#Tim I am hiding under your kitchen table
kitkatpancakestack · 3 years
Hi friend! I am back in your asks so we can freak out together. I’m fairly certain I’ve come here with something similar before but…BUT…
I’m sitting here all emotional because I just had the thought that Buck doesn’t KNOW. A large part of Buck’s story across the seasons has been his search for “perfect” romantic love, for the best partner, for that fairytale happy ending. But I don’t think he has ever allowed himself to even consider Eddie in that capacity (even if he’s aware of their connection subconsciously). So it’s going to take Eddie telling him that he’s in love with him for Buck to even consider that his great love and love story has been in front of him this entire time.
And it’s just WILD because (like the will) Eddie is once again sitting on really important information that will be monumental for Buck. And before 4x13/14 I always thought Buck knew first or would confess first…and now that we know what we know and have seen a little tiny bit of what’s going on with Eddie, it actually makes more sense that Buck has no idea whatsoever. Having *Eddie* be the one to know first and to admit his true feelings and open Buck’s eyes to what they’ve made together is just…pure magic? Genius writing? Like it just makes so much more sense. And oh it makes my heart acheee.
Eddie getting to choose who and what makes him happy, Buck being chosen because of who he is and by someone who truly knows him so well, the “you don’t find it son, you make it” coming back around…ugh CHEF’S KISS. This truly is a work of art that we are witnessing unfold.
Tinaaaa so good to see you, but why must you wreck me emotionally every time you stop by my asks????
We've screamed about this countless times before and I will CONTINUE to scream about it because Eddie actively choosing what makes him happy (Buck) and Buck being chosen by someone (Eddie) who loves him for the simple fact that he is who he is is just SOMETHING THAT IS SO PERSONAL. I mean, isn't that what both their traumas and their storylines boil down to? Buck wanting to be loved and chosen and sought after for who he is, and not some software update version of who he's expected to be? And Eddie allowing himself the selfish act of desiring and needing things solely for himself, so he can build his authentic happiness?
If this is the love story they are telling, then they once again have shown how they will always know their characters better than us, and that whatever it is we expect, they will always deliver something a thousand times better.
Despite literally everything Buck wants out of a meaningful relationship being what he has with Eddie and Christopher, I agree with you in that I get the feeling he just doesn't KNOW. or doesn't see it. I think the shape he has in his head of what his perfect relationship is supposed to look like is just so wildly different than the one he has with Eddie, that something is just not clicking. I also think Buck has a trek record of self-sabotage via seeking out relationships with people he unconsciously knows are doomed to fail in order to not have to crack open that part of himself he buried from the world years ago, but that's just me *shrugging emoji*
Though, the hilarious thing is . . . he's already kinda cracked himself open for Eddie. There's a subconscious (maybe conscious) part of Buck that knows Eddie will safeguard his vulnerability. That he's safe with him. He's let Eddie see him at his absolute worst points and Eddie has loved him anyway. And I don't think Buck is emotionally or psychologically prepared to digest that information and process it. At least not yet.
*sighs wistfully* let's never stop shouting about this, okay?
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iguana-eyanna · 3 years
The Blood Within Us Chapter 9
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Summary: Will the reader do whatever it takes to protect the ones she loves when tragedy hits the Wayne family? How far will the truth be tested when she realizes she’s not the only one with secrets of her own?
Pairing: Bruce Wayne x Pregnant Reader
Warning: accident, mentions of miscarriage (does not happen), antagonizing journalists (should it be a warning?), risk of health
The sun crept in the bedroom, making you frown as you flutter your eyes. For a second, you thought you were in the manor, basking in the warmth with your fiance.
But, you were just in your son's apartment.
Jason has been so patient with you, as this was the fifth day of crashing in his space. Even if he insisted that you can stay as long as you need to, your son needs to start living his life.
That's what you thought for all of them. Dick has been stopping by more often to check how you are, even bringing over your personal items. You get texts from Damian, checking how his little sibling is to take your mind off of things. Tim hasn't returned your calls, but you understood he needed some space after he learned of your lineage.
Keeping a secret like that was such a burden, no wonder why he's been losing sleep these past weeks.
Alfred rang you up a few times, apologizing in every call, but you reassured him that he did nothing wrong.
It was someone else who should be apologizing.
Bruce hasn't contacted you in any way. This was typical of him when something bad happens, always staying his distance until he's ready.
You push that thought aside as you get up from the bed, wanting to satisfy your hunger. You then start working on breakfast quietly as Jason was still sleeping on the couch.
With the groceries you got this week, you start making Jason's favorite breakfast you used to make when he was a kid: banana pecan pancakes.
The waft of the scent stirs Jason in his sleep as he shoots his head up to the kitchen.
"Is that what I think it is?" He asks.
You smile at him as you start placing the pancakes on the table.
"Your favorite! You better come over here before I eat them all." You joke.
He smiles brightly as he jumps from his lying position and runs fast into the kitchen. He gives you a side hug as he steals the first plate in your hand. You both laugh at his antics as you both made your way to sit at the small dining table.
"Where did Dick go? I almost made blueberry pancakes but his things were gone." You ask Jason as you took a bite of your food.
He gulps down his food to reply. "Said he was taking a jog around the block. But he says he can meet you for lunch at your work." You nod your head as you gulp down a glass of water.
"Speaking of work, I need to grab my phone. I lost it sometime last night. One of my designers sent some sketches to my email awhile ago and I need to view them quickly." Jason stops what he's doing and appears guilty.
"I haven't seen it." he says, clearly lying.
You give him a stern look, so you get up to search it yourself. Jason is hot at your tail till you see it hidden under scraps of discarded books on the small coffee table.
You turn to your son with your phone in your hand.
"Why did you hide my phone, Jay?" you ask.
He scratches the back of his neck, but he gives a defeated sigh.
"Some dumb blog has been writing about you and Bruce, and it's not really pretty. I didn't want it to upset you." He says.
You exhale as every time Bruce's name was called out, your heart broke a little.
"Let me be the judge of that, but you're right. I don't need some gossip site to tear me down than the mess I already am.
"You're not a mess, ma. You're still healing and that takes time. Don't think you owe anyone an apology for what you're feeling" You smile at him as you tussle his hair.
"How did you grow up so much?" you ask. He casually shrugs his shoulders.
"Guess I've been hanging around you and Alfred a lot. Go get ready, I'll get dressed so I could drop you to work."
You smile at him as you turned around to get dressed too. Once you're both prepared, you go down the stairs to where the car was parked.
After you both say goodbye in front of your work, you head towards your office. Work hit you without caution as you attended a meeting to plan for this year's fall and winter line. You begin walking back to your designers and attended international calls. Once your break starts, you head back to your office.
Feeling curious, you use your computer to search about that article Jason was talking about. You felt disgusted how the paparazzi took photos of you without you knowing while you were doing errands. But, that was the price to pay when you were affiliated with Bruce Wayne.
You then hear a knock on the door and see Dick in his jogging gear.
"Hey, mom. Ready for lunch?" he asks brightly.
You smile at him as you get up from your chair. "Soon, but first... I wanted to talk to you about something."
You motion for him to sit on the lounge couch as you head there too.
You give him a serious look before you begin to speak.
"I've been thinking about this a lot and I want you to answer truthfully. Is it true that you want to apply to the police academy?"
He widens his eyes before he looks down for a bit.
"You found my application..." he says, his tone dropping.
You place your hand on his shoulder.
"A blank one. I just want to know what made you consider doing it." He doesn't hear a tone of dismay, so replies back.
“After my parents…” he said hesitantly, not wanting to state those words out of his mouth. You saw him distraught and grabbed his hand, soothing it for support. “I swore that I wouldn’t let that happen to any other kid. If I want justice for others, I want to do it right… So I'm applying for the police academy this fall.”
You stare at him for a bit and held your hand to his face. “I know that it means a lot to you to make your own path, so you have my support Dick. I’m so proud of you and know that your parents are too.” he started tearing up and gave you the biggest hug. He chuckled a bit and released a shaky breath.
“Whew, I don’t know why but I was worried you wouldn’t agree. You don't know how much this means to me.” you shake your head and rub his shoulder. “You’re your own person honey. Not me or your father should decide what you want in life and how to live it.”
Dick had a sad smile just as you mentioned Bruce. “Speaking of dad, do you think he’ll approve?” You give a big sigh as you fiddled with the pillow near you. “I can’t speak for him right now, but I think it's best to talk to him as soon as possible.”
He sees his mother’s distress, seeing how their separation has taken a toll on her health. "You read those articles, didn't you?"
You take a deep breath as you look at your computer.
"It just makes me sick. Wish I could get away from the press."
Dick turns to you and tries to brighten the mood “Why don’t we go for lunch? I think your favorite cafe is open if I'm not mistaken.” he said gleefully. You turned around to face him and gave the warmest smile.
“I would love that. Just head down to the exit while I close the office. It shouldn’t take me more than ten minutes to meet you there.” He gives you a nod as he helps you get up from the couch, kissing your temple.
As five minutes pass, you reach down to the bottom drawer of your desk, trying to find your wallet. You hear the door swing open, but only thinking it was Dick. “Honey, I think I misplaced my wallet. Do you mind turning off the monitor while I-” You face up not facing your son, but someone you have least expected to see. “Bruce.”
You couldn’t fathom that he was here with you in the same room existing at the same time. He shaved his beard and cut his hair, looking like the last time you saw him at the gala. Bruce begins to stammer. “I… uh… went for a drive after my meeting. Somehow I came here, I wanted to check on you.”
You look down and rub your protruding belly, a habit you started to do for quite some time. “I’m fine… I was going to lunch with Dick down the block.” you said quickly, now finding your wallet and leaving quickly with Bruce behind you. “Please, I want to make this-” he said, trying to gently grab your hand, but you resent his touch.
“What Bruce, make it right?! Like these past few days never existed after telling me our whole relationship was based on a lie?"
You were thankful enough that the whole office space was empty so no one could hear your argument.
"We need to resolve this, paparazzi have been banging on my door and I'm afraid they'll come to you next."
You scoff as you stare at him, fuming. "Don't you think I know?"
You see him stare at your side.
"There are pictures of you without your ring." he says in a whisper
You look down at your left hand, realizing. "My hand has been swelling since the pregnancy started. I never had the time to get it resized. But, maybe it's a good thing I'm not wearing it now."
Bruce doesn't break eye contact with you.
"What are you insinuating?" He asks.
You stay silent for a moment, trying to find an answer. "Maybe we don't know each other too well to get married." you said, looking away.
"You promised me that the lies will stop, but you’re still keeping secrets… it’s too much for me to even fathom to forgive you right now.”
You distance yourself between him, leaning on a nearer desk for support “Sometimes you make me feel like I can’t breathe…” you said as you gasped lightly, still trembling from the tears streaming down your face.
Bruce looks down in shame. He closes up to you, wanting to hold you in his arms like he did when he returned home, but you wouldn't allow it.
Was this the moment that he lost you?
Both of you shoot up and see Dick out of breath.
"The paps are here... we need to go now." Dick ordered as he grabbed your hand to the exit. Bruce took no hesitation and pursued behind to ensure your safety. Once you exit, flashing cameras and microphones blind your view as you try to get to your car.
Dick lost his grip on you, as he fared off in the crowd. You feel Bruce's hand placed on the small spot on your back, trying not to lose you.
“Bruce, I can’t…. Breathe…” you said as loud as you could, but the reporters shout obnoxious questions, ordering you to answer. Bruce tries to stay close to you, but the swarm of people overpowered.
You don't know how, but the overcrowding must have lost your balance, making your body collapsed on the floor very abrupt. You groan in pain as your hands quickly go to your stomach.
Bruce screams out your name, holding your body. He glares at all of the prying eyes around him, shouting around to move away or else. Once every cleared a path, Dick sees you in Bruce’s arms as he tries to soothe your sudden cries. “Mom! What happened?” he said running, kneeling to see what happened. Bruce quickly looks up to Dick.
“She fell, she must have impacted on her abdomen. Start the car, we need to go to the hospital.” No time was wasted as Bruce handed his son his keys. Dick sees the car not too far from here and starts the ignition while Bruce was behind carrying you safely and sat in the back of the passenger seat, your body never leaving his arms.
Dick drives like there's no tomorrow as you cried in Bruce's chest.
"The baby... I can't lose..."
"You're going to be alright." Bruce whispered repeatedly in your ear, silently praying for any God to make sure you and the baby were alright.
"Where's Ma?" Jason screamed in the waiting room as he heard about your episode from 2 hours ago. He would have arrived sooner if he wasn't working on a solo project. Dick got up from his seat and went up to his younger brother. "She's stable for now. Doctor's did an emergency scan on her, the baby is alright for now. Her room is five doors down on the left, Bruce is watching her." Jason shook his head in disbelief.
"Everything was fine this morning...." Dick looked down "Mom may have a rough few months carrying the baby to full term. Bruce came out when she began to sleep and explained everything."
Jason glanced at the direction where her room was and muttered under his breath "What an expert he is.” Before he could take one step, Dick held his shoulder and forced Jason to look at him. "I know you're mad at him, we all are after what he did to her. But right now is not the time to be angry. He’s a mess ever since he’s been by her side, I think that’s punishment enough" Jason clenched his jaw, but nodded in agreement to his older brother and made his way.
Jason took a deep breath and slowly opened the door to the hospital room. He saw Bruce holding her hand tightly in his sitting figure as they were both asleep. He felt almost content by his adoptive father’s action.
When he was about to leave, a voice whispered out loud, "Could you get the blanket near the end of the bed? She's getting a bit cold." He recognized it as his father's and turned around and saw him half awake. Jason walked quietly to the bed and quietly tucked his mother like how she did for him many years ago. Jason takes a seat on the opposite side of Bruce, facing his mom.
“Alfred was running errands when I called, he picked up Tim and Damian back at the manor to see your mother when she wakes up. She needs her rest after today.” Jason finally exhaled in relief.
Jason took the seat opposite to Bruce, staring at his mother in disbelief. The room was silent, the only noise that was made was the heart monitor. Jason looked up to him, wanting to yell or cuss him out for destroying the few people in his life to care for him. Bruce slowly turned his gaze to you as your breathing was silently blissful.
"I know you been to Blüdhaven these past nights when you're off patrol." Jason said lowly, not wanting to disrupt the calm silence.
Jay looks up to Bruce who's eyes never left you. "Why didn't you just go to her?"
Bruce takes a moment to answer. "I don't know." Bruce whispers under his breath.
Jason then gets up and looks back again to his parents.
"If you loved her, you should have stayed. None of this would have happened." Jason stated as he left the room.
All of the boys including Alfred were in the waiting room, waiting for you to wake up. Bruce who was staring sadly at your sleeping figure.
“I never got to apologize.” Bruce started as he spoke out loud to you.
“Not for this past week, but for these ten years...” His eyes start to water, regretting all the hurt he caused you. “-wanting to be with you for intel, not telling you sooner of what I do, sending Dick away without your consent, losing Jason, straining your love with Tim, you getting mad that I had Damian while we were still together, all of it."
He inches his chair closer to you "Most of all, I allowed myself to slowly let you go. I thought that the best thing to keep everyone safe was if I left but I was wrong: Alfred, the boys, you, our baby-” he places his palm on your abdomen
“You are the source of my happiness, the light in the most darkest part of my life; I can’t go on if I was the source of your pain. I promise you, no more hiding anything.” He collapses to your side, burying his face on the mattress. He feels a hand slowly reaching out to him and sees you awake.
You don't get a word out as Bruce launched into your arms, sobbing in your hair. He feels you soothing his back as you cry as well.
He lets go and moves the hair out of your eyes.
"You meant all of those things?" You ask as Bruce starts to wipe away your tears with his thumb.
"Every word." he whispers back.
You hear the door opening and see your family flooding in the room.
"Mom!" Tim screamed out as he speeds up to your bed, hugging you tightly. Your tears return again, but happy ones as you reunite with all of your sons.
Damian then walks to your side opposite of Tim, sitting on your bed.
"How's the baby?" he asks sincerely.
Tim lets go of you as you sit properly in your bed.
"When they did the scan earlier, the baby is fine. They said they'll stop by once I woke up."
You can hear the relief in the room as everyone calmed down.
"You know, you can press charges to all of those paps." Dick said, crossing his arms across your chest.
You and Bruce share a glance. "I'm not wanting to mix myself in that drama at this moment. The baby is healthy, that's all I care about right now." you replied.
Bruce already looks like he's going to handle that situation in his personal time, but he stands closer to your bed for your support.
A nurse steps into the room and sees how filled it is.
"I guess this is a family affair." she joked as she went up to you.
"How we feeling, mom?" the nurse asks as she preps up the sonogram.
"A lot better now, I don't feel any pain." you reply.
The nurse takes out the gel and starts placing it on your belly.
"Good! Don't be alarmed that a bruise may form around the abdomen." she reminds you as she starts taking the wand and moves it around your belly.
When the scan lights up, everyone stares in disbelief at the growing baby.
You suddenly feel Bruce's hand into yours as he stares at his child on the screen. His breathing got hitched from how big they're getting from the last sonogram picture that was given to him.
"The placenta isn't ruptured, but we would like to have you stay overnight in case something were to happen. On the other hand, it seems that the baby isn't shy today. Would you like to know the gender?" she asks.
You gasp as you brightly look at Bruce.
"I'm ready if you are." you ask, smiling. He nods his head yes and you turn to your nurse.
"Congratulations, you're having a baby girl." she announced.
All of the boys cheered out, taking out their phones.
"I told you it was a girl." Dick said to Tim as he looked annoyed.
"Wait, did you all took bets?" you turn to your children who paused in front of you.
"We're not the only ones who took bets." Jason said, seeing Roy Harper venmo him on his phone.
"I don't even want to know how much you all lost." Bruce said seriously, making them all laugh out loud.
The nurse takes the wand away and looks at the full room. "Okay, all of you need to leave to give mom some rest. Only one person can stay overnight." The nurse said, turning off the machine.
Bruce looks down at you, possibly pleading with his eyes to allow him to stay.
You nod your head slowly and agree. The boys said their farewells to you as well as Alfred who pressed a kiss to your head.
The nurse told Bruce that the nearby couch was a makeshift bed as she did her last task.
Once you were alone, you and Bruce stay in silence.
"I heard from the conversation you had with Jason, that you went to Blüdhaven?" you ask out loud.
Bruce takes a seat at the foot of your bed, staring at you.
"I had a feeling that you would stay with one of the kids, so I sought out Jay's place. I didn't see you, but I knew you were there."
You look at your hands on your lap, picking on a cuticle.
"You're still Batman..." you whispered to yourself, feeling your throat close up.
"I know how the cowl makes you feel, but if you say that-" You cut Bruce off, looking at him with a look.
"Batman isn't the problem, it's you keeping secrets from your family. I know that I had my secret about my father, but it was because he was barely in my life. All he did was give my mother a bank account under my name and never looked back. After you left, I realized I needed someone to take out my demons and went to Arkham. I needed to breathe and it was the only place to do so."
Bruce ponders from your words. "What if I told you there's a place for you to do so?"
He scoots closer to your sitting figure. "The place I stayed for the past months, it's a small cabin my father bought before I was born. We can go there. Any questions you want from me, I'll answer them."
"Any questions?" you ask skeptically.
Bruce takes his hand into yours again. "Any, don't feel like you have to pull back. Day or night, I'll answer truthfully."
"Okay, after I'm discharged, we'll head out there." you reply.
You see Bruce bright up a bit as he kisses your knuckles.
"Thank you." he says softly
You give him a smile, suddenly yawning.
"Go to sleep, I'll step out for a moment to call Alfred to make arrangements for our trip."
You nod as you begin to lie on your side, as you see Bruce walking away as he took his phone out.
You trust that he's going to make everything up to you.
"Dent, you have a call." a nurse says through the cell.
Two Face flips his coin, muttering to himself to either answer or decline the call.
He calls out tales to answer, and sees the metal land on tales.
He gets up and walks with the nurse in tow to the telephone.
His hands pick up the phone and places it on the side of his ear that wasn't scarred.
"Who is this?" Harvey asks a bit roughly.
"Mr. Dent, this is Bruce Wayne."
Harvey is off guard, but recollects himself.
"What do you want? I don't need to be a charity case for whatever you're scheming." Harvey bites back.
"It's about your daughter, Mr. Dent." Bruce said, looking at the small window that connected to your room.
The half scarred man forgets to breathe for a moment. "So you know... what happened?"
"There was an accident, her and the baby are fine now. I'm going to take her away from the city for a bit, help her breathe."
Harvey chuckles to himself. "You come back from the dead just to be her shining knight. Is that why you're calling, to tell me that all she needs is you?"
Bruce hesitates for a second. "I know you care for her, sir. She hasn't explained the entirety of her upbringing yet, but I know you're the only living family she has left. That's why I was wondering if I could have your permission to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage. I know I asked her prior, but I wanted to do it right this time."
The nurse behind hims signals that he only has a few minutes left of his call.
"I have no right to give you permission. I was barely in her life, she's the only one to give you an answer. But... take care of her. Do what I couldn't."
Bruce sees you sleeping through the window, admiring your soft features.
"I promise, sir."
Harvey sniffs, trying to ignore the sting in his eyes.
"You're one hell of a kid, Wayne, Just like your father. Worked with him prior before you were born, smart man and cared about everyone. He'll be proud."
Bruce didn't have time to register what he just said as the line goes silent. He must have run out of time or chose those to be his last parting words.
All he could do was look up to the ceiling, hoping that his late father is proud of him.
But some part of him thought he had a long way to go.
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gentlemancrow · 3 years
14: “I’m screwed” shippy JMart :) 💚
Ehehe this one got away from me a little bit! But ask for shippy Jmart get a gushy mooshy Crow! Please enjoy! ; w ;
“I’m screwed…”
Martin watched helplessly through the slats of the yellowed blinds on Jon’s office window as his entire life went up in flames. He dimly recalled some trite old saying about seeing one’s life flash before one’s eyes before the moment of unceremonious besmirching from the cruel mortal coil, but for him it was more of a hysterical repeated rewinding of every single bumbling misstep that had orchestrated his imminent demise.
From the moment he decided he had just enough time before work to pop into the Tesco for the usual bouquet of flowers for his visit to his mother later in the day, to the snap decision to get the one made of tulips, bright crimson, orange, and yellow like a flame, rather than the usual white lilies, all the way up to entering the institute, Elias stuffing a file for Jon in his already laden arms, and then the chaos that had erupted as he attempted to deliver it, he lived it all over again. First there was something about the kettle being on the fritz, and obviously since he used it the most frequently, clearly he knew how to repair errant electronic kitchen devices. He was halfway through chastising Tim for false equivalencies in his logic when Sasha had breezed past and asked for a report he’d supposed to be finished with the day prior, and somewhere in the snarking with Tim and the flailing over his dereliction of duty the flowers had been abandoned on Jon’s desk and the file tucked under his arm instead.
By the time Martin realized he was missing something bulky and crinkly and fragrant it was too late. Jon was already in his office, tatty messenger bag still looped around his chest, forgotten, staring at the fiery bouquet on his desk with the scientific method scrolling visibly through his pupils as he regarded it like a corpse on an autopsy table, hand in a fist with his thumb pressed to his lips. Martin had never wished harder for some sort of horrific creature of the darkness to strike the institute again and just devour him whole this time to put him out of his misery.
“You’re what, mate?” Tim’s adjacent query only intensified that desire.
“Tim! SHUSH!” he squeaked, grabbing his friend by the shoulders and hauling him out of the line of sight from the office window.
“Easy there, big guy!” he laughed, “What’s all the hullabaloo?”
