outcast-thingz · 2 years
....yeah no I think im done there (rant in the tags)
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lavena · 8 months
07 Mikey being the only of the brothers to experience rush hour traffic cause of his cowabunga carl gig and going from high beach boy "just chill out man ain't no big deal" to " ay Ray, get off the fuckin road if you ain't gonna press the damn gas, tell Jess Happy birthday and I'll see her Sunday, now move slowass" new yorker in 2 seconds flat and surprising the shit out of his brothers the first time they do a day trip to upstate
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justheretoposttrash · 2 months
day 8 of me ignoring how long a week is so i can keep talking about endhawks:
i find it hilarious how, once i'd put the shipping goggles on and strapped in for the ride, the endhawks rabbithole just got ever-so-gayer by increasing increments. the promotional materials, the official art--
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like, sure, i know hawks facing the same way as the interns in image 1 is supposed to give "looking towards the light of the future" and that the over-the-shoulder in image 2 is supposed to give "ambiguous feelings, double-agent-ness, and being cool alongside teamwork/rebirth", but...why is it also giving wistful-soul-bond in the first and femme fatale in the second. who is responsible for this
"oh biiiig deaaaal two 2D characters exist in 2D space relative to each other congratu-fuckin-lations" and honestly,,,,, yeah!!! so true! lmao
i'm also including the image below bc i only stumbled upon it the other day and it's pretty darn cute. (this kinda makes hawks appear more essential to the interns/that particular arc than he actually is...? he and endeavor really are a set)
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and these are just the tip of the iceberg--it really does just keep going. "oh they have merch? 😊 --oh there's a LOT of merch--whattaya mean there's a RING???"
also tumblr didn't let me post multiple vids yesterday and is weird about audio so here's a tacked-on spotlight of another voice acting moment i liked from the anime. i just really got a sense of the devastation hawks feels for endeavor's sake in the AFO fight:
the whole onlooker-who-cares-for-person-now-upset-over-said-person-receiving-horrible-knowledge is such a very specific trope (it's giving riza hawkeye grimacing right before roy mustang goes ballistic and roasts envy in fma) and i love it, even when it necessarily gets less time to breathe in the middle of a shonen fight.
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agirlwithachakram · 19 days
locking in Reyes' romance is objectively ridiculous
the flirts are fun and cute, and he obviously really fancies Ryder, like genuinely believes in them as a leader and a capable problem-solver without idolizing them in a dehumanizing way. and he's hella charming, and it's easy for Ryder to fall for him and to be impressed with the work he's done in the quagmire that is Kadara, plus his respect for the Angara, that Sloane does not share.
But then we get to High Noon. absolutely bizarre quest. Sloane's like "i can't trust anyone but you, Ryder" and you can't say "why would you trust me, I've literally been undermining you the entire time, I'm hooking up with, if not your top rival (although! possibly?), then at least a major agent of theirs, we stole your booze like yesterday, I think you're a shit ruler, you are dumb as hell to bring me as your second to a duel."
at this point it is more than plausible for Ryder to have at the very least wondered if Reyes IS the Charlatan, though they do express surprise when he reveals himself. Then again, the line delivery is ambiguous enough that you could say Ryder is just announcing it to Sloane.
and then your boyfriend is like "let's draw!" and Sloane says "okay!" which is! so stupid! ma'am he lured you here to die! why would you trust him!?! and me? HIS LOVER? we have been spotted sucking face in your storage room quite recently!! girl WALK OUT. Blow this joint!
and then SAM's like "she's gonna die"
So you have seconds to choose between letting your boyfriend pull a dirty murder or letting this terrible leader keep going.
Ryder, who does NOT have a renegade route, who can be cold at times but for the most part doesn't really have "win at any cost" options, who is relatively young, who never faced the reapers, has to stand there and watch as Reyes has Sloane murdered, after Sloane said she was relying on Ryder to prevent any such tricks.
And then you get two options. Reyes says "I liked the way you looked at me. I didn't want that to change."
You can say "You're not the man I thought you were," which elicits the heart-shattering response, "I wanted to be." this ends the romance.
