#boom soulmates
captainswanfire · 11 months
hmm hmm wicked snowing
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soranker · 1 year
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nightow’s baseball AU….😭😭😭
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caelysiiium · 13 days
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self-established aouboom my most beloved
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anothercrisis · 2 years
When Ghost met Soap, he knew immediately that he wasn’t like any other person he’d ever met before.
There were several things he noticed within the first minute: Soap carried himself confidently with a swagger Ghost had never seen before in their profession; there was a glint in his eyes, an excitement that bordered on crazed that should have seemed out of place; and most importantly, either a lack of self-preservation or an unhealthy amount of fearlessness, because he, unlike so many people before him, dared to touch Ghost.
Despite these observations that gave him a decent picture of the sergeant’s personality, Ghost didn’t realize how quickly he was going to have to adapt to being the maniac Scot’s impulse control.
But it wasn’t like Soap was completely unhinged or irrational. He was actually very smart and trustworthy, which was something Ghost had to acclimate to since he wasn’t used to others being able to handle aspects of the mission without him breathing down their necks.
However, the first solution Soap always proposed, no matter what the scenario or problem, was demolition. Sometimes it was offered half-heartedly, like he knew he was going to be told no but couldn’t stop himself from asking.
Other times, it was an acceptable solution, and Ghost liked the way Johnny lit up when he was told he could demolish something. Ghost liked watching that permanent glint in Soap’s eyes spread to take over his entire expression, his grin sharpening into something crazed. He liked the way Soap’s body started to buzz with energy, as if he himself was the explosive, trembling and ready to blow.
At any given moment, Soap had multiple forms of explosives on his person. It didn’t matter in the slightest if they were on mission or at base. On the rare occasion he didn’t have pre-made ones on hand, it didn’t take him long to whip something together that Ghost could just not believe was stable or safe.
Ghost quickly learned that if he couldn’t hear Soap, then he was getting into trouble, rigging some complicated bomb that had the potential to take a whole section of the base down. He quickly lost track of how many times he’s had to order and beg Soap to disarm his recreational explosives before he got himself hurt or killed.
Every day, Ghost wondered how Soap had survived so long without Ghost around to be his impulse control. How all the mishaps had been avoided or contained. How anything was left standing in Soap’s destructive wake.
And really, Ghost should have seen it coming, with how observant he was by nature. It shouldn’t have surprised him in the slightest that all his mental and emotional barriers crumbled under Soap’s gunpowder-stained hands. Ghost never stood a chance; not against the maniac Scot with a heart of gold big enough for even Simon’s freight of trauma.
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seriost · 9 days
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My favorite version of AouBoom - selfies
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augment-techs · 6 months
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Im sure someone else has already pointed it out a long time ago, but I was rewatching Tango’s pov of double life and
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detroit-become-dyke · 6 months
A soulmate AU where you feel the physical pain your soulmate feels.
Featuring butch!Hank and fem!Connor - inspired by @maddsmallow's art (no I will never shut up about this)
Hank had never for a day in her life felt the physical pain of another human being. Not like every other fucking person on Earth. Nope, the only pain she felt was her own, and that she inflicted with gusto. The drinking, the neglect, the late nights alone in the cold. If the universe didn’t deign to grant Hank the shared pain of another soul, Hank could certainly make up for it without much effort.
Though she spent day after day and night after night stewing in an emotional torment of her own design, Hank never knew what it was like to feel a pain originate from outside her own flesh and blood. That is, until she did.
Hank woke with a start, her heart pounding and her blood rushing like it used to ages ago, when she was chasing down a perp. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Hank growled, her voice scratchy with sleep, but pain laced in every syllable. “What the fuck?” Was this a heart attack? Hank was old, but she wasn’t that old. If it was a heart attack, why did she feel like she was falling? Holy shit, she was falling. She didn’t know how–laid perfectly flat in her king sized bed–but she was definitely falling. She could feel it with every fiber of her being. The beating of her heart, the fear that gripped her chest, and finally, finally, the impact.
