#btw these last two links
cepheusgalaxy · 4 months
Hello and welcome! Take a seat.
(Askbox is open, any questions go in. I may take a while to answer since I'm in full time highschool but yea 👍)
My name's Angel, but you can also call me Blanc or Bug. My pronouns are fluid but they usually float around they/he/it in English, and ele/elu/dile in Portuguese. I am a cupioromantic asexual pal whose first language is not English (I'm Brazilian), so, sometimes y'all's language won't make sense to me.
Pride: (pride)
Things to do for Pride (my list)
Angel is not reblogging anything undescribed for Pride
Cool posts I did:
Oc intro post! <2 (new)
Whumpblr introdution
Taglist masterpost
My Febuwhump writing masterlist
"So, you wanna make them ace?" - a guide to writing ace characters
Image descriptions tutorials masterpost
Other important stuff:
The picrew I used for my pfp (there are no flags for the bg i think this one was edited in)
My #pronouns tag and #name tag!
How you can help Palestine
"I'm a minor and I want to help Palestine!"
Proteja sua arte de IA no Tumblr!/Protect your art from AI on Tumblr!
Angel's list of bad words (slurs, am I right)
(Wadda wadda important thing for my current wip)
What you'll mostly see here:
Reblogs about fandom stuff
Oc stuff
If you don't like whump, I advise you to block the tags "whump" and "whump prompts". All of my whump posts and reblogs are tagged with either one or another.
I have a lot of ocs! If you wanna meet them, you can meet them at oc intro masterpost or better yet, feel free to ask me about them
If I ever miss a trigger warning, please warn me!
You can also block 'vent', 'swearing', 'swearing in tags', 'undescribed', 'self rb', 'terfs' and 'hate tag'.
And if you ever see that I described a post of yours, feel free to add it to your post! You don't need to tag me.
I love love love receiving asks. I love ask games specifically. If you want to send an ask, feel free!
(Magic system ideas post)
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lotuslate · 2 years
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#xiantober : days 10-16 day 10: gusu!xian (wearing his husband's robes ☁️) day 11: idol!xian (in the style of Chunga - Gotta Go 🌹) day 12: farmer!xian (from lwj's pov after a long day of work~) day 13: immortal!xian (he's just a taxi driver and knows these streets like the back of his hand) day 14: CR!era (he's having the fattest nap of his life) day 15: royal!AU (royal court jester wwx entertaining the emperor) day 16: physician!AU (...by association)
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liquidstar · 5 months
i finished drawing the king+queen pair for my ocverse but i figure im not going to post them just yet, bc i also wanna revamp some older designs from andy's group, and i think if i post them all at once as a set i can have all their infoboxes in one place so its more convenient (since andy's group doesn't have those in their og post)
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thekidsarentalright · 5 months
census has been open for barely 2 days and already has more responses than i got in total last year. girl what the hell 😵‍💫
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soupy-sez · 2 years
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m1d-45 · 1 year
OHOHOHOHOH THAUMIEL READER…. it’s so funny to imagine the foundation suffering like “what do you MEAN that’s not a keter what the fuck we had everything set up and now they’re the EARTH?? fuck this”
there’s a ton of horror stuff that we could go with for this but also. i love the idea of teyvat being like “where creator?? where creator go???” and the answer being the creator is currently being used as a jail. they’ll be back in a bit just wait for them to do a little containment breach.
and then i also had the thought “if the universe bends in the reader’s favor…. what if that somewhat applies to other scps’ powers as well” which THEN led to the thought of “what if the foundation purposefully pits you with dangerous scps to see how well your powers can protect you and if they extend to people around you” because we love a bit of unethical experimentation in this house!
should i be paying attention to my innovation class? maybe. but this is more important - teddy anon
honestly the entire wing of the foundation is real tempted to retire
“do a little containment breach” as if it couldn’t end up a world-ending calamity event-
honestly i’d hate to be the guy that accidentally discovered that reader wasn’t a keter class. like their shackles suddenly gain extra links so they can reach for something they’d been planning on using as leverage (like a “if you cooperate you get this”) and the researcher just…. double checks their notes, the guidelines on the floor, their notes saying they shouldn’t be able to reach beyond the red line but the leverage a good foot beyond that- they just stand and leave, clipboard in hand, not looking forward to the hellish meeting that’ll have to follow
experiments follow, testing how far your powers reach, eventually bringing in one of the safer scps. i’m blanking on any example, but they slowly ramp up and up, testing just how far reality is willing to bend for you. scp 173 is brought in, but doenst move when you look towards fhe researcher behind the glass, counting your peripheral vision as “looking”.
they take you to scp 3008 but none of the workers bother you, you’re able to find the exit with ease, unharmed, blåhaj in hand.
you name him finley.