“I’m SCREWED. Big time,” Martin moaned, burying his face, which had been bright scarlet since the moment his hubris had roosted, into his hands, “See those flowers in there? I bought those for my usual trip to see my mum this afternoon but somehow between you being an idiot and me also being an idiot and forgetting to finish that report I sort of… left them there… by accident…”
Jon, meanwhile, had finally set his bag down and had circled his desk like a vulture. He reached out with delicate fingers like forceps and pinched the very edge of the card to inspect it, which, unfortunately, only added to the mystery with its coquettish blankness, as Martin had yet to fill it in. Tim watched, nonplussed.
“So? What’s the big deal about that? Just go explain it to him and I’m sure he… Oh. OH,” he cackled as realization dawned on him, “Yeah, nope you’re screwed.”
“Ahh, don’t sweat it. The man’s so thick I’m sure he thinks it’s just a prank or some continued spooky attempt on his life or something. The absolute last thing he would think would be that you of all people would…” Tim stopped himself in the withering blue glare blazing at him from behind round spectacles, “Anyway, again, this is Jon we’re talking about. He’ll just treat it like some weird cosmic mystery until he burns himself out on it or the next one shows up.”
“Y-Yeah but-“
“Just go explain! Unless you want to watch him wriggle about it like a fish on a hook all day. Which I am diametrically unopposed to, by the way, sounds absolutely hilarious.”
Martin winced, hating the idea of being the missing chunk of code that caused Jon’s brain to glitch for the remainder of the day, and sucked in a breath between his teeth.
“No, no you’re right,” he sighed, “Just… no flowers at my funeral if he kills me, okay?”
“Kate Bush songs only, got it, yep.”
Martin rolled his eyes, not dignifying that with a response, and shuffled on mechanical feet to the closed door of Jon’s office. He rapped lightly a few times before pushing his way in, smiling sheepishly at the head archivist who had clearly just unceremoniously flung himself in front of the mysterious bouquet to hide it from view.
“Martin!” he barked, “What in the hell are you-“
“Uh, just needed to talk to you for a second.”
He closed the door behind him
“Oh, uh… about wh-“
“About those, actually,” Martin confessed through his teeth, pointing, mortified, at the coy spray of flaming tulips peeking out from behind Jon’s hip.
He whipped around to look at them, then back to his assistant, then back to the flowers again, the blush that only ever seemed to find the tips of his ears glowing like two carmine rosebuds there.
That unreadable earthy brown gaze, somewhere between wilting regency heroine and venomous snake ready to strike with fangs bared, harpooned Martin directly to the heart.
“No! God no! S-Sorry!” he yelped, flailing his hands defensively in the air, “I-I mean they are mine, yes, b-but I-! Th-They’re for my mum! I-I try to visit her in her care home if I can on Fridays, and I always bring her some flowers! I was supposed to be dropping off a file for you, but then Tim was hounding me about the broken kettle and Sasha needed that damned report and I was all mixed up and I… I forgot them here. On your desk. Your desk of all places. I still have the file and um… T-Trade you? Hah…”
Jon’s finely sculpted brow shifted from pinched, to bemused, to a strange, sorrowful relief as Martin finished lamely in falsetto and he chuckled under his breath.
“Ah… right. Right! I thought for a second someone might have um…” he snorted breathlessly, “Hah, I knew that was a preposterous notion.”
The metaphysical harpoon still in Martin’s chest shattered in icy shards of anguish as his heart collapsed under the weight of itself.
“Wh- Jon, is it really that preposterous a notion someone might want to bring you flowers?” he asked, crushed.
Jon flourished a flippant, elegant hand.
“Come on Martin, this is me we’re talking about. I’ve never gotten flowers once in my life. I’m not the kind of person people think to buy flowers for. It’s not a big deal.”
“Well then let me be the first!” Martin insisted, his mouth and heart moving in tandem before his brain could stop them.
Jon’s brow creased again.
“What? Good lord no, I’m not going to take the flowers you bought for your mother. Who is also in a care home, mind.”
“I’d much rather give them to you.”
The skeptical expression marring Jon’s face did little to hide the blush flourishing at the tips of his ears again.
“Look. We’re friends now, aren’t we?” Martin elaborated shyly, “Friends can send each other flowers. And honestly? My mum doesn’t even like them… no matter what kind I bring. They usually end up being for her nurse instead. So I… I think they’ll have a much better home with you.”
A tiny smile quirked the corner of Jon’s mouth, snipping an invisible thread that softened his entire face into something innocent and full of wonder.
“I see. If you’re sure, I suppose I could…”
“I’m very sure,” Martin replied without hesitation, “Just tell people an old friend sent them out of the blue, or you have a secret admirer or something!”
“Well I don’t know about all that, but-” Jon chuckled, smiling softly, “Thank you. Just the same.”
Martin looked up, just for a moment, and met Jon’s gaze, letting the piercing erudite wood of it lay bare his fluttering heart.
“You’re welcome…”
Jon shifted in the beat of ensuing silence, his eyes flicking away from sky blue radiance to shift his shoulders back into a professional square.
“You uh, said you had a file for me?”
“Oh! Yes! Right! I-I will go fetch that file for you indeed and uh-! Oh yeah! Make sure you snip off the ends of the stems a bit before you put them in water. Helps them last longer,” Martin offered, snapping out of his enchantment and already slinking backwards to the door, “Oh and also! When they start to go, I’ll show you how to press one in a book, so you can keep it, if you like!”
“I’d like that very much, actually.”
Martin smiled, nodded, and saluted awkwardly as he escaped Jon’s office and closed the door behind, leaving him in private to wait until he was sure no one would see. Once he was certain, he preciously gathered the tulips into his hands and brought them to his nose, breathing in the field bright scent of his very first bouquet from a secret admirer.
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lunarianillusion · 3 years
A change in fate
a maribat fanfic
Chapter 09
When the final school bell of the day finally rang Marinette and her pack practically bolted from the building, before the braindead could catch them. When outside she told the others to go on ahead without out her, telling them she would meet them back at the hotel, and that she had to quickly grab something from her room. Chloe was a bit hesitant since the toxic shepherd and her herd were still lurking, but Marinette reassured her as best as she could making her lead the other three away.
The omega made quick work of avoiding her parents, not caring for what they possibly could have said in her migraine induced morning, and up to her room. After slipping in through the trap door the hidden kwami’s all came out of hiding. All very happy to see that the young guardian had recovered from the past morning.
The omega smiled softly at the little gods that cared for her wellbeing. She was truly happy to have found away to release the kwami’s from the box confines. Giving them a small piece of freedom, they needed. She hoped to give them true freedom one day, but for now they needed to focus.
“It is time for step two,” The noirette said, gaining the complete attention from all the little gods. Then they turned to one and other a silent conversation among the concepts of the world and gave each other a firm nod of agreement. “We are all ready to proceed young guardian,” Longg spoke firmly with the slightest hint of longing. She could tell and could not blame him for wishing to meet with his possible soul bearer, but she could not trust the dragon’s soul bearer just yet.
The guardian’s blue eyes turned to onto the light turquoise kwami nearby. “Are you ready?” The snake gave her a small grin. “I am.” “You better take good care of her, understood,” Pollen buzzed while giving Sass a fireless glare. To which he chuckled in return and gave his fellow god words of assurance, as Marinette grabbed the small box holding his miraculous.
After procuring the miraculous of change, along a thick binder filled with Lie-la’s inconsistencies and fever dreams, the omega hero made her way over the grand hotel. Upon arrival Marinette encountered Chloe’s loyal butler. He informed her that monsieur Bourgeois was in search of his daughter and so advised the dark-haired girl to take the long route to the nest. As to not alert the dumb mayor that Chloe now has taking more of a residence in her secret room.
Over the time that Chloe has used opportunity to redeem herself to others, she had become aware of how toxic her family was and had been distancing from her parents whenever she needed room to breathe. The staff had been happy to provide her with a special place for the blond within the hotel. One of the rooms had been modeled into a one room apartment specially decorated for the young alpha and kept off the books so that her father would not find it. When they showed her the room Chloe had burst into a sea of overjoyed tears, having been giving confirmation that she was indeed became a better person in the eyes of others. That had been such a relief for the girl and a great boost to her confidence.
Giving the beta butler her thanks, the omega made the long round way to Chloe’s second room that gained the title of the nest over the past months. Upon arrival and entry, the blue-eyed omega was met with the homely interior of the apartment, that made it feel as though you just walked into a hunter’s cabin in the mountains. To the right was the sitting/living area with a large half circle couch and two armchairs standing around a round red wood coffee table. A large flat screen tv hung from the wall infront of the sitting area, with several drawers under it filled with the girls collection of DVDs and blue ray’s. To the left was the kitchen area with a wooden bar counter that separated the kitchen from the hall and living area, around it stood four wooden fashionably cushioned barstools. In the back, past the doors that led to the bathroom and workspace, was a window seat bed that had been transformed into a large nest. Made from a mismatch of blankets, pillows and some articles of close from the two female occupants. A large deep dark red canopy hung from the ceiling that gave the two a feeling of a save close offed space, for whenever the one of the two took shelter here for the rut or heat.
The smile on Marinette’s face came naturally as she past the rooms threshold. This was a place of safety for her, something that her old home could never again be. How she often wished she could live here but her ‘parents’ would kick up a fuss and she really did not need the extra headache’s.
Her eyes drifted around counting all of the current occupants in the den. Nathaniel and Marc sat snuggled together upon de couch, enthusiastically discussing their new comic idea, Chloe was in the back near the nest looking for something in one of the large bookcases lining the wall and Tim was in the kitchen making the holy elixir, COFFEE. “Can you make me a cup too, Tim,” the female omega called out gaining her packs attention. Though Chloe was the only one that gave a verbal response in the form of a pained groan and calling her an addict. She ignored her friend in favour of focussing on the steaming cup of coffee that the dark haired prepared for her. She gave him a grateful smile and a small thanks as she took a seat at the kitchen counter and dropped her thick binder with a thud onto the wooden surface.
She took a careful sip from her given ambrosia and then pulled on her business face. “So now that we have all gathered, shall we get started on the downfall of the delusional spider and her plague of insects.” The crystal blue eyes glanced around the room once more and taking in the malicious smiles of her pack. “Oh yes, let’s get started,” the blond female nearly cackled as she pulled out to binders of her own. Yes, they were ready for the hunt.
And so started of several hours of compiling all the tall tales that had past Rossi’s lips from the lady blog, their phones and school camera’s, curtesy of Tim’s hacking skills. But as people will agree after a certain amount of time one gets side-tracked, especially if you have a petty alpha female wanting revenge. Surprisingly the two male omegas’ were very much on board with the pettiness.
“But wouldn’t she simply blame Marinette,” Chloe interjected. She and the male omegas having a thorough discussion over how to trick Lie-la into spraying herself with skunk musk. They discussed it for over an hour.
“Not unless she believed it to be a gift for Marinette,” Marc began to supply, making Chloe pull a face. “She would say she was so thankful for the gift while just taking it,” The jade eyed male continued. “But either me or Tim or me would say it was for Mari,” Nathaniel took over, “She in a fit her supposed supremacy will spray herself and then come to the horrid realization of the disgusting odour. This will work in our favour two ways. One Lie-la will smell just as horrid as her soul is,” “And two, because they will think we ‘tried to do this on Mari’ we can get in the flies good graces and here about any possible plots to hurt our leader and prepare for that accordingly.” Marc finished, devious smiles on both his and boyfriend’s faces.
“You two are bloody devils,” The blond alpha started, eyes filled with wondered surprise before beginning to laugh gleefully. “And I love it!” she exclaimed as Marinette and Timothy were just finishing up all the processed evidence that they had gathered. Next time they were going to look into things Lie-la had done before she had come to Dupoit. But for now, it was pack bonding time.
“Nath please cal-”
“NO Marc he is right. They gods have deceived us. COLOUR IS A LIE!!!” Marinette exclaimed as she threw her sketchbook across the room. Whirling around she grabbed the redhead and raised her hand to the window. “OPEN THE WINDOW WE MUST FLY!!!”
“Mari, Tim, put the mugs down,”
The two in question raised the offending cups to their lips.
“I swear to the powers from the beyond, don’t you two dare drink that! That is your fifth cup in the past thirty minutes.”
The alpha omega duo took exaggerated sips from their cups, the sound penetrating the air. Within seconds the blond was chasing around her two coffee addicted friends around the room in a made chase screaming profanities every so often. The two coffee worshippers always two steps ahead of the girl with surprising agility, not letting a single drop of the elixir of life spill from their containers. Whilst Nathaniel and Marc watched the chaos from the couch unfold, sharing a bowl of popcorn.
After a long chase, that resulted in Chloe’s loss, the pack had nestled themselves on the couch and chairs around the tv. They had some action movie playing and were making all sorts of critics, on the fight scenes mostly. It made for a rather peaceful atmosphere.
Marc and Nathaniel were snuggled together within a wool blanket on one of the large armchairs. Chloe and Marinette had claimed the couch, their heads on opposite ends and legs tangled in the middle.  Tim sat on the other chairs, his legs dangling over the side and hid eyes taking in more the people around him then the movie. Taking in every detail of the scene around him and committing it to memory as his senses were lulled by the peaceful atmosphere, making him feel safe.
As the late evening came Marc, Nathaniel and Tim went to their own homes, begrudgingly. Leaving Marinette and Chloe in the nest, for Mari had no interest in returning home for the night. And she also had a mission to fulfil.
The two having just finished the dishes, from the room served meal, sat curled up in the nest/bed area talking about the day events and other random thoughts. When, to Chloe’s surprise the noirette omega took on a far more serios exterior. Her blue eyes calculating and analysing the blond before her and her posture straight as an arrow and rigged. “What’s wrong Marinette?” the alpha asked, using her full first name instead of one of her nicknames.
Taking a small breath, to try and calm her nerves, Marinette spoke: “I need to ask a favor of you Chloe Bourgeois, something of great importance. But I need to know that I can fully trust you with what I am about to ask of you.” The mayor’s daughter opened her mouth to say that ofcourse she could trust her, but the darked haired held up her hand to stop her having not yet finished. “I know that I can trust you with anything that happens in our normal lives, but this is not something that can be considered normal and many things are at risk,” she took a moment to let the gravity of the situation sink in. “So, I need to know that I have your compete loyalty and that you will always have my back trough whatever may come. I need to know that you will not stab me in the back,” the last part had been whispered almost so quietly that Chloe might not have picked it up had she not given the omega her full attention.
The last words that were spoken stung the blond a bit, but she understood the meaning behind them more then anything. For those she had once considered her most trust pack members had turned their back on her for the stupid lies of a filthy leach that now trespassed on their territory. She understood the words very well. But Marinette asking this meant that she trusted Chloe so much that she was about to reveal possibly one of her most precious secrets to her friend. A swell of pride and determination flowed through the alpha as the implications of her request made itself clear in the former bully’s mind. And she swore not to let that trust in her go to waist. Chloe poised herself and stared straight into Marinette’s eyes conveying as much determination as the blond could muster through her gaze and scent.
“Marinette, you have given me so much even after all the years of torment I dragged you trough. You forgave me when I finally got my act together which was already more then I deserved, but you also let me join your pack and supported me as I tried to see what I needed to do to become a better person. You made me realize what I truly needed to be happy and because of that I have finally found who I want to be. I will never be able to fully for all that you have done for me. So, whatever secret you share with me I will take to the grave, whatever deed I must do no-one will lead it back to you. I will have your back in all the fights that are to come,” she took a deep breath, to keep her rage for those who did betray the omega at bay, but gaze filled with determination. “I swear I will never betray you for as long as I breath. That I assure you,” Chloe finished.
Marinette could feel her eyes tearing up, but she forced herself not to let any of the tears fall. No was not the time for tears. Even so, the words and emotion that the blond had expressed made Mari so happy and it took away all of her doubt. For no lie was uttered and the absolute devotion coming from her alpha friend sealed that fact.
Carefully she pulled out a dark octagon box with a red sigil painted on the lid. A box the omega knew Chloe recognised. She smiled at the wide eyes she got from her friend before dawning her hero persona. “Chloe Bourgeois this is the miraculous of the snake, that will grant you the power of change. I, Marinette Dupain-Cheng former hero known as Ladybug, current true holder of peafowl and guardian of the miraculous ask you to join me in the fight to end the terror of Hawkmoth. Will you accept?”
A long tense moment of silence followed after the proposition was finally spoken. Both party’s staring intently at the other, their minds whirling with uncoordinated thoughts and question, as fate awaited an answer.
Hesitantly Chloe broke the silence not with an answer to the question, but with a question of her own. “Am I worthy of a miraculous?” Her self-doubt shining through in the quiver of her voice.
Marinette’s demeaner softened at her friend a surge of reassurance washed over the omega, she made the right choice. “Yes Chloe, you are most definitely worthy of a miraculous,” Marinette assured, but could see that the blond was not fully convinced. “You said it yourself, you have taken the road to better yourself in both in your own eyes and the eyes of others. I and many others have been beside you watching you take that rocky road head on and witnessed the fruit it bore. From all the people you helped with charities and donations, from the kids in the hospital that smile so brightly every time you come to visit, form Trevor and Miranda who practically see you as their own daughter, from our friends that would come running at slightest of whispers of you being in danger. I assure you that you are worthy to wield a miraculous. So will you stand beside me as my partner and friend through the coming battles?”
As the finale words sunk in, Chloe felt her resolve strengthen. Whipping away the tears that had gathered in her eyes she gave her friend another look of determination, as she took the small box from Paris’s true hero hand. “I would be honoured,” the blond spoke receiving a grateful smile from the noirette in return.  
Opening the box, a turquoise glowing orb circled around the alpha, making her reminisce of her first meeting with Pollen, before the orb took on the form of a snake like being. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Chloe. I am Sass, the kwami of change,” the snake kwami spoke. “The feeling is mutual,” Chloe replied sincerely as she took the miraculous from its confines and placed it around her wrist. The band camouflaging the moment it was clipped on. The twisting turquoise band turning into a single rose gold band with two swirls circling a sapphire rose with a few clear diamonds. As the miraculous settled the new kwami and wielder pair turned to the young guardian with Duusu now floating beside the omega.
“I will have you know that I have many questions for Dupain-Cheng,” the female alpha said without any heat behind her glare. Making Marinette give a small at her friend. “I would not expect anything less from you,” Mari sighed light heartily, before she turned a bit more serious once more. “But let me first tell you the full extend of what has been going on.”
Author note: This chapter was honestly hard to write, with the heart to heart between Chloe and Marinette being an especially hard point, but I hope you could still enjoy the chapter it and please tell me what you think of the story so far.
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liquid-luck-00 · 4 years
Bio!Dad Bruce
Day 12: Little!Mari
Ao3 ~~~ First ~~~ Previous ~~~ Next
Sorry this is late I’ll be late for a bit as I try and catch back up, hopefully.
Marinette was back in Wayne Manor for the winter holidays. And just like every morning she was awake before almost everyone else. Granted she just came back from patrol and it was already too late to fall sleep.
She had noticed she was running low on transformation macaroons for Tikki, so she decided to make a batch. And she did but she may have fallen asleep after placing the Macarons in Tikki‘s designated cookie jar, accidentally leaving out a couple of the potions.
Jason was the one to find her and noticed that she was asleep so he moved her to her room. So that got the boys to talking. They wanted to make sure that this was the best Christmas break ever, as it was their first Christmas together, so what better way to make their youngest sibling smile like the little sunshine she is, than to surprised her with baked goods like she always does with them.
Surprisingly it was Bruce who stepped up to the plate. Granted everyone kind of just stared at him. Alfred’s expression was a mix of shock and horror. Shock because Bruce was in the kitchen and asking Alfred where a list of ingredients were. Horror because Bruce was in the kitchen and it seemed as if he was going to cook. By the time it seemed he had all his ingredients in front of him Bruce looked up and noticed them all staring.
“Is something wrong” Bruce asked with a completely straight face.
“Yes!!!” Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian all yelled..
Alfred, oh poor Alfred, seemed to be close to fainting as he was probably imagining the mess that was going to be occurring. “ Master Bruce what are you about to make.” Alfred asked.
“Sir where did you learn of the recipe you are to be using?”
“From Mini”
Once they all knew that the recipe was from Mari, they begin to work, still eyeing him warily.
"Vanilla has anyone seen it?"
"There it is Little Bat must have left it out" Dick handed Bruce the vid that was labeled with the letter 'V' and had a violet cap from a line of vials.
They finished the batter and Alfred set it in the oven.
"That went better than the last time" Bruce sighed as they left the kitchen.
"Now I need to know" Jason stopped Bruce looking straight at him. "When the hell have you baked, and what happened the last time ?"
"same occasion, the same day I met Marinette, she took out the ingredients left and I started making the recipe." He looked at his boys and they were silent for once, giving him their undivided, attention. "And I ended up covered in flour." With that he left.
Mari woke up a couple of hours later and heard a knock on the door.
"Breakfast will be served soon Miss" Alfred called.
"Thank you Alfred" she returned rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She got dressed and went down. Everyone was already at the table and they all ate relatively peacefully.
"And finally the masters have made you brownies Miss Mari" Alfred stated setting a plate of brownies in front of her.
"You guys. Thank you." I took two from the plate and handed one to Tikki. "Yummy" that was when there were two flashes.
"Mari" several voices shouted looking where she was previously sitting.
"Oh no, oh no, oh no" they heard Tikki but could not see her.
"Tikki, what is going on?" Bruce finally asked.
"Humans aren't..." that was when she began to grow in front of them. "humans shouldn't have transformation potions" She looked around, and so did everyone else. That was when they saw the blue eyes and black hair peeking over the table at them.
"Mini are you okay" Bruce tried asking softly.
"Dad" she called out running over to him. At least she still remembers we are family.
"Mari what is the last thing you remember" he asked her, she was curled up in his lap.
She shook her head. "I don't know everything is fuzzy"
"Hey there Bluebell" she turned to face Jason, who sounded to be the calmest at the table. "Do you remember us?"
She seemed to study them all. "Jay or Red" she faced Jason.
"Bluebell" he responded with a smile.
"Dick or Blue" she faced Dick.
"Little Bat" he smiled and she giggled.
"Tim or Genius" she was now smiling at Tim.
"That's right Bean" he gave a nod and yawn but she laughed at his actions.
"Damian or Qamri" she was now looking at Damian.
"Correct mon Sol" His second youngest said giving her a rare smile.
She then turned towards Alfred "Grandpa Alfie" she was now smiling and bubbly, while Alfred seemed close to loosing his composure at being called Grandpa. He simply nodded his head and gave her a smile.
"Tikki how long do you think this will last?" Bruce asked.
"I'm not completely sure" she responded.
"Fairy!" Mari cried looking at Tikki smiling. Tikki giggled.
"Well there is only one thing to do then" Dick clapped his hands a large smile spread on his face.
Tim seemed to suddenly wake up completely, Damian was eyeing him suspiciously a scowl now on his lips, and Jason well "I'm out, I am not getting caught up in any of your insane plans." he started to rise out of his seat.
"Come on Jay let's have a family fun day. We didn't know Mari when she was, how old are you right now little bat."
She scrunched her nose and furrowed her brows "Um nine if think" she finally responded.
"See we need to be with her" Dick began to plead, giving him puppy eyes.
"Please Red" Marinette looked at him giving him her own puppy eyes.
"Ugh how can I say no to those puppy eyes"
"Works every time" Dick answered.
"Not yours" Jason responded, Dick appeared hurt. "so what's first?"
"Puppies" Mari cooed as Titus and Ace entered the room.
"let's go outside then" Damian stated reaching out for Mari's hand. She readily took it and they walked out, the rest of the family following soon after.
The majority of the morning was spent playing with Ace and Titus as well as a very difficult game of hide and seek within the manor.
By lunch she was in the kitchen alongside Alfred. After which, everyone had to deal with an Arkham breakout. So Mari wandered the cave while Alfred manned the comms. She ended up on Dick's gymnastic equipment. Once everyone was back they found out she was on the trapeze.
