#but Buck...i want him to see the worst parts of eddie and love him anyway
sunflowerdigs · 1 month
I see so many people saying this is Eddie's own doing and it's wrong and how could he and I agree with all of that in a sense. But also.
I don't want to see Buck yell and scream at him. Like, what's he going to say "fuck you for letting your trauma over your dead wife get this bad?" Buck is the last person in a position to judge Eddie over infidelity. I know that, in a sense, it's good sign for Buddie if Buck feels personally wounded but I don't care. I want Buck to be so understanding of Eddie because absolutely no one else will be (and that's completely fair). I want him to see the worst parts of Eddie as a person and tell him he loves him anyway. Buck is in a relatively good place right now, unlike Eddie in S3 (and don't say you weren't thinking it, you were), so he should be able to offer more compassion than Eddie was at the time. It's Eddie's mess, sure - he's made the whole bed, every fold and every wrinkle. But I want Buck to let him know he'll lie in it with him until Eddie feels better. I want Buck to be one of the first people who believes in what Eddie could be rather than telling him what he should be.
It would also be very interesting if everything falls apart for Eddie in the same episode where Tommy inevitably clocks Buck's involvement in Eddie's life and tells him "I don't think I'm the one you want." Because then Buck isn't so innocent. He's coming into the situation with his own guilt and his own shame and his own sense of disorientation. And so, when Eddie inevitably cries, Buck can just hold him and let him know that it's ok. That he screwed up but they'll get through it together. As the best friends they are and always will be.
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bucksboobs · 1 month
On their way to a fire, Buck opens his big mouth and says something very stupid. Not an unusual occurrence but this one is unique: “Hey, Hen? Can I ask you a gay people question?”
Hen side-eyes him. “Are you sure now’s the best time?” The engine shakes on its suspension.
Buck blusters forward. “So Tommy and I have been dating a month and a half now.” The mention of Tommy grabs both Chim and Eddie’s attention.
“Wait, really?” Chim asks, Hen’s not sure if he thought it was shorter or longer than that. His memory of time seems to be the worst hit by the encephalitis.
“2 months next Thursday.” Eddie says.
“Y-yeah… that’s right.” Buck raises his eyebrows at Eddie. The rest all stare, Hen included. Those two have always been locked at the hip but knowing each other’s anniversaries seems excessive. Buck seems to agree.
“How do you know that?” She asks.
“Their first date was the same day I asked Marisol to move in with me.”
“When did Marisol move in with you?” Hen and Chimney ask in unison. Last she heard about Marisol she had only just met Chris, moving in seemed a long way off for them. Since when was she living with him?
“She didn’t” Bobby answers, giving his sternest glare to the rear view mirror. Hen knows this means she’s in charge of keeping these fools in check so he can focus on driving.
“Yeah we decided against that. Anyway Buck you were talking about Tommy?” Hen stifles a laugh. There was a story there she was going to have to wring out of Bobby because Eddie’s deflection abilities are legendary.
“Yeah so- um- ho-how long before we can uh…”Hen cocks her head. What exactly is Buck after with Tommy right now, they’re not nearly to the point of I love yous and she doesn’t think Buck would be this nervous about dating advice. “I mean how long did you and Karen wait until you, uh” Oh.
“Had sex?” Hen asks bluntly.
“Whoa, you and Tommy haven’t had sex yet?” Chimney asks, astonished.
“Buck when’s the last time you waited this long with anyone?” Eddie asks with a cocked eyebrow.
“Never? Maybe high school?” That tracks.
“Or Abby.” Chim offers. Buck winces at that. She knows that woman did him dirty, looks like the scar still aches.
“Six minutes to ETA.” Comes from the drivers seat. “5 and a half…” Bobby takes a sharp turn that shakes the whole truck. “5 minutes.”
“So how do I ask him to fuck me.”
A chorus of “BUCK!” rings through the truck. Eddie looks petrified at the idea of his best friends having sex with each other, Chim looks exhausted with his brother-in-law of barely a month and look, Hen would give the world to see this kid happy but sometimes he’s just too stupid for his own good.
“Buck. I think you need to remember Tommy doesn’t have a lot of experience in this area either.”
“He doesn’t?”
“Did you forget he’s only been out as long as you’ve been at the 118?” Hen learned that about Tommy from Buck’s gushing the day after the wedding. She’d also talked to him in a fluorescent lit waiting room after the most gorgeous hospital ceremony she’s ever been a part of, so she’s aware that he’s not used to being with men that want more than just sex from him. “He might think you’re just as nervous as he is.”
“I didn’t know he got nervous.”
Chim huffs at that. “Next time you see him ask him to tell you a story about a rooster.” That makes Hen smile.
“He probably won’t believe you’re ready until you can talk to him about it.”
“I don’t— I-it usually just kind of happens. You get a look, there’s a nod, they look at your lips and lean in…”
“Yeah but that was women who knew what they wanted and what you wanted. Tommy won’t know unless you tell him what you’re ready for.”
“So to get him to fuck me I have to tell him to fuck me?”
“Jesus, Buck. Yes.” Hen laughs. They are, thankfully, finally pulling to site so she doesn’t have to enumerate exactly how he needs to ask. If she did she’d have to explain birds and bees that she is not the best person to explain.
“Come on, kids, let’s save some lives.” Bobby calls as he pulls the parking break.
The fire looks pretty bad, two story house, they’ll have to split up by floor. As they gear up Buck says, privately, off-mic. “Thanks Hen, you’re a good Gay Yoda”
“Do him or do not, there is no try.”
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bidisasterevankinard · 2 months
I can't imagine a world with you gone
bucktommy / T / 3981
Buck was happy with Tommy and he wanted him to know it. He wanted to tell Tommy in words how he felt about him. But of course the moment Buck said the words “I’m happy”, universe said “Fuck you”. In the worst way possible. Or Buck has to see how universe tries to take Tommy from him.
(text under cut)
Buck never was so happy as the months he was dating Tommy. He never felt so settled in his skin and relationships, even in way longer relationships with Taylor he was missing part of himself. And it wasn't connected so much with the thing that he dated the man now. It was because for the first time Buck stopped feeling like he was trying too hard to play his part. Like somewhere his girlfriends left him the script he should have followed, but he never read it and always felt lost with them.
With Tommy he felt in his place. Like he finally belongs. Like he can finally do something right, because Tommy likes him despite his flaws, that the man had seen more and more with time passing, choosing to stay anyway. Tommy stayed even after Buck told him, or more like stuttered over every word, why he didn’t like the idea of seeing his parents again, how he wanted them to somehow not to be at the wedding, how he wanted just some more time before he would come out to them telling them about his bisexuality. 
The older man just hugged him, kissed his forehead and told him he shouldn’t feel bad about his parents' mistakes. But he also shouldn’t come out to them if he’s not ready. Tommy said that they could be “just friends” at the wedding. Buck looked at him like he was something else, something absolutely surreal. Not only Tommy wasn’t running from him because of his family drama, he gave him the way to hold the old mask in front of them longer.
Yet, Buck didn’t want it. When he saw the support and something so tender in Tommy’s clean sky eyes, he knew he would come out to them before the wedding. And he did. During the dinner on their first night in LA he looked at them and introduced them to his boyfriend, holding his big hand for support.
Since then their relationships have only gotten stronger. Buck met Tommy’s friends and family, found some stories about Tommy’s past in the 118, army and 217. Heard about some exes Tommy had. But most importantly he began to find out more and more details about what kind of person Tommy is now, falling in love with him every day. 
At their anniversary of the kiss tomorrow, Buck decided to get Tommy to the restaurant the man wanted to try for so long, but couldn’t find the time. So Buck went “all Buck” and found the way to book a table to woo his man on such an important day for them.
Buck was happy with Tommy and he wanted him to know it. He wanted to tell Tommy in words how he felt about him. But of course the moment Buck said the words “I’m happy”, universe said “Fuck you”. 
In the worst way possible.
It started as a big fire at the warehouse where some people were lost. It was just Buck’s call then. But they needed the help of more people, so Tommy’s station came to help, not just with air support, but with leaving some firefighters behind. 
Buck finds out Tommy is one of them already inside the warehouse, where he and Eddie found their victims and is ready to get them out. Tommy’s voice over the radio confirms the order to check the delta zone, and Buck can’t help but feel a strange weight on his heart. As if he should be shouting at Tommy to stay outside. He puts it down to the fact that he is not used to his boyfriend running into the fire like him, and not staying in helicopters skillfully piloting them.
Oh, how he is wrong.
He and Eddie are outside, passing their people to Hen and Chim, and fist bump each other, walking to Bobby, who listens to something said to him and pales. Buck already doesn't like it and he is ready to ask what is wrong when Bobby’s voice over the radio orders everyone to get out.
Everyone inside confirms it, and Buck is happy to hear Tommy too. He turns to the warehouse trying to see his boyfriend getting out when the worst happens.
Something explodes inside. And it explodes in the delta zone. In the zone where Tommy was. Buck for a few seconds can't even move, trying to make his eyes stop showing him a nightmare that can't be real. It can't be true. Tommy can't be in danger in a burning building. It's not true. Buck's just asleep and having a nightmare. He has to wake up. 
He. Has. To. Wake. Up.
But it’s real, he knows, when everyone around him goes loud, but he still can’t move. He hears Bobby order everyone who was inside to give him updates. One by one they confirm that they are going out. Everyone except Tommy.
“Firefighter Kinard, your status?” Bobby asks again, and Buck is pretty sure if he doesn’t not hear the answer this time, he will pass out because he is not breathing, scared to miss Tommy’s answer. He just listens, not breathing, not moving, only silently begging Tommy to answer. “Firefighter Kinard, what is your status?”
Nothing. Tommy still says nothing. 
The radio is silent. Someone starts saying something to Bobby, but Buck only listens when he hears Tommy’s name.
“Firefighter Kinard is still near the delta zone, but,” Buck’s heart misses a beat and he can see that Eddie near him doesn’t like where it goes too, “ he is not moving.” 
And that’s it. Buck fight or flight instinct kicks in, and the body and brain of first responder goes into action. He runs to the warehouse, but not even makes it half a way when strong hands behind him stop him, making him hit the person who dares to stop him from saving his boyfriend. 
“Buck stop,” the person screams at him.
It's Eddie. The traitor who doesn’t let him go and save his boyfriend is Eddie. 
“Stop it. You can’t help Tommy, when you don’t think straight,” Eddie pins him to his body, using all his power to hold Buck. “You don’t even have your mask and air tanks on you, how the hell are you going to go and save him? By killing yourself? Well, I will not let you. And Tommy wouldn’t let you too,” Eddie screams and Buck’s body goes weak. 
Eddie is right. His tank was empty so he took it off and his mask now possibly lays somewhere on the ground, where he lost it when couldn’t hold anything in his hands after he saw the explosion. 
“It’s Tommy, Eddie,” Buck turns his head to his best friend, not being strong enough to stop the tears from his eyes. “It’s Tommy. I-I should save him. I-I can’t lose him Eddie. Please I-I can’t,” he is crying and Eddie hugs him to his chest.
“I know, Buck. I know. Trust me I’m barely holding myself from running there too,” Buck hears in Eddie’s voice that it's true. Tommy and Eddie become friends quickly and they are close like all other 118 family members. Tommy means a lot to Eddie. 
“But we need to think straight,” Eddie’s voice becomes strict. It's the type of the voice Eddie uses on the worst call, when he tries hard to work with a cold head. “We need to let Bobby make the plan and let others save him.”
“B-but,” Buck tries to say it should be him who should save Tommy, but all the words are lost.
“You can’t help him now, Buck. Right now you should let other people help him,” Buck wants to cry from how right Eddie is. 
He knows deep down he is not even close to the head space where it would be safe for him to get into the burning building and save his boyfriend. He knows it's how it should be. But can’t just sit and wait for someone to save Tommy.
It should be him.
He again tries to fight Eddie, but the man overpowers him.
“Buck, I’ll sedate you if you do it again. Will be forever your number one enemy, but at least will save you.” 
