#btw late happy fathers day
randomshipperhere · 1 year
I forgot exactly who posted it on the subreddit but it popped into my head again and I wanted to say that person predicted that how Kana figures out Aqua’s revenge plan and how her role in the “final” arc will be similar to the plot of the show they both starred in (Sweet Today).
You know the one that kicked off the revenge plan properly in the first place. The show that would inevitably lead to Kana becoming an idol and a maiden so helplessly in love with him. The show that would lead him to the dating reality show. You know… the one where a stalker attempts at the heroine’s life, telling her that nothing other than darkness lies ahead of her but she perseveres by being the light.
(And the implications in the bigger narrative of everyone else being in the path of darkness and/or lies while Kana continues to be her honest self)
If this short series they both starred in is what fucking happens I WILL freak out.
One foreshadowing, two probably writers doing writer things and putting the plot at the start as a reminder to themselves in case they forgor lol
I like when things come back full circle so I seriously hope that person is right and Aka and Mengo deliver this because it makes my brain do nice brain things.
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aroaceweirdos101 · 3 months
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He proceeded to show off his gift to his coworkers-
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lauritanaomystery · 1 year
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To my father, who has supported me with all the power of his heart. I love you dad!!!❤
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blueberrybanee · 1 year
Okay...I know my birthday was yesterday, but I really wanted to draw something for myself and I've also been wanting to share my art here, so I figured this would be a great time to post this! (I would've done it earlier but it was literally like 12 in the morning when I finished this and I was busy all day today)
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Anywho, here's a doodle of one of my many Duros OCs I made as a late birthday gift for myself :D I probably could've done better, but I was SUPER tired and my performance is not that great when I'm drained lmfao
Shoutout to my dear friends @linminty @twixedworlds and @white-knight7255 for encouraging me to post this since I'm particularly nervous about my first post here!!! I love y'all <333
Ik this isn't the best, but I think it turned out alright. I hope y'all like it and let me know if you want to see more of my art! :))) Hopefully I can cook up some better pieces soon! ^^
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fumiliar · 6 days
TYSMM! i hope you like it!😵‍💫
✎...toji is in his late 30s (he lives!) and reader is in her early 20s. megumi is a toddler and he keeps him.
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you were the one who chased older bf!toji, you manifested this man. ever since you met him in your apartment gym, you've been trying to get close with him. you started to gym when he went to the gym, asking him for help to carry the weight because you were inexperienced. slowly but surely, you started to develop a relationship with toji, talking to him when it was unrelated to exercise.
older bf!toji who was scared to ask you out on a date. you were so young! he on the other hand, was a widow, a single father and 15+ years older than you. he could've been your father! all these thoughts subsided when he saw you waiting in front of the gym for him. "hi toj-" "date?" he blurted out, leaving you blushing and shocked. "sure toji." that night, he couldn't stop gushing over you to his toddler megumi.
older bf!toji who told you upfront that he was a single father, a widow and looking for a serious relationships on your first date. not wanting to cause any other misunderstandings, he's old, he doesn't have time to play games. he doesn't have the time to fool around, he wants a serious relationship, someone he can lean on, importantly someone who megumi can lean on.
older bf!toji who did not understand why such a youthful person would want him. the stress of his job and raising a child alone has manifested on his appearance. while you, were the epitome of youth in his eyes. the days where you could've been partying in clubs, you spent playing with megumi. he could not wrap his head around your actions.
older bf!toji who barely uses social media. not due to his age, but he's too busy with his life. his only socials are his facebook(good 4 u). you had to teach him how to make an instagram account, and to this day he still doesn't understand how it works. his insta only follows you, with one post, which is also a picture of you.
older bf!toji who's always 'reluctantly' accompanying you, reluctantly watching chick flicks with you, reluctantly accompanying you shopping and holding your shopping bags, reluctantly holding your purse. he's always reluctantly doing stuff, but he ends up doing it anyways. why? cause he loves you. there's a certain joy inside him he hasn't felt since his wife's passing. he secretly enjoys doing girly things with you, just to see the happiness on your face.
older bf!toji who never wants you to feel like megumi is your responsibility. though he wants you to be there for megumi, he doesn't want to burden you with his own struggles.
older bf!toji who stumbles over his feet when he first saw you with megumi. for the first time in his life, he saw megumi like someone from the first meeting. megumi was constantly giggling, smiling ear to ear. without toji realising, his expressions had mirrored his son, like father like son.
older bf!toji who's scared of his future. he's always on the brink of death, with the risky nature of his job. he wants to grow old together, but hesitation takes over him when he realised that in the end, it would just be him growing old.
older bf!toji who has the worst taste in clothing. literally horrendous, when you see his wardrobe, it's just multiples of his tight black shirt, his weird poofy pants and some workout clothes. his other clothing was horrible, some shirts having holes as big as your fist. ever since you've seen that, you've decided to go on a shopping spree for him, along with getting him and megumi some matching clothes.
older bf!toji who hasn't had the time to take care of himself properly. taking care of megumi was such a hassle making him forgot about himself. when you pamper him with skincare nights and face masks, he literally gets addicted. every time you offer to do a face mask or to do his skincare, he dashes to lay his head on your lap. he's still too shy to ask for it, but you can tell how much he likes it. his wrinkles slowly going away with every touch of your hand, as if he's finally let his guard down.
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hotheadedhero · 6 months
Ok question how would the tmnt bros (all 4) react to someone having a crush on them, and they confess, but the turtle rejects at time... but later on he realizes no wait I actually do like them!
But theres already been like a good month or more since the confession and their crush has been sorta avoiding them by hanging out with the other turtle bros and though still being polite, they avoid like being alone with their turtle crush and try to act like they don't have a crush still(but they do)
Sorry if I didn't write the request right! and thanks for your writing I love how you write the turtles!
Frothing at the mouth. No words. Speechless. Thank you so much anon! This request is absolutely amazing and tugged at my heart in all the good ways, you beauty. So glad you like my writing tyty <3 Apologies for the wait btw :] I might have meddled with the idea a bit depending on the turtle but I hope this is the kind of thing you were hoping for! May even make a part 2 continuation because there was just so much to write, this was really a lot of fun so thank you again :P I let fate decide which version to base this on and we got Bayverse!
Rejection, Realisation, and Regret
Warnings: bad language, grovelling turtles for their idiocy, angst with this in mind, oh these boys are some real idiots
Bay Turtles x Reader
Turns you down as gently as he can but it still feels like a sucker punch to the gut. It may sound calloused but he's a ninja, a mutant, a protector before anything else and that includes being someone's boyfriend. With a constructive discussion on the matter, he can only hope that you understand his position. You assured him that you did.
So, then, how is it that he barely gets a conversation in with you these days? And why does that fact burn a hole in his stomach? This pit, although metaphorical, weighs down heavily on him. Assumably, he’s missing one-on-one with a friend until it truly occurs to him just what exactly is going on. There's a lesson to be learned here, he's sure - a saying that goes around as if taken from an ancient script: you don't realise how good you have it until it's gone. You're not gone perse but you make a point of avoiding him individually. As well-mannered as you try to be, he's noticed and he's noticed the hurt in his belly that comes alongside it.
He thought things were okay, that despite the rejection, you would still be able to comfortably continue your friendship without any issues. It seems he managed even to fool himself. Being so caught up in what it means to be one of New York's self-acclaimed protectors, he was completely absentminded to the feelings that had been bubbling up inside him all along. No wonder he's been losing focus on his training as of late. He has attempted to try and talk to you about it but to no avail. Has your heart really been that broken?
For once, he doesn’t know what to do, or what decision should be made. He’s stuck between a rock and a hard place right now. Who's the one person he can turn to at a time like this? Come on. Who else would it be?
"Sensei, you know better than anyone that our position comes with complications. That we as ninjas are sworn to certain oaths.” 
"Yes, the duty of yourself and your brothers is indeed a heavy burden. Responsibility comes with risk and consequence as I am sure you are well aware of by now.” Splinter watches his son bow down as he thoughtfully strokes his beard.  "However, sensei, rat, master; alongside all of these things, I am foremost a father who wishes to see his sons be happy. You're in love, are you not?"
Leo’s attention quickly turns up from the floor to his master. How had he figured it out? Must be that parental instinct. Either way, he’s thankful for that in some respect. It makes this easier. Less complicated. 
The turtle nods and breathes out, "I am, Sensei."
"That's what I thought." His father lays a hand over Leo’s shoulder before it taps him against the side of his head. "Now, what are you waiting for? Talking to me isn't going to change the situation."
Splinter is right. It's high time for him to get out of his funk and strategise the best way to make amends. He can only hope he isn’t too late. 
Rejects you thinking it was some sick prank curated by his youngest brother or something. There's no way you have a thing for him. He's a mutant and you're a human. How could someone actually be in love with a freak like himself? That's why he blows up in your face when you attempt to pour your heart out to him. Whatever joke you thought would be funny, isn't. 
He may have taken things out of proportion. This much is made obvious enough by the poorly thought-out excuses you make just to avoid being alone with him. Yeah, that's right, he thinks. You should feel ashamed for trying to pull a stupid stunt like that, for trying to mess with him. He's standing firm on his self-assurance. Don't think for a second that he's going to lose sleep over what he said that day.
However, life has a very funny way of playing its own game. It all comes to fruition when you're laughing with the leader of the brothers. When your hand landed on his forearm, Raphael was struck with something fierce. The shot of jealousy to his heart almost takes him for a wild spin but he disregards it for typical Leo/Raph rivalry. Until that night, anyway. This man is tossing and turning in bed, ruminating on that sickly feeling in his chest; losing sleep over it. No. Surely not. He isn't in love with you. This isn't something that's been in the making for however long now. So what if you managed to calm him down quicker than anyone else he's ever known? Big whoop if you used to make a point of checking up on him when no one dared to go near him. It’s no big deal that you’d hype him up and cheer him on before each mission. 
Fuck. He's been in love with you this whole time, hasn't he? Oh, you have got to be kidding. This was probably the only chance he had at something close to normal in his life and he trampled over it like it was nothing. That's assuming it was even genuinely meant from your end to begin with. He still has his doubts all things considered. Either way, he can’t just sit in bed and wallow in his head all night. He needs some air. 
"What crawled up your shell and died?"
Great. He had hoped to get some peace and quiet. Not that this city knows the definition of either word but that isn’t the point. 
"Not now, Jones. I ain't in the mood."
Casey's head rolls against his shoulders and he sighs, "Hey, if this is to do with (Y/n) ignoring you, what do you expect? 'Can't just make someone cry and expect things to be okay after without an apology."
Raph's mask slowly descends and hoods over his eyes, those of which are now staring down the detective.
"Oh, shit. You didn't know?"
No. No, he did not. He really made you cry? Why would you-? Ah. Two things smack him up the head at this moment: you meant every word of what you admitted a month ago and he is an absolute asshole. Despite already living in the sewers, he feels like the scum of the Earth.
That's it. No more holding back. No more being chicken. He might have ruined his chance but he can at least try and make things right by you.
Aloof. Absolutely aloof and utterly clueless to the fact that you were even trying to admit your feelings for him. Yet, the way that the whole situation plays out makes it seem as though he had denied you. His head is usually stuck in a book or on one of the many screens that litter his quarters. What can you really expect of him? Unfortunately, this isn’t something that comes to mind nor is taken into consideration when you attempt your casual proclamation. With his eyes glued to his computer, his inattentiveness could only be read as uninterest to which you find it’s probably best to withdraw yourself. 
In the weeks to come, it still doesn't even occur to him that you were confessing. The only thing that dawns on him from your weirdly abrupt absence is how strange it feels without you around. You still engage in your regular visits to the lair but are always elusive to his corner. Had he missed a memo? He can't quite place a finger on your change in behaviour. Then he realises just how much he enjoys and misses your presence. Even just how you'd pass by his little section of the lair and do something as small as asking him what he's working on. The small details should always get their chance in the spotlight but he managed to miss them when they were right there in front of him. When you were in front of him.
Subsequent to this steady progression of fluttering heart palpitations upon the thought of you and his drying throat when he tries to speak your way, he decides to take some action. At least, that’s the plan he has in his head. You hardly look his way, so he needs to find a way to gain your attention. There must be some way. With somewhat of an idea in mind, he dials a number through his computer and lets it ring. 
The other side of the line picks up and there’s a voice. “If this has anything to do with goons, aliens or whatever trouble you guys have gotten yourselves into, I don’t want any part of it.”
“Relax, Vern. This is something that entirely requires your expertise without life endangerment. I need to ask about women,” Donnie confirms, cutting right to the chase.
There’s a pause. "What-?” Another longer pause and then an inhale. “Can't you just ask one of your brothers or something?"
Yeah, right, because his family of sewer dwellers are so well-equipped for this matter. Even asking for Vern's aid is pushing the boat a little but it's better than nothing - a baseline structure of what to expect is all he needs. The internet would probably be more reliable but it doesn’t include that vital real-world experience.
"You engage in frequent courting. By all accounts, you're the only person I know who has enough field experience to give advice."
This might be giving Vern too much credit but this is a surefire way to get what he wants. Feeding a man's ego can accomplish many things. Call it manipulation of the circumstances if you will but no harm done. 
"You know what?” There’s a brightness in his tone, an uptilted cadence in Vern’s rhetorical question. Bingo. “You being the smart one has never been more accurate, Don. Alright, I'll help you."
The notes he takes are unfathomable but he wants to make sure that everything is thought out with careful precision. That's not even taking into account that he needs to muster the courage to ask you out in the first place.
One would think that this guy would be jumping with unparalleled joy to have someone confess their feelings for him but he's got eyes for someone else. April O'Neil is his one true babycake, his angel face, the first love he had ever known. He turns you down in the friendly way one would expect him to if not a little cocky. Who wouldn't want a piece of the MC Mikey? There aren’t any hard feelings though, right?
Well, no but the sting that follows is still too much for you to handle. Too much in fact that you decide it's best to recoil into a shell of your own and spend less time with the loveable terrapin. Such a shame as well considering you're missing out on your regular gaming sessions together. It probably sucks big time to be rejected but he meant no harm by it. He thought you could still hang out as you normally would. Perhaps you just needed some time. That’s what he reckoned until the days turned to weeks and those weeks to almost two months. 
He’s subjected to playing bystander when you hang out with his family, barely getting a chance to have a word with you alone. If this treatment is good for anything, it gives him a chance to spectate and watch how you interact with those around you rather than directly with him. He recognises how much he adores that sparkle in your eyes, the playfulness of your tone when you crack out jokes with his brothers, how you light up the entire lair when you make your presence known. There is this unshakable spirit within you that he somehow never noticed until a few days prior when you took the liberty of playing an incredibly bold practical joke at Casey's expense. Man, this turtle's heart sored higher than it ever has before, which is saying something considering he had to jump out of a plane once.
