#botany brands
stone-cold-groove · 2 years
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Botany 500 fashions for men.
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sweaterbob · 1 year
I'm bouta do some sign flippin on the street and bro gave me free tree that's so live
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shop @ shmackrealm.com so I can buy out this store and go dummy forever
and he does this regularly like weekly so while I'm doing this sign shit and pushing merch I could make them moves 😝🧮
smoke 1 for brook of da straw hats 👒 👌🏾
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bluepeachstudios · 4 months
Ghost in the Shell Update
Read Chapter 3 here!
“Do you like plants as much as Donnie, Ghost?” Mikey asked.
“I lean more into mechanical engineering,” Ghost said. “Donnie does that as well, but he loves biology.”
“Indeed, Angelo,” Donnie said smugly as he studied the fern he’d gasped over a moment ago. He was wearing a brand new purple silk jacket that fitted over his hoodie. “I have more knowledge in botany than even Ghost!”
“But being a genius is always a Donnie thing?” Mikey contemplated.
“I wouldn’t call two points of data ‘always’,” Ghost said. “But we seem to have that in common, yes.”
“Were your brothers like us?” Mikey asked cautiously.
“Hey guys, come here, these flowers look like a bunch of naked guys!” Leo giggled.
Ghost blinked. “There are some differences.”
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smizzy · 2 years
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everybody n they mommas coughin up a storm this month including me..
The day before it had been raining with impossible cold air blowing nonstop
You forgot to double up your sweater when you went out to take a walk with Wednesday
You woke up the next morning feeling like shit with a stuffy nose feeling like you were dying on your bed
You knew taking 2 Tylenol pills would've made you feel less chilly and turned down the ache you had in your muscles
But you hadn't been sick since for several months so you had to go into Jericho just to pick up a bottle
You said fuck that and stayed in your room being absent to your classes hoping sleep would do you justice
Wednesday hadn't seen you in botany class which was weird because you'd come to that class just to be with her almost everyday
So she decided to check up on you after the class ended but oh how she felt her heart shatter (just a little)
You were breathing through your mouth and could hear the wheezy inhales and exhales and she knew you caught a fever
She knew you didn't like syrup cough medicine no matter what brand or flavor so she woke you and made a family 'secret' elixir
Very suspicious about it but you (gaslighted yourself) liked it even though it didn't do much
Knowing how your body is if it has a fever; she almost felt needed to hold you while you went back to sleep
That was cut short when remembering how cold her body is compared to yours now
She was thinking on what to do to make her feel less chilly, from basically rug burning her skin wondering if it'd heat up, to rubbing her hands together, wearing a sweater and a pair of winter gloves
She just wanted to hold you while you're sick she dgaf
Since Enid was out with Ajax in town she asked/forced her to pick up some Tylenol knowing you were gonna get tired of her mother's mother elixir in a couple of days
Surprise! there's arsenic in it
me personally.. I wouldn't take that type of disrespect
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merakiui · 1 year
do you have anymore thoughts you want to share about jade and floyd as professors?
Professor Jade Leech either teaches botany or mycology. He's always on time, never misses a day of class, always follows the syllabus perfectly. His lectures never run late, no matter how enthusiastic he becomes to teach his students about fungi. No one knows anything about his personal life. He wears a ring on his ring finger, but he's never mentioned anything about a spouse. Maybe he does that so other professors will stop asking (i.e. prying). He wears expensive brands, but if anyone asks where he gets the money from he smiles and says something about how he's just a humble professor who is skilled in budgeting and saving. Jade is such an alluring mystery, so it isn't surprising when a few students admire him from afar. But Jade only has eyes for one person: you! Unlike Floyd and his fluffy views of love, Jade has never known love, but he thinks the feelings he has for you are most definitely love. It's a very warm feeling, and it overwhelms him when he raises his camera and catches sweet, oblivious, unsuspecting you in the lens.
Floyd took over the family business (with operations now expanded to land), so he's a criminal. <3 he often crashes at Jade's place when he needs somewhere to rest (i.e. he's running from the police again). Floyd usually has nothing better to do because he doesn't have to work set hours like Jade. He's his own boss, so he can choose if he wants to work or not. As a result, he's stumbled upon Jade's obsession with his student. Floyd likes the pictures Jade takes of you, each one neatly pinned and arranged to a board in his study, so he thinks it'd be fun to visit the university Jade works at and track down his favorite student. If Floyd likes you enough, he might just pay your tuition! But you'll have to do lots of good things for him in return. :) and if you don't, he knows a few fun tricks to get you to reciprocate. Cement shoes look good on you, and he can spend lots of time underwater because he's a mer, circling you like a cutthroat predator as he watches you struggle to hold your breath.
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strxnged · 1 year
TIGHNARI: # something tremendous.
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word count. 1k. genre. brainrotted scenario. potentially platonic or romantic.
overview. life at the akademiya was never what you wanted it to be. you didn't just want to read and report, you wanted to learn, to experience. all it took was sitting through one of tighnari's lectures to spark this into a brand new life.
author's note. i planned to entirely trash this fic, but at the request of @duckymcdoorknob , i finished it and am now posting it. perhaps not the best example of my plot-generating potential, but if you just wanna hang out with tighnari for two minutes, this lil fic is for you.
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Tighnari’s goal had always been to train you, to do his duty as a Forest Watcher and instructor to pass on his knowledge to yet another rookie in the rainforest. As for taking you on as his apprentice, he hadn’t exactly foreseen it, but it was necessary and reasonable. The fondness he grew for you, unlike that which he’d had for anyone before you, however, was far from what he might have predicted.
He met you on one of the days he requested to give a lecture on a Forest Watcher's duties, after which you approached him with a question. An innocent question, indeed, but not a common one. “Master,” you said, “is there any chance you might teach us about more complex herbal medicines in future sessions?”
He raised an eyebrow at you. “Perhaps I must clarify. You do realize, young scholar, that my specialty lies in botany and ecology, not pharmaceutical sciences, don’t you? Anything I may have mentioned during my talk was only to illuminate differences between species, as well as highlight practical uses of common ones.”
“I realize this, yes,” you said, “but your knowledge already surpasses that which I have accumulated during four years of study.”
“Is that so?”
You nodded briefly. “I studied medicine at the Akademiya, but found it all a bit cold and detached. As interested as I am in the subject, I cannot learn under such underwhelming conditions. Friends referred me to you and your practices, advising me that if I didn’t like libraries and desks I would be better off in the rainforest cleaning statues of bird feces.”
Tighnari lightly sucked air in through his teeth at this. “Your friends may not have meant well by such counsel.”
You tilted your head, as if such a thing hadn’t occurred to you. “Perhaps not. But I cannot believe that, because of how I enjoyed your lecture.” You shook your head, smiling assuredly. “No, I am quite sure they knew this would be best.”
“And you are interested in herbal medicine?”
You shrugged. “It’s what I have the most background in. But… really, I feel as if I could be interested in anything, if I were to learn it from you.”
Such a comment of flattery—of interest—was hardly rare, but there was something grappling about the way you had sat through his lecture, hanging on every word as if it might change your life… The Forest Watcher scrutinized your expression, looking for any hint of ill-intent. Satisfied to find none but a sparkle of curiosity, he laughed. “Alright, then. I suppose we’ll meet again soon.”
“Master, you haven’t answered my question!”
“You’ll find out the answer soon enough.”
The following morning, you found an envelope addressed “to the young scholar,” below which was your name, and inside, a succinct letter requesting your presence that afternoon for an “herb-securing excursion.”
