#but a lot of the new fans forget that;// and it makes me so sad
amzarashi · 1 year
thought about dazai osamu today and had a breakdown
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
[brief mentions of non-consensual touching]
I kinda wanna flesh out yan cheater and "cheater" reader more. Fuel up the angst. I'm thinking high school sweethearts who promised to be each other's first as they went off to college. Yan sees the whole thing with reader with another person and goes to a friend for comfort. The friend sees this as an opportunity to tear the two apart as Yan was previously going to join their band instead of a straight shot to college. A few drinks down they're kissing the first person who makes eye contact with them at the party, forgetting all about their woes and promises - and skipping town without closure or a proper goodbye to their lover.
Couple years down the line and they're now a big shot - carrying little resemblance of the person they once were. Shows sold out in every venue and a different fan on their lap every night. They all have some feature that reminds Yan of their former flame which they muddle over to the very day their paths cross again.
Their latest tour leads them to a familiar place. A town where nothing ever happened and everything stayed the same. They learn their ex is still working hard for their degree and takes night shifts at a nearby gas station. The tension is thick from the moment they walk in. They didn't even want to be there, but it was the only station in close proximity. What do you even say to someone who's caused so much heart break after all this time?
"That'll be 21.10... Cash or credit?"
That's it.... After everything you put them through. After all those nights they spent crying over you - and craving your warmth in their bed. The future that you pictured together. The life you dream of in each other's arms. You tarnished what little hope they had - and that's all you could say to them...
"A "how've you been?" would've been nice...."
"I have nothing to say to the person who abandoned me. Can't even say that much since you hardly remind me of them."
Really classy from the one who caused this mess in the first place.
"Don't act like you're free of any guilt in this... I saw you with them that day... You seemed a lot more cozy with that stranger than you ever did with me."
"Stranger, what are you...." Your eyes dart around the room as the gears in your head click. Pulling out your phone, you fight back tears as you show them a picture of that stranger. "Is this who you're talking about?...."
Please say no....
They scoff. "So you do know who I'm talking about. You still together or did you run off with someone else same as you did me?"
The sadness and pain just... vanishes. All these years, you thought you had been the problem. Made to many promises. Loved then too much or too little. From what it seemed like now - they were the one who never loved you enough.
"That's my cousin....."
They didn't hear you - they couldn't. Couldnt acknowledge that maybe...
"That's my fucking cousin, asshole."
Everything they ever believed was the painstaking truth - was a only a cruel misunderstanding.
"We hadn't seen each other's since we were kids. Their mom had just died... I tried calling you when I got home, but you weren't there. Did you seriously think I cheated on you? And you just ran away?..."
"I....you...." Were their everything. When they saw you that night the pressure of every problem weighting down on them finally snapped. They couldn't think rationally at that time - if only if they'd put the faith in you they always prided themself in having.
"You coward...." You throw their change across the counter, adding issult to injury as you point for the door.
"Get out of my store. Get out of my life."
"Y/n, wait..please."
"I said... GET OUT!"
The foundation of their new self crumbles. After your alleged betrayal they rebuilt themselves from the ground up as an overconfident, self serving individual, but like everything else to this point - it was all a lie. There were always those days they wondered "what if". What if they had stayed. What if they had tried to fix what had broken in your relationship. Knowing the truth, those fantasies return with vengeance. The truth would've came sooner and the wounds to mend would have been lesser. You'd talk over the miscommunication and they'd apologize fully by taking you out to your favorite restaurant. You'd start school together the upcoming fall. You'd kiss and make love and enjoy fleeting youth as one. There'd always be rough patches, but in the end you always had each other.
That's how things should have been.
They spiral - crawling to the closest bar to relinquish their pain the only way they knew how beyond finding someone new to bed. The thought of sleeping with anyone that wasn't you made them nearly lose the alcohol poisoning their system. Had you been dating since then? Had you given yourself to someone? Did they make you feel loved and saved - just as they should've
By the end of the night they wound up too drunk to even stand on their own feet. The bartender asked for a number to call to have someone pick them up. They gave the only number they could remember after all these years - and intoxicated.
The drive to their hotel room is quiet. You had nothing to say while they had the world - but none of it was anything you wanted to hear. You just wanted this night to be over so you could go back to forgetting they ever existed.
You help them into their room and give them some water from the sink. Despite everything they've done, you didn't have the heart to leave them like they did you.
"Drink. You need to flush out your system. You'll probably have a headache in the morning, but that's none of my concern."
".....how many people have you slept with, Y/n?"
You place the cup on the nightstand. "This isn't the type of conversation we should have right now."
"Have you been with anyone - or are you still waiting for that special person? I've done a lot of shit I'm not proud of, but at least they've given me experience. I can make your first the best. I can make love to you better than anyone. I already know you better than they do...."
Their hands creep around your waist, hugging your midsection same as they use to on school nights when their parents forbade guests - and you crawled through their window anyway. They always held you like you meant the universe to them. You still do.
Their lips gloss over your exposed stomach as your shirt crawls upwards, heavy tears staining your skin. "Just one night. That's all I need to prove myself to you. We were made for each other. Let's forget about the past for one night and pick up where we left off. A promise is still a promise - even if it's broken.
Their fingers dip below your waistband. You immediately shove them off you and to the floor. "Are you fucking insane?! You can't forget something like what you put me through. I've been so afraid of connecting with anyone because I'm scared they'd just run off like you did. I'm finally becoming me again- and I won't let you take that back from me. Don't call me."
The door slams as you storm out - reverberations their sole companion in their misery. This is the same thing they did to you. They deserve to be alone, to suffer - but they can't. It'll kill them. They can't live without you...and soon enough you won't be to live without them. You're soulmates, meant to be. They have power now - influence. They can support you however you need-
And destory everything that gets in the way of your happy ending.
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dcxdpdabbles · 11 months
Phantom's Number 1 Fan Part 3
John Constantine calls a joint Justice League and Justice League Dark meeting.
It's not something he wants to do. He barely works with the LJD, but at least that lot understands his work and knows what to do and where to go.
The JL members always ask questions and forget proper manners when working with the paranormal- John isn't the most well-mannered bloke around, but even he knows to permanently say goodbye to ghosts so that they don't follow him home- and it's like trying to teach an intern while dodging bullets.
He prefers to avoid the whole origination, especially since Bruce's death; everyone has been walking on eggshells, and there is a sense of disorganization drenched in grief that John breaks into hives just thinking about, but this is big.
Bigger than he can handle it on his own or with just the JLD. Even if the whole group gives the bats not-so-stable glances as they filter in.
John notices that one of Batman's brats is missing- the smart one- but he has heard that the kid suffered some kind of psychotic break from his father's death. It's sad, really, mainly because John used to believe that the third Robin was the one with the good head on his shoulders.
What's worse is that the Third Robin up and ran off, having gone off the grid when he refused to accept Batman's death. The boy hadn't said anything besides, "The portraits told me!" after having a miniature breakdown in his home.
It didn't help that around this time, the boy teammates had all dropped like flies except for one. So yes, John knows it wasn't a big surprise that he lost it, but it was still sad to see. Kid is only seventeen.
He hopes they find him soon to give him the help he needs. John would offer a spell to try and find him, but he needs to learn about the kid better, which means his spell can only point in a general direction.
Nightwing looked downright ragged, but losing a father on the battlefield and a younger brother to his grief did a number on anyone.
John hates himself just a little for dragging the grieving family here. He does, but again, this is bigger than all of them. This is a matter of life and death- literally.
"Listen up. We have a bloody level ten on its way to Earth if it's not already here." His words cut through the muttering crowd, shutting everyone up. A level ten makes even the big, lousy Superman sweat. He snaps his fingers, allowing his magic to shift into the image of a King Phantom sitting on his throne- painted in the early 1200s and the picture that can be used to identify him.
The art style would have been almost modern if it wasn't for the unease that the painting could cause due to the glowing green from his majesty's portrait. They say the green was ectoplasm from the king himself- and that alone should warn others to not mess with him.
Everyone Justice League Dark member hissed through their teeth, sitting up straighter and a few even pale. John is once again grateful that they understand just how deep in shit they genuinely are.
"This is the Ghost King. He is not to be confused with a god or king of gods. He's something else entirely because he makes gods nervous. He is on his way here to kill whoever is dumb enough to threaten his pregnant fiancee, and I fear the rest of Earth will be collateral if we don't prepare-"
"That's Danny Phantom," A young voice cuts John off. He is surprised someone would talk over him in a level ten briefing. All eyes turn to Robin- er, the new Robin.
The kid is frowning at the image, his signature scowl already deeper than usual. He's also heard the new Robin was a spoiled boy who was not a team player.
"You know King Phantom?" John asks.
Robin nods. "Placeholder is obsessed with him. Half his room is covered with King Phantom's heroics."
"Do not call him that.," Nightwing hisses a second later. He frowned when Robin ignored him but returned to the room without further comment on the boy's cheek. "Danny Phantom is a low-level search and rescue hero. He pops up around the world but only sometimes interacts with people. Robin- Young Justice Robin- was obsessed with him."
The room gains an awkward weight as no one is willing to bring up the mentally unsound MIA teenager.
It's too bad for them. John has never cared about making anyone comfortable. "You said his room is covered in images of King Phantom?"
From the corner of his eyes, John catches sight of Zatanna's face. She's pale white, with a horrified expression as if though she was standing before the grim itself. Every other member of the Justice League Dark is in a similar state.
"Yes, he has a whole wall of posters and stuff." Nightwing conforms, and shit John knows who Phantom's after now.
The thing is, one just doesn't have pictures of King Phantom. No one knows why, but the Ghost King can not be documented. Not without having some kind of connection to the King.
Throughout history, the only ones who have ever had even one solid picture of the king- John's magic doesn't count cause he can't well hold the thing up forever- usually meant that the King would appear before them at one point.
There is also a myth if one could beat a member of the royal ghost family, then one wish is granted to them. If one can kill a royal ghost member, death can be overturned.
It's not true, obviously, for death is not easily beaten like that, but John knows that as an expert, would a mentally unwell teenager know the same?
It was also known that if the King appeared before you, something terrible would happen. The sighting of King Phantom often came as an omen and usually right before a terrible disaster.
In the last disaster, they lost Batman, and if King Phantom had shown up, where the Third Robin have spotted him? Where the Third Robin have thought the King could return the dead?
Not to mention the rumors!
King Phantom was hunting down a group of humans known as "The Bats." John hadn't put that much stock in that rumor simply because it could have been anyone- hell, when he looked up the bats seven different groups appeared, varying from boy bands to zoologists.
But if he placed the name "The Bats" next to the Third Robin's psychotic break, his obsession with King Phantom, and his intertwined fates...well, shit.
There is a slight chance that the Third Robin's fate could be intertwined with the Ghost King in a positive light, but John has learned to not be optimistic in his line of work.
"I think the Third Robin is gunning after the Ghost King's fiancee and unborn child in a misguided attempt to bring Batman back to life. He may have kicked started a war that humanity can not win," He announces. He hates to say. hates to even suggest it, but the needs of the many outweigh those of the few. "We have to find the Third Robin and attempt to stop him. If we can't reason with him, we must put him down."
Wonder Girl gasps a sob, pressing her hand against her mouth.
John hates himself a little more as she sobs; a few rushes to confront her, but no one is unaffected by the news.
"I'm ordering a hunt for the Third Robin," Wonderwoman speaks up to her steady leadership, returning everyone from their despair. "Every available hero will help. Do not use lethal force unless there is no other choice. We may be able to find him before King Phantom's armies arrive."
John just hopes they are not too late.
Meanwhile, across the plane of existence, unaware of the manhunt for his head, Tim Drake is trying to stare down a Yeti, attempting to put him in silk clothes that are just fabrics held together by strings.
"But-But- but you have such a flattering figure! You must flaunt it! The Great One will barely be able to contain himself if he sees you in this!"
"No. It looks like something you wear on a honeymoon to seduce your spouse. I'm not walking around in that."
"Well, you don't need to bewitch his majesty. You already have a child on the way." The Yeit mutters, considering the fabric in his claws with a frown. He is Frostbite's royal tailor and has been attempting to dress Tim for over an hour. Everything he's suggested so far looks like it came from those romantic fantasy games.
It's like they want to make him a sexy consort or something.
Tim's teeth grind against each other. He hates how often his role is reminded, how casually the yetis mention that Ra's expects a child from Tim.
He doesn't even know how that child will come to be, and it makes him sick. He's been bidding his time, waiting for his wounds to heal and to find a weakness in the frozen fortress, but so far, he is unsure how he will escape.
And Bruce is still out there, waiting for Tim to get him. He can't waste any more time here.
"How about this cloak?" The Yeti offers, holding up a dark metallic fabric that reminds TIm of his Robin cape. "If we are going for a more conservative look, something that screams power is just the way to make the masses wild!"
Ugh, he really needs to think of a plan soon.
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sterredem · 5 months
The eras tour
Charles leclerc x reader
Face claim gracie abrams (again)
Summary going to Paris night 1 with Charles is a lot of fun, with a lot of surprises.