Well, colour him surprised. He was so sure of himself that New York's favourite journalist was the only one for him but it seems he was wrong. Oh, man. He's feeling pretty bad now. He can surely make up for what happened though, right? Hopefully. There's only one way of finding out but he has one thing he needs to do first before talking to you.
"I'm sorry, angel face. My sights have been led astray. My loyalty shouldn’t be doubted but it’s for someone else now.” 
The way Mikey is knelt down, head lowered with April’s hands in his own is a perplexing sight if not curiously amusing. His feelings and the pronounced “dibs” on the reporter have been no secret but his recent infatuation with you hasn’t been much of a secret either. Not to her anyway but she likes to think she’s good at picking up on these things. 
“Just know that you'll always have a special place in my heart,” he finishes, ending the overly dramatised display by holding a fist to his chest. 
"Considerate as always." Her expression is somewhere between humoured and endeared, fighting the shake of her head at how adorably ridiculous this turtle can be. "Thanks, Mikey."
Now that's out of the way, he can go into this with a clear head. Although, the only thing really going into this is going to be all of his heart.
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trippinsorrows · 1 month
looking through your eyes + ten
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authors note: i think ya'll will be pleased with majority of this chapter. as far as the ending scene, let me know what ya'll think roman should do. i have it already planned, but i'm always so curious reading other perspectives. btw, they've been married almost four months, for context.
also, to those who want to know about the subplot of solana's bitch ass daddy plotting to kill roman....it's still a subplot. stay tuned.
passages from 'the courage to heal' do not belong to me.
if any cw/tw’s are missed, please let me know, and i will add them!
cw/tw: violence against women, references to csa, character briefly discussing csa, fluff, angst, language, and suggestive themes
song inspo: ‘looking through your eyes’ by leann rimes
words: 10k (no comment)
Learning to be intimate is rewarding, but it is not always comfortable. As one woman said, “I kept myself safe, but I also kept myself alone.” Becoming intimate means peeling back the layers of protection to let someone in. It means going to the place where you’re comfortable and then taking one step more. One step, not twenty.
Solana must read the passage at least half a dozen times, sitting with the words, meditating with them and doing her best to cope with the discomfort she’s experienced at various points while working her way through the book that’s brought an equal amount of questions as it has answers.
She knew right away going into this section, Healthy Intimacy, that it would most likely be the hardest chapter for her. But not even for the reasons that she initially thought, reasons that would have been the case before a certain Roman Reigns entered her life.
Every day that passes with him seems to bring about a new level of comfort, a new slice of happiness, a new type of contentment. 
She enjoys talking with him and being around him. She looks forward to his meeting her at the end of work and struggles with endless worry when he doesn’t make it back home until the wee hours of the night.
His touch, whether that’s his hand on her back or both hands on her waist as he holds her against him, no longer triggers an automatic tense, uncomfortable feeling. Somewhere along the way, the need to identify his touch as ‘safe’ waned and was replaced with an automatic knowing. Like she knows that it’s okay for him to touch her, because she’s safe. Because she’s safe with him. 
That, along with her continued and also growing attraction, has caused her to think more and more what it could be like to be with someone in that way. The thoughts have been fleeting, far and few over the years, typically followed up with abject horror. But lately….lately she’s been less and less scared and more and more hopeful.
Optimistic that maybe….just maybe, she could one day know what that’s like. To have that experience in a healthy and non-traumatic way with a safe person. With someone who truly desires her in said healthy way.
Someone….someone like Roman.
It’s scary and terrifying and exciting and nerve racking and moving and every other emotion to exist, but on top of all that, for the first time in her life, it’s a possibility for Solana. 
And she wants to take that chance, even if doesn’t work out, even if it’s not what she thought it would be. To be able to say she at least tried, to say that she overcame her fears…it would be monumental.
It would feel like the breaking of mental and emotional chains. 
And it starts today.
Closing up the book, Solana untangles her legs and marks her spot in her book. She gives Dulce a light pat on the head and walks into the bathroom. Opening up the drawer, her eyes land on the pair of scissors. Nothing fancy. Just a pair of regular scissors.
Solana takes a deep breath and grabs them. 
Using one hand to let down her hair from the messy, half-effort bun, she gives her head a good shake. Once, twice, and then a third time. For a brief second, she hesitates, her father’s constant belittling returning to the surface.
“You don’t need short hair. You’ll look even fatter with it.”
Solana shuts her eyes as she thinks of all the times Roman has called her beautiful, has made her feel beautiful. The endless support from Bayley and Naomi. The borderline inappropriate comments form the twins almost every time she sees them.
It all brings an emotional smile to her face as she takes another deep breath.
One step, not twenty.
And she cuts.
Samantha can count on one hand in all of the years that she’s known Roman Reigns the times that he’s surprised her with a visit. 
He’s always always given her a heads up for his arrival or plans to visit, solely for the mere fact that Roman is a man who doesn’t like to wait. When he wants pussy, he wants it then and now. And she’s never been one to deny the Head of the Table anything he’s ever asked for. 
So when she finds him sitting at her desk, feet propped up with an unreadable expression, it takes her off guard. 
Only for a minute. 
“I knew it was only a matter of time.” Samantha is quick to kick the door shut behind her, locking it right as she tosses her purse on the nearby chair. “You can’t go too long without me.” This fact alone is enough to make her cum right then and there. The fact that even with his roster of women he rotates through, she remains number one. 
Roman knows where it’s at. 
And him coming to her, at her job of all places, just proves it.
Eye dropping to his crotch, she licks her lips at the thought of that thick, beautiful dick in her mouth. Fuck, she’s salivating at just the thought. “You want me on my knees, daddy?”
Samantha starts to kick her shoes off when he finally breaks the silence.
“I want to know what you said to my wife.”
Samantha’s smile drops in under a millisecond. Instantly, she’s scowling. “What?”
Roman doesn’t hesitate to repeat himself, every word perfectly enunciated with his heavy, baritone voice. “What did you say to my wife, Samantha?” 
This….this isn’t how she was expecting this to play out, and it shows in the sudden stuttering, “I—I don’t—”
“She came back from that bathroom upset, and I don’t like seeing her upset, so I’m only gonna ask you one more time—” Samantha nearly jumps back into the door when he suddenly bangs his fist on her wooden desk and growls, “what did you say to her!”
Stammering, she answers with a combination of fear and desperation, “I just—I told her the truth.”
It seems to be the wrong answer, as Roman looks 5x angrier. “And what the fuck is that?”
Samantha gathers herself a little better, voice more even as she answers with misplaced confidence. “That she could never please you. Not how I can.” And with foolish bravery, Samantha steps toward him. “That you’ll always come back to me.”
“You fucking bitch.”
That makes her still with her movements. He’s called her all kinds of names when they’ve fucked, and she’s loved it, loves being fucked hard and rough, his preference. But there’s something about this that she doesn’t love. 
It’s because he sounds legitimately upset with her.
And that, in turn, upsets her, because he cannot seriously be upset that she said some shit to that little girl.
“Why does it matter? It’s not like she means anything to you.” Samantha has to actually laugh. In no universe can she see someone as strong and powerful as Roman caring about a girl like that. But, it’s when he doesn’t say anything, doesn’t voice some type of agreement that her confidence dwindles a bit. “R–right?” Still, nothing. And it’s with that nothing she realizes with all of the anger and shock in the world why he’s so upset.
“Oh my god. Are you serious right now? Her? You really have feelings for her?” Even saying it aloud sounds ludicrous. “What the fuck, Roman? What the hell is so great about her?”
There is absolutely nothing that girl brings to the table for her to have someone like Roman Reigns interested in her. It doesn’t make any goddamn sense. What the hell is attractive about a scarred, sliced up, fat bitch?
He finally speaks, warning her in an almost menacing tone. “Watch your fucking mouth.”
“That girl is weak, Roman. You can’t be the head of the Bloodline and have someone like her at your side. She doesn’t deserve it.” By now, Samantha has moved over to him, her hands planted on his chest, his eyes closed. “You need….someone strong at your side. Look at what you’ve done just by yourself. Imagine…imagine having a queen to rule with you.” She licks her lips, going in for the kill. “I can be that for you. I can give you an heir. Look at how long it’s been and still nothing, no baby. She’s broken, Roman. That bitch—”
Samantha is silenced by him jumping up from his chair as he shoves her against the wall, hand on her neck. It’s not the first time they’ve been in a similar position. She loves to be choked during sex, and he’s adept at doing just enough to get her off without her passing out. 
But this time, there’s no pressure, no sexual aspect, no foreplay.
This….this is different.
Because this is the first time she’s ever actually been afraid of him.
“If you ever in your fucking life speak on her again, I’ll kill you.” Samantha’s eyes are wide, hand grasping at his. He’s still not actually applying any sort of pressure, probably more so placement  to evoke a level of fear. A reminder that he could end her life in a matter of seconds if that’s what he wanted. “If you ever speak to her again, I’ll kill you. Fucking look at her, and you’re a dead bitch.”
Samantha barely has time to process his threats when he says something in Samoan and steps back, releasing her as she dubs over and gasps loudly from the shock of it all. 
Seconds later, she’s on the floor, laying on her side after fucking Nia has landed her big ass foot in Samantha’s head. 
Nia is looking down with a wicked smile that promises a level of pain. “You talk too fucking much.” She can’t tell if it’s directed to herself or Roman, regardless, he looks unbothered, outside of staring down at her with disgust.
Samantha has no idea where the hell that bitch came from, but her unexpected blow nearly has her seeing stars. She’s writhing on the floor, on her side, cradling her head when Nia yanks her up by her extensions.
“Oh, you have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this.” Nia kicks her a second time, in her side, and Samantha is almost certain she heard the subsequent cracking of her rib from the impact. Tears fill her eyes. “I’ve wanted to kick your ass since we were kids.”
Helpless and feeling so confused as to how he could do this to her, Samantha sets her teary gaze onto him. She does her best to generate as many tears as she can. “Roman, please—”
“You’re fucking delusional if you really thought I would ever make you anything more than what you were to me.” Samantha sniffles, vision blurred and stomach aching from both the physical and emotional impact of his words. “Nothing.”
A sudden anger fills her, meshing with the growing physical pain. She did this. That fucking bitch has taken Roman from her, her Roman.
“You wanna know what she is to me?” He crouches down and reaches for a lock of her hair, answering just as icily as the disgusted look in his light brown eyes. “Everything you’re not.”
Samantha snarls almost, not even angry at his words as much as her mind is trying to navigate any and all ways to make that little troll pay for this. Pay for stealing her man.
But it’s as Roman is walking out, that he barks his last order to Nia. Not necessarily a necessity given the fact that he’s certain she’s dreamed exactly of how this very moment could and should go down. Granted, this is the one symbolic thing he needs to ensure takes place. 
“Break her fucking jaw.”
Handling the Samantha situation is just one of many things to be checked off of Roman’s to-do list for today. He’s got meetings, contracts to review, spreadsheets to update, shipments to see sent off, and a million and one other things. Most of which he’s far from thrilled about but also know needs to be done, regardless if he’d rather say fuck it all just for today. For just a couple hours, even.
Delegate, perhaps. But these are things that can’t be delegated. He, as the Head of the Table, needs to put his signature on to make it official.  
And he’s got his Wise Man fresh on his heel to remind him of such responsibilities.
“And if my Tribal Chief can find it in him, we should also review Nick Aldis' proposal.” Roman’s instantly scowling. He fucking hates Aldis. The bastard is smug and thinks himself more important than he is. That Roman won’t end his fucking life with one snap of his finger. 
Roman is halfway listening to Paul when he walks past Alicia who stands up from her desk. “Sir—”
His dismissal is swift and brusque. “Leave me alone.”
One murderous look, and Alicia is back in her seat. Roman briefly overhears Paul chastising his secretary for her insubordination when he opens his door and immediately realizes why Alicia was most likely trying to speak to him.
Roman sees Solo standing almost awkwardly in the corner out of his peripheral vision, but his attention is solely on the other unexpected guest.
Focused on the way her almost flesh toned dress hugs every curve that drives him fucking insane sometimes, the way she bites down on her bottom lip in that way he’s learned she does when she’s unsure of something. And he’s especially focused on her hair that’s chopped down to where it lightly grazes her shoulder.
“I tell you, good help is so hard to find—” Paul is silenced as he finally walks in and sees Solana. “Oh, it’s you.” Roman shoots him a look that would absolutely kill if it had any sort of physical impact. “I mean, Solana, what a surprise—”
Roman easily moves back to focusing on his wife who looks absolutely fucking stunning. He directs his command though to Solo and Paul. “You two, out.”
Solo doesn’t need to be told twice, but Paul seems to meander, even as Roman walks over to Solana. And it’s when Roman has his hands on Solana’s hips and the room is still not cleared, he repeats in a calm voice that’s solely because of Solana’s presence.
If not for her, he’d be screaming at his Wise Man.
“I said get out.”
Roman can practically hear the nervous gulp. “But, sir, we have work—”
Solana frowning pisses Roman off in a way he has to keep from showing. But it’s when she finally speaks and it’s an offer to leave that he really has to reel in his rage. “I can go—”
“No.” That’s the fucking last thing he wants. “Paul is leaving.”
It’s not a suggestion, not a request, not a preferred action.
It’s a fucking demand.
And his Wise Man must realize this, because he’s quickly following in line with Solo and finally leaving Roman alone with Solana who seems still unsure about her presence.
“You have work to do—”
“You really expect me to get anything done when you come in my office looking like this?” He motions to her outfit and sees the way her cheeks tinge reddish as she bites back a smile. “Not happening, sweetheart.”
“I thought it looked nice.” The bashful way she says as such, as if she’s unsure it was an accurate assessment blows his mind. She looks down at the dress as if it’s not the woman wearing said dress that has him pushing back unholy thoughts.
“It doesn’t look nice. You look nice, Solana.” Another one over of her curvy body, and he mutters, “more than nice.” He brings his hand to her hair, brushing his fingers against the ends. “You cut your hair.”
She nods, an almost look of determination in her soft expression. “It was time,” is all she says, and Roman doesn’t need to ask for clarification. This meant something to her. Cutting her hair has a deeper meaning than just wanting something new, and whatever the reason, he’s proud she found it in her to follow through. 
He hates when she asks him, still unsure, “does it…does it look bad?”
He’s not sure he could ever use Solana and ‘bad’ in the same sentence. Ever. “You could never look bad.” 
She smiles, clearly pleased by his compliment. Good. He likes seeing her smile.
“Come here.” Roman takes her hand and leads her over to his desk where he sits down in his chair and doesn’t think twice about guiding her onto his lap. Roman feels her tense for only a couple seconds before she relaxes against him.
“As pleasant a surprise it is to find your fine ass in my office, I know you came for a reason.”