Buck screams from pain hearing it.
“You-you never can be my enemy.” 
Eddie looks at him with so much pain in his eyes.
“If I don’t bring Tommy from there alive, save and sound, I’ll be.”
“Never,” Buck whispers, but Eddie hears it anyway. “You can never be my enemy. But please Eddie, please we need to find a way to get him out. And I need to be with you, please.”
Eddie nods.
“Grab the tanks, find a new mask and let’s hear what Bobby has for us.” 
They quickly do it all before coming back to Bobby. 
The man looks at Buck with so much emotion, Buck can’t look him in the eyes.
“I’m not sure I can let you inside, Buck,” Bobby’s captain's voice, yet with so much care, tells him that. “You and Tommy are in a relationship and we still don’t know what condition he can be in. I don’t want to risk anything.”
Buck begs, “Bobby, please, I…”
“You stay with Hen and Chim and let me and Eddie find him,” it’s said abruptly, without any of the care with which Bobby usually speaks, but Buck knows that the very fact that Bobby is putting him out of danger is an act of caring. He's just so angry at everything. He also is tired. So he just falls on his butt, hugging his knees, takes off his helmet and nods, already looking only at the doors from where he expects to see his boyfriend to get out.
It’s never happened, of course.
When Eddie and Bobby are almost out ready to go, he speaks with so much grief in his voice he doesn’t think he ever heard from himself, “Bring him back to me,” he looks them in the eyes. “Please bring him back to me. Alive.”
Buck knows they can’t promise anything, but Eddie still nods at him and Buck has never been so thankful to have him as best friend. 
Buck doesn’t know for how long he sits in the same position, probably no more than ten minutes, feeling how from time to time Chim and Hen glance at him for several seconds between moving to work on their next patients.
He knows they don’t just check to make sure he is not running in the building, but also because they are worried about him. Buck hates that, actually. It’s not him who is in danger in the burning building in who knows what condition. And Buck just sits there letting other people work to save his Tommy when he is first responder too. When he knows how to do the job, but he sits and waits, the only thing left for him it’s to hope. To hope that Bobby and Eddie will find Tommy soon and take him out so Buck can hug him hard and never let him out of his embrace.
He hopes to have a chance to hug and kiss Tommy again soon. He hopes to see his smile again. He hopes to have his boyfriend with him <i>alive</i>.
Familiar hands hug him and take his face in the crook of their neck and Buck only now understands that he was crying all this time. His tears run over his dirty cheeks. Feeling Athena’s powerful aura makes Buck feel a little bit better. He tries to take part of her strength she holds in all her body for himself.  He is also just simply seeking and thankful to feel all the maternal care she has for him right now.
“H-how are you…”Buck tries to gather his thoughts but they are as foggy as the air around them.
“Dispatch said they need more police for control. I was here for some time, and the moment I was free and wanted to find Bobby I saw you. Hen told me what happened. I’m so sorry Buck,” she hugs him tighter and he cries harder.
“I-I can’t lose him, Athena,”  he raises his gaze to her, seeing her face contorted in pain, surely only partially reflecting all the agonizing pain Buck is feeling right now. “He-he makes me feel alive. Really alive. For the first time in my life. He makes me happy and free. He-he… I just can’t lose him. I w-won’t survive it.”
Athena doesn’t say anything but she puts her hand on his head patting it with so much love, Buck cries more.
His chest hurts and he wants to scream how terrible the pain is, but screams are not coming. Because if he gives up to the pain, it will mean he gave up on Tommy and Buck will never dare to do it.
He will hope to the very end. He will hope till Bobby or the doctor will tell him otherwise. 
Bobby’s voice over the radio makes the pain worse and better at the same time.
“We have a firefighter down. He is pinned down and unconscious. Possible spinal and head injuries. We need another paramedic, jaws, C-collar and backboard in the hall between the delta zone and west exit.” 
He wants to run in the building again, but now it’s Athena, like Eddie before, who doesn't let him. Buck watches how Chim and Ravi run inside.
Next minutes somehow are worse and longer than the time he didn't know Tommy's condition. But then he sees his family running out of the building with his boyfriend on the backboard, still unconscious, but Buck can see how his chest is moving and for now it’s enough for him.
This time he doesn’t let anyone stop him from running to his Tommy, jumping in the ambulance with Chim and Hen. No one really stops him.
He takes as little space as he can, letting Chim and Hen work their magic, just holding Tommy’s hand, counting his pulse and trying to breathe in this rhythm.
He kisses dirty knuckles and sends all his strength and fight to his boyfriend.
“I know you're unconscious, but I don’t care. You will listen to me and you will do how I say,” Buck kisses the pulse point on Tommy’s hand. “You will fight every minute when we’ll pass you to the doctors. You will wake up after they’ll put you into your room and you’ll see me sitting near you and you’ll smile and I’ll kiss you. And then we will book the table in this restaurant I booked for us again and we will have another anniversary there,” Buck holds Tommy’s hand near his lips saying it. “You are not allowed to leave me, you hear me? I don’t allow you to leave me. You stuck with me Kinard. And I won’t let you stop fighting to come back to me,” Buck kisses ring finger. “One day I’ll put the ring here so you have to fight. For me. For yourself. For <i>us</i>. Please, Tommy, please. I can't imagine a world with you gone.”
He cries again, kissing Tommy’s hand till he has to let him go so doctors can save his heart. 
Time in the waiting rooms has been going on for an insanely long time. So long that Eddie has time to bring him a change of clothes and make him change in it and wash his face in the restroom. Bobby brings them food and coffee from the dinner near the hospital and all his family looks at him till he manages to swallow half of his portion. 
All he can do is look at the clock, counting minutes till some hours later the doctor comes to tell him that Tommy is fine. No spinal injury, just some bruise on his back, but his pinned hand needed surgery to fix it and Tommy would need a lot of PA. The man also has a lot of bruises, smoke inhalation and a gash on his head that's already been stitched up. But it doesn’t look like he has a concussion. He'll be kept overnight for observation, but he should be able to go home pretty soon.
Buck’s knees buckle under him, when the doctor says the last sentence and he lets the big cry escape him. Bobby and Eddie put him back up and move him to the room the doctor said belongs to the man.
He enters it alone, as the doctor said only one person can stay, and he tells Bobby and Eddie to go home. They hesitate.
“I’m going to be ok,” Buck says to them, but all his attention is already on the man in the bed. 
Buck hears the door closing when he is already near the bed, sitting on the uncomfortable chair, taking the hand he was holding in the ambulance in his. 
“Thank you, baby. Thank you for coming back to me,” Buck traces with his hand the wound on the head carefully and then kisses Tommy’s forehead. “Now rest, baby. I’ll be here.”
He gets as comfortable as he can in the chair, holding his thumb near Tommy’s pulse point and letting his body crash from exhaustion.
Buck wakes up hearing someone call him by the name. He opens his eyes, hissing from the pain in his neck, and he sees Tommy who is looking at him with a cute smile.
“You awake,” Buck kisses him, finally exhaling the last tension and pain from everything that happened yesterday.
“Yeah, I am,” Tommy looks at him like Buck puts the sun and stars on the skies. 
“What? Why do you look at me like that?”
“You stayed with me all night,” Tommy shrugs and then hisses. Buck rushes to help him to put his bed in the sitting position. 
“Of course I did. Why wouldn’t I? You're my boyfriend and I’m your emergency contact.”
“No one did before.”
It makes Buck sad and angry at all the other partners Tommy had. Thay had this perfect man and never could stay the night with him at the hospital? Well, it’s their loss. 
“I’m not like them,” Buck looks at their intertwined hands. “And it’s the least I could do for you,” he says, frustrated with himself. For being so weak his team had to stop him from saving his boyfriend.
“Why do you say that, baby?” Tommy looks at him confused.
“I couldn’t save you. E-Eddie had to stop me from running into the warehouse without the mask and the tanks because I lost any cool I have as a first responder. I couldn’t save you. I was just sitting here looking at how the team saved you. Waiting hours for doctors to save you. I did nothing except waiting and hoping for you to be ok,” Buck admits with tears running his cheeks and he can’t look Tommy in the eyes, not wanting to see disappointment in them.
“You did more than you can imagine, baby. You let people you love save you from doing something stupid like run into the fire without proper equipment,” Tommy raises his head using a weak grip in his chin. His blue eyes are kind and caring. “You let the people who you trust save me. And you stayed near me all this time, thinking about me. Trust me, Evan. It’s enough. I need you to be safe too,” Tommy kisses his knuckles. “I wouldn’t forgive myself if you would be hurt because of me.”
“Stop being the one to comfort me. It’s not me who is in the hospital bed,” Buck kisses him again, saying thank you with the kiss for being so caring and gentle with him. 
“You can comfort me by saying I can go back to work soon,” Tommy nods to his hand in the cast.
“Sorry, baby, but the doctor said a month in the cast and then a month of PA,” Buck kisses the pouting man. “I promise you will be ok really quick. You also have a lot of bruises all around your body and had smoke inhalation, but they took you from the oxygen during the night.”
Tommy nods, “could be way worse.”
“Yeah,” Buck swallows, still feeling the cold of the fear of the possibility to lose Tommy forever, “but let’s not challenge the universe, please.”
Tommy smirks but agrees.
“You know, there’s a thing you can actually do for me,” his boyfriend says with a playful smile and Buck nods to him to continue. He is ready to do anything for his boyfriend. “Kiss it better.” 
Buck chuckles on the way Tommy pouts his lips, but leans to him anyway leaving the most tender kiss he can, translating all his love and fear of losing it to his man in it.
He was thinking about saying “I love you” the moment Tommy will wake up, but decided against it. They deserve better than it. Something sweet and tender, not with the aftertaste of pain and fear. So the kiss is a good alternative for now.
Two days after the fire Tommy is discharged and Buck takes him to his house, sending his man to rest on the couch while he cleans and cooks and then goes to have dinner with Tommy at the couch, not forgetting to grab the pain pills for the man and water.
“I cooked different meals and froze them. There's food for at least a week. All the instructions about pre-heating are left on the fringe for the moments when I can't be here. But I’ll come after and before my shifts and I spend time with you here on my days off, ” Buck says, while he cleans the dishes. 
Tommy insisted on sitting with him in the kitchen because he missed him while Buck was doing all the chores.
“Or you could just stay here with me without running between my house, loft and station,” Buck turns to Tommy who looks pretty confident, yet Buck sees in his eyes he is scared about Buck’s answer. “Do you want to move in with me?”
Buck puts the last dish on the shelf, wipes his hands with a towel and comes to his boyfriend, falling on his knees to kiss him. 
When they part, they both smile so much, “Yes, yes, I want to move in with you,” Buck kisses him again and then whispers in his lips. “I love you. So much. Wanted to say it on our anniversary after a big romantic dinner, but I don’t want to spend more days without saying it to you. I love you, Tommy.”
Tommy’s huge smile blindes Buck like the sun on the warm summer day.
“I love you too, Evan. So, so much,” they kiss again and Buck can’t wait to spend all his life doing it. 
“When can you move?” Tommy asks after they end the kiss.
“I can pack my most important things the day after tomorrow as it’s my day off and take it all here. Then I’ll talk to my landlord about ending the lease and just pack all other things.”
“Good,” Tommy kisses his birthmark now. “I want you to feel here like home.”
Buck chuckles, “I will feel like home not because my stuff stays here,” he cups Tommy’s face in his hands, “I feel like home with you. No matter where we are.”
“You’re such a sup,” Tommy laughs, kissing his birthmark again. 
“Said the man who made me a playlist of songs he associates with me.” 
Tommy shuts him the same way he did when he kissed him for the first time. Buck can’t be happier his man uses this tactic to shit him any time he wants.
He just can’t imagine himself happier when he's with Tommy. 
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consumedbyfeels · 16 days
We All Fall Down
Spoilers for 9-1-1 7'10
I am not okay. That was a ride, holy shit.
I'm over the moon that Bobby is okay, I worried for a minute he might actually die this time and I guess he technically did his heart stopped for 14 minutes he's giving Buck a run for his money with that one. But he's safe and okay so that's good.
