#bumbleby from weiss' perspective
biggreenneatbox · 9 months
Bumbleby Big Bang Post #2
...okay, so full disclosure: this isn't an official second BBB post from me. Clickbait-y title is clickbait, and I do apologise.
We are only supposed to have 1 story entry per person per year, understandably to not overload one's self with too many projects, and not only have I already uploaded on 13th December, but the last post was yesterday, Christmas Eve 2023, by the incredible pugoata.
Even then, this subject was discussed rather at length within the BBB Discord Server little over a month ago, even as a silly little idea a few people threw around. As per the rules of the Big Bang:
"Do not discuss your BBB ideas in the server, or in public, at all"
As this was indeed a BBB idea discussed within the server, it cannot be entered officially as a story.
But from the simple question posed "What would it look like to write a Bees Story from a perspective other than the Bees?", that stupid idea was in my head. And then due to a mental health nosedive, I suddenly had a lot of time on my hands, and a crazy idea in my head to follow through with after that brief talk.
And thus, 3 weeks later, this. Despite waiting until Christmas Day itself to post, it is not itself a festive story. Just wanted to put that out there before expectations were formed.
I held off posting so that everyone could enjoy the fruits of everyone who worked on their BBBs' labour, but now with that buffer out of the way, I'd give you something for the next couple of days worth of binging. I thought I'd also offer out to anyone who wanted to give it a shot:
Any artists who want to draw part of this story - so long as you credit this story as the inspiration, you have my full permission to do so!
So behold, my second (albeit unofficial) story written for this year's BBB:
The Diary of The Bumbleby
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"The Diary of The Bumbleby (or: The near comprehensive written chronicle of how basically everyone on Remnant was aware of Yang and Blake's romantic feelings for one another before Yang and Blake themselves were)" - by Weiss Schnee - Chapter 1 - FeugoFox42 - RWBY [Archive of Our Own]
All images were made by me using the website Hero Forge for custom D&D Miniatures, as I cannot really art properly but I wanted there to be something for people to look at that could be thrown together fairly speedily.
There are the rest of images below the cut that should appear in the story (hopefully 🤞), but it does contain minor spoilers within, so proceed with that knowledge at your own discretion.
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Yang Calabrone (née Xiao Long)
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Blake Calabrone (née Belladonna)
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Maid of Honour Ruby Rose, and Best Woman Weiss Schnee
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Blake's Bridesmaids: Ilia Amitola, Sun Wukong, and Nora Valkyrie
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Yang's Bridesmen: Oscar Pine, Lie Ren Valkyrie, and Jaune Arc
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Parents of the Brides: Ghira and Kali Belladonna, and Taiyang Xiao Long
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Wedding Officiant and mother of a Bride, Raven Branwen
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Ring Bearer Extraordinaire and the Bestest, Fluffiest Boy on the face of Remnant, Zwei
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Wedding Stylist and Wedding Photographer respectively: Coco Adel and Velvet Scarlatina
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Maître d’: Old Man Shopkeep
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Qrow Branwen and Winter Schnee
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Guests (in no particular order): Flynt Coal; Neon Katt; Fox Alistair; Neopolitan; Fiona Thyme; May Marigold; Emerald Sustrai
And finally...
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...yeah, you're gonna have to read the story to know what the fuck that is about
Please, enjoy this random crack fic, and Merry Christmas!
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sawrinwrites · 6 months
I See You - Bumbleby Week Day 2
This was supposed to be 4,500 words from Weiss' perspective but now it's 10,000 words from the POVs of Weiss and the Bees.
A tale of understanding and acceptance and poetry as a vehicle for bonding over trauma. Featuring graduate student Blake and basketball star Yang.
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earth-unicorn · 1 year
Author: Hey guys I wanted to make an announcement...
Weiss: What's taking so long? Why haven't you posted the "Bumbleby" confession yet?
Author: I was just about to explain...
Weiss: can't you just post it in multiple parts or already
Author: well I...
Ruby: Weiss Why are you in such a rush to get it posted?
Weiss: I just want to get them over with.
Ruby: You just want to kiss me don't you!
Weiss: No... I.. shut up!
Ruby: Admit it Weiss! you love me!
Weiss blushing: No that's not it!
Ruby: Then why are you blushing?
Author: How'd you guys even get in here?
Penny: You left the door open.
Author: Ok? Anyways I decided that I'm going to be splitting the Bumbleby Confession into multiple parts. Each part will be from different perspectives. Thank you all for being patient and once again I'm sorry for the delay.
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ficretus · 6 months
Observing Jaune from the perspective of Joan of Arc as his primary allusion, there is a thing that simultaneously irks me and makes me gravitate towards Knightfall as plausible story resolution. That thing is lack of viable alternative to fill out the role of Dauphin besides Cinder. To quickly summarize it, their backstories and character flaws match. Their relationship with Jaune/Joan shares age gap, power imbalance, taboo aspect and holds high stakes in conflict.
Of course you have Ruby, but she fills out that role differently. She represents more idealized version of Dauphin to Jaune's very flawed Joan. She doesn't quite represent the King on his last legs before meeting Joan who changed his life. She represents Dauphin during Joan's campaigns, relatively static relationship without many ups and downs. So based on that, I'd expect their relationship to also remain mostly static, as in, remain close friends throughout the entire story.
However, I mostly wanted to focus on Weiss and why I don't think she makes sense from perspective of Joan of Arc story. She at most fulfills the role with commoner/royal dynamic she'd have with Jaune, but that feels empty. Weiss' social status doesn't play big enough role anymore, especially ever since Atlas fell. Outside of that, there are very little parallels between Weiss and Dauphin. There is no massive power imbalance, there is no taboo, Weiss is not morally dubious character, there is no character flaw Weiss can only overcome with Jaune's help (that's one of the things that bother me since vast majority of Weiss' character growth happens with her teammates, Jaune is barely involved in it), there are no stakes, etc.
