#but I have so many ideas from him but I feel like I am inserting a lot of my own headcanons into him
oneluckydragon · 2 months
got hit with the echo+sora brainrot so i am once more rambling in your askbox about it. because reasons.
anywho i think there is something truly saddening about echo's struggles to make peace within herself and how she truly finds it hard to find that peace when she is so certain that if the truth about her origins were to be revealed to the world, much less to *sora*, everything she achieved, everything she worked for, all of which matters to her most, will crumble away in a moment's notice.
but the fear of losing all your life's work is none compared to the fear of losing sora. the feeling of poison that settled itself within themselves and between each other out of fear and tragedy of what had happened to them is familiar. echo's resemblance to dusknoir was already enough to set the two off because of how much it had all hurt to see someone you love and yourself turn into a mockery and a splitting image of someone who had pretended to care yet showed he never did at all, but this poison is louder. it hurts to bare, to carry, and to have none but yourself to be its sole holder.
but this poison, this feeling of heartache is different. because whereas the previous pain was something both of them felt, sora was lucky enough to not have known the truth about the person who she cares for so dearly.
echo knows that she used to be darkrai. and it haunts her to have known that her previous incarnation was so *cruel*, all for the sake of it just feeling right. wishing to engulf an entire world in darkness, solely for whatever desire she used to have.
and for how much she knows, how much she will hammer it into her own head that she is *not* like that anymore, that she looks at her past with sneer and disgust and that she will not be the barer of evil anymore, it will not matter in the slightest when she will have to look at sora if she were to ever find out.
how afraid, angry and dejected she would look when finding out, and how she will go on the defense/offense because of how much this will overwhelm her.
because when echo looks at her own shadow, she sees herself for what she is. she knows what she is, be it out of shame or guilt.
but when sora will look at it, she will see a tall, contorting and menacing shadow, towering over with a bright cyan eye doing nothing but looking at her, as if tempting her to make the next move.
and she defends herself. from someone she knows will not harm her. she raises her arms up in self defense from a hand that would never hurt her more than the world has already did.
she knows echo will not hurt her. and thats why she is afraid.
Oh my oh my OH MY, Sinnoh!!! YES YES YES!
HOW!!! IN THE WORLD!!! Are you so good at crawling into my head and creating these vivid analysis/snippets on my OCs??? I've barely shared ANY information about Echo and Sora because I've been wanting to hoard most of my stuff for when my fic is finally finished... but... I think you've broken my resolve a bit, if I'm entirely honest.
You know what? I'm so inspired by your accuracy and eagerness to talk about my girls that I'm gonna forgo my crippling anxiety regarding my writing skills and instead post a snippet of my WIP fic here as a treat for you. A teaser, if you will. Since I have no idea when the fic in question will actually be done and ready (or when I will be satisfied with it, cause the thing is currently 36,000 words and still slowly climbing). And now you've got me eager to share SOMETHING of my fic with you and anyone that might want to take a peek at it.
Please enjoy this conversation between Dusknoir and Echo. The topic deals a lot with what you'd described up above!! c:
[Note: this is an unedited part of my fic because I am still in the process of writing and it may change in the future, so please be gentle w/ me but I'd love to read any thoughts/comments that pop up while reading!! pls send asks or replies or anything really cause I love you guys]
+++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
“I’m going to tell you something now, and you are going to listen.” Echo commands with a sharp bite in her voice that Dusknoir cannot fathom ignoring. He pauses and then offers a slow nod, waiting, wondering what she could possibly desire to tell him at a time like this, of all things.
Minutes pass as Echo remains rooted in place, still as her own shadow, and her eyes dart around as she stares at the patches of dry grass and sand beneath her paws. Her claws clench and unclench, digging into the earth like daggers as the wind of the forest (it’s trees so close, just behind them, a looming sort of presence that could engulf them whole) whistles through the surrounding branches, carrying stray leaves of many bright greens through the chilling breeze. Dusknoir watches them dance around Echo, twirling, floating down, down, down… but it’s quiet, too quiet, and Dusknoir feels a shiver pass through him when Echo’s voice finally rings out through the silence.
"When I evolved, Sora was petrified," She says, nearly a whisper, an admission that melts away her confidence and appears to bring her a flood of both shame and regret. Her face twists up then, strangely, like she’d felt a twinge of pain from somewhere deep inside the very fabric of her own soul and was unable to quell it. "She couldn’t even bring herself to look at me most days. At first, my appearance… well, it reminded her too much of you. And eventually of someone I used to be.”
Someone I used to be. At that, Dusknoir’s immediate reaction is to recall Echo’s previous life as a human, as the miserable shell of a creature surviving alongside Grovyle that he’d relentlessly hunted in the dark future. A human made of contempt and anger and apathy, who never smiled or laughed or cried or screamed like the old legends said humans would-- an entity that simply existed rather than lived. An echo of a life long dead and buried. But, judging by her tone, by her voice, by some uneasy intuition itching in the back of his mind like a swarm of pestilent Ninjask… he knows that she means something else entirely. Something that she isn’t willing to share. And frankly, that concept utterly terrifies him.
Someone I used to be. Dusknoir wants to speak, to break his own silence, wants to ask the myriad of questions bubbling up in his throat because this isn't the first time she's hinted at another life beyond being human, but those questions die at the source like a flame doused in water. And always the coward, coward, coward, instead he takes the easy way out by doing nothing at all. Whether Echo notices his surge of inner conflict or not-- the nervous wring of his hands and the tremble in his spine that he cannot control under her gaze-- she does not react.
“I’d take a step and Sora would flinch away.” Echo confesses, her markings flickering with light before going dark and dead, as if her body wished to snuff them out entirely, a deep seated rejection, a self-loathing so strong that Dusknoir cannot help but recognize it and empathize, and his heart aches, “It took ages for her to stop shaking when I’d speak. To stop looking at me like-- like I was going to…” 
Echo grimaces like she’s enduring waves of grueling torture and doesn’t finish that string of thought, but it’s not hard to make an educated guess on what went unsaid. Like I was going to betray her. Hurt her. Break her heart. She’s been through so much already and I couldn’t bear to be another influence in the history of her suffering. I hate myself because of how I made her feel. When her eyes went wide in fear and through them I could see myself staring back like some sort of burden, some sort of curse.
“I am not my past.” Proud and true, Echo straightens up and holds her head high, a spark igniting in her eyes, a glint of determination, a will to keep going and going despite such circumstances and strife, despite this horrid, unspeakable past that haunts her so, “And I am definitely not you. It’s taken a while, but I know that much now. I’ve accepted it.”
I am not my past. And I am definitely not you.
A sigh, a breath, and Echo glances at him with a certain sorrow that cannot be described, a sorrow that lingers even through the veil of her tenacity, "But no matter how I feel, no matter my conviction, my shadows still find ways through the cracks. Every time I think I'm getting a grip and that I might finally understand myself… I change all over again." She admits, sounding more angry and tired than defeated now-- like a mirror of her old self, her human self that had clawed and damned and cursed him, despised him more than anything. "I hate it. I hate that I never truly know who I am. That I have to learn about my past through stories others tell me, or through fragments of twisted, broken memories that I wouldn't wish on anyone. Through conflict and pain and… and..."
"Echo," Dusknoir murmurs her name softly, an offering, a potential escape if only she would wish to drop the subject and forget this conversation had ever happened-- if she'd overstepped and needed an excuse to back out, a diversion, an understanding. And briefly, Dusknoir wonders why she is opening up about this particular information, why she would delve into something so vulnerable, so personal. Why she would bring up this hurtful history when it obviously brings her great discomfort.
And then, he gets an answer.
“You’re lucky, Dusknoir." There it is, that wildfire burning in her eyes again. A spark that’s new and bold and startling. But lucky? No, never. He'd have to disagree, accounting the mountain of evidence that was his life and regrettable deeds.
"You already know exactly who you are and what you’ve done, and most importantly why. You have more than a tattered picture of yourself that reflects broken answers. And you can change with that knowledge. I see you trying.” She tells him, searching, looking for something so deeply and Dusknoir wishes he knew what it could be so that he could give it to her, because he would, he would gladly give it to her without a second thought if it meant they could be close again. But he isn’t a fool, and he’s wise enough to know they’ll never be like they were before. “And if somehow I could change, even as half-assed as I have. Well, then what’s your excuse?”
You can do it, say her unspoken words, I believe in you.
#Sinnoh I have so many Echo and Sora feels right now and IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT HOW DO I COPE#like... i am so amazed with what you wrote in this ask i honestly don't even know HOW to reply because I'm stunned it's so perfect#my fic is from Dusknoir's POV and explores his relationship with Grovyle and Celebi and also his reconciliation with Echo and Sora#just stating that for anyone who hasn't seen my previous post about my WIP fic cause that was like... more than 6 months ago#I am... really REALLY nervous posting this because Dusknoir is very beloved by the community and I wanna do him justice#and there are SO many amazing writers amongst my mutuals and I wanna be a COOL KID like you guys#I realize this snippet is mostly just about Echo and that Dusknoir has no actual dialogue... (even tho he talks A LOT in the fic)#but the portions of Dusknoir's thoughts and descriptions I want to GET RIGHT the vibes need to be ACCURATE#(pls tell me the vibes are accurate)#note: he is majorly nervous rn tho cause he and Echo have not fully reconciled and he's TRYING to listen and be there for her now#(insert his attempt at dadnoir; he's giving it a shot guys)#Meanwhile Echo is dealing with BIG TIME problems and regrets and guilt cause Dusknoir returning to the past resurfaced all of that grief#Me; the writer; knowing that the truth about Echo's past would mess up Dusknoir for YEARS: oh my idiot ghost dad... you have NO idea bro#echo/umbreon#sora/lucario#pmd ocs#dusknoir#pmd eos#pmd2#wip fic#Yes I have a fic title but I'm not sharing it cause it's spoilers ok
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ashcoveredtraveler · 4 months
When you have a character that doesn't have a full backstory, then you start adding a backstory to them and start adding more aspects, and soon you are straying further and further away from canon or any fandom canon.
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5s-missing-eye · 1 year
Why do I always get the worst fanfic ideas istg and they always have to be a crossover between LL and whatever new media I'm addicted to
So here's my newest dumb idea
Overwatch x LL crossover where a bunch of human garde form Overwatch when they see how hg are treated by regular humans. After a couple months of working together they see how hard it is to keep track of everything that's going on in the world so they decide to recruit someone more powerful - Five.
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wittlesissyb4by · 5 months
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Alphabet Soup
She really could steep so low when she was angry. He wasn’t suggesting she was dumb. He was just saying he’s smarter than her. Logically, there’s gotta be one above the other in a relationship, doesn’t there??
Ryan always prided himself on his intelligence. Constantly correcting people’s grammar, inserting a fun fact, discussing philosophy at length, and the only reason people spaced out when he started relaying the Socratic method of question and answer was because they couldn’t possibly match his intellect. But, most importantly, he always had to let Wren know when she was wrong, he couldn’t have her going around embarrassing him with inaccuracies. Just the other day she said there’s “got to be a million mosquitos out tonight”, and obviously there couldn’t possibly be that much. As smart he was, he couldn’t understand why she would get so butthurt about him correcting her in front of all of their friends. 
“You treat me like I’m stupid, Ryan! All the fucking time. I’m a doctor for crying out loud! I may not know everything, but I’m not an idiot!” She was white hot, taking sharp breaths to keep her blood from overheating. “And you know what? Not that it matters or I would ever fucking care, but do you ever think maybe, just maybe, I could know a little bit more than you about certain subjects? Like, everyone has their strengths Ryan…”
She looked at him expectantly, glaring into his soul, could he just admit he was wrong about something for once? Ryan could have kept himself from smiling–if he was just a smidge less smug. “I’m sorry, but in the years we’ve been dating, I just haven’t found something you’re smarter than me at. And if you really believe in hypnosis, you may be dumber than I thought…”
Steam erupted from Wren’s ears.
“Jesus, you are the most arrogant asshole I have ever met!”
“What??” Ryan scoffed exaggeratedly, throwing up his hands as Wren stormed off, “I’m just saying that that hypno bullshit is a bunch of crap! I don’t care how many so called ‘studies’ you try to show me! There’s no way you could possibly think that works!!”
Wren stopped in her tracks, clenching her fists. She wanted to just go into the room, slam the door, and make him sleep on the fucking couch, but she just couldn’t let him win this one. She couldn’t let him even think he had her beat, even if it was just in his own fucked up head. 
Letting out a hefty sigh to maintain her composure, she pivoted on her heels. “How about this…” She said through gritted teeth, “you think you’re sooo smart? Well we’ll see. I’ll bet you that in one month, I can drop your IQ down to less than 20.”
Ryan had no choice but to absolutely guffaw at the proposition. “Are you kidding? Twenty?! Wren, my IQ is at least 140, no way you could actually lower it. Much less by that much! I mean, Twenty?! That’s like, the average IQ of a todd–”
“Do we have a deal or not?!” Wren interrupted with rolling eyes.
“Well you haven’t set the stakes, young lass.” He said with a swaggering smirk, “What do I get if I win?” Ryan replied, crossing his arms.
It was Wren’s turn to scoff. “Pshh, I really don’t care…cause you’re not going to win. Name your prize.”
“Blowjob.” Ryan said almost without a thought, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d even gotten one. He had no idea why.
“Fine.” Wren said without even blinking.
“Every day.”
“Sweetie,” she said, softening her tone as she brushed a hand to his cheek, bringing her face so close that he could feel her breath on his lips, then let out a whisper, “If you can maintain an IQ above 50, I’ll give you three of them! Every day. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner.”
Ryan laughed, unable to find this preposterous notion any more amusing. “You’re really that confident?”
“If you agree to my methods without putting up a fuss? Yes. I absolutely am. I bet I can make you so stupid in just a month that you won’t even remember the fucking alphabet by the time I’m done with you!””
Ryan grinned from ear to ear. This was going to be the easiest bet of his life. His balls would never be full. 
“You’re on.”
Ryan scoffed at the patronizing nature of it. Was she really going to make him use his left hand?
“You have to color while you listen to the tape.” Wren told him when she placed a crayon in his hand. She sat him down ‘criss-cross applesauce’ in front of a little table with a coloring book on it. Wren flipped it open to the first page, which had a big letter ‘A’ on it. 
“Now Ry-Ry, can you tell me what letter this is?” She asked in a sardonic tone. 
“It’s an A.” Ryan grumbled, rolling his eyes. 
“And can you tell me what ‘A’ stands for?”
“Apple, asparagus, aardvark, apostesism…”
“Very good, Ry-Ry!!” She clapped mockingly, pulling out a large set of headphones. “Now you just sit here and color your wittle pages while you listen to this lovely music! I’ll be back to check on you in a few hours…”
“Hours??” Ryan repeated incredulously. Was she really going to make him sit and do a fucking coloring book for that long? There were much better things he could be doing with his time. But he had to play her game. A bet was a bet, and he planned to prove her wrong. 