Poor Chris, that kid has been through so much I really hope he can work through everything and be okay. As much as I hate it time with his grandparents might be good for him. probably be good for Eddie as well, it can give him some space to work through his stuff as well cuz we know that man didn't work through anything. Also Buck was just as heartbroken and I wanted to cry with him, that's his kid too.
Madney fostering Mara so she doesn't have to be in a group home and can have contact with her family. I nearly cried I'm so happy for them.
Buck admitting Bobby is his dad was such a wonderful thing. They both know it, now they just need to say it to each other, course .somehow I know at least Bobby knows that's how Buck feels, Buck might have a harder time accepting it but I think he knows as well even if it's deep down.
Buck and Tommy are thriving and I could not be happier, I;m so glad we were wrong and the date happened after they knew Bobby was okay so they could just enjoy it but I'm gonna need to see Tommy support Buck through some hard times as well because we know he would be the sweetest, knowing the 118 it is bound to happen again.
Fuck Gerrard the bastard. Poor hen and Chim get to re-live that hell and now Ravi, Eddie and Buck have to experience it as well. No of them would be part of Gerrard's boys club so you know it's gonna be hell for everyone except Gerrard the fucking asshole. And you know Chim gonna get it extra worst for his comment at the award ceremony. I guess it could strengthen the relationships cuz now they all know what it's like but still that is a sucky thing to bond over and there relationships are already solid and unbreakable so we don't need it anyway.
One thing that I'm gonna need though it Tommy to come pick Buck up from work or something and hear Gerrard saying some awful shit to Buck and Tommy to just go protective boyfriend mode and curse Gerrard out and tell him off, but like on Gerrard's last day before Bobby comes back so it doesn't come back on Buck and the others later.
I'm just in shock, this whole season was packed with so much but this episode especially, I am not going to survive this hiatus.
Also are we could ignore Buck asking Tommy if he thinks he has Daddy issues and Tommy saying he hopes so. Like Bro. Tommy and his one liners, I just love Tommy Kinard.
Speaking of the date Tommy asking Buck if he was okay when talking about Bobby. My man Knew how much Bobby meant to buck at least to an extent, for crying out loud they met flying into a hurricane to save him that tells you he is important to Buck. Knowing this he makes sure to check in and make sure Buck is doing okay with the situation. It's moment like this that make me love him even more, as a character but also for Buck.
I just know next season is gonna hurt but I'm ready for it, I think. I can definitely be okay if we keep getting cute Teven moments. I will be devastated if they break up though, that will be the heartbreak I will never recover from.
Anyway time to read fluff fics until we get season 8
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buddiebeginz · 2 months
In the beginning of this season we had Chris talking about Shannon and how it didn't matter if he wasn't being serious about the girls he's dating because all people did was leave anyway. They kind of wrapped all that up in that episode but I feel like there was a lot more to that scene than just the surface stuff.
This could have been just a convo with Eddie and Chris or even just Chris and Buck but instead it was all three of them. They put Eddie in that scene for a reason. Because it's not just Chris that's afraid of everyone leaving it's Eddie too.
More accurately Eddie is scared to lose the one person who knows him better than anyone else (think about who was there during the worst parts of Eddie's ptsd) and who was not only there but saved Eddie during the shooting. Buck is who knows him and who he depends on not just as a friend and partner but as a co parent. Just look at when he was worried about Chris this season he went straight to Buck to talk about it and ask for help.
What if Eddie has known about his feelings for Buck since he almost died in that well. If you watch that ep what he sees in his flashes of memory are predominately Buck and Chris. And what did he do after that? He added Buck to his will. Sure it was to make sure Chris was safe and looked after but if you watch and listen to Eddie when he tells Buck about the will it's clear that he was trying to say I love you to him in the only way he felt he could. Also if the will wasn't that big of a deal why did it take him a whole year to even tell Buck about it?
We've been so focused on Buck and his jealousy and insecurities (rightfully so given his past) we haven't been talking about how Eddie has a lot of those himself. What happened with Shannon scarred him a lot especially where Chris is concerned. She hadn't even been back in their lives all that long before she died and it clearly still impacts them both.
If you look at how few relationships Eddie has had since then and how he always seems hesitant to be vulnerable or invest much of himself in them this is why. I also think it's because his heart already belongs to Buck. These relationships to me have all feel very hollow like we're watching a guy just go through the motions. I mean look at how he broke up with Ana.
I think it's very likely that Eddie knows how he feels about Buck is more than just friendship but 1. He doesn't think those feelings would be reciprocated. 2. Even if they are I think Eddie is going to be scared at first to risk their friendship and change things. To lose the one person who has been a constant since he came into it. But I think Eddie's biggest hesitation will be Chris. He knows the kind of bond Chris and Buck have had so I think he would be worried about doing something to fuck that up. He still likely blames himself over Shannon's death and blames himself for why his son doesn't have a mom, so he'll likely be scared to risk losing the only other parent Chris has known.
Ultimately I do think we're going to get canon Buddie (probably not until season 8) but I do think this is one way they could drag the story out for a little bit. Like we could have Buck with his whole jealousy thing which leads him into figuring out his sexuality and at some point during all this in season 7 he'll have his Oh moment.
Eventually Eddie either finds out about Buck's feelings for him or Buck tells him and maybe we even get a kiss between them but then Eddie stops it and says he can't do it he can't risk what they have for something they might have and lose.
So into season 8 they're a little weird around each other until Buck decides to start dating a guy and we get to see Eddie being jealous and realizing he doesn't want to be without Buck anymore (and can't stand the thought of him with someone else). And this forces him to have to deal with a lot of the stuff he's never really dealt with from Shannon's death. Maybe we get some Frank scenes. Or maybe some Eddie and Maddie scenes because despite what the show would have a us believe I do think they hang out sometimes. But at some point maybe towards the end of season 8 we get one of those big sappy romantic gestures where Eddie tells Buck he loves him and he's always been his person. I'd also love it if season 8 ended up with Buck moving into Eddie and Chris' place. Buck has always been searching for where he belongs when his home is right there with his boys.
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sarcasticfina · 11 months
For the prompts post if you are taking, 13 for buddie 💖
Im so glad to see you on my dash btw
i'm trying to get inspired to write fic so please send me some prompts from either of these sentence prompt lists: one, two (see original post for ship options)
13. Do you ever think we should just stop this? (credit)
It was late, and dark enough that Buck couldn't see much more than the outline of Eddie beside him. He should be sleeping. They had work tomorrow, and Chris had to be dropped off early for that science club he joined. Did Eddie pack his lunch already? They were a little distracted earlier...
In his defense, he hadn't seen Eddie outside of work for like... four whole days. That was a lot for them. Maybe he should double check the fridge. Chris had been snacking more lately. Another growth spurt. He could use an extra pack of carrot sticks or something anyway. Or maybe some of that trail mix he loved, even if he did add mini marshmallows to it, which wasn't exactly the healthiest snack...
"Stop thinking," Eddie grumbled. "Go t' sleep."
"Hey, did you pack Chris' lunch?"
Sighing, Eddie raised his head, hair in disarray, and squinted at him. "Huh? Yeah, I... Before. After dinner, I threw something together. Why? Is that what you're worrying about?"
"I'm not worried. I was just... wondering." Buck shifted around on the bed awkwardly and shrugged. "Did you add extra snacks? He's been eating more lately..."
"Uh-huh." Eddie dropped his head back down to the pillow. "Threw in some carrots and dip and some of that trail mix. Was like half marshmallows; you gotta stop letting him talk you into that."
"It was not half..." Buck rolled his eyes. "Anyway, it's balanced out with all the nuts and raisins and dried apricot."
Buck drummed his fingers atop his stomach, blanket pulled up to his chest. "Should I go out to the couch? He might have questions if he wakes up before us."
Silence answered him. But not an 'Eddie fell asleep' silence, no. This was tense, 'how do I respond to that?' silence. The worst kind of silence.
"I heard you. Just... Uh... Do you wanna sleep on the couch?"
Buck frowned at the ceiling. "Not exactly comfortable for my back."
"Okay. Then stay here. I can set an earlier alarm if you want..."
Buck hummed. "I should've planned better. I wasn't even gonna come over. I was going home but then I just... didn't." He glanced in Eddie's direction. "You know, we never really talked about what the like... boundaries are."
"...boundaries," Eddie repeated. "About sleeping over or...?"
"All of it. I mean." Buck shrugged. "We just kind of... started this... thing... and we didn't really talk about it."
"Historically, I'm the impulsive one, but you're not, so maybe I was expecting you to take the reins on how to handle this. Not that I was planning for us to become this. And it's not all on you, obviously."
"This thing?" Eddie sounded a little amused now and Buck frowned.
"I just don't want to overstep. Or make assumptions. Or... I don't know. I don't want to risk this... us... i don't want to do anything that might hurt Chris."
Eddie didn't respond immediately, and that heavy silence filled the room again. "What are you saying... exactly?"
"I guess..." Buck sat up and shuffled backwards. "I mean, do you ever think we should just stop this? Just go back to how it was before? Before we tried to be... more."
Eddie let out a quiet sigh and then he was shifting to sit up too, his back resting against the headboard. He rubbed a hand over his face. "Okay. First, Chris is fine. He will be fine."
"But how do you know?"
"Because he's Chris. Because he loves us and we love him. Because no matter what happens, I know you will always be a part of his life. Even if, somehow, this thing blows up in our faces, you will always put Chris first."
Buck swallowed a lump. "Yeah."
"And second, yes, we should've talked. Especially if you've been worrying about what we are. Maybe I had more time to figure out how I felt and come to grips with what it meant, I don't know. But... Evan, you're it. You're... I mean, I hope you feel the same way I do. I guess I just thought we were on the same page with how we felt. And now we're together. Boyfriend feels a little high school, but, uh, we've always been partners. Now we're just another version of that."
Warmth bloomed in Buck's chest. Partners. Yeah, that sounded right. He turned to look at Eddie, whose features were still mostly shrouded in darkness. "You're it for me too."
Eddie's shoulders slumped. "Yeah?" His voice was softer, filled with relief.
Buck grinned. "You're stuck with me for life."
Reaching over, Eddie took his hand and folded their fingers together. "Good."
"Sorry I was freaking out."
"You get in your head sometimes; I should know better. In future, we'll work on talking it out instead of waiting until..." He glanced at the old man alarm clock on his bedside table. "Dios, 2 am. Tomorrow's gonna suck."
"Whoops." Buck shuffled down the bed and pulled him along, turning onto his side to rest his head on Eddie's shoulder. He hooked an arm around him, fingers folding around his ribs. "You can sleep in. I'll bring Chris to science club and double back for you."
Eddie mumbled something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like 'I love you so much,' and then pressed a kiss to Buck's birthmark. "Go to sleep, cariño."
Anxiety assuaged, Buck listened.
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buckttommy · 1 year
Buck and Eddie were exes at the time of his injury/coma.
Buck misses Eddie. It's a frustrating thing to miss someone who's right in front of you, but he does. There's a distance there that he can't place, an uncrossable chasm that seems like it only gets wider and wider every day. They're still friends, or at least they're supposed to be, but Eddie looks at him like he's already a ghost; like whatever version of him was brought back from the brink of death came back ugly, came back wrong. It makes Buck feel ugly too, like his skin hangs too loosely from his bones, like his bones and joints are awkward and wrong, marionette-stiff and grotesque.
It's exhausting in its own way, exhausting in a way that has nothing to do with nightmares or sleepless nights. He wants to feel like himself again but every single version of himself that's ever been worth a damn is kept locked tight in a vault inside Eddie's chest and Buck has no way of getting it out. He doesn't know this muted-grey version of himself, not anymore, not when Eddie poured through all his cracks and filled his life with so much color, but he hates it.
It's not fair. People shouldn't be able to introduce someone to a world they've never seen before and just leave. People shouldn't be able to take that world with them when they go, but that's life and Buck's reminded every single day that life isn't—and never has been—goddamn fucking fair.
