#btw my sister said a thing today and she opened my eyes
mikobeautifulheart · 6 months
Older brothers best friend trope with megumi where reader is yujis sister?
Nooooo but that's such a good ideaaaaaa 🐌.
Yuji's little sister
Megumi meets the fist biggest start in the solar system. He really isn't sure how but you just keep shining to him. Btw its unedited.
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Yuji walked into Jujutsu high, but this time there was someone almost hidden by his entire frame. Nobody really noticed until he came across Megumi.
"Hey Megumi" Yuji said with his usual smile and wave.
"Hey Yuji. Is there someone behind you?" he asked leaning to the side to see you meet his eyes and immediately look away.
"Oh yeah, that's my little sister, Y/N." He said moving aside making you give Megumi a small wave.
Unlike me she has a cursed technique but we didn't fully get it until Gojo showed up" Yuji said.
Megumi looked at you up and down, you and Yuji didn't really look related except for the pink hair you both had, and if personality was genetic that too.
"Nice to meet you." You say noticing Megumi staring at you.
"Like wise" He responded.
"Do you know if we have any missions today?" Yuji interrupted Megumi's thoughts as he mindlessly stared at you.
"Uh...maybe" he mumbled still dazed.
He didn't understand exactly what was happening but all he knew was that you were captivating.
Yuji slid the door open and greeted Nobora, introducing you while he was at it. You must have senses him looking at you because you glanced at your side seeing Megumi staring at you from the door way and immediately turning away.
"Hey, don't let Fushiguro weird you out. He's a little anti-social and blunt. That's just his nature, he probably thinks he's being friendly toward you." Nobora said patting your back as you turned to where Megumi once was.
"Oh, I see." You say turning back to the conversation before Gojo entered, Megumi in toe.
"Class i'm sure you met Y/N. Yes she is a year younger but because we don't have a class for her year she'll be joining yours." Gojo said over the moon.
"Nice to work with you this year" you said bowing slightly as a sign of respect.
"No need to be so formal Y/N, i'm sure they don't mind, RIGHT MEGUMI"
"whatever" he mumbled, his ears red.
He figured Gojo caught on to his strange fascination for you. Is there anything those six eyes wont see?
"You can take your seat next to Megumi." Gojo said as he got onto explaining the missions for the week.
"Hey Megumi, look after Y/N on your missions together, I get she's capable but she hides alot of things like injuries" Yuji said when you were to busy talking to Nobora about the last mission.
"Okay..." He said looking at you and nodding at Yuji's request.
The first mission of the day was as a group, but as the week dragged on you saw less and less of Yuji as he worked at other sites with Nobora and Nanami.
You were just as busy but you never really got paired with anyone besides Megumi. Not as if you were complaining. He didn't talk to much but he cared. On missions he would always put himself infront of you incase of a curse and he would always watch you carefully during fights. You thought you could get away with the minor scratch on your arm but as soon as you exorcise the cure Megumi is inspecting the cut going to disinfect it and wrap it up.
He always looked after you, made sure you were safe. Until you weren't.
"MEGUMI MOVE" You said pushing him to the side with your own body taking a vicious blow from a curse.
"Y/N!" Megumi yelled swiftly exorcising the curse and picking your unconscious body up from the ground.
Your breaths were shallow but it might have just been you getting winded, he still had time to get you out of there and to Shoko for further care.
With you in his arms he ran out the building and laied you in the back seat of the car telling Itchi to drive quickly to Shoko. You guys got there but your chest slowly lowered and struggled to rise.
"Y/N hold on okay, were so close and your so strong, I'm sorry and you do so much for me but please just do this for me, just live!" He said holding onto your hand.
You gently squeezed it before your arm went limp.
Shoko had you in her office working to keep you alive, the curse had gotten into your body, shutting it down from the inside.
Both Yuji and Megumi sat out side the office, heads hung low and anxiety over taking them.
Finally after an hour Shoko came out, you trailing behind with a bandage around your arm, still smiling that signature Itadori smile.
"Y/N-" Yuji said getting up and wrapping his arms around you
"I'm okay now Yuji" you said patting him on the back and looking over his shoulder to look at Megumi who was standing up and again just looking at you.
"I'm sorry Y/N I have to go on another mission right now, I would stay but I can't-"
"Its okay Yuji, I'm fine anyway, stay safe." You said before wavering him off down the hallway.
Shoko left back into her office and Megumi looked at you.
"Where you heading?" He finally broke the silence.
"I think I'll go back to class, pick up my bag" You said starting to walk along side Megumi.
You both stood in the class room awkwardly as you realised Yuji must have taken your bag back to your dorm already. You could have turned and left but you felt this weird hot feeling rise in your chest.
"What's on your mind." Megumi said looking down seeing you all nervous.
"Do you maybe want to...go out?" You asked playing with your fingers.
Megumi was taken aback. Its all he ever wanted but it was to good to be true.
Maybe you had some drugs while getting stitched up from Shoko and they hadn't worn off yet, becuase this couldn't be anything but a dream.
"I-I don't think we should, I put you in danger and you nearly died. Plus your my friends little sister and thats-"
"Are you serious? Megumi, it was my choice to get injured not yours, you keep putting yourself on the line for me but when I do it for you it's bad?" You said in frustration
"What about me? Who I am, not who i'm related to, can't you see me as a person?" you continued as Megumi awkwardly looked away.
"Megumi if you don't want to date me just say so but don't use my brother as an excuse." You said with a mix of sadness and disappointment.
You opended the door and were about to walk out when you heard a small breath of hesitance.
"Wait- Y/N" He said looking right at the back of you.
You hesitantly turned around almost on the brink of tears as you felt something warm touch our lips. You melted in Megumi's larger figure as he held you closer as if you would disappear forever.
"I do see you as your own person Y/N, I know you hate it when I try to protect you but I hate seeing you hurt, so much that i'd rather die and i'll keep protecting you until I do die."
"Don't die Megumi, I love you to much"
He moved closer to your lips before capturing them again.
The question was who was going to tell Yuji?
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AUTHOURS NOTE: SORRY I TOOK SO LONG I've been bombarded with stuff and started reading some books and rushed dead lines- I'm so sorry but after next week I'm going to be posting a fic almost every day (Hopefully) Have a good when ever my glorious 🐌 anon. and uh reblogs r cool ig, if you were wondering.
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beautifulmindset111 · 5 months
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Heyyy guys this is my first post today im going to try to enter the void state with the lullaby method! I’ve been procrastinating for way too long and me,sister and my nephew are about get kicked out our home in 9 days !!! So I will be updating u guys on my progress !!! Please comment any tips for focusing!!!!!!!
Day 1- I listened to some brown noise for 13 mins and laid down in a my regular position (on my side) started affirming not for the void state but that my sister had 10k dollars to pay for the late rent bcuz I felt like I needed to that so we can have stable housing then the void state comes along. i turned the brown noise off and tried to just fall asleep naturally and affirm I feel asleep and I affirmed but not I fall asleep anyways , I kept waking up and I just affirmed and affirmed then at 4 something am I got into sats I think and I said I am in the void state and I am I started feeling symptoms like tingling I can’t really explain it but instead I should’ve kept affirming the thing I was affirming before ( aka my sister has 10k dollars) but thats basically it I’ll keep update of any other resultss ❤️! one more thing I think I’m gonna stay awake until I get very drowsy like half asleep half awake or sats something like that .
Final update: I didn’t get into the void state butttt WE ARE NOTT GETTING EVICTED!!!
Btw I will trying a new method to get into the void state! Im using yoga Nidra! And since I don’t know how to link the posts involved with it. you can look in my liking section it will be there!! I tried the meditation rn and it worked like a charm but I opened my eyes bcuz I forgot I had to affirm so I will be making a journey/progress post rn !!! I have so much faith in this method I know this method is going to work for me like NOTHING I MEAN NOTHING NO ONE CAN TELL ME THIS WONT WORK FOR ME LITERALLY THATS HOW I FEEL STRONGLY AND FIRMLY I AM GOING TO GAVE THAT DREAM LIFE NOBODY CAN TELL ME NOTHINGHGG. 😭a lil moment but yea this works so fast so im def going into the void with method and u can too it’s fast and it’s easy I wasted soo much freaking time on doing nothing and now im fed tf uppp so my plan is to try at 5:00 am before school I get to go to school at 10:00 so I have ALOT of time!!! I been seeing 444 1111 and numbers like that for so long and this is my final push. This is my moment to SHINE BRIGHT LIKE A DIAMOND ( in rihannas angelic voice😌💅🏾) I AMM SOOO FREAKING READYYY FOR THIS IM READY FOR A CHANGE NOW I GAVE BEEN SETTLING FOR LESS FOR TOO DAMN LONG I NEEEDDDDD TO ACHIEVE BAD BTCH NOT TAKING SHII FROM ANYONE TYPE GIRL TO COMR OUT OF MEEE! I NEED TO SHIFTT TO MY WR AND MY FAME DR TO GO TO POUNDTOWN WUTH MY VERY WEALTHY SWEET CARING HUSBAND AND I WANT TO SEE MY BABIEESSS IM GOING TO SMUGGLE THEM WHEN I SEE THEM FRFR IM SHIFTING TO THE TIME I WAS 5 MONTHS WITH MYLO (my son the youngest 🥺💙) BROOO IM SOO FLIPPING HAPPY RN ALL HIGH VIBRATIONS ❤️❤️❤️I CAN WAIT TIL I GO INTO THE VOID IM GOING TO TELL U GUYS EVERYTHING RIGHT I SAY WHAT I WANNA MANIFEST IM STRAIGHT SHIFTING TO MY WR INTO FAME DR I HAVE TWO MY MESSY FDR AND MY NORMAL FDR IM GOING THE NORM ONE FIRST. I HAVE SO MANY DRS IM JUST GONNA GO TO MY FDR AND TELL U GUYS SO MANY STORIES BRO IM GOING TO HAVE A FCKING BLAST. LIKE I RLLY NEED THIS BREAK RN (srry for the captions 😭) bcuz i js rlly need to yk get from all the bs happening with my family in general I feel so unappreciated I try my best but it never seems good enough for them. My sister makes me feels like im a burden to her so im js gonna manifest me a dad and leave I’ll still communicate with her I js don’t feel like i want to LIVE with her yk she got my nephew and that’s all she could handle our mother rlly js messed us up. Im js tremendously grateful i stumbled upon manifesting & shifting now i can change my life for the better i can heal finally and truly be myself i can literally travel to any reality to ANYWHERE AND BE ANYTHING I want to. I CAN DO ANYTHING I know I have the power to do it ik it’s within me im going to shoot for freaking stars now.
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dr-giggle-touche · 1 month
DECIDED TO CHANNEL MY RAGE INTO a fun lil story thing. Will there be more? Maybe if this actually blows up and I feel like it.. I'mma do some pre story context then jump right in.
Pre story context:
1. Juniper knows ONLY PARTIALLY of Tay's feelings and past to her family
2. Tay's only vaguely mentioned "disliking" her family
3. Juniper is trying to help btw she thinks she's helping
4. due to Ivory being the favorite, she believed anything her parents said so her parents fed her lies on to why Tay feels the way she does
Tay and Ivory had always seemed "joined at the hip". They were inseparable up till their middle childhood years, then it all changed. Their parents were going through a tough time. Ivory kept herself ahead and afloat in school, doing sports, all she could to be the best. And it worked. Her parents gave endless praise. Going to all of her games, assemblys, awards shows. Tay, however, just couldn't. She couldn't keep up. Falling behind by the days, weeks, months, years. She grew frustrated, not as much as he parents did. With their problem, they seeked an outlet. A sort of, "source", to their problems. Tay was their answer. Praising her sister while mocking and ridiculing her. Everything she did, was "wrong". Which caused her to grow angry, to lash out. Her grades worsened, calls from school more and more. "Tay got into a fight", "Tay threw an object at a teacher", "Tay argued with a higher up". She practically lived in detention. She hated it. She hated herself for it. But she didn't want to admit it, too stubborn for her own good. She needed an outlet. A blame. Seeing Ivory have all the love, all the attention. It was perfect. She grew a festering, bubbling, HATRED towards her own sister. The one she called her other half. She couldn't stand her. Every move she took, every breath she made. She wanted her dead. Her mind plagued her with thoughts. Thoughts she never thought she could or WOULD ever ponder up. While Ivory graduated high school, Tay ran away. The thoughts consumed her, she needed to get out. Quick. She couldn't wait till graduation. She would've even graduated too. Despite her grades, she would've just passed enough to graduate. No one claimed her certificate. Tay lived her life, doing jobs for people, even finding a girlfriend. She was living well for a short time. Though soon. Slipping up. She was caught. Spending a years in jail, nothing drastic. Mostly due to pleading innocent. Finally, being out.
Tay squinted her eyes from beating sun on her eyes, a honking heard in the distance. Her girlfriend, Juniper, waiting for he in the car. A warm smile plastered on her face. Opening the door, Juniper gave her the warmest hug. Warmest she ever felt. A thought, crossed he mind, but she ignored it. Shaking her head as she forced up a smile awkward smile, "hiiii juni", "Oh c'mom Tay! Tired?" , she nodded. Tired. She gave a sorrowful smile and kissed her cheek, and started to drive. Tay made a small face, a feeling of dread just. Sinking her stomach. Soon enough, they arrived at Juniper's apartment. It was a small part of the city, the poorer side, but neither complained. Tay got out the passenger seat and grabbed her belonging from the trunk. Juniper freaking open the complex's door, fetching an elevator ready. Tay just gave a silent nod as she walked in the elevator, Juniper gave a, less energetic, gentle smile as she walked in. The elevator doors sliding behind her. Gentle creaking is made as the elevator rolls up, stopping at their floor. Juniper going out first to open the door as Tay walked behind with her stuff. Silent. Once inside, she just threw it to her room's corner, closing the door behind her and staring up at the ceiling. Today was her sister's birthday. She didn't bother. A buzz from her phone as she saw the message, 'you are invited! To Ivory's 25th birthday! Don't forget the date! Saturday the 23rd', 25 already? God was she old. She was one to talk, being just behind at 23. Just as she closed her eyes with a soft sigh, Juniper busted open the door. "Sweetheart! Ivory's birthday! I just got the invite", odd. Juniper was never introduced to her family. "How did you-", "I.. Uh.. Kinda went to look for them? And did..?" , Juniper looked down. Sheepishly. Tay felt a frustration rise up from her, but before she could say a word. She just continued to lay on the bed, arms spread, staring up at the ceiling. Juniper knelt down. And laid beside her, head under her fore arm. "Are you mad?" , Tay grunted. "No, no it's fine. I. I don't blame you. And, sure. Finally out of jail, wouldn't hurt to see my sister finally." Juni had a quizzal expression, though shrugged. Next Saturday. Can't wait.
The day came. The weeks flew by. Here she was, in her best flannel. A present in her palms. Her girlfriend in a casual dress and jacket, holding her arm. Her heart was racing. She hated this. Before she even opened the door, a face she hadn't seen in, years, opened up. Ivory. Her afro flowing with the door opening so quick, a stupid little paper party hat, a simple dress and heels. She squealed and hugged her, Tay let out a soft gasp. Before awkwardly returning it back. Ivory's hands rested on her shoulders, eye to eye. Ivory gave a gentle smile, "welcome home."
The party was, there. Tay hid in the bathroom the second they got there, there for around 30 minutes before a gentle knock. "Taytay? It's me, Ivory. How are you?", she stayed silent. Ivory opened the door, Tay was on the floor between the bathtub and sink, knees at her chest, staring at the semi grout lined tiles. She gave a sympathetic smile and knelt down in front of her. "What's wrong?" , she asked while tilting her head. Tay had a mild fury in her eye, but took a breath and responded, "I don't want to be here." Ivory looked saddened from that, Tay realised she fucked up her words. Stammering slightly, "no-...not because it's your birthday! I just. Don't..", she shut herself up. They grew up in the same house. She should know. Ivory tried to reach a hand, but Tay scooched away. With a frown, she got up. "The party's still going, if and when your ready. I'll be outside the door. Family missed you, y'know? Mom and dad too." They. Shit. She forgot they'd be here. Almost slipping on the tiles, she got up. "Fine. Let's go." , Ivory was gleeful. Wrapping and arm around her's, and leaving the cold bathroom.
