#bucky x bi reader
xoxosimp · 4 months
Right Person, Wrong Time
POV: You break playboy!Bucky’s heart 
Pairing: Bi!Bucky Barnes x Bestfriend!Reader
Part two: Perfect Timing
Warnings: angst, not beta’d, mediocre writing
A/N: This is heavily inspired by this sound on tik tok and one of my favorite scenes in a Disney channel show I used to watch LOL.
If there is something about life, you like things to be simple. 
You flourished when you had a consistent and simple routine. Where others feel bored with things being the same everyday, mundaneness gives you a certain type of peace you never wanted to give up.
Bucky Barnes was a part of your routine. Every day after work, you and Bucky would run at the park. Sometimes it was one mile, other days it was five. 
Your workout routine with Bucky was never stale. Warm up, run, (Bucky insists that he always runs behind you for whatever protective reason he has. And looking at your ass is a great motivator, not that you know the latter). Then you would have dinner together, either one of you would cook or you would go out to eat. 
The sound of you and Bucky’s steps echoed against the pavement. Sweat clouded your vision and your lungs were begging for a respite but you were halfway to your checkpoint point. You picked up the pace, challenging him to keep up from behind. 
Bucky caught up to you and gestured to your foot, “ Your shoe is untied, angel,” he panted out.
You furrowed your eyebrows and glanced at your feet, breaking your stride. “ Well, I guess we can take a break now,” Bucky said as he came to a stop.
You smiled, “ You freaking liar!”
Bucky holds up his hands as if he was innocent. “ Don’t hate me just because you stopped, beautiful.”
You rolled your eyes and leaned against the rails of a bridge you so conveniently stopped at.
“ What do you wanna do for dinner?”, you asked Bucky, wiping the sweat from your forehead.
“Anything you want, I want, angel.”
You asked him everytime and every time he gave the same response.  He always wants what you want. “ Then let’s get Peruvian food, I could kill for lomo right now.” 
Bucky chuckled to himself, like he had something to say. “ Do you not want lomo, Buck?”
“ That’s fine, angel, just..” he trailed off. “ At least this dinner won’t have a side of tension.”
Bucky alluded to a dinner you had with your other friend Steve Rogers, and his significant other, Lililian. Steve isn't the one to argue in public, but his girlfriend kept picking fights. You and Bucky would attempt to dissolve the tense atmosphere, but it always seemed to thicken again.
“ Yeah, I couldn't imagine going through all the drama they’re going through. Steve looked like he wanted to explode,” you recalled.
He nodded his head. “ I think Steve needs someone less…in your face, you know?”
“ Steve has a … strong personality, angel. He needs someone to soothe rather than excite.”
“So what, he needs someone to tame his inner alpha?,” you quipped. 
Bucky chuckled and looked at you. After a pause, he said, " You know, we wouldn't be like that.” 
You raisd an eyebrow, standing up straight, “ Like what?”
“ Complicated. If we were together, it would just be me and you, plus together.”
Your stomach fluttered. The notion of dating Bucky wasn't completely foreign to you. Bucky was an attractive person, inside and out. It was something about the way he looks at someone, the way he looked at you, that you knew you could trust him with the darkest parts of yourself. His huge fucking arms were always open if you needed a hug, and his beautiful blue eyes were always on you.
But if Bucky Barnes was anything, he was a player. He knew how to play a woman ( or man) like a finely tuned instrument, and make them melt into his hands. 
Bucky Barnes didn’t date. Bucky Barnes didn’t settle down. He thrived in spontaneity. 
You shook your head, “ We’re friends, Jamie.”
“ But I want more. I want more of you, angel. You’re the first person on my mind when I wake up, and the last thing before I go to bed. I can’t go a day without you. Would it really be that much of a difference if we were together?”
He spoke with so much conviction that you almost trusted him.
“ Bucky , ever since I met you, you’ve always been a player,” you explained. “ We have the perfect relationship and I don't wanna lose you just because you wanna try something new.”
You could have slapped him and Bucky still wouldn't have looked so shocked. His expression makes your heart drop into your stomach. 
“ What the hell is that supposed to mean?” he countered.
“ You get bored easily,” you crossed your arms. “ If we started dating you would get bored of me, then we would break up and our relationship would never be the same.”
“ We’re friends, Bucky,” you reiterated. “ You can have as many boyfriends and girlfriends you want, and we can still be best friends.”
Usually you could tell what mood Bucky was in. He had a “ I’m Hangry” glare and a “ I’m tired of this bullshit “ glare. You couldn't make out what he was feeling.
“ I don't feel like Peruvian food today,” he uttered “ Let me walk you to your car.”
“Are we good, Jamie?” 
“ We’re good, (Y/N).
He didn't call you angel, or beautiful, or any of the other pet names he would call you. Bucky didn't give you a kiss on the cheek and tell you to drive safe once you got in your car. The feeling of hurting him weighed heavy on your chest, but the relief of speaking your truth was liberating. 
Maybe you made a mistake, telling Bucky you didn't trust him with your heart.
No, it’s for the better. 
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povlvr · 2 years
Make Me Forget | ❤️Valentine’s Day One Shot
Pairing: Beefy Bucky x Reader
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Word Count: 6k
Summary: Unceremoniously dumped by your scumbag boyfriend Bucky's mission is to spend Valentine's Day cheering you up & showing you what it would belike to be Bucky Barnes's girl, maybe he's shooting his shot, maybe he's just that darn charming Warnings: Angst (just the start), Fluffy Bucky, Swearing, Smut, NSFW, P in V, Oral (Female), unprotected sex, Dom Bucky
A/N: Happy Valentine's, enjoy this one shot with Beefy Bucky, I thought this would be a nice intermission for the Valentine's Season. Also FYI, no STD's or unplanned pregnancies (unless a plot) in my multiverse so no condoms are ever used. As per usual I cannot keep my word count concise!!
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Dumped, discarded, cast aside, kicked to the curb, whatever you wanted to call it, you were it & you were sat in a restaurant trying to hold it together whilst the humiliation of being brought into a public space to be told you’re not good enough, not special enough, not pretty enough, not her was being laid out in black & white. You could feel your lip wobbling, the familiar sob climbing up your throat trying to escape as you begged yourself to cut off all emotions until you could get back home.
You nodded along hoping he would stop the character assassination that was effortlessly rattling off, like he had been practicing it for weeks in the mirror. You thought you had been happy together & that he was getting ready to ask you to move in with him, but you were told you were dumb to not see how miserable you made him. There was only so much you could take & when he mentioned her, his 22-year-old secretary he had been sleeping with for weeks, who just ‘got him’, you stood up, tossed your drink over his head & walked out.
The cab ride home was a battle of wills between your absolute need to keep it together at all times versus your impending emotional outburst with the growing realisation that you were destined to die alone & get eaten by the 15 cats you would inevitably accumulate being single for the rest of your life.
The rest of your night was spent isolated, crying, eating pizza, drinking wine & browsing cat rescue sites trying to find the first step towards the rest of your life, you couldn’t believe you wasted a year of your life with a scumbag who would dump you the day before Valentine’s day.
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You should have phoned in sick, there was no way you were in the mood to face anyone, even if Tony would have wrongly assumed it was because it was Valentine’s Day & you would be too busy fucking your boyfriend all day to work, except the reality would be you crying, burning your Ex-Boyfriends belongings & self-reflecting to assess what was actually wrong with you & why couldn’t you keep a man interested.
Instead, you were numb, sat zoned out in the meeting room by your boss’ side trying to look like you were paying attention, you were barely holding it together avoiding all eye contact with the team filled with spies & assassins, at least two of them would be able to spot the obvious tells that not all was well.
‘Alright, any other business.’
Sam repeatedly elbowing Bucky who ignored him completely perked up, ‘Yeah, these monthly meetings suck, it’s Valentine’s day, why we even working?’
‘Make sure you note down that sass from Bird Man, Short Stack.’
Apart from Tony’s very annoying nickname, you hadn’t heard what had been said, hoping that it was never brought up again you scribbled down ‘I want to go home’ so it looked as though you were at least doing something.
Bucky had already noticed the sullen expression the second he laid eyes on you, the heavier than usual makeup & overall lack of spunk you usually have was a dead giveaway. Sam may have told him not to use that phrase anymore, for reasons still unclear to him but that was the best way to describe it, it was like your light had gone out.
Usually when Tony used that moniker you’d be ready with a jibe to throw straight back at him, he may have been your boss, but you weren’t ever afraid to put the billionaire in his place, so you completely passing over the nickname meant you were somewhere else in your head & not ok, something was wrong & he needed to get to the bottom of it.
You held back in the meeting room until all the superheroes had piled out to try & avoid any interactions, unfortunately a certain burly super soldier didn’t quite get the memo & was waiting for you outside. The brunette’s face completely serious, brows furrowed & arms crossed as he examined you walking towards him, ‘What’s wrong?’
‘Nothing’s wrong Bucky, I’m fine.’ You tried a half assed smile; a smile you wouldn’t even be able to convince Ethel your blind neighbour was real let alone the trained assassin in front of you.
‘Don’t you dare lie to me Petal, you may be able to fool them but not me. Now tell me what happened, I won’t ask again, did something happen at dinner last night?’
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t like when Bucky used his serious voice, when the Sargent in him came out, you always followed his orders.
Breathing out a shaky sigh you looked around, as if anyone cared enough to listen in on what you were about to say, damn your bottom lip for wobbling & the tears gathering in your eyes, traitor. ‘He broke up with me, said he was sleeping with his secretary & I wasn’t pretty or good enough for him.’
Somehow Bucky managed to quell the internal rage that was flowing through the synaptic’s in his brain, the plates in his arm were begging to be recalibrated from the tension running through his body, don’t trigger a reset, don’t trigger a reset. He could taste the impending murder on his tongue but that had to wait, he needed to be the mechanical shoulder for you to cry on right now.
He grabbed you, enclosing you entirely in his arms, his overwhelming warmth thawing your cold exterior & his big arms squeezing you tightly, it was the exact comfort you needed. ‘Oh darlin’, why didn’t you call me?’
Smushed against his solid chest your voice was muffled, ‘Didn’t want to bother ya.’
‘You know you wouldn’t have.’
You managed a shrug against him, ‘It’s Valentine’s you might have had plans.’
He moved his vibranium arm from around you, holding your face with his cool metallic hand to make sure you were looking at him, brushing the few fallen tears from your cheeks, ‘There are no plans too important to stop me coming & getting you.’
You managed a genuine half smile, the cloud over you not quite lifting, but it was now surrounded by a little Bucky Barnes shaped rainbow & you appreciated it more than you could ever convey to him.
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Bucky sat pensively in the lounge, despite his protests that you should take the day off, he walked you to your office at your insistence that working would help keep your mind of him, he secretly enjoyed the way you now said him, it was very much in the same tone he had been using for the last year.
So, he had been sitting since racking his brains, trying to think of ways to help you, to build you back up & forget about that loser & in the Super Soldier’s mind he was the biggest most idiotic loser on the face of the planet to let you go so willingly. Chump.
Tony strolled into the common area noticing the absolute anguish on the centurion’s face staring into space, ‘What’s up terminator?’
He rubbed his face trying to reset his mind & entertain a conversation with Tony, ‘Nothing, just thinking.’
‘Wouldn’t happen to have anything to do with my diminutive 2nd in command who has been on 4 separate trips to the bathroom to cry this morning … so far.’ He stood crossing his arms, hoping to get to the bottom of it & thought Bucky would be the one you opened up to, because the pathetic excuse you gave him for being so sniffly wasn’t cutting it & you usually had the 6ft Super Solider shadow following you everywhere.
He clenched his jaw at the belittling nickname Tony seemed to revel in, ‘Stop calling her little, she doesn’t like it.’
He narrowed his eyes, ‘Bit touchy when it comes to her, aren’t you? You like her?’
Bucky shook his head angry that he was poking his nose in where it didn’t belong, ‘Not the time Tony.’
‘Why not?’
‘Not your business.’
‘Let’s see, protective bodyguard mode has been activated, weepy crying employee on Valentine’s Day, I take it that snake she was wasting her time with has shown his true colours?’
Bucky let out an audible sigh, ‘Something like that.’
‘What a dick.’ He clenched his jaw, already ordering you some flowers on his phone, a smirk crossed his face & he glanced back up at the sulking Super Soldier. ‘Hey, now she’s single, you should shoot your shot.’
To Bucky the billionaire just casually let out, like it was nothing, an afterthought, like it was completely normal to pounce on someone 12 hours after being blindsided by a breakup. ‘Absolutely not, she needs comfort & cheering up, not a 107-year-old hitting on her.’
In Tony’s mind, the stars were finally aligning for two people who anyone could see looked at each other with love hearts in their eyes most of the time to finally get together, they just needed a push. ‘Trust me when I say she wouldn’t mind a certain 107-year old’s attention.’
‘Jesus I’m surrounded by idiots, not Steve, you, you complete putz’
The super solider was trying to stifle his smile at the thought of you being into him but failing miserably, shaking his head in protest, ‘I don’t think so.’
‘Well, I so happen to know so. I’m not saying declare your undying love for her & propose, just shoot your shot, take her mind off the breakup & whatever he did, make her see that you’re the one she should be with.’
Just like that, like it was a piece of cake, easy as 1,2,3, he swore sometimes he was secretly dumb & not a so-called genius everyone said he was, it took Bucky 3 months to say hello to you when he first met you, so by his calculations he would be asking you out in 2054.
‘He cheated for weeks with his secretary & said she wasn’t pretty enough or good enough for him.’ The words pained him to say out loud, he couldn’t imagine how hurtful they were for you to hear.
The billionaire’s eyes went wide, ‘Excuse me, how are you not murdering him right now?’
‘Oh, trust me a plan is percolating, but I wanted to make sure she was ok before I spend the rest of my life in prison for repeatedly throwing him off the empire state building.’
‘Oh, I like the sound of repeatedly. Ok, new plan, you spend the day tending to her, sweep her off her feet, get her out of her office … but not into your bed & I’ll pay him a visit, can’t promise murder but I’m sure I have a few gadgets that will put the fear of Thor in him.’
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You were sat sulking in your office, not really working, just staring at words on a screen, you didn’t want to be at work, but you didn’t want to be at home either, despite the bonfire you had planned in your head with his expensive suits he kept in your walk in, which admittedly did sound like fun.
A gentle knock & a wiggle of the handle told you it was Bucky waiting outside your office, you buzzed him in & as the door opened all you could see were flowers, a huge bunch that somehow eclipsed the Super Solider stood in the doorway holding them.
It was comical watching him struggle, trying his best not to knock any of the perfect blooms on his way in, you wondered how he could be so agile on the battlefield when he was such a clutz off it at times, adorable really when you thought about it.
‘How can I help you soldier?’
He used to hate people referring to him by his military positions but whenever you did it there was something in him that went feral, it felt like you were submitting to him & you were always such a good girl when he told you to do something in his lower pitched voice.
The twitch in his pants at the thought of what that would translate to in the bedroom needed taming before he embarrassed himself, it might not be the 40s anymore but by god if punching a colleague for humming too loudly got him a meeting in HR, getting a boner in front of one in a professional setting definitely would.
‘Well, it’s Valentine’s Day & I wanted to buy you some flowers & put a smile on your face.’
‘Mission success Sargent.’ You really did have a wide smile on your face from the sweet gesture, he was such a good guy, sometimes you wish everyone could see it but a little part of you were happy it seemed to be reserved for only you.
‘Oh this, this is just the start, my Girl on Valentine’s Day doesn’t just get flowers, she gets the whole day.’
You raised your brows, trying your absolute best to not grin like the Cheshire Cat at him calling you his girl, ‘A whole day huh? Lucky me. Not to throw a spanner in the works here but ya girl gotta work.’
‘No you don’t, cleared it with Tony so you’ve got the rest of the day off.’ He looked so happy with himself & you really didn’t understand why the hunk of a man in front of you had a reputation for being frightening, the man was a big teddy bear.
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It had been an interesting journey to say the least, experiencing Bucky’s vintage car with the top down sounded so much fun, especially when he pulled you close & had his arm around you but the way your hair lashed about in the wind made you realise why the women in the old movies always had head scarves on. At one-point Bucky’s eyes were streaming when a particular gust of wind whipped him in the eye with a chunk of your hair, no number of apologies you gave seemed enough & thankfully he just seemed to find it funny.
Once you tamed the bird’s nest sat on top of your head you stood in excitement looking on the fairground that had been at the heart of so many of Steve & Bucky’s stories, Coney Island where dreams where not quite made of but that didn’t matter, you loved it.
‘It doesn’t exactly look the same but I’m sure we’ll find our way around just fine.’ Bucky was practically giddy, pulling your connected hand towards the entrance, ‘you know me & Steve once rode the Ferris wheel with these two dames, Sandy & Delores I think their names were, & Steve freaked out because it was so high up & threw up on his date.’
You always noticed his accent thickened when he talked about his youth, seeing him like this made you wish you had known him back then, but having heard many stories about Bucky from Steve, he would probably have been chasing tail rather than wasting his time hanging about with you
He led you to a food shack that, according to the sign, served New York’s best hot dogs, ‘whaddya say Doll, one hotdog or two?’
‘One please, with onions & mustard.’
‘Coming up, what my girl wants, my girl gets.’
You sat on the bench whilst he waited for your order, the day certainly had taken a turn & you were beyond grateful for Bucky, he really was the sweetest guy you knew so it didn’t even shock you with how extra he was being in an effort to take your mind off things.
You realised as he approached, carrying way more hot dogs than any normal human could eat at once & a huge bag of candyfloss under his arm, that you hadn’t thought of him at all with Bucky around. He really was the best & you would be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy him referring to you as his girl, the man was the hottest guy you’d ever laid eyes on so a few hours escaping reality & experiencing what it was like being Bucky Barnes’s Girl wasn’t something you were going to pass up, even if it was just for the day.
He plonked himself down beside you, handing you your order & placing the candy floss at your side, then throwing his arm over your shoulder pulling you as close as possible to you, he always seemed to like you close. You shuffled into his side, so you could rest your head on his shoulder as you both sat eating your food & watching all the people casually walking by.
‘Do you wish you could go back?’
‘Sometimes, if only to see my Ma & Sisters but there’s a few things now that are better.’
‘Hmm’ you took a bite, was it the best? Maybe, but maybe it was the setting & company you found yourself with that was making it taste better than it actually did.
‘Yeah, the food,’ He proceeded to take a dramatically large bite making you giggle as he chomped it down, ‘the technology, the company too.’ He gave your shoulder a squeeze & leaned down to kiss your head that was happily resting on him.
‘Hmmm well I’m glad you’re here, I’ll tell Tony to hold off on the time machine to send you both back.’
You loved making the Super Solider laugh, he didn’t do it often, but it was like music to your ears when you were blessed with it, so when he found that comment as funny as he did, you joined him in letting it all out, there you were, two idiots laughing on a bench & it was wonderful. You felt so much lighter, like nothing could bother you with Bucky around, you felt safe, cherished & looked after, you needed someone like Bucky. Fat Chance.
You spent the rest of the day on rides, laughing, eating & sharing stories, there was a moment on top of the Ferris wheel where you thought Bucky was leaning in to kiss you, but he just found a bit of lint on your shoulder & was trying to assess if it was Ant Man needing assistance so needed to get closer.
Sure, you were disappointed, & no you didn’t see any actual lint, you always harboured a harmless crush on the Super Solider, who wouldn’t with him being so sweet & handsome, but it was such an odd feeling to not feel at all sad that less than 24 hours ago you were in love with someone else then unceremoniously dumped, or at least you thought you were in love. Hmm.
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He walked you to your apartment block, insisting on making sure you were safe in your home before he left, you supposed he of all people knew the dangers of the world so of course invited him up, you didn’t want him to ever leave your side if you were being honest.
You were both settled on your sofa, him nursing a beer & you a glass of wine, ‘Don’t think I don’t appreciate this Bucky because I absolutely do, but why did you do all this for me today?’
‘Why wouldn’t I want to cheer up a person going through something, especially when they are my favourite person?’
It was like your heart skipped an entire beat hearing those words, the oversized Super Solider wasn’t the most forthcoming with his feelings ever, you thought, so to hear that from him meant the world to you, ‘Your favourite?’
Come on Bucky, now or never, ‘Look, Tony said I shouldn’t ask you to marry me or anything & I won’t, I won’t, I promise, but he said I should just shoot my shot, so look it started out as me wanting to cheer you up & make you smile because it’s always my favourite thing to do but at the same time maybe I just let you know that when you’re ready there are other people out there that would be happy to have you all to themselves & will know the treasure they’re holding. Not saying who, but if you don’t mind an age gap of say 72 years, there’s a certain single super solider that wouldn’t mind taking you to the movies, dinner & dancing.’
He let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, he just came out with it, simple as that & his brain wasn’t even shouting at him to jump straight out of your window to the safety of not knowing what it feels like to be rejected from the only woman he’s wanted for 80 years.
You smirked trying your absolute best to stop yourself from jumping his bones, ‘Steve can dance?’
Thankfully he knew Steve was more like a brother to you, so you were just playing with him, so he dramatically clutched his chest, ‘Why … why would you willing to inflict pain on me like that Petal?’
You giggled narrowing your eyes, ‘So he can orrrr….?’
Watching how his eyes darkened sent a thrill down your spine & a deep throb to your clit, he moved closer towards you on the sofa, knees knocking, tracing finger up & down your thigh whilst he drew his tongue along his lower lip, it was a hypnotic, ‘You’d be too much for Steve sweetheart, you need someone who can be firm with you.’
You arched your brow, loving where this conversation was going & the way he grasped you flesh, you dropped your shoulder & looked up at him as innocently as you could drawing out your voice as seductively as possible before biting your lip, ‘is that right Sarge?’
‘Absolutely Petal.’ He couldn’t seem to take his eyes away from where your teeth indented your plump pout, he was desperate to run his thumb along it to release it & replace it with his mouth.
‘hmmm so a firm, single, super soldier?’
Almost looking cocky he managed to pull his focus back to your eyes, raising a brow, ‘Know any?’
You had your finger & thumb pinching your chin in faux contemplation, ‘Not ringing any bells Sarge.’
‘Let me remind you.’
Ding, Ding, Ding. He pulled your face to his crashing your lips together, holding your head in his hands, the contrast between flesh & metal was so uniquely Bucky & you weren’t sure if you ever wanted to go back to two regular hands.
It felt as though every kiss you had ever had before now were pecks on the cheek in comparison, because Bucky Barnes could kiss like nothing else, the absolute passion & desire he could communicate with his tongue had you on a plane of existence you never knew was available, what else could he do with it?
Every moment connected was erasing the last year of your life, why did you waste your time on that waste of space when this was available the whole time?
It wasn’t long until you were pulled onto his lap, straddling his thick thighs & grinding down onto the prominent bulge he was sporting, moaning as it made contact with your centre.
Between kisses he finally managed to string a full sentence together, ‘Are you sure? Feel like I’m taking advantage of your weakened emotional state.’
