#brotop fanfic
vaniloqu3nce · 1 year
Wednesday and Yoko trying to figure out while their girls are mad at them™️
It’s here! I finally finished the one shot after several weeks. Woo!
I hope you all enjoy! I don’t know what I’ll be writing next, maybe a quick pokemon oneshot I’ve been hyperfixating hard. Or maybe something else!
WC: 5,213
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shady-swan-jones · 5 months
you have any cs fanfic where it has captain book/beauty friendship (like they are best friends or belle gives advice) xx
Spinning Wheels and Feet That Run (but They Come Back Home)AU. Post break-up with both Gold and Milah, Killian and Belle take off on a road trip across the US to clear their heads and dust off their hearts.[Captain Book BroTP adventures. Nascent Captain Swan. Mentions of past Millian sex and one night stands.]Rating: M | Words: 6000
UntitledKillian and Belle and their first night on the Jolly Roger together.Rating: G | Words: 700
The Pirate and the Books by @ahsagitarius  Killian's reaction to this realm's books. Based on a prompt on tumblr: A Captain Book BrOTP fic.
book club by @dammmithardison decided to write a Captain Book fic based on a post on tumblr.
The Beauty in Apartment 13B by @lassluna It's not easy to find your happy ending. But there's nothing like having your best friend along for the ride. Captain Book, ultimate friendship. 
Behind the Closed Doors of Despair by @justanotherwannabeclassic As she struggles with the emotions of ordering Rumple across the town line the night prior, Belle has a surprising visitor. Captain Book BroTP.
Mates by captainodonewithyou After Belle saves the town from Rumpelstiltskin's wrath and Killian's girlfriend runs off on another adventure, he cannot help but worry for the Dark Ones wife- and he decides to pay the troubled couple a visit.
Quality Damage by @scapeartist Filler fic for 4x11 "Heroes and Villains." Killian and Emma share a quiet moment after she replaces his heart, but something is bothering him, and no matter how much he wants to spend time with Emma, he needs to run this one errand. Captain Book (Hook x Belle) brotop bookended with Captain Swan.
Her Smile by @gingerchangeling What happens when too many misunderstandings stack up on top of each other?
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estherroberts · 1 year
Do you have any fanfic recommendations for Jack and Esther from ars paradoxica? Obsessed with their whole friendship so much !!!
i'm so so sorry this has been in my inbox for over six months! the truth is that i don't/didn't read a lot of ars fanfic other than what i wrote and what my friends wrote, so other than my own fic and au's, i can't really say!
if anyone else has any recommendations for anon please let me know and i'll pass them along
i really miss them so much and i think about them all the time. they're like one of my favorite brotops of all time STILL haha
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athenadcvell · 5 years
If you're up for it, Stephen Strange and any brotp (I prefer friendship to romance lol). But any other character, common or rare, male or female, human or alien. Any genre from comedy to whump. I just really like Stephen. I need more Stephen.
@aelaer ... Hiiiiiiiii.... ok. So. I don’t even know if you remember making this request, but long story short, you probably made it near the end of July, or beginning of August. So ages ago. And me being me, I decided to postpone writing it until just now. Basically, I lost a lot of inspiration for writing and found it really hard to even sit in front of a computer, but I miss doing something I love, so I’m back and ready to write again. And I finally finished your ask, and I wanna say how sorry I am for taking so long. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this fic!
Word Count: 2,606
Warnings: None, unless you count angst and a little fluff
A/N: The brotp is Wong and Stephen, because I don’t think we get enough of their friendship and I thought this would be fun to do. Tbh I don’t think this is my best work because I’m trying to slowly get back into writing again, but I still tried really hard on this, so hopefully you enjoy :)
So many things were wrong with today. Not just because today was today, but because of small, simple things that you don’t normally think about. The weather, for instance. It was too sunny. The clouds were too white and the sky was too blue. And that god awful sun. Why would it shine so brightly? 
The birds were chirping too cheerfully. The sang their meaningless songs of nature and serenity, not a clue what effect they were having on the humans around them. Don’t they have any respect? They wouldn’t even be here if it weren’t for… 
Stephen closes his eyes slowly, trying (and failing) to block out those pestering thoughts. What good will it do now? What’s done is done. 
Today was the funeral of Anthony Edward Stark. A father. Husband. Mentor. 
A hero. A dead hero. 
And it’s Stephen’s fault. 
He can imagine what Christina would say if she were here. Hell, what Wong would say. 
“It’s not your fault, Stephen. It was the only way.” Or would they even say that? No one knows it was the only way except for him. No one else manipulated the time stone and underwent the millions of scenarios, only to find one that didn’t result in the world ending in a fiery ball of Thanos’ wrath. He’s the only one who will ever be burdened with this. With having to witness Earth being destroyed over and over and over… 
Stephen looks up, seeing the small silhouette of a little girl by the lake. The funeral ended about an hour ago, but he couldn’t bring himself to leave just yet. He should leave. Go back to the sanctum and get to work in rebuilding the chaos the world is left in at the moment. But he can’t bring himself to. 
Tony was his friend. Someone he had come to care for. Perhaps this Tony didn’t consider Strange a friend, however, Stephen considered all of them his friends and teammates. He had gone to hell and back with them fourteen million six hundred and five times. He had developed bonds, whether they knew it or not. 
Morgan Stark. The daughter of the man he… he what? Stephen didn’t kill Tony. Sure, he could have let the deceased remain deceased, however, eventually, another threat would come. He saw that. He saw the Avengers being slaughtered and humans being taken as slaves. He saw it all. This was the only way… right?
Stephen has to turn away from her. He can’t bear to look at this small child who can barely understand what is going on today. All she knows is that her father won’t be there to tuck her in tonight. And that kills Stephen. It lays an unearthly amount of guilt upon his shoulders. One man’s life for half of the universe shouldn’t be a difficult concept to accept. 
So why is he having such a hard time accepting that Tony Stark is really gone?
Stephen lets out a quiet sigh, turning away to walk into the woods. A walk, before he goes back. To clear his head. That’s what he needs right now. 
He doesn’t get far when a shadow appears in front of his feet. Raising a brow, the sorcerer follows the darkness of the shadow to its owner, slightly surprised to see Wong standing in front of him. For once, he’s dressed in something other than  his robes, adorning a simple black suit instead. 
“Shouldn’t you be guarding the sanctum?”
  “I left Master Awiti in charge,” Wong waves him off, hands clasped professionally behind his back. “Besides. I never did get my tuna melt.”