The music was blaring, chattering all around. The backyard littered with small balloons and confetti, a small snack table near the back and a food table. Juniper can be seen playing tag with some kids, she chuckled softly. Still at Ivory's hold. Going to a few uncles and aunts. All seeming ecstatic to see Tay back, every time they did. She felt warm, they were soon broken by backhanded comments. "Oh you were such a good kid! What happened to you?", "Well look who decided to show back up!", "Wow! I never thought I'd see you again, after you stormed away". They ached her every single time. Growing to her last nerve. After greeting and striking convo with all her uncles and aunts. It was time. Her parents. She felt her heart pound, her palms sweat. She felt like she needed to throw up. In a little edge of the party, where the resided. They were thrilled to see Ivory, of course. "Oh how's our little sunshine doing! Great as always!" , "Mhm! Another year, not getting any younger and not getting any slower!" they all laughed heartily, except Tay. She frowned slightly, stopping when they did. They stared at her in silence for a bit. "Ah, Tay." , her dad spoke. There was a thick awkward silence. "Thomas. Eleanor." nodding slightly to their names. Her mom scoffed, "names??? Did I not give birth to you?", "yah, uh. Sorry. El- mom. dad." They seemed proud of themselves. "Much better, now, how's you been? I heard you got out of priso-", Ivory interrupted. "DAD." , "what? Am I wrong? Did I forget to take my meds again?" , her mom snorted with a laugh and elbowed him teasingly. Tay wasn't amused, "yah, and?" , "well I mean I wasn't surprised, seeing how you ran off just two days before graduation", her mom chimed in, "oh yah! All over a little disagreement, you could've been just like your sister, y'know? She's studying to be a lawyer! You might need her for, whatever you do.", Tay gritted her teeth, Ivory gave an awkward laugh. "Haha, ok mom that's-", "Oh! And I can't forget your little phases! Oh! You were such a comedian". Tay was puzzled, "...phases?" her parents gave a glance and chuckled, "oh don't you remember! Your little gay phase, your tomboy phase! It was so silly", "mom I don't think-" Ivory tried to chime but was cut off, "oh it was such a funny thing to tell the family every time you were gone! And who's that?" she turned her head to Juniper, who was playing some games with the kids. "A friend from prison?" , her dad said with a chuckle. Again, Tay was not amused. Far from it. "That's my girlfriend." , her parents disregarded for a second, before snapping back. "What." , despite how long Tay had been around tougher people in prison, she felt. Horrified. She nodded. Her mom gave a face before scoffing, "ugh, so the woke media DID get you. Knew it. If only you stayed under my roof you could've been saved. Right, Thomas?" he nodded like the suck up yes man he was. She felt her blood boil. "I left because of everything you put me through." , her mom was shocked she spoke back. "Excuse me?"
"All that shit? You and dad's near divorce? You falling to addiction and nearly losing the house? Dad cheating on you? None of that ring a bell? You two were too pathetic to seek help or just break it off all together you decided I be the perfect outlet, right?" , "TAY LEONA JACKSON." , her dad shouted. The music lowered. All eyes were on them, even Juniper stopped in her tracks. Watching. Startled. "AM I WRONG???" her tone mocking her dad's earlier tone of how he joked saying it. "All because I wasn't 'little miss perfect' like sweet baby Ivory? You two were too god damn pathetic in your own shit that you left me to rot and kicked the corpse. Every single DAY in that house was a living HELL. I LEFT THAT DAY. BECAUSE YOU, MOM." Tay was yelling, going from a horrid rant to just screaming all the dread a d frustration from her gut. "THAT 'little disagreement' WE HAD? Oh don't you remember? You'd found out about my first girlfriend and beat the fucking shit out of me. That 'little argument' was me pleading my last innocence to you that I'm still you baby girl. Until I FUCKING HAD ENOUGH. I LEFT ONCE YOU WENT TO GO BITCH IN YOUR ROOM. I never fucking looked back. YOU MADE ME NEARLY KILL MYSELF. TILL I PACKED MY BAGS, AND LEFT. YOU'RE NOT A MOTHER AND YOU NEVER WILL BE, ELEANOR." Tay was shaking with rage. Ivory was shocked, speechless while watching behind her. Tay snapped around, "OH AND DID LITTLE MISS PERFECT KNOW NOTHING?" she yelled while jabbing a finger at her chest. Ivory gasped, "I-no! I didn't-!" , "LIAR. WE SHARED A ROOM. AND YOU KNEW NOTHING??" Ivory was in a panic and at instinct looked at their parents, all she was really fed were lies, they were too pissed to speak. Juniper rushed over, wanting nothing more than to try to help Tay. Tay pushed her away, "AND YOU. I TOLD YOU TO KEEP OUT OF MY FAMILY. IT'S ALL COMING BACK. IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED? TO SEE MY CRACK? YOUR JUST LIKE THAT FUCKING GROUP I MET YOU IN." Juniper tried to fight back to calm her down, "no no! I didn't mean- I just wanted to try to help! To try to bring you closer to your family!" , her voice was tear filled. Tay was scaring her. "THAT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. You know what. I'm done." She gave a shakey breath. Squeezing her own arm. She brush past Juniper, Juniper not far behind. "Wait! Please! I'm sorry! We can never see them again! Just come back..!" Tay grabbed her by the face with a hand. Hard. Juniper let out a pained squeak. "Don't bother finding me. Keep my shit. Never call me, text me. I don't want anything to do with any of you." she pushed her back by the face and walked off into the night. The party silent. Juniper sat on the floor, breathing rapidly. Her face felt hot, there was a slight red mark from where Tay held her. Tears burnt her eyes. She never wanted to let her go, she wanted to help all she could. But in the end. She lost her. All together.
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starcrossedjedis · 7 months
No need to read the Bridgerton books tbh, they're romance novels and let's call them a product of their time. I mean, tastes differ of course, so for the people who enjoy them, good for them. I used to like them years ago and still like some aspects of them but... in particularly Eloise's book is just a no for me nowadays (but I guess it's many ppls favorite so... maybe it's just me). btw there is an older Featherington sister in the books called Felicity (but that's about all I remember so I guess it's not that important) - I *think* she was pretty much normal and nice, but it's been ages, so I could be wrong. Anyway, love your ideas!! With Bridgerton S3 coming up, this is sure to make many Bridgerton OC creators happy!
It's not that I mind the books or anything, it's just not the genre I usually reach for.
As for the show, I watched it when it first came out and thought it was okay. Solid show with a pretty handsome cast.
I probably wouldn't even have thought about making an OC for it, but when That™️ scene with Daphne and Simon came (and I learned that it was taken from the actual book) it pissed me off so bad that Kitty popped into my mind as a "we say Daphne Bridgerton has no right but the right to gtfo" OC 😅
(Also, pulling out is not contraception there was no need to go there to breach the topic at all)
And because I am really, really bad at stopping myself I made her some BFFs (Poppy and Charlie) who... yes, also spiralled out of proportion 😆
I never made more than one singular gifset for Kitty and Simon after season 1 and then season 2 just didn't really do it for me, so I didn't go back.
But I stumbled upon the sneaky peeks for Pen and Colin last night and my brain went "if Poppy ever finds out he said that, Colin better sleep with one eye open" 😄
And here we are today 🐝
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PS: from what I gathered I am kinda hoping they scrap the whole Eloise and Sir Philip thing, because it grosses me out a bit, but I can understand how hardcore fans feel very passionate about them and would be disappointed, so 🤗
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silverbladexyz · 2 years
Android joke
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*The art is not mine. It belongs to it’s original owner
I was scrolling around on Tumblr and I realised that there was nearly no Adam content. So I was like, “why not write something for him?” This man needs more love. Anyways uhhh I hope you enjoy!
Tw: Reader getting knocked out because of their clumsiness, Adam being Adam, toxic comparison, slight mentions of death, reader is 16 and is a moody 16-year old and emo.
Stormbringer spoilers below!! Btw this is platonic
“Ugh. Why did I sign up for this again?” You groaned as you followed your sister through the long and brightly-lit hallway. Researchers and their assistants walked past, each donned with a white laboratory coat that seemed spotless. They greeted your sister with a polite nod of the head, but nobody paid attention to the grumbling 16-year old trailing behind her.
“Cheer up! You volunteered to help me, and I guarantee that you won’t be disappointed! Besides, you’re going to be the first person other than me to see my creation! You’re going to love him, for sure!” Your sister spun around once, the light reflecting off the 20 medals pinned on her white laboratory coat.
“May I remind you that it was you that dragged me into this and forced me to participate? Your creation? Please, remember how many accidents you got into when you were a child?” You scoffed.
“Ah, but at least I’m a genius!” She smirked, and you scowled. She was always the smarter and better of you two. You were just a normal person; someone who envied her in the shadows while she basked in the light.
Dr. Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin Shelley, or Dr. Wollstonecraft for short, was a scientific genius in the field of engineering. Many of her co-workers deemed her as a ‘prodigy’,  but she merely said that she was a petite adult. Her ability let her design anything she wanted; perhaps it was why she had gotten so many medals. And it was just your luck that she was your sister.
Not that having a sister was bad; you just wished that your sister was different.
Every time she had gotten a medal or an award, your parents would praise her endlessly. They then would boast to their family and friends all day about her. It was always about her. Never you.
It wasn’t long before your parents started to compare you to her. Saying things like ‘why couldn’t you be smarter’ or ‘why can’t you work harder, just look at your sister!’ You had grown so used to hearing those comments that by now those were just regular statements in your life. Yet, it still stung every time your parents looked at you with disappointment evident in their eyes.
“Hellloooo? Earth-to-Y/N? We’re here already! We can’t have you spacing out now!” You blinked and glared at your sister, who was jumping up and down impatiently and waving you towards the door.
“We’ll be monitoring my creation and improving him from the intel that we gain on today’s session. Afterwards, we’ll repeat the process for a while until everything is perfect!” She chirped. You stopped, trying to process her words.
“For a while?”
“Yup! This process will go on for a couple of months!”
“...” Your glare turned darker. First she drags you into this without your consent, then she tells you that you had to keep doing this for months?! What happened to basic human rights?
“Don’t look so mad! You’ll love him; I’m sure of it! Now, in ya go!” She opened the door and waved you in, and after glaring at her for one more moment, you reluctantly went in, the door shutting behind you. Here was another thing about your sister: she was always so stubborn that you could never win against her. At this point, you had given up just talking to her.
In the middle of the room was a pod. You watched as the pod unlocked with a click. The door slid open effortlessly, revealing the inside of the pod, which was pitch black; so dark that it reminded one of a black hole. You held your breath. Just what was your sister’s creation truly like?
Something moved in the depths of the pod, and a very ordinary looking man stepped out. 
You frowned. 
Did your sister really just engineer another human? 
It was impressive, but it didn’t stop you from getting madder at her for wasting your time.
The man wore a blue suit and blue pants. He was quite tall; taller than the average male. White gloves were donned on his hands, and a barcode was imprinted on his neck. His hair was brown, while his eyes were greyish. He surveyed you, and you stood a little straighter. Being in his presence felt a little... overwhelming.
A few moments passed where the two of you merely observed each other.
Suddenly, his neck loosened and extended, his head bobbing up and down like a slinky. Your eyes widened as your jaw dropped, full on gaping at him like a fish out of water.
“Look, I’m a pigeon.”
You couldn’t be in any better situation now.
After receiving that little scare, you had tripped and fallen backwards. Just your luck, you bumped your head hard on a table that was behind you and got knocked out. You cursed internally at your clumsiness.
The first thing that you saw when you woke up was the man’s face quite close to yours, monitoring you. This prompted you to yell again and scramble, backwards while muttering something about personal space. The man just tilted his head in confusion at your reaction.
“Please calm down. You suffered a mild concussion, and while you were passed out, I treated you.” His voice was weird; it sounded human-like, but there was a certain quality to it that sounded AI-ish.
“T-treated me?” You stuttered, still eying him warily.
“I have a first aid kit stored inside of me for emergencies. I am properly equipped to treat hospital-grade wounds.”
It dawned on you. “Are you a robot?”
He stood up and straightened his tie. “I prefer to be called Adam, please. I am the first ever autonomous humanoid supercomputer for law enforcement use from Europole-”
“Yeah yeah, I get it, you’re something high-tech that a genius invented. I just asked you if you were a robot, not this whole advanced explanation that ordinary people can’t understand.” You stood up as well, brushing your shirt and scowling.
Adam tilted his head to his side, observing you with a calculating gaze. A few moments passed.
“From your tone and body language, my calculations say that you are feeling this emotion called ‘anger’. What that means, I have a vague idea. However, I am informed on how to comfort you. Would you like to hear an android joke?”
You stared at him, wondering if there was something wrong in his head. But then again, your sister also had a few screws loose. It wouldn’t be weird if her creations were like that too.
“What the hell is an android joke?”
“One time, a phone-”
“I didn’t ask for one, dammit! Gosh, you and the way you speak are so annoying!” You drew out the chair and sat down, wishing that you were someplace else right now.
“Do you want me to do something to make you feel better? A hug, perhaps? The best hugs are normally the ones-”
“I only want you to be quiet and give me a moment of peace!” You snapped back. Adam fell silent, but he didn’t seem to be offended. Rather, he seemed neutral. You felt slightly guilty, but you didn’t want to apologise and give your sister the satisfaction.
A few moments had passed in silence. You crossed one leg over the other, still internally brooding. How much longer would this session go on for?
“... You didn’t say no to the hug.”
“Oh shut up!”
“This time, please try to engage in conversation with Adam. We barely managed to gather any information from your last session, and time is running out.” You scowled slightly as you followed an assistant through the hallways.
“What exactly do you want me to talk about? The weather?”
“Anything, really. Just keep it appropriate.” The assistant approached the same set of doors and opened them, ushering you inside. The doors closed as soon as you went in. Sighing quietly, you straightened your back and mentally prepared for what you were going to face.
When you stepped into the room, Adam was already standing there, his back faced towards you. He turned around, and recognition flashed across his eyes. He didn’t seem the slightest bit resentful against you.
The slight guilt washed over you again, but before you could say anything, Adam suddenly bowed. The confusion must’ve been evident on your face, for he started speaking.
“My apologies for scaring you last time. I shall try to maintain personal space and will only interact with you if you give me permission to. However, on my part, I only wish that you will give me an opportunity to talk to you.” You blinked. They really weren’t lying when they said that they would improve Adam based on the intel they gathered. Already, he was more bearable, but it didn’t change how much you disliked this.
You shook your head and gave a short sigh, drawing out a chair and sitting down. You crossed one leg over the other and looked at Adam, leaning back into the chair.
“My sister says I have to make conversation with you. So, talk.” You instructed him. Adam turned his head, meeting your unamused gaze.
“I believe you were informed that your sister wanted you to conversate with me, and not the other way around?”
“Argh, just say something! And don’t ask questions about stuff I say!” You shot back, still feeling annoyed. You could’ve been doing your homework or listening to music at this instant, but no, your sister just had to drag you into this. Not that you had a choice anyways to begin with though.
Adam blinked, but he obeyed.
“What is the weather today?”
“Stormy with a chance of getting electrocuted.” You were known for having quite the sarcasm in your class.
“I see. I would need to make a backup plan for if I get electrocuted. Now the next question. What is your favourite colour?”
“Very interesting. It is said that blood can be used to describe red, so I thereby conclude that your favourite colour is red. Am I correct?”
“Thank you for your contribution. What is your favourite food?”
“A delicacy. However, it is quite hard to manufacture as parts of the pufferfish are poisonous. There is also a 2.8% chance of death. Next question. Please introduce your relationship with your family.”
You glared at him. “And why the hell would you want to know that?”
Adam blinked. “It is merely out of curiosity and it was the next question that I could think of.”
“Well, forget it. I’m not answering that.” Adam nodded as he analysed you.
“From that answer, I can conclude that you do not have a good relationship with your family. And from the fact that your sister is a super genius, the explanation for that previous question is probably because your parents have compared you to your sister a lot-”
“Will you just shut up!!” You said loudly, your hand forming a fist. Adam tilted his head. His gaze made you start talking before you realised it.
“First of all, it’s called sarcasm. And second of all, I do not want to talk about my family because you’re right. I hate being compared to my sister all the time and I hate how I never can get my parent’s approval, no matter how hard I try! Right now, I don’t think I even am their child in their eyes!” You yelled. You didn’t care if your sister or the researchers were listening, you just had to get all of this out, even if the person listening to you was a robot that you had just met.
“Every time I go home, I see nothing but my parents’ disappointment in me. They keep saying stuff like ‘why can’t you be more like your sister?’ when in reality I want nothing to do with her. Hell, I’m even ready to move out from this family on the exact dot I become an adult!” You had been saving enough money from part time jobs you worked at, and it could be said that you were one of the richest in the class. You even had your eye on some apartments that you liked.
“Now answer me this. And I don’t care if what you’re saying is going to hurt me or not. Just answer me truthfully: Is it so wrong to want to be like my perfect sister?”
Adam stayed silent. He observed you, while looking like he was figuring out which answer was best. This made you even more mad.
“You’re a robot! So give me a perfectly logical, rational answer!”
“... From the information I have gathered, there is a 0.1% chance that you’ll be like your sister, or even close to her.”
“Wasn’t that so hard?” You scowled at him, crossing your arms over your chest.
“-However, she is far from perfect. From what I gathered, you are more mature and less childlike than your sister. Although your attitude can be horrendous sometimes which may cause some people to dislike you,” you glared but he continued. “You are just a normal child. And there is nothing wrong with wanting to be like your sister sometimes. But your sister does not define who you are.” Adam straightened his tie and looked at you, his gaze softer. It was a look that nobody had given you before.
