#bradford ash
yume-chin · 1 year
Saw Inazuma Eleven innyour sources and already fell in love, I don't see many blogs who actively wrote for it so thank you so much!!! 💕 May I request relationship headcanons with Sousuke Taki and Garshya Wolfein? Including how they fell for the reader if possible. It's okay if you decide not to take this request though, I know these two specifically have almost no canon content nor much info, but thank you anyways just for creating this blog ✨✨✨
Hi sweetie! Thank you so much for your request ♡
I hope to be able to represent the characters as well as possible but unfortunately I haven't found anything about Garsha Wolfein so it could come ooc.
I hope you like it anyway!
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Request: Yes
Warning: Only characters that may be ooc
Genre: gn
!English is not my first language so I apologize in advance for possible mistakes ⚠︎
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Sousuke Taki
You are a great friend and classmate of his younger brother.
That's why you met Sousuke.
You often go to Taki's house but you never had a good relationship with Sousuke, he almost seemed to hate you (or at least that's what you thought).
Yoshihiko often pointed out to you how his brother looks at you and how he never lets you out of sight when you weren't seeing him.
This story went on until one day you found yourself at their house but Yoshihiro was nowhere to be seen.
Sousuke approached you and you started talking about this and that (not knowing though that this was all a plan by Yoshihiro to get you closer).
The more time passed, the more your relationship strengthened. And the more your relationship strengthened, the more he began to have stronger and stronger feelings for you.
One day, you thought it were like many others, you arrived at Taki's house and found an agitated Sousuke trying to ask you out. (Obviously you answered yes)
During the date he was very sweet and at the end of the day he asked you to be his girlfriend.
Of course you said yes and to this day you are still happily engaged. (Poor Yoshihiro who has become the third in hand).
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Garsha Wolfein
You are part of the same team but you have known each other for a long time before joining the team.
Your relationship has always been particular.
You've known each other for years, you've always considered each other friends but you actually spoke little or nothing.
That's why one day you decided to talk to him to make a true friendship.
It was a strange experience for him but he wasn't disappointed. After all, one of the things he wanted to do was to get close to you.
Since your relationship has started to improve you have noticed changes in Garsha's demeanor.
He is much more attentive while talking and being with you. Anytime you're working out and someone knocks you over (even accidentally) they're going to screw up.
When you take a break from training he always makes sure to hand you the freshest bottle and driest towel (even if in reality they are all the same).
However, the day will come when, after training, he will take you aside to declare his feelings to you.
He is the kindest and most attentive guy you will ever see. Nothing like the Garsha you knew when you were younger.
I melted into writing these headcanons
I hope you like them and I hope they don't disappoint your expectations!
A big hug ฅ՞•ﻌ•՞ฅ ❀
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makeitastrength · 16 days
The hardest part about being back with Tim is making sure they don’t fall back into their old habits.
Actually, that’s not true.
The hardest part for Lucy is keeping her hands (and lips and other parts of her body) off of him.
She wants him so badly. But she’s afraid if they reintroduce the physical pieces of their relationship too soon, it will become a distraction and they’ll end up right back where they were before, not placing enough emphasis or effort on honesty and communication. They need to focus instead on building and maintaining these new habits and learning to work as a team in their personal life just as effectively as they do in their professional one.
Their therapist agrees.
But that doesn’t make it any easier.
They attended a joint therapy session for the first time just three days after getting back together, and they’ve been going once a week ever since. Mostly, their therapist has been helping them with communication, letting them do most of the talking but stepping in from time to time to ask questions, provide guidance, and help them build and refine the skills to sort through issues on their own.
It was uncomfortable and awkward at first to allow someone else to be privy to their disagreements and to have her asking probing questions that often initially resulted in a deepening of the conflict.
But Lucy can feel them getting better at it.
Read the rest on AO3
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d-criss-news · 1 year
Via Alli Thrillermiller's Instagram Story (September 1st, 2023)
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kravchikfreak · 1 year
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"probably won't ever be finished"-things dumping
1 and 2 - this was the idea of two-art post for ash's (from final space) crush on nightfall and how she acts on it in her two life periods
3, 4 and 5 - it's my favourite 30-something p.e. teacher and his 16 basketball/musician student ship (and THE FIRST EVER ship in general, it was my ship long before i knew what the ship even is) from russian tv show called ranetki (keep in mind the ship become legit canon in the actual show!!!! man some of yall wasn't a russian teen in 10s and it shows. shit was crazy and thank god i was lucky to be an eye witness of it)
6 and 7 - lunter. from the owl house for the ones who doesn't know them yet. their the best, lunter shippers are the best. if you ship lunter you have a great taste, my congrats, kisses in the neck (if you're into it only of course)
8 - it's supposed to be clauderry (from the dragon prince). i don't know how they even made me like them but here we are. i love them. they're my cutties
9 - chenford (from the rookie). they're canon btw. thank fucking god they are
10 - it's just an art my friend asked me to do. in 2022. april. 10th. and since you see it in "probably won't ever be finished"-things dumping.... oufff
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cwistopherhartley · 2 years
These spot the differences are getting harder and harder
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headspace-hotel · 1 year
More complete list of ways that websites and books about gardening shamelessly misinform and confuse people
Using any combination of cultivar names, species names, genus names, and common names to refer to plants, leaving well-intentioned gardening noobs fighting for their lives in a lawless wasteland. Just look at this Better Homes and Gardens article on salvia.