Roman is extremely perceptive. Always has been. He’s noticed the increased comfort Solana has developed and continued to develop with him. The way her discomfort at being looked at too long or even touched in any sort of capacity has shifted into bashful smiles and an almost light in her eyes at being complimented. At someone finding her to be anything but every lie she’s ever been fed.
Her confidence is growing, slowly but surely. And he likes that shit.
So he’ll do whatever he needs to do to keep it growing. 
“It’s nothing serious.” It doesn’t have to be. She could come to his office every day if that’s what she wanted. He’d have zero complaints. “I just…I was baking Sopaipillas, and I know you like them and I felt bad because I’m bringing Jimmy and Jey some—”
It’s not until that moment he sees the Tupperware container on his desk. Her thoughtfulness is so unfamiliar but very much appreciated. He chuckles as his fingers carefully tap against her hip. “Thank you, but you know if you keep feeding they asses, they gon’ keep coming over.”
She’s smiling almost, defending them to a certain extent. “They’re really not that bad.” And she’s not entirely wrong. His cousins can be entertaining at times, but beyond that, he likes seeing her comfort level with them increasing as well. 
For her to be as comfortable around them as she’s become, especially with them being men, is extremely significant given her trauma.
He’s proud of her for that just as well.
Still,Roman shrugs and calmly points out. “I spend most of my day with them.” Her other hand lays on his chest as he admits, “I don’t want to come home and see them. I just want to see you.”
Solana gives an expected almost shocked expression followed up with a slight confession of her own. Her voice is soft, like she’s unsure about what she’s about to say but is going with it regardless. “That’s why I wait up for you to get home…because I want to see you too.”
He believes this to be true, but he also knows there’s something else to it. “You worry about me.”
She nods, nervously licking her lips. “I’m trying to work on it though.” She’s been working on a lot of things, a lot of difficult, most likely mentally taxing things. And as proud of her as he is, Roman also recognizes the importance of pacing oneself.
He gently grazes the back of his fingers over her cheek. “Just focus on you, alright?”
The corner of her lips lift into an almost playful grin as she asks innocently, “what if I can do both?” Roman studies her, sees and hears the playfulness. It’s unlike her, but he fucking loves it. She squeals and almost giggles against him as he brings her closer to his chest, her hand squeezing his shoulder as he remains mindful of the placement of his hand on her hip.
Growing comfort or not, he still wants to be respectful of her boundaries.
Still wants to maintain her trust.
“I got me. Always.” Her gaze is on him, softening by the second as he adds on almost quietly. “Just need you to be okay too.”
Okay is such a big word, so layered. She’s not sure she’ll ever be fully okay. Too much trauma. Never enough healing. But there may be some level of okayness she can achieve, and it does feel like that’s something that’s in progress. “I’m getting there.”
And a large part of her healing journey is largely due to the man underneath her, staring at her with almost a sense of fascination, like he’s so enraptured by her. Like he’s smitten with her. The person she once believed no one could ever want has a handsome, powerful man like Roman Reigns holding her, looking at her, wanting her.
A line from the book resurfaces to the front of her mind.
One step, not twenty.
With that as a motivating and supportive mantra, she slowly moves her hand from his shoulder to his face, his beard prickling against her skin.
“Solana…..” She’s not sure she’s ever heard him sound so pained. “Baby, you can’t touch me like this and expect me to not want to kiss you.”
The butterflies in her stomach grow exponentially. Baby. She’s not entirely certain, but she feels like he’s called her this before, that he’s referred to her as such on a different occasion. So, it’s not a mistake, not a one time thing. It’s yet another sign that there wasn’t a dishonest bone in his body when he said he wanted her.
That he wants her.
Her heart is beating a mile a minute as she pools together all of the courage in her body and again chips away another tiny section of her wall of protection. “So kiss me.”
It’s not until this moment that Solana sees Roman actually appear genuinely surprised at something. He asks, maybe as if he needs to make sure he heard correctly, but Solana would bet it’s less that and more him ensuring consent. “Are you sure?”
He’s been so good at that. Consent. And it’s meant the world to her. His patience with all of her baggage.
Nodding, she quickly remembers his preference for verbal acknowledgements. “Yes.”
Solana doesn’t really remember her kiss with Roman at their wedding. She doesn’t really remember much from the actual wedding at all, to be honest. It was….it was more traumatic than anything, which is why she does her best to keep it stored away with the other too difficult to sit on memories.
But this….this she is certain she will never forget.
There’s an almost hesitancy when his lips touch hers, a space he’s leaving open in the event that she changes her mind. She’s grateful for that, but it’s not necessary. Her ‘yes’ was as genuine as his apparent interest in her. 
And when he picks this up, picks up the fact that she truly wants this, he deepens the kiss, his hand moving up to her lower back as he pulls her closer to him. Roman’s full lips are soft and warm, and the way he moves his mouth against hers is both reserved and hungry, a strange but well balanced thing only he can manage. Like only he can achieve. He kisses her with a passion  that she feels is only a fraction of everything he feels toward and for her. 
Solana’s hand slides to the back of his neck, her fingers brushing up and across the skin, teasing the strings of hair that refused to mold down. She’s not sure if this was the right move because he makes a sound against her mouth, an almost mixture of a moan and groan, and pulls away. The separation and her subsequent light panting makes her suddenly aware that they’d been kissing longer than she realized. That she’d gotten so plunged in the experience that time seemed a nonfactor.
Her eyes flutter close when Roman brings his lips back onto her, this time peppering kisses along her jawline. Her head tilts back, an unconscious thing that grants him full access to the nape of her neck, which he easily makes his way down to. It’s a different, pleasant sensation that has her nails scraping against him.
“So fuckin’ beautiful….” He says something else, something she can’t understand because it’s said in Samoan, but it unintentionally triggers something for her. A new level of bravery, an ability to ask something that makes her insides light afire and heart rate exceed what’s probably safe and healthy. But, it’s a hill she wants to eventually be able to get up and over.
And he’s made her feel safe enough to be the one to do it with.
“Roman.” Her voice must give away her need to say something because he pulls away from her and is focused directly on her. She licks her slightly swollen lips. “I want….I want to try—”
“Whatchu mean he busy? Man, you trippin. Uce always got time for family.” Jimmy’s loud unexpected voice is enough of a disruption and mood killer that Solana quickly jumps off Roman’s lap and moves away just enough to adjust her hair and dress. “Soso!”
Solana brings herself to look at her husband’s cousin as he finally walks in the office after dismissing Alicia’s warning. The first thing she notices is the tupperware bowl in his hand and white substance on his fingers. “I hope you don’t mind. When I saw your driver, I figured you had these little sugar things in the back so I just grabbed em’ all.”
If not for the fact that Solana is still trying to settle herself, she’d point out how the other bowl was supposed to be for Jey. But that seems irrelevant at the moment. 
“I’m going to fucking kill you.”
Jimmy seems completely unbothered by Roman’s threat as he plops down on the sofa, kicking his feet up on the glass coffee table and asks with all the obliviousness in the world. “So what ya’ll doing?”
When Roman shoots up from his desk and starts toward his cousin, Solana places herself in front of him, hands on his chest. His attention is immediately down, focused once again on her.
“It’s okay. I—I’ve got training with Bay and Naomi anyway.” Swallowing her nerves and pushing back thoughts of how….how nice it felt kissing him, she quietly offers a hopefully acceptable alternative. “We can talk tonight.”
This doesn’t seem like Roman’s preference but something he can live with. “Fine.”
She knows he’s obviously annoyed at being interrupted, and she is too, to a certain extent. But, Jimmy meant no harm, and she hopes Roman can at least recognize as much. Solana says bye to Jimmy and is near the door where she sees Solo waiting for her when an idea, more an urge, becomes too prominent to push away.
She turns back around and leans up, pulling Roman down by his shoulders and kisses his cheek. He gives her a look that tells her he’d be pulling her back for more if not for her cousin, and it makes her stomach somersault all over again.
But, she doesn’t give him the opportunity, just a small smile as she walks out for good this time. 
And it’s after she’s gone, the Wise Man back in the room to help minimize the chances of his Tribal Chief killing one of his cousins that Jimmy uses the distraction to pull out his phone and send a text in the group chat. 
Group Chat: Operation RoSo
Jimmy: Ya’ll! Code red! Code fucking red!
Bayley: Is Solana okay?!
Naomi: ^^^^^^
Jimmy: Man, I just got to Uce office, and good thing I walked in when I did. They acting all weird and shit. Soso just ran out of here but not after telling him they’ll ‘talk’ tonight!!!!
Jey: I’m too high for this shit right now.
Naomi: Babe, how exactly is that a code red???
Jimmy: They was obviously arguing before I got here! And ‘talking’ tonight??? That ain’t nothing but part two!
Bayley: Jimmy, that seems like a bit of a stretch.
Jey: A big ass stretch. Man, leave them two alone.
Jimmy: Naw. We gotta expedite this plan. I can see the writing on the wall. If we don’t move fast, they never gon fall in love. They might even be starting to hate each other now!
Bayley: Now you’re just being dramatic.
Jey: Agreed. How I get out this chat?
Jimmy: I don’t wanna hear it! I’m the master strategist so let me do my thing! 
Jimmy: Babe. You and Bayley have SoSo all done up and nice this evening. Make her think ya’ll are going out or something.
Naomi: Why?
Jimmy: Damnit woman, because I said so!
Naomi: 🫤
Naomi: I’m trying to figure out who the fuck you think you talking to. Don’t get your ass beat.
Jey: I’m muting this shit. Ya’ll not gon get me killed. Roman don’t like people in his business.
Jimmy: Just have her ready, and I’ll text you the location and the time she needs to be there.
Jimmy: We gotta save RoSo from themselves!
Solana misses the blow from Naomi by only a fraction of a second, but before she has time to think about it, another one is coming, forcing Solana to quickly jump to the side.
“Nice,” Naomi compliments. “Try more offensive positions though. Try to hit me.”
Solana knew that was coming, knew that Naomi would be pushing her today, as she has the last couple times. It only makes sense. Solana recognizes that she’s improving, that she has improved a lot since she started. It seems only natural that Naomi would continue to push her to further the progression of her skills.
“Don’t be afraid, Solana! Naomi can take it,” Bayley encourages from the sidelines, drinking some of her Gatorade.
Solana does her best to not get too distracted, knowing that can be quite literally fatal if this was a real situation. 
Naomi lunges at her again, and Solana manages to block it with her forearm but also lifts her foot, managing to kick Naomi away.
“Nice!” It’s such a weird thing to be applauded for. “But remember to retract your foot faster next time. I could have twisted it and grounded you.”
Solana commits that to memory just as Naomi steps back and Bayley walks back over. She then compliments, “I know I said it already, but the haircut looks amazing on you.” She quickly adds in a manner that’s more telling than asking. “Just have to even some areas off.”
Solana half smiles. She expected Bayley to need to go in with actual shears to shape up some areas given the fact that Solana’s impromptu haircut was literally just her taking some regular scissors and chopping at least five inches off. 
But before Solana can say anything else, she sees why Bayley ended her break to get back into the training. 
It’s evident by the knife in her outstretched hand.
“This is a Benchmade Bailout. It’s a folding knife. A little bigger than what we’d like you to carry on you, but a good place to start.”
Carrying….Solana hadn’t even allowed herself to think about that part. Of course they’d want her to start keeping a knife on her once teaching her how to use one.
Naomi then advises, “we’re not gonna do any fight training with it today, but we do want you to get used to the feel and weight of it.”
Solana can feel her heartbeat increasing. She can’t remember the last time, if ever, she’s held a knife of this nature. Her left hand is against her shorts, tapping against the spandex, a continued nervous habit.
Bayley sees this and offers assurance. “It’s okay. We just want to go over the basics.”
Solana does her best to focus not on the past, but the present. The here and now. Another recommendation from her book. She also strangely remembers the countless times Roman has asserted he won’t let anything happen to her. 
“I’ve got you.”
The safe feeling she has when he’s around. He’s not physically present, but the recollection of his words anchor her.
Taking a deep breath, Solana takes the knife from Bayley, its coolness taking her by surprise. She never takes her eyes off the blade. 
Meanwhile, Naomi goes into basic tips and information. “Right off the bat, if you ever need to use it to defend yourself, go for the major arteries.” She then begins pointing to the various body parts as she lists them off. “The neck, stomach, chest area namely. It’s your best bet at getting someone almost entirely immobilized.”
“And this might be graphic, but don’t be afraid to go for it twice. Sometimes people can still be standing with just one hit.” Solana is grateful for the fact that Bayley is trying to be careful with her words, vague to a certain extent but clear enough so she can understand.
“If you just wanna get them away and not potentially kill them, maybe go for the hand or foot, depending on how they’ve got you pinned.”
“But by the time we finish your training, no one will get the chance to pin you.” Naomi gives a comforting smile and squeeze of her shoulder. “Not to mention Roman would never let you be in that position in the first place.”
Solana doesn’t doubt that one bit.
Bayley suddenly clears her throat, almost awkwardly. 
Solana frowns, looking lost by the otherwise random in interjection. “What?”
“We’re not supposed to tell you, but Roman is taking you out to dinner tonight.” Naomi’s answer is appreciated, but it doesn’t make sense. 
“He what?” Solana is confused because she literally just saw Roman this morning and came straight from his office to the Warehouse to train without him mentioning a word of this. “He didn’t say anything to me.”
“It’s supposed to be a surprise,” Bayley adds, but there’s something almost unsure about her answer. “So, I’ll take you to my salon afterwards to touch up your hair now, and then we can also figure out glam while you’re there.”
“Yes.” Naomi claps and carefully removes the knife from Solana. The knife she completely forgot she was holding. Naomi comments on that. “See? You forgot about it for a minute, didn’t you?” Solana nods. “Don’t worry. We’ll get you there.” 
The encouragement means the world to Solana as she offers a quiet but meaningful, “thank you.” They’ll never know how much their support means to her. 
Bayley comes and stands beside Solana, sliding her arm around her with that infamous sly smile.”You never have to thank us for being your friends, Solana.” Words have never hit so deeply, Solana having to hold back tears. Friends.  “Now let’s figure out what the slay is gonna be for tonight.”
The minute Solana walks into the restaurant, she realizes that something is off. 
And not even in a dangerous sort of way, more so, there’s something she’s not being told sort of way.
It’s a beautiful upscale restaurant that has decor that probably costs more than some people’s mortgage payment. 
But it’s barren. Not a customer in sight. 
Walking up the three steps that lead to a higher level, she looks around, confused as to the fact that a restaurant that probably requires reservations six months in advance is vacant. 
Digging in her small purse, she pulls out her phone to text Roman. Bayley and Naomi encouraged her to continue to play dumb, but this isn’t right. 
She needs to talk to him.
