#brock rumlow imagines
lokiswifeduh · 4 months
Don't leave me
Pairings- Mob!Bucky x Fem!Reader
Summary- The aftermath of the shootout was here. And Bucky has to come to terms with the results of the life he introduced you to, and what revenge he would ensue.
notes- this is a part two to Doll, please. I hope you guys enjoy the ending!! Please let me know your thoughts!! Thank you for reading loves!!
Warnings- angst, talk of guns, drugs, kidnapping, abuse, torture. major gore. sad Bucky, hurt reader, hurt/comfort, gunshot wounds, medical talk, revenge.
WC- 3k
catch up here (part one)
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"Doll, please."
I saw her look up at me with those doe eyes. Those big beautiful eyes painfully gazing into mine. I wanted to touch her. I wanted to turn her away from the bullets that were sure to fly our way, but I couldn't move my hands. In this moment I couldn't protect her.
I felt the sob rip from her throat. There were only ten seconds left.
"I vowed to stand by your side, Buck." She looked back to the ten guns pointed in mine and her direction. I could see a stray tear slip down her cheek as her hands shook, her nails digging into her palm as she tried her hardest to release my wrists from the painful wire digging into them.
Suddenly she dropped the knife, jumping into my lap. Her hands wrapped around my neck as her legs surrounded the back of the chair, encasing my upper body. "NO! Doll, please!!" I felt her hit the knife in my thigh with hers, but I ignored the pain focusing on what in the world she thought she was doing.
The men cocked their guns. But in that moment all I could think about was how to get her off of me. I needed her to run, to fight back to do something. Not to protect my body with hers. I couldn't let her.
"Doll!! Stop!! Get up!!" But my protests fell on deaf ears as she tucked my head into her chest, wrapping her arms tighter around my neck, not letting me move a muscle below her. She shook her head, my tears soaking her shirt, mixing with mine and her blood. "I won't let you die." She attempted to shout but at that moment her voice was the quietest I'd ever heard it.
I tried to whisper back when suddenly shots rang out through the warehouse. My head popped up, prepared to die with the love of my life. I wouldn't let her do it herself. I would not live without her. Not if I had a choice.
But in that split second, I realized the first bullets that went flying weren't from Rumlow's men, it was from Steve, Sam, and my men, shooting at the ones who threatened us.
"Doll, we're gonna be oka-" But my words were cut short as two bullets flew into her. She screamed. Her vocal cords grinding together in the most painful way I'd ever heard. I felt my heart rip in two as her body shook against mine, arching her back as if that would stop the pain.
But she kept her head down, arms shaking yet still holding onto me. I would have cut my hands off if I had the strength to rip through the restraints. A sob tore from my throat, "Don't do this to me."
She finally lifted her head, my beautiful wife looking at me with such care and tenderness. As if she hadn't just been shot twice, and wasn't using all of her strength to hold onto me for dear life.
A small drop of blood trickled down the side of her mouth as her teeth were painted red. "I love you, James Barnes." She cupped my face in her hands, tucking me back into her chest as her grip seemed to loosen, "Till forever and always."
The words we both said to each other on our wedding day. "Doll, please." Her hold on me finally failed as she fell, but thankfully into the arms of Steve, before her head would've slammed into the concrete.
My second in command looked at both of us. Tortured and bloody. I held in my tears as I looked at Sam, leading a pair of medics through the door.
"Rumlow will pay." The wire from my wrists was snapped in half thanks to Peter, a new, very terrified recruit. I shot down immediately onto my knees, holding her head in my hands as the paramedics loaded my wife onto the stretcher. "Don't leave me."
I made eye contact with Steve, "I will have him and that traitor's head."
You lay in the hospital bed, your whole body practically wrapped in soft white bandages.
You could feel the pressure of something on your thigh as you tried to open your eyes. It wasn't working. Why couldn't you just open them?!
Try something else, you thought.
You moved your hands, the feeling of someone else's palm in yours made your heart start to race. You could remember little parts over the last three days.
Bucky was kidnapped.
Steve was put in charge.
You were kidnapped.
Natasha was working with Rumlow.
The torture.
The pain.
Your husband's face as you used yourself as a human shield.
Being shot.
Suddenly you heard screaming and saw bright lights. A heart monitor was beeping louder and faster at each passing second.
Realizing the screaming was in fact your own, you started to breathe harder. You finally could open your eyes!
Your surroundings were blurry at first. There was a familiar figure in front of you. Sounds were muffled but began to come back into focus.
"Doll?! Sweetheart, you're okay."
You shook your head, looking around in panic before realizing you were in fact back at home, in your bed. Bucky beside you. Your husband, holding your face in his hands.
"B-Bucky?" Your voice was raspy and your throat felt like sandpaper, rubbing together from underuse.
Involuntarily you started to cough, holding a hand up to your throat which only caused more pain in your back to bloom. "Ah," You groaned, swallowing before resting your head back on the pillow.
You felt Bucky's hands leave your body, but only for a second as he held a straw to your lips. "It's just water doll. I need you to drink this for me." You nodded, feeling a pounding in your head as you sucked down the refreshing liquid. The coolness soothing your throat like rain in the desert.
"Good girl." Bucky gave you a soft smile, taking the straw away from your mouth as you finished the water.
Closing your eyes for a moment, you regained your vision, looking around.
Monitors, medical equipment, and an abundance of flowers and cards filled your and Bucky's bedroom. Light shone through the window as you squinted, shooting over to look at Bucky who just gazed down at you worryingly.
You looked him over, seeing the cuts and bruises that adorned his face. His lip was split in multiple places. His thigh was wrapped in gauze and his wrists were bandaged. Looking down, so were yours. Actually, it seemed your entire body was.
"Are yo-," You swallowed, "Are you okay?"
Bucky took a moment before letting out a laugh. "You're asking me if I'm okay, doll?" You nodded, confused.
"Sweetheart you're the one who's been unconscious for three weeks and has two bullet wounds."
You twisted your hips a little, feeling the agonizing, shooting pain of the very real bullet wounds. Groaning, you whispered, "So that definitely happened, good to know."
Bucky ran his hand down the side of your face, sitting in the chair that was placed beside your shared bed. "I'm the one who's supposed to protect you, doll." You gulped, "I- I couldn't let you die, James."
Bucky closed his eyes, laying his head down on your thigh as he gripped your hand in his. "I would've rather die than see you in this state, sweetheart."
You lifted your other hand, running it through his untamed hair. "Don't say that, Buck." But his head lifted, making you notice his bloodshot eyes and the way tears streamed down his face in harsh lines. "I won't live without you, doll." He shook his head, a tear dripping onto the hospital blanket "I would rather die a thousand times over and over in the same painful way than see you in such agony, my love."
You held back tears, closing your eyes as you tried to steady your breath. "I couldn't- no. I wouldn't let you die like that, Buck." You looked at him once again, "Not at the hands of Rumlow. Not because of me." "This wasn't because of you, doll-" "But it was!" You shouted, making you cough slightly, not used to using your voice for this long yet. "Rumlow took you because he wanted to hurt us- because he wanted me." You cupped Bucky's jaw in your hand, "Because I chose you." Bucky gulped, "I've never been so scared." You softly laughed, thinking of all the shootouts, drug deals, and interrogations Bucky went through on a day-to-day basis.
But he shook his head, hearing your chuckle. "Seeing him hurt you and torture you the way he did." Bucky's eyes went dark, "I've never wanted to hurt someone so bad just to ensure you made it out of there safely." You tried to speak up but Bucky kept going. "And look at you now. You're laying here, with two gunshot wounds, fingernails ripped apart, and a busted-up face."
Tilting your head, you looked at the mirror that stood in front of your and Bucky's bed; genuinely taking in your appearance. You in fact did have a busted-in face. Your lip was split. Your eyebrow was stitched as well as your nose. You had bruises covering every inch of your skin and your hair was in the worst shape you had ever seen.
Gulping, you looked away from the mirror, making Bucky take your chin in his hands, guiding you to look him in the eyes. "But you're still the prettiest doll I've ever seen." He moved, bringing his lips to yours in a soft yet long-awaited kiss. "My best girl."
It hurt to smile but you did, bringing your hand to his face, gently rubbing over the matching bruises that mirrored yours. "I love you, James."
"I love you, doll."
The next few days were agonizing.
You could finally stand up on the third day. But not without terrible pain shooting in every nerve ending of your body.
Bucky helped you with everything. From showering to cleaning your wounds. He was quite the nurse when it came to you.
But unfortunately about a week after you woke up, the violence hadn't ended. There were still some loose ends to tie up.
Slowly walking down the stairs and into one of the main rooms, everyone's attention went to your hobbling frame. "Doll?" Bucky sped over, Steve immediately pulling up a chair so you could take a seat.
As you sat down you noticed a large bruise on Steve's jaw. You knew Bucky would eventually be mad at him for not properly making sure you stayed out of the mess and violence of it all. But you were hoping it would've been a stern lecture, not a punch.
"What are you doing out of bed?" Bucky whispered. The room stayed completely silent as Steve, Sam, and the rest of Bucky's men kept their backs turned, giving you two some privacy.
"I know you're planning to retaliate against, Rumlow."
Bucky nodded, taking your face in his hands as you fidgeted with the string of your sweatpants. Well, Bucky's sweatpants.
"I don't want you involved again, doll." He glanced back at Steve for a moment, "Not after what happened."
You shook your head, "I need him to pay for this, Buck." Your body shook with anger, "I want his fucking blood." Bucky was slightly startled, never seeing this much hatred in your eyes. You were always his sweet wife. You made the men cookies, and you organized charity events for the homeless shelter down the street.
Sure, you knew how to use a gun and fight if you had to. But seeing this much agonizing resentment on your face, scared him. But he knew you wouldn't let it go. He sure as hell wasn't.
So he let you know the plan, and what was going down.
"Steve? We good?" Bucky touched the earpiece, hearing an affirmative. The mob had infiltrated Rumlow's mansion only one week later, killing every single man who stood in their way. Shoot on site. Was your husband's order as you and he waited to enter the mansion, making sure only Rumlow and Natasha were left.
Two of Bucky's men opened the doors to the mansion. The sight of the place made you cringe slightly. Soldiers were dead on the ground everywhere. Blood painted the floors and staircases like a stain.
"Top floor, back left bedroom."
You heard Steve's voice echo through the earpiece as you and Bucky made your way up.
His hand never left the small of your back, making sure you were covered at all angles with men following behind and in front of you, rifles pinned for every aspect of an attack.
"You alright, doll?" Bucky whispered, his hand on the door that would lead you to Rumlow. You nodded, ignoring the dull pain in your back. "I need this to be over with." Your husband kissed the crown of your head, nodding to his men as they busted down the door, guns held high.
But the sight in front of you made you smile.
Rumlow was beaten down, cowering in the corner of the room as Natasha stood in the corner, you could see the fear in her eyes. The same fear she caused you as she ripped your fingernails to pieces.
"Brock Rumlow," Bucky spoke in a deep voice, pulling on a pair of black gloves, before handing you a matching pair.
You slipped them on, hand placed on the knife that was strapped onto your thigh, just above the black jeans you had on.
Steve and Sam patted Bucky on the back, looking toward you with respect. "Have fun, you two." The blonde spoke, before exiting and closing the doors behind them.
"P-please, Barnes." Rumlow pleaded, "Have mercy."
Bucky was about to laugh before Natasha beat him to it. "Oh, please. You two really think he was the mastermind behind all this?" You looked over at the redhead in the corner, your former friend.
"If he's not, does that mean you are?" Your voice carried through the room, a newfound confidence making you raise your head high.
Natasha grinned, "And here I thought you never would've survived." You tilted your head, "Two bullet shots and I'm walking four weeks later." You pulled the gun from your other holster, "I can't say the same for you after this." You pointed it right at her forehead.
"Come here," Bucky moved forward, knowing you had Natasha pinned with the intent to shoot; dragging Rumlow up as two of his men held him on his knees.
"Nat, please. Do something." Rumlow begged, making you let out a laugh under your breath. "Do you think she's really in the position to?" You saw her move forward slightly, making you cock your gun, "One more step and I blow your fucking brains all over these white sheets."