From there, you went from a new pupil to an apprentice… to a dear friend. You managed to shed the title of “young scholar” quickly enough, as your remark upon how similar your ages most likely were had been met with an obliging “you may be right” — but you did not escape, nor intend to escape, the seniority he held over you. You remained a humble and dilligent apprentice, striving first to learn and second to lessen his workload in ways that you could.
Once, a quarrel broke out between the two of you because of this secondary habit of yours. He was just arriving home, the sun barely disappeared behind the hill, and you were tending to the greenery just outside his hut.
“As my apprentice, I know you take on as much as you can to learn. But you must stick to your own duties.”
“You’re tired, Master,” you pleaded. “I see it every day when you finish with everyone, when you finally drop your mask at the doorway of your own home.”
“It means I’ve worked myself hard enough. It isn’t something for you to be concerned with.”
“I just want to help, Tighnari. I just want to repay you somehow.”
Tighnari’s chest tightened and he gazed at your earnest expression. People like you were the people that made it worth it. People like you were the reason he could hold it together, and love his job. “I think that means you’ve learned all I can teach you.”
Your mouth opened but no words came out.
“Would you like to take on a full Ranger position? I won’t pester you so much anymore, and you will be able to declare your own responsibilities. Gandharva Ville is in need of a nurse.”
You drew your mouth into a line, processing. He was offering you a position, but at the same time… “Are you trying to get rid of me? You’re going to station me in the village and forget about me?”
Tighnari shook his head, a green twinkle in his eye. “No, of course not. You would come along on our excursions. You would take on the role of tending to fellow rangers as well as anyone we may encounter who is in need of care.”
You gasped. “R-really? Tighnari, you mean that?”
He smiled gently. His soft ears flattened sideways, and you knew he was in earnest. “Yes. Now, leave my plants be, as I prefer to tend to them myself, and get a good night’s sleep. You’ll start tomorrow.”
You smiled widely at him, feeling relieved and elated.
“Hurry along now. Don’t gawk, Forest Nurse.”
You bowed out and walked along the path to the hut you were staying in. This was far from what you had expected your life to become; and he was far from the person you thought you would form such a respect for. You paused under a lampstand, and turned around once more to catch one more glance of him.
Tighnari was tending to his plants as he had said, leaned over to inspect the stem of a flower. He seemed to sense your eyes on him, and turned his head up the path. He sent you an encouraging, perhaps expectant, smile.
You briefly smiled back and turned back to your walk. Something told you that this was only the beginning of something tremendous.
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thanks for reading! reblogs are always appreciated :)
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archaiclumina · 2 months
Because I am such a lucky duck °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ @iron-sparrow and @viiioca °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ tagged me in this banger meme again! So I get to do it for Oli after all \o/ ₊⊹♡ Thank you both for thinking of me!! ₊⊹♡
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Name: Oliviede Ebrelnaux (Phonetic: OH-LIHV-ee-yee-dah EHB-rel-NAH)
Nicknames: Just Oli
Age: 35
Nameday: 21st Sun of the Sixth Umbral Moon
Gender: Female, although non-binary wouldn't be wrong either, really.
Orientation: Asexual.
Profession: Travelling herbalist/alchemist. Occasional anthropogeologist.
physical aspects
Hair: Black with a few wisps of grey here and there.
Eyes: Mossy green
Skin: Pale.
Tattoos/scars: An assortment of artistic branding and scarification, self-administered. Oli has brands on her palms, sternum, biceps and Achilles heels, currently. She will likely acquire more designs over her body as time goes on.
Parents: Father, Astervain Ebrelnaux Mother, Orella Ebrelnaux nee Cordwyk
Siblings: None. Interracial mixing is considered kind of a taboo by the games canon and so I assumed Oli's parents were nice enough not to put another kid through all that.
Grandparents: Grandfather, Fernerin Ebrelnaux Grandmother, Amianne Ebrelnaux nee Contillaud
Grandfather, Wyat Cordwyk Grandmother, Tilla Cordwyk nee Kemp
In-laws and Other: For some context, Most of Oli's family died in the Calamity. Her Aunt on her Mother's side is her only living relative, and Ermina and Orella had fallen out a few years prior to the fall of Dalamud. Her Aunt married a fellow survivor of the Calamity who had lost his wife and became step-mother of his two young children. They live in Eastern Thanalan, and Oli's Aunt is a member of the Alchemist's Guild in Ul'dah. But, thanks to the past difficulties between her Mother and Aunt, Oli has a strained relationship with the surviving members of her family. But, here they are! Aunt, Ermina Cooke nee Cordwyk Uncle, by marriage, Ricard Cooke Cousins, by marriage not blood, Willem Cooke, Edila Cooke.
Pets: None, unless you count Chessie, which you can. However Oli see's Chessie much more like a person than a pet.
Abilities: Alchemy, botany, herbalism, aetherofloraculture and horticulture, conjuration magic, a really mean left hook.
Hobbies: Gardening, baking, making perfume, listening to Cyfrenne gossip and tutting appropriately, babysitting Callineaux on field work assignments, helping Leon name his mammets.
Most Positive Trait: Very patient!
Most Negative Trait: Very patient.
Colors: Oli's favorite colour is yellow, however she wears it rarely. She is more prone to wearing earthy tones, deep browns, greys and creams, greens, a rust red here and there.
Smells: Patchouli, basil, petrichor, fresh bread, copper
Textures: Autumn leaves, river stones, finely spun gauze, heated metal
Drinks: Tea with a slice of lemon, apple juice, Gin Bramble
other details
Smokes: Not habitually, but yes, she usually has some on her. Primarily herbal cigarettes like clove, or in-universe equivalents of mugwort or coltisfoot.
Drinks: Socially or for ritualistic reasons.
Drugs: Socially or for ritualistic reasons.
Mount Issuance: Oli's mount is a Chocobo named Chessie. An old, barren breeding mare that was among the bo's that fled from Ishgard into the Shroud. As the bird wasn't much use to Bentbranch, she bought her from them, and Chessie has traveled with her just about everywhere since. Chessie is short for Chestnut, and though I haven't gotten around to dying her in-game mount, I headcanon Chessie's feathers have taken on a darker tan as she's aged, which is why Oli gave her that name.
Been Arrested: No, Oli's always kept her head down because she's half-Hyur and that's what her parents and extended family always told her to do. She got pulled up a few times for fighting in both Ul'dah and Dravania during her studies, (because she isn't the best with conflict and using her words to communicate feelings like anger.) But she's never had to spend any time behind bars.
Thank you both so much for the tags! It was fun to do this again with Oli! <3 I will try to tag a few folks who might not have had a chance to do this yet, or who I think have alts they might like to do it with! As always, absolutely no pressure if you've already done it/don't want to!
˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖@aislingsurrow, @dumb-hat, @thefreelanceangel, @brazenshieldffxiv, @gatheredfates, @riftdancing, @starforger, @sealrock, @cantspelldragoonwithoutgoon, @shroudkeeper, @starres-stuff, and @houserosaire ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖
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lunarfied · 1 year
WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP ME ? ; friends
introducing the skittle squad ☆
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characters ;
y/n: you are a social work major, wanting to better the lives of those in need. you are on your second year of studying your degree. after your particularly rough breakup, you went through a phase where you decided to stream online to find people similar to you, landing you to your current day semi content creator friend group. you’re also a faceless streamer! mostly streaming hand cams or having venti sit behind the camera for you.
lumine: she is a marketing business major, a real saving grace for when you started to get sponsored and needed help with deciding what brands to show off. they love traveling with their twin brother, aether, and sends you postcards everytime they are out of town (which is often). she also loves dancing, and takes classes for ballroom dance on the side. she doesn't stream, but will crash their brothers streams to dump water on him.
kaeya: a cosmetology major, he will critcize your split ends and dry skin as his way of showing how much he loves you. kaeya was the first friend you made in college that paved the way to get to know everyone else in your group. while he doesn't stream, he has a lot of followers throughout various social media sites for his creative hair and makeup looks.
diluc: kaeya's older sibling. he graduated with a business degree in accounting where you two met prior to your friend group expanding. she was always the leader in group projects the two of you did, so it wasn't a surprise when she told you she inherited his father's wine company. while kaeya and diluc butt heads everytime you force them to be in the same room together, they care about you and have shown their support throughout your growing online career. oh, and you always make sure to bribe diluc to let you take some alcohol home when you visit.
keqing: studying political science as well as minoring in history, keqing is no stranger to blowing her friends off to cram in a last minute study session. while she doesn't mean to come off as rude doing so, she may have lost a few friends over the years because her degree comes before everything else. thankfully, you didn't give up and have continued to stick by her side. she won't admit it, but she's glad to have you as a friend and be the main reason she is dating her childhood crush. while her social media presence is limited, keqing will gladly post pictures and videos about her girlfriend.
ganyu: they study international business as their major, but also communications as a minor. a busy woman indeed, ganyu believes she doesn't have enough time on her hands to study everything she needs to. in comes you, who has helped ganyu to relax and find the joy in the small things of life. not only that but you single-handedly helped ganyu to confess her longterm crush on her current girlfriend, keqing. so you get extra pats on the back for that. she likes to stream cooking, baking, anything related to her side passion about making food for others. you often asked her why she didn't become a professional chef with how well she could cook, but ganyu doesn't budge, and decided to go down the workaholic route.
tighnari: he is a botany plant biology major and a dedicated father of many, many plants. unlikely friends, it seemed at first, with his sarcasm outweighing your desire to get to know him any further until you found him in the back of one of the school buildings crying over his dead plant. he's very sweet and caring at heart, but likes to annoy everyone with his knowledge and wits, which, by now, you're used to. he accidentally got famous online when his boyfriend turned on his stream and told a string of shitty jokes that went viral and now streams usually with his boyfriend or younger sister in the background.
ayaka: marine biology major, though on the side she is not only famous online but in the real world too. she debuted as a figure skater when she was younger and has garnered a fanbase ever since, a passion she has never discarded. the kamisato company is big in maintaining international business affairs and while she'll eventually run the company, her older brother ayato has taken the stress off her shoulders for now to allow her some freedom to do what she wants. the two of you met at a mutual club meeting you had, and her smile was infectious - how could you not be her friend?
venti: ah, him. a musical theater major who dropped out by his third year, why? because they were spending all their money on alcohol and useless nonsense, if it weren't for you taking him in, venti would probably be out on the streets. while it's technically not allowed for her to be roommates with you... nobody needs to find out! venti is your best friend and your ride or die, wherever you go, he's closely following. either that or they're drunk somewhere in diluc's home.
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notes: idk if it is obvious but ive never gone to college so if the majors dont make sense im sorry pookies i researched i swear it also doesn't really matter in this au what their majors are lol jus making them more human if you're confused about me using diff pronouns for certain characters check their locations these are headcanons esp on diluc bc i told my bestie i'd make diluc transfem in this au giggles plus all the archons have like no gender anyways so genderfluid venti supremacy childe will be in scara's friend group list because they're bff's (reluctantly)!! just know that the roommates are - y/n, venti, childe and soon to be scara teehee
🏷️: @machiroll
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myreia · 2 months
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— B A S I C S
Name: Aureia Malathar Nicknames: Aur Age: 28 at the start of ARR, 38 in 6.x. Nameday: 30th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon Race: half-elezen (wildwood), half-hyur (midlander) Gender: female [she/her] Orientation: biromantic asexual Profession: warrior of light, battlemage-for-hire, former spy/operative
— P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C T S
Hair: black with red streaks Eyes: red Skin: pale Tattoos/scars: arcane brand burned into her back
— F A M I L Y
Parents: Elgara Theorzen (deceased, killed in Bozja), Ariv Theorzen (deceased, killed in Garlemald) Siblings: Kallias Theorzen (twin brother), currently alive Grandparents: deceased, names unknown In-laws and Other: married Thancred post-5.0. (impulsive decision, definitely happened too soon), considers Ryne her daughter, considers Urianger her brother Pets: Filo (chocobo), Panu (carbuncle), Isa (white whittret), Nutkin (nutkin)
— S K I L L S
Abilities: DRK/GNB | WHM/SGE | RPR/DRG | MCH | BLM/RDM Hobbies: botany (she's not good at it), training & learning new combat techniques, hiking, wandering in busy cities and taking it all in, river boating, collecting weapons, collecting earrings & rings, magical research
— T R A I T S
Most Positive Traits: determined, self-assured, inquisitive, compassionate for those forgotten and those left behind, loves fiercely and deeply Most Negative Traits: reckless, impulsive, selfish, abrasive, doesn't trust easily, prone to keeping secrets
— L I K E S
Colours: black, dark red, dark blue, silver Smells: the woods after rainfall, pine, the smokiness of a good campfire, saffron, a hint of citrus, the spice of street food in a busy market Textures: supple leather, polished wood, soft snowfall Drinks: tea, coffee, lemon water, orange juice
— O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: no Drinks: formerly yes, became an alcoholic in Stormblood, is now in recovery and doesn't drink Drugs: no Mount Issuance: Filo accompanies her almost everywhere; she has an amaro on the First (currently unnamed names are hard); occasionally rides a motorcycle or drives another vehicle; when she wants to show off, she shows up on a firebird Been Arrested: yes (several times) 🙃
Tagged by: @ardberts thank you!!! 🖤✨ Tagging: @birues @ishgard @wind-up-nhaama @roguelioness @tsunael @ahollowgrave
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zeke-in-devildom · 3 months
Dissonance - Chapter 16: Lilith and Twins
As it turned out, he had started on a Tuesday. On Tuesdays and Thursdays he had Arithmancy, Pactology, Potions, and Devildom Law. He only had the last class on those days with Simeon and Luke. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday however, he had Devildom History, Curses and Hexes, Seductive Speechcraft, Devildom Botany, Art, and Divination - the only one of those classes that he didn’t share with Simeon and Luke was Seductive Speechcraft. He supposed it made sense the angels wouldn’t be in that class, but was really cursing his luck at having so many classes with the criminally beautiful angel.
Thankfully he was able to control his reaction much better the second time they met, and it got easier by the day. Yes, he still found Simeon stupidly, sinfully attractive, but he could ignore it for the most part. He even decided that the angel was nice, but he sensed a lot of sadness, regret, and anger in him. That was surprising to him, but maybe it shouldn’t have been. It seemed even angels weren’t immune to misfortune.
Overall Zeke was amazed at how easily he settled into his new life. 
Classes were interesting, his classmates became marginally less hostile, there were no further attempts to attack him, and getting to know the brothers, angels, and Solomon was fun. Mammon was in more of his classes than most of the other brothers, and while he was definitely a slacker and could be distracting, class with Mammon was never boring. Curses and Hexes with Satan, Simeon, and Luke actually became his fast favorite class. Luke was apprehensive at first, but once he offered to work with him the little angel came around surprisingly quickly. It was obvious that Luke was extremely prejudiced against demons, but he knew demons and angels used to be mortal enemies, so he kind of understood.