Word count -
Warning hate (just a few comments), spelling errors, not proofread
A/N saw a post saying someone should make this… so I did! I saw the tour on a crappie live stream so I know what was going on… I will also go to the tour!
It’s not the longest but also not the shortest. But I like it!
Also I had no motivation to make the things I am currently making so I decided to make a quick smau (that’s why it is only insta and no other apps)
Don’t forget to comment, repost and give feedback! It helps a lot!
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Liked by Charles_Leclerc and 225.839 others
Yourusername me rn cause I NEED Taylor Swift tickets but ticketmaster is the worst😭 also creds to my bf for these pics, he is laughing at me while I am STRESSING @Charles_Leclerc
View all 1.836 comments
Charles_Leclerc I said that I’m sorry! I even helped you!
Charles_Leclerc I promise I will make it up to you
Lilymhe For which show are you trying? I have tickets for New Jersey and there is still a spare one!
Yourusername I AM SO IN LOVE WITH YOU! I tried Paris but I was last in the waiting list so there where no more tickets🙁 and sadly I can’t go to the US one’s liked by lilymhe
User1 you’re so real for crying I’ve the tickets. I did too
User1 you deserve the tickets babe liked by author
User2 Love the memes
User3 is that Leo?!?! Hes so cute!
Yourusername That is! He was my emotional support!
User4 ticketmaster is the villain fr! I was at the beginning and I could almost buy tickets but then u was kicker out!
Yourusername My villain origin story fr! And that’s the wort!
User5 love the hat
User6 you are still so pretty when you cry! How?!?!
User7 it really is hell! But I got tickets!
Yourusername Congratulations my love!
User8 charles laughing at you is so funny😂
User9 Ew you’re so cringe
User10 I love you
User11 not the pic creds and shade HAHAHA
User12 not her public account being her posting memes😂
User13 don’t understand why Charles is with you
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Liked by Charles_Leclerc and 392.728 others
Yourusername MY BF GOT ME ERAS TOUR TICKETS!!! I LOVE YOU CHARLIE! Eras tour Paris night 1 here I come!!
View all 3.738 comments
Charles_Leclerc Everything for you mon amour. Even if I need to spend hundreds of dollars for VIP tickets to the eras tour
Yourusername I am beginning to love you more and more
Yourusername I AM ALSO SO HAPPY!
Yourusername They are from the official merch drop from Taylor! I have been a mega fan from the beginning!
User4 even vip?!?! You are spoiled!
User6 Will you make friendship brackets? I am also going and want to trade some with you!
Yourusername I will! I would love to trade with y’all!
User8 What did Charles say when you got it?
Yourusername he said ‘I have a surprise for you!’ And then he gave me a bag with the box! And then I started crying!
User9 you already have merch? How?!
Yourusername Lily went and got me the shirt!
Uset10 My favourite WAG going to a concert of my favourite artist? Amazing!
User11 with who are you going?
Yourusername Charles is going with me!
User12 so exited to see all the eras content!
User13 Such an attention seeker!
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Liked by Charles_Leclerc and 527.725 others
Yourusername Congrats on P4 my love! AND TTPD IS SO GOOD! A DOUBLE ALBUM WTF?!?! And here are some of my paddock fits😁 ALSO WHAT ABOUT THE TOUR?!
View all 4.728 comments
Charle_Leclerc Mon chéri… how sweet(?)
Yourusername It is! I am just so exited about Taylor!
Lilymhe YOURE SO RIGHT! I am so jealous that you get to see the first show after the new album!
Yourusername There are always live streams! And she will go to the US again!
User2 so real
User3 I love that she can’t post without mentioning Taylor Swift or her Boyfriend! It shows dedication!
User4 Not the Alchemy😂
User5 you’re so pretty!
User6 the two sides? So funny!🤣
Yourusername SAME
User8 love the fits!
Yourusername Thanks!
User9 the TTPD aesthetic! Loving it!
User10 awwww Leo is so cute!
User11 Could you tell us where you get your clothes from? I love your style!
Yourusername Of course! My most recent posts have the links with them! (Reels from insta and TikTok)
User12 Thank you! You are amazing!
User13 I love how obsessed she is with TS!
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Liked by Charles_Leclerc and 628.283 others
Yourusername I had a lovely time at the eras tour! Thank you for the very kind people behind me that send me the pics of me and Charles! ALSO THE NEW SETLIST?!?! More pics coming soon!
View all 5.736 comments
Charles_Leclerc for the information; Y/n was crying… a lot
Lilymhe I AM SO JELOUS! Liked by author
User3 love the taytay pics!
User5 Love the hat!
Yourusername THANK YOU SO MUCH!
User9 I tradet with her! She was so nice! And Charles study stood there looking a big lost!
Yourusername A fan of Charlie gave me the gift!
User11 Se exited to go myself!
User12 you’re so cute!
User13 You’re not even pretty
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Liked by Taylorswift and 1.737.837 others
Yourusername Everyone meet my new friend; Taylor Swift! It was absolutely lovely meeting you! And thank you for the invites😉
View all 172.638 comments
Taylorswift It really was amazing to meet you! I’m glad you enjoyed everything! Liked by author
Charles_Leclerc Finnaly I don’t have to keep this a secret anymore!
Yourusername yeah you’re not the best secret keeper
Charles_Leclerc EXUSE ME?!
Yourusername 🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫
User7 So this are the other pics?!?!!!
User8 What happens in the 5th pic??
Yourusername I had a mental breakdown…
User9 not the y/n mansplaining to Taylor’s how max for it with Charles🤣🤣
User10 You are living the dream!
User13 You don’t deserve it!
382 notes · View notes
pucksandpower · 2 years
Charles Leclerc x Reader - New Year’s Edition Social Media AU
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Liked by leclercfan2, f1fan9, and 2,108 others
f1wagupdates is it heartbreak for our favorite paddock couple? watchful fans and media members were surprised when charles leclerc made his season debut without his longtime girlfriend, y/n y/l/n, by his side. they were further surprised when attempts to look at y/n’s instagram account revealed that she had deactivated. the trend continued as she has not attended a single race since the season began, including the monaco grand prix which the ferrari driver in question won just hours ago. missing his home race certainly seems to signal that the pair has ended their relationship
View all 261 comments
ferrarifan3 this makes me so sad! she deactivated around christmas but i thought she just wanted a break from social media
f1fan6 they were so cute together 🥺
leclerc4ever this just proves that love isn’t real because if they broke up what hope is there for the rest of us?
ferrarihauntsme maybe they haven’t broken up? i mean this is really just pure speculation. y/n has her own life too. maybe something came up that means she can’t attend races as regularly as she used to
f1wagupdates but his home race? i can’t imagine she would miss monaco
ferrarihauntsme my point is that no one knows her situation and now fans are making a lot of assumptions without any context
f1fan8 thank you! people forget that drivers’ partners have their own lives and responsibilities too
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Liked by ferrarifan7, f1fan5, and 2,009 others
f1wagupdates charles leclerc attended the prize giving ceremony alone. it appears that he has not moved on from y/n y/l/n despite being broken up for nearly a year
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f1fashion i loved seeing what y/n would wear since charles’ rookie year
ferrarifan1 i’ve seriously missed seeing her outfits around the paddock
leclercdefender these posts are getting weird. they’ve never confirmed that they’re no longer together and we know nothing about y/n’s personal life or literally anything that’s happening
f1wagupdates maybe they should just confirm it then
f1fangirl sorry but charles doesn’t owe fans information one way or the other about his relationship status and y/n definitely doesn’t either
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Liked by charles_leclerc, scuderiaferrari, and 307,258 others
y/n_leclerc happy new year’s eve! i’m back. the past year brought about some wonderful changes as i became Mrs. Leclerc on january 16th and then mama to little Jules Hervé on december 2nd. we wanted to keep our growing family to ourselves for the time being and ask for our privacy to be respected as we continue on the beautiful journey that is marriage and parenthood. but don’t worry, the paddock hasn’t seen the last of me yet
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charles_leclerc mon monde ❤️
*translated from French my world*
y/n_leclerc we love you so much
pierregasly i’m already the favorite uncle
arthur_leclerc i’m obviously the actual favorite uncle
lorenzotl all lies since it’s me
scuderiaferrari congratulations! a future ferrari driver in the making
f1forever jules hervé 😭
leclercfan16 in actual tears right now
leclercdefender i refused to believe you broke up but omg??? never would have guessed this is what happened instead
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reminiscingtonight · 9 months
Eras Of Us (Pt. 2)
Alessia Russo x Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Part One
[WOSO Masterlist]
Nothing can break your high. 
Playing in your first London derby, scoring in your first London derby, is a feeling you’re never going to forget. 
Until someone so graciously reminds you of the implications of such a win. 
“Emma Hayes is gonna be my new coach,” you moan.
“Rough,” Alessia snorts, ignoring the way you smack at her arm.
The two of you are out with the rest of the girls, capping off the win against Chelsea with a couple of drinks at a bar near the stadium. Around you are a mix of reds and blues, all of the players good friends despite the outcome of the match. 
Despite starting your night hanging by Leah, the blonde basically mothering you to death since your move overseas, you somehow find yourself tucked into Alessia’s side merely a few minutes later. It makes your heart skip a beat when you feel her fingers absentmindedly playing with the hairs on the back of your neck. 
“It’s not funny! What if she takes me wrecking her club team personally and doesn’t give me a call up to the next camp?”
Alessia gives you a look.
It’s enough to make you feel chastised. You sigh, hanging your head. “Fine, she wouldn’t do that. But she might make me run extra laps as punishment!”
Alessia laughs again, shoving at head when you wack her arm again. “What ever happened to the (Y/N) who would run extra laps for fun?”
You know Alessia’s thinking of you dressed Carolina blue, sprinting up and down the pitch after practice ends, wanting to get in extra reps to keep your fitness up. It’s a fond memory, the player you were when you were younger, but you shudder, thinking of how it was really just a ploy to get Alessia to give you a backrub when you got home, the forward always quick to crumble to your sad eyes and exaggerated whines.
You pout. “She grew up.”
“Poor you,” she teases, pinching at your cheeks. 
You can’t remember the last time you’ve laughed this much. 
You and Alessia have fallen into a good routine since you both joined Arsenal. There was no awkward tension around the two of you, no weird ‘I’m on the same team as my ex’ drama. If anything, there’s more ‘annoying years-in-the-making inside jokes’ shenanigans that you’ve brought with you. It’s almost like no time has passed. 
Once in a while you catch yourself thinking about the what-ifs. What if you never broke up. What if Alessia wanted to give this another shot. But you’re more than happy to live in the now. You and Alessia are friends now. That’s not something you’re willing to give up just for a shot at what you once knew. 
Looking down at her empty cup, Alessia lets out a low groan. You sheepishly hand her your empty cup as well, sweetly asking for a refill. She grumbles under her breath but grabs your drink nonetheless. “Don’t miss me too much!” she hollers over her shoulder as she disappears into the crowd. 
You find yourself staring even long after she’s gone.
With nothing left to distract you, you turn your attention back down to your phone. It’s funny seeing all of the posts on social media by the fans. Giggling to yourself, you like a couple of them before your attention is quickly captured again when you feel a small nudge against your arm. You look up to see Lotte smiling back at you. 
Scooting over, you give her enough space to plop down next to you in the booth. 
“Whatcha been doing hiding away here all night?”
You shrug, easy smile floating to your lips. “Haven’t been hiding. Less and I’ve just been hanging out. Lots of things to catch up on.”
The mention of the blonde striker has Lotte frowning a bit. You watch as she seems to think through her words. “Are you and Less…” she starts cautiously, pausing to gather her thoughts once more. 
“Are me and Less what?” 
The brunette shrugs. “I dunno, back together? Working things out? You guys just… you seem close again.”
It’s your turn to pause. In all honesty you haven’t really been thinking about what you and Alessia have been doing. Yes, you spend a lot of your free time together, and yes, Alessia always seems to seek you out when you all go out with the rest of the team, but that doesn't mean anything, right? 
You settle for a half-shrug. “I’m not sure. I think… I think we’re just seeing where things go.”
Lotte nods, the look of unease still on her face. “Just be careful, alright? I’m happy if things work out between you guys but just don’t forget the history the two of you have.”
Lotte’s words stick with you.
Even days later, when Alessia and you are taking a stroll towards a nearby farmer’s market.
You’re not thinking when her hand automatically slips into yours, hands freely swinging between the two of you. Alessia’s telling you a story you’re only half listening to, more caught in your head than the walk in front of you.
Spotting a booth with your favorite flowers, you head towards them. Only to be yanked back by a firm hand. 
Alessia doesn’t let go of your hand.
You pull again. 
You can hear an amused noise but Alessia still doesn’t let you go. 
“Lessi! Let me go see the flowers,” you whine. 
This time when you pull, she lets you go with a chuckle.
They’re beautiful. 
The purples, the blues, the pinks. You run your hands over them, marveling in all of the beauty. 