"Blue your back!" she yelled in mid flight. As she landed she turned and again yelled. "Come and fly with me Azur"
Dick began to move towards the ladder when Bruce grabbed his shoulder.
"I think it's best you come down" he called up to her.
"She's a natural B just a few minutes" Dick stated as he climbed the ladder.
A few minutes turned into two hours. After a bath she was curled up in the library next to Jason as he gave a dramatic reading of the Odyssey.
That was where they stayed all afternoon until Alfred called them for dinner. After which Mari dragged Tim to the living room to make a blanket fort to end all forts. Where she proceeded to tuck her brother under several blankets to get him to sleep.
All five of them ended up watching Disney Movies all night. Where they all fell asleep in the fort.
"Why are we in a blanket fort?" Marinette questioned the next morning.
"Mari go back to sleep" Jason grumbled next to her.
"Jay?" she asked out finally waking up. "Dick? Tim? Damian? What how?"
"Breakfast will be ready shortly" Alfred called from outside the fort.
A chorus of ‘Ok Alfred's’ were heard from inside the blankets.
Her and her brothers all got up and went to prepare for the day, and when they sat for breakfast she was still confuse Id.
"What happened yesterday?” she asked. Everyone shared a look and began to laugh.
"Would you prefer the photos or the videos?" Alfred asked and everyone seemed to laugh even harder.
@mochinek0 @justafanwarrior @abrx2002 @ranger-gothamite @fantasiame @moonystars14 @mochegato @bigbeautifulandfullofsugar @maribat-is-lifeblood @iglowinggemma28 @miraculous-ninja @talutah0 @vixen-uchiha @danielslilangel @witchsblackfox @pawsitivelymiraculous @lizziejay @marinettepotterandplagg @colorfulmongerpsychicranch @dast218 @sassakitty @miyla-lokidottir @lilkymilky @tazanna-blythe @tired-butterfly @lozzybowe @smolplantmum @queencommonsense @loopingtangent @chez-pezeater @paintedhope7 @technicallyburninggarden @meme991001 @wannajointhecrabcult @melicmusicmagic @trippingovermyfeet @greatcatblaze @fidget-eep @miraculouslydumb @iamablinkmarvelarmy @laurcad123 @hauntedwintersweets @fc-studios @fusser90 @madking-warqueen @buginetye @little-lady-bird @thebooki3h @iamabrownfox 
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wordsfromthesol · 4 years
Just A Facade (1/2)
Author: @wordsfromthesol Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader Summary:  Dick is very confused that his brothers seem to all be getting along with you, and worse…wanting to help you. And wait…were you dating his brother?! Warnings:  Violence, getting shot, cursing Word Count: 2.2k Taglist: @zphilophobiaz @anousiemay @malfoys-demigod @pricetagofficial
“What do you mean we are working with Y/N?” Dick questioned his brother.
“It’s her case, she needs back-up.” Jason simply stated.
“She tried to kill me last week!”
“That sounds like a you problem.”
“I have no problem with her, what’s the case?” Tim chimed in.
“I’m glad you asked, replacement.” Tim rolled his eyes at Jason’s nickname. “But I’m going to let her explain it. Be here tomorrow, 10am.”
“She has not entrusted you with the information, has she?” Damian grunted out.
Jason swiftly punched him in the arm, “Shut up demon.”
“Did no one hear me?! She tried to kill me last week! Why are we helping her?” Dick attempted to plead his case once again.
“Can you really blame her though…” Jason reasoned as he turned to walk away, Tim and Damian following closely behind. Dick was left dumbfounded at the table.  
10 am rolled around quickly for boys that spent all night patrolling, but they all sat at the table holding back yawns when you sauntered through the door.
“Hello boys, good to see you all.” You sent a knowing smirk Dick’s way. Before any of them could reply you continued, “So here’s the deal. Kids have been going missing.” You slid a file over towards Tim. “I need you to find the pattern.” Your voice wavered on the last syllable. In one second your demeanor completely changed as you accidentally let the façade drip away. “They’re just kids and someone is taking them, but no one seems to care.” You closed your eyes, as you caught your mistake. Taking a breath, your persona slowly morphed back into that which you had carefully constructed. “They don’t have the same birthdays, none of them seem to be from the same socioeconomic class…I could list the differences for days. I found two things connecting them: one, they’re all 12 years old, two, their guardians don’t notice or simply don’t care.”
“Well, they all have different zodiac signs. Someone could be trying to collect them all.” Tim blurted out as he continued to scan the pages.
“I didn’t notice that…” your voice went somber. Maybe if I had, one less kid would be missing…You shook yourself back into character. “Guess that’s why I came here. Anyways, four kids have been taken so far. I circled the most likely locations where they went missing. I count four little birdies, so I was thinking you could each hit a scene. Find something I missed.”
“And that leaves you where?” Dick questioned your intentions.
“I’m going to stay here and review the file, that computer there has more resources than mine.” You stated blatantly while pointing at the large monitor across the room.
“You, stay in the cave, alone…I don’t think so.”
“Ask Alfred to come babysit then. I’ve been to those scenes a dozen times.” You sucked in a breath, attempting to hide your sorrow and frustration. “I’m more useful here.”
“Lighten up Dickie, she’s been alone here dozens of times.” Jason taunted his older brother as he gave him a quick jab to the side.
“SHE’S WHAT?!” This caused an eruption of laughter in everyone…except Dick.
“Come on Dick, we’ll have more luck while it’s light out. Let’s go.” Tim composed himself and tried to ease the situation. “We’ll let you know if we find anything.” Tim directed the words towards you as he turned to leave.
“Tt, when we find something.” Damian mumbled before following his brother.
Dick sighed as he realized he was outnumbered, “Fine, but I’m getting Alfred before I leave.”
“Whatever makes you feel better sunshine.”
The boys didn’t get back until nearly dark, and none of them had very good news.
“Look, Y/N/N, we all took pictures.” Tim sighed, not wanting to admit defeat just yet. “I’ll compare the scenes and hopefully something will pop up. We’ll get this…” Tim consoled you as he placed a comforting hand on your shoulder.
“Yeah.” You took in a deep sigh, mentally reminding yourself to stay composed. “Do you still need this file?”
“No, take it. Remember to sleep though.”
You nodded walking over to table, where both the file, Damian, and Jason were sitting.
“I would be honored to pose as bait.”
A faint smile graced your lips, “Thanks Dami, but I’m afraid you don’t fit the bill. They’ve all been 12 years old, remember?”
“I can pass for 12!”
“I’m sure they go on more information than looks…but thanks.” You turned to leave but stopped as you felt a hand on your shoulder.
“Y/N, leave that here and take a break. When we do find these people, you need to be sharp.” Jason leaned in closer and whispered, “I can’t let you get hurt.”
“I’ll be fine, Jay. I’ve survived worse…”
“Heh, yeah. Guess so. Want me to walk you home?” Jason tried to mask the obvious concern in his voice.
“So you can just take the file as you leave?” You followed his cue and leaned in, whispering, “I think not my little Jaybird.”
Jason threw his hands up in defense, knowing you weren’t going to let this go. Dick waited for you to leave before he erupted.
“Are you all friends with her?! SHE TRIED TO KILL ME!”
“Did she really though?” Tim questioned his eldest brother, who just looked at him perplexed. “I mean…you’ve seen her fight, was she pulling her punches? Did she seem to move in slow motion? Did she stop as soon as whatever league members with her were gone?”
Dick’s mouth opened wide, as if to begin to answer, but he quickly shut it as his brows furrowed.
“She’s tried to kill me too…” Jason said with air quotes around the words.
“Same here” Tim chimed. Dick looked to Damian.
“Do not turn your gaze upon me, my mother would never allow the league to come after me.”
“I think there are other things at play that you don’t know about Dickie.” Jason tried to reason with his older brother as he turned to leave.
Dick still didn’t trust you, so a few hours later he made his way to your apartment. Crouching on a nearby ledge, he watched as you poured over documents scattered about the table before you. Suddenly you thrust your hands across the desk and collapsed to the floor. Is she crying? Now Dick was thoroughly confused, but his gazed was still fixed on you. After nearly a minute, you stood up and carefully began picking up the papers and photographs and placing them back on the desk. He watched as your head jerked towards the door, and as you stalked into the kitchen and reached for your gun. Seconds later the front door flew across the living room. As Dick swung towards you, he saw you place a bullet directly between the man’s eyes.
The crash of the window caused your focus to falter, however, you were relieved as you noticed the familiar black and blue costumed character glide across the floor and land at your side. Nodding at him you leapt over the kitchen counter and threw your body weight at the next assailant entering your apartment. His head rammed into the wall, knocking him out cold. You looked up and saw a gun pointed your direction. You quickly positioned the unconscious body between yourself and the gun. Unfortunately, this gun-for-hire didn’t care much for his coworker and shot directly through him. The bullet lodged itself in your stomach.
“Nightwing, give me some cover!” You screamed out and ran for the table, throwing as much as you could into a nearby backpack. Grabbing your phone, you took pictures of all the information that was plastered on your walls. You looked back to see Dick landing the final punch and called out again. “Window!” Before you had time to check that he heard you, or was behind you, you jumped.
Immediately you spread your arms and legs out in order to slow you down as much as possible. Part of you almost wished that you didn’t feel that arm wrap around your waist. You held back a pained scream as the hand fell directly over the fresh bullet wound. Dick turned to you as your feet hit the ground.
“Are you fucking crazy?!”
You only shrugged, “How many are left? Where’s your car?”
Even with the domino mask, you could tell Dick was glaring at you. “Three more were in the hallway. I noticed two vans, and an armed man at each exit. Motorcycle is three blocks down.”
“Alright, lead the way.”
As you walked through streets, you pulled one of the backpack straps loose and tied it tightly around your stomach. You could only hope the adrenaline was enough to get you to the cave. Just as you passed the first alley, an arm grabbed you and slammed you against the brick. Your arm reached up and wrapped around his neck as you kicked off from the wall. His body collided with the adjacent wall, as he struggled to free himself from your grasp. Soon you felt his body go heavy in your arms and you laid him to the ground just as two more assailants rounded the corner. You lunged at the closest one, while Nightwing came up behind and kicked the other’s legs from under him. Suddenly you began hearing gunfire ring through the air. Before you could get to the ground another bullet pierced your side, a mere inch away from the first. Thankfully, Nightwing quickly disarmed the man shooting blindly around the corner.
As the two of you rounded the corner you tossed your backpack to Dick. “Make sure Tim gets this. It could be helpful.” You could feel the pain burning through your whole body, the initial shock worn off. Dick looked at you, confused, but took the backpack anyways. The two of you made it to the motorcycle without any more fighting, but you looked at it wondering how you were going to hold on. You still don’t even know how you made it.
Walking into the cave you ignored the boys who quickly began to pour over the new information that Dick scattered across the table. You headed straight to the medical station, which thankfully Alfred had neatly organized. You quickly found what you needed and set up a table near the hospital bed.
You began cutting through your shirt but stopped short of the backpack strap as you noticed black spots creeping up in your vision. “Fuck.” Blinking rapidly to push them back, you threw your hand out, searching for the tweezers on the table. Your hand hit the tray instead, you winced at the sound of the metal clashing with the floor. Soon, all eyes were on you.
“Y/N? What the fuck? Are you hit?” Jason words rung through your head as he raced to your side.
“I got it…” You swung your legs over the side of the bed, in a sad attempt to recollect the tools on the ground. Jason steadfastly pushed you back into place.
“No you don’t. Stay. Please.” His head whipped around towards his brother, “I know you don’t like her…but really?” The disdain rose up in Jason’s voice before his attention turned back to you.
Dick’s head fell, “I didn’t know.” He whimpered before heading back near the computer to help Tim.
Jason made quick work of the wound, “Alright doll…I know it’s not the prettiest, but you’re all set.”
“Uhm…Jay…” Your eyes blinking heavily, you reached for the scissors in his hand. Reluctantly, he let you have them. You cut away the strap revealing another wound.
“Dammit Y/N!” Jason screamed a little too loudly, his eyes filled with worry. Dick rushed to his side.
“What happened?!” He was already thinking the worst.
“Nothing pretty boy. I just need more supplies.” Jason pushed passed his brother. “She was hit twice, apparently.”
“Twice? How did I not…” Dick mouthed under his breath. “Is that the backpack strap?” He began to question you. “When were you hit?!”
“Uhm…first at the apartment.” You winced as Jason dug into your skin with the tweezers. “The damn bullet went right through him.” A faint smile graced your lips. “Not fair…” you mumbled. “Second one got lucky.” Your voice grew more brittle. “Shooting blind…”
“I gave her some morphine. She’s probably going to be out of it for awhile.” Jason said without looking up from his work.
“I didn’t know, Jay.”
“Somehow, I don’t know if that’s better.” Jason chided as he pulled the final stitch through the wound.
“Awe, come on Jaybird. You can’t be mad at that cute face.” Your head moved upwards motioning in Dick’s direction, the morphine taking hold.
“Looks pretty punchable to me.”
“Don’t worry,” you brought your hands up to cradle his face, “yours is still so much cuter.”
Dick’s face dropped, “Wait…are you two –”
His words were cut off as Jason quickly shut down the conversation. “Doll, I think it’s time for you to get some rest.”
You pursed your lips, “But I’m not tired.”
“I think you are.” Jason quickly scooped you into his arms and practically ran up the stairs, headed towards his old room.
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redrobinfection · 3 years
Alfred’s Favorite Barbara
Babs & Alfred || Read on Ao3 || Happy Birthday, Barbara Gordon! ❤
<< A sequel to last year’s “Batgirls’ Favorite Mentor” 
Barbara leaned forward and spit out the toothpaste Cass had let her use, on one of the many spare toothbrushes Alfred kept in the guest toiletries stockpile, then leaned back in her chair with a sigh and considered her mostly-put-together-again reflection in the bathroom mirror.
Wow, that had certainly been a party of a night, she mused, ruefully lifting a strand of her sleep-mussed auburn locks before deciding that pulling it back in a bun was really the only dignified solution.
Steph and Cass had kept her up all night--not like that was all that much different from her usual schedule, but mani, pedi, facials, horrible (great) superhero movies, and gossip until dawn had worn her out more than she would have expected. Although, the wine that had snuck into the mix right when the mani-pedis were left to dry and the third movie went in might have had something to do with it, she conceded with a smirk at herself in the mirror. It wasn't a bad sort of tired, she admitted as she tucked few stray hairs into her messy bun, but she was more than ready for a day to rest, recover and recharge.
Just after dawn, Alfred had invaded the sanctum of their home theater encampment to invite them up to the kitchen for a hearty breakfast. There he had laid out toast, eggs, bacon, sausage, fruit, juices, teas, coffee, pancakes and even some of the real cake from the night before--a rare breach of protocol from the prim and proper butler that Barbara took as a one-time gesture of affectionate indulgence of their whims--which eventually drew out the other occupants of the house, turning breakfast the morning after into as much of a party as dinner the night before had been.
After that, Alfred had shooed Steph and Cass off to bed and shown Barbara up to her regular guest room where the bed had already been turned down, the pillows fluffed and the blackest of blackout curtains tightly drawn, bless that man. After a few hours of much needed sleep, it was now just past noon, most of the manor's occupants were either still sleeping or out living their daylight personas, and Alfred had offered to drive her back to the Clocktower after she had "freshened up a bit".
Satisfied that she had done as much as she could to make herself decent for the drive of shame, Barbara gathered her things and made her way down the hall to the elevator. Alfred was waiting for her when the doors opened on the civilian garage.
"Ah, Miss Barbara, I take it you're ready to depart?"
"Yes. Thank you for driving me back, Alfred."
"Of course, it's my pleasure."
He led the way toward their several limousines, opened the door to one very special vehicle and began extending and lowering a long ramp. Barbara pressed her lips together to hide a smile as Alfred stepped to one side and let her wheel herself up the shallow incline. He retracted the ramp, closed the door and slid into the driver's seat while she positioned herself in the sleek interior and locked the wheels of her chair.
"Thanks again, Alfred. For everything," Barbara added as they pulled out of the garage. "Last night, this morning...it was all amazing and it must have been so much work--extra work--for you. I really appreciate it."
She saw his eyebrows rise in the rear-view mirror as he replied, "Of course. It was no trouble; I would hardly label hosting a small dinner in honor of and giving accommodations to one of my favorite persons "work". It was a pleasure, Miss Barbara."
She raised an eyebrow in turn. "Oh really? A fairly large dinner, putting up with the mess we all made in the theater afterwards, and putting together a big breakfast in the morning--and driving me back after letting me stay over, even when I'm sure you've got plenty of cleaning up to do? 'Favorite person' huh? If I didn't know better I'd think you were buttering me up for something, Alfred Pennyworth," she teased, sharing a knowing look with him in the mirror.
He didn't laugh out loud, but his eyes twinkled in that way Barbara knew meant he was amused rather than offended. "My word! Is it so hard to believe that an old man would take pleasure in doing what little he could to celebrate the birthday of his favorite Barbara."
Barbara did laugh out loud. "Your favorite...huh! First Jason calls me his favorite, then Tim and Dick, then Steph and Cass... and now you? All of you in less than twenty-four hours? Did you all have a meeting to discuss the topic or am I about to go home to one of the hardest cases of all time and you're all buttering me up to it?"
"I believe the subject had come up recently," Alfred replied evenly. "You do so much for this family and receive so little appreciation..."
"That's my line," Barbara muttered incredulously with a minute shake of her head.
"...and I'll have you know that of all the Barbaras I've had the pleasure of knowing, you most certainly rank supreme."
Barbara huffed a laugh through her nose. "And how many Barbaras is that exactly?"
Alfred met her eyes in the mirror and fixed her with an impressive look. "When you've lived as long as I have, served as long as I have, you come to know a great many people. Among all of those... you are rare soul indeed, Barbara. Surely one to celebrate and to venerate."
That gave her pause. What are you supposed to say to something like that? She didn't know, so she let the silence stretch and turned her gaze to the traffic speeding past her window while her true focus turned to beating down the bloom of color that had flooded her cheeks at Alfred's unexpected pronouncement. 
They rode in silence--not an uncomfortable silence, but Barbara still felt the weight of those words still hanging heavy between them--for the rest of the drive. They'd caught the lull between the lunch-hour jam and afternoon rush-hour traffic--likely a strategic choice on Alfred's part--so it only took about twenty minutes to make the trip into the city. 
Alfred graciously helped her disembark, escorted her to the ground level door to the tower, and--to her surprise--asked to walk her in, pulling a cooler bag from somewhere with leftovers from the revelries. Barbara invited him in, sending him ahead of her with repeated thanks, but the words of appreciation died in her throat as she rolled over the threshold and took in the interior of her homebase. 
She wasn't a slob, per se, but Barbara knew she didn't tidy up around the Tower quite as often as she should, and she cleaned the place even less frequently. It was a lot of real estate for one person--a person with certain mobility issues, at that--and a small army of specially programmed Roombas and some casual dusting here and there could only do so much. 
But today, her foyer was spotless. All the coats, umbrellas and other detritus were neatly hung or stacked in their places. The tile was a shade lighter than she remembered and the grout was actually white--she'd actually thought it was tan up until now. 
Moving into her apartment showed the same story. Shelves of books and knick-knacks were freshly dusted, the rugs had been deeply vaccuumed, and personal items had been put away or neatly arranged. Every surface gleamed.
She turned to Alfred with an accusing look. "Alfred... did you...?" One look at his quietly pleased expression was answer enough. "When did you even find the time to come over here and do this? Did you clean the whole Tower?" She wouldn't doubt it. She didn't bother to ask him how he got into her super-secure, high-tech lair--this is the ex-MI6 agent who raised Bruce, after all--but given the timeline of events, it shouldn't have been possible for him to clean all this by himself and do everything he did for them while she was at the manor. 
"We did, in fact, clean the entire tower--and we took great care not to disturb any of your things in the command center, mind you--but it hardly took any time at all with Masters Damian and Timothy along to help. In fact, we were in and out well before you rose from your nap this morning."
Barbara's eyebrow rose into her hair. Alfred had wrangled Tim and Damian--in the morning, of all times--into cleaning? Together? Without killing each other? 
"Wow, Alfred, you got Tim and Damian to work together to do all of this...? At eight in the morning? You're a miracle worker, for sure. I can't tell you how much I appreciate this.
"Really, Alfred...this--" she gestured to rooms around them "--the party, the sleepover, and then breakfast... you've done so much. Thank you. It means a lot to me, but, really, you didn't need to do all this. It's... it’s too much..." 
Alfred looked away for a moment, his expression uncharacteristically sheepish. "Ah, well. Yes. I admit, I may have gone a bit overboard..."
They entered the kitchen and Barbara came to a complete stop. The appliances shone, the stove was spotless, and, for once, the sink was completely free of dishes. But that wasn't what stopped her dead in her tracks. 
On the polished kitchen table, laid out elegantly on a freshly washed and pressed table cloth that Barbara had forgotten she even owned, was a handsome tea set in lustrous lavender and gold--one pot, saucers, cups, sugar cellar and creamer. To one side sat a few varieties of Alfred's favorite teas, and on the other a plate piled high with Alfred’s signature tea cakes, one of her favorite things about visiting the manor for pre-patrol briefings or post-patrol debriefings, back in the day. A recipe card stuck out under the plate.
Barbara turned to Alfred, her vision going misty. "Alfred..."
Alfred graced her with a rare smile, beaming down at her, his expression fond, but his voice was quiet, "For when you need a break from Master Tim's gift of espresso or a moment of peace after along night."
Barbara broke out into a teary smile of her own and raised her arms, reaching out for a hug before she thought it through. Alfred surprised her yet again, leaning down to accept her embrace. 
"Really, thank you, Alfred. For everything," Barbara murmured into his shoulder before he could pull away again.
He didn't. Instead, he replied, so quietly Barbara almost missed it,
"Anything for one of my favorite granddaughters."
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pl-panda · 4 years
The vines that bind us - Chapter 3
Chapter 1 || Previous || Next
“But…! But…!?” Mari shouted after the closing doors. She could hear a cheerful shout as the elevator left the level. 
 The girl placed the box on the desk and collapsed on her knees. She just numbly stared at the gray wall in front of her. She noticed that that the floor was actually a fluffy, dark blue rug. At least she could have her meltdown in a comfortable environment. 
“Sarah?” A voice called from the desk. For a moment, Mari thought someone was in the room the whole time, but she noticed a small device which was probably an intercom. “Sarah, are you there?”
She quickly got up and walked over to the device. There was a blinking red lamp over one of the buttons. She hesitantly pressed it. “Um… Excuse Moi?” 
“Who’s that?! What have you done with Sarah?”
“I… I… I was supposed to be the new intern, but she just… She… I… I think she just hired me and quit…”
“Ah. Okay.” She could almost hear the shrug in the voice. “I need you to bring me the LexCorp deal we are finalizing tomorrow.”
“But… But I have no idea about being a Personal Assitant! How can I be hired?” She shouted at the device.
“Probably something in your contract? I dunno. About that deal?” The boy asked. 
Mari wanted to argue, but a big folder with the LexCorp logo got her attention. She grabbed it and walked to the doors. After knocking twice she pushed it slightly. The girl expected to see some clean and ordered office of the CEO of a big company. Instead, to say it simply, the room was a mess!
The documents laid scattered everywhere. There was a strong smell of coffee permeating the air and she noted a smashed cup. In the corner, there was a table with what could only be called an altar on which a coffee machine with a golden frame stood proud surrounded by candles. The desk was ginormous, easily twice the size of her kitchen table. It was also full of papers tossed around and several boxes stacked on one another to the point where the whole structure risked falling apart. By the doors, there were two pots with some plants that were long dead. She wondered why the janitor didn’t water them, but then she took another look and wondered when any Janitor last saw this room.
Mari tried to walk without stepping on the papers, but it would require to either learn how to fly or walk on the ceiling. 