Or you can say, "Nothing's changed," which is really fucking improbable, and in response he shoves you into the wall and kissy kissy
Neither of those strike me as particularly plausible! MAYBE the first one, it's not how I'd do it but fine, the response is cute and sad. but the second one is ridiculous. Ryder is getting their hands dirty, yeah, making some harsh choices, but that one is such a shitty thing to pull on your sweetheart, that no, you can't say nothing's changed! Something's changed!
It would make a lot more sense to say, "congratu-fuckin-lations, you get kadara. can I have my outpost?"
"Are we going to talk about thi--"
"Not right now we're not, liar. I can't deal with you right now. you got what you wanted. I'll...come see you when I'm ready. IF I'm ready."
and then you can come talk things out later, you can even do it after a major mission like Hunting the Archon or something. TELL him it sucked to have that thrown on you, but you do understand that survival here is messier than you might've hoped, stuff like that.
plus it's juicier that way because you can continue the romance AND get his sad little :( i want to be good enough for youuuu Ryder *sniffle* and that's delicious.
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legacyshenanigans · 7 months
What about a scenario of Marvolo drunk and lost in the dark and Rowan scaring the crap out of him 😂 please ...
Drunk Volo getting scared by Rowan 🐍🐺
Marvolo: *drunk af trying to make his way back to Gaunt Manor through the woods shortcut. He stops for a moment and looks around, before chuckling drunkenly to himself* Heh..Where the fuck am I? *he carries on walking, coming to a clearing and leaning against a tree for a moment to gather his thoughts*
(Rustling in the bushes)
Marvolo: *whips out his wand, trying to aim it straight towards the bush, stumbling forward* Who's there?! I'll fucking Killllll youuuuuu.
(A little bunny hops out of the Bush)
Marvolo: Oh *chuckles and puts his wand away* Hello, little bunny rabbit *silly drunk smile*
Rowan: *who's suddenly stood next to him* Aww cute.
Marvolo: *screams*
Rowan: *screams*
Both of them: *screaming*
Rowan: I'm sorry!!
Marvolo: GOD I feel like I'm gonna throw up..Where did you even fucking come from?! You scared the fucking life out of me and now I'm embarrassed! Screaming like that, for fuck sake..
Rowan: I was out huntin', heard noise. Saw it was you. I didn't mean to fuckin scare ya!
Marvolo: Well, congratu-fuckin-lations, Rowan! You did..Jesus...My hearts doing damn backflips.
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ghostssweetgirl · 2 years
crazy over you ~ simon ghost riley x reader slow burn/enemies to lovers
description: y/n gets transferred to task force 141 and quickly becomes friends with soap and gaz, but her and ghost "hate" each other for the first part. warnings: mentions of violence and death (duh), alcohol intake, smoking (at some point), nsfw (at some point), subtle flirting with soap. i'm new to writing? so don't expect this to be the greatest. this is not in line with the game campaigns or missions. the only characters i included are y/n, soap, gaz, price, & ghost. i have no knowledge of the military this is just creativity disclaimer: i do not own modern warfare or any of its characters.
chapters: next [confrontation] last
That night, as usual, everyone is together eating in the common room. This time watching an episode of Friends. Price clears his throat.
"Well, I got to say," he finishes chewing his food. "Nice work, y/n. Sorry to do this to you, Ghost, but Ghost compliments you on your shot."
You feel your cheeks get hot and hope you're not blushing, "Well, thank you."
Ghost huffed.
"Ghost?" you look at him, ready to compliment him back but he slams his plate and walks away.
Everyone stops eating and just... stares questionably at each other.
"Well then," Price chuckled.
"Jeez, somethin's crawled up his arse, I tell ya," Soap added.
Gaz softly laughed at Soap's remark, and Ghost walks back in, cigarette in hand, walking outside.
"What's fuckin' funny?" Ghost questions.
"Oi, just talkin' bout you havin' something stuck up your arse, L.T.," Soap smiled, holding back his laugh.
"Fuck off, the lot of you," Ghost spat as he slammed the door, quick to make eye contact with you.
