#brother's homework
cyfffff · 7 days
you’d think since dick was a mathlete hed b the number one guy to ask for help w math homework but actually he knows so much advanced math that the first time tim asked him for help with a simple geometry problem he pulled out his dusty ti-84 and started solving it in the most convoluted way that took an hour bc he was also just trying to relearn the math he hadn’t done in like 5 years. cue him screaming in frustration when he realized the actual way to do it would’ve taken him 2 minutes (tim asked him at the beginning if that way was right and he waved him off saying no) none of the batsibs can ask him for math help until they get to pre-calculus at least
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A rather short comic today, but enjoy ! 🌻🐝
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lyraofthestarsss · 11 months
Pink haired tango pink haired tango pink haired tango pink haired tango pink haired tango-
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Someone please add some lithium and potassium to that creature please I am ON MY KNEES 🙏🛐
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dirtytransmasc · 7 months
Spider and Tuk being the bestest siblings ever and spider being the mvp big brother we all know he is hc's (modern + adopted spi au addition):
Before he could drive he would wait at Tuk's bus stop to get her off the bus. He insisted on doing it to "ease the workload on his parents" (since with Jake and Neytiri's work schedule, Tuk would have to go to an afterschool program and someone would have to pick her up) which it does, but it was really cause he liked to have the quality time with Tuk.
On their walk home he would ask her about school. He asks about what she did, if she brought anything home she wanted to show him (normally stuff from art class), if she did anything special or fun, that sort of stuff. He also stays up to date on her school gossip and makes sure no one's bothering his baby sis.
They hold hands the whole walk home, and more often than not he ends up carrying her or her bag for her.
Once he gets his license he picks her up from school and fills the 45 minute-ish time she would have normally spent on the bus and walking home at the park or getting ice cream or something else of the like.
When they get home he makes sure to look at anything she brought home. All the cool stuff first; art, school work she's proud of, a pretty pebble, or the occasional half wilted flower from the recess field. He makes sure to give all the praise and compliments possible, especially to the art and school work, cause he's supporting those skills early. Then he makes sure he gets all the homework, permission slips, things like that.
When his siblings ask why he does it, he says, "Who's gonna ask her to see what she drew during recess? Who's gonna ask if she did anything fun with her best friend? Who's gonna make sure she's not left out of the loop? We're a busy family, I don't want her getting left out just cause she's little, I'll ask, I like doing it anyway" he knows his family's busy, he knows Tuk tends to fall to the background cause she's the youngest, and that Jake and Neytiri are busy trying to keep them all afloat, so he takes care of Tuk.
He helps her with her homework and never raises his voice or gets frustrated. He sits next to her and they figure it out together.
He's always proud of her, even for the little things, so he's always giving her hugs and kissing her hair and other classic big brother things.
More often than not, Spider puts Tuk to bed. Either Jake and Neytiri give up trying to tame the "cranky banshee" (what Spider call her when she's tired) of a child and call Spider in, or she asks for him. He'll lay down next to her and pull her close and tell her stories until she gets sleepy and cuddled into him. Only then does he pull out the "put'em to sleep" combo, as he calls it; he hum to her (he hums "a la nanita na", like his mama used to hum to him, fight me) while rubbing her back with one hand and plays with her braids with the other. She's out like a light in a few minutes every time.
He often refers to her as a little banshee whenever she's being feisty or especially energetic.
There was an almost 2 month streak where Tuk would only sleep if Spider stayed in her room for the night or if she was in Spider's bed (which she preferred cause it was bigger and cozier). Spider didn't mind so he gave in almost immediately. Best sleep he got in years, even with the bony knees and elbows poking him.
Spider will sacrifice himself when she gets sick, opting to be the one to go comfort her, knowing he'll be sick soon after. He has spent many nights holding her on the bathroom floor and wiping snotty noses. (he always gets it and gets it *worse* but it's worth it for his baby sis)
Tuk always does he best to take care of him after. She'll sit in bed with him and pet his hair or bring him snacks/water. When she was little, she'd bring out all her Doc McStuffin's toys (cause she'd love Doc McStuffin's, again, fight me) and try and 'make him better'
Spider has the strongest cuteness aggression ever for Tuk, like, he wants to squish her and bite her and squeeze her and shake her, with all of the love in the world. He satiates himself by snatching her, flopping on the floor, and bear hugging her as tight as he can, with his legs too, and just rolling back and forth till she's giggling so hard she can't breathe.
