#bold of you to assume wrapping him in a blanket
lyss-butterscotch · 1 year
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Is this the same person or...?
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luveline · 26 days
How did reader react when Spencer was exposed to anthrax? (I normally request stripper or bombshell reader but I want to leave up to you which reader - shy, confident, bombshell, stripper, not mentioned here)
Thank you 🖤
“This is unacceptable.” 
Spencer looks at you through plastic. He opens his hands, his hair already soaking wet, huge streams of water running down him as a woman in a hazmat suit sprays him down. He ends up giving you a glare. A bold choice.
“Spencer Reid.” 
“What do you want from me?” 
“For you to make less ridiculous decisions.” 
“I didn’t exactly choose to get dosed with anthrax.” 
You think it’s pointless to deny all accountability in this situation. When Derek rehashed the story to you down the phone, you’d assumed he was making a sick joke, but no, your Spencer is alright with endangering his life. 
“Spencer, you aren’t a child. You know what you were doing.” 
“If you’re here to shout at me, can you not?” 
“Can you take your clothes off?” the woman in the hazmat suit asks. 
Spencer cringes but begins undressing. 
“Spencer, somebody needs to. All Hotch will do is give you a disappointed shake of the head, he won’t even write you up.” 
“Maybe he realises it was accidental!” Spencer says hopefully, shivering as his shirt hits the floor. He grabs his boxers and holds them in place as he kicks off his pants, water spraying everywhere now, pattering against the plastic sides of the haz-gazebo as it bounces off his naked skin. 
“Doubtful.” You raise your eyebrows. “Shouldn’t he take his boxers off, too?” 
The woman in the hazmat suit sighs. “I’m afraid so.” 
Spencer sputters as she sprays his waist with the hose. “I’m so cold.” 
Sympathy grows. You wrap your arms around yourself and feel at the cashmere sweater that stretches over your elbows, thinner softness, warm in the sunshine. You have a hundred things to be stressed about and Spencer’s at the top of the list when he shouldn’t be on it to begin with. “Can’t you use warm water?” you ask, more gentle than you had been. 
“Sorry,” the woman says. “I’ll be quick.” 
“And then he’ll, what? Get to ride in the ambulance?” you ask. 
“That’s the plan. Dr. Reid, can you turn around?” 
Spencer gets washed from head to toe with ice cold water. His shivers turn full body, his lips pressed firmly together when they finally let him out. He’s quickly wrapped in a towel, then a foil blanket, and packed into the back of an ambulance with three EMT’s and an insistent you. 
He’s going to be assessed en route. 
You sidle past an EMT to sit by his head, out of the way, but close enough to brush his wet hair from his forehead. “You okay?” you ask. 
“You’re being nicer to me.” 
“Spencer, I’m aware that nobody really deserves to be poisoned.” 
“But I took an unnecessary risk.” He sighs deeply, then coughs, to your internal horror. “I’m sorry.” 
“I’m sorry, I’m being mean.” You cover his forehead with your hand in hopes of warming him. 
Spencer relaxes now he knows you aren’t mad, his shivers occasionally resurfacing, his worry plain as day across his features. Brown eyes squinted like he’s pained, his mouth twisted. 
“You’ll be okay, I promise,” you say, rubbing a quarter circle at his temple with your thumb.
“I’m just so cold.” 
His weak laugh is lost on you. You can’t cover him up anymore than he is while the EMT’s work to check his vitals and take his blood for testing. You lean down, the bumpy road nearly forcing you to kiss his cheek. “You’re doing well,” you say, “we’ll be there soon. You won’t be cold all day.” 
You blow warm air at his cheeks. They turn pink, but you let him blame the hosing. 
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i'm so happy you're writing for nightcrawler! he's my favorite and its criminal how little fanfic there is of him out there. could i request a slight hurt/comfort fic? kurt has a habit of sitting in the dark in the mansion (its quiet and peaceful for him), and fem!reader finds him up late one night. kurt is completely enamored with reader, so he doesn't want to burden her with his problems, but she gets kurt talking and slowly finds out that the bad memories of his past are keeping him up. kurt walks reader back to her room, and she tells him that if he ever wanted to talk or needed someone, she was there for him. kurt takes her hand, kisses it, and cant resist saying that merely being around her was enough for him to rest easy that night.
i'm sorry this was so long! thank you!
And only the stars will know
Kurt Wagner x fem!reader Words: 1.9K Warnings: slight hurt/comfort, but very faint A/N: Thanks so much for requesting. I feel like I didn't quite get the tone but I hope you like it anyway :)
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It was a cold, starry night, the kind of night when you prefer to wrap yourself in a blanket, a hot drink in your hand and stare at the night sky from the windowsill. She was wrapped in a blanket, but she was a long way from her bed as she leaned against the doorframe to the balcony.
Her original plan had been to rush to her classroom and retrieve the papers she had left there, but the cool breeze in the corridors had distracted her from her plan.
Thinking someone had left a window open, she had followed the cold, even though her shivering body protested strongly against it, and ended up at the balcony. The doors were slightly ajar, leading her to think, as she had previously assumed, that one of the students had simply forgotten to close them.
However, just as she put her hand on the handle, she thought she recognized a person in the pale moonlight.
It was hard to make out, at first she thought she was imagining it, but when the clouds cleared the moon for a moment, she could clearly make out the outline of a person. A very familiar person.
She knew he was capable of it, after all, he had explained it to her, but it was the first time she had really experienced Kurt's ability to merge with the shadows and the darkness. Now that she knew he was sitting on the railing of the balcony, she could spot him, but she still had to make an effort to actually see him. Normally she would have spoken to him, but she didn't recognize the usually cheeky, flirtatious man, which had made her pause at the door frame.
Kurt had pulled his legs close to his body and hidden his head in his folded arms. His tail, which usually curled and swung back and forth in a bold and amused manner, was wrapped tightly around his body and didn't move a bit.
He must have been sitting out here for some time, because his body had started to shiver a few minutes after she found him and she couldn't stand it any longer. She carefully pushed the door open further, giving a soft squeak, but he didn't react, causing the worry line on her forehead to deepen, as he was usually so attentive. She shuffled quietly across the balcony, the stone icy cold beneath her bare feet, but he only noticed her when she carefully placed the blanket that had warmed her earlier around his shoulders.
He flinched and looked at her with wide, golden eyes, which she returned with a slight smile. She noticed that it was instantly easier for her to recognize him, as if he was making a conscious effort to remain visible.
„Meine Liebe, why are you still awake?" Her smile widened when she heard the nickname he honored her with. It wasn't much and in a language she didn't really speak, but it made her heart beat faster every time. "I could ask you the same thing, Kurt." She climbed carefully onto the railing next to him, careful not to fall. He seemed to have the same concern, as once she was seated, his tail detached itself from its place around his legs and wrapped itself around her waist.
"I couldn't sleep," she replied anyway, leaning forward slightly and adjusting the blanket so that it completely enveloped Kurt. It was only when she leaned back again that she noticed he had one arm hovering around her shoulders in case she lost her balance. Her smile softened and when he withdrew his arm, she reached for his hand and gave it a quick squeeze. "And you, honey?"
Kurt let his eyes wander over her face for a moment before turning them skywards. "Same with me." That answer shouldn't have worried her as much as it did. It wasn't like him to answer so curtly or to avoid her gaze. Thinking back to her conversations with Kurt, she couldn't remember him ever letting his eyes wander far from her.
Still, she tried not to be too pressuring and instead attempted humor. "I doubt that. You don't need to read twenty-two essays on Shakespeare to deprive you of sleep." That elicited a slight smirk from him, but it didn't come close to the broad smile she was used to seeing from him. "Not quite, no."
Kurt pulled the blanket into place and she felt the grip of his tail tighten a little around her hips, but said nothing, just watched him in silence. His hands were in his lap and she could see that he was wringing them, apparently not knowing what to do with them. Her eyes traveled up over his tense posture to his face.
His mouth, usually twisted into a toothy smile, was now nothing more than a barely recognizable line and his eyes, usually glowing with energy, looked dull and sad. She couldn't bear to look at him. Kurt was important to her, one of the most important people in her life, and seeing him like this broke her heart.
"Kurt?" Her voice was soft and tentative and he didn't look directly at her, but when he did, his face looked tired, exhausted and resigned. Slowly, so that he had enough time to pull back, she lifted her hand and brushed a few strands of hair from his face before resting her hand on his cheek. "You know you can talk to me? If there's something on your mind... I'm here for you."
For a brief moment, his features softened and he smiled, just slightly but it was a genuine smile. "I know, meine Liebe. It's just a few bad memories. Nothing to burden your mind with." Gently, she let her hand move from his cheek to his hand so that she was now holding both of them in hers.
"Shouldn't it be up to me to decide?"?“
Kurt was silent for a long time and she almost thought he was going to turn away, but he let out a deep, almost sad chuckle and shook his head. "God, you're one of a kind, aren't you? What did I do to deserve the honor of your attention?"
"There was nothing to earn," she whispered. "It was yours from the beginning."
This seemed to leave him speechless for a moment, but when he caught himself, his expression softened, the worry line gone. "It was just a few bad memories," he explained and it took her a moment to realize that he was answering her previous question. "Usually they can't hurt me, but sometimes-"
"-they just come up, no matter how much you've distanced yourself from them," she finished his broken sentence and Kurt nodded slightly.
„Ja.“ His eyes wandered from her face to the lands of the Xavier Institute. "I have found my role, my place, in this world. I am surrounded by people who accept me for who I am, love me for who I am." For a few seconds, his gaze flickered over to her. "But that wasn't always the case."
That sad look she couldn't stand came into his eyes again and he withdrew his hands. "I was fine for a while, in the circus. They may not have all loved me, but I was accepted and respected. That was all I wanted. But outside-" His tail loosened from her hip and curled around his drawn-on legs again.
"Monster, they called me. Freak. Spawn of hell. Abominable. Dangerous..." She curled her fingers into her thighs. Kurt didn't deserve this kind of treatment. He was an angel, wonderful and magnificent, and the fact that people didn't treat him like this infuriated her.
Kurt let out a gasp. "I know none of this is true. I'm not a monster, not a spawn of hell, not abominable, but..."
"It still hurts." He nodded and she felt her heart break in her chest. "Oh Kurt..." She didn't care that they were sitting on the railing of a balcony that hovered several meters above the ground, but acted on instinct.
She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around the blue mutant. He froze for a few seconds, but quickly recovered from his shock.
Under her touch, she could feel him relax and bury his face in her hair while his hands clawed at her back. It didn't hurt, but even if it did, she wouldn't say anything. Something slowly wrapped around her middle and it took her a little too long to realize it was his tail.
"You don't deserve this. You least of all of us," she murmured into his chest and felt his grip on her tighten. "You're a wonderful person, an angel, and I'm very grateful to know you." There was silence between them, though neither of them was uncomfortable. She snuggled against him as he buried his face in her hair and his arms and tail wrapped around her.
The softly breathed "thank you" was carried away by the wind, but she heard it anyway and wrapped her arms around him even tighter. If it had been a warmer night, she could have stayed in his arms for hours, but this night was cold and she soon began to shiver, despite the warmth radiating from Kurt's body.
At first she tried to suppress it, not wanting to let the moment go, but over time her trembling became so bad that Kurt noticed it as well and broke away from her, eliciting a complaining whimper from her. He, however, paid no attention and just looked at her with wide, worried eyes. "Meine Liebe, you're freezing to death. Why are you wearing such thin clothes?"
"It wasn't really the plan to go out," she confessed through chattering teeth and Kurt swung himself elegantly from the railing to offer her his hand. She gratefully accepted it and as soon as her feet touched the cold ground, she felt something warm envelop her.
Kurt had put the blanket back around her shoulders as well as wrapping his arm around her middle. He smiled down at her and finally he looked the way she knew he would - wide, fang-toothed smile, bright eyes and a curling tail.
"Come on, my dear, let's go inside. After all, I can't risk my favorite person catching a cold, can I?" She grinned slightly and really hoped he couldn't see the blush in her cheeks. From his smile, he very well could. " Don't let Rogue hear you say that."
He chuckled softly and led her through the hallways to her room. She stopped in front of her door, the blanket wrapped tightly around her, and looked up at him as he began to melt into the shadows again, though this time she had no trouble spotting him.
"Sweet dreams," he murmured with a smile and she lightly smiled.
"You too. And Kurt?" she called back to him as he tried to turn around. Her smile turned a little sheepish.
"If you have bad dreams again or are plagued by bad memories... My door is open to you. Any time."
Kurt's smile widened and his tail curled slightly at the tip as he carefully took her hand in his and lifted it to his lips. "Don't worry, meine Liebe." He looked up at her through his lashes and his gaze was so soft and appealing at the same time that she felt like she would instantly burst. "
Just this time near you will be enough to keep me from having bad dreams for the next few weeks."
He gently let go of her hand, winked at her and disappeared into a dark cloud with a slight 'bamf'.
Frozen, blushing heavily, she stood there and looked at the spot where Kurt had been standing before she chuckled softly and turned towards her room. God, this man....
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endlessthxxghts · 11 months
Take It Easy
no outbreak!neighbor!joel miller x afab!reader || W/C: ≈10.2k
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Summary: Your family throws an impromptu barbecue. You’re usually the one they throw every task on, but with today being your most painful period day, you say fuck it and leave them to fend for themselves. Only one other guest is invited today, and that’s Joel Miller.
Warnings: Age gap (23/43). Established relationship (to everyone but reader’s family). No physical description of reader besides outfit choices. Use of feminine pet names. LATINO JOEL MILLER (he’s canon in all my fics, sorry not sorry). Fluff with slight angst - getting caught, kinda (?) - happy ending, don’t worry. This version of Joel is always soft for reader, but I feel like he’s extra soft here. These idiots are so fucking in love (highkey jealous). SMUT 18+ MDNI: If you know the traffic light system for safe words, reader uses yellow at one point - but fluff & comfort happens immediately after. Dom/sub and Brat tamer/brat dynamics (subspace!). Daddy kink. Degradation kink (very brief). Making out/body appreciation. Masturbation (F). Oral sex (M receiving). Spit kink (I'm so weak). Exhibitionist kink - reader is being bold 🫣. Face fucking. Vaginal fingering. Lots of kissing (these two definitely have some sort of oral/kiss fixation istg). Soft unprotected p in v. Reader gets a surge of dominance, soooo ya get a glimpse of sub!Joel😏…...I think that's it. Let me know if there’s anything I missed. 🫶🏼
Author's Note: This can be read as a stand-alone, but I accidentally connected this a bit more than I intended to the What You Need fic. That fic talks a lot about reader's background/family dynamic and why/how Joel is the way that he is with reader. There's also some little details in here that might fly over your head if you haven't read What You Need. However, I genuinely don't think any confusion or such will occur if you only read this one shot. I hope you'll be able to enjoy all the same. Much love 💚
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“Can you prep the veggies?”
“Can you prep the grill?”
“Can you make the rice?”
“Why don’t I make the entire fucking dinner at this point?” You snap in the direction of the kitchen from your place on the couch, wrapped in blankets, snuggled with a heat pack over your lower belly. 
“Well, if you’re offering,” your brother smirks. 
You started your period yesterday, and the second day is always the absolute worst. Your flow is heavy, your cramps are excruciating, and your mood is all over the place. Today was not the day for an impromptu barbecue, regardless if there were guests or not. 
You promptly give your brother the middle finger then pull yourself off the couch to make your way to the bathroom. You’ve filled up an entire pad, yet again, in less than 20 minutes. 
You always do everything for your family, but today, you absolutely don’t give a fuck. Today is self care day for you — popping three painkillers then heading straight to the dark of your room. 
You’re not entirely sure how long you fell asleep for, but the smell of charcoal smoke and sizzling steak is what wakes you up first. The next sensation that fills you is the sound of heavy boots walking from, what you assume to be, the back door to the kitchen. Joel. You’d know that walk anywhere. He’s taking on the tasks for your family that usually fall on your shoulders. 
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He called you this morning before everyone (including you) woke up, saying he’s excited to see you tonight. You grumbled sleepily, about to tell him you were just as excited when a searing pain ruptured in your stomach, causing you to gasp out in pain. 
“Baby?” Joel called out, “What’s wrong, honey?”
“Fuck, sorry, baby, it’s nothing,” you shyly say. He says your name. You start to explain, “I started my period yesterday, and-” but Joel cuts you off. “The second day is always the worst,” he states factually. 
You smile to yourself, “Yeah, exactly.”
He tells you to get up and get a glass of water and some medicine to ease the pain, which you do, then he tells you to let yourself sleep in today, which you don’t. 
“Fine,” he relents at your stubbornness, “but at least take it easy today, darlin’, ya hear me?”
“Loud and clear, Miller, loud and clear,” you tell him. 
You can feel his dumb fucking lopsided smirk through the phone, “Fuckin’ brat,” he snarls. 
“Mhm, but you’re fuckin’ brat,” you correct him.
“Yes. Mine.”
“Mmmm,” you let out a soft moan at that. Mine. You love the way it sounds, the way he claims you. “I love you.”
His cock twitches at the sound you make, but he wills it stay down. He takes a breath before he responds, “I love you, baby.” He can’t get ahead of himself today. He needs you to take it easy. So he tells you exactly that, again, for the last time before he ends the call and lets you take on your tasks for the day. 
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Even though the mouth-watering scent of all the delicious food has completely pulled you awake, you stay in bed a little longer, basking in the sensation of absolute no cramping in the position you’re in. And as if on cue, Joel quietly knocks on your door, waiting for you to invite him in. 
“Come in,” your voice cracks, still groggy from the hours of no speaking. 
He enters softly, clad in that denim button up you love so much paired with some dark washed jeans. “Hi, darlin’,” he makes his way to place a soft kiss to your forehead, your nose, then a longer one to your lips. “How you feelin’?” 
“Better now,” you coo, completely enamored by how soft your big, burly man can be. “Food smells good. You helped them?” 
He’s sitting at the side of your bed now, facing you, so he can rest his arm across you. “Only your old man. Carried in the food as he finished puttin’ em in the trays,” he says as he draws little circles on your arms. 
You hum in response, too content at his presence. Still unable to use your voice, you tug on his arm, silently asking for him to hold you for just a moment before you eventually need to get up. 
“They all left, by the way,” Joel soothes. 
You finally have the strength to lift your head up, a quizzical look on your face. 
“Your brother needed an herb, your dad s’more charcoal, obviously your mother drove ‘em. I don’t know where your other siblings are, though,” he explains. 
“Oh.” You look up at him. “So what you’re saying is,” tugging harder on his arm to pull him into your bed, “you can freely cuddle me until then.” 
He chuckles at that, giving into your pull, and wrapping his hand around your jaw to pull you into yet another sweet kiss. He’s laying down next to you now, and you take the opportunity to completely entangle your limbs into his, your head tucked into his neck. 
Your family is gone for another forty-five minutes from that point on, and you two spend each minute just completely wrapped into each other, sharing sweet, wet kisses everywhere both of  you can reach. His thigh supplying light pressure between yours at your core, spurring you both on just enough but not to the point where you lose all self control. 