You want to like Ghost, but he's almost unbearable to be around. One minute he's okay, next he's a proper dick. You decide to walk outside to confront him.
"Hey," you chirp. "Not trying to-"
"Who the fuck do you think you are?" he got in your face, blowing a cloud of smoke. "You do well on one mission and think you're hot shit? You don't know the half of it, y/n."
You shake your head, trying to find words. "You're right! Honestly, I don't want to know! Okay! I'm not used to this, but I am trying my best, Lieutenant."
His fists clench and unclench as he walks away from you, breathing hard. "You survived the first mission, congratu-fucking-lations." he laughed as he shook his head.
Your mouth opens and closes as you search for what to say. You're almost hurt by Ghost's disbelief in you, does he think you're fragile?
"Was it Price telling me your compliment? Is it because I'm a woman? Huh? You just think I'll be KIA and-"
"You'll wish you were when you start to see the shit we see regularly, darlin'."
Your face quickly turns into a frown as your eyes begin to water slightly, turning around grabbing the doorknob, and shaking your head.
"Fuckin' hell, I... I'm sorry," he whispers as you walk away, slamming the door, not caring what he has to say.
Tears threatening to fall from the corner of your eyes, you tail it to your room. Worry contorts everyone's face as they watch you walk away while Ghost enters.
"The fuck did you say to her, L.T?" Soap confronted him.
"Don't worry about it, MacTavish," Ghost spat, shoving past him.
You sit on the floor of the shower thinking, letting the hot water fall over you. As you expected, you felt rejected, even if it was only by Ghost. You don't know why you sought his approval so much, but what he said bothered you - got under your skin.
You don't know how long you were in there, nor do you care. It was getting too late, and you needed your sleep, but needed to calm down even more. You ignored the knocks on your door, not wanting to risk confrontation with Ghost. It'd probably be better if you just ignored him for a few days, or at least until you'd be forced to work with him again.
You take deep breaths until you relaxed and step out of the shower. Drying off, you take a look in the mirror, starting to doubt yourself, wonder why you're here or if you really can handle it.
Finally, the tears stop. You're able to drift off to sleep somewhat peacefully, not looking forward to the next day honestly. You didn't know if you had plans, but you were waking up early regardless and were going to stay in the gym until your body gave out, you knew that much. You curse yourself for following Ghost outside, and as you realize you're going to get a little under 7 hours of sleep and damn him. 
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@gyubby99 okay I wrote it.
Hamilton AU
Alastor x OC
Angelica...Alexander... Congratulations; You've invented a new kind of stupid A damage you can never undo Kind of stupid An open all the cages in the zoo Kind of stupid Clearly, you didn't think this through, Kind of stupid
Angel and Mallory walked through the hallway of the tower.
Angel was livid.
Vox had broadcasted the entirety of Alastor's affair to all of hell.
Kind of a way to tell his friend about the betrayal, and a way to defeat alastor himself.
Aponi was deavestated.
And Angel and Mallory would not let that stand.
The two opened the door to Alastor's studio.
"Angel, Mallory. What do I owe the pleasure?" Alastor asked as he turned off his microphone.
"Congratulations," Angel stated.
Alastor's eyebrow raised.
He had already been yelled at by Aponi in which they broke up. What more could happen now?
"You've invented a new kind of stupid-" Mallory began.
"A damage impossible ta undo kinda stupid-" Angel stated.
"An open all the cages in the zoo Kind of stupid-" mallory cut in.
"Didja even think this through? Really fuckin stupid!" Angel shouted.
Let's review, You took a rumor a few Maybe two people knew And refuted it by sharing an affair Of which no one had accused you I begged you to take a break You refused to
"I haven't the slightest what you're talking about," Alastor stated, playing dumb.
"Oh you don't? Fine. Let's review. You cheated on Aponi and then manipulated her trying to turn it into her fault.. and then Vox broadcasted proof of it. And then you fuckin admitted it and told the entirety of hell that you will never be truly in love," Angel explained.
"She begged you to take a break and you refused to!" Mallory finished.