Bucky grinned, loving this color on you.
"You really thought you could take my girl from me?" Your husband kneels in front of Brock, pulling out a knife from his belt. "What did you call her after breaking her nose? Oh, that's right, a 'lovely specimen."
Bucky's smirk dropped, nodding at the two men holding Brock down as they forced his mouth open. Brock shouted and yelled as Bucky gripped the end of his tongue, pulling it from his mouth and slicing it clean off from the base with his knife.
Brock wailed and cried as another soldier brought over a jar filled with a yellow liquid, opening the top so Bucky could drop the tongue in. He closed the lid, holding it up high as he watched Brock's mouth fill with blood. "What a lovely specimen."
"You two are fucking sick." Natasha, sneered, making you grip the knife from your own holster, throwing it and landing it right in her hand that was held in the air. She screamed, falling to the ground and back up until her back hit the wall.
You kneeled down, gun still pointed in her face, "Talk again and next time your tongue will join his in the jar." Your former friend gulped, nodding as you smirked.
Bucky gripped the front of Brock's shirt, making his back touch Bucky's chest as he held a knife to his throat. "Anything you wanna say before I kill you in front of your girlfriend, Rumlow?"
You laughed, slightly, making Bucky huff in humor. "Oh, that's right. You can't" He whispered the last part before slicing a clean and deep cut across his neck, blood pouring out as he collapsed to the ground, whimpering and sputtering in pain as he bled out, his eyes on you in fear as he eventually stopped moving.
Natasha looked back at you, still clutching her bleeding hand into her chest. You kneeled down, "Why, Natasha?" She shook with terror, hardly being able to force the words out. "Why did he have to pick you?!"
Your brows furrowed in confusion, "What?" Natasha scoffed, looking over at your husband, then back to you.
"Before you came along I thought he could love me. But then you showed up, taking all Bucky's attention. I never stood a fucking chance." You laughed, sighing before standing and walking over to Bucky, placing a hand on the back of his head before smashing your lips against his in a heated kiss. He groaned, biting your lip and making you moan into his mouth.
You chuckled, still holding the back of his head in your hand. You lifted your arm, perfect aim.
"No, Natasha. You never stood a fucking chance." One, two, then three shots rang out through the room as you planted two bullets in Natasha's head, and one in the chest.
Dropping the gun, you saw her body slump to the ground. Dead.
Bucky turned you away from the scene, bringing your face into his hands as both of you had unshed tears in your eyes. "It's over, doll."
You nodded, holding onto his hands as they held your face. "Can we go home, Buck?" He nodded, bringing your face into his chest as he walked you back through the house and into the car. "We're going home, doll. I'm never leaving you."
part one (read first)
@yeahyeahyeah23-blog @rinniereads123 @shortnloud @julvrs @unaxv @sapphirebarnes
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e-dubbc11 · 3 months
Summer Sleepover request 😊
How about a tiny reader drabble based on
'Can I kill him now?'
with Brock and Frank, whatever way around takes your fancy!
Thank you! 😘
Stef!! Thank you so so much for sending in this ask and participating in my summer sleepover! I hope you like what I ended up doing. It was fun to write! ♥️
Can I Buy You a Drink?
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Brock Rumlow x F! Reader with Bartender! Frank Castle
Warnings: Couple of sexual references, maybe a swear word or two, SHIELD agent being a creep, fluff, drinking.
Word Count: 1.9K-ish
Summary: Reader works in a bar with Frank that he owns and manages. A very handsome SHIELD agent and the rest of his team come in for a drink after a long training session at Anvil.
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
The strong scent of citrus floated past your nose as you removed all of the glasses from the dishwasher. Frank was on the other side of you cutting up fresh limes, prepping for the Friday after work crowd that usually poured into the bar around three o’clock.
The beer glasses went into the freezer and the remaining glassware was placed on the shelves although most of your clientele stuck to beer. The Watering Hole wasn’t exactly an upscale place with its old neon signs, dim lighting, and dated décor but it was a fun place to work.
It was small and didn’t require a lot of staff or actual bartending skills which was good for you because you didn’t have any, you just needed a job. And even though it was a small place, it brought in a decent amount of money.
The tips you made, Frank let you keep all of them. He was a great boss, owned the bar, and he looked out for you. The bar was your second job and with the money you brought home, you were able to live comfortably and get back on your feet after a bad breakup with an ex who left you with nothing. You promised yourself you wouldn’t make that mistake again.
“Bill said he was sending some people over after their training today. He said they were just looking for a place to grab a couple beers. They’re in town from D.C.” Said Frank.
A look of disgust washed over your face.
“Ugh, they’re not politicians, are they Frank? Because I don’t know that I wanna deal with that tonight.” You replied.
Draping a dish towel over his shoulder, Frank chuckled as he continued to cut up limes and said, “Nah, they’re not politicians, sweetheart. Bill said they’re from a group called SHIELD.”
“Ooooh, well that sounds very clandestine, doesn’t it?” You asked, biting back a smile. “Did Billy say around what time they would be in?”
A few of your regulars were already there but as soon as the words escaped your lips, the door opened and in walked a bunch of men and a few women with their suit jackets off, ties undone, and looking pretty worn out from their training day at Anvil with Billy.
Frank glanced at you with raised eyebrows, moved closer to you, and said, “This must be them, go get ‘em kid. Bat those pretty eyes at ‘em and bring us some money, yeah? I’d do it but I don’t have pretty eyes.”
That made you laugh and when you did, you caught the eye of one of the men in the pack with dark brown hair and amber colored eyes. His dress shirt was unbuttoned and his tie was balled up in his hand. He was very handsome but had a scowl on his face, lips pressed together in a straight line and a furrowed brow.
You were a little shy when it came to larger crowds of people but you sucked it up and walked over, ready to make some money.
“Afternoon everyone! Thank you for coming in today, I’m y/n. What can I get for you?” You paused for a minute and then asked, “Oh, I’m assuming Billy told you what the deal is here? Yeah? Beer and liquor only. Cash tips, you got it?!”
“Yes ma’am.” Said the handsome man. He also had a raspy voice which was incredibly sexy.
You walked back to the bar after taking their order. While prepping their drinks, you glanced over again at your crush and you heard one of them say to him, “She’s hot, huh Rumlow?! I’ll give her a good tip.” He said as he hi-fived one of the other guys in the group.
“You’re such a pig, Rollins.” Said one of the women.
Frank was helping you when he said, “He’s got his eye on you, doesn’t he.”
“Which one?” You asked.
“Well, all of them actually but the older guy with the dark hair. He hasn’t taken his eyes off you since he walked in here, ya know.” Said Frank.
“He can’t be that old, Frank. Have you seen him? He’s in really good shape. And I ain’t no spring chicken either.” You said.
“Watchful eye, sweetheart. Watchful eye. You know I’m ready if you need backup.” Frank said with a smirk.
It did get a little rowdy at times but you could handle it for the most part. Frank was great backup though. He had a reputation around town. They called him “The Punisher” because of what he would do to out of control patrons and he made sure they never caused trouble in his bar again. Frank didn’t need to hire any bouncers; he was his own.
Watching from behind the bar, you noticed that this group could drink. It was round after round of beer and shots with the exception of the one they called Rumlow.
He was drinking but not nearly as much as the others and none of them were drinking more than the one named Rollins.
You and Frank were talking and cleaning when Rumlow started walking toward the bar.
“Lemme know if you need the bat, yeah?” Said Frank with a sly grin.
Shaking your head, you glared at him. He knew you could handle yourself. You couldn’t work for an ex-marine and NOT know a thing or two on how to take care of business.
Your heart started to beat faster as Rumlow approached the bar. Warmth spread across your cheeks and you glanced down at the floor so he wouldn’t see you blushing. He hadn’t even spoken to you yet and he had your stomach in knots.
Rollins was making a lot of drunken noises so Rumlow had to speak loudly for you to hear him.
“Hey, sorry about Jack. We all had a long day. I’m Brock, by the way.” He said, extending his hand for you to shake.
Slowly reaching forward, you took his hand to shake it. His thick fingers wrapped around your hand and you could feel the calluses on his palm as you couldn’t help but gaze into his golden colored eyes.
The warmth from his hand traveled quickly up your arm and spread across your chest and you felt yourself struggling to figure out how to respond.
You were finally able to arrange the words you wanted to say in your head before they fell out of your mouth.
“It’s ok, we all need to blow off steam after a long day. It’s nice to meet you, Brock.” You said with a shy smile. “Can I get you another beer?”
“Thank you, sweetheart. That would be great.” He replied.
You were sure he wasn’t aware of the face he was making, but Frank’s eyes were narrowed and he had pressed his lips together in a straight line as his eyes were fixated on Brock, not knowing exactly what his intentions were.
Frank knew how hard you worked every day to be able to provide for yourself. The last thing he wanted was some guy showing up and taking advantage of how sweet and kind you were, giving men more chances than they deserved like the last guy that broke your heart.
He just wanted to see you with someone nice for a change which is why he was carefully checking out Brock.
After pouring a beer for Brock, you told Frank you needed a bathroom break and you’d be back in a minute. You encountered Rollins in the hallway after emerging from the bathroom.
“H-hey! Th-there she is! I-I was j-just coming to tell youuuuu that I could use another beeeeeer.” He said sloppily.
���You might have reached your limit there, big guy.” You tried to say with a smile.
Rollins had stepped in front of you, not letting you pass by him.
“Excuse me, Jack. I have to get back to work.” You said with a trembling voice.
With the strong scent of beer and liquor on his breath, he had pinned you against the wall with his lower body and growled into your ear, “I don’t have any cash, pretty girl but you can take your tip from my tip if ya know what I mean.”
Jack was tall and heavy so it was difficult to try and push him off of you. His words chilled you to the bone, you were frozen in place, and couldn’t reach the knife in your back pocket.
“Let me go, Jack.” You said, coldly.
Jack continued to press into you with his crotch while you frantically kept looking down the hallway for someone to help. He was just too strong for you.
Just as you started to panic slightly, you heard a deep booming voice coming from the other end of the hallway.
“HEY!! Take your hands off of her, Rollins!” Shouted Frank.
Frank distracted Jack just long enough for you to push him away and retrieve your knife from your back pocket all in one swift motion.
Holding the knife down by his crotch, you whispered with a devilish grin on your face, “Don’t make any sudden movements, Jack. You wouldn’t want me to cut it off now, would ya?”
Brock appeared at the end of the hallway and stood next to Frank. They looked at each other, thoroughly impressed with your knife wielding skills and they both gave you a nod of approval before Frank walked toward you, grabbed Jack by the collar, and asked “Can I kill him now?”
Brock answered with bitterness in his tone before you could.
“Let me do it. It should be me.” Brock then turned to you and calmly asked, “You alright, doll? Did he hurt ya?”
Frank, still holding Jack’s shirt collar, repeated Brock’s question, “Yeah, did he hurt ya?”
“I’m fine, guys. I’m fine…really, I am.” You stumbled to get the words out.
Frank turned toward Brock and while looking at you, said, “I’ll let your team take care of him but lemme just say, if you break her heart, I’ll break your neck, got it?”
“Frank!” You interrupted and couldn’t help but smile.
Brock chuckled, “I got it…I promise, Castle.”
“Good…because they don’t call me the Punisher for nothin’.” Said Frank.
Slightly embarrassed, you rolled your eyes and replied, “Oh my god, ok, ok can you guys just get him outta my sight? My stomach is starting to turn.”
Frank tossed Jack to the rest of the SHIELD team and walked back behind the bar. Brock slowly inched closer to you, his eyes locked on yours before he leaned in and planted a gentle kiss on your cheek.
His lips were warm and soft against your skin and you felt a slight tingle in your core as you closed your eyes and pictured his lips being somewhere else.
Maybe you were getting ahead of yourself.
Before your mind could wander any further, he asked, “Can I buy you a drink?”
Frank had a strict rule about no drinking on the job. So with sad puppy dog eyes, you looked over at him, and silently begged for him to let you break the rules this one time.
Folding your hands together, you mouthed the word “Please?!!”
He rolled his eyes and began to pour two beers.
