#but 1000 times yes to them having a home filled with love and affection
paintedpeeta · 4 months
I know everyone loves talking about Katniss and Peeta being affectionate in everyday life and mirroring her parents, but I also go crazy about them being affectionate and Peeta realizing he has a safe home filled with love unlike his parents. I just imagine him remembering his parents just tensely being with each other and contrasting that with him and Katniss who are always touching in some way and greet each other with kisses and hugs.
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no because throughout the first two books he’s so physically affectionate to her (even though i’d assume this isn’t learned behaviour from his home) can you IMAGINE what it’s like when they’re safe and living together and in an established relationship? when he realises that she enjoys and takes comfort from his affections??
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tokisguitarpick · 3 years
drunken skunk
Characters: Toki Wartooth x Reader
Words: 2500+ holy FUCK 
A/N: hey i written in uhh 1000 years and i just binged metalocolypse on hbomax which apparently unlocked something in me. this fic takes place immediately following fertilityklok because I’ve had a weird amount of experience talking to men who want but for some reason can’t/don’t have children and watching Toki worry about it gave me feelings i just wanted someone to kiss him and tell him he was okay:( so he turned down the woman in the ep, went home and fucked, wakes up and doesn’t actually feel that much better so drinking, smoking, not being understood by his bandmates, leads to going somewhere else to drink, and that’s where we are. i also like the idea that the band members have slutted around so often that even blitz drunk, they’d still be quick and nimble in the sack 
“Y/N, can you come to my office, please?” Charles’s voice came through your cell phone.
You had the phone pressed to your cheek, despite the spikes digging into your shoulder, as you pulled on a pair of socks. When you saw Charles calling you, it was almost always to request you come to his office for a task so it was second nature to get dressed when his name popped up. “Of course, sir.” His thanks were short before the line clicked off and you were left alone to finish getting ready.
Scooting past a masked employees leaving Charles’s office, you stood in front of your boss and nodded when he met your eye over the documents on his desk. “Y/N, thank you for coming. We’ve got a small situation I’m hoping we can keep small.” Your brow furrowed as he picked up his phone and start swiping through it.
“What’s the matter, sir?” you asked.
Charles held up a finger, continuing to swipe until he finally clicked a button and a whaling voice suddenly filled the room.
“Whys is this happening to mes, iS AMS I UGLIES?! Ams I- Ma’am, MA’AMS, AMS I UGLI-“
The silence that followed Charles pausing the recording was deafening. “Um, was that-“
“Toki, yes,” Charles cut you off. “He’s currently at the Drunken Skunk and is living up to the name. I need you to go collect him as discreetly as possible.” As though that was all the information you needed, Charles began looking over the paperwork in front of him again.
You sighed quietly, you hated how little you got told about your tasks since they always spiraled into some kind of crazy mess when the members of Dethklok were involved, but Charles wasn’t one to question. “Yes, sir. Consider it done.”
You turned on your heel and began to head out but when your hand touched the doorknob, Charles spoke again. “Oh, and Y/N? Be careful. Toki has been sensitive since his birthday. Tread carefully.”
Brow furrowed again, you glanced back but Charles was already looking away, eyes on his documents. You wondered what he meant but as always, better not to question him. Stepping into the hallway, you let his office door swing shut behind you as you headed into the night.
The Drunken Skunk was a dingy little bar on the edge of downtown whose usual crowd were streetwalkers and weary men, so it wasn’t crazy that Toki had decided to come here but as you drove closer and closer, you were surprised how dingy it in fact was. It was cheek to cheek with the industrial district, had an empty printing shop on one side, and a storefront covered in plywood on the other. You parked in front of the boarded-up shop and did a quick check on all sides for sketchy characters before you stepped out of the car.
The bar was choked with cigarette smoke, and the stench of stale alcohol and vomit. You frowned, standing in the door while you scanned the dirty room until your eyes fell on a heaving form slumped across the bar. Toki.
His long hair was draped over his shoulders and hung down his back, quivering slightly with each heave. It seemed like he was crying, his head buried in his arms. “AMS I UGLIES?” rang in your ears again and your frown softened. You weren’t sure what had happened, but you had noticed he’d been… off since his birthday.
You had thought it was related to the fake kidnapping that kicked off the party- a horrific and idiotic idea you had spoken out against and were immediately told by Nathan not to be a bitch about- but even that wouldn’t lead to the question of if he was ugly. Would it? The Dethklok members were strange. Five lives full of tragedy and unprocessed trauma all packed into the most popular band in the world made for an uneasy balance in the workplace and living quarters. You were skilled at navigating it when you had to clear up the messes, but you were hardly ever around for the inciting event so it was always tricky to understand how it all connected. 
You approached cautiously and made sure to make a little noise so you wouldn’t spook him. If he heard you, he showed no reaction, so you perched on the bar stool beside him. “Hey, Toki?”
The guitarist lifted his head finally and his red rimmed eyes were bleary when they met yours. “Y/N? Whats is *hic* you doings heres?” His voice was hoarse and thick with tears, a few of which were clinging to his eyelashes and glittered in the dim light. It made his grey-blue eyes shine and your breath caught in your throat. You had to admit, Toki was your favorite member of the band and it had little to do with his musical talent. You weren’t one for metal much anyway.
What drew you to Toki was first his appearance. Back when you were just applying for a position at the record company behind Dethklok, he’d caught your eye on the poster in the lobby. Long hair on men was something of a turn-on and his piercing gaze struck a chord inside you. His angular face and extremely fit build made him one of the hottest members in your opinion but on top of all of that, he was a sweetheart. That wasn’t written on the poster, of course, it was something you’d discovered about a week after you started when he was the only person besides Charles to take the time to learn your name and point your in the right direction. You wouldn’t say you were close but you had a causal friendship, just right for making light conversation during elevator rides and not much else.
“I’m here for you, Toki,” you replied, trying to master a tone that was both soft and cheery. “I came to take you home.”
“Takes me… No! I wants to stay heres. I-I-” His bottom lip started to quiver as he spoke but you put a hand on his shoulder.
“Hey, hey, relax, Toki. It’s just late and I think it’d be good for us to get you into bed,” you gave him a small smile, trying to coax his drunken mind into listening to you. He might be slim but if he tried to fight you on leaving, you’d have your hands full. Maybe you should’ve asked for an escort…
Toki slumped on the bar again with a huff before sliding off his stool towards you, prompting you to hop up quickly to catch him as he stumbled to his feet. He was heavy with alcohol and leaning on you to keep steady, so trudging to the door became a task. Despite having at least half a foot on you, his face was nestling further and further in your hair until you could feel his breath on the back of your neck.
You could feel your cheeks warming but it wasn’t until you got out the door, opened the back of the car, and loaded Toki halfway in that you really had a reason to blush.
“Y/N, ams I uglies?” Toki asked suddenly, looking up at you from under his lashes. He only had his butt on the edge of the car’s bench seat, looking at you with his face inches from yours, and fresh tears welling in his eyes.
Your eyes widened and your blush raged in full. Working around the object of your affection, even when that work was dragging him out of a shitty bar, was easy enough. Being asked directly about it by him was a whole other thing. Swallowing against the sudden knot in your throat, you decided to be honest and lightly shook your head. “No, Toki, not at-“
Anything and everything else you might be about to say was thrown out the window because the moment you said no, Toki launched forward. One hand on your hip, he lifted the other to your shoulder and pulled you to him lightening fast, his mouth finding yours with a squish. In his drunken state, he was a little sloppy at first but his skill began to show itself. His tongue traced the dip between your lips as he pulled you against his chest, your head fogging when he nipped your bottom lip. It was finally enough to coax your mouth open and Toki took full advantage of that fact, squeezing your hip as his other hand, warm and calloused, slipped around your neck and held you to him. Electricity jumped through you when his tongue met yours, twirling together for a moment before he moved on to exploring your mouth with a greedy moan.
“Wa-wait,” you mumbled around his lips. This was moving too fast, or maybe the fact it was happening at all was what was making you feel overwhelmed in the moment. It took everything in you to pull away, a solid percentage of your mind screaming at you to continue, to let Toki think he had control of the situation and see how far you could get with him. But you couldn’t. He was drunk and clearly something was bothering him enough to drink in the first place. You needed to just get him home. Plus if you did anything with Toki, you’d like for him to remember it, too. “Toki, wait.”
Your eyes met his just in time to watch his face crumple. The only way to describe his expression was pure heartbreak. The disappearance of his hands on your body made you miss the weight of them instantly but you hardly noticed, watching him melt right in front of you.
“I ams uglies, I knews it! I knews it!” Desperate and broken, his voice turned your stomach. His shaky hands found his hair and he began tugging on the ends, seemingly unaware of the motion. “No ones will loves me, I’ms hideous, I wills never find love! I wills never finds the mother ofs my childrens!”
While you had been paralyzed with bewilderment, his last sentence only compounded your confusion but brought you back into the moment enough to move again. Toki had cringed away from you, burying his face in the back of the passenger seat while still tugging on his hair, and you hurriedly heaved his long legs into the footwell before shutting the door and jogging around to the other side.
Even sealed in the car, you could hear his drunken crying. It twisted your heart but still, the mother of his children? Is that what he thought of you? Your blush burned your cheeks once more but you shook the thought off. He must’ve been crying about this when he left that voicemail for Charles. But what had happened?
Opening the back door on the other side, you slipped inside and snapped the door closed behind you. Toki seemed worse than before, now holding his face in his hands and heaving with small sobs. “Whats is it, Y/N? Whats makes me so uglies? I can change! I has monies, I can change!”
You furrowed your brows and put a hand on his arm, scooting closer to him. “Toki, you’re not ugly.” Quicker than you expected, his head snapped towards you.
“Then whys do you not likes to kiss me?” His lip started to quiver and you expected another outburst but his eyes stayed locked on you, expecting an answer.
Your mouth was dry and you scrambled for an answer that would keep him from crying again. How had you ended up here? Eyes darting around the car, you quickly mumbled, “I do, I liked the kiss! I jus-“
Once again, the Dethklok guitarist moved faster than you thought in his state. His hands found your face and pulled you up to him, putting you nose to nose with the lanky musician. His eyes were bloodshot and rimmed red from tears but it only exacerbated how bright his stormy irises were. You felt nervous and excited and tingly all over from being held so close and you hardly dared to breathe. Hypnotized by his gaze, you couldn’t bring yourself to look away. “Thens kiss me,” he murmured in a throaty voice. It made you shiver and lust began to haze your thoughts, the previous kiss still so fresh in your mind when his lips found yours again.
Slowly this time- painfully, delightfully slowly- Toki kissed you. His hands nearly covered the sides of your head as he held you in place, his lips closed while he kissed you once, twice, three times before deepening it. You let him without hesitation, heat coiling in your stomach. Of course, the thought of breaking the kiss occurred to you but with every motion of his, that thought got further and further away. Toki’s tongue slipped past your lips again and he gently stroked over yours as he made his way around your mouth. You returned the kiss with fervor, trying to match his speed to keep him close as long as possible.
One hand on top of his over your cheek, you let your other wander. His knee pressing into your thigh, then up the outside of his leg to rest on his hip and give it a squeeze. He moaned in your mouth and your body responded in kind, your own moan escaping as the heat in your belly moved south. When his free hand fisted in your hair and tugged, you wondered if maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if Toki didn’t remember your hookup. Hell, maybe it would keep things from getting awkward at work?
Skwisgaar’s best guitar solo blared through the vehicle, interrupting your mental plan to get the man in front of you undressed. It was your phone, ringing out from your back pocket, and you knew without looking that it was Charles. He tended to check status on the jobs he gave people, especially when they went alone, as the Dethklok members seemed to have a way of making mountains out of molehills and then exploding the mountain into a bunch of fiery chunks raining from the sky.
Toki hadn’t stopped kissing you. If anything, he seemed more desperate, his hands falling to your shoulders and tugging at your shirt. But you straightened up and caught his large wrists to still him. Pulling away, your lips tingled and you had to blink a few times to gather yourself. “I have to get that, hang on.” Your voice was hoarse and you cleared it twice as you pulled the phone from your pocket and selected ‘Answer’. Toki huffed but he seemed much more relaxed compared to the last interruption, leaning back against the seat and putting his large hand on your thigh with his eyes closed.
“Hello?” you asked, still trying to steady your voice.
“Y/N, any updates?” Charles bluntly asked back.
You cleared your throat again and replied, “Everything’s going well, I just got Toki in the car,” the guitarist squeezed your leg at the sound of his name, “and we’re about to head back home.” The thought of leaving the back seat, of having to drive with the fruity taste of whatever he’d been drinking still on your tongue and the memory of his hands on you front and center in your mind, nearly made you groan aloud but you held yourself back.
“Good, good. Knew you could handle it.” *click*
Just like that, Charles had broken the heady mood and hung up in under a minute. You sighed, knowing what the right thing to do was and knowing exactly what you wanted to do instead. As if reading your thoughts, Toki spoke, “Wes don’t has to leaves yet, does we?”
“We does,” you replied playfully, trying to convince yourself of that fact. It wasn’t often that you wished for another job, one where you could be a groupie, act a little slutty, and turn one of your daydreams into a reality. But this was one of those times. However, people got fired- or killed- at work for less and you wouldn’t have even gotten into Dethklok if it weren’t for your job.
Toki sighed, squeezing your thigh again and holding it for a moment. Glancing at him, you’re eyes scanned his face thoroughly. His eyes were closed and his head was tilted back on the headrest, giving you an eyeful of his neck and throat. He had the slightest stubble growing and as you watched, he gulped, making his Adam’s apple bounce. You wanted to remember this moment, every detail, as though that would make it last longer. While you were looking, he opened his eyes and caught yours.
“But you liked to kissing mes?” he asked, his voice more nervous than you’d heard all night. “You thinks I’ms is handsome?”
You hesitated before concluding the cat was fully out of the bag on this one and nodded. “I liked kissing you and I think you’re handsome, Toki. If you asked, I might even say you’re hot as fuck.”
Toki beamed at you, nudging you with his knee. He seemed too tired to move as fast as he was in the heat of the moment but he reached to put his hand on your hip and squeezed. “Okies, you cans drives us home. We is goings to my room,” you blushed but he continued without notice, “we cans talk, I ams asking you questions, it is ams dates.”
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violettelueur · 4 years
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| featuring : itadori yuji + fushiguro megumi + gojo satoru + inumaki toge from jujutsu kaisen
| warnings : grammar errors and a lot of my side comments
| form : headcanons
| published : 25 november
| request : i really really like your writing, it literally makes me so giddy ngl. i’d like to recommend, if you can, a headcanon with toge, gojo, megumi and yuji where the reader is either blind or deaf or mute. you honestly don’t have to, but i think it be pretty neat if you did
| barista’s notes : hello guys! guess who is probably going back to school tomorrow after being in isolation? probably me~ ʕ ゚ ● ゚ʔ also i can’t really lie, this piece was a bit difficult for me to write that i had to do some quick research about the topic that is related to this headcanons ʕᴥ· ʔ other than that, i hope you enjoy your cup of classic black coffee (jujutsu kaisen request!) and have a wonderful day/night ʕ •ᴥ•ʔゝ☆
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Itadori would be confused at first since you weren’t mute due to you having cursed speech as a cursed technique as Inumaki does.
It would be a bit strange to him at first since he is so used to people talking to him through speech due to his energetic personality, but over time he really does try to learn how to communicate to you.
You would at first write to him with a pen and notepad or maybe a whiteboard to make the writing process a bit quicker and easier.
“Wow babe, you have really nice handwriting”
Then there is you replying with the board covering your blushing face - this action will confuse him as he wonders if he said anything wrong only for you to smile at him to ease his worry
He would slowly learn to read you expressions - though not very well, he is trying very hard.
The gestures that he knows you are trying to convey to him within a second are ‘I’m hungry’, ‘I’m tired’ and ‘I love you’ - because I love you is basically you shaping your hands into a heart (girl, that is so cute~)
Itadori will usually ramble a lot, filling the room with his words which makes you really happy since he seems really happy ranting about the movies that Gojo-sensei made him watch for his training or missions that he had gone to.
Even when you are mute, that’s okay because Itadori’s love language is physical touch - so prepare to receive many hugs and energetic kisses.
And due to that, expressing your love to each other is quite easy since the both of you could just physically inform each other - lowkey I feel like Itadori would give the best hugs, he’s like the sun.
In conclusion, he really is trying to understand you and learn as quickly as possible - even then you wrote to him that it was okay and he should take his time - he really wants to be the best boyfriend possible - even though he is the best boyfriend affection wise.
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Fushiguro is the master of reading your expression and what’s going on in your mind.
Sometimes it really scares you because you wonder if he can read your mind since what he ‘guesses’ were just too accurate and precise.
“You seem like you want to eat Udon today, do you want to go to our favourite noodle place?”
You looked at him with widened eyes with the thoughts of: How the hell did he know what I was thinking? Can he read my mind? 
“Y/N I can’t read your mind”
I......what a liar~
When it comes to your expression, he notices the smallest changes from the smallest crease that is formed on your forehead when you’re either annoyed or stressed to the smallest curve that your lips make you smile.
So when you are annoyed, he would gently take your hand in his and grip it tightly to tell you that he was right beside you and that everything was going to be okay.
He really takes in your expression and keeps them into memory, so it’s easier for him and you to communicate - or he just really likes to see you smile and would do anything to keep you smiling.
Fushiguro is really patient with you when it comes to communication, if you have to write a really long response, he would just patiently wait while either looking down onto the board/notepad to admire your handwriting or look at you and admire your face due to you looking so concentrated to finishing your answer - he thinks it’s a really cute sight.
Sometimes out of nowhere, he would kiss your forehead before giving you a soft smile when you look up - girl once again, I’m blushingggggg~
I don’t know but I imagined that little scenario with him sitting down in front of you with his hands in his pockets, while you’re standing in front of him as you write down something - I don’t know after many K-dramas and romance animes this is what is on my mind.
Unlike Itadori, Fushiguro isn’t that affectionate as his classmate but he would do things for you if you didn’t like doing them like washing the dishes or doing the laundry - basically acts of service.
In conclusion; Fushiguro is someone that lets you take your time and is really patient with you, he wants you to be comfortable and allows you to express what you are feeling in any way possible for you to communicate with him - don’t worry he knows what you’re trying to say/suggest.
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Mr Gojo Satoru. The strongest jujutsu sorcerer will probably have a whiteboard himself like you so you didn’t feel alone.
Or maybe it was for him to proudly show you his drawing, just like he did with Fushiguro that one time.
To be honest, this really does light up your mood and sometimes make you forget that you’re mute to begin with because he just has that power.
There are times where he would write cute messages on the board and lift it up for you to see if you are at a faraway distance.
‘You look beautiful today ♡’ to ‘I love you honey~’
You can’t lie, sometimes it is embarrassing when it is shown in front of his students or when you are talking to someone - he’s basically teasing you at this point.
Also about his teasing, even though you can’t verbally respond to his playful comments, your face just expresses it all making it more fun for him to tease you even further.
Prepare for like 1000 flashes because he is going to take a lot of pictures of you - and you can’t even tell him to stop. Also, don’t try to jump around to get his phone, remember he is over 190cm.
On top of that, expect a lot of cute messaged from him during work or when he is on a mission like ‘I miss you’ or ‘I have some souvenirs for you’.
Sometimes he just texts you when you are standing next to him.
But once again, the blue-eyed jujutsu sorcerer really knows how to keep you happy and motivated even with your inability to speak.
There are times where Gojo is worried about your ability to fight for some reason - maybe he was just overprotective of you - but comes to the realisation that talking and fighting are not the same thing.
You are capable of defending and protecting yourself on your own, it’s just that he forgets sometimes.
Or maybe he uses it as a useless excuse to protect you because who knows, you can’t call for help when you might need it - spoiler alert, you bloody don’t.