“If your parents are unable to see you for your own self, I suggest them to acquire some glasses. I recommend polycarbonate glasses. It will protect them from most sport accidents, but it is also quite good for bad eyesight.” Your eyes widened, but then you smiled a little, nearly chuckling. Adam tilted his head, and you met his eyes.
“You really are something, huh.” You said. It felt good to rant, and the fact that your sister’s creation had complemented you and affirmed your worth made you feel... accepted for once.
“Well, of course I am ‘something’. I’m made up of atoms that make up molecules-”
“I didn’t mean it in that way,” you sighed, but most of your anger was gone. What Adam had said really affected you. It was the first time anyone really said anything nice to you and meant it.
Maybe your sister’s creation wasn’t so bad after all.
Soon afterwards, Adam got sent on his first mission, and lots more after that. Each time, he returned successful and was praised for it by your sister, but he still preferred to talk with you at the end of the day. Your sister had teased you for it, saying that you did indeed end up liking him, but you had only rolled your eyes. She didn’t need to know how much Adam had grew on you.
Every single session you had with him seemed to improve him. He was now stronger, smarter, and more capable of holding conversations with humans. If it weren’t for his way of speaking, he would’ve passed for an actual human, but his small quirks often gave it away. It was still amusing nonetheless.
You admitted that you had grown close with Adam, although you never discussed your relationship with him. The robot had quite a unique and funny personality, and the way that he spoke was quite interesting. Conversations between the two of you flowed quite smoothly, and you often told him facts about humans to help him understand them better. You watched proudly as he cracked a full-on proper joke for the first time that you had taught him. His android jokes were still terrible though.
“I also am able to calculate the possible futures of a situation, and the percentage probability of each of the futures happening,” Adam once told you. Your eyes widened a bit.
“That’s kind of like seeing the future! That’s so cool!” There were only a few ability users who could see the future, and normally they were used for criminal organisations because of the usefulness of their ability.
Adam smiled and shook his head. “Seeing the future is being able to see what actually happens. While I only can predict possibilities, and to a limited extent. But I can calculate futures at a faster rate than an ability user seeing the future.” He said, albeit a bit proudly.
You stood up on the table. “So, if I were to jump off this table and onto the ground, what would happen?”
“There is a 99.95% possibility that you’ll land safely, a 0.04% chance of rolling an ankle or injuring yourself, and a 0.01% chance that you’ll trip when you land. But if you were to fall, I will catch you and help you stand up safely.” You grinned, stepping off the table.
The few months passed by in a breeze until your sister announced that Adam was going on the ultimate mission.
Apparently, he was being sent to arrest an assassin by the name of Paul Verlaine. In order to catch him, Adam must gain the assistance of a boy named Nakahara Chuuya, whom was presumably linked to Verlaine. You weren’t informed any more as the mission was top secret, but you did manage to gain a bit of information about Nakahara. Apparently he was your age.
You went to see Adam one last time before he left.
“Hi.” You cleared your throat. Adam turned to you and smiled his signature smile.
You wrung your hands, trying to arrange your words.
“I heard that you’re going on a particularly big mission. So I came here to give encouragement, and perhaps a bit of advice.” You put your hands on your hips and drew a breath. Adam listened curiously.
“This Nakahara Chuuya person. I only managed to gather that he’s 16 years old, but that alone is possibly enough to tell you about his personality. From my experience, 16-year old boys were so much better than their younger selves. They start to mature and become independent, and they want to make decisions for themselves. But that also means that they could be quite stubborn when they want to. So,” you let your hands fall down by your sides.
“You gotta listen to him first, but keep explaining your ideas. He might not like it a lot in the beginning, but continue to be firm and patient and he’ll eventually come to accept your way of thinking. But, who knows? Every 16-year old boy is different. If he’s giving you a hard time, just immobilise him and make him listen.” You grinned, and Adam smiled in return.
“Understood. I shall try my best to do as you said and complete this mission. Thank you for the advice.” He nodded as he input the new information into his database.
A moment of silence passed between you two. You brushed some imaginary lint of your sleeves, while Adam was running a self-checkup on all of his internal processes. You wondered if you should hug him, but dismissed the thought, because you didn’t know if Adam considered you close enough for you to embrace him. The thought still lingered, though.
You were about to step forward when someone interrupted.
“Adam? Where are you? The plane is ready and it will leave without you!” The high-pitched voice of your sister appeared throughout the air. You turned towards Adam, who was preparing to leave, and tried to force down your worries. Adam wasn’t any robot, and he was specially designed for this mission.
“...Good luck,” you said softly. “Please try to make it back alive.” Adam chuckled.
“I’m not easy to defeat, and I’ll try my best to come back. Farewell.” He patted your shoulder and left. You exhaled, watching him go out of the door and disappear from your sight. You still felt his touch on your shoulder, and absentmindedly put your hand on it.
He’ll come back. He’s strong, and my sister isn’t a genius for nothing.
But you never know, do you? For all you know, Verlaine could be capable of full-on destroying a robot. Afterall, Adam isn’t invincible, and Verlaine must be so strong that even Adam was sent to arrest him. You scowled and drove the voice out of your mind.
The room felt emptier now without him.
A few days passed. It was the longest mission Adam had been on; his other missions took only a few hours to one day. Internally, you were worried that he would never come back, since your sister hadn’t heard from him in days. Instead, you tried to distract yourself by doing other things, such as drawing and completing your schoolwork earlier.
You sat in the room, doing your math homework. Clutching the pen tightly, your brows furrowed as you tried to remember the equation to solve the problem. You didn’t know why, but this room offered you some sort of solace, especially when you had a math test coming up.
“Come on... what’s that formula? I know that Adam taught me it before!” You muttered, biting your lip.
“The formula is 2 πr^2 + 2 πrh,” a very familiar voice said behind you. Your eyes widened and you slowly turned around. It couldn’t be, right?
Adam smiled. He looked quite new; there was no damage or dust on him anywhere. You suspected that your sister probably fixed him up, and wondered how bad Adam could’ve been beaten on the mission. But you pushed that thought to the back of your mind; Adam was back and that was all you cared about.
Immediately, you jumped out of your chair and launched at him. Before he could react, your arms encircled his waist, hugging him tightly. He did feel a bit stiff, but you didn’t care. You were surprised that he wasn’t cold, but he was neither cold nor hot. He was the perfect temperature.
Adam blinked and tilted his head. According to his database, humans gave hugs as a sign of affection between them and a trusted individual. Normally, the individual was expected to hug them back.
So he slowly put his arms around you, slightly patting your back. You held onto him for a few more seconds, trying to imprint this moment into your mind. Adam’s suit was even brand new; and it smelled of fresh air and slight bubblegum.
After a while, you let go of him.
“You’re back,” you whispered, smiling. A tear threatened to prick at your eye, but you blinked it away. You couldn’t risk Adam seeing it and teasing you. But his high-tech sensors might’ve already detected it. 
Eh, you didn’t really care right now.
“Indeed.” Adam smiled back as he looked you up and down.
“I followed your advice. Master Chuuya was stubborn and independent, but he had a kind heart. Although that didn’t stop him from calling me nicknames like ‘toy bastard’. What he meant by that, I am still puzzled.” You laughed, doubling over. It really felt good to have Adam back.
“Oh, and Y/N-san?”
“Would you like to hear an android joke?”
“I would love to.”
P.S. And Adam’s android jokes were still terrible lol
So this one took me a bit longer to complete. I’m still getting a grasp of Adam’s character and reader’s personality isn’t something that I’m really proud of, but since school started again and I’ll be really busy soon, I decided to release this. I hope you enjoyed, and sorry if it’s bad 😅 now I can finally finish my hw :’)
@pixyys @pianotross​ @the-mourning-stars​ 
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stardustbee · 2 years
Fly me to the Moon
Chapter 4 - Part III - Family Matters
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《The Masterlist ♧》
《Read Chapter on Ao3》
《Previous Chapter》 《Next Chapter》
{Special thanks to @eloquentmoon for beta reading!}
⛔ Warning! This story may contain violence and sexual content an is strictly for readers over 18! Minor please do not interact! ⛔
Word Count: 2151
Warnings: mention of blood and death
Song of this Chapter: Virgin Prunes - I am God
Just a playlist ♡
Note: Soooo this is the last chapter for a while now because I still need to write the next stuff I hope you enjoy this! Btw if you are interested in what is happening between Luciana and Bane you find that here!
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"The lulling Vampire" - It was full. Glasses were clinking, people were talking and there was music in the background. It was a civilized society. None caused trouble. One could assume that many of the guests were vampires. This was their refuge. This is why Luciana built this place like it was. To give vampires a peaceful place, where they can sleep or just have fun together. There was little to no trouble here. 
Ayane sat at the bar with Savage. Her hand was wrapped in a bandage, although that was hardly necessary now that her self-healing powers were working well again. Luciana had listened to her story and not said much about it. It seemed she didn't care and wasn't worried much about her sister. Now they just sat and listened to the music and the conversations. The whispering and gossip. The clinking of glasses. The door swung open and Luciana's soft but joyful sigh filled the room as Cad Bane entered the bar. Ayane narrowed her eyes when he came in and sipped at the straw with her drink. 
"Lady..." Bane ground out with a slight nod as he walked past the two of them and adjusted the brim of his hat slightly. 
Ayane just stuck her tongue out at him and a tsk came back from him. "Stupid hat!" Bane stopped and turned to her. 
"You two are killing me...Bane! Upstairs! Sister! Have another drink! Or two..." Bane left them as they were. He was annoyed. The red-haired woman went back behind the bar and spoke to her colleague. Sometime later, during the hectic evening, she said goodbye to Ayane and Savage. She told the two that all the rooms were occupied, except for the one across from hers. Luciana left with a wink and Savage didn't understand the gesture.
Ayane was bored and wasn't listening to her sister or to Savage. She was now chewing on the straw and resting her head on one hand. Savage looked at her. He slowly waved his hand in front of her face. She then shook her head and sat up. "Yes?" she said blinking. 
"I have asked you something," replies the demon. She stared at him. A sigh escaped his mouth. Only now did she slowly come back to the facts. That's when she saw the blood still clinging to his head and horn. 
"Gwydion is my father. You should know that." She looked at her glass. "He's a powerful magician. Gwydion is...was a good father, really!" Her hands wrapped around the glass. "He changed after mother…" 
Savage interrupted her: "Just focus on what happened today." He sensed her discomfort.
"He is getting into your head, Savage." Her eyes widened, the grip on the glass tightened. Her breathing increased. "I don't know where I was. But he got too deep into my mind...there was a spider." 
"You were completely out of your mind. Gwydion just kept delivering his speech. At some point you lost your consciousness. Little one…" Savage looked at his empty glass this time. "...I was worried about you." 
"I will find Maul. As long as I haven't fulfilled this, nothing will stop me!" She drank the last sip from her glass through the straw. "One more please!" Her voice got quite all of the sudden when she whispered: "I need to find him. My anwylaf…"
A faint smile crept across Savage's lips as he looked over at her again. "Anwylaf?" Savage asked and tiled his head. 
"It seems that I start to remember some things. And the old language of my dimension is one of it. I kind of suppressed that. It means lo…" she abruptly stopped as her face burned bright red. "Never mind!" 
Savage patted her shoulder and stood up. "I need some sleep, little one." 
The woman looked at him with wide, rolling eyes and made a slight pout. "Now? The night is still young!" 
The demon let out a deep laugh. Ayane just blinked at him confused. "What's so funny?" she had asked in an low voice.
"You are an interesting person, Ayane Arinori." Savage replied with a big grin on his tattooed face. "One would like to think that others are depressed after an event like this. But you sit here and enjoy life." 
Ayane blinked twice and then turned to the drink that had been placed in front of her. It was a green glowing liquid. Then she raised the glass as if to toast. "Naturally!" 
Savage's grin gave way to a warm smile as he placed his oversized hand on her head. "Thanks." his gaze was friendly. "My brother must have enjoyed spending time with you and I'm glad he has someone like you." 
The vampire put the glass down again and she smiled too. Then she whispered, "So am I...more than you know."
It was as if the bar had been packed into silence. The demon made his way to his room without a word. Ayane tried to hide what she was feeling, what she was thinking, but she wasn't very good at it. 
Savage, not very well trained in the Force himself, could almost grasp it. This endless longing for his brother. This worry she hid deep in her heart. She acted happy, but she was the one who worried about Maul the most. And not only about Maul…
Ayane stayed at the bar for a while, downing one drink after the other. Nothing happened. Eventually she came to the conclusion that something that was already dead can't get drunk anymore. Death... what had happened then? She hardly remembered it. The only thing on her mind was that her twin brother, Einar was dead. 
Einar and Ayane. Fighter. That's what the names mean, in the old languages of her Dimension. They were the same and yet so different. She had loved him so much. 
Ayane didn't want to think about it anymore. She went upstairs and found that all the rooms were taken. She grumbled. Ayane was standing in front of her sister's room and was about to turn the doorknob when she heard a loud rumble followed by a lustful scream from a woman and a man. 
"OH! BANE...!" She quickly pulled her hand away and looked a little disgusted but also a little horrified. As far as she remembered, Savage was in the room across the street. As much as she hated to admit it, she has to sleep somewhere. So she left the noise behind, went to the door and knocked. Then she put her hands behind her back and waited. The sounds behind her intensified and she tried to focus on something else.
Another sound...water. Someone let the water run. It came from Savage's room. He showered. She knocked again, this time a little harder. Then she heard the water shut off. Footsteps that grew louder as they approached the door. The door swung open and the huge Zabrak stood in front of her, looking down at her with his golden, glowing eyes. He was naked and wet. Water was dripping from his body and he had managed to clean the blood off his head. He held the door with one hand and a small white towel that just covered his lower body with the other. 
Ayane opened her mouth and looked at him from the bottom up and then the other way around. "I...um...well..." 
Savage let go of the door, leaned against the frame and bent his upper body in Ayanes direction. "Yes?" He smiled, somewhat provocatively. 
Ayane stared at him and took in the moans of pleasure behind her again. Pointing at it with her index finger, she said, "I can't go in there...can I..." she swallowed and stared at the small towel wrapped around his waist. 
She shyly shakes her head very fast and starts gesturing. 
"Little one, just say what you want."
Ayane whispered something very softly into her hand, which she put in front of her mouth. Her eyes looked somewhere on the ground.
Savage leaned toward her a little more. "I don't understand..." A drop of water now landed on her face and she stood on tiptoe. Savage could almost feel the heat on her face, her panic. She leaned on his shoulders and turned to his ear. 
"Can I…" her voice trembled. "...sleep at your place? Please…?"
Savage felt her breath against his ear. Why does a vampire even breathe? They were... dead. He rolled his eyes at her to see what she would do. But she didn't move a muscle. Her hands were still on his shoulders and she stood on her tiptoes. She feared his reaction. So he decided to bend down a little more, grab her by the waist with one arm and lift her up, being careful not to drop the towel. He put his arm directly under her buttocks and with the jerky movement she quickly threw her arms around his head and pressed herself against him. 
She scolded and cursed but he just carried her into the room, slammed the door with a nod of the Force and dropped Ayane in the middle of the room. She said nothing.
"Is that enough as a yes?" Savage asked her.
"You…could just have said yes!" Her voice got a little too loud and Savage looked at her a little puzzled. She sighed. "Sorry…the day was more stressful than I want to admit. I didn't mean to yell at you." 
The demon just waved his free hand as if wanted to tell her that everything was fine. An awkward silence filled the room. 
"So…I am done in the bathroom. If you…" Ayane didn't need another second. In the middle of the sentence she walked into the  bathroom and slammed the door close. 
In the meantime Savage had put on some pants. It was something loser than the things he is wearing with the armor. Luciana probably made sure that the closet was filled with clothes that fit him. There were also some things in the closet for Ayane. Luciana is always ahead two steps more then others. 
The vampire had decided to just put on a white shirt after she came out of the shower. It was way too big for her, as it was meant for the Zabrak. Her hair was pinned up in a wild bun. It was not an unusual sight since Ayane wasn't a 'fashion woman'. She didn't care much about upbringing and the opinions of others. Even considering what family she came from.
The demon was standing across the room, looking out the window. He was leaning against the window with one arm over his head. He seemed very thoughtful and didn't notice Ayane at first. She took in the sight of this big demon as the lights outside accentuated his body and tattoos. He was still shirtless. "So..." she said to catch his attention as she dropped on  the bed. 
Savage did the same and the bed took on an awkward angle. "How do you know each other? I mean you and my brother, of course." 
Ayane sat comfortably cross-legged and exhaled. "It's difficult to explain." she said.
"Try it. I want to know a little more about my brother." replied Savage. 
"We never met. Personally, I mean." She looked down. "He was just there. One day, I heard, or rather felt, a voice." 
Savage snorted. "The way you reacted, I thought you guys spent a lot of time." 
"So we did, just not in the way other people do." 