There’s something about the way you two can touch each other like this. With past partners, they always wanted things to escalate. To undress you and devour you at any sign of affection. But with Joel, it’s natural. Of course, his body will react in ways that show he physically wants more, but truly, he just wants to adore you and appreciate you and love you. And in the moments where those three words aren’t enough, he shows it in the other pure way he knows how to. 
You’re too distracted being consumed by Joel’s touch, but as sharp as an eagle, he immediately perks at the sound of your family’s arrival. He slowly pulls away, trying to savor the kiss as much as possible. Finally it breaks, and you immediately pull your bottom lip into your mouth, trying to savor the way he feels and the way he tastes. He gives you a look of pure love and devotion—a look you know is only reserved for you, a look you’ll never get tired of. “Time to get up, darlin’.” 
“Ugh,” you whine out, “Okay, I’ll meet you out there. I’m just gonna change, baby.” 
He pulls you up out of bed and straight into another chaste kiss, “Want me to make you tea?” 
“That sounds lovely, baby,” you blush at his attentiveness. You’ve been spoiled rotten by him for the past year, but you still get so flustered every time. “But I think we’re out of what I normally drink-”
He stops you with yet another kiss. “I bought a box of that peppermint blend before I came.” 
You can’t stop the way you absolutely fold for this man, evident in the shaky breath you take and the way you completely stumble on your words, “Y-yeah, o-okay, yes, please.” 
He smiles and nods, walking directly to your kitchen without another second to waste. 
God, he deserves some fucking head right now, you think to yourself as you quietly giggle. 
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You make your way to your bathroom, taking a quick body shower because those several hours of sleep, plus the way Joel was on you for 45 minutes, had you looking like a murder scene down there. You dry yourself off, lotion up, and change into some loose black sweats and a fitted, light blue baby tee. 
You look a lot brighter after your rest; Joel was right in telling you to sleep in, you needed it. Not that you’d ever tell him. He doesn’t need anymore ego boosts. Ya see, what’d I say, darlin’? you can hear his Texan twang scolding you already. 
He looks up from the kettle pot boiling before him to see you perched on the bar stool on the other side of the kitchen island, bright eyed and awake, watching him make your tea. “Thank you again, baby,” you softly say. 
He comes around behind you, setting your mug in front of you accompanied with three soft kisses peppered to the area where your shoulder and neck meet. “Of course, my sweet girl. You ready to eat? Everythin’ is set up out back, and everyone is out there, too,” he sighs, “already eatin’.” He says, annoyed at the fact that no one thought to call and check in on you, let you know that the ritual of eating together already started. You’re used to it by now, but seeing his reaction reminds you that it’s not normal for your own family to treat you this way. You smile a little sadly, trying to think of how you want to go about this. Usually you just wouldn’t eat, but with Joel around, you know that’s not going to fly. 
“How ‘bout,” he says as he wraps his arms around your waist, his head still resting on your shoulder, “I go out there, make a plate big enough for us both, and I come back in and we share?” He could easily get you your own plate, but he knows your family. They’ll jump at any opportunity to shit talk you when they don’t understand the entire situation. Getting you your own plate and serving you when he’s a guest in your own home could inspire that, and he really doesn’t want you to experience that right now. 
You lean into him, turning your head a little to place a kiss to his cheek. “Okay, baby,” you smile, “yes, let’s share.” 
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He comes back inside to you snuggled on the couch again with a pullout table propped right in front. He snuggles up right beside you, placing your legs right on top of his, keeping you secure with a hand on your thigh. 
The plate is filled with a mountain worth of food. You already know three-quarters of that is going down his bottomless pit of a stomach, laughing to yourself at the thought. One thing that wasn’t on the original menu for tonight was on his plate. It also just so happened to be one of your comfort foods whenever you weren’t feeling good. “W-who made the mashed potatoes?” 
Joel looks up at you sheepishly. He thought he’d be able to pull it off. He didn’t just go to the store, before he came, for your mint tea. He also went to get the ingredients for the mashed potatoes recipe you love so much. Within the almost two years he’s spent getting to know you, he’s recognized that every single time you’re feeling under the weather or falling into some type of depressive slump, you’re either eating or craving it. “I, uh- When I went to go get your tea… I figured I’d get ya your stuff for this, too. Made it before I came to wake ya up.” 
“Joel…” your voice cracks and your eyes tear up. 
How is it that after 23 years of life, you’re finally experiencing what it means when someone loves you? And you’re not talking romantic, you’re talking pure, genuine love. Love that you should’ve received from your parents, your siblings. They have never once shown you the consideration of making you your favorite meal, or fixing you a cup of something warm when you’re not feeling well. They have never shown you what it means to appreciate someone, in any of the love languages. The only person that has shown you remotely anything is your mother, but even that is limited because she cowers behind the directives of your father. You see her try, and you feel selfish not to appreciate it. But is it selfish to just want to be wholly loved by the people who created and raised you?  
You pull the fork out of his hands and set it back on the plate. And in an instant, you completely throw yourself on him, your arms wrapped around his neck tightly, legs tightly hugged between his own. He loses his balance and lays straight back onto the couch, letting out a grunt at the landing, with you on top of him. You push into him for a kiss, your noses smooshing together as you lick inside his mouth with a sense of urgency to show him how much you love him. Once the initial shock of you pouncing on him wears off, he immediately wraps himself around you, tightening his hold to pull you in impossibly more. His tongue dances with yours, one arm wrapped around your middle and another secure around the bottom of your ass. 
You adjust to straddle his hips, sitting up and pulling him up with you by the collar of his denim. You break away from him just for a minute, heavy breathing and eyes dark, and you let your hand glide down his chest, swiftly undoing a few buttons of his shirt, making sure to leave a trail of sloppy, wet kisses as you go. You make your way down to his belt, unbuckling it with such a need that he can’t help but just watch you. You slip the belt out of the loops, letting it fall to the ground, and you’re scooting back more to situate yourself in between the tight space of his legs. You palm him through his jeans, feeling how absolutely hard he is, which elicits a deep groan from the man above you. With that, the button and zipper of his jeans are undone. You bring your hands up back to the hem of his jeans, looking back up at him for his approval. 
“Sweet girl, ya know your folks are right outside,” he tries to warn but fails with the way his voice wavers with need. 
You look to the back door that’s twenty feet away, curtains completely drawn, and look back at him. “You and I both know none of them are coming back inside for a while,” you raise your eyebrows in defiance. 
He is truly at war with himself right now. He could let you do what you want, knowing you get off just as much as he does when you give him head. Or he could situate you back to your original positions and finger a few orgasms out of you, and he just pulls away from you if someone were to walk in — the safer route. Or. The safest option being he bids your folks goodnight and you let them know you’re going out for the night. 
Though, the latter would just be too easy. He knows you both revel in the risk, in the act of sneaking around. Which is why he finds himself scooting forward to the edge of the couch, and you take the hint loud and clear. He wants you on your knees for this. He meets your stare once more, both of you sparkling with mischief. “Well? Darlin’? Best get on with it then, huh?” Followed by him lifting his hips slightly so you can tug his clothing down, his tip red and aching. 
“Fuck, yes,” you gasp out, “been thinking about this since you left my fuckin’ room, daddy, I want you so bad.” 
Your admission spurs him on more, and his eyes go impossibly dark. “Go on, darlin’. Prove it to me. Show me how fuckin’ bad.” 
You pull yourself up to stand on your knees for a moment, and murmur a quiet come here to him, urging him to lean in for a second. He pulls closer, stopping an inch away from your face. You open your mouth for him, tongue sticking out and flat. He gets the hint, and before you can even register, his hand is on your jaw, tilting your head back and opening you wider, and he spits. 
You use all your self control not to swallow it right here and right now, desperate to feel any kind of warmth from him slide down your throat. You have other plans right now. You close your mouth and let your own spit generate, absolutely giddy with want to please your man. His eyes are fixed on you, knowing your next plan of action, but still stunned all the same at how fucking filthy his sweet girl is. You pull yourself back, hovering your mouth over his erection. 
You open your mouth and just let the combination of both of you fall from your mouth, sliding down his cock like the sweetest of syrups that you can’t wait to lick up. As the amount of spit starts to really gather, you grab him by the base and start stroking up and down his length, putting extra emphasis on his tip, running your finger over his slit for good measure. He lets out a stuttered groan at that, and you take that as your queue to finally put him in your mouth. Running your tongue in the same pattern your fingers did his tip, making him hiss in your ability to make him fold at the smallest of touches.
You keep this pace for a good while, using your hand in tandem with your mouth, stroking up and down in the speed and pressure that you know brings him to the edge fast. The sounds coming from your throat mixed with the slick feeling of your hand pumping him has your pussy absolutely dripping for attention. Fuck it. You slide your other hand down into your underwear, and begin to play with your clit, not wanting to go any deeper for fear of getting blood all over the place. Joel wouldn’t mind—of course, he wouldn’t—but you would, so you give yourself just enough to ease the aching need between your legs. Your moans get louder now that you’re touching yourself, your throat adding a delicious vibrating sensation to him. 
His eyes were shut at how fucking amazing you’re taking him, but with the sounds you’re making, he can’t help but make sure all his focus is on you. And god damn, when he sees you touching yourself so prettily while you’re being such a good girl making daddy feel so fucking good, he can’t help but cum at the sight. “F-fuck, sweet girl, holy fuckin’ hell,” he breathes, “It turn you on that bad to have my dick in your mouth, huh?” 
You pull off of him with a pop, making sure you keep as much of his cum in your mouth as you can—because there’s a fuck ton—and you fix your stare into his dark eyes as you swallow every last bit of him. “So fucking good, daddy, I-” you break off into a moan, your hand that was pumping him now gripping his thigh to maintain your balance as you continue the ministrations on your pussy. 
“Cum for me, baby, show me how good it makes you feel to be daddy’s little slut,” he demands. You gasp out at his words, that demand being what really throws you over the edge. Your clit pulses underneath your fingers, you feel yourself gush out, your blood and cum making you feel impossibly messier, and with that, your body goes rigid. 
Joel leans forward and grabs onto your jaw, keeping you upright while you come back down from your high. You’re so far gone that you don’t realize he’s peppering your face with kisses, uttering sweet nothings until you’re back with him. He gently pulls your hand from your pants and settles them into your lap.
“I’ve got ya, baby,” he kisses your lips softly. 
“My sweet girl,” he kisses your jaw, “I love you,” another kiss at your pulse point below your ear. He feels your body begin to relax. 
“Atta girl, baby,” he whispers before reaching down and settling his other arm underneath your legs, positioning himself so he can pick you up in a cradle position. He stands and carries you to your bathroom, settling you on your feet for one moment so he can pull your sweats and underwear off of you. He guides you down onto the toilet, kissing your forehead and muttering a quick one sec, baby before he steps out. He comes back two minutes later, and you’re still in subspace but slightly more grounded, and he kneels down in front of you, instructing you to lift one foot at a time. 
He went to go get you a new pair of underwear and some gray sweatpants. He already stuck another pad to your underwear, too. The action fills you with such an overwhelming feeling that you can’t help the tears that roll down your flushed cheeks. He looks up, knowing everything you’re saying and feeling by your gaze alone. He cups your cheeks with both hands, rubs his thumb to wipe the stray tears, and kisses your forehead, your left eye, then your right, your nose, and finally your lips, all in an attempt to seal every ounce of love and adoration he has for you.  
“I love you,” you finally say, leaning your forehead against his, and just take a moment with his hands on you. He pulls back again with a kiss to your forehead, and he grabs the wipes on the counter, encouraging you to lean back a bit, so he can clean you properly. 
“Wait, no,” you meekly say, trying to grab the wipes from his hands. He knows you get embarrassed at the fact that he sees you a little gross like this, and you know he truly doesn’t care. Usually he relents and lets you do it yourself, but tonight, he’s doing everything for you whether you like it or not. He raises one eyebrow at you, and that’s all you need to bring your arms back down in defeat. You lean yourself back a little, spreading your legs open, and let him clean you up. 
When it comes to other activities during your period, you usually are uncomfortable. But with Joel? With him, you don’t mind. You actually love it. It’s in moments like these that remind you how irrevocably in love you are with this man.
Afterwards he stands you up, pulls your bottoms on, and turns you towards the sink and washes your hands for you. He really wasn’t kidding at how easy he wanted you to take today.
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He carried you back to the couch and wrapped a fluffy blanket around you. You threw yourself on him in the middle of your guys’ meal, so after he settles you into the couch, he transfers your shared food to a real plate instead of paper and warms everything up. He does the same to your peppermint tea. 
After everything is warmed, he settles back onto the couch beside you, pulling your legs up onto his thighs and holding you above your knee to secure your position. You go to reach the fork, but Joel is quick to swat your hand away, taking the fork and feeding you a bite of your mashed potatoes instead. 
“I told you,” he scolds, “to take it easy today.” 
You frown, “And I have been! You’ve literally been taking care of me since you got here.” 
He sets the fork down, reaching for your tea and lifting it up to your mouth. He’s not gonna respond until you take a sip, which was much needed as your belly immediately calms at the heat. You take one more sip as he begins, “You pouncin’ on my fuckin’ dick was not takin’ it easy.” 
You cough on the fucking liquid still traveling down your throat. You were not expecting that to come out of his mouth. You try really hard to will yourself not to fucking burst out in laughter because you know how serious he was with this statement. So instead, you settle for your typical smart ass remark. “It wasn’t?” You asked. “Seemed real easy to me,” you add as you take the fork from his hand and take another bite of the yummy food before you. His eyebrow shoots up and you give him a lopsided smirk in return. 
“Watch it, sweet girl,” he says as he brings his hand up, thumb and forefinger pinching at your chin to force your eyes into his. He gives you a bruising kiss, one that entices him to bite at your bottom lip as he pulls away. You can feel yourself slipping again. He’s not done with you, he’s just giving you a moment to refuel. 
“I’ll be good,” you softly whimper as you chase for his lips. “I’m not so sure about that,” he responds as his grip on your chin gets tighter, forcing you stationary and a few inches too far from where you want him to be. Your eyebrows furrow and your eyes gloss over as you whisper out a small I promise, to which he says, “Don’t worry, darlin’. I’ll make sure of it.” 
He lets go of your face completely and continues feeding you, alternating between the food and your tea. As the next bite he prepares for you reaches your mouth, something that has never happened before decided to occur. Your mother comes inside the house, and her first sight as soon as she came in was you, completely wrapped around Joel, and him feeding you. 
Your jaw freezes, his grip on your leg tightens out of instinct to protect you, and it’s a staring standoff between the three of you. Joel doesn’t realize he’s still holding the fork up until his hand starts to shake, so he gently sets it down on the plate. It’s you who speaks first. “Mom, I-”
But it’s your mother who wants the first word. The first two words, actually. “How long?” 
Your heart is beating out of your chest, and the only thing keeping you from full blown panic is all the ways you’re in physical contact with Joel. “I can explain, mom, I-”
“Flower,” she says to comfort you. She’s not mad? you think. Your heart immediately calms, but now you’re just confused. Growing up, your mother always called you her flower. She used it predominantly when she wanted to help you regulate. You’ve always been full of anxiety and other strong emotions. Flowers are strong and beautiful, and show exactly when they need support. And when they are given the support they need, they flourish. That’s you. You are a flower. Her flower. But now she can see, there’s someone else tending to you. And she is not mad. 
“A year and some change,” you softly say. She looks between you two. Then she steps forward. “Look,” she breathes. “I know our family hasn’t been the best in showing love or appreciation. And they obviously haven’t been the best at fending for themselves-”
“Amen to that,” you say, and she chuckles in appreciation. She continues.
“Thank you, by the way. For everything you do around here. We both know none of it would get done around here if it weren’t for you. I try to help you as much as I can, but obviously not enough. If you can pull everyone’s weight around here, which you shouldn’t have been doing in the first place, then I can at least pull my own and whip them into pulling their own, too.” 
Your eyes are watering, and you take a deep, shaky breath. Joel feels it. He brings his hand around to rub small circles into your back. You’re so grateful he’s here. “I love you,” you say to your mom. 
“I love you, too, flower, but I’m not done. I also know that I’m not too great at using my voice. Defending what’s right. But you’re the one person in this family that’s given me the inspiration to fight for what I believe in. You give me strength, and constantly seeing this family pull you down lower and lower as the years go by breaks me. All I’ve ever wanted was for you to be happy.” 
Tears begin to fall, both on your face and your mom’s. 
“And in this last year, and some change, to be exact,” she smiles as she recalls your answer from earlier, “you have been the most vibrant flower of the entire garden. In the gloominess of this house, you continue to grow, and I’ve been dying to understand what changed. And now I see why. And I have never been more grateful for another human—the first one being you—until he entered your life.” 
You and Joel both look at each other, his eyes have a hint of gloss to them now, too. 
“So,” your mother says as she reaches for the tissue box on the counter and walks back to hand you the box. “I won’t tell a soul. It’s not my story to share. And remember. I will always have your back. Always. I’m sorry I didn’t make you feel comfortable enough to tell me about such a beautiful relationship, but we’re here now and I need you to know that I will forever support what makes my flower happy,” she looks to Joel, “and that’s you. I will support both of you until my flower decides on something different.” 
Joel’s face turns into a scowl, half joking and half pissed at the thought of you leaving him. “Which, I have a feeling isn’t gonna happen, so you can calm yourself, Mr. Grumpy Pants,” your mother adds after seeing his boyish reaction that would normally scare anyone but you, and apparently your mother. 
You lose your shit at his new nickname, and all the emotions just flow out at once. You pull yourself off of Joel and run into your mothers arms, needing her comfort. She holds you like that for a few seconds before she says, “Okay, go, I think Mr. Grump needs your comfort now. Absolutely no way I’m doing it.” You laugh and squeeze her one last time before she grabs something in the kitchen and heads back outside. You make your way back to Mr. Grump, straddling his lap. Before she opens the back door, though, she calls out your name. 
“Yes, mom?” 
“I’ll cover for you, hon,” she says nonchalantly as she goes back outside. 
You and Joel stare at each other for a moment, too shocked to take action on the opportunity that just presented itself to you. Then, it finally hits. You pull him into a kiss that’s downright feral, your hips grinding down on him on instinct. “Take-” you say as you try to break away from the kiss, but you’re too drunk on him to completely pull away, “t-take me home, baby.” 
He grunts in response, and stands up with you completely wrapped around him. He heads for your front door. 
“Baby, Baby, wait, not here,” you say breathily as you go back in for another quick kiss, “through the garage.” He looks confused for a second before he remembers. The front door camera. The left side of your driveway being the camera’s blind spot. Immediately he reroutes.
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You would think the first thing he does is bring you to his bedroom, but no. He sets you on his couch, molding your body into his signature position for you that makes you sit on your heels, palms up on your thighs. He could’ve easily told you he wanted you in position, but again, he told you to take it easy. 
Although the position almost always forces you into subspace, you’re confused and coherent enough to question him, “Baby..?” 
He steps back, looking down at you with his eyebrow raised, “Don’tcha remember, sweet thing?” 
“You pouncin’ on my fuckin’ dick was not takin’ it easy”, he said. 
You promised you would be good. 
To which he assured you, “Don’t worry, darlin’. I’ll make sure of it.”
He sees the moment it clicks in your head, and immediately his hold is on your chin, forcing you to look up at him. He leans down, his lips ghosting over yours. He whispers, “Color?” Still demanding but with a hint of softness to it. You tilt your head further back, trying to make your lips touch him more, “Green,” you say. 
