#bro this fucking job
outcast-thingz · 2 years
....yeah no I think im done there (rant in the tags)
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payasita · 1 year
being a manager sucks balls half the time but the cashier kids im in charge of trust me enough to dick around in front of me so ive been keeping a running list of the shit they say that makes me laugh randomly: -"guys, is it cheating if you play fortnite with your ex" [4 seperate others, immediately]: "YES" -"there must be like… infinite sentences" -"bro what bro what the fuck bro what's that mean bro why'd you say that bro what" <distraught response to a girl randomly greeting him with 'hey there big boy' in an old timey transatlantic news reporter accent
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crowlixcx · 3 months
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Broadchurch | S2EP3 | Alec Hardy’s Wettest Moments (Part 52)
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felsicveins · 7 months
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Not at the dinner table ..... 💀
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 7 months
A vile trickster sent me a nefarious package that unleashed a torrent of glitter upon myself and my home!
I have spent the last 3 hours meticulously using masking tape to extract the microplastics from my helmet.
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gif for anyone who wants it
secret bonus audio of him opening the glitter bomb
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eternal-moss · 4 months
Being a big Thistle and Mithrun fan is sad because I genuinely cannot look at the panels when they are being ‘devoured’. It makes me feel sick to my stomach, it’s just so viscerally reminiscent of sexual assault it literally makes me feel like throwing up…
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ratzhatz14 · 11 days
"but I wouldn't spoil the endings"
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[[Uhmm... Blood! And.. uhm.... Totally friendly Cosprout which doesn't include angst right below]]
Okay, so... This was the 3rd ending I came up with (which most likely won't happen)... I'm zorry redzania for ruining Cosprout in this au but angst is in my vlood 😔
This would happen if Cosmo triggers sprout a few too many times (commits scarf death)
Totally not inspired by "There's something about Amy/Crazy Amy" teehee
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+a version with less blood!1!1!1
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I'm also thinking of making an askblog for Sprout's World once my AU gets popular, but I'm still kinda unsure on it
Ehe... Incase y'all are curious of the other two endings (why am I treating this like some game in progress???), I'll just say that Cosmo/Sprout cannot be alive at the same time :3
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edamamefiend · 9 days
they should invent an applying for jobs that doesnt make you wish death upon yourself and othwrs
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chuuzmii · 2 months
Saw someone say that Louis was more irredeemable than the other characters because "he doesn't have enough trauma to explain his actions" and I had to LAUGH!!!
A QUEER black man growing up in the 18-1900's doesn't have enough trauma for you? The same man we see constantly being emasculated and degraded by not only his family but every one else doesn't have enough trauma? The same man who watched his brother swan dive off a roof to his death? Who's mother accused him of being the reason his brother was going to hell when his last words to paul were "I love you". The amount of racism louis experienced in his lifetime just doesn't count as trauma to y'all? Like thats fucking insane to me.
But i completely see where this is coming from because to people who aren't POC they just see racism as something that is just a part of life for us. It doesn't count as a traumatic experience because thats just something we are going to have to deal with anyway!!! "Like how DARE louis a black man in the 1900s try to make a name for himself and his family? How dare he kill white men for daring to be racist? Doesn't he know he's just supposed to sit and take it like a good little negro?? How dare he fight back against his abusive white husband? Doesn't he know he loves him??? Who cares if he abuses and emasculates and degrades him!!" This is what some of y'all sound like to me and its INSANE. You have got to get over this weird inherently racist thought that all POC have to be sweet and docile about racial inequalities they face holy FUCK.
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conanssummerchild · 7 months
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autistic icons tbh
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batwynn · 3 months
Sometimes I randomly wonder what some actors think when they find fanfiction featuring their character. Not in the ‘oh nawr it’s PORWN!!?!’ Kind of way, but more in the: ‘huh, so that’s what people got from my acting?’ Or ‘Oh, that’s a different place that story line could have gone.’ Or ‘wait why didn’t we explore this in the show?’ Or ‘He Wouldn’t Fucking Say That.’