Ayane turned her head to the side and looked in the mirror on the wall. She winced when the reflection in the mirror wasn't Savage, but crimson skinned Zabrak. She quickly turned her body over, only to find that the large yellow Zabrak was still sitting there. Ayane decided it was an illusion. It was clearly the lack of sleep and too much alcohol.
Ayane traced the path of his tattoos with her eyes. "Savage..." she began quietly. "How was it? Getting those tattoos? Did it hurt?"
"It's part of us. When I was younger, I would have answered yes to your question in an instant." He turned his body to face the vampire. "Pain is necessary to reach our goals."
"I remember something…" she began quiet, while losing the unnecessary bandage over her hand. "I remember the day, Maul got his."
Her red black eyes met with the golden ones of the Zabrak. "You know how it feels, not to know where this pain came from? Maul…he suffered. And you know why I know that?"
Savage shook his head. "Because I felt everything. Every pain he had to go through…He needs me, as much as I need him." 
He watched the woman as she took his hand near to her mouth. "And you shall be my way to my Anwylaf."
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Tagging some of you! ♡ let me know if I shall add you!
@eloquentmoon @eyecandyeoz @oh-three @justalittletomato @dinsverdika @moonstrider9904 @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius @aftergloom @fairytaleapple @literatureandqueen @by-the-primes @kimageddon @corona-one @book-of-baba-fett @storm89 @botherbother-blog @misogirl828 @lune-de-miel-au-paradis
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shallyne · 1 year
SJM Crackshipmonth: One Bed
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Sharing the Bet
Day four of @sjmcrackshipmonth and today's couple is Viviane's Sister x Mor! Enjoy! (it doesn't have smut btw sorryyyy not my forte)
Words: 952
TW: none
An Unexpected thunderstorm hits during girls weekend, so Feyre, Mor, Cresseida, Viviane and her sister have to spend the night in an Inn. Busybody sisters Feyre and Viviane put Mor and Viviane's Sister in one room together.
Mor hadn't expected a sudden storm. They wanted to spend a girls weekend with Feyre, Cresseida, Viviane and her sister, Nivia. They decided not to winnow to a beautiful lake on the outskirts of Adriata but take the hike and enjoy nature. A storm hit them when they were about a quarter away from the destination and they had to walk back about a mile to an inn they came across. Mor wanted to share a room with Feyre, and Nivia wanted to share with Viviane and Cresseida would get the single room but both Viviane and Feyre insisted that Nivia and Mor should share a room. Feyre pressed the room key into Mor's hands and she wanted to glare at her friend but Feyre and Viviane already hurried to their room, hushing about their kids, Nyx and Eira.
"I guess it's just us now." Nivia said as Cresseida went to her own room.
Mor snorted, unlocking the door. "I guess so." she said, still cursing Feyre for her meddling. It seemed like she paid more attention to Mor than Mor had realized because somehow she knew that Mor had a slight crush on Viviane’s sister. Although, it seemed like the meddling was a sisterly thing as Viviane also played a part in it for her own sister.
They left their bags at the door, stepping farther into the room and immediately stopping as they looked at the bed. The one bed.
"Maybe it's a mistake," Mor said, not even believing one word she said.
Neither did Nivia as she shook her head. "No, it's not." she grinned, "That's the doing of my sister."
She felt Nivia sidelong glance, waiting for Mor's response. "I can sleep on the floor–"
"Don't be ridiculous." Nivia waved her off. "It's just one night, right?"
"Yes." Mor nodded. "Just one night." she sighed.
They both got ready for bed and when they finally slipped under the covers, they kept a healthy distance away from each other. Careful not to touch, as if it could trigger anything.
"Well, good night." Nivia said.
"Sweet dreams." Mor replied, turning her back towards her. She closed her eyes, acutely aware of Nivia's presence. Her scent enveloped Mor, the scent of cinnamon and snow.
Waking up, Mor didn't lay with her back towards Nivia anymore. She barely was on her half of the bed, and Nivia's had laid on Mor's chest, her arm wrapped around Mor's stomach and Mor's own arm was wrapped around Nivia's shoulders. She rubbed her eyes, looking down at her best friend's sister and sighed, which seemed to startle Nivia. She yawned, looking up until she met Mor's eyes.
"Good morning." Mor said awkwardly, removing her arm from Nivia's shoulders.
Gasping surprised, Nivia backed away and sat up. "Sorry," she said as a blush crept onto her cheeks. "I think I just–while sleeping–" she brushed her hands over her snow white hair nervously.
Mor waved a hand, sitting up, too. "It's fine, really." She smiled as Nivia's blue eyes fixed on her and she nodded.
"I think we should get ready." she said. "Do you want to use the bathroom first?"
"No, you go first." Mor said and scrambled to the edge of the bed as Nivia thanked her and hurried into the bathroom. A quiet groan escaped her when she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and stretched, then opened the curtains of the window. They hadn't done much to keep the sun out at all but she still bothered to open them, somewhat keeping her usual routine.
Half an hour later, Nivia came out of the bathroom, only a towel wrapped around her and her wet hair openly hung down her back, as Mor debated if she would get coffee here.
"Do you need something?" Mor asked, smiling.
"I was just looking for my hairbrush." she replied, showing Mor a tangled strand of her hair.
Mor leaned forward to grab her bag and took her own hairbrush, extending it to Nivia. "You can take mine if you want, so you don't need to dig through your whole stuff."
"Thank you." she said, bowing her head as she accepted it. Their hands brushed as she did so and lingered there. Mor's finger brushed over Nivias wrist, over her soft skin and over a long faded scar. She didn't know if it was the touch or if Nivia felt cold as goosebumps spread on her arms. Mor doubted the latter as they were in the middle of the summer court. To her surprise, Nivia stepped closer at her touch until she stood between Mor's legs. "The other's are probably already waiting for us." she said but stroked Mor's cheek with her thumb.
"They can wait." Mor breathed.
Nivia smiled. "Yes, they can." She leaned down, kissing Mor. Her towel fell to the floor.
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Feyre knocked at the door. "Mor! Nivia! Time for breakfast!" she called out and stepped back, standing beside Viviane as they waited for a reply.
It took a few seconds before she called out from the other side, "Go without me! I'll join you in a minute."
Feyre and Viviane exchanged a glance at the breathlessness in her voice, a smirk spreading on both their faces. "What about Nivia?" Viviane asked.
Another beat of silence until Mor replied, "She's showering, we'll be down when she's done."
"Alright!" Feyre called, suppressing a giggle. The same moment, Cresseida stepped out of her room and took a look at Feyre and Viviane, their smirks and then the door they stood in front of.
"No." she said. "Already?"
"Pay up, ladies. I won that bet!" Feyre said smugly, leading them downstairs. Viviane giggled, Cresseida groaned in defeat.
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Taglist: @timesconvert
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syawntanhi · 2 years
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This is an OC Avatar fic, none of the main characters(Jake, Neytiri, etc.) will appear here until probably later on.
I mix English words for na’vi words sometimes throughout the fic. If that annoys the majority of you I’m willing to change that. The main character is trans btw!
Chapter 1
Underneath the thick canopy of interwoven branches, and above a labyrinth of caves that held dazzling veins of metal, the Huyuticaya were born. Estranged from their sister clan, the Ometicaya, when their ancestors chose different paths. The path of the warrior, honor, and life within death.
They prided themselves in the cunning, agile, sleek and deadly accuracy of the Nantang. They were one with them, even more so amongst the warriors of the clan. Bodies painted black and dipped in white, scars littered upon their bodies and worn with pride. These all marked the dedication of a true warrior, a true Huyuticaya to live on and bring honor to their names.
And in a tent, woven and painted intricately, a boy was born. A boy, not yet a man, who was determined to be one of the great warriors, to bring honor to his name. The sunrise trickled into the home, waking him up.
He couldn’t move, not yet. His arms and his legs wouldn’t allow it, he felt heavy and lethargic as if he ran all day. Footsteps entered in, and he turned his head to inspect.
Ätxää, the Tsahik. Her neck piece crafted in a dark ornate leather, white paint dipped on her fingers and over her eyes. With delicacy, his arm raised to his forehead and drifted toward her.
“Oel Ngati Kameie, Tsahik,” he greeted. With a smile she greeted in response.
A bowl of oil, from various healing herbs and leaves was put down, with gentle hands Ätxää peeled the cloth that bound his chest.
“Have you been taking care of your wounds?” She asked as she rubbed the scars on his chest with oil.
The scars, done by the medic and overseen by the Tsahik herself, was a step in the direction of his manhood among the clan. It was precise, and dedicated.
The boy smiled. “Yes I have. I am ready.”
Ätxää paused. “Today?”
“Yes, today, I cannot wait any longer.”
Ätxää continued to tend to his wound. “I will see to it, your rite will begin tonight. Be prepared my child.”
“I will,” the boy promised. “I promise I will.”
“Good. Your wounds have healed, you do not need cloth.” The Tsahik began to gather her things.
“Thank you, Tsahik.” He said, it was met with a smile and a gentle kiss on his head.
He was able to leave his tent later that evening, helping as much as he could without straining himself. The young hunters would come to him to congratulate him, hug him and tell him how much they missed him as he recovered. They were his brothers and sisters, providing for their clan together.
The boy found himself wandering to a creek at eclipse. Staring at his reflection. He looked… different. The sides of his head were closely shaved. There was thick muscle that clung to his frame, a state he worked hard on the leading months. The scars on his chest had healed perfectly. The boy looked deep into the eyes that stared back. That is when he knew his difference, felt and looked right. He looked like himself, and joy danced in his heart.
In the evening, the boy made his way Into the main cave entrance. Inside, more tents and fires were held. Ätxää was there, with open arms, and Onge the Olo’eyktan.
Taken into another system, the soon to be man was bathed under the cold stream of a cave creek. He was then painted in white by Ätxää, all while Onge recited a prayer. He knew, outside his mother waited for him, for her son.
He could hear them, the people, outside the cave system, singing and howling in the night. And when he stood in the middle of his people, watching his leader grant him Into adulthood he was only barely able to contain himself.
And when a hand was placed on his chest, and he was asked-
“What is your name, my son. The name you have chosen, the name among your people, and the name Eywa will call you.”
The man answered truthfully,
“My name is Ra’äte te Tstotä Ing’i’itan. That is the name I choose, that is the name among my people. This is the name Eywa will call me.”
“Ra’äte!” Onge called out to the people.
“Ra’äte!” They called back.
Ra’äte could feel his mother’s hands on his shoulder, holding tightly. Over and over, his people shouted his name. Ra’äte could not contain the tears any longer.
Finally, he was free. He was reborn among his people. An honorable son.
Ra’äte found himself back at the creek later in the night. His body was still painted, and Ra’äte stared at his reflection again. He felt whole, and solidified. There was no denying his position in the clan any longer, this is who he was. Ra’äte, son of his father Ing’i, another warrior buried among their people.
He made a promise, silently to himself and over his father’s grave. He could not, and would not fail.
Even on his day of celebration, his first hours of manhood, a solemn mood washed over him like the creek at his feet. At home, he stood in front front of his father’s spear and ran a finger on the dull alabaster bone of the blade. His mother, Änawar, gently leaned onto his shoulder.
“He would be proud of you my son,” Anäwar said calmly.
“I must become something he will be proud of, a warrior,” Ra’äte said plainly.
Anäwar made a point to turn Ra’äte to face her. “You do not need to be a warrior to make your sempul proud. The day you were born Ing’i was willing to move mountains for you, do not be too hard on yourself.”
Ra’äte took the time to contemplate, looking back at the spear.
“I have been gifted a second chance, I must be better, I must prove myself. This is what I chose, sa’nok. This is who I will be.”
Anäwar held his face in her hands. “… be careful. That’s all I want, what your sempul wants.”
“I know.”
“Slow down, Ra’äte. Your life has just started.”
Ra’äte tore his gaze from his father’s belongings and back to his mother. “I can’t.. not yet…”
Anäwar casts her gaze down, and gathers her son in a hug. Ra’äte, embracing his mother back, made another promise. When he has become a protector of his clan, it is only then will he strive for a personal peace. Find a mate, carry on his Father’s name.
Sempul: father
Sa’nok: mother
Nantang: viper wolf
Oel ngati kameie: i see you
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pkmacabre-shadow · 3 months
Captain N: Adventures in Smash
Chapter 9
AN: I’m posting this a day early before Melody’s actual birthday comes around. Her birthday is July 10th, btw
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July 10th, it is finally Melody’s 17th birthday. By the time the young woman woke up, she became incredibly ecstatic to which she got dressed quick. She put on her lime green maxi skirt to her chest, tightening it with her power pad; only her black bra straps were visible. She then put on her pants and regular black sneakers. Finally, she put on her goggles and her bangle on her wrist.
By the time she walked out of her room, her mother noticed her look by the time she finished making pancakes.
Marion: Melody, you’re up early. And it seems like you’re already dressed up today, too.
Melody: Morning Mom! Ain’t it obvious? It’s my 17th birthday today. Chester is going to pick me up today, we’re celebrating at his place.
Melody takes a pancake and eats it, she even takes a few and wrapped them in Saran wrap for travel. She then placed them in her bag.
Marion: I know that, but why your friend’s place? I get hanging out with your friends for your birthday is fun, but couldn’t you go with like a restaurant or a picnic?
Melody: Mom, this party is small and these two are the only ones who knows and cares about me. We’re just gonna play games, watch movies, and eat some snacks and tiny cakes while we at it. Mr and Mrs Keene are super kind, they already like me. Hell, they even like you too!
Marion: Fair point.
By this point, Chester already made it to Melody’s house, with Wren in the front seat. He waited while his friend’s conversation with her mom went on; he became impatient so he honked his horn.
Melody: That must be Chester, he might’ve already picked up Wren too. Bye mom!
Marion: Have fun on your party sweetie!
She made it to Chester’s car, sitting at the backseat.
Melody: Sorry for being late, had to talk with my mom.
Chester: It’s cool. She’s likely concerned about the whole party at my place thing.
Melody: That’s why I talked to her about it.
Wren: Yeah I bet that went well.
Chester: Let’s just go already… Irene already got you a present for today.
Chester then drove to his home, parking his car outside next to his parents’. All three of them exited out of the car. As they were about to enter the house, Chester heard a shout which led to him turning to his neighbor and childhood best friend Samuel.
Samuel: Hey Chester, what’s the occasion?
Chester: I’m just celebrating my friend’s birthday today.
Samuel: Really? You sure you’re not inviting me to the party?
Chester: Sorry man but it’s a three man party for today, so you’re not invited.
Samuel: Aww bummer. But hey at least I don’t have to play some weird games.
Both boys laughed.
Samuel: Anyways, tell Melody I said happy birthday to her.
Chester: Got it. See ya.
Chester finally entered his house. Once there, he saw his friends being greeted by his parents, similar to the last time they met him 5 years ago. Along with them came his little sister, Irene, who, along with his parents, Kevin and Charlotte, said happy birthday to Melody.
Charlotte: Look at you Melody, you’re growing into a woman already.
Kevin: I hope you’re doing well. *spots Irene* Oh, and Irene got you a present as well. Chester helped her get the proper present you would loved to get.
Irene: *walks over to Melody* Happy Birthday Melody, I hope you like it!
The young girl hands the older girl a small present. Melody then opens the box, revealing two fingerless gloves with a design akin to that of the d pad.
Melody: Nice. I like the designs in it, kinda cute. Thanks Irene. And thanks Chester.
She turned to where Chester is standing. The young man widen his eyes upon hearing this. He coughed and grinned.
Chester: Uh yeah, you’re welcome.
Charlotte: And here’s a gift from us.
Charlotte hands Melody a lunchbox cake, the decoration with that of an armadillo.
Charlotte: The cake’s made from red velvet.
Melody: Really? Thanks Mrs. Keene! Chester and Wren are waiting for me upstairs. Hehe
Kevin: Have fun on your birthday!
Melody then went up the stairs and entered the room where Wren and Chester should be. She then put her present down but plans to bring her lunchbox cake with her.
Chester: You two ready?
Both girls nodded. Taking this as affirmation, he reinserted his father’s disc as all three pressed the home button, now being transported in front of the smash house. As they all entered the building, everything felt quiet.
Wren: It’s quiet. Too quiet.
Melody: Is anyone there?! Hello…!
Chester: Let’s go.
They walked further to the living room, until all the lights turned on revealing a room full of decorations and food on the table. Everyone all yelled out “SURPRISE,” leaving only Melody in shock.
Melody: A surprise party? You shouldn’t have!
Pit: Heh, what can I say? I’ve did ask Isabelle for help and she brought in the best people. Of course we couldn’t get the extra help from Wren and Chester.
Melody: For real?!
Wren: Yeah… Well, Little Mac and I asked Disco Kid a favor for a party. I hope you like disco music or house music.
Chester: I just requested them to make the party a surprise party. It’s all pre-meditated at this point.
Melody: You guys… this is- THIS IS THE BEST PARTY EVER!
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Megaman: Melody!
Melody: Hey Megaman!
Megaman: Happy Birthday, I brought my family along to celebrate.
Melody: Really? Sweet!