You must be looking for too long, because your heart lurches when you feel the familiar weight of an arm wrapping around your waist, Alessia’s head dropping to your shoulder. It’s habitual, the way your hand drops to rest on top of hers.
You can feel Alessia smile against the side of your head.
And it hits you then. 
This feels familiar. Too familiar. 
This feels right. Too right.
This feels like everything you’ve been missing. 
The blonde hums, eyes not moving as her fingers continue to trace shapes on your stomach.
You huff. It isn’t until you’re shuffling around, fully facing Alessia that her eyes drop to meet yours. She’s clearly not expecting it, mouth dropped into an ‘o’.
“Alessia, do you want to date me?”
It’s almost comical, the way her eyes widen, mouth somehow dropping even wider.
When it becomes clear that Alessia is at a loss of words you run a hand down your face, effectively pushing the blonde away from you.
“Look, I get it if you think I’m just imagining things, and I’ll totally understand if you want some space if all of this is just in my head, but I can’t help but feel like these are dates, these little trips around London you’ve been taking me. I haven’t felt this ‘wined and dined’ since the two of us first started dating all those years ago.”
You pause, leaving plenty of time for Alessia to interject.
She doesn’t.
Instead, she swallows. 
You watch as Alessia clenches and unclenches her hands, nervously shuffling from foot to foot.
Neither of you say anything as the seconds pass, ticking into minutes. 
Eventually, with her eyes trained to her feet, “Do you want them to be dates?” Alessia asks quietly. Timidly.
A little too timidly.
And that’s when you realize what this is.
What it’s been about this entire time.
Alessia’s afraid you don’t want her.
“You’re an idiot.”
Fisting a hand into her shirt, you yank Alessia towards you. Her eyes widen just as your lips meet, hands floundering about until they rest on your waist.
When you break away, you make sure to memorize the look on her face. Eyes closed, peaceful lit to her face, it’s something you want to ingrain in your memory and never forget.
When Alessia’s eyes flutter open you give her a soft smile.
“I’m always going to want you,” you murmur, tucking a wayward strand of hair behind her ear. 
You duck down, pressing your face into the crook of her neck as her arms automatically wrap around your back.
“I’d spend a lifetime trying to get over you, just to get to spend a single second as yours.”
You feel more than hear Alessia’s shaky breath in, arms tightening just a fraction around you. 
“I don’t want to ever get over you.” Your heart skips a beat at her confession. Her words are paired with a kiss on your hairline, signaling what you know is the end of this limbo, the beginning of your story starting anew.
No, things didn’t work out the first time.
But you aren’t stranded on opposite coasts this time. You aren’t leaving Alessia to start your professional career elsewhere. Alessia isn’t leaving you to go back home. 
You’re both in England. You’re both on the same team. 
Maybe this time things will work out. 
Because you love Alessia and she loves you. And that’s all you really need to know.
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leonw4nter · 6 days
Hi hi, may I request a F1 racer Leon and photographer reader fic where reader somehow garners his attention in a sea full of people trying to get his autograph?? (Re4 Leon or Re2 Leon will do!)
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Close To You
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Racer!RE2!Leon x GN!Reader
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You two lay in silence on your bestfriend Leon’s bed, staring up at the dark ceiling as you both listen to the soft whir of the ceiling fan overhead. He’s leaving in a few hours, right when the first few rays of pink illuminate the otherwise dark sky; in just a day, he’d be in a completely different timezone from you. He promises to call but you don’t expect him to stick to it a hundred percent; college will be a busier time in both your lives after all and with his aspirations, you don’t expect him to handle too many things all at once. It’s 2:20 AM and both of you should be fast asleep, him in his bed and you on your air mattress that Leon insisted on helping to inflate, but you both can’t find it in you to spend the last few hours sleeping.
“Why aren't you sleeping?” Leon asks in a hushed whisper. His head rests on his arm, his mop of ashy-blond hair sticking out in small strands due to the amount of times he ran his fingers through his tresses.
“Why aren’t you sleeping?” You respond back with a slightly aggressive whisper, head tilted to face him for a moment. “You’re going to be travelling for five-and-a-half hours. Staying up is going to bite you in the ass later.”
“I can’t sleep,” he responds back. “I’m nervous and already homesick.”
“C’mon, you got this! Nothing like a new change of scene for Leon Kennedy, right? It’s going to be awesome, I swear.” You reassure him with a smile, though your heart drops to your feet again and the feeling of missing him creeps up on you but he hasn’t even left yet.
“I mean… It’s gonna be an experience being in a new place and all but… I’m going to miss you,” he softly confides. He turns to lay down on his side, a hand tucked under his cheek as he looks at you through thin strands of his hair obstructing his view. “I don’t think we’ve ever done anything without each other. It’s gonna take a lot to adjust to this new setting.”
He sounds genuinely anxious, his voice lacking the usual confident quality it almost always carried. As sad as this whole predicament is making you, you’re forcing yourself to look less defeated than you feel; you can do the crying later for when he can’t see you anymore.
“I know, it’s… definitely going to be hard for the first few months but we’ll get around this eventually.” You reassure him with a small grin. “It’s not going to be the same without you, though. I’ll really miss you so don’t forget to at least text me, okay? When you’re free, of course.”
“I’ll miss you too and yes, I promise.” He sighs, shoulders slumping with his hushed exhale. He stares at you quietly through the dark, trying to map out your features despite the darkness of the room.
It turns into a game of staring and who will be the first to interrupt that has settled over you two like a blanket but it wasn’t the kind of staring that was just an empty, zoned-out stare; it was the kind where you two were committing every single detail of each other’s features to memory, to get the most vivid mental image you both can. You find it hard to swallow down that this face is going to be on your laptop screen, composed of pixels that won’t do his beauty any justice. He finds it difficult to grapple with the fact that he can’t brush the hair out of your face anymore or wipe away a speck of food at the corner of your mouth with his thumb. Turns out, this isn’t just a staring contest– it’s a contest on who can hold off from giving in to the desires of their hearts.
“You’re going to have a lot of your firsts without me,” you speak up. “First love, first parties, first kiss…”
“So, Leon, have you ever been kissed before?”
You’re taken aback by your own boldness, shocked at this question. Of course he has; in the third grade, Patty Briggs gave him a valentine and kissed him on the cheek before skipping off to her friends. You’re not sure if Leon remembers but you do and that’s because you were fuming that another girl has taken his first kiss away from you.
“No,” he responds. His voice is steady but you know that his cheeks and the tips of his ears are probably warm.
“Yes you did,” you counter before telling him about Patty and her valentine.
“I wonder how it–kissing– felt. If it feels slimy and icky or if it’s soft and plush.”
“Do you want to find out with me? How kissing feels?”
And that’s how you and him shared a first kiss on his saggy mattress, in his cold and dark room a few hours before he had to leave for the airport. Leon got his answer: it felt perfect, addictive. He wanted to keep kissing, to relive the spark of your lips pressing delicately. He even got the courage to bring a hand up to your cheek and bring your face closer, making the kiss feel deeper. He very well knew that he was running out of air but he didn’t want to break away, just lost in the velvety warmth of your lips, though slightly chapped.
Even when he was hours away from you, now onboard a plane, all the lovey-dovey songs he had on his portable music player were reminiscent of you and your magical kiss. You, on the other hand, were alternating between tears and giddy giggles. You managed to look put together and strong when you were seeing Leon get into the cab, though glassy-eyed by this time, but tears raced down the slope of your cheek fast as soon as the cab’s engine roared to life as the distance between you and him quickly grew from an inch to full-on kilometers. It’ll be hard to sleep with the lack of each other’s warmths on both your beds.
Life was odd without the other, it didn’t feel entirely complete– bright moments would have been brighter if Leon was by your side, sadder moments would be less sad if Leon had you. You two promised to text and call as much as your conflicting and busy schedules could allow you both but soon the distance felt even more palpable, the five-hour time difference that would place you in his past too real and soon, you grew distant but you were not mad with him and he was not mad at you: you were both busy with your endeavors and life is a ball that keeps rolling, no matter how rough the terrain could get. No matter what, Leon still thought of you before sleeping, images of you flashing as he closed his lids; he thoughts about how you’d look now– if you cut your hair or styled it differently, if you got new piercings, or if you’d still smile at him with so much warmth. As if his fingers have a mind of their own, they travel upwards as the pads of his fingertips gently pat his puffy bottom lip as he thinks about the kiss you both shared before he left at the break of dawn’s first rays of light. He tries to fight back a smile, pushing down the giggle that threatens to rise from his chest and tries to contain it there until it dissolves into nothing. It doesn’t dissolve into nothing and the fizzy excitement that the mere thought of you conjures just doubles in amount; he has to do something about this and so he turns to his side, arms reaching underneath the pillow beneath his head, and brings it to his face as he laughs and giggles. He kicks his feet, occasionally poking out from his duvet. He realizes how stupid he must look now: a grown man giggling and shaking about in his bed when he’s supposed to be asleep at this time in the night but he doesn’t care, let a man explode into a fit of glitter and blue raspberry candies when he thinks about his best friend– wait, best friends don’t kiss on the lips. But you’re not exactly boyfriend-girlfriend either, you’d never said anything about it and neither did he but he’s positive that you like him back and so does he. Upon the realization, his giggles melt into a groan as he thumps on the pillow with a fist.
Like him, life has been fast-paced and seemingly unwilling to slow down for you. You had requirements to submit and organizations to attend to; things were busy for you but it kept thoughts of missing Leon too much at bay. You busied yourself with textbooks and leadership roles, a part-time job at a movie theater, being a photography studio’s assistant, and studies. You catch your thoughts slipping back to Leon– what is he doing with his life now? Has he got a girlfriend? How’s racing turning out for him? Has he been eating well? Does he still wear his retainer? You can only hold off for so long until all those feelings come to shock you in the middle of an otherwise lovely day. You wished that you both weren’t so busy or you both cared slightly less about whatever you were doing and talked for hours and hours again, maybe even watch a movie online, and discuss the cinematics of the film in full detail, maybe even share interpretation. You see his eyes on a clear blue sky, his hair in feather reed grass panicles, his voice in rock songs playing in music stores, and wrinkled blue t-shirts. You arrive home from university, dropping your backpack to the foot of the bed before flopping down to your bed. You lay silently, limbs spread out in a starfish position, and groan to let even a little bit of the stress and exhaustion leave your body. You move to sit up but your leg hits something, sending it cluttering to the ground.
“Fuck,” you hissed as you bent to pick the thing up. It felt light and rectangular and it clinked lightly when you moved it around. Switching on your bedside lamp, you noticed that it’s one of the cassette tapes Leon had given to you before. You look at it, a finger tracing on your name written in black marker with Leon’s angular penmanship.
“Oh, Leon,” you quietly mumble to yourself as you look around for your earphones. “Do you still listen to Queen? You still better.”
You find your earphones and slide the jack into the port, placing the buds on your ears and plopping back in bed once more as you face the ceiling. You click the play button, waiting for a song’s first melodies to come through. You expect an intro of drums and electric guitar but it’s a gentle piano that greets you instead and instantly you recognize it: ‘(Close To You) They Long To Be’ by the Carpenters. You and Leon had ‘your song’, a collection of songs that are strongly associated with each other and your friendship; most of them were songs like “Don’t Stop Me Now”, “Little Lies”, and “Total Eclipse of the Heart” but there were softer, calmer ones with that song being one of them. During camping trips with your family, you’d be sitting in the rear passenger seats sharing an earbud and singing along to the songs, most of the time going off-key but you were both happy regardless. You find yourself singing along alone, closing your eyes as you don't resist letting a smile tip the corners of your lips upwards.
“I hope you’re doing well,” you wistfully tell to no one. “I miss you.”
After several more songs, you fall asleep with the tape resting on your abdomen as ‘Eyes Without A Face’ by Billy Idol plays.
After taking up several jobs and earning enough money to book a two-way flight, you pack your bags and head to the airport for a flight to Iowa for your semestral break. After having seen news of an all-too-familiar face slowly making a name for himself in the world of motorsports, you hunted down any bit of information you can get on when, where, and how much it cost to see him race. You thought about visiting him, catching up again like the good ‘ol times so hearing about Leon in this way just solidified your decision. Besides, it would be great to snap a different scenery for a change and it would look good on your portfolio. Energized by the cheap airport coffee, you go through the bag checks and take off your shoes as you wait for the officers to finish their inspection. After several minutes of inspection and waiting at the holding area for your flight, sketching the interior of the airport to pass the time, your flight is finally called and you get up to head to boarding. You finally get to your seat, right next to the window where you can get a perfect view of the clouds below. Unable to sleep last night, you went on a deepdive for the mechanisms of how an airplane flies. It was fascinating, to say the least, but it did make you slightly anxious; the thought of all the air in the Earth blipping out into nothing and the plane falling down to the ground scared you, making you shudder, but you pushed those scary thoughts away and replaced them with Leon. Did he grow any taller? Is he still that same dorky boy you knew? Would he still be down to be friends with you?