“Alright, kid. I’ll let you break the rules just this once, yeah?” He said, holding up one finger.
Biting back a sweet smile, you replied, “Yes! Thank you, Frank! You won’t regret it.”
Already seeing how smitten Brock was with you and the smile stretched across your lips, Frank gave Brock a nod and replied, “Just…this…once.”
Tag List: @munsonownsmyass @gijos @k-marzolf @nekoannie-chan @nutmeg17
Others that might enjoy: @fluffyprettykitty @jvanilly @randomlittleimp
If I tagged you and you didn’t want to be, just let me know and I’ll never do it again. As always, thank you again for reading!
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fluffyprettykitty · 1 year
Happy summer sleepover my lovely Selene! ☀️
Now you know how much I love my Billy BUT! I do also love me some Brock Rumlow soooooo I was thinking exercising with him, like boxing or MMA type workout? That leads to a shower and goes from there? Whatever strikes your fancy (if it strikes your fancy. 😄)
Pretty please and thank you!
pairing: trainer!Brock Rumlow x female reader
words: 400
a/n: thank you so much my beautiful friend for entrusting me ;)
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"Good, good, one more punch."
You strike him again, fast and swift just like he taught you and he praises you once again, making you smile.
"Your progress, man.." Brock Rumlow, your trainer and the owner of the boxing gym you frequented shook his head looking at your figure. "It's incredible, the best goddamn thing I've ever seen." He looks straight into your eyes, something that he loved to do and you smiled at him thanking him.
"It's all you, you know."
"Trust me, I've been doing this for years, It's all you."
The way he said caused a sparkle in your body and you couldn't help but feel a heat rising inside you.
"We're done, you can shit the shower." He winked at you and proceeded to help you take off your gloves.
For months now, you counted the minutes till you could come for a workout, always asked for a private session, and groaned whenever he wasn't available. This was almost the case today, you had a fixed hour but he couldn't make it, he called you and asked you to please wait for another hour and he'd be there.
And he was right like he said.
"You should let me make it up to you, making you wait like that." Brock said as he escorted you to the locker rooms.
"You don't have to, you got a busy schedule, it's alright with me. My shift starts at seven, I still got plenty of time to get ready."
"Seven, huh?"
"Well, more like eight, I got one hour of commute first."
"Right. How about then..." He trails off looking at you as he pushes the door of the vip bathroom open, he always allowed you to shower in the trainers' room. "I help you loosen up before work."
"How would that happen?"
"Special massage offer."
"Oh right? Is that extra pay?"
"On the house."
"Oh special treatment."
"Hydro friendly massage."
He pulls the glass door of the shower open urging you inside.
"Top service, never had any complaints."
You smirked. "Constructive criticism only builds morale."
"Maybe you can teach me a thing or two."
"Or several."
You got in the shower, you never made it to your shift on time.
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thewritergremlin-rae · 7 months
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A Drunken Goodnight
Pairing: Brock Rumlow x new SHIELD Agent!Reader Rating: M Words: 618 Content: 2nd person, pre-WS so Hydra!Brock but pretending to be SHIELD, age gap (reader is 21+, Brock is 40+), power dynamics, tipsy reader, implied manipulation, unreliable narrator Summary: You have a few celebration drinks in honour of you joining SHIELD. A few too many, so your kind of mentor, Brock Rumlow, lets you crash at his place.
Banner by cafekitsune
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His large hands cup your cheeks and you sway a little, feeling light headed. 
You can’t tell if it’s the alcohol or his warm, rough hands. “Congratulations, agent,” he hums, grinning and pretending like he can’t see how open and desperate your expression is. “But I think it’s time to get outta here.” 
He picks you up easily, your legs and arms wrapping around him as his hand rests on the delicious curve of your ass. But you don’t think anything of it, even when Brock needlessly adjusts your position, fingers brushing the seam of your jeans. 
Brock gets you into his car with no problems, you wonderfully pliant and happy to follow his instructions. 
You might have drifted off for the drive home because it seems like in only the blink of an eye the car has come to a stop in an enclosed parking lot. “I worry about leaving ya alone like this so you can have my room, I’ll sleep on the couch.” He breezes past any protests by hauling you out of his car and into his side as you stumble a few steps. 
His apartment is warm as he gets you through the door and helps you lean against the wall. You hastily grab his shoulder when he’s crouching and carefully removing your tired feet from the heels you decided to try out for the night. When he looks up at you from between your legs, heat rushes to your cheeks and you might think it had some kind of purpose but your brain is slow and Brock is on his feet again, kicking his own shoes off as he leads you to his room.
You sit on the bed with a soft thump as your legs realise they can finally give up their task for the night. Brock is flicking through his wardrobe and turns to toss a loose t-shirt and shorts. “Hope these are good enough for our new agent,” he teases with a grin and you nod with a soft laugh. “You think you can get changed by yourself, sweetheart?”
More heat tingles against your cheeks as you nod and put the flung clothes to one side. You barely wait for him to turn away before you’re pulling off your favourite top. It catches on your yawn and you giggle again, managing to free yourself with a few grunts. 
“That sounded pretty tough, you sure you don’t need my help?”
“No - no I’m good!” You assure him in a determined voice that is way too loud for the two feet he’s stood away from you but his chuckle is amused and you get his spare t-shirt on much more easily. Next are the shorts but given that your legs gave up about a minute ago, you flop back on the bed unceremoniously and lift your hips to get the jeans over your ass and kicked off the rest of the way. His shorts go on with one more jut of your hips to pull them in place and this time you stay laid back on the bed. “I did it!” You declare - like you just solved complicated algebra. 
Rumlow laughs as he turns, giving you a playful eyeroll to hide the way he drinks you in. “Real cute, agent. You gonna get under those covers or do I gotta tuck you in?” 
Your embarrassment fuels you as you scramble back and manage to get under the duvet, pulling it back down to cover you. Only to find Brock leaning over you, so dangerously close you think he might kiss you.
He brushes a kiss to your forehead and wishes you goodnight, knowing he leaves you a frustrated and tipsy mess.
Want to be tagged in future parts or future Loki fic? Go here
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hainethehero · 8 months
Stucky headcanon of Steve and Bucky meeting in the 21st century...
"The mission is simple, get in, get the containment, get out. Minimum casualties."
Steve nods at Fury's instruction, accepting the report he'd just been handed.
"Thought this was a one-man job?"
The sound of heavy, thick-soled boots echo throughout Fury's office. Steve turns to look at James Buchanan Barnes, otherwise known as The Winter Soldier. Natasha had given him the run-down on Barnes and according to her, he was the best assassin SHIELD had ever commissioned. With over two dozen assassinations, one being a U.S president and top World Court officials making up the rest, Steve had to admit that the guy's resumé was impressive.
He rises to his feet and holds out a hand, a gesture in greeting cos his Mama always taught him to be polite.
"Hello, I'm Steve," he says with one of his best smiles.
Barnes watches him, then his outstretched hand and then turn backs to Fury with a dry look of mild annoyance.
"I work better alone. You know that."
Steve's smile drops along with his hand and he returns to his seat a little put out by Barnes's hostility. He could feel his cheeks burn from embarrassment.
"Well, Captain Rogers has been added to the scheme. He is at your disposal. And when I say disposal, I mean, he's the reason why the mission is minimum-casualty-coded."
Barnes lets out a frustrated sound, a hand on his hip. Steve takes in his black combat gear, noting the probable location of several knives and guns. He's got a black hoodie on but only one hand is gloved. Steve assumes it's simply a training preference. Natasha never mentioned just how good-looking he was, though.
Steve usually kept his attraction to other people carefully hidden beneath a veneer of indifference. Barnes just shattered it. He was Steve's height, with dark, chocolate hair that was swept up into a lazy bun, strands framing his face fashionably. His eyes were a wolfish blue, deep and intimidating. He was thick and brawny where Steve was slim and agile. Steve found himself wondering how it would feel to be under all that muscle during training.
He blushes from the absurdity of his own thoughts and looks away while Barnes continues to plead his case.
"I don't need help-"
"These orders come from the top, so there's really nothing I can do, Barnes." Fury tells him tiredly. "Now, quit pestering me and help your newest teammate get acquainted with mission training. Goodbye."
Bucky rolls his eyes and stalks out of the room before halting at the doors. He doesn't even turn around to look at Steve, but grunts,
"You comin' or what, Spangles?"
Steve hesitantly follows, heart in his throat because it was obvious this Winter guy didn't like his guts. He assumes his rep as the legendary Captain America would have some of the top guys at SHIELD skeptical, hell, he wasn't even well-liked back in his day. He vividly remembers being attacked with fruit during the USO tours. Remembers the resentment on the faces of men like Hodge and Greg, and most of the unit he'd served with until he'd earned their respect when he brought back the 107th.
If he hadn't done that, he imagined he'd be a poster boy for war bonds for his entire miserable life. He'd been to the Smithsonian, seen his exhibit and how they emphasized his time in the military. It was almost as if they didn't know there was an actual Steve Rogers underneath it all. As if they just wanted the world to know that he was all gung-ho for the war. Like he hadn't joined because he'd just lost his mother and wanted to do his best to follow in her footsteps and protect people from bullies.
Suddenly all his nerves had gone out and he was left in a state of shocked despair and depression.
It made sense for Barnes to despise him. Everything he was screamed self-righteousness.
"You comin' or what?" Bucky asks gruffly, shaking him from his thoughts. The elevator had stopped, he realizes, onto a new floor. He follows Barnes, finding it suspiciously hard to keep up with the man's quick and powerful strides.
They enter a standardized training room that's already buzzing with what Steve guesses is Bucky's team. There are about ten men milling about, some doing weights while others are working on weaponry. Steve notices one guy he'd worked with during the New York invasion with the Avengers.
"Holy shit," the man cackles, approaching them covered in sweat.
"Rumlow," he greets with a more professional air. If Bucky's reaction to him was anything to go by, he figured it'd be smarter to be professional, rather than polite. He was used to people not liking him very much.
"Rogers, didn't expect them to bring you in already."
"You knew about this?" Bucky snipes in a pissy tone.
Brock shrugs, "Heard a rumor a couple weeks ago, didn't think of it til now."
"Great," Bucky mumbles while the other guys approach them. Steve takes a step back warily, feeling a bit like a specimen under a microscope.
Bucky glances at him, eyes narrowed for a second before he talks again. "Captain, this is my STRIKE team. I'm assuming you know Rumlow, he's second in command. After him, Rollins. Wilson is one of our newer recruits but we've worked with his team before. He's pararescue. And our two specialists, Lopez and Murdock."
Lopez signs "hello" at Steve and he signs back in greeting, offering her an easy smile. Then he glances at Bucky who's eyes seem to harden and his smile drops again. Great, now his team captain thinks he's flirting with the only woman on the team.
Keep it up, Rogers. You'll be kicked out within the week.
"We have roughly two weeks to prepare for this retrieval. And now, thanks to Fury, we also have to bring Spangles into the loop." Bucky announces, matter-of-factly. Steve winces at the nickname he can already see as a permanent moniker in the very near future.
"Let's get to work."
This is for @thebrooklynnway as per my last post about Marvel villains being absolutely enamoured with "the pretty blonde himbo with big tits and a nice ass."
Also, I feel like I should write a fic about this.
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hoteldreamss · 3 months
Brock Rumlow || imagine
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Метки: сцена 18+; алкоголь; нетрезвое состояние; всем персонажам больше 18 или даже 21.
Слов: 1 194
Ты чувствуешь, как алкоголь затмевает твой разум. Это происходило постепенно, всё время, что ты была в этом захудалом баре, вместе со своими приятелями по обучению.
Брок тоже пошёл с вами, даже если считался частично учителем. Он был здесь, поглядывая на тебя, что ты перестала замечать после начала опьянения.
Рамлоу для тебя под запретом, так же как и ученицы для него. Хотя это не мешало им заглядываться на Брока, в конце концов, в школе Таскмастера всего трое преподавателей, Брок стал одним из них.
— Ты не доберёшься одна, — его спокойный и слишком уж мужественный голос разносится рядом с тобой, стоит тебе выйти на улицу.