He pulls your chin into him and kisses you, slow and sweet, his tongue tangling with yours. He pulls away, breath slightly shaky, but he composes himself quickly and stands straight up, letting go of any contact with you. 
His couch is either really low to the ground, or he is just one big motherfucker. Either way, you sitting on your haunches on his couch like this while he stands straight up in front of you makes your head in direct eye line of his crotch. And you can’t seem to pull your eyes away from it. You see his tent forming, and you’re smart enough to realize what lesson he’s about to give you. 
“Told you to take it fuckin’ easy today,” he says as he slowly unbuckles his belt, “didn’t I, baby?” 
“Yes, daddy,” you say quickly, not wanting to piss him off more. 
“But ya didn’t,” his belt falls. “Did you?” 
Your spit thickens. “No, daddy.” 
His belt is on the floor, and he’s reaching to undo his button and zipper. “My good girl was jus’ too fuckin’ eager to have my dick in her mouth, hm?” 
You lick your bottom lip, catching the drool you didn’t realize was pooling out of your mouth. Like Pavlov’s fucking dogs, he’s got you trained. You let out a whiny mhm in response, already completely blissed out at the prospect of what’s about to happen. He settles for it, this time. 
He pulls his jeans down, just enough to pull himself free. He leaves his boxers up for now while he explains. He walks closer to you, his hardness one lick away from you, and forces you to look up at him again. “You’re gonna take my cock in your mouth again, sweetheart,” he says. 
You eagerly cut him off, “Yes, please, thank you, daddy, I-”
He shuts you up by pushing his thumb in your mouth. “But you’re not gonna move or do anythin’, besides sit prettily for daddy,” his grip on your jaw tightens, “ya understand me?” He slides his thumb out and spreads your spit across your bottom lip and down your chin. 
“I understand, daddy,” you say, your eyes completely glossed over. Out of instinct, you fold your hands behind your back, signaling to Joel your complete submission to him. 
“Such a good girl when you remember how to be patient,” he says as he stands back to his full height again. He gets impossibly closer, crowding your face. He pulls his boxers down, and his erection springs free, the tip landing against your lips, smearing the pre-cum across it. It takes everything in you not to lick it up—you can’t, he needs to give you your next instructions. He hears your silent pleas, and as he settles his hand at the back of your head, fingers grounding themselves into the roots of your hair, he tells you, “Open.” 
Knowing how rough Joel can get, you take a deep breath, relaxing your throat, and you open wide, your tongue laid flat out, slick with the drool that’s been forming since the noise of the belt buckle hit your ears. 
His other hand is holding himself at the base, guiding himself into your mouth. He taps his tip on your tongue a few times for good measure, before pushing himself all the way in. You feel your gag reflex coming, but you take another deep breath through your nose, urging your throat to relax a little more. It does. He pushes slowly in until your nose is flush with the patch of hair above his length. All you wanna do is unclasp your hands and reach for his thighs to pull him into you tighter, wanting to engulf his scent into you, but you can’t. All you can do is take what he gives you while sitting pretty like the good girl you are. 
He starts to pull back a little, and that naturally makes your throat contract, forcing a groan out of him and more saliva out of you. He lets go of himself, and now both hands are on you. He taps your cheek, asking you to look up at him. “Hands behind the entire time. Any touch on my thigh signals red to me, okay?” 
You nod your head as best you can with his grip on you and let out a little moan for good measure. At your signal, he completely and utterly wrecks you with no hesitation. And you take it exactly as he gives it, just like you promised you would. 
The more he thrusts, the more spit that builds, leaking from your mouth and down your chin. Your eyes are shut at the feeling of him abusing your throat, but he won’t have that. You feel his other hand not tap your cheek twice. Your eyes fly open and land on his dark ones. “Those eyes stay on me,” he grunts out at a particularly rough thrust. You whimper out at his words, trying to convey your apologies for doing something that could make him mad. “No, it’s alright, darlin’,” he says, his pace never faltering. “I- fuck- wasn’t specific enough,” he grunts, “but ya know what I expect now,” his thumb caresses the apple of your cheek. “Isn’t that right, pretty girl?”
Your eyebrows furrow and try to emphasize with your eyes that yes, eyes on you, daddy. He understands. “Atta girl, baby,” he breathes out, pulling out momentarily to give you a breath. 
You choke out a little as he pulls out. He softens, concern laced in his voice, “You okay, amor?”
“Yes,” you say weakly, “I promise, please. W-want more..” You open your mouth wide again, tongue positioned perfectly for him to slide back in. 
His eyes fall dark again and there’s that signature lopsided smirk. He guides himself back into you, completely, and his hand from your cheek glides down to wrap around your throat. “Shit, amor, you feel that?” He squeezes at the base of your throat. “I’m all the way fuckin’ in there, baby,” he says, falling back into a rough pace, feeling the outline of his dick glide in and out of your pathway. “You’re takin’ me so-” he lets out a pained grunt. He’s close. “-so fuckin’ good, shit, baby.”
Your throat constricts again, and that feeling is what sends him over. For the second time today, all of your senses are being consumed by everything Joel: his taste, his smell, his touch, the downright sinful sounds that grace your ears, and you take it all in, eagerly. Both hands release their hold on you as he pulls out of your mouth, and you’re quick to lean into his hips. His hand shoots back to the nape of your neck, pulling you back like a mother does to her puppy.
“You’re fuckin’ insatiable, you know that?” he says, out of breath, still trying to compose himself from the soul-sucking he just took from you. You give him a blissed out giggle, “You jus’ taste so yummy, daddy.”
“Yeah?” he asks, amused. “Well, so do you, babygirl, so it’s my turn now.”
Immediately your ears perk up and your body goes rigid. The thought of him giving you head with the flow you have right now doesn’t sit right with you. “Yellow,” you shakily whisper.
He lets go of the back of your neck and falls to his knees to match your eye level. “Oh, honey,” he cups your face, “Please tell me how to make it better. Do you wanna stop here, mi amor?”
Your body relaxes at his instant reaction. You’ve only ever had to use a safe-word with Joel twice. Today, included. And in each rare moment, he does what every caring partner and proper Dominant should: validate, comfort, and communicate. He has never given you any reason to be scared or feel disrespected. This is Joel we’re talking about here. You’re safe in his presence, always. The thought puts you at ease, but it also makes you feel a little ridiculous at using a safe word for something that could easily be communicated without it. 
“Wait, I-I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to worry you or anything, it’s something so tiny and stupid, I should’ve just communicated instead of going straight to the code-” you quickly start panicking as you ramble on, but he’s quicker. He pulls you off the couch and into his lap, holding you in a tight embrace, knowing the pressure is what helps pull you away from your panic attack. He’s muttering it’s okay, you’re okay and I’ve got ya, as he kisses the top of your head. As soon as he feels your body relax in his arms, he speaks. “Darlin’ girl, please look at me.” You do, teary-eyed.
“I completely forgot you were on your period. I was too in the moment, and I had a lapse in judgment in my words. I’m sorry. You should not be the one to apologize, ever, if you’re ever in an uncomfortable situation like this. The safe words are there for a reason, okay? Use them. They are there to keep you safe, always. Thank you for speakin’ up, my love.”
You nod your head at his words, too emotion-filled to respond with anything else right now. The only thing you can offer is a whisper of a “Thank you, I love you,” but that’s enough for him. 
He gives you a soft kiss to your lips. “How would you like to continue, beautiful girl?”
You think for a moment, and the way that his hand feels wrapped around you starts to make your arousal build again. All you can think of are his big, calloused hands all over you. In your mouth. On your thighs. In your warmth. Screw the bloody mess, he doesn’t care. You squirm at the thought, and he feels you falling back into your space again. His cock stirs beneath you. He tightens his grip on you to coax you out of your thoughts. “Fingers,” you squeak out, your cheeks flushing red instantaneously. He grins, but his eyes stay fixed on you, hinting at you for something more. Then, it clicks. “P-please, daddy, need your fingers in me,” you say, voice trembling with need. 
“I’ve got you, pretty girl,” he says as he pulls your thighs around him and brings himself to full height. He leads you to his bed, setting you down on the edge with a kiss to your forehead and a quick one moment, sweetheart. 
He leaves to return back with a large bath towel and lays it across the center of his bed, dark blue to match his sheets. He situates pillows for your head and leaves a smaller one out, just in case. You feel his weight shift the bed, and he’s walking toward you on his knees. You lean into his touch the moment his hand makes contact at your lower back, and he’s guiding your shirt off of you. He takes that same arm, wrapping it around your waist, and leans down to situate the crook of your knees over his other arm. He’s carrying you up higher to the center of the bed, completely removing any opportunity for a thought to run through that head of yours. He wants you focused on nothing but the way he’s going to make you feel. 
Once you’re laying down on your back, he makes his way down, placing soft kisses on your belly and all over your thighs while he slides your bottoms down your legs. Once you’re completely bare, Joel situates himself in a way that he’s never done before. He lays next to you on his side, shoulder propping him up, so his hand is underneath your head and he’s still looking down at you. He grabs onto your thigh closest to him, and he hooks your leg atop of his, opening you up. 
The level of intimacy and vulnerability of the way you two are positioned against one another has your mind reeling, absolutely aching to be consumed by him. Joel is always sweet and soft with you, but this is completely on another level. It doesn’t feel motivated by a feral need to rip each other apart. The motivation lies in the pure need to feel. To feel you against him, consumed in the entirety of love and raw emotion. To feel him against you, filling you with a genuine intimacy and devotion you both know only he can provide you.
He brings his other hand up to gently cradle your face, and he leans in to slot his lips against yours, his tongue running along your bottom lip, swallowing the faintest of whimpers that slip from your throat. Your hand slides to the back of his neck, keeping him close, deepening your dance of lip and tongue. His hand drifts away from your face and takes his time to grasp and show attention to the rest of your body. 
He takes one of your breasts in his hand, massaging it with a care that causes your fingers to curl tighter in his hair. He shows the same attention to your other one, then flattens out his entire hand to run down your sternum and belly, positioning his hand on the pathway down for his middle and ring finger to be the first that make contact with your sex. 
And when it does, neither of you can hold back the groan that leaves your mouths. He’s too enamored by you to let his lips leave yours, but you have a feeling your filthy-mouthed man would make a comment about how wet you are for him. You know you’re right when he completely bypasses your clit and down to your entrance, eager to get his fingers covered in you, so he can spread it all over you. 
You pull away for a moment, both of you out of breath and pupils completely blown. “You see how good you make me feel, daddy?” His fingers reach your clit again. “I’m so fucking wet,” you moan out, “and it’s all because of you- all for you, daddy.”
“Baby, please,” he grits out, his fingers leaving your clit after a few more circles, dipping into your entrance with ease. “So fuckin’ good to me, but fuck, stop talking,” he breathes, hips involuntarily thrusting into you, “need you to soak my fingers first, amor.”
You shoot him a smile that gives him butterflies, and then you’re pulling him back in, needing to feel him everywhere he can possibly manage. 
The pace of his fingers are perfect, constantly hitting the spot that’ll get you there in no time with the heated sensation of lips. His hand behind your head moves down and wraps underneath your waist, pulling you in flush with his body. He needs to feel every part of you. Your leg closest to him—the one hooked around his leg—comes off of him, and now you two are completely laying on your sides, facing each other. 
His fingers leave you for a moment to hike your other leg up and around his waist, your pussy inches away from his center. His fingers find you once more, and the angle is impossibly deeper. You’re whining out now as you rock your hips against his hand. He knows you're close with the way your breath shakes. He reaches his thumb up to circle your clit, and you break away from his lips, throwing your head back at an instinct, exposing all your sweet spots for his mouth to reach. As his hands continue working you to the edge, he gives you the final push when he latches at the base of your neck where your shoulder meets, and he litters the area in wet kisses and painfully delicious bites. 
Oh, fuck, daddy, yes,” you moan out, your vision going white and your body going rigid. Your climax hits you so hard that you don’t realize his fingers left you, your thighs still convulsing and hurtling you through your high. You can faintly hear Joel, muttering his sweet whispers, as he always does. 
“Oh, fuck, that was so fuckin’ sexy, baby.”
“You’re beautiful, yanno that?”
“I love you, my pretty girl,” he places a kiss right atop your heart.
Still, your mind is floating somewhere in narnia, so he understands when you don’t reply right away. You’re not even completely back from your orgasmic haze when he pulls his boxers completely off, throwing them somewhere in the room, and his aching cock is resting against your core. 
“Darlin’ girl,” he brings his hand up to guide your limpless head to look at him, “I need you to use your words f’ me, honey, please give me a color,” he says, the softest you have ever heard him. 
You give him the smallest smile back, but it’s so full of love and admiration. You’re lightly nodding your head yes, trying to will your vocal cords to respond. “G-gre..” you let out.
He stops you with a kiss, “Okay, honey, okay, that’s all I needed,” and another kiss, “Can I give my baby what she so desperately wants now?” 
The prospect of the sensation your body is about to go through because of him ignites a fire in you. It forces you to come back down from your haze, so you can register every second of him in his entirety. Your neck straightens and your eyes open fully, pupils blacker than he’s ever seen. “Yes, daddy, please give it to me,” you say with a neediness more than anything. His lip quirks up in a smirk. “What my baby wants, she gets,” and he’s pushing your hips into him as he pushes into you, his tip notching at your entrance. You hiss, reveling in the stretch he gives you regardless of how much he works you open. 
There’s a stigma with Dominants that they are always so calm and collected, always composed and never in a state of neediness and desperation like their submissive counterparts. However, that’s simply not true. In every please, in every whimper, in every cry; in every orgasm, in every act of brattiness, in each use of the honorific; in every demonstration of pure submission: there is a Dominant, willing themself not to give in and give their partner everything they need. There is a Dominant about to break because one more plea from the submissive’s mouth has them ready and willing to forgo every single plan they had for that particular scene. 
And that’s exactly what Joel does here. He had a plan for you, even after you used your yellow code, but with the way he’s wrapped around you tonight—you have the power. You’re calling the shots. He exists simply and solely for you and your pleasure. Nothing else matters. 
He bottoms out, and both his arms are wrapped around your waist, both of you completely aligned with one another. “How do you want me, baby?” 
“I don’t care,” your forehead falls into his, “I just need to feel you, please.”
With your words, he’s thrusting into you with a calculated intention. You needed to feel him, you said. So he pushes in not too fast but not too slow, and hard. He buries himself to the hilt every single time, and it’s like he put you in a trance. Your eyes softly shut, trying to stay open to look at him; your eyebrows are pulled together; and the only sounds falling from your mouth are moans and whimpers and sweet nothings only he’d be able to decipher with your babbling. You feel everything in this angle, with his rhythm. You feel every vein, every ridge, you feel his tip kissing every sweet spot inside of you while simultaneously stealing the oxygen from your lungs. He feels so fucking good. Your leg hooked around his waist squeezes tighter on instinct, and he groans at the feeling. Seeing you completely desperate and at his disposal nearly finishes him right then and there. 
Your hand is at its usual spot for tonight, wrapped tightly in the curls at the base of his neck. You're meeting his thrusts now, and it heightens the sensation tenfold. Both your breaths are hot and heavy, mingling into the thick air of Joel’s bedroom. You’re nearly at the edge again, you both are, but you need a little more of a push. “Baby, t-touch me, please,” you say with more breath than your actual voice. He sounds absolutely pained, “I got’cha, baby, I got’cha.” His hand leaves your waist, the other tightening around you to compensate for its absence, and his fingers are back on your bundle of nerves, circling at the same rhythm that he’s pulling in and out of you. 
A gasp leaves your throat, and every part of you that’s wrapped around him pulls him in impossibly tighter, “fuck, just like that, fuck, please don’t stop, please don’t fucking stop,” you ramble on in an almost incoherent whine. You can feel your words and sounds spurring him on as his cock twitches inside of you. He’s close, too. Then it clicks, you realize what you meant earlier when you said you needed to feel him first.
His fingers speed up and so do his hips. “C’mon, darlin’, such a good fuckin’ girl, give it to me, soak my fuckin’ cock,” he grunts out, now chasing his own release. 
Not stopping your movements, you unravel your arms from him and you push down on his chest, pushing him onto his back. You’re on top of him now, your movements only faltering momentarily as you situated yourself to straddle him. You grab both his arms, the one working your clit and the other on your waist, and you bring them up above his head. You pin them there with your own hand, your body leaning over him and adding to the momentum as you bounce on him. “No,” you say, almost a growl, “Need you inside me first,” sucking his bottom lip. 
He fucking whines. “Need you inside me first, then I’ll give you what you’re looking for.” You switch off into a grind of your hips, moving back and forth as the feel of his pubic hairs rub against your clit causing your pussy to flutter on him. He feels it and his hands flex to move from your grip. Your hold on him tightens. You have the power. You lean down, licking a pathway up his neck and making your way near his ear. You whisper, “Stuff me full of you, daddy, and I’ll fucking soak you, I promise.”
“Fuck!” He growls as your hips speed up, and now he’s the one seeing stars. His face and neck flush into a bright red as he floods you with his release. And as if right on queue, the warmth and the feeling of him in you and seeping out of you is what finishes you. The constant stimulation on your clit from his pubic bone along with the angle his dick continues to prod at, you’re creaming and soaking him, just like he wanted. His thighs and even the area below his belly are drenched with the mixture of your guys’ fluids, and he can’t help but gawk at the scene before him. 
You are completely surrounded by the product of your two’s arousal (plus a bit of blood, but he doesn’t care), you continuing slow grinds as you work yourself through your orgasm, and the way that your head is thrown back in pure bliss—he’s entranced by it all. His cock is nearing the line of painful overstimulation with you still on him, but he really can’t find himself caring enough to get your attention. 
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He thought he would never be into giving up his dominance, his yearn for control. But now that you’ve given him a taste at what you’re capable of, fuck, he feels downright insane if he didn’t want more of it. 
You realize he may not be used to the oversensitivity as much as you may be trained for, so you bring yourself to a halt and slowly slip off of him. You bring your eyes to meet his, and you can’t help the giggle that leaves your mouth, seeing the goofy, blissed out grin on his face as he looks at you. You lean towards his head and give him a sweet kiss to his lips and his nose, and you softly tell him that you’ll be right back but to stay here with a slightly more demanding tone. 
You quickly go pee in his en suite bathroom and wipe your bottom half down. You grab a pair of his boxers he leaves for emergencies under the sink (you let out a little chuckle at the fact), and grab a pad from the box he also leaves under the sink, for you, and stick it onto his underwear before shimmying it up on you. You grab another washcloth and soak it in warm water and walk back to the bed. You sit yourself up next to him and start wiping him down. As soon as you finish, you try your best and throw the washcloth, aiming for the sink of the bathroom, but you fail, miserably. It lands with a wet plop on the side of the toilet, centimeters away from landing in the toilet’s bowl. “Eh, that’s good enough,” you say to no one in particular as you nudge him to bring his hips up so you can take the towel out that he placed earlier to catch any of your blood drippings. You place it in the hamper, then you bring yourself to lay back down, cuddling into Joel. 
He turns so you both are facing each other again. His head propped up on his hand. His other hand runs up and down everywhere he can reach. 