He is deeply invested in multiple children's shows because of how often he watches them with her. (His favorite is Wild Kratts, Paw Patrol, and Ninja Turtles)
(this one next one is so random but Spi and Tuk have pastina lover vibes, again, I dare you to fight me on this)
Spider spent time in the system and fending for himself, meaning he picked up a lot of easy recipes, one of which, was pastina with butter, broth, and cheese. He passed this on to Tuk, who has now decided this is the best snack ever and asks him to make it all the time.
Spider works out, just so he can carry her around forever and ever.
He always make sure that he and his older little siblings always give time to Tuk and involve her in their play.
They go on day trips after he gets his license, sometimes just the two of them, other times with all the Sully kids. They go to museums and science centers and such. He again holds her hand most of the time, or makes sure that she doesn't get lost while playing.
Worries over her constantly.
They trade art all the time. He'll make her a knew piece of jewelry and she'll give him a new painting to keep in his room.
He has a picture of her in his wallet.
He takes so many photos of her, he's like a facebook mom. Lo'ak makes fun of him.
He's teaching her how to skateboard, cause she thinks he's the coolest ever cause he knows how to skateboard. He got her a pretty skateboard and hot pink gear (in which he went overboard in buying considering her basically bought her a hot pink suit of armor) and helped her decorate it. He also makes sure she's not picked on when they go to the skate park.
He kisses every boo boo.
He makes and (never ever breaks) lots of pinky promises.
they have a special handshake.
When the Sully's go out anywhere, you can tell when Tuk wants to go home, because she'll be in Spi's arms, cause he'd never turn down an opportunity to hold his baby sister.
They match hair beads. Spi will always have at least one that matches with hers at all times, and Tuk will have one of his on the braid behind her ear so she can fiddle with it.
Tuk always double and triple checks that Spider has his inhaler (he doesn't know how she remembers better than he can)
She wears his shirts to bed a lot. They're big and soft and who could blame her?
should I do more of these (maybe one for each sibling?)
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one-time-i-dreamt · 10 months
During my grandma's funeral, my brother didn't show up and I got sent a news article telling me that while he was doing homework, the house fell on him and he was in the hospital.
I told my aunt and she told me it was fake news and so my brother shows up, totally fine.
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jamandjazz · 3 months
Y’all look I made a bunch of doodles
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yuwuta · 2 months
pls tell us more about itadori twin au with sukuna being the reject degenerate akfjsviusd
ofc this is really just my everybody is alive and well (sort of) fix it au but cw: sukuna slander since apparently he has lovers 😐
yuuji is the older twin and he doesn’t hold that over sukuna, but he does like to remind him of it just to piss him off sometimes. in the grand scheme of things, it makes sense that sukuna is the youngest—youngest brothers are the only ones that act like they know everything, like they hate everyone and everyone, like they never need help with anything 😐
choso is the oldest, and he’s older then them by maybe 5-8 years? idk i haven’t figured it out, just that choso is definitively the eldest, but because he’s so much older, there’s a point where he’s off at college and yuuji and sukuna are on their own and yuuji is technically big brother and sukuna hates that 
the first friend yuuji makes in school is yuuta. the first enemy that sukuna makes in school is rika. they’re all five and learning to write and yuuji gets help spelling a note for yuuta that says he loves him and he’s his best friend in the world, and sukuna uses his talents to make a note that says “i hate you” instead of “i love you” and switch out yuuji’s note. yuuta gets sad and tells yuuji it’s fine if he doesn’t want to be friends with tears in his eyes, which makes yuuji cry, which makes rika mad. she figures out what sukuna did and then gets in trouble for pushing him off of the jungle gym. yuuta and yuuji make up, and rika stays awake at rest time glaring at sukuna for the rest of the year. 