Salvia is a genus of plants containing hundreds of species, including culinary sage, rosemary, and many species used as ornamentals. The Better Homes and Gardens list ruthlessly mixes common names for sage species with cultivar names, without giving the binomial Latin species name at all for a single one...
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...and refers to two totally different plants only as "purple sage" in the same listicle
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On that note, acting like "variety" is just as important as, or interchangeable with, "species." Just read an article that said "some varieties of this plant can be invasive, so make sure to check which ones are prohibited in your area!" No. NO. No specific cultivar of an invasive plant species is going to be non-invasive. In fact, introducing new cultivars of an invasive plant will make the invasive species problem WORSE because that's new genetic material. 'Bradford' pears are invasive in the US, 'Cleveland' pears are also invasive, because they're BOTH PYRUS CALLERYANA, but the website you're buying them off of doesn't SAY that, AUGHH
Referring to plants that are enthusiastic or aggressive growers as 'invasive.' I falsely believed so many native species were invasive simply because some dumbass article decided to call them "invasive" for the crime of being able to grow in a lawn. The same websites will turn around and say that a 100% virulent invasive species "can become aggressive in some gardens" WHSFDHHKKK???
Gardening books describing a gorgeous native flower that doesn't die instantly when you think a negative thought about it: "Invasive. Evil. Kill on sight." Gardening books describing one of the worst known invasive plant species in human history that's decimating ecosystems as we speak: "This plant can be a teensy weensy bit vigorous."
totally failing to explore what it means for a cultivar of a plant to be "sterile." Here's the thing. The 'Bradford' pear was supposed to be sterile, but it was not, the cultivar was just made up of clones of the same plant, and most plants can't fertilize themselves. When another cultivar of Pyrus calleryana is planted close to it, such as the 'Cleveland' pear, surprise surprise, THEY AREN'T STERILE.
IIRC it is possible to produce truly sterile cultivars by breeding a plant that can't make seeds/fruits and cloning those plants by vegetative propagation. A cultivar of cloned, genetically identical plants with completely unchanged reproductive ability is NOT STERILE, it is just banking on no other cultivars of the plant ever existing nearby. Which is deeply stupid.
Yes, "cultivars" (the names in single quotation marks next to the name of the plant in a nursery label) are generally just groups of clones of the same founding individual. I'm not a fan of cultivars because they're basically Petri dishes for breeding disease. E.g. The Emerald ash borer was able to so thoroughly decimate ash trees in the USA partly because the gene pool of planted ash trees in American cities was 2-3 individual trees big. Now ornamental boxwoods seem to be dying off en masse in my area, and the reasons are probably similar.
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alonglistofbirds · 6 months
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First 25% Summary - Part 4 (a bunch of Passeriformes)
Sylviidae: Balearic warbler - Daniel López-Velasco Icteridae: Chestnut-headed oropendola - Carlos Sanchez Estrildidae: African firefinch - Nigel Voaden Turdidae: Bassian thrush - Felix Watson Corvidae: Bornean green magpie - Rick Bowers Artamidae: Australian magpie - Luke Seitz Paridae: Coal tit - Lukasz Haluch Sittidae: Beautiful nuthatch - Arpit Bansal Tyrannidae: Ash-throated flycatcher - Ted Bradford Furnariidae: Brown-billed scythebill - Richard Edden Thamnophilidae: Bicolored antbird - Tyler Wenzel Cotingidae: Andean cock-of-the-rock - Ben Lucking
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bullet-prooflove · 10 months
Is it too soon to request something from your Thursday dance party prompt list? If not can you please do either 4,7 or 8 with Tim Bradford whatever one you think will fit the story better thank you so much Donna 😊
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Part One: Monster - Tim learns the reason you've been keeping your relationship a secret.
Part Two: The Gaslight (NSFW) - Tim tracks you down a month into your leave of absence.
Part Three: Stalemate - Captain Ashmore discovers your relationship with Tim.
Part Four: Foul Play - Ashmore employs another tactic in his hunt for you.
Part Five: Prayer - Tim comes face to face with his worst fear.
Part Six: Control - Ashmore reflects on what happened.
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You slip away in the early hours of the morning.
A stroke they tell Tim, from the brain injury.
It’s a crushing blow because for a minute Tim actually thought you were going to make it, that the two of you would get a happy ending.
