#burning skin tw
stealingyourbones · 14 days
I tried to bike yesterday and came back with less skin than before I biked :(
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whumpinthepot · 8 months
@febuwhump 2024
Day 3. Bite down on this
Forcing whumpee to bite down on a red hot fire poker, forcing their jaw to clamp down against the iron, burning flesh against the instrument, the smoke going up their nose as they smell their own skin crisp, gurgling on hot blood, and when its pulled away skin rips from their tongue and lips, blood gushing out of their face making it impossible to make out anything but choked screaming.
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*throws holy water on you*
*bursts into tears*
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sunnfish · 10 months
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[ID: A digital illustration of Hanzawa Masato from Sasaki to Miyano. He is shown from a behind angle from the shoulders up, head hanging down wearily. The back of his neck and his cheeks and ear are angry shades of red and orange, as if badly sunburnt. His eye, barely visible from underneath his bangs, is an image of a photorealistic eye; it looks back towards the viewer. The background is a solid neon cyan. The artist's signature "sunnfish" is written in the corner. /End ID]
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good news I'm not currently suicidal
bad news I have yet another second or third degree burn
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yuichiroswife · 2 months
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{ Just got back into the swing of writing again on another blog only to find out my grandma is in the hospital for heart issues. First it was my grandpa and now it's my grandma. I'm honestly starting to believe that things really can just keep getting worse instead of better cause nothing ever seems to get better over here. }
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[A matter of hours passes and Mikey is finally brought back to the lab he and Cassandra had first been brought to. He's dragged in by the same two scientists that dragged him out, only this time he isn't fighting.]
[His breath wheezes and he whines with every bump and jostle. He hangs limply on the two scientists, feet dragging on the floor and head hanging as he fights to stay conscious.]
"Put it back in there," [the scientist on the left says. The other nods and they, together, haul Mikey back into the cell and re-cuff his wrists.]
[Mikey almost just collapses, folded over himself and leaning on his forearms to stay up. Patches of skin on his arms and hands are cracked and sluggishly bleeding, and there are multiple, small wounds scattered across his body.]
[The scientists close the cell door and leave the room, quietly discussing their findings.]
H-hey- ....Cass-s.
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peacefullyraging · 8 months
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Whump Prompt #1138
TW: Aerosol burns / mentions of self harm
I’ve been thinking about aerosol burns.
Your tied-up whumpee is caught off guard when the whumper enters, carrying a couple of cans of deodorant. They’re wearing a respirator mask and glasses.
“What you’re gonna make me smell like [Lynx Africa]?” The whumpee asks. (Other deodorant brands are available)
“I know, that could be considered torture enough.” The whumper hummed, uncapping the can and yanking the whumpees trouser leg up.
“But we’re just getting started… I want to experiment with some different techniques and figured you’d be my perfect guinea pig.” The whumper says before they start to spray.
The pain isn’t instant, but the skin of your whumpees leg starts to burn and sting at the assault. They hiss, trying to pull away, but that only encourages the whumper more. The small room quickly fills with the scented gas, and the whumpee chokes and coughs as their eyes water. The whumper wearing the respirator is nonplussed. Whilst the whumpee is distracted, they grab a fistful of their hair, and spray the can directly in their face, causing them to splutter and cough and cry at the sting on their eyes.
Fortunately, the can(s) run out, so the whumper casually tosses them to the corner as they leave, making sure that the door is only open a fraction to leave the whumpee choking into the dark room.
At first, there is little physical evidence to suggest a burn. But overtime, your whumpees skin starts to turn red and blister, and the rough fabric of their clothes only irritates it further. The lesions inevitably lead to an infection, which only adds the whumpees misery.
More information:
Healthcare Utah (Article. Tw: aerosol burn trend)
Wikipedia (more general information)
ANZBA Factsheet (most treatment information I could find, tw: aerosol burn trend)
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lablakelystress · 1 month
I have to go to see a movie today with family *heavy breathing*
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11, 12, and 36 for Melchior?
