#bonus points when B pretends this is okay and tries to smile a lot and act like his past confident self
bigwhitewall · 6 months
They're sworn enemies, A and B.
For years they've played the games of great minds, and they've found they think alike.
All that long time, the two obsessed over each other, often putting their competition before everything else: at first they thought this was because of the high stakes, but soon viciously competed for the smallest of things. Snarky remarks, mind games, deceptions, surprises. Yes, they were always able to surprise each other, somehow.
But then, one day, finally, after the longest and most climatic of wars - A had planned so carefully, blocked every exit and laid every trap -
A had won.
And A had waited for the euphoria, the joy, the glory as they watched B fall to their knees, except
it never comes. Instead,
the feeling that something is very, very wrong, no, this shouldn't be like this, defeat isn't something that should fill B's eyes
and A keeps waiting for B to grin their infuriating grin and jump back into action, there must be something A missed that B had taken advantage of, something flashy and sly, just like them, that will flip the table yet again to leave A shaking with rage, not.. this.
Yet B still sits there. In defeat and brokenhearted. And there's no way out. There's no way that B would ever rise to the same height they were before. This was the end.
How were they supposed to fix this?
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Y’all want some prompts? Here’s the prompt store:
Some tws: not intense ones but: homophobia, injuries, drinking, smoking, drugs, swearing
Johnny gets beat up, Dally finds him
The greasers lose a rumble
Dally tries to drink his gayness away
Soda dies, Steve is broken
Dally dies. What does Johnny do?
Dally misses his mom
Dally wishes he had a family
What happens after two go to war, and only one comes back?
After the book: describe everyone, what they do, how they act, how they’re broken
5 times Dallas Winston didn’t die, and the 1 time he did
Soda and Steve fight
They break up
They realize they can’t live without eachother
Dally and Johnny-first kiss
Steve and Soda-sneaking around(bonus-someone catches them)
Steve and Soda-first kiss
Steve and Soda-kids
Steve getting frustrated at someone or something and Sodas just like *calm down, deep breaths*
Soda makes the gang do yoga
Someone threatens Johnny, Dally makes them pay.
Darry saves pony from some Socs. He expects a lecture, but doesn’t get it
The gang bands together
Dallys sick, Johnny takes care of him
Soda takes care of Steve when he has like a hangover
Soda has a panic attack, Steve helps
Soda has a panic attack, Darry/Pony help
Dally DOES NOT like thunderstorms, guess what, one happens.
Dally questions his sexuality, Johnny comforts him. (They aren’t dating)
Johnny gets scared by something, dally comforts him
Johnny falls asleep in Dallys arms.
Dally saves Johnny from his parents
Steve finds Soda crying
Dally has a nightmare
Pony hasnt been giving Darry his lunch money change...they figure out he never eats lunch. The Socs are beating the money out of him
Dallys life story
Johnny before he met the gang
How Darry deals with stress
How Soda met sandy (and how they broke up)
How Steve and Soda fell for eachother
How Dally feels about Johnny
Steve Randle before he met the gang
Dally and Johnny having deep conversations under the stars
Johnny cant sleep, he wanders off. Dallys terrified, trying to find him
Johnny & Dally,
1. Being caught meeting up discreetly by either A. Soda B. Darry C. Steve.
2. Dally having a panic attack and Johnny comforting him. (or vise versa.)
3. Dally/Johnny having second thoughts but something gets rid of them.
4. Dally being just soft in general and getting teased.
5. Their first sleepover.
6. Them cleaning each other up after a rumble.
7. Johnny moving into Dally's room.
8. Dally trips and falls and Johnny laughs. - comedy gold right there folks
9. Johnny finding Dally when he was little on video, A. him trying to be *smexy* or B. him like just doing stupid shit as a child.
10. Them reading the outsiders.
11. Them DURING a rumble.
12. Them being caught by a soc *together* doing one of their secret meetup
13. Watching a scary movie together.
14. Johnny showing Dally a romance movie, Dally acts like he hates it, (he loves it).
15. Their first christmas together.
16. Their first argument. - sadness
17. They Breakup
18. They get back together.
“I’ve heard about you. Dallas Winston, right?”
“I hate how it’s silent when you’re not around”
“Sleep here, please. Don’t stay out in the lot.”
“Did they touch you?”
“Here, take my jacket.”
“Dont be afraid, Johnny. I’m right here.”
“Hey, you can talk to me, okay?”
“You’re not broken”
“You don’t have to do this alone.”
“Stay calm, deep breaths, okay?”
“You’re safe now. I got you”
“Do you know what it’s like? Huh?”
“Why do you love someone like me?”
“Please just hold me”
“Dont hurt him! Please, don’t hurt him”
I’m just trying to help.” “Well, I hate to break it to you, but you just made it worse.”
“Don’t I make you happy?”
“You’re going to get someone hurt.”
“I never thought you’d be the one to break my heart.”
“Don’t underestimate me.”
“You’re a complete mess, but I don’t care.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Did I just see you smile?”
“You’re dumber than I thought if you think I’m letting you do this alone.”
“If I could go back in time, I’d still choose you.”
“So… I might’ve been a little drunk.” “Only a little?”
“I honestly have no idea what I’m doing.”
“I can’t believe we’re dating.”
“Please don’t tell me you filmed that.” “Of course I filmed it.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“I meant what I said, every word of it.”
“I can’t stay mad at you, and that pisses me off.”
“Why didn’t you tell me this earlier?”
“I knew you’d overreact.”
“I specifically told you not to leave.”
“You’re not as heartless as you pretend to be.”
“Stop hogging the blankets!”
“I’m not in the mood.”
“I know it’s the middle of the night, but can you come over, please?”
“You know I love you, right?”
“How did you find me?”
“That was a really shitty apology.”
“Not to be dramatic, but I think we’re all going to die.”
“I should’ve fought for us.”
“I love you, okay? I’ll say it as many times as you need to hear it.”
“Everyone wanted to give up on me, except you.”
“We have to leave the country.”
“Are you seriously still angry at me?” “You ate the last donut!”
“Come to bed.”
“Don’t touch me.”
“Just forget everything I said.”
“Seeing you smile makes my day.”
“You mean the world to me.”
“Oh no, you are not dragging me into this.”
“I know you’re trying to push me away, but I won’t let you.”
“The only person I need right now is you.”
“You look really good, by the way.”
“You realise this sounds totally crazy, right?”
“What’s my problem? You’re my fucking problem!”
“You make me a better person.”
“Don’t give me that look.”
“Okay, but consider this: I don’t care.”
“Oh, thank God you’re awake.”
“That’s an order.”
“Promise me you’ll come back.”
“You had another nightmare, didn’t you?”
“We have to look out for each other.”
“You’re going to get yourself killed!”
“Just stay away from me, okay?”
“No one can know about this.”
“The only place I feel safe in is your arms.”
“We’re done.”
“Don’t get used to it.”
“Do you ever regret it?”
“At this point, you’re the only thing keeping me sane.”
“I love it when you laugh.”
“If we’re going to do this, we’re going to do it together.”
“We’ll make it work.”
“Do you ever think about running away?”
“I can’t lose you.”
“You deserve someone better than me.”
“Come here, I want to show you something.”
“You’ve got to be more careful.”
“You’re actually pretty cute.”
“I’m so tired of feeling like this.”
“What did I do wrong?”
“Why does everything always turn to shit?”
“You shouldn’t have done that.”
“I’m a monster.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Can I freak out now?”
“What did you expect? For everything to just go back to normal?”
“I just needed to hear your voice.”
“What I’m about to do is totally crazy, but just roll with it.”
“I know you don’t care, you don’t have to pretend.”
“You owe me.”
“Of course I was worried about you.”
“How much time do we have left?”
“You look different.”
“How could you even think that?”
“Let me out of here!”
“That’s a good picture of you.”
“Give ‘em hell.”
“Get out of my way.”
“You want to know what I really think?”
“It’s about time.”
“You can’t keep ignoring this.”
“I hope you burn in hell.”
“I could think of worse ways to die.”
“Too late.”
“Can we start over again?”
“How do you always manage to look so perfect?”
“I didn’t know you could do that.”
“You love me?” “Of course I do, you dork.”
Darry Prompts :
1. Kids
2. Bills
3. Struggling with Sexuality
4. Panic Attack
5. Him during a rumble
6. Him and his brothers
7. Him on christmas
8. if he found out __ was pregnant/ gotten -- pregnant
9. getting jumped by socs
10. finding out ponyboy and johnny had ran away
11. headcannons
12. rando love story
13. coming out
14. missing his parents
15. his reaction to losing his parents
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milkchu · 5 years
joe mazzello as a dad ♡ headcanons.
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pairing: joe mazzello x fem!reader
warnings: just some swearing, kinda long???
a/n: i actually made being married to joe headcanons before this so go ahead if y’all wanna read!! 💓
so it’s no secret that this man would be 1000000% dad material
we’ve all seen pics of him with kids and it’s fuckin adorable
so imagine his face when you told him you were pregnant
he would be s o b b i n g
though it took some attempts
you had so many cute ideas and plans on how to break the news to him
like putting a bun in the oven or doing the whisper challenge thingy
but he just wouldn’t get it for some reason
so after like 938382728537 attempts
you decide to straight up say it to his face
“joe i’m pregnant”
his reaction brings joy to your heart nonetheless
he just pulls you in for a tight hug and buries his face in your shoulder
“i’m gonna be a dad?” his voice bREAKS bc he’s crying aw :(
and you just kiss his head and stroke his hair
“yes joe”
you also couldn’t help but tear up bc you know he loves kids so much and he’s been wanting to have his own and he can finally have a family with you 💗 uwu
ofc joe was with you through every step of the way
he would cook you breakfast and bring you literally any craving you had without question
“what do you wanna eat for lunch, babe?”
“pizza ,,, with mac ‘n cheese on top ,,, smothered in ranch ,,, and a milkshake with peanut butter in it ,,, lots of it.”
“ok gotchu babe”
he would also talk and cuddle your bump as much as he could
late at night he would make sure you were asleep (sometimes you weren’t so you pretended to be asleep)
and just talk to your bump
“hi there, mommy and i can’t wait to see you”
“i don’t care if you’re a boy or a girl or both or neither”
“i’m still gonna love you with all my heart and soul and protect you at all costs”
then he softly kisses your bump and goes back to sleep
you tried so hard to contain yourself bc you just wanted to squeal and drown him in a billion kisses
omg imagine when both of you went to award shows or premieres
showing off your baby bump like an icon™️
joe would be so silly when taking pictures on the red carpet
like he would just point at your belly and be like “i did that *wink wink*”
nonetheless both of you just looked so amazing like the ultimate power couple you are
when the due date finally comes OH BOY
all hell breaks loose in the house
and he would panic a bit but he would be prepared
like he had an emergency bag with your clothes and some essentials in it
he would guide you to the car
“yeah that’s right baby, you’re doing fine”
“fine? FINE??? i am totally NOT FINE JOSEPH”
then you finally arrive in the hospital
before you could even get down from the car, joe just picks you up and carries you to the emergency room
he holds your hand the entire time
after you finally give birth he just gives you tons of kisses
“you did so well, baby”
the nurses hand the baby over to him and he’s just looking at it with glossy eyes
then he shows your child to you
“he/she’s so beautiful”
“just like his/her mom”
he would def post a picture of the three of you on his instagram right after
proud parents™️ :’)
if you had a son, you would definitely name him after joe
like when you’re calling for one of them, “hey, joe?”
and they both turn their heads and say in unison, “yes?” lmaooo
“that’s it i’m calling you joey”
“oh god moOoOoOoM”
so the first few months of taking care of your baby was tough ofc but you both got the hang of it as time passed by
thank god you both took parenting classes
both of you would have this silly competition on who could put the diaper on the baby faster
or who could cheer your baby up first when he/she starts crying
but you still had your sweet fluffy moments
one time you woke up in the middle of the night and joe wasn’t beside you
so you went to your kid’s room and saw him on a chair, holding your baby :’)
the baby woke up crying so joe went and checked up on it
he was talking to it so you just hid behind the door and watched
“hey tiny person”
“it’s okay, it’s okay, shhh”
“daddy’s got you” :’)
then the baby would start smiling up at him, gurgling
and you swore you heard “dada” come out the baby’s mouth and it wAS U G H just brought tears to your eyes
you literally had your hand against your heart bc it was such a beautiful sight uwu
so you couldn’t help but approach the two, putting your hands on his shoulders
“oh sorry, did we wake you up, babe?”
“no, the bed just felt cold without you”
he chuckles, “be there soon, have to take care of this little one first”
you both just spent a few minutes together before you suggested to bring your baby to your bedroom
so you all slept together with your baby in the middle :’)
you also had a lot of picnics together !!!
your kid was about three years old and you would watch him/her play around in the grass (bonus if you have a dog!!!)
while you had your back against joe’s chest, his arms wrapped around you
“he/she grows way too fast” he grumbles and pouts against your shoulder
you turn your head to peck his lips, “that means we did well, right?”
he continues to have this cute pout on his face, “but he/she’s gonna grow even more then he/she’s gonna be an angsty teen, rebel against us, go to college, have a job, get married—“
you just cut him off with a kiss, you giggled, “and i’m gonna be by your side the whole time”
“enjoy the moment while he/she’s still small” 💗
then your child comes running up to the both of you, flailing around with cute lil chubby arms and legs uwu
“mommy! daddy! let’s pway!”
and you just spent the whole day playing around in the grass with your beautiful family :’)
when you have get togethers with the borhap cast
lucy would definitely be all over your kid, “sorry, guys. he/she’ll be staying with rami and i from now on”
also when you talk with the others while your kid is on your lap
joe, not paying attention, is beside you making goofy faces at your kid, giggles coming out from them
and oh boy expect lots of instagram posts from joe
one time he was alone with your kid while you were at work and both of them were missing you
so he decided to post a selfie of the both of them, making cute pouty faces
“it’s so lonely in the house without mom 😪 @(y/n)”
then you send joe back a selfie with a scrunched up face, “i’m at the grocery store buying food so you two babies don’t starve to death”
another is your kid’s first day of school !!!
you took the picture, joe was kneeling down, hugging your kid tightly
“it’s this little troublemaker’s first day of school! don’t burn the school down!” 😂
joe is definitely a dedicated dad
schedule a meeting at 3? no way man i gotta pick my kid up from school
omg when he arrives at the school too early
he parks his car first and decides to make a random video for instagram
y’all already know what it would be
then your kid, already a teenager, comes to the car and just finds joe like this—
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“what the hell are you doing, dad?”
lmao alright that’s all i have for now !!! def making another part in the future!
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*gif not mine!
tags: @b-hardys // @hunterswearingplaid // @livingforrt // @bensrhapsody // @jennyggggrrr // @little-weirdo-13 // @kemeryyyy
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shannaraisles · 5 years
‘Ships & Qs - Berenice Adaar/Cullen Rutherford
No takers so far for this one, so I thought why not just do one anyway? ~grins~ Gives me an excuse to show off this gorgeous artwork by @hes-per-ides of my adorable Benni Adaar again, too! Benni/Cullen is a Modern AU ‘ship - firefighter and EMH (emergency mage healer).  It’s long, so it’s under a cut - enjoy!
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Who in your ship is the serial butt-slapper and who is constantly getting their beautiful butt slapped?
Benni is the butt-slapper, and it is purely because Cullen blushes like a fire engine every time she does it. In public, it’s a playful slap to the butt just to shock him into smiling at her in front of their colleagues; in more private moments, she’ll squeeze as well. Cullen would never admit it, but he really likes how brazen she is with her playful affection.
Who wants to be immortal and who wants to die before they’re old?
Interestingly, neither for neither. Benni wants to live her life to the fullest, with friends and love and experiences galore, but she knows it wouldn’t really mean anything if it never ended. For the same reason, she doesn’t want it to be cut short. She’d love to have a future where she and Cullen are elderly and embarrassingly in love in front of their grandchildren. Cullen is a little simpler - he’ll be happy living so long as she is.