Melody looked at a huge variety of robot masters behind the blue bomber. All ranging from small to large, with an incredibly older man. That would be Dr. Thomas Light.
Dr. Light: You must be Megaman’s trainee, right?
Melody: Yes, of course I am. He and Pit were helping me how to aim, shoot, and reflect.
Dr. Light: That’s very nice to hear. I hope they’re treating you well. I’m sure the others would love to meet you.
Melody: They sure are.
Melody went to talk the other robot masters that Light had built, each giving her happy birthdays or compliments to her outfit.
Elecman: That dress of yours look gorgeous on you! It even goes well with your belt and goggles.
Melody: Thanks, it’s actually a maxi skirt.
Timeman: I’ve seen worse, but that is pretty smart.
Melody: Oh yeah? Well I can code and do some hacking. Done that since, oh I don’t know, 5th grade?
Timeman: Interesting
Time has passed, and the sun began to set. Everyone is already having their fun by dancing, eating food, drinking punch, and playing games. Melody is enjoying the music with Wren, though she’s wearing headphones due to the music being too loud. She then felt a tap on her shoulder, turning her head to who did it.
Dark Pit: Hey, happy birthday Melody. I got something for you.
Dark Pit handed the girl another small present. It’s wrapped in a cloth instead of being put in a box. She opened it revealing a small brooch with a beautiful green gemstone.
Dark Pit: It’s green because it reminds me of your eyes…. *grunts* This is all Pit Stain’s idea! He wanted to get a nice present for you and brought me along for his help. He made me have you this dumb brooch!
Melody: *smiles* Thanks Dark Pit, this is very beautiful. Give Pit my thanks as well.
Dark Pit: No promises
Behind her, Wren smiled at this cute interaction. It reminds her earlier that day where Irene gave Melody those fingerless gloves thanks to the help of her brother. It’s almost like a sibling relationship but with an older girl and two boys 3 years younger than her.
She was suddenly bumped on the back, it felt kinda hard, like a wall almost. She then turned around and found the source.
Richter: Ah! Sorry miss!
Wren: It’s okay! At least you didn’t spill anything….
The party was going great until the lights were cut off. Everyone became shocked and wondered. Who would do this despite it being rather harmless to an extent?
This became a chance for Melody to put on her goggles and test them out. The goggles were that of a bronze color with brown straps and green lenses in a roundish shape. They gave her night vision, helping her to see the dark. She then walked on to see a figure outside who looks similar to Megaman but is distinctly different from him.
0 notes
the-acid-pear · 5 months
Had a Dream today. Kind of ended waking up after confronting my mom bc how angry I was. Bit of a fucking we need to talk about Kevin fanfiction edge too for some goddamn reason (never watched the movie although I don't like the evil kid narrative at all, and I really don't like it if my dream had to pull it up, BUT i did find this fucking post which i do enjoy. I did kind of just see the scene of her breaking his arm yesterday and it pissed me off that greatly I guess but anyway...).
Dream itself breakdown: we spent a lot of time preparing to go to space, a few people did before me. I remember there was this... Drag queen or simply femme, she looked like lady bear but dark skinned. There was also some dipshit who kept selling us shit we needed and said the name of the item like a little song. I tried to steal his thing as revenge but he won again when we were inside the space ship and he sold us canes (I was trying to sell cream, and I didn't even have enough for us all).
The space trip was ok btw the girl went in first and we followed suit (I think she was fucking piloting? Slay). At first I was dizzy and scared just Sleeping because I was Anxious. But then I opened the eyes after told so and I saw the stars and got scared of getting height fright on the moon but then I saw, a neighborhood? And we got off like it was a car and we started wandering.
And everything was pretty normal? Not a lot of people outside but I saw a few with minor changes like weird ears or scaly legs but otherwise very normal. I walked with my dad and step mom and when they pointed out we didn't see anything odd I was like "I saw [dad, step sister and I] a few houses back" and he was like why didn't you tell us?! and we started backtracking but we got distracted with this blue tiled house in a corner street with cats outside and around. I got stuck in the fence but my step mother opened it from the side. I got worried about House Invasion but brushed it off bc cut weird cats.
Inside the house a guy with missing a few fingers in his left hand lived. He was dilfy. Short, fat, bald, beard, a little tanned. Few scars here and there too. He wasn't anything to write home about appearance wise, peak some guy, but he was a kind ass man. He might've had family but I didn't pay attention to them.
We nearly burnt his fucking house down. Like straight up. I don't know how the details but I remember it was all Minecraft for a second and we were hitting the fire to turn it off but it was spreading and I went inside the basement to continue doing damage control but then was like WOW [name] YOU HAVE A BEAUTIFUL BASEMENT bc he did it was like, the brick was blending w the hole and there were tools to the side IT WAS PRETTY, OK? But then I got stuck bc it was 2 blocks deep so I had to start screaming for help and for some reason when he came to help me out he handed me his Bad hand and I squished it to pull my fat ass up and he winced but didn't say anything.
And then, the star of the show! The fucking Kevin and my mom coming out of nowhere scene. Because someone asked him to talk to the kid (bc my whole gripe w the movie is the arm scene he was in that age range, though he was a different kid entirely, he was even blonde). And of course bc this guy is a hero he managed to talk to the kid and reason with him and IN MY DREAM it all really boiled down to neglect, him even saying "if we went missing mom would only realize when the dog didn't come back too" and idk what the guy said (I'll call him George bc i think that was his name) but he managed to convince the kid to change for the better and, recommended fucking treatment w cannabis? And then we left.
And then we left and I'm walking down the street with my mom. It was sunny, before we were in somewhere like Varela now it was closer to Avellaneda. I don't know if I started talking or if she did but I know I started screaming, because what the kid had said applied to me too. Actually, in fact, that kid might've been me? Or something like that like we were different timeline versions of each other, there was a George that looked like a regular suburban dad and not a monster hunter (George might've had an eyepatch the more I think of it, he might not be bald too?? IDK I digress) so my anger wasn't just projecting but something else. So I started screaming at her about how little she cared about me and then she faced away and I lowered my head and reached up but she intercepted me going "never lower your head when facing me!" but I countered with "I wasn't lowering my head I was trying to make you face ME" and then I grabbed her by the jaw so she'd look at me in the eyes (my mom is half a head taller than me btw) and I couldn't say anything else because I woke up.
So yeah. Gotta love dog symbolism innit?
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motzgurke · 2 years
Hello! Your fluff is always so cute, I love it! ♥️
So I was wondering if I could ask for an indirect Shoto x reader where they are at their last year of UA and Fuyumi invites reader to have lunch because she wants to know reader better since she can see her brother's love and that he's fine with this person but he didn't took her to meet his family yet because of his trauma.
Sorry if its overwhelming! 😊
Hey and thanks for this interesting request. I tried my best but I hope you don’t mind I added some characters I find interesting.
Btw Requests are still open while I try to work through time, but please understand that it depends on my mood and motivation which I one I work on, but I will try to answer them sooner or later 😊
Fluff with some angsty-like feelings (?)
Words: 4091
“You are nervous,” Shoto stated bluntly while he slid open the doors to his families’ home. It was so much… more than you had expected when he invited you over in his sister’s name. Of course, you knew the Todorokis were a wealthy family given that their head, Endeavor, was the number one pro hero. But even though you underestimated how wealthy they really were, you found yourself staring at the massive traditional building as you tried to grasp the situation.
You have been friends with Shoto since the early days at U.A and now, seeing the finish line at the end of the third year it’s the first time you were visiting the place he grew up in. The place he told you so much about and which, until now, you were only able to imagine. Seeing it in real life, the beauty, and the things you heard about it, you weren’t sure what you should be feeling at the moment.
But your nervosity was definitely the most overpowering. The whole week after he brought the invitation you were fine, you actually looked forward to meeting his family. The way he so fondly talked about Fuyumi and her divine cooking, the weird jokes his brother seemed to crack now and then, but most of all his mother. You were dying to know how they impacted Shoto on his journey to be the person he was today. But at the same time, there was the voice doubting your right to intrude on his privacy like that. There had to be a reason why he himself never asked you to come over and you weren’t sure if this evening was really what he wanted.
You felt yourself getting lost in your thoughts when a soft touch on the tip of your nose guided you back to reality, to be more precise it was a long calloused finger with a nice coolness attached to it. “You don’t have to do this, you know? If you prefer I walk you back to the dorms…”
“No, it’s fine”, you said and slapped your hands on your cheeks but before you could come up with a makeshift excuse to hide your mixed feelings Shotos’s gaze stopped you from doing so. His kind and soft eyes always seemed to know what you were thinking about, it was no use trying to fool him. Shoto could be dense at times, but he was perceptive enough to know when someone felt unwell and immediately ready to lend a helping hand. A feature you soon started to love.
You sighed. “Maybe I am a bit nervous. We’ve known each other for three years now, but it’s the first time you will let me meet your family, yet alone show me your parental home.” With conflict shown in your eyes you looked up at the night sky, some small but noticeable stars glistening above you. “I feel like I’m overstepping some boundaries.” You explained and crossed your arms.
What you weren’t expecting was his soft chuckle at which your heart danced in your chest, so you looked up only to see the most endearing smile he only rarely shows to anyone but his closest friends. And to throw you even more off guard his hand extended to let his fingertips rub gently down your cheek. “You’re not intruding. You are always welcome in my home.”
You felt your cheeks flame up and turned away from him, taking deep breaths to soothe your running pulse. He had to know what he was doing to you, right? It was not possible for him to not hear your heartbeat or feel the heat increasing in your body whenever he touched you like this. “O-Okay.” You managed to stammer and finally followed him into to entrance. You would lose your mind if this continued, you were sure about that.
To distract yourself you scanned the new area, the simple but elegant furniture, and the heavenly smell that drifted down the hallway. That must be Fuyumi’s cooking Shoto had praised so much and now that you got a glimpse you couldn’t wait to fully dive into it.
“This smell. I don’t know what it is, but you weren’t promising too much.” You praised when the soft paddling of feet directed your attention to the young woman hurrying down the hallways towards you both.
Her hair was put into a casual ponytail and bounced slightly as she nearly flew over the wood. She was really cute with the glasses and the red spots on her hair, her eyes were exactly like Shoto’s right ones, a warm grey that made you feel welcome.  “Shoto! I’m glad you arrived.” She greeted your classmate and he smiled back slipping out of his shoes and stepping onto the wood next to her. Then the woman turned to you. “So your Y/N? I’m Fuyumi, Shoto’s older sister. I’m so glad to finally meet you, we heard so much about you.”
Fuyumi took your hand and her smile seemed to shine brighter than the sun, while Shoto averted his gaze at her last statement, a soft pink tone coloring the tips of his ears. You were stunned by how lovely and energetic she greeted you, after being around the calm Shoto for so long you weren’t expecting so much excitement in a Todoroki. But it was a pleasant surprise and so you smiled back, doing a respectful bow. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Fuyumi.”
She stared at you for a moment and her eyes shifted over you, her smile growing as she turned to Shoto with a sly grin on her face. “She is even prettier than you said.” She whispered but you heard nevertheless, making you and Shoto blush in an instant. Fuyumi giggled as the both of you turned your eyes flustered in different directions, avoiding accidentally meeting the other’s gaze.
 “Please come in. Mom and Natsuo are waiting in the dining room. They are probably even more excited than me.” She winked at you and hurried to take off your shoes, positioning them neatly beside Shoto’s, and walked next to him as Fuyumi showed you around the house. She was bubblier than you imagined her to be, but it was comforting, the air around her felt so comfortable and you felt the nervosity from before fade as she guided you. “I’m sorry if she overwhelmed you. Fuyumi can be… energetic.” Shoto had leaned closer to you and you felt his warm breath on your ear, a pleasant tingle on your skin. You mirrored his gesture and whispered back. “I found her endearing. Can’t wait to meet the rest of your family.” Shoto gave you a surprised but pleased look, the corner of his mouth twitching upwards. “That’s good.”
A few moments later you heard two new voices followed by the reveal of an older but still beautiful woman and a boy probably a few years older than Shoto, both blessed with silky white hair and gentle grey eyes as Fuyumi opened another sliding door. Speaking of which Fuyumi clasped her hands happily together and drew her attention to you guys standing in the doorway. After they smiled at Shoto you felt all the eyes on you, interested and curious.
While the woman inspected your appearance and mostly your facial expression, the boy seemed to be more skeptical at first as he seemed to be more interested in the way you stiffened and blushed as you felt Shoto’s hand on your lower back, a reassuring gesture minding that you felt like running right now. It wasn’t like you were scared of them, but the Todorokis were so different than you had imagined.
By their looks, they were clearly recognizable as a family, but on the second thought, each and everyone seemed to have their own personal mannerism and differed from the other but the most important difference you noticed from your experiences with Shoto’s usually quiet and calm demeanor was their talkative aura. It wasn’t like they were flooding you with questions, but you felt like you saw their thoughts racing through their minds, trying to start an actual introduction with the stranger that was you.
Fortunately, Fuyumi jumped in to fill the loaded silence. “Shoto, why don’t you introduce her to Mom and Natsuo while I prepare the food?” She gave the both of you a little push inside the dining room and left, likely to return to the kitchen as she stated.
And with that, you really started to realize your surroundings and you couldn’t or rather wouldn’t back out from spending the evening with the Todorokis. Nice.
Searching for help you looked at Shoto who seemed a bit dumbfounded at Fuyumi’s sudden retreatment, but lucky for you manners seemed to be one of the main qualities of this family as the older woman raised her voice. “Shoto, my dear. Please sit with us, we can’t wait to meet your friend.” Her voice was lovely, melodic, and calm like Shoto’s and you imagined how she would sing lullabies to little Shoto in his toddler years and felt slightly jealous. What a beautiful voice for a beautiful woman, you thought and again felt a gentle push, this time it was the hand of your classmate guiding you to sit down at his side, opposite from the boy and the woman who was sitting at the head of the table.  
You were a bit startled by this observation. You always thought the spot where the woman was sitting was reserved for the head of the family. Did this mean that Endeavor wasn’t joining you sooner or later?
Before you could chew more on that thought Shoto rose to speak. “Hey Mom, Natsu. This is Y/N. My classmate from U.A. Y/N, this is my mother Rei and my older brother Natsuo.” Shoto’s eyes seemed to soften even more as he looked at his mother and you saw how attached he was to her, Rei seemed to share this bond as she grazed her youngest son with a loving gaze which made Shoto flush with her unspoken admiration. You enjoyed how comfortable Shoto seemed to be around his family, even more, the moment he was in the same room with Rei, you didn’t expect him to change so much just by being around his relatives and valued, that you were blessed to witness him like this.  
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, especially you Mrs. Todoroki. I start to understand why Shoto is such a gentleman.” You playfully nudged his side and witnessed his flustered expression as he tried to hide behind his palm. Unexpectedly Rei started to giggle at your little exchange with him and the sound filled you with a warmth only a loving mother could provide. “Please, call me Rei. By how much Shoto told me about you, I feel like I’ve known you all my life.” Now it was your turn to blush, partly because her expression was so carefree and partly because it was the second time a Todoroki mentioned to have heard a lot about you. You started to wonder how much Shoto actually talked about you.
“I must agree, you seem to be the only valuable topic if Shoto isn’t talking about his beloved cold soba”, Natsuo added and gave his brother a jokingly provocative wink. “Natsu”, Shoto grumbled and the pink color seemed to turn darker with each passing moment as you felt his eyes on you from the side. You smiled back at him, because of the pleasant scene playing in front of you. Never before have you seen Shoto so carefree, your heart swelled at the sight of his expressiveness. “Well, I hope he only told you about the good things. Wouldn’t want you to know how I kicked his butt in the last training session.” You concluded and enjoyed how Shoto seemed to burst with embarrassment and you swore to see him flare up the slightest bit.
Rei and Natsuo seemed equally entertained and the three of you shared soft laughter. But what neither of them noticed was how Shoto snaked his hand under the table to yours, making your skin tingle with his cool touch and the way he squeezed it, and how could you deny him? You reciprocated his gesture and squeezed his hand back, with an enjoyed but apologetic smile on your lips.
Soon after your little banter, Fuyumi had returned and you shared a wonderful meal with the Todorokis, chitchatting about school and your likes while enjoying the feast Fuyumi had prepared, and it was fair to say that her cooking was indeed as divine as you heard from Shoto. The nervosity was forgotten while they gave you the feeling to be welcome in their circle and you found yourself growing attached to their kindness and caring behavior in the blink of an eye.
Then and now you even managed to catch Shoto brightly smiling or laughing and you couldn’t help the fuzzy feeling bathing your insides or how your heart seemed to match the rhythm of his happiness and you wished that you wished to see this side of him more often and maybe, to have him smiling for you someday.
After the dinner and a lot of complaining from the Todoroki siblings, you managed to let you help them clean up and wash the dishes which brought you a whispered compliment from Rei, praising your politeness and manners to Shoto while he leaned down to fetch her cups. You pretend to not have heard it but couldn’t contain the blush while Shoto agreed with his mother, a soft glaze in his eyes as he watched you carry some dishes.
