belugapods · 6 months
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blackbirdbehavioral · 11 months
The Resilience Revolution: My Blueprint for Overcoming
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Hello there, lovely readers! I’m Meg Wallis, and I’m absolutely thrilled to embark on this journey with you. Today, we’re delving into a topic that’s incredibly close to my heart — the extraordinary expedition of resilience. So, grab a cozy seat, perhaps a warm beverage, and let’s dive into the transformative power that resilience holds.
Brief Overview of the Resilience Journey
Life, as we all know, is an intricate tapestry of highs and lows, twists and turns. The resilience journey is, in essence, our response to these unpredictable twists. It’s a narrative of bouncing back, of finding strength in adversity, and of emerging from challenges with newfound wisdom.
In this section, we’ll explore the fascinating dynamics of resilience, unpacking its layers and understanding the profound impact it can have on our lives. Together, we’ll navigate the terrain of personal growth, celebrating the triumphs that arise from the most unexpected places.
Importance of Resilience in Overcoming Challenges
Resilience isn’t just a buzzword — it’s a lifeline. When faced with the storms that life inevitably throws our way, resilience becomes the anchor that keeps us steady. It’s the tool that allows us not only to weather the storm but to emerge stronger on the other side.
Throughout this section, we’ll delve into the significance of resilience in overcoming challenges. From the everyday hurdles to the monumental crises, resilience is the secret ingredient that empowers us to navigate these obstacles with grace and fortitude.
Personal Connection to Resilience and Its Transformative Power
Now, let me pull back the curtain and share a bit about my own journey. I’ve faced my fair share of battles, danced with demons, and wrestled with the shadows that sometimes cloud our lives. It was in these moments of struggle that I discovered the true transformative power of resilience.
My story is a testament to the belief that, within each of us, lies an incredible capacity for strength and growth. Through resilience, I found not just a means of surviving but a path to thriving. In this section, I’ll open up about my personal connection to resilience, offering a glimpse into the highs and lows that have shaped my understanding of this powerful force.
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Definition and Concept of Resilience
Now that we’ve set the stage for our resilience revolution, let’s dive into the very heart of the matter — the definition and concept of resilience. Resilience is more than just a buzzword; it’s a dynamic force that shapes our responses to life’s ebbs and flows.
Resilience, in its essence, is the capacity to bounce back from adversity. It’s that inherent ability within each of us to adapt, grow, and thrive in the face of challenges. Throughout this section, we’ll unpack the layers of resilience, exploring what it means to embrace setbacks not as roadblocks but as stepping stones toward personal evolution.
The Role of Resilience in Personal Growth
Why does resilience matter in the grand tapestry of personal growth? Well, it’s the secret sauce, the catalyst that propels us forward. In this part of our exploration, we’ll illuminate the profound role resilience plays in our journey toward becoming the best versions of ourselves.
Personal growth isn’t a linear path — it’s a series of peaks and valleys. Resilience acts as our guide, helping us navigate the lows and savor the highs. Together, we’ll unravel the threads connecting resilience and personal growth, weaving a narrative that celebrates the beauty of progress.
Common Misconceptions About Resilience
Let’s clear the air on some common misconceptions surrounding resilience. It’s not about being impervious to pain or never experiencing hardship. Resilience isn’t the absence of struggle; it’s the art of transforming struggle into strength.
Throughout this section, we’ll debunk myths and highlight the realities of resilience. It’s not a superhuman trait reserved for a select few — it’s a skill that can be cultivated and honed by anyone willing to embark on the journey. So, buckle up as we challenge preconceptions and pave the way for a more authentic understanding of resilience.
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Open and Honest Discussion about Addiction and Mental Health Challenges
Let’s dive into a chapter of my life that shaped the contours of my resilience journey — a chapter marked by raw authenticity and vulnerability. It’s a narrative that many of us share, a story of grappling with addiction and mental health challenges. Through an open and honest discussion, we can break down the walls of silence and stigma that often surround these issues.