“W-was what I did at the end there… was that okay?” you ask meekly as you slowly bring your eyes up to his. 
He lets out a hearty laugh, shoulders shaking. You weren’t expecting that kind of reaction. “Honestly,” he says as his fingers come to a stop and he just lets his arm wrap around you lazily. “I was really shocked when you flipped me over, but then,” he pauses for a second. Really just to spur you on more than anything. “I was so fuckin’ turned on and achin’ for you. I’d just about let you do anythin’ to me if you treat me like that, darlin’,” he says as he leans down to place a kiss to your lips. 
He pulls back and your gaze is away from him and your cheeks are as red as he was earlier. A shy smile paints your face. He brings his fingers up to your chin, “Oh, come on now, no point in gettin’ all shy on me now is there, my dirty girl?”
You give him the best reprimanding face you can muster (which he finds beyond adorable), and you parrot a common phrase he uses with you when you’re a brat, “Watch it, big boy.”
He laughs at your antics, but you see his cock twitch at the pet name. Your eyebrows shoot up. “Joel!” you say, actually reprimanding him this time, but you genuinely don’t know what for. 
His hand shoots to cover his mouth, an attempt at stopping his burst of laughter at your reaction. He lets go of his mouth after a moment and pulls you closer to him. He places kisses all over your face while you both giggle and let yourselves fall from your high together. 
He abruptly stops his kisses to look at you. He doesn’t say a word. “Yes?” you ask, curious of that mind of his. 
“Ya know how much I love you, right?” he asks, genuinely. 
“I think I’ve got a pretty good hint, baby.” 
“Good,” he says, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. 
“And I love you so much, you do know that, right?” you offer as you bury yourself into his chest, inhaling his musk mingled the faint aroma of you.
He repeats your response back to you. You smile in his chest. It’s you who places a kiss atop his heart this time. 
You both stay wrapped up in each other for a few more hours before your tummy begins yelling at you for sustenance. Though, until that happens, you two lie in each other’s arms, wondering what you did to deserve such an all-consuming, raw and genuine love. 
Your mother was right. You really were the brightest flower in the garden, and it was all because of your big, macho man, who was actually as soft and cuddly as the clouds that bring water for the garden. Ever since he entered your life, he made sure those clouds poured all their attention on you. Giving you all the water and nutrients, all the love and care that you would ever need. 
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End note: Thank you so much for reading! As always, your support is always always appreciated. There's no amount of words to describe how grateful I am for how much love I receive from you all. You're all too amazing. Feedback is also greatly appreciated, whether it's praise or constructive! Anything and everything helps me to be the best writer I can be. I love you all so very much💚💚💚
Tags: @javierpena-inatacvest @katiexpunk @janaispunk @teatree121 @farmerlarrry @mellymbee @jobee403 @soavenuepenguin @rainbowcosmicchaos @untamedheart81 @babygal-babygal @pedritoferg @pedrostories
EDIT: As of the new year 2024, I no longer do taglists!! Follow @endlessthxxghtsnotifs and turn on the notifications to be updated when new stories come out!!
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juniperskye · 6 months
I Can’t Be Your Friend.
Sneak Peek: Eddie and you do something that alters the state of your friendship. You realize that being his friend hurts too much now. **The events of season 4 did NOT happen** Bold are Eddie’s thoughts; Italics are reader’s thoughts.
Eddie Munson x Fem Reader
Angst/Fluff/implied Smut
Word count: 2473
REQUESTS ARE OPEN - not edited - please be kind. Feedback is welcome if it's constructive!
Warnings: My blog is 18+, minors DNI, implied smut, drug use (marijuana), explicit language, idiots in love, Steve’s absent parents, mention of underage drinking. Let me know if I missed any!
That being said I do not own the characters portrayed in this story.
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Tonight was going to be amazing! Steve had invited everyone over for a summer kickoff party, there would be pizza, swimming, beer, and good company. Robin and you had gotten to Steve’s early to help set things up, pizzas were on the way, and you were just waiting for everyone to show up now.
First to arrive was Nancy, she had driven over with Mike, Lucas, Max, and Dustin. They had come bounding in with arms full of chips and soda, piling them recklessly on the coffee table. The younger kids were arguing about who got the bathroom first to change.
You couldn’t help but laugh and roll your eyes as you made your way to the door, letting in the next group. You had assumed it would be Johnathan, Argyle, and the rest of the kids, but instead, Eddie was standing in the doorway.
“Hey Eds!” You smiled.
“Hey! How’s my best girl?” Eddie pulled you into his arms and lifted you slightly as he spun you around. “I’ve missed you dude.”
“I’m good Eds. I’ve missed you too!” Your heart clenched slightly as he placed you back on your feet.
Your relationship with Eddie had always been like this. You were best friends, but sometimes, things were done or said that seemed a bit more than friendly. You’d stayed more nights with Eddie this last year than you did in your own home. Robin had pestered you about the status of your relationship with him to which you’d always reply; “We’re just friends, he doesn’t see me that way”.
“So, I know the kids are here, but I brought a little something special for us. I figured we could go to the van, take a few hits then come back in.” Eddie said wagging a joint in front of you.
“Eddie!” You hissed, covering the joint. “You can’t just pull that out. But yes, give me fifteen minutes.”
Eddie tucked the joint back into his jacket pocket and watched as you made your way over to Steve, Nancy, and Robin. Robin gave you a knowing look and you brushed her off. You were all catching up for a bit, laughing at the nonsense the kids were getting up to. Eddie was the one to open the door for Jonathan, Argyle, El, and Will. As they all walked in, Eddie came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his chin on your head.
“You ready?” Eddie whispered.
You nodded and let him lead you outside to his van. Climbing in the back, you made yourself comfortable amongst the pile of blankets and pillows, all the while, Eddie lit the joint and placed it to his lips. After a few quick puffs and one long drag, Eddie passed it to you. The two of you passed the joint back and forth for a bit before it was nearly gone.
“Do you want the last hit?” Eddie asked.
“Nah it’s cool, you take it.” You leaned your head back.
“We could always share it.” Eddie said with a sly smirk.
“Okay.” You blushed.
Eddie took a long drag, holding it in as he moved towards you. He brought his lips to yours, only separated by a few millimeters. Your lips parted in a gasp, and he blew the smoke into your mouth. You inhaled sharply, allowing the smoke in. Your mind felt hazy, and you were starting to wonder if it was the weed or the lack of space between Eddie and you. Eddie met your eyes and pulled back slightly, clearing his throat.
What the hell was happening?
The two of you made your way back into the house and took turns changing into your bathing suits. You rushed outside and went to sit on the steps of the pool with Robin and Nancy. Each of whom gave you a pointed look.
Eddie made a stop in the kitchen to grab you a coke and an orange soda for himself, he then made his way outside. He sat the two cans in front of where you were sitting with the girls, the next thing you knew he was jumping into the pool, splashing the three of you, eliciting screeches from you three.
He surfaced and swam over to you, settling himself between your legs which were dangling off the step. His chest pressed against yours as he reached behind you to grab his soda. Your breath was caught in your throat.
Had he always been this beautiful?
Who were you kidding. Of course he had.
The night went on like this. The kids swimming, playing a ridiculous game of Marco-Polo, Steve grilling hamburgers and hotdogs, Eddie treating you like far more than a friend.
Now you were all crammed in Steve’s living room, some movie playing in the background. You couldn’t remember the name of it because you were far too distracted. When you had come into the living room, all the good seats had been taken, and instead of letting you sit on the floor, Eddie had pulled you into his lap and wrapped his arms around your middle.
You had been sitting like this for about half an hour before he made the suggestion.
“Do you want to go back to my place?”
This typically wouldn’t have sounded like a line, but given everything that had occurred today, you couldn’t help but feel like his words held deeper meaning.
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He led you into the trailer, just like any other time you’d been here, only this time there was a tension hanging over you.
More like sexual tension.
Jesus, get a hold of yourself.
Entering Eddie’s room brought forth a wave of anticipation, you couldn’t help but feel like something was about to happen. Eddie walked over to you and handed you one of his Iron Maiden shirts and a pair of his boxers.
It’s now or never.
You locked your eyes on Eddie’s as you slowly removed your tank top and shorts, leaving you clad in only your bathing suit. Eddie took a sharp breath and pulled his shirt over his head. Up until now things felt as though they’d been moving in slow motion, then all of a sudden things switched to fast forward.
Eddie lunged towards you and locked his lips onto your own, your hands finding his curls, his finding the ties to your swimsuit. His lips tasted like orange soda and nicotine, he was addicting, and you knew you’d never be able to give this up.
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Eddie woke up and glanced over to see your naked form curled up in his bed. He couldn’t believe it, the two of you had taken that leap, this would change everything between you.
This could change everything.
I can’t afford to lose her.
You stirred awake, noticing your lack of clothing, and taking note of the discarded clothing on the floor.
So that really did happen.
This could change everything!
“Hey.” Eddie said quietly.
“Hey.” You blushed.
You sat up holding the sheet to your chest and turning to meet Eddie’s gaze. Something was off about his expression, he seemed somber, and you were terrified to find out why.
“So, uh…” Eddie turned, breaking eye contact. “We should just forget this ever happened; you know. So, it doesn’t fuck up our friendship.”
Please say you don’t want to forget about it.
Of course he doesn’t want me.
“Oh, uh, yeah. I guess you’re right.”
Of course she doesn’t want me.
You stood and quickly began pulling your clothes on and gathering your things. There was this loud ringing in your ears and you’re sure Edie was calling your name, but all you knew was you needed to get out of there.
You were halfway home before the ringing stopped.
How could you be so stupid.
Then the tears started. Not only had your heart been broken by the man you loved, but you also lost the one person you’d want to hold you while you cried.
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“Dude what is up with you? You’ve been super weird since Steve’s summer kick-off party.” Robin pestered.
“Yeah she’s right, plus Eddie’s been extra bitchy, which usually only happens when you haven’t seen one another in a while. I thought for sure you guys were gonna hookup that night.” Steve ranted.
Your face turned a bright shade of red and you let your gaze fall to your lap. You knew you weren’t exactly being discreet with your avoidance of Eddie, but you didn’t’ think they’d call you out directly.
“Holy shit! You two had sex!” Robin shouted, smacking you on the arm.
“Ow! Yes, we did. And it ruined everything. The next morning, he suggested we just forget it ever happened.”
“What? No way, Eddie’s head over heels for you. What happened?” Steve asked.
You explained to Steve and Robin the events of the night and they both concluded that it made no sense. They were both convinced Eddie was in love with you.
This was when Steve and Robin came up with their plan. They would get you and Eddie together before summer ended.
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“Steve, this isn’t working. She is declining every invite to hangout; she has gone as far as driving over and leaving if she sees the van, and even calling everyone to be sure if Eddie was invited.” Robin said throwing herself on the couch in defeat.
“That’s it! We will invite her over for a movie night, just the three of us. Then after she’s here, you go to the other room and call Eddie and invite him over. That way nobody will be able to tell her that he’s invited because he wasn’t.” Steve explained.
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“Hey guys!” You called entering Steve’s house.
“Hey! How have you been? We haven’t seen you in a while.” Robin pulled you into a hug.
“Sorry about that, I just…I can’t bring myself to face him yet. I’ll get over it, I just need time.” You said.
Steve came in, greeting you and pulling you to the living room to help him pick a movie. He threw a wink over his shoulder to Robin. She rolled her eyes and made her way to Steve’s dad’s office ready to make the call. When she came to the living room she played it off as a trip to the bathroom.
Things were going well, they felt like old times, save for the hole in your chest in the shape of one, Eddie Munson.
Speaking of which.
“Hey guys!” Eddie greeted, entering the house.
“Guys, what the hell.” You said threw gritted teeth.
They both looked at you with guilty eyes. You shook your head and told them you needed to go. Grabbing your bag you went for the door. It took everything in you to not look at him.
“Hey, where are you going?” Eddie called after you, following you outside. “I haven’t seen you in weeks. You’re dodging my calls, your canceling plans, you’re literally leaving as I showed up to hang out.”
“Eddie, I can’t do this right now. I need to go.”
“So what? That’s it?” He had never sounded so defeated.
“Eddie, I…”
“Is this because of that night? C’mon you’re my best friend, you’re just gonna throw that all away?” He grasped your hand in his own.
“That’s the problem Eddie, I can’t be your friend anymore. Everything is different now.” You shook your head, pulled your hand from his grasp, and took off walking back home.
Eddie walked back into the house and immediately receive a slap to the back of the head from Robin. She and Steve proceeded to explain to Eddie how he had messed the whole thing up and how him suggesting you just “forget it ever happened” had led you to believe that he didn’t care about you.
Initially he didn’t believe them that you had feelings for him, but after they literally spelled it out for him, he realized what an idiot he had been.
“I’m gonna need your help.”
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The plan had been a pretty difficult one, Eddie needed Robin and Steve to convince you to come over again for an end of summer bash and after the last time, he was sure you’d say no.
Robin had explained to you that after your conversation with Eddie, that he definitely wouldn’t be coming. She told you that she asked him, and he had declined. It was then that you agreed, but not without a pang of guilt filling your chest. You couldn’t stand the thought of hurting Eddie. The look on his face when you told him you couldn’t be his friend had been haunting you.
The day came and you drove over to Steve’s, shocked that the only car in the driveway had been his. You parked and let yourself in.
“Steve? Where is everyone?”
“Hey! I’m in my room, and they’re on their way I figured you could come early so I could see how you were doing.” Steve said.
You walked into his room and noticed he was seemingly searching for something, he was scrambling around his room, swiftly moving to his dresser as you made yourself comfortable on his bed. You looked over at him just in time to see a mess of curls enter and Steve pulling the door closed. You heard the lock click and the distinct sound of a chair being pushed against the knob.
“What the hell is this?”
“I needed to find a way to talk to you and you’ve been avoiding me.”
“Eddie, let me out.”
“Not until we talk. Look I fucked up that night, I suggested that we forget about it and that was stupid.” He exclaimed.
“Eds, look, I just need time…these feelings will go away eventually. I don’t want to lose you as a friend, but how am I supposed to be around you when I’ve tasted your kiss and will never get to experience that again?”
“I don’t want your feelings to go away. Truth is, I only suggested it because I thought there was no way you could love me back.” Eddie explained.
“You love me?”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Eddie pulled you into a gentle kiss, wrapping his arms around your waist. You let your fingers get tangled in his hair. There were whispered apologies between kisses and you two only broke apart when the two of you needed air.
“How would you like to go get some dinner?” Eddie asked.
“I would love that!” You replied.
With that, Eddie walked over to the bedroom door and began knocking, shouting to Steve that he was safe to let you guys out. His knocks sped up the longer it took for Steve to release you both.
“Harrington, hurry up! I gotta take my girlfriend on our first date!”
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emmyrosee · 2 years
Omg the katsuki fic was so cuteeee. I was literally melting 🫠. Can you delivered another one please 🙏🏽
i literally can’t believe that y’all like my soft bakubabe like I was scared af-
There’s a belief that Bakugou Katsuki doesn’t snuggle.
It’s a lie, bold face lie, and you know first hand that if anyone could be a fly on the wall to see just how affectionate and snuggly he could be, you know their jaws would slack. For now, they laugh dead in your face when you insinuate that Katsuki give you any affection.
But that’s alright; it’s how Katsuki wants the illusion to be portrayed, and to be frank, you have no shame in admitting the situational pleasure you get from knowing you’re the only one who gets to see him like that.
Especially after a long day, when he’s exceptionally pliant. You couldn’t imagine sharing such a sweet sight with anyone else.
“I’m home,” Katsuki calls, and you know the tv is loud enough to find you, so you smile and let him come to you as he always will. You’re just so comfy, surely he’ll understand.
He goes silent in your kitchen, and you cock a brow.
Okay. Maybe he won’t.
“I said I’m home!”
“Babe I’m in the bedroom!” You laugh, tossing your phone to the side. “God, you will live if you come to find me for once.”
“I could be killed in this very hallway,” he grumbles from said hallway, wasting no time in slipping off his shirt and tossing it on the floor the minute he crosses the threshold into your room. “High bounty got this pretty head.” The minute his currant eyes lock onto yours, you watch his shoulders visibly relax, the furrow in his brows softening. You give him a smile, and he huffs know acknowledgement.
“Hey baby,” you smile, patting the bed next to you for him to come next to you. He grunts softly in acknowledgment, striding to the bed before positively plopping down next to you. You snort and wrap a loving arm around him, immediately feeling him loosen up from your touch alone. “How was your day?”
“Long,” he grumbles. “Jus’ wanted to come home to you.”
You bite back the adoring ‘awww’ that wants to bubble from your throat, instead letting him get comfy against the mattress and settled against you. “I’m glad you’re home now, Katsuki.”
He hums in agreement before he gently starts to nudge you away, but it doesn’t faze you much. You know he likes to find his own comfort against you, where and how close he’d like you, and all you can do is let yourself be malleable to his hearts content.
And content, he seems. As he starts to lay down in your lap, there’s a small, happy smile settled on his cheeks with each movement against you and the blankets, one you only get to see on rare occasions like this, when he’s got nothing on his mind but your love and your love alone.
“Is it possible you’re not mad at anything right now?” You snort, watching him settle between your legs. Despite your teasing, your hands find their way into his hair, smoothing the fluffy locks and scratching lovingly behind his ear. Goosebumps raise over his skin at the contact, and he rests his head on your thigh.
“Dunno,” he mumbles against your skin. “Weather’s pretty shitty. My nail broke earlier. There’s plenty to still be pissed about.”
“Right yes- how dare I assume the big, bad, Bakugou Katsuki is any form of relaxed?”
“How dare you indeed.” He wraps his arms around your waist and noses at the softness of your belly, doing anything and everything in his power to be as close as possible to you. “But it’s okay, I’ll still keep you.” You offer him a snort and he smiles softly, his grip not loosening as you settle back against the mattress some more. A hand cups his warm cheek, and he angles his jaw into your touch.
How cute.
“Since when are you so sweet?” You coo adoringly, nuzzling your nose into the fluff of his hair, thumb stroking over the swell of his cheek.
He cocks a brow at you, but smirks nonetheless, “I’m always sweet.”
“Oh, you so are not!” You laugh, fingers carding through his blonde locks lovingly, and if he had an argument against it, it dies on his tongue the minute your hand is in his scalp. Whether intentional or not, you’re good at the game you play to make him be quiet. “Don’t even try it, you brat.”
“I’m your brat though,” he hums, shifting to lay against your chest; he hums in satisfaction as he melts like butter against you, finally content in his position. He noses at your collarbone and takes selfish inhales of your scent, his eyes closing and you can only watch fondly as he clearly makes no intentions of moving again now that he’s burrowed against you to his desire. “Don’t you dare get up- we’re comfy.”
“We are,” you agree, planting some small kisses to his hairline to make him loosen up even more. “My bratty snuggle bug…”
“If I wasn’t so comfortable, I’d go puke at that.”
“You love your pet names and you know it.”
He nuzzled his face into the curvature of your warm neck even more, “whatever. Don’t make it weird.”
“Sure, baby.”
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zerobaselove · 1 year
calling zb1 by their full names
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pairing: zb1 x reader
genre: fluff
warning: hanbin calls reader m'lady jokingly, nothing else that i can think of? lowercase intended, not proofread.
notes: i've been in a bit of a slump recently but this was just so cute i couldn't not write it (even if it took some time) so i hope it's okay!