With this many helping hands, it wasn’t long until you finished the cleaning and returned to the dining room only to find everyone sitting there, except for Shoto. Wondering where he was you returned to your spots and looked at the doorway, waiting to see him walking back to you and only get a bit anxious as he wouldn’t return.
“Shoto has gone to fetch some books from his room, shouldn’t take too long”, Natsuo reassured you and turned your attention back to the table. “I see.” You answered and folded your hands in your lap, listening to the possibility of his steps approaching while a comfortable silence spread between the four of you. That was until Fuyumi raised her voice. “You seem to care a lot about him. Am I right, Y/N?”
She startled you with her sudden conclusion and you looked at her wide-eyed. “I’m sorry?” You asked and tried to make her confirm her statement. “It’s the way look at him. We have met some of his friends before but none of them looked at him like you do, nevertheless made him smile and laugh as you can.” You felt your cheeks heating him and turned your attention to your hands in your lap, a shy smile adorning your lips. “That’s what friends are for. I’m glad he lets me in.”
“Friends, hm? If you say so”, Natsuo mumbled, and you raised your eyes in disbelief to him. “I’m afraid I don’t understand.” You looked around the table and suddenly realized the three pairs of grey were directed at you, an overwhelming softness radiating from them. Then you saw Rei shifting closer to you and putting her hand on top of your own with a tender squeeze. “Don’t take his directness with you for granted. Shoto cares a lot about you too.”
You looked at her and you let her words sink in as her thumb wiped gently over your skin causing the same calming effect Shoto has on you. You knew what they were hinting at but weren’t willing to give in to this thought, not building accidentally your hopes up. You squeezed your other hand on your thigh forcing yourself to smile politely. “Because he is a kind person who naturally cares about others. I’m not special.”
But you wished it was different. You dreamed of him sharing your fondness for each other, being special to him, but whenever you imagined this, you shamed yourself for being egoistic. Shoto was humble, gentle, and caring but fragile at the same time. He was fragile when it came to forming friendships, carefully deciding who he could trust, and fragile when it came to his own emotions. His traumatizing childhood memories had kept him from understanding human bonds for so long and he just started to see what a wondrous world he was living in.
Your heart ached and fluttered simultaneously as you watched his development, how he’s grown out of his cold and arrogant shell into a curious and gentle young man, learning what it means to feel and to be happy. He has come so far since you met him and you were grateful that you were allowed to stroll beside him as he walked this new path, you loved to see how he picked himself up after falling only to walk faster and stronger than before. But your feelings… In your imagination they were a chain, threatening to stop him from walking further, blocking him from reaching his desired horizon. You could never do that to him, and if he had to go on adventuring his path, you gladly stood back and watched.
“But you are special. For him. The fact that you are sitting here, beside us proves that Shoto trusts you with his whole heart.” Rei reassures you and squeezed your hand tighter. You squinted your eyes and fixed yourself on the edge of the table, feeling how the argument of your heart and mind unfolds within you. “I can’t. I can’t tie him down.” Your lips quivered as you whispered your opinion, it took everything from you not to run away.
You knew they meant well, but the pressure was threatening to suffocate you on the spot. “I could never do this to him.” A sniff escaped your throat and blinked the tears away, desperately forcing yourself to look at them, make sure to them that it wouldn’t be good for Shoto to know what you feel.
You saw Fuyumi’s sympathetic gaze on you and how Natsuo clenched his teeth, a battle behind his eyes if he should speak up. And for a while there was silence. No one knew how to approach this topic further until Natsuo huffed and crossed his arms, his brows furrowed. “Nothing you could do will ever compare to the pai… to what we put him through.”
“Natsu!” Fuyumi squeaked and looked at her brother with wide-blown eyes, while Rei let her shoulders drop in shame, a pained expression making her face crinkly. “Y/N it’s… You should know…” Fuyumi stammered but you silenced her as you raised your hand, stopping her from venturing further into unpleasant memories. “Shoto told me about… about your…” You struggled to find the words not to hurt them more or refresh old wounds, instead, you turned your head in Rei’s direction and returned her affectionate hold on your hand. “I won’t judge, it’s not my place nor my want to do so. Seeing Shoto happy as he was today is everything that matters.”
The three of them looked surprised at you while you gifted them the most understanding and gentle smile you could offer. You never thought ill of them before, not when Shoto told you about how he received his scar, about his training, and how he was kept from interacting with his siblings, you never did and you would never after meeting them in person, see for yourself that even after what they went through they could be a loving and caring family.
Fuyumi was the first one to wake from her bewilderment. “I’m glad Shoto has you.” She reached over the table to pat your head fondly and you gulped down the knot building in your throat. “But please, don’t put yourself down like that. Shoto adores you and please believe me when I tell you that you wouldn’t tie him down. You are the main reason he keeps going.”
Your breath hitched and you tried to brush her off when Rei stepped in. “In his letters, he would never stop writing about you. I was so happy to see him so passionate, after everything he went through. Thank you for being there for him. For loving him as much as he loves you.”
You couldn’t stop the tears anymore as they trickled down your cheeks in thick droplets. You certainly hadn’t expected the evening to venture into this, but to hear these things from his family was snapping the leashes you put on yourself, stopping you from giving in to your growing feelings for the youngest Todoroki.
For the first since naming your love for him, you felt free and the way your whole body shook in excitement was proof of the hard control you had over yourself. It feels like taking the first breath after dipping yourself under the surface for far too long.
Rei hold your hand through your whole breakdown, warm but cold at the same time as she gently drew circles with her thumb and you were grateful for her presence. You were grateful that not only his siblings, but his beloved mother approved of your attachment to him.
“Not to ruin the mood, but where is Shoto? He hadn’t come back in a while.” Natsuo broke your sniffling and raked his neck to look down the hallways only to find no sign of him. Fuyumi and Rei exchanged a concerned look, then the latter turned to you with a reassuring smile on her face as she extended a hand to wipe a stray tear from your puffy red eyes. “If you think you should look for him. His room is down the hallway, across the courtyard near.”
You nodded tiredly and stood up, slowly making your way to the doorway, but before you left them you turned around and bowed down low. “Thank you!” You hiccupped and hastily followed Rei’s direction, desperately searching for him before you could lose your newfound courage.
You didn’t need to search for long as you found him sitting on the porch, his gaze fixed on the pond in front of him. His elbows were resting on his knees and he seemed to be lost in thought as you approached him carefully, avoiding making too much noise and scaring the koi fish he was watching. When he wouldn’t react you silently sat down beside him, following his light of sight. The view was mesmerizing as the scales of the fish glistened in the silvery moonlight while they elegantly danced through the water.
You didn’t know how long you sat at his side, silently enjoying the magical scene before you until you saw him shift beneath you a pink shimmer visible on his cheeks. “We were worried when you didn’t come back.” You whispered and watched on particular fish, a pure white one with big red dots and delicate fins swimming in circles near the surface.
You heart Shoto gulping and shifting as he brushed his left through his dual-colored hair. “I didn’t want to disturb you guys.” He stated and you twitched, drawing your arms around yourself. “You listened?” It was a rhetorical question, but he nodded as an answer making you shiver in anticipation, waiting for his take on the situation between the two of you.
“So… Is it true?” He took a deep breath and then nodded, nearly impossible to spot in the sparse silvery light. But Shoto noticed. “What Mom said, was the truth too.” Without moving his head his eyes turned in your direction and you found yourself staring into the grey softness you were showered in all evening. You watched and waited as he just looked at you, your pulse speeding up in a pleasant rhythm as the smile, his smile, tugged at the corner of his mouth. “What are we going to do now?” You whispered and let your eyes flicker back to the pond where the fish you had witnessed before was still swimming his circle, but this time he was accompanied by another one, a bit smaller but just as beautiful with the variety of colored spots on his scales.
Shoto followed your gaze and leaned closer to you, until your shoulders were touching and the was able to rest his head on yours, his breath gently fanning over your hair. “We are taking the next step.”
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hanmabae · 3 years
Can I request a drabble or a headcanons of Hanma overhearing Takemichi talk about a timeskip future where Hanma actually ended up marrying reader and they have 3 daughters? And Takemichi is talking about it because he's shocked that Hanma would even settle down and have kids in the first place let alone with someone like reader who is Hanma's opposite? And even Hanma's pleasantly surprised but not mad at hearing about it. Lol Sorry if weird request, I've been thinking about a scenario like this. Thank you, feel free to play around with the idea if you like it or it inspires something along the lines. I love your writing.
He is married and has three kids?!
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⤷ ♡ CHARACTERS :: Shuji Hanma x gn! gender (y/n)
⤷ ♡ GENRE :: ANGST, Drama, TW, Funny moments?
⤷ ♡ WARNING :: Cursing, TW death, blood moments with gun, somehow sad one! I warned you!
⤷ ♡ A/N :: Ahh damn I like this request! It’s long??? But I still love it! Btw I was lazy to re-read it so if you’ll find some mistakes my bad T_T THERE IS A PIC OF HANMA! So DONT FORGOT! ;)
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"How are you doing, Naoto?" Takemichi remarked this while staring down on Hina's younger brother, who was the one who had opened the door. He was a tiny boy, but Takemichi had already irritated him. “Can you tell me what you want from me?” He inquired, his gaze fall on his sister, who stood alongside him. Actually, it was too late, and Naoto was surprised of why his sister was out with the guy now.
"Doesn't it seem like it's already too late? Why are you bringing my sister here at this hour?” Takemichi and Hina shared a giggle as she walked into the house. "Bye, Hina, and have a nice night!" And you, Naoto," he said, reaching out his right hand to shake it. "I hope I will not see your dumb face at this time or I won't be able to sleep without nightmares," he said, trying to shake his left hand.
After everything went black, Takemichi finally woke up in his bad. "Woah, this time-skip was normal; I hope everything is fine," he mumbled. His phone rang, and it was Chifuyu on the other end.
"Yes," he said, smiling. "How come you have such a happy voice?" "Did you forget what day it is?" he said in a low voice
Takemichi's eyes widened. “What day is it today?” he asked with a curious tone.
"TODAY IS DRAKEN'S WIFE'S BIRTHDAY," he exclaimed, "AND IF YOU FORGOT WHO'S BIRTHDAY IT IS, TODAY IS EMMA'S." Takemichi was shocked by the information he received from Chifuyu.
"Ah, and Hina is waiting for you, so don't be late or Draken will kill you," he said as he hung up the phone.
'Wait, what was that?' He questioned himself. "Don't tell me that everyone is alive during this time-skip?" His eyes welled up as he prepared for Emma-chan’s birthday.
When he arrived, he found Hina waiting for him. He stepped out of the taxi and approached her.
She hugged him right away, saying, "I missed you so much, even though we only met yesterday." She kissed him and smiled.
Takemichi was surprised by the unexpected kiss and hug. "Me too," he smiled. "Let's get going or we'll be late."
When they entered, he saw everyone from Toman, including Black Dragons and Valhalla members, as well as Moebius. It was really strange.
Emma and Draken were the next thing he saw. They were both smiling and talking. He hadn't seen them happier in a long time.
“Hey, Takemichi” Draken said with a huge smile and he hugged him. "Happy birthday to your wife," he remarked as he hugged him.
After he saw Hina and Emma were hugging also and crying. ‘They haven't changed at all’ he thought and smiled. “Hey, Emma happy birthday to you! I wish you all the best” he smiled and Emma hugged him. "Thank you very much!" "I missed you guys!" she exclaimed in a sweet tone.
Then there was a scream, and he turned at Emma, where a strange girl was hugging her and Emma was crying. "I MISSED YOU SO MUCH, MY LOVEEE," Emma sobbed. "I missed you as well!" But please don't cry because you'll ruin your make-up," she laughed.
Takemichi was interested who she was because Takemichi knew all of her friends and Hina knew her.
While he was thinking someone called her.
"Darling, don't run like this; what if you fall and injure yourself?" Takemichi looked at the man who said it, but he couldn't identify who he was.
He was tall, with a large muscle body, and dressed elegantly in black with a red tie. He was so attractive that girls from other parts of the room were salivating (drooling, dripping, slurping!!k let's say that they got horny and finish here haahah) and staring at him with hungry eyes. That was strange, because even Hina was staring at him with those eyes, and of course, he felt jealous of this man. (I PUT A PIC OF HANMA DOWN! Pls don’t get horny lol)
"Sure, honey, I won't," she said as she hugged him. "After all, if I get harmed, you'll kill someone," she laughed.
"You guys are so adorable and look so wonderful," Emma exclaimed. "I can't think of a more wonderful couple than you," Hina continued. 'Did she really just say that?' Takemichi was moved by the girls' remarks and turned to gaze at a man who was staring at the girl who was holding him. His eyes were filled with passion and love; even though he loved Hina more than anything, he could never look at someone like this; how even a man could look at someone like this.
"Shuji Hanma, quit humiliating me!" She said this in a grating tone as she let go of him.
"Oh my, sorry, Miss Hanma," he replied as he kissed her on the cheek.
'There's no way in hell it can be true- don't tell me it's Hanma, who was cruel and insane.' Takemichi was lost in his thoughts. ‘ How did he become so massive and tall? And what about Y/n? Has she changed? She, too, is tall and unusual. I remember her as a short and sweet girl with a lovely smile, and today she is a completely different person, she even married Hanma?!!! He was insane and loved beating people, he wasn't outstanding at school and didn't care about anything, he had the status of a psycho bad boy who was the leader of Valhalla and acting leader of Moebius, he was also in Toman and Tenjiku?How did this girl who was good in school and only wanted to be a doctor to make her parents proud become the villain's wife?' Takemichi was contemplating the entire issue.
"How are your kids? "I really miss them!" Emma said in a soft voice.
"My girls are the best dad's girls," he said proudly.
'They even have kids?' Takemichi's jaw dropped. 'When did this happen?' (no but imagine his face while he was processing it T_T it would be hilarious)
Three girls appeared out of nowhere. One was around 6-7 years old, the other was 5-6 years old, and the final was 4 or younger.
"DADD MOMM," the middle child said. "Hanako baby," Y/n said, her hands outstretched.
"DAz, Dadzzy." Hold me plwease~” The small girl shouted out to her father in a pure soul, "yes my love, come here," and he held her and she kissed his cheek passionately.
"Makoo aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "I can't believe she's already talking," Yuzuha shouted back proudly. “Y/n! I really missed you! "Where have you been?" she said as they hugged.
"Well, as you can see, work and kids... "I don't have time to go out," she answered quietly.
"How are you, Takemichi?" hanma called him.
Takemichi flinched and became terrified. "Ahh, you see, I was busy as well," he mused as he rubbed his neck.
"Don't be afraid, I won't do anything; after all, my wife will kill me," he joked, and Mako poked Shiji's cheek, and then she looked at Takemichi, but she became irritated and hugged dad right away.
'So, why am I curious?' 'After all, it's Hanma's daughter,' he thought out arguments calmly but dumbly.
"I forgot you got married on y/n, and I had no idea you had three girls," he smiled, "and they are so cute, they look more like you than their mother." hanma laughed.
"It's because they're my girls," he said as he hugged Mako and laid his head on her. "But don't tell this to Y/n, or you won't live," he laughed.
“Yeah, sure” he looked at mako who was hugging her dad.
"By the way, how's your business?" Hanma wondered, his gaze drawn to his wife, who was playing with their children and friends.
"What business?" Takemichi was surprised to discover that he had his own business. "Well, as I clearly remember, you left all the gang groups and now you have five manga stores that are quite popular, even my older daughter goes there to buy things," he explained.
"This one? Ahh, this one? Yes, everything is fine; however, where do you work?" he was kind of scared to ask.
He set his daughter down, saying, "baby Mako, go to mommy, we have to talk." She walked away, and Hanma turned to face Takemichi, saying, "well, you know that I'm still the head of Valhalla and Moebius, right? I'm also cooperating with Black Dragons. After all, I'm helping Koko and Inupi," he joked.
"Are you still involved with gangs?"
'Is he serious? Isn’t he afraid of his wife's or children's lives? They are literally in risk because of him,' he claimed.
"Yeah, I know what you're thinking, but it's not that miserable! And they will never touch them," he remarked calmly.
"I'm happy you found your love, and now you have amazing children." Takemichi laughed adorably.
“Yes, I can't imagine my life without them.” he stopped. “You know, if I had not met my wife, I don't know what kind of life I would have right now,” he said with a proud voice.
“I'm glad”
‘Damn I know he is still the same psycho but y/n created whole new person and I am impressed’
Before Takemichi could say something someone opened the door and yelled
“HA, HA, HA, who do we have?” it was south.
“South it's not the right time,” Draken said with an angry voice “Let don't start anything,” Mitsuya said with a calm voice and Hakkai stand up and went to Mitsuya.
“We don't need any problems, could you leave?” Chifuyu said.
“Everyone will survive only if you'll bring me Hanma Shiji, we need to talk.” He laughed and began looking around for him.