You giggled into his mouth, ‘Have you been watching Dr Phil again?’
‘Maybe, but I don’t want you to regret anything.’ The way he held your face back to take a pause & make sure it was what you wanted almost made you cry, this sweet man who did nothing but take care of you wanted you & there wasn’t a better feeling you’d ever had.
Connecting your foreheads, you looked deeply into his gorgeous ocean eyes, ‘The only thing I will regret is not doing it sooner & wasting my time on him.’
You nodded, ‘Make me forget soldier.’
Your mouths were connected again but this time his hands moved with purpose freeing you of the layers that kept him from the entirety of you, quickly reciprocating you pulled his hoodie over his head, momentarily breaking your kiss.
‘The second you want me to stop you tell me Petal, you gonna be a good girl for me?’
You nodded going straight back to kissing him as he pulled your jeans off taking your pants with them, ‘Need your words flower.’
‘Yes Sarge.’
The serum running through his veins kicked in & he wasted no time reattaching your lips in a frantic kiss, working his way down to your jaw, neck & chest, spending that extra second admiring the sight before him.
‘You’re perfect sweetheart.’
‘You too gorgeous.’
He smiled at your words, that wonderfully adorable smile that he only allowed you to see, the adrenaline buzzing through you temporarily overtaken by the endorphins at the thought of this wonderful man wanting to be with you.
It was only a moment of being an adorable puppy, a switch before he was back to the insatiable Super Soldier that was about to plough you so hard you’d forget your own name, you had no doubt Bucky would be capable of it.
‘Not here Petal.’ He hoisted you up, his strong arms keeping you attached to his lips as he walked you through your apartment to the bedroom, gently bending to deposit you on the mattress still not parting your lips for a single second until he was positioned above you.
His mouth began descending back down you neck & chest until his lips found their way to your bra & he tsk’d at it getting in his way & without missing a step a knife appeared from his boot & he swiftly sliced the front of it inciting a gasp to escape, it was the single hottest thing you’d ever experienced & it set your whole existence on fire.
‘I’ll buy you a new one flower.’ it was thrown, along with the knife onto the floor, & his tongue wasted no time swirling around your nipple, the other being squeezed by his cool metal finger tips, the sensation making your back arch & you were already desperate for more.
‘Touch me Bucky.’
You could feel him smile against your chest & like all good soldiers did, he obeyed your command, keeping his mouth attached to your chest he traced his hand down your body, loving the way you squirmed as it hit your ticklish spots, you were so soft & as he gently parted your legs he could smell how wet you were.
Drawing a single finger along your folds, he made you shudder as he teased you gently, admiring how soaked you were for him, ‘All this for me Petal?’
Shyly nodding at him you watched as he made his way down, settling between your legs, it should have felt weird for another man to be seeing you in this state so soon, but it didn’t. It felt as though Bucky was the only one who should see you like that, vulnerable & open to everything he was about to give you.
His nose nudged at you, every hair stood on edge, your breath hitched & your heart thudded in anticipation. ‘Fucking perfect’, the first contact with his mouth to your glistening pussy released the beast within him that had been dying to taste you since the minute he laid eyes on you. It wasn’t gentlemanly, or loving, it was some caveman shit & lord you were not prepared for his tongue. Within the first minute you were on the verge of climaxing, he ate you out like he hadn’t eaten in years, yet his technique was a sharp as a knife, he worked you til he could feel you right on the edge before he cruelly pulled his mouth from you making you whimper & the loss of him.
Yes, you had been a good girl & if anyone deserved an orgasm it was you, but he didn’t want to ever stop tasting your nectar or move from between your legs. If he buried his cock in you he would blow his load within a minute he was that turned on by you, so he needed to at least make this bit last as long as possible for you.
If keeping you on the brink meant he could spend all night between you legs so be it, he carried on flicking your clit with the tip of his tongue, sucking it then burying his tongue in your cunt, over & over. Every time he pulled away you let out an ungodly whining noise or begged him to keep going.
‘No, No no, please.’ You were desperate at this point & willing to get on your knees to beg.
‘Please what?’
‘Please Sargent, please let me cum.’
‘Can’t sweetheart, can’t ever stop, you taste so good.’
He doubled down sucking at your clit & you almost sobbed the moment it was taken away; did he want you to have a tantrum? You were on the brink of one if he did it again.
‘Please, please, please’
You were babbling, tears escaping your eyes & right where he wanted, if you didn’t know what was going on you wouldn’t notice him lasting the 0.7 seconds he was predicting from him being so desperate to be inside you.
You were at the precipice of euphoria, your orgasm on the cusp, the anticipation of him pulling away had you on high alert & you could feel every single thing he did waiting for it to be snatched away at the very last second, but this time he didn’t pull away, he plunged his metallic fingers in you as you saw white & exploded through your pleasure to absolute ecstasy.
Curling his two thick digits he hit your spot over & over taking you to another straight away, the pleasure at a level you hadn’t ever experienced before, if he was talking to you you were clueless, everything was muffled & you didn’t even notice the hollowness once Bucky moved so he was covering you with his body.
‘Look at me Sweetheart.’
You managed to roll your eyes, which you assume had detached at some point during the second orgasm & look at his gorgeous blue ones, did they always make your heart skip a beat?
‘You’re really pretty, you know that Bucky.’ Your voice came out a bit hoarse but the cute smile on his face was worth the pain from straining your throat.
‘And you’re the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.’
You hid your face in the crook of his neck, ‘You ready for me gorgeous?’
You nodded against him. ‘Words sweetheart.’
‘Ye.. yes, want you to fuck me Sarge.’
‘That’s my girl’
He pumped his cock once, twice, you were looking down between your bodies, when did he even take his jeans off? He was huge, dauntingly so, the perfect cock, long & thick weeping & desperate for you.
He chuckled at your expression whispering in your ear, ‘It’ll fit darlin.’
‘If you say so Soldier.’ You really weren’t convinced.
His heavy length sat at your opening & slowly he pushed into you as he looked at your completely blissed our expression, head leaned back, eyes closed & mouth moaning the most sinful noises with every inch he added, he latched onto the neck you were perfectly presenting for him, mapping every spot that made you clench that bit tighter.
‘Fuck your pussy is chocking me darlin. Not gonna last.’
‘Mmnn fuck, so good Buck so so fucking good.’
Finally, he was fully seated in you, you’d never felt so full, so complete, you squeezed his ass to let him know he could get going but he stayed still, ‘just gimme a sec, been a while.’
Your giggled at his heavy breathing but quickly stopped once his hips began slamming into you, by god you needed a pounding & he complied perfectly, your good Soldier & all thoughts were lost as he repeatedly thrust his powerful body into you.
‘Fucking gorgeous you know that, wanted to fuck you since the day I met you. Fucking perfect, perfect pussy, like it was made for me.’
‘God Bucky, harder.’
‘You sure?.’
‘Yeah, gimme all you got, I can take it.’ you weren’t sure that you could, but you wanted to give it a try.
‘Not gonna last darlin. You gotta give me one more though.’
His metal fingers connected with your swollen clit sending a jolt of electricity through your body, you weren’t sure if you had ever made such an obscene noise before, it was too much but not enough at the same time.
‘Feels so good.’
‘You my good girl?’
‘Yes Sargent, want you to fill me up.’
‘Fuck sweetheart, don’t say that, I won’t ever fucking stop.’ You were making him go into overdrive, he was feral for you, his perfect angel with the most sinful mouth.
‘Don’t want you to, want you dripping out me for days.’
‘Jesus Christ, my perfect filthy girl.’
You were so overwhelmingly full of the Super Solider, the tip of his huge cock nudging the spot within you at rapid fire had the blinding pleasure begin to rip through you once again as you finally hit your third climax of the night clamping down on him as his hips stuttered & release followed painting your walls with his seed, pumping the cum into you repeatedly until his motion ceased & he lowered his lips to you.
Silence, still connected he watched you carefully as you opened your eyes, blinking from adjusting to the bright light having held them shut from the bliss you were coming down from.
He leaned down to kiss you, sucking your bottom lip before he gently moved the hair from around your face, ‘What you thinkin’?’
‘I wasted a year of my life on someone who wasn’t you.’ Reaching up to him you repeated his action, tucking the wayward strands behind his ears, caressing his cheeks with your fingers, it felt like a dream & you didn’t want to wake up.
‘Hmm just think of it as you lowered your standards so much for him, that he made me look like an ideal candidate in comparison.’
You hated that he didn’t think of himself highly enough, you shook your head smiling at his goofy grin, ‘Don’t say that please.’
‘Ok, how about this, seeing you lower your standards to that idiot made me get my act together & be the man you deserved.’
‘Better. Or maybe I was completely blind & now I can see.’
He rested his forehead against yours looking deeply at you, you were waiting for a serious meaningful declaration of love to come out, instead ‘you look like a minotaur from this close.’
You laughed batting the super soldiers arm ‘I think you may have gotten your mythical creatures mixed up there.’
‘Nope, it’s the one-eyed creature.’
‘Nope, it’s a human with a horse’s body.’
He shrugged his shoulders, ‘Agree to disagree.’
‘Absolutely not Barnes, where’s my phone?’
‘Oh, now you calling me Barnes, huh, what happened to Sargent.’
You shook your head at him, loving his playful teasing, ‘Your dick is soft, you only get Sargent when sex is on the cards.’
‘Oh, is that right?’ he planted a long slow kiss on your lips.
‘Yep & for people who know the difference between a Minotaur & a Cyclops of course.’
‘Of course,’ He agreed nodding away smugly. ‘Good thing I’m ready to go again then isn’t it? What’s my name?’
You felt him growing within you & it set your skin on fire, it was an indescribable sensation & as you let out a moan & batted your eyelashes at him you couldn’t help but submit to the huge Super Solider, ‘Sargent, Sir.’
‘Are you my good girl?’
‘Yes, Sir.’
‘Will you be my girl?’
‘Yes, Sargent.’
Both your smiles were as wide as the sun as he began picking up the pace of his hips, nowhere near the frantic level it had been before, this was different, slow & intimate, & as if they were magnets your lips found each other’s yet again.
‘Happy Valentine’s Day darlin’.’
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Uh, Guys?
My Masterlist
Pairing(s): Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader, Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader, Bucky Barnes x Natasha Romanoff, Bucky Barnes x Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Warnings: There Was Only One Bed, no smut (i know, rare for me these days), idiots in love. bi!reader, bc both bucky and natasha are hot and i’m so fucking gay. implied bi!natasha bc she also likes bucky. mentions of guns, shooting, blood, and medical supplies. nervous!reader. best friends to lovers x2. it’s just pretty fluffy
Word Count: 2417
Summary: You get put on a mission with both the infamous Winter Soldier and Black Widow to take down a Hydra base. You get shot and the extraction plan goes haywire but Tony knows a safe house. The only issue? There’s only one bed and you have a massive crush on both assassins.
“Okay, HYDRA missions are officially the worst.” You said into your comms, running through the halls, away from gunfire, towards the computer terminal. You threw the door closed behind you and quickly looked around for any agents or doors that could be used to attack you. Seeing that you were leaning against the only door, you grabbed a chair and shoved it under the doorknob.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” Natasha asked through the comms.
You nodded before remembering she couldn’t see you. “Ah, yea-um, maybe.” You said, plugging the USB in. “I’m in the room with the computer, but I’m pretty sure I got shot.”
“I’m on my way to you, Y/N.” Bucky said, jogging towards where he knew the terminal was.
“Don’t bother, I shoved a chair under the door so nobody can get in and I’m not moving it just for you to carry me out of here. I’m fine, I’m still standing, and- oh, okay, I’m bleeding more than I thought, but I’m fine.” You replied, downloading all of the files on the computer for Tony and FRIDAY to sort through later.
Bucky sighed audibly through the door, “Really, N/N? Let me in please, just so you don’t accidentally bleed out alone?” 
You checked the files to make sure they were downloading properly and moved the chair enough so you could open the door to make sure Bucky wasn’t being impersonated by a HYDRA agent. “What’s the password?” You asked, knowing that everyone on the team had a secret password with the other in case of something like this.
Bucky chuckled, rolling his eyes and leaning in the doorway slightly. “Monopoly.” You sighed dramatically and moved the chair out of the way, letting Bucky in. “You didn’t believe it was truly me?” He asked, dramatically offended.
“Buck, with the way technology is these days, they could probably clone you. Hell, the clone could know the code word and you’re not actually here with me, it’s an agent that’s gonna kill me.” You sat back down, continuously downloading their files and deleting them off the computer once you had them.
“Well, doll, you know that’s not it.” He said, leaning in the doorway to be able to watch you and the hallway.
You chuckled, watching the last of the files download. “Yeah, I know, but it could be.”
Bucky watched drops of blood continuously drip onto the floor. “Are you sure you’re okay? You look like you’re bleeding a lot.”
“I’m fine, Buck. This is not the first time I’ve been shot. It’s not important.” You said, pulling the USB out and turning to him.
“Where is it?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
“My bicep is going to be fine.” You replied calmly, walking out of the room and jogging back towards where the three of you landed after parachuting out of the quinjet.
“Did you just try to convince me that your arm wasn’t important?!” Bucky shouted after you, jogging to catch up, the both of you running out of the building and to Natasha.
She raised an eyebrow at you and Bucky, motioning around to the empty clearing. “First of all, your arm is extremely important. Secondly, apparently, they booked more missions than extractions, so we have no way of getting home for the immediate future. Third, Tony has a safe house about 3 miles northeast of here, and he sent me the coordinates. Apparently we’re stuck together until at least morning.”
Bucky nodded at Natasha’s words and started walking northeast, you and Natasha following behind. You quickly fell into a rhythm of just following their footsteps as you got lost in your own head. It wasn’t that you were scared of Natasha or Bucky, not at all. You and Nat had been best friends for years, and Bucky was one of the only other people you would go to when you were feeling out of it. Your current issue was that you had feelings for them both, which had ruined your last relationship, since your ex-girlfriend figured out that she was not your priority. Cradling your arm to your chest, Natasha and Bucky finally realized you weren’t contributing to the conversation and turned to look at you.
“N/N?” Bucky asked softly, snapping you out of your trance. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” You said, sighing. “This just hurts a little more than I thought. How much further do you think it is?”
Nat smiled, laughing at you a little. “Darling, it’s been 10 minutes. We have a while to go.”
“It’s not still bleeding, is it?” Bucky asked again.
“No, the bullet lodged in my shoulder, so it’s not bleeding. Let’s just go, please? I’d really like to sit down.” You replied, walking past them in the direction you had all started in.
Natasha and Bucky gave each other a look before Bucky jogged over to you, picked you up bridal style, and kept jogging. Nat was jogging after the two of you, figuring that Bucky would want to get you to the safe house, stitched up and bulletless as soon as possible before your injury got any worse.
Twenty minutes of light jogging and your complaining that you could walk perfectly fine and Bucky didn’t need to carry you anywhere passed the time quickly, and before you knew it, the three of you were standing on the porch of the safe house. Natasha opened the door and allowed Bucky to take you inside. 
“Uh, guys? I may be hallucinating from blood loss, but there’s only one bed.” You said, tapping Bucky on the shoulder.
Natasha and Bucky shared a look, Bucky setting you down on the bed. “Tony did this on purpose.” She said, sitting next to you. “You know we’re gonna have to take your tac suit off to dress the wound, right?” 
“Yeah, I know.” You said, wincing. 
“Are you okay?” Bucky asked, cradling your arm as he slid it out of your sleeve.
“I’m just in a bit of pain, and I’m not wearing a shirt underneath this.” Bucky’s eyes widened. “It’s comfier without the shirt and the fabric crinkles weirdly, but I’m wearing a bra.” You reassured him. “You aren’t gonna see everything, Buck.”
“I’ll still feel better if Nat does it.” He said, shifting his weight between his feet.
Nat glanced between the two of you. “I can’t do that. I can’t stitch wounds, Buck. It has to be you, especially because that’s Y/N’s dominant arm.”
“Yeah, I can’t pull the bullet out and stitch my own wound shut this time, unfortunately.” You said, shrugging with your unwounded arm. “But if it would make you feel better, Nat can help me out of my suit. I’m wearing a pair of shorts and I’m sure that there’s an extra shirt around here somewhere that I can wear.”
“I can absolutely help you out of your suit, honey.” Nat said, reaching for the zipper.
Bucky averted his eyes, blushing, as Nat helped you out of the mission-necessary tactical suit. “I’m gonna go find the medical kit I know Tony must have in here, shout when you’re ready for me.” 
“Okay, Buck. Sure.” You said softly, wincing as your shot arm came out of the sleeve.
“Don’t mind his nervousness.” Nat said, moving towards the other shoulder. “He hasn’t really been with anyone since waking up from HYDRA and getting the trigger words taken out of his head. And I know he likes you, so that doesn’t probably make things better.”
Your eyes widened. “Bucky likes me?”
Natasha nodded quickly, “He’s not the only one. Do you have feelings for anyone?”
“I- um, yes? I just don’t want to say anything.” You said, averting your eyes from where Natasha was sliding your tac suit down your body.
“Why’s that?” She asked.
“I have feelings for more than one person. And I’m friends with them both and they’re friends.” You blurted out, feeling her hands skim over the band of your bra.
She nodded in response, slipping a finger in the band. “This is cute. Where’d you get it?”
“Ardene, you’d like it. I get a lot of stuff from there.” You breathed a sigh of relief that she was going to let this topic slide.
“Do I know either of them?” She asked, sliding your suit down further.
You nodded. “Both of them. Quite close, actually.”
“Am I?” You shivered slightly as you felt her breath ghost over your stomach. “You know it’s okay to talk about feelings, honey.” You hummed in agreement, mulling over in your head whether or not to tell her. “Buck or I won’t judge you.” Nat pulled your suit off and ran her hands up and down your calves a few times in a soothing motion.
Bucky popped his head back into the room. “What aren’t we judging?”
“Y/N has a crush on two people she’s friends with, they’re friends, and I’m apparently quite close to both of them.” Nat explained, keeping eye contact with you and slightly raising one eyebrow to make sure she got the facts right. You nodded once, sharply, fighting the urge to crawl under the covers and curl in on yourself.
“Oh, baby doll.” Bucky said, coming to sit next to you on the bed. “You know you can tell us anything.” He wrapped an arm around you and you burrowed your face into his chest. “Oh shit, this is something you’re really nervous about, isn’t it, doll?”
You nodded, knowing now you were going to have to tell both of them the truth. “I like you.” You said softly, knowing Bucky’s super-soldier hearing would pick it up.
“You like me, baby doll?” He asked, rubbing your back as Nat came to sit on your other side. You nodded again, attempting to burrow further into his chest. “Hey, that’s okay, sweet pea. I like you too.”
“Nat told me that.” You said softly, feeling the glare from your best friend burn into your back.
“Who’s the other one, N/N?” She asked sharply.
“You.” You said into Bucky’s chest, knowing he pointed at Nat when he heard you say it.
“Me?” Nat asked, surprised. 
You nodded, pulling your head out of Bucky’s chest, but not willing to meet either of their eyes. “Of course it’s you guys. It’s always been the two of you there for me.” You paused, letting them mull over what you just said. “It’s why Meg and I split.”
Bucky turned you to face him so he could start pulling the bullet out of your shoulder. “How so, baby doll?” Nat rested her chin on your other shoulder, holding out a hand for you to squeeze.
“Well, she didn’t like the fact that I was constantly on missions, which is literally my job, so that didn’t help matters. But the other thing is that she said I looked at you guys differently than her, treated the two of you better.” You said, looking down and squeezing Nat’s hand.
Nat rubbed your back, knowing that if you hadn’t told the two of them this, you hadn’t told anyone. “She broke up with you because she could tell you liked us?”
You nodded. “She said that if she wasn’t my first priority then we weren’t meant to be. And work is always my priority.”
“But then it’s us?” Bucky asked softly, stopping the bleeding of the removal from the bullet before he stitched you shut again.
“Yeah.” You said softly. “She didn’t like that much.”
Bucky stitched you up, and as he had changed out of his suit while finding the medical kit, pulled his shirt off for you to wear. “Here, sweetheart. You’re all stitched up.”
“Oh, thank you, Buck.” You said, putting on his shirt, the nickname and his scent lighting your insides on fire. You sighed softly, curling up under the covers and rolling away from both of them, not knowing what to say to your two closest friends now that you had spilled your heart to them and they didn’t say anything.
Nat knelt next to you on the bed, gently placing a hand on your busted shoulder. “N/N, please don’t pout. Buck and I have talked, because we both like each other, and you. We want to try to make this work.”
Bucky knelt on the floor, cupping your face in his hands. “We don’t have to move quickly, baby doll, we just wanna be with you, if that’s something you’d be okay with.”
“Yeah.” You said softly. “I’d be okay with that. But how does something like this even work?”
“Baby, this is like any relationship, we’ll figure it out as we go. Communication and comprehension is key. And we’re pretty good at that.” Nat said, gently rolling you onto your back. “So why don’t we just start with cuddles? And we can go from there later.”
You nodded, moving over to the middle of the bed so they could both crawl in with you. “Is this okay? Or did you guys want to be closer to each other?”
“This is perfect, baby doll.” Bucky said, reaching across you to throw his arm over both you and Nat.
“Yeah, perfect.” Nat said, snuggling further into your side.
“Yeah, this is everything I’ve ever wanted.” You said, leaning your head against Nat’s while curling further into Bucky.
“Quick take a picture!” You heard somebody exclaim to wake you up. You were still very disoriented, having just woken up and you hadn’t even blinked your eyes open when light flashed behind them. 
“What the fuck is that?” Nat mumbled into your shoulder, eyes closed still.
“I dunno.” You mumbled, wrapping an extra arm around her. “Don’ really care either.”
Bucky pulled you both closer. “It’s Sam and Steve here to pick us up.” 
“But ‘m comfy ‘n sleepy.” You mumbled into Nat’s hair.
“I know you are, baby doll.” He said, beginning to untangle himself from the cuddle pile the three of you were in. “How about we all go for a nap back at the compound after we let your bullet wound actually get checked out?” Once untangled, Bucky picked you up in one arm and Nat in the other to carry you back onto the quinjet.
You nuzzled into his shoulder. “That sounds good.”
“So how did this all happen, punk?” Steve asked, taking you carefully from Bucky so neither you or Nat were dropped.
Bucky glanced between you and Nat fondly. “We’re all idiots.”
Taglist: @chrisevansdaughter, @buckybarnesandmarvel, @sarahrogersevans, @nana1000night
Let me know if you want to be added or removed!
Yall I am so sorry that it’s been so long since I posted, but this is finished now and I hope you like it. I hope to get a lot more fics out by the end of August bc then I’ll be moving and starting at a new school and it’s gonna be a whole thing.
