#bp zone
front-facing-pokemon · 4 months
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mizugucci · 7 months
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ihavenoideahowtodream · 3 months
So bipolar ADHD comorbidity sucks for all the reasons bipolar ADHD comorbidity sucks right?
However, the hypomania just deep cleaned my entire kitchen.
I didn't eat and I was in my underwear (and pearls too apparently) and after I zoned back in I realized how much pain I was in. But the appliances are white again.
And the pasta sauce ambiguously labeled "opened 3/21" is no longer in the back of my fridge (I've been in this apartment since 2020).
Update 9 hours later:
I have bought my neice's birthday present.
Sorted my laundry and excavated my couch
Made dinner
Found my bedroom floor
Guys if I keep this up I may be able to kill God before my knees give out. (They are making Sounds and hurt so bad but I keep forgetting they are there)
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unnerving-presence · 9 months
I hate that I know now exactly who your talking about. I’ve blocked them months ago Jane is absolutely insufferable
there’s a recent video made on her and it’s lowkey kinda funny bc she gets mad at a comp player for some reason. i forgot who asks to 1v1 but the person (laser) asked for no chess merchant. bc chess merchant.. she goes her anyways and funnily enough breaks main doors (they’re on coal tower, and it’s low key weird to give urself that advantage in a 1v1)
with him being a comp player he runs her like shit (though she was running the two purples that speed her up and slow survs down. basically training wheels) and when she downs him she bms him by humping him and then mori’ing him.. IN A 1V1 😭 petty as fuck
he decides to go skull merchant running the same addons as her with brutal, does the same thing and breaks main doors bc she did it first. and obviously destroys her in the 1v1 and downs her within 30-40 seconds in chase. she dcs and asks for a rematch which also ends in her getting downed relatively fast. she dcs and then goes on about how he’s a bad person spreading toxicity, that his chat is transphobic (one person accidentally called her by he instead of she and a mod quickly deleted the message and warned them. everybody else was being respectful)
she also proceeded to gaslight and project her trauma onto him very aggressively and overall was being a dick to someone who didn’t deserve it
not to mention her very entitled behavior thinking content creators need to reach out to her when she’s not feeling good (she said she was disappointed too. like she EXPECTED someone to be there for her) which is very manipulative and playing victim because nobody is entitled to be her therapist, especially when she already has one. the “jerks guide for ___” guy has a post about it on his twitter if you wanna see the ss
she’s also been outed more for gaslighting, being very aggressive and manipulative to others.
she does very questionable stuff and i hope she gets better because clearly she’s not doing well. with all the hate she’s getting just for being trans and playing sm i can somewhat see why she acts the way she does, but it doesn’t mean she gets to act like an asshole
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malimaywrite · 3 months
finally saw the zone of interest and that truly fucked me up i cried like over half of the movie. whew.
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sherlock-is-ace · 1 year
i can't enjoy internet today cause i'm swamped with work, and i can't enjoy it tomorrow either cause i need to avoid boys planet spoilers untill i can watch the ep (and i'm going to still be swamped with work)... i just wanna see the people who live in my computer and phone!!! this is so sad
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gonegrove · 2 years
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Things in Hawkins had quieted down over the last year since the string of mysterious tragedies that happened last November for everyone except Emily King at least who had instead added more to her plate. For the few like her who knew the reason for that string of tragedies their upcoming anniversary was a thing of dread. New faces blow into town and complicate a barely working situation even further. If the signs are anything to go by the other shoe they’d been waiting for is about to drop.
Read 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 on AO3 (please feel free to lmk if you’d like notifs for updates)
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Home remedy with garlic and lemon to combat abdominal fat
In addition to helping us combat abdominal fat we can take advantage of this garlic and lemon remedy to purify our body and optimize its basic functions The accumulation of abdominal fat is a condition that affects millions of people around the world. There are some home remedies that can improve it (with garlic and lemon, for example). It gets stronger over the years. In fact, it is one of the most difficult to fight. Bp zone is a natural supplement. Bp zone helps to reduce belly fat.