“No, if you have any problems with my husband, I'm here to listen” Takemichi looked at her.
She didn't seem to be afraid in her gaze. Her children became scared, Hanako hugged her leg, and the other girls went to Yuzuha.
"Y/n stop!" Hanma was furious. "Agreed, you should back off," Chifuyu added, to which everyone agreed.
“So you're Hanma’s little bitch, aren't you?” South said with looking at Hanako. "And these are Hanma's famous kids?" he chuckled.
"Hanma, do you know what will happen if you don't come with me?" Right?” He glanced at Hanma with mischievous eyes.
“Don't worry I know but don't touch them or you will regret that you were born” he said while getting close to him.
“NO! "Don't do this, Shuji, or I'll kill you with my hands," she said as she approached the South.
South became fascinated and went to Y/n. He smirked at her, "Hanma, your wife isn't that bad," he said, touching her cheek, "what a shame you aren't mine."
"I warned you to keep your hands off my wife." Hanma attempted to approach close, but South pulled out his gun and placed it on Y/n’s forehead, saying, "move and she'll die." He stopped laughing and then placed the gun on Hanako, saying, "otherwise she'll die, so select who will go out of the game first."
"South, enough! This isn't a game!" "Take the gun away from the kid, she's only six years old," Mitsuya yelled angrily.
"Take the gun away from my daughter or I'll destroy you," Hanma couldn't take it any longer, wondering how someone could have put the gun on his wife and daughter's foreheads.
"Who cares how old she is? I was 5 when I first killed someone," he joked, "and she is nothing to me."
"South put the gun on me and let her go, you have me and she hasn't done anything to you," Y/n shouted, eyeing him straight.
"Oh, who cares, you guys are annoying me; I'll ask Hanma one more time, will you come with me?"
"If you let them go, then I'll" he said Hanako, who was afraid but didn't want to upset her dad, so she pretended to be brave. She had fluffy eyes and fluffy cheeks, she was little but had a strong ego, she got it from her mother. She had black hair and brown eyes, as well as some yellow highlights in her hair. Hanako was a bright lovely girl; most girls her age were not as brave or as smart as she was. She stood boldly behind her mother, looking at her father with a warm smile, as if she knew something bad was about to happen at any moment.
"You guys irritate me," he says as he shoots Hanako in the head while she was smiling at her father.
"HANAKO NOO!" hanma shouted, but we all know that nothing would change the death of his daughter, who died right in front of his eyes, when she was smiling at him, bringing him joy because she wasn't afraid, she just wanted to make dad proud.
"Who'll be the next to go?" He shot his older daughter with the rifle he had on her.
"DADD I'M SCARED," the middle one cried, and South killed her as well.
Hanma stood there, unaware that his three daughters had transformed into angels from books he had read to them at night when they couldn't sleep.
Y/n was standing all in Hanako's blood, she had dead eyes. Her three daughters died in front of her eyes. Her heart was telling her that she was a bad mother, and her mind was telling her that she should kill South. She rushed over to him.
"How date you kill my daughters," she wanted to say, but South grabbed her with one hand. "Oh, come one, give your final words to your husband, not to me." Y/n had tears in her eyes, looked at Hanma, and whispered, "I'm sorry dear, remember that we loved you," and she died in South's hands.
Hanma knelt, his eyes left empty. "You killed them," it was all he said.
Everyone was shocked and began to cry; it didn't matter if it was a boy or a girl; they all adore this family, Y/n and even Hanma.
"I've finished my work." South said and absolutely despised.
Takemichi couldn't say anything, but he felt a press on his shoulder and looked up to see Naoto with red eyes.
'Even Naoto cried,' he thought. "Takemichi, go back and kill South, and make sure you kill him, or I'll kill you with my hands."
He offered his hand to shake Takemichi's hand.
Takemichi carefully examined Hanma and the bodies. Then he looked around at everyone and wiped his tears. "Let's kill him and help Hanma and his family," he said as he shook his hand and everything went black.
“That’s what happened” Takemichi finished telling the whole story of his last time-skip to chifuyu.
"Are you saying Hanma had three daughters and a wife?" Which was Y/n?” He sounded jealous.
“Yeah” Takemichi looked up in the sky. "Do you have any thoughts on how to change South?" he asked Fuyu.
"I'm not sure, but Naoto said to kill him, which I completely agree with it because he killed Y/n." He looked down at his hand and said, "If it's necessary, I'll do it."
"What made you so angry when I told you she was married on Hanma?" Takemichi asked.
"It's none of your business, let's go, I'm hungry," Chifuyu replied as he went up from the ground.
Meanwhile, Hanma was sitting nearby Chifuyu and Takemichi; they didn't notice him, but he was close enough to hear what they were saying.
“So I'm going to marry her and have three daughters? That can't be possible." He chuckled and put his hands on his face, saying, "hmmm, somehow this thing got me to act up, and I'm having strange feelings that I've never had before, but I like it." He stared at the river, then at the moon. ‘I don't even regret it, I'm thankful that I'll have people who will take care of me in the future and people who I'd take care of... I'm curious how you'll feel when someone takes care of you. After all, I don't know anyone who would give me such a feeling.' He exhaled, "What a useless and shameless person am I?" he whispered, disappointed and unhappy, staring at the moon one last time before standing up.
“Well, Miss. Hanma, I'll make sure to protect you and my future kids” he walked away with a big smile On his face.
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🏷 Tag list :: @erishaitto @miyuaditt @voldyshit-1997 @dai-tsukki-desu @mrssunasimpowo @wakasagurl
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HERE IS THE PIC! @ to owner! Ugh hot:(
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chameleon-madrigal · 3 years
hello there!! i hope you have a great day/night ahead! Can i request a camilo x reader where the reader doesnt hang out with camilo the same as before and that makes camilo wonder so he went to the reader’s house only seeing the reader taking care of their new baby sister/brother luv ur stories btw!!
X | Cuentos de Camilo
(Camilo Short Stories)
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Title: The truth behind
Genre: Fluff
Pairings: Camilo x GN!Reader
Warnings: None
Summary: When you and Camilo became bestfriends, it always be like an everyday promise that you two would hangout, you two are inseparable. Until one day you stopped going out of your house, at first he didn't mind it. But days after he started to miss you, only to find out you are now an older sibling to your new twins.
He/him pronouns for Camilo
They/Them prnouns for Reader
Note: Sorry took too long again! But hello, hope you have a great day ahead too. Thank you for supporting my stories, lovie. I can't believe itd my 10th story, I LOVE YOU ALL!! Enjoy, mwa <3
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Camilo can still remember how you two have met, his lips curved into a smile when he saw how your presence.
"Hola Señora, im here to babysit" Camilo said as soon as the person opened the door.
"Hey, Camilo don't worry someone already did" Señora said which he could just looked confusedly, knowing its one of his chores to babysit kids in town.
"Okay didn't know Mirabel's going to help me today" He said but before he could say goodbye, the mother could have just laughed at him.
"No no, it wasn't your cousin. It was Y/N, if you want to see them they're in the backyard right now." Señora said as Camilo thanked her.
He knows you that's for sure, but you two had never shared a conversation once. He might have seen you from here and there, and been wanting to be friends with you for a long time. So his eagerness dragged his feet to the backyard and what he saw melted his heart.
He watched how your eyes turns into a crescent like shape as you smile when playing with the baby. The giggles you made and just how breathtaking your appearance. He leaned unto the walls cooly as he crossed his arms, and just watched how you babysit with a smile on his face. Until you noticed him, and waved.
"Oh hey Camilo!" You said as you motioned him to come closer and to take a seat beside you, on which he did.
"Hi, Y/N right?" He asked as you nod your head, rocking the baby slowly in your hands. "Didn't know you'll take over my chores today" He joked as you laughed with him.
"Well, atleast you're welcome" You jokingly stated as he asked to hold the baby which you let him. Once the baby is in his hands, he shapeshifted into you and copied your actions.
"Ha ha funny Camilo, stop it!" you said as you nudged him which made him shapeshift back as the baby seems to have fun with what it witnessed.
"Well, atleast you smiled" He said trying to copy your voice, which you groaned but chuckled at his playfulness.
Your friendship blossom after that faithful day, everyone in town would always see you two hangout almost as everyday. Even casually staying in Casita is a normal thing for you, since Camilo would invite you most of the time. Pretty much, getting close with his family.
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Ofcourse right now you two are at your usual hangout spot, Casita's rooftop. You just want to stay in his room but since Camilo knows you too much, he suggested to always hangout at the rooftop to have a better view of the town. Also, knowing how you like to see sunsets which the rooftop has a perfect spot to watch it.
It was almost sunset, so you two would just talk and wait for the sun to settled down and the moon to show up.
"Hey Milo, you saw how Mirabel hide seeing her crush??" You said as you remembered earlier that Mirabel would prantically hide behind your skirt, when she got to see her crush.
"Yes!! Gosh, I actually want to shapeshift into her and approach her crush but decided not to" He said laughing as you tilt your head to the side looking at him, which he won't deny find it cute.
"That so isn't you, usually you would just shapeshift into someone to mess with them"
"I know but knowing Mirabel im scared she would say secrets to my crush" He said as he looked at you with wide eyes, knowing he got a slipped of word out of his tongue. It wasn't mean to come out of his mouth, since he never brought up the topic of him having a crush.
"YOU HAVE A CRUSH!?!" You said as you held his shoulders and shake him.
"I DONT!!"
"You literally just said it!!" You stop shaking him and crossed your arms and watched the sunset while keeping a distance to him, indicating you're upset about not having him tell you.
But the truth is that you're somewhat hurt at the thought he has a crush, which was never told to you, and maybe it wasn't you. You are aware for the fact that as soon as you two would hangout you just felt one day that you see him more than as a friend.
He noticed you kept a distance with him, as he chuckled knowing you are just sulking. He wants to say that the reason why he didn't tell you because obviously his crush was you. And he didn't want to risk your friendship.
"Oh come on, don't sulk~" He said as he slowly moved closer as you still didn't mind him and just watch the beauty of sunset.
He sighed as he subtely put a hand in your shoulders and hugged you, your faces were so close. Both of you having a blush on your cheeks, as your hearts were beating faster, but none of you noticed that.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you this. Its just that I would always forget about bringing this topic whenever we would hangout because hearing you rant about your day and me teasing you about it is already enough for me. So that didn't really slip off of my mind, until today." He exclaimed as his hot breath didn't make it easier for your heart to calm down and your cheeks to stop becoming a total red.
"Okay fine I can't even resist being upset to you" You said playfully rolling your eyes while he immediately kissed your cheeks. He was so scared about your reaction would be but noticing you became flustered, he knew that you're not mad at it.
"Hey Camilo, I heard Y/N's family saying she needs to go home" Dolores said just her head peeking through the roofs with the help of Casita's ladders, as she waved at you.
"Bueno, I'll walk her home in a minute" Camilo said as Dolores nodded and went down.
You stood up as you fixed your skirt while helping him get up.
"I guess see you tomorrow" He said as you nodded and chuckled.
"The usual?" He asked and offered his hand for you to hold which you did.
"The usual"
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After that moment it has been five days the last time he saw you in town. He was so worried what had happened to you.
'Was is it because about my crush?'
'Did I made them upset'
'Did they moved out? Nah, they would tell me'
Thoughts like that would keep on bothering him in his room, in doing chores, even in dinner. He would plan to visit you everytime, but cannot find a right time because of the chores he has. And if he does, he would end up in his bed already tired and not able to visit.
But today he decided to take a break from the chores, ofcourse he had told Abuela. And take the time to know the truth behind why you suddenly didn't showed up.
He took a deao breath before raising his hands to knock on your door. Which was opened by your mother as he gestured him inside.
"Hola, Cariño what brings you here?" Your mother softly asked him. "Sorry I looked like a mess been busy lately"
"Está bien señora, you still look wonderful" He said as your mother just ruffled his hair.
"Y/N's upstairs taking care of the babies"
"Oh they took the babies they babysit home" Camilo said still clueless about a thing, which made your mother chuckle at him.
"No, no es eso. I got into labor with our new twins in the family, its a boy and a girl" Camilo was shocked at what he heard and hugged your mother to congratulate her.
"Felicidades to you and Señor. No wonder Y/N didn't go out, they love taking care of babies and now they have a baby brother and sister" He exclaimed as your mother motioned him to go upstairs which he did, not forgetting to thanked your mother while constantly repeating to congratulate her.
"Wow they didn't even tell me, Señora was pregnant." He talked to himself as he opened the door to your room, noticing the twins on your bed as you played with them and you looking shocked to see him while sitting on the edge of your bed.
"Cami, you're hereee" You softly, Camilo waved at you, as he went to sat beside you on your bed and take the other one to play with.
"You didn't tell me you're gonna have a sibling!!" He whisper yelled as you smack softly his head.
"I always told you that Mamá was pregnant! I mean not exactly that but I told you that she would always feel like this and I thought you knew that it means she was pregnant" You exclaimed as he scratch his head at your explanation.
"I just thought she was sick or what, I never saw her leave your home either. So how would I know" He stated mocking your voice at the end of his statement which you just chuckled.
"Congratulations now you know"
"So how was taking care of your twins" He asked as he played with both of them, giggles filled your room because Camilo keeps on shapeshifting to entertain them.
"Exhausting but im happy I got baby twins" You said as he nodded continuing to play with your brother and sister.
"Toñito was so lucky to have you as a big brother. You looked so natural with babies, Milo"
"I know besides from babysitting other kids everyday. I also have a big baby that is my number one priority"
"You're talking about Antonio?" Camilo shook his head as he squished your cheeks.
"You are my big baby" He winked after saying that and continue playing with the babies leaving you flustered.
As soon as you noticed the twins lessen their energy, you and Camilo decided to put them down on their cribs as they fell asleep within your hands.
You both went downstairs noticing your mother wasn't probably bought something in the marketplace.
"We look like a pareja earlier" He teased as you just gently slapped him at his remarks.
"Shut up milo! Your crush is supposed to be that not me"
"And....you're my crush." He said which made you looked at him mouth agaped, did he just confessed???
"Wait..wha—how, whhy?" You stumble across your words which made him chuckled.
"I heard Mami called my name. Okay, adiós mi amor~" He said and kissed your cheeks, to tease you as he went home.
You held up your cheeks, trying hard not to squel because it might wake your brother and sister.
"Omygod, Camilo just called me his love" You said jumping and smiling widely.
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i-cant-sing · 4 years
I wonder what would happen if Y/N had a really bad day and just decided to pick a sibling from the Yan!Todoroki clan like a cat would pick its person and just?? Sit in their lap?? They'd say 'I had a terrible day, no torture today please' before taking their well-deserved nap lookin' all cute and peaceful. Then the sibling would be so proud and confused at the same time but really really happy like 'omg for real? Me? What's happening?? 🥺'. Bonus points if it's Dabi just having the widest grin on his face while staring straight at the rest of the fam seething with jealousy.
I saw your works btw and been inhalin em all cause they're all so good *chef's kiss*
-Vibin' anon
Yandere Dabi comforting sister reader
This is so cute omg. Thank u Vibin anon!
Check out my MASTERLIST for more!
Yandere Dabi:
Shotou had come to pick you up from school today. Even though he had a busy schedule himself, he still made time for you, just like the rest if your family.
"How was school?" He asked.
"Just fine? Wasn't your result supposed to come today?"
You nodded. "It did. I passed."
Shotoy smiled. "Thats great. Did you get your report card?"
You knew he was going to ask for it. You also knew that he already knew what grades you got.
You nodded and handed him the report card from your bag.
Shotou's face lit up when he saw your grades.
"You're first again. I'm so proud of you." He patted your head.
You smiled. "Thanks."
By the time you guys reached home, you already knew that your entire family was home. They always were when your result came. You knew the principal had already informed Enji of your grades, she always does.
When you entered the house, your family yelled "surprise!" You feigned shock as they hugged you and congratulated you on your achievement.
Rei had prepared a little feast for you, everything was made from scratch. Enji was beaming with joy, he was so proud of his little girl. Rei had made your favourite cake, kissing your cheek as you cut it. Enji had gotten you beautiful diamond necklace. Natsuo, Shotou and Fuyumi had gotten you some gifts as well, stuff you had vaguely mentioned about. Dabi wasn't home, but you didn't mind his absence.
Your family had planned to spend the night on the couch cuddling and doing a movie marathon, but when you asked them to excuse you for the night because you were feeling tired, they became a but worried. You reassured them that you just had a long day at school as well, and now that you were stuffed with Rei's delicious food, sleep was inevitable. They nodded, a bit sad that you wouldn't be joining, but understanding nonetheless.
You went up the stairs to your room, and as soon as you closed the door, the smile you had been displaying all night was wiped off.
You sat on your bed and recalled the events of the day. Tears pricked your eyes, but you kept yourself quiet. They're not worthy crying over, you reminded yourself. Still, you couldn't help but crumple up your report card and throw it in the dustbin.
Silent tears fell from your eyes, no longer being able to hold them in. God, its infuriating.