Divination seemed like it was going to be stupidly easy for him. He had the class with Satan, Simeon, Luke, and Solomon. His mentor marveled at how quickly he picked up the various tools and techniques. It wasn’t as if Zeke was even trying. His psychic abilities were simply well suited to the art of divination. Simeon also seemed quite adept. Zeke wasn’t sure why he was so surprised that his psychic intuition made this easy. He had prophetic dreams sometimes, divination was already a talent of his apparently - reading tea leaves or tarot cards came naturally to him.
Homework was a breeze with Satan’s assistance, which he always readily gave, and when not doing homework together they often would read in each other’s company, then discuss their respective books. They traded book recommendations, Satan introduced him to all the local stray cats around both the House of Lamentation and RAD, and went to various cafés together - usually ones with cats much to Zeke’s delight.
When he wasn’t with Satan after school, he was taking magic lessons with Solomon, which was usually at Purgatory Hall. Simeon and Luke always made tea and snacks for them to share while they studied and practiced. After the first few lessons he noticed that Simeon would make him vanilla, caramel, or mocha lattes - depending on the accompanying dessert - instead of tea. It seemed very on brand for an angel to be so sweet and considerate. Although the brothers seemed just as eager to do things to make him happy or cater to his tastes. It was probably sad that he found it so strange for other people to want to make him happy.
Late in the evenings he would often find himself in Lucifer’s study, simply reading while the eldest did paperwork, or often bringing him coffee, tea, or snacks. Zeke watched Lucifer take care of everyone else, and it made him want to look out for the demon, even if only in small, insignificant ways and even if he didn’t really need it. His pride demon didn’t say it outright, but he could tell that his company and care were appreciated. 
His nights and wee hours of the morning were mostly spent studying, writing, or in Levi’s room watching anime or playing video games. Sometimes Beel and Belphie would drag him to bed and the Avatar of Sloth would force him to sleep, but Zeke couldn’t really be too annoyed about it. He never dreamed when Belphie cuddled up to him in his sleep. 
The weekends were full of shopping with Asmo and Mammon, who both insisted on buying him far too much of everything. Zeke had never owned so many clothes, accessories, or beauty products before. When the shopping was done, there was plenty of sight-seeing. Satan liked taking him to museums and art galleries, Levi took him to the aquarium, he got to see a Devildom movie with Beel and Belphie, and Lucifer even took him to the theater to see a live play, followed by dinner at Ristorante Six, which was apparently a very fancy and expensive upscale restaurant.
Before he even knew it, Zeke had been in the Devildom for almost four weeks. It was a jarring revelation. He felt more at home and more content with each passing day. That worried him. He was becoming complacent. This was a passing daydream that he would eventually have to wake up from, it was something he needed to remember. It was already too late for him. Just the thought of going back to the human world, back to being alone and empty and bitter, made his heart squeeze painfully. 
He liked it here. No, he loved it here. Sure, he still didn’t quite fit in, but only because he was human, not because people thought he was crazy. Everything was new and exciting, his classes interested him, living with the brothers was doing wonders for his health overall - between being forced to eat and sleep semi-regularly instead of neglecting himself completely in favor of work. Most of all, he never felt truly alone in the House of Lamentation. Even when one of the brother’s wasn’t by his side, he could feel the house’s presence surrounding him in a comforting feeling of belonging.
It was one of those odd moments where none of the brothers was with him that he found himself passing by a place in the upper hallway that always felt just a little strange to him. He was reminded of Lucifer’s secret study whenever he passed that section of wall. There was a decorative pattern, but when his curiosity had him looking closer Zeke realized there were words written there.
When the morning star dwelt in the heavens, 
its light show down upon this on, 
sparkling brilliantly, 
the eighth of the eight.
Well if years of writing mystery novels had taught him anything, it was that he was definitely looking at a riddle, and not a particularly difficult one at that. The morning star was obviously Lucifer. The eighth of eight? Well there were seven brothers, but Zeke knew that there was also a sister, he had felt her death in one of his nightmares. 
There could be only one answer.
“Lilith.” Zeke breathed the word in a quiet whisper, uncertain what exactly was about to happen. Bright light blinded him, forcing him to shield his eyes. When the light faded, he was no longer in the hallway. It didn’t even look like he was still in the Devildom. Gentle sunlight streamed in through large, arched windows lined with sheer white curtains. The walls were a soft green, the picture frames a gilded gold.
Although he knew for a fact that he had never actually stood in that room before, Zeke instinctively knew exactly where he was. This was Lilith’s room in the Celestial Realm. Well, a replica of it hidden magically hidden within the House of Lamentation, at any rate. Who knew about it? Lucifer, obviously, but what of the others? None of them had ever mentioned it before, and he was sure he wasn’t supposed to be there.
When he turned to leave a wave of dizziness hit him and he reached up to clutch his head as it throbbed sharply. His vision blurred as he struggled to keep his feet, but the pain was so intense and he couldn’t see. It felt like he was plunged underwater, unable to breathe, his ears full of a rushing sound.
Suddenly he felt that familiar sensation of falling, and the phantom pain that seared through a wing he didn’t have. It was her again. Why would he be shown this? He didn’t want to feel her die again! He couldn’t watch her die again.
Zeke forced his eyes open and suddenly he was no longer falling, but his eyes widened in horror. There was twisted wreckage all around him. He recognized the car. It used to be his father’s SUV, now little more than mangled metal. There were tiny cries coming from inside. He was rooted to the spot, he squeezed his eyes shut, not wanting to see this. The cries didn’t stop. He covered his ears, but he could still here his own tiny voice begging for his parents to help him because it hurt and he was so, so scared and Eliza wasn’t answering him - pleas that would never be answered.
Sensing light behind his eyelids he forced them open. He still couldn’t move, but he saw her kneeling there beside the remains of the vehicle. Lilith had her wings outstretched to shield him, as she reached into the car and gently pulled him from his booster seat, shushing him soothingly. Zeke didn’t remember this, didn’t remember her being there that day, but he also had no doubt that this wasn’t some twisted imagination of his. Why did she only help him? Eliza needed her too!
Rescue crews arrived, they took his tiny, broken body away, off to the hospital that would save his life. They rushed Eliza away too, but he knew she would not make it. His chest ached with something hollow and cold, something only anger at the world and the unfairness of it all had ever eased - if only slightly. Why did she die when he got to live? He was her big brother, damnit! It wasn’t fair! It wasn’t fair! It wasn’t fair!
Why did his parents leave him alone? 
Zeke knew it wasn’t their fault, but of all the spirits that had caused him grief over his life, theirs had never once come. They moved on and left him all alone in the world without so much as a goodbye. Eliza had never come either, but he could hardly blame her. He never could be angry with her, not even for a second. She was the other half of his soul, after all. 
His twin.
“ELIZA! ELIZA! ELIZA!” He screamed her name until he was hoarse, until he felt hands grabbing at him and concerned voices calling his name as they shook him. Zeke thrashed in their hold, fighting to move, to do something, anything to change what he knew could not be undone.
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gaynaturalistghost · 11 months
hello there!! i really enjoy your art and your cool informative posts about plants! :) your depiction of poison ivy is one of my favs ever. this might seem pretty random, but I'm working on a harlivy fanfiction, and i was wondering if i could consult you regarding some of ivy's character details, her ecoterrorism and the like? if you're okay with paypal, i'd be happy to pay you for your time. but no pressure, of course! have a good one!
Ah thank you! <3 and yeah feel free to send me a message! I’ll put some stuff here others might be interested in.
There’s a good piece on the history of ecoterrorism, an era known as ‘The Green Scare’. Here’s a link to that piece you can also find under the title ‘THE GREEN SCARE: How a Movement That Never Killed Anyone Became the FBI’s No. 1 Domestic Terrorism Threat’.
