#bookshelf organization
Alright Booklr, I'm moving soon and I need your help deciding...
Thank you so much for your help!
(please reblog for bigger sample size)
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the---hermit · 1 year
Bookshelf tour
Since I was asked for one and I just reorganized my shelves here is a photo tour of my shelves. There's three main chategories in my bookshelves: non-fiction (which is divided in two sections, because of space reasons), graphic novels, and fiction books. Believe it or not while reorganizing everything I managed to keep a bit of empty space at the bottom of the shelves. I am pretty happy with how the shelves turned out this time, there's a couple of sections that are totally random because I couldn't find a specific place for those books (yet), but I am pretty used to that as it happens almost everytime. Aside from this I like the way I managed to organize everything else.
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I hope this version of a bookshelf tour is clear enough, I didn't write stuff for every single thing you can see in the pictures, because there wasn't enough space to do so. So if you have questions or anything my inbox is open as always.
I should also mention that although this is the finished result I will take some books out of their place in order to put them on the tbr shelf in my bedroom, I might post a picture of that shelf one of these days!
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ebookporn · 4 months
Rearranging Max Eastman’s Library
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In his well-known essay “Unpacking My Library” (1931), Walter Benjamin asks us to join him as he is pulling his 2,000 books out of the boxes he has just opened, “the air saturated with the dust of wood, the floor covered with torn paper.” He encourages us to share his mood of intense anticipation as he navigates “piles of volumes that are seeing daylight again after two years of darkness.” The point of Benjamin’s essay is not to celebrate his collection or its treasures but to acknowledge the joy of book ownership in general, a feeling as intimate, according to Benjamin, as any human relationship.
Unpacking someone else’s library is a pleasure of an entirely different sort. And, in the case I will write about here, rearranging someone else’s books would seem to put you at several removes from the intimacy Benjamin writes about, with a taste of the illicit added to the undertaking, akin to reading someone else’s journals without permission.
Personal libraries, especially those assembled over a long time, inevitably reveal much about their owners: their likes and dislikes, their hopes and fears, their past lives (“wait — how old was she then?”), the friendships they maintained (“look who signed that book!”). Such libraries, it would seem, give away the owner’s secrets — we might come across someone else’s books that were never returned; letters tucked away between the pages and then forgotten; the inscriptions written by former lovers; the adults-only books with lurid covers hidden behind the Encyclopedia Britannica. I still remember how stunned I was when I helped sort the library of a younger, single colleague who had suddenly died and came across an entire row of baby books, recently purchased.
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bashsbooks · 1 year
Controversial Bookshelf Organization
I have seen many discussions about the best ways to organize a bookshelf: whether it is better to organize by author or title, to ignore "the" or not when shelving by title, to shelf more broadly by genre, to create an aesthetic when shelving by book color, shape, or format.
I do not do any of these. My bookshelf has five tiers. Each tier is its own category of book.
From top to bottom:
Most important books. Most of these are entire series, but I have one or two singles. They are not my favorite books per se - one of them, for example, was the first Christmas gift I got from my long-time partner. The main series (Skulduggery Pleasant) that takes up the shelf gave me 10-year long brainrot but I wouldn't call it my favorite series or recommend it to most people.
Books to-read. This is pretty self-explanatory, I think. This shelf is further categorized by left-to-right placement; those further left are higher on my to-read list.
Academic. I have an English degree; most of them come from that. (Many of them specifically pertain to my undergrad thesis; these ones are altogether.)
Academic Two. I have a Creative Writing minor as well; these ones tend to be the ones I read for my writing courses. Generally that means they're more contemporary whereas the ones on the shelf above tend to be classics. However, there are philosophy books on this one, too. (I also have a collection of very tall cookbooks that are at one end of this shelf, stacked horizontally. They are their own special subcategory.)
Miscellaneous: I organized this shelf purely based on vibes and space. Some of them are my favs, some of them are just shaped weird and would work better on the shelf than in a box, and some of them are waiting patiently in line to be moved up to shelf #2.
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mbcorvo-author · 1 year
Finally putting the books back on the shelves and sorting them out to remove the ones I don't want anymore, so I can have space for the ones I kept at my mother's.
Do you think that these will make the flimsy bookshelf top-heavy? They should stay lower as they are heavy & on the bookshelf I keep them in alphabetical order by last name of the author... but these are from a local author so I wanted to give them a place of honour lmao
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the first book is thinner but is made with thick paper so it's almost heavy as the bigger 3rd one...
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neonwizardheehee · 1 year
Reblog for a larger sample size :3
(I am fascinated bc ppl have so many different ways for this and I'm curious!!! They all make so much sense tho which makes the whole thing even more interesting :DD)
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mangotalkies · 10 months
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organised all my books today - a day well spent
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pyrriax · 4 months
worlds most unofficial post im just putting it out there that i wrote this :3
there's a second part planned i just had a deadline and the 4k first scene was NOT in the plan. i dont have time . once the second part is written im making an actual post for this fic since its written as a prompt fill for two bingo cards ^_^
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burningvelvet · 9 months
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"I find people appealing like a organized bookshelf"
-me, a aroace
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the---hermit · 1 year
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Send help
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fashionlandscapeblog · 6 months
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Newman Studios
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takeshitakyuuto · 7 months
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Hgsn volume four coming out less than a month after bokuchiki volume five I see the light, my soul is leaving my body
Mokmok Sensei’s original tweet
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mbcorvo-author · 1 year
Me: omg I'm missing some books!
Me, 10 seconds later: ah, right, they are at my mother's.
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franticvampirereads · 19 days
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I did a little reorganization of some of the bookshelves today. There are a couple of gaps where I’ve taken books out to reread or have them on the little shelf stands. 😊
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The big problem with getting my bookshelves up and my books on it is that I am remembering that I used to dream of owning all of the Wheel of Time books in hardcover.
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