He puts it together in the aftermath after he hears about the video. He remembers that last night, the one the two of you were together. You’d been tangled up in bed, your bare skin brushing over his.
“I’m tired of this Tim.” You had whispered, your nose trailing along the length of his. “I’m tired of running, of living in fear.”
“Just a little while longer.” He’d promised you, his lips brushing over yours. “Promise me you’ll wait.”
That had been a month ago before Ashmore had found out about your relationship. It only occurs to him now that he never heard you make that promise, that he’d got distracted by other things because your hands had started wandering, your lips following suit.
He realises in his absence that it had gotten too much, and he doesn’t blame you. Ashmore had victimised you all over again and there is only so far you can only push another person before they snap. You had no evidence of his past abuse, except the scars that you wore beneath your clothes.
They’d found the cameras above the front door and in the living room, they were well concealed, not something you’d notice on first glance. By returning to the house last night, you’d been sending up a flare for Ashmore to come and get you, knowing he would drive by the same way he did every night.
The problem was you’d underestimated his rage. You hadn’t seen the look in his eyes when he’d seen the photographs of you and Tim, the vitriol, the violence.
He tells your story at the trial, the shit that Ashmore did to you. The beatings, the threats, the violence. He discusses the scars on your body, the ones he’d traced over in the depths of the night. When he talks about you, it’s with a heavy heart and a monotone voice because he’s been numb since the day you passed away, he doesn’t feel a God damn thing anymore.
He takes a leave of absence after Ashmore is convicted for murder, driving your ashes up the coast to Seattle. The two of you had talked about taking a trip before Ashmore had come back into your life. He still has the handwritten list of the sights you wanted to see tucked away in his wallet.
The Space Needle.
Kubota Garden.
Bainbridge Island.
He tours them all.
He takes the Night Ferry back to the city, sprinkling your ashes into the water as the lights glow in the background. You would have loved this view, he thinks.
He hasn’t shed a tear since that night in the hospital, but he bawls like a baby in his hotel room that evening, pressing his face into the pillow to stifle the noise. There’s emptiness deep inside of him because now you’re gone, and he isn’t sure how he’s supposed to live with that.
He returns to LA three days later to the news that Ashmore was shanked in prison. Your ex-husband barely survives and Tim finds himself glad that he did because he wants the other man to suffer for what he did to you. He wants him to live in terror every single day, to experience the same torture that you did, knowing there’s no way to escape it.
He goes back to work, immersing himself in the shifts, taking on extra ones. Angela takes pity on him, forcing him to come to dinner with Angela, Wes and Jack. When he holds the baby, his chest feels tight and his eyes sting because he wanted this with you, a family, a child.
He drinks himself to sleep that night.
When he wakes up, he reaches for you, his hand smoothing across the cool sheets, gripping them in his fist so hard that his knuckles turn white. He calls in sick that morning because he can’t face the day.
It’s Chen that snaps him out of it.  She needs help rehoming her dog and the truth is Tim’s needs the company. Things change when Kojo comes to live with him. He starts to develop a routine. His days get a little brighter, his heart a little lighter.
You’d want him to live, he thinks as he sits on the beach with Kojo. And that’s exactly what he’s going to do.
Love Tim Bradford? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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americaswritings · 2 years
My Tim & Lucy stories
The collection
* my personal faves
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Safe place
Lucy realizes that she was wrong; Her safe place is not a place anymore, it's a person.
It's Lucy's last day as Tim's rookie. But instead of spending it on the streets of LA fighting crime, they are trapped in an elevator together. This brings some unwanted memories back for Lucy.
Where the heart belongs
"You and I both know that there have been three people in our relationship from the beginning and I can't keep pretending to not notice that your heart belongs to someone else." (Rachel breaks up with Tim & Lucy is the one to read the message to him.)
Losing control
“I think Caleb- he-he put something into my drink”, she stuttered, and she heard Tim take a sharp inhale at the other end of the phone." (What if Lucy realized Caleb put something in her drink and called Tim for help?)
Dream a little dream of me
A familiar song is played at Angela & Wesley's wedding. Tim won’t let it break Lucy.
Found that person in you
Lucy tells Tim what happened with Chris. He finds out she hasn't just watched the video of herself in the barrel, but the body cam footage of her rescue too.
No place I would rather be *
"It's about Lucy. She uhm- she had a bad day. She's not coming out of her room anymore. I don't know what to do." He inhaled sharply, his eyes closing for a second as he swallowed. "I am on my way." (Lucy deals with the aftermath of watching the video, Tamara is worried & calls Tim.)
Can’t help falling in love (multiple chapters) *
Her gaze locked with his, brown met blue, and it was like a wave of calmness washed over her. He was studying her, his eyes fixed on hers, an intensity in them she had rarely seen from him.  Why wasn't he looking away? And when had she stopped thinking about the lyrics? (Lucy agreed to sing at Angela & Wesley's wedding and shares an intimate moment with Tim.)