She tapped something on her phone and the music kicked on shortly after. Much to Ryan’s chagrin, it wasn’t even good mysic like Bach or Tchaikovsky or even Tame Impala, it was some nursery lullaby bullshit, but with a weird reverb effect added to it. He could also hear faint little voices in the background, but they were too drowned out by the other noises for him to discern what they were saying. He could only pick out certain words like ‘baybee’ and ‘diapers’ and ‘poo poo’s”, which made sense, because it was nursery rhymes. 
He found himself zoning out, but that was just from the sheer boredom of it all. He was better than this. He’d submitted dissertations on complex epigenetic interactions of the human genome, and now he was just coloring the letter A a hundred times over. 
How was she going to make hom forget the alphabet if she was ‘teaching’ them to him? Maybe she was just exaggerating, it’s literally impossible to forget something that’s been embedded in his brain since before school even started. 
After what felt like an eternity, she finally came over and tapped him on the shoulder, removing the headphones. His mind was a little hazy, but again, it was probably just from the lack of any complex thought for the first time in his life. She shooed him and allowed him to resume his more age-appropriate activities. 
The next day went much like the first, except instead of ‘A’, he was doing the letter ‘B’. 
“Boredom, beneath, balderdash.” Ryan sighed, listing off words to convey how ridiculous this whole thing was. 
“And…” Wren said, placing something down on the table next to the Crayons. “ Bottle.”
Ryan chuckled heartily. It was an actual bottle. A baby bottle, with a little nipple and everything. 
“You can’t be serious.”
“Do you give up?”
“No.” Ryan said quickly, “but i’m not drinking…whatever that is. Especially not out of that!”
Wren just shrugged. “You don’t have to, but it’s there if you get hungry.”
She put the headphones over his ears once more, clicked them on, and left the room. 
Ryan was already over this whole thing, but he wasn’t about to give her the satisfaction of quitting. He swirled the blue crayon through the loops of the big B’s while the music played. The little voices seemed to be louder this time, but it still wasn’t worth paying attention to. 
About halfway through his 4 hour session though, Ryan’s mouth felt a bit dry. Something at the back of his throat was pulsing. His cheeks felt empty.  For whatever reason, he needed to have something in there. 
At first he bit his nails. That was nice, for a little. But that soon turned to his finger tip, and eventually his whole thumb. 
After another hour of suckling his fingers, he looked to the bottle. He was hungry, and Wren refused to give him cheerios and goldfish like she did yesterday. 
He picked up the bottle, pressing the rubber nipple to his lips. Jesus that felt good! He gave a little suckle, then another, then gagged. The liquid wasn’t milk, it was…something else. It tasted awful. But he couldn’t stop drinking. The nipple felt too good in his mouth, it was worth putting up with the disgusting flavor. 
He finished every last drop. 
Wren had to practically pry the bottle from his hands when it was time to remove his headphones. Ryan couldn’t explain why he was so attached to it all of a sudden. Why was he getting so angry and flustered over such a silly thing?
Thankfully, Wren had an alternative ready, another ‘B’ word:
Ryan sucked on it the whole night. His cheeks ached in the morning, but luckily a fresh bottle helped to ease the pain. 
His brain felt fuzzy, but it was probably because he didn’t sleep that well. He was too busy worrying about the binky possibly falling out of his mouth while he slept. 
The lack of sleep was also why he couldn’t think of complicated ‘C’ words. He could only come up with ‘Car’, Cat, and whatever the word is for the thing you put water and juice in. 
Luckily, after his hypno session, Wren had the perfect thing to help him sleep better: a Crib. 
Something happened that night. Maybe his bottle leaked, or maybe it was the ceiling. But when he rolled over from his cramped position in the undersized crib, the sheets were warm and wet. 
Wren assured him that this happens all the time but, just in case, she had something for him to wear. 
Ryan threw an absolute fit when he saw what it was. She was holding up a big giant diaper. 
He tried to tell her off, but his mind was too foggy to form a coherent argument. He really wasn’t sleeping well. 
Still, he tried to fight her when she took his hands and laid him down, but his arms and legs didn’t seem to want to cooperate. It felt like he was moving through molasses. 
She had him on his back. He stared at the clouds on the ceiling. Were those always there? Or was that just his vision? No, they had to be new. His whole room was starting to look different. Another large cloud floated into view. But it wasn’t a cloud, it was a diaper. 
His mind was back. She wanted him to wear a diaper. Absolutely not! This was perposter— prepos—perslweterous. 
“D’awww!! Don’t be scared!!” Wren cooed, it sounded like angels singing. “It’s just a wittle diapurr!! You’ll get used to them!”
Ryan felt something screaming inside him. Something deep down. But then Wren said “look! It has the ABC’s printed on it!” And that made him feel better. He recognized those letters, even though he couldn’t think of much else. 
But the padding felt weird when she slid it underneath him. Not bad. Just…weird. Different. Like something wasn’t right. 
He started squirming on the floor, flailing as much as he could, but even in his foggy vision he could see that his arms were only making minor twitches. 
So he did the only thing he knew he could do: he started crying. C-c-Crying. That starts with a C! He knew that for sure. He was so smart. 
He felt the tears slide down his face, one after another. He could hear his wails, could hear how ridiculous it sounded, but he didn’t want to stop. That is, until something rubbery entered his mouth. Then he immediately stopped crying, and felt instantly better. 
He suckled the binky while Wren made a cloud of powder between his legs. He watched as she pulled the diaper up and taped it on. It was hard for him to explain—especially now—but he felt this amazing sense of comfort once it was on. He really liked it. Which may be why something warm and sticky formed inside the diaper almost immediately. 
He spent the rest of the day coloring in ‘D’s’ while wearing his diaper. 
A few times he had to get up to use the restroom, but Wren insisted the headphones needed to stay on, even if his diaper was down. A very agitating song played the entire time he was on the toilet, and the words that the voices used were not very nice. It made him feel bad, very bad, almost guilty for doing something so silly as using the potty. 
Ryan didn’t get a bottle that night, just some chicken nuggets that Wren had taken the liberty of cutting into tiny pieces for him. 
When he was done, she took him by the hand to his new room. He didn’t know why, he didn’t need her help, but without her he probably would have gotten lost. Not because he was dumb, but because he just wasn’t used to sleeping in the guest room. 
Wren stopped in front of his new crib, making a show of checking his diaper. Another absurd display, just because he was playing her little game and wearing this stupid garment didn’t mean he would actually use it. So when she was finally satisfied that every square centimeter was not wet or ‘messy’, he climbed into the crib. 
When he laid back on the plastic mattress, he noticed there was a new mobile hanging above him. It had little geometric shapes and symbols that he didn’t feel like naming right now because he was tired, he could definitely do it if he wanted to though!
She placed his binky in his mouth and he gratefully accepted it, he was terrified of having to spend the night without something in his mouth.
Wren clicked a little button and the dangling shapes on the mobile started to spin. It was mesmerizing, even more so because it played a happy little tune from the speakers. The very same tune that played through his headphones earlier that day.
Ryan’s diaper was plump and swollen the next morning. His mind wasn’t as fuzzy, so he must have finally gotten a good night's sleep. 
Wait, his brain said, finally catching on to what was happening. He was in a diaper, and he’d wet it. Several times by the feel of it. 
Wren was smiling when she came through the door, even though Ryan was spewing vitriol. The words were coming easier to him again, but so was the gravity of his situation. Had she really been making him wear diapers and drink from bottles??
Wren continued to smile like a mother letting her little one get his tantrum out. Ryan hung over the bars of the crib, he was too scared to climb out himself, but he wasn’t scared to call Wren all sorts of names. 
After almost a minute of Ryan’s blabbering, Wren had had enough. She clicked a button on her phone which made the little mobile over Ryan’s bed start whirring again. Playing that tune that Ryan was really starting to grow attached to. 
Suddenly, Ryan didn’t even feel like calling Wren a bitch any more. He wasn’t even sure what that meant. Instead, he let out a hefty sigh, and brought his thumb to his mouth. He couldn’t find his pacifier. 
“How’s your diaper, little one? Did somewon have an uh oh’s last night?”
Even though Ryan was calm, he still felt this combative stirring rising from his chest. Something was wrong. He knew he wasn’t supposed to wear diapers. He knew he was too old for them. And he definitely knew he wasn’t supposed to pee in them. He shook his head ‘no’ in an exaggerated fashion. 
“No? You didn’t have an accident?” Wren tisked, squeezing the saturated padding, “what is this then?”
Ryan could feel shame welling up inside him. He was a grown man and he’d pissed inside a pair of pampers. He couldn’t even remember doing it. It was all while he was asleep, while those stupid songs were playing. He would do better. This would never happen again. She might have had an upper hand on him, getting him to agree to the diapers and cutesy shit, but he was not about to—wait. Was that a bottle??
He made grabby hands at the little container of off-white liquid, practically spilling some when he snatched it away from her. 
She let the bars of the crib down, allowing him to clamber out, rubber nipple not leaving his mouth. He would have walked, but he felt it was easier to scooch around on his knees.
About halfway through the liquid, Ryan felt something stirring in his tummy. 
“What is it, dear?” Wren asked sweetly, placing her hands on her knees while she smiled down at him. 
“I have to go potty.” Ryan said, unsure why he said it like that. 
“Oh?” Wren asked, looking overly surprised, “is it #1 or #2?”
Ryan couldn’t understand why she was talking about numbers right now. Wren giggled at what must have been a perplexed look. 
“Do you have to go pee pee or poo poo?” She clarified. 
“Poo poo.” Ryan said, feeling his face flush. Something told him this was a weird conversation with a little too much information, but he brushed that away. 
“D’aww! You need to make poopies?!” Wren exclaimed exaggeratedly, “well you don’t wanna have to go all the way to the bathroom do you? It’s a pretty long way…”
She was right. It was a long way, and his legs did feel tired…
“Hmmm…mayybee…” she said, deep in thought, tapping her chin, “maybe you could just use your diaper?”
The very thought was revolting. She wanted him to make a stinky poo’s all over himself? “Na uh! No way!” 
She dangled the binky in front of his face, “I'll give you a little present if you make a present for Mommy!”
Ryan immediately agreed, and he got to suck on his binky the entire time he was crouching down, pushing a warm load of mush into his pampers. 
Wren was so proud of him. She clapped and cheered and giggled uncontrollably, even while she pinched her nose and teased him about the smell. 
But with the warmth came a deep sense of displeasure. Disgust. A part of Ryan’s brain was ridiculing him for what he just did. The words were coming back to him now. 
“You’re doing something to me!” Ryan shouted. He knew it was wrong. Something was happening to him, he couldn’t figure out what, but he knew that the normal him wouldn’t like it! “Stop all this right now! Whatever it is you’re doing isn’t fair! You’ve got me shitting myself! I’m not doing this anymore! I’m not gonna—“
“Shhh…” Wren smiled, placing a hand to his droopy diaper. “Don’t be sad!” She whispered softly. Her voice was like honey, l angelic, the greatest sound in the whole world. “I’m your Mommy, remember? I’m right here.”
Ryan could feel his anger and shame evaporating from his body. 
“Do you want me to stop all of this?” She asked, rubbing her palm against the bulge of his diaper. “Do you want me to take your binky away?”
Ryan’s eyes immediately went wide. Why would she even say such a thing? Why would she need to take his binky??
“Nooo you don’t want that do you?”
Ryan heard himself whimpering, felt his head shaking. 
“And what about your diapers? Do you not like your diapers?”
No. He didn’t like them at all. They were sweaty and itchy, but they were also sooo soft…
“Do you think you should stop wearing them?”
His head moved up and down. 
“But what if you have another accident? What if you wet the bed again? That would be really embarrassing, wouldn’t it?”
It would. She was right. It would be embarrassing. 
“But if you wear a diaper you don’t have to worry about that do you? All your messes go in there! You don’t even have to walk all the way to the potty! You can use them any time, anywhere!”
She was making such good points. She always made good points. She really was so smart. 
Still, some weird logical part of his brain was firing again. 
“But I’m a big boy!” Ryan whined around his binky. 
“Oh?” Wren asked, shaken. “Do…big boys have accidents?”
Another great point. 
“And big boys surely wouldn’t use diapers, even on purpose!” Wren said, turning into a very scary tone. “But what did you just do, Ry-Ry?”
Ryan’s face flushed. “I pooped them.”
“You did what?”
“I made poo-poo’s…” he could feel the tears welling up again. He wasn’t even sure why. All of this was so confusing. 
“Awww! Don’t be sad!” Wren cooed, switching to that heavenly tone once more, “good baybees use their diapurrs all the time! Like you just did!!”
Ryan smiled, a flood of warmth seeped through his chest, and maybe also into his diaper as well. 
“And baybees that are good get to make a different type of mess, too!”
Ryan wasn’t sure what that meant, but Wren started rubbing the front of his diaper, squeezing it, massaging it, and that felt really good. 
“Tell me you’re a good baybee!” She said, rubbing faster. 
“I’m a good baybee!” Ryan squeaked. 
“Tell me what you did in your diaper.”
“I made pee pee’s and poo poo’s”
“Do you like making messies in your diapurrs?”
“Yes Mommy.” She corrected.
“Yes Mommy!”
“Which do you like to use better? The pampers? Or the potty?”
“The potty.”
She stopped rubbing. 
Panic coursed through Ryan’s veins. He was so close!
“Pampers!!” He corrected, “I prefer peeing and pooping pampers!!”
The rubbing started again. 
“Every time you poop your pampers, Mommy will give you a reward!” She said. 
Ryan nodded, moaning and groaning while Wren rubbed his defiled diaper. It felt so wrong, so disgusting, but he couldn’t stop her. He couldn’t tell her no, because it also felt so good!
It felt even better when he started spasming, and another warm load leaked into the padding. 
Wren patted his padded butt. “Such a good baybee!”
Even with her kind words, a huge rush of shame hit Ryan in the face. His horniness was gone, the haze was lifting, his complex thoughts were coming back, and so was his attention to this disgusting diaper! 
“Wren what the fuck are you doing to—“
But he couldn’t hear himself say the rest, because the headphones were back on his ears, and that lovely tune was playing again. His mind melted away, but before it did he could see her place the book in front of him again, a giant letter ‘E’ emblazoned across the page. 
“You just stay right here and finish your coloring” Wren said, even though he probably couldn’t hear her. He was laying down flat on his tummy, swishing back and forth in his pissy, poopy pamper, smiling and humming the little tune to himself.  “I’ll be back in a few hours to change your diaper.” She continued, patting him on the bottom, “Then we’re going to learn a new ‘E’ word: Enema!”
21 Letters to go! What else could be in store for little Ry-Ry? This is one of my favorite stories I've ever done, so if you would like to read the rest, head on over to SubStar! It's available for all tiers! Credit goes to @dj-kinkster for his help and ideas on making this story a reality!