“Fuck!” Hank cursed once more, although it was really more of a moan. It felt like every bone in her body had broken, all at once, leaving her prone and breathless in the sheets. A deep sense of panic set in–a realization that she, in fact, was not ready to die. Just as the physical pain was becoming unbearable and Hank teetered on the edge of consciousness, all the pain in her body–apart from the near-constant hangover–abruptly disappeared. The sudden lack of broken bones left Hank gasping for air, and it took her a full five minutes before she felt able to move.
Gently moving first her arms and then her legs, Hank inspected her limbs to verify that they hadn’t indeed been smashed to pieces as her senses had led her to believe. Everything seemed to be intact. Not a grey hair on her body appeared out of place, and the only scars that crossed her skin were ones that had healed long ago.
After several long minutes of laying in bed in silence, stroking a concerned Sumo who had hopped into bed the moment Hank cried out in pain, the inevitable finally occurred to Hank. That was her fucking soulmate’s pain.
Fifty-three years, Hank thought. Fifty-three years without a soulmate. What, were they in a goddamn plastic bubble for all this time and then what, fall off a motherfucking building?
Now with part 2!
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deleahtarte · 6 months
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Was listening to I want her too by Artie J and what will happen if I write about Stan meeting Kyle in college and having a crush on him but he already has a boyfriend. What then??
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throwaway-yandere · 10 months
Everyday I feel like an idiot cuz I'd look up the yandere dimitri tag to see if there are new fics and become a sad puddle when there's nothing when I can just. Write. It. Myself? I can. I can write. Somewhat decently. The frick is stopping me.
And then I remember I have real world responsibilities and the cycle repeats for the next day hAHAHAHHAHA. Aight, going to sleep. It's time for that new samsara.
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i had a dream last night that an autistic guy (I'm also autistic that's how I could tell) came up to me in a highschool or college courtyard, it wasn't clear which, and asked if I wanted to join his minecraft server and then started talking a ton about random shit and then I asked for his snap and he looked taken a back but smiled to the side kinda and then I woke up
it kinda made me wonder if I met someone else in their dream, like he was taken aback in a very human way
anywho if you had a dream about a random guy asking for your snap after you invited him to your minecraft server, I think we might be psychically linked and also I would love to join your minecraft server
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euesworld · 1 year
"Each breath, my heart beats a boom boom for you.. each heartbeat feeds my soul. But my soul can live without a beat, an ever wandering soul touching the stars.. pulsing in the energy of creation. Nearer your smile than ever before, an intimate encounter for sure.. and when the darkness consumes me, I will see your light of eternity."
You are beauty, you are grace.. and it would be so lovely to finally see your face - eUë
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heymrspatel · 2 years
Obsessed how you can just tell Ian and Mickey know it doesn’t get better than eachother in specific interactions they had on screen. Like the dock scene ???? the wedding (obviously) and many more. They know no one will ever make them feel like this. In a sexual way, in a romantic way, in that soulmate kind of way. I love that about them. It’s such a “i know it’s you why waste time on anything else anymore” vibes. My random Sunday thoughts
hi anon i love your random sunday thoughts! and i agree!
attaching myself to the dock scene right now, because i reblogged it earlier today and have been overwhelmed by the thought of them being so HUNGRY in this moment. there was a fire that absolutely came alive when they saw each other on those docks. there is zero doubt to us, as the audience, that these two are meant to be. it’s as if they were absolutely on the brink of starvation and then they saw each other. and finally!!!! yes you!!!! you have been missing even if i tried to make believe you weren’t!!!! YOU!!! and by god did they indulge. they consumed each other!
we saw how they’re IT for one another. sexually and romantically. soulmate shit. once in a lifetime shit. it’s you! you’re my best friend and my lover and my life.
anon what have you done to me?!
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betty-boom · 1 year
today on betty writes the buddie tattoo soulmates au:
you know shit's serious when i make a draft on ao3 to start the 30 day posting window
you know it's extra serious when all my draft chapters have titles
a very vivid depiction of what a few nice tags on my snippet can do
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witchwhaat · 2 years
I have finally watched eeaao
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augment-techs · 3 months
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