Can Beauty come out of Ashes? *
“You should get cleaned up”, he told her softly, letting his hand fall back to his side as he realized the dirt he had tried to rub away wouldn’t come off. He wondered if she would ever not look beautiful to him. (Tim and Lucy share a moment after the explosion nearly took Lucy's life.)
The Reality of Losing you (multiple chapters)
“Can we talk about something else? About your engagement perhaps. Congratulations by the way.” Her words sounded more forced than delighted and Lucy bit her lip, willing herself to get her emotions under control. (Tim doesn’t directly clear up his proposal is a prank and Lucy has to face the reality that she might lose Tim.)
No regrets
Prompts: "I'm sorry I kissed you" & "I'm not with Ashley anymore"
Head in the Game
"Hey." His arm came up to her shoulder, a firm touch to bring her back to reality yet gentle enough to show her she was not in immediate danger. She startled at the gesture, her head snapping towards him, and he could see unshed tears in them. Shit. If Lucy cried right now, it was over. (Tim & Lucy find out that Rosalind escaped while being undercover together.)
Never Alone With You By My Side *
"Come on, you can't say you didn't enjoy it!" She was teasing, of course, but there was a strain on his face. "Could have been worse." "Wow!" Lucy grimaced mockingly. "Way to make a girl feel special, Bradford!" "You know how special you are." (Now that it's all over the apartment feels too empty. So Lucy calls Tim.)
When will this nightmare ever end?
"Lucy-", he began, but she shook her head. "Don't tell me it's all going to be okay, because it's not! Chris almost died, because Rosalind wants to get back at me. I can't- I-" She closed her eyes, exhaling. "When will this nightmare ever end?" (Lucy waits for Chris to wake up and Tim is by her side.)
I thought you never saw me that way
Prompt: “I thought you never saw me that way."
Some things matter more
“I only wanted space, because I thought that’s what we both needed. Time away from each other to think.” Lucy tilted her head, biting her lip. “And did it help?”, she asked, her voice wavering slightly. Tim closed his mouth again, his jaw twitching. “No.” (Prompt: “Some things matter more.")
Always find you
5x03: Lucy gets trapped. With her radio signal blocked, Tim is left with nothing but his imagination about what could have happened to her.
Where our story begins
“Vegas- it wasn’t just pretend. Not for me anyway and I...I think it wasn’t for you either.” (Prompt: "I can't be your aide anymore.”)
One Good Reason
"Then why are you pushing me away?", Lucy asked. "Don't you want-", she bit her lip. Their eyes met and she saw the question in his eyes, the need for her to finish that sentence. "Me." (Prompt: "Are you afraid to be with me?")
"It might take a while but eventually it will feel real", Tim told her, referring to her words as she had stared at Rosalind’s lifeless body. Lucy looked at him, a mixture of emotions flickering over her face. "It just- seems too easy." (Tim makes sure Lucy is okay after they found Rosalind’s body)
If Tomorrow never comes
When the nurse had left and Lucy met his gaze again, his brows were lifted. "Boyfriend?" "I said partner."  "If I recall correctly, I'm your superior", Tim pointed out. "No sign of amnesia then." (Tim asks Lucy to lay with him in the hospital bed)
Sick Days
Lucy gets sick, but goes into work anyway, because she's already taken a lot of sick days due to what happened with Caleb. Of course Tim notices.
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exhausted-archivist · 2 years
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Flora of Thedas Master List
Master list of all the flora in Thedas, mentioned or seen.
Additional notes on certain items will be listed at the bottom, for items marked with asterisks, see the key below for a brief explanation and the Game assets and Additional Notes and Trivia section at the bottom. Sources are listed at the very end and this time linked.
For other lists here are posts for: Real Plants in Thedas
Key: * - Name comes from the asset file name ** - Name not provided but identified based on the textures used on the asset. *** - See Additional Notes and Trivia.