And of course, easy argument against this would be that it doesn't have to make sense with Joan of Arc story, which is true. However, Jaune's story follows Joan's story trajectory relatively well. There are so many details that parallel between the stories that I have hard time ruling it out as coincidence. This isn't like Renora, where Nora has barely anything to do with Thor and Ren has barely anything to do with Mulan. So at the end of the day it doesn't matter Ren isn't dazzling blond like Thor's wife Sif because Nora is only surface level allusion. I would be surprised if they followed Joan of Arc story relatively closely and then decided to give Jaune love interest that doesn't make sense narrative wise.
Another argument would be another canonical pair, Bumbleby. Of course, Adam was based on Beast and yet he doesn't end up with Blake, so Cinder having lot of parallels with Dauphin could mean absolutely nothing. But thing is, Yang also makes sense as Beast, in fact, Yang after Volume 5 makes more sense as Beast than Adam. That's my gripe with Weiss, because no matter how I spin it, I can't fit her as Dauphin.
Of course, there is still time to inject Whiteknight with all the Joan of Arc references in the world, but it's one of the reasons I still shill for Knightfall even though it's deemed impossible by everyone else.
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Her Oasis in the Desert
A spicy Bumbleby fic by LittlestFallenAngel
After a disturbing dream about her first time, Blake is found up late at night by Yang. Blake asks Yang about her first time, prompting Miss Xiao Long to admit that she's never had sex before. A bit more chatting, and the convenient absence of Weiss and Ruby lead to the busy bees sharing a bed for the first time.
Worthy is so damn good I wrote my second ever Bumbleby fic!
My first one was written from Yang's perspective, so this time I decided to write mostly from Blake's perspective. It was fun, because I never totally understood Blake's character until Vol 9, so I had to push myself to look back on her past behaviors and look at them in the context of everything we know about her today. It was a fun challenge and I hope Blake's bigger fans enjoy my interpretation of her and her relationship with Yang.
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sapphicneige · 2 years
Chapters: 1/4
Words: 10195
Rating: M
Main Relationship: Blake Belladonna/Yang Xiao Long
Main Characters: Blake, Yang, Ruby, Weiss
Other Tags: Canon compliant but with a few changes, fluff and angst, past abuse, hurt/comfort, follows along with vol 1, but from blakes perspective
“Yeah…” Yang’s eyes meet Blake’s gaze knowingly. “...this girl’s a lost cause.”
The words hit Blake differently. She knows that, if she let herself, she would be. That if Ruby wasn’t here, if they weren’t in a room full of people, Yang would have unwound every knot she’d tied herself to, freed her from the chains of her past, and shown her just how incredible things can really be.
Here's my post for Day 4 of the Bumbleby Week 2022! The prompt was Beacon Days. Please go check out the main blog to see all the posts @bumblebyweek-blog!
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chaoticevilspacewitch · 7 months
More Objectively Correct Shipping Opinions: RWBY+ Edition
Members of Team RWBY plus someone else
Nuts & Dolts: honestly, the Ruby ship with the most basis in canon. WhiteRose has had a lot of time to cook and hasn't much, whereas every minute these two share seems like it's loaded with affection. I honestly thought it was just too wholesome to be interesting until I heard Taylor McKnee's confession monologue, and the line "I adore you so" broke me.
(as an aside, Frosen Steel combines many of the strengths of Nuts & Dolts and WhiteRose... although I wish it was called Frosted Cinnamon Rolls instead)
Milk & Cereal: in an AU where Yang isn't part of Ruby's life, Pyrrha could easily fill the roll, *and* be shippable. I did a smut oneshot of it once, but I'd like to explore it more thoroughly.
Fallen Petals: ah, my beloved dark rose! I was skeptical until I read Rise from the Ashes and became a believer in Ruby's power to redeem Cinder with kisses.
Strawberry Shortcake: very similar to Fallen Petals, but with more comedic potential between less murdery Neo and Ruby.
Death's White Rose: this one is entirely @powertaco 's fault. Ruby, Weiss, and a somehow young Maria Calavera. It's grown on me.
Red Fox: my wildcard. I typically am dead set against shipping any of RWBY with men, but I started writing Fox trying to flirt with Ruby as a joke and decided they're kind of adorable together.
North Pole/Schneekos: I love Weiss and Pyrrha together. They have a lot in common with being women put on pedestals and always expected to be exceptional... and then there's the height difference thing. They're the backbone of Scattered Petals.
White Chocolate: fashionista rich girls who experimented on a dare and liked it? OR committed lesbian Coco seducing the uptight thinks-she's-straight Weiss? Yessssss.
Black Ice: hear me out here. MILF Salem playing a long, strategic game of seduction with Weiss, offering her power to make the world as she believes it should be, and vengeance against her father, only to actually fall for her? Weiss *knowing* what's happening and thinking she can play Salem, until suddenly it's not playing her anymore? Dirty and delicious!
Hailstorm: I was recently put onto this one by a couple of @powertaco 's fics about them, and I'm kinda taken with the Ruby/Weiss/Nora dynamic. It feels like it works best when one of them is damaged and the other two, in a healthy relationship, adopt them.
Catmeleon: Obviously. My only gripe with Bumbleby is that Ilia is a total sweetheart, and her "I wish you'd looked at me the way you looked at him" line breaks my heart every time.
Black Velvet: I just think they'd be sweet together, and their different perspectives on life as a faunus would be interesting to see interact.