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spearxwind · 4 months
do you guys fucking remember when music artists actually made or commissioned people to make song/album art for them instead of resorting to ugly ass AI slop?
i swear, it's always the artists with more money too. bring me the horizon keeps using AI art even though they basically shit money. incredibly popular artists that can very well pay artists using AI images to reduce costs. actually fucking sucks so bad. it just makes your song stand out way less
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jackshiccup · 10 months
despite knowing what was going to happen, snotlout's redemption and eventual downfall was so so heartbreaking to me. we spend the past 10 books witnessing how much he's tormented and bullied hiccup that we all feel the same anger and frustration and resentment as fishlegs does in the beginning of 11. i was, maybe, even rooting for something a little bad to happen to him so that he can feel even a fraction of the humiliation that he put hiccup through. but time and time again hiccup, with his inherent goodness and wonderful capacity to always try and see the best in people, reminds us that people need and deserve second chances. even third, fourth and fifth chances. even when hiccup was faced with the certainty that snotlout was set on betraying him from the start.
that's why it was so satisfying to get to the emotional catharsis of the swordfight. snotlout practically begging for hiccup to hate him and hiccup genuinely not having it in him to be able to. and even after that, even after he disarms hiccup and is seconds from killing him - he doesn't. and then hiccup comforts snotlout through it. he tells him words that snotlout didn't know he's been desperate to hear. he tells him he's being too hard on himself. he tells him he's a hero. he opens a door inside snotlout's life for the first time in a long time. despite everything, he offers him another choice to join the dragonmarkers. and snotlout accepts. he bows to hiccup, he calls him king, pledges his sword to his service forever, shakes his hand and chooses to bear the dragonmark.
and it's this moment we finally seeing the seeds of change planted in snotlout sprout - instigated by gobber teaching him a lesson in the amber slavelands and reminding him what the black star represents: pride, honour, bravery. all the times we see snotlout give in to vulnerability and ponder on his choices, he's always holding onto it. which makes it all the more symbolic when he hangs it around hiccup's neck during his last act of valour.
just like how the book tells us that the tides can change so fast, through hiccup, my heart was able to give snotlout another chance too. and it's because of hiccup's belief in snotlout's potential for more that makes you feel so strongly about his death. snotlout's excitement at finally being on hiccup's side, at doing what's right, at having the opportunity to actually be a hero - we can't help but feel that burst of pride, we can't help but root for him. and so we feel the loss, as hiccup did. and it's a point driven home when hiccup ends the epilogue with how he’s carried snotlout and his sacrifice with him all throughout his life. and how time has rubbed away at the black star.
that now the star doesn't look black at all. just gold.
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epikhightechnology · 10 months
Desperate times ask for desperate measures aka I find myself unsure of how I am going to pay my rent & bills this winter so I am wondering if anyone would be interested in exchanging some money for my drawing services? I don't do prints cause I don't know how lol but I can mail you the actual drawing. Here's some of the stuff I've drawn this year:
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I can draw your blorbo, your bias, your mom, anyone really, just need a good reference picture. Price would depend on the picture, the size, if it's b&w or coloured and shipping (i live in the EU). If anyone's interested lmk and we'll figure it out together? 🙏🙏
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pygmy--tyrant · 2 years
y'all spin the whole 'kavinsky made ronan worse' angle too often. I don't think we're giving ronan enough credit here for how much he did not give a single fuck about anything kavinsky said. poor man was trying his absolute HARDEST to give effective villain monologues and expose ronan's repressed homosexuality and every time he was like ok. are you done now. also stop saying you fucked my mum she would do no such thing
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bunnygibson · 4 months
i never really think about how billy is hodgson and little's steward too... i bet hodge is so nice like "AH hello William my boy! how are you this fine day :D" and billy responds with all the enthusiasm of a 16 year-old flipping burgers
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