But does he care?
He just wants you safe in his arms so he can come home with you - or maybe just to tease you even more.
In conclusion; expect a lot of cute drawings from him to lift up your mood as well as a lot of teasing here and there because he is Gojo Satoru…..what in the world did you expect?
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Inumaki can really relate to you on the fact that you had an inability to speak, even though he can technically talk, it was still limited to ingredients of rice balls in a normal conversation.
Both of you would learn how to communicate with each other since both of you were hard to understand to other people that were around you.
Your friends would be so confused about how you both would understand each other even when there was just little to no words exchanged.
Sometimes you and Inumaki would smile at each other randomly and that other people around you would wonder what on earth the both of you were talking about.
Lowkey you two were gossiping about the second years.
Yes, you two were the perfect gossip couple - no one will ever know what you’re talking about.
Like Fushiguro, he is also very good at reading your expression and would ask if you were okay if he saw you looking upset or irritated.
“Salmon roe?”
You would then give him a thumbs-up before writing down what was making you irritated like “just a bit hungry” or “I really wanna go home, I’m too tired for this”
Since you and Inumaki couldn’t profess your love for each other verbally, you both would either text each other or just physically express it.
Mostly, forehead kisses and maybe some kunik kisses here and there.
Nothing too heated, but mostly sweet and gentle gestures.
Let’s just say you were the IT couple within the second years.
In conclusion; there would be a lot of lowkey gossiping since you two were basically the masters of keeping secrets and gaining new information and light gentle expression of love, even though the both of you struggled with the verbal aspect of your relationship, it really didn’t affect it at all since you two successfully climb over that issue.
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idontblushsrry · 3 years
Hikaru Hitachiin||SFW Alphabet
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A/N: Will this include Hikaru slander? Yes. Hikaru stans come get ur food, enjoy!
Word Count: 2219
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A: Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Hikaru shows affection physically. He’s much too prideful to admit (bar the rare and private confessions of adoration and love) his love for you through words or actions and he prefers to receive instead of give gifts. But a little arm around your shoulder, holding your hand in his pocket, small pecks on the cheek and you more than know how much Hikaru loves you.
B: Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Hikaru likely becomes best friends with you via pranks. He takes note of you when you catch him trying to mess with Tamaki and give him a few pointers on how to better scare the poor blonde. From there, it’s history.
C: Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Hikaru loves to cuddle. He becomes especially clingy at night at which point all he wants to do is hold you. When he’s away from you, he still prefers to cuddle with something so he’ll substitute you for a pillow. Not the same but it gets the job done until he can return home to you and get wrapped up in your arms again.
D: Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Hikaru likes the idea of settling down. He’d definitely want to head to the countryside or somewhere mountainous that’s surrounded by beaches. He likes the thought of you and him being together in your own little pocket of the world. As for cooking and cleaning, he can’t do either and has no interest in doing so, so he’d probably pay a few servants to do the work for him.
E: Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
If Hikaru had to break up with you, it’d likely be the result of both of you needing to part ways so that you can work on yourselves before trying to give the relationship another shot. Hikaru generally acts unaffected (and depending on the length of your relationship, he is) but deep down he resolves to become better for you.
F: Fiance(e) (How would they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He doesn’t really like the idea of marriage because he views it as an expensive mess that ends in an even more expensive divorce. He does like the idea of spending his life with you but if yall ever got married he might just get a pre-nup. Overall though, he’s not really the sort for marriage, the legal part of it especially gives him anxiety, and to be honest, when he knows that he’s committed to you, it just is. Loving and being with you becomes as natural as breathing for him.
G: Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Hikaru isn’t really gentle at all. Like he definitely tries to be soft and tender with you but also he likes to pinch your butt when you walk past, and really is he so terrible for that? (Kind of, that shit be hurtin mf)
H: Hugs( Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Please hug Hikaru, he won’t ask for it or initiate aside from throwing his arm around your waist/shoulder. He craves your hugs and whenever you hug him it’s like the clouds part and a rainbow shines down onto your relationship. Hikaru’s hugs, as a result of his refusal to just ask for a hug, are always a little clingy, desperate to hold you tight to him for as long as possible.
I: I love you (How fast do they say the L-word)
One of Hikaru’s biggest regrets is how fast he said ‘I love you’. It was spur of the moment and he didn’t mean it, he just thought he had to say it because you’d both been dating for 3 months and he just straight up didn’t mean it. The look on your face was filled with so much joy that he feels disgusted with himself whenever he thinks back to it. Now every time he says he loves you, he tries his hardest to make sure that you understand just how much he means it. He never wants you to doubt the depth of his devotion for you.
J: Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous)
He and Kaoru are already getting that gleam in their eye. In all seriousness though, he gets really pouty and everything becomes a competition between him and the person he’s jealous of. It’s like, “Oh, you’re on track to become an olympic class track runner? That’s cool I guess, what’s really impressive is the fact that I’m 5′9″. It’s embarrassing for both of you, and you just apologize for him before walking away, dragging him along with you.
K: Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Hikaru’s kisses are a lot like him in the sense that they’re exciting with a hint of trouble. Hikaru enjoys flustering you by kissing you in as many public places as passionately as possible before walking off and acting like everything’s all normal. He likes to smirk into kisses and his kisses are so intense that most times they turn into makeout sessions despite neither of you really planning it.
L: Little ones (How are they around children)
Hikaru is kid of awkward around kids. He doesn’t really care too much for them and so whenever they’re around, he tends to just hand them off to the nearest person who cares for children. He genuinely doesn’t know what to do so if he’s left alone with a kid he’ll just kinda stare and ask if they need food or something.
M: Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings with Hikaru are sweet but stressful. Hikaru has an alarm that plays music and sends confetti instead of a more traditional one, and while Hikaru’s used to the sound of his alarm clock, you aren’t, and sleep right through it. Does Hikaru think ‘oh maybe I should wake Y/N up?’ Nope. He just sits there and stares at you until you naturally wake up on your own. You wake up so peacefully and stare at him until you get a glimpse at the time and start panicking and yelling at him for not waking you up sooner. 
N: Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights with Hikaru are the calmest you’ll ever see him. He’s very sleepy and gets 1000% clingier. Whether it’s wrapping his arms and legs around you as he sleeps or you letting him sit on your lap while he applies both your and his face mask, nighttime Hikaru is just a clingy sweetheart trying to make up for a day of him acting like he’s not fully in love with you.
O: Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Hikaru is a very layered person. Just when you think you’ve discovered something about him, you actually just barely scratched the surface. He tries to be more and more open with you, hiding less from you. But it’s not exactly easy to break his habit of not/fear of being open.
P: Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Hikaru is a little brat, which means if he doesn’t get his way he will resort to mischief and then angry pouting. He gets angry kind of easily but he’s just gotten good at hiding it. Over the course of his relationship with you, he does start to chill out a bit, not getting his way doesn’t bother him as much anymore.
Q: Quizzes (How much would they remember about you?  Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Hikaru remembers weird bits of information about you at the strangest and most inopportune moments. Like you’ll be talking to Kyoya while Hikaru is talking with his clients and he’ll just suddenly remember mid-act that you were like school council president at your elementary school or something and completely freeze and break character. 
R: Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite moment in your relationship (although this was technically before the two of you were together) was after the host club’s ball, you walked up to him like “I know the party’s over but may I have this dance.” He accepted of course and you both danced the night away. Just thinking about that day sends butterflies running through his stomach and he swoons for you all over again.
S: Security (How protective are they? How would they like to be protected?)
Hikaru is super protective over you. If he’s out and about with you somewhere and he feels like you’re in danger (not too common but always a risk with him being rich), he’s activating emergency defense protocol procedures. He’s also kinda dramatic about it like if you bump into the edge of the coffee table he’ll laugh at you but then while you aren’t looking, he’s calling to have the whole table removed. Have mercy on whoever decides to bother you though because he and Kaoru are not above jumping.
T: Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Hikaru puts a lot of effort into your dates, he enjoys the challenge of trying to one up his last attempt as well as trying to surprise you each time. He’s not really the type to give gifts unless they’re in the form of clothes, but he’d much rather get gifts than give them. He does get a little upset if he starts feeling like he’s the only one trying so shake things up by surprising him instead (wipe that all-knowing grin off his face). Despite the fact that he’ll try to act like he doesn’t try that hard, he really does want to impress you and he tries his hardest to do so.
U: Ugly (What are some bad habits of theirs? (I’m gonna add arguments here because they aren’t on the prompt list I found))
A bad habit of Hikaru’s is that he has a tendency to try and pick fights. No matter where this stems from, he tends to try and bait you into fights or disagreements. He doesn’t even realize that he does this until you point it out to him. (Well honestly you pointed it out, then in disbelief he went and asked the host club at which point, they agreed, and he was left in shock at their lack of hesitation).
V: Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Hikaru, like Tamaki, is obsessed with his looks. He often lies and says that it’s Kaoru who’s obsessed with looks, but Hikaru goes absolutely feral if someone so much as touches any of his beauty products. He honestly doesn’t even want you to touch them unless you’re coming back from buying his stuff at the store.
W: Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
At first, Hikaru kinda treats your relationship with him like an exchange. He’s terrified you’re only interested in him for his looks or his money and so he does everything possible to make you stay because he was scared of what it would be like to be a person without you. He does break out of that dependent mindset eventually though. To be completely honest, you both probably break up because of Hikaru’s dependent tendencies and only get back together once both of you grew without the other for a while.
X: (E)xes (Any previous relationship experience. How does that factor into your current relationship?)
 Hikaru has absolutely no relationship experience as he’s spent the last however may years of his life fending off all potential interaction with people who weren’t Kaoru with a stick.
Y: Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner)
Hikaru’s only real turn-offs are people with no sense of style. Of course, it’s not a huge deal breaker but you pretty much have to be ok with being Hikaru’s personal doll. He also really dislikes boring people, like if your life can be summed up in a resume, he’s skipping past you. Another thing that he looks for in his partner is, obviously, the ability to tell the difference between him and his twin. If you can’t do that, he’s already written you off completely.
Z: Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Hikaru sleeps fully and completely in the nude, like no boxers or anything. Initially, it was kind of a joke/ look at me thing but now he can’t help himself. Now, it’s fine between the two of you now, but the first time you spent the night at Hikaru’s house, only to find he’d somehow stripped all the way down in his sleep come morning, was...surprising to say the least. (You couldn’t look him in the eye for almost a month afterwards)
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softyoongiionly · 4 years
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Just a night at the studio with Yoongi
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Genre: fluff, smut (18+ only plz) I love yoongi so much omg
Word Count: 4.5k
A/N: This can be read as a stand alone or as an extension of the FnD series. I am so in love with yoongi it’s insane and, I’ve missed him so much my goodness. I wrote this in like two hours so I really hope you like it ok bye :D
Warnings: explicit smut
“You look good.” You note simply from the pull-out couch in Yoongi’s studio, growing disinterested with the pile of work sitting on the table in front of you
Yoongi looks as though you’ve just shook his hand with a prank buzzer, his body subtly jolting in his desk chair.  
“Me? Why?”
His response makes you laugh as you prop your elbow on the arm of the couch, “You just do. I like watching you work, you look cool.”  
Yoongi is unable to help the new color present on his cheeks nor is able to help the flutter of desire in his gut.  
But all he does his smirk, glancing towards you and then back at his computer screen whilst his long fingers card through his black hair.
“Thanks.” He mutters but there is a renewed sense of light in his eyes as he hits enter on the keyboard.
The sound pulls you towards his fingers, which you have an unnatural obsession with.  
They look graceful settled on the black keys and yet agitated all at the same time.  
They are unsure of exactly where to go, unflexing and flexing against the plastic before Yoongi drags them slowly back to the surface of the desk.  
You’ve been here for hours.
He asked you to accompany him this morning and you eagerly obliged, wanting nothing more than to spend the day with him, even if you weren’t interacting.  
The blue light emanating from your phone lets you know what time it is and you have to admit, you’re a little shocked.
You hadn’t even remembered seeing 9 o’clock, how did time pass so quickly?
As if on cue, you yawn, quickly covering your mouth with your hand to avoid alerting Yoongi.
You’re too late.  
He sees you out of the corner of his eye and immediately takes out one of his headphones, his eyes holding a bit of regret.
“Yah, I’ve kept you here for so long haven’t I?” His voice is tender and warm, seeping in through the fabric of your hoodie and down into your skin, “I should take you home...I’m sorry jagi. I didn’t even realize how late it was.”
“No no-” You cut in, shaking your head, “You don’t have to be sorry at all- you've been working your ass off. I’m just happy you ask me to come, I’ve never gotten to see you work before.”
Yoongi’s heart skips a bit a little at how genuine you sound. He can’t understand why you’d want to just sit here with while he produces but, he’s touched regardless.
“You’ve been working hard too though.” He points out, nodding his head to the mountain of paper on the table, “I don’t want to keep you up all night.”
“I like staying up late.” You insist, crossing your legs and tucking them up on the futon, “Besides,” The tone of your voice lowers a bit as you feel quite shy about what you’re going to say next, “I don’t like sleeping without you...”
Yoongi is almost certain he made out what you said because the grin on his lips is involuntary. However, he decides to mess with you anyway.
“What was that last part?” He asks, brows raised playfully.
He spins slightly in his desk chair with his legs spread out in a way that shouldn’t be attractive.
But it absolutely is.
With a roll of your eyes, you slump against the futon, shoving your hands into your lap, “I said I don’t like sleeping without you.”  
His grin widens, his pretty teeth practically blinding you as he does.
“That shit is cute...” He chuckles more to himself than to you, his teeth securing themselves to his bottom lip, “You wanna stay with me then?”
Yoongi calling you cute makes you want to squeal like a schoolgirl but thankfully, you’re able to refrain.  
With an assured nod, you return his grin, “Yes please.” Your reply is delivered musically which causes him to chuckle again.
He shakes his head, practically exploding with fondness before using his fingers to gesture to the screen in front of him.
“I shouldn’t be too much longer, maybe like an hour or so, then we can go to bed.”
With that, your plans for the remainder of the evening are set in place and you decide that you’re going to put away your work for the night and scroll on your phone.  
You can only work on something for so long before your brain is fried.
Another hour or so passes and you find yourself growing sleepier and sleepier.  
However, your brain quickly finds itself attaching to the only thing in this room that could distract you from the heaviness in your lids:
He’s dressed head to toe in black: black hair, black sweats, black hoodie and black vans.  
The only thing that stands out in terms of color are the many silver earrings adorning his ears.
The way he hunches over the desk, transfixed on the screen shouldn’t be sexy.
The way he manspreads in the chair shouldn’t be sexy.
The way he chews on the tip of his thumb shouldn’t be sexy.
But it is.  
Because he is.  
You find yourself growing uneasy with the lack of attention.
Not in an emotional way but, in another way entirely.
You can’t help but stare at him and wonder how the hell you got so lucky.  
It would be incredibly easy to stare at him all night, marveling at all of the little things that make him beautiful.
However, he doesn’t allow you to because his heighten sense of awareness has finally caught onto the fact that you’re staring at him.  
Turning towards you, he smirks and shakes his head playfully, “Yah- “ He jerks his chin at you, “What are you looking at?”
Shamelessly, you giggle and prop your chin up on the palm of your hand, “My insanely hot boyfriend...”
He waves you off, wrinkling his face in mock disgust, “Aish, stop all of that.”
“Why don’t you ever let me compliment you?” You protest, your voice heightening slightly, “If I want to say you’re hot, I’m going to say it- whether you like it or not.”
The apples of his cheeks turn a dusty rose color, his teeth finding purchase on his bottom lip as he forces his eyes to stay put on the screen, “I never said I didn’t like it...”
He smirks at the end of his confession, tapping his index finger against the space bar, letting the beat fill the room for the 1000th time.  
It sounds good so you honestly didn’t mind.
Getting to hear Yoongi’s music as it was being made was a privilege you did not take for granted so, you certainly didn’t mind if you had to hear it 1000 more times.  
A few more moments pass as the two of you settle back comfortable silence. You don’t refrain from stealing more glances of your boyfriend but, you decide to stop pestering him until his ready to call it a night.
Then it’s fair game.
During a stolen glance however, you notice him wincing a bit as he adjusts himself in his chair. Yoongi has a bad back that he frequently sees a chiropractor for but, it doesn’t stop him from hunching over for hours on end anyway.
“Is your back hurting?” You murmur, trying to keep the concern in your voice at a minimum.
He hates when you worry about him and, you expect him to tell you no but instead he brings a hand around his shoulder to rub at the likely tense muscles.  
“Yeah- it’s really sore. I need to get with a posture coach or something because, I’m sure sitting in this chair for hours on end only makes it worse.” He winces again, trying to straighten up in the rickety old desk chair.
You make a mental note of looking into buying him a new chair for Christmas; maybe one of those fancy gamer chairs with all the padding.
“Do you want me to rub it for you?”
Keeping your tone casual is easy enough but it doesn’t stop the excitement from brewing in the pit of your stomach. You and Yoongi often indulge in physical affection (and by often, you mean OFTEN) but it’s been a busy few weeks which has unfortunately lessened the amount of time you were able to spend wrapped up in one another. This has been starting to get to you of course but, the reasonable side of your brain tells you that it’s perfectly normal/healthy to go without sex for a few weeks. However, the less-logical (ie the ridiculously in love) part of your brain tends a signal to the entirety of your nervous system that makes you literally ache for your boyfriend.  
The way he’s been acting this evening is only worsening that ache.  
Besides, you don’t like the fact that he’s hurting so really massaging him would be a win/win scenario.  
A small smirk forms on his lips, as he putters around on his keyboard. He still doesn’t look at you but, the glint in his eyes tells you he likes the idea.
“I wouldn’t mind that - I just need like 15 more minutes.” He murmurs, straightening his back once more, his eyes showing a bit of discomfort.
“You don’t have to stop...” You offer, keeping your voice nice and sweet, “I can just sit behind you while you work.”
He licks his lips, shifting in his chair before finally glancing over at you, the smirk still lingering on his lips, “Is it my birthday or something? Why are you trying to spoil me?”
This makes you roll your eyes, “Because I’m in love with you and I want to make sure you feel good, is that alright? Why are you being so difficult?” You gripe, quite matter of factly.
Yoongi breaks out in a fit of rickety laughter, amused by your annoyance.  
The softie in him wants to love on you 24 hours a day but, the brat in him secretly gets a kick out of riling you up.
Plus, annoying you sometimes comes with an added bonus that fuels the less orthodox side of Yoongi’s desires.
“Come here then-” He says in the midst of his laughter, “My aching back needs you...”
You push yourself off of the futon, grumbling to yourself, “This is why I always say you’re like a cat because, I’m trying to love you and you’re asking me if I permit or something...”
Yoongi laughs again, shaking his head and before you can sit down, he’s turning in his chair and grabbing your hand. Despite you pretending to wiggle your hand out of his grip, he interlocks his fingers with yours and places a kiss to the back of your hand.
“I love you.”
These words have been spoken a thousand times but it doesn’t stop your soul from ascending to the tippy top of heaven anyway.
You don’t think you’ll ever tire of him being soft for you.
“Whatever.” You pout, pretending to jerk your hand away once more which causes him to flash that brilliant gummy smile of his. “Just make your stupid, beautiful music, pretend I’m not even here...”
He kisses his teeth and shakes his head, “That’s literally impossible but I’ll try.”
His words may be sarcastic and subtle but you know very well that they have 100 different meanings.
That’s kind of your favorite thing about him.
It’s the fact that he can say so much whilst using his words sparingly. Yoongi has a way of letting you know how he feels without pouring his heart out. Although, there are plenty of times when he does that too and, you love it all the same. But, he’s the type of person to love in secret and, it’s not because he’s ashamed or emotionally unavailable; it’s because he understands how precious love really is and you’re the only one he wants to be vulnerable with.  