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members under the cut!
jiwoong ;
it wasn't often that your boyfriend jiwoong got overly clingy, but it was even less often that it happened while you were trying to work. like usual, you had left your paper until the last day and you were trying to get it done at a timely pace, not wanting to spend your night hunched over your laptop with a cup of coffee to keep you company throughout the night.
but jiwoong insisted on having your attention; he was just trying to get you to take a much needed break. he could tell you were getting restless in the same spot, and that couldn't be good for your quality of work. "c'mon darling, just a five minute break." he suggested, tugging on your arm lightly as he took note of your bouncing leg.
"kim jiwoong." you deadpanned, not upset or anything, just frustrated with your paper and lack of time management skills. you didn't mean to come off harsh so you considered quickly apologizing, until you saw your boyfriend with a playful grin on his face, and before you could ask why, his mouth was opening.
"might as well get used to saying my last name," he grabbed your hand with his, playing with your fingers momentarily, "especially since one day it'll be yours too." you couldn't help the blush that creeped up on your face as you finally shut your laptop for a moment, turning to face the bold boy you had grown to love.
"kim jiwoong, you really are something else."
zhang hao ;
you and zhang hao often found yourselves sitting in a comfortable silence; sometimes accompanied by the faint hum of the tv or a quiet melody playing from the speakers as you each did your own things. zhang hao had found himself a comfy spot in the corner of the couch, glasses perched on his nose with a blanket wrapped over his legs and a book in hand, and you were scrolling through whatever interested you on your phone.
you had seen some sort of trend going on— people calling their partners by their full names as opposed to the usual go-to pet names, and you couldn't help yourself. you had to try.
"hey zhang hao," you started, looking up at the boy who immediately pulled his eyes from the story in front of him, a look of concern on his face. he couldn't help it though; that was out of character for you, and he knew if he had done something you'd just tell him. you two were good like that. so he immediately assumed something was up with you, "everything okay, my love?"
his concern was cute, you couldn't lie. his caring nature always made your heart flutter, especially in times like this where he is just being overly cautious. in your moment of silence he had gotten up, bringing his blanket with you as he sat beside you and draped it over both your legs, asking if you wanted to talk about anything.
"oh lovely," you started, a smile pulling at your lips, "i just wanted to see how you'd react, it's a trend of some sort." he only laughed and shook his head, "well now you're stuck with me here, i'm not moving back over there."
hanbin ;
in an attempt to have a cute couple bonding moment, you and your boyfriend hanbin had decided it would be a good idea to try and bake something together. he insisted it would go great, but now that he had flicked flour at you, you were seeing his real motive.
"sung hanbin," you put your hands on your hips, voice stern yet still playful; you weren't sure how seriously he could take you when you had a white handprint on your cheek and flour dusting your shirt. "y/n," he teased, standing up straight and giving you a small bow. the two of you stood there for a moment exchanging mischievous looks before hanbin extended his hand out, "may i have this dance, m'lady." it was only then that you took note of the slow song fading in over the speakers.
deciding to drop your act, and opt in on his, you took his hand graciously, "i'd be honored."
it was times like this that you were thankful for your boyfriend's extensive dance training as he took the lead with ease, slowly dancing around the kitchen with you in his arms, breaking into fits of laughter every once in a while. with little to no warning hanbin had spun you, resulting in a less than gracious whip around from you before he dipped you slightly with his arm on the small of your back.
the two of you pulled away giggling as he brought his hand up to caress your cheek, "you have something here," he laughed, lightly wiping the flour off your cheek, "hmm, i wonder who did that."
matthew ;
"hi baby," matthew smiled, pulling you into a hug as he walked through the door. you quickly were enveloped by his scent and warmth as you relaxed into his touch, "hi matthew," you said simply.
you hadn't thought much about your words, but it seems the lack of a pet name really caught your boyfriend off guard, a pout quickly replacing his bright smile. "matthew? just matthew?" he questioned, almost in disbelief. sure he was being a little dramatic, but he thought he had every reason to be. "hmph," he crossed his arms, turning away from you, "i see how it is."
you couldn't help but laugh at your boyfriend's childish, yet endearing antics. it was one of the many things you loved about him. "how what is?" you tried to coax a confession out of him, just to see if he was feeling stubborn or not. your question was quickly answered as you were met with silence. as much as you thought this side of matthew was entertaining, you really just wanted to see his smile again.
you placed a quick peck on his cheek and he immediately softened at the gesture; his arms fell to his sides before wrapped around your waist, preventing you from escaping too far which caused you to smile. "all better?" you questioned, looking up at the boy.
"depends," he hummed, playing with the hem of your shirt, "are you gonna call me matthew again?" as much as you wanted to play along a bit longer, you really missed your boyfriend and just wanted to spend time with him, "you're so cute baby," you cooed, watching his face heat up at the nickname.
taerae ;
you had been looking forward to today all week— you and taerae had planned a picnic date now that the weather was warming up and you were thrilled. you couldn't think of a better way to spend the afternoon; sat on a blanket with your boyfriend eating snacks and chatting and watching people pass by as you made conversation.
you had told taerae to meet you there, giving you the perfect opportunity to set everything up before you watched him walk across the field of your local park. "hi my sunshine," he beamed as you got up to hug his taller frame
"hi taerae~" you dragged out the last syllable which caused him to smile at the cute mannerism. he brought his hand up to ruffle your hair, "i like the way you say my name," it was your turn to smile, a blush rising to your cheeks as you repeated his name a few more times.
this time he took your hand in his as you both walked back to the nicely laid out blanket in the grass, "c'mon now, don't wear it out."
the two of you got comfortable on the ground, enjoying the sunny day and slight breeze that went by. at some point you found yourself with your head in taerae's lap as his hands carded through your hair, and there is nowhere you'd rather be.
ricky ;
you were always impressed with your boyfriend's language capabilities; his fluency in multiple languages always stunned you, but even more so now that you were trying to learn a language yourself. you felt bad that ricky was always accommodating to you, and so, behind his back, you had begun learning chinese a little while ago. and it was not an easy task, to say the least.
you spent all your free time studying, and while you hadn't gotten far in conversational skills, you had figured out one thing— how to confess to the boy. sure, you had professed your love for him on multiple occasions, but this would be special, a sign of your affection in his mother tongue. and so as you sat there next to your boyfriend one evening, you thought it would be a good time to practice.
taking a deep breath and trying to remember the correct tones, you attempted the confession, "shen quanrui, wǒ xǐ huān nǐ," you managed to stutter your way through, much less smoothly than you had practiced, but you managed. you tried to read the expression on your face to see if you had said it correctly, but before you knew it he was cupping your face and pressing a kiss to your lips.
"so you understood me?" you questioned, a small smile tugging at your lips. soon enough the boy was spewing back responses in chinese, faster than you could keep up with at your very basic skill level. "woah woah, slow down, i'm not that good yet." you chuckled.
"well you've got yourself a new tutor then," he smiled, pulling you into his side, "god i love you." he mumbled, more so to himself than you. but you were just glad he got the message.
gyuvin ;
"kim gyuvin," you sighed, shaking your head at the state you had found your boyfriend in. you had only left him alone for a few minutes, but by the time you had come back he had somehow managed to cover himself in the paints spread out on the palette; at this point he had more paint on him than you had gotten on the canvas.
you had run to the other room for just a moment, needing to grab your bag with a couple extra paint brushes to finish up your painting for your art class. gyuvin had insisted earlier in the day to keep you company while you painted, and it was appreciated. but you could tell he was getting antsy just sitting there, and you supposed that's how he ended up looking like a kindergartener's finger painting.
"y/n," he mocked back, a playful tone accompanying his hands on his hips as he looked at you with a smlie. "i'd like to think i'm much prettier than your painting." he gestured to his frame, highlighting the paint that he had seemed to trip into. "maybe if you gave me attention i wouldn't have run around and tripped." his matter-of-fact tone made a laugh escape your lips.
"is that what the problem is?" you paused as he made his way closer to you, "you're covered in paint don't you dare," your threat was empty, but you tried reasoning with him regardless. "call me a cute name again then, my name isn't as fun."
you sighed, attempting to hold him at an arms length as his lips were comically puckered up. "yeah yeah, my cutie lovely sweet boyfriend, if you come near me with your wet paint covered body, we are gonna have problems." he carefully placed a kiss on your cheek, managing to not get you covered, "good enough for now."
gunwook ;
"gunwook c'mere," you called your boyfriend over to the couch that you had gotten quite comfy on, wanting to spend some time with your boyfriend. you didn't see the pout plastered on his face until he sat down next to you, his eyes looking like that of a lost puppy.
"not even wook?" it took you a few moments to realize what he meant by the question before connecting the dots— you hadn't called him a cute nickname like normal, and now he was sat next to you sulking as if it were the end of the world. and god was it ever cute.
you cleared your throat for a moment as you shook your head, "silly me," you started, catching his attention, "i forgot the most important part," you grabbed his hand, giving it a tight squeeze, "my gunwook!" you enthused, watching the smile spread across his cheek wider than you had ever seen.
that seemed to make everything better in his world as his cheeks flushed a light pink and he brought his free hand up to cover his mouth for a moment before composing himself enough to respond.
"my y/n!" he matched your energy, pulling you impossibly closer into his side, as if to claim you as his own. but you were his, and he was yours. and you wouldn't have it any other way, at least not when he's as cute as he is.
yujin ;
you and your best friend yujin had a tradition; it might not seem like much, but it had become routine for the two of you to spend your nights in the summer laid out in his backyard, watching the stars and chatting about whatever came to your mind. random thoughts or worries, really whatever plagued your mind.
you hadn't thought much about the words leaving your mouth, that was the joy about being with your best friend. you wrapped up your aimless question, "but i mean, who cares right? i have you yujin." you said simply, turning to the boy, only to see a sad look in his eyes. "what's wrong?" you reached out, resting your hand on top of his.
"you called me yujin," he mumbled, barely audible past the pout across his lips. you couldn't hide the confusion on your face, so you had to press a little more, "but, that's your name?" you were simply thinking aloud at this point, not quite grasping the boy's point yet.
the pout didn't leave his lips despite your obvious remark, "am i not your jinnie anymore?" you couldn't help but smile at the boy's innocent confession, "oh yujin," you started, turning to prop yourself on your arm and face him, "you'll always be my jinnie."
"okay good," he let out a sigh of relief, feeling the quickly approaching weight on his chest subside, "and you'll always be my y/n, right?" you simply nodded, giving the boy the confirmation he needed before turning back to admire the stars in the sky— he'd always be your jinnie, as long as the stars shined in the sky.
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devildomwriter · 9 months
Believe In What Your Heart is Saying | Leviathan x Reader
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.6K Words | GN! Reader | CW: none
Leviathan struggled to calm his heart as he paced his floor, occasionally bumping against the jellyfish lights as he did so.
Henry watched from the aquarium concerned. Leviathan didn’t usually get like this over anything other than his anime and idols and this time Leviathan mouthed the same thing over and over again. The red shade on his face didn’t dim no matter how many times he practiced.
“___, will you, b-b-be, be-b-b-be! Aaaack I can’t say it! Why can’t I say it!?” Leviathan bemoaned and turned to Henry. He placed his hand against the tank and asked Henry for help but the fish did not know how to respond.
Leviathan nodded. “You’re right! I’m too pathetic. They’ll just say no, so why bother?”
Henry blew bubbles at Leviathan trying to communicate he’d said no such thing and Leviathan continued to belittle himself until the clock struck eight and he jumped to his feet, panicking.
“I-is it already time!?” He gasped and quickly requested the password.
“The Christmas password is Ruri’s Santa uniform is the cutest in the worlds!” You called from the other side of the door.
Leviathan swallowed the knot in his throat and opened the door with a shaking hand. He had to keep it together, he couldn’t let you notice anything was different.
But when he saw you in your cute Christmas sweater with a bucket of popcorn to share with him, his blush deepened.
“What’s up with you, Levi? You’re redder than Rudolph’s nose.”
Leviathan laughed awkwardly at your Christmas reference and gestured to the beanbags in front of his TV.
“L-let’s sit down n-now.”
You raised a brow at him curiously, knowing he was acting oddly but agreed. You sat down on the beanbag and Leviathan rushed to grab a throw blanket for you. He wrapped it around you and you beamed up at him.
“Thanks! You’re the sweetest.”
“Wh-huh? Like lol…no j-just…being a good host!”
Leviathan sat down next to you but not as closely as usual.
“What happened with you? Did I finally lose to Ruri-Chan?”
“Huh!? What? Like that’s even possible you’re a million times cuter than Ruri!”
You weren’t expecting that direct of an answer and blushed. As soon as Levi realized what he’d said his face turned even redder than it had been all day.
Henry watched in anticipation from the aquarium as Levi hid in his sweater and tried stuttering an excuse.
“Wh-wh-what I meant was—“
“You’re cute too Levi!” You exclaimed.
“C-cute…?” He didn’t seem too enthused at being called cute although he was still blushing.
“Yes. And handsome.” You said matter of factly.
“Huh! N-no way. Not some gross normie otaku like me!”
You shook your head and glared at him and he gulped in surprise.
“Stop putting yourself down. Are you saying I’m a bad judge?”
He looked shocked and shook his head. “N-no. Everything you do and say is perfect.”
“We’ll I wouldn’t go that far…”
“Oh no, did I say something stupid? Ugh!”
Levi tried to back away but you didn’t let him and wrapped your arms around him. “Don’t worry. You didn’t say anything wrong. Now come on. We’re watching Christmas movies, aren’t we? I’ve been really excited about this.”
“M-me too. I’ve been excited too…B-Because…” he whispered the last part too quietly for you to hear so you leaned in face close to his.
Leviathan blinked in surprise. Assuming you’d heard him confess his feelings, he leaned in to meet your lips.
You were surprised he’d be so bold and realized what he must’ve said as he cupped your cheek with his hand. You blushed and grinned into the gentle touch of your lips.
The kiss was a little awkward but it meant everything to you. He finally pulled away, red and you’re face matched his. You weren’t expecting him to finally confess, it caught you by surprise.
“Hey, Levi…”
“Tell me again.”
“What? Like, do you want me to want me to have a heart attack? Lol.”
You shook your head and batted your eyes teasingly. His demon form slipped out in his excitement and nodded.
“Then I’ll tell you as many times as you want! I-I love you!”
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romanreignseater · 1 year
The Mouth & Finger Vigilante.
Roman Reigns x Reader
Rating: 18+
Warning: Slight fluff and admiration, which leads straight into a nasty oral session 😁.
“Roman’s fingers and mouth are members of the self-appointed group that solve problems. The problem is being away from his wife without pleasuring her. So, here comes his mouth and fingers to save the day.”
A/N: I wrote this in a single morning 😭. I was dreaming about to be honest. I hope you all love it. Thanks for the support on my last fic.
GIF: @romanreigns
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Roman enters the house at 1:14a.m.; after an appearance on Monday Night Raw and a long fight back home; he was exhausted. The three family dogs laid across their beds in the living room, sleeping peacefully. His bag softly thrown to the bench by the front of the door and his shoes put beside it. A sigh leaves his mouth.
He quietly walks up the grand staircase of his multi-million dollar beachfront mansion, and to his left, his children’s bedrooms. Roman opens the door to check on his babies. Then, peddles to the side of their beds to give them each a kiss on their cheeks. The doors close, and his eyes focus to the end of the hallway.
The love of his life, behind those double doors, probably sleeping serene and in his t-shirt. He strides to the doors and opens them.
There she is.
His baby.
His wife.
The mother to his children.
The woman who made him into the man he is today.
And he couldn’t be more grateful.
But, he knows she deprived. His love over FaceTime could only be so much. His love in real life is far more intense. Roman’s been gone for about a week traveling up and down the states promoting WrestleMania 39, and he’s finally arrived back home.
He instantly crawls into the bed beside her and hugs her tightly. She groans as she was awakened by bear-like arms cradling her. “Hey baby.” His smile as big as ever. “Hey! When did you get here?” His love asks with a groggy, yet enthusiastic voice. “About 6 minutes ago, stopped by the kids room first.” She smiles lightly as her eyes begin to flutter closed. “That’s nice.”
He stares at her beautiful glass like skin, as she cuddles up to him more. His eyes once filled with light begin to darken. Her juicy thigh rubs against the top of his. When he remembers all the calls on FaceTime. Her begging and screaming his name, as she wanted the “real thing” back. She missed his touch and he could tell.
He lets go of her and assumes the position on top of her. His baby moves around slightly, when he then pulls the blanket down her body. Just as he knew, his big blue shirt wrapped around her body. Roman gently lifts his shirt to her collarbone, when her breasts became exposed. She twitches for a moment as the cold air from the AC hits her perky nipples. ‘Fuuuuck.’ He thinks to himself. Her tits did look good; good enough to eat.
The Tribal Chief massages her breasts softly as she moaned. He comes up a little bit to suckle her little perky nipples. Roman lapped both of her breasts; covered heavy in his saliva. Her light moans encouraged him to suck a little harder and release. As her perky, wet nipples begin to dry up, he slowly caresses his hands down her slim waist, to her wide hips. Her panties clinged between his fingers as he pulled them down to get to his prized cherry.
She stirs again as the cold air hits her cunt. She stirs once more as Roman lowered his face to her pussy and his hot breath hit it ever so intensely. He begins quickly and licks a bold stripe from her hole to her sensitive clit. “Aaaaaa, that’s good baby.” Her praises make him smirk. He then sops up all her wetness to spread it so viciously around her fat cunt. His tongue flicks up and down her pussy to create more juices.
“Baby.” She moans as her elbows were now propped up and her eyes looking into his. “Eat it baby.” Roman slaps her thigh and she yelps. “Whatchu think I’m doing mama?!” His devilish eyes lowered even more as he continued his abuse on her pussy with his tongue. Her head lolled back against the pillow she was sleeping on, and Roman’s mouth soon consumed the entirety of her cunt. Her clit was sucked and licked so hard, and her legs began to shake.
“Look at me. LOOK AT ME!” He exclaimed.
Her eyes now set on his as sucked the life out of her cunt. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head. He shook his head vigorously side-to-side with his tongue laid flat against her pussy. “Ooooohhhhh my GODDDD! DON’T STOP.” Her pussy began to convulse as she reached her high.
Roman licked up all her essence. His nose, chin, and beard smothered in her cum. He wipes his face with the back of his hand and climbs up the bed to his fucked out wife. She panted heavily as her thighs clenched together to stafe off that feeling. He grabs her face and sloppily kisses her; making her taste herself. She regains her breath, and slowly looks up at her man. His stare is cold when he spreads her legs again. His fingers where then placed deep inside the mouth of his wife.
She gagged as Roman shoved his two long digits into her throat. His spit covered fingers traveled down to her clenching hole. “AAAAAA! It’s too much!” She exclaimed as he entered her quickly. His fingers moved at a lightning speed, making the woman underneath him beg him to stop. Her cunt began squirting all over his hand and forearm. The inside of her thighs painted with her liquids and the silk sheets drenched as well.