Leon did one last check on his car, a dark blue Panoz Esperante GTR-1 with white accents and subtle orange details before driving back to his hotel and getting some sleep.
“C’mon, Leon, she’s in perfect condition.” Marvin says, one of the engineers he consults with in order to maintain the condition of his car. “I checked her over and over and her diagnostics are all good but I’ll get up an hour early to do one last check up before the race.”
Leon nods, giving him a gentle pat to the back before greeting him good night.
You tried to hold back your screaming, you really did, but when Leon crossed the black and white checkered finish line after several exhilarating laps you just couldn’t help but beam for him. You shot up and screamed at the top of your lungs, cupping your hands around your mouth as you chanted his name when he got out of his car and waved to the spectators. Now, you’re part of the crowd trying to get his autograph. You have your notebook and best pen in hand, trying to navigate the sea of people all flocking to him but you can’t blame them: he’s just naturally charismatic, something about his boyish awkwardness that’s endearing. You finally manage to squeeze yourself to the front, excitedly calling his name as you pointed your camera at him, adjusting the settings to make him the focal point– the focus as the world around him is a blur of colors.
He’s in the middle of signing a teenage boy’s cap, making small chit chat with him as well. The photos are shaky, blurred, and sometimes obstructed by other people but you didn’t mind; you didn’t have to send these kinds of photos in, it’ll be kept near and dear to your heart though it’s imperfect and far from aesthetically pleasing. Your heart sort of squeezes at the sight, observing how his smile looks a little tired and feigned, overstimulated by the crowd hollering and pushing themselves at him but he still manages to be so nice and understanding. You decide to back off and wait until he finally sees you, not wanting to contribute to the added pressure of the moment. You laugh when he laughs, seeing some dads ask him for a photo and crack some corny dad jokes; you smile when you see him giving high-fives and fist bumps with little kids who were more than buzzing with energy to talk to him. Eventually, the sea of people around him thinned and you took the opportunity to try and talk to him again. You adjust your top and pat down your hair, doing your best to look fresh for when you get to see him for the first time in a long time. He’s just about to turn around and you skip ahead, patting the back of his shoulder. Woah, he’s a lot taller– his shoulders became broader now.
“Can I get a quick photo of you, Leon?” His body took a screenshot, freezing for a moment. He stares past the camera and into your eyes, taking in the sight of you all smiley and even more heavenly. You swear that his body took a screenshot, freezing for a moment. He lacks words and makes up for a hug, placing the notebook and pen down to the ground and wrapping you in a tight hug.
“Buddy,” you softly say as you reciprocate the embrace. “I missed you too.”
You swear that you heard a small sniffle come from Leon, patting his back as he stays still and keeps his head in the crook of your neck. After quite some time he pulls off, placing his hands on your shoulders and looking deep into your eyes. He breathily says your name, a hand climbing up to cup your cheeks.
“How… How’ve you been?” he asks in a shaky voice. “Woah, you look– you’re even more pretty now. Um, awesome– you look great! You– you’re… um— I-”
He stutters, cheeks burning. His hands leave their perched positions and his right hand travels to rub at the back of his neck. You giggle at this, smiling at him. He’s still awkward and dorky as ever.
“You look great too,” you compliment. “I love your arms, they’re a little bigger compared to the last time I saw you.”
“Yeah… I’ve- uh… been working out, yeah. Part of the… uh– job.”
“Yeah? Or have you been working out for a girlfriend?”
“Me? Girlfriend? Oh, uh– no. I don’t… have one. It’s just been– well, nevermind.”
“Hm? Go on, just been…?”
“I’ll tell you over coffee! How’s that sound?” he says a little louder, clearly eager to tell you more of his life since he’s moved. “If you want. Only if you want to, of course! No pressure.”
“I’d love to, Leon. We can have as much coffee as we want for quite some time– I’m on my break from school.”
“Great! I mean– me too. We can go now, if you want! I’ll just– I’ll just clean up a bit and check with my team and we can go! Sounds great!”
“Sounds great, looking forward to it.”
You lean in close to him, a hand fisted around the collar of his fire retardant suit and drag him forward to be eye level with you. You press a kiss to his cheek, letting your lips linger a little longer before pulling away.
He takes you to a quaint little café, offering to pay for both your drinks and pastries as you dine over a conversation between two friends catching up.
“So, yeah. It’s a little hard to juggle the police academy and racing right now but there's nothing I can’t do, right?”
“I thought about you sometimes, especially when I listened to our jam. I seriously thought about all the times we had to do a tense back and forth for borrowing calculators because I forgot.”
“I take it that you have a boyfriend?”
“No! I mean– no, I don’t. I’m free, single even. No dates or anything… so I’m up for more coffee dates.”
Leon smirks, reaches to you and wipes a flake of a pastry from the corner of your mouth.
“So, this is a coffee date for you?”
It’s your turn to be flustered and all flushed, setting down the scones you were happily enjoying with clotted cream.
“No! I mean– yes! Well, more like a reunion snack between two… um… best friends who haven’t seen each other in years!”
He reclines in his seat, arms crossed over his chest as an amused smile is on his face. He looks playful now, a lot less awkward than he was on the drive there.
“Two best friends don’t just kiss each other on the lips,” he retorts. “Would you like me to court you then?”
“Court… me?”
“Well yes,” he carefully broaches the topic. “I’ve been thinking about you over the years we were apart. I haven’t had any girlfriends, I can’t find it in me to be attracted to someone who isn’t you. I’d like to give us a try but only if you’ll let me, of course.”
You stare at him, cheeks slightly puffed out with your fingers frozen in grabby fingers from having previously intended to reach out for another pastry but his words just rendered you still in your seat.
“Um! Well, I’d… I’d love that!” You tell him. “Please, please do. I’ve been thinking about you too– no boyfriends for me, not a boyfriend who isn't you.”
He smiles, excited. He’s already coming up with ideas on how to woo you– he’ll do those birds’ attraction dances and flail his arms around if it means convincing you that he’s worth your time.
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NOTE - first off, thank you to the anon who sent this!! I know you waited a long time so I hope this lived up to your expectations <3 !! next thing, fic drops will be a lot less frequent since i'm getting quite busy with things but dw since i'm getting close to completing all the requests in my inbox :) updates about how i'm doing umm... i've found out that I quite like collecting stickers, like random stickers. i found this out when i bought some stickers from business students selling them for a project. Anyway, that's it and thank you for reading my ficsss!!!!!!! I <333333333 UUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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idv-sunsxin3 · 5 months
Rody Lamoree // Random Dating HCs
{Dead Plate and characters belong to Studio Investigrave}
Note// He is like, 80% my type... I love him, though, dhdbdb I guess it's gn for s/o. I'm kinda a straight girl (who loves bl and yuri---), so sorry if I sound too straight./ih
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•He is clingy, extremely affectionate, and touch starved... Relationships didn't end well with him because of that. But you managed to soften that by giving him plenty of love and attention when you both make time for each other. You can't say no to his puppy eyes;;;
•Can't cook for his life, is either you teach him how to cook or you both order takeout. If you do decide to teach him, he might fail miserably once in a while like injuring himself somehow or burn water--- he'll feel so bad that he is the reason you're carrying burden through the process but he'll sob more once he notices how patient, caring, and supportive you are while guiding him...
Rody// *sobs while looking at Y/N as if they're god*
Y/N // you okay there, babe?
•He'll die peacefully when he gets called pretty boy, Honey, hunny bunny, puppy, darling- no matter how cheesy or weirdly cute, it is Honey, him feel so giddy amazing 🥺✨️
•He is canonly buff and strong, so I can't help but imagine he is more than happy to carry you around on his shoulder or in bridal style to the point you don't even need to walk at all when he's with you/ih
•He'll compliment you a lot. He is your #1 fan. He'll quickly notice the changes in your appearance in one glance.
•New Haircut? Worshipping you right now. You wore something new? He'll take pictures of you in different angles, including selfies of both of you - red carpet material. You did your nails? Oh god, slay... Oh, what's this? A keychain you bought? That is so cool. He'll be so dramatic about it that it's so funny;😭
•Like man-- he's so supportive. Overwhelmingly supportive. He won't deny anything you decide and just support you till the end-- Like he's too in love to even care. He wouldn't even help but smush your cheeks together and say, "WTH WHY ARE YOU SO PRETTY AUGHHH;;;" (thx to the sketch Rachel made;;;)
•He'll usually respond to you whenever you text him - or even as soon as possible to respond back through letters. He always loves your voice, so there would be times he asks if you can call each other. Having him lean to the side of the wall as he is blushing by the soft whispering in his ear you make through the phone.
•He'll do all his power to spoil you with gifts and expensive dates despite being broke. He'll go the extra mile to always do something so special in your anniversaries.
•Even in Valentine's Day, to the point he may forget to treat himself... you gotta remind him that his birthday is your pride and joy. Like, it's the day god blessed you for letting a beautiful being like him spawn/lh
•HEAR ME OUT- I'm looking respectfully.... No one should deny that this man is pretty muscular ♥️ He is so bashful when you praise his strength. You would also have the privilege to touch his biceps or lean your head on his chest,,,(I swear I'm normal). Just the feeling of you tracing his arm, shoulder, spine, and chest makes him go crazy and so down bad -
•He won't stop talking about you once a question related to you comes up - the victim will never hear the end of it -
•Canonly when you date him, He'll give you flowers that are plucked out of the ground since he cannot afford to bye a prettier bouquet from a flower shop...
•When he's sad, you have to give him words of assurance or hold him close... You can even order any kind of fast/junk food, and he'll be so happy that you would do that for him😭🥺
•If you happen to be smaller than him, he would find the opportunity to hover over you and wrap you up with his hoodie or coat before pulling you to an embrace. Kinda like shoving your head inside the coat;;;
•Besides writing songs and playing the guitar for you, he would also try to sing for you if he wasn't so hella shy about it. hhh;(he sings surprisingly decently tho!!!)
•He loves having a bike ride with you- he once promised that if he ever affords a car, you'll always get the passenger princess treatment, no buts!!!
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odysseyeurobeat · 5 months
Literally just me gushing about eurobeat
Y'know what? Tumblr, you get a little treat. I don't have much better of a place to post something long-winded like this, so here we are.
I love eurobeat music. Big surprise from the girl with it in her handle, right? But I don't just love one kind of eurobeat. No, I'd go so far as to say I love it all. This genre becomes an absolute buffet of delightful, energetic, silly fun when you forget about trying to look for ways it "doesn't count", and try to look for the ways it does.
I love early eurobeat! I love the stuff that's indistinguishable from early Italo Disco, the formative things where the tempo was still low and the disco vibes were still high! That's Eurobeat and the first few volumes of Super Eurobeat are great for this!
I love later eurobeat, too! Even if some of the sounds aren't always my favorites, I love that folks were trying new things and dabbling with new sounds, experimenting in ways that in previous years seemed prohibited! Comparing some aliases who have been going for multiple decades from this period to when they started is also super fun!
I love traditional eurobeat, if I could pick a name for it! Faster, more rave-influenced, whether or not it's still got some disco elements in it, themes about nightclubs and love and loss and betrayal and that ever-ubiquitous fire! Maharajah Night has some great examples, leading into the bulk of pre-200 Super Eurobeat volumes!
I love J-Euro! It turns out, folks in Japan have different ideas and tastes and approach the genre VERY differently than the folks in Italy do, and I love how it sounds! I love how the sound design is so different and the speed jumps a little higher!
I love indie eurobeat! I love hearing how new and amateur producers take a crack at the sound, and seeing what folks do as the tools for making it grow and evolve! Even virtual versions of the synths the masters used to use are available now, and it's fantastic to hear how those things sound in new hands! I love the ways indie producers bend, break, and work around the rules of the genre and still deliver a uniquely "eurobeat" experience! Without this category, I would never have found DJ Command, DJ Bouche, Turbo, Vikas Beatbox, the Galaxian Recordings crew, and so, so many more!
I love happy eurobeat! The nature of the genre makes it so straightforward to pair its signature energy with joy, delight, empowerment!
I love sad eurobeat! That very same energy that powers joy and happiness can be just as powerful for driving home sorrow and sadness, and some lyrics even carry strong emotional weight (we're well past the days of eurobeat being only about Burning Love Car Baby Fire Desire Tonight Drift Tokyo, y'know)!
I love fandom eurobeat! Yup! Vocaloid, Touhou, MLP:FiM, Vtubers; whatever you may be a fan of, chances are good there's a eurobeat remix out there (or even an original) that suits your fancy!
I love Initial D eurobeat! How could I not, right? The classics are classics for a reason, and eurobeat and drift racing are a uniquely fantastic pair. Of all the things eurobeat could be about, it's one of a few that really knock it out of the park!
I love feminine eurobeat! Masculine eurobeat is great too, but it already gets a lot of love in the other categories, so I want to celebrate those eurobeat songs that feel quite the opposite while still being perfectly eurobeat! Eurobeat is broad enough to express feelings like this, too!