He catches up to Eddie one day after shift six weeks after waking up from the coma, six weeks after coming back to life and realizing that their breakup wasn't the worst dream of his life. He corners him up against his truck because it's the only way he feels like he can talk to him these days, and that in itself is its own kind of heartbreak.
"Hey," Eddie says. He looks down at his keys in his hands. His car key is already pinched between his thumb and forefinger, already poised over the keyhole in the door, but he refuses to look at Buck anyway. "You alright?"
"Yeah. Yeah, fine. Everything is fine." Buck digs the toe of his sneaker into the asphalt. He's feels nervous, suddenly—childish and unsure like a toddler tugging on his parents pants, begging for scraps of their attention. "Yeah, I was just wondering if I could come over today. See Christopher. It's been a while and it's—I miss him is all."
There's an awkward silence.
Eddie frowns. "Oh. I'm not—I'm not sure that's a good idea actually."
He thinks his heart stops beating, his lungs stop breathing. Buck's not sure, but he swears he tastes blood in the back of his mouth.
"It's just that today isn't a good day is all. He has a science project due tomorrow and he's staying at a friend's house until late tonight so they can work on it, and it's—"
"No, yeah, it's fine. I get it. Seriously. You don't have to explain."
"I do." Eddie looks up. Meets his eyes for the first time in what feels like years, both his gaze and his voice unflinchingly earnest. "This isn't a punishment, Buck. If it were any other day, I'd say yes. You know I would. I'm just—I'm just not used to you not knowing this stuff anymore."
Eddie shrugs helplessly and Buck feels that helplessness echoed in his own chest. He doesn't know how to be broken up with Eddie, he's realizing. He finds that at random parts of the day, he's still expecting their lives to be as intertwined as they've always been. But then he encounters a moment like this, wherein he becomes abruptly aware of all the loose ends now no longer with an anchor to tether themselves to, and he feels sick all over again. He's used to moments like this, but it's an odd thing to witness Eddie having one.
"I'm not used to it either," Buck says. "For whatever its worth."
Eddie nods. "I know."
Buck tugs on the strap of his duffel bag. There is a question on the tip of his tongue. It feels smeared on his teeth, tucked into the hinge of his jaw, bloody and bitter saturated into his taste buds. Will we ever love again? Will you ever love me again? Because he certainly hasn't stopped. But Eddie doesn't want to hear that right now, and even if he did, Buck's not sure he wants to hear his answer.
He forces a smile that misses his eyes by a mile and nods. "It's okay, just, um. Just tell him he can come over any time, you know? He doesn't have to ask. It's—my door is always open to him. Always."
He's my son. Of course it is.
Eddie swallows tightly. "He knows, Buck. I swear he knows. He's just—we need time. We all need time."
Time for what? Time for you to fall out of love with me?
Another question he won't ask.
Another question whose answer he fears.
Buck digs his thumbnail into his bag's strap. "My door—it's always open to you too. You know that." He swallows. "Still true."
Eddie turns away from him completely, toward the rush of the busy street and the cars passing by, unaware of the catastrophe unfolding in the fire station parking lot, but not before Buck catches the sheen of unshed tears in his eyes.
"Yeah," Eddie whispers. "Yeah."
There's nothing more to say after that.
Buck backs up a step. He feels like he's dying as he watches Eddie get into his truck, knowing there's not a space beside him anymore. He knows the feel of Eddie's steering wheel underneath his hands better than he knows the jeep's and sometimes he think he could sculpt every inch and scratch of that jeep from memory alone. He doesn't stand and watch Eddie drive away. Instead, Buck gets into his vehicle and leans his head back against the headrest. He's tired, his chest hurts and his throat aches with a stifled sob. But there's nothing to do for a broken heart except drink it away or sleep it off and with Bobby as a cautionary tale, Buck always choose the latter.
He puts his key in the ignition, turns it over, and drives away, leaving all his grief in the parking lot. His demons can walk home. Maybe then, at least, he'll get a couple minutes of reprieve.
Buck flicks on the radio, turns the volume up to full blast, and tries desperately not mourn something he's not sure he ever had.
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departed-pronouns · 1 year
I know this is probably the worst thing to want, but the more I think about it, the more I want Bobby to die in the season 6 finale. I don’t know why this thought has hooked itself into my brain. I’ve been pretty unsatisfied with parts of seasons 5 and 6, I’ll easily admit. Usually, killing someone off is the last thing I want. I think killing off characters for shock value is just the worst.
But think of the changes that would force in the narrative! Chimney’s being forced into the captain's role. The shakeup at the 118 as the team dynamic would face a permanent switch up, production wise there's a main spot open for Anirudh, so Ravi could in theory step in to help with the shakeup. 
Imagine the emotional scenes with Angela as she plays a grieving Athena. Imagine Athena trying to deal with this loss. Imagine Athena, who is probably both sad and angry at this, but with no bad guy that she can focus on. You think of Athena, and you think she'd raise hell to bring the ones responsible for her husband's death to justice. But this was just an accident - what will Athena do when there's no bad guy to bring to justice? 
Maybe this would force some character growth for Buck that could stick? Sorry, but Mr. Buckly - who is so unimportant at this point in Buck's life that I can't even remember his name. He and Buck's mom are really just the sperm and egg donors, and you can't convince me otherwise. Anyway - Bobby's death would be Buck losing a parent, really. And Buck and older men dying are kind of a thing for the show. 
God, Buck having to deal with the death of a close loved one in this part of the season is so focused on death, while he's still trying to come to terms with his own brush with mortality. If he wasn't spiraling before about why he survived, he would be after losing Bobby. 
Also, just putting it out there, Conor and his wife letting Buck name their child, or asking him for a name and him asking if they can name them Bobby - I don't remember if they're having a boy or girl, but it works so freaking well here because Bobby can be a boy's or girl's name short for Robert or Roberta. 
You want me to care about Buck and the baby he's giving up for adoption? Or whatever the term for the legality around this is? Have him hold little baby Bobby, a new life that reminds him that life is a precious gift. Or something. 
Hen? We could see her doing her Hen thing and just being there for everyone. Athena, Chimney, and Buck - she's their rock, their pillar. And then we see her break down because she lost a friend, her captain—dare I say a father figure? Headcanon is coming out here - but I kind of like to think of Bobby as firedad; he was very dad shaped for everyone. But yeah, it would be cool to see a strong and wise Hen cry and tell everyone, "I need support too." I'd cry, you'd all cry; you know you would! 
Eddie, goddamn, losing the man that fought so hard for him to join his team. No one really points it out, but Bobby was the first person to look at Eddie in the show and say, 'You're enough; you're exactly what I want for my team, Eddie." And I keep thinking back to when Eddie left the 118 and tried to getback,k and how Bobby was part of the reason he got help. He told Bobby that he saved him and Chris, and I do like Eddie's story of reconnecting with Raymon. I hate Helen, but I get that some people want to and can forgive their parents for the things they say. So it might be nice to see him deal with the loss of Bobby with their help. 
Basically, I'd love to see the Diaz parents realize Eddie is mourning this man because, for the longest time, he didn't have them, and he'd turned to this stranger to fill a parental role. And then I could enjoy them trying to do better—actually, I think that's why I've been okay with Raymon; we've seen him actually acknowledge what he did wrong. This post will become much longer and more profane if I start talking about Chimney and Buck's parents and how they were pardoned by their children, so I’ll just not.
I guess I just need something big to get me to feel for these characters again. But to be honest with how this show's being run right now. If they did kill off Bobby I could see half of the development just happening off screen. They'd be like, who wants to see these characters talk about their problems and feelings? But I could at least hold out hope for something a little more interesting with a bit of a gut punch.
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puccafangirl · 2 years
So after postponing it for so long for obvious reasons, I gave that new Ice Age Buck movie a watch and yeah...it was as direct-to-DVD sequel material as everybody said it was. Lackluster animation, different voice cast, not made by Blue Sky, you get the gist.
But, and I'm so sorry cause I REALLY hate to admit it but there were still some things I liked about it. At least, particularly the family bonding moments between the herd. One of the main reasons Ice Age 5 didn't sit well with me was because I felt that it didn't have enough bonding moments between the herd like the past 4 films had.
Because while Scrat will always be my favorite character ever, I still adore the rest of the characters too. In fact, this franchise and these characters are what really fueled my love for the found family trope! ^^
Apparently there was still some people who worked on it who worked on the other Ice Age films and tbh I don't know if that makes it better or worse. Cause on the one hand, at least they got SOME familiar people back to work on it, and I think it would explain some of the better scenes.
But on the other hand, the fact that it still wasn't done with all the rest of the talented people at Blue Sky still really crushes me. I know it's because everyone had to move on after the shutdown but, it just makes me sad that not every single person we know of who usually works on the Ice Age films could be together to work on this no thanks to Disney. The franchise will truly just never be the same without them. 😞
It really bothers me though that even though the film is supposed to take place after the 5th one, we don't see Peaches and Shira anywhere. I guess it's because the focus was supposed to be on the herd from the first two films since Crash and Eddie had big roles in it, but it still really bothered me seeing them nowhere in sight. Cause they're part of the wonderful family too dammit!
AND SCRAT. I know he finally got the happy ending he deserved but he's still the face of the franchise and my dearly beloved, so it still felt incredibly lonely without him! ;A;
But yeah, I know it wasn't very good, especially since Blue Sky didn't work on it. But the fact that there's still just a few aspects I enjoyed just shows what utter trash I am for this franchise lmao. Cause I feel that way about Ice Age 5 too. I didn't like it very much and I can definitely see why people see it as the worst in the series, but there were still a few aspects that I enjoyed from that movie too.
I'm sorry, I know that probably makes me cringe in the end but that's just how I feel! That's just how much I love these characters! Anyway though, still not looking forward to that other upcoming Ice Age movie very much either. Because no matter what certain aspects I may still enjoy out of them, it's just not the same without Blue Sky and it never will be. And I'll always be salty over DIsney continuing the series without them since it's just more proof that they only wanted the IP's.
Glad I finally got that viewing out of the way though lol. Sorry, this was also pretty long. But this franchise is my everything so I had to go into detail y'know? But anyway, just gonna casually go back to watching Scrat Tales and the ones made by Blue Sky for my never-ending coping with their shutdown. :')))
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tripleaxeldiaz · 2 years
this crown of thorns upon my liar’s chair
read on ao3
Buck doesn’t touch him until he takes the bat away.
He’s grateful for that, honestly. He barely knows up from down or left from right at the moment, fear and anger still coursing through him, thicker than blood and acrid in the back of his throat. Who knows what a comforting hand would have done to him so soon after he shattered.
But Buck waits, because he knows him. He doesn’t leave, his presence a lighthouse in the storm in Eddie’s head, and eventually, when the tears have slowed and his breathing has found a rhythm again, he reaches over. It’s slow, careful, like he doesn’t want to spook Eddie, which he very well could for all either of them know. He slides the bat out of Eddie’s lax, battered hands, and Eddie makes the mistake of looking him in the eyes again. They’re bright and sad, and the echo of the crack in Buck’s voice when he called out his name has made a home in his head, among the gunshots and shrapnel. 
He’s hurt someone he loves. Again. Because that’s all he’s good for, it seems.
Buck reaches over again, even slower than the first time, wrapping his fingers around Eddie’s wrist and squeezing. It’s the first sensation that hasn’t hurt since he hung up with Mills’ partner.
“I’m gonna go get Chris in bed, okay?” he says, voice still as shattered as the glass at Eddie’s feet. “Can you make it to the kitchen? We can clean this up later.”
Eddie nods, suddenly overwhelmed with the need to get as far away from this disaster he’s created as possible. Buck’s warm, solid hand moves down to grasp Eddie’s as he helps him up, steadying him when he stumbles, always there to catch him. He squeezes again before he leaves to get Chris, and it feels like the only thing holding Eddie together. 
Voices carry in from the hall.
“What happened?” High pitched, a little frantic, another stake in Eddie’s heart.
“Your dad got some bad news about an old friend.”