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hgmason-hellion · 8 months
Might as well do the pieces connected to music first lol
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Raise Your Banner by Within Temptation
"Feel what's coming deep within they all know~" "Blood for Freedom"
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Burns to Embrace by Kamelot
"Sleep... Farewell Forever"
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Sacrimony (Angel of Afterlife) by Kamelot
"Tell me what they say that I'm supposed to know"
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tiredgremlintime · 1 year
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This is how it feels to use Yuzu in duel links online and I’m predicting this is how it’s gonna feel using Trey online more
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reverbz · 2 years
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      smile  at  their  hushed  assurance,  legs  push  greedily  to  tangle  with  hers.  arms  press  their  bodies  impossibly  closer  in  an  act  of  pure  intimacy  as  hum  of  content  passes  through  his  lips,  simply  enjoying  the  moment.  ❛  ‘course  i’ll  stay.  ❜  mumbles  against  the  warmth  of  their  skin,  feeling  exhaustion  creep  it’s  way  over  him.  there’s  a  pause  as  he  basks  in  the  comfortable  silence.  mulling  over  wether  or  not,  to  allow  the  thought  to  speak  freely  between  them.  sucks  in  a  quick  breath  before  letting  the  words  slice  through  the  air  surrounding  them.  ❛  y’know  i  love  you,  right?  no  bullshit,  varuna.  you’re  the  ONLY  fuckin’  thing  runnin’  through  my  head  these  days...  n’  it’s  INSANE,  that  it’s  taken  me  this  long  to  GET  IT.  ❜ @lowskey​​​
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horse-shit · 6 months
i am. losing my mind
#imps bs#so i found that animation and listened to elevatoe man and made a charactet based form the song and kinda another character i like BUT#{found the animation about last week or a couple days ago idk my time perception is off}#poked around the channel found a pilot{?} for a show with the characters#watch it and go 'gee where can i find more stuff? this seems pretty cool and the style rocks!'#then i check twitter since im used to people having a twitter. nothing. go onto two sites they have linked in a video desc since i checked#-the channel for one at first#go on those and find out it was a pilot{?} and find merch stuff theyve made and i kinda want it now#did a bit more on twt and found out they had a tumblr account and posted art on there of the characters#found out they started from animal crossing so thats cool!#i was already making a big ref folder since i want to draw the guy and gal and now i have cool original art#blegh#im not even done with my ref folder bc in going frame by frame to get poses and colors since its a specific palette#_| ̄|○ dies#btw this usually happens when i get really into something#find every thing i can before i chill out and draw stuff {or draw stuff during it} and kinda die during the collection process#but i Will Not Stop because. um. mental illness i literally can't think of a betyer explanation#sorry for spouting shit i just havent explained my process before and my god do i just need to get it out of my system#anyway byeeee!!!!!! goodnight!!!!!!!! its 1 am and i always do this late at night!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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edenfenixblogs · 5 months
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Oh wow. This is really antisemitic, @iblewrichardspeck
You are deeply antisemitic person.
And guess what? Having a Jewish grandfather doesn’t change that.
Your knowledge of Jewish history and culture is nonexistent to the point that I won’t even bother to confront most of it.
I encourage my allies to step in and address your nonsense with reason and links to credible sources.
Two huge standout points of your lack of knowledge that I want to point out though:
Most Jews in Israel are NOT in fact European or Ashkenazi. Do literally one Google search.