Roman’s hand comes back up to the surface and he rubs her wetness all over her face. He slaps her lightly as she bits her lip sensually. He squishes her cheeks and spits into her wet mouth. She swallows and pulls her tongue back out to prove she swallowed. He grabs the end of his shirt on her body and wipes her face clean. He lays beside her to spoon her.
“Thank you baby, I missed you so much.” Her voice like music to his ears. “I know baby, I missed you too… But watch out for the morning after I drop the kids off at school.” Her breaths hitches.
“I’m taking you anywhere and everywhere around this house.” He moves his lips closer to her ear, “And I’m not stopping until it’s time to pick the kids up from school.” And with that it was a kiss on the cheek goodnight, but her head only surrounded by two things.
“8:00 a.m.”
“2:30 p.m.”
Don’t we ALL love Roman Reigns?!
*Masterlist coming soon 😛. Also, I want to create a tag-squad; let me know if you’d like to be a part of it!!
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slutforleeminho · 2 years
Can you please do perv!chn × reader with oral fixation 😩😩
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how did you know I had a thing for perv Chan??🤭
Roommate • Bangchan
Chanxf!reader, roommate au, sub Chan, soft dom reader, perv Chan, oral fixation reader
Warnings: masturbation, finger sucking, oral (f)receiving, fingering, penetrative sex, cumming inside, multiple orgasms (f).
“Mm” Chan moaned around your thumb that was placed in between his lips and atop his tongue. “Fuck, you look so hot like this. Sucking on my fingers like there’s no tomorrow. You’re such a good boy.” At that he whimpered. You pulled your thumb out to rest on his bottom lip, pulling it down a bit. Lips coated in his saliva and his pupils blown out, looking up at you all innocently. As if he wasn't on his knees waiting on your next move.
“So are you going to tell me why you have the pair of panties I’ve been looking for for weeks now? And why you where jerking off with them?” His gaze dropped to the floor, avoiding direct eye contact with you. A light shade of red painted his face. He was embarrassed. Not only that he was hopelessly trying to get off with the underwear he stole from you. But that he was caught in the act. Sprawled out on the bed with the thin material wrapped around his dick, his fist holding them in place. Lazily rutting his hips up into his fist while imagining you in the black lace. Did you wear these often? Were they your favorite? Did you wear them under your cute teddy bear pajama pants? He was so close to busting his nut all over them when his door swung open.
“Hey chan have yo- uh” you froze at the sight in front of you. It was….. beautiful. A thin layer of sweat coating his forehead and a whimper escaping his lips, but he was cut off. “Y/n I- “ he took the underwear and shoved it under the blanket as well as covering himself up. But it was too late, you had already seen everything.
And that’s how you got in this predicament.
“Tell me” lifting his face to look you in the eyes.
“I’m sorry. You must think I’m so weird. I promise I tried not to look at you in that way but it was so hard. Your just so…. I’m sorry. If you want me to move out or-“
“What? No Chan I don’t want you to leave. I just wanted you to tell me how I make you feel”
“You make me feel insane” he has no idea where the confidence came from.
“How so?” You set your hand on his head and played with his hair waiting for an answer.
"When you walk out of the bathroom in nothing but that tiny towel that barely covers anything. Or when you "accidentally" drop something and bend over, giving me a whole ass show. And especially when you think I'm not home, and you decide to pleasure yourself with your door wide open. The sounds you make are so heavenly."
"Bold of you to assume that I didn't know you were home" Oh you knew alright, and you made sure to be extra loud on those days.
"What-" He sat there in confusion.
"And I was very disappointed when you never came to help me out. But that's okay you can make up for it tonight, yeah?"
"I'll do anything for you"
"Stand up for me then" He immediately obeyed and stood to his feet, never breaking eye contact. You grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and kissed him in one swift motion. He was taken by surprise but quickly kissed you back with such hunger and anticipation. His hand went straight to your lower back bringing you closer to him. Mouths sloppily sucking on each other's lips and tongues gliding over each other. It was getting so hot, with the combination of Chan's body heat and your own temperature rising from the intense making out, you couldn't take it anymore. You disconnected you lips and swiftly pulled your shirt over your head and tossing it to the side to be forgotten about. His lips parted, and before he could catch it, a whimper escaped his lips when your naked breast were before his eyes.
He couldn't believe this was actually happening, all his perverted fantasies were coming to life, and he didn't know what he did to deserve this but he was more than thankful.
"Will I be the only one striping tonight?" You began removing your sweatpants, leaving you only in your underwear,
"I mean i'd be happy just to watch if you wanna put on a show for me" a smirk creeping up on his face but soon faded when you spoke.
"If you don't fuck me tonight than you never will. But if that's what you want than i'd be more than happy to oblige."
"I'd be an idiot to pass this up"
"You'd be an idiot to have a whole ass debate while I'm standing here half naked ready for you to do whatever you want to me." you spat. The heat in between your legs getting unbearably uncomfortable.
"You're right" He quickly removed his shirt and grabbed your waist pushing you down on the bed, hovering over you. He placed his lips on yours for only a short moment before leaving kissing all over your jaw and neck. Nipping and leaving love bites that would be a dark purple by the morning. He was groping your tits hard, pinching and pulling at your nipples. Which caused you to moan loudly and grab the back of his head, tugging on his curly hair. Trailing down your body, he was marking you as his, sucking on every section of skin he could reach. Once he was met with your clothed cunt he let out a satisfied hum when he saw the wet patch forming.
"Excited?" he said teasingly.
"Don't get too cocky or I won't suck yours." you were not in the mood to be messed with. "So stop teasing"
"Whatever you want princess." he hooked his fingers under your underwear and drug them down your legs, throwing them aside. He swore he's never seen such a pretty pussy, glistening with arousal that he was the cause of. He placed middle and ring finger to your heat to spread your lips apart and get a better look at his next meal. You flinched hard and let out a guttural moan when he licked a long stipe from your entrance to your clit, stopping to suck on your sensitive bud.
"Oh fuck! Yes Chan right there. That feels so good." He was eating you out like he was starved and you were the first food he's seen in days. But you weren't complaining, if anything this was probably the best head you've gotten in a long time.
He took to fingers to rub you while he took a short breather and then slowly entered them into you. The stretch felt amazing, his long fingers were reaching spots that you never could. He reattached his lips to your sex and sucked harder than before.
"I'm so close- shit please don't stop" you said between breaths. You started to involuntarily roll your hips against him and push his face closer to you, basically riding his face when you orgasm finally hit.
Eyes rolling to the back of you head and almost screaming his name, you came all over his fingers. He switched from sucking to soothingly licking you until you came down from your high. He removed his fingers from your dripping cunt and cleaned them with his mouth, licking them clean while you watched. His tongue sticking out to run it over his fingers, a little bit of spit falling from the side of his mouth. You swore you could watch this all day, but you had other plans.
"Come here" you grabbed his arm and pulled him on top of you into a heated kiss, tasting yourself on his tongue. Feeling on his bare chest and abs, your hand traveled to his hard on to palm him through the thin material of his sweatpants. He grunted into the kiss at the much needed friction. Your patience started running thin once the need to have him inside of you became unbearable.
"Fuck me baby" you pulled away from the kiss. "Please I need you so bad"
He could've came just from you words. You? Needed him? How long have you waited for this? Perhaps just as long as him, and if that was the case he didn't want to keep you waiting any longer.
He stood to remove his remaining clothes, and returned in between your legs where he belonged. He watched your face contort in pleasure when he pushed inside of you, a whimper escaping his lips from his own pleasure. The way your warm walls wrapped around him beckoning him to rail into you, but he knew better.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted this. Dreamed about this." he huffed out as he picked up the pace.
"Yeah? Does it feel as good as you imagined?"
"Fuck, it feels so much better." he set a steady rhythm and was fucking you so good at this point. Your walls were uncontrollably clenching around him causing him to whimper every time.
"Shit if you keep doing that i'm gonna cum" he whined.
"Give it to me, I want to feel you cum inside of me chan, please i need it" you coaxed him closer to the edge but he refused to release until he felt you cum around his cock. He positioned one of your legs over his shoulder, hitting deeper than before and taking his thumb to stimulate your clit. It was all to much for you, this new position, him pounding into you hitting that one spot, the slight overstimulation from your first orgasm.
"Oh- shi- chan I- I'm gonna-" you couldn't even form words at this point.
"Me too baby. Cum all over me."
And that's all it took to have you cumming on his dick, your walls clamping down on him. Searching from something to hold onto for stability, you grabbed his hand and squeezed.
His hips shuddered as his orgasm washed over him, spilling his seed into your cunt. He was so sensitive but he didn't stop until he was sure you were satisfied.
He collapsed next to you while you both tried to catch your breaths.
"We should've done this sooner' you said
"Yeah no shit"
Taglist: @yumiblogs
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hyuuukais · 1 year
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ gravity
pairing ☆ lee felix x gn reader
genre ☆ fluff
warnings ☆ none (let me know if i missed something)
credits roll but neither of you have the will to move, limbs entagled. you breath in his scent, relaxing further into his arms, back against his chest. you feel him relax deeper into the couch, a soft groan escaping his lips.
"should we go to bed?" you speak, voice barely above a whisper.
felix sighs, "it would probably be better for my neck, but i don't want to move."
you slowly drag yourself away from him, his arms outstretched as he whines for you to come back.
"come on," you grab his arms, helping him up as if he needs you to.
felix stumbles into you purposefully, chuckling as you attempt to steady him. you grin as he pulls you back against him, face on his shoulder. breathing in, you struggle to will yourself to move again, wanting to get lost in this moment.
your friendship with felix was... close. one always was touching the other, whether it be a hug, holding hands, a kiss on the cheek. multiple times had you been assumed a couple.
a best friend like felix was rare, and you didn't want to think about what your life would have been like if you didn't find each other. he'd held your hand through the hardest times in your life. he teased you relentlessly. he was your sun, and you, his moon.
but is your heart supposed to swell the way it does when he smiles at you? are your cheeks supposed to burn the way they do when he praises you?
you had close friends and sure, you were all pretty physically affectionate for the most part, but the way you were with felix was somehow... different. special. you chalked it up to him simply being your closest friend.
but as you stood there, frozen in the moment, breathing deeply, you wondered...
taken away from your thoughts, felix moved away, his hands lightly trailing down your arms, finding your hands. he held onto your left hand, guiding you to his bedroom to settle in for the night. sleepovers were common with him.
felix laughed as you dove into bed, hands together like a professional. letting out a laugh of your own, you rolled around, hoodie hiking up a bit, but around felix, you were comfortable. he looked away, grinning.
before joining you in bed, he clicked his beside lamp off. he tucked himself under the covers, lifting the other side the best he could as you were pinning the edge down.
"get under here," he dragged his words, tugging the blanket a few times.
"i suppose i could do that," you sigh dramatically, flashing a smile his way.
the blanket was cold against your skin, but that didn't matter when you tucked yourself against felix, arm wrapping around his torso as he looked down at you.
"goodnight beautiful," his nose rested against your hairline, lips leaving a soft kiss on your forehead.
you looked up at him, wondering how you were so lucky to have someone you could be so comfortable around. you pressed a kiss to his cheek, right by his nose.
"goodnight, my sun." you let your head fall against his pillow.
now it was his turn to lean down and kiss your cheek, a bit lower near your jaw. he could feel the smile forming on your face.
"oh, we're doing this now?" you moved away ever so slightly to look him in the eyes, finding a smile grace his features. "it's on."
this time it was the tip of his nose, then your jaw again, closer to your chin. you tried to ignore the way your heart fluttered with each kiss, this was normal for you two. you got bold, kissing right by the corner of his mouth.
time seemed to slow. felix pulled away, looking at you with stars in his eyes. his leaned in, kissing close to your mouth, bottom lip just barely touching your top one. you did this dance for a few more rounds, before it happened.
felix leaned in, one final time. his soft lips whispered over yours, and you could feel his hesitant breath. it wasn't until you put a hand on his neck that he seemed to make a desicion.
hand on your cheek, he pulled you in, kissing you softer than you've ever been kissed before. your heart was beating fast, a subtle shiver down your spine. when you parted, all you could focus on was his breath against your skin.
"you win."
notes ☆ this may or may not be extremely loosely based on something that happened to me YEAAAARS ago. i could only wish for it to have been as romantic. wrote this in one go bc i felt like it! and i hope u enjoyed <3
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sehtoast · 1 year
Guilt - (Depowered Homelander x OC) - All of You is Left to Love ch9
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1.9k words
Summary: Homelander realizes the consequences of his actions affect much more than just himself.
Warnings: Light descriptions of bodily injuries.
Chapter Directory
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What he hated, more than anything, was the waiting.
When would Ben get home? When would his little spider crawl through the window and into their bed?
This night in particular ate at Homelander's nerves in a way that left his entire body wracked with anxiety so deep it made him nauseous.
See, Ben always replies to his texts. Always shoots him a message when he knows it'll be a late night.
John must have texted hours ago. At first, just one message.
'Another late one?'
After roughly ten minutes without a response, he sent another.
'Will you be out long tonight?'
When that message went unanswered, he began to worry that a deep seated fear was coming true.
'Come on babe, don't leave me hanging.'
By the end of the hour, he must have sent at least thirty texts.
He tried to convince himself that Benjamin was simply busy, but then that part of him slithered from deep within his mind to weigh in.
He left you. Don’t they all, eventually?
John didn’t even bother with a response. No refutation, no shake of his head to will away that voice he’s known since childhood. He just held back the tears, bit back on the panic, shuffling instead to the bedroom and grabbing the bottle of pills he’d come to rely on for sleep. He stared at the name on the bottle with a furrowed brow and melancholy eyes.
Benjamin Colyer, in bold font. His lover made a deal with Vought’s head doctor, all so he could sleep at night…
Two pills down the hatch.
He crawled into bed on Ben’s side, still at the mercy of his protector’s taunts, holding tight to his lover’s favorite blanket for comfort.
Homelander stared at the thread of texts for a minute and decided to try calling.
No answer, of course.
He wiped at his face aggressively, his other hand holding tight to his phone, praying that it’d buzz and let him know he wasn’t alone. Hoping that he’d feel his little spider’s arms wrap around him before the meds put him to sleep.
He drifted off before either happened.
When he did wake, it wasn’t to that stupid, chirping alarm tone that rouses Ben for work– nor was it to the sunrise peeking through the curtains. Ever the uneasy sleeper, even medicated, he was roused from his dreamless sleep by the feeling of a head settling on his chest.
The first thing he did was push Ben onto his back so that he could be the one using his love’s body as a pillow. Two things struck John as odd in that moment– strange enough to notice in his barely awake state. The first, that Benny still had his spider suit on.
The second was a wince– a tight breath held and exhaled as the arms he yearned for wrapped around him.
“What was that..?” He murmured, his head groggy and heavy from his medication.
A beat of silence, and another tight breath.
In the past, he’d have been content to nod and fall back asleep without care. Self centered and ignorant, he’d assume all was well so long as he had all that he wanted.
John, however, was not that same man anymore. He was… different, now. A new chamber in his heart, growth– Ben’s influence coupled with a sprinkling of humility from losing his powers.
He smacked around the nightstand, banging the lampshade before switching the light on.
Homelander’s eyes widened, panic wriggling through his body like a million worms– a thousand pound weight forming in his gut.
“Wh– what…” is all he could muster.
Eyes roving over every inch of Ben’s body, breath caught in his throat.
Bruises everywhere were what stood out the most. A busted lip, a cut at the bridge of his nose, smatterings of purples and blues at Ben’s cheeks and jaw, trailing underneath the neckline of his suit.
The worst, though, was the three thick claw marks carved into Ben’s chest from his collarbone to just below his sternum. If not for the fact they were already scabbed over, he’d surely be cleaning up a river of blood.
Ben shushes him before he even can speak. “S’fine,” he whispers, groaning softly as he shifts his weight. His hand, bloodied and with a slight tremble, comes to Homelander’s face to…
To comfort him.
“Y’should see the other guy.” Ben exhales, head leaned back against the pillow. “Mm, never thought I’d fight a guy who can turn into a giant lizard, but…”
The little dose of humor spurred John from his shock, and his mind kicked into overdrive.
What to do? How to help him? Would he need to go to the hospital? Would it make everything worse to move him? Did–
Did his leak of Compound V lead to the creation of whatever fucking cockroach put their hands– their claws into his little spider? Was he responsible for this?
“I thought– Didn’t you get stronger after that time with the therapeutic V? How the fuck did this happen!?”
Ben smiled, lip stinging at the stretch.
“Starting to think I kept just about everything but the invulnerability…” A chuckle. Always jovial, even in the face of pain. “Go figure.”
With some coaxing and support, John managed to get Ben stripped and seated in the bathroom while he fumbled about with cotton balls and wound cleaner, guided by Benjamin’s directions.
“Sorry,” the wall crawler murmured as Homelander knelt before him, dabbing at the cut on his nose.
“Making you worry. Waking you up.” Ben gave an apologetic, knowing smile. “Kept you waiting.”
Yeah, John’s inner voice retorted bitterly. Sure fuckin’ did.
He couldn’t say anything. If he opened his mouth, the guilt would come pouring out. If he hadn't leaked V, would Ben be like this now? Would his lover be out all the time cleaning up his mess?
Homelander could practically count on one hand the amount of times in his life that he felt truly bad for the consequences of his actions.
This was one of them.
The sound slipped free before he could stop it, and with it came the gnawing distress brewing deep in his gut.
“This is my fault…”
“Huh?” Ben’s brow furrowed. “What– wait, this?”
Homelander nodded, the discomfort of his accountability churning his all too human stomach.
“John, you did not make a giant lizard man and tell him to go terrorize the town.” Ben laughed incredulously. “Why in the world would that b– oh…”
The realization hit quickly.
Ben raised a hand to John’s face, stroking his thumb across the pink scar at his cheekbone.
“Babe,” he began, that unlimited fount of kindness within him leaking through every word. ”Yes, you leaked the stuff that made these guys. But you’re not responsible for what they chose to do with their powers.”
Ben certainly wouldn't look him in the eye and say that leaking V wasn't a total fuck up. Because it absolutely was. But blaming him, treating him maliciously for it wouldn't undo a single thing. The only redemption left now was to contain the mess. So, that's what he vowed to do.
He would contain Homelander's mess. Atone for his other half's wrongs.
John gazed up at him, eyes wide like a child receiving a reprimand.
“But I–”
“Nope,” Ben shushed him, thumb now at his lips. “Look, regardless, you’re here helping me patch up afterward. Helping me keep my head on my shoulders while I handle it.”
John leaned his head down, burying his face against Ben’s thigh. Clenching his eyes shut, fighting against himself. Wanted to hold the words inside, wanted so desperately not to outwardly be as weak as he felt.
You almost lost him. He almost didn’t make it home. You really do destroy everything you love…
He wished so much sometimes that his alter ego would shut up.
“Look at you…” He murmured, voice breaking. “What– What if you didn’t come home, huh? I’d be responsible for that, I–”
Neither said a word for a while, just… sat there. Silent apologies. Silent comforts. Ben's hand on Homelander's back, John's head and hands resting on Benjamin's thighs.
He looked as though he were knelt before an altar, praying to a deity. For forgiveness, perhaps.
For something already given.
"How do I fix your chest..?"
His voice was nearly nothing. Whispered, barely, into his love's lap.
Ben smiled down at him, though he couldn't see.
