#body language is big with him
ensuists · 10 months
ᴍᴜꜱᴇ ᴅᴇᴍᴇᴀɴᴏʀ ᴀɴᴅ ᴍᴀɴɴᴇʀɪꜱᴍꜱ ɢᴜɪᴅᴇ.
Bold - Always/Yes, Italic - Sometimes/Kind of
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ᴇʏᴇꜱ. avoids eye contact when nervous, maintains eye contact when agitated, avoids eye contact due to being neurodivergent, enjoys eye contact as a means to read and convey emotion, looks down when emotional, looks up when emotional, cries openly, wipes tears quickly, suppresses tears, wandering gaze when lost in thought, holds gaze while thinking, seeks out eye contact for reassurance, seeks out eye contact to gauge enthusiasm during conversations, eyes constantly move during conversation, expressive eyes, emotions only evident through eyes, uses eye contact to intimidate, looks up while thinking, looks down while thinking.
ʜᴀɴᴅꜱ. clasps behind back,  rest in lap,  fidgets with clothes,  twiddles thumbs,  chews at nails,  pushes back cuticles,  draws patterns on table/counter surfaces, makes animated gestures while speaking,  only gestures to emphasize,  utilizes sign language,  speaks only through sign,   callouses,  scars (palm),  smooth,  wrinkled,  worn,  soft,  delicate,  boney,  slender,  thick,  veiny,  touches others while speaking,  reaches out while laughing,  reaches out to comfort others,  reaches out to seek comfort,  places face in hands when exasperated, places palms over eyes to hide when overwhelmed,  rests chin in hand,  taps fingers when impatient,  taps fingers when nervous,  taps fingers while thinking,  scratches scalp,  strokes chin,  rubs back of head,  toys with objects around them,  runs fingers over surfaces while walking by.
ᴍᴏᴜᴛʜ. chews lip,  chews at inside of cheek,  licks lips,  bites tongue,  chews on straws,  resting frown,  resting smile,  neutral resting expression,  resting pout,  grinds teeth,  flexes jaw,  covers mouth when laughing,  covers mouth when shocked,  covers mouth when concerned,  hands to lips while thinking,  covers mouth when chewing,  chews with mouth closed,  chews with mouth open,  smirks,  grins,  subtle smiles,  wide smiles,  sad smiles,  intimidating smiles,  menacing grins,  openly smiles,  tries to suppress smiles,  bares teeth when angry,  lips quiver when emotional,  stutters,  speaks quickly,  speaks slowly,  good pronunciation,  poor pronunciation,  moderate pronunciation,  purses lips,  sucks in lips,  holds mouth open when shocked or confused.
ʟᴇɢꜱ. bounces leg when nervous,  draws knees to chest when sitting,  draws knees to chest as a means of comfort,  sits on knees,  sits with legs crisscrossed,  sits with legs spread open in chairs,  crosses legs when sitting in chairs,  sits with one leg folded under the other,  places feet on furniture,  never places feet on furniture,  sits on counters,  sits on desks,  sits on tables,  sits on edge of seat,  sits hunched over with forearms on knees,  arches one knee up,  sits on the arm of chairs/couches,  feet on dashboard,  swings legs back and forth when sitting somewhere elevated,  wiggles toes when nervous,  wiggles toes as a general tick,  shuffles feet,  kicks foot into ground,  stomps feet,  loud footsteps,  quiet footsteps,  silent footsteps.
ʜᴀɪʀ. runs fingers through hair,  tugs at hair,  picks at scalp,  chews on hair,  twists locks of hair while thinking or nervous,  smooths out locks of hair while thinking or nervous,  prefers hair out of face,  prefers long hair,  prefers short hair,  wears hair back,  keeps hair down,  smooths back hair,  plays with other’s hair while talking,  plays with own hair while talking,  strokes hair to comfort others,  likes having hair stroked for their own comfort,  braids others’ hair while talking,  braids own hair while talking,  flips hair out of face,  pushes hair out of face,  leaves hair alone even when falling into face.
tagged by: @caemthe ty for the tag! tagging: @ardenssolis, @mystiika, @holidayhost, and anyone else who wants to!!