“Jews have always had a right to safety in their homeland.” I want you to know that I am pretty well regarded as a person who keeps their cool in situations like this. So I want to be explicit that my ability to stay calm right now is an act of superhuman will. I want to scream at you and cry because of the amount of death and pain you are erasing with this outright, easily disproven lie. Jews do not and have not ever had safety in their homeland of ISRAEL. Nor have Jews ever had safety in any of the locations where we have made a home. Judaism and jewish life has never “thrived” anywhere, at least not for the last 2000+ years. We have always been a target of attack and displacement and genocide. Always. Without exception. The idea that Israel somehow took all the Jews of the Middle East away from their homes where they were peacefully chilling out is nonsense. The middle eastern (who are the majority btw) Jews in Israel came to Israel after being expelled from their nations of origin or murdered for refusing to leave. Poland? Yeah. It had a swell Jewish community about 1200 years ago. It’s a shame about the centuries of ghettoization and you know that pesky genocide you might have heard about. Ethiopia? You mean the place where Jews had to be smuggled out of by Israeli covert forces because of the danger they were in there?
I don’t know if I believe that your grandfather was Jewish. Maybe he was. Maybe you made him up to legitimize your own antisemitic views.
But if he was really Jewish, I’m sure he’s wildly disappointed in you.
I won’t be blocking you because I want you to see this and change your views in a deeply fundamental way. And I want you to apologize. I’m 99.99999999% sure you won’t. You’re too steeped in your hatred. But who knows. People can change. I hope you do. Because right now, your attitude, beliefs, and behavior are rancid. I will not be responding to further messages from you.
Allies or fellow Jews with bandwidth can take it from here. Adios. Shalom.
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sanctus-ingenium · 10 months
we need to talk about Inprnt.com
Following a really good post with more screenshots and evidence by @dynasoar5 i'm going to talk about my own experiences with @inprnt and why I am about to put my shop on indefinite hiatus from Monday the 14th of August.
First of all I'll say that since starting my print shop last year it has been a significant help to me financially - I was able to not worry about affording car insurance or motor tax (together commonly over a thousand euro) when I bought my first car, for example. I am immeasurably grateful to anyone who chose to buy one and I treasure all the pictures I've been sent of my prints hanging up on people's walls. Right now they are displayed in a real (if small) art exhibition in my home town.
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(top right print is not from inprnt though)
They're great prints. Never had any complaints about them. But here's what's going on behind the scenes.
Earlier this year, around March or April, Inprnt sales started increasing in regularity. I'd made as much as $600 a week during previous sales when I made proper promo posts here, but with this increase in regularity, I felt that I couldn't make promo posts every single week. And then one day, I'm not sure when tbh, the sale just never ended. It just didn't stop having that "Ending soon! 15% off your order" banner at the top of the site. Right now it says "Final Hours: $5 Worldwide shipping and save up to 35% off your order!" and not even for a second do I believe in this final hours bullshit. It's been 'final hours' for weeks now. Months, even.
Why is this a problem? Well, how tf am I meant to make a promo post for a sale that is always "ending soon!!" and then never ends. One week it'll say "this weekend only!!" and then when the weekend is over, the sale banner just changes its wording and the sale doesn't end. I can't promo this, it makes me look like a liar and a skeevy salesman by association! It makes the site look like it's 1 week from crashing and burning, and the site owners are just scrabbling to suck as much money from artists as possible before they drown.
And they are sucking money from us. To peel back the curtain, Inprnt money can only be transferred to my paypal account 30 days after the sale is made, just in case the order is cancelled and refunded. This means I used to make one withdrawal every couple of months, when there was enough build-up of money to make it worthwhile. It also forbids withdrawing any sum under $50 btw. I would make a withdrawal request and then, after a 10 business day wait, it would reach my Paypal account.
Not anymore! The past few withdrawals have taken over a month to complete. They are straight up keeping my earnings from me for longer the agreed period. This was my last fulfilled withdrawal:
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Note the date.
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Almost two months.
And here is the latest withdrawal request that still has not been fulfilled.
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It's coming up on 1 month and if the pattern continues, it could literally be November or December by the time I fully clear all sales.
So what's going to happen to my print shop? Because my art is currently being exhibited with a QR code linking to the shop, I can't close the shop this week. Instead I will close it on Monday the 14th of August, next week. That means that on the 14th of September, I can withdraw all of the remaining money without having any left over. My account balance will go to 0 and stay there. Although I'll de-list my prints I will leave my account there, because at the end of the day I don't want to leave Inprnt. It still offers the best artist margins and as I'm now unemployed after graduating, the additional support is such a load off my mind. So this is a chance to wait and see - if they improve their services, I'll happily re-open.