"Well," he began with a flutter of diffusing humor. "I think, honestly, we just gotta clean it. I bet that guy never cleans under his big lizard nails."
After some apprehensive touches, some cold wound cleaner, and a roll of gauze wrap, John finished cleaning and dressing Ben’s chest. He’d been so afraid to even graze the scabbed lacerations, so afraid to hurt Ben even more.
As they lay in bed, each of them exhausted, sleep remained elusive. Ben insisted that Homelander could rest his head upon his chest, despite the injuries. The web-head stared at the ceiling for a time, fingers idly stroking through John’s dark, shaggy hair as he contemplated Homelander’s guilt from earlier.
John had gone quiet since then, simply clinging to him.
Finally, with a sigh of contentment, Ben spoke.
“Thank you for taking care of me.”
Homelander’s response came as a nod.
Another beat of silence.
“I’m always gonna come home to you, babe.” Ben murmured. “I’m sorry I scared you…”
He contemplated his next words carefully. Didn't want to reveal too much about what he'd gone through in that fight.
"Y'know, when I was chasing him, he ran onto the bridge to Queens…"
The bridge to home…
"He started tossing cars off the side to distract me," Ben continued, gaze still fixed on the ceiling. "Got to a point where he pinned me down when I was trying to finish connecting a web to the guard rail, and…"
A deep exhale.
"After he clawed me, and I didn't think I could get him off of me, I realized he'd probably keep running this way once I was down and out, yeah?"
Homelander lifted his head to look at Ben. What was the point of this..?
"But, when I was pinned, I just… thought of you." Ben continued, eyes closing as he let his mind wander back. "Thought, what if, by some bullshit odds, he finds you. Hurls cars around or something, and one came through this window. Thought how you'd be if I didn't come home. How you'd react if you saw it on the news…"
Saw that I got killed.
"You, in that moment, were what I needed to keep going. Whether you believe it or not, I've got you fighting these bastards with me every day."
John had buried his face into Ben's neck, hand cupped at the other side.
"Shut up," Homelander whispered through the tightness of his throat. "Just shut up and sleep, please…"
Don't remind me that I have something to lose.
Something I can't protect anymore.
Ben shut his eyes once more. He understood without it being said. He always did.
Always would.
"I love you, too."
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shanmthebrave · 11 days
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Our Meaningful Moments on the Sofa ~ An AzuLeo mini-fic (much fluff)
A little something for you all to enjoy while I suffer from period cramps and a small gift for being super patient while waiting for the AzuLeo fanfic coming to A03 this Friday. Have fun reading!
Much thanks to you all that love AzuLeo. Even tho I’m busy due to school, I will continue to raise the AzuLeo banner. We’re going to make this ship popular, no matter what. Love you guys!
TW: He/him Leo
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At a small apartment in Germany, there was a young couple sitting on a small sofa, cuddling together in a blanket.
The blonde German looked over at his dark haired girlfriend from Peru, and couldn’t help but smile at how adorable she looked, cuddling beside him on the sofa, a warm, half-empty cup of coffee in her hands.
Having grown up in a warm climate, the cheerful, energetic lady was shivering from the cold. The man simply giggled as she shakily clutched his long sleeve and the blanket surrounding them, digging her face into his shoulder.
As she heard his giggle, she looked up at him, a pouty expression on her face.
“W-What is it, Leo?”
“Haha, sorry about that. You just look adorable.”
“Pfft, you always say that! You’re just trying to flatter me to get away with poking fun at me. No fair, dummy.” She let go of his sleeve and crossed her arms, placing down the cup on the nearby coffee table.
“Oh, I’m a dummy? Bold words, Azu. Coming from the girl who refused to let me turn on the heater and insisted your coffee alone could warm you up.” This statement seemed to trigger her.
“S-Shut up!” Leo could only laugh. He gently ruffled her hair.
“Alright, I’m sorry. I just can’t help it. I thought you were okay with it, considering we’re…official.”
“…” A slight blush appeared on her face.
The two had just began dating a few months ago. Due to living on different corners of the world, they could not be together often. However, this didn’t stop the blossoming couple from finding ways and time slots to see each other during their breaks, along with daily calls and texts. The two long to be together more often, yet due to her father, the most they could do was for Azucena to visit Leo in Germany once a month. LDR was hard, yet the two made it work.
“Y’know…” Azucena spoke, as she wrapped her arms around his. “I don’t mind it that much…” Leo laughed softly in response.
“Of course you wouldn’t.”
“Well, you were always a nervous wreck…even way before we began dating…I’m so happy you’re becoming more daring now~” Her voice was now lower and a bit seductive.
“W-Wha?!” A blush formed on his face from her voice alone. Azucena just knew how to push his buttons, and she doesn’t even need to try.
“Awh, why so shy now~? You’re so cute.” She scooted closer and crawled onto his lap. She then proceeded to squish his reddened cheeks.
“Y-You…you do so many things to me…”
Leo tilts his head down, holds her cheek in his palm, and presses a soft kiss on her cheek.
“…” Leo looked away, his entire face heating up.
“You’re really daring now, are you, Leo~?”
“You’re just itching to kiss me, aren’t you~?”
“Oh, darling, admit it. You love it when we’re this close together…in each other’s arms…sharing sweet kisses…right~?”
“What has this turned into, a teasing match to you begging me for kisses?!”
“Awwwwh, but I want another kiss now, Leo!”
Leo froze at her words. She wants more?! He was completely convinced he wasn’t a good kisser.
“A-Azu, I don’t know if…they’re even good.” Much to his dismay, she frowned at that statement. Goodness, how he hated seeing her sad…
“B-But…I love them…why would you assume your kisses are bad?”
“I- I just…you deserve all the best, and look at me, I-”
Azucena frowned even more.
“Azu, please don’t look at me like that.”
“You hurt me, Leo.” She got off his lap and began distancing herself, taking the blanket a bit forcefully and turning her back towards him. Leo could only berate himself inside as he saw her frown.
“I- I’m sorry…please don’t be sad…I…”
As Leo shifted closer to her, however, he heard a sniffle. Oh no. She’s crying.
“Leo, YOU’RE THE WORST!!!” He thought to himself.
“Azu…” She turned around as he finally managed to choke out her name. His heart broke seeing the tears in her eyes.
“I- I’m sorry. I know you hate hearing me self-deprecate myself like that. You’re already dealing enough thanks to your dad and your work, and I’m meant to be enjoying this time we have, yet all I’ve done was unintentionally push you away of the fear that…I can’t give you enough.”
“…” She rubbed her tears away, yet more flowed out. Leo hastened to scoot over to her and rub all her tears away with his sleeve.
“You know I love you, right? I just want to give you the best.” He said as he pulls her close.
“L-Leo…” She finally muttered in a shaky voice. “You’re the best. For me.”
He couldn’t really believe what he was hearing. However, he felt Azu slipping her hands into his, looking at him with her sparkling grey eyes, filled with love, light, and affection. It made him want to believe her.
“Yes. I love you too…you’re my light, my source of warmth, my pillar, the shoulder I can cry on…and most importantly: the love of my life.”
“You have no idea how happy you make me with your presence in my life alone. You’re amazing, you know that?”
“Haha, of course~”
He smiled at her words. “Good. Cause I want you to know that you’re such a wonderful woman, and I have no idea how I pulled you.” She giggled in response.
“I mean it, Azucena. I love you. So much.” He pulled her into a warm embrace. She quickly wrapped her arms around him tightly.
“Leo…I love you, too.”
The two finally shared a small, gentle kiss. It started as a gentle pecking, but it slowly grew more passionate.
The two coffee lovers would obviously have their fair share of trouble navigating the rabbit hole known as romance, but as long as they had each other, they’ll overcome anything.
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dr-peppers-monster · 2 months
Alive, With You–Chapter 2: Hitched
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Read this story on AO3 here!
Fandom: Cyberpunk 2077
Fic Rating: Explicit
Relationships: Johnny Silverhand/V, Johnny Silverhand/Female V
Chapter Summary: V and Johnny seal the deal, the Silverhand way.
A few months had passed since V was cured of the relic and Johnny reclaimed his body.
The couple bought a luxurious home up in North Oak, in the same community Kerry lived in but still secluded enough and away from the media frenzy that always hounded them both. V was a well established name in Night City and Johnny Silverhand being back from the dead was no small news, so their lives were anything but private most of the time.
They admittedly loved the fame, wealth, and attention that came with their respective statuses, but they also loved their little world away from it all, just the two of them (and Nibbles, of course) tucked in the hills in this new space they called home.
Johnny and V were cuddling in bed one afternoon, a tv on in the background that they were both half paying attention to. They were both naked save for the blanket draped haphazardly over them, both of them too tired from the previous night’s activities to bother putting anything back on.
“Hey,” Johnny spoke up. “I’ve been thinking of something stupid we should do.”
“I’ve already done you.” V teased. “A lot. Isn’t that enough?”
“Ha ha.” Johnny replied flatly. “I was kinda' thinkin' that maybe we should get married. If you wanted to.”
V’s eyes which were lazily closed snapped open, and she immediately sat up to look at Johnny.
“Are you…proposing to me?”
Johnny smiled. “Yeah. Guess I am.”
V grabbed Johnny’s face and planted a long, deep, excited kiss on his lips. Johnny smiled through the kiss, her answer clear before she said a word.
“Of course I’ll marry you, you fuckin’ idiot.”
Johnny’s grin widened, tucking a piece of V’s hair behind her ear. “Fuck yeah. Wanna do it today?”
V put her arms around his neck, leaning in closer to him. Johnny wrapped his arms around her waist in response, drinking in the pheromones floating between them.
“Wanna make an honest woman out of me, Johnny Silverhand?” She said in a low, smooth voice, her face now only inches from his.
“We both know you’re anything but that.” He teased warmly. “Want everyone to know you’re mine, official like. And, thinking of you as Mrs. Silverhand really, really turns me on.”
“Bold of you to assume I’ll take your last name. Correct, but bold.”
Johnny let out a low, grumbly chuckle. It was eating him alive not to kiss her at that moment, the tension between them near to snapping, but he loved how delicious it felt and knew exactly where it would lead.
V reached down and caressed Johnny’s erection over the blanket on his lap, making him quickly inhale in pleasure.
“You're so fucking hot.” Johnny groaned.
“Starting my wifely duties early.” V said, her voice like warm honey. She bit down on Johnny’s bottom lip, pulling it gently.
She pulled the blanket off of him and lifted up her hips, aligning his waiting length with her opening. Both of them let out a sigh when she lowered herself onto him, putting her arms back around his neck.
“Love it when you ride me, baby.” Johnny said, drunk with lust as he watched her move her hips back and forth, back and forth.
After a torturously long wait, Johnny finally broke the gap between their faces and crashed his lips onto hers. Their kisses were hot and messy, heavy breaths between each one. 
V bounced up and down on him, her moans like music to his ears. Better than anything he could write, he was sure of it. She shifted her movements to a rhythm she knew drove Johnny crazy, and he rewarded her with a moan that made her feel like everything was right in the universe.
“Christ, V–“
She upped the pace of this movement Johnny couldn’t get enough of, and he was on cloud nine, moan after moan escaping his lips. He held her by the curve of her waist, gripping tighter as he grew closer to his peak. V leaned into his neck and left him a generous love mark just near his pulse point. He pulled her face up to kiss her again, but was interrupted by his own groan of ecstasy as he came inside of her.
V smiled in satisfaction, her teeth touching his as they half kissed, half panted. Whose mouth was whose was barely distinguishable–but they were used to being one person at this point.
“Holy fuck, V.” 
“Just making sure to remind you of a reason why you should lock this down.”
“Solid reasoning. Can’t argue with that.” Johnny smirked.
“You’re so annoying. I love you.”
“Love you, my Valerie.”
V’s heart fluttered hearing her full name on his lips, turning her teasing into a much more romantic moment. It was such a rare thing for her to hear these days, saved for only the people closest to her. And Johnny was so far beyond that. Closer than close. Half of her soul, one and the same, everything and more.
V leaned in for another deep kiss, taking Johnny’s face in her hands.
“Valerie Silverhand.” She said proudly. “That does have a nice ring to it.”
Johnny smiled, folding his arms as V sat back onto his lap. “I’ll say.”
“Let’s go pick out some rings, get this show on the road.” Johnny said, scooping V up and moving her off to the side so he could stand up.
“Oh shit, I totally forgot about rings.” V said, standing up beside him and stretching. “How very traditional of you. I love it.”
“Like I said–want everyone to know you’re mine. Hickeys, jewelry, last names, the whole nine yards.”
“Won’t say no to any of those.” V replied contentedly, wrapping her arms around his waist.
Johnny kissed the top of her head a few times.
“Come on, let’s fuck again in the shower and then get out of here.”
V shrugged with a big smile. “Works for me!”
After their tryst in the shower, Johnny called Kerry on speaker while V put on her makeup at her vanity nearby.
"Johnny boy, how's my favorite dead man walkin'?" Kerry answered.
"Still walkin'. How it's goin?"
"It's goin', baby. Working on some new material. More fuckin' around than actual songwriting, but you know how it goes."
"Sure do, choom. Need a favor."
"You break my heart Silverhand, not just calling to say hello to your dear friend Kerry?"
"Hi Kerry!!" V yelled from across the room.
Kerry laughed. "Heya gorgeous! See Johnny? V's nice to me."
"And that's how it'll stay. You still a minister of the peace?" Johnny asked.
"That I am!"
"Preem. V and I want you to get us hitched today."
Kerry nearly choked on his drink. Johnny laughed as he listened to Kerry sputter on the other end of the line.
"Ho-ly shit! Johnny Silverhand is locking it down? Never thought I'd see the day."
"Bet your ass. This one's different, Ker." 
"I mean, I get it. V's one powerhouse of a gal. And everything you two been through together? Course I'll marry you two gonks. No big ceremony or nothin'?"
"Nah, fuck all that shit. Just want it to be us."
"Can't blame you there. My wedding set me back a truly painful set a' eddies."
"Not about the eddies. Just don't want a fuckin' circus."
"Recently-not-dead Johnny Silverhand bein' off the market's gonna be some insanely preem shit for the gossip sheets!"
"Couldn't give less of a shit. Let em' know."
"My oh my, our Johnny is in love."
"‘Fraid so."
"I got a preem spot in my backyard, real romantic and shit. How's that?"
Johnny looked over at V who was grinning widely, and she nodded.
"Works for us."
"Great. We're doing an afterparty though at least right? Get all the idiot friends and local ne’er-do-wells in town there?"
"Fuck it, why not. Partyin's the only thing we're really good at."
"Perfecto. And hey, Johnny?"
"At the very least go get a goddamn suit, let your wife-to-be get dolled up in somethin' pretty and new. She deserves for you to not look like shit for five whole minutes for this. Threads are on me."
"Thank you Kerry!" V cried out.
Johnny chuckled. "Fine, fine, Christ. Be there in two hours. And thanks, Ker."
"See ya, lovebirds!"
Johnny and V headed to a jewelry store V liked near their house to get their wedding jewelry. At the insistence of Johnny to pick out "somethin' real pretty" (which she knew to also mean "real flashy"), V decided on a sparkly silver ring and matching band lined with diamonds, a 4 carat radiant cut diamond in the center. It was a bit gaudy and a bit much, but so were her and Johnny. The satisfied grin on Johnny's face when the jeweler handed it to him and he slipped it on her finger was all the confirmation she needed.
"Now that's a rock. Only the best for my chick." Johnny said proudly, making V feel weak in the knees.
Since Johnny's left hand was (famously) silver, he opted to have a thick gunmetal black wedding band permanently added on to his chrome ring finger. Cosmetic modifications of chrome were common, and V could barely contain her feelings when she got a look at the ring on his finger for the first time. She loved how the previously fiercely guarded, wouldn’t-dare-show-an-emotion-if-his-life-depended-on-it Johnny Silverhand was freely displaying their love for the world to see. It meant the world to her, and Johnny knew that.
They also decided on a little addition just for them, getting "J+V" engraved into the insides of the rings. A little nod to V's tattoo and an excuse to be just a little corny.
Jewelry all taken care of, they headed to a swanky clothing store in North Oak to pick out their impromptu wedding atire. Johnny opted for a black suit, black shirt, and a blood red tie. Sleek, classic, and fit him like a glove. V opted for a slinky white satin mini dress with spaghetti straps and a kick-ass pair of shiny red stilettos.
Checking herself out in the mirror of the dressing room, V felt a familiar pair of arms snake around her waist and warm lips nibbling along her ear.
"Goddamn, what a woman." Johnny growled. "Legs for days and days."
V smiled mischeviously, turning her neck a bit to give him more access to her skin.  "Bad luck to see the bride before the wedding, ya know."
"We've had every single fuckin' instance of bad luck that could possibly happen to a person in the last year, this is the last thing I'm worried about." Johnny mumbled, his lips never leaving her neck.
V giggled and turned around to look at him. Her heart raced and her whole body felt like jelly as she looked him over. 
"Goddamn yourself there, Johnny. You clean up real nice." She leaned in towards him and gave him a less-than-chaste kiss that seemed to heat up the entire room. "Real, real nice. Like Jesus you're fucking sexy."
Johnny let out a satisfied hum. "As much as I'd like to get in between those pretty legs right here, we got a weddin' to get to."
V took Johnny by his chin and gave him another quick kiss.  "Got our wedding night to look forward to, baby. Gotta consummate this marriage, you know. Make it all official and shit."
"I am nothing if not official." Johnny responded, giving her one last deep kiss before they pulled apart. 
Johnny did a silly formal bow in front of her, and then held out his arm to her before saying:
"Shall we?"
Johnny and V rang the bell at the gate to Kerry's mansion, their arms around each other.
"There's the couple of the half-century!" Kerry said from the intercom. "Get your lovey dovey asses in here."
When Johnny and V approached the front door, Kerry was standing in the entryway wearing an expectedly fancy suit with a gold trim, gold pocket square, and lots of gold jewelry to match.
"V my darling you are looking more stunning than ever!" He called out, wrapping V up in a tight hug. "Dayum that's a helluva rock on your finger! Expected nothing less from you two. And Johnny! You actually listened to me for once and don't look like absolute shit!"
"Yeah yeah." Johnny grumbled with a smile, his arms crossed in front of him.
"Lookin like a million bucks yourself, Ker. As always." V said, adjusting Kerry's tie slightly.
"You two gonna sit around and suck each other off all day or are we doing this thing?" Johnny joked.
"He never was a patient man." Kerry said to V, shaking his head in pretend dissatisfaction. "Let's get you two hitched!"
Kerry walked V and Johnny over to a section of his backyard where he had installed a waterfall a few months back, cascading gently with various lights throughout it. 
"Very obnoxious of you. Just your style." Johnny said.
"Isn't it just?" Kerry replied, looking over at the fixture lovingly. "Alright kids, face eachother and hold hands. Got a camera set up to take a vid and a few pics, figured some momentos would be nice. Plus, not sure anyone would believe this actually happened if it wasn't on tape."
"Much appreciated, Ker." Johnny replied.
Johnny and V looked into each other's eyes. Behind Johnny's permanently grumpy default expression, he had a clear tenderness in his eyes that V knew he saved just for her. His eyes told her how much he loved her, and it was more clear to her than ever in this moment. V, by far the more excitable of the two, had the biggest smile on her face as she took her fiancé’s hands and looked over at Kerry.