You bite your lip to avoid smiling and as you try to move away, Yoongi jerks your hand towards his body gently, his pretty chestnut eyes widening a bit.
“Say it back.” He insists, his voice softening to a specific tone that seems to rot your resolve from the inside out.  
You can’t tell if he knows what he’s doing or if he is unaware he’s using the same voice he uses when he begs for you but either way: you give him what he wants.
“I love you too.”
This satisfies him beyond belief, his grin returning whilst he tugs you down to his level, his sweet lips awaiting yours.
Despite what he wants to do, Yoongi just pecks at your mouth a few times before releasing your hand.
He knows if he kisses you the way he wants to, it will be game over so, thankfully he manages to control himself.  
“This track is called Moonlight right?” You inquire gently, as you take your seat behind him, doing your best to find the right position that won’t limit his movement.  
He grins to himself, delighting in the fact that you remembered something he’s only told you once.
“Yeah.” He clicks over his keyboard, trying to prepare himself for your touch. He takes a deep breath, his eyes fluttering a bit when he feels your palms smooth over his aching back.
He knows it might sound excessive but it really isn’t his fault.
The way you touch him has devasting effects on his ability to think clearly. He knows being in love intensifies things yes but, it’s the way you seem to know his body, the way you seem to treasure him and the way you seem to seek out the areas of his skin that are the most sensitive that drives him up the wall.  
Yoongi has a feeling that you’d be able to touch anyone this way but, he counts every single lucky star in the sky that he’s the one you want to touch.  
“Do you like it so far?” You lower your voice to the precipice of a whisper, not wanting to disturb him too much.
As he readies his reply, you begin gently massaging the parts of his back that you know bother him the most: his shoulder blade, the center of his spine and base of his neck. The close proximity allows you to take in the way your boyfriend smells: like clean laundry and the summer berries. You resist the urge to take a bite out of him as he replies.
“I do but it needs a lot of work still.” He realizes how quick he is to downplay his progress and he amends his response in order to give himself some credit, “I got a lot done today though and I’m excited to see where this track goes.”
His answer makes you happy as it’s not often Yoongi outwardly expresses excitement towards his current projects.  
“Do you like it?” He asks you, keeping his tone casual as he turns down the volume slightly, wanting to hear you clearly.
With a kiss to the back of his neck, you smile, “Honestly? I’m already in love with it. It has such a cool vibe. It’s very old school but also very modern at the same time, the lo-fi elements are sending me. I can’t wait to hear the vocals when you’re done with the lyrics.”
Yoongi grins, his features swimming with pride at your compliments. He is addicted to your praise in normal situations but hearing you compliment what he is most passionate about sends him into another world.
“Thank you.” He mumbles warmly, relaxing further into your touch, “I should be starting on vocals tomorrow I think. I don’t have the second verse done yet, but I think once I have everything recorded, it will give me more inspiration.”
You’re working at the tenderness surrounding his shoulder, not pressing too hard but insuring that your fingers are gently working all of the knots that have formed within his muscles. You wonder if it’s helping him at all but the way he sighs and presses against your hands tells you all you need to know. Before you’re able to continue the conversation, your boyfriend chuckles in front of you, almost in disbelief.
“What?” You prod, smiling at the sound of his laughter.
“Nothing it’s just-” He leans back against his chair fully causing you to remove your hands from him for moment, “if you had told 15 year old me that one day I would be working on my music, in a real studio, while the most beautiful girl in the world rubs my back for me, I would have told you to fuck off and stop messing with me.”
Your smile broadens as you lean forward, draping your arms around the back of the chair and resting them on your boyfriend’s chest. You place a kiss on his temple which makes him smile, his hands coming up to rest on top of yours.
“I wish 15 year old you didn’t have to endure so much but,” You kiss his cheek now, your heart filling with joy as his gums once again make an appearance, “I’m glad you’ve let me prove him wrong.”
He turns slightly, his lips brushing against your whilst he does and rather than say anything, he just places a soft kiss onto your mouth.
Despite the awkward angle, you reciprocate, allowing your lips to melt against his, kissing him slowly but deliberately. He tucks his lips between yours, nibbling gently at your bottom lip, a shaky breath escaping his nose. The hands he placed over yours intertwining messily with your fingers, squeezing softly whilst he cranes his neck to continue kissing you. Freeing one of your hands, you trail your fingers up the side of his throat, eliciting a shiver from your boyfriend as you cup his cheek.
It’s not an ideal angle to start making out but something about his throat and chest being exposed to you, makes it 10 times hotter. The beat of his song is still playing softly in the background until his hand suddenly moves from yours to hit the space bar. He doesn’t stop kissing you all the while, only seeking to deepen the motions between your lips. You allow your fingers to run up the side of his neck again as they tuck themselves into his hair, scratching tenderly at his scalp. Yoongi seems to sigh hopelessly into your mouth, unable to resist how weak you make him.  
You want to feel his tongue but just as you trace yours against the inside of his lips, he pulls away, a bit of shared saliva still connecting the two of you.
“Let’s go to bed...” He whispers shakily and you know very well what he means by that.
Seconds later, your back is pressed against the sheets covering the futon, your boyfriend quickly descending over you, his lips eagerly seeking yours again.  
He resumes his earlier motions with slightly more enthusiasm, sucking and licking into your mouth, his hips pressing down against yours. You can feel how hard he’s gotten, his erection straining painfully against the denim of his jeans. He doesn’t seem to mind though, his focus is on kissing you right now.  
You allow your hands to travel to the hem of his t-shirt, slipping your fingers beneath the material to explore the velvety texture of his skin. Yoongi’s hips and stomach are extremely sensitive, he’s told you before that touching him there is almost immediately going to get him hard. Given the fact that he’s already hard, he has no choice but to twitch around in his jeans while you touch him.  
In order to distract himself from the possibility of cumming in his pants, he pulls away from your lips momentarily to sit back on his knees. He stares down at you with an intensity he only reserves for performing and fucking, which to Yoongi, they are often one in the same. He pulls his t-shirt off hastily, throwing it behind him and revealing the beautiful expanse of his body to you. The sight of him makes you reach up with grabby hands, wanting nothing more than to feel his weight on you again. Instead of coming back down however, he merely smirks and shakes his head.
“Uh uh, it’s your turn...” He murmurs, his voice deep with the heavy arousal weighing on his tongue.  
You pout but otherwise oblige, pulling off the hoodie you’re wearing to reveal the black sports bra you had thrown on before coming to meet him here.  
Its nothing fancy or intentionally erotic but it gets Yoongi going anyway, merely because it’s your body.
He makes a small grunt in the back of his throat as he rushes back with his lips. He begins kissing over the swell of your breasts, biting and sucking as he does, his eyes shutting.
“How are you so fucking beautiful hm? Did they make you in a lab or something?” He accuses in his raspy voice, grinning when he hears you giggle.
“Yes actually they did- I've been meaning to tell you for awhile now but, I wasn’t sure how you’d react...”
He bites down harder on you playfully, sucking the skin between his teeth. The delicious sting causes a sharp intake of breath on your part and the sound makes Yoongi even harder. Licking over the purple mark he made, he pulls back to admire his work. With wet lips and dark eyes he looks up at you, a smirk on his mouth,
“I can see why you like giving me these so much...” He raps, his tongue poking out to lick at his bottom lip, “I want you covered in me now.”
His proclamation makes you sick with lust and you’re quick to pull him back over your completely, capturing his lips in a kiss once more.  
Yoongi is eager to reciprocate, his technique a lot sloppier now as the need to be inside of you slowly over takes him.
With one hand, he finds the button of his jeans and pops it open, sighing in relief as his dick is allowed the room it needs. Your hand is quick to cover his, searching for his swollen length mindlessly, desperate to touch him.
“Can I fuck you?” He whispers, nudging his nose on the tip of yours, “Please?”
You nod, kissing at his lips still, your breath uneven, “Yes please.”
The giggle that leaves your mouth shouldn’t spur him on but it does and after finally riding. both you and him of the rest of your clothes, Yoongi is lining himself at your entrance.  
He pushes inside of you, letting another shaky sigh out of his mouth before covering your body with his once more.  
It’s a slow but powerful fuck, leaving no room for the outside world.  
He kisses your face, your neck, your chest, your breasts and tells you how much he loves you.  
He rubs on your clit when you tell him how close you are, encouraging you to let go.
“Ah there it is- is that good jagi? Is it good? Are you gonna cum for me?” He whispers, his face tensing up with pleasure as you contract around him, “You’re squeezing me so tight, you’re doing so good. Just cum baby, I’ll cum too...I just wanna watch you.”
With choppy breath, you arch your back, your hands clawing at his free arm desperately, clining onto him as your orgasm begins crashing over you.
“Yoongi, I’m gonna cum- fu-fuck, fuck I’m gonna cum...I’m gonna cum, oh god...please don’t stop.” You moan softly and the sweetness in your voice drives Yoongi crazy, his pace against your clit increasing. He stares at you, a small but fucked out smile on his lips,
“Oh I’ll never stop sweetheart, not until you cum those pretty brains out...”
His words send you over the edge, your toes curling against the mattress as you whisper his name once again.  
The sight of you cumming is too much for him and although he normally cums inside of you, your post-orgasm haze has a different plan.
“Cum in my mouth.” You plead, tugging at his hips.
Yoongi swallows thickly, nearly blowing his load right then and there, “Really?”
“Yes.” You urge, tugging his hips again, “Please? I want to taste you. Remember you said you wanted me covered in you- cover me. Cover my face please.”
Yoongi’s brain literally short-circuits as he tries his best to process how fucking hot you’re being, his dick twitching inside of you.
“Anything you want remember baby? I’ll give you anything you want...” He grunts, his black hair sticking to his forehead with sweat as he pulls out of you, both of you pained by the loss of contact. He is quick to scoot up the bed until his soaking dick is positioned near your mouth, “I’m going to cum so fucking hard for you- are you gonna swallow it all?”
You nod, wrapping your hand around the length of him, licking at the slit, tasting the mixture of you and him together.  
“Until my stomach is full of you.” You promise before sucking him into your mouth
Yoongi finally breaks, whimpering for you as he usually does, his body jerking as the pleasure overtakes him,
“Holy fucking shit-” He whimpers again, his eyes rolling back as he gives you rope after rope of his release.
It’s a lot but you don’t care, you want every last drop of him. Your hand coaxes out the rest of his cum, your mind high off the taste of your boyfriend; there really is nothing better than this.
Yoongi tucks his fingers into your hair tenderly, grounding himself but also because he wants to touch you.
“Oh my god look at you ah- that's my fucking girl isn't it? You’re so pretty down there you know that? Made me cum so good.”
His voice is pitchy and fucked out and his praise makes you wet all over again, despite your need for a break.  
Immediately Yoongi leans down, kissing you with everything he has, licking at your mouth as if he wants a taste of himself.  
The kissing lasts for another minute or so before Yoongi lays down beside you, pulling you onto his chest.  
You burrow into him, soothing yourself with his unsteady heartbeat as he holds you.
Yoongi smiles down at you, despite the fact that you aren’t looking at him, taking a moment to thank all of his lucky stars once again.
You place a kiss to his chest before turning to look at him, rubbing a thumb over his reddened cheek, “I love you.”
He kisses your thumb, “I love you too.”  
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henrycavillobsessed · 3 years
A Christmas Distraction
Henry x first person reader
Summary: When your mother visit for Christmas, Henry finds a way to distract you from the ensuing stress.
Words: 1552
CW: smut (sex), overbearing mothers/strained mother-daughter relationship
Notes: Here’s a little smutty one-shot I wrote this evening, the last of my own ideas before I start on my 1000 follower celebration requests. Enjoy and Merry Christmas everyone! 
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“So darling, we’ll be round for about 12pm. I expect lunch will be nearly ready then will it? I could bring the turkey, save you the trouble. Yours is usually a little dry anyway…” My mother’s voice droned on in my ear. I was still reeling from the news that she had just invited herself and my step-father round to mine and Henry’s house for Christmas. I honestly thought I’d gotten away with it this year, having heard nothing from her until now- now being the 22nd of December with only three days to go- so I thought it’d just be me, Henry and Kal this year. Small, intimate, relaxing, just perfect. Why did I pick up the phone? Why did I say yes? I finally come round to my senses and replied to my mother. “Mum, I’m a chef for a living. I’m more than capable of cooking the turkey.”  “Well yes love, but I don’t want you to get stressed, we both know what you can get like,” I only get like that around you, mother, I thought, and then sighed. “Mum, I’ll do all the cooking, see you on the day. Bye -bye now,” I hung up before she could say anything else. 
Kal suddenly started barking madly. I looked up and saw Henry walk in through the front door, home from the gym, shaking his wet hair out of his eyes and grinning at me whilst ruffling Kal’s fur. The sight of my man all damp and in his work-out gear was usually enough to launch myself at him and have him there and then on the living room floor. But my most recent phone call had seriously affected my mood, and Henry noticed. “Hey, what’s wrong?” he said, frowning, joining me on the sofa and wrapping an arm around me. I leant into his embrace. “My mother.” I said, my voice glum. “Oh no, what’s she done now?” I nearly laughed at his response. Henry was no stranger to how strained mine and mum’s relationship could be. Thankfully, he was supportive, always had been. “She’s coming for Christmas dinner, with John.” “When did she lay this on you? Doesn’t she know it’s three days until the 25th?” “Of course she does, she just doesn’t care. She rang me not long ago. Didn’t even ask, just invited herself. God why didn’t we go to your parent’s house again like last year?” I said, fondly remembering the festive season the year previously where Henry and I had spent an incredibly enjoyable week in Jersey with his parents and brothers. “Oh love. What can I do to help?” Henry asked, rubbing a hand up and down my back. I sighed again, and then reluctantly got up from the sofa. “I suppose I’ll have to go shopping. Care to join?” “We’ll take the Range Rover. We’ll need the bigger boot for all the extra wine you’re sure to need. Let’s go,” he said, grabbing the car keys.
Three days later and it truly was worse than I’d imagined. John, my step-father, had driven over, which meant mother had already started drinking, no doubt opening a bottle of Bucks Fizz before the sun had even risen on Christmas morning. She hadn’t been here ten minutes when she started in on my appearance, commenting on how my new hair cut just wasn’t flattering on a woman my age. She even insulted Henry, saying and I quote “don’t they pay you enough to afford nicer clothes on these little movies you do?” Henry’s fame didn’t faze her in the slightest, if anything it made her even ruder, but Henry, the perfect gentlemen as always, just smiled in response, although the smile didn’t reach his eyes. Once I’d got mum and John settled in the living room with drinks, Henry found me in the kitchen opening a bottle of red wine with every intent of just necking the whole thing. He reached up and grabbed a wine glass from the cupboard above the sink and gently took the bottle out of my hands and poured for me. I sat down, rubbing the spot above my eyes where a headache was forming. Henry sat down next to me, handing me the wine. “I’m so sorry, this wasn’t the Christmas I had planned for us,” I said to him. He squeezed my leg, and smiled. “Any Christmas I spend with you is perfect. I just hate seeing you like this, so stressed. It’s not fair.” “You can say that again,” I mumbled, sipping my wine. Henry stood up and leant against the counter top. He suddenly looked very mischievous. “I have an idea. What you need is a distraction.” “I don’t have time for distractions, I’ve got to do all this cooking because God forbid I get anything wrong or don’t serve it on time…” I replied, waving a hand towards the stovetop where multiple pans were boiling away. “Come on, it will take five minutes…” “Henry I can’t-“ I started, but was interrupted with a shrill “Y/N!” coming from the living room, accompanied by what sounded like a fork being tapped against an empty wine glass. “Changed my mind, a distraction sounds fantastic,” I said, necking my wine and taking his hand. I was surprised when he led me to the room just next door, the utility room where I did the laundry. “What are we doing in here?” I laughed. Henry slid a box of laundry detergent across the door, essentially locking us in. He straightened up and turned around, licking his lips with a twinkle in his eye. I stopped laughing immediately. I knew what that look meant. “I told you, baby,” He walked towards me, slowly backing me up against the wall. “What you need is a distraction. And I am more than happy to be the one doing the distracting…” I swallowed, awareness coursing through my body. He was everywhere, his muscular arms caging me in, his scent threatening to overpower me as he leant in slowly and took my mouth with his in a smoldering kiss, the effect of which I could feel pooling down below. I was instantly wet and wanting for him. “And what type of distraction,” I panted. “Did you have in mind Mr Cavill?” “The type where my cock is deep inside of you.” I almost came there and then listening to his voice, my arousal building. I didn’t know how much I needed that until he’d said it and now, I was desperate. “And what if our guests hear us?” “Hmm. Maybe I should gag you.” He smiled the smile of the devil as he reached into the clean laundry pile and produced one of ties. Staring into my eyes, he asked wordlessly for my consent. I nodded clearly, my mouth dry, my pussy soaked. He rolled the tie up and pushed it into my open, waiting mouth, using another tie to hold it in place which he knotted at the back of my head. “Turn around,” he commanded, and I obeyed. He leant down and placed a tender kiss on my neck, then another, and another. I moaned; the sound muffled. I felt his smile against my neck. His hands roamed downwards, one sliding into my trousers and then into my panties. His breath hissed as he felt the evidence of my arousal. He circled my clit, the feeling exquisite, and it wasn’t long until he brought me to a gentle, rolling orgasm. I could feel his dick hard against my back, and silently willed him to put it inside me, and, as in tune as we always were, Henry complied. He pulled us away from the wall, turning us to face the dryer. One of his beautiful hands pushed slightly against my back, urging me to bend forwards. He grasped both of my hands in his other, placing them on top of the dryer with a whispered don’t move and then suddenly, finally, he was inside me, easing himself in gently, his groan echoing mine as he filled me up. And then he was moving, each thrust hitting me inside just right and suddenly I could feel that pressure building again, I was coming, I was coming hard around him, and he was emptying himself hotly into me, our joint orgasm exploding through us and at that moment I had never been more grateful for the gag. Gently, Henry pulled out from me and removed my makeshift gag. “Jesus, Cavill…” “I hope that helped” He winked. After we finished putting our clothes back on, he kissed me quickly on the lips and flashed me his award-winning smile. Shaking my head with a smile of my own I followed him out of the utility room back into the kitchen, timing it near perfect as my mother walked in just after. “Y/N! I was calling you! Now, where are we at with this food? Oh, that turkey looks awful, dry as a bone! I keep telling you, the secret is- “ “Oh, mother, do shut up,” I said, shocking her into silence. Henry winked again as he left the room, his shoulders shaking with silent laughter, as I turned back to the stovetop, ignoring my mother’s outraged commentary, feeling thoroughly relaxed and distracted.
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nad-zeta · 3 years
Delicate flowers
Pairings: Arthur x OC (Antonia) pffft not mine but @rifroleplays OC hehe
Words: 1000+
Warning: mentions of murder
Comments: Hehehe, as part of appreciation weekend, I just had to include a lil something something featuring my second fav role play couple hehe I'll let ya guess who the first is 🥺❤🌈lolol And with this, a thank you dear, for indulging me in the wonders of roleplay, honestly its been so damn fun! 🥰🥺❤🌈 It's the final countdown to ya birthday whooop whooop 4 more hours!
Eeeek, without further ado, let's goooooo!
.*:・’゚:。.*:゚・’゚゚:。’ .*:・’゚:。.*:゚・’゚゚:。’・゚。.*:・’゚: 。.*:・’゚:。.*:゚・’゚゚:。’ .*:・’゚:。.*:゚`
Flowers delicately woven together with nimble fingers and expert precision. One delicate flower for each obstacle overcome, each fear faced, and each trauma dealt with together.