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thoughtsforsoob · 7 months
ways he shows he loves you - stray kids
a/n: I want to write more to stray kids so here you go! I know I have a bunch of request at the moment and while I do plan on getting to them, I have to allow myself some freedom to create what I want as well! please enjoy and as always, requests are open and so is my 200 event!! (omg im past 300 now and I am so incredibly grateful! thank you so freaking much!)
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bang chan - taking you home
I feel like chan considers taking you home as a huge step in your relationship, since ehe seems to love home so much.
he has a nice connection with his family so for you to go meet them means he's basically already planning the wedding
he likes to take you to places he remembers from when he was little (which are probably not too many places because he was just a little guy when he started training)
he also loves to make plans for you, his mom and his sisters hang out together
"you three go out! im paying for girls day"
he enjoys seeing pictures of his favorite people out, having fun together and getting along
the only thing he doesn't enjoy 100% is the teasing that collectively happens between you and his siblings against him but he doesn't;t mind it in the end because it just means you're comfortable with them and vice versa
and when he watches you and berry meeting for the first time...again...wedding bells are going off in his head
minho - supporting your hobbies
I don't see him as someone who is veery comfortable with just saying I love you all the time so he pressers to show it instead of say it
his way of doing so is by getting interested in your hobbies and most likely participating in them
lets just say you're a big fan of collection photo cards and trading! along with that, you also like to make bracelets for concerts! (lmao so cliche but this is what I can explain best! feel free to insert your own interests during the following!)
he definitely buys you albums all the time and when you don't pull him from a stray kids album, he rolls his eyes and keeps buying more until you pull him
he also loves watching you pack trades so he goes stationary shopping with you and buys you the cutest packing materials
he even packs a few trades for you and sneaks in a bunch of extra stickers and other freebies
he will also partake in bracelet making every time you attend a concert!
he loves sitting at the table, making bracelets with pretty beads (he insists on buying you the fancy glass beads for this project), watching a drama and eating snacks.
just seeing you happy and in your element and being able to support it is how he shows his love.
changbin - planning dates
idk about you guys but I feel like guys always leave it to their girlfriend to plan dates and come up with date ideas all the time
changbin is the exception
he knows all of the spots in the city and wants to take you to all of them eventually
he has a running list in a little journal he purchased when he first met you and started going on dates with you
he writes down the names of places he wants to take you to and crosses them out in highlighter when you eventually go so you can still see what he'd written down
he plans trips that vary anywhere from 2 weeks in LA to a evening picnic by the river
his favorite are "spontaneous dates" (in quotation marks because to him, no date is really spontaneous. he always puts some work into it, even if it's a late night run to the convenience store or a trip to the mall)
he's always navigating and making sure everything is perfect
his favorite part of the date is when you praise him for being so thoughtful and creative
he is so happy that he's impressing you and making you happy
he promises to himself that even when you both are old and grey, he's still going to sweet you off your feet with his amazing date ideas
hyunjin - remembers everything you tell him
(no bc...when people remember details about me I feel so happy)
anyways, he is such a good listener and pays attention to detail
whenever you mention something in passing, he makes a note of it mentally or if he knows he'll forget, he will write is down in his notes app
one example of this is during one exam season
2 weeks ago, you had told him bout your finals schedule and when it would start
on the first day, right at 6am he shows up with your favorite coffee order (or anything else if you don't drink coffee) and your favorite breakfast! along with a care package for the rest of finals!
the care package includes: two hoodies of his, you favorite candies, chips, ramyeon, and a couple other things he knew you'd find useful
he remember you telling him you had to get up at that hour to start getting ready for your 8am calc final
when he shows you, you damn near cry because of his thoughtfulness
he eats breakfast with you and makes sure your fueled up and able to focus on your test so you can ace it
the way he also thinks about you when he's out doing things like shopping
Oh I brought you back some eggs because I remember you said you didn't have anymore. also, this new toner because I noticed yours was running low last time I stayed the night."
jisung - never letting you pay
his love language is essentially paying for everything he can for you
if you deny him and tell him you're going to pay, just the thought of you doing something he is more than willing to do for yo has smoke coming out of his eyes like a cartoon character
oh boy and when you actually beat him and pay, he is red in the face
"sungie, I just paid for two coffee's. why are you all red like that?"
"I could've paid! now you have to let me pay for the next 100 things we get together!"
you roll his eyes at him when he makes these silly compromises with you and just rolls with it
for him, it's not that he thinks you can't pay for yourself because ehe knows you are more than capable
if anything, he's proud that his baby is an independent person and can take care of themselves
the reason he does it because he wants you to save your money and spend it on things for you and he wants to take care of you this being the best way he knows how
oh my god...
god forbid you buy him any gifts
he's all flustered and whining about how you shouldn't "waste your money" on him
after talking with him, he lets you pay sometimes but it's rare
felix - matching jewelry
it's all fun and games until you both get exposed...
before we go there, let's talk about how this started
for your first anniversary, Felix wanted to give you something special but had no ides what it should be
he was scrolling through TikTok one night and he came across a repost from you and it gave him the perfect idea
you reposed a couples post about a necklace with the bf's initial on it and he immediately got one made
you better believe hat we went to a famous custom designer and everything to get this made just the way he knew you'd love it
you gives it to you on your anniversary and to your surprise, not only do you have a "f" on your necklace, he get's a matching necklace with your initial on it...
he can't wear it out much but he always put's it on in private
one day...little sunshine over here has to leave to the airport with the group for an overseas concert and he forgets to take off the damn necklace...
"WHO IS (y/i)?" stays are going wild online and trying to find out who it is
from now on, Felix is more careful but now everyone knows his secret :0
seungmin - bring affectionate in front of others
look, this boy is not very affectionate, much less in front of other people
he's a very 'behind closed doors' type of person
when it comes to you though...he's not afraid to show his affection
the first time you noticed it was when he first invited you to meet his member at the dorm for dinner and movie night
he picked you up and brought you inside
you greet all of the members but right afterwards, he immediately just starts to cling to you
he has a hand on your thigh during dinner and during some shot periods, he's actually straight up holding your hand while eating
the boys look at him like he's finally gone insane and you're looking at him with such a confused expression
finally, jeongin of all people, breaks the silence
"hyung? I know you like (y/n) a lot but you're not letting her eat by holding her hand."
his face goes red because he's been caught and he lets go of your hand, putting a low apology to you
when the movie portion of the night comes around, he insists on your sitting right on his lap but if you decline, he is sitting so close next to you that he's literally going to merge into your body
jeongin - sharing clothing/shopping with you
(cw: I know not everyone feels comfy with the idea of sharing clothes for whatever reason and it's totally valid so I made two different options here!)
as we all know, jeongin loves fashion and anything that has to do with it
it's only natural that he wants to involve you into his hobby!
he wants to dress you up all the time!
sometimes, he'll drag you to his room and start to pick items from his closet to replace what you're already wearing...
you have to glare at him so he won't change your whole outfit
he also loves to take you shopping!
he walks into every store with you and asks your opinion on everything because he knows you're actually the one wearing it so you have to like these items too!
shopping can be a very stressful and traumatic experience for some people (ME!)
he understands if this is the case for you and tries his best to give you all the time you need and not overwhelm you with trying too many things on at once and not showing you 101 options all at once
if you don't like how something fits, he will never pressure you to show him anyway
he also never pressures you to go shopping if you're not in the correct headspace for it
there is always assurance from him that no matter what, he loves the way you look in clothes you both pick together!
he also loves to take ootd pics of you and he lets you take his!
he def never pressures you to do this either if you don't wanna
his soft launch of you is a pick of your latest ootd together but your face has a cute little fox sticker over it :D
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llolianarchives · 1 year
The Prefect and The Draconia
A short overview of the Ramshackle prefect and their strange (but kind) horned fellow friend: as seen through the eyes of outsiders.
(A/N: #Malleyuu notes with an OC but feel free to project. We're all delulu here ╮⁠(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠╭ )
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His Henchman is crazy.
Or at least, that's what Grim thinks when he's woken up at sunrise to Yue's bizarre ramblings. Something about the time being 1 AM, then fireflies at night, and a tall, horned figure – is what he takes from their babble amidst his own groans and pleas to return to sleep. He'd think them delirious from slumber, mumbling about another dream, if it weren't for the way Yue's eyes sparkled with genuine interest. Grim yields, in the end, for one of the many things he's learned about his reliable servant is that they can be awfully enthusiastic when it comes to this world's curiosities.
“He told me to call him whatever I want,” Yue continues, ruffling Grim's fur dry with a clean rag. Before he could insert magnificent ideas of his own, they beat him to it with a soft smile on their lips.
“I'm thinking of naming him Nyx: the personification of the night. What do you think?”
“What? Because he only shows up at night?” Like some wacky cryptid.
He hears his henchman forgo the brush, letting it clatter loudly against the table.
“Hm... Nyx, huh...” Grim falls into thought, testing the name on his tongue like premium quality tuna. He doesn't even notice how Yue ties the striped ribbon around his neck. Triumphant, he turns to them with a grin.
“That's not half-bad, Henchman! It's cool and mysterious. Not as cool and mysterious as me, of course, but I'd say it's a close second!”
“Naturally. I wouldn't dare bestow a name mightier than the Great Grim's.”
Despite the stream of praise his henchman delivers (which he pleasantly basks in), Yue eventually derails, returning to speak of the horned man yet again. What Grim's superior brain gathers is this: One, this Nyx guy is super weird. Two, Yue's interest has been piqued like no other before.
He'll demand some omurice as payment for his counsel later on.
. . .
Malleus has made a friend.
The news was dropped onto Lilia's lap rather unceremoniously when one night, the Young Lord—having just returned from another evening excursion, went to sit with him in the Diasomnia lounge. This time, however, the quaintest of smiles adorned his face... It was an unusual sight but certainly not unwelcome. And much like any doting parent, his curiosity led him to ask.
Malleus had replied with a question of his own.
"Lilia, do you know of the Prefect that resides in Ramshackle Dorm?"
"Yue? Why yes, of course. I've spoken to them once or twice. They made quite a show during the Ceremony."
Yue— Lilia soon comes to learn— is completely unaware of Malleus's identity as a prince and a figure of authority, of power. As such, they bear no fear for him, even going so far as to bestow him a pet name, of all things.
(“Nyx? As in the night spirit? How fitting.")
Thus began the pattern of Lilia covering for Malleus's nighttime absence, not daring to ask nor scold when the prince would return in strange and stranger states.
When he would return to the dormitory partially caked with dirt and mud (a consequence of helping the prefect with their little garden of life.) Or when he would return with a box of homemade cake, a pretty stone from their walks, a drawing of him supposedly made by the prefect's beast, and with inquiries of the complexities of human nature.
Sometimes, Lilia can't help but feel a bit guilty, constantly boring witness to Silver and Sebek's searches into the night.
Yet that sliver of guilt fades, in the end, when Malleus smiles more often than before, when he approaches Lilia in the winter with the request of delivering a Holiday Card.
As he watches the magicless human rush into their abode, card in hand, ghosts and Grim awaiting their entrance...
he has never felt prouder and more grateful for fate.
. . .
From a distance, Vil watches.
He watches as the feared Briar Prince lets a small, feeble human talk his ear off, calm and unresisting, a hand on his chin as he ponders along Yue's barrage of words. He gives the prefect full reign of the conversation. He lets himself be taken away by their stories and details. He lets them speak, which they do.
Just after the horrors, highs, lows, and thrills of the VDC, the two chat as if nothing even happened. The onslaught of it all feels like a fever dream to Vil. First, the mental toll of overblotting, then their loss to RSA's nursery rhyme performance, and now the shocking reveal of Yue (innocent, bold, mundane little Yue) and Malleus Draconia's relationship.
He isn't even sure what to make of it. They're clearly friends, yet Vil can't bring himself to chalk it up to just that. His years and years of showbiz cinema has taught him the ins and outs of body language. He watches. He sees:
There's the smiles on both their faces; cheeks raised taut, dimples carved with genuine laughter. There's that glimmer in Yue's eyes and the odd tenderness of Malleus's own, both gazes locked onto one another with an undisturbed focus. There's the fact that Yue had given him an invitation to the VDC, or that Malleus had fixed the stage partially to show off to the magicless human, or that their hands are currently mere centimeters away from each other.
In the end, Vil averts his gaze, weariness crashing into him all at once and he feels a pair of hands grasp onto his shoulders, keeping him standing. Rook smiles, gentle, knowing, annoying. Vil resigns to his whims and lets his Huntsman guide him back to the Pomefiore Dorm, the chatter of Yue and Malleus and everyone else fading away.
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msmk11 · 3 months
James and His Damned Owl
James Potter x gn!muggle!reader
Word count: 1.5k
CW: Mentions of food/eating, mentions of alcohol, ornithophobia
Summary: Having a wizard boyfriend is strange to say the least. While it certainly has its perks, it also has its quirks… In particular, you’re not very much a fan of the magic world’s choice in pets.
Author’s Note: So you know how this type of fanfic is called self-insert, well this is the most self-insert fic I’ve ever written. Reader is me, I am a reader. BIRDS ARE SCARY, okay?! Anyways, this fic is the silliest one I’ve written so far and I had so much fun doing it! I hope you enjoy :)
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Having a boyfriend who is a wizard is strange in a number of ways. Truthfully, when James first confessed his secret to you a few weeks ago, you laughed right in his face. It wasn’t until he pulled out his wand and literally started doing magic in front of you that you believed him. It’s safe to say you were in shock, and you’re not quite sure that feeling has faded yet. After James gave you a day or two to process the news, his magic usage around you went from 0 to 100. More times than you’d like to count, your mischievous boyfriend has scared the ever-loving shit out of you by randomly appearing in your home or on the street out of thin air. Now too, instead of walking or driving to your house like a normal person, James will randomly tumble out of your fireplace in a burst of green flames. Not only did you nearly die on the spot the first time it happened, but you’ve since bitched to James many times about how the soot he tracks in is ruining your very nice rug.
The moving pictures he has gives you the creeps, you find it laughable that he prefers using a quill and ink to a pen, and your head swarms every time James mentions some spell, potion, or magical creature whose name sounds like complete and utter gibberish.
But, despite your groans and whining, you do really think that James being a wizard is super cool. Like a child seeing a magician, you’re constantly begging your boyfriend to do different things with his magic so you can ooh and aah over them. When you found out James is an ani- animungal? Anamatronic?- the thing where you can turn into an animal, you were even more ecstatic. Admittedly, you may have once or twice begged James to assume his deer form so that you could ride on his back through the woods like some Disney princess probably would.
Magic has its perks too outside of your own personal entertainment. For example, now, instead of having to do dishes when one of the two of you cook dinner, a flick of James’ wand has them cleaning themselves. Other chores are now taken care of similarly, leaving you with a lot more free time to be with your lovely boyfriend.