Her head snaps up to see Roman who also just walked up the same steps she did minutes prior.
He seems surprised to see her, an unexpected expression for someone who allegedly planned this dinner. “I—I don’t know what’s going on.” He walks over to her as she explains. “I was told—”
“Probably the same thing I was told,” he finishes for her and takes in her appearance, Solana’s hands smoothing over her dress. Looking just as captivated as he’d looked at her this morning in his office, Roman ghosts the back of his hand against her cheek. “Sei uno splendore….”
She hasn’t a clue what he’s said, but something tells her it’s a compliment of some sort. Still, Solana asks with that same bashful smile that seems to always fall on her face when she’s around him, “are you gonna tell me what you just said?”
Roman winks and answers, plain and simple, “naw.”
Smiling even harder, before she can say anything else, another voice enters the conversation.
“Soso, girl, what you doing here?”
Both Solana and Roman turn to a smiling Jimmy who's wearing a poorly feigned look of surprise. 
“Jimmy?” Solana is genuinely confused while Roman looks like he’s genuinely considering murdering his cousin for the second time today. “What—what are you doing here?”
Roman is completely uninterested in the why and more so on the how he’s going to end the other man. “I’m going to fucking kill him, Solana. I don’t care anymore.”
Jimmy completely ignores Roman and answers her question with an answer that makes no sense. “Ahh, you know, I was in the neighborhood.”
He gives Solana a side hug as she answers his question as well, hoping to avoid witnessing a familial crime. “Bayley and Naomi told me—”
“You know what, it don’t even matter. You here. Big Dog here.” He gestures around them. “Looks like this nice ass restaurant has been rented out by some coincidence. Might as well enjoy a nice dinner.”
Roman closes his eyes, seemingly trying to count off. “I’m literally going to snap your fucking neck if you don’t get lost. Now.”
Solana moves over to Roman just enough for him to reach and gently tug her into him. He doesn’t need to be getting this upset. She naturally lays her head against his chest, fingers grasping the sides of his shirt.
Jimmy lifts his hands in a surrender manner. “Hey. I can tell when I’m not wanted.” Solana smiles at the look she can imagine on Roman’s face at that. “Ya’ll be safe now. Soso, I’ll be at the crib in the morning for breakfast.”
“Why the fuc—” 
Solana reaches up and redirects his focus onto her. “It’s okay.” Solana looks over at the table that’s beautifully decorated with a stunning centerpiece. “It’s….it’s sweet.” Her diversion also, thankfully, a long enough distraction for Jimmy to depart, leaving the two of them alone.
Her preference.
Roman’s as well, clearly.
Solana then takes in the situation, a little relieved to finally know what’s going on. It’s obvious she was set up. Roman too. But regardless of the deception, it’s deeply appreciated. Her friends going to such lengths to set up something nice like this. 
Roman, calming down a bit, doesn’t necessarily disagree with her, but instead asserts, “they’re interfering, and I don’t like that shit.” 
Her smile dims a bit as she offers, “we can leave—”
“No.” He shoots it down immediately, hands on her hips. “Just hate that I finally get time alone with you, and it’s because of fucking Jimmy.” Her eyes shut when he kisses her forehead and murmurs, “been thinking’ bout you all day…”
And the smile is back as she takes his hand and leads him toward the table, Roman pulling her chair out for her. 
Having the restaurant entirely rented out is a luxury she’s not used to but appreciates, especially with how catered the service is as well as the fact that they don’t have to wait long for the food. Conversation flows easy between them, more Roman asking questions about how she’s doing, if she needs anything.
He’s always so attentive, and she’s so grateful for that. 
Grateful for him.
It’s the same type of attentiveness that causes her to comment after the waiter comes and takes their plates, clearing the table. “You seem stressed.”
And not just because of the date setup.
He shrugs, partially dismissing but not outright denying. “Just a long day.”
It seems to be a recurring theme with him. Solana has noticed for a while now how his early days always bleed into late evenings that sometimes spill over to the next day. It doesn’t seem sustainable to her. “You have a lot of those.”
“I’m the Tribal Chief.” He says it with pride, as he should, but there’s something else there. Something she can’t outright identify. “Comes with the territory.”
And Solana recognizes as such, but as large of a man Roman is—in many different ways—he’s still just a man. “Is it ever too much?” She crosses her arms across the table, leaning forward almost. There may be no other attendees present, but there are still workers, so she’s mindful of her volume. “I mean….”
“Do I ever get exhausted?” She nods. “Sure.” That wasn’t the answer she was expecting. Roman does such an excellent job always wearing that mask of calm, cool, and collected. Outside of his obvious temper, he’s always so well put together. It’s something she envies, to a certain extent. “But someone’s gotta do it, and as it’s my birthright, the responsibility falls on me.”
She sits on his words, understanding where he’s coming from but also wondering just how he manages such a weight. She knows he’d headed the Bloodline for some time now, since he was 18 years old. That’s a large burden to carry at such a young age and for him to do it so long and as well as he has, it’s impressive.
He certainly lives up to his reputation.
Solana nods and does her best to ease into what she’d really like to tell him, to have him know even if he never in life takes her up on it. “You always say that I can talk to you…”
Roman doesn’t hesitate to reaffirm it too. “You can.”
She knows this. He’s….he’s made it abundantly clear that he wants to speak with her, to know what’s on her mind. “That goes both ways.” Something speedily flashes in his eyes, briefly affecting his otherwise neutral expression. “You can talk to me too.”
For a second, she regrets saying anything, regrets second guessing his abilities to handle things. The last thing she wants is to insinuate he’s somehow incapable of taking care of business. But, if he’s insulted by her offer, he doesn’t show it, just says a simple, “thank you.” She offers a small nod when he seemingly changes the subject. “How’s training?”
There’s a bit of a sting at what feels like a slight form of rejection, but she understands better than anyone that opening up can be hard, so she respects his wishes.
“Good. I….I think I like it.” It’s the truth. While initially terrified of being put into such a foreign situation, Solana has found herself growing increasingly content with this new part of her weekly routine. Training has assisted, to a great extent, in her growing confidence and surety with herself. There’s something comforting about learning how to defend herself, how to keep herself safe. “Today was a little hard though. They’re teaching me how to fight with knives. It’s…..uncomfortable, but that’s how I know I need to do it.”
If there’s anything she’s learned in the past couple months, it’s that nothing about working to overcome trauma is easy. That doesn’t, however, make it any less important.
Or beneficial. 
“Not if you absolutely don’t want to.” To be fair, Roman wasn’t even informed that this was something the girls were starting with Solana. He makes a mental note to remind them that while they handle her training, the specifics of what she’s taught needs to be run by him at all times. He probably would have shot down the knife training.
Solana was literally present and witnessed her mother be stabbed to death. Solana herself was also stabbed. 
That seems almost cruel to make her learn how to wield the very weapon that took so much from her.
“Wes used to use knives to hurt me.” It comes out more quiet than she intended, a natural effect of sharing something so painful. She points to a small scar on her neck, the exact date and nature of how it happened, something she’ll never forget but has little desire to elaborate on.
“And I know….I know you won’t let him hurt me anymore, but….I don’t want him to have that power over me anymore either. He knows I’m scared of them, and he’s always taken advantage of that fact. I don’t….I don’t want him to have that anymore.”
“Then he won’t,” Roman agrees. He can understand her logic, and he respects the hell out of her wanting to take back that power. He supports the hell out of it too. “Not if you don’t let him.”
She gives a sad smile, shaking her head. “As strange as it is, I think….Wes and I are both victims.” Before Roman can press her for clarification, she explains, “my father always kept his contact limited with my mom. He said she would make him weak like she made me.” Just saying it takes Solana back to countless times and occasions where her father would talk down on her mother, talk down on Solana. It’s a weighty memory. “Having my mom…having her love for the time that I did made a big difference for me. Wes never got that, so I always wonder how things could have been different if he did.”
Solana has a big heart. Pure. A mind-boggling phenomena to Roman considering everything she’s been through. “It still doesn’t make what he’s done to you right.” Kind heart or not, it’s imperative she knows there’s never a good enough reason or excuse for anyone to do what he’s done to her.
She nods, “I know.” It’s still a work in progress, Solana learning to unlearn the victim blaming she’s placed on herself for so many years. But, that much, she’s come to accept.
She never deserved any of Wes or her father's abuse.
Roman can see the way memories might be coming back to the front of her mind and moves to redirect again. “You wanted to talk to me about something earlier.”
For a second, she wants to lie. To make up something. To come up with a story that’s hopefully believable enough for him to not poke holes through. And then another line from her book resurfaces.
Calculated risks are different—you weigh your chances and step out onto the ice only when you’re relatively sure it’s solid.
Solana is certain she’s never met a more solid person than Roman.
Scooting back in her chair, she feels his watchful gaze around her as she moves around the table and is only inches away from him when he realizes what she's doing and beats her to it, gently pulling her onto his lap. He’s always so careful around her.
Solana moves her arms around his neck as he rests one hand on her hip.
She takes a deep breath. “I was...I was working out of my book this morning, and it was the chapter on…on intimacy and—” She has to pace herself, knowing that if she doesn’t, she won’t get through the conversation. And she has to do this. She almost feels like she needs to do this. “I think I always thought I couldn’t have that because of what happened to me, but…..but I think I can.” 
And this has been such a powerful and moving revelation to walk into. For so long, Solana has lived in fear and trauma, haunted by the horrific memories of her sexual assault. It’s inaccurately painted her views of what should and could be something beautiful and special with the right person. She never thought that could be possible for her though, believed that her chance had been destroyed by two sick individuals.
But if the past few months have taught her anything, it’s that there are decent people in the world. Decent men in the world. Jimmy. Jey. Solo.
She’s still very much nervous, and even talking about it has her pushing back a level of anxiety, but the desire to overcome that trauma, to be able to experience that as a woman, to not be held down by the shackles of her past, is stronger than it’s ever been before.
“And I want to try.” She licks her lips, nervously adding on and explaining as best she can, “but, I can’t do it right away. I need….I need to build up to it, and I know—that has to be frustrating for you—”
“Solana.” His interruption is quiet but firm. “We’ll go as slow as you want.” His finger is moving in slow circles on her hip, an action that provides her a strange sense of comfort. “Whatever you need is what we’ll do.”
Solana releases a breath she didn’t even realize she was holding in. Him agreeing isn’t something she necessarily didn’t see coming, she just didn’t realize it’d come so easy. 
She almost feels it’s too good to be true.
Suddenly unsure, Solana double checks. “You’re….you’re okay with that?”
He doesn’t miss a beat with his answer. “Only if you’re sure this is what you want.”
It’s a profound statement. There’s a lot of things she’s not sure of that she’s been making herself do, regardless. 
But this……
This is something she wants.
Something she maybe even needs.
Solana is careful with her answer. “I’m gonna be 29 this year, and the only sexual experience I’ve had is being raped as a child.” There’s an equal combination of emotion and conviction as she affirms, “I don’t want that to be my story anymore.”
And it won’t.
Because she won’t let it.
Not anymore. 
“Then we’ll do this.” She nods, still nervous but also comforted by his support. “You know I won’t make you do anything you’re not ready for, but I also need you to be good about communicating with me.” His eyes move up and down over her, resting slightly longer on her chest, which is understandable given the revealing nature of her dress. “And you also know how attracted I am to you, to all of you, so I need you to stay clear with me on what you are and aren’t comfortable with, okay?”
It’s fair and completely understandable. Roman is still a man. A man with needs, and he strikes her as being an otherwise handsy man, so him wanting and needing to know where her red zones are is important.
“I understand.” And she’ll make an active, concerted effort to be on top of that. To practice saying no and cutting things off when she needs to. “What—what about you?” He gives her a look. “Is there….is there anything you’re not comfortable with?”
Again, he takes her in, head to toe. His tongue leaves his mouth to slowly gloss over his bottom lip. “Baby, you can do whatever you want with me.”
Her smile is bashful as she looks away. Him being so….outspoken about his attraction and desire for her is still a new thing she’s trying to navigate, but it’s not unwanted. Nor does it feel bad to have a man like him want her so badly.
Not at all. 
Deciding to continue to stay on the ledge she’s already started to trail, Solana brings her hand to his chest. “So….so if I asked you to kiss me again….”
He chuckles, Solana’s eyes shutting as he brings his mouth to her jawline, “whenever,” her nails claw against his chest as he moves his lips to her nose, “however,” finally he’s teasing the corner of her mouth. “Wherever you want.” 
And it’s at the exact moment their lips connect again that a phone ringing once again steals away another groundbreaking moment. 
Solana can feel the irritation in his muscular body and smiles against his lips. 
“I’m gonna fucking kill him.” She doesn’t necessarily doubt it as he kisses her cheek before pulling his phone out and answering as she lays her head in his neck. He barks out an unkind, “what?”
It doesn’t deter her as he keeps his grip on her hip, Solana enjoying the feeling of being in his arms. She’s starting to realize being this close to him makes her feel safe. His presence alone gives her that feeling, but this is something different, something almost…deeper.
She doesn’t try to listen in on his phone call, but it’s made virtually impossible not to, given the fact that she’s literally on his lap. However, that’s ended when he switches to speaking in Samoan. Still, it’s not hard to pick up on the fact that he’s growing more annoyed with every second that passes. 
He then gives a heavy sigh, switching to English, “I’ll be there in a bit.”
Her stomach drops, a frown appearing that she does her best to quickly push away. She had a feeling the call would end that way. 
Before he can explain to her the obvious, she lifts her head and assures, “it’s okay. I should probably get back to Dulce anyway.”
“Damn dog is so needy.” Solana smiles at the scowl on his handsome face. For someone who doesn’t care for dogs, she’s noticed he seems to interact with her puppy more and more as the days pass. He brings his hand to her chin, ensuring she keeps her gaze on him. “Don’t wait up, alright?”
It’s an expected request, one he should already know she’ll do her best to, but most likely won’t, abide by. 
“I make no promises...” 
Having such a small dog means that he or she can be in the most random of places and blend in seamlessly because of said smallness. It’s why in looking for Dulce after getting out the shower, Solana damn near searches every corner and crevice of the first and second floors of the mansion. Outside of a room that’s been locked and closed off the past two weeks, Roman not really giving her a reason why nor has she pushed.
She’d never been in it anyway.
It is, however, out of the norm though for Dulce to not be nearby. She typically likes to stay close to Solana.
Or even Roman.
So for a moment, Solana starts to get concerned. But after searching her room, the kitchen, the dining room, and even the backyard a second time, Solana is finally able to locate Dulce in the least expected place.
Roman’s room. 
She didn’t even realize Dulce’s bed was still in there, still in the original spot on the side of his bed.
The side she had slept on that one night.