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russell-crowe · 4 months
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house and wilson seeing each other for the first time in months in s08e02
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fidgetspringer-art · 5 months
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Olath - Aberrant familiar
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lambmotifz · 5 days
ngl the more i rewatch spn the more i get convinced that sam and dean didn’t fuck pre canon
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copias-juicebox · 9 months
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another one of these since i am absolutely enjoying @forgexfag‘s reactions right now. So here eat up!
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canisalbus · 1 year
I love the shape language for Machete and Vasco, how angular and pointy the former is VS how round and soft the other... It's so GOOD I adore that
Thank you! I like the contrast as well, it makes them very fun to draw together. I try to keep them visually distinct while still making sure that they look harmonious and complementary next to each other.
#some more design musings that I've noticed that don't really matter but I tend to think about when drawing them:#Machete's shapes have an upward direction the ears the neck fluff and even the tip of his snout has that upturned angle#while Vasco's vibe is more loose and relaxed his huge floppy ears almost make him look like he's melting#neither of them have strong markings but the positioning of the gradients they have is very similar it's just different colors#Vasco has dark almond eyes (with what I can only describe as disney eyelashes)#his irises appear nearly black but if you shone a strong light directly on them they'd reveal a honey/amber hue#Machete's eyes are big and prominent with disproportionally small pupils#lately I've been drawing him with just the faintest salmon colored irises#but if the color scheme of the piece calls for it they can be depicted more vividly red#Machete has longer untameable fur here and there while Vasco is uniformly smooth and velvety#Machete is supposed to be the serious and inhibited half of the two but his face has a lot more expressive potential than Vasco's#it's actually kind of a struggle that I can't make Vasco emote with his ears at all those are typically a huge advantage in furry art#Vasco's body language is open and casual he takes up space confidently#Machete is usually very closed and defensive he has a habit of crossing his arms and legs and keeping his hands together and close to body#in general Vasco shouldn't be wearing anything black or red and Machete can't be seen wearing blue or gold#white is neutral territory it's usually the color of sleepwear and undershirts and as a result has a more intimate tone to it#answered#ardate
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appreciation post for the way leela consistently rests her head on fry’s chest or puts her hand there whenever they’re intimate or even just cuddling <3
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allastoredeer · 2 months
Can I ask some of your pet peeves that will make you say ew, no and turn back to a fic? Far from the top Al/bottom Luci that you have talked about
I, for example, can't stand any fic where they punish Stolas or Blitzø for what led to the breakup, and there's a difference between exploring a perspective and rejoicing in crushing a character. I love the relationship between Niffy and Alastor but when they infantilize her? Yes, no, goodbye. If your found family dynamic is trying to crush the characters in the nuclear family boxes I DON'T WANT IT
And I totally agree with you about Niffty being too infantilized. She is a grown ass woman, even if she acts childish at times. Also, I can't stand it when people put all the blame on Blitz's and Stolas' relationship on either one of them too. It's a very complicated relationship where they have both made mistakes and both of them suffer from unresolved trauma.
Here are my pet peeves:
The implication or outright statement that Alastor's love interest "taught" him how to love, or "showed" him how to love. It implies that there was something in him that was lacking, something in him that needed to be "fixed," and the aphobia is so real it puts a horrible taste in my mouth every time. Implying that a basic human emotion such as love is something that Alastor had to be taught (especially when in reference of his asexuality), sends me clicking out of a fic so fast my browser crashes.
Overuse of the word "deer" in substitute for "dear." Look, I know its a popular nickname. Yes, it can be cute. But terms of endearment like that are cutest when they're used sparingly. When its used a lot, it gets very old and very repetitive really fast. I can't get lost in a story when the words "my deer," or "yes, my deer," or "of course, my deer," or "no, my deer," is used every other sentence. It makes me want to pull my hair out. (Also Alastor using the word "dear" so much. He does say it, but not that often, even in the show. Like I said, endearments like that are much more effective when they're sprinkled, and not every time he opens his mouth).
