#i surprise pikachu faced
conanssummerchild · 7 months
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autistic icons tbh
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beif0ngs · 4 months
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Number 4, 5, 6 & 7 in The Umbrella Academy Season 4 Teaser Trailer
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savanir · 4 months
DP x DC prompt [2]
Danyal returns to league, he was sent to the Fentons for a mission and after gathering all that they know about lazarus/ecto he figured he was in an unique position. Either he revealed himself and was accepted and after that would have to do what he could to keep the league off his back. Or he'd be rejected and he could simply finish his mission and return to the league. Sadly for Danny. The second option ended up happening, and with crushing disappointment and new hardened resolve he made his way back to Nanda Parbat.
At first he's surprisingly at peace with the situation, he misses his friends and Jazz but this is sadly how it's meant to be.
Damian isn't there, he has been sent to train under their biological father. Or at least what mother says. Perhaps now that he's successfully finished his deep undercover mission he'll be allowed to know the truth and go as well.
Ra's doesn't want that, for body snatching reasons. But he doesn't know that Danny is half dead. Nobody at the league does.
It's basically the only secret Danny keeps. After having to stay quiet about it and the explosive aftermath with the Fentons it just doesn't occur to him to speak up about it anymore. After all, here he has everything to lose.
And he feels vindicated when he finds Respawn. Tied up, hanging, looking so much like him and Dami, but wounded, with damning white hair and when he opens his eyes and notices Danny it's only the green green green he sees.
In Danny's mind the league must know, they are bidding their time or... or Danny was always meant to end up like he did or this is yet another damn clone someone made of him.
None of Danny's thoughts about this are good, and it figures, he's aware of what this place is. Jazz did a good job deprogramming him. So perhaps the thought that things would be better here was laughable. But somehow, for some reason he thought blood relation meant something.
So far all parental figures are bad, the Fentons. Vlad, now Ra's and Talia. So what does that mean for his twin, what does this mean for Damian?
Well, at the very least finding out who his biological father is and where he lives isn't hard with ghost powers. Neither is freeing Respawn.
And after that all that's left to do is making sure Damian is safe.
And by the ancients, may the gods help Batman if it turns out he's not.
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buttercupshands · 5 days
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Had another one of "YOU HAVE TO DRAW NOW" moments
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I actually did the scene above on my second try of the battle, lv 90 doesn't exactly make it easy to lose
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Also I think it's time to show those sketches too
The Siffrin practice once more, but this time a bit earlier
Also first try on figuring Loop's full body ref too
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Also this little thing, not as polished as digital would've been
Imagine my reaction when I accidentally gave Loop a flower after trying already and they accepted it. I adored that 'yeah we won't speak of this, but I accept your stupid flower' scene more than anything and it was pure text after little scene
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purplepixel · 6 months
Dont worry y’all, he’s not dead.
Its been exactly one year since I made this. This was the first animatic I made with rise. Technically a repost from twitter, since i wasnt on tumblr when i made this. I held off posting here when I did make the switch bc…reasons. Its kinda weird looking back on this animatic. Its somewhat of a time capsule for me bc THIS IS 100% PROJECTION. I made this one afternoon in response to what was going on in my life at the time. Draw your feelings to cope and all that jazz. I wanted to reshare this bc 1) archiving reasons 2) show how much ive improved from this 3) ok maybe i still think i did a good job with it and 4) Im ready to share part 2 that ive kept hidden for an entire year. Nobody has seen the follow up animatic. Not even my bestie. It’ll give more context to this animatic, but i also like the idea of this one standing on its own and that anyone can interpret it however they like.
Oh hey, this was my first time animating in procreate as well? Back when i didnt know you could use group layers to animate in procreate HA.
Part 1 | Part 2
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hyper-elastagirl · 4 months
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Greetings from an extended hiatus how we feeling about that trailer guys
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artnijna · 5 months
Get free drinks at his rich boyfriends amusement park since 2019
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Original art ^
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mfdragon · 8 months
Listen hear me out
Hear me ou-
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Yup…..that’s the face!
Listen. I sketched this and was like: “immaculate; I mustn’t edit this at all.” And I’m glad it didn’t lose any impact when I lined and rendered it.
It’s so fucking funny. He looks like a cardboard cutout.
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betterdeadthansmeg · 3 months
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This is my favourite one. Just look at that face. How can you not love that face??