“Dulce, you can’t stay in here.” Solana knows Roman isn’t a huge dog person, and Dulce being in his room is probably the last thing he’ll want to see when he gets back. But it’s in reaching over to pick up her puppy that something unexpected happens. 
Dulce nips at her.
Solana gasps, momentarily taken off guard. That’s the first time Dulce has done that. “Dulce, no.” Again, Solana goes for the grab only for the puppy to plant her bottom and back legs into the bed. Now Solana is just straight up confused. “What is wrong with you?”
Thinking maybe she can lure the puppy with a toy, Solana turns to leave, almost to the door when Dulce’s whimpering and the patter of her little feet stops her. Solana turns around and moves to grab her when Dulce scampers right back over to her bed, plopping her little body down.
It’s when she does that, Solana starts to catch on.
“You want to stay in here?” Dulce’s reply is a bark followed by the wag of her tail. Solana frowns. “We can’t…..this is Roman’s room.”
And yet even as the words leave her mouth, she thinks about that. Thinks about the fact that a part of working up to being intimate with Roman includes being close to him, touching him, in his bed perhaps. And though she still doesn’t remember everything from the night she got drunk, she remembers waking up in his bed and falling asleep again in the same bed with zero issues.
She felt….she felt comfortable. 
She felt safe.
“We can stay for a little while.” Deep down, Solana knows Roman won’t be upset with her. If anything, he’ll be more annoyed that she didn’t listen and decided to wait up, but her laying in his bed for a few minutes won’t generate anger.
Solana puts her phone on the nightstand, making sure the ringer is still on. The likelihood of him texting or even calling her is slim to none, but still….she doesn’t want to miss it if he does.
Laying on his bed is the initial plan, but there’s a chill in his room that has her moving under the covers just to provide her that slight warmth. It’s not intended to increase her comfort and definitely not intended to lead to her falling asleep.
But that’s exactly what happens. 
It’s also the last thing Roman expects to find when he makes it back home a couple hours later. 
Solana asleep in his bed. 
He knew she would try to stay up, knew she would end up falling asleep in trying to stay up, but he didn’t know she would end up doing all of that in his room, in his bed.
It’s unexpected but far from unwanted, a strange sense of satisfaction at seeing her sleeping so comfortably, so peacefully in his space of all places. 
He’s careful in his movements around the room, gathering clothes to change into post shower. Roman doesn’t want to disturb her, to wake her up, especially since he has a good guess that she didn’t intend to end up in his bed and would be unnecessarily apologetic. 
Apologetic for something he’s halfway considering asking her to make a permanent thing.
Roman manages to finish his shower without Solana so much as moving an inch. If only her damn dog was the same, because he’s barely able to open the bathroom door when Dulce is at his feet, whimpering.
Small ass dog with an even smaller ass bladder. 
Before she can progress to barking, he’s got her up in his arms, guiding her out the room, down the stairs and into the backyard where she thankfully wastes zero time in doing her business. Roman is grateful, not wanting a second to pass where Solana could wake up, freak the fuck out, and leave.
He wants her to stay right where she is.
And it’s in sliding into the bed with her, moving his arm over her body and gently pulling her into him, he realizes another reason why he doesn’t want her to leave. There’s an unfamiliar almost instant peace he has at the feel of her next to him, like this is how it should be, like she should be with him.
Like she’s supposed to be with him.
But he clearly wasn’t thinking straight when he moved her, because she’s suddenly stirring in her sleep, eyes slowly blinking open.
Fuck. He didn’t mean to wake her up. 
Roman’s half expecting her to freak out, to panic at being this close to him, at being in bed this close to him. But she again surprises him with a quiet murmur that’s more an acknowledgment than anything. “You’re back….” He watches as she frowns almost, an indication of worry, asking in a voice full of sleep. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” He brings his hand to her cheek, recognizing that even though she’s talking, she’s very much still half-sleep. “Go back to sleep.”
Solana gives a little nod and the moment he pulls his hand away, she inches closer to him. He shifts their positions, so he’s on his back, and she’s tucked safely into his side. In what feels like seconds, she’s fast asleep. 
A discussion about her moving into his room is definitely on the table, preferably sooner rather than later. It makes sense to him for a lot of reasons, namely the fact that she’s clearly comfortable sleeping with him in this way but also the fact that she’s expressed a desire to work up to being intimate.
Roman’s had sex in a lot of different places, but there’s no way in fucking hell he could ever have his first time with Solana be anywhere but a bed. 
His bed.
He plays around with a few different ideas on how to broach the subject before sleep prevails over him too.
It’s the fastest he’s fallen asleep in years.
And he’s certain it has nothing to do with the long ass day he had but everything to do with the woman besides him.
But his sleep is short lived by the vibrating of his phone on the nightstand. Irritated at the interruption of his sleep, he’s not surprised. Roman’s always been a light sleeper.
He peers down to make sure Solana remains undisturbed in her slumber, and seeing that she’s still sleeping as peacefully as before with her body somehow more over his than he remembered, he grabs his phone.
Paul: Sorry to disturb you so late, sir, but I got the files you requested for Miller. Emailed. As we already know, he’s almost a million in the hole. Has been in debt over the past twenty years. Never in the green. The bulk of it was accumulated in 2005. 500K. Summer 2005. Strangely, in that same month, it was cut in half to 250K. Then mysteriously zeroed out in late 07.
Roman sits on the brief summary provided by his Wise Man. It doesn’t add up. He already knew Miller was in the hole. The man is a fucking idiot when it comes to finances, so him being that deeply in debt isn’t surprising, but him somehow getting rid of a quarter million debt is. The fucker isn’t smart enough to pull that off.
Roman: Who was the creditor?
Paul: Still looking into that. 
Roman: Anything significant about 07’?
Paul: Not that I can see. Still digging though.
Roman doesn’t like mysteries. Can’t stand unanswered questions. They’ve always driven him fucking insane. It’s why he finds himself unable to fall back asleep, an inconvenient thing given the fact that he’ll need to be up and out of bed in a little under three hours. Still, he can’t get the dates and information out of his head. 
How the fuck did a dumbass like Miller clear his ledger to that extent? It’s not unheard of. Roman could have done it. Easily. But, he’s also significantly smarter than his wife’s dumbass father. 
Even more, what the hell did Miller need or have done for fucking half a million dollars? 
Was he moving product? Weapons, maybe? Human trafficking? Just the thought of that last one makes Roman want to place his fist through the nearest wall. 
But it’s Solana stirring on top of him that serves as the unintended trigger that helps him fill in the rest of the gaps.
He’s quick with the text to the Wise Man.
Roman: When was Solana’s mother killed?
Paul: Sir?
Roman: Answer the fucking question.
There’s a brief delay followed by those three dots and an answer.
Paul: 2005. August. 
Wheels start turning as Roman begins putting the harrowing pieces together. Miller went into half a million dollar debt in August of 2005 that somehow got slashed in half at the end of the same month. The same month that Solana and her mother were attacked, and only one of them made it out alive.
Roman does some mental math. Solana was born in 95. She’ll be 29 this year. That puts her at age 12 back in 07’.
The same age she was when she was raped.
The same year the largest chunk of her father’s debt suddenly zeroed out and disappeared like it never happened in the first place.
And just like the night he found out Solana was a survivor of childhood sexual assault, the unbridled horror and disgust that filled him in knowing the truth, Roman is starting to wish he wasn’t so good at connecting the dots. That he wasn’t able to put two and two together.
Because the picture is more fucking horrifying than anything he’s encountered in some time. If ever.
Because he’s now faced with the dilemma of just how in the hell he’s supposed to tell Solana that her father is responsible for her mother’s murder but also her being raped.
Because now he’s faced with the dilemma of if he should tell her at all.
Roman closes his eyes.
Shit just got infinitely more complicated.
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onomatapeanut · 22 days
I LIVE!!! (⁠╯⁠°⁠□⁠°⁠)⁠╯⁾⁠⁾✧
I have so many WIPs I wanna work on, but I've been procrastinating haha (⁠ ̄⁠ヘ⁠ ̄⁠;⁠)ゞ
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Here's some more speed run stuff (these seem to be the only things I can finish lately haha (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠))
Left: Wild the Speed Climber athlete 🧗‍♀️
Right: In Another Life (aka little Twilight dreams about what could have been, if Time were his actual father. They have a great time at this imaginary festival, I'm sure (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡)
Btw, if you live in Australia, Happy Father's Day to all the mentors/father figures/big brothers out there!
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yandereend · 4 months
I'm officially in love with Dorian, could you please do another chapter? Maybe reader is willing to be kidnapped? I'll leave it up to you <3
Me too<3 but to be honest I think everyone who reads yandere fiction wants to be kidnapped too😅
Yandere pretty boy
Your new life
TW : yandere stuff, kidnapped reader, Dorian is interesting…
P.2 / let me know if you want more
Your new life was more than interesting, but a welcomed suprise nonetheless.
To be honest you always hoped this would happen. School was shit, it always was. The people were fake, the teachers annoying and the grades not so great.
The best thing that happened in school was meeting Dorian, he was so nice and pretty. So spending every day in his mansion with him was great. He even gave you a new phone which you could use when he supervised.
Being kidnapped was only bad for a short time. Maybe faking your death was a bit of a overkill on Dorians part, but when you realized that your parents didn’t care you gave in.
So now you had private cooks, maids and every other thing you always expected from rich people. Sometimes it was even kinda cliche how often Dorian called for a maid, but that’s just how he grew up.
You also didn’t have to go through any punishments you heard of in other yandere stories cause you loved your new life. And thanks to that you’re and Dorians relationship was still going strong.
You two woke up togheter and you helped him getting ready for school. Then you two would eat breakfast with each other and say goodbye to each other. And then you were without Dorian for the next eight hours.
His father would also leave with him, going to work. You realized that Dorians obsessive personality came from his father, who acted with his wife the same way Dorian acted with you. But Roger was a very nice after he warmed up to you.
And when both left the house you were left with his mother.
You new best friend.
Charlotte was the nicest woman you ever met and also by far the prettiest. Even though she was 38 she looked like she was at most in her late twenties. And her youthfulness was complemented be her naive personality.
As you learned over the first month Charlotte was kidnapped by roger at only 16 years. It was love at first sight for him. He realized she was too pure for the world and would not survive on her own (his words). So he „rescued“ her and gave her the best life. And now they had a happy family with the newest addition being you.
Maybe a few rookier parts of the story where being brushed over by everyone, but hey in the end everything was fine … right?
What would your next step be, my love?
Btw a part about Charlotte and rogers past where wasn’t as obedient as reader kn the beginning ? Let me know if you want that <3
🩵Please let me know if you enjoyed it especially the person who asked, i love taking requests 🩵
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lorarri · 5 months
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summary , after 12 year's Y/N's parents finally divorce leaving Y/N in a tough position when he mothers new boyfriends comes into the picture
pairing , step dad! lewis hamilton x fem! young teen! reader
series masterlist | main masterlist | f1 masterlist | lewis hamilton masterlist | next part
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liked by nanayn leejunho 87,662,787 others
yourinstagram no matter what goes down I know I'm safe with my girls
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MUM ❤️
hi baby
are you excited about your special day?
hi ma
I'm so happy I get to spend it with the girls
MUM ❤️
Y/N I thought we agreed that you would spend your birthday with me and Lewis
we booked a reservation at your favourite restaurant
the one that we used to go to all the time with your father
sorry mum me and the girl's have already have everything planned out
and it's to late to cancel
why don't you and him go instead to the reservation
make it a date or whatever
MUM ❤️
he has a name Y/N
and the day isn't about me and Lewis
it's about you
which is why I want you to spend the day with me
with us
you can't avoid him forever
please Y/N Lewis is a lovely man
if you just talk to him
I think the two of you would get along
and what play mom's new boyfriend and daughter?
I'm not interested in playing house with the man who destroyed our family
MUM ❤️
me and your father had been talking about divorce since you were 12 sweetheart
Lewis is not the reason we split
then why does it feel like it
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liked by hanni danielle 98,787,787 others
yourinstgaram sweet 16 with the people I can trust 🤍
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yourinstagram . 10min ago
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seen by nanaln minji haerin 435 others
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dad please come pick me up
mom's boyfriend is staying at the house I don't like him
dad please
I miss you
lewis just proposed to mom...
I don't know what to do
dad please
did I do something wrong?
do you not love me any more?
please say something anything
I'm sorry read
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liked by nanaln charles_leclerc 89,672,156 others
lewishamilton my one and my wife to be 🤍
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─ requested by . . .
anon ─ Hi, I was reading your stories and I have a request/idea for your F1 stories that I was wondering if you could do only if you’re comfortable doing it. Basically the readers mom splits from her father for whatever reason you choose and then she marries Lewis making him the readers stepdad who is like 13 or 12 and they just have a hard time connecting and interacting because she misses her biological father but over time they start to bond. And her mom is happy or something idk. (female reader btw) This is it really, if you need to add or change anything then go ahead but yeah that’s it really.
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koiiiji · 7 months
finishing ur requests? uum no. another idea nobody asked about? yes pls💯💯
wooin x sis!reader (platonic)
author’s note : after last chapter i had this headcanon in my head. i suspect that wooin grew up in toxic household where his parents make him study, locking him up in his room, but boy probably was dreaming about just be free, and once left home. i also suspect his family probably has the same wealth as minu, but his parents way more toxic and controlling. but when he left home he left his part there, the part of his soul.
honesty 1000% in love how some ppl just ignored my closed inbox and keep sent requests🤣🤍🫵🏻 seriously guys, the best!! i will answer all requests, almost all is in process(i mean at least 20-40% already done) but now enjoying my time at home😌💌🔒
warnings : no(?) lil fluff, lil angst, nothing hardcore, prob grammar mistakes(not proofed as all my writings)
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༘⋆ wooin is older sibling 100%
༘⋆ when his parents told him he will have a sister, when he was 3 or 4 he was jealous, and whole 9 months he waited for someone who will ruin his life
༘⋆ but instead, when your father brought you and your mum to home from hospital, wooin was confused
༘⋆ he only saw a small girl, no one who could harm him in any way
༘⋆ your first ever smile was for him, or because of him by the way!! and he blushed so so much when your small hand clung to his index finger
༘⋆ so he built a soft spot for you in his heart in two years, because first years you’ve been crying, screaming and sobbing mess, well like all toddlers, while wooin was saying that he was too old to babysit you (bro was like 5-6 years old and crying himself to sleep bc didn’t understand how 10*10 equals 100 and 11*11 didn’t equal 111)
༘⋆ btw you were always silent when he was babysitting you. he chuckled each time when you looked at him with wide open eyes
༘⋆ through his childhood your parents were extremely strict with him, so he partly grateful to you for the fact that you took some attention on yourself and gave him the opportunity to be free from his studies and lectures from your parents for a while
༘⋆ but each year atmosphere in your home becomes more toxic, and when you grow up a little you could remember how wooin was locked in his room to study better, because he didn’t have acceptable marks
༘⋆ but you would always sneak in his room late at night, with your saved from the morning sweets and share some with him
༘⋆ you both favorite was lollipops with lemon favors tho!!
