#brownish purple bedding
treskoff · 1 year
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Bedroom - Traditional Bedroom An illustration of a medium-sized traditional guest bedroom with pink walls and no fireplace.
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michaelburham · 1 year
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Bedroom - Traditional Bedroom Example of a mid-sized classic guest carpeted bedroom design with pink walls and no fireplace
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itsstuck · 1 year
Perhaps it was a mistake to choose dinosaurs as your topic for your university's science fair. Perhaps you screwed up following the instructions or did not read them carefully enough.
You sat in your dorm, half your project done, sat on your desk. A little nest where you were going to present the replica dinosaur eggs, without its crown jewel however the eggs.
You rubbed your humongous stomach self consciously which has stretched to an unimaginable size. You were naked but there was no way you could see further than your gargantuan bullet shaped stomach littered with red and purple stretch marks and veins. 'Gives a whole new meaning to "ready to pop"' you thought to yourself. You squirted more oil you purchased from a dubious store (along with the egg kit of course) on your puffy pussy that you could barely reach and rubbed it in. It made you feel hot all over but still you dutifully resumed your nightly ritual.
The rubbing felt incredible, before you knew it you barely had any oil left and you were writhing beneath your stomach. You probably would've arched your back off the bed too if you weren't pinned against it by the weight. Then suddenly something shifted within you, you could practically feel your pelvis creak as a torrent of fluid flooded your bed.
You tried to at least get yourself up on your elbows to see in the mirror facing your bed, what was going on.
The bed was soaked alright and between your legs was something slimey and brownish.
"What the fuck..." you muttered to yourself, trying to at least somehow maneuver your body on your hands and knees. Was this it? Upon examining it closer, you realised what it was and your heart dropped just as an extreme wave of pain washed over you. It was the fucking mucus plug. But why was it so huge. How much would your cervix have to dilate if this was keeping it sealed. 15 cm? 20 cm?
You started to feel sick. Just how many eggs were there?!
The sudden pressure increasing tenfold halted your train of thought.
At least you were already on your hands and knees right, besides you had the whole night to yourself. You bore down gingerly and hoped that your huge stomach pressing against the mattress would help too. Nothing but more liquid came out and the pain and pressure was only increasing.
After 3 hours of rocking back and forth with 0 results you decided it was time to get serious about this. You steadied yourself, gripped the sheets and gave a huge push.
1 hour into birthing with all your might you didn't even notice how far apart your legs were and how much your lower half felt like jelly when finally you felt something behind your entrance. Encouraged by the progress you began pressing on the top of your stomach with one hand while gritting your teeth and bearing down hard. Something began emerging. Covered in a slimey substance a jelly like egg started poking through your aching cunt. You moaned and pushed as hard as you could, waiting for the relief of it plopping out onto the blanket so you could birth the rest but it never came. With the next effort you buried your face into your pillow, hopefully muffling your desperate screams. Every time you let up the egg would slide back, nestled deep into the warm slick of your pussy.
This went on for another hour or so when you finally gave a push hard enough that got the egg to a point it wouldn't slip back from. You almost felt relieved. It will slide out any second, right?
Your pussy was stretched to its natural limit as you panted and pushed. But this birth was anything but natural...your only luck was that you kept up your oil regimen because soon you felt something slick and almost gelatinous touch your inner thighs, even with your legs spread.
"Wh-what?!" You whined into the pillow.
No no no no no.
This was supposed to be several small eggs not ONE. Cold sweat covered every inch of your body as the realisation hit. How would this ever come out?! There was no way you could call for help, what would you say, not to mention that you were fully immobilised by the gargantuan egg spreading you open way past what should be humanly possible.
Back when you realised what was happening to you, you tried watching at least SOME birthing videos though you knew your experience would be nothing like that. You tried to think back to them hoping to remember anything from the ones where petite women would have to squeeze out a 10lbs kid. Although even those babies would seem like light work compared to whatever was stuck in you. The pain made it much to hard to think but then suddenly you had an idea!
Gravity would help.
You gathered all your strength to heave yourself up from your hands and knees only onto your knees you could hopefully get into a crouching position from there. However as soon as you glanced up and caught your reflection in the mirror, in a split second, before you could change the outcome you realised it was a huge mistake.
The egg was absolutely humongous and your pussy was stretched grotesquely around it, completely white and on the brink of tearing and worst of all you could not kneel down as the egg was so gargantuan. It was touching the mattress. Or at least you couldn't kneel down without the egg sliding back into your tortured cunt a few inches with a sickening squelch.
You held back the urge to throw up and fought until you were in a squatting position.
You didn't care about making noise anymore, you screamed while pushing down on your pulsating stomach that was urging you to expell the giant egg while with your other hand you reached down to rub your clit. The clit you could barely locate as it was practically flat against the egg with your pussy pulled so taut.
This seemed to be somewhat helping you progress however an earth shattering orgasm caught you off guard and you lost your balance.
You fell onto your back and with the sudden change of position your birth canal caused the hideously massive egg to practically be sucked in once more. All the progress you made was undone and the wind was knocked out of you at the ginormous intrusion. You screamed and thrashed on the bed, violently pressing down on your stomach and pushing with strength you didn't know where you got from.
By this time you were laboring for over 8 hours. You laid in bed and just felt wave after wave of contraction wash over you, the weight of the egg in your birth canal had to be about 50lbs and every 10 minutes or so you felt a dull sensation of pleasure course through you as the contractions were easing the egg out of you agonising by agonising millimeter and every once in a while it'd brush against your tortured clit just right.
You were just about to resign yourself to your fate when you realised the small bottle of oil was within reach in this cursed position. There was still some left, not that it'd make much difference now, you were probably going to die like this. With a humongous egg wrecking your lower half.
You picked up the bottle and with hazy eyes read the instructions again. This was your last hope. Maybe you missed something.
'MORE effective if orally taken?!'
Your eyes widened as you wasted no time gulping down the last of it. Too bad you didn't read another sentence which would've clarified that you only need droplets in a glass of water.
It immediately took effect and kicked your labour into high gear again, you screamed as you practically felt your womb and birth canal undulating, forcing you to scream and push like never before. You spread your legs nearly into a split while thrusting your hips into the air.
"Fuck! FUCK! My cunt will tear, fuck fuck my pussy!!!"
The egg slowly slid out and stopped at its widest point. This made you trying to hold your legs back an utter waste as the egg was already doing it for you. The pain made you unable to breathe properly. You took shallow panicked breaths but by this point you lost all sense of your dignity.
You HAD to give birth then and there.
You let out an animalistic scream and screwed your eyes shut. A vein popped out on your forehead and no doubt you burst a few blood vessels. You didn't care anymore, you used both hands to push down on your stomach and gritted your teeth hard enough to chip them
Then with a contraction that made you see stars, the egg erupted from your canal, not to mention the aftershocks of your final effort pushed out at least 5 liters of whatever fluid this was out of your pussy along with the huge egg, mixed with urine that you couldn't bear to hold any longer. Your bed was sopping wet and your cunt twitched and pulsated as one of the most intense orgasms of your life ripped through you.
Before you passed out you mustered enough strength to glance at the clock on your bedside table.
It was almost midday.
Didn't the science fair end at 11...?
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asexualsinner · 1 month
Ghoul Hair Headcanons
This wouldn't leave my brain until I put it out into the world
Pin straight corn blonde that goes to his mid back
Very thin
Dry and damaged from his fire transition (Cumulus bullies him into letting her put oils and serums in it to help. He won't admit that he likes it)
Will wash his hair everyday/every time he takes a shower. This is sometimes multiple times a day. (Cumulus and Rain cry in despair)
Cowlick at the front part. Annoys the shit out of him when it dries funny
Let's his hair air dry after a shower
His hair used to be normally oily pre fire transition from the ministry's lake but noticed that if he swims for long periods of time his hair will be greasy and gross
Leaves hair EVERYWHERE. In the shower, on the furniture, clothes, you.
Uses everyone else's shampoo and conditioner bc he's too lazy to get his own
Will wear it up in a spider clip when practicing
Doesn't like people touching it, will let the other ghouls braid/style it on occasions or if they give him their best puppy dog eyes long enough
Somehow manages to not have bed head. Wakes up and his hair is fine. The pack considers this the 8th wonder of the world
Gets annoyed when his hair gets caught in his mask/balaclava bc he was too lazy to either tie it up himself or let one of the others do it for him preshow
Wavy hair that curls up just under his ears, blackish almost dark blue in certain light
Hair defies logic, will curl/wave in patterns that don't make sense
Uses 837+ products in it to make it glossy and soft after swimming (screams internally after Dew leaves barely a squirt of shampoo left in the shower and doesn't replace it)
Sleeps with a silk pillowcase
Will pin his hair back with pearl barrettes that papa gifted him
BEDHEAD. The WORST BEDHEAD out of all the ghouls. Wakes up looking like he lost a fight with a moose
Will let anyone run their fingers through it/brush it/style it. He will make you wash your hands beforehand though
Dries it using a cotton T-shirt. Usually the one he was wearing pre-shower
Washes his hair every 3-5 days
Brown 3b curly mullet/Mohawk
Shaves the sides bc he finds the hair tickling his ears and horns annoying
Usually has leaves or flowers caught in his hair
Bangs cover his eyes
Cowlick at the crown of his head
Oil? Seums? Who is she, bc Mountain has never heard of her
His horns make headbands impossible so he will use bobby pins to keep his bangs out of the way while in the greenhouse or practicing
Bobby pins are everywhere. In the greenhouse, the practice room, living room, kitchen, EVERYWHERE
Consequently knows how to lockpick doors with said Bobby pins. No he will not tell you how he knows how to do this
Wraps his hair in silk handkerchiefs to sleep
Will wash his hair once a week if he remembers
Shakes his hair out like a dog to dry unless one of the others corner him with the Dyson hair dryer. (He won't admit that he hates the sound it makes)
Will throw in leave in conditioner overnight
Let's Phantom and Aurora put in cute clips that he forgets about
Once showed up to practice with a head full of colorful butterfly clips bc he forgot about them. Copia didn't say anything, wanted to see how long it would take Mount to notice while head banging. He didn't notice the entire practice until one flew off and hit his drum set
Dark brownish black locs, sometimes will braid in colors if he's feeling like it. Mostly dark colors like burgundy or purple. Has been convinced to do gold before tours by the others
JEWELRY!!! LOTS of metal rings, cuffs and jewels. Loves being the shiniest thing in the room
Has as many if not more hair care products than Rain. Takes care to make sure his hair doesn't get damaged and is healthy
Sleeps with a silk bonnet to protect his hair
Has done fun style like space buns with his locs but will usually leave it down or in a top knot
Will wash it every 7-10 days or so unless it gets super dirty
Will take care of the rest of the packs hair, is the pack mom about it
Dew/Sodo frustrates the HELL out of him. What do you mean you don't use conditioner??
Will chew on the cuffs like a fidget toy
Takes great pride in his hair, will spend forever in the bathroom if you let him
If his hair isn't cooperating with him, that's it for the day you will not see him
Has injured himself/others while practicing from all the metal in his hair while headbanging/throwing himself around (was forced to wear a cone of shame during the rest of that practice)
Very wavy almost curly black hair with white streak on the left side
Hair thins out and curls around his shoulders with whispy bangs
Wolf cut girlie ✨
Soft and fluffy, loves to have his scalp scratched and hair played with. Will absolutely fall asleep while it's being done
Has tinted his hair with purple bc he likes the aesthetic
The others have found him in the bathroom at 3am with scissors bc he saw a trend on TikTok and wanted to try it (he was banned from scissors for 3 months)
Swiss cried when he saw it in the morning (what did you do??)
Forgets to wash his hair but is still better than Mountain about it
Washes every 5-7 days
Originally would use a towel to dry until he found the Dyson and now is a menace
Will chew on his hair until it's brought to his attention
Headbands, headbands, HEADBANDS! LOVES THEM.