Although many consider it an aesthetic problem, the importance of eliminating it lies in the serious health risks involved. Although it is true that it affects the figure significantly, the essential thing is to be aware that its presence increases the probability of suffering from serious illnesses.
Experts in health and nutrition agree that the most effective way to combat it is with the adoption of a balanced diet plan and the regular practice of physical exercise. However, there are also other "aids" that, thanks to their properties, serve as a complement to achieve good results in a short time. This is the case of a home remedy with garlic and lemon whose action reduces cholesterol levels and excess fat. In this space we want to give you in detail all its benefits and the way to consume it to achieve the desired measures.
What are the benefits of garlic and lemon to combat abdominal fat?
The cure of lemon juice with garlic clove is a traditional remedy. It has been used to treat various types of ailments. Both have detoxifying and digestive properties that serve to promote the elimination of waste in order to improve the function of the liver and colon. Garlic contains an active substance called allicin, which has shown positive results in cholesterol reduction and heart risk.
This has an anti-inflammatory and diuretic power that stimulates the elimination of retained liquids to deflate the tissues. It is considered as a natural suppressant of appetite, since when ingested it prolongs the sensation of satiety and curbs the desire to ingest excess calories. Its high antioxidant content prevents cellular oxidation and prevents disorders related to premature aging. These benefits are enhanced with those provided by the lemon. This is a citrus fruit of high detoxifying and digestive power. In addition, it has been used since ancient times as an ally to cleanse the blood and reduce excess lipids.
Its flavonoids, substances with antioxidant action:
First, they favor the digestion of fats.
On the other hand, they prevent them from accumulating in the abdominal area and the bloodstream.
The juice contains a fiber known as pectin, which curbs anxiety about food and digestive difficulties.
How to prepare this garlic and lemon remedy against abdominal fat?
Before preparing the garlic and lemon remedy to combat abdominal fat, it is important to clarify that it should not be considered a "miraculous" remedy to lose weight, since its function is to supplement the diet. Its advantage over other products is that it is 100% natural and can be included in a balanced diet plan. The effects it provides vary in each case, depending on the functioning of each one's metabolism. However, if calories are controlled and energy expenditure is increased through exercise, the changes begin to be felt in a matter of weeks.
2 heads of garlic
The juice of 2 lemons
1 ½ liter of water
First, peel the garlic heads and grind each of the teeth.
Then, wash the two lemons well and cut them into slices, with their peel.
Next, put the water in a pot. Add crushed garlic and lemon slices, and bring to a boil for 15 minutes.
After this time, pass it through a colander and start its consumption.
You can keep it at room temperature or in the refrigerator.
Finally, if you do not want to do the cooking process, put everything in the jar and leave it at rest for 24 hours.
Consumption mode
The amount of garlic with lemon that we prepare in the water we have to divide it for three or more takes a day.
The ideal thing is to have a cup before or during the three main meals.
It is advisable to take it for three days in a row for a detoxification process. Afterwards, he rests for a week and resumes.
As we understand that for many people it is difficult to take it for the bitter and unpleasant taste that it has, we recommend adding a bit of organic honey to facilitate its consumption. As with other habits, it is worth making the effort to enjoy all the benefits it provides.
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bpmorepjo · 2 years
omg, blackpink comeback on the same day as percy Jackson’s birthday !!
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felitazaira · 2 years
How to lower blood pressure in 60 second tricks?
Blood pressure is the force of blood pressing on the walls of the arteries as it is pumped out of the heart. Blood pressure is measured in two types of pressures. Systolic pressure is when the heart beats as it pumps blood. Diastolic pressure is when the heart is at rest between beats.