Addiction and mental health challenges are not weaknesses; they are human experiences, complex and multifaceted. In this segment, I invite you into a space of candor, where we can explore the nuances of these challenges. By shedding light on the darkness that often accompanies addiction and mental health struggles, we pave the way for understanding, empathy, and, ultimately, healing.
The Turning Point: Acknowledging the Need for Change
Every resilient journey has its pivotal moment — a turning point where the winds of change begin to blow. For me, it was the powerful realization that change was not just necessary but entirely possible. Acknowledging the need for change became the compass guiding my journey towards a brighter, more resilient future.
I’ll share the transformative impact of recognizing the need for change and how it sparked the flame of resilience within me. Together, we’ll explore the courage it takes to face the uncomfortable truth and the strength that arises from the decision to embrace transformation.
The Initial Steps towards Resilience and Recovery
Embarking on a journey of resilience and recovery isn’t a sprint; it’s a series of intentional, forward-moving steps. In this segment, we’ll unravel the initial steps that marked the beginning of my own path to resilience. From seeking support to adopting new habits, these steps lay the groundwork for a sustainable and transformative journey.
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Establishing a Foundation for Resilience
1. Self-awareness and Self-discovery
Let’s begin our exploration of resilience by laying a solid foundation, one built on self-awareness and self-discovery. Understanding ourselves is akin to having a reliable map for the journey ahead. In this section, we’ll delve into the importance of self-awareness, exploring how knowing who we are forms the bedrock of resilience.
2. Embracing Vulnerability as a Strength
Contrary to popular belief, vulnerability is not a weakness; it’s a superpower. As we navigate the twists of life, embracing vulnerability becomes a key element of our resilience blueprint. Together, we’ll uncover the strength that lies in openness, allowing us to connect with our true selves and others on a profound level.
Building a Support System
1. The Power of Genuine Connections
No one walks this path alone. Building a support system of genuine connections is a game-changer. Whether it’s family, friends, or kindred spirits, we’ll explore the transformative power of authentic relationships. These connections become our pillars of strength, offering solace and support when the journey gets tough.
2. Surrounding Oneself with Positive Influences
Our surroundings shape our experiences. In this segment, we’ll discuss the significance of consciously choosing positive influences. From the media we consume to the company we keep, every element plays a role in shaping our resilience. Together, we’ll navigate the art of curating a positive environment that fosters growth.
Strategies for Coping and Adapting
1. Developing Healthy Coping Mechanisms
Life’s challenges can be relentless, but our coping mechanisms make all the difference. Join me in exploring practical strategies for coping with stress, anxiety, and the unexpected curveballs that come our way. From mindfulness practices to creative outlets, we’ll discover a toolkit for resilience that suits your unique journey.
2. Embracing Change as a Constant in Life
Change is the only constant, they say. Resilience lies not in avoiding change but in embracing it with open arms. In this part of our blueprint, we’ll discuss the art of adapting to life’s ever-shifting landscape. From finding joy in the journey to viewing challenges as opportunities, let’s redefine our relationship with change.
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Recognizing the Importance of the Healing Journey
Recognizing the importance of the healing journey is akin to acknowledging the very air we breathe — it’s fundamental. Healing is a nuanced process, a tapestry woven with threads of self-discovery, acceptance, and growth. I’ve come to understand that true resilience isn’t just about weathering the storm; it’s about tending to the wounds left in its wake.
In this section, we’ll explore the pivotal role that the healing journey plays in the broader context of resilience. It’s a journey that demands our attention, compassion, and a willingness to confront the aspects of ourselves that may be scarred but not defeated.
Patience and Self-Compassion During the Recovery Process
Patience, my dear readers, is the silent architect of resilience. As we navigate the path to recovery, it’s crucial to remember that healing doesn’t adhere to a rigid timeline. It’s a dance, sometimes slow and deliberate, but always moving forward.