Their baggage was heavy— God, even crushing at times— each carrying far more than one person should ever have to carry, and if they were to travel, it would far outweigh what would be allowed on a plane. And thrown together? It made an Everest of a mountain for the pair to climb.
However, climb the mountain they would— hand-in-hand, as it should be— the only way such a monstrous mountain would be conquered.
An unlikely pair, one that manifested the universal truth that opposites really did attract. He knew of his own weaknesses, his soft heart— that was so easily given away and broken by the world around him. The complete contrast of the darling Italian comfortably nestled in his arms— book in hand— and for once completely unguarded. Blunt and cold she was at times— a complete hard ass, so to say, or instead, that’s what he initially deduced. However, he would not be a very good detective if he took things for face value, so he did what he does best, meddle. Pester her until he successfully snuck his way past her every defence and well wormed his way into the very depths of her heart, albeit she may tell of a different story.
Big ol scary mafia boss was nothing to dread, as right as rain, he discovered more to her than charming smiles and witty lines, for the soul’s windows never lied, and behind evergreen jewels hid a kind heart who had known far too much pain and struggle.
Even during the time when she had claimed to have shot the man in cold murder, he could sense something behind that indifferent expression. That event, marked the first of the flowers to be added to the crown— the first obstacle— the first bag that was flung open within seconds, exposing more than just the dirty laundry within.
As time passed, more and more flowers were added, as more and more bags were zipped open and brought into the light of day to be unpacked. Some naturally took longer to digest than others, but each and every one had been emptied out all the same. Each article handled with care and placed in the new home they built together.
Everest slowly being climbed and conquered.
Arthur hummed contently as the summer breeze carried the fragrant aroma of springtime flowers and hints of the woman’s perfume throughout the air. He loved her dearly, and even if he’d have to wait a lifetime for her to say those 3 little words back, he would. After all, they were far from the peak of the summit and had their whole lives to get to know each other.
He chuckled, remembering the first time the confession slipped out; any other woman would have responded in kind but not Antonia. Oh no, she deadpanned him, saying that while he had so much love to give, she had none— and while he was sure such a response might have deterred her past suitors, Arthur was more determined than ever. After all, she showed her love for him in the little things she did.
Exhibit A- in the clumsy gestures of comfort she offered when his mind would spiral out of control, reaching the depths of the trama’s darkness. Even if just a pat on the shoulder or, a word or two muttered. He would never forget them, “you may not blame yourself,” she said when faced with the first boulder on their path, perhaps not realizing the impact or gravity of them. He truly needed to hear them, and found a strange comfort in them— that perhaps there was someone out there who understood him.
Exhibit B- she stuck around and cared for all those near her; even if she’d deny it, he could see the soft spot she had developed for each of the quartet members. Albeit, not hard to fret over the pup of the group— as Theo had dubbed her— still the evidence spoke for itself.
And finally, Exhibit C- Perhaps being the biggest indicator of her love for him — other than choosing to remain in this time period. Indulging him in this getaway picnic among the fairies and flowers, although she snorted and laughed at the proposal— none the least here she was, nestled in his arms reading the newest instalment. One which was sure to please as it may or may not have been based on an idea given, a murder house and a double Holmes homicide, an adventure sure to keep the reader in their tippy toes.
Out the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of her soft smile, eyes lifting from the book and gazing out far into the distance.
“And what’s that smile for darling, ready to finally admit you have fallen hopelessly in love with me,” came the familiar jest with a flirty wink, catching sight of what had caught her attention in the distance. The quarrelsome duo out for an afternoon stroll with the Golden pup.
An amused snort left her, as lips lifted into that charming little smile that gave away nothing, and with shimmering greens, she stated in a matter of fact tone, “simply daydreaming about Leonardo.”
Arthur let go of a dramatic gasp; this woman truly knew just what to say to vex him. His lips fostered a pout at the fellow Italian’s name being dropped.
It wasn’t moments later he rushed to finish the crown of flowers and dumped it atop her head with a satisfied smirk, “there now the fairies can ensure your mind stays well protected from the villainous pureblood tainting it.”
His eyes glittered with affection as he gazed down at her; his favourite moments spent with the woman were these quiet, content ones, filled with their usual banter.
With a kiss dropped on her cheek, he secured his arms around her waist once more, resting his chin on her shoulder before closing his eyes and enjoying the cool summer afternoon.
Yes, they still had much to overcome, but Arthur was confident that together they could face any tempest; after all, he had finally found THAT woman, and he was of no inclination to ever let her go.
.*:・’゚:。.*:゚・’゚゚:。’ .*:・’゚:。.*:゚・’゚゚:。’・゚。.*:・’゚: 。.*:・’゚:。.*:゚・’゚゚:。’ .*:・’゚:。.*:゚`
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lorirwritesfanfic · 3 years
A Promise - Part 2: The Trouble With Growing Up
Author's note: I‘ve been daydreaming about this story for way too long and it was time to write it again. What are the odds that I managed to post it on the birthday of the wonderful person who requested it? ...😏😁 Happy birthday, @missameliep​! ❤ I hope you like this part (despite the angst 🙈) [Leading characters are owned by Pixelberry Studios and original characters are creations of the author]
Book: Desire & Decorum (modern day AU) Pairing: Prince Hamid x MC (Daphne) Rating: M Word count: 5073 Reading time: ~20min Summary: On her way to meet Hamid before his wedding ceremony, Daphne finds herself remembering of her own mistakes. Based on the prompts: AUgust 2020 - Childhood friends AU + Arranged Marriage AU / 1000 Times
Warning: This piece contains adult material (bullying, description of side effects of mixing alcohol and ecstasy) that may be disturbing/offensive for some people. Reader discretion is advised.
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Istanbul, August, 2020
Car honks and shouts from different directions filled the air as the rain poured down the streets, making the traffic heavier than usual. Inside the taxi, Daphne looked out the window absentmindedly. It's been a couple years since her last visit to İstanbul and as much as the city changed, she barely paid attention to it. Her mind was somewhere else.
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London 2007
Daphne stepped out of her father's car and walked towards the entrance of her house in silence. Right behind her, Vincent followed his daughter in hopes to figure out what made her change her mind about staying with him for the weekend. Unfortunately, the Earl of Edgewater had a hard time understanding his young girl sometimes.
She was about to press the doorbell when her father placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Sweetheart, are you sure nothing happened when I was away?"
The young girl frowned at the tone in her father's voice. She knew how much he had tried to make her feel welcomed in his home. Alas, he was never the problem.
She turned to him, giving him a genuine smile despite her sadness. "Yes, dad. I'm sure. But..." She trailed off, biting her lip in worry.
"You miss your mother."
The girl nodded.
"Okay," he said, caressing her cheek softly.
Daphne turned back to the door, pressed the bell and waited. It didn't take long for the door to be opened. The young girl rushed to her mother's arms as soon as she spotted her.
"Mama..." The girl sobbed, burying her face on her mother's soft night robe.
"It's all right, darling," Mary cooed, kissing the top of her daughter's head. "Say goodnight to your father and go upstairs."
The young girl pulled away from her mother and turned around to hug her father. "Goodnight, Dad."
"Goodnight, dear."
"I'm sorry..."
"It's okay, my dear. Sleep well."
Once Daphne disappeared from view, Vincent spoke up. "My apologies for waking you up in the middle of the night. She couldn’t sleep and kept calling you. I didn't know what to do."
"Don't worry about it. She can be a handful sometimes."
"Mary, I—" His brows furrowed as he searched for the words. "I was wondering if you could help me with something."
"If you think I can help, sure. What is it?"
"I'm trying to get closer to her, but every time I think we made progress, the next moment it feels like we didn't. It's been four years. What else do I have to do to be worthy of her love?"
Mary took a moment to steady herself. She had no doubts he was a wonderful person. But to see him so eager to earn Daphne's affection reminded her of the man she fell in love with.
"Vincent, if you think she doesn't love you, you're sorely mistaken. But she's not as outgoing and loquacious as your son. Sometimes she keeps her feelings to herself because she needs time to understand them."
"Oh..." He nodded in understanding. "What do I do then?"
"Be patient. She'll come to you when she's ready."
"I'll try."
Mary couldn't help but smile. It was sweet of him to try, yet she knew he'd struggle to succeed. After all, impatience was one of the many traits their daughter took after him.
"Have a goodnight, Vincent."
"Goodnight, Mary," he replied and returned to his car once she closed the door.
As time passed by, the young girl's gloomy behaviour didn't change. If anything, her mood got worse at each passing day. Soon, her parents and friends began to worry.
"Daphne?" She opened the door to her daughter's room and frowned as she spotted the young girl curled up on the window sill staring blankly at the sky. "Your father called again. He wants to know if you're still joining him and the boys on the trip to Edgewater."
"Is that a yes?"
The girl gave her shoulders.
Mary inhaled sharply. "Daphne, you don't have to go. But you need to tell me so I can understand what's going on."
"There's nothing to tell, mum."
Yet, the dull tone in Daphne's voice told her otherwise. Fortunately, she knew just exactly what to do.
"We have a guest today and I prepared biscuits. Do you want to go downstairs and join him?"
"That was mean..." A young male voice commented. Disappointment was clear in his tone.
Her eyes widened as she immediately recognized the voice.
"I'm sorry, dear. I think she's not in the mood to see anyone again," Mary said, closing the door to Daphne's bedroom.
Again?! He was here before?! Her brows knitted together in a frown.
"Okay..." The voice replied.
Everything went quiet for a moment. But as she heard steps, Daphne rushed to the door and opened it. "Wait!" She yelled.
To her surprise, she found her mother grinning whilst her friend leaned against the wall nonchalantly.
"Impressive!" Mary praised.
"Thanks, Mrs. Wang."
"Have you thought about joining the theater at school, Hamid?"
"I haven't. But if a talented actress like yourself thinks I should, I'll add it to my list of options of clubs to join next year," he answered.
"Well, aren't you a charmer?" Mary chuckled. "I'll be downstairs if you need me."
"Okay." He then turned to his friend. "Hey, stranger," Hamid greeted her with his trademark smile that seemed to get more mesmerizing as the boy grew older.
"You played me!" Daphne gasped.
"I had to. You didn't show up at school, you’re taking forever to text me back, you cancelled movie night on Sunday, you didn't open the door yesterday... Should I go on?"
Daphne shook her head, avoiding his gaze. "Sorry..."
"What happened to you?"
"Liar..." He murmured.
"You are. You said to Briar you were sick and you're not. You're lying to me right now. Why?"
"It isn't like that, Hamid. I just..." Daphne looked down at her hands. "I don't want to talk about it."
"Okay. Then we will not talk on the way to Ernest's house."
"What? You're not mad?"
"I'll save that for later because right now we're going to have a Dance Dance Revolution and Guitar Hero competition and you're my partner. Mrs. Wang already gave you permission, so hurry up."
"I don't know, Hamid..."
"Daph, look at me," he said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "You don't have to talk about whatever happened this weekend at your dad's. I just need you there with me."
She eyed him confused. "How do you know it's about my dad?"
"Wild guess..." He shrugged.
"But how do you know it?"
"Because you always get upset when you visit him."
The girl chewed on her bottom lip. She didn't want anyone to think her father was the reason why she was upset. She was happy to be close to him. The problem was everyone else.
"I mean it. You don't need to talk about anything if you don't want to. But I miss my best friend," he said with an encouraging smile.
"I thought Yusuf was your best friend..."
"I have two best friends. You're my best girl friend."
"Girlfriend?" She eyed him in confusion.
"As in two separate words, Daph. You're a girl and my best friend," he corrected.
"Oh!" Now it makes sense.
"Anyway, you'd better go grab your coat. They're going to start in fifteen minutes, there are gelatos at stake and only you can beat Ann on Through the Fire and Flames solo."
The girl chuckled and went back to her room to change clothes and join her friends.
Hours flew by whilst the group of kids played video games and junk food. Laughter and occasional spats could be heard by anyone who passed by Mr. Sinclaire's townhouse. But given how loud the kids were, the Master of Ledford Park was obviously not at home. Fortunately, whenever he finds out about his son's little gathering, it'd be old news that his wife would make sure smooth things over.
Unluckily, the fun afternoon grew a little tense when Daphne's half brother arrived. Much like his mother, Harry was often rude to his older sister and always found a way to make it clear she was an intruder in his family.
"Ah, damnit..." Briar mumbled as she watched Daphne and Hamid finish the song of the round with perfect score.
"Briar!" Annabelle chided.
"I told you not to say it out loud," Edmund mumbled.
"But I am frustrated!" Briar nagged.
"It's all right. Briar is a sore loser," Daphne teased and grinned as her friend responded by sticking her tongue out.
"Cheater..." Harry grumbled.
Daphne's head whipped towards her half brother's direction. "What did you just say?"
"I said you're a bloody cheater because it’s what you always do. You cheat!" The boy sneered.
"You're talking gibberish, Foredale. Settle down," Hamid said, in an attempt to end the argument.
"Oh, excuse me. Are you talking to me or to her?" Harry stood up, lips twisted in a scowl. "Because this bastard cheated her way to my home and stole not just my father, but my name too."
Gasps spread through the room as Harry glowed at his sister, whose face reddened as anger pumped through her veins.
"Mate, don't." Edmund warned.
"Am I wrong?! She and her mother are ruining our family!"
"Harry, stop it!" Annabelle chastised.
Daphne could feel herself being pushed to the limit. She heard those offences more than once, but tried to hold back at school or her father's house to avoid getting in trouble. But this was a neutral ground and Harry had gone too far. "You take that back!"
"Take it back?" He sniggered in a way that reminded her so much of the countess.
"Harry, you'd better stop insulting Daphne right now or you can see yourself out of my house," Ernest warned.
"If he doesn't, you don't have to call security. I'll kick him out myself." Hamid glared at Harry.
"Why are you all defending her?!" Harry shouted.
"Harry, stop it right now!" Briar yelled.
"You know what? I don't care!" The boy spat and turned to Daphne once again. "Your mother is a homewrecker and you're a bloody cheater. Do I have to say it louder, you little bastard?"
With her features clouded by rage, Daphne stomped into Harry's direction with her hands balled into fists only to be held back by Hamid. "Shut the fuck up, you dickhead!"
Whilst Briar and Annabelle stared aghast at Daphne fighting against Hamid's firm grip, Harry was about to raise his hand when Ernest and Edmund stopped him. To prevent things from getting worse, Hamid carried the furious young girl out of the house, making sure to cover her mouth in case she had more bad words to say.
Once they arrived in the backyard, Hamid sat Daphne down on a patio chair and glared at his friend. "Are you mad?! You can't drop F-bombs like that just because there are no parents around. What if the staff heard you?"
The girl didn't say anything or look him in the eye. Instead, she simply bit down her lip and fiddled with the buttons of her coat.
Worried that he could have been a little too harsh, he crouched down to look at her and spotted the tears rolling down her cheeks. Without a second thought, he sat beside her and wrapped her in a tight hug.
Hot tears ran down her face. Tears she had been holding since Saturday night, when she was at her father's townhouse. But she couldn't control them anymore. So she just hid her face on her friend's chest and cried.
"I'm sorry..." He whispered.
"Why? It's not your fault that my brother is an arsehole."
She pulled away from his embrace and scowled. "Don't look at me like that. I've seen you say a lot worse when you're watching football matches."
A small chuckle escaped his lips. "I'm not judging..." His smile quickly faded as images of what happened earlier came to view. "This fight with Harry... He's the one who upsets you when you visit Lord Vincent, isn't he?"
"Yeah…” She sniffed. “But he's not the only one."
Hamid clenched his fists. He only had the misfortune of meeting Countess Henrietta a couple of times, but it was obvious to him how much she disliked Daphne. The young girl disrupted the image gentry folk had of the Foredales and she could be a threat to the countess Henrietta's sons. "Harry is a spoiled brat. We just tolerate him because of Edmund."
"But he still is my brother. I always wanted a sibling and the only one I have hates me."
"You don't know if he really hates you. For all we know, he's just repeating what the countess says. You have all the reasons to have to hate him and you don't. Why would he hate you?"
The young girl gave her shoulders. "I don't know... But I know I don't want to spend the entire summer with him."
"And you don't have to."
"But dad wants me to go to Edgewater with them. What should I tell him?"
"The truth."
"I can't!"
"Daphne, your dad has to know why you don't feel comfortable staying in his house."
"But what if he gets mad at Harry? Or his mom?"
"That's their problem. Besides, he's going to find out about the fight anyway."
Daphne's eyes widened. "Oh my god, it's true! Bollocks..."
The boy failed to suppress a laugh.
"What? Oh..." She covered her mouth with both hands.
"It's fine. You know I won't tell."
The girl nodded and rested her head on her friend's shoulder.
"I just wish I could've protected you from all of this mess..." He sighed.
"You can't protect me from everything, Hamidciğim."
He draped an arm over her shoulder, pulling her close once again. "But it doesn't mean I won't keep trying."
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Istanbul, August, 2020
Daphne was pulled out of her reverie by her body suddenly being pushed forward and held back by the seat belt followed by a loud honk. The taxi driver began to yell in Turkish and gesticulate things to the other cars then glanced at her through the rear view mirror.
"I'm sorry for my language, miss. These Sunday drivers never learn..." He shook his head and twisted his lips in a sneer.
"It's all right, sir."
For a moment, she was thankful Hamid told her to fasten her seat belt at all times whenever she’s in Turkey. He did try to protect her as much as he could from anything that could potentially hurt her. Yet, he was never so good at stopping her from hurting herself.
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London, 2016
Daphne's fingers slowly hovered the keys of Lady Dominique's grand piano as Chopin's Prelude in E minor came to an end. Applause erupted in the room. But given how the professional musicians playing since the beginning of the night didn't earn the same attention from the guests, she knew most of those praises were insincere. Still, she looked at the crowd applauding her and bowed her head.
The young viscountess walked around the lounge unamused. The reception was anything but a party most teenagers would expect to host. Instead of a pub crowded with people her age flashing their brand new IDs to get wasted, dance or make out in dark corners, Daphne was surrounded by British politicians, nobility and gentry folk at her father's opulent lounge. Obviously, this wasn't her idea of a party to celebrate her graduation. Or her father's. But at some point in her life, she stopped butting heads with her grandmother. It was easier to simply smile and concede.
After making her rounds to mingle with the guests, Daphne excused herself for a moment and stepped outside. Sitting down on the patio chair, she looked out at the dark moonless sky embellished by the stars. Spring night breeze softly ruffled some locks of her hair when her back and shoulders were covered by a large coat that smelled just as good as its owner.
"I knew you'd be here," Hamid said as he sat down next to her and handed her a champagne flute. "Congratulations, canım¹."
"Thank you."
They clinked glasses and took a sip of the light gold bubbly drink.
"I didn't expect you to be here tonight," she began.
"You're a Cambridge student now. I thought you'd be at a nightclub with your girlfriend and uni friends."
"I still prefer the company of my best girl friend."
"I don't think your girlfriend would approve what you just said," she hinted.
"Fortunately, I no longer have to worry about that," he said before taking a long sip of his champagne.
"Did you break up with Ida?"
"No. She broke up with me."
"What happened?"
"What always happens... " He sighed.
"Hamidciğim, a relationship will only last if you open up to your partner."
"I'm aware of it. But I'll only do it when I'm in a relationship with someone I truly love."
Daphne turned to him, studying his features. "That was the problem, wasn't it?"
He nodded in silence.
"Aw..." Daphne intertwined her arm with his. "Someday you'll find a girl worthy of your love. And she'll be the luckiest person ever."
He smiled ruefully, avoiding her gaze for a second. "Enough about me. This is your night, viscountess. What are your plans for the summer?"
"I don't know..."
"You don't know?" He stared at her confusion. "This is your last summer before you get overwhelmed by textbooks, deadlines, posh fabrics and creepy mannequins at Central Saint Martins. We have to think of something."