Who smokes and who pulls the cigarette from between their lips every time they try to light one?
Cullen smokes, or at least he used to. As of their relationship, he has been trying to give up for a while. Benni takes the cigarette out of his mouth every damned time, regardless of his mood. She’s completely unflappable in the face of his annoyance.
Who always has cold hands and who is always warming them up for them?
Benni always has cold hands (and feet). Cullen would rather not have to warm them up at all, but if he doesn’t, she sticks her hands up his shirt and does it herself.
Who plays candy crush in important meetings and who elbows them in the ribs to make them pay attention?
Benni’s the one on her phone, playing a game or texting, during meetings, to the point where Cullen has given up elbowing her and just confiscates her phone before they go into handover or official meetings. He isn’t subtle about it either - everyone knows she can’t be trusted not to distract herself if she has her phone with her.
Who can fall asleep anywhere (and does) and who has to put them to bed?
Cullen’s the serial sleeper. Benni envies how he can just switch off and sleep anywhere, but he’s pretty much impossible to wake up once he’s settled in. She’s got used to having to haul him back to bed and tuck him in.
Who is the genius procrastinator who wings every test but still comes away with straight As, and who takes preparation and conscientious work very seriously?
If Benni could, she would never sit a test ever again. As it stands, she does the bare minimum, while Cullen crams and studies and write up revision schedules. They both get the same grades in the exams they have to take for work, but they approach it in very different ways.
Who takes their coffee black and who likes it with milk and two sugars, getting called a pussy by Person A?
When they first got together, Cullen drank his coffee black because he seemed to think that was how he was supposed to drink it. Once he tasted Benni’s cream and two sugars, however, he switched and ignores all the teasing from their coworkers because of it.
Who initially seems shady but turns out to be a cinnamon bun, and who initially seems like a cinnamon bun but turns out to be shady?
It’s Cullen who started out seeming shady. He had an attitude and issues, and then sort of melted all over her. Benni, however, is not the shady one in her family. For this context, though? Okay, yeah, she’s a shady cinnamon bun.
Who moans and talks with their mouth full whenever they eat good food, and who tells them to stfu but can’t help laughing?
It takes a while, but this is Cullen’s main method of embarrassing Benni in public. He knows perfectly well what his moans do to her, and her only recourse when he does this is to try and laugh it off or make him shut up. Or both. It never works.
Who gives the bear hugs and who is always sidling up to them and snaking their arms around their waist?
Benni’s the bear-hugger. Cullen pretended not to like it at first, but he can’t really hide the fact that there is something remarkably freeing about having a girlfriend who can completely envelop him in a hug and lift him off his feet in the same motion. He’s definitely the waist from behind hugger, combining that usually with a kiss to her shoulderblade, because he’s just a soppy romantic, really.
Who still buys juice boxes and fruit snacks to put in their lunch?
Benni. She never got juice boxes and fruit snacks when she was in her Circle boarding school, so as soon as she became an independent adult, they became a staple of her packed lunches. Cullen steals her fruit snacks and thinks she doesn’t know it’s him.
Who packs the other’s lunch and who repays them in sexual favours?
Cullen packs Benni’s lunch - for a healer, she is appalling at remembering to feed herself most of the time. He doesn’t consider the consistent sex life as repayment for something she wouldn’t do anyway, though.
Who leaves notes in the other’s lunch and who tells them they’re dumb (but secretly has a collection of every note Person A has ever written them)?
Cullen packs the lunches, so Cullen writes the notes. He also watches her face when she opens her lunch to see her expression when she reads them. Benni’s collection of those notes is not at all secret. She has a bright pink binder covered in multicolored hearts where she keeps everything even slightly related to their relationship preserved for all time.
Who unconsciously holds their breath the first time they kiss, and who pulls back and says, “Breathe…”?
Cullen was the one who forgot how to breathe. ~chuckles~ She took him by surprise a little, but he certainly warmed up to her. Once she reminded him that breathing was kind of important for his continued enjoyment.
Who gets arrested for a petty crime they committed by accident and who bails them out?
Is this really a surprise at this point? Benni is definitely the accidentally arrested one, and Cullen is absolutely the one who bails her out. Bonus points whenever it happens in the middle of the night.
Who grabs the other’s hand just as they’re getting out of bed and pulls them back under for cuddles?
Cullen, perhaps surprisingly. Benni’s the kind of person that once she’s up, she’s up, and there’s nothing she can do to stay in bed. Which is how Cullen ends up being the one who pulls her back into bed at stupid o’clock and cuddles her until she gives up and cuddles back.
Who gets mad about something unrelated to Person B and punches the wall, and who patches it up and kisses it better?
They follow their actual stereotypes with this one. Cullen has a lot of pent-up anger and frustration, and every now and then it spills over. And yes, he punches walls. Benni’s a healer, first and foremost; she’ll always kiss his boo-boos better. More importantly, she’ll be right there to help him through what caused the injury in the first place.
Who has the plain black phone case and who ordered one with cat ears off ebay?
Ah, now ... Cullen may have ordered the one with cat ears off ebay, but it was a present for Benni. And once he did that, he should have known his plain case wasn’t going to stay plain for long. She bought glittery pens and decorated it while he was sleeping.
Who likes to drive with the music blaring and who is too shy to sing along?
Benni can’t drive, so it’s always Cullen behind the wheel. But she’s the one who turns the music up and sings along at the top of her lungs, while he tries to simultaneously enjoy her unashamed performance and pretend he isn’t in the same car.
Who’s the fantastic kisser and who has the beautiful eyes?
Neither one of them would give me a straight answer for this one, so I’m going to go with both, on both sides.
Who has the sunshine smile and who has the seductive gaze?
Benni‘s definitely got the sunshine smile, and she’s very free with it. She likes to see people smiling, and the best way to do that is to smile herself. And then Cullen will look at her like that, and she gets adorably flustered for about five seconds before dragging him off to a broom closet.
Who gets offended by the intensity of the other’s crush on a celebrity?
Cullen! He knows it’s just a crush, he knows there’s no chance of Benni ever meeting Alistair Theirin, poster boy of the Grey Wardens, but he still gets mildly offended when he overhears her gushing with her friends about him.
Who is embarrassed that they have to wear glasses sometimes and who wants them to wear them in bed?
Cullen is so embarrassed by needing to wear glasses on occasion that he managed to keep it a secret from Benni for quite some time. He stopped being embarrassed about it when he forgot to take them off one afternoon, and wasn’t allowed out of bed until the following evening.
Who cheats on the other then immediately begs for their forgiveness?
Neither one would ever cheat. It’s just not in their natures to be able to do that to someone they love.
Who is the jealous one and asks why the other was being so flirty all night, and who is oblivious to their own charms?
This one depends on the moods they’re in going into the evening. Jealousy only really comes into play when one of them is feeling insecure about something, and it’s fairly easily talked out. However, Benni is the one who seems utterly oblivious to her own charms, which Cullen finds adorable. She’s 6′7″ of curvy Qunari goddess, and she has no idea why horny people flock to her.
Who orders a milkshake with their food and who orders a soda?
It took a bit of coaxing, but Benni finally managed to talk Cullen into enjoying his food rather than just consuming it. Which is why he gets the chocolate milkshake and she gets the soda, because he deserves to have something innocently enjoyable, dammit!
Who runs their battery down to 1% and who feels the need to charge theirs at 80%?
You know, I think Cullen’s the one who always has his charger with him and never uses it? Whereas Benni is never down to anything past 49% on her battery at all times. What can I say, she’s obsessive about being contactable.
Who has the excellent singing voice and is always singing around the house (and for Person B), but has no interest in going professional?
Cullen! Absolutely Cullen. And Benni loves it. It started with singing in the shower, then he started singing to himself while he was cleaning, then singing along with the radio while they were cooking. It usually turns into dancing and laughing in the kitchen, but she adores his singing.
Who would rather be barefoot if the setting is appropriate, and who has the huge and spectacular shoe collection (possibly also socks)?
To be honest, if Benni could go naked everywhere, she would. She’s not that fussed on clothes unless they’re spectacular, and she is incredibly comfortable in her own skin. And then there’s Cullen, who not only has a pair of shoes for every occasion, but probably has underwear specifically for every day of the week, too.
Who takes their liquor on the rocks and who likes it neat?
Cullen’s a drink it neat kind of guy. Benni, on the other hand, likes to not be hungover, so she’s all about the ice and lots of it.
And I learned a lot about them doing this!
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theartofdreaming1 · 5 years
The Taste of Something Stolen, Part 1: Beginning
Pairing: Batcat
Rating: T
Summary: Some people steal kisses. Selina Kyle is a thief by profession, she doesn’t have time for this touchy-feely stuff - if anything, she kisses in order to steal. However, whenever Bruce Wayne gets involved, her current theft usually ends up being a little bit of both.
A short series of loosely connected one-shots :)
It was Friday noon and seventeen-year-old Selina Kyle was observing the coming and goings of the Diamond District, Gotham’s financial district, her green eyes scanning the crowd for a target. So what if she was swiping some business shark’s wallets? They had their more than lucrative jobs to go to every day of their mundane lives - Selina, on the other hand, was going to be put out on the streets as soon as she was turning eighteen (not that the orphanage was a place she was gonna miss, but career opportunities were few and far between for an orphaned troublemaker from the East End - she was just making sure she had a financial cushion to fall back on when ‘Day X’ arrived.)
She had worked out a true and tested procedural method: with her backpack half open, she’d “accidentally” bump into her target (normally some boring middle-aged white man, as most of these suits were), the contents of her backpack would be sent flying across the ground, causing enough of a distraction for Selina to pick the (by now full on swearing) man’s pocket - by the time her target had finished cursing her out, Selina had safely stowed away Angry White Man’s money in her own pocket.
It wasn’t exactly the most fun method, but the satisfaction of a job well done as well as the fruits of her labor made it worth it.
This had been going on quite successfully for a couple of weeks now; so successful in fact, that Selina was getting a little bored if she was being honest with herself. Which is why Selina had decided to switch it up a little today.
Her newest mark was just now exiting Wayne Enterprises, wearing a simple, but very expensive-looking black coat and a brooding expression on his face. He appeared to be around Selina’s age and was already parading around the biggest companies in Gotham (the Rolex on his arm made it more than clear that he was not just some low-paid intern at WE) - the stark contrast between her own situation and Mr. Silver Spoon just affirmed Selina in her choice of a target: In a way, she was just leveling the playing field, if you really thought about it… She was simply… redistributing all that wealth a little among their age group...
As an added bonus, he was actually pretty handsome, something that would make the execution of her exit strategy, should she have to fall back on it, a little more bearable...
After making sure that everything was ready for her little maneuver, Selina shouldered her backpack determinedly and headed for the rich kid; apparently deep in thought, he didn’t seem aware of Selina gravitating closer and closer to him until - WHACK - they collided. Slightly stumbling backwards due to the force of their impact, Selina felt a strong, protective hand gripping her elbow - rich boy was actually making sure she wouldn’t fall (a nice, if superfluous gesture, Selina registered.) The stacks of loose papers and pens Selina had stuffed into her backpack practically exploded all over the ground. Rich boy took a closer look at her although not to see who he was going to yell at, as Selina expected him to, but to determine if she was okay. She must have looked alright to him, as he quickly withdrew his hand from her elbow, shot her a apologetic look and then went on to kneel down to gather her belongings...
Selina quickly dropped to her knees as well, grabbing for the useless notes and pencils scattered everywhere, making sure to keep up appearances.
Rich boy handed her a stack of papers, an apologetic look on his face.
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going - did you just steal my wallet right now?”
The befuddled look on his face would have been amusing to Selina if this didn’t mean that she had been caught red-handed.
Before she could make a run for it, rich boy’s hand wrapped itself around her wrist - his grip this time a lot firmer than before.
“Give it back,” rich boy said - no, ordered; it wasn’t that Selina was surprised to find out that rich boy knew how to boss people around, but the authoritative tone in his voice, coupled with that steely look in his gray-blue eyes… it was a little unsettling.
But not enough to have Selina lose her composure; with a nonchalant shrug, she handed over rich boy’s wallet - it was then that she noticed the letters B and W that were engraved in the fine leather and something heavy settled in her chest.
And yet, that still didn’t keep her from getting her claws out instead of keeping her mouth shut:
“It’s not like you can’t afford it.”
Rich boy countered her provocative glare with an intensity she hadn’t been prepared for - it started off as a stern warning, but then turned into something more calculating, scrutinizing; she could feel his blue eyes scan every inch of her, taking note of her threadbare jacket and scuffed shoes.
As suddenly as it had come about, their staring contest ended.
“You’re right,” rich boy agreed calmly, opening his wallet to take out the bills inside - from what Selina could see, she would have assumed them to amount to about $500.
“I’d rather keep my wallet though - it’s a birthday gift,” rich boy told Selina sedately before holding the cash out, for her to take.
Selina just gave him a bewildered look. He was certainly the weirdest person she’d ever met. And his offer may be tempting, but she still had her pride:
“I don’t accept handouts,” she said simply, crossing her arms demonstratively.
Now it was rich boy’s turn to be perplexed.
“You would have just snagged it if I hadn’t noticed in time - but when I give it to you freely, you won’t take it?”
“I’m not just some charity case you can throw your money at, just so that you can feel like the great benefactor,” Selina replied disdainfully, “I’m not interested in money I haven’t earned.”
Rich boy seemed to consider her response earnestly. After a short moment of contemplation, he finally put his money back into his wallet and slipped it back into his coat pocket.
“Fair enough.”
Selina arched an eyebrow. She really couldn’t figure this guy out.
He gave her a shrug, “Well, don’t let me keep you from work.”
His sorry attempt at humor couldn’t conceal the disapproval embedded in his words.
Selina knew that there was no reason at all why she should care about some entitled rich kid’s opinion of her, but something about this guy just rubbed her the wrong way:
“Listen, Mr. High-And-Mighty: what I do is not so different from what all of these -” she gestured at the financial sharks roaming the plaza - “are doing here; at least I steal from the ones that can afford it.”
Rich boy put up his hands in a defensive gesture.
“I didn’t mean to be condescending and I’m not denying that you have a point about unethical business practices being a profound issue, especially in this city…”
He paused for a moment, then, an amused expression made its way unto his face:
“I guess I just don’t know what you say to a pickpocket when they decide to get back to “work”; - Break a leg?”
Selina raised an eyebrow again.
“Does this look like a theater performance to you?”
Rich boy only shrugged, a hint of a smile on his lips, before giving it another try: “Good luck?”
Now Selina was truly offended.
“I don’t need luck; I’m very good at what I do.”
He stared at her, quirking an eyebrow.
“You just got caught in the act,“ he pointed out incredulously.
Selina shrugged it off: “An outlier; doesn’t count.”
This time, a full-on smile played on his lips, “Oh, that’s how it is?”
Selina couldn’t help the pouty tone seep into her voice as she defended herself:
“People don’t just offer to help someone that ran into them! Your stupid niceness ruined my plan.”
“What was I supposed to be doing?” rich boy asked, his tone of voice indicating that he was both amused and curious.
Selina couldn’t believe that anyone could be that clueless, but she still decided to spell it out for him: “Yell at me that I should look where I’m going - add in a couple of insults and you are golden.”
“Even if I was the one who didn’t pay attention?”
Selina rolled her eyes.
“Of course.”
“Huh. I’ll keep that in mind for future reference, so as not to ruin your plan the next time around.”
Selina cocked her head to the side, the ghost of a grin on her face, “You really think I’m bold enough to attempt stealing from you again?”
Rich boy shrugged slightly, “You strike me as a very dauntless person,” he said quite matter-of-factly.
Selina smirked, taking a deliberate step forward, invading his personal space, “I’ll take that as a compliment.”
Rich boy appeared to be taken aback by her action, but he didn’t move away.
“It’s just an observation,” he said with a shrug, his voice wavering just the tiniest bit; but Selina knew that she was getting under his skin.
She tapped her chin in pretend thoughtfulness, her eyes glinting playfully.
“Hmh, there is an error in your reasoning, though.”