Прохладный, влажный, ночной воздух не может не радовать. После дождя всего было хорошо, и сейчас ты благодарна за такую погоду. Твой организм согрет алкоголем, а кожа горит от духоты бара, поэтому любой холод и свежий воздух благословение для тебя.
— Я справлюсь.
Он хочет поспорить с тобой, но сомневается, что должен.
— Твои друзья не хотят проводить тебя?
— Они хотят остаться.
Брок сдержанно кивает. Он наблюдает за тобой. Каким бы слабо квалифицированным он не казался, Рамлоу оставался хорошим бойцом. Хотя ему не много лет, и он едва имеет разницу в возрасте с тобой и другими учениками, ему всё равно удалось получить уважение. Другие два преподавателя казалось не интересовало что-то большее, чем безоговорочное послушание каждого из учеников. Не важно из-за страха или необходимости.
Ты отходишь от небольшого здания, бара, куда ты пришла со всеми другими учениками, и направляешься обратно в школу.
Брок следует за тобой.
— Я сказала, что доберусь одна.
— Ты еле идёшь. Сомневаюсь, что ты сможешь подняться по ступенькам.
— Тебе разве не нужно проследить за другими?
— Я не их нянька.
Ты только фыркаешь, но идёшь дальше.
Рамлоу был прав, ступеньки оказались для тебя настоящей проблемой. Ты чуть не падаешь, когда он успевает схватить тебя.
Брок всё ещё держа тебя, ведя по коротким и широким коридорам школы, направляясь к своей комнате, чего ты пока что не понимаешь. Ты не сопротивляешься, сомневаясь, что он причинит тебе боль.
Когда он заводит тебя в комнату, ты оглядываешься.
— Это не моя комната.
Здесь не три кровати, а всего одна, и больше, чем та на которой ты спишь. Комната украшена какими-то страницами, будто бы вырванными из книги, ты не можешь понять что на них, из-за слабого освещения.
— Хочешь, чтобы я отвёл тебя в твою? — интересуется он, подходя к тебе намного ближе, чем должен был бы.
Жар его тела легко ощущается тобой. Это вызывает в тебе немного странные чувства. Но ты ничего не можешь с ними сделать. Ты уже ни раз думала о Броке, как о ком-то особенном. Но отсутствие личного пространства не играло тебе на руку, не давало возможности выплеснуть влажные мысли.
Может ты могла бы позволить себе больше, учитывая твоё состояние, поведение Брока и место, в котором вы находитесь.
Твой поцелуй внезапный. Ты жадная, это легко отмечает Рамлоу. Твои руки на его шее, ты встаёшь на носочки, и так долго не отстраняешься от него, что Брок удивлён твоим возможностям не дышать.
Ты снова целуешь его, уже встречая его на пол пути. Руки Рамлоу тёплые и большие, скользят от твоей талии к попе, сжимая её через ткань одежды. Он притягивает тебя к себе, заставляя избавиться от даже минимальной дистанции между вами.
Ты теряешься в его поцелуях. Брок переходит на твои щёки, осыпая их горячими и влажными следами, и ты не хочешь, и не можешь жаловаться.
Вы постепенно отступаете к его кровати. Падая на неё, ты уже пытаешься раздеться. Но твои попытки больше смешные, нежели удачные.
Брок помогает тебе, каждый раз после возвращаясь к твоим губам снова. Он снимает и с себя всё, что может вам помешать.
Твои руки скользят по его почти карамельной коже, исследуя каждый участок, который раньше скрывался под одеждой.
Брок не оставляет без внимания твою шею, декольте и грудь, одаривая их поцелуями и даже укусами.
Ты почти мурлычешь от удовольствия. Но он кладёт ладонь на твои губы, не позволяя звука срываться.
— Тебе следует быть тише, — произносит он, смотря в твои округлившиеся глаза.
Ты киваешь. Брок убирает руку, и снова целует тебя, пока другая рука проскальзывает под ткань твоего нижнего белья, добираясь до влажной сердцевины.
Ты не задумываешься о последствиях, не думаешь о том, что кто-то мог бы застать вас, догадаться о произошедшем или о других вещах, ты странным образом уже чувствуешь удовлетворение. Этот мужчина сводил тебя с ума ни один день, и сейчас ты наконец получила то, о чём грезила.
— Тебе это нравится? — он усмехается, пока его пальцы играют с тобой, а твои глаза прикрываются от удовольствия. Тебе нравятся его прикосновения, ты боишься, что не сможешь жить дальше не чувствуя их больше никогда.
— Да, — в пол голоса произносишь ты, цепляясь за Рамлоу и смотря на него стеклянным взглядом. Морщинка между твоих бровей выдаёт твои попытки сдержаться, и это подогреваете эго Рамлоу.
Он бессовестно трахает тебя своими пальцами, иногда играя большим с пучком твоих нервов и со странным удовольствием наблюдает, как ты разваливаешься под ним.
Ты не задумываешься, что его собственное возбуждение будто бы вовсе не затмевает его разум. Он будто бы совсем не хочет перейти к следующему этапу, просто продолжая играться с тобой.
Ты брызгаешь на его руку, скуля, но так и не застонав.
Довольная улыбка Брока становится шире, и он наклоняется к тебе. Снова поцелуи на твоих щеках и губах.
— Сколько ты не прикасалась к себе? С момента поступления?
— Не всем так повезло с личной комнатой и ванной, — произносишь ты, чувствуя себя более пьяной сейчас нежели пол часа назад.
Он посмеивается над твоими комментариями. Приспуская брюки, Брок не ждёт, он сразу проникает в тебя, растягивает твои стенки и чувствуя себя как на небесах.
Может быть ему тоже давно не удавалось заняться сексом, учитывая правила не трогать учениц и покидать школу только при особых случаях.
Вам сильно повезло, что сегодня была возможность выбраться, даже если вы не уходили дальше ближайшего бара в этой захудалой деревушки.
Школа находилась почти в горах, окутанная туманом и склонами, бежать некуда и незачем. По сути все преподаватели и ученики здесь по собственной воле, и соблюдать правила одно из условий оставаться здесь. Но казалось, что благодаря Гидре, скоро ваше обучение закончится. Может поэтому Брок дал себе больше свободы, как и ты.
Его толчки не такие безумные и быстрые, как ты ожидала. Он на удивление нежнее, чем ты могла бы предположить. Но он всё ещё тот, кто оставляет следы на твоём теле. И тот, кто хочет насытиться тобой, пока может.
Тебе кажется, что он похож больше на животное, нежели на человека. Его рука обхватывает твоё горло, несильно, но ощутимо. Дыхание тяжёлое и обжигает твою кожу.
— Я мог бы вечно трахать тебя. — Рамлоу заглядывает в твои глаза, подмечая, что ты можешь вовсе не сильно быть в реальности. Должно быть ощущения удовольствия сильнее твоего здравого смысла и попыток оставаться в реальности. — Тебе бы это понравилось.
Он снова оставляет поцелуи на тебе. И когда ты чувствуешь, как низ твоего живота сжимается, ты также чувствуешь как темп Брока возрастает. Влажные и пошлые звуки становятся громче. Тогда он заполняет тебя своим семенем, а ты снова падаешь через край.
Брок немного наваливается на тебя, чувствуя твою ладонь на его голове. Твои пальцы играют с его волосами, приятным образом успокаивая его.
— Лежи здесь. — Он поднимается с тебя, лишая своего тепла и тяжести.
Ты чувствуешь, как сон всё больше накрывает тебя, не позволяя избежать его ещё ненадолго. Всё тело расслабленно и слабо.
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sosa2imagines · 6 months
Random Question!
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nickeverdeen · 5 months
MCU masterlist
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Peter Quill
Peter Parker 1
(you can choose a group in which I’ll pair you with the characters from it or you can just leave it in general and I’ll choose from all of the groups)
The original 6 Avengers reacting to you kissing them while being drunk
The young Avengers and their love language
(you can choose which characters you want or whatever group you want)
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Tony Stark (Iron Man)
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Steve Rogers (Capitan America)
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Bruce Banner (Hulk)
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow)
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Clint Barton (Hawkeye)
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch)
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Scott Lang (Ant-Man)
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Carol Danvers (Capitan Marvel)
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Stephen Strange (Doctor Strange)
From Crayons to Canvases | Doctor Strange x platonic fem!reader
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
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Peter Parker 1 (Tom Holland)
Caught in the Act (Sort of)
Across the Miles
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Peter Parker 2 (Tobey Maguire)
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Peter Parker 3 (Andrew Garfield)
In anoter life
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
The Guardians of Galaxy
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Peter Quill (Star-Lord)
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Rocket (only platonic)
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Groot (only platonic)
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
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Nick Fury
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Maria Hill
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Melinda May
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Sharon Carter
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
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T’Challa (Black Panther)
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
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Brock Rumlow
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Winter Soldier
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Bruce Banner
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
The young Avengers
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Yelena Belova
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Kate Bishop
Bodyguard!Kate Bishop x Mafia boss fem!reader
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
America Chavez
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Cassie Lang
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
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nekoannie-chan · 2 years
Until the end of everything
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Pairing: Brock Rumlow X HYDRA Agent!Reader.
Word count: 1628 words.
Summary: I would love some fluffy Rumlow.
Warnings: Reader and Brock become fugitives.
A/N: This is @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​’s request.
My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other's people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum​  @hallecarey1  @nana1000night​ @talia-rumlow @mylifeispainandiloveit @writingshae​
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 While listening to the news that Fury was communicating to you, you tried not to change your expression. You could not even believe what he was saying—how was it that he had been able to survive for so long?
You turned around when you felt a light squeeze on your arm; it was Brock. You looked at each other for a few seconds; the two of you knew what it meant. You looked away when you realized that you were about to break the pen you had in your hand.
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Dinner time was quiet; tension was felt in the air, and you couldn't stop thinking about what had happened a few hours earlier.
"I don't like this, Brock; how is it possible that this man survived?" And specifically, they would have found it at this time, but above all, why was it not our organization that found it? "you commented.
Brock raised his shoulders; for the first time in his life, he did not have the answer; however, you would be attentive to everything that could happen.
Everyone knew that HYDRA had gained power thanks to the disappearance of Rogers and the fact that one of its best leaders had managed to enter HYDRA without anyone suspecting; no one would suspect the great Peggy Carter, nor that thanks to her, HYDRA had not disappeared.
Therefore, you were not going to let Rogers ruin everything either.
"Maybe we should run away," you proposed, although you were actually joking.
Brock raised his eyebrow. "Why should we flee?" he questioned.
"I joked, but if things go wrong, it's an option."
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 When your phone started ringing, you threw yourself on the bed and bothered the pillow; when Brock's phone started ringing, you couldn't help but shout victory when you read the message.
"Let me sleep; don't make so much noise," Brock mumbled, a little annoyed.
"You have to read the big news; I doubt they can save him, but they need us right now," you said excitedly.
Brock cursed while taking the cell phone; he assumed it was some stupid last-minute mission, which was not expected and was the best news in a long time.
"Any news on what happened?" Brock inquired. "You'd be at the hospital in less than fifteen minutes, and I wanted to know what he'd face."
"Officer on the S.H.I.E.L.D. part, no, but it was the soldier," you replied as you watched the incoming messages. The next few hours would be chaotic, although you were confident that everything would go according to plan, a lot of hassle would be removed, and Hydra would triumph.
You couldn't stop seeing what was happening; maybe you've never felt so excited in your life before, and yet you had to contain all your excitement when you saw that the plan, whatever it was, had the results you had been dreaming of for years, as well as the smile that was beginning to form on your lips.
What you did not count on was the brief chaos that would be unleashed in the hospital, not among those present, upon receiving the unexpected news. Of course, several people expected a different ending.
You watched, without them seeing you, as Rogers and Romanoff argued, yet you didn't realize that your husband had approached you.
"I have to take it to Pierce," Brock whispered in your ear.
"I guess I have to go," you said without stopping to look at them. There was something hidden. It seems that there are troubles in paradise.
"Yes, but not with us; you'll go tell Pierce what happened."
"Do you think you can fight him?" you asked, concerned; you guessed what would happen, but in reality, you would have preferred someone to tell you what the damn plan was.