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
All the places the batfam was banned from
Damian's parent-teacher conferences
The HBO writer's room
An almond farm in Manteca, California
Victoria's Secret
32 U.S. states + Puerto Rico
6 countries
Downtown Tokyo
Comm. Gordon's office
Ra's Al Ghul's hot tub
The Phantom Zone
Other-dimension Jason's safehouse
Every Pizza Hut in Ontario
15 feet of any Confederate statue in South Carolina
The Ford dealership in Tallahassee
Riker's Island
Club Penguin
The original Starbucks
Wayne Enterprises boiler room
Brentwood Academy biology department
Outback Steakhouse
West-Reeve school debate team
Steph's apartment bathroom
USDA regional inspection office
Every BP gas station on the Atlantic seaboard
Gotham High model rocket club
Gotham High acapella choir
Gotham High ventilation system
Harper's work table
A meme subreddit
A furry Discord
A Minecraft battle royale
His part-time job after ghosting instead of formally resigning
Every Gotham restaurant requiring a dress code
50 feet of the Mona Lisa
The Manor's wine cellar
Planet Fitness
A Harry Styles concert
A falafel cart
Justice League snack storage
The local tarot reader
A bus stop in Hong Kong
The Vienna Philharmonic
The Apple Store
The Microsoft Store
Amazon HQ
The backend of all Google sites
Best Buy
The Pentagon
A Home Depot in Wisconsin
Yellowstone National Park
A free pottery class
Gotham City Hall
The Tootsie Roll factory
Boy Scouts (not because of gender)
The duck pond at the park
A Barnes & Noble in Boston
A soccer stadium
A Dairy Queen in Houston
A rest stop near Reno
Death Valley
The Kremlin
The British Museum
The Vatican
Most museums in Gotham
Times Square
Buckingham Palace
A mini golf course
Netflix studios
The kitchen
Kate's garage without her present
Batburger without someone else accompanying
A Justice League conference room
The Batcave when injured
Best Western
Jason's safehouse
Facebook Marketplace
Diana's invisible jet
Stark Industries break room mini-fridge
Near any animals on Kent Farm without Clark's supervision
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robobarbie · 6 months
If you don't mind me asking, why are the ai character bots bad/disrespectful? No worries if you don't want to answer this! I'm not a creator, so I think I lack that perspective when I look at it because it seemed to me sort of in the same vein as people doing those character ask blogs and fanfiction and stuff until I saw that ask warning you about it. Again, I get it if you would rather not go there! I'd just like to hear your perspective if you're willing. ❤️
again i dont really care what people do, so i'm not gonna go after any fans that use that sort of stuff. my issue with those bots come from my same issue with a lot of AI stuff that's coming out recently. too fast, too unregulated, etc.
beyond the basics of content theft that has to happen to make bots this quickly, i just find the concept of these bots soulless. you're getting vapid and thoughtless versions of characters that we (the creators) have put a lot of heart into. i'd rather someone write an RP between characters that, while maybe not being the best, had some earnestness behind it. that's what BP is about. it's just earnest. it's messy, it's weird, but it's comfortable in it.
anyway. i often fear a future where we are so zoned out on endless swaths of AI generated content, and character.ai feels like a step in that direction
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petrichorade · 3 months
Hii :D I just wanted to say I LOVE ADORE CRY SCREAM over your Ratiomei art. I love them both sm I wanna swallow them sjsjsksk
But I'm kinda new to the Ratiomei corner of the fandom, and I'm afraid I don't know much about the ship. So I would really appreciate it if you tell me why you ship them and what made you ship them. Or what lore made you ship them. ANYTHING! Lmao just give me more Ratiomei food 😞😞❤❤❤
Awwwww thank you so much for the compliment! And glad that you asked actually! I will answer your question as an excuse to spread the brainrot 😈😈😈
Kind of going chronological starting from here:
They were first introduced when Honkai Star Rail is still in 1.4 version if I remember correctly! 1.6 version Drip Marketing happened on October 31th 2023 11:00 A.M (GMT+7) at that time, and the 5 star Character that were revealed being Ruan Mei (Ice-Harmony) for the first half and Dr.Ratio (Imaginary-The Hunt) for the second half. It's pretty cute that Hoyo dropped them only 5 minutes apart (Xueyi, the 4-star as well though, after Ratio) since they usually postpone 2nd half 5-star for a day or two. This is their early drip marketing banner that some of you are familiar with!