Rich boy knitted his brows, “What erro-”
But before he could finish his question, Selina cut him off by drawing him in for a kiss. She must have startled him for good, because it took rich boy a few seconds until hes started to respond to her lips.
Before he got too comfortable, Selina broke off the kiss, a wicked grin now adorning her face.
“You assumed I’d use the same trick twice.”
His eyes flew to his coat pocket his hand fumbling for the fanciful engraved wallet. When rich boy finally managed to pry it out, a puzzled look appeared on his face.
“I still have my -”
When he looked up, Selina had already disappeared into the crowd.
His eyes scanned the plaza, searching for that mysterious, brazen girl who had just tried stealing from, and had ended up kissing him right here in public - but he couldn’t find her anywhere. With a curious feeling, he opened his wallet - to find that all the bills had been taken out.
Bruce couldn’t help the amused smile growing on his face, as he pocketed the wallet Alfred had given him for his eighteenth birthday.
“Hmh. Bold indeed.”
To be continued... here.
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petri808 · 6 years
Secret Sixteen
@nalu-fluff-week Nalu fluff week 9/14 & 15 Day 7 & bonus day Future & Plushies (AU)
Her mother handed her the stuffed dragon doll, chuckling as the child quickly wrapped her arms around it, giggling with bright chocolate eyes.  “Is this from you mommy?”
“No dear, someone left it for you this morning.”
“But who?”
“I have no idea, the card simply said from your friend.”  She smiles at the happy child, “I’m sure they were too embarrassed to give it to you at school or something for your birthday…”
Every year from that moment it never failed to arrive, a special plushie left on the door step of the Heartfillia residence, sometimes with a bow or in a gift bag depending on its size, chest huggable to one blue cat that sat 3 feet tall.  They were often something she loved, from stars to the latest cartoon character, pink hearts, or silly weird animals, whomever was leaving these birthday surprises knew her better than most, but she had no idea who it could be coming from.  
Lucy tried asking all of her friends assuming it had to be one of them, but no one ever gave her a clue. For the first few years she tried staying up to see who it could be but always fell asleep before the person arrived and one year she’d even gotten her best friend and neighbor Natsu to come over and wait with her to no avail.  Eventually, by the time high school had come around she had simply given up the quest and hoped that one day the person will reveal themselves on their own.
“So,” her neighbor queried on their walk home from school, “what do you think it’ll be this year?” Natsu knew of her secret admirer dolls and he loved to tease her about it.
“I have no idea,” Natsu had turned it into a guessing game over the last several years, trying to figure out what the gift could be, and while Lucy didn’t mind playing along, it was getting old.  “But I wish they’d just give it to me in person.  I mean we’re older now and if someone has a crush on me they should just say something.”
“Oh really, you think it’s that easy to just walk up to someone they like and go hi, I’m the one that’s been stalking you for 10 years, but I really like you so here’s your gift and will you be my girlfriend?”
A flush creep’s over the girl’s cheeks with blotches popping up on her chest, “W-Well when you say it like that I guess not!  And I wouldn’t call them a stalker, they’re probably just really shy or something and I think that’s cute!”  
He chuckles, “O-Okay, maybe you’re right.  You said they seem to know the things you like so, any guess at what it’ll be this year?”
“Mmm,” tapping her chin, “a giant pencil or maybe something from Pokemon, if they’ve figured out I started playing that Go game recently.”
“Sounds like good guesses.” He stops and turns on her, “Hey, wanna stop for ice cream?” holding out his arm, “my treat for your birthday.”
“Aww, Natsu,” she flutters her lashes and weaves her arm through the crook of his with a giggle, “Why I’d be delighted!”  
“Yeah okay weirdo,” laughing at her horrible fake southern accent…
With ice cream cones in hand, the two friends sit down on a bench at Magnolia park discussing the test that was coming up tomorrow.  It was the last final of the year for both of them and while Natsu was confident about the Chemistry exam, Lucy not so much.  She didn’t hate the subject, but it also wasn’t her strongest and if it hadn’t been for Natsu’s tutoring she couldn’t have maintained her B average grade.
“Just use the review notes I’ve given you to study with and you should be fine.”
“Could I borrow your confidence too?”
He squeezes her hand, “you don’t need it, you’re a lot smarter than you give yourself credit for.”
“Thanks,” blushing at the big grin he was giving her.  
“But, just in case…” Natsu stands up and pulls something out of his pocket and walks around behind her, “this will be my reminder to keep your chin up.”
She attempts to twist around to see what he was doing but stops when she feels his hands placing something around her neck.  Looking down as he finishes clasping the chain, she’s stunned to see a chain attached to a stunning silver Cancer Constellation pendant.  “Natsu this is too much!  I can’t accept…”
“Don’t freak out, it’s not real diamonds, just cubic zirconia’s,” chuckling, “I’m a high school student not a millionaire but when I saw it I knew it would be just perfect for you.”
Lucy traces her fingers along, grazing over each star point, “Natsu it’s so beautiful,” her eyes growing moist.  She pops up off the bench and throws her arms around him in a hug, “Thank you!” kissing him on the cheek, “I absolutely love it!”
“You’re welcome, Happy early birthday…”
That night after dinner, a quick shower, and with her gathered ‘energy boosters’of Powerbars and coffee, Lucy cracks open her Chemistry book ready to pull an all-nighter if need be.  Natsu’s review notes were great, pointing out all the major highlights of each chapter and it would be her starting point for sure, but the young blonde wasn’t taking any chances.  She planned to utilize all the chapter quizzes as well to practice the formulas since that was her weakest point.
‘Exothermic is the process of releasing energy… in a high temperature reaction between a fuel source and oxygen…. In a fire the combustion is what produces a flame…. Multiple combustion processes produce heat…’ Exhale, ‘smoke is the gaseous byproduct…’  Lucy rubs her eyes and in the light of her lamp, checks the time, ‘great 2am already.’  
She stands up to stretch, arms, back, and legs, grabbing her last energy bar to munch on before walking over to sit on her window bench.  Lucy loved this feature of her room, especially on rainy days when she could simply relax with a book amongst her collection of plushies.  To keep the fabric of the dolls from fading, the curtain was kept closed to block out the light and stayed closed most of the time. But it was dark out, so she cracks it open a couple of inches, just enough to gaze at the stars while she ate her snack.
Movement out of the corner of her eye in the shadows, the street lamps were pretty bright but when Lucy looks closer, there was a person creeping along the path towards her porch! ‘My secret admirer!!’ She dashes out of her room, down the stairs, and sprints to the front door.  It didn’t matter if she was in her pajama’s or that her hair was slightly skewed because she was determined to catch him or her ‘finally!’
“Gotcha!” Lucy proclaims as she swings the front door wide open.  “Oh, my…” but when faced with her admirer, shock quickly morphs into a giggling fit. “I should’a guessed it was gonna be you Natsu!”
With the gift bag still in one hand, he cups the back of his neck in a nervous manner, “Damn, ya finally busted me,” a goofy grin plastered wide on his face.  “Happy Birthday Lucy,” he holds out her present.
But before she accepts his gift, Lucy steps out, closes the door behind her and drags him over to the porch swing.  “I’m curious about why’d you keep doing this in secret?”
“Well when we were 7, I was too shy to give it to you in person, and even though we’ve become close friends, it was kind of fun to see you get all excited of your secret admirer and the gifts so…” shrugging, “I kept it up.”
“Were you ever going to tell me?”
“Eventually,” a slight blush stealing away on his cheeks.  He hands her the bag again, “here, at least I get to see your reaction this time.”
Lucy accepts the bag and pulls out her newest addition.  “A Charizard!” she hugs the dragon to her chest, giggling “looky at the cute flame on its tail!”
“Told ya it was good guesses today.”
“Do you know what else makes this dragon so special?”  Lucy places the stuffed doll back in its bag and scoots closer to her best friend.  
Gulp, “No…”
She reaches out, caressing his cheek, and feeling the rising warmth of the skin, “the first plushie you gave me was a dragon, so how ironic that when I finally discover your identity, it’s another dragon too.”
“T-that is ironic…”
“Shall I save you the next hard question?”
The blonde giggles, retracting her hand, sitting up straight, and changes the tone of voice to a deeper Natsu voice impersonation, “hi, I’m the one who’s been stalking you for 10 years, here’s your gift so will you be my girlfriend?”  Now switching to grabbing the doll back out of the bag, holding it to her chest and giggling in an overly dramatic high voice, “Thank you, I love the gift!  And I’d love to be your girlfriend!”
“Alright, alright weirdo,” trying to sound irritated, though the smile was giving away his true feelings. “But, who said I was gonna ask you that?”
“Gasp!” Lucy fakes the sounds of sniffling and pretends to cry, even burying her face in the doll’s body, “I’ve waited 10 years for my Prince to finally reveal himself to me and when I finally get my wish you want to break my heart now, after all this time…”
“Oh, shut up,” he pulls her into his lap, “my drama queen.”
She peeks out from her doll, “Your drama queen?”
Plucking the doll away, “Yes mine, ” Natsu tilts her face up, brushing against her lips, “you were always mine, you just hadn’t known it yet.”
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✿ I always have Mint Eye AU ideas.
Precious little angel tries his best to tame this horribly traumatized cultist
You’ve been raised to believe that this world is horrible and unsavable, so on bad days, he texts you pictures of the things that make living worth it.
Kittens! Puppies! It doesn’t really fix the horrible drug treatments that Blonde Voldemort forced you to endure, but it does make you remember that the entire world doesn’t need to be purged in holy fire.
Just most of it.
Half of it?
A quarter of it?
…Okay, Yoosung, no purging. :(
He reads cute romance novels with you to help teach you Normal People Socialization, because, while he loves you dearly, you’re just -
you don’t
he brought you flowers and you ate them. 
you thought the box of chocolates he got you belonged on the mantle.
he bought you a Christmas gift and you thought the gift was the pretty wrapping.
of course romance novels are not the best place to get your life advice from but w/e it’s sadly a better guide than what you had previously.
all of your LOLOL friends think this is hilarious and frequently convince you that wacky things are true. you are just as gullible as Yoosung.
So, in one of those Weird Bad Ends, Unknown got all into playing dress up with some weird Zen sleeping beauty thing, which leads me to believe that, in his Free Time, Saeran definitely is into costuming and reading scripts for plays. on tuesdays Mint Eye has drama practice and you’re kind of into acting.
particularly fairy tales
zen wants to dress up like a fairy tale prince and do recitals with you, his fairy tale princess.
despite you being, y’know.
a cultist.
who used to worship a woman in the basement of some weird mountain monastary.
You’re the Weirdest Princess Ever.
Religious cults tend to be into the whole “do not be vain and eschew material possessions” thing so you’re a.) kind of weirded out by how much Zen preens and b.) feel weird about the dressing up thing, but he coaxes you into it and gradually helps you feel beautiful about yourself.
is going to punch Rika twice for you.
seriously she is SO MAD about how you were treated and she just QUIETLY SEETHES WITH RIGHTEOUS FURY.
Jaehee’s lovely little bakery is a great place for you, though, and she ends up hiring both you and Saeran as cafe workers. You become particularly fond of decorating cakes, he gets really into latte art, and Jaehee basically starts running the Cultist Rehabilitation Center.
There is that time when a customer gets really pissy with Jaehee and both you and Saeran end up threatening him with a knife but
she… manages to smooth that over with the police.
(you are both very protective of her.)
the both of you can be emotionally stunted together. how fun!
It’s weird, slowly coming to the realization that Rika Wasn’t a Great Person with him. 
It’s also weird, seeing people throw themselves at Jumin. It makes you….. jealous? really, really jealous? like, your role model up to this point has been Rika, the Queen of Vicious Jealousy, so yeah, you’re kind of ultra super jealous of these people TRYING TO STEAL YOUR NEW FAVORITE PERSON.
Jumin has to pat you on the heat to calm you down, and he reaffirms that it is you he loves and he’ll never leave you.
but i’m broken, you say.
but i’m worthless, you say.
but god doesn’t love me and i turned on my savior and -
shhhhh it’s okay. only dreams now.
man this poor boy has his hands full with you and Saeran.
It doesn’t help that the emotional politics of this situation are wack. Like, imagine this - you’re great cult pals with Saeran. You’re conditioned to hate Seven because of what Saeran has told you about him. Yet Seven is fantastically in love with you, and he also loves Saeran so much, and you love Seven despite yourself, and Saeran wants to trust him but can’t, and you want to hate Seven to stay on Saeran’s side but YOU CAN’T AND THIS IS SO DIFFICULT
y’all need therapy.
you frequently lock yourself in the bathroom to escape how painful this all is.
One of the nice moments you share though is when he coaxes you outside to go see the stars, and it’s so dark outside, and the sky is so pretty that it takes your breath away and -
And yeah everything is really complicated but sometimes you see Seven’s timid, tired smile when he’s too exhausted to pretend but he can’t help but smile at you and you think things might just be alright.
the fact that V let this happen to you has him just dying in guilt, and you kind of hate him at first because of What Rika Has Told You, so for a long time, interacting with V follows a pattern of, “V wants to help you, you shout at him to go away.”
(honestly there is some fodder for some REALLY interesting conversations here, because of his ties to you and Rika and everything, and how much you loved her, and how much he loved her, and how you’re both so disenchanted and disillusioned about… everything.)
It’s the photographs that get to you, first. Someone shows you some of them, someday, and you’re fascinated by how he makes the world look so beautiful.
How he makes it look like it’s… worth it.
He starts teaching you how to use a camera, and you start letting him, and that’s kind of the first point of healing for the two of you. You start to appreciate what he lost when he lost almost all of his sight, and he starts to want to help you for reasons beyond his paralyzing guilt.
he starts to see you as something more than his mistake.
Unknown (Saeran)
oh boy. 
You’re Saeran’s friend. You’ve been Saeran’s friend for so long. And Saeran, being Saeran, is possessive, controlling, and doesn’t want you to leave him. So when he sees you becoming close to the RFA…
this boy kind of flips.
like, he tries to extract you from the apartment and when Rika chastises him, he tries to kidnap you for himself.
There’s a lot of soothing this poor boy’s scared heart in the beginning, because he just doesn’t want you to leave him like Saeyoung left him and you’re like no I won’t you’re my friend and neither of you really know what Love is but you’re starting to kind of try to figure it out.
All the while, the RFA is trying to reach out to you too and you like them but??? Saeran??? How do you choose?
Can you choose?
How do you figure out what’s best for the both of you?
Mint Eye ends up trying to snag you both again and make you go through more Drug Therapy to cleanse your souls, and that’s when you realize…
this place isn’t good for Saeran. 
you need to get out. 
He’s pretty betrayed that you ask for Saeyoung’s help to get you both out, and won’t talk to you for awhile, but you’re just happy he isn’t being hurt anymore.
Poor Vandy gets a reputation for liking biters after hooking up with you, because you definitely bit them a few times while you were trying to escape from their protective custody.
IT’S NOT THAT, they try to defend themselves. THEY JUST.
You get really into soap operas! You cry at the end of Pixar movies! You’re cute, they don’t like you because you’re kind of
(it’s just a bonus)
Really they’re the most… practical and normal about your whole situation. They consult psychiatrists, they get you therapy, they honestly try to help you integrate with the normal world.
They listen to your problems, and while they frequently make sarcastic comments to the tune of what the hell is this complicated bullshit, they’re ultimately supportive.
They teach you how to cook and while it is initially a disaster, you are very enthusiastic, and you make Saeran try everything you make.
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Disney Prompt List
As promised, here is the mobile version! 
Here are all of my Disney prompts (so far). If you would like to request one, please send in the movie/theme and the number you want with the pairing you want. For example, “Bucky Barnes x reader, Aladdin #3.” If you want something more specific included in it, please include that in your ask. For example, “Bucky Barnes x reader, Aladdin #3, where they both get kidnapped by Hydra)
I tried to make the prompts gender neutral(ish) but I may have missed a couple. If some of them say he/her it can be changed around when writing, so it doesn’t have to be exactly accurate to what’s written. If you have any questions or request, please let me know!