"Not all mannequins aren't creepy."
"So was it just the ones in your old bedroom?" He teased.
She elbowed him playfully, making him laugh. As they grew quiet, she began to speak. "I thought about going on that trip I told you about the last time you were here."
"The one where you'd visit the cities and opera houses your mother sang in Europe? That's fantastic!"
Her lips curled upwards. He obviously would love that idea. He was the impulsive one of all her friends. It was one of the many things she adored about him. "I just wanted to do something fun with no worries about etiquette and tabloids." Her smile weakened as she continued. "But it was cooler in my head when Annabelle and Briar were coming with me..."
"They bailed on you?"
"Ann got an opportunity to take a summer course in Sussex and Briar will stay here to help Mrs. Daly at the bakery."
"Oh..." He went silent for a brief moment then spoke again. "I can go with you."
"It's all right. You don't have to... It was a silly idea..."
"No, it isn't. I know how important this trip is to you and I'd love to be there with you."
Her heart fluttered at the idea. Ever since her mother passed away, traveling to visit the seven cities Mary sang in her years as an opera singer was Daphne's biggest dream. The thought of having her favourite person beside would make this journey even better. Alas, Hamid has always been a popular guy. He certainly had other plans and chances were neither of them included her.
"Hamidciğim, it's okay. Really. I know you must have other plans. Besides, I was going to ask for a refund or reschedule anyway."
He immediately made a disgusted face in response. "That's a preposterous idea! You're so not doing that."
"Hamid, I don't want to impose..."
"You say it as if it'd be such a burden to travel across the best cities in Europe with you. We're going, Daphne. Accept it," he said with a playful grin. "Now stop with this nonsense and help me get my train tickets."
Daphne agreed with a smile watching her friend produce his mobile from his coat to buy the train tickets.
Amsterdam, 2016
It was quarter to three in the morning when the taxi rolled to a stop in front of the Ambassade Hotel. Daphne, however, barely noticed anything that happened during most of the night after the "new friend" Hamid made at lunch insisted they should try a pink heart shaped pill at the nightclub. Of all the many impulsive and silly acts she could choose to make whilst traveling abroad, getting high as a kite was the dumbest one.
Struggling to open her eyes, she shifted on the backseat.
"Daphne, wake up. We're here."
"Mmm?" Her eyes fluttered open, she smiled. Somehow, in the dimly lit backseat of a car and with her foggy vision, she could see him clearly. And he looked as handsome as ever. "Hi..."
"Welcome back, canım. Are you okay?"
"Yes..." Her grin went wider and she slid closer to him, rubbing her face on his chest in a cat-like way.
"Uh... Okay..." Caught by surprise, he failed to hide a smile, but proceeded to hand his credit card to the driver. "Here you go, sir."
"Oooooh! Platinum card!" She enthused. "You're so posh, Hamidciğim!"
"So are you. You paid for the drinks tonight, remember? Thank you," he said once he received his card back.
"Oh, that's right! I have one of those too!"
"Yes, we're indeed very posh and fortunate. Now let's get you out of here." He then climbed out of the car and helped her get out.
"Bye, mister driver!" Daphne waved.
With one of her arms around his shoulder and supporting her by the waist, Hamid brushed the loose strands of her face, tucking them behind her ear. His brows knitted together as he gazed at her in worry. "How are you feeling?"
"Sweaty, tired…” She squinted her eyes, trying to focus. “You look blurry..."
"It'll get better. How about nausea? Chills? Hallucinations? Do you feel like you're going to faint?"
"No… I'm fine, Hamidciğim, you don't have to—" But as she took a few steps forward, her legs weakened. Still, she never hit the ground. Holding her close to his body, Hamid's arms wrapped around her legs and back and hoisted her up, carrying her into the hotel.
"You're so strong..."
"Did you realise it just now?" He asked once they stopped before the elevator.
"Nah..." She said as she pressed the button to call the elevator. "Everyone in school knows you're strong. The highlight of the day was when you took off your shirt after a match. All the girls and some of the guys swooned every time you did it."
"Is that so?"
"Yeah. Everyone missed those moments."
He stepped into the elevator, still carrying her.
"Press the button to the floor where our suites are. My hands are kinda busy here."
"Oh!" She giggled. "Sorry..." She looked at the elevator control panel as her brows furrowed as she tried to remember the right floor.
"It's the eleventh floor, Daph."
"I knew that..." she scoffed.
For some reason, he chose not to make a joke about it. Instead, he changed back to the previous subject.
"Did you miss seeing me shirtless as well?"
"No." She made a face, offended by the idea of her objectifying him the way the entire school did. "I miss all of you."
His forehead creased in surprise.
"You are incredibly handsome. But the most beautiful part of you is on the inside," she explained, poking his chest with her index finger.
"Why thank you."
"Don't mention it..." She said between yawns, resting her head on his shoulder. "You changed your cologne."
"I did. This is the one I use at night now."
"I like it... It's so you."
"Yeah..." She replied, using the hand resting on his neck to caress his hair. "Do you remember that expensive wine we stole from Edgewater cellar four years ago?"
Goosebumps spread along his skin at the gentle touch, but he still seemed impassive. "Yes. What about it?"
"You smell like that wine..." She paused for a moment, thinking of the words as her fingers continued to idly caress the back of his head. "Sweet, strong, enticing..."
He didn't say a word, but it was obvious that he looked surprised by her compliment.
Just then the elevator doors opened and they stepped out of it, walking towards Daphne's suite.
"I still prefer the smell of your aftershave though."
"Do you?"
She nodded. "It smells like summer mornings on the beach. Fresh, warm, invigorating..."
"I didn't know that..."
"Now you do."
Once they stopped by her door, he put her down, but still held her. "Can you find your key card on your own?"
"The card that opens the door, Daphne."
"Oh..." She opened her clutch bag and fished out her ID and three different cards, including the one that opened the door to her suite. "It's one of those, isn't it?"
He pressed his lips together, fighting back a grin. "Yes. This one." He pulled the key card from her hand and placed it inside the lock. "You can put the other ones back in your purse."
Hamid leaned her against the wall and released her for a moment to open the door only to see her sliding down. "Allah kahretsin²..." He mumbled as he bent down to help her.
"I'm sorry..."
"It's not your fault. It's mine. It's all my fault..." He said as he picked her up from the floor and carried her inside.
Once they were finally inside the suite, he sat her on the bed and went to the bathroom. When he returned, he had a glass of water and her toiletry bag in his hands. "Drink."
She obeyed without questioning.
"What do you use to remove makeup?"
"Makeup wipes and a cream..." She said, placing the glass on the nightstand. "It's that package." She pointed to the product and reached for the makeup remover cream. "Thank you. Now turn away."
"Excuse me?"
"Turn away."
"Because I look ugly when I remove my makeup. I don't want you to see it."
His lips curled up. "I highly doubt you'd ever look ugly."
"You're saying it because you haven't seen it."
He chortled. "Okay." He then turned away and waited.
"Why did you say it was all your fault?"
"Because it is. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have met Amani, went to that dodgy nightclub, drank that much, had a Molly..."
"No, it wasn't. I told you to get her number. I told you to go out with her. You didn't want to leave me here, so you had to take me with you so I wouldn't feel alone."
"I didn't have to. I only went out because you agreed to go out too. By the way, I'm pretty sure Amani wanted both of us."
"She did?" She stared at him unsure of what he was talking about, but as he gave her a knowing look, she understood. "Oooh... Really?"
"Okay..." She giggled. "She would be very disappointed though. I mean, what could a bloody virgin like me do that would please a runway model and Cambridge's hottest bloke?"
"I'm not even going to comment on that..."
"Of course you won't. You're too much of a good friend and a gentleman to admit you wanted to bring me back here then go back to end the night with her."
"I..." His brows furrowed, as though he was truly struggling to understand her. "No. What I meant is that we could've stayed here. Or just went out somewhere else," he insisted.
"But you wanted her. And it's fine! I get it. I was the stupid one who took a Molly in hopes that my best friend would want me more than he obviously wanted that insanely gorgeous girl."
"What?!" He turned back to face her.
"Don't look at me!" She snapped.
Startled by her tone, he faced away from her again. "Why would you think I don't want you?"
"Because you don't. You always date these tall and beautiful Muslim girls, who also happen to be way more fun, successful and mature than I am."
"Daphne, I—"
"Save it, Hamid. I don't need your pity or excuses. I know it's not going to happen. You're off limits," she spat.
He turned back to look at her once again. "What are you talking about?"
"I have to wash my face."
"No, you have to answer my question first."
"No, I don't!" She tried to stand up, but once again, her legs gave in.
And one more time, he promptly held her. "Daph, I told you're too weak to walk on your own now. You have to wait until the side effects fade away. Come on, you need to sleep."
"No. I have to wash my face first!"
Taking her to the ensuite, he held her as she washed her face and brushed her teeth. They exchanged glances through the mirror a few times, even though she tried to avoid them.
She shouldn't have said anything, but it slipped. As "the fun" side effects of ecstasy began to fade, she only had the bad ones still going. And among them, a feeling she didn't foresee began to emerge.
When they returned to the room, he helped her out of her clothes, put on her pyjamas and tucked her into bed.
"Are you leaving?" She asked.
"No. I'm staying with you tonight."
"Then come to bed."
"I"ll just crash on the couch..."
He nodded and proceeded to remove his jacket, shoes and shirt. After placing them on the chair nearby, he crawled into the king size bed, keeping a respectful distance from her.
"Daphne, I still need to know what you meant."
She let out a tired sigh. "We have different lifestyles, goals in life... You still see me as the little girl you need to protect. That's why you don't want me."
"Canım, you got it all wrong. I don't—"
"I know it can't be. And it's okay."
"Daphne, please..." He shifted on the bed to gaze at her. "We need to talk about this."
"We really don't, Hamidciğim," she whispered, cupping one side of his face.
She shifted to the other side and closed her eyes, hoping to look asleep as naturally as possible. At least, there were two things she could take advantage of getting high on ecstasy: faking to doze off fast and pretending not to have any idea this conversation ever happened.
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Istanbul, August, 2020
Honks incessantly created a cacophonic and odd symphony as the traffic grew heavier. Daphne looked back at her phone and read the last messages Hamid sent to her one more time.
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Did he mean it as a friend as always? Or did he ever feel something else? Something more than an attraction to the idea of a life with freedom, away from the burden of following the footsteps of his parents? And if so, would it change the course of their lives? Her stomach fluttered at every thought that tortured her with impossible scenarios of this love she could never have.
"Miss, is everything okay?" The driver asked, looking at her from the rear view mirror.
"Yes. I'm fine." She faked a smile. "Is it going to take long, sir?"
"I'm afraid so. Traffic always gets crazy when it rains."
"Can you take a different route?"
"I can, but it's a bit longer."
"How much?
"Three kilometers."
"Will we get there faster?"
She looked out the window and at her phone again. It'd take forever for her to get there if they waited. So, against her best judgement, she ordered. "Take the longer route and step on the gas."
"Yes, ma'am."
¹ My darling
² Damnit
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triskelion-soda · 3 years
dating headcanons for my oc's: part 1
Hello, yes, I know, I've barely posted any art of my oc's here, so it makes zero sense to be making this....but it makes me happy, so....even if theres only one person besides me who will be interested in this udgfshkbgsdg
I figured I'd start this little "series" (if i decide to do more) with Edric, because he is incredibly single and lonely and I want to imagine what he would be like in a relationship :)
warning: very long post because aaaahhh this is fun
Dating Edric would include...
Him being surprisingly shy and embarrassed. Despite his tough-looking exterior and trying to appear all cool, if he gets a crush, he can become terribly awkward. He'll be very nervous around you and do lots of awkward laughter to fill the gaps in conversations.
If you're the one to ask him out, he would be so very surprised and baffled. He'd stand there shocked before saying something like, "Wait, you like me back? ME????? Wha???"
Of course he'd be so happy though!! After composing himself, he'd of course accept and give you a very joyful and passionate kiss or hug :)
Similarly, he's very touch starved, so get ready for him to be very flustered at every single touch or look you give him for the first long while of your relationship!
Edric buys you gifts sometimes, even though he literally does not have the money to afford it.
Lots of sleeping together - not in the sexual way, but just in having naps and going to bed. He's a very tired man, and being able to get some rest whilst still feeling secure and comfy with you would make him very calm and happy.
You motivate eachother to do better in life, and comfort eachother best you can through your troubles.
You would have so many chances to wear his big baggy hoodies, sweatpants, and tshirts. He'd stop being irritated very quickly because of how adorable you look.
Teaching him to be a better person. Edric, having learned a few bad behaviours and ways of thinking as a kid, is still learning. Sometimes, he will mess up and say something rude or insensitive. You can help him and support him through his growth as a person, and he will reward you with affection and closeness as a thank you.
In your darkest times, whether it's yours or Edric's, you will be there for eachother. You can soothe eachother in your times of worry, talk eachother out of dangerous things, and find ways to cheer eachother up.
Playing video games together. This is one thing Edric is competitive about; don't expect him to let you win - unless you're feeling particularly down.
Just,,,, his big hands!!! Hairy arms!!! Stubbly chin!! His tired eyes and eye bags,,, his brown hair with a green edgy fringe and a soft smile!!!!! Appreciating him and how surprised and joyful he feels to be appreciated by someone romantically for the first time!!
Gently encouraging him to do things he needs to do, like hygiene stuff or going to work or eating or whatnot. It takes a bit of pushing, but it really does help him. Having you be there to encourage him, makes doing those tough everyday things so much easier!
No matter how many times he sees you, or how long he is in a relationship with you, he is always consistently floored by how beautiful/handsome/cute/whatevertermyoulikebest you are. No matter what you think of yourself, what insecurities you have, what parts of your body you hate, he will always love them, truly and genuinely.
He may need reassuring, cuz his last and only previous relationship wasn't so great. You may need to tell him that you're being genuine when you say things nice to him. He'll appreciate it very much.
Edric will absolutely 1000% write and play songs for you. Expect him to get very emotional and cheesy.
Him coming home from work and walking over to you, and resting his head on your shoulder, wrapping his big arms around you, staying there for a while and groaning about his day at work...not wanting to let go...
...and then he takes off his uniform and crashes on the couch with you~~
I'm gonna stop there because it's a lot but I might do some more in the future,,,, maybe even more for edric if i think of more,,,,,,
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toutallyahoe · 4 years
Flirt 2 ~ Shinsō Hitoshi (BNHA)
Requested By: --
A/N: i... this was supposed to be only around 1000 to 1500 words-- BUT SADLY THE GREMLINS IN MY MIND IS LIKE "1500 WORDS??? PFFT-- NAHHHHHH! HERE'S 2000!!!"
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Flirt | Flirt 2 | Flirt 3
The smell of sweet and freshly baked pastries mixed with the scent of newly brewed caffeine filled the air of the cafe. There was a jingle of bells as people come and go to the aswell as the chipper voice of the old yet sweet looking person behind the counter greeting everyone who entered a happy "welcome!"
The cafe was small. Not too small to feel cramped though, but rather small to feel all homey and relaxing, like those visits you go to your grandmother's home that were close to the countryside or seashore with their small, yet homey looking home that filled you up with warmness when you first entered. The nostalgia it gives off as you remember fond memories when you were younger in that place. CC Cafe was just like that. Small yet homey looking it was from its cream and brown that painted the interior of the walls of the cafe. Small trinkets and ornaments aswell as paintings here and there that decorated the walls of the cafe and it gave a rather unique look on it. Tables aligned each other perfectly and people occupied them with smiles.
There was a small area near the glass wall that you can see through to watch the streets that filled with people walking along. The area had a couples of cozy looking beanbags and two small tables with one bookshelf that were filled with books to pass the time. Two people currently occupied the area as they read a book they either brought or had taken off from the bookshelf, their orders on the small tables.
What really caught anyone's attention though was the animals walking around the cafe with no care in the world and even have the guest of the cafe have in their lap or next to their chair. Some even on top of the table which baffled [Name] if he had to be honest. The [Hair color] haired male never was one to come into these kinds of cafe frequently as it seemed to be a bit weird to visit a cat cafe when he already has a cat of his own. Yes, it was cute but kinda odd if he had to think about it. But when the [Hair color] haired looked at his companion, he couldn't help but throw his thoughts about the cafe away as a grin formed on his lips.
[Name] had brough Hitoshi to a cat cafe. A cafe where cats run around, both well behaved and either energetic to interact with guest or just lazing around on the seats that no one can really mind. It was a very cute and homey cafe and Hitoshi seemed to have forgiven him from being late earlier ago and also retracted his plans on making [Name] go broke by buying more expensive stuff to eat which the [Hair color] haired male and his wallet was thankful for.
The two young male's had already arrived at the cafe around thirty minutes ago and they had occupied themselves on a table near the windows. Their coats taken off and placed on the unoccupied chairs beside them as the cafe was rather warmer than outside. Their orders sitting on top of the table as neither of the two seemed to care to pick it up yet as the two were busy doing their own thing. [Name] couldn't help but feel proud for himself as he watched his indigo haired companion who sat on the opposite side of him was playing with a cute cat that has a lovely shade of white with brown spots in their body. From its collar that had a cute cat shaped pendant saying its name was Choco.
The atmosphere on the cafe was rather nice. There was mindless chatter from the other occupants and the sound of bells from the entrance of the cafe would jingle to notify people had come and go. The meowing of the cats and the giggles of young girls as they played with them. Every occupants enjoying the relazing atmosphere of the cafe. And Hitoshi and [Name] were no exemption from it.
"Woah!" [Name] let out in surprised as a cat had jumped into his lap and made itself comfortable and laid there. "You scared me there, little guy," [Name] mused. A small laugh leaving his lips as he adoringly pat the fat and orange tabby cat on his lap. [Name] looked at the collar of the cat on his lap as saw its name was Donut. "So, your name is Donut, huh?" The [Hair color] haired male said to himself as the cat let out a meow at him.
[Name] surprised yelp caused Hitoshi to spare him a glance to know what happened to have his friend to be noisy all of a sudden when he was uncharacteristically quiet, but then went back to the cat on his hand when he saw it was no big of a deal and just saw thay the [Hair color] haired male have a small cat problem.
It was nice and relaxing. After awhile of mindlessly petting the cat bamed Donut that made itself comfortable on his lap, [Name] decided to eat his orea cheesecake that he ordered. The [Hair color] haired male would occasionally spare a glance his indigo haired companion who was too busy to notice his glances. A soft and adoring smile on his lips as he watches Hitoshi be so relaxed and happy, not like his usual tired and brooding self. It made [Name] happy to know his friend was enjoying himself.
In a moment, [Name] felt something inside him burst as he saw Hitoshi just being all happy and adorable with the cat he was playing. Not a care in the world. No tiredness in his purple colored eyes but fondness as he played with Choco. [Name] paused at his eating just to admire his indigo haired companion. Hitoshi was his friend, yes, but Hitoshi was also someone who happened to capture his heart. [Name] liked Hitoshi. And he says that every single day.
"You seem to enjoy yourself, Hito-chan," [Name] commented as he watched Hitoshi paused on playing with the cat to give him a glance. There was a small smile on Hitoshi's lips as a soft taint of pink in his cheeks.
"Yeah... I am," Hitoshi had said as he looked back at the cat that purred when he patted its head. "Cats are... well... they are nice..."
[Name] couldn't help but smiled at how Hitoshi seemed to act so embarrassed and vulnerable. Cats were one of the indigo haired male's soft spot and he enjoys seeing his friend just be like this. Happy and nice. He was relaxed and wasn't thinking about how cruel the world is.
"Hito-chan is acting so cute today," [Name] had teased. "Well, Hito-chan is always cute, but today seemed to be more!" He continued as the indigo haired male flushed at his words for a moment then glared at the [Hair color] haired male.