“Um… Sir? I think I got the folder you said you needed?” She more asked than stated. 
“Put them with the others!” A voice came from under the desk. Mari did as she was asked. She was about to leave when her tablet beeped. She looked at the notification and her eyes went wide.
“Sir?! You said the meeting was tomorrow?” The girl asked. 
“Yes, why?”
“What day is it?”
“Um… Sunday?” He deadpanned
“It’s Monday!” She shouted at him. 
“I would know if it was Monday… I think.” The faceless voice answered, but his voice wavered. 
“I just got the message that Lex Luthor is here to see you!” She panicked.
“Oh bat! Bat bat bat!” Was the response. 
“What am I supposed to do?” Mari kept on sinking. “The security is asking me?! I’m not qualified to make such decisions! That guy’s suit is probably worth more than both my houses!”
The CEO finally got his head out from under the table. Now the girl could see that he was around her age. What was with this company hiring teenagers!? Besides his age, he was dressed in a dark gray suit and white shirt that spotted several brown stains, probably coffee. He was rather handsome, with black hair and steely-blue eyes. “Stall him!” He shouted and started frantically gathering the papers. He then tripped over a toppled mug and fell face-first into the tower of boxes. Just like she predicted, it collapsed, spilling even more papers around. 
“Ugh! You stall him! I will sort this out!” She shouted, switching from ‘panic mode’ to ‘Ladybug mode’.
“What?” He looked at her confused. Instead of answering she looked around. A plan quickly formed in her head. She grabbed the folder that he previously asked for and pushed it into his hands. Then, she grabbed him by the back of his collar and dragged the boy out of the room and into the elevator. Mari practically tossed him inside. Before the doors closed, she grinned at him and slid her hand over the control panel. Now the elevator would stop at every level. 
“Ups! Silly me! It’s my first day at this job…” She faked remorse with the same effectiveness Lila faked dating Damian Wayne. “Remember to read the folder one more time!” She shouted after the closing doors. When he was gone, she sighed. Now the hard part. 
Mari rushed into the room and let Tikki out from the inner pocket of her coat. “Tikki! How am I supposed to clean this all up?! It would take hours to even see the floor! I’m supposed to be an intern, learning things!”
“Calm down Marigold!” The Kwami tried to calm her chosen. “You just need to believe in yourself some more. And maybe get some help?” Tikki smiled suggestively and nodded toward the two near-dead plants. 
“I love you Tikki!” Mari exclaimed before turning toward the sad pots. She touched each of them gently so they would not be hurt and allowed her powers to flare. For a few seconds, her eyes turned vibrant green and her hair became dark-blue while her skin got a green tint. The brown receded as plants soaked the new energy in. It didn’t take long before both were back to their prime and then grew some more, forming vines that would let them walk and more, which would let them grab things. Mari directed them to gather the papers and stuff them into the closet while she got to cleaning more obvious things. 
Firstly, she got the boxes and used them to build around the coffee altar, hiding it from the view. She feared touching it in any way but also didn’t think monsieur Luthor would look favorably at it. Eight boxes were just enough to hide it. There were still several coffee stains on the rug that she had no idea how to clean. She tried to use a watered napkin, but it did little good. Finally, she pulled decided to move the desk slightly forward to cover them. 
Mari looked at the desk. She estimated it was at least ten to twenty times heavier than she was. The girl walked around and started pushing. Slowly, it moved forward. She could hear the elevator ping outside. Damn! She was too slow. Suddenly, the desk became much lighter and she quickly moved it. The plants helped her. She could hear them sing praise to her for reviving them. She promised to water them as often as they needed before ushering them to stand by the doors just as two people entered the room.
Tim grumbled under his breath as he was tossed into the elevator. The girl then pressed every button and sent him on his way. He had to admit, the plan was brilliant. She said she was an intern? Wasn’t Sarah supposed to be the one helping him? Nah. It was probably nothing.
He opted to skim through the folder. The deal itself was rather straightforward, but he didn’t trust Luthor as far as he could throw him. His documents were already looked through by the Legal Department. It was now only the matter of familiarizing himself with them so he wouldn’t sprout some nonsense at Luthor. 
Once the elevator finally arrived at the ground level, he was met by a very irritated Lex and his personal assistant/bodyguard Mercy. The woman had her usual expressionless face on. 
“Exactly how much longer did you expect me to wait?” The businessman asked with a sneer.
“Yeah. Sorry. My new assistant accidentally pressed all the buttons. She didn’t yet get the hang of all the cybernetics.” Tim lied swiftly before welcoming them into the elevator. He did his best to hide the fact he was sweating heavily. He had no idea what state his office would be in, but he doubted that the girl could possibly make it presentable in such a short time. Even just the boxes he accidentally knocked over must have been heavier than her, so there was absolutely no way she would move them.
“You’re ‘sorry’?” Luthor asked with a raised eyebrow. The sneer never left his face. "So, I assume this new assistant of yours will have the time she has wasted removed from her paycheck, yes?" 
“What? No! Dude! It’s her first day.” Tim protested. “She needs time to get a grip on things. Cool a bit, would you?”
The elevator ride was in simple words awkward. Tim was looking over the deal in silence while Luthor was clearly pissed. Neither spoke to each other and if one looked at the other, it was with some degree of disgust. Suddenly, the younger man remembered why he disliked meeting with Lex so much. He felt dirty and had the urge to get a bath. If it was up to him, Wayne Enterprises would cease all cooperation with Lexcorp, but sadly that’s not how the market worked. Sometimes, you needed to work with a slimeball or people would lose their jobs.
When they finally arrived at the top floor and the doors opened, Tim saw that the desk where the assistant should be was empty beyond the box with her things.
“Maybe you should warn her not to unpack if she keeps the unprofessional behavior,” Luthor commented. 
“I’m sure…” Tim started when they were entering the office, but words died in his throat. All the papers were gone and she moved the boxes around his Holy Coffee Machine! He was sure there would at least be the coffee stains, but they seemed to have disappeared. Wait, wasn’t his desk a bit closer to the window? Nah. There was no way she moved it. How did she make the plants look so green? They were dead when he left. Did she switch them with Bruce’s office? Who cares! There was a steaming cup of coffee on his desk. It was red in black polka dots. Tim had trouble focusing on anything but the nectar on his table. The smell that reached him almost made him float toward it, but he stopped himself.
“Oh! Sorry. I was just leaving the coffee and the documents you asked me.” She said with a smile and handed him a folder with large ‘confidential’ on the front.
“Um… Thanks?” He looked at her flabbergasted. How did she do all that? And how can one make coffee so strong?! She needed to teach him!
“I will leave you to the meeting then.” She said quickly and left the office. 
Once outside, Mari collapsed into a chair by the desk. Her desk now…
“Tikki! What am I supposed to do?!” She moaned
“Don’t worry Marigold!” The small goddess comforted the girl. “I’m sure you will do great. You just need some help from time to time.”
“I can’t believe you summoned the coffee cup for him!”
“I felt bad I couldn’t contribute more.” Kwami giggled. “But seeing his expression I did well.”
Resigned, Mari started to browse through the box. The number of folders almost gave her a panic attack, but Tikki nuzzled into her neck, giving her some more confidence. Instead, the girl reached for her tablet and quickly called Chloe. She half-expected the girl not to answer, but to her relief, the Blonde’s face appeared. 
“What’s the problem?”
“Problem? No! No problem at all! Why would there be any problem?” Mari reacted on instinct, trying to hide behind a cheery mask. Seeing Chloe’s unamused expression, she relented. “I somehow got hired as the personal assistant and the previous one quit.” 
“What!?” The blonde shouted. “They can just do that?”
Chloe scrambled to look for her mentor. Interning in the Law Department had its merits. After a moment a woman in her early thirties appeared.
“Mari-bear, Meet Ethel. She is my caretaker. Like I needed one.” the girl complained.
“You accidentally made a hundred copies instead of ten,” Ethel said with some amusement
“So? Anyone can make a mistake.”
“You tried to pick them all up.”
Chloe wanted to argue some more, but Mari’s giggle on the other side reminded her why they were all there.
“We’ve got some problem. Apparently, my friend’s here mentor decided to hire her on the spot and then quit.” 
“Oh! Congratulation. You must have quite the CV then.” The woman clearly couldn’t see the problem.
“Expect I have no idea how to be a personal assistant.”
“Wait! You’re Sarah’s girl?” Ethel asked hesitantly. “Oh, you poor baby!” She cooed. “Honestly that woman! I know she was overworked but that was low even for her.”
“I… assume Sarah wasn’t liked too much?” Mari asked.
“It’s not that… She was quite well-liked actually. The problem is that she was too ambitious and went about it the wrong way. The rumors about her trying to seduce both Bruce and Tim circulated the company for some time now. She wanted to get to the top, by all means necessary, and it blew in her face. Sarah was trying to run away for quite some time, but the stipulation was she found someone for her place.” 
“Oh…” Mari honestly didn’t know what to think about it all. 
“Yeah yeah. As much as all the drama might seem interesting, I’m more curious about how did Mari-bear get hired?”
“In your internship deal, there is a clause that allows your supervisor or mentor to hire you if they consider you fit for the job.”
“But… What about the guardian’s permission? Or my permission!?” Mari screamed. 
“You gave it by signing an internship deal,” Ethel commented. “Tell you what. I will look into it and meet you in the cafeteria at lunch.”
“Um… Okay? What am I supposed to be doing until then?”
“Try learning the basics of working at WE. You were supposed to get a guidebook. Lawyers advice: read it as soon as possible.” Ethel joked before handing the video to Chloe. 
“Look at the bright sides Mari-bear. You are at least getting paid.” The blonde joked before sending her best friend a virtual hug and ending the chat. Mari collapsed into the chair. It was a disaster. She did pull the aforementioned book and started reading the basic procedures. She was so focused she didn’t even notice when the doors behind her banged loudly and a very irate Lex Luthor walked over to her desk until he slammed his fist down the desk.
“I don’t have time for incompetent idiots.” He sneered.
“Oh! Please forgive me, sir. I’m still learning the ins and outs. It’s my first real job.” Mari answered honestly, but for some reason, it only served to increase Luthor’s frustration
“I wonder how would someone so inexperienced end up in such an important position, but I can see you are still more competent than Drake.”
“I will take that as a compliment.” The girl smiled, but there was a mocking note in her voice. She showed him that his opinion mattered little, which was the best way to piss the self-important CEO off.
“Whatever. I want a meeting set for next week at the same time as today.”
Now, Mari had little experience with being a personal assistant, but it didn’t mean she didn’t know how to deal with clients. And say what you want, Lex here was just a client. Incredibly wealthy and influential, but a client. He definitely wanted the deal more than Mr. Drake. 
“I’m not sure if there is an opening at that time. Could you please leave a contact number so we can set something up? You can also email me. I think I will get access to company mail tomorrow though, so that might not be very reliable.”
“Contact number? Email?” Lex looked like he was having a stroke. “Do you have any idea who I am?”
“Um… should I? I mean I was born in Gotham, but I spent the last decade in Paris, so I’m not exactly up to date. I can tell you are not Gabriel Agreste or Jagged Stone.” She bit her tongue. They have hair. 
“You stupid little…” He scolded her, but Mercy put a hand on his shoulder. Luthor straightened his back and fixed his tie. “Fine. Tell Drake I will be contacting him personally.”
“That is sweet of you to try and lower my workload, but he will probably have to run it by me anyway. Let’s cut the middle man, kay?” Marisass strikes again. 
“What?!” Lex screamed. “You… You…” 
The girl did not say anything to the stuttering businessman, but slowly pushed a sticky note and a pen toward him. Resigned, Lex muttered several curses under his breath and scribbled Mercy’s number. When she reached to collect it, he grabbed her wrist.
“In the future, I would be careful who do you antagonize, child.” He sneered. When he tried to tighten his grip she suddenly broke free and pulled his arm closer.
“Just because I spent some time in Paris doesn’t mean I don’t remember how to be a Gotham girl. Have a nice day Mr... Mercer?” She said after stealing a gaze at the piece of paper. Letting go of his arm, she gave him the disarming smile number four. 
Tess Mercer had to practically wrestle her boss to drag him away from the alteration. 
Mari relaxed in her chair and twirled the phone in her hand. This recording was priceless. Even if she couldn’t officially share it (according to the manual), it would definitely lift her spirit some. She was now back in Gotham and it was time to start acting like it. 
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fridayfirefly · 4 years
Lost and Found [Part Eleven]
Masterlist | Ao3
Despite the fact that he didn't get to bed until 2 AM that morning, Damian still woke up at 6 AM with the sunrise. Sleep deprivation was the last worry on his mind when his Soulmate - beautiful, breathtaking Marinette - was sleeping just one hall down from him.
He met Alfred in the kitchen, already preparing for the meals of the day. The waffle batter was already mixed, coffee was already brewing, and butter was already softening on the counter. "Do you need any help preparing breakfast?"
Alfred shook his head. "Thank you for the offer, but I pride myself in my ability to keep this kitchen under control, no matter how many visitors we have. Besides, I'm sure you would rather spend your morning getting ready for your day with your Soulmate than in the kitchen with me."
Damian nodded. "I'll see you at breakfast, then."
"I look forward to meeting Miss Dupain-Cheng."
Damian left the kitchen and made his way to the gardens, thinking about the night before.
They had gotten back to the Manor at 1:30 AM, too late for the Parisian guests to meet the Wayne family. Damian walked Marinette to her room to let her get some rest, wishing all the while that they could stay up together until the sunrise. Rationally, he knew that Marinette needed her sleep, especially with the drastic time change, but his emotions refused to let her go so soon. However, logic won out in the end, and he kissed her cheek and wished her goodnight. As Damian walked Chloé to her room, taking over for Jason while his brother packed his bags back in his Gotham apartment, Damian asked Chloé for a favor. There was a certain plan he wanted to put into action, that he needed some assistance with. Chloé agreed to help him out and their plan was set: in the morning, Chloé would bring Marinette to her room so that the two girls could get ready together, while Damian brought to Marinette's room a vase of fresh-cut flowers and a handwritten letter asking to take her on a date.
Chloé called his plan "sickeningly romantic", but said it with the sort of wistful smile that made Damian send a text to Jason advising his brother to bring flowers for his own Soulmate. Maybe it was sickeningly romantic, Damian thought over the concept, but he knew that it wasn't a bad thing. Emotions had been difficult for him at first, growing up the way he did, but he now knew better than to try and hide that part of himself from Marinette.
Damian already picked out which flowers to cut days in advance, fragrant purple wisteria and delicate white roses, which he got from the garden before the morning dew had burned off of them. He placed them in the glass vase, arranging and re-arranging them the whole way up to Marinette's room. He knocked on the door, and when there was no reply, he nudged it open. A flash of red by the window caught his eyes, but by the time his eyes focused on the spot, nothing was there. Shrugging it off as a trick of the light, Damian placed the vase of flowers on her bedside table and set down the note beside it. The note, which despite its simplicity had taken several drafts to perfect, read: Dear Marinette, I hope you slept well last night. Breakfast will be served at 8:00 AM. With your permission, I would like to spend today showing you around the city. Once the wedding approaches, I'm certain that we will both be busier, so I would like to get as much time with you now as possible. Sincerely, your Soulmate, Damian
With his plan completed, Damian left the room to go get ready for his first day with Marinette. He quickly sent a text to Chloé, giving her the all-clear to let Marinette return to her room.
Damian had just gotten out of the shower when he saw a note sitting on his bathroom counter. In what was unmistakably Marinette's handwriting, Dear Damian, I would love to go on a date with you today. Sincerely, your Soulmate, Marinette.
Damian breathed out a sigh of relief as the lingering doubt that Marinette might have changed her mind in the last six hours faded away. It is a silly fear, one that Damian wasn't used to indulging in. However, Marinette seemed to bring out all the little human characteristics that the League of Shadows had trained out of him when he was young. A younger Damian would have hated Marinette for it, but in the present day, in the privacy of his room, Damian smiled and let the feeling of relief wash over him.
Marinette, Chloé, and Nino were all at the dining room table with Jon when Damian entered the room. Marinette brightened up as soon as she saw him. "Damian!" If Damian thought that Marinette looked beautiful last night (which he did) with tangled hair and tired eyes from a seven-hour plane ride, she looked downright breathtaking that morning, in a pretty pale pink dress, with her hair done up in a bun, tendrils curling around her face.
"Good morning, Marinette. I hope you slept well."
"I slept great." A look of annoyance took over Marinette's face. "Even though someone woke me up early on someone else's orders." Marinette's expression shifted from indignation to a bright smile. "I did appreciate the flowers, though, so thank you for those."
"You're very welcome." Damian was pleased that she liked them. He was a little troubled by how intently he was watching her facial expression. "Concerning our date tonight-"
Damian was cut off by the sound of voices coming down the hallway. Richard walked in beside Babs in her wheelchair, the couple having a lively debate about what to do for their respective bachelor and bachelorette parties. "We have to hire one. How often in your life do you get the opportunity to hire a stripper?" argued Babs.
"Alright," conceded Richard, "We get one stripper, and we have him split time between both parties. Now onto decorations - I'm thinking we each pick the decorations for each other's parties, and then it's like a surprise when we get there. And I'm not only saying this because I found the best bachelorette decorations on eBay and I already placed a bid."
Chloé broke the silence that followed in the dining room, as a muffled laugh escaped the hand she had pressed over her mouth. "I'm sorry, but aren't you Waynes billionaires? Can't you afford to hire two strippers?"
"Not billionaires," Tim chimed in as he walked into the room with Connor. "Every time Bruce comes close to being a billionaire, he increases the wages of all Wayne Enterprise employees except for himself and donates a ton of money to charity."
"I suppose we could hire two strippers, but then what if one of them is better than the other. That wouldn't be fair," mused Barbara.
"We could have them switch halfway through, that way we each get the same experience," Richard added.
"How about, instead of arguing the logistics of strippers, you greet the Soulmates who just arrived last night?" asked Jon, with a tone of voice that very clearly demonstrated how absurd he felt their conversation was. Damian had spent too much time with Richard and Babs over the past few weeks of wedding planning - nothing that came out of their mouths phased him anymore.
"Oh, hello Soulmates of my brothers and Soulmate of my brother's Soulmate's brother. I'm Dick."
"Babs," said Babs with a wave.
Richard started pointing to each of the Parisians. "You must be Marinette, Damian's Soulmate. You're Nino, Jon's Soulmate. And you are..?"
"Chloé, my platonic Soulmate," said Jason as he walked into the room.
"I can introduce myself," snapped Chloé, glowering at Jason, who looked a bit sheepish as he sat down in the chair next to her.
Jason picked up his fork and waved it between Chloé and Marinette. "So you two know each other."
Marinette nodded. "We've all known each other since we were kids. Chloé, Nino, and I have been in the same class since maternelle - which you call kindergarten in America. We've been best friends for years now."
"Now that's a coincidence. Both sets of three Soulmates knew each other before they met up with their other halves." Richard nodded, looking the three Parisians up and down.
"Coincidence is putting it mildly. Statistically, it's incredibly improbable. I didn't run the numbers, but I'm sure if I did, it would be in the range of one in a trillion," Tim piped up.
"Good luck, I suppose," said Marinette with a shrug.
"Luck, coincidence, statistical improbability - call it whatever you want to call it. It's still mind-boggling that out of 7 billion people, you three - best friends who go to the same school - end up with Soulmates who are all family."
The conversation turned to other topics as the table waited for Bruce to arrive before they started breakfast. Richard got Marinette talking about her aspiring career as a designer, and it instantly brought Marinette out of her shell. Her passion and enthusiasm were contagious; Damian couldn't help but smile softly to himself as he watched her explain to Richard and Babs the inspiration behind her latest collection of dresses named The City of Lights, which incorporated elements of Parisian fashion throughout the ages, with a focus on finding innovative ways to incorporate light into the dresses. As Marinette was explaining in depth the pros and cons between tea candles and real candles (according to Marinette, an open flame near your hand-crafted creation is a very big con, but she felt so strongly against tea candle that she would rather her dress catch on fire than ruin the integrity of her design), Bruce walked in, wearing a bathrobe with the words World's Best Dad on the back, plaid flannel pajama pants, and fuzzy slippers. Overall, he looked nothing like the intimidating Batman and everything like a regular Dad on a Saturday morning. Damian had to admit, it was a good strategy for putting their new houseguests at ease, especially Marinette and Chloé, who were meeting their Soulmates' father for the very first time.
"Good morning everyone," said Bruce. He grabbed his coffee mug off the counter, filled it to the brim, chugged it all in one go, then refilled it and took it to the table. "What's for breakfast?"
"Pancakes," Alfred replied as he walked in with a platter stacked full of them. "Please don't spill any syrup on the tablecloth, it's a pain to get out. And before you ask, yes, I am talking to you, Richard."
"One time," Richard grumbled. "You spill an entire bottle of syrup on the tablecloth one time, and suddenly that's all anyone remembers."
Marinette laughed. "I take it I'm not the clumsiest person at the table, then."
"I'm not clumsy. I'm just sporadically situationally unaware," Richard defended.
"Clumsy," teased Babs, flicking Richard's nose and stealing the last bite of pancake off his plate. They were so effortlessly domestic, affectionate with each other all the time in a way Damian was beginning to envy. Damian kept his expression still as he sat in internal shock at the realization that he was jealous of what Richard and Babs had together. Damian was a naturally private person; he had assumed he would despise public displays of affection. However, with Marinette, he could see the appeal. Marinette had flipped his whole worldview on its head. Now he wanted romantic outings and for everyone to know that she was his. It was a strange and foreign feeling, but deep down it felt right.
As breakfast winded down, Damian offered to show Marinette around the house. The first place he took her was to the gardens. Damian knew that Marinette didn't like surprises all that much, so he planned on explaining to her exactly what they would be doing for their date.
"The gardens are so pretty!" exclaimed Marinette. "Is this where the wedding will be held?"
"Yes. The ceremony will be at the gazebo in the center of the rose garden."
"I'm sure it will be lovely," said Marinette with a soft smile on her face.
"For our date today, I was hoping I could show you around some of my favorite spots in the city. If you would rather stay at the Manor, I understand but-"
Marinette cut him off. "I would love that. I might need to change my shoes though." She gestured to the three-inch heels on her feet."
"I would advise bringing along a pair of good walking shoes. I would hate for you to get hurt."
"It would be a shame to break my ankle on our very first date," agreed Marinette. "I'll just go grab a change of shoes and my purse, and then we can go."
Damian smiled at her. "I'll wait for you here."
Damian watched Marinette leave, thinking of all his favorite things he could finally show her, and all of her smiles he could finally see.
Taglist: @fanboy7794 @mikantsume @hetalia-lover-is-here @howtoshuckatlife @you-will-never-know-how-i-think @redscarlet95 @derpingrainbow @friedchickening @melicmusicmagic @beautym3 @kunstner1 @shizukiryuu @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @crazylittlemunchkin @black-streak @darkshadowguardian @mystery-5-5 @trubel43 @fandomfan315 @vincentvangoose @royalchaoticfangirl @mooshoon @drama-queen-supreme @kae690 @unabashedlyswimmingtimemachine @zoerayne2426 @littleredrobinhoodlum @lunar-wolf-warrior @dani-ari @sam-spectra @be-happy-every-day-please @xxmadamjinxx @interobanginyourmom @northernbluetongue @eliza-bich @romanoff-queen @scribblinggraveyard @dur55 @jeminiikrystal @sassakitty @miss-mysterys-blog @aegyobutpsycho2 @pirats-pizzacanninibles @chaosace @pepelachanel @sturchling @amayakans @athenalovesredsblog @boxercity1
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highonchocolate · 4 years
Take Two: The Guardian in Gotham Chapter 10
First   Previous   Next: Nonexistent   Ao3
Walking down the hallway, Jason felt his suspicion grow as he recalled the conversation he just had with Marinette. She had been fidgeting while answering his questions, repeated ‘homework’ several times, and given him way too much information when he had asked. All trademark signs of a liar. But why would she lie about having homework? As he mulled over the possibilities, he made his way down to the kitchen where Damian and Tim were (unsurprisingly) arguing. Alfred (surprisingly) was absent, probably doing something in another room. 