Has demon horns ones, cat ear ones, regular ones, even those zig zag ones that hurt he doesn't care he loves them
Will use whatever's in the bathroom but prefers softer smelling products
Hates hairspray with a passion
Doesn't sleep with any special pillow cases, etc
Double cowlick where his bags sit and at the crown
Gets really REALLY bad knots at the base of his skull. Will cry when Swiss or Cumulus has to brush them out
Strawberry blonde short hair and shaved on the sides
Slicked back fade, likes the greaser look from the 50s
Do not touch this man's hair
Not only is it slicked back with 50lbs of product he will also bite you
Has sideburns
Somehow still uses 3-in-1 despite being picky about how his hair looks
Will sing into the hair dryer while using it
Hair is dry, not damaged but definitely not hydrated/healthy enough
Doesn't wear any accessories except for a beanie in the winter
Looks like a peacock in the morning, hair is just everywhere. Sticks up in every direction when he wakes up
Washes it everyday due to the product he puts in it
Fell asleep on the tour bus once and there was a grease spot left from his hair gel
Uses hair pomade that smells like vanilla and sandalwood
Goes through a jar of pomade every two days. The ministry's budget is crying, shaking in their boots bc of this ghouls usage of hair gel
Is a walking fire hazard from the gel
4b curl pattern, rocks the afro with bangs
Natural color is a dark reddish brown but dyes it fun colors like sky blue
Loves to tie it up with a cute designed handkerchief or bun, etc
Will accessorize with butterfly clips or spiral hair wyrms/Jewels
Washes it once a week but uses hair oils/serums daily
Bullies Dew/Sodo into letting her care for his hair
Is the go to for hair advice after Swiss
Uses a silk bonnet and silk pillowcase to sleep
Will use a cotton T-shirt to dry it/scrunch it and then finishes with the dyson
Second biggest hair shedder after Dew/Sodo
Will style it like Rosie the Riveter for practice
Doesn't like it when people touch her hair unless they ask first
Even then the answer may be no
Likes floral scented shampoo/conditioner
Straight flat hair with choppy bags
THICCCC hair, goes to the bottom of her shoulder blades
Platinum blonde but dyed underneath
Enjoys the shocked gasps she gets when she pulls her hair up to show the rainbow underneath
Doesn't hold a curl for the life of her, she's tried
Usually keeps her hair down, will do a low ponytail for practice
Twin braids on sides framing her face
Likes playing with the others hair since hers doesn't hold different styles well
No cowlicks but her hair knots horrendously. After show care includes at least two other ghouls trying to help her unknot her hair from her balaclava
Washes it once a week,prefers cinnamon scented soaps
Super greasy if she uses too much product
Is in love with the Dyson hair dryer, fights with Aether on who gets to use it as a mic
Thin, straight dark black hair to her mid back
Twinning with Dew/Sodo except she takes care of her hair ✨
Shorted whispy hair framing her face
Her hair looks blue in certain light, almost like an oil slick
Split ends? Couldn't be her
Favorite shampoo scent is mint
Will spend hours combing her hair
Prefers combs over brushes
Doesn't get bad bed head but her hair is super static-y.
Will wear twin braids when practicing or pin the braids to her head with clips
Hair always looks super elegant
Like Aurora her hair can't hold a curl
Doesn't use anything special to sleep with
Will wash every 3-5 days
Uses serums as needed but her hair is super hydrated
Very soft
Prefers not to be touched but will allow certain ghouls to braid it if asked
Is the one who bought the Dyson hair dryer, is super amused by everyone's feral reactions to it.
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vintagexherry · 11 months
Treasure for Three Days [8][Finale]
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Pirate!Miguel x Princess!Reader
//Smut, Kissing, unprotected sex, oral, throat fucking, overstimulation, first times [pls comment if I miss anything]
A/N: Thank you for your patience
"Just couldn't stay away from you, hermosa." He chuckled at your flushed state.
"Yeah....I notice" You smiled.You glanced back at the shoreline, seeing your father shouting for you to come back.
This time, though, you're sure you don't want to.
You don't how you ended up here, but you sure as hell this is what you meant by taking your mundane life away.
Sure, running, piracy, and chasing wasn't the exact scene that comes to your head, but it's better than you could expect.
Lovely even.
The sun is setting, a mixture of orange and subtle purple paint the sky, and the shoreline of your kingdom is long forgetten in the distance.
Right now, you inhale the salty yet fresh air of the ocean, your face ached from smiling so widely from the event that transpired, but you can't find yourself to stop smiling.
The crew seemed to be happy that your back, saying things like keeping the captain in control.
You chuckle at their words, you only spent three-ish days with them yet you felt a deep bond.
"I see you're still nothing but a deep thinker, hermosa."
Your head turned around to see Miguel approaching you with a smirk.
He slightly bends down to kiss you on your lips, and you smile even wider.
"Hello to you too," you mused.
"Mmm, missed the taste."
Miguel seemed to stare into your soul with his piercing red-brownish eyes, and you can't help but shiver.
"Glad I didn't make you marry that snob of a prince."
"You met my fiance? Is that how you got your royal clothes from?"
"Fiance? No more of that bebita. And maybe... Maybe threatened him with a sword against his neck for good measures."
You chuckle.
"Sword agaist his neck? Sounds a bit familiar don't you think?"
He seemed to think for a while and laughed at the memory.
"Glad I did it." He smiled to you. His hands caressing your waist.
"Cap'n! The sails are okay and wind is steady." A crewmate reported, breaking you and Miguel in your bubble of light flirting.
"Good. Keep her busy, if im needed I'll be in my quarters."
You lightly yelp as you were dragged by the waist and made to follow Miguel to his room.
Once you both arrived and the door was shut, Miguel didn't waste time diving to your lips.
Your eyes widened a bit but you quickly returned his affection.
"Eager, are we? I didn't expect the infamous Miguel O'hara to be smitten." You teased.
"That's right, big bad, Arachne captain got the hots for a little princess. Now I wonder if that princess is willing to fix the problem?" He teased back as his hands go at the back of your dress, untying the corset as he does.
With the corset starting to loosen, you kissed him again.
He chuckles
"It's a yes then? Well what are we waiting for hm?"
With that, he suddenly carried to bridal style and promptly dropped you to the bed.
He didn't waste time kissing you feverishly.
While kissing, you didn't notice him taking a dagger nearby. He disconnected the kiss for him to slice the fabrics and threads that held your dress.
"Shhh, I'll get you a new one, as many as you like. Maybe more than your wardrobe."
He threw the dagger randomly on the floor and ripped the rest of your dress with his hands.
His lips returned to you and moved down to your neck.
You shuddered as you felt soft lips tracing the veins in your neck and down to your collarbone. The dress finally removed, and he threw its scrap randomly on the floor alongside the dagger.
"Mmm- Miguel"
"Relax for me bebita, that's it."
His hands caressed every skin that it could find, rubbing circles on your arms, until it reached your thighs, and then your knees.
While his lips are occupied for leaving you marks, his hands spread your legs apart to give him room.
You lightly gasped when you felt his bulge slightly drag at your clothed pussy.
He stopped his mistrations with his lips and hissed a cursed.
His eyes looked down at your underwear, he glared at it as if it did a grave sin agaist him.
In this scenario it probably did.
His hands left your knees and immediately went to remove your underwear.
Once off, your suddenly felt shy. Causing you to close your legs a bit but Miguel is quicker stop you.
"Mmnh, non of that hermosa, don't go shy on me now."
You bit your lip and slightly nodded as you opened your legs a bit again.
Miguel is still fully clothed. Your hands went to the buttons of his blouse.
Miguel seem to be happy with your intiative and let your unbutton his blouse and next were his pants.
When he finally slid off his clothes you gulp as his stature.
Miguel is big, his muscles, his height...
And that horse between his legs.
Miguel sensed your nerves and one of his hands raised up to pet your head.
"We'll take it easy, hermosa, But who knows, maybe next time I wouldn't if you keep looking at like that." He teased.
"Ego is as high as ever." You smiled.
Your eyes focused on his dick, it's size made you question how'd it fit into your mouth before, and now you want to question how it will fit into you overall.
You suddenly think 'fuck it'. You just ran away from your home and you finally gonna get the life you wanted.
A little rod down your throat should'nt stop you.
You raised your body so you could go down on your knees, Miguel's member just right in front of you.
You took your hands and gently wrapped it around it's length, Miguel hissed at the contact.
You find your lips connecting to his tip, licking off any excess precum that's starting to drip off.
Miguel hissed more, biting his bottom lip. His hands automatically held the back of your head, not pushing you further but enough to encourage you.
You took the sign and continued licking his length. After a few more licks, you sucked his tip.
"fffffuuck, that's it bebita. go o-on."
Your movements made his hips buck, almost putting his length into your mouth.
You licked and sucked a few more times, and finally, with a deep breath of courage and a whole lotta confidence to do it, you took his length halfway making it hit the back of your throat.
"Ah, ¡Mierda!"
His hand is now gripping your hair, giving you a bit of a sting but who cares at this point.
You bobbed your head, each bob making you take his length deeper into you.
If Miguel was known to be the fearsome and strongest pirate captain out there.
He's also known for not being patient.
With you almost taking his length down your throat, Miguel uttered a word you couldn't hear and the last thing you know was both of his hands holding the side of your head and ramming his cock down your throat roughly.
"Hgrk!" You gagged, your nose hitting his pelvic area and your senses are filled with Miguel.
Miguel didn't seem to mind since all he did was move your head for you while thrusting his hips to the same rhythm.
Your ears hear nothing but your own gagging noises and Miguel's swearing and grunts.
"Shhhit, a-amor that...thats it!"
With a few more thrusts, he held your head to stay in one place, then you finally felt that familiar warmth down your throat.
After a few minutes, Miguel finally let your head go letting you let his length out of your mouth.
Miguel above you was a panting mess, but you were much worse.
Make up the maids put on you this morning was all ruined with tearstreaks ruining the eye makeup and drool smudging the lipstick.
You might look worse but Miguel could beg to differ.
While you also took a breather, you notice his cock twitching back to hardness, and it did nothing but make you throb for it.
"Breath in as much as you need hermosa, it's gonna be a long night."
Your pleas go from one ear to another since Miguel was too busy ramming into you as if it's your last day all over again.
Both of you don't know if minutes or hours has gone by.
But sure as hell you both are enjoying it.
Miguel took his time to prepare you and your body, giving you praises here and there. Caresses are placed everywhere. And you thank the gods for being able to survive the thing between his legs.
"So good...So goo- fuck!"
While you were writhing in overstimulation, Miguel was busy enjoying himself.
His dick hitting that one spot you swore you saw stars with.
Forget stars. You were seeing whatever Galileo Galilei saw in the telescope.
Your moans and Miguel's grunts fill the room entirely that you weren't surprised if the entire ship could hear it.
But you can't think right now, no thoughts go in your head when Miguel started increasing in speed, the bed creaking with his movements.
You screamed his name but he doesn't seem to care.
His hands being on the side of your head, started gripping the sheets hard, a tale tell sign his close.
So were you.
You were now babbling mess beneath him, your mind felt pleasure no where near imagination.
"Come with me hermosa, come with....Fuck!"
His hips stuttered in movement as he finally gave one last thrust into you before you felt warm liquid flow inside of you.
You body convulsed at the feeling, shockwaves spread around your muscles making them tense and shake.
You said Miguel's name one last time before your body went limp.
You gaze above Miguel and he does the same to you.
His face was lightened only by the moonlight through the window.
Miguel gazed down onto you, he felt nothing but admiration for your being. You look like a divine being and him, just a mere mortal.
As both of you catch your breath, Miguel finally laid down next to you, wrapping his arms around you and you felt nothing but safety in the arms of your lover.
While you and Miguel are busy resting.
The crew was busy distracting themself at the scenery.
"Bloody hell... Those two finally shut up." Hobie muttered with a sigh.
Miles chuckled.
"Well, at least we finally have someone who can hold back Captain with his mood swings."
Hobie hummed in agreement. Resting his eyes
After a few seconds, he opened his eyes in realization. Hobie looked at Miles with a smirk.
"I know that look, I dont like that look."
Hobie didn't say anything but lend his hand out.
Miles looked at it and sighed deeply. He reached out his back and put out a pouch of gold. Throwing it to Hobie who catched it happily.
"A bet is a bet mate, so are rules." Hobie chuckled. "Told ya I always win"
"Oh shut up." Miles scoffed but that didn't erase his smile.
As much as the crew didn't get enough sleep that night they were glad your back. Someone who can laugh at their shenanigans and someone who can be of assistance when talking to Miguel.
And Miguel was nothing but glad he got his treasure back.
@yougavemeyourheartyouknow @autismsupermusicalassassin @lionhearted-soldier @hearts-4-lanadelray@sukioyakio @chshiresins @ginger23 @amelialysm @serpentstarr @s0lm1n @saturnistireddd @manooh
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fruitmins · 1 year
Oᵤᵣ Bᵢg Bₐby / BTS OT7
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➭genre: little space, age regression, fluff, caregivers bts, little reader, sfw, hurt/comfort, mostly no plot
➭warnings: none
➭note: my first request!! i saw this before going to bed and got so excited I stayed up for another hour and a half working on some of it. also purple car has a lot of notes wtff i love all of you
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“Y/N angel, I think today’s the day we need to wash blankie.” Jimin calls out to you in a gentle voice when he spots you waddling down the stares with said blanket in hand after your nap.