So as you may have inferred ‘ecoterrorism’ is a complicated topic. Most people get branded as ecoterrorists for really dumb reasons (or very upsetting reasons, like LEGALLY protecting the rights of indigenous peoples and their land). In that paper a few people broke into an office and left a gigantic tree stump. which is… kinda funny tbh. Low-level Shenanigans.
In one case, two people hung up 2 posters in the lobby of a oil and gas company’s building. There was glitter on it, some glitter fell off, so they took the posters down after a few minutes and apologized to the janitor. They were charged with a “terrorism hoax” which has a max penalty of 10 yrs. The cops kept saying there was a “panic” that this glitter was a biological agent and that the 2 people were covered in shit which I can not figure out why they lied about that? Possibly to corroborate that they looked “homeless” (one was just a grad student. Super weird).
So yeah I 100% believe Ivy would be branded as an ecoterrorist the moment she did something slightly inconvenient or impolite. Which is part of why I don’t like her depicted as a genuinely misanthropic villain bc that’s more of what “ecoterrorists” are painted to be by the FBI and other groups, and not what they really are. I think it’s really damaging propaganda that especially hurts indigenous people who are worried about the health of their communities. Indigenous rights and science are intimately tied to botany and the way we study it.
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midnightsun-if · 8 months
I wonder what do the Family like the most/ dislike the most about the modern world?
Helena: She likes how easy it is to access information now. How knowledge is right at her fingertips, it’s something she’s eternally grateful for (especially due to her company). // She dislikes how loud and chaotic everything is now, how jumbled places seem to be.
Saraya: She likes being able to expand her own interests in whatever direction she may choose. Of course, she still sticks to botany and plants, magical and otherwise, in general, but she likes having the knowledge that she’d be able to if she wished. // She dislikes looking back on some of the places she remembers when she was younger, when they were almost brand new, and being reminded of how much time has passed. (It’s not necessarily the modern world, but the fact that things, certain events, have gone by so quickly but yet so slowly.)
Cienna: She likes that supernaturals no longer have to hide within the modern world. // She dislikes that supernaturals no longer have to hide within the modern world.
Persephone: She likes the internet, it’s made expanding her interests so much easier. Her Etsy store is something she cherishes so greatly and it wouldn’t be possible without it. // She dislikes how technology does seem to have a hold on a lot of people. How real, face-to-face, conversation seems to be slipping through the cracks.
Christian: He likes the newest forms of transportation, funnily enough. Being around when the train was invented, the car, the airplane, etc. It’s so fascinating to him to see how it’s grown even more within the modern world. // He dislikes how none of the shows that he watches now have the same vibe of some of the classic ones that he adores so much— not that they’re bad… It’s just hard to get used to.
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brightgnosis · 4 months
What resource would you recommend to someone just learning to grow their own herbs or garden?
Most states have some kind of a "[State] Gardener's Handbook" guides (like Oklahoma, or Kansas, California, etc). And there's also "[Region] Gardener's Handbook" guides (like Midwestern, or Northwestern, etc). These are a fantastic place to start if you're in the states, and you're brand new to gardening (if you're not in the states, it's worth looking for equivalents. But obviously I can't help you).
If you get a good quality one, they'll tell you a lot of things: Plants that are suited to and grow well in your area, unique issues you'll face in your location, common soil types and weather patterns for the region, and a lot more; things you typically won't get from most regular / generic gardening advice (not that there's anything wrong with generic, but you also need specific too- and you can then apply the 101 gardening information you get elsewhere on top of the specifics).
In regards to generic resources: Better Homes and Gardens and Reader's Digest have been around for a long time, and are usually fairly solid resources if you want stuff that's simple and easy to digest- but which are maybe not always realistic or easily applicable everywhere. These are for home gardeners that don't plan on getting "too deep" into things, though; people who don't care about botany, soil science, and all the proper and Academic, and the like (Which is fine! You genuinely don't have to go that deep).
And of course, you need to know your Grow Zone. Knowing your Heat Zone is also super helpful- though not a lot of people know about this new one, and most companies don't provide this information in relation to their plants yet. Likewise, knowing your Average Chill Hours and Average Frost Dates is also important, because that determines your Growing Season (how long you have in the year to grow most- and what- things).
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spirkme915 · 1 year
No Way in Hell
idk what this is, but here it is! @remusmoonshinezine posted a super sad fic a few days ago and i needed a massive dose of fluff, so i ended up writing this. it's pretty much spirk fluff & crack (from bones' pov) and i have so many regrets, but, apparently, not much shame. Edit: Now cross-posted to ao3
Leonard doesn’t have to look up from his padd to understand that the only question he needs to ask is, “Do I want to know?”
Jim is hovering outside his office door - shifting from foot to foot, indecisive - and, really, that’s indication enough that something has gone horribly wrong. Not life-threatening wrong, no - Jim is eerily calm when that particular dam is breached. And if it was something Jim could fix on his own then he would be holed up somewhere licking his wounds. God knows Jim doesn’t willingly visit sickbay unless it’s for a drink and a semi-tolerant ear as the captain moons over his untouchable first officer.
So, whatever happened, it’s somewhere in that mushy middle ground between death and pining.
“You probably should know, but…”
Leonard sighs, looks up. He’s on his feet - hypo in hand - before he’s thought to move. “Good god, man. What did you do? Stick a hornet in your eye?”
“Something like that.”
The hypo hisses as Leonard injects an antihistamine, then he’s poking at prodding at Jim’s eye, making sure that it’s only the lid and surrounding tissue that’s swollen up like a goddamn helium balloon and not the eye itself. Jim doesn’t protest the intrusion and that, more than anything, sets off Leonard’s internal Red Alert.
He steps back and targets Jim with his best time-to-‘fess-up glare. “There’s nothing in your eye and there aren’t any marks.”
“There, uh, wouldn’t be.” Jim blinks as the swelling begins to recede. “Am I good to go?”
“Am I going to get any answers out of you?”
Jim swivels on his heel, heading for door. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
“And I’ll take that as a no,” he grumbles under his breath as Jim hightails it out of sickbay. He presses the comm button. “Sickbay to Spock.”
“Spock here.”
“I just gave the captain a heavy dose of antihistamines. He’ll be out for the night and should be good to go for Alpha tomorrow, but here’s your heads up in case you need to take the conn.”
A pause. “Understood, Doctor.”
Leonard rolls his eyes to the heavens. Jim waxing poetic about Vulcan agility and strength he can take; Spock’s brand of pining makes his head hurt.
“He’s fine. If you want to check on him later, though, go for it.”
“I will do so, Doctor.”
Leonard clicks off the comm before he mutters, “Of course you will.”
Goddamn idiots in charge of the ship. He isn’t paid enough for this.
He’s battling the computer over requisition forms the next time Jim shows up at his door. This time, his erstwhile captain is looking guiltier than the groom at a shotgun wedding.
Leonard surveys where Jim has his shirt-sleeves hiked up - skin on both arms spotted with hives. He glances at the garbled supply forms on his screen and briefly envies the tech department - their patients aren’t sentient.
He gives in to his fate and shuts off his screen. “Let me guess. Arm-wrestling with a cactus?”
“I haven’t been in the botany lab today.”
“Then you were ritually bathing your arms in Caitian milk.”
“What? I don’t know where I’d even get that -“
“The source is literally in the name, Jim.”
“- and anyway, isn’t that supposed to be beneficial for Human skin?”
“Not yours.” Leonard gets up from his chair, waving at Jim to come closer. “When did it start?”
“My apologies, Doctor,” Spock says as he suddenly appears in the doorway like a damn wraith. “I was notified that you are having difficulties with your terminal.”