Stepehn stares at the sorcerer, dumbfounded. He can’t be serious?
“You’re telling me,” Stephen begins, raising a scrutinizing brow. “That in the last five years, you never bothered to buy a tuna melt?” Wong shrugs. 
“Everyone at the deli was dead.”
“Oh, so there were none other open?”
“Come, Let’s go get a sandwich,” Wong ignores his last question, opening a portal and stepping aside. Stephen rolls his eyes, nonetheless stepping through the circle crackling with golden sparks. 
“This place is still open?” Stephen questions quietly as they come to a halt in front of the deli. It was a continuous favorite of his. Even before all… this. Before the accident, when he was just a surgeon who was impeccably good at his job. 
“Yes,” Wong nods, walking ahead of him to enter the shop. Stephen runs a hand along his peppered hair, sighing once again and following after his friend. 
It’s a simple deli, with an array of meats on display in front of the cash register, and a few wooden benches to sit and eat on. After ordering and receiving their sandwiches, the two men take a seat by the window and dive in. 
Well, Wong dives in. Stephen, on the other hand, doesn't touch his food, simply staring out the window with a longing look in his eyes. Wong follows his line of sight to across the street, where a row of condos sit. A teenager knocks on the door, holding a slip of paper between her shaking hands. She knocks on the door, once, then steps back, pushing her shoulders back and standing straight. As the door opens, and as a young man comes into view, her shoulders immediately drop. They speak for a bit, before she sulks away. 
“She’s looking for her family,” Stepohen states, attempting to come off as casual. Wong hears the tenseness in his voice. 
“Many families were misplaced after Thanos,” Wong explains, folding his hands together. “I’m sure she will find hers soon.”
“And if she doesn’t?”
“I actually wanted to speak to you about that,” Wong clears his throat, leaning forward. “I had plans to bring it up after a meal, but this works as well. Myself and some of the other sorcerers thought it would be fit for us to assist in reuniting families, as we have locators on every person-”
“Do what you want,” Stephen waves him off, catching his friend by surprise. 
“You ran the sanctum just fine for five years,” Stephen crosses his arms over his chest, leaning back. “Take over. I’m done.”
“I completed my purpose, Wong,” He cuts Wong off, brows furrowing together. “I helped save the universe. And in doing so, I took a father away from his child. A husband away from his wife. I robbed the world of a hero. So no, I don’t want to go back to the Sanctum and continue being the Sorcerer Supreme. I… I can’t.”
Wong has never seen him like this before. So… broken. Stephen doesn’t do broken. He does confidence, and a bit too much pride to be healthy. But broken? Wong knew he had put himself in a time loop, but he didn’t think it had affected him this much. 
“Get up,” Wong stands abruptly, looking down at Stephen with a hardset gaze. Stephen stares back, clearly confused. “We’re walking now. Up.”
Strange lets out a heavy sigh, smoothening down the sides of his hair and following after Wong. The golden portal opens up, and the two step through. Stephen is surprised to find himself standing in the midst of a forest. Pine and leaves drift through the air, the sounds of squirrels scuttling up trees and birds chirping happily the only ones to hear. The sorcerer’s pale eyes drift up towards the sky, clouded by towering trees wearing soft blankets of moss. 
All in all, it’s very calming. Serene. Well, it should be serene. Stephen finds it… plain. He used to find all of serenity and happiness in an O.R, before the accident. Before every aspect of his life changed. 
“Where are we, Wong?” He sighs, turning towards his friend tiredly. Wong ignores him, continuing to gaze calmly at the scene. 
“I come here when I am feeling overwhelmed,” Replies Wong after a long moment, hands clasped behind his back. He closes his eyes and takes in a deep breath. 
“Okay…” Stephen’s eyes flicker left and right before back to his friend, who happens to be weirding him in this particular situation. “So what do I-”
“I grew up in the sanctum,” Wong interrupts, slightly annoying the other. “I come from a long generation of Chinese monks that served the Ancient One. I watched my father- Master Hamir- practice alongside her for years. It was quite the image to live up to, and I remember constantly being frightened that I would not achieve the level of excellence and perfection he had in his work.”
“Master Hamir is your father?” Stephen chokes in disbelief. “H-How did I not know this? I thought we were friends, Wong. Friends tell friends when they’re fathers are working in the same building as them!”
“This forest in Northern China gave me peace and moments of redemption from the real world. Trapping myself in the mirror dimension and meditating allowed me to think, and grow.”
“All this time, I just thought you two talked a lot because you were friends,” Stephen scoffs, shaking his head, still hung up on the earlier subject. Wong rolls his eyes. 
“I failed to mention it because there was no benefit in you knowing. Now pay attention. I brought you to this sacred place to help you.”
“I don’t need help,” Strange mutters stubbornly turning away. 
“Do you hear that?” Wong asks quietly, closing his eyes. Stephen snorts. 
“What? The sound of my time being wasted? Loud and clear, buddy.”
“The river,” The librarian corrects. “The splash of water against the stones? The creatures of the forest lapping it up?”
“Sure,” Stephen plays along, shrugging. “I hear it.”
“Do you hear the sounds of the birds chirping in the trees?”
“And the squirrels running up the trees to the safety of their burrows?”
“Yes, Wong, I have ears,” Stephen snaps. “Now that we’ve confirmed that I’m not deaf, can we go home? I have work I need to finish.”
“The animals,” Wong, once again, ignores him. “The trees, and the grass. Even the insects crawling beneath our feet. They wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you. You helped bring them back”
Stephen freezes in place, stiffening up. He’s an idiot. He should have known what Wong’s goal was all along. But then again, Wong isn’t exactly a “help you feel better’ kind of person. He’s the kind of person who will tell you to suck it up and keep fighting, because that’s the only thing to do. This… all of it… if very new territory. 
“I know that,” Stephen glares at him, whipping around. “I helped. We all did. You think I don’t know that?”
“You blame yourself,” Wong tells him. “For the deaths. Iron Man. Widow. Gamora. The Vision. Loki. The Asgardians. All the lives lost after the snap, those who weren’t strong enough to handle the losses. Those who couldn’t survive without-”
“I don’t,” Stephen cuts him off harshly, clenching his shaking hands in frustration. When he gets particularly angry, it’s hard to control the tremors. “That’s not my problem. My priority was defeating Thanos, and it’s done! It’s over! I did what needed to be done, and I can’t do anything about anyone whose dead! I can’t bring them back!  I can’t… ”
It’s too much. Too much pain, and guilt. Too many emotions. 