Jason thanked whatever power was up there for the small mercy. He didn’t think he could deal with the Alfred Disappointed Stare No. 5 (Trademark and Patent pending) today.
“Hey Demon Brat, Timbers, how’d ya like to do some recon on Pixie?” He called out, enjoying how they both immediately stopped arguing to turn and fix him with incredulous (Tim) and disgusted (Damian) looks. “Have you finally lost your mind, Todd?” Damian asked, fixing him with a derisive stare. 
“Yeah, why would we spy on Mari?” Tim agreed, a puzzled frown on his face. 
“Because she lied to me about doing her homework so that she wouldn’t have to play video games with us.” He responded, regretting it immediately. Only after saying it out loud, did he realize exactly how immature and stupid that sounded.
“Aw, is poor little Jason sad because someone didn’t want to hang out with him?” Tim laughed, tilting his head to the side as if talking to a small child. Next to him, Damian snorted into his cereal, not even bothering to hide his amusement.
“I didn’t mean it like that you little shit, it’s just...suspicious.” He finished lamely, trying to justify his reasoning.
“Besides,” he continued, “if you don’t, I’ll tell Alfred about that time you mixed Mountain Dew and two energy drinks into a large coffee with five shots of espresso just so that you could stay awake long enough to spite B.” 
“Drake you imbecile!” Damian shouted, turning to glare at Tim. “How could you be so vulnerable as to allow him to discover your secrets?!” 
Tim just looked at him in horror, eyes wide in shock. “You wouldn’t.” He gasped.
“Try me fucker!” Jason shot back triumphantly, knowing he’d won.
“Fine.” He groaned, dropping his head onto the table with a thunk. 
“As for you, Gremlin, if you don’t help I’ll show everyone the picture of you wearing your Nightwing pajamas and sleeping with that Batman plushie from three years ago.”
Damian turned his glare from Tim to Jason, the heat of a thousand hells burning in his furious gaze. “How dare you bring that up, Todd!” He snarled, seething with rage. “I will break your shins and use them to cut out your lying tongue!”
Jason simply rolled his eyes, too used to the threats to be bothered.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, brat. Can you just hurry the fuck up?” 
Damian’s glare somehow managed to intensify, but he still got up off his stool and stomped reluctantly over to him. Tim took his time finishing the rest of his coffee before flipping him off out of spite, and then walking over to them as well.
“Alright, so how are we doing this?” He questioned, looking expectantly at Jason.
“I don’t know, Timbers, you’re the genius. You tell us what you think you should do.” He drawled.
Tim glared at him, but refused to respond, brain already whirring as it came up with solutions. “Well vents are definitely out of the question, but I think there might be some secret passages in the manor we can use. We’ll have to look at the blueprints.” He sighed. “Remind me why I'm doing this again?”
“Because, Drake, he has blackmail.” Damian scoffed, still scowling at Jason.
“Yeah well in case you haven’t noticed, I have dirt on you too, kid.” Jason responded, rolling his eyes. 
“And anyway, Drake.” Damian continued, steadfastly ignoring his words. “Your idea is unreasonably complicated. We are dealing with a civilian, and she is incapacitated, so there is no need for you to devise such an intricate plan.” 
“Damn, Demon, you’re making it sound like we’re planning on murdering her after we already tortured her and cut off a limb or some shit. She just has an ankle boot, calm the fuck down.”
“Damian, you do have a point. Her room has a balcony, so if one of us can distract her long enough the other can climb up there and plant a bug in her room. But we’ll have to take it out after we make sure she’s not doing anything suspicious. We can’t just invade her privacy like that.” Tim conceded, contemplating the merit of the younger’s suggestion.
“You say that like we haven’t already hacked her fucking phone and listened to her calls.” Jason snarked back. “But yeah, we should take it back after we check.”
“Alright let us begin, you fools. I have no desire to be under your power any longer than I have to, Todd.”
Tim went to his room to grab one of the listening devices he had stashed there, while Damian and Jason fought over who was going to be the bait. 
“I can’t do it, I already fucking talked to her today, so it’d be suspicious!”
“Well me and Dupain-Cheng are merely acquaintances at best, and besides, I clearly have the more superior skill when it comes to stealth.”
“You little shit! I can totally be stealthy!” 
“The volume at which you are shouting begs to differ.”
“Oh shut the fuck u-”
“Enough!” Tim shouted, having heard their raised voices even before he had rounded the corner. “I’ll be the distraction, Damian’s the ninja, Jason you just listen to the feed since you’re so suspicious of Marinette.” 
“Fine.” Jason grumbled.
“That is an adequate arrangement, Drake.” Damian aquesied, looking as though it physically pained him to make such a statement.
“Whatever.” Tim rolled his eyes, already heading up to Marinette’s room. Damian slipped off in another direction, presumably to make the two-story climb to her balcony, and Jason sat down and opened up the laptop to connect to the live feed from Tim’s listening device. 
Tim knocked on Marinette’s door and waited. He heard what sounded like a crash, a thud, and a muffled curse. “You can come in!” She called out, sounded flustered and out of breath.
He opened the door cautiously and stepped in. Her desk chair was lying on the floor and some notebooks were spread out on the ground nearby. It looked as though she had fallen out of her chair when she heard his knock. But why would she be so startled? 
She was looking at him expectantly, and he remembered he was supposed to be distracting her. 
“Oh hey Marinette, I remember you saying last month that you liked to design,” he began, flashing her a faux-hesitant smile. 
“Um yeah, I do like designing. Why?” She questioned, looking at him strangely.
Time to tone up the acting.
“Well, I know it’s already the beginning of October, but I was wondering if you could help me make a couples Halloween costume?” He asked, giving her a sheepish look, and infusing the barest undertone of hope into his voice.
At the mention of costumes, she immediately perked up, looking a bit more invested in what he was saying. 
“Sure! Who’s it for, though?” 
Tim facepalmed mentally, forgetting that she had only been with them for two months, and hadn’t met Kon yet. 
“Oh, it’s for me and my boyfriend, Conner.” He laughed, “I guess it never really came up, but yeah, I’m bisexual and cassgender.”
Marinette smiled blindingly up at him. “So what did you have in mind for your costume?” 
At that, Tim stalled. It wouldn’t exactly hurt to have matching costumes for Halloween, would it? He did have a few ideas, but he didn’t know if Kon would like them. 
He must’ve voiced his thoughts out loud, because Marinette just grinned and said “How about you talk to your boyfriend and see what he has to say about matching costumes, and then I can design something for you?”
Internally, Tim began panicking. Why was he becoming so invested in this bullshit excuse? It’s not like he was actually going to dress up for Halloween. His plans were to eat chocolate covered espresso beans, watch shitty movies with Kon, and then go on patrol until 3 AM and write reports until he passed out from eventual sleep deprivation. Fuck Jason and his stupid suspicions. Now I have to actually put effort into my appearance. Isn’t putting on a suit for meetings at WE enough in the dress up department? Ugh.
But all he said was a quick “Sure! I’ll ask him what he thinks, and let you know.” Before turning and walking back down the hallway. I hope Damian had enough time to put the bug in there. He thought as he plopped down next to Jason on the couch. 
Less than a minute later, Damian was there, a triumphant smirk on his face as he settled in next to them to listen. There was a quiet crackle of static as the mic synched up, and then they were able to hear everything that was going on.
After Tim left, Marinette closed the door with a sigh. “Why me?” She sighed, looking over at her fallen desk chair and the scattered notes spread out across her floor. With a grunt, she picked it up and pushed it back over to her desk before bending down and collecting the scattered papers. Walk/hobbling back to her seat, she collapsed into her chair with a groan before turning back to the evil worksheet sitting innocently on her desk. “Fuck math. Who in the world decided we needed to study freaking triangles to pass highschool?!” 
With another sigh, she picked up her pencil and went back to working. 
Not even five minutes later, she slammed her palm down on the table and stood up, cursing creatively in Mandarin. 
“Stupid fucking bitch ass piece of shit! Does it look like I care if sine squared plus cosine squared equals one?! Does it look like I need to leard this stupid shit to become a fashion designer?! Newsflash I don’t, so why the hell do I have to study this absolutely confusing stuff!”
She shouted, glaring furiously at the question she had just come across. “I really, really, really hate math sometimes.” She said, switching back to English. 
Pulling out her phone, she clicked on something before raising it to her ear with an exhausted sob/groan. 
“Hey Buginette, how’s Gotham?” The familiar voice of her best friend/brother greeted her.
“Adrieeeen.” She whined in French. “Help meeeee.”
“Is it Math again?” He laughed, sensing her problem.
“Stop laughing!” She pouted. “It's really hard and I can’t call Max because Max hates me, actually everyone hates me, and now I want to cry, but I don’t have time to cry properly, so can you please just help?” Her eyes began to burn, and she swallowed around the tightness in her chest. “Ignore that. Just...remind me how to do this again?”
“We are coming back to this,” Adrien informed her sternly, “But I’ll let it go for now. So what you want to do is…”
Tim shut the laptop lid and glared at Jason reproachfully. “You happy now, Jay? She wasn’t being suspicious, she was actually doing her homework. And now we heard her have a small breakdown over math, and then another one over how her friends hate her. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to take that bug back, and go do my work.” And with that he stalked off.
“Tt. Your concerns were unfounded, Todd.” Damian scowled, also getting up. “I am going to feed BatCow.”
Before Jason could reply, he had left, disappearing to go play with his pets. 
Slumping back on the couch cushions, Jason let out an aggravated sigh and ran a rough hand through his hair. There was something strange about Marinette, and whatever it was, he was going to figure it out.
@laurcad123, @liquid-luck-00, @toodaloo-kangaroo
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elareine · 4 years
the song better place by rachel platten and jay/dick or maybe just some jay-centric bat fam. hope this prompt works for you. love your fics <3
Thank you <3 That’s a very JayDick song, but I love writing batfam, too, so... have both. 
Steph took one look at Jason’s old-new room and pronounced: “You need to redecorate.”
“No shit.”
“Let’s go.”
Which was how Jason found himself in Ikea of all places. She even dragged a flustered-looking Tim with her, who proved to be supremely unhelpful when it came to curtain color (“I don’t think either red or purple will look good with those walls,” bullshit) but very willing to hand over his credit card. It was… fun. The room felt less like a tomb when Steph was done with it, which was great.
He told her that.
“Well, duh.” She grinned. “No one in this house knows how to decorate for shit. You should see what Tim did with his bedroom…”
Jason spent a minute considering his options. “Anime girls?”
“Superman posters.”
“Nope, but I like the way you’re thinking.”
“Bad Picasso replicas.”
“I give up.”
“He did…” Steph paused dramatically. “Nothing.”
“Nothing. It still looks like it did in the eighties.”
Jason laughed, and she looked gratified. “Sounds terrible.”
They kept working on the bookshelf. Ikea was great for those; that’s why they went there in the first place. Well, that and the look on Bruce’s face when he saw the boxes.  
After a minute, Jason asked: “So… are you seeing a lot of Tim’s bedroom, then?”
“Yeah. So what?” She glared at him, which he was starting to realize was a sure sign that she was embarrassed.
“So nothing. Didn’t know that was happening again, that’s all.”
It took her a minute, but she softened. “Yeah. I… guess we’re giving it a second chance.”
“That’s cool,” he told her sincerely. “I mean, you could clearly do better, but he damn well knows what he’s got now.”
“Hmm.” Steph was hiding behind the shelf she was holding up, but he could still tell she was pleased. “So how about your own second chance, huh?”
…damn, he’d walked right into that one. “Shut up.”
“Home invasion in sector 6R. Three 1Cs, suspected armed. Neighbors reporting shots, five people in the house. Hood, you’re closest.”
Jason had already changed course. “I’m on it.”
He waited—this was the point where Batman would send a Robin or two after him, maybe even Nightwing or himself, “just as back-up.” There was no way they would let him operate as part of the team without close supervision for at least a year. Jason was determined to grit his teeth and bear it, even if he wasn’t sure for how long he could. He was chafing already, running like this with the others when he’d been on his own for so long.  
However, Bruce only confirmed that he’d heard him, and then the line went silent.
There was no better time to be awake in the manor than the early morning in Jason’s opinion. The light fell softly into the kitchen as he entered, barefoot and in his pajamas.
Alfred was there, of course. “Good morning, Jason.”
It was their private ritual; had been even before Jason had moved back into the fold. Six a.m., tea and sandwiches. The only difference was that now, Jason hadn’t vanished by the time Damian stomped into the kitchen, glowering at them for being awake and having the audacity to send him to school.
It was kinda adorable, not that Jason would ever tell him that. Instead, he watched Damian make his way through his own breakfast and nodded toward the packed lunch waiting for him. “I see you’re not taking advantage of the school cafeteria, then?”
“Them?” The amount of scorn Damian managed to pack into a single word would have weighed down a ship or two. “They would not know good food if it chased after them with a sword.”
“Let me guess—still only three spices, and these are salt, pepper, and ketchup?” Jason asked.
“I believe there is a fourth one now—they have a particularly intolerable mixture that they like to label ‘Chinese.’” Damian’s whole face scrunched up with distaste. “It tastes nothing like what Mother used to cook.”
“While I am sorry to hear that,” Alfred inserted, “we will be late if we don’t leave soon.”
Damian grumbled but hopped off his chair. Jason glanced at the clock — seven a.m. Dick would get up soon. Might as well make him a sandwich, too.
He pulled the ingredients closer, already compiling a list of recipes in his head. Talia had shown him how to make most of Damian’s favorites. He could teach those to Alfred, no problem.
“Hood. Stop it right now.” Dick looked at him with big eyes, or so Jason assumed, considering they were both wearing their masks.
“No, continue.” Barbara sounded choked, audibly forcing down laugher.
And, hey. Love was one thing, but Jason knew who gave him the best intel night after night. “So big bird and B decide that they have to infiltrate this organization, right? Only… they’re all swingers…”
Her laughter was brighter than the streetlights.
Jason stepped into the corridor and silently closed the door behind him.
God, but it had taken a long time to get Dick tired and ready to sleep. Jason himself was still feeling too wired to pass out, but then he wasn’t operating on a 40-hour sleep deficit, so it was totally not the same thing.
He decided to wander down to the cave. Bruce was still up, of course, acknowledging Jason’s presence with a grunt. The only other person present was Tim, who was bent over some files.
…like, really bent over them. One could almost think…yup, he’d fallen asleep at the table.
Jason gently poked him. Then he harshly poked him. When nothing happened, he sighed and moved one arm under Tim’s legs, the other gripping his shoulders. The kid would fuck up his back if he stayed like that. It took a bit of effort, but they were soon making their way up the stairs, Tim cradled securely in Jason’s arms.
They’d almost made it upstairs when Tim stirred, blue eyes opening halfway and looking at him.
Heart in his throat, Jason waited. This family had a bad habit of coming awake swinging, and with Jason hovering over them… well, it wouldn’t be entirely unjustified, wouldn’t it? Especially in Tim’s case.
Tim grumbled and went right back to sleep.
Jason pinched his nose. Or tried to, but he was wearing his helmet, so he basically poked himself in the face. Judging from Duke’s expression, that wasn’t helping his point.
“So you decided to buy us time by…”
“Ninja traps,” Cassie finished for him. Looking as if that made total sense.
“Ninja traps.”
“Well, it was more of an obstacle course, really,” Duke added helpfully.
“Okay, that’s a weird-ass move, but I can respect that. Then why did that warehouse explode?”
“Fire.” Cassie’s expression gave nothing away.
Jason looked to Duke. “What she said.”
“And the fire was there because…?”
“Fire is an obstacle.”
Jason groaned. “I cannot believe I’m the responsible person here,” he lamented. “Is this how you feel most of the time, D?”
There was laughter over the com. “Oh, Nightwing has finally acquired a co-parent,” Steph commented, followed by Tim’s: “About time.”
(Everyone ignored Bruce’s “Hey!”.)  
Bruce was hovering. He probably didn’t intend to it; it just came naturally. Jason still felt that nervous lurch in his stomach whenever Bruce did that, but he was trying to get over it, so he just asked: “Yeah?”
“Let me show you something.”
They went into one of the rooms behind Bruce’s office that Jason had always assumed held nothing but files. He was very wrong.
“After you… left, I found myself reading books and thinking—he would’ve loved that.”
The walls were lined with bookcases. There were special editions of Jane Austen reprints, thick sci-fi novels, and nineteenth-century murder mysteries. It was eclectic and weird and precisely what Jason liked. What they both liked.
“I kept collecting them,” Bruce told him, voice too even. “Just… in case, I suppose.”
Jason stared at the shelves and shelves full of books, all read exactly once. His eyes were stinging because the glass display downstairs—that was bullshit. That uniform was about and for Bruce, and the new Robins, not Jason.
But this?
“Thank you,” he whispered.
Bruce almost-smiled, relief written across his face. “You’re welcome. Uh. I’ll leave you to it.”
Jason let him take two steps, then he said: “Bruce. If there was ever a time for a hug, this is it.”
“Oh. Right.”
Jason let Bruce pull him into an embrace—hugged back just as fiercely and told him: “It’s okay. You can stop grieving now. I’m here.”
If Bruce’s shoulders were shaking, neither of them mentioned it.
It was a total accident. Jason had felt like holding Dick’s hand, so he did. It was only when he looked up and caught Tim’s eye that he remembered—right. They were surrounded by Dick’s family. Their family.
Tim winked. The conversation didn’t stop. No one else commented or even gave them a second glance.
Something in Jason exhaled.
Dick squeezed his hand, smiling at something Damian was saying, and ugh, sometimes Jason was so full of feelings, he didn’t know what to do with it. Dick was just so—so—
Yeah. Jason was so fucking gone for him. All he could think about was how it would feel if there was a ring, there, pressing against his own.
He leaned back, adding a sarcastic comment or two to the conversation just to bask in the sunshine of Dick’s laughter. That thought warranted some serious consideration, not to mention talking to Dick, but—just the idea that he could have that? That he trusted himself, and Dick, and their family, enough to have that?
It was more than enough.
(Three days before Jason moved into the manor, Dick called a family gathering.
“Why is Jason not here, then?” Tim asked, frowning. “If it’s a family matter, it concerns him, too.”
Dick could kiss him for that. Instead he said: “Because it’s about him. I’m gonna lay down some ground rules, okay?”
Jason letting Dick convince him to move back in with them… that was huge. And dangerous. Dick had figured out long ago that Jay and Bruce had no idea how to handle each other anymore. Neither did the rest. That didn’t mean they didn’t want to. Dick was hopeful.
It was just… Jay was the best thing in Dick’s world; his support, his light, his conscience. He just made everything better. And Dick had no intentions of letting their family or anyone else fuck that up.)
(I’m taking prompts.)
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redhoodssweetheart · 4 years
Common Enemy (2/??)
Genre: Angst with an eventual happy ending, Enemies-to-Friends-to-Lovers
Relationship: Jason Todd x Gender Neutral!Reader
Word Count: 3.8K
Warnings: Angst, blood mention, swearing
Description:  Red Hood doesn’t seem to trust you and you don’t get why.  He’s a complete ass to you, but you’re determined to prove him wrong and show him that you deserve to be a hero like Batman and the others.
A/N:  I’m kinda back!  I finished the book I was trying to finish and now I’m going to try and work on my fics that need updates and such.  I might not start taking requests for a bit, but I am open to suggestions on things that y’all would like to see!
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The sunshine warmed your face as you headed down the street toward your favorite coffee shop.  Fall was fast approaching and you wanted to enjoy the last vestiges of summer for a long as you could before the bitter cold of winter came.  You had decided that today was going to be a good day.  You had managed to wake up on time, your boss had let you go early, and tonight you were going to Wayne Manor to have game night with your boys.
You weren’t sure when they had become yours but they were family to you now.
As you approached the coffee shop you peered in through the window and saw Tim standing in line with someone slightly taller than him.  You could see Tim’s profile as he spoke to the man beside him, but you couldn’t see the others face.  Just slightly long, black hair and broad shoulders.  You squinted, there was something familiar about the man and that was when he turned his body shaking with laughter.
The air seemed to leave your lungs as you beheld the man under the Red Hood façade.  
Jason fucking Todd.
You thought he was dead.  Everyone had heard the story about how Bruce Wayne’s son had been killed.  How was he here?  How was he Red Hood?  You backed away from the window, your mouth hanging open as the sounds of the busy city around you melted away to a dull ringing in your ears.
Tim and Jason must have felt your eyes on them because they turned and saw you gaping at them.  Before they could react you turned and ran down the street, pushing past other pedestrians.
For the better part of a year, you had wondered who was behind the mysterious Red Hood.  For a year you had been harassed by Jason Todd.  You paused around the corner of the building and leaned against it, your eyes falling shut and letting out a puff of breath.
“And why are you running away from me, sweetheart?”  Your eyes flew open at the sound of his voice.  He was standing before you, one arm braced against the wall, his green eyes peering down at you, a smirk on his face.
You frowned, “I wasn’t running from you.”
His smirk only seemed to grow at the lie that tumbled from your lips, “Are you sure about that?”
Tim caught up just as you pushed Jason back.  “Y/N!”  He said as he pulled you away from Jason.  He could see the murderous intent in your eyes.  “Come on, let’s go get some coffee and leave Jay here to his next task.”  You didn’t miss the way Tim glared at his brother.
“What’s the rush, Timmy?  I didn’t get my coffee either, maybe I’ll join you,” you wanted to punch that stupid smirk right off his face.
“Listen here Todd,” you spat as you pointed a finger at him.
“Y/N,” Tim tugged you back, he knew that you and Jason had a less than stellar relationship when you only knew him as Red Hood, but he wondered what things would be like now that you realized who Red Hood actually was.
You shook Tim off, “You know what, Tim?  I’m not really in the mood for coffee right now.  I’ll take a raincheck and we can have some on another day when you aren’t out for brotherly bonding time.”  Jason’s eyes never left yours as you spoke, and his smirk didn’t go anywhere either.  “And I’ve suddenly felt a headache coming on so I don’t think I’ll be able to make game night either.”
“Y/N,” Tim sounded dejected as you stormed off.  He turned to his brother.  “Do you really have to antagonize them like that, Jay?”
Jason’s eyes followed you until you disappeared around the corner of a building.  “I don’t know what you’re talking about Timmy.”  Then he headed back toward the coffee shop with his hands shoved into the pockets of his jeans.  “You coming or what?”
Tim let out a defeated sigh and hurried to catch up to Jason.
 Night had fallen and you were curled up on your couch in your favorite PJs watching a movie on Netflix when you heard tapping at your window.  Expecting it to be Damian or Tim come to check on you, you paused the movie and went to check.  Instead, you were greeted by the man who had become a pain in your ass.
“What the fuck do you want, Todd?”  You asked as you shoved open the window to let him in.
He maneuvered himself through the window and pulled off his hood, “I came to check up on you, sweetheart.  Seemed kinda mad when you left earlier.”
You narrowed your eyes, “I wonder why.”
He made a tsking sound, “You don’t have to be so hostile toward me.  We’re friends aren’t we?”
“Friends!”  You spluttered as he moved deeper into your apartment.  “Where the hell did you get that idea?  Because if memory serves me correctly you once told me that I was nothing but an attention seeker who wanted to become a masked vigilante for the fame.”
He hopped over your couch and put his feet up on the table stealing some of the snacks you had laid out.  “And?  I didn’t know you.  I didn’t trust you.  Who’s to say you weren’t just after fame from becoming a masked superhero?”
“You never gave me a chance to prove you wrong!”  You cried in outrage.