It's a big deal to me because selling prints is sort of my ideal life as an artist. I never had the attention span or self-discipline for commission work and I found that it left me creatively stagnant. I always want to try new things, new concepts and ideas, and being able to think "yeah, people will like this as a print" while I experiment is honestly very reassuring. And I know that in going on hiatus, it'll break a lot of "buy a print" links in my circulating posts. Oh well lmao. If you want to buy a print right now - go ahead, it might be your last opportunity. Another way to support me would be to check out my ko-fi for once-off donations or some nice sketchbooks/comics/book samples you can buy, or subscribing to my Patreon.
As of right now, Inprnt owes me $381 (the unfulfilled request submitted above for $186.60 and my current standing balance of $194.80 which takes 30 days from each transaction to clear).
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oldpotatoe · 8 months
as many of you know, gaza has now gone dark.
targeted israeli strikes have wiped out the telecommunications infrastructure. phone lines and internet services are gone. gazans cannot call their loved ones to check if they are still alive. they cannot call for ambulances for aid. if they survive the increased bombardment tonight and the following nights, they will bleed out alone with no aid.
now i will tell you what will happen in the next few days/weeks, and i pray it to be untrue. unfortunately the apartheid state, also known as israel, has been quite obvious and transparent with their plans.
the stated goal of many politicians over the years from israel, including netanyahu, has been to have the entire strip of land of gaza as israel, with no separate region for palestinians. i am not going to provide links, google is free and i am fucking tired.
what they had done before tonight, in the last two weeks, was destroy over 50% of buildings in gaza city as well as neighbouring areas, so gazans have nowhere to return to. gazans have been forced south, and israel will use this opportunity to have troops in north gaza (currently referred to as the ground invasion) advancing south while bombing "h*mas sites" in the south. israel will do this knowing there are plenty more civilians there that will die, causing terror and panic and having palestinians want to flee to anywhere, anywhere that is safe.
israel is doing this in the hopes that this panic and terror will convince egypt to open the border (well, the border israel isn't currently bombing) so that palestinians can escape to the sinai desert in egypt.
once survivors leave, the area that is currently the gaza strip will 1) be reduced in size if a lot of palestinians stay, should they not be bombed out of existence, or 2) be entirely absorbed into israel if very few palestinians stay, which is the ultimate aim of israel. those remaining palestinians will be moved to the west bank, or the remainder of gaza will be converted to west bank conditions where they'd go through the same problems palestinians in the west bank go through (reduced access to water, checkpoints to go from any place to any place within their own land, getting dispossessed, or randomly killed by racist extremist settlers).
now, egypt has been adamant not to displace the palestinians. in online discourse, people have been dehumanising palestinians by talking about past disruptions in other refugee areas and saying that is why egypt does not want to take them. while there may be slight truth to this from egypt's perspective, the major reason egypt is refusing is that no palestinian refugee abroad has even been given the right to return to their own land. and this will be the fate of gazans if they are made to leave in a mass exodus to egypt/other neighbouring countries such as jordan, which these leaflets from army-backed israeli are threatening palestinians with (photo from salfit in the occupied west bank):
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therefore, what i likely see happening is the above bombardment (in increased numbers now that gaza has gone dark) -> mass panic in gaza, more so now that gazans are cornered in the south -> a reluctant egypt, but with the US will promise a large amount of "aid" money to egypt to facilitate the mass exodus of palestinians, the borders will open.
palestinians will be forced out. israelis are already planning on hoovering up the prime real estate there, for amusements park no less!
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this is nabka 2.0. this is genocide.
btw, as we speak: israel's leading newspaper is already making claims that h*mas's main operation base is under shifa hospital. the hospital currently housing 50,000 displaced palestinians. the idf is claiming h*mas is using the hospital as a human shield, which is their new favourite phrase to justify killing civilians. so you already know what to expect in the news.
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gaylactic-fire · 11 months
Ok so I PROMISE this is my last post on Link and Zelda height comparison, but having two popular posts about manlet Link that blew up I get notes every day like "Link is shorter in ALL the games." (Not true!! Misinformation!!) and also people complaining about the references I used. So I decided to actually put effort into finding good, side by side height comparisons. For my own sake, but also for artists who need references!