It’s an overload on his heart, and before Stephen knows it, he’s breaking down. He stumbles in his place, falling to the floor messily. It doesn’t matter. The stinging in his knees and palms, the stinging in his eyes… nothing compares to the pain in his heart. The weight crushing his shoulders. 
He buries his head in his hands, pulling at his hair. It all comes rushing at once. The millions of scenarios, and deaths… Flashes of memories… Thanos stabbing Tony threw the chest with no chance of resurrection, Quill being practically ripped in half, Peter’s being thrown back with so much force he dies on impact… that wasn’t dust. They didn't turn to dust. They died. Horrifying and gruesome deaths, in front of those who cared about them. Over, and over, and over, and-
“Strange!” Wong’s booming voice pulls him back into reality, and the sorcerer realizes tears are making there way down his cheeks. Not just one. Several stain his skin, small little indications of sorrow written across his features. 
“I’m fine,” He pushes Wong away, attempting to stand up. It’s a failed attempt as he stumbles back and lands back on the floor with a defeated thump. “I’m fine. I’m… I’m …,” He harshly wipes away the tears, wanting to force himself to stop this madness. There is no reason, no reason to cry. To be sad. He survived. His friends. Survived. But this toll…
Wong doesn’t try to comfort or help Stephen up, which he is thankful for. Instead, the librarian takes a seat on a rock beside him, and folds his hands together. He sits quietly, closing his eyes and peacefully meditating. 
“I helped save them,” Stephen finally speaks, leaning against a tree stump. “I protected the stone and gave it up. I helped orchestrate the events so they would happen. But… five years, Wong. Five years of parents mourning their children. Of friends having an empty void in their lives, and children wandering around mindlessly without the guiding hands of their mothers and fathers. Five years… you know in one instance, it was five hundred years? Everything happened the same, except this time, I let five hundred years go by. A new age of heroes saved the Earth, but it wasn’t the Earth anymore. It was so broken and different that I had to scrap it. Another time, five months went by. I changed some events, leaving clues. But they weren’t ready, and Thanos came in contact with the stones again. He destroyed the Earth. This was the only way.”
He waits for Wong to cut in with some sort of inspirational note, and is caught by surprise when he does not. Slightly relieved, as well. 
“I close my eyes, and I see them. Dying. Because of me-”
“Don’t flatter yourself, Strange,” Wong finally speaks. “You always like to make it about you. Everyone who died died because of a reason, and that reason was not you. The Asgardians happened to come across Thanos’ ship. The daughter of Thanos died at his hand, and Stark was always ready to sacrifice himself for the greater good. They did that. Not you. Them.”
“No,” Wong cuts in, opening his eyes just enough to roll them. “No more buts. This is a sacred place. Sit and be silent, I no longer want to hear about your non existent self pity. It was a war, and individuals die in war. That is no one’s fault but the enemy. And you’re solution is to give up? That’s a cowards way out, Stephen.” 
Stephen slumps back in defeat, pressing his thumb into his right palm. “Anyone ever tell you you’re kind of a hardass?”
“What do you not understand about, be silent?” Wong sighs, causing Stephen to smirk and begin talking about something else mindlessly. Wong mocks annoyance, but deep inside, he feels relief, and even a bit of happiness. Five years was far too long for Strange to be gone. Sure, he may be annoying, and though Wong would never admit it, he missed the Sorcerer. For the obvious reasons, of course. Stephen is his superior, his partner, and someone he had once had the pleasure of helping and teaching. 
And dare he say it, Stephen Strange is his friend.
Hope you liked it! 
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andromedaa-tonks · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
“We're with you whatever happens.” (not my gifs)
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tobythewise · 5 years
What is TWI!Jace doing for his birthday ?
I apologize for nothing...
Jace closes the coffee stand early, a smile on his face as he goes. His best friend should be here any minute to pick him up for dinner. They’ve got a boys date tonight, one of giant steaks and fine bourbon. Which is now their tradition every year to celebrate his and Simon’s birthdays. 
Jace thinks through the day. This morning he’d woken to warm lips wrapped around his morning wood. It had been a shock until he looked down, finding Clary bobbing her head between his thighs. He’d come with a content sigh leaving his lips, returning the favor later in the shower.
All afternoon his friends had stopped by, bringing along gifts and well wishes. Even Maia, who’d cursed him out last week for spilling a drink in her bar had left him a gift card for a drink. 
He’s not sure anything could really get better than this. 
“Dude!” Simon calls from his open window, pulling up to the sidewalk. “Are you ready for the most epic night of your life?”
Jace gets into the car, giving Simon their signature handshake before nodding. “I don’t know about the most epic night. But I am ready for a steak big enough to give me the meat sweats.”
Simon snorts. “Are we getting old and uncool?”
Jace thinks about it before smiling. “Nah. What’s cooler than two dudes hanging out and sharing a slab of meat?”
There’s a moment of silence before they both snort. “You said slab of meat,” Simon says with a giggle. 
“Yep. Definitely not old and uncool,” Jace says with a nod, his chest so full it feels near bursting. 
“Alright,” Simon says, turning his car towards the steakhouse. “Let’s get the birthday boy his meat.”
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secreto-draco · 7 years
gertchase fic.
this is chapter two to this fic here exploring gert’s pan-sexuality with strong hints of  gertchase,
shutout to @carolruwer who cleared a few things when i was making the plots, @kelbottumbles and @rowansdagger who answered my question regarding chase stein, @spnforevergirl for reviewing it for me and @brutalb for help with the conversation between chase and his dad.
i didn't have a beta for this, so excuse the errors.
if anyone would like to polish it or want to work on a collaboration piece hit me up.
also i need brainstorming help for 3rd chapter for this,feel free to inbox me.
im going to get out of the way now,so without  further adieu;
6 weeks after the Hernandez’s death, molly’ s leg cast comes off.4 days after that she’s back to running, playing and dancing with Gert. And it’s 2 days later, the Yorke’s set up a family picnic to some park an hour’s drive from Brentwood for pride and the pride kids.
Mr. and Mrs. Yorke’s for the most part, seem like their normal goofy and happy selves, but grief lingers in their eyes. Moreover, they’re coldly polite to Mrs.Minoru but chase doesn’t dwell long on them because there’s playing to do and food to eat.
 It’s while playing tag, when he notices.