Jason looked at you and for a moment you wished you could see his green eyes again behind the domino mask.  “You weren’t family, I didn’t have to trust you or even give you a chance.”
You placed your hands on your hips, “What’s it going to take for you to trust me, Red?”
He paused, a piece of popcorn halfway to his mouth, “Who says that I don’t trust you?”
“You haven’t really shown me that you do, so I’m assuming you still don’t trust me,” you said.
“Why’d you go after Damian alone the other night?”  He asked, changing the subject on you.
“Because he needed help and I wasn’t about to leave him alone to the Joker,” you said without hesitation.
“Suit up, there’s something I want to show you,” he instructed.
“I’m not a dog, you can’t just order me around,” you shot at him, but curiosity was getting the better of you and you headed for your bedroom.
Jason's hood was already back on when you exited from your bedroom and you followed him out the window into the dark night of Gotham.  The two of you leapt from roof to roof until you made it back to the circus where Joker had been hiding out.  Most of it had been burnt to the ground or cleared out by the GCPD.
“Did the others ever tell you what happened to me?”  He asked as he strode forward.  No one was here, the Joker had gotten away and wouldn’t risk coming back to this spot now.
You followed after him heading into the big top which was half lying in ruin from the fire.  “No, they didn’t,” you wondered where he was going with this.
“I didn’t actually die like the papers said.  No one could know how I actually died,” the last word came out bitter and you could still hear some vestiges of pain in his voice.  “Joker had captured me one night, beat me within an inch of my life with a crowbar.  He laughed the entire time, like the sick son of a bitch he is.  Before Batman could get to me the building Joker had left me in blew up.”  Your eyes widened and you bit your lip to keep from gasping.  “Ra’s, he… he brought me back.  I was different, still am if I’m being honest.”
“Why are you telling me this?”  You asked him softly.
He turned to you, and you wished that you could see his face, see the look that was hidden beneath the red metal helmet.  “The night we met the others told me what had happened to you.  I still didn’t trust you, but I will begrudgingly admit that I trust you now.  And I want your help tracking Joker down.”
“I’m not going to kill him,” you said.  You knew what type of justice that the Red Hood usually dished out and you weren’t going to be a part of that.  “I don’t play that way.”
“I know,” he said, nodding slightly.  “And I wouldn’t ask that of you.  But I want this psycho off the streets and I know that you do as well.  Help me stop him, after all, he is our common enemy.”
You know what it meant for Jason to be offering this to you.  The olive branch he was extending to you.  “If I agree I want you to stop treating me like I’m an outsider.  I’ve proven my worth and I won’t stand around and be bullied by you.”
“Sweetheart, trust me I wouldn’t dream of bullying you.”
You lifted your chin and said, “All right.  I’m in.  Where do we start?”
 There was a banging on your door and you groaned as you pulled your pillow over your head to muffle the sound.  Whoever it was would go away eventually and you could get back to sleep.  “Sweetheart get your ass up!”  At the sound of Jason’s voice, your eyes popped open and you sat up straight.
What the hell was he doing here?
Better yet, why the hell was he here?
You got up and quickly pulled the door open before your nosey, older neighbor called the landlord on you, or tried to come out and converse with Jason.  God forbid she ask him if he was your boyfriend.  If that happened you were pretty sure you’d rather the floor open up and swallow you whole.
“I didn’t realize that having a truce with you would mean you would wake me up at the asscrack of dawn, Todd,” you said by way of greeting.
That cocky grin was back and this time your heart did things in your chest.  Well, that was weird.  “Can’t friends share breakfast?”  He held up a bag from McDonald’s and you eyed it, your stomach grumbling as the smell of food hit you.  His grin only seemed to grow when he heard it.
“Fine, but I get first dibs of whatever you’ve got in there,” you snatched the bag away and left him to close the door behind him.  “But seriously why are you here?”
He pulled out a chair at your kitchen table and took a seat waiting for you to finish rifling through the bag and getting out whatever you wanted.  “Thought with our newfound friendship and all I could come over and bring breakfast.  Plus extend an invitation to game night since you called out last night.”
You passed him the bag and asked what he wanted to drink.  “Is that the only reason?”  You peered at him over the refrigerator door.
“Maybe I wanted to see what you looked like first thing in the morning, sweetheart.”  That made you choke on your own spit and had him chuckling.  “Something wrong?”
“Asshole,” you shot.  “I’m not up for flirting today, Todd so spit it out or get lost.”
He shrugged and dug into his breakfast, “Maybe I just wanted to hang out.”
“Most people call first,” you grumbled as you also started eating.
“Really then why am I always seeing memes about best friends showing up at one another’s apartments and houses?”
“I’m sorry did I miss the announcement in the paper where it said we had become best friends?”  You were grinning at him now wondering where he got this much bravado from.
“Would you like me to put an announcement in the paper because I just gotta call someone at the Gotham Times and it's done,” he looked so serious that you couldn’t contain your laughter.
“Are all the Waynes dramatic like this?  Is it just a family trait that I will somehow inherit from how much time I am spending with you all?”
“Dramatic?  Sweetheart, I will have you know that most people would find me incredibly charming,” he said with mock hurt.
You hummed and stood from the table, clearing away your dirty dishes, “I have yet to see the charm.”
“Well apparently I haven’t been trying hard enough to charm you,” he had leaned back in his chair.  “Maybe I should take you out and give you the full Jason Todd experience.”
You scoffed, “I don’t know, cheap beer at a dive bar and ride on your motorcycle doesn’t really sound all that appealing when I can just do that exact same thing with Dick.”  You were taunting him now, liking this new version of banter the two of you were sharing.  
It was so different from your usual banter and it had butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
“Oh sweetheart, I have a few tricks up my sleeves.”  He stood and boxed you in, his arms on either side of you, trapping you against the counter.  “So what do ya say?  You.  Me.  A date this coming Friday.  I’ll show you just how well I can sweep you off your feet.”
You weren’t going to back down from this.  It was a challenge, “How about we make a little wager, Todd?”
His eyes lit up with intrigue, “Name your price.”
“If I don’t have a good time you have to clean my suits for a month.”  That was your least favorite job when you got home from patrol, especially if you or someone else had bled on your suit.
“All right and if I win and you do enjoy yourself I get an undisclosed favor.”
“Deal,” and with the bet in place the two of you shook on it.
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flightsoffandom · 4 years
Co-Conspirators Part 3
Pairs: Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Words: 8875
Summary: Finally, having a little free time, you share some mundane domestic moments with Aaron. You’re even able to spend some more time with Jack.
Warnings: Smut (please read the note), other than that nothing really
Notes: Most of this chapter is gender-neutral, but there is a smut section where I wrote the reader as having a vagina (and a few mentions of breasts), but no actual gendered terms are used. I have indented the smut section, I also marked the beginning and end of that section with “
“ so you can just skip over it without missing any plot. If someone is interested in having a separate version with the other set of genitalia just let me know and I can post a separate version for you. Other than that, I was just really feeling some soft Hotch and Reader time, so that’s what happened.
Continuation of Co-Conspirators – Part 1–Part 2–Part 3*–Part 4–Part 5–Part 6
You're not sure what woke you up first, Aaron moving or his phone ringing. You do know that when you felt him move, you grabbed his arm that was still draped over you, so he couldn't go anywhere. To Aaron’s credit, he didn't try to pull that arm away from you anymore. Instead awkwardly using his other one to fish around for his phone. With a low whine, you let go of him, so he doesn't have to struggle anymore. Aaron kissed the back of your head softly, as a silent ‘thank you’. He answers his phone, “SSA Aaron Hotchner.” Aaron goes quiet as the person on the other end talks. You could hear them talking but couldn’t make out the words. Aaron sighs, “Three dead and one suspected victim missing?” After a short pause, Aaron replies, “I’ll be there as soon as I can.” When Aaron hangs up the phone, you let out a louder whine this time. You roll over to face him, “This is the first time I’ve ever been annoyed to get a case.” You finally open your eyes, seeing Aaron smiling softly at you. He slides his hand under the hem of your shirt, “I don't like the poor timing, either.” Aaron runs his hand up your stomach before curving over your side and continuing up your back. You shiver and let out a soft moan. Aaron grins at your response, kissing you softly. You glare up at Aaron, “We don't have time to be handsy” His large hand trails up and down your back, “I suppose we don’t.” You smile and snake your fingers under his shirt, “Rain check?” Aaron’s muscular stomach tenses up under your fingertips. He gives you a nod. You smile and remove your hands, reaching up to kiss Aaron again. He deepens the kiss causing you both to get lost in it for a moment. Aaron pulls away first, “I need to shower and get Jack to school.” 
    Aaron gets up and out of bed, “You're welcome to use my shower.” You huff as he leaves, rolling onto your back, “I think if we both walk into work freshly showered, the team might notice.” You lean up on your elbows, “But I will take another rain check on a shared shower later.” You grin and wink at him. Aaron chuckles, “Sounds like a fun time.” You smirk and get up out of bed, going to your bag. Aaron disappears, and soon you hear the water running in another room. You quickly change into work-appropriate clothes, packing your pajamas back into your bag. You hum softly, thinking. You push your bag over into the corner, so it's out of the way. Optimistically leaving it behind for a later date. Walking out into the kitchen as you start thinking about breakfast. You usually weren't the best at taking care of yourself, but since Aaron and Jack were here, you were thinking about them. You try to figure out what to make them, and it quickly comes to mind. Oatmeal and orange juice. You remembering hearing Aaron say that that’s what he normally made for breakfast. You cross your fingers, hoping it was a brand that had instructions on the box. Opening a few cabinets until you find what you're searching for. Breathing a sigh of relief when you see directions. You get started making breakfast. Soon you hear the water shut off from down the hall. While the oatmeal is cooking, you tiptoe to go check on Jack. The little boy rubs his eyes, already waking up and getting ready. He didn’t even need an alarm to wake him up in the morning. Making you chuckle at how much his dad has rubbed off on him. You go back into the kitchen to check on the food. Pulling out three bowls and glasses. Focusing on making the oatmeal. You figured it would be hard to mess up, but you didn't want to risk it. 
    As you started putting servings of oatmeal into bowls, you see Aaron walk into the kitchen. He was tying his tie, but when he sees you, he stops for a second, “This is different.” You turn to see Aaron smiling at you. You chuckle, “Good different or bad different?” Aaron walks over and kisses your cheek, “Good… Definitely good.” You grin and push a bowl at him, “That was the correct answer.” You tease and grab the other two dishes, putting them on the dining table. You go back into the kitchen, pouring orange juice into all three glasses. Jack trots out happily, fully dressed, and ready to go. Jack sits at the table and happily starts eating. Aaron joins his son, and soon you join both of them as you deliver the glasses of juice. The three of you all share a quick happy little breakfast together. When you all finish up, everyone starts rushing again. Before you leave, you make sure to say ‘goodbye’ to Jack before giving Aaron one last kiss, “See you at work.” Aaron smiles at you as you step out the door. 
    You got to work before Hotch did, which was very good for your cover. Now you only had to keep your micro-expressions under control when Hotch was around, and you would be set. Once Hotch was there, the round table meeting started, and you all went over the case. It was out of state so you would have to take the plane to get there. Three women dead with another one missing, and the unsub seemed to be holding them for only a few days. The goal was to find the unsub before they killed the fourth girl. Which gave the team about 72 hours to figure out the whole case. The short flight was spent having the team work out the profile. Almost as soon as the plane landed, the unsub discovered that the FBI was in town and got cocky. They decided sending taunts and threats was a good move. So, it ended up being a very long three days with very little sleep for the whole team. In the end, the team did catch the guy responsible. The fourth victim was saved, with her only needing a minor hospital visit. It was a win, but a win that left the whole team exhausted, including yourself. When the team got back to the BAU, most of them scattered, quickly wrapping up and heading home. Unsurprisingly you and Hotch ended up being the last people in the office.  
    You were exhausted but wanted to keep working on paperwork. Filling it out on the couch in Hotch’s office. At some point, while filling out your assignments, you ended up dozing off. Waking up to Hotch gently nudging you, “Go home and get some sleep.” You blink a few times and huff, “I’m fine.” You yawn and rub your eyes. Hotch glares down at you, “That’s an order.” You chuckle and ignore him, starting writing again, “We are off the clock, so technically you can’t ‘order’ me to do anything.” Hotch crosses his arms, still boring down into you. You turn and look at him, giving him an innocent smile. He sighs, “Please.” You watch him and nod, “Fine...fine…” You start putting your papers away. You glance over at Hotch, “Are you going home too then? Or are you being a hypocrite?” Hotch glares at you before softening up, “I am actually.” He smiles at you, “You looking so cute and tired got me thinking…” You chuckle and curiously watch him as he leads you out of his office. Hotch closes his door behind you as he continues, “My apartment is closer than yours.” You grin and trot down the steps, “By maybe 10 to 15 minutes.” Hotch shrugs following close behind, “That’s 15 more minutes of sleep.” You chuckle and put your extra work at your desk, “If you want me to stay the night, you could just ask.” Hotch walks you over to the elevator, “You're the one who left your go-bag at my place.” You step onto the elevator, “True, but I could just sleep in my car. There is a new go-bag in it as well.” You grin at Hotch. He glares at you, “I’m not letting that happen.” You hum softly, “I really don't think you can stop me.” Hotch lets out a low growl, “Why are you being so stubborn?” You chuckle and wink at Hotch. When the elevator opens, you walk out, “Cause I’m too tired to be any real fun in bed.” Hotch gives you a sweet smile, “It’s fun enough being able to sleep next to you.” You blush brightly and mumble, “God, stop being so charming.” You head out to where your cars are parked. Once you get to a place where cameras could no longer see the both of you, Hotch moves in and kisses you. You smile and kiss him back, “I’ll stay the night you don't have to do any more convincing.” Hotch smiles down at you, “That was just because it's been three days since I could kiss you.” You let out a happy sigh, “You're a romantic sap.” Hotch nods in agreement and gives you another soft kiss. You slowly pull away from Hotch, “I'll see you at your apartment.” You get into your car ready to go for the night. 
    A few weeks had passed, and everything was going good between you and Hotch. The biggest issue was how often you both worked, which wouldn't have been an issue if you didn't have to hide it. You both had been keeping the lie going, so you just had to find time outside of work when you to be together. Over the few weeks, all of your cases had taken a whole day or more, which meant it was usually you two going home long enough to sleep before going back into work. The few times you were able to make it to Aaron’s apartment, it was usually just spending time with Aaron and Jack, dinner, and then straight to sleep before waking up in the morning to start the work cycle all over again. Even with limited free time outside of work, you and Aaron had gotten closer, and Jack was warming up to you even more. Aaron made sure to call you in what little off time you both happened to have. More than once, Jack had asked to talk to you as well, which you were more than happy to do. Finally, tomorrow the team had a day off, and it actually seemed like you weren't going to get called in. Which you had been planning for, and you were more than ready for it. 
    It was after work and late. You stared at the food section of the grocery store. Unsure of what to do, you called Aaron. Not even giving Aaron a chance to say ‘hello’, you bombard him as soon as he answers, “Aaron, what does Jack like to eat? Mac and cheese with hot dogs, maybe?” You let out a nervous hum, “But that doesn't have a whole lot of nutritional value, I’m assuming… maybe I should pick something else… does he even like mac and cheese?” Aaron started chuckling, “Yes, Jack is a normal kid who would be overjoyed to have that for dinner.” You grumble from Aaron’s chuckling. He lets out a happy sigh, “You're overthinking it.” You sigh loudly, “This is something I should be overthinking, though? Right? Like, food and nutrition are important for growing children.” Aaron keeps chucking, “One night without vegetables will be fine.” You whine loudly, ignoring the looks you were getting from fellow shoppers, “Yeah, for tomorrow night, but what about other times?” You can hear a playful eye-roll in Aaron’s voice, “We can talk about it later. You make it sound like its life or death. I have heard you calmer when dealing with unsubs.” You sigh and grab some mac and cheese boxes, “Well, I don't care if unsubs have a decent diet. I care if you and Jack do…” You push your cart with one hand as you mumble, “I also went to school for dealing with criminals.” Aaron laughs, “It's sweet that you worry so much, but you don't need to.” You get to the refrigerated section, grabbing the food you needed, “I may not need to, but I will so, hope you're ready to be on the phone with me until I finish shopping.” Aaron chuckles, “I am still at work. If you could have waited, I could have just gone with you.” You stop to look at a shelf and laugh, “And waste the little time we have shopping.” You start moving through the food isles picking up whatever other food you need, “Nah, I prefer multitasking. You finish up the paperwork, I get groceries.” Aaron sighs, “I think I'd rather be with you.” You start moving out of the food section, letting out a content hum, “Soon, handsome.” You hear Aaron writing. Clearly, someone walked in to talk to Aaron because you heard him using his stiff work voice for a moment. You keep thinking over what you need. You stop and stare at the children's section, “Would it be weird if I bought a bed for Jack?” Aaron laughs, “What?” You lazily walk through the section, “I mean, he is staying the night tomorrow, and it seems mean to make him sleep on the couch.” You thoughtfully hum, “I have a whole guest bedroom. Not even technically a ‘bed’ room, it doesn't even have a bed in it. Only filled with boxes.” Aaron chuckles, “If you really want to, you can. It seems a bit excessive for one night.” You huff, “But if you both spend the night again…” You sigh, “I guess it would just be easier to stay at your apartment most of the time…” Aaron stays quiet for a moment, before talking in a soft but serious tone, “Why are you so concerned about this? Jack already likes spending time with you.” You rub your temples with the palm of your free hand, “I…” You let out a long sigh, navigating yourself off to the side, away from other customers, “I don’t wanna be that kind of person who dates someone with a kid but then acts like the kid is just a backdrop in their partner’s life… That doesn't make a whole lot of sense…” You let out another sigh, trying to figure out how to say what you want to say, “I don't want Jack to feel like a ‘prop’ in our relationship… Like I only care about him to impress you or whatever.” You groan at yourself, “You know what I mean, we see it all the time… I don't want Jack to think that or feel like that…” You finally finish, not sure if you got your message across or not. Aaron’s voice comes out sweeter than normal, “I don’t think Jack feels that way. You're great with him. I can see you genuinely care about him, I’m sure he sees it too.” Aaron pauses. When he starts speaking again, you can hear a slight smile in his voice, “If buying a bed or whatever else would help you feel better, then I think it's a wonderful idea.” The sigh that leaves you this time is one of relief, “Thank you.” You push your cart back over to the kid’s section. You stare at the large box, “I’m going to have to let you go, hot stuff. I’m gonna need both hands to carry this and then figure out how to fit it into my car.” Aaron chuckles, “Alright, I’ll see you soon.” You smile, “Don’t take too long.” You decide to be cheesy and end the call by giving Aaron a kiss through the phone. 
    After you checked out, you were lucky enough to be able to Tetris everything into your car safely. With the large box and everything else you bought settled in your car, you were ready to head home. It took multiple trips to get everything inside, which was a bit tiresome but worth it. Jack wasn't staying the night until tomorrow, but since it was just you and Aaron tonight, you wanted to get as much done as possible before Aaron came over. Once everything was inside, it was time to get your guest bedroom cleaned up. You start by moving all the boxes into the closet, not too worried about going through them at the moment. You throw some stuff into the washer before preheating the oven. With the guest bedroom cleared out, you sit down on the floor and start building the bed. 
    As soon as you get the bed finished, there is a knock on your apartment door. You figured it was Aaron, but out of pure paranoia, you grab your gun before checking the door. You checked the peephole and smiled when you saw Aaron on the other side. Opening the door wide enough for him to come in. Aaron grins at you and walks in with his go-bag in hand. As you close and lock the door, Aaron comments, “Planning on shooting me?” You let out a nervous laugh, “Not currently.” Aaron turns around and raises an eyebrow at you as he chuckles, “I did message you and say I was on the way.” You hum and grab your phone off the table. Looking at the notifications, “That you did. I was very busy building a bed.” Aaron moves in closer to you. There was something in his eyes as he moved in on you. He uses his free hand to pull you to him and kisses you deeply. You smile into it and kiss him back. Right as you're about to start making out, you hear a beep from your kitchen. Pulling away before leading Aaron over to your bedroom, “I need to go get our food.” You quickly put your gun away. Aaron smiles, “Alright.” You go and pull a pizza out of the oven, setting it on the stove to cool down.  
    Right when your hands are free, you feel Aaron’s arms wrap around you. You chuckle, pushing your body back into him, “Someone’s frisky.” Aaron puts his face into the crook of your neck. You can feel his lips move as he responds, “This is the first time we will have a night with just the two of us.” You close your eyes and shiver, “True, we haven't had a chance to fool around yet.” In a silent response, Aaron slides a hand down your stomach. Gliding his fingers under the hem of your pants. A moan slips out of you, your body starting to react to his touch. You grab his wrist, pulling it out of your pants. Aaron lets out an annoyed growl. You open your eyes and chuckle, “Not in the kitchen.” You turn around. When you see the hunger in Aaron’s eyes, you swallow hard. Arousal starts building between your legs. Aaron’s jacket was gone. Something about the loss of a singular piece of clothing added to how attractive he looked right now. Aaron grins at you, rolling up his sleeves. You hum and bite your lip. Watching for a moment before nudging him out of the kitchen. You grab Aaron by his tie and pull him into your bedroom. He eagerly lets you lead him.
    Once in your bedroom, you immediately start kissing Aaron again. You let Aaron’s tongue into your mouth, twisting your tongues together. As you keep your lips locked with his, you reach down and search for his belt. When you feel the metal against your fingers, you start unbuckling it. Aaron starts trying to pull up your shirt. You break the kiss and pull away, “Not yet.” Aaron let his hands tightly grip your hips to keep you from moving too far away. He glares down at you with dark eyes, “Why?” His voice was full of lust and came out rougher than usual. You look up at him innocently as you undo his pants, “Because…” You pause and glance down. Seeing his hard cock straining to get out of his boxers. You can't help but moan at the sight. You look back up, meeting Aaron’s eyes, “I want to taste you first.” Aaron’s expression changes from horny annoyance to aroused dismissal, “Y...You don’t…” His voice was softer than it was a minute ago. You could have sworn Aaron was blushing. It was so cute that you gave him a sweet smile. Aaron cleared his throat and regained some of his composure, “I don't expect you to do that.” You kiss him softly, “I know you don't.” You gently move Aaron backward until he is leaning against your bed for support. You move to whisper in his ear, “The thing is I want to suck your cock, Aaron.” The words cause his body to stiffen up. Aaron loosens his hold on your hips. You grin, planting a kiss on his cheek. Finally, grabbing the waistband of his boxers. You look down, pulling the cloth down just enough for his cock to spring out.  
    You sink down onto your knees. Taking Aaron's member into your hand, getting a good look at it. He was well endowed, nice, and thick. With precum already leaking from the tip. You let out a happy hum, “Where have you been hiding this?” Aaron’s hands grasp onto the edge of the bed. He tries to control his breathing. You slowly move your hand up and down Aaron’s shaft. His cock leaks more precum in response. You remove your hand. No longer wanting to keep Aaron waiting and unable to hold yourself back anymore. You give a testing lick all the way from the base of his cock to the tip. Aaron had his eyes shut tight as he let out a restrained grunt. With that, you take the tip of his cock into your mouth, sucking softly. Aaron lets out a pleased groan. Enjoying Aaron’s reaction, you take him deeper down your throat. You see his hand moving out of the corner of your eye. Taking his cock even deeper until it hits the back of your throat. Aaron responds in a husky tone, “Fuck.” You gag softly, causing him to open his eyes and look down at you. When his eyes meet yours, you moan. Making sure to vibrate his cock. Aaron’s hand goes right to your hair. At first, he gives your hair a slight tug, pulling another moan out of you. You start moving his shaft in and out of your throat. His grip easily loosens, and he just gently keeps his fingers tangled in your hair. You close your eyes, starting to speed up. The suppressed noises Aaron keeps making cause more heat to pool in between your legs. In an attempt for some minor relief, you push one of your hands down your pants. You curve your tongue so that it glides over his cock with every bob of your head. Your fingers easily find your clit, rubbing it just enough to subside your own arousal. Returning your focus back to sucking Aaron’s cock. Taking him deep enough that your nose pressed against his shirt's fabric before pulling back and repeating. Aaron loses whatever composure he had left. His knuckles turn white from how tightly he is grabbing your bed. A mixture of grunts and moans, leaving him as you feel his cock start to twitch. You suck harder, trying to push him over the edge. In a weak attempt to not finish right now, Aaron tightens his grip on your hair before gently trying to lead you off his cock. You stubbornly do the opposite, pushing his cock down your throat one last time. With another curse under his breath, Aaron cums right down your throat. You let out a pleased purr. Swallowing every last drop. Once he has absolutely emptied himself down your throat, he loosens his hold on your hair once more. You wrap your lips around his cock. Giving one last suck to help clean it off. When you reach the tip, his cock comes out of your mouth with a loud pop. 