I love songs that aren't quite eurobeat, but have elements of it! And I love eurobeat songs that heavily include elements from other genres, too! Eurobeat is like any other genre-- it has not always had the same chances to rub shoulders with other sounds in the dance space, but when it does, some wonderful things happen! And the whole music world is enriched for that cross-pollenation!
I love the songs I used to dislike! To think I'd go from vastly disliking Norma Sheffield's discography, to adoring it so fully! Disliking "Higher Higher More and More" to seeking it out from time to time! Not being fond of SAIFAM/BBB's style, to knowing some of its songs by heart!
And most of all, I love that I get to MAKE this stuff for a living! I do not take the fact that this could've not worked out trivially, and I hope I've rewarded your patiences well with a lot of new favorites and starting points for diving deeper into the genre over the last... almost 20 years, now!
And that's just the tip of the iceberg! I understand some eurobeat isn't to everyone's taste, but I think if you haven't tasted all that there is out there, you owe it to yourself to see how you feel about it. You might be pleasantly surprised!
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serpentarius · 9 months
been trying to wrap my head around the cancellation of "Our Flag Means Death" and why it hurts so fucking much. lots of folks who are much more eloquent than I have summed it up perfectly, but I still think it’s important I add my voice to the matter. 
It really, really sucks that the hurt is being compounded on us every time another queer/minority-led show gets prematurely cancelled. and for a long while, we also had to deal with the many shows that deliberately queerbaited us, which was a shitty and traumatic experience unto its own. And even though we’ve largely surpassed that early-‘00s-flavoured brand of queerbait now, mainstream queer media is still predominantly white-led. With the cancellation of OFMD, we've lost one of the very few intersectional queer shows in the mainstream. Shouldn’t we be beyond asking for crumbs at this point? Shouldn’t we get unabashedly intersectional shows helmed by and starring queer, BIPOC, and trans folks without them being axed for no rhyme or reason?
It’s exhausting at this point, honestly. OFMD has done so well in terms of viewership and engagement and fan response—almost entirely due to word of mouth and little thanks to the Max marketing team, mind you—and even still the show got cancelled? Can they make it make sense????
For me, the thing most akin to this OFMD situation was when Sense8 got cancelled. And yes, the fandom fought, and we eventually DID get a movie that wrapped things up years later! That gives me hope for OFMD, that maybe another network will pick it up, or maybe they’ll be able to make a movie someday. But what makes me sad about cases like Sense8 is knowing that the creators still had to force the narrative around the amount of time they were given. That the corporate overlords who only care about numbers and profit dictated how much time they had to wrap up their story.
And it fucking kills me that DJ only wanted one more season. One more season to complete the vision.
I'm just so mad that queer people are constantly being jerked around and used for profit and then left high and dry. And then we're given excuses like "oh there's no budget" or "oh there's not enough viewership, that's all it is". like, sure, maybe those are contributing factors, but then I look at all the useless garbage shows that have little viewership and high budgets that keep going forever and then I think "hmmmm, the math ain't mathing." It's fucking transparent; the corporations can spew all they want with their rainbow capitalism and talks about diversity, but the evidence is clear, and they can't convince me homophobia/racism/transphobia/etc. is not a factor in these decisions.
Anyways, back to OFMD. OFMD made me fall in love with fandom again. I drifted away from fandom for a while in my 20s, and while OFMD wasn't the first fandom that drew me back into the madness, it's certainly the largest. The sheer amount of creativity both within the show and outside of it has blown me away; I've read some of the best fics, seen some of the best art, and witnessed some of the most incredible creativity from people in this fandom.
And let's not forget the role of the show's creators and how they've interacted with us fans. They made us feel seen. And made us feel loved and valid, even when we were being weird and loud and horny. It's so fucking rare to see that. But they understood; understood that the show they made was for us, for any of us who've been marginalized or made to feel Othered or different or stuck in life or unsure of our identities. And they gave us so much love for it.
The story... man. The unique combination of quirky humour and bright visuals and dark, introspective moments, the gorgeous costumes and soft, lovely, unabashed queerness, and veteran actors and new actors all getting to shine, brilliant comedic actors getting to show off their dramatic chops and vice versa. For me, seeing Rhys Darby - an actor I've loved for a long time, but who I never thought I'd see in a leading role - getting to be the romantic lead in a queer role? And seeing acclaimed director/producer/screenwriter/actor Taika Waititi play opposite Rhys, as an indigenous Blackbeard? Fucking incredible. OFMD Edward Teach you will always be famous to me.
Anyways... despite my long ramblings here, I still don’t think I've been able to get to the root of WHY exactly this show has inched its way under my skin and stayed with me in the way it has. Maybe I'll spend years trying to understand it. But I DO know that it's in part to do with seeing both older queers AND a diverse range of queerness onscreen, in a way that I've never seen in media before. I DO know that OFMD has forced me to look inwardly, and allowed me to realize some important things about myself. About my own queerness, my own identity, things I'm still figuring out. I've cherished being able to see myself in Stede, in Ed, and each of the crew members. In Roach’s love for cooking, in Oluwande’s ability to mediate; in Jim’s quick temper, in the way Izzy builds walls to guard his heart. In Buttons’ quirkiness, in Wee John’s sass, in Frenchie’s ability to turn pain into humour; in The Swede’s silliness, in Lucius’ bluntness, in Pete’s soft heart beneath the skepticism. Lastly, OFMD has inspired me. To create, to write, to draw, to devour other peoples' works and worlds while I sit in sheer, overflowing joyousness at their talent.
so yeah. the news of this cancellation is upsetting and hurtful and disappointing. And it's making us cry, and it's making us grieve, and may make us hollow and numb at times because we've lost yet another thing we love so deeply before it was meant to go. It's so much more than "just a TV show". It means more to us than any passive mindless idiotic mind-numbing bullshit - because even though there's a time and a place and a purpose for that type of media, it's the thought-provoking work, the work that creators pour their entire hearts and souls into, that hit us deep in our own souls. The work that changes our lives. The work that has the ability to save lives, as I know OFMD has done for so many. 
please know I'm sending immense amounts of love and strength to those of you who are also hurting. we'll get through this, one way or another, and I'll keep up with the hope that we'll get more someday; but in the meantime, I'm holding you tight. ❤️️🫂
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its-all-papaya · 2 months
landoscar + 41? 🧡 maybe fake/pr-dating-turned-real-dating coded, so maybe even + 56? like, they realize the fake wasn't that fake anymore 🙈 (insert i am in love are you in love audio here)
they are both in love, anon.
(because i found it kind of impossible to explain without adding sooo much exposition... oscar is not a driver. he's just... a guy. that mclaren found. to date lando. suspend your disbelief, idk)
send me a ship and a number and i will write a kiss
41. to pretend (or is it?) | landoscar | 1.2k
Lando is in over his head. His aching, pounding, hurts-so-bad-it’s-making-him nauseous head. If he’d known one throw-away trip to the club in Miami was going to complicate his life so irreparably, he would have tucked his P1 trophy into bed next to him and gone straight to sleep like a good, boring boy. Instead, he’d gotten catastrophically fucked-up on any number of things he doesn’t remember and tossed himself dick-first into an entire publicity nightmare. That’s the worst part, probably: Lando doesn’t even remember. He remembers taking shots with Max and Danny and he remembers – barely – stumbling to the bathroom, and the next discernable point on that mental timeline comes at approximately 6:45 a.m., when he’d woken up to go vomit and found his lock screen so full of notifications that it’d made him forget to wonder where the man he’d gone to bed next to had pissed off to so early.
Since then, every minute of Lando’s life not spent in the car has felt full wall-to-wall with interviews, and meetings with crisis management, and saying “I’d prefer not to comment on that” so many times he hears it on repeat like an ear worm when he’s falling asleep at night. And also Oscar. There’s been a lot of Oscar.
He’s waiting in the lobby of McLaren’s hospitality when Lando arrives down from his driver’s room after qualifying in Brazil. Lando wonders how he got in, if their bosses have finally decided he’s trustworthy enough to walk around unchaperoned. It’s funny that he ever didn’t have a pass, actually; he is technically a McLaren employee. Probably. Lando thinks he gets paid. They’ve never talked about the specifics.
Either way, however he got there, Oscar is by himself in the lobby, leaned back in a chair, thumbing at his phone. He looks up when he senses Lando’s arrival, and Lando must look even more pathetic than he even thought, because Oscar’s face immediately goes soft with concern and he leaps up to take Lando’s bag off his hands.
“Hey, you alright?” he asks. He slides the backpack onto his own shoulders and then steadies a hand in the middle of Lando’s back, thumb tracing comforting little circles near his spine.
Lando could lie, but there’s not really any point to that, so he lets his face fold into the grimace it wants to be in and presses his thumb between his eyebrows.
“Head’s killing me,” he says. It comes out weak.
Oscar makes a sad little sound in sympathy, and the palm on Lando’s back shifts to his side so Oscar can tug him closer. Lando doesn’t have the energy to fight Oscar on these things at the best of times lately, so he’s definitely not going to when he’s exhausted and sick with the pain behind his eyes. Even though there’s really nobody around to see them.
“Let’s get you back to the hotel, then,” Oscar says, and Lando has never agreed to anything faster.
Oscar leads the way out of hospitality and through the paddock, fingers linked securely between Lando’s own. It’s baffling that he’s already been around this circus long enough to know the way without help. Nice, though, because Lando’s not really in a state to be of any.
They run into a few people along the way – fans or sponsors or employees. Lando doesn’t get the chance to tell which are which, because every time somebody new greets them, Oscar’s fingers tighten around his own and he talks the both of them cleverly out of the conversation before Lando can even consider what he would say if he was left to his own devices. It feels nearly impossible that less than six months ago, Oscar could barely say two words to Lando without being directly asked to.
“Oscar!” he hears as they’re nearing the exit, and they’re so close to relative quiet that Lando can’t help but groan about it. Oscar squeezes his hand again like an apology as he turns to address whoever it is.
"What’s up?” Oscar asks. When Lando lifts his eyes from the pavement, it’s Max stood before them. Both of his hands are hooked in the straps of his backpack and his chest is heaving just a little, like he’d jogged to catch them up.
“You’ll of course be at the race tomorrow?” Max asks. Lando’s not sure where this conversation is going, but he’s pretty sure it doesn’t have to happen right now. He hopes the look he’s giving Max is sufficiently irritated.
It must do the job, because Max’s eyes brighten and he says “Not pleased about that, Lando?”
Oscar’s hand goes from Lando’s palm to his back again, quick, and before Lando can open his mouth, Oscar’s saying, “He doesn’t feel good.”
“Ah,” Max says. Lando can’t figure out the look he’s being given.
“The race tomorrow?” Lando presses. If they’re going to chat about whatever it was right now, they could at least get to the point.
Max nods, shifting his gaze back to Oscar, “You are staying, yeah?”
“Yeah," Oscar says, "Why?”
It’s taking too long. Lando squeezes his eyes shut and presses his forehead against Oscar’s shoulder, hoping the counterpressure might do anything at all for the hot ache in his brain. Oscar’s hand goes immediately to the back of Lando’s neck, like it’s habit, and his thumb starts drawing firm lines down the muscle there, hairline to nape. It feels…really, really nice, actually.
“You’ll fly back with us after,” he can make out Max saying, “to Monaco. Lando and I and a few others.”
That doesn’t really make sense. Oscar’s been planning to go home for a bit over the mini break, Lando knows, they talked about it nearly right away when the agreement was drawn up. Far be it from him to argue that point, though, not when Oscar’s saying “Yeah, thanks, mate,” and his thumb’s still easing the pain in Lando’s skull. Lando would blame it on the headache, but it’s not like he’ll mind the extra time with Oscar, either. Which Max knows.
Lando cracks his eyes open and shifts enough to squint suspiciously at his friend, but Max is just grinning happily at the pair of them.
“Very good,” Max says. Sure.
“That’s all?” Oscar asks. His thumb finally stills. Lando does not whine about it, but it’s a close thing.
“Yes,” Max says, “you can take grumpy home now.”
Then, before Lando can decide whether that’s worth getting upset over, Oscar squeezes the back of his neck and nudges him up off his shoulder. His eyes are apologetic when Lando meets them, and he kisses Lando once on the forehead as he slides their palms back together.
It’s nice. Domestic. Very convincing, probably. Oscar’s gotten really good at his job.
“We’ll see you, mate,” Oscar says.
Max clasps Oscar’s hand for a second, then squeezes Lando’s shoulder on his way by.
When he's a few steps off, Oscar says, “Ready?” like Lando hasn’t been begging to go this whole time.
Lando says yes, please and he can tell it's a little whiny, because Oscar says "Hey, okay love, I'm sorry" and brushes a gentle kiss against his lips. Lando thinks Max is probably too far away to see it, but Oscar would know better.
It’s not until they’re finally settled into the back of the car, sides pressed together, that Lando remembers:
“Max knows about everything. You didn’t have to… he knows.”