So scared of what your enemies will do to you But you're the only enemy you ever seem to lose to! You know, Jefferson can do what he wants He doesn't dignify schoolyard taunts with a response! So yeah, congratulations! Angelica...
"You dont understand-"
"So scared of what ya enemies will do to ya! But ya the only enemy ya ever seem ta loose ta!" Angel interrupted.
"Do you know why Vox can do what he wants? He doesn't dignify schoolyard taunts with a response!" Mallory shouted.
"So yeah. Congratu- fuckin- lations," Angel stated.
"Angel..." Alastor muttered.
You've redefined your legacy, congratulations!
It was an act of political sacrifice!
"You've redefined your legacy. Congratulations," Mallory stated before ghe two began to make above to leave.
"It was an act of political sacrifice!" Alastor shouted.
I languished in a loveless marriage in London I lived only to read your letters I look at us and think, "God, what have we done with our lives, And what did it get us?"
"Sacrifice?" Angel asked. "She languished in a loveless relationship in life, and died because of her own doin. And I look around and think 'what have we done with our lives and what did it get us?'" Angel stated.
Alastor looked down, his wide smile fading a bit.
That doesn't wipe the tears or the years away But I'm back in the city And I'm here to stay
You know what I'm here to do?
I'm not here for you...
"Look it doesn't wipe her tears or the years away," Mallory stated.
"But we're still in the city and we're here to stay. And ya know what I'm here ta do?" Angel asked.
"We ain't here for you,"
I know my sister like I know my own mind You will never find anyone as trusting or as kind And a million years ago She said, "This one's mine," So I, Stood by...
Do you know why?!
"I know Aponi like I know my own mind, you will never find anyone as trusting or as kind! And a million years ago she looked at you and said 'this ones mine'" Angel yelled.
"I didn't warn her of you. Do you know why?" Mallory asked.
I love my sister more than anything in this life! I would choose her happiness over mine Every time Eliza! Is the best thing in our lives And never lose sight of the fact That you have been blessed with the best wife!
"I love Aponi more than anything in this death! And I'll choose her happiness older everytime!" Angel shouted.
"Aponi is the best thing in this city, so never lose fact that you have been blessed with the best girl!" Mallory scolded.
Congratulations For the rest of your life! Every sacrifice is for my sister Give her the best life!
"Congratulations," Angel stated. "For the rest of your time down here every sacrifice you make is for my best friend, give her the best death," Angel stated before he and Mallory walked out of the room, slamming the door.
Alastor sat there.
Usually he would never take that shit from other demons....
But right now, he was so sad about the breakup with aponi, he just took it. He knew he deserved it.
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cyarskj52 · 1 year
Company Flow "Linda Tripp" (1999)
Target: Sole
Producer: El-P
Album: N/A
Label: N/A
Best Line: "From now on you're immortalized playin' yourself on my record/Congratu-fuckin-lations isn't that what you wanted, idiot" (El-P)
After Anticon member Sole dissed Company Flow frontman El-P on "Dear Elpee," El-P used art of war tactics and slyly recorded a phone conversation between the eager-to-apologize Sole and himself. Sole turned out to be more stan than enemy, professing "I love Company Flow" and "I wanna be down," self-ether at its finest. This "Linda Tripp" tactic (named after the Pentagon employee who secretly recorded her phone conversations with Monica Lewinsky, which led to the impeachment of President Bill Clinton) would be used many times over the course of hip-hop history. I believe the kids now call it being "Young Buck'd."
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caffeineandsociety · 2 years
Thing is, most of the time when I talk about hatred of trans men, I'm talking about it primarily from cis people. I'm talking about it coming from terfs crying about "losing" people they see only as sexual resources and still somehow having the gall to call themselves feminists. I'm talking about it coming from cis men screaming and crying and pissing their pants about the idea of someone who wasn't born with a dick being comparable to them. Even when I talk about people using trans women as a shield for it - well, the majority of that also comes from cis people weaponizing progressive language to justify their own biases. Rarely is my broad complaint primarily, let alone exclusively, about intracommunity bigotry. When it is, I will say it's about that.