    Even though you were in the privacy of your own apartment, there was something about Aaron still being in his work clothes that made this seem forbidden. The way your excitement pooled in your underwear reflected just how much you liked it. You start catching your breath as you open your eyes and look up at Aaron. He has an almost dazed look in his eyes as he pants out, “I thought you wouldn't want me to…” Aaron pauses, bringing his hand to cover his face, ”finish in your mouth.” You tilt your head to the side and chuckle, “I said I wanted to taste you.” You lick your lips and grin, “I meant it.” Aaron lets out a long content sigh, “It felt good.” You smile and pull your hand out of your pants before standing up, “I've never seen you this flustered, it's adorable.” Aaron removes his hand from his face, glaring at you. You grin and kiss him softly. With a growl, Aaron grabs you by your hips. Picking you up. He turns you both before setting you on the bed. You laugh, putting your knees on either side of Aaron’s waist. Aaron bores down into you, “You enjoyed my reaction a little too much.” You look up at him, innocently, “I don’t know what you mean.” You reach forward and start pulling Aaron’s pants down all the way. He kisses you roughly, already pushing his tongue into your mouth. You moan, hearing his belt hit the floor as you kiss him back. When you start unbuttoning Aaron’s shirt, he breaks the kiss. Tightening his grip on your hips before quickly pulling you towards him. Causing your back to hit the bed, your ass sliding right on the edge of the mattress. You let out a surprised gasp before regaining your composer enough to tease Aaron, “Did you enjoy tasting yourself on my tongue?” He grabs the hem of your pants and underwear, roughly tugging them down your legs, "I should have known you would have a filthy mouth." You arch your back and wiggle around to help remove your bottoms. Shivering when your wet pussy is exposed. You give him a mischievous nod, "Really should have, gets me into all sorts of trouble." Aaron grins before moving between your legs. 
     Aaron kisses down one thigh, stopping right before reaching your center, doing the same thing with your other thigh. Your breath catches in your throat. An involuntary loud moan escapes your body. Aaron chuckles at your reaction as he moves in and licks up your slit. You reach your hands down and tangle them into his hair. He presses further in burying his tongue inside you. Closing your eyes as you try to suppress another moan. Aaron slides his hand around your hip. His large hand rests on your lower abdomen. Putting his thumb in the perfect position to move down and rub your clit. Your hips twitch eagerly. He starts moving his tongue in and out of you at a harsh pace, matching that pace with his thumb. You could feel yourself already getting close to your orgasm, closing your eyes tightly. You gasp loudly and arch your back, trying to get away from the intense pleasure. Aaron uses his strength to keep you in place. Right before you can orgasm, he completely stops working your pussy. He chuckles as he pulls back enough to watch you pant. When you're finally starting to catch your breath, Aaron starts slowly moving his thumb over your clit, this time at an agonizingly slow pace. You felt how slick you had gotten, craving release. You let out a loud, impatient whine, gently tugging his hair to bring him back into you. Aaron laughs, “This is a perfect look on you.” You let out an annoyed desperate huff, “Aaron…” He places a kiss on your thigh before removing his thumb off your clit, giving your lower abdomen a loving caress. He moves his other hand in between your legs, pushing two fingers into you. After he brought you so close to the edge a moment ago, you already felt yourself pulsing around his fingers. Aaron moves back in between your thighs, wrapping his mouth around your clit. He expertly works your sensitive numb while driving his fingers in and out of you. He curls his fingers just right, pressing right into your g-shot. Your hips buck softly while pleasurable whimpers escape your mouth. Aaron picks up his speed to match your eagerness. You feel the pressure quickly building in your stomach, getting close to your release. As you moan and squirm, he flicks his tongue over your clit, adding to the stimulation. He inserts a third finger. Stretching you out in the best way before pressing the tips of his large fingers into the perfect spot. You throw your head back, broken moans falling out of your mouth. Shutting your eyes tight as you see stars, orgasming hard. Aaron keeps working you through your orgasm. Your whole body feels like it's vibrating as waves of satisfaction wash over you. As you start coming down from your orgasm, you slowly begin regaining your baring. You let go of Aaron’s hair, allowing your limbs go limp as you just focus on breathing. He carefully laps up all your juices. When he is all finished, Aaron kisses up your lower abdomen, working his way up to your chest. You let out a content hum, finally opening your eyes again. He stops right under your breasts before standing up fully.  
    You sit upon your elbows shakily. Seeing Aaron undo his tie and tossing it to the side before unbuttoning his shirt. You smile at Aaron, lazily pulling off your own shirt, followed by your bra. When he pulls his shirt off, Aaron grins down at you. His lust-filled eyes trail over you. You both had seen each other naked before, but it was always in mundane situations like changing clothes or showering when you stayed the night with him. This was the first time you both had the time to just take each other in. Aaron was a very handsome man. Amazingly toned body with just enough chest hair trailing down his torso. Looking at him like this, you were also able to see all his scars. You had no issue with these blemishes. Hell, you got your fair share on the job as well. But it was the history behind his scars that had you lingering on his chest, making your heart hurt. You looked back up to Aaron’s eyes and started to sit up, “Come here.” Your voice came out hoarse but sweet. Aaron eagerly obliged, moving in to kiss you softly. You smile as you kiss him back, letting your hands gently explore his chest. He grabs your hips and picks you up, moving you both further onto the mattress. Once he is positioned over you on the bed, you wrap your legs around his waist. This time you both take a bit longer. He holds himself up on one hand so his other one can run up your side. You lean into his touch, deepening the kiss. Aaron’s hand slides up so he can fondle one of your breasts. You let out a small moan, arching your back. You feel Aaron’s hard member causing you to start grinding up and down his shaft. Your thighs start getting slick again, the more you rub against him. Aaron groans and stops kissing you, “Are you ready?” You smile, giving him a nod. He takes his hand off your chest. Looking down as he moves his hand to line up his cock with your entrance. He slowly pushes into your pussy, causing you to let out a pitiful moan. After getting the tip inside of you, Aaron looks up at you. His dark eyes lock with yours so he can watch your expression as he pushes further inside of you. Your hand gently grasps onto his chest as you feel him going deeper. With each inch, you feel your pussy stretching further. Short moans pour out of your mouth as you look up at Aaron, who hasn't taken his eyes off you. His hips finally press into yours as he bottoms out. The moan you let out is much louder this time. You lean up and give him tender kisses as you let your body adjust to his size. He returns the gesture causing you to smile happily.  
    You start shifting your hips, ready for him to start moving. Aaron pulls almost all the way out of you before thrusting back into your pussy. You let out a pleased gasp before he starts to kiss down your neck. You close your eyes and tilt your head to the side, opening more of your neck for him. Aaron’s cock moves in and out of you, going at a sensual pace. Taking his time so you can both thoroughly enjoy this. Starting to pant as you let your hands start wandering over his chest again. He starts sucking at the skin on your neck, causing you to shiver. His cock manages to hit the perfect spot inside you every time, making you arch your back. In response, Aaron starts thrusting harder. Filling the room with the sound of skin slapping together mixed with your moans and his grunts. The skin on your neck starts to get tender. You glide your hand up his chest. Moving your hand to tangle your fingers in his hair, gently pulling him off your neck. He removes his mouth from your neck. Kissing his way up to your chin, stopping when he gets to your lips. You kiss him deeply as he trails a hand down your body, slipping between your legs. Excitedly you buck your hips. Aaron pushes his fingers onto your clit, massaging to match the pace of his thrusts. You moan into his mouth as your kissing gets sloppier. Electricity starts to surge through your body as you feel your orgasm building. You thrust back against him, chasing your release. Aaron skillfully hastens his fingers while making sure to drag his cock against your g-spot with every thrust. You cling to him as your orgasm overwhelms you. Breaking the kiss so you can gasp and pant as your body quivers. He keeps going, prolonging your pleasure. As your orgasm comes to an end, your pussy starts to pulse. Aaron moans, his thrusts becoming staggered. The post-sex haze clears out of your mind, just enough to focus on one thing. You use all your energy to massage his cock with your pussy muscles. He lets out a low grunt, moving his hands to grasp onto your hips as he finishes. Shooting a huge load deep inside you. You let out a satisfied moan. Aaron’s hips come to a stop as he rests his forehead on your chest. Able to feel his hot breath on your skin as he pants. You focus on regaining your senses. As your chest stops heaving, you loosen your hand in his hair. Choosing to lazily run your fingers through his hair instead. Aaron makes a content noise as his breathing evens out. He pulls out of you, resting on top of you. You whine from the loss of contact. In response, he brings his head up and gives you an affectionate kiss. You smile softly and give him a kiss back.
     After a few more moments pass, you both detangle from each other. Aaron rolls over off of you and lays on the bed next to you. You chuckle, “If I had known you were that good in bed, I would have jumped you a lot sooner.” Aaron’s hand finds yours as he laughs, “I second that.” You give his hand a squeeze. Letting out a groan as you get up off the bed. He sits up, giving you an inquisitive look. You smile, “Stay in here and get comfy. I’ll be back.” A smile slips onto Aaron’s face, and he nods. You quickly slip out into the kitchen, grabbing the no longer fresh pizza off the stove. Putting it on a tray before cutting it up. You happily trot back into your room, pizza in hand. When you walk in you, see Aaron sitting up against the headboard. You let out a content hum as you turn on the tv in your room and slide into your side of the bed. Placing the dish between the two of you, “Well, it's not warm anymore because someone…” You turn and grin at him, “Distracted us.” Aaron chuckles and kisses you, “You liked it.” You shrug playfully and grab a slice, “That is not relevant.” He grabs you and pulls you in closer to him, “It's very relevant.” You laugh as you snuggle up with him, “You went to law school, so I’m just going to concede and let you win.” You give him a quick kiss before you begin eating. He smiles and starts eating to join you. You and Aaron snuggled up close under the sheets. Not caring about what you were watching, or that you both were still bare and messy as you both ate. Deciding to worry about it in the morning so you both could enjoy this time together. After eating and pushing the tray off to the side, you and Aaron finally lie down to sleep for the night. 
    You had agreed to go work out with Aaron, which seems like it could be nice. That was until you were actually in the process of getting ready for it. You both had cleaned up your room, started laundry, and then showered before beginning to get prepared. You had to actually find your workout clothes, you only used them when you needed to do your FBI physical exam. You dug through boxes until you found it. You huff, “Whatever we are doing better be fun after all this effort to find the clothes…” You pulled them on. Aaron chuckles, “I think it’s fun.” He had been ready for a while now. Since he only had to dig the clothes out of the go-bag be brought over. He watches you change. You finish getting dressed in a pair of tight workout pants, a tank top, and tennis shoes. You walk to Aaron and smile, “I know I will at least enjoy spending time with you.” You kiss him on the cheek. Looking down to admire how hot he looked in his workout gear. Aaron kisses you back on the lips before grabbing his keys, and you both exit your apartment. 
    The drive there was quick and straightforward. As you got out of Aaron’s car, you admired the scenery. It was a beautiful spacious park, not too many people here this early in the morning. You walk around to the front of his car, “So, do we just pick a trail and run?” Aaron chuckles and walks over to you, “That is how it usually works.” You make a curious noise, “Usually?” You grin at him, “Are we going to be doing something different? Like a competition or something?” Aaron gives you a smack on the ass to get you to walk with him, “Do you really want to race me? I do this about once a week.” You make a face as you and him walk together, “Well, you’ll have an advantage, but I’m a competitive person.” You grin at Aaron. You both stop at a trail. He laughs, “Fine, we will see if you can keep up.” You stand in front of him, “Not so fast. What are the stakes?” Aaron narrows his eyes at you, “Stakes?” You roll your eyes, “What are we betting? Like sex stuff or like dates or paperwork?” You tilt your head at him. Aaron grabs your hips and laughs, “Let’s leave our job out of this. Those other two things, though…” You grin devilishly and kiss him. Aaron kisses you back and then pulls away, “A date. We haven't really had time to go on any.” You smile happily, “Winner plans the date, loser pays for it?” He thinks about it, “Deal.” Aaron has a big smile on his face, and you can't help but smile back. You lean in and give him one last peck before moving back beside him. 
    You were a competitive person, and you tried your hardest. But you were no match for Aaron. He really did train often, and it showed. You didn't love losing. You did enjoy the view from behind him as you ran. He finally finished running. You caught up with him soon after. You were panting hard. Bending over to hold your knees as you tried to catch your breath, “Aren't you supposed to take it easy on me since we’re dating?” Each word came out in between a breath. Aaron laughs, panting as well, but less than you were, “That would be cheating...” As you stare at the pavement, you hear him walk over. He rubs your back, “I also want to keep you healthy.” You groan and stand up straight, “Yes, so I can live forever, and you can further torment me with this kind of thing.” You give him a playful glare, your breath finally coming back to you. Aaron smiles and kisses you softly, “That's the plan.” A smile replaces your glare, “I can live with that.” You grin and start heading back to his car, “I’ll just have to annoy you for the rest of your life in return.” Aaron rolls his eyes, smiling as he takes your hand in his, “I think I can manage that.” You hum happily and tangle your fingers with his. You rest your head against his shoulder as you both walk. It was nice to be able to show affection in public or affection at all. Considering you both had to monitor every micro-expression you made at work to keep everyone out of trouble. Aaron comments as you reach his car, “We have a few hours before we need to pick up Jack.” He leans down and plants a kiss on the top of your head, causing you to let out a pleased hum. You both separate before getting into his car. 
    After getting back home, both you and Aaron got cleaned up and changed. Giving you a little time to lounge on the couch before going to pick up Jack. Aaron drove to the house that Jack had stayed at last night. Casually discussing what to do for lunch while he drove. When Aaron got to the house, he parked out front before getting out of the car. You stay in the vehicle, assuming this was more of a ‘parental’ situation. Not that you weren't interested in taking on a parental role of some kind with Jack, but you always worried about overstepping. Aaron gets a few steps towards the house before turning around. He furrowed his brow, trying to figure out what you were doing. You slowly get out of the car, “I wasn't sure if you'd want me to join you.” Aaron chuckles, gently placing his hand on your back to walk with you, “Between the two of us, I’m supposed to be the worrier.” He turns and leans down to kiss your cheek, “You worry too much.” You both walk up the stairs to the front door. You huff, “One could argue that I don't worry enough.” Aaron smiles, rolling his eyes at you. He takes his arm off your back and knocks. After a minute or so, a woman answers the door, “Ohh! Hello, Aaron.” You hear the two kids playing somewhere in the house. The woman smiles, opening the door up for you both, “You both must be here for Jack.” Aaron smiles and nods, before stepping into the house. You follow behind, trying your best not to start profiling the house. The woman peaks around the corner of the hallway, “Jack, your dad is here.” The woman turns back to you both, “Jack is such a polite young boy. My Aiden could learn something from him.” Aaron smiles, “I don't think I can take all the credit for that, but thank you.” Jack comes around the corner with his backpack in tow. Jack’s face lights up when he sees both of you, and you can’t help but smile. Aaron crouches down, and Jack runs to give his dad a hug. Aaron hugs him back, Jack looks over at you, “You came too?” You nod happily, “Of Course, I said all three of us were going to hang out today, didn’t I?” You see another little boy, who must be Aiden, walk up behind his mom. Jack breaks away from the hug and goes to grab onto your hand. Jack waves at his friend, “Bye, Aiden.” You return the gesture and hold Jack’s hand. Aaron stands up, talking to Aiden’s mother, “Thank you for having Jack over Maggie.” Jack gives a big smile, “Thank you, Miss.” You smile and wave at the woman before Jack starts gently, guiding you to the car. You follow behind him, letting him lead you. You hear Aaron exchange a few more words with Maggie. Jack looks back at you, “What are we going to do?” You chuckle as you crouch down, “Well, I was thinking lunch and…” You talk a little quieter, “I was hoping you'd help me convince your dad to take us to a fun ice cream place after.” Jack gets excited and tackles you with a hug, “I love ice cream.” Aaron walks up behind the both of you, “I heard you plotting.” You chuckle and hug the little boy back. Ruffling his hair before you stand back up, “I don't know what you're talking about.” The three of you get into the car and head out for lunch. 
    The first stop was for actual food. You let Jack pick what kind of food to get. He ends up picking burgers, so the three of you go to a local burger place downtown. It was nice having such a calm day with your two boys. A small part of you worried that a call from work would come in any minute and interrupt everything. But by the time you all went to get ice cream, the suspicion had finally left your mind. It didn't take really any convincing from either Jack or yourself to get Aaron to take you to get ice cream. You knew a perfect place. One of those ice cream parlors with more flavors then you could imagine with just as many toppings. Luckily you were right, and Jack had a field day picking out what he wanted. Thinking both you and Aaron enjoyed watching how excited Jack was more then you both enjoyed the ice cream itself. Your mid-day outing was finished up by lazily strolling around the shopping area downtown. 
    That ended up being kind of a poor decision. Only because you couldn't resist Jack’s adorable excited face when he saw something he wanted. So, you found yourself buying some things for Jack. Aaron shook his head and chuckled, “You're spoiling him.” You huff and follow Jack around, a few bags already in your hands, “I don't have any issues with that.” You watch Jack look over the items on the shelves. You look over at Aaron, “You can pick some stuff out too. I’ll just spoil you both.” You grin at him. Jack picks up a toy, looking so serious and considered, debating whether he wants it. Aaron sarcastically gestures around in the toy section, “So many choices.” You glare at Aaron, “Har. Har.” You playfully nudge him with your shoulder, “Keep it up, and I’ll only buy you boring stuff.” Aaron laughs and leans over to kiss you, “I have everything I want right here.” Aaron motions to Jack and then you. You kiss Aaron back and blush, “You're a huge sap.” You lean into Aaron, and he wraps his hand around your waist as you both keep following Jack around. Even when you wrapped up your shopping adventure, Jack was such a well-behaved kid that he didn't pick out an overabundance of stuff. Sticking with maybe a handful of toys rather than going crazy with your offer to buy him things. Once checked out, all of you head back to the car before driving to your apartment. 
    You unlock the door to your apartment, opening the door wide to let Jack go in first. The little boy cautiously creeps into your place. You give Jack a comforting pat on the back, “It’s okay, kiddo. You can run around.” Jack looks up at you, double-checking that he heard you right. You smile down at him and nod. Jack even looks back at Aaron to make sure his dad thinks it's okay. Aaron nods, “Go ahead, buddy.” Jack moves faster, curiously scurrying around. You step in with Aaron following behind you. You watch Jack inspect everything in your apartment. Carrying the bags in your hands into your guest bedroom that is now Jack’s. You hear Aaron talking to Jack, “Come with me for a second, they have a surprise for you.” You set the bags next to the child’s bed. Soon you see Aaron carrying Jack into the room.  Jack turns in his father's arms, peaking around. The boy starts wiggling, and Aaron laughs before setting him down. Jack runs over to the small bed and looks from it to you, “For me?” You smile happily and kneel down, “Mhm, your own bed if you want it.” Jack runs over to you, his eyes lighting up. He attacks you with a hug, knocking the air out of your lungs. You laugh and hug Jack back. Jack mumbles into your shoulder, “It is so cool.” You scoop Jack up, “Let’s go have some fun.” Turning towards the door, you see Aaron with a massive smile on his face, watching you both. You walk over, giving Aaron a kiss while you keep a safe grip on Jack. Aaron kisses you back before the three of you head out to the living room for the rest of the night. 
    The rest of the night was pure domestic happiness. Relaxing on the couch, watching whatever movie sounded good. While Jack alternated between snuggling up with you and Aaron and playing with some of his new toys. When dinner rolls around, you go and make it for all three of you. Aaron was right, Jack was thrilled with mac and cheese with hotdogs. Not that you doubted him, but clearly you were a worrier at heart, at least when it came to things like this. Small silly chit chat while you all eat around your small dining room table you don't think you’ve ever used before. After you all finished eating, it was back to the couch for some pleasant lounging. The sun dropped down below the horizon as nighttime rolled around. Jack was the first to start yawning, signaling that it was bedtime. Aaron sent Jack to go put on pajamas. When that was finished, Aaron went into Jack’s new room and started to read the little boy to sleep. You leaned in on the doorway so you could listen to Aaron continue reading from the book you picked out a few weeks ago. When Jack was sound asleep, both you and Aaron headed into your room to get ready for bed. Once prepared, you both began cuddling on the bed. While you were closing your eyes and trying to sleep, you thought about a few things. 
    You enjoyed your job, enjoy being a loose term because of the murder and whatnot. You usually had a problem sitting still for too long. Which is why you normally worked as early and as late as Hotch did. Today, however, had given you a realization of sorts. You really enjoyed being with both Aaron and Jack all day. You have never given much thought to having a family or anything like that. You had decided to altogether ditch any social life you had when you set your sights on joining the BAU. After joining them even looking past the crush you had on Hotch, the whole team became your family, and you were content with that. But after you and Aaron revealed your feelings for each other, it opened a whole door of possibility you had never thought of before. You had only officially been dating for a few weeks, but you had been close for almost two years, and that seemed to have accelerated things a bit. So, as you drifted to sleep, one last thought crossed your mind. It may have been too early to actually bring it up, but you welcomed the idea of becoming a cute little family unit with Aaron and Jack.
Continuation of Co-Conspirators – Part 1–Part 2–Part 3*–Part 4–Part 5 –Part 6
Tags: @dr-reid-ismyspiritanimal​ @mrs-joel-pimentel-23-25​
If you wanna be tagged in future installments comment on this or send me an ask please <3
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spacesnail3000 · 5 years
The C Line
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Pairing: Dark!Steve x Reader
Summary: Every night, Steve gets on the C Line with her at 34th Street-Penn Station and follows her down the line to her stop in Brooklyn. Tonight, he takes part in a bit of in-transit entertainment. 
Word Count: 2,041
Warnings: Non-con smut, public smut, fingering, masturbation, Steve is pretty filthy in this what can I say; THIS IS A DARK STORY, 18+ ONLY
A/N: So I am self isolating but I have also been sick! Which has been fun haha and by fun I mean the worst time of my life 🙃
I really haven’t been up to writing, so here’s this thing I wrote last month and haven’t edited. Sorry for the mistakes, I have barely read this over since writing it. ALSO I’m sorry I couldn’t give you guys much else during this trying time! We’ll see what happens once I start to feel better <3
Main Masterlist
Steve met her for the first time before she met him. Touched her before she had even seen his face. It wasn’t how he had planned for them to meet, but the opportunity presented itself and it was so, so beautiful.
It was just after a Knicks game, played at home, and the Knicks had won against the Lakers 119 to 112. Steve had watched it from the bar she worked at, tucked away in a table at the back while she cleaned dishes in the kitchen. He couldn’t see her but he knew she was there.