This evening is one perfect example. After getting off work, you were surprised to find James waiting outside your office, a bouquet of pretty pink flowers in hand. The evening sun rested lovingly on his peaceful face so that his brown skin seemed to actually glow. It was a wonderful surprise and your trip back to his flat was much more pleasant than usual- defined by clasped hands swinging between you and teasing conversation.
The night only seemed to get better when you arrived at James’ place and were met with the delicious smell of garlic and pasta. The table was set nicely, and your two plates were already prepared, kept warm by the wonders of magic.
Things were perfect. Maybe a little too much so.
When you and James finish dinner, he stands and grabs your plates. Usually, you would protest- claiming that whoever didn’t cook has to do dishes- but you know magic will take care of it all. James then kisses you quick before taking a trip to the bathroom.
As you’re sitting at the kitchen table still, reveling in your full belly and nursing your glass of wine, your peace is rudely disrupted. With it being pleasantly warm out this evening, James had left the windows open. This seemed like a great idea until now- when a big brown owl comes swooping into the kitchen.
While anyone would surely be startled by the bird’s random appearance, you are especially so because you’re terrified of birds. The bloodcurdling scream you let out is akin to someone who is dying- but in your mind is appropriate for the situation at hand. A string of curses leave your mouth as you jump up and hesitantly back away from the owl perched on one of the kitchen chairs. You grope for the counter behind you, never taking your eye off the owl as you maneuver around the island to hide behind it.
Of course, your scream has resulted in a panicked James and shouts of your name. He comes barreling into the kitchen in only his shirt and boxers, wand at the ready. He whips his head around, looking for you and the supposed threat that caused you to scream. He calls your name again and your head pops up from behind the counter.
“Lovey? What is it?” He asks anxiously.
You whimper a little and, with a shaky hand, point at the big bird across the room. When James sees what you’re pointing at, he visibly relaxes and lowers his wand.
“Oh, him? That’s just Hootie,” he tells you casually, “Probably should’ve mentioned I have a pet owl.”
You stare at him in complete and utter shock then shrilly squeal, “How’d you forget to mention that you have a pet owl?!!”
James shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly and places his wand on the counter, walking towards you, “Well, I guess I didn’t really think too much about it. It’s very common in the magic world to have one, so I didn’t consider that it’d be abnormal. It’s just like having a dog in the muggle world.”
You don’t respond with any English, instead sputtering anxiously.
James crouches beside you, “So are you going to come out now? There’s nothing to be afraid of.”
You shake your head no aggressively and shrink into his side, “No way, Jamie. Birds are terrifying- with their big beaks and beady eyes. And who knows what diseases they carry- no offense.”
Your boyfriend wraps his arm around you and soothingly rubs your side, “Awe, sweetheart, I didn’t know you’re afraid of birds.”
“Oh yes, very. Have been since I was five and a bird pooped on me at the zoo.”
You don’t miss the chuckle and small smirk on James’ face and huff, pulling away.
“It’s not funny Jamie! It’s a real fear!”
He puts his hands up in surrender, “I know, I know. I’m sorry, sweetheart. It is a real fear. But it’s an irrational one, you know.”
You huff again and roll your eyes, grumbling under your breath. James then stands and stretches out his hands, “Here, why don’t you come meet Hootie and see birds aren’t all so bad.”
You hesitantly take his hand and stand. You slowly walk out from behind the counter and only make it a few steps before the damned bird shifts, ruffling its feathers.
You squeal again and let go of James’ hand, this time hiding behind his broad frame, “I don’t think I can do this Jamie.”
He turns around and looks at you softly before pulling you into a tight hug. You relax a little against his chest, but your eyes never leave the owl over his shoulder, “I believe in you, lovey. Why don’t you let me go first, to show you that Hootie won’t hurt you, and then we can try together, yeah?”
You hesitantly reply with an okay.
James lets go of you and turns around. He walks over to the brown owl easily and coos a little, petting its back softly as it nuzzles into his touch. The owl then juts its head out, seeming to be waiting for something. James, apparently, knows what this means, and reaches behind him to grab some sort of pellet out of the cabinet and feed it to the bird.
“Okay, sweetheart. Now why don’t you come over and give Hootie a pet.”
He walks over and grabs your hand. Your smaller one fits into his nicely and you grip onto it with a death-grip. The two of you slowly make your way over to the owl and stand beside it. You sort of half stand behind James while still holding his hand. Fingers intertwined, James slowly starts moving your joint arms out, “Ready?
You very slightly shake your head and then your palm makes connection with the soft feathers of Hootie. The bird stares at you with its big eyes and, like it did for James, nuzzles into your touch.
Some of the tension in your shoulders eases a little and you decide that maybe birds aren’t so bad.
As you pull away, James squeezes your hand gently, “See? You did it. I’m so proud of you, sweetheart.”
Just as you’re beginning to feel proud of yourself too, the owl shuffles a little and rotates its head 180, so it’s no longer staring at you. The range of motion it has terrifies you and you scream again, running down the hall away from James and his damned owl.
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henry7931 · 4 months
Head Swap Hookup
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Man, this is still kinda strange to see myself but I’m so turned on by this experience. Last night, I met this guy named Luke at the gym. We hit it off really well and we both decided to grab drink afterwards.
As the night progressed the more we started opening up about what turns us on the most. Luke and I soon discovered that we are into each other’s body types. Luke is super into skinny twinks while I on the other hand love muscular hairy guys. So the both of us ended up hooking up. Afterwards we both laid in bed together and that’s when Luke suggested the craziest idea. He asked me if I would like to head swap with him.
I honestly thought he was just being drunk and silly so I agreed to it. That’s when I saw Luke pull off his head and I felt my mouth drop at the sight of a beautiful headless hunk right in front of me.
“You still down to do this?” says Luke.
I said back to him, “yeah I think so.”
Luke headless body grabs my head and tugs it off my body. It was the strangest sensation, I could still feel and control myself but I was somehow disconnected.
Luke’s body plops my head on my dresser and then grabs his head. I watch as his body places his head on top of my body. I instantly lose all feeling of my body.
Luke looks down at my fingers and chest analyzing my body that he now controls.
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He says to me, “this is so hot.”
I wait for him to put me on his body but instead he says, “one sec.”
Luke walks up to his headless body that’s now at a stand still without anything controlling it.
He grand his hand and places it on my junk. He says to his body, “Play with it… softly.”
Luke’s start softly rubbing my bits.
Luke closes his eyes and says, “oh this feels so good. My rough hands toying with your sensitive cock. Matt your cock feels amazing!”
Still just a head, I somehow felt turned on by just watching our bodies interact.
“You wanna join?” he says to me.
“Well what else am I going to do? Sit on the dresser all night.”
Luke laughs at me and picks up my head. He lifts me up to eye level and kisses me on the lips.
Luke places my head on his body and I feel the bottom of my head connect to Luke’s neck.
I look down at Luke’s muscular hands and then down to his hairy legs and feet. I wiggle his toes feeling the new sensation of controlling his body.
I look back at Luke with my much smaller body and pull him in.
We start making out and I instantly get a hard on from touching my body.
The second round we decided to switch positions. It’s funny, I rarely top anyone but Luke never bottoms with his body. So I pushed into my hole, it felt so warm and tight.
I lifted my body while putting my legs over Luke’s shoulders. I felt so strong.
I thrusted into my hole both of us moaning so loud.
Soon we both blew out loads. We crawled into my bed, I cuddled up to my body. Luke’s junk was still hard so I placed it back into my hole. It just felt so warm.
Luke giggles at me and says, “you gonna keep that in their all night?”
I kiss my neck and say, “hell yeah I am!”
So now it’s the next morning and both of us are still swapped. I got up first and went to take a shower. I played with Luke’s morning wood for about 30 minutes. Edging his body to a point before it blew its load.
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I walk out only to find Luke up in bed playing with my feet.
He grins at me nervously, “sorry your feet are so cute.”
I giggle at him and flopped into my bed.
I watch as Luke traces my fingers in between my toes. I look over at my junk standing tall.
Without any hesitation I began to lower head and wrap my lips around it.
He lets out a moan as I insert two of his fingers into my hole.
We spent the rest of the day in bed going at it. We tried everything together. Luke even pulled us into parts, pulling off my feet, hands, dick and balls. By the end of the day we were in so many pieces Luke struggled to putting us back together. Soon this became regular thing, us hooking up with each others bodies on.
I rarely have my body on unless I’m out in public. But as soon as we get to one of our places Luke switches us.
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He loves wearing my body and especially loves showing it off to me. Luke even asked me to be his boyfriend. And of course I said yes. He’s sweet and the sex is out of this world.
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ozzgin · 8 months
I can't get your yakuza headcanons out of my mind, Daitou's got me in a chokehold and I'm not complaining, like--
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in regards to that doodle you made to show height difference between reader and the boys [I love your art btw (●♡∀♡)] - I can't picture myself in reader's style, I'm currently going through my goth phase in my 20s lmao; picture a big bitch with tattoos and messy hair who's listening to nothing but 2000s hits and screamo bands - so I'd like to request a headcanon of how Daitou would react to a gender-neutral reader like this :D I also like to incorporate the idea of them once being in a famous band that he's a fan of! (sorry if this seems like a lot, I have a huge imagination hehe)
but if he's more into the cute and helpless type, I'll just walk my ass out the door and yeehaw my way into another yandere's arms ✌😔
That's on me for not drawing the reader inserts as cartoonish cinder blocks :') In truth I'm a little bit embarrassed seeing how many likes that doodle has gotten, it was something I put together in a hurry and the clothing was meant to be baggy, shapeless, with not too many folds for the sake of simplicity. I myself am more of a pilgrim goth, just to emphasize the randomness of the choice.
Drawing reader inserts always leaves me a little anxious. If I use a light shade of gray, will people think I'm excluding poc? Will plus sized readers feel like they've been disregarded? What about masculine readers? As someone who's demiromantic I always struggle taking appearance or gender into consideration, because to me it has no influence whatsoever. Which is hard to express when you want to offer blank slate visuals as an extra to the story.
What I'm trying to say is that all of my characters would like you for who you are. Sure, they find your looks cute, but it's not the defining reason. Maybe you have similar traits to them, maybe you're the complete opposite and they find it intriguing. You could be a buff man and Daitou would be just as grateful to have someone who isn't afraid of him. I usually stick to a female reader for bigger stories to avoid messing it up long term, but in the grand scheme of things it makes no difference. I always imagine reader to be a shapeless blob that provides the dialogue I need for the story mood. There's no concrete preference or type for any of my OCs. I mean, ideally you'd like them back and not hang them upside down above a BBQ pit but I feel these are sensible requirements (?).
And now for the actual headcanons since my ramble is over.
First encounter is comically awkward but for reasons you’re unaware of yet. You’re obviously used to people staring at you (more so in a country like Japan), so you were expecting the curious glance every now and then. On the other hand, being under scrutiny, from a man even more unusual looking than you at that, is odd. Mildly uncomfortable. You’re shifting yourself from one leg to another, hoping to be done with the introductions soon.
On his end, Daitou is anxiously fidgeting and trying his best to focus. He’s seen this face before and he can’t shake off the familiar feeling. Where the hell…He obviously can’t downright gawk at you, and he isn’t sure how to politely formulate a question. After several sheepish peeks, it finally dawns on him: weren’t you part of that band he really likes? No, what would the chances be? Then again, how many people out there would look exactly like you? Is it rude to ask? He has no idea. He resumes his mumbled description of the apartment and hands you the papers to be signed.
Back at his place, he finally digs through his merch and sprawls out the available clues. “I didn’t know you were into this kind of music”, Kazuya comments as he looks over the man’s shoulder. He’d come over to ask about the new tenant. “I’m pretty sure it’s them.” He concludes, confidently placing his index over a CD cover. “Huh? Who? The tenant?” Kazuya holds back his chuckle. “Why would a celebrity show up for a shady apartment offer? You’re tripping, man.”
“I’m sorry, this is getting ridiculous.” You finally exclaim, annoyed by the persistent stares of the now two men facing you. You’re standing in front of the apartment building, arms crossed, huffing at the tall scarred man and his blonde friend. “No, I’m sure of it. Even the tattoo is the same.” Daitou turns to whisper to Kazuya, oblivious to your complaints. In turn, Kazuya lightly elbows him, mouthing something about being rude. “Just ask them, man.” He adds, this time louder. “Ask me what??” You groan. “W-were you…um…in this band by any chance?” Daitou manages to blurt out, searching his pocket for the CD case and ceremoniously laying it under your eyes.
Ah. It finally clicks and you exhale, relieved. You confirm their suspicions and show them some backstage photos to solidify your claim. You ask Daitou if he wants an autograph or something, then swiftly scribble your signature on a piece of paper and hand it out to him. He holds it with a wide, childish grin. “You’re a weird one, you know? You could’ve just asked. I guess I didn’t expect to find a fan in the wild, especially here.” Daitou carefully folds the souvenir, eyes lidded with nostalgia. “Oh yes, it’s great. Drowns out the screams.”
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silencesscreams · 9 months
love is never logical
james potter x reader (angst)
summary: you had been james’ girlfriend for more than a year, his close relationship with his friend lily has always bothered you, specially because he would always pick her instead of you. once you find out they almost dated when they were younger, things change.
100% inspired by logical - olivia rodrigo, the beginning of the fight was inspired by the all too well short film (it was also lari’s idea because she’s a genius)
warnings: muggle au, drinking, swearing, jealousy, breaking up, fighting, shouting, mentions of younger jily, petnames (babe, love, darling), use of y/n once, mention of sex, kind of short, sad ending
special thanks to @mrsaluado for helping me and giving me ideas for this one!!!!! you’re incredible, lari!!!!
when you first started dating james, the first friend he introduced you to was lily. he said she was one of his best friends and that she was incredibly important for him. it was almost as if he said: don’t fuck it up with her. afterwards, he said she absolutely loved you, it made you feel great about yourself, but a part of you wondered what would happen if she didn’t.
there were times when you’d ask if he wanted to hang out or do something different during the weekend. most times you were too late, he was already doing something with lily, but you could come if you wanted to. you always did. you wanted to be with your boyfriend, it shouldn’t matter that his girl best friend was always around, right?
you even asked him once or twice if he ever had anything with lily, which he defensively denied every single time. most of your friends saw it as a red flag, but what could you do? you had never loved anyone like you loved james potter.
until it all fell apart.
you both had been together for a year. you were always invited to his reunions with his friends, so when he told you he was hosting a small one at his place, you were excited to go. you helped him get the house ready. you even bought appetizers.
so when his friends showed up, you tried talking to most of them, but when you got to sirius, you both ended up talking a lot.
you both had been chatting for about half an hour when he asked:
“where’s that boyfriend of yours anyway?” he took a sip from the cheap wine remus had brought.
“with lily, i think.” you say, looking down at your cup.
“really? doesn’t it bother you?” he asked innocently, like you already knew.
“no, i mean, why would it?”