the pattern of sukuna interfering with yuuji’s friends continues throughout elementary and middle school. todo finds a weird sense of joy in it, always claiming it’s “brotherly love” but always offers to substitute in some kinder brotherly love for yuuji when sukuna is being the worst. rika has moved away by now, but yuuta holds her grudge even stronger than she ever did; he’s still scrawny, but he’s not afraid of sukuna anymore and rika was sure to teach him the ways of her death stare, and he’s become quite proficient at it. sukuna does make his own friends, who he treats as his lackeys. mahito won’t admit that he thinks yuuji is actually kinda cool because then sukuna would hit him. urame doesn’t really care. 
sukuna learns to stop messing with yuuji’s friends when nobara comes along. honestly, at this point, nobara isn’t even really yuuji’s friend, but he considers her his friend, plus she’s a girl, which is enough for sukuna to be annoying. she’s the first person to really kick his ass since rika—and she doesn’t even do it for yuuji, she was just having a bad day, and sukuna was talking shit, and the next moment they were fighting. they both get pretty roughed up, but sukuna is the only one with bite marks, and he was about to lose an eye because nobara picked up a rusty nail from near the fence and was 100% about to stab him until a teacher came and pulled her back. they’re both suspended, but everyone at school agrees that nobara won that fight. when they come back, they never speak a word to each other. later on, during high-school, this silent staredown between them still goes on, but weirdly enough sukuna has developed a strange sense of respect for her. he’d die before he admit that he’s scared of her, but she is the one person he doesn’t like to bother. 
when megumi enters freshman year, he’s heard the stories about the itaodri twins, and he’s hoping nobody at his new school knows that he was an ex-delinquent himself because he promised his mother that he’d grow out of it. he has the displeasure of encountering sukuna first, who doesn’t say or do much to him but is kind of a dick. it makes megumi roll his eyes when he’s sat next to him later in his english class, and he asks to borrow a pencil. megumi thinks he’s got some audacity when he was so rude earlier, but then he takes a good look at the boy next to him—his hair is pinker, he’s not frowning, and he feels kinder—and megumi realizes he must be the nice twin. yuuji does indeed clarify that he is not sukuna after class, and their friendship goes from there. unfortunately, it takes megumi sometime to be able to differentiate the twins at a glance, and sukuna likes to take advantage of that by pretending he’s yuuji to mess with megumi. one day he takes it too far, and yuuji ends up being the one to wail on him and the office calls in choso to pick them up, who pinches them both by the ear and smacks them both himself. it’s the catalyst for sending sukuna to the highschool down the road starting junior year. 
by the time you come along in college, sukuna and yuuji have no reason to be tied together anymore. sukuna takes a gap year while yuuji goes off to college. he starts taking school more seriously, starts playing sports, even got himself a part-time job—which his how he meets you. and he really likes you, he likes being next to you in class, he even starts liking group projects because it means he gets to spend time with you (even if you and yuuta constantly correct his grammar), and he really likes it when you stop by the gym just to talk to him while he’s working. and you like yuuji too, he’s sweet, smarter than he gives himself credit for, and really cute, and you’re really, really happy when he finally makes a move and asks you out. 
yuuji is pretty honest with you about most things, so it’s a genuine shock to your system when you find out he has a twin brother. a twin brother that you had the displeasure of running into at the gym, a twin brother was quite rude and crude towards you and put a sour taste in your mouth because you thought your boyfriend was being mean for no reason, only to have the strongest whiplash of your life when you storm out of the gym and into your boyfriend again. you’re trying to convince yourself you’re not crazy, that yuuji can’t teleport, and trying to cope with your hurt feelings all at once when yuuji catches you and explains that you met sukuna. it still takes you a week to digest the information (you’re mad at yuuji and your friends for never mentioning that your boyfriend has a twin), and when you’re finally ready to talk to yuuji again, you knock on his door and it’s choso that opens it saying, “oh, you must be yuuji’s girlfriend! i’m choso, his older brother,” and you swear you’re gonna pass out from anger or confusion because how many brothers does this boy have. 
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skipar00 · 7 months
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rosi took all of the ass in the womb
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mutantmayhems · 9 months
i am sooo excited for the new tales of the tmnt show because all four of the boys are voiced by actual teenagers!! sometimes it’s hard for me to remember that the turtles in other versions are just kids because they’ve always been voiced by adults. but since we’re gonna be hearing the most voice-cracking, embarrassing little teenage voices coming out of their mouths, it’ll be so great to remember these are literal BABIES witnessing the Horrors. and i can’t wait.