"Figured you guys wanted the abridged version so we can get to partyin'?"
"Figured right." V replied with a laugh.
Kerry cleared his throat. "We are gathered here today for the least likely marriage I ever fuckin' dreamed of officiatin' in a thousand fuckin' lifetimes, Johnny and Valerie. A zombie rock legend and his blushing merc legend bride, here to be joined in some kinda truly batshit unholy matrimony."
Johnny couldn't help but laugh a little at Kerry's ridiculous speech, V's cheeks bright pink from smiling.
"Johnny, you've been driving me fucking crazy for well over 50 years and V, you've been driving me fucking crazy for well, slightly less. But you two are family, and I'm honored to be here today doing this for you both. Love you guys."
V felt a warmth in her chest watching her friend speak, and watching Johnny attempt not to get emotional in front of them. She knew he was full of shit, that he was feeling choked up too. 
"Now Johnny–do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? I'd say 'til death do you part and all that jazz, but we know you're both pretty much well past that."
"Heh. Bet your ass I do." Johnny said, as confidently as he'd ever said anything.
"And Valerie, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do. I really, really fucking do."
Kerry's eyes lit up blue as he processed the marriage digitally through the net via his internal system.
"Then by the powers vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride, you lucky old bastard."
Johnny took V's face in his hands and held it with all the tenderness in the world as he kissed her. This kiss was full of promises, trust, devotion, and above all things: love. The bond they’d forged quite literally facing death and back with everything in between, it all felt worth it for this moment.
The couple saw lights behind their closed eyes flashing around them as the nearby camera snapped a few pictures of their moment. Johnny dipped V down low, and she laughed into his lips as he brought her back up.
"Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Silverhand!" Kerry exclaimed.
V leaned over and kissed Kerry on the cheek. "Thank you, Kerry."
"Now let's fuckin party!" Johnny cried out.
No sooner did Johnny finish speaking did a Delamain flying car appear on Kerry's lawn to pick them up and take them to their celebration at one of Night City's premier nightclubs.
V and Johnny's friends (and a select few trusted members of the media circus let in for good publicity) spent the night drinking, dancing, celebrating, and partying the night away. Security at this venue was beyond intense, both visible and invisible security lining every single inch of the club that night. Knowing V's overall reputation and the fact that her and Johnny took on Arasaka Tower’s entire security detail all by themselves, no one would've been stupid enough to attempt to crash this party anyway. 
Half of the couple's friends were annoyed that they just found out they were getting married today, the other half knew the unusual couple wouldn't have done it any other way. All of Night City's worst and brightest showed up–from the members of Night City's most popular bands to the most infamous of fixers. Despite having retired from the merc life after surviving the relic, V was as outrageously legendary in her world as Johnny was in his, and anybody who was anybody was at their party. Piles of gifts were left on a table in the private club suite, eddies no object for the many wealthy benefactors of said gifts. 
Despite the incredibly high profile guest list schmoozing around them, V and Johnny only had eyes for each other. They were not a shy couple when it came to public displays of affection (being on death's door and literally being dead takes away a lot of the fucks you give), especially on a night like tonight celebrating their relationship. They made out like teenagers on the dance floor, grinding up against each other with a drink in their hands. Their friends were just happy to see the two of them happy after the absolute shitstorm they called the past year. The drinks and beats flowed freely, the entire club rented out for this truly once in a lifetime party. 
At one point in the evening, V and Johnny took a break from dancing and kissing to grab some food at a nearby table. Misty approached them, putting her hand on V’s shoulder to get her attention.
"Hey kids." Misty said, as loudly as her naturally soft voice could muster. "Wanted to grab you two before you went back out to dance."
V smiled. "Consider us grabbed!"
"I wanted to tell you that your auras are sparkling. Both of you. You two are soulmates, truly meant to be together. The universe works in mysterious ways. A lot more mysteriously than normal with you two. And V, I know you know this, but Jackie would be so, so happy for you both. You meant the world to him."
Tears immediately welled up in V's eyes and she we wrapped Misty in for a tight hug.
"Thank you, Misty." V said softly into her ear.
"'Preciate it, Mist. Woulda liked to meet 'im." Johnny said, putting his arm around V's shoulders.
The intimate moment was interrupted by the sound of Kerry's voice on a microphone near the dance floor. The man never could resist an audience, after all. 
"At the request of tonight's beautiful couple, we have an age-old tradition to uphold here this evening. A good old fashioned garter toss!"
The crowd cheered and wolf-whistled, turning to face a chair the club employees had placed in the center of the dance floor.
V, as unafraid of the spotlight as Johnny, sat down in the chair, her legs straight out in front of her. Johnny approached her, the look in his eyes telling her that she was the only person the entire room he could see. Sensual music pumped into their ears as Johnny, with his famously cocky grin that drove V mad, kneeled down and placed his head into her skirt.
V threw her head back in laughter and the crowd laughed along with her as Johnny pulled the lacy white garter down from her thigh with his teeth. Both of them only wished in that moment that he could have a taste of her, but they knew that wasn’t far away.
He pulled the garter down her calf and looked up at her, the ravenous look in his eyes making V flush, well, everywhere. When they got to the club Johnny had ditched his jacket and rolled his shirt sleeves up and damn if that look hadn’t gotten her worked up.
Johnny took her calf in his hand and kissed along it as he finished pulling the garter down, finally slipping it off of her stiletto and flinging it into the crowd behind him. He didn’t even bother to look back to see who caught it, he was too busy watching his wife eat him alive with her eyes.
He was about to lean over to kiss her when–
"Speech! Speech!" Kerry yelled on the mic.
"Speech! Speech! Speech!" The crowd began to chant. 
"I'm gonna fuckin' kill 'im." Johnny grumbled, putting his face in his palm.
"Go say something you frontman, you." V said playfully, kicking him gently with an outstretched leg. "Go tell ‘em how lucky you are."
Johnny chuckled before walking away to take the mic from Kerry, grabbing a shot of tequila from a server’s platter on the way.
"I hate you, you know that." Johnny groaned to Kerry.
"Sure do, choom." Kerry laughed.
"Thanks for comin', all you fuckin' degenerates." Johnny said into the mic, making the crowd laugh. He lifted his drink to V, winking at her and making her heart purr. "To my bride–the best goddamn thing to ever happen to me."
"To the Silverhands!" Kerry yelled when he took the mic back from Johnny.
"To the Silverhands!" The crowd cried out, throwing back their drinks before returning to the debauchery.
As Johnny began to return to V, he saw that she had started dancing alongside Misty and a few other girlfriends, swaying her entire body to the music in a flow that left Johnny hypnotized. He leaned up against a column and just watched her for a bit. The way her little white dress clung to her skin, leaving just the important parts to the imagination, it was driving him so far past the point of wild. He watched her new diamond ring sparkle in the flashing lights of the club, a reminder to everyone how she was his and his alone. It felt so fucking good to feel his real heart pounding away in his chest, his real hormones racing through his system like a bullet. As transfixed as he was by the way her body moved in this light, he couldn't stand just watching any longer.
"Cuttin' in, ladies.” He said, approaching the group of girls. “Got a wife to steal." 
"Steal away, Johnny." Misty said with a smile. "She's all yours. Take good care of her."
"No promises." Johnny teased.
Johnny put his lips directly onto V's ear.  “Not wantin’ to wait another minute to get this pretty little number off of you and fuck you stupid, baby." He told her, a shiver running down her spine. "Ready to get out of here, Mrs. Silverhand?"
V leaned into Johnny's ear and bit down gently along the edge of it, not making the tightness in Johnny’s suit pants any easier for him to deal with.
"Ready and so very willing, Mr. Silverhand."
Johnny scooped V up in his arms, and she burst out in laughter. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him, eliciting whistles and hollers from the crowd. 
V still in his arms, Johnny walked over to the microphone he had used a few moments ago.
"It's been fun folks, but gotta get to the real party now. Thanks for a hella good time."
"Everybody say goodnight to the Silverhands!" The DJ announced to the crowd. The crowd cheered and clapped as the couple stepped out of the venue's back door and directly into their Delamain flying limo to their honeymoon suite.
"Thank you for choosing Del–" the limo began.
"Fuck off Delamain!" Johnny said, putting a middle finger up to the limo's camera as he laid V down onto the backseat's couch and hiked her dress' skirt up.
"Understood, Mr. Silverhand. Privacy mode initiated–I will alert you when we are two minutes from our destination."
The windows of the limousine all darkened to opaque black, the lights dimmed around them, and a divider between the front and back of the limousine went up.
Johnny wasted no time sliding V’s silky white thong off of her and tossing it across the seat.
“Been dyin’ for a taste all night.” He growled before gliding his tongue along her folds, causing V to moan loudly above him.
“Fuck, Johnny–“
He lapped every bit of her up with a greedy tongue, sucking along her most sensitive spot until she was on a different planet. Her glossy red fingernails scraped along the limo’s leather interior, and her cries of Johnny’s name grew in volume until he was certain the whole city could hear.
Good, he thought.
She came fast and hard, her orgasm like candy on his lips.
“We are two minutes from your destination, Mr. and Mrs. Silverhand.”
Despite her fuzzy post orgasm-daze, V’s heart still buzzed hearing her new name.
Johnny looked up at her, a proud grin on his face as he wiped the sides of his mouth. V pulled herself up to Johnny and began to unbuckle his belt.
“Impatient, are we my bride? While I admire your eagerness, let’s get in this fancy suite of our first.”
V laughed and barely remembered to grab her panties off the ground before they jumped out of the limo directly onto the balcony of their hotel suite. 
Hand in hand, clothing already disheveled, they burst in through the balcony doors and sprinted to the suite’s bedroom. The hotel had taken the liberty of putting their initials in rose petals on the bed, but V and Johnny barely took a moment to notice before V pushed Johnny onto the bed and continued the work she started in the car.
Once she had his belt thrown halfway across the room, she went to work unbuttoning his shirt while Johnny yanked her spaghetti straps down and shimmied her out of her dress. Their lips never leaving each other, Johnny spent some time squeezing and caressing her breasts while she unbuttoned his vest and yanked off his shirt, popping a few buttons in the process. 
Before she made another move, V took a moment to whisper in Johnny’s ear:
“Fuck me like you own me.”
Johnny was on fire at her request, needing no further instruction. He quickly pulled off the rest of his clothing, kicking them out of sight. He turned V around facing away from him and pushed her up against the bed‘s headboard, his organic hand around her throat and his silver hand caressing her bare chest.
He pulled her lower body closer to him, tightening his grip around her throat as he slid into her. He groaned as her warm wetness engulfed him, his anticipation for this building up all day.
V cried out as he thrusted into her, and Johnny responded by moving the hand on her throat over her mouth, stifling her moans and turning her on even more.
“Like I own you?” Johnny breathed into her ear from behind. “I’ve always owned you. You’ve wanted my cock so badly since day one. Tell me.”
He moved his hand from her mouth and she took in a sharp breath.
“I’ve always fucking needed you, Johnny. I’m yours, I’m yours–“
“God damn right you are. Your pretty pussy is mine, only mine.”
“All–for you–Johnny–!”
Johnny felt V orgasm again, his dirty talk driving her over the edge.
“That’s my girl. Coming so nicely for me.”
“Pull my hair–“ V said, out of breath as Johnny relentlessly fucked her senseless.
“Pretty sure I’m the one giving the orders here, but since you asked so nicely–“
Johnny took a handful of V’s hair and pulled it back, making her scream in pleasure.
His hands moved around every inch of her body, eventually landing on the top of her hips to stabilize himself.
Johnny turned her around and sat up with his legs out in front of him, and V quickly lowered herself back down onto him to ride him. They kissed until their lips were numb, her hands tied up in his hair and his wrapped around her back.
Their lovemaking suddenly turned more intimate in this moment as their kisses and breathing grew slower.
“I love you, Valerie.” Johnny said between breaths.
“I love you, Johnny.” V breathed back.
V giggled as Johnny pushed her back down onto the bed, pinning her arms back above her head as he re-upped his pace.
Her breasts bounced with each of his thrusts and watching this he knew he was going to reach his peak, fast.
“I know that look.” V said, her voice raw and hoarse. “Kiss me while you come, baby.”
Johnny leaned down to her, devouring her with his kiss as he rapidly approached his climax. 
Both of their moans filled up the room, the ornate headboard clanging up against the wall over and over again.
“Jesus Johnny, Johnny, Johnny–“
“Fuck, fuck, fuck baby, I–“
Johnny’s orgasm shook throughout his entire body, his satisfied cries making V feel on top of the world.
Johnny let V’s wrists go, red marks all along them, as V gasped for breath beneath him. 
“Holy shit.” V whispered, half to herself.
“Don’t get too comfortable there, sweetheart.” Johnny said mischievously as he laid down beside her. “Got a lot more of that coming tonight.”
V leaned over Johnny, propping herself up with one arm.
“You’re insatiable. One of the things I love most about you.”
Johnny reached up and caressed V’s cheek, her instinctively leaning in to his touch.
“You’re so beautiful.”
“Not so bad yourself.” V said lovingly. “I don’t marry anything less than the hottest it gets.”
“You’ve got great taste in husbands, I’ll give you that.”
V paused for a moment, looking through a memory in her mind.
“Wanna know a secret?” She asked.
“I know all your secrets. Was in your head for quite a bit, ‘member?”
“Not for the last few months, dumbass. I get to have secrets again.”
“Hit me.”
“You say my name when you sleep.”
“You’re full of shit.”
“On my life. You love me, you gonk.”
Johnny sighed, closed his eyes and laughed. V absolutely loved his laugh, a sound that used to be so rare but appeared so much more these days.
“Have I not made that abundantly clear yet?” Johnny said softly, twirling a piece of V’s hair around his finger.
“I could use a bit more clarifying if I’m being honest.” V said, her voice sticky sweet.
Johnny grabbed V by her waist and pulled her back on top of him, making her giggle furiously.
“Let’s get to work on that then.” Johnny said, pulling her towards him to love on her all over again.
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malsfefanfics · 5 days
Apologies for the wait!
Dorothea let out a sigh as she sank into the water. The steam of the spring enveloped her completely, blanketing her in a gentle warmth. A much needed distraction after the disaster of that day's events.
It was just a simple luncheon. A simple meal to be shared between the Queen and some of the more high up political members of Brigid's court. But when she had been conversing with someone about fishing numbers, her companion had begun to laugh, nearly choking on his food and needing immediate rescue. Which then lead to a brief misunderstanding, as others saw what had happened and assumed an attempt on his life. Petra had her escorted out of the room while she tended to the issue.
And now, here she sat, trying to relax as she waited for Petra's return.
And so lost in her thoughts, that she didn't even notice Petra come to sit beside her.
"I am knowing that face," Petra said gently. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
"Oh, Petra! I didn't see you there." Dorothea moved over a bit, allowing her partner more space to stretch her legs in the water. "Nothing's wrong, really."
"Are you certain? Because you are being rather closing- er. Closed off? Is that the correct term?"
Dorothea grimaced. "Well...yes. I suppose so."
Petra reached out a hand. "Please, Tell me what troubles you. We cannot be fixing it unless you speak to me."
"It's nothing, really. I promise." Dorothea accepted her hand, allowing Petra to pull her close. "I just don't know what went wrong with today's meeting. Everyone got so angry, and they spoke so fast. I couldn't keep up with what was happening."
"Oh, I am seeing now. That is what is concerning you." Petra giggled softly, pressing a kiss to Dorothea's cheek. "You were simply mispronouncing some words, and it was read in a very different way."
Of course she did. "How exactly was it taken?" Well, she hoped, given Petra's expression.
Petra pulled her closer. "You were attempting to say something along the lines of 'I hope that the next catch is plentiful', yes?"
"Yes, that's right. He said the last few trips hadn't yielded very good quantities."
"Well, the way you are pronouncing the words made it sound like...something different."
"How?" Dorothea asked. "What exactly did he think I said?"
"Well, the words of which are needed to say that phrase are similar in spelling and pronouncing as, well..." Petra leaned in close and whispered into her ear.
Dorothea's face burned as she let out a squeal of embarrassment, sinking up to her neck into the water and turning away. "By the Goddess, what was I thinking?! No wonder he choked! Oh my goodness, I am so sorry."
Petra laughed as she sank into the water with her, wrapping her arms around Dorothea. "It is alright. Besides, it all went well in the end."
"Yes. Everyone, once calmed, found the misunderstanding to be quite thrilling. They are impressed with you being able to be bold that way with me."
Slowly, she began to relax, and leaned into Petra's embrace. "Well, you're just as bold, Petra. Still, I'm sorry for nearly causing him to choke to death over...that."
"It is fine, Dorothea," Petra assured. "The language of Brigid is hard for those not from here. But fret not. I will be continuing helping you with your skills in the language of Brigid. You need only keep helping me with my skills in the language of Fódlan."
"It might take a while for us to master them."
"Well, we are having all the time in the world, as they say."
Dorothea smiled. "That we do, Petra. That we do."
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Mischa Bachinski Headcanons
Cool Wicked Awesome! 
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- you know what. he’s a cat person. this is a bold claim. look, he’s a mess, I know, but listen, this cat in his neighborhood visits him through the dome window in the basement. he spent weeks gaining her trust, and eventually took her in. he quickly named her garfield, regardless of her color.
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“garfield! It’s your borthday!”
as a kitten she was incredibly skinny, but mischa trades ricky cat food in exchange for driving lessons. she’s now spoiled as all hell and chubby, but quite literally anytime he’s in his room, him and garf are together. he can appreciate that she needs her space sometimes. cats are intricate, you need patience to connect with them, same as him.
- I like the driver mischa headcanon. i know it’s probably unrealistic as all hell, but between tattoos and selling weed, he probably saved up a little. he gets a shit-box of a first car, a van, in pretty bad condition, but she’s still his. he fixes her up the best he can. her bumper might have quite a few dents but, nothing a little duct tape can’t fix right? + 1 horrible driver, but a way to carpool the choir.
- he taught himself how to drive through trial and error, and a lot of youtube videos. he doesn’t have his license but he most certainly drives regardless. he turns into everyone’s way to school, and honestly he stops minding pretty early on.
- awful nightmares, he doesn’t get a lot of sleep. when he does? occasionally it’s in class, or in the back of his van. he occasionally steals blankets and pillows from the blackwood’s house, but honestly, they know (neither constance or her parents ever really stop him)
- naturally just so cold. his hands always feel like he just spent the night in a walk in freezer. occasionally he just needs to have a comforter wrapped around him. that being said, the slightest bit of holding hands with anyone will warm him up quickly.
- he’s so big on physical contact. whether it be platonic or romantic. over affectionate. if someone doesn’t like physical contact? assume that portion of his personality is saved for his cat when he gets home.
- he has asthma. it’s gotten a lot worse than it was when he was younger, mostly in account of smoking, (ocean will reluctantly share her inhaler, he’s struggled during choir before)
- adhd + autism mischa because I said so.
- his love languages range from words of affirmation, physical touch, and acts of service. something he didn’t have with talia was physical touch, but truthfully, it started to not matter the more and more they talked.
- best smoke sesh buddy. i will elaborate the hell out of this if asked.
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