#burn injuries
the-lady-maddy · 5 months
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resource-fm · 1 month
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home appliance gifs from here
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whumpberry-cookie · 2 years
Winter whump
Cw: Enviromental/Cold Whump, dehumanisation, humiliation, afterwhump trauma (whump aftermath...? Is it how it's called?)
Caretaker comes back home but for a longer while can't find Whumpee anywhere. Calls for them, but they don't respond. Whumpee's trying to be quiet and well-hidden so their new "Whumper" doesn't realise they are inside and kick them out to the cold.
"Please, don't make me sleep outside tonight. I promise I won't take too much space".
"Are you cold, Whumpee?" asks Caretaker, while holding a kettle, ready to prepare some hot tea. Whumpee breaks down sobbing and apologising. They won't complain on the cold anymore. They promise. They will be good.
Caretaker prepares the dinner and asks Whumpee to grab the wood from behind the hut. Whumpee comes back holding back tears in their eyes. (C:) "Oh, thanks- DEAR GODS WHUMPEE! Don't tell me you went barefoot" (W:) "I-d- I didn't know If I was allowed-" (C:) "It's -15°C outside!! You obviously HAVE TO wear schoes!!!"
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this-should-do · 4 months
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Holy Touch
Sinful Hand
The Consequence
of Mercy for Another
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bardic-tales · 11 days
I'm working on a writeup for a large article about Bianca's personal struggles, but this always makes me sad.
Content Warnings: Abuse, Blood, Body Horror, Burn Injuries, Infliction of Pain, Medical Trauma, Psychological Trauma
As she was vivisected and given no sedative or painkillers, Bianca was awake through it all. With each cut and infusion, Bianca’s demonic blood grew stronger until, at least, it was strong enough to subjugate her celestial essence and caused the heroic angel to fall from Grace. As a fallen angel, Bianca had lost access to most of her healing and protection abilities. She refuses to handle Solstice, her mother’s angelic blade, as the sword leaves third degree burns when she holds it now. It would take a millennium for her demonic essence to taint the blade.
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forveiin · 1 year
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Survivors of Catastrophic Injuries
Surviving a catastrophic injury is a testament to the strength of the human spirit. While the road to recovery can be long and challenging, countless individuals have shown incredible resilience and courage in the face of adversity.
At Goldberg & Loren, we are deeply inspired by the stories of our clients who have overcome catastrophic injuries. These individuals, through their determination and perseverance, have reclaimed their lives and found new meaning and purpose.
This infographic celebrates the stories of these incredible survivors. It highlights their journeys of healing, their triumphs over adversity, and the invaluable support they received along the way.
Through their stories, we hope to offer hope and inspiration to others facing similar challenges. We believe that by sharing these experiences, we can empower survivors and their families to navigate the complexities of recovery and build a brighter future.
If you or a loved one have suffered a catastrophic injury, know that you are not alone. The attorneys at Goldberg & Loren are here to provide compassionate legal guidance and support every step of the way. We are committed to helping you secure the resources and compensation you need to rebuild your life and thrive.
Goldberg & Loren Personal Injury Lawyers in Portland, Oregon.
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zoethehead · 19 days
I didn't draw it(because It's a recently added concept to his design), but Abaddon has a huge burn scar spanning from his upper arm to the lower part of his neck, which is due to a ton of holy water hitting him around there thanks to a cruel scientist having holy water on hand to injure him with, and since he's a demon; holy water damages a demon's skin exactly like how a splash of corrosive acid can melt the skin of humans and animals.
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Picrews by tinlou_dt and @margothetwi
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57oddities · 5 months
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This is a bit of a rough draft of his face, but here's the main antagonist of Caught in a State of Unease.
His name's Asii'ar, the torn mouth isn't canon but my hand decided to give him a torn mouth so now he has a torn mouth. Yippee!
I am abysmal at drawing humans in general but apparently burn marks are my worst enemy. Second only to hands. BUT! We might be getting official art for one of the chapters!
[By yours truly <3]
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elisethetraveller · 8 months
Is Elise Ticklish? Headcanon (the angsty edition)
Short answer is yes, particularly along her sides, spine and feet. However, an asterisk of tense should be added to that.
Elise used to be ticklish under her feet (like most people). However, nowadays she can barely feel anything from there due to the burn scars that cover her soles and a good part of her upper foot too. The scars are the remnants of an attempted burning, as in on a stake. She remains oddly grateful that it were the only scars acquired that day as burn scars can be particularly vicious.
Similarly Elise is still ticklish along her spine, however, the broader and deeper scars left by the lacerations are a mixture of desensitized and hypersensitive. They are no longer ticklish, but touching them skin-on-skin or prodding them hard without prior warning is a sure fire way to get her to flinch. Any lovers who enjoys her being vocal should definitely kiss or bite them though.
The one good news regarding her scars is that the long sword she took to her side didn’t leave any lasting damages when it comes to her sense of touch in the area.