Chasing after Nico, who just barely who doges and skips on to the side from his outstretched fingers. Laughter bubbles from behind, turning mid-run with a harsh skid in the feathery grass, speeding after his latest prey; long curly hair. Twisting and turning, circling from behind a short tree, only to abruptly come to a halt because molly isn’t running, she just stopped and standing still. Coming up to her, molly’s face is drained of color, hands shaking and lip trembling, her eyes are haunted but zoned in on the barbie-the flames licking all too close to Mrs.Yorkes face. And before he could softly call out her name or brush her shoulder, Gert’s already appeared from seemingly nowhere, gently and protectively holding the little girl's hand, and bit by bit presses up against Molly's side, curved into her.
He doesn't know what to do but he stays put, close to the huddled sisters, watching them; molly terrified and gert melancholy strong and comforting. And chase continues to watch, as Gert walks molly to their mom, they’re talking quietly and soon enough the talking turned to clutching and wet tight hugs.
seeing them like that, gives him a fuzzy and warm feeling but it makes his stomach heavy and eyes sting. He wants that, that very love and safety.
 3 days after the picnic they’re at a formal party-the minouros were hosting at some big shiny building. It’s stuffy and everyone’s being grossly formal. The old ladies keep pinching his cheek, and what not. Thankfully soon enough his mom ushers him into a room to play with the rest of the pride kids.
It’s fun, Amy and Alex are competing in some online racing game, with Amy in the lead. Soon enough the 6 of them have jumped to monopoly then to Uno and then twister before finally going back to playing video games.
He’s midway to beating Nico, when Molly starts heaving sobs. Pausing the game, he gets up to hold her hand like Gert did back at that picnic, but she starts crying harder and it hurts so he pulls her into a hug.
Stroking her hair another thing he’s seen Gert do with molly, he asks; “what’s wrong molls?”
“I can’t find Gert, she’s gone!” Her voice getting louder with each word till she’s just screaming.
Something in him just drops and his heart is roaring, and his head feels sluggish, but he’s got to stay strong and get to the bottom of this, stat.
“What do you mean Molly?” “Gert did go to the bathroom a bit before ‘’ Voice shaky yet firm, good. no need to further scare the girl in his arms. Still something nags at the back off his mind.
'maybe she’s still there or maybe she’s with the parents?” Amy’s reasoning brings some of the calm back.
But Molly’s breaks his hug and angrily stomping her feet, crying still, “I checked the bathroom because she hadn’t come back after a whole hour! she’s not in there and she’s not with any of the parents!! I checked there too!”.
The ground under him is shifting the earth keeps spinning because Gert can’t be gone or lost or… she’s got to be somewhere but, this place is huge, where could she be? Is she okay? the bruises on his side and back ache and burn, Victor Stein’s monstrous eyes flash in his mind. A reminder of all the kinds of dangers a kid, Gert could come across.
It’s blood curling and now he’s really, really scared, they need to find Gert now! So, grabbing Molly’s hand he runs off, the rest of the group at his heels.
They head to the lady’s bathroom-nothing, the check the garden-only adults, the parking space -no Gert, the parents and still no Gert. His heart keeps sinking and his eyes sting. On his right, Alex and Amy are brainstorming on where she could be, Nico and Karo are darting their eyes back and forth. And Molly’s frantic, so he pulls her too him, she burrows into his chest.
Dividing his attention between Molly and his surrounding, scanning for any hint or trace of Gertrude Yorke’s; he spies a leg sticking out from under a table but …
“THERE look’’, demanded Nico, pointing in the direction of the leg he spied.
‘’Nico?” His voice is croaking and he doesn’t care, cause Gert’s missing and his damn mind won’t stop with flashes of her getting hurt and he really hopes it’s her, safe and sound and not a some figment of his immagination.
Immediately following a rushing Nico, who’s leading them across the floor and underneath the maroon clothed table.
Gert. It’s Gert. a beat and Molly’s got her in a tackle hug and she angrily sobbing demanding answers and telling her to never leave and that she was scared that she’d gone just like her parents.
And hearing the last part-he joins in the hug, cause a world with no Gert is not something he can even imagine, and the hearing it chills him to his core. Holding both girls close he can’t help but tear up.
Pulling back to check for bruises and any sign of pain and hurt but she’s physically fine thank God. But Before, he could ask if she’s truly okay Amy, Alex and Nico are talking one another and he can’t understand cause his head’s still kind of torpid; though slowly coming too. Gert’ on the other hand isn’t taking any of it, she got her no nonsense, I’m pissed glare on, brows furrowed and eyes hard, zeroed on in her targets-in this case, the loud trio.
“Shut up! Let’s just go back to the room before any of the parents find out that we’ve been gone”. She strictly instructed.
As they’re leaving from under the table, he slips his hand into hers and gives a slight squeeze. Gert’s eyes catch his and it soothes the adrenaline from before, a balm to the chilling panic but what’s important is that she’s thankful, why?
Back in the room, molls hadn’t left her side at all and she’s desperately clutching Gert’s arm within her own, and fighting off sleep. He takes Gert’s other side because he needs the assurance that she’s there safe with them- him and molly. Luckily the rest of the group are absorbed in the loud video games to pay attention to them, as they didn’t want to upset the settling girl nestling, seeking her older sister’s comfort.
When he’s sure that Molly’s fast asleep,
“You okay? What happened?” It comes out as a broken whisper, traces of the fear leaking out.
It takes her a few seconds and her eyes go sad again, “I’m okay chase. I just went to get some water but…
“Gert.”  imploringly,he’s needs to know, needs to be sure and she needs to talk too.
Brown eyes looking down at molly, fingers cradling the wisps of black ringlets, and the whole of her oozes out affection for the girl in her lap with an iron clad grip on her arm, probably cutting off the circulation, but her posture. Weighs down, curls in on itself, shoulders heavy and long brown hair curtains Gert’s face, hiding from him.  embarrassed, ashamed?.
Ignoring the sting of rejection; this isn’t about him, chase waits for her.
“I got scared... had a glass of water in my hand, I turned, and there’s this group of adults blocking the way and” her voice sounds wet and its growing softer “ I got scared. I don’t know why or anything. And I just had to get away again so ducking, I crawled under the table.”
He can see the trailing down the cheeks, he slips one hand into hers, entwines their fingers and the other hand wipes her tears.
“Yeah, I went to the bathroom because the room was getting smaller and louder and I couldn’t handle it.”
Gert s whole face turns red with shame but,
“It’s okay... You needed space, everyone does even when with friends, so it’s okay Gert.” Reassuring her, he gets it, he really does.
The smile she gives him is small, cheeks flushed and there’s still some tears escaping her eyes, but she’s still blinding. Gert’s’ hand tightens around his. Everything in this moment, the intimacy, her, it’s intoxicating.