And this post is. Because every fucking time I see one of those posts get big enough, there's always some white big city trans kid in the notes aligning with the cis transphobes and going "ummmm just say you hate trans women and go sweaty :///" and it fucking infuriates me.
This isn't about trans women. It was never about trans women. To say that any support for trans men and acknowledgment of violence against us - or any trans people who are not AMAB, binary women, she/her exclusively, for that matter - is inherently transmisogynistic is the exact same argument as terfs' "trans acceptance is lesbophobic". It's every bit as much of a blatant nonsequitur that only makes any sense if you've internalized an extremely binary, cissexist idea of how gender actually works. "Trans men automatically gain privilege the moment they come out and that's the only reason they transition" is a lie made up by transphobes to justify medical gatekeeping. If you would rather believe terfs claiming that trans men are just poor misguided little girls who can't hack it under the crushing weight of misogyny and are ~mutilating~ themselves to escape it, than us when we point out that hey even if that WAS what we were trying to do it REALLY doesn't work that way, then whose fucking side are you on? Do you really think the transphobes will accept you that way?
If you're a trans man making those comments - if you're saying it because you personally haven't experienced the things we're talking about, I'm very happy for you, I hope that you never do experience these things, but I'm BEGGING you to recognize that your experience isn't universal. If you're saying it because you have experienced those things, but eh, you're alive, other people have it worse, you think you have no right to complain - grow a fucking backbone for your own sake AND the sake of your community. No one deserves to be treated like this, "other people have it (arguably) worse" doesn't make it fair.
If you're a trans woman making those comments: why do you think it's about you? Why do you feel threatened by acknowledging that trans people are treated like crap regardless of gender? Why do you think me talking about my own experiences is an attack on you? What do you think me saying "I fear x kind of violence" or "I hate how tightly controlled my hormones are" or "hey this medical gatekeeping bill is being sold with the 'lost lesbians' myth" somehow takes away from you?
And in particular if you're one of that terminally online loud minority claiming you speak for ALL trans women when you shit on trans men - fuck you. You do not. You never have. You never will. You speak only for your own self-centered ass. You're not speaking some profound truth about a secret infiltration by a super privileged group trying to steal from you; you're just acting out of internalized misogyny, thinking you're unique and special for not being a cis man AND having real serious problems and a rich inner world, unlike the REST of the whiny airheaded bimbo uber-privileged not-cis-men around you and your bubble - you've just reworked the worst flavor of the Not Like Other Girls phase for a trans experience. Congratu-fuckin-lations. Sorry you can't imagine other people might have it bad in the world but don't you fucking DARE claim your misery poker for other people.
And if you're any other flavor of trans reading this post and you think there's nothing wrong with the way trans men are treated - see what of those applies to you, then actually be willing to engage with what trans men have to say and BELIEVE it over the bullshit transphobe stereotype.
Being trans doesn't make it somehow not transphobic to side with terfs as long as you ONLY do so about trans men because haha men bad. Stop voting for the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party.
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avenoire · 6 years
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Marvel dot com broke me with one speech bubble, four letters, and an exclamation point
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junebugzzz · 3 years
congratulations to me for being gau
GA U,, .....
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fran-kubelik · 4 years
Truly has been A Day™ for discourse on the good ol webbed site here. Anyway, please get your news from news organizations and not blogs uncritically posting slanderous, red-flag-filled Twitter threads by violent ex-boyfriends.
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de-sire-blog · 3 years
First, CONGRATU-FUCKIN-LATIONS!!! Woohoo! 200 followers~! Glad to be one of them. :D
Right! To business!
Definitely smutty, hope that's not a surprise.
The ship, ah, okay let's do wolfstarbucks because I am weak.
Prompt?? So many come to mind, but I think we'll go with gold because it makes me happy, and your writing is absolute gold. ;)
Oh my, thank you so much! I am so honored, you have no idea! I hope you enjoy this one of our golden boys :))
Read other drabbles here!