“And tech sent you?”
“You are not known for your ‘bedside manner,’ particularly when you are experiencing frustration. To employ one of your colloquialisms, you ‘scare the pants off them’ in such circumstances.”
That’s actually…fair.
Leonard waves in Spock then refocuses on Jim. “You. Talk.”
“It started about thirty minutes ago. It was just one hive on my right hand and I ignored it, then…”
Despite the lingering nature of that sentence, Leonard is well aware Jim ain’t gonna finish it. Especially since his crush is leaned over a desk only footsteps away. Quite frankly, it’s a miracle he has Jim’s attention at all.
He sighs.
“Look, Jimmy boy. You gotta give me something to work with here.”
“Do I?”
Leonard has a hypo to Jim’s neck faster than Jim can rethink his shit-eating grin.
“Ow, Bones!”
“Serves you right. Get out of my sickbay.”
He doesn’t bother to tell Jim not to come back unless he’s willing to talk. It’s a threat with no teeth and Jim knows it. Even though he may question his life choices on an hourly basis - sometimes minute-by-minute - hitching his horse to Jim’s wagon is one of the best decisions he ever made. He’ll never tell Jim that outright, but he supposes that keeping the golden boy of Starfleet alive, despite his shenanigans, is proof enough.
He watches Jim saunter out - rubbing at his neck as he goes - then turns around. “Verdict, Mr. Spock?”
“I believe the captain will recover just as well as he did the last time. However, I have shared with him that it would be prudent to uncover the underlying cause for his reactions. It appears he has…rejected my advice.”
Leonard narrows his eyes. “I was talking about the computer.”
Spock freezes. Blinks. “Ah yes. I have found the error and rectified it.”
“Great. Now, tell me again why the first officer of the flagship is fixing my computer instead of a cadet?”
“My work is now complete, therefore the question is immaterial. Good evening, Doctor.”
As if it weren’t already ratcheted sky-high, the haughtiness factor flies off the charts when Spock stands, hands clasped behind his back. Even the door seems to swish shut more dramatically than usual.
Leonard isn’t fooled.
Spock came here to check up on Jim, and whatever Spock thinks Jim’s doing - or, hell, knows Jim’s doing - it’s something he doesn’t approve of. Add in the fact that Jim must know that Spock knows, because loverboy didn’t give the object of his obsession even a hint of a glance, and it all adds up to trouble. Possibly heartbreak. Definitely cattiness.
“Nope,” Leonard says out loud. He pops open his liquor cabinet, grabs a bottle, then props his feet up on his desk. “There is no way in hell I’m getting involved in that.”
God. Fucking. Dammit.
He’s going to have to get involved.
Jim is standing by the replicators, tray in hand, leaning in as he talks with a visiting Vulcan scientist. On the surface it would seem like any of the hundreds of professional encounters Jim has every day, but Jim’s lips are swollen. Which they definitely weren’t an hour ago, when Leonard just happened to catch Jim waltzing into the labs to greet said visiting Vulcan scientist.
It’s possible it’s another allergic reaction - one minor enough that Jim didn’t seek out Leonard’s help - but the cacophonous silence and phaser beam glare of his table mate tell him otherwise.
Spock hasn’t looked away from Jim and the Vulcan scientist since they walked in together.
Has he mentioned that the visiting Vulcan scientist - who spent the last hour alone with Jim in the lab and now Jim has swollen lips - is a Vulcan?
“So,” he says. “How about that Surak guy, huh? He really put that can-do attitude into Vulcan.”
Not even a hint of a disdainful twitch.
Leonard heaves a sigh.
And he thought suffocating, vaporized blood, and death were the worst things that could happen to him in space.
He’s going to have to get involved.
Despite being the emotionless one, it’s clear to Leonard what Spock’s thinking. It’s Jim he can’t get a handle on.
He has even less of a grasp when he walks into Jim’s quarters to find that the captain’s lips have morphed into grapefruits. He has his tricorder in one hand and his hypo in the other in two steps. Thankfully, he doesn’t need an additional appendage in order to deploy his righteous indignation.
“Can you breathe?”
Jim nods. “It’s just my lips not my tongue or throat.”
“Good. Then you’re not in immediate danger.”
He unleashes a flurry of hyposprays on Jim’s neck until Jim is swatting him away. “What the hell, Bones?”
“Me?” Leonard yells. “What the hell are you doing?”
Jim blinks. His lips flap. “What?”
Leonard grits his teeth. He’s surrounded by beings with the emotional intelligence of a turnip. “I thought that your lips were swollen from kissing one certain Vulcan, but this…” He reviews the tricorder readings again, frowns. “This doesn’t make any sense.”
“Wait. You knew?”
He scoffs. “You made it pretty damn obvious.”
“You can’t tell Spock.”
“You think Spock doesn’t know?”
“Shit. That’s why -“ Jim shakes his head. “I was trying to be discreet.”
Discreet my ass, is what he wants to say. But the hangdog expression on Jim’s face tells him that Jim is already chasing his tail. If Jim thinks he’s going to lure Spock in with jealousy, then he’s got another thing coming to him.
“Look. I know you think you know what you’re doing here -“ Jim opens his mouth to protest that and Leonard glares at him until those flappy lips close. “But you have a reputation that you and I both know isn’t accurate or deserved - relationships mean something to you. And as far as I can tell, it’s the same way for Vulcans. Hell, maybe even more so. So you better be damn sure what you’re doing.”
Jim deflates just as fast as his lips. “I know.”
“Do you?”
“So you don’t think this“ - Jim circles a finger around his lips - “is connected to…that.”
“No.” Leonard refrains from rolling his eyes clear out of his sockets and focuses on the tricorder again. Jim’s reactions started days ago and the visiting scientist just came on board - of course they’re not connected. “But we have to figure out what is causing it. Anything else you need to confess to, Don Juan?”
“I really don’t know what it could be, Bones.”
No, he really doesn’t. Leonard sees the frustration in the set of Jim’s jaw.
“I won’t make you take a trip to sickbay, but I’m going to need some of your blood to analyze. And if it happens again then come see me immediately so I can take readings while the reaction is happening.”
“Got it.”
The slump in Jim’s shoulders softens something in Leonard too. He stows away his righteous indignation - for now.
“Get some sleep, Jim. I’ll talk to Spock.”
Jim shakes his head, emphatic. “No. I need to do it myself.”
Not a turnip then. Maybe more like…a potato. At least Jim has eyes on the situation now.
Leonard takes some of Jim’s blood, takes his leave, and - of fucking course - runs right into Spock as soon as Jim’s door closes behind him.
He has half a mind to facetiously ask Spock if he’s taken on maintenance work now and is checking the bulkheads outside of the captain’s quarters for hull breaches, but everything about Spock is…droopy. Oh, he’s still all harsh angles and coiled muscle, but if Spock had whiskers or a tail then they’d be dragging on the ground. Seems fitting since Jim’s gone full wounded puppy and it’s likely the two of them are about to go at it like cats and -
Leonard’s eyes widen, the readings from his tricorder suddenly making sense.
“Wasn’t your last landing party with Jim on that planet with the emerald tigers?”
Spock inclines a brow. “That is...functionally correct. However, the Ji’ial call them klonukto, which in their language means -”
Leonard waves that away with a mumbled close enough and is halfway to the turbolift before Spock calls out, “May I ask if this is significant to the captain’s health, Doctor?”
Leonard stops, sighs, then turns around. Of course Spock is still concerned about Jim despite what he witnessed today - there isn’t anything logical about the way Spock feels about Jim.