Oscar’s gaze is soft and maybe a little sad, for some reason, but he smiles past it and combs his fingers through Lando’s hair until he settles.
“Yeah,” Oscar says as Lando’s head falls back against his shoulder, “He does.”
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prettyinpwn · 2 months
What is your opinion on Filbrick Pines?
Oh boy... long story short, my opinion on him is pretty low, not gonna lie. I went into his character a lot in my analysis post on Ford's writing (found here), since Filbrick had a large effect on Stan and Ford's characters, even if only in subtle ways. To summarize my points on Filbrick:
Definitely abusive, in my opinion. I don't think physically, but for sure emotionally and mentally. He's the type of father who provided materially, but otherwise didn't seem very good at it.
Was way too focused on money. Now, I think it's very possible that Filbrick could have a great backstory reason for this. My biggest guess is a life of poverty and wanting to provide better for his family, but the cruel irony is that in seeking wealth, he hurt his family (e.g "Stanley, by "sabotaging" Ford you hurt our whole family, because he was going to make us millions, so I'm gonna throw you out, ignoring the fact that by throwing you out I'm currently hurting the family in the way I'm accusing you of."). He also hurt Ford. The way Filbrick treated Ford was like a Willy Wonka golden ticket. "Oh, you're smart? This college might make you a millionaire? I'm impressed!". He didn't care about what Ford wanted, he cared about what Ford's brains could get him. Case in point: he didn't seem to give a rat's ass about Ford's brains or college dreams until the principal implied it could make money.
Iirc, according to Hirsch, the quote Stan says in Little Gift Shop of Horrors ("Movies are great! You watch the movie, you scare the girl, the girl snuggles up next to you, next thing you know you gotta raise a kid. Your life falls apart. Forget that last part.") was actually something Filbrick used to say. Like DEAR GOD Filbrick said that in front of Stan and Ford? "Hey kids, my life was great until I got your ma knocked up with Shermie, and then my life was pure suck after that.". Like... who... who just says that in front of their kids? Who even THINKS that about their kids? Yikes.
The way Stan and Ford are named. The code at the end of A Tale of Two Stans is played as a joke, but when you think about it, it's... kinda sad. "A STUBBORN TOUGH NEW JERSEY NATIVE, FILBRICK WASN'T TOO CREATIVE, HAVING TWINS WAS NOT HIS PLAN, SO HE JUST SHRUGGED AND NAMED BOTH STAN.". Filbrick did not give a single f*ck. "Oh, I have twins? Eh, I'm too lazy to think about a name, just call 'em practically the same thing.". What father does this?
In the post I linked above, I also hinted at how I thought Bill's manipulations of Ford almost were a mirror echo of Filbrick (even in their character design, it's odd how they both have yellow brick and blue with hats themed designs, he's got the literal word 'brick' in his name, etc). Because when you think about it, what did Ford's father teach him but "you are a puppet to be used by me to get what I want"?
There's a reason Ford and Stan are incredibly broken people, and it all started with Filbrick. He's the one that taught Stan to believe he's worthless and a f*ckup, and the one that taught Ford that he's a tool to be used. So... nah, not a fan of the guy, if I didn't make that obvious already lol. BUT... I will say this, as this is something I did give him credit for in my Ford analysis post: a lot of Ford and Stan's positive qualities are things he passed down to them, namely their protectiveness of family and "toughness". But unlike Filbrick, who manifested that in toxic ways, Stan and Ford took a heavy albatross necklace of generational trauma and turned it around to a positive.
This goes even further when Stan passes the lesson to Dipper. Dipper learning to "fight back"? That's a family lesson that comes from Filbrick, originally, when he signed Stan and Ford up for boxing. Some have criticized the way Stan taught Dipper that lesson, but you can't argue with the end result:
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TL;DR: Filbrick mostly sucks, but... like most well-written characters, he does have some gray area. Was he a good father? No. But the gauntlet meat grinder he put Ford and Stan through - worth it or not - made them the tough family protectors they are as adults. I will give him that, at least.
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munsooooon · 3 months
Warning: Angst, Kinda Hurt/No Comfort. English is not my first language, so feel free to let me know if there is any mistake!
Eddie does die. Steve grows up, but he never forgets Eddie and all that could be. He was the man who made him accept his bisexuality. He was the man who made him find new interests. To everyone's surprise, Steve forms a punk band with Gareth and some other guys.
In the 90s, they became famous. They were big as Green Day and other bands of the time. Steve becomes a rock/punk sex symbol. Everyone goes crazy for him because he is incredibly pretty, and his songs are powerful. But he always claims he's not interested in having a relationship.
His band's albums are successful, but Steve keeps a low profile, at the beginning of '96 he disappears from the public eye, leaving everyone bewildered, the world doesn't stop throwing theories, even his fellow musicians in other bands are worried, Steve is a king once again, but he doesn't care about that crown either. In March 1997, surprisingly, his band released a preview of a new album, a heartbreaking single called Gone Away. It immediately becomes his biggest hit. People immediately want to know what the song is about.
So Steve speaks, for the first time he gives a serious interview, he was always quiet in the back while Gareth talked to the media, he ignored the questions, he had never talked to the media seriously before until now.
He is wearing a faded Dio T-shirt, black baggy jeans, and rings on his hand. His sad eyes always made him be compared to Kurt Cobain even though his music was different.
The audience numbers on MTV were breaking records. There were kids in the studio who reminded him of The Party. The host was very excited and could hardly hide it, but he was making a good effort:
"First of all, Steve, thank you very much for granting us this interview and, above all, congratulations for the huge success that Gone Away is having."
Steve smiles weakly and tries to be nice despite how overwhelmed he feels. He does it for Eddie because the guy reminds him of Eddie, at least in looks, he probably would have gotten along great with Eddie, Steve always thought so when he saw him on TV.
"Thank you," Steve whispers kindly. The guys in the studio can barely hear him.
"I know you're not a big fan of TV studios, so is it okay if we start with the questions?"
Steve nods weakly, and he can feel himself starting to breathe more naturally.
"I suffer from really bad migraines, and the studio lights are terrible."
"I understand," replies the show host. He looks at him for a few seconds straight in the eye. The boy seems to be dazzled by Steve and seems to understand what this means to him. "So, Gone Away, what's the song talking about?"
Steve looks at him gratefully. MTV wanted the host to ask him about a thousand topics as Steve was giving his first exclusive interview, Steve had agreed to talk shit because he knew that MTV was the place where he could reach kids who cared about his music, kids like Eddie.
"It's about my husband. His name was Eddie, Eddie Munson."
Steve could hear everyone in the studio express surprise. Steve suddenly felt like he was in high school when Eddie would climb on the tables.
"Your husband?" the host asked in surprise, he looked as if he didn't believe what Steve was saying, as if he thought it was one of the antics he sometimes pulled while Gareth was talking about his music but Steve kept his face very serious.
"My husband. You all think I'm from New York and I've never cared to make it clear. The band was formed in New York, I moved there when I was 22, but I grew up in Hawkins, Indiana. Probably a lot of the kids here don't know because they were so young, but 11 years ago there was a devastating earthquake there, a lot of people died, including my husband Eddie, he was just 21 years old."
"Yeah man, I remember that earthquake, was awful"
"Yeah. A few days before, Eddie had been persecuted by the whole town especially by the religious people because he was wrongfully accused of crimes he did not commit, which sucks because he was the sweetest man I have ever known, I have lived since then trying to be at least a part of how sweet he was."
Everyone was in complete shock. All eyes were on Steve.
"Eddie died in the earthquake. He sacrificed himself to save me, to save our friends. We didn't get to live our romance, but I know my love was reciprocated because he wrote me letters and poems, he made me drawings, and even in his last diary entry he said he was happy because we had friends in common, he was planning to talk to me at Spring Break and have fun with me and our friends in the summer."
"Steve, I'm very sorry".
"Last year was the 10th anniversary of his death. I can hardly believe that I have lived all this time without him, but I am as much in love as the first day. That is why I call him my husband, because even though I could never propose to him, we are together but in different places. We even have our children, who are the reason I am still alive. I still wear his clothes, these are his clothes, and this seat I'm sitting in today belongs to him, he was born a rock star. "
"Steve, once again, you have left us speechless."
Steve smiled genuinely at him and then turned to look directly into the camera:
"I'm making it very clear. I'm bisexual, I don't allow anyone, not the fans, not the media to question my sexuality like they did with Bowie, like they're doing it with Billie. I am bisexual, in love, and married to a wonderful man. If you can't understand that, you are stupid, and that makes you part of the problem that killed my husband 11 years ago."
Steve left the interview at that moment. He sent a letter to the host, thanking him for the space to talk about Eddie, being aware of how incredibly privileged he was. It was the first and last interview he gave, he thought his career was going to disappear but the interview made him more famous, the band played in the most important festivals that year but in 1998 they announced their separation. Steve lived his last days with Wayne in New York. Steve died a few days after Wayne died. In the year 2000, he was 34.
The fans were really happy that Steve was finally with his husband, the love of his life and his muse. Because Steve chose to live a life for him and Eddie, every time he made a decision about his music, he thought: What would Eddie have done?
That's why he decided to go to that famous interview in 1998. It was one of the greatest moments in music. Eddie and Steve are well remembered, not only by fans, to this day Steve's contemporary artists like Billie Joe Armstrong or Dave Grohl talk about those small moments in which they met Steve at festivals, they all agree that he was magical.
Like Steve lyrics, people always leave flowers in his shared grave with Eds to show they care.
Leaving flowers on your grave
To show that I still care
Black roses and Hail Mary's
Can't bring back what's taken from me
I reach to the sky
And call on your name
And if I could trade, I would
And it feels, and it feels like
Heaven's so far away
And it stings, and it stings now
The world is so cold
Now that you've gone away...
• Gone Away is a song by The Offspring, an American punk band. Dexter, the lead singer, wrote this song because he was in the middle of a shooting with his girl. When I was younger I read he wrote it for his late girlfriend, who died in a car accident but apparently that's not true. Anyway it's one of my favourite songs, I think it is very beautiful, these days when I listen to the song I think that it is a song that suits Steve and Eddie a lot. Curiously, it was published in March 1997, exactly 11 years after Eddie's death, y all know he died in March 1986.
• The Billie Steve mentioned in the interview is Billie Joe Armstrong, the lead singer of Green Day. He is bisexual but many people question his sexuality back in the day and even nowadays.
I apologise for this, hahaha. I have a happy version of this if you guys are interested.
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tiredfox64 · 3 months
Hello! How are you? I hope you are well and getting better ^^
Seeing your blog makes me assume you like Tinkerbell. I love tinkerbell! She and Roceta were my favorite fairies. What were yours?
While watching the movies again I came up with an idea for a request, feel free to ignore it if you don't like it :3
So how about Tomas with a reader and a daughter who are super Tinker Bell fans? You can also add another character of your choice if you wish.
Thanks in advance and have a good day! 🩷
To The Faeries They Draw Near
Yip notes: oh my goodness yes I freaking love tinkerbell for as long as I can remember. I love Tinkerbell, Fairy Mary, Vidia, and Terence. I love this idea
Pairing: Tomas x Afab reader
Warnings‼️: Do you think I want Disney to kill me?
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Tomas has seen many strange creatures that come from mythology and other realms. But he didn’t expect to be overwhelmed by the knowledge of fairies. Specifically the Disney fairies.
Throughout the whole relationship you never once mentioned how you love Tinkerbell. You never mentioned Disney even when he asked what movies you wanted to watch with him. You always left it up to him. When you had your first child that’s when that love started to show.
Your daughter was about five years old when she watched her first Tinkerbell movie. You and Tomas visited Johnny after he suggested using his home theater to watch a movie. Since he knew your daughter never watched a movie before he thought this would be a nice experience for her. And what movie did you picked to show your wonderful daughter?
Do I have to say it another time?
Your daughter’s eyes lit up the moment she saw that dandelion puff turn into a fairy. She held her breath as she watched Tink find her talent and so did you. That scene was always intense even though you knew Tink would become a tinker.
“She’s watching it so intensely.” Tomas whispered to Johnny.
“Well, of course she is, she’s a child.”
“I meant my wife.”
Tomas stared at you, not with judgement but curiosity. Two of his favorite girls in the world having a wonderful time together, what more could he ask. The roller coaster of emotions you both portrayed was unfamiliar to him. From the annoyance of Vidia’s bullying to the sadness at Tinkerbell’s failure and almost ruining Spring to the joy of her getting the chance to see the Mainland. Tomas would chuckle under his breath to prevent you or your daughter thinking he was making fun of you both. He was just happy to see childlike innocence and joy in both of you. He also found it funny that Johnny was over Vidia’s attitude. Johnny was so ticked off.
After that day, all that Tomas would hear from his daughter involved fairies. She was hooked on that blonde tinker. You encourage this behavior by buying all the Tinkerbell movies and Disney Fairies books. Don’t forget the Peter Pan movies which resulted in your daughter acting more dramatic than usual. She sure became sassy for a five year old. Tomas hopes that she doesn’t grow a jealousy problem that would result in murder.