Lucifer coming off as too naive or innocent. I'm okay with him being naive to modern day Hell, but the guy isn't stupid. And he sure isn't innocent either. When he acts too cutesy and sweet, especially for the majority of the story, I lose interest. Where's the spice? Where's his bite? Where's the guy that went from 0-60 in the blink of an eye and insulted Alastor within the seconds that he met him? (Also any fics that have him making a deal with Alastor so easily. Or Alastor manipulating him into making a deal. Or he's ever, at any point, scared of Alastor. That bitch is not scared of him, even when Al's in his big, creepy demon form. Lucifer would not be blink an eye.
Anytime Lilith is depicted as an abusive, shallow and neglectful wife, especially when that's also made to be the sole reason for Lucifer's depression.
Lucifer being overly obsessed with ducks. It's the same as the "dear/deer" thing. I don't mind seeing it sprinkled in through his character, but I hate it when its used as a defining trait.
Alastor coming off as too much of an old-timey gentleman. Or coming off as super masculine. If I can't imagine him sassily flicking his wrist or lounging on a bed, kicking his feet in the air, it takes me out of the story. I can't stand it when he's written so stiff. Too much like a prim-and-proper butler in an old movie when he's one of the most flamboyant characters in the show.
Over use of the word "picture-box" in reference to Vox. It's the exact same as "dear/deer." It has the potential to be cute, but it's so overused. It makes the dialogue sound clunky and unnatural when its repeated so often, and sometimes, it's when it's used that throws me off. It's the kind of word that clutters a sentence, and if its not used right, it sticks out to me like a sore thumb.
But what's probably my biggest pet peeve is when Alastor's dialogue is bland. Like, when he doesn't sound like a person and speaks like the walking personification of an instruction manual. When his words are too artificial, impassive, and formal. Alastor is very expressive when he speaks, he has a lot of vocal intonations, and he actually uses a lot of body language and hand gestures when he talks (see his entire first interaction with Lucifer). He can be very stiff, like when he's walking with his back straight and his head up, but he also spins his cane all the time. He flicks his wrist. He snaps his neck at 90 degree angles. He uses wide and expressive body language. He uses his cane to gesture at things. His face is very animated. And most importantly: he's an entertainer! That's how he keeps peoples attention on him. That's why is presence can be so big. He needs showmanship! And a lot of that showmanship comes from his voice. He deals in radio, which is all audio! He knows how to keep an audience with nothing but his voice. So when he sounds bland and impassive, I can't keep reading because I can't even see him as the same character. I feel like I'm reading an OC. Or an off-brand, less interesting bootleg version of him.
Adding onto the above, another pet peeve is when Alastor's internal thoughts are as bland and formal as his speech. Even if he's being written intentionally super formal, especially as part of a ruse, his head is where he doesn't have to keep up the act. His thoughts do not have to mimic his charade. He has the freedom to 100% completely and wholly be himself, because his act doesn't extend to him. If he doesn't sound like a a person who had once lived on Earth, who lived a whole human life, in his own internal thoughts, I can't even force myself to keep reading. His mind is the perfect place to see who he really is, and I have a hard time believing the real Alastor is the charade he puts on for everyone else.
There might be more that I'm not thinking of, but I'll add to the list as they come back to me.
LOL as you can see, a lot of my pet peeves revolve around Alastor. I can be a very picky reader, especially when it comes to him.
But I will say that a lot of these pet peeves also depend on how they're written. I have read, subscribed, kudo'ed, and bookmarked stories that have had multiple of my pet-peeves, but they were written in a way that was either so small that I could overlook them, or the story & plot were so interesting that I ignored them and kept reading.
I can enjoy fics that have any of the above, it just depends on how the author writes it.
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prodigal-upsiders · 2 years
Eddie does end up getting tattoos for them, surprisingly simple but powerful just to them: one each of their handprints. “you held me together,” he says when he explains it to Nancy. “it seemed right.” Hers is the first, one year after that horrible spring break, when it’s still just the two of them in Boston. The dainty outline of her hand wraps around his wrist, the shape of her pulling him up out of the darkness, out of hawkins, out of the muck that threatened to drown them both, etched in bold, implacable lines on his skin. She reaches for him when she needs to, fits her hand to the soft inside of his wrist where she can feel his pulse against the heel of her palm. If sometimes she needs to squeeze tight enough that she leaves a red mark behind, that's alright; it's the same shape of her hand, holding on.