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You had heard what happened in the elevators, and you needed to know how Brock was, although you were sure that he would be much more than angry, for what they had told you was not so bad, you still felt that your heart beat too fast, like all the times he had been injured on some mission.
You went into the infirmary, surprised by the number of agents there. You couldn't believe Rogers could have fought all those people. You carefully went through the curtain, and there it was; it was only a few wounds.
"Brock... "
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You knew things weren't going to end well, so you decided to go find your husband. Once Rogers figured out the whole plan, it would only be a matter of time before they went after you.
They knew what you were doing, but they would not understand your reasons. You kept running down the stairs; surely, on one of the upper floors, one of Rogers' friends would be waiting for you to fight you.
You had probably already lost several HYDRA members, possibly even Pierce, and you were certain that the soldier would have to be contacted in the same way. Somehow, you had to escape; you three had always been a team.
You dashed up two more floors and flipped while drawing your gun when you heard the emergency door open, but you quickly lowered it when you saw it was Brock.
"Are you okay?" "He asked you when he saw you; he also lowered the gun." I was looking for you; we have to go with Pierce; the widow is with him...
"Let's run away," you said, taking his arm in yours.
"But... "
"Do you think they'll help us out? You know Rogers and his team will beat us, and we'll have us in Raft... separately."
You knew that you would convince him; from the moment you met, Brock had promised you that you would never be separated again, not even after death.
Through the intercom, Brock managed to tell Jack the plan, and they quickly agreed.
"Cover me. We have to leave before anyone notices or catches us," he told you as he walked back to where he had entered.
You stopped him. "We can't go around; there are cameras, and I'm sure someone is helping them from there," you said.
You had to go to the basement; there was a secret exit that you used to use when you had to do a Hydra mission that no one from S.H.I.E.L.D. must have known about.
You continued down the stairs; you walked a little fast, but you remained alert in case someone tried to attack you. At that moment, you could not wait for Jack, but you trusted that he would also manage to flee.
Twice they almost caught you, but somehow you got to the basement and went straight to where Brock's bike was, confident that you could continue to elude your enemies.
You hugged Brock's waist while he was on the motorcycle; you put on your helmet, and you couldn't delay. You went out, and you put your head against his back.
You knew it was all over; probably everyone already knew what you were doing, but it didn't matter. You and Brock were going to run away. It didn't matter if you were wanted; it didn't matter that you had to abandon everything and start over.
You assumed that finding a new job and making a living would be simple, but in the end, everyone was your adversary; you couldn't even rely on HYDRA. And yet you had the necessary contacts to "disappear."
If you hurried before it was too late, you could take some things out of your apartment and leave; when the others arrived, you would find nothing, not even a single clue as to where you had gone.
The sirens of the ambulances and patrol cars were heard as you walked your way; you knew you were heading to the Triskelion; probably the chaos was enormous; maybe in a short time, your faces would appear on the news, everywhere, because they would be looking for you; most likely, they wanted to be told everything you were doing and other secrets of Hydra; but nothing that happened or what would happen was going to cause you to be traitors and talk.
You gave Brock a few minutes to say goodbye to his bike; you knew how much affection she had for it, but you would have to abandon it because it was easy to recognize. You entered the building stealthily; instead of getting off the elevator on the usual floor, you went up two more floors. You would arrive from the back; in fact, you would use the emergency stairs to enter through one of the windows.
You went in first, although you had a hard time convincing him since he didn't want anything bad to happen to you, coupled with the fact that you weren't sure if they were already waiting for you.
You began packing quickly, leaving only the furniture, but you didn't want to leave them any of the living memories that Brock and you had been sharing or give them any idea of where you could go, even though you didn't yet know where you were going; Jack sent you a message with the location where he was waiting for you.
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They came in two hours later; Sam made an annoyed gesture; the apartment was empty; you were supposed to have been caught, and they needed to find out where you were.
They needed the information from the three of you; they didn't know where you might have gone.
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You turned to see the sunrise through the window; in a couple of hours, you would reach your destination. Brock took your hand and saw it; he moved his lips to tell you, "I love you," and you smiled.
You would never be caught.
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ship name for allison and brock?
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Uhhhhh… I don’t think anyone’s ever asked? Seriously. It may not have ever come up before, bc I feel totally unprepared😂
I prob do have a fav or two of the options but I could be swayed and really am interested to hear thoughts before I say what I might land on.
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e-dubbc11 · 10 months
Hot neighbor Rumlow that you see in his yard like this one day. That's it. That's the ask 🥵💦
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My lovely Lily,
You have so many great ideas roaming around inside that brain of yours and I love that you share those ideas with me and trust me to bring those ideas to life. So you wanted neighbor Rumlow? Here he is! I really hope you like it and thank you for always sending things/ideas to my inbox and for just being such a good friend ♥️♥️♥️
Hey, Neighbor
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Brock Rumlow x F! Reader
Warnings: None, really. A couple of swear words, fluff, some smooches, mentions of infidelity and divorce.
Word Count: 3.7K-ish
Summary: You’re newly single and start looking at your neighbor differently.
A/N: I don’t really have much else to say that I didn’t say above. Brock is fun to write for and even though she hasn’t read it yet, Lily said she’s already game for a part 2 🤣 I hope you like it!
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
The early morning sun peeked through the very small opening in between your bedroom curtains. The warm rays beamed into your room, directly onto the foot of your bed where your dog, Beast, was sleeping peacefully.
It was Saturday and he seemed quite content that he also did not have to wake up early this morning however your internal clock never let you sleep in too much. Waking up with the sun was a lot better than being jolted awake by an alarm while it was still dark outside though so you reveled in the restful sleep you had last night.
You rolled over to look at your clock. It was 7:00 AM, birds were happily chirping outside your window, and you couldn’t wait to get up to do…nothing. It had been over a month since you had a free weekend and all you wanted to do today was relax, maybe start the new book you just bought, or just do whatever you felt like doing.
The house was quiet.
Since you finalized your divorce eight months ago, it had been very quiet but most of the time you didn’t mind. You thought maybe there was something wrong with you because you didn’t really have a problem being alone, sure there were times where you were lonely but you still didn’t mind being alone…maybe you actually preferred it.
You didn’t have any children so the divorce was quick and easy, he let you keep the house because he was moving in with his girlfriend, the one he was seeing while still married to you.
Yeah, that felt like a punch to the stomach. How could you not see it coming? Were you that blind? You thought you were happy together but it was all a lie, a lie that had dragged on for the past two years. It was humiliating and you felt like everyone knew he had been cheating on you except for you.
Even though they weren’t, you felt like everywhere you went people were looking at you, talking about you, and feeling sorry for you. But you were better off without him and you had everything you wanted right now.
You lived in a nice house, had a good job, friends, family, and your dog. What else did you need right now?
Coffee…coffee is what you needed.
“C’mon Beast…time to go outside, buddy. Let’s go.” You said, patting him on the head as he blinked his eyes and yawned, showing you all of his teeth.
After your divorce, you went to a local shelter because you wanted a dog for protection and companionship as you were now alone in your house.
When you walked in to where all of the kennels were, at first none of them felt like “the one” but as you moved toward the end of the rows of kennels, a young gray and white pitbull pushed his nose through the hole in the cage door and started wagging his tail, aggressively. Whimpering, he licked your fingers when you held them up to the kennel, he was such a sweet boy.
“What’s his story?” You had asked the employee.
“Not much to tell really, this guy has had a couple of homes but each owner said they didn’t really have the space for bigger dog like him and couldn’t give him the attention he needs.” They replied.
You had a decent size home and nice big yard for him to run around in so the decision was made that he was coming home with you and Beast smiled for the entire ride to his new home.
He did his little happy dance with his front paws before you opened the door and as soon as you opened it, he took off running for the very back of the yard where he did his business. As he sprinted back toward you, he stopped quickly in the middle of the yard to bring you his ball that he loved for you to throw for him.
The air was still slightly chilly as it brushed against your exposed skin. Your sleep clothes left little to the imagination, maybe you were still not fully awake yet, but you looked down and realized you were out in the middle of the yard in a thin strap tank top and shorts, with no bra on which of course is when your neighbor stepped outside to get onto his motorcycle.
You didn’t know what he did for a living but he was always out until crazy hours of the night or going in on weekends. You didn’t think he was a doctor; his wardrobe didn’t exactly scream “healthcare professional” but anything is possible. Dressed in all black wearing combat boots, he walked out of his side door with a scowl on his face and a furrowed brow.
His side door faced your yard and he actually did a double take when he saw you standing in the yard, half naked, playing with Beast so you gave him a little wave and a slight smile. He seemed a little flustered and quickly waved back but in an awkward manner.
His name was Brock Rumlow and had just come home from work the day you were moving into your house so he introduced himself to you and your then husband.
At the time, you didn’t really pay that much attention to what he looked like but now that you were single, you had noticed that Brock was quite handsome in a grouchy, angry sort of way.
Brock had dark brown hair, days old stubble on his face, and his eyes were a warm golden brown like the color of amber or whiskey. It was one of the first things you noticed about him when he introduced himself.
But you’ve had little interaction since besides the occasional “good morning” or a wave here and there. You felt yourself staring as he climbed on his bike and sped off down the street. You probably wouldn’t see him again today.
“Beast! Inside, now. Go on, time for your breakfast.” You said, holding the door open for him.
The temperature outside warmed up nicely since this morning and after cleaning for a little while, you decided you were finished with that for the day and were ready to relax with your book and a cup of tea. Part of the reason you bought your house was because it had a reading nook. You had always wanted one and you finally had one, it was your favorite place in the house.
With Beast asleep on the floor next to you and your tea resting on a little table behind your head, you were fully immersed in your book. Since it was such a nice day outside, you had opened the windows to get some fresh air and the curtains swayed as the cool breeze blew in through the screens.
You were so lost in the story, you almost didn’t hear Brock’s motorcycle pull back into his driveway. That’s strange. Usually when he left for the day, he was gone until sometime in the evening but you didn’t think much of it and went back to your book.
The reading nook faced Brock’s house and at one point you looked up from your book to rest your eyes and look out the window. To your surprise, when you looked up, Brock was standing in his driveway…and he was shirtless.
“Holy fuck.” You said out loud.
Oh shit…hopefully he didn’t hear you.
He was quite the specimen, warm tan skin, tight arm muscles and abs you could wash clothes on. How have you not seen this before? It couldn’t be the first time he’s been outside without a shirt but then again, he usually isn’t home during the daylight hours where you could see him clearly.
Beast picked his head up off of the floor as the words escaped your lips and he cocked his head to one side as he looked at you.
“Oh don’t look at me like that.” You said narrowing your eyes at him. “I didn’t know he was hiding that body underneath his clothes. How could I?”
You felt a little crazy talking to your dog like he was a person.
It looked like Brock was doing some stretching. Biting down on your thumb, you continued to stare out the window, hoping he was too far away for him to notice you gawking at him. With your thighs clenched together, you inched closer to the glass but you weren’t paying attention to how close to the glass you were.
Your forehead hit the glass with a slight “thud;” Brock looked up from his stretches and looked in your direction, thankfully you were quick enough to duck away from the window.
The pillow cradled your head as warmth rose to your cheeks and you watched as your book, resting on your chest, rose and fell with your nervous inhales and exhales. Beast had started to bark when he heard the thud against the glass. You tried to get him to stop by whisper yelling at him.
“Hey! Ssshhh, stop it! It’s just me!” You said.
Peeking out from behind the curtain, you saw Brock had gone back to his stretching. It looked like he was getting ready to go for a run. Beast finally stopped barking and Brock took off down the driveway.
You watched him until he was out of sight; finally, you could breathe easy but now you were wondering if he had noticed you watching him. You didn’t think so but it was still a possibility especially after the dog started to bark.
Maybe you were done reading for now.
Since you had the entire day to yourself, you had the time to make your grandmother’s spaghetti sauce. You were the only one she trusted the recipe with and each time you made it, you reminisced about all the times you helped her make that sauce.