 Crimson seeps into the grey of chase’s shirt on the lower right side; falling out of the tree strained the wound from 2 days ago, and now the stain continues to grow. His eyes water and he bites his bottom lip in a poor attempt to hold in his tears. It hurts, everything hurts but he doesn’t want the truth to come to light. doesn’t want to see the pity or worse, them finally seeing that chase stein is a waste of a being. yet, A small and dusty hand slips into his ,fingers entwined with his pulling him out of his inwardly spiral. Gert is in front of him, eyes bleary and worried, pulling him up and making him sit in some chair that’s been laying around in her lawn.
Next thing he knows she’s tugging the hem of his shirt, he lets her, pulling his shirt off him. A light touch feathers around the wound and the scared little chase looks to her, seeking protection, comfort, the truth in Gert.
 Embers light her eyes a flame, warm and compassionate and comforting, but there is anger and fear for him. She was just like this a year ago with molly at that picnic, its sends a shock through him, Gert cares for chase stein, a lot. He is important and special to her.
And she stays with him, even when Mrs. Yorke’s’ gloved hand disinfects his wound. Gert stays holding his hand even when his fingernails dig into her flesh, as her mother sews the gaping cut up. She stays, wiping his tears from his disgusting snort ridden face with no ounce of hesitation or disgust. Unapologetic in her obvious care for him.
 The following day at school, she stays close by. Her eyes trailing after chase. There is a thrill and safety in her, and Gert’s rapt attention on him, makes him feel self-conscious because Gert will eventually figure it out, her intelligence has no limits, but mostly it tickles him pink. Gert cares, Gert whose mind and body and soul is always running out to the beyond, is now focused on stupid useless chase stein; cause he is crucial to her, cause Gert cares for him. Its fucking absurd.
 ‘’chase?’’   Gert calls out,
 ‘’yeah’ still in awe, which leads the cool burning sensation to spread throughout; his ears, his cheeks all the way to his toes. This is still so new, it is not sinking in and whilst processing it. Gert is here.
 ‘’can we talk?’’ voice hesitant. And blaring red alarms go off in his brain. Still he could be wrong, moreover if he leaves it would be more evidence to pick up on if it’s what he thinks this is about. Nodding to her and slipping out a chocked a yeah of course, he settles down on the cool tiles, because he doesn’t have the strength to stand; mentally or physically.
She’s sits with him, curved into his side, taking in a deep breath, ‘’ I overheard mum talking to dad…about your wound, she said it wasn’t something from sports, but like something was used on you…and there was a fading bruise on your upper back’’.
 He can’t breathe, he can’t breathe and there’s a rushing in his head, his heart is beating too fast, his limbs are not doing what he needs to them; run. He needs to get out of here but his useless broken shitty body won’t get up. And something cool slithers and grips around his waist, clutching tightly and he can’t see it but it is there. There’s something on his back, moving up and down, slow. Constantly.
 4 seconds up, 3 seconds stop, 4 seconds down, 4 seconds up, 3 seconds stop, 4 seconds down.
Life comes into his lungs, oxygen filling.
 4 seconds up, 3 seconds stop, 4 seconds down, 4 seconds up, 3 seconds stop, 4 seconds down
 Blurry colors and shapes come, blues and greys,
  4 seconds up, 3 seconds stop, 4 seconds down, 4 seconds up, 3 seconds stop, 4 seconds down…’’Chase’’,
 It’s airy, and the blurred blues and greys become stillage floors and blue wall. Hands are wrapped around his waist, trailing them, it leads to a pair of shiny eyes.
  4 seconds up, 3 seconds stop, 4 seconds down, 4 seconds up, 3 seconds stop, 4 seconds down
 Brown eyes, brown eyes, scared but steel.
 ‘’Gert’’ it slips from between his trembling lips and for once again, he is the bawling snotty weak chase in front of her, turning his face to the side. To hide everything. But she still stays, shifts her hold to something firm yet gentle.
 In her room, instead of having fun or doing their homework, Gert holds him, while he sobs in shame and self-loathing and fear.it seems hours later, when he has emptied every drop of water, every ounce of ugly in him.
 ‘’don’t tell anyone…’' voice horse and broken, ‘’please’’ he begs.
 Silence, complete silence.
 ‘’gert’’ cold and curt and commanding,
 ‘promise. …chase,talk to me’’
 ‘’ I can’t’, please don’t make me’’
 ‘okay’’ don’t worry we’ll make something up to tell my mum later, but let’s get you freshened up’’
 Carefully, like he’s something precious and priceless, she pulls him up, leads him to the bathroom, so he can wash his face. Gert pats his cheeks down dry, and gets him to sit on her bed. Turning around onto her end table she hands him a full glass of water to drink.
 He gulps it down and she takes the glass from him to set aside and thrusts a piece of gooey brownie in his hands, demanding him to eat.
 Chase is once again hit head on with the fact that Gert cares. Frozen it takes a stern ‘chase, eat’’ from Gert for him to get a move on to devour the fudgy goodness.
The sugar is less of a wake up ‘’I’m alive’’ rush than the fact that Gert cares for him.
 10 years old.
 The lot of them are in Alex’s game room, sprawled about in their claimed spots. Well everyone but Gert. it’s bizarre.
 ‘’molly, where’s gert?’’ he asks.
 ‘’she’s taking a red cross class,’’
 That snaps his attention, jolts him up from his sprawled seat on the brick red couch, ’what?’’
 ‘’yeah, Gert said she wanted to take first aid training or something. Dale and Stacey were happy to oblige, driving her the nearest red cross, and setting up any and all classes she can take under the instructor.’’
 ‘’Did she say why’’ yup he’s just making conversation, slightly curious.
‘’she said that you never know when said skills could come in handy, listing off a bunch of facts and statics and how crucial it is in to learn such basics and the like. Its Gert being Gert; ‘’ expect nothing and prepare for the worst. The world is bad out there, but we need to be civil prepared and decent human beings’’.’’ Molly beams, clearly proud of her sister.
sparks flow down to his bones and jolts his heart, while Gert would be the decent civil, human being to everyone, he remembers a time of tears and a wound on his side, knows that his well being is a driving factor.
So, the next he sees Gert, he knows he’s red and touched and being soft but he can’t help it. Opening doors for her, seeking her approval on group activities and just being by her side.
 Waiting as his mother dabs on the foundation around her shoulder and slabs on the coral pink lipstick.