[BTW this is also solely based on in game models and not concept / promo art. Come to your own conclusion there, bc some art directly contradicts the models]
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First off, pretty much all the pixel Zelda games have Link and Zelda's sprites in and around the same height, give or take. There's definitely wiggle room here for interpretation (Zelda 1 Link having one spare pixel dedicated to his hat and Zelda in Zelda 2 appearing like she's crouching) but overall it's safe to assume these Links and Zeldas are around the same height if you're staying faithful to the sprites.
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Spirit Tracks, Twilight Princess and A Link Between Worlds Links are undeniably shorter than their Zeldas.
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Wind Waker is kind of a weird one for me?? Tetra and Link don't have many shots of them standing together and I feel I'd have to open the game to get an accurate comparison (F to my WW copy in the attic). Originally I had stated Tetra was taller but they are actually very close. Tetra still looks taller by a tiny margin(?)
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Ocarina Of Time is also difficult to pinpoint! Especially with Link's goofy ass triangle hair! Once again the margin is so slim it's hard to say, but looking at both Zelda and Sheik's models I would say Adult Link is ever so slightly taller.
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Round of applause for Skyward Sword Link for being the only Link undeniably taller than his Zelda! Extremely funny that trend did not continue down the timeline.
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Finally, Tears Of The Kingdom Link is not only shorter than his Zelda, but arguably has the most notable shortness in comparison to her (him and ALBW are joint contenders for that imo). Short king, manlet, little guy, etc.
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findmeinforks · 9 months
The Incident - Paul Lahote x Fem!Reader
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A little one shot that I just couldn't stop writing. A good angst to fluff (btw my fics will never be all angst, im too soft). Also do not fear, Im working on a Sam fic and part 3 to not letting you go. But you let ME know what you think of this one ❤️ 2K words
"My SISTER, Paul. She's my fucking SISTER!" you yelled, voice hoarse as your throat cracked.
"I could give a SHIT LESS WHAT SHE IS. YOU'RE. NOT. GOING." He screamed, jaw taut as he tried his best to subside the tremors that were threatening to take over his body.
You ignored the teeth he bared, shaking your head and scoffing.
"Aren't you tired of this?! I'm going over there. I HAVE to know she's safe."
It had been like this for a week straight. Ever since the pack stormed through the door announcing their mission to kill Bella and the unborn child within her.
You felt as though your two families had been pinned against each other. Head spinning at the idea of there being a 'choice' between your sister and imprint.
On one hand you were desperate to make sure she was alright, but also exhausted at the never ending battle with your boyfriend.
Sure you had talked to Bella over the phone, but you didn't buy into the lies like your father had. Even though you knew significantly more than he did, she still attempted to downplay the situation. She had done this numerous times since getting thrown into the vampire world, but she could only keep you in the dark for so long before you unraveled the truth.
You had to see her. Even if it was the last time. By fate, or at the hands of the pack. You had to be there for her, as she would you.
Leaving your imprint though? Was at task challenging at best. On at least four different occasions you fought with Paul for so long that Emily and Sam had to intervene, prying you two apart at the pleads of other pack members.
Emily would console you while you ranted and Sam would make Paul run off his anger in the woods. When you faced him again, it turned into a rerun of the same argument. Nobody in the house had gotten sleep, and the things were progressively getting worse.
Quil came through the door, widening his eyes.
"Just a heads up everyone, a little comedic relief does not go over well. I saw my life flash before Paul's eyes." He huffed before sitting down.
"When is this going to be overrrr?" Embry whined. He shoved his head in his hands on the kitchen table while you and Paul went at it in the front yard.
Emily sighed.
"Unfortunately sooner than you think....Y/N packed her suitcase this morning." She said quietly.
"You're not really going to let her go over there are you?!?" Kim stood up, looking at both Emily and Sam.
"If you would like to stop her, please, be my guest." Sam motioned his hand to outside, where you and Paul could be seen through the window. You were throwing your arms up and pointing fingers at him, while his voice boomed loudly, towering his large frame over yours.
Kim winced.
You had always been the calm to Paul's raging storm. 'Made him all soft' as the guys would tease. None of them had actually seen you two disagree with each other. In the mind link they saw glimpses of minor arguments, most of the time being reconciled in the sheets..
Paul eventually got an order by Sam to think about something else while on patrol. 'Literally, anything else'.