"Shut up, weirdo," Hitoshi grumbled. "And stop calling me that!" He said as he went back to paying attention to Choco who meowed loudly from the lack of attention and not pay mind to his friend who let out a cry at his words. Hitoshi could only shake his head at his friend's overdramatic tendencies yet a small smile on his lips from amusement. No matter how many times he hangs out with the [Hair color] haired male, he still doesn't get why he was like this, overdramatic and had his heart on his sleeves. But nevertheless, the indigo haired male was rather thankful. [Name] was... a decent guy.
There was a comfortable silence between the two males. It was nice. Hitoshi continued to pay attention to Choco who purred at his affection and would occasionally take a drink from the drink he had ordered while [Name] had took out his phone awhile ago and seemed to by playing with it, yet he often looked at his indigo haired companion and smile on how cute and adorable Hitoshi was as he intercated with Choco. One hand patting the sleeping cat on his lap.
"Hey Hito-chan?" [Name] called out. Hitoshi hummed at [Name]'s call. Already tired on trying to correct the [Hair color] haired male to stop calling him on that ridiculous nickname. "You're purrfect," [Name] cheekily said as a grin formed on his lips when he saw Hitoshi froze for a second and then turned to look at him. A deadpanned look on the indigo haired male's face and it made the [Hair color] haired male burst up in laughter.
"What?" [Name] laughed. "Cat got your tongue?" He continued through his laughter and Hitoshi could only groan from the stupid puns his [Hair color] haired companion was throwing.
"Those were horrible," Hitoshi had grumbled as [Name] seemed to gather himself, still occasionally giggling like a mad man from his puns.
"Awe, come on, Hitoshi," [Name] pouted. The usage of his given name and not the stupid and ridiculous nickname made the indigo haired male perked up and looked at his [Hair color] haired friend. There was a smile on [Name]'s which was rather nice. It was that smile that gives you some warm feeling-- not that Hitoshi can really say as to him, that was the smile of a mischievous bastard because of the glint of mischief on those [Eye color] eyes of [Name]'s. "Don't be such a sourpuss, those were some paw-some jokes!"
Hitoshi regrets being [Name]'s friend. He regrets it so, so much.
The indigo haired male groaned at [Name] terrible jokes as the [Hair color] haired male laughed at his annoyance.
"You have got to be kitten me..." Hitoshi grumbled but then freezed in his place, eyes widening as his face flush in embarrassment. The indigo haired male let out a curse at himself as he wished the earth ate him whole right that moment when he heard [Name] laughed louder from his mistake. Due to the [Hair color] haired male's loudness, some patrons of the cafe turned to look at them which made Hitoshi flushed brighter in embarrassment.
"Oh my! H-hito-chan?!?" [Name] sputtered as he continued to laugh to his hearts continent. It took almost a whole five minutes to have the [Hair color] haired male gather himself back and shut up but the damage was already done. [Name] wiped some ears from his eyes as his stomach ache from laughing to hard. Donut, the cat that was sleeping on his lap had awakened and has hissed at him when he was laughing loudly but still stayed there.
"You gather your shit back now?" Hitoshi grumbled as he did not look [Name] in the eye and instead just focused on the cat on his lap.
"Oh, I'm fine," [Name] had chuckled. "I'm... feline fine," he said but then burst out laughing again which made the indigo haired male hissed at him.
"I swear, I'm going to leave you here," Hitoshi grumbled which made the [Hair color] haired male bit back his laughter and tried to composed himself. He just can't help himself. It made his day when Hitoshi unconsciously said a pun and he just... he found it adorable.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," [Name] chuckled as he shakes his head. "Sorry for laughing at you, Hito-chan," He apologized yet it seemed to be not sincere from his tone that seemed to be so carefree and happy.
"Whatever..." Hitoshi grumbled. The indigo haired male focused on Choco again as he didn't want to give himself further more embarrassment. [Name] already embarrassed him enough from earlier and now here in the cafe and he just want to slap the guy. Hitoshi decided to just buy more of that Chocolate Gateau which looked rather tasty and beautiful, perhaps more of the the Purin aswell as it looked rather mouthwatering. His [Hair color] did promised that he will pay for everything they will eat, so Hitoshi will make use of that opportunity. Nodding at his thoughts and pleased with his plan to make the poor [Hair color] haired bankrupt, Hitoshi did not see [Name] softly smiling at him.
There was a certain fondness on [Name]'s eyes color eyes as he watched Hitoshi looked rather pleased and happy, not knowing that the indigo haired male was planning for his wallet's demise but it seemed that it didn't matter for that moment when the [Hair color] haired male look at Hitoshi. The indigo haired male just made him feel things, Hitoshi didn't even have to do anything but just be himself. Chuckling at himself for thinking like a blushing school girl with her crush, [Name] really couldn't help himself.
"Hey Hito-chan?" He called to Hitoshi. The said male only hummed to his call. [Name] smiled and shakes his head at that. "I like you," the [Hair color] haired male confessed.
Hitoshi looked at [Name] and blinked. What did his friend just say? The indigo haired male raised a brow at his [Hair color] haired companion who gaved him a large grin. There was something inside the indigo haired male happen that he couldn't put his finger what but he knew for a certain that [Name] was just saying things. [Name], after all, always says things like these.
"Yeah... whatever," Hitoshi had brushed off the [Hair color] haired male's words as he rolled his eyes. The indigo haired male went back to paying attention to Choco and thinking of ordering some stuff again. Not seeing the falter of [Name]'s grin at his actions nor the flash of sadness on the [Eye color] eyes of his companion.
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galactic-magick · 4 years
The Game: dad!Patton x Reader
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gif credit
Request: Hey it’s the sports anon from earlier and I just wanted to say thanks and also your ideas on that are so much better than anything I thought of and they were amazing. If your request are still open and your not to busy, could you write a fic with them coming to a basketball (or any other sport) game? Your writing is freakin awesome btw
Summary: All the sides come to your big basketball game!
Words: 1000+                                        
Warnings: a swear, Remus-typical stuff lol
Author’s Notes: This was fun to write but please forgive the fact that the only knowledge I have of basketball is from when I played one of Troy’s teammates in High School Musical and going to a few of my brother’s games lol
Taglist: @luluwinchester​ @nerve-ous-love​ @zarieslayer​
“Dad! I can’t find my shoes!” you yell, frantically searching the house. Your basketball game is in thirty minutes and you should be there already for warm-ups.
“Did you check the back door?” Patton asks.
“Yes!” you start digging through some of the piles of clutter and scream.
“Did you find them, honey?” Patton runs into the room.
Your shoes are completely ruined. They’re ripped and shredded and smell disgusting, and you know exactly why.
“I’m gonna kill him,” you stomp to the living room, dangling your shoes by the laces. “Really, Remus? Really? You knew I had a big game today!”
He rolls his eyes, “Geez, I just wanted to try making a trash and shoe smoothie,”
“You put them in the blender?!”
“Calm down, you have plenty of other shoes!”
“But these were my basketball shoes!”
“Well, shit,”
“Whatever, I guess I can use my old ones,” they’re a bit tight and beaten up, but it’s better than nothing.
Everyone hops in the car and Patton drives to the game. Remus promised he wouldn’t do anything else so he was allowed to come, and quite frankly this isn’t the worst thing he’s done.
Living with all the other sides as your honorary uncles brings all sorts of surprises, but they all care about you and they really do have your best interests at heart. Roman filled the trunk with signs and streamers to support you and Logan has a bag full of books on the history and rules. Virgil used your team colors for his eyeshadow today instead of his normal pitch black.
You jump out of the car and everyone else goes to find seats. They take up an entire row as close to the front as they can and Roman and Patton get decked out in everything they brought. Roman has a huge sign that says “GO Y/N!” on it, and both of them are wearing every merchandise available from your team. Logan is scribbling down notes and Janus is trying to keep Remus from scarring the children sitting behind them.
You run out with your teammates as the game is about to start and immediately hear your dad and Roman screaming your name. It’s a bit embarrassing, but you still appreciate the enthusiasm.
“Roman, don’t you think you should keep it down a bit? This team crushed them last time!” Virgil says.
Logan nods, “He’s right. I’m sorry to say it, but the probability of us winning is very slim,”
“Goodness gracious, no need to be such Debbie Downers!” Patton scolds, continuing to cheer. “Maybe changing your attitude will change the probability!”
“Well, theoretically, a positive attitude towards a task can in fact create an affect that increases the chances of success,”
“That’s the spirit!”
The game begins, and the other team gets ahead fairly fast. You don’t know how they do it, but somehow they can counteract all your plays and get the upper hand. By halftime you’re exhausted and feel super defeated.
You can see your little fanclub still cheering from the stands, and that makes you smile.
“Come on Logan, give us the math or whatever,” Roman says.
“It’s perfectly plausible for our team to win, if that’s what you’re asking,”
“Yeah, that,”
“You know if I was the referee we wouldn’t have a scoring problem,” Janus sneers.
Patton gasps at him, “No! Cheating is wrong!”
“It’s not cheating, it’s simply bending the rules a bit and lying about fouls,”
“This is why we usually leave you at home!” Roman huffs. “Remus! What are you doing?!”
Remus turns away from the children he was talking to, “I’m telling them how to turn a rat inside out!” he gestures toward the two kids who look equally confused and mortified.
“Why do I even bother…”
You run back onto the court and get in position. The game resumes and your team picks up some steam. Your teammates score some baskets throughout the third quarter and by the fourth both teams are tied.
“I think now’s a wonderful time to trip number three, don’t you think?” Janus grins, eyeing the opposing teammate that has been scoring the most.
Remus laughs, “Ah, yes! We can tie their shoelaces together and glue rotten bananas to the soles!”
“Can you like, not sabotage someone’s shoes for the second time today?” Virgil cringes.
There’s only a few minutes left and it’s still tied. You’ve gotten close to making a basket a few times, but none have gotten through yet.
You take a deep breath after your team has one last huddle and you look to the stands again. Roman and your dad are belting out a cheer song they probably just made up, Remus is shaking around with pom-poms, and everyone else is clapping. They’re still by far the loudest in the crowd, and you love it.
You can practically feel the clock counting down. The whistle blows and you race across the floor. One of your teammates passes the ball to you and you dribble it to the other side before passing it again. It look like they’re going to shoot, but they stop and quickly pass it to you again.
Number three charges at you and you barely squeak by them without losing the ball. You shoot up, the ball grazing the backboard slightly and finally falling through.
The timer goes off, and the two teams do their high fives. You can’t believe you won by so little, but it feels great.
“THAT’S MY KIDDO! THAT’S MY KIDDO!” you can hear your dad screaming.
You meet up with all of them afterwards and they all congratulate you. Logan shows you all the notes he took about how you did well and what you can do to improve next time and Remus tells you all about the things he wanted to do but everyone said he couldn’t.
“Alright, enough traumatizing people for one day,” Virgil glares. “Who wants ice cream?”
You all order your favorite and gather your chairs around a table. Patton let you get as many scoops, toppings, and sprinkles as you want. Remus was disappointed they don’t carry pickled poo-logs as a flavor so he decided to get some other atrocity like mixing fruity flavors with mint. Everyone else got normal flavors and you all dig in.
“Can you guys believe how amazing my kiddo is?”
“Ugh, really dad?”
“Yes really! You’re absolutely fantastic!”
“Thanks,” you laugh, taking a lick of your ice cream. You’re so lucky to have such a weird yet supportive family, and you love them so much.
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sunriseintropicisle · 3 years
Things that makes me happier
I gave up posting number in front of my post title, initially it was to mark whether I reach the goal of posting a writing every week, which made me had to post 52 writings for the year of 2021, and by this point I am pretty sure I am not gonna reach that number so yes, we can forget it. 
So I personally feel like recently I am in a better state of being, and have lots of idea coming up in my head. While I still religiously write on my handwritten journal, I feel like writing, in case my nonexistent reader would like to know, or give some inspirations. Lol, like who you are. 
No, really, I am just really believe in sharing, and I would love to know if my mundane knowledge or experience be insightful even to only one other person. Because I myself found multiple times that a knowledge/sharing that someone posted online impacted me greatly - hence I am just thinking about the other me who may be seeking the things I am about to say/share. 
Things that makes me happier are:
Intermittent Fasting
I have been doing IF for 2 weeks now, and yeah, it makes me feel good. I started initially because, duh, like everyone else, I wanted to lose weight. Some might want to kick me in the ass for saying such thing, and assure me that I have normal body and yada yada. And, as straight forward as it is - I just want to be as skinny as possible. Hahaha. Maybe it is something to do with me very sold into the standard beauty, or maybe it’s got to do with something in the past - I was quite cheeky. 
However, even though I always say that I want to lose weight, over the years I have never really made the effort. Some days I took it hard some days it just a normal day, me eating this and that and whatnot. But then I have noted the intention of  me wanting to be so skinny, on top of those beauty standard I believe have huge impact in me and a quite hard time in the past for being cheeky is because it simply makes me feel lighter, not holding anything within my body. Because for the context and some TMI, I have a not so good digestion, so yeah. There was a period of the time that I often I feel stuffed and bloated - which felt so uncomfortable, that I can’t stand working while sitting because I felt my stomach is getting on my way.
I tried IF a while back, and it worked for me, so now I decided to try it again now. Intention achieved. I believe it was because the time window for eating that pool all the food I eat in a day to be only consumed for certain times (I do 7 hours, my best convenience). I used to eat on times where, looking back, I was not really hungry, you know. Like breakfast - turned out (I don’t know why I forget about this) that I am not a breakfast person. All through high school I don’t remember myself sitting, eating breakfast in my uniform. 
But then I just picked up a habit of eating breakfast while my stomach is actually not really ready for it, which end up making me feel bloated that last long all through lunch and pretty much for the day - and then without me knowing the new day has begin, and the cycle starts all over. 
So yeah, IF had helped me to be to schedule my eating time which made my digestion works better I guess, and no more me having a bloated stomach constantly.
Quitting Social Media
Finally I succeed in cutting myself with social media. This, I also had tried in the beginning of the pandemic I guess - went on without social media for weeks and at that time I really felt the benefit and all, until I came back to social media and can not disconnect ever since. Even though I have been wanting to detox myself, but at the same time I felt really dependent on it.
It took me one lows moment of life to finally be able to went cold turkey about disconnecting. It was when I felt frustrated on Twitter news where every day it seems like there were a bad news - people died, people lost jobs, people complaining, the news about our incompetent and corrupt government and so on. Without me realizing, it took a toll on myself. Other than that was me who checking in Linkedin constantly at the time and seeing my friends’ profile whose climbing up the corporate ladder, while I was unsure and questioning whether I am in the right place (sounds like the problem of these days youth who lives in their own bubble, yeah?). 
So one Friday where I had one of my breakdown, I went MIA for the weekend to the people who are close to me, as well as to my social media. It’s only been 2 weeks now, but it is safe to say that I can reclaim myself within these times, suddenly lots of thinking came up to me, as if all these times the bad news maybe somewhat oppress it or something. And, I also feel more certain about what is going on my mind/heart. 
I believe quitting social media has its downside as well, as like I really am not having an update on the news (90% of my news source is Twitter - how sad yet could not be truer for most of us), I completely blind on our Covid update I even think that Covid is slowing down in the territory. Yeah, as expected you lose win some as well as you lose some, but for now at leas, I decided to win for myself. 
Olympic 2020
I have never watched Olympic before, as far as I remember. Nor that I care about it. But this time is different. I believe the fact that we are on privilege to be in the safety of home have a huge part in me having the opportunity to watch the Olympic - thanks for that. For almost two weeks I was hooked to my TV, even one time I was on my TV from 6am to 10pm and watched all the games they aired. 
To have the company to watch was a big advantage as well. As now I have my sibling in the house, I teamed up with my sister to watch the Olympic, we both did not know that we enjoyed it so much that we invested in each game we watched. We cheered for athletics, we scream for badminton, we gasped for weightlifting. It was a very fun experience. For almost two weeks I change my work station in front of the TV and so did my sister. 
On top of that, what made Olympic special and very intrigued me was the diversity of the athletes. I guess I just did not exposed to such diversity as it was presented in the Olympic. I was presented with some very foreign countries whose name I hardly heard, or the people whose features were different one another. 
Questions like why some sports dominated my a certain race while other sports dominated by others also popped out in my head. And not to mention my awed to each of these Olympian athletes when they perform their sports, I always wonder what it takes for them to be there right now - how many years of training, how much tears were sacrificed and relationships had to be let go. There were just so many elements of the Olympics that made me really drawn and invested in it. 
Surprise, surprise. 
Well, my attraction to Youtube recently was different because of the previous para - Olympic. Because of getting really drawn into the Olympic athlete, I was searching lots of reference videos. And as we all know how we are being spied and we are mere a number for these big tech companies, they get to know me better know and present me with more content that I love (or else I had never discovered). 
I am not sure what I searched previously, but Youtube chose that I now an avid cultural researcher, jk. Yeah, I watched a lot about something culture-related on Youtube because it is funny, looking back, I was once really attracted to be a global citizen and what not (what a flavor of youth!!), traveling the world, meeting people from other countries, make impact in the NGO (before long I know the NGOs are mostly funded by big corporations as well, heart breaking reality for me). 
What I am saying is that the savvy man-made tech of Youtube has made me rediscover my old interest about culture! And I just actually learn that you can learn a lot from Youtube’s comment section, which debates often open up you to things which are (1) people can comment based on data and have every intention to educate other people; and (2) people more often be ignorant, and how much you are on the right stance, with the wrong people, you can still be, yeah wrong. 
Somehow the lesson I gained in the Youtube’s comment section was really grounding to me to realize these polar of people, and in the end what you can do is only simply be you because after all, people really will hold on to their own opinion and belief. 
Jigsaw Puzzle 
RECCOMENDED 100/100. Damn, wasn’t it a good choice when one day I decided to try out jigsaw puzzle to entertained myself while waiting my partner to reply my chat message? 
On the one of the breakdown moment I mentioned I believe that I had to have distraction and I thought of either a puzzle or a coloring book. I ended up buying both, but I am positive that I am more drawn to jigsaw puzzle. I first ordered a 1500 piece puzzle and when it first came, I kind of secretly afraid that I will give up. Also my mother being my mother and she was pessimist that I would finish the puzzle. 
But one time I was just playing by myself, not expecting anything or even asked anyone to help me (afraid that I put too much task on other people), yet my sister helped me out, and a while after my mom helped we out as well. Resulting in the puzzle finished in 3 days. Soon after I order new puzzle, and so did my sister. Her order came first and it was a 1000 pieces puzzle, which we finished in 2 hours (boo, it turned out to be too easy), and now we are opening up our 3rd puzzle and tried to work on it. 
I am just really happy that I discovered it, it is really great way to bond and filling time. And every time I successfully put the pieces together - that just very satisfying feelings! I believe I will have more and more puzzle to come in the near future. 
I hope one of the thing above will work out for you and make you happier as well as it had affected me. 🤗
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variantia · 4 years
BELLUM.   yes hi this is entirely @anarchyhorde‘s fault, this HURTS
1000+ words of hero Elsa and amnesiac Jin and crying BECAUSE I DO WHAT I WANT
“Hey, Elsa… did you… hahahah… did you really mean that?”
“Mean what?”
“What, uh… what you said earlier. While you were… talking to Anna.”
“Which part?”
That’s when Elsa feels Jin shift on the sofa, uncomfortably, like he doesn’t want to actually answer her. Like he’s afraid she’ll laugh at what he says or maybe he thinks it’s a stupid thing to want clarification on. All she has to do is nudge him with her elbow with a coaxing singsong of, “Jiiiiin.”
He briefly raises his hands in defeat and slumps a little. That look on his face is still so… self-conscious. “When… when you introduced me… and you, uh, you said — a-am I really your friend? I mean… you know, because… because I want to be. If… if you want to be friends.”