Tomas’ heart would melt when he watched the Shirai Ryu make promises to his daughter about how they will believe in fairies so that they can live. They might have been doing that out of the kindness of their hearts or they were afraid to upset the daughter of a man who they know could kill them in their sleep. Tomas is a silent killer, they would never see it coming.
Tomas required your assistance a lot to remember every little detail about fairies. It resulted in a lot of questions and confusion.
“Why is it called Pixie Hollow if they were fairies?” He would asked, sometimes annoyed that the answer was always the same.
“I don’t know, ask Disney.” Was always your response.
But the greatest outcome of this whole situation was your daughter’s new interest at being a tinker. She wanted to be just like Tinkerbell and would draw her ideas for hours. These ideas consisted of traps for the clan to use. Not the typical five year old hobby but this is not the usual living space for a child. She would take her ideas to Tomas or her uncle Kuai Liang since he was the grandmaster. She did have a couple of great ideas in that mind of hers. Her best was the bell system as she called it. It was basically a tripwire that would ring many bells to alert the clan of a possible assassination attempt. It might even ward off the assassins out of fear that they were caught early.
Though the traps were interesting, Tomas preferred if his daughter work on more kid-friendly stuff such as building a fairy house. Of course, she wouldn’t want to capture a fairy, she just wants to give them a nice home. She wanted to make something similar to the one that was made in Tinkerbell and the Great Fairy Rescue. She wanted her father to help her collect the items she needed like wood and rocks. Tomas was more than happy to venture out into the woods with her for a little scavenger hunt. A father and daughter day together.
Once that wonderful house made of cardboard, twigs, fern leaves, and childlike wonder was finished they decided the best place to put it was near the vegetable garden. His daughter made a nice path of pebbles leading to the house for the fairies to enjoy. The day after your daughter was running around telling everyone in the clan how her and daddy worked on the house for the fairies. She was dragging Hanzo with all her might, trying to get him to see the house. He could not keep up with her ramblings as she was speaking a thousand words per minute. He looked to Tomas for help but he was busy training the new initiates. The teenage mind could only do so much to comprehend a toddler’s words.
In short, Tomas understood that this love for Tinkerbell may never go away. This love stayed with you the whole time, it wouldn’t be a surprise if your daughter had gained a forever love for Tinkerbell as well. She is a child after all so she will really be hooked for a long time. With that being said he thinks it’s time to surprise you both. He knows just the guy to help him out.
“Can I look now?” Your daughter asked.
“Not yet, my Tinker. Just a few more seconds,” You watched as Tomas opened her bedroom door and turned on the light, “Okay, now.”
Your daughter pulled her hands away from her eyes and she let out an excited gasp. She squealed as her eyes traveled over her new room decor.
“It is…flitterific!”
Her bed was covered with blankets that had Tinkerbell’s face on it and a plush toy of Tinkerbell sat in the middle. Her walls had posters from the movies and wall decals with all the Disney fairies. What really caught her eyes was on a chair in the corner of her room. A green dress with a pair of wings and shoes with a puff ball on them. Your daughter would have leaped out of your husband’s arms if he didn’t put her down on the ground in time. She bolted to the dress and picked it up while jumping. You smiled warmly as your daughter constantly called for you to look at the pretty dress that daddy got her. You felt Tomas hug you from behind before placing a kiss on your cheek.
“How’d you manage to get all that for her?” You asked him.
“I got Johnny to order everything for me.” He answered back.
Ah yes, the wonders of the internet. Johnny knew to trust the Disney store and Hot Topic to get Tomas everything Tinkerbell related.
Then you felt something small but cold touch your neck. You looked down and realize what Tomas was doing. He was slipping on a necklace that had a Tinkerbell charm on it. The silver shined brightly with the gold dress on Tink shining even brighter. You smiled wide before turning around and giving Tomas a kiss.
“You’re very sneaky, you know that?”
“It’s a talent of mine.” He responded smugly.
“So tell me, how are you going to pay Johnny back for all of this?” You asked.
“I’ll figure something out. All I know that it was all worth it to see you and her happy.”
What a charmer.
Tomas gave you kiss before you bother turned your attention back onto your daughter. He will find a way to pay Johnny back one way or another. Or he could never pay him back. The man has money he could risk losing a few hundred.
Yap notes: Apologies if this seems a little messy or unorganized I did do this on my phone and I’m still recovering a little. But I did really enjoy doing this and revisiting the Tinkerbell movies. My favorite was the Great Fairy Rescue btw. I still have Tinkerbell blankets from my childhood which one of them my cowriter likes to rest on. The only other merch I have that I can remember is my Stitch one.
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Now I might make my fiancé watch the movies with me. If he can handle Godzilla screaming for two hours he can handle some fairies. Adiós!
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dira333 · 1 month
Of Swings and Snakes - Matsukawa x Reader - part 2
part 1 for anyone who missed it. I apologize for taking so long. Life hit me like a train right after writing the first part. I hope you enjoy the second part, where they get their shit together.
tagging: @lees-chaotic-brain, @togament (the angsty Mattsun anon), @constantlybeingbiaswrecked @multi-fandom-fanfic @integers @sy1v30n @iatethemochi
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“Are you sure about that?” Makki asks, hands stuffed into the pockets of his hoodie, “Really sure?”
“Really, really sure,” you tell him, grabbing your purse a little tighter. “This will do me good. Get to know myself in a new city, you know? And I’m sure you’ve got other things to do than keeping me company. I’ve got to go now, though, I will call you when the plane lands.”
“No,” Makki’s hands are on your shoulders, keeping you in place, “Five more minutes, okay?”
“Makki?” You level him with a glare. “What’s going on?”
But there’s another voice behind him, one you wish you could have forgotten but still hear every night in your dreams. 
“Sorry,” Mattsun’s panting, sweat running down his temple, “Traffic jam.”
Two weeks before
“What’s for Dinner?” Makki asks, sniffing at the door. “I made Okonomiyaki,” you announce proudly, placing the dish on the table, “I hope you’re hungry.”
It’s gotten easier these days, pretending that you’re happy.
Sometimes you even find yourself laughing, smiling, forgetting about the cloud of sadness that hides in your chest, keeping you from breathing at the worst times.
You’ve yet to meet Mattsun again, and since you are part of the same friend group two weeks without him feels like a year in the real world.
But, a cold voice whispers, it’s not like you saw him a lot before your breakup anyway.
“I can’t believe you,” you pull away from Makki, dread heavy in your stomach. “You told him?”
“Hey,” Mattsun’s voice cuts through you like a hot knife. “Can we talk?”
“I’ve got a plane to catch,” you hiss, heart bleeding as his face falls. Somehow, even now, you’re still attached in places you didn’t know. Like two pieces of fabric, sown together so tight you can’t pull on one without hurting the other.
“You’ve got five minutes,” you tell him, throat tight. You send Makki the harshest glare you can manage. “And you can leave.”
“Sorry,” he has the decency to look ashamed as he slinks away.
You grab your purse a little tighter, the familiar feel of it soothing your nerves a little.
“Can we walk?” You ask, voice quivering, “I don’t want to miss my plane.”
“Yeah, sure, okay.” Issei rubs the back of his head as he walks, one hand dangerously close to brushing yours.
“I wanted… I wanted to explain.”
“Yeah,” he swallows thickly. “I think I messed everything up.”
You stop walking, make the mistake of looking into his eyes.
The noise and bustle of the airport fades away as you remember a different time.
1 year before
“Promise not to tell?” Issei asks over the low hum of the Fan. It’s much too hot to be cuddling like this, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
“No one’s going to judge you-” You start, your voice soft, but there’s an urgency in his eyes, a desperate vulnerability you’ve never seen before, just felt in your own bones.
“I promise,” you tell him, pinkies linked over your hearts.
You can feel, little by little, how his shoulders drop, the weight of the world sliding off.
His temple presses against yours, the skin flushed and warm to the touch.
But you don’t comment on it, and neither do you mention the salty tears that drop from his eyes onto your cheeks.
Because Issei might be taller than you and stronger than you and smarter than you - sometimes - but he has yet to learn to allow himself to be.
“Hey,” you grab his hand, too familiar with the sight of him when he tries not to cry. 
He used to joke about it, the lone benefit of losing a game, because no one would judge you for crying then when everyone would judge you for it the rest of the time.
“Issei, it’s okay.” The words come out of their own.
When he pulls you in you can feel the tears soaking into your hair, the quiver of his shoulders as you curl your arms around him.
Maybe it’s because you cared for him for too long, the comfort you give Muscle Memory. But you don’t think it is. Because your heart beats two beats instead of one like it usually did around him. 
“Talk to me?” You ask and he nods, his chin scraping the top of your head.
“I love you.”
“I know,” you sigh.
“No,” he shakes his head. You can feel it more than you see it. “You don’t know. Because I didn’t tell you as often as I should have. Because I thought… I was doing odd jobs in the evening, trying to get through the courses faster as a… as a surprise… Because I wanted us to get a good start. To do it right from the beginning.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” You ask, pulling back to look at him. His eyes are red and the way he wipes his nose on his sleeve is less than appealing, but he’s chuckling dryly through the pain.
“I thought… I thought I was supposed to do this on my own.”
He shakes his head, stops you with a raised hand.
“I did a cooking class in the evenings… I wasn’t cheating.”
You gape at him.
“Because,” he pulls his shoulders up, “You were always cooking. I wanted to help out.”
“And you didn’t think to tell me? At least when I was breaking up with you?”
You sound almost hysteric now. Issei flinches at the sound of your voice.
“I was trying-”
“No,” you shake your head. “You weren’t. You just left.”
“Because you wanted-”
“Issei,” you swallow harshly and grab his hands. “Issei, listen to me. We’re no longer kids.”
He blinks. “I know.”
“If we can’t talk about things we can’t stay together.”
“No,” you shake your head. “You know that. It’s the little things, not the big things. You can’t just show up and ask me to stay only to make the same mistakes a few months in.”
“But I love you.”
“And I love you.” You swallow the tears that now threaten to fall from your face too. “But I think we need to grow up first.”
Overhead your flight is called.
“I don’t know,” you admit for the first time. You have no idea what you’re doing. “But I think leaving might be a start. I’ll… I’ll text when I get there, okay?”
Your hand slips out of his only for him to grab it again, pulling you back.
You want to say something but he silences you with a kiss.
“I’ll fight for this,” he promises, a fire in his eyes that you have missed.
“Good,” you agree a little breathless, “me too.”
But you still leave.
3 weeks later
“Oh, Boyfriend’s calling,” your coworker jokes as you sprint back to your desk at the sound of your ringtone.
“It’s not like that,” you try to explain what is, in fact, not that easy to explain.
“Hey,” you’re out of breathe as you pick up, checking the clock on the wall. You’ve got about fifteen minutes before your next shift starts.
“Hey,” Issei’s voice is warm, yet cautious. “Bad timing?”
“It’s okay,” you huff, getting comfortable. “We’ve got fifteen minutes. How’s everybody doing?”
Whoever said that relocating to a new country is easy has either lied or did drugs half of the time.
Because it’s neither easy nor enjoyable at first.
Or maybe that’s just the way it is when you relocate with a severely broken heart.
Your new apartment is even smaller than the one you lived in before even though you share it with a roommate - Sang Hee is a lot cleaner than Issei, but she plays the drums every night. You’ve yet to find your comfort foods in the stores near your apartment and making Onigiri yourself just doesn’t hit the same way.
And it’s lonely, living like this.
Sure, there’s Sang Hee and Ae-cha from your business Class and Dae-hyun from work, but they don’t know you the way Issei, Makki, or even Kyoutani knew you. 
All those inside jokes and memes are lost on them and it’s hard to build it all up anew.
“You do have a tendency to shut others out,” Ae-chan diagnoses you over coffee like she’s just guessed your favorite anime. “Have you ever thought about therapy?”
“I don’t- I- I guess, I-” You stammer as she blows on her tea to cool it down.
“I do have someone I can recommend,” she smiles. “And I apologize if I’m being too forward, but my mom and my dad are both therapists. I think it runs in the family.”
She laughs. “I get that a lot. Now, tell me about your boyfriend again.”
“He’s not my-”
“Tell me about your friend, who is a boy and used to live with you.”
You sigh. “Well, his name is Issei and he never put his dirty socks where they belong…”
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Issei asks.
“I-” You hesitate for a second, wringing your hands. “It feels weird to see you here. Like you don’t belong to this city yet. As if I cut you out of my dreams and placed you in front of a greenscreen.”
He doesn’t laugh. His arms hang limp and you move to grab one arm, feel the familiar sensation of his rough, warm skin on yours. 
Ever since you’ve left, you’ve been in constant contact.
Sometimes it’s just a text, letting the other know how you’d rate your day. Sometimes he calls, the conversation going for hours on end.
It’s easier, in a way, to admit things when you can’t see his face. 
It feels like noone can judge, in the Silence of your room.
“Makki says hello,” he mumbles now, his fingers closing around yours.
You leave that uncommented. 