"She's not going anywhere. I can count on my hand how many times they've been apart since he imprinted. They'll work it out eventually." Jared said as he pulled Kim on his lap, taking a hunk out of his apple.
Kim didn't share a look that she believed him, worriedly looking out to where you stood.
A few moments passed when her body stiffened and she gasped, making Jared look where she was.
"SHIT! SHIT!" He said, throwing Kim off his lap.
Sam turned to look out the window in time to see Paul phase, his sharp claw making contact with your skin. Your blood curdling scream instantly had everyone else off their seats, nearly knocking each other over to race outside.
You laid on the ground as your body wracked with sobs, clutching your side. Blood gushed through your hand as you started to panic, scrambling to stand. The large silver wolf only stood for a few moments before Paul shifted back, completely horrified as he frantically tried to reach you.
He felt his heart nearly rip out of his chest as you backpedaled into Emily, who was helping to hold you upright.
Sam stood in the middle of the two of you.
Paul could feel his chest caving in, hand out, speaking more gently than he had at all in the past week.
"B-baby. Please. Please, I'm- I'm so sorry baby. Please let me just see-"
"NO! I'm done. I'm done. I'm leaving. I'm done." You repeated like a mantra, limping to the car.
"Y/N you cannot drive like this..." Emily attempted to say as she stepped in from behind you. She could see your anxiety was heightened, and afraid to set you off further.
"I have to go," you choked, on the verge of tears as you tried to open the drivers side. You had yet to even notice the gash in your side, adrenaline pumping wildly through your body.
Paul made his way around Sam, grabbing your other arm that was holding the door.
"You are crazy if you think I'm letting you leave like this. Please come-"
You yanked your arm from his grasp.
"Don't. Let me go!" You said coldly.
Paul froze. He couldn't move. You never spoke to him like this. Even in the numerous fights you two had this week.
Every single instinct in his body needed to help you. He knew you were downplaying your injuries. He knew he just royally fucked everything up. But the absolute last thing you could do was walk into a house full of vampires dripping in blood. Fucking doctor or not.
"Come inside and let me take a look at you, okay? Please." Emily said to coax you, frantically looking at your wound.
This made Sam follow her gaze, looking down to see the blood pouring from your side hadn't stopped, and you were growing paler by the minute.
"Y/N....you're going to stay here and I'll call Sue." He said in an authoritative voice, leaving no room to argue as he turned to start dialing the number.
You almost argued. You almost fought both of them on the subject. Your stubbornness almost won.
But you felt an immense pain. So strong you don't know how the hell you didn't notice it when you stood up.
That couldn't be good.
"....Y/N?" Paul said, barely above a whisper. Tears were now silently streaming down his face as he held both hands out slightly. Not close enough to touch you but to be prepared in case you fell.
You could feel yourself start to float in and out of consciousness. You tried to ground yourself by focusing on something. You looked at his hands that were outstretched.
Those hands that you held on your first date. The hands that hover your back anywhere you go. The hands that lift you up from the couch on movie nights to bring you to bed. The hands that move in just the right way when making love to you. The hands that were now shaking, not out of anger, but fear. You loved those hands.
"Y/N? Baby?" Paul said louder, more urgently as he could see you fading.
You watched him get blurry as the world started to spin.
"Paul," you murmured, before fading into darkness. The last thing you remember were the hands that caught you before you hit the ground.
"Y/N!!!" Paul screamed as he caught your body falling into him.
Sam ran back, telling him Sue was just up the street. He instructed Paul to carry you inside and onto the bed. The pack dispersed, each trying to find something to help you such as towels, an emergency kit and pillows.
Paul held you close as he lay you down, while repeatedly whispering in your ear.
"I'm so sorry baby. I'm so-so sorry. I cant lose you. Youre everything to me. I'll never yell at you again. I swear on my life. You can do whatever you want. I'll do whatever you want. Please, I love you." Paul pressed kisses to your hairline when Sue and her nurse friend entered.
Jared reluctantly came in behind them to lead Paul out of the room as they worked.
"Come on man, she'll wake up soon I promise."
After he was guided out, Paul slid down to sit on the other side of the door, refusing to move. Jared didn't push it, leaning down to sit next to him.
"Sue's seen this kind of stuff before. Just needs stitching up and stuff," Jared reassured as he put his hand on Paul's shoulder.