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the-lady-maddy · 3 months
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ill-tempered-pilot · 2 years
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Out of all of her scars and missing limbs, Elise’s back is nothing short of horrific.
Being thrown out of the cockpit in an explosion, her arm and leg being ripped off in the process, her back is very badly burnt. The flesh actually melted before they were able to douse the flames, and she suffered third-degree burns all over her back.
The scars still ache some days, and she is extremely self-conscious about her back to this day.
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vonehospital · 16 days
Burn Injuries: First Aid and When to Visit a Trauma Center
Burn injuries are among the most common household accidents, and they can range from minor to life-threatening. Knowing how to administer immediate first aid and when to seek professional help is crucial in minimizing damage and promoting healing. If you or someone around you suffers a burn, understanding these steps could make a significant difference in the outcome.
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Types of Burn Injuries
Burns are classified into three categories based on the severity of the damage they cause:
First-Degree Burns: These burns affect only the outer layer of the skin (epidermis). They are usually characterized by redness, minor swelling, and pain. First-degree burns typically heal within a few days and do not usually require professional medical treatment unless they cover a large area or involve the face or joints.
Second-Degree Burns: These burns extend beyond the epidermis to the second layer of skin (dermis). Symptoms include intense pain, redness, swelling, and blisters. Second-degree burns may require medical attention, especially if they cover a large area, as they pose a risk of infection and scarring.
Third-Degree Burns: Third-degree burns are the most severe, damaging all layers of the skin and possibly affecting underlying tissues. These burns may appear white, charred, or leathery and may be numb due to nerve damage. Third-degree burns always require emergency medical attention, often necessitating specialized care at a trauma center.
Immediate First Aid for Burns
Administering proper first aid can significantly reduce the severity of a burn injury and prevent complications. Here are the steps to follow:
Stop the Burning Process: Remove the person from the source of the burn. If clothing is on fire, help them stop, drop, and roll to extinguish the flames. Remove any hot or burning clothing, but do not remove clothing that is stuck to the skin.
Cool the Burn: Immediately cool the burn under cool (not cold) running water for at least 10-15 minutes. This helps to reduce pain, swelling, and the risk of further skin damage. Do not use ice, as it can cause additional tissue damage.
Cover the Burn: After cooling, cover the burn with a sterile, non-stick dressing or a clean cloth. Avoid using cotton or fluffy materials that might stick to the wound. Covering the burn helps protect it from infection.
Avoid Home Remedies: Do not apply butter, oils, or other home remedies to a burn. These can trap heat and worsen the injury. Also, avoid breaking any blisters, as this increases the risk of infection.
Stay Hydrated: Burns can cause dehydration, so encourage the burn victim to drink plenty of fluids, especially if the burn covers a large area.
When to Visit a Trauma Center in Indore
While minor burns can often be treated at home, more severe burns require prompt medical attention, particularly at a specialized trauma center. Here are signs that you should seek immediate care at a trauma center in Indore:
Burns Covering a Large Area: If the burn covers more than 10% of the body surface area, it is crucial to seek medical care.
Third-Degree Burns: These burns require specialized treatment and may necessitate surgical intervention.
Burns Involving Critical Areas: Burns on the face, hands, feet, genitals, or over major joints need urgent care to prevent complications like scarring and loss of function.
Signs of Infection: If a burn shows signs of infection, such as increased redness, swelling, pus, or a foul odor, it is essential to visit a trauma center for treatment.
Difficulty Breathing: Burns from fires or explosions that may have caused smoke inhalation require emergency treatment, even if the external burns appear minor.
Electrical Burns: These can cause internal injuries that are not visible on the skin’s surface and should always be evaluated by a medical professional.
Chemical Burns: Burns caused by chemicals often require specialized treatment to neutralize the chemical and prevent further damage.
Understanding how to properly administer first aid for burns and recognizing when to visit a trauma center in Indore can be life-saving. For minor burns, basic first aid may suffice, but severe burns necessitate immediate medical attention. If you or someone you know suffers from a significant burn injury, don't hesitate to seek professional care at a trauma center. Timely intervention can make a critical difference in recovery and long-term outcomes.
At V One Hospital, Indore, our trauma center is equipped with the expertise and facilities to provide comprehensive care for burn injuries. Whether it’s a minor burn or a severe case requiring advanced treatment, our team is here to help you heal and recover.
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qupritsuvwix · 2 months
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nugget-k1ng · 4 months
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Silly dudes, so silly nyehehe
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ramlawnj · 4 months
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Burn Injuries Lawyer in New Jersey
While any type of injury following an accident with a truck can lead to drastic consequences, burns are particularly devastating because of the toll they take on your body and the level of recovery they often require for you to get back to normal. That’s why, when you’re involved in a New Jersey truck accident, you need to call an experienced burn injury lawyer from RAM Law. The burn injury law firm specializes in NJ accidents with truckers. They get you the most compensation possible to aid your recovery. Call today for a consultation.
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