You and Makki still talk, but you feel like he’s not quite understanding what you’re going through. Why you have to stay away for so long.
Issei doesn’t ask you to come back when he leaves. But he leans down to kiss you, steady posture even as you lean in as well, meeting him in the middle.
“One day, we’ll tell our children,” you tell him at night, his voice crackling through the receiver.
“That we were stupid?”
“Stupid as hell,” you agree. “Followed all the wrong advice.”
He hums low in his throat and you can see him, huddled up in bed, sleep dragging him down.
“Will you marry me?” He asks, the question as soft as the one before.
“Yeah,” you agree just as softly, “I will.”
Because this isn’t a proposal. This is what communication has come to between you. 
You can talk about the future with a different certainty now. 
It will happen. You just don’t know yet when.
“Welcome back,” Issei’s arms are open and you snuggle right in, giggling when his hug lifts you off the ground.
Behind you, our belongings wait to be carried to his apartment. Your apartment.
And even though you’ve been there before, it feels different now.
Because you’re not leaving again.
This time, you’re here to stay.
Oh and Makki? Rumour has it he’s renting the apartment on the other side of the hallway. 
“Hey,” Issei meets you in the kitchen around midnight. “Can’t sleep?”
“I needed to pee and when I got up I had this craving for chocolate.” You hold the spoon to his lips so that he can lick it. “I was going to bring it to you.”
Instead of answering, he pulls you close.
It has been a hard time, for the both of you.
Figuring out who you are, who the other is and, most importantly, how to find a way out of your arguments. 
“Did you find the box?” Issei whispers into your ear.
“Oh, you mean the box you hid behind the chocolate sprinkles.”
You can feel his lips stretch into a smile.
“So, what’s your answer?”
“Dunno, what’s the question?”
He snorts before letting go.
You already know what you’re going to see when you turn, but you do it anyway.
Issei, on one knee, wearing his ridiculous Pokemon Pajamas he got from Makki once… holding a velvety ring box in his left hand.
“Will you marry me?”
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vodika-vibes · 17 days
I don't know if this is something I can request, feel free to delete 😅😂
Could I possibly get a Tech x F! Reader where like, people forgot about Reader's birthday and she kinda feels like, lonely, but then Tech finds out about it and that everyone forgot/didn't know and he spends the rest of the day making it up to her,,, maybe some smut as a treat if you feel up to it 👉👈
There Are Other Ways
Summary: After everyone you know and love forgets your name day, you feel pretty down in the dumps. Luckily, a last-minute visitor turns your day around.
Pairing: TBB Tech x F!Reader
Word Count: 2169
Warnings: Reader is sad at first, also smut, oral recieving
A/N: This is absolutely something that you can request! And the only reason it's not longer is because yard work is happening outside my door and I can't focus anymore. Like, on one hand, I'm so glad I don't have to do my own yard work. On the other hand, it's still very loud. Anywho! Thanks for the request! I hope you like it even though it's not, exactly, what you requested!
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You don’t expect a lot for your Name day. You don’t expect presents or food or a party. All you want, all you’ve ever wanted, is for the people you love most to acknowledge you.
A simple holo from the people you love would have been enough to make today a good day.
But you didn’t get a single well-wish today.
Not from your friends or your family. Not from your coworkers.
Not even from Tech, your best friend.
And you don’t blame Tech. You don’t.
How could you? The idea of a Name day is still something new for him, and his brothers, and you know he’s trying his best.
You don’t blame him. But you still feel hurt that he doesn’t remember.
After all, you told him how important today was for you. You told him how no one ever made you feel like you mattered on your Nameday, and that now that you’re an adult you never want to feel that way again.
You told him.
And he still didn’t even send you a message.
You don’t blame him.
You don’t want to blame him.
But Tech remembers everything important to him.
Apparently, you just aren’t on that list.
And that hurts.
You shift so that you’re resting your chin on your folded arms, your gaze lingering on the cake that you bought for yourself. It’s an Ice Cream cake, chocolate and vanilla with caramel and fudge. It’s your favorite.
When it became clear that no one cared what today was, you went and bought it for yourself. 
The cake, and the candles. 
And you even bought yourself a Name day present, a new pair of sandals that you had been eyeing for the last couple of weeks.
A heavy sigh falls from you, the only noise in your home other than the fan you can hear in the next room.
How pathetic.
Buying your own Name day present. It’s the lowest of the low, isn’t it?
Slowly you sit up, old and new hurt making you feel years older than your actual age, and you pick up the cake to put it in the freezer.
You don’t feel like celebrating anymore.
You stand in the middle of your kitchen, holding the cake you got to celebrate your birthday, your hand on the handle of the freezer. You stare at the words painted on the cake, almost tauntingly, and another, louder, sigh falls from you.
You release the freezer and head to the back door, kick it open, and toss the cake in the trash.
You step back into your home, shut the door, and lean against it. “Mom was right,” You say to your empty home, “Name days are a stupid thing to celebrate anyway.”
Who cares if you don’t actually believe that?
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Tech is buried elbow-deep in the Marauder when Crosshair storms into the Hanger and flings his comm at his head. “Your comm has been going off, non-stop, for the last hour.” Crosshair bites out, “Deal with it or I’m throwing it into the ocean.”
“Is someone calling me?” Tech asks as he looks over at his twin.
“Not your secretary, Tech.” Crosshair snaps as he spins on his heel and stalks out of the hanger.
“There is no need to be dramatic, Crosshair.” Tech mutters, more to himself than his brother, before he pulls his arms out of the ship and tugs his gloves off to check his comm.
He isn’t expecting any calls. And, so far as he remembers, nothing important is happening tod—
Tech’s thought process stops mid-thought as he sees the notification blaring on his comm.
There, written in plain basic: IMPORTANT. CYARE’S NAME DAY. DO NOT FORGET.
A litany of curses runs through his mind, he forgot. How could he forget? After she made a point to tell him how her Name day was never celebrated when she was growing up, and how she never wanted to feel like that ever again.
Surely other people remembered, though. There’s no way she spent the morning alone, waiting for someone to remember her. Right?
He scrambles to his feet, the Marauder’s upgrade can wait until later, this can’t.
He pauses to look down at his clothes. His jeans are covered in grease, as is his shirt, but his arms are clean. Good enough.
He hurries out of the hanger, though he does take time to ensure that the hanger is locked (Hunter would have his head if the Marauder got stolen), and then he hurries to her house. 
Luckily, she doesn’t live too far away. Unluckily, she does live far enough away that his shirt is sticking to his skin due to the heat. He makes a disgusted face as he plucks the shirt away from his skin, even as he lifts a fist to knock on the door.
Though he pauses just before his knuckles hit the door.
Her trashcan is open, and he can see, poking out the top, a case holding a melted cake. Tech stares at it for a moment, and then his head tilts back and he releases a silent sigh.
That…is not a good sign.
He knocks on the door twice, waits a moment, and then knocks twice more. He might not have Hunter’s enhanced hearing, but he does eventually hear her moving around the home.
There’s a click and the door slides open, and she blinks up at him, surprise written clear on her face, “Tech? Is something wrong? Do you need me to babysit Omega?”
That is an even worse sign.
“No. I meant to be here earlier, but I—”
“Forgot?” There’s something pained on her face, and Tech hates himself for putting it there, “It’s okay,” She won’t meet his gaze, “No one else remembered either.”
“I got busy,” Tech corrects, “You know what I can be like.”
“It’s okay, Tech.” She repeats, her smile slightly lopsided…and the fakest smile he’s ever seen in his life, “It’s a stupid thing to celebrate anyway.”
“I disagree.”
She shakes her head and moves to the side to let him in from the heat, “Tech, you remember everything important to you, what am I supposed to think?”
“That is not fair.”
She looks at him, slightly surprised, “I’m not blaming you, Tech. I know Name days are new for you and your brothers. I just,” She pauses, and folds her arms around herself, as if hugging herself for comfort, “I just want to forget today.” Her arms tighten, “Mom was right. I don’t really matter, do I?”
Tech now, officially, feels like a monster. 
His mind races, there has to be a way to make today better for her. He can’t buy her something, he doesn’t have the money for it. Anything he could make her would take time. He’s not the best cook, so he can’t even make food for her.
Tech pulls his comm out of his pocket and sends an emergency message to his brothers, telling them that they need to plan for an emergency barbeque to happen tonight to celebrate her name day.
As soon as he gets confirmation from Wrecker (who does the majority of the cooking) and Omega (promising that it’ll be the best name day party ever) Tech drops his comm back in his pocket.
“We are having a Name day dinner for you, tonight.” Tech says bluntly, “Wrecker is cooking.”
She shakes her head, “You don’t have to.”
“I made you feel like you do not matter, and nothing could be further from the truth. A single dinner is not nearly enough.”
She rubs her shoulder, “Look, Tech. I just want to stay home and sulk. A dinner party sounds like…well, it sounds like it’ll make me cry.”
“Before you make any decisions, can I give you your present?”
She blinks at him and then scans him. “You aren’t carrying anything.” She points out.
Tech huffs and walks over to her, “You are just being stubborn for the sake of being stubborn, I think.”
Tech throws all caution to the wind and presses his lips against hers. 
It’s a little awkward, as she wasn’t expecting it and she doesn’t react right away, but then he feels her hands against his chest, and she relaxes into the kiss, her hands sliding up his chest and over his shoulders to wrap around his neck.
He breaks the kiss, though he doesn’t want to (her lips are so soft and she tastes like the smoothie she prefers, and he could kiss her for hours and never get tired of it—). 
Her eyes are wide with surprise, but she’s still totally relaxed against him.
Tech has never been so grateful for living on a tropical island as he is at that moment, as she’s wearing a thin tank top and shorts and he can feel all of her soft curves pressed against him. His hand settles at the small of her back, to press her soft body against his more solid one, and his other hand brushes some hair off her neck as he watches her, to see how she reacts.
It takes her a moment to regain her breath, “A…name day kiss?” She asks.
“I suppose now is an appropriate time for me to tell you that I care about you?” He counters in turn.
“Aren’t you doing this kind of backward?” She asks, her voice soft.
“Normal is overrated.” Tech tilts her head so his lips are hovering over hers again, “Can I—?”
“Yes. Whatever you want.” She breathes as an answer.
Tech chuckles and then crashes his lips against hers in a much more heated kiss. This time, he doesn’t hold anything back as he nips her lower lip and slides his tongue against hers.
She releases a quiet moan and the sound breaks something in Tech’s mind, at least that’s what he thinks happens, because the next thing he knows, her back is pressed against a wall and he’s lifting her so that her legs are hooked around his waist.
His lips move to her throat and he scrapes his teeth against her soft skin. She releases a noise so needy that Tech can’t help the groan that escapes him.
“Am I going too fast?” Tech asks against her throat.
Her hands skim through his hair, careful to not dislodge his goggles, “Not fast enough.” She gasps out.
He lets out a breathless laugh, “Greedy.”
“I’m allowed,”
Tech pulls away from her for a moment, his gaze flickering around to take stock of her home, and then he pulls her away from the wall, walks her over to her favorite chair, and sits her on it.
She shoots him a puzzled look, only to squeak when his hands settle at the band of her shorts and he tugs them down. He tosses them to the side, not caring about where they land, and then he settles himself on his knees.
Tech pauses and lifts his gaze to meet hers, though he keeps his lips on the soft skin of her thighs.
Her face is slightly flushed and her hair is a mess around her head, “This doesn’t seem fair to you.” 
Tech chuckles, “Cyare, it is your name day.”
Somehow she looks even more flushed, and Tech takes that as a win as he drapes her legs over his shoulders, and busies himself with kissing and biting his way up her thighs.
She still jumps when he presses his lips against her pussy in a light kiss, and he grins, “Lean back, cyare.”
He waits until she does as he asks, and then he flicks his tongue across her clit, pulling a muffled moan from her. Muffled because her hand is pressed over her mouth.
He’ll have to deal with that at a later point in time, but for now, he busies himself with fucking her with his tongue and fingers. She tastes amazing, and Tech is pretty sure that he could spend the rest of his life buried between her thighs and would die a happy man. 
It doesn’t take long for him to determine what she likes, and what she really likes. Listening to her moans and focusing on the way her body twitches under him when he touches her in a certain way.
Of course, this is just part one of his gift for her. He has every intention of taking her in every way that she’ll let him before they go to the Name day dinner tonight.
Tech’s lips curl into a satisfied grin when she releases a gasping cry as she clenches around his finger and her hands come down to fist in his hair.
Oh, and at some point he needs to ask her to be his girlfriend.
Hm…maybe he should have done that before getting to the point.
But then she’s cumming around his fingers and the only thing Tech is thinking of is how pretty she’ll look when she’s riding him.
Happy Name day, indeed.
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@bad4amficideas @justiceandwar98 @tiredbi-peach @dukeoftheblackstar @trixie2023
@kimiheartblade @padawancat97 @falconfeather23435 @etod @bb8-99
@continous-mistakes @yoitsjay @cc--2224
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