You’ve had that blanket for months now and it’d only been washed a handful of times. It was getting so bad that the original pink color it came in was now a nasty light brownish color and covered in all types of food stains.
Originally, Minnie Mouse’s face was plastered in a diagonal line. But now, you could barley see her black outline. Not to mention the wrinkle and god awful smell.
At first they thought you were going through one of your phases and would eventually ask for a new blanket that had whatever thing you were fixated on. And of course they’d buy it for you cause you they loved spoiling you. But that’s how it had always been. Stuck on unicorns? You needed a unicorn blanket. Cars? Needed it in a blanket. Even plants (you could thank Namjoon for that phase).
But no. You couldn’t seem to let go of this Minnie Mouse blanket. Literally. You’d take it everywhere with you. Quick grocery trip, the studio, the beach, to another friends house. The boys were actually glad one time you brought it with you to the water park so they could rinse out some of the dirt from the last trip.
But now it was beginning to be a problem. The boys had several talks about it amongst themselves. All begging the question, ‘how do we get it out of her grasp?’ Why was this one thing giving you so much comfort you would fight them for it? For months they had tip toed around the idea, pointing out the blankets flaws in hopes of cloaking you over time to wash it. But somehow you weren’t phased.
The boys had finally decided to put their foot down that day when Taehyung came complaining to them in the morning about how he couldn’t sleep because the blanket was uncomfortable and smelly, but you had insisted on sleeping with it.
Sure it didn’t bother you, but it was starting to get to them. Being idols, Taehyung needed that sleep. But every time they even reached for the blanket you’d flinch before starting to scream and kick, not stopping under any circumstances till it was secure in your arms.
You quickly shook your head at Jimin’s words, eyes already filled with worry. “No. No wash blankie.” You huffed holding it tighter.
“Baby..” Namjoon warned, not liking the word no coming out of your mouth but this seemed to only make you angrier.
“Baby, it’s icky! Wouldn’t it be nice for it to be soft and clean again? Almost as good as new?” Jungkook asked you trying to pass his excitement over to you but you weren’t having it.
“I don’t want it good as new.” Your voice got louder as you argued with him in a mocking manner which only caused him to frown. This could turn bad really quick.
Your words just made the boys more confused but let the comment pass. “Y/N I don’t think this is up for discussion anymore.” Hoseok said sympathetically. He knew this was going to escalate and that you were likely going to cry, which is one of the things he hated seeing.
“Because it’s not.” Yoongi stepped in with a somewhat firm voice. Yoongi was easily one of the scariest when mad but he never let his anger get to far. Still, you knew his potential from small moments when you were big. “Baby the sooner you hand over blankie the sooner you can have it back.” He explained in a calmer voice.
You seemed to realize that this time they wouldn’t back down so easily. “But l love blankie! You can’t have it!” You almost shouted tears already welling up in your eyes as your face turned red.
“Y/N calm down.” Jimin told you firmly. They had tried to be sweet but it was frustrating when you acted like this.
“Baby, we’re sorry. We truly are, but this has to be done.” Jin told you and your eyes widen with fear when he stood up, making his way towards the end of the stairs where you stood.
“No! No! Please! Mean daddies!” You pleaded with tears, walking up the stairs backwards which was also a no-no. The others followed behind Jin, now worried that you’d trip and abruptly told him to stop moving.
Even when Jin stopped following you, you turned your back and run upstairs and to your room, slamming the door shut behind you.
The boys sighed as they stood there in silence. “I hate this.” Yoongi admitted, guilt brewing in his stomach when you started crying and the boys agreed in hums.
“But we can’t put this off anymore or it’ll come back to bite us in the ass. We aren’t getting rid of it.” Jin spoke as if reminding them cause it felt like you were going through the six stages of grief.
“Maybe she doesn’t realize that. We should try to make her understand the situation more.” Namjoon suggest and without another word Taehyung pushed himself between them and up the stairs. Jimin tugged on his arm before he could go further.
“You guys just stay here for a while.” He told them ultimately ignoring their confused and concerned glances before continuing up the stairs and to your room.
Taehyung’s heart broke when he could hear your sobs from outside your door. He couldn’t help but feel the slightest bit guilty that his whining had caused you all of this. They knew it brought you some type of comfort but your attachment was getting unhealthy.
When he knocked on your door, your sobbing stopped but he could hear you shift on your bed. “Go away.” You told whoever was on the other side in a shaky voice.
“It’s Tae Tae. I just wanna talk.” He told you and not giving you another chance to refuse before he slowly opened the door to your room before softly closed it.
You watched him with glossy eyes and short shaky breaths as he made his way to the edge of your bed. He held out his arms for you and you slowly climbed into his lap, clinging onto his shirt for dear life as you two hugged.
He combed through your messy hair and after you had calmed down, he spoke. “Baby, why do you like blankie so much? You were over Minnie Mouse ages ago.” He asked trying to understand your attachment to it.
You sniffled before answering, “Because it protec me. Like at the airport.” You stated and at first Taehyung was just confused until he realized what you meant.
The blanket was a split second decision. You were at the airport with them and had spotted it in a store for a brief second. The boys couldn’t resist saying no to you when your eyes sparkled just describing what it looked like to them.
They couldn’t go out and buy it themselves, there was to much press and it was a baby scandal waiting to happen. So they sent out some staff to go get it and you were over the moon when it was in your hands. It was one of the easiest flights with you ever and you were fast asleep the whole time.
The boys had joked about how magical the blanket was and how it protected them from any bad behavior (mostly talking about you). Hearing that, I guess you took it to heart and vowed to take it everywhere.
The worst part of it all was that it worked.
Whenever you took the blanket anywhere you were on your best behavior and had no mishaps.
“Oh but honey, it doesn’t need to protect you at home. Nothing bad can happen here and if something does that’s what we’re here for.” He explained with a beaming smile, happy that they had gotten somewhere. “You trust us right?”
You nodded hurriedly. Of course you trusted your daddies to protect you. They were super safe and had protected you many times before. And now that you thought about it, nothing had ever happened at home…
“So while we’re protecting you, blankie can get a nice bath.” Hoseok spoke softly, you hadn’t even realized that the rest of them were slowly making their way into the room hearts fluttering when you said you trusted them.
“Bath?” You repeated and he nodded with a reassuring smile. “You know when you get icky after an accident or playing in the mud? Blankie feels icky too.” Jin stated and they watched with anxious eyes as you glanced down at your blanket. You guessed it did look less pink, and you had seen a ketchup stain that felt weird when you laid on it.
“Blankie feels icky?” You asked still nervous and the boys smiled, knowing that they had finally convinced you to crack. They would help you feel safe and the blanket would finally get washed.
“Very.” Jimin answered scrunching his nose. He made a mental note to bring up cleaning your room to get rid of the smell.
“Can I help with the bath?” You asked eyes slowly started to brighten which warmed the boys hearts.
“Absolutely!” Tae grinned.
“Now you can’t get in, but you can help wash.” Yoongi clarified but it didn’t seem to matter to you which made him feel proud of you.
Moments later you waddled off be bed and handed the blanket over to Jin causing them to shower you with praises about how good and brave you were. It made you feel a lot better.
After everyone put on gloves, including you, they all headed to the bathroom and got it ready. You had wanted a lot of bubbles and they didn’t fight you.
“We should have used the washer and dryer.” Jungkook said his arm covering his nose when the smell got worse. He was the one with the most sensitive nose so they put him on snack duty instead.
“And the tub is going to be ruined.” Namjoon pointed out when they had drained the nasty brown water for the third time.
“It’s better than buying a whole new dryer.” Jin scolded them with a huff. Not like they couldn’t afford millions anyways.
“I got pink dye.” Taehyung said when he came rushing in out of breath. He had ran all the way to the store when he had thought of the brilliant idea.
After hours of hard labor and letting everything set you were reunited with your blanket right before going to bed. You had been tucked in, teeth had been brushed, story had been read but they could tell you were still sad about not having it with you.
You let out a loud gasp when Namjoon came in the door with it in hand. It smelt like flowers and it got some of its color back. Not good as new, but you didn’t mind.
“Thank you daddies.” You whispered, yawning when it was in your hands. They looked at you with loving eyes at the adorable sight.
“Thank you for being so brave.” Yoongi said back giving you a soft kiss on the forehead before tucking you in himself. Your daddies always knew how to make you feel safe.
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austinsmutler · 1 year
EEK i’m so happy you answered the request so i’m sending another one🤯🤯))
Austin! Elvis going to a press conference and seeing reader who is a famous singer. they grew up in tupelo but instead of going to memphis, reader was big in New York. After finally meeting again, they become as good of friends as they used to be. elvis begins harboring feelings for reader again?
during this press conference, reader gets a lot of “who’s your s/o” or “are you married yet” questions. Elvis can see the visible discomfort and sadness from the reader so he decides to step in. He asks for different questions and holds her hand under the table in a way to comfort them? at the end of the conference, elvis kisses reader and says some cheesy stuff like “for the next conference, you can answer yes to all the boyfriend stuff”
thank you so much EEK
Anon, did we just become best friends? I think we did. Thanks so much for this ask, and keep 'em coming! This one was such a cute idea, and so fun to write.
Thinking About You - Austin!Elvis x Reader - 3,900 Words
What you’ll like: Protective Elvis, 70s Austin!Elvis, BDE Elvis, Elvis stands up for reader, second-chance romance between old friends
Warnings: Period-typical misogyny (in SPADES)
Masterlist | Requests are currently open (Please tell me everything you want!)
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The press conference wasn't until tomorrow, but the hotel was already packed. Just take care of business. That was the only thing Elvis could think through all the noise, the shouting reporters and camera flashes.
But he had an evening to prepare for the worst of it.
He’d been first to arrive at the hotel, But he was only one of the big names up for an interview. The other artist and the conference moderator were arriving tomorrow. He didn’t even know who they were- hadn’t looked at the conference program or really anything to do with the press event. He just knew it was about music, that the Colonel was trying to set up a collaboration between Elvis and this other artist. The Colonel said it was vital to make an appearance. So here he was, appearing.
Answering a few questions (“I’m so excited for the conference, we have a real talented musician coming out tonight and I can’t wait to meet ‘em”) he made a few excuses (“My manager’s calling me, sorry honey”) and went up to his hotel room. A penthouse suite that was big enough to feel empty. 
Graceland might have been a mansion, but Elvis liked to keep it full of family, friends, and music. This was the worst part of being on the road, Elvis thought as he pulled back the curtain to look at the New York skyline. The city was beautiful, but compact; crowded and cold. The Memphis Mafia were crashing on another floor entirely, exhausted from the day of traveling. This floor was reserved for VIPs only. 
Elvis wandered around his suite: a small kitchen area with fully-stocked cupboards catered to his tastes, a large bed with thick covers of purple satin and velvet, gold trimmings on the walls. Floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked half the city, the black roads dotted with yellow cabs and the gray sky above. 
“Although it's always crowded,” Elvis sang to himself softly, smiling down at the streets below, “You still can find some room… For broken-hearted lovers to cry there in their gloom…”
He shrugged the emptiness away, deciding to stroll along the floor instead of hanging there like a ghost in the gloom. The VIP lounge had a fully-staffed bar and a private kitchen, all fully-stocked with anything he could hope to order. 
“Whiskey and coke.” Elvis sat at the empty bar, surveying the green velvet booths. From this angle, there was a view of the brownish-grey Hudson river, just beginning to glow orange as the sun set over New York City. 
The bartender poured the drink just as the door to the lounge opened. Elvis turned in time to see a woman taking reluctant strides into the empty room, hair perfectly-coiffed, eyes darting around the room, only to freeze on him. His fingers tightened on his glass as he recognised who it was. 
** ** ** **
“Elvis Presley,” A smile broke over your face, “It’s been a while, huh?” 
Your heart hammered in your chest as Elvis got up, drink forgotten on the bar, and gave you a hug. Almost a decade since you last saw each other, but his arms hadn’t changed a bit. 
“Wow, look at you.” Elvis pulled back, looking you up and down. It was hard not to feel self-conscious as he drank you in. You wore your best New-York-casual outfit. It glittered like the city lights with every movement, the egg-yolk orange sunset haloing you and Elvis as everything else seemed to melt away. 
You were glad you’d come dressed to impress- granted, that was due to the vultures outside with their cameras. Press conferences weren’t your thing, but your manager had insisted on coming here. 
Then you’d seen Elvis’ name on the program, heard about a possible collaboration, and your mind was set. 