It would cook on the stove all day and your reward for helping her was she would give you a small bowl filled with sauce and a couple pieces of Italian bread for you to dip with. You would always get to have some before anyone else did, it was one of your favorite memories of her.
To get even more fresh air inside the house, you had opened the front door and kept the screen door shut plus Beast loved to sit in front of the door and watch people and cars go by.
While stirring the sauce, your back was toward the front door when Beast started to whine and scratch at the door. You figured he just saw another dog walk by; he loved to say hi to every person or animal that walked by the house.
He barked then scratched at the door so hard that he nudged it open and ran outside. You turned to see the screen door ajar and swaying back and forth.
“Shit! Beast! No!!” You shouted after him.
After you ran outside and down the driveway, you looked around for him and finally found him licking Brock’s face just past your mailbox.
“Oh my god, Brock I am so sorry! He just pushed the door open and ran out before I could stop him.” You said apologetically.
Brock was kneeling down next to Beast, gently patting his head.
“Oh that’s alright, doll. He’s a good boy, he just wanted to say hello. Didn’t ya boy?”
The smile on Brock’s face was probably the most genuine smile you’ve ever seen on him which made you smile.
“Well thank you for catching him for me.” You said.
You then did something very out of character. You had always been very shy and quiet but you liked Brock and you definitely couldn’t eat that sauce all by yourself. So even though it made you feel nauseous, you decided to ask him anyway.
“B-brock? W-would you like to come over for dinner tonight? I, well I made my grandmother’s spaghetti sauce and I forgot that it’s enough to feed a small army.” You said, struggling to get the words out.
He looked shocked and didn’t really know what to say, like it was the first time he’s ever been invited to dinner.
“Oh…thank you y/n, but I’m all sweaty from my run just now.” He said, politely.
You noticed the sweat glistening off his body and on his forehead. It was hard not to notice. He really was extremely handsome, especially when he smiled.
“Well you have plenty of time to shower and change. I’m not quite finished cooking yet.” You said.
Brock looked a little uneasy, almost like he didn’t want to hurt your feelings by telling you no. You finally felt ready enough to talk to another man in a way that’s not platonic and you were terrified that he was going to say no. And then to think you would be reminded of that rejection every time you saw him after that.
Glancing down at the ground, you thought maybe it would be easier if you didn’t look at him. Maybe you could keep the tears from stinging the back of your eyes but he surprised you with his answer.
“Well in that case, I’d love to, doll.” He said softly.
Butterflies formed in your stomach and the words that fell from your lips were a little shaky but you managed to get them out without stumbling too much.
“O-ok. Great! I’ll see you in about an hour then.” You said. “Come on, Beast. Let’s go, ya troublemaker.”
Not wanting to look like you were trying too hard but still wanting to look put together, you put on a pair of jeans and changed from a white t-shirt to a black one in case the clumsy version of you decided to show up and get marinara sauce all over yourself. You kept the minimal makeup look you had on from earlier in the day and kept your hair back.
Brock knocked on your door exactly an hour later, Beast helped you greet him at the door by barking and wagging his tail. Brock had brought over a bottle of wine which was very sweet of him.
“Hi Brock…Beast, get down! I’m so sorry…oh, thank you for the wine. That’s very nice of you…BEAST, get down! I know you’re excited that someone else is in the house.” You said.
A slight smiled stretched across his lips as he looked at you with his honey colored eyes.
“I had a grandma once too…she taught me never to show up any place empty handed. I woulda got ya some flowers too but I only had an hour.” He said with a wink.
Brock was dressed almost exactly like you were. Black shirt and jeans but he was wearing black boots; he looked incredibly handsome.
He took one look at the dining room table and admitted to feeling a little underdressed. You had set the table nicely with placemats, cloth napkins, and candles. You didn’t think it was overly romantic but maybe he did and you were afraid you might scare him away but it didn’t.
“Do you need help with anything?” He asked.
You were caught completely off guard by that question. Your ex-husband didn’t help much with the cooking or anything, really.
“Oh! Thank you, I think I’m all set though. Actually, you can open the wine…let me just find the corkscrew.” You said.
Surprisingly, Brock was very easy to talk to. The wine probably helped a little but you had a feeling that maybe he wasn’t as angry as he appeared to be sometimes. Eyebrows pulled together in a straight line, lips pressed together, the gruff raspy tone to his voice when he said “good morning…” maybe he just didn’t want people to know that he’s actually kind of sweet and soft.
“I’ll admit, I was a little surprised when I saw your ex movin’ out. I thought you two had a decent marriage.” Said Brock.
With raised eyebrows, you said, “Yeah well, I wasn’t having sex nearly as often as he was sooooooo.”
Brock looked surprised as you confessed your ex had cheated on you.
“Wait…he cheated on you?” He asked.
“Brock, I feel like everyone else knew except me, like everyone on the street was looking at me differently. I felt really ashamed.” You said with a hitch in your voice as you looked away from him.
Tears welled up in your eyes quicker than you anticipated and before you could prevent one from streaking down your cheek. It was slightly embarrassing because you didn’t know your neighbor all that well and now you were crying in front of him.
“Hey, hey y/n…it’s ok.” He said softly as he gently brushed the top of your hand with his calloused fingers. The rasp in his voice was so sexy. “If it makes you feel any better, I had no idea and I doubt anyone else knew either. Plus…just…well, fuck that guy.”
You weren’t expecting him to say that; it caught you off guard and you let out a little laugh.
“Ya know what? You’re right…fuck that guy!” You exclaimed with a wide smile.
The two of you finished the bottle of wine and Brock insisted on doing the dishes, he actually looked cute with the dish towel draped over his shoulder which, you couldn’t help but notice, was filling out that part of his shirt nicely. Was it the wine that was making you warm or was it him?
You continued to talk for a while longer before Brock got up to leave. You really didn’t want him to go though.
“In my line of work, they don’t really care that it’s Sunday. I have to get up early tomorrow.” He said.
Nodding your head, you replied. “Oh of course. I understand.”
You followed him over to the front door, he turned to face you, and said, “Thank you for this, y/n. It was really nice, haven’t had a home cooked meal in awhile so thank you again.”
Your bodies were close, sharing the same air and you could smell the wine on his lips as he spoke.
“You’re very welcome, Brock. I’m sure I’ll still be eating that sauce for days but thank you for trying to help me make a dent in it.” You said, nervously.
Your heart was beating so fast, you thought it was going to burst out of your chest. You knew your skin would be warm to the touch as your heart beat faster and faster.
“Well…goodnight y/n.” He whispered.
His warm breath brushed against your ear, the air between you felt thick, like you could cut it with a knife and you wanted him to kiss you so badly.
You replied. “Goodnight.”
He walked out and turned back once more to wave and smile at you.
Before you closed the door, Beast whimpered while staring out at the street. He was probably wondering where Brock went.
“He went home, buddy. He doesn’t live here, ya know.” You told him with a slight smile but in a disappointing tone.
As you closed the door, Beast whined again and you whispered, “I know, I wanted him to kiss me too.”
After your shower, you decided to read a little more. The lights in the house were dimmed, the only bright light in the room was your book light and you had only been reading for about 20 minutes when Beast let out a low growl. You looked down at him, his tail started to swish back and forth then started to whine.
“Ya know for a big bad pitbull, you whine a lot like a little baby. What is it?” You asked.
Immediately after you asked that question, there were three loud raps against your front door. Confused, you put your book down, threw the blanket off of your legs, and walked over to the front door. Beast followed you, wagging his tail.
Brock was leaning against the screen when you opened the front door.
“Hey doll, I uh…well, I forgot something.” He said, opening the screen and stepping inside.
You looked up at him, then looked back over at the dining room chair, still a little confused.
“Oh…I don’t remember you bringing a jack—“ You tried to say before he cut you off.
Brock’s lips collided with yours, as he closed the door behind him. Suddenly your back was against the wall, running your fingers through his thick brown hair, while your lips parted, giving his tongue access to your mouth.
He was a really good kisser.
Brock’s chest was pressed firmly against yours, so you were pinned in between him and the wall. He was so strong but it felt amazing to have your body pressed against his. He nipped at your jawline and peppered kisses up and down your neck while soft moans escaped your lips.
Beast stood on his hind legs and lunged toward you and Brock like he was missing out on something. He was whining.
Breathing heavily, you pulled away and smiled at Brock. Your cheeks were warm and you could feel how red they were.
“I think someone else wants a kiss.” You said. “Careful, he has a fast tongue.”
Brock bent down so he was level with Beast and he glanced up at you. “Yeah, he ain’t the only one.” He said with a wink.
You covered your eyes in embarrassment.
After giving Beast gentle pats to his head, Brock stood up and closed the gap between your bodies. He cupped your cheeks, leaned in, and kissed you again. These were gentle kisses, soft and sweet and his stubble lightly brushed against your skin.
It had been awhile since your lips had touched someone else’s, his kisses sent shivers down your spine and gave you butterflies in your stomach. These were feelings you haven’t had in a long time; you were nervous but willing to give it all another chance.
“Dinner at my place next time, doll?” He asked.
A sly smile stretched across your lips as you purred into his ear.
“Only if we can have dessert first…neighbor.”
Others that might enjoy: @munsonownsmyass @itwasthereaminuteago @fluffyprettykitty @k-marzolf @redstarsandnightmares @nutmeg17 @gijos @randomlittleimp @nekoannie-chan
If I tagged you and you didn’t want to be, just let me know and I’ll never do it again. As always, thank you again for reading!
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cloudsss-alice · 2 years
This is a short cut of a love story about Brock Romlow and my original character(or I’ll say,my SI,idk). I have written much about them before,but those articles were not written in English, so they were not posted here,and this may lead to the lack of story background. Sorry. 🥺And as a non-native English speaker, I may make some mistakes,please don't mind it. 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Ps:Change from third person narration to first person narration. :D
『 The rose is putting out new shoots. 』
He blew out a smoke ring and soon it lifted to nothing.Shed by the warm glow,his face went out of the dark shadow that their curtain cast down.The end of his cigarette shimmered.
She rolled her eyes and threw her sight out of the window,to see beams of faint moonlight gleaming on the lake.Crystal, she thought.
Lights fated. The lamp turned on. She made a swift glance at his colar, where stuck her ostentatious red stain of lipstick.And it was the last thing she could get a little comfort from-to ease all the anxieties and worries Hydra put on her.
The blades of the knife glinted in the deep darkness.Abruptly she felt a shot current quiver from the inner, and for no reason.To be frank,she felt a glimpse on herself.
He noticed the frown on her face. He stubbed out his cigarette with his fingertips and asked her what was wrong.
But how could she explain that eerie feeling to him?
"No,darling."She murmured,"Nothing yet."
What could she see?
Red.Totally red.The scene in front of her view was all turning red,as the bomb continues, throwing endless cracks to her;as blood blurs her eyes that she could see nothing else;as the pain tore her into pieces from her fingertips to tops like a cyclones.The hound of death barked.The devil of hell was whispering aside.She wanted to cry yet,even failed to squeeze out a single drop from her naked Eyes-'cause they were dryer than all those desolate deserts,as well as her broken throat,filled with thick saulty liquids.
Everthing was frantic.Everything was vague.
All in red.
Seeya,annoying tasks.Seeya,damn enemies.Seeya,Brock.Hail Hydra.Fuck you all.
Then she coughed,pessimisticly,voices flowing around her ears which she used to shoot at someone else:"Loser deserves it."And finally came the day,when it was her turn to face failure.People always say that "gods easily change to dogs".She failed and that was a cruel fact.
It was the reality.
Closing eyes at such a time obviously meant heading for death.She remembered once he told her to "keep breathing".And also "keep the eyes open". Yet her eyelids were much heavier than she could carry-they dropped with all her fear and lifted with her remaining will. Then she started to recall the best days she had ever spend with him,as if the flashbacks were the final straw she could clutch,to escape from her approaching fate.
She thought about him.His arms.His lips.His smiles.His hugs.His kisses.Bed and sheets.
She had almost sunk to dreams when his voice ran into her brain.Constantly repeated.Nearer now.She heard her own name called.
"Alice!""You here?Alice...""Ali..."
She felt like to respond but dragged back by the pain.She was lying there like a body.She heard the sound of boots.A man gasping.That was...