I’ve found that self-compassion is the gentlest companion on this journey. We often hold ourselves to impossibly high standards, forgetting that healing, like any art form, requires time and practice. In this part of our exploration, we’ll delve into the significance of patience and self-compassion, discovering how they become our allies in the process of recovery.
Celebrating Small Victories and Milestones
Amidst the challenges, victories — no matter how small — are beacons of light. Celebrating these milestones is not just a joyful act but a crucial one. It’s a recognition of progress, a testament to our resilience in action.
In the upcoming segment, we’ll shine a spotlight on the art of celebration. From the tiniest triumphs to the significant milestones, each step forward deserves applause. Together, we’ll explore the power of acknowledging and celebrating these moments as we traverse the path of resilience.
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Empowering Others
A. Sharing Personal Experiences to Inspire and Connect
In this part of our Resilience Revolution, let’s delve into the incredible power of sharing our personal experiences. My own journey has taught me that vulnerability isn’t a weakness — it’s a superpower. By opening up and sharing our struggles, we create bridges of connection that traverse the gaps of isolation.
I’ll share snippets of my own challenges, victories, and the pivotal moments where resilience became my guiding light. Together, we’ll explore how personal narratives, with all their complexities, have the extraordinary ability to inspire and foster a profound sense of connection.
B. Providing a Safe Space for Others to Share Their Stories
As we navigate the delicate terrain of personal growth and resilience, it’s crucial to recognize the importance of a safe and welcoming space. In this segment, I extend an invitation for you, dear reader, to share your own stories, if you feel comfortable doing so.
Creating a safe space is more than a gesture — it’s a commitment. Here, we’ll discuss the significance of empathy, non-judgment, and active listening in cultivating an environment where individuals can express their experiences authentically. Your story matters, and this platform is dedicated to embracing the diversity of our collective narratives.
C. Encouraging a Sense of Community and Collective Resilience
The beauty of resilience is magnified when it’s shared. Together, we’re not just individuals navigating our separate paths; we’re a community bound by the common thread of resilience. In this section, we’ll explore the profound impact of collective resilience.
I’ll share insights on fostering a sense of community, where each member contributes to the resilience of the whole. From shared triumphs to moments of vulnerability, our collective strength becomes a force that transcends individual struggles. Let’s encourage one another, celebrate victories together, and find solace in the understanding that we’re never alone on this journey.
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Overcoming Stigma
A. Addressing Societal Stigmas around Addiction and Mental Health
In our journey of resilience, it’s essential to confront the societal stigmas that often surround topics like addiction and mental health. These stigmas, like heavy clouds, can cast shadows on individuals already grappling with their own challenges.
Let’s engage in an open conversation about these stigmas, unraveling the myths and misinformation that contribute to the barriers faced by those on the path of recovery. Together, we’ll shed light on the importance of dismantling these preconceptions to create a space where everyone feels seen and understood.
B. The Role of Empathy and Understanding in Breaking Down Barriers
Empathy is the glue that binds us together, and understanding is the bridge that connects hearts. In this segment, we’ll explore the transformative role of empathy in breaking down the barriers erected by societal stigmas. By putting ourselves in others’ shoes, we not only foster compassion but also pave the way for a more supportive and nurturing community.
I’ll share anecdotes and insights from my own encounters with judgment and misunderstanding, illustrating the power of empathy in navigating the complexities of addiction and mental health struggles. Together, we’ll learn how simple acts of understanding can be revolutionary in reshaping perceptions.
C. Promoting a Culture of Inclusivity and Acceptance
Resilience thrives in an environment of inclusivity and acceptance. Here, we’ll delve into the significance of fostering a culture that embraces the diversity of human experiences, acknowledging that each person’s journey is uniquely their own.
Let’s discuss practical steps we can take to promote inclusivity — whether it’s through education, advocacy, or simply extending a hand to someone in need. By actively working towards a more inclusive culture, we contribute to the breaking down of walls and the building up of bridges that support the collective resilience of our community.