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phoenixstark1708 · 10 months
the daughter of an archangel
chapter 1
sooo..... this is my backstory in my marvel DR, major trigger warnings, this also crosses over into supernatural later, but i havent even written that yet.
trigger warnings: abuse, torture, blood, death, fucked up timeline, etc.
pairings: later will be sam/dean winchester, and even later will be bucky,
in this, endgame/inf war doesnt happen, i took plenty of creative liberties.
summary: (this is written in first-person) phoenix is a girl who was created by the nazi organization HYDRA, and she meets the winter soldier on a mission, i cant say much more without spoiling future chapters. will try to proofread but no promises.
word count: 2,654/10,649 - that ive written so far.
change of POV's will be indicated
“Get up you stupid pig!” the guard said, in a thick Russian accent, banging the cell door with his truncheon. He shone a flashlight in my eyes, making them burn from the lack of light for the past two days. I stretched out my sore muscles, wincing from the scabbed-over cuts all over my body. After days of no contact with anyone, just me and the cold, dark cell. Somehow being dragged away for training almost feels like a blessing. I stood and allowed him to cuff me. at this point, I know the drill. “so, Angel, how was your weekend?” He asked while holding my shoulder, guiding me out of the cell – the only place I’ve known as home for my whole life – literally. I was born in the damned bullpen. My mother died during birth, I guess having twins really had her beat.
On the way to the hell chamber – sorry, training room - I saw him, I saw Benjamin. For the first time in weeks, I saw my twin. He looked rough. Probably just had a sparring sesh with one of the winter soldiers. he’s always been smaller than me, But there was something different. he seemed especially weak. I haven’t eaten anything in what I assume has been around 4 days. He probably hasn’t either. They were always doing this, trying to weed out the weaker members. Its grim, but I knew he would die soon. It was clear that I was stronger, and if it came down to it, I would kill him without a second thought. After all, that’s how I was trained. I was bred, raised, and trained to be ruthless. And that is the only reason that I am still alive. HYDRA has no room for error.
As I walked into the training room, I saw the winter soldier, long, brunette hair, with a metal arm. The only time ive ever seen him is in cryo-sleep, he looked so peaceful, so harmless. The man standing before me was soemthing different entirely. His eyes were blue as ice, and just as cold. He looked right through me, almost like a drone. “this is her first mission. You will be supervising her.” he hands the man with a metal arm a file containing four pictures of senator james martin, whos been a public neusence for hydra for a while. The winter soldier grabbed me by the arm and dragged me through the door.
It was a quiet drive on the Harley, at the moment, we were just n full assassin gear. My small arms were wrapped around his waist, making him clearly tense up. His metal arm was glinting in the moonlight as we pulled into a nearby parking garage, a birdseye view of the gathering senator martin. “I will stay up here while you go inside. As many casualties as possible. No survivors.” He said gruffly, setting up the rifle. “They won’t let me in. I’m wearing a costume.” I said, my voice gravelly from days of no use. He glanced down at me for the first time, and gazed at me for a moment, before pulling out a T-shirt that had the senators face on it, and a pair of grey sweatpants. “Change into these, keep your weapons concealed until my signal.” I quickly stripped. he turned away, giving me privacy. I was more then used to being watched, so this was surprising. I fixed the too-large clothes, and looked harmless. Instead of looking like an eight-year-old assassin, I looked like a normal kid.
There was something in the winter soldier’s eyes that I didn’t recognise, almost like affection. I walked down the stairs of the parking garage, feeling his eyes on me the whole way. Slowly, I crossed the street, nearly getting hit by a truck that I didn’t know to look for. As I made my way to the entrance of the granite building, I noticed trucks outside, like the kind I saw at my home, - armoured trucks. I, of course thought this was normal. “Careful, there are hostiles in the building. Captain America and the black widow are protecting the target.” His voice came through my earpiece. “I don’t know who they are” I whispered back. “You will. They won’t want to hurt you, use that to your advantage.” And with that, he went radio silent.
As I walked barefoot through the large doors, I spotted a woman in a similar outfit to what I wear, only without the red skull. She spotted me immediately, and I tried to disappear through the crowd. I was unsuccessful. A man in a red, white, and blue uniform grabbed my arm gently, holding a shield in his other hand. “Who are you kid?” He peered down at me “I’m here to see my daddy.” I said, feigning panic. I pulled my arm out of his grasp and ran toward a random man, tugging on his shirt. Shield guy turned away before he could see the man push me away. I stayed by him, trying to convince the people that he was my father. I got a little turned around, when a perverted looking man grabbed my wrist “hey sweetheart. You’re gonna come with me now.” He said, his voice just as weird as him. The man in the jumpsuit put his hand on his shoulder “why dontcha leave the girl alone pal.” He dragged him away.
Just then, his signal came, by shooting the senator in the gut, taking him down. The panic set in immediately. People running around screaming like headless chickens. The man with the metal arm burst through the door, sealing off the only accesable exit. I grabbed the first person I saw, they just happened to be the senators daughter. She couldn’t have been more then seventeen; I snapped her neck. I unfurled my wings and tripped some old man with them. I stabbed him in his corroded artery, a fatal blow. Killing got easier the more I did it.
The fight went on like this for a while, until the red-haired woman pushed me to the ground “stay down kid.” seeing me pinned down, the man i was on the mission with began to make his way over to me. I waved my hand, and the woman went flying, hitting the wall with a thud. Oh yea, something I forgot to mention; I'm not a normal person. In addition to having my DNA spliced with the peregrine falcon, giving me wings, and the ability to fly, I was also experimented on with energy from the soul stone, one of the six infinity stones. Ergo, I had ‘powers’. The winter soldier stared at me, shocked, his brief moment of distraction caused him to get a wooden chair to the head. He shot the dude that hit him.
The man in the flag costume, and the woman ran. Smart. Tactical retreat. I ran to every person I saw, and killed as many as I could. Once we were sure that there were no more targets, the winter soldier grabbed me, and threw me on the motorcycle behind him.
We stopped at a motel that charged by the hour… if that tells you anything. “we will stay here for a while. You need to get clean, I know that the hoses hurt.” he said, a hint of compassion in his voice. Hes right. They used fire hoses to ‘clean up’ whenever any of us got dirty. I walked into the bathroom and stripped. I didn’t close the door, because I assumed I wasn’t allowed to. I didn’t know how to use the shower so I just sort of stared at it, waiting for it to turn on. The man walked in, turned the handle of the shower, and left. I jumped when water started to spurt out of the faucet. I stepped into the water slowly, gauging the temperature before completely immersing myself into it. My muscles involuntarily relaxed at the sensation of the warm water. I began rubbing the dirt off of my limbs when the winter soldier walked in.
He didn’t look at me, but made a damp washcloth and started cleaning his wounds. They were worse then I assumed, and I coudnt help but observe him while washing the rest of the dirt off of my body. I only sustained minor cuts and bruises in the fight, but he had deep lacerations on his face, presumably from the chair. I stepped out of the shower and stood there, a towering three-foot-seven-inches, short for my age. He glanced at me and handed me a towel while dabbing his wounds “whats this for?” I asked “dry yourself. They will notice our absence if were not back soon.” so, I dried myself off, and put on my uniform, running my fingers over the red skull with tentacles, like a squid. I giggled, imaging it wiggling its tentacles.
The little girl was looking at her uniform, giggling. For a moment I thought of two young girls in brooklyn. I was a teenager with sisters… what? No, I wasn’t. I am a weapon for hydra. Whats going on? I was steadily bleeding from the prick who hit me with a chair, we needed to get back to base. She suddenly looked up at me, concern evident in her sweet, blue eyes. “are- are you okay? You're bleeding,” she frowned. “Let me help you. I can make people feel better.” I skeptically sat on a bed near where she was standing. She slowly reached over to me; I shied away when her hand got close to my wound, remembering the various punishments I've had over the years. I am a wild animal. I need to be controlled. She looked into my eyes, the child-like glimmer long gone. It's unfair; all children should have that. No. She is not a child; she is a weapon. That’s it- like me. She gently laid her small hand on my head near the cut. All of the sudden her eyes started glowing, a certain gold color I'd never seen before. Her hands began glowing the same, and my head started tingling.
I immediately felt better. I can't explain it, but she somehow lodged herself into my memory, unintentionally. And I knew I would never forget her. She looked at me worried, noting the glazed look in my eyes. “are you alright? I'm sorry if I hurt yo-” I cut her off “My name is Bucky,” I blurted out; I had no idea where that came from. “You need to call me Winter, or ‘the winter soldier’, otherwise they’ll kill us both” she looked at me confused and alarmed “okay… I will” “we need to go back.” so I took her small hand, gently, and led her to the HYDRA-issued motorcycle we came here on. The drive back to base was cold. I could feel it in my bones. I couldn’t help but wish I could help her warm up. I didn’t know what I was feeling, but I knew HYDRA wouldn’t like it. I am a machine. Not a man.
I rode up to the gate “солдат?” soldier? “миссия успешна. приветствую гидру.” mission successful. hail hydra. The gate opened, and we rode into the garage. She was immediately ripped off the back of the bike and dragged away. “you are late. The camera in your suit shows you made a ‘pit stop’. She had an effect on you. You will both be heavily punished for this.” no. I practically jumped off the bike. I grabbed the mans neck and snapped it before being sedated. The last thing I heard before I got knocked out was “well, after we make them watch, we’ll have to wipe him again.” I woke up strapped to a modified autopsy table. Modified so I was reclined enough so that I had a clear view of the girl. And she had a clear view of me. One of the doctors walked in with an array of surgical instruments “doctor- sorry- creator! Thank goodness! I was scared we were taken by the bad people!” the little girls face lit up with relief. The doctor sighed and placed his kit on a surgical tray, the knives clattering against the cold steel. “child, птичий урод.” bird-freak “you have been very bad. And you know what happens to bad children.” he put on surgical gloves, and picked up a Sickle Probe, the device that dentists use. He walked toward her slowly “creator, im sorry! It was a mistake! Please. Im sorry” she cried out. however, she didn’t struggle against the restraints. “it is too late to apologise freak. You will be punished.” “yes sir.” she slumped against the autopsy table, keeping her fear-filled eyes on the doctor. He walked up to her small body, and turned off the magnetic cuff, allowing her arm to fall. The monster grabbed her arm, and stuck the hook of the sickle probe into the inside of her elbow. She began silently crying from the pain, blood slowly dribbling from the wound. He slowly dragged the hook down her arm, toward her wrist, tearing her skin. The blood was flowing heavily now, and he was trying to stifle her cries. After reaching her wrist, he put the probe down and picked up a rusty razorblade.
He moved to her chest, and drug the blade down her sternum, and to her lower stomache. She was crying freely now. “heal yourself.” she did as she was told, her eyes glowing gold, and the wounds shimmering as they healed instantly. He grabbed a klein tool – essentially a broader pliers. He walked to her bare feet, and clamped down on her small toe. He bent it to a sickening angle, causing the bone to snap with a disturbing CRACK. She screamed. He used the wire-clipping part of the klein tool to cut off a patch or skin on her foot. He grabbed a knife, and made slow, deep, and deliberate cuts all over her body. After nearly an hour, he decided hed had enough of that. he only reason she was still alive was because she wasn’t fully human – she couldn’t have been. “heal. Now. Not your foot though. You will deal with that.” she did as she was told. She was exhausted. She collapsed against the table before he shocked her with a set of jumper cables rigged up to a car battery. While watching this, I struggled against the restraints so much, my wrist began to bleed. Every time I screamed for them to let her go, my restraints would get an electrical charge. I was muzzled like a dog. Reminding me that I am no better then one. I am one. She screamed every time he cut her, shocked her, stabbed her, or tore the skin off her flesh. When she screamed, the building would shake. Not figuratively either.
She was clearly more powerful than she could see. She could easily kill him, she could kill everyone in this god forsaken building. HYDRA had control over her mind. But not in the same way as they had mine. They beat her down, made her feel powerless, made her think wrong is right, and right is wrong. I have to get her out of here. The doctor made his way over to me “judging by your reaction, she made an imprint on you. Well, time to forget her!” he said, laughing malevolently. “no! You cant-” I was cut off by a blow to my temple. They dragged me to the Memory Suppressing Machine. A white hot pain ripped through me. I couldn’t remember the mission, but I could remember a girl. A sweet, young girl. I knew I should protect her. As far as they're concerned, I don’t remember a thing. “Желание. Семнадцать. Ржавый. Рассвет. Печь. Девять. Добросердечный. Возвращение на родину. Один. Товарный вагон” my trigger words.
let me know if you wanna be tagged in pt2
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potatothots · 10 months
Requests are open. I'm trying to get myself back into writing. The dumpster fire that is my life right now killed my creativity. I'm hoping requests will help.
See below!
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Who I write for:
(Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Bucky Barnes
Wanda Maximoff
Natasha Romanoff
Steve Rogers
(Baulder's Gate 3)
Astarion (spawn and ascended)
Tav / Durge
(Mortal Kombat 1; 2023)
Shang Tsung
Lee Bodecker - The Devil all the Time
Nick Fowler - The 355
If you know of another I could do, let me know. If I know the character, I might attempt it.
Fluff, dark, mystery, horror, yandere, romance, drama
Just ask and we can talk. I don't do ddlg (nothing wrong, I just can't seem to get into it when I write).
I will do really dark stuff like rape, death, stalking, fighting, etc. You can read my other works to see.
Tropes, original, etc... If you have something specific, let me know!
M/M, M/F, M/M/F, M/F/F
x Reader
Most of my stories are x Reader. Easier to do, unless you don't mind sending me a character outline for an oc.
I do non x Reader pairings, too.
Halsin x Astarion
Astarion x Gale
Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes
Natasha Romanoff x Bucky Barnes
You get the point.
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12/06/23 - THE INTRO :)
Hi, my name's cherry/katt. Yes, katt is spelled that way.
This is a sub-blog i created in lieu of just having another platform to spew my girly little wisdom on.
At the time of this post i am 18 years old. And my dad is dead. One has no relevance to the other i just like pointing that out so people don't get disappointed when they find out that i'm actually kind of disturbing.
If we're being completely honest here, i'm just a weird girl who happens to be hot.
That being said, I'm in a lot of fandoms. This blog was created as a ted talk of sorts. Everything from what current characters i stan to any random piece of thinking i have while stoned. [This blog is 420 friendly, let's talk about it!]
I will try and post daily but there's no promises that i won't be able to keep.
Alright, that'll be all for this post!
Lukewarm regards,
xoxo - Cherry <3
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ronearoundblindly · 2 years
Ro's Bi-Weekly Edit
February 12th - February 25th, 2023
In case you missed it, here are the fics and ficlets posted within the last two weeks!
Below the cut are links and snippets of 6 parts from 4 series:
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Gifts Given, a mini-tale from The Root of All Ransom Ransom Drysdale x rich!Reader, enemies-to-lovers
“I was gonna see you off,” you huff, grabbing his elbow gently. He leans to kiss your cheek, a smooth way to cover up his whisper of, “second only to getting me off, but—“ he pulls the card out of your reach “—this is important, too.” “Seriously, Ransom, I can just cancel it under the room.” He tosses his card dramatically over the desk, making the poor hostess scramble to retrieve it. “Oops. I guess they already have my card on file, so unless you want to waste my money, sweetheart…”
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The Things We Do For Love, a mini-tale for Fools Rush In Steve Rogers x wife!Reader (Sketch & Keeps)
“Yeah, yeah, Keeps. Less talking, more washing.” He turns on the water. He imagines you can’t even feel the temperature through the layer. “Don’t be an ass.” He grimaces at the color thinning on its journey down the drain. “Don’t smell like one and we’ll talk.” Your husband points to the back of the shower for you to drop your now malleable clothes and shoves the bar soap in your hands. For good measure, he drizzles liquid body wash down your back. He waits for most of the ick to rinse from your hair and face before helping scrub shampoo through. It’s…unclear if the smell is lingering on the clothes and tile only or if you still stink. “Uh god,” he coughs out, “should I get the vinegar? Would that do it?”
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Alone Together, a Bedrock and Blueprints tale Ari Levinson x best friend!Reader
Your hazy gaze rakes up a very tall man in dark jeans and a dress shirt—well, as dressy of a shirt as Ari Levinson owns. “Hey,” he mutters with a smile. The tension in your chest boils over, face cracking into an ugly sob because he’s here. The perpetual anti-Valentine hauled ass across town for you…and you’ve had no food with alcohol. “Okay, alright,” Ari hushes, kneeling down so you can bury your face in his (thankfully dark) shirt. The hug masks that you are not happy from other patrons, and his position seems to give a few onlookers the wrong idea. A few people start clapping. Others join in and start ‘aww’ing you. They think Ari’s just proposed to you, and he stiffens in your arms. “For the record, this is why I don’t do this shit,” he says in your ear, making to pull away until you grip tighter. “Just one more second,” you blubber. You’re not quite ready to be seen, and there are still people watching. He rubs your back for as long as it takes.
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The Root of All Ransom, Part Five, Rated Mature Ransom Drysdale x rich!Reader, enemies to lovers
“Oh, hello, dear,” Linda chirps to you, watching Ransom sit on your other side, “don’t you look lovely.” His mother twitches her fingers like she needs a cigarette, faking an adjustment of her thick spectacles to hide the tremor, and the whole night is already worth skipping hanky panky before arrival. You do look lovely. It makes him look good. He’s winning. He needs a victory drink. When food is set down in front of you all by a catering staff, you immediately offer appreciation, and Ran parrots the ‘thank you.’ He doesn’t think much of it. He just takes your cue. Ransom has always known how to be decent; he chooses not to be out of spite…except near you. He likes looking good around you. It makes him feel like he could be good. Meg, subtle as ever, word vomits “holy shit” in response to Hugh Ransom Drysdale thanking the fucking help. When Ran catches her eye, Meg raises her brows and snaps her wrist like she’s cracking a whip. He scowls back, but his cousin is too far across the table to curse without upsetting you, so he just mouths ‘get fucked’ at her.
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Judgment, from Book II of The Stark Legacy Tony Stark's daughter, coming of age epic
Sam needed to take real notes on the developing side effects of her dermal Extremis injection. She needed a secure and sterile space to take samples. Shuri was a legend in Sam’s studies; Wakandan telecommunications, armor, medical care, and weaponry had no competition the world over. She was excited to work with the Princess.   The welcome party was mercifully small, but still included several of the most important people in the country. King T’Challa himself stood poised to greet his old friend, and Princess Shuri giggled beside her brother, talking excitedly to someone on her Kimoyo beads until seeing Bucky emerge from the quinjet. “Captain Barnes,” Shuri exclaimed, “you’ve brought me gifts!” Bucky handed her the crate Banner had given him in New York. “And Miss…” but the princess never finished her thought. The handful of Wakandans all stared at Sam, still wearing a hat and casual clothing. The warrior Okoye leaned over to the king, whispering, “is it a girl?”
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Seventeen, from Book II of The Stark Legacy Tony Stark's daughter, coming of age epic
“Hey, Ineffective Metal Man,” Rocket said, shaking a bottle of booze across the table, “calm down or I won’t pour you one.” “Iron…never mind. Not today.” Tony rested his head in his hand, looking out yet another small port window. Rocket sat confused. Stark had never refused to drink with him. “Why? What’s today?” “Actually, it’s my daughter’s birthday.” “Oh my god, you spawned?” Rocket blurted. His eyes shifted between the dirty looks of the others. “I mean, good for you.” “She is left on your world defenseless? That is terrible,” Drax added. “You’re probably gonna need to get her an expensive gift. Chicks like that,” Quill chimed. “What do you normally do for her birthday?” Gamora spoke to Tony directly for the first time. “A card,” Tony said, unable to turn back around, waving a hand around in apology. “Yes, one card representing someone of her choice for you to kill, an excellent gift,” Drax agreed.
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[Light Masterlist; Main Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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preciousbarnes · 1 year
how would Bucky respond to a bi reader?
I think he'd be quiet at first, but very supportive! He would do his own little research, learning about bisexuality out of a desire to support you and understand this new to him part of your identity.
I imagine pride month coming around (Sam tells him about this when he questions why there are suddenly so many rainbows everywhere) and he orders a bunch of pride stuff for you like little pins, flags, stickers, etc. I think he'd enlist help in putting together a little pride basket for you with everything he got, and present it to you when you got home from work that evening. He'd have this cute little shy smile when he tells you "happy pride, doll."
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rookthorne · 8 months
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It was no wonder that both women and men flocked to the shows performed by the Howling Commandos, and it was no secret that they were hoping for a glimpse, a peek at the elusive, enigmatic troop: Sarge. They all tried and prayed to see how the man moved on stage — his reputation well proceeded and earned.
You, however, never expected to end up right in the lap of temptation trussed up in irresistible charm and chivalry, all the while that smile...
Damn it all, you fell for a Devil.
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⠈⠂⠄⠄ 𝑪𝑶𝑳𝑳𝑬𝑪𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵 𝑷𝑨𝑰𝑹𝑰𝑵𝑮 ꧖ Stripper!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
⠈⠂⠄⠄ 𝑪𝑶𝑳𝑳𝑬𝑪𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵 𝑵𝑶𝑻𝑬 ꧖ Can we really be surprised at this point that this would happen?
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𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐡𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── 𝐊𝐄𝐘 ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
— 𝐀  = angst — 𝐖  = whump — 𝐈 = sick fic — 𝐃  = dark — 𝐃² = dead dove — 𝐏 = poly — 𝐊 = kid fic — 𝐅  = fluff — 𝐒  = smut
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꧖ 𝐏𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐏𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐆𝐞𝐭 𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐲 ⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄  𝐅
A venture to a club for a performance — the type that better suited the phrase ‘once in a lifetime’ — left you with far more than you could have ever anticipated for when you step out from the double, glass doors. 
The secrets within the lustful atmosphere weighed on your own thoughts, as did the vivid imagery of what happened up on that stage: the drag of heated palms over your clothes and the whispered words of praise that would fuel your sinful dreams for a time.
Only, the source of your maladaptive daydreams waited for you outside.
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꧖ 𝐒𝐅𝐖 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭 ⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄  𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲
꧖ 𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭 ⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄  𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲
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flowersforbucky · 2 months
down bad
bucky barnes x reader
author's note: i couldn't stop thinking about bucky being able to use his metal hand as a vibrator and therefore this was born.
warnings/tags: SMUT, oral (female receiving), fingering, bucky being used as a human vibrator, multiple orgasms, language, consumption of alcohol, reader is afab, no use of y/n, slightly possessive bucky, 18+ only
word count: 3.9k
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“You’ve got to be fucking joking,” Natasha mutters through a mouth full of popcorn. “Tyler from the statistics department? Are we talking about the same Tyler from statistics?”
“Nat, for the fourth time, yes. Tyler from statistics. The only Tyler from statistics that I know.” You reach for the bottle of Moscato that the two of you are sharing, pouring yourself some more wine.
“Nuh-uh,” Natasha shakes her head. “I don't believe you. There's no way he could be that bad.” She takes a sip from her own glass of wine. “He's too gorgeous,” she shrugs, turning to face you on the couch. The romantic comedy you had picked out for your bi-monthly movie night plays forgotten in the background.
“Trust me,” you sigh. “I was just as shocked as you are. But I swear on my life, he stuck his tongue in my ear. In my fucking ear, but wouldn't go down on me.” You can tell by the look on her face that Nat is trying her hardest not to laugh.