James was brought up with the belief that love was the most powerful magic in the world, and he was never afraid to show it, live by it every day. ‘James Potter has a heart of gold’, people said about him often and he prided himself in his ability to open his life and heart for everyone to step into. Just like Hogwarts was a place anybody could find safety at, James’ heart was the place anybody could find love in.
But at this moment, when Sirius’ hot walls close around him, when he watches how Remus shuffles closer on his knees, when he sees them kiss – wet, and sloppy, and still so tender – he thinks that he reached his limit. His heart is full, full to the brim with these two boys, so similar yet so different in all the right ways. There is no more space for anybody else.
No space between Sirius’ sweat-damp back pressed against his chest, between his fist gliding in tandem with Remus’ over their joined cocks, between Remus’ fingers scraping over his scalp in a way that makes James buck, and Sirius whimper, and Remus grin.
Good thing they don’t need anybody else.
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whump-ventures · 3 years
Day 6 of @amonthofwhump 12 days of whumpmas!
Prompt used: Countdown
Some backstory for Eris, who has a long and complicated history. This is in Ancient Rome, when she spent a long time as a prisoner with her half brother.
The cell door creaks open, and Eris sits up instantly, feeling her throat tighten as the guards file in, followed by the god himself. His eyes are blazing, and she exchanges a worried glance with her brother. He’s struggling to his feet, a scowl crossing his face, and she wants to tell him to please shut up, but she knows it won’t do any good.
“Who would have thought that a couple lowlife titans-”
“Half-titans.” Eris mumbles under her breath.
“-would be such a fuckin problem?”
“Of course we’re going to cause you problems, you fuckin asshole.” Myles snaps, and Eris swallows hard, eyes flickering to the ground. “What are we? Fuckin trophies? We’ve been down here for years just so that piece of shit’s can parade us around and boast about your victory over our parents. Congratu-fuckin-lations. Would you like an award?”
“Watch your tongue.”
“Or what?”
For a second, the two glare at each other. The god waves the guards out. And then there’s the familiar clink of chains moving.
Eris yelps in surprise as the chains around her wrist suddenly grow taught, yanking her arms to the side. Then they start to clink up until she’s pulled to her feet, toes barely brushing the ground, breath coming short and panicked from the position and the implications. She casts a fearful glance at her brother, not sure how long they’ll leave her like this, what they plan to do…
“Hey, wait a second.” There’s a waver in his voice. “Look, it was my fuckin plan, punish me.”
“I am punishing you.” The god smiles and saunters forward, pulling a knife from his belt. A second later and the knife is covered in a blazing flame, held up in front of her face. The fire is magic of sorts, that much is obvious. The way it dances along the steel, the way that it seems to burn much hotter than a normal flame. “Countdown for me, Myles. We’ll start at ten. I think hearing your precious sister scream that many times will be enough to discourage you from further attempts, wouldn’t you agree?”
“Leave her the hell alone!” He lunges against his own chains, eyes blazing in rage. Eris can feel the heat of the knife, so close to her face, and she bites her lip on a whimper of fear. “If you hurt her, I’ll rip you-”
“Let’s make it twelve then.”
“Fuck you.” He growls, still pulling against the chains. “Are you having fun? Getting off on this, is that it?”
“Myles.” Eris interrupts him before more curses can spill out. She squeezes her eyes shut, feeling a bead of sweat on her forehead from the heat of the flame. She can see the red glow of it even with her eyes closed. “Please, just…” Her voice trails away, and for a moment, nothing happens. Then a soft chuckle fills the cell, a confirmation that her brother is giving in, and she can’t hide the softest of whimpers that escape.
“Eyes open.” His voice growls, and Eris obeys. It’ll only be worse if she doesn’t.
The flaming blade trails over her torso for a moment, over the shabby rags that cover her chest, down to her stomach, sliding by her hip. Then, in one quick movement, he lunges. The sharp tip of the blade sears across her collarbone, the sudden heat and pain stealing her breath as she lets out a strangled cry, jerking back in the chains in a desperate bid to get away. It’s hard to breathe from the searing pain that has clamped itself along her collarbone, the burning seeming to increase in intensity with each passing second as she gasps, blinking back tears.