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strayklds · 1 year
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HAN ✩ music bank paris (230408) cr. @huiracha <3
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ftm-radio · 1 year
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pretty sure my slightly sad and pathetic internet searches from earlier today attracted the attention of some transgender deity or guardian or whatever so I had to scribble a comic about it because I think it's very funny <3
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This is for everybody who saw my vision :)
Vers. w/out the hell police. Square. Things. Cuz why not lol
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woe-is-tuli · 6 months
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Coachella 2024 - Ateez: San
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sebfreak · 4 months
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That Butler, chasing!
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I really don’t think we should be treating morality as a linear thing in ASOIAF because what often happens is that we start to stray from the actual conversations that we need to be having regarding the depths of making a moral choice and even the circumstances involved. To try and blankly paint any one character as the “most morally good” isn’t really taking us anywhere. And it certainly isn’t helpful when people in this fandom want to try and prove that characters are “grey” but not moral (what does that even mean??) because they did one “bad” thing. If ASOIAF stans were to have their way, then:
Jon is not a morally good person because he threatened Gilly
Dany cannot be considered to be compassionate because she sanctioned torture against the wine seller’s daughters
Arya cant be good because she has killed people
and so on, and so on….
But this is such a draining, and oft times frustrating, conversation to have because you see just how shallow the above listed examples are? Readers are listing only singular instances across a narrative that spans thousand and thousands of pages, and there’s absolutely no context involved. Why did Jon threaten Gilly? Why did Dany resort to torture and at one point did she do it? Who did Arya kill and why? And why do those singular instances negate everything else in their arcs?
What usually happens when we have the 12847647282th unnecessary conversation about who is the “most good” character in ASOIAF is that we start getting blanket statements with no elaboration. And the only people ever considered are Ned, Brienne, and Davos, and sometimes the children like Shireen or Tommen. Mind you, Ned and Davos are not perfect or without their own faults either; much has been said about Ned’s abilities as a father and it’s implied that Davos was not entirely faithful to his wife. And based on her current arc, Brienne will surely have to make morally tough choices regarding oaths and knightly honor. Plus theres the irony of including literal children when they have not been put in situations where they actually have to make morally difficult choices and live with the consequences.
ASOIAF shows us that people who are capable of incredible kindness and compassion are also capable of doing unpleasant things.
Jon threatened Gilly….because he was trying to save another child whom he believed to be at risk of human sacrifice(!!) and was stuck between a rock and a hard place. But why does that singular instance negate the fact that his arc has been about him standing up for the “lesser than”? Why does that negate the fact that he stood up for Sam against a superior when there was nothing to gain for him? Why does it negate the fact that he went out of his way to equip Arya in a way that society would have deemed inappropriate? Why does it negate the fact that he dedicated the entirety of his time as Lord Commander to fight an institution that had upheld racism/xenophobia for millennia? Why should we filter out all those moments of kindness, compassion, and deep empathy that Jon has even without him thinking?
Dany sanctioned torture….but she was trying to solve the murder of an innocent victim AND this brought her no joy. But why does that negate the fact that when she gained unimaginable power, she could’ve high tailed to Westeros to use it to her benefit and become queen, but instead chose to stay in Essos where she has no personal responsibility just so she could fight the institutional evil that is slavery? Why does it negate Dany who went to personally treat plague victims at great risk to herself?
Arya has killed some….but it’s in self defense or in defense of others who are disenfranchised. But why does this negate that she is one of the few people in the series how goes out of her way to show kindness and friendship to those who are not as economically or politically advantaged as she is (e.g., Mycah)? Why does it negate that she took fellow slaves under her protection when she herself had little power to fight for her own survival at Harrenhall? Why does it negate that when she saw those caged soldiers whom she was angry with for their actions, instead of leaving them to die instead offered them the only kindness she could at the moment: a drink of water?
Trying to have arguments about morality but stripping everything down to ‘x character did y bad thing (regardless of context) and that’s why they can’t be good’ is, to be blunt, ridiculous. And it isn’t a particularly interesting way to engage with the text. Character journeys, especially well written ones, are rarely ever in a straight line. There’s amazing highs and terrible lows. GRRM gives us so many characters like Jon, Dany, Arya, Sansa, Ned, etc. who even in their lows, have gleams of compassion and exceptional kindness. It doesn’t do anyone any good to filter those moments out to make the books more digestible; and I’m being a little generous here, because so many readers have a very shallow level of engagement with the series and it shows in conversation. And we also shouldn’t pit these characters unfairly against those who have never been in similarly difficult situations that required them to make hard choices. Because when we do, we start to completely miss the point all together.
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wavebiders · 1 year
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I already really liked Minsc and Boo but this conversation just elevated them to a whole other level
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