“He said his dick game is ‘too good to need to eat a girl out’.” You shake your head, cringing at the memory. “Which is also what he said when I merely suggested that he use my vibrator on me instead. He looked like I had kicked his dog.”
“Well?” she asks, a pained expression across her features. “Was it? Too good?”
“I didn't stay to find out,” you admit. “I faked a work emergency and dipped.” A laugh breaks through her pursed lips.
“I'm sorry–” she says, although her face says otherwise. “I shouldn't laugh. You just have the worst luck with men. Isn't that the third failed hook-up in what? Six months?”
“Don't fucking remind me,” you groan, throwing your head back on the couch and staring up at the living room ceiling. “I think I've lost all hope of ever having an orgasm given to me by another person again.”
Nat opens her mouth to speak, but quickly closes it when you both notice voices approaching from the hallway.
Sam and Bucky enter the room a moment later, both dressed uncharacteristically nice. You suddenly feel the desire to conceal yourself with the fleece throw blanket laying across your lap. You and Nat usually plan your movie nights for when the tower is relatively empty, so you're just wearing a pair of old sweatpants and a tank top. Bare-faced and hair unstyled, the fact that Bucky's gaze is locked on you as the two of them approach where you and Nat are lounging doesn't help. He's not smiling - but there's a look on his face that you don't quite understand. The ghost of a smirk on his lips and a twinkle of amusement in his eyes.
It's a look that makes you nervous - in addition to already feeling flutters in the pit of your stomach at how fucking good he looks.
“Hey, boys,” Nat greets them cheerily. “Where are the two of you going so dolled up?”
“There's a new nightclub in Brooklyn that a group of SHIELD trainees are going to tonight,” Sam answers. “They invited us and we've got nothing better to do. Figured we'd go check it out, get a few drinks. You ladies want to tag along? Or are you too busy watching - what is this, 10 Things I Hate About You?” He gestures towards the screen.
“Couldn't hurt to get out of the house for a while tonight, right?” Nat looks at you for confirmation, a knowing gleam in her eyes. “Who knows, you might even meet someone,” she adds, nudging you with her elbow.
Bucky lets out a sound halfway between a laugh and a cough, which he tries to play off as the latter. You narrow your eyes at him before glancing back to Natasha.
“For sure,” you agree, trying to ignore Bucky's bizarre behavior. “Couldn't hurt. You guys go on, we'll get ready and head there soon. Text us the name of the club?” You direct the last part to Sam in particular.
“You got it,” Sam says as he pulls his cell phone from his coat pocket. He turns to leave when both your and Nat’s phones chime with the club information. “Let's go man, our Uber's here,” he directs at Bucky.
“See you both soon,” he says before turning to follow Sam, though his gaze is still only on one of you.
“I'm gonna go throw on some make-up, curl my hair, and hope I can find something somewhat cute to–” Nat starts as soon as Bucky and Sam have turned back down the hallway.
“Was he acting kind of odd?” you interrupt her in a hushed tone.
“Barnes? Always. I've stopped reading into it too much.”
“Some spy you are,” you mumble. “Meet me back here when you're ready.”
— — — — —
One hour later, you're applying some last minute mascara and lip gloss in the backseat of an Uber on your way to downtown Brooklyn. Natasha sits beside you, ranting about an assignment that Fury has tasked her with and you swear you're trying your hardest to absorb everything she's saying - but your mind keeps going back to the way Bucky was looking at you just an hour ago.
What was with that little smirk? That curious glimmer in his eyes? Had he overheard your conversation with Nat? Had he developed the ability to read minds and knew you were thinking about how fucking hot he looked? Or was that thought simply written all over your face?
You knew you couldn't deny it. Bucky does look exceptionally attractive in his black suit, with his perfectly tousled hair - but you had found him to be ridiculously good looking since you'd first met him. Even in casual, everyday clothes, even in gym shorts and drenched in sweat, even covered in blood after particularly brutal miss–
“You girls have a great evening,” your Uber driver interrupts your train of thought as he comes to a stop in front of your destination.
You really need to get fucking laid. You definitely shouldn't be having these kinds of thoughts about Bucky. He's your coworker, your teammate, your training partner on many occasions, your friend…
Natasha thanks him and hands him a generous cash tip before climbing out of the car right after you.
“Thanks,” you tell her. “I'll buy our drinks.”
“Don't worry about me,” she tells you with a sly grin as you both flash the bouncer your IDs and enter the club. Despite the night still being relatively young, it's already bustling inside.
“You just focus on meeting people, mingling, maybe hitting it off with a super hot guy and taking him back to your place for some mind-blowing–”
“Super hot guy? Are you talking about me?” Sam’s voice interrupts Nat. You both turn around to see him and Bucky walking towards you, drinks in hand.
There's a roguish smile on Bucky's face as his eyes skim up and down your figure.
“You both look wonderful,” he compliments, but once again, his stare is focused only on you. If Natasha notices, she says nothing.
To be fair, you were impressed with how well you managed to put yourself together with such little notice. You found a black, backless mini dress crammed in the back of your closet that you had forgotten all about after snagging it on clearance forever ago. The form-fitting material hugs you in all the right ways, and paired with your favorite pair of strappy black heels, you're feeling infinitely more confident than you were when Bucky saw you just an hour prior.
“Thanks!” You chirp quickly, averting your gaze from him to take in your surroundings. To your left, the dance floor is lively, though not too overcrowded for your liking. To your right, there's a bar surrounded by tables filled with groups of people conversing - you vaguely recognize a couple of SHIELD agents huddled around one. The entire room is illuminated by the faint blue-green glow of the mood lighting, and the bass of the music vibrates through the floorboards.
Sam and Bucky excuse themselves to go say hey to the group of agents that had invited them, while Nat all but drags you over to the bar. You order a double shot of whiskey and throw it back as quickly as you can.
“I see what you mean now,” Nat whispers to you after downing her shot of tequila. “About Barnes,” she clarifies. “He's been eye-fucking you since we walked through the door.”
If you hadn't already swallowed your liquor, you would have spewed it all over her.
“He has not been eye-fucking me, Nat,” you say in an almost scolding tone.
“I'm just saying,” she throws her hands up. “There’s no way he could possibly be any worse than the last few guys you've gone for. I think you should go for it,” she shrugs.
“It's not that I don't think he'd be good,” you say defensively, forcing yourself to look away from where he and Sam are socializing with the small group of SHIELD agents a few tables away. “I just don't want things to be weird afterwards. We work together nearly every day, and we have a bunch of mutual friends–”
“Suit yourself,” she cuts you off in a tone of voice that very much says if you say so. “Now, are you going to dance with me or not?” She adds as she begins tugging you towards the ever-busying dance floor.
You spend the next half hour dancing with Nat before she's swept away by some black-haired doctor looking type. Good for her, you think as you watch them converse intimately at a small booth on the other side of the room.
Thanks to the liquid courage that runs through your veins, you're okay with the fact that Bucky stands just twenty feet away from you, watching you as you dance among the thick crowd of people.
You've made eye contact with him a few times now - on accident or on purpose, you're not sure at this point. But each time, your eyes lingers on his for a moment longer than the last.
You're mentally daring him to come here, to make a move, to do something other than stand to the sidelines of whatever conversation Sam and the others are engaged in.
The slightest bit of pressure on your waist snaps you back to the now congested dance floor.
You look up to find that the hand on your waist belongs to a tall man with shoulder length, sandy blonde hair. He's conventionally attractive enough, though not who you were hoping would come grab you on the dance floor.
“I'm Shawn,” he introduces himself, loudly enough for you to hear him over the roaring music. You tell him your name, pushing aside the pang of disappointment in your chest.
“Do you want to go somewhere a bit quieter to talk, maybe? Let me buy you a drin–”
“There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you,” a voice booms from behind you.
Shawn immediately retracts his hand from your waist, backing up a few inches as Bucky comes into view beside you.
“Must not have been looking too hard, I've been right here this whole time,” you jab back with a smug smile.
“Sorry, I didn't mean to–” Shawn says as he starts to back away.
“No worries, bud,” Bucky says in an overly friendly voice as he moves to stand in front of you, blocking you from Shawn's view entirely.
“Took you long enough,” you tell Bucky once the man is out of ear shot, once again beginning to sway to the music. “Get bored of listening to Sam hype himself up to the newbies?”
He takes a step closer, angling himself behind you. The crowd of people surrounding you edges you closer to him - your bare back brushing against the cool satin fabric of his suit.
“Maybe,” his chest vibrates against your skin when he speaks. He places his hands on either side of your hips - eliciting goosebumps across your skin in a way that no one else has in a long, long time.
“Or maybe I just wanted to save you from wasting your time on another guy who can't make you come.”
Your movements come to an abrupt pause as his words hit you.
He had fucking overheard your conversation with Natasha.
At a loss for words, you turn to face him. There's a shit-eating grin spread across his face. He thinks this is hilarious and it's obvious.
“Hasn't anyone ever told you it's rude to eavesdrop?”
“Is it really eavesdropping if I have superhuman hearing?” He takes a step closer to you, closing what little distance was separating you. The peaks of your breasts brush against his chest.
“So what happens now that you've saved me from another unsatisfactory hook-up?” You challenge, staring up at him in the neon blue lighting.
You can smell hints of cedarwood and sage from his cologne in your close proximity. It's so delicious that it's dizzying.
“Let me take you somewhere more private than this dance floor and I'll show you.”
“You seem to have a lot of confidence in your ability to give me a better experience,” you say, leaning forward so that your face is just inches from his.
He responds by placing his flesh hand on the small of your back and pulling you flush against him. The tips of his fingers continue to dance down the skin of your exposed spine. His vibranium hand comes to cradle your jaw, his metal thumb tracing your bottom lip.
His mouth forms a dark smirk - and then you feel it. It starts soft and subtle and then gradually increases in intensity.
His fucking thumb is vibrating against your lip.
If you hadn't been standing in the middle of a crowded dance floor at a nightclub in downtown Brooklyn, you would have taken that thumb into your mouth and sucked on it right then and there.
“What do you say?” he asks, now tugging on your bottom lip with the pulsing digit. “Are you going to let me take you to the first empty room I can find in this place and make you come?”
“I say show me the way.”
He removes his hand from your face and turns you in the direction of the back of the club. He guides you through the throng of dancers, keeping his hands placed firmly on either side of your waist from behind. His vibranium fingers still hum softly, reminding you of what he says is to come.
Directly past the dance floor, there's a hallway blocked off by a rope with a sign that reads employees only. Taking a quick look around, you see that all of the patrons surrounding you and Bucky are paying you no mind. Bucky unhooks the flimsy rope and the two of you slip down the hallway.
He jiggles the handles of several doors that all turn out to be locked. Not wanting to waste any time or draw any attention to yourselves with picking locks, you continue down the dark corridor until the heavy music from the heart of the club fades to a muted roar.
The very last door opens without a hitch.
Thanks to the pale orange glow of a table lamp on a desk in the corner of the room, you can see that you're in a makeshift office/supply room - a couple of filing cabinets, cleaning supplies, extra glassware, and some sound equipment strewn haphazardly throughout the limited space.
Bucky clicks the lock into place as soon as he closes the door behind him.
You're going to turn around him and tell him that he doesn't have to do this - that as badly as you want this, you don't want to ruin your friendship, that as badly as you want him, he doesn't have anything to prove to you - but his lips are already on yours as soon as you start to open your mouth.
He doesn't take his lips off of yours as he guides you backwards to the rickety wooden desk. The backs of your thighs hit the table and Bucky effortlessly lifts you to sit on the edge, giving him the perfect angle to deepen the kiss - with his tongue exploring your mouth, you're unable to stop yourself from groaning into the kiss.
You fist your fingers into his hair, tugging just hard enough so that he hisses into your mouth. His own hands trail from the sides of your stomach and down your thighs, until he reaches the tail of your dress. You instinctively part your legs for him, as much as the restrictive fabric will allow, and his vibranium hand shoots between your thighs.
He teases you, dragging his index finger along the cloth of your panties that you know you're close to soaking through already. Just as the tip of his finger pauses above your clit, his finger begins emitting the softest vibration.
You break the kiss, breathless as you throw your head back at the sensation. Bucky takes it as an opportunity to attach his lips to the pulse point of your throat, nipping your flesh with his teeth followed by a wet kiss.
He continues with the ministrations through your panties until you're rutting against his hand, needing more. He tugs your underwear to the side and increases the intensity of the vibration before nudging his middle finger past your entrance.
You have to hold onto his shoulders to steady yourself - despite the fact that you're sitting, your body feels like jelly beneath his touch. He adds in his index finger with ease before cupping your pussy in his palm - the heel of his hand pulsating against your clit.
“Fuck, Bucky,” you cry against his mouth.
“You're so fucking wet for me, you know that?” He coos, thrusting both of his fingers against the spongy-flesh of your walls.
You can feel the vibrations of his hand all the way from your belly to your toes.
You begin grinding your hips to meet the movement of his fingers, fucking yourself against his hand. There's a familiar knot forming in your lower belly as he curls his fingers inside you -
“I want you to think about me and how good I'm making you feel every time you think about letting some fuckin’ nobody touch you,” he says in a low voice next to your ear. “I want you to think about riding my fingers until you come all over my hand.”
His words send you over the edge and you do exactly that - your pussy clenching around his fingers as you ride them through your orgasm. While you're still coming down from the high of your climax, Bucky pulls his metal fingers out of you and brings them to your lips, inserting his index finger in your mouth. You swirl your tongue around the slick metal as he brings the vibrations to a halt and then slowly pulls the finger from your mouth.
He picks you up off the edge of the desk and plants you back on the ground - your legs still shaking from how hard you had come.
“Turn around and lean over the desk,” he instructs you, soft but authoritative.
You don't know if it's because of the way he's looking at you or because of how good he's already made you feel, but in that moment, you would've done anything he asked of you.
You bend over the desk, supporting yourself by leaning on your forearms. You peak back over your shoulder to look at Bucky - he hikes your dress up, baring your ass to him.
He lets out an audible groan before he has even pulled your panties down to your ankles.
He kneels on the ground behind you, his face inches away from your cunt. He uses both his flesh and metal hands to spread you open for him, and then his tongue is licking up your center from behind.
God, you hope no one tries to come into this room. The door may be locked but the sounds that someone would hear if they even walked up to the door…
Bucky knows just how to make you writhe above him. He's soft when he's kissing up your folds and unsparing when he's sucking your clit between his lips. His hands hold your ass in a firm grasp that teeters between pleasure and pain.
You grind back against his face and he moans so deeply that you feel the vibration of it up your core. Your eyes roll back into your head as you clutch the sides of the desk to better support yourself.
His enthusiasm alone has you spiraling towards a second climax embarrassingly fast.
“You know,” he murmurs against your sensitive pussy. “When I overheard you say that someone had refused to go down on you, I couldn't believe it. What a fuckin idiot to pass this up.” He gives your ass cheek a firm slap with his flesh hand before diving his face between your legs once more.
It's just seconds before you feel the telltale pressure growing in your lower belly once more. You go limp against the table, Bucky placing his hands on the backs of your thighs to help keep you upright as you ride out your orgasm on his face.
You continue to lay against the desk as you regain control of your breathing. Bucky stands up, tugging your panties up your legs and back around your waist as he does. He then shimmies your dress back down into place so that you're once again looking club-appropriate.
When you turn around to face him, he's wiping your slick from his lower face on the sleeve of his suit, once again displaying a shit-eating grin.
“What was it you said?” He asks in mocking contemplation. “You had lost all hope of ever having an orgasm given to you by another person again?”
“I think you've made your point. You're fantastic at eating pussy and you're a walking human-sex toy.” You roll your eyes at him and start to walk towards the door, but he grabs your wrist in his metal hand, stopping you.
He pulls you back to him and brings his flesh hand to cradle your jawline. He stares at you in a heavy, uncertain silence for a split second before bringing his lips to yours.
It's a kiss that's a bit more hesitant, and a lot less rushed than the one before. You taste yourself all over him, warm and salty. He takes his time getting lost in your mouth - you savor every second and it still comes to and end all too once.
“Couldn't help myself,” he smiles softly when he pulls away. “Just had to kiss you one last time.”
You can't help the way your heart skips a beat when he says the word last.
You clear your throat. “We should probably go find Sam and Natasha,” you say, giving him a small smile in return. “I'm sure they're both wondering where the hell we are.”
You spend the rest of the evening attempting to mingle with friends, but there's one thought that torments you for the remaining duration of the night - just a few hours ago, you doubted that you'd ever have a satisfactory hook-up ever again.
Now, you had to wonder if anyone else could ever make you feel as good as Bucky did.
i left this kind of open-ended soooo leave it to your own interpretation what happens next for them 🤭
as always comments/reblogs are infinitely appreciated. thanks for reading!
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buckysbabygorl · 4 months
Say It
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Summary: Bucky hates you and the feeling is mutual. It didn’t matter if he was attractive, or heroic, he was a grade A pain in your ass. The petty insults and the constant staring. It unnerved you. But you know how to get under his skin….
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: SMUT, enemies to lovers, swearing, gun use (no violence), begging, dom/brat dynamics
Sergeant Barnes was nothing more to Y/N than a nuisance.
He was always giving Y/N shit. At the compound, on the streets, during missions. He just never let up.
She did her best to avoid him, as being in the same room as him always brought out her worst.
He made her feel snippy and childish, resorting to constant defenses and quick retorts that left her with her head spinning afterwards.
It always felt like he got the final word, the last laugh, and it drove her crazy.
But with all his insults he dealt out, she had one solid retort. The one thing that could get under his skin… his army title.
She wasn’t sure why, but nothing else phased him.
For him, it was the way she phrased it. Laced with disdain and contempt, throwing his authority back in his face.
His title be damned, she didn’t care. He may have been an authority figure in the army but he was by no means her superior. They were equals on the field and she made sure to remind him of that every chance he got.
She never called him by anything else, other than a few nicknames like asshole, dick, etc.
Never Barnes, never Bucky, never James.
Just sergeant.
And today was no exception.
Barnes and Y/N had both failed their firearms tests, or rather, neither had shown for their scheduled tests due to an emergency mission. Both were extremely skilled in their previous tests, but without passing the second time, neither of them would be reinstated as agents.
Not wanting to take any chances, Fury mandated bi-weekly training for the two. Why they had to train at the range at the same time, was beyond them.
“Your stance is off.”
Y/N huffed, glancing at Barnes out of the corner of her eye.
He stood to the side, arms crossed over his vest, gaze piercing under neath his protective glasses.
“Noted,” she chided, “Though your input wasn’t asked for, it’s noted.”
He chuckled, “Just trying to help. Wouldn’t want to fail your second time, would you?”
She reminded herself to unclench her jaw, nearly shattering her teeth in annoyance.
“I didn’t fail. I missed it. Same as you did.”
She sturdied herself, aiming for her target at the far end of the range.
She calmed herself, breathing in and out. In… and out… in—
“You’re gonna miss if you keep that stance.”
She growled, “Will you shut up and just let me shoot?”
“You need all the tips you can get, kid. No need to get hostile.”
A nickname she loathed, kid. He was always throwing it up in conversation, even when addressing her to other people. His constant reminder of how “young and inexperienced” she was.
“If you don’t stop talking, I’ll show you hostile.”
He stalked closer, leaning against the firing stall wall.
“Considering that you’re so inexperienced with a weapon, I don’t feel all that threatened.”
She disarmed her rifle and rested it, turning to face him.
“Right, right.” She said, “I have no experience with weapons. If only I had as much experience as you, tell me another fucking war story while you’re at it Sergeant.”
His face lost its smirk, dark blue eyes now glaring at her.
“You should show me some respect.”
She laughed, turning away from him.
“I should show you nothing, I don’t owe you anything.”
She picked up her rifle again, rearming it and getting set to shoot. She could feel his eyes boring into the side of her head. Her face grew hot, a trickle of sweat slipped down her temple.
Just breathe. Be steady, be certain. Fingers on the trigger, get ready…
“You gonna wait all day?”
That was it.
7 shots fired from the barrel, fast and paced with perfect precision.
7 holes left in the target’s chest, all she needed to pass.
She would be ready for upcoming test.
She disarmed her rifle once more, removing her tactical gloves and tossing them to the table.
“Anything else you care to say?” She asked.
His eyes had never left her form, and he smiled.
“Lucky shots.” He replied, “Hopefully they don’t clock your form on Friday.”
“Fuck you.”
She moved to walk passed him, her arm colliding with his shoulder.
He grabbed her wrist and whipped her back to the stall.
“Don’t talk to me like that. Be quiet and stand here.”
His hands gripped her hips hard, and he spread apart her legs with his. His stubble scraped her cheek, his breath hot on her ear.
He moved her as he spoke, his hands harsh and controlling. “Face the target squarely, feet shoulder width apart. Toes should face the fucking target flex your knees—”
His hips bucked against hers, “Lean forward towards the target. That’s how you take a fucking shot.”
He was breathing hard against her neck, his heart ramming against his chest. She hoped he couldn’t hear hers ramming too.
“That’s isosceles. I prefer the weaver stance.”
He didn’t move, and neither did she.
“Yeah?” He uttered, “You do that and you expose an area. Right here—”
His large hand wrapped around her torso, nearly encompassing her side.
“—that’s open from your armor. You get shot there, you die.”
She shoved him off of her, whipping around to face him.
“What difference does it make? They’re both accepted stances by the government’s protocol.”
“If you don’t give a fuck about your survival chances then why give a fuck about your test at all? Your stance matters.”
She stepped to him, her face inches from his.
“I give a fuck about my survival chances. Just because I don’t like your old school, traditional bullshit stance, doesn’t mean I don’t give a fuck about my test.”
“You refuse to take any criticism about your skills, it’s gonna get you killed.”
“Oh you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
Their chests heaved in unison, their eyes wild as they dared to look at one another.
“Then you wouldn’t have to deal with the hot-shot rookie that knows more than you, that could replace you in a heart beat.”
Discarding his eyewear, he scoffed in her face. As he stalked forward, her back inched towards the opposite stall wall.
“You think you’re so much better than me, than everybody on this team. You couldn’t replace me, I’m one of the strongest and most experienced members on this team. You’re nothing but an entitled brat with your head in your ass. I can do more than you could possibly imagine.”
Things were turning dangerous. She hated that he insulted her age, she hated that he called her inexperienced, she hated that he was constantly fucking with her head. She hated that he looked so fucking hot when he was this angry, standing right in front of her.
“Oh yeah?”
She grabbed the tactical gloves and shoved them into his chest.
“Then why don’t you show me how it’s done—”
He watched as her lips snarled, hand pressed against his chest.
Don’t say it. Don’t you fucking say it.
She smirked.
His hands flew up so fast.
Gloves fallen to the floor, her hands were pinned to the wall.
He pushed her up with his hips, body taut against her.
Her eyes were blown wide, lip dropping in awe.
“Say it again. I dare you.” He growled through gritted teeth, noses touching.