Baked Alaska: I started writing this out of spite when @etincelleart was getting harassed for drawing it, and realized that, like many things with Neo, it's a lot of fun. The idea that Yang realized Neo was mute and learned sign language *just* so they could banter during fights is adorable.
Greek Fire: I think this one is a fun one to explore precisely because it takes Yang's usual position as the buff, strong protector and lets her be Pyrrha's little spoon. Great for sports AUs.
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erros429 · 3 years
i know most bumbleby stans don’t shut up about the connection of yang and blake’s song but holy SHIT are they packed with so much content. also a warning beforehand, this rant is very messy and kind of confusing, so lol if you want, try to keep up.
if we ignore the ridiculous amount of romantic connotations behind every line in all that matters, and look at the lines “thought that i could pull you from the shadows/maybe help you find your wings and fly” which are a CLEAR connection to blake’s past songs, it’s fucking crazy.
let’s look at from shadows for a second. there’s nothing romantic behind the lyrics in it, just pure defiance and passion and anger from blake and the white fang. which is super fitting for her story! there are a lot of images of darkness and shadows (obviously), and the clear continuation to this song is this time (which i will touch on soon). i do want to point out, however, these lines: “tired of being pushed around and we will fly/we'll fly, we'll fly” this is yet another reference to blake’s other song, wings.
now, i know that blake’s songs being connected shouldn’t be a surprise because all the other characters’ songs reference one another too. ruby’s direct images are about her mom and roses, weiss’s is about loneliness and has images of mirrors, yang’s is about fire and gold. but it’s the clear fact that blake and yang’s songs reference each other’s that is so important.
now wings is a blake song, but unlike other character songs, it’s being sang TO her, not BY her. it’s not explicitly a romantic song (the only real romance that could be spotted behind it is the “baby”) but the soft, comforting lyrics and tone can kind of give off the vibe.
now looking right back to all that matters: a yang song that pulls in DIRECT allusions to blake’s songs. in both from shadows and wings, blake seems to be overtaken by distress and darkness and broken hope, and yang’s perspective shows that she wished she could pull her from that.
NOW to really quick talk about this time. it technically has nothing to do with yang because it’s about blake reclaiming the white fang, but the indications of “out of the ashes, a new flame ignites/rise up from shadows and into the light” brings up yang’s songs’ imagery once again.
i don’t particularly think a lot of this can be seen as completely and irrevocably romantic, but i do think that since the beginning, bumbleby has been intertwined in a way that the other relationships haven’t. yes, yang’s songs talk about protecting her family, but those lines are just outright stated. there’s no beating around the bush about the fact that yang will do anything for her sister. but these characters songs (which are a complete window to their inner thoughts and emotions) are connected in such a way that we can see blake and yang’s growth together through their lyrics alone.
and this is all without mentioning the fact that these two have the most songs together than any other pair in the show: all that matters, bmblb (if that even counts?), nevermore, and of COURSE the mention of blake in yang’s armed and ready. i sincerely think that their songs are weaved together are a reflection on how their storylines are weaved together, and they have one of the strongest relationships in the show, whether you want to argue that they’re in love or not.
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dragynkeep · 2 years
this isn't a slight against anyone and i'm more or less calling myself out, but it's so funny how the brain will work when it comes to shipping. my brain will be like "we don't like marrow x weiss or winter or robyn because it's racist" but will then turnaround and ship cardin/velvet or roman/blake or ship ships where one character has murdered the other. why do you think that is from a psychological perspective? is it because cardin/roman are acknowledged as racist while the others aren't?
essentially yeah wheeze. roman & cardin are called out as being racist by the narrative & by their fans so with that accountability, there is the chance there for genuine change in their narratives.
whereas with weiss, winter & robyn, their own racist history / background is not acknowledged by the show & downplayed or erased by the fans, so there's less of that leeway because you can't get over that roadhill.
the same way that people can ship enemies to lovers in the show with like ruby & cinder, but not ship blacksun or bumbleby because blake has exhibited abusive behaviours that're never acknowledged by the show, so it kind of sticks in the throat. cinder's behaviour to ruby is expected because they're enemies, but we don't expect blake to emotionally abuse her love interests or physically assault them & it feels wrong to just. accept that as something she does.
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yangsbandana · 3 years
I know this will be a dumb question but did yang ever tell Blake and co she confronted Salem? We know Blake told her about the hound. And how do you think the confession will go? Will they kiss right away after(if) Blake and ruby have a conversation about yang before finding yang. Or a team reunion with Blake and yang talking about it in private later on. I’m kinda hoping for a rwby reunion in episode one or two and I don’t want it to be spoiled in the trailer or clip at the panel.
not at all a dumb question! i have to imagine that blake and yang gave each other a brief rundown of what happened, so my headcanon is that she likely told blake about punching salem in the tits facing salem, but if you’re asking if it was explicitly stated in the show then the answer is no.
as for how i think the confession will go? hmmm,,,, i’m still kind of conflicted over whether it will happen right when they reunite or not. i’m with you--i hope that the reunion happens in early v9. and i still have a hard time picturing a scenario in which blake doesn’t immediately confess to yang after thinking that she’d lost her forever. so from that perspective, i imagine blake running into yang’s arms and just,,,, kissing her like in episode 2 or 3. and then maybe they talk about their feelings for one another as they’re sitting around a fire together or something in one of the episodes after that idk.