༘⋆ when you were about 13 years old, wooin left the house, he was 17
༘⋆ no need to say that your parents were furious. especially your father. in korea it’s common that son is inherits family business or work, so it’s always been a big scandal over his marks, behavior and look
༘⋆ so when he left, for you it meant that all the attention and rigor of your parents were transferred to you
༘⋆ atter the first couple of months of your brother's absence, he found the strength to meet with you
༘⋆ wooin knew perfectly that parents rage will reflect on you, and honestly he were scared - that you will hate him
༘⋆ when he met you near your school, he froze for few seconds and then hugged you so tight that you thought he was about to break your ribs (you returned him that favor)
༘⋆ you two always were close, wooin was your freshness in a house full of stuffy, stagnant air, while you was his little sunshine of hope and happiness in his dark, locked room
༘⋆ you didn’t have a lot of time after your school, so you just hugged tightly and exchanged phone numbers, so you could stay in touch
༘⋆ few days after you find the way to sneak out of the house to meet with your brother you spend few hours on a bench talking and listening to each other
༘⋆ - how are the relatives? on a scale of one to fucked up, how angry were they?
- fucked up in a cube, you know our dad, he wasn't just furious, from the screams from their room, i think he literally lost his temper
༘⋆ wooin just chuckled sadly and rubbed his neck with the palm of his hand
༘⋆ as the years passed, your nightly meetings continued. sometimes he would catch you after school or another after-school club where your parents had put you
༘⋆ wooin offered you to run away to him several times. by your senior year in school, he was self-supporting, and he even had some white-haired giant working for him, constantly pining after him
༘⋆ somehow you refused, deciding to finish school first and then he promised to help you with either work or university, depends on what you will choose
༘⋆ yes, guys from sabbath know you
༘⋆ yes, heyok once caught you two hugging
*wooin pressed his lips on top of your head, tightly shutting his eyes, frowning a little, he didn’t know when he will see you again, because he knew, in exam session parents won’t let you have a free second*
༘⋆ in first place heyok though you two dating, but then joker explained him how things actually going(my headcanon that they gossip girls, frfr)
༘⋆ since you hanged out with wooin you caught your brother’s manners of jokes
༘⋆ “hey, big bro, does that new red haired guy in your team have a girlfri..”
“don’t you even dare to finish this sentence” he exclaimed indignantly. no way his precious little sis will deal with that motherfucker.
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seirei-bh · 3 months
Summary and opinions of Jason's route ep 5! SPOILERS
Well, well, well, if you're the Jason route, congratulations, my friend! We're celebrating here with cocktails and ugly sobs because we FINALLY get a moment with Jason that last more than two minutes! + a moment alone with him! applauses!
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In general it was a good ep, I liked it! I still need to play it with other routes to get a complete opinion, but I enjoyed it.
And now, before continuing, this post contains BIG SPOILERS!!! about this ep in this route, so if you prefer to enjoy the content of the ep by yourself I REALLY recommend that you wait until the day of the general release and play it before read this.
Btw keep in mind that I'm going to make this post with humorous notes on purpose, so pls take it in good vibes!
As soon as I started the ep I got angry because Thomas was two hours late to work without any consequences -Devon was 100% ok with that, like???- while my Sucrette was awake since 7AM as a clown, and then she had to hear how Roy and Amanda argued over a cool project and about how Thomas got the coolest one and then they let my Sucrette take care of the shittiest project of all, thanks Devenementiel! I felt loved and considered! I'll be happy to betray all of you soon! :D Except you, Elenda, you're a sweetheart and wonderful, pls be my wife. I love you, honey.
My sucrette Lily proceeded to take on the project herself without ask help and without making any calls to the client (because she's stupid and because I wanted she suffered alone so Jason could manipulate her later, I'm evil yeees), and ofc she ended up screwing up. Then Elenda tried to cheer us up and then my sucrette went for a walk alone to catch a depression for having disappointed Devon, her coworkers and even her goose. Dishonor on your goose, girl!
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Then we found Jason in the park!! Basically our girl was seeing her life passing away in front of her eyes and then our lovely knight came to make fun of her, like a perfect Fool knight in a fairy tale. I swear this man has to have a location chip on us that also detects our emotions, otherwise Idk how we match up with him in every episode XDDD I guess his cell phone alerts him and he will go into "OMG my future wife need my bad jokes! I must go with her so she notices me!" and he runs out of his office.
In short, he offer us his help while he tries to hide his horns, his trident and the infernal flames from the ground , we end up telling him our problem because Sucrette is an idiot, and we make a deal with the devil, but not before Jason telling us to ask him nicely like "pleasee help me", and my Sucrette goes into: desire to kill increasing mode. Jason calls Danica to get info about the project, and while we wait for her response, Jason smirks and thanks us for liking his Instagram photo, while Sucrette tries not to k*ll him. When he gets the info very proud, she also mocks him and comments that "If you track everyone like this, it's no wonder you already have gray hair." and Jason responds that it's not from stress or age, it's poliosis, and that it's hereditary, and his father had them too. And there I wanted my Sucrette to shut up, lol, I'm embarrassed, girl.
Then comes my favorite moment: Jason takes us to Goldreamz!! Here we get a tense scene in which he touches Sucrette's back, they look at each other intensely, she has contradictory feelings because she thinks she's betraying her Devenementiel's coworkers, she doubs about his intentions, and then… *laughs* I love sm this:
Jason is sooo proud of his office and his company that asks Sucrette her opinion about it, Sucrette comments that she has no opinion on it, like meh~ I'm not impressed, man, this is Ikea, and Jason responds like a total offended diva XD Then he counterattacks by making fun of Devenementiel's decoration and both tease each other like always. I love my two fools.
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His expression was priceless. And she doesn't give a f***, lmao, tell him, girl. This pathetic man wanted to impress sm his queen and he failed. Someone should call the ambulance, the rival boss is having a shock *laughs*
Next, they both discuss the processes they will follow for the project, Sucrette contributing ideas and Jason getting her very good and surprising contacts. Then there's another of my favorite moments, Jason shows briefly vulnerable when Sucrette asks him a couple of personal questions about his childhood. Jason reveals to us that his parents were not millionaires, that his birthday parties were quite modest, and that his father died when he was a teenager, and then he ends the conversation. And I wanted to hug him.
Here I want to give my opinion. This is the first time that we get info about his family and I'm surprised! Because I thought Jason came from a rich family, like Amanda, and the plot twist about his father leaves me intrigued. The only thing I can theorize now at least is that Jason became an ambitious person perhaps due to this, and I wonder what exactly happened to his father, whether he died from an accident or illness.
Finally, Sucrette thanks him and Jason tells her that she shouldn't forget that now she has an outstanding debt with him that she'll have to pay at some point, dramatic pause----! He doesn't tell us what he wants, but I've a couple of ideas: either Jason will try to get something from Devenementiel by using us (despite Sucrette told him she would never betray Devenementiel) or he will try to get us to go on a date with him to a dinner or an event, without we won't be able to reject his invitation, to try to seduce us.
I already suspected that Sucrette on his route would end up visiting Goldreamz at some point, but I admit I didn't expect it to be so soon! It was a pleasant surprise. We didn't meet Danica and Spencer yet though.
After that, Sucrette presents to her colleagues at Devenementiel the project she has worked on with Jason, without meantion him ofc, Devon congratulates her, Elenda hugs her (my queen Elenda being the best girl always), and Sucrette feels horribly uncomfortable because she thinks she is betraying all of her coworkers by hiding the truth about Jason's help. Hahaha, I'm really would like Devon and the others finds out that Jason helped us, I want to see their reaction *evil masochistic laugh*
At the end I had the date with Roy at the pool, since I will do the ones with Amanda and Thomas in a few days. I loved it! Roy's illu is so beautiful, so colorful and bright! <3 Although Beemoov are cowards for not giving us mermanRoy, he'd have look so hot! U__U Regarding Jason's illus with him in the company, I also really liked the intimacy and tension of the scene, and the detail that their faces are in shadow, as to emphasize the forbidden nature of that secret meeting and that you're making a deal with the devil.
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About the PAs, I spent around 1.700, but I forgot to use jokers this time, so I guess for other people could be cheaper.
You can also get a sea background for your room and furniture of that theme in your closet at the end of the ep. They are available to buy whatever you want. I used the background for my bedroom and I love how it looks!
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tomssexdoll · 5 months
Could you please do tomorrow headcannons like the ones you’ve done for bill recently. 🙏🙏🙏. Love your writing btw- also if you make it can you tag me..
yesss ofc love and ty for the support <3
Relationship headcannons Tom
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You guys first started dating
Brags about you to anyone who will listen
Once you got to know him you realized how much of a softie he really is
He was very confident at first
Spoils you
Quickies behind stage at tours
You love playing with his dreads
Tugging on his braids during sex
Suprised you with the braids
you love them ofc
Loves going on walks with you
Very affectionate
Super protective
Gets jealous easily
Slightly possessive
Hates when you wear skimpy clothing out
Always accompanies you at parties
Will hurt any guy if he has to
Gets you flowers a lot
Takes you on the humanoid tour
Shouts you out in the crowd and brings you up to the stage
Stares at you while he's playing and flirts with you too
Quickie backstage ofc
Loves seeing you in his shirts when you go to sleep
Always gives you his jackets, hoodies, shirts
SUPER flirty
Teases you in public
Leaves hickeys everywhere for everyone to see
Smacks your ass playfully in public
Cuddles are the best
Loves to go to the club with you
Still very protective
Jealousy issues calming down a little
Shows you off in interviews
Talks about you non stop in podcasts
Brings you to practice
Very loving and caring
Will drop everything just to make sure you're ok
Super close, very healthy relationship
Proposes to you finally
The proposal is beautiful, he takes you out to a fancy dinner and he gets the best spot and proposes to you under the stars
Showers you with gifts all the time
Gets you lunch when you're working hard
Loves to give you massages when you're stressed
Learnt how to cook for you
Talking about wanting a family
Cuddes and movies every second night
Partying like there's no tomorrow
Falling pregnant in late 2014 so the baby came after the wedding
The wedding finally happens
The ceremony is beautiful
He smiles like an idiot when he sees you walking down the aisle, crying softly
Does the garter wedding tradition but tries to take your panties off instead
Dances with you sweetly at first
When you get drunk he grinds on you, dancing so sexually
He smashes his lips into yours when the priest declares you husband and wife
also picks you up and spins you around when after the kiss
Can't stop talking about how sexy you were at the wedding
Makes a wedding night sex tape with you LOL
Buying a house together
Baby finally arrives
A lot of renovating
More talks about having a big family
Tom upgrades the nursery
Best father EVER
Spoils you and the kids
Forces Bill to babysit for a couple nights so you guys can spend time together
Sex is amazing and always has been
Still very protective of you and especially your daughter
Fall pregnant again
Find out you're having twins
tom jumps with joy after he finds out
Tells Bill and they are super happy
Tom buys you fresh flowers every week
When he takes the dogs for walks he'll always pick flowers for you
Loves taking your daughter to the park with you even though you're super pregant
Loves you unconditionally
Takes care of you so much during pregnancy and birth
Holds your hand at the hosptal
Sobs and holds the twins in his arms
Loves you for you
Reminds you everyday how beautiful and precious you are
Spoils the kids with junk food when you aren't there
Thinking of another kid
Very happy relationship and super close
Sex is amazing ofc
Buying you flowers every week ofc
Partying here and there
Loves home dates and spending time with you
Some nights he'll fall asleep on your chest
You love playing with his long hair and beard
Beard tickles you when he kisses you
He's careful not to give you carpet burn when eating you out
Loves washing your hair and making you feel relaxed
Runs baths for you to relax after a hard day
He helps with the cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc.
Best present giver
Super affectionate
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tags: @effy-2000 @itsmealaiah @tomscumdump @20doozers @charliesgoodboy @tomkaulitzloverr @tomscumdoll @syylss @ge-billsgf @ballhair @miyukafujii
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thebadboyfanclub · 2 years
The Man You Deserve (Aegon x Reader)
This was requested by @ksuumin : Okay, I have one!! Aegon is heavily drinking and is found by his betrothed, she takes him back to the red Keep and gives him a bath, during the bath he has a slight mental breakdown and she comforts him and is all fluffy. Enjoy, this was so fun to write btw
I would suggest listening to “everything I wanted” by billie relish or “line without a hook”
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When (y/n) Hightower was informed that she would be wed to prince Aegon she almost passed out, she was set to travel to kings landing and meet with her cousin Queen Alicent, she hadn’t seen her cousin since princess Rhaenyras wedding.
When she arrived at the Keep she was greeted by a warm hug from the Queen and cousin Alicent who kept apologising for her son Aegon not being here to welcome her. (Y/n) smiled politely and nodded even though she was close to crying, her instinct kept warning her about her future marriage.
She had heard stories about her betroth, how prince Aegon spend most of his time at the Silk Road and hydrated with wine instead of water, a future with a lord husband that had those kind of habits was unstable and frightening to her, yet she put on a brave face and appeared unfazed but at night she would kneel in front of the candles and pray to mother for a happy marriage.
“What seems to be the problem?”
She questioned the young lady that stood in front of her. The girl did not meet (y/n)s gaze, she instead chose to look at her feet while her hands were clasped behind her back.
“Prince Aegon seems to be missing, he hasn’t been seen since he broke his fast on the morrow”
“Does the queen know about this?”
“Not yet my lady, Ser Criston has yet to decide if they should send guards to search for him”
“Very well, thank you for your information elina”
Before she could let her thoughts eat her alive, she ran outside her room to meet her sworn guard
“Ser Helias, show me the way to kings landing”
“My lady, you are not allowed to leave the keep at such late hour”
“You are sworn to me are you not? We must find my betroth before Ser Criston gets a hold of him”
The long legged man hesitated before he scoffed and nodded. (Y/n) smiled even if the guard did not whole heartedly agreed to this. As they got past the main gate it didn’t take long to find prince Aegon passed out just few meters away from the Red keep.
“Is he alive?”
(Y/n) asked the guard. As the man leaned into the passed out Aegon he placed his hand underneath the Princes nose for a minute.
“He is breathing”
“Very well, give me a hand”
As she grabbed Aegon by his one arm her guard grabbed the other and lifted him up in unison, their pull resulted in earning a grunt from the clearly intoxicated and rather smelly prince.
“Am I dead?”
“Unfortunately not my prince”
She couldn’t hold the sour comment any longer, she had grown tired of his antics on the other hand the situation of having to search for him brought her a new wave of anxiety for his safety.