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bonefall · 10 months
post/734733274896809984/do-you-ever-worry-your-own-writing-might-come-off that makes sense. i was asking because i'm afraid of accidentally writing misogyny myself and i kind of admire what you do
Hmm... I wish I had better advice to give you on this front, but honestly, the only thing I can tell you is to consider the perspective of your female characters.
Women are people. They have thoughts and feelings of their own, so like... just let them have their own arcs. A lot of the worst misogyny in WC comes from the way that the writers just don't care about their girls (or, in the case of tall shadow, actually get undermined and forced to rewrite entire chapters), so they're not curious about their lives, or WHY they feel the way they do or what they want, or any direction for their character arcs.
Turtle Tail as an example. She'll often just end up feeling whatever Gray Wing's plot demands. She's gotta leave when Storm dumps him to make him feel lonely. She shows up again to love him in the next book. Lets her best friend Bumble get dragged back to Tom the Wifebeater, but is sad enough about her death to be "unreasonably angry" with Clear Sky, and then calms down and accept Gray Wing is right all along.
And then she dies, so he can have his very own fridge wife.
In this way, Turtle Tail's just being used to tell Gray Wing's story. They're not interested in why she would turn on Bumble, or god forbid any lingering negative feelings for how she didn't help her, or even resentment towards Clear Sky for killing her or Gray Wing for jumping to his defense. She isn't really going through her own character arc.
She does have personality traits of her own, don't misunderstand my criticism, but as a character she revolves around Gray Wing.
So, zoom out every now and then, and just ask yourself; "Whose story is being told by what I wrote? Do my female characters have goals, wants, and agency, or are they just supporting men? How do their choices impact the narrative?"
But that's already kinda assuming that you already have characters like Turtle Tail who DO have personalities and potential of their own. Here's some super simple and practical advice that helped me;
Tally the genders in your cast. How many are boys, how many are girls, how many are others?
And take stock of how many of those characters are just in the supporting cast, and compare that to the amount you have in the main cast.
If you have a significant imbalance, ESPECIALLY in the main cast, fire the Woman Beam.
It's a really simple trick to just write a male character, and then change its gender while keeping it the same. I promise women are really not fundamentally different from men lmao. You can consider how your in-universe gender roles affect them later, if you'd like, but when you're just starting to wean yourself off a "boy bias" this trick works like a charm.
Also you're not allowed to change the body type of any girl you Woman Beam because I said so. PLEASE allow your girls to have muscles, or be fat, or be old, or have lots of scars. Do NOT do what a cowardly Triple A studio does, where the women all have the same cute or sexy face and curvy body while they're standing next to dwarves, robots, and a gorilla.
Or this shit,
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If you do this I will GET you. If you're ever possessed by the dark urge, you will see my face appear in the clouds like Mufasa himself to guide you away from the path of evil.
Anyway, you get better at just making characters girls to begin with as time goes on and you practice it. It's really not as big of a deal as your brain might think it is.
Take a legitimate interest in female characters and try not to disproportionately hit them with parental/romance plots as opposed to the male cast, and you'll be fine. Don't think of them as "SPECIAL WOMEN CHARACTERS" just make a character and then let her be a girl, occasionally checking your tally and doing some critical thinking about their use in the story.
(Also remember I'm not a professional or anything, I'm just trying to give advice)
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spotaus · 16 days
If I have energy I want to draw out some designs for an au I'm spontaneously writing.
(Medieval times, there's a Prophecy. Nightmare rules over this kingdom and is supposed to complete this prophecy, he refuses to because it would harm the people. Dream was sent away and banished by Night because he was dis-illusioned into thinking the prophecy was a Good Thing abd what he was raised to complete. Night collected his Knights (Killer, Dust, Horror, and Cross most recently) and trains them and tells them the truth of the prophecy. They're loyal to him. One day the magic of the prophesy (Apple Magic) leaves Nightmare unexpectedly, returning him to the state he was in before he accepted the mantle. This puts a target on his back and gives Dream a huge advantage in maybe making a comeback. The Knight's decide that their King (newly a young lad and variably scared and frightened) must be protected and they run the kingdom as he normally would, while also ensuring he survives and that the prophecy can't be completed.)
