje de la serie, además de que (aunque muchos digan que se sacaron su regreso de la manga) sin su apoyo Reigen no pudo haber detenido a Shige... Simplemente lo amo (งಠヮಠ)ง
@dimpleweek Muchas gracias por esta maravillosa semana
(つಥ⌣ಥ)つ ♡
ଘ(੭◌ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊ ˚ଘ(੭◌ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊ ˚ଘ(੭◌ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚
I know, I know, the wonderful Dimple Appreciation Week is over, buuuuuuuuuuuuut my life sucks from time to time.
But I don't want to, nor can I stop drawing this beautiful spectral boy. He is one of those who have the best character development in the series, plus (although many say that they pulled his comeback out of the blue) without his support Reigen couldn't have stopped Shige... I just love him (งಠヮಠ )ง
@dimpleweek Thank you very much for this wonderful week
(つಥ⌣ಥ)つ ♡
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garadinervi · 6 months
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Dan Flavin, Untitled (in honor of Harold Joachim) in pink, yellow, blue and green fluorescent light 8' high and wide, (pen and ink and colored pencil on graph paper), 1984 [drawing done by Helene Geary] [Morgan Library & Museum, New York, NY. © Stephen Flavin / ARS, New York. Photo: Graham S. Haber]
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mvrdac · 8 months
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“pero bebe yo solo quiero a ti, no a ella”
“But baby I only want you, not her”
today me and miko had plans today. As one of them meeting her friends, producers, everybody today. “oye ya nos vamos a ir, cambiase.” <> “hey we are going to leave, go change.” “okay está bien miko!” <> “okay sounds good miko!” Going into my room, deciding which outfit to wear. One was a shirt that had cute hearts on it with a pair of baggy jeans. The other was a blue shirt with daisy’s on it with a skirt. I chose the shirt that had cute hearts on them. Coming out as a greeting miko with a kiss “ya estoy lista vamos!” <> “I’m ready let’s go!” I gave her a peck on the cheek. “Oye! Eso es mi cosita!” <> “Hey! That’s my thing!” I say bye to my cats (always) we get into the car, and start driving to her studio.
I start getting nervous in the car. “porque estás nerviosa bebe, todo va estar bien mami” <> “why are you nervous baby, everything is going to be okay mama” we start going inside, she first introduced me mariana, her best friend who has been doing everything with her since the first day. On going I meet Caleb and Mauro, her producers who have been helping her since day one. “Y quien es ella?” <> “and who is she?” Someone says. “Ella es mi novia” miko says <> “she’s my girlfriend” “tienes novia?, ay que pena podría haber tu y yo.” <> “you have a girlfriend?, aw what a shame could’ve been you and me.” “Miko..” “oye mejor que ya introduzcan a los otros!” Mariana said <> “hey it’s better for them to introduce the others!” “Yeah!” As Mauro agrees.
I give that one girl a look. As I turn around, we start meeting the other friends that have helped on miko’s career as a rapper. “Miko! Ven aquí te quiero contar algo.” <> “Miko! Come here I want to tell you something.” “okay! Espera me aquí va vengo bebe” <> “okay! Wait here I’m coming back baby” she give me a kiss before she heads of. Mariana starts talking to me about how did we meet and all that stuff. I keep looking at miko and that one girl. She keeps touching miko a lot. I start to get jealous. But I focus on what mariana is telling me. I tell myself one last look. I turn around and see the girl being all over her. I began getting furious. “Oye me estás escuchando?” <> “hey are you listening to me?” marina said “si estoy escuchando!” “Yeah I am listening!.” “mariana oye no mi estoy sintiendo bien mejor que yo y miko voy a la casa..” <> “mariana hey im not feeling well it’s better if me and miko go home..” <> “okay esta bien!” <> “okay sounds good” “hope you feel better!” mariana says. I give her a smile. As I walk over to miko with that girl all over her..” “miko no mi estoy sintiendo bien vamos a la casa.” <> “miko im not feeling good, let’s home.” “Ay que pena, ya pues adiós miko!” <> “Aw what a shame, okay well bye miko!” The girl said. “bye! no te sintieses bien mami, entonces vamos a la casa.” <> “bye! You don’t feel good mama, let’s go to the house then.”
I don’t talk to her the whole car ride. As we got inside, I go lay down in our room. “Que pasa mami, esta molesta conmigo, porque?” <> “what happened mami, are you mad at me, why?” “no estoy molesta.” <> “I’m not mad.” “No mientes lo puedo ver.” <> “Don’t lie I can see.” “Tú quieres sabe porque estoy molesta es porque está niña estaba ensimismada a ti tocando te todos los lados!” <> “ do you wanna know why I’m mad, because that girl was all over you and touching you of all different directions!” “Aw mi bebe está celosita de otra mujeres.” <> “Aw my baby is jealous of other woman.” I turn around and don’t look at her. “mami” “todos saben” <> “mamá” “everyone knows” I try to protest “pero ella!” <> “but her!” “pero bebe yo solo quiero a ti, no a ella” <> “But baby I only want you, not her” “ahora bien aquí te voy a bañar te con besitos!” <> “now come here I’m going to shower you with kisses!”