“well, i’d be stressed knowing remus was so close with someone he almost dated like two years back” he casually stated. your heart could’ve just fallen to your feet then, he never told you that. sirius quickly realized he’d fucked up because of how quiet you got. “you didn’t know?” he questioned, his brows furrowed and his voice more caring now.
“oh, i did, don’t worry.” you lied, your voice quiet.
god, you felt so stupid. you had asked so many times, and he lied, he always said no.
you never thought james could hurt you like that, until he did.
“that reminds me, i have to talk to james about what time we’re putting out the dessert. i’ll be back soon.” you didn’t have to talk to him about anything. you knew that you’d bring out the dessert at 10:30. you just wanted to know what they were talking about.
“hi, babe.” he greeted you, pressing a kiss on your cheek as you sat next to him. “my two girls at the same table, how lucky am i?” he joked, but you didn’t laugh. since when was lily his girl? “sorry, that was badly phrased.” he apologized to you, chuckling and going back to lily, not bothering to insert you in the conversation.
you didn’t really mind staying quiet, he usually did that. they talked for about 10 minutes, during that time stayed quiet and didn’t even touch him, you listened to their conversation, smiling every single time she looked at you.
the night ended for you when he didn’t hold your hand. as he excitedly laughed and talked to her. you tried to interlace his fingers with yours, which he did, giving your hand a quick squeeze before letting go of it and laying it carelessly on the table.
you take a deep breath.
you count to ten.
you hold back your tears.
he had never denied your touch before. ever.
“excuse me,” you said lowly. “i’m gonna freshen up.” you fake a smile, going as quickly as possible to the bathroom. you shut the door behind you and lock it, giving the key two turns.
you can’t believe him. he couldn’t possibly be doing this to you.
you had known ever since he introduced you to her that if he had to choose it’d be her. you knew that deep down, you just didn’t believe it.
you couldn’t believe he lied like that.
he made you believe it was in your head. everything he ever said just always sounded right. how could he do that?
you weren’t going to fight. not in the middle of a party.
you look at yourself in the mirror,
inhale, exhale.
inhale, exhale.
it was fine. you’d talk to him about it later. it was probably a misunderstanding, right? you probably heard him wrong, right?
still, you took it in and kept quiet until everybody left.
james had obviously realized how mad you were when you dodged his hug in the kitchen.
“what’s wrong?” he asked, looking all sad and lonely like a wet dog. like it was your fault.
“you dropped my hand, you know that, right?” you stop and look at him, your hands hugging your own torso nervously.
“what? when?”
“when you were talking to lily.” you say, looking down.
“sorry, i don’t really remember.” he casually brushes it off. he did remember.
“did you and her ever have a thing? tell me the truth, did you ever like her romantically or anything like that?”
“god, no! why are you bringing this up again? i’ve told you before, she’s just my friend, why are you-”
“you’re lying to me.” you cut him off, staring at him.
“no, i’m not. what’s gotten into you?” he squints his eyes at you.
“why are you lying? i know you both had a thing a year before we started dating!” you didn’t want to speak loudly, but you couldn’t not raise your voice at him.
“who told you that?” he questioned quietly.
“it doesn’t matter! why did you lie to me about this?” he didn’t answer. “god, i’m so fucking stupid!” you exclaim, laughing at yourself.
“darling, stop. it’s not like that.”
“i should’ve known something was happening. you spent more time with her than with me ever since i became your girlfriend.”
“I’m not cheating on you, you have to believe me” he tried holding your face in his hands. his touch was inviting, but you pulled away.
“but you love her, don’t you?” he doesn’t answer. “how can i possibly believe you?” you ask, your eyes tearing up. you were trying to hold back the tears, but they were just begging to come out.
“i don’t know. i just need you to trust me, love. please.”
“i don’t know if i can.” you turn around, facing the refrigerator door. you rub your eyes, stressed.
“hey, james.” you call, not turning around to face him.
“yeah?” he answers, staring at your back, a confused look on his face.
“what color are lily’s eyes?” he wanted to bury himself in a hole and never come out. he knew what you were doing and he knew he’d fail.
“i don’t see how that-”
“james, what color are they?”
“green.” he replies, his voice low.
“what color are my eyes?” no answer. you can feel your stomach twist and turn. “james, what color are my eyes?” your voice was louder now.
“i don’t know.” he whispers. you started crying, and he never hated himself so much. you turn around to face him, your head moving in a ‘no’ motion as he tried hugging you. “darling, please. you’re the love of my life, stop it.”
“sure, and you’ve only ever seen her as a friend, right?!” you push him away. “i’m the love of your life and you can’t even tell me my eye color! that’s not fucking right, isn’t it?!”
“you know how much i love you!” he shouts, desperately trying to fix it.
“do i? because you never even say it anymore! hell, you don’t even hold my hand!” you shout back at him. he can’t answer you, he doesn’t know how to. he doesn’t know what to do anymore. “i’m going home.” you announce, grabbing your purse from the kitchen table and heading to his front door.
you didn’t want to leave, but you knew that if you stayed he’d probably find a way to make you believe him. he’d hug you. he’d say he was sorry and that everything would turn out okay.
that wasn’t what you wanted to hear that night, you weren’t really sure of what it was you wanted from him in that moment, but some stupid apology and sex wasn’t going to help.
“i have been your boyfriend for the past year! I haven’t been lily’s!” he exclaimed, following you. you ignored him, cleaning your tears from off your face
“you’re not being fucking logical about this, y/n!” he screamed at you, his voice strained as you open the door to his apartment.
“i guess love isn’t logical, is it?” you say, shutting the door harshly as you head out.
you stop in front of the door, waiting to see if he’d open it and try going after you. if he’d try to make you forgive him.
you waited for 15 minutes.
he didn’t do anything at all.
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venvellan · 1 year
da2's arishok is a good villain. if you have a fundamental understanding of the qun and listen to his thought process, the things he does makes sense. he uses the qun to justify slaughtering kirkwall's people, which is utterly inexcusable and what makes him a villain, but his character is complex enough to make dealing with him that much more thought provoking. he sends agents to kill petrice because she was killing his people, he doesn't give up the elves because they committed their lives to the qun, no matter how recently they converted, and he refuses to leave without the tome (and isabela) because his idea of justice hasn't been done. his logic makes sense, generally, though it is wrong on more than one occasion. he isn't moral, but he is methodical.
i feel this way about solas, too. i like da2's arishok for the same reasons that initially draw people to solas, i think. when we meet them, i find them interesting and educational to talk to, someone worthy of respect, and someone very honorable in their own way. similarly, many of my issues with solas compare with flaws in the qun/the arishok.
solas asserts that all of his beliefs are correct, and we're never allowed to challenge him on any of it. if he has high enough approval, he'll approach you to go, "yknow, i thought you were all [insert prejudice or stereotype] but YOU showed me that some of you guys are actually okay," which is NOT what it looks like for someone's beliefs to be challenged.
brief aside, i want to be fair in that we don't get this opportunity with many of the companions, and it's not even an inquisition specific issue. the dialogue format is agree, joke, be mean, and it's flawed, but it works in the majority of interactions. we don't really get to engage in nuanced discussions with characters, but there are positives and negatives to the system overall. it is possible to challenge and shape a character within this dialogue system (i.e., garrus vakarian) but in dragon age that really only comes in the form of harden/unharden. it was a little more doable with origins' system, but it really hasn't been a huge part of any dragon age game. most characters' beliefs remain largely unchanged by you regardless of how you play.
solas also possesses a strong sense of duty and purpose, though what duty he has, what his true goals are, he keeps hidden as long as he can. the most damning comparison though, to me, is how willing he is to destroy the world and bring back "his people," while the qunari fight to conquer the world and homogenize society into "their people."
in any case, with both him and the arishok, you can see the wheels turning in their heads. you can see why they do what they do, even if it's wholly immoral. it makes their threat a lot more personal, a lot scarier, psychologically, that a "normal" person, who doesn't want to cause suffering, can hold such specific beliefs and such strong conviction that knowing that they'll hurt people doesn't give them any pause. the root of their motivation is understandable. solas wants to right his wrongs, at his core. the arishok implicitly believes that the qun is safer, better for its people than life outside the qun. we can see that they're taking it too far, but they don't care. it makes them good villains.
"i am not corypheus, i take no joy in this." sure, which is a very similar sentiment, emotionally, to the qunari sense of duty. you can say you don't enjoy it all you want, you're still committing genocide. you can hate the qunari all you want, but you fight with their ferocity, their unshakeable faith in their own cause. their need to "do what's right," no matter who's caught in the wake.
i understand why people like solas, i go back and forth on it myself, but i don't think he's all that different from the arishok in method and motivation. they're each thrust into a world so different from what they believe is "right" that they demand it change around them. if we had to kill the old arishok, then if solas refuses to give up, he will have to die. he doesn't get to do genocide just because he's romanceable. he's a good character, he's a good villain, but he's not a good guy, and unless he stops before he does any real harm (which he will not do), he should share the arishok's fate.
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deliverusfromevillll · 8 months
A Sticky Situation [Mammon/F!Reader]
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❝ What fuckin' nonsense have ya' been telling y'reself this entire time? ❞
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warnings ⨾ blood, descriptions of gore, guns, gunshot wound, choking, swearing, arachnophobia (the irony), established prior connection, soft mammon, sexual content, unresolved sexual tension, resolved angst
terms ⨾ ❝ Drakon ❞ the Latin word meaning "dragon." ❝ Bogan ❞ Australian slang meaning (in negative connotation) someone who's a bit of a nerd or geek, holds no dress sense and/or has poor social skills.
notes  ⨾ I am very much not Australian so when I looked up slang and could not find ANY concrete definitions for anything: I was in major pain. Anyways quick thing because [F/n]'s lore might seem confusing. I created an entirely different race of "humanoid" dragons that acted as the knight/official guards for the Ars Goetia incase of extermination/assassination attempts. [F/n] retired from her position as knight for an unnamed Goetia. This entire chapter was originally 13K words but I felt as though the plot arc with the Goetia drifted way too far from the original point of this fic since it was so, so needlessly lore heavy for a reader insert and made this 100x more angsty like you have no idea. Especially since this is only meant to be two chapters. This chapter was cut down for your reading pleasure! If you would like to be part of the process in between me brainstorming and posting ( as I am currently looking for beta readers ) and/or generally would like to see WIPs feel free to join my discord ( NgT88bybyY ).
As always minors DNI.| 6.3K words
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[F/n] and Mammon's relationship is unique.
He was her boss, and she was his secretary.
Running the errands, info graphing, and scheduling his business appointments when due. But it wasn't so simple.
With his artificially friendly attitude in public, behind the scenes he was nothing but cynical— snarky and demanding. Hardly surprising for the king of greed.
[F/n] was no fan, she made it clear.
Despite the lethal glares and threats she managed to shoot a quip or a snark in return each time. It initially prompted a warning hiss or a growl, an insult or a threat.
Then he resorted to shredding through his confined costume to intimidate her one time after they both seriously got into it. Neither party was satisfied in not having the last word.
Despite however many threats were hurled nothing ever came about them.
[F/n] desired the experience the job gave her and Mammon found her too entertaining to simply let go.
[F/n] and Mammon's relationship is undeniably unique.
But damn, there was no shying away from the fact [F/n] did her job exceptionally well. The best in all of Hell. And that's another one of the handful of reasons why he tolerated her.
"Y'er getting on my nerves lizard." Mammon seethes with a false smile.
He sulks leaning away, poisonous puff of green air seeping though his teeth.
[F/n] raises a brow at him, eye roll following. "I need you to work with me here, asshole." [F/n] adjusted herself, turning towards him.
"If you wanna reduce the immediate damage Asmodeus and his little lapdog made we need to start advertising the twins asap. What's bothering you right now?"
Mammon huffed. "The leftover Fizz merch— sales are declining incase ya' haven't seen mate. I'm losin' money."
[F/n] clicked her tongue.
"Whatever doesn't sell now we can resell in a few weeks as vintage or some other bullshit with a higher price tag. You have any idea how much these loser collectors will pay to get their hands on discontinued merchandise?"
That's all it took for Mammon to light up, snatching [F/n] with his top hands in excitement.
"Y'er a bloody GENIOUS!" He shakes her, dropping her instantaneously. "We could double —no— TRIPLE our profits thanks to these degenerates! Ahh I taught ya' so bloody well!"
Mammon splays his hands towards the imaginary dollar signs in the air, clapping eagerly.
"And that's why I love ya' doll!" He shouts with a hefty grin, giving her a final charmed glance as he turned to make way towards the awaiting camera crew. Robo-Fizzies chasing after him with lighting sticks and microphones.
[F/n] catches herself after his stare, the spines on her tail rattling flustered. Her posture eases before anyone else can see as she flicks her tail in response.
Damn did she hate whenever he said things like that.
It's almost as if he knew the effect he had on her, doing and saying things that would purposefully rile her up. [F/n] refused to acknowledge any part of it, counteractive to the very obvious blush on her completion.
Through the commotion, Mammon smiled charismatically in [F/n]'s direction as their eyes met again. This was going to be a long shoot.
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"That went better than I expected." [F/n] mumbles. Mammon appearing in a green cloud next to her. Bells chiming happily.
"Why'dya say that? Doubted me?" He rung.
"Well for all the years I've known you— Accepting you got fucked is definitely not something you're known for... You're taking losing your star clown better than I thought."
Mammon chuckles in amusement.
"Star clown? I am the star clown. With or without him I'll still make a fuck ton o' money." He nudges her. "With y'er— uh, our ideas and my reinforcement I don't see any issue mate."
[F/n] looked very, very, unconvinced. Mammon thinks for a moment before shrugging.
"At the end of the day you are my most valuable asset after all."
"What a way to make a girl feel special Ammo." Her eyes roll.
Mammon only giggled for a moment, attention immediately stolen upon taking in a familiar scent.
The smell of coffee meets his nose as they walk before the café in his estate. It takes him no time to decide he's in the mood for another cup of coffee.
[F/n] could already tell by the expression on his face. However unconvinced about giving the bug even more caffeine after his last.
Mammon playfully puts on a puppy-eyed expression as he bends town to her level.
He shoves his face in front of hers, frowning, the green glow of his pupils becoming brighter. "C'mon doll, ya'd say no to my lil 'ol face?"
His smaller spider eyes make a show as he frowns with an exaggerated pointed lip.
She sighs, gently pushing his face away. "Enough with the eyes. I'll be right back... Not like you'd let me say no anyways asshole."
Like a cat that ate the canary, Mammon smiles triumphantly as he took a moment to get seated on one of the empty tables outside the shop.
He enjoys the smell of coffee beans while searching in her direction through the large glass windows. He watches her make some hand motions towards the menu.
Letting out a big yawn, he blinks blearily. He could use a nap after all this.
Exploiting his employees was hard work after all.
Mammon observes her pull out her wallet, swiping her card. His smile becomes gentler, enamored at the idea of her willingness to spend her own money on him.
He became increasingly aware the expression he wore, quickly clearing his throat to look more serious.