“I think I may know what’s causing Jim’s reactions.”
“You believe it was initiated by our interaction with the Ji’ial.”
Sort of.
“It’s the strongest possibility right now,” he hedges. “I need to go run some tests.”
“I am gratified you have a new hypothesis to pursue.”
Instead of drooping, Spock…eases. That it’s a tangible shift says a whole hell of a lot - Spock is desperately relieved for Jim. Leonard’s guilt immediately takes over and, really? Why is he feeling guilty about Jim kissing someone else in order to make a Vulcan jealous? Not his monkeys, not his circus.
Of course, the words are tumbling out of his mouth before his I-don’t-give-a-shit kicks in. “If you’re going to see Jim, I don’t think you’re going to like what he has to say.”
“I am quite sure you are incorrect, Doctor.”
And, with that, Spock enters Jim’s quarters.
Leonard wants to smash his head against the bulkhead, but…whatever. Spock is gonna Spock and Jim is gonna Jim and never the twain shall meet.
“Not your monkeys, not your circus,” he reminds himself.
He has other mammals to think about.
Leonard stations his elbows on the lab table, drops his head into his hands, grips his hair in his fists, and pulls. If he’s also internally screaming, then, well, that’s his own business.
It’s not Ji’ial. Not Caitian.
He even requested a ship-wide scan to ensure they didn’t have a warm-blooded stowaway that accidentally got caught up in a transport beam or some ensign brought onboard to make the Enterprise more homey. No such luck.
Absolutely none of Jim’s readings make sense if there isn’t -
“Spock to Dr. McCoy.”
Leonard may just let a bit of that internal scream slip. He doesn’t have the patience for will-they-won’t-they drama right now.
He hits the comm button because, well, he always does. “What’s up, Spock?”
“You are needed in Jim’s quarters immediately.”
Leonard’s relatively sure that if Jim was on death’s doorstep then Spock would have some kind of inflection in his voice. The lack of it tells him Jim’s knee-deep in that mushy middle ground again.
“I’ll be right there.”
His hypos are locked and loaded when he steps into Jim’s room, all of them clattering to the deck when he takes in the plague-reminiscent tableau in front of him.
Spock stands - spine rebar straight - in a black robe, hands clasped behind his back. His hair is disheveled as if he just removed one of those pointy-nosed masks. He hovers next to Jim’s bed where the captain is laying naked, hives covering him head to feet, skin reddening and swelling. Even though Jim has the sheet draped over his delicate bits, Leonard is relatively sure that they continue all the way -
He winces. That’s gotta hurt.
Or, well, itch.
Or maybe both.
Spock tilts his head. “I believe your hypothesis that my biology is not causing Jim’s reactions is incorrect.”
Leonard’s tricorder drops to the deck too.
“Your what?!”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Jim says. “Whoa. You said you knew. That it was obvious.”
“Obviously it wasn’t!” He stabs a finger at Spock. “What does he mean his biology?”
“You said I was kissing a Vulcan!”
“Yes. The visiting Vulcan science officer!”
“What? Why would I be kissing a Vulcan who’s not Spock?”
“That’s what I wanted to know!”
“Doctor,” Spock cuts in. “I believe you may want to attend to Jim’s breathing before it becomes more labored.”
Spock’s right. Jim’s still able to yell but that’s not gonna last long.
He scoops up his supplies and crosses the room. Jim sags into the bed when the first wave of anaphylaxis meds hit his bloodstream, his respiration begins to even out. Leonard grits his teeth and holds his silence until he’s sure that Jim is easing back from the precipice.
It’s in that quiet that it hits him. He groans. “It’s likely that Vulcans evolved from felines.”
“That is the predominate theory, Doctor.”
He glares up at Spock. “And it never occurred to you that Jim is allergic to cats?”
Spock inclines a brow and opens his mouth, but it’s Jim who speaks first. “Go easy on him, Bones - it’s my fault. He thought it was the most likely scenario and wanted me to tell you, but I was trying to be discreet.”
“When have you ever been discreet, Jim?”
Jim shrugs. “It’s Spock.”
Leonard supposes that explains it all.
Relationships mean something to Jim. They may mean even more to Vulcans. And, well, this relationship has all the hallmarks of “legendary” stamped across it.
Goddamn legendary idiots.
He pushes another hypo into Jim’s neck, sighs. “And there’s the cure for your allergy.”
“That’s it?!” Jim’s eyes widen. “Why didn’t you give me that years ago?”
“Not a lot of Terran cats around these parts, so it should’ve been an unnecessary shot. But I suppose this ones hybrid physiology was tailor-made to set you off.”
Jim smirks.
Spock clears his throat.
Leonard wants to die.
Since there’s zero chance of him gracefully exiting this conversation, Leonard decides…fuck it.
“Congratulations on the sex,” he says. Jim turns a magnificent shade of red, but at least this time Leonard knows that reaction doesn’t need a hypo. Spock looks like he’s in physical pain. Leonard is gleeful. “But really? No more of it for at least twenty-four hours.”
Jim’s Yes, Bones comes through the sheet that Jim’s dragged up his chest to hide behind.
Knowing full well that the timer is already ticking down, Leonard looks up at Spock. “If I don’t hear from you twenty-four hours and five minutes from now, then I’m going to assume the shot worked.”
Spock’s lip twitches. “Understood, Doctor.”
Twenty-four hours and thirty-seven minutes later, Leonard is just about to close his eyes and crash when his comm beeps.
He swears into the silence of his quarters then hits the button to play the audio message from Jim.
“Uh, Bones? Question that may or may not be related to…yesterday. Spock doesn’t make this sound when he’s in a healing trance, does he?”
Leonard’s adrenaline spikes. A healing trance? What the hell have they been doing that Jim would even think -
Then he hears it.
Spock is purring.
He thinks about Jim’s swollen eye, his hands and arms, his lips, his entire body covered in hives, then how Leonard’s still not entirely sure what actions caused those particular reactions, and…
No way in hell.
Leonard flips his comm closed, turns over, and screams into his pillow. Those lovesick fools are just gonna have to figure out their differing biology on their own.
There is no way in hell he’s getting involved in that.
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And this is just a bonus one I thought of but Grace and 24 Capitalism 👁️👁️
Story is also posted on ao3!
(tw capitalism, mentions of colonialism, mentions of racism/speciesism, trauma, mentions of cigarettes/alcohol, addiction, grief, past canonical character death, identity issues, implied dehumanization, hallucinations, unreality)
It's not as if they have a problem with expense. Fuck no, of course not. They can find the cash for their fucking war machines, their stupid goddamn spaceships, their love children born on a planet where they'll never be able to breathe the air. The cash for their guns and explosives, for their dozers rolling over the ground, for pressed suits and cheery propaganda vids and everything single one of the politicians in their pockets.
And oh, they've got the money for her as well, Grace knows all about it, a special set of funds to keep their little labcoat safely in line. The killing ground school, the botany book with a Na'vi face on the cover cause it's all just wildlife, doc, remember that, the cigarettes to keep her strung out and numb, the alcohol when that's not enough.
Never enough, not for them, sure as shit not for her. Her hands shake, she's fiddling, muttering, things slipping through her hands. Focus, Augustine, fucking focus. She's only got so many cigarettes, the 3D printers only work so well (as well as they're supposed to, heh). If Max is hiding them again she's going to fucking--
Cash. Right. Money, profit, power. Expense. They'll make a body, grow it in a tank like a promise, but if shit goes down, a bloody murder on a planet she can barely remember, happening six years and a million lightyears and last week ago--well, they can't take the fucking loss, oh no, they're going to stuff in some random jackass marine, pulled off one conveyor belt and shoved onto another.