I haven’t finished all of the movies, so if you see a name crossed off it’s because I haven’t gotten to it yet. I will update as I do. But feel free to request something that isn’t finished yet if you want!
If you have any questions, or ideas for other prompts, just let me know! Happy requesting! I know there’s a lot, so send a few in, but try to mix up characters! :)
Real World Disney Adventures:
Going to Disney World/Land for the first time
Disney World/Land proposal
Person A showing person B their favorite Disney movie (pls include film)
Singing a Disney duet together (bonus points if it’s gender reversed)
Running a Disney marathon together
“How can you hate ___ ride?! It’s the best!” (pls include ride)
“You can’t make everything Mickey shaped” “WATCH ME”
Meeting your favorite character at the parks
Wearing any of the princesses’ outfits (Because they’re pretty, THAT’S WHY!)
“Who disturbs my slumber?”
“You’re only in trouble if you get caught . . . I’m in trouble!”
“If I were as rich as you I could afford some manners.”
“If I do marry, I want it to be for love.”
“Well, you do kind of stand out.”
“Do you trust me?”
“That two faced son of a jackal!”
“I must have hit my head harder than I thought.”
“You ain’t never had a friend like me.”
“I can’t make anyone fall in love with anyone else.”
“Phenomenal cosmic power! Itty-bitty living space.”
“He/She’s got these eyes … and his/her hair! And his/her smile … ah”
“But you’re so old!”
“That’s something I pride myself on, I’m a excellent judge of character.”
“I am not a prize to be won!”
“Tell her/him the truth!”
“I can show you the world.”
“Tell me princess, now when did you last let your heart decide?”
“Did you think I was stupid? That I wouldn’t figure it out?”
“I’m getting kind of fond of you. Not that I want to pick out curtains or anything.”
“You’re speechless, I see. A lovely quality in a wife!”
“Read my lips and come to grips with reality.”
“I never realized how incredibly handsome you are.”
“He’s a little punch drunk.”
“You’re not gonna find another girl/guy like her/him in a million years.”
“I gotta stop pretending to be something I’m not.”
“You’re free.”
“I choose you.”
Alice in Wonderland:
“Curiouser and curiouser …”
“Oh dear, I do wish I hadn’t cried so much.”
“Never a beginning, there can never be a stop.”
“I’ve changed so many times since this morning.”
“Most everyone is mad here.”
“Something seems to be troubling you, won’t you tell us all about it?”
“Those are the things that upset me!”
“If you don’t think you shouldn’t talk.”
“I have an excellent idea! Let’s change the subject.”
“When I get home I shall write a book about this place.”
“I give myself very good advice but I very seldom follow it.”
“Do you want us both to lose our heads?”
“What do you know?” “Nothing!” “Nothing whatever?” “Nothing whatever!” “That’s very important!”
The Aristocats:
“You’re going to be as beautiful as your mother/father.”
“Females never fight fair.”
“Ladies don’t start fights, but they can finish them.”
“How romantic!!”
“Haven’t we met before?” “And I’m so glad that we did.”
“I’m not exactly her/his husband/wife.” “Well either you are or you aren’t.” “Alright, I’m not.”
“And when we needed you, you were right there.”
“Well I guess you know best, but I’m gonna miss you baby.”
Atlantis: The Lost Empire:
“How did you get in here?” “I came down the chimney, ho, ho, HO!”
“Excuse me, you drop your, um, dynamite.”
“I used to take lunch money from guys like this.”
“I swim pretty girl, um, pretty good.”
“I know! Why don’t you translate, and I’ll wave the gun around!”
“Come on, we better make sure they don’t hurt themselves.”
“Do you have any suggestions?” “Yeah, don’t get shot!”
“I have to hand it to you, you’re a bigger pain in the neck than I thought possible.”
“If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.”
“You can call me a flower if you want to.”
“You’re a little wobbly, aren’t you?“
“Faster! Don’t look back! Keep running!”
“They’re twitterpated.”
“Well it’s not going to happen to me.” (About falling in love)
“______ ought to be proud.”
Beauty and the Beast:
“For who could ever learn to love a beast?”
“But you’ve read it twice!” “Well it’s my favorite…” (include fave book)
“If you like it all that much it’s yours!”
“No beast alive stands a chance against you, and no girl for that matter.”
“I’m making plans to woo and marry _____.”
“Flabby, fat, and lazy then you walked in and oopsie daisy!”
“I’ve never felt this way about anyone before.”
“I want to do something for her. But what?” “Well there’s the usual, flowers, chocolates, promises you don’t intend to keep…”
“Perhaps there’s something there that wasn’t there before.”
“You look so, so...” “Stupid.”
Person A reading person B their favorite story
“Take it with you. So you’ll always have a way to look back and remember me.”
“I let her go.” “Why?” “Because I love her.”
“He’s no monster, _____, you are!”
“Did you honestly think she’d want you, when she had someone like me?!”
“At least I got to see you one last time.”
“Please, please, please don’t leave me. I love you.”
Beauty and the Beast (2017):
“It’s about two lovers in fair Verona.” “Sounds boring.”
“You’re so … athletically inclined.”
“It’s never gonna happen, ladies.”
“Wonderful book you’ve got there.” “Have you read it?” “No, but … books.”
“It’s the ones who play hard to get that are always the sweetest prey.”
“Please just tell me one more thing about them.”
“We could never make each other happy.”
“Everything I am is because of you.”
“I will never marry you, ________.”
“I’ve found that most troubles seem less troubling after a bracing cup of tea.”
“You really want to marry into this family?”
“ Not until my whole life is done will I ever leave you.”
“Days in the sun will return, we must believe as lovers do, that days in the sun will come shining through.”
“Was that a joke? Are you making jokes now?”
“You’re too good for her/him, anyway!”
“I am not a beast.”
“How would you feel about growing a beard?”
Big Hero 6:
“Nothing! No ideas! Useless, washed up brain!”
“Stop whining. Woman up!”
“My family! I love my family!”
“I am not fast.”
“He/She/They should have lived a long life.”
“Why are you stopped?” “The light’s red!” “There are no red lights in a car chase!”
“My brain hates my eyes for seeing this.”
“He/She went in there to save you.” “That was his/her mistake.”
“This is not what _______ would have wanted.”
“I’m not giving up on you. You don’t understand this yet, but people need you.”
The Black Cauldron:
“That black-hearted devil!”
“I know you want your breakfast, but right now thinking is important!”
“I’m not afraid of _____.” “Then you are a fool.”
“What are you doing here?” “I came back to be your friend.”
“Why do you have to judge every word I say?”
“Oh good you’re safe!” “Well of course-”
“How dare you take his/her side!”
“You love struck witch!”
“I’ll never forgive you for this. Never!”
“You have lots of friends. I don’t have any.”
Someone forcing Person A and Person B to (finally) kiss. (Gurgi inspired prompt.)
“It’s alright tough guy, you got them all.”
“I wanna take him/her home this weekend.”
“You’re a degenerate creature of darkness.” “Yeah, granted.”
“I eat danger for breakfast.” “Are you hungry?” “Starving.”
“I swear, it’s like I work with toddlers.”
“No weapons on the table!”
Having people compete in games for your hand in marriage. You decide to compete for yourself. (AKA Brave AU)
“It’s marriage, it’s not the end of the world!”
“Are you willing to pay the price your freedom costs?”
“I’ll always be right here.”
“There’s no one to blame but me. I know now that I need to mend my mistake.”
“Let them win his/her heart, before they win his/her hand.”
“I did this to you, to us.”
“You have always been there for me. You’ve never given up on me.”
“Our fate lives in us, you only have to be brave enough to see it.”
Brother Bear:
“One thing always changes into another.”
“Come here, loverboy.”
*Person A wakes up* Person B: “So you’ve decided to join the living.”
*Arguing* “Big nose! …sorry.” “You went too far that time.”
“How about no? No talking.” “Okay, then I’ll sing!”
“Wake up!” “Two more months, mom.”
Faking a Canadian accent and adding “eh” to the end of everything
“This year, I lost ___” “Quit telling everyone I’m dead!” “Sometimes I can still hear their voice…”
A Bug’s Life:
“You’re weird, but I like you.”
“If I hadn’t promised not to kill you, I would have killed you.” “Believe me, no one appreciates that more than me.”
"I only got 24 hours to live, and I’m not gonna waste it here!“
“The circus! The circus! I love the circus!”
“Come on, you can rub lotion on me later.”
“I eat losers for breakfast - breakfast, maybe I should have had breakfast.”
“That’s really embarrassing, but I wouldn’t worry about it - cause I didn’t do it! Hah!”
“I haven’t gone this fast in years. I’m gonna blow a gasket or something.”
“I create feelings in others that even they don’t understand.”
“Oh _____’s just a little bit shy, and hates you for killing their flowers.”
“Even here in Hillbilly Hell we have standards.”
“You’re in love with _____! You’re in love with _____! You love them! You love them! You love them!”
“I knew it! I knew I made a good choice!” “In what?” “My best friend.”
“They quit on me.”
“Best for everyone? Or best for you?”
“I didn’t get to say goodbye.”
“Just learn to like cats.”
“Hmm, there must be something good about them.”
“And I’m so eligible!”
“Even miracles take a little time.”
“Don’t you think my dress-” “Yes it’s very- Good Heavens, child!”
“The young prince bowing to the assembly. Suddenly, he stops. He looks up. For lo… there she stands. The girl of his dreams. Who she is or whence she came, he knows not, nor does he care, for his heart tells him that here, here is the maid predestined to be his bride.”
“So this is love? This is what makes life divine.”
Having to leave at midnight, and not being able to tell the other how they felt ( AKA Cinderella AU)
Person A leaving behind _____ and person B trying to get in back to them (AKA the Cinderella Story AU)
Cinderella (2015):
“When I am king, you shall be queen.”
“Have courage and be kind.”
“Where there is kindness there is goodness, and where there is goodness, there is magic.”
“I must go very soon, my love. Will you forgive me?” “Of course I forgive you.”
“If you’re worried about telling me, you mustn’t be, if it will lead to your happiness.”
“I’m not alone, I’m with you.”
“Just because it’s what done, doesn’t mean it should be done.”
“I shall trick him/her into loving me!”
“They’re all looking at you.” “Believe me, they’re all looking at you.”
“Surely you have a right to your own heart.”
“I have never shown this place to anyone.” “A secret garden!”
“This is perhaps the greatest risk any of us will ever take - to be seen as we truly are.”
“Are you ready?” “For anything, as long as it’s with you.”
“You better look out for Mr. Stork.”
“There they go without a friend in the world.”
“You like to pick on little guys, why don’t you pick on me!”
“Baby mine, don’t you cry.”
“Rest your head, close to my heart.”
The Emperor’s New Groove:
“You threw off my groove!”
“Hate your hair. Not likely. Yikes, yikes, yikes. And let me guess, you have a great personality.”
“What’s he babbling about? He’s like that thing that wouldn’t shut up.”
“It is no concern of mine whether your family has… what was it again?” “Uh, food.”
“No touchy!”
“I’ll turn him into a flea, and then put him in a box, and then put that box in another box. Then I’ll mail it to myself and CRUSH HIM.”
“Oh right, the poison. The poison for _____. The poison chosen especially for ____. _____’s poison.”
“This story is about me, not him.”
“Maybe I’m new to this rescuing thing, but this to me, seems like a step backwards.”
After CPR, “For the last time, it was not a kiss!”
“Thanks, my wife made it.” “She knits?” “No, crochets.” “Nice!”
“Come on, ______, no one lives forever.”
“I’ve been dreaming of a true love’s kiss.”
“Lips are the only thing that touch.”
“We shall be married in the morning!”
Having to walk around New York in your giant wedding gown. (It’s raining, too.)
“Is this a big habit of yours, falling off stuff?”
“I wish you every happiness.”
“How does she/he know you love her/him?”
“I knew it was you.”
“Over my dead body.” “Alright, I’m flexible.”
“I guess that makes you the damsel in distress, huh, handsome?”
Finding Dory:
“Would you ever forget me?”
“The only reason to travel in the first place, is so you never have to travel again.”
“Please help me find my family.”
“Off! Off! Off!”
“‘I’m fine, how are you?’ ‘I’m fine, too!’ New’s flash, no one’s fine!”
“Caution, joker at work!”
“______, ______, ______, don’t you dare be sorry!”
“Suck it, bipeds!”
“I’m gonna ask you to do something crazy!” “I’m okay with crazy.”
Finding Nemo:
“Shh, you’re gonna wake the kids.”
“You think you can do these things, but you just can’t!”
“He/She touched the butt.”
“Can you help me?” “No, you got yourself in there, you can get yourself out.”
“We want you in our club, kid.”
“You mean you don’t like me?” “No, it’s because I like you that I don’t want to be with you.”
“Just keep swimming.”
“Next stop, knowledge!”
The Fox and the Hound:
“I’m not going to be so lonesome anymore.”
“I just can’t stay angry with you, you little imp.”
“We’ll always be friends forever.”
“Why you blasted female!”
“Watch it, it’s loaded!” *shoots up at the sky* “Now it’s not loaded!”
“I just wanted to say goodbye to ______, but I’m too late.”
“Forever is a long, long time, and time has a way of changing things.”
“Yet from your sadness our happiness grew.”
“Goodbye may seem forever, farewell is like the end, but in my heart is the memory, and there you’ll always be.”
“After last night nothing looks beautiful.” *Looks at Person A* “Wow!”
“There’s something really familiar about those eyes.”
“Go to sleep.” “I can’t. The sky’s awake, so I’m awake!”
“Cuties! I’m gonna keep you!”
“I’m right out here for you. Just let me in. We only have each other.”
“Don’t know if I’m elated or gassy, but I’m somewhere in that zone.”
“I can’t wait to meet everyone! GASP! What if I meet the one?”
“This is awkward. Not you’re awkward, but just cause we’re- I’m awkward, you’re gorgeous. Wait what?”
“You look beautiful.” “Thank you, you look beautifuller!”
“If you swoon, let me know! I’ll catch you!”
“Your physique helps I’m sure!”
Sock sliding through a place you shouldn’t (A la Hans and Anna)
“Can I say something crazy? Will you marry me?” “Can I say something even crazier? Yes!”
“Oh, look at that. I’ve been impaled.”
“Catch! *jumps into arms* Thanks, that was like a crazy trust exercise!”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, feisty pants, just calm down!”
“You tell me when, I’m ready, I was born ready!” “Calm down, crazy.”
“Well that happened.”
“Do me a favor, grab my butt.”
“Does it look bad?” “… No” “You hesitated.”
“Because I love you ____, I insist you run!”
“Let’s go kiss ____! Who is this ____?!”
“Don’t you see? I can’t.”
“Oh, ____ if only there was someone who loved you.”
“Some people are worth melting for.”
“I don’t even know what love is.” “That’s okay, I do.”
Person A dragging Person B around with a blindfold on, and running them into a pole.
“I could kiss you! I could, I mean I’d like to. I’d- May I? We me? May we? Wait what?”
The Good Dinosaur:
“You’re a papa.” “And you’re a momma.”
“Sometimes you gotta get through your fear to see the beauty on the other side.”
“I’m not like you.” “You’re me and more.”
“If you’re not scared, you aren’t alive.”
“You’re alive? I can’t believe it! It’s you!”
A Goofy Movie:
“What if the neighbors see us?”
“Well I was sorta, kinda thinking, that I’d love to.”
“I told you men are easy to deal with.”
“Getting there is half the fun.”
“Deal.” *Reaches out hand to shake on it, other person kisses you*
The Great Mouse Detective:
“You made this just for me?”
“I won’t be a part of this evil any longer!”
“I would spend many a sleepless nights if something unfortunate were to befall her/him/them.”
“There’s always a chance as long as one can think.”
“You have been hanging upside down too long.”
“You delightful little maniac.”
“I feel utterly ridiculous.” “Don’t be absurd you look perfect.”
“No one could have a higher opinion of you than I do, and I think you’re a slimy, contemptible sewer rat.”