General Flora: Flowers and Foliage
Acacia*: Black Wood*
Andraste's Grace
Ardent Blossom
Banyan Tree*
Beech Tree
Birch: White Birch*
Cactus: Pear Cactus*
Cedar: Red Cedar
Clover: Forest Clover*
Crape Myrtle
Cypress: Italian Cypress*, Topiary Cypress*
Daisy: Marguerite
Elephant Ear*
Fade Berry*
Felicidus Aria
Fern: Red Fern*, Sword Fern*
Harlot's Blush
Hero Tree*
Lichen: Glowing Lichen
Lily: Calla Lily**, Water Lily
Moss: Oakmoss, Redmoss, Tree-Moss
Northern Prickleweed
Oak: Serault Oak
Palm Tree: Curly Palm*, Fan Palm*
Pine: Chir Pine*, Stone Pine
Ponga Tree*
Rose: Climbing Rose
Sugar Cane
Walnut: Black Walnut
Wilds Flower
Apple: Applewood Apple, Green Apple, Golden Apple, Red Apple
Berries: Blackberry, Blueberry, Bramble Berry, Cranberry, Elderberry, Raspberry, Strawberry
Coco, Chocolate
Currants: Black Currant
Nuts: Almonds, Chestnut, Hognut, Peanuts
Orange: Sweet Orange
Palm Fruit: Date
Passion Fruit
Pear: Bradford Pear*
Beans: Bush Bean, Green Bean, Pale Bean, White Bean
Bell Peppers: Red Bell Peppers
Daikon Radish*
Onion: Red Onion, Sweet Onion, White Onion
Peppers: Antivan Pepper, Green Pepper, Hot Pepper, Hot Red Pepper, Sweet Pepper
Squash: Baby Pumpkin, Marrow Squash, Pumpkin, String Squash
Fungus of Thedas
Deep Mushrooms
Bleeding Russula
Blighted Morel
Brimstone Mushroom
Deep Mushroom
Destroying Spirit
Ghoul's Mushroom
Unnamed Mushroom Ortan Thaig
Surface Mushrooms
Beetle Spore
Field Mushroom
Sponge Root***
Unnamed Glowing Mushroom***
Unnamed Mushroom***
Antivan Cord-Seed
Cumin, Cumin Seed
Dill, Dill Seed
Pepper: Black Pepper
Peppercorn: Black Peppercorn
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Herbs of Thedas
Herbs count as anything that Dragon Age has classified as an herb (whether technically correct or not), plants that are used as herbs in real life. These do not include mushrooms, fungi, or deep mushrooms simply for ease of organization.
Amrita Vein
Andraste's Mantle
Arbor Blessing
Crystal Grace
Deathroot: Arcanist Deathroot, Lunatic's Deathroot
Elfroot/Canavaris: Bitter Elfroot, Gossamer Elfroot, Royal Elfroot
Embrium: Dark Embrium, Salubrious Embrium
Ghoul's Beard
Lotus: Black Lotus, Blood Lotus, Dawn Lotus
Mint: Anderfel's Mint, Foxmint, Peppermint
Mintroot - Not a true mint based on its description and the fact that it grows on trees.
Prophet's Laurel
Rashvine Nettle
Spindleweed: Verdant Spindleweed
Vandal Aria
Star Anise
Game Assets Notes
These are plants shown in Dragon Age but aren't named in universe, just in their model files or through identification of the textures. Since most filler plant textures are just that of real world plants.
**NOTE:** When I mention they are not the known name of any plant, this comes with the caveat of being popular common names. Common names are highly variable and inconsistent. They depend on regional knowledge and association. Some travel farther than others. Common names are also not reliable identifiers.
Acacia: Black Wood ~ Note: Black Wood is a type of acacia. Both acacia and black wood are named assets.
Artichoke ~ Note: Identification comes from asset name, the artichoke flower is used as ornamentation of a box.
Banyan Tree
Boxwood ~ A type of shrub, identification comes from asset name.
Bradford Pear ~ Their fruits are edible, however their flowers are known to emit a smell akin to rotting meat. Identification comes from asset name.
Calla Lily ~ Note: Not named but identified by the texture used. It is seen in Val Royeaux planters.
Cattail ~ Note: Seen through out DAO and DAI, identification comes from asset name.
Coleus ~ Note: Not named but identified by the texture used. It is seen in Val Royeaux planters and in the Frostback Basin.
Crape Myrtle
Cypress: Italian Cypress, Topiary Cypress ~ Note: In terms of the Italian Cypress, in world it wouldl likely be called the "Antivan Cypress" given that Antiva is pulling from Italian culture, food, environments, and other inspirational elements. Cypress is a plant that is named in canon.
Daikon Radish ~ Note: Found on Dennet's farm, identification comes from asset name.
Elephant Ear ~ Note: Foliage found in the Frostback Basin, identification comes from asset name.
Fade Berry
Fern: Red Fern, Sword Fern ~ Note: The red fern isn't a real plant and therefore can be considered unique to Thedas. In contrast the sword fern is a real plant. Identification comes from the asset name for both of these ferns.
Forest Clover
Foxleaf ~ Note: This is another plant that is not real, no plant has this common name as far as I could find.
Gasbloom ~ Note: Seen in the Arbor Wilds, the Frostback Basin some elven ruins, and the elven ruins of multiplayer levels. Their identification comes from the asset name. There are two versions of the texture the "fixed" version is used in JoH dlc and thus explains the difference in appearance. This is not the name of a known mushroom.
Hero Tree
Palm: Curly Palm, Fan Palm ~ Note: Both palms are seen in the Frostback Basin, both are identified by their named assets.
Pear Cactus ~ Note: Found in the Frostback Basin, identification comes from the asset name.
Pine: Chir Pine
Ponga Tree ~ Note: Also known as the 'Tree Fern'. This is the tree you see in Val Royeaux garden as coming from Par Vollen, and throughout the Arbor Wilds.