BUT at the same time, i can’t help but think that crwby would want to save the bee confession/kiss for the final third of whatever volume it appears in so that there’s some room for buildup to it within the volume. my hope is that crwby can figure out a way to get team rwby back together early on, but something stands in the way of the bees confessing to one another until later. maybe there’s an imminent threat? maybe neo interrupts an almost-kiss (a bumbleby almost-kiss scene would literally be everything to me ngl)? maybe they’re uncomfortable confessing while ruby/weiss/jaune are also present so they have to wait for a peaceful moment alone that doesn’t come until later in the volume?
i think the dream would be for it to happen during conversation like they had in burning the candle with the roles reversed so it’s blake challenging yang about throwing herself into danger to protect the people she loves. i can so easily picture blake something along the lines of ‘i know it’s because you want to protect us, but yang, we want to protect you too. we love you.... i love you.’ and the rest of it all unfolding from there, culminating in a fuCKinG KiSS. so i guess the full answer to your question is that my hope is that there’s some build up to a burning the candle 2.0 conversation over the first half of the volume or so, and that will be the way the bees confess. whoops this got long. goddd how long until we learn something new about v9 i’m ready to have more breadcrumbs for speculation purposes,,,,,,
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sawrinwrites · 2 months
The Fan Fic Collection - August 2024
I was going to try and do these more regularly but some stuff happened (bought a house, work/life drama, the entire month of July
Multi-Chapter Fics:
I See Myself In Reflections of You
At your request, a long-fic inspired Bumbleby Week day 2: I See You.
What's it about?
It's about the connections we form with people who recognise our pain and what it means to be truly seen.
What's the vibe?
Angst with a happy ending. Everyone's hurting but they're working on getting better.
What's different about this fic?
The key traumatic events for Blake and Yang aren't described by them but by the people closest to them. They only ever describe their feelings and treatments after the fact, the details are provided by someone else.
How much can I read?
The first 4 chapters are already out, providing the introductions to the arcs for Blake, Yang, Weiss, and Ruby.
Shattered Divinity
Soulmates / Deities AU which explores a number of dark and unpleasant themes. Reader discretion is advised.
What's it about?
The life Yang Xiao Long, Goddess of the Sun, as she seeks penance for her part in the breaking of the world.
What's the vibe?
Dark and angsty. This story explores a number of difficult themes and prospective readers are strongly advised to consider the tags before reading. This isn't for everyone.
How much can I read?
The first 4 chapters are already available and make up the "introduction" portion of the story. There is also an appendix for those wishing to know more about the divine pantheon and how it works.
The Monsters At My Side And In My Shadow
A fic that asks the question: What would happen if instead of leaving the White Fang, Blake chose to stay and get revenge on Adam?
Featuring Yang as a weregrimm.
What's it about?
Blake and Yang form a dangerous partnership in order to achieve their own bloody goals and end up having to navigate their attractions to one another.
What's the vibe?
Light angst. This one touches on a few darker concepts but it is intended as an easy read.
How Much Can I Read?
The first three chapters are already available.
Anthology Works:
As Told By Ember
A collection of one-shots following Blake and Yang's relationship but told from the perspective of Yang's best friend, a golden retriever named Ember. These are intended to be light, fluffy stories with sprinklings of angst.
There are currently 2 works available with more planned:
Best Laid Plans: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53848393
Expecting: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54719149
Bumbleby Week 2024
8 prompts, 8 one-shots. There's something for everyone here.
Day 1 - Bumblebaby - Expecting:
Day 2 - Jock / Nerd - I See You:
Day 3 - Soulmates - And Every Time I'll Find You:
Day 4 - Farm Girl / Nomad - Maybe This Year:
Day 5 - Evil Yang / Evil Blake - A Weak And Foolish Heart:
Day 6 - Comfort - The Way It Feels:
Day 7 - AU Day (Fake Dating) - Double Date:
Day 8 - Bonus / VA Appreciation - Downtime:
The Hunt
This one is for the monster fuckers. Werewolf Yang and human Blake and a lot of defiled furniture.
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beetletricks · 3 years
Making Predictions for Volume 9-Volume 10 way before they even Air
Volume 9 First Quarter/Half:
-Yang and Neo rematch 
-Something similar to Brunswick with horror elements
(Maybe something that works with Neo that can awaken new abilities within non-maidens but then later give Cinder some advice)
-Weiss and Jaune figuring out how to break the news to everybody
-Bumbleby first kiss
-Mercury’s reaction to Emerald disappearing, setup for Volume 10 villain plans 
-RWBY against boss grimm
Volume 9 Rest:
-Ruby dealing more with her own emotions rather than others compared to Volume 4
-Weiss taking a lead in her own journey to find her sister only to discover a big a** grimm that’s body is underground so Silver Eyes wouldn’t work on it
-Bumbleby second kiss
-Some NOER content
-Ruby, Emerald and Oscar team up
-Renora and Bumbleby interactions 
-Qrow appears to segway into Volume 10
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Volume 10 First Half:
-Qrow, Glynda and Theodore
-Crosshares content
-CFVY Reunion and hanging out with activities in Vacuo 
(Ruby and Velvet, Sun and Blake)
-Sun Reunion and hanging out with activities in Vacuo
-Salem uses the staff
-Maiden has a connection to Summer
-Maiden dies
-Ruby and Velvet team up in final battle
-Yang, Sun, and Blake team up in final battle
-Other mixes for final battle of the volume
-Velvet, Coco, or Emerald become the Summer Maiden
-Emerald and Mercury confrontation
-Fake Summer maiden kidnapped
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Volume 10 Second Half:
-Truth of Summer from Salem’s perspective  
-Emerald and Cinder confrontation
-Salem full power
-Cinder’s awakening
-Dual wield creation and destruction 
-Velvet using the weapons (and semblances possibly with magic) of 10 Hunters and Huntresses since this would be RWBY’s 10th volume to fight Cinder who wrecks Winter but also gets defeated
-Cameos of people from every kingdom again 
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kittyprincessofcats · 3 years
RWBY Volume 8, Episode 13 (Worthy)
Well, wow. That sure was an episode that happened.