“(Y/n)? What are you doing?”
“Carrying you”
She responded shortly. Aegon tried to open his eyes and look in her direction, seeing her lips pursed and her eyebrows scrunched together as she held on to him and mildly grunt under his weight made the feeling of embarrassment grow as it slowly took over his entire body.
He had attempted to remain sober in her presence, firstly to avoid the scoldings of his mother, second was that he did not wish for her to see him like this, drunk and dirty. She was his betroth, the woman that would eventually carry his children, the lady that would accompany him until the end of their days, that new sense of responsibility was foreign to him, how could he grow up to step up as a good husband and father when he didn’t have a good example of it?He had already failed before they even got to the wedding ceremony.
The walk back to the keep was not long still it was far enough for (y/n) to start huffing and puffing, she wasn’t a woman of petite frame moreover carrying a man up countless of stairs was an activity she was not prepared for. As they approached her chamber of Aegon (y/n) instructed her guard to stay outside, fortunately she was still capable to prepare a bath for the prince and with hesitation she stripped him off his clothes.
“I never thought this would be the way you would see me naked sweet (y/n)”
“Hush now, don’t make this worst than it already is”
She shot him down, her irritation clear as day in her tone, he could almost see the anger radiating off of her though oddly enough her touch was careful and gentle. She made sure to carefully assist him to step in the tub and even ask him if the water is warm enough for his liking.
Aegon observed her as she picked up a sponge and kneeled next to the tub in order to clean him properly all while the silence between them was comforting, this was the most genuine affection Aegon got in years, as the sponge glided on his body he closed his eyes and leaned into her touch as much as he could.
“Do you hate me?”
He spontaneously inquired before he gulped, anticipating a positive answer like he always got. (Y/n)s movement came to a halt as she was caught off guard by the topic of his question. She let out a deep breath before (y/n) regained her composure and kept on with her task.
“I do not loathe you my prince, I’m afraid my feelings for you are more complexed than that”
She explained with a voice so sweet he wished he could put it in a bottle and drink it. He turned to look at her, making a slight motion at the water as some escaped and fell on the ground, he gripped on the white tub like a small kid and eyeballed her like a small child. She smiled at the sight of him, (y/n) had never seen him so vulnerable, so true.
“Explain then”
“How could I explain… I believe you choose to self soothe and numb yourself with alcohol in order to avoid your emotions, from what I have observed you had to grow up in an environment where others expected you to be as wise, poised and skilled as an old maester, warrior and king before you even made your first step”
(Y/n) expressed her opinion and as they beheld one another (y/n) started to notice Aegons eyes fill with tears. She was shocked for a moment before she reached for his cheek, a touch that Aegon accepted and didn’t know he needed until he felt the warmth of her flesh on his.
“It’s alright Aegon, you can confide in me”
With that Aegon bursted into a full crying fest, as his entire body shook from the sobs and tears washed over his face, he was crying loudly and the emotion was so raw that anyone with a heartbeat would crumble at the scene that was painted.
(y/n) could not sit still, it was like watching a wounded animal mourn, yet there was no bleeding on the outside even though (y/n) was sure his souls was scattered in pieces, making him bleed internally for all these years.
(Y/n) got on her feet and placed her hands on his arms so she can pull him up, wrapping his lower body with a white towel before guiding him to his bed. Aegon kept crying even when his body hit the soft mattress, his hands covering his face to prevent her from seeing him like this, her words had such impact on him that he could not control himself, he just cried and cried to the point that even breathing was hard.
(Y/n) did not pressure him to put on any clothing on him, she let him keep the towel as she simply lifted the sheets and covered him, making sure his head laid comfortably on the pillows as he cried. She had observed him for days, she could always detect the sadness and pain he felt almost every day, such tragedy that (y/n) wanted to steal away from him, eat the darkness so he can finally breathe freely.
As Aegon let his emotions show he felt a pair of arms wrap around him and get close, he was being embraced, her hug was like a breath after staying underwater for so long, her presence was better than milk of the poppy, her scent was more pleasant than any flower, (y/n) was his fate, his sanctuary.
Immediately Aegon brought her as close as humanly possible, (y/n) remained silent and stoic as she felt every hiccup, every sob, she imagined this what it would feel if she was a rock while the waves of the ocean smacked it, a violent act that was not intended to harm her yet it cut deep. She wanted to do more even though this was for the best, he needed to let his sadness flow, like a cathartic ritual a cleanse of every emotional burden he was holding.
“Do you feel better Aegon?”
He gradually calmed down while (y/n) patiently waited for him to settle down, she brushed his blonde hair in a way to help him come down of his breakdown. He clung onto her with all the strength he could gather until he stopped sobbing all together, he looked up at her with bloodshot eyes and a puffy face, (y/n)s heart clenched at the sight of him, the damaged prince that was just a big child whom yearned for affection, for love.
“I’m sorry”
“Do not apologise, we are to be wed, what kind of lady wife would I be if I left you at such a vulnerable moment?”
Her kind smile brought him such comfort, he finally understood what it meant to have a partner…. A home even.
“I want us to be happy my love”
“Then you must try, do you promise to try for me? For us?”
It almost sounded like (y/n) begged, if you asked her she would say that she was. This was a small ray of sunshine for a bright future, she must grab the new opportunity and hold on to it with all her might. Aegon raised up a little to be at the same eye level as her, his fingers gracing her cheek in such tenderness, it was like he was afraid that she would float away if he reached for her, like a dream that he would soon be rudely awakened by.
“I swear it on the gods, I will become the man you deserve”
Requests are open!
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fishhawish · 11 months
Can request some genshin men(your choice)with a s/o who can't cry. Like even when they are sad and wants to cry they can't. If you don't write for multiple characters you can choose anyone you want to. Thanks.
Yeah totes! Hope you enjoy🤍
Sorry for late response btw I got caught up in ROTC
Genshin men x reader who can't cry
Angst / comfort
Warnings: none
Gender neutral reader
(spun on a wheel contains: Nuevillete, Lyney, Kaeya, Tighnari, Xiao and Thoma)
‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊
!!not proof read!!
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Scenario: Reader had a bad day but can't let out the pent up frustration.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚Nuevillette
He cries for You.
Although it may not look like it, Nuviluette is truly an emotional man. Especially when his significant other is upset. You both lay on the bed, You curled up against him while he holds you tightly in attempt to comfort you. You want to cry but tears won't spill, leaving you in absolutely agony. Your lover can't help but get emotional at the sight, his eyes watery as he cuddles you. He apologizes but he still can't help it. All he wishes of is for You to be happy again. He's really trying his best. He ordered snacks and little gifts in attempt to cheer you up. When the maid delivers them he is the one to answer. Presenting you with the little gift he tried his best to make you happy, smiling at you and speaking in his gentle tone "My dear, I have gotten You a gift. "Please allow me to treat You during this unfortunate time."
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚Lyney
He understands You.
Lyney, who grew up in the House of Hearth. Also experienced the inability to cry. Growing up under 'Father' really caused tension for Him as a child. As of currently You now sit with your Magician lover, in his lap on the sofa of his home. Tears waiting to spill but they don't. He sighs and rubs your back gently in little circles. "Ma chérie, please take your time." His loving voice rang in your ears. He looks over to grab the blanket to the side of him and wraps it over both of your bodies. "We have all the time in the world, do not fear " He whispers. Laying back and taking you with him to lay on top of him. He kisses the top of your head and soothes you to sleep with a lullaby that his 'Father' taught him.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚Kaeya
He drops everything for You.
Kaeya who noticed that You haven't visited him all day, began to worry. He needed to make sure. He speed walked to your home just to check on You, who also didn't answer the door. Kaeya unlocking the door with the key under the door mat entered the cozy home to see a depressing state. Him dashing towards you to, embracing you instantly. He begged you to tell him what happened, but after he himself calmed down he decided to give you some time. He loves you dearly more than anything. Kaeya gently kisses your temple before picking you up and relocating you back to your bedroom. When You mentioned to him that you want to cry but you can't, he says back a almost silent "me too".
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚Tighnari
He who tried his best.
Tighnari seems to over prioritize work, often not even noticing his own needs. And even if he says breaks are good sometimes, how often does he truly do so? Tighnari isn't as good with comforting, but he knows enough to try to help due to him taking care of Collei. So now here You are, sitting in Tighnari's lap at his desk. Face tucked into his shoulder hiding from the world as his tail wraps around you along with his arm, his other arm finding it's way to intertwine both of your hands together. His thumb rubs against the back of your hand, comforting you. He looks at you, pain filling his heart. He doesn't know what to say, he's afraid that he'll say the wrong thing. Especially without you being able to cry at the moment. But after a while he gathers courage and whispers "It's okay I'm here now."
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚Xiao
He fights just for You.
Xiao's daily life consist of fighting the demons that intend to harm liyue. However when he hears your sweet voice call his name, the demons he fends off fate was sealed you opened your mouth. It takes him mere seconds to finish and teleport to You, and seconds to see your gloomy expression. This leaves Xiao in a panic because he doesn't know what to do. Xiao doesn't know much about humans, but he tries his best for you. He gently reaches out to touch your hand, embracing your hand with his. "Are you okay? What's wrong?" He says, worry sinking in his stomach. You suddenly embrace him, trying your best to let your emotions out but its not working. Although Xiao is stiff, he still complies with your action. Gently wrapping his arms around you as well. "I'll always protect You until the end." He says.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚Thoma
He takes the best care of You.
Thoma, who is amazing with caring for others. He loves you more than anything, you're practically his sunshine. So when You walked up to him and ask him for comfort, he's immediately there for you. By the time you asked he's already prepared everything. He takes your hand in his and helps you drink the tea he prepared for you. "Let me spoil you until you feel better, is that alright?" He says worried, you just nod. When you mentioned you want to cry but can't, he feels horrible. He hugs you, pampering your face in little kissing, giving you encouraging words. He always knows how to make you feel even slightly better. He smiles at You. "Here, I'll make your favorite foods tonight. It's all about you sweetheart."
Requests open as usual<3
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rafyki · 3 months
[Percico fanfic]
*Throws more percico smut at you* (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
You know I really can't stop thinking about percico smut lately asdgsdfkas (might be also because me and @neo-kid-funk have been talking about it so much, throwing ideas at each other lmao and also her beautiful spicy art is a constant inspiration)
So anyway, have some Nico calling Percy pet names and Percy with kind of a praise kink - this is very extremely sappy, btw, you've been warned (because of course I can't help but writing them absolutely in love with each other)
You can also read it on AO3!
Nico came back at exactly eleven minutes past two a.m.. Percy knew that with certainty because he had been alternating between staring at the door and at the clock for the most part of the day, since the moment Nico had contacted him via Iris Message to tell him he would come home today.
He had looked so tired, smiling softly at Percy when he told him he missed him, and Percy wanted nothing more than to cradle him into his arms, kiss him wherever he could reach, and make sure he was really okay.
Of course, he knew that Nico wouldn't use the door to get inside the house. Instead, like every good son of Hades, he materialized in the shadows in a way that would have scared anyone who didn't know him. Percy was used to it though, and he did expect to see him stumble into the room from the shadows - he had kept the room dark enough precisely because of that.
What he did not expect was for Nico to choose the shadow on the ceiling and to literally fall into the room. But it didn't really matter, because Percy's senses were so used to be tuned on Nico's presence and his every movement that his body moved before he even registered it, catching the falling man easily into his arms.
“Welcome back”, Percy said. He didn't let Nico go, holding him close to himself, bridal style - the weight in his arms was familiar and welcome, as was the beautiful eyes looking into his own.
“I'm home”, Nico murmured back. There was mirth in his smile as he looked at Percy, hugging him around the neck, head resting against his shoulder. He looked as happy to stay there as Percy felt. “You caught me”.
“Of course”, Percy said. “Was it a test?”
Nico hummed in assent. “You passed”.
“Of course I did”.
“I knew you would”.
Oh, Percy had missed him so much. Here, standing in the middle of the room with the man he loved in his arms, Percy thought that this was what home felt like. As dramatic as it might have seemed, he had been feeling like a part of himself was missing for the whole three weeks Nico had been away. They had kept in contact through Iris Message as frequently as they could, but it wasn't the same; it wasn't enough to lighten the burden weighting on Percy's heart, a weight he knew Nico shared. 
Nico seemed to read his mind. He hugged Percy closer, hiding his face in the crook of Percy's neck, leaving a feather soft kiss there.
“I missed you”.
“Me too”, Percy said. “So much. I'm never letting you go again”.
Nico let out a soft laugh at that, and Percy felt it tickling on his skin. “I don't think my father would agree with that”.
“I have some experience in defying you father, I think I can manage”.
Another laugh. Oh, how Percy had missed the sound.
A beat, a moment of silence. Percy buried his nose in Nico’s messy hair, breathing him in. 
“I really really missed you, Neeks”. 
He had been worried, too, but he didn’t say that out loud. It wouldn’t be fair, not when Nico had his job as the ambassador of Pluto to do, not when Percy himself sometimes had quests to participate in to help the Camps - it was their job, and being worried about each other came together with it, it was a given in a demigod’s life; they couldn’t help it and they both knew, but it didn’t make it any easier. 
When their eyes met, Percy knew Nico was thinking the same thing.
When they kissed, they could taste relief on each other’s lips.
They had been together for long enough that kissing and being into each other’s arms should have probably lost its magic; it should have been familiar like something that you have always there, that is such a huge part of your everyday life that it becomes an afterthought. It wasn’t. Instead, it was familiar in a way that made it impossible to take it for granted, it was familiar in a way that Percy needed, in the way that made their everyday life worth living. They kissed, and every time Percy thought this is why I survived everything I have. To have this. 
Percy kissed him now, and thought that he would never get tired of doing it, even in a million years spent together.
Nico melted into his arms, lips spontaneously opening against his. The sound of a content sigh got lost in between them, and Percy wasn’t sure if it was his or Nico’s. It didn’t matter, they were breathing into each other’s mouths anyway, the sound swallowed in between them.
They stood there in the middle of the room, Nico still cradled in Percy’s arms, kissing and kissing and kissing until they had no breath left in their lungs. 
“You can put me down now, you know”, Nico said after a moment of silence.
Percy just adjusted his hold on him, hugged him closer. He would probably need to do it in a short while when his arms would inevitably start to complain, but for now he was perfectly happy and comfortable like this. “Don’t wanna”.
Nico looked at him, smiled, and kissed him again. Percy knew what the light in his eyes meant, felt it in the heated way their lips met this time, in the way Nico was holding onto him almost desperately, the way he pushed his tongue into Percy’s mouth like he wanted nothing more than to devour him. 
It was different from the languid sweet kiss from just a few moments before. This was a different kind of I missed you, a different kind of I need you, another face of their I love you.