“I’m a damsel, I’m in distress, I can handle it. Have a nice day”
“So did they give you a name with all of those rippling pectorals?”
“Memo to me: maim you after my meeting.”
“You’ve gotta admit, that was pretty heroic.”
“It’s alright, the sea of raging hormones has ebbed.”
“When I’m with you, I don’t feel so alone.”
“Sometimes it’s better to be alone, no one can hurt you.”
“At least out loud I won’t say I’m in love.”
“He would never do anything to hurt me.” “He’s a guy!”
Person A is Person B’s only weakness
“If you face him, you’ll die.” “There are worse things.”
“People do crazy things when they’re in love.”
“Are you always this articulate?”
“A true hero isn’t measured by the size of his strength, but by the strength of his heart.”
“A life without _____, even an immortal life, would be empty.”
Home on the Range:
“Yeah, they’re real. Quit staring!”
“You go before I start using words no proper person should ever use.”
“You know how I get about overly emotional displays.”
“You were sleep fighting again.”
“I’m old, but I’m not that old.”
“Don’t embarrass me in front of my partner.”
“Do you ride him/her/them on odd days or even?”
“Stay with me and you may begin to like the other side of the law.”
“You wanna get nuts? Let’s get nuts.”
The Hunchback of Notre Dame:
“As your friends and guardians, we insist you attend the festival.”
“Better to beg forgiveness than ask permission.”
“Look at that disgusting display.” “Yes, sir!”
“You speak of justice, yet you are cruel to those most in need of your help.”
“The only fool I see is you!”
“1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9- So there’s ten of you and one of me. What’s a poor girl to do?”
“What a woman!”
“You son of a-” “Careful, we’re in a church.”
“Are you always this charming or am I just lucky?”
“You fight almost as well as a man.” “Funny, I was gonna say the same thing about you.”
“What do they have against people who are different anyway?”
“I ask for love I can’t possess.”
“He/She’s gotta love a guy/girl like you.”
“You’re either the craziest person I’ve ever met, or the bravest.”
“Why is it when we meet I always end up bleeding?”
“You’re lucky, that arrow almost pierced your heart.” “I’m not sure it didn’t.”
“You’ve got a funny way of showing gratitude.”
“She’s got her knight in shining armor, and it’s not me.”
“What makes a monster, and what makes a man?”
The Incredibles:
“Girl, I don’t even wanna know about your mild mannered alter ego, or anything like that.”
“Sometimes I think I’d just like a simple life. You know, relax a little and start a family.”
Fighting crime literally right before your wedding.
“Shut up, you little insect!”
“It’s okay kids, we’re just having a discussion.” “A pretty loud discussion.”
“I never look back, darling, it distracts from the now.”
“You can’t count on anybody, especially your heroes.”
“Yes, mom/dad, I’m completely stupid.”
“We’re dead! We’re dead! We survived but we’re dead.”
“Get a grip or I will ground you for a month!”
“When the time comes, you’ll know what to do. It’s in your blood.”
“Next time you gamble, bet your own life.”
“Mom and Dad’s lives could be in danger, or worse, their marriage.”
“Let go of me! Let go, you lousy, lying, unfaithful creep!”
“Don’t touch my sister/brother!”
“You married _____ and got busy!”
“Greater good? I am your wife! I’m the greatest good you are ever gonna get!”
“I can’t lose you again!”
“I like movies, I’ll buy the popcorn.”
Inside Out:
“What did we do to deserve you?”
“When I’m through, the other people will look at their own outfits and barf.”
“You could get lost in there.” “Think positive!” “I’m positive you will get lost in there!”
“I’m too sad to walk, just give me a few hours.”
“I would die for ______.”
“I just wanted Person A to be happy.”
“Take her/him/them to the moon for me.”
“I miss home.”
The Jungle Book:
Lady and the Tramp:
Getting a literal puppy for Christmas!!! (Lady and the Tramp AU)
“Just for tonight.”
“I don’t imagine anything could take their place in our hearts.”
“Homewreckers! That’s what they are!” [Talking about babies]
“Hey, pidge, what are you doing on this side of the tracks?”
“Dogs don’t talk!” “He’s talking to me.” “Okay, he’s talking to you.”
“You’re too nice a girl to be in this place.”
“They’ve got their mothers eyes.” “But there’s a little bit of their father in them, too.”
Lilo and Stitch:
“Leave me alone to die.”
“Did you ever kill anyone?” “We’re getting off the subject.”
Practical Voodoo aka “My friends need to be punished.”
“People treat me different.” “They just don’t know what to say.”
“You rotten _____, your butt is crushing me!”
“I’m sorry I bit you, and pulled your hair, and punched your face.”
“This is your badness level. It’s unusual high for someone your size.”
“_____ is troubled. They need desserts!”
“She likes your butt and fancy hair. I know, I read her diary.” “She thinks it’s fancy?”
“Be careful of the little angel!”
“I can’t sleep with him loose in the house.” “You’re loose in the house all the time and I sleep just fine!”
“Ohana means family, and family means no one gets left behind or forgotten”
“Wanna listen to the king? You look like an Elvis fan.”
Hawaiian Rollercoaster Ride (AKA learning how to surf)
“I’ll remember you though. I remember everyone who leaves.”
“I owe you one.” “That’s okay, you can just date me and we’ll call it even.”
“You’re vile! You’re foul! You’re flawed!” “Also cute and fluffy!”
“This is my family, I found all on my own. It’s little and broken, but still good. Yeah, still good.”
The Lion King:
“What am I going to do with ___?” “They’d make a very handsome throw rug.”
“Before sunrise, he’s/she’s your son/daughter.”
“Forgive me for not leaping for joy. Bad back, you know.”
“Pinned ya!” “Pinned ya, again!”
“Danger? Ha! I laugh in the face of danger!”
“You’re not scared of anything.” “I was today. I was scared of losing you.”
“Cause no one messes with your mom/dad!”
“Oh, it’s just you. We were afraid it was someone important!”
“I’m surrounded by idiots.”
“Come on, you gotta get up. We gotta go home.”
“Look at him! He’s so cute and all alone! Can we keep him?”
“I don’t wanna talk about it.” “Good, we don’t wanna hear about it!”
“Lie down before you hurt yourself.”
“When the world turns it back on you, you turn your back on the world.”
“What else matters? You’re alive!”
“You said you’d always be there for me! You’re not, and it’s all because of me.”
“He/She/They lives in you.”
“Remember who you are.”
“Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or learn from it.”
“The King/Queen has returned!”
“I finally got the sense knocked into me. And I’ve got the bump to prove it.”
The Little Mermaid:
Person A: “Salty sea hair, wind in your face, perfect day to be at sea.” Person B: *vomiting* “yes, perfect.”
“Shark! Shark! We’re gonna die!”
“You’ve got an aesthetically pleasing configuration of hair.”
“And now look at me, wasted away to practically nothing.”
“Teenagers. They think they know everything. You give them an inch, and they walk all over you.”
Person A saving Person B from a ship wreck, and then Person A can’t find Person B again (AKA The Little Mermaid AU)
“Oh, you really delight in these sadistic strains on my blood pressure don’t you?”
“She’s out there somewhere, I just haven’t found her yet.”
“Run away with you? This is all so sudden!”
“Daddy, I love him!”
“Just imagine. You and your prince, together forever.”
“Don’t underestimate the importance of body language!”
“I lost my voice and I’m trying to tell you that I love you” (AKA The Little Mermaid AU #2)
“This has got to be, without a doubt, the single most embarrassing day of my life.”
“You gotta bat your eyes like this, you gotta pucker your lips like this.”
“You are hopeless, child. You know that? Completely hopeless.”
Wearing any of Ariel’s clothing. (BECAUSE IT’S PRETTY THAT’S WHY)
*horrible singing* “Someone should find that animal and put it out of its misery”
“Yes, you want her. Look at her you know you do.”
“What a lovely little bride I’ll make, my dear I’ll look divine.”
“Have I ever been wrong? I mean when it’s important?”
“I lost her once, I’m not gonna lose her again.”
“You’ve got to get away from here.” “No, I won’t leave you.”
“Then I guess there’s just one problem left.” “What’s that?” “How much I’m going to miss ___”
Mary Poppins:
“I feel what’s to happen, all happened before.”
“Though we enjoy men individually, we can agree taht in a group they’re rather stupid.”
“Well it’s not exactly Buckingham Palace, still, it’s clean.”
“Practically perfect in every way.”
“In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun.”
“You never think of pressing your advance.”
“A lady needn’t fear when you are here.”
“Anything for you, _______, you’re our favorite person.”
“Faster, my beauty, faster.”
“People who get their feet wet must learn to take their medicine.”
“I say there’s nothing like a good joke.” “And that was nothing like a good joke.”
“First of all, I would like to make one thing quite clear, I never explain anything.”
Meet the Robinsons:
“That’s what happens when you have a science geek for a roommate.”
“Knock ‘em dead! That was a figure of speech, please don’t kill anyone.”
“Go show them how special you are!”
“I propose a toast to _____ and his/her failure. May it lead to success in the future.”
“It’s bee a long hard day of turmoil and dinosaur fights.”
“Yes, thank you, we’ve established that.”
“Let’s see, take responsibility for my life or blame you? Let’s see, blame you wins!”
“I hate to foil your evil plan and run, but, ta ta!”
“You just focused on the bad stuff, when all you had to do was let go of the past and keep moving forward.”
“I’m always right. Even when I’m wrong I’m right.”
“____, that voice inside is who you are.”
“He/She couldn’t save ______, he/she’s hoping to save you.”
“Every turn I take, every trail I track, every path I take, every road leads back, to the place I know where I can not go. Where I long to be.”
“I can’t leave you.” “There is no place you can go that I won’t be with you.”
“I know it’s a lot, the hair, the bod.”
“I could watch that all day.”
“If you wear a dress, and have an animal sidekick, you are a princess.”
“That is literally the nicest thing you have ever said to me.”
“I’m not killing myself so you can prove you’re something you’re not.”
“The call isn’t out there at all, it’s inside me.”
“I will carry you here in my heart. You remind me that come what may, I know the way.”
“This is not who you are. You know who you are.”
“It suits you.”
Monsters Inc.:
“Hey genius, wanna know why I bought the car?” “Not really.” “To drive it.” “Come on, you could use the exercise.”
“I’m so romantic, some times I think I should just marry myself.”
“I’m watching you, ______, always watching!”
“It’s my professional opinion that now is the time to panic!”
“Actually, uh, that’s my cousin’s sister’s daughter.”
“Put that thing back where it came from or so help me-”
“First of all it’s cretin, if you’re gonna threaten me do it correctly.”
Calling each other ‘googlie bear’ and schmootsie-poo’
Monsters University:
“Woo-hoo the hot coco train is coming through! Next stop, you!”
Sleep talking: “I know you’re a princess and I’m just a stable boy-”
“I can’t go back to jail!”
“I know how you feel.” “Don’t do that! Please don’t do that! You do not know how I feel!”
“Bring my family honor and glory.”
“This is your chance to prove yourself.”
“I will never pass for a perfect bride/groom.”
“If I were truly to be myself, I would break my family’s heart.”
“Do I look like a sucker to you? What do you mean a loser?!”
“We have to work on your people skills.”
“Rise and shine, sleeping beauty!”
“My little baby, off to destroy people.”
“Why was I a fool in school for cutting gym?”
“I never want to see a naked man again.”
“A girl/boy/person worth fighting for.”
“You can guess what we have missed the most, since we went off to war!”
“Stand aside, that creature is not worth protecting!”
“She’s a woman, she’ll never be worth anything!” “You pompous-”
“You don’t meet a girl like that every dynasty.”
“Would you like to stay for dinner?” “Would you like to stay forever?”
The Nightmare Before Christmas:
“Great _______, everyone.” “Yes, it was absolutely horrible.”
“You’re a witch’s fondest dream!”
“Something’s up with ____. Don’t know if we’ll ever get him/her/them back.”
“This year, Christmas will be OURS!”
“The job I have for you is top secret. It requires craft, cunning, mischief.” “And I though you didn’t like me.”
“And leave that no good (Person A) out of it!”
“You don’t look like yourself. Not at all.”
“Well, well, well, what have we here?”
“Oh, brother, you’re something! You put me in a spin!”
“I’m ______ and you ain’t going nowhere.”
“There’s something in the wind that feels like tragedy’s at hand.”
“And does he notice my feelings for him? And will he see how much he means to me? I think it’s not to be.”
“And will we ever end up together? No I think not. It’s never to become for I am not the one.”
“Are you a gambling man? Let’s play!”
“I’d listen to her! She’s the only one who makes sense around this insane asylum!”
“We’re simply meant to be.”
Oliver & Company:
One Hundred and One Dalmatians:
“Our dogs just ran after each other and now we’re tangled together and wow you have nice eyes and shoot now we’re in a river” (AKA the cutest story ever)
“How are you?” “Miserable as usual. Perfectly wretched.”
“Oh, _____, you are an idiot!” (With love)
“She/He’s even greater than dad/mom!” “No one’s better than dad/mom.”
“I’m so hungry I could eat a whole elephant.”
“They say the old place is haunted or bewitched.”
“We’ll have a dalmatian plantation”
Peter Pan:
“Poor ______!” “Poor ______?!?”
“And sooner or later, people have to grow up.”
“But I don’t want to grow up!”
“Girls talk too much!”
“Second star to the right and straight on till morning.”
“When there’s a smile in your heart, there’s no better time to start.”
“Shooting a man in the middle of his cadenza. Not in good form!”
“You’re banished forever!” “Oh please not forever!” “Fine, then a week.”
“You dare to come near me again-”
“We were only trying to drown her.”
“This ain’t no place for a respectable pirate.”
“A jealous female can be tricked into anything.”
“Your mother and mine.”
“I wanna see my mother/father.”
“Don’t you understand you mean more to me than anything in this whole world.”
“I have the strangest feeling I’ve seen that ship before.”
“When you wish upon a star your dreams come true.”
“Always let your conscience be your guide.”
“I’ve got no strings to pull me down.”
“What does an actor need with a conscience anyway?”
“It will take a miracle to get us out of here.”
“A vacation on pleasure island.”
“Being bad’s a lot of fun, ain’t it?”
“What does he think I look like, a jackass?”
“Why are you crying?” “Because you’re dead.” “No I’m not.”
“I’m not about to let you boys have all the fun.”
“Man overboard!” *Falls into the ocean* “Hang on, ______, I got you.”
“I’ve seen hundreds of new worlds, what could possibly be different about this one?”
“Seeing you gives me great joy.”
“But he/she’s so … serious.”
“Should I choose the smoothest course? Should I marry _____? Is all my dreaming at an end?”
“What is my path? How am I ever going to find it?”
“He/She has a good soul, and handsome, too!” “Oh I like her/him.”
“I shouldn’t be seeing him/her again. I mean I want to see him/her again.” “Who wouldn’t? I want to see him/her again.”
“I could have killed you.” “Not like that you won’t, keep both eyes open.”
“I lied for you once, don’t ask me to do it again.”
“_______, please, you’re my best friend, I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“You killed him/her.”
“I’ve gotten out of worse scrapes than this. Can’t think of any right now, but-”
“It would have been better if we never met. None of this would have happened.“ ”_____, look at me. I’d rather die tomorrow than live a hundred years never knowing you.”
“I can’t leave you.” “You never will. No mater what happens to me, you’ll always be with me. Forever.”
“Please don’t let it be too late.”
The Princess and the Frog:
“We’re all going out dancing tonight. Care to join us?”
“Well keep ‘em coming until I pass out.”
“The quickest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.”
“There’s been trials and tribulations, you know I’ve had my share.”
“I’ve been looking for you everywhere!” “What a coincidence, I have been avoiding you everywhere!”
“For someone who cannot see their feet, you’re very light on them.”
“You do have a soul, don’t you, _______?”
“When a woman says later, she really means not ever.”
“There are plenty of young ladies waiting for you to waltz them into a stupor.”
“Aren’t you just as pretty as a magnolia in May.”