Thoughts under the cut.
Anyone who leaves spoilers for episode 14 on this will get blocked.
- First of all, I want to now talk about the spoiler I saw for this episode last week, to put the anger from my last post into context: After I had just finished watching episodes 8-12 and started writing my post about them, I went into one of the RWBY tags bc I’m dumb and saw a post that said (I don’t remember the exact words, but more or less): “I’m so glad Yang is finally dead, so now her fans can shut up about her and everyone can ship Blacksun instead.”
… Yeah. Imagine seeing that when you haven’t seen the actual episode and have no idea what really happened. I honestly completely panicked for a few minutes, before remembering I don’t actually know anything and this might just be a “Weiss gets impaled in Volume 5, but one episode later it turns out she’ll be fine” situation. So then I had to look up what actually happened to Yang, because otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to sleep. So, to the person who made that post: Fuck you. Not only did you freak people out for no reason (because come on, there’s no way falling into the void actually kills you – and even if it does, we at least definitely don’t know that for sure after episode 13), but even if Yang had actually died, it’s super shitty that your first reaction to a beloved queer character’s death would be “yay, now people can ship my m/f ship instead”. Like, I don’t care if you personally dislike Yang/ dislike Bumbleby/ prefer Blacksun – show a little bit of decency.
Phew. Sorry, I had to get that off my chest because it really made me angry. Now let’s get into the actual episode:
- “Worthy” as a title pretty much already made me predict that Cinder would succeed in her plan, since “you have to be worthy” was what Watts told her in his speech. She’s gotten the message and is now back to efficient plans – and while I love to see it, it also very much scares me when it comes to our heroes’ survival chances. The last time Cinder was doing well, we lost Pyrrha, so… help.
- And gosh, this whole episode was so intense! I feel like it mostly set up a bunch of very intense situations that are going to escalate in the last episode that I’m very much not ready for.
- I still think the whole central location between the worlds is really beautiful, if dangerous. (They should have specified to Ambrosius that they want handrails or something.)
- Nora using her hammer like a witch’s broom was amazing.
- I also loved the scene with Jaune and the people at the train station; that was really funny.
- The middle of the desert might not have been the best place for the exit. Didn’t the group consider that there might be a sandstorm or something else unpredictable out there? Couldn’t they have picked a better exit point?
- Cinder causing an explosion in the middle of the evacuation that throws multiple people into the void was bad and all – but it was still one hell of an entrance!
- I love that now that Cinder realized that she has to rely on teamwork, she’s suddenly being so nice to everyone. Apologizing to Neo, complimenting Watts on “tearing the kingdom apart with nothing but his intellect”, that soft “You deserve this, Arthur”, complimenting Team RWBY on their plan, thanking them for teaching her “one last lesson”. Yeah, maybe she’s just talking to Neo and Watts like this because she needs their help, and to Team RWBY because she’s confident she’ll win – but it’s still amazing to see the shift in her attitude and how she’s clearly changed her tactic.
- It’s insane to me that some people correctly predicted that Cinder would ask Jinn the last question based JUST on the fact that there’s a part in the opening where everyone else freezes in time while she walks past them. Holy hell! I love trying to guess stuff based on the intro, but I would have never thought that far.
- Cinder’s question to Jinn seems like a waste considering it was Jinn’s last question, but maybe it just seems that way to us as viewers because Jinn didn’t reveal anything we didn’t already know. Was it the right thing for Cinder to do? I don’t know, to be honest. Yes, it did give her the chance to ruin the heroes’ plans, but I have a feeling Salem won’t be happy about the question being gone. Pretty sure Salem was going to ask Jinn how to get the Beacon relic, and now she can’t do that. (Cinder ruining Salem’s plans for the beacon relic? Let that be foreshadowing, please.) I mean, maybe it’s worth it from Salem’s POV if it gets them the staff and then she’ll have 2 of the 4 relics – but they could have still gotten the staff later, while I don’t know if Salem has any plan B for the beacon relic. And I’m a little worried about Cinder now. I always thought that Salem wouldn’t kill Cinder no matter what, because she still needs the Fall Maiden for the beacon relic – but if she now has to wait another 100 years for the beacon relic anyway, I’m not sure if she’ll have a reason to keep Cinder alive. (And I’m still worried about that “Some lives will end much too soon” line playing over that scene of Cinder clutching her Grimm arm in the opening.) I also wonder if Cinder even knew that this was Jinn’s last question. Did Jinn even tell her that? Also, when will the 100 years even be up? Do the questions just reset every 100 years regardless of when they were used? So maybe we’re already at year 80 or something and will only have to wait 20 years?
- The cut from everyone at the central command place screaming to them being dead was kinda funny in a “very dark humour” way.
- When Harriet first jumped onto that ship with the bomb, I, like an idiot, thought that she was finally being sensible and trying to get the bomb as far away from Atlas and Mantle as possible, not that she was trying to still drop it on Mantle. She and Ironwood might as well be working for Salem’s team at this point, because they’re doing everything to help the villains’ plan. And the villains are even counting on it! Watts freed Ironwood from his cell and is piloting Harriet’s ship. Those two are just straight up helping Salem’s team in their attempts to… what was it? Save Atlas?