She urged her body not to tremble at his grasp, heat pooling in her abdomen.
He was testing her. Playing some twisted mind game. He wouldn’t hurt her, he wanted to see if she backed down. She wouldn’t.
Blue eyes turned black.
His mouth was hard on hers, fingers digging desperately in her wrists. He pressed his hips forward, pushing his hardness into her clothed core.
She gasped into his lips and he took the chance to battle with her tongue. He ground himself against her again.
He pulled away, taking in her shocked gaze.
“You wanna mouth off to me? Give me attitude?”
He ducked his head into her neck and she shuttered. His hips continued their bucking.
“No respect… I’ll teach you how to behave.”
Her head was spinning, thoughts running wild from the man in front of her. All this hatred, all this fighting, now his hands were releasing hers and stripping off her vest.
Her hands were free now, why wasn’t she pushing him away?
She grabbed his shoulders to stable herself, watching as his hand dipped into her waistband. The other gripped the underside of her ass, keeping her clothed pussy right against his hardening cock.
He laughed to himself, “Is this you showing me hostile? Look at you now, nothing to say.”
She stifled a moan as his fingers drifted across her panties.
“Barnes, I—”
He awed, “There it is. No ‘sergeant’ this time, huh kid?”
He rubbed at her clit through the fabric, watching as she struggled to keep her composure.
Her nails dug into his shoulders, and he hissed.
“Don’t call me that.”
He leaned in to her neck, fingers shifting her panties to the side.
His voice vibrated against her throat.
“You don’t like it? Be good and I’ll call you something else.”
She gasped as his fingers entered her, strong and purposeful.
He groaned at her wetness, licking the skin at the base of her neck.
Her legs clenched around his waist, he rewarded her with another finger.
“If I’d known fucking you would have shut you up, I would’ve done it sooner.”
She swallowed a sigh as his fingers pressed against that perfect spot.
“You aren’t fucking me. You’re teasing me.”
He bit her neck and she gasped again.
“Be patient sweetheart, I’ll fuck you soon enough.”
As his thumb circled her clit while his fingers pumped into her, her eyes rolled back. Head drawn back, she couldn’t help but moan.
Bucky hummed as he fucked her with his fingers, “You like that?”
She bit her lip as he continued his teasing, his face moving away from her neck.
He leaned back and grinned, “Is that what you want? Me calling you sweetheart while I fuck you?”
Her moan interrupted her as he picked up his pace.
He tsked as he rested his forehead against hers.
“Use your words. You wanted to before.”
She whimpered as he withdrew from her, angry with herself for giving into him as much as she had. She couldn’t let him win like this, she had to bite back a little.
“No,” she huffed, “Try something else to turn me on.”
He smirked at the challenge, and his hands dipped back into her waistband.
She wasn’t prepared for him sliding her pants to the floor, hiking her up further onto the wall.
“Fine,” he said, “but you’ll have to ask nicely.”
He was as soft as before, his fingers moving at a harsher pace. The newfound angle left her crying out, desperately clawing at his arms in pleasure.
“What do you think, huh? Maybe baby?”
He dipped his head to her chest, sucking at the delicate skin.
He didn’t need to watch her to know what she liked, he could feel it in her body. The beating of her heart and the rapid breaths she gave as he pulled her closer and closer to her peak.
“Princess?” He drawled, “No, no…”
He curled his fingers, pulling another whimper.
“How about Angel?”
She clenched around his fingers and gasped as he bit into her breast.
“Oh god—.”
“Ask me nicely, Y/N.”
Her back arched against the stall, eyes closed as he edged her.
“Fuck, yes. Yes Barnes, yes.”
She cried out as he drew her orgasm from her, hips rutting into his hand.
He groaned as she coated him with her wetness, the mewing mess he had made of her.
This was so much better than training.
“I knew I’d get you begging. I fucking knew you’d be good for me.”
He pulled her away from the wall, and she stumbled into his arms. Her eyes were glossy, hair tussled and lips swollen. All from him, all his doing. Pride welled in his chest, but he wasn’t done yet.
He spun her around, leaning her against the table that faced the targets.
“Remember what I told you Angel. Feet apart, bend forward.”
He pushed her chest down to the table, hands raking over her backside.
She growled, “I don’t need another damn shooting lesson.”
Her ass stung as his hand spanked her.
“What happened to being good, kid?”
She propped herself up on her elbows, “I said, don’t call me that—ah!”
He smacked her ass again, “That fucking mouth again. Why don’t you put it to good use?”
She sighed as he pushed her down to the table again, “What? You want me to suck you off, that it?”
He chuckled, “No Angel, I’ve got something else in mind.”
His hands swiftly removed his belt, slipping down his pants and boxers to leave him in nothing but his vest and t-shirt.
Pulling out his cock, he teased her entrance. Slowly sliding his head along her glistening folds, listening as she moaned in anticipation.
“You’re gonna say my name.”
He dipped his throbbing head in, feeling her legs tense… her pussy clench around nothing.
He pulled back and she exhaled.
“You’re gonna beg me, and you’re gonna say my name.”
She attempted to rut back against him, desperately hoping she’d take him in.
She couldn’t say his name, she couldn’t beg. She’d never live that down.
His metal hand held her in place, not letting up.
“Say it Angel,” he demanded, “Beg me to fuck you.”
“Screw you Barnes—”
His thumb was harsh on her clit, and she yelped at the rough circles he drew into her.
“I’ll leave you here, a wet fucking mess. Don’t test me, Y/N. Say it.”
“Fuck,” she cried out as he teased her with his fingers. “Fine I—”
He put the head of his cock in again, stretching her entrance.
“Bucky, please.”
He hummed, “Better. But not what I want.”
She felt herself grow cold in her exposure, Bucky pulling away and hand leaving her side.
She whipped around, “What? I said it!”
He smirked at her, shaking his head.
“First name, Angel. And beg.”
“Are you fucking serious?”
He could see it in her eyes, how desperate she was. Yearning for more, but so damn proud.
“Just say it, Angel. All you have to do.”
She hissed through her teeth, so touch starved she could cry. This would be the death of her, her legs shaking and wetness pooling at her thighs. Fuck, she had to.
“For god’s sake James, please just fuck me.”
He strode forward with ease, pushing her back onto the table.
He knew she’d give.
“That’s my girl.”
Her hips were around his waist in a second, hands in her hair and kissing her roughly as she moaned beneath him.
He bucked his hips against hers, sliding his cock along her dripping entrance.
He lined himself up and thrust into her, her head rolling back in a loud cry.
He groaned as he filled her up, her pussy tight around him.
“Fuck, you feel perfect.”
He rutted into her at a relentless pace, unforgiving as his hands gripped her waist.
“So good, Angel. Could fuck you forever with a pussy like this.”
Her fingers curled into his hair, gripping tightly as he pounded her harder against the table.
“You want that? You want me to fuck you over and over? ‘Til you can’t say nothing but my name?”
She exhaled a yes, mind too clouded from pleasure to stop herself. She was melting in his hands now, completely at his whim.
“Say it Angel, say my name.”
She was going to cum again, her vision growing blurry as it pooled in her stomach.
“James, oh god, James!”
She came hard, the lights blinding her as her orgasm took over her body.
His thrusts grew harder, determined to keep her cumming until he finished.
“That’s it Angel, cum for me. So fucking pretty when you cum.”
His hips stuttered as she looked at him, a moaning mess with her pleading eyes.
“Cum inside me James, please.”
He was done for.
He finished with a groan, body falling limp against her. Their chests rose and fell in unison, their breaths filling the quiet room.
It was dawning on them now, the wild scenario that had played itself out.
How did they get here?
Too tired to question it, Bucky lifted himself off of her.
He gently wrapped his hands around her waist, guiding her to sit up.
Silent, they look at each other.
Their faces were unreadable, dripping with sweat and cheeks swelled with red.
She tried to discern that look in his eyes, she never knew what he was thinking.
Unless he was right in her face, snarling at her, then she knew what he felt.
Anger, frustration, hatred.
This look… now that was something new.
He cleared his throat, running a hand through his hair.
“Okay…” he started, “no more ‘kid’ and no more ‘sergeant’.”
She swallowed, not trusting her voice she responded with a nod.
He nodded back. “No more fighting. It’s exhausting.”
She was taken aback that, and he laughed at the look of shock on her face.
“C’mon. It is.” He pointed between them, “Our energy is much better spent on this.”
She laughed, shaking her head. “Wow, just like that?”
He nodded. “Mhm, just like that. You drive me crazy but, I can’t say I haven’t been thinking about this since the day we met.”
Speechless again, she stared at him as he continued.
“You’re frustrating, you make me worried, you—hell you’re reckless and it scares me. Feels like I have to keep an eye on you all the time.”
“You are frustrating. You don’t trust me to take care of myself or the team.” She said
He shook his head, “Not true. You’re a great agent, but I meant what I said. You don’t take criticism.”
She scoffed, “And you criticize too much.”
Still shocked at the events prior, she didn’t shove him away as he moved to hold her.
She shocked herself further by wrapping her arms lazily around him.
“Well,” he said, kissing the top of her head, “we’ll work on that.”
Sloppily written but hey, we get what we get and don’t get upset.
@cuddlycalcifer @babyblue-07 @babybluereads @lonewolf471 @niiight-dreamerrrr @fandomsfallnomore @elliee1497 @godspeedlover @sexwithhiddlesbatch @shower-me-with-roses @yougottalovefandoms @rebekahdawkins @gentlybarnes
Bucky tag list:
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stxrvel · 1 year
hate is a strong word
summary: you hated Bucky and you were convinced that he hated you back. until one time he was talking to you and it started to sound... lovely? what was happening?
pairing: bucky barnes x f!reader
words: 6k
warnings: some bad words, a lot of arguments, a HUGE flashback, a little bit of angst i think? bucky and reader insult each other, reader doesn't like to listen, bucky is easily angered, bucky likes to destroy things when he gets angry but regrets it easily, this is not exactly a healthy relationship(? descriptions of weapons, missiles and buildings being bombed, reader is also very stubborn and likes to put her life at risk… or so.
note: hi guys!! so i came back and i am kinda proud of this one. i think i haven't felt that way in a long time. i gave myself the time to write when i felt like it and it was wonderful, so this came out. also i put the poll for a whole week and i can't change it now >:(, but i think this onsehot fits the angst with a happy ending (im not sure if this fits the angst tho, you gotta tell me) but im gonna try to do something else that fits the vibe, and i'll probably do some other poll to write about someone else. (also i think i should warn you guys that i dont think im that good writing action scenes or tension scenes, so if that's bad i hope you forgive me): anyway, hope you guys like this one!! i love reading your comments so if you want and can, please leave some <33 love you all and see you next time!
part 2
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Bucky was really pissing you off too much at that moment. Or maybe you were feeling a little uncomfortable.
He hadn't spoken a single word to you since you had arrived at that tiny house, only shrugged silently and then exploded. You had seen Bucky explode several times before and you admitted that watching him was somewhat entertaining; seeing the faces of frightened people, trying to flee away from his angry face and destructive hands, but physically forced to stand by and listen to his scolding. You used to have fun with that. However, at the time, when you were the extreme recipient of that anger, it wasn't so much fun.
You had already heard a couple of broken glass, shattered wood and metal containers fall to the ground. Maybe five minutes or so had passed and he was barely pausing to look at his artwork. It wasn't too much that he had taken and thrown while you had stayed in the room, but it had all sounded very loud, so you had no choice but to go out and see what he was doing.
You were leaning against the threshold of the hallway to the bedrooms, right across from the living room and kitchen. Bucky looked like he had just finished getting all his anger out when he finally stood silently. He probably thought you were asleep while he was doing all that, as if that sound couldn't wake you up. Was he really that angry about what you had done? You mean, yes, it was very risky, but there you were alive, weren't you?
You felt the best thing you could do was to stay quiet and wait for him to say or do something, because you could risk that angry outburst really coming down in your face. For that moment he had only taken it out on the house, which had nothing to do with your problems, and you didn't want the arguments to start filling the silence that followed his stillness.
But, well, you didn't always do the right thing. That's why you were in that situation in the first place.
“Are you done yet?” you signed your sentence.
Bucky had a tense posture, squared shoulders moving in rhythm with his accelerated breathing. His back was to you, staring at the kitchen counter that had been left completely empty. You knew by the way he was clasping his hands that he was trying to maintain his composure.
“Are you serious?” his voice came out hoarse, a sign of his growing anger.
Maybe you should have stopped there, or when he continued to not turn to look at you, but you just couldn't keep your mouth shut.
“What's your problem, Barnes? Yes, I took a chance, but it's not that big of a deal. It's not for this,” you pointed to the mess around you, even though he wasn't looking at you.
“It's not a big deal, you say?” Bucky moved and you felt yourself watching his angry figure move in slow motion. “What's your problem?”
His beady eyes met yours. You felt a little intimidated by the ripples of annoyance coming off his body, filling the entire room with an unbearable, suffocating tension. His scowl and that strangely calm tone of voice made your hair stand on end.
None of the pieces of glass or splintered wood on the floor looked as dangerous as that expression on Bucky's face. He looked very angry, yes, but there was also something in his eyes when he looked at you. Something like concern… but that was impossible.
“Really, Y/N, what's your problem? Who the fuck do you think you are?”
“Now, what the fuck are you talking about?”
“I was the mission leader!” his voice rose, his body moving forward as he pointed his index finger at himself. “And you were supposed to follow my orders.”
“I did, Barnes, I-”
“No,” he exclaimed, again moving closer. “You didn't do anything I asked you to do! Why can't you just…? Argh.”
You moved back a little as he planted his hands on the dining room table. You felt a little pressure in your chest at the sight of him like this, as if defeated and hopeless. Disappointed. But that was a common thing. That's why you used to have individual missions, and that's why you didn't really like working in a team. You mean, it wasn't wrong to do it, but everything always ended up in arguments because nobody liked the way you worked, so it was better to do it alone, right?
Seeing Bucky like that reminded you of how many times you had seen that look on the faces of Steve, Natasha, Tony, Clint, even Thor… It was never welcome nor were you comfortable with what was coming next, but it was the way you worked, how could you change out of nowhere something you had done your whole life?
Maybe you just had to apologize, sometimes that worked. Because you also knew that, knowing how bossy and caring Bucky was, you should have at least held back a little during the mission. Bucky's patience couldn't stand that sort of thing.
“Listen, I'm sorry, okay? I was a little careless, but that's how-”
“A little careless?” he interrupted you, his voice and face incredulous. "You almost got yourself killed."
“We're in this job under that risk, Barnes, that's not news.”
The man in the middle of the mess ran his hands over his face, elated, frustrated and surely overwhelmed. He let out a sound somewhere between a snort and a growl before turning back to look at you.
“Why can't you just listen?”
His accusing gaze enlarged a hole in your chest that you constantly tried to ignore, planting bitter feelings of sadness that you were usually very good at avoiding. But at that moment, for some reason, you couldn't stop your face from twitching at the strong, hurt tone of the man who looked at you as if he couldn't believe who you are and what you do. It seemed like Bucky was always in denial and today he realized that what everyone always told him was true.
That look, that dull gleam in his eye, that expression of understanding… All of that you were used to seeing, but coming from him it felt different. As if you hadn't really meant to cause those feelings, as if you wanted to turn back time to do things differently. The surprisingly incredulous and remorseful look was digging deep into your head, searing itself with hot iron to make sure to haunt you in the future.
At that moment you didn't care if Bucky realized how much his words affected you. Maybe you deserved to feel that way. Maybe he should have known that it affected you too much, that would surely do more than an apology.
“If only you had listened to me, we would have left sooner and without any trouble,” Bucky spoke again after what felt like hours of silence.
You couldn't take him back. It was true.
“Why did you…? Argh. Whatever. I'm going to report to Fury.”
His figure passed you like a blur. You barely felt his presence very superficially before all was silent again.
Your heart ached again. For some reason, it wouldn't stop hurting that it was still beating.
The day before.
“WHAT?” you exclaimed in disbelief and the director's tired look reappeared.
“It's already scheduled, Y/N, I can't undo it. So just go, try to cooperate together and come back in one piece,” Fury leaned back against the back of the chair, putting his feet up on the desk.
You looked at his shoes as if they were to blame for everything.
“It's funnier to think Bucky reacted the same way,” Tony spoke up, sitting in the chair next to yours, a mocking expression on his face.
“Shut up,” you smacked his arm before turning back to the director. “Sir, you know Barnes and I don't get along and knowing that, what makes you think we'll hit it off on a mission?”
Fury shrugged. “A hunch.”
“A hunch…?” you repeated in a low tone, twice as incredulous that the big SHIELD director had just said that.
“That's it, agent, you're dismissed.”
You left his office on your own, not because you had been dispatched. The walk to the housing complex took you longer than ever at that point.
You'd only had one mission with Bucky Barnes once a couple of years ago and it had been a disaster. Your group missions usually ended with a close call, but that time with Bucky it was like going to hell and back.
You two had never gotten along. Regardless of Fury's hundreds of attempts to get along, you had never managed to vibrate on the same frequency. It seemed more like you repelled each other every time you were together, and it was totally justified because Bucky was too bossy and wouldn't let you breathe for a single second. Every second of the mission had to be ruled by him because otherwise he was going to explode into a sea of rage and, God, no one wanted to piss Bucky off in that Complex. However, you were always the first to tell him that his tactics weren't working or that he was too slow and well, naturally, you ended up arguing.
You met Natasha and Steve halfway to the rooms and from the way they both looked at each other before the redhead approached you knew you must surely have a scrunched up face.
“Did something happen?” Natasha asked as soon as she reached your side and started walking at the same pace as you, slightly more hurried than usual.
“Fury assigned me a mission with Barnes,” you spat out the good news, impossibly frowning harder at the mention of that name.
“Oh,” Natasha nodded. “Well, you could try to work things out-”
“What things, Natasha?” you paused, turning to look at her as everything around you turned red. “There's nothing to fix here, because Barnes is a stubborn, obstinate, childish, bossy, stupid man who is incapable of speaking like a civilized adult and only knows how to shout orders everywhere as if he's the bossy one in the Complex. I can't stand him!”
You heard his voice.
“I hope you know the feeling is reciprocated.”
You turned to see him, his body was leaning against the island at the entrance to the kitchen, in a strategic spot as if you could never realize he was there because your path was to the other side. Natasha watched between the two of you like a tennis match, fearful as if at any moment the screaming would start and she would have to run away.
You didn't know what to do. You were super angry, yes, and you felt your blood boiling inside your veins, too. And you'd said all that stuff to Bucky's face before, and God knows how many times before you'd argued just by seeing each other in the halls of the Complex. Despite that, you felt trapped. The anger was still there, yes, but his gaze pierced through you like a sword.
“Believe me, I don't want to go on this mission with a stubborn, obstinate, headstrong, ignorant, individualist like you either, who cares not for the safety of the team but for her own victory, no matter how she achieves it.”
With his eyes sharp, his heavy footsteps approached you, echoing in your head loudly like the second hand of a clock. He had stopped at a safe distance as he spoke and at one point Natasha had grabbed your arm when it seemed you had tried to approach him as well.
“You're a hypocrite,” you spat at him.
“Ha! Me?”
“You always play the saintly dove, but you know you're not much different from me.”
“I'm nothing like you,” Bucky wrinkled his face, as if the very thought caused him to shiver with disgust.
“You're an individualist, too, imposing your plans on others.”
“You never have a plan! What do you expect me to do, let you go and die?”
“I do have plans! But you don't like them because they are more effective than yours.”
“They're more effective at the cost of risking more of our lives.”
“That's what our job is all about!”
“Our job is about protecting! How are you going to accomplish a mission if you're dead?”
“Well, I've done pretty well so far, in case you haven't noticed.”
“If I had a nickel for every time you've gone airhead straight into danger and ended up nowhere near dead, I'd have as much money as Stark.”
“And if I had a nickel for every time your stupid, slow plans have caused you to lose sight of the target and made you come back empty-handed, I'd be twice as rich as Stark.”
“At least my kill rate is minus five.”
“And my hit rate is one hundred by the way.”
“Are you even listening to what you're saying?”
“That I always finish missions on the first try, unlike you?”
“That you're treating your life like it's something insignificant.”
“Ah, now you care about my life?”
Natasha tightened her hand around your forearm again preventing you from again getting too close to the man who was getting on your nerves. Before he could respond, you spoke again:
“Look, Barnes, to make it absolutely clear to you for the rest of your long life: I love my life and I love my job. I love my life because it allows me to have this job and I love my job because it allows me to have this life. If you have a problem with how I choose to do the job, that's just that, your problem. But don't think you're coming here to give me a psychology lesson to make me believe that I don't value my life just because now you've run out of arguments. It's because I value my life, Barnes, that I always come out of every mission unscathed. I don't put myself at risk because I'm oblivious. I always have everything figured out and that's why everything always works out for me.”
Bucky snorted, his body moving away from yours, but despite that expression on his face he didn't respond again. He gave you a sidelong glance before walking back into the kitchen.
Your shoulders felt a little lighter. For a moment you thought he was going to continue arguing.
Natasha next to you sighed, finally letting go of your forearm.
“Why did you hold me so tight?” you frowned at her, rubbing the part of your skin that was slightly red. “Did you really think I was going to fight a super soldier?”
Natasha shrugged under your gaze.
“We've known you to do crazy things.”
“I wouldn't have stood a chance of beating him even if he gave me the upper hand.”
Five hours earlier.
You hadn't seen Bucky for the rest of the day after that discussion, until the next day when you had to get on the Quinjet and didn't even glance at each other.
Steve was in charge of handling the airplane and, apparently, he was also in charge of briefing you on how you were going to proceed on the mission, because Bucky was too busy drilling holes with his gaze somewhere else on the Quinjet away from the two of you.
Neither spoke when you descended nor when you approached the base apparently in a state of abandonment.
Bucky's mission were flat and simple, but as usual he had no backup plan, because all his backup plans were the same: run away. Bucky had a chick's sense of survival, that's why when things went bad was the time when he would scream at you the loudest.
Just like it happened on that mission.
“This place is deadly quiet,” you spoke for the first time, barely earning a sidelong glance from the man next to you.
You had already finished thermo-sensor checking every floor of the building and it was indeed desolate. Still, you felt a strange uncomfortable chill run down your back.
“Well, that's what deserted means,” Bucky commented, his sarcasm sharp.
You rolled your eyes at him, even if he couldn't see you, and kept walking with your gun raised as you approached the checkpoint.
“I mean I can't even hear birds or crickets, doesn't that strike you as odd?”
“Well, we're on the fourth floor, wouldn't it make it stranger if you could hear them at this altitude?”
“Well, you can hear at this height. Tell me, do you hear anything down below?”
Bucky paused. They were a few steps away from reaching the room. His deadly stare caused you nothing but boredom and you would have ignored him completely except that he let out a sigh, dejected. You detailed him minutely as he seemed to focus his hearing on external sounds.
“There's nothing,” he spoke after a few seconds, his brow slightly furrowed.