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Integrating Resilience into Daily Life
Now, let’s talk about weaving resilience into the fabric of our daily lives. It’s not just a concept reserved for extraordinary circumstances; rather, resilience is a daily practice that can enhance our well-being and fortify us against life’s uncertainties.
1. Mindfulness and Self-Reflection Practices
In the hustle and bustle of our daily routines, it’s easy to lose touch with the present moment. Mindfulness, the art of being fully present, serves as a powerful ally in our resilience arsenal. Whether it’s a few minutes of meditation, mindful breathing exercises, or simply savoring a quiet moment, incorporating mindfulness into your day can cultivate a profound sense of resilience.
Self-reflection is another invaluable practice. Taking the time to introspect, understand our emotions, and identify areas for growth allows us to respond to challenges with clarity and purpose.
2. Maintaining a Balanced and Healthy Lifestyle
Resilience is closely tied to our physical well-being. A healthy body supports a resilient mind. Regular exercise, a nourishing diet, and sufficient sleep contribute not only to our overall health but also to our ability to bounce back from life’s demands. Small, sustainable changes in our lifestyle can have a cascading effect on our resilience, empowering us to face challenges head-on.
Nurturing Ongoing Personal Growth
Resilience isn’t a destination; it’s an ongoing journey of growth and self-discovery. Let’s explore practical ways to foster this continual evolution.
1. Setting and Achieving Goals
Goals provide direction and purpose. Whether they’re big or small, setting achievable goals creates a roadmap for personal growth. As we accomplish these milestones, our confidence grows, and so does our resilience. Together, we’ll navigate the process of goal-setting, breaking down larger aspirations into manageable steps that contribute to our overall well-being.
2. Embracing Challenges as Opportunities for Growth
Challenges are not roadblocks; they’re opportunities in disguise. Shifting our perspective allows us to view challenges as stepping stones to personal growth. Embracing discomfort, facing fears, and learning from setbacks are all part of the resilience journey. I’ll share insights into how these challenges can be transformative, propelling us towards a more resilient and fulfilling life.
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Tools for Resilience
Now that we’ve explored the essence of resilience, it’s time to equip ourselves with the tools that will fortify our journey. I’m excited to share some practical strategies that have been instrumental in my own resilience revolution.
Practical Strategies for Cultivating Resilience
1. Journaling and Reflection Exercises
There’s something remarkably cathartic about putting pen to paper or fingertips to keyboard. Journaling has been my trusted companion in navigating the labyrinth of emotions. In this section, we’ll explore the art of journaling as a powerful tool for self-discovery, reflection, and a tangible record of our resilience journey.
2. Mindfulness and Meditation Techniques
In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, finding moments of peace becomes paramount. Mindfulness and meditation are like a reset button for the soul. Join me as we delve into these practices, understanding how they cultivate resilience by grounding us in the present moment and fostering a sense of calm amid life’s storms.
Seeking Professional Help When Needed
Resilience isn’t a solo act — it’s okay to seek guidance when the road gets tough. This brings us to the second set of tools: the invaluable support of mental health professionals.
1. Importance of Therapy and Counseling
Therapy is a beacon of light in the darkest of times. In this section, we’ll unravel the importance of therapy and counseling in our resilience toolkit. Let’s break down the stigma, explore different therapeutic approaches, and understand how seeking professional help is a courageous step toward healing.
2. Building a Collaborative Relationship with Mental Health Professionals
Choosing a mental health professional is akin to selecting a trusted ally. Together, we’ll navigate the nuances of building a collaborative relationship with therapists, counselors, and other professionals. It’s not just about seeking help — it’s about forging a partnership that nurtures growth and resilience.
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Let’s take a moment to reflect on the incredible odyssey we’ve just embarked upon — the Resilience Revolution. It’s been a journey of self-discovery, shared stories, and the unwavering belief in our ability to overcome. As we wrap up, I want to leave you with a heartfelt invitation to take the reins of your own resilience journey.