- Ironwood killing Jacques was awful and proves once again that Ironwood has zero morals left. And I didn’t like Jacques, but that was the kind of death that absolutely no one deserves. He had no way to escape or fight back, he was defenseless, locked up in a prison cell with nowhere to run – that’s not just a murder, that’s an execution without a trial. And Jacques wasn’t even a threat, he wasn’t in the way of any of Ironwood’s plans. Ironwood killed him literally just because he could. And no one who thinks they’re the good guy (and Ironwood still thinks he’s the good guy) should go around just killing people who aren’t even a threat.
- And then we have Yang falling into the void. Honestly, as heartbreaking as Blake’s sobs and anger are, I kind of love this from a “supreme angst, let’s see my faves suffer” perspective. That said, Yang better actually be fine or else.
- Actually, my prediction is that the rest of team RWBY will jump into the void to save Yang in the last episode. Because they’re all falling in the opening, and because “Sometimes it’s worth it all to risk the fall and fight for every life”. That’s pretty much the only prediction I feel somewhat confident about, for the rest I have no idea.
- I wonder if it would have been better if Penny had just gone through the doorway and gotten the staff to Vacuo. I get why she didn’t, because Yang just fell and her other friends were in danger… but at the same time, she was supposed to protect the population and the staff (and she has the maiden powers that I’m sure Cinder still wants). If she had just gotten out of there, at least the group in Vacuo would have had some help against the sandstorm and the Grimm. But then again, it would have also severely weakened Term RWBY’s chances against Cinder and Neo… it’s a tough call, really.
- “Why didn’t you just learn your lesson?” “Oh, Penny… I did.” Okay, but that’s the thing: She really did! Just not the lesson Penny wanted her to learn. And notice how Cinder called Penny by her first name again? She didn’t use to do that. I still think somewhere down the line Penny has earned her respect.
- I wonder if Penny’s technically weaker now because she’s human (?? is she??). She’s definitely not used to fighting without her robotic parts (as you can see when she tries to reach for her swords and realizes they’re not there anymore). I summoning those swords like she then did her semblance or another maiden power?
- Blake now has to choose between helping Ruby and helping Penny and Weiss – gosh, the suspense…
- I’m glad Vine at least finally tried to stop Harriet now! (Better late than never.) But I really wouldn’t blame Qrow and Robyn for crashing into their ship. It’s not like they had any way of knowing that Vine was trying to talk sense into Harriet. Also, Qrow crashing through Harriet’s windscreen was amazing.
- Winter and Ironwood are going to fight to the death and I’m so scared of it. (I just need Winter to survive, please…)
- When Weiss described the doorway as a “one-way ticket to Vacuo” last episode, I briefly wondered if that meant they wouldn’t be let back through, but then I brushed it aside and didn’t think about it too much anymore. Oh, damn. You really do have to be very specific with Ambrosius.
- I’m not even sure which location is the best to be in right now because they all seem very unsafe: Atlas and Mantle are unsafe because Atlas is falling, because Mantle might still get blown up by Harriet, and because Salem might still come back any time. The place between worlds is unsafe because of the void and because there’s a big fight happening right there. And Vacuo is unsafe because of the Grimm and the sandstorm. So really, they’re all awful for the civilians right now.
- And now I’m thinking the volume might actually end with the protagonists split into three groups as well: Team RWBY in the void (that they’ll spend Volume 9 finding their way back from), one half of the other characters in Vacuo (Oscar, Ren, Emerald, maybe more?), and the other half still in Atlas/Mantle (Qrow, Robyn, Marrow, Winter, maybe more).
- I’m super nervous about the last episode. I haven’t seen any spoilers at all so far, and I plan to keep it that way. I’ll probably completely ignore anything RWBY-related until next week because the anxiety would kill me otherwise. I’m really worried we’ll get a character death or even several. And ironically, my first prediction on who might die this Volume (Penny, Nora, Winter, Cinder) hasn’t changed all that much. I’m worried about Penny because she has the Maiden Powers and the staff, so Cinder will come after her (but I really think it would be an awful writing choice to kill her off after we just went through so much to save her). I’m very worried about Winter because she’s engaged in a duel to the death with a man who has a big canon that he just blew someone up with. I’m worried for Cinder because of the opening and because Salem might be pissed at her for using the last question. I’m worried for everyone who’s still on Atlas and might get blown up by the bomb (Qrow, Robyn, Marrow, Winter again). And I’m very worried for the characters who are in the in-between realm. Not so much Team RWBY, but I’m worried about Nora, Jaune, and Penny. So yeah, I’m pretty much worried about everyone and very much not ready. Now let me ignore RWBY’s existence for a week – or only reblog posts I already have saved as drafts – because it’s the only way I’ll know peace.
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hadesisqueer · 4 years
I'm bored so now I'm going to talk about Weiss and the Bees (mostly Yang). And there's nothing you can do about it.
When it comes to Freezerburn, I mostly like them as best friends (I'm more of a Whiterose/Bumbleby girl) but I would also really like them as a couple if that were the case, and totally understand why people ship them. Same thing happens with Monochrome, and Ladybug (INTERACT FOR FUCK'S SAKE). I'm gonna be talking about this as friendship.
Okay, but really, do you guys ever think about how Weiss had no fucking idea about what was happening at the camp when Yang found her?
(Honestly the only RWBY thing I haven't gotten my hands on is the manga and the anthologies -I've read the comics, the books, etc- because I couldn't find them, so correct me if I'm wrong lmao).