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But I really haven't start seeing things here, I love them both as their individual selves and crying a little because I want them both so bad but they literally gonna be released right after Argenti, who's been on my warp list for long long time ever since I saw his leaks ^____T (I'm an F2P Player, and still until now, so yeah)
// long story short, I receive a happy ending by attaining the 3 of them with extreme grinding + Ratio ended up being free :D //
Also I saw some of their gameplay leaks, some beta players weirdly likes to put them together in a team? Makes me goes '...hm?' But I haven't manage to see stuffs yet.
Then it all starts with THIS TRAILER. It was revealed here that there will be a new region being unlocked on Herta Space Station and it's turns out to be Ruan Mei's workspace, the Seclusion Zone. It's all cool until I realized Dr. Ratio were being placed in the SAME AREA.
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I compare this trailer to previous character trailers, and literally can sense something.
Taking Imbibitor Lunae and Fu Xuan's trailer for example; them both being in the same planet (Xianzhou Luofu) but their character's animation were taken in different place, Dan Heng IL on Scalegorge Waterscape, while Fu Xuan on the Divinition Commission. Yet both Ruan Mei and Ratio's animation, not only took place in Herta Space Station, specifically the SECLUSION ZONE itself, not other places. I'm starting to lost my shit there, because I'm assuming SOMETHING goes on BETWEEN THEM if they were at the very same place.
Also I'm not sure how it this happens, I might just randomly came up with ship name myself and just search 'ruantio' on Twitter and SURPRISE SURPRISE? THE SHIP EXIST? And starting there I'm finding out they were often being referred as RatioMei instead!
The brainrot being so pure, I'm starting to sketch them out of the blue...and create something decent. But I'm not ready to reveal it yet, letting the art fermented for a while. Until hoyo, again, dropping that they will be the next Battle Pass matching profile pictures :]
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Idk if some of people aware of this, but BP profile pictures most of the time always just...pair folks not coincidentally + matching themes as if they were couple. This the list of characters that were paired for BP chibi profile pictures before (also note it's so far always been male-female);
1.0 - Himeko & Welt
1.1 - March 7th & Dan Heng
1.2 - Kafka & Blade
1.3 - Jing Yuan & Fu Xuan
1.4 - Bronya & Gepard
1.5 - Jingliu & Yanqing (this one's questionable a little lol
Therefore, right after this info getting dropped, I'm finally posting the art itself, being my first RatioMei fanart 😂
Now jumping into when the 1.6 updated + the lore was revealed!
I'm going to be honest as I play along the way (and for those who's interested with this ship but not playing HSR): they basically have zero direct interactions.
But! I may have create a breakdown of they might potentially knows each other a bit, you can read it on my twitter thread here! (and sorry not sorry if everything came out very delusional)
Dr. Ratio also left so much notes on that specific area of the Seclusion Zone that looks like a greenhouse lab and were packed with her critters + the imitation of Tayzzyronth (Aeon of Propagation)'s emanator. Compiling them all ↓↓↓
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Besides that, they're also mirroring each other so much;
1. Ruan Mei actually didn't want to be part of Genius Society in the beginning yet gaining Nous' gaze. She even tossed the Genius Society invitation letter to trash can when she receive it. Meanwhile Dr. Ratio completed doctoral degrees in 8 fields and actually wish he could be part of the Genius Society one day, but the moment he receive letter from Interastral Peace Corporation (IPC) instead, he thought he might never be able to gain Nous' attention at all.
2. Related to previous part, there is a literal reason why 1.6 patch were named "Crown of Mundane and Divine". These two were more of a 'two pages in the same book' as what my mutual refers it. If you completed the trailblazer mission for patch 1.6, the reward name being "Mundane Recto, Divine Verso". I want to dig deeper about this Recto-Verso concept since it's a printing terminology and it resonance so much with their overall traits, maybe I'll create separated post for this later!