“You see?”
“But that doesn't mean anything. We'd better finish this quickly.”
Ignoring the grimace on your face, Bucky moved to step into the room whose door was wide open. You stared offended at his back and felt the urge to smack his big head with the butt of your gun.
“Here it is,” you heard him exclaim from inside.
Sighing you made your way to where he stood. A large display of old computers anchored to the wall.
“You should do it yourself,” you looked at Bucky with a smirk. “I don't handle equipment this old.”
Bucky only snorted in response and moved with his gun to another side of the room, leaving you in complete silence to do your job.
You moved quietly and sat down in front of the machines. You plugged them into the power source you brought in your suitcase and in a few minutes they began to work.
The mission was simple. There was one of the old HYDRA bases that contained specific information that Fury needed to find. Up to that point, they had searched about seven abandoned bases without any success. So there you were with Bucky, at the eighth base they had identified, digging through old commands and in another language trying to find the information they needed.
Ever since they left the Complex that morning you were convinced you would find nothing. They had already raided several bases and there were still a few more to go. The probability that you would find that information at that time was…
“Got it,” you exclaimed to Bucky.
You heard his hurried footsteps and then felt the warmth of his body next to you.
“Is that it?”
“Just a folder.”
“And why does it load so slowly?”
“It's an old computer, Bucky, it works at its own pace.”
Bucky gave you a sidelong glance. “Wish you understood me like you understand that thing.”
“Aish,” you pouted by way of mockery. “Jealous, Barnes?”
The aforementioned just snorted.
The load was running at forty percent and truth be told, yes, it was too slow. But you could do nothing but wait, there was no way to speed it up.
Bucky paced back and forth behind you and you just watched the green lines move as if that helped at all. But, well, what else could you do?
At one point, as the charge was about to reach eighty percent, you heard interference on your communicators.
“Argh,” you shook your head and raised your hand to move the device a little away until the sound died down. “Steve?”
There was no response.
You turned to look at Bucky, who had the same quizzical expression.
The interference returned and then you heard Steve's voice distorted.
“… of… moment!”
“What the fuck is he saying?”
Bucky remained silent, tapping the device on his ear as if that would fix it.
But you saw it before you heard Steve's voice again.
A clump of people through the window. A freshly loaded cannon.
And at that moment, Steve's voice filled them with clarity.
“It's an ambush! Get out of there now!”
The quickness of the impact didn't let you process what was happening. Less than a second after hearing Steve the ground shook beneath your feet. The cracks in the floor started small and then swallowed you apart.
You held onto a beam, barely lucid enough. You propelled yourself upward, swinging your forearms over the patch of ground that was still intact. You heard Bucky's grunts in the distance. He was surely all right.
You heard him call out to you too, but as soon as you could sit down on the ground, the first thing you did was to reach for the pendrive.
Your heart was pounding, so hard it might as well have flown out on its own. Your breathing accelerated, with adrenaline rushing through your body was the only thing you could feel. At that moment you felt capable of anything.
You stood up quickly to look out the window again. The people were gone and the cannon had been destroyed.
It was at that moment that you realized that Steve was still talking on the communicator.
“I'm fine,” you replied, after being able to decipher his words amidst the constant buzzing from the sound of the explosion and the dizziness you felt at the sight of the hole next to you.
“Okay, you're both fine,” the Captain spoke again.
“Y/N, you can get down from there and get to the floor below. I'll catch you.”
At the sound of Bucky's voice, you moved away from the window.
Bucky had landed on the floor below, and yes, from where you were you could jump up and you'd probably have nothing but a cramp.
“How's it going up there?”
“Well, the shields are holding up okay, but I've got poor vision. I think they're regrouping somewhere else.”
You looked around.
Most of the floor had swallowed up the computers, but the main one was still loading the document. You could see the green from where you were. It was at ninety-seven percent.
But it was dangerous to get too close. The pendrive was dangling from the main computer which was about to succumb to the cracked floor.
There was some concrete left in front of the computers that you could walk across, so, without a second thought, you mapped out a mental guidance plan and moved forward.
“Y/N, what the fuck are you doing?”
“I'm getting the pendrive.”
“What? Are you insane? That side of the floor isn't going to support your weight!”
“Yes it will. I know how to do it.”
You started walking all over the remaining edge of the floor in front of what was left of the computers. Small pieces would break off as you passed causing Bucky to hiss.
“Y/N, you'd better stop and get down right now. There's still a risk of them firing again.”
“I'm gonna get it, Barnes.”
“Y/N! Get down, now!”
Ignoring his command, you held onto the remaining wall in front of you as you continued on your way, almost reaching where the pendrive was, about to fall into the abyss.
Ninety-eight percent.
“Fucking hell, Barnes, will you shut the fuck up? Your yelling is breaking my concentration.”
“You want me to just stay quiet while you walk to your certain death?”
“I'm not going to dieee- ahh-”
Your left foot, the one in front, wobbled as a piece of the floor came loose. You clung tightly to the wall as best you could, breathing deeply to calm your racing heart. Panicking at that moment wasn't going to do any good.
“God, I can't believe this,” you heard Bucky's voice, muttering to himself. “Now are you really going to get off?”
His voice sounded reprimanding, but agitated. In the midst of that mess, you wondered for a moment if he was really worried.
“I'm almost there.”
You heard him grunt in the distance.
You kept moving your feet in the direction of the main computer, this time more cautiously and more slowly. The floor all along that edge was too cracked, on the verge of falling. You were surprised it had lasted this long.
At that point, Bucky started talking to Steve, but you kept your full concentration on not falling. Maybe Bucky was right and you really didn't have any regard for your life, but…. No, no. You were very sure of what you were doing. You couldn't give up without trying everything. Maybe for Bucky it was too risky, but that was your life. And you knew you could do it.
You had reached the critical point on the ground.
The voices of the two men were becoming too overwhelming, so you quickly took off your communicator and stuffed it in one of your tactical pants pockets.
“What the fuck did you just do?” Bucky exclaimed, a considerable distance away. He wasn't as far away as you thought.
“Your voices are distracting me!”
Good. You were close. Maybe from there you could reach it… if you stretched a little… a little more… a little- Whoop. Nope. You weren't that close. Another chunk of floor fell and with it everything around you shifted. The concrete was so unstable that it tilted further into the abyss after your not at all incredible maneuver.
You had to get even closer.
You had to use plan c.
But for that, the pendrive had to be one hundred percent charged and you weren't sure you could wait for that. Or well, you weren't sure the floor would hold. You had to be quick.
You heard Bucky behind you, but his words were carried away by the wind. You couldn't focus on him because that would be too distracting.
So, arriving at point x, you executed your plan as quickly as possible.
You ran. Even if the world was falling down, you ran. In the direction of the pendrive. The green number didn't change. You took a deep breath. You felt the sparks fly around you. The sound of the ground cracking was going to haunt you in several dreams.
You picked up the pendrive. You would have a few extra seconds as you leaned over and climbed over the computers to gain momentum.
The bing of the computer filled you with a rush of adrenaline.
One hundred percent.
You jumped. You held your breath for a second. Nerves built up in your throat. You felt like you were going to lose consciousness for a minute. Maybe you heard Bucky in the background, you weren't sure, but knowing him he was probably still scolding you.
In the midst of a deep exhalation…
Your feet hit the ground. You rolled. You moved quickly as you turned to see that the ground was still falling. You got up and ran.
You ran until you collided with a solid body. Bucky was shaking your shoulders.
"Are you out of your fucking mind?" he exclaimed, his face angry.
You could hear Steve's voice through his communicator because of how close he was.
He grabbed your arm and you ran again.
Somehow, Bucky managed to get you out of the building as they bombed it again. You had a gunfight the moment you touched the cold snow.
You moved alongside Bucky like a symphony, aiming and firing with your gun until you managed to get away.
When you noticed that you kept going and kept running…
“Where's Steve?”
“If you had your fucking communicator on…”
Bucky grabbed your hand again to keep running.
You quickly reached a shack that looked abandoned and the man next to you wasted no time in letting go of you and running in the direction of what appeared to be a garage. There was a motorcycle.
You reached into your pocket only to realize that the communicator had been destroyed.
And Bucky looked too angry to want to talk.
“Get on.”
He drove all the way into town, but he didn't stop there.
You were on the road for at least about two hours. You had no idea where you were.
Somewhere along that trip, Bucky stopped in front of another abandoned shack and from there he pulled out a car. He set the bike on fire.
You went back on the road, for at least another hour.
Until you reached a small town and Bucky finally stopped in front of a house that didn't look so neglected.
“They destroyed the Quinjet's shields at missile point. Steve had to leave. We'll stay here until I can get through to Fury and we know what to do.”
His voice gave no room for retorts.
Well, yes, you were a bit reckless during missions, but so what? You got what you needed thanks to your incredible action plans and always came out unscathed. If you didn't do that during missions, how far behind would they be now in their knowledge against the enemy? They would probably be sitting ducks. Bucky didn't see that.
You two didn't talk for much of the afternoon and evening. You had spent it in the living room, trying to avoid the mess he had made to get something to eat and rest. You had perhaps slept for about three hours when you woke up and saw him sitting in one of the dining room chairs. The room looked cleaner than before.
Bucky sighed when he realized you had woken up.
“I'm sorry I yelled at you.”
You frowned. “What?”
“Earlier when we arrived. And for all the mess,” he averted his gaze when you leaned on your forearm to get a better look at him.
“Don't you think it was the least you could do?” quizzical, you sat back on the couch.
“Weren't you the one who said I don't know how to talk like a civilized adult?”
You rolled your eyes at him. “Sometimes.”
“Well, now I want to. That's why I deeply apologize for reacting that way.”
You remained silent, not really knowing how to answer him. On the previous mission you'd had with Bucky, when the whole mess was over and you were quietly in the Quinjet taking it all in, Bucky had only said “you're fucking crazy” to you before exiting the aircraft. There was no scolding, at least not from him, no complaining, no yelling. Just that. And with that you stayed for a week because you never even saw him again.
Despite the number of times you had heard that, you couldn't see it that way. That was your job, that was what you did and you didn't dislike it. You had done it forever, it was basically your way of life and you had always done it excellently. You trained and practiced for situations like that, that's why you were part of SHIELD's risk management team for so long. You used to risk your life like that to save other people and it didn't bother you. Now you were still doing it, also to save people. There was no dark reason behind it. You were contributing to a common good and that was enough.
“I guess I haven't made things bearable for you either,” you admitted with a hint of remorse.
“No, never,” Bucky shook his head in agreement.
“I'm sorry I scared you,” the words slipped from your mouth. You wanted to say something else, but, well, that had to work.
Bucky let out a short laugh. His head jerked in sync, his shoulders loose as if he didn't have a care in the world. For a moment you felt like you were somewhere else; maybe in a living room, some alcoholic beverage in one of your hands as one of your favorite songs played softly in the background, and Bucky. Bucky sitting in front of you, just like that moment.
Wow. What the fuck was that?
“You apologize for my reaction, but not for what you did?” his sly grin was getting on your nerves. You preferred it when he wasn't trying to upset you at the point of smirks. You never thought that was a weapon he could use against you.
No, I hate Bucky Barnes. This is unacceptable. Mind, get your shit together.
“Well, I tried to do that earlier and you didn't care. I don't know what you want from me, Barnes,” you turned your head away, nonchalantly playing with your hair to avoid seeing those light eyes again.
“You'd better leave it at that. I couldn't take that knack away from you if I tried for years,” the sigh that accompanied his words reminded you of something you'd thought of when you were in the building. His face still looked calm, but a little upset by the wrinkle between his eyebrows.
“Why do you care so much about that?” you asked him directly now that you had the chance.
You looked at him as he turned his head away, his eyes roaming over your face, confused.
“Are you asking me why I care about your life?”
Puzzled, you shrugged. His look almost made you think that was a weird thing to ask, but was it really? “Yes. Well…. You hate me.”
“What? I don't hate you,” Bucky shook his head, his face more contracted than before as if you'd said he had cat ears on his head. He looked almost offended.
And that was the really strange thing.
You mean, almost as long as you'd known Bucky your relationship had been based on fights and demeaning adjectives to each other. That he would say that made even less sense than you asking him why he cared so much about you. He had to be pulling your leg.
“What? But I hate you because you hate me,” you explained vaguely, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. That was one way of putting it; that is to say, Bucky never gave any indication that he didn't hate you. Or well…
“I don't hate you,” Bucky shrugged, his nonchalant expression confusing you that much more. “You're just a little… insufferable sometimes.”
You rolled your eyes. “That's just a synonym for hating.”
“I don't hate you,” he repeated, this time turning to look you in the eye. For a moment you felt like your breath caught in your throat and you were going to choke. “I know we argue and say a lot of things to each other, but… hating is too strong a feeling.”
“Are you really serious?” you shook your head to get the extraneous thoughts out; that wasn't the time to make a discovery, to realize you had lived a lie.
“Yes. And just to make you more sure, I wouldn't mind hanging out with you outside the Complex,” Bucky blurted out, matter-of-factly.
Your head went blank.
Several seconds stunned.
Bucky barely cracked a smile at your dumbfounded expression. It sure looked like you'd actually seen cat ears grow on his head. The things he was now saying… they didn't make sense. “You dislike the idea that much?”
“Do you want to not say things so drastically different every moment? You're changing my perception of reality.”
Bucky kept his small smile and you had to swallow hard to ignore the warmth that settled in your chest. It wasn't welcome, not at that moment. The sound of that music in the living room in your head was getting louder, as if your own mind wanted to mock your surprise.
“Well, back to your question,” Bucky moved his hands nonchalantly over his lap and your eyes followed his movement unashamedly, “I don't see why I shouldn't care about your life. We are partners, after all.”
Partners? After all you had been through? Were you partners? Did Bucky believe that?
“Are we?” you didn't try to hide the incredulous tone that accompanied your words, because it already sounded like you'd just stepped through the door into a parallel dimension.
“Sure,” Bucky nodded to emphasize your words and the calm expression on his face became more familiar with each passing second. Could it be that that had always been the reality and you had been deprived of it? “We've known each other for five years.”
“I always thought you hated me…” you mumbled to yourself, looking lost because your head recalling every fight of the last few years, since you met him, every tongue out and every exalted word, but his incredible hearing clearly picked up what you said as if you had murmured it in his ear.
“Surely it was a mistake in communication.”
“Mistake?” you frowned at his reassurance. “You always called me stubborn and childish every chance you got.”
“I thought we were annoying each other. Although, of course,” his face became a little more serious, “there were times when I knew you hated me intensely. You said really hurtful things, what was I supossed to do? That's why I never bothered to talk to you like this. You did hate me.”
“Because I thought you…! Argh.”
Bucky smiled again.
“You're the insufferable one, Barnes.”
You hated the way your head snapped back to that image in the living room, so peaceful and calm, so serene and warm, the moment his barely noticeable smile hit you again. You had barely managed to get those words out of your mouth before you felt yourself running out of breath again.
Were you asthmatic?
And why was your head suddenly filled with platonic thoughts you'd never had before in your life?
What the fuck was happening to you?
“This is the longest civilized conversation we've ever had,” Bucky spoke again, his gaze wandering somewhere in the room.
Yes, that was true. Whenever you talked for this long it was always to argue and say hurtful things to each other. But you were too surprised by everything he had said, because just yesterday he told you that he didn't want to come on this mission with you either and in his eyes you were sure you saw something like what you felt. Something of hatred, when you saw your eyes through his.
Did you just… imagine it all?
Did you think he hated you because you hated him too?
Or maybe you wanted to convince yourself that he hated you. Maybe it was easier to deal with that than with the idea that you…
Oh no.
No, no, no. There's no fucking way that's it.
But then Bucky stood up and with his smug, know-it-all, hateful look, with that sly, evil grin, like he'd always known everything, like he was squirming around enjoying your confused stare, he held out his hand to you and said:
“Shall we fix something to eat?”
Oh, no, you were screwed.
a/n: thank u so much for reading!! <3
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.⋆。What He Deserves。⋆.
Alpha!Bucky Barnes x omega!plus size reader
The morning after Bucky claims you, he realises how much he truly loves you
Warnings: implied smut, nudity, mention of claiming, fluff, brief talks about Bucky’s past
WC: 478
Minors DNI
Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library
4k Celebration
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Dawn crept over the horizon slowly, the weak winter sun just barely breaking through the curtains on the far side of the bedroom, creating small beams of light that fell over the bed. There were pillows and sheets strewn everywhere, leaving the bed bare save for a singular blanket that covered the occupants.
Bucky had been awake for hours, in fact he hadn’t even fallen asleep. Too overwhelmed with new emotions to even think about shutting his eyes, he had just watched you. You were sprawled on top of him, your naked body fitting perfectly on his own, chest to chest, your legs intertwined with your nose firmly pressed against his collarbone.
The wound on your shoulder was already healing, it would leave a scar but that was the whole point wasn’t it. A perfect circle of small cuts that, if Bucky leaned down and put his mouth to it, would match the pattern of his teeth. Unable to stop himself, he rubbed his thumb against the broken skin and fresh wave of your scent washed over him.
Bucky groaned as he inhaled, the smell of you so raw and untainted it made his skin prickle with goosebumps.
“Alpha?” Your voice came out as more of a rasp, still thick with sleep.
He winced. “Sorry mega, didn’t mean to wake you.” You hummed and nuzzled further into his warm chest, your hand coming up to rest just over his heart. Bucky smiled and kissed the top of your head.
“’S okay.” You sighed, a happy calmness spreading through the fresh bond. It immediately settles in his stomach, a feeling of peace and home. His grip gets just a little tighter but you don’t fight it, instead your soft body goes completely limp in his arms as you let out a contented mewl.
Snores began to escape your lips once more and Bucky just watched you. This was all he had ever wanted but never thought he could have, or deserved. You were his everything and by the grace of whatever god was out there, you let him worship you and love you with his whole being.
And now you were mated, joined together for eternity.
You chased away his nightmares with a smile, banishing them to a place where they could never hurt him again. You guided him into the light with your laughter, you showed him that touch doesn’t always bring pain. You proved to him that he was more than his past, more than a puppet for someone else’s bidding. 
“I love you more than I ever thought possible.” He spoke quietly into the early morning light so as to not wake you once more. He let his eyes finally slip shut, content with you in his arms, your scent keeping him grounded.
He couldn’t wait to wake up and start the rest of your lives.
Request: Do you think I could get a a/b/o with either “I burn for you,” or “I love you more than I ever thought possible” with either Kylo Ren or Bucky Barnes?
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slutt4lovee · 10 months
selfish boy - pt. 2 (b.b. & s.r.)
𝚗𝚊𝚟𝚒 - 𝚛𝚞𝚕𝚎𝚜 - 𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚛𝚞𝚕𝚎𝚜 - 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝
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pairing: bucky barnes x steve rogers x fem!reader
word count: 8016
warnings: SMUT, MMF threesome, poly relationship, sub!reader/bucky, dom!steve, unprotected sex, creampies, oral (m+f), praise (as always), overstimulation, a smidge of praise, fingering, handjobs, bi!bucky, bi!steve, mentions of reader being used (idk what that kink is called). petnames used for reader: honey, princess, sweetheart, and i think baby.
summary: after being apart from your boys for so long they've missed you a lot but you have way too much work to do.
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When the people at your work had caught wind of you and Steve dating, they stopped sending you out together so that there was never a conflict of interest on a mission. You were simultaneously thankful and pissed off about it. On the one hand, you could remain blissfully ignorant to Steve’s idiotic heroics, but on the other, you almost never got to see him. If you were home he was most likely gone and vice versa, so you really didn’t blame Steve for messing around with Bucky—hell, you’d thought about it yourself more than once.
You used to do most of your missions with Bucky—who wasn’t allowed to work with Steve either. But now your bosses have started to notice some…suspicious behaviors amongst you, Steve, and Bucky. They noticed all the lingering touches, the longing stares, the incredibly fucking obvious flirting amongst the three of you. And in an excess of caution, they stopped sending Bucky with you too.
You wouldn’t have minded so much if it didn’t mean that now you hardly saw either of them. 
This was the first time that the three of you had been home at the same time in weeks, maybe even months. 
You had only just gotten back from a two week long mission a few days ago and both of them were gone before you left. Steve got back from his ‘extended trip’ not but about a day or two before you and Bucky got back from his just after you left. All that to say, this is the first time you’ve physically seen the pair of them in a while and of fucking course, you were drowning in paperwork.
It fucking sucked. A lot. 
All you wanted was to spend time with them, you wanted to devote your complete attention to them and you just couldn’t. You had ‘responsibilities’ and stupid shit like that. 
The closest you could get to spending time with them was sitting on the floor, doing paperwork at your coffee table while Steve and Bucky get to snuggle up on the couch together. You hated it. Not just because you were feeling left out but because they were insanely distracting.
Always touching each other (and you) whenever they could, watching their stupid movies too loud because they don’t believe in proper hearing protection. And talking, so much fucking talking about everything. As much as you loved it usually, you were really trying to get your work done and they were just not helping. 
You could hear them whispering to each other, Bucky’s little soft laughter and something akin to scolding from Steve. You huff out an aggravated sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose as you stare at the blank form on your computer screen. You just wanted to finish your work and they were making it impossible.
“Honey,” Steve sighs and you can hear him moving behind you but you don't look. You need to focus. “You’re so stressed.”
“Take a break,” Bucky chimes in and before you can even formulate a denial there’s warm hands on your shoulders, squeezing and kneading at your tense muscles.
“Steve…” You try to say it like a warning but it comes out more like an encouragement. “I’m busy.”
“Been busy all day, take a break.” Steve tells you, more of a command than a suggestion this time. 
Since the whole thing with Bucky went down, dynamics between you and Steve have…changed, to say the least. Before, you were always the dominant one and you didn’t want it any other way. But then you saw the way Steve was with Bucky and let's just say…you were curious. 
At first you weren’t the biggest fan of it, but after a little experimentation you found it wasn’t so bad. You’re still the dominant one about 98% of the time but sometimes, Steve will catch you in the right headspace and you’ll just melt like putty in his hands.
This is one of those times.
“Got so much work to do,” You try to protest but you’re already leaning back into his touch, making soft little sounds as his thumbs press into the tight muscles of your shoulders.
“Do it later,” This time the coaxing comes from Bucky and you feel the cold metal of his hand pulling yours from your laptop so he can shut it for you.
“Come on,” Steve practically coos, thumbs sliding up to rub at the back of your neck. “Bucky’s missed you so much baby, you’re not gonna neglect him any longer, are you?” Fuck, Steve is manipulative. 
“I’m not…” You sigh out, tilting your head back into Steve’s touch as your eyes flutter shut. “M’not trying to.” 
“No, I know baby,” Steve soothes, thumbs rubbing circles at the tense muscles at the base of your skull. He leans down and you feel his lips pressing against the side of your head, just above your ear. “I know you’re not trying to but you’ve been home for days and you’ve barely given him any attention. You know he gets needy.” Steve whispers, lips quirking into a little smirk at the little whiny noise Bucky makes at his words.