denied food + denied sleep + creative restraints
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hello yes I spent way too long on the background but it was worth it for the vibes
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edsheeranbutnotreally · 3 months
Can't explain the euphoria while working out🫶🏻 I love burning calories
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pikminbleu · 1 year
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treat a burn
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ieatratsforlunch · 4 months
Okay so, I'm like really bored so I'm gonna make a masterpost of basic info for my ocs. There's gonna be some serious stuff talked about on here so please understand that :) This one includes Bree, Plug, and Jinkles. I'll later make a masterpost for basic info about their families (the physical build is just notable things for me to remember when drawing/describing them)
Jinkles G Jangle
Allotpun: Jingle Jangle
Species: Mudi Dog
Identity: Transmasc (ftm) Panromantic Demisexual - He/Him pronouns
Mental disabilities/disorders: Separation anxiety (trauma induced), maladaptive daydreaming (trauma induced), Autism, disassociation (anxiety induced), low empathy (trauma and self induced)
Physical disabilities/disorders: Disordered eating (caused by stress; his parents were in the show industry and Jinkles has been told repeatedly that keeping skinny is the only way people will like him. He also just generally forgets to eat as he doesn't feel hunger much anymore)
Physical build: Generally underweight and lanky; 5'11. He has both claws and sharp teeth, claws are not retractable but not insanely sharp either. He does have paw pads. Fur is typically brushed through neatly unless he is visible stressed; the fur on the tan marking on his face and muzzle is shorter than the rest. His cheek fur droops slightly when he is upset/disappointed, whereas his fur visibly spikes if he is stressed/shocked/angry. Teeth are typically bared if he is agitated (normal dog behavior). He has self inflicted scars on his upper legs which are hardly ever visible, as well as small marks on his fingers and knuckles from chewing on them. He has top scars as well
Age: unknown (he is over 20)
Role: Clown and Ringmaster of Sparklecircus
Speech patterns: Typically has more sentence points than usual, never end a sentence with only one !/? Unless he is shocked or upset
Voice: Bubbly moderate masc voice, has a natural playful tune to it (think of Wonder from Wonder Over Yonder)
Harvey U.N Plug
Allotpun: Hardly Unplugged
Species: Fruit/Vampire bat
Identity: Agender and Achillean - He/They/It Pronouns
Mental disabilities/disorders: Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), depression (trauma induced), generalized anxiety (trauma induced), Pyrophobia (Trauma induced)
Physical disabilities/disorders: overly sensitive hearing and sight, near and far sighted, Strabismus (it is crossed eyed without their glasses). Due to being half vampire, he has the urge to consume the blood of other anthries but not the need to. They are not burned by light, but ARE very sensitive to it and therefore try to only go out a night/stay in dark places if possible.
Physical build: moderately healthy weight, tall (6'2) and stocky. His fangs protrude out of its mouth, whereas the rest of their teeth are also sharpened. Has three freckles on either side of its face. Wings are connected to the underside of his arms, with slits down the side of their sleeves to comfortably keep them there. Unable to fly long distances because of this, it can keep itself in the air for a few minutes at best. Claws are small but very sharp, and are on both their hands and feet. Burn marks are visible on his hands, legs, and parts of his wings, though they are faded.
Age: 29
Role: In charge of all Sparklecare propaganda (internet ads, brochures, commercials, etc)
Speech patterns: more likely to use "-", because most of his sentences usually end in a pause
Voice: raspy, androgynous though slightly masc leaning voice. A tad bit louder than most, though not as loud as Dooms. Sounds demanding
Bree Kein Heartz
Allotpun: Breaking Hearts
Species: Rabbit/Bear hybrid (Rabbit from mothers side, bear from parents side)
Identity: Non-binary sapphic - she/it pronouns
Mental disabilities/disorders: Depression (somewhat trauma induced), low empathy and emotions (trauma induced), social anxiety, OCD, Dermatillomania (anxiety and OCD induced)
Physical disabilities/disorders: Chronic Fatigue (she usually sits during her job, including when it is inspecting bodies. It gets help from other staff members such as Dr. Nya to help move the bodies into the morgue, while she uses a chair with basic wheels to quickly move from one place to another inside the morgue, which has a small main room so it can easily get around. The hallway leading to where the bodies are actually stored long-term is long, but she usually gets staff to help her store them)
Physical build: short and stocky (4'5) with small claws on both its hands and feet. Fur is short, though she has small spiked tufts on her cheeks and long fur on the top of its head that is usually held up during work. Mouth is connected to its nose and is a permanent upside down V. All teeth inside her mouth are extremely sharp and slightly jagged, though aren't visible at all unless she opens her mouth extremely wide. Mouth barely opens when it speaks. Tail is fluffy but very short. Her right ear is maimed at the bottom and has multiple light pink scars across it. Her hands have scars on them, especially around its nails; they will sometimes bleed, as she regularly picks at them (the scars are originally caused by her dermatillomania)
Age: 27
Role: Mortician of Sparklecare
Speech patterns: No capital letters unless it's I/I've or if she is quite literally enraged (ex: "could you perhaps help me move this?")
Voice: quiet, mumbly androgynous voice. Not exactly whispering, but quieter and much calmer than usual. Voice does not get louder unless it is VERY upset
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lcstkey · 5 months
While the chirurgeons were able to save Selena's right ear, that ear is heavily scarred due to a certain event told through Be Afraid of the Dark and Frozen in the Darkest Moment. The skin on the ear and behind it is burned as if by acid and they had found traces of darkness in the injury which helped their theory that she had been attacked by a Voidsent.
It may not be noticeable due to her having her hair down and thus hiding it most of the time.
However, during the end of Heavensward and the beginning of Stormblood, her hair is chopped short after accidentally frying it with Dark Thundaza when she casts it too close to her person [Shadows of Witchdrop]. While she cannot hide the scarred ear, she feels self-conscious and insecure and hates the unwanted attention it brings.
A fitting punishment for someone who ventured off on her own perhaps.
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slemhosta · 8 months
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