"Poor Kid."Rumlow knelt down with his trembling murmur,"Alice.I'm here,Alice."
She reached out a finger.She was then gripped tightly-by him and unconsciousnes.
『Different souls,same cuts.』
I struggled like a moribund fish on the shore,dying for return to the sea.And Brock was the last drip of blessing rain in my boundless desert.With a palm of water,he pulled me back from the brink of death.He led me out of the cold long night ,the endless abyss.
When I woke up again I found myself on bed.I saw him beside,clear dark circles under his eyes.
At that moment I remembered that Brock said once before,"damn things can't go all the time".He was the one leading me to the dawn,the one telling me to embrace the rebirth.
Out of love.
"Hey,Kid."Rumlow beamed.And,to be honest,I prefer his smirk.But who cares now?
I smiled but wanted to cry.
And thank u for reading.🥺🥺🥺
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holylulusworld · 11 months
Rescue you - Flufftober 23
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Summary: When your ex comes to town, Jax sees red.
Pairing: Jax Teller x fem!Reader
Characters: Clay Morrow, Wayne Unser, Harry "Opie" Winston, Juice Ortiz, Tig Trager
Warnings: angst, mentions of a past abusive relationship, protective Jax, angry Jax, light violence against the reader, implied character’s death, fluff, hurt & comfort, blood
A/N: I didn't name her ex. You can imagine any guy. I imagined Brock Rumlow because he's hot and a bad guy. 😳 I'm a visual writer and need to imagine a face.
Trope: Rescue romance
Idea by: @dawn-petrichor-world
Kinktober vs Flufftober 2023
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The day you met Jax Teller changed your opinion about men.
Until then, you believed every man is like your ex. Angry, loud, and thoughtless.
Jax is different. He’s rough around the edges, strong, wild, and yes, dangerous. But with you, he’s gentle and kind. You never felt safer than in his arms.
In those fleeting moments, you can spend alone, he dreams of another life. A life without violence, and maybe, children running around the house.
Your boyfriend is not a man of many words. He shows you his feelings with soft touches and small gestures.
The tea he brews for you every morning before you must go to work. A soft kiss goodnight. Or the way he hugs you. All these small gestures tell you Jax Teller loves you.
You believe in him, and his love. Jax will never hurt you or leave you for some other girl. He promised to love and protect you for the rest of his life.
Today, you must believe in his love, and hang on. If only you can hang on and wait for Jax to find out what happened to you…
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Four hours earlier, …
“Bye, have a great weekend,” you wave at your colleagues from the library. They return the gesture and wish you a great weekend too.
You yawn as you make your way toward your car. Only a few more minutes apart you from meeting up with your boyfriend.
“Look what I finally found.”
You freeze. That voice.
How you wished to never hear his voice again. You lived in a bubble for the better of two years. Your relationship with Jax is going steady, and your past is only a few burned pictures, and torn memories you refuse to talk about.
“No. You can’t be here,” you shake your head as you look at your ex. He smirks darkly at your reaction. Your hands tremble and your eyes sting with tears. “What a pity he didn’t pick you up today, huh? Every Friday night your fine boyfriend has something better today than bringing his girl home.”
“What do you want here? You can’t be here.” You take a step back, and another as your heart hammers in your chest. “Please just leave me alone.”
“I’m here to get my girl back,” he looks over your shoulder, checking if anyone is watching you. “I can’t just let you go, can I?”
“You had fling after fling,” you sneer when he tries to touch your cheek. Slapping his hand away you glare at him. “What do you really want?”
“I can’t have my girl run around with that bastard. Jax Teller, Y/N? Really?” He scoffs when you look around the area for help. “No one is coming for your aid, babe. We can do this the easy way, or the hard way.”
“Fuck you!” Your head snaps to the left when his hand slaps your cheek hard. You gasp, and press your hand to your cheek, fighting the tears wanting to break free. If you cry now, he’ll know how scared you are.
He grabs your arm, tugging harshly. “You will come with me and shut your mouth. After I’m done with the chapter of the sons in this shitshow of a town, you can thank me by being very nice to me…”
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Now, the clubhouse, …
“Where is she? What can you tell me?” Jax nervously runs his fingers through his hair. “Juice, you need to do your thing…trace her phone or shit.”
“Jax, you need to calm the fuck down,” Clay tries to calm Jax. One of them got kidnapped, an old lady. He’s furious and ready to rip anyone apart. “We will find your old lady.”
“She left the library four hours ago, Clay! Four fucking hours!” Jax kicks a chair out of his way. “If anyone touched one hair on her head, I’ll kill them…I’ll kill them all.”
“We talked to her colleagues and the owner of the shop across the street. Her colleagues didn’t see shit. Y/N left the library wished them a nice weekend and walked toward her car,” Tig grunts.
“Yeah, they didn’t even want to talk to us because you scared the shit out of them,” Opie bites back. “Anyways,” he clears his throat as he looks at Jax. Opie can see the fear in his friend’s eyes, and it breaks his heart a little. “The old geezer across the street said, that there was a guy and a girl. The guy hit the girl, and that was when he called the cops.”
“We checked the cameras from the stores nearby,” Unser tries to get Jax’s attention. “One of them captured the car of the bastard. We got a license plate and a name.”
“We’ve got a name?” Jax grabs Unser by his collar. “What are we waiting for then? You had a name for how long?”
“Twenty minutes, Jax,” the sheriff grunts. “I’m not an idiot, and I like the girl.”
“Who is he? Who dared to raise his hand against my girl?” Jax is out of it. He’s ready to rip the sheriff apart, limp by limp if he doesn’t get answers soon. “Tell me his name, UNSER!”
Unser yells your ex’s name, making Jax gasp. You told him about what happened with the man you dated before him. “We need to find them!”
“Jax, calm down! We are on it! Juice is on it,” Clay tries to calm your boyfriend down again.
“I try to hack her service provider to find out about her last location. Give me more time,” Juice tries his best to remain calm. He’s used to working under pressure. But these are exceptional circumstances. “Just one more minute…“
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You try not to think about what will happen if Jax doesn’t find you. Your ex was taunting you over the last hours, telling you how much he will enjoy watching Jax despair when he finds your broken body.
Taking deep breaths, you try to remember all the times Jax told you how much he loves you, or how he asked you to go for a ride with him for the first time.
The silence is deafening, and worse than your ex yelling at you. It takes a toll on you, as it feels like seconds turn into hours.
You hide your face in the palms of your hands, silently crying as you fear that you’ll never see Jax again.
“Where is she?” someone yells loud enough for you to hear. “I’ll kill you!” Gunshots hit the wall, and you scream as one of the bullets breaks through the door and hits the wall next to you.
“Y/N! BABY! Where are you!” It’s Jax. Jax found you!
“HERE!” You scream his name. “I’M HERE!”
The door flings open, revealing a beyond-worried Jax. His face is covered in bruises, and blood covers to his knuckles, but all you can think about is that he's here.
He tugs his gun away as you run toward him to throw yourself into his arms. “I knew you’ll find me…I just knew…” He breathes you in. "I knew it..."
“Did he hurt you? Did he touch you, baby?”
“No…I mean he hit me but…no…I…you’re here,” you cry into his chest. “You’re…here…”
"I told you," he kisses the crown of your hair, "I'll burn the world for you and kill anyone hurting my girl..."
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hainethehero · 1 year
Avengers High School AU
Okay but imagine... resident bad boy Bucky Barnes crushing on sweet, innocent and nerdy Steve Rogers who's currently dating douchebag jock Brock Rumlow (no idea how that happened).
*the group just sitting together in the cafeteria*
Clint: *gesturing at steve and brock sitting together* hey, when did that happen? It's like the world's douchiest asshole with the world's sweetest golden retriever
Tony: well, y'know what they say, opposites attract and all that
Bucky: *eye roll* that's why you're with Pepper? Cos she's smart and... y'know...
Tony: *tossing a napkin at him* geez Barnes, don't get all bitchy with m-
Bucky: he doesn't even play football, I mean seriously what does Steve see in that guy?
Natasha: *smirking* he doesn't listen to metal either Barnes
Bucky: *pouting* I'd recommend the best albums...
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hoteldreamss · 2 months
Brock Rumlow || imagine
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Метки: упоминание пыток (не подразумевала изнасилование, сексуальное насилие над читательницей); Брок не только агент Щ.И.Т.а, события можно сказать происходят до «первого мстителя: другая война/зимний солдат»; намёки на депрессию.
Слов: 908
Поставив пакеты с едой, ты выдыхаешь с облегчением. Ездить в магазин каждую неделю казалось одновременно благословением и наказанием. Выбраться из дома иногда было приятно, но в то же время тебя всё это обременяло.
— Дай мне пару минут, и мы идём, — произносишь ты, протянув руку к своему псу. Ты гладишь его, треплешь и начинаешь разбирать пакеты.
Спарки – пёс породы басенджи, радостный, ходит вокруг тебя, ожидая прогулки.
Закончив с продуктами, ты сразу же направляешься к машине, вместе со Спарки, прихватит поводок и всё необходимое для пса в случае чего.
Парк, больше напоминающий небольшой лес, находится не так далеко от вашего дома, но ты всё равно предпочитала доехать до него, нежели идти.
После полудня в четверг не так много людей, и ты искренне наслаждаешься этим свободным пространством, наслаждаешься своей спокойной жизнью, даже если не видишь в ней смысла.
Шаги позади тебя нисколько не привлекают твоего внимания. Хотя учитывая твою прошлую работу, ты должна была бы оставаться настороженной, но тебе больше не хочется иметь старые привычки.
— Ты даже не смотришь по сторонам, а твой пёс не важный охранник, — знакомый голос разносится с боку от тебя, и глянув в сторону, ты видишь Брока.
Ты, останавливаешься, держа руки под грудью и смотря хмурым взглядом на Рамлоу.
— Что ты здесь делаешь? — твой тон совсем не дружелюбный, но пожалуй этого Брок и ожидал. Хотя в тебе не чувствуется злоба или гнев, скорее усталость.
Он выглядит хорошо, даже если ты можешь заметить царапину на его скуле. Должно быть кожа треснула от удара. Его взгляд также скользит по тебе, он замечает что ты немного изменилась, не только твой взгляд стал потухшим и хмурым, но и твоё тело кажется менее подготовленным к драке, каким было раньше. Рамлоу отмечает, что ему и так нравится. Что-то глубоко в его груди заставляет его снова мучиться, и это ему уже не нравится. Он понимает, что до сих пор любит тебя, всегда любил и будет. Он любил бы тебя любой и это разрывает его. Потому что направляясь к тебе, он был уверен в себе, убеждён, что просто поговорит с тобой и в лучшем случае добьётся желаемого.
— Ты знаешь. Щ.И.Т. интересовался... они хотели бы вернуть такого агента, как ты, — Брок пытается выглядеть непринуждённо, даже если внутри у него всё бурлит. Этого не было до встречи с тобой, Рамлоу убедил себя, что ничего не испытывает к тебе, но самого себя всегда сложнее обмануть.
— Я уже говорила, что не вернусь, они официально уволили меня, я не в отпуске. Не теряй время.
Ты разворачиваешься, желая продолжить свою прогулку. Спарки уже бежит тебе на встречу, должно быть он заметил, что ты перестала идти за ним. Когда он подбегает, то пару раз гавкает, заставляя тебя слабо улыбнуться и опустить руку, утешительно погладив его.
— Идём. — Твоя команда позволяет ему снова отбежать от тебя уже на меньшее расстояние.
Рамлоу догоняет тебя быстрыми шагами.
— Мне жаль, что с тобой произошло подобное, — произносит он, совершенно не чувствуя себя готовым к подобным разговорам с тобой. Но это то, что он должен делать. — Ты знаешь, те, кто так поступил с тобой уже наказаны. Ты не можешь продолжать сидеть в этой глуши, занимаясь лишь уборкой дома и выгуливать собаку.
Он следил за тобой пару дней. Ты думаешь он делал это из-за работы, но Брок просто хотел этого. Он прибыл один, а значит у него было больше выбора в действиях, и была возможность выбрать желания души и эмоций, а не разума и долга.