She can’t stop the frown that forms on her face as she takes in his body language. All his muscles are being held so tensely, she can see the outline of every single one. He’s almost curled in on himself, refusing to look her in the eye, but he’s desperate. He so clearly wants her to have meant it, to have not been simply trying to explain him to her sister in a way that wouldn’t sound strange.
It is strange, of course, the setup they have. A woman takes in an injured amnesiac who gut instinct tells her is not a hero nor civilian, and the man practically clings to her. He lives in her house, and she’s happy for the company, and for some Godforsaken reason, neither of them have thought to take things further. Jin apparently hasn’t considered leaving Elsa’s house an option; Elsa hasn’t so much as breathed a word about him to the police or to her coworkers.
He greets her eagerly when she gets home. Asks her how her day was. Tells her there’s a show on later for them to watch together if she wants. She smiles in her replies, is genuine and excited to spend time with him.
Can he really wonder if they’re friends when he’s made coming home less lonely?
She remembers the moment he’s talking about. When she was on a video chat with Anna, and she saw Jin walk by in the background. Anna being Anna, she instantly teased Elsa, “I can’t believe you wouldn’t tell your sister you’ve got a boooyfrieeeend!”
Elsa laughed, but called Jin over so the two of them could meet. When she said, “Anna, this is my new friend Jin,” she noticed him getting choked up, and he left the room fairly quickly after that. At the time, she thought he was just anxious about meeting someone new, which is understandable.
It’s… sad, the way he just can’t recall any memories of the people in his life. By this point, she’s starting to wonder if he’s even got anyone who’s looking for him. Family or friends. More than once he’s mentioned that he’s happy not to be alone. That he doesn’t like being alone.
If he’s been alone for a long time and can’t remember if he even has anyone in his life… now his reaction makes sense. He just didn’t know what to do with her calling him her friend. He’s worried that she didn’t actually mean it; that she doesn’t really think of him that way or want to be friends.
She thinks that’s maybe the saddest thing she’s ever heard of.
Who hurt him so badly that he has to second-guess people like that?
“We already are friends,” she hums, gently setting a hand over one of his. “I mean, if that’s okay with you. It’s been a while since I started thinking of you like that. So, I did mean it. I really do think of you as my friend.”
She can feel him shaking under her touch. His fingers trembling, as if he wants to return the gesture but is terrified to. “Y… you… really?”
Silence fills the air for a moment before Elsa moves her hand up to his face and tilts his head so he’s looking at her. “Actually, I think you’re my best friend. You’re certainly the first one I’ve had in a while who isn’t Anna or her husband or the friend I literally created when I was a child. This might surprise you, but…” She pauses, unsure if she truly wants to talk about this or how to phrase it.
“… People don’t like to get close to me,” she finally settles on, in a quiet voice. She sounds younger, almost lost, without any of her usual confidence. “It seems like all I ever did when I was young was shut everyone out, even when they wanted me to open up. And it’s funny, because now that I’m trying to open doors more often… nobody is ever on the other side. Not here in Japan, anyway. I’m popular as a hero, and people respect me, I think, but…”
An uneasy, shaky laugh leaves her. “I’m lonely, Jin. My coworkers aren’t friends. Aside from my family, I… I think…” When did tears start forming in her eyes…? “I think you’re the first real friend I’ve had in years. For the first time in forever, I’m actually excited to come home because I know I won’t be alone. You’ll be here. And you…”
She takes it a step further, and wraps her arms around him. It’s been so long since she’s hugged someone. “You’re one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met. I don’t know why anyone wouldn’t want to be your friend, or what you think of yourself that makes you doubt that I am, but we’re friends. You’re so kind, and you’re funny, and I think you have so much love to give in that big heart of yours… I’m so happy you’re in my life.”
She’s sure she’s talked enough for both of them, but Jin not adding anything in makes her think that maybe he just can’t find the words. She’s never known him to be so speechless. He’s stiff under her touch for a long moment, long enough that she wonders if maybe she should pull away.
Just as she goes to do that, however, suddenly his arms find their way around her. They tighten before falling down, his head pressed against her shoulder, his whole body quaking with the telltale effort of holding back tears. He seems so tired, like he’s sick of fighting for someone to consider him worthy of being their anything.
Please don’t go, she can hear his heart begging her. Please. Please. Don’t go.
She pulls him in closer, rearranging her position so she can rub his back. It doesn’t take him much time to melt into the affection, arms still loose around her waist, still scared that she’s going to leave. “I’m here, okay? I’m always going to be your friend, Jin.”
A choked-off sob lets her know that, overwhelming as it may be, she’s just said the absolute right thing.
She’s not quite sure how long the two of them stay there on the couch, hugging each other. They run their hands through each other’s hair. They cry and smile. They talk in hushed tones, about nothing, about the fact that it’s getting late.
When the sun rises outside the window the next morning, the two friends are asleep, but still holding onto each other.
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sir-skarsgard · 5 years
This Isn’t Love
Pairing: Peter Rumancek x OC / Roman Godfrey x OC 
Prompt/summary: Peter is in love with OC; OC is love with Roman; Roman fucks his cousin. It’s an interesting love triangle, that’s for sure 
Word count: 2150 
Warnings/contents: Slight angst, sex implied, unreciprocated feelings, love triangle, mental health issues and various versions of self-harm including: starvation, yanking hair harmfully on oneself, sleep deprivation, etc. 
Notes: This will be a 3 part story, not including the 2 opposite endings where you have a choice between Roman and Peter, which will finally close out the story. Enjoy, and hopefully I’ll have those up soon! 
(Read part 2 here) 
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Today was not my best day. I was sort of sulking, moping around school with a dull look on my face. Ever since Roman had a kid things hadn’t been so good. It was stupid, but it was something that had bugged me. Maybe it wasn’t even about Roman, maybe it was just me. 
My birthday was coming up, and while I wouldn't age, I would still be forced to be reminded how I was an accident all day long. 
My father, an Upir, had fallen in love with a mortal woman. My mother. They had stayed together, and they still were now, I, however, was a product of their love affair as they left their spouses. I was never meant to happen, and they reminded me every chance they got. My father had always said that I was their punishment for their love. I was never treated much like a child, more like a disease. 
I was a monstrosity of a person. Half-Upir, half-human. I was a 1-1000, but not in a good way. There were upsides to being half-Upir. I lived like an Upir, I could eat human food and not always give off the Upir vibe that pure-bloods did, however there were many more downfalls than there was upsides: eternal hunger. I was hungry no matter how much blood I drank or food I ate. something wasn’t wired correctly in my brain to give me a fully functioning mind and body. I was never sleeping until I stayed awake too long and randomly passed out in class or at my desk. I spaced out more than a normal person, thinking about absolutely nothing for hours on end. If I was spacing out there was no sound in my head, just distorted voices and until someone shook me from it I was like a dead person walking. 
Roman Godfrey, Shelley Godfrey, and Peter Rumancek were my only friends. Shelley was a decently close friend, though lately my time has been occupied by Peter. He was a pretty nice guy, he seemed to like me. We’d been friends for maybe a year. 
He and I were supposed to hang out after school, so I waited. I don’t know exactly how long it took for him to come, I got distracted, watching people pass by. I watched Roman as he walked out of school with Shelley. 
My mind wandered to more thoughts of Roman, dragging me further away from reality than before as I watched him get into a car. 
Suddenly someone was shaking my shoulder and Roman was gone. I looked over to see Peter, sending me a slightly worried glance. 
“You alright?” He asked softly. I nodded, sending him a small smile. Peter sat beside me and gently placed a hand on my shoulder. I tensed slightly, but I didn’t shy away from his touch. “What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing.” I replied. “Honestly.” Peter gave a little sigh and looked away. it was quiet for a minute. I fiddled with a small key chain Roman had given me my last birthday and waited. peter finally stood and reached down for my hand. 
I let him help me up, and I didn’t bother taking my hand away, as we walked to his house. His mom didn’t seem to be home, which might have been for the best. She was always worried with me around. I could sense her fear, not because of some sense, but because of how her heart rate would increase the closer I was to Peter. 
Not that I can blame her. I wouldn’t want my only child around a creature as deadly as my kind if I was her either. Uncontrollable hunger was something not many had the will to fight away. I hardly had it as I was. 
Peter and I were in his room, sitting on his bed and joking around, playing games and talking. He had a beer at his feet, his body tuned towards me, his figure slouched and relaxed. 
I looked out his window, looking at the Godfrey household. Peter gave a gentle sigh after a minute. 
“Maybe if you weren’t hung up on Roman you’d see there’s other people.” He spoke, breaking the comfortable silence. I looked at him and frowned. 
“Excuse me?” 
“You’re in love with Roman. We all see it.” Peter clarified, slightly disappointed. I stood up, looking down at him with a small glare. 
“I am not in love with the man who can’t stop fucking his cousin.” I said jokingly. Peter gave a bark of a laughter and shrugged. 
“If you say so.” I sat back own, this time a little closer to Peter, and stared off into space. I wasn’t in love with Roman. 
I’m not in love with Roman. 
Maybe if I repeat it enough to myself and to everyone else it will be true. 
“Besides, it wouldn’t matter if I did.” I murmured. Peter sent me a small look of confusion that I caught from the corner of my eye. 
“And why is that?” 
“Roman would never like me.” I replied softly. “No one could. I’m unlovable.” I finally turned my head to meet Peter’s gaze. His eyes were soft as his lips were parted as if he was going to speak, but I cut him off. “I’m a fucked up creature. Half-Upir, half-human, I shouldn’t have ever been born.” 
“Don’t say that.” Peter softly spoke. “You should have been born, because nothing would be the same without you.” 
“Roman would still be a dad to his cousin’s kid. You’d still get here. I have no spectacular impact on anyone’s life. There’s not a person who would miss me. No one would even notice, really.” 
“I would notice. And I would miss you.” 
“Not if I had never been born in the first place.” 
“It just... it wouldn’t be the same without you.” I felt nothing but everything all at the same time. Peter was really the only person who had been nice to me lately. Roman was busy all the time and I didn’t want to bug him with me being the way I am. I didn’t even want to bug Peter with it. 
I looked at him, and felt my chest tighten. I didn’t know what I was doing as I leaned in slowly, gently placing my hand on his cheek. Peter leaned in as well, stopping just an inch before his lips touched mine. 
“I‘m just a rebound.” Peter spoke against my mouth, leaning back slightly. I stared at his lips, not feeling the energy to move to look at his eyes as I leaned back in, still unsure what was driving me to lean forwards. Maybe I was desperate. For love. Even if it was fake love. Affection. To be touched and kissed and held. Even if just for a moment. I would do anything to keep this warm feeling I had. 
“Yes, you are.” I whispered, pecking his bottom lip. Peter stayed close, and leaned in quickly, roughly pushing his lips against mine with a desperateness I wouldn’t have imagined I‘d receive. I kissed him back just as rough, running my hand through his messy hair and turning my head to the side. 
Time seemed to fly by with Peter. For the first time in the past few days I hadn’t been thinking about my undeniable starvation. His mouth worked wonders on making me forget, and that both frightened and exhilarated me. 
I laid beside him on his bed, one of my legs bent and my other laid over his leg. I puffed out a circle of smoke, glancing at Peter when he leaned off the bed and grabbed a bottle. He offered it to me, but I shook my head. He popped the lid off, drinking it carefully as he laid back down again beside me. 
“This is the part where I leave,” I spoke up suddenly after awhile of cuddling and talking a little bit. I stood up and gathered my clothes, putting them on as I went. I felt Peter’s gaze on me while I dressed. I had stayed longer afterwards with Peter than I had with anyone else. 
“You don’t have to.” He spoke up as I inspected the small bite marks and hickey’s along my stomach. I didn’t answer, just sent him a glance behind my shoulder and sighed softly. He nodded, looking disappointed as he relaxed, drinking again. “See you tomorrow then.” 
I didn’t say anything as I left, walking to my house. I snuck in my window, changing and plopping down on my bed, heaving a heavy sigh. I rolled my eyes and slammed the pillow over my face as I heard a loud moan come from my parents room. 
Putting my headphones on, I turned my music up loudly and shoved my phone in my hoodie pocket and sat at my desk, opening my computer to a blank document I told myself I’d finish later. Well, it was later and I had no motivation to finish it. I went to the previous page, reading what I had already wrote to remind myself where I was and making sure I didn’t write a scene that was basically the same thing as what was in the last chapter. 
I typed for hours. Nonsense, romance, pining, one-sided feelings. Murder. Blood. Veins popping out of skin like it seemed everyone’s did for me. 
I slammed my laptop shut and ran my hands through my hair, tugging it harshly and groaning softly, though I couldn’t even hear myself with my own music blaring in my ears. 
The window was right there. Perfect opportunity to sneak out, grab a snack and come back, but I refused. I was too far gone. I didn’t trust myself. I had little to no self-control. I didn’t want to kill anyone. I wouldn’t kill anyone. 
So instead I suffered, staying up all night and reading, all the while music blared in my ears. 
The next morning I headed to school, nodding at Roman when I saw him smoking. He nodded at me, then looked as if he wanted me to come over, but I didn’t. I went inside, smiled lightly at Shelley, and hid in the bathroom in a stall. 
The door opened, but I ignored it, rubbing my temples. The strong smell of dog filled my senses. I looked up, peeking out of the stall and seeing Peter. He smiled at me and walked over, walking in my stall without permission and locking it. 
“Hey, there you are.” He smiled down at me. I gave him a soft grunt as a greeting and looked away. There wasn’t much room to move, but I leaned against the opposite wall, looking at the ground by the toilet. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter and gestured for me to take them. “You forgot these at my house the other night.” 
“Thank god,” I whispered breathlessly, taking a cigarette and lighting it. I leaned my head back, closing my eyes and sucking in, letting it huff out of my nose so I didn’t have to take the cigarette out of my mouth. I felt Peter’s hands slip the cigarette packet in my coat pocket, and linger his hand at my waist. I opened my eyes to meet his, taking the cigarette out and blowing it out away from him and raising an eyebrow. “What?” 
“You just... you look tired.” 
“Gee, thanks.” I joked, grinning. 
“You know that’s not what I meant.” I shrugged. 
“I know. I look like shit.” I said nonchalantly. 
“You’ve never looked like shit.” He whispered. 
“Except for right now.” I corrected him. Peter shook his head softly. 
“Even right now you look good.” 
“I haven’t slept in nearly 5 days.” I replied. “And I haven’t eaten in more.” 
“Yet you still look good.” 
“I think you’re high.” 
“High on how beautiful you are.” He joked, but there was a sense of seriousness that lingered there. I don’t know what I was doing, but I cupped his cheek in my hand and leaned up to capture his lips in mine. He didn’t protest, just placed his hand on the wall behind me and leaned in to deepen the kiss. 
I pulled away, but stayed close to him, keeping my eyes closed. 
“Fuck,” I whispered, frowning. 
“What’s wrong?” Peter asked, but I had a feeling he already knew. I sighed softly and opened my eyes, gently rubbing his cheek with my thumb. 
“I gotta go.” I whispered, then I unlocked the stall and left. I couldn’t do this to Peter. I assumed me hurting him in the moment would be better than what would come in the future, so I decided to shut him out. Yes, it hurt like a motherfucker, but I thought it best. So I would do it. 
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newagesispage · 4 years
                                                                            JUNE    2020
FX and Ryan Murphy will bring us season 10 of American Horror Story next year. The cast includes Mac Culkin, Kathy Bates, Sarah Paulson, Evan peters, Billie Lourd, Lily Rabe and Finn Wittrock. There will also be a spinoff called, wait for it, American Horror Stories. Woo Hoo!!
Reno 911 is back
I happen to have a clementine in my butt. –Jimmy Kimmel
NASA got their dragon launch. It is unfortunate that they had to compete with the current cycle.
Sam Springsteen (son of Patti and Bruce) has been sworn in as a Jersey City firefighter.
Ryan Murphy’s Hollywood is great. I don’t know how to feel about the fast and the loose and the nice made up endings like Once upon a time in Hollywood.  Will this be a trend??** Another great one on Netflix is, Have a good trip.
Are there biopics in the works for Michael and Janet Jackson, Whitney Houston, the Bee Gees and Bowie?? That is the word.
Days alert: Look for Lani to become pregnant. Eli and Justin are both thinking marriage. Claire is back which will bring Shawn and Belle back. Gabi may be kidnapped. Word is that July will have a wedding every week that will lead to a funeral.  Allie Horton is all grown up and heading back with a secret. Will she be like Mom, Sami?? Brady thinks that ruining Titan will get back at Victor. Sonny and Will may get a chance at another child. Eve may be back later in the summer. And, C’mon Xander, do something wonderful to get your woman back. Lucas may be on the way back and Orpheus is leaving. ** Judi Evans (Adrienne) had a serious horseback riding accident on May 16. She had broken ribs, a collapsed lung and 2 chipped vertebrae. The good news was in the hospital they discovered a blood clot so the whole thing saved her life.
Morton Buildings is being sued by 2 women for harassment and discrimination. One incident claims an employee said, “God created women by lining up all the men and castrating the stupid ones.” Another lawsuit was filed in 2009.**Thanks for the tip, Di.
If you expect elementary school children to endure the trauma of active shooter drills for your freedoms, you can wear a mask to Costco. –Sara Elizabeth Dill
House republicans have sued Pelosi to block proxy voting.
Seth Rogan, Steve Carell and Ben Schwartz are donating funds to bailout Minneapolis protestors after the death of George Floyd.** The country has been turned upside down as another cop kills another black man. No need to rehash, we have all seen it. I wonder if those four horrible cops are proud of what they have done to their city. Could we finally have a tipping point in this time when racism is spotlighted with our racist President? After many incidents in just the past couple of weeks and everyone on edge with coronavirus, it has boiled over. Scary Clown threatens to start shooting as Minneapolis burns down. Burn down a police station, get a cop arrested (finally)? Seems worth it to me. The way the killer looked into the camera as if he was just so proud is gonna stick with us as it should.  ** A CNN crew were arrested live on the air but released later after Jeff Zucker spoke to Gov. Walz.**  Liberate Minnesota was the Trump tweet, well, they are working on it.** I am hearing people saying in all sincerity lately that it is time for the humans to go, we are ruining each other and the planet.
If you have not seen the Killer Mike speech from Atlanta, you need to check it out.** Netflix, Hulu and Paramount are taking a stand and showing support for the Black lives matter movement.
John Cusack put out video of police coming at him with batons and pepper sprayed him as he protested in Chicago. More than 1000 were arrested and it continues.** In Flint, Sheriff Chris Swanson and other police put down helmets and joined the protestors. Police in Schenectady took a knee and joined the march. The behavior is spreading and look what a difference it makes, could they be starting to get it?
Never thought I’d say this but in light of everything that is happening, the DNC made a big mistake in not backing Berne Sanders. –Pete Buttigieg ** Ok, first, of course he is right but you helped set this all in motion. It is a bit late for that …or is it? Biden is not the OFFICIAL nom, the deal is not done yet. Will Bernie jump back in the race?? Perhaps we will soon see BERNE FOR PRESIDENT again.
American carnage was a self -fulfilling prophecy, alas. –Susan Glasser
Scary Clown 45 has designated Antifa a terrorist organization. ** There is no legal authority for designating a domestic group, any such designation would raise significant concerns. –ACLU
In any season, police violence is an injustice, but its harm is elevated amidst the remarkable stress people are facing amidst covid-19. Even now, there is evidence of excessive police initiated force and unwarranted shootings of civilians, some of which have been fatal. –American Medical Association.
Washington Week had a great discussion about how all the ills in US history have played out in 2020. Impeachment, pandemic, depression and civil unrest are all here at once.
Word is that Trevor Noah has been proven much more popular than the other late night hosts since they have been at home.