"It's not the injuries I'm worried about. So much as what she'll think of me when she wakes up. I....I fucked this one up, Jare."
"If Emily can forgive Sam, I think Y/N will forgive you. She's crazy about your ass."
Paul just nodded, praying he was right.
Your eyes fluttered open slowly as you woke. You looked around to see that you had been bandaged up along your left side, an IV attached to your arm sat close by. You attempted to sit up, whining when the pain wouldn't allow it. Within a few minutes Emily entered, her face showing relief.
"You're up! How are you feeling?" She checked the IV before sitting on the edge of the bed, careful of your body.
"Sore...where's, where's Paul?" Your heart ached as you started to replay what happened. There was no doubt in your mind what happened was an accident. You had seen the signs he always warned you about, and chose to ignore them in the heat of the argument. Not only that, but the look on his face when you had refused him was too much to bare.
Emily smiled, not expecting you to want to see him so soon.
"He's just outside the door. Hasn't moved. He didn't know if you'd want to see him..."
"I need to talk to him."
It hadn't even been a few seconds when Paul stood at the door. He looked more out of shape than you did. The disheveled hair and dark circles under his eyes told you he hadn't slept in days.
"I'll give you two some space. Just holler if you need anything," Emily spoke as she stood up, making her way around him and down the stairs.
Paul remained where he stood,
"If you don't want to be with me I understand. I have no words for my actions other than I am so...." he cleared his throat, trying not to cry. "So incredibly sorry I put you through this. I put you in danger when I was trying to keep you out of it. You don't have to stay I-"
"Paul please just kiss me." You interrupted, not wanting to hear the rest as you already made up your mind in forgiving him.
He stood for just a moment longer, trying to comprehend if he heard you correctly. It was when you weakly opened your arms for him that he wasted no time in rushing over to you, cupping your face and gently yet passionately kissed you with everything he had. Tears flowed his cheeks at the relief that you still wanted him. Even after everything he had put you through.
You two pulled back for air after a moment, and you ran your hand through his hair.
"I forgive you, okay? I can't imagine my life without you."
He let out a breath, smiling for the first time in weeks.
"It will never happen again. I swear on my fucking life baby." He caressed your hair, neck, landing his palm on your heart.
You two sat like that for awhile. Almost scared to leave each other's presence. You two talked for hours on the bed. Paul had confessed that the night before, while you were sleeping, the pack had fought with the Cullens. You learned that Paul refused to go, not wanting to leave your side. You were grateful to hear that Sam didn't push on him being there, knowing you were all that mattered to him, and he'd refuse him if he had too. Even if it went against his every instinct as a wolf. Turns out that Jacob had imprinted on your niece, and Bella had survived, now as a vampire.
You weren't particularly thrilled your sister was now a bloodsucker, but as long as she was alive, you were happy.
Paul eventually made his way to the other side of the bed, kissing every exposed inch of you, whispering all the things he loved about you in your ear until you fell asleep.
When your heartbeat slowed down and he was sure you were out, he reached down and felt the velvet box in his pocket. No doubt in his mind about the future you both held.
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astonmartingf · 3 months
carlos sainz x fem!reader
. . . a well spent summer ends up with you going viral, with your overnight fame you figure out the man behind the mystery that is your summer fling
previous: summer is for falling in love
next: stay with you
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view comments...
user1 summer fling??? SHUT UP Y'ALL
user2 the way i would also fold 😣
user3 uhm... surely you're not dating ma'am
user4 MHHMMM!!!!:!:?:?:! okay i'm sleeping on the highway tonight
user5 the chemistry?? how long did this summer fling last?
hehehehe it was just two weeks 😌
user6 two weeks?? dame i thought this was a two year relationship
user7 when will i experience this type of summer fling?
user8 it's everybody but me, i see it...
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charles_leclerc uploaded a new story
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[literally pulled over a parking lot to check a message]
carlossainz55 replied to your story
eyy, no need to expose me like that
HAHAHAHAHAHA you scrambling over the seat
top tier reaction
thank you to pierre btw
no problem, as long as you give credit where it's due ☺️
landonorris replied to your story
is that the link for the tiktok?
YEAH!! we sent it to him and he was scrambling to park the car
wow, and he expects us to believe that he's okay walking away from that
exactlyyyy!! look at him now, a simp i tell you
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