It was the kind of kiss that made Percy feel like Nico was touching him everywhere all at once, that demanded everything from him, every bit of attention, every bit of his soul.
When Nico kissed him like that, it made Percy want to give up everything just to fall on his knees and worship Nico like he deserved.
He kissed back, just as hungry, just as desperate, giving Nico everything he was asking for. 
It had always been like that, between them - one single glance, one single word, and things escalated. That was how they had found themselves falling into bed together even before confessing and getting together properly; it had caused problems, back then, but now they could allow themselves to give in to it without a second thought, could get lost in the feeling of want eating them up without worrying about what waited for them on the other side of it.
Percy only forced himself to move back when he remembered, amidst the haze that was filling his mind, that Nico had just come back after a three weeks long job. Nico whined at the loss of contact. 
Percy took a moment to catch his breath. 
“Wait”, he said. “Have you eaten?”
Nico nodded. The way he was clearly a little annoyed made Percy smile. 
“You sure?”
This time Nico rolled his eyes fondly at him. “Hazel was with me, you know what that means”.
“Mh, yeah, I can trust her to take care of you”.
“You should trust me”, Nico said. Anyone else would have thought that his frown meant he was seriously mad, but Percy knew him too well. 
“I do, with everything”, he said, kissing his nose gently. “But I also know how quests can go, and how they can distract you”.
Another kiss, long and sweet. The heat from before was still there, boiling just underneath the surface. Honestly Percy just wanted to give in to it.
“You sure you’re not tired?”, he asked, in between shared breaths. He could feel the heaviness of Nico’s tired bones, had noticed the way his eyelids had looked heavy earlier when he had just arrived; and he knew how tiring a quest could be, especially such a long one. Nico could sleep, and they could just start again the next morning.
“I am, a little”, Nico replied, and Percy was about to put him down and let him get some well deserved rest. He stopped when Nico held onto him tighter, got his lips close to Percy’s ear, and murmured, “So, take care of me tonight?”
And it was like a fire was lit inside of Percy.
How could he deny him?
Just those words were enough to make arousal fill every inch of his body, strong and prepotent and impossible to ignore. Nico knew the effects it would have on him, of course, knew exactly what to say and do to make Percy do whatever he wanted. And Percy loved it.
Barely suppressing a groan he changed his hold on Nico, moving his hands under his thighs as Nico wrapped his legs around him. Kissing him was easier like this, the new angle making their lips fit perfectly together, the higher position allowing Nico to push for more as Percy opened up against him. Hands were buried in Percy's hair, touching and pulling on it impatient and demanding.
Without breaking apart, with his eyes still closed and lost in the malestorm that was Nico, Percy started walking towards their bedroom. He didn't need to see to know where he was going, and the house was coated in shadows anyway - still he was too busy to worry about bumping into anything. There wasn't anything that could make him separate from Nico right now.
Only when they did reach the bedroom Percy moved back, putting just enough space between their lips that he could catch his breath. He could feel Nico's hard breaths mixing with his own.
Gently he let him down, resting him on the bed. Their bed, sometimes it was still hard to believe it. But there they were now, in their home, on their bed, hands still touching each other like they couldn't bear to separate even for one instant - and Nico was looking up at him, looking beautiful and ethereal in the moonlight coming in from the window. There was lust and anticipation in his eyes, and so much love Percy felt himself drown in it.
Under that stare he took a moment to take off his shirt, then his trousers, and finally his underwear, leaving himself naked and bare for Nico to see. Oh how he loved this, how he loved to be the only object of those eyes, the only one who had the privilege of being at the receiving end of that passionate and devoted look. He could feel himself grow harder just by the weight of it.
Nico reached out, and Percy joined him on the bed. He helped him out of his clothes, slow and gentle, as he could feel the weight of Nico's weary bones, the tiredness of his every move mixed with the need for this, the need for the contact and the touch.
It was a familiar thing, that of taking off each other’s clothes, slowly getting bare before one another, as familiar was the sight of Nico’s beautiful scarred pale skin - yet it never failed to make Percy’s breath stop in his throat, his heart beating like crazy in his chest and blood boiling in his veins. Even in the heat of the moment he could never deny himself a few moments just to look, hungry eyes caressing every inch of skin they could reach, hands following behind shortly after on the same path. He pulled Nico in closer, and the kiss that followed was heated and slow at the same time. Nico’s hands left a burning trail where they moved along on Percy’s skin. They moved on the bed until Nico was on his back and Percy on top of him.
It never failed to amaze Percy how perfectly they fitted together, skin against skin, bodies finding where they belonged against each other. Nico was still smaller than him, and Percy loved that he could cover him like that, having him underneath himself, swallow him whole. He loved that despite this, Nico almost always had the reins of the situation anyway.
They broke the kiss in a moan when their half hard lengths pressed together, leaving them panting into each other’s mouth.
“Are you going to show me just how much you missed me?”, Nico said, whispering the words directly into Percy’s soul.
Percy could feel his pleased smirk against his own lips. Even in his tired state, Nico knew perfectly well how to push every one of Percy’s buttons.
“As if I could ever deny you”, Percy replied, blood rushing into his veins. “Whatever you want”.
“I want you”.
It was such a simple thing to say, such an obvious truth that Percy knew already, had known for years, and it had been so long since the last time he had doubted it. But it still got his heart running, jumping into his throat like it wanted to escape and leap into Nico’s waiting hands.
Percy moved back enough to look into Nico’s eyes. He couldn’t see him properly, as he was coated in the shadows casted by Percy’s own body; it didn’t matter, Percy could see the look in his eyes even in the dark, would see it in his dreams and with his own eyes closed. “You have me”, he said. “Always”.
Another kiss. Nico tasted like everything Percy wanted, now and forever. 
He moved his lips to Nico’s neck, sucking on the sensitive skin, taking it in between his teeth, soothing the bruise with his tongue. Every little sound that was coming out of Nico’s mouth pushed him to bite a little harder, to leave a more permanent mark. Bite marks looked especially pretty on Nico’s neck, their color a stark contrast against the pale skin.
Nico moved to give him better access, one of his hands buried in Percy’s hair, keeping him in place, his legs around Percy’s waist, pulling him closer. Percy could feel the breath catching in his throat every time a movement made their hard cocks slid between their bodies, the pressure and friction so good and not nearly enough at the same time.
“I’m gonna make you feel so good”, he said into Nico’s ear, before taking the lobe in between his lips.
“I- ah, I know you will, baby”.
Percy couldn't help it - he preened at the word,  an unintentional pleased sound escaping from his throat. There was just something about Nico calling him that, something that made Percy lose himself a little more every time. He loved getting lost in Nico, forgetting himself for a little while and just focusing on him, on how to give him pleasure, how to make him feel good.
And so he moved from his neck to his collarbone to his chest, kissing and biting every inch of skin he could reach, letting himself get lost in the taste under his tongue and the sweet sounds coming from Nico and filling his ears. Tomorrow Nico's skin would be a beautiful map of every heated touch, and Percy would wake up and trace it with his fingers, marveling at how beautiful he was.
Down, and he took a pink hard nipple between his lips, sucking and biting just hard enough, just how Nico liked - and he was rewarded with a high moan and a hand gripping his hair so tight it almost hurt.
Few things felt as good as having Nico underneath himself like that, all bare and waiting for him, all for Percy to taste and touch and give pleasure to; tired and exhausted and yet waiting and wanting nothing but Percy. Percy wanted nothing more than to be good for him, to give him pleasure to the point he couldn't take it anymore, to make him arch under his touch at the plea of his name.
A kiss, just where Nico's heart was. A kiss, long and lingering.
I love you so much, he thought, and believed that Nico could feel it, hear it in the sound of his own heartbeat.
Down, again, leaving a trail of soft gentle kisses behind, on Nico's sternum, on his belly, on his hipbones. Nico's legs opened to accommodate him, and Percy moved to his thighs, beautiful and sensitive and so easily marked up. The soft skin tasted perfect under Percy's teeth and tongue. He kissed over a few scars - that was a habit they both had, that of wanting to leave marks over scars, like an attempt to rewrite with something better whatever painful moment had left a sign on their bodies.
“Percy…”, Nico called, breathless already. The name always sounded so beautiful on his lips. It was a request, and Percy understood. 
He licked his lips before finally bringing his mouth on Nico's hard length, wrapping his lips around the head, teasing with his tongue that spot he knew would help to drive Nico crazy. Just a little, not enough to make him come, but enough to make him arch under Percy, to make him moan and cry out asking for something more. 
The broken moans of Percy, and baby, went to Percy's head and groin, and he moved down a little more, taking more of Nico into his mouth, closing his eyes as he drowned in the sounds and taste filling his senses. Nico's legs were wrapped around him, his hands on the back of Percy's head, forceful yet careful at the same time.
Percy loved this, loved how he knew perfectly where to touch to make Nico come undone under him, loved that he could just do this, could love him and show it with every part of his body and every part of his soul. Loved that Nico's taste was so engraved in his senses that it almost felt like his own.
When he could feel that Nico was about to come, he moved back, letting him fall out of his mouth. A whine escaped Nico at the loss of contact, and Percy, breathless, let his tongue run over the length of his cock one last time, a final kiss lingering on the head.
Nico brought his hand under Percy's chin, pushing to make him look up at him. Fingers brushed against his lips, thumb stroking his lower lip, gentle at first then harder, pushing in between until it was inside Percy's mouth.
Nico was beautiful - there was no proper word to describe him, but beautiful was what always came up to Percy's mind whenever he tried to find the right way to describe him. Sometimes, the word was almost enough - never quite able to encompass everything that Nico was, but close, almost good enough. Now though, the sight before Percy's eyes was more - more than beautiful, more than perfect, mesmerizing in a way that the word itself couldn't catch; there were no words that could describe the way Nico looked right now, bathed in moonlight, with his sensitive skin flushed pink, white and shining with sweat, marks starting to form on it, his swollen lips parted, breathing hard. And his eyes, soft and intense at the same time, fixed on Percy, lust and love tangled together in them, and so strong Percy found himself unable to breathe. He knew that the same look was probably mirrored into his own eyes as he looked back at Nico. 
There were no words to describe Nico like this, and there was no need for them - this was a sight no one but Percy was privy to, it was his.
“Come here”, Nico said, his voice raw and breathless, and it pulled Percy out of his own dazed thoughts.
They met in a long messy kiss, mouth opened against each other, like they couldn't get enough, like they wanted, needed, to devour one another. 
“You're being so good for me”, Nico said, and Percy melted at the words. “You're so good at taking care of me”.
A whine escaped Percy and Nico swallowed it in the next kiss.
Hands were traveling all over each other, legs tangled together, every inch of their bodies pressed together. Percy couldn’t wait to be inside him, feeling Nico surrounding him completely. It didn’t matter how many times they did this, it always felt as heart-stopping and significant as the first time.
Nico always seemed to be reading his mind, because the next thing he said was, “I really need you inside me now, Percy”, with a low and clearly affected voice, speaking the words against Percy’s lips.
“Yeah”, Percy breathing, nodding.
He moved back enough to reach out and take the lube and a condom from their bedside table, opened the bottle and coated his fingers in it, then went back to kissing Nico. He really couldn’t go too long without doing it. He kept kissing him as he opened him up with his fingers, careful and slow, taking his time both because he didn’t want to hurt him and simply because he loved doing this. 
As they kissed, Percy could feel on his lips every breath broken in pleasure, every moan and every whine as he kept moving his fingers inside him. 
“I’m- ah, I’m good”, Nico said. “Come on, baby”.
One more kiss, heated in anticipation. 
Nico’s eyes were locked on him, hungrily following his every move as Percy put on the condom and coated himself in lube. The heat and weight of that stare would end up driving Percy crazy one day - crazy with need and passion and so much love that he didn’t know how he hadn’t gone mad yet; or maybe he had, and Nico with him, but as long as they were together in this nothing mattered anyway.
Nico pulled him down and Percy went willingly, putty in his hands. Their lips were made to kiss each other.
“I love you, Neeks”.
Percy had to say it. The words weren’t enough, but he needed to say them, just three little words to describe something that was so big, impossible to really put into words. Their hands found each other, fingers interlacing naturally.
“So much”, Nico replied, squeezing his hand. “So much, love”.
When he finally slid home inside of Nico, they stayed there, panting into each other's mouths for a handful of long moments, getting adjusted and just feeling each other.
“You feel so good”, Nico said, voice row and broken. “You always feel so good”.
A moan cut him off when Percy shifted a little, the movement enough to make his eyes roll back.
“Move, Percy, please”.
And Percy did. Slow at first, then harder and faster, as control started slipping from his fingers and Nico kept pulling him in with the legs wrapped around his back. They were one, joined in every possible way - this was what made Percy lose his mind. It felt impossibly good, to be with Nico like this, a gift so precious it had taken Percy a long time to believe and accept he really could have this.
Their mouths were still pressed together, the kiss broken by moans but they still kept breathing together, swallowing each other’s every sound.
Percy wrapped his free hand around Nico’s cock, and the next moment Nico was coming with a moan and a broken plea of Percy’s name.
It took barely another few thrusts, and the whisper of “come for me, baby”, from Nico, to push him over the edge, and then Percy was coming too.
Time slowed down as they caught their breaths, long moments of stasis that stretched over as the intense heat from before gave way to the slow and lazy intimity that always came after.
Slowly, gently, Percy pulled off Nico, kissing his cheek at the weak sound of protest that elicited. He tied and threw away the condom, and then he was back with Nico, pulling a blanket on top of both of them and wrapping him tight into his arms.
Nico looked content and spent, his eyes already threatening to fall shut as he looked up at Percy with a soft smile on his lips. It seemed that exhaustion was catching up to him all together, and he looked seconds away from falling asleep. Percy leaned in to kiss him again, soft and chaste. These were some of Percy’s favorite moments, the slow lazy moments in between, when time seemed to stop existing, like it was waiting for them to catch their breaths.
“I really missed you”, Nico said, the words coming out slurred. “I never want to be away for so long again”.
Percy agreed. It might have sounded dramatic and silly, but he hated it - he could be away from Nico, but he simply didn’t want to.
“Next time, I’m coming with you”.
It didn’t matter if it wasn’t easy, they would find a way.
Nico hummed happily as he got comfortable with his head pillowed on Percy’s chest, Percy’s hand on his head, caressing his hair slowly. The weight of Nico’s body on him was everything Percy needed after way too many nights spent sleeping alone.
“You should sleep now”, he said, leaving a kiss on top of Nico’s head.
Tomorrow, as time would start moving again, Percy would kiss him good morning and make him breakfast, they would stay in bed the whole morning kissing lazily, and Nico would tell him about his quest, and Percy would tell him about the little mundane things that had happened while he was away. And they both would think that that was what they wanted from life.
Tonight, Percy fell asleep thinking that this was the forever he wanted.
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