Recap of the Resilience Journey
We’ve navigated the nuances of resilience, understanding it not as a fleeting quality but as a guiding force. From the ebb and flow of life’s challenges to the strength found in vulnerability, we’ve covered ground that’s both comforting and empowering.
Embark on Your Own Path of Resilience
Now, dear reader, it’s your turn. The path of resilience is one that welcomes all, and I encourage you to take those first steps. Embrace your own story, with all its ups and downs, and recognize the resilience that already resides within you.
Remember, you’re not alone on this journey. There’s a community ready to support you, and I’m here as well. If you find yourself wanting a bit of guidance or someone to walk beside you, I offer a 15-minute free consultation on BlackbirdBehavioral.com. It’s a safe space to explore your thoughts and feelings, and together, we can chart a course toward resilience.
Final Thoughts on the Transformative Power of Resilience
In closing, let’s celebrate the transformative power of resilience. It’s not just a tool for surviving; it’s a beacon for thriving. As we navigate the complexities of life, let resilience be your compass, guiding you through storms and shining a light on the possibilities that lie beyond.
Thank you for sharing in this Resilience Revolution with me. May your journey be filled with self-discovery, growth, and the unwavering belief that, indeed, you are stronger than you think. Until we meet again on the path of resilience, take good care, and remember, the revolution begins within each of us.
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fearlessbastard-ing · 2 years
Stigma: Menstruation
Stigma: Menstruation
In my previous post, Stigma: Mental Health, I shared the mechanisms and origin of stigma on mental health. Another topic, that unfortunately is marked in most cultures, is the stigma of shame associated, with menstruators’ periods. If you do a quick google search about the stigma on menstruators’ periods, what you will find is that in most cultures and in some religions there’s a taboo associated…
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happymind-nonprofit · 3 years
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antjeutgaardworld · 6 years
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individualelements · 6 years
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Shake off your reservations and self doubt. The world needs you. 💚✌🏻 . . . . #shakeitoff #showup #showupforyourself #quotes #positivequotes #yougotthis #wakeupyoursoul #mentalhealth #recovery #depression #mentalhealthawareness #inspiration #feedyoursoul #bossbabe #motivation #gypsysoul #chasingthesun #breakstigmas #happiness #lifestyle #instagood #positivevibes #bewhoyouare #selflove #wanderlust #radiatelove #unicornvibetribe https://www.instagram.com/p/BqXc2MZDKgf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3bpe8joueu9s
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officialdingems · 6 years
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Iced Cross pendant and Diamond Tennis chain set. Use code ( powerup ) to get 25% OFF. #dingems #breakingthestigma #breakstigmas#defyconfirmity #morethanjewelry #designerjewelry#hiphopjewelry #customjewelry#handcraftedjewelry #art
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dreamscapemagazine · 4 years
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Repeat after me "I AM A DREAMER" . . . We all have dreams and if we look it in a positive light, we will see that our dreams are plans in the making. We can achieve beautiful and great things. . . Comment all the dreamers and tell me about what is your dream in life? . . . #powerful #motivate #encourage #breakstigmas #reminder#remember #stigma #healthymind #wordsofwisdom#wordstoliveby #wordsofencouragement #iamadreamer #dreamer #dreams #dreamsareplans #dream https://www.instagram.com/p/CB6xGJ1HYAy/?igshid=1dootg23rrg7o
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miss-swagiish · 5 years
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Every sentence is true 💕 Believe it or not, this was true for me. And the biggest patience for me was waiting for Allah to reunite me with my soulmate. Trust me, when you least expect it, it happens. As the Pakistani society really focuses on the topic of marriage for women, this can create pressure & weakness for women who are told that “Shaadi ki age hogi hai apke, jaldi se dekho larka”. What does this imply? This isn’t a healthy way to look at it. What is the shaadi age anyway? Who said there was a limitation after a certain age? We are literally fed these kind of demeaning & bias opinions. There is NO set age for marriage, when YOU feel it’s the right time & when Allah allows it, it will happen beautifully. In the mean time, enjoy your beautiful life, it’s opportunities & grow yourself. #standupforyourself https://www.instagram.com/p/ByjdDgBBGaB/?igshid=io01t818gx3y