“I reckon you want a kiss?” “Kissing would be nice, yes.”
“You know, if you’re going to let everything bother you, it’s going to be a very long night!”
“Do not kiss her/him.”
“Life is short, when you’re done you’re done. We’re on this earth to have some fun.”
“We’re going to have ourselves a Mardi Gras wedding!”
“Ooh, girl, I guess you and your boyfriend got a little carried away!”
“I’ve never danced.” (AKA I’ll teach you how to dance.)
“I will do whatever it takes to make your dreams come true, because I love you.”
“You minced.” “I did!”
“I admit it was a charmed life until the day my parents cut me off. And suddenly I realized, I don’t know how to do anything.”
“I have been with thousands of women…. No. Like two, three, just other women.”
“My dream wouldn’t be complete without you in it.”
“You just kissed yourself a princess!” “And, I’m about to do it again!”
The Rescuers:
“Rescue me.”
“I just can’t believe that _______ would run away.”
“Someone’s waiting for you.”
“I can go by myself, thank you!”
“He/She’s utterly mad!”
“_______ comes with me. I’m quite attached to him/her.”
Robin Hood:
“Oh she/he’s so handsome, just like her/his reward posters.”
“I’m scared of ___, he’s cranky.”
“An outlaw for an in-law.”
“Hey remember me, we were kids together. Will you marry me?”
“Be gone, long one!”
“My dear emotional lady why should I?” “Because I love him.”
“_____, my darling, I love you more than life itself.”
Sleeping Beauty:
“We’ve met before” “We have?” “Yes, once upon a dream.”
Person A waking person B from a sleep/coma/etc by kissing them
“She’s in love.” “Oh no this is terrible.”
“It looks awful.” “That’s because it’s on you dear.”
“They say if you dream a thing more than once, it’s sure to come true.”
“Why doesn’t your daughter like my son?!”
“You think you could defeat me? Me?! The mistress of all evil!”
“I just love happy endings!”
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs:
“Magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?”
“One love that has possessed me.”
“Just whistle while you work.”
“She/he’s beautiful! Just like an angel.”
“Someday my prince/princess will come.”
“We’ll be happy forever, I know.”
“You’ll sleep in my bed.”
“Why, ____, you do care!”
“Yes. One bite and all your dreams will come true.” (AKA the poison apple au)
The Sword in the Stone:
“No one could decide who was rightful heir to the throne.”
“Everybody’s got problems. The world is full of problems.”
“Just because you can’t understand something, doesn’t mean it’s wrong.”
“Out smart the big brute!”
���You see I’m an ugly, horrible, grouchy old man!”
“That love business is a powerful thing.”
“They might even make a motion picture about you.”
“This is the story of how I died …”
“Flower gleam and glow . . .” (AKA magic hair AU)
“That’s the funny thing about birthdays, they’re kind of an annual thing.”
“I can’t believe that after all we’ve been through you can’t trust me.”
“I know why you’re here and I’m not afraid of you.”
“I know not who you are, or how I came to find you, but can I just say, hi!”
“I have made the decision to trust you.” “A horrible decision really.”
“Here comes the smolder.”
“I can’t believe I did this! I can’t believe I did this.”
“Best day ever!”
“Give me back my guy!”
“Who’s that?” “They don’t like me.” “Who’s that?” “They don’t like me either.” “Who’s that?” “Let’s just assume that everyone here doesn’t like me.”
“A fake reputation is all a man has.”
“I think he/she likes me.”
“If he’s such a dreamboat, put him to the test.”
“Are you tired from chasing the bad man all day?”
“All at once, everything looks different, know that I see you.”
“Where will you go? He/She/They won’t be there for you.”
“Frying pans! Who knew, right?”
“If you let me save him/her/them, I will go with you.”
“I can’t let you do this.” “I can’t let you die.”
“You were my new dream.”
“Make the clock reverse, bring back what once was mine.”
“Did I ever tell you I’ve got a thing for (hair color)s?”
“After years and years of asking and asking, I finally said yes.” “Okay, I asked her.”
“You’ll be in my heart always. Always.”
“Are you sure this water is sanitary? It looks questionable to me.”
“He’s alive! He’s alive- You idiot! You nearly gave me a heart attack!”
*About to scare person A* “Don’t even think about it.”
“It’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye.”
“Person A has to stay with Person B. Person A, stay.”
“No matter where I go, you will always be my _____.”
“I’ve had it with you and your emotional constipation!”
“You came back?” “I came home.”
*Jumping off a boat and then running into the arms of the other person to tackle them in the water*
Toy Story:
“You’ve got a friend in me.”
“Howdy, little lady.”
“Go on without me. Just go!”
“There seems to be no sign of intelligent life anywhere.”
“The word I’m searching for I can’t say because there are preschool toys around.”
“That wasn’t flying, that was falling with style.”
“This is the perfect time to panic!”
“To infinity, and beyond!”
“There’s gotta be a less painful way to get my attention.”
Toy Story 2:
“I’m sorry, but toys don’t last forever.”
“Aww, _____, you’re worth more than that.”
“Why don’t you watch where you’re going, God-spilla.”
“It’s you! It’s you! It is you!” “Please stop saying that.”
“Why the prodigal son has returned.”
“This is for _____ when you find them.” *kisses cheek* “Alright, but I don’t think it will mean the same coming from me.”
“Don’t think just because you’re a girl that I’ll go easy on  you!”
“When he/she loved me …”
“None of them will ever love you the way I do.”
“Hey! No one does that to my friend!”
Toy Story 3:
“Reach for the sky!”
“He/She held me, they actually held me!”
“It’s the perfect time to be hysterical!”
“First thing you’ve gotta know about me, I’m a hugger.”
“I’m sorry, _______, they broke me.”
“You would not believe what I have been through tonight.”
“I wish I could always be with you.” “You will be.”
“So long, partner.”
Treasure Planet:
“They’re so adorable at that age.” “Ah yes, deplorable - ahem adorable.”
“You know what they say, familiarity breeds contempt, uh well but in this case-”
*After showering compliments* “Oh shut up, you know I don’t mean a word of it.”
“You give up a few things chasing a dream.”
“That’s more fun than I ever want to have again.”
“You have wonderful eyes.” “She/he’s lost their mind!”
“You want the map? You’re taking me too.”
“I’m not leaving my _______, um, unless they look at me like that.”
“Just wait until your mother/father hears about this! Although we may play down the life threatening part.”
“Hey, you actually hugged me back.”
“Adventure is out there.”
“You don’t talk very much, I like you.”
“Cross your heart.”
“That one looks like a dog. Ah! It is a dog!”
“I have just met you and I love you.”
“I would be happy if you’d stop.”
“These people are no longer intruders, they are guests.”
“It might sound boring, but I think the boring stuff is the stuff I remember the most.”
“I don’t want your help, I want you safe.”
“Sorry about your house.”
*Kissing each other and getting literal sparks*
“Define dancing.”
“I didn’t know we had a pool!”
“You just need someone to look after you.”
“I can’t just sit here and do nothing!”
“I don’t want to survive! I want to live!”
Only referring to each other by your first name, up until the point where you can’t hold it in anymore, and you confess your love. (AKA Wall-e AU)
Wreck it Ralph:
“You’re bad guy, but this doesn’t mean you’re a bad guy.”
“Thanks, Satan.”
“I am bad, and that’s good, I will never be good and that’s not bad. There’s no one I’d rather be than me.”
“Anything to declare?” “I hate you.” “I get that a lot.”
“It’s make your mamas proud time!”
“Flattery don’t charge these batteries.”
“Hey, why are your hands so freakishly big?”
“Enjoy your little tantrum, diaper-baby?”
“Are they in there?” “No, lucky for them, or I would have slapped their corpse.”
“You’re a full on criminal, aren’t you?”
“Come on, a work of art like this must be signed.”
“And I bundle myself up like a little old homeless lady.”
“You are one dynamite gal.”
“You wouldn’t hit a guy with glasses! You hit a guy … with glasses.”
“I’m already happy, I’ve got the coolest friend in the world.”
“Blood! Blood! Blood! And… death!”
“You ever know how we got to be so darn happy?” “No.” “Well we gave up on our dreams and settled. Right, hun?” “That’s right. We settled hard.”
“It’s great to have dreams as long as you don’t believe in them too much.”
“He was right about one thing: I don’t know when to quit.”
“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” “And also bears.”
“When is there not a need for a taser?”
“I’m your new neighbor.” “Yeah well we’re loud. Don’t expect us to apologize about it.”
“Tomorrow’s another day!” “Yeah, but it might be worse.”
“Uncool, _____, my tax dollars pay your salary!”
“Life isn’t some cartoon musical where you sing a little song and your insipid dreams magically come true.”
“It’s called a hustle, sweetheart.”
“Does seeing me fail somehow make you feel better about your own sad, miserable life?” “It does. 100%.”
“Never let them see that they get to you.“
“I was small and emotionally unbalanced like you once.”
“If the world’s only gonna see me as shifty and untrustworthy, there’s no point in trying to be anything else.”
“You know, I think you’d actually make a very good cop.” “Ugh, how dare you.”
“I’d just like to say I’m sorry for how I behaved in my youth. I had a lot of self doubt that manifested itself in the form of unchecked rage and aggression. I was a major jerk.”
“Alright get in here. You _____s are so emotional.”
“They offered me what I could refuse! …….Money!”
“They’re the opposite of friendly…… they’re unfriendly.”
“I implore you: try. Try to make the world a better place.”
“You know you love me.” “Do I know that? Yes. Yes I do.”
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Political Animals-Part 4
This is an A/B/O AU.  You are the Omega artist daughter of Naomi Novak, a world-class heart surgeon who is running  for Mayor of New York City.  After a meeting where your mother’s advisors call you a “liability”, she tells you that if you don’t do as your told she will cut you off.  You storm out and wind up in a bar a few blocks away.
The hottest Alpha you have EVER laid eyes on with a scent so mouthwatering you’re practically drooling offers to buy you a drink.  It’s just a drink, right? What do you have to lose? Only everything.
Characters: Omega! Reader, Beta! Naomi Novak, Alpha! Castiel Novak, Omega! Meg Novak, Claire Novak, Jimmy Novak, Alpha! Sam Winchester, Omega! Dean Winchester, Alpha! John Winchester, Omega! Jo Harvelle
Big thanks to @moansmisha  for letting me use some of her ideas from this post
Part 1 (all parts are linked)
I didn’t hear a single word of the debate.  Not one damn word.  I hope no one asks me anything about it.  Every time I sneak a glance over at Sam he is looking at me, and he looks pissed.  I know there is nothing aside from my actual death that will get me out of the reception afterwards.  I am so screwed.
Finally the torture ends and we are able to leave.  The reception is being held at a hotel down the street.  A staff member ushered my mother, Cas, Meg and I into a waiting car.
“I think that went really well, Mom.” Cas said.  “What do you think, Y/N?”
“I…..um…..” I stammered.
“She has no idea, because she didn’t pay attention to any of it, did you?” My mother snapped.
“Mom……” Cas said in a warning tone.
I sat up straighter.  “Look, you wanted me here, so I’m here. And your still not happy.”
My mother gave me an appraising glance.  “You could’ve at least pretended to listen.”
“Can we please just try and get along for one night?” Meg said softly, ever the peacemaker.
I didn’t say another word for the rest of the drive.
When we arrived at the hotel, I grabbed a glass of champagne off a passing waiter’s tray and downed the contents in one gulp.  I knew that Sam was already here. I could smell his scent.  It smelled so good it was all I could do not to stop and sniff the air.
“I’m going to hit the ladies room.  I’ll be back in a minute.”  I said to Meg and Cas.
Maybe Sam wouldn’t confront me here.  Not with my mother and his father around.  If I could just manage to avoid him, I would leave as soon as I could manage without my mother noticing.   She was busy shaking hands and kissing up to people anyway.
As I reapplied my lipstick, I stared at myself critically in the mirror.  “You can do this, Y/N!” I said out loud.  Taking a calming breath, I walked out of the bathroom.  I hadn’t taken more than a few steps when I felt a hand on my arm jerking me through a door to my right.
“What the hell? Sam?” I yelped.
He pushed me against the wall and caged me in, arms on either side of my head.  He smelled so good it was making my head spin.  He looked furious.  “Did you know?”  He demanded.
“Did I know what?” I whispered.
“Did you know who I was that night? Is that why you ran out on me?”
I decided then and there that I was just going to tell him the truth.  There was no point in lying.  “No Sam.  I had no idea who you were until we got here and my sister-in-law told me, I swear.”
“Why did you leave?” He asked.  He was so close I could feel the heat of him, and I was having trouble concentrating.
“Because I had just left a meeting with my Mom’s PR team where they said that I was a liability because I am an Omega.  And how did I prove them wrong? By going to a bar and having sex in a bathroom with an Alpha whose name I didn’t even know, that’s how!”
The tension in his body relaxed slightly, though he still looked angry.  “You didn’t have to run.”
I took a deep breath.  “I panicked, okay?  The last thing I needed is to give my mother something else to hold against me.   But I shouldn’t have left like that. I am so sorry.  You didn’t deserve that.”
He leaned in, lips ghosting over my neck.  “I can’t get get you out of my head, Y/N.  Your scent is the most delicious thing I have ever smelled.”
“Sam, we can’t.  There will be hell to pay if anyone finds out.  You know that, right?” I couldn’t take on eyes off of him.  What was it about this guy, this Alpha that stirred me so?
His mouth was just inches from mine. “Right now I don’t really care.”   He lowered his lips to mine and I sighed at the taste of him.  He slid his arms down my back and pulled me tighter into his embrace.  When he let me go I almost fell over I was so woozy.
“I have to get back.  Cas and Meg are going to wonder where I am.” I whispered.
“Give me your phone.”  He told me.
I pulled out my phone and handed it to him.  He punched in some numbers, and then his phone rang.  He handed my phone back to me.  “You’d better get going.  You look beautiful by the way.”
Before I could say thank you, he pulled me to him and kissed me again quickly.  “This isn’t finished. Not by a long shot.  I’ll be in touch.”
Sam slipped his phone in his pocket and walked out without a backward glance.
I took a minute to compose myself and headed out.  “I was just about to come looking for you.” Meg said.
“Sorry.  What did I miss?” I asked.
“Not much..  Want a drink?” Cas asked.
“Oh yes.  Make it a double.”
Cas raised an eyebrow but said nothing.  I barely saw my mother, which was fine with me.  I mostly hung out with Cas and Meg.  Several times during the night I felt the weight of eyes on me, and I knew that somewhere in the room, Sam was watching me.
My mother’s campaign manager came over to us.  “Your mother needs you. The host would like to introduce her and her family to John Winchester and his family.”
 I paled.  “Wait, what?”
“Is there a problem?” She asked.
“No, not at all.” I gave her a weak smile.
She led Meg, Cas and I over to where Mom was waiting.  “Please don’t embarrass me.”  She snapped at me before walking over to where John and his sons were gathered.
The host of the party (no one had bothered to tell me his name) walked up to Mr. Winchester and said, “John, if you have a minute I would like to introduce you to Dr. Novak and her family.”
He turned to us with a warm smile and offered my mother his hand.  “Dr. Novak, it’s a pleasure to meet you. “I’d like you to meet my sons.  This is my older son Dean, Dean’s girlfriend Jo Harvelle, and my younger son Sam.  Everyone smiled politely, but Sam didn’t take his eyes off me once and I knew that smirk was reserved for me alone.
“Nice to meet you all.” My mother said.  “This is my son Dr. Castiel Novak, and his wife Meg.  And this is my daughter Y/N.”  Of course my Mom had to make sure they knew Cas was a doctor.  She was so proud of that.  Sam stared at me for so long I started to blush.
Mom’s campaign manager rescued us.  “Dr. Novak, there is someone I need you to meet, “ she said, drawing us away.
Meg grabbed my arm.  “Did you see the way that Sam Winchester was staring at you? Like he wanted to eat you alive!  I wonder what that was about?”