Steve’s left hand takes up a good amount of the remaining unscarred space on his torso. It’s high up and off-center on his stomach, fingertips resting against the hollow beneath his ribs, thumb tucked carefully away from where the edges of his bandages once sat. It takes steve’s breath away the first time he sees it, the spot he used to touch so carefully to soothe Eddie’s flinches, remind him to stay still whenever Steve helped change his bandages after he was finally released from the hospital. There were so few places he could touch Eddie without hurting him, back then—it’s locked into both their minds, now etched into Eddie’s skin, the way it felt when Steve held him in place with one hand, the way his breathing would shudder and hitch and eventually calm into a slow, smooth rise and fall under his palm. “how long does it take to heal?” steve asks when he sees it new, because he wants to touch again so badly that his fingers tingle, wants so much to press his lips to that mark and breathe his own shaky sigh across ink and scars alike. Eddie smiles at him like he knows, like he wants that too, and tells him that it’ll take a few weeks to heal but it needs to be gently washed and covered with a little lotion in that time, and Steve doesn’t have to ask or offer, they both already know he’s going to help take care of it.
Robin’s seems like an odd placement, but the way she smiles and bumps against him with her whole body tells him that she recognizes it immediately: her handprint is stamped across his shin. When he was still in the hospital, some days it felt like the only place on his body that didn’t hurt so bad he could cry, when it seemed like every inch of his upper body was stitched closed and even his hands ached from the cold that wouldn’t leave him or the latest IV he had to have. But Robin was there, gentle grins and little trinkets to cheer him up, and always patting him safely just below the knee. She had her fidgets just like he did, tapping her fingers lightly over the blankets and providing a distraction. Bad news first, he’d said once, but every day she made it a point to bring him some good news, no matter how small, her hand pattering at his leg for his attention before she gave it to him. Now, safe with the hospital and the upside down and hawkins all behind them, the two of them make a habit of flinging their legs across each other whenever they share the couch, kicking and poking to establish who gets the comfier spot—and Robin’s hand ends up resting back on her spot, still tapping out her little fidgets in nonsense patterns that mean home.
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jaynovz · 2 years
Luke Arnold did not put his entire psyche and pussy into John Silver to the detriment of his own health for yall to say Silver is a mastermind liar and not a fucking repressed bisexual MESS
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darkwood-sleddog · 2 months
Would you call Slash a himbo? Obviously he is handsome and respects women, but is he dumb of ass?
He can be Dumb of Ass (tm) but he's actually very smart in a very scary way. This dog KNOWS things and has opinions and gives us, the humans, directions in a very human way sometimes. He is more a like 8 year old child that does motocross stuck in the body of a dog than he is a like...plain dog.
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witchofthesouls · 3 months
Oh man, I keep thinking about language barriers between Cybertron and the Lost Colonies.
Now I got two separate ideas:
1) War bride with a twist where it's Megatron, the Decepticon Warlord, the Great Slagmaker, gets stolen and hitched since he accidentally enacted a marriage to a potential Mistress of Flame.
Double points if it's a time where he was stuck as a gun, and the Adepti has a kink or significantly used him in combat for X amount of time. Perhaps used his bladed extensions in rituals for another layer of binding themes and forge/forger symbolism.
2) Tarn and Camien Nurse with a Quintesson experiment. Since modern Cybertron doesn't have femmes or newsparks, they only have really ancient writings about the concept, and that's why Phase Seven is considered a legend as Decepticon High Command is still trying to figure out how to expand the population, like every other scientist and politician since the occupation. It has something to do with sparks, though...
The Quintessons, on the other hand, are very well educated on Cybertronian biological processes and mechanisms, so-
Local virgin leader of a roving torture and execution squad develops another addiction because the Quintessons wanted to ensure a healthy clutch in a Seekerkin carrier, aka they not only modified Tarn's hardware but messed his brain module to continuously seek out pleasure in a carrier.