“Is he gonna be okay?”
A pause — long, silent, yet still deafening.
“I don’t know, buddy. Let’s get those teeth brushed, okay?”
Their footsteps fade down the hall, and he’s alone, surrounded by collateral damage. He picks his way across the room as quickly as he can, trying not to focus on the broken pictures or ripped bedding or holes in the drywall, tangible reminders of his failure, his losing fight with his demons that he’d kept at bay for so long.
Frank would probably say it’s a good thing that they’re free now, out in the open for Eddie to dissect and analyze and overcome, eventually. His broken treadmill and terrified son say otherwise.
He can’t sit still when he gets to the kitchen, so he paces, tries to let the faint rumble of conversation from the bathroom tether him to reality. Chris is safe. Buck is here. That’s normally enough, but Eddie still feels hollow and wrung out, and he wonders if maybe this is just how things will be now. He cracked himself open along with the drywall, and maybe his pieces don’t fit back together anymore. 
The water shuts off and footsteps make their way back, and Eddie wants to run to Chris so badly, scoop him up and apologize and tell him everything will be fine, but he can’t. He doesn’t actually know if everything will be fine, and the biggest, darkest, worst demon is whispering in his ear, telling him that Chris doesn’t want to talk to him anyway. He’s scared of him now and all his poison that has come pouring out of every part of him tonight, and he’s never going to look at Eddie the same way ever again.
He doesn’t have time or energy to fight with the demon, so he faces the window and hunches in on himself, hoping he can make himself as invisible as possible so his son doesn’t see him at lower than rock bottom. The footsteps behind him don’t falter — they go into Chris’ room and are followed by the soft click of the door shutting.
He’s relieved, followed by guilty, followed by nauseous. This night cannot end soon enough.
The door opens and closes behind him again, and he knows he owes Buck an explanation. 
He could deflect — he could say he’ll be fine, that he’ll talk about it with Frank, thank Buck for coming and send him home. But he’s tired, so tired, of pretending, of putting on a show, of holding himself together with paper clips and prayers he doesn’t remember anymore. 
If you’re not being honest with Frank, at least be honest with me. You don’t have to pretend with me.
Maybe he should finally listen.
They sit at the table, and he tells Buck everything. About therapy, about Norwahl and Binder and Mills.
He tells Buck he’s afraid he’ll never feel normal again, and it’s the first truthful thing he’s said to anyone in months.
Buck’s quiet after, and Eddie can’t blame him. Part of him hopes he’ll leave, see that all of this is too much for him to handle and leave Eddie to deal with it alone like he deserves to. But a bigger part — the softer, honest part of him that’s been hurt the most tonight — desperately hopes he doesn’t. He’s not sure he’ll make it if he does.
He gets his answer soon enough — Buck stands, still moving slowly, and walks over to stop in front of him. Eddie can’t bear to look at him, keeps his eyes trained on his shredded knuckles and shaking fingers. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Buck crouch down in front of him for the second time tonight, this time not hesitating to take both of Eddie’s hands in his. He’s quiet, waiting again, and Eddie knows with everything in him that Buck will wait forever, if that’s what Eddie needs.
He’s not really sure how to handle that.
When he finally tears his eyes away from their interlocked fingers, he’s met with the same bright, sad blue eyes from earlier, now tinged with sympathy and determination.
Buck’s not going anywhere. He knows that like he knows his own name. In another headspace, with another person in front of him, Eddie would’ve bristled, but he’s tired and flayed open, and it’s Buck, so it just feels like a balm, like it’s heaven sent.
“I’m scared,” he says, because it’s easier to say the second time.
“I know,” Buck says, “I am too.”
“I don’t know what to do, how to fix any of this.”
Buck smiles, soft and sad. “Me neither. But we’ll figure it out. Not today, probably not tomorrow, but we will.”
Eddie knows it’s not that simple. He’ll probably fall more times than he picks himself up. But he’s got no fight left in him tonight, so he lets himself believe it, if only until morning. He hangs his head again — half in defeat, half in exhaustion — and Buck meets him halfway, resting their foreheads together, anchoring them to this point, to this mess they’ve found themselves in, connected in more ways than they probably even know.
In the quiet of the house, in the aftermath of the atomic bomb, they breathe together. For now, it’s enough.
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hoediaz · 2 years
who is agn? i've seen loads of posts about 'her' but idk who she is or what's going on
sorry to be an absolute bitch but she is the worst blog on this website for real. putting this under a read more so people who don’t suffer rage black outs don’t have to deal with this.
chelsea mentioned some of her highlights before which include some overt racism and homophobia but last night she really decided to up her game. first, she spent weeks pulling the word retcon out of her ass and slapping it on every plot point she doesn’t like or understand instead of rubbing together two brain cells to even attempt to comprehend how narratives might work (including eddie ana’s break up since, according to her, eddie was Clearly in love with ana in 4x13 during the follow your heart scene and yet at the same time he was a misogynist and treated her terribly :/ did you know panic attacks are misogynistic? shame all those panic attacks i’ve had have been out of misogyny and not mental illness if only i had known id be able to attend agn’s school of feminism and cure myself). but then with the end of bt (aka the departure of her most beloved girl boss who can do no wrong, since i don’t think she cares about bt at all past taylor since she actively hates buck) (and yet. while she hates buck she never treats him with the same vitriol she gives eddie. now i’d say that’s racism but according to her eddie’s white so! guess it’s texas phobic or something :/) she went completely off the rails.
part of this was of course! saying it was a retcon despite the multiple references to dosed but what can we expect from someone who learned the word retcon last week and never bothered to dig up the meaning. it’s ok i get it i did the same in the ninth grade with words like pathetic fallacy and i don’t think you need anything higher than a ninth grade education to work at fox news. anyway! that led to saying anyone celebrating the bt break up is a misogynist! bc idk if you knew this but apparently 911 is the taylor kelly show and everything should be about HER development, not buck’s, and if you celebrate buck’s development you’re a woman hater just like eddie ❤️ now EYE am actually a woman hater because i think taylor kelly and owen strand should move to ohio together to start a bed and breakfast, the bt bones celebration was just a bonus.
and when that wasn’t enough absolute bullshit stupidity for one night, she decided to use her time to type out a post onto oliver stark’s internet in which she called buck a “dirty firefighter” for not wanting his gf to report on an incident that involved his family, equating him to dirty cops that protect other corrupt cops. because that’s a totally fucking proportional reaction to having your fictional ship break up, because police corruption is not a genuine thing that happens in real life and impacts real people who aren’t taylor fucking kelly. i fr even hours later don’t even have the words to put together to express how fucking stupid and insensitive and offensive that is. it is genuinely beyond me how you could ever in your life see a FICTIONAL couple break up and become so fucking unhinged you think it’s ok to make light of real issues to force a fictional character into some make believe villain role just so you can avenge a side character on a ryan murphy production. get some fucking help for real.
anyway last night when she posted i reblogged it calling her an idiot and she immediately blocked me, just like she blocked every other person who tried to reblog it to point out how offensive that was which is always a good sign that you’re being rational.
oh also she said taylor and lucy should be together which was just personally offensive to me, a lucy understander, and then also, since miss agn can’t go three seconds without being generally offensive, she has to say taylor/lucy would be better than buddie bc buck and eddie are [checks notes] white men and taylor and lucy are oh dear…. yeah :/
in conclusion agn is racist, homophobic, terminally fucking stupid, and also cowardly to boot and i hope she has an absolutely terrible day. i hope fox news fires her. i hope megan west never has a job again just to spite agn. bt is finally bones and the fact that that makes agn feral is all i need, get fucked agn.
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lovecolibri · 2 years
SaL anon here friend back to bitch some more in your inbox if you don't mind (if you're tired of the negativity please ignore). So here's the thing I hate about the whole cheating storyline, which ties in with your disappointment over us losing the satisfying breakup we were hoping for. It's really the deception with TayKay after that got me, whatever I may think of her character. We not too long ago saw Buck give Eddie an impassioned speech at being on the end of relationship where TBC
he was the person more invested, and how heartbreaking that was, a confession that pushed Eddie to breakup with Ana, in part so he wouldn't cause the same hurt (that Buck had gone through). Now, instead of getting Buck doing the same thing (stopping things before people really get hurt and choosing himself) he can only get the reverse. Buck must realize he's not that attached to TayKay, that he's not happy in the relationship if he's kissing someone else, HE'S not invested. Now, after half of season of Buck trying his best, to his detriment, to make things work, of making those sacrifices and us having to watch him being miserable, it's instantly undone by him lying and doubling down how invested he is in the relationship by asking her to move in. HE is now the person causing that pain he so intensely warned Eddie against causing, and it makes no fucking sense why he would do that!!! It's a selfish choice in all the worst ways that Buck as a character is not!! And no, I don't buy the argument "but Buck is spiraling", so was Eddie when he broke things off with Ana (and he continues to) but he still was prompted in part by the idea of hurting someone long term. Buck has been in that position, I just can't comprehend him actively doing it to avoid an awkward confession. Anyway, the whole thing feels like a cheap attempt to garner sympathy for the reporter (who's leaving anyway??) at the expense of Buck's personal growth.
Hello my friend! You are always welcome to air your grievances in my inbox! I was going to do this yesterday, but my niece was in town for a visit and at almost 5, she has more energy than I have ever had across my entire life combined. 🤣 Also I started this one first but VERY quickly lost the thread and became a rambling incoherent mess so I had to simmer down and answer some other things and get my thoughts in order.
Absolutely YES to all of this. Remember back in season 1 when a bunch of girls accused Buck of cheating and everyone shrugged and Buck was so hurt that the people he loved and respected would think he would ever do something like that? Remember nine episodes ago where Buck flat out told Eddie that just "sticking it out" with Ana wasn't enough for Eddie, and wasn't fair to Ana? But please tell me again how his spiraling manages to turn him into a completely different person than the narrative has told us he is for the past 4.5 seasons. 🙄
As with RNM, an argument can always be made for why a character would do something they did. It's a natural response to want to make sense out of the narrative! And for the people who have found their peace with it, good for them, cope however you need to! But given what we know about KR, her attitudes and what she prioritizes, the argument can also be made that this particular moment of cheating isn't some masterclass in storytelling, but a petty showrunner making a play for cheap drama, and also making her pet-project character that everyone hated look sympathetic, while also working in Female Version of Buck 2.0 to throw at him seeing if this one sticks. (Spoiler alert, it won’t. The GA already hate her more than they did tay kay because while she was just mean to their beloved fave, this one made him a cheater. (don’t @ me, I’m not saying she MADE him cheat, but her character’s purpose was to make him into a cheater))
Look. I've said it several times (at least in tags, but probably in some posts too. My brain is still soup, but it's like....furiously boiling soup 🤷‍♀️) that I don't like and probably never will, how this storyline started. Just because the argument can be manipulated to make some kind of sense, doesn't automatically make it good or good storytelling. An argument could be made that when Maddie left, Chim got upset and and then met some new single mom at a mommy and me playdate thing and started a fling with a random woman in his heartbreak before Buck found out where Maddie was and Chim went to look for her. Because he's spiraling right? So he might do something that seems OOC, but it's fine because it's part of the trauma spiral! 🙃 Again, something you would expect to see on any other run-of-the-mill procedural show because that's the max level of *drama* packed into the storyline, but that wouldn't be true to Chim's character, and it wouldn't be good storytelling.
It's the same with this cheating thing with Buck, and I'm soooo angry, because if he had broken up with his gf and THEN kissed the new lady before panic leaving because he doesn't want to be Buck 1.0 again? Only to have her show up as the new replacement that he now has to work with? And Hen knows and spends the whole time teasing him, and it's a little awkward but falls on the fun side of soapy drama? I could have enjoyed that! I mean, I'd still be hardcore 🙄🙄🙄 and side-eyeing the writers for him getting to make out with Eddie's female counterpart because non-gay men and non-lesbian women cannot work together without banging it out at least once 🙄 but in the context of the show I wouldn't mind them sharing scenes and things being a little awkward. How many fics are there where Buck and Eddie meet and hook up and then, surprise! Eddie is the new recruit! And it’s awkward! Again, a little side eye at the writers, but overall a fun trope!