— Я могу заниматься тем, чем хочу.
— Мы оба знаем, что это не то, чего ты хочешь.
Ты глубоко вздыхаешь, сдержанно, злясь. Он не имел право использовать «мы», больше не было никаких «мы». Но ты не хочешь поднимать ��ту тему. Это было давно, и ты сама всё прекратила. Рамлоу не был виноват, что ты не справилась.
— Ты прав, я хочу, чтобы ты оставил меня.
Ты ускоряешь свой шаг, но он делает то же самое. Брок обгоняет тебя, становится перед тобой, и ты останавливаешься.
Он ненавидел то, что оставил тебя. Иногда он думал, что не должен был отпускать тебя одну, не должен был позволять Гидре схватить тебя, не должен был позволять Фьюри отправлять тебя с не самыми квалифицированными агентами на всё ещё работающую базу Гидры. Ты никогда не говорила, что именно там произошло, но он добрался до сведений заключения врачей, которые обследовали тебя после освобождения, он даже нашёл информацию о действия Гидры в их базе, и это разорвало его сердце, в наличии которого многие сомневались.
Ты никогда не заслушивала всего произошедшего, и это злило Рамлоу. Он хотел защищать тебя, даже если твоей работой было защищать граждан, обычных людей, Брок уверен, что тебе самой тоже нужна защита.
Пытаясь обойти его, ты не ожидаешь того, что он схватит тебя. Его рука сжимает твой локоть, когда его карме глаза заглядывает в твои.
— Мне жаль, что всё произошло таким образом... но ты нужна Щ.И.Т.у, и здесь тебе не место. — Он отпускает тебя, становится перед тобой, теперь в его движениях нет резкости. — Ты также нужна мне... мы можем попробовать начать всё заново.
Его ладони чешутся, он хочет положить их на твою талию или щёки, но не уверен в том, как ты это воспримешь. Осталось ли твоё желание сохранить собственное пространство таким сильным и резким, как после освобождения от Гидры.
В его взгляде читается надежда и мольба, насколько вообще она может присутствовать у Рамлоу.
Ты могла бы сказать «да», могла бы признаться, что тебе не хватало его, что ты думала о нём больше, чем положено. Ты могла бы признать, что такая жизнь оказалась не для тебя. Всё это не для тебя. Но и возвращение тоже не казалось правильным.
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 5 months
Lets go! Winter soldier!bucky goes on a mission with y/n, it is her first mission. Hydra is obviously sick for taking in you, a easily startled teen. winter soldier orders her to stay in Hydra's vehicles because he doesn't want y/n to get hurt<3 You kept hearing about him at Hydra, of course you would want to stay next to him and try to not look weak!
This might not be the type of requests you usually receive, please tell me in case you're not okay with it. Have a great week!
Trying To Protect You » Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Pairings: Winter Soldier x Teen!Female Reader
Summary: You go on your first mission with the Winter Soldier, but he’s trying to protect you at the same time.
Warnings: Fluff, language, HYDRA, violence, brief mention of blood, use of nicknames
Age of reader: 16 years old
A/N: Thank you to the lovely anonymous person who requested this🩵 also I imagined this took place during Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
A/N #2: This is different from what I normally write so I decided to give it a try. I used Google translate for the Russian translations. I apologize if I got anything wrong.
Written on my phone. I’m sorry for any mistakes.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creators. I found it on Pinterest.
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You jumped at the sound of your cell’s door opening. Brock Rumlow walks in your cell and grabbed your bicep with a bruising grip, pulling you up from your spot on the bed.
“Wh-Where are you taking me?” You asked him nervously.
“Pierce wants to talk to you.” Brock says.
Brock takes you to the room where they do experiments on you, forcing you to sit down in the chair. Brock went to strap your arms and legs down to the chair, but Pierce stopped him.
“Restraints aren’t necessary this time.” Pierce says.
Brock nodded and stepped off to the side. You nervously looked up at Pierce, waiting for him to tell you why you’re there.
“As you know, your skills have been improving since the day you got here, fighting wise.” Pierce approaches you and crouches down in front of you. “From what I understand, you’ve made a great impression on the Winter Soldier. He told me that he’s impressed with your skills, but I’m sure he told you that.” He says.
You nodded your head, waiting for him to continue.
“So I’ve been thinking…” He stood up straight and took a couple steps back from you. “You’re ready for your first mission.” He says.
“Really?” You asked.
“Yes. You’re joining the Winter Soldier on his mission.” Pierce tells you and began walking towards the door. “You’re leaving in a half hour.” He says before the door closed behind him.
You sat there for a moment, thinking about what you’ve heard about the Winter Soldier. You know that he’s one of HYDRA’s best assassins and he has a metal arm for a left arm. He’s also the one who’s been training you. Your thoughts were interrupted when a HYDRA agents gave you a mission suit to put on, along with combat boots. Another agent put a bullet proof vest on you. Then you followed the agents out to the vehicles. You smiled when you seen the Winter Soldier as you got in one of the vehicles. He nodded at you as he got in the vehicle, sitting next to you. Moments later, the Winter Soldier and other agents got out of the vehicles. You were following suit, but you were stopped by the Winter Soldier.
“Stay in the car.” He says.
“But-” The Winter Soldier shut the car door before you could get another word out.
You sighed and watched from the tinted car window. Your senses were telling you that you should be out there helping him. You know you should obey his orders and stay in the car, but he’s part of your team and you need to help him. You opened the center console and found a gun and bullets. You loaded the gun and got out of the vehicle. You located a target at shot at him, but missed. An agent turned around and seen you. He went to walk towards you, but the Winter Soldier stopped him.
“Я получил ее.” The Winter Soldier said to the agent in Russian.
He gently grabbed your arm and pulled you to the side.
“I told you to stay in the car.” He says sternly.
“I know, but my senses told me that you needed help.” You said honestly and looked down, feeling ashamed.
“I get that you’re just going with what your senses are telling you, but I don’t want you to get hurt.” He says.
You opened your mouth to say something when a bullet came flying towards you two. The Winter Soldier grabbed you with his metal arm and held you against him while using his right hand to shoot at whoever shot the bullet at the two of you. The sound of the gun going off startled you. Your hands grasped onto his tactical vest, holding it tightly.
“This is the reason why I told you to stay in the car.” He says.
“Ok, but Pierce said this is my mission too and I intend on helping you.” You say.
He sighed, not wanting to argue with you.
“Fine, but you stay by my side, understand?” He says.
“I understand, Soldat.” You say.
You kept your word and stood by him. Maybe you weren’t as ready for a mission as you thought, because you jumped almost every time you heard a loud noise that wasn’t a gun. The Winter Soldier noticed how jumpy you were and grabbed your arm, running away from the scene. He took you to an alley where it was calmer and quieter for you.
“I’m going to say something and I want you to listen, ok?” He says.
You looked at him and nodded your head.
“When we go back out there, I want you to get back in the car where it’s safer. That’s an order, soldier.” He says.
“But-” You stopped talking when he gave you the look, the dad look. “Yes, Bucky.” You mumbled, loud enough for him to hear.
You’re the only person in HYDRA who calls him Bucky. You learned his name your first year after being kidnapped by HYDRA.
“I don’t want you to get hurt.” Bucky puts a comforting hand on your shoulder. “I also want what’s best for you. Do you understand?” He says softly.
“Yes, I understand.” You say.
He poked his head out from the alley, making sure the coast is clear for you to go straight to one of the vehicle.
“Coast is clear. Follow me.” Bucky says.
You followed closely behind him. You still jumped at the noises, but you were fine as long as you were close to Bucky. He opened the car door and you got in the vehicle. You turned around to see him holding his hand out.
“Give me the gun.” Bucky says.
You pouted and handed him the gun. He continued to hold his hand out and gave you the dad stare.
“I know you have extra bullets and don’t even try to lie and say you don’t.” He says.
You sighed and got the extra bullets out of your pocket and put the bullets in his hand, still pouting cause you want to help him.
“Soldiers don’t pout.” Bucky states. “If you want to help me, you can look out the window and keep an eye out for me, ok?” He says, trying to reason with you.
“Ok.” You say quietly.
Bucky kissed your forehead and closed the car door, going back to the mission. As you were keeping an eye out from your position in the car, everything looked like it was going smoothly. That was until a bullet shot through the front windshield. You screamed and covered your head, ducking to the car floor. Bucky’s enhanced hearing picked up your scream and he immediately ran to the car, opening the car door and seen you shaking on the car floor.
“Hey, you’re ok.” He says softly.
You uncovered your head and looked up, seeing Bucky. You practically launched yourself into his arms. Bucky securely wrapped his arms around you and pulled you out of the car. He gently put your feet on the ground and grabbed your hand, quickly taking you somewhere safe.
“Are you hurt?” Bucky asks, checking you for obvious injuries.
“No. I’m just shaken up is all.” You tell him.
Bucky’s facial expression softens when he seen a cut on your forehead with blood coming out of it, making you furrow your eyebrows in confusion.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?” You asked confused.
Bucky continued to look at the cut on your forehead, making sure it’s not deep. You reached your hand up to your forehead and felt something wet.
“Am I bl-bleeding?!” You asked, beginning to freak out.
“Just a little bit.” He says as he continues to examine it.
You took your hand off your forehead and seen blood in your hand, making your eyes widen.
“Hey, look at me.” He coos. “You’re going to be fine.” He says softly.
“But I’m bleeding.” You say.
“Yes you are, but you’re going to get patched up when we get back to base.” He says.
Bucky pulled you in for a hug to calm your nerves which helped a lot. After a moment, he pulled away from the hug, placing his hands on your shoulders.
“You ready to go back out there?” Bucky asks.
“Yes.” You nodded. “Let go kick some ass!” You say.
Bucky gave you the dad look once again when you said a curse word. He doesn’t like it when you say curse words.
“Sorry.” You mumbled.
Bucky just chuckled and shrugged it off. He pulled a gun out of the holster, loading it with bullets and gave it to you.
“Stay by me and shoot when I say to, got it?” He says.
“Yes, Bucky.” You answered.
“Alright. Let’s get back out there, doll.” He says with a smile and patted your shoulder.
After the mission, you were dreading what Pierce was going to say or do to you. You were looking down at your feet as you were walking past him, but he stopped you in your tracks by grabbing your arm and pulled you towards him, making you stumble.
“Mission Report, soldier.” Pierce commands, looking down at you.
“Successful.” You inform him, lying through your teeth.
“I hope you’re telling the truth cause you know the consequences.” He says.
“Yes, sir.” You say.
“You’re dismissed.” He let go of your arm. “Rumlow, escort her to her cell.” He says.
Brock nodded and grabbed your bicep with a bruising grip like he did earlier and escorted you to your cell. He shoved you in your cell, making you trip over your own feet and fall. Luckily you landed on the bed and not the hard concrete floor. You got cleaned up and changed. You sat on the bed, holding your knees against your chest. You jumped at the sound of the cell door open and close. You relaxed when you seen Bucky. Bucky sneaks in your cell to keep you company when he’s able to.
“Hey, kid.” Bucky says, taking a seat on the bed in front of you.
“Hey, Bucky.” You say quietly, loud enough for him to hear.
“How’re you feeling after your first mission?” He asks.
“I don’t know.” You shrugged your shoulders. “What’s there to feel?” You say.
Bucky nodded in agreement.
“I want you to understand something.” He starts. “When I give you orders during future mission, I expect you to follow through with them. I don’t want you to get hurt.” He says.
“Ok. I’ll listen better next time.” You say understandingly.
Bucky smiles and patted the bed next to him. You moved closer to him and he wrapped his arms around you, giving you a loving hug.
“I also want you to understand that I’m trying to protect you.” He says, kissing the top of your head.
“I understand.” You looked up at him. “Thank you for protecting me.” You say with a smile.
“You’re welcome, kiddo.” Bucky smiles down at you. “Get some sleep. You need it after the day you had.” He says.
You snuggled yourself against his side, slowly falling asleep. Knowing that Bucky is there to protect you made it easier for you to fall asleep. By the end of the day, Bucky just wants what’s best for you.
-Bucky’s Doll
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