 ‘’let’s hope there’s no wine or cheese at this thing, we don’t need to Yorke’s to humiliate us and themselves in front of the worldwide public’’ he fathers mutters.
 His blood boils, but stretching and curling his fingers, he holds it in, his father doesn’t know shit about shit. it’s a strained and quiet ride to Deans’ charity garden party.
 Low yellow cliched fairy lights lit up the garden, mason jars with floating candles hung overhead from tree branches giving off a soft glow. Rustic furniture with plum colored flowers and Casablanca lilies and tables with vintage lace tablecloth was spread about the venue. The grass was crisp and it is a warm summer night with mellow instrumental jazz playing, blocking the rest of the world from the here and now. More importantly through, bringing a content but small smile on Gert, hearing the notes smoothed out her edges, making her relax and glimmer. He couldn't keep his eyes off her.
His parents on the other hand completely bypass Gert, their attention solely focused on Karolina,
‘’you’re doing well as part host Karolina, don’t worry…. you’re a wonderful speaker honey.’’ His mother coos, 
What really surprised him is the pleased smile on fucking victor stein.
‘’she’s right, you know. And your speech from before, was good too’ sincerely speaking.
 Turning to him, ’chase why don’t you ask the lady for a dance?’’
Holding his palm out he does exactly as he’s told, victors eyes demanded obedience and as he is not one to disobey.he doesn’t need any more gauze [Gert’s handiwork] and fading black and  blue-ish purple bruises on his body.
Karolina’s hand is stiff in his palm, and she’s upright as if  barefoot on a bed of needles. it’s clear she is more than uncomfortable so he keeps his arm high on her waist and stays as far as he possibly can. Not being able can’t stand the tightness in her eyes, so looking over her shoulder, his catches Gert’s.
She like the girl he is currently dancing with, is pained and stiff.  Where Only moments ago she was content and happy, humming along to the song, but now her eyes are dark and there is a longing in them but before he can make it out, Gert turns and exaggeratedly bows, hand out to molly. Who responds with what he assumes is a snort, curtsies and slips her hand into gerts’., who leads them on to the dance floor.
Pulling away from Karolina [who looks relieved] because she didn’t want to dance with him and he can’t be that guy, and together they watch the sisters who are happily dancing a jazzy waltz with some quick dramatic footwork and fancy fast spins thrown in, it’s a kind off a shock-not that molly and gert can dance. Molly must share this with Gert. no, it’s their movements, their flow, their joy that hold his enraptures his attention, filling him with a deep joy and a pinched longing; A dance with gert, whose happy and completely open.
After that the rest of the night goes fairly well, he might have constantly swallowed down the question to ask gert for a dance cause he’s shit scared,though overall, it’s been nice. Well that uncomfortable lodge in his throat and the car ride back home.
“we should just avoid having them at these events, they just make fools of themselves.” Victor rants, voice gradually increasing in volume, obviously annoyed as the burgundy stain sunk in deeper into his white shirt.
Chase, fidgeting a bit, trying to find a comfortable spot.
“They’re well known biochemists and a part of Pride. Honestly they weren’t that bad tonight…….” jennet trying to soothe the beast.
“Yeah because Leslie was smart enough to had planned ahead and assigned babysitters for Dale and Stacey. And even then, Dale still manages to fuck it up, spilling wine everywhere. ‘’ a quick breath,’’Leslie and Dean should have assigned babysitters to gert and Molly too.’’ ’’and pre-approved their outfits,since The Yorkes are too stupid and blind, what Molly was wearing?”
“She’s a kid.”
“Yes, but this was a formal event . Not some backyard barbecue…. with the dressing and their childish antics-dancing like that!” slamming the steering wheel harshly, ‘’Gert was either way too shy or way too angry, going on about something or the other to our very important PRs. She and her sister should learn to handle themselves appropriately rather than following after their jester like parents.’’
In the backseat, chase wants to yell, scream. His forearms tighten, fists curl on his knees.
Molly looked nice, she was in a dress, besides the cat hair pin and the hat with those tiny ears, his dad seemed so offended by what was a comfort blanket for the girl. Everyone knew that. And Gert chewed out some ignorant asshole, it was awesome and kinda hot.
“that guy was being a jerk.” He stated.
“There is a time and place and a way how. Gertrude made a shrieking banshee out of herself, she’s definitely taking after her parents too much.”  
there’s a bitter ache in the pit of his stomach and a pressure building up in his head. Dale and Stacey are a great loving couple and even better parents who’re guiding their children to becoming adults, and clearly, they’re doing a good job.He wants to say this, but the words won’t leave his throat, Everything is too hot and heavy, but his father has more to add;
‘’Tina and Leslie are professional and have the no non- sense attitude. Gert should learn a thing or two from them…. or at least Karolina’s diplomacy and Amy’s or even Nico’s spunk.’’
“Karolina is really turning into something remarkable, she handled everything really well….”  His mom chimes in, wanting to obviously change the subject. ‘handling those sticky stressful situations and those jerk business types…. plus, she looked beautiful like always’’
“She was well behaved.” agreeing. fidgeting with the rear-view mirror, Victor adds. “eloquent, diplomatic and beautiful. She’s a catch.” His beady angry eyes demanded and searched Chase’s through mirror.
“I’m not sure she likes me like that.” He muttered, choosing to look out the car window.
“You’re a Stein. A stupid one that’s wasting his high IQ but still a Stein. And it’s clear how it’ll play out.’’
The pressure in his head keeps building and he just wants to be home in his room with the punching bag rather than be here, still and quiet. Chase knows that if Gert were here she’d call Victor out on this shit with all the right words and terms, misogyny and stereotypes and the inner-workings and psychoanalyze everything. She will be brave and loud disregarding the scary monster, she would yell for chase and the shit done against him but she’s not here and he never could stand up to the great Victor Stein.
“I’m not really into romance and relationships”
“Again she’s, beautiful, smart, polite, well-spoken, and kind. And your childhood friend. She’s perfect. honestly. Your young now but when the time comes, it’ll happen.”
Yes, she is and everything kind of is, it’s how life has written these things time and time again as everyone keeps telling him. Pretty girl, cute boy childhood friends, then flash-forward, they’re married with a house and a fucking white picket fence and a kid or two. but Chase doesn’t want perfect or ethereal.
He doesn’t need someone passive, smoke and mirrors, like his mother. whom he loves; but there’s some messed up shit going on right there with her and her relationships with both him and dear old dad. He needs someone who will call him out when he’s a dick, who will fight or get out if it’s not worth it. Someone who not only ‘’cares’’, but will act on it. Ghosting a touch on the gauze that Gert gently wrapped it for him.