“I know, I’m just…I’m busy,” You whine, turning your head to look back at Steve.
“I know princess, you are so busy,” Bucky murmurs, running his fingers along your jaw to turn your attention to him. “I just missed you.”
“Missed you too, Buck.” You whisper, eyes going all soft as his hand cradles your jaw. 
You’re aware that you’ve been neglecting them a little and you hated it. You weren’t meaning to, you want nothing more that to give them every ounce of your attention but you really are just so fucking busy. The boys probably had just as much paperwork as you but they just ignored it in favor of spending time together. They were valuable assets, they had powers and skills you didn’t, they didn’t have to work as hard as you did to keep their spots on the team. They had the luxury of pushing off their work for each other, you didn’t.
“C’mon pretty baby,” Steve sighs, sliding his hands under your shoulders and pulling you up onto the couch before you can protest. “You’re thinking too much.” 
“Yeah, gotta shut off the pretty head of yours.” Bucky agrees, letting his hand fall from your face as Steve tugs you up into his lap.
“Menaces,” You huff out, rolling your eyes affectionately as Steve positions you on his lap with your thighs spread over his. “Both of you.”
Steve shushes you, pressing his lips to your temple as his hands run down your sides. You let your head fall back onto his shoulder, gaze flicking down to meet Bucky’s where he kneels between yours and Steve’s legs. He smirks back up at you, a knowing look in his eyes as he watches you practically melt against Steve.
You know you shouldn’t, you should tell them to fuck off and get back to your work but they were just so fucking convincing. Not that it really took much effort to convince you anyway. You never could deny them anything, not for long at least.
Steve’s hands slip between your legs, pressing his palms against the soft flesh of your inner thighs to spread your legs a little more. Your legs drape on either side of his, forced open by his hands and his thighs and honestly, you aren’t complaining even if it hurts a little. 
You had a habit of walking around in a t-shirt, usually about three sizes too big, and your underwear and nothing else and Steve plans to take full advantage of your attire. He nudges your shirt up until it's bunched up around your hips and Bucky gets a clear shot between your legs, already practically drooling at the sight. 
Steve mutters something against your neck but you don't hear it, too lost in the way Bucky’s looking up at you from between your legs. He doesn’t touch but you can tell he wants to, you’d let him if you were the one in charge right now. But you’re not, Steve is, and Steve has a track record of being just a bit meaner than you are. 
“Are you even listening?” Steve chuckles, nipping at the little spot where your neck and shoulder meet to try and get your attention.
“Not really,” You answer honestly, shifting your hips a little to lean back against Steve’s chest. 
“Still thinking too much, huh princess?” Bucky asks, teasing and cocky in the way he always is, the way you love. He smirks and tilts his head, meeting your gaze with an impossibly arrogant look in his eyes for someone kneeling on the ground.
“She never stops thinking,” Steve mutters and you can’t see it but you think he shares a little smirk with Bucky.
They’re talking about you like you’re not even here and…you hate to admit it but it’s kind of hot. Steve’s hands squeeze at your inner thighs, running his thumb over the soft skin as he chuckles against your neck. 
“Make her stop,” Bucky suggests, looking over your shoulder at Steve, a little manipulative pout on his lips that always gets him what he wants.
“Patience,” Steve huffs out a soft laugh but concedes to Bucky’s suggestion. It had been his plan anyway.
Before your brain can even catch up to the conversation, Steve’s hand is slipping higher between your legs. His hand is so big it covers your entire cunt as he cups you through your panties. Your hips jerk a little, thighs tensing and trying to press together around his legs.
“Yeah?” Steve chuckles, voice soft and condescending in your ear.
He doesn’t move his hand for a while, just keeps it pressed firmly against your cunt, smirking at the way you push your hips against his touch. He likes to take his time with you, likes to toy with you and get you all needy and whiny for him and then maybe he’ll give you what you want. (but probably not)
He lets you grind against his hand for a while, kisses practically every inch of your neck as he watches your hips jerk against his hand. It’s not enough pressure, he knows that, you know that, fuck, Bucky probably knows it too, but they just like to watch you work yourself up. And you…well you just like the way it feels. 
Your head falls back on Steve’s shoulder, huffing out a shaky breath as your hands clutch at both of his wrists. Everytime you push your hips forward to get more pressure he moves his hand away until you’re back in the position he put you in. It’s maddening, insanely frustrating to work yourself up over and over only to be left hanging once it finally starts to feel like something. And yet you just keep doing it.
“Steve,” You whine, nails digging into the skin of his wrists to try and keep his hand where you want it. But he’s stronger, so much fucking stronger than you, you can’t force him to do shit.
“Shh, be still,” He whispers against your neck, running his tongue over your pulse point just to watch the way your hips jerk in response. “Bucky’s watchin’’ you honey, don’t you want to give him a good show?” 
That gets your attention more than you’d like to admit. You lift your head up, fluttering your eyes open only to be met with Bucky’s, staring up at you from between your legs. You groan at the sight, gripping a little tighter at Steve’s wrists as your hips twitch against his hand.
Bucky looks fucking hot. Eyes half lidded, lips puffy and raw from his constant biting at his lip. His cheeks are flushed red and fuck, he looks like he wants to eat you alive and you fucking love it.
Steve notices your reaction and can’t help the little proud smirk on his lips at the two of you. His hand leaves your thigh for a second, grasping your right hand and holding it out for Bucky who understands immediately because Steve’s trained him well. Bucky shifts closer, ducking his head into your hand as your fingers thread into his hair. He blinks up at you and Steve, lips parting at you gently tug his head to the side until his face is pressed against the inside of Steve’s thigh.
“Good girl,” Steve chuckles, smiling proudly at how well you handle Bucky before he’s reaching forward and running his fingers over Bucky’s jaw. He doesn’t have to tell Bucky to stay like that, he already knows.
Steve pulls your hand away from Bucky’s hair and tugs you back against his chest. He barely even gives you a second to get settled before he’s pressing his hand firmly against your cunt, running his fingers over the now damp fabric of your panties. Your breath catches and your head falls back immediately, nails digging into the flesh of his wrist as he rubs slow circles over your underwear.
He does that for a while, just long enough to have to panting and bucking your hips against his hand again. And Bucky’s watching the whole thing from between your legs, looking up at you like he wants to tear you apart and it’s only making you more impatient and needy. Which, you suspect, might be what they wanted.
Just as you open your mouth to say something, Steve slips his fingers to the side, tracing a very very gentle line up the crease between your thigh and your cunt. You spread your legs a little impatiently, shifting your hips against his with a breathy whine to try and get him to hurry up. Steve just huffs out a condescending little laugh against the skin of your neck before his fingers hook under your panties and he shifts them to the side. Doesn’t even bother trying to take them off, pulls them to the side just enough to get what he wants and fuck if that’s not one of the hottest things he’s ever done. 
He runs his fingers over your slit once or twice before he’s pressing the pad of his middle finger against your clit. He doesn’t tease this time, he rubs his fingers over your clit like it’s muscle memory. The perfect pressure, speed, pattern, everything and the little whiny noises you’re making only seem to encourage him further. 
He whispers something against your neck and presses a slow kiss to your skin but you’re not paying any fucking attention. Your head is tilted back against his shoulder, eyes squeezed shut and mouth hanging open as you huff out little breathless whines and noises pretty enough to drive the two of them fucking insane.
Steve’s fingers slide a little lower and before you can even react to the loss of stimulation, he’s pushing two fingers into your cunt and pressing his palm against your clit.
“Oh fuck,” You groan out, tightening your grip on his wrist as your hips immediately jerk forward against his touch.
It feels fucking amazing. He pushes his fingers deep into your cunt, stretching you just enough to make your breathing stutter as you grind your clit against his hand. You’re half tempted to ask him to stay like this forever but he pulls his hand away before you can even formulate a single word. 
Your head falls forward and you’re fully prepared to beg and plead and whine for him the way he loves. But then you open your eyes and you see him pushing those same fingers into Bucky’s mouth and you’re whining for a completely different reason now. Whining because that’s so so fucking hot and because Bucky moans around Steve’s fingers like he’s been dying to taste you. 
“Good boy,” Steve praises, hooking his chin over your shoulder to watch the way Bucky cleans every last drop of you off of his fingers. Bucky’s eyes are all soft, filled with want and need and pleading as he looks up at Steve and god, it makes your cunt clench around nothing just seeing him like that.
“Please,” Bucky grits out all soft and pleading and your entire body fucking throbs at the sound of his voice.
“Go ahead baby,” Steve coos, nodding against your neck as he threads his fingers in Bucky’s hair. “Get you a taste pretty boy, you’ve earned it.” He murmurs, guiding Bucky’s head between your legs until you can feel his breath fanning over your cunt.
He doesn’t wait for your permission like last time, just dives right in as if Steve’s permission was all he needed. Like it wasn’t even your cunt but theirs to use as they please and good God that makes your head go all fuzzy.
Bucky’s hands rest in the crease of your thighs, spreading you open as he buries his face in your cunt. He makes a sound like a starved man getting his first taste of food as the tip of his tongue slides over your slit before flicking hungrily at your puffy clit. Your breathing stutters and you choke on a sharp gasp as your back arches, rolling your hips against his mouth.
Bucky usually starts slow, he likes to take his time with you. Spends a bit just savoring your taste and the feel of you on his tongue. But not this time. This time he tastes you eagerly, hungrily, like he’s been drowning and your cunt is the first breath of fresh air he’s been awarded. It’s fast and messy and so so fucking glorious.
He groans against you, pushing your hips down against Steve’s as he presses his face further into your cunt, suckling hungrily at your clit while his tongue draws messy patterns that make your thighs clench. You’re so lost in the pleasure of it all that you don’t even realize Steve’s hands have moved until he’s guiding your shirt over your head.
Steve’s hand presses against the center of your chest until your body is flush with his and he hooks his chin back over your shoulder to watch. He peppers sweet little kisses all along your neck and shoulders, whispering soft praises into your skin that you’re too lost to hear. 
Bucky’s left arm hooks around your leg, draping it over his shoulder at the same time that Steve’s thumb ghosts over your nipple and your brain fully short circuits at that. Your chest arches and you choke on a moan as your hips jerk against Bucky’s face—which he seems to like because he fucking moans into your cunt like he’s the one getting head.
“I think he likes this,” Steve whispers against your neck with that stupidly attractive condescending tone he’s so fond of.
A choked out “Fuck,” is the best thing you can offer in response as Steve rolls your nipple between his thumb and forefinger.
Somebody grabs your wrist and your too fucked to even open your eyes and see whose it is. They guide your hand lower and lower until you feel Bucky’s hair and you don’t waste a second before threading your fingers into it and pulling. Steve laughs at you and Bucky squeezes at your thigh but you genuinely couldn’t care less because Bucky’s tongue just feels so fucking good. Warm and wet and so so so fucking soft against your clit and christ, your brain has turned to fucking soup.
Steve pinches your nipple harder than usual and you fucking whimper, which isn’t a thing that happens a lot but fuck. Everything just feels so fucking good.
“You gonna cum already baby?” Steve whispers against your shoulder and you can feel his smirk just as much as you can hear it. 
You want to say no, want to wipe that smug little smirk off his face but you can’t? How could you when your cunt is literally throbbing and your humping your hips against Bucky’s mouth like a fucking slut? You could try, but with the way Bucky’s just shoved two, thick fingers into your cunt you’re struggling to even remember your name let alone the words you would need to say.
And so you nod, pathetically, whimpering out little broken pleas and half words that make no fucking sense. 
“C’mon princess,” Bucky chokes out, pulling back from your cunt just long enough to nip at the squishy skin of your inner thighs before he presses his mouth back against you. Curls his fingers up just right as your hips buck desperately against his tongue.
Steve groans against your neck, hooking his arm around your waist to at least attempt to keep you somewhat still. He squeezes your breast, pinching and rolling your nipples between his fingers as Bucky keeps pressing his up into that soft squishy spot in your cunt and god, you feel like you’re about to fucking burst. You’re wound up so fucking tight that you’re almost scared to let go. Every single one of your muscles tense, your back arches, your head presses back against Steve’s shoulder and you almost feel like you want to cry that’s how fucking good it all feels.
It feels like fire is coursing through your veins burning hotter and hotter with each passing second. Hot sticky pleasure builds in your stomach, sending little jolts of fucking ecstasy up your spine and down your thighs with every press of Bucky’s fingers into your cunt. 
“Go on baby,” Steve whispers all soft and sweet against your ear. “You can do it. You’re gonna cum on his pretty face and then we’re gonna fuck you so stupid you won’t remember your stupid paperwork, yeah?”
Bucky moans against your cunt and that’s all it takes. Your entire body tenses, back arching and fingers clutching at Bucky’s hair as you completely fall apart against his tongue. Your hips still but he doesn’t let up, if anything he starts flicking his tongue faster, suckling at your swollen clit as he thrusts his fingers into you harder and faster. 
Your stammering out fucking gibberish, gasping out shaky little whines as you try desperately to squeeze your legs shut despite the full grown super soldier between them. Your hips jerk, jolting clumsily against Bucky’s mouth as your little gasps and whines turn to choked out sobs. 
Steve is whispering soothing praise against your ear but all you can hear is your own pounding heart and the blood rushing in your veins. Your chest heaves as you fall back against Steve’s chest, panting like a goddamn dog as your whole body goes limp. You don’t even have to push Bucky away because he slows to a stop on his own, like he just knew you’d had enough.
“Fuck,” Bucky grits out and you can only just barely hear him over the pounding in your ears. You flutter your eyes open, blink a few times to clear your blurry vision, and then you see him, kneeling between your legs. His face slick with your juices, lips wet and swollen, eyes half lidded as he stares down at your cunt. “Fuck, look at you.” He whispers, voice rough and rumbling as his left hand hooks over your hips and he presses his fucking metal thumb against your clit.
“Makes such a pretty mess, doesn’t she?” Steve chuckles and he sounds oddly proud as Bucky strokes his metal thumb slowly over your puffy, oversensitive clit, both of them ignoring the way you whimper and try to squeeze your legs shut.
“Yeah,” Bucky sighs, nodding his head as he runs his tongue over his bottom lip. “Yeah…fuck.” 
“Don’t be selfish baby,” Steve scolds and before you can even register, he’s leaning down and grasping the back of Bucky’s head, pulling him into a kiss. It’s sloppy, all tongue and teeth and spit and you’re just stuck in between them, watching the whole thing and it really, really shouldn’t make your cunt throb the way it does.
You blame the little needy whine that leaves your throat on the way Bucky’s thumb is still rubbing soft little circles on your clit. Totally not because watching Steve and Bucky make out like this makes your whole body feel all hot and fluttery.
Steve’s hand comes up to the back of your head and he shifts beneath you, turning his head and pressing his lips to yours without a second's intermission. He kisses you the same way he had just kissed Bucky, hot and messy, tongue pushing into your mouth like it’s his. You can taste a little bit of yourself on his tongue and the fact that you know it’s left over from Bucky’s mouth sends a chill of pleasure down your spine.
You whine into his mouth as Bucky’s hands leave your body leaving you empty and wanting. Steve turns so that he’s sitting sideways on the couch, lifting you with ease until you’re facing him fully, straddling one of his thighs. 
Before you can even get settled, two pairs of hands are on your body, pushing and pulling until you’re positioned how they want you. You move easily, pliant and willing as Bucky guides your hips up and back and Steve pushes your head down until you’re face down ass up between his legs. Bucky tugs at your panties, pulling them down your thighs and then grasping at your legs, one at a time to tug them the rest of the way down. They don’t even say anything, just move you around like you’re nothing but a toy for them to use and your only a little ashamed to admit that that is fucking hot.
“Look at you, honey,” Steve mutters, somehow condescendingly proud as his thumbs stroke at your cheek. “Being so good for us, aren’t you?” He means it honestly but that stupid condescension makes it sound like teasing and somehow, you think, maybe that makes it hotter.
“Such a pretty pussy,” Bucky sighs and you’re not sure if he’s talking to you or himself but you really, really don’t care. Especially not when he pushes three of his fingers into your cunt and spreads them just to watch the way you stretch around him.
“Yeah,” Steve chuckles, smirking as he tilts your head up until you’re looking up at him. “You’re gonna let me borrow your pretty mouth while he fucks you stupid, hm?” It’s a question but he says it like a demand and good lord, you fucking love that.
“Think she’s already fucked stupid, Stevie,” Bucky chuckles, spreading his fingers inside of you to stretch you out a little more. “Aren’t you, princess?”
You nod your head dumbly, eyes squeezing shut as you press your hips back against Bucky’s hand. Steve notices the way your fucking yourself on Bucky’s fingers and he clicks his tongue, gently slapping his hand against your cheek to get your attention back on him.
“Needy baby,” He scolds, smirking at the increasingly desperate look in your eyes as you force them open. “Get to work, sweetheart, my cock isn’t going to suck itself, is it?” 
God. You fucking love when he’s like this, all mean and bossy. He doesn’t swear a lot, or really at all, but he does when he’s like this and it drives you (and Bucky) fucking insane to hear him being so incredibly vulgar.
You whine, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth as you shift back, pressing your elbows into the couch on either side of Steve’s hips. Your hands shake, trembling as they stumble over his jeans. He makes no move to help you, just huffs out a little laugh and strokes his fingers through your hair, watching your fingers fumble with the button and zipper of his jeans for a few times before you finally get it. He lifts his hips off the couch, an amused smile on his face as he watches you tug his bottoms off just enough to get at his cock.
“There you go,” He sighs, shifting a little as you wrap your hand around his cock and give him a few slow strokes. 
He doesn’t rush you like you thought he would, lets you take your time stroking him and running your tongue over his length until you’ve gathered enough brain power to take him into your mouth. He lets out a low groan, gathering your hair into his fist and shifting so that he can watch you better. 
Bucky’s fingers pull out of your cunt once more and you can hear him shifting around behind you as he shoves his sweats down his thighs. He grasps your hip with his metal hand, keeping you at least somewhat still as he guides the tip of his cock between your folds. 
“Shit,” Bucky groans under his breath as he presses his cock against your entrance. 
This he chooses to be slow about, pushes just the tip into your cunt and then just stops. You whine around Steve’s cock, squeezing your eyes shit and trying, uselessly, to push your hips back against his. He holds your hips with both hands now, giving you a little squeeze as he holds you still.
“Hush princess, focus on Stevie, lemme take my time.” He tells you, running his hands over the small of your back as he slowly pushes into you.
You try to listen, try to focus on Steve and the taste of him, the way his cock throbs against your tongue, but it’s so fucking hard to focus on anything other than the way Bucky’s cock is stretching you open so so fucking slowly. 
“I don’t think she can, Buck.” Steve huffs out and there’s a little fucked up part of you that desperately wants to prove him wrong.
“Oh she can,” Bucky responds, squeezing at your hips as he pushes in a little more. “Can’t you sweetheart?” He chuckles and it’s so incredibly condescending and antagonistic but it fucking works.
Something in your brain just clicks and you shift your scattered attention back to Steve. Your dominant hand wraps around his cock with a little more purpose, squeezing at the base the way you know drives him crazy. You take him further into your mouth, alternating between bobbing your head and suckling at his tip while your hand strokes up and down.
“Fuuuck,” Steve draws out, letting his head fall back against the arm of the couch with a low moan.
You’ve spent a long time learning Steve’s body, what he likes, what he loves, what will make him cum in less than 5 minutes and even though you can hardly remember what color the sky is, you remember that. 
“There she is,” Bucky grunts and you can hear the fucking smirk in his voice as he finally sinks his cock all the way into you.
“Fuck, that’s it, just like that honey,” Steve sighs out, lifting his head just enough to watch as you suck him off.
Bucky pulls his hips back and you match him, moving your head in time with his hips. He pushes back in, you go back down, taking as much of Steve’s cock into your mouth while your hand strokes the rest. Bucky squeezes your hip again, cursing under his breath as he draws his hips back again. He thrusts into you a little faster this time, fingers pressing into the front of your hips hard enough to bruise.
Steve wraps your hair around his fist with his right hand while his left runs over your cheek. Stroking his fingers across your face as he watches you and he looks so, so fucking proud that it makes your brain melt. 
“That’s a good girl,” He coos, “Yeah, there you go, just keep your eyes on me while he fucks you, hm?”
God, you really fucking love when he’s like this.
You’ve always loved praise, even when you’re the one domming but there’s something infinitely hotter about getting praised like this. Getting told you’re making someone feel good is one thing but getting told you’re a good girl while you’ve got your mouth around Steve’s cock and your cunt stuffed full of Bucky’s is just so much better.
You whine and Steve smirks like he knows it’s because of what he said and not from Bucky’s fucking you. 
“Fucks sake,” Bucky grits out, “Whatever you just did, she fucking loved it. Fucking squeezing the life out of my cock princess, shit.” He moans, grip tightening on your hips before he starts fucking you harder, thrusting into you faster, almost impatiently like you’ve broken his control.
“Oh yeah?” Steve chuckles, shaking his head like you’ve done something painfully endearing.
“Christ, fuck Steve—mmf—so fuckin’ tight…can’t…m’not gonna fuckin’ last,” Bucky moans, fucking into you so hard that you’re seeing fucking stars.
“That’s alright baby, she can take it.” Steve huffs out, his own hips bucking up into your mouth like his own control is faltering. “Can’t you?”
You do your best to nod up at Steve but it’s hard with the tight grip he’s got on your hair and even harder when Bucky reaches an arm around your waist and starts rubbing quick circles on your clit. You choke on a moan, body tensing up and you use the last little semblance of your brain to pull your mouth off Steve’s cock before you clench your jaw.
“Sorry,” You choke out, resting your head on Steve’s thigh and squeezing your eyes shut. You’re not even really sure why you’re apologizing, it’s not like you’re not giving Steve any attention, your hand is still working his cock in time with Bucky’s thrusts.
“Shh honey, s’okay,” Steve soothes, running his fingers across your cheek as you whimper into his thigh. “You’re okay, you can take it.” He whispers, moaning low in his chest as you grip him a little tighter.
Bucky bends forward, pulling you up so that your weight is resting on your hands instead on your elbows. His chest presses flush against your back and he buries his face in the crook of your neck. His metal hand slides over the center of your chest and up the front of your throat before grasping your jaw and tilting your head up. 
“Look,” He whimpers into your neck, squeezing your jaw in his metal hand until you open your eyes and find yourself staring back. “So pretty.” He gasps out, panting against the side of your neck as he starts fucking you even faster. 
Doggy style is not yours or Bucky’s favorite, you both like to see the faces of the people you’re fucking, so fact that there’s a mirror directly across from the couch makes it so much fucking better.
He keeps one hand on your jaw and the other between your legs, rubbing harsh circles on your clit as he fucks the air out of your lungs. You watch his face in the mirror, tilting your head back against his shoulder and reaching your free hand up to thread into his hair.
You’ve, selfishly, forgotten about Steve entirely until he places his hand over yours and starts stroking his cock with your hand. He doesn’t match Bucky’s pace, he goes slow and soft and you know it’s because he’s trying not to cum yet, he doesn’t like making a mess like that.