It takes the café worker a second to hand her the single cup of coffee alongside a paper bag. He waves her goodbye with a bold wink, [F/n] unable to hold her laugh.
Mammon gritted his teeth. He conditioned his employees not to unnecessarily pester him, or her, especially when they were out together. Seems like one of them hadn't learned this yet. He took a mental note.
He was about to get up from his seat until [F/n] audibly shut the door behind her with a small jingle. She takes a seat across from him as he leaned forward and snatched the drink from her hand.
"'Bout fuckin' time cunt." He grumbles.
Mammon takes a sip of the cold coffee, ignoring his irritation as the sweet contents hit his tongue.
Or at least he tried to, the sweetness of it tasting rather dull part in due to his thoughts.
"Was this made by that fuckin' bogan?" He wonders.
His hand tenses, squeezing the drink at his palm slightly.
"I got you this." [F/n] mumbled, scooting the bag towards him.
Mammon snaps his attention towards back towards her, pausing to glance between her then the baggie before fishing through it. He pulls out a small box, opening it to reveal a cream colored pastry.
It takes him a moment to collect his thought.
Confused, he asks, "Why the cake, doll? Ya' know all I wanted was my coffee."
"You were feeling like shit earlier." She puts it simply.
Mammon shifted from the cake to her in his peripheral vision.
She was worried about him. Had him in her mind. Considerate about how he felt, albeit she wouldn't admit it out loud.
He couldn't help but grow a fat smile, genuine smile, as he scoots closer towards her.
"I'm starting to think ya' actually care about me, love." [F/n]'s eyes widen for a second.
She looks away from him, scoffing.
"Don't overthink it. I don't want to deal with you when you're in a mood."
Mammon takes a small bite, savoring the even sweeter taste. Humming with delight, he takes another portion of it with the plastic spoon, leaning forward to bring it to her mouth.
[F/n] glances between the cake and Mammon, who's unashamedly eagerly watching her.
"I-I don't—"
"Ahh don't fuckin' be like that mate. It's good, try it!"
The dragon takes a bite, flushed, as she ate the piece in silent agreement. Her tail sticking to her leg somewhat embarrassed.
He was right, the pastry was fluffy and flavorful. Not that she expected any different, that was the reason why she bought it for him. She would've never anticipated this however.
Another spoonful reaches her lips, she accepts it without complaint this time. Expression easing. Her tail wags behind her in satisfaction.
Mammon carefully scoops more, bringing it to her face once again.
[F/n] quickly swallows the bit already in her mouth, shaking her head this time.
"I bought it for you, I'm eating more of it than you are. You're being a little bit too charitable."
"Yeah but who's to say I'm not getting anythin' out of feeding ya', love?" He dotes.
[F/n] felt the tips of her ears warm, tail flicking.
Mammon soaks in her flush, turning to take another sip of his coffee. His eyes follow the direction of his lips for a glance before returning at her image.
He freezes for a moment, brows furrowing. Mammon checks the cup again to ensure he saw it correctly. [F/n] immediately notices his expression drop and leans over to see the source.
A phone number was written just under her name with a heart.
"Aw how cute!"
Mammon gags. "Cute?!"
"Yeah, first time someone has done that for me. It's kinda sweet!" [F/n] reaches for the cup, Mammon hisses as he holds it further away.
"Doll, there's no bloody way you're actually interested in this cunt. He's some fuckin' nobody workin' below minimum wage!"
"Oh please, you sound jealous, he was really n—!"
Mammon immediately crushes the cup in his grip, indifferent feeling the coffee spill onto his glove and trickle to the table. He reaches over to grab [F/n]'s extended hand to move it away as he leans towards her features.
His face was centimeters away from hers, sharp breath tickling her features.
"I ain't the sharing type." Mammon growled.
The cup gets engulfed in a green cloud, vanishing as the smoke dissipated. [F/n] glared at the spider, brows furrowed in uncertainty.
He was acting like this again.
"Fucking hell, I didn't want any of your coffee. I just wanted to see the goddamn number."
Mammon blinks, head tilting. He mutters something under his breath as he stands, breaking eye contact.
She thought he was upset over sharing a drink? Far from it, but he wasn't going to clarify if that's the conclusion she came to.
Still holding onto her hand, he strings her up as he gets out of his seat.
"Better ya' don't. This cunt wouldn't even be able to take care of ya'." [F/n] rolls her eyes. Though it didn't go unnoticed, as Mammon grimaced.
"It's impossible to find anyone at all when you scare everyone off." She growls lowly.
"Don't fuckin' hiss at me doll. I'm savin' ya from the embarrassment."
"The embarrassment of what exactly?"
"Of goin' out with the lower class, hells y're considered a knight for the Goetia ain't ya'? Y're not gonna get anythin' worthwhile in some random mutt."
[F/n] swats her tail very irritably, yanking her wrist back forcefully.
A loud tear following in the process.
"I can be with whoever the fuck I want and feel like, I'm not some goddamn princess."
Mammon looks at his glove, seeing as the motion of her pull had tore through the material. It was a reminder of how sharp her scales were.
It wasn't deep enough to cut his actual skin. But the damage on his glove was done. A rush of anger at her defiance. 
He sneers, looking between the café and her short figure. A cloud of green exits through his teeth as he grips her by the neck, lifting her effortlessly to his face.
[F/n] grabs his wrists, squeezing equally as hard, as her wings flutter behind her to give herself some leverage and room to breathe.
She looks genuinely shocked for a moment, though it only took a second for her to regain composure to glare at the sin with bared teeth. Scales began to form on her complexion. 
Mammon stares deeply into her eyes with a menacing smile. His miniature eyes emitting a soft glow.
He let's her go, watching as she wobbly lands on her feet.
I gust of wind hits his face as she flapped her wings to soften the fall. The scales that covered her face immediately erase as the tension breaks with a longer sharp inhale of air.
They had instantly gained the attention of everyone around them if they hadn't already, silence deafening.
[F/n] felt humiliated. Hurt. Used.
Defeated, for once.
"I don't fuckin' pay ya to run 'round with y'r bitch hormones. I hired ya' to serve me and me only."
[F/n] bites her lower lip, her claw reaching up to feel where his met her throat.
That was the first time he'd ever grabbed her like that. Sure he'd scream and threaten her before, even swung at her at times however each time he did so slow enough to miss.
He'd chuck random items in reach sometimes knowing she could just dodge or fly out of the way.
It never crossed further than that.
Now to be grabbed by the neck? That was new.
The trace of his hand lingered warningly as she tried to sooth over her bruised skin.
She looked up at him, tail tucked in between her legs.
He would only ever harm people he saw replaceable. His subordinates. The realization came crashing down on her incredibly hard.
He could've just as easily killed her in that moment, snapped her neck and that would've been it.
Did their history mean nothing to him? 
What changed?
"Fuck you..." It came as a whisper.
Unsure of whether he heard that or not, he chose to ignore it either way in favor of her tail.
He pointed at it, releasing a laugh as if it was the most amusing thing he'd seen.
It felt nauseating. One moment he was warm: the next, cruel.
Despite all the time spent, she concluded he never saw her as anything further than another form of entertainment.
An animal he can poke and prod for a reaction. Even in her state of shock all he did was laugh. The sound echoed in her head.
A familiar tone rings, buzzing. And Mammon instantly snaps out of his laughter.
He fishes through his pocket to pick up his phone.
His alarm was going off.
"Ahh fuckin' bitch— meeting is about to start." He groans, recovering quickly.
"C'mere." He demands, forgiving the glare she shot at him as he pulled her arm so forcefully she knew she'd bruise.
Mammon teleports the two of them into his office.
The jiggles of coins chime as he lands into his web, [F/n] perched beside him.
Her eyes widen slightly, trying to adjust herself in a better position. She tugs on one of her wings stuck into the webbing with an irritated scowl. He quickly removed the damaged glove and snaps a new one in its place out of thin air.
Mammon, who's busy with a drumstick he seemingly pulled from nowhere, nonchalantly untangles her wing in a simple swipe.
He stops chewing for a second to give her a toothy smirk: [F/n] returning a huff.
"Oh come off it will ya', ya' bitch?"
"We need to talk."
Mammon, who doesn't give it any thought, takes another bite of his food.
"More bitchin'." He imagines.
"Some other time."
[F/n] looks away from him, curling her tail around her leg to try and provide some sort of self comfort. She felt disappointed.
Despite all the breakthroughs made in their partnership, he still treated her like an object. His object. Something he was free to do whatever he wanted to. Truth be told, it stung deeply.
It was the only thing she could think about lately.
There was no denying Mammon grew incredibly on her, she only wished he felt the same in return. Maybe then he wouldn't be so needlessly mean.
Was it something she did? Something she didn't do?
There was no point in even thinking about it, [F/n] didn't want to be embarrassed again. She refused.
Security open the doors of his office, and in come a small group of incubi.
The one leading the group takes a quick bow before the two, tipping his hat while smiling on his way up.
Both watch as they fill the room, trotting with some briefcases in hand. The thumps of their boots semi-absorbed into the carpet they walked on.
"What an honor to see Mammon and his little butterfly, even more so present our wonderful idea to." He starts, slowly pacing left and right.
"We all know about the massive, massive, slaughter that came of the drakon specie during the first war with heaven. Terrible thing really." He smirks.
[F/n] raises her brow, crossing her arms further.
"A bigger shame would be to allow the fun of them go." The incubus pulls out his phone to project a screen before them.
[F/n] and Mammon look less than impressed.
"I present to you the dragon dildo, made with real dragon scales! The synthetic crap can't compare to this." He chuckles, arms extended either way.
The incubi look impressed by their own work. "Dragon scales are the hardest material in all of hell. This thing would be fucking indestructible! It's every horny sinner's dream!"
Mammon yawns, waving a finger.
"And how exactly are ya' going to farm real scales? There's hardly a handful of drakons in all o' hell left mate n' the survivors are all considered royalty."
"Well my good sir, that's where we were hoping you would come in. Seeing as you already possess one of them. I'm sure the king of greed wouldn't mind parting with it in turn for a greater profit."
[F/n] leans out of her seat, seething at the disrespectful implication. "Are you stupid or suicidal?"
The incubus hands one of his partners the briefcase, who held it sideways.
"Oh but my dear, you are very valuable. Your title as knight is only a benefit you see. You can be a brand on its own with how infamous your status was."
He starts unclipping the handles of the case.
"My title was granted to me because of how efficient I was in fighting angels. You— I'd MOP the floor with you."
Mammon tugs her back onto his side. His expression doesn't say much, however, the hand planted around her thigh possessively said it all.
"Y're gonna die for wastin' my time." He snarls, grinning wildly.
Mammon snaps his fingers and in rushes his security of robot Fizzarollis.
[F/n] felt him squeeze her thigh as he presses her deeper into his side. Her initial anger melting as her heart beats faster in reaction. [F/n] stares up at him, his image burning into her mind.
Her hand rested on his chest— able to feel his warmth, his breathing, it felt too intimate.
She felt his heartbeat at her fingertips, beating a tad bit faster than usual.
Then, she remembered. She thought his claim over her was nothing more than superficial, for looks, all this to keep her obedient and lull her back into his claws until the next time she slightly agitated him.
She looks back at the group, frowning.
"Shame, really. I was hoping you'd cooperate for your sake." The incubi frowns.
He opens his briefcase, incubi's devilish smile doesn't go unnoticed.
[F/n], unable to say anything in time, connects two and two as a familiar glint reflects off the metal brandished.
Breaking out of Mammon's grasp, she straddles him and extends her wings— covering as much of him as she possibly could.
A glowing bullet hits [F/n] directly the bend of her wing, the jolt of pain sucking the wind out of her as she slips onto Mammon's stomach.
The incubi's angelic revolver smokes at the barrel.
Security tackles the gunman.
They struggle to get each of his henchmen into cuffs, but with increasing numbers it quickly becomes apparent the gunman along with his goons has no chance.
Mammon immediately moves to shield [F/n] with his body, placing her onto the web. They both look at wound, [F/n] hissing as she tries to stretch her injured wing.
"Fuck— A-Are ya' alright? I didn't think..."
"I'm fine Ammo, he just nailed my joint. That's it." She interrupted, groaning.
His face turns between her injury and her expression several times. He looked worried. His eyes glossed. 
[F/n] frowns.
Electricity flies off of Mammon, turning to look at the commotion behind him. Panic quickly turns into rage as he bursts out of his confined costume with a deafening yell.
The room fills with green.
Sounds of screaming immediately follow.
Mammon smashes some of the incubi into the floor, completely crushed under his weight. He makes sure to smear them in, grinning like a Cheshire cat as he does so.
Those unfortunate enough not to cease on impact were left wailing in agony: taking a fistful of the carpet in a hopeless attempt to pull themselves away with a gaping hole going through their back to their stomach..
It was messy.
The blood from their bodies popped similarly to that of water-balloons. It was a gross, alleviating sight. [F/n] could take comfort knowing sinners like these wouldn't be able to come after her again.
After having his fun, Mammon darts his head towards the remaining incubus.
His mini spider eyes radiated a toxic green as he slinked over. The two robo-fizzies who had captured him meekly raised him towards Mammon: who instantly snatches the man and brings him towards his eye level.
"B̴͍͚̀E̴̯̘̊G̴͈͍͝ ̸̯̩̌F̸͖̗̈́Ò̸͉́Ṛ̶̪͆ ̶͓̑͒Y̷̥͌͂Ŏ̴̖̩̒U̷̲̳͆͌Ṙ̶̟̂ ̸̦͓͂L̶͍̺̈́Ḯ̸̬F̶̨͓͋̅E̵̩̦̋."
Before even giving him the chance, his please come strangled into whispers as Mammon squeezes him in his fist.
He exhales a large green cloud onto his pitiful expression as he attempts to gasp for air, coughing violently in response. A crack erupts.
Mammon drops him to the floor, watching as he contorted with a deafening scream. Observing him cry for a moment: he does the same as he dealt with the ones previously, popping him like an unwanted pimple.
His breathing labored, the high coming down upon realizing he was the last of the group.
Mammon raises one of his bloodied spider legs out of a fresh carcass, inspecting it, grumbling something under his breath.
The security group of robo-fizzies seem unsure on how to proceed, each of them timidly watching awaiting orders.
"The fuck are ya' looking at? Get this cleaned up NOW!" He roared.
The robots scrambled, tumbling over each other as they struggled to organize themselves.
Mammon slinks back towards [F/n], expression instantly softening.
She lets out a whine, yanking out the glowing particle as the pain of it courses through her back. "Gods fuck that hurt..." [F/n] bit her tongue, aimlessly tossing the bullet at the floor.
"Shit, let's go get ya' patched up beautiful." He mumbles, taking her carefully into his arms as if she'd shatter entirely at the slightest bump.
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"Fucking— OW!"
"Ahh can ya' fuckin' hold still for a minute mate!?"
Mammon quickly wraps a thick webbing around her wing, using a splint to keep it straight in place.