 He needs someone who will inspire-teach him from not becoming his father.
Someone like Gert. He wants Gert. Gert who is passionate. and crazy .and so so caring. And strong. and funny, with or without meaning too. Gert is always ready to learn and fight, mostly with her razor-sharp words [sometimes unintentionally, she can be mean and defensive, but everyone has their flaws] and as a last resort with her fists. Nothing can bring her down. Her morals, the fact that she actually gives a damn and carries it through. Gert is fucking amazing. 
  he finds her crouched over the rough pasture, carefully plucking all the daisies and setting them on her left; the white and blueish violet flowers fanned out with all the petals intact and the stems straight.
regardless of her careful plucking and handling of the flowers is at complete odds with the rest of her. Molly’s back is tense and taunt, her shoulders are pulled inwards; closing in. moving to stand in front of her, it becomes to view that her jaw is jutted out, upper lip curled into a bit of a snarl, her face is flushed and the brows are lowered in concentration on the task at hand. But the usual teasing eyes are now beady and wet.
concerned, ‘molly” he prods.
molly’s silence is another obvious sign that she’s hurt and more, vexed. so in one frail swoop he crouches into the biting grass and gently, as they’re especially fragile in his big clunky hands, he plucks the wild flowers from among the weeds with the little girl.
their combined efforts have them a gracious pile of daises but molly doesn't stop there, she carries to sit down crossed legged on the grass and her fingers move to twine and twist the flowers in what he assumes is going to be a flower crown.
confused he watches and watches, he won’t dare to try because he will obviously fuck it up and all that hard work would be for not, and he doesn’t want to upset her further. He doesn't want molly to be angry with him, call him stupid and that he ruined everything so he stays still, with just a lone little daisy between his fingers, because despite it he wants to help, doesn’t like stoically standing on the side lines like some dumb asshole.
long slim dusty fingers hand him another and wordlessly she with her hands on his, instructs on the construction of a flower crown.
quickly picking up on it; it fastest always been good with his hands and morose when it’s with building and construction, and molly lets him carry on his own, she doesn’t go back to her own crown but just lays her face in her palm and eyes him. within minutes he’s holding a flower crown in his hands, dainty and simple. Its prettiness is nothing compared to the tiny growing smile on molly or her shiny pleased eyes. 
‘‘do you want to add in some of those irises to give it a pop of color?’’ he asks in a whisper.
grinning now molly gets up and comes back with a 5 to 6 of the baby version of plum flower with the drooping petals. Taking them, he sets to work, adding and arranging them in.
‘‘thank-you chase.’’ she says silently.
‘’anytime molls...are you alright now? ‘‘
‘‘almost. the flower crown your making is really pretty.’ ‘ 
he beams at her in pride, eyes wide, twinkling and pearly whites peeking through and turns to look down to the crown,
‘‘it’ll look perfect on gert.’‘she exclaims, 
sharply turning to look at her, but she isn’t making fun of him. She’s stern and waiting.
a picture pops in his mind’s eye and it’s a beautiful vision, ‘’it'll suit her, she loves daises and has a soft spot for anything purple.’’. it slips out breathless and airy from his lips, a secret admission.
‘‘she does’ ‘molly continues to scrutiny him ‘‘you noticed.’’. she states.
a gulp, ‘i did.’...’’mind telling me why you were upset earlier?’’ bringing the trail to his ever-growing feelings for her older sister to a complete halt. And because he’s worried about molly.
she takes in a shuddering breath, her fingers play with the grass and she’s peaking at him through her lashes, brown eyes alert. God knows why she’s been keenly observing him this whole time. Feeling as being dissected by molly, isn’t helping with anxiousness but he stays putt, she needs him here.
 ‘‘you can to talk to me molls, and if you want i can try to sneak gert over from her time out or i could bring Karolina”
‘no! i don’t want to talk to karolina. ....
‘‘people are assholes...... I’ve always wanted to have flowers in my hair but every picture in media is of thin pretty girl with long straight blond or at times brown hair. And i know Gert’s always wanted to wear daisy flower crowns and she just doesn't but when i spoke of it and those issues. She preened and told me we were going to do so at the next picnic.’’   breathing harshly, ‘’so yeah, we were looking for flowers and we come across one of your classmates, the jerk has the gall to tell us we weren’t pretty or delicate enough not like karolina or nico and amy.’’
He is a red-hot inferno and his fist itch to maim, ‘his name?’ ‘.
‘chill chase, Gert already tore him a new one, hence why she’s on time out’ head up, back relaxed, and a smile pulling at the corners of her lips, a tiny chuckle tucked in.Molly’s amused and proud,it must have been one hell of a scene, damn he missed out.
Her eyes dart to him, noticing something but she keeps it to herself, ‘I wanted to have the flowers plucked so she could weave them into my hair and the crown ready for her to wear, i just don’t want that shithead’s words to sink in while she’s’ told to sit still.’ ‘
‘‘come on, gather those flowers, let’s go, we’re sneaking in to see Gert.’ ‘
 It’s a short walk through the glass which fades to a cobbled path and they come to the small cabin, Gert is on the porch swing, sprawled out and close to dozing off and before he can stop molly, she’s already budding up and picking up her legs in a rushed manner. 
‘‘Gert! wake up!!’  Molly ‘excitedly exclaimed, shaking her shoulders like crazy. Having let go of her legs.
‘‘I’m up, I up! molly what’s wrong? ’she’s in mama bear mode, frantic eyes scanning her sister for any hint of pain.
The giddy girl whose bouncing on the heels of her feet only thrusts out her hand holding the all the flowers and begs for Gertrude to them into her hair.
so quietly steps in, settles down next to Gert on the swing, still delicately holding onto the flower wreath in his impossible enormous hands, watching gert weave and braid and arrange molly’s thick curly and long hair. The flowers look perfect and molly looks astounding-whoever said that it would suite her is fucking blind and media’s dead wrong too. The whites and the purples and the bluish-violets pop against the dark waves.
when gert is done, molly twirls for her and the love oozing between them tickles and settles into his aching bones, and as molly curtsies, he sneakily gets up, standing next to her and facing Gert he bows and slowly, assuredly crowns Gert, her wiry brown hair [she hadn’t straightened it today or for the past week and now he knows why it makes her even more] brushes against his knuckles. Chase fixes the tilt and like with molly; the flowers look perfectly atop the crown of her head.
bowing again and pulling up to beam at her, he’s hit with the vision of a touched Gert, whose illuminating eyes are on him, a soft tiny barely there smile with a hint of teeth and glowing red on the apples of her cheeks.to top it all is the flowers he arranged on her head.it is better than he had pictured, Gert looks breath-taking, he can feel everything turn warm, it makes him uncomfortable yet still at peace. and that conversation in the carried back from the garden party with his father echo, the whispering devil in his ear, but it doesn’t hold because they don’t know shit. Gert and molly may be not be sunshine or portray some kind of illusion of this flowy angelic charm and grace and beauty or this untouchable but sweet aura but they are real. Molly is strong and happy and precious, Gert is good, kind of mean and still gorgeous. Moreover, flaws and edges and the whole of them are yes real but captivating. Gert and Molly are beautiful just as Karolina and Nico and Amy.