But now? With the cheating AND the lying about the cheating? (which, JAIL for the writers for dragging Hen into that mess without a firm “definitely yes always honesty” policy) All their scenes are going to be gross and cringe and unenjoyable. Plus if KR and AK are to be believed, she's going to pull an Eddie and fit right in with everyone, impressing them, teaming up with Bobby to tease Buck and KR is pushing to have her and her whole cop family brought around for season 6 which....I can't even talk about because my blood pressure is already high enough. The point is, instead of getting Lena 2.0 with some fun scenes (her face during the grocery store fight slays me every time as does her question to Eddie about her cat only to be like "I don't have a cat, you bumbling imbecile."), and her pushing Buck to be more and more reckless until something bad finally happens and Bobby has to intervene, it's apparently per AK going to all be "sexual tension" and her comforting Buck in his time of need and a whole lot of other bullshit we could all do without.
It's absolutely cheap drama by a writer and showrunner who has clear priorities (rando white women hooking up with Buck > literally anything else), and who doesn't see the value in important conversations. Because Tim is the one who wrote and included the Will scene and the scene where Buck goes to talk to Chris after he leaves the hospital, and she’s out here saying the will isn't important and won't come up again (meaning the shooting likely isn't something on her radar to discuss either even though it's like...THEE elephant in the room), and saying Buck and Chim talked it out off screen (though the last we saw was Chim still being pissy and not quite ready to forgive so IDK what the fuck she's talking about), and cutting scenes like Bobby/Chim and Eddie/Chim (but there was only so much of the reporter because they didn't have enough cast and needed someone cheap to fill in don't you know? Don't tell that to all the Ghost Stories footage on the cutting room floor). It’s just....it’s A Lot, and I don’t think it’s fair to hate on people pointing out that while this narrative CAN lead to something interesting, it didn’t have to be this way and it’s not the best choice they could have made, because we know that one of the people in charge right now is Like That. 
ANYWAY. I have another ask from someone else that is about the narrative satisfaction of the breakup and the one we DIDN’T get satisfaction out of in RNM so stay tuned for something real salty coming up probably tomorrow. 
As always, it is a JOY to have you in my inbox 😘 Come spill the tea any time!
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kitkatpancakestack · 3 years
Hi friend! I am back in your asks so we can freak out together. I’m fairly certain I’ve come here with something similar before but…BUT…
I’m sitting here all emotional because I just had the thought that Buck doesn’t KNOW. A large part of Buck’s story across the seasons has been his search for “perfect” romantic love, for the best partner, for that fairytale happy ending. But I don’t think he has ever allowed himself to even consider Eddie in that capacity (even if he’s aware of their connection subconsciously). So it’s going to take Eddie telling him that he’s in love with him for Buck to even consider that his great love and love story has been in front of him this entire time.
And it’s just WILD because (like the will) Eddie is once again sitting on really important information that will be monumental for Buck. And before 4x13/14 I always thought Buck knew first or would confess first…and now that we know what we know and have seen a little tiny bit of what’s going on with Eddie, it actually makes more sense that Buck has no idea whatsoever. Having *Eddie* be the one to know first and to admit his true feelings and open Buck’s eyes to what they’ve made together is just…pure magic? Genius writing? Like it just makes so much more sense. And oh it makes my heart acheee.
Eddie getting to choose who and what makes him happy, Buck being chosen because of who he is and by someone who truly knows him so well, the “you don’t find it son, you make it” coming back around…ugh CHEF’S KISS. This truly is a work of art that we are witnessing unfold.
Tinaaaa so good to see you, but why must you wreck me emotionally every time you stop by my asks????
We've screamed about this countless times before and I will CONTINUE to scream about it because Eddie actively choosing what makes him happy (Buck) and Buck being chosen by someone (Eddie) who loves him for the simple fact that he is who he is is just SOMETHING THAT IS SO PERSONAL. I mean, isn't that what both their traumas and their storylines boil down to? Buck wanting to be loved and chosen and sought after for who he is, and not some software update version of who he's expected to be? And Eddie allowing himself the selfish act of desiring and needing things solely for himself, so he can build his authentic happiness?
If this is the love story they are telling, then they once again have shown how they will always know their characters better than us, and that whatever it is we expect, they will always deliver something a thousand times better.
Despite literally everything Buck wants out of a meaningful relationship being what he has with Eddie and Christopher, I agree with you in that I get the feeling he just doesn't KNOW. or doesn't see it. I think the shape he has in his head of what his perfect relationship is supposed to look like is just so wildly different than the one he has with Eddie, that something is just not clicking. I also think Buck has a trek record of self-sabotage via seeking out relationships with people he unconsciously knows are doomed to fail in order to not have to crack open that part of himself he buried from the world years ago, but that's just me *shrugging emoji*
Though, the hilarious thing is . . . he's already kinda cracked himself open for Eddie. There's a subconscious (maybe conscious) part of Buck that knows Eddie will safeguard his vulnerability. That he's safe with him. He's let Eddie see him at his absolute worst points and Eddie has loved him anyway. And I don't think Buck is emotionally or psychologically prepared to digest that information and process it. At least not yet.
*sighs wistfully* let's never stop shouting about this, okay?
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extasiswings · 3 years
Get in, clowns.  We’re going to the circus.  On ao3.
Eddie’s palms are sweaty.
It’s warm outside, the sun beating down on the park bench where he’s sitting, but it’s the nerves that have his hands clammy as he turns his water bottle over between them.  
When Buck had walked in the house earlier, he’d taken one look at Eddie and rolled his eyes before shoving him back into his bedroom.
“You can’t wear that,” Buck said, rifling through Eddie’s dresser.  He emerged with Eddie’s tightest pair of jeans and shoved them at his chest before turning to the drawers with shirts.
“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” Eddie asked, baffled as he looked down at himself and then, skeptically, at the jeans.
“You look like a dad.”  Buck’s voice went muffled for a moment before he made a noise of victory and pulled out a deep red, long-sleeved shirt that Eddie’s pretty sure is at least a size too small. 
“Kind of hard not to.  Since I am one and all.  That’s not exactly a secret.”
“Yeah, but you can look like a hot dad who is making an effort instead of a regular dad going to the grocery store or something.  You’ll thank me later.”  
After Eddie had changed and walked out of the bathroom, Buck’s face shifted—Eddie could have sworn his eyes darkened, that his voice was rougher as he pronounced Eddie much better.
So Eddie knows he looks good.
But his palms are still sweaty.  He uncaps the water bottle and takes a sip more to have something to do than because he needs it.  And then he starts drumming his fingers against his thigh, needing something to occupy them, some way to move.  
He’s tempted to pull out his phone, to reread the latest texts from Bobby or even the shameless teasing in the group text that Buck started with his sisters—and boy, was that a mistake, putting the three of them in touch, because Eddie never in a million years would have told them he was going on a date if he hadn’t done it by accident because Buck’s direct messages happened to be right below the group—
He’s still not sure he should be, is the thing.  Dating.  He still feels like he can’t quite breathe right when he thinks too hard about it.  Can still play that last dinner with Shannon over on loop, from her asking for a divorce to the implication that really being with him again would be so terrible she would have to run for the hills and leave their child behind.
He didn’t exactly have great self-esteem to begin with.
Eddie wipes his palms on his jeans—he’s in the middle of debating whether it’s bad parenting to make up an emergency involving your kid to get out of a date, when—
“Eddie!  Hi,” Ana greets, walking up the path.  
The anxiety in his chest twists tighter as he gets up from the bench and waves.
“Hey.  You, uh—you look really nice,” he says, because it’s true and also the easiest thing he can remember from the last time he did this.  
Ana smiles.  “So do you.”
There’s a pause that lingers a little too long and then they both start trying to speak at once, cutting off abruptly when they realize.  Eddie rubs self-consciously at the back of his neck.
“Should we walk?” Ana offers, nodding down the path where it leads into the trees.
“Sure, yeah,” Eddie agrees.  
It’s actually not...bad.  She asks him about work and that’s a safe enough topic that he’s comfortable spending a few minutes telling her stories from the station.  She shares a little about the challenges of virtual teaching.  And then she asks about Chris, and, well, that’s an easy subject—Eddie could talk about Chris all day.  
He just finishes the story about the actual building of Christopher’s skateboard—which involved no small amount of comical trial and error on the part of two decidedly not Chris-sized grown men—when Ana gets a thoughtful look on her face and glances sideways at him.
“Can I ask you something personal?”  She asks.
Eddie rocks back on his heels and hooks his thumbs in his pockets.  “Sure.”
“How long has it been for you?”
Eddie’s eyebrows shoot up.  “Since...the last time I dated?”
Ana nods.
“Well…” He wets his lips to stall.  “The last person I dated was my wife.  And I’m not sure it was really dating in the same way after we were married so...I guess...eleven years give or take?”
He laughs and he can hear the edge of self-deprecation.  “That obvious I’m out of practice?”
“No,” Ana says.  “No, that wasn’t—it’s really not actually. Although it does explain some things.”
She bites her lip.  “Nothing bad,” she insists.  “Just—”
“Have you ever been on a date where the other person talked about their ex the whole time and it was kind of obvious they still had feelings for them and you couldn’t help wondering why they weren’t with the ex when they clearly wanted to be?”  She asks.
Eddie blinks, scrolling back through their conversation trying to think—he’s pretty sure he hasn’t mentioned Shannon except for the once.  And he’s not still—
“In high school, maybe?” He answers.  “But I’m not sure—”
“I was trying to figure out if you and Buck ever dated,” she clarifies, and Eddie stops in his tracks, his mind shorting out as he takes that in.
They’re back at the parking lot anyway, and although they could take another loop around the park, Ana stops by the closest bench and smiles as she leans against it.
“Look, I like you, Eddie,” she says.  “And if I’m totally off base and you want to see me again, I will definitely pick up the phone.  But if I’m not?  I couldn’t not say something.”
“Buck’s my best friend,” Eddie replies.  His head is swimming but it surprisingly doesn’t feel bad.  More like he’s been handed the clue card for a puzzle he was trying to solve and while the pieces haven’t quite come together fully, they’re getting there.
“You talk about him like he’s your partner.  Like the three of you are a family.  And when you talk about him you look like…”  Ana shakes her head and laughs, but it’s not unkind.  Just soft and maybe a little longing.  “I would love for someone to look like that when they’re talking about me.  Thinking about me.  So, I thought you should know.  Just in case you didn’t.”
Another puzzle piece falls into place and Eddie sucks in a breath.
“I do like you,” he says.
“Yeah...but you’re in love with him.  Right?”  Eddie’s quiet and Ana nods.
“I’m gonna go,” she decides.  “This was nice, for the record.  Maybe we can do it again.  As friends next time.”
“Ana—” Eddie calls after her.  When she looks back over her shoulder though, he’s not sure what to say except, “...thank you.”
“Let me know how it works out?” She asks.  “I’m a little invested now.”
Eddie laughs and runs a hand through his hair.  “Yeah...sure.”  
He drives home in a daze, so much of the past two years—maybe even longer—suddenly thrown into new light.  Everything he’s been afraid of, everything that’s been holding him back—all of the baggage and insecurities that Shannon left behind, that have made him feel like he’s not good enough, like he can’t be a partner to anyone—
He never stopped and looked too hard at what he already had.  What he was already doing.
What he has.  What he is doing.   
With Buck.
In the stark glare of hindsight, it’s easy to see—he was still married when they met, was worn down and bruised and not looking for anything.  He needed a friend and Buck slipped in to fill that void and Eddie...put him in a box.  Put them in a box.  Carefully compartmentalizing every aspect of his life because it was easier that way, because it allowed him to sort through the tangled knots of expectation from any number of other sides, any number of other identities—husband, father, son.
There was no baggage attached to friend.  No forgive and forget and take your wife back because kids need their mothers or you’ll drag him down with you or I wasn’t enough.