[F/n] squirms, suppressing the acid-ball forming at her throat. Mammon makes his final wrap as he sticks the web onto itself, hands gently caressing her wing.
He sighs.
Neither of them say anything for a moment. The silence deafening as the reality of the situation sinks in.
He frowns, gently letting go of his work.
Moving to cup her cheek as he turns her expression towards him even gentler, afraid he would somehow shatter her.
"Why the face? What's the matter beautiful?"
There it was, again, the rapid beating of her heart over his artificial pet names.
"Nothing. Just... I can't fucking believe I got shot right in the elbow." She mumbles, sparing a glance at his handiwork on her wing.
"Normally my scales are able to tank angelic bullets... Maybe I'm becoming weak." [F/n] sighed.
"I, uh, well ya'know... That bullet would'a sent me to the bloody hospital. Cunt aimed for my head." Mammon swallows.
He drags a finger under the fabric of his neck, pulling on it momentarily.
"And honestly... I think y're the only bloody demon crazy enough who'd ever do anything like that for me."
He strokes the webbing gingerly, feeling the material brush against the rest of her scales. He paused.
Mammon tenses slightly as he rehearsed his next sentence in his mind dozens of times, feeling awkward as the very unfamiliar phrase leaves his tongue.
"So —uh— I appreciate ya' more than ya' think..."
It falls silent as her face hues.
Though it doesn't bother him remotely, continuing to massage around the bend of her wing.
If only he were consistently like this. Then it would make the signs so much more visible.
Visible he actually wanted her.
[F/n] swallows thickly, doing her best to calm the trot in her chest. She knew despite everything if she could go back in time she wouldn't change the outcome of it.
Even in the chaos of it all she cared too deeply about him to imagine him hurt. With that, the wave of knowing she completely lost to him finally came crashing down on her.
Their game of chess was finally concluded, he won, and that's why she needed to get out.
"Mammon we really need to talk."
Her wing pulls away from his petting, curling back into its usual space. He seemed disappointed as the warmth of her injured limb left his grasp.
"What about?"
Her lips quiver, the frown on her expression breaking through the poker face she tried to maintain. Her eyes water, tail curling.
She thinks of all of their mishaps together. To when she first agreed to work with him, their first banter, their first success together, how they progressively got more and more comfortable with each other.
She went from someone behind the scenes to being his only companion. He was a hothead, but so was she. But their differences felt too great: the hot and cold treatment was driving her crazy.
"We need to end our contract."
Mammon blinked. Frozen.
He slowly clenches his fists impossibly hard.
"Why? Was it because o' that fuckin' incubus? Y-Ya' watched me kill 'em. I promise next time I—"
"It's not that. None of that."
"Then what is it? Fuck changed?"
"Mammon as much as I love being here with you and working alongside you, I just can't be around you anymore."
It was obvious he didn't understand, his pause with unsure searching eyes sought to try and read the static expression she did her best to maintain. 
"I'm sorry."
Mammon felt himself burn. He felt his insides ignite with such intense desperation with a feeling he didn't entirely recognize.
Even knowing her more basic tasks could be given to someone else to fill just as easily did nothing to reassure him.
Hells he didn't feel this lost when Fizz quit his position. He got over that so insanely fast. It was deeper than that.
This was the only person he remotely cared about in all of hell resigning.
The idea felt so unreal.
"I'm so sorry." [F/n] repeated.
The click of her boots echo as she walked towards the double doors of his bedroom. Like a whisper, she faded.
Mammon watches as her tail hovers just above the ground. Immediately noting how she didn't just drag it as she normally would. The low rattle it'd make was erased, as if she wanted to create the least bit of noise possible.
Why? Did he scare her?
Nonsense. She was the only one who wouldn't cave to his ridiculous disrespect despite his threats. And though it did get in his nerves initially, it grew on him and made everything in his life new again.
He enjoyed hearing her voice.
Hearing her talk about frivolous, nonsensical, shit. Enjoyed observing the smallest things about her.
Like the way she would hide the joy in her expression but unable to maintain the same façade in her eagerly wagging tail.
Or the way her wings would flutter for a second whenever she was blushing.
Or when she would get too excited her hair would pulse the color of her element. And how whenever she's extremely upset her clear complexion starts forming scales as if she were ready to morph.
Or how she sometimes has difficulty not tearing clothes due to the sharpness of her claws. She would always let out a loud groan and a few swears before deciding if it were salvageable.
He felt electricity course through his body. His eyelid twitching.
[F/n] hugged herself, shutting the door behind her as she power walked through his manor.
She used her sleeve to wipe away the tears before they could spill. Quietly whimpering to herself to alleviate the ache in her chest.
She doesn't get very far however, before snapping out of her emotions as a loud bang interrupts her.
[F/n] points her gaze backwards, watching the doors fly open while cracking at the force of his push.
She backs up hesitantly as Mammon runs at her. The thumping of his soles grew louder, seemingly indifferent at the idea he may trample her.
Clouds of swamp green smoke exit through his teeth. He halts just before her, punching a hole through the wall next to them to release his rage. Chips of brick and dust recoil along with his fist.
"You— YA' THINK YA' CAN JUST JOG OFF?" He growled, leaning down as he stared at her.
"Whatever idea ya got in that pretty lil' head o' yours, toss it. I won't break our contract. You are MINE."
[F/n] sighed, eyebrows furrowed as she shook her head at him.
"You don't get it." Her disbelief erases as her head comes to point towards his.
She snaps her fingers and out manifests a golden sheet between them with both their signatures held within the bottom. 
"It's written agreement in our contact that only requires the consent of one party to break it."
Mammon felt a drop of sweat come down his neck.
He froze. The pain grew.
And she was right, the section she was referring to glowed faintly among the rest of the text as she highlighted it. Demanifesting as she withdrew her hand.
"A rule you imposed since you were initially skeptical about my performance in your estate."
"I- I... Fuckin'..."
It goes silent.
The rush of anger evaporated from his body with the sparks. Feeling at a loss on what to say, Mammon swallows thickly as he blinks.
He reaches a hand to clutch the material over his chest, squeezing it.
His gaze eventually trails back to hers.
His mind returns to the thought of massive their height difference was. She was so small compared to him. It made his heart chirp. His hand comes up to erase the flustered look looming on his features.
Mammon recollects himself as best he can in a pathetic attempt. He brushes his hat shakily, the bells chiming as the material bounced back.
"So then tell me why—?"
[F/n] growls, pressing her claws into her palm.
"STOP!" She shouts at him, quickly wiping away at the corner of her eyes. "D-Don't make this needlessly complicated."
Again with the tears, only this time she couldn't prevent them.
Mammon frowned, reaching out to her. He wanted to console her, wipe away those tears. It pained him knowing he was the source.
The tip of his index finger brushed against her cheek unable to get far.
[F/n] swatted away his hand. And that hurt him.
"You fucking... g-goddamnit you fucking dumbass... Can't you see what's going on?" She hissed stomping a few steps away from him.
"I fell so hard for you, and it fucking blows because I can't just have you." She turned towards him.
[F/n] gestures to herself angrily through her cries. "Do you fucking get it now?! I'm in LOVE with you— that's why I need to get the hell away from you. I want to be something more to you but you'll only ever see me as your subordinate."
She shouted, adrenaline coursing through only heighted by her emotional outburst.
Mammon grabs her despite her struggling with his lower pair of hands, leaning over and forcing her to allow him to clean her face.
He absorbs her tears through the material of his upper pair of gloves with gentle strokes.
She grips his wrists with enough force that'd dislocate them if he were any other sinner. He felt her tremble against him.
How could he not notice her pain before?
How long ago did she start feeling this way?
There was a pool of regrets swimming in his chest and among them the biggest was not erasing her doubts sooner.
"What fuckin' nonsense have ya' been telling y'reself this entire time? I'm smitten with ya' dollface."
"You're a king sin— hell you outed Asmodeus for dating someone beneath him, how am I any different from that? People would think you're a hypocrite."
"Ya' think I give a remote fuck about what these cunts think? I'm the richest fucker in all o' hell, I didn't get here caring about what some bitch thinks o' me. I don't really give a flying shit about Asmodeus fuckin' some circus imp."
[F/n] immediately becomes less resistant to his advance. [E/c] eyes staring up at him in disbelief.
She searched desperately for any indication he was lying.
Mammon cups her jawline.
"I dunno how ya' haven't realized how obsessed I am with ya'... Thought it was reaaal obvious: I mean for fuck's sake I don't wanna be anywhere without ya'. Everything I do is with you." Mammon sighed nervously.
He lifted her in her arms, bringing down his face to gently set his forehead onto hers.
He didn't entirely recognize it before, but now that the cat was out of the bag it was so painfully apparent.
Everything he did was by her, to her, and for her. He found himself more temperamental and bored in the situations he had to exist without her. The cogs in his head finally spun, blushing for a mere moment as he finally admitted it out loud. 
"I'm obsessed with ya princess. I'm fuckin' crazy over you."
If her heart pounded any faster she was sure she'd pass out.
Her eyes glued to the tiny white slits in the sea of bright green within his eyes.
They both glance down at each other's lips then back at their gaze.
Immediately realizing what the other was doing, they both smash into each other desperately. Mammon felt a firework go off in his head. She was putty in his hands. A little butterfly caught in his web.
He growled.
[F/n] caresses his features, brushing her thumbs over his cheeks and pulling him closer.
A surge of electricity runs through his expression and tickles hers affectionately. It courses her hands and down her arms eagerly. 
Mammon drags his bicolored tongue across her lips, pushing himself in at the slightest gap.
Their tongues dance and with no protest Mammon explores his new territory. Their teeth clatter, Mammon doing his best not to pierce her.
The taste of coffee and pastries still lingered strongly on his saliva. Their tongues dance, aching. It's as if they couldn't get close enough to one another, both feverishly pushing into each other craving every bit of contact the other could provide.
Pleased with her submission, he makes way back into his room.
Massaging her ass with his upper pair of hands and grabbing onto her heels with the other. [F/n] releases a muffled moan.
Mammon breaks the kiss first, glancing at the spirit trail that still connected them. He licks the drool from his lips, savoring their long overdue tension-breaker.
He steals a few more pecks before taking a seat on his bed, holding onto her. He brushed a strand of her [h/c] hair out of her face.
Mammon chuckled softly, enamored with the bright hue on her complexion: gaze hungry.
Mammon stares at her. Unmoving. As his breathing very audibly becomes heavier.
It takes him a painful few seconds to snap out of his own trance.
"As much as I wanna fold ya' in my bed and have ya' take care of my stiffy— y're injured and need to rest princess."
"Oh come the fuck on Ammo, I'm fine!" [F/n] pouts, huffing while trying to feel him up through his clothes.
She slinks downwards to attempt and grind against the growing tent underneath his layers of clothes to entice him.
Mammon with every bit of self control in his body, has none of it, interwinding her hands into his instead with force as he pulls her back up to steal another peck.
"I love y're excitement but I will hurt you."
"You're no fun."
"You'll fuckin' get what you want later... Needy whore."
He scoots closer into bed.
Mammon snaps his fingers. A puff of green surround both of them, clearing quickly to reveal he had changed them into their sleepwear. He smiles softly.
His blanket flies over them as he adjusts more comfortably, plopping [F/n] on his chest.
[F/n] coils into a ball, purring happily while nuzzling herself into the crook of his neck. She quickly settles. His hand reaches to pet her hair lovingly, listening patiently as her purring gradually became more distant overtime until she drifted off entirely. 
Mammon sighed with satisfaction, captivated, only then closing his eyes. "Y're gonna stay mine forever." 
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doppel-doodles · 1 month
Turns out I actually have so many ideas for grown up Timmy Oml-
No doodles of the ideas yet I am just trying to get out the brainworms and thoughts, if I actually have something I’ll make a part two for this-
In the meantime have a regular Timmy doodle and for those interested some ramblings below:
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Concept 1
Comic artist
Timmy always read to me as a really creative kid with a very rich imagination not to mention his love for comics like the crimson chin.
Also be for real, cleft the boy chin wonder was basically baby’s first self insert oc.
So I really like the idea of a future where Timmy got to make his own comics, maybe he works on a reboot of the crimson chin comics orrrrr he is retelling his own childhood adventures from when he had fairies without ever considering that it wasn’t just his imagination but reality.
Heck maybe making a crimson chin fan comic is what’s jumpstarted his career so that later he gained opportunities and made his own series?
Also in this idea I can say proudly: “bro is just like me fr fr.”/j
Like any artist and writer he suffers creatively twice.
He is a chronic procrastinator and there are two reasons he is able to keep any of his deadlines:
They are called coffee and redbull.
He has passion, he has fun but god damn his work ethic is just about the worst example he could give his kids which is exactly why he doesn’t LIKE letting them see him work.
He is unorganised and constantly suffering from art block,writers block- bro is basically just in a creative burn out 24/7.
In a new fish he could maybe pop in via holding a meet and greet, signing copy of his works and the likes. Hazel and or dev could be fans of his work and thus shenanigans happen.
Concept 2
Child care
Okay this one comes with a bit of backstory: Basically once Timmy got old enough he actually started his own babysitting service, perhaps even together with his friends.
The main reason was of course Vicky.
He could steal away her jobs so she couldn’t traumatise more children by being so,SO icky.
But that’s when he also learned he kinda really liked looking after those little rascals.
Especially babies and toddlers, something about them just set off this warm and fuzzy feeling of familiarity within him.
So as a grown up he would make looking after them his whole career, I haven’t really settled in what way though.
He could be like a nanny for hire, or maybe even a daycare attendant running his own place.
I like to think there are a few moments where he would subconsciously act kinda like Wanda and or Cosmo while looking after these kids but with his own spin of course.
He is pretty witty and was a well known troublemaker in his youth so he knows just about every trick a kid can pull and isn’t opposed by teaching them a lesson by making their schemes backfire horribly.
No harm done except for a temporary wound on the child’s pride perhaps. But then again he is so fun during playtime how can any kid stay mad?
And if he is a nanny for hire: who knows maybe Dev is in need of supervision sometime soon?:>
Sub concept
Child counsellor
Kinda similar to the backstory of the previous idea simply this time Timmy decided to focus on kids who may be a little more troubled due to outside factors like he was.
Because he can SWEAR that back then there was someone who was there for him in a similar he now is for these kids and even if he can’t remember it anymore.
You can bet that there is nothing stopping him from being a safe adult for them to come to.
Concept 3
Probably one of the most popular I’ve seen and I gotta be honest it’s a lot of fun to think about, but because so many ideas were already out there I did have a hard time coming up with something that wasn’t just a repeat of someone elses idea’s.
But I think in the end what I settled on is a fun concept:
Remember that episode where we see that unwished wishes get put into a kinda storage unit? And how Timmy made so many wishes his locker was basically about to burst?
I think it would be pretty fun if his duty as a fairy would be to basically reorganise these kinds of lockers and instead of storing wishes somewhere else Timmy has to find a use for them somewhere else.