‘‘you look pretty’ ‘, he firmly whispers.
and she blushes even more, ’thank-you’’.
‘‘he’s right you know.... hey Gert, know chase made that on his own ‘‘voice smug and knowing and as soon as the words are out, molly’s off sprinting something about sneaking in some food and drinks to snack on.
‘’you really made this?’’ in awe and fingers lightly brushing against one of the drooping purple petals.
‘‘yeah but molly showed me how, and i picked up on it ‘‘he admits, he doesn't mind, isn’t ashamed with Gert knowing, she is always supportive and accepting, especially with the softer things.
‘‘why are you on time out for standing up to some fuckwad, it doesn’t seem like something dale and Stacey would do.
‘‘they don’t know, the asshole just came up and told them while they were with the rest of the rents that’’, and her hands come up and her fingers make the quotation marks, ‘’I just slapped him’‘so mum and dad put me in time out and we’ll  be talking at home. I didn’t want to make a commotion in front of all the other parents…. they already think my family’s a joke… don’t need to add to that’’ she says bitterly through clenched teeth, a deep breath and ‘’... I’m assuming molly told you what happened.’‘
‘yeah, you don’t need to listen to those assholes Gert, you and molly are pretty. and your parents are awesome, quirky but mostly their open and awesome., shrugging.
she points her index finger at him, the silver ring glitters in the light,’’ you said awesome twice’’, there’s a smirk pulling at the corner of her lips, her eyes glinting behind the glasses, her hip cocked slightly towards the right. teasing and relieved.
following her lead,’’ not all of us read, memorize and utilized all the words in a dictionary, he winks whilst listing them off his three digits.
but the teasing soon comes to a halt, as Gert delicately adds a tiny wreath made from the remaining flowers-when did she even? atop his head, and her eyes twinkle at him.
Amy’s dead, that shit wilder didn’t show up to the funeral. Nico won’t leave her room, won’t pick up the phone. And sweet delicate thing that is Karolina has run to the church, has taken solace in those walls that keep her from facing reality with her friends. Molly is cationic, and Gert, she’s falling apart and there is no one to catch her.
he can’t, chase fucking stein, Gert’s best friend, can’t be there because this load of hatred, darkness and bitterness and shame is consuming him whole.so he trains, hits the weights, destroys the boxing bag hanging in his garden. Anything to keep the violence in check.
and as he is beating his body, his father joins in, with fists and sharp words. Blaming the minor parents, blaming Nico, blaming him and his friends for not noticing. He blames Amy for being stupid and childish, he states he doesn’t care. And that is when chase stein punches his father square in the jaw.
he bruises aren’t black and blue but glaring cuts and stabs but he doesn’t feel anything but hate.
it turns to months and things aren’t good, the guys he’s on the lacrosse team with just join him for lunch and pull him along, and he floats with them because this requires no effort other than just being still, an able body to stand and drown down alcohol at parties, which he does so excessively.
the alcohol is a slow burn down his throat and tingles him alive, his wounds don’t hurt and the world slows down to blurry unfocused mess, just like him. And if effil kisses him in those moments, no big deal.so long as her hands don’t slip under his shirt or into the inside of his boxers, it doesn’t matter. The tingles and the spinning are sparks that yes, he is alive and not gone stone cold.
from his place in the crowds he witnesses Gert’s transformation, the chopped and layered bob [ her hair now is short and a glazing, purple. purple- bold and cool, passionate and caring, strong and soft, -a fierce color, much like gert herself-and it seemingly brings out the best it her]
 flowing in the elite group, shitty life at home, looking at gert with an aching longing but that’s how life is now. At least it is, until he’s partnered up with gert in astronomy. When the professor announces it he sneaks a glance at the purple haired girl who sits diagonally behind him, hand frozen from doodling on the top corner of the page, and her hair curtains her face, so he can’t see any facial expression. even his view of gert is than blocked by effil who leans over the desk and possessively and jealously staging -ly whispers into his ear that she’ll keep him company on snapchat.
it pisses him off but he bites his tongue and is out the door as soon as the bell rings. He’ll talk to Gert about the project later, he doesn’t want effil to start up trouble with her now.
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scilesweek · 4 years
General Rules and Guidelines
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These are the General Rules and Guidelines for the event. 1. This event is informal so no need to sign up for it or do works (fanfics, fanart, gifs, edits, etc.) for every day/prompt. You can choose to participate all days or only one, your choice.
2. We are open to various kinds of works. Fanfics, fanarts, edits, gifs, mood boards, headcanons, poems, anything that strikes your fancy.
3. The daily prompts are more suggestions than something you need to strictly follow. We will have two prompts per day, one more directed at writing and the other more directed onto gifing/edits/etc. BUT if you feel more inspired by one or another or both, go for it! If you don't feel inspired by any of them and still want to participate? Well, you can do something that you want to do for them and tag us!
4. Other relationships may be present, but Scott and Stiles's relationship should be the main focus.
5. No character bashing is allowed.
6. Their relationship doesn't need to be necessarily romantic. It can be: Friendship, BroTop, Queerplatonic, Romantic, Brothers, anything your heart desires.
7. When posting your work, preferably on your blog so we can reblog it, remember to use the tag #scilesweek23, and also tag us @scilesweek so we can find your post!
8. All works must be appropriately tagged! No one under 18 can produce or share NSFW work of any type (fics/arts/edits/gifs/etc). 18+ people that make NSFW art/edits/gifs and post it directly to your Tumblr accounts, please, make a disclaimer about your art/edit and use the Tumblr function "keep reading" and post said work after it so we can reblog. No non-consensual sex scene or situation is allowed.
9. Last, but not least, enjoy!
P.S.: These rules can change at any time if we see that's necessary, so be sure to always check them out.
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