Like it's that simple. Like it's all just meat, isn't it, they all are, deep blue company logos hanging heavy over her skin, sinking into her bones until she feels it even when she's physically out of the link. Jake Sully shrugging into his brother's skin and grinning at her, Jake Sully with Quaritch's brand stamped onto his soul, Jake fucking Sully coming out of the Soul Drive upload room with jagged, defiant eyes.
There are some things that cannot be bought, Mo'at says, her hand wrapped around Grace's throat. Not enough to choke, not enough to hurt, just enough to make the point, to prove that tonight, Grace was not worth the suffocation. I had thought you learned this, if nothing else.
In a way, the rejection had been a relief. No need to try and twist everything into a knot trying to justify the application into a knot, no excuse to get shot in the head months down the line for trying to grow a rogue body on company resources. None of Sylwanin's DNA, so no watching her grow in the tank that would be Sully's, no waiting to see whatever would be left if you hooked an empty Avatar into the Tree of Souls, if you'd get something like a return or nothing, nothing, nothing...
No breath. No life. No meat, or at least not enough of it to go around, not enough bodies to go around. Just cold, hard cash and an ache in the pit of her stomach as she scratches meaninglessly, thoughtlessly, because where the hell are her cigarettes. Where the hell are her--
A hand on her shoulder and she yelps, something undoubtedly expensive slipping through her fingers and clattering to the floor.
"Jesus, Marine," she snaps, because it's Sully, of course it's Sully, standing there with a stupid look on his face and hair slipping out of his braid. Grace shoves him off with a huff. "Personal space, remember?"
She turns back to her work, eyes narrowed. A stack of bundles...shells? Grace frowns. When had she been collecting shells?
"I don't suppose you know what happened to my cigarettes," she mutters, glancing up at Sully. He's still standing there, stiller than she's ever seen him, wearing an expression she can't quite read.
"Marine?" Grace waves her hand in front of his face, but he doesn't respond. "You read me?"
He opens his mouth, but before he can say anything there's another voice, young, feminine. "Kiri?"
Grace turns her head, frowning. There's a Reef Na'vi girl walking towards them, wearing Metkayina garb–Metkayina? When had the Metkayina been visiting the Omatikaya?
"Kiri?" the girl asks, looking worried--looking at Grace. She takes a step forward and Grace automatically takes a step back, feeling something skid under her foot (sand, not soil, where's the soil, where's the ground) and she falls with a curse, Sully yelping as he lunges to catch her.
"Easy," he says, but his hands are shaking. "Easy. Fuck. Okay." She can feel his pulse pounding, she can feel his panic gathering, she can feel the world moving and shuddering around her, she can feel everything, and she knows that--she knows--
"Reya, go get my mom and dad," Sully says, his voice taut, and there's the slap of feet against sand as the Metkayina girl runs. The slap of feet, and the thudding of waves, the howling of wind in the trees. Blood grubbing as Sylwanin heaves for air, as Tom Sully chokes out, as Neteyam--
Not enough bodies to go around. Not enough bodies, too expensive to look back, too much.
"Kiri." Sully's got his hands on her face, cool against her skin. Five fingers, strong and callused, resting lightly around the corners of her eyes. "You gotta breathe, Kir."
She can't. She's choking, she's choking on her first cigarette, she's choking on her own blood, she's choking on every lie she's ever swallowed with eyes sewn shut. She's choking on Sully's hand wrapped around her throat like a bad dream, like a memory.
"I've got you," he whispers, pulling her close. "You're not leaving us, Kir."
Kir. Kiri. Little atokirina. Little miracle, little secret, little liar, little ghost…
Over his shoulder she can see Tom Sully and Sylwanin (only it's not them, she knows this, she knows this just enough to wish she didn't) running her way. They're shadows, running, looking for the blood stolen from their veins; they're shadows, running, come to make sure she pays every single of her debts.
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readsofawe · 2 years
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Need some #ReadsOfAwe inspo? Here are some of my recent favorite Jewish reads.
Please reblog with your own faves!!!
Hex by Rebecca Dinerstein Knight A botany student studying poisons develops an obsession with her professor. Dark Academia AF. Fits the prompts LGBT Rep, Contemporary, Novella
The Girl With the Red Balloon by Katherine Locke A Modern Jewish teenager on a field trip to Berlin is accidentally transported back in time to 1988--on the wrong side of the Berlin Wall! Fits the prompts YA, Fantasy, Non-Holocaust Historical
The Deep by Rivers Solomon Merfolk descended from enslaved Africans thrown overboard forget everything quickly--except Yetu, who remembers for everyone. Fits the prompts LGBT Rep, Jewish Author of Color, Fantasy, Novella, Themes of Renewal, Blue Cover for some editions (The audiobook is read by Daveed Diggs, who is also Jewish!)
Like Falling Through A Cloud by Eugenia Zuckerman A memoir-in-verse about the onset of dementia. Fits the prompts Poetry and Non-Fiction
Dancing on Tisha B'Av by Lev Raphael Short stories, mostly about gay Orthodox men and graduate school. CW for teacher/student relationships. Fits the prompts LGBT Rep, Frum Rep, Short Stories, Contemporary, Fall Colors
An Unkindness of Ghosts by Rivers Solomon In the slums of a generational ship, a grouchy healer named Aster foments revolution. Fits the prompts LGBT Rep, Science Fiction, Jewish Author of Color
The Seep by Chana Porter The aliens have invaded, and they brought utopia. But when Trina's wife decides to start life over as a baby, Trina feels left behind by all the touchy-feely bullshit. Fits the prompts LGBT Rep, Science Fiction, Novella, Themes of Renewal
The Future of Another Timeline by Annalee Newitz The Daughters of Harriet are a group of time travellers who work to protect women's rights, but a mysterious group of reactionaries seem to be undoing their hard work. Fits the prompts LGBT Rep, Science Fiction, Non-Holocaust Historical
More recs that I don't own physical copies of under the cut!
The Trans Space Octopus Congregation by Bogi Takas Short stories about disability, Judaism, BDSM, aliens, magic, neuroplasticity, polyamory, nature, and more! Weird as hell. Fits the prompts LGBT Rep, Frum Rep, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Short Stories, Blue Cover
He, She, and It by Marge Piercy Classic dystopian about a woman whose grandmother creates an android to protect their small Jewish town. Robot golem who fucks ;) Fits the prompts Science Fiction, LGBT Rep, Fall Colors
Avi Cantor Has Six Months To Live by Sasha Lamb Avi Cantor is a depressed trans boy in high school. When he sees bathroom graffiti telling him he has six months to live, sunshiney Ian steps in to help. Fits the prompts LGBT Rep, Fantasy, Novella, Blue Cover, YA
The Man Who Never Stopped Sleeping by Aharon Applefeld A recent Holocaust survivor tries to find his place in a Kibbutz. Fits the prompts Translation, Non-Holocaust Historical (arguably)
The Puttermesser Papers by Cynthia Ozick Acerbic Ruth Puttermeiser's fantasies have a tendency to come true, including a female golem made from potting soil in this surreal, gorgeously written series of linked short stories. Fits the prompts Fantasy, Short Stories, Contemporary
Proxy by Alex London Syd is a Proxy--he takes punishments intended for hideously wealthy Knox. And when Knox crashes a car, killing one of his friends, Syd is branded and sentenced to death. Fits the prompts LGBT Rep, Science Fiction, YA
The Second Mango by Shira Glassman Queen Shulamit searches for her bride, along with her buff bodyguard Rivka and a whole dragon. Fits the prompts LGBT Rep, Fantasy, YA
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