There was just...Buck.  Present.  Supportive.  Caring about him.  Believing in him.   The real him—masks off, walls down, warts and all.   
The longer Eddie thinks, the clearer things become.  His mind flips through memories like a scrapbook—panic attacks and phone calls at two in the morning, nights on the couch playing video games with Christopher and the slower, lingering moments with just the two of them after they put him to bed, all those months sharing a bed in Buck’s apartment while he despaired over being away from his son and Buck reminded him he was a good dad—
How many of those nights had Eddie wanted to kiss him?  How many times had he felt that buzz under his skin, the whisper of it would be so easy, only to shove it down because it was too dangerous to deal with.  
And when he thinks now about the future, about having someone in his home, in his bed, in his life, when he pictures it, all he can see is Buck.
It feels right.
“I love him,” Eddie says out loud, tasting the words on his tongue, letting them linger.
I love him.
His pulse spikes with his anxiety, but it calms down as he sits with it.  Because he knows Buck’s not going to leave.  He trusts that.  Buck’s seen him at his worst and none of that has ever driven him away.  So maybe…
Eddie’s mind flicks back to earlier in the day, to the dark heat in Buck’s gaze as it dragged over him before he looked away.
...yeah.  They’ll be okay.
He’s home before he even really registers and takes a few slow breaths before he shuts off the truck and gets out.  When he steps through the door, it’s a strange feeling.  The space is familiar but not.  More...settled somehow.  Home.
Eddie closes the door behind him and follows the sound of running water to the kitchen.  He stops in the doorway, leaning against the frame, and spends a moment just watching Buck scrub potatoes in the sink until the other man glances up and notices him.
“Hey,” Buck greets.  “Chris is reading in his room, I’m just working on dinner.  How was the date?”
God, I love you, Eddie thinks, and nearly has to bite his tongue to keep it to himself.
Yeah.  It’s right.
He shrugs.  “It was fine.  Ana’s nice.”
“When’s the next date then?”  There’s an odd note in Buck’s voice that makes Eddie push off the frame and step closer. 
“There’s not going to be one,” he replies.  “Ana’s nice...but I don’t want to date her.”
Buck stops.  Shuts off the water and turns, leaning back against the sink.
“No?”  Buck’s brow furrows.  “It’s not—do you still feel like you’re not ready?”
“No, it’s not that,” Eddie replies.  “I do think I’m ready.  But with the right person.”
His heart is pounding in his chest, but it’s not fear.  More...anticipation.  
He swallows hard.
“Ana said something that made me realize that...I don’t want to start from scratch with some stranger.”
Eddie takes another step closer and Buck inhales sharply, emotions shifting across his face too quickly for Eddie to name them all.
“Eddie…”  Buck sounds hoarse, a little disbelieving.  He leans forward for a moment before shaking his head, clearing his throat.
“I can’t—I need you to be specific,” he says.  “Because I can’t make assumptions here, I can’t—”
Eddie kisses him.  Steps in far enough that Buck’s body presses flush against his, slides his hand around the back of Buck’s neck, and kisses him.  Buck makes a small noise and grips him right back, his hands curving around Eddie’s hips nearly tight enough to bruise in sharp contrast to the way Eddie’s mouth feathers against his, soft as anything.  
“Specific enough?”  Eddie breathes, staying close enough that their lips brush again.  Buck surges up and uses his grip on Eddie’s hips to turn them, pinning Eddie against the counter as he kisses him again in response.  Once, twice, three times, and Eddie shivers.  
He hasn’t been kissed in so long, hasn’t been touched with intention like this—he’d forgotten what it felt like.  His body floods with heat as Buck’s hands slip under his shirt, spreading wide over his rib cage, and he parts his lips eagerly for Buck’s tongue.
Down the hall, a door closes, and Buck jumps back, Eddie slumping against the counter to keep himself upright.  Buck is flushed and panting and Eddie’s pretty sure he can’t look much better, too warm and electric, wanting, wanting, wanting—
Both of them catch their breath and watch the door, but Christopher doesn’t appear.  After a minute Eddie catches the faint sound of a toilet flushing and he looks back at Buck.  
And he laughs.  It bubbles up from his chest like champagne fizz, bright and warm and right, and apparently it’s contagious because Buck starts up as well, stepping in again and sliding his arms around Eddie’s waist, ducking his head to laugh breathlessly against Eddie’s neck.
When they calm down, Buck stays close, his lips feathering over Eddie’s pulse.  Eddie hums and closes his eyes as he tips his head back to give Buck better access.  
“I’m in love with you,” he says.  “In case that wasn’t clear.”
Buck’s lips curve up against Eddie’s skin.
“Well that’s convenient,” he replies.  “Since Chris was asking me earlier why you couldn’t just date me if you were going to date again.”
Eddie’s startled into another laugh.  “Really?”
Eddie grins and opens his eyes again.  “Hey Buck?”
“Go out with me?”
Buck snorts and pushes him out of the way so he can go back to the potatoes.  
“Help me finish getting dinner together and we’ll see.”  But the second Eddie turns away, Buck snags him by a belt loop and reels him back in for another kiss.
“Yes,” Buck says.  “Yes.”
And it’s right.           
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ghosthunterbuck · 3 years
would you love me for the hell of it?
buddie (2.4k) (read it on AO3)
As stupid as it seems now, Eddie always thought they’d have more time.
He should know better. If the bullet wounds that riddle his body weren’t evidence enough, the scarring that he knows twists across Buck’s leg should have been. It wasn’t, though. Despite everything they’d been through, Eddie always thought they’d have enough time.
Now, though, as he opens the door to find Buck already standing in front of it, he knows they’ve finally run out. Eddie draws him into a hug without a second thought. There’s no space left for pretenses.
“I didn’t even knock,” Buck says into his shoulder. Eddie can hear the unsteadiness in his voice and it breaks his heart all over again. None of it was supposed to happen like this.
“I was coming to find you,” Eddie says thickly. “You weren’t answering your phone.”
“I couldn’t stop checking the time, so I turned it off,” Buck admits. “I’m sorry.”
Eddie let’s go of Buck, but only long enough to grab his hand and pull him inside. “It’s okay,” Eddie says softly. “I get it.” And he does, god he does. He’d unplugged the microwave hours ago, just so he didn’t have to see its mocking green numbers staring back at him.
“Buck!” Christopher exclaims from the living room floor.
“Hey, buddy!” Buck says, crouching next to him. It amazes Eddie that, even now, Buck manages to exude the bright, beautiful energy he always has in front of Christopher. He kind of loves him for it.
It’s not the first time Eddie’s had the thought, but it might be the first time that he has no urge to run from it or to push it down until he can put Buck neatly back into the best friend slot he’d occupied in Eddie’s mind for so long. What’s the point in all that now? Whatever he’d been afraid of losing, there’s a countdown on all of it now.
Christopher’s explaining his drawing in detail to Buck, and it makes Eddie’s heart ache. Sure, Chris has been growing like a weed lately, but Eddie’d figured he had a year or two left of this at least.
Maybe time has always been the enemy, and he’s just the last one to work it out.
Thank god for Buck. As much as it hurts, knowing with certainty now just how good Buck is at pretending to be okay, Eddie can’t help but be grateful for Chris’s sake. He sits down on the couch next to them and puts his hand on Buck’s shoulder, just because he can. Buck looks up at him questioningly, and Eddie offers him a small smile. Buck nods and smiles back, but Eddie can read the sadness there.
“Can we watch a movie?” Chris asks eventually.
“Yeah, mijo, pick one out,” Eddie says, opening the Netflix app on the TV and handing Christopher the remote. “Me and Buck will make snacks.”
He stands, knowing Buck will follow.
In the kitchen, Eddie allows his facade to crack, just a little. He rests his head tiredly against Buck’s shoulder, smiling a little when Buck’s arms automatically encircle him.
“I thought you’d be with Maddie,” he says softly.
Eddie feels Buck shake his head and swallow. “I saw her, Chim, and Jee this morning. But I needed -- god, Eddie, you have to know.”
Eddie pulls back and looks Buck in the eye. He sees love reflected there, just like he always has. “I do,” he says softly. “Me too.”
Buck lets out a wounded noise and pulls Eddie back into the embrace.
“I’m glad you’re here,” Eddie whispers, eyes burning with unshed tears.
“No place I’d rather be for the end of the world,” Buck jokes weakly. His hands tremble against Eddie’s back.
None of it was supposed to happen like this. The comet was supposed to pass close enough to Earth to be a spectacular show for anyone in the Eastern hemisphere, then continue its way around the sun and back out into the Kuiper belt. Hell, Chris has been excited about it, Buck too. They’d been talking about it for months, Buck helping Christopher learn everything he could about where comets came from and what they were made of.
And then something happened. Eddie doesn’t really understand it, but he keeps hearing words like dark matter and quantum mechanical black hole and gravity wells. The gist of it, though, Eddie gets. Something changed the path of the comet, and instead of passing them by harmlessly, it’s now on a collision course. The entire world got less than two week’s warning.
The comet is something like eleven miles wide, he’d heard on the radio. Large enough for an extinction-level event, Buck had told him quietly.
He knows that there are people around the world frantically working to prevent that. He also knows that the odds are bleak. It all came down to time, all over again. There wasn’t enough. There never is.
“Am I doing the right thing?” Eddie asks Buck softly. “Not telling Christopher?”
The fierceness with which Buck answers surprises him, though perhaps it shouldn’t. “He doesn’t need to know. You’re doing the right thing, Eds, he shouldn’t have to face this. Either the world doesn’t end, and we scared him for no reason, or…” Buck trails off, but Eddie gets his meaning.
Eddie swallows and nods. “You’re right,” he says. “He doesn’t-“ he cuts himself off and shuts his eyes tight.
Buck squeezes him again. I’m here, the gesture says. Eddie squeezes back.
The movie Christopher picks is one they’ve seen before, and Eddie’s grateful. It’s easier to tune it out, to keep his eyes on Christopher and Buck instead.
When they’d returned with snacks, Christopher had immediately asked if he could sit with Buck. Buck had turned to him, expression stricken. The sentiment was obvious.
“Only if Buck sits with me,” Eddie’d replied. They’d ended up pressed together from their shoulders to their ankles with Chris sprawled out across both of them.
It’s the kind of domesticity Eddie’s caught himself daydreaming about more than once.
When the movie ends, Chris asks to stay up and wait for the comet. Of course he’d remembered it’s tonight. Eddie doesn’t know why he expected otherwise.
“No, buddy, we’ll watch the video tomorrow,” Eddie says. The lie tastes like ash on his tongue.
Chris begins to pout, but Buck steps in.
“Trust me,” he says. “If we wait until tomorrow, we’ll get to watch the best video, instead of some shakey news camera. You wouldn’t want to spoil that, would you?” Buck asks, pasting on his most infectious grin. Knowing it’s fake makes Eddie’s chest ache.
“Tell you what, though,” Eddie says, “how about we all have a sleepover in my room tonight?”
Christopher cheers at that.
Eddie smiles. It’s small and it’s watery, but it’s real. Buck presses his shoulder further into Eddie’s, a comforting pressure.
“Go get ready for bed and pick out a book, okay?”
Christopher grins and slides off the couch. The tears that have been threatening at the corners of Eddie’s eyes all night long return with a vengeance, and as soon as Christopher disappears around the corner, they finally fall.
His shoulders shake silently, and Buck pulls him to his chest. Buck’s warm fingers card through his hair, and he could swear he feels the ghost of a kiss pressed against the top of his head. Under any other circumstance, the thought would be electrifying. Now, though, it just makes the ache inside him grow.
In another lifetime, they could have had this. Decades, maybe, of unrestrained affection. Love. God, what had they been waiting for?
He feels the unsteadiness of Buck’s breath and knows without looking that he’s crying too. Mourning the same thing, Eddie suspects.
He hears Christopher making his way back towards them, and reluctantly pulls out of Buck’s embrace. He does his best to wipe the tears away and school his expression, but if the way Christopher frowns at him is any indication, he isn’t successful.