I predict the picture of the upside down flag with the backdrop of the burning liquor store will be the lasting image of the Trump Presidency.
This is the Presidency George Wallace never had. –Max Boot
Spanish flu, Polio, Aids, Covid-19: Why don’t people get any smarter? The masses (and sometimes those in charge) can get it wrong over and over again. From Dr.? Phil and Dr Oz and their cavalier attitude toward death to Rosie wanting her son to take a leave of absence from the grocery store, we just do not learn. Even before that, I can’t forget the woman who wanted to change her vote after she found out Buttigieg was married to a man. Is she even a dem? Do your research people! Respect others, people!! Have compassion, stop being so selfish and use your brains!!** Puerto Rico was a pre curser to the pandemic response.
Amy Cooper Chris Cooper? WTF? Another liberal who is not really liberal.
Crime in general is down and police shootings are up. And yes, now the opportunists are out of control and anger is boiling over but protests against police brutality causing police brutality is WRONG!
Check out the book, What makes a marriage last, from Marlo Thomas and Phil Donahue.
Ben Taub, Barry Blitt and Colson Whitehead have won the Pulitzer Prize.
Word is that Nick Cage will play Joe Exotic of Tiger King fame. Of course he will.
I refuse to wear a mask because God did not have us born with one.- Nino Vitali** How many people have you heard say, “The President isn’t wearing a mask, so I don’t have to.”
It looks like Apple will partner with Paramount for Scorsese’s adaptation of Killers of the Flower Moon.
Oh my: Scary Clown is having a twitter feud with twitter!  He has to, of course, lash out and now signs an executive order targeting social media. He is going on about section 230 which gives immunity to social media companies against being sued over content.  It could curb liability protection. Experts say it will only encourage lawsuits because he does not want to be edited.
If Native American tribes were counted as states, the five most infected states in the US would all be native tribes. –Nicholas Kristof
Did ya see that Jeff Epstein doc from James Patterson. It is lays blame in all directions. Why does it seem like all these old guys on there with all that money have such yellow teeth?
Lindsey Graham is urging Federal judges in their mid to late 60’s to step down so they can fill the spots with republicans.
Richard McGuire tried to live at Disney World in a zoological park that was closed down.
Caterpillar, Levi, Black and Decker and others have cut jobs but gave millions to shareholders.
Axl Rose and Steve Mnuchin had a twitter feud.
China announced plans to introduce a National Security law in Hong Kong. The law enables mainland Chinese National security agencies to operate in the city for the first time. Using a rarely used constitutional method, they bypassed Hong Kong legislature. Since the former British colony became a semi-autonomous region of China more than 20 years ago, they have manages its own affairs. The law will affect media, education, politics and international business. Many acts will now be criminalized. Hong Kong is party to international treaties guaranteeing civil liberties that China is not. The U.S. is urging Bejing to reconsider. Pro- democracy demonstrators in Hong Kong were tear gassed as they yelled, “Liberate Hong Kong, revolution of our times.”
The Michael Flynn charges were dropped.
Holyoke soldier’s home in Massachusetts lost 70 souls to Coronavirus. AP photographer David Goldman got a projector and cast big pictures the vets onto the homes of loved ones. Each one had a story including one vet who was sent to Nuremberg to guard Nazis. He claimed to have filled Hermann Goring’s glass with toilet water.
The swimming Dinosaur, Spinosaurus has been getting a lot of attention.  The Sahara desert which was once massive rivers kept the first intact aquatic dinosaur.  With a snout, teeth and jaw like a croc, it is so far the only known kind of dinosaur that lived in the water.  The 50 foot long bizarre fin-like tail is like a giant paddle.  Paleontologists encourage others to have a look at other fossils to see if there are more.
Octavia Spencer is said to have been telling everyone she is a year younger than she is. She is turning 50.
The $69 million ventilator scam. Really? The White House heard from a guy who told them he could supply the product so the WH told NY to order them and stood behind the guy but it was a scam. Scary Clown sure loves his shady people, intentional or not.** A Florida woman, Rebecca Jones claims that she was asked to fudge the numbers to make reopening look better. ** Georgia moved their dates around on a graph to make their cases seem flattened. ** For 17 months, Florida investigated voter fraud for Trump and Gov. Scott. They found NOTHING!!
Amazon stock price is up 25% yet they have become notorious for the terrible way they treat their workers. Bezos is set to become a trillionaire.
We have to remember that order comes from chaos. True enhancements can come from large scale crisis. What will we learn from this one? This is a warning!!** Universal health care? No more buffets? ** Prices will probably go up everywhere what with the closings and all the extra cleaning. I hope this means that hotel bedspreads will be cleaned after every stay.  It looks like there may be no cocktails or food on planes.
Take a virtual tour of the statue of liberty. All the fun without all the swaying.
Local PBS stations are making it easier to learn. Students will be able to put on a channel for lessons that does not need cable or internet. Woo Hoo!!
Insiders say that Trump threatened to sue his campaign manager because he did not agree with his assessment and the poll numbers in a 2 day rant.** Just one more example of Scary Clown double talk. Then: Less testing, less positives. Now: So much testing is a badge of honor.**Doctors without Borders are now here, not the third world countries that they usually help, it is US.
Haven’t we had enough of powerful men being accused? A female Dem candidate would have been nice and Bernie did not seem to have any baggage that way either.
Will the Senate see fit to ok some more stimulus $? 4 trillion to prop up Wall Street seems per the usual. Enough for them, let’s take care of those small businesses and those really in need.
Thao and the get down stay down is one of the best in this internet entertainment era.
Check out Stars in the House with Tony Shalhoub and others.
The Detectorists on Acorn TV is a great little show!!
Happy Day! There is a new season of At Home with Amy Sedaris!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It looks like Pier 1 will permanently close as well as JC Penney, J Crew, Sears and Neiman Marcus.
Check out the wonderful, This is about Humanity!!
Have U seen the trailer for The King of Staten Island?? OMG Pete Davidson, Steve Buschemi and Marisa Tomei , just to name a few!! I can’t fucking wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bill Maher looked really high on his 5-22-20 show. This working from home makes him much more mellow!!
3 Russian doctors treating coronavirus have fallen out of windows in about a weeks time.** Russia boasts that it has more ventilators per capita than the U.S. After they made fun of us, on May 22, the first shipment of U.S. ventilators headed to Russia. They are a gift from Trump and the U.S. taxpayers. –Julia Davis
State Department Inspector General Steve Linick is out.  Was he investigating Pompeo?  Trump never knows anything about any of it. Why are all the protectors of the rule of law thrown out?  ** Was Pompeo throwing lavish foreign policy dinners with Reba, Dale Jr. and the owners of that horrid chicken sandwich place? ** The clean water rule has been suspended which cuts protections for most of the country’s wetlands.
The market facilitation program has been helping small farmers over the last few years in a $28 billion bailout. Trump’s sanctions brought this on and the corona virus has made it worse.  Mostly the money has helped bankers and bigger farms. Much like the stimulus $ that was earmarked for small business, there are loopholes that screw up the ‘rules.’ The cap is not being followed like they may say because the $ is going to “investors” in the farm and often not the actual farmer who works on a smaller scale. A small farm run by family members may not get the bailout. It seems to be more important to get a good lawyer who can manipulate the paperwork.  Sad that taxpayer $ is used this way.
Just in time, the Space Force flag and plans for the super duper missile have been unveiled. WTF??
Paula Poundstone is a woman I knew I liked. She was recently talking about not liking couches. I thought I was the only one, People are always telling me how much they love their couches and I don’t get it.
Jeff Gibbs and Michael Moore are upset after Youtube pulled their doc, Planet of the Humans. After 8.3 million views, there was a copyright claim by Toby Smith of about 4 seconds of footage.  Now , this is not the first time that Moore has had problems with content in one of his movies.  Many have claimed there is a lot of fiction in this latest venture. I think I would just remove the possible copyright infringement and move on. It can now be seen on Vimeo.
A Florida law that restricts felon voting is found unconstitutional by a federal judge.** The RNC filed a lawsuit against California to stop mailing ballots to registered voters.
R.I.P. Little Richard, Roy Horn, Jerry Stiller, Sam Lloyd, Ann Sullivan, Mike Cogswell, Michael Keenan, Shirley Knight, Irrfan Khan, Hana Kimura, Forrest Compton, Jimmy Cobb, George Floyd, Ken Osmomd, all the corona victims, Lynn Shelton, Richard Herd, Larry Kramer, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Anthony James, Fred Willard and Carolyn Busch.
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Jason Todd X Singer! Fiancee! Reader - Under The Red Hood Part 1
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DC Comics Oneshots And Imagines ~Oneshots *Requests Open *
DC's Batman X Reader
Jason Todd X Singer! Fiancee! Reader - Under The Red Hood Part 1 - * Not A Request * * Slight Smut Warning *
I don't own the DC Comic Book/TV Shows/Movie series Batman nor do I own any of the characters from the franchise. I just own my writing skills and my very active imagination. I really hope you all enjoy this oneshot I made.
This is a Jason Todd oneshot ( or Jason, 2nd Robin, Red Hood ) and this oneshot takes place during the film: Batman: Under The Red Hood. So if you don't know the story of Jason Todd after he became the 2nd Robin or you haven't seen the movie then SPOILER ALERT: BEWARE!!
If you don't want to be spoiled then don't read this oneshot until you've watched it.
Other than that lovely note, enjoy this oneshot~!
Your POV:
( Author's Note: The reader doesn't know that Jason Todd was Robin or Red Hood, nor does she know about Bruce Wayne being Batman. She'll find out though. )
It had been about year since my beloved Jason had passed away and it had taken me by surprise. I couldn't deal with it at first, I barely slept, I barely ate, I barely moved, I barely did anything at all and it badly affected my career and personal life so I had step down from my current job as singer.
Fortunately, I had my friends, family, fans and my deepest and closest friend; Bruce Wayne to help me in my time of need. After a few months had passed after Jason's death, I started to get better little by little and then my music career got back on schedule.
" Okay, just like that (Y/N___ )! " My photographer, Harold, said to me with a pleasing smile on his face.
" You got it! " I replied back to him while smiling back as I striked another pose.
" Can we get some more smoke up in here, I need my prize singer to look like she's in a mystical place right now! " Harold yelled out in front of the entire crew to get at least one of them to get a smoke machine.
" Hahaha.... " I laughed out loud.
* 30 minutes later *
" Okay, that's a wrap people! We'll see all of you lovelies next week for the premiere of the promotion ad. " Harold yelled out while he whipped out his camera and began to scroll through the photos of me. I leaned over his shoulder and watched him scroll through them kinda fast.
" Uh, Harold? "
" Yes, my star model? " He replied without even turning his head towards me.
" I've um noticed that....you haven't deleted any of my photos. " I said.
" Yeah, and? " He replied while still not facing me.
" Well, I've observed you long enough to know that when you are done taking pictures of your models that you go through them and delete the photos you don't like or just doesn't work. However, you haven't deleted any of mine. " I pointed out to him.
" Yeah, because every photo of you is gorgeous so deletion is not necessary for you. " Harold said while approaching the last photo. I blushed a little bit.
" B-But what about this one, I look kind of silly in this don't I? " I pointed towards my face in the photo when I accidentally cracked a smile at the time.
" Oh please darling, silly is the new sexy to me. Besides, you need to be genuine in your photos otherwise the public won't like them. " Harold said reassuring me while turning the camera off.
" Silly is the new sexy? Why do I have a that will somehow catch on and become a thing? " I said while smiling slightly.
" That's because it will! I said it first and what I say and do instantly becomes popular! " Harold said while smiling brightly.
" Right. So Harold, should I have tried to be more sexy in some of those photos? " I asked.
" Tried!? Ha! Sweetheart, you're a natural at it and if you try to become even more sexy then our ovaries would have exploded and we would have passed out on the spot. " Harold places a hand on my shoulder, laughing.
" Awww that's sweet, I bet you say that about all of your models. " I said while looking down at my feet but then both my and Harold's head quickly turned to the left to see one of the staff members scoffing.
" Ha! No he doesn't. You are one of kind (Y/N___), In fact I can't even begin to tell you half of the stuff he says about the other models. " The staff member said while moving one of the lights across the room.
" What!? The clients I get stuck with are nothing but stuck up princess who think that they are all hot stuff because they have somewhat good looks and some little fame added to their resumes! " Harold yelled back and ran after the staff member.
I could only laugh at the sight of this wonderful moment and walk towards to my dressing room so I could change out of my modeling clothes and into my regular clothes.
* 1 Hour Later *
I walked through the streets of Gotham and towards my flat. I walked towards my flat door and scrambled through my purse for my keys. I finally found them and unlocked the door, I entered my flat while placing the keys in the key bowl next to the door.
As I close the door, I placed my handbag down onto the couch and my pet dog came running up to me while barking his head off.
( Author's Note: If you're allergic to dogs then switch to cats and if your allergic to both then pretend whatever animal you want as your pet. )
" Summer? What's the matter boy? " I asked him but he just kept barking like crazy.
( Another Author's Note: I chose Summer as the pet's name and if you don't like it then you can change it. )
Summer then ran off to my bedroom door and began to scratch and paw at it. I quickly got the knife that was in my handbag and cautiously began to approach the door. I was thinking that maybe someone had broken into my flat despite it being locked earlier.
As I approached the door, I took a hand on the doorknob and quickly opened it and swung the door open. When I looked into my bedroom, I saw nothing. I sighed in relief while thinking that maybe someone did come in but they left just before I got home. I walked over to my bed and sat down on the comfy mattress. I then flung the knife over to my dartboard on the wall.
" I see you still haven't lost your signature touch for the game. " I heard a deep voice and I quickly turned my head to see a masked figure in the corner of my room.
" Aah! Who are you!? What do you want!? And.... " I started and then he hushed me while walking over to me and kneeling down to my level.
" Hush now sweetheart, your love from the past has come back for you. " The man in the red hooded mask said gently and took my hand and brought it to his masked face.
" That's impossible, the only love I had in the past was Jason and he and my love are buried 6 feet underground! " I whipped my hand away and stood up angrily.
" Oh it's so sweet to hear that you haven't moved on from me (Y/N__). " The Red Masked man said.
" What did you just say? " I said in a tone mixed with anger and confusion.
" I said I think it's very sweet to see that you haven't moved on from me. " He replied.
" Moved on from you? What are you even talking about? Do I know you? " I asked now demanding answers.
" Oh well I don't suppose you would recognize me while I'm wearing this. " The masked man then pressed a button on the back of his red hood and I heard a hissing noise and then he dropped his mask onto the ground.
I saw the mask hit the ground and I looked up to see the strange man covered by another mask, it was covering his eyes.
" Well? How about now? " He asked me while getting closer to me, close enough to feel his breath on my face. When I heard his voice out of the mask, it sounded somewhat familiar and calming. I looked more closely at his facial features while trying to place where I might have seen him before.
" Do you mind if I? " I said while placing both of my hands on each side of his head and towards the mask.
" Go right ahead. " He said. I took off his black mask and I quickly dropped the mask and slightly gasped.
Jason, It was my Jason. My beloved fiancee whom I had lost for about a year and who I believed to be dead for the rest of my life.
" J-Jason? " I muttered out his name.
" That's right (Y/N___ ) I'm really happy you didn't move on from me. If you did then I would truly be lost right now. " Jason said while grabbing both of my hands and kneeling in front of me again.
I could only stare at Jason with wide eyes and my mouth hanging open a little while my mind races about 1000 miles per second. My mind filling with questions about Jason and questioning whether or not any of this was real.
About 25 minutes later had passed and Jason was sitting next to me and I was just keeping the silence from being broken. Jason was sitting next to me on the bed and turned his head slightly to me and he had a concerned look on his face.
" (Y/N__)? " Jason said my name to get my attention.
" I'm here! " I replied while looking at him with a blank expression on my face.
" How are you with processing the fact that I'm not dead? You've been quiet for the pass 30 minutes. " Jason then placed a hand on my shoulder as he asked me.
" Oh I'm fine, really. So.....how did you um.....get raised from the dead? " I asked while trying to calm my brain down so I wouldn't freak out.
" By being bathed in a rejuvenating pool of youth. " Jason answered me rather quickly.
" Uh-huh, when did that happen? " I nodded while asking him another question.
" About 3 months after my death. "
" I'm sorry what? "
" What? "
" You were alive 3 months after your death and you didn't bother coming to me or Bruce until now? " I started getting more confused and definitely mad.
" Well, I had to wait to come to you. Bruce on the other hand was a different story. " Jason replied.
" Wait a minute, wait one freaking minute. You went to Bruce first and then you waited all this time to come and see me? While I mourned your death for many months and I was all alone in my home waiting for death to come and get me so I could be with you again, you were alive the ENTIRE time and you didn't even bother coming here to let me know you were alive and okay!? " I yelled at him.
" (Y/N__ )! Please calm down! I couldn't let you see me in the current state I was in at the time! If I did then you would never want to be with me again! " Jason yelled back in defense.
" You're such an idiot Jason! We've been together for 6 years and I cannot believe you still don't know one single thing about me! I would've loved you and wanted to be with you no matter what you looked like. You're so stupid! " I yelled at him again as tears poured down my face.
" I'm....I'm sorry (Y/N___ )... " Jason hung his head in shame with a frown on his face.
" Yeah....well not as sorry as your about to be. " I whispered as I then attacked him with such force that it knocked him down onto the ground.
" What are you doing (Y/N___)!? " Jason asked me in major confusion as watched me pin his wrists with my hands.
" I'm getting my revenge you jerk. " I slapped him and sat on his waist so that he couldn't move.
" What kind of revenge are we talking about? " Jason asked nervously.
" That's for me to know and for you to eventually find out in time. " I said while gripping my hands tighter around his wrists.
" Agh! " Jason grimaced in pain.
" That's exactly how I felt with the months that passed by without you. " I said while my tears continued to fall down my face.
" I'm sorry (Y/N___ ), truly I am. However, It's nice to see you still have the fighting skills I taught you on hand but unfortunately right now is not the time to use them my love. " Jason said while frowning.
" I know but you deserve it. " I replied while trying to not look at him.
" I know and you deserve this. "
Jason then flipped his entire body over and on top of mine and I yelped as my body hit the ground. He then pinned my wrists with his hands and started to kiss my neck down to my collar bone. I moaned out accidentally while closing my eyes, not wanting to look at him.
" Honey, I'm sorry for not coming to you right away when you needed me the most but I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere ever again. I'm here to stay and for you only. " Jason said while placing his lips on top of mine and we kissed so sweetly that I wanted more of him so I dropped my act of revenge and resistance.
" Okay....I'm sorry for hitting you. " I said while kissing his sweet lips over and over again.
" It's alright, you're not the only one who's been hitting me. Bruce was pretty pissed too. " Jason said while unpinning my wrists from his strong hands.
" Has he? " I said in the midst of out kiss while wrapping my arms aroung Jason's neck.
" Oh yeah but I've handled worse to be honest. " Jason's hands then traveled down from breasts and down to my waist.
" Wow, I've missed you so much Jason. " I moaned out.
" You have no idea how much I've missed you as well, especially with all of those sexy ads of you plastered all over Gotham City. " Jason said and as I pulled away from our kiss to breathe, I blushed.
" You saw those? " I asked.
" Oh yeah, it was hard for me not to come here and make you mine while I was covered in scars. " Jason said rubbing himself against on me. I moaned louder this time.
" Well you should've. " I said while trying to compose myself.
" I know. " He says while rubbing harder.
" We got a lot of catching up to do. " I said while trying to keep my moans in.
" Oh yes we do. " Jason smirked at me.
Well here is part 1 of my new DC Imagines And Oneshots Series. I hope you've enjoyed it so far.
P.S - Don’t copy/paste and then steal this. This is my work
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