“No idea.” I said weakly, praying this night would end soon.  After what seemed like an eternity, people started leaving and one of my mother’s staffers told us we could go.  Mother was “too busy” to say goodbye to us.  Whatever.  I kissed Meg and Cas goodbye and headed to my car.  As I got in my text alert beeped. 
Sam W: I could care less who your mother is.  This doesn’t change anything.
Y/N: My sister-in-law noticed how much you were staring at me and commented on it.
Sam W: Good.  
Y/N: Are we really doing this?
Sam: I sure hope so.  Night Y/N
Y/N: Goodnight, Sam
Over the next two weeks Sam and I texted frequently, and he would call me at night when he went to bed.  We got to know each other during these conversations.  He was very easy to talk to.  I told him about my painting, and my job at the gallery. I also shared some of my complicated history with my Mother.
He shared about his relationship with Jessica, and the tough time he’d had when he lost his Mom.  He told me funny stories about his brother Dean, who I already liked though I hadn’t actually met him.
Some nights the conversations got very heated, and he told me what he wanted to do to me and left me wet and wanting.  Those conversations happened a lot.
I stayed up so late talking to Sam that I was almost late to my job at the gallery. Luckily the train was on time and I ran the two blocks from the station and I made it with a minute to spare.
It had been a fairly quiet day when I heard the doorbell jingle.  I looked up from the log I was working on.  “Can I help……..   Sam, what are you doing here?”
“I have a bare wall that needs something on it.  And I wanted to see where you worked.” He said with a shy grin.  He looked so handsome in his gray business suit that my mouth went dry.  As soon as I smelled him, my senses went into overdrive.  Down girl!
I tried to compose myself and remain professional.  “ We have several artists on display now.  They all have different styles.  Do you know what you like?”
His eyes wandered down my body almost lazily, and came back up and paused at my mouth.  “I definitely know what I like.”
“Eyes up here, Winchester! I meant art wise!” I said indignantly.
His eyes snapped back to mine. “I am open to suggestions.  Can you show me around?”
I walked him around the gallery, showing him the various pieces on display.  We were looking at a beautiful landscape when another piece caught his eye from across the room.  He pointed to it. “I want to look at that one.”
We started walking over.  “Tell me about this one.”  He said. “I really like it.”
“It’s one of mine.” I whispered.
“You painted this? I had no idea you were so talented.  I’ll take it.” He said immediately.
I gaped at him, totally shocked.  “Don’t you want to know how much it costs?”
“No.  I can afford it.” He pulled out a credit card and handed it to me.
“Did you really come here to buy a painting or just to see me?” I couldn’t help asking.
“I came here to ask you to have dinner with me tomorrow night.  Getting the painting was a nice bonus.” He admitted.
I sighed in frustration.  “Sam, we can’t be seen in public together.  You KNOW that.  If someone sees us and tells my mother or your father….”
“Who said anything about in public? I was going to suggest you come to my place, we order in, watch a movie or something.  What do you say?”
“Oh, okay. We could do that.” I stammered, knowing that I was already in deep, and falling deeper every second.
His smile lit up his whole face.  “Great!  “I’ll text you my address.”
I floated through the rest of my shift.  The logical part of me knew that this was a train wreck waiting to happen, but the Omega in me wanted him so bad.  Maybe if we were careful, we could make this work.  When the text arrived from Sam with his address, my heart began to beat faster.  I was counting the minutes until tomorrow.
Sam lived in a beautiful old brownstone on a quiet street.  I was instantly enchanted. I knocked on the door, looking around to make sure no one was there.  Paranoid much?  Sam opened the door and ushered me in.
His home was definitely masculine, and so saturated with his scent that it was making my mouth water.  We chatted while we ate the chicken Sam had ordered.
“I hope this is okay.  I forgot to ask you what you like.” He commented.
“This is delicious.  You chose well.” I said between bites.
After dinner and some cheesecake for dessert, we headed into the living room to watch a movie.  Sam brought up a list of movies that were available on demand then handed the remote to me. “Ladies choice.”
I scrolled down the list until something caught my eye.  “How about the new Avengers movie?” I asked him.
He looked at me like he’d won the lottery.  “An Omega who is smart, beautiful, AND likes superhero movies?? Where have you been all my life?”
“I’m right here, Alpha.” I said in a husky voice, and my eyes very deliberately dropped to his mouth. I’m not sure who made the first move, him or me, but a heartbeat later I was in his arms, the movie totally forgotten. When he picked me up in his arms a few minutes later and carried me to his bedroom it seemed like the most natural thing in the world.
The sunlight is what woke me.  For a second I didn’t know where I was.  Then I realized Sam’s arms were around me and my head was resting on his shoulder.  I peeked over at him.  He was awake and he’d started stroking my hair absently.  And then it hit me.
“Wait! Sunlight? Is it morning? Shit!” I jumped out of bed and began searching frantically for my clothes that I had carelessly tossed aside last night.  “What time is it?” I asked in a panicked voice.
“After 10, Why? What’s wrong, Y/N?” Sam sounded confused. 
“I am supposed to meet my Mother and my brother for brunch.  I can’t be late again!”  I leaned down to kiss him. “I have to go. Last night was amazing. I am sorry to run out on you again. I wasn’t expecting to stay the night.  I’ll call you, okay?”  
“Do I have a choice?” Sam said stiffly.
I grabbed my purse and coat and hurried out the door.  I was in such a rush that I didn’t notice the man parked in the car across the street taking pictures of me coming out of Sam’s house.
Part 5
@skybinx-blog @percywinchester27 @a-sea-of-fandoms @dorky-and-i-know-it@pinknerdpanda  @atc74  @moonlitskinwalker @we-are-band-sexuals@notnaturalanahi   @ariannalikescake @growingupgeek   @itsummertime22  @roseblood11  @demondeansdomme@cantchoosejustonefandom @ferferelli @midnightjazzmine @dr-dean@clairese1980 @moonstonemystyk @obsessedtmifangirl @bailieinabottle@mesomisha54 @agoodold-fashionedvillain @brewsthespirit-blog  @fucking-grapefruit @typicalweirdbookworm @the-strandedgypsy@meganwinchester1999 @maddieburcham1 @diabetus-swag @oriona75 @kittenofdoomage @jotink78 @bohowitch
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ultramarcypan · 7 years
Shin Soukoku Week Day Two: Speaking and Listening
Characters/Pairings: Atsushi Nakajima, Akutagawa Ryuunosuke, Shin Soukoku, Dazai and Kunikida make a guest appearance
Summary: High school is hard enough on its own; Atsushi shouldn't have to deal with a Speech class and a boy who seems to hate him on top of that.
Prompt: High School
There’s a boy in Atsushi’s Public Speaking class that he’s never seen before a day in his life, which is no small feat in a school whose senior class is only around 200 people.  What makes it even more impressive is that this kid seems to have the most intense hatred for Atsushi, in spite of the fact that they’ve never exchanged a single, solitary word with one another.
When Atsushi brings this up at lunch, wondering whatever it was he could have done to the guy, Dazai immediately perks up.  “Wait,” the senior says.  “Can you describe him for me?”
“Um…” Atsushi flounders a moment at being put on the spot.  “He’s a little taller than me, dark eyes, um, dark hair.”
“He also has dyed white tips and wears mainly black and always has a white scarf around his neck.”  Dazai says next, and this time it’s a statement not a question that he’s directing at Atsushi.
“And how on earth do you know that?”  Kunikida emerges from his math textbook to glare at Dazai, as if he’s somehow trying to pull something over on them.  Honestly, Atsushi wouldn’t put it past his senior to do so.
“Because I have sources ,” Dazai says dramatically, waving his arms around to emphasise his point.  “And my sources have told me that an adorable underclassman of mine from the school I used to go to has transferred here this year along with his sister.”  Turning to Atsushi, he adds, “His name is Ryunosuke Akutagawa.  He’s a junior, just like you.”
“Great,” Atsushi says.  “Now do you have any idea why he seems to hate me, Dazai-san?”
Dazai smiles and it’s all teeth.  “I think I’m to blame for that one, Atsushi-kun, sorry about that.”
“Boy, you can’t go one minute without being the center of attention, can you?” Kunikida observes, scratching some notes in the margin of his textbook.
“For your information,” Dazai beings with a drawl.  “Akutagawa-kun had very few friends at our old school and I always stuck up for him, so he’s kinda fond of me.  He also doesn’t share well,” Dazai adds, nodding in Atsushi’s direction.  “And it’s not a big secret that Atsushi-kun here is friends with us.  I’m willing to bet that Akutagawa-kun is just jealous.”
“Who’d be jealous of Atsushi?”  Kunikda asks, glancing sideways at the younger boy.  “No offense.”
“None taken,” he responds weakly.  “But, uh, Dazai-san, could you maybe talk to Akutagawa and tell him not to try to murder me with his eyes?”
“Well where’s the fun in that?”  Dazai asks cheerfully.
“The boy knew you in a different school and still decided to transfer here?  Even knowing what you were like?”  Kunikida sounds sceptical, and Atsushi can’t really blame him for this.  Being friends with Dazai is like a never ending adventure which is both good and bad, though Atsushi would much prefer if his life were just a little less interesting sometimes.  “Did you drug him?”
“I happen to be charming! ” Dazai squawks, and even Atsushi has to roll his eyes at that one.  “And Akutagawa-kun happens to be very attached to me, thank you very much.”
“Poor guy,” Kunikida grunts, turning back to his book.  “He’s got a terrible sense of character.”  The issue falls by the wayside as Dazai launches into a defense of his own honor and dignity that is resolutely ignored by Kunikida.  Atsushi shoves his unease about his new classmate to the back of his mind in favor of watching the two upperclassmen squabble.
Atsushi ends up settling into an awkward pattern of pretending that the boy--Akutagawa, he has a name for the face now--doesn’t spend the entire class period glaring daggers at him all the while pretending not to exist.  He’s shy by nature and is only taking Speech because his advisor had told him that it was required to graduate.
This works out perfectly (barring some snide comments from Dazai at lunch every now and then, who still refuses to lift a finger to fix the situation) until he’s assigned his first speech which, because some god must hate him, is a partner speech.  As an added bonus, the teacher decides to be oh-so-generous and assign them partners so that ‘they’ll get to know new people!’
Atsushi feels fairly confident that a root canal would be preferable to meeting new people or giving a presentation.  Especially considering that his partner is Akutagawa.
“Who invented the concept of group work?”  He asks with a groan at lunch, slumping forward onto the table.  “Are they dead yet?”
“Probably,” Dazai says, patting him on the head.  “The lucky bastards.”
“You’re a menace,” Kunikida informs him.  “And group work is a vital skill that is necessary to succeed in the working world and--” he cuts himself off abruptly, mainly because Dazai has just tossed a ketchup packet at his head.
Dazai ducks the book Kunikida throws at him and smirks as the blonde has to go and retrieve it.  “Don’t stress too much about this,” he tells Atsushi.  “Akutagawa is like a grumpy kitten; he’s adorably angry all the time, but he’ll do his part of the work.”
“Oh, great,” Atsushi says weakly.  “I’ve always wanted to do a project with an angry kitten.”
Dazai, as per usual, is right.  Akutagawa sends him an email out of nowhere with half of the project done and the curt message of ‘Pull your weight’ attached to it.  Atsushi is just thankfully he doesn’t actually have to talk to the other boy face to face to get the work done and emails Akutagawa back the second he completes his half of the work.  He gets back a ‘Good’ and assumes that he can stop worrying about this until the day of the presentation.
This is great in theory, except that, well, he still has to actually present .   The day of the actual presentation, Atsushi is an actually wreck.  His fear of public speaking is a wild and vast thing; he can’t stop his hands from trembling and his breath is coming in short, choppy gasps.
“You’re a mess,” a voice observes from behind him, and Atsushi nearly jumps out of his skin.  Akutagawa is standing a few feet behind him, his eyebrows furrowed in displeasure.  Atsushi’s heart sinks.
“I know,” Atsushi stammers out.  Akutagawa blinks at him in surprise, and his face shifts from annoyance to blankness.  “I h-hate public speaking and I always shake like a chihuahua when I get up there and you can hear it in my voice and I’m sorry if I mess up our grade I-” he’s rambling now, something he does often when he’s nervous or overwhelmed.  All he can think about is how much he doesn’t want to get up and speak in front of the class right now as well as how Akutagawa is going to be justified in his hate after this train-wreck of a speech.
“Atsushi,” Akutagawa interrupts, and the shock of hearing his name is enough to stop Atsushi in his rambling.  He wasn’t aware that Akutagawa actually knew his name; he’d kind of just assumed that he was ‘Dazai’s replacement friend’ and nothing more than that.  “Take a deep breath and calm down.”
Not wanting to be anymore of an inconvenience, Atsushi does as Akutagawa commands.  To his surprise, it actually helps a little bit.  “Okay,” he breathes out.  “Okay, I’m a little better.”
“Good,” Akutagawa crosses his arms over his chest.  “We’re going to do this presentation, it’s going to go fine, and then we’re going to move on with life.”
It takes Atsushi a moment to realize that, in his own special way, Akutagawa is trying to reassure Atsushi, which only further confuses him.  “Thank...you?”  He tries tentatively, and he gets a brief nod in response.
“Don’t thank me until we’re done with this presentation,” Akutagawa tells him and then hesitates a moment.  “The clock is positioned right in the middle of the back wall of the class; just speak to that.  We’ll lose some points for eye contact, but it’s better than having you faint in the middle of the presentation.”
“Okay,” Atsushi says, feeling like a broken record.  The teacher calls out to them and he’s out of time to panic now.  “Let’s do this.”
“I can’t believe Akutagawa actually helped you out,” Dazai sound mildly impressed, and Atsushi takes some comfort in that.  “That’s not really his style.  You must’ve looked terrible to make him feel for you.”
“Thanks Dazai-san,” Atsushi says flatly.  “You always say the nicest things.”  Somehow, he’d made it through the presentation, and Akutagawa had been correct.  It was far easier to talk to a clock than a room full of people, and they’d managed to scrape by with a B.
Out of the corner of his eye, he sees a flash of black and white and turns his head to look properly.  Akutagawa has just settled himself at an empty table, a book in his hand.  Atsushi debates for a long moment before taking a deep breath to steady himself and standing up.
“And where are you going?” Kunikida calls after him.
“I’m gonna ask him to sit with us.”  Atsushi declares, a lot more bravely than he actually feels right now.
“We’ll remember you fondly,” Dazai tells him.  Atsushi pretends he doesn't hear him and heads over to where Akutagawa is sitting.  The other boy looks up when he stops only a foot away.
“Can I help you?”  It’s almost reassuring that Akutagawa is blunt even outside of the classroom.  It gives a sense of normalcy to the situation.
“Do you want to come sit with us?”  Atsushi asks him, only he’s nervous and kind of tongue-tied so it comes out more as ‘doyouwannacomesitwithus?’.  Somehow, miraculously, Akutagawa gets the gist of what he’s trying to say.
“And you think because we did a presentation together that we’re friends now?”
“No,” Atsushi says.  “But I really appreciate what you did for me and you looked lonely sitting here by yourself.”
Now it’s Akutagawa’s turn to be caught off guard.  He opens and closes his mouth a few times, and maybe Atsushi is imagining it but his cheeks look pinker than usual.
“Just figured I’d ask,” Atsushi speaks again before Akutagawa explodes.  “The offer stands, if you want to change your mind.”  With that, he turns and heads back to Dazai and Kunikida, acutely aware of the eyes staring at his back as he retreats.
“Well, you survived,” Kunikida says as he sits back down.  “That’s something I guess.”
“I think he’s done more than that,” Dazai points, and the two of them turn to follow where his finger is.  Akutagawa is slowly but surely gathering up his things, glancing not so sneakily at the three of them.  “I think he may have just worked a miracle.”
“It’s nothing special,” Atsushi says modestly, even if privately he agrees with Dazai.  Akutagawa joins them without a word, sitting down next to Atsushi, and conversation resumes normally with the newest addition listening intently to everything they say.  Atsushi is hyper aware of the warmth of Akutagawa’s body and every brush against each other that occurs.  Akutagawa makes no move to pull away however, though he is staring at Atsushi with just a little less animosity than before.  Optimistically, Atsushi thinks it may even be a friendly glance.