(first fic) 🫣
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julianalvarez9 · 2 years
blue vs red / julian alvarez
pairing: julian alvarez x footballer!reader
request: i saw you ask for more insta au ideas- i love the ones you’ve done with juli so far, so running with the theme of juli and his girlfriend from childhood, what if she signs for man city or any other london club after college, and that insta announcement
author's note: what better than making her sign for the rival team 👀
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Liked by alessiarusso99, juliaanalvarez and 1.329.819 others.
yourusername secret's out! glad to have signed my first contract with manutdwomen. it's truly an honor and i couldn't be more grateful to everyone that’s supported me so far. let’s keep marching on reds!!
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juliaanalvarez orgullosísimo de vos mi vida 😁🤍 (super proud of you darling 😁🤍)
yourusername shhh tendríamos que ser rivales 🫣 (shhh we're suposed to be rivals 🫣)
juliaanalvarez solo en la cancha (only on the pitch)
alessiarusso99 well manchester derby has just became incredibly interesting 🤭
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Liked by juliaanalvarez, philfoden and 699.931 others.
yourusername feliz de haber estado presente para ver tu primer gol con el city. forever proud of you ❤️‍🔥 (happy to have been present to see your first goal with man city)
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julianfan1 the lovers turned rivals trope we didn't know we needed
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Liked by philfoden, yourusername and 1.599.901 others.
juliaanalvarez feliz por el triunfo y por poder convertir 😁. escuché que alguien perdió una apuesta 👀 (happy for the win and for scoring 😁. heard that someone lost a bet 👀)
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philfoden glad to see yourusername finally turning into a blue!!
yourusername against my will 😡
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sayitalianolearns · 23 days
Diary entry 573
langblrwotdchallenge #3: memory, il ricordo
기억 -
나에게 이 단어 너무 재미있당~ 한국어를 배우기 시작했을 때 '기억'라는 단어 계속 계속 잊었다 ㅋㅋㅋ 하지만 이제는 '기억'에 관한 기억한다! 어쨌든 나도 내 꿈을 기억하는 것을 매우 좋아한다! 꿈이 우리에게 너무 많은 도움이 되다.
아, 잠시만요! 어젯밤에는 마침내 아무 생각 없이 한국어로 뭐라고 했다… 진짜 멋졌닼ㅋㅋ 이것을 말하고 싶었당~
기억력/기억 = memoria, memoria, memory, mémoire 추억 = ricordo, recuerdo, memory, mémoire(s) 기억하다 = ricordare, recordar, remember, se souvenir/rappeler
(so "memory" in english and french works both for your mind's ability and what you remember; while in italian, korean and spanish you have different words -tell me if im wrong ofc).
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la mémoire - toutes mes photos sont des mémoires mais ces trois içi un petit peu plus. dans la premiére il y'a moi-même quand j'étais petite et dans un hotel à la mer. on était en vacances en toscana. j'ai pris la duxiéme photo quand j'avais une vertèbre fracturée en 2012: tenir l'appareil photo était très difficile, je n'avais pas force.
el recuerdo - para tomar la última foto unos años atrás necesitaba ayuda pero nadie tuvo tiempo. cuando mi abuela lo supo, ella me ayudó inmediatamente. no le gustaba mucho haber foto tomadas de ella pero cuando le dije que solo había fotografiado unos dedos me dijo rápido que sí. ahora que ella se fue, esa foto es un muy lindo recuerdo por mi.
song of the day
아주 NICE in my mind today tbh and yes it is totally unrelated to the topic but whatevs... honestly if I have to think about "memory" THIS is the first song popping up in my mind:
i'm only half surprised of how well i still remember its lyrics and how much it still pains me. and this is the second
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la-semillera · 8 months
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Tantas veces la escritura se vacía sin entender el músculo que la impulsa. De esa carencia nace la torpe expresión, con o sin retórica. Otras, la escritura coge el patín y la mano se desborda en yacimiento de la palabra a más. Momento de apresarla sin pudor. Luego habrá que rebajarlo todo, pero está el acopio. Puede haber un cuerpo extraño en los caminos: la escritura agónica. No se sabe por dónde se pierde en los parajes del decir. Va a rastras, anida en el suelo, ni crece ni se mueve en deseo. Incontables situaciones en la escritura cuando torpeza, yacimiento, agonía, se agrandan por la falta de instinto y de fe en ella. He padecido todo esto más lo que olvido ahora. El padecimiento es la enseña que mostramos para justificar nuestra falta de voz, de vuelo. Tampoco la constancia es merecedora de elogio.  Las ventanas se van cerrando solas. Creo en la retirada. En la retirada excelsa, al fin. Liberarte como nunca, la cabeza de frente, al son de un destino. Cuando el autor olvida el nombre de sus libros es que no supo rematar la faena, no fue creación, enredó bastante, no supo. No haber conseguido un ápice de sabiduría poética como lo exigía el reto del mundo. La vereda del adiós va poniendo sus calles: árbol de esfuerzo, árbol de aprendiz, árbol de lo inasible, árbol de un árbol que morirá. En la retirada me muevo ya como pez que conoce los secretos de las algas para el ocultamiento y segura desaparición. Ninguna hazaña has ofrecido en la brevedad de tu paso terrícola. Y mira que has buscado con ahínco el sentido de ráfaga que eras de existencia. Pero la tortura de ¿qué es esto, dónde estoy? cortaba el paso a todo lo que enfilabas. De este buscar has llegado a contemplación, contemplación finalísima.
_ Pureza Canelo, de Habitable (Antología poética). Edición de José Teruel. Edit. Renacimiento.
Lenore Tawney, Blue Circle, (India ink on graph paper), 1964 [© Lenore G. Tawney Foundation, New York, NY].
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