#yes this is fueled from RealAge AU vibes#and yes I technically have circled back around to my own initial post but like#the visual of these specific guys who've had various hardships in their lives suddenly like... idk... gaining a purpose and a protector in#Nightmare then seeing him reduced to a fraction of what they'd known him as. and still deciding to follow and care for him?#this au gives off distinct Older Brother energy because Night is like... 13-ish and not young enough to#baby but not old enough to resume his duties immediately#and he's got this like... awkward teen anxiety suddenly flooding through him that he doesn't know how to cope with#so the guys turn around and use lessons Night taught them while they adjusted to help him#Night's weak from Magic-loss? well he used to make sure Dust got bed rest and a meal so that's what we'll do!#Night is losing a huge chunk of his autonomy? They found a hobby for Killer so what does Night like?#just... yeah#plus Dream fully believes his bro pushed him out due to greed for power and had gathered forces to rally with him during exile#so he's the returned golden prince#and I imagine here that the final stand involves the knights scattering to stop Dream's forces while Killer stays with Night (<- most loyal)#and Killer hides Night right before Dream shows#and Dream says a bunch of vitriolic stuff about how Night ran and sacrificed his men and such and cuts down Killer with a near fatal blow#and Night finally manages to get out of wherever Killer stashed him and there's a moment where#Dream is seeing his little brother abd Night is seeing the man who lost his rights to be called brother when he attacked his Knights#and like... idk man#also Error is definitely Night's court magician/wizard because he bends reality in ways it really shouldn't#and here Error is younger because. i. I like the idea of an Errormare subplot but also like. the idea of scary spooky Overlord NM looking at#the wizard who just turned a vase inside out who's like 10 and learning he's a runaway and sponsoring him? yeah that's silly.#turns out Apple Night appreciated Error's raw talent. after the fact Night realizes he admires Error. insane tonal whiplash from his Knights#who have Zero protocol for courtships and kinda like. just watch it happen after the chaos is over#Okay that's all. i need to do my homework
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000marie198 · 8 months
Did you know about the little bro move where whenever you're about to eat something your sister likes, you just have to bring it wherever she is and eat it in front of her all smug ?
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demoisellecat · 2 months
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mha ending destroyed me emotionally (help) so i made this bc i love yoichi and i like his brother
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jupiter-nwn · 3 months
Okay, okay, headcanon time, hear me out (a headcanon that I didn't need to explain so thoroughly but here I am)
So Dream and Nightmare are from Spain, right? (if we follow the "characters have their creator's nationality" headcanon) so they'd be from Spain, specifically Almería (very much south Spain)
So logically we all agree they'd speak Spanish, but at the same time they didn't live there NOW, but 500 years ago! So roughly the start of the 1500s, and like a couple decades before that around that zone there was still a lot of arab territory since we'd been Al-Andalus for like 700 years up til that point.
So my personal headcanon is that since back then they'd speak a very ancient precursor of Spanish, Nightmare being alive after that and needing to go around getting info and negativity means that he could hear and see every little change to the language until it became modern day Spanish, and that's also how he might've learnt English. For Dream I like to believe that his time being with Lanny after being freed from the stone (since Lanny would've also ended up knowing modern day Spanish) is what taught him the language.
But for Nightmare, he reads a lot and if he "kept in touch" with Spanish there's no reason for me to believe he didn't do the same for Arabic
And with all of that, he might know Arabic and he might speak it with Killer from time to time idk, they'd still speak different dialects of it bc of where they're from but it's the same as with Cross in Spanish, they'd understand each other ajfjnwnnf
Sorry this is literally so random but lately I've just been thinking a lot about the specific time the twins lived in and it's real-world equivalent ajfbannfn
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staralite · 3 months
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Just wanted to say I would do awful horrible deplorable disgusting unspeakable things to protect these smiles
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princessnijireiki · 7 months
sometimes the mortifying ordeal of being known is being comically buried under the metaphorical rubble of the struggle, which fell on you with a sound like [stock bowling pin strike.wav] or the pouring out of many many legos onto a loud plastic surface in an echoing room, and when asked, admitting that you are Not Doing Super Hot Actually but will endure & persist through the multitude of humbling embarrassments
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