Bucky’s babbling incoherently into your neck, muffling desperate little whimpers against your skin as he fucks you. His voice is all soft and high-pitched, the way he always gets when he’s about to cum and you fucking love it, god, you could probably cum just from hearing him like this.
He whines your name and pinches your clit and you are so, so fucking close to falling apart. You pull hard at his hair, arching your back as your entire fucking body tenses up. The sounds the two of you are making are so desperately pathetic, paired with the loud, vulgar sounds of your cunt around his cock and it sounds like your both being fucked stupid.
“Oh fuckfuckfuuuuck,” Bucky whimpers against your neck before tilting his head down to press his forehead against your shoulder.
He slows his thrusts, panting into your skin as he draws his hips all the way back before driving them forward just as slow. His fingers are still rubbing rough circles on your clit, slipping messily against your slick skin as he fucks you much softer and slower than he had been.
“Tilt your hips for him honey,” Steve tells you, bucking his hips against your hands.
You listen because you really don’t have the mental capacity not to. Angle your hips back towards his so that this time when his cock slides into you, it grazes against that spot. Your mouth hangs open and your brows pinch together as a broken little whimper falls from your lips.
“Good girl,” Steve coos, moaning low in his chest as he continues hacking himself off with your hand. “There you go baby, she’ll cum for you now, won’t she?” His voice comes out all soft and sweet and it makes Bucky fucking whimper.
“Yeah, fuck…yeah,” You gasp out, nodding your head a little as Bucky’s cock drags ever so slowly over your g-spot.
“Please,” Bucky whines into your shoulder, fingers stuttering against your clit as you clench around his cock.
“Rub your clit for me honey.” Steve coaxes, shifting up onto his knees and moving your hand from his cock to your cunt and Bucky’s hips still, pressing his cock deep within you.
You nod and press your fingers against your clit as Bucky drags his hand up to squeeze your hip. You start out slow at first, whimpering at the contrast of your soft, gentle fingers to Bucky’s rough, demanding ones. Steve runs his fingers through Bucky’s hair, pulling his face out of your shoulder with a soft hum.
“C’mon, you can do it Buck,” Steve whispers, running his fingers over Bucky’s cheeks as he cradles his face.
“Wanna cum,” Bucky whines, sniffling a little and just the thought that he might be crying makes you clench around him.
“I know,” Steve sighs, peppering little kisses across Bucky’s flushed face. “I know you do baby, just move a little faster for me, yeah? You wanna make her cum first, don’t you?” 
“Mhmm,” He hums, all soft and needy as he gives Steve a little nod. He inhales a sharp, shuddering breath, whimpering as he draws his hips back and starts fucking you again.
“There you go, baby,” Steve praises, pressing a soft, soothing kiss to Bucky’s lips as he continues stroking his thumbs across Bucky’s cheeks. “Good boy.”
“Jesus,” You gasp out, a breathy moan falling from your lips at the combination of your fingers, Bucky’s cock, and Steve being stupidly soft with Bucky.
“Oh God,” Bucky whimpers, burying his face in the crook of your neck as he starts fucking you eagerly, hard and fast and so so fucking good.
“You,” Steve shifts his attention to you. “You be a good girl and cum for him, yeah?” He whispers, cradling your face in his hands the same way he had been holding Bucky’s.
You nod your head, moving your fingers a little faster against your clit. Something about the combination of Steve telling Bucky how to fuck you, Bucky’s cock driving hard and fast into your cunt, over your g-spot, and your own fingers on your clit is making you fucking delirious and you’re too far gone to even try to decipher what.
“He’s been waiting for this for a long time, honey. Be a good girl and let him have it, ok?” Steve tells you, pressing a similarly soft kiss to your lips before pulling back and settling back down on the couch to watch the two of you.
Bucky’s rambling nonsense into the crook of your neck, nipping and mouthing at your skin. He drives his hips into you a little harder, thrusts growing reckless and impatient as you clench around him. 
Your whole body feels hot and sweaty, muscles growing weak and shaky as his cock continues slamming into your g-spot. Your head feels blissfully empty and you thrust your hips back against his, driving yourself closer and closer to the edge. Your clit is swollen and puffy and so incredibly sensitive but you need more, you press two fingers against your clit and rub harder, faster to match Bucky’s needy thrusts.
You’re clenching around him so tight that it almost hurts and his cock can barely move inside of you. He groans low in his throat, all deep and rumbly against your back as he bends you forward so that he can fuck you deeper. You brace a hand on Steve's shoulder, nails digging into his skin as an entirely too needy whine weasels its way out of your throat. 
Bucky’s holding back, already on the knife’s edge of his climax. He wants, needs to cum but more than that, he needs you to cum and he knows you’re close too. He can feel it in the way your cunt is squeezing around his cock, throbbing and pulsing with each thrust of his hips and its driving him fucking insane. He whimpers and tosses his head back, gripping your hips in both hands and dragging you back on his cock with each thrust.
Steve curses under his breath and when you look down you see him stroking his own cock as he watches you and that’s it. You fall brutally over the edge the second you see that. 
You lose yourself, eyes rolling back in your head as your mouth hangs open with a desperate whimper. Your whole body tenses up, back arching, nails digging into Steve’s shoulder hard enough to draw blood. Your cunt squeezes around Bucky’s cock and pulses as he thrusts into you with short, shallow thrust before he fucking spills inside of you. His cock throbs and twitches inside of you and you can just barely hear his pathetic whimpering over the sound of your own pulse hammering in your ears.
Before you’re even able to try to come down from your climax, Bucky is pulling out of you and Steve is yanking you into his lap. Pushing his cock up into you before you even have a chance to whine at the loss of Bucky’s. 
“Oh fuck me, Jesus,” Steve grits out, grasping at your hips as he bucks up into you.
He fucks you with a fierceness that leaves you standing at the precipice of your second climax, ready to fall into your third at a moments notice. You fall weakly into his chest, whimpering breathlessly into his skin as he fucks you to tears. 
You’re sobbing and breathless, still wound up impossibly tight from your last climax. The wet sticky sounds your cunt is making and the sobbing whimpers leaving your mouth mix with Steve’s choked out moans and it sounds so incredibly fucking vulgar. 
You’re lost in a sea of pleasure and painful overstimulation, standing on the edge of another climax before you’ve even come down from the last one. Your cunt pulses around Steve’s cock and your hips writhe against his, stuck somewhere between wanting more and less at the same time. 
God, you want to cum again, you really fucking do but fuck it’s just too fucking much. It hurts, every brutal thrust of Steve’s cock draws a cry from your lips and you’re half tempted to tell him to stop but it's a good kind of hurt. Like pressing your fingers against a fresh bruise, it hurts but you want to do it again and again and again.
“Fucking hell,” Steve grits out, grasping the back of your neck to push you forward into his body so he can fuck you harder. “Sh-shhh honey, you’re okay.” He tries to soothe you, smoothing his hand over your back as you sob into his shoulder.
You gasp out his name, digging your nails into his skin as you clench around him. Your entire body writhes, squirming pathetically atop of him and you don’t know if you’re trying to get away or get more but he holds you in place either way.
“C’mon, you can give me one more,” He groans into your skin, mouthing at your shoulder as he holds you against him.
“It hurts,” You sob out, gasping for breath as he fucks up into your cunt so hard you think you might pass out.
“I know it does, but you can take it.” He tries to soothe you but all it does is work you up even more. “Be a good girl for me, you can gimme one more can’t you, honey?” He says it like a question but you know it’s not, he’s gonna get another orgasm out of you whether you give it willingly or not and that thought drives you crazy.
You nod your head pathetically, sobbing and whimpering into his skin with each brutal thrust of his hips. You slip one hand back between your legs and your entire body fucking jolts the second you touch your fingers to your clit. It only takes a few, gentle rubs against your puffy clit before you're falling completely and totally over the edge yet again.
It’s not a particularly satisfying climax, it’s fast and painful but theres a hint of relief that comes with it. It leaves you even more sensitive than the last and Steve has to use both hands to hold your hips still as he fucks up into you. He curses your name under his breath giving you a few final thrusts before he’s cuming into your cunt and fucking you full of his and Bucky’s cum.
You’re sobbing into his shoulder, going limp on top of him as your cunt tightens up around his cock so tight he can't move. He’s murmuring soft praise into your skin, and you feel both his and Bucky’s hands running over your back to try and soothe you.
You stay like that for a while, or at least it feels like a while to you but you’ve lost all concept of time so it really could’ve been just a few seconds. Bucky tucks himself into Steve’s side, rubbing slow circles on your back as you rest limply in Steve’s lap. Steve’s running his hands through your hair, whispering soft, soothing words into your skin as you slowly come down.
“You doing alright, princess?” Bucky whispers, dipping his head down to press a startlingly soft kiss to your shoulder.
You nod weakly, muttering out something alarmingly close to gibberish as you flutter your eyes open. Your brain feels like fucking mush, you can’t even formulate a clear enough thought to speak, like they’ve fucked the english language right out of your head.
“Mm, told you we’d fuck you stupid, didn’t he?” Bucky teases, smiling fondly as he rests his head beside yours on Steve’s shoulder.
“Be nice, Buck,” Steve scolds, cupping your face in his hands and pulling you back to meet your eye. His thumbs stroke gently at your cheeks, wiping at your tears as he gives you the most utterly love-struck smile. “You sure you’re alright honey, went kinda rough on you didn’t we?”
“Sleepy,” Is the only word you can think of, earning a chuckle from both men as Steve guides your head back to his shoulder.
“Let’s get you cleaned up first then you can sleep, yeah?” Steve whispers and Bucky’s getting up from the couch before Steve even finishes his sentence.
“Mhmm,” You hum, wincing softly as Steve shifts, pulling out of you and flipping you over so that you’re laying on your back.
“Did such a good job, baby, let us take care of you.” Steve whispers, peppering loving kisses all over your face as Bucky returns, running a damp rag over your thighs. 
You’re asleep before they even finish cleaning you up but you think you hear one of them say something about getting your paperwork done for you and God, you fucking love them.
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ronearoundblindly · 2 years
Ro's Bi-Weekly Edit
January 15th - January 28th, 2023
In case you missed any of the posted fics/ficlets this week, here's a quick list with snippets of each!
Five series, mini-series, and one-shot additions for your reading pleasure.
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The Root of All Ransom, Part Two, Rated Mature Ransom Drysdale x rich!Reader
The one thing Ransom is not around you is bored. There are people who try so damn hard, thinking whatever makes them likable is good, but none of it is real. At best, they turn out warped, misunderstood because no one knows fuck-all about them. Everything’s been curated. Everything’s been forced. That behavior has always been brutally obvious to him. He grew up surrounded by people faking everything about themselves, disingenuous people. Harlan is the only person who did not put on a front for him. They’re the same that way, but his grandfather allows people to play their little games in front of him, using the intrigue in his novels; Ransom simply tells people to fuck off and does whatever he wants. What occurs to Ran now is you don’t do anything for him. You don’t tailor your behavior to appeal to him in any way, and in fact, you seem to deliberately refuse to be appealing. You’re so obviously uninterested in most of the things Ransom spends his days (and nights) on that he wonders. He rethinks every encounter trying to pinpoint where something changed for you because why else would you pay him any mind whatsoever. He’s searching for warning signs that you’ve taken this the wrong way. He can’t let you expect something from him. Expectations are predictable. Predictable is boring. You are not boring.
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Formation, Rated Mature/Dark Challenge Entry, Lloyd Hansen x Reader
He always desires that. It happens at different stages during the night but it always happens. Tonight is one of the rare times he starts slow. The day must have been bad. How can the day be worse when every day Lloyd lives is bad? You'll never ask though. You would never demand anything of him, not even to come. You've learned. You know better. You've been trained.
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Wedding, from Book One of The Stark Legacy series Tony Stark's Daughter coming of age adventure
“Champagne?” Sam looked at him quizzically, adjusting her shawl across her shoulders and arms. “You’re old enough right?” “In several countries,” she said, “not this one.” “I won’t tell,” Tony mumbled, swiveling to grab one of the pre-poured flutes from down the bar and handed it over. His eyes flicked toward the tables. “You and that boy seem cozy.” His daughter blushed, rousing mixed feelings in Tony. Love and affection: he could remember the beginning but also the end, and now he resisted watching Sam go through the same. She didn’t take his bait. “How are Big Sam and Parker?” Tony hardly let the pour end before ripping the glass up to his lips. He tapped again. “They’ll be fine. We’ll all be fine.”
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The Root of All Random, Part Three, Rated Mature Ransom Drysdale x rich!Reader
For a split second, he contemplates setting the bag on fire and returning its charred remains to you or Linda or both, but instead, he stares at the beautiful thing with narrowed eyes again. He’s such a whore for nice things; he can’t damage it. In his mind, Ransom thinks about how he’ll eventually get bored with it. The bag won’t always look shiny and new. It won’t always be top quality when newer versions come out. He’ll throw it away like all the other stuff. It’s replaceable. It’s not special. It could be one of a kind, and he should not care because it’s just a bag. He doesn’t give a shit about it. He doesn’t give a shit about anything. Then he thinks about his car. It is not new. He is not bored. He sees all the new models and fucking hates them. None are his. It’s special to him, and he knows it’s just a car. His car has never made him look bad. His car has never made him feel exposed. No one has ever looked at his car and thought “what’s a car like you doing with a guy like him” or some stupid shit because it’s just a fucking car.
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Waking, from Book Two of The Stark Legacy series Tony Stark's Daughter coming of age adventure
Sam noticed a bit of formula that intrigued her. He was still trying to harness the energy of the infinity stones in a controlled environment, pairing them to be precise. The problem seemed to be what carrier mechanism to use. Bruce saw how Sam studied the screen and started to tilt the monitor away from her. “That’s not…You shouldn’t have anything to do with that—” “Ya know, if you could,” Sam interjected, looking away, fumbling with junk on the counter,, “use the mind and soul stones to recreate Vision. Aunt Wanda would love that. But he would only be a close approximation, assuming you have as much footage of his mannerisms and speech pattern. Oh, but that would be Jarvis.” Sam slipped Missy into the pile while she replaced each piece sloppily. “There is still the possibility you would generate an alternate personality, like a psychopathic robot killer, oh wait…Tony did that. Wanda may kill literally everyone if you dangled him in front of her enough.” She had to walk a fine line between irritating Bruce, but not angering him, and giving him more to think about on top of all of his current work. “Sam, how do you know anything about,” he waved his arm into the paused screen, “this?” She was no actress, but she had the brainpower to over-analyze most of her performance and correct herself. “That's why I'm here, Bruce, because I'm drowning in a bunch of information I already know, and I want, I need something new!” She removed her cap and rubbed the exposed stubble of hair in frustration, and demanded, “so for the love of all innovation, can you throw me a bone?” Sam saw a tiny light come on at the base of her tablet. Blindspot had started. Missy was in action. However, she hadn’t intentionally distracted the doctor with her itchy head.
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A/N: Been a crazy couple of weeks. Fewer posts than normal but they are some chonks. Yes, 'The Root of All Ransom' is now 5 parts, up from the originally planned 3, but...no one is surprised.
See you in February!
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literaryavenger · 9 months
Meet The Guardians Of The Galaxy
Summary: The Avengers meet the Guardians of the Galaxy for the first time.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Female Reader
Warnings: Minimal use of Y/N. Language. A lot of fluff. My poor attempts at being funny.
Word Count: 1.4K
A/N: I'm not sure what this is, but I was just thinking how it might go if the Avengers met the Guardians of the Galaxy. It started with the reader cooing at Groot and Bucky being jealous and this is what came out, lol, hope you like it! Needless to say, this doesn't follow the MCU timeline, like basically all of my other stories. Don't ask me how Thor knows the Guardians, the bitch just do. I also just needed Bucky fluff, like always, and I'm really happy how it turned out! Like always I appreciate asks and messages and am always up for it if you have any ideas.
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By this point you’re very aware that there’s life on other planets, that the universe is a place much bigger than you ever imagined. Working with the Avengers allows you to see so many things that you never thought could possibly even exist.
Super soldiers, superheroes, enhanced individuals, even Thor himself is a demi-god from literally a different planet.
This particular demi-god is the reason why today you and the rest of the team find yourselves in the common room of the Avengers Compound, a spaceship casually parked in your yard.
They call themselves the Guardians of the Galaxy: Peter Quill, Gamora, Rocket, Nebula, Drax and Mantis, literal aliens currently bickering amongst themselves because they came to earth to visit Thor the wrong day, resulting in Thor not being home for their arrival.
"Is that a plushie?" you ask, a little confused, pointing at a little teddy bear-like thing on Quill’s shoulder and effectively ending their search for who is at fault for their mistake.
He looks even more confused than you and asks "What the hell is a plushie? This is Groot, he’s a Flora Colossi."
You decide, for my own peace of mind, to ignore the latin and instead focus on the cute little thing on his shoulder who is now moving and looking at you weirdly.
"I am Groot." he says in the cutest voice ever.
"Oh my god, you're just adorable!" You say, reaching your finger out for him to hold, freaking out at his cuteness.
"I remember when you used to talk to me like that…" you hear Bucky mumble behind you, which makes you laugh and, with your attention still completely on Groot, you tell him "God, you really are a needy bitch, Barnes." at which everybody laughs.
"Yeah? And you’re just a bi-"
"Hey!" you basically yell, interrupting him and startling Groot.
"I’m kidding!" he quickly says, putting up his hands in defeat. With one last glare at Bucky, your attention turns back to Groot.
"I am Groot!" he says again.
"I know honey, you said that." you tell him.
"I am Groot." he says, yet again, at which Sam answers "Yeah, you’re Groot, got it."
Groot says "I am Groot." again and, before Sam can say something that you're sure is gonna be very rude, you turn to the Guardians and ask "Why does he keep saying that?"
Rocket is the one to answer "Well, he don't know talking good like me and you. So his vocabulistics is limited to I and am and Groot. Exclusively in that order."
His answer leaves you all a little dumbfounded but again, for your own sanity, you all seem to decide to let it go.
Instead Bruce asks "So how do you understand him?"
"We speak Groot." Nebula says like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"How can you speak ‘Groot’ if he says literally the same three words, in the exact same order, in the same way every time?" Tony asks, starting to get a little frustrated, probably because the genius can’t do something that seems to come really easy to a bunch of space idiots.
"We manage." Quill simply says.
At this point Groot reaches his little hands towards you, signaling that he wants to be picked up, so, before Tony can make any sarcastic comment, you look at Quill and ask, excitement clear on your face "Can I?" while pointing at an awaiting Groot.
"Sure." He says, and you very carefully pick him up and put him on your shoulder.
"Be careful not to move too fast, he’ll hold onto your hair for dear life." Gamora warns you.
"Noted." you say giggling a little when Groot sticks his tongue out to Gamora, then she does the same to him, making everyone else laugh too.
"Buck, look how cute he is." you coo at Groot who's playing with your finger.
"’s not that cute…" he says quietly but you hear him, and apparently so does Groot because he says "I am Groot." in a very annoyed tone that prompts a chorus of whoas and protests from the guardians.
"The acorns on you, kid!" Quill says, and everybody just knows he said some really bad words to Bucky.
"Who even taught you that word?!" Rocket sounds like an exasperated parent.
"I am Groot."
"What do you mean, Drax taught you?! WHY WOULD YOU TEACH HIM THAT?" 
"The small tree asked." Drax says unbothered.
"Just because he asks doesn't mean you have to teach him dirty words!"
"How was I supposed to know that?"
"It's really common sense, Drax." Gamora interjects, calmer than Rocket.
"I am Groot."
"See, even Groot knows you don’t have common sense, Drax, that’s why he asked you." Quill says.
"I am Groot."
"I am not stupid, tree!" Drax glares at Groot.
"See, he’s not cute. He’s a disrespectful little shit!" Bucky says, also glaring at poor Groot.
"I am Groot." the guardians snicker, leaving the rest of you confused.
"What? What did he say?" you're too curious not to ask as Groot is now glaring back at Bucky.
"He said he doesn’t understand how a sweet person like you is with someone like him." Nebula translates, earning some gasps and snickers from everyone else too.
You look at Bucky trying hard not to laugh and he looks like he's about 5 seconds away from murdering Groot.
He takes a step towards you but Groot, still on your shoulder, makes the cutest little growl and starts flinging one of his arms around in Bucky’s direction, the other one holding to your hair so as to not fall.
"Oh, he’s ready to fight a bitch." you say unable to hold in your laughter any longer and the others follow you.
"What?" you turn around and Drax is giving you a confused look.
"What?" you say, calming down from your laughter.
"I do not understand. He does not resemble a female dog." he looks at Bucky and then back at you.
"He- I don- What?" you’re as confused as you’ve ever been, everybody else’s faces mirroring your own.
"His people are completely literal, he doesn’t understand metaphors." Rocket explains.
"Oh… fun." Tony says, still a little confused.
"Is it though?" you hear Gamora mumble, before Mantis starts giggling.
"It is!" she says with the joy of a kid on christmas morning.
"It’s really not." Nebula says casually, and from that the Guardians start bickering amongst each other.
You look at Groot who’s still on the warpath with Bucky and then at Rocket, the only one not saying anything.
He meets your eyes and simply says. "This is what I gotta live with."
"Oh, poor little racoon." you coo at him while laughing and that seems to stop the bickering.
"Hey, I am no racoon!" Rocket tells you defensively.
"I am Groot." Rocket groans and Quill snickers.
"Groot’s right, he’s a trash panda." he says knowing the people of earth will know why that’s funny.
Some of the Avengers laugh, but you gasp trying to hide your amusement for Rocket’s sake.
"You know, you might be right, Buck. He’s not that cute and innocent after all." you turn to your boyfriend, who gives you a slight pout.
"I’m cuter than him, right"- he asks you with those puppy eyes he knows make you melt.
"Aww, of course you are, baby." you give him a kiss on the cheek, almost forgetting about Groot on your shoulder until he talks again.
"I am Groot." the Guardians “aww” and coo at him but before you can ask, Mantis explains. "He says he understands now why you’re together."
"He says he can see how much you two love each other." Gamora finishes.
You smile at Groot and he smiles back before making the cutest yawn, looking at Bucky and doing grabby hands at him.
Bucky looks at you and you take his hand and guide it towards where Groot is, he’s uncertain but when Groot climbs on his hand Bucky looks almost like a little kid seeing a butterfly up close for the first time.
He brings Groot against his chest and the little tree gets comfortable and falls asleep almost immediately, while everyone else in the room coos at the two.
"This might be the cutest thing I’ve ever seen." you whisper, not wanting to wake up Groot, and Bucky looks up at you and flashes a smile bright enough to light up the whole of New York.
"I guess he is kind of cute." he says looking back down at Groot’s sleeping form, leaving everyone else snickering as quietly as they can, while he imagines how it would be to be like this one day with a baby that’s his and yours, and you can’t help but think the same thing.
Part 2
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