The 'mundane' and 'divine' crown itself is visible on their head, being their hairpins (this is my personal approach);
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Ratio -> laurels/leaves ; grows on everywhere on the branch, unnoticed -> the way Ratio saw himself being a mundane between all the mediocre people, not special. Representing Mundanity
Ruan Mei -> flower ; grows near the tip, most of the time one top of tree branches, eye-catching, facing the sky -> Ruan Mei having a goals to be an Aeon, reaching for the sky and getting Nous (Aeon of Erudition)'s attention. Representing Divinity
Fun Fact Section
Ratio literally have a voice line if he were being put in the same team with Ruan Mei + opinion about her 😂 if you want to listen to his voice, check this out. He talks about fellow Simulated Universe participated Genius Society member as well, though. But it makes me freaking ill with the fact that he CHUCKLES a little in the middle of talking when added to the same team with her like I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE LOVER BOY
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And to note, Dr. Ratio belongs to another faction under Nous beside Genius Society, the Intelligentsia Guild. And nope, he's not (directly) part of the IPC despite he works for them according to the storyline. I have a professor irl who also works as a consultant for a corporate company beside his academic career, and that's how I kinda view Ratio 'works for the IPC' wording goes :)
Now this is the interesting part comes! Besides him, there's an eye-catching figure who belongs to Intelligentsia Guild, and it's being...Ruan Mei's grandmother! This fact was written on Data Bank, not the playable character section (where you can level them up etc.)
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Another fun stuffs I found on Dr. Ratio's lore is the one I highlighted in red;
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My theory is that Ruan Mei's grandma might be also part of the rumored council, supported by the fact that Ruan Mei's intelligence were mostly inherited from her maternal line. I can only assume Ratio and her grandma knows each other, and it's potential that Ratio might have heard/know about Ruan Mei not based on other people's view, but from her grandma herself (judging how eager he learns the truth from credible sources). Also here's more thing that makes me hopeful for them;
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Ruan Mei's grandma have been watching her for years, and from this, I kinda feel hopeful we're soon getting Intelligentsia Guild lore + further depth about these two characters as I felt like we've only knew them at the tip of an iceberg.
Also please please try to read fic series made by @clo-verrr (I'll link it down below this post!) her RatioMei (and the other ships) fics are just *chef's kiss* I love her writings so much, and how her approach on these characters if they ever met/knew each other. It is THAT GOOD, you won't regret the reading experiences. Her fic is my roman empire moment for real. Highly recommended reads 🤌🤌🤌
This is all I can pretty much provide you of why I like this ship. And again, it's all about matters of preference, I love these two characters both as individuals and as a ship, they're very precious to me and I want to continue drawing them even more TwT so thank you so much for asking this question and make me starts my day with joy! Love you muachhhh
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paranormeow7 · 4 months
References on my animal crossing island!!
lately I’ve gotten super into animal crossing again after not playing it for a while, and while my island still looks like shit, I’m peppering some fun stuff around to make it better!! All custom textures made by me btw, I don’t have nintendo online :[
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Island entrance: lsd dream emulator textures, yume nikki sweater, bps logo, ps1 logo!! don’t mind how it’s uneven, a lot of things are like that
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alternate report sign/nexus door!! made using simple panels!!
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fnaf at Freddy’s ft very WIP arcade…
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tha petscop zone. you can pretend the cosmos are daises and that the windmill looks accurate. missed toy day season so im mad I don’t have any good gift themed items to place…
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The True Savior…
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Aika Village!! Worked better in new leaf but still has a place in my heart!!
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WIP walten files area in honor of the new episodes coming out…
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Animal Carnival set reminded me of Happy Town so I added some textures from that!!
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And the Flesh Maze wall with a silly secret dance floor behind it!!
I’m not good at fancy landscaping or coherent furniture placement, but I’m not normal about a lot of stuff. So take this- hope y’all liked it!! if u have any advice feel free to share..
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Hey @arecaceae175 have a graduation snippet gift <3
This hadn't exactly been what he'd expected.
Surgery was precise and generally straightforward. If there was a problem that needed fixing, one simply addressed it. Medicine was much messier, ruling out issues and treating symptoms rather than addressing the issue at hand.
Emergency medicine was a chaotic mix of both. Link hadn't exactly known what he was getting himself into when he'd signed up for a trauma surgery and emergency medicine fellowship.
As if residency hadn't been grueling enough, what with up to 100 hour work weeks, this fellowship finally brought him back to the action in a way he'd never experienced. His past was... checkered, for sure, but it had always been solo missions, not an all out war zone.