“You’re not so bad yourself, E.P.” You grinned, using the old nickname everyone had called him in high school. Elvis returned the smile with his now-famous lip curl. He wore a red button-up that rose high on his neck, black flares and shiny boots that added to his already-considerable height.
“C’mon, let me get you a drink.” Elvis ushered you to the bar with one hand on your upper back. A respectful touch, but one that sent electricity sparking up your whole body. You fought it away with a shiver, which Elvis caught. “Are you cold? I can ask them to check the thermostat.”
“No, I’m fine, thanks.” You grinned. Protective as ever, after all this time. “I’d ask what you’ve been up to since moving to Memphis, but I think there’s not a soul in America who doesn’t know that.”
He laughed, “You could say I’m a modest success.”
“You must be proud.” You smiled, ordering a gin and tonic. Anything to loosen up under the way he looked at you, blue eyes focused on nothing else. 
Elvis shrugged. “I always wanted to make music, and I’ve been doing just that. Rock ‘n Roll, Gospel, Rockabilly, Country. I’ve done a little of everything at this point.” He sipped his drink. “What about you? I heard you were doing well, but I haven’t heard from you since…”
“High school?” You could still remember the last time you’d seen each other: a tearful goodbye as Elvis went on tour and you went to college, certain never to meet again. “Well, you know I was supposed to go to college here, but I actually dropped out. Realized medicine wasn’t for me.”
You smiled at the memories of that simpler time, when you had no idea how the music industry worked. “My first album didn’t do too bad, if I do say so myself. I’m not exactly touring all 50 states, but I do alright for a lil girl from Tupelo.” 
“I’ve seen you on magazines. I almost didn’t recognize you at all the first time, when you did that cover for Modern Woman…” He trailed off, slack-jawed. 
“Well,” You chuckled, “They slap a lot of makeup on me. I use my pseudonym, and I never talk about my personal life. As far as anyone knows, I was born in New York at the ripe old age of eighteen.”
“I have your album at home.” Elvis murmured, looking down at his drink. Were his cheeks lightly pink, or was that the light? You couldn’t tell for sure. “S’nice. Your voice- I’ve never forgotten it. Always thought that record sounded just like you.”
“Wonder why.” You laughed. “It’s so good to see you again, E.P.” 
“You have no idea.” The smile on his face was happy, but not entirely. Sadness echoed in his eyes for a minute- if you didn’t know him so well, you might not have caught it. You pursed your lips but didn’t ask. 
Even after years apart, conversation flowed between the two of you all-too-easily. Eventually the two of you moved from the bar into a booth, still sitting side-by-side instead of across from each other. It was as if there were an unspoken agreement between the two of you: no more distance. A decade was more than enough. 
“You never told me you wanted to be a singer.” Elvis coked an eyebrow at you. “Any other secrets I should know about?”
You shook your head with a grin. “I didn’t know myself, to be honest. You taught me how to play guitar, and when I moved to New York I had nobody to talk to, so I spent all my time in my dorm, playing until my fingers bled.”
You showed him your calloused fingers, the sure mark of a musician. They matched his perfectly. 
“Anyway, one night my roommate pretty much forced me to go out with them to this bar, and they were having an open mic. I didn’t want to do it at first, but my roommate was like ‘You’ll keep me up all night playing, but when you have a real audience you’re suddenly shy? Come on!’ So she shoved me up and I played some Big Mama Thornton. Started with Up Above My Head, then Ball n Chain, Hound Dog... They didn’t let me off the stage till dawn.” 
You smiled at the memory. The crowd, the encouragement when all you’d felt before was fear, everything about being a musician pulled you in. Almost everything.
“The rest is history. Thanks for those guitar lessons, by the way.” You nudged him with your elbow. “You could really make a career out of this music thing.”
He laughed. By now the sun had long since set, and Elvis’ face was perfectly framed in the purple neon lights of the lounge, making him look dark and mysterious. Masculine and sexy. You squeezed your thighs together under the table, trying to fight the more inconvenient memories away. That would hurt too much. 
The last time Elvis had kissed you was the day he left for tour. He left first, leaving your hometown empty. Letters had hurt too much to write, phone calls became too strained and distant, so you’d agreed to stop. But there were no hard feelings- you’d always understood each other, and that hadn’t changed, even though everything else had. 
But here you were. Older, established artists, with separate lives that parallelled perfectly. When Elvis’ hand brushed over yours, you didn’t pull away. He shot you a shy smile- the same he’d had when he asked you out to prom all those years ago. Young, naive, vulnerable. Some things never change.
You stayed in the VIP lounge, talking about life. The music you both enjoyed now, experiences with other celebrities (you’d made an infamous movie with Marlon Brando, leading to a lot of unfounded rumors). Eventually you got to ask how things were back in Memphis. You hadn’t visited in years. 
“Well, we’ll have to change that.” Elvis gave you that curled-lip smile, the one that melted every heart in America- but it had touched yours first. A spark of pride flamed in your chest, but you squashed it down. 
“Is that an invitation?”
There was his hand again, fingers warm on yours. 
“You come to Graceland whenever you feel like it. Just rock up, I don’t mind.” Elvis chuckled. “When they ask, tell security at the gate your name is Blue Suede Shoes. They’ll know you’re alright.”
Your heart fluttered. “Elvis Presley, you can’t just go giving anyone and everyone your secret passwords.”
“You aren’t just anyone.” 
You did your best to ignore the gleam in his eye. You’d probably just imagined it anyway. So much had changed- too much- and yet he was still the same man you’d loved all those years ago. 
Loved. Suddenly none of those feelings felt past-tense.
“I should go to bed.” You pulled away, ignoring the flash of hurt in his eyes. “You should too, conference starts early tomorrow.”
“I don’t sleep much these days anyway.” Elvis offered a weak smile. “Can I walk you to your door?”
You stood on shaky legs- how many gin and tonics had you ordered? 
“If you like.” 
He frowned at your cool tone, but nodded. When you stumbled in your heels, he watched as you kicked them off without ceremony, padding along the luxurious, carpeted corridor in bare feet. 
“Remember when we’d drive down to the creek, in summer?” He spoke softly, and your pace slowed. “You wore those shorts your Momma hated.”
“You loved ‘em.”
“Wonder what she’d say to those shoes.” 
You shared a chuckle- while Elvis’ family maintained traditional Southern values, they also had a rebelliousness your family didn’t understand. Your mother went to special pains to ensure you kept your shoulders covered at all times, never touched makeup or booze, never wore a skirt north of your knees. 
The hotel room door loomed over the two of you, ornate and inviting. 
“Well, goodnight.” You turned to go, but Elvis’ fingers wrapped around your wrist, pulling you close. You looked up at his eyes, clear blue and inches from yours. His breath fanned hot across your face. He hesitated for a moment before wrapping his arms around you, tucking your head beneath his chin. 
“It’s been good to catch up, darlin’.”
He was still standing there, easygoing smile on his lips, when you locked the hotel door behind you. 
** ** ** **
Sleep didn’t come for you that night, and by the time sunlight streamed in through the ornate silk curtains you were kicking yourself for letting Elvis back into your head. The press were ruthless, ready to take any crumb of what you could give them and spin it into a national headline. You needed to choose your words carefully, to be ahead of whatever questions they could ask, but you weren’t. 
You put on a white suit with sharp shoulders and golden embroidery down the sleeves. It made you feel like a queen, but it didn’t take away any of the grogginess. You placed dark aviator glasses over your eyes and headed out with a sigh. 
“Excuse me?” You manager, Joey, ripped them from your face the minute he saw you. “We want them to see your face, sweetheart.”
They were about to announce names in the next room, the moderator taking initial questions from reporters. Your heart thumped so loud it drowned out every other noise. 
“The cameras flash really bright in there. I’ll look worse if I’m constantly blinking the lights out of my eyes.”
“Why do you think people buy your music?” Joey said with an exasperated sigh. “You’ve got a unique sound, sure…” 
He gripped your chin and you fought the urge to pull away. “But your face? There’s a reason we call that the moneymaker.”
“Is there a problem here?” Suddenly a large presence was behind you, and Joey released your chin so he could take two steps back. When you turned, Elvis was glowering at the other man. 
“No problem!” You squeaked. The situation with your manager was… standard, from what you could tell. Other female singers went through it all the time. “Joey was just giving me a… pep talk, before we get started.”
Elvis quirked an eyebrow, but his shoulders relaxed a little. “You’ll do great. You’re the queen of New York blues.”
Those two sentences filled you with pride, and your heart slowed, just a little. Elvis studied your face like he was trying to read your mind, and it was all you could do not to blush under those blue eyes. 
Then someone called his name, and he disappeared through the curtains to greet the crowd. There was only one rule at the press conference: each performer would have the spotlight, on their own, for ten minutes. Elvis’ manager swung it so he was on stage all by himself for the first ten minutes- even if you wanted to steal the spotlight, it would be impossible. Smart. 
His solo time was over in a flash though. Your name was called and Joey all-but pushed you out in front of the sharks. 
The flashes instantly blinded you, and you almost stumbled on your way to the table, but you sat down without a hitch. Step one, check. 
“Howdy.” You smiled into the microphone, prompting another roar from the crowd. Then the questions began.
“When are we going to see another album from the queen of New York Blues?”
“Keep an ear out. My new single will be out next week, and an album not long after.” 
“Your last album had a whole lot of love songs, can you tell us what - or who - your inspiration was?”
The question would have made you stutter, but with a glance to the moderator, you knew you were on your own. 
Then a warm hand found yours under the table. You could feel the cool metal of his signet rings, and it relaxed you. Elvis.
“Inspiration is a funny thing for any artist.” You managed to keep your voice steady. Almost friendly. “Blues comes from the South: work songs, field songs, church music, folk and pop all coming together. It’s full of pain and love. It just so happens that when I write a song, I draw more from love.”
Your fingers dug into your knees under the table as you realized your mistake. Too specific. It gives them too much of an in.
“So is it safe to say you’re in love?” 
“With my music.” You said with a firm smile. “Every Friday I put on my red shoes and dance the blues, gentlemen.”
A chuckle spread through the crowd, but one reporter wasn’t ready to drop it. “Are you currently seeing any men?”
“Yes, a whole lot of them. Right in front of me.” Another laugh from the crowd, Elvis’ hand gave you a reassuring squeeze under the table before withdrawing. When you chanced a glance from the corner of your eye, he was smirking. 
“Do you have a boyfriend?”
“Why, are you interested?” Your chuckle was a little high-pitched, forced. You could keep your cool well enough, but this was the part of the job you hated: the scrutiny of everything personal. It wasn’t enough to put your soul into your art, people wanted a piece of everything else too.
“Just interested in the truth.” The reporter smiled, but it was more of a sneer. “Who are you seeing?”
“Nobody.” Eloquent answers hadn’t worked, maybe short ones would. 
“Dating around?”
“No.” You shifted in your seat.
“What do you have to say to the rumors about your secret marriage?”
You rolled your eyes. “I starred in one movie with Marlon Brando. As a background character. We never even spoke.”
“Is that a hint of bitterness there?” A laugh- at your expense- broke through the crowd. You forced a smile. 
“Could we get some questions about her music, please?” Elvis leaned forward with a pointed gleam in his eyes. “C’mon, this is the queen of New York Blues here, fellas.” 
He glared at the moderator, who checked his watch. “Actually, it’s time to open up the floor to questions for both artists. Who would like to begin?”
The next few hours went by in a blaze of questions- mostly for Elvis, but a few about your upcoming album and collaborations. If any reporters asked personal questions, you deflected them- or Elvis glared at the reporter until they decided to change tactic.
By the time the event was finally over, you just wanted to go back up to your hotel room and collapse in bed. Maybe cry. Definitely cry. Something about giving away so much of yourself at once felt like being ripped to shreds, even if it was your job to feed the frenzy. 
“What were you thinking?” Joey said as he walked you to the elevator. He put on an insulting falsetto, “‘Oh, I’m not seeing nobody’, ‘No, I don’t date’- what was that? We need the fans to think you’re available, not a nun.”
“Yes sir.” Irritation knit your eyebrows together, and Joey pointed at your face. 
“And that. What have I told you about smiling? People want to see you as their happy girlfriend, not their miserable old crone of a wife.”
“I’ll get it right next time, Joey.” Your smile was all teeth. “They seemed excited about my next album.”
“Humph.” He grunted as you reached the elevator, you stepping inside while he hung in the doorway. “I’m going to be taking follow-up questions. I’ll try to sow some actual intrigue around your personal life, see what I can do to salvage this.” 
He took your aviators out of his pocket and tossed them at your feet. “You forgot these.” 