Her shift ended just as the game finished, the rest of the bar celebrating Tim Hardaway Jr. and Kevin Knox as she put away her apron and slipped out the door. After throwing down some cash for his tab, he followed her out. Soon the streets were flooded with excited patrons of the game and hundreds of people flooded into Penn Station, dozens hopping onto the C Line.
Somehow, in the packed train car, he managed to get close to her, standing almost right behind her as she held onto the bar in front of her. He had a good hold of the handle strap above him, but as a few more people got onto the train, packing it a little tighter, he took the opportunity to press himself up against her and hold onto the pole above her head.
She stiffened at the feel of his hard body pressed into her back and looked resolutely forward, even as he mumbled an insincere, “Sorry,” close to her ear. He was thankful she didn’t look back at him—not that she would’ve recognized him, anyways. The beard had grown out again, and his hat covered his face well, and he was always careful not to get too close to her when he watched her.
Still, he had plans for her. This was just a little taste for him, a free sample, an appetizer. 
She felt so soft against him, and although her thick coat provided a hefty barrier, her thin leggings had her ass pressed right up against him. He had her trapped, wedged between his body and the bar in front of her. Surely she could feel his erection growing against her from the way she squirmed away from him, only to have the pole and other oblivious pedestrians block her path to freedom. 
Nobody was watching them—all wrapped up in their own conversations, the train packed too tight for any movement. No one would be able to see him if he put his hands on her.
Her discomfort was palpable already, but Steve brushed past it, placing one hand on her hip, not wavering even as she jumped. It was only when he slid his hand back to grope her ass did she start to turn around, but he stopped her as he shoved her harder into the metal pole with his body. 
“Face forward,” he growled in her ear, gripping her ass tighter now. She flinched from the pain of his fingertips digging into her soft flesh, but she obeyed his request. He grinned, lust pulling deep in his lower belly from her submission. “Good girl.”
“Please stop,” she whispered, voice tight like she was trying not to cry.
“You’ll enjoy this, sweetheart,” he muttered before bringing his hand to the front of her leggings. For a moment, he palmed her cunt through the fabric, rolling his fingers against her until she wiggled her hips forward to try and escape. “Stay still, baby girl. Otherwise, you won’t like what happens.” 
She stayed quiet, lips pressed together until they turned pale, drained of blood, just like her knuckles clutching the subway pole so hard he thought her joints might pop.
It was only when he could smell the faintest scent of her cunt moistening, almost overshadowed by the smell of her sweat building under her coat, did he slip his hand up past her coat and sweater and then shove down past the waistband of her leggings and between her legs. 
She gasped when he pressed his fingertips against her pussy through her panties, and she was shaking in his arms as he adjusted her coat with his other hand to hide his movements. His hand made small circles against her clit, playing with the pressure until she squirmed away with a whimper, thighs clenching automatically on his hand.
“There we go, baby. Just relax and let it happen.” As his fingers slipped past the gusset of her underwear to feel her skin directly, he chuckled deep in her ear, tickled by her whining, her weak resistance, even as he got her cunt wet. 
Steve regretted not doing this sooner. His cock was so hard in his trousers, and every part of her was soft—her ass as he pressed himself against it, her hair as he ran his nose across the top of her head, the lips of her cunt, already soaked in her juices. And she was so fucking warm against his fingers, bitten by the cold. He could feel wiry hair around her opening, and that would have to go, but otherwise, she was perfect. 
It was then that she grabbed his wrist, trying to yank him away. He was too strong for her, of course, so his hand didn’t budge, but she kept trying until he pinched her clit between two fingers, harsh, unforgiving. The choked little cry that gurgled up from the back of her throat was drowned out by the noise of the train, and he didn’t let up on her.
“Stop resisting,” he growled, “And don’t make a sound. I know you want this. You’ll learn to enjoy it if you relax.”
With a resigned whimper, she held onto the metal bar with both hands, leaning her forehead against them as he worked her up.
Everything about her was wonderful. His senses, usually in overdrive, focused in on her, drowning out the rowdy crowd around them, the talk of the basketball game, the announcements overhead on the subway speakers. Soon he couldn’t even smell the vague stink of the train and its inhabitants, was absorbed in her, the tickle of her hair against his face, the way it smelled mint and jojoba oil, a distinct scent that he recognized from the brand of hair products she used. 
It wasn’t long before he slid his fingers down to her opening and felt the wetness that had collected there, slippery wet that he spread with broad strokes of his fingers all around her inner and outer labia, her clit, and even back around her perineum and asshole, which made her clench up and tremble in fear. He didn’t linger there, going back to rub her clit again, then continuing the process once she was dripping again, proceeding to spread more of her juices around her skin on the apex of her thighs, some getting soaked up by her leggings.
He wanted her messy for him, sloppy wet and so drenched everywhere that she would feel him as she walked home, sticky and cold between her thighs.
Once he was satisfied, he brought his fingers back to her entrance, dipping just the tip of his index finger inside of her, feeling the resistance from her tight walls. She whimpered in discomfort; his fingers were bigger than her own, he knew, and he had never seen her with a boy since he’d started watching her.
He had speculated that she might be a virgin before this, but his internal probing of her confirmed it. His finger eased in gradually, pumping in and out, palm pressed firmly against her clit and pulsing with every dip of his finger. 
Steve groaned and rutted his hips against her, tucking his face into her neck, smelling her—everything about her, fresh and sweet. “Saving this cunt just for me, hmm?”
She shook her head, breaths coming faster now, knuckles turning pale on the metal bar. “No!” Her voice was so soft compared to the rattling of the train and the droning conversation of the people around them. “No, please, stop—”
Her words were cut off with a gasp as he sunk his entire finger inside of her, almost immediately finding that spot in her pussy and pulsing his fingertip against it until she was trembling and leaning back against his body.
“Good girl,” he grunted again, lips pressed to her neck. “Getting soaking wet for me, aren’t you? Hmm? That’s right, baby, feel how your little pussy loves the way I touch you. Getting off to a stranger touching you on this filthy fucking train. You’re a little slut for it, aren’t ya?”
She shook her head, squeaking out a barely-audible, “No! No—I’m—"
His second finger sunk into her opening and her words cut off, her eyes pinching shut in pain until he manipulated her clit with his thumb, drawing that sweet, sweet pleasure out of her again.
Her reactions were addicting, the conflict in her expressions, the way she was both uncomfortable and turned on, afraid yet helpless to his handling of her, trapped against him, completely at his mercy.
He couldn’t take it anymore.
While he kept her pinned with his body, he reached into his own pants and pulled out his cock. It was already so hard, had been for so long, and intensely sensitive. Gripping his shaft in his hand, he took care not to draw any attention as he stroked himself in time with his fingers pumping into her pussy. He managed to cover his front with the back of her coat, and she stiffened again once she felt his cock against her lower back.
“Please stop,” she mumbled into her hands. “Please, please, please stop…”
“Begging for the wrong thing, sweet girl,” he growled into her hair. He hiked up the back of her shirt along with her coat, and then it was the bare skin of her back against his shaft, and he couldn’t help but open his mouth in silent pleasure, let out a deep breath against her scalp, grind his cock hard against her soft skin until it was wet with precum. “So perfect,” he grunted, “So soft, baby. You’re perfect—new you would be.”
“Please,” she whimpered again.
He began to move his fingers inside her again, shoving them in deep with a quick apology. “So sorry, baby, didn’t mean to neglect you.”
“—Oh—” Her mouth opened wide, eyes clenched shut, sweat giving her skin a shine, and he could feel the way her cunt fluttered around his fingers, soaking his skin down to his knuckles. A tiny noise escaped her, a bit of a squeak, and he couldn’t help but laugh at it. 
“Oh yeah, sweetie, you’re the perfect little whore for me, aren’t you? C’mon, baby, you’re already drenching my fingers. Come for me, come on, come for me right here—”
And she did, and she was so, so beautiful, even in the flickering lights of the train, even amongst every single degenerate New Yorker in the city. 
The feeling of her tensing up in his arms, every muscle tightening and releasing along with the walls of her cunt, her juices dripping down his fingers and into his palm—it made his come, shooting off onto the bare skin of her back, hips grinding against her and making a mess on his cock and on her skin.
“Good girl,” he groaned, “So good, sweetheart. So good for me.” He pulled away slowly, tucking himself back in and then replacing her shirt over the stripes of come on her back. He gave it a little pat, making sure it would stick, and he smirked against her neck. “Just a little something to remember me by.” 
Before he slipped away from her unseen, he placed a wet kiss on her neck and then took one last glance at her.
In the aftermath of her orgasm, soaked in his come, even as she trembled with fear, she glowed for him. She glowed just for him, and he knew then that he would devote himself to making her his own.
His little doll, his sweet girl, all for him.
Let me know what you think! Any feedback is welcome 💕
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Halloween prompt: Alfred is getting increasingly annoyed at whoever is eating the halloween candy. No one will confess. (Bruce is sitting in a corner somewhere with a bag of... [insert Batfamily appropriate candy here])
Three Musketeers
Rating: G 1,844 words Gen AO3
Bristol was technically in Gotham City limits. Though the gilted mansions and private woods with pastures and stables seemed like a whole other world in comparison. The residents liked to think so too, especially because – despite Gotham’s robust public transportation system – it was almost impossible to reach the rich suburb from the city proper. It was because they lived in this separate world that Bristol’s wealthy residents often fought to receive special treatment or even secede from the city all together.
Except when it came to Halloween.
The residents of Bristol were more than happy to hold their trick-or-treat night during the same time as the rest of Gotham. Mostly, because it discouraged the city’s poorer residents from coming out to ask for literal handouts from them. The time it would take to sit in train stations and bus stops to get there ate up a large chunk of trick-or-treat’s two-hour window. And the walk from the last stop and between the houses took up the rest.
Despite all this, many made the trek out to Wayne Manor and its residents always made it well worth the work.
It was known that the Manor didn’t simply give out full-sized candy bars, no, they gave a whole bag of king’s sized bars. And from the entrance way to the ballroom off to the side were decked out and fitted to be a haunted house with games and entertainment and even more snacks. There was no reason to go anywhere else when you went to Wayne Manor.
Except, this year the seemingly endless supply of candy was mysteriously missing in the week leading up to the big night. Which was ironic considering the Manor was populated by detectives.
Alfred was suspicious. And annoyed. But mostly suspicious. He had raised the world’s greatest detective and then helped raise the current world’s greatest detective. In addition to the other seven vigilantes he’d actively cared for over the years. And countless others who hadn’t lived under his roof. Which meant that he was extremely hard to pull something over on. Extremely.
Yet, his stockpile of trick-or-treat candy was gone. Completely. And his list of suspects was long and skilled.
First, was Barbara because he loved the young woman dearly but she was a bit of a chocolate fiend. Also, if he could rule her out then he could enlist her assistance. It was easy enough to make her coffee just the way she liked and message her to come to the kitchen when she was working in the Cave one evening. She was happy enough to come up, thinking it was just for a chat but knowing something was up when Alfred passed her the mug.
They studied each other from across the long wooden table that took up the far side of the kitchen. Alfred sipped his tea from the good china that after the last family debacle was his alone to use. Barbara narrowed her eyes as her glasses slipped down her nose. They were playing a high stakes game of chicken and they both knew it.
Barbara broke first. “Is there something you wanted to talk about, Alfred?” she asked sweetly, setting her coffee down and pushing her glasses back up in the same movement.
“Now that you mention it, yes. I was wondering if you happened to know where my trick-or-treat supply is disappearing to?” Alfred’s lips turned up in kindness, but his eyes were hard and steady as he held her gaze.
An adult, a seasoned crimefighter, an honest to god superhero and yet Barbara wanted to wriggle in her chair, knot her fingers in the hem of her t-shirt, under that look. Pure willpower was the only thing that stopped her. Though it didn’t extend to her mouth. “No, I’ve been out of town most of the week.”
This was true, Alfred knew, but not necessarily an airtight alibi.
“Besides,” Barbara continued, “I have a Costco card. The Birds and I split it. If I wanted to eat a whole bag of candy, I’d just buy my own.”
Alfred nodded, lifting his tea to take another sip. He accepted that answer, she knew better than to lie to him. “In that case, might I enlist your skills to uncover the real culprit?”
This was what Alfred had truly wanted to ask, they both knew, and Barbara smiled in delight at the prospect. “I’d love to.”
The next suspect was Tim. He knew exactly how to cover his tracks and misdirect their attention. Tim was sly, smart, and still technically a teenaged boy so sugar was irresistible. Barbara set the trap, crashing the Batcomputer one afternoon when everyone else was out. This forced Tim up, out of the Cave and to Alfred lying in wait in the kitchen.
Tim had climbed up onto a kitchen chair to get at the stash of poptarts on the top shelf of the cabinet above the stove. Proving that he had means, motive, and a record.
“Master Timothy,” Alfred drawled as he stepped out of the shadows. Bruce had to learn the skill from somewhere.
Startling, Tim whirled around and nearly fell from the chair. Dropping the silver packet in the process. It landed on the tile with a crunch. “Look I need the brain power to get the computer back up,” he said hastily, glancing guiltily between Alfred and the fallen junk food.
“I am not here to reprimand you about the poptarts,” Alfred said and Tim immediately relaxed, shooting him a relieved little grin. “But I may have to reprimand you for sneaking something else,” Alfred continued, causing Tim’s face to fall.
“I swear, I only had the one Monster the other week. And I split it with Kon ‘cause we were trying to keep Bart from drinking it. Me and him on an energy drink bouncing round the Tower is way better than a speedster on an energy drink.” Tim’s eyes were wide and the blood that had drained from his face made the boy almost impossibly paler.
Alfred lifted an eyebrow at the confession. Not what he was looking for but good to know all the same. “And what of the candy for trick-or-treat?”
Tim’s brows drew together in confusion. “Uh, I don’t know? I suggested we get milkyways but if you got snickers again then I’m not going to complain.”
“So, you did not eat the supply?” Alfred confirmed, though the fact that Tim was already feeling guilty and hesitant to lie on top of the fact that he had no idea Alfred had purchased boxes of three musketeers cleared him of the crime.
“No?” Tim shook his head as he shrugged.
Satisfied, Alfred nodded. “Enjoy your poptarts, Master Timothy. I shall be moving them shortly.”
“It wasn’t Jason,” Barbara said over the phone. “I have a couple different angles of him being in Paraguay all last week.”
“I never suspected him to begin with,” Alfred admitted as he pushed the shopping cart, restocking for the big night tomorrow. “He never liked three musketeers. Dark chocolate kit-kats are a separate story.” He smiled at the memory of a young Jason carrying a huge box of the candy bars to drop in the cart during his first Halloween with them.
“Cass and Dick are out too,” she continued. “Cass laughed at me when I even suggested it and then confirmed Dick was telling the truth when I questioned him.”
Alfred hummed. Richard had been his next guess, though he was more likely to take them to hand out while on patrol or pass on to his friends’ children than to eat himself. “Master Damian is innocent as well. He scoffed at the implication he would, quote, ‘stoop so low as to steal candy from children.’ He also vouched for Master Duke and neither were anywhere near the spare pantry recently to begin with.”
“Security cameras confirm that.”
“That leaves Miss Stephanie,” Alfred frowned. Stephanie tended to decline any offers of assistance from the Manor’s residents that weren’t directly related to masked vigilantism. Though she recently had allowed Alfred to slip her gas money when she visited during daylight hours. The thought of her taking the Halloween candy just did not sit right with him. It was almost as impossible to imagine as Damian taking it. Cassandra was more likely to be playing a trick on them all, having hidden it for some soon to be revealed reason. “Are you positive Miss Cassandra is not the culprit?”
Barbara chuckled. “I mean, not really. But at the same time why would she? Though why would Steph either? I don’t think it was either of them but I can vouch for Steph. She hasn’t been anywhere near the Cave or the Manor since last month. What with school she’s been staying close.”
“Which leaves us back to the beginning,” Alfred sighed and got in line. “We could create a sting operation though I’d loathe to lose this supply as well. There’s nearly no candy left in the entire state.”
“That I believe. Alright, I’ve got the feed from the events kitchen running on one of my screens. I’ll keep an eye on it for the rest of the night, see if anyone stupid enough to try it again.”
“Thank you, Miss Barbara. I really appreciate your assistance in this matter,” Alfred told her before exchanging their goodbyes. He had plans for a little stakeout of his own.
Placing the boxes in the spare pantry, Alfred settled himself on a stool next to the industrial fridge in the dark. He typed out a careful message in the family’s groupchat informing them all that the missing candy had been replaced and politely asking that it not disappear again before the next night. They would all be getting ready to go out for the night so there is no doubt they would see it. And he would have plenty of time to wait for them to strike.
Hours later, the family was returning and Alfred was still lying in wait. A creak echoed in from the ballroom where decorations were mostly in place. The light padding of rubber soles on the marble tile came closer and closer. Alfred leant further back into the shadows as the door swung open. He held his breath, waiting as the guilty party walked into the kitchen proper, headed directly towards the pantry. Alfred slipped from his hiding spot, keeping low as he crept around the island to come up behind the culprit.
Alfred contained his gasp of shock and annoyance as he flipped on the light. Forcing the candy thief to whirl on him. “Master Bruce!” Alfred scolded. He hadn’t thought his first charge would do such a thing and hadn’t even considered him as a suspect.
Having the good sense to look ashamed and like a ten-year-old boy again, Bruce offered a wavering grin in apology. “You bought three musketeers,” he said as his only defense.
Alfred frowned as he crossed his arms. “And your penance will be handing them out tomorrow night.”
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writer-room · 3 years
Siblings: Chapter Two
Chapter 1 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Summary: The Bats reflect on how their thoughts about siblings have changed over the years. Some opinions stayed, others didn't.
Barbara never really thought about having siblings.
Sure, she’d wonder on occasion, when kids would bring up how lucky she was not to have any siblings. Or to tease her when she didn’t understand whatever strange rituals they got up to.
It was just life. She was an only child, and that was fine with her.
Of the two sets of parents she’d had in her life, neither really brought up having other kids. Jim mentioned it once, but she figured it probably wouldn’t be happening, since it was never brought up again. That was fine with her. She wouldn’t really have the time to deal with one, anyway. She had priorities, vigilantes to learn about, not babysitting a kid.
She was fine without any other little kid to deal with. She probably wouldn’t be any good at it, anyway.
“Well. You’re not supposed to be here.”
Three pairs of eyes snapped up, two of them shining briefly like they were in a badly taken picture with flash on.
“We’re also not supposed to be awake,” Tim said calmly, slowly setting down the case files he had in his hands. “And yet, here we are.”
“No, that’s normal for you,” Barbara said, waving her hand. “Even Cass I kind of understand,” She said, giving a nod to the girl, who nodded in return. “But Cullen?” She turned a disappointed frown to the boy. “C’mon, I thought better of you.”
“Don’t guilt trip me on this,” Cullen pointed a finger at her. “These two forced me along.” He said, pointing at Tim and Cass.
“I literally told you not to come.” Tim deadpanned.
“You were breaking into Babs apartment,” Cullen stressed. “I came to shield you from getting beaten to a pulp.”
“And blackmail?” Cass tilted her head.
“...and blackmail.”
“I knew it.” Tim whispered, narrowing his eyes like he’d solved the mystery of the year.
Barbara groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose. She set aside the taser she’d had hidden in the seat of her wheelchair, knowing she wouldn’t need it now. She didn’t have to do much to get these idiots out of her apartment.
“Why are you here?” She sighed, facing them as she wheeled closer to her coffee table, where she’d left a few minor police cases to look back on in the morning.
“The energy drinks haven’t left my system yet.” Tim said simply, slowly inching his hand back to one of the files. “I already took care of my stack of cases, and you always get the hardest ones, so I thought--”
Barbara smacked his hand away. Tim squeaked and jerked his hand back, clutching it like she’d stung him.
“Go bully Dick on his cases. In fact, why not just go to sleep?” Barbara said, reaching out and gathering her cases closer to her. “Why is Cass even here?”
“Make sure he does not pass out,” Cass said, signing the words she spoke in a slightly more understandable manner. “Or run. Cannot let little brother solve case on own.”
“He’s banned from taking on cases by himself after the last incident.” Cullen explained.
“The one with the ghosts or the turtles?”
“I still can’t believe you won’t believe me on the turtles,” Tim rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. “We’ve met aliens and witches and repeatedly come back from the dead, but mutant turtles in the sewers are out of the question?”
“They’re turtles, Tim.” Cullen sighed, like they’d had this conversation a hundred times. Which they probably had.
“Alright, alright, enough out of you.” Barbara scolded, tightening her hold on her files when she saw Tim’s hand twitch towards them, his expression looking close to becoming crazed.
“Only one?” Cass pleaded, suddenly appearing at Barbara’s side. “Small one. Tiny one, like baby brother.”
“I resent you,” Tim huffed, glaring at Cass.
“You couldn’t have waited till morning like normal people?” Barbara muttered, eyes shifting between the two. “You’re not even in your uniforms! Did you walk here like actual normal people?”
“They stole the limo because they didn’t want to be spotted carrying me across Gotham.” Cullen mumbled, eyes looking anywhere but at Barbara.
Barbara stared at him for a moment, wondering how she’d lasted as long as she did with these people.
“Is there a goddamn limo belonging to Bruce Wayne outside my apartment?” She demanded.
“Of course not,” Tim said, like this was the stupidest question he’d heard in his life. “We parked it a block away so that suspicion wouldn’t be drawn.”
“You almost crashed it into restaurant,”
“But I didn’t.” Tim said, raising a finger as if that made a good point.
“You parked it on the curb.”
“...alright I deserve that one.” Tim relented, letting his hand drop.
“Why did you let the seventeen-year-old with no licence drive a limo?” Barbara stressed, wondering if she could risk her files by rubbing at her temples. She was going to get a migraine from these two.
“Because Cass behind the wheel would’ve been anarchy and Cullen forgot where you lived.” Tim said easily.
“I didn’t forget,” Cullen corrected sharply. “Nobody ever told me. How was I supposed to know she has a place outside the Manor like Harper and me? I thought she lived at the Manor or at some, I dunno, underground bunker with a million computers or something.” He said, waving his hands around.
“All the more reason for me to get out of the Manor more,” Barbara mumbled under her breath. “Look, tell you what,” She said, freeing an arm for a moment to wheel herself back from the coffee table. 
“You three go to sleep, because I am not taking you back to the Manor or having you drive back in the limo,” She said, adding a glare that the three of them looked away from. “And I’ll find some case for Tim in the morning, where Cass and Dick can keep an eye on him.”
“You’re cruel,” Tim whined, rubbing at his face like that would somehow hide the bags she could very obviously see under his eyes. 
“So will Bruce be if he finds out you took his limo on a joyride at midnight unsupervised.” Barbara said calmly. “Now the three of you better be grabbing the sleeping bags from my closet in the next twenty seconds or I’m not covering a single one of your backs on that inevitable disaster.”
Tim and Cullen were up and scrambling off before she’d even finished her sentence. Cass was quick to get up too, but she was far more dignified and less frantic than the others. She gave Barbara a delightful grin before slipping off after the boys.
She was going to have to do so much editing of security cameras for these morons. Barbara sighed and wheeled towards the kitchen, stashing her files in one of the drawers and hoping that would be enough for now. She had never been more grateful she’d prepared sleeping bags in her room after the Bats had broken in one too many times in the middle of the night.
She allowed herself a small smile as she checked her files to make sure they stayed at least somewhat neat in the drawer. Oh, if Jim knew the people she was stuck around with.
She paused, counting her files again as she frowned. She counted them a third time under her breath, sifting through them.
A file was missing.
That damned sneak!
“Cass!” Barbara barked, pushing herself away from the drawer. “You bring me my file right now before I call Bruce!”
“I can’t believe she used the ‘I’m calling dad’ argument,” A muffled voice complained from what was definitely not her room.
“I can hear you, you little shit!”
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