Now, Tarn is stuck with a foreign mecha whose only line of communication is a dialect of Primal Vernacular that Vos is able to understand. Most of the time. At least, the D.J.D. have a medical professional now.
(And newsparks that haven't been seen for an indefinite amount of tim, but that's several crates of Nuke for later.)
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backpackingspace · 6 months
okay obviously hau cheng is like prime character to be covered in tattoos but have we considered xie lian with tattoos??? Because I cannot stop thinking about it
#heaven official's blessing#Tgcf#Hua cheng#Xie lian#Tattoos#Hua cheng obviously has his xie lian tattoo but#I think that's it just the one#Or alternatively xie lians name in every language of where he's looked for his god#Xie lian though post Canon who has never been able to keep any scar ever who's body looks exactly like it did at 17#Xie lian who's never had proof of all he's suffered except for his memories#Xie lian who's never felt safer than when he's surrounded by hua cheng xie lian who loves his husband's art#Asks for a tattoo asks his San Lang to do it#And it takes time to make ink that'll stay but if hua cheng has to invent new ink for his husband's happiness than it's easy#And once xie lian has one? He loves it he never wants to stop his body quickly fills with his husband's ink#Idk what tattoos xie lian has but maybe some sort of tribal band around his neck? Or a band of butterflies 👀#A Phoenix? A dragon? All the moments he met San Lang?#Ohhh a big one over his back of a child falling and then the child growing and catching him#The flowers hua cheng use to give him around his ankle#A series down his thigh that use to be his mother's favorites#I think Feng xin would hate it at first until xie lian explained and then he'd just be sad about it#Mu Qing is.....complicated like always#Lang qiunqui....is NOT curious he doesn't want one he isn't dying to know if xie lian has one of his time as his teacher or not#Eventually he asks xie lian if hua cheng will give him one as well and the answer is of course no but maybe....#....xie lian learns how to give tattoos 👀 the idea is surprisingly popular with the gods
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melon-official · 4 months
seeing the jughead jones asexual post from like 2017 on my dash always ends with five million pictures of jughead jones in my camera roll without fail. i dont even know who he is or what riverdale is about
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dilfkuza · 1 year
okay i feel like im going insane and making a red string board in my head but I've watched that Ichiban and Kiryu conversation way too many times and i swear Kiryu has to be lying to seem cool or the "proposal" he's talking about isn't a standard proposal. a man with nothing to hide wouldn't have his face shift from being this smug
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to being this caught off guard when he's asked to give details
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that's not the look of a man who's been asked to reveal something personal that might be emberassing or uncomfortable, that's the face of a man who got caught in a lie and doesn't know how to follow up.
i know Kiryu is pulling a story out of his ass to hold up a manly persona. he's looking around trying to come up with something believable because he didn't think through his gut reaction of "I need to seem cool in front of this younger guy who (maybe) looks up to me". man's looking around the skyline as if his childhood idea of a tough, macho yakuza is gonna float down and give him a story to tell.
I can't even think of who he could be referring to unless he's exaggerating his relationship with Yumi or Kaoru? or if it has something to do with the woman he's protecting in Gaiden but I wouldn't think so since that's just a side story. of course it's not impossible that he could have tried to have a relationship during one of the gaps in time between games (à la Majima having an ex-wife between games), but that would be a really cheap way to write themselves out of Kiryu being generally uninterested in women. in conclusion?
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canisalbus · 1 year
You've encouraged me to be much more expressive with the body launguage and general poses of my oc's. I love to draw them but was never fully satisfied; like something wasn't quite right with them. Turned out I needed to stop treating their bodies like stiff plastic toys and more like, well, actual animal bodies, which are WAY more dynamic than we realize.
I'm so delighted to hear that! I'm a big fan of expressive body language myself, sometimes you can tell so much about a character's personality and their current mood just by looking at how they occupy space and position themselves, often subconsciously.
Mammalian bodies can be surprisingly elastic and bendy, just like you said. (Personally I tend to think shoulders in particular are way more mobile than you'd initially believe, for example when you stretch your arm up it's not just your arm that moves, your clavicles, shoulder blades and all the muscles connected to them shift a little bit too and that can alter the shape of your upper torso significantly).
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