A growl interrupted the moment before you could think of a reply.
“You gonna get in that thing or what?” A low voice drawled from behind Joey, who turned to see Elvis glowering at him for the second time that day. 
“Not at all, Mr Presley. Fantastic job today, by the way.”
“Hmm.” Elvis dismissed the man with a wave of his hand that left no room for discussion. 
Once the elevator doors closed, he knelt to pick up your sunglasses. “You drop these?”
“Um. Yeah.” You blinked back tears, pasting on a smile. “Thanks, E.P.”
People want to see their happy girlfriend, not a miserable crone. 
Joey was a good manager. He could book you in anywhere- all the bars and clubs and even a few theatres, which was almost unheard of for a Blues artist, much less a female one. But the price you paid for that - aside from 40% of your royalties - was being ground into the dirt after every performance, musical or otherwise. You knew he enjoyed it, got a thrill out of tearing his performers down after seeing them built up. But there was nobody better in the business.
“You could do better than him.” Elvis said as you rode the elevator to the penthouse. 
“Who, Joey?”
“I know it’s not my place, but you’d really be better off with a player like Brando.”
“Me and Joey?” You laughed. “We’re not a couple. He’s my manager- just my manager. I wasn’t lying about being single.” 
You squeezed your eyes shut, clamping a hand over your face. “But I can’t believe they asked about Brando. When I heard that rumor, I never thought they’d actually say it to my face.”
“Unprepared paps.” Elvis mumbled with a roll of his eyes. “Always ask stupid questions.”
“I hate them.” You spoke without thinking. It felt good. “Every time they ask me anything, it always goes the same way. Who am I dating? What does my non-existent boyfriend think of the album? When am I getting married? If I wanted to answer those questions I’d call my Momma."
Elvis smiled at his shoes, glancing at you from the corner of his eye. The elevator pinged and the doors opened on your floor. You both got out, but didn’t make a move. His room was on the right, yours on the left. 
"It’s not like anyone’s interested, anyway.” You'd meant it as a joke, a parting word, but Elvis stopped you before you could turn around.
Before you could open your mouth, his lips were on yours, hands cupping your face gently. Like you were something precious. He was the only man who’d ever touched you so reverently, like he was lucky to be so close to you. 
The kiss was soft, but hungry. Before you knew it, Elvis had you backed against the wall, his hands on your hips as he devoured your lips until you had to break apart to breathe. 
“Consider me interested.” Elvis breathed, thumb stroking over the small of your back. 
“E-” His name turned into a gasp as Elvis’ lips found your neck, finding the sweet spot where your neck met your shoulder, as easily as he had when you were teens in the back of his truck. He remembers everything, doesn’t he?
“Next time they ask,” Elvis kissed just below your ear, “You can answer yes to all those questions." 
He pulled back to look in your eyes.
“Please.” He said, even though he hadn’t phrased it as a question.
You nodded, leaning up for another kiss. “I forgot what it’s like.”
He looked at you curiously. 
“You. Being close to you. E.P, I’ve never stopped thinking about you. I know it’s only been a day, but you still make me feel… safe.”
His arms tightened around you. “I should’ve called you more, on that first tour. I was an idiot, darlin’. I hope you can forgive me.”
“Kiss me again. I’ll consider it.”
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septnautical · 4 months
Hmm I suggest he goes to a base where there should be a person named Robin that might be able to help him
(I know you meant Robin Ayou from Below Zero but considering how that game ends and this being 100+ years after the games- I took some creative liberty ;3c)
Marvin swam around the shallows more- eventually finding a forest of creepvines, just like home! He grins and swims around them, reveling in the familiar feeling of the leaves against his cape and skin. Though- there didn’t seem to be any stalkers nearby… just those weird white peepers he’s seen before.
But, there is some of those strange White Islands again up on the surface. Hm… since it seemed kinda safe over here- maybe he could get a better look at them.
He warps himself up to the surface and goes to peer more at the strange cold substance. He pokes it more- seeing in some spots that it’s somewhat see through.
“What are you…?” He whispers.
Then, suddenly there’s a splash right next to him and Marvin screams in surprise. But- it’s not a fish or predator.
He’s staring face to face with a… a human…?
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The human seems to be a young girl, about the age of the refugee kids. She has tan skin and brownish hair and bright purple eyes. She gasps as she sees Marvin and grins wide, showing off fanged teeth.
“I thought I heard a big fish down here but that made no sense!!” The human giggles, “You’re not a fish!! You’re a hybrid too!!”
Marvin gasps and then backs up, staring at the girl with horror. He then warps around quickly, spurring up to the surface behind her to see- yup.. a tail! A blue gray tail with many many fins- what the hell?!
He warps back and pants, and she stares at him flabbergasted.
“That is so cool!! How do you do that?! I’ve never seen anyone ever able to do that!!” She gasps and laughs in amazement.
“Who are you?!” Marvin interrupts with a growl, eyes wide as he stares at the little hybrid before him.
The tiny hybrid doesn’t seem fazed at all. “I’m Penni! But, Robin also says that I’m PH-02 but we all don’t like that name that much!”
Marvin winces- half-expecting his warper information trance thing to take over but… nothing? Weird… wouldn’t Alterra have files on other hybrids in their systems?
“R-Robin…?” Marvin asks.
“Dr. Robin! She’s like our mom! Except also not really. she says that’s apparently not how that works but she says she takes care of us like one!” Penni grins.
Marvin blinks slowly. The hell is a mom? And… “uh… us? There’s more of you?!”
Then, there’s a terrifying roar beneath him that has him yelping in fear. A dark red figure is charging right at him! And are those mandibles?!?
He warps out of the way and down by the sea bed, curling up and hiding his head beneath his arms.
There’s a loud TWACK and a cry of distress and Marvin looks back up in confusion. Whatever had charged to attack him- their mandibles were now stuck in the White Island thing! And now that they’re not moving… it’s another hybrid…?!
“Cora!!” Penni yells and pushes herself off the island, “It’s okay! It’s okay! He’s one of us!”
The other hybrid, Cora apparently, growls at Penni as she tries to pry her mandible free. Marvin can see now this hybrid is also a girl- with very dark skin and fluffy curly hair bundled up into two low pigtails. And both of the hybrids were wearing long wet suit like shirts with Alterra’s logo on them.
Once Cora’s free- she whips around to look down at Marvin, claws drawn and fangs bared. But then she pauses as she really takes a look at him- then her eyes widen. She quickly grabs Penni and pushes her behind her mandibles.
“W-What are you?!” Cora demands, “W-who are you? I… I’ve never seen a fish like you before!”
“I… I guess you wouldn’t have… I think I’m… far away from home,” Marvin admits, “But uh… I’m Marvin and… I’m not here to hurt either of you- I promise.”
Cora seems to deflate a bit- but she still glares at Marvin suspiciously. “…what are you here for then?”
“I… I’m not sure, really…” Marvin says, rubbing his arms and flicking the ends of his tails. “I wanted… answers to some stuff I guess… wanted to find stuff about these things called the… architects?”
Penni perks up from behind Cora and grins, “Oh oh!! Robin knows soooo much about those guys! She studies all sorts of things around here! I bet she could help you!”
Marvin looks back at Penni with wide eyes. He looks between her and Cora then asks sheepishly, mostly asking the more aggressive hybrid of the bunch, “is it… okay if I meet her then?”
There’s a tense beat of silence before Cora eventually sighs and flicks her tail, “…alright. But no funny business okay, Marvin?” She spits out his name like it’s poison.
He winces but then nods. “Okay…”
“She’s up on the ice- not too far.” Cora says shortly, swimming up to the surface by the White Island.
Marvin blinks and follows after, “Oh… is that what this white stuff is called?”
Penni barks out a laugh, “you don’t know what ice is?! The ocean is full of it!”
“There’s nothing like this where I come from…” Marvin admits, his cheeks flushing a bit.
The brunette hybrid laughs more, “that’s so crazy!! I can’t even imagine that!”
As they swim around… Marvin can really tell that these two are.. way younger than him and his brothers. He hadn’t seen baby hybrids since he was one. That means… they must have been made after him and his brothers were. But if that were true… why? And why weren’t there any big signs of Alterra around? Why weren’t these guys in the database?
Something strange was going on here… but he had to admit he’s relieved that Alterra doesn’t have their grubby fingers over here. If he could bring his brothers here…
Marvin is snapped out of his thoughts by a sharp flick of a red tail in his face.
“Look alive, stranger,” Cora growls. “Robin’s right up here.”
Marvin blinks up and then pushes up to the surface, trying to sink his claws into the ice and hoist himself up.
Penni bursts up after him and expertly scales up the ice and pushes herself onto the surface. She waves wildly, “ROBINNN!! We found another hybrid!!”
There’s a woman on the ice- surrounded by a group of strange looking creatures. They have huge eyes on the side of its face and actually have legs! And their heads seem to be giant beaks. The woman has tan skin, a bit darker than Zara’s and brunette hair pushed to one side- the other half shaved. A bright blue strand of hair is braided on the longer side of her hair. And she’s wearing an Alterran uniform. She startles as she hears Penni’s shout and laughs a bit turning to face them, “is that so Penni? Lemme see-“
The doctor’s eyes widen as she sees the sight of Marvin clinging to the ice. “…WH-5…?!”
Marvin gasps back and shrinks down some. “Y-you know me…?”
Robin hurries over to kneel down by the ice and smiles warmly, “Yes! Actually I used to work with the hybrid branch over in the main sector! Oh but I haven’t seen you since you were just a few weeks old! Look at how big you’ve gotten!”
Marvin can’t help but look scared. She’s… a white suit. But, she helped watch over him and his brothers… and she seems… nice. Like the doctors from Ocean’s Arms.
“If you were there then… w-why are you here now…?” Marvin asks quietly.
“Oh I got reassigned to be over here. Or more accurately- I started here but went over there to help with the hybrid project then was sent back here to start prep for our own,” Robin explains. “We aren’t nearly as successful and well… no one really likes to stay working in the cold-“
Marvin shivers as a strong cold wind blows past them. Robin sees this and smiles softly, “why don’t we go talk more at our base? It’ll be warmer there.”
“…there’s no other white suits there… right?” Marvin asks through chattering teeth.
“Nope- it’s just us. I may not have had contact for a while but… I heard some stuff from Dr. Danan. She’s a good friend of mine. I promise- you’ll be safe here. No other Alterrans will know you’re here.”
Marvin deflates in relief at this then nods. “Okay… show me the way.” Then he pauses and finally looks back to meet Robin’s eyes, “oh and uh… b-by the way… my name is Marvin.”
Robin’s eyes shine as she smiles wider, “Marvin, huh? A pleasure to meet you then, Marvin.”
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n00bcat1234 · 1 year
People seem to like it when I post about my AvA/M shower thoughts so...
Last night, I literally laid in bed for so long instead of sleeping thinking about how all the villains in the AvA/M universe have a common theme.
That theme is taking things too far.
First, the most obvious 2, Dark and Dark Blue (wow why are those names so similar). Dark took his and Cho's plan to cause chaos too far, prompting AvA 5. Dark Blue took Purple's training too far and ended up hurting Purple and leaving him fatherless, with no one else after Orchid/Pink/Purple's Mom died, prompting the nether battle.
MT/Mango Tango/Mango/King/The King/Dark Orange/Brownish-Orange/Whatever else you may call him, the guy from AvM. He took revenge too far when he tried to destroy Minecraft when it was technically the operators' faults, presumably sacrificing his physical and mental health as well as Purple's mental health.
Some people might say Victim is a villain, but I don't think we have enough information on his intents for Cho and Orange (Might have to update this post when we find out more).