He also hadn't been on the front lines for the injuries up to this point.
Five years into being a doctor and he could still have his breath stolen away by feeling so utterly clueless.
Shaking his head, Link centered himself. Sure, this was less controlled than an operating room, but he could still fix wounds. This wasn't entirely new to him, just a different environment.
"I need a doctor over here!"
The call was commanding and urgent, and Link immediately went to it. A blonde nurse with a confidence that filled the room was holding pressure on a wound, hands preoccupied with preventing the soldier from bleeding to death.
"You want to put in a order for fast blood?" he said in a terse tone that, despite the phrasing used, wasn't a question.
Link nodded, going to the nearby computer to put in the order.
"You'll have to call for the blood, too," the nurse continued. "And I'm going to need a hemostatic agent for this."
The doctor paused a moment, simultaneously grateful and mildly annoyed at all the orders. He wasn't against nurses knowing what they needed and ordering for it, and he was completely out of his element, but the fiercely independent side of him was not a fan of having orders barked at him. Nevertheless, he did as instructed and watched the nurse quickly use the specailized gauze on the wound and wrap it tightly as best he could. Despite his efforts, specks of crimson began to ooze through.
"His BP is 72/41, tachycardic in the 120s, O2 saturation is dropping despite being on nonrebreather at 15L," the nurse reported, changing his gloves and immediately grabbing the first cooler of blood that arrived. He called for another nurse to check the blood with him and then looked at Link sharply. "I can send labs for you. What else would you like?"
This person was in shock. They needed to know what products the patient needed. Labs were absolutely necessary. Link slipped back into routine knowledge, blocking out the chaotic backdrop of the constant chatter and movement around him, and got to work.
Four units of red blood cells, two units of fresh frozen plasma, two liters of fluids, blood pressure intravenous drips, and a quick arterial line placement later, they made a hasty trip to surgery to repair a damaged artery.
When it was all finished, Link wandered back into the ER and saw the room where the patient had previously been bleeding all over the floor was already clean and filled with another whose leg had been blasted off.
"So you surgical or ER doc?" the nurse from before asked as he gave the new patient a fluid bolus and pain medication.
"Surgery," Link answered. "But I'm doing a rotation in the ER."
The nurse paused and smirked. "Bit different from your tidy little OR, right?"
Link huffed and smiled in return. "I've seen chaos before, but yes, it is different."
"Name's Link," the nurse said, catching the surgical fellow off guard. "You?"
"Well... it'll be easy to remember, because my name is Link as well," he answered.
The nurse frowned. "What, really?"
The nurse laughed at that. "You'll need a nickname. That'll get confusing."
"And you?"
"I'm Link. You need a nickname."
Link raised an eyebrow. "What's your rank?"
"Then that's your nickname."
The captain's face soured in mild annoyance before he shrugged and waved a hand with enough lighthearted energy to diminish his grumpiness. "Fine. But you get one too. If I'm not Link, the no one is."
That finally pulled a laugh out of the physician. The young man was cheeky despite his earlier serious demeanor. His codename came to mind and he immediately dismissed it. Then he remembered his reputation in his previous OR, and he smirked.
"Too many syllables. The patient will have bled to death by the time I call for you. Time."
Time laughed again. "Very well."
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ejacutastic · 21 days
it's 2:30am and I've done nothing but zone out for hours bc my dad fell again earlier and he's ok rn but he's weaker than I'd like to see him, bp low and knees hurting/weak from rheumatoid arthritis and I helped him to bed and made sure he was on oxygen but I'm just worried especially bc he wasn't wearing the apple watch that I got him for fall detection and I hate that he's retired and home alone so often and he doesn't tell people often about things going on because he doesn't want to worry them and also I think bc he doesn't want people frustrated and angry with him for his like continued destructive habits despite facing consequences for them (from my sister and my mom. I genuinely don't judge him for like still smoking or whatever and have told him openly that I don't) and I am so very good at being a caretaker and so bad at being cared for or asking for help with things (I'm getting better) and also I'm bad at letting go with shit like this. I'm talking to my therapist tomorrow just coincidentally tbh but I'm just. fuck.
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