Redwood ~ Note: Identified by the name of the file asset. Found in the Winter Palace, Exalted Plains, and on multiplayer maps.
Waterweed ~ Note: In real life this is an entire genus not one particular plant. Though the six plants in this genus do share the common name of waterweed.
White Birch
Additional Notes and Trivia
Ironwood - Unclear if this is an alternative name, the actual name of the plant, or both.
Morel - This mushroom is inferred due to the existence of Blighted Morel. However it is not explicitly specified there is a non-blighted morel.
Sponge Root - Though canonical as it is mentioned and shown in World of Thedas vol. 2 on pg. 138 with a collection of deep mushroom and surface mushroom illustrations. This mushroom was cut twice from Inquisition. It was cut from the base game as a craftable, it had a much different appearance from its final design, and then it was cut again from Trespasser. It does however still make an appearance in Inquisition as the inventory icon for Crystal Grace.
Unnamed Glowing Mushroom Is mentioned in multiplayer when there are two Lukas playing.
Unnamed Mushroom These brown mushrooms are seen in the Fallow Mire and the Frostback Basin. They are shown in two different sizes ranging from shorter than a dwarf to taller than one.
There is one unlisted mushroom, its assets is named "red mushroom" and thus is identified by textures. These is not a canon name but is included for completeness. Amanita Muscaria: More commonly know as fly agaric or fly amanita, the red top with white spots is an iconic in its imagery. You will find large swaths of these mushrooms in the Frostback Basin. Their assets is named "Red Mushroom".
Winterberry is a real plant. However, from what we see in DA2, it does not the same as the plant we have in the real world, just a shared common name.
Wormroot is another real plant name. However, due to the description in The Calling, it does not seem to be the same plant. In The Calling it is used to treat the venom of a giant spider. The real world plant is used to treat parasites in the gut and does not seem to hold any shared uses in folk lore, folk medicine, or western medicine practices.
Dragon Age Origins + DLCs Dragon Age 2 Dragon Age Last Court Dragon Age Inquisition + DLCs Dragon Age TTRPG Core Rulebook Dragon Age TTRPG Blood of Ferelden Dragon Age TTRPG: Creatures of Thedas: Wyvern
World of Thedas Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne Dragon Age: The Calling Dragon Age: The Masked Empire Dragon Age: Last Flight Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights Short Story: Paying the Ferryman Short Story: Riddle in the Truth Short Story: The Wake
Origins Andraste's Grace Codex: The Bercillian Forest Codex: Falon'Din: Friend of the Dead, the Guide Codex: Feast Day Fish Codex: The History of Soldier's Peak: Chapter 3 Codex: Ironbark Codex: A Note from the Honnleath Village Council Codex: Sylaise: The Hearthkeeper Codex: Sylvan Codex: A Tattered Shopping List Item: Concentrator Agent Item: Deep Mushroom Item: Figurine Item: Madcap Bulb Item: Rare Antivan Brandy Item: Rashvine Nettle Item: Spirit Charm Item: Spirit Cord Item: Sugar Cake Item: Swift Salve Item: West Hill Brandy Item: Wilds Flower
DA 2 Ambrosia Bianca (Crossbow) Ironwood Clearing Codex: Deathroot Codex: Deep Mushroom Codex: Embrium Codex: Felandaris Codex: The Hedge Witch Codex: Spindleweed Item: Carved Ironwood Buttons Item: Harlot's Blush Quest: Hard to Stomach Quest: The Long Road Quest: Tranquility Weapon: The Celebrant Weapon: Ironwood Shield Weapon: Ironwood Warblade
Inquisition Codex: Amrita Vein Codex: Arbor Blessing Codex: Avvar Cuisine Codex: Black Lotus Codex: Blood Lotus Codex: Bottles of Thedas Codex: Crystal Grace Codex: Elfroot Codex: Ghoul's Beard Codex: The Girl in Red Crossing Codex: Hard in Hightown Chapter 7 Codex: Hard in Hightown Chapter 10 Codex: Mediations and Odes to Bees Codex: Notes on Palace Guests Codex: The Orlesian Civil War Codex: Prophet's Laurel Codex: Rashvine Codex: Rashvine Nettle Codex: Vandal Aria Codex: Vivienne's Alchemy Notes Codex: Waterlogged Diary Codex: Witherstalk Note: Betta's Traveling Journal Note: Carta Note on Security Note: Field Notes Note: The Gilded Horn's Drink List Note: Knight-Captain's Orders Note: Love Letter Note: A Note from Skyhold's Kitchens Note: A Note from Skyhold's Kitchens, Again War Table: The Dance with the Dowager: The Allemande Item: Ardent Blossom
Last Court The Abbess' Road The Anchoress Arrival of the Divine The Feast is Ending Fires Flames of Freedom Good Neighbors Heartwood Feast The Hounds The Lord of the Wood Comes a-Calling The Purveyor of Teas Road and River A Swift Stream Thieves! Unofficial Meeting
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chenfordfanficquotes · 4 months
She drives the familiar route to his house with tears blurring her vision, vaguely aware that she probably shouldn’t be behind the wheel at all. But she just… she needs to see him and it can’t wait any longer. Because the Tim Bradford who walked away from her that night outside the station wasn’t the Tim Bradford she knows and loves. But this one – the one who has spent the last four months putting himself back together, stronger and more self-aware than before – this is him. This is the man she’s always known was there, beneath the surface.