The thing is, back at Beacon, Yang and Weiss weren't really close. They were both closer to Ruby and Blake (though Weiss spent half of her time in the first volume butting heads with those two). They were teammates, yes, they got along (and sometimes argued too lol) and they cared for each other, but they still didn't have the same relationship. Like, Blake and Yang were partners and Beauty and the Beast and all that so of course they were going to be close. Same with Ruby and Weiss -partners, and you've read Snow White and Rose Red, they're probably supposed to be a representation from that tale as well-. Ruby and Yang are sisters so it's pretty obvious that they're close. I don't even have to talk about these two. And during the first volumes, Blake and Weiss were both, let's say, foils of each other, coming from very different places and yet having so much in common. One privileged, ignorant human, the other a misguided faunus. Both alienated by their abusers into thinking like them. Both from important families in their societies; one of the families is loving and caring, the other one is fucked up. Both came to Beacon basically running away from their abusers. Both had a complicated past with the White Fang. And of course, both of them had to deal with a broken legacy; Weiss is still dealing with it. They were both, literally, Black and White, and really understood each other. So yeah, their interactions during the series were always really nice to watch, because they really understand each other in those terms (that's why I loved that scene with Blake holding her hand showing support in volume 7).
Now, before volume five, Yang and Weiss never really had an important scene together. Yes, there was that cute scene after that fight against FNKI, the jokes and arguing and of course the legendary “what's that supposed to mean” in vol 3 (she shipped Bumbleby since Beacon fight me lol). But never really meaningful, not like the Bumbleby talk in Burning the Candle, or Weiss being kinder to Ruby and becoming friends, or- you know what I mean. They cared for each other, but the thing is, they didn't see each other as more than the rich girl and the funny girl/great older sister. I don't think Weiss even knew about Raven (again, correct me if I'm wrong, no mangas) before all that stuff. I assume Ruby talked to her about Summer and her loss, but did she know that Summer wasn't Yang's biological mother?
Because of that, I'm still finding this incredibly funny and yet so sad at the same time. Because, imagine being Weiss. You've just been kidnapped, and you're trying to escape. And then you see one of your teammates, your friend that you haven't seen in a year and you never thought you'd ever see again, right there, and she tells you that you're both going to Ruby (she immediately includes you). Not only that, she also tells you that the woman who kidnapped you is her freaking mother. Like. What the fuck. Again, maybe Ruby told her (if she did, I doubt she included the bandit part lmao), but if she didn't, Weiss probably was like “wait what do you mean isn't your mom dead? What the hell is going on?”
But well, she hugs Yang. Because (and I think people tend to forget it) the last time she saw Yang, she was incredibly injured. She had lost her fucking arm, and was probably still unconscious by the time Weiss was taken by her father (no one can tell me that if that bitch hadn't taken her, she wouldn't have stayed in Patch with them and Tai wouldn't have adopted her), meaning that she probably didn't even get to say goodbye to her, just like she couldn't say goodbye to Ruby. And now she's reunited with Yang, and apparently Raven is taking them to Ruby (who is also with JNR, some of her best old friends at Beacon) and she's just so happy because she didn't think that would happen. She really considers RBY her family. And also, again, the last time she'd seen Yang she was really hurt, so seeing her being okay was really a relief to her.
Except she wasn't okay, and she notices as soon as they start talking to Raven. Because, if Weiss really didn't know about Raven, she's just found out that Yang had been abandoned by her own mother. She literally sees how Yang loses control of herself (she flinches, which is another sign of Jackass' abuse) and how the poor girl even asks why Raven left her. She really notices how Yang is not okay at all. Yang isn't behaving the same way she did at Beacon; she's seen her down or furious, but never like that. It's been a year since she last saw her. A lot happened to her. And maybe, she also realizes that she'd never known Yang as well as she thought. Because, again, Yang was the cool older sister, the hot party girl that punches stuff and makes jokes. What else was there to know? Well, there it is. Not only has she been through hell since the Fall of Beacon, with the whole losing an arm and PTSD thing; Weiss also finds out that Yang had some serious abandonment issues and a fear of loneliness she'd never known about. The whole time at Beacon, she'd just been assuming about Yang. Just as Yang had clearly been assuming about Weiss as well.
Then there's a little calm in chapter 7 and for a while, it all seems fine; RWY and JNR are all messing with each other, remembering good times as they eat and laugh, catching up. For a while it felt like they never left Beacon and it just probably felt great, all of them being together. Yang seems fine. And next chapter, when the two of them and Ruby are just sitting and enjoying coffee and talking about how great it is being together again, it all seems fine too. And then Weiss and Ruby mention Blake and that's when Yang snaps.
Weiss loves RBY with all her heart, and it's clear that Ruby and her would accept Blake back without blinking if she came back. Which is why they're both surprised for a second when they see Yang react like that -Blake was her partner, after all, they were the closest, so why doesn't she want her back? Again “What's that supposed to mean?”
But after the whole Raven thing, Weiss clearly understood one thing: that Yang hated being abandoned, and in Yang's eyes, Blake had left her just like Raven did. Weiss knows what it feels like to be alone, so she gets that. But Weiss also understood that Blake hadn't left her just like Raven, because she saw Blake reaching for Yang's hand, apologizing as she cried. She knows Blake didn't leave them because she wanted to be alone; in her eyes, she was the one to blame for what happened to Yang. So she left, because Blake would rather have Yang and the rest being safe and hating her for leaving than anything like that happening again because she stayed. She was wrong, of course, but Weiss understood. And a part of Weiss herself knows what being abused and running away feels like as well.
Which is why the conversation in V5C8 is just so perfect. Because of the fact that she understands both of them, she's able to get through Yang, make her finally open up, and help her understand Blake's perspective too. Weiss was just the perfect person to do that.