Suddenly, you heard someone knock on your bedroom door. You looked at the clock. 12 am.
Its Dabi.
You couldn't deal with him tonight. You remained silent, hoping he'd leave you alone.
But of course not.
You quickly turned away from the door as soon as you heard it open. Wiping your tears quickly, you heard Dabi come in.
"You brat. Why didn't you answer when I knocked?" He asked, pushing the door close with his foot.
"Leave me alone, Dabi." You were trying hard to stabilise your voice.
"Huh?! Is that anyway to talk to your favourite brother?" Dabi mocked as he pulled at your ponytail. You yelped before turning around to push him away.
Dabi was about to laugh at you when he suddenly noticed the your face. Your eyes were full of tears, lashes heavy with them. Your face was flush, your nostrils flared, your lips in a pulled in a tight scowl. Had you been crying? Or did he make you cry?
"Hey, I'm sorry-"
"Just leave me alone." You said as you angrily wiped the tears from your face.
Dabi was shocked to see you like this. He had never seen you cry, not even when he took his teasing a little too far. So, to see you react like this, it worried him a bit.
"Have you been crying? What's the matter? Did you fail or something?" His voice actually held some concern.
You shook your head, pulling your ponytail loose. "Its nothing. Just leave."
Dabi could see the pain in your eyes. What happened? He plopped down on your bed next to you. "Come on. Tell me." He poked your shoulder. "You know I won't leave until you tell me."
"Its nothing, really." You sniffled, avoiding his gaze.
"Did Enji say something?" Dabi asked, his voice taking a dangerous tone. "Look at me. Did he do something?" He's going to kill that bastard if he-
"What? No. God, just go."
Dabi let out a huff. He'll have to use another strategy. "Fine. Don't tell me. I'll just tell Shotou you have been crying, and then you can answer to him."
Shotou? God, he would just overthink everything and do something stupid.
You caught his wrist just as he was about to leave. "Do you have to be such a jerk every single day?" You glared daggers at him.
Dabi smirked before pulling his wrist away and plopping on the bed next to you. "Yes. Big brother privileges." He poked your cheek. "Now spill."
You looked at him, hoping he'd just get blasted magically. Idiot.
You inhaled deeply before closing your eyes. "Its stupid, really." Dabi stared at you, signalling for you to continue. "Something... happened at school." You paused. "Just a couple of assholes."
Dabi was attentive now. "Go on."
You looked down at your lap, playing with your fingers. "Some kids in my class... they said mean things about me."
"Bullying?" Dabi quirked an eyebrow.
You shook your head. "I- I don't think so. They just said that I only get the highest grade in class because of my dad. Like Enji bribes the school into giving me good marks." You sniffled. "They undermine me. They say I'm not good enough to be in their school, and that the only reason I got in was because of my surname."
Tears dripped down your face slowly, almost as if they were ashamed to fall.
You wiped them away harshly. "And it doesn't matter what I say. I've tried to befriend them, I've tried to get along with them, but they still ridicule me. Its frustrating. They... they don't understand that my only option is to be the best." You whispered the last part, but Dabi heard you loud and clear.
He sat up and gently gripped your chin, turning your face towards him as he narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean 'its your only option'?"
You rolled your eyes. "You know what I mean. I know that no one in the family cares if I get the highest marks or not but...I still have to live up to the family name. What will people say if the number 1 hero's kid is both quirkless and dumb?" Your lips wobbled.
Oh. Ohhhh.
You don't want to let down the Todoroki name; you don't want to let down Enji.
He already knew it was that shithead's fault.
Dabi sighed before pulling you close to him. Placing an arm around your shoulders while his other hand wiped your tears away.
Wanting to prove your worth, that you're a valuable asset to the family. Dabi never thought he'd see himself in you, or his younger self really.
"You're an idiot." Dabi began, carding his fingers through your hair. "You don't have to be the best. You're not expected to. You know, the family knows, hell even I know how hard you worked to get in that school. I've seen how you'd do all nighters, how many times you've turned down going out so that you could do well in your exams. But you don't have to do that." He tilted your chin up, staring into your glossy eyes. "We don't care what the public thinks of us. We won't care if you fail. We don't care you're quirkless. You're not expected to be anything but a good girl." He squished your cheeks together, making you look like a fish. "You just need to be safe. Do you understand?"
You sniffled as you nodded. "Yes. Thank you."
Dabi smiled. "Why didn't you tell anyone before?" You shrugged in response. "You know what would've happened if I said anything. They're already hesitant to let me go to school, this would just give them another reason to homeschool me. Besides, I didn't let their words get to me before, so it really wasn't a big deal." Before? You were about to continue but then kept your mouth shut. But Dabi saw that. He pulled you away from him, his eyes turning sharp as he raised his eyebrows. "But something else happened today as well?"
You averted his scrutinising gaze, keeping your lips sealed as you shook your head no. "Do not lie to me. Or I'll tell Shotou and Enji and then they can handle-"
Your eyes widened. "Do you ever stop making threats?" Rolling your eyes, you told him what happened. "It wasn't anything serious. One of those jerks... thought it'd be funny to try and kiss me. When he tried to force me, I slapped him. Really hard. My handprint still on his face." You smiled at that. "He said the only reason he wasn't using his quirk on me was because I was Todorokis charity case. Then he said that I should be grateful that he was going to kiss me, especially since no one cares about a quirkless, frigid bitch like me." You let out a humourless laugh, but Dabi could see the pain in your eyes. You gave a small smile. "Dont worry. I already know what they said isn't true."
Thats it.
Dabi was already planning murder. He's going to make those little shits pay for what they did to you. The nerve to not only bully you, but make you cry, and then touch you? Dabi is gonna make sure they get tortured in every way possible before he incinerates them-
Your soft voice pulled him out of his violent thoughts.
"Can you... stay the night?"
He looked at your tear stricken face, your eyes were still laden with tear drops, your nose red from all the sniffling.
How could he say no to you? You looked ugly.
"Its okay. You don't have to-" you were cut off by a pillow hitting your face.
"Move over, brat." He climbed in the bed with you, covering you both with the blanket. "And don't put your cold feet on mine." You smiled cheekily at that.
"Don't hog the blanket- why do you need it anyway?"you yanked the blanket.
Dabi pushed another pillow on your face, laughing as you punched his shoulder. "You're insufferable."you mumbled.
It took a while to get comfortable on your single bed, but it ended up with your head on his chest, while Dabi propped himself against the headboard.
"Thank you." You whispered.
Dabi hummed. "Dont think I don't know why you're doing this."
You smiled softly. He caught on to why you were keeping him home that night; you knew he would do something terrible to those guys. "Promise me you won't hurt them?"
Dabi remained silent. You pulled your head away to look up at him. "Dabi. Promise."
When he didn't reply, tears started forming your eyes. He sighed, before shoving your face back into his chest. "Fine, crybaby. I won't hurt them. Promise." You're such a brat, stopping him from doing his big brother duties.
You went back to snuggling him, not taking long for you to finally go to sleep. Once Dabi made sure you were asleep, he pulled out his phone and texted Toga.
"Need a favour. Up 4 stabbing?"
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gyusfavlibra · 3 years
This is a imagine I made on my Wattpad that hasn't been released yet so I posted it here. @ivnasfilm is my wattpad btw!
Warnings: Fluff? Smut? Sexual interactions, language, cockblocking, Ward Cameron mentions, grinding, mentions of sex
"Are your parents home?"
"No, they're at Thornton's for a couple hours."
"Sarah and Wheezie, too?"
"Yes," Rafe replied to his questioning girlfriend, Y/n. The duo have been dating for a year now. Y/n has been inside Rafe's house many times. She met him through her brother Kelce. He was pretty worried about it at first, but eventually Kelce would've had to get over it because Y/n is 18. She's a legal adult. She can do whatever the hell she wants.
They got closer by attending parties together, spending days at the country club, golf course. Sometimes even just sitting and talking at the beach. It was more than enough for both of them and they enjoyed it all. They made it official by attending Midsummers together. It was a pretty big deal to them since every single Kook would now know that Rafe Cameron officially had a girlfriend.
The first time she met Sarah, they hit it off pretty well. Did sleepovers, painted nails, read magazines about hot guys. Basically girly stuff. Even took fun trips on the Cameron's boat to get away from their boyfriends. They became best friends and truly loved each other's company.
Just like Rafe enjoyed Y/n's.
"Sooo, can I come inside?"
He leant his head back against the car seat. Staring at the girl who was sitting in the driver side of her vehicle. "Can you come inside?"
"Yeah, or- do you want me to?"
The mood in the car lightened as their talk became less questioning and more seductive. Y/n leaning over the center console, her breath hitting Rafe's face in all the ways he likes. Her hand reached over, brushing against his thigh.
"Do I even have to answer that?"
She shook her head at the Cameron before connecting their lips. Softly and gentle was how it was starting off, before Rafe placed his hand onto the zipper of her jeans.
"Not in here. Let's go inside."
The couple exited the car, Y/n making sure to lock it, and headed inside the house. Rafe using his own key to get indoors. They ran up the steps to Rafe's room, shutting the door behind them. Y/n removed her maroon crew neck, sitting herself on Rafe's bed as he removed his t-shirt.
He gently pushed her down sliding his heavier body between her legs. Leaving little kisses from her chest and up. He knew better than to give her hickeys on the neck because of Kelce so he avoided that.
His hand ran itself up and down her waist, giving it a small squeeze. They liked skin pressure. Tension. They began moving upwards, pushing under her cami top. A cropped tank that protected your breast if you didn't want to wear a bra. She tend to wear them often when around Rafe for these special purposes. And today, she just got lucky.
His thumb grazed the side of her breast. "Can I take this off?"
"Hey Rafe, I need a the U-"
Before he could continue, Wheezie came barging through the door. Covering her eyes. Rafe groaned at the fact that his sister didn't knock. Knowing whenever the door is closed, you knocked.
"Wheezie, we talked about this-"
"I know. I'm sorry. I keep forgetting," she sighed. "Hi, Y/n."
"Hi, Wheez."
"What do you need? Why aren't you at dinner with dad and Sarah?"
"Halfway through the dinner, Rose threw up because Topper's parents made snail and she didn't like it. She made an excuse saying she was probably coming down with the flu. So we came back early."
"What did the Thornton's say?" Y/n asked. Intrigued by this hilarious story as Rafe put back on his shirt.
"Nothing. Just that we should head home just incase they could catch whatever it was."
"That sounds awesome!"
"Yeah, I know. Hey, wanna see the video."
"Oh absolutely," Y/n exclaimed, getting up from Rafe's bed. He sighed as he watched the two girls laugh at the gross vomiting. Althought part of him was glad Y/n was getting along with his little sister. "That's freaking gross. Cool. Like really cool. But gross."
"Yeah, i'm gonna upload it to my Instagram."
"Tag me?"
"Awesome! Thanks."
Rafe stood. "So, what did you need?"
"I need the USB cord to connect my phone and laptop to upload the video in a file just in case dad and Rose make me take it down."
He huffed out his breath, walking over to his desk. He opened the top drawer, pulling out a mid-length white cord, handing it to his sister. She thanked him and tried to leave, but Rafe stopped her at the doorway. Death glaring her.
"I'm not gonna tell anyone. Chill out. Not like I wanna talk about it and picture it again."
"We weren't doing anything."
"I may be young, but I'm not stupid."
"She's got a point," Y/n agreed. Wheezie fist bumped her and left. Rafe shutting the door behind her. He turned to Y/n who just shrugged at the annoyed boyfriend of hers.
He smiled as he walked up to her, pushing his face close to hers. "Now, where were we?"
"You tell me."
He chuckled, the vibration against her lips sending chills down her whole body. He kissed her seductively like he did once before. This time Y/n pushed Rafe down onto the large bed, enough room for her to switch that position.
Her hands rested on his ribs as she grinded her clothed area against his member. A moan escaped her lips as a huff left his. The jeans in between them horrifying this exciting interaction.
She swayed her tongue and lips against his neck. His eyes rolling to the back of his head, letting out a grunt. She scooted down a few inches so she wasn't sitting directly on top of his belt.
"God, these pants got to go."
"So do yours."
She undid the strap of his waistline. Next thing was unbuckling his pants. She undid the button that lied above the zipper before grabbing the loose metal tab, pulling it down it's line.
"Rafe, dad needs you downsta- HOLY SHIT!"
"OH MY GOD," he groaned out loud. Y/n pushed herself off the dirty blonde, landing beside him. Sarah stood in the doorway, eyes covered, laughing.
"Stop laughing."
"You guys were totally about to do it," she sang as she pointed between them.
"Shut up, Sarah."
"Dad wants you. Said something about the golf course or country club. One of the two. I don't know," she shrugged as she sat beside Y/n. Rafe looked to his girlfriend.
"I'll be right back. You," he pointed to Sarah. "Be gone before i'm back."
"Will do, dickeroo."
Rafe left downstairs as Sarah turned to Y/n and smiled with eyebrows raised. "What are you staring at?"
"Uh...you. Were you guys about to have sex? Since when?"
"Well our first time together was months ago. Like 3 or 4."
"When we were first friends, you said you never planned on having it until you're married. Since when has that changed?"
She shrugged. "Since I met Rafe."
"You guys are too adorable. Well you, not him. Can't stand him."
"Yeah, I know. Sometimes I can't stand Kelce. I wanna kill him."
"Yeah, well let me get going before Rafe tries to kill me." (No pun intended)
She hugged Y/n before leaving the room, just as Rafe walked back in. This time locking the door before shutting it. "That is the last interruption for the night. I told everyone I was going to bed."
"Well, good cause I am trying to get my freak on," she laughed as he jumped back onto of her. Finishing what they've been trying to start.
Thanks for reading!!!
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milliumizoomi · 4 years
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𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓡𝓲𝓭𝓮!
Pairings: A! KiriTodoBakuDeku x O! Black Fem! Reader
A/n: Ok so like this is my first actual writing on tumblr so I hope you like it!
Synopsis: You, your friends and all your pups went out and it took a turn none of you were expecting.
Warnings: Staight fluff so far.
Part 1 ⇢ Up Next
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You could safely say that this was NOT on your agenda today.
So how it started??-
You were at home with your 4 pups while you’re husbands were hard at work being pro heroes. You were just minding your business in the kitchen cleaning while you’re pups were in the living room watching the tv. You continued to monitor them, knowing 2 out your 4 cuties have the tendency to get rowdy sometimes. You heard a knock on the door and when you dried your hands to go and open the door you were suprised to see your 2 best friends and their pups at the door. Now BTW their both omegas and yk since they have pups that means they have alphas too.. so you can only IMAGINE the hell that would break lose if your alphas smelled another alpha on you.
“You guys? What are you doing here? You didn’t tell me you were coming over” You said as you unwrapped the apron from around you body and pulled your 4c hair out of the messy puff it was in. “Girl go get you and your lil pups ready we’re going out!” One of your best friends say while bouncing around at the doorway.
You stared at them dumbfounded. Like y’all serious???
“Go!Go!go!” They yell in sync. “Damn ok! I gotta tell my alphas tho” you tell them. “Do what you gotta do girl! Just hurry!” They say. You roll your eyes and giggle. They went back to their cars to handle some other things they needed to do and told you to call when you were done since they know your alphas would trip if they came home with a new smell in the house. You texted your alphas and told them you and the pups wouldn’t be home, completely forgetting to tell them where exactly you were going and also forgetting just how bad they could get if you left the house without telling them beforehand. “Come on babies we’re gonna go out with mommy’s friends.” You tell your 4 pups. “Ok mommy!” The little pups answered.
Fyi you had 3 little boys and 1 little girl. And the boys were literally JUST like their fathers when it came to their sister. PROTECTIVE.
The oldest of the quadruplets, Izuko, had the personality of STRICTLY Bakugou. He had Heterochromic eyes and sharp teeth. His left eyes was red and his right eye was blue. He has black hair. The second oldest, Katsuo , had the personality of both Bakugou and Kirishima. His eyes are green and freckles and sharp teeth. His hair is split like Todoroki’s and the colors are blonde and white. The third oldest, Haru, had the personality of Deku. He tends to be outgoing but quiet sometimes. His eyes were red and he also had freckles. His hair was black with green tips. The last lil pup was your little girl, Ami. She had the personality of you and Todoroki. She also had Hetorochromic eyes. Her left eye was gray and her right was green. Her hair was black with brown tips. They were all light skinned lil babies and had inherited you hair texture with a mix of all their fathers. They were all 4 years old.
After like 30 minutes you get all your little pups ready then tell them to go in the living room. Your oldest son, Izuko, led his younger siblings to the play room to wait for you. 20 minutes pass and you finish getting ready. Your hair was styled in two huge puffs and your egdes were laid. Forgot to mention that u also laid styled you kids hair too and laid ur little girls edges too-. You got ready and got some snack for the ups and left. Btw y’all must be wondering how the hell u carry for kids in one car.. well the car was huge ok like it had like 6 seats and that’s just for you and the kids too😭🤚🏽
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