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herpesdatingsingles · 2 years
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We fear rejection, want attention, crave affection, and dream of perfection
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Sleeping💤 should be a moment of peace. Allowing negative thoughts to sink in may be detrimental for the day ahead. . . At end of each day should be the END of that day. Do not drag it to the next. 🥺 . . Yes, there will be tasks needed to be completed, or phone calls needed to be made or chores left undone, 😣 . . But at the end, you must detach yourself from these responsibilities and start completely new. 🔋 . . New day =new opportunities and it is up to you to not allow anything to deter you from achieving your goals.🤝 . . #depressionmanagement #anxietyproblems #cripplingdepression #fuckdepression #depressionawareness #depressionisreal #bipolardepression #chronicillness #anxietysupport #anxietyhelp #anxietyissues #trustissues #endthestigma #breakstigma #healingtrauma #ptsdhelp #mentalhealthrecovery #copingskills #mentalhealthawareness #mindsetmatters #anxietysucks #stopthestigma #gaithesburg #sanfrancisco #nevada #baltimore #london #itsokaynottobeokay #italy (at Maryland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CB6mTfCHd1s/?igshid=yoxs7qbdajlr
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hopeisreal42 · 5 years
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“People with lived experiences in the mental health system are the missing ingredient for trauma informed success!” Hopepersists.com Yesterday my drug court wellness group talked about trauma informed care. Everyone was so engaged and the conversation was great. Let’s have a recovery system that lifts people up instead of shouting them down. #trauma #traumainformedcare #peersupport #drugcourt #recovery #mentalhealth #whathappenedtoyou #hopeisreal #alifeworthliving #dualdiagnosis #liftpeopleup #recoveryblogger #mentalhealthblogger #recoveryauthor #mentalhealthauthor #recoverywriter #mentalhealthwriter #dialogue #talkaboutit #breakstigma #stampoutstigma #mentalhealthstigma #peoplecanchange #changeisreal #hope https://www.instagram.com/p/B5na6PXFuYj/?igshid=jhbn1teo6e79
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jennascuriocabinet · 5 years
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#mentalhealthmatters💚 #letstalkabout #breakstigma #endstigma #itsokaytonotbeokay (at Jenna's Curio Cabinet) https://www.instagram.com/p/By41mvUnz4Z/?igshid=1g2gg22id48l2
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happymind-nonprofit · 4 years
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HM non-profit wishes you a Merry Christmas! . . #happymindnonprofit #happiness #weareone #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthsupport #charity #breakstigmas #nonprofit #anxiety #depression #bpd #bipolar #recovery #healing #mentalhealthrecovery #selfcare #selflove #selfworth #mindset #youarenotalone #youmatter #merrychristmas #christmas2020 https://www.instagram.com/p/CJN7V1epwUR/?igshid=8ops16sww5zj
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duaandchill · 6 years
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After becoming aware of our mental-health and incorporating a positive mindset by re-framing negative thoughts to positive thoughts, by focusing on self-care and being self-reflective, it will help us (ESP DESIS) to live a carefree, mindful positive life. As well as developing healthy coping strategies to move forward in life aka as depicted in the picture above. Be your own BOSS, because life is too short SO drink chai, eat GULAB jamuns & love yourself with PYAR xo
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individualelements · 6 years
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Take time to calm your busy soul. 💚🕉✌🏻 . . . . #relax #bestill #vibes #mood #chill#wakeupyoursoul #mentalhealth #recovery #mentalhealthawareness #inspiration #feedyoursoul #bossbabe #motivation #gypsysoul #chasingthesun #breakstigmas #happiness #lifestyle #instagood #positivevibes #bewhoyouare #selflove #wanderlust #radiatelove #unicornvibetribe https://www.instagram.com/p/BonVKk6DME-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=44m1rp9660nj
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