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An Evening It Was
I am lying on my bed, I don't know how long it has been maybe an hour maybe just 10 mins. The ceiling is white, plain, dull, it has no border designs, unlike back at my parents house, the one I left. Its just plane, square with a fan a little left from the center, probably those who lived before me had their bed right below it. There is a hook in center, where the fan was actually supposed to be, maybe it was for light bulb, who knows. Things fit in as one wishes, not the other way around. I have watched this countless time and thought same things. The fan is old and has dust settled on it, it hasn't been clean for last few months, nor been used much for last few weeks. There are also some spider webs, but no spider at sight, they left their home too. I hope they reached a good place, maybe they died on the way, or maybe they are alive at some better place than this hobbit's habitat. There is a big crack on the right wall, I have followed its path so many times, it looks like lighting, parting the sky but the walls are yellow not blue or grey, the crack is dark, not shining at all. The crack makes it's way to the window, opening up this box to the world, acting as a portal with white translucent curtains. Every morning the sun seeps in through them waking me up, somedays burning my soul, somedays healing my bones. The window is the only source of light in the room right now, it looks like sun will set sooner or later, the sky is in a fresh coat of purple hue with clouds orange, white and blue, in contrast to which the room is a muddy brownish blue. The clouds are slowly floating away to some far lands, they will lose their existence in form of rain soon, making some land feel alive again. Time is floating away too with the clouds, I wonder who was the first person who started calculating it. Why did they do so? What must have been so important for them to start quantization of time out of all things, trying to conquer something so unknown. It flows different for different things, how did they manage to make it acceptable to everyone? Within each breath I take, thousands or millions or more microbes must have been born and die let alone on my body, and then all on other humans body or that lake or the forests and literally every place, their flow of time is different than me. The clouds have passed the sky has been abandoned too, its now getting darker, a familiar shade of blue. The room is getting darker, the yellow walls looks muted into an unknown shade. The sun has set, left this side of earth to become still, calm, cold. There are yellow lights switching on, in houses outside of my room, windows lit, showing signs of existence one by one, forming a constellation on surface, while the sky turns darker, there are people alive and warm, people I don't know. There are no stars in the sky today, but the grey clouds hoarding around, it will rain, at least. There are crickets and insects who started chirping outside, toads and frogs are making a tune. Birds of night are playing in the sky, or maybe finding a shelter from the upcoming rain. Its dark outside, and so my room is now purely blue, with silhouettes of furniture, its growing colder. There is a distant noise of car honks and music, maybe someone is celebrating their joy. Its raining, the voices are dying, all I can hear is the rain getting louder and louder. The world is silent, the sky is crying. My hands are blue, my heart is quite, my breath is contained. The world has grown colder and I am cold with it too. So much time has passed. All i know is I am still lying on my bed.
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brooooswriting · 2 years
id like to request kate bishop x reader. they’re friends and kate comes to reader after getting injured and she is all worried and patches kate up and kate is wondering why she’s so worried and feelings are revealed and they get together and kiss and it’s just cute and fluffy (:
You and Kate have been friends for a while, you’ve been at nearly all of her archery events, you’ve been there when she destroyed the tower and you were the first person she called when she met Hawkeye. You, of course, were unbelievable happy for her, she now had a real chance of becoming an Avenger but you’ve never been more scared.
For you Kate was everything and the thought of her getting hurt killed you every night. But hey, you were just the best friend. All you could do was sit there and help her when she was hurt.
Which led to now. She sat on your couch with scratches and blood all over her face. Her suit was ripped at various places and even more blood soaked through the purple fabric turning it a dark brownish red color.
You tried to keep your tears in as you ran trough your flat to find your stuff. When you finally returned you had some tears running down your face but you continued nonetheless. You were dabbing her face with a cotton drenched in Disinfectant to clean the wound before putting band aid on it. “Now pull off your cloths so I can look at the rest of your wounds” your voice wasn’t even nearly stable as you helped her stand up. “What’s wrong y/n/n?” She asked as she pulled down the top of her suit revealing some deeper wounds. “Is that a freaking stab wound?!” You kinda screamed. “Wow calm down.. it’s not as bad as it looks ok? I’m fine” she tried to convince you as you got out some needles and other stuff to sew the wound.
“You’re Fine? You fucking need Stitches Kate!!! Stiches… You should be happy my parents force me to enroll in medicine!” You hissed while getting ready to do the stitches. “Y/n, I’m ok. What is the problem? Aren’t you happy that I’m an avenger? Or that I could at least be one? I fought some really bad guys today, they got Clint so I went to save him. It didn’t go as planned but you know what does go as planned? Nothing right?! So, and then I went…” Kate kept rambling on while you did your best not to hurt her.
“We’re all done, you should go take a shower. Have you eaten anything really today?” She mumbled a no making you shake your head and sigh. “Go shower” you demanded before walking into the kitchen. You quickly fixed some pasta and a drink before also getting some ice packs.
She came back down in sleepwear she always left at yours and wet hair. She looked as beautiful as ever to you even with all the bandaids and bruises in her face.
She settled on the couch as you gave her the food and her drink. “You really are a lifesaver. I wouldn’t know what I’d do without you” she said placing one of her hands on your thigh. You only mumbled a mhm staring into the distance.
“You should go to bed. I’ll take the couch” you said as you brought the plate in the kitchen and started to wash it. “What? That’s crazy. We always sleep in the same bed, why not now? I don’t like sleeping alone after stuff like that you know that… so what’s wrong that you don’t want to sleep in the same bed?” She asked concerned as she stood behind you. “I just don’t feel like it alright?” She nodded before making her way upstairs. What you didn’t see were the tears that were streaming down her face and her concerned look.
So here you were sleeping on your couch, well trying to sleep. Not only was the couch extremely uncomfortable but you also couldn’t really sleep without Kate after a mission like that. But you had to distance yourself if you wanted to survive this.
The archer also laid awake in your bed but soon decided that this was stupid. There was clearly something wrong so why wouldn’t you tell her? She decided to make her way downstairs to see if you were also awake. She approached the couch as quietly as she could until she saw that you’re awake.
“Hi, also can’t sleep huh?” She asked as she laid down behind you on the couch spooning you. You hated how it made your heart swoon and even more how you needed this. “Yeah…” it was barely a whisper as it left your mouth. “What is wrong? You’re hiding something and you shouldn’t. We always tell each other everything and I have the feeling that it’s hurting you. And even worse I have the feeling that it has something to do with me, so please just tell me. I can handle it. I promise.” You kept quiet first until she pressed her face into the back of your neck and pulled you even closer. You put your hand on top of the one that was on your waist before speaking. “Katie, it’s going to make things worse” you said stroking her hand. “No it will not. Just tell me. It hurts me to see you hurt” she insisted making you sigh.
“I hate to see you come here hurt every damn day. It hurts and I’m so damn scared. But I can’t say anything about it because I’m just your stupid best friend. I’m so scared that you’re going to get killed out there and I haven’t even had the chance to tell you how much I want to be with you! And so I’m sitting here every night hoping to see you in front of my door alive. It feels terrible. Especially because I know that you’ll be the greatest avenger ever, no matter what your stupid mom says, but it’s getting too much” you finally confessed and by now you were crying.
“Oh y/n why didn’t you tell me earlier? I can’t stop being me but I would very much like you as the girl I’ll come home to every night” she said which shocked you. The long pause scared Kate making her think that she misunderstood your whole monologue. “I mean only if that is what you want, I just thought you know, we like each other so this could be great. We do like each other right?”
“As Long as I’m the girl you’ll stay alive for in every mission that’s totally fine with me” you spoke out as you turned around to face her. “So you’re my girl now right?” She questioned nervously. She let out a ‘sweet’ which caused you to giggle. “Now kiss me you fool”
And oh boy, she did kiss you. She kissed you like no one has ever before. It wasn’t just a kiss it was a complete and signed love confession from the one and only Kate Bishop. “Clint is gonna be so happy about this” she grinned causing you to raise a questioning eyebrow. “The whole time I was only ever talking about you, the way you make me feel and how I want you to be mine. And now you finally are” she explained and kissed you again making you melt into her. “Only yours”
The next time Kate came home with way less injuries and Clint as she wanted her idol to meet the love of her life.
Kates life was finally going great, she didn’t need a supportive mom or a great college degree. She was going to be an avenger, she was friends with her role model and even more important she now had Y/n Y/l/n forever by her side.
I hope you have a great day :)
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sunny6677 · 2 months
Lila finds herself trying to be a little more responsible as a mother after certain events that took place recently (and involved an old priest she didn't recognize), but while she goes out into town one night with her son and his friend for a small camping trip in the forest—she visits the nearby cahdy store and meets a very awkward but charming man.
Kevin finds himself overcome with stress due to all of the shenanigans the two weird kids in Halloween costumes keep bringing him—but one night when they both stroll in, they're accompanied by a strangely beautiful lady with purple hair.
Chapter 1: Lila's Responsibilities.
Lila didn't know how to react. To being called an irresponsible mother by some old man who had just strolled out of her house. To her son feeling guilty and thinking he was a problem for her. To.. everything. The more she thought about it, the more she loathed herself entirely.
She didn't know why she was like this. Why she just.. did things the way she did. She trusted her son to go out on his own, and thought he'd be safe at his friend's out, but instead they both came running out of her house after the old man had walked out. How they had even got there, she still didnt know. As of now, it had been a few nights since those.. events. She still remembered holding her sleeping son in her arms after they both cried together—sitting on the couch and watching the TV with a blank stare in her eyes.
Everything was hard. In fact, was she and her son ever anything to.. him? He, who claimed they were everything? He, who claimed that he loved them so? He, who claimed to care for him?
The more she thought about him—the more her thoughts raced.
As of now, she was laying on her bed with her head laying on the pillow, her lips parted—her lilac-purple hair eith bangs completely messy and strung across the soft cushions of her bed. Her hands resting on her chest. The fan on the ceiling gave the room an empty whirring silence. And everything in her mind just felt.. empty, but not empty at the same time—? It was hard to describe.
A groan escaped her lips, and she lifted her hand—pressing it against her cold forehead.
"..what do I do now..?"
She asked aloud.
And.. as if to answer right then, she began to hear her phone buzz on the counter beside her.
She slowly turned her head. The phones light sped into her eyes, and she squinted, but as her eyes adjusted—she processed a familiar name calling.
...huh. What could she be calling for at this hour?
Turning over on her bed, she reached out her arm—struggling to find her phone for a few seconds, before she finally clenched it in her hands. The cold plastic surface of it rubbed against her palm. Once she lifted it up to her face, she pressed the green button on the screen, and lifted it to her ear.
"Heyyy, girl!"
Jaunes high-pitched, but soft and happy-go-lucky voice spoke from the other end of the phone. She could practically hear the smile on the brownish-blondes face.
"..hey, Jaune." Lila greeted with a sigh.
"You feeling okay?" Jaune asked over the phone, "I wanted to see how you were holding up after everything."
"..I'm.." Lila hesitated. "No. Not really. I don't know what to do, Jaune.." She found herself practically whining into the phones speaker—overcome with exhaustion. "I don't think anythings ever been this bad since.. ugh.."
"Ouch.." Jaune replied, her voice softening. "Uh.. well, I don't think I can talk for long since me and Aaron are about to go to bed. But why don't you see if you could try taking some time off? Like.. I dunno—maybe you could go somewhere nice!"
Lila thought for a moment. Yeah, that.. did sound nice, actually. She gave a sigh again. "..yeah. Maybe. I'll try seeing if the boss will let me take a few days off." She then smiled. "Thanks, Jaune."
"No problem, girl! I'll see you later, okay?"
"Yeah.. see you later."
The phone then gave an abrupt beep, signaling the cheerful woman on the other end of the line had hung up. Lila squinted, thinking of what she could do.
She really hadn't been able to spend that much time with her son lately, had she? She worked a lot, so she usually let him go over to his friends house. She'd always let him go out alone during trick or treating, even if she would sometimes go with him if she didn't feel like staying home. And she went out drinking a few days ago too, like the irresponsible mom she was..
..maybe she could make up for it. In fact, maybe they could go camping. It had been a little while since they had done something like that, actually. They still had their tents from the last time they went, and she could easily go out into town on a shopping spree tomorrow to get them some snacks and a few other things needed for camping.
She found the aching feeling in her head slowly fading as her thoughts began to swirl with ideas.
Day had come. And even as of now, Lila found herself still thinking about the idea. In fact, she found herself smiling as she did so, happily humming at the thought of spending some more time with her son who was currently kicking his feet and watching some cartoon on the TV she didn't recognize. She had even been so happy she went about every chore she usually dreaded doing in the early mornings with a large smile plastered on her lips.
As she walked into the corridor, and poked her head inside—she decided at least telling her son about the whole camping thing would be what she should do before actually considering it.
Lila called out into the room. She could hear her son shuffle on the couch, and then poke his head up—his eyes and smile visible from behind the circular skeleton mask he always wore. "Yeah, mom?"
"Would you like to go camping? I can see if your friend can come if you want me to."
"Oh! Yes!" Skid nodded, jumping up and down on the couch. In response, Lila gave a warm chuckle.
"Well.. okay. I'll go out into town later so we can get stuff for the camping trip. I'll ask your friend if he wants to go."
Skid nodded again. He then hopped off of the couch. She wasn't sure what he was doing, but he was probably going to go either call him right now despite her saying she'd call him, or he was about to go change even though they had a decent amount of time before they actually went camping.
Either way, it put a smile on her face as she began to turn around and make her way toward the telephone beside the entrance of the house.
"Hi, mo—wait, who's calling?"