-From the ashes by @makeitastrength (submitted by @queseraone)
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how-serene · 2 months
Requests are currently CLOSED
General Rules -
Please be kind, and patient when sending in a request. I have a life outside of this blog, but will do my best to upload your request as soon as Im able to. Sending in a prompt or idea will immensely help me, so keep that in mind. I also will deny a request if I am not comfortable with it. (Minors Don’t Interact)
What I WILL write - Light smut, Angst, Fluff, Yandere, Reader Death, Platonic!Reader, Fem!Reader, Neutral!Reader
What I will NOT write - Heavy smut, OC x Character, Character x Character, Abuse, Rape, SA, Mommy/Daddy kinks
Lists of who I write for down below.
David Dastmalchian List - Bob Taylor, Abner Krill, Johnson (Reprisal), Jack Delroy, James Lewis, Kurt Goreshter, Piter De Vries, Wojchek, Thomas Schiff.
Slasher List - Brahms Heelshire, Michael Myers, Jason Vorhees, Stu Matcher, Billy Loomis, Pinhead, Eric Draven, The Lost Boys, Jack Torrance, Eric Binford, Norman Bates, Killer Klowns.
Final Girls/Boys - Sidney Prescott, Randy Meeks, Laurie Strode, Ash Williams, Ellen Ripley, Jess Bradford, Julie James, Helen Shivers, Ray Bronson, Emerald Haywood, Wendy Torrance, R.J. MacReady, Michael Emerson, Star (Lost boys).
Others - Eddie Munson, Dano!Riddler, Twin Peaks (all characters), The Outsiders (all characters), The Warriors 1979 (all characters).
Michael Jackson - Darryl (Bad short film), Captain Eo, The Scarecrow. (I only write for characters Michael has played).
Will also write for ALL Dead By Daylight characters.
If you don't see someone on the list, but are curious if I will write for them, feel free to ask me.
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makeitastrength · 5 months
From the ashes
Chapter 2 sneak peek
Lucy smiles and Tim smiles back, and it’s the most normal things have felt in months. It’s been a long journey, and painfully slow at times, but with every passing day she can see more and more of the pieces of who they were, and she can feel the first few beginning to slot back into place.
“I uh, I have something for you.”
Tim reaches into his backpack and pulls out a small notebook, the cover a soft grey and held closed by an attached elastic strap along one edge. The corners are bent and she can tell from the creases along the spine that it’s been used regularly.
“What’s this?” Lucy takes it from him and flips it open, finds herself staring at her own name in Tim’s familiar handwriting at the top of the page. She leafs ahead to other pages and finds more of the same, her name at the top followed by line after line of his script, and she lifts her eyes back to his in a mixture of shock and confusion. “You wrote me letters?”
He shoulders his pack and shoves his hands into his pockets with a shrug. “My homework for therapy was to write in it once a week. She didn’t tell me what to write, and that first day the only thing I could think of was everything I wanted to say to you. It kind of… spiraled from there.”
“Tim, this is really private,” Lucy says as she closes the journal and hands it back to him. “You don’t have to share this with me.”
“Yeah, I do,” he replies. His hands remain firmly in his pockets, unwilling to take it from her. “You deserve to know everything. If you want to, I mean,” he adds hastily.
“I… okay,” she manages, uncertain what else there is to say. “Umm. Thanks.”
He nods and takes a step back. “Have a good night.”
“Night,” she offers as she watches him walk away, but it takes nearly a minute for her to unstick her feet from the ground and climb into her own car for the drive home.
Back at her apartment, Lucy forces herself to eat a few bites even though her stomach is tied up in knots and then quickly washes up and crawls into bed with Tim’s journal, settling back against the pillows. Though he asked her to read it, it still feels like an invasion of privacy. She has no idea what she’ll find written within these pages, and as she flips open to the first page and begins to read, the overwhelming feeling is one of nervous anticipation.
(Full chapter will be posted tomorrow!)