“What’s wrong?” Chris asks, looking between them.
Eddie pulls him close and presses a kiss to his forehead. “Everything’s okay,” he says softly.
“Your Dad and I were just talking about something sad,” Buck says, “but you don’t need to worry about it, okay?”
“What was it?” Chris asks.
Buck looks panicked and desperately sad, all at once.
“There were some people we couldn’t save,” Eddie says. This, at least, feels something like the truth. “And that made us feel sad, buddy.”
“It’ll be okay,” Christopher says seriously, looking at both of them in turn.
“You’re right,” Buck says, sounding a little choked up. “As long as we’re all together, it will be.”
They settle in Eddie’s bed and read a chapter from Chris’s book, the fifth in the Percy Jackson series. They’re barely halfway through it, but part of Eddie wants to push through the rest. He wants to know how it ends. Wants Christopher to know. Christopher should get to —
Eddie screws his eyes shut. Christopher should get to graduate, to fall in love, and to have kids of his own. He should get to grow old and gray and he should get to finish his damn book.
It’s not fair. None of this is fair.
All of the things Chris has been through - losing his mom, the tsunami, nearly losing Eddie - what’s the point of it all if he doesn’t get to grow from it, to heal past it?
Eddie wants to scream and cry and punch something. Instead, he keeps reading, steadily as he can, until Christopher is fast asleep between him and Buck.
After a few minutes of silence, both of them watching the steady rise and fall of Christopher’s chest, Buck taps Eddie’s wrist and nods towards the hall. He slips out of bed, and Eddie follows, careful not to jar Chris.
He finds Buck leaning against the wall, head tipped back, eyes closed. Eddie stands next to him, mindless of personal space. It had always been an afterthought between them, anyway.
“I’m in love with you,” Buck says casually, after several moments of silence. He opens his eyes and tips his head forward, gaze landing on Eddie. “I can’t even remember why I was so afraid to say it.”
“Me too,” Eddie says. He laces his fingers with Buck’s. “I’m in love with you too. I have been, I don’t even know how long.”
Buck chuckles softly, sadly. “We have the worst timing,” he says, turning his entire body towards Eddie.
Eddie turns to meet him, and Buck’s hand comes up to graze Eddie’s jaw.
“Can I kiss you?” Eddie asks, surprising himself. It shouldn’t feel like such a leap, but it does. It’d be terrifying, but Eddie’s always trusted Buck to catch him when he falls.
Instead of answering, Buck leans in and brushes his lips against Eddie’s, soft and gentle and everything and altogether not enough. Eddie chases him as he pulls back, capturing him in a deeper kiss. It’s hard and desperate, yet somehow achingly tender as if their bodies know that their first kisses will almost certainly be their last.
Buck lets out a half-choked sob and buries his fingers in Eddie’s hair. He doesn’t let go, even as they break the kiss, just leans their foreheads together. Somewhere along the line, Eddie’s fingers have fisted in Buck’s shirt. He doesn’t let go either.
“Eddie,” Buck says, raw and grief-stricken.
“Evan,” Eddie whispers. It’s only the second time he’s used Buck’s given name. If the way Buck’s breath hitches is any indication, he notices too.
Buck kisses him again then, filthy at first, then slowing into something sweet. In another lifetime, Eddie could spend hours like this, trading kisses with Buck. In this lifetime though…
Eddie cups Buck’s jaw and pulls back. “I love you,” he says because if this is his only chance, he’s not going to let Buck doubt it for a minute.
“I love you, too.”
Eddie takes Buck by the wrist and pulls him back into the bedroom, turning off lights as they go. They break apart just long enough to settle on either side of Chris, facing one another. Buck throws an arm across both of them, and Eddie brushes an errant lock of hair from Buck’s forehead.
The minutes tick by slowly as they lay in the dark, until Eddie finally speaks.
“If there’s something after all this…” Eddie whispers, “Promise you’ll find me?”
Buck lifts his arm and holds out his pinky finger. Eddie wraps his own around it.
“I promise,” Buck says.
It means something. It has too.
Eddie doubts he’ll sleep, but somehow, in between listening to Christopher’s breathing and watching Buck watch him, he slips into a dark, dreamless slumber.
The sunlight that wakes Buck is warm on his face, just like the sheets that pool around his waist. He wants to luxuriate in it, to let the sweetness of sleep pull him back under, but this time of year, if the sun’s already out, he’s late for work.
Buck’s eyes fly open. The sun’s out. He’s in Eddie’s bed. He’s late for work. Holy shit. He doesn’t even try to contain the grin that spreads across his face. He rolls over and shakes Eddie’s shoulder.
“Eddie, Eddie, wake up,” he whispers excitedly.
Eddie lifts his head, looking rumpled and adorable. He grumbles something completely unintelligible, and the smile on Buck’s face gets even wider.
“We’re late for work,” Buck says, practically bouncing.
“Shit,” Eddie says, scrubbing a hand across his face.
“Eds, you don’t understand. We’re late for work.”
The sleep clears from Eddie’s face almost as quickly as it had from Buck’s. “Oh my god,” he says, taking in the decidedly intact world around them. “It missed. Buck, it missed!”
Eddie surges forward, mindful of the still-sleeping Christopher between them, and kisses him square on the lips. They’re both smiling too hard for it to go anywhere, but it’s still the best kiss of Buck’s life.
Eventually, they’ll get up. They’ll distract Christopher with pancakes and turn on the news to learn that the global joint effort to divert the comet (“They nuked a comet, Eddie! That’s insane!”) was a success. They’ll find Christopher the video they promised, in a press release from NASA. They’ll let him see the comet’s bright blazing path across the sky, but they won’t tell him just how close it came. They’ll text Bobby to let him know they’re running late. They’ll receive a reply to let them know that, just this once, it’s okay. They’ll do all of these things in time, but for now, they bask in the simple joy of being alive and together.
Another lifetime, Eddie had thought the night before. No, he’s going to make this one count.
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diazboys · 3 years
buddie + "it's a texas thing" please!!
a map of your stars | buddie + stargazing | 1.3k words | ao3
I just wanted to write a dorky, space nerd Eddie because both Eddie and space are my weaknesses.
"Hey, Buck?"
Eddie grins, bumping his shoulder into Buck's as he leans against the side of the car next to him. The smile he gets in response is soft and maybe a bit tired but so full of love that Eddie's able to see it even in the almost-dark that surrounds them.
"You see all this white stuff above us?" Eddie continues, grinning even more when he sees Buck rolling his eyes. "They're called stars. It's a Texas thing."
"You’re such an idiot," Buck laughs, quietly. "You can’t just claim stars like that.”
“I can and I just did. See that one?” Eddie points at a random part of the sky. “That one is mine.”
Buck only shakes his head and wraps an arm around Eddie’s shoulders. With something that sounds like a muffled “it sure is” he pulls Eddie closer for a kiss.
“I gotta admit, though. It’s really beautiful here, nothing like that meteor shower in LA we took Christopher to last year. I lived in a few places with clear enough skies but this is impressive,” Buck says.
Eddie hums in agreement, remembering some of the stories he’d heard from Buck over the years. "Did a lot of stargazing on the beaches of Peru?"
"I did a lot of things on the beaches of Peru," Buck admits with a chuckle. "Stargazing was one of them."
Staring up at the sky, Eddie takes a step away from Buck and turns around until he finds what he’s looking for. Squeezing Buck’s hand to get his attention he points up with his free arm.
“See that wonky W near the Little Dipper?” Eddie asks. “That’s Cassiopeia.”
“I’m not sure you can still be believed about those things,” Buck says.
Despite his words, he moves to stand behind Eddie, his arms automatically wrapping around Eddie’s waist as he moves his head close to make sure he’s following Eddie’s line of sight.
“There’s a whole story about a Greek queen Cassiopeia, who was bragging that she was the most beautiful, even more than the sea nymphs and it pissed off Poseidon. Then there was something about a monster and Cassiopeia's daughter being a bribe and a Greek hero, who saved the day but the point is that Cassiopeia ended up in heavens with them all but she was tied to a chair, disgraced because of her vanity that lead to all this mess," Eddie says, then turns his head slightly to look at Buck with a grin. "You should be careful so you won't end up like her."
"Oh, so what I'm hearing is that I'll get stars named after me?" Buck answers with a raised eyebrow and a pleased smile on his face.
Laughing, Eddie fully turns in Buck's arms. His hand comes to rest at the nape of Buck's neck, playing with his hair as he leans in for a kiss.
"If it was up to me, you would," Eddie says.
Buck's smile softens and he lowers his gaze, just like every time he gets a compliment and he's not sure what to do about it. It's one of the reasons Eddie tries to be more open about his feelings in both his words and actions. Seeing Buck smile like that always feels like the best reward and it's worth the struggle of trying to express himself properly.
“Maybe you should take me stargazing sometime, tell me about the constellations and all the stories behind them,” Buck says and then his smile turns back into a smirk. "And I could show you what else I did on the beaches of Peru."
Eddie just chuckles and shakes his head at that. He let's Buck maneuver them so Eddie's being pulled into his warm, broad chest again. He rests his head on Eddie's shoulder as they both gaze up at the sky together.
A small, happy sigh escapes Eddie's lips. He feels as if the whole world has stopped for a moment, just letting them be. Christopher is asleep in the car, exhausted by all the little entertainments that Buck and Eddie had planned for the second day of their road trip to El Paso. About an hour ago Buck suggested that, since he was driving, Eddie should read for them to pass the time. Christopher made it through the first two pages before he was out like a light, even though he insisted he'll stay awake all the way to Adri's place. Soon after that, Eddie suggested that he and Buck should take a little break and switch places, since Buck's been driving for most of the day. They should get to his sister's place soon enough anyway, and Eddie knew the way better than Buck.
After a few quiet minutes, Buck says, his voice quiet as if he doesn't want to disturb the peace. "You seem to know quite a lot about space, stars and Greek queens."
"I learned a lot from my Abuelo, when I was a kid. He used to take this really old telescope and take me to the backyard in their old place, before they moved to LA. I still find it all really interesting," Eddie admits. "Besides, Christopher is really into it as well, so I have the excuse to brush up on the things I've learned back then.”
Buck just hums in agreement, hugging Eddie tighter and letting them fall into the comforting silence for a few moments longer.
Coming home has always felt a bit bittersweet for Eddie. It reminded him of all the good things that happened but also about some of the worst. And dealing with his parents and their constant meddling with his life is something that he can accept just in small doses. As much as he loves his parents — and his sisters, who he misses a whole lot, living on the other side of the country — coming to El Paso sometimes feels like a chore he has to get done sooner or later.
But it feels different now. Having Buck by his side, being able to take this trip with him, seeing him play silly car games with Christopher to keep him occupied — it all makes this so much better. It lets Eddie relax, focus on the joys of the road trip and all the things in his hometown he could show Buck, instead of the anxiety of what will be said about the way he lives his life this time. Because it doest matter. Not when he has a life, a family, a partner in all of it by his side. The way he lives his life must finally be the right one. It gave him Buck, after all.
And standing here, in the middle of nowhere, Eddie feels at home. It doesn't matter that his family home is still miles away and his new home is even further away. Because his home is right here with him, asleep in the car and holding him tight, staring at the night sky with him. And it will be there with him wherever he goes.
"We should probably get going," Buck says, squeezing Eddie a little tighter for a moment before he lets go. "Adriana texted me that she won't let you in if we arrive too late and wake her up."
"First of all, she hasn't replied to any of my texts but she's talking to you?" Eddie raises an eyebrow, turning to face Buck. "And secondly, why wouldn't she let me in, what about you?"
"To answer both of your questions — she likes me better than you because I'm amazing," Buck answers with a grin.
He leans down to press a kiss to Eddie's lips and then goes back to the car, not waiting for Eddie's response.
"Remember what happened to Cassiopeia, Buck," Eddie quietly calls after him as he follows.
He feels a smile tugging at his lips as he gets into the driver's seat and he's pretty sure it won't disappear anytime soon.
drabble challenge
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