“Eris!” A panicked voice is calling her name, and she holds her chin up as well as she can, looking defiantly into the god’s eyes, not wanting to look at her brother. “Eris!” Myles yells again.
He lets out a soft tsk, one hand reaching up to brush a tear on her cheek. Eris flinches away from his touch. “That’s not what I told you to do. Let’s start over. Remember, you start with fifteen, and countdown to one.”
The flaming blade is twirling in his hand, and Eris watches the way it moves, wishing she could figure out where he’s going to strike next. But his eyes offer no clue, looking at her face with a smirk, and when he lunges forward, she has no chance to prepare. The tip of the knife digs deep into her shoulder, a sudden and foreign sharpness, and then the burn begins. It feels like a brand this time, so searing hot, hotter than she has ever imagined, and her world turns white from the pain. A scream- her scream- echoes through the cell, and her legs give out underneath her, pushing more of her weight onto her wounded shoulder.
When the blade is removed, her shoulder still feels like it’s been set on fire. Her vision is covered in dancing red constellations, battling for breath, searching for some feeling that isn’t agony.
A defeated voice from the corner of the cell lets out a muted murmur. “Fifteen.”
The god smiles, the flame twirls, and she screams again.
Taglist: @justplainwhump
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yardsards · 3 years
people who base their internet personas on acting like a bully are already Insufferable but the ones who do that on tumblr of all places take it to a whole nother level. like. congratu-fuckin-lations on being the toughest bitch in weenie hut juniors. do you want a medal or something.
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stiles winchester , spn crossover  & hunter stiles tags
I also noticed all the crossover tags were removed when we switched to the new theme. I’ve added them to the taglist! 
Embarrassing Relatives (more like fucking terrifying) by graveltotempo (1/1 | 3,716 | NR)
"I know we’re supossed to love our families no matter what, but my uncles here are pretty famous for killing people like my boyfriend? Should I just forget to mention it?”- Stiles inner dialogue
This Love Like a Hole (Swallows My Soul) by alisvolatpropiis (1/1 | 6,070 | NC17)
Stiles watches him for a long beat before responding, taking in the sharp lines of his bearded jaw and the strong tendons of his neck that lead down to the soft, dark chest hair peeking out of his dark green v-neck. He’s captivating, so blindingly gorgeous it hurts to look at him. “Well, congratu-fuckin-lations to Lydia and Jackson,” he finally says, remembering how that chest hair feels against his tongue.
He thinks he sees something like a smile flash across Derek’s face, so he leans closer, heart racing even faster. His crossed arms brush against the soft leather of Derek’s jacket and he clenches his fists tighter, itching to grab at it and pull him in. “Did you want something,” he asks, voice whiskey-dark, watching how Derek’s eyes fall to his mouth as he speaks.
“Yeah,” Derek whispers throatily, barely loud enough for him to hear. “Yeah, Stiles, I want something.”
Summer Harvest by Merlin_Wolfgang_Trades_Hale (1/1 | 1,020 | PG13)
Stiles is making lunch for Derek. Derek is tending to the garden and feeding their dog. It's supposed to be another lazy, hot, normal summer day...and then Cas arrives.
Stiles Winchester by sososophiexoxo (1/1 | 5,719 | G)
Stiles has just one rule he has to follow, keep away from the supernatural. Obviously, he failed spectacularly. So when his overprotective brothers come to town, he has a decision to make: Keep lying and keep the live you have, or say the truth and lose everything.
Angel with a shotgun by Halevetica (56/56 | 71,515 | R)
Stiles Winchester has been having awful headaches, dreaming strange things, and hearing voices. When a man shows up claiming to have the answers to Stiles' problem his brothers are weary to trust the stranger, especially when he claims he's an angel. The angel who pulled Dean from hell to be exact. As Stiles learns the truth about his past, he and his brothers find themselves face to face with the apocalypse, meeting unlikely friends along the way.
Stiles Winchester (Meet the parents) by Superwolf18 (1/1 | 2,726 | NR)
Stiles is the son of an Angel and a hunter. This is how his parents found out he was dating a werewolf
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