(Read the first chapter here)
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Chenford and Contact Names
So we know in S2 because of the fake Rachel call that Tim and Lucy names in each other phones were Ofc Chen and Ofc Bradford. Based on “The Collar” and the necklace bomb Facetime they’d graduated to Chen and Bradford at this point.  Now that they are together and Tim apparently just lives at Lucy’s apartment now (he has a key and we haven’t seen him go home in weeks). Do we think they changed their contact names?? At least once their relationship was out in the open (post like 5x13).  Do we get emojis?? (From Lucy, Tim is a 40-year-old man who didn’t know what Goop was). I do think her graduating from Chen to Lucy is very funny if it contrasts with the many hearts surrounding Tim. But also Tim is kinda a nickname guy. A little bit. Maybe, I’m extrapolating from him calling Ashley “Ash”.  I just want an excuse for him to call her “Luce” or literally any pet name.  Do we get Tim <3? Do we get cute contact pictures? Are Lucy and Kojo his lock screen? How long do we think that took? Especially considering Tim was literally her lockscreen in s2 These very small details are very important to me. Please
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it-begins-with-rain · 2 months
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Finally having our back tree cut down.
It is an invasive species non-native to the area (but popular when we moved in 22 years ago, before they realized how bad they were), known for- around this age-randomly dropping branches and becoming very brittle.
Not to overstate how bad these trees proved to be, they've been BANNED in our city. It is against the law to plant any more of them.
It deformed in an ice storm a couple years ago, and we finally decided the risk to the house was too much, since the branches now hang over the roof, and it looked like it was starting to split at the middle.
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This kind of thing is a common sight in our neighborhood after any strong winds- usually breaking fences or landing on cars. We have been insanely lucky that none of ours (originally there were 3) caused problems beyond deforming the concrete around sidewalks (we had them repaired).
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It's a bit sad though, this is the fifth tree we've had to have removed in 10 years. An ash that was killed in an emerald ash borer outbreak that hit our neighborhood, a young oak that became infested with gall wasps and then died, and now 3 Bradford Pear trees.
Chatting with a landscape architect neighbor later to figure out what we can plant. We only have our beloved maple tree left now (I don't know why it is the favorite, but it is).
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literali1110 · 2 years
Chenford + "I don't want to die alone."
tw: mentions of blood loss heads up, this is angsty but with a happy ending I promise!
“I don’t want to die alone.”
He utters the words before he can think better of it, a testament to how serious his injuries are. His brain to mouth filter seems to have been lost along with the liters of blood. He’d put up a good fight, running on adrenaline, but that had worn off, and he’d just felt tired. Tired, cold, scared, and alone.
But then Lucy’s voice had come over the radio, telling him they had found his location, and she was on her way to him. And all he could think was that he hoped she made it so he could spend his final moments with her by his side.
They say your life flashes before your eyes before you die, but all Tim can think of is his regrets. And his biggest regret of all; not telling Lucy how he feels. It had felt like there were so many obstacles in the way of them being together, but thinking back on it, they all seem so insignificant. Now, he mourns every single precious wasted minute. Here he was, alone in more ways than one, dying before he got his second chance at love, at having a family.
“Tim!” Lucy’s voice comes through the radio again, slightly scratchy. He just knows there are tears in her eyes and he can’t help but let some of his own fall. “Timothy Bradford, I swear to God if you die on me I'll spread your ashes over Dodger Field.”
How is it that this woman manages to lighten his mood even at death’s door?
Somehow, he finds the strength to respond. “Don’t. They'll screw up…”
“Yup, even though it will screw up the pH of the grass. That’s how you know how serious I am. You are not dying.”
He knows what she’s trying to do. Trying to keep him talking, to keep him optimistic. She’s done it for him before. But this time things feel different. And he has to make sure he says everything he needs to before it’s too late.
“Take good care of Kojo for me,” he starts, blackness beginning to creep into the edge of his vision.
“Tim! No. You’re going to be okay Tim, we’re only a minute out, RA is meeting us on scene, you’re going to go home and take good care of Kojo yourself–”
He can barely keep his eyes open through her rambling, let alone finish telling her everything he wants to say. That’s okay, he’ll just skip to the most important part.
“Lucy, I lo-”
“No. No, Tim, no, please not like this,” Lucy cries in his ear, and, finding it fitting that it’s the last thing he’ll ever do, he listens to her request, falling silent.
Everything goes black.
He wakes up in a bright room. After a few moments of confusion, he pieces together the familiar scenery of Shaw Memorial.
He turns his head slowly to his left, resting his eyes upon Lucy, who uncurls herself from the visitor’s chair she’d been sitting in. She walks over to him, grabbing onto his hand and holding it tight. He can tell by her eyes that she’d been crying.
“Hey,” he replies, his voice cracking. 
“You’re okay, the doctors say you’re going to be good as new,” she tells him with a soft smile, and then pauses, her eyes welling up again, “you really scared me there, Tim.”
“I know,” he tells her, squeezing her hand back with as much strength as he can muster, “I’m sorry. I knew you would find me, but I was scared there too for a moment that it wouldn’t be in time.” There aren’t words to describe how grateful he feels that he was wrong.
Lucy takes a deep breath, wiping at her eyes. “So…do you want to talk about it?”
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