The seven year olds nasally voice with a slight lisp asked over the phone.
"Uh.. just me! I just wanted to tell you that me and my son are going out camping! Do you.." Lila paused. "..wanna come over and go camping with us?"
The child's voice gasped over the phone, and he giggled. "Oh, yeah! Eheheh.. hold on! I'll let grandpa know!"
The child's voice was gone for a moment. Should she just.. let her sons friend walk by himself? She knew he walked over here plenty of times before, but the guilt that had been summoned by the old man's words a few nights prior began to sink into her mind.
After a few moments, the child's voice returned. "Okay! He said I could come over—"
"Alright! Uh—hey, I think I might actually come pick you up and bring you here. Is—that okay with you?"
"Huh? Oh, uh.. yeah, it is!" Pump said into the phone, sounding a bit puzzled by the change in routine.
"Okay—I'll see you later!"
"See you later, Ms. Lila!"
And just like that, the phone gave a beep, signaling the child had hung up.
Lila clenched the phone in her hand, setting it down back onto the booth. Slowly, she walked to the window—and looked outside. Her reflection stared back at her. But her reflection made the guilty thoughts in her head swarm less—a faint smile forming on her lips.
It was a bit hard to get used to this routine already. But.. it was at least a start.
She didn't really need to drive, seeing as the house of her sons friends wasn't even that far anyway. But for some reason, she felt driving was more appropriate than just walking. After all, her son would be safer in here. And there'd be less dangers of him just wondering off.
She had already come to a stop, hearing the car give a click as she unlocked the door. The familiar residence of the Wonders looming over the familiar green frontyard, two stories and large in size. There was nothing for a few moments as her son kicked his feet, eagerly watching.
And then, the door came open.
Her sons friend stood in the doorway, wearing the same bright orange pumpkin mask with a lime-green stem he always did—his grin visible behind his mouth-piece. He turned his head, saying something to Susie (his sister) who stood from behind. He stepped out onto the doorstep, running along the path as the black door slammed behind him. Her son began to wave with a smile—and in response, her sons friends greeted him back. On his back was a green bag—probably some items he had brought for the occasion.
Finally, her sons friend rounded around the car, and went to the door that held the empty spot of the back. Surprisingly, he managed to jump up, and pulled the door completely open.
As always.. both him and her son chimed in unison as her sons ftiend threw the bag onto the floor of the car, "Ayyye!"
Her sons friend practically hopped onto the seat, shutting the car door behind him. Of course, they crouched somehow in their seats, and began to throw their hands from side to side with gleeful smiles. Lila looked at them with a smile, and playfully rolled her eyes as she looked ahead.
"Alright, kids.. we'll go home first!" She explained, "And then we'll go out and get some stuff for camping."
"Okay, mom!" Skid said, ceasing his dance.
"Okay, Ms. Lila!" Pump said at the same time, smiling.
Lila softly chuckled, and wrapping her hands around the wheel of the vehicle that was still powered on, she began to drive foward along the road.
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esmereldapearl · 3 months
Chapter One
Sing-songs and The Smiths
Word Count: 1358
TW: Not really any other than minor Roman angst
“I thought you guys didn’t go to college or have families or anything like that?” Thomas asked, realizing he didn’t know as much about the sides as he thought.
“Let me explain this time since I wasn’t there last time it was explained to you” Roman said, glaring at Logan as he turned back to Thomas, “You created backstories for us, our families, our personalities, what we did at school, etcetera. It’s kind of like we’re each our own human with our own backstories. For example, I went to high school with Patton and some kid named David-“
“DAVID! I wonder what he’s up to..” Patton interrupted excitedly.
“So, it was me, not you Roman?” Thomas questioned, his eyes slightly squinting.
“Yeah- it wasn’t him. I mean why would he create such a backstory for himself or anyone here when it could’ve been so different- if he could choose, it’d be dystopian or almost medieval.” Virgil explained, crossing his legs as he sat on the steps, looking towards the ceiling as he threw a purple bean bag into the air.
“Coool… So wait, if you guys have families, who are they? Are they sides?” Thomas asked.
“They can step in if we can’t for some reason, or if they just want to. My sister does and then she likes to try to argue with Janus when she comes to visit.” Virgil dropped the bean bag next to him and sat up, “She likes to visit, she’s friends- or semi-friends with Remus and likes to hang out in my room.”
“Well, I think that’s enough information for today, I think I should be heading to bed, it’s getting late.” Thomas huffed.
“Yes, we wouldn’t want you getting off schedule.” Logan moved his glasses up closer to his eyes, crossing his arms before giving him a look of “go on”.
^~ Flashback ~^
Roman laid on his bed, staring blankly at his ceiling. It’s tough to deal with everyone but you being a favorite of your dad. He started to try to imagine a different world, a different place where it was calmer and he didn’t have to worry about that anymore. It made him feel safer and relaxed. A serene room where he could create anything. Completely white, and as he imagined his ideas would spark onto the walls, an automatic visual. His thoughts were starting to get louder though, so he pulled on his green sweatshirt with a college logo on it, and went outside. It was cool outside, he could hear how his blue converse’s hit the pavement or how his dark blue jeans were a bit too long and would scrape against the ground.
He knew once he got to Patton’s house, he’d feel a lot better but his house was two miles away and past a busy street. He pressed the crossing button and stuffed his hands back into the sweatshirt.
Once he started to reach Patton’s house, he noticed that Patton’s siblings were home too, playing out in the yard. His younger brother and sister were playing with a soccer ball and arguing over it. Emile, the middle child, looked very similar to younger Patton, although he had light brownish hair with his blue eyes. He liked to read in the tree outside normally, but he was playing with his seven year old sister, Beatrice, everybody called her Betty though. She was very different from her older brothers, she did have light blonde hair with pretty tight curls and always liked to debate. They only had a four year age gap, versus between Patton and Emile it was almost six. Roman wished he had a better relationship with his siblings like those three did, they were very close knit.
Roman did however notice a familiar car in the driveway, “Hey Emile, Betty, is Patton home?” He asked, knowing he most likely was, but wanted to see if who he thought was there, was there too.
“Yeah, David’s there too, they’re in his room.” Emile answered, he stepped on the soccer ball to stop his sister from getting it, although she tried.
After he answered, she stopped for a moment to go, “Oooooh David” in a very sing-song tone, her smile was noticeably different as she had lost one of her front teeth.
Roman started to chuckle from the teasing, he knew there was likely nothing going on between the two other than friendship, but it was still funny to hear her say that. Although, if she were mentioning it like that, had there been something she had known that Roman didn’t know, he wondered.
David was someone Roman didn’t particularly like because of how snarky he had been towards Roman. He wasn’t exactly sure when that had started, or even why it started, but it was happening and they got on eachothers nerves a lot because of how defensive the two were. Patton and David probably saw it as playful banter, but Roman saw it as someone who didn't like him or was getting at him.
Patton met David in middle school, but Roman wasn’t properly introduced to him until his freshman year of high school. David had dark brown hair with bright green eyes and tended to wear band t-shirts. Roman was pretty sure that David hadn’t listened to some of those bands, nor got them at the concerts like he had swore he did. In fact, a lot of their arguments started because he would lie about things that you normally didn’t need to lie about, like about the time he swore he was an only child until his sister had come to ask him a question. Roman wasn’t sure what his reasoning for lying about those things were, but he didn’t care very much to get to the point of it.
Roman had been to Patton’s house quite a bit as he got older. He didn’t like to be at home where his parents would fuss and favor his older sister and twin brother. He hated how clear the favoritism was from his father especially. Truly, his father had more favoritism for his siblings than his mother ever would. He had enough pride for his two eldest for it to go around he and his wife.
Patton’s room was on the second floor and down a small hallway, it was a very naturally lit house, and it mimicked his personality. Normally, Patton’s door was shut, but when he had friends over he liked to keep it open so he had more of a warning when Emile and Betty would run in arguing. His room was open, and he saw David in ANOTHER band shirt, this time for The Smiths. He and Patton were on the bed talking, David and him would both talk and make hand motions at the same time so they sometimes would accidentally hit each other's hands in the process.
“OH I’M SORRY!” Patton exclaimed, his hands grabbing David’s in a sign of comfort.
“Pat, it’s completely fine. It didn’t hurt and it’s not like you were deliberately meaning to do that- were you?” David raised an eyebrow, clearly knowing that he didn’t mean to but trying to get him to say it. A slight blush was forming on his face the longer they held hands, Roman was starting to question if Betty was actually correct.
“OF COURSE NOT! I don’t like violence!” He grabbed his hands back from him and held them up as if to defend himself.
“Hey guys” Roman said knocking on the open door, Patton seemed happy the conversation was changing.
“Roman! How are you, everything alright at home?” Patton got up to hug him, it was a little awkward since it was difficult for Roman to hug him back. David slightly smiled at him, a simple gesture he normally did to say hello to him.
Maybe it would all work out in the end. Maybe, he would just need to get through this difficult time to get to the part that he’d enjoy so much more. Five years down the road, married and would be able to look back and smile knowing he’s done it.
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kristowldeer · 1 year
A Dry Pie
Part 6
Yeah so here we are, PART SIX YOU KNOW. Our fandom is slowly dying and I’m sad about it. Actually I’m more sad that I didn’t watch PIB2 earlier when it was thriving all over the internet. ALSO I’m sad that my fav fanfic about Jack (Envy can be purple too- go read it) is frozen (?). But yeah, let us begin! There will be smut in the next chapter 😈
It was already quite late when they’ve arrived to the Horners mansion. Out of curiosity (Y/N) picked outside the window of the stoped carriage to look at the slowly opening gates. Towering stone walls were slightly shimmering in the lights of street lamps and were guarding the house from the outer world.
– It looks intimidating, – (Y/N) spoke quietly.
– Yeah, it’s intentional. What else did you expect?
– I don’t know, some florals and pastels, why?
Jack snorted but couldn’t stop his lips corners from forming a little smile.
Enormous and heavy gates were finally opened for the owner to ride in, and so they moved once more. They’ve stoped in the front yard of a big aristocratic estate. Jack was the first one to step outside the carriage that was slightly shifting under his impressive weight and offered (Y/N) his hand.
– Wow, – she looked around, – That’s impressive, mr Horner.
The three store building was truly luxurious. Its core was rusticated with almost black stone, whilst the upper floors were more smooth and slightly brownish. Counting the number of windows one could easily understand that the quantity of rooms in this building was truly impressive, and that was the main goal of the architect – to impress. Big dark columns near the main entrance were decorated with curved out tops in a leaves like pattern with some plums in them.
The garden was mainly consisting of neatly cut bushes and flower beds of different colours, mostly purple, of course. (Y/N) lingered to touch a delphinium blossom.
– Do you like it? – Jack’s face was brightened with a prideful smug.
– Of course, you have a magical taste in things, – with a hand gesture it was easy to understand that (Y/N) implied on herself.
This time her joke made Jack not just snort, but chuckle.
– I see you’re in a great mood today, – he looked her right in the eye, never letting go of her hand.
– Someone worked for it to happen.
Jack squeezed her hand tighter and bent to be closer to her ear, even though it would take him to squat for that to happen properly:
– If you won’t stop teasing I will take you right here.
– Fine, fine. You’re no fun, mr Horner.
– Me? Just wait till we’re inside.
– Inside of the house or…?
– I said stop it, – Jack stepped towards the already opened by servants doors of the mansion and almost dragged (Y/N) along.
Few maids and other servants including a butler were already standing in the hall to greet their master. Their eyes were eying (Y/N) with extreme caution because never before they’ve seen Jack Horner holding hands with a woman.
– Good evening, mr Horner, – the butler spoken, – The dinner is ready, should we, hum, – he quickly looked at you in somewhat disbelief, – prepare a table for two?
– Of course for two, what are you all, blind? This is miss (Y/N), and from now on she lives here, – he said it like nothing special happened, making one of the maids slightly gasp.
This one maid was practically staring daggers at (Y/N) since the beginning, making her slightly uncomfortable.
– So, why are you standing here like some idiots? You don’t have any work to do? Go!
And with those words the servants scattered. Jack laid a hand on the small of (Y/N) back to slowly push her to the grand staircase in the centre.
– So, miss (Y/N), how do you like the interior design?
– I didn’t had time to look at it properly as you know, but I’ve already noticed that you indeed like purples.
– Do you know any colour that is better?
– Probably not, – she chuckled.
– Anyway you’ll have plenty of time to look into it, I mean the interior, but now I want to show you the two most important rooms.
– Which are?
– Yours and mine of course, you silly girl.
Walking through the dark corridor enlightened by the candle light of the beautifully carved lamps (Y/N) looked at different paintings on the walls.