It’s also kinda funny because I imagine Jorgan did kinda intend this to be a “Got’cha!” Moment, as let’s be real most of these wishes WERE HIS.
But jokes on him Timmy actually likes this job-
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psychewritesbs · 1 year
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Chapter 236: Go South—JJK is generational
Gosh. Can we pleeeease just like... have a moment of silence for the one and only...THE Man, Gojo Satoru.
Ok, time's up.
Moving on.
Word vomit under the cut.
The process of reading this chapter was a very interesting one this week because the fandom got really noisy as soon as the leaks dropped.
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Between allegations of bad writing and the utter sense of grief Gojo fans were expressing, it was quite the 💩 storm.
And then the actual scanlations started dropping, and little by little they replaced most of the noise with the utter sense of calm and peace and satisfaction that Gojo felt in his last moments in this plane of existence.
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I gotta say that I just absolutely loved how Gege depicted those emotions (outside of Gojo's "dream") through shots of the devastated Shinjuku district.
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The remnants of the battle of The Strongest, as if the landscape and the buildings themselves represented the end of an era, the devastation of the structure of Jujutsu society itself.
After all, as The Strongest sorcerer in the modern era, Gojo represented the very system he was trying to destroy.
Gege loves his irony.
Now, I would normally say that the words in the speech bubbles are superfluous because Gege creates such a beautiful atmosphere through the setting alone. But it is the words themselves that re-contextualize not just the battle, but also shed more light on Sukuna's interest in Megumi, which I feel we haven't seen the extent of what he had in mind.
Now I'm hoping this isn't a dream
Listen, I must admit I've never cared for Gojo.
I don't hate him, I don't love him, I simply never really cared for him.
That, of course, changed with this chapter.
And it is perhaps Gojo's death that really solidified in my mind the idea that one of the underlying themes in jjk is... dun dun dun... DEATH.
Yeah, I know. Sue me, I'm late to the party lmao.
But it's not just death itself that is a theme, but rather the face we put on when death comes knocking at the door.
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There aren't many things that we can be certain of in this life, but death is one of them. So how we confront death and our mortality shapes the sense of self.
I know a lot of people were dissatisfied with the transition from 235 to 236 and Gege not showing how/when Gojo got slashed in half, but I find the abrupt transition makes sense, and I even dare say was... quite poetic.
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For one, now knowing that Gojo knew Sukuna was holding back, a lot of incidents throughout the battle are given new meaning. Like that look of confidence on Gojo's face as he "thinks" he's finally managed to "get through" to Sukuna.
So I have to say that I loved that Gege starts the chapter with Gojo becoming aware that he has died or is dying.
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In other words, Sukuna's attack was so sudden that Gojo's next moment of awareness as "Gojo Satoru" is in what we would normally think of as "the light at the end of the tunnel" where he is greeted by people who were of significance to him in his youth.
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And can we please just talk about how Geto is the first person he sees when he becomes aware that he is dying?
Please. This is fucking poetry!
Insert keyboard smash.
Screaming in jjk.
Go South
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I literally lack the words to explain why I love this whole chapter so much. Which is a lot to say because I am about to word vomit about it. But like...
Again, hindsight is 20/20.
I always thought of the panel above as Geto being jealous of Gojo surpassing him in strength but, in retrospect, I think Geto's disappointment had more to do with Gojo's sense of self over-identifying with the title "the strongest" and how that made him harder to relate to, which is one of the main themes in this chapter. I'll come back to this in a sec.
But first...
Quick depth psych segway. I think I've said this before, but it bears repeating again that an overwhelming sense of self is all ego. There's nothing wrong with ego per se.
The problem is that an over-identification with ego means inherent separateness because, as an organ of the psyche, the ego sense of self is what gives us a separate identity from the collective.
On the other hand, soul/heart (another organ in the psyche) is the principle of relatedness--love, the single energy that can bring us all together as a collective.
But as we already know, the stronger the sorcerer, the more overwhelming the sense of self.
Unfortunately, because an overwhelming sense of self = separateness, this also means the person in question can't relate to others.
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And is this not thematically perfect for a sorcerer whose perfected cursed technique was meant to render others unable to "reach him"?
In other words, Gojo saw himself as separate (because he was "The Strongest") and that made it harder for him to relate to others, but only because he self-identified as "The Strongest".
Infinity ∞, in this sense, is also about the self-fulfilling prophecy Gojo was stuck playing out in his life in regards to seeing himself as "The Strongest".
But like a serpent eating its own tail, Gojo came back full circle, and in the moments before his death, learned that what really mattered to him was not strength for the sake of strength, but rather the connections he had fostered with others.
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To bring it back to "Satoru became 'The Strongest'"...
I just loved so much that seeing Geto as soon as he becomes aware he's died felt like an encounter that meant Gojo had returned to the person he was before he self-identified as "The Strongest".
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But more importantly, Gojo's imagination of himself as back when he was young also speaks both to how much he cherished that period of his life, and to how he was emotionally frozen in time due to his encounter with Toji.
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It makes me wonder whether Gojo was afraid of dying alone when Toji almost killed him. So it's almost like what he took away from that battle was that he was always alone, and so he sought to push others away.
The kicker is that he simultaneously feared his existential isolation and yet craved the very source of his fear--human relations.
But in choosing self-preservation, he was a selfish to the very end.
What an idiot (tragically affectionate).
Anyways. How much of this is hc? Someone tell me please 😂. I feel like I went off the deep end in the last few paragraphs.
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Like everyone else in this fandom I've lost all objectivity when it comes to Gojo because his departure from the story was truly one of the most heartbreaking moments in jjk.
I understand people's complaints about the "execution," but I think the world-wide phenomena that Gojo's death has spurred speaks to Gege's ability to elicit deeply archetypal emotional responses as a story teller.
With Gojo's death, a part of our own psyche too has died. And what's most significant about this death is that it was, true to Gojo's character, "something that needed to die because it represented the very thing it sought to destroy."
And this would be why I love Gege's writing.
A fitting way for Gojo to go out
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I know not everyone agrees, but I really appreciated that he was satisfied and at peace in the very end.
He got his cake (battle to death with Sukuna) and got to eat it too (reconnected with his loved ones).
But we can't talk about Gojo without talking about Sukuna as the one who liberated Gojo from the burden of his existential isolation.
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Sukuna gave Gojo a fun battle, but if it weren't because Sukuna figured out how to cut through Gojo's metaphorical defenses by learning to cut through space-time itself--the very fabric of reality, Gojo might not have found his humanity once again.
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The outcome of this battle spells out in no uncertain terms how dire the situation is as Sukuna has proven himself to be the uncontested "Strongest".
But in a sense, the end is a new beginning, and this time, there is no light at the end of the tunnel.
JJK is generational
I get the feeling that everyone will remember where they were when this panel dropped.
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I was in bed. It was 6 am and Tasokare, my miniature panther, was demanding attention.
A moot was on the way to the gym. They never made it out of the house after seeing the panel.
Another moot was completely avoiding Twitter to avoid leaks, but her brother, who does not even read jjk, saw the panel on Facebook and showed it to her.
Yet another moot was on vacation at the beach.
JJK is generational like that and there's just so much more I can say about this chapter and its implications (like the idea that Sukuna can now cut through space-time, why?! what does he want to get out of this ability?), but I just don't even know what more I can say right now.
Anyways, thanks for reading. I'm looking forward to any thoughts you might have. Just a heads up, I'm very, very slow at replying.
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anticanonsposts · 10 months
Random Fluff Headcanons-König pt. 2
Completely SFW
He loves surprising you with little trinkets and shit, he is well aware that your favorite color is pink and legit if he has to run to the store to grab something and he sees something in pink, you can be sure that he’s gonna buy it for you. (I am self inserting.)
Side note its super fun to see him in your bed, like this hulk of a man in your hyper feminine pink ass bed filled with stuffed animals. (I am self inserting again)
One point of slight contention in your relationship, at least during the beginning, was how much faster he walked due to his height. Like the first few times you walked anywhere with him you would be panting trying to catch up while also not seeming like you were putting too much effort in.
Since at the beginning he was also very nervous and wanted to impress you, he typically would be lost in thought and not realize so you eventually need to point it out to him
When you do he is very apologetic, it takes him a while but eventually he is able to walk with you without dedicating a whole lot of thought to monitoring his speed.
Fun thing tho is whenever you two need to catch a bus or train he will just scoop you up and jog to catch it, this way you’re faster and the driver can’t miss his frame charging towards them. 
Random but if you work early in the morning he loves going/walking to work with you. Since it is so early, not many people are out and about so there’s less eyes on him which makes him feel more relaxed.
Whenever you guys sit on a couch together whether alone or with friends his arm is always draped over the back of the couch and you rest your elbow on his thigh, given the height difference it makes him the perfect arm rest. It is also a form of touch that doesn’t make him uncomfortable to do in front of people. 
This guy opens EVERY single door for you, to the point that it becomes a game to you when you try to open one before he gets the chance.
He also always insists on paying when you guys are out, it doesn't matter what you are doing, dinner, drinks, stopping at Target for some essentials.
He has literally been in Target with you grabbed the items from you when you talk about paying then quickly walking to the front and paying before you can even catch up to him.
He has also taken your phone before while you were in the shower, gone to your (whatever app you buy things from most) and changed the default payment method to his card.
It took you like 3 trips/purchases for you to even notice and once you did he acted like he had no idea what you were talking about and that it had always been like that. 
I really like to think that when he was in grade school he went out for the football team (soccer) and the coaches just put him in the goal because of his size, he was just so big that players on the other team were too scared to go near him or the goal. 
I feel like he loves the x men movies because he sees them as being exploited for physical traits that they have no control over, and these same traits being seen as both a hindrance to him being ‘normal’ but also very useful in more violent contexts. He also feels like he is often treated very differently because of his size so it is comforting to him to relate to any of the characters in x men, since that is such a prominent part of their storyline.
A little angsty but when you first started going out he was always worried that you would be afraid of him, and not feel safe, since you opened up  to him about your past and not feeling safe around a man you trusted, he just assumed that due to his size and nature of his job that you didn’t feel safe with him.
That is until one day when you two are just cuddling in bed, maybe watching a movie, maybe on your phones, and you nonchalantly say that you feel very safe and secure with him, and to say he was happy would be a ridiculous understatement. 
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 8 months
How abouuuuut, a Creepypasta (you can choose It’s okay!!) with a reader that has DID/OSDD? Like, the Creepypasta gets to meet someone new literally everyday and get confused on who is who. YEAH‼️
I am DEVOURING, not eating, DEVOURING your writing like DAMN😦
Just a heads up, I don't have DID or OSDD, but I do have a few friends who do, so i'm basing this off of what I know from them, as well as some reasearch i've done, so if anything is inaccurate please let me know!
And as always when the choice of creeps is left to me, I will be using my most popular creeps at the time of writing
Thank you so much for requesting!!
Ticci Toby
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In the beginning, it is a bit hard for Toby to adjust in your relationship
You told him before you got serious, that way he knew to just always check in to see who was fronting at the time, but he was still a bit slow to adjust
He learns all of the names of the alters, their personalities, their interests, their role in the headspace, anything he can to accomodate them as well
While he knows that he is only dating you, and not your alters, he still wants to help them feel comfortable when they are fronting
After he gets adjusted though, it isn't really a huge deal anymore
It just becomes a part of his routine to ask each morning who is fronting, notice when you start to dissasociate, and being there for you during your hard days
He probably wouldn't have interacted with any media or people with DID/OSDD before you, so he will be asking you everything about what its like
"Where do you go when you aren't fronting? Can you hear everyone elses voices too? What does it feel like when you front?" etc etc
If you are someone who falls or goes limp when you dissasociate/switch, he is there to catch you or hold you until someone fronts
He learns all (well, as many as you can) of your alters boundaries and lets them know on your relationship, because he doesn't want it to be a whiplash kind of feeling for them to just wake up in some random dudes arms
The way he sees it, he got a partner and a bunch of new friends for the price of one!!
If one of your alters didn't like him though, he'd be ok with that
It would just be kind of awkward when you start to switch out during something like a cuddle sesh
He just hopes and prays it isn't someone who dislikes him
All around, he's kind of clueless but he is very open to learning about you and your disorder!
Eyeless Jack
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Being the medical geek he is, he has read almost every psychology book he could get his claws on
And when he ran out of psychology books he started looking more into specific disorders such as Bipolar, Schizophrenia, etc
He did briefly glance over a few books about DID and OSDD, and he'd be lying if he said the topic didn't interest him
But he just gets so excited to study everything at once he kind of just gets a brief rundown of a certain disorder before going to the next thing, and someday coming back to study it more in depth
When he gets into a relationship with you though, he gathers up all his books on the topic and begins studying heavily
He wants to know everything about this disorder, especially since it is something that impacts your day to day life so heavily
He will run some questions he has by you, because some things you just can't find in a book
"So when you say you "switch"....what does that entail for you?"
"Uhhh... my mind goes blank and I kind of just drift off I guess??"
He gets very excited to meet your alters!
But he is also very nonchalant about it at the same time??
"And thats when I said-"
"Who the fuck are you"
"....My love, it's me. Your partner"
"I'm (insert alters name here)"
"Ah, very good! Now, tell me all about yourself, when did you manifest?"
Of course, if someone is uncomfortable with relaying knowledge about themselves to a complete stranger, or even just doesn't like him, he understands and won't press on the matter
Every time someone fronts he has a bottle of water in case they need something to help ground themselves
He will bombarde everyone with questions and research there's no escaping >:))
Jeff The Killer
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He's only heard of DID/OSDD from those shitty movie representations, and Liu who 9 times out of 10, only switches with Sully
So basically Jeff's whole perception of multiple personalities is "Damn whoever the other guy is must be an asshole"
You try to tell him that there is not a "killer" alter, and most of the time, as long as you are nice to them, they will likely be nice to you, because yk, THEY'RE PEOPLE
And while at the time he's like "got it that's super chill"
He still goes from 0-100 when you first switch out in front of him
You could be cuddling on your bed, when all of a sudden he feels your body go limp against his
At first he thinks you fell asleep, but he sees your eyes wide open
You then begin to blink, then move around and shift a bit
"The fuck happened to you?" he asks with a raised brow
Your brows furrow as you look around your environment "Who even are you???" the new person in the front of the headspace asks
It doesn't even click with him that you switched out for a second, he just thinks you're being stupid
"Damn, am I really that forgettable?" He asks, leaning over to kiss your forehead
You make a face of disgust and shove him away from you harshly
He narrows his eyes at you, seemingly trying to process what even just happened
Then it clicks, and he feels like such an asshole
But he won't let you know that obviously
"Gimmie my partner back!" he says suddenly
You raise your hands up defensively "Woah dude what are you talking about?!"
Needless to say, when you come back Jeff is pouting in his room, angry that your alter can't just ~magically~ bring you back to the front
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