It becomes a regular thing after that.
“You two are in loooooooove~” Dazai sings at them, looking far too pleased.  
“Dazai-san,” Atsushi begins with a groan, and then stops.  Even he’s not sure where he was planning to go with that, but anything to stop Dazai is enough right now.
“It’s one date,” Akutagawa mumbles, looking down at the table.
“You are correct that one date doesn’t equate to love,” Kunikida, ever the voice of reason agrees.  “However, I feel obligated to point out that the two of you do keep making eyes at one another and are currently holding hands.”
“Whose side are you on?”  Atsushi asks, flushing red all the way down his neck.  He doesn’t move to take his hand back from where it’s holding Akutagawa’s own, however.
“I can see the tale being written now,” Dazai says dreamily, staring off into space.  “The tale of two young men, destined to fall in love, united by a partner speech.”
“You’re being dramatic,” Akutagawa tells him, and Atsushi makes a noise of agreement.
“Says the one who was glaring daggers at someone because he couldn’t figure out how to flirt with them,” Dazai counters, and Akutagawa chokes on air.  
“I wasn’t--” he begins to protest feebly, but Atsushi squeezes his hand to stop him.
“It doesn’t matter,” he says firmly.  Then, feeling just a little bit daring, he adds “I’m pretty sure Dazai-san is just jealous because he’s still single.”
That gets the desired reaction of Dazai making a series of offended noises, Kunikida snorting water up his nose, and Akutagawa giving him a quick kiss on the cheek in thanks.   Not too bad, he thinks to himself.
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keena-kapu · 7 years
Milk, Eggs and Rock’n’Roll - Black Velvet One shot
Pairing: Blake/Velvet (Black Velvet) Words: 1′428 AU: @teriyaki-fox’s RWBY Rock! AU Content Warnings: None Summary: Velvet only wanted some groceries, she didn’t expect to leave with VIP tickets and a backstage pass in her bag to a band she’d never even heard of. Still, the bassist was pretty damn hot.
“Okay, it’s only milk and eggs. Go in, go out, be back at home. No big deal.”
For Velvet, it was big. It was difficult for an anxious person such as herself to go out and get what she needed. But she had no choice thanks to the online store being down, and her roommate being away for the weekend. She had to go out and get the essentials herself.
“I could swear the milk was here…”
She couldn’t remember the last time she was in this store. Probably the once with her friend Fox? After that, she stuck to ordering online. It meant less stress, less anxiety. But now she’d ten minutes roaming aisle after aisle on her search. Everything had been shuffled around since last time she came, it was near impossible to find what she wanted quickly without bumping into people. Why did such a simple task have to be so complicated?
When she finally found the milk, she found herself stopping still. There was someone else already there. Up until now that hadn’t posed a problem, but this time it wasn’t anxiety that was the problem.
The girl stood there was pretty. That was the problem. Perhaps not pretty to most, but Velvet found herself unable to stop staring. She had long, dark hair and was wearing an equally black beanie hat. A matching hoodie, with white letters spelling “RWBY” on the front. But to top it all off? She was another like her. A Faunus. The feline ears that twitched every so often gave away that fact.
“Why can't Weiss just go for normal milk?” She was muttering to herself, leaning right toward the back to grab the freshest one she could. “Lacto-free is better! Yeah right, for who? You ain't even lactose intolerant.”
But after a short while, the girl could feel the stare of Velvet. Once finding a fresh carton, she pulled herself back out again, and looked her way.
“Damnit.” Although they made eye contact, Velvet immediately looked away instead. Maybe if she pretended to be looking elsewhere, she wouldn’t notice, and she wouldn’t have to deal with such an embarrassing situation. Not-so-subtly, she quickly dashed for the next aisle instead, only hoping she wouldn’t notice.
Embarrassingly, Velvet gave up her search. She’d got eggs, that was good enough for her. She didn’t dare go back to the milk aisle after the near miss with that girl. That would be so humiliating if she confronted her after she’d been caught staring.
As she got in line for the cash register, she felt a small tap on her shoulder. Upon turning around, she wasn’t so lucky after all.
It was that girl! She’d found her again after Velvet’s attempts to lose her after all. Already Velvet could feel her heart rate picking up. At least until Blake pushed something toward her hand. A carton of milk.
“I, uh… Saw you were looking at the milk. Didn’t know if you wanted some, so I just figured… I dunno.”
“Oh…” It was what she needed. Though it wasn’t how she wanted to get it, through pity, it would be foolish to turn it down. Allowing herself to smile back at the girl, she took the carton from her. “T-Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it.” Waiting in line just behind her, Velvet noticed the girl seemed just as nervous as her. The feline ears twitched every so often, and he forced the free hand she had back in her pocket, looking off in all different directions. After a minute of silence, she eventually took a breath in, and said softly. “I’m Blake, by the way. Blake Belladonna.”
“O-Oh, I’m Velvet.” She never said her last name, simply smiled as she waited by her side. “T-Thanks for the milk, Blake.” Understanding that Blake was trying to make conversation, she looked for a way to continue that. No matter how anxious she was, it was worth a try. In the end, she looked down. “... I like your hoodie.”
Grinning, Blake nodded. “Thanks.” For a moment, she hesitated again. That was until adding. “I am that Blake, by the way. The ‘B’ Blake.”
“The B Blake of what?” Velvet asked, nudging her things further down the queue.
“... You know?” Blake tried again, gesturing to the hoodie. “The ‘B’? Of RWBY? Biggest rock band this side the coast?”
“... Who?”
But before Blake could answer that, Velvet was being called to the cash register. She offered a small wave before stepping ahead to be served.
From behind Velvet, there was a wince. Her friend, a tall, blonde woman, arms covered in tattoos stepped by her side, slurping on a soda she’d just bought.
“Ooofff… Bummer. She didn’t go for the rockstar approach.”
“Shut it, Yang.” Blake nudged her arm with her elbow, looking away instead out of embarrassment of her own. She ran a hand down her face, trying to keep herself looking away from Velvet. “At least I tried! Rather than sit there and constantly wonder if they’re into me or not.”
“Yeah, but that’s because things would get hella awkward if they went wrong with Wess.” She had to laugh at how flustered her friend was becoming, but when she was nudged yet again, she rolled her eyes. “Oh lighten up, you took the rip outta me for weeks when I tried to flirt with that girl in the club.”
“How about helping me out instead of laughing?”
“Alright alright…” Even though she was still smiling, she patted Blake’s shoulder gently. “Here’s what you’re gonna do…”
The last thing Velvet had to do was get the bus home. Groceries in a bag in one hand, her cell in the other, she quickly checked the time. Unfortunately she’s missed her bus by a few minutes.
“Well, it didn't go so bad in there…” She thought to herself, tucking it away in her back pocket. “Got what I needed, that Blake girl was pretty cute.”
She found herself blushing. She was very cute indeed. And she tried to talk to her, which was a bonus. It was just a shame that what seemed like an ice breaker went down like a lead balloon.
“I should look up that band when I get home, see if its legit. What was it again? Ruby, but spelt kind of weirdly…”
Funnily enough, the answer to that question was right in the parking lot. She froze up when she saw a large bus with the letters “RWBY” on the side of them. If this was a prank, it was certainly a well planned out one, but this seemed genuine. She’d actually talked to a rock star!
“H-hey again.”
Quickly turning around, Velvet looked wide eyed. Blake yet again! She’d managed to catch her just in time before she headed away.
Blake was blushing rather badly, but this time, she didn’t try a pick up line. Instead, she scratched the back of her head. “S-so… I got a bit ahead of myself in there.”
“Just a little.” Relaxing a lot more, Velvet smiled back at her. The poor girl really was just as nervous as her, even if she was a well known band member.
“Yeah… I'm new to this.” Nodding back, Blake eventually reached her hand into her pocket instead, pulling something out from it. As per Yang’s advice, she handed out two pieces of card toward Velvet. Not just any pieces, tickets.
“Listen, uh… you don’t have to, but I figured if you haven’t heard of us, maybe these would help?” When she took them for a closer look, Blake further explained, “They’re tickets for the show here, the end of this week. VIP tickets and a backstage pass, so you can come and say hi.”
Once again, Velvet was looking down wide eyed, and red flooded her cheeks. While she didn't reject the gift, she couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow.
“Do you do this to everyone who’s never heard of you?”
“No not at all, to tell you the truth i’m terrified.” Blake very quickly admitted, laughing nervously herself once done. Shrugging her shoulders, she asked. “So… interested?”
Poor Velvet was lost for words. There she was dreading this venture to the store, and she’d left with VIP tickets to see a rock band live, and go backstage! It seemed too much like a dream come true. She’d gotten this far all by chance, what was the point of playing it safe and missing out?
In the end, through her own blush, she grinned.
“Sure. Why not?”
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stellarspecter · 6 years
blease can we have ur director's commentary on the part of long time coming that mirrored LGW ?
author’s notes will be in bold.
sorry if this is the wrong part. i didn’t intentionally write any of this fic to mirror LGW - how could i? the song wasn’t even out yet! so it’s very interesting to me that you draw that parallel. i can see why you’d say that, of course - both deal with jeremy’s reasons for abandoning michael. my reasons are definitely more bullshit than the show, though.
Michael found his former best friend right where Christine had said he’d be: the stairwell in J Hall that no one used because it was so far away from anything else. (it probably goes without saying that i base this high school on my own high school, which hasn’t been majorly renovated since 2009, and they only added a bit of a hallway. my school was built like there was no plan and they lettered the hallways according to no system at all. we have A-G halls, then J, K, L, and T halls. i don’t know what they were thinking.)
He looked like he was writing something on his arm. Michael caught a glimpse of black ink before he interrupted his writing time. (ooh, ~foreshadowing~)
Jeremy jumped about a foot in the air and rushed to put his pen away and push down his sleeve. When he saw who it was, his eyes hardened.
“Why are you here?” He asked flatly.
“Christine said I should make you see that I’m amazing and I deserve to be back in your life, so.” He shrugged. “I’m doing that. Hopefully.” (haha, sick reference to my first meremine fic lmao)
Jeremy didn’t have much of a reaction to that, so he tried something that almost certainly would. “Why did you leave?” (bullshit reasons, michael. very bs)
Jeremy stayed with his back facing his former best friend. Michael tried again. “Why did you abandon me?” There was still no response. He barrelled on. “Was it because I wasn’t good enough? Because I was boring? Because you cared more about popularity than your best friend?” He let out an ugly laugh. “What a fucking Slytherin. (jeremy is a slytherin and you all can fight me on that. also as soon as i thought of this line i immediately had to find a way to include it.) What was so bad about me that you had to abandon me like that?” He was nearly yelling at this point. “What did I do wrong?” His voice softened to just above a whisper. “How do I fix it?”
“You didn’t do anything wrong.” Jeremy’s voice almost sounded like he had been crying, but that couldn’t have happened. “It was me. You were too good for me.” (here comes the bullshit)
Michael couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Jeremy thought that he was better than him? What? Michael was the one that fell apart as soon as Jeremy left, how could he be too good for him?
“So… you left because you thought you weren’t good enough?”
“That was part of it. Mostly it was because I was tired of being bullied and I cared so much about popularity. I thought if I was popular, I’d be happy.”
Michael swallowed nervously. “And were you?” (when i wrote this and i was trying to think of a reason for jeremy to abandon michael, i came up with this whole thing and i realized, on some level, that it was kind of bullshit but i didn’t really care. i just said fuck it and put it in because i couldn’t think of anything better. rereading this, though, really drives home the point that this makes not a lot of sense and is very bullshit. thanks for coming to my ted talk.)
Jeremy turned to face him. His face was red and blotchy from where he had been crying and Michael was reminded of the time he had to calm him down from an anxiety attack in sixth grade. “How could I be happy without my player one?” (the feels! crying boye. angsty boye. friend boyes again now.)
That was what did it for Michael. He rushed towards Jeremy, arms spread wide for a hug. It was the first time they had touched in four years. The hug was not a disappointment. Maybe it was a little salty and snotty from how hard both of them were crying, but that was a minor discomfort when Michael had just gotten his best friend back.
They ended up sitting down with their backs to the wall, holding each other and asking questions about their lives during the years they had missed.
“Why did you have to stop being friends with me to be popular?”
“I guess I didn’t,” Jeremy realized. “I think I was in such an all or nothing mindset that it always seemed like one or the other, you know? Like, popularity or you. I didn’t realize that I could’ve kept being friends with you and be popular. And honestly, I think the real reason is that I didn’t think I deserved it.”
Michael furrowed his brow. “What do you mean?”
“I didn’t think I deserved to have you in my life,” he explained. “I thought that I was a loser and you were this amazing person who somehow wanted to hang out with me and it was all just because I happened to be lucky enough to be seated next to you in kindergarten. I thought that being popular might fix that, but, well. We know how that went.” (why would that fix anything, jeremy? dumbass) (let’s pretend that this isn’t Very Bullshit and try to explain it! jeremy’s mom had just left him and he was feeling very Bad about everything, but especially about himself, blaming himself for his mom leaving. he was definitely struggling with feeling worthless, and needing to amount to something would have been a big concern. well, what’s the only thing that seems to matter to a nerdy loser eighth grader? popularity. he thought that he would be Better once he was popular. maybe he even thought that he could come back to michael. but once he became one of them and learned how they felt about nerdy loser boys, he knew (”knew”) it was all or nothing, popularity or michael. true to his slytherin nature, he chose popularity.)
“Yeah.” Michael was silent for a moment, thinking through all that had transpired in the last hour. “So… does this mean that you want to come over and play Apocalypse of the Damned with me?”
Jeremy smiled. “I would love to. Although,” he added, his smile slipping away, “I haven’t played since eighth grade.”Michael smiled back. “That’s okay. I haven’t either.”
“B-but Michael, that’s your favorite game!” Jeremy looked at him with wide eyes.
“I wasn’t lying about what I said back there. It’s a two-player game,” he said with a gentle smile. “And I couldn’t really find anyone else who would play my lame retro shit with me.”
“Well, lucky for you, I love your lame retro shit,” Jeremy replied. His smile looked a little dopey and it made Michael feel like maybe his feelings weren’t so unrequited after all. He smiled back at his newly acquired old best friend and snuggled further into his embrace. Currently they were huddled up against the wall, Michael nearly in Jeremy’s lap by this point. God, he was glad that discovering he was soulmates with Christine led to rediscovering his best friend. (okay, so this is definitely some bs here. having them be so cuddly and lovey after having not spoken at all for four years? there’s definitely a lot of bitterness and regret and guilt there in a big Hot Mess. even though this is definitely bullshit, i’ll try to justify it by saying that they just want to be back to the “normal” of four years ago and ignoring their glaring problems. just imagine that there is an anger-ridden, angsty conversation that happens not in this fic where they air out all of that Stuff.)
bonus content! here’s some of my planning for this fic:
Soulmate marks only start showing up when you’re 13
Should jeremy or christine be his soulmate first?
With jerm itd have been harder to hide in middle school
And why has christine only just now showed up
Have christine and jerm been soulmates this whole time
So like jerm and chris were soulmates and jerm was also michael’s soulmate or is she new for both of them
Maybe they were always soulmates but she never wrote
But it would be more in character for jerm to never write
Okay well lets just say she’s somehow new and jerm and michael were somehow able to hide it from each other
I mean they would have only had to hide it for less than a year before they stopped talking but still
There were a few months where jerm didn’t write to michael at all bc his mom just left and he stopped believing in soulmates
He never told michael what happened and he only started writing again bc there was absolutely nowhere else to write down these lyrics and he was absolutely going to forget them because it was 2 am
looking over my old planning now, it’s kind of funny how much backstory i obsessed over and never even mentioned in the fic. and the way i planned out the confrontation and the ending didn’t really happen either. i guess writing has a way of doing that - getting carried away by the story and just going where it takes you.
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