– If you want it I can buy you some paintings or order you a great portrait to hang it somewhere near your room, – with his nonchalant gesture of the hand it was clear that Jack liked to brag about his reaches a lot, like it was not a big deal at all.
– Thank you, mr Horner, I’ll think about your generous offer.
– Ah, here we are, – he pushed the door open.
A big room was made in dark pink and plum colours, leaving only the walls to be somewhat neutral – greyish white with merely visible flower patterns. There were a lot of florals in the decor too, like carvings and painting on the furniture, draping on the big baldachin bed and even the form of the chandelier somehow reminded a flower.
– This is yours now, do you like it? I redecorated it myself a few years ago.
In his tone one could here a stating that “no” was probably not an option.
– I do like it, mr Horner, – she gently put her hand on his arm, – Thank you.
Such subtle moves were making unaccustomed to any type of caressing Jack fall in little states of stupor, but he quickly composed himself.
– Yes, khm, of course you like it. I redecorated it out of pure boredom, actually. I thought that a proper room needs a table for writing, because before that there was only a tiny table for tea and whatever, – he once again delicately pushed (Y/N) in the corridor, – And you know how it goes: it all starts with a single table and then you find yourself changing everything. So, – Jack pushed a closest to her new bedroom door, – Here comes the master bedroom.
Deep purple room was practically screaming “here lives Big Jack Horner”, especially a truly enormous bed for a biggest man you can possibly meet on the streets.
– So I think you’re already impressed with the-
– Oh my god, can I? – (Y/N) looked at Jack with a pleading eye.
– What do you want?
– Can I lay on your bed?
– What, right now?
– Yes, you’re right, we can do it after the dinner.
– My dear, – Jack loomed over, – You will lay in this bed more often than you can imagine.
His hand started to crawl lower on her back, which made (Y/N) look around nervously:
– Please, what if someone will see us?
– So what? These are peasants, – all of a sudden he roughly grabbed her bottom, – Their opinion doesn’t even counts.
– Ah! Jack, what are you-
– Jack, huh? Last time you called me by my name you were practically drooling for me, – with his free hand he pulled (Y/N) chin up to look her right in the eye, – Are you ready to scream it once more?
– Jack, we can’t-
A sudden ringing of the bell came from the first floor cutting them short.
– Ah, the dinner is ready, you’re safe now, little doll. But after the dinner, – he pressed her closer to himself, – I will have my dessert.
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sweetcafa · 1 year
Mandela catalogue dessert AU x reader
You and Adam have just woken up from a strange hunger. Both nagging Johna to take you guys to a store. For some reason you and Adam have been craving some types of food for a few days. Adam always began to eat apple pies. You on the other hand became more interested in pumpkins.And or anything that had pumpkins. You had brought one and made sure it was perfect to eat outside.Even after eating a few a day ago you and Adam rested half hungry and half sleepy in the back of the van.
Once you finally got there it was till Adam jumped from the back that you woke up. Your hands rubbing your eyes to follow suit with Adam. Johna Behind you leading you to the store. Adam was at the small bakery side while you went to the small fruit side. Johna in the middle leaning on a shelf.Trying to get some sleep before you two were done getting your very late midnight snack. The lady in the register looked as sleepy and bored as all three of you. Soon you found a nice small but good pumpkin. Holding it in your arms like a cat walking to Johna. Adma came back with an apple pie that was still steaming. After paying you all went back to the van driving back. Your eyes glued to the sweet fruit in your hands. You felt your mouth water with a sweet scent. You could almost taste it.
At home you ran to the kitchen taking out a knife slicing the pumpkin with extreme force. Though Adam was next to you looking for a spoon Johna on the other hand moved slowly to his room. His door shut as soon as he reached it. Once you looked at the pulp in its glory you took a bite. But…you felt the taste in your mouth as you chewed it, allowing it to stick in your tongue. And oh boy did you hate it. The taste was sour, as if it was expired. You spit it out as soon as you feel it in the back of your mouth.
And you swore once you spat it out on the sink that the once slight orange color looked like a grape purple. Like it was modeling or rotting? But the sound of Adam making a “yuck” sound took your attention as moved his head away from the pie.“Yours tastes weird too?”You said slightly dazed. “yeah..” Adam responded with his hand trying to wipe the taste off his lips. “I am just getting some rest” He said walked away to the hallway. As soon as he left the sound of his door closing hit your ears. You took the time to get a drink of water. The sour taste still lingered.After a few glasses your stomach was still hungry but you mustard it up. Going off to bed.You took off your short sweater and kicked your shoes off. You rested in the bed feeling your head hit the pillow.
But something happened. Or would happen soon..
You woke up feeling a strange light hit your eye. Moving a bit you woke up. Your face scrunched up. A low grumble of curse words, unhearable words spat out. You sat up rubbing your eyes. Checking your phone. But to your dismay it would not turn on. You felt yourself fall back to your bed. But with some hit of suspicion. You wanted to see why it was so bright out in the hallway. Walking to the door you opened it. Preparing for your eyes to burn. 
And you were right, as soon as the door was open the light burned your eyes. luckily you felt like your eyes adjusted to the brightness.
And oh boy was it something. A bright purple and pink sky with the brightest sun you ever saw. Not only did this not look like the hallway. But it looked like you were in a complete other world.The sweet scent hit your nose as soon as you closed your door. Sweet peppermint and sugar scented everywhere.That was soon interrupted when a bump hit your shoulder.Taking you out of the  trace you were in. hearing someone you turn to see..Adam? He looked just as surprised as you. But once you notice him you also take in his appearance. It was strangely cute? He wore a light pink button up shirt with white levels. An apple crusted inspired hood. And dark black pants with brownish boots.And a half cut apple clip on his ruffled hair. You slightly chucked at his look. It seemed so childish for his age. But I guess you did like it. “What's up with the umm costume?” He looked at his clothes before shrugging. “What's up with yours?” He said as he pointed to your shirt.
That's when you noticed your strange outfit changed. A short light orange jacket. With a black sleeveless shirt connected to your shorts. Fingerless gloves with ropes of orange on the tips and ends.
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You wonder what was happening. A dream? It seems so real but how can any of these be real? Soon in the distance of the sweet pink road a figure was walking towards both you and Adam. The closer they got the more you were able to notice their strangely fancy appearance. A young man with black hair and a white top hat. A pink ribbon holding the base of the hat. A small group of strawberries laid on the surface of the hat/ while he wore a pink suit with a white button up coat splitting in the back. He had a bright pink bow on his suit holding a candy cane as if it was a walking stick. The small heels on his boots hit the road walking towards with a cheerful expression. ''Ah there you two are!. I was worried you two might have not shown up!” The man said as his heel finally clicked standing a couple feet near you two. Adam spoke up..confusion in his words. “Where are you supposed to be here…?where are we to be honest?” That's when the top hat man gave a slight cheerful laugh. “Oh dear you two must have not read the sigh?” 
Before you could try and understand what he ment. His candy cane moved upwards pointing at a sign a few feet away from him. He then walked to the both of you as he pushed both of you,Adam's shoulders leading us to the sign. Once he stood back we both read it. To say you were speechless was an understatement. There on the cracker-like board with vanilla frosting on it. It spelled the words “Welcome To Mandela Catalog”. You looked back at the man in the suite. His face grinning as he walked closer. “Welcome home dear Y/N!”
What have you and Adam gotten into?
<recipe made>
Hope you all enjoy my first fanfic series. 2 requested dessert au so I thought it be fun to make the story to help build their request. Anyway, I am start working on those and then pt2. Stay safe and enjoy your stay!
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mina-star · 4 months
COMFORT HOUSE (Warning! This has body shaming!!!! I don't want to make any of you uncomfortable, so I'm being upfront about it now. This series includes some of my personal insecurities!)
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It's been around a few Weeks since What the house dubbed "Accidentally Miracle" and The Lady Visits every night or trys to.
This night was no different
She landed in her bedroom hitting her with the smell of Cherry blossom. The room it's self was a little fancy with one of those canopy beds with a purple sheet on the poles. A heart shaped rugs on either side of the bed. The rooms walls was a dark magenta with a dark purple carpet. A dresser with stickers on it above it was a TV on the wall. Next to the dresser was the Door to the Bathroom and Shower. On the next wall was The door leading out of it. And the wall where she entered was next to the Closet.
She opened the door greeted by the long hallway.the house was bigger on the inside then it looked on the outside. Kind of like the tardis. In front of her was the stairs and the slide which was a pink which a bit of contrast to the brownish walls lined with white. She walked down the stairs and the house itself was quiet which uncharacteristic as even if no one was talking the sounds of controllers are filling the living room. She looked around seeing a note on the Coffee table
"Hi Mistress!
Me and rest of the house went to the store! Soul and Tanjiro are currently at GameStop buying a game called
breath of the wild We will be home soon!
Signed Mike"
She smiled softly and walked backed up the stairs humming a random mix of tunes
"I might as well Take a shower. My hair is greasy.-" she said to herself.
The shower itself wasn't anything special though the shampoo and conditioner never ran out so it was great. The room with Sinks Had a rack in the middle almost separating the sinks Fully of Chokers and Necklaces. Two towels on the rack. A Pink one with purple hearts covering it and a Darkish blue one. With two vents one in the shower room and one in the sink room. She got out the shower. Refusing to look at herself. It's a bad habit and she knows it. But her insecurities usually win over. Wrapping herself in the pink towel. And looking at the mirror as she brushed her hair. A slimy sound came from above.She slowly backed up dropping her brush. These slimy black slug creatures coming from her vents."Look at you. And those marks on your arms. How fat did you get." "Maybe stop eating so much. And you wouldn't hate your stomach so much." "God look at your thighs. I would hate myself too if I looked at you." Her eyes pricked with tears as she back up and tripped on the ground falling on the carpet
"God your crying such a baby. We are only telling the truth because you can't accept it yourself." "look at your body. all those stretch marks." "You can even wear your favorite shirts anymore. Potbelly bitch."
"STOP IT STOP IT" She screams covering her ears sobbing as these creatures were relentless. The door broke open causing the creatures to Hiss loudly disappearing in the light. Two sets of foot steps ran over to her As she sobbed "stop it sto.." "My Lady..? Hey.. Hey look at me..." She looked up though her vision was blurred by the tears and her not wearing her glasses She was able to make out Tanjiro and Soul. She hugged Tanjiro Sobbing into his Jacket. He quickly wrapped his arms around her. "soul could you..get-"
"Yeah hold on.." "Can you tell me happened My lady?.." She Quietly Burying herself into His chest as she explained crying softly.
"My Lady?..Here.." She looked over seeing Soul holding an over sized black T-shirt with a Gameboy on it and her favorite shorts. "Go put on some comfortable clothes..Me and Tan will stay and make sure those..whatever the fuck won't come back"
"thank you..are the others home..as well..?"
She asked sniffling softly
"No we were slightly ahead of them."
She nodded and walked into her closet not wanting to go back into her bathroom.
The front clicked open with Mike and the others walking inside
"Well. Mike's home. I'm gonna tell him what happened" Soul said getting off the bed
"I'll stay here. I don't think she wants to be alone right now"
Tanjiro replied taking souls place on the bed. Soul nodded and walked down stairs with a faint "Mike we got a problem"
A pair arms wrapped around Tanjiro's side. He looked over to see The Lady hugging him. He gently put his hand on her back gently running his hand up and down her back.
"WHAT" A loud shout was heard from down stairs and fast steps up the stairs
"I'm fine..Mike just shaken..up..."
Mike looked shaken up scared anything even got in the house.
"We are..gonna buy something to cover those vents....God how did something get in." Mike said as he walked into the bathroom
The Lady nodded softly nuzzling into Tanjiro.
"Would you wanna stay in one of our rooms till we get your vented fixed?" Donnie asked her softly pushing up his glasses.
"can I just..stay with Tanjiro..and Soul...?"
"Of course! You don't have to ask..." he said softly.
"Shit!" "Damnit. Mike please Be careful!" Don walked into the bathroom to help Mike
"If you want my lady I can stay with you in here. I can protect you I've got my blade."
"I..don't wanna inconvenience you...you and soul just got a..new game...I'll just sleep on the floor.." she said softly
"You aren't inconveniencing me! here I have an idea..Me and Soul will bring on of our systems up here and we both be in here so you can sleep safely and we can still play our game!" Tanjiro said with a smile
"Really..?" "Of course!"
And that's exactly what they did.
As a temporary solution Donatello the rise Verison Made a tarpy type fabric cover the vents till he can make something that will block the vents but not the air.
The lady fell asleep listening to the boys laugh about a fish
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