I know we make a lot of jokes about Weiss being the Bumbleby wingwoman, but it exactly isn't a joke; Weiss really is the “wingwoman”. Whether you see it in a romantic way or not, that conversation was crucial in Blake and Yang's relationship, and Yang accepting Blake back too. And in romantic terms, I'm pretty sure that Weiss realized that Yang really had serious feelings for Blake because, well, Weiss isn't dumb. I think that conversation and All That Matters made it pretty obvious for anyone who wasn't in denial. I still laugh at people who are still in denial. I mean, c'mon, you don't have to ship it but at this point, thinking they're just friends is kinda dumb.
I love Weiss.
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tumblezwei · 4 years
Episode 8 is great, probably one of the best ones we've seen since Vol 3, has highlighted, at least to me, a problem common with RT. Character bloat. Blake and Ruby had a wonderful very touching moment that I really liked but it was one of only a very small amount of interactions we have seen from the two. Honestly I wanted to see that relationship develop but from the amount of times we've seen them speak one on one its hard to see how that relationship developed. 1/2
(continued) There are so many characters in RWBY now that we haven't had time for RWBY to really develop their own inter-team relationships, and that is sad. Yang and Weiss Ruby and Blake have had next to no real interactions with each other, other than Mum Weiss showing Yang Blake's perspective and now this Ruby and Blake one and I wish we had more of that, I think we need more of that and I hope that RT is seeing that and hopefully will address it. 2/2
Character bloat has always been a problem with RWBY, but at this point it’s really something we just have to live with. Not that it isn’t a problem, but that it’s been a problem for so long that the only real solution is to accept it and be happy when there are efforts made to flesh out these dynamics. You can see Blake and Ruby’s relationship from time to time; I know for a fact that a couple of people have been making meta posts about their quiet friendship and Blake’s wholehearted trust in Ruby’s leadership, before and after the ep. It gets constantly made fun of  by the FNDM, but I don’t think it’s as bad as we all make it out to be if we could accurately predict what their relationship was like before this episode. 
And well, no, they have incredibly deep set dynamics between them. Aside from Bumbleby being. A thing. We get to see plenty how Weiss and Blake interact now that they’re both healthier and happier people. Weiss and Ruby have kind of been left out in the wind, but you can still see how quietly supportive they are of each other, and it’s not like their friendship from v1-6 has disappeared, it’s just been put on the back-burner to let the other dynamics shine. And Ruby and Yang? no real interactions? Really?
But I am with you that I hope we see more stuff like Blake and Ruby in he future. This volume has been great for taking unique pairings and letting them flesh themselves out. 
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fadedneonzzz · 3 years
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#but dont act like she isn't one of the best characters in the show
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Cinder Fall V1-V3 version, I commissioned the artist Ridd-Li on Twitter (Artist doesn’t use Tumblr)
270 notes • Posted 2021-07-07 15:29:38 GMT
I really am so tired of people calling Cinder’s backstory boring and unimaginative. I guess one could argue that it was unimaginative, but the Cinderella story has been told since the time of the ancient Egyptians. While they definitely could’ve done more to make more creative, it’s pretty hard to revolutionize a tale that is basically 2,000 years old with hundreds, if not thousands of iterations all being the ultimate “rags to riches” story. A simple tale of a young woman who is deemed worthless gets the chance to finally be something else than a housemaid.
I get that we’ve waited years for Cinder’s backstory, but to call it pointless because it didn’t blow you away is very disrespectful to not only the people who did enjoy it, but the writers as well.
Could it have deviated more from the original source material? Absolutely. However, much like the other characters’ inspirations, they haven’t met the same end. For example, Ruby has yet to be eaten by a wolf, Weiss hasn’t been poisoned, and Yang isn’t running away from 3 bears. For Cinder, she is the Cinderella who couldn’t put up with the abuse any longer. Cinderella is often portrayed as a pure hearted person who endures all of her hardships no matter how difficult it became for her. What Cinder and Cinderella for sure have in common is that in the beginning their suffering continued without any end in sight. When their chance to get what they want was within arm’s reach, her cruel step-family stepped in to ruin that dream.
Also keep in mind that most iterations of Cinderella are usually older than Cinder was. They also have the patience of saints, this in turn makes Cinder’s struggle more understandable and gives it a sense of realism. Simply calling Cinder’s backstory “Edgy Cinderella” wouldn’t be the most accurate summation. Cinder is a child, a child who was pushed around and abused at an early age. Treated like trash for no reason other than existing.
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She’s always in the wrong for protecting herself, even when she’s (somewhat) justified.
From Cinder’s perspective, she must be constantly asking herself why must she suffer? Why does no one love or care about her? And most importantly, Why is she not worth it? Unfortunately, due to Rhodes not understanding the severity of what Cinder was going through, the only conclusion she can come to is “You just aren’t worth it”.
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326 notes • Posted 2021-10-03 03:00:02 GMT
In the comment section to the video “One Villainous Scene: To Be Worthy” by The MegaNintenBro, this comment stood out to me:
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Something that I didn’t notice until this person pointed it out. It’s a very interesting interpretation of what we see from Cinder. And the commenter is correct as I went back to V8ep6 and V8ep10 to see and
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476 notes • Posted 2021-09-06 02:35:11 GMT
There’s something that I just noticed, as we all know Salem lost both Hazel and Watts in V8, but in exchange she got 2 relics.
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What I realized was that both Hazel and Watts represent those qualities in some way. You may think Watts represents Knowledge, and Hazel represents Creation in some strange way, but I think it’s the other way around.
Hazel represents a lack of Knowledge, as the main reason he joined Salem was because he was told a lie and fed a (mostly) false narrative.
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625 notes • Posted 2021-10-19 21:21:56 GMT
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I don’t usually use Tumblr, but I might as well share this here
A big thank you to @cosmokyrin for this awesome commission of my favorite RWBY Villain Cinder Fall
